STS Notes
STS Notes
STS Notes
study of the evolution of present society and development of agricultural tools, and on
culture the invention of irrigation systems
Uniqueness: dimension of time
2 aspects: Natural Barriers
- Objective: evidence & research method They have both worked for and against the
- Subjective: interpretation & search for development of S&T
relevance Mountains and seas determined to some
What can it teach us? extent, the susceptibility of settlements to
Many people of the past have influence the way invasions and the direction of the development
we live today. of S&T
- Development of military technology
Pattern of Scientific and Technological - Production of defense weapons
Development in Ancient Times - Advancements in metallurgy & metal
Advances in S&T came about first casting
independently of each other then later
interdependently Climactic extremes explain the diversity in S&T
From this earlier independent development of Growth
S&T, arose dissimilarities in each culture, Long dry spells led to the construction of
which caused differences in the type and artificial irrigation systems
degree in S&T development Overflowing rivers, which caused floods
damaged crop brought about the invention of
The Degree & Rate of S&T Growth in the dikes and dams
Different Culture was Influenced by Crop rotation
Interactions of Different Factors Calendar came into existence to track seasons
1. External Factors Different raw materials were available for
those considered to be external to construction, clothing, etc.
communities Techniques, which could be used to process
- Geography the available resources
- Trade
2. Internal Factors Natural Resources
those which inhered in or may be Food clothing, household & other items used in
considered internal to communities daily living
- Mode of living Tools and implements, techniques and skills
- The peoples belief systems Houses, buildings, other structures &
construction materials
Geography Defense and Invasion
Favorable geographical situations enabled the Other industries
people to live in settlements and encouraged
village life Trade
All civilizations started near a body of water. Initially done through barter, trade became
Water is attributed to: increasingly sophisticated, with S&T both
- Water being a basic human need spurring and assisting the exchange of goods
- Good source of food and service. Thus, all civilizations which
- Needed for agriculture, food processing, engaged in trade, experiences foreign
and daily human activities influences, some of which were S and/or T in
- Avenue for various occupations (farming, nature
fishing, trade, etc.)
Thus, primitive man changed from being Factors which made trade and commerce
nomadic to being a settler flourished
Scarcity and excessed in supply from available
natural resources and/or production
Increasing population Some religions provided venues for the pursuit
The emergence of urban societies and of art, literature, architecture, etc. with their
manufacturing industries, not only increase attendant requirements that spurred S&T
demand but also created new needs. developments
- the Greek Parthenon
The Effects of Trade - the Egyptian pyramids
Greater interaction and communication among - the Mesopotamian ziggurats
people and societies further facilitated
developments in S&T Law and Government
Development of transportation and Based on belief systems, law and government
communication technologies influence the direction of development that
Advances in monetary system S&T take
- Increase in wealth enabled savings and
investment in S&T research and Remarkable similarities in the way S&T
development developed in different places and times and
- The spread of scientific knowledge and among different people may be observed.
technological products across the ancient S&T are products of the activity of human
world internal factors (needs, motivation,
Modes of Living
All early civilizations started out as agricultural I. S&T were brought about by efforts to fulfill
communities human needs and wants
- As such, S&T developments were directed S&T are some of the consequences of
toward improving agriculture, for example, human creativity grappling with to address
the invention of plow human needs and wants
Population increased with the increase and Generally, the thrust of S&T development in
stabilization of food supply with the consequent the societies considered was to increase
increase in the number of communities and the production and/or find other ways of
settlements meeting their needs and wants
- The growing population created markets for S&T are products of mans inevitable
a wide range of products made by interaction with his environment
specialized craftsmen and spurred trade - S&T are results of mans response to
further external factors (environment
Division of labor and specialization brought economics, social institutions, political
about further development in S&T systems)
- Each occupation specialized further, thus
expanding the frontiers of knowledge, II. S&T involved adapting to the environment
generating new technologies and requiring All civilizations have had to work with nature
new skills to be learned and environment
The S&T advancements of the different
Belief Systems societies, in fact, indicated how well people
Mans attitudes and the way he dealt with this responded to the challenges of their
