Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
Listen To The Passage and Answer Questions 1-6
Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-6. 6. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
You may see a snow leopard ...
15. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. 20. Choose the correct variant.
John gave the rubber to me. We went to a farm yesterday. I had never seen so ... cows
A) John is given the rubber by me. before.
B) John has been given the rubber by me. A) much
C) The rubber was given to John by me. B) a few
D) The rubber was given to me by John. C) many
E) The rubber is given to me by John. D) a lot of
E) a little
16. Choose the correct form of the verb. 21. Choose the correct articles.
He earns his living by ... at the factory. ... Lake Superior is ... largest of the five Great Lakes in ...
A) works North America.
B) working A) -, the, -
C) to work B) -, the, the
D) worked C) -, -, the
E) to working D) the, the, the
E) the, the, -
22. Choose the line of compound nouns. 25. Answer the question according to the passage.
A) silkworm, postman, spaceship What makes the Baobab fruit unique.
B) snowball, bedroom, friendship A) It can absorb water from ground.
C) toothbrush, moonlight, citizenship B) Baobab fruit is a symbol of life and positivity.
D) painkiller, apple tree, leadership C) Baobab fruit is not rich in nutrients.
E) butterfly, homework, hardship D) It dries naturally on its branch.
E) It is never used in medicine by African women.
Read the passage and answer the questions 23-30.
26. According to the passage, which statement is false?
1. Baobab trees grow in African savannah. They grow in A) Baobabs are called "The Tree of Life".
32 African countries. These trees can live 5,000 years. B) Baobab fruits have sweet taste.
Baobabs are 30 metres high and up to an enormous 50 C) Baobabs are a natural shelter for animals and humans.
metres in diameter. They can provide shelter, food and D) Baobab grows in 32 Asian countries
water for animals and humans. There is little water in E) Baobabs can live 5,000 years.
savannah and the climate is very dry. Many plants can't
survive in such climate. That is why baobab tree is a 27. Which word from paragraph 1 has the meaning “to
symbol of life and positivity. With time the Baobab tree got continue to live or exist”
adapted to its environment. These trees absorb water A) to adapt
during rainy seasons and store it in a huge trunk. That is B) to survire
why baobab trees can produce fruits in dry season. C) to provide
Africans call it "The Tree of Life". D) to produce
2. Many people know the baobab tree, but not many E) to call
know that it has a fruit. This fruit is one of the most
nutritious foods in the world. Baobab is the only fruit in the 28. Complete the sentence by changing at least two
world that dries naturally on its branch. It stays on the words according to the passage.
branch under the sun for 6 months. It is also rich in vitamin Baobab trees absorb water during rainy seasons and ...
C and has sweet taste.
3. Actually, every part of the baobab tree is valuable.
The bark is used to make rope and clothing, the seeds are __________________________________
used to make cosmetic oils, the leaves are edible, the
trunks can store water and the fruit is rich in nutrients. 29. Answer the question by expressing your opinion
African women used baobab fruit as a natural source of according to the passage. Write at least three sentence.
health and beauty for centuries. Nowadays baobab trees What will happen if there are no trees?
are in the list of endangered plants on the IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species. We should take care of these unusual
trees and protect them!