Appendix B Sample Invitation To Tender Letter
Appendix B Sample Invitation To Tender Letter
Appendix B Sample Invitation To Tender Letter
Name xxxxxxxxxxxx
Address xxxxxxxxxx
xx xxxxxx 201x
Re: Invitation to Tender for [Architectural / Civil/Structural / Building Services (mechanical &
electrical)] [select one lead consultancy service as appropriate] Consultancy Services for xxxx
project at xxxx school
Roll Number xxxxxX
A Dhaoine Uaisle
On behalf of the School Authority (the Contracting Authority for this project) you are hereby invited to
tender for [Architectural / Civil/Structural / Building Services (Mechanical & Electrical)] services [select
one lead consultancy service as appropriate] (including buying in of additional services for other
disciplines as required) for the above project.
The project consists of [Give a brief outline of the proposed project including any relevant information
(such as the size, nature and scope of the project, or any particular constraint or difficulty which in the
view of the School Authority may influence the project) and the approximate level of grant. This
information may be included here or appended as a separate document.]
The Form of Contract will be the Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services
(Technical COE1) including the Template Schedule A and B, available at under
School Design > Appointment of Consultants > Small Works and Small Devolved Projects. The scope
of service is detailed in the tender documents and in Design Team Procedures for Small Works (TGD
007) available at
Tenders must be returned to [School details including e-mail address if tenders are being accepted by
e-mail] on or before [date and time]. Tenders sent to any other address will be deemed invalid
tenders. Unsigned tenders/tender proposal forms will likewise be deemed invalid tenders. The
signature for the Form of Tender/Tender Proposal Form must be that of a Principal or Director of the
firm. Tenders must be in the format prescribed in the Form of Tender/Tender Proposal Form and all
required documents must be submitted.
Tenders may be submitted by hand, by registered post or by e-mail. Tenders submitted by e-mail
must include all attachments in PDF format, signed and scanned. The onus is on the sender to obtain
proof of delivery of any tender unless sent by registered post or recorded delivery.
All queries in relation to this tender competition must be submitted by e-mail to [state e-mail address]
as soon as possible and in any event not later than 5 working days before the latest time for receipt of
tenders, although the Contracting Authority may at its discretion respond to queries raised after that
date. If the Contracting Authority responds to a query, it will send the response to each Candidate
unless the Candidate raising the query has clearly designated the query as confidential and the
Contracting Authority agrees that it should be treated as confidential.
Tenders will be assessed in accordance with Guidance on Procuring Consultants for Small Works, 3 rd
Edition April 2016.
Candidates may visit the site by prior arrangement with the School Authorities.
Is mise, le meas
Co. xxxxxx.
(on behalf of the School Authority)