surroundings environment
- The ways S&T have developed was
influenced by mans beliefs III. S&T brought with it social change
Changes in mans knowledge of nature and the
Belief Systems and Man universe brought about change in the way he
Major role played by belief systems in the acted and reacted
advancement of S&T Changes, too, in mans ways of doing things
- May hinder or promote S&T as these affect (technology), also brought about changes in
the acceptance of scientific discoveries and lifestyles, not just of individuals, but also of
the use of different technologies entire societies, civilizations, and nations
Conclusions: the most universal, the most comprehensive;
The emergence and growth of S&T in various hence, the deepest, the most profound of all
societies can be viewed from the perspective concepts
of human nature working within the variables the richest product of the human mind in its
of time and space effort to understand reality, the world, life, and
Underlying all kinds of S&T progress is man, all that is worthwhile
without which we can speak neither of S nor T, Metaphysical Structure of Relity: id quod est
nor progress (that which is) logical being and real being
In fact, one can discern the universality of
human nature in the emergence and growth Logical Being
of S&T in various societies it is purely conceptual eidos (idea) =
Since all social phenomena and historical essence
events come about as a result of human acts, - the concept idea refers to the essence of
man, in his search for truth and in his pursuit of logical beings
progress as he tried to fulfill needs, ultimately - Not everything that can be thought of
can be pinpointed to be the agent of all social necessarily exists
and historical changes Concepts the products of the intellect
- completely different from the material and
ManS&TPhysical world (tools of man) and individual things
its phenomena (realities) - only reflections of the things in our mind
Strong ties bind S&T since both emerged form - help us understand reality, but not to be
the same mind, i.e., the human mind, and identified with it
directed to the same object, i.e., the physical - What is material cannot be one in many
world and its phenomena as the universal is: the essence of man
Man is prior to and bove S&T expressed in the concept of man is one,
and still it is multiplied in many men. (de
Introduction to Metaphysics Moderate Realism has its foundation on
Metaphysics - The universal character of concepts is a
the science of beings as beings consequence of the intellects capacity to
branch of philosophy that treats of first abstract.
principles, includes ontology and cosmology, - Expressed by the verb to be: to unite two
and is intimately connected with epistemology concepts, without necessarily affirming their
embraces the whole of reality in its most existence
underlying aspects We affirm the truth when we correctly unite two
- it discovers the deepest principles and the concepts, not because we affirm the existence
most radical foundation of reality of the two concepts
regarded as a superior science Mans ability to put together concepts is what
- it studies the ultimate causes of things accounts for human creativity; what makes
- it takes the role of science that gives technology possible
orientation to the particular sciences
provides us with: Real / Extra-mental Being
- sound principles things differ in many ways, but in one thing
- greater clarity of thought they are the same: in that they are, and they
- a more discerning judgment in ordinary exist
affairs All things in the world are beings because they
all exist
The concept of being is analogical
- The term can be applied to things partly the
same, and partly different
Being is predicated of everything in an - They are not exclusive of any being
analogical way Four Properties:
Being: id quod est: esse + essence That - One a single unit or entity
which is is a composition - True conforming to reality or factbeing
Ens: esse + essence to be or act of being in accordance with the actual state or
(manner of being or actuality of being) Ens condition
is an essence, which has the act of being - Good state of perfection; satisfactory in
- To be is one thing, the manner of being is quality, quantity or degree; of high quality
another - Beautiful delightful to the sense/mind;
Non-identity of esse and essence excellent of its king; wonderful; remarkable
- Esse (to be or act of actuality of being)
that by which anything is, not mere A Philosophy of Reality
existence as a revelation of being to the human mind
- Essence (manner of being) that which fruit of (wo)mens experiences, stem from
the thing is. It is what a thing is, together observation of nature
with all its fundamental characteristics, or - By observing things around them,
that whereby a thing is what it is nature pondering and then encapsulating
(The essence of anything considered as the experience in words of practical wisdom
principle of operation proper to that thing) When we understand things that they are and
- Esse (actualizes) + Essence (Potency) = what they are we know them
exist in reality Our minds tends to gear itself to both the
- Essence is potency; it is the act of being stable and transient in reality, because reality is
that actualizes it, it may or may not be. like that
Beings are contingent.
