On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
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On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
wire selection is done using standard wire gauge (SWG) respect to voltage so the I-V characteristics and P-V
system. Since our max current flowing in the circuit is 40 A characteristics of the photo voltaic cells are considered as the
(considering starting current of the motor) selection of 25 proof of proper functioning of the photo voltaic module in the
area of section of the copper wire is recommended. sub system. Photo voltaic cell is a practical source. As every
practical source has a drop due to the shunt resistance, the
photo voltaic cells has a drop in both current and voltage. The
results can be seen clearly considering the I-V characteristics
and the P-V characteristics. The current has a drop due to the
shunt resistance and the voltage has a drop due to the series
resistance. These forms the I-V curve (Y axis = current and X
axis = voltage) of the photo voltaic cells which are shown in
the fig.2.5. Similarly once the voltage and current are known
in the system, the power can be determined as the product of
voltage and current through which P-V curves (Y axis =
power and X axis = voltage) are obtained as shown in fig.2.6.
mm2 Max.
Swg Dia(mm)
Fig.2.2 Electrical simulation in MATLAB software As physical quantities like sunlight, temperature, radiation
etc. cannot be shown in MATLAB software, the photo voltaic
MCB connections between components Current capacity cells also cannot be shown. Only if these curves are obtained,
the sub system can be used as a photo voltaic cell in Simulink
Solar panel and solar charge controller 6A (MATLAB). Different curves are obtained for different
positions of sun but it is essential for us to maintain at a point
battery and motor controller 10:00 AM where maximum power can be derived. This is achieved from
Motor controller and motor 6:00 AM the maximum power point tracking (MPPT). There are many
Tab.2.2 Fuse or MCB ratings algorithms to implement the maximum power point tracking
method. The algorithm used in this report is the perturb and
The solar panels are designed in the Simulink with a capacity observation method. This is the best control strategy for the
of 500W. The capacity of the solar panels can be increased or MPPT technique. To know more about the perturb and
decreased by addition or subtraction of the solar panel observation method refer to the material mentioned in the
subsystems in the control system. The subsystem of photo references. Taking the voltage and current values from the
voltaic cell is shown in the fig.2.3. A constant input of 1000 photo voltaic cell, a MPPT with desired quality can be
and a ramp input of slope 6 are given as input to every solar ordered. At the same time there is no requirement of any other
panel module in the subsystem. The outputs of these converter as the load itself is dc (BLDC motor). If an ac motor
subsystems are voltage (Vpv) of photo voltaic cell and power is used, additional converter such as an inverter should be
(Ppv) of photo voltaic cell. Functional block parameters of a used to drive the motor. The power from the photo voltaic
single photo voltaic cell module is shown in fig.2.4. All the cells is not sufficient to run the motor so a dc to dc converter is
outputs of the single photo voltaic cell are summed up to form to be used. It is also called as boost chopper or step up
the desired quantity. Photo voltaic cells are constant with chopper. It is preferable to use a bidirectional chopper as we
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
require to both step up as well as step down. A bidirectional
dc to dc chopper is used to charge the batteries. This acts as a
step down chopper when charging the batteries and as a step
up chopper when the batteries are discharging. If the
maximum power point tracking method is used to switch
on/off the chopper, we shall always be at maximum power
point. In the chopper it is essential to use a MOSFET switch
as this chopper works on low voltage and high frequency
applications. The MOSFET switch is to be commanded on Fig.2.7. Actual speed of the motor in speed vs time graph
when to switch on/off as only on this command the circuit
decides on voltage requirement. Finally, to control all these
we require a closed loop controller. To control the dc motor,
actual speed (fig.2.7) of the motor is considered. Then the
reference speed (fig 2.9) is given as an external input as the
speed change due to acceleration is a physical quantity which
cannot be expressed in the MATLAB software. From the
comparison of these two speeds a duty cycle is obtained.
Another duty cycle is taken from the MPPT. The average of
these two duty cycles is used to switch on/off the dc to dc Fig.2.8. reference speed parameter
converter. Any change in speed is controlled through the
chopper. The speed of response of the system is shown in the
fig.2.10. The comparison of both the actual speed as well as
the reference speed is done and the error is fed to a PI
controller. The PI controller corrects the duty cycle. Then the
carrier voltage of the control system and the reference voltage
(constant of 400 in this report) are compared and the resultant
is fed to the chopper. Usually only a MPPT controller or a
motor controller are used in one program in which individual
duty cycles are considered but in this report both MPPT
controller and motor controller are being used in a single
Fig.2.9. Reference speed of 25 in speed vs time graph
program so the average of both the duty cycles must be fed
into the chopper.
