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Tender No. WAP/P&H/ARUNACHAL PRADESH/BC/2016-2017 dated 24th May, 2017



(A Government of India Undertaking)
76-C, Sector-18, Institutional Area, Gurgaon (Haryana)
Contact Officer:
Jatinder Kumar, Chief Engineer(P&H)
Contact No. 0124 – 2397395/2397388/2348028

MAY 2017



WAPCOS Ltd. intends to Detailed Engineering & Consultancy Services for Provision
of Buildings & Services at Baisakhi Complex for Military Engineer Services (MES).

Tender document can be downloaded from our website: www.wapcos.co.in till

the last date of submission.


2.1 Baisakhi station is in proximity of line of actual control in West Kameng Distt of
Arunachal Pradesh. The project area is wide spread in pockets from Nyukmadong
(NKD) to Baisakhi, Senge, Shangrila, Baisakhi and Ahirgarh. The general area of
Baisakhi is located in HAA and seismic zone V with altitude from 7000 to 12500 ft
and is connected by road network along National Highway joining tezpur to
Tawang. The weather condition during winter is extreme cold with snowfall and
the temperature varies from -60 C to 100 C. During summer the temperature
varies from 30 C to 200 C. The max rainfall is approx 75 mm from May to Aug and
max wind speed 10-15knots from Feb to May. The land area approx 314.28 acres
is required to be developed into military establishment. There is no existing
services nearby at present. The electricity take over point will be developed along
with electric supply main receiving station by A.P Elect, Circle No IV deptt of
power, Dirang. Water treatment plant and its source will be provided by PHE &
WS Division Bomdila, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh.

2.2 The job involves complete Consultancy services from survey to completion
including preparation of CPR geo-technical survey, soil investigation, preparation
of detailed Project Report, design and drawing, bill of quantities, cost estimates,
preparation of tenders and evaluation of bids for construction of OTM
Accommodations and services at Baisakhi.


 Approvals/permissions required for carrying out the work

 Letters to concerned Government Departments to make available the
relevant data, if available
 Location plan of the Survey Area


4.1 Technical Criteria

4.1.1 Similar Work Experience

The Consultant should have carried out similar works of minimum value as
follows during the last seven years: -

a) Should have provided consultancy for a single project of cost 364.00 Crore.
b) Should have provided consultancy for two projects not less than 227.00 Crore.
c) Should have provided consultancy for three works costing 182.00 Crore.

Similar work means similar consultancy services for construction of

buildings with RCC framed Construction from conceptual planning stage including
topographical survey, preparation of line plan, soil investigation,
architectural/structural drgs, preparation of estimates etc.

4.1.2 The consultant/firm shall -

a) Have technical/professional people strength of at least 10 qualified and

capable engineers/architects on the regular roll for project. At least 50% of
the technical personnel shall be degree holders in relevant field of
engineering/architecture. Details of technical staff as per bid document
should be submitted along with the tender document.

b) Must have requisite licensed software.

c) The firm should have neither direct affiliation with any foreign firm, nor any
foreign national in the board of directors/management. In addition, no foreign
national should be employed by the firm

4.2 Financial Criteria

a. Minimum average annual turnover for consultancy works for the last three
years shall be Rs.500.00 lakhs

b. The firm should be solvent upto Rs.300.00 lakhs


5.1 The tender shall be submitted in two parts:

Part – I : Technical Proposal

Part – II : Financial Proposal

Each of the above mentioned two parts shall be sealed in separate envelopes duly
superscribing Part – I (Technical Proposal) and Part – II (Financial Proposal) on the
respective envelopes. The two envelopes shall be put under one sealed cover

duly superscribing the name of the project and name of the work before

5.2 The bidder shall submit the following information in the Technical Proposal:

a) Earnest Money Deposit

b) Tender Document Fee
c) Power of attorney in the name of person signing the application and tender
related document.
d) Bid Submission form as per the format given in Tech Form -1.
e) Organization profile, General organizational capability and resources including
manpower, other resources etc.
f) List of similar works undertaken (both completed and ongoing) along with the
cost and project duration as per format given at Tech Form -2.
g) Work Order and Work Completion Certificates from Clients for the works to
be considered for evaluation
h) Detailed methodology to be adopted for carrying out this consultancy.
i) Activity Schedule for the completion of study preferably in week wise.
j) List of consultant’s customers in the last 7 years:
k) An undertaking that financial proposal does not contain any condition (s).
Deviations, if any, shall be mentioned in the technical proposal itself.
l) Documents in Support of Registration, Ownership as well as Constitution and
legal status of the Applicant
m) Chartered Accountant Certificate mentioning Turnover of the Company during
Last three financial years (as per format given in Tech Form -3)
n) Auditor Certified Copies of Audited Balance Sheets for last three financial
o) Auditor Certified Copies of Income Tax Returns of Last three Financial Years
p) Solvency Certificate from a Scheduled Bank as on date of request for the
purpose of bidding
q) Name and Address of Bankers for verification.
r) Proof of Constitution, Memorandum and Articles of Association etc.
s) List of Key Staffs Proposed along with their detailed CV as per format given in
Tech Form -4.
t) Self-Declaration of Litigation History / Arbitration cases pending with details, if
u) Self-Declaration of have neither direct affiliation with any foreign firm, nor any
foreign national in the board of directors/management. In addition, the firm
will not employ no foreign national.
v) Copy of Service Tax/ VAT Registration Certificate
w) Copy of PAN Card
x) Copy of EPF Registration
y) The bidder should enclose a copy of this tender document without rates and
cost along with the technical proposal duly signed in token of having read and
agreed to the tender document, failing which the bid shall be disqualified.

5.3 The bidder shall submit only cost in the financial bid. The financial bid shall not
contain any conditions. The BOQ shall also contain cost of extra items as
proposed by the bidder in the technical bid.

5.4 The bidders are advised to undertake at their discretion a reconnaissance of the
site at their cost, to familiarize themselves with the site conditions before
preparing the bid.

5.5 All the Pages of Bid document shall be signed and numbered serially. If any
information in Bid is missing or not clearly specified or found ambiguous, it will be
assumed that the bidder is not in a position to supply/ share the information and
therefore will be evaluated accordingly.

5.6 The bids shall be accompanied by Tender Document Fee of Rs. 10000/-(Rupees
Ten Thousand only)a Demand Draft drawn in favour of WAPCOS Limited payable
at New Delhi / Gurgaon and an EMD of Rs. 8,25,000.00/- (Rupees Eight Lakhs
Twenty Five thousand only) in the form of DD/Cheque /Bank Guarantee. No other
form of EMD shall be accepted. The quotations received without EMD or any
other form of EMD shall be summarily rejected. The EMD of unsuccessful bidder
shall be returned. However, in case of successful bidder the EMD shall be
returned on submission of Security Deposit.

5.7 The bidder whose bid is accepted, will be required submit security deposit.
Security Deposit of Rs. 8,75,000 will be required to be submitted within thirty
days of the receipt by the consultant of the notification of the acceptance of
his tender, failing which this sum will be recovered from the first RAR payment
or from the first final bill. However, in cases where any payment is made to the
consultant within thirty days of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of
tender, the amount of individual security deposit shall be recovered from such

5.8 Your tender should reach us at our Gurgaon office by 31st May, 2017upto 1500
hrs. We shall not be responsible for any delay in receipt of the tender. Late
tenders shall not be considered. WAPCOS reserves the right to reject any or all
the tenders, without assigning any reasons thereof. The technical proposal (Part I)
shall be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs.

Chief Engineer (P&H)

P&H Division,
Room No. C-22,
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector-18, Institutional Area,
Gurgaon, Haryana – 122015.
Contact No. 0124 – 2341859/2397388
E-mail – ports@wapcos.co.in ,wapdelhi@rediffmail.com

WAPCOS shall not be responsible for any delay in receipt of the tender. Late
tenders shall not be considered. WAPCOS reserves the right to reject any or all
the tenders, without assigning any reasons thereof. The technical proposal
(Envelope 1) shall be opened on the same day at 1530 hrs. Financial bids of the
technically qualified bidders shall be opened at a later date under intimation to
technically qualified bidders. Bidder(s) or his authorized representative may
remain present at the time of opening, if they so desire.