Philosophy vs. Particular Sciences
Aristotelian Composition of Things Philosophy studies the act of being;
(Hylomorphic) interested in that things are
Matter is the principle of individuation Particular Sciences concerned with the
(quantified matter) essences of things
- A human being is an individual by virtue of
his materiality Anthropological Foundation of S&T
Form is the principle of categorization (what
classifies things under certain species) Science - mans way to cope with his
Essence of material things: material and form environment through an understanding of nature
of things
Properties of Being Technology - the sum total of the processes by
reveal the richness of anything which man modifies the materials of nature to
- based on the perfection of being better satisfy his needs and wants
- depend on our vision of being or as Man - the principle of both science and
understood by our intelligence (in anything technology
that exists, our intelligence perceives some * S&T are products of mans intellectual activity*
properties which follow necessarily)
2 Kinds: 2 Divergent Facets of Mans Knowledge of
- Transcendental belongs to the level of the Material Universe
esse or the ens as the subject of esse Theoretical or Philosophical
- Predicamental belongs to the level of Practical or Technological or Factual
Science grew out of mans philosophical
Transcendental Properties of Being speculation about nature
Properties found in everything as being Science as a system developed out of mans
They transcend all classifications curiosity to explain the whys of things
- They cannot be classified into any category
Technology is a rational activity stemming We attempt to make things happen
from the practical facet of mans intellect 2. In terms of aim, technology is product- or
Science - reflecting on ones knowledge and Consequences are machines, gadgets, etc.
discovering why things are so, by looking for
the true causes or explanations of what one Some Aspects about Human Nature
knows Illuminated by S&T
Common Sense - spontaneous use of ones In an activity of S&T kind, man, the discoverer
reason in trying to understand reality, in an and the maker of things has no rival
unreflective way There is no wild animal so astute, capable of
making discoveries or developing techniques
1. Both deal with the same reality the way man can
2. Science brings common sense to perfection
by providing the reasons, the Humans forms Concepts/Ideas transform
explanations, the causes, the whys for the (through Technology) and understand & explain
certainties of common sense (through Science) Reality (the way every thing/
3. They are like two stages of development man/events are). Humans transcend and
observe reality; such that they are part of reality.
* Science is associated with know-why, Humans are self-aware of themselves.
through this, we seek to discover the workings
of nature and we attempt to explain why The Human Intellect
things happen What is the nature of the human intellect from
* In terms of aim, science is knowledge- which S&T take their origin?
oriented. Consequences are concepts, ideas,
theories, etc. The Human Methods (proofs differ in sense)
Natural Sciences
* Knowledge Science from Knowledge of: 1. - utilize empirical explanations involving
Organization, 2. Society, 3. Nature, and 4. observable and locatable elements, what
Individuals our external senses can perceive
* Scientific knowledge is organized into - Material (physical) realities have
concepts, which, if useful, have predictive dimensions, size, parts, and therefore, have
value boundaries. Therefore, they are
* Science is the theoretical framework, which measurable, observable, and locatable.
gives meaning to our factual knowledge Social Sciences
- utilize proofs that only our reason can grasp
Technology as a Rational Activity, stemming (reasoned-proof) arguments that are
from the Practical Facet of Mans Intellect converging and convincing which allow the
Man has the ability to know what things are for. attainment of the certainty about the truth of
He discovers the purposes of things. He, also, a reality
has the capacity to think systematically and
creatively. He can thus innovate and Sensible Realities vs. Intelligible Realities
consciously modify his environment in a way Sensible
no other terrestrial species has achieved. The - capable of being perceived by the senses or
capacity for constructing artifacts is a the mind
determining characteristic of man. - The material universe is sensible
Summary: - capable of being known or understood;
1. Technology is associated with know-how. comprehensible
Through technology, - Concepts that are, apprehended by the
We seek to invent new or improved tools mind only
and materials or better ways of doing
Opposition of Concepts and chemical actions and reactions, which
Matter necessarily follow the laws of nature
- anything that occupies space and has mass - Evidence of mans freedom of choice is the
- perceptible by our senses fact of a universal acceptance of a moral
Spirit code and of legal responsibility
- a simple substance
- a substance without parts, size, dimensions; What is man?
therefore, without boundaries Human Powers or Faculties
- not perceptible by our senses Through hid intellect, man us capable of
* Man has both intelligence and sensibility. forming concepts or ideas, of making
* Man perceives reality through his senses but judgements, of understanding and discernment
understands (or grasps) reality through his - Man can know things really and truly. He is
intellect capable of acquiring real knowledge.
