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Modeling Solar Modules Performance Under Temperature and Solar Radiation of Western Iraq

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Modeling solar modules performance under temperature and solar radiation

of Western Iraq

Article  in  International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems · January 2018

DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v9n4.pp1842-1850


3 61

3 authors:

Zaid H. Ali Abdullah Khalid Ahmed

Northern Technical University University of Anbar


Amer Saeed
Tikrit University


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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)
Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2018, pp. 1842~1850
ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v9n4.pp1842-1850  1842

Modeling Solar Modules Performance Under Temperature and

Solar Radiation of Western Iraq

Zaid Hussein Ali1, Abdullah Khalid Ahmed2, Amer Tayes Saeed3

Northern Technical University, Technical Institute of Hawija, Iraq
University of Anbar, College of Engineering, Iraq
University of Tikrit, College of Petroleum &Minerals Engineering,Iraq

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper demonstrates a mathematical representation of Photovoltaic (PV)
solar cells and hence panels performance. One-diode solar cell model is
Received Jun 25, 2018 implemented to simulate the cell and extract the performance indications.
Revised Sep 11, 2018 The tested PV modules are BP Solar (60 Watt) and Synthesis Power (50
Accepted Sep 25, 2018 Watts), which are operating in a PV generation system in the University of
Anbar - Iraq, College of Applied Sciences. The math model demonstrates
Power versus Voltage (P-V) characteristic curves to depict and study various
Keyword: parameters with affecting variations in the PV array performance. The
parameters include ambient and cell temperature degrees and solar irradiance
BP solar (G) level which are the main elements to dictate the productivity of a solar
Math modeling system. G is represented by sun unit (1 sun=1 kW/m2). The outcomes of the
MPP simulation model characteristics curves have been compared with curves
Photovoltaic modules provided by the tested modules data sheets. MATLAB software has been
Synthesis power used to simulate the model and extract the results. This paper also
investigated photovoltaic simulation with maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) converter to evaluate hence predict the behaviors of the whole
photovoltaic DC current generation using PSIM Power Electronics program.
The model focuses on the basic components in PV systems; The panel and
the DC-DC converter. The modeling outcome data will be used as a
reference verifying the performance of the tested modules during the year
seasons under the dominating dusty hot weather in western Iraq.
Copyright © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
Zaid H. Ali,
Northern Technical University,
Technical Institute of Hawija, Kirkuk, Iraq.
Email: [email protected]

Nowadays, rising environmental pollution problems based on classic energy forms causes the planet
to be hostile due to the climate changes and other geo and hydro contaminations. The problems are
apprehended about the way of energy harnessing and utilization. In this point, fast pace revolutionary
techniques are invented to solve these problems, renewable energy resources trans-form the passive energy to
a clean active energy used to generate electricity with no emissions such as PV systems [1], wind energy
generators, tidal generators, biomass systems, thermal panels, and geothermal systems. This paper will
concentrate on the analysis of PV panels used in PV systems. The subject is gaining huge attention since PV
panels are the most popular renewable energy resource. PV panel depends on the photo-radiation, weather,
and the load's conditions. Thus, the output current, voltage, and wattage of PV panel can be fluctuating
rapidly and sharply depending on the mentioned affecting condones. Therefore, power converters are used in
the PV systems to provide a reliable useful energy to the customers stabilizing and improving the PV penal
output energy. Thus, various control techniques have been proposed and invented one of them Clipped

Journal homepage: http://iaescore.com/journals/index.php/IJPEDS

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  1843

Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation CSPWM technique [2] which proved to reduce the harmonic currents
and provide best possible electrical energy. To prove any proposed method effectiveness, operation
characteristics should be compared and tested under same affecting conditions. However, the design, control,
monitor, and evaluation of PV system performance with experimental equipment, preparing multi
specification parameters are experimentally necessary but difficult to be found to prove the performance.
Thus, the economic burden will be very high. Therefore, from an economic perspective, the MATLAB
simulation and mathematical analysis can be more effective and accurate. In this paper, a detailed simulation
model of solar PV cell and hence PV panel has been coded with simulation analysis, creating actual and
accurate simulation analysis technique, required to address the above economic and experimental setbacks.
This paper also investigated photovoltaic simulation with MPPT converter to evaluate hence predict
the behaviors of the whole photovoltaic DC current generation using PSIM Power Electronics program. The
model focuses on the basic components in PV systems; The panel and the DC-DC converter.
One diode model equivalent circuit is popular model used to evaluate the performance data which
are represented by P-V characteristic curves of a typical BP Solar and Synthesis Power PV modules. The
solar module model P-V characteristic compared with the field performance test data, in the area of Anbar
irradiance conditions and temperature degrees. Afterward, PSIM model of a photovoltaic system with MPPT
DC-DC buck converter, developed by the perturbation and observation P&O switching control method. The
modeling simulation by MATLAB and modeled circuit by PSIM are useful for PV systems designers, due to
the simplicity, accuracy, and easy-to-use simulation and modeling method. The data extraction and model
assessment has been demonstrated to indicate the input/output data of the model such as; weather conditions,
converters effectivity, control methods, and solar physical parameters.