6.1 Bidding by joint venture firm is not allowed.

6.2 The successful bidder must carryout, complete in all respect, the following task of
project within the period as indicated below:-

Sl.No Scope of Work Time Frame

Phase – I
(a) Go ahead for preparation of CPR G Datum (Date of
[The Conceptual Project Report (CPR) shall include the detailed geographical information of the
proposed site like wind, snow, rainfall and other data. The CPR shall include the type of construction
proposed methodology of construction to be adopted, comfort of proposed structure from harsh
climatic conditions with cost effectiveness. Proposal for sewage services shall also be prepared
separately alongwith other services. The CPR shall be got vetted from IIT/NIT]
(b) Submission of CPR G + 60 days
(c) Correction of deficiencies and change in CPR as per owners G + 80 days
comment and re-vetting if required
(d) Approval of CPR by owner G + 90 days

Phase – II
(a) Go ahead for Prep of DPR/Acceptance of contract whichever is G (Datum) [G for Ph-
earlier) IIshall be after
approval of CPR]
(b) Preparation of line plan for all buildings G + 20 days
(c) Submission of Topographical Survey Report and Contour Plan G+ 30 days
(d) Submission of Soil Investigation Report G + 60 days
(e) Submission of final DPR (including Internal and Ext services) G + 160 days
Arboriculture and Furniture) after taking following action
(i) Power pt prsn on DPR to owner & user at CCE(Army) No 2 or any G + 125 days
other place as decided by CCE
(ii) Incorporating changes/ deficiencies in DPR
(iii) Countersignature of DPR by Stn Cdr/user By G + 140 days
(f) Go – Ahead for IIT/NIT Vetting By G + 150 days
Note - Concurrently process of DPR approval Part I & II (Part II to be submitted by MES) by MoD
would be undertaken by dept.
(g) Submission of IIT vetted Drawings G + 180 days
(h) Go – Ahead for prep of contractual documents (after approval of DPR G + 210 days
by MoD & submission of vetted drgs for IIT)
(j) Submission of tender docus incl BOQs, yardsticks (Three hard copies G + 240 days
and a soft copy to be submitted at this stg)
(k) Checking of documents by deptt correction by consultant and G +270 days
submission of corrected tender documents (Three hard copies and
one soft copy is be submitted to CCE(Army) No 2 and two hard
copies and one soft copy to be submitted to project manager at
(k) Issue ofbid G + 300 days
(l) Tender presentation by PM at CCE(Army)No 2 (To be attend by G + 315 days
consultant and user/rep)
(m) Issue of amdt (s) (if any) after tender esentation G + 330 days
(n) Receipt of bid G + 360 days
(o) Evaluation of bid documents and recommendation alongwith G + 380 days
complete market analysis
(p) Acceptance of tender G + 400 days
(q) Submission of 6 set of tender drawings (final revised) for preparation G + 415 days
of CTC
(r) Execution of the project 30 to 40 months
(Depending on
the size of the
project and the
sanctioned period
of completion)

(i) The broad scope of consultant is given in tender documents, however the guideline for
preparation of Detailed Project Report. DPR are as per Appendix D.

(ii) The list of OTM Accn and services to be constructed shall be given after acceptance of
bid along with copy of board of officers based on which the works are to be planned and
DPR is to be prepared.

Note 1:- The exact period for execution of the project will be as per contract(s) concluded
with contractor(s) i.e. Builder and it shall be noted by the consultant that in case of any
delay in completion of the project for whatsoever reasons, the consultant shall not be
relieved of his responsibilities after the period given against execution of project and shall
not be entitled for any compensation for first one years from the date of expiry of the date
of completion. The extra payment of beyond one year of date of completion shall be paid as
per payment condition given in payment condition here in after.
Note 2:- The action for advertising the works in public shall be taken by CCE(Army) No2
sufficiently in advance during DPR stage so that tenders could be issued at the earliest after
Approval of DPR.
Note 3:- In case of failure of the consultant, to prepare and submit DPR, tender
documents or within the stipulated period from the date of go ahead liquidated damage @
Rs. 25000/- per week of delay shall be recovered from the consultant.
Note 4:-In case of failure of the consultant, to prepare submit tender documents within a
period of two weeks from the date of go ahead for same, liquidated damage @ Rs. 15000/-
per week of delay shall be recovered from the consultant.
Note 5:-In case of delay in evaluation of quoted tender document and recommendations
within a period of two weeks from the date of receipt of tenders, liquidated damage @ Rs.
25000/- per week of delay shall be recovered from the consultant.
Note 6:- The job of preparation of DPR documents includes for internal and external
services also namely External Electrification including substation building, external water
supply including pump-house, and sewage including sewage treatment plan including
services (beyond first manhole) evaluation of such bids and execution of such external
services is within the scope of the work.

6.3 The consultant shall employ only Indian Nationals after verifying their
antecedents and loyalty.


tenderer revoking his offer or revising his rates upwards/offering voluntary
reduction, after opening of finance bid, the Earnest Money deposited by him shall
be forfeited. Such bidders and his related firm shall not be permitted to
participate in the tender in second call or subsequent calls. Reduction offered
by the tenderer on the Freak High rates referred to the tenderer for review shall
not be treated as voluntary reduction.

6.5 The time allowed for the completion of work has been worked out through CPM
after dividing the work in board stage.

6.6 The tenderer shall make/update the CPM chart by using software’s like MS
PROJECTor PRIMAVERA or any other suitable software after taking prior approval
from PM.

6.7 The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid in

accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender from the date of
handing over site, which will be on or about two weeks after the date of
Acceptance of tender.

6.8 The tenderers are advised to visit the site of OTM Accommodations. A tenderer
shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all related documents, samples, site
etc. whether he has inspected site or not.

6.9 Bidder shall treat the Bidding Document and contents hereof as confidential.

6.10 Bid shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 90 days from closing date of
submission of the bid excluding the date of submission of the bid. The Bidder shall
not be entitled during the said period to vary the bid.

6.11 The successful Bidder shall be required to execute a formal Agreement as per
Form of Contract enclosed with this tender with the WAPCOS within 15 days from
the date of intimation with regard to acceptance of bid. In case the bidder fails to
do so, his Earnest Money Deposit shall be forfeited.

6.12 Successful bidder/consultant shall themselves collect the following information

from CCE(Army) No2/concerned Station Commanders/users for ensuring
completion of the work in all respects withinthe time schedule agreed for the
Project.The Project comprises of construction of various OTM Accommodation
including services at Baisakhi Complex

1. Land availability – Its size, location.

2. Type of OTM accommodations to be constructed alongwith BOO based on
which works are to be planned.
3. Scale of Accommodation and amendments thereto. Defence works procedure
4. Plinth Areas to be considered for planning.
5. Specifications to be incorporated.
6. Military Engineer Services Standard Schedule of Rates. 2010, Scale
of Accommodation 2009.(Contractor)
7. Security requirements.
8. Preference for double storey/multi-storey.
9. Approval of Detail Project Report.
10. Issue of administrative approval.
11. General Conditions of Contract (IAFW-2249) (Contractor).
12. Visit/Inspection by owner’s representative.
13. Releasing of payments to the Consultants based on certification by Project
Manager andCCE (Army) No 2 through as given in bid documents.

6.9 Data Collection: Data required for carrying out the survey work and land maps
are to be collected from all concerned agencies and department by the
contractor. However, WAPCOS shall issue necessary authorization letters
required, if any for collecting the same.

6.10 Incomplete tender or tender received after the last date shall not be considered
under any circumstances.

6.11 Contractor shall be submitting Daily Progress Reports to WAPCOS Ltd. about the
progress of the work then and there and shall comply to the instructions of
Engineer-in-Charge of WAPCOS LTD.

6.14 In the event of any dispute, the decision of the CMD, WAPCOS LTD shall be final &
binding. The Jurisdiction of the Arbitration shall be at New Delhi.

6.15 WAPCOS reserves the right to reject any one or all the tenders without assigning
any reason thereof.


7.1 WAPCOS LTD may, at its discretion, award total or part of the work and may split
the work among more than one bidder depending upon their Technical
capabilities and Financial Ability.

7.2 The contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety; loss, theft, and
breakdown etc. of their equipment and safety of the manpower and shall get the
same Appropriately Insured.

7.3 The quantities indicated in BOQ are tentative only. The payment shall be made as
per actual quantities at the rates accepted by WAPCOS.

7.4 The survey Details/Data collected shall not be passed on to any other person or
organization or used anywhere else by the contractor without the prior
permission of WAPCOS Ltd.



