Isa Mentor Necessary in JEE Prep?

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Well, this happens to many students.

As a result, believe it or not, almost 50% drop out or give

up mentally within the first 6 months and almost 80% will stop coming to class by the time the
syllabus gets over!

Essentially, in the current teaching methods used by schools/coaching classes, the

communication is one-way, i.e., from the lecturer to the student, and does not trigger independent
thought which is what you need to do well in the JEE. Therefore, I believe that coaching classes
can handle JEE prep only upto a point and you do need additional supports. Please see Is a
Mentor necessary in JEE prep?

If you observe closely, the teaching methods employed in our class rooms are more suitable for a
Board type exam where you have to reproduce the material taught in the class room and/or what
is given in the text book(s). Therefore, a student need not really understand the material to as
much depth as required in the JEE. After all, if you consider an extreme case, even if you cram
the relevant material

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