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Solar-Based Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles

Article · September 2023

DOI: 10.46610/JOPED.2023.v09i02.005


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Rudresh S J
PES Institute of Technology and Management, Shivamooga


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Journal of Volume-9, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)
Power Electronics and Devices

www.matjournals.com https://doi.org/10.46610/JOPED.2023.v09i02.005

Solar-Based Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles

Aravind Kumar S1*, Yashaswini N2, Rudresha S J3, Kiran Kumar G R4
Under Graduate Student, 3Associate Professor, 4Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, PES Institute of Technology and Management, Shivamogga, Karnataka,
Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Received Date: August 30, 2023 Published Date: September 15, 2023

ABSTRACT than the traditional internal combustion engine

As the automobile industry enters a new era, vehicle due to declining carbon dioxide
it is transitioning quickly from IC engine emissions and rising fossil fuel prices. Despite
vehicles to electric vehicles. The demand for these shortcomings, the EV's high cost prevented
electric vehicles is growing, which also it from being widely accepted in the market.
increases the number of charging stations. In Both fast-charging locations and all-electric
this paper, the automobile is charged vehicles are in limited numbers. Electric vehicles
wirelessly through inductive coupling using a use little to no fossil fuels, have minimal
wireless charging system. When electrical environmental impact, and have low operating
energy is transmitted over a distance from expenses [2].
source to load without the use of conducting The most repeated justification stated for
wires, it is referred to as wireless power not purchasing an EV is the lack of a charging
transmission. A solar panel, battery, infrastructure. By using renewable energy to
transformer, regulator circuits, copper coils, shorten charging times, the portable EV charger
AC to DC converter, atmega controller and was put to the test. Right now, to necessitate for
LCD are used in the system's design. energy is the world's biggest problem. Electrical
According to this technique, charging electric energy can be produced using nuclear energy,
vehicles can be done while moving along and sunlight, water, wind, and other natural sources
not at a charging station. Therefore, the of energy. Presently solar energy is the most
technology supports the feasibility of a widely used for the production of electrical
wireless, road-integrated, solar-powered EV energy [3].
charging system. The vehicle battery charging station
developed in this study's hybrid power system
Keywords- Atmega controllers, Battery, Electric enables it to offer a specific service to drivers
vehicle, LCD, Microcontroller, Transformer who want to go long distances in an electric car.
No electric charging stations are accessible for
these consumers to refill their cars in between
INTRODUCTION motorways. For individuals to use to charge their
electric vehicles, the wireless EV charger is the
Over the past ten years, research and ideal choice. Wireless power transmission
development on electric vehicles have been (WPT) has seen rapid expansion over the last
prompted by the on-going climate condition. The two to three years as one of the solutions for
transition to electric vehicles is required due to power transmission without wires. It is highly
the rise in global temperatures. Electric vehicles reliable and efficient to use this brand-new,
(EVs) are an innovative concept in the area of cutting-edge technology. Wireless power
transportation. In the future, EVs are expected to transfer is now profitable because it is necessary
dominate the automobile sector. In this situation, for the continuous operation of electric vehicles
it is necessary to control EV charging practices [4, 5].
to protect the reliability of the power networks.
However, as the number of EVs increases, there STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
will be a substantial amount of energy stored in
the batteries, allowing for the opposite effect [1]. Presently, there is an increasing number of
The electric vehicle is now more competitive electric vehicles on the road in all countries. In

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Journal of Volume-9, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)
Power Electronics and Devices

www.matjournals.com https://doi.org/10.46610/JOPED.2023.v09i02.005

addition to being better for the environment, over EV range restrictions [6, 7].
electric vehicles have shown to be effective at
lowering travel costs by substituting electricity BLOCK DIAGRAM
for fuel, which is much more affordable. Even
though electric vehicles provide an alternative, The block diagram for the primary
their charging mechanism needs to be improved circuit of wireless power transfer (WPT) is
to become the preferred mode of transportation. shown in Fig. 1. The output produced by timer
Therefore electric vehicles have 2 major IC is applied to the inverter circuit to invert the
Challenges: oscillating signal is referred to as signal 2 while
 Long charging time – 1-6 hours required for signal 1 for a non-inverted oscillating signal.
charging This is both the original and inverted oscillating
 Non-availability of power for charging signal applied to the MOSFET driver IC to
stations in off-city and remote areas. generate high and low pulses to trigger the gate
This paper's objective is to establish an effective of the MOSFET terminal. This forms a driver
wireless charging infrastructure that does not circuit. This driver circuit sent the Alternating
require physical charging stations and enables current to the LC circuit. This current across the
EVs to charge while in motion. This can provide inductor and the capacitor produces the magnetic
a smooth charging experience and helps to get field.