Through his will, man is capable of loving, of
The Human Intellect making decisions and choices. Man may
Phenomenon of Human Language choose to act or not to act.
- Humans communicate conscious of what - Man possesses transcendental freedom,
they are talking about, unlike mere material that is, being lord of oneself.
apparatuses which simply emit or receive Human happiness consists in the intellect
signals knowing the truth and the will possessing the
Mode of Operation and Action good
- It has the ability to abstract the essences of Man possesses an intellect and a will, which
things. It is capable of seizing what is are immaterial or spiritual faculties.
permanent in them.
- Our sense perceives the things, but it is our Spirituality of man
intellect that captures or understands the What allows man to transcend the boundaries
things of material things
- The products of its abstraction of the The foundation or root of mans dignity
essences of things are concepts which are (Dignity is the quality of being in himself good,
universal valuable, honorable)
- It has the ability for reflection, that is, it can
understand its own understanding Scientific Objective Appraisal of Man
The intellect has the ability to act Classical Anthropology or Rational Psychology
independent of material things (Aristotle)
- Through the intellects mode of operation Man is a rational animal. (Man is a being
and action, it is a spiritual power capable of rational thinking.)
The Human Will - the immanent capacity to grasp the
Mans faculty or power which makes us meaning or essences of things
capable of choosing and loving - what capacitates man
- It is also the power by which a person can to know reality
direct himself or not toward his perfection to be master of self and master of ones
Like the intelligence, the will is a spiritual acts
- Its object is the good in a universal or Phenomenological and Existential Appraisal
absolute sense of Man
- It reflects upon itself, that us, it can want to Man is the concrete, that is, the individual
want dynamic subject
Mans will is free, since he acts upon reality Every human being is a person.
with freedom of choices - That is, his nature is endowed with
- Mans decisions and actions cannot be intelligence and free will.
predicted; not as precise as the physical
Every human being possesses the dignity of a We can discover our strengths and
person weaknesses, our tendencies and passions.
Man is not something, but a conscious We can come to know ourselves.
Every human being that exist: Self-possession or Selfhood
- is a person What accounts for our experiences of
- with a body subjectivity
- thinking and willing - each one of us has an inner world or inner
- capable of subjective interpersonal life or intimacy
relationship - in Tagalog, kalooban.
This presence of self at the very core of each
Personhood of us is what makes us truly unique
what distinguished man from the rest in the No one else can think, feel, or act for us but
world us.
what gives him special qualities which only he - No other creature in this world realizes that
possess: it is a subject except us.
- self-knowledge, self-possession or - No other being is capable of having such
selfhood, self-determination, inalienability, signs of an inner life which grows to the
transcendence, freely giving of self extent that his intellect and will lead him to
live by what is true and good.
Better known as self-awareness or self- Mans Existential Value
consciousness Each man is gifted with a nature that cannot
- what allows us to become conscious of be eliminated; each is given a responsibility,
ourselves and of our actions which cannot be substituted; and each is gifted
The consciousness or awareness of ourselves with a dignity, which is inalienable. (Romano
and of our actions allows us to discover our Guardini)
subjectivity People must not be treated as objects of use
- to be aware of the I such that I am but as subjects to be loved. (Immanuel Kant)
different from you Human beings are more valuable for what
On discovering our subjectivity, we get to they are than for what they have. (Gabrielle
realize that we are the efficient cause of our Marcel)
actions. We become aware that the action
belongs to us. hat we own the act. We Self-determination
become aware that we are self-directing or Reveals the truth that we can put direction to
self-governing. This the conclusions: our actions
- I am free. We can direct ourselves or not towards our
- I am the master of my own acts. perfection: self-fulfillment or self-destruction
- Then, comes the awareness, also, of our We can choose what we are and what we
freedom with responsibility. become
Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and - I can bring myself to love and attain my
will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and desired goals.
so to perform deliberate actions on ones own - I am the builder of my character.
responsibility: - I am the master of my destiny.