8.1. To provide consultancy for construction of OTM accommodations including all

services facility for the Armed Forces within the stipulated time, cost and
conditions following all the caudal requirements, considering limiting condition of
the area taking into accounts the seismic considerations and overall aesthetics of
the projects. The projects shall be so designed to cause minimum environmental

8.2 Scope of services of the consultant shall be spread over in phases as under :-

a) Pre-Construction phase (Survey, Soil investigation, preparation of CPR,

preparation of DPR finalization of drawings, vetting from IIT/NIT, tender, bid
evaluation, acceptance of contract)
b) Construction phase (Execution of work by builders rendering clarification, site

8.2.1 Helping MES with advice on technical matters in respect of the project in settling
disputes, if any with the contractor(s) and assisting the MES in arbitration
proceedings to settle the disputes with contractor (s), if any in accordance with
CA provisions.

8.3 It must be clearly understood by the consultant that the time of completion of
Phase – II may span more than 4 years. The consultant shall establish a liaison
cell with authorized technical representative with one computer operator along
with serviceable computer, printer and telephone with connection etc, at the
office of CCE(Army) No 2, Missamari, MES on permanent basis during pre-
construction phase. Consumable spares of all types will also be provided nothing
extra shall be payable to the consultant on this account.

8.4 In case of non-functioning of any equipment, same shall be replaced/rectified

within a period of 72 hours. If not replaced/rectified a penal deduction @ Rs
1000/day shall be made from the running bills of the project.

8.5 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR). The DPR shall be prepared
separately for each station work wise and Based on the “Go Ahead” given by
WAPCOS, the consultant shall prepare and submit 5 copies initially for approval
and final 5 copies after correction (if any) for highlighting the following:-

a) Layout covering complete Land use/Zonal Plans/Green Areas/Arboriculture –

to be shown on drawings.
b) Line plan of various buildings.
c) Topographical survey of area and Record of levels /level chart, preparation of
contour plan.
d) Detailed report on soil investigations, its findings and recommendations.
e) Layout of various blocks and buildings: Plans, Elevations, Sections and
Perspectives duly approved by all levels of MES.
f) Green Building Norms incorporated in the project. Projects shall be designed
for economical use of energy efficient buildings shall be planned.
g) Technical Parameters covering the following keeping in view the
environmental safeguards including permissions/clearances from local
authorities to ensure the approval of proposed structures at each site. Any
payment to local authorities in this regard shall be reimbursed by the owner
on production of official receipt by the consultant.

i. Line plan and after approval of line plan detailed Architectural, Structural,
electrical, water supply, sanitary sewage and construction drawings.
Detailed Arboriculture drawing.
ii. Design, drainage, roads details duly certified by the consultant. These
design details shall be got proof checked through any of the IIT/ NIT.
Outsourced proof checking by will not be accepted. WAPCOS at its
discretion may also get the design proof checked directly from IIT/NIT if
WAPCOS is satisfied that consultant is not able to submit the detail design
duly approved by IIT/NIT. All the vetted design shall bear the signature
and seal of Professor vetting the drawing with the seal and signature of
consultant. Complete design folders (2 hard copy and one soft copy
(AutoCAD and PDF) shall be submitted).
iii. Detailed specifications of structures service and finishes.
iv. Type of materials to be used in construction.
v. Type of scaffolding (only steel / Aluminum).
vi. Detailed BOQ and estimates including yardsticks.
vii. Following liquidity damages will be levied on the WAPCOS by the MESif
the variation in Bills of Quantity in contract in any trade section prepared
by successful bidder is beyond 5% unless the variation is necessitated due
to user requirement :-

S/No Variation in BOQ in a Liquiditydamage

trade section
1. More than 5% upto10% 5%ofpayablefeefor thetrade
2. More than 10%upto20% 10%ofpayablefeefor the trade
3. More than 20% 15%ofpayablefeefor the trade

If, there is variation in Bills of Quantity in contract in any trade section and
because of this client imposes liquidity damages on WAPCOS as per the
above para & table, in that case, equal actual amount of the liquidity
damages will be deducted from the successful bidder’s bill.

viii. For Variation in BOQ upto 10% in the trade section of site clearance only
no liquidity damage will be charged. However, if the variation in BOQ of
site clearance is more than 10% liquidity damage at the rate specified in
clause 17(f) (x) Sl No.2 and Sl No. 3 above will be charged to the
ix. Estimates of all works catered in DPR shall be as per SSR-2010 of MES. If
certain items are not available in SSR-2010 of MES then the market rates
shall be taken for working out the rates. The detail of market rate with
supporting quotation shall be given.
x. Calculation of plinth area rates per square meter of building work
including internal electrification, internal water supply, sanitary and
plumbing work and built in furniture.
xi. Draft lump sum and or item rate tender documents as decided by
WAPCOS to be issued to contractors.
xii. Any other details as deemed necessary and highlight the specific issues in
DPR (station-wise) for information and attention of OWNER, MES.

h) Any other details as spelt out by the Chief Engineer, WAPCOS during currency
of contract.
i) Guideline on DPR is brought out in Appendix “D‟.

8.6 In the event of difficulty in Preliminary Survey at site because of thick

bushes/jungle etc., the same shall be cleared by the consultant on written order
of CCE(Army) No 2/ Project Manager. The payment for the same will be made as
per following schedule, while submitting the payments for stage I.

S/ Item Unit Soft/ Hard Soft

No. loosesoil densesoil disintegrated
(inRs.) (inRs.) rock (inRs.)

1. Surface excavationnotexceeding 30 Sqm

cmdeepandaveraging15cmdeep 15.90 27.80 61.60

2. Removing excavatedmaterialto Cum Soils Rocks

distanceexceeding 250mbut not exceeding
500mand deportingwhere directed.
149.40 200.60

The type/classification of soil and quantity of the item will be certified by Project
Manager/ CCE(Army) No 2.

8.7 Tenders
(a) Prepare and submit 5 hard copies and 2 soft copies of complete tender
documents and ensure for its correctness with respect to technical
and financial aspects. The tenders shall be based on General Conditions
of Contract. Lump sum tender shall include yardstick for payment based
on detailed bill of quantities.
(b) The Consultant shall evaluate the financial portion of tender documents in
all aspects including financial evaluation and submit recommendation to
CCE(Army) No 2 for their approval alongwith detailed market analysis
with supporting details like quotations, price lists etc.
(c) Assist PM to obtain necessary approval from local agencies required if
any for commencement of construction work or pertaining to services
(Electric & water supply).
(d) Any other details / works spelt out by CCE(Army) No 2 during tender
process till acceptance of contract.

Note (i) :- After approval of tender documents by the owner-MES., the

consultant shall give complete 5 sets of tender documents including drawings
to the owner-MES., for issue of tenders.
Note (ii):- In case re-tendering is to be done, Consultant shall repeat the
process of Para 8.7 without any extra payment.
Note (iii):- CCE (Army) No 2 may exclude any detail/ document from DPR while
getting approval of the DPR. However, consultant will not be absolved of his
responsibilities for submission of that document/ a detail before payment of
the stage is released.
Note (iv): - Consultant shall not interact with any prospective bidder during
bidding stage and shall not divulge any information to the bidders. Any direct
interaction with bidders is liable to be cause ban on the consultant as decided
by Accepting Officer.


Project manager (PM) is the representative of CCE(Army) No 2 at site of work.
Consultant shall render necessary advice to the PM whenever asked related to
any aspect associated with the scope of work like clarification on design,
drawings, schedule any aspect related with site or technical/users requirement.

8.9.1 Visit of consultant

Consultant during the construction Phase consultant team shall make visits for
works during different stages of construction within 2 week of written request
from PM, MES to carry out such visit. PM, MES shall also notify the purpose of
visit in case some clarification is requirement or some issue of importance has
arisen. (The visits requested will be paid for on actual expenditure basis for
entitled class of travel & boarding and enhanced by 10% (Ten Percent) overhead
charges. PMs decision in this respect shall be binding add as disputed). In case the
consultant fails to abide by such requests, the cost borne by the deptt in seeking
clarifications on such issues from any Govt re- consigned institution IIT/NIT shall
be recovered from the consultant.

Note :- In case of deviation order because of incorrect specification, wrong

drafting of specification the consultant shall be charged @10% of value of
such deviations as liquidity damages. The responsibility for assisting department
in arbitration/litigations.

