HS3151 Important Questions
HS3151 Important Questions
HS3151 Important Questions
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TELEGRAM: @eduengineering
9. After centuries of obscurity, this philosopher’s 5. They go to the movies every Saturday.
thesis is enjoying a surprising ____________. 6. He wakes up early.
a) Dismissal b) Remission c) Longevity 7. They sent a letter.
d) Renaissance 8. The film was really boring.
10. Levina unknowingly ______ the thief by 9. I am Mary’s brother.
10. He writes novels.
holding open the elevator doors and
Ensuring his escape. VI . QUESTION TAGS
1. He could have bought a new car, couldn't he?
a. coerced b. proclaimed c. abetted e. solicited.
2. I'm clever, aren't I?
III. PRESENT TENSE 3. John and Max don't like Maths, do they?
1. The moon ____(go) round the earth. 4. Kevin will come tonight, won't he?
2. She ____ (play) tennis once a week. 5. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did
3. He ____ (enjoy) music. she?
4. John always _______ (work) on Fridays. 6. Peter played handball yesterday, didn't he?
5. It ___ (rain) a lot in the winter.
7. They are going home from school, aren't they?
6. He _______ (live) in Moscow.
7. John always ______ (work) on Fridays. 8. Your mum hadn't met him before, had she?
.8. In Japan, people _______ (eat) a lot of fish. 9. The phone didn't ring, did it?
9. She _______ (teach) grammar.. 10. I don't need to finish this today, do I?
10. The student _____ (do) his homework.
1. My son ___ (talk) on the phone right now. Choose the correct Synonyms:
2. Jason ___(do) his homework at the moment. 1. Dilapidated
3. I _____(wash) my face at the moment. A) Sincere b) conceal c) crumbling d) gruesome
4. Tom ___(work) on a project nowadays. e)gutter
5. My kids____ (play) in the garden now. 2. Vast
6. Some people ____ (wait) to talk to you. A) Swelling b) boundless c) cramped d) genius
7. _________(study) for his exam right now? e) restricted
8. __________ (play) the piano now? 3. Sleek
10. Lea and I ______(paint) the fences today. A) Strand b) loose c) coarse d) ration e) glossy
4. Artful
A) Cunning b) masterpiece c) portrait d) talent e)
V. WH QUESTIONS professor
Write Wh - Questions for the Following Statements 5. Proclaim
1. James writes good poems A) Relinquish b) whisper c) candid d) announce e)
2. He can speak Chinese bashful
3. They are leaving tonight. Choose the correct Antonyms:
4. The play was interesting. 6. Expire
7. ___film what we are seeing is directed by 5. The sun __________gives life to all living
Mr.KB. organisms is worshiped as god.
8. I bought the book ___was written by Jane Possessive Pronoun
Austen. 6. My mobile needs to be serviced but _____is in
9. That book is interesting to read but working condition
_________books are not that much interesting. 7. The policeman, running with all ______ speed
10._________mangoes on the tree under which I could not overtake the thief.
am standing are ripe. 8. Olympiad qualified students have already proved
9. Philosophy is one of the sought after courses and
it is_____favourite subject.
XVI. ARTICLES 10. The teacher conversed with us on ______
Fill In The Blanks with Articles varied interests.
1. Aluminium is_________useful metal.
2. Who is________person sitting next to the door? XVIII. COLLOCATIONS
3._______able man sometimes does not have a Fill in the blanks using appropriate verbs that
distinguished look. would complete the collocation.
4. Do you see__________ stars up in the sky? 1. If you park there, you will have to ……. a fine.
5. __________ Quran is a holy book. a) pay b) take c) have
6. __________________world is
2. He …………… no attention to my requests.
7. He stood in the queue for_________hour
8. ____moon shines brightly on a Full Moon day. a) paid b) took c) had
9. Tamil is______________ ancient language. 3. I ……………a cough to catch her attention.
10. I met him ___________year ago.
a) gave b) paid c) took
XVII. PRONOUNS 4. Although the doctors tried hard, they couldn’t
Fill m the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns …….. his life.
such as
a) save b) bring c) take
Who , which where, when, whose, that, whom.