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On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
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ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
3.3 Solar panels Fig.3.3.1.Solaranels.
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On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
Day Battery Current Charging Efficiency Actual Current Load Disc. Speed Dista
(Ah) (I) time (%) time(hrs) drawn(A) (watts) time (kmph) nce
(hrs.) (hrs) (kms)
3.6 Materials Some of the materials under consideration include AISI 4130
chromoly steel (preannealed), AISI 1020 steel and
In this report, selection of different materials for the chassis Al-6063-T1. The problem with AISI 4130 steel was even
and body works is done considering the physical properties of though it gave good strength and lighter than mild steel (MS),
some selected materials. A right material is of utmost it is expensive and not easily weld able. Welding AISI 4130
importance when it comes to designing a chassis because if a steel is not only costly but could not be trusted as it has to be
material of correct requirement is not chosen, the chassis annealed before and after welding yet gives fractures without
could break on loads leading to fatal conditions of the driver. notice. AISI 1020 steel is cheap, easily available and weld
The following are the important considerations for the able and with some decent specifications but when analysed
selection of proper material for the chassis. The material must for chassis and various components like rear axle, etc., it
have high yield strength, high machinability, easy weld showed a high deflection of 2- 9mm with very less factor of
ability, low cost, light weight and high elongation at failure. safety and addition of members to improve strength makes the
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
chassis heavy. Aluminium 6063-T1 gives enough yield important criteria that are to be considered for the selection of
strength to withstand all subjected stresses and loads. Though the braking system. The two main types of braking systems
expensive, we cannot compromise on the quality on material under consideration in this report are Drum and Disc brakes.
for chassis and it is advised to look for a competitive price. In case of drum braking there is a high possibility of mud and
Thus, Al-6063 satisfies all other requirements. Body Works is debris to gather in the space between the shoe and the drum.
an important part of the vehicle design. External appearance Same problem is faced in mechanical disc brakes, but not in
is an important feature which not only gives grace and lustre hydraulic disc brakes. Hydraulic brakes are found to be
to the vehicle but also dominates sale and marketing of it. suitable for all type of terrain. Since, drum brakes are of more
Each product has a defined purpose. It has to perform specific cost and they are heavier in weight which greatly increases the
functions to the satisfaction of customer. The weight of solar car we can eliminate it. On the other hand,
Functional requirement brings products and people together. using hydraulic brakes can be an asset as it is cheap and it is
However, when there are a number of products in the market readily available but the drawback was using this system the
having the same qualities of efficiency , durability and cost, overall weight of the solar car is increased which makes it
the customer is attracted towards the most appealing and harder for the motor (linked to battery to solar panels) to run
economical product. Three materials such as aluminium, the car. The discs of brakes are made of paralytic grey cast
carbon fibre and glass fibre can be considered for aesthetic iron. The material is cheap and has good anti-wear properties.
considerations of the design. Aluminium shows good Cast steel discs have also been employed in some cases,
properties like light weight, does not rust easily, and has good which wear even less and provide higher coefficient of
machinability but is costlier than steel and is very abrasive. friction; yet the big drawback in its case is the less uniform
Carbon fibre contains some ideal qualities like High stiffness, frictional behaviour. Two types of discs have been employed
high tensile strength, low weight, high chemical resistance, in various makes of disc brakes, i.e. the solid or the ventilated
high temperature tolerance and low thermal expansion. type. Disadvantages of ventilated type discs include usual
However, they are relatively expensive when compared to thickness and heavier than solid discs, In case of severe
similar fibres, such as glass fibres or plastic fibres. Thus, braking conditions, they are liable to wrap, accumulation of
budget exceeded in its place. Glass fibre is light weight, easily dirt in the vents, which affects cooling, resulting in wheel
mouldable, easy machining, Fire resistant, Low maintenance, imbalance, Expensive, Difficult to turn. Turning produces
Anti- magnetic, good electrical insulator. However, it is vibrations which reduces the life of the disc. Any of these
costlier than aluminium but fits into economic range. make no much difference on the solar vehicle mentioned in
Selection of glass fibre as the material for moulding the body this report as its overweight cannot go beyond 450kgs to
of the vehicle is an educated choice since glass fibre is cost 500kgs. Although in the practical version of the solar vehicle
effective, light weight, has good strength, it fits into the done through this report hydraulic drum brakes are used for
requirement slot for manufacturing the solar vehicle. the front axle and mechanical disc brakes are used for rear
axle for experimentation (fig 3.7.1) it is advisable to opt for
hydraulic disc brakes for both the front and back axles as they
are economical and reliable.
3.8 Steering system
The controlling behaviour of a vehicle is influenced by the
performance of its steering system. The track consisting of
sharp turns and the stability of the system and the response
time (Feedback) are vital factors in deciding the vehicles run.
