Professionalism Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Professionalism Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Professionalism Rubric Template 6-17-2016
Students demonstrate appropriate work-ethic traits through personal conduct and effective teamwork.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
Attendance Consistently attends class, comes Usually attends class, comes to Occasionally attends class, Does not attend class, come
to class or event on time, and class or event on time, and gives comes to class or event on time, to class or event on time, and
gives timely notification of timely notification of absence. and/or gives timely notification give timely notification of
absence. of absence. absence.
Preparation Consistently comes prepared and Usually comes prepared and Occasionally comes prepared Does not come prepared and
ready for class, complies with ready for class, complies with and ready for class, complies ready for class, comply with
deadlines, and meets expectations deadlines, and meets expectations with deadlines, and/or meets deadlines, and meet
for fulfilling requirements. for fulfilling requirements. expectations for fulfilling expectations for fulfilling
requirements. requirements.
Ownership Consistently takes ownership for Usually takes ownership for Occasionally takes ownership Does not take ownership for
actions, takes ownership for own actions, takes ownership for own for actions, takes ownership for actions or own learning, take
learning, takes appropriate steps learning, takes appropriate steps own learning, takes appropriate appropriate steps to remediate
to remediate any performance to remediate any performance steps to remediate any any performance
shortcomings, and admits errors. shortcomings, and admits errors. performance shortcomings, shortcomings, and admit
and/or admits errors. errors.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
the part of the
assignment here>.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
Respectfulness Consistently acknowledges and Usually acknowledges and Occasionally acknowledges Does not acknowledge and
accepts individual differences, accepts individual differences, and accepts individual accept individual differences,
listens attentively, shares own listens attentively, shares own differences, listens listen attentively, respectfully
point of view as well as point of view as well as attentively, shares own point share own point of view as
considers the views of others, considers the views of others, of view as well as considers well as consider the views of
and demonstrates respect for and demonstrates respect for the views of others, and/or others, and demonstrate
self, others, and authority. self, others, and authority. demonstrates respect for self, respect for self, others, and
others, and authority. authority.
Truthfulness Consistently exhibits Usually exhibits forthrightness, Occasionally exhibits Does not exhibit
forthrightness, truthfulness, and truthfulness, and forthrightness, truthfulness, forthrightness, truthfulness,
trustworthiness. trustworthiness. and/or trustworthiness. and trustworthiness.
<Insert part of the actual <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
assignment or describe
353899741 Page 2 of 6 Based on Rubric June 3, 2015
Students demonstrate appropriate work-ethic traits through personal conduct and effective teamwork.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
the part of the
assignment here>.
Participation Consistently ready to Usually ready to participate, Occasionally ready to Does not participate, is not
participate, engaged in the engaged in the work/class, participate, engaged in the engaged in the work/class,
work/class, makes a positive makes a positive impact on the work/class, makes a positive does not make a positive
impact on the learning learning environment, and impact on the learning impact on the learning
environment, and moves the moves the discussion forward. environment, and/or moves environment, and does not
discussion forward. the discussion forward. move the discussion forward.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
* Written component refers to the context of emails (work or school), D2L discussion boards, or other specific assignments related to professional
COMMUNICATION ** Both the Spoken and Nonverbal components refer to the context of one-on-one interactions, daily interactions with others, and/or presentations.
Written* Consistently provides written Usually provides written Occasionally provides written Does not provide written
communication that is clear, communication that is clear, communication that is clear, communication that is clear,
concise, and easy to concise, and easy to concise, and easy to concise, and easy to
understand; uses proper tone understand; uses proper tone understand; uses proper tone understand; does not use
and correct grammar; and and correct grammar; and and correct grammar; and/or proper tone and correct
crafts messages that are crafts messages that are crafts messages that are grammar; and crafts
appropriate for the intended appropriate for the intended appropriate for the intended messages that are not
audience or purpose. audience or purpose. audience or purpose. appropriate for the intended
audience or purpose.
<Insert part of the actual <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
assignment or describe
the part of the
assignment here>.