1. The man___is honest is the noblest work of God. 5. Abbreviations ……… space and hence they are
2. A person_______has tendency to steal is called very common in newspaper headlines.
kleptomania a) catch b) save c) take
3. May I know with______I am talking to?
4. The elephant_____I bought recently is from 6. Do you …………… a diary?
Kerala. a) keep b) have b) save
7. Few people can ……………. a secret. 2. Simple : He pleaded ignorance of the law.
a) keep b) save c) have (Into complex)
3. Simple : The report of his failure has
8. He still ……………………………. in touch surprised us all. (Into complex)
with most of his old school mates. 4.Complex : I am responsible for what I do.(
a) keeps b) saves c) take Into simple)
5.Complex : All that glitters is not gold. (
9. I asked her what her problem was but she ……..
Into simple)
quiet. 6. Simple : Taking off his clothes, he jumped
a) kept b) took c) saved into the river. (Into compound)
7. Simple : In spite of very bad weather, they
10. They ……………. close to hitting each other.
succeeded in conquering Mt. Everest. (Into
a) came b) took c) brought compound)
XIX. FIXED- SEMI FIXED EXPRESSINS 8. Simple : Take another step at the peril of
Fill in the blanks and mention whether the sentence your life. (Into compound)
is a fixed express or semi-fixed expression: 9. Compound : This book is not beautifully
1. Look sharp. (Go fast) printed, but is free from mistakes
2. I am afraid that he is on leave. (I am afraid' also. (Into simple)
10. Compound : Attend you classes
means 1 am sorry) regularly, or you will fall short of
3. That is a wonderful match/film/game. attendance. (Into complex)
4. Excuse me.
5. May God Bless You.
6. Can you set the AC temp to 160?
7. Please bring lemons from the fridge.
8. Will you please move a little?
9. God forbid.
10. God willing.
1. Simple : I was glad to know of his
success. (Into complex)
ANSWERS 5. a) To a disadvantage
6. d) Rages
1. Match the following with their Synonyms
7. d) Rife – Suspect
Gerontologist – connected to the spinal
column/ joints (2) 8. a) Smooth operator
Christopher – deals with ageing problems (1)
Osteopath- use massage to trait illness/pain (3) 9. d) Renaissance
Chiropodist – takes care of minor problems
of the feet (4) 10. c). Abetted
2. a) Gave up.
3. Simple Present Tense
3. c) Kind. 1. Goes
4. d) Laborious.
5. a) Dullness 2. Plays
6. d) Forget
7. d).Uncivilized 3. Enjoys
8. a).Surpass
4. Works
9. c).Desire
10. Match the following with their Meanings 5. Rains
Dolorous – Short of funds (2)
Impecunious – Healthy (3) 6. Lives
Salubrious – Gaunt/ thin (4)
Cadaverous – Sorrowful (1) 7. Works
8. Teaches
9. Eat
Fill in the blanks with suitable option
10. Does
1. a) Prone
2. b) Ubiquitous
3. b) Enjoined
1. is talking
4. a) Tongue
2. are you sleeping
10. Do I?
5. for .
6. for
7. at 15. ADJECTIVES
8. in 1. every
10. at 2. every
3. each onne of you
XII. PREFIX & SUFFIXES 4. either –or
Add suitable prefixes and suffixes for the meaning 5. neither nor
given against them 6. this
1. Disrespect 7. those /these
2. Misuse 8. this /that
3. Inter national 9. these
4. Uncivil 10. this
5. Disguise 16. REFERENCE WORDS
6. Festival
7. Powerful 1. They
8. Notification 2. Ourselves
9. Comprehensive 3. Its
10. Counselllor 4. Herself
5. She
1. put on 7. This
8. which/that
2. working out
9. Those
3. get on 10. These
4. break out
5. Stand up 17. ARTICLES
1. A
6. Take off
2. The
7. left out 3. An
8. wake up 4. The
9. put off 5. The
10. think up 6. The, a
7. An
8. The
3. Semi-fixed expression
1. who
2. who 4. fixed expression
3. whom
4. which 5. fixed expression
5. which
6. Semi-fixed expression
Possessive Pronoun
7. Semi-fixed expression
6. hers
7. his 8. Semi-fixed expression
8. their
9. our 9. fixed expression
10. our
10. fixed expression
1. a) pay SENTENCES
2. a) paid
3. a) gave 1. Complex : I was glad to know that he had
4. a) save succeeded.
5. b) save
2.Complex : He pleaded that he was ignorant of the
6. a) keep
7. a) keep law.