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Research for

Industrial Development

Ultrasonic fiscal gas metering stations

2 12
Relative Expanded Uncertainty

Axial flow velocity [m/s]
(95 % confidence level)
of mass flow rate [%]

1 6
0 0
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
Relative Expanded Uncertainty Axial flow velocity

December 2001
Handbook of Uncertainty Calculations
Ultrasonic Fiscal Gas Metering Stations

December 2001

Prepared for

The Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement (NFOGM)

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)


Per Lunde and Kjell-Eivind Frysa

Christian Michelsen Research AS

The Handbook and the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Stations, Version 1.0,
are freeware and can be downloaded from the NFOGM web pages

Norwegian Petroleum Norwegian Society for

Christian Michelsen Research
Directorate Oil and Gas Measurement

Secretariat: Norwegian Society

P.O. Box 600, P.O. Box 6031 Postterminalen,
of Chartered Engineers,
N-4003 Stavanger, Norway N-5892 Bergen, Norway
P.O. Box 2312 Solli,
Phone: (+47) 51 87 60 00 Phone: (+47) 55 57 40 40
N-0201 Oslo, Norway
Fax: (+47) 51 55 15 71 Fax: (+47) 55 57 40 41
Phone: (+47) 22 94 75 48 / 61
Web-page: www.npd.no Web-page: www.cmr.no
Fax: (+47) 22 94 75 02
Web-page: www.nfogm.no

ISBN 82-566-1009-3
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 1





1.1 Background 8
1.1.1 USM fiscal metering of gas 8
1.1.2 Contributions to the uncertainty of USM fiscal gas metering stations 12
1.1.3 Uncertainty evaluation of USMs and USM gas flow metering stations 16

1.2 About the Handbook 18

1.3 About the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station 21

1.4 Overview of the Handbook 25

1.4.1 Part A - User's Guide 26
1.4.2 Part B - Appendices 27

1.5 Acknowledgements 27


2.1 Description of USM fiscal gas metering station 28

2.1.1 General 28
2.1.2 Gas metering station equipment considered in the Handbook 32

2.2 Functional relationship - USM fiscal gas metering station 34

2.2.1 Basic operational functional relationships 35
2.2.2 Flow calibration issues 37
2.2.3 Alternative functional relationship 38

2.3 Functional relationship - Multipath ultrasonic gas flow meter 40

2.3.1 Basic USM principles 40
2.3.2 Alternative USM functional relationships 42
2.3.3 Choice of USM functional relationship and meter independency aspects 44
2.3.4 Pressure and temperature corrections of USM meter body 46
2.3.5 Transit time averaging and corrections 52
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 2

2.3.6 USM integration method 53

2.4 Functional relationship - Gas densitometer 53

2.4.1 General density equation (frequency relationship regression curve) 56
2.4.2 Temperature correction 57
2.4.3 VOS correction 57
2.4.4 Installation correction 59
2.4.5 Corrected density 62

2.5 Functional relationship - Pressure measurement 62

2.6 Functional relationship - Temperature measurement 64


3.1 USM gas metering station uncertainty 66

3.2 Gas measurement uncertainties 69

3.2.1 Pressure measurement 69
3.2.2 Temperature measurement 71
3.2.3 Gas compressibility factors Z and Z0 72
3.2.4 Density measurement 76
3.2.5 Calorific value 79

3.3 Flow calibration uncertainty 80

3.3.1 Flow calibration laboratory 81
3.3.2 Deviation factor 81
3.3.3 USM repeatability in flow calibration 82

3.4 USM field uncertainty 83

3.4.1 USM meter body uncertainty 84
3.4.2 USM transit time uncertainties 89
3.4.3 USM integration uncertainties (installation conditions) 94
3.4.4 Miscellaneous USM effects 95

3.5 Signal communication and flow computer calculations 96

3.6 Summary of input uncertainties to the uncertainty model 96


4.1 Instrumentation and operating conditions 102

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 3

4.2 Gas measurement uncertainties 104

4.2.1 Pressure measurement 104
4.2.2 Temperature measurement 110
4.2.3 Gas compressibility factors 116
4.2.4 Density measurement 118
4.2.5 Calorific value 125

4.3 Flow calibration uncertainty 125

4.3.1 Flow calibration laboratory 126
4.3.2 Deviation factor 126
4.3.3 USM repeatability in flow calibration 127
4.3.4 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of flow calibration 127

4.4 USM field uncertainty 128

4.4.1 Repeatability (random transit time effects) 128
4.4.2 Meter body 130
4.4.3 Systematic transit time effects 134
4.4.4 Integration method (installation effects) 136
4.4.5 Miscellaneous USM effects 137
4.4.6 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of USM in field operation 137

4.5 Signal communication and flow computer calculations 139

4.6 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of USM fiscal gas metering station 139
4.6.1 Volumetric flow rate, line conditions 139
4.6.2 Volumetric flow rate, standard reference conditions 140
4.6.3 Mass flow rate 142
4.6.4 Energy flow rate 143

4.7 Authors comments to the uncertainty evaluation example 144


5.1 General 150

5.2 Gas parameters 152

5.3 USM setup parameters 153

5.4 Pressure measurement uncertainty 155

5.4.1 Overall level 155
5.4.2 Detailed level 156
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 4

5.5 Temperature measurement uncertainty 157

5.5.1 Overall level 157
5.5.2 Detailed level 158

5.6 Compressibility factor uncertainty 159

5.7 Density measurement uncertainty 160

5.7.1 Overall level 161
5.7.2 Detailed level 161

5.8 Calorific value uncertainty 163

5.9 Flow calibration uncertainty 164

5.10 USM field uncertainty 165

5.10.1 USM field repeatability 166
5.10.2 USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration 168

5.11 Signal communication and flow computer calculations 172

5.12 Graphical presentation of uncertainty calculations 173

5.12.1 Uncertainty curve plots 173
5.12.2 Uncertainty bar-charts 174

5.13 Summary report - Expanded uncertainty of USM fiscal gas metering station 180

5.14 Listing of plot data and transit times 185

5.15 Program information 185






B.1 Terminology for evaluating and expressing uncertainty 202

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 5

B.2 Symbols for expressing uncertainty 208

B.3 Procedure for evaluating and expressing uncertainty 211

B.4 Documentation of uncertainty evaluation 214



C.1 NPD regulations (selection) 216

C.2 NORSOK I-104 requirements (selection) 220




E.1 Basic uncertainty model for the USM fiscal gas metering station 230

E.2 Uncertainty model for the un-flow-corrected USM 234

E.2.1 Basic USM uncertainty model 235
E.2.2 Simplified USM uncertainty model 240

E.3 Combining the uncertainty models of the gas metering station and the USM 243
E.3.1 Consequences of flow calibration on USM uncertainty contributions 243
E.3.2 Modified uncertainty model for flow calibrated USM 243
E.3.3 Identification of USM uncertainty terms 246
E.3.4 Uncertainty model of the USM fiscal gas metering station 249



F.1 The covariance method 252

F.2 The decomposition method 253

F.3 The variance method 255


Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 6


Norwegian regulations relating to fiscal measurement of oil and gas require that the overall measure-
ment uncertainty is documented to be within defined limits. However, the different methods used
have given different results. A consistent and standardised method of uncertainty evaluation has been
required, so that different measurement systems could be directly and reliably compared.

In 1993 the ISO report Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (commonly referred
to as the Guide or the GUM) was published, with a revision in 1995. This report is providing
general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement, intended for a broad scope of
measurement areas. The GUM was jointly developed by the International Organisation of Standardi-
zation (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commision (IEC), the International Organization of
Legal Metrology (OIML) and the International Bureau of Weights and Measurement (BIPM).

In 1999 a Handbook of uncertainty calculations - Fiscal metering stations was developed by the
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), the Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement
(NFOGM) and Christian Michelsen Research (CMR), addressing fiscal metering of oil using turbine
meters, and fiscal metering of gas using orifice meters.

The intention of this initiative was that a user-friendly handbook together with an Excel program,
based upon the principles laid down in the GUM, would satisfy the need for a modern method of un-
certainty evaluation in the field of fiscal oil and gas measurement.

As a further development with respect to fiscal metering of gas, a follow-up project was initiated by
the same partners to develop a handbook addressing the uncertainty of fiscal gas metering stations
using ultrasonic meters (USM).

A reference group consisting of nine persons with a broad and varied competence from oil and gas
measurement has evaluated and commented the handbook. The reference group has consisted of:

Reidar Sakariassen, MetroPartner,

Erik Malde, Phillips Petroleum Company Norway,
Trond Folkestad, Norsk Hydro,
Endre Jacobsen, Statoil,
Tore Lland, Statoil,
John Eide, JME Consultants and Holta-Haaland,
Jostein Eide, Kongsberg Fimas,
Hkon Moestue, Norsk Hydro,
Hans Arne Frystein, The Norwegian Metrology and Accreditation Service.

The reference group concludes that the Handbook of uncertainty calculations - Ultrasonic fiscal gas
metering stations is reliable and in conformity with the GUM.

We wish to express our thanks to the project leader at CMR, Per Lunde, and to the members of the
reference group for their contribution to this handbook.

December 2001

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) Norwegian Society for Oil and Gas Measurement (NFOGM)
Einar Halvorsen Phillips Petroleum Company Norway
Svein Neumann
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 7


Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 8


1.1 Background

In a cooperation between the Norwegian Society of Oil and Gas Measurement

(NFOGM), the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and Christian Michelsen
Research AS (CMR), there has earlier been worked out a "Handbook on uncertainty
calculations - Fiscal metering stations" [Dahl et al., 1999]. That handbook concen-
trated on fiscal oil metering stations based on a turbine flow meter, and fiscal gas
metering stations based on an orifice flow meter. As a further development with re-
spect to fiscal gas metering stations, a follow-up project has been initiated between
the same partners for developing a handbook on uncertainty calculations for gas me-
tering stations which are based on a flow calibrated multipath ultrasonic gas flow
meter [Lunde, 2000].

1.1.1 USM fiscal metering of gas

Multipath transit-time ultrasonic gas flow meters (USMs) are today increasingly
taken into use for fiscal metering of natural gas, and have already been developed to
a level where they are competitive alternatives to more conventional technology as
turbine and orifice meters.

USM technology offers significant operational advantages such as no moving parts,

no obstruction of flow, no pressure loss, and bi-directional operation (reducing need
for pipework). Compact metering stations can be constructed on basis of the large
turn-down ratio of USMs (35:1 or larger, tentatively), reducing the need for a multi-
plicity of meters to cover a wide flow range, and the short upstream/downstream re-
quirements with respect to disturbances. Measurement possibilities are offered
which have not been available earlier, such as flow monitoring (e.g. pulsating flow,
flow velocity profile, velocity of sound (VOS) profile), and self-checking capabilities
(from sound velocity, signal level, etc.). There are also potentials of utilizing addi-
tional information such as for gas density and calorific value determination.

The first generation of USMs has been on the market for about a decade. Three
manufacturers offer such meters for gas fiscal metering today [Daniel, 2000],
[Kongsberg, 2000], [Instromet, 2000], cf. Fig. 1.1. USMs have demonstrated their
capability to provide metering accuracy within national regulation requirements
[NPD, 2001], [AGA, 1998]. Better than 1 % uncertainty of mass flow rate (meas-
ured value) is being reported, as required for custody transfer [NPD, 2001]. In ap-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 9

propriate applications, multi-path ultrasonic meters can offer significant cost bene-
fits. Compared to conventional turbine and orifice meters, USM technology is in-
creasingly gaining acceptance throughout the industry, and is today in use in gas
metering stations onshore and offshore. The world market for precision metering of
gas is significant, and several hundred meters are today delivered each year on a
world basis (including fiscal and "check meters).

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1.1 Three types of multipath ultrasonic flow meters for gas available today: (a) Daniel Senior-
Sonic [Daniel, 2000, 2001], (b) Kongsberg MPU 1200 [Kongsberg, 2000, 2001], (c) In-
stromet Q-Sonic [Instromet, 2000]. Used by permission of Daniel Industries, FMC
Kongsberg Metering and Instromet.

In Norway the use of USMs is already included in the national regulations and stan-
dards for fiscal metering of gas [NPD, 1997; 2001], [NORSOK, 1998a]. In the USA
the AGA report no. 9 [AGA-9, 1998] provides guidelines for practical use of USMs
for fiscal gas metering. Internationally, work has been initiated for ISO standardiza-
tion of ultrasonic gas flow measurement, based e.g. on the reports ISO/TR
126765:1997 [ISO, 1997] and AGA-9.

In spite of the considerable interest from oil and gas industry users, USMs still repre-
sent "new" technology, which in Europe has been tried out over a period of about 10
years. In the USA, Canada, etc., users were to a large extent awaiting the AGA-9
document, issued in 1998. A USM is an advanced "high-technology" electronics in-
strument, which requires competence both in production and use. USM technology is
relatively young compared with more traditional flow metering technologies, and
potentials and needs exist for further robustness and development. The technology is
expected to mature over time, and the need for standardization and improved trace-
ability is significant.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 10

For example, methods and tools to evaluate the accuracy of USMs will be important
in coming years. As there is a great number of ways to determine the flow of natural
gas, the seller and buyer of a gas product often chooses to measure the gas with two
different methods, involving different equipment. This will often result in two dif-
ferent values for the measured gas flow, creating a dispute as to the correctness of
each value. Although it is common knowledge that each value of the measured gas
flow has an uncertainty, it often causes contractual disputes. The many different ap-
proaches to calculating the uncertainty is also a source of confusion; - varying prac-
tice in this respect has definitely been experienced among members in the group of
USM manufacturers, engineering companies (metering system designers) and oper-
ating companies.

In practical use of USMs in fiscal gas metering stations, the lack of an accepted
method for evaluating the uncertainty of such metering stations has thus represented
a "problem". Along with the increasing use of USMs in gas metering stations world
wide, the need for developing standardized and accepted uncertainty evaluation
methods for such metering stations is significant.

For example, in the NPD regulations entering into force in January 2002 [NPD,
2001] it is stated that it shall be possible to document the total uncertainty of the
measurement system. An uncertainty analysis shall be prepared for the measurement
system within a 95 % confidence level (cf. Section C.1). In the ongoing work on
ISO standardization of ultrasonic gas flow meters, an uncertainty analysis is planned
to be included.

Even within such high accuracy figures as referred to above (1 % of mass flow
rate), demonstrated in flow testing, systematic errors may over time accumulate to
significant economic values. Moreover, in service, conditions may be different from
the test situation, and practical problems may occur so that occasionally it may be
difficult to ensure that such accuracy figures are actually reached. A great challenge
is now to be able to be confident of the in-service performance over a significant pe-
riod of time and changing operational conditions.

For example, the uncertainty figure found in flow calibration of a USM does not nec-
essarily reflect the real uncertainty of the meter when placed in field operation.
Methods and tools to evaluate the consequences for the uncertainty of the metering
station due to e.g. deviation in conditions from flow calibration to field operation are
needed. This concerns both installation conditions (bends, flow conditioners, flow
velocity profiles, meter orientation re. bends, wall corrosion, wear, pitting, etc.) and
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 11

gas conditions (pressure, temperature, etc.). Such tools should be based on interna-
tionally recognized and sound measurement practice in the field, also with respect to
uncertatinty evaluation1.

Another perspective in future development of USM technology which also affects

evaluation of the measurement uncertainty, is the role of "dry calibration" and flow
calibration2. Today, a meter is in general subject to both "dry calibration" and flow
calibration prior to installing the USM in field operation. However, some manufac-
turers have argued that "dry calibration" is sufficient (i.e. without flow calibration of
individual meters), and AGA-9 does also in principle open up for such a practice,
provided the USM manufacturer can document sufficient accuracy3. However, dry
calibration is not a calibration, and it is definitely a question whether such a practice
would be sufficiently traceable, and whether it could be accepted by national
authorities for fiscal metering applications4. In any case, analysis using an accepted

1 For instance, actual upstream lengths are in practice included in flow calibration, and flow con-
ditioner used and included in the flow calibration. (The NORSOK I-104 standard states that
flow conditioner of a recognized standard shall be installed, unless it is verified that the ultra-
sonic meter is not influenced by the layout of the piping upstream or downstream, in such a way
that the overall uncertainty requirements are exceeded [NORSOK, 1998a].)

2 For an explanation of the terms "dry calibration" and flow calibration, cf. Appendix A.

3 A possible approach with reduced dependence on flow calibration in the future would impose
higher requirements to the USM technology and to the USM manufacturer. There are several
reasons for that, such as:
Installation effects would not be calibrated away (i.e. the USM technology itself would have
to be sufficiently robust with respect to the range of axial and transversal flow profiles met in
practice, cf. Table 1.4),
Systematic transit time effects (cf. Table 1.4) would not be calibrated away to the same ex-
tent, unless the production of the USM technology is extremely reproducible (with respect to
transit time contributions).
With respect to pressure and temperature correction of the meter body dimensions, the refer-
ence pressure and temperature would be the dry calibration P and T (e.g. 1 atm. and 20 oC)
instead of the flow calibration P and T, which might impose larger and thus more important
Traceability aspects (see below),
Documentation of sufficient accuracy in relation to the national regulations.

4 A possible reduced dependency on flow calibration in the future would necessitate the establish-
ment of a totally new chain of traceability to national and international standards for the USM
measurement. Today, the traceability is achieved through the accreditation of the flow calibra-
tion laboratory. With a possible reduced dependence on flow calibration, and an increased de-
pendency on "dry calibration", the traceability of the individual meter manufacturers "dry cali-
bration" procedures would become much more important and critical than today, especially for
transit time "dry calibration". This involves both (1) the measurement uncertainty of the "dry
calibration" methods, (2) change of the "dry calibration" parameters with operational conditions
(pressure, temperature, gas composition and transducer distance, relative to at "dry calibration"
conditions), and (3) the contributions of such "dry calibration" uncertainties to the total USM
measurement uncertainty. Today USM measurement technology is not at a level where the trace-
ability of the "dry calibration" methods has been proved.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 12

uncertainty evaluation method would be central. However, use of "dry calibration"

only is quite another scenario than the combined use of "dry calibration" and flow
calibration, also with respect to uncertainty evaluation. The two approaches defi-
nitely require two different uncertainty models5, 6.

1.1.2 Contributions to the uncertainty of USM fiscal gas metering stations

In the present Handbook an uncertainty model for fiscal gas metering stations based
on a flow calibrated USM is proposed and implemented in an Excel uncertainty cal-
culation program. A possible future sceneario with dry calibrated" USMs only is not
covered by the present Handbook and calculation program. The model is to some
extent simplified relative to the physical effects actually taking place in the USM.
This is by no means a necessity, but has been done mainly to simplify the user inter-
face, to avoid a too high user treshold in the Excel program (with respect to speci-
fication of input uncertainties), and with the intention to formulate the model in a
best possible meter independent way which preferably meets the input uncertainty
terms commonly used in the field of USM technology.

The type of fiscal gas metering stations considered in the present Handbook is de-
scribed and motivated in Sections 1.2 and 2.1. It consists basically of a USM, a flow
computer, and instrumentation such as pressure transmitter, temperature element and
transmitter, a vibrating element densitometer, compressibility factors calculated from

5 In this context it is important to distinguish between an uncertainty model for a USM which is
only dry calibrated, and an uncertainty model for a USM which is both dry calibrated and
flow calibrated.
The uncertainty model GARUSO [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a] represents an uncertainty
model for USMs which have not been flow calibrated, only "dry calibrated".
In the present Handbook, the USM is assumed to be "dry calibrated" and flow cali-
brated, and then operated in a metering station. The two uncertainty models are related but dif-
ferent, and are developed for different use.
The uncertainty model developed here for fiscal gas metering stations which are based
on a flow calibrated USM, uses the GARUSO model as a basis for the development, cf. Appendix
E. Among others, it represents an adaptation and extension of the GARUSO model to the sce-
nario with flow calibration of the USM.

6 If the USM is flow calibrated in a flow calibration facility, the AGA-9 report [AGA, 1998] rec-
ommends that the USM shall meet specific minimum measurement performance requirements be-
fore the application of any correction factor adjustment. These requirements (deviation limits)
therefore in practice represent "dry calibration" requirements.
If the USM is not flow calibrated (only "dry calibrated"), AGA-9 recommends that the
manufacturer shall provide sufficient test data confirming that each meter shall meet the mini-
mum performance requirements. In such contexts an uncertainty model of the GARUSO type is
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 13

gas chromatography (GC) analysis, and a calorimeter for measurement of the calo-
rific value.

Flow calibration of USMs is used to achieve a traceable comparison of the USM

with a traceable reference measurement, and to "eliminate" or reduce a number of
systematic effects in the USM. That is, eliminate or reduce certain systematic effects
related to the meter body dimensions, the measured transit times and the integration
method (installation effects).

Tables 1.1-1.4 give an overview of some effects which may influence on a USM fis-
cal gas metering station, assumed that the meter and instruments otherwise function
according to manufacturer recommendations. Table 1.1 gives contributions to the
uncertainty of the instruments used for gas measurement. Table 1.2 gives uncertainty
contributions related to flow calibration of the USM. Table 1.3 gives uncertainty
contributions due to the signal communication and flow computer calculations. Table
1.4 gives some uncertainty contributions related to the USM in field operation. Flow
calibration of the USM may eliminate or reduce a number of the systematic effects,
but, as indicated in Table 1.4, several effects may still be influent, despite flow cali-
bration. Uncertainty contributions such as those listed in these tables are accounted
for in the uncertainty model for USM gas metering stations described in Chapter 37.

7 It should be noted that some of the effects listed in Table 1.4 are not sufficiently well understood
today. Improved control and corrections could be achieved if better understanding and a more
solid theoretical basis for the USM methodology was available. The expressions forming the ba-
sis for present-day USMs are based on a number of assumptions which are not fulfilled in prac-
tice, such as uniform axial flow (i.e. infinite Reynolds number, Re), uniform or no transversal
flow, interaction of infinitely thin acoustic beams (rays) with the flow, and simplified (if any)
treatment of diffraction effects. In reality, the axial flow profile will change both with Re and
with the actual installation conditions (such as bend configurations, use of flow conditioner, wall
corrosion, wear, pitting, deposits, etc.). Transversal flow is usually significant and non-uniform
(swirl, cross-flow, etc.). Moreover, in reality the acoustic beam has a finite beam width, inter-
acting with the flow over a finite volume, and with acoustic diffraction effects (due to the finite
transducer aperture). All of these factors influence on the USM integration method as well as the
measured transit times, as systematic effects.
Therefore, although the USM technology has definitely proven to be capable of meas-
uring at very high accuracy already, as required for fiscal measurement of gas, there clearly exist
potentials for further improved accuracy of this technology, by improved understanding and cor-
rection for such systematic effects. In this context, it is worth mentioning that even a relatively
small reduction of a meters systematic error by, say, 0.1-0.2 %, may over time transfer to sic-
nific economic values [NPD, 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 14

Table 1.1. Uncertainty contributions related to measurement / calculation of gas perameters in the
USM fiscal gas metering station.

Measurand Uncertainty contribution (examples)

Pressure Transmitter uncertainty (calibration)
Stability of pressure transmitter
RFI effects on pressure transmitter
Ambient temperature effects on pressure transmitter
Atmospheric pressure
Power supply effects
Mounting effects
Temperature Transmitter/element uncertainty (calibrated as a unit)
Stability of temperature transmitter
Stability of temperature element
RFI effects on temperature transmitter
Ambient temperature effects on temperature transmitter
Power supply effects
Lead resistance effects
Compressibility Model uncertainty (uncertainty of the equation of state itself, and
uncertainty of basic data unerlying the equation of state)
Analysis uncertainty (GC measurement uncertainty, variation in gas
Density Densitometer uncertainty (calibrated)
Temperature correction (line and calibration temperatures)
VOS correction (line and densitometer sound velocities, calibration
constant, periodic time)
Installation (by-pass) correction (line and densitometer P and T)
Miscellaneous effects (e.g. stability, pressure effect, deposits, corro-
sion, condensation, viscosity, vibration, power supply effects, self
induced heat, flow rate in by-pass density line, sampling representa-
tivity, etc.)
Calorific value Calorimeter uncertainty

Table 1.2. Uncertainty contributions related to flow calibration of the USM.

Source Uncertainty contribution (examples)

USM flow calibration Calibration laboratory
Deviation factor
USM repeatability in flow calibration, including repeatability of the
flow calibration laboratory

Table 1.3. Uncertainty contributions related to signal communication and flow computer calculations.

Source Uncertainty contribution (examples)

Flow computer Signal communication (analog (frequency) or digital signal)
Flow computer calculations
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 15

Table 1.4. Uncertainty contributions to an ultrasonic gas flow meter (USM) in field operation.

Ultrasonic gas flow meter (USM) in field operation

Uncertainty Type of Eliminated

Uncertainty contribution (examples) by flow
term effect
calibration? a)
Meter body Systematic Measurement uncertainty of dimensional quantities Eliminated
(at "dry calibration" conditions)
Out-of-roundness Eliminated
P & T effects on dimensional quantities (after
possible P & T corrections)
Transit times Random Turbulence (transit time fluctuations due to random
(repeatability) velocity and temperature fluctuations)
Incoherent noise (RFI, pressure control valves,
pipe vibrations, etc.)
Coherent noise (acoustic cross-talk through meter
body, electromagnetic cross-talk, acoustic reverbera-
tion in gas, etc.)
Finite clock resolution
Electronics stability (possible random effects)
Possible random effects in signal detection/processing
(e.g. erronous signal period identification).
Power supply variations
Systematic Cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay,
including finite-beam effects (line P and T effects,
ambient temperat. effects, drift, transducer exchange)
t-correction (line P and T effects, ambient tempera-
ture effects, drift, reciprocity, effects of possible trans-
ducer exchange)
Possible systematic effects in signal detection
/processing (e.g. erronous signal period identification)
Possible cavity delay correction
Possible deposits at transducer front (lubricant oil,
liquid, wax, grease, etc.)
Sound refraction (flow profile effects on transit times)
Possible beam reflection at the meter body wall Eliminated
Integration Systematic Pipe bend configurations upstream of USM (possible
method difference rel. flow calibration)
(installation In-flow profile to upstream pipe bend (possible
effects) difference rel. flow calibration)
Meter orientation relative to pipe bends (possible
difference rel. flow calibration)
Initial wall roughness (influence on flow profiles) Eliminated b)
Changed wall roughness over time: corrosion, wear,
pitting (influence on flow profiles)
Possible wall deposits (lubricant oil, liquid, wax,
grease, etc.) (influence on flow profiles)
Possible use of flow conditioner Eliminated c)
Miscel- Systematic Inaccuracy of the functional relationship (mathemati- Possibly elimi-
laneous cal model), with respect to transit times, and integra- nated, to some
tion method extent
Only uncertainties related to changes of conditions from flow calibration to field operation are in question
here. That means, systematic USM uncertainty contributions which are practically eliminated by flow cali-
bration, are not to be included in the uncertainty evaluation.
If the USM is flow calibrated together with the upstream pipe section to be used in field operation, which is
relatively common practice.
If the USM is flow calibrated together with the flow conditioner to be used in field operation.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 16

1.1.3 Uncertainty evaluation of USMs and USM gas flow metering stations

For fiscal gas metering stations, a measured value is to be accompanied with a state-
ment of the uncertainty of the measured value. In general, an uncertainty analysis is
needed to establish the measurement uncertainty of the metering station [NPD,
2001]. The uncertainty analysis is to account for the propagation of all input uncer-
tainties which influence on the uncertainty of the station. These are the uncertainty
of the flow meter in question (in the present case the USM, cf. Table 1.4), the uncer-
tainty of the reference meter used by the flow calibration laboratory at which the gas
meter was calibrated, and uncertainties of additional measurements and models used
(e.g. pressure, temperature and density measurements, Z-factor measure-
ment/calculation, calorific value measurement), etc.

Today there exists no established and widely accepted uncertainty model for USMs,
nor an uncertainty model for a USM used as part of a fiscal gas metering station, de-
rived from the basic functional relationship of such stations. It has thus been consid-
ered necessary to develop such a model in the present work, as a part of the scope of
work. In the Handbook, some more space has thus been necessary to use for de-
scription of the model itself, than would have been needed if a more established and
accepted uncertainty model of USM fiscal gas metering stations was available.

The uncertainty model for USM fiscal gas metering stations presented here has been
developed on basis of earlier developments in this field. In the following, a brief
historic review is given.

In 1987-88, a sensitivity study of multipath USMs used for fiscal gas metering was
carried out by CMR for Statoil and British Petroleum (BP) [Lygre et al., 1988]. An
uncertainty model for Fluentas FGM 100 single-path flare gas meter was prepared
by CMR in 1993 [Lunde, 1993]. In 1995 an uncertainty model for Fluentas mul-
tipath ultrasonic gas flow meter FMU 7008 was developed [Lunde et al., 1995].

Based e.g. on recommendations given in the GERG TM 8 [Lygre et al., 1995], a

group of 9 participants in the GERG Project on Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meters9 initi-

8 Fluentas FMU 700 technology was in 1996 sold to Kongsberg Offshore (now FMC Kongsberg
Metering), and is from 1998 marketed as MPU 1200 by FMC Kongsberg Metering. From 2001
Fluenta AS, Bergen, Norway, is a part of Roxar Flow Measurement AS.

9 Participating GERG (Groupe Europen de Recherches Gazires) companies in the project were
BG plc (UK), Distrigaz (Belgium), ENAGAS (Spain), N. V. Nederlandse Gasunie (Holland),
Gaz de France DR (France), NAM (Holland), Ruhrgas AG (Germany), SNAM (Italy) and Statoil
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 17

ated in 1996 the development of a relatively comprehensive uncertainty model for

USMs, named GARUSO [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a] [Sloet, 1998], [Wild, 1999]10.
One major intention was to develop an uncertainty model in conformity with ac-
cepted international standards and recommendations on uncertainty evaluation, such
as the GUM [ISO, 1995a]. Uncertainty contributions such as most of those listed in
Table 1.4 were accounted for. As described in a footnote of Section 1.1.1, the
GARUSO model relates to USMs which are dry calibrated but not flow calibrated.

On basis of an initiative from the Norwegian Society of Oil and Gas Metering
(NFOGM) and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), a "Handbook on un-
certainty calculations - Fiscal metering stations" was developed in 1999 [Dahl et al.,
1999]. That handbook concentrated on fiscal oil metering stations based on a turbine
flow meter, and fiscal gas metering stations based on an orifice flow meter. For an
orifice gas metering station, the secondary instrumentation (pressure, temperature,
density, compressibility and calorific value) is often the same as in USM fiscal gas
metering stations.

In UK a British Standard BS 7965:2000 [BS, 2000] was issued in 2000, containing

an uncertainty analysis of an ultrasonic flow meter used in a gas metering station (for
mass flow rate measurement), combined with secondary instrumentation (pressure
and temperature measurements, and density obtained from GC analysis). A number
of uncertainty contributions were identified and combined in the uncertainty model
by a root-mean-square approach, using sensitivity coefficients apparently set equal to
1 for the USM part (or not described). All uncertainty contributions were thus as-
sumed to be uncorrelated, and apparently (for the USM part) to contribute with equal
weights to the total uncertainty. The connection between the USM functional rela-
tionship and the USM uncertainty model was not described. This model has not
been found to be sufficiently well documented and accurate to be used as a basis for
the present Handbook.

In this Handbook, the theoretical basis for the GARUSO model [Lunde et al., 1997]
has been used as a fundament for development of an uncertainty model and a hand-
book on uncertainty calculations for fiscal gas metering stations which are based on

10 In later years (1998-2000) the GARUSO model has beeen further developed at CMR e.g. to en-
able use of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) - calculations of 3-dimensional flow velocity
profiles as input to the uncertainty calculations, to study installation effects [Lunde et al., 2000b],
[Hallanger et al., 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 18

use of flow calibrated multipath USMs11, cf. Chapter 3. However, in comparison

with the GARUSO model, the present description is adapted to a less detailed level,
with respect to user input. The present description is also combined with the uncer-
tainty evaluation of the secondary instrumentation12 (pressure, temperature, density
measurements and Z-factor evaluation). Also the calorific value uncertainty is ac-
counted for here.

In relation to the uncertainty model for the USM described in the British Standard
BS 7965:2000 [BS, 2000], a different model is proposed here. Essentially, the same
types of basic uncertainty contributions may be described in the two models13, but in
different manners, for a number of the uncertainty contributions. The present model
is based on an approach where the various contributions are derived from the meter-
ing stations functional relationship. That is, sensitivity coefficients are derived and
documented, providing a traceable weighting and propagatation of the various un-
certainty contributions to the overall uncertainty. Also, correlated as well as uncor-
related effects are described and documented, for traceability purposes. The resulting
expressions for the uncertainty model are different from the ones proposed in [BS,

1.2 About the Handbook

The Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations con-
sists of

The Handbook (the present document),

The Microsoft Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station for per-
forming uncertainty calculations of fiscal gas metering stations based on USM
flow meters, and individual instruments of such stations.

11 Cf. the footnote on the GARUSO model in Section 1.1.1.

12 The description of the pressure, temperature and density measurements, and the calculation of
their expanded uncertainties, are similar to the descriptions given in [Dahl et al., 1999], with
some modifications.

13 In the uncertainty model for the USM proposed here, the same types of input uncertainty contri-
butions are accounted for as in the BS 7965:2000 model, in addition to some others, cf. Tables
1.2 - 1.4.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 19

The Handbook and the Excel program address calculation of the uncertainty of fiscal
metering stations for natural gas which are based on use of a flow calibrated mul-
tipath ultrasonic transit-time flow meter (USM).

For fiscal gas metering stations, four flow rate figures are normally to be calculated
[NORSOK, 1998a]:

Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard reference condi-
tions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe (application specific).

The Handbook was originally intended to address two of these four flow rate figures
[Lunde, 2000]: the actual volume flow and the mass flow rate. However, also the
standard volume flow and the energy flow rate have been addressed in the present
Handbook, so that the expanded uncertainty can be calculated for all four flow rate
figures using the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station14.

The equipment and instruments considered are, cf. Section 2.1.2:

USM (flow calibrated),

Flow computer,
Pressure transmitter,
Temperature element and transmitter,
Densitometer (on-line installed vibrating element),
Compressibility factors calculated from gas chromatography (GC) analysis,
Calorific value measurement (calorimeter).

By propagation of input uncertainties the model calculates among others the meter-
ing stations expanded uncertainty and relative expanded uncertainty.

The USM fiscal gas metering stations addressed in the present Handbook are as-
sumed to be designed, constructed and operated according to NPD regulations [NPD,
2001]. For USM fiscal metering of gas, the NPD regulations refer to e.g. the

14 For the energy flow rate, a simplified approach has been used here, in which the calorific value
measurement has been assumed to be uncorrelated with the standard volume flow measurement,
cf. Sections 3.1 and 3.2.5.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 20

NORSOK I-104 national standard [NORSOK, 1998a] and the AGA Report No. 9
[AGA-9, 1998] as recognised standards (accepted norm). Both the NPD regula-
tions and the NORSOK I-104 standard refer to the GUM (Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement) [ISO, 1995a] as the accepted norm with respect to
uncertainty analysis (cf. Appendix C).

Consequently, the present Handbook and the computer program EMU - USM Fiscal
Gas Metering Station are based primarily on the recommended procedures in the
GUM. They are also considered to be in consistence with the proposed revision of
ISO 5168 [ISO/CD 5168, 2000] (which is based on the GUM).

With respect to uncertainty evaluation and documentation, the NPD regulations and
the NORSOK I-104 standard state that the expanded uncertainty of the measurement
system shall be specified at a 95 % confidence level, using a coverage factor k = 2
(cf. Appendix C and Section B.3). This has consequently been adopted here and
used in the Handbook and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.

The uncertainty model for the USM gas metering station developed here is based on
an analytical approach. That is, the uncertainty models for the USM, pressure trans-
mitter, temperature element/transmitter, densitometer, calculation of compressibility
factors, and calorimeter, are fully analytical, with expressions given and documented
for the model and the sensitivity coefficients (cf. Chapter 3, which is based on Ap-
pendices E, F and G).

It has been chosen [Ref Group, 2001] to calculate the uncertainty of the metering
station only in the flow calibration points, i.e. at the M test flow rate figures de-
scribed in Section 2.1 (typically M = 5 or 6)15, with a possibility to draw a curve
between these points. An example of such output is given in Fig. 5.20.

The Handbook and the accompanying Excel program provides a practical approach
to the field of uncertainty calculations of ultrasonic fiscal gas metering stations, and
is primarily written for experienced users and operators of fiscal gas metering sta-
tions, manufacturers of ultrasonic gas flow meters, engineering personnel, as well as
others with interests within the field.

15 In the AGA-9 report [AGA-9, 1998] and in [OIML, 1989], 6 calibration test flow rates (calibra-
tion points) have been recommended. In the NORSOK I-104 industry standard [NORSOK,
1998a], 5 calibration points are recommended, as a compromise between cost and performance
[Ref Group, 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 21

1.3 About the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

As a part of the present Handbook, an Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Me-
tering Station has been developed for performing uncertainty evaluations of the fiscal
gas metering station16. The program is implemented in Microsoft Excel 2000 and is
opened as a normal workbook in Excel. The program file is called EMU - USM Fis-
cal Gas Metering Station.xls. The abbreviation EMU is short for Evaluation of
Metering Uncertainty [Dahl et al., 1999].

It has been the intention that the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station may be run without needing to read much of the Handbook. However,
Chapter 5 which gives an overview of the program, as well as Chapter 4 which -
through an uncertainty evaluation example - is intended to provide some guidelines
for specifying input parameters and uncertainties to the program, may be useful to
read together with running the program for the first time. At each input cell in the
program a comment is given, with reference to the relevant section(s) of the Hand-
book in which some information and help about the required input can be found. As
delivered, the program is loaded with the input parameters and uncertainties used
for the example calculations given in Chapter 4.

As the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station is described in more
detail in Chapter 5, only a brief overview is given here. It is organized in 24 work-
sheets, related to: gas parameters, USM setup, pressure, temperature, compressibility
factors, density, calorific value, flow calibration, USM field operation, flow com-
puter etc., various worksheets for plotting of output uncertainty data (graphs, bar-
charts), a worksheet for graph and bar-chart set-up, a summary report, two additional
worksheets listing the plotted data and the calculated USM transit times, and two
program information worksheets.

As described in Section 1.2, the program calculates the expanded and relative ex-
panded uncertainties of a gas metering station which is based on a flow calibrated
USM, for the four measurands in questions, qv, Q, qm and qe.

The theoretical basis for the uncertainty calculations is described in Chapters 2 and 3.
A calculation example is given in Chapter 4, including discussion of input uncertain-

16 In the earlier Handbook [Dahl et al., 1999], the two Excel programs were named EMU - Fiscal
Gas Metering Station (for gas metering stations based on orifice plate), and EMU - Fiscal Oil
Metering Station (for oil metering stations based on a turbine meter).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 22

ties and some guidelines to the use of the program. An overall description of the
program is given in Chapter 5.

In addition to calculation/plotting/reporting of the expanded uncertainty of the gas

metering station (cf. Figs. 5.20 and 5.27-5.31), and the individual instruments of the
station, the Excel program can be used to calculate, plot and analyse the relative im-
portance of the various contributions to the uncertainty budget for the actual instru-
ments of the metering station (using bar-charts), such as:

Pressure transmitter (a number of contributions) (cf. Fig. 5.21),

Temperature element / transmitter (a number of contributions) (cf. Fig. 5.22),
Compressibility ratio evaluation (a number of contributions) (cf. Fig. 5.23),
Densitometer (including temperature, VOS and installation corrections) (Fig. 5.24),
USM flow calibration (laboratory uncertainty, meter factor, repeatability) (Fig. 5.25),
USM field operation in the the metering station (deviation from flow calibration,
with respect to P & T corrections of meter body dimensions, repeatability, systematic
transit time effects and integration/installation effects) (cf. Fig. 5.26),
The gas metering station in total (cf. Fig. 5.27).

In the program the uncertainties of the gas density, pressure and temperature meas-
urements can each be specified at two levels (cf. Tables 1.5, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4; see
also Sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.7):

(1) Overall level: The user specifies the combined standard uncertainty of the gas
density, pressure or temperature estimate, u c ( ) , u c ( P ) or u c ( T ) , respec-
tively, directly as input to the program. It is left to the user to calculate and
document u c ( ) , u c ( P ) or u c ( T ) first. This option is general, and covers any
method of obtaining the uncertainty of the gas density, pressure or temperature
estimate (measurement or calculation)17.

17 The overall level options may be of interest in several cases, such as e.g.:
If the user wants a simple and quick evaluation of the influence of u c ( ) , u c ( P ) or
u c ( T ) on the expanded uncertainty of the gas metering station,
In case of a different installation of the gas densitometer (e.g. in-line),
In case of a different gas densitometer functional relationship than Eq. (2.25),
In case of density measurement using GC analysis and calculations instead of densitometer
In case the input used at the detailed level does not fit sufficiently well to the type of input
data / uncertainties which are relevant for the pressure transmitter or temperature ele-
ment/transmitter at hand.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 23

(2) Detailed level: u c ( ) , u c ( P ) or u c ( T ) , respectively, is calculated in the

program, from more basic input for the gas densitometer, pressure transmitter
and temperature element transmitter, provided by the instrument manufacturer
and calibration laboratory. Such input is at the level described in Table 1.1.

For the input uncertainty of the compressibility factors, the user input is specified at
the level described in Table 1.1. See Tables 1.5, 3.3 and Section 5.6.

For the input uncertainty of the calorific value measurement, only the overall level
is implemented in the present version of the program, cf. Tables 1.5, 3.5 and Section

With respect to USM flow calibration, the user input is specified at the level de-
scribed in Table 1.2. See Tables 1.5, 3.6 and Sections 4.3, 5.9.

Table 1.5. Uncertainty model contributions, and optional levels for specification of input uncertainties
to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.

Uncertainty contribution Overall level Detailed level

Pressure measurement uncertainty
Temperature measurement uncertainty
Compressibility factor uncertainties
Density measurement uncertainty
Calorific value measurement uncertainty
USM flow calibration uncertainty
USM field uncertainty
Signal communication and flow computer calculations

With respect to USM field operation, a similar strategy as above with overall level
and detailed level is used for specification of input uncertainties, see Table 1.5 and
Section 5.10. For the detailed level, the level for specification of input uncertain-
ties is adapted to data from "dry calibration" / flow calibration / testing of USMs to
be provided by the USM manufacturer (cf. Chapter 6). In particular this concerns:

Repeatability. The user specifies either (1) the repeatability of the indicated
USM flow rate measurement, or (2) the repeatability of the measured transit times
(cf. Tables 1.4, 3.8 as well as Sections 4.4.1 and 5.10.1). Both can be given as
flow rate dependent.

18 Improved descriptions to include a calculation of the calorific value uncertainty (with input at the
detailed level) may be implemented in a possible future revision of the Handbook, cf. Chapter
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 24

Meter body parameters. The user specifies whether correction for pressure and
temperature effects is used by the USM manufacturer, and the uncertainties of the
pressure and temperature expansion coefficients. Cf. Tables 1.4 and 3.8 as well as
Sections 4.4.1 and 5.10.2.

Systematic transit time effects. The user specifies the uncertainty of uncorrected
systematic effects on the measured upstream and downstream transit times. Ex-
amples of such effects are given in Table 1.4, cf. Table 3.8 and Sections 4.4.3,

Integration method (installation effects). The user specifies the uncertainty due
to installation effects. Examples of such are given in Table 1.4, cf. Table 3.8 and
Sections 4.4.4, 5.10.2.

It should be noted that for all of these USM field uncertainty contributions, only un-
certainties related to changes of installation conditions from flow calibration to field
operation are in question here. That means, systematic USM uncertainty contribu-
tions which are practically eliminated by flow calibration, are not to be included in
the uncertainty model (cf. Table 1.4).

Consequently, with respect to USM technology, the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station can be run in two modes:

(A) Completely meter independent, and

(B) Weakly meter dependent19.

Mode (A) corresponds to choosing the overall level in the USM worksheet (both
for the repeatability and the systematic deviation re. flow calibration), as described
above. Mode (B) corresponds to choosing the detailed level. These options are
further described in Section 5.3. See also Section 5.10 and Chapter 6.

It is required to have Microsoft Excel 2000 installed on the computer20 in order to

run the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. Some knowledge about

19 By weakly meter dependent is here meant that the diameter, number of paths and the number of
reflections for each path need to be known. However, actual values for the inclination angles,
lateral chord positions and integration weights do not need to be known. Only very approximate
values for these quantities are needed (for calculation of certain sensitivity coefficients), as de-
scribed in Chapter 6 (cf. Table 6.3).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 25

Microsoft Excel is useful, but by no means necessary. The layout of the program is to
a large extent self-explaining and comments are used in order to provide online help
in the worksheets, with reference to the corresponding sections in the Handbook.

In the NPD regulations it is stated that it shall be possible to document the total un-
certainty of the measurement system. An uncertainty analysis shall be prepared for
the measurement system within a 95 % confidence level [NPD, 2001] (cf. Section
C.1). The GUM [ISO, 1995a] put requirements to such documentation, cf. Appendix
B.4. The expanded uncertainties calculated by the present program may be used in
such documentation of the metering station uncertainty, with reference to the Hand-
book. That means, provided the user of the program (on basis of manufacturer in-
formation or another source) can document the numbers used for the input uncer-
tainties to the program, the Handbook and the program gives procedures for propa-
gation of these input uncertainties.

It is emphasised that for traceability purposes the inputs to the program (quantities
and uncertainties) must be documented by the user, cf. Section B.4. The user must
also document that the calculation procedures and functional relationships imple-
mented in the program (cf. Chapter 2) are in conformity with the ones actually ap-
plied in the fiscal gas metering station21.

1.4 Overview of the Handbook

The Handbook has been organized in two parts, "Part A - User's Guide" and "Part B -

Part A constitutes the main body of the Handbook. The intention has been that the
reader should be able to read and use Part A without needing to read Part B. In Part
A one has thus limited the amount of mathematical details. However, to keep Part A

20 The program is optimised for small fonts and 1152 x 864 screen resolution (set in the Control
Panel by entering Display and then Settings). For other screen resolutions, it is recom-
mended to adapt the program display to the screen by the Excel zoom functionality, and saving
the Excel file using that setting.

21 If the overall level options of the program are used, the program should cover a wide range of
situations met in practice.
However, note that in this case possible correlations between the estimates which are
specified at the overall level are not accounted for (such as e.g. between the calorific value and
the Z-factors, when these are all obtained from GC analysis). In cases where such correlations
are important, the influence of the covariance term on the expanded uncertainty of the metering
station should be investigated.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 26

self-contained, all the expressions which are implemented in the uncertainty cal-
culation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station have been included and
described also in Part A. It is believed that this approach simplifies the practical use
of the Handbook.

Part B has been included as a more detailed documentation of the theoretical basis
for the uncertainty model, giving necessary and essential details, for completeness
and traceability purposes.

1.4.1 Part A - User's Guide

Part A is organized in Chapters 1-7. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the Hand-

book, including background for the work and a brief overall description of the Hand-
book and the accompanying uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station. The type of instrumentation of the USM fiscal gas metering sta-
tions addressed in the Handbook is described in Chapter 2, including description of
and necessary functional relationships for the instruments involved. That is, the
USM itself as well as pressure, temperature and density measurements. The gas
compressibility factor calculations and calorific value measurement/calculation are
also addressed.

These descriptions and functional relationships serve as a basis for the development
of the uncertainty model of the USM fiscal gas metering station, which is described
in Chapter 3. The model is derived in detail in Appendix E, on basis of the functional
relationships given in Chapter 2. Only those expressions which are necessary for
documentation of the model and the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Meter-
ing Station have been included in Chapter 3. Also definitions introduced in Appen-
dix E have - when relevant - been included in Chapter 3, to make Chapter 3 self
contained so that it can be read independently, without needing to read the appendi-

In Chapter 4 the uncertainty model is used in a calculation example, which to some

extent may also serve as a guideline to use of the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station. The program itself is described in Chapter 5, with an overview of
the various worksheets involved. Chapter 6 summarizes proposed uncertainty data to
be specified by USM manufacturers. In Chapter 7 some concluding remarks are
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 27

1.4.2 Part B - Appendices

Part B is organized in Appendices A-G, giving definitions, selected national regula-

tions and the theoretical basis for the uncertainty model described in Chapter 3.

Some definitions and abbreviations related to USM technology are given in Appen-
dix A. For reference, selected definitions and procedures for evaluation of uncer-
tainty as recommended by the GUM [ISO, 1995a] are given in Appendix B. Selected
national regulations for USM fiscal gas metering are included in Appendix C.

Appendix D addresses the pressure and temperature correction of the USM meter
body, and different approaches used by USM meter manufacturers are discussed and
compared, as a basis for Chapter 2. The theoretical basis of the uncertainty model
for the USM fiscal gas metering station is given in Appendix E. This constitutes the
main basis for Chapter 3. In Appendix F three alternative approaches for evaluation
of partially correlated quantities are discussed, and it is shown that the decomposi-
tion method22 approach used in Appendix E is equivalent to the covarance
method approach recommended by the GUM [ISO, 1995a]. In Appendix G details
on the uncertainty model of the vibrating element gas densitometer are given. Lit-
erature references are given at the end of Part B.