The electrical modeling circuit shown in Figure 1 represents the PV cell. It is fed with the dependent
current source to represents the intensity of solar irradiation. Thus, the amount of drawn current has a direct
correlation to falling light intensity on the PV cell. Also, the source is connected in parallel with a diode
which represents the behavior of solar cell of silicon p-n junction photodiode. Therefore, through light
absence, darkness, the PV cell is inactive element works as load diode [3]. The shunt and series resistances
represent the effect of the temperature since the resistance of the materials increases when the operation
temperature becomes higher.

Figure 1. Model circuit of a solar cell

As previously mentioned, BP Solar PV and Synthesis Power PV modules have been tested under the
conditions of radiation and temperature in the west of Iraq, these modules are suitable for traditional
operations of photovoltaic systems. BP Solar PV and Synthesis Power PV modules provide 60W and 150W
respectively. Both modules consist of 36 silicon cells connected in series. The data sheet main specifications
are demonstrated in Table (1). The MATLAB math modeling is implemented using climate and physical
parameters with modeling equations [4]. As a result, the operation current (I) can be calculated depending on
typical panel specification mentioned in the table (1) [5]
(ISC, VOC), Irradiation (G), Series resistance (Rs), and Temperature (T). This modeling provides analytical
simulation outcomes to evaluate the panels. The model has many constants and variable to cover the physical
and electrical parameters, as shown below:
Va: Operation voltage
K: Boltzmann constant
q: Electron Charge
A: quality coefficient (=2 for Crystalline Silicon, <2 for Amorphous Silicon)

Solar Modules Performance Under Temperature and Solar Radiation of Western Iraq (Zaid Hussein Ali)
1844  ISSN: 2088-8694

Vg: Diode Band Gap voltage (=1.12eV for Crystalline Silicon, <1.75 for Amorphous Silicon)
Ns: Number of panel PV cells
T1: Minimum operation temperature
Voc: Open Circuit voltage for each PV cell
1sc: Short Circuit Current for each PV cell
T2: Maximum operation temperature
Tak: Actual operation temperature
The parameters above are used in math modeling equations below:

IL_T1=Isc_T1*G (1)

IL=IL_T1+K * (Tak-T1) (2)

K=(Isc_T2 – Isc_T1)/(T2-T1) (3)

IT1=Isc_T1/(exp (q * Voc_T1)/(N * K * Ta-1) (4)

I0=IT1 * (Tak/Tac) (3/N) *exp (-q * Vg / (Ns * K) * ((1 / Tak) - (1/Tac)) (5)

dV/dI_Voc=- 1.15 / Ns /2 (6)

X=Io_T1 *q / (N * K * Tac) * exp( q * Voc_T1 / (Ns* K*Tac)) (7)

Vt_Ta=A * K * Tak /q (8)

Rs=dV\dI_Voc-(1/X)=Xv (9)

Newton Raphson iteration numerical method has been applied to extract the value of current for
every working voltage to find P-V curves under the effect of Temperature and irradiation of Anbar province
west Iraq, as shown in equation (10) [6].

Ia=Ia-(IL-Ia-I0*(exp((Voc+Ia*Rs)/Vt_Ta)-1))/(-1-(I0*(exp((Vc+Ia*Rs)/(Vt_Ia)1))*Rs/Vt_Ia (10)