The Worm and Sector mechanism, Rack and pinion and the
Re-circulating ball mechanism were among our options to go
Fig.3.6.1.Body of the solar vehicle according to this report with. In this report, on consideration of mounting ease,
simplicity in design and considering that our vehicle is of the
Mechanical Prop. Value (Metric) compact category; rack and pinion is chosen over the others.
Density 2.7g/cc A practical picture is shown in the fig3.8.1. The rack and
Hardness (Brinell) 42 pinion being a simple system; can be easily manoeuvred and
Ultimate Tensile Strength 152 MPa the defect, if any, can be spotted and taken care of. Moreover
Tensile Yield Strength 90 MPa the steering wheel and other relevant apparatus are so placed
Elongation at Break 20% in the design, for easy entering and exit of the driver. Rack
and pinion steering gear being compact and light package
Modulus of Elasticity 69 GPa
with kinematically stiffer characteristics commonly employed
Poissons Ratio 0.33
on passenger vehicle cars. The composite error in the gear
Melting Point 616-654C increases the torque required to rotate the steering wheel by
Tab.3.6.1. mechanical properties of Al-6063-T1 the driver. Rack and pinion steering system has a very few
3.7 Braking system moving parts, lighter in weight and economical. It converts
the rotational motion of the steering wheel into the linear
Braking system makes an important mechanical entity to any motion needed to turn the wheels. It provides a gear
automobile. An excellent braking system is the most reduction, making it easier to turn the wheels. Recirculating
important safety feature of any land vehicle. The main steering system is used in heavy vehicle but for solar car the
requirement of the vehicles braking system is that it must be rack and pinion would be the good choice. In this steering
capable of locking all wheels on a dry surface. Ease of system we can change the steering ratio according to our
manufacturability, performance and simplicity are a few
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On-The-Run Charging Solar Vehicle
desire like 12:1, 7:1, 10:1 etc. which will really increase the IV. ASSEMBLING
efficiency of our solar car. As all the important aspects for construction of the solar
vehicle is covered, there is no requirement of any professional
mechanic to supervise you when constructing. The only
requirement is a well-equipped workshop which has a good
welding, electric cutting machine to cut pipes, plates and solid
rods and a drilling machine to drill into metal with different
bits. The point wise assembling will make it easier for the
assembling to be done within a few hours once all the
equipment, materials and simulations are in hand.
i. Get the mechanical simulation done in CAD software
and evaluate using CAE softwares according to
selection process done in the above segments with
individual designs and requirements. This simulation
Fig 3.7.1. Experimental braking system used in vehicle
is useful to maintain the mechanical properties of the
vehicle according to the standards. This also helps in
giving a fancy touch to the design of the vehicle.
ii. Accumulate the mechanical materials according to the
quantities mentioned in the simulation like the amount
of Al-6063-T1, glass fibre, nuts and bolts, members,
spanners, screwdrivers, grease, rack and pinion
steering, four suspensions, chain drive system, two
disc brakes, two disc brake callipers, hydraulic brake
set, four wheels, brake pedals, acceleration pedal, four
pedestals with ball bearings, comfortable seats etc.
Fig 3.8.1. Rack and pinion steering system
iii. Order for all the electrical equipment with above
3.9 Chain drive mentioned specifications like BLDC motor, motor
Chain drive is a way of transmitting the mechanical power controller, solar panels, MPPT solar charge controller,
from one place to another. It is often used to convey power to Lithium ion batteries, and required quality of electric
the wheels of a vehicle, particularly bicycles and motorcycles. wires in abundance. It is also advised to get a soldering
It is also used in a wide variety of machines besides vehicles.
set, wire stripper and some high rating legs for the
Most often, the power is conveyed by a roller chain, known as
the drive chain, passing over a sprocket gear, with the teeth of electric wires, two DC voltmeters to measure the
the gear meshing with the holes in the links of the chain. The voltage at batteries and motor, two DC ammeters to
gear is turned, and this pulls the chain putting mechanical measure the current flowing through batteries and
force into the system. There are two parts in a chain drive motor, three MCBs.
system. Roller chain and sprocket, by simply rotating the iv. Mark the Al-6063-Ti meatal and cut it to make a chassis
chain it can be used to lift or drag objects. Idler wheel are
according to simulation and also give additional
gears that do not put power into the system or transmit it out.