1.5 Acknowledgements

The present Handbook has been worked out on an initiative from the Norwegian So-
ciety of Oil and Gas Metering (NFOGM) and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
(NPD), represented by Svein Neumann (NFOGM) and Einar Halvorsen (NPD).
Highly acknowledged are also the useful discussions in and input from the technical
reference group, consisting of (in arbitrary order) Reidar Sakariassen (Metropartner),
Erik Malde (Phillips Petroleum Company Norway), Tore Lland (Statoil), Endre Ja-
cobsen (Statoil), Trond Folkestad (Norsk Hydro), Hkon Moestue (Norsk Hydro),
Hans Arne Frystein (Justervesenet), John Magne Eide (JME Consultants, repre-
senting Holta and Hland) and Jostein Eide (Kongsberg Fimas). Discussions with
and comments from Magne Vestrheim (University of Bergen, Dept. of Physics) and
Eivind Olav Dahl (CMR) are greatly acknowledged.

22 To the knowledge of the authors, the method which is here referred to as the decomposition
method (with decomposition of partially correlated quantities into correlated and uncorrelated
parts) has been introduced by the authors, cf. Appendices E and F.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 28


The present chapter gives a description of typical USM fiscal gas metering stations,
serving as a basis for the uncertainty model of such metering stations described in
Chapter 3, the uncertainty evaluation example given in Chapter 4, and the Excel pro-
gram EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station described in Chapter 5.

This includes a brief description of metering station methods and equipment (Section
2.1), as well as the functional relationships of the metering station (Section 2.2), the
USM instrument (Section 2.3), the gas densitometer (Section 2.4) and the pressure
and temperature instruments (Sections 2.5 and 2.6).

2.1 Description of USM fiscal gas metering station

2.1.1 General

Fiscal measurement is by [NPD, 2001] defined as measurement used for sale or cal-
culation of royalty and tax. By [NORSOK, 1998a] this includes

sales and allocation measurement of gas,

measurement of fuel and flare gas,
sampling, and
gas chromatograph (GC) measurement.

For fiscal gas metering stations, four flow rate figures are normally to be calculated
[NORSOK, 1998a]:

Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard reference condi-
tions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe (application specific).

The USM fiscal gas metering stations to be evaluated in the present Handbook are
assumed to be designed, constructed and operated according to NPD regulations
[NPD, 2001]. For USM fiscal metering of gas, the NPD regulations refer to e.g. the
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 29

NORSOK I-104 national standard [NORSOK, 1998a] and the AGA Report No. 9
[AGA-9, 1998] as recognised standards (accepted norm)23.

As a basis for the uncertainty calculations of the present Handbook, thus, a selection
of NPD regulations and NORSOK I-104 requirements which apply to USM metering
stations for sales and allocation metering of gas, have been summarized in Appendix
C. Only regulations which influence on the uncertainty model and calculations of
USM metering stations are included. (The selection is not necessarily complete.)

With respect to instrumentation of gas sales metering stations, the NPD regulations
[NPD, 2001] state that (cf. Section C.1): On sales metering stations the number of
parallel meter runs shall be such that the maximum flow of hydrocarbons can be
measured with one meter run out of service, whilst the rest of the meter runs operate
within their specified operating range. In practice, this means that on USM gas
sales metering stations a minimum of two parallel meter runs shall be used, each
with at least one USM. For allocation metering stations there is no such requirement
of two parallel meter runs.

The NORSOK I-104 standard states that flow conditioner of a recognized standard
shall be installed, unless it is verified that the ultrasonic meter is not influenced by
the layout of the piping upstream or downstream, in such a way that the overall un-
certainty requirements are exceeded [NORSOK, 1998a]. In practice, actual up-
stream lengths and flow conditioner are included in the flow calibration.

The NPD regulations further state that pressure, temperature, density and composi-
tion analysis shall be measured in such way that representative measurements are
achieved as input signals for the fiscal calculations.

As an accepted norm, the NORSOK I-104 standard [NORSOK, 1998a] state that
(cf. Section C.2): Pressure and temperature shall be measured in each of the meter
runs. Density shall be measured by at least two densitometers in the metering sta-
tion. It is further stated that The density shall be measured by the vibrating element
technique. In practice, this means that density can be measured using densitometers
in each meter run, or by two densitometers located at the gas inlet and outlet of the
metering station.

23 In the revised NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] the requirements are to a large extent stated as
functional requirements. In the comments to the requirements, it is referred to accepted norms
including industry standards, which provide possible (but not necessary) ways of fulfilling the
stated requirements. Cf. Appendix C.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 30

On the other hand, the NPD regulations also open up for calculation of density from
GC measurements: density may be determined by continuous gas chromatography,
if such determination can be done within the uncertainty requirements applicable to
density measurement. If only one gas chromatograph is used, a comparison function
against for example one densitometer should be carried out. This will provide inde-
pendent control of the density value and that density is still measured when GC is out
of operation (cf. Section C.1).

With respect to measurement of energy contents, the NPD regulations state that Gas
composition from continuous flow proportional gas chromatography or from auto-
matic flow proportional sampling shall be used for determination of energy content.
With regard to sales gas metering stations two independent systems shall be in-
stalled (cf. Section C.1). That is, for such metering stations two GCs in parallel are
required, while for allocation stations use of a single GC may be sufficient.

Such relatively complex instrument configurations may be further complicated by the

fact that the multiple measurements may be used differently by different companies:
they may be averaged (i.e., they are both used in the reported measurement), or used
only as back-up or redundancy measurements (i.e., not used in the reported meas-
urement). Moreover, in some stations two USMs are used in series. The implica-
tions of such relatively complex instrument configurations and varying company
practice on the evaluation of the metering stations measurement uncertainty, is ad-
dressed in Section 2.1.2.

The fiscal gas metering stations considered here are based on flow rate measurements
using one or several flow calibrated multipath ultrasonic gas flow meters (USM), cf.
Fig. 1.1. The USM measures basically the average axial gas flow velocity, which
when multiplied with the pipe's cross-sectional area yields the volumetric flow rate at
line conditions, qv.

Several methods are in use for measurement of Q, the volumetric flow rate at stan-
dard reference condition, cf. Table 2.124. Q can be calculated from qv, the line den-
sity, , and the density at standard reference conditions, 0 . Each of and 0 can
either be measured by densitometers, or calculated from GC measurement of the gas
composition. Three such combination methods are indicated in Table 2.1 [Sakarias-
sen, 2001]. In the North Sea, a common approach is to measure using a densi-

24 Symbols used in Tables 2.1-2.3 are explained in Section 2.2.1.

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 31

tometer and to calculate 0 from the gas composition output of a GC (method 2 in

Table 2.1). Measurement of 0 using a densitometer is less common (method 1 in
Table 2.1).

Several methods can be used for measurement of the line density [Tambo and
Sgaard, 1997] and thus the mass flow rate, qm. According to the NPD regulations
[NPD, 2001], the line denstity can either be measured using densitometer(s), or
calculated from GC measurement of the gas composition, cf. Table 2.2.

Table 2.1. Different methods of measuring the volumetric flow rate at standard reference
conditions, Q.

Primary measurement
Method Functional Line conditions Std. reference conditions
no. relationship
measured 0 measured
Q= qv
1 0 using densitometer using densitometer
Z 0 RT0 measured Z 0 , m calculated
2 Q= qv
mP0 using densitometer from GC analysis
PT0 Z 0 Z calculated Z 0 calculated
3 Q= qv from GC analysis
P0 TZ from GC analysis

Table 2.2. Different methods of measuring the mass flow rate, qm.

Primary measurement
Method Functional Line conditions
no. relationship
q m = q v measured
1 using densitometer
mP Z , m calculated
2 qm = qv from GC analysis

Table 2.3. Different methods of measuring the energy flow rate, qe.

Primary measurement
Method Functional Line conditions Std. reference Calorific value
no. relationship conditions
measured 0 measured H S measured
1 using densitometer using densitometer using calorimeter
qe = H S qv
0 measured 0 measured H S calculated
2 using densitometer using densitometer from GC analysis
Z 0 RT0 measured Z 0 , m calculated H S calculated
3 qe = H S qv
mP0 using densitometer from GC analysis from GC analysis
Z calculated from Z 0 calculated from H S calculated
4 PT0 Z 0 GC analysis GC analysis from GC analysis
qe = H S qv
P0 TZ Z calculated from Z 0 calculated from H S measured
5 GC analysis GC analysis using calorimeter
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 32

Several methods are in use also for measurement of qe, the energy flow rate, cf. Table
2.3. qe can be calculated from Q and the superior (gross) calorific value Hs, both
specified at standard reference conditions. The conversion from qv therefore involves
, 0 and Hs. According to the NPD regulations [NPD, 2001], the superior (gross)
calorific value Hs can either be calculated from the gas composition measured using
GC analysis, or measured directly on basis of gas combustion (using a calorimeter)
(cf. Section C.1). Five combination methods for measurement of qe are indicated in
Table 2.3 [Sakariassen, 2001], correspondig to the three methods for measurement of
Q shown in Table 2.1. In the North Sea, a common method is to measure using a
densitometer and to calculate 0 and Hs using the gas composition output from a GC
(method 3 in Table 2.3).

2.1.2 Gas metering station equipment considered in the Handbook

From the more general description of USM gas metering stations given in Section
2.1.1, the gas metering station equipment considered in the present Handbook is ad-
dressed in the following.

With respect to measurement of the volumetric flow rate at standard reference con-
ditions, Q, Method 3 of Table 2.1 is considered here [Lunde, 2000], [Ref. Group,
2001]. That is, P and T are measured, and Z and Z0 are calculated from GC analysis.
This has been done to reduce the complexity of the uncertainty model. A more gen-
eral treatment of all three approaches, and the implications of these for the uncer-
tainty model of the gas metering station, would be beyond the scope of the present
Handbook [Ref. Group, 2001]25.

For measurement of the mass flow rate, qm, Method 1 in Table 2.2 is considered here
[Ref. Group, 2001], since the NORSOK standard I-104 state that "the density shall
be measured using the vibrating element technique", i.e. by densitometer26, cf. Sec-
tion C.2.

With respect to measurement of the energy flow rate, qe, Method 5 in Table 2.3 is
considered in the present Handbook [Ref. Group, 2001]. That is, P and T are meas-

25 Other methods for measurement of Q listed in Table 2.1 may be included in a possible later revi-
sion of the Handbook, cf. Chapter 7.

26 Note that the NORSOK I-104 industry standard represents an accepted norm in the NPD
regulations (i.e. gives possible ways of fulfilling the NPD requirements), and that the NPD regu-
lations also open up for use of calculated density from GC analysis, cf. Sections 2.1.1 and C.1.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 33

ured, Z and Z0 are calculated from GC analysis, and a calorimeter is used to measure
Hs. This has been done to reduce the complexity of the uncertainty model, without
treating possible correlations between Z, Z0 and Hs. A more general treatment of all
five methods, and the implications of these, would be beyond the scope of this
Handbook [Ref. Group, 2001]27.

Consequently, the type of fiscal gas metering stations considered in the present
Handbook consist basically of one or several USMs (qv), a flow computer, and in-
strumentation such as pressure transmitter (P), temperature element and transmitter
(T), vibrating element densitometer (), compressibility factors calculated from GC
analysis (Z and Z0), and a calorimeter (Hs) [Ref. Group, 2001], cf. Table 2.4.

Table 2.4. USM fiscal gas metering station equipment considered in the Handbook. Included is also
example instrumentation used for uncertainty evaluation of a fiscal gas metering station.

Measurement Instrument
Ultrasonic meter (USM) Multipath, flow calibrated USM. Otherwise not specified.
Flow computer Not specified.
Pressure (static), P Not specified.
Example: Rosemount 3051P Reference Class Pressure Transmitter
[Rosemount, 2000].
Temperature, T Not specified.
Example: Pt 100 element (EN 60751 tolerance A) [NORSOK, 1998a].
Rosemount 3144 Smart Temperature Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000].
Density, On-line installed vibrating element densitometer. Otherwise not
Example: Solartron 7812 Gas Density Transducer [Solartron, 1999].
Compressibility, Z and Z0 Calculated from GC measurements. Otherwise not specified
Calorific value, Hs Calorimeter (combustion method). Otherwise not specified

Only flow calibrated USMs are considered here, which means that the Handbook
typically addresses sales and allocation metering stations, as well as fuel gas meter-
ing stations in which a flow calibrated USM is employed. Ultrasonic flare gas me-
ters and fuel gas meters which are not flow calibrated, are not covered by the present
Handbook [Ref. Group, 2001]. Sampling and the GC measurement itself are not ad-

In general, the flow computer, USM, pressure transmitter, temperature ele-

ment/transmitter, densitometer, gas chromatograph and calorimeter are not limited to

27 Other methods for measurement of qe listed in Table 2.3 may be included in a possible later revi-
sion of the Handbook, cf. Chapter 7.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 34

specific manufacturers or models, cf. Table 2.4. The temperature element and trans-
mitter are assumed to be calibrated together. For the densitometer only on-line in-
stalled vibrating element density transducers are considered [NORSOK; 1998a]. The
calorific value is assumed to be measured using a calorimeter (since possible corre-
lation between Z, Z0 and Hs is not accounted for). Within these limitations, the
Handbook and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station should cover a
relatively broad range of instruments.

For uncertainty evaluation of such USM gas metering stations, a conservative

worst-case approach may be sound and useful, in which only one instrument of
each type is considered. Such an approach should give the highest uncertainty of the
metering station. That means, one USM, one pressure transmitter, one temperature
element/transmitter, one densitometer and one calorimeter. This instrument con-
figuration should cover the relevant applications, and is used here for the purpose of
uncertainty evaluation [Ref. Group, 2001].

With respect to measurement of P, T and , Table 2.4 also gives some equipment
chosen by NPD, NFOGM and CMR [Ref. Group, 2001] for the example uncertainty
evaluation of a USM fiscal gas metering station described in Chapter 4. These exam-
ple instruments represent typical equipment commonly used today when upgrading
existing fiscal metering stations and designing new fiscal metering stations. The ex-
ample temperature transmitter evaluated is the Rosemount Model 3144 Smart Tem-
perature Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000], in combination with a Pt 100 4-wire RTD
(calibrated together). The example pressure transmitter evaluated is the Rosemount
Model 3051P Reference Class Pressure Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000]. The exam-
ple densitometer evaluated is the Solartron 7812 Gas Density Transducer [Solartron,

2.2 Functional relationship - USM fiscal gas metering station

The functional relationships of the USM fiscal gas metering station which are needed
for expressing the uncertainty model of the metering station are discussed in the fol-
lowing. First, the functional relationships which are used in practice are given.
These are then re-written to an equivalent form which is more convenient for the
purpose of accounting (in the uncertainty model) for the relevant uncertainties and
systematic effects related to flow calibration of the USM.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 35

2.2.1 Basic operational functional relationships

The measurement of natural gas using a flow calibrated ultrasonic gas flow meter
(USM) can be described by the equations (cf. Section 2.1)

q v = 3600 K qUSM [m3/h] , (2.1)

PT0 Z 0
Q= qv [Sm3/h] , (2.2)

q m = q v [kg/h] , (2.3)

qe = H S Q [MJ/h] , (2.4)

for the axial volumetric flow rate at line conditions, q v , the axial volumetric flow
rate at standard reference conditions, Q, the axial mass flow rate, q m , and the energy
flow rate, q e , respectively28.

Here, the correction factor29

K f ( K 1 , K 2 ,... , K M , q v ) (2.5)

is some function, f, of the M meter factors, Kj, measured at different nominal test
flow rates (calibration points),

28 It should be noted that the conversion from

Volumetric flow rate at line conditions (qv) to volumetric flow at standard ref. conditions (Q),
Volumetric flow rate at line conditions (qv) to mass flow rate (qm), and
Volumetric flow rate at line conditions (qv) to energy flow rate (qe),
can be made using different methods, involving different types of instrumentation, cf. Tables 2.1-
2.3. In the present Handbook, method 3 of Table 2.1, method 1 of Table 2.2 and method 5 of
Table 2.3 are used, respectively, as discussed in Section 2.1.2.

29 By [AGA-9, 1998; p. A-4] the function K is referred to as calibration factor. Here this termi-
nology will be avoided, for reasons explained in the following.
By [IP, 1987, paragraph 2.3.4] a meter factor is defined as the ratio of the actual
volume of liquid passing through the meter to the volume indicated by the meter, cf. also [API,
1987; paragraph].
By the same IP reference, the K-factor (meter output factor) is defined as the number
of signal pulses emitted by the meter while the unit volume is delivered. The K-factor thus has
the unit of pulses per volume. For flow meters the term calibration factor is essentially cover-
ing what is meant by the K-factor [Eide, 2001b].
In this terminology (mainly originating from use of turbine meters), thus, the numbers
Kj, j = 1, , M, are meter factors. The curve K established on basis of these M meter factors
(e.g. using the methods described in Section 2.2.2) will here be referred to as the correction
factor. The terms K-factor and calibration factor will be avoided in the present document,
to reduce possible confusion between USM and turbine meter terminologies.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 36

q ref , j
Kj , j = 1, , M , (2.6)
qUSM , j

qv : axial volumetric flow rate at actual pressure (P), temperature (T) and
gas compositional conditions (line conditions),
Q: axial volumetric flow rate at standard reference conditions (P0 and T0),
for the actual gas composition,
qm : axial mass flow rate,
qe : axial energy flow rate,
q ref , j : reference value for the axial volumetric flow rate under flow calibra-
tion of the USM (axial volumetric flow rate measured by the flow
calibration laboratory), at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M, at flow
calibration pressure and temperature, Pcal and Tcal.
qUSM , j : axial volumetric flow rate measured by the USM under flow calibra-
tion, at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M, at flow calibration pressure
and temperature, Pcal and Tcal.
qUSM : axial volumetric flow rate measured by the USM under field operation
(at line conditions), i.e. at P, T, actual gas and actual flow rate, before
the correction factor K is applied.
P: static gas pressure in the meter run (line pressure),
T: gas temperature in the meter run (line temperature),
Z: gas compressibility factor in the meter run (line compressibility factor),
P0 : static gas pressure at standard reference conditions30: P0 = 1 atm. =
1.01325 bara,
T0 : gas temperature at standard reference conditions: T0 = 15 oC = 288.15 K,
Z0 : gas compressibility factor at standard reference conditions, P0, T0 (for
the actual gas composition),
Pcal : static gas pressure at USM flow calibration,
Tcal: gas temperature at USM flow calibration,
: gas density in the meter run (line density), for the actual gas, P and T,
Hs : superior (gross) calorific value per unit volume [MJ/Sm3], at standard
reference conditions, P0, T0, and at combustion reference temperature
25 oC [ISO 6976, 1995c],
m: molar mass [kg/mole].

30 In the present Handbook, Q and qe and their uncertainties are specified at standard reference
conditions, P0 = 1 atm. and T0 = 15 oC. However, as the acual values for P0 and T0 are used only
for calculation of Q and qe, their calculated uncertainties at standard reference conditions will be
representative also for normal reference conditions, P0 = 1 atm. and T0 = 0 oC.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 37

Since qUSM , j and qUSM are measurement values obtained using the same meter (at the
flow laboratory and in the field, respectively), qUSM , j and qUSM are partially corre-
lated. That is, some contributions to qUSM , j and qUSM are correlated, while others are

2.2.2 Flow calibration issues

The correction factor is normally calculated by the USM manufacturer or the opera-
tor of the gas metering station. As discussed e.g. in the AGA-9 report [AGA-9,
1998], there are in general several ways to calculate the correction factor K from the
M meter factors Kj, j = 1, , M. Some suggested methods of establishing the correc-
tion factor from the meter factors are31:

(a) Single-factor correction. In this case, a single (constant) correcion value may
be used over the meters expected flow range, calculated e.g. as:
the flow-weighted mean error (FWME) [AGA-9, 1998]32,
the weighted mean error (WME) [OIML, 1989]33, or
the average meter factor.
Single-factor correction is effective especially when the USMs flow measure-
ment output is linear (or close to linear) over the meters flow rate operational

(b) Multi-factor correction. In this case, multiple correcion values are used over
the meters expected flow range, calculated using a more sophisticated error
correction scheme over the meters range of flow rates, e.g:

31 By [AGA-9, 1998], the single factor correction is referred to as single calibration-factor cor-
rection. As explained in the footnote accompanying Eq. (2.5), this terminology will be avoided

32 The (constant) correction factor calculated on basis of the FWME is given as [AGA-9, 1998]

(q )

USM , j qmax DevU , j

100 j =1
K= , where FWME =
100 + FWME M

j =1
USM , j qmax

is the flow-weighted mean error, and

qUSM , j q ref , j 1
DevU , j = = 1
q ref , j Kj
is the (uncorrected) deviation at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M.

33 According to the OIML method [OIML, 1989], the weighted mean error (WME) is calculated
as the flow-weighted mean error (FWME) (see the footnote above), with the exception that at the
highest flow rate, qUSM , j qmax 1 , the weight factor is 0.4 instead of 1.0.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 38

a piecewise linear interpolation method [AGA-9, 1998],

a multi-point (higher-order) polynomial algorithm [AGA-9, 1998], or
a regression analysis method.
Multi-factor correction is useful when the USMs flow measurement output is
nonlinear over the meters flow rate operational range.

The correction method formulated in Eqs. (2.1)-(2.4), and used below, covers both
method (a) (single factor correction) and the more general method (b) (multi-factor

2.2.3 Alternative functional relationship

Eqs. (2.1)-(2.4) are the expressions used in practice, for the USM field measurements
in the type of gas metering stations addressed here (cf. Section 2.1.2). However, Eq.
(2.1) as it stands is not very well suited as a functional relationship to be used as the
basis for deriving an uncertainty model of the USM gas metering station. In the un-
certainty model one needs to account (among others) for the uncertainty related to
use of the correction factor, K, the uncertainty of the flow calibration laboratory, the
partial correlation between the USM field measurement and the USM flow calibra-
tion measurement, and the cancelling of systematic effects by performing the flow
calibration. To model such effects by the functional relationship, Eq. (2.1) is re-
arranged to some extent in the following.

Let test flow rate point no. j be the calibration point closest to the actually measured
flow rate. In the vicinity of this test point no. j, the correction factor K may conven-
iently be written as

f ( K 1 , K 2 , ... , K M , q v )
K f ( K 1 , K 2 , ... , K M , q v ) = K j K j K dev , j (2.7)

where the deviation factor at test flow rate no. j, Kdev,j, is defined as the ratio of the
correction factor and the meter factor no. j,

K dev , j . (2.8)

K, Kj and Kdev,j are all very close to unity. From Eqs. (2.6)-(2.8) the functional rela-
tionship (2.1) becomes

q ref , j
q v = 3600 K dev , j qUSM . (2.9)
qUSM , j
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 39

It should be noted that Eqs. (2.9) and (2.1) are equivalent. While Eq. (2.1) is the ex-
pression used in practice for the field measurement, Eq. (2.9) is better suited for de-
riving the uncertainty model for the USM gas metering station, as motivated above.

An interpretation of the deviation factor Kdev,j is needed as a basis for specifying the
necessary uncertainty of Kdev,j as input to the uncertainty calculations (cf. Section
3.3.2). For this purpose an example of a USM flow calibration correction discussed
by [AGA-9, 1998] serves to be convenient, cf. Fig. 2.1. The figure shows the per-
centage relative deviation34 for a set of flow calibration data (uncorrected, open cir-
cles) at six test rate points, j = 1, , 6 (M = 6 here), defined as
DevU , j = ( qUSM , j q ref , j ) q ref , j . Shown is also the percentage corrected relative de-
viation at test point j after multiplication of qUSM , j by a constant correction factor, K
(in this example calculated on basis of the FWME35) (shown with triangles). The
corrected relative deviation is defined as

KqUSM , j q ref , j K
DevC , j = = 1, j = 1, , M . (2.10)
q ref , j Kj

Now, from Eqs. (2.10) and (2.8), the deviation factor can be written as

K dev , j = 1 + DevC , j . (2.11)

For example, at q / q max = 0.05, 0.1 and 1.0, one finds Kdev,1 = 1.01263, Kdev,2 =
1.00689 and Kdev,10 = 0.99943, respectively, in this example (Fig. 2.1). The close
relationship between DevC , j and Kdev,j is the background for referring to Kdev,j as the
deviation factor.

It should be noted that in general, the correction factor K is not necessarily equal to
the meter factor Kj at test flow rate no. j. That will depend on the method used for
calculation of K (cf. e.g. the above FWME example, where K Kj). However, if K is
calculated so that K = Kj at test flow rate no. j, one will have DevC , j = 0, and Kdev,j =
1. So will be the case if e.g. a piecewise linear interpolation method is used for cal-
culation of K.

34 By [AGA-9, 1998], the ordinate of Fig. 2.1 is called percent error. Here, the term error will
be avoided in this context, since error refers to comparison with the (true) value of the flow rate.
Fig. 2.1 refers to comparison with the reference measurement of the flow calibration laboratory
(cf. Eq. (2.10)), and hence the term percentage relative deviation is preferred here.

35 In the present example (cf. Fig. 2.1) the applied correction factor is constant and equal to K =
1.0031 [AGA-9, 1998].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 40

Fig. 2.1 Example of uncorreced (DevU,j) and FWME-corrected (DevC,j) flow-calibration data for a
8 diameter USM. Copied from the AGA Report No. 9, Measurement of Gas by Multipath
Ultrasonic Meters [AGA-9, 1998], with the permission of the copyright holder, American
Gas Association. (The figure was based on data provided by Soutwest Research Institute,
San Santonio, Texas.)

2.3 Functional relationship - Multipath ultrasonic gas flow meter

The functional relationship of the USM gas metering station, given by Eqs. (2.9) and
(2.2)-(2.4), involves the volumetric flow rates measured by the USM in the field and
at the flow calibration laboratory, qUSM and qUSM , j , respectively. To account for the
systematic effects which are eliminated by flow calibration, as well as correlated and
uncorrelated effects between qUSM and qUSM , j , the functional relationship of the
USM is needed.

2.3.1 Basic USM principles

A multipath ultrasonic transit time gas flow meter is a device consisting basically of
a cylindrical meter body (spoolpiece), ultrasonic transducers typically located
along the meter body wall, an electronics unit with cables and a flow computer [ISO,
1997], [AGA-9, 1998], [Lunde et al., 2000a], cf. Figs. 1.1, 2.2 and 2.3 The trans-
ducers are usually mounted in transducer ports and in direct contact with the gas
stream, using gas-tight seals (o-rings) to contain the pressure in the pipe.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 41

USMs derive the volumetric gas flow rate by measuring electronically the transit
times of high frequency sound pulses. Transit times are measured for sound pulses
propagating across the pipe, at an angle with respect to the pipe axis, downstream
with the gas flow, and upstream against the gas flow (cf. Figs. 2.2 and 2.3). Multiple
paths are used to improve the measurement accuracy in pipe configurations with
complex axial flow profiles and transversal flow.

Different types of path configurations are used in USMs available today, including
non-reflecting and reflecting path configurations. Fig. 2.2 illustrates some concepts
used, corresponding to Fig. 1.1. The present Handbook accounts for USMs with re-
flecting paths as well as USMs with non-reflecting paths.

For each of the N acoustic paths, the difference between the upstream and down-
stream propagating transit times is proportional to the average gas flow velocity
along the acoustic path. The gas flow velocities along the N acoustic paths are used
to calculate the average axial gas flow velocity in the meter run, which (in the USM)
is multiplied with the pipe cross-sectional area to give the volumetric axial gas flow
rate at line conditions.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.2 Three different types of USM path configurations used today:
(a) Daniel SeniorSonic 4-path non-reflecting-path configuration [Daniel, 2000],
(b) Kongsberg MPU 1200 6-path non-reflecting-path configuration [Kongsberg, 2000],
(c) Instromet Q-Sonic 5-path reflecting-path configuration [Instromet, 2000].
Copied from the respective sales brochures with the permission of Daniel Industries, FMC
Kongsberg Metering and Instromet.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 42

Normally, USMs used for sales metering of gas are (1) dry calibrated in the factory
and (2) flow calibrated in an accredited flow calibration laboratory36, before installa-
tion for duty in the gas line [AGA-9, 1998].

The USM metering principle is described elsewhere (cf. e.g. [AGA-9, 1998], [Lunde
et al., 2000a]), and details of that are not further outlined here, except for the func-
tional relationship described in the following, which is needed for the uncertainty
analysis of Chapter 3.

2.3.2 Alternative USM functional relationships

A schematic illustration of a single path in a multipath ultrasonic gas flow meter

(USM) is shown in Fig. 2.3. Four different formulations of the functional relation-
ship of the USM measurement are relevant. These are here referred to as Formula-
tions A, B, C and D. The four formulations are equivalent, but differ with respect to
which input quantities that are used for describing the geometry of the USM37.

cables &
Receiving electronics

L pi yi
x 2R

Signal Transmitting

Fig. 2.3 Schematic illustration of a single path in a multipath ultrasonic transit time gas flow meter
with non-reflecting paths (for downstream sound propagation). (Left: centre path example
(yi = 0); Right: path at lateral chord position yi.)

36 Note that due to limitations in pressure and temperature of current accredited flow calibration
laboratories (e.g. 10 oC and 50 bar maximum pressure), the deviations between line conditions
and flow calibration conditions may be significant, especially for line applications with tempera-
tures of 50-60 oC, or pressures of 150 - 200 bar. This has implications for the meter body un-
certainty (cf. Sections 2.3.4 and 3.4.1), as well as for systematic effects on transit times (cf. Sec-
tion 3.4.2).

37 With respect to the meter independency of the uncertainty model for the USM fiscal gas metering
station, cf. Sections 3.3 and 5.3.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 43

The expressions for the four formulations A, B, C and D are summarized briefly in
Table 2.5, along with the geometrical quantities involved in the respective formula-

Table 2.5. Alternative and equivalent functional relationships for multipath ultrasonic transit time
flow meters.

Formu- Functional relationship Geometrical quantities involved

lation (i = 1, , N).
( N refl ,i + 1) R 2 yi2 (t1i t2i )
A qUSM = 2R 2 w
i =1
t1it2i sin 2i
R, yi and i

( N refl ,i + 1) Li (t1i t 2i )
B qUSM = R 2 w i =1
2t1i t 2i cos i
R, Li and i

( N refl ,i + 1) L2i (t1i t 2i )
C qUSM = R 2 i =1
2 xi t1i t 2i
R, Li and xi

N (
( N refl ,i + 1) xi2 + 4 R 2 y i2 ) (t1i t 2i )
D qUSM = R 2 w
i =1
2 xi t1i t 2i
R, yi and xi

Here, the following terminology is used:

R: inner radius of the USM meter body,

yi: lateral distance from the pipe center (lateral chord position) for path
no. i, i = 1, , N,
i: inclination angle (relative to the pipe axis) of path no. i, i = 1, , N,
Li: (a) For non-reflecting paths (Nrefl,i = 0): interrogation length of
path no. i, i = 1, , N (i.e., the length of the portion of the inter-
transducer centre line lying inside a cylinder formed by the meter
bodys inner diameter).
(b) For reflecting paths (Nrefl,i > 0): the portion of the distance
from the transmitting transducer front to the first reflection point,
which is lying inside a cylinder formed by the meter bodys inner
diameter, for path no. i, i = 1, , N. This length is 1/(Nrefl,i+1) of
the total propagation distance (interrogation length) of the acoustic
path inside the pipe.
xi: length of the projection of Li along the pipe axis (x-direction), for
path no. i, i = 1, , N.
wi : integration weight factor for path no. i, i = 1, , N,
t1i: transit time for upstream sound propagation of path no. i, i = 1, , N,
t2i: transit time for downstream sound propagation of path no. i, i = 1, , N,
Nrefl,i: number of wall reflections for path no. i, i = 1, , N,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 44

N: number of acoustic paths.

With respect to (Nrefl,i+1), this factor has been introduced here to account both for
USMs with reflecting paths and USMs with non-reflecting paths (cf. [Frysa et al.,
2001]). For example, in the 4-path Daniel SeniorSonic [Daniel, 2000] and the 6-path
Kongsberg MPU 1200 [Kongsberg, 2000] meters, no reflecting paths are used, and
Nrefl,i = 0. For the 5-path Instromet Q-sonic [Instromet, 2000], three single- and two
double reflecting paths are used, and Nrefl,i = 1 and 2, respectively.

Formulation A was used in [Lunde et al., 1997] and [Lunde et al., 2000a], with the
exception that the factor (Nrefl,i+1) has been included here to account also for USMs
with reflecting paths. Formulation C corresponds to the expression given by [ISO,
1997] (Eq. (23) of that document), except for the factor (Nrefl,i+1).

For the flow calibration measurement of the USM, qUSM , j , similar expression as
given in Table 2.5 apply.

2.3.3 Choice of USM functional relationship and meter independency aspects

It should be highly emphasized that for the uncertainty model of the USM gas me-
tering station presented in Chapter 3, and for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty
of the metering station using the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station described in Chapter 5, the actual choice of USM formulation A, B, C or D is
not essential or critical.

The formulations A, B, C, or D differ only by which meter body geometry parame-

ters that are used as input quantities, cf. Table 2.5. By the flow calibration, meas-
urement uncertainties and out-of roundness effects on the meter body geometry
(systematic effects) are eliminated (cf. Table 1.4), so that only dimensional changes
due to possible pressure and temperature differences are left to be accounted for in
the model. The description of such dimensional changes is independent of USM
formulation A, B, C or D, and can be described similarly using any of these. For the
uncertainty model of a flow calibrated USM, it is thus not important which geometry
parameters that have actually been measured on the USM meter body at hand, in the
"dry calibration"38.

38 For a USM for which flow calibration has not been made, i.e. the USM has been subject only to
"dry calibration", the situation would be somewhat different. In this case, the measurement un-
certainties and out-of roundness effects on the meter body geometry (systematic effects) would
have to be accounted for in the model (such as in the GARUSO model, cf. [Lunde et al., 1997,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 45

The main reason for introducing the four formulations, as done in Section 2.3.2, and
for making a choice of one of them for the following description, is threefold:

(1) Firstly, a specific USM formulation is needed in the process of deriving a

mathematically and formally valid uncertainty model, to sort out which uncer-
tainty terms that are to be accounted for and not, and how they shall appear in the
model (correlation aspects, etc.). This process is described in Appendix E.
However, after this process, uncertainty terms are associated and assembled in
groups, so that the resulting uncertainty model, Eq. (3.6), becomes essentially
independent of USM formulation. In fact, this meter independent uncertainty
model, Eq. (3.6), would be the result irrespective of which USM formulation A,
B, C or D that were used for the formal derivation of the model.

(2) With respect to USM related input uncertainties, the user has the option to run
the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station at two levels (cf. Sections
1.3, 3.4 and 5.10):

(a) An overall level, where the relative standard uncertainties Erept and EUSM,
(cf. Eq. (3.19)) are given directly. In this operational mode the uncertainty
model is completely meter independent (does not involve formulations A, B,
C, or D at all).

(b) A more detailed level, where Erept, EUSM, or both, are calculated from
more basic input (cf. Eqs. (3.20)-(3.47)). In this operational mode, sensitiv-
ity coefficients have to be calculated in the program. Therefore, one of the
formulations A, B, C and D has to be chosen, for calculation of these coeffi-
cients. However, the choice of formulation is arbitrary; - i.e. the uncertainty
model does not depend on which of the formulations A, B, C and D that is
actually used39.

2000]). The choice of formulation A, B, C and D would then be more important. This compli-
cation may be overcome e.g. as follows:
As an example, assume formulation A is used. For USMs for which other geometry
quantities than R, yi and i are used as input quantites, such as one of the sets {R, Li, i}, {R, Li,
xi} or {R, yi, xi}, the uncertainty of such USMs may be evaluated in terms of formulation A by
calculating the combined standard uncertainties of R, yi and i from the standard uncertainties of
the sets {R, Li, i}, {R, Li, xi} or {R, yi, xi}, respectively, and using these combined standard un-
certainties of R, yi and i as input to the uncertainty calculations.

39 Sensitivity coefficients involving the USM functional relationship formulation appear in the un-
certainty terms related to (1) repeatability of the USM in field operation, Erept, and (2) the USM
field operation of the USM, EUSM,, cf. Eqs. (3.19)-(3.20).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 46

(3) Thirdly, for description of uncertainties related to dimensional changes of the

meter body, caused by possible pressure and temperature differences from flow
calibration to field operation, one of the formulations A, B, C or D is needed,
since Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) are not generally valid, cf. Section 2.3.4.

For these three reasons, one has to choose one of the four formulations A, B, C or D,
given by Eqs. (2.12)-(2.15), as the USM functional relationship.

In the present document, Formulation A is used, i.e.

N ( N refl ,i + 1) R 2 y i2 (t1i t 2i )
qUSM = 2R 2 wi , (2.12)
i =1 t1i t 2i sin 2 i

involving the geometrical quantities R, yi and i, i = 1, ..., N, i.e., the meter body in-
ner radius, the lateral chord positions and the inclination angles of the paths.

2.3.4 Pressure and temperature corrections of USM meter body

Pressure and temperature effects on the meter body dimensions (expan-

sion/contraction, cf. Fig. 2.4) act as systematic effects and appear directly as errors in
the flow rate measurement result, qv, if not corrected for. Such errors in qv become
significant, e.g. about 0.1 %, for a temperature difference of 24 oC, or a pressure dif-
ference of 36 bar (for a 12 USM example with wall thickness 8.4 mm), relative to
the P and T conditions at flow calibration40. If such temperature and pressure effects

With respect to Erept, the sensitivity coefficients are completely independent of which
formulation A, B, C and D that is used, cf. Eqs. (3.43)-(3.44) and the text accompanying Eq.
With respect to EUSM,, sensitivity coefficients appear in connection with the uncer-
tainty terms Etime, and Ebody,, cf. Eq. (3.20). For Etime,, the sensitivity coefficients are completely
independent of formulation, for the same reason as given in connection with Erept above.
For Ebody,, the sensitivity coefficients are given by Eqs. (3.25)-(3.27). Ebody, accounts
for uncertainties related to meter body quantities. In the case studied here, with flow calibration
of the USM, only uncertainties related to pressure and temperature expansison/contraction of the
meter body are to be accounted for in Ebody, (cf. Table 1.4). In this case, since the P and T ef-
fects on the geometrical quantities are correlated (cf. Eq. (3.21)), it can be shown that Ebody, is
independent of which of the formulations A, B, C and D that is actually used.

40 These results can be calculated e.g. using Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) below, with USM meter body mate-
rial data as given in Table 4.3, and Eq. (2.19) used for the radial pressure expansion coefficient,
. The results are consistent with the analysis and results given in the AGA-9 report [AGA-9,
1998, Section 5.1.1]. Note that other models for (cf. Table 2.6) would give other figures for
the pressure expansion/contraction.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 47

work in opposite directions (e.g. expansion due to pressure increase and contrac-
tion due to a temperatur decrease, relative to the reference conditions), they will can-
cel each other. However, if they work in the same direction, that would result in
an error of 0.2 %. Over time a systematic error of this magnitude may accumulate to
significant economic values, so correcting for the error is often recommended.

For example, the NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] state that Correction shall be made
for documented measurement errors. Correction shall be carried out if the deviation
is larger than 0.02 % of the total volume (cf. Section C.1). Pressure and tempera-
ture correction is also addressed by the AGA-9 report41.

To correct for the small dimensional changes (expansion/contraction) of the meter

body caused by the operational pressure and temperature in the field (cf. Fig. 2.4),
some meter manufacturers have implemented correction factors for such dimensional
changes. Note that today such corrections address the dimensional changes of the
meter body, but not necessarily the effect of dimensional changes of the transduc-

Fig. 2.4 Geometry for acoustic path no. i in the USM, showing lateral change with T and P (sche-

At a temperature T and pressure P, the meter body radius (R), the lateral chord posi-
tions (yi), and the inclination angles (i), are (cf. Appendix D)

41 For each individual USM, the AGA-9 report recommends measurement and documentation of
relevant dimensions of the meter at atmospheric conditions and a temperature 20 oC, as a part of
the dry calibration of the USM [AGA-9, 1998]. This concerns the average inner diameter of
the meter body, the length of each acoustic path between transducer faces, the axial distance be-
tween transducer pairs, and inclination angles. Some recommendations for measurements of
these quantities in the factory are given in the AGA-9 report.

42 In the program EMU - USM fiscal gas metering stations, the effects of transducer expan-
sion/contraction due to pressure and temperature effects can be accounted for by including such
effects in the standard uncertainties of the coefficients of linear thermal and pressure expansion,
u() and u(), respectively. Cf. Section 3.4.1.
An alternative approach would be to account for such effects in the functional relation-
ship of the USM, and that may be included in possible future upgrades of the Handbook.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 48

R K T K P R0 (2.13)

yi K T K P y i0 (2.14)

tan( i0 )
i tan 1 , i = 1, , N (2.15)
1 ( 1 )( K P 1 )

where subscript 0 is used to denote the relevant geometrical quantity at "dry cali-
bration" conditions, i.e. R0, yi0 and i0. The correction factors for the inner radius of
the meter body due to dimensional changes caused by temperature and pressure
changes relative to dry calibration conditions, are given as (cf. e.g. [API, 1981;
1995], [IP, 1989], [AGA-9, 1998])

K T 1 + Tdry , Tdry T-Tdry , (2.16)

K P 1 + Pdry , Pdry P-Pdry , (2.17)

respectively, where Pdry and Tdry are the pressure and temperature at dry calibration
conditions, e.g. Pdry = 1 atm. and Tdry = 20 oC 43. is the coefficient of linear ther-
mal expansion of the meter body material. and * are the radial and axial linear
pressure expansion coefficients for the meter body, respectively.

For convenience, KP and KT are here referred to as the radial pressure and tempera-
ture correction factors for the USM meter body, respectively44. and * depend on
the type of support provided for the meter body installation (i.e. the model used for
the meter body pressure expansion / contraction). Table 2.6 gives different models in
use for , and corresponding expressions for * are given in Appendix D. Note that
all models in use represent simplifications. For thin-walled cylindrical and isotropi-
cally elastic meter bodys, and * are releated as (cf. Appendix D)

43 Note that the actual values of the temperature and pressure at dry calibration (Pdry and Tdry ) are
never used in the uncertainty model of the gas metering station, i.e. they are not used at all in the
program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.
This is so because the relevant reference temperature and pressure with respect to me-
ter body expansion / contraction are not the dry calibration temperature and pressure, but the
temperature and pressure at flow calibration of the USM, cf. Section 3.4.1.

44 The radial pressure and temperature correction factors for the USM meter body, KP and KT,
should not be confused with the corresponding volumetric pressure and temperature correction
factors of the meter body, Cpsm and Ctsm, cf. e.g. Eqs. (2.21)-(2.22).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 49

= 0.3 forthe
for thecylindrica
cylindricall pipe
pipe sec
tion model
mod el(ends
0 for theinite
for inf length cylindrica
ininite-length l pipe
cylindrical pipe mod el (ends
model (ends clamped),
clamped ) (2.18)

1 2
= 0.235 for the for the cylindrica
cylindrical l tan k(ends
tank model mod el (ends capped )

where the values inserted for * apply to steel ( = 0.3).

Table 2.6. Models used by USM manufaturers etc. for linear pressure expansion of the inner radius of
the USM meter body (isotropic material assumed), under uniform internal pressure.

Reference / Models for the coefficient of USM meter body

USM manufacturer linear radial pressure expansion, assumptions
[AGA-9, 1998], R Cylindrical pipe section model
[Roark, 2001, p. 592] = 0 (ends free)
Thin wall, w < R0 /10
1 1.3( R0 + w ) + 0.4 R0
2 2
Cylindrical tank model
Daniel Industries = (pipe with ends capped)
( R0 + w ) 2 R0
[Daniel, 1996, 2001] Thick wall
R Steel material ( = 0.3)
( 0.85 0 for w << R0)
FMC Kongsberg Metering R0 Cylindrical tank model
[Kongsberg, 2001], = 1 (pipe with ends capped) 45
wY 2
[Roark, 2001, p. 593] Thin wall, w < R0 /10
( = 0.85 for = 0.3 (steel))
Instromet No P or T correction used. Infinitely long pipe model (ends
[Autek, 2001] clamped, no axial displacement)
Pressure expansion analysis based Radial expansison assumed to be
on: = 0.5 radial expansion for ends-
R free model
= 0 .5 0
wY Thin wall, w < R0 /10

45 In [API, 1981], [API, 1995], [IP, 1989] the volumetric pressure correction factor Cpsp for a cylin-
drical container (such as a conventional pipe prover, a tank prover, or a test measure), is given as
C psp 1 + ( 2 R0 wY )P .
This is relatively close to the volumetric pressure correction factor Cpsp for a cylindri-
cal tank (pipe with ends capped) which is given as C psp = ( 1 + P ) 2 ( 1 + * P )
1 + ( 2 + * )P , where * is the coefficient of linear pressure expansion for the axial dis-
placement of the USM meter body. For a thin-walled cylindrical tank one has [Roark, 2001, p.
593] ( R0 wY )( 1 2 ) and * ( R0 wY )( 0.5 ) , giving
C psp 1 + ( 2 R0 wY )( 1.25 )P . For steel ( = 0.3) this gives C psp 1 + ( 1.95 R0 wY )P .
[IP, 1989] state that their expression is based upon a number of approximations that
may not hold in practical cases. For values of ( C psp 1 ) that do not exceed 0.00025, the value
of ( C psp 1 ) may sometimes be subject to an uncertainty of 20 %. For higher values of
( C psp 1 ) (such as for high pressure differences), the uncertainty may be larger.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 50

Here the following terminology has been used,

w = Average wall thickness of the meter body [m],

R0 = Average inner radius of the meter body, at "dry calibration" condi-
tions [m],
Y = Youngs modulus (modulus of elasticity) of the meter body material,
= Poissons ratio of the meter body material (dimensionless).

The cylindrical pipe section model [Roark, 2001, p. 592] applies to a finite-length
pipe section with free ends and does not account for flanges, bends, etc. The cylin-
drical tank model (pipe with ends capped) [Roark, 2001, p. 593] may to some extent
apply to installation in a pipe section between bends, and does not account for
flanges or very long pipe installations. Both models allow for displacement of the
pipe in axial direction, but in different directions [Roark, 2001, pp. 592-3]. The infi-
nitely-long-pipe model (ends clamped) used by Instromet [Autek, 2001] assumes no
axial displacement and that the radial displacement is at maximum half the value of
the ends-free model46. The ends-clamped model may be relevant for installation of
the USM in a long straight pipeline. Relative to the ends-free model, the ends-capped
model and the ends-clamped model used by Instromet differ by about 15 % and 50
%, for thin-walled steel pipes, as can easily be seen from the table.

For simplicity (to limit the number of cases)47, and as a possible worst case ap-
proach (since it gives about 15 % larger pressure expansion than the cylindrical tank
model), it has for the present Handbook been chosen to use the expression for
which has been applied by [AGA-9, 1998], namely

= , (2.19)

i.e. the expression corresponding to the cylindrical pipe section model (ends free).

It should also be noted that for USMs where all inclination angles are equal to 45o,
i.e, i 0 = 45o, i = 1, , N, Eqs. (2.12)-(2.17) can be written as (cf. Appendix D)

qUSM qUSM ,0 C tsm C psm , (2.20)

46 The assumption that the radial displacement is at maximum half the of the value of the ends-free
model was a tentative estimate [Autek, 2001].

47 In a possible future revision of the Handbook, various models for may be implemented, cf.
Chapter 7.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 51


C tsm = K T3 = ( 1 + Tdry )3 1 + 3Tdry , (2.21)

C psm = K P3 = ( 1 + Pdry )3 1 + 3 Pdry , (2.22)

are the volumetric thermal and pressure correction factors of the USM meter body48,
and qUSM ,0 is given by Eqs. (2.12)-(2.15), with the "dry calibration" quantities R0, yi0,
Li0, xi0 and i0 inserted instead of the quantities R, yi, Li, xi and i, i = 1, , N.

The relationship (2.20) has been shown in Appendix D for all formulations A, B, C
and D, fully consistent with the less general discussion on this topic given in [AGA-
9, 1998; p. C-29].

Hence, for such meters Eqs. (2.12)-(2.17) and Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) are equivalent49, 50.
That means, the P and T corrections of the geometrical quantities of the meter body
can be separated from the basic USM functional relationship and put outside of the
summing over paths.

It should be noted that Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) is strictly not valid expressions for meters
involving inclination angles different from 45o, for which they represents an ap-
proximation (cf. Appendix D). Eq. (D.28) gives the relative error by using this ap-
proximation. It turns out that for moderate pressure deviations Pdry (a few tens of
bars), the errors made by using Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) may be neglected, and these equa-

48 For the correction factor of the meter body, a notation is used according to common flow me-
tering terminology, where subsripts t, p, s and m refer to temperature, pressure, steel and
meter, respectively, cf. e.g. [IP, 1989], [API, 1981], [API, 1995], [Dahl et al., 1999].

49 Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) are used by Daniel Industries for the SeniorSonic USM [Daniel, 2001], for
which it is a valid expression since all inclination angles in the meter are 45o. FMC Kongsberg
Metering are using a correction approach of the type given by Eqs. (2.13)-(2.17) [Kongsberg,

50 By one manufacturer [Autek, 2001], alternative expressions for the temperature and pressure cor-
rection factors of the USM meter body (alternatives to Eqs. (2.21)-(2.22)) have been presented,
which in the notation used here can be written as

C tsm 1 + 4Tdry , C psm 1 + 4 Pdry .

