English 9th 3+4

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1. Why was Abu Jahl Furious?

2. Which incident in this story tells the generiosty of Hazrat

Asma (R.A)?
English 3. What happened when media is allowed to perform its role
(9 )th
Total Marks: 45 Test # 3+4
Write a letter to your father requesting him to send
Name: ______________ Date: ___________
some extra funds. 5
Question # 1:
) Choose the correct option form of the verb. 4
a) They ....their work by tomorrow.
( completes are completed will complete
b) I have not ..you since Monday. ( sees seeing saw English
seen) (9 )th
c) He before the party began. (was left had left left)
d) Alia .a sad song today. ( is singing sung sings sang) Total Marks: 45 Test # 3+4
i) Choose the word with correct spellings. 3 Name: ______________ Date: ___________
a) Couregeous b) courageous c)courgeous Question # 1:
d)curageus v) Choose the correct option form of the verb. 4
a) Companion b)compnian c) campanion d) e) They ....their work by tomorrow.
copanian ( completes are completed will complete
a) Anxiously b) enxiously c) anxeously d) anxeously completed)
ii) Choose the correct meaning of underlined word. 3 f) I have not ..you since Monday. ( sees seeing saw
a) She simply posed counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl. seen)
(pleased helped annoyingly extremely anger) g) He before the party began. (was left had left
b) Media entertains us also. ( take inform amuse left)
h) Alia .a sad song today. ( is singing sung sings sang)
vi) Choose the word with correct spellings. 3
c) Media has become an integral part of our lives.
b) Couregeous b) courageous c)courgeous
( vital spare pretty hidden)
v) Choose the correct option according to the grammar. 4 d)curageus
a) She did not make a false statement. Underlined word is a/an b) Companion b)compnian c) campanion d)
( noun pronoun verb adjective) copanian
b) You will hurt yourself. Underlined word is a/an pronoun. b) Anxiously b) enxiously c) anxeously d) anxeously
( possessive indefinite reflexive personal) vii) Choose the correct meaning of underlined word. 3
c) There has not been sufficient rain this year . underlined word is d) She simply posed counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl.
a/an (pleased helped annoyingly extremely anger)
adjective of (quality quantity number e) Media entertains us also. ( take inform amuse
color) tease)
d) This response show courage of Hazrat Asma (R.A). underlined f) Media has become an integral part of our lives.
( vital spare pretty hidden)
word is a noun . ( collective abstract
viii) Choose the correct option according to the grammar.
material proper)
Section II. e) She did not make a false statement. Underlined word is a/an
Question # 2. Answer the following questions. ( noun pronoun verb adjective)
f) You will hurt yourself. Underlined word is a/an pronoun. top it is the cream of the milk. Form this cream people
( possessive indefinite reflexive personal) make butter. If milk with the cream on it is made into
g) There has not been sufficient rain this year . underlined word powder it is called full cream milk powder. When something
is a/an floating is taken off the top of a liquid we say it is skimmed
adjective of (quality quantity number
milk. When cream is skimmed form the milk the thin milk
that stays in called ski milk. Skim milk is a good milk but it
h) This response show courage of Hazrat Asma (R.A). underlined
has no fat in it. It is not good for very young child.
word is a noun . ( collective abstract
Questions: 6
material proper) 1. what becomes of the water in the milk?
Section II. 2. What is cream?
Question # 2. Answer the following questions. 3. What does the think part of the milk have in it?
4. Why was Abu Jahl Furious? Question # 5 change the voice of the followings. 4
5. Which incident in this story tells the generiosty of Hazrat 1. How was he making a picture?
Asma (R.A)? 2. They were not beating his younger brother.
6. What happened when media is allowed to perform its role 3. People are flying kites.
unchecked? 4. We were not dividing the property.
Question # 6: translate any five sentences in to English.
Write a letter to your father requesting him to send
some extra funds. 5

Question # 3. Translate the paragraph into Urdu.
Question # 3. Translate the paragraph into Urdu.
a) There are two means of communication, electronic and 6
print media. The media includes film, radio, television ,
internet, books , magazines and newspaper. It provides us c) There are two means of communication, electronic and
information as well as entertainment. Media helps people to print media. The media includes film, radio, television ,
share knowledge of the world. Their feeling and opinions internet, books , magazines and newspaper. It provides us
are expressed through it. information as well as entertainment. Media helps people to
b) During this perilous journey it was very difficult for any one share knowledge of the world. Their feeling and opinions
to supply fod to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). it was so are expressed through it.
delicate that the slightest mistake could have endangered d) During this perilous journey it was very difficult for any one
the life of Holly Prophet (S.A.W). this grand task was nicely to supply fod to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). it was so
undertaken by Hazrat Asma(R.A). every night with the pack delicate that the slightest mistake could have endangered
of food she would quietly venture towards the rugged the life of Holly Prophet (S.A.W). this grand task was nicely
mountains in which lay the cave of Hira. undertaken by Hazrat Asma(R.A). every night with the pack
Question # 4: Comprehension: of food she would quietly venture towards the rugged
We see a kind of milk in tins. It is powdered milk. All the mountains in which lay the cave of Hira.
water is this milk has evaporated. When fresh milk stays in Question # 4: Comprehension:
a dish for a little time, the thick par of the milk comes to We see a kind of milk in tins. It is powdered milk. All the
water is this milk has evaporated. When fresh milk stays in
a dish for a little time, the thick par of the milk comes to 6. What does the think part of the milk have in it?
top it is the cream of the milk. Form this cream people
make butter. If milk with the cream on it is made into Question # 5 change the voice of the followings. 4
powder it is called full cream milk powder. When something 5. How was he making a picture?
floating is taken off the top of a liquid we say it is skimmed 6. They were not beating his younger brother.
7. People are flying kites.
milk. When cream is skimmed form the milk the thin milk
8. We were not dividing the property.
that stays in called ski milk. Skim milk is a good milk but it
Question # 6: translate any five sentences in to English.
has no fat in it. It is not good for very young child. 4
Questions: 6

4. what becomes of the water in the milk?

5. What is cream?

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