- by freewill, one shapes ones own life - Our lifes worth depends on what we make
- human freedom is a force for growth and of it. We cant, or we should not, allow
maturity in truth and goodness ourselves to be dominated by events or by
I, me and myself can be the object of my men. We possess the power to use these
knowing capacity as when I evaluate my events happening around us to our
intentions, my motives, or my aspirations in advantage, for our own good. To live is to
life. create, to produce, and to make a
distinct product of the person, who is in for him; his life is senseless; if love is not
us. revealed to him; if he does not encounter
- In every human act, the person is love, if he does not experience it and make
actualizing his potentials. A person it his own, if he does not participate
determines himself through his act either for intimately in it. It is in this reality that man
good or for ruin. He becomes the person finds the greatness, dignity and value that
he is because of his choices. belong to his humanity. (Wojtyla, Karol)
- Man is becomingwhat he wants to be
through freedom, by the choices he makes. Personalism
(Gabrielle Marcel) Mans Existential Value
Those characteristics reveal the richness of
Inalienability our being a person. Each one of us is a self-
Being persons means we are not mere reflecting, self-evolving, self-defining
individuals in the species. individual
We are not simply objects but are unique and I can act through myself and not being acted
unrepeatable subjects. upon by others nor events.
The question Who are you? refers to your We have been empowered to move ourselves
specific identity which is unique. from within, which in turn gives us the capacity
- Hence, your claim that you are to orient or prevent acts.
irreplaceable is valid. Man, being the efficient cause of his acts,
can be a real agent who can contribute to the
Transcendence perfection of the society to which he belongs
Understanding, loving, and working - The most important resource of any nation
Some evidences of non-materiality or is its people. (Each one of us is that
spirituality, which transcends matters resource.)
The capacity to be more than what we are is Personalism presents the human being in his
also a dimension of our transcendence existential condition with his intersubjective
Self-giving Personalism gives importance to mans
What is the meaning of human life? What are affectivity; and at the same time, esteems
human beings for? mans rationality.
Our personhood reaches its full development Personalism emphasizes the unmistakable
when we are in communication with others distinction between things and person
The concept of the person is a relational one. - The categories, which we apply to things
Only through our relations with other persons must not be applied to men.
does our personhood reach its zenith.
Man has always striven to develop his life
What is man for? through his mind and his work; today his efforts
Man belongs to himself and possesses himself have achieved a measure of success, for he has
only so that he may go out of himself. extended and continues to extend his mastery
Only the person who possesses him/herself is over nearly all spheres of nature. Thanks to
s/he who can give him/herself science and technology! Thanks above all to an
He can engage in interpersonal relationship, increase in all kinds of interchange between
which entails maturity. nations, the human family is gradually coming
Maturity, therefore, is born of self- to recognize itself and constitute itself as one
knowledge. (Wojtyla, Karol) single community over the whole earth. As a
Man is made to love. result man now produces by his own enterprise
- Every person is meant to love and be loved. many things which in former times he looked for
- Human fulfillment consists in achieving a from heavenly powers.
loving relationship with others.
- Man cannot live without love. He
remains a being that is incomprehensible
The Human Person * All fall short in explaining man and his
Man, in his own nature, is united in the behavior
material and spiritual worlds. * All are (in theory) threats to mans dignity.
A being in 2 dimensions: material and spiritual
A union of body and soul Moral Lessons
- Body and soul form one being 1. Every person is of absolute value. Every
- Union forms only one single nature human life is precious.
Materialism sees human as merely body - Human life is always valuable and
Spiritualism sees human as merely soul. independent of its biological situation:
Man is no two beings as in ghost in a machine usefulness, capabilities, etc.
dualism 2. Man, being a person, has rights and
- Our body is not the whole of our nature as obligations, flowing directly and
with the animals, neither is it outside of our simultaneously from his very nature.
nature as in the case of angels. - These rights and obligations are
universal and inviolable, so they cannot
Fact: 1+1=2 in any way be surrendered.
Consensus: Right? All agree.
Explanation: Something obvious (easily seen, Practical Applications
recognized, understood). Lacking subtlety, it is 1. Human life must be respected and protected
very evident. absolutely from the moment of its conception.
2. To alleviate man from ignorance and sub-
Fact: Man is a composite of matter and spirit. human conditions.