On basis of these expressions (which in fact predict larger dimensional changes than Eqs. (2.21)-
(2.22), if the same -model is used), it is argued [Autek, 2001] that the errors due to pressure and
temperature expansion / contraction are negligible except under extreme situations (such as when
the errors approach the uncertainty of the best flow calibration laboratories, about 0.3 %).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 52

tions may be used for inclination angles in the range of relevance for current USMs,
40o to 60o. However, for larger pressure deviations, and especially for inclination
angles approaching 60o, the error introduced by using Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) increases.
For example, for the 12 USM data given in Table 4.3 and angles equal to 60o, pres-
sure deviations of e.g. Pdry = 10 and 100 bar yield relative errors in flow rate of
about 610-5 = 0.006 % and 610-4 = 0.06 %, respectively, by using Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22)
(cf. Appendix D).

Today, the only USM manufacturer using Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22), Daniel Industries
[Daniel, 1996, 2001], employs 45o inclination angles, for which the two formula-
tions (2.13)-(2.15) and (2.20)-(2.22) have been shown here to be practically equiva-
lent (Appendix D). For this reason, and since both formulations are in use, the more
generally valid equations (2.13)-(2.15) are used to describe P and T effects on the
meter body in the uncertainty model of Chapter 3.

2.3.5 Transit time averaging and corrections

In practice, the transit times t 1i and t 2 i for upstream and downstream sound propaga-
tion appearing in Eq. (2.12) are time averaged transit times.

Moreover, the measured upstream and downstream transit times t 1i and t 2 i contain
possible time delays due to the electronics, cables, transducers and diffraction effects
(including finite beam effects), and possible cavities in front of the transducers, cf.
Fig. 2.3 [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a]. To achieve sufficient accuracy of the USM,
these additional time delays may have to be corrected for in the USM.

However, such time averagings and time corrections have been implemented in dif-
ferent ways by the different USM manufacturers, and a description of these would be
meter dependent.

In order to avoid meter dependent functional relationships in the uncertainty model

of the gas metering station, possible averagings and corrections of the measured tran-
sit times are not adressed here. In the uncertainty model described in Chapter 3, it is
left to the USM manufacturer to specify and document the following input uncer-

(1) With respect to repeatability (random transit time effects): One specifies either
Erept (the relative standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the measured flow
rate, at a particular flow rate), or u( t 1random
i ) (the standard uncertainty of the tran-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 53

sit time t 1i , at a particular flow rate, after possible time correction) (cf. Section
3.4.2). Both approaches are meter independent, cf. Section 2.3.351.

(2) With respect to systematic transit time effects: u( t 1systematic

i ) and u( t 2systematic
i ) , one
specifies the standard uncertainties related to systematic effects on the transit
times t 1i and t 2 i , respectively (cf. Section 3.4.2). This approach is meter inde-
pendent, cf. Section 2.3.352.

2.3.6 USM integration method

Different USM manufacturers use different integration methods, i.e. different inte-
gration weights, wi, i = 1, , N. A description of these would thus be meter depend-

In order to avoid meter dependent functional relationships in the uncertainty model

of the gas metering station, the specific USM integration method is not adressed

In the uncertainty model described in Chapter 3, it is left to the USM manufacturer to

specify and document E I , , the relative standard uncertainty of the USM integration
method due to change of installation conditions from flow calibration to field opera-
tion (cf. Section 3.4.3).

2.4 Functional relationship - Gas densitometer

As described in Section 1.3, the uncertainty of the gas densitometer can in the pro-
gram EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station be specified at two levels (cf. also
Chapter 5):

51 If specific time averaging algorithms were accounted for in the repeatability of the transit times,
that might be meter dependent.

52 If transit time corrections used in USMs were accounted for (such as correction for one or several
time delays due to transducers, diffraction, elecronics, transducer cavities, and nonzero transit
time difference (t) at zero flow), that would be meter dependent.

53 Very approximate values for the integration weights wi, i = 1, , N, are used only to calculate
certain sensitivity coefficients in the weakly meter dependent mode of the program, cf. Section
5.3 and Chapter 6 (Table 6.3).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 54

(1) Overall level: The user specifies the relative combined standard uncertainty
of the density measurement, E , directly as input to the program. It is left to the
user to calculate and document E first. This option is completely general, and
covers any method of obtaining the uncertainty of the gas density estimate
(measurement or calculation)54.

(2) Detailed level: E is calculated in the program, from more basic input uncer-
tainties for the vibrating element gas densitometer, provided by the instrument
manufacturer and calibration laboratory.

The following discussion concerns the Detailed level. In this case a functional re-
lationship of the gas densitometer is needed.

Gas densitometers considered in the Detailed level are based on the vibrating cyl-
inder principle, vibrating in the cylinders Hoop vibrational mode, cf. Fig. 2.555.
They consist of a measuring unit and an amplifier unit. The vibrating cylinder is
situated in the measuring unit and is activated at its natural frequency by the ampli-
fier unit. The output signal is a frequency or a periodic time (), which is primarily
dependent upon density, and secondarily upon other parameters, such as pressure,
temperature and gas composition [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997]. Any change in the
natural frequency will represent a density change in the gas that surrounds the vi-
brating cylinder.

Here, only on-line installation of the densitometer is considered, using a by-pass gas
sample line, cf. e.g. [ISO/CD 15970, 1999]. By this method, gas is extracted (sam-
pled) from the pipe and introduced into the densitometer. From the densitometer the
sample flow can either be returned to the pipe (to the sample probe or another low-
pressure point) or sent to the atmosphere (by the flare system). To reduce the tem-
perature differences between the densitometer and the line, the density transducer is

54 The overall level option may be of interest in several cases, such as e.g.:
If the user wants a simple and quick evaluation of the influence of u c ( ) on the expanded
uncertainty of the gas metering station,
In case of a different installation of the gas densitometer (e.g. in-line),
In case of a different gas densitometer functional relationship than Eq. (2.28),
In case of density measurement using GC analysis and calculation instead of densitometer

55 The NORSOK regulations for fiscal measurement of gas [NORSOK, 1998a,] state that
the density shall be measured by the vibrating element technique.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 55

installed in a pocket in the main line, and the whole density transducer installation
including the sampling line is thermally insulated from the ambient.



Fig. 2.5 (a) The Solartron 7812 gas density transducer [Solartron, 1999] (example). (b) Principle
sketch of possible on-line installation of a gas densitometer on a gas line (figure taken from
[ISO/CD 15970, 1999]).

For USM metering stations where the flow meter causes no natural pressure drop in
the pipe, the sampling device (probe) may be designed to form a pressure drop, so
that the pressure difference between the sample inlet hole and the sample return hole
can create sufficient flow through the sample line / densitometer to be continuously
representative with respect to gas, pressure and temperature [ISO/CD 15970, 1999].

The functional relationship involves a set of calibration constants, as well as tem-

perature correction, velocity of sound (VOS) correction, and installation correction
(see below).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 56

In the following, reference will be made to the Solartron 7812 Gas Density Trans-
ducer [Solartron, 1999], a commonly used densitometer in North Sea fiscal gas me-
tering stations. This is also the densitometer used for example calculations in Chap-
ter 4. However, it should be emphasized that the functonal relationship described in
the following is relatively general, and should apply to any on-line installed vibrating
element gas density transducer.

2.4.1 General density equation (frequency relationship regression curve)

For gas density transducers based on the vibrating cylinder principle, the output is the
periodic time of the resonance frequency of the cylinders Hoop vibrational mode.
The relation between the density and the periodic time is obtained through calibra-
tion of the densitometer at a given calibration temperature (normally 20 C), on a
known pure reference gas (normally nitrogen, argon or methane, due to their ac-
knowledged properties), and at several points along the densitometers measuring
range. The calibration results are then fitted with a regression curve,
u = f ( ,c ,T , P ) [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997]. One common regression curve is
[ISO/CD 15970, 1999], [Solartron, 1999; 6.4]

u = K 0 + K 1 + K 2 2 , (2.23)

u - indicated (uncorrected) density, in density transducer [kg/m3],
K0, K1, K2 - regression curve constants (given in the calibration certificate),
- periodic time (inverse of the resonance frequency, output from the
densitometer) [s].
c - sound velocity of the gas surrounding the vibrating element [m/s].

The periodic time, , is a function of density and varies typically in the range 200 -
900 s [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997].

The form of the regression curve can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and
Eq. (2.23) is one example of such a curve. However, note that the form of the re-
gression curve is actually not used in the densitometer uncertainty model, and that
K0, K1 and K2 are not needed as input to the uncertainty model, cf. Section 3.2.4.
The present uncertainty model is thus independent of the type of regression curve
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 57

2.4.2 Temperature correction

When the densitometer operates at temperatures other than the calibration tempera-
ture, a correction to the density calculated using Eq. (2.23) should be made for best
accuracy. In the Solartron 7812 gas density transducer, a 4-wire Pt 100 temperature
element is incorporated, for installation and check purposes [Solartron, 1999]. The
equation for temperature correction uses coefficient data given on the calibration
certificate, and is given as [ISO/CD 15970, 1999], [Solartron, 1999; 6.5]

T = u [1 + K 18 (Td Tc )] + K 19 (Td Tc ) , (2.24)

T - temperature corrected density, in density transducer [kg/m3],
K18 , K19 - constants from the calibration certificate56,
Td - gas temperature in density transducer [],
Tc - calibration temperature [].

2.4.3 VOS correction

The periodic time, , of the vibrating cylinder is influenced by the gas compressibil-
ity (or, in other words, the gas composition), and thus on the VOS in the gas. Eqs.
(2.23)-(2.24) do not account for such effects. Consequently, when the vibrating ele-
ment gas densitometer is used on gases other than the calibration gases (normally ni-
trogen or argon), a small calibration offset may be experienced. This offset is pre-
dictable, and it may be desirable to introduce VOS corrections to maintain the accu-
racy of the transducer [Solartron, 1999; 6.6 and Appendix E]57.

The basic relationship for VOS correction is [ISO/CD 15970, 1999], [Solartron,
1999; 6.6, Appendix E]


1 + d
c ,
d = T c 2
1 + K d


56 Here, the notation of [Solartron, 1999] for the calibration constants K18 and K19 is used.

57 It is stated in [Solartron, 1999; E.1] that the 7812 Gas Density Transducer is less sensitive to
VOS influence than previous models of this instrument and, in consequence, the need to apply
VOS correction is less likely. However, when it is necessary, one of the correction methods are
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 58

d - temperature and VOS corrected density, in density transducer [kg/m3],
Kd - transducer constant [m] (characteristic length for the Hoop mode reso-
nance pattern of the vibrating element [Eide, 2001a]), equal to 2.10104
m for 7812, 1.35104 m for 7810 and 2.62104 m for 7811 sensors
[Solartron, 1999].
cc - VOS for the calibration gas, at calibration temperature and pressure
conditions [m/s].
cd - VOS for the measured gas, in the density transducer [m/s].

There are several well established methods of VOS correction, and four common
methods are:

1. For metering stations involving a USM, the VOS measured by the USM (aver-
aged over the paths) is often used for cd. This method is here referred to as the
USM method, and may be useful for measurement of different gases at vary-
ing operating conditions.

2. The Pressure/Density method [ISO/CD 15970, 1999], [Solartron, 1999; Ap-

pendix E] calculates the VOS (cd) based on the line pressure and density and ap-
plies the required correction. This method has been recommended for measure-
ment of different gases at varying operating conditions.

3. The User Gas Equation method [Solartron, 1999; Appendix E] calculates

the VOS (cd) based on the specific gravity and the line temperature, and applies a
correction based on two coefficients that define the VOS characteristic. This
equation is shown on nitrogen or argon calibration certificates. The User Gas
Equation is an approximate correction for a typical mixture of the calibration gas
(normally nitrogen or argon) and methane. This correction method is recom-
mended by Solartron for applications where pressure data is not available, but
where gas composition and temperature do change. For this method, a different
(and approximate) expression for the VOS correction than Eq. (2.25) is used.

4. For measurement of gas which has a reasonably well defined composition, So-
lartron can supply a User Gas Calibration Certificate [Solartron, 1999; Ap-
pendix E]. This specifies modified values of K0, K1, K2, K18 and K19, in order to
include the effects of VOS for the given gas composition.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 59

In the following, VOS correction methods based directly on Eq. (2.25) are consid-
ered. This includes the USM method and the pressure/density method58.

2.4.4 Installation correction

The vibrating element density transducer is assumed to be installed in a by-pass line

(on-line installation), downstream of the USM. Despite thermal insulation of the by-
pass density line, and precautions to avoid pressure loss, the gas conditions at the
density transducer may be different from the line conditions (at the USM), especially
with respect to temperature (due to ambient temperature influence), but also possibly
with respect to pressure (cf. e.g. [Geach, 1994]). There may thus be need for an in-
stallation correction of the density59. Temperature is a critical installation consid-
eration as a 1 oC temperature error represents a 0.3 % density error [Matthews,
1994], [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997] or more [Sakariassen, 2001]60.

In this connection it is worth remembering that the densitometer will always give the
density for the gas in the density transducer. Installation errors result from the sam-
ple gas in the density transducer not being at the same temperature or pressure as the
gas in the line, and hence its density is different.

With respect to temperature deviation between the density transducer and the main
flow due to ambient temperature effects, [Geach, 1994] state that The pipework
should be fully insulated between these two points to reduce temperature changes
and, where possible, external loop pipework should be in direct contact with the
main line. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to achieve. To aid density equaliza-
tion, density transducers should be installed in a thermal pocket in the main line.
Temperature measurement is available in the density transducer since a Pt 100 ele-
ment is integrated in the 7812 densitometer [Solartron, 1999]. The temperature

58 The VOS correction algorithm given by Eq. (2.25) was chosen by [Ref. Group, 2001] for use in
the present Handbook. Other VOS correction algorithms may be included in later possible revi-
sions of the Handbook.

59 The NORSOK I-104 industry standard for fiscal measurement of gas [NORSOK, 1998a,] state that (1) The density shall be corrected to the conditions at the fiscal measurement
point, and (2) if density is of by-pass type, temperature compensation shall be applied.

60 A tempreature change of 1 oC can correspond to much more than 0.3 % in density change, since
the temperature also changes the compressibility, Z. In some cases the change can be as large as
0.9 % (e.g. in dry gas at 110-150 bar and 10 oC) [Sakariassen, 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 60

transmitter for this Pt 100 element may be located close to the densitometer61 or
further away, in the flow computer.

With respect to possible pressure deviation, it is emphasized by [Geach, 1994] that

careful consideration should be given to any flow control valves, filters (including
transducer in-built filters), etc., installed in the external loop. These devices, if in-
stalled between the flow element measuring point and the density transducer, are li-
able to cause unacceptable pressure drops. The flow through the densitometer must
be kept low enough to ensure that the pressure change from the main line is negligi-
ble, but fast enough to represent the changes in gas composition [Tambo and
Sgaard, 1997]. Normally, pressure measurement is not available in the density
transducer [Geach, 1994], [ISO/CD 15970, 1999]. [Geach, 1994] state that such in-
strumentation should only be used as a last resort where it is not possible to ensure
good pressure equalization with the meter stream. Procedures for pressure shift
tests are discussed by [ISO/CD 15970, 1999], and resorts to overcome the problem of
satisfying pressure and temperature equilibrium are discussed by [Geach, 1994].

From the real gas law, correction for deviation in gas conditions at the densitometer
(in the by-pass line) and at the USM (line conditions) is made according to [ISO,

T P Z d
= d d , (2.26)
T Pd Z


T - gas temperature in the pipe, at the USM location (line conditions) [K],
P - gas pressure in the pipe, at the USM location (line conditions) [bara],
Pd - pressure in the density transducer [bara],
Zd - gas compressibility factor for the gas in the density transducer,
Z - gas compressibility factor for the gas in the pipe, at USM location (line

For the uncertainty analysis of the densitometer described in Sections 3.2.4, 4.2.4 and
5.7, the following instrumentation is considered:

61 In practice, the densitometers temperature transmitter is usually located in the densitometer, and
the temperature element and transmitter in the densitometer are calibrated together (at the same
time as the densitometer), to minimize the uncertainty of the densitometers temperature reading.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 61

For a densitometer of the by-pass type, only one pressure transmitter is here assumed
to be installed: in the meter run (close to the USM, for measurement of the line pres-
sure P). That is, pressure measurement is not available in the density transducer, i.e.
Pd is not measured. In practice, then, the operator of the metering station typically
assumes that the densitometer pressure is equal to the line pressure, P Pd . How-
ever, there will be an uncertainty associated with that assumption. To account for
this situation, let Pd = P + Pd, where Pd is the relatively small and unknown pres-
sure difference between the line and the densitometer pressures (usually negative).
Pd may be estimated empirically, from pressure shift tests, etc., or just taken as a
worst case value. In this description, Pd represents the uncertainty of assuming
that Pd = P, cf. Sections 3.2.4 and

Two temperature transmitters are assumed to be installed: in the meter run (close to
the USM, for measurement of the line temperature T), and in the density transducer
(for measurement of the temperature at the densitometer, Td).

In practice, the gas composition is the same at the USM as in the densitometer, and
the pressure deviation is relatively small63. However, the temperatures in the densi-
tometer and in the line can vary by several oC , so that the gas compressibility factors
in the line and in the densitometer (Z and Zd) can differ significantly. Correction for
deviation in gas compressibility factors is thus normally made.

Consequently, with negligible loss of accuracy, the expression Eq. (2.26) for instal-
lation correction is here replaced by

T 1 Z d
= d d . (2.27)
T 1 + Pd P Z

62 Note that by one gas USM manufacturer, USMs are available today for which the meter body is
coned towards the ends, i.e. the inner diameter decreases slightly over some centimeters from the
ends towards the metering volume (introduced for flow profile enchancement purposes). The
line pressure P is the pressure in the metering volume. Consequently, if the density sampling
probe is located in the cone, or outside the cone (outside the meter body), the additional pressure
difference between the line pressure and the pressure at the density sampling point has to be in-
cluded in Pd.

63 Tests with densitometers have indicated a pressure difference between the densitometer and the
line of up to 0.02 % of the line pressure [Eide, 2001a], which for a pressure of 100 bar corre-
sponds to 20 mbar. Differences in pressure will have more influence on low pressure systems
than high-pressure systems.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 62

2.4.5 Corrected density

By combining Eqs. (2.24)-(2.27), the functional relationship of the corrected density

measurement becomes
K 2
1 + d
c T Z d
= {u [1 + K18 (Td Tc )] + K19 (Td Tc )} c 2 d
, (2.28)
T 1 + P P Z
1 + K d d


in which all three corrections (the temperature correction, the VOS correction and the
installation correction) are accounted for in a single expression.

Note that in Eq. (2.28), the indicated (uncorrected) density u has been used as the
input quantity related to the densitometer reading instead of the periodic time . That
has been done since u( u ) is the uncertainty specified by the manufacturer [Solar-
tron, 1999], and not u( ) , cf. Sections 3.2.4 and 4.2.4.

Eq. (2.28) is a relatively general functional relationship for on-line installed vibrating
element gas densitometers, cf. e.g. [ISO/CD 15970, 1999], which apply to the Solar-
tron 7812 Gas Density Transducer [Solartron, 1999] (used in the example calcula-
tions in Chapter 4), as well as other densitometers of this type64.

2.5 Functional relationship - Pressure measurement

As described in Section 1.3, the uncertainty of the pressure transmitter can in the
program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station be specified at two levels (cf. also
Chapter 5):

(1) Overall level: The user gives u c ( P ) directly as input to the program. It is
left to the user to calculate and document u c ( P ) first. This option is completely
general, and covers any method of obtaining the uncertainty of the pressure

64 Note that alternative (but practically equivalent) formulations of the VOS correction may possi-
bly be used in different densitometers, as mentioned in Section 2.4.3.

65 The overall level option may be of interest in several cases, such as e.g.:
If the user wants a simple and quick evaluation of the influence of u c ( P ) on the expanded
uncertainty of the gas metering station,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 63

(2) Detailed level: u c ( P ) is calculated in the program, from more basic input
uncertainties for the pressure transmitter, provided by the instrument manufac-
turer and calibration laboratory.

The following discussion concerns the Detailed level. It has been found conven-
ient to base the user input to the program on the type of data which are typically
specified for common pressure transmitters used in North Sea fiscal gas metering

The example pressure transmitter chosen by NFOGM, NPD and CMR [Ref. Group,
2001] to be used in the present Handbook for the uncertainty evaluation example of
Chapter 4 is the Rosemount 3051P Reference Class Pressure Transmitter [Rose-
mount, 2000], cf. Table 2.4 and Fig. 2.6. This transmitter is also chosen for the lay-
out of the presssure transmitter user input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station. The Rosemount 3051P is a widely used pressure transmitter when
upgrading existing North Sea fiscal gas metering stations and when designing new
metering stations. The pressure transmitter output is normally the overpressure
(gauge pressure), i.e. the pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure [barg].

Fig. 2.6 The Rosemount 3051P Reference Class Pressure Transmitter (example). Published in the
Rosemount Comprehensive Product Catalog, Publication No. 00822-0100-1025 [Rose-
mount, 2000] 2000 Rosemount Inc. Used by permission.

Measurement principles of gauge pressure sensors and transmitters are described e.g.
in [ISO/CD 15970, 1999]. However, as the transmitter is calibrated and given a spe-
cific accuracy in the calibration data sheet, no functional relationship is actually

In case the input used at the detailed level does not fit sufficiently well to the type of input
data / uncertainties which are relevant for the pressure transmitter at hand.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 64

used here for calculation of the uncertainty of the pressure measurements (cf. also
[Dahl et al., 1999]). The functional relationship is only internal to the pressure
transmitter, and the uncertainty due to the functional relationship is included in the
calibrated accuracy of the transmitter66.

2.6 Functional relationship - Temperature measurement

As described in Section 1.3, the uncertainty of the temperature transmitter can in the
program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station be specified at two levels (cf.
also Chapter 5):

(1) Overall level: The user gives u c ( T ) directly as input to the program. It is
left to the user to calculate and document u c ( T ) first. This option is completely
general, and covers any method of obtaining the uncertainty of the gas tempera-
ture measurement67.

(2) Detailed level: u c ( T ) is calculated in the program, from more basic input
uncertainties for the temperature element / transmitter, provided by the instru-
ment manufacturer and calibration laboratory

The following discussion concerns the Detailed level. As for the pressure meas-
urement, it has been found convenient to base the user input to the program on the
type of data which are typically specified for common temperature transmitters used
in North Sea fiscal gas metering stations.

The temperature loop considered here consists of a Pt 100 or 4-wire RTD element
and a smart temperature transmitter, installed either as two separate devices, or as
one unit [NORSOK, 1998a;]. The Pt 100 temperature element is required as
a minimum to be in accordance with EN 60751 tolerance A, cf. Section C.2. By
[NORSOK, 1998a;], the temperature transmitter and the Pt 100 element
shall be calibrated as one system (cf. Section 2.1 and Appendix C.2). A 3-wire tem-

66 Cf. the footnote accompanying Eq. (3.11).

67 The overall level option may be of interest in several cases, such as e.g.:
If the user wants a simple and quick evaluation of the influence of u c ( T ) on the expanded
uncertainty of the gas metering station,
In case the input used at the detailed level does not fit sufficiently well to the type of input
data / uncertainties which are relevant for the temperature element / transmitter at hand.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 65

perature element may be used if the temperature element and transmitter are installed
as one unit, where the Pt 100 element is screwed directly into the transmitter.

The signal is transferred from the temperature transmitter using a HART protocol,
i.e. the digital accuracy is used.

The temperature transmitter chosen by NFOGM, NPD and CMR [Ref. Group, 2001]
to be used in the present Handbook for the example uncertainty evaluation of Chap-
ter 4 is the Rosemount 3144 Smart Temperature Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000], cf.
Table 2.4 and Fig. 2.7. The Rosemount 3144 transmitter is widely used in the North
Sea when upgrading existing fiscal gas metering stations and when designing new
metering stations. This transmitter is also chosen for the layout of the temperature
transmitter user input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.

Fig. 2.7 The Rosemount 3144 Temperature Transmitter (example). Published in the Rosemount
Comprehensive Product Catalog, Publication No. 00822-0100-1025 [Rosemount, 2000]
2000 Rosemount Inc. Used by permission.

The measurement principle and functional relationship of RTDs is described e.g. in

[ISO/CD 15970, 1999]. However, as the element/transmitter is calibrated and given a
specific accuracy in the calibration data sheet, no functional relationship is actually
used here for calculation of the uncertainty of the temperature measurements (cf. also
[Dahl et al., 1999]). The functional relationship is only internal to the temperature
element/transmitter, and the uncertainty due to the functional relationship is included
in the calibrated accuracy of the element/transmitter68.

68 Cf. the footnote accompanying Eq. (3.12).

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 66


The present chapter summarizes the uncertainty model of the USM fiscal gas meter-
ing station, as a basis for the uncertainty calculations of Chapter 4, and the Excel
program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station described in Chapter 5. The un-
certainty model is based on the description and functional relationships for the me-
tering station given in Chapter 2. The model is developed in accordance with the
terminology and procedures described in Appendix B.

As outlined in Section 1.4, the detailed mathematical derivation of the uncertainty

model is given in Appendix E. The main expressions of the model are summarized
in the present chapter. That means, - the expressions which are necessary for a full
documentation of the calculations made in the Excel program have been included

The intention has been that the reader should be able to use the present Handbook
without needing to read Appendix E. On the other hand, Appendix E has been in-
cluded as a documentation of the theoretical basis for the uncertainty model, for
completeness and traceability purposes. Hence, definitions introduced in Appendix E
have - when relevant - been included also in the present chapter, to make Chapter 3
self-consistent so that it can be read independently.

The chapter is organized as follows: The expressions for the uncertainty of the USM
fiscal gas metering station are given first, for the four measurands in question, qV , Q,
q m and q e (Section 3.1). Detailed expressions are then given for the gas measure-
ment uncertainties (related to P, T, , Z/Z0 and Hs, Section 3.2), the flow calibration
uncertainties (Section 3.3), the USM field uncertainty (Section 3.4) and the signal
communication and flow computer calculatations (Section 3.5). For convenience, a
summary of the input uncertainties to be specified for the program EMU - USM Fis-
cal Gas Metering Station is given in Section 3.6.

3.1 USM gas metering station uncertainty

For USM measurement of natural gas, the basic functional relationships are given by
Eqs. (2.9) and (2.2)-(2.4), for the axial volumetric flow rate at line conditions, qV ,
the axial volumetric flow rate at standard reference conditions, Q, the axial mass
flow rate, q m , and the axial energy flow rate, q e , respectively.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 67

For these four measurands, the relative expanded uncertainties are given as

U ( q v ) u c ( q v )
=k = kE qv , (3.1)
q v q v

U ( Q ) u c ( Q )
=k = kEQ , (3.2)

U ( q m ) u c ( q m )
=k = kE qm , (3.3)
q m q m

U ( q e ) u c ( q e )
=k = kE qe , (3.4)
q e q e

respectively, where k is the coverage factor69 (cf. Section B.3). Here, E qv , EQ , E qm

and E qe are the relative combined standard uncertainties of qV , Q, q m and q e , de-
fined as

u c ( q v ) u c ( Q ) u c ( q m ) u c ( q e )
E qv , EQ , E qm , E qe (3.5)
q v Q q m q e

respectively. It can be shown (Appendix E) that these may be expressed as

E q2v = E cal
+ Ecomm
+ E 2flocom (3.6)

EQ2 = E P2 + ET2 + E Z2 / Z 0 + E q2v (3.7)

E q2m = E 2 + E q2v (3.8)

E q2e = E H2 S + EQ2 (3.9)

69 In the present Handbook k = 2 is used [NPD, 2001], corresponding to a 95 % confidence level

(approximately) and a normal probability distribution (cf. Section B.3).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 68

respectively. The various terms involved in Eqs. (3.6)-(3.9) are:

E cal relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to

flow calibration of the USM.

EUSM relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to

field operation of the USM.

E comm relative standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to signal com-

munication between USM field electronics and flow computer (e.g.
use of analog frequency or digital signal output), in flow calibration
and field operation (assembled in on term).

E flocom relative standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to flow com-

puter calculations, in flow calibration and field operation (assembled
in on term).

EP relative combined standard uncertainty of the line pressure esti-

mate, P .

ET relative combined standard uncertainty of the line temperature esti-

mate, T .

E Z / Z 0 relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the com-

pressibility ratio between line and standard reference conditions,
Z Z 0 .

E relative combined standard uncertainty of the density estimate, .

EHS relative standard uncertainty of the superior (gross) calorific value

estimate, H S .

Note that Eqs. (3.6)-(3.9) as they stand are completely meter independent, and thus
independent of the USM functional relationship (Formulations A, B, C or D, cf. Sec-
tion 2.3.2).

Note also that to obtain Eqs. (3.6)-(3.9), the following assumption have been made:

The deviation factor estimate K dev , j is assumed to be uncorrelated with the other
quantities appearing in Eq. (2.9).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 69

Possible correlation between H S and Q has been neglected, cf. Sections 2.1.2
and 3.2.5.

As an example, the expanded uncertainty of a USM fiscal gas metering station is

evaluated according to Eqs. (3.6)-(3.9) in Section 4.6.

3.2 Gas measurement uncertainties

Gas parameter uncertainties are involved in Eq. (3.7) for EQ (involving P, T, Z, and
Z0), Eq. (3.8) for E qm (involving ) and Eq. (3.9) for E qe (involving Hs).

The relative combined standard uncertainties of these gas parameters are defined as

u c ( P ) u c ( T ) u c ( Z Z 0 )
EP , ET , E Z / Z0 ,
P T Z Z 0
u ( ) u ( H S )
E c , EHS (3.10)

respectively, where

u c ( P ) combined standard uncertainty of the line pressure estimate, P .

u c ( T ) combined standard uncertainty of the line temperature esti-

mate, T .

u c ( Z Z 0 ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the compressi-

bility ratio between line and standard reference conditions, Z Z 0 .

u c ( ) combined standard uncertainty of the line density estimate, ,

u( H S ) standard uncertainty of the superior (gross) calorific value esti-

mate, H S .

3.2.1 Pressure measurement

The combined standard uncertainty of the static gas pressure measurement, u c ( P ) ,

can be given as input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station at two
levels: Overall level and Detailed level, cf. Sections 1.3, 2.5 and 5.4.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 70

As the Overall level is straightforward, only the Detailed level is discussed in the
following. The description is similar to that given in [Dahl et al., 1999] (pp. 84-89),
for the static gas pressure measurement. The uncertainty model for the pressure
transmitter is quite general, and applies to e.g. the Rosemount 3051P Pressure
Transmitter, and similar transmitters (cf. Section 2.5).

At the Detailed level, u c ( P ) is assumed to be given as70

u c2 ( P ) = u 2 ( Ptransmitter ) + u 2 ( Pstability ) + u 2 ( PRFI ) + u 2 ( Ptemp )

+ u 2 ( Patm ) + u 2 ( Pvibration ) + u 2 ( Ppower ) + u 2 ( Pmisc )

where [Rosemount, 2000]

u( Ptransmitter ) standard uncertainty of the pressure transmitter, including

hysteresis, terminal-based linearity, repeatability and the
standard uncertainty of the pressure calibration laboratory.

u( Pstability ) standard uncertainty of the stability of the pressure transmit-

ter, with respect to drift in readings over time.

u( PRFI ) standard uncertainty due to radio-frequency interference

(RFI) effects on the pressure transmitter.

u( Ptemp ) standard uncertainty of the effect of ambient gas temperature

on the pressure transmitter, for change of ambient tempera-
ture relative to the temperature at calibration.

u( Patm ) standard uncertainty of the atmospheric pressure, relative to 1

atm. 1.01325 bar, due to local meteorological effects.

u( Pvibration ) standard uncertainty due to vibration effects on the pressure


u( Ppower ) standard uncertainty due to power supply effects on the pres-

sure transmitter.

u( Pmisc ) standard uncertainty due to other (miscellaneous) effects on

the pressure transmitter, such as mounting effects, etc.

70 Here, the sensitivity coefficients have been assumed to be equal to 1 throughout Eq. (3.11), as a
simplified approach, and in accordance with common company practice [Dahl et al., 1999], [Ref
Group, 2001]. An alternative and more correct approach would have been to start from the
functional relationship of the pressure measurement, and derive the uncertainty model according
to the recommendations of the GUM [ISO, 1995a].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 71

u( P ) needs to be traceable to national and international standards. It is left to the

calibration laboratory and the manufacturer to specify u( Ptransmitter ) , u( Pstability ) ,
u( Ptemp ) , u( PRFI ) , u( Pvibration ) and u( Ppower ) , and document their traceability. (Cf.
also Table 3.1.)

As an example, the uncertainty of the Rosemount 3051P pressure transmitter is

evaluated in Section 4.2.1.

3.2.2 Temperature measurement

The combined standard uncertainty of the temperature measurement, u c ( T ) , can be

given as input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station at two lev-
els: Overall level and Detailed level, cf. Sections 1.3, 2.6 and 5.5.

As the Overall level is straightforward, only the Detailed level is discussed in the
following. The description is similar to that given in [Dahl et al., 1999] (pp. 79-83).
The uncertainty model for the temperature element/transmitter is quite general, and
applies to e.g. the Rosemount 3144 Temperature Transmitter used with a Pt 100 ele-
ment, and similar transmitters (cf. Section 2.6).

At the Detailed level, u c ( T ) is assumed to be given as71

u c2 ( T ) = u 2 ( Telem ,transm ) + u 2 ( Tstab ,transm ) + u 2 ( TRFI ) + u 2 ( Ttemp ) + u 2 ( Tstab ,elem )

+ u 2 ( Tvinbration ) + u 2 ( T power ) + u 2 ( Tcable ) + u 2 ( Tmisc )

where [Rosemount, 2000]

u( Telem ,transm ) standard uncertainty of the temperature element and tem-

perature transmitter, calibrated as a unit.

u( Tstab ,transm ) standard uncertainty of the stability of the temperature trans-

mitter, with respect to drift in the readings over time.

u( TRFI ) standard uncertainty due to radio-frequency interference

(RFI) effects on the temperature transmitter.

71 In accordance with common company practice [Dahl et al., 1999], [Ref Group, 2001], the sensi-
tivity coefficients have been assumed to be equal to 1 throughout Eq. (3.12). Note that this is a
simplified approach. An alternative and more correct approach would have been to start from the
full functional relationship of the temperature measurement, and derive the uncertainty model ac-
cording to the recommendations of the GUM [ISO, 1995a].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 72

u( Ttemp ) standard uncertainty of the effect of temperature on the tem-

perature transmitter, for change of gas temperature relative to
the temperature at calibration.

u( Tstab ,elem ) standard uncertainty of the stability of the Pt 100 4-wire RTD
temperature element. Instability may relate e.g. to drift dur-
ing operation, as well as instability and hysteresis effects due
to oxidation and moisture inside the encapsulation, and me-
chanical stress during operation.

u( Tvibration ) standard uncertainty due to vibration effects on the tempera-

ture transmitter.

u( T power ) standard uncertainty due to power supply effects on the tem-

perature transmitter.

u( Tcable ) standard uncertainty of lead resistance effects on the tem-

perature transmitter.

u( Tmisc ) standard uncertainty of other (miscellaneous) effects on the

temperature transmitter.

u c ( T ) needs to be traceable to national and international standards. It is left to the

calibration laboratory and the manufacturer to specify u( Telem ,transm ) , u( Tstab ,transm ) ,
u( TRFI ) , u( Ttemp ) , u( Tstab ,elem ) , u( Tvibration ) , u( T power ) and u( Tcable ) , and document
their traceability. (Cf. also Table 3.2.)

As an example, the uncertainty of the Rosemount 3144 temperature transmitter used

with a Pt 100 element is evaluated in Section 4.2.2.

3.2.3 Gas compressibility factors Z and Z0

For natural gas, empirical equations of state can be used to calculate Z and Z0, i.e. the
gas compressibility factor at line and standard reference conditions, respectively, cf.
Table 2.1. Input to these equations are e.g. pressure, temperature and gas composi-
tion. Various equations of state are available for such calculations, such as the AGA-
8 (92) equation [AGA-8, 1994] and the GERG / ISO method [ISO 12213-3, 1997].
In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, Z and Z0 are given manu-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 73

For each of the estimates Z and Z 0 , two kinds of uncertainties are accounted for
here (cf. e.g. [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997]): the model uncertainty (i.e. the uncertainty
of the model (equation of state) used for calculation of Z and Z 0 ), and the analysis
uncertainty (due to the inaccurate determination of the gas composition). For con-
version of qv to Q according to Eq. (2.2), the model uncertainties are assumed to be
mutually uncorrelated72, whereas the analysis uncertainties act as systematic effects,
and are taken to be mutually correlated. That means,

E Z2 / Z 0 = E Z2 ,mod + E Z2 0,mod + ( E Z ,ana E Z 0,ana ) 2 , (3.13)


E Z ,mod relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z due to model

uncertainty (the uncertainty of the equation of state itself, and
the uncertainty of the basic data underlying the equation of

E Z 0 ,mod relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z 0 due to model

uncertainty (the uncertainty of the equation of state itself, and
the uncertainty of the basic data underlying the equation of

E Z , ana relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z due to analysis

uncertainty (measurement uncertainty of the gas chromato-
graph used to determine the line gas composition, and varia-
tion in gas composition),

72 In the derivation of Eq. (3.13), the model uncertainties of the Z-factor estimates Z and Z 0 have
been assumed to be uncorrelated.
If Z is calculated from the AGA-8 (92) equation [AGA-8, 1994] or the ISO / GERG
method [ISO 12213-3, 1997], and Z 0 is calculated from ISO 6976 [ISO, 1995c] (as is often
made), this is clearly a reasonable and valid approach.
If Z and Z 0 are estimated using the same equation of state (such as e.g. the AGA-8
(92) equation or the ISO 12213-3 method), some comments should be given.
The argumentation is then as follows: In many cases Z and Z 0 relate to highly differ-
ent pressures. Since the equation of state is empirical, it may not be correct to assume that the er-
ror of the equation is systematic over the complete pressure range (e.g.: the error may be positive
at one pressure, and negative at another pressure). That means, Z (at high pressure) and Z 0 (at
1 atm.) are not necessarily correlated. A similar argumentation applies if the line temperature is
significantly different from 15 oC. As a conservative approach thus, Z and Z 0 are here treated
as being uncorrelated.
However, this choice may be questionable, especially in cases where the USM is oper-
ated close to standard reference conditions (close to 1 atm. and 15 oC). That means, in a P-T
range so narrow that the error of the equation may possibly be expected to be more systematic.
In such cases E Z / Z0 may possibly be overestimated by using Eq. (3.13).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 74

E Z 0, ana relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z 0 due to analy-

sis uncertainty (measurement uncertainty of the gas chro-
matograph used to determine the gas composition, and varia-
tion in gas composition), Model uncertainties

For the AGA-8 (1992) equation of state [AGA-8, 1994], the relative model uncer-
tainty of the Z-factor calculations have been specified to, cf. Fig. 3.1:

0.1 % in the range P = 0-120 bar and T = 265-335 K (-8 to +62 oC),
0.3 % in the range P = 0-172 bar and T = 213-393 K (-60 to +120 oC),
0.5 % in the range P = 0-700 bar and T = 143-473 K (-130 to +200 oC),
1.0 % in the range P = 0-1400 bar and T = 143-473 K (-130 to +200 oC).

For input of the relative standard uncertainties E Z ,mod and E Z 0,mod in the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the user of the program has four choices:

Option (1): E Z ,mod and E Z 0 ,mod are given directly as input to the program,
Option (2): E Z ,mod is automatically determined from uncertainties specified in
[AGA-8, 1994],
Option (3): E Z 0 ,mod is automatically determined from uncertainties specified in
[AGA-8, 1994], or
Option (4): E Z 0 ,mod is automatically determined from uncertainties specified in ISO
6976 [ISO, 1995c].

Option (1) is straigthforward, so only Options (2)-(4) are discussed in the following.

In Options (2) or (3), E Z ,mod or E Z 0 ,mod are calculated from uncertainties specified for
the AGA-8 (92) equation of state [AGA-8, 1994], by assuming that the expanded un-
certainties specified in the AGA-8 report refer to a Type A evaluation of uncertainty,
a 95 % level of confidence and a normal probability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section
B.3). That means:

E Z ,mod = 0.1% 2 = 5.0 10 4 = 0.05 % , in the range 0-120 bar and -8 to +62 oC,
E Z , mod = 0.3% 2 = 1.5 10 3 = 0.15 % , in the range 0-172 bar and -60 to +120 oC,
E Z ,mod = 0.5% 2 = 2.5 10 3 = 0.25 % , in the range 0-700 bar -130 to +200 oC,
E Z , mod = 1.0% 2 = 5 10 3 = 0.5 % , in the range 0-1400 bar and -130 to +200 oC.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 75

Fig. 3.1 Targeted uncertainty for natural gas compressibility factors using the detail characterization
method. Copied from the AGA Report No. 8, Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and
Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases [AGA-8, 1994], with the permission of the copyright
holder, American Gas Association.

At standard reference conditions, ISO 6976 can be used for calculation of Z 0 (Op-
tion 4). The contributions to E Z 0 ,mod are then 0.05 % (basic data) and 0.015 %
(equation of state) [ISO, 1995c], [Sakariassen, 2001]. By assuming a 100 % level of
confidence and a rectangular probability distribution (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), this
yields E Z 0, mod = 0.05 2 + 0.015 2 % 3 0.0522 % 3 0.030 %. Analysis uncertainties

With respect to the uncertainty contributions EZ,ana and EZ0,ana , both of these are to
be entered manually by the user of the program. The suggested method for estab-
lishing these input uncertainty contributions involves numerical analysis (Monte
Carlo type of simulations). Based on knowledge of the metering station, variation
limits can be established for each of the gas components as input to the Monte Carlo

Such limits must take into account the uncertainty of the GC - measurement and the
natural variations of the gas composition (at least when an online GC is not used).
Next, a number of gas compositions within such variation limits for each gas com-
ponent can then be established (where of course the sum of the gas components
must add up to 100 %), and the Z-factor is calculated for each of these gas composi-
tions. The spread of the Z-factors (for example the standard deviation) calculated in
this way, will give information about the analysis uncertainty. This method is used
in Section 4.2.3. Ideally, a large number of gas compositions generated randomly
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 76

within the limits of each gas component, should be used in this calculation. In prac-
tice, however, a smaller number (less than 10) will often provide useful information
about the analysis uncertainty.

Other (less precise) methods may also be used, e.g based on the decision of the un-
certainty of the molecular weight [Sakariassen, 2001].

3.2.4 Density measurement

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the gas density measurement, E , can
be given as input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station at two
levels: Overall level and Detailed level, cf. Sections 1.3, 2.4 and 5.7.

As the Overall level is straightforward, only the Detailed level is discussed in the
following. The uncertainty model for the gas densitometer is quite general, and
should apply to any on-line installed vibrating-element densitometer, such as e.g. the
Solartron 7812 gas density transducer (cf. Section 2.4)73. It represents an extension
of the uncertainty model for gas densitometers presented by [Tambo and Sgaard,

At the Detailed level, the relative combined standard uncertainty E is given as

(cf. Appendix G)

u c2 ( ) = s 2u u 2 ( u ) + u 2 ( rept ) + s 2 ,T u c2 ( T ) + s 2 ,Td u 2 ( Td ) + s 2 ,Tc u 2 ( Tc )

+ s 2 ,K d u 2 ( K d ) + s 2 , u 2 ( ) + s 2 ,cc u 2 ( cc ) + s 2 ,cd u 2 ( c d ) (3.14)
+ s 2 ,Pd u 2 ( Pd ) + s 2 ,P u c2 ( P ) + u 2 ( temp ) + u 2 ( misc )


u( u ) standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) density esti-

mate, u , including the calibration laboratory uncertainty, the
reading error during calibration, and hysteresis,

u( rept ) standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the indicated (uncor-

rected) density estimate, u ,

73 The extension of the present densitometer uncertainty model in relation to the model presented in
[Tambo and Sgaard, 1997, Annex 2 and 3], relates mainly to the more detailed approach which
has been used here with respect to the temperature, VOS and installation corrections. Here, the
uncertainty model includes sensitivity coefficients derived from the function relationship, Eq.
(2.28), instead of taking them to be equal to 1.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 77

u( Td ) standard uncertainty of the gas temperature estimate in the den-

sitometer, Td ,

u( Tc ) standard uncertainty of the densitometer calibration temperature

estimate, Tc ,

u( K d ) standard uncertainty of the VOS correction densitometer con-

stant estimate, K d ,

u( cc ) standard uncertainty of the calibration gas VOS estimate, cc ,

u( c d ) standard uncertainty of the densitometer gas VOS estimate, c d ,

u( ) standard uncertainty of the periodic time estimate, ,

u( Pd ) standard uncertainty of assuming that Pd = P , due to possible

deviation of gas pressure from densitometer to line conditions,

u( temp ) standard uncertainty of the temperature correction factor for the

density estimate, (represents the model uncertainty of the
temperature correction model used, Eq. (2.24)).

u( misc ) standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) density esti-

mate, u , accounting for miscellaneous uncertainty contribu-
tions74, such as due to:
- stability (drift, shift between calibrations75),
- reading error during measurement (for digital display instru-
- possible deposits on the vibrating element,
- possible corrosion of the vibrating element,
- possible liquid condensation on the vibrating element,

74 In accordance with common company practice [Dahl et al., 1999], [Ref Group, 2001], various
miscellaneous uncertainty contributions listed in the text have been accounted for in the un-
certainty model (Eq. (3.14) by a lumped term, u( misc ) , with a weight (sensitivity coefficient)
equal to one. Note that this is a simplified approach. An alternative and more correct approach
would have been to start from the full functional relationship of the uncorrected density meas-
urement u , Eq. (2.23), and derive the influences of such miscellaneous uncertainty contributions
on the total uncertainty according to the recommendations of the GUM [ISO, 1995a], i.e. with
derived sensitivity coefficients.

75 For guidelines with respect to uncertainty evaluation of shift between calibrations, cf. [Tambo
and Sgaard, 1997, Annex 2].

76 For guidelines with respect to uncertainty evaluation of reading error during measurement, cf.
[Tambo and Sgaard, 1997, Annex 2].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 78

- mechanical (structural) vibrations on the gas line,

- variations in power supply,
- self-induced heat,
- flow in the bypass density line,
- possible gas viscosity effects,
- neglecting possible pressure dependency in the regression
curve, Eq. (2.23),
- model uncertainty of the VOS correction model, Eq. (2.25).

In this model, the estimates T , Td and Tc are assumed to be uncorrelated (since ran-
dom effects contribute significantly to the uncertainty of the temperature measure-
ment, cf. Table 4.8 and Fig. 5.22), and so are also the estimates P and Pd .

The sensitivity coefficients appearing in Eq. (3.14) are defined as (cf. Appendix G)

s u =
1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) ]
[ ]
u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc )
, (3.15a)

s ,T = , (3.15b)

s ,Td = 1 +
Td u K 18 + K 19 ]

[ ] ,
u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ) Td

s ,Tc =
Tc u K 18 + K 19 ]
[ ]
u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc

) Tc

2 K d2 2 K d2
s ,K = 2 , (3.15e)
K d + ( cc ) K d2 + ( c d ) 2 K d
d 2

2 K d2 2 K d2
s , = 2 2
K d + ( cc )
K d + ( c d )

2 K d2 2 K d2
s ,cc = 2 , s ,cd = 2 , (3.15g)
K d + ( cc ) cc
K d + ( c d ) c d

s ,Pd = , s ,P = , (3.15h)
P + Pd P + Pd P
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 79


u c ( ) needs to be traceable to national and international standards. It is left to the

calibration laboratory and the manufacturer to specify u( u ) , u( rept ) , u( Tc ) ,
u( temp ) , u( ) and u( K d ) , and document their traceability, cf. Table 3.4. It is left
to the user of the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station to specify
u( c c ) , u( c d ) , u( Pd ) and u( misc ) . u c ( T ) and u c ( Td ) are in the program set to
be equal and are given by Eq. (3.12). u c ( P ) is given by Eq. (3.11).

In [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997, Annex 2 and 3], u( rept ) is referred to as the stan-
dard uncertainty of type A component, to be obtained by determining the density (at
stable conditions) at least 10 times and deriving the standard deviation of the mean.

With respect to u( c d ) , there are (as described in Section 2.4.3) at least two methods
in use today to obtain the VOS at the density transducer, cd: the USM method and
the pressure/density method. For the USM method, there are basically two con-
tributions to the uncertainty of cd: (1) the uncertainty of the USM measurement of the
line VOS, and (2) the deviation of the line VOS from the VOS at the densitometer.
For the pressure/density method, the uncertainty of cd is to be calculated from the
expressions used to calculate cd and the input uncertainties to these. Evaluation of
u( c d ) according to these (or other) methods is not a part of the present Handbook, -
u( c d ) is to be calculated and given by the user of the program. In this approach, the
uncertainty model is independent of the particular method used to estimate cd in the
metering station.

Note that the uncertainty of the Z-factor correction part of the installation correction
described in Section 2.4.4, u( Z d Z ) , is negligible (Appendix G), and has thus been
neglected here.

As an example of density uncertainty evaluation, the Solartron 7812 Gas Density

Transducer is evaluated in Section 4.2.4.

