Sales Motivation
Sales Motivation
Sales Motivation
Module – 4
Sales Force Motivation & Compensation :
Nature of Motivation, Importance, Process
and factors in the motivation
Compensation : Meaning, Types,
Compensation plans, and evaluation of sales
force by performance and appraisal process.
Sales Management Job : Standard Sales
Management process, international Sales
Management, international market selection,
Market survey approach or strategy.
Motivation is the force within us that directs
our behavior.
Motivation is that element of the salesperson
that stimulates him to increase the efficiency
of his work and thus achieve higher goals.
It implies any emotion or desire that
energizes, activates, moves, directs or
channels behavior towards a goal.
Performance (P) = Ability (A) * Motivation (M)
All the conscious behavior of individuals are
either motivated or inspired.
It is a psychological phenomena which generates
within an individual. It develops the mental power
of an individual and motivates him to perform
It is an ongoing and continuous process. Human
wants are unlimited. As soon as one particular
want is satisfied another one takes its place. Also
all wants cannot be satisfied at the same time.
The entire system of the individual reacts to the
motivation. Each individual is a self contained unit
and his needs are inter related.
Goals form a part of the motivation process. Goal
achievement results in the satisfaction of want.
Thus goal achievement ends the motivation
Motivation can be either positive or negative.
Positive motivation is based on reward.
Negative motivation is based on force or fear.
Motivation involves arousal, direction and
maintenance of behavior towards a goal.
Goal directed leads to certain rewards, the
individual likely to repeat the behavior again
and again.
Achieved through compensation and reward
Satisfaction as a differentiating factor for
degree of motivation is also difficult to
An organization’s effectiveness is a function of the
managerial ability to motivate the sales employee for
achieving sales goals.
Nature of job itself if strong source of
demotivation(prospecting, presentation and
demonstration - monotonous)
Frequent travelling – Salesperson face domestic problems.
Sales organizations serve as a resource pool and nurture
the talent of employees. If motivation issues are not
properly taken care of, the organization may miss the
talent pool.
A sales manager has to find the sources of motivation and
designs systems and procedures to motivate employees to
remain committed by identifying the sources of
demotivation and developing a reward system.
Motivational programme by sales manager
can discover and utilize the hidden talents of
the sales personnel and help in doing their
jobs better.
Positive motivators are introduced to
stimulate the salespeople so that they can
commit more than what they can at any point
of time. The salesperson will get job
satisfaction and the sales organization will be
benefitted by a higher goal achievement. This
kind of mutual benefit will create a win-win
situation for both the organization and the
sales people.
Motivation Process
Behavior Tension
The behavior of the salesperson comprises a
series of activities that the person does by
being motivated to achieve individual and
organizational goals. The salesperson’s
motives are directed towards goals and very
often create a state of disequilibrium.
6. Working conditions
Feelings of unhappiness or dissatisfaction were
due to the environment or job context whereas
feelings of happiness were due to job contents.
It is necessary to maintain hygienic factors at a
specific level because their absence leads to
While the absence of motivational factors does
not affect performance, their presence
definitely leads to improvement in the
The above stated factors are unidimensional
i.e.they flow only in one direction.
The key to job satisfaction and high
performance lies in job enrichment.
Alderfer formulated a need category model with
three main core groups :
Existence Need (E) : Concerned with survival,
i.e., physiological and biological needs, and
safety needs.
Expectancy theories:
Reinforcement theories:
Hull’s drive theory
5. Measurement of Performance
Deciding on evaluation of
individuals and teams
Comparison of actual
performance with standards
2. Deep
3. Subrat
Conduct of Performance Appraisal : A sales
manager can either conduct a performance
appraisal or the salespeople can do a self-
appraisal. The primary evaluator should be the
immediate supervisor of the salesperson in the
organization since the immediate supervisor has
the knowledge of the salespeople, his territory, and
work experience as a salesperson himself.
Individual versus Team Appraisal : Most of the
performance appraisals are done on an individual
basis. The appraisal systems are developed to
evaluate the contribution of each member of the
sales force towards organizational objectives. Many
organizations have built up a culture of team-
based selling, where team appraisal is done.
Frequency : Performance appraisal of
salespeople is undertaken on an annual basis.
However, more and more organization’s now
measure the performance of salespeople on a
quarterly basis.
Influence of External Variables : The most
common influencing factors are the legal and
ethical issues involved in evaluation.
Examine Job Descriptions
Specific factors
Trends in domestic market
Trends in export and import
Nature of competition
Supply conditions of raw
Market Selection Process
Advanced selling
Sales interview
Flexible presentation
Product demonstrations
Handling objections
Manufacturer’s Representatives
High level of control
Prerequisites for selection
Legalities related to selection and termination
Training aspects and support programs
Low cost entry
It involves a rider(more established brand) and
a carrier(new entrant)
Whirlpool and Sony, AT&T and Toshiba in
Sometimes it can be a reciprocal
Independent agents
Facilitating intermediaries
Transporting and warehousing
Market research/advertising
Establishing direct sales force abroad
Useful when greater commitment and control is
Sales force structure (standard or customized)
Size of sales force
Market similarities
Company operations
In Germany PHD holders are selected to sell
chemical equipments
Pfizer selects MBBS candidates to promote
their specialty product in India.
Muslims- Buddhist in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Hindu Muslim in India and Pakistan, Sunni
and Shia in middle east.
Social satisfaction
USA health based, India caste based, sonority
in japan.
Different criterions and different products
and industries.