An idler-wheel drive is a system used to transmit the rotation members for seating, motor mounting and steering
of the main shaft of a motor to another rotating device. An mounting.
idler gear is a gear wheel that is inserted between two or more v. Mark two circular rods of equal length for both front and
other gear wheels. Chain drive system is a simple mechanical rear axles, fix the disc brake for the front axle with nut
system whose primary duty is to transfer the mechanical and bolt, fix two pedestals from both sides of the axle
energy from motor to rear axle. The most important point to and fasten it tight without horizontal movement. Weld
be noted in chain drive system is that the motor gear and the
two solid circular plates perpendicular to the axle at
rear axle gear must be on a same line perpendicular to the rear
axle. Any small error will result in displacement of chain. In both ends of the axle which fit exactly to the rims of the
this report, it is suggested to use a 2:1 ratio for teeth at the wheels. Mark holes on the plates, drill them and fasten
gears near the motor and at the rear axle. the wheels to the axle. Weld two small metal parts in
Note: There is a chance of flexibility in chain drive system. If the forward direction with holes. Repeat the same with
the individual requirement is to go for faster speeds then the no small metal parts with an additional chain drive
same ratio as mentioned earlier must be followed with more
gear in exact middle of the axle.
teeth at the motor and less number of teeth at the rear axle. If
the individual requirement is for higher torque due to hilly or vi. Attach both the front and rear axles to the chassis with
sandy roads, the same ratio in reverse must be followed with the pedestals with nut and bolt. Also connect the rack
more teeth at the rear axle and less number of teeth are the and pinion steering set to the front axle by bolting the
motor gear. two ends to the small metal parts with holes and fix the
base of the steering to the main body. (If the steering is
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
not tightly fixed, the vehicle cannot change direction). with the kinetic energy you need to move. When you stop and
Attach the steering to the extra member provided in hit the brakes, the whole process goes into
point number IV. reverse: electronic circuits cut the power to the motors. Now,
your kinetic energy and momentum makes the wheels turn the
vii. Make a cabinet in the rear to hold the electrical
motors, so the motors work like generators and start
equipment like motor controller, solar charge producing electricity instead of consuming it. Power flows
controller and batteries. Mount the motor in such a back from these motor to the batteries, charging them up. So a
way that the motor chain drive gear should be exactly proportion of the energy you lose by braking is returned to the
in line with rear axle gear and fix the motor. batteries and can be reused when you start off again.
viii. Chain the motor and the rear axle tightly and lubricate it A solar tracking system along with the MPPT solar charge
with grease. Build the members and form the body of controller can be an effective addition to the present
technology. As the sunlight can be in various direction other
the vehicle as per the individual designs and mount the
than the way the vehicle is running or the radiation might be
solar panels on top of the vehicle. It is advised to use falling slant on the panel, the solar tracking device can track
some thermocols under the panels to reduce heat and the sunlight and position the panel perpendicular to the
noise while travelling. radiation and get maximum output. This helps in higher
ix. Complete the wiring of all the electrical equipment with current to charge the batteries faster. A combination of both
safety measures where ever necessary. Do not short the above mentioned techniques would be a great boost to the
available technology as proposed in this report.
any wires. Fix the brake callipers to both front and rear
Some of the problems faced during the construction of the
axle with the support of members and attach them with vehicle include the wrong decision of using a belt driven
pedals at foot. Also connect the accelerator to motor system instead of chain driven system which is not having
controller and connect it with pedal near the drivers enough strength to pull the load and it expands due to heat
feet. making the belt loose. The mechanical brakes are not much
x. Place the seats and fix them. First switch on the MCBs at efficient in braking. The nut and bolts should fit exactly
batteries and motor respectively and go for a test run. without any movement and the holes must be drilled
according to the nuts available. Trial and error on welding the
If the motor is running satisfactorily, fix the rest of
materials will result in damage to the quality of the vehicle
glass fibre according to individual designs. Now the and increases the cost of the vehicle.
new on-the-run charging solar vehicle is ready and
In any vehicle, even after many precautions some troubles
might occur. Any difference from normal working conditions
V. DISCUSSIONS is considered as a defect and should be addressed accordingly.
In extension to this model of solar vehicle according to this Some of the most common troubles in the solar vehicle
report, there is scope for developments and also discussing mentioned in this report are as under:
some practical problems. Some of the most common problems such as braking,
The introduction of regenerative braking to the existing model welding, tyres, motor controler, motor, battery, steering, solar
can be of a significant boost to the solar vehicle. As for every charge controller and other common mechanical parts can be
time the brakes are used, it helps in charging the batteries. met with ease using this table. Also some problems might
This decreases the pressure on the solar panels to charge the require extensive look into hem and complete replacement is
batteries and the batteries can be charged quicker than at done which is the final step while there is no alternative for
present. When you're driving along, energy flows from the that.
batteries to the motors, turning the wheels and providing you
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