My Personal Teaching Philosophy
My Personal Teaching Philosophy
My Personal Teaching Philosophy
My second belief is that all students and kids are benign even though
this it may not show through at first. There are some troublemakers
whose choice of words and attitudes I do not welcome because I find
them either vile or downright offensive. Sometimes an F-word just
slips out of a student’s mouth, in rare cases it is verbal abuse, but
most often kids simply tease teachers to see how far they can go. In
case of intentional verbal abuse, I send the student out of the
classroom since it is a place for civilized people; thus, if a kid cannot fit
in he automatically opts out, which is his choice. Ability to conform is a
social skill which can be learned and trained. Foul language does not
shock me emotionally but I try to distance myself and my students
from it. School is not a tavern, but more like a shrine where people
follow a certain code of conduct that is not laid out in a written
document but comes with proper upbringing and nurture. Today, after
some ten years of working at school I can say that I have prevailed in
instilling good conduct in my students, which I take immense pride in.
grades and tests so that we can go on with other topics and issues on
the agenda. What’s more, today I feel that the more marks I can get
the better it is for the students, because their term grade will then be
more objective, plus they are entitled to work throughout a term for
individual marks that count towards their final grade.
The average percentage score would give this person a borderline “5”
while marks show a sturdy “4” instead. The same rigid mathematical
logic applies equally well to marginal “4”s and “3”s. For example:
Hence, as previously said, there is little or no room for negotiations
over marks.
Statistically, 5 mistakes in a 50-questions-test still yield a maximum
mark. That brings a smile on their faces. For me, marks are
unimportant, but I have pulled my groups into learning more words
than ever before, which gives me a degree of satisfaction.
when going over the same lines again and I do not need to waste time
doing the dull work of correcting one test hours on end.