(a) Whenever, the owner exercises his authority to cancel any of the contract
with contractor (s), inventory of the following shall be made jointly by the
consultant, Project Manager and the concerned contractor or their
accredited representative through the board of officers and in case of
failure of the concerned contractor or their accredited representative to
join within the period notified to him, by the consultant and the Project
Manager as per details given below:-

(i) Completed and in-completed items of works.

(ii) Materials brought by contractors and lying at site for incorporationin
the work.
(iii) Tools, plants, other equipments including materials such as shuttering
and scaffolding etc brought by contractor and laying at site.
(iv) Temporary office and /or storage shed / space constructed at site.
The consultant shall prepare tender documents based on the details
prepared above and shall submit 4 Copies along with soft copy of complete
tender documents after tender presentation for issue of risk and cost
tender(s). On receipt of bids, consultants shall carryout the tender
evaluation and submit recommendation. The consultant shall be
compensated for preparing detailed risk and cost contract documents,
evaluation of tender documents in all respect including technical and
financial evaluation and submission of recommendations to CCE for
approval @ 0.20% of accepted amount of risk and cost contract. The
consultant shall finalise the final bill of the contractor (s) whose contract(s)
has / have been terminated.


Preparation of “FINAL REPORT” which will contain all technical and financial
information of the project for record of CCE.

The consultant shall assist in preparation of replies and settle all observations
raised by various agencies with respect to the project if it pertains to their scope
of work and services provided by them.

The consultant shall not use or reveal the details of the project to any third
party without permission of the owner and shall return all the records of project
whether hard copy or soft copy to the owner on completion of the contract.

9.0 Other terms and Conditions

9.1 It is expressly mentioned that project Cost shall not include cost of land and
escalation, if any and percentage quoted by consultant of project cost shall not
be paid on cost of land, escalation, if any

9.2 Official Secrets Act and Security of Classified Information and Documents

The Consultant shall not disclose to any third person or party any information,
data, tender documents and contents thereof, design, drawings, plans,
specifications etc. received from the WAPCOS/MES or collected during their site
visits to various military stations at any time either in whole or in part and shall
ensure to preserve the secrecy of the above information and shall not use the
same for any purpose other than construction, maintenance and operation of the
resultant Project/Plant. Officers, staff, employees of the Consultant handing all
such information shall be subject to the OFFICAL SECRETS ACT and violations, if
any, shall be dealt with accordingly.

9.3 Ownership of Information/Data/Designs/Drawings/Developed by the

Consultant under the Contract

Ownership of all data, documents, drawing, designs developed by the Consultant

at WAPCOS cost under this contract shall rest with the WAPCOS. The consultant
shall hand over all such materials (in print as well as in electronic media ) to
WAPCOS Head Office in Gurgaon before the payment of that material/document
is claimed. Authority for future use of these materials shall solely rest with the
OWNER. Accordingly a certificate to this effect that these documents will not be
utilized by them for any other project without the permission of WAPCOS shall be
rendered at the time of submission of tender.

9.4.1 The consultant shall hold harmless and indemnify the WAPCOS, against any
claims or liability because of personal injury including death of any employees
of consultant arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this Tender.

9.4.2 WAPCOS shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property of any kind
belonging to consultant or his employees, servants or agents during execution
of the contract.

The tender and benefits and obligations thereof shall be strictly personal to
the parties.
The Consultants shall begin carrying out the Services at the end of Maximum 15
days‟speriod after the date of issue of work order to the successful bidder.


The WAPCOs may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultant, suspend all
payments the Consultant hereunder if the Consultant fail to perform any of their
obligations under this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services
provided that such notice of suspension.

(a) Shall specify the nature of the failure and.

(b) Shall request the Consultants to remedy such failure within the period
not exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultants of such
notice of suspension.


If at any time in spite of reasonable notices, the WAPCOS considers that the
consultant is making default or is not progressing diligently or that the quality of
services rendered by the consultant is not satisfactory, or that the consultant is
not effectively cooperative in achieving the targets of the scheme in one way or
other or that the consultant is lacking in professional ethics or misconducts
himself, then WAPCOS may at his own discretion terminate this contract in whole
or in part as he deems fit without assigning any reason, In the event of such
termination, the consultant shall be entitled to be paid only for those stages of
work/services which have been fully and satisfactorily completed by the
consultant. No compensation whatsoever for payment shall be due to the
consultant for any incomplete stage or on any other account. Any drawings,
design etc received by the WAPCOS for incomplete stage however becomes the
property of the WAPCOS.

Whenever the WAPCOS exercises his authority to terminate the contract as a

whole or in part due to above said reason (s), he may complete the consultancy
services by any means at the consultant’s risk and cost provided always that in
the event or cost of completion or after alterative arrangements have been
finalized by the OWNER to get the consultancy services completed, estimated
cost of completion (as certified by the WAPCOS) being less then the contract cost,
the advantage shall accrue to the WAPCOS. If the cost of completion or after
alterative arrangements have been finalized by the WAPCOS to get the
consultancy services completed, estimated cost of completion (as certified by
WAPCOS) exceeds the moneys due to the consultant under this contract, the
consultant shall either pay the excess amount ordered by WAPCOS or the same
shall be recovered from the consultant by other means.


At any time before his services and obligations under the contract is completed by
the consultant, the WAPCOS, shall have right to foreclose this agreement without
assigning any reason to the consultant. In case of such foreclosure the consultant
shall be entitled to be paid for the stages of work already completed by him at
applicable rates and a reasonable compensation as decided by Employer (which
shall be final and binding) for any part or any stage of services of the consultant
already completed by the consultant before he was served with a notice of


In the event of any dispute, the decision of the CMD, WAPCOS LTD shall be final
& binding. The Jurisdiction of the Arbitration shall be at New Delhi.

9.11 WAPCOS reserves the right to reject any one or all the tenders without assigning
any reason thereof.


Subject to additional provisions, if any, set forth in the contract, the Consultant’s
liability under this Contract shall be as provided by the Applicable Law.


9.13.1 Definition

For the purpose of this contract, “Force Majeure” means an event which is
beyond the reasonable control of a party, and which makes a Party’s performance
of its obligations under this contract is impossible or so impractical as reasonably
to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes but not limited to,
war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire explosion, storm, flood, strikes, lockouts,
or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial
action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent),
confiscation or any other action by government agencies.

Force Majeure shall not include:-

(a) Any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a

Party nor;
(b) Any event, which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected
to both;

(i) Take into account at the time of conclusion of this contract and;
(ii) Avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations under this contract.

The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under this contract shall not be
considered to be a breach of, or default under, this contract insofar as such
inability arises form an event of Force Majeure, provide that the party affected by
such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable
alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and
conditions of this contract.

9.13.2 Measures to be taken

(a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable
measures to remove such Party‟s inability to fulfill its obligations under this
contract with minimum of delay.

(b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party of
such events as soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14)
days following the occuncence of such event, providing evidence of the nature
and cause of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the restoration of
normal conditions as soon as possible.

(c) The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences
of any event of Force Majeure.

9.13.3 Extension of Time

The Consultant shall keep a record of the circumstances referred to above

information, which are responsible for causing delays in the execution of the
project and shall intimate to WAPCOS within seven days of the happening causing
delay requesting for extension of time for entire completion of his services. Such
extension of time shall be granted by WAPCOS, Gurgaon after due consideration
of circumstances intimated by the consultant. In case of any difference of opinion,
the decision of Chief Engineer (P&H) shall be final and binding.


9.14.1Professional Liability Insurance, more commonly referred to as Professional

Indemnity Insurance, is a mechanism to transfer all or part of the risk to an
insurance company for payment to those who are entitled to be compensated
for their losses to the negligent performance of a duty of care by the

9.14.2 The consultant shall provide to the Chief Engineer (P&H) a Professional
Liability Insurance (PLI) for a period of five (5) years or as per applicable law,
whichever is higher, after completion of services. The liability to the
CCE(Army) No 2 shall be limited to not less than the total payments expected

to be made under the consultant‟s contract, or the pr oceeds the
consultant is entitled to receive under its insurance, whichever is higher.


The consultant shall furnish within 30 days of issue of the letter of acceptance by
WAPCOS, a scheduled bank Guarantee from any nationalized blank on the
prescribed format for an amount equivalent to 5% (Five percent) of the total
consultancy fee to be received by him towards performance Security valid for a
period till payment of final bill or completion of defect liability period of the
project. Any amount as and when due against consultant on account of
liquidated damages, unsatisfactory performance and failure of buildings/
schemes or any part of buildings / schemes be recovered from his dues and by
encashing the bank guarantee. Consultant may submit either one BGB or
separate BGB for each work.
The total consultancy fee for this purpose shall be calculated by
multiplying the %age quoted by the firm in the financial proposal with the
Estimated Project Cost given in the Notice of tender and amended subsequently.