(Body and rational soul) 3. Mans Spirituality
Consensus: Right? Not everyone agrees. - The reason why there is a need to
Explanation: Spiritual reality is something struggle against poverty, misery, and
subtle. Difficult to perceive or understand. To every kind of situation that degrades
accept entails reflection on the facts laid before human dignity.
us by nature: Require mental acuteness, - Every person should be allowed
penetration or discernment , plus right moral conditions of life are in accord with
disposition, that is, openness, objectivity and human dignity.
sincerity. Hence, controversial. - We should employ all our energies to
foster true social progress, a progress
Human body that is every more worthy of man.
Living body due to soul
- Spirit is what gives life to matter; what Humans
makes man capable of thinking and loving. the principle of both science and technology
The body is fulfilled not enslaved by the soul the agent of all social and historical changes
Only humans are self-propelled (an interior life
Human soul is bared)
Form of the body
- No external shape but intrinsic meaning
The soul is expressed in the body (not
imprisoned as thought by Plato) Science as Mans Tool in Search for Truth
The Value of Truth
Most Influential Views on Man Only good can arise from the truth:
Charles Darwin an accidentally-evolved - The truth shall set you free.
clever ape - The truth will make you: a man of sound
Karl Marx a mere cog in an economic state judgment and a man of worth
machine A mans measure is often seen in the wealth
Sigmund Freud a suppressed sex maniac of ideas he stores in his mind.
* Reduced notion of man consider man as
soul less
An intellectual is a person who reasons things - Search or research facts
out for whom the search for truth is a basic part - Organization and evaluation of data
of life. - Formation of hypothesis
Ignorance of the truth is the root of many - Testing the hypothesis
social evils.
A scientist:
The truth will make you free. has the ability to recognize the variables and to
This expression contains both a fundamental note the effect of changing one variable at a
requirement and a warning. time
- The requirement: an honest relationship has the ability to make careful measurements
with respect to truth as a condition for and to grasp the central theme of his
authentic freedom. observations
- The warning: to avoid every kind of illusory has the ability o sort out the useful aspects of
freedom, every superficial unilateral information and ignore irrelevant data
freedom, every freedom that fails to enter has the ability to formulate testable hypotheses
into the whole truth about man and the
world. * There is no single scientific method, which
when followed produces guaranteed results.
Liberation is particularly linked with * Scientists observe, gather facts, make
knowledge of the truth. hypothesis, but somewhere along the way they
Man becomes free to the extent that he comes to test their hunches and their organization of
knowledge of the truth and to the extent that this facts by experimenting
truthand not any other forceguides his will. * Scientists, like other human beings, are
intuition and generalized few facts.
World of Ideas (Plato) * Sometimes, scientists make mistakes.
Truth is to be sought for in the world of ideas
Truth, characterized by: universality and Man is capable of greatness!
permanence, cannot come from the material, With the enormous scientific and technical
sensible things progress done in the world, such that S&T
- Material / sensible things are merely techniques are evidences of mans dominion
reflection of reality, which exists in the world over nature
of ideas
- Material / sensible things participate of the Characteristics of Human Intelligence
ideal of its nature in the world of ideas Imperfect / fallible
Material World (Aristotle) Perfectible
Truth must be sought for in the material things Man is given great capacity It is made
Material / sensible things or realities contain powerful by his spiritual powers, the human
within themselves their own principles intelligence and will!
The wold in itself is intelligible, that is, it can be Contemplating the Things around Us
known or understood by man. Man depends on reality for truth.
Man has the capacity to know. The truth in his mind is effect of the truth
Science is Geared toward the Discovery of outside of himself, which he has fully grasped.
Truth Knowledge of the things is like the effect of its
Science is a body of knowledge and acts as an truth.
intellectual process To wonder and ask oneself the questions:
Why is this happening? How is it possible that
Scientific Method something like this can happen?
a step by step method man uses to probe into An awe before the world and what occurs in
facts laid before him by nature it is the beginning of wisdom
- Definition of problem
Ontological Truth: truth in the things the most evident, and that into which all
themselves; reality itself knowledge is resolved.