3.2.5 Calorific value

As described in Section 2.1, the calorific value is usually either (1) calculated from
the gas composition measured using GC analysis, or (2) measured directly by com-
bustion (using a calorimeter), cf. Table 2.3 ([NPD, 2001], Section C.1).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 80

In the first case, ISO 6976 is used [ISO, 1995c], and uncertainties in the calorific
value can be due to uncertainties in the gas composition and model uncertainties of
the ISO 6976 procedure. In the second case, the uncertainties of the actual calorime-
ter and measurement method will contribute.

In the present Handbook no detailed analysis is carried out for the relative standard
uncertainty of the calorific value, E H S . Such an analysis would be outside the scope
of work for the Handbook [Lunde, 2000], [Ref Group, 2001]. The user of the pro-
gram is to specify the relative standard uncertainty E H S directly as input to the pro-
gram (i.e. at the overall level), cf. Table 1.5 and Section 5.8.

Further, as a simplification, it has been assumed that the uncertainty of the calorific
value estimate, H s , is uncorrellated to the uncertainty of the volumetric flow rate at
standard reference conditions, Q , cf. Eq. (3.9). As the conversion from line condi-
tions to standard reference conditions for the volumetric flow is assumed here to be
carried out using a gas chromatograph (calculation of Z and Z0, cf. Table 2.1), the
calorific value is thus implicitly assumed to be measured using a method which is
uncorrelated with gas chromatography (such as e.g. a calorimeter), cf. a footnote ac-
companying Eq. (2.4), and Table 2.3 (method 5).

3.3 Flow calibration uncertainty

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the flow calibration which appears in
Eq. (3.6) is given as (cf. Appendix E)
E cal E q2ref , j + E K2 dev , j + E rept
,j , (3.16)


E qref , j relative standard uncertainty of the reference measurement, q ref , j , at

test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (representing the uncertainty of the
flow calibration laboratory, including reproducability),

E K dev , j relative standard uncertainty of the deviation factor estimate, K dev , j ,

E rept , j repeatability (relative standard uncertainty, i.e. relative standard de-

viation) of the USM flow calibration measurement (volumetric flow
rate), at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (due to random transit time
effects on the N acoustic paths of the USM, including repeatability of
the flow laboratory reference measurement).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 81

The relative standard uncertainties in question here are defined as

u( q ref , j ) u( K dev , j ) u( qUSM ,j )
E qref , j , E K dev , j , E rept , j , (3.17)
q ref , j K dev , j qUSM , j

respectively, where

u( q ref , j ) standard uncertainty of the reference measurement, q ref , j , at test

flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (representing the uncertainty of the
flow calibration laboratory, including reproducability),

u( K dev , j ) standard uncertainty of the deviation factor estimate, K dev , j ,

, j ) repeatability (standard uncertainty, i.e. standard deviation) of the

u( qUSM
USM flow calibration measurement (volumetric flow rate), at test
flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (due to random transit time effects on
the N acoustic paths of the USM, including repeatability of the
flow laboratory reference measurement).
As an example, E cal is evaluated in Section 4.3.4.

3.3.1 Flow calibration laboratory

The relative standard uncertainty of the flow calibration laboratory, E qref , j , will serve
as an input uncertainty to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, and
is to be given by the program user, cf. Sections 4.3.1 and 5.9, and Table 3.6.

It is left to the flow calibration laboratory to specify E qref , j and document its trace-
ability to national and international standards. As an example, E qref , j is discussed in
Section 4.3.1.

3.3.2 Deviation factor

With respect to the deviation factor Kdev,j, the task here is the following: For a given
correction factor, K, and after correction of the USM measurement data using K (cf.
Section 2.2 and Fig. 2.1), the uncertainty of the resulting deviation curve is to be de-

This uncertainty is the standard uncertainty of the deviation factor, u( K dev , j ) . It is

calculated by the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station on basis of the
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 82

deviation data DevC , j , j = 1, , M (cf. Eq. (2.10)), at the M test flow rates for which
flow calibration has been made (calibration points), cf. Sections 4.3.2 and 5.9, and
Table 3.6.

u( K dev , j ) is determined by the span of the deviation factor K dev , j , which ranges
from 1 to DevC , j , cf. Eq. (2.11). By assuming a Type A uncertainty, a 100 % confi-
dence level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range DevC , j (k =
3 , cf. Section B.3), the standard uncertainty and the relative standard uncertainty
of the deviation factor are here calculated as

DevC , j u( K dev , j ) 1 DevC , j

u( K dev , j ) = , E K dev , j = = , j = 1, , M, (3.18)
3 K dev , j 3 K dev , j

respectively. It is left to the USM manufacturer to specify and document the devia-
tion data DevC , j , j = 1, , M, at the M test flow rates, cf. Tables 4.12 and 6.4. As
an example, E K dev , j is evaluated in Section 4.3.2.

3.3.3 USM repeatability in flow calibration

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the USM repeatability in flow calibra-
tion, at test flow rate no. j, E rept , j , will serve as an input uncertainty to the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, and is to be given by the program user, cf.
Sections 4.3.3 and 5.9, and Table 3.6.

Note that in the uncertainty model of the USM gas metering station, the repeatability
in flow calibration and in field operation have both been accounted for, by different
symbols, E rept , j and E rept , respectively (cf. above and Section 3.4). The two uncor-
related repeatability terms are not assembled into one term, since in general they may
account for different effects and therefore may be different in magnitude, as ex-
plained in the following: The repeatability in flow calibration, E rept , j , accounts for
random transit time effects on the N acoustic paths of the USM in flow calibration
(standard deviation of the spread), and the repeatability of the flow laboratory itself,
cf. Table 1.2. The repeatability in field operation, E rept , accounts for random transit
time effects on the N acoustic paths of the USM in field operation (standard devia-
tion of the spread), which may also include effects not present in flow calibration,
such as incoherent noise from pressure reduction valves (PRV noise), etc., cf. Table
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 83

It is left to the USM manufacturer to specify and document E rept , j , cf. Table 6.4. As
an example, E rept , j is discussed in Section 4.3.3.

3.4 USM field uncertainty

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the USM in field operation, appearing
in Eq. (3.6), is given as (cf. Appendix E)
EUSM E rept
, + E misc
, (3.19)


E rept repeatability (relative standard uncertainty, i.e. relative standard de-

viation) of the USM measurement in field operation, qv , at the flow
rate in question (due to random transit time effects on the N acoustic

EUSM , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to

field operation of the USM (due to change of conditions from flow
calibration to field operation),

E misc relative standard uncertainty of miscellaneous effects on the USM

field measurement qv , which are not eliminated by flow calibration,
and which are not covered by other uncertainty terms accounted for
here (e.g. inaccuracy of the USM functional relationship (the under-
laying mathematical model), etc.).

The subscript used in Eq. (3.19) (and elsewhere) denotes that only deviations
relative to the conditions at the flow calibration are to be accounted for in the ex-
pressions involving this subscript. That means, uncertainty contributions which are
practically eliminated at flow calibration, are not to be included in these expressions.

The term EUSM , is further given as (cf. Appendix E)

, E body , + E time , + E I , ,
2 2 2 2
EUSM (3.20)


Ebody , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to

possible uncorrected change of the USM meter body dimensions
from flow calibration to field operation. That is, uncertainty of the
meter body inner radius, R , the lateral chord positions of the N
acoustic paths, y i , and the inclination angles of the N acoustic paths,
i , i = 1, , N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or tem-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 84

perature between flow calibration and field operation. Only those

systematic meter body effects which are not corrected for in the
USM or not eliminated by flow calibration are to be accounted for in
Ebody , .

Etime , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to

possible uncorrected systematic effects on the transit times of the N
acoustic paths, t 1i and t 2i , i = 1, , N, caused e.g. by possible de-
viation in conditions from flow calibration to field operation (P, T,
transducer deposits, transducer ageing, etc). Only those systematic
transit time effects which are not corrected for in the USM or not
eliminated by flow calibration are to be accounted for in Etime , .

E I , relative standard uncertainty of the USM integration method due to

possible change of installation conditions from flow calibration to
field operation.

Note that Eqs. (3.19)-(3.20) as they stand here are completely meter independent, and
thus independent of the choice of USM functional relationship (Formulations A, B,
C or D, cf. Section 2.3.2).

The following subsections address in more detail the contributions to the USM meter
body uncertainty (Section 3.4.1), the USM transit time uncertainties (Section 3.4.2),
and the USM integration method uncertainty (accounting for installation condition
effects) (Section 3.4.3).

As an example, EUSM is evaluated in Section 4.4.6.

3.4.1 USM meter body uncertainty

The relative combined standard uncertainty related to meter body dimensional

changes which appears in Eq. (3.20), is given as (cf. Appendix E)

Ebody , E rad , + Echord , + E angle , , (3.21)


E rad , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the meter body inner radius, R , caused by possible de-
viation in pressure and/or temperature between flow calibration and
field operation.

E chord , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the lateral chord positions of the N acoustic paths, y i , i =
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 85

1, , N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature

between flow calibration and field operation.

E angle , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the inclination angles of the N acoustic paths, i , i = 1,
, N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature
between flow calibration and field operation.

These relative combined standard uncertainties are defined as (cf. Appendix E)

E rad , s*R E R , , (3.22)

E chord , sign( y i )s *yi E yi , , (3.23)
i =1

E angle , sign( i )s*i Ei , , (3.24)
i =1

respectively, where

E R , relative combined standard uncertainty of the meter body inner ra-

dius, R , due to possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature
between flow calibration and field operation.

E yi , relative combined standard uncertainty of the lateral chord position

of acoustic path no. i, y i , due to possible deviation in pressure
and/or temperature between flow calibration and field operation.

Ei , relative combined standard uncertainty of the inclination angle of

acoustic path no. i, y i , due to possible deviation in pressure and/or
temperature between flow calibration and field operation.

Here, s R* , s *yi and s*i are the relative (non-dimensional) sensitivity coefficients for the
sensitivity of the estimate qUSM to the input estimates R , y i and i , respectively,
given as [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a]

1 N 1
2 + ,
s *R = Q (3.25)
Q i =1
( 2
1 y i R )

s = sign( y i
Qi (y R )

, (3.26)
Q 1 (y R )
yi 2
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 86

Qi 2 i
s*i = , (3.27)
Q tan 2 i

respectively, where for convenience in notation, the definititions

PT0 Z 0 ( N refl ,i + 1 ) R 2 y i2 ( t 1i t 2i )
Q Qi , Qi 7200R 2 wi , (3.28)
i =1 P0TZ t t sin 2
1i 2 i i

have been used.

Note that in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the ratio Qi Q

is for convenience set equal to (calculated as) the weight factor of path no. i, wi,
without much loss of generality. For the uniform flow velocity profile this is an exact
identity, whereas for more realistic (non-uniform) profiles it represents an approxi-

The subscript used in Eqs. (3.22)-(3.24) denotes that only deviations relative to
the conditions at the flow calibration (with respect to pressure and temperature) are
to be accounted for in these expressions. That means, uncertainty contributions such
as measurement uncertainties of R0 , y i0 and i0 , i = 1, , N, and out-of-roundness
of R0 , are eliminated at flow calibration (cf. Table 1.4), and are not to be included in
these expressions. The main contributions to E rad , , E chord , and E angle , are thus
due to possible change of pressure and temperature from flow calibration conditions
to field operation (line) conditions.

Consequently, the relative uncertainty terms involved at the right-hand side of Eqs.
(3.22)-(3.24) are given as [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a]

E R2 , = E KP
+ E KT
, (3.29)

E yi2 , = E KP
+ E KT
, (3.30)

B sin 2i 0
Ei , = E KP , (3.31)
2i 0

respectively, where the definitions

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 87

u c ( K P ) u c ( K T )
E KP , E KT (3.32)
have been used and

u c ( K P ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the radial pres-

sure correction factor for the USM meter body, K P ,

u c ( K T ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the radial tem-

erature correction factor for the USM meter body, K T .

These uncertainty contributions are evaluated in the following.

Meter body pressure effects

For deviation in gas pressure between line and flow calibration conditions, the radial
pressure correction factor for the USM meter body is given from Eq. (2.17) as

K P = 1 + Pcal , Pcal = P Pcal , (3.33)

where Pcal is the gas pressure at flow calibration conditions. From Eq. (3.33) one has

u c2 ( K P ) = ( Pcal ) 2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Pcal ) , (3.34)


u( ) standard uncertainty of the estimate of the coefficient of linear

pressure expansion for the meter body material, . This includes
propagation of uncertainties of the input quantities to the model
used (e.g. Eq. (2.19)), and the uncertainty of the model itself (cf.
Table 2.6).

u c ( Pcal ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the difference in

gas pressure between line and flow calibration conditions, Pcal .

For calculation of u c ( Pcal ) , two options need to be discussed:

(1) Meter body pressure correction not used. In situations where no pressure cor-
rection of the dimensional quantities of the meter body (R, yi, i, Li and xi) is used
by the the USM manufacturer, u c ( Pcal ) is determined by the span of the
pressure difference, equal to Pcal . By assuming a Type B uncertainty, a 100 %
confidence level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range
Pcal (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), the standard uncertainty of the pressure differ-
ence is thus calculated as
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 88

u c ( Pcal ) = . (3.35)

(2) Meter body pressure correction is used. In situations where pressure correc-
tion of the dimensional quantities of the meter body (R, yi, i, Li and xi) is used by
the USM manufacturer, u c ( Pcal ) is determined by the measurement uncer-
tainty of the pressure difference estimate Pcal itself, given as

u c2 ( Pcal ) = u c2 ( P ) + u c2 ( Pcal ) 2u c2 ( P ) . (3.36)

where the pressure measurements in the field and at the flow calibration have
been assumed to be uncorrelated, and their combined standard uncertainties ap-
proximately equal. u c ( P ) is given by Eq. (3.11).

Meter body temperature effects

For deviation in gas temperature between line and flow calibration conditions, the
radial temperature correction factor of the USM meter body is given from Eq. (2.16)

K T = 1 + Tcal , Tcal = T Tcal , (3.37)

where Tcal is the gas temperature at flow calibration conditions. Eq. (3.37) yields

u c2 ( K T ) = ( Tcal )2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Tcal ) , (3.38)


u( ) standard uncertainty of the estimate of the coefficient of linear

temperature expansion for the meter body material, .

u c ( Tcal ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the difference in

gas temperature between line and flow calibration conditions,
Tcal .
For calculation of u c ( Tcal ) , two options need to be discussed:

(1) Meter body temperature correction not used. In situations where no tem-
perature correction of the dimensional quantities of the meter body (R, yi, i, Li
and xi) is used by the the USM manufacturer, u c ( Tcal ) is determined by the
span of the temperature difference, equal to Tcal . By assuming a Type B un-
certainty, a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability distribution
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 89

within the range Tcal (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), the standard uncertainty of
the temperature difference is calculated as

u c ( Tcal ) = . (3.39)

(2) Meter body temperature correction is used. In situations where temperature

correction of the dimensional quantities of the meter body (R, yi, i, Li and xi) is
used by the USM manufacturer, u c ( Tcal ) is determined by the measurement
uncertainty of the temperature difference estimate Tcal itself, given as

u c2 ( Tcal ) = u c2 ( T ) + u c2 ( Tcal ) 2u c2 ( T ) . (3.40)

where the temperature measurements in the field and at the flow calibration have
been assumed to be uncorrelated, and their combined standard uncertainties ap-
proximately equal. u c ( T ) is given by Eq. (3.12).

In the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the user specifies the
relative standard uncertainties u( ) and u( ) , and has the choice between
the two Options (1) and (2) for calculation of u c ( Tcal ) and u c ( Pcal ) . The USM
manufacturer must specify whether temperature and pressure correction are made or

As an example, the meter body uncertainty is evaluated in Section 4.4.2.

3.4.2 USM transit time uncertainties

Uncertainties related to transit times measured by the USM are involved in Eqs.
(3.19) and (3.20). These are the relative combined standard uncertainties related to
random transit time effects (representing the USM repeatability in field operation),
E rept , and to systematic transit time effects (representing those parts of the systematic
change of transit times from flow calibration to line conditions which are not cor-
rected for in the USM), Etime , , given as (cf. Appendix E)

E rept 2 ( s *t 1i Et 1i ,U ) 2 , (3.41)
i =1
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 90

( )
Etime , st*1i Et1i ,C + s t*2i Et2i ,C , (3.42)
i =1

respectively, where

Et 1i ,U relative standard uncertainty of those contributions to the transit time

estimates t 1i and t 2 i which are uncorrelated with respect to upstream
and downstream propagation, such as turbulence, noise (coherent
and incoherent), finite clock resolution, electronics stability (possible
random effects), possible random effects in signal detec-
tion/processing (e.g. erronous signal period identification), and
power supply variations.

Et1i ,C relative standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic transit time

effects on upstream propagation of acoustic path no. i, t 1i , due to
possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature between flow cali-
bration and field operation.

Et2 i ,C relative standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic transit time

effects on downstream propagation of acoustic path no. i, t 2i , due to
possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature between flow cali-
bration and field operation.
Here, s t*1i and st*2i are the relative (non-dimensional) sensitivity coefficients for the
sensitivity of the estimate Q to the input estimates t 1i and t 2i , respectively, given as
[Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a] (cf. Appendix E)

Qi t 2 i
st*1i = , (3.43)
Q t 1i t 2i

Qi t 1i
st*2i = , (3.44)
Q t 1i t 2 i

respectively. The coefficients s t*1i and st*2i have opposite sign and are almost equal
in magnitude, but not exactly equal, which is important especially for the magnitude
of the term Etime , given by Eq. (3.42). USM repeatability in field operation (random transit time effects)

The relative combined standard uncertainty related to random transit time effects,
representing the USM repeatability in field operation, is given by Eq. (3.41). Here,
the definition
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 91

u( t 1random )
Et 1i ,U i
t 1i

has been used (cf. Appendix E), where

u( t 1random
i ) standard uncertainty (i.e. standard deviation) due to in-field ran-
dom effects on the transit time t 1i (and t 2i ), at a specific flow
rate, and after possible time averaging (representing the repeat-
ability of the transit times), such as (cf. Table 1.4):

Turbulence effects (from temperature and velocity fluctuations, especially at

high flow velocities).
Incoherent noise (from pressure reduction valves (PRV), electromagnetic
noise (RFI), pipe vibrations, etc.).
Coherent noise (from acoustic cross-talk (through meter body), electromag-
netic cross-talk, acoustic reflections in meter body, possible other acoustic
interference, etc.).
Finite clock resolution.
Electronics stability (possible random effects).
Possible random effects in signal detection/processing (e.g. randomly oc-
curing erronous signal period identification, giving alternating measured
transit times over the time averaging period, by one or several half periods),
Such random effects could occur in case of e.g. (1) insufficiently robust sig-
nal detection solution, and (2) noise and turbulence influence.
Power supply variations.

Such effects are typically uncorrelated, and will contribute to u( t 1random

i ) by a root-
sum-square calculation (if that needs to be calculated). In practice, at a given flow
rate, u( t 1random
i ) may be taken as the standard uncertainty of the spread of transit

Note that in the uncertainty model of the USM gas metering station, the repeatability
in flow calibration and in field operation have both been accounted for, by different
symbols, E rept , j and E rept , respectively. This is motivated as described in Section

For user input / calculation of E rept , user input at different levels may be convenient
and useful. Two options are discussed:

(1) Specification of E rept directly. In this case the relative standard uncertainty of
the repeatability of the in-field USM flow rate reading ( E rept ) is given directly,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 92

from information specified by the USM manufacturer. Eqs. (3.41) and (3.45) are
not used in this case.

(2) Specification of u( t 1random

i ) , and calculation of E rept . In this case the repeat-
ability of the transit times of the in-field USM flow rate reading ( u( t 1random
i ) ) is
given, from information which may preferably be specified by the USM manu-
facturer77. E rept is then calculated using Eqs. (3.41), (3.43) and (3.45).

In this context, it should be noted that in case of option (1), i.e. if E rept is the input
uncertainty specified, and if E rept is given to be constant over the flow velocity range
(as a relevant example, on basis of USM manufacturer information provided today,
cf. Table 6.1), this will give a uncertainty contribution to the USM measurement
from the USM repeatability which is constant over the flow velocity range. This re-
sult is simplified, and may be incorrect.

On the other hand, in case of option (2), i.e. if u( t 1random

i ) is the input specified, the
situation is more complex. In the lower end of the flow rate range, turbulence effects
may be small, so that u( t 1random
i ) is normally dominated by the background noise
and/or time detection uncertainties, which are relatively constant with respect to flow
rate. At lower flow rates, thus, this will give an uncertainty contribution to the USM
measurement ( E rept ) which increases at low velocities, due to the increasing relative
sensitivity coefficient s1*i , cf. Eq. (3.43).

At higher flow rates, however, turbulence effects, flow noise and possible PRV noise
become more dominant so that u( t 1random
i ) may increase by increasing flow rate. This
will give an uncertainty contribution to the USM measurement ( E rept ) which in-
creases by increasing flow rate.

In practice, thus, E rept may have a minimum at intermediate flow rates, with an in-
crease both at the low and high flow rates.

In spite of such complications, both Options (1) and (2) in the program EMU -
USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station may be useful, as a users choice. Today, the re-
peatability information available from USM manufacturers is related directly to
E rept , and where E rept in practice often is given to be a constant (cf. Table 6.1).

77 The repeatability of the transit times (e.g. the standard deviation) is information which should be
readily available in USM flow computers today, for different flow rates.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 93

However, it is a hope for the future that also information on u( t 1random

i ) , and its
variation with flow rate, may be available from USM manufacturers (cf. Chapter
6)78. Alternatively, the USM manufacturer might provide information on the varia-
tion of E rept with flow rate. In both cases, the variation of E rept with flow rate would
be described by the present uncertainty model.

Consequently, in the program, E rept or u( t 1random

i ) serve as optional input uncertain-
ties, cf. Sections 4.4.1 and 5.10.1 (Figs. 5.12 and 5.13). It is left to the USM manu-
facturer to specify and document E rept or u( t 1random
i ) . As an example, the USM re-
peatability in field operation is evaluated in Section 4.4.1. Systematic transit time effects

The relative combined standard uncertainty related to those parts of the systematic
change of transit times from flow calibration to line conditions which are not cor-
rected for in the USM, is given by Eq. (3.42). In this expression the definitions

u( t 1systematic ) u( t 2systematic )
Et1i ,C i
, Et2 i ,C i
, (3.46)
t 1i t 2 i

have been used, where

u( t 1systematic
i ) standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic effects on the
upstream transit time, t 1i , due to possible deviation in condi-
tions between flow calibration and field operation,

u( t 2systematic
i ) standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic effects on the
downstream transit time, t 2i , due to possible deviation in con-
ditions between flow calibration and field operation.

Such systematic effects may be due to (cf. Table 1.4):

Cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay, including finite-beam

effects (due to line pressure and temperature effects, ambient temperature
effects, drift, effects of possible transducer exchange).
Possible t-correction (line pressure and temperature effects, ambient tem-
perature effects, drift, reciprocity, effects of possible transducer exchange).

78 In fact, as possible additional information to USM manufacturer repeatability, information about

u( t 1random
i ) , u( t 1random
i ) might actually be calculated from more basic input, such as signal-to-
noise ratio (coherent and incoherent noise), clock resolution, etc. [Lunde et al., 1997]. However,
this is not considered here.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 94

Possible systematic effects in signal detection/processing (e.g. systematic er-

ronous signal period identification, giving systematically shifted measured
transit times over the time averaging period, by one or several half periods).
Such systematic effects could occur in case of (1) insufficiently robust sig-
nal detection solution, or (2) significantly changed pulse form, due to e.g.
(a) noise and turbulence influence, (b) transducer change or failure (changed
transducer properties, for one or several transducers), (c) transducer ex-
change (different transducer properties relative to original transducers).
Possible cavity time delay correction (e.g. sound velocity effects).
Possible transducer deposits (lubricant oil, grease, wax, etc.).
Sound refraction (flow profile effects (ray bending), especially at high
flow velocities, and by changed installation conditions) [Frysa et al.,

Note that in Eqs. (3.42) and (3.46), the symbol denotes that only deviations rela-
tive to the conditions at the flow calibration are to be accounted for in these expres-

In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, u( t 1systematic

i ) and
u( t 2systematic
i ) serve as input uncertainties, cf. Sections 4.4.4 and (Fig. 5.17).
These may be meter specific, and it is therefore left to the USM manufacturer to
specify and document u( t 1systematic
i ) and u( t 2systematic
i ) . The individual effects described
above are typically uncorrelated, and will contribute to each of u( t 1systematic
i ) and
u( t 2systematic
i ) by a root-sum-square calculation.

As an example, the uncertainty due to systematic transit time effects is discussed in

Section 4.4.3.

3.4.3 USM integration uncertainties (installation conditions)

In Eq. (3.20), the relative standard uncertainty E I , accounts for installation effects
on the uncertainty of the USM fiscal gas metering station, and is here defined as

u( qUSM ,I )
E I , , (3.47)

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 95

u( qUSM ,I ) standard uncertainty of the USM integration method due to
change of installation conditions from flow calibration to field

Such installation effects on the USM integration uncertainty may be due to:

Change of axial flow velocity profile (from flow calibration to field opera-
tion), and
Change of transversal flow velocity profiles (from flow calibration to field
operation), both due to e.g. (cf. Table 1.4):

- possible different pipe bend configuration upstream of the USM,

- possible different in-flow profile to the upstream pipe bend,
- possible change of meter orientation relative to pipe bends,
- possible changed wall roughness over time (corrosion, wear, pitting,
etc.), in the pipe and meter body,
- possible wall deposits / contamination in the pipe and meter body
(grease, liquid, lubricants, etc.).

Note that the subscript denotes that only changes of installation conditions from

flow calibration to field operation are to be accounted for in u( qUSM ,I ) and E I , .

In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, E I , serves as an input un-
certainty, cf. Chapters 4 and 5. It is left to the USM manufacturer to specify and
document E I , . The individual effects described above may typically be uncorre-

lated, and will then contribute to u( qUSM ,I ) by a root-sum-square calculation.

As an example, the uncertainty of the integration method is discussed in Section


3.4.4 Miscellaneous USM effects

In Eq. (3.19), the relative uncertainty term E misc accounts for possible miscellaneous
uncertainty contributions to the USM measurement which have not been accounted
for by the other uncertainty terms involved in the uncertainty model of the gas me-
tering station. Cf. the definition of E misc accompanying Eq. (3.19). Such contribu-
tions could be e.g. inaccuracy of the USM functional relationship (cf. Table 1.4), or
other uncertainty contributions.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 96

Such miscellaneous uncertainty contributions are not adressed further here, but in the
program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station the user has the possibility to
specify a value accounting for such uncertainty contributions, in case that is found to
be useful, cf. Section (Fig. 5.17).

3.5 Signal communication and flow computer calculations

In Eq. (3.6), the relative uncertainty term E comm accounts for the uncertainties due to
the signal communication between the USM field electronics and the flow computer,
in the uncertainty model of the gas metering station (e.g. the flow computer calcula-
tion of frequency in case of analog frequency output). E flocom accounts for the un-
certainty of the flow computer calculations, and is normally relatively small. Cf. the
definition of these terms accompanying Eq. (3.6).

These two uncertainty contributions are not adressed further here, but in the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station the user has the possibility to specify such
uncertainty contributions, in case that is found to be necessary, cf. Section 5.11 (Fig.

3.6 Summary of input uncertainties to the uncertainty model

In Tables 3.1-3.8, the input uncertainties to be given as input to the program EMU -
USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station are specified. The various uncertainties are de-
fined in Sections 3.1-3.5, and are here organized in eight groups (following the
structure of the worksheets in the program, cf. Chapter 5):

Pressure measurement uncertainty (Table 3.1),

Temperature measurement uncertainty (Table 3.2),
Compressibility factor uncertainty (Table 3.3),
Density measurement uncertainty (Table 3.4),
Calorific value measurement uncertainty (Table 3.5),
Flow calibration uncertainties (Table 3.6),
Signal communication and flow computer calculations (Table 3.7),
USM field uncertainty (Table 3.8).

For some of the quantities, input uncertainties can be specified at two levels, (1)
overall level and (2) detailed level, as discussed in Section 1.3 (cf. Table 1.5),
and in Chapters 3 and 5. Examples of input uncertainties given for the detailed
level are described in Chapter 4.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 97

Table 3.1. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the static gas pressure measurement.

Gas pressure measurement, P

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
(1) Overall u c ( P ) Combined standard uncertainty of the pressure esti- Program user 3.2.1 and
level mate, P . 5.4
(2) Detailed u( Ptransmitter ) Standard uncertainty of the pressure transmitter. Manufacturer / 3.2.1, 4.2.1
level Calibration lab. and 5.4
u( Pstability ) Standard uncertainty of the stability of the pressure Manufacturer ----- -----
transmitter (drift).
u( PRFI ) Standard uncertainty due to RFI effects on the pressure Manufacturer ----- -----
u( Ptemp ) Standard uncertainty of the effect of ambient tempera- Manufacturer ----- -----
ture on the pressure transmitter.
u( Patm ) Standard uncertainty of the atmospheric pressure. Program user ----- -----

u( Pvibration ) Standard uncertainty due to vibration effects on the Manufacturer ----- -----
pressure transmitter.
u( Ppower ) Standard uncertainty due to power supply effects on the Manufacturer ----- -----
pressure transmitter.
u( Pmisc ) Standard uncertainty due to other (miscellaneous) ef- Manufacturer / ----- -----
fects on the pressure transmitter. Program user

Table 3.2. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the gas temperature measurement.

Gas temperature measurement, T

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
(1) Overall u c ( T ) Combined standard uncertainty of the temperature es- Program user 3.2.2 and
level timate, T . 5.5
(2) Detailed u( Telem ,transm ) Standard uncertainty of the temperature element and Manufacturer / 3.2.2, 4.2.2
level temperature transmitter, calibrated as a unit. Calibration lab. and 5.5
u( Tstab ,transm ) Standard uncertainty of the stability of the temperature Manufacturer ----- -----
transmitter (drift).
u( T RFI ) Standard uncertainty due to RFI effects on the tem- Manufacturer ----- -----
perature transmitter.
u( Ttemp ) Standard uncertainty of the effect of ambient tempera- Manufacturer ----- -----
ture on the temperature transmitter.
u( Tstab ,elem ) Standard uncertainty of the stability of the Pt 100 4- Program user ----- -----
wire RTD temperature element
u( Tvibration ) Standard uncertainty due to vibration effects on the Manufacturer ----- -----
temperature transmitter.
u( T power ) Standard uncertainty due to power supply effects on the Manufacturer ----- -----
temperature transmitter.
u( Tcable ) Standard uncertainty of lead resistance effects on the Manufacturer / ----- -----
temperature transmitter. Program user
u( Tmisc ) Standard uncertainty due to other (miscellaneous) ef- Manufacturer / ----- -----
fects on the pressure transmitter. Program user
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 98

Table 3.3. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the gas compressibility factor ratio, Z/Z0.

Gas compressibility factors, Z and Z0

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
(1) Overall Not available
(2) Detailed E Z ,mod Relative standard uncertainty due to model uncertainty Program user 3.2.3, 4.2.3
level (uncertainty of the model used for calculation of Z ) and 5.6
E Z 0 ,mod Relative standard uncertainty due to model uncertainty Program user ----- -----
(uncertainty of the model used for calculation of Z 0 )
E Z ,anal Relative standard uncertainty due to analysis uncer- Manufacturer / ----- -----
tainty for Z (inaccurate determ. of gas composition) Program user
E Z 0 ,anal Relative standard uncertainty due to analysis uncer- Manufacturer / ----- -----
tainty for Z 0 (inaccurate determ. of gas composition) Program user

Table 3.4. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the gas density measurement.
Gas density measurement,
Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
(1) Overall u c ( ) Combined standard uncertainty of the density esti- Program user 3.2.4 and
level mate, . 5.7
(2) Detailed u( u ) Standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) Manufacturer 3.2.4, 4.2.4
level density esitmate, u and 5.7
u( rept ) Standard uncertainty of the repetatility of the indicated Manufacturer ----- -----
(uncorrected) density esitmate, u
u( Tc ) Standard uncertainty of the calibration temperature Manufacturer ----- -----
estimate, Tc
u c ( T ) Combined standard uncertainty of the line temperature Calculated by pro- ----- -----
estimate, T gram
u c ( Td ) Combined standard uncertainty of the densitometer Calculated: ----- -----
temperature estimate, Td u c ( Td ) = u c ( T )
u( P ) Standard uncertainty of the line pressure estimate, P Calculated by pro- ----- -----
u( Pd ) Standard uncertainty of the pressure difference esti- Calculated by pro- ----- -----
mate, Pd (from densitometer to line conditions) gram
u( c c ) Standard uncertainty of the calibration gas VOS esti- Manufacturer / ----- -----
mate, c c Program user
u( c d ) Standard uncertainty of the densitometer gas VOS es- Manufacturer / ----- -----
timate, c d Program user
u( ) Standard uncertainty of the periodic time estimate, Manufacturer ----- -----
u( K d ) Standard uncertainty of the VOS correction transducer Manufacturer ----- -----
constant estimate, K d
u( temp ) Standard uncertainty representing the model uncer- Manufacturer ----- -----
tainty of the temperature correction
u( misc ) Standard uncertainty of the indicated density esitmate, Program user ----- -----
u , due to other (miscellaneous) effects
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 99

Table 3.5. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the calorific value measurement.

USM flow calibration

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
Overall EHS Relative standard uncertainty of the calorific value es- Program user 3.2, 4.2.5,
level timate, H S . 5.8

Table 3.6. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the USM flow calibration.

USM flow calibration

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
(1) Overall Not available
(2) Detailed E qref , j Relative standard uncertainty of the reference meas- Flow calibration 3.3.1, 4.3.1
level urement, q ref , j , at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (rep- laboratory and 5.9
resenting the uncertainty of the flow calibration labo-
E K dev , j Relative standard uncertainty of the deviation factor Calculated by 3.3.2, 4.3.2
estimate, K dev , j , at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M. program and 5.9
Erept , j Relative standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the USM 3.3.3, 4.3.3
USM at flow calibration, at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, manufacturer and 5.9
, M.

Table 3.7. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, with respect to
signal communication and flow computer calculations.

Signal communication and flow computer calculations

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
E comm Relative standard uncertainty of the estimate q v due to USM 3.5 , 4.5 and
signal communication with flow computer (flow com- manufacturer 5.11
puter calculation of frequency, in case of analog fre-
quency output)
E flocom Relative standard uncertainty of the estimate q v due to USM ----- -----
flow computer calculations manufacturer
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 100

Table 3.8. Input uncertainties to the uncertainty calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of the USM in field operation (uncorrected deviations re. flow calibration conditions).

USM field operation

Input Input To be specified Ref. to
level uncertainty and documented Handbook
by: Section
Specified in E rept Relative standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the USM 3.4.2, 4.4.1
both cases, USM in field operation, at actual flow rate. manufacturer and 5.10.1
(1) and (2) or
u( t random
) Standard uncertainty (i.e. standard deviation) due to in- USM 3.4.2, 4.4.1
field random effects on the transit times, after possible manufacturer and 5.10.1
time averaging. It represents the repeatability of the
transit times, at the actual flow rate. Such random ef-
fects may be due to e.g.:
Turbulence effects (from temperature and velocity
fluctuations, especially at high flow velocities),
Incoherent noise (from pressure reduction valves
(PRV), electromagnetic noise (RFI), pipe vibrations,
Coherent noise (from acoustic cross-talk (through
meter body), electromagnetic cross-talk, acoustic re-
flections in meter body, possible other acoustic inter-
ference, etc.),
Finite clock resolution.
Electronics stability (possible random effects).
Possible random effects in signal detection/ proc-
essing (e.g. erronous signal period identification).
Power supply variations.
E misc Relative standard uncertainty of the estimate q v due to USM manufacturer/ 3.4.4 and
miscellaneous effects on the USM measurement. Program user 4.4.5
(1) Overall E USM , Relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate USM manufacturer 3.4 and
level q v at actual flow rate, related to field operation of the 5.10.2
USM, due to change of conditions from flow calibra-
tion to field operation.
(2) Detailed u( ) Rel. standard uncertainty of the coefficient of linear Program user / 3.4.1, 4.4.2
level temperature expansion for the meter body material, USM manufacturer and 5.10.2
u( ) Rel. standard uncertainty of the coefficient of linear Program user / ----- -----
radial pressure expansion for the meter body, USM manufacturer

u c ( Tcal ) Combined standard uncertainty of the temperature dif- Calculated by ----- -----
ference estimate, Tref (flow calibration to line cond.) program

u c ( Pcal ) Combined standard uncertainty of the pressure differ- Calculated by ----- -----
ence estimate , Pref (flow calibration to line condit.) program

u( t 1systematic ) Standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic effects USM 3.4.2, 4.4.3

on the upstream transit times, due to change of condi- manufacturer and 5.10.2
tions from flow calibration to field operation.
Such systematic effects may be due to e.g.:
Cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay
(line P & T effects, ambient temperature effects,
drift, effects of possible transducer exchange),
Possible t-correction (line P & T effects, ambient
temperature effects, drift, reciprocity, effects of pos-
sible transducer exchange),
Possible systematic effects in signal detection / proc-
essing (e.g. erronous signal period identification),
Possible cavity time delay correction (e.g. sound
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 101

velocity effects),
Possible deposits at transducer faces (lubricant oil,
liquid, waxm, grease, etc.),
Sound refraction (flow profile effects on transit
times, especially at high flow velocities, and by
changed installation conditions).
u( t 2systematic ) Standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic effects USM ----- -----
on the downstream transit times, due to change of con- manufacturer
ditions from flow calibration to field operation (see
E I , Relative standard uncertainty of the USM integration USM 3.4.3, 4.4.4
method, due to change of installation conditions from manufacturer and 5.10.2
flow calibration to field operation.
Such installation effects on the USM integration un-
certainty may be due to e.g.:
Change of axial flow velocity profile (from flow
calibration to field operation), and
Change of transversal flow velocity profiles (from
flow calibration to field operation), due to e.g.:
> possible different upstream pipe bend configuration,
> possible different in-flow profile to upstr. pipe bend,
> possible different meter orientation rel. to pipe bends
> possible changed wall roughness over time (corro-
sion, wear, pitting),
> possible wall deposits, contamination (grease, etc.).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 102


In the present chapter the uncertainty model of the USM gas metering station de-
scribed in Chapter 3, is used to evaluate the relative expanded uncertainty of a gas
metering station at given operating conditions, as an example. Input uncertainties are
evaluated for the different instruments of the metering station, and propagated in the
uncertainty model. The input uncertainties discussed here are the same as those used
as input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, cf. Chapters 3 and
5. Hence, to some extent the present chapter also serves as a guideline to using the
program, as a basis for Chapter 5.

4.1 Instrumentation and operating conditions

The USM fiscal gas metering station evaluated in the present Handbook consists of
the equipment listed in Table 4.1, as specified by NFOGM, NPD and CMR for this
example [Ref Group, 2001], cf. Section 2.1. The pressure, temperature and density
instruments specified in the table are the same as those used for uncertainty evalua-
tion of an orifice fiscal gas metering station by [Dahl et al., 1999]79. With respect to
the USM, flow computer, gas chromatograph and calorimeter, no specific equip-
ments are considered.

Operating conditions, etc., used for the present uncertainty evaluation example are
given in Table 4.2. Meter body data are given in Table 4.3, where for simplicity the
data used in the AGA-9 report have been used also here. Data for the densitometer
(Solartron 7812 example) are given in Table 4.4.

79 The uncertainty models for the pressure transmitter and the temperature element/transmitter are
similar to the ones used in [Dahl et al., 1999], with some modifications.
However, the uncertainty model for the densitometer is somewhat different here, both
with respect to (a) the functional relationship used (different formulations used for the VOS and
installation corrections), and (b) the uncertainty model itself. For instance, the densitometer un-
certainty model developed and used here is fully analytical, with analytical expressions for the
sensitivity coefficients, whereas in [Dahl et al., 1999] the sensitivity coefficients were calculated
using a more numerical approach. Also, here the input uncertainties to the densitometer uncer-
tainty model are somewhat different.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 103

Table 4.1. The evaluated USM fiscal gas metering station instrumentation (cf. Table 2.4).

Measurement Instrument
Ultrasonic meter (USM) Not specified.
Flow computer Not specified.
Pressure (static), P Rosemount 3051P Reference Class Smart Pressure Transmitter
[Rosemount, 2000].
Temperature, T Pt 100 element: according to EN 60751 tolerance A [NORSOK, 1998a].
Rosemount 3144 Smart Temperature Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000].
Density, Solartron Model 7812 Gas Density Transducer [Solartron, 1999].
Compressibility, Z and Z0 Not specified (calculated from GC measurements).
Calorific value, Hs Not specified (calorimeter measurement).

Table 4.2. Gas parameters of the USM fiscal gas metering station being evaluated (example). (Corre-
sponds to Fig. 5.1.)

Conditions Quantity Value

Operating Gas composition North Sea example80
Line pressure, P (static, absolute) 100 bara
Line temperature, T 50 oC (= 323.15 K)
Gas compressibility, Z 0.8460
Sound velocity, c 417.0 m/s
Gas density, 81.62 kg/m3
Ambient (air) temperature, Tair 0 oC
Densitometer Temperature, Td 48 oC 81
Sound velocity, cd 415.24 m/s
Indicated (uncorrected) gas density in densitometer, u 82.443 kg/m3
Calibration temperature, Tc 20 oC
Calibration sound velocity, cc 350 m/s
Flow calibration Pressure, Pcal (static, absolute) 50 bara
Temperature, Tcal 10 oC
Pressure transmitter Ambient (air) temperature at calibration 20 oC
Temperature transm. Ambient (air) temperature at calibration 20 oC
Standard ref. cond. Gas compressibility, Z0 0.9973
Superior (gross) calorific value, Hs 41.686 MJ/Sm3

80 Example of dry gas composition, taken from a North Sea pipeline: C1: 83.98 %, C2: 13.475 %,
C3: 0.943 %, i-C4: 0.040 %, n-C4: 0.067 %, i-C5: 0.013 %, n-C5: 0.008 %, CO2: 0.756 %, N2:
0.718 %.

81 Temperature deviation between line and densitometer conditions may be as large as 7-8 oC [Sa-
kariassen, 2001]. A representative value may be about 10 % of the temperature difference be-
tween densitometer and ambient (air) conditions. Here, 2 oC deviation is used as a moderate ex-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 104

Table 4.3. Meter body data for the USM being evaluated (AGA-9 example). (Data used in Section
4.4.2 and Fig. 5.2.)

Meter body Quantity Value Reference

Dimensions Inner diameter, 2R0 ("dry calibration" value) 308 mm [AGA-9, 1998]
Average wall thickness, w 8.4 mm [AGA-9, 1998]
Material data Temperature expansion coeff., 1410 K -6 -1
[AGA-9, 1998]
Youngs modulus (or modulus of elasiticity), Y 210 MPa
[AGA-9, 1998]

Table 4.4. Gas densitometer data used in the uncertainty evaluation (Solartron 7812 example). (Data
used in Section 4.2.4 and Fig. 5.9.)

Symbol Quantity Value Reference

Periodic time 650 s [Eide, 2001a]
K18 Constant -1.36010-5 [Solartron, 1999]
K19 Constant 8.44010-4 [Solartron, 1999]
Kd Constant (characteristic length) 21000 m [Solartron, 1999]

4.2 Gas measurement uncertainties

In the present subsection, the expanded uncertainties of the gas pressure, temperature
and density measurements are evaluated, as well as the Z-factor and calorific value

4.2.1 Pressure measurement

The combined standard uncertainty of the pressure measurement, u c ( P ) , is given by

Eq. (3.11). This expression is evaluated in the following.

Performance specifications for the Rosemount Model 3051P Reference Class Pres-
sure Transmitter are given in Table 4.582, as specified in the data sheet [Rosemount,
2000], etc.

The contributions to the combined standard uncertainty of the pressure measurement

are described in the following.

82 Note that the expanded uncertainties given in the transmitter data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] are
specified at a 99 % confidence level (k = 3).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 105

Table 4.5. Performance specifications of the Rosemount Model 3051P Reference Class Pressure Trans-
mitter [Rosemount, 2000], used as input to the uncertainty calculations given in Table 4.6.

Quantity or Source Value or Expanded uncer- Coverage Reference

tainty factor, k
Calibration ambient temperature (air) - Calibration certifi-
20 oC cate, (NA)
Time between calibrations 12 months - Example

Span (calibrated) 70 bar - Calibration certifi-

cate, (NA)
URL (upper range limit) 138 barG - [Rosemount, 2000]

Transmitter uncertainty, U ( Ptransmitter ) 0.05 % of span 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

Stability, U ( Pstability ) 0.125 % of URL for 5 years 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

for 28 oC temperature
changes, and up to 69 bar line
For fiscal gas metering: 0.1 % - [Rosemount, 1999]
of URL for 1 year (used here).
RFI effects, U ( PRFI ) 0.1 % of span from 20 to 3 [Rosemount, 2000]
1000 MHz and for field
strength up to 30 V/m.
Ambient temperature effects (air), (0.006% URL + 0.03% span) 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

U ( Ptemp ) per 28C

Negligible (except at reso- 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

Vibration effects, U ( Pvibration )
nance frequencies, see text
Power supply effects, U ( Ppower ) Negligible (less than 0.005 3 [Rosemount, 2000]
% of calibrated span per volt).
Mounting position effect Negligible (influence only on 3 [Dahl et al., 1999]
differential pressure measure-
ment, not static pressure
Static pressure effect Negligible (influence only on 3 [Dahl et al., 1999]
differential pressure measure-
ment, not static pressure

1. Pressure transmitter uncertainty, U ( Ptransmitter ) : If the expanded uncertainty

specified in the calibration certificate is used for the uncertainty evaluation, the
transmitter uncertainty is to include the uncertainty of the temperature calibra-
tion laboratory (which shall be traceable to international standards). The confi-
dence level and the probability distribution of the reported expanded uncertainty
shall be specified.

Alternatively, if the calibration laboratory states that the transmitter uncertainty

(including the calibration laboratory uncertainty) is within the reference accu-
racy given in the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], one may - as a
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 106

conservative approach - use the latter uncertainty value in the calculations. This
approach is used here.

The reference accuracy of the 3051P pressure transmitter accounts for hystere-
sis, terminal-based linearity and repeatability, and is given in the manufacturer
data sheet as 0.05 % of span at a 99 % confidence level (cf. Table 4.5), i.e. with
k = 3 (Section B.3). It is assumed here that this figure refers to the calibrated
span. As an example, the calibrated span is here taken to be 50 - 120 bar, i.e. 70
bar (Table 4.5), giving u( Ptransmitter ) = U ( Ptransmitter ) 3 = [70 0.0005]bar 3 =
0.035 bar 3 = 0.012 bar 83.

2. Stability - pressure transmitter, u( Pstability ) : The stability of the pressure trans-

mitter represents a drift (increasing/decreasing offset) in the readings with time.
This contribution is zero at the time of calibration, and is specified as a maxi-
mum value at a given time.

The stability of the 3051P pressure transmitter is given in the manufacturer data
sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as 0.125 % of URL for 5 years for 28 C temperature
changes and up to 69 barg line pressure (Table 4.5). However, this uncertainty
becomes artificially low when considering normal calibration intervals at fiscal
metering stations of two or three months [Dahl et al., 1999]. Furthermore, the
uncertainty is limited to line pressures below 69 barg.

In a dialog with the manufacturer, the manufacturer has therefore provided a

more applicable uncertainty specification when it comes to stability of the 3051P
pressure transmitter regarding use in fiscal metering stations (the uncertainty
specified in the data sheet is still valid). The alternative stability uncertainty is
given to be 0.1 % of URL for 1 year [Rosemount, 1999]. (Note that this uncer-
tainty specification does not include limitations with respect to temperature
changes and line pressure.) This alternative uncertainty specification is therefore
used for the 3051P pressure transmitter in the present evaluation example.

83 The manufacturer's uncertainty specification is used here. By calibration of the pressure trans-
mitter in an accredited calibration laboratory, the transmitter uncertainty may be further reduced.
An example of a calibration certificate specification for the expanded uncertainty U ( Ptransmitter )
may be in the range 0.018-0.022 bar, at a 95 % confidence level (k = 2) [Eide, 2001a], i.e. 0.009-
0.011 bar for the standard uncertainty. This includes linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, reading
uncertainty, and reference instruments uncertainty.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 107

The time dependency of the stability uncertainty is not necessarily linear. How-
ever, for simplicity, a linear time dependency has been assumed here84.

The confidence level is not specified, but is assumed here to be 95 %, at a nor-

mal probability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3). Consequently, if the trans-
mitter is calibrated every 12 months, the uncertainty specified by [Rosemount,
1999] due to stability effects is divided by 12 and multiplied with 12. That is,
u( Pstability ) = U ( Pstability ) 2 = [138 0.001 ( 12 12 )]bar 2 0.138 bar / 2 0.069

3. RFI effects - pressure transmitter, u( PRFI ) : Radio-frequency interference, ef-

fects (RFI) is given in the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as 0.1 %
of span for frequencies from 20 to 1000 MHz, and for field strength up to 30
V/m, cf. Table 4.5.

It is noted that the specified RFI uncertainty is atually twice as large as the un-
certainty of the transmitter itself. In practice, this uncertainty contribution may
be difficult to evaluate, and the RFI electric field at the actual metering station
should be measured in order to document the actual electric field at the pressure
transmitter. I.e. the RFI electric field must be documented in order to evaluate if,
and to what extent, the uncertainty due to RFI effects may be reduced.