k=1.38e-23; % Boltzman constant
q=1.60e-19; % Electron charge
A=2; Vg=1.12; Ns=36 T=25;
Voc_T1=22.1 /Ns; Isc_T1=3.99;
T2=273 + 75; Voc_T2=17.05 /Ns;
Isc_T2=2.99; TaK(n)=T1;
Iph_T1=Isc_T1 * (G);
for n=1:4
a(n)=(Isc_T2 - Isc_T1)/Isc_T1*1 /(T2 - T1(n));end
for n=1:4
Iph(n)=Iph_T1* (1 + a(n)*(TaK(n) - T1(n)));end
for n=1:4
Vt_T1(n)=k*T1(n)/q;end %=A*kT/q
for n=1:4
Ir_T1(n)=(exp(Voc_T1/(A* Vt_T1(n)))-1);end
for n=1:4
Ir_T2(n)=Isc_T2/(exp(Voc_T2/ (A*Vt_T1(n)))-1); End
b=Vg * q/(A*k);
for n=1:4
Ir(n)=Ir_T1(n)*(TaK(n)/T1(n)).*(3 /A) .* exp(-b.*(1./TaK(n) -(1/T1(n))));end
for n=1:4
dVdI_Voc=- 1.15/Ns / 2; % dV/dI at Voc per cell

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2018 : 1842 – 1850
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  1845

Rs=- Dv/dI_Voc - 1/X2v; %series resistance per cell

for n=1:4
Vt_Ta(n)=A*1.38e-23 * TaK(n) / 1.60e-19; end %=A*k*T/q
Ia=Iph - Ir.*(exp((Vc+ia.*Rs) ./Vt_Ta) -1); % Newton’s method
Ia=[iav;ia]; end % to observe convergence for debugging.
p=Va.*Ia; %power

Typically, the electrical properties and specifications of PV panels is provided in its datasheet by the
manufacturers. However, before purchasing any PV panel brand, it is highly recommended to make
confirmation measurements to assure there is no deviation from nominal values. In some brands, the
deviation from promised values is large and expected due to lack of efficiency and manufacturing
malfunctions. The specifications of tested models are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Specification of the Simulated Modules

Parameter BP Solar Synthesis Power
Isc (Ampere) 3.9 3.18
Voc (Volt) 22 20
Pout (Watt) 60 50

3.1. Irradiance
PV generation resource depends basically on the ability of silicon or other certain materials of
transferring the photo-radiation energy from the sun or any other source into moving to charge hence
electrical energy. Irradiance (G) is energy amount that applied energy on a given area (watts per square meter
(W/m²)). Thus, it is instantaneous value averaged over a defined period [7]. Therefore, commonly the
irradiance is specified per hour, day, or even month. In this paper, after applying the simulation of the last
section the P-V curves is plotted in different colors to differentiate them. Each curve explains the electrical
behavior produced by a panel under different G which varies from (0.7 to 1.2) W/m² the amount of solar
radiation during the year seasons in Anbar. The data of radiation is collected from solar maximum radiation
tracker installed in the University of Anbar where G=1.2, 1, 1, 0.7 suns during the Summer, Spring, Autumn,
and Winter respectively.
Figure 2 depicts the effect of different G on the power generation of BP Solar module when the
temperature is fixed at the standard value 25 Celsius degree. Despite the given Maximum power of the panel
which is 60 watts, the power obtained at winter (when G=0.7) is the minimum equal 41 watts, whereas the
maximum power can be obtained at summer (G=1.2) is the maximum equal 73 watts. It should be noted, the
power value in the Table 1 for BP Solar module is 60 which is the value power at the most of spring and
Autumn (when G=1) which is standard used to test and determine the module electrical performance.
In Figure 3, the effect of G variation on Synthesis Power module performance. Despite the given
Maximum power of the panel which is 60 watts, the power obtained at winter (when G=0.7) is the minimum
equal 32 watts, whereas the maximum power can be obtained at summer (G=1.2) is the maximum equal 57.5
watts. It should be noted that power value in the table (1) for Synthesis Power module is 50 Watts which is
the value power at the most of spring and Autumn (when G=1) which is standard G used to test the module
electrical Performance [8].

Solar Modules Performance Under Temperature and Solar Radiation of Western Iraq (Zaid Hussein Ali)
1846  ISSN: 2088-8694

G=0.7 sun
G=1 sun
G=1.2 sun







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Figure 2. P-V curves under irradiance variation of BP Solar modul

Figure 3. P-V curves of synthesis power under irradiance variation

3.2. Temperature Effect

When temperature increases the resistivity of the conductors and doped semiconductors becomes
higher, thus the current decreases for PV modules. The shunt and series resistance represent the effect of the
temperature. The temperature in Western Iraq is 25, 50 °C, in winter and Summer respectively. However, as
temperature accumulating, the heat can rise to 75 °C especially in the deep areas in the western desert, which
is the promising farm for such PV projects. In Figure 4, the effect of temperature on the PV generation is
depicted. The maximum power is 61 watts extracted at 25 °C, whereas the minimum power is 75.5 watts at
75 °C. The P-V curves are plotted at the standard solar radiation G=1 [9]. As shown in Figure 5, the
temperature effect on PV generation of Synthesis Power module is illustrated. The maximum power is 47
watts extracted at 25 °C, whereas the minimum power is 44 watts at 75 °C.

