Ucsp PPT 1

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ANTHROPOLOGY • Is the scientific investigation of human

culture and social behavior. Sociology is a
• Is the study , analysis, and description of discipline in social sciences concerned
humanity’s past and present about human society and human social
• Examines people in viewpoints going from • Arose early in the nineteenth century in
the science and transformative history of response to rapid social change.
Homo sapiens.
Auguste Comte (1798-1857)
• The nature of anthropology can be view ❖ French social scholar
from its historical perspective because it is ❖ Father of Sociology
a global discipline involving humanities, ❖ Instituted the term “Humanism” in
social sciences and natural sciences. 1839.

GOALS David Emile Durkheim (1856-1917)

• To comprehend the fossil record of early ❖ French sociologist
people and their precursors just as the ❖ Made the biggest commitment to
archeological record of later ancient social the development of social science
orders. as a social scientific discipline
• To understand how we adapt to different
environmental conditions and how we vary GOALS
as a species. • To understand how membership in one’s
• To comprehend the conduct of monkeys social group affects individual be.
and gorillas in their regular settings. • Understand how cultures and institutions
• To understand how we adapt to different interact in different societies.
environmental conditions and how we vary • To understand the meaning and
as a species. consequences of modernity,
• To comprehend the conduct of monkeys postmodernity and the new globalization.
and gorillas in their regular settings. • Understand the causes and consequences
• To find out about both the natural and of social change in terms of genereal
social parts of humankind all throughout causes and effects as well ass unique
the planet and all through time. historical circumstances.
• To apply anthropological information to • Understand the causes and consequenses
help forestall or take care of issues of living of population composition and pressures
people, including destitution, substance and how population affects the
addiction, and HIV/AIDS. environment and development of
➢ Cultural relativism • Is the study of the nature, causes , and
➢ Comparison consequences of collective decisions and
➢ Fieldwork actions taken by groups of people
embedded in cultures and institutions that
structure power and authority.
• Is methodologically diverse and ➢ Language ( e.g. mother tongue, lingo,
appropriates many methods originating dialect)
psychology, social research, and cognitive ➢ Validity (e.g. values, opinions, laws,
neuroscience. metaphors, meanings)
➢ History (e.g. time experience, milestone,
Aristotle myths)
➢ Space (e.g spatial experience, functional
❖ Father of Political Science
space, living space)
❖ Known for his assertion, “Man is a
➢ Experience ( rituals, customs, practices)
political animal.”
• Is the concern with the process of growth, CULTURE is learned and acquired.
industrialization and change and the - Culture is gained as in there are sure
impact on government forms and policies. practices which are obtaines through
• Is to describe how various political systems heredity.
function, and to find more effective CULTURE is shared by a group of people.
political systems. - An idea or activity might be called
• Is to measure the success of governance culture in case it is shared and accepted
and specific policies by examining many or rehearsed by a gathering of
factors, including stability, justice, and individuals.
material wealth.
CULTURE changes.
- There is information, musings or
UCSP PPT 2 customs that are lost as new qualities

AND UCSP CULTURE is dynamic.

- No culture stays on the perpetual state.
The Concept of Culture Culture is changing continually as novel
thoughts and new procedures are
added over the long haul altering or
Edward B. Tylor changing the old ways.
❖ A complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, CULTURE is diverse.
customs, and any other capabilities and - It is a framework that has a few
habits acquired by man as a member of commonly reliant parts.
CULTURE gives us a scope of passable
TYPES OF CULTURE standards of conduct.
- It includes how a movement ought to
➢ Material Culture
be directed, how an individual should
➢ Non-Material Culture
act properly.

CULTURE is ideational.
➢ Actions (e.g. regime, justice, organization, - Often it sets out an optimal example of
work, religion, techniques, science, art) conduct that are expected to be trailed
➢ Identity (e.g self-consciousness, self- by people in order to acquire social
acknowledgement from individuals 7. Liberty
with similar culture. - Refers to the freedom of individuals
within a society. Liberty, when
UCSP PPT 3 balanced with responsibilities and
considerations for the common good,
SOCIETY plays a crucial role in shaping a just and
vibrant society.
• Is a group of people participating in
continuous social connection.
• Derived from the latin word “societus”
meaning “companionship.” • Composed of people;
• Defined as the web of social relationships. • Likeness and differences;
• Desires are satisfied and interests fulfilled
ELEMENTS OF SOCIETY with joined efforts promoting social
cohesion and solidarity.
1. Usages
• Reciprocal awareness is the most
- Every society has some usages
important ingredient.
concerned with marriage, religion,
education, etc. These usages differ • Cooperation
from society to society. • Mutual interaction of individuals
• A pattern of sysem
2. Procedures • Responsibilities held by means of division
- In every society there are some of labor and delegation of authority
procedures like models of action which
helps to maintain its unity. TYPES OF SOCIET IES
3. Authority - Common territory and language.
- Every society has some sort of - Blood relationship (family) and kinship
authority. Every members of society are the only interconnected social
must obey tos authority. Some sort of institutions.
authority for the maintenance of order - Political organization are not defines as
in society. all people are considered to be equal as
they have virtually have no property.
4. Mutual Aid - Religion is not developed among these
- In every society there exist a feeling of people in to a complex institution.
mutual aid among its members.
Everyone needs help from others. ✓ AGRARIAN SOCIETY
- Dominant economic activity os
5. Groups and Divisions agriculture.
- In every society there exists several - Characteristic of rural communities.
groups and divisions like family, village, - Family plays an important role.
city ect. Which constitute a society. - Sense of unity “we” feeling.
- Social control through informal means.
6. Control - Simplicity, homogeneity and closeness
- Every society exercises to nature.
regulation/control over its members.
Hence, control is necessary for the ✓ INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY
smooth organization of a society. - Emergence of modern family
- Multiple roles
- Class is more important than caste
- Impersonal relationships
- Manufacture and services are the
dominant economic activities.

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