However, as long as the RFI electric field at the pressure transmitter is not
documented by measurement, the uncertainty due to RFI effects must be in-
cluded in the uncertainty evaluation as given in the data sheet. Consequently,
u( PRFI ) = U ( PRFI ) 3 = [70 0.001]bar 3 = 0.07 bar 3 = 0.023 bar .

4. Ambient temperature effects - pressure transmitter, u( Ptemp ) : The ambient

temperature effect on the Rosmount 3051P pressure transmitter is given in the
manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as (0.006 % URL + 0.03 % span)
per 28 C temperature change, cf. Table 4.5. The temperature change referred to
is the change in ambient temperature relative to the ambient temperature at cali-
bration (to be specified in the calibration certificate).

84 In a worst case scenario, the uncertainty due to stability may be used directly without using the
time division specified.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 108

Consequently, for a possible worst case example of ambient North Sea tem-
perature taken as 0 oC (Table 4.2), and a calibration temperature equal to 20 oC
(Table 4.5), i.e. a max. temperature change of 20 oC, one obtains
u( Ptemp ) = U ( Ptemp ) 3 [
= (138 0.006 + 70 0.03 ) 10 2 ( 20 28 ) bar 3]
= [0.0059 + 0.0150 ]bar 3 0.0209 bar 3 0.007 bar .

5. Atmospheric pressure, u( Patm ) : The Rosemount 3051P pressure transmitter

measures the excess pressure, relative to the atmospheric pressure. The uncer-
tainty of the absolute static pressure u c ( P ) is thus to include the uncertainty of
the atmospheric pressure, due to day-by-day atmospheric pressure variations.

In the North Sea, the average atmospheric pressure is about 1008 and 1012 mbar
for the winter and summer seasons, respectively (averaged over the years 1955-
1991) [Lothe, 1994]. For convenience, 1 atm. 1013.25 mbar is taken as the
average value. On a world-wide basis, the observed atmospheric pressure range
includes the range 920 - 1060 mbar, - however, the upper and lower parts of this
range (beyond about 940 and 1040 mbar) are very rare (not observed every year)
[Lothe, 2001].

The variation of the atmospheric pressure around the value 1 atm. 1013.25
mbar is here taken to be 90 mbar, as a conservative approach. Assuming a 99 %
confidence level, and a normal probability distribution for the variation range of
the atmospheric pressure (k = 3, cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( Patm ) =
U ( Patm ) 3 = 90 m bar 3 = 0.09 bar 3 = 0.03 bar .

6. Vibration effects - pressure transmitter, u( Pvibration ) : According to the manu-

facturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], "measurement effect due to vibrations is
negligible except at resonance frequencies. When at resonance frequencies, vi-
bration effect is less than 0.1 % of URL per g when tested from 15 to 2000 Hz in
any axis relative to pipe-mounted process conditions" (Table 4.5).

Based on communication with the manufacturer [Rosemount, 1999] and a cali-

bration laboratory [Fimas, 1999], the vibration level at fiscal metering stations is
considered to be very low (and according to recognised standards). Hence, the
uncertainty due to vibration effects may be neglected.

In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the uncertainty due to
vibration effects is neglected for the 3051P transmitter: u( Pvibration ) = 0.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 109

7. Power supply effects - pressure transmitter, u( Ppower ) : The power supply ef-
fect is quantified in the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as less than
0.005 % of the calibrated span per volt (Table 4.5). According to the supplier
[Rosemount, 1999] this uncertainty is specified to indicate that the uncertainty
due to power supply effects is negligible for the 3051P transmitter, which was
not always the case for the older transmitters [Dahl et al., 1999].

Hence, in the program, the uncertainty due to power supply effects is neglected
for the 3051P transmitter: u( Ppower ) = 0.

8. Static pressure effect - pressure transmitter: The static pressure effect [Rose-
mount, 2000] will only influence on a differential pressure transmitter, and not
on static pressure measurements, as considered here [Dahl et al., 1999]85.

9. Mounting position effects - pressure transmitter: The mounting position effect

[Rosemount, 2000] will only influence on a differential pressure transmitter, and
not on static pressure measurements, as considered here [Dahl et al., 1999]86.

A sample uncertainty budget is given in Table 4.6 for evaluation of the expanded un-
certainty of the pressure measurement according to Eq. (3.11). The figures used for
the input uncertainties are those given in the discussion above.

The calculated expanded and relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 %

confidence level and a normal probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3)
are 0.16 bar and 0.15 %, respecively. These values are further used in Section 4.6.

85 The static pressure effect influencing on 3051P differential pressure transmitters consists of (a)
the zero error, and (b) the span error [Rosemount, 2000]. The zero error is given in the data
sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as 0.04 % of URL per 69 barg. The zero error can be calibrated out at
line pressure. The span error is given in the data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as 0.10 % of reading
per 69 barG.

86 Mounting position effects are due to the construction of the 3051P differential pressure trans-
mitter with oil filled chambers [Dahl et al., 1999]. These may influence the measurement if the
transmitter is not properly mounted. The mounting position error is specified in the data sheet
[Rosemount, 2000] as zero shifts up to 1.25 inH2O (0.31 kPa = 0.0031 bar), which can be
calibrated out. No span effect.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 110

Table 4.6. Sample uncertainty budget for the measurement of the absolute static gas pressure using the Rose-
mount Model 3051P Pressure Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000], calculated according to Eq. (3.11).
(Corresponds to Figs. 5.4 and 5.21.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Expand. Conf. level Cov. Standard Sens. Variance
uncert. & fact., uncertainty coeff.
Distribut. k
Transmitter uncertainty 0.035 bar 99 % (norm) 3 0.012 bar 1 1.36110-4 bar2
Stability, transmitter 0.138 bar 95 % (norm) 2 0.069 bar 1 4.76110-3 bar2
RFI effects 0.070 bar 99 % (norm) 3 0.023 bar 1 5.44310-4 bar2
Ambient temperature 0.021 bar 99 % (norm) 3 0.007 bar 1 4.85310-5 bar2
effects, transmitter
Atmospheric pressure 0.090 bar 99 % (norm) 3 0.030 bar 1 9.010-4 bar2
Vibration Negligible 0 1 0
Power supply Negligible 0 1 0
Sum of variances u c2 ( P ) 6.3910-3 bar2

Combined standard uncertainty u c ( P ) 0.0799 bar

Expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) U ( P ) 0.16 bar

Operating pressure P 100 bara

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level) U ( P ) P 0.16 %

4.2.2 Temperature measurement

The combined standard uncertainty of the temperature measurement, u c ( T ) , is given

by Eq. (3.12). This expression is evaluated in the following.

Performance specifications for the Rosemount Model 3144 Smart Temperature

Transmitter and the Pt 100 4-wire RTD element are given in Table 4.787, as specified
in the data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], etc.

The contributions to the combined standard uncertainty of the temperature measure-

ment are described in the following. The discussion is similar to that given in [Dahl
et al., 1999].

87 Note that the expanded uncertainties given in the transmitter data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] are
specified at a 99 % confidence level (k = 3).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 111

Table 4.7. Performance specifications of the Rosemount Model 3144 Temperature Transmitter [Rose-
mount, 2000] and the Pt 100 4-wire RTD element, used as input to the uncertainty calculations
given in Table 4.8.

Quantity or Source Value or Expanded uncer- Coverage Reference

tainty factor, k
Calibration ambient temperature (air) - Calibration certifi-
20 C cate (NA)
Time between calibrations 12 months - Example
o [Rosemount, 2000]
Transmitter/element uncertainty (not Digital accuracy: 0.10 C 3
calibrated as a unit), U ( Telem ,transm ) D/A accuracy: 0.02 % of 3
Transmitter/element uncertainty NA Calibration certifi-
NA cate (NA)
(calibrated as a unit), U ( Telem ,transm )
Stability - temperature transmitter, 0.1 % of reading or 0.1 oC, 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

U ( Tstab ,transm ) whichever is greater, for 24

Worst case, with unshielded 3 [Rosemount, 2000]
RFI effects - transmitter, U ( TRFI )
cable: equivalent to the trans-
mitter accuracy.
Ambient temperature effects - Digital accuracy: 0.0015 oC 3 [Rosemount, 2000]

transmitter, U ( Ttemp ) per 1 oC.

D/A effect: 0.001 % of span, 3
per 1 oC.
Stability - temperature element, - [BIPM, 1997]
0.050 oC
U ( Tstab ,elem )
Negligible (tested to given 3 [Rosemount, 2000]
Vibration effects, U ( Tvibration )
specifications with no effect
on performance).
Power supply effects, U ( T power ) Negligible (less than 0.005 3 [Rosemount, 2000]
% of span per volt).
Negligible (no effect, inde- 3 [Rosemount, 1998]
Lead resistance effects, U ( Tcable )
pendent on lead resistance).

1. Transmitter/element uncertainty (calibrated as a unit), U ( Telem ,transm ) : The

temperature element and the temperature transmitter are assumed to be cali-
brated as a unit [NORSOK, 1998a].

If the expanded uncertainty specified in the calibration certificate is used for the
uncertainty evaluation, the transmitter/element uncertainty (calibrated as a unit)
will include the uncertainty of the temperature calibration laboratory (to be
traceable to international standards). The confidence level of the reported ex-
panded uncertainty is to be specified. When first recording the characteristics
of the temperature element and then loading this characteristic into the transmit-
ter prior to the final calibration, the uncertainty due to the element can be mini-
mised [Fimas, 1999].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 112

Alternatively, if the calibration laboratory states that the transmitter/element un-

certainty (calibrated as a unit, and including the calibration laboratory uncer-
tainty) is within the accuracy given in the manufacturer data sheet [Rose-
mount, 2000], one may - as a conservative approach - use the latter uncertainty
value in the calculations. This approach is used here.

The accuracy of the 3144 temperature transmitter used together with a Pt 100
4-wire RTD element is tabulated in the data sheet [Rosemount, 2000, Table 1].
The output signal is accessed using a HART protocol, i.e. only the digital accu-
racy is used here (cf. Table 4.7). The expanded uncertainty is then given as
0.10 C at a 99 % confidence level (k = 3, cf. Section B.3). That is, u( Telem ,transm )
= U ( Telem ,transm ) 3 = 0.10 o C 3 = 0.033 o C 88.

2. Stability - temperature transmitter, u( Tstab ,transm ) : The stability of the tempera-

ture transmitter represents a drift in the readings with time. This contribution is
zero at the time of calibration, and is specified as a maximum value at a given

For use in combination with RTD elements, the stability of the 3144 temperature
transmitter is given in the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as 0.1 %
of reading (measured value), or 0.1 C, whichever is greater for 24 months, cf.
Table 4.7. The time dependency is not necessarily linear. However, for sim-
plicity, a linear time dependency is assumed here89.

The value 0.1 % of reading for 24 months corresponds to

[( 273 + 50 ) 0.001] o C 0.323 o C . As this is greater than 0.1 C, this uncer-
tainty value is used.

88 The manufacturer's uncertainty specification is used here, for temperature element and transmit-
ter combined. By calibration of the the element and transmitter in an accredited calibration labo-
ratory, the element/transmitter uncertainty may be significantly reduced. As an example, the
calibration certificate specification for the element/transmitters expanded uncertainty
U ( Telem ,transm ) may be 0.03 oC, at a 95 % confidence level (k = 2) [Eide, 2001a], corresponding
to 0.015 oC for the standard uncertainty.

89 In a worst case scenario, the uncertainty due to stability may be used directly without using the
time division specified.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 113

Consequently, if the transmitter is calibrated every 12 months, the uncertainty

given in the data sheet due to stability effects is divided by 24 and multiplied
with 12. That is, u( Tstab ,transm ) = U ( Tstab ,transm ) 3
= [( 273 + 50 ) 0.001 ( 12 24 )] o C 3 = 0.1615 o C 3 0.054 o C .

3. RFI effects - temperature transmitter, u( TRFI ) : Radio-frequency interference,

effects (RFI) may cause a worst case uncertainty equivalent to the transmitters
nominal uncertainty, when used with an unshielded cable [Rosemount, 2000].
For fiscal metering stations all cables are shielded, i.e. the RFI effects should be
less than the worst case specified in the data sheet. Nevertheless, RFI effects
(and also effects due to bad instrument earth) may cause additional uncertainty to
the temperature measurement that is hard to quantify.

It is time consuming to predict or measure the actual RFI effects at the metering
station, and difficult to evaluate correctly the influence on the temperature meas-

It is therefore recommended to use the worst case uncertainty specified in the

data sheet for the uncertainty due to RFI effects. For the digital acuracy of the
3144 transmitter, the expanded uncertainty is specified to be 0.10 oC, cf. Table
4.7. That is, u( TRFI ) = U ( TRFI ) 3 = 0.10 o C 3 = 0.033 o C .

4. Ambient temperature effects - temperature transmitter, u( Ttemp ) : The Rose-

mount 3144 temperature transmitters are individually characterised for the ambi-
ent temperature range -40 C to 85 C , and automatically compensate for
change in ambient temperature [Rosemount, 2000].

Some uncertainty still arises due to the change in ambient temperature. This un-
certainty is tabulated in the data sheet as a function of changes in the ambient
temperature (in operation) from the ambient temperature when the transmitter
was calibrated, cf. Table 4.7

The ambient temperature uncertainty for Rosemount 3144 temperature trans-

mitters used together with Pt-100 4-wire RTDs is given in the data sheet as
0.0015 C per 1 C change in ambient temperature relative to the calibration
ambient temperature (the digital accuracy).

Consequently, for a possible worst case ambient North Sea temperature taken
as 0 oC (Table 4.2), and a calibration temperature equal to 20 oC (Table 4.7, i.e. a
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 114

max. temperature change of 20 o

C, one obtains u( Ttemp ) = U ( Ttemp ) 3
= 0.0015 20 o C 3 = 0.03 o C 3 = 0.01 o C .

5. Stability - temperature element, u( Tstab ,elem ) : The Pt-100 4-wire RTD element
will cause uncertainty to the temperature measurement due to drift during opera-
tion. Oxidation, moisture inside the encapsulation and mechanical stress during
operation may cause instability and hysteresis effects [EN 60751, 1995], [BIPM,

BIPM [BIPM, 1997] has performed several tests of the stability of temperature
elements which shows that this uncertainty is typically of the order of 0.050 C,
cf. Table 4.7. The confidence level of this expanded uncertainty is not given,
however, and a 95 % confidence level and a normal probability distribution is
assumed here (k = 2, cf. Section B.3). That is, u( Tstab ,elem ) = U ( Tstab ,elem ) 2 =
0.050 oC / 2 = 0.025 oC.

6. Vibration effects - temperature transmitter, u( Tvibration ) : According to the

manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], "transmitters are tested to the fol-
lowing specifications with no effect on performance: 0.21 mm peak displace-
ment for 10-60 Hz; 3g acceleration for 60-2000 Hz". Moreover, in communica-
tion with the manufacturer [Rosemount, 1999] and a calibration laboratory [Fi-
mas, 1999], and considering that the vibration level at fiscal metering stations
shall be very low (and according to recognised standards), the uncertainty due to
vibration effects may be neglected.

Hence, in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the uncertainty
due to vibration effects is neglected for the Rosemount 3144 temperature trans-
mitter, u( Tvibration ) = 0 .

7. Power supply effects - temperature transmitter, u( T power ) : The power supply

effect is quantified in the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000] as being
less than 0.005 % of span per volt. According to the supplier [Rosemount,
1999] this uncertainty is specified to indicate that the uncertainty due to power
supply effects is negligible for the 3144 transmitter, which was not always the
case for the older transmitters [Dahl et al., 1999].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 115

Hence, in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the uncertainty
due to power supply effects is neglected for the Rosemount 3144 temperature
transmitter, u( T power ) = 0 .

8. Sensor lead resistance effects - temperature transmitter, u( Tcable ) : According

to the manufacturer data sheet for the 3144 transmitter [Rosemount, 1998], the
error due to lead resistance effects is "none" (independent of lead resistance) for
4-wire RTDs. 4-wire RTDs are normally used in fiscal metering stations.

Hence, in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the uncertainty
due to lead resistance effects is neglected for the 3144 transmitter: u( Tcable ) = 0 .

A sample uncertainty budget is given in Table 4.8 for evaluation of the expanded un-
certainty of the temperature measurement according to Eq. (3.12). The figures used
for the input uncertainties are those given in the discussion above.

Table 4.8 Sample uncertainty budget for the temperature measurement using the Rosemount Model 3144
Temperature Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000] with a Pt 100 4-wire RTD element, calculated ac-
cording to Eq. (3.12). (Corresponds to Figs. 5.6 and 5.22.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Expand. Conf. level Cov. Standard Sens. Variance
uncert. & fact., uncertainty coeff.
Distribut. k
Transmitter/element 0.10 oC 99 % (norm) 3 0.033 oC 1 1.11110-3 oC2
Stability, transmitter 0.1615 oC 99 % (norm) 3 0.054 oC 1 2.90010-3 oC2
RFI effects 0.10 oC 99 % (norm) 3 0.033 oC 1 1.11110-3 oC2
Ambient temperature 0.03 oC 99 % (norm) 3 0.010 oC 1 1.010-4 oC2
effects, transmitter
Stability, element 0.050 oC 95 % (norm) 2 0.025 oC 1 6.25010-4 oC2
Vibration Negligible 0 1 0
Power supply Negligible 0 1 0
Lead resistance Negligible 0 1 0
Sum of variances 2
u ( T )
5.84810-3 oC2

Combined standard uncertainty u c ( T ) 0.0765 oC

Expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) U ( T ) 0.15 oC

Operating temperature T 50 oC (323 K)

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level) U ( T ) T 0.047 %
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 116

The calculated expanded and relative expanded uncertainties (specified at 95 % con-

fidence level and a normal probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are
9.15 oC and 0.048 %, respecively. These values are further used in Section 4.6.

4.2.3 Gas compressibility factors

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the ratio of the gas compressibility
factors, E Z / Z 0 , is given by Eq. (3.13), and is evaluated in the following.

In the present example the AGA-8 (92) equation of state [AGA-8, 1994] is used for
calculation of Z , and ISO 6976 [ISO, 1995c] is used for Z 0 . It is here assumed that
the corresponding uncertainty figures correspond to rectangular probability distribu-
tions and 100 % confidence levels (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3). The relative standard
uncertainty of the estimate Z due to model uncertainty is then E Z , mod = 0.1 % 3
0.0577 %, cf. Fig. 3.1. The corresponding relative standard uncertainty of the esti-
mate Z 0 due to model uncertainty becomes E Z 0 ,mod = 0.05 2 + 0.015 2 % 3 =
0.0522 % 3 0.030 %, cf. Section

The relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z due to analysis uncertainty (inac-
curate determination of the line gas composition), is in general more complicated to
estimate. The uncertainty will depend on (a) the uncertainty of the GC measurement,
and (b) the actual variations in the gas composition. Both uncertainty contributions
(a) and (b) will depend on the specific gas quality in question, and also on the pres-
sure and temperature in question. To give a typical value to be representative in all
cases is not possible. Examples have shown that this uncertainty can be all from
negligible to around 1 %. As described in Section, it can be determined e.g.
by using a Monte Carlo type of simulation where the gas composition is varied
within its uncertainty limits.

For the specific example discussed here, it has - in a simplified approach - been as-
sumed that the C1-component varies with 0.5 %, the C2-component with 0.4 %
and the C3-component with 0.1 % (of the total gas content). Such variation ranges
can be observed in practice [Sakariassen, 2001] as natural variations over a time
scale of months, and can be of relevance here if the gas composition data are fed
manually to the flow computer e.g. monthly instead of being measured online. The
variations in the other gas components are smaller, and have been neglected here for
simplicity. In the case of online measurements (using GC analysis), the variation
limits may be smaller, especially for the C2 and C3 components. 10 gas composi-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 117

tions within the limits selected for C1, C2 and C3 have been used, and the Z-factor
has been calculated for each of them, at line conditions and at standard reference
conditions. The resulting calculated standard deviation for the Z factor at line condi-
tion is about 0.16 % 90. This number has been used here as the relative standard un-
certainty EZ,ana (k = 1, cf. Section B.3).

At standard reference conditions, the resulting calculated standard deviation using

this method is less than 0.01 % 91. Therefore, EZ0,ana has been neglected in the cur-
rent example, so that EZ0,ana = 0 is used here.

A sample uncertainty budget is given in Table 4.9 for evaluation of the expanded un-
certainty of the ratio of the gas compressibility factors according to Eq. (3.13). The
figures used for the input uncertainties are those given in the discussion above.

The calculated relative expanded uncertainty (specified at 95 % confidence level and

a normal probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) is 0.339 %. This value
is further used in Section 4.6.

Table 4.9 Sample uncertainty budget for the ratio of compressibility factors, Z0/Z, calculated according to Eq.
(3.13). (Corresponds to Fig. 5.7.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expanded & fact., standard sens. variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Model uncertainty, Z 0.1 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.05 % 1 2.5010-7
Model uncertainty, Z0 0.052 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.026 % 1 6.7610-8
Analysis uncertainty, Z 0.16 % 67 % (norm) 1 0.16 %
1 2.5610-6
Analysis uncertainty, Z0 0 67 % (norm) 1 0
Sum of relative variances E Z2 / Z 0 2.87810-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty EZ / Z 0 0.170 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level) k EZ / Z 0 0.339 %

90 It should be noted that the selected variation limits are larger than what can often be found in
practice, especially when an online GC is used. The value EZ,ana = 0.16 % is therefore far from
being a best case value.

91 It can be shown (by a Monte Carlo type of statistical analysis, as used above) that in spite of pos-
sible significant uncertainty in the gas compostion (such as e.g. due to GC measurement uncer-
tainty, or natural variations in gas composition), the influence of such uncertainty on the analysis
uncertainty of Z is quite small at low pressures when Z is very close to unity, Z 1 , such as for
Z 0 .
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 118

4.2.4 Density measurement

The combined standard uncertainty of the density measurement, u c ( ) , is given by

Eq. (3.14). This expression is evaluated in the following, for the example considered

Performance specifications for the Solartron 7812 gas density transducer are given in
Table 4.10 as specified in the data sheet [Solartron, 1999], etc.

Table 4.10 Performance specifications of the Solartron 7812 Gas Density Transducer [Solartron, 1999],
used as input to the uncertainty calculations given in Table 4.11.

Quantity or Source Value or Expanded uncer- Coverage Reference

tainty factor, k
Calibration temperature (air) - [Solartron, 1999;
20 C A.1]
Full scale density range - [Solartron, 1999,
1 - 400 kg/m3 A.1]
Densitometer accuracy, U ( u ) < 0.1 % of m.v. (nitrogen) [Solartron, 1999,
< 0.15 % of m.v. (nat. gas)
Repeatability, U ( rept ) Within 0.01 % of full scale [Solartron, 1999,
[Solartron, 1999,
Calibration temperature, U ( Tc ) 0.1 oC (at 20 oC) 7.2.2]
Temperature correction model, [Solartron, 1999,
U ( temp ) < 0.001 kg/m3/oC A.1]

VOS correction model, U ( misc ) Not specified (see text) [Solartron, 1999]

Pressure effect, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text)

[Solartron, 1999,
Stability - element, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
Deposits, U ( misc ) Not specified (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
1.3.3; 3.8]
Condensation, U ( misc ) Not specified (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
Corrosion, U ( misc ) Not specified (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
1.3.3; 3.8]
Gas viscosity, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text) [Matthews, 1994]

Vibration effects, U ( misc ) Not specified (see text) [Solartron, 1999,

1.3.1; 3.8]
Power supply effects, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
Self induced heat effects, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text) [Solartron, 1999,
Sample flow effects, U ( misc ) Negligible (see text) [Matthews, 1994]

The contributions to the combined standard uncertainty of the density measurement

are described in the following. As the confidence level of the expanded uncertainties
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 119

is not specified in [Solartron, 1999], this is here assumed to be 95 %, with a normal

probability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3).

1. Densitometer accuracy, u( u ) : The densitometer accuracy is specified in

the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron, 1999, A.1] as being less than
0.1 % of reading in nitrogen, and less than 0.15 % of reading in natural gas.
This includes uncertainties of Eq. (2.23). That is, u( u ) = U ( u ) 2
[ ]
= 0.15 10 2 82.443 kg / m 3 2 = 0.0618 kg/m3 92. The relative standard un-
certainty is u( u ) u = 0.15 % 2 = 0.075 %.

2. Repeatability, u( rept ) : In the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron,

1999, 1.3.2], the repeatability is specified to be within 0.01 % of full scale
density. The density range of the 7812 densitometer is given to be 1 to 400
kg/m3. That is, u( rept ) = U ( rept ) 2 = 0.01 10 2 400 2 = 0.02 kg / m 3 .

3. Calibration temperature, u( Tc ) : The uncertainty of the calibration tempera-

ture is specified in the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron, 1999, 7.2.2]
as 0.1 oC at 20 oC. That is, u( Tc ) = U ( Tc ) 2 = 0.1 o C 2 = 0.05 oC.

4. Line temperature, u c ( T ) : The expanded uncertainty of the line temperature is

taken from Table 4.8.

5. Densitometer temperature, u c ( Td ) : The expanded uncertainty of the densi-

tometer temperature is taken from Table 4.8.

6. Line pressure, u c ( P ) : The expanded uncertainty of the line pressure is taken

from Table 4.6.

7. Pressure difference, densitometer to line, u( Pd ) : The densitometer pres-

sure Pd is not measured, and assumed to be equal to the line pressure P . In
practice the density sampling system is designed so that the pressure deviation

92 The manufacturer's uncertainty specification is used here. By calibration of the the densitometer
in an accredited calibration laboratory, the densitometer "accuracy" may be significantly reduced.
Example of a calibration certificate specification for the densitometer "accuracy" U ( u ) may be
e.g. 0.027-0.053 %, for the density range 25-250 kg/m3, at a 95 % confidence level (k = 2) [Eide,
2001a]. Such values correspond to 0.014-0.027 % for the relative standard uncertainty of the
densitometer accuracy. This includes linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, reading uncertainty,
and reference instruments uncertainty.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 120

between the densitometer and line, Pd , is relatively small. Tests with densi-
tometers have indicated a pressure deviation Pd of up to 0.02 % of the line
pressure, P [Eide, 2001a]. Pd can be positive or negative, depending on the
actual installation [Sakariassen, 2001].

For the present case ( P = 100 bara, cf. Table 4.2), Pd = 20 mbar is used as a
representative example. Assuming a Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence
level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 20 mbar (k =
3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( Pd ) = U ( Pd ) 3 = 0.02 bar 3 =
0.0115 bar.

8. VOS, calibration gas, u( cc ) : The uncertainty of the sound velocity estimate of

the calibration gas is tentatively taken to be 1 m/s. Assuming a Type B uncer-
tainty, at a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability distribution
within the range 1 m/s (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains
u( c c ) = U ( cc ) 3 = 1 3 0.577 m/s.

9. VOS, densitometer gas, u( c d ) : As described in Section 2.4.3, when using Eq.

(2.25) for VOS correction, there are at least two methods in use today to obtain
the VOS at the density transducer, cd: the USM method and the pres-
sure/density method. As explained in Section 3.2.4, evaluation of u( c d ) ac-
cording to these (or other) methods is not a part of the present Handbook.
Hence, one does not rely on the particular method used to estimate cd in the me-
tering station.

The uncertainty of the VOS estimate in the density transducer is here taken to be
1 m/s, tentatively. Assuming a Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence level
and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 1 m/s (k = 3 , cf.
Section B.3), one obtains u( c d ) = U ( c d ) 3 = 1 3 0.577 m/s.

10. Periodic time, u( ) : The uncertainty of the periodic time involved in the
VOS correction depends on the time resolution of the flow computer, which is
here set to 0.1 s, tentatively (10 MHz oscillator) [Eide, 2001a]. Assuming a
Type A uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability
distribution within the range 0.1 s (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains
u( ) = U ( ) 3 = 0.1 s 3 = 0.0577 s.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 121

11. VOS correction constant, u( K d ) : A figure for the uncertainty of the dimen-
sional constant K d used in the VOS correction has not been available for the
present study. A tentative uncertainty figure of 10 % is used here, as a reason-
able example [Eide, 2001a]. For K d = 21000 m (cf. Table 4.4), that gives
U ( K d ) = 2100 m. Assuming a Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence
level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 2100 m (k =
3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( K d ) = U ( K d ) 3 = 2100 m 3 =
1212 m.

12. Temperature correction model, u( temp ) : Temperature changes affect both the
modulus of elasticity of the vibrating element, and its dimensions. Both of these
affect the resonance frequency [Matthews, 1994]. For high-accuracy densi-
tometers like the Solartron 7812, this effect is largely eliminated using Ni-span
C stainless steel93, and the temperature correction model given by Eq. (2.24).
However, the temperature correction model itself is not perfect, and will have an

The uncertainty of the temperature correction model itself, Eq. (2.24), is speci-
fied in the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron, 1999, A.1] as being less
than 0.001 kg/m3/oC. That is, u( temp ) = U ( temp ) 2 = [0.001 48 ] 2
= 0.024 kg / m 3 .

13. VOS correction model, u( misc ) : For gas densitometers the fluids are very
compressible (low VOS), and VOS correction is important [Solartron, 1999],
[Matthews, 1994]. For high-accuracy densitometers like the Solartron 7812, this
effect is largely eliminated using the VOS correction model given by Eq. (2.25).
However, the VOS correction model itself is not perfect (among others due to
use of a calibration gas, with another VOS than the line gas in question), and
will have an uncertainty.

The uncertainty of the VOS correction model itself, Eq. (2.25), is not specified
in the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron, 1999]. In the present calcula-
tion example the uncertainty of the VOS correction model is neglected for the
Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the VOS correction model contribution to
u( misc ) is set to zero.

93 For densitometers with vibrating element made from other materials than Ni-span C, the tem-
perature effect may be considerably larger [Matthews, 1994].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 122

14. Pressure effect, u( misc ) : The uncertainty of the pressure effect is not specified
in the manufacturer instrument manual [Solartron, 1999]. According to [Mat-
thews, 1994], for vibrating cylinders there is no pressure effect on the reson-
cance frequency because the fluid surrounds the vibrating element, so all forces
are balanced. Consequently, in the present calculation example this uncertainty
contribution is assumed to be negligible for the Solartron 7812 densitometer.
That is, the pressure effect contribution to u( misc ) is set to zero.

15. Stability - element, u( misc ) : The instrument manual states that [Solartron,
1999; 1.3.3] The long term stability of this density sensor is mainly governed
by the stability of the vibrating cylinder sensing element. This cylinder is manu-
factured from one of the most stable metals, and being unstressed, will maintain
its properties for many years. In the present calculation example this uncer-
tainty contribution is neglected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the
long time stability effects contribution to u( misc ) is set to zero.

16. Deposits, u( misc ) : The instrument manual states that [Solartron, 1999; 1.3.3]
Deposition on the cylinder will degrade the long term stability, and care should
be taken to ensure that the process gas is suitable for use with materials of con-
struction. The possibility of deposition is reduced by the use of filters, but,
should deposition take place, the sensing element can be removed and
cleaned94. According to [Campbell and Pinto, 1994], another problem with
the gas transducers can be the presence of black dust like particles on the walls
of the sensing element. These particles can often cause pitting on the sensing
element which renders the cylinder as scrap. In the present calculation example
this uncertainty contribution is neglected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer.
That is, the uncertainty contribution to u( misc ) which is related to deposits is set
to zero.

17. Condensation and liquid contamination, u( misc ) : In the instrument manual

it is stated that [Solartron, 1999; 3.8] Condensation of water or liquid vapours
on the sensing element will cause effects similar to deposition of solids except
that the effects will dissappear if re-evaporation takes place. Cf. also [Geach,

94 The risk of damaging the element in case of dismantling and clening offshore by unexperienced
personnel may be large [Campbell and Pinto, 1994]. Scratches or denting during the cleaning
procedure reduces the element to scrap.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 123

According to [Campbell and Pinto, 1994], transducers which are returned for
calibration have been found on many occasions to contain large quantities of lu-
bricating type oil, which has the effect of stopping the transducer vibrating. The
presence of this liquid usually indicates a problem with the lub oil seals of the
export compressors.

In the present calculation example this uncertainty contribution is neglected for

the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contribution to
u( misc ) which is related to condensation is set to zero.

18. Corrosion, u( misc ) : In the instrument manual it is stated that [Solartron,

1999; 1.3.3] Corrosion will degrade the long term stability, and care should be
taken to ensure that the process gas is suitable for use with materials of con-
struction. In the present calculation example this uncertainty contribution is
neglected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contribu-
tion to u( misc ) which is related to corrosion is set to zero.

19. Gas viscosity, u( misc ) : Viscosity has the effect of damping all vibrating-
element transducers which causes a small over-reading in density. For gas den-
sitometers the effect of viscosity is so small that it is virtually impossible to
measure at anything but very low densities [Matthews, 1994]. In the present cal-
culation example this uncertainty contribution is neglected for the Solartron
7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contribution to u( misc ) which is
related to gas viscosity is set to zero.

20. Vibration effects, u( misc ) : In the instrument manual it is stated that [Solar-
tron, 1999; 3.8] The 7812 can tolerate vibration up to 0.5g, but levels in ex-
cess of this may affect the accuracy of the readings. Use of anti-vibration gasket
will reduce the effects of vibration by at least a factor of 3, at levels up to 10g
and 2200 Hz. In the present calculation example this uncertainty contribution
is neglected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contri-
bution to u( misc ) which is related to vibration effects is set to zero.

21. Power supply effects, u( misc ) : In the instrument manual it is stated that [So-
lartron, 1999; 3.8] the 7812 is insensitive to variations in power supply. In the
present calculation example this uncertainty contribution is neglected for the
Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contribution to
u( misc ) which is related to power supply effects is set to zero.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 124

22. Self induced heat effects, u( misc ) : In the instrument manual it is stated that
[Solartron, 1999; 3.8] since the power consumption is extremely small, the
self induced heat may be neglected. In the present calculation example this un-
certainty contribution is neglected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is,
the uncertainty contribution to u( misc ) which is related to heating is set to zero.

Table 4.11. Sample uncertainty budget for the measurement of the gas density using the Solartron 7812 Gas
Density Transducer [Solartron, 1999], calculated according to Eq. (3.14). (Corresponds to Figs.
5.9 and 5.23.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Expand. Conf. level Cov. Standard Sens.
uncert. & fact., uncertainty coeff. Variance
Distribut. k
Densitometer accu- 0.11 kg/m3 95 % (norm) 2 0.0618 kg/m3 0.989734 3.74510-3 (kg/m3)2
racy, U ( u )
Repeatability, U ( rept ) 0.04 kg/m3 95 % (norm) 2 0.02 kg/m3 1 4.010-4 (kg/m3)2
Calibration temperature, 0.1 oC 95 % (norm) 2 0.05 oC -0.000274 1.8810-10 (kg/m3)2
U ( Tc )

Line temperature, U ( T ) 0.15 oC 95 % (norm) 2 0.0765 oC 0.252576 3.7310-4 (kg/m3)2

Densitometer tempera- 0.15 oC 95 % (norm) 2 0.0765 oC 0.253875 3.7710-4 (kg/m3)2

ture, U ( Td )

Line pressure, U ( P ) 0.16 bar 95 % (norm) 2 0.08 bar -0.000163 1.710-10 (kg/m3)2

Pressure difference, den- 20 mbar 100 % (rect) 3 0.0115 bar -0.816037 8.8810-5 (kg/m3)2
sitometer-line, U ( Pd )
VOS, calibration gas, 1 m/s 100 % (rect) 3 0.577 m/s -0.00394 5.1810-6 (kg/m3)2
U ( c c )
VOS, densitometer gas, 1 m/s 100 % (rect) 3 0.577 m/s 0.002365 1.8710-6 (kg/m3)2
U ( c d )
Periodic time, U ( ) 0.1 s 100 % (rect) 3 0.0577 s -0.000611 1.2410-9 (kg/m3)2

Model constant, U ( K d ) 2100 m 100 % (rect) 3 1212 m 1.8910-5 5.2510-4 (kg/m3)2

Temperature correction 0.048 kg/m3 95 % (norm) 2 0.024 kg/m3 1 5.7610-4 (kg/m3)2

model, U ( temp )
Miscell. uncertainty Neglected 0 kg/m3 1 0 (kg/m3)2
contributions, U ( misc )

Sum of variances u c2 ( ) 6.09210-3 (kg/m3)2

Combined standard uncertainty u c ( ) 0.07805 kg/m3

Expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) U ( ) 0.1561 kg/m3

Operating density 81.62 kg/m3
Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level) U ( ) 0.19 %
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 125

23. Sample line flow effects, u( misc ) : According to [Matthews, 1994], All reso-
nant element sensors will be affected by flow rate in some way. As flow rate in-
creases, the output will generally give a positive over-reading of density and the
readings will become more unstable. However this effect is very small and pro-
viding the manufacturers recommendations are followed then the effects can be
ignored. In the present calculation example this uncertainty contribution is ne-
glected for the Solartron 7812 densitometer. That is, the uncertainty contribu-
tion to u( misc ) which is related to flow in the density sample line is set to zero.

A sample uncertainty budget is given in Table 4.11 for evaluation of the expanded
uncertainty of the pressure measurement according to Eq. (3.14). The figures used for
the input uncertainties are those given in the discussion above.

The calculated relative expanded uncertainty (specified at a 95 % confidence level

and a normal probilility distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) is 0.19 %. Note that
this value is calculated under the assumption that the input uncertainties taken from
the [Solartron, 1999] data sheet corresponds to a 95 % confidence level (k = 2). As
Solartron has not specified k, this is an assumption, and another coverage factor k
would alter the densitometer uncertainty. The relative expanded uncertainty value
calculated above is further used in Section 4.6.

4.2.5 Calorific value

The relative expanded uncertainty of the superior (gross) calorific value, k E H S , is

here taken to be 0.15 %, at a 95 % confidence level and a normal probability distri-
bution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3). This figure is not based on any uncertainty analysis of
the calorific value estimate, but is taken as a tentative example [Sakariassen, 2001],
at a level corresponding to NPD regulation requirements [NPD, 2001] (cf. Section
C.1). This value is further used in Section 4.6.

4.3 Flow calibration uncertainty

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the USM flow calibration, E cal , is
given by Eq. (3.16). This expression is evaluated in the following. As described in
Section 3.3, it accounts for the contributions from the flow calibration laboratory, the
deviation factor, and the USM repeatability in flow calibration.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 126

4.3.1 Flow calibration laboratory

The expanded uncertainty of current high-precision gas flow calibration laboratories

is taken to be typically 0.3 % of the measured value95, at a 95 % confidence level and
a normal probability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3). Assuming that this figure
applies to all the M test flow rates, as an example, one obtains E ref , j =
[U ( q ref , j ) q ref , j ] 2 = 0.3 % 2 = 0.15 %, j = 1, , M.
4.3.2 Deviation factor

For a given application, the deviation data DevC , j , j = 1, , M, are to be specified by

the USM manufacturer.

As an example evaluation of the uncertainty of the deviation factor estimate K dev , j ,

the AGA-9 report results given in Fig. 2.1 are used here. The example serves to il-
lustrate the procedure used for evaluation of E K .
dev , j

Table 4.12. Evaluation of E K for the AGA-9 example of Fig. 2.1. (Corresp. to parts of Fig. 5.11.)
dev , j

Test flow Test flow rate K dev , j DevC , j EK

rate no. dev , j

1 qmin 1.01263 0.01263 0.720 %

2 0.10 qmax 1.00689 0.00689 0.395 %
3 0.25 qmax 0.99991 - 0.00009 0.005 %
4 0.40 qmax 0.99995 - 0.00005 0.003 %
5 0.70 qmax 0.99937 - 0.00063 0.036 %
6 qmax 0.99943 - 0.00057 0.033 %

Table 4.12 gives K dev , j , DevC , j and E K for this example, calculated for the M = 6
dev , j

test flow rates discussed in the AGA-9 report, according to Eqs. (2.8), (2.10) and
(3.18), respectively. Input data for these calculations are given in [AGA-9, 1998;
Appendix D]. As described in Section 3.3.2, the expanded uncertainty U ( K dev , j ) is
taken to be equal to DevC , j , and a Type B uncertainty is assumed, at a 100 % confi-
dence level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range DevC , j (k =
3 , cf. Section B.3).

95 Some flow calibration laboratories operate with flow rate dependent uncertainty figures, such as
Bernoulli/Westerbork and Advantica [Sakariassen, 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 127

4.3.3 USM repeatability in flow calibration

The repeatability of current USMs is typically given to be 0.2 % of measured value,

cf. e.g. [Daniel, 2000], [Kongsberg, 2000], cf. Table 6.1. In practice, the repeatabil-
ity may be expected to be flow rate dependent, - however any dependency on flow
rate is not specified by manufacturers.

The repeatability in flow calibration is also to include the repeatability of the flow
laboratory reference measurement. As this value may be difficult to quantify, and is
expected to be significantly less than 0.2 %, the 0.2 % figure is here taken to repre-
sent both repeatabilities.

Confidence level and probability distribution are unfortunately not available from
USM manufacturer data sheets, cf. Chapter 6. Assuming that this repeatability figure
corresponds to a 95 % confidence level at a normal probability distribution (k = 2, cf.
Section B.3)96, and to all the M test flow rates, one obtains E rept , j =
[U ( q
USM , j ) qUSM , j ] 2 = 0.2 % 2 = 0.1 %, j = 1, , M.
4.3.4 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of flow calibration

Sample uncertainty budgets are given in Tables 4.13 and 4.14, for evaluation of the
expanded uncertainty of the flow calibration according to Eq. (3.16). The figures
used for the input uncertainties are those given in the discussion above. Note that in
each table only a single test flow rate is evaluated97. Tables 4.13 and 4.14 apply to
test flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively, cf. Table 4.12.

The calculated relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level

and a normal probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 0.87 % and
0.36 %, for test flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. These values are fur-
ther used in Section 4.6.

96 If the repeatability figure of 0.2 % corresponds to the standard deviation of the flow rate reading,
a coverage factor k = 1 is to be used.

97 In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, uncertainty evaluation is made for all
test flow rates, cf. Section 5.9.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 128

Table 4.13. Sample uncertainty budget for USM flow calibration (example), calculated according to Eq. (3.16),
for a single test flow rate, 0.10qmax (cf. Table 4.12). (Corresponds to Fig. 5.11.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expanded & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Flow calibration 0.3 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.15 % 1 2.2510-6
laboratory (Section 4.3.1)
Deviation factor 0.69 % 100 % (rect) 3 0.395 % 1 15.6010-6
(Table 4.12)
USM repeatability in flow 0.2 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.1 % 1 1.0010-6
calibration (Section 4.3.3)
Sum of relative variances 2
E cal 18.8510-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty E cal 0.434 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E cal 0.87 %

Table 4.14. Sample uncertainty budget for USM flow calibration (example), calculated according to Eq. (3.16),
for a single test flow rate, 0.70qmax (cf. Table 4.12).

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expanded & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Flow calibration 0.3 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.15 % 1 2.2510-6
laboratory (Section 4.3.1)
Deviation factor 0.072 % 100 % (rect) 3 0.036 % 1 1.3010-7
(Table 4.12)
USM repeatability in flow 0.2 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.1 % 1 1.0010-6
calibration (Section 4.3.3)
Sum of relative variances 2
E cal 3.3810-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty E cal 0.183 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E cal 0.37 %

4.4 USM field uncertainty

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the USM in field operation, EUSM , is
given by Eq. (3.19), and is evaluated in the following. As described in Section 3.4, it
accounts for the contributions from the USM repeatability in field operation, and ef-
fects of changes in conditions from flow calibration to field operation (systematic ef-
fects related to meter body dimensions, transit times and integration method).

4.4.1 Repeatability (random transit time effects)

The relative combined standard uncertainty representing the repeatability of the USM
in field operation, E rept , is given by Eqs. (3.41) and (3.45), and is due to random
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 129

transit time effects. In this description, one has the option of specifying either E rept
or u( t 1random
i ) , cf. Section 3.4.2 and Table 3.8. Both types of input are addressed

Alternative (1), Specification of flow rate repeatability: In the first and simplest ap-
proach, the repeatability of the flow measured rate, E rept , is specified direcly, using
the USM manufacturer value, typically 0.2 % of measured value, cf. e.g. [Daniel,
2000], [Kongsberg, 2000], Table 6.1. In practice, the repeatability of the flow rate
may be expected to be flow rate dependent, cf. Section 3.4.2, - however a possible
dependency on flow rate is not specified in these USM manufacturer data sheets.

Confidence level and probability distribution for such repeatability figures are un-
fortunately not available in USM manufacturer data sheets, cf. Chapter 6. Assuming
that this repeatability figure corresponds to a 95 % confidence level at a normal
probability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3), and to all the M test flow rates, one
obtains E rept = 0.2 % 2 = 0.1 %, at all flow rates, cf. Table 4.15 98.

Table 4.15. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM repeatability in field operation (example), for the sim-
plified example of constant E rept over the flow rate range. (Corresponds to Fig. 5.12.)

Test Test Test Rel. exp. Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. exp.
rate flow flow uncertainty & fact., standard uncertainty
no. velocity rate kE rept Distribut. k uncertainty, (95 % c.l.)
(repeatability) E rept 2 E rept
1 0.4 m/s qmin 0.2 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.1 % 0.2 %
2 1.0 m/s 0.10 qmax
3 2.5 m/s 0.25 qmax
4 4.0 m/s 0.40 qmax
5 7.0 m/s 0.70 qmax
6 10.0 m/s qmax

Alternative (2), Specification of transit time repeatability: In the second approach,

E rept is calculated from the specified typical repeatability of the transit times, repre-
sented by u( t 1random
i ) , the standard deviation of the measured transit times (after pos-
sible time averaging), at the flow rate in question. Normally, data for u( t 1random
i ) are
today not available from USM manufaturerer data sheets. However, such data
should be readily available in USM flow computers, and may hopefully be available
also to customers in the future.

98 Note that the simplification used in this example calculation is not a limitation in the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. In the program, E rept can be specified individually at
each test flow rate, cf. Section 5.10.1. If only a single value for E rept is available (which may be
a typical situation), this value is used at all flow rates.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 130

To illustrate this option, a simplifed example is used here where the standard devia-
tion u( t 1random
i ) is taken to be 2.5 ns, at all paths and flow rates. Note that in practice,
the repeatability of the measured transit times may be expected to be flow rate de-
pendent (increasing at high flow rates, with increasing turbulence). The repeatability
may also be influenced by the lateral chord position. Consequently, this example
value represents a simplification, as discussed in Section 3.4.2 99.

For this example then, Table 4.16 gives E rept at the same test flow rates as used in
Table 4.12, calculated according to Eqs. (3.41), (3.43) and (3.45).

Table 4.16. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM repeatability in field operation (example), calculated according to Eqs.
(3.41), (3.43) and (3.45), for the simplified example of constant U ( t 1random
i ) = 5 ns over the flow rate range.
(Corresponds to Fig. 5.13.)

Test Test Test Expanded Conf. level Cov. Standard Rel. comb. Rel. exp.
rate flow flow uncertainty, & fact., uncertainty, standard uncertainty
no. velocity rate U ( t 1random ) Distribut. k u( t 1random ) uncertainty, (95 % c.l.),
i i
(repeatability) E rept 2 E rept
1 0.4 m/s qmin 5 ns 95 % (norm) 2 2.5 ns 0.158 % 0.316 %
2 1.0 m/s 0.10 qmax 0.063 % 0.126 %
3 2.5 m/s 0.25 qmax 0.025 % 0.050 %
4 4.0 m/s 0.40 qmax 0.016 % 0.031 %
5 7.0 m/s 0.70 qmax 0.009 % 0.018 %
6 10.0 m/s qmax 0.006 % 0.012 %

In Sections 4.4.6 and 4.6, Alternative (1) above is used (Table 4.15), i.e. with speci-
fication of the manufacturer value E rept = 0.2 %.

4.4.2 Meter body

The relative combined standard uncertainty of the meter body, Ebody , , is given by
Eq. (3.21), and is evaluated in the following. Only uncorrected changes of meter
body dimensions from flow calibration to field operation are to be accounted for in
Ebody , .

The user input uncertainties to Ebody , are the standard uncertainties of the tempera-
ture and pressure expansion coefficients, u( ) and u( ) , respectively, cf. Section
3.4.1. With respect to pressure and temperature correction of the meter body dimen-

99 Note that the simplification used in this example calculation is not a limitation in the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. In the program, u( t 1random
i ) can be specified individu-
ally at each test flow rate, cf. Section 5.10.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 131

sions from flow calibration to field operation, two options have been implemented in
the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station: (1) P and T corrections of the
meter body are not used by the USM manufacturer, and (2) P and T corrections are
used. Both cases are described in the calculation examples addressed here.

Alternative (1), P & T correction of meter body not used: When pressure and tem-
perature corrections are not used, the dimensional change (expansion or contraction)
of the meter body itself becomes the uncertainty, cf. Section 3.4.1. The contributions
to the combined standard uncertainty of the meter body are described in the follow-

1. Pressure expansion coefficient, u( ) : Eq. (2.19) is based on a number of ap-

proximations that may not hold in practical cases. First, there is the question of
which model for that is most correct for a given installation (pipe support), cf.
Section 2.3.4 and Table 2.6. Secondly, there is the question of the validity of the
linear model used for KP, cf. Eq. (2.17). Here a tentative figure of 20 % for
U ( ) is taken, as an example. is there given from Eq. (2.19) and Table 4.3 as
= 0.154 ( 8.4 10 3 2 10 6 ) bar-1 = 9.16610-6 bar-1. Assuming a Type B un-
certainty, at a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability distribution
within the range 20 % (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( ) =
U ( ) 3 = 0.2 9.166 10 6 bar 1 3 = 1.0584810-6 bar-1.