Consultancy Services

Detailed Engineering & Consultancy

Services for Provision of Buildings &
Services at Baisakhi Complex. Consultancy
charges (settled fee) for the consultancy -------------------- --------------------------
services as per terms and condition of the Lump Sum Lump Sum
contract. (In figures) (*) (In Words)

Note: -
1. Consultant shall quote cost in BOQ. Based on his quoted cost, the % of consultancy
fee on total project cost (Approx 454 Crores) shall be derived which shall be
applicable for further payments under this contract.

2. Based on quoted cost in BOQ the quoted percentage shall be derived by comparing
quoted cost in BOQ and total project cost i.e. Rs 454 Crores (Approx). The
contract shall be accepted based on the percentage as derived above only.
This percentage shall be applicable for settled fee also.

3. The work is estimated to cost of Rs 454 Crores. This estimate however is not a
guarantee, it is merely given as rough guide, and if the work costs more or less,
the consultant will have no claim on this account.

Payment Conditions for Phase – I and Phase – II

Stage – 1 20% (Twenty percent) of settled fee of the project will be released
afterapproval ofCPR.
Stage – 2 50% (Fifty percent) of the settled fee for the project will be released after
approval of DPR including BOQ estimates, reqd vetted drawings and draft
specifications by OWNER, MES.
Stage – 3 65% (Sixty five percent) including payments already made, of the settled
fee will be released after submission of requisite set of tender documents
including detailed working drawings & specifications.
Stage – 4 90% (Ninety percent) including payments already made, of the settled fee
will be released on conclusion of respective construction contract
agreement by the owner based on consultant’s tender documents and his
technical evaluation, complete market analysis and recommendation.
Stage – 5 95% (Ninety five percent) including payments already made, of the
settled fee will be released after physical completion of respective
construction contracts provided the contract conditions are fully satisfied
as certified by CCE(Army) , MES
Stage – 6 100% (Hundred percent) including payments already made, of the
settled fee will be released after payment of Final Bill in any contract

All payment will be made on back-to-back basis to the successful bidder i.e after
receipt of payment from WAPCOS’s Client i.e. MES.

Note: - The consultant shall be entitled to be paid fees to the extent of 90% of the
respective stage payment on completion of Stage 1, Stage 2, & Stage 3. It is noted that
the Accepting Office shall be responsible for deciding the completion of the stage of the
project or its part. His decision shall be final and binding.

The Consultant may submit bank Guarantee Bond against payment due in Stage 5 for a
period to be decided by the Owner on completion of Stage 4. After completion of stage 5
the consultant may be released 95% of payment provided he submits BGB of settled fee
of stage 5 thus making the total retention money as 10% including the performance

The Consultant’s total remuneration shall be inclusive of costs toward all staff costs, Sub-
Consultant’s Costs (if any), printing, communications, travel, accommodation, getting all
approvals at various levels of MES i.e MOD , ENC etc and the like, and all other costs
including costs for carrying out topographical survey and soil investigations incurred
by the Consultant in carrying out topographical survey and incurred by the Consultant in
carrying out the Services described in this Contract including Vetting of structural drgs by

The remuneration, as mentioned above, shall be inclusive of Statutory Levies imposed by

Government of India such as Service Tax, Education cess etc. as applicable on the
Consultant. However, if after the last date of submission of tenders i.e. bid submission
end date, there occurs change in the rate of service tax the same will be subject to
adjustment production of proof of payments.

WAPCOS shall deduct Income Tax at source as per the norms laid-down by the
Government of India at the time payment.

“The remuneration to the consultant shall be calculated as defined in para 1.10 on page
30 here-in-after, No escalation what so ever shall be payable to the consultant on any

The cost of the project shall be finally considered to be based on the Adm approval
cost, which would be sanctioned as per the finally approved DPR by the Sanctioning
Authority. The settled fee due to the consultant shall be decided accordingly.

The invoice raised by the successful bidder against the corresponding deliverable will be
bonafied only after getting all written approvals from the various approving levels of MES
for that respective deliverable.

Tech Form – 1
Bid Submission Form


Chief Engineer
Ports and Harbour Division,
Room No. C-22,
WAPCOS Limited,
76-C, Sector-18, Institutional Area,
Gurgaon, Haryana – 122015.




With reference to the NIT No……., published in WAPCOS portal on ……………, I/we, the
undersigned, having examined, understood the Employer’s Requirements Carrying out
for the above mentioned project and on behalf of
………………………………………………..…………………………(Name of Firm/ Agency) do hereby
submit our application along with all the essential documents for consideration please.

I/ We hereby declare that the information furnished herewith are correct to the best of
my / our knowledge and belief. However, I/ We agree to abide by the decisions of the
Employer for dismissal of our candidature in case any information furnished along with
this application is found to be false and / or inaccurate at any point of time in future.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,


Tech Form – 2
Details of Similar Works

Assignment No.

Name of Work

Name of the Client

Contact Details of Client

Cost of project in Rs.

Consultancy Fee of the

Project in Rs.

Commencement of Date

Scheduled date of
Actual Completion Date

Reason for Delay, if any

Details of Services
provided by the firm
Key Professionals
involved in the Study and
their proposed position

We hereby certify the information as given in below in table is correct and we have
attached Client Completion Certificates in support of list of works given as above.

Signature of Bidder Date Place

Tech Form – 3

Turnover Details

Name of firm:
Sr. No. Financial Year Turnover (In Lakh Rs.)
1. 2013-2014
2. 2014-2015
3. 2015-2016
Avg. Annual Turnover

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor

This is to certify that.................... (Name of the Applicant) has received the payments
shown aboveagainst the respective years on account of professional fees.

Name of the audit firm:

Seal of the audit firm


(Signature, name and designation of the authorized signatory)

In case the Applicant does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the certificate
from its chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the annual accounts of the Applicant.

Tech Form – 4

List of Key Professionals Available

Name of Firm:
Sr. Name Education Total Years Summary of
No. qualification Experience with Professional
in years firm Experience

Detailed CVs of Persons as in above list is attached.

Signature of Bidder Date Place

Appendix D

1. Introduction AppxAreaof the site

2. MetData (i) Baisakhi Complex
3. Topographicaldetails& Soilinvestigation
4. Land andsiteplandetails
5. Siteclearanceand area development
6. Line plans,Architectural drawings and details
7. Structuralandexecution drawings.
8. Details offittings andfixturesincludingbuiltinfurniture.
9. Details ofresources:-
a) Tools &Plants.
b) Equipmentfortestingofallmaterialsincorporatedinworki.esitelab/out sourcing.
c) Formwork andShuttering
d) ConsideringtheprojectcompletionperiodtheconsultantshallprepareaCPM for
theprojectshowingvarious activities.HumanResources
10. Sitedocuments.
11. External Services:-
a) Road,path&culverts.
b) Drainage- Inbuildings & External
c) Sewage- Internal &External
d) Fencing&Security wall, Gate&pillars.
e) Electrification- External &Internal
f) WaterSupply- External &Internal
g) Central heating system
h) Others
i) Developmentofsourcefor water &electricity,STP&arealightening.
12. Estimate andbill ofquantities, yardsticks.
13. Blank
14. Miscellaneousinformation
25. List of appendices.

1. Introduction:Itshallcontain thefollowing:-
a) Name ofStation
b) NoofOTMAccnindifferentpartsfor eachcategoryapproved byMOD.
c) Special item etctobeincludedinDPR.

2. Met Data: Themetdatashallincludethefollowinginformation:-

a) Wind direction and speed.
b) Rainfall data for last 20 years including annual rainfall, period of rainfall,
average hourly rainfall, maximum daily rainfall etc. Based on the rainfall data,
deductions to be drawn and mentioned:-
(i) Type of roof and magnitude of slope of roof.
(ii) Type of roof treatment to be adopted. Snowfall and deleted data as for
c) Seismic zone and precaution to be adopted.
d) Temperature and humidity both maximum and minimum.
e) Highest flood level (HFL) of the area under consideration for deciding plinth
level of buildings, road level and area drainage.