Remove prompts from
any unused skill
Spoken** Consistently demonstrates Usually demonstrates spoken Occasionally demonstrates Does not demonstrate spoken
spoken communication that communication that is clear, spoken communication that communication that is clear,
is clear, concise, and easy to concise, and easy to is clear, concise, and easy to concise, and easy to
understand; uses proper tone understand; uses proper tone understand; uses proper tone understand; does not use
and correct grammar; and and correct grammar; and and correct grammar; and/or proper tone and correct
orally delivers messages that orally delivers messages that orally delivers messages that grammar; and does not orally
are appropriate for the are appropriate for the are appropriate for the deliver messages that are
intended audience or intended audience or purpose. intended audience or appropriate for the intended
purpose. purpose. audience or purpose.
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
the part of the
assignment here>.
Nonverbal** Consistently exhibits Usually exhibits nonverbal Occasionally exhibits Does not demonstrate
nonverbal communication in communication in an nonverbal communication in nonverbal communication in
an appropriate demeanor (e.g. appropriate demeanor (e.g. an appropriate demeanor an appropriate demeanor
good eye contact, posture, good eye contact, posture, (e.g. good eye contact, (e.g. good eye contact,
g estures, movement, and gestures, movement, and facial posture, gestures, movement, posture, gestures, movement,
facial expressions) that is expressions) that is and facial expressions) that is and facial expressions), and
appropriate for the intended appropriate for the intended appropriate for the intended such communication is not
audience or purpose. audience or purpose. audience or purpose. appropriate for the intended
audience or purpose.
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
the part of the
assignment here>.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence
APPEARANCE Either one or both of these skill components can be assessed. *This skill component is OPTIONAL, as it is not applicable in every course or environment
and is not intended to address students general classroom appearance. **It is intended to be used in the context of specific situations, e.g., job, internship,
field trip, classroom presentation, etc.
Identification* Consistently identifies attire Usually identifies attire Occasionally identifies attire Does not identify attire
choices, hygiene or safety, and choices, hygiene or safety, choices, hygiene or safety, choices, hygiene or safety, and
overall appearance criteria that and overall appearance and/or overall appearance overall appearance criteria that
are appropriate for a variety of criteria that are appropriate criteria that are appropriate for are appropriate for a variety of
contexts or tasks to be for a variety of contexts or a variety of contexts or tasks to contexts or tasks to be
performed. tasks to be performed. be performed. performed.
<Insert part of the
actual assignment or
describe the part of the
assignment here>. <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
Remove prompts from
any unused skill
Application* ** Consistently maintains attire Usually maintains attire Occasionally maintains attire Does not maintain attire
choices, hygiene or safety, and choices, hygiene or safety, choices, hygiene or safety, choices, hygiene or safety, and
overall appearance criteria that and overall appearance and/or overall appearance overall appearance criteria that
are appropriate for a variety of criteria that are appropriate criteria that are appropriate for are appropriate for a variety of
contexts or tasks to be for a variety of contexts or a variety of contexts or tasks contexts or tasks to be
performed. tasks to be performed. to be performed. performed.
<Insert part of the
actual assignment or
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
describe the part of the
assignment here>.
Does Not
Skill Component Exemplary Proficient Developing No Evidence Apply
Contribution Consistently contributes to Usually contributes to the team Occasionally contributes to the Does not contribute to the team
the team goals, motivates the goals, motivates the team team goals, motivates the team goals, motivate the team forward,
team forward, completes all forward, completes all team forward, completes all team complete all team assigned tasks
team assigned tasks by the assigned tasks by the deadline, assigned tasks by the deadline, by the deadline, and demonstrate
deadline, and demonstrates and demonstrates appropriate and/or demonstrates appropriate interpersonal
appropriate interpersonal interpersonal interactions. appropriate interpersonal interactions.
interactions. interactions.
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe
the part of the
assignment here>. <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
Remove prompts from
any unused skill
Leadership Consistently interacts with Usually interacts with and Occasionally interacts with and Does not interact with and
and supports team members, supports team members, supports team members, support team members, motivate
motivates the team forward, motivates the team forward, motivates the team forward, the team forward, delegate
delegates responsibility delegates responsibility delegates responsibility responsibility appropriately, and
appropriately, and utilizes appropriately, and utilizes appropriately, and/or utilizes utilize management and
management and management and interpersonal management and interpersonal interpersonal skills to resolve
interpersonal skills to resolve skills to resolve conflicts or skills to resolve conflicts or conflicts or difficulties.
conflicts or difficulties. difficulties. difficulties.
<Insert part of the actual
assignment or describe
<operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here> <operationalize here>
the part of the
assignment here>.