2. Pressure difference, u c ( Pcal ) : In the present example, the pressure difference

between flow calibration and line conditions is Pcal = 50 bar, cf. Table 4.2.
Without meter body pressure correction, and assuming 100 % confidence level
and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 50 bar (k = 3 , cf.
Section B.3), the standard uncertainty due to the pressure difference is given
from Eq. (3.35) as u c ( Pcal ) = Pcal 3 = 50 bar 3 28.8675 bar.

3. Temperature expansion coefficient, u( ) : For the uncertainty of the tem-

perature expansion coefficient (including possible inaccuracy of the linear tem-
perature expansion model) a tentative figure of 20 % is taken here. Assuming a
Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability
distribution within the range 20 % (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( )
= U ( ) 3 = 0.2 14 10 6 K 1 3 = 1.6165810-6 K-1.

4. Temperature difference, u c ( Tcal ) : In the present example, the temperature

difference between flow calibration and line conditions is Tcal = 40 oC, cf. Ta-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 132

ble 4.2. Without meter body temperature correction, and assuming a 100 % con-
fidence level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 40 oC
(k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), the standard uncertainty due to the temperature differ-
ence is given from Eq. (3.39) as u c ( Tcal ) = Tcal 3 = 40 o C 3 23.0940

From these basic input uncertainties, one finds, from Eqs. (3.34) and (3.38) respec-
u c ( K P ) = ( Pcal ) 2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Pcal )
= 50 2 1.058 2 + 9.166 2 28.8675 2 10 6 = 2.6983 10 4

u c ( K T ) = ( Tcal )2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Tcal )
= 40 2 1.616 2 + 14 2 23.0940 2 10 6 = 3.2971 10 4

Since K P = 1 + 9.166 10 6 50 = 1.00004583 and K T = 1 + 14 10 6 40 = 1.00056

(cf. Eqs. (3.33) and (3.37), one finds E KP = u c ( K P ) K P
= 2.6983 10 4 1.00004583 = 2.697110-4 and E KT = u c ( K T ) K T
= 3.2971 10 4 1.00056 = 3.295210-4 (cf. Eqs. (3.32).

Table 4.17. Sample uncertainty budget for USM meter body, calculated according to Eqs. (3.21)-(3.40)
and Table 4.2 for meter body data given in Table 4.3, and no temperature and pressure cor-
rection of the meter body dimensions. (Corresponds to Fig. 5.15.)

Input Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative

uncertainty expanded & fact., standard
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty
Coefficient of linear 20 % 100 % (rect) 3 11.5 %
temperature expansion,
Coefficient of linear 20 % 100 % (rect) 3 11.5 %
pressure expansion,
Rel. comb. standard uncertainty, temperature correction, E KT 3.3010-2 %
Rel. comb. standard uncertainty, pressure correction, E KP 2.7010-2 %

Rel. comb. Rel. Rel. comb.

Contributions to meter body uncertainty standard sens. standard
uncertainty coeff. uncertainty
Meter body inner radius, Erad , 4.2610-2 % 3.6 0.1533 %

Lateral chord positions, Echord , 4.2610-2 % - 0.6 - 0.0256 %

Inclination angles, Eangle , - 2.110-18 %

Relative combined standard uncertainty (sum) Ebody , 0.1278 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k Ebody , 0.26 %
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 133

Eqs. (3.29)-(3.30) yield E R , = E yi , = E KP

+ E KT
= 2.69712 + 3.2952 2 10 4 =
4.258210-4. Insertion into Eqs. (3.31) and (3.22)-(3.24) then leads to E rad , = 0.1533
%, E chord , = -0.0256 % and E angle , = -2.110-18 %, giving Ebody , = 0.1278 % from
Eq. (3.21). Table 4.17 summarizes these calculations.

Alternative (2), P & T correction of meter body used: In the present description,
pressure and temperature corrections are assumed to be done according to Eqs.
(2.13)-(2.19), cf. Section 2.3.4. The contributions to the combined standard uncer-
tainty of the meter body are described in the following.

1. Pressure expansion coefficient, u( ) : The uncertainty of the pressure expan-

sion coefficient is the same as for Alternative (1) above: u( ) = 1.0584810-6

2. Pressure difference, u c ( Pcal ) : When meter body pressure correction is used,

the standard uncertainty due to the pressure difference is given from Eq. (3.36)
and Table 4.6 as u c ( Pcal ) = 2u c ( P ) = 2 0.078 = 0.110 bar.

3. Temperature expansion coefficient, u( ) : The uncertainty of the temperature

expansion coefficient is the same as for Alternative (1) above: u( ) =
1.6165810-6 K-1.

4. Temperature difference, u c ( Tcal ) : When meter body temperature correction

is used, the standard uncertainty due to the temperature difference is given from
Eq. (3.40) and Table 4.8 as u c ( Tcal ) = 2u c ( T ) = 2 0.076 = 0.107 oC.

From these basic input uncertainties, one finds, from Eqs. (3.34) and (3.38) respec-

u c ( K P ) = ( Pcal ) 2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Pcal )
= 50 2 1.05848 2 + 9.166 2 0.110 2 10 6 = 5.2934 10 5

u c ( K T ) = ( Tcal ) 2 u 2 ( ) + 2 u c2 ( Tcal )
= 40 2 1.61658 2 + 14 2 0.107 2 10 6 = 6.4681 10 5
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 134

Since K P = 1 + 9.166 10 6 50 = 1.0004583 and K T = 1 + 14 10 6 40 = 1.00056

(cf. Eqs. (3.33) and (3.37)), one finds E KP = u c ( K P ) | K P |
= 5.2934 10 5 1.0004583 = 5.290910-5 and E KT = u c ( K T ) | K T |
= 6.4681 10 5 1.00056 = 6.464410 (cf. Eqs. (3.32)).

Eqs. (3.29)-(3.30) yield E R , = E yi , = E KP

+ E KT
= 5.2909 2 + 6.4644 2 10 5 =
8.353610-5. Insertion into Eqs. (3.31) and (3.22)-(3.27) then leads to E rad , = 0.0301
%, E chord , = -0.0050 % and E angle , = -4.210-19 %, giving Ebody , = 0.025 % from Eq.
(3.21). Table 4.18 summarizes these calculations.

Table 4.18. Sample uncertainty budget for USM meter body, calculated according to Eqs. (3.21)-(3.40)
and Table 4.2 for meter body data given in Table 4.3, and with temperature and pressure
correction of the meter body dimensions (according to Eqs. (2.13)-(2.19)).

Input Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative

uncertainty expanded & fact., standard
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty
Coefficient of linear 20 % 100 % (rect) 3 11.5 %
temperature expansion,
Coefficient of linear 20 % 100 % (rect) 3 11.5 %
pressure expansion,
Rel. comb. standard uncertainty, temperature correction, E KT 6.4610-3 %
Rel. comb. standard uncertainty, pressure correction, E KP 5.2910-3 %

Rel. comb. Rel. Rel. comb.

Contributions to meter body uncertainty standard sens. standard
uncertainty coeff. uncertainty
Meter body inner radius, Erad , 8.3510-3 % 3.6 0.0301 %

Lateral chord positions, Echord , 8.3510-3 % - 0.6 - 0.0050 %

Inclination angles, Eangle , - 4.210-19 %

Relative combined standard uncertainty (sum) Ebody , 0.0251 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k Ebody , 0.05 %

In Section 4.4.6 and 4.6, Alternative (1) above is used (Table 4.17), i.e. with no P
and T correction of the meter body dimensions used by the USM manufacturer.

4.4.3 Systematic transit time effects

The relative combined standard uncertainty Etime , is given by Eqs. (3.42)-(3.44) and
(3.46). Only systematic deviations in transit times from flow calibration to field op-
eration are to be accounted for in Etime , (due to e.g. P and T effects, drift/ageing, de-
posits at transducer fronts, etc.). Since such timing errors may in practice not be cor-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 135

rected for in current USMs, they are to be accounted for as uncertainties. Examples
of possible contributions are listed in Section

Data for u( t 1systematic

i ) and u( t 2systematic
i ) are today unfortunately not available from
USM manufaturerer data sheets, and the knowledge on systematic transit time effects
is insufficient today. It is hoped that, as improved knowledge on such effects is be-
ing developed, such uncertainty data will be available in USM manufacturers data
sheets in the future, including documentation of the methods by which they are ob-

Consequenty, only a tentative calculation example is taken here. The contributions to

the combined standard uncertainty of the meter body are described in the following,
for the example of flow calibration at 10 oC and 50 bara (cf. Table 4.2).

1. Upstream transit time, u( t 1systematic

i ) : u( t 1systematic
i ) accounts for change in the up-
stream transit time correction relative to the value at flow calibration conditions.
This includes electronics/cable/transducer/diffraction time delay, possible trans-
ducer cavity delay, possible deposits at transducer front, sound refraction effects,
and change of such delays with P, T and time (drift), cf. Table 3.8.

In the present example, it is assumed that all other effects than shift in transducer
delay can be neglected. It is assumed that the transducers have been "dry cali-
brated" at the same transducer distances as used in the USM meter body100. In
this example, the pressure and temperature differences from flow calibration to
line conditions are 50 bar and 40 oC. Measurement data from [Lunde et al.,
1999; 2000] indicate that for a temperature change of 35 oC a shift in transducer
delay of about 1-2 s may not be unrealistic e.g. for transducers with epoxy
front101. Here, a tentative value U ( t 1systematic
i ) = 0.6 s = 600 ns is used as an ex-
ample (somewhat arbitrarily). Assuming a Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % con-
fidence level and a rectangular probability distribution within the range 600 ns
(k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains u( t 1systematic
i ) = U ( t 1systematic
i ) 3=
600 ns 3 = 346.41 ns.

100 Note that if "dry calibration" is not made at the same transducer distances as used in the USM
meter body, diffraction effects may also need to be taken into account when evaluating
u (t1systematic
i ) [Lunde et al., 1999; 2000a; 2000b]. However, such effects are neglected in the pre-
sent example.

101 The shift will depend among others on the method used for transit time detection [Lunde et al.,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 136

2. Downstream transit time, u( t 2systematic

i ) : The difference between u( t 1systematic
i ) and
u( t 2systematic
i ) accounts for the uncertainty of the t-correction relative to the value
at flow calibration conditions (P & T effects, drift, etc.). Here, a tentative value
U ( t 2systematic
i ) = 590 ns is used as an example (somewhat arbitrarily), corre-
sponding to an expanded uncertainty of the t-correction of 10 ns. Assuming a
Type B uncertainty, at a 100 % confidence level and a rectangular probability
distribution within the range 590 ns (k = 3 , cf. Section B.3), one obtains
u( t 2systematic
i ) = U ( t 2systematic
i ) 3 = 590 ns 3 = 340.64 ns.

Table 4.19 gives Etime , for this example, calculated at the same test flow rates as
used in Table 4.12. Note that Etime , increases at low flow rates, due to the sensitivity
coefficients s t1i and st 2i which increase at low flow rates due to the reduced transit
time difference, cf. Eqs. (3.43)-(3.44). At low flow rates Etime , is determined by
the uncertainty of the t-correction. At higher flow rates Etime , is determined by the
uncertainty of the transit times themselves.

Table 4.19. Uncertainty budget for the systematic contributions to the transit time uncertainties of
the 12 USM, calculated from Eqs. (3.42)-(3.44) and (3.46). (Corresponds to Fig. 5.16.)

Input Given Conf. level Cov. Standard

uncertainty expanded & fact., uncertainty
uncert. Distribut. k
U (t1systematic ) 600 ns 100 % (rect) 3 346.41 ns

U (t2systematic ) 590 ns 100 % (rect) 3 340.64 ns


Test Test Test flow Rel. comb. Rel. exp.

rate no. flow rate standard uncertainty
velocity uncertainty, (95 % c.l.),
E time , 2 E time,
1 0.4 m/s qmin 0.4206 0.841
2 1.0 m/s 0.10 qmax 0.1197 0.239
3 2.5 m/s 0.25 qmax 0.0007 0.001
4 4.0 m/s 0.40 qmax 0.0308 0.062
5 7.0 m/s 0.70 qmax 0.0523 0.105
6 10.0 m/s qmax 0.0609 0.122

4.4.4 Integration method (installation effects)

The relative combined standard uncertainty accounting for installation effects (the
integration method), E I , , is given by Eq. (3.47). Only changes of installation con-
ditions from flow calibration to field operation are to be accounted for in E I , . Ex-
amples of possible contributions are listed in Section 3.4.3, see also Table 3.8.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 137

In general, for a given type of meter, E I , should be determined from a (preferably)

extensive empirical data set where the type of meter in question has been subjected
to testing with respect to various installation conditions (bend configurations, flow
conditioners, meter orientation rel. bend, etc., cf. Table 3.8). A great deal of instal-
lation effects testing has been carried out over the last decade, together with theoreti-
cal / numerical investigations of such effects. USM manufacturers (together with
flow calibration laboratories, users and research institutions) today posess a consid-
erable amount of information and knowledge on this subject. USM installation ef-
fects is today still a subject of intense testing and research.

However, data for E I , are today not available from USM manufaturerer data sheets,
and E I , appears to be one of the more difficult uncertainty contributions to specify,
especially when it comes to traceability.

Consequenty, only a tentative uncertainty figure can be taken here. As an example, a

figure of 0.3 % is used for the effect of changed installation conditions from flow
calibration to field operation. Assuming a 95 % confidence level and a normal prob-
ability distribution (k = 2, cf. Section B.3), one has E I , = 0.3 % 2 = 0.15 %. This
value is further used in Sections 4.4.6 and 4.6.

4.4.5 Miscellaneous USM effects

Uncertainty contributions due to miscellaneous USM effects are discussed briefly in

Section 3.4.4. These are meant to account for USM uncertainties not covered by the
other uncertainty terms used in the uncertainty model, such as e.g. inaccuracy of the
USM functional relationship. In the present calculation example such miscellaneous
USM uncertainties are neglected. However, miscellaneous effects can be accounted
for in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, cf. Section 5.10.2.

4.4.6 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of USM in field operation

The relative expanded uncertainty of the USM in field operation EUSM is given by
Eqs. (3.19)-(3.20), where the involved relative uncertainty terms E rept , Ebody , ,
Etime , , E I , and E misc are all evaluated in the sections above.

Sample uncertainty budgets are given in Tables 4.20 and 4.21, for evaluation of
EUSM according to these equations. Note that in each table only a single test flow
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 138

rate is evaluated102. Tables 4.20 and 4.21 apply to test flow rates 0.10qmax and
0.70qmax, respectively, cf. Table 4.12.

Table 4.20. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM in field operation (example), calculated according to Eqs.
(3.19)-(3.20), for a single test flow rate, 0.10qmax. (Corresponds to Figs. 5.18 and 5.26.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
USM repeatability in field 0.2 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.1 % 1 1.0010-6
operation (Table 4.15)
Meter body uncertainty 0.26 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.128 % 1 1.6410-6
(Table 4.17)
Systematic transit time 0.239 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.12 % 1 1.4310-6
effects (Table 4.19)
Installation (integration) 0.3 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.15 % 1 2.2510-6
effects (Section 4.4.4)
Miscellaneous effects Neglected - - - 1 0
(Section 4.4.5)
Sum of relative variances 2
EUSM 6.3210-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty EUSM 0.251 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k EUSM 0.50 %

Table 4.21. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM in field operation (example), calculated according to Eqs.
(3.19)-(3.20), for a single test flow rate, 0.70qmax. (Corresponds to Figs. 5.18 and 5.26.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
USM repeatability in field 0.2 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.1 % 1 1.0010-6
operation (Table 4.15)
Meter body uncertainty 0.26 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.128 % 1 1.6410-6
(Table 4.17)
Systematic transit time 0.105 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.052 % 1 2.7410-7
effects (Table 4.19)
Installation (integration) 0.3 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.15 % 1 2.2510-6
effects (Section 4.4.4)
Miscellaneous effects Neglected - - - 1 0
(Section 4.4.5)
Sum of relative variances 2
EUSM 5.16410-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty EUSM 0.227 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k EUSM 0.45 %

102 In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, uncertainty evaluation is made for all
test flow rates, cf. Section 5.10.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 139

The calculated relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level

and a normal probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 0.50 % and
0.45 %, for test flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. These values are fur-
ther used in Section 4.6.

4.5 Signal communication and flow computer calculations

Effects of uncertainties due to signal communication and flow computer calculations

are described briefly in Section 3.5. In the present calculation example such uncer-
tainties are neglected. However, both effects can be accounted for in the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, cf. Section 5.11.

4.6 Summary - Expanded uncertainty of USM fiscal gas metering sta-


In the following, the relative expanded uncertainty of the USM fiscal gas metering
station example is calculated, on basis of the calculations given above. Results are
given for each of the four measurands qv, Q, qm and qe.

4.6.1 Volumetric flow rate, line conditions

The relative expanded uncertainty of the volumetric flow rate at line conditions E qv
is given by Eqs. (3.1) and (3.6), where the involved relative uncertainty terms E cal ,
EUSM , E comm and E flocom are evaluated in the sections above.

Sample uncertainty budgets for E qv are given in Tables 4.22 and 4.23, for test flow
rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. For the present example, the calculated
relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level and a normal
probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 1.00 % and 0.58 %, for test
flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 140

Table 4.22. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the volumetric flow rate at
line conditions, qv (example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.1) and (3.6), for a single test flow
rate, 0.10qmax. (Corresponds to Fig. 5.28.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Flow calibration 0.87 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.434 % 1 1.8810-5
(Table 4.13)
USM field operation 0.50 95 % (norm) 2 0.25 % 1 6.3210-6
(Table 4.20)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E q2v 2.5110-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty E qv 0.501 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E qv 1.00 %

Table 4.23. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the volumetric flow rate at
line conditions, qv (example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.1) and (3.6), for a single test flow
rate, 0.70qmax.

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Flow calibration 0.37 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.187 % 1 3.3510-6
(Table 4.14)
USM field operation 0.45 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.227 % 1 5.1610-6
(Table 4.21)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E q2v 8.51410-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty E qv 0.292 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E qv 0.58 %

4.6.2 Volumetric flow rate, standard reference conditions

The relative expanded uncertainty of the volumetric flow rate at standard reference
conditions EQ is given by Eqs. (3.2) and (3.7), where the involved relative uncer-
tainty terms E P , ET , E Z / Z 0 , E cal , EUSM , E comm and E flocom have been evaluated in
the sections above.

Sample uncertainty budgets for E Q are given in Tables 4.24 and 4.25, for test flow
rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. For the present example, the calculated
relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level and a normal
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 141

probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 1.07 % and 0.70 %, for test
flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively.

Table 4.24. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the volumetric flow rate at
standard reference conditions, Q (example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.2) and (3.7), for a sin-
gle test flow rate, 0.10qmax. (Corresponds to Fig. 5.29.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Pressure measurement, P 0.16 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.08 % 1 6.410-7
(Table 4.6)
Temperature measurement, 0.047 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.024 % 1 5.5210-8
T (Table 4.8)
Compressibility, Z/Z0 0.339 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.170 % 1 2.87810-6
(Table 4.9)
Flow calibration 0.87 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.434 % 1 1.8810-5
(Table 4.13)
USM field operation 0.50 95 % (norm) 2 0.25 % 1 6.3210-6
(Table 4.20)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E Q2 2.86910-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty EQ 0.536 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k EQ 1.07 %

Table 4.25. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the volumetric flow rate at
standard reference conditions, Q (example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.2) and (3.7), for a sin-
gle test flow rate, 0.70qmax.

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Pressure measurement, P 0.16 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.08 % 1 6.410-7
(Table 4.6)
Temperature measurement, 0.047 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.024 % 1 5.5210-8
T (Table 4.8)
Compressibility, Z/Z0 0.339 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.170 % 1 2.87810-6
(Table 4.9)
Flow calibration 0.37 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.183 % 1 3.3510-6
(Table 4.14)
USM field operation 0.45 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.227 % 1 5.1610-6
(Table 4.21)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E Q2 1.20810-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty EQ 0.348 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k EQ 0.70 %

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 142

4.6.3 Mass flow rate

The relative expanded uncertainty of the mass flow rate E m is given by Eqs. (3.3)
and (3.8), where the involved relative uncertainty terms E , E cal , EUSM , E comm and
E flocom are evaluated in the sections above.

Table 4.26. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the mass flow rate, qm (ex-
ample), calculated according to Eqs. (3.3) and (3.8), for a single test flow rate, 0.10qmax. (Corre-
sponds to Figs. 5.27 and 5.30.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Density measurement, 0.19 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.095 % 1 9.02510-7
(Table 4.11)
Flow calibration 0.87 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.434 % 1 1.8810-5
(Table 4.13)
USM field operation 0.50 95 % (norm) 2 0.25 % 1 6.3210-6
(Table 4.20)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E m2 2.60210-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty Em 0.510 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k Em 1.02 %

Table 4.27. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the mass flow rate, qm (ex-
ample), calculated according to Eqs. (3.3) and (3.8), for a single test flow rate, 0.70qmax.

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Density measurement, 0.19 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.095 % 1 9.02510-7
(Table 4.11)
Flow calibration 0.37 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.183 % 1 3.3510-6
(Table 4.134)
USM field operation 0.45 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.227 % 1 5.1610-6
(Table 4.21)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E m2 9.41310-6

Relative combined standard uncertainty Em 0.306 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k Em 0.61 %

Sample uncertainty budgets for E m are given in Tables 4.26 and 4.27, for test flow
rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. For the present example, the calculated
relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level and a normal
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 143

probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 1.03 % and 0.63 %, for test
flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively.

4.6.4 Energy flow rate

The relative expanded uncertainty of the energy flow rate E qe is given by Eqs. (3.4)
and (3.9), where the involved relative uncertainty terms EP , ET , E Z / Z 0 , EHs , E cal ,
EUSM , E comm and E flocom are evaluated in the sections above.

Sample uncertainty budgets for E qe are given in Tables 4.28 and 4.29, for test flow
rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively. For the present example, the calculated
relative expanded uncertainties (specified at a 95 % confidence level and a normal
probability distribution, with k = 2, cf. Section B.3) are 1.08 % and 0.71 %, for test
flow rates 0.10qmax and 0.70qmax, respectively.

Table 4.28. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the energy flow rate, qe
(example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.4) and (3.9), for a single test flow rate, 0.10qmax. (Cor-
responds to Fig. 5.31.)

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Pressure measurement, P 0.16 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.08 % 1 6.410-7
(Table 4.6)
Temperature measurement, 0.047 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.024 % 1 5.5210-8
T (Table 4.8)
Compressibility, Z/Z0 0.339 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.170 % 1 2.87810-6
(Table 4.9)
Calorific value, Hs 0.15 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.075 % 1 5.6310-7
(Section 4.2.5)
Flow calibration 0.87 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.434 % 1 1.8810-5
(Table 4.13)
USM field operation 0.50 95 % (norm) 2 0.25 % 1 6.3210-6
(Table 4.20)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E q2e 2.92610-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty E qe 0.541 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E qe 1.08 %

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 144

Table 4.29. Sample uncertainty budget for the USM fiscal gas metering station, for the energy flow rate, qe
(example), calculated according to Eqs. (3.4) and (3.9), for a single test flow rate, 0.70qmax.

Input uncertainty Combined uncertainty

Source Relative Conf. level Cov. Relative Rel. Relative
expand. & fact., standard sens. Variance
uncert. Distribut. k uncertainty coeff.
Pressure measurement, P 0.16 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.08 % 1 6.410-7
(Table 4.6)
Temperature measurement, 0.047 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.024 % 1 5.5210-8
T (Table 4.8)
Compressibility, Z/Z0 0.339 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.170 % 1 2.87810-6
(Table 4.9)
Calorific value, Hs 0.15 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.075 % 1 5.6310-7
(Section 4.2.5)
Flow calibration 0.37 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.183 % 1 3.3510-6
(Table 4.14)
USM field operation 0.45 % 95 % (norm) 2 0.227 % 1 5.1610-6
(Table 4.21)
Signal commun. and flow Neglected - - - 1 0
computer (Section 4.5)
Sum of relative variances E q2e 1.26510-5

Relative combined standard uncertainty E qe 0.356 %

Relative expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level, k = 2) k E qe 0.71 %

4.7 Authors comments to the uncertainty evaluation example

In the following, some overall comments to the above uncertainty evaluation exam-
ple are given, with respect to specification of input uncertainties. As described in
Section 1.3 (Table 1.5) and in Section 3.6, and also used above, the input uncertain-
ties are conveniently organized in eight groups, where each group corresponds to a
worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, cf. Chapter 5.

With respect to P, T and USM flow calibration, most of the necessary input uncer-
tainties are normally available from instrument data sheets and calibration certifi-
cates, USM manufacturer data sheets and flow calibration results, and the calibration
laboratory. For Z/Z0 and , parts of the necessary specifications of input uncertain-
ties have been available in data sheets or other documents. With respect to USM
field operation, only repeatability data have been available, - other significant input
uncertainties (at the "detailed level") are not specified in the manufacturers' data
sheets (cf. Chapter 6). Where manufacturer specifications have not been available,
more tentative input uncertainty figures have been used here.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 145

In the following, each of these eight groups is commented in some more detail, in
relation to the present example.

Pressure measurement, P. Table 3.1 gives an overview of the input uncertainties

to be specified for the pressure measurement at the "detailed level". Except for the
atmospheric pressure uncertainty, all input uncertainties used in the calculation ex-
ample have been available from the manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], cf.
Section 4.2.1. The stability of the pressure transmitter clearly dominates the uncer-
tainty of the pressure measurement, cf. Table 4.6 and Figs. 5.4, 5.21. The influence
of the atmospheric pressure uncertainty, RFI effects, the transmitter uncertainty and
ambient temperature effects on the transmitter are relatively smaller.

Temperature measurement, T. Table 3.2 gives an overview of the input uncer-

tainties to be specified for the temperature measurement at the "detailed level". Ex-
cept for the stability of the Pt 100 element (which is taken from [BIPM, 1997]), all
input uncertainties used in the calculation example have been available from the
manufacturer data sheet [Rosemount, 2000], cf. Section 4.2.2. The stability of the
temperature transmitter dominates the uncertainty of the temperature measurement,
cf. Table 4.8 and Figs. 5.6, 5.22. Important are also the element and transmitter un-
certainy, RFI effects on the temperature transmitter, and the stability of the tempera-
ture element. The influence of ambient temperature effects is relatively smaller.

Compressibility factor ratio calculation, Z/Z0. Table 3.3 gives an overview of

the input uncertainties to be specified for the compressibility ratio at the "detailed
level". The model uncertainty at line conditions ( E Z ,mod ) has been taken from
[AGA-8, 1994]. At standard reference conditions, ISO 6976 [ISO, 1995c] has been
used for the model uncertainty ( E Z 0 ,mod ). This means that the model uncertainty is
smaller at standard reference conditions than at line conditions. The analysis uncer-
tainties are in general more complicated to estimate, cf. Section The present
example is based on a simplified Monte Carlo type of simulation with natural varia-
tions of the gas composition (at a level which has been observed in practice). At line
condition, the analysis uncertainty ( E Z ,ana ) is larger than the model uncertainty in this
example, while the analysis uncertainty is shown to be negligible at standard refer-
ence conditions ( E Z 0 ,ana ), cf. Section 4.2.3 (Table 4.9) and Figs. 5.7, 5.23.

Density measurement, . Table 3.4 gives an overview of the input uncertainties

to be specified for the density measurement at the "detailed level". Some of the input
uncertainties used in the present example have been available from the manufacturer
data sheet [Solartron, 1999], or are calculated from other results (pressure and tem-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 146

perature uncertainties), cf. Section 4.2.4 and Table 4.10. However, a number of rele-
vant input uncertainties related to VOS and installation corrections have not been
available in data sheets, such as for the VOS at calibration conditions (cc), the VOS
at densitometer conditions (cd), the periodic time (), the VOS correction constant
(Kd), and the pressure deviation between densitometer and line conditions (Pd). In-
put figures for these are discussed in Section 4.2.4.

In the present example the "densitometer accuracy" u( u ) totally dominates the un-
certainty of the pressure measurement, cf. Table 4.11 and Figs. 5.9, 5.24. Less im-
portant are the repeatability, u( rept ) , the uncertainty of the line temperature,
u c ( T ) , the densitometer temperature, u( Td ) , the uncertainty of the VOS correction
constant, u( K d ) , and the uncertainty of the temperature correction model, u( temp ) .
The uncertaintes of the line pressure measurement, u( P ) , the periodic time, u( ) ,
and the calibration temperature, u( Tc ) , appear to be negligible. The influences of
the pressure difference between densitometer and line conditions, u( Pd ) , and the
uncertaintes of the VOS in the calibration and densitometer gases, u( cc ) and u( c d ) ,
are also relatively small.

Calorific value measurement, Hs. Table 3.5 gives the input uncertainty to be
specified for the calorific value measurement. Only the "overall level" is available at
present, - in general an uncertainty evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the
calorific value would be needed. That has not been made here, due to the scope of
work for the Handbook (cf. Section 2.1). Only a tentative example value has been
used, corresponding to the NPD regulation requirements [NPD, 2001], cf. Section
4.2.5 and Fig. 5.10.

USM flow calibration. Table 3.6 gives an overview of the three input uncertain-
ties to be specified for the USM flow calibration. The required input uncertainties
are available from flow calibration laboratories and USM manufacturers, cf. Section
4.3. In the present example, and in the low-velocity range, the deviation factor
clearly dominates the uncertainty of the USM flow calibration, cf. Table 4.13 and
Figs. 5.11, 5.25. Note that this result will depend largely on the actual correction
factor K used, i.e. the actual deviation curve, cf. Section 2.2.2 (Fig. 2.1). At higher
flow velocities, the uncertainty of the flow calibration laboratory and the USM re-
peatability dominate, cf. Table 4.14. That is, all three input uncertainties are signifi-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 147

USM field operation. Table 3.8 gives an overview of the input uncertainties to be
specified for the USM in field operation (deviation relative to flow calibration con-
ditions). These are grouped into four groups: USM repeatability in field operation,
meter body uncertainty, uncertainty of systematic transit time effects, and the inte-
gration method uncertainty (installation effects). In the present example all four
groups contribute significantly to the uncertainty of the USM in field operation, cf.
Section 4.4, Tables 4.20, 4.21 and Figs. 5.18, 5.26. In general the latter two groups
are the most difficult to specify (only the USM repeatability is available from current
USM manufacturer data sheets), and tentative uncertainty figures have been used in
the present calculation example, to demonstrate the sensitivity to these uncertainty

The four groups are commented in some more detail in the following.

Repeatability: The USM repeatability in field operation has been taken as a typical
figure from USM manufacturer data sheets (flow rate repeatability), cf. Section 4.4.1,
Table 4.15, and Figs. 5.12, 5.26. On lack of other data, the repeatability is taken here
to be independent of flow rate (which is probably a simplification). If a flow rate de-
pendent repeatability figure were available, that would be preferred. Alternatively,
the repeatability of the measured transit times could be pecified (standard devia-
tions), cf. Section 3.4.2. However, such information is not available from data sheets
today, although it should be readily available from USM flow computers, cf. Chapter

Meter body uncertainty: Pressure and temperature correction of the meter body di-
mensions are not used by all meter manufacturers today, cf. Table 2.6. In case of
pressure and temperature deviation from flow calibration conditions, this may lead to
significant measurement errors (in excess of the NPD requirements [NPD, 2001]), cf.
Section 2.3.4. As correction methods are available, cf. Table 2.6, such correction
might preferably be used on a routinely basis.

Evaluation of the meter body uncertainty involves specification of the two relative
uncertainty terms u( ) | | and u( ) | | , i.e. the uncertainties of the linear tem-
perature and pressure expansion coefficients, and , respectively, cf. Section 4.4.2.
These may often be difficult to specify, e.g. due to lack of data for u( ) | | , and
due to inaccuracy of the model(s) used for , cf. Section 2.3.4. As these uncertainties
have not been directly available, only tentative uncertainty figures have been used in
the present example, cf. Table 4.18 and Fig. 5.15. Note that for relatively large Pcal
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 148

and Tcal (several tens of bars and oC, as in the present example), the actual input
uncertainty figures for and become important.

Systematic transit time effects: Information on uncorrected systematic transit time

effects and associated uncertainties are not available from USM manufacturers today,
cf. Chapter 6. It is difficult to specify representative uncertainty figures for these ef-
fects at present. Some knowledge is available, however (cf. e.g. [Lunde et al., 1999;
2000a; 2000b]), but yet this knowledge is far from sufficient. More work is defi-
nitely required in this area. The uncertainty figure example used here (for 40 oC and
50 bar deviation from flow calibration conditions) are thus very tentative, but far
from unrealistic, cf. Section 4.4.3, Table 4.19 and Figs. 5.16, 5.26. The example
shows that expanded uncertainties of systematic transit time effects of 600 and 590
ns (upstream and downstream, respectively) contribute by about 0.12 % to the ex-
panded uncertainty of the flow rate reading at 10 m/s, and 0.84 % at 0.4 m/s (Table
4.19 and Fig. 5.16)103. As an uncertainty figure this high-velocity value (0.12 %)
may at first glance appear to be small, but when remembering that it represents an
uncorrected systematic timing error, the resulting error in flow rate reading may over
time still represent a significant economic value [NPD, 2001]104.

Installation (integration) effects: Data on the uncertainty due specifically to instal-

lation effects are not available from USM manufacturer data sheets, cf. Chapter 6,
despite the considerable effort on investigating such effects made over the last dec-
ade. Such uncertainty data might preferably be based on a large number of tests and
simulations related to varying installation conditions, cf. Section 3.4.3. For the pres-
ent calculation example a tentative uncertainty figure has been used, cf. Section
4.4.4, and Figs. 5.17, 5.26.

Signal communication and flow computer calculations. Table 3.7 gives an

overview of the input uncertainties to be specified related to signal communication
and flow computer calculations. Data on such uncertainties have not been available
from USM manufacturer data sheets. In the present example these uncertainties have
been neglected, cf. Section 4.5 (but can be accounted for in the program EMU - USM
Fiscal Gas Metering Station, cf. Fig. 5.27).

103 The uncertainty at 10 m/s is determined by the magnitude of these expanded uncertainties (about
600 ns), whereas at 0.4 m/s the uncertainty is determined by the difference between these ex-
panded uncertainties (10 ns).

104 The example used in Table 4.19 is by no means a worst case.

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 149

Gas metering station. For the uncertainty evaluation example described in Chap-
ter 4, the dominating contributions to the metering station's expanded uncertainty are
due to the deviation factor (at low flow velocities), the flow calibration laboratory,
the USM repeatability, the systematic deviations relative to flow calibration, the den-
sity measurement, and the compressibility factors, cf. Tables 4.22-4.29, and Figs.
5.27-5.31. The pressure and temperature measurement uncertainties are less impor-
tant, especially the latter. It should be emphasized, however, that this is an example,
and that especially with respect to the USM field operation uncertainties, a number
of input uncertainties have only been given tentative example values.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 150


The present chapter describes the Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station which has been implemented for performing uncertainty calculations of USM
fiscal gas metering stations. The program applies to metering stations equipped as
described in Section 2.1, and is based on the uncertainty model for such stations de-
scribed in Chapter 3. Using the program, uncertainty evaluation can be made for the
expanded uncertainty of four measurands (at a 95 % confidence level, using k = 2):

Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard reference condi-
tions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe.

In the following, the various worksheets used in EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station are presented and described, in the order they appear in the program. Exam-
ple values are those used in the uncertainty evaluation example given in Chapter 4.
This evaluation example follows closely the structure of the program, and may thus
to some extent serve also as a guideline to using the program, with respect to the
specification of input uncertainties.

5.1 General

Overall descriptions of the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station are
given in Sections 1.2 and 1.3. In the following, some supplementary information is

The program is implemented in Microsoft Excel 2000 and is based on worksheets

where the input data to the calculations are entered by the user. These input work-
sheets are mainly formed as uncertainty budgets, which are continuously updated as
the user enters new input data. Other worksheets provide display of the uncertainty
calculation results, and are continuously updated in the same way.

With respect to specification of input parameters and uncertainties, colour codes are
used in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, according to the fol-
lowing scheme:
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 151

Black font: Value that must be edited by the user,

Blue font105: Outputs from the program, or number read from another
worksheet (editing prohibited).

In the following subsections the worksheets of the program are shown and explained,
and the necessary input parameters are addressed with an indication of where in
Chapters 3 and 4 the input values are discussed.

Output data are presented in separate worksheets, graphically (curves and bar-charts),
and by listing. An output report worksheet is available, summarizing the main un-
certainty calculation results.

The expanded uncertainties calculated by the program may be used in the documen-
tation of the metering station uncertainty, with reference to the present Handbook (cf.
Appendix B.4). The worksheets are designed so that printouts of these can be used
directly as a part of the uncertainty evaluation documentation. They may also con-
veniently be copied into a text document106, for documentation and reporting pur-
poses. However, it must be emphasised that the inputs to the program (quantities,
uncertainties, confidence levels and probability distributions) must be documented
by the user of the program. The user must also document that the calculation proce-
dures and functional relationships implemented in the program (described in Chapter
2) are in conformity with the ones actually applied in the fiscal gas metering station.

With respect to uncertainty calculations using the present Handbook and the program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the normal instrument uncertainties
(found in instrument data sheets, obtained from manufacturers, calibration laborato-
ries, etc.) are normally to be used. Possible malfunction of an instrument (e.g. loss of
an acoustic path in a USM, erronous density, pressure or temperature measurement,
etc.), and specific procedures in connection with that, may represent a challenge in

105 These colours refer to the Excel program. Unfortunately, in Figs. 5.1 - 5.33 the colours have not
always been preserved correctly when pasting from the Excel program into the present document
(cut and paste special with picture functionality).

106 For instance, by using Microsoft Word 2000, a cut and paste special with picture functional-
ity may be sufficient for most worksheets. However, for some of the worksheets the full work-
sheet is (for some reason) not being pasted using the paste special with picture feature. Only
parts of the worksheet is copied. In this case use of the paste special with bitmap feature
may solve the problem.
However, if the Word (doc) file is to be converted to a pdf-file, use of the bitmap
feature results in poor-quality pictures. In this case it is recommended to first convert the Excel
worksheet in question into an 8-bit gif-file (e.g. using Corel Photo Paint 7), and then import the
gif-file as a picture into the Word document. The resulting quality is not excellent, but still use-
ful. (The latter procedure has been used here, for a number of the figures in Chapter 5.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 152

this respect. However, if e.g. the instrument manufacturer is able to specify an (in-
creased) uncertainty figure for a malfunctioned instrument, the present Handbook
and the program may be used to calculate the uncertainty of the metering station also
in case of instrument malfunction.

In a practical work situation in the evaluation of a metering station, a convenient way

to use the program may be the following. After the desired input parameters and un-
certainties have been entered, the Excel file document may be saved e.g. using a
modified file name, e.g. EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station - MetStat1.xls,
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station - MetStat2.xls, etc. Old evaluations may
then conveniently be revisited, used as basis for new evaluations, etc. The file size is
about 1.4 MB.

5.2 Gas parameters

In the worksheet denoted Gas parameters shown in Fig. 5.1, the user enters data

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Gas parameters


Temperature at density transducer, Td o

Line pressure (static), P 100 bara 48 C

o Velocity of sound, cd
Line temperature, T 50 C 415.24 m/s

Compressibility at line conditions, Z 0.846 Indicated (uncorrected) gas density at density transducer, 82.443 kg/m 3

Velocity of sound (VOS), c 417 m/s Calibration temperature, Tc 20 o


Gas density, 81.62 kg/m 3 Calibration velocity of sound (VOS), cc 350 m/s

Ambient (air) temperature, Tair 0 o



Flow calibration pressure, Pcal o

50 bara Ambient (air) temperature at calibration 20 C

Flow calibration temperature, Tcal o

10 C


Compressibility, Z0 o
0.9973 Ambient (air) temperature at calibration 20 C

Gross calorific value, Hs 41.686 MJ/Sm3

Fig. 5.1. The Gas parameters worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.
(Corresponds to Table 4.2.)

The operating gas conditions of the fiscal gas metering station (in the meter run),
The gas conditions in the densitometer,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 153

The gas conditions at flow calibration of the USM,

The ambient temperature at calibration of the pressure and temperature transmit-
Some gas conditions at standard reference conditions.

The program uses these data in the calculation of the individual uncertainties of the
primary measurements, and in calculation of the combined gas metering station un-
certainty. The data used in the input worksheet shown in Fig. 5.1 are the same data
as specified in Table 4.2 for the calculation example given in Chapter 4.

5.3 USM setup parameters

With respect to USM technology, the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station can be run in two modes:

(A) Completely meter independent, and

(B) Weakly meter dependent.

Mode (A) corresponds to choosing the overall level in the USM worksheet (both
for the repeatability and the systematic deviation re. flow calibration), cf. Section
5.10. In this mode the USM setup worksheet does not need to be specified, since
this information is not used in the calculations107.

Mode (B) corresponds to using the detailed level in the USM worksheet (for the
repeatability and/or the systematic deviation re. flow calibration), cf. Section 5.10. In
this case some information on the USM is needed, since Mode (B) involves the cal-
culation of certain sensitivity coefficients related to the USM. These depend on i 0
y i0 , N refl ,i , wi and R0 , i = 1, , N.

By weakly meter independent is here meant that the number of paths108 (N) and the
number of reflections for each path ( N refl ,i ) need to be known. However, actual val-
ues for the inclination angles ( i 0 ), lateral chord positions ( y i0 ) and integration
weights ( wi ) do not need to be known. Only very approximate values for these

107 However, it is useful to give input to the USM setup worksheet in any case, since then one may
conveniently switch between the overall level and the detailed level in the USM worksheet.

108 The number of acoustic paths in the USM can be set to any number in the range 1-10.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 154

quantities are needed (for the calculation of the sensitivity coefficients), as also de-
scribed in Chapter 6, cf. Table 6.3.

The worksheet for setup of the USM parameters is shown in Fig. 5.2. The input pa-
rameters are: number of paths, integration method, inclination angles, number of re-
flections, lateral chord positions, integration weights, and meter body material data
(usually steel) (diameter, wall thickness, temperature expansion coefficient, and
Youngs modulus). The worksheet and the program covers both reflecting-path and
non-reflecting-path USMs.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station Title of user default values:

USM setup


Inner diameter (spoolpiece), at dry calibration 308 mm

Number of acoustic paths
4 Average wall thickness 8.4 mm
Integration method:
USM configuration menu: Temperature expansion coefficient, alpha 1.40E-05 K-1
Program default configuration (Gauss - Jacobi)
Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity), Y 2.00E+05 MPa
Enter chosen configuration

Save current settings as User defined configuration 1:

Fill in white boxes below (grey boxes are locked):
Save user defined configuration
Acoustic Inclination Number of Lateral chord Integration
path no. angle [deg] reflections position [y/R] weight

1 45 0 -0.809016994 0.138196601 Configuration name text box (user defined):

2 -45 0 -0.309016994 0.361803399
3 45 0 0.309016994 0.361803399 User defined configuration 1
4 -45 0 0.809016994 0.138196601 User defined configuration 2

User defined configuration 3

User defined configuration 4

User defined configuration 5

Fig. 5.2. The USM setup worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Data
partly taken from Table 4.3.)

With respect to the integration method, this concerns the path configuration data.
That is, inclination angles, number of reflections, lateral chord positions and integra-
tion weights, for each path. One may choose either program default configuration
(which is the Gauss-Jacobi integration method), or choose among one or several
user default values (up to 5). That means, the user can set up his own path con-
figuration(s) and store the data for later use. This is done by - for each path - filling
in the white boxes in the table to the left of the worksheet (inclination angles, num-
ber of reflections, lateral chord positions and integration weights). Then move to the
right hand side of the worksheet for storing of the chosen configuration: choose
among 1, 2, , 5 (for example User default values no. 2), and give the desired ti-
tle of the path setup (for example USM no. 2). At a later time one may then obtain
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 155

this stored configuration by going to the integration method box, choose the User
default values no. 2, and press the Enter chosen configuration button.

With respect to meter body data, these are usually steel data, cf. Table 4.3.

5.4 Pressure measurement uncertainty

The worksheet P for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the pressure meas-
urement in the meter run is shown in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4, for the overall level and the
detailed level, respectively. These are described separately below.

5.4.1 Overall level

When the overall level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcula-
tion of the pressure measurement uncertainty, the user enters only the relative ex-
panded uncertainty of the pressure measurement, and the accompanying confidence
level / probability distribution, see Fig. 5.3. Cf. also Table 3.1.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Pressure measurement in meter run

Ove ra ll input le ve l
Select level of input: De ta ile d input le ve l


Given Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity
Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Pressure measurement 0.16 bar 95 % (normal) B 0.08 bar 1 0.0064 bar

Pressure Measurement Sum of variances, uc(P) 0.0064 bar

Combined Standard Uncertainty, uc(P) 0.0800 bar

Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k uc(P) 0.1600 bar

Operating Static Pressure, P 100 bar

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k EP 0.1600 %

Fig. 5.3. The P worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown for the
overall level option.

This option is used e.g. when the user does not want to go into the detailed level of
the pressure measurement, or if the detailed level setup does not fit sufficiently
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 156

well to the pressure transmitter at hand. The user must himself document the input
value used for the relative expanded uncertainty of the pressure measurement (the
given uncertainty), and its confidence level and probability distribution.

5.4.2 Detailed level

When the detailed level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcu-
lation of the pressure measurement uncertainty, the user enters the uncertainty figures
of the pressure transmitter in question, in addition to the accompanying confidence
levels / probability distributions. Cf. Table 3.1 and Section 3.2.1.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Pressure measurement in meter run

Ove ra ll input le ve l
Select level of input:
De ta ile d input le ve l


Type of instrument:
Maximum calibrated static pressure 120 barg

Minimum calibrated static pressure 50 barg

Calibrated span 70 bar

Upper Range Limit (URL) 138 barg

Ambient temperature deviation 20 C

Time between calibrations 12 months

Given Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity

Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Transmitter 0.05 %Span 99 % (normal) A 0.0116667 Bar 1 0.0001361 bar

Stability 0.1 %URL / 1 year 95 % (normal) B 0.069 Bar 1 0.004761 bar

RFI effects 0.1 %Span 99 % (normal) A 0.0233333 Bar 1 0.0005444 bar

Ambient temperature effect ( 0.006 %URL

+ 0.03 %Span ) 99 % (normal) B 0.0069714 Bar 1 4.86E-05 bar

Atmospheric pressure 0.09 bar 99 % (normal) A 0.03 Bar 1 0.0009 bar

bar 95 % (normal) B 0 Bar 1 0 bar

Pressure Measurement Sum of variances, uc(P) 0.0063902 bar

Combined Standard Uncertainty, uc(P) 0.0799 bar

Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k uc(P) 0.1599 bar

Operating Static Pressure, P 100 bar

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k EP 0.1599 %

Fig. 5.4. The P worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown for the
detailed level option. (Corresponds to Table 4.6 and Fig. 5.21.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 157

In Fig. 5.4 the uncertainty data specified for the Rosemount 3051P Reference Class
Smart Pressure Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000] have been used, cf. Table 4.1. These
are the same as used in Table 4.6, see Section 4.2.1 for details. A blank field denoted
type of instrument can be filled in to document the actual instrument being evalu-
ated, for reporting purposes.

In addition to the input uncertainty values, the user must specify a few other data,
found in instrument data sheets. By selecting the maximum and minimum cali-
brated static pressure, the program automatically calculates the calibrated span.
The URL is entered by the user. The ambient temperature deviation is calcu-
lated by the program from data given in the Gas parameters worksheet. Also the
time between calibrations has to be specified.

In addition to the usual pressure transmitter input uncertainties given in the work-
sheet, a blank cell has been defined, where the user can specify miscellaneous un-
certainty contributions to the pressure measurement not covered by the other input
cells in the worksheet.

The user must himself document the input uncertainty values used for the pressure
measurement (the given uncertainty), e.g. on basis of a manufacturer data sheet, a
calibration certificate, or other manufacturer information.

5.5 Temperature measurement uncertainty

The worksheet T for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the temperature

measurement in the meter run is shown in Figs. 5.5 and 5.6, for the overall level
and the detailed level, respectively. These are described separately below.

5.5.1 Overall level

When the overall level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcula-
tion of the temperature measurement uncertainty, the user specifies only the relative
expanded uncertainty of the temperature measurement, and the accompanying confi-
dence level / probability distribution, see Fig. 5.5. Cf. Table 3.2 and Section 3.2.2.