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2018 : 1842 – 1850
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  1847







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Figure 4. P-V curves of BP Solar module under temperature variation






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Figure 5. The P-V curve of synthesis power module under temperature variation


Provide a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction" chapter can ultimately
result in "Results and Discussion" chapter, so there is compatibility. Moreover, it can also be added the
prospect of the development of research results and application prospects of further studies into the next
(based on result and discussion).
DC-DC Converter is used to track and harness Maximum Power Point (MPP) in the P-V curves of
the PV panels. Therefore, High irradiation, efficient manufacturing, and low operation temperature are not
the only cofactors to affect the PV panel performance and harness maximum possible electrical energy from
the PV panel. An appropriate MPPT method increases the efficiency of energy harnessing and ensuring the
maximum power in the P-V curve. Several MPPT algorithms are invented and used in the PV systems along
with DC-DC converters [10]. They are:
a. Perturbation and Observation method (P&O)
b. Hill Climbing Algorithm method (HC)
c. Incremental Conductance method (INC)

Solar Modules Performance Under Temperature and Solar Radiation of Western Iraq (Zaid Hussein Ali)
1848  ISSN: 2088-8694

In this section, a PV panel cascaded by a buck converter controlled by the P&O algorithm is
simulated by PSIM. This simulation aims to extract the MPP in the P-V curves of the tested modules under
the fixed value of G=1 Sun and T=25 °C. In the PV systems, the main functions of buck DC-DC converter
are stepping down module generated DC voltage to connect it to the batteries and act as intermediate power
processor to track MPP from the connected PV array [11]. The converters change output voltage and current
to interface a fixed source to a variable load. The P&O algorithm is popular since it has a very fast response
with the best result because it reaches steady state operating stage quickly it is implemented in Figure 6. In
Figure 7, MPPT converter using P&O Method in its swiching gate is built and executed by PSIM. The
temperature T=25 °C and G=1 sun are assumed and considered in PSIM simulation.

Figure 6. Perturb and observe method to observe the maximum power (when dP=0)

Figure 7. MPPT buck converter with P&O method

The voltage is perturbed and observe the change of output power. The gating sub-circuit is P&O
method controlling the converter switching circuit to change the switch gate (transistor) achieving MPP from
tested BP Solar and Synthesis Power panels [12]. Figure 7 depicts the output power from DC-DC buck
converter shown above. The maximum power is 60 Watt for BP Solar and 47 which are identical to the
maximum power in the P-V curve. Figure 8 shows the MPPT buck converter with P&O method output.

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2018 : 1842 – 1850
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  1849

Figure 8. The MPPT buck converter with P&O method output

Mathematical modeling of two modules is presented by MATLAB coding and PSIM power
electronics program to analyze the performance of BP Solar and Synthesis Power PV panels. This paper has
introduced the effect of Temperature and sun Irradiation of the west of Iraq area. This simulation work will
be employed as a reference to assess the performance of any PV module used in this area to compare their
practical and actual results.

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Zaid H. Ali: Currently, he is a lecturer at the Northern Technical University – Iraq, Technical
Institute of Hawija. He received MS.c degree from the University of New Haven - USA in 2017
and received B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tikrit-Iraq in 2009.
He is interested in Power System Engineering, and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Power
Electronics, Power Distribution Systems, and Renewable Energy Resources. He has published
many papers in international and local conferences and journals.

Abdullah Khalid Ahmed: He is currently a lecturer at the college of engineering, University of

Anbar – Iraq. He holds M.Sc. degree from Western Michigan University, the USA in 2015 and
received his bachelor’s Degree in electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of
Anbar-Iraq in 2010. He is highly interested in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Digital Image
Processing (DIP), Biomedical Signal Processing, and Communication Systems. He has
published many papers in local and international journals and conferences.

Amer T. Saeed: Currently, he is a lecturer at Tikrit University – College of Petroleum and

Minerals. He holds MS.c degree from the University of New Haven, USA in 2016 and received
B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tikrit-Iraq in 2009. He is Highly
interested in Renewable Energy Resources, Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing
(DSP), and Machines. He has published many papers in international and local conferences and

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2018 : 1842 – 1850

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