Mbark Coping Stree
Mbark Coping Stree
Mbark Coping Stree
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he receipt of an
acceptance letter from a
reputed institute to
pursue an MBA degree
usually results in
exultation and tears of joy. The
happy scene continues all the way
till the candidate actually sits
down for the orientation program
and thats when reality strikes..and
it strikes hard. The orientation
program is usually held in the
auditorium of the institute and
there is this air of solemnity that
hangs about the place that is soon
transferred to the candidate
making him realise that the
program may be a different ball
game all together. As the candidate
interacts with the other lucky ones
who were selected, he realises that
there are others in the program
who are better qualified and who
have better accomplishments than
himself. His confidence takes a
beating and stress makes an entry
into his life. Questions such as
Will I be able to complete this
program? or How will I compete
with the others? plague his mind.
And this is just the beginning.
The next shock comes in the
form of the course content. It is
totally alien to what he has studied
before. Take the following:
Peoples and Culture of India
Organisational Behavior
Verbal Communication
Basic Marketing
Only if the candidate had been
pursuing a BBA would these
subjects sound familiar. However,
to an engineering, science,
%MBArk &
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