This option is used e.g. when the user does not want to go into the detailed level of
the temperature measurement, or if the detailed level setup does not fit sufficiently
well to the temperature element and transmitter at hand. The user must himself
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 158

document the input value used for the relative expanded uncertainty of the tempera-
ture measurement (the given uncertainty), and its confidence level and probability

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Temperature measurement in meter run

Ove ra ll input le ve l
Select level of input: De ta ile d input le ve l


Given Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity
Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Temperature measurement 0.15 C 95 % (normal) B 0.075 C 1 0.005625 (C)

Temperature Measurement Sum of variances, uc(T)2 0.005625 (C)

Combined Standard Uncertainty, uc(T) 0.0750 C

Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k uc(T) 0.1500 C

Operating temperature, T 50 C

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k ET 0.0464 %

Fig. 5.5. The T worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown for the
overall level option.

5.5.2 Detailed level

When the detailed level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcu-
lation of the temperature measurement uncertainty, the user specifies the uncertainty
data of the temperature element and transmitter in question, together with the ac-
companying confidence levels / probability distributions. Cf. Table 3.2. The user
must himself document the input uncertainty values for the temperature measure-
ment, e.g. on basis of a manufacturer data sheet, a calibration certificate, or other
manufacturer information.

In Fig. 5.6 the uncertainty figures given for the Rosemount 3144 Smart Temperature
Transmitter [Rosemount, 2000] used in combination with a Pt 100 temperature ele-
ment, have been specified, cf. Table 4.1. These are the same as used in Table 4.8, see
Section 4.2.2 for details. A blank field denoted type of instrument can be filled in
to document the instrument evaluated, for reporting purposes.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 159

In addition to the input uncertainty data, the user must specify the time between
calibrations. The ambient temperature deviation is calculated by the program
from data given in the Gas parameters worksheet.

In addition to the usual temperature transmitter input uncertainties given in the

worksheet, a blank cell has been defined, where the user can specify miscellaneous
uncertainty contributions to the temperature measurement not covered by the other
input cells in the worksheet. The user must himself document the input value used
for the miscellaneous uncertainty of the temperature measurement, and its confi-
dence level and probability distribution.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Temperature measurement in meter run

Ove ra ll input le ve l
Select level of input: De ta ile d input le ve l


Type of instrument:
Ambient temperature deviation 20 C

Time between calibrations 12 months

Given Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity

Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Temperature element and transmitter 0.1 C 99 % (normal) A 0.0333333 C 1 0.0011111 (C)

Stability Max ( 0.1 C

0.1 %MV/24months) 99 % (normal) B 0.0538583 C 1 0.0029007 (C)

RFI effects 0.1 C 99 % (normal) A 0.0333333 C 1 0.0011111 (C)

Ambient temperature effect 0.0015 C/C 99 % (normal) B 0.01 C 1 0.0001 (C)

Stability - temperature element 0.05 C 95 % (normal) B 0.025 C 1 0.000625 (C)

C 95 % (normal) B 0 C 1 0 (C)

Temperature Measurement Sum of variances, uc(T)2 0.0058479 (C)

Combined Standard Uncertainty, uc(T) 0.0765 C

Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k uc(T) 0.1529 C

Operating temperature, T 50 C

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k ET 0.0473 %

Fig. 5.6. The T worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown for the
detailed level option. (Corresponds to Table 4.8 and Fig. 5.22.)

5.6 Compressibility factor uncertainty

The worksheet Z for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the compressibility

factor ratio Z/Z0 is shown in Fig. 5.7. For each of Z and Z0, two types of input un-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 160

certainties are to be specified; the model uncertainty and the analysis uncertainty. Cf.
Table 3.3 and Sections 3.2.3 and 4.2.3 for details.

For the model uncertainty, there is implemented an option of filling in the AGA-8
(92) model uncertainties for Z and Z0 [AGA-8, 1994] or the ISO 6976 model uncer-
tainty for Z0 [ISO, 1995c], on basis of pressure and temperature information given in
the Gas parameters worksheet. Cf. Section 3.2.3. These are the model uncertain-
ties used in Fig. 5.7. If another equation of state is used for one or both of Z and Z0,
the input model uncertainty figures have to be filled in manually. The user must him-
self document the uncertainty values used as input to the worksheet, together with its
confidence level and probability distribution.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Gas compressibility uncertainty


Relative Relative
Given Relative Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity Relative
Input variables Uncertainty (probability distr.) Uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance


Z at line conditions: Fill in AGA-8 uncertainty (option)

Z at std. conditions: Fill in AGA-8 uncertainty (option) Z at std. conditions: Fill in ISO 6976 uncertainty (option)

Gas compressibility factor at line conditions (Z) 0.1 % 95 % (normal) A 0.05000 % 1 0.00000025

Gas compressibility factor at standard conditions (Z0) 0.052 % 95 % (normal) A 0.02600 % 1 6.76E-08


Line conditions 0.16 % Standard A 0.16000 %

1 0.00000256
Standard conditions 0 % Standard A 0.00000 %

Gas compressibility calculation Sum of relative variances, (EZ0/Z) 2.8776E-06

Relative Combined Standard Uncertainty, EZ0/Z 0.001696

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k EZ0/Z 0.3393 %

1) Re. model uncertainty: AGA-8 uncertainty used for the model uncertainty of Z (line conditions)
ISO 6976 uncertainty used for the model uncertainty of Z0 (standard reference conditions)

Fig. 5.7. The Z worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Corresponds to
Table 4.9.)

5.7 Density measurement uncertainty

The worksheet Density for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the density
measurement in the meter run is shown in Figs. 5.8 and 5.9, for the overall level
and the detailed level, respectively. These are described separately below.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 161

5.7.1 Overall level

When the overall level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcula-
tion of the density measurement uncertainty, the user specifies only the relative ex-
panded uncertainty of the density measurement, and the accompanying confidence
level and probability distribution, see Fig. 5.8. Cf. Table 3.4 and Section 3.2.4.

This option is used e.g. when the user does not want to go into the detailed level of
the density measurement, in case a different method for density measurement is used
(e.g. calculation from GC analysis), in case of a different installation of the densi-
tometer (e.g. in-line), or if the detailed level setup does not fit sufficiently well to
the densitometer at hand. The user must himself document the input value used for
the relative expanded uncertainty of the density measurement (the given uncer-
tainty), and its confidence level and probability distribution.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Density measurement

Ove ra ll input le ve l
Select level of input: De ta ile d input le ve l


Given Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity
Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Density measurement 0.16 kg/m 95 % (normal) B 0.08 kg/m 1 0.0064 (kg/m)

Density Measurement Sum of variances, uc() 0.0064 (kg/m)

Combined Standard Uncertainty, uc() 0.080000 kg/m

Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k uc() 0.16 kg/m

Operating Density, 81.62 kg/m

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k E 0.1960 %

Fig. 5.8. The Density worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown
for the overall level option.

5.7.2 Detailed level

When the detailed level is chosen for specification of input uncertainties to calcu-
lation of the density measurement uncertainty, the user specifies the uncertainty fig-
ures of the online installed vibrating element densitometer in question, in addition to
the accompanying confidence levels / probability distributions. Cf. Table 3.4. The
user must himself document the input uncertainty values for the density measure-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 162

ment, e.g. on basis of a manufacturer data sheet, a calibration certificate, or other

manufacturer information.

Fig. 5.9. The Density worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown
for the detailed level option. (Corresponds to Tables 4.4 and 4.11, and Fig. 5.24.)

In Fig. 5.9 the uncertainty figures specified for the Solartron Model 7812 Gas Den-
sity Transducer [Solartron, 1999] have been used, cf. Table 4.1. These are the same
as used in Table 4.11, see Section 4.2.4 for details. A blank field denoted type of in-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 163

strument can be filled in to document the actual instrument being evaluated, for re-
porting purposes.

The input uncertainty of the line temperature (T), the densitometer temperature (Td),
and the line pressure (P), are taken from the T and P worksheets. The uncer-
tainty due to pressure difference between line and densitometer conditions (Pd), is
calculated by the program, cf. Section 4.2.4.

In addition to the input uncertainty values, the user must specify four gas densitome-
ter constants, K18, K19, Kd and , defined in Section 2.4. Cf. Table 4.4 and Section
4.2.4 for details. The calibration VOS, cc, and the densitometer VOS, cd, are
taken directly from the Gas parameters worksheet.

In addition to the usual densitometer input uncertainties given in the worksheet, a

blank cell has been defined, where the user can specify miscellaneous uncertainty
contributions to the density measurement not covered by the other input cells in the
worksheet. The user must himself document the input value used for the miscella-
neous uncertainty of the densitometer measurement, together with its confidence
level and probability distribution.

5.8 Calorific value uncertainty

The worksheet Hs for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the superior

(gross) calorific value estimate is shown in Fig. 5.10.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Calorific value at standard reference conditions


Relative Relative
Given Relative Confidence Level Type of Standard Sensitivity Relative
Input variable Uncertainty (probability distr.) uncertainty Uncertainty Coefficient Variance

Gross Calorific Value, Hs 0.15 % 95 % (normal) B 0.075 % 1 5.625E-07

Calorific Value Measurement Sum of relative variances, EHs 5.625E-07

Relative Combined Standard Uncertainty, EHs 0.000750

Relative Expanded Uncertainty (95% confidence level, k=2), k EHs 0.1500 %

Fig. 5.10. The Hs worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 164

Only the overall level is available. That means, the user specifies the relative ex-
panded uncertainty of the superior (gross) calorific value estimate, and the accompa-
nying confidence level and probability distribution, see Fig. 5.10. Cf. Sections 3.2.5
and 4.2.5 for some more details. The user must himself document the input value
used for the relative expanded uncertainty of the superior (gross) calorific value es-
timate (the given uncertainty), and its confidence level and probability distribution.

5.9 Flow calibration uncertainty

The worksheet Flow cal. for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the USM
flow calibration is shown in Fig. 5.11. First, the number (M) of flow calibration
points (calibration flow rates) is chosen, in the range 4 - 10. Flow data can then be
entered either as (a) flow velocity or (b) volumetric flow rate at line conditions.

Fig. 5.11. The Flow cal. worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Cor-
responds to Table 4.13, for the 1 m/s flow velocity.)

In the first column from the left, the user is to specify the M flow velocities (or flow
rates) for which flow calibration has been made. In Fig. 5.11 the example discussed
in Section 4.3 has been used, with M = 6 flow velocities specified, and flow veloci-
ties corresponding to the flow rates given in Table 4.12.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 165

In the second column from the left, the user is to specify the Deviation (corrected)
at the M calibration flow rates. That is, the corrected relative deviation DevC,j, j = 1,
, M, defined by Eq. (2.10). Note that this is the deviation after flow calibration
correction using the correction factor K, as described in Section 2.2. Cf. Sections
3.3.2, 4.3.2 and Table 4.12 for details.

In the third column from the left, the expanded uncertainty of the flow calibration
laboratory is to be specified at the M calibration flow rates, together with the accom-
panying confidence level / probability distribution. This uncertainty contribution may
be specified to be flow rate dependent, but in Table 4.12 and in Fig. 5.11 it has been
taken to be constant over the flow range (which may be a common approach, al-
though simplified). Cf. Sections 3.3.1 and 4.3.1 for details.

Finally, in the fourth column from the left, the repeatability of the USM in flow cali-
bration is to be specified at the M calibration flow rates, together with the accompa-
nying confidence level / probability distribution. This uncertainty contribution may
also be specified to be flow rate dependent, but in Fig. 5.11 it has been taken to be
constant over the flow range (which may be a common approach, although simpli-
fied). Cf. Sections 3.3.3 and 4.3.3 for details.

On basis of these input data, the expanded uncertainty of the USM flow calibration is
calculated as shown in Fig. 5.11, in a similar approach as shown in Tables 4.13 and
4.14 (for two of the six flow rates).

5.10 USM field uncertainty

The worksheet USM for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of the USM in
field operation is basically divided in two main parts:

The USM field repeatability, and

The uncertainty of uncorrected USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration.

Both of these can be specified at an overall level and a detailed level, cf. Figs.
5.12 -5.18 below. The two parts of the worksheet are described separately below.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 166

5.10.1 USM field repeatability

The USM field repeatability can be specified at an overall level and a detailed
level, corresponding to specifying (1) the repeatability of the indicated USM flow
rate measurement, and (2) the repeatability of the measured transit times, respec-
tively. Both can be given to be flow rate dependent. The two options are described
separately below. Overall level

When the overall level is chosen for specification of the USM field repeatability,
this corresponds to specification of the repeatability of the measured flow rate for the
USM in field operation.

The user specifies the relative expanded uncertainty of the flow rate repeatability, for
the USM in field operation, at the M flow rates chosen in the worksheet Flow cal.,
together with the accompanying confidence level / probability distribution. Fig. 5.12
shows this option, for the same example as shown in Table 4.15. Cf. also Table 3.8
and Sections 3.4.2, 4.4.1.

Fig. 5.12. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, re-
lated to the USM repeatability in field operation (shown for the overall level option;
specification of flow rate repeatability). (Corresponds to Table 4.15.)

The flow rate repeatability can be specified to be flow rate dependent, although in
Fig. 5.12 it is taken to be constant over the flow rate (which in practice may be a
common approach, although simplified). For a given flow rate, the standard uncer-
tainty of the flow rate repeatability may simply be taken to be the standard deviation
of the flow rate measurements. The user must himself document the input value(s)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 167

used for the relative expanded uncertainty of the flow rate repeatability, together with
its confidence level and probability distribution, on basis of the USM manufacturer
data sheet or other manufacturer information. Detailed level

When the detailed level is chosen for specification of the USM field repeatabil-
ity, this corresponds to specification of the repeatability of the mesured transit times
for the USM in field operation.

The user specifies the expanded uncertainty of random transit time variations (re-
peatability), for the USM in field operation, at the M flow rates chosen in the work-
sheet Flow cal., together with the accompanying confidence level / probability
distribution. Fig. 5.13 shows this option, for the same example as shown in Table
4.16. Cf. also Table 3.8 and Sections 3.4.2, 4.4.1.

The transit time repeatability can be specified to be flow rate dependent, although in
Fig. 5.13 it is taken to be constant over the flow rate (which is a simplified approach,
cf. Section 3.4.2). At a given flow rate, the standard uncertainty of the random transit
time variations may simply be taken to be the standard deviation of the transit time
measurements. The user must himself document the input value(s) used for the un-
certainty of the transit time repeatability, together with its confidence level and prob-
ability distribution, e.g. on basis of USM manufacturer information.

Fig. 5.13. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, re-
lated to the USM repeatability in field operation (shown for the detailed level option;
specification of transit time repeatability). (Corresponds to Table 4.16.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 168

5.10.2 USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration

The uncertainty of uncorrected USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration can
be specified at an overall level and a detailed level. The two options are de-
scribed separately below. Overall level

For specification of the USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration at the
overall level, the user specifies the relative expanded uncertainty of all uncorrected
systematic deviations of the USM relative to flow calibration, see Table 3.8. Fig.
5.14 shows this option, for an example corresponding to the example given in Table
4.20. Cf. also Section 3.4.

Fig. 5.14. The USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, shown for
the overall level options both for (1) USM field repeatability and (2) USM systematic
deviations re. flow calibration.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 169

This option is implemented as a simplified approach, to be used in case the user does
not want to go into the detailed level of uncertainty input with respect to USM
systematic deviations re. flow calibration. The user must himself document the in-
put value used for the relative expanded uncertainty of the uncorrected systematic
deviations of the USM relative to flow calibration, together with the accompanying
confidence level and probability distribution, e.g. on basis of a USM manufacturer
data sheet, or other information. Detailed level

For specification of the USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration at the de-
tailed level, the user specifies three types of input uncertainties, together with their
accompanying confidence level and probability distributions:

Uncertainty related to systematic USM meter body effects,

Uncertainty related to uncorrected systematic transit time effects, and
Uncertainty related to integration method (installation conditions),

cf. Table 3.8 and Sections 3.4, 4.4. These three input types are discussed separately

Meter body

With respect to the USM meter body uncertainty part of the worksheet, the user
specifies whether correction for pressure and temperature effects is used by the USM
manufacturer or not, and the relative expanded uncertainties of the pressure and tem-
perature expansion coefficients, cf. Table 3.8.

Fig. 5.15 shows this this part of the USM worksheet, for the same example as
given in Table 4.17 (i.e. no P and T correction used). Cf. Sections 3.4.1 and 4.4.2.

The user must himself document the input uncertainty values used for the pressure
and temperature expansion coefficients, together with the associated confidence lev-
els and probability distributions, e.g. on basis of possible USM manufacturer infor-
mation (cf. Chapter 6), or other information.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 170

Fig. 5.15. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, re-
lated to the USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration (for the detailed level option,
subsection USM meter body uncertainty), for the case of no temperature and pressure cor-
rection. (Corresponds to Table 4.17.)

Systematic transit time effects

With respect to the USM transit time uncertainties (systematic effects) part of the
worksheet, the user specifies the input expanded uncertainty of uncorrected system-
atic transit time effects on the measured upstream and downstream transit times (de-
viation from flow calibration to field operation), together with the accompanying
confidence levels / probability distributions. Examples of such effects are given in
Tables 1.4 and 3.8. The actual uncertainty figure is preferably to be specified by the
USM manufacturer, cf. Chapter 6.

Fig. 5.16 shows this part of the USM worksheet, for the same example as used in
Table 4.19. Cf. Sections 3.4.2 and 4.4.3. The user must himself document the input
uncertainty values used for USM transit time uncertainties (systematic effects), e.g.
on basis of USM manufacturer information (cf. Chapter 6).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 171

Fig. 5.16. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, re-
lated to the USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration (for the detailed level option,
subsection USM transit time uncertainties (systematic effects)). (Corresponds to Table

Integration method (installation effects)

With respect to the USM integration uncertainty (installation effects) part of the
worksheet, the user specifies the relative expanded uncertainty of uncorrected instal-
lation effects (due to possible deviation in conditions from flow calibration to field
operation), together with the accompanying confidence level and probability distri-
bution. Examples of such effects are given in Tables 1.4 and 3.8.

The actual uncertainty figure is preferably to be specified by the USM manufacturer,

on basis of extensive testing/simulations/experience with different installation con-
ditions for the meter in question (e.g. for a specific type of installation, or more gen-

Fig. 5.17 shows this part of the USM worksheet, for the same example as given in
Section 4.4.4. Cf. also Section 3.4.3. The user must himself document the input un-
certainty values used for the USM integration uncertainty (installation effects), e.g.
on basis of information provided by the USM manufacturer.

Fig. 5.17. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, re-
lated to the USM systematic deviations re. flow calibration (for the detailed level op-
tion, subsection USM integration uncertainty (installation effects) and Miscellaneous ef-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 172

Summary - Expanded uncertainty of USM in field operation

Fig. 5.18 shows the part of the USM worksheet which summarizes the uncertainty
calculations for the USM field uncertainties. This display is common to the overall
level and detailed level options (cf. Fig. 5.14). The values used here correspond
to the example given in Tables 4.20 and 4.21 (for two of the six flow rates), i.e. Figs.
5.12 and 5.15-5.17.

Fig. 5.18. Part of the USM worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station,
summarizing the USM field uncertainty calculations (example). (Corresponds to Tables 4.20,
4.21 and Fig. 5.26.)

5.11 Signal communication and flow computer calculations

The worksheet Computer for evaluation of the expanded uncertainty of Flow

computer effects, due to signal communication and flow computer calculations, is
shown in Fig. 5.19, for the same example as given in Section 4.5.

Fig. 5.19. The Computer worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.

The user specifies the relative expanded uncertainty of signal communication effects
and flow computer calculations, together with the accompanying confidence levels /
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 173

probability distributions. Cf. also Sections 3.5 and 4.5. The user must himself
document the input uncertainty values used for the Flow computer effects, e.g. on
basis of information provided by the USM manufacturer.

5.12 Graphical presentation of uncertainty calculations

Various worksheets are available in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station to plot and display the calculation results, such as curve plots and bar-charts.
These worksheets are described in the following.

5.12.1 Uncertainty curve plots

Plotting of uncertainty curves is made using the Graph worksheet. Editing of plot
options is made using the Graph menu worksheet (curve plot set-up).

Plotting of the relative expanded uncertainty can be made for the following four
Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard ref. conditions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe.

These can be plotted as a function of (for the set of M flow velocities/rates chosen in
the Flow cal. worksheet):
Flow velocity,
Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard ref. conditions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe.

The relative expanded uncertainties above can be plotted together with the following
No curve,
Flow velocity,
Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard ref. conditions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 174

Axes may be scaled according to user needs (automatic or manual), and various op-
tions for curve display (points only, line between points and smooth curve109) are

Fig. 5.20. The Graph worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station (example).

Fig. 5.20 shows an example where the relative expanded uncertainty of the mass
flow rate (at a 95 % confidence level and a normal probability distribution, with k =
2, cf. Section B.3) is plotted together with the mass flow rate itself, as a function of
flow velocity. The example used here is the same as used in the text above, and in
Section 4.6.3 (cf. Tables 4.26 and 4.27)110.

5.12.2 Uncertainty bar-charts

Plotting of bar charts is made using the NN-chart worksheets. Editing of bar chart
options is made using the Graph menu worksheet (bar-chart set-up section). Bar

109 For the smooth curve display option, the default method implemented in Microsoft Excel 2000
is used.

110 The front page shows the same evaluation example, plotted vs. mass flow rate.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 175

charts are typically used to evaluate the relative contributions of various input un-
certainties to the expanded uncertainty of the measurand in question.

Such bar-charts are available for the following seven measurands:

Pressure measurement (P-chart worksheet),

Temperature measurement (T-chart worksheet),
Compressibility factor measurement / calculation (Z-chart worksheet),
Density measurement (D-chart worksheet),
USM flow calibration (FC-chart worksheet),
USM field operation (USMfield-chart worksheet), and
Gas metering station (MetStat-chart worksheet).

As for the "Graph" worksheet, axes may be scaled according to user needs (auto-
matic or manual). These bar charts are described separately in the following. Pressure
The pressure-measurement bar chart is given in the P-chart worksheet. Fig. 5.21
shows an example where the contributions to the expanded uncertainty of the pres-
sure measurement are plotted (blue), together with the expanded uncertainty of the
pressure measurement (green). The example used here is the same as the example
given in Table 4.6 and Fig. 5.4.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the expanded uncertainty of pressure measurement

Transmitter uncertainty

Stability, transmitter

RFI effects

Ambient temperature effect, transmitter

Atmospheric pressure


Pressure measurement

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [bar]
Fig. 5.21. The P-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Corre-
sponds to Table 4.6 and Fig. 5.4.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 176 Temperature
The temperature-measurement bar chart is given in the T-chart worksheet. Fig.
5.22 shows an example where the contributions to the expanded uncertainty of the
temperature measurement are plotted (blue), together with the expanded uncertainty
of the temperature measurement (green). The example used here is the same as the
example given in Table 4.8 and Fig. 5.6.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the expanded uncertainty of temperature measurement

Element and transmitter uncertainty

Stability, transmitter

RFI effects, transmitter

Ambient temperature effect, transmitter

Stability, temperature element


Temperature measurement

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [C]
Fig. 5.22. The T-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Corre-
sponds to Table 4.8 and Fig. 5.6.) Compressibility factors

The compressibility factor bar chart is given in the Z-chart worksheet. Fig. 5.23
shows an example where the contributions to the expanded uncertainty of the Z-
factor measurements/calculations are plotted (blue), together with the expanded un-
certainty of the Z-factor ratio (green). The example used here is the same as the ex-
ample given in Table 4.9 and Fig. 5.7. Density
The density-measurement bar chart is given in the D-chart worksheet. Fig. 5.24
shows an example where the contributions to the relative expanded uncertainty of the
density measurement are plotted (blue), together with the relative expanded uncer-
tainty of the density measurement (green). The example used here is the same as the
example given in Table 4.11 and Fig. 5.9.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 177

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the relative expanded uncertainty of the compressibility ratio, Z/Z0

Model uncertainty, Z

Model uncertainty, Z0

Analysis uncertainty

Compressibility ratio, Z/Z0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Relative expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [%]
Fig. 5.23. The Z-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Corre-
sponds to Table 4.9 and Fig. 5.7.)

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the expanded uncertainty of density measurement

Densitometer accuracy
Calibration temperature
Line temperature
Densitometer temperature
Line pressure
Pressure difference, densitometer to line
VOS, calibration gas
VOS, densitometer gas
Periodic time
VOS correction constant, Kd
Temperature correction model

Density measurement

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [kg/m]
Fig. 5.24. The D-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Corre-
sponds to Table 4.11 and Fig. 5.9.) USM flow calibration

The USM flow calibration bar chart is given in the FC-chart worksheet. The bar
chart can be shown for one flow velocity (or flow rate) at the time, among the set of
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 178

M flow velocities chosen in the Flow cal. worksheet. The desired flow velocity is
set in the Graph menu worksheet.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the relative expanded uncertainty of USM flow calibration

at flow velocity: 1 m/s

Flow calibration laboratory

Deviation factor

USM repeatability

Flow calibration

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Relative expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [%]
Fig. 5.25. The FC-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. (Cor-
responds to Table 4.13 and Fig. 5.11.)

Fig. 5.25 shows an example where the contributions to the relative expanded uncer-
tainty of the USM flow calibration are plotted (blue), together with the relative ex-
panded uncertainty of the USM flow calibration (green), for a flow velocity of 1 m/s.
The example used here is the same as the example given in Table 4.13 and Fig. 5.11. USM field operation

The USM field operation bar chart is given in the USMfield-chart worksheet. The
bar chart can be shown for one flow velocity (or flow rate) at the time, among the set
of M flow velocities chosen in the Flow cal. worksheet. The desired flow velocity
is set in the Graph menu worksheet.

Fig. 5.26 shows an example where the contributions to the relative expanded uncer-
tainty of the USM flow calibration are plotted (blue), together with the relative ex-
panded uncertainty of the USM flow calibration (green), for a flow velocity of 1 m/s.
The example used here is the same as the example given in Table 4.20 and Figs. 5.13
and 5.15-5.18.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 179

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the relative expanded uncertainty of the USM field operation

at flow velocity: 1 m/s

USM repeatability

Meter body uncertainty

Systematic transit time effecs

Integration (installation effects)

Miscellaneous effects

USM field operation

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Relative expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [%]
Fig. 5.26. The USMfield-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.
(Corresponds to Table 4.20 and Fig. 5.18.) Gas metering station

The bar chart for the overall uncertainty of the USM fiscal gas metering station is
given in the MetStat-chart worksheet.

EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station

Contributions to the relative expanded uncertainty of qm (the mass flow rate)

at flow velocity: 1 m/s

Gas parameters


Flow calibration
Flow calibration laboratory
Deviation factor
USM repeatability

USM field operation

USM repeatability
Systematic dev. rel. flow calibration

Flow computer, etc.

Signal communication
Flow computer calculations

Total for qm

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Relative expanded uncertainty, k = 2 (95 % conf. level) [%]
Fig. 5.27. The MetStat-chart worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for
the mass flow rate at 1 m/s flow velocity. (Corresponds to Table 4.26 and Figs. 5.20, 5.31.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 180

The bar chart can be shown for one flow velocity (or flow rate) at the time, among
the set of M flow velocities chosen in the Flow cal. worksheet. The desired flow
velocity is set in the Graph menu worksheet. The desired measurand (type of flow
rate to be evaluated) is also set in the Graph menu worksheet. One may choose
among the four measurands in question, qv, Q, qm and qe.

Fig. 5.27 shows an example where the contributions to the relative expanded uncer-
tainty of the mass flow rate are plotted (blue), together with the relative expanded
uncertainty of the gas metering station (green), for a flow velocity of 1 m/s. The ex-
ample used here is the same as the example given in Table 4.26 and Fig. 5.20.

5.13 Summary report - Expanded uncertainty of USM fiscal gas meter-

ing station

A Report worksheet is available in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station to provide a condensed report of the calculated expanded uncertainty of the
USM fiscal gas metering station. For documentation purposes, this one-page report
can be used alone, or together with printout of other worksheets in the program.

Blank fields are available for filling in program user information and other com-
ments. Also some of the settings of the Gas parameter and USM setup work-
sheets are included for documentation purposes.

A report can be prepared for each of the four flow rate measurands in question (qv, Q,
qm and qe), at a given flow velocity (or volumetric flow rate, depending on the type of
input used in the Flow cal. worksheet). The desired flow velocity (or volumetric
flow rate) is chosen in the Report worksheet, among the M calibration flow veloci-
ties (or volumetric flow rates) specified in the Flow cal. worksheet.

Figs. 5.28-5.31 show the Report worksheet, calculated at the flow velocity 1 m/s,
for the four flow rate measurands in question: the volumetric flow rate at line condi-
tions (qv) , the volumetric flow rate at standard reference conditions (Q), the mass
flow rate (qm), and the energy flow rate (qe), respectively. The examples shown in
Figs. 5.28-5.31 are the same as those given in Tables 4.22, 4.24, 4.26 and 4.28, re-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 181

Fig. 5.28. The Report worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for the
volumetric flow rate at line conditions. (Corresponds to Table 4.22.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 182

Fig. 5.29. The Report worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for the
volumetric flow rate at standard reference conditions. (Corresponds to Table 4.24.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 183

Fig. 5.30. The Report worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for the
mass flow rate. (Corresponds to Table 4.26 and Fig. 5.27.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 184

Fig. 5.31. The Report worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, for the
energy flow rate. (Corresponds to Table 4.28.)
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 185

5.14 Listing of plot data and transit times

Two worksheets are available in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Sta-
tion to provide listing of data involved in the uncertainty evaluation.

The Plot data worksheet gives a listing of all data used and plotted in the Graph
and NN-chart worksheets, cf. Fig. 5.32. Such a listing may be useful for reporting
purposes, and in case the user needs to present the data in a form not directly avail-
able in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station. Note that the contents
of the plot data sheet will change with the settings used in the Graph menu sheet.

For convenience, a Transit time worksheet has also been included, giving a listing
of all transit time data used for the USM calculations, cf. Fig. 5.33. This involves
upstream and downstream transit times, and the transit time difference, for the cho-
sen pipe diameter and flow rates involved. The transit time calculations have been
made using a uniform axial flow velocity profile, and no transversal flow111.

Note that the transit time values will change by changing the path configuration setup
in the USM setup worksheet (i.e., diameter, no. of paths, no. of reflections, incli-
nation angle and lateral chord positions).

5.15 Program information

Two worksheets are available to provide information on the program. These are the
About and the Readme worksheets.

The About worksheet, which is displayed at startup of the program EMU - USM
Fiscal Gas Metering Station, and can be activated at any time, gives general infor-
mation about the program. The Readme worksheet gives regulations and condi-
tions for the distribution of the Handbook and the program, etc.

111 Effects of non-uniform flow profiles and transversal flow (ray bending) are thus not included
here, since in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the transit times are used
only for calculation of sensitivity coefficients. Ray bending effects are negligible in this con-
However, note that ray bending effects may influence on the USM reading at high
flow velocities [Frysa et al., 2001]. This effect is included in the uncertainty model and the
program through the terms u( t 1systematic
i ) and u( t 2systematic
i ) , cf. Section
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 186

Fig. 5.32. The Plot data worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station (exam-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 187

Fig. 5.33. The Transit times worksheet in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 188


The present chapter summarizes some input parameters and uncertainty data related
to the USM, which should preferably be known to enable an uncertainty evaluation
of the USM fiscal gas metering station at a detailed level with respect to the USM,
and which preferably are to be specified by the USM manufacturer.

Today, information normally available from USM manufacturers includes e.g.:

USM dimensional data,

USM path configuration data (to some extent; - integration weights (wi), lateral
chord positions ( y i 0 ) and inclination angles ( i 0 ) are not provided by all manu-
Flow calibration results (e.g. the number of calibration points (M), and the devia-
tion re. reference after applying the correction factor K ( Dev C , j , cf. Fig. 2.1)),
Whether pressure and temperature correction of meter body dimensions are used
or not,
USM uncertainty data (accuracy and repeatability).

With respect to the USM uncertainty, typical data as specified by USM manufactur-
ers today are given in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1. Typical USM uncertainty data currently specified by USM manufacturers.

Instromet (2000) Daniel (2000) Kongsberg (2000)

(Q.Sonic) (SeniorSonic) (MPU 1200)
Accuracy 0.5 % Without flow calibration: Without flow calibration:
0.5 % of reference. 0.5 % of meas.value.
With flow calibration: With flow calibration:
Higher accuracy. 0.25 % of meas.value.
Repeatability 5 mm/s < 0.2 % of reading in 0.2 % of measured value
specified velocity range

For evaluation of a USM fiscal gas metering station and its uncertainty, the buyer or
user of a USM may occasionally end up with some questions in relation to manu-
facturer data. Typical problems may be:

The accuracy specified in the data sheets is usually not sufficiently defined.
Data sheets do not specify what types of uncertainties the accuracy term ac-
counts for (e.g. systematic transit time effects, installation effects, etc.). Informa-
tion on how the accuracy varies with pressure, temperature and installation con-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 189

ditions, and deviation from flow calibration to field operation conditions, is gen-
erally lacking.
Confidence level(s) and probability distribution(s) are lacking (both for accu-
racy and repeatability). That means, the user does not know whether the figure
specified in the data sheet shall be divided by 1, 2, 3 or 3 (or another number)
in order to obtain the corresponding standard uncertainty value.
A single repeatability figure is specified in data sheets. If the repetability is dif-
ferent in flow calibration and in field operation, which may be the case in practice
(cf. Sections 3.3.3 and, both may be needed. At least it should be speci-
fied whether the repeatability figure accounts for both or not.
The repeatability is often not specified as a function of flow velocity (or flow

For improved evaluation of USM fiscal gas metering stations and their uncertainty,
some more specific USM uncertainty data are proposed here, cf. Tables 6.2-6.6.
Such data can be used directly as input to the Excel uncertainty evaluation program
EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, at the "detailed level", cf. Chapter 5. Note
that for all uncertainties, the confidence level and probability distribution should be

Table 6.2. Proposed USM meter body data and uncertainties to be specified by the USM manufac-
turer, for uncertainty evaluation of the USM fiscal gas metering station. For uncertainties, the
confidence level and probability distribution should be specified.

Meter body Quantity Symbol Unit Ref. Handbook

Dimensions Inner diameter ("dry calibration" value) 2R0 mm 2.3, 5.3
Average wall thickness w mm 2.3, 5.3
Material data Temperature expansion coefficient K-1 2.3, 5.3
Youngs modulus (or modulus of elasiticity) Y MPa 2.3, 5.3
P & T correc- Whether pressure and temperature correc- - - 2.3.4, 3.4.1,
tion tion of meter body dimensions is used or not 4.4.2, 5.10.2
Uncertainties Rel. standard uncertainty of the coefficient u( ) | | % ----- -----
of linear temperature expansion for the me-
ter body material,
Rel. standard uncertainty of the coefficient u( ) | | % ----- -----
of linear pressure expansion for the meter
body material,

Table 6.2 gives the proposed USM meter body data and corresponding uncertain-
ties to be specified. Most of these data are normally available from USM manufac-
turers today, such as R0, w, and Y, and whether pressure and temperature correction
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 190

of the meter body dimensions are used or not. The two relative uncertainty terms
u( ) | | and u( ) | | may be more difficult to specify, cf. Section 4.4.2.

Table 6.3. USM path configuration data which may preferably be specified by the USM manufacturer,
for uncertainty evaluation of the USM fiscal gas metering station.

Quantity Symbol Unit Tentative Ref. Handbook

domain112 Section

No. of acoustic paths N - - 2.3, 5.3

- -
No. of reflections in path no. i, i = 1, , N Nrefl,i ----- -----
Inclination angle of path no. i i0 o
5 o
----- -----
("dry calibration" value), i = 1, , N
Relative lateral chord position of path no. i y i0 R 0 ----- -----
("dry calibration" value), i = 1, , N
Integration weight of path no. i, i = 1, , N wi - 0.1 ----- -----

w i =1
i 1

Table 6.3 gives the USM path configuration data which may preferably be speci-
fied by the USM manufacturer. Note that these are needed only if the detailed
level is used for the USM in field operation. If the overall level is used for USM
field operation (both with respect to repeatability and systematic deviation relative to
flow calibration, cf. Section 5.10), none of the parameters listed in Table 6.3 need to
be specified.

Some of the data set up in Table 6.3 are already available from all USM manufactur-
ers today, such as N and Nrefl,i, i = 1, , N. With respect to i 0 , y i 0 R 0 and w i ,
these are available from some USM manufacturers, but may not be available from
others. The "ideal" situation with respect to uncertainty evaluation - at least from a
user viewpoint - would be that the manufacturer data for these were known. How-
ever, manufacturer data may not always be available. In such cases the following
compromise approach may be used to run EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station:
for each of i 0 , y i 0 R 0 and w i the manufacturer may specify a value within a do-
main around the actual (unavailable) value. Tentative domains have been proposed
in Table 6.3: 5 o or better for the inclination angles, i 0 , 0.1 or better for the
relative lateral chord positions, y i 0 R 0 , and 0.1 or better for the integration
weights, w i . Note that the sum of the integration weights w i is to be approximately
equal to unity, as also indicated in Table 6.3.

112 The domains for specification of nominal values of i 0 , y i 0 R 0 and w i given in Table 6.3 are
only tentative, based on only a few limited investigations for a 12 USM. A more systematic
analyses with respect to such domains should be carried out.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 191

Table 6.4. Proposed USM flow calibration data and uncertainties to be specified by the USM manu-
facturer, for uncertainty evaluation of the USM fiscal gas metering station. For uncertainties,
the confidence level and probability distribution should be specified.

Quantity / Uncertainty Symbol Unit Ref. Handbook

No. of flow calibration points M - 2.2.2, 2.2.3,
4.3.2, Fig. 2.1
Deviation re. reference (after using the correction factor K), DevC,j - ----- -----
at flow calibration pt. no. j, j = 1,, M (cf. Fig. 2.1)
Repeatability of USM flow rate reading, E rept , j % 3.3, 4.3.3, 5.9,
at flow calibration pt. no. j, j = 1,, M. Table 3.6
(i.e., the relative standard deviation of the flow rate reading)

Table 6.4 gives the proposed USM flow calibration data and uncertainties to be
specified by the USM manufacturer. These data are normally available from the

Table 6.5. Proposed USM field operation uncertainty data to be specified by the USM manufacturer,
for uncertainty evaluation of the USM fiscal gas metering station. For uncertainties, the con-
fidence level and probability distribution should be specified.

Quantity / Uncertainty Symbol Unit Ref. Handbook

Repeatability of USM flow rate reading in field operation, at E rept % 3.4.2, 4.4.1,
the actual flow rate. 5.10.1, Table
(i.e., the relative standard deviation of the flow rate read- 3.8
Repeatability of USM transit time readings in field opera- ns 3.4.2, 4.4.1,
u( t 1random
i )
tion, at the actual flow rate, accounting for all paths (i.e., the 5.10.1, Table
relative standard deviation of the transit time readings) 3.8
Standard uncertainty due to systematic effects on the up- u( t 1systematic ) ns 3.4.2, 4.4.3,
stream transit time of path no. i, t 1i , i = 1,, N, due to 5.10.2, Table
change of conditions from flow calibration to field operation
Standard uncertainty due to systematic effects on the down- u( t 2systematic ) ns 3.4.2, 4.4.3,
stream transit time of path no. i, t 1i , i = 1,, N, due to 5.10.2, Table
change of conditions from flow calibration to field operation
Relative standard uncertainty of the USM integration E I , % 3.4.3, 4.4.4,
method, due to change of installation conditions from flow 5.10.2, Table
calibration to field operation. 3.8

Table 6.5 gives the proposed USM field operation uncertainty data to be specified
by the USM manufacturer.

The two first parameters in the table, E rept and u( t 1random

i ) , are related to the USM
repeatability in field operation, cf. Section 5.10.1. They represent the repeatability of
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 192

the flow rate and the transit times, respectively. E rept is needed if the overall level
is used for the USM repeatability in field operation (cf. Fig. 5.12), and u( t 1random
i ) is
needed if the detailed level is used (cf. Fig. 5.13). Both types of data should be
readily available from USM flow computers. Preferably, both parameters should be
specified by the USM manufacturer (as indicated in Table 6.5) so that the user of the
program could himself choose which one to use. Cf. Sectiuons 3.4.2 and 4.4.1 for a

The last three parameters included in Table 6.5, u( t 1systematic

i ) , u( t 2systematic
i ) and E I , ,
are related to systematic deviations of the USM relative to flow calibration, cf. Sec-
tion 5.10.2. They represent the systematic effects on the upstream and downstream
transit times, and installation effects, respectively. They are needed if the detailed
level is used for the systematic USM effects in the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station. Preferably, all three parameters should be specified by USM
manufacturers. Note that if the field conditions and flow calibration conditions are
identical (with respect to pressure, temperature, gas composition, flow profiles (axial
and transversal)), and there is no drift in the transducers, these three terms would be
zero. However, this is not likely to be the situation in practice.

Table 6.6. Proposed Flow computer uncertainties to be specified by the USM manufacturer, for un-
certainty evaluation of the USM fiscal gas metering station. For uncertainties, the confidence
level and probability distribution should be specified.

Uncertainty Symbol Unit Ref. Handbook

Relative standard uncertainty of the estimate q v due to signal E comm % 3.5 , 4.5, 5.11,
communication with flow computer Table 3.7

Relative standard uncertainty of the estimate q v due to flow E flocom % ----- -----
computer calculations

Table 6.6 gives the proposed Flow computer uncertainties to be specified by the
USM manufacturer. These data should be readily available from the manufacturers.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 193


A Handbook of uncertainty calculation for fiscal gas metering stations based on a

flow calibrated multipath ultrasonic gas flow meters has been worked out, including
a Microsoft Excel program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station for calculation
of the expanded uncertainty of such metering stations. The uncertainty of the fol-
lowing four flow rate measurements have been addressed (cf. Chapters 2 and 3):

Actual volume flow (i.e. the volumetric flow rate at line conditions), qv,
Standard volume flow (i.e., the volumetric flow rate at standard reference condi-
tions), Q,
Mass flow rate, qm, and
Energy flow rate, qe.

The following metering station instrumentation has been addressed (cf. Section 2.1):

Pressure measurement,
Temperature measurement,
Compressibility factor calculation (from GC gas composition measurement),
Density measurement (vibrating element densitometer),
Calorific value measurement (calorimeter), and
Multipath ultrasonic gas flow meter (USM).

The uncertainty evaluation is made in conformity with accepted international stan-

dards and recommendations on uncertainty evaluation, such as the GUM [ISO,
1995a] and ISO/CD 5168 [ISO, 2000], cf. Appendix B.

The uncertainty model for USM fiscal gas metering stations presented in this Hand-
book is based on present-day state of the art of knowledge for stations of this type,
and is not expected to be complete with respect to description of effects influencing
on such metering stations. In spite of that, the uncertainty model does account for a
large number of the important factors that influence on the expanded uncertainty of
metering stations of this type. It is expected that the most important uncertainty
contributions have been accounted for. Evaluation of the effects of these factors on
the uncertainty of the metering station should be possible with the uncertainty model
and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station developed here.

It is the intention and hope of the partners presenting this Handbook that - after a pe-
riod of practical use of the Handbook and the program - the uncertainty model pre-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 194

sented here will be subject to necessary comments and viewpoints from users and
developers of USMs, and others with interest in this field, as a basis for a possible
later revision of the Handbook. The overall objective of such a process would of
course be that - in the end - a useful and accepted method for calculation of the un-
certainty of USM fiscal gas metering stations can be agreed on, in the Norwegian
metering society as well as internationally.

With respect to possibilities for improvements, the Handbook and the program EMU
- USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station should constitute a useful basis for implementa-
tion of upgraded descriptions of the uncertainty model. This may concern e.g.:

(A) The uncertainty of alternative instruments and/or calculation methods,

(B) The USM field uncertainty,
(C) The functionality of the Excel program,

as discussed briefly in the following.

(A) With respect to possible upgraded uncertainty descriptions of the instru-

ments and/or calculation methods involved in USM gas metering stations, the fol-
lowing topics may be of relevance:

For the volumetric flow rate at standard reference conditions (Q), at least 3
different approaches are used by different gas companies, cf. Table 2.1. Only
one of these is addressed here (method no. 3 of Table 2.1).

For the mass flow rate (qm), 2 different approaches are accepted by the NPD
regulations [NPD, 2001], cf. Table 2.2. Only one of these is addressed here
(method no. 1 of Table 2.2).

With respect to measurement of the energy flow rate (qe), the calorific value
uncertainty is only addressed at an overall level, without correlation to
other measurements involved (gas chromatography). That means, in the pres-
ent approach the calorific value may implicitely be assumed to be measured
using a calorimeter (i.e. method no. 5 of Table 2.3). However, at least 5 dif-
ferent approaches to measure the energy flow rate may be used, cf. Table 2.3.

In the present Handbook and Excel program all methods described in Tables
2.1-2.3 are covered at the overall level. Only selected methods are covered
at the detailed level, as described above. An update of the Handbook and
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 195

the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station on such points, to
cover several or all methods indicated in Tables 2.1-2.3 at a detailed
level113, might represent a useful extension to cover a broader range of me-
tering methods used in the gas industry, with respect to measurement of Q, qm
and qe.

For on-line vibrating element densitometers, several methods are in use for
VOS correction, as described in Section 2.4.3. In a possible future revision of
the Handbook other methods for VOS correction may be implemented than
the method used here, as options.

With respect to the contribution to u ( misc ) in Eq. (3.14), a description of the

various uncertainty contributions listed in Section 3.2.4 may be included in
the uncertainty model, based on the functional relationship for u , Eq. (2.23).

Here the instantaneous values of the respective flow rates are addressed. The
program can be updated to account for the accumulated flow rates (i.e. in-
cluding the uncertainty due to the integration of the instantaneous flow rates
over time).

(B) The Handbook and the program should also constitute a useful basis for imple-
mentation of possible upgraded uncertainty descriptions of the USM field uncer-
tainty, such as e.g.:

With respect to pressure expansion of the meter body, a single model for the
coefficient of radial pressure expansion has been implemented in the pres-
ent version of the program, cf. Eq. (2.19). Several models for are used in
current USMs, and all of these represent simplifications, cf. Table 2.6. Im-
plementation of a choice of various models for may thus be of interest, es-
pecially in connection with high pressure differences between flow calibration
and field operation, at which the actual value of becomes essential.

Implementation (in the program) of an option with automatic calculation of

the possible error made if Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) are used for pressure correction
of the meter body.

113 Such an upgrade would need to address possible correlation between the compressibility factors,
Z and Z0, and the molar weight, m. Also possible correlation between Z and Z0 and the superior
calorific value, Hs, would need to be addressed.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 196

Further with respect to pressure and temperature expansion of the meter body,
the additional effect of transducer expansion / contraction can be evaluated.

At present Formulation A is used for input of the geometrical meter body

quantities. The program can be extended to optional input of all four formu-
lations A, B, C and D, cf. Table 2.5. As discussed in Section 2.3.3, this does
not influence on the uncertainty of the flow calibrated USM or the metering
station, but may be more convenient for the user, if the USM manufacturer
uses another formulation of the functional relationship than A.

For the input uncertainties of the compressibility factors, the analysis uncer-
tainties of Z and Z0 can be evaluated statistically using a Monte Carlo type of
method, for various gas compositions of relevance, as described in Section

Improved flexibility with respect to levels of complexity for entering of input

uncertainties can be implemented114, such as:
(1) Overall level (completely meter independent, as today's "overall
(2) Detailed level 1 (as todays detailed level), and
(3) Detailed level 2: More detailed input uncertainties can be given than
in todays detailed level, e.g. with respect to:
- input uncertainties entered for individual paths (not only average over
all paths)115,

114 In the present version of the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the "detailed
level" in the "USM" worksheet is definitely a compromise between what ideally should be speci-
fied as input uncertainties, and what is available today from USM manufacturers. This is done to
avoid a too high "user treshold" with respect to specifying USM input uncertainties.
However, as the USM technology grows more mature, the need for a more detailed
level of input uncertainties may also grow. An option of several levels of complexity for input
uncertatinties may be convenient, which would provide a possibility of entering the USM input
uncertainties in a physically more "correct" way.

115 Entering of input uncertainties for individual paths, and description of the propagation of these
uncertainties to the metering stationss expanded uncertainty, may be very useful in many cir-
cumstances, such as e.g.:
The repeatability may vary between paths.
In case of transducers exchange, this may be done for only one or two paths. Such exchange
may result in changed time delay and t-correction (dry calibration values).
In case of erroneous signal period detection (cf. Section, this may occur at only one
or two paths (either upstream or downstream, or in both directions).
In situations with a path failure, USM manufacturers may use historical flow profile data to
keep the meter alive, preferably over a relatively short time period. That means, for the
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 197

- decomposition of random and systematic transit time effects into their

individual physical contributions (cf. Table 1.4),
- accounting for both correlated and uncorrelated effects between paths
(cf. Appendix E).
The user could then choose among these three levels, for a given uncertainty
evaluation case.

The uncertainty model and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station can be extended to account for both
- meter independent USM technologies (as in todays version), and
- meter dependent USM technologies.
That is, to account for e.g. specific path configurations / integration tech-
niques, transit time detection methods, dry calibration methods, correction
methods, etc. That means, variants of the program can be tailored to option-
ally describe the uncertainty of a specific meter (or meters), used in a gas
metering station. Such extension(s) may be of particular interest for meter
manufacturer(s), but also for users of that specific meter type.