Logical Truth: the immaterial or intentional
identification of the intellect with the reality of Openness to Truth
things; agreement of the mind with reality; Our experience can grow and our knowledge
conformity of ones judgment with things as also progresses
they are Data change, context change, concerns
change, languages change
Truth versus Certainty - Things can be better conceptualized or
The mind is certain when its has a basis of better expressed
evidence 2 possible causes of error:
Truth should not be confused with certainty - the limitations of the human mind,
Truth: is reality itself; has an objective basis - bad moral dispositions (on some occasions)
Certainty: is the firmness of the assent of the To illustrate: the error of RELATIVISM, which
mind; is a subjective state takes man as the measure of all things, can
Two causes of certainty: lead to the error of SKEPTICISM: Man cannot
- the evidence of things directly in front of us know the truth.
- the authority of a witness who deserves our To be open to all sorts of information,
trust gives rise to human faith or belief, preparation, gift of discernment, and
or moral certainty devoid of these prudence are necessary.
sources of certainty, a mere probability can No one has the sole possession of the truth.
only give rise to opinion, not certainty. For there to be progress in our understanding,
Evidence may be either: direct, or we have to listen to what others have said and
demonstrable, that is, subject to proof say.
- These give rise to rational certainty. - By listening to all the expressions of a
- The mind not only sees the things but also particular reality, progress in our
sees that it cannot be otherwise. understanding and ways of expressing
things is possible.
Human Intellect is Imperfect
2 ways in which the human intelligence can Human Intellect is Fallible
reach the truth: Reality should be perceived by every man in
- Intuitively knowing indirectly without any the same way, because it is not a creation of
process the mind but exists outside of man. Mans
- Discursively knowing through the step by imperfect faculties prevent him from knowing
step reasoning process reality perfectly.
Human intelligence is speculative and There always exists the possibility of
practical. erroneous notions about reality.
Mans ordinary way of knowing is through the
discursive reasoning. The Light of Reason
- Man achieves the knowledge of the truth Applying his reason to the things surrounding
only after several operations. Hence, it is him, man can know or understand nature since
imperfect. it is intelligible.
Man can know things in their truth really and Mans reason can illuminate what is hidden in
truly; although many times imperfectly and nature.
incompletely. Man has the natural capacity to know, to
understand reality as they are, and draw out
Reality measures the Human Intellect the truth from these things.
Our intellect is measured by natural things, Man does this discursively, and not intuitively.
which it knows speculatively; and it is only the Mans reason is geared by nature to truth.
measure of the becoming of artificial things The human reason is a gift for the attainment
Being is the measure of knowledge and of its of the truth.
truth. It is the first thing known, because it is - Man is open to the truth.
- Man has the ability to know the The things, in a certain sense, are the measure
conditions required for man to be able to and the rule of the truth of the intellect.
make judgment and decision.
Truth is necessary to man who is endowed Practical Human Intelligence
with intellect. When the intellect is the cause of becoming of
artificial tings.
Reality measures the Human Intellect It is only the measure of the truth of the
Truth is caused in the intellect by the things, artificial things, in the sense that, if the thing
and does not follow upon the intellects fulfills that for which it has been destined.
estimation of things but rather upon the
existence of things. Human Intellect is Limited
Knowledge is true once it manifests and Man is a composite of matter and spirit. S/he
declares the being of things. perceives reality through his senses but
- The true and the false are not in things but understands (or grasps) reality through his
in the human mind. intellect.
- Opinions of men are not a clear source of Man has both intelligence and sensibility.
truth. The starting point of mans knowledge is
through his senses.
Seeking the Truth is both an Intellectual Task - Mans knowledge begins with his sense
and a Moral Endeavor experience.
Requirements to find the truth Man has both external and internal senses. It
- Fundamental attitude of openness: being is through the external senses that man is in
free from prejudices and weighing up the direct contact with reality.
evidence calmly - Internal Senses:
- Upright intention 1. Coordinating senses or
- Sincerity to the truth consciousness the sense that
When a person shrinks from and does not makes man conscious of sensible
readily accepts things which it is possible for things.
the mind to receive he may with reason be 2. Memory the sense to recognize
accused of stupidity. past experience as past.
When he does not accept things which it is not 3. Imagination the sense to
possible to grasp by reason but only by faith, reproduce sense experiences and
the charge is no longer of stupidity but of elaborate on them.
incredulity. 4. Instinct (estimativa and cogitativa)
To know the truth is necessary to want to know. the sense to feel the good or ill of
- Right moral disposition is needed. sensible experience.