3. Topographical details & Soil investigation 3 x 3m grid the min grid size is 3 x 3 m :

A detailed topographical survey and sub soil investigation of the land

marked/allotted for construction shall be carried out by the consultant. It should
contain details of contour map and soil profile, soil investigation report consisting
of plate load test, standard penetration test, pile load test etc as per site
requirement along with calculation details, recommended foundation type and
details based on soil investigation report and special requirement for foundation if
any due to ground condition e.g. black cotton soil, coastal area, low laying or filled
up area etc. consultant will recommend appropriate from of construction to be
adopted considering the various site constraints. Consultant shall suggest the type
of construction material to be used and construction.

4. Land and site plan details: It shall contain layout details covering complete land use
ongoing plan/green areas/ arboriculture / layout of blocks (No of storey/type of
construction) and B/R and E/M external services, details of plinth levels of various
blocks, road levels invert levels of sewage lines and manholes, details of site office,
testing facilities at site, labour camp, tapping points for water and electricity.

5. Site Clearance and area development: The executing agency shall give details of
site clearance involved in the work with supporting documents for each and every
item such as:-
a. Area development details, cutting /filling of earth supported with calculation
details considering use of surplus earth available.

b. Tree cuttings, if any. (No of trees falling in layout of a building)

c. Telephone pole/ wire shifting if any with estimate from telephone


d. Shifting of electric lines/poles (HT/LT) and water pipe lines with estimate
from state electricity / water boards.

e. Wherever demolition of buildings are involved, complete information about

each and every building in separate format containing building no, book
value, year of construction, plinth area, no of storeys, type of construction
with brief specification, cost of demolition, cost of credit of retrieved
material duly authenticated by local GE or Station Commander. A separate
certificate from the station Commander that “the buildings proposed for
demolition have outlived their life and original purpose of construction and
are longer required” should be enclosed with the DPR.

f. Any other specific requirement at site if any.

6. Architectural drawing and details: Complete set of arch drg based on authorized
plinth area, zonal specifications, scale of Accn-2009 and subsequent amendment and
instruction issued by Min of Defence and including all details & specifications consisting
of the following:-.

a. Plan at different floor levels including at foundation & roof.

b. Elevations from different sides, front, rear, right and left including plinth level
and perspective view.

c. Section at all critical point such as at toilet and kitchen, staircase, sunken
floor, changing slope points etc.

d. Details of staircase, wall thickness, kitchen, toilet Bathroom, staircase, sunken

floor, changing slope points etc.

e. Details of door, windows & cupboard shutters with wooden and / or steel
frame, built in dressing table both for gents and ladies, fire place concealed
rain water pipes, CI grating, etc.

7. Structural and execution drawings: - It shall consist of the following details and
information as per approval CPR:

a) Detailed structural drawings of the foundation i.e. plan, elevation, section

with dimensions of footing, pedestal and column junctions including details of
sub base for foundation and reinforcement details for pedestals, footing and
column including details at junction, foundation details of load bearing walls,
details of specialized foundation such as pile foundation, raft foundation etc.
b) Details of construction i.e. framed construction, load bearing wall, etc,
including prefab construction.
c) Structural details (plan, section, reinforcement) of plinth beams, columns,
lintel beams roof beams, floor slabs, roof slabs, sunken slabs, chajjas,
projections, balcony, staircase, railings, RCC shelves and parapets, RCC/Brick
Jalis, cooking platforms, cantilever beams & porches, mumty slab, brick steps,
loft slabs and cupboard etc. In case prefab construction is suggested the
consultant shall clearly mention the designed life of such structure to with stand
the climatic condition of place and its suitability in achieving the desired
functional purpose.
d) Typical reinforcement details of all structural members mentioned in para (c)
above with bar bending schedules, lap joints and other reinforcement details as
per IS-456-2000.
e) Design details (calculations) of each structural members to be checked by
IITs/NITs or approved agencies of the CCE if directed by the CCE.
f) Details of seismic and wind load, snow load (if applicable) provisions
incorporated in the design of the structures as per relevant BIS codes.
g) Structural details of water sumps, static water tanks, soak well, septic tanks,
filter beds, manholes, culverts, cover slabs, water chambers with covers etc.
h) Structural details of security fencing posts, boundary/security wall, gate pillars
and steel gate, garbage bins, RCC Jalis, parapets, drains, hume pipe/RCC culverts
i) Detailed technical notes for RCC work as per IS-456-2000 and other relevant BIS
j) Structural details of kitchen slabs (cooking platforms), shelves, RCC sinks,
cupboard shelves/slabs, drainage covers, niches etc.
k) Details of roof treatment with specification compatible with local environment
and climatic conditions, justification for deviations from zonal specification if
any, warranty for leakage/seepage of roof and sunken floor.
l) Structural details (plan, elevation and reinforcement) of RCC overhead tanks
and service tanks, extra provisions for roof slab at the location of services tanks,
details of tanks, other than RCC i.e., brand name of manufactures, capacity,
specifications etc.
m) Detailed drawings for expansion/ crumple joint, steel door for garages, rolling
shutter, built in steel lockers, writing table, chain link fencing, fan hook, water
meter and switch box etc vetting by IIT/MT clearly site the importance fact,
Broad parameters of design in DESIGN FOLDER

8. Details of fittings and fixtures: It shall contain following information:-

a. Details specification of doors and windows including fixing details clearly shown
on drawing with dimensions.
b. Details of fly proofing, railing and grills including details of fixing (design pattern
of railing and frills guard bars to be shown with dimension of each member).
c. Details of toilets and bath fittings i.e. layout of WC, WHB, towel rails with
dimensions, soap niche, looking mirror, peg set, shower roses, taps and
specification of these fittings, location of geysers and fixing details.
d. Details of iron monger/fluting fixtures for doors and windows, ventilator
cupboards, built in furniture and other such requirement.
e. Details of built in furniture and cupboard i.e. layout type of materials, design
and fixing details, details of pelmet including curtains rods, fixing details.
f. Details layout of kitchen and its fitting including fixing details (cooking platform,
sink, plate racks, shelves taps, exhaust fan , plugs & switches etc.
g. Details of floor (living, bath, toilet, and kitchen) dado, skirting and their finishes.
h. Details of serviced water tanks (capacity, make, type i.e. Ferro cement, RCC,
PVC), fixing details, layout of water pipe lines and their connections.
i. Details of staircase railing, balustrade, pillars and fixing arrangement of these
items, floor and its specifications, traps doors & rungs, parapets Jalis etc.
j. Details of gate and gate pillars fixing details of barbed wire with posts etc,
including fixing details of gate (plan elevation and section).
k. Detailed specifications of SWG, GI, CI, RCC & hume pipes, their fittings and fixing
details wherever applicable.
l. Details of layout and fixing of electrical and water supply items such as FTL
fittings, plugs, switches, taps & looking mirrors etc.
m. In all multi storied buildings polished granite stone flooring in & around lift be

9. Details of resources: - It shall contain information in details regarding:-

(a) Tools and plants: Details of machinery proposed to be used during

execution of work i.e. transportation of materials, earth works, mixing and
transportation of concrete, curing of works, cutting and bending of
reinforcement and other structural steel, welding works and any other
machinery required for execution of the works. Vibrators to be used for
compaction of concrete, lifting and placing of concrete. In case any other form
of construction is suggested same need to be elaborated for such construction.
If due to climatic condition less working period more mechanized construction
is suggested. The type of equipment required with their capacity be mentioned
alongwith some suggested reputed works.

(b) Equipment for testing of materials and concrete:- Details of equipments

proposed to be mobilized for testing of aggregate (coarse and fine) properties,
physical and chemical properties and strength of cement, quality of concrete
mix i.e. cube test, slump test, arrangement for water absorption and strength
test of brick and HP tiles, moisture content measurement equipment, physical &
chemical properties of water and any other equipment required for tests to
ensure quality of work.

(c) Formwork and shuttering: Details of type of formwork and scaffolding i.e.,
steel, wooden etc. proposed for use during construction, their frequency of use
i.e. no of repetition of use in case of wooden formwork, lift/jacks for connection
of scaffolding etc.

(d) Human Resources: Number of site engineers and their qualifications and
experience, details of manpower to be employed on daily basis during
construction of work, skilled workers trade wise i.e. bar benders, carpenters,
masons, semiskilled workers, labour, arrangement for the boarding/lodging of
employed manpower, details of permanent staff etc.