(C) With respect to functionality of the Excel program, data storage requirements
may be an issue. In the present version, storing of an executed uncertainty evaluation
is made by saving the complete Excel file (.xls format), which requires about 1.4 MB
per file. To save storage space, it would be convenient to enable saving the uncer-
tainty evaluation data in another format (less space demanding, such as an ordinary
data file), and reading such stored data files into the Excel program.

path in question, the lacking upstream and downstream transit times are effectively substi-
tuted with synthetic transit times. There are thus systematic timing uncertainties associated
with such procedures, the consequences of which should preferably be evaluated at an indi-
vidual path basis.
Possible transducer deposits such as grease, liquid, etc. may build up differently at the up-
stream and downstream transducers, and differently for different paths.
PRV noise have been reported to be detected differently by different paths, and differently by
the upstream and downstream transducers within a path.
In the present version of the program such effects are accounted for by input uncertainties which
(for the convenience of the user [Ref. Group, 2001]) are averaged over all paths, and input un-
certainties may thus be difficult to quantify in practice. Upgrading the program with an addi-
tional option for specification of input uncertainties at individual paths (Detailed level 2)
would enable a more realististic description. In many cases the specification of input uncertain-
ties for individual paths may also be simpler to understand for the user of the program, as it is
closer to the practical metering situation. Thus, the disadvantages of such an option (the specifi-
cation of a larger number of input transit time uncertainties) should be balanced with the advan-
tages and improved uncertainty evaluation which can be achieved using a Detailed level 2.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 198


Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 199



In the present appendix, some terms and abbreviations related to USM fiscal gas
metering stations are defined. References to corresponding definitions given else-
where are included. Note that relevant definitions and terminology related to uncer-
tainty calculations are listed in Appendix B, Section B.1.

EMU "Evaluation of metering uncertainty" [Dahl et al., 1999].

USM A multipath ultrasonic flow meter for gas based on

measurement of transit times, and calculation of transit
time differences. The wording USM refers to the com-
posite of the meter body (spoolpiece), the ultrasonic
transducers, the control electronics, and the CPU unit /
flow computer.

Large USM A USM with (nominal) diameter 12 [AGA-9, 1998].

Small USM A USM with (nominal) diameter < 12 [AGA-9, 1998].

USM functional relationship The set of mathematical equations describing the

USM measurement of e.g. the axial volumetric flow rate
at line conditions, qUSM.

Spoolpiece The USM meter body

Meter run A flow measuring device within a meter bank complete

with any associated pipework valves, flow straighteners
and auxiliary instrumentation [ISO, 1995b].

Line conditions Gas conditions at actual pipe flow operational condi-

tions, at the USM installation location, with respect to
pressure, temperature, and gas composition.

Standard reference conditions Reference conditions of pressure, temperature and

humidity (state of saturation) equal to: 1 atm. and 15 oC
(1013.25 hPa, 288.15 K), for a dry, real gas [ISO, 2001].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 200

Normal reference conditions Reference conditions of pressure, temperature and

humidity (state of saturation) equal to: 1 atm. and 0 oC
(1013.25 hPa, 273.15 K), for a dry, real gas [ISO, 2001].

Deviation The difference between the axial volumetric flow rate (or
axial flow velocity) measured by the USM under test and
the actual axial volumetric flow rate (or axial flow ve-
locity) measured by the reference meter [AGA-9, 1998].
Percentage deviation is given relative to the reference

Deviation curve116 The deviation as a function of axial flow velocity over a

given flow velocity range, at a specific installation con-
dition, pressure, temperature and gas composition.

Flow calibration Measurement of the deviation curve (cf. [AGA-9, 1998],

Chapter 5.4).

"Dry calibration"117 (or more precisely, zero flow verification test, or "zero
point control"). Measurement of quantities which are
needed for the operation of the USM, such as relevant
dimensions, angles, transit time delays through transduc-
ers, cables and electronics, and possibly t-correction
[AGA-9, 1998]. "Dry calibration" measurements are
made typically in the factory, at one or several specific
conditions of pressure, temperature and gas composition.
Various corrections and correction factors are typically

116 By [AGA-9, 1998] the deviation curve is referred to as the error curve. Here, the term error
will be avoided in this context, since error refers to comparison with the (true) value of the flow
rate, which is never known. Only the reference measurement of the flow calibration laboratory is
compared with, and hence the term deviation curve is preferred here.

117 The wording dry calibration has come into common use in the USM community today, and is
therefore used also here. However, it should be emphasized that this wording may be mislead-
ing. The "dry calibration" is not a calibration of the meter in the normal meaning of the word,
but a procedure to determine, usually in the factory, a set of correction factors to be used in the
meter software (including correction of transit times). In [AGA-9, 1998] (Section 5.4), this pro-
cedure is more correctly referred to as zero flow verification test. By [NPD, 2001] the wording
zero point control is used.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 201

established by the "dry calibration", such as for transit


Zero flow reading The maximum allowable flow meter reading when the
gas is at rest, i.e. both axial and non-axial flow velocity
components are essentially zero [AGA-9, 1998].

Time averaging period Period of time over which the displayed measured flow
velocities and volume flow rates are averaged.

Integration method (Or flow profile integration method). Numerical tech-

nique to calculate the average flow velocity in the pipe
from knowledge of the average flow velocity along each
acoustic path in the USM.

Gauss-Jacobi quadrature A specific integration method [Abromowitz and Stegun,


Ideal flow conditions Pipe flow situation where no transversal (non-axial) flow
velocity components are present, and where the axial
flow velocity profile is turbulent and fully developed.
That is, flow conditions in an ideal infinite-length
straight pipe.

Axial flow velocity The component of flow velocity along the pipe axis.

Transversal flow velocity The non-axial components of flow velocity in the pipe.

PRV Pressure reduction valve.

VOS Velocity of sound.

GUM Abbreviation for the ISO document Guide to the ex-

pression of uncertainty in measurement [ISO, 1995a].

VIM Abbreviation for the ISO document International vo-

cabulary of basic and general terms in metrology [ISO,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 202



The NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] and the NORSOK I-104 [NORSOK, 1998a] stan-
dard refer to the GUM (Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement) [ISO,
1995a]118 as the accepted norm with respect to uncertainty analysis. The uncer-
tainty model and the uncertainty calculations reported here are therefore based pri-
marily on the GUM.

A brief outline of the GUM terminology used in evaluating and expressing uncer-
tainty is given in Section B.1. A list of important symbols used in the Handbook for
expressing uncertainty is given in Section B.2. The GUM procedure used here for
evaluating and expressing uncertainty is summarized in Section B.3, as a basis for
the description of the uncertainty model and the uncertainty calculations. Require-
ments to documentation of the uncertainty calculations are described in Section B.4.

B.1 Terminology for evaluating and expressing uncertainty

Precise knowledge about the definitions of the terms used in the Handbook is im-
portant in order to perform the uncertainty calculations with - preferably - a mini-
mum possibility of misunderstandings.

Consequently, the definition of some selected terms regarding uncertainty calcula-

tions which are used in the present Handbook, or are important for using the Hand-
book, are summarized in Table B.1, with reference to the source documents used, in

118 The GUM was prepared by a joint working group consisting of experts nominated by BIPM,
IEC, ISO and OIML, on basis of a request from the CIPM. The following seven organizations
supported the development, which was published in their name: BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO, IUPAC,
The abbreviations are: CIPM: Comit International des Poids et Mesures, France (In-
ternational Committee for Weights and Measures); BIPM: Bureau International des Poids et
Mesures, Svres Cedex, France (International Bureau of Weights and Measures); IEC: Interna-
tional Electrotechnical Commission, Genve, Switzerland; IFFC: International Federation of
Clinical Chemistry, Nancy, France; ISO: International Organization for Standardization Genve,
Switzerland; IUPAC: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Oxford, UK; IUPAP:
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Frolunda Sweden; IOML: International Or-
ganization of Legal Metrology, Paris, France.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 203

which further details may be given. For definition of terms in which symbols are
used, the symbol notation is defined in Section B.2.

For additional definitions of relevance, cf. e.g. the VIM [ISO, 1993], and the GUM,
Appendices E and F [ISO, 1995a]119.

Table B.1. Definitions of some terms regarding uncertainty calculations.

Type of term Term Definition Reference

Quantities Output quantity, y In most cases a measurand y is not measured directly, but GUM, 4.1.1 and
and units is determined from M other quantities x1, x2, ..., xM through 4.1.2, p. 9
a functional relationship, y = f(x1, x2, ..., xM)
Input quantity, xi, An input quantity, xi (i = 1, ..., M), is a quantity upon GUM, 4.1.2, p. 9
which the output quantity, y, depends, through a functional
relationship, y = f(x1, x2, ..., xM). The input quantities may
themselves be viewed as measurands and may themselves
depend on other quantities.
Value Magnitude of a particular quantity generally expressed as VIM, 1.18.
(of a quantity) a unit measurement multiplied by a number. GUM, B.2.2,
p. 31
True value Value consistent with the definition of a given particular VIM, 1.19
(of a quantity) quantity. GUM, 3.1.1,
VIM notes (selected): p. 4.
1. This is a value that would be obtained by a perfect GUM, 3.2.3,
measurement. p. 4.
2. True values are by nature indeterminate. GUM, D.3.5,
GUM comment: p. 41.
3. The term true value is not used, since the terms
value of a measurand (or of a quantity) and the term
true value of a measurand (or of a quantity) are
viewed as equivalent, with the word "true" to be re-
Handbook comment:
4. Since a true value cannot be determined, in practice a
conventional true value is used (cf. the GUM, p. 34).
Conventional Value attributed to a particular quantity and accepted, VIM, 1.20
true value sometimes by conventions, as having an uncertainty ap- GUM, B.2.4,
(of a quantity) propriate for a given purpose. p. 32
VIM note (selected):
1. Conventional true value is sometimes called assigned
value, best estimate of the value, conventional value
or reference value.
Measurements Measurand Particular quantity subject to measurement. VIM, 2.6
GUM, B.2.9
Influence quantity Quantity that is not the measurand, but that affects the re- VIM, 2.7
sult of measurement. GUM, B.2.10,
pp. 32-33.
Measurement Result of Value attributed to a measurand, obtained by measure- VIM, 3.1

119 Note that a number of documents are available in which the basic uncertainty evaluation philoso-
phy of the GUM is interpreted and explained in more simple and compact manners, for practical
use in metrology. Some documents which may be helpful in this respect are [Taylor and Kuyatt,
1994], [NIS 3003, 1995], [EAL-R2, 1997], [EA-4/02, 1999], [Bell, 1999], [Dahl et al., 1999]
and [ISO/CD 5168, 2000].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 204

results measurement ment. GUM, B.2.11,

VIM notes: p. 33
1. When a result is given, it should be made clear whether
it refers to:
- the indication,
- the uncorrected result,
- the corrected result,
and whether several values are averaged.
2. A complete statement of the result of a measurement
includes information about the uncertainty of
Indication Value of a quantity provided by a measuring instrument. VIM, 3.2
(of a measuring VIM notes (selected):
instrument) 1. The value read from the display device may be called
the direct indication; it is multiplied by the instrument
constant to give the indication.
2. The quantity may be the measurand, a measurement
signal, or another quantity to be used in calculating the
value of the measurand.
Uncorrected result Result of a measurement before correction for systematic VIM, 3.3
error. GUM, B.2.12,
p. 33
Corrected result Result of a measurement after correction for systematic VIM, 3.4
error. GUM, B.2.13,
p. 33
Correction Value added algebraically to the uncorrected result of a VIM, 3.15.
measurement to compensate for systematic error. GUM, B.2.23,
VIM notes: p. 34
1. The correction is equal to the negative of the estimated
systematic error.
2. Since the systematic error cannot be known perfectly,
the compensation cannot be complete.
Handbook comment:
3. If a correction is made, the correction must be included
in the functional relationship, and the calculation of the
combined standard uncertainty must include the stan-
dard uncertainty of the applied correction.
Correction factor Numerical factor by which the uncorrected result of a VIM, 3.16
measurement is multiplied to compensate for systematic GUM, B.2.24,
error. p. 34
VIM note:
1. Since the systematic error cannot be known perfectly,
the compensation cannot be complete.
Handbook comment:
2. If a correction factor is applied, the correction must be
included in the functional relationship, and the calcu-
lation of the combined standard uncertainty must in-
clude the standard uncertainty of the applied correction
Accuracy of Closeness of the agreement between the result of a meas- VIM, 3.5
measurement urement and a true value of the measurand. GUM, B.2.14,
VIM notes: p. 33
1. Accuracy is a qualitative concept.
2. The term precision should not be used for accu-
Handbook comment:
3. Accuracy should not be used quantitatively. The ex-
pression of this concept by numbers should be associ-
ated with (standard) uncertainty.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 205

Repeatability Closeness of the agreement between the results of succes- VIM, 3.6
sive measurements of the same measurand carried out un- GUM, B.2.15,
der the same conditions of measurement. p. 33.
VIM notes:
1. These conditions are called repeatability conditions.
2. Repeatbility conditions include:
- the same measurement procedure,
- the same observer,
- the same measuring instrument, used under the same
- the same location,
- repetition over a short period of time.
3. Repeatability may be expressed quantitatively in terms
of the dispersion characteristics of the results.
Reproducability Closeness of the agreement between the results of meas- VIM, 3.7
urements of the same measurand carried out under changed GUM, B.2.16,
conditions of measurement. p. 33
VIM notes:
1. A valid statement of reproducability requires specifica-
tion of the conditions changed.
2. The changed conditions may include:
- principle of measurement,
- method of measurement,
- observer,
- measuring instrument,
- reference standard,
- location,
- conditions of use,
- time.
3. Repeatability may be expressed quantitatively in terms
of the dispersion characteristics of the results.
4. Results are here usually understood to be corrected
Experimental A quantity characterizing the dispersion of the results, for VIM, 3.8
standard deviation a series of measurements of the same measurand. GUM, B.2.17,
p. 33
Uncertainty of Parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, VIM, 3.9.
measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could GUM, 2.2.4,
reasonably be attributed to the measurand. p. 2-3.
GUM, B.2.18,
p. 34.
GUM, Annex D
Error Result of a measurement minus a true value of the meas- VIM, 3.10.
(of measurement) urand. GUM, B.2.19,
p. 34
Deviation Value minus its reference value. VIM, 3.11

Relative error Error of a measurement divided by a true value of the VIM, 3.12.
measurand. GUM, B.2.20,
p. 34.
Random error Result of a measurement minus the mean that would result VIM, 3.13.
from an infinite number of measurements of the same GUM, B.2.21,
measurand carried out under repeatability conditions. p. 34.
VIM notes:
1. Random error is equal to error minus systematic error.
2. Because only a finite number of measurements can be
made, it is possible to determine only an estimate of
random error.
Systematic error Mean that would result from an infinite number of meas- VIM, 3.14
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 206

urements of the same measurand carried out under repeat- GUM, B.2.22,
ability conditions minus the true value of the measurand. p. 34.
VIM notes:
1. Systematic error is equal to error minus random error.
2. Like true value, systematic error and its causes cannot
be completely known.
3. For a measuring instrument, see bias.
Characterisation Nominal range Range of indications obtainable with a particular setting of VIM, 5.1
of measuring the controls of a measuring instrument.
instruments VIM note (selected):
1. Nominal range is normally stated in terms of its lower
and upper limits.
Span Modulus of the difference between the two limits of nomi- VIM, 5.2
nal range.
VIM note:
1. In some fields of knowledge, the difference between the
greatest and smallest value is called range.
Measuring range, Set of values of measurands for which the error of a meas- VIM, 5.4
Working range uring instrument is intended to lie within specified limits
Resolution (of a Smallest difference between indications of a displaying VIM, 5.12
displaying device) device that can be meaningfully distinguished.
VIM note (selected):
1. For a digital displaying device, this is the change in the
indication when the least significant digit changes by
one step.
Drift Slow change of metrological characteristic of a measuring VIM, 5.16
Accuracy Ability of a measuring instrument to give responses close VIM, 5.18
of a measuring to a true value. GUM, B.2.14,
instrument VIM note: p. 33
1. Accuracy is a qualitative concept.
Error (of indica- Indication of a measuring instrument minus a a true value VIM, 5.20
tion) of a measuring of the corresponding input quantity. GUM, B2.2.19,
instrument VIM note (selected): p. 34; Section 3.2
1. This concept applies mainly where the instrument is
compared to a reference standard.
Datum error Error of a measuring instrument at a specified indication of VIM, 5.22
(of a measuring a specified value of the measurand, chosen for checking
instrument) the instrument.
Zero error Datum error for zero value of the measurand. VIM, 5.23
(of a measuring
Bias Systematic error of the indication of a measuring instru- VIM, 5.25
(of a measuring ment. GUM, 3.2.3
instrument) VIM note: note, p. 5
1. The bias of a measuring instrument is normally esti-
mated by averaging the error of indication over an
appropriate number of repeated measurements.
Repeatability Ability of a measuring instrument to provide closely simi- VIM, 5.27
(of a measuring lar indications for repeated applications of the same meas-
instrument) urand under the same conditions of measurement.
Statistical terms Random variable A variable that may take any of the values of a specified GUM, C.2.2,
and concepts set of values, and with which is associated a probability p. 35
Probability A function giving the probability that a random variable GUM, C.2.3,
distribution (of a takes any given value or belongs to a given set of values. p. 35
random variable)
Variance A measure of dispersion, which is the sum of the squared GUM, C.2.20,
deviations of observations from their average divided by p. 36.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 207

one less than the number of observations.

GUM note (selected):
1. The sample standard deviation is an unbiased estimator
of the population standard deviation.
Standard deviation The positive square root of the variance. GUM, C.2.12,
GUM note: p. 36;
1. The sample standard deviation is a biased estimator of C.2.21, p. 37;
the population standard deviation. C.3.3, p. 38.
Normal distribution GUM, C.2.14,
p. 34
Estimation The operation of assigning, from the observations in a GUM, C.2.24,
sample, numerical values to the parameters of a distribu- p. 37
tion chosen as the statistical model of population from
which this sample is taken.
Estimate The value of an estimator obtained as a result of an esti- GUM, C.2.26,
mation. p. 37.
Handbook comment:
1. Estimated value of a quantity, obtained either by meas-
urement, or by other means (such as by calculations).
Input estimate, and An estimate of the measurand, y, denoted by y , is ob- GUM, 4.1.4,
output estimate tained from the functional relationship y = f(x1, x2, ..., xM) p. 10.
using input estimates, x1 , x2 , ..., x M for the values of the
M quantities x1, x2, ..., xM. Thus the output estimate, which
is the result of the measurement, is given by y = f( x1 ,
x2 , ..., x M ).
Handbook comment:
1. The symbols used here are those used in this Hand-
book, cf. Section B.2.
Sensitivity Describes how the output estimate y varies with changes in GUM, 5.1.3,
coefficient the values of an input estimate, xi, i = 1, , M. p.19; 5.1.4, p. 20
Coverage Numerical factor used as a multiplier of the combined GUM, 2.3.6, p.
factor, k: standard uncertainty in order to obtain an expanded un- 3.
certainty. GUM, G.1.3,
p. 59.
Level of confidence GUM, Annex G,
pp. 59-65.
Standard Uncertainty of the result of a measurement expressed as GUM, 2.3.1,
uncertainty standard deviation p. 3.
GUM, Chapter 3,
pp. 9-18.
Combined standard The standard uncertainty of the result of a measurement, GUM, 3.3.6,
uncertainty when that result is obtained from the values of a number of p. 6.
other quantities, is termed combined standard uncertainty, GUM 4.1.5,
and denoted uc. It is the estimated standard deviation asso- p. 10.
ciated with the result, and is equal to the positive square
root of the combined variance obtained from all variance
and covariance components.
Expanded Quantity defining an interval about the result of a meas- GUM, 2.3.5, p.
uncertainty urement that may be expected to encompass a large frac- 3.
tion of the distribution of values that could reasonably be GUM 6.1.2, p.
attributed to the measurand. 23.
GUM Chapter 5,
pp. 23-24.
Systematic The effect of a recognized effect of an influence quantity. GUM, 3.2.3,
effect Note: p. 5
By [NIS 81, 1994, p. 4], contributions to uncertainty aris-
ing from systematic effects are described as those that
remain constant while the measurement is being made, but
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 208

can change if the measurment conditions, method or

equipment is altered.
Random effect The effect of unpredictable or stochastic temporal and GUM, 3.2.2,
spatial variations of influence quantities. p. 5
Linearity Deviation between a calibration curve for a device and a [NPD, 2001]
straight line.
Type A evaluation Method of evaluation of uncertainty by the statistical GUM, 2.3.2,
(of uncertainty) analysis of series of observations. p. 3
Type B evaluation Method of evaluation of uncertainty by means other than GUM, 2.3.3,
(of uncertainty) the statistical analysis of series of observations, e.g. by p. 3
engineering/scientific judgement.
Miscellaneous Functional In most cases a measurand y is not measured directly, but GUM, 4.1.1 and
relationship, f is determined from M other quantities x1, x2, ..., xM through 4.1.2, p. 9
a functional relationship, y = f(x1, x2, ..., xM)

B.2 Symbols for expressing uncertainty

In general, the following symbols are used in the present Handbook for expressing
quantities and uncertainties:

xi : an estimated value (or simply an estimate) of an input quantity, xi,

y : an estimated value (or simply an estimate) of an output quantity, y,

u( xi ) : the standard uncertainty of an input estimate, xi ,

u c ( y ) : the combined standard uncertainty of an output estimate, y ,

U ( y ) : the expanded uncertainty of an output estimate, y :

U ( y ) = k u c ( y ) ,

Ex : the relative standard uncertainty of an input estimate, xi :

u( xi )
Ex =
Ey : the relative combined standard uncertainty of an output estimate120, y :
u ( y )
Ey = c

With four exceptions (see Table B.2 and points (1)-(4) below), the symbols used for
expression of uncertainty are those used by the GUM [ISO, 1995a, 4.1.5 and

120 For simplicity in notatation, and since it should not cause confusion here, the same symbol, Ey, is
used for both types of relative (i.e., percentage) standard uncertainties; i.e., relative standard un-
certainty, and relative combined standard uncertainty. In each case it will be noted in the text
which type of relative uncertainty that is in question.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 209

6.2.1], see also [Taylor and Kuyatt, 1994], [EAL-R2, 1997], [EA-4/02, 1999],
[ISO/CD 5168, 2000].

(1) With respect to the symbols used for a quantity and the estimate value of the
quantity, the "conventions" of the GUM are not followed exactly, mainly for
practical reasons121. Here, both capital and small letters are used for input quan-
tites, in order to enable use of common and well-established terminology in
USM technology (cf. e.g. [ISO, 1997]) and physics in general, involving both
capital and small letters as symbols for input/output quantities. To distinguish
between a quantity and the estimate value of the quantity, the above defined ter-
minology has thus been chosen (with the symbol x (the hat notation) to de-
note the estimate value of the quantity x).

(2) With respect to relative uncertainties, no specific symbol was used in the GUM,
other than a notation of the type u c ( y ) y (for the relative combined standard
uncertainty of an output estimate, y ) [ISO, 1995a, 5.1.6, p. 20]. This notation
has been used also in [ISO/CD 5168, 2000]. However, for the present docu-
ment, a simpler symbol than u c ( y ) y has been found to be useful, or even nec-
essary, to avoid unnecessary complexity in writing the expressions for the rela-
tive expanded uncertainty of the USM fiscal gas metering station. Ey is the
symbol for relative uncertainty used by e.g. [ISO, 1997]; [ISO 5168:1978], and
has been adopted here122,123.

121 In the GUM [ISO, 1995, Section 3.1, pp. 9-10], a quantity and an estimate value for the quantity
are denoted by capital and small letters, respectively (such as "X" and "x", respectively) (cf. Note
3 to 4.1.1). (Cf. also [NIS 3003, 1995, pp. 16-17], [ISO/CD 5168, 2000, p. 7]).
This notation is considered to be impractical for the present Handbook. For example,
in physics, engineering and elsewhere the temperature is uniformly denoted by T, while in the
USM community a transit time is commonly denoted by t (cf. e.g. [ISO, 1997]). This is one of
several examples where this notation is considered to be impractical.
Moreover, also in the GUM, the "GUM conventions" are not used consequently. For
example, in the illustration examples [ISO, 1995, Annex H, cf. p. 68], the same symbol has been
used for a quantity and its estimate, for simplicity in notation.

122 By [EAL-R2, 1997], the notation w( x ) = u( x ) x has been used for the relative standard uncer-
tainty of an estimate x (cf. their Eq. (3.11)). [Taylor and Kuyatt, 1994] has proposed to denote
relative uncertainties by using a subscript r for the word relative, i.e., u r ( x ) u( x ) x ,
u c ,r ( y ) u c ( y ) y and U r U y for the relative standard uncertainty, the relative combined
standard uncertainty, and the relative expanded uncertainty, respectively (cf. their D1.4).

123 The Ey - notation for relative uncertainties was used also in [Lunde et al., 1997; 2000a].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 210

(3) With respect to the symbol U ( y ) , the use of simply U has been recom-
mended by the GUM. In the present document that would lead to ambiguity,
since the expanded uncertainties of four output estimates are considered in the
USM uncertainty model: qv , Q , q m and qe , cf. Chapters 2 and 3. Hence, the
symbols U ( q v ) , U ( Q ) , U ( q m ) and U ( q e ) are used for these, to avoid confu-

(4) With respect to the symbols used for dimensional (absolute) and dimensionless
(relative) sensitivity coefficients, the GUM has recommended use of the symbols
ci and c*i , respectively. These symbols are used also by [ISO/CD 5168, 2000].
However, to avoid confusion with the well established notation c used in
acoustics for the sound velocity (VOS), the symbols si and si* are used here for
the dimensional (absolute) and dimensionless (relative) sensitivity coefficients of
the output estimate y i to the input estimate xi .

In Table B.2, the symbol notation used in the Handbook is summarized and com-
pared with the symbol notation recommended by the GUM.

Table B.2. Symbol notation used in the Handbook in relation to that recommended by the GUM.

Term GUM symbol Handbook symbol Deviation ?

Input quantity & Capital and small letters, re- x i denotes the estimate value Yes
estimate value of the input quantity spectively (" X i " and " x i ") of the input quantity x i
Output quantity & Capital and small letters, re- y denotes the estimate value
estimate value of the output quantity spectively ("Y" and "y") of the output quantity y
Standard uncertainty of an input u( x i ) u( x i ) No
Combined standard uncertainty of an uc ( y ) u c ( y ) No
output estimate
Relative standard uncertainty of an u ( xi ) u( xi )
input estimate E xi = Yes
xi xi
Relative combined standard u c ( y) uc ( y )
uncertainty of an output estimate Ey =
y y
Expanded uncertainty U U ( y ) Yes / No
Relative expanded uncertainty U U ( y ) No
y y
Dimensional (absolute) sensitivity ci si
coefficients Yes
Dimensionless (relative) sensitivity c *
s *
i i
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 211

B.3 Procedure for evaluating and expressing uncertainty

The procedure used here for evaluating and expressing uncertainty is the procedure
recommended by the GUM 124 [ISO, 1995a, Chapter 7], given as125:

1. The (mathematical) functional relationship is expressed between the measurand,

y, and the input quantities, xi, on which y depends: y = f(x1, x2, ..., xM), where M
is the number of input quantities (in accordance with the GUM, Chapter 7,
1)126. The function, f, should preferably contain every quantity, including all
corrections and correction factors, that can contribute significantly to the uncer-
tainty of the measurement result.

2. xi , the estimated value of the input quantity, xi, is determined, either on the basis
of a statistical analysis of a series of observations, or by other means (in accor-
dance with the GUM, Chapter 7, 2)127.

3. The standard uncertainty u( xi ) of each input estimate xi is evaluated; either as

Type A evaluation of standard uncertainty (for an input estimate obtained from a
statistical analysis of observations), or as Type B evaluation of standard uncer-
tainty (for an input estimate obtained by other means), in accordance with the
GUM, Chapter 7, 3 (cf. also the GUM, Chapter 3; [EAL-R2, 1997], [EA-4/02,
If the uncertainty of the input estimate xi is given as an expanded uncer-
tainty, U ( xi ) , this expanded uncertainty may be converted to a standard uncer-
tainty by dividing with the coverage factor, k:

124 Other documents of interst in this context are e.g. [Taylor and Kuyatt, 1994], [NIS 3003, 1995],
[EAL-R2, 1997], [EA-4/02, 1999], [Bell, 1999] and [ISO/CD 5168, 2000], which are all based
on (and are claimed to be consistent with) the GUM. However, the GUM is considered as the
authoritative text.

125 The GUM procedure is here given in our formulation. The substance is meant to be the same,
but the wording may be different in some cases. In case of possible inconsistency or doubt, the
text given in Chapter 7 of the GUM is authoritative.

126 In the general overview given in Appendix B, the symbols y and xi are used for the output
and input quantities, respectively. In Chapters 2-4, other symbols are used, which are more in
agreement with the general literature on USMs (see also Section B.2).

127 With respect to the estimated value of a quantity xi (input or output), the hat symbol, xi , is
used here, to distinguish between these. Cf. Section B.2.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 212

U ( xi )
u( xi ) = (B.1)

For example, if U ( xi ) is given at a 95 % confidence level, and a normal prob-

ability distribution is used, k = 2. If the confidence level is 99 %, and a normal
probability distribution is used, k = 3. If the confidence level is 100 %, and a
rectangular probability distribution is used, converting to standard uncertainty is
done by using k = 3 . When an expanded uncertainty is given as a specific
number of standard deviations, the standard uncertainty is achieved by dividing
the given expanded uncertainty with the specific number of standard deviations.

4. Covariances are evaluated associated with input estimates that are correlated, in
accordance with the GUM, Chapter 7, 4 (cf. also the GUM, Section 4.2). For
two input estimates xi and x j , the covariance is given as

u( xi , x j ) = u( xi )u( x j )r( xi , x j ) (i j), (B.2)

where the degree of correlation is characterised by r( xi , x j ) , the correlation co-

efficient between xi and x j (where i j and |r| 1). The value of r( xi , x j ) may
be determined by engineering judgement or based on simulations or experi-
ments. The value is a number between -1 and 1, where r( xi , x j ) = 0 represents
uncorrelated quantities, and | r( xi , x j ) | = 1 represents fully correlated quantities

5. The result of the measurement is to be calculated in accordance with the GUM,

Chapter 7, 5. That is, the estimate, y , of the measurand, y, is to be calculated
from the functional relationship, f, using for the input quanties the estimates xi
obtained in Step 2.

6. The combined standard uncertainty, u c ( y ) , of the measurement result (output

estimate), y , is evaluated from the standard uncertainties and the covariances
associated with the input estimates, in accordance with the GUM, Chapter 7, 6
(cf. also the GUM, Chapter 4).
u c ( y ) is given as the positive square root of the combined variance
u c2 ( y ) ,

f 2 N 1 N
f f
u ( y ) =
u ( xi ) + 2 u( xi , x j ) , (B.3)
i =1 x i i =1 j = i + 1 x i x j

where N is the number of input esitmates xi , i = 1, , N, and the partial deriva-

tives are the sensitivity coefficients, si, i.e.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 213

si . (B.4)
x i

7. The expanded uncertainty U is determined by multiplying the combined stan-

dard uncertainty, u c ( y ) , by a coverage factor, k, to obtain

U = k u c ( y ) (B.5)

on basis of the level of confidence required for the uncertainty interval y U , in

accordance with the GUM, Chapter 7, 7 (cf. also the GUM, Chapter 5 and An-
nex G).
For example, if U is to be given at a 95 % confidence level, and a normal
probability distribution is assumed, k = 2. If the confidence level is 99 %, and a
normal probability distribution is used, k = 3. If the confidence level is 100 %,
and a rectangular probability distribution is supposed, k = 3 .
In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, the coverage
factor k is set to k = 2, cf. Section 1.2, corresponding to a level of confidence of
95.45 % in case of a normal probability distribution of the output estimate, y
128. In the uncertainty caclulations of Chapters 5 and 6, k = 2 has also been used

8. The result of the measurement (the output estimate), y , is to be reported, to-

gether with its expanded uncertainty, U, and the method by which U has been
obtained, in accordance with the GUM, Chapter 7, 7 (cf. also the GUM, Chap-
ter 6).
This includes documentation of the value of each input estimate, xi , the
individual uncertainties u( xi ) which contribute to the resulting uncertainty, and
the evaluation method used to obtain the reported uncertainties of the output es-
timate as summarised in steps 1 to 7.
Tables 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14, 4.17-4.29 in Chapter 4, as well as
Figs. 5.3-5.19 and 5.28-5.31 in Chapter 5, show typical uncertainty budgets used
for documentation of the calculated expanded uncertainties.

128 Note that a coverage factor of k = 2 produces an interval corresponding to a level of confidence
of 95.45 % while that of k = 1.96 corresponds to a level of confidence of 95 %. The calculation
of intervals having specified levels of confidence is at best only approximate. The GUM justifia-
bly emphasises that for most cases it does not make sense to try to distinguish between e.g. inter-
vals having levels of confidence of say 94, 95 or 96 %, cf. Annex G of the GUM. In practice, it is
therefore recommended to use k = 2 which is assumed to produce an interval having a level of
confidence of approximately 95 %. This is also in accordance with NPD regulations [NPD,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 214

The above procedure (given by steps 1-8), recommended by the GUM, serves as a
basis for the USM uncertainty model described in Chapter 3, the uncertainty calcula-
tions reported in Chapters 4, and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Sta-
tion described in Chapter 5.

In the NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] the uncertainties are specified as relative ex-
panded uncertainties, at a 95 % confidence level (assuming a normal probability dis-
tribution), with k = 2.

In the formulas which are implemented in the program, the input standard uncertain-
ties, combined standard uncertainties, and the expanded uncertainties, are in many
cases expressed as relative uncertainties, defined as

u( xi ) u c ( y ) U
, , , (B.6)
xi y y


B.4 Documentation of uncertainty evaluation

According to the GUM [ISO, 1995a, Chapter 6], all the information necessary for a
re-evaluation of the measurement should be available to others who may need it.

In Chapter 6.1.4 of the GUM it is stated that one should:

(1) describe clearly the methods used to calculate the measurement result and its un-
certainty from the experimental observations and input data,
(2) list all uncertainty components and document fully how they were evaluated,
(3) present the data analysis in such a way that each of its important steps can be
readily followed and the calculation of the reported result can be independently
repeated if necessary,
(4) give all corrections and constants used in the analysis and their sources.

The present Handbook together with the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station should fill essential parts of the documentation requirements (1)-(4) above.
A printout of the worksheets used for uncertainty evaluation of the measurand in
question, together with the Report worksheet and the mathematical expressions
given in Chapters 2 and 3, may be used in a documentation of the uncertainty
evaluation of the metering station.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 215

In addition, the user of the program must himself document the uncertainties used as
input to the program129. Such documentation may be calibration certificates, data
sheets, manufacturer information or other specifications of the metering station.

For uncertainty calculations on fiscal metering stations this requires that every quan-
tity input to the calculations should be fully documented with its value (if needed),
and its uncertainty, together with the confidence level and probability distribution.
Furthermore, it must be documented that the functional relationships used in the un-
certainty calculation programs following the Handbook are equal to the ones actually
implemented in the metering station. An uncertainty evaluation report should be gen-
erated, containing the uncertainty evaluations and copies of (or at least reference to)
the documentation described above.

129 In many cases this is a difficult point, especially with respect to some of the USM input uncer-
tainties, such as the integration uncertainty (installation conditions), and the uncertainty of uncor-
rected systematic transit time effects.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 216




The present Handbook relates to USM fiscal gas metering stations designed and op-
erated according to NPD regulations [NPD, 2001]. For fiscal metering of gas using
ultrasonic meters, the regulations refer to the NORSOK I-104 national standard and
the AGA Report No. 9 as recognised standards (accepted norm).

As a basis for the uncertainty calculations of the present Handbook, a selection of

NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] and NORSOK requirements [NORSOK, 1998a]
which apply to USM metering stations for sales metering of gas, are summarized in
the following (with citations from the respective documents).

Only selected regulations are included here. That is, regulations which are related to
uncertainty evaluation and to fiscal gas metering stations based on USMs. The se-
lection is not necessarily complete. For the full regulations it is referred to the above
referenced documents.

C.1 NPD regulations (selection)

The following selection of regulations of relevance for USM fiscal gas metering sta-
tions are taken from [NPD, 2001].

Section 8, Allowable measuring uncertainty. Measurement system, Gas metering for sale and al-
location purposes: 1.0 % of mass, at 95 % confidence level (expanded uncertainty with coverage
factor k = 2).

It shall be possible to document the total uncertainty of the measurement system. An uncertainty
analysis shall be prepared for the measurement system within a 95 % confidence level. In the pre-
sent regulations a confidence level equal to 2 , i.e. a coverage factor k = 2, is used. This gives a
confidence level slightly higher than 95 %.

In respect of the measurement system's individual components the following maximum limits ap-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 217

Component Circuit Linearity limits Uncertainty limits Repeatability

uncertainty limits (band) component limits (band)
Ultrasonic 1 pulse of 100 000, 1.0 % in working 0.70 % in work- 0.50 % in working
flow meter gas 0.001 %, range (20:1). De- ing range (20:1) range (20:1) after
(sales - allocation) at pulse transmis- viation from refer- after zero point zero point control
sion of signal ence in calibration control
shall be less than
1.50 % in work-
ing range (20:1)
before use of cali-
bration factor
Pressure 0.30 % of NA 0.10 % of NA
measuring measured value in measured value in
working range working range
Temperature 0.30 oC NA 0.20 oC NA
measuring oil, gas
Density 0.25 % of NA 0.20 % of NA
measuring gas measured value measured value
Calorific value gas NA NA 0.15 % of NA
calorific value
Uncertainty NA NA 0.001 % NA
computer part for
oil and gas

Re. Section 8, Allowable measuring uncertainty. The basic principles for uncertainty analysis are
stated in the ISO "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" (the Guide).

Section 10, Reference conditions. Standard reference conditions for pressure and temperature
shall in measuring oil and gas be 101.325 kPa and 15 oC.

Section 11, Determination of energy content, etc. Gas composition from continuous flow pro-
portional gas chromatography or from automatic flow proportional sampling shall be used for de-
termination of energy content.

With regard to sales gas metering stations two independent systems shall be installed.

Re. Section 11, Determination of energy content, etc. Recognized standard for determination of
energy content will be ISO 6976 or equivalent. Reference temperature for energy calculation
should be 25 oC / 15 oC (oC reference temperature of combustion / oC volume). When continuous
gas chromatography is used, recognized standard will be NORSOK I-104.

Section 13, Requirements to the metering system in general. The metering system shall be
planned and built according to the requirements of the present regulations and in accordance with
recognized standards for metering systems.

On sales metering stations the number of parallel meter runs shall be such that the maximum flow
of hydrocarbons can be measured with one meter run out of service, whilst the rest of the meter
runs operate within their specified operating range.

If necessary, flow straighteners shall be installed.

In areas where inspection and calibration takes place, there shall be adequate protection against the
outside climate and vibration.

The metering tube and associated equipment shall be installed upstream and downstream for a
distance sufficient to prevent temperature changes affecting the instruments that provide input sig-
nals for the fiscal calculations.

Re. Section 13, Requirements to the metering system in general. If, on an allocation metering
station with ultrasonic metering a concept based on only one metering tube is selected, there should
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 218

be possibilities to check the meter during operation and to have the necessary spare equipment
ready for installation in the metering tube.

In gas metering the maximum flow velocity during ultrasonic metering should not exceed 80 per-
cent of the maximum flow rate specified by the supplier.

Section 14, The mechanical part of the metering system. It shall be documented that surrounding
equipment will not affect the measured signals.

Re. Section 14, The mechanical part of the metering system. Re. design of the metering system
for hydrocarbons in gas phase, recognized standards are NORSOK I-104, ISO 5167-1, AGA Re-
port no. 9 and ISO 9951.

Section 15, The instrument part of the metering system. Pressure, temperature, density and com-
position analysis shall be measured in such way that representative measurements are achieved as
input signals for the fiscal calculations (cf. Section 8).

Re. Section 15, The instrument part of the metering system. Recognized standards are NORSOK
I-104 and I-105.

The signals from the sensors and transducers should be transmitted so that measurement uncer-
tainty is minimized. Transmission should pass through as few signal converters as possible. Signal
cables and other parts of the instruments loops should be designed and installed so that they will
not be affected by electromagnetic interference.

When density meters are used at the outlet of the metering station, they should be installed at least
8D after upstream disturbance.

When gas metering takes place, density may be determined by continuous gas chromatography, if
such determination can be done within the uncertainty requirements applicable to density meas-
urement. If only one gas chromatograph is used, a comparison function against for example one
densitometer should be carried out. This will provide independent control of the density value and
that density is still measured when GC is out of operation.

Measured density should be monitored.

Re. Section 16, The computer part of the metering system. Recognized standards are NORSOK
I-104 and I-105.

In ultrasonic measuring the computer part should contain control functions for continuous moni-
toring of the quality of the measurements. It should be possible to verify time measurements.

Re. Section 19, General. When equipment is taken into use, the calibration data furnished by the
supplier may be used, if they are having adequate traceability and quality. If such is not the case,
the equipment should be recalibrated by a competent laboratory. By competent laboratory is
meant a laboratory which has been accredited as mentioned in recognized standard EN 45000/ISO
17025, or in some other way has documented competence and ensures traceability to international
or national standards.

Section 20, Calibration of mechanical part. The mechanical parts critical to measurement uncer-
tainty shall be measured or subjected to flow calibration in order to document calibration curve.

The assembled fluid metering system shall be flow tested at the place of manufacture and flow
meter calibration shall be carried out.

Re. Section 20, Calibration of mechanical part. The checks referred to will for example be
measuring of critical mechanical parameters by means of traceable equipment.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 219

The linearity and repeatability of the flow meters should be tested in the highest and lowest part of
the operating range, and at three points naturally distributed between the minimum and the maxi-
mum values.

Section 21, Calibration of instrument part. The instrument loops shall be calibrated and the cali-
bration results shall be accessible.

Section 23, Maintenence. The equipment which is an integral part of the metering system, and
which is of significant importance to the measuring uncertainty, shall be calibrated using traceable
equipment before start of operation, and subsequently be maintained to that standard.

Section 25, Operating requirements for flow meters. In case of ultrasonic flow measurement of
gas the condition parameters shall be verified.

During orifice plate gas measuring or or ultrasonic gas measuring the meter tupes shall be checked
if there is indication of change in internal surface.

Re. Section 25, Operating requirements for flow meters. Ultrasonic flow meters for gas should
be checked after pressurization and before they are put into operation to verify sound velocity and
zero point for each individual sound path. Deviation limits for the various parameters shall be de-
termined before start-up.

Recalibration should be carried out if the meter has a poor maintenance history.

Sound velocity and the velocity of each individual sound path should be followed up continuously
in order to monitor the meter.

Section 26, Operation requirements for instrument part. The calibration methods shall be such
that systematic measurement errors are avoided or are compensated for.

Gas densitometers shall be verified against calculated density or other relevant method.

Section 28, Documentation prior to start-up of the metering system. Prior to start-up of the me-
tering system, the operator shall have the following documents available: ., (g) uncertainty

Section 29, Documentation relating to the metering system in operation. Correction shall be
made for documented measurement errors. Correction shall be carried out if the deviation is larger
than 0.02 % of the total volume. If measurement errors have a lower percentage value, correction
shall nevertheless be carried out when the total value of the error is considered to be significant.

If there is doubt as to the time at which a measurement error arose, correction shall apply for half
of the maximum possible time span since it could bave occurred.

Section 30, Information. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate shall be informed about : , (b)
measurement errors, (c) when fiscal measurement data have been corrected based upon calcula-
tions, , etc.

Section 31, Calibration documents. Description of procedure during calibration and inspection,
as well as an overview of results where measurement deviation before and after calibration is
shown, shall be documented. This shall be available for verification at the place of operation.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 220

C.2 NORSOK I-104 requirements (selection)

The NPD regulations for fiscal metering of gas [NPD, 2001] refer to NORSOK I-104
[NORSOK, 1998a] as an accepted norm. The following selection of functional and
technical requrements are taken from NORSOK I-104.

4.1, General. Fiscal measurement systems for hydrocarbon gas include all systems for:
- Sales and allocation meassurement of gas,
- Measurement of fuel and flare gas,
- Sampling,
- Gas chromatograph.

4.2, Uncertainty. Uncertainty limits for sales and allocation measurement (expanded uncertainty
with a coverage factor k = 2): 1.0 % of standard volume (other units may be requested (project
specific), e.g. mass, energy, etc.). (Class A.)

The uncertainty figure shall be calculated for each component and accumulated for the total system
in accordance with the following reference document: Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in

4.4, Calibration. All instruments and field varibles used for fiscal calculations or comparison
with fiscal figures shall be traceably calculated by an accredited laboratory to international/national

All geometrical dimensions used in fiscal calculations shall be traceably measured and certified to
international/national standards.

5.1.3, Equipment / schematic. The measurement system shall consist of:

- A mechanical part, including the flow meter,
- An instrument part,
- A computer part performing calculations for quantity, reporting and control functions.

5.1.7, Maintenance requirements:, Calibration. If it is impossible to calibrate the meter at the relevant process conditions,
the meter shall at least be calibrated for the specific flow velocity range.

5.1.8, Layout requirements. Ultrasonic flow meters shall not be installed in the vicinity of pres-
sure reduction systems (valves, etc.) which may affect the signals.

5.2.2, Mechanical part:, Sizing. The measurement system shall be designed to measure any expected flow rate
with the meters operating within 80 % of their standard range (not extended)., Flow meter designs / ultrasonic meters. The number of paths for ultrasonic meters shall
be determined by required uncertainty limits.

All geometric dimensions of the ultrasonic flow meter that affect the measurement result shall be
measured and certified using traceable equipment, at know temperatures. The material constants
shall be available for corrections.

In order for the ultrasonic meter to be accepted and considered to be of good enough quality the
maximum deviation from the reference during flow calibration shall be less than 1.50 %. The
linearity shall be better than 1.0 % (band) and the repeatablity shall be better than 0.5 % (band).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 221

These requirements are applicable after application of zero flow point calibration but before appli-
cation of any correction factors, for flow velocities above 5 % of the maximum measuring range.

For the meter run, the minimum straight upstream length shall be 10 ID. The minimum straight
downstream length shall be 3 ID. Flow conditioner of a recognized standard shall be installed,
unless it is verified that the ultrasonic meter is not influenced by the layout of the piping upstream
or downstream, in such a way that the overall uncertainty requirements are exceeded., Thermal insulation. The ultrasonic flow meter with associated meter tube should be
thermally insulated upstream and downstream including temperature measurement point, in order
to reduce temperature gradients.

5.2.3, Instrument part:, Location of sensors: Pressure and temperature shall be measured in each of the meter
runs. Density shall be measured by at least two densitometers in the metering station. The den-
sity measurement device shall be installed so that representative measurements are achieved. Pres-
sure and temperature measurement shall be measured as close as possible to the density measure-
ment., Temperature loop. For fiscal measurement applications the smart temperature transmit-
ter and Pt 100 element should be two separate devices where the temperature transmitter shall be
installed in an instrument enclosure connected to the Pt 100 element via a 4-wire system. Alterna-
tively, the Pt 100 element and temperature transmitter may be installed as one unit where the tem-
perature transmitter is head mounted onto the Pt 100 element (4- or 3-wire system).
The Pt 100 element should as minimum be in accordance to EN 60751 tolerance A.

The temperature transmitter and Pt 100 element shall be calibrated as one system where the Pt 100
elements curve-fitted variables shall be downloaded to the temperature transmitter before final ac-
credited calibration. The total uncertainty for the temperature loop shall be better than 0.15 oC., Direct density measurement. Continuous measurement of density is required. The den-
sity shall be measured by the vibrating element technique. Density calculation and calibration shall
be in accordance with company practice. The density shall be corrected to the conditions at the
fiscal measurement point. If density is of the by-pass type temperature compensation shall be ap-

The uncertainty (expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor k = 2) of the complete density cir-
cuit, including drift between calibrations, shall not exceed 0.30 % of measured value., Ultrasonic flow meter. For the ultrasonic flow meter, critical parameters relating to
electronics and transducers shall be determined. It shall be possible to verify the quality of the
electric signal, which represents the acoustic pulse, by automatic monitoring procedures in the in-
strument or by connecting external test equipment.

The transducers shall be marked by serial number or similar to identify their location in the meter
body, etc. A dedicated certificate stating critical parameters shall be attached.

5.2.4, Computer part:, Calculations. The computer shall calculate flow rates and accumulated quantities for
(a) Actual volume flow,
(b) Standard volume flow,
(c) Mass flow, and
(d) Energy flow (application specific).
All calculations shall be performed to full computer accuracy. (No additional truncation or round-

The interval between each cycle for computation of instantaneous flow shall be less than 10 sec-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 222




The present appendix gives the theoretical basis of the model for pressure and tem-
perature correction of the USM meter body given by Eqs. (2.12)-(2.17).

Another objective of the present appendix is to show that Eqs. (2.12)-(2.17) are
practically equivalent to Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22), for USMs where all inclination angles
are 45o, and to evaluate the error of Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) for inclination angles of
practical interest for current USMs, 40 o - 60o.

Having defined the notation and most of the quantities involved in Chapter 2, take as
starting point the temperature and pressure expansion of the inner radius of the meter
body given by Eqs. (2.13) and (2.16)-(2.18), i.e. (cf. e.g. [Lunde et al., 1997, 2001],
[AGA-9, 1998])

R K T K P R0 , where K T 1 + Tdry , K P 1 + Pdry . (D.1)

In