Figure 1: Block diagram of the primary circuit of WPT.

The coil from the primary side gets and this A.C. signal is applied to the bridge
energy and it creates the magnetic field about the rectifier circuit. This circuit converts the
coil. Owing to the use of high-frequency output, alternating current into Direct current and the
the creation of magnetic flux will be very strong. capacitor is connected to the output to generate a
When the flux from the primary coil links with smooth DC signal. The Voltage regulator is used
the secondary coil or Receiver coil, this will to limit the voltage to prevent damage to the load
induce the current in the inductor and capacitor [8]. The block diagram of the secondary circuit
connected in parallel. The voltage generator of WPT is shown in Fig. 2.
across the LC circuit is an alternating current

Figure 2: Block diagram of the secondary circuit of WPT.

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Journal of Volume-9, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)
Power Electronics and Devices

www.matjournals.com https://doi.org/10.46610/JOPED.2023.v09i02.005


Figure 3: Block diagram of wireless EV charger.

The working of the block diagram is given in across the coils. It is significant to note that the
Fig. 3 energy induced into this coil is still AC [10]. We
The system is built using solar panels, batteries, now convert this back to DC so that the EV
regulator circuits, transformers, copper coils, AC battery may be charged.
to DC converters, LCD screens and atmega It is then converted back to DC using circuitry
controllers. Technology now makes it possible for AC to DC conversion. At this time, we
for electric vehicles to be charged while being measure the input voltage as well and display the
driven, doing away with the need to stop results on an LCD [11]. As a result, the
charging [9]. The charge controller uses a solar technology shows how a wireless solar-powered
panel to power the battery. The battery receives charging system for electric vehicles may be
DC power and stores it. Now the DC power is integrated into the road. Therefore, the wireless
required to convert to AC for transmission. charging method has the strength to significantly
The power is transformed into AC with the aid improve EV charging experience and assist in
of a transformer and then regulated via regulator speeding the implementation of EVs, which
circuitry. Now, this energy powers the copper might ultimately lead to a drop in carbon
coils that are used for wireless energy emissions and help with climate change
transmission. Additionally, a copper coil is mitigation [12].
installed beneath the EV. The hardware model of the solar wireless
The Energy from the transmitter coil is charging system is shown in Fig. 4.
transmitted to the EV coil when the car is driven

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Journal of Volume-9, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)
Power Electronics and Devices

www.matjournals.com https://doi.org/10.46610/JOPED.2023.v09i02.005

Figure 4: Hardware model of the solar wireless charging system.

CONCLUSION standardizing wireless charging technologies and

ensuring interoperability among different EV
The EV wireless charging technology models and charging systems. This will promote
has the potential to revolutionise the EV market. seamless integration, compatibility, and ease of
Wireless charging has many benefits, including use for EV owners, regardless of the vehicle they
improved convenience, ease of use, and less drive. Plan for scalability and future expansion
wear and tear on charging ports, even if cable of the wireless charging infrastructure. As the
charging is now more prevalent. EV drivers may adoption of EVs grows, it is important to design
anticipate a dramatic reduction in charging times the project in a way that allows for easy
with the development of improved and potent integration with existing road networks and the
wireless charging systems, making long-distance ability to cover larger areas. This will ensure that
travel more practical than ever. Although the infrastructure can accommodate the
wireless charging is now more expensive than increasing number of EVs on the road. Explore
conventional charging, as the technology is more opportunities to integrate the wireless charging
commonly used, costs are anticipated to drop. infrastructure with smart grid systems. This can
The incorporation of solar panels as a power enable dynamic charging management, taking
source emphasizes the project's commitment to advantage of off-peak hours or excess renewable
sustainability. By harnessing clean and energy generation to optimize charging
renewable solar energy, the project reduces operations. This addition can also facilitate
reliance on fossil fuels and contributes to a demand response mechanisms, grid balancing,
greener transportation system. This aligns with and efficient utilization of renewable energy
the global efforts to combat climate change and resources.
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Power Electronics and Devices

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Aravind Kumar S, et al.(2023). Solar-Based Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles,
Journal of Power Electronics and Devices, 9(2), 41-45.

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