10. Blank

11. Detailed specifications and finishes: The specification and finishes shall be as
per authorization of SOA-2009 Zonal specifications and instruction from Min of Def it
shall cover the following aspects:-

(a) Works: Detailed specification of foundation, pile foundation or any other

foundation deemed fit, brickwork, RCC work PCC work floor and sub floor, beam
and slab, column external and internal Plaster, roof treatment staircase and
steps, bath and toilet, kitchens, cooking platform, door window and ventilator
and frames, cupboard and shelves fly proofing and glazing roads, drains path,
culverts, fencing and boundary wall, gate and pillars, sewage system and
manholes, external and internal electrification, external and internal water
supply, furniture i.e. steel locker, roller shutter, steel door for garages,
expansion and crumple joint etc.

(b) Materials:- Aggregate (coarse and fine), cement, steel, bricks, electric
wiring and fittings, water supply pipes and fittings, SWG, RCC, CI and hume
pipes and fittings, barbed wire, GI wire net, glass panes iron mongery, glazed
tiles, marble chips, HP tiles, bituminous felts, doors and windows, door frames
(steel and wooden) and other joinery, external electrical fittings and water
fittings, water storage tanks, sanitary fittings and fixtures and other materials.
(c) Make of items: The consultant shall clearly specify minimum three
names of manufactures/brands of all items. It shall be ensured that names
specified shall not differ in cost and should be of comparable standard. All such
items shall bear the approval of BIS including embossing. Priority shall be given
to incorporate quality and innovative product. Machine made bricks and roof
tile shall be preferred over conventional bricks and tile wherever available and
cost is comparable and the items are suitable for the place. Possibility shall be
explored for use Ready Mix Concrete (RMC).

(d) Schedule of finishes: It shall contain the type of finishes for each and every
item right from sub base of foundation to roof treatment in tabular from e.g.,
floor/dado/skirting in living, drawing, dining, kitchen, bath and toilet, staircase,
inside/outside well finish, inside of cupboard etc.

12. to 15. Blank

16. External services

(a) Road, Path, Culverts and Retaining Wall

(i) Layout plan, sectional drawing with details of specifications, Structural and
functional soundness of existing roads, paths, culverts and bridges where traffic
pattern is likely be affected by OTM Accommodation. Details of
strengthening measures to be given if required.

(ii) Detailed drawings, specifications, and design details of proposed roads,

paths, culverts and bridges considering all design parameters such as design
traffic volume considering all phases in of Projects sub soil features upto
significant depth, its CBR value/ modulus of sub grade reaction, H.L.F., Highest
ground water table, suitability of earth for fillings, design discharge based on
hydrological parameter/features for designing of culverts/bridges.

(iii) Site lab for testing relevant materials as per relevant BIS codes.

(b) Drainage:

i. Layout plan and sectional drawing with details specification of exiting storm
water drain and existing discharge point.

ii. Layout plan and sectional drawings with detail specification of proposed storm
water drain with design details based on hydrological and structural design
parameters such as topography of land Geological feature of soil, design
discharge details at various points based on catchments area, rainfall dates, run
off co-efficient and time of concentration etc.

iii. Details of proposed discharge point and outfall structure.

(c) Sewage System Separate STP or feasibility with the existing display system:

i. Layout plan with sectional drawings and specifications of existing sewage

disposal system indicating their discharge capacity, details of existing
central sewage plant and feasibility of connecting new sewage lines.

ii. Layout plan, details drawings and specifications of proposed sewage scheme
upto disposal point.

iii. Details of functional soundness of entire sewage disposal system considering

existing and proposed one based on feasibility of joining sewers to existing
trunk sewerage line/municipal sewers with confirmation from them if any
passing by from nearby areas.

iv. Details of design of sewage disposal system based on topography of land,

minimum/maximum velocity of sewage and its BOD at discharge point etc.

(d) Fencing, Security/Boundary wall, Gate & Gate pillars:

i. Detailed drawings and specification for security wall with fencing and gate.

ii. The security/boundary wall shall be designed to sustain the lateral pressure due
to max boundary wall wind velocity based on met datas in the past for at least
20 years and stability against seismic condition besides other design

(e) Electrification

i. Layout plan of existing external electric supply network of station bringing out
KLP electrical load, availability and present electrical load, system voltages,
location of take over point, transmission/distribution lines with size and
capacity, transformer with capacity and connected load, substations,
protection & switchgears, feeder pillar, street lights etc.

ii. Determination of electrical load phase wise and pocket wise for proposed
married accommodation after taking into consideration of critical electrical load
for lifts, pumps for water supply, pumps for fire fighting, pumps for sewage
disposal, street lights etc.

iii. Details revision/ amendment of agreement for supply of electricity with

supplying agency with reference to KLP electrical load of station after taking
into consideration of electrical load of projects works, if any.
Restriction/regulation from supplying agency regarding mode of supply for
electricity, tariff structure, penal condition etc must be elaborated/highlighted
in details.

iv. The proposed electrical scheme must economically consider the augmentation
of existing electrical network and ensure optimal utilization of existing electrical
network to avoid clustering of conductors duplicacy / redundancy of assets.

v. Schematic diagram, layout plan, specification and details of proposed electric

supply scheme including source, tapping point, transmission/distribution lines
with size and capacity along with supporting fault/voltage drop calculations,
transformer with size and capacity, substation, protection & switchgear, HT /LT
panels, earthing arrangement for earth resistance as per IS, feeder pillar box,
street lights etc along with supporting details and selection criteria for all
electrical items, equipments and accessories must be according to IE rule.

vi. Schematic diagram, layout plan, specification and details of proposed electric
supply scheme including source, tapping point, transmission/distribution lines
with size and capacity along with supporting fault/voltage drop calculations,
transformer with size and capacity, substation, protection & switchgear, HT /LT
panels, earthing arrangement for earth resistance as per IS, feeder pillar box,
street lights etc along with supporting details and selection criteria for all
electrical items, equipments and accessories.

vii. Schematic diagram, layout plan of sub stations duly marked with location, size,
specification & capacity of all equipments/electrical item such as protection &
switchgears, transformers, HT/LT panels, shunt capacitor bank, switches,
ducting & criteria for all electrical items, equipments and accessories. Necessary
clearance, safety & adequate working space as per Indian Electricity rule 1956
be ensured.

viii. Working drawing, layout plan, supporting details, specifications and selection
criteria for all electrical items, equipments and accessories of HT/LT panels, as
well as power and control equipments and accessories such as bus bar,
switches, protection & switchgears, relays, CT/PT, change over switches,
voltmeter / ammeter, energy meter,. Power factor meter, frequency meter,
earthing etc and writing diagram of protection of transformer to relay to be

ix. Certificate from station commander / MES confirming that electricity for new
OTM Accn works can be made available without augmentation of existing
external electric supply network of station else certificate from State Electricity
Board confirming that electricity for these works can be made available without
augmentation of existing external electric supply network of station.

x. In case requirement of electricity for projects works cannot be met and

external electric supply network of station is required to be augmented by the
MES/ Station Electricity Board, details, estimates and time frame of execution
for proposed augmentation work from MES / State Electricity Board to be
obtained and enclosed. Financial effect be included in DPR. Consultant may also
suggest suitable method of generating electricity from non conventional source
of energy like wind alongwith east.

xi. Requirement of standby DG set as per authorization along with supporting

calculation of details to arrive at the required capacity.

xii. Schematic diagram, specifications and layout plan of DG set room duly
marked with location, size & capacity of all equipments such as DG set, LT
panels, POL tank, switches, change over switch, control wiring, ducting &
cabling, piping, earthing etc along with supporting details, foundation details of
DG set as per manufacturer‟s instruction and selection criteria for all electrical /
mechanical items, equipments and accessories Necessary clearance, safety &
adequate working space as per Indian Electricity rule 1956 be ensured.

xiii. Installation details, drawings, specifications and layout plan of measures

adopted for correction / improvement of power factor within prescribed limit
along with supporting details, calculations and selection criteria for all electrical
items, equipments and accessories.

xiv. Installation details, drawings, specification and layout plan of aviation lights.

xv. Installation details , drawings, specification, selection criteria and economic and
technical justification of proposed cost effective energy saving measures for
reduction in consumption of electricity.

xvi. Installation details, drawings, specifications, layout plan and selection criteria
for all electrical items, equipments and accessories of lighting protection

xvii. Installation details, drawings, specifications, selection criteria for all electrical
items, equipments and accessories, of solar power based electrical items.

xviii. Schedule of quantities and particular specifications of scope of works.

(f) Water Supply

i. Layout plan of existing external water supply network of station out KLP
requirement, availability and present requirement, source / bore wells, stroge
reservoirs, pumping.

ii. Installations, water pipe lines with size, method of disinfection/ purification etc.

iii. Determination of water requirement phase wise and pocket wise for proposed
OTM accommodation after taking into Consideration of critical requirement for
firefighting etc.

iv. Details of revision / amendment of agreement for supply of water with

supplying agency with reference to KLP water requirement of station, after
taking into consideration of water requirements for Projects works, if any.
Restriction /regulation from supplying agency regarding mode of supply for
water tariff structure, penal condition etc must be elaborated / highlighted in

v. The proposed water supply scheme must ensure optimal utilization of existing
water supply network to avoid delicacy / redundancy of assets.

vi. Schematic diagram, layout plan, specifications and details of proposed water
supply scheme including source /bore wells, tapping point, storage reservoirs,
pumping installation, water pipe lines with supporting friction / hydraulic head
loss calculations, pump & prime mover with supporting details and selection
criteria for all electrical / mechanical items, equipments and accessories.

vii. Chemical analysis of water samples from recognized / approved institute /

Agency duly stated that water is potable. Institutes Agency must also suggest
the method of disinfection / purification if any in order to bring impurities
within tolerance limit as approved by WHO.

viii. Schematic diagram, specifications and layout plan of pump hour duly marked
with location, size & capacity of all equipments such as pumps, prime
mover, starters, water lines, valves, LT panels, ducting & cabling, earthling etc
along with supporting details and selection criteria for all electrical
mechanical items, equipments and accessories. Necessary clearance, safety
& adequate working space as per rule be ensured.

ix. Working drawing, layout plan, supporting details, specifications and selection
criteria of LT panels showing all power and control equipments and accessories
such as bus bar, switches, relays, CTS, Change over switches, voltmeter /
ammeter, energy meter, shunt capacitors, earthings.

x. Certificate form station commander/ MES, confirming that water for Projects
works can be made available without augmentation of existing external water
supply network of station else Certificate from State / Municipal Board
confirming that water for works can be made available without augmentation of
existing external water supply network of station.

xi. In case requirement of water for proposed works cannot be met and external
water supply network of station is required to be augmented by the MES or
state / Municipal Board details, estimates and time frame of execution for
proposed augmentation work MES or State / Municipal Board to be obtained
and enclosed. Financial effect be included in DPR.

xii. CGWB report, if water supply scheme is based on bore wells, stating the
following items:-

a. Digging of bore well is permitted for meeting the potable water

requirement for proposed works at station.
b. Yield of proposed bore well specifically in lean period.
c. Specify the depth at which potable water is available at the suggested
xiii. Installation details, drawing, specifications, layout plan and selection criteria for
all electrical/mechanical items‟ equipments and accessories of proposed rain
water harvesting ground water recharging scheme and location of recharging
pit along with report from CGWB. Economic and technical justification/viability
of proposed rainwater harvesting/ground water recharging scheme and
location of recharging pit.

xiv. Installation details, drawings, specifications, layout plan and selection criteria
for all electrical/mechanical items, equipments and accessories of proposed
fire fighting scheme along with report from fire Advisor Ministry of Defence, if
any for building height more than 18 meter.

xv. Schedule of quantities and particular specification of scope of work.

xvi. Central heating system for Adm bldg, OTM bldg & Tech bldgs.
xvii. STP (Central/Package type) depending upon the location/incoming sewage
and reuse of the treated water for Garden.
xviii. Solar Water system with electrical back up.

 The development of source for electric supply & water supply for Baisakhi
Complex Spread in various pockets such as NKD, Senge, Sangrilla, Baisakhi &
Ahirgarh out of which Senge, Sangrilla, Baisakhi & Ahirgarh experience snowfall in
winter and temp drop to (-)160C. Anti freezing, methodology/measures to be
adopted in complete water supply system covered accn/sheds to be considered
to all electrical equipments/panels have been taken up with state Govt authority.
The scope of consultancy involved the external water supply, external electric
supply network after the main receiving station & main water treatment plant
erected by the state Govt authority.

 The estimates/Costing must be supported with market rates and rate analyses.

(i) Rain water Harvesting (In case it is proposed)
(aa) Layout plan and details of proposed scheme for roof rainwater harvesting
and ground water recharging as per CGWB recommendation.
(ab) Location of recharging pit, trench/any other method recommended
considering ground conditions, subsoil strata, rainfall data‟s and runoff co -
efficient etc.

(ii) Land scaping and arboriculture: The detailed land scaping and arboriculture
keeping in view of the local flora & fauna and climatic conditions shall be submitted by
the Consultant alongwith Schedule of quantities and particular specifications of scope of
(iii) Environmental Clearance : Environmental clearance wherever required shall
be obtained from local/Govt agency.
(iv) Fire Fighting (If required)
(v) Central heating system: -
(aa) Determination of heat load bldg wise and pocket wise for proposed
central heating system.
(ab) Schematic Diagram, layout plan, specification and details of proposed
central heating system including distribution lines with size and capacity along
supporting calculation. Necessary insulations, equipments and accessories etc
must be according to IS.
(ac) Schematic diagram, layout plan of plant duly marked with location, size,
specification & capacity of all equipments/heating system including insulation etc.
Necessary clearance, safety & adequate space as per IS be ensured.
(ad) Working drawing, layout plan, supporting details, specification and
selection criteria for all equipments and accessories such as safety/protection
devices, pressure gauge, thermometers etc.
(ae) Installation details, drawing, specification layout plan and selection criteria
and economic and technical justification of proposed cost effective energy saving
measures etc.
(af) Installation details, drawings, specification, selection criteria for all
equipments and accessories of solar power based plants/system.
(ag) Schedule of quantities and particular specification of scope of works.
17. Estimates and bill of quantities:
(a) Details estimates of all items and other accessories are to be prepared as
per MES SSR2010 and wherever rates are not available it should be prepared on
market rate (rate analysis to be enclosed).
(b) Calculation of plinth area per Sqm of building work including internal
electrification, internal water supply, sanitary and plumbing work.
18. Defect liability period: Modalities for ensuring smooth and timely rectification
of all type of defects shall be spelt out by the executing agency giving details of
each category of tradesmen and inventory of stores and time period of
rectification of defects reported.
19. Miscellaneous information:-
(a) Grade of cement (43/53).
(b) Grade and type of structural steel.
(c) Source and availability of local material- bricks, coarse and fine aggregate.
(d) Aesthetic details of the project keeping in view of existing structures, local
environment and surrounding construction patterns.
(e) Type of shuttering/scaffolding proposed for construction.
(f) Any other relevant information if any.
20. List of appendices: The following appendices are part of the guidelines.
(a) Appendix „E‟ : Cost estimate part I
(b) Appendix „F‟ : Cost estimate part II
(c) Latest updated zonal specifications of the station duly Authenticated by

Appendix E


Name of Project: CCE(Army) No 2, Missamari
Brief particulars of work to be done:

Sl No. Item of work Basis of Calculation Cost

1. (a) Cost of land
(b) Site clearance and area development
(Including demolition)
2. Building (Including internal water supply and electrical works)
3. Special items of work.
4. External Services:-
(a) Development of source
i. Electric supply System
ii. Water supply system
iii. Sewage Disposal System
(b) Roads, path and culverts and Retaining Wall
© Sewage disposal
(d) Area drainage
(e) Wall, fencing and Gates
(f) External electric supply
(g) External water supply
5. Rain water Harvesting
6. Arboriculture and land Scaping
(a) IVRS
(b) Solar water heating
(c) Payments to state Agency
7. Contingencies (3%)
8. Agency / Consultancy Changes (if applicable)
9. Total
10. Time required for physical completion of works under normal
circumstances from date of order to commence works.

Place:- (Competent Authority) Of Executing


Signatureof Consultant Signatureof Dir(Contract)/DyDir(C)

No2(Accepting Officer)

Appendix E

Name of Project CCE(Army) No 2, Missamari
Brief particular of work to be done
Name of Executive Agency


SL Description Authorized Brief Quantity Unit Rate Amount SSR/MR REMARKS
No ofwork /section specification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Signatureof Consultant Signatureof Dir(Contract)/DyDir(C)

For CCE(Army)
No2(Accepting Officer)




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We, the……………………….Bank at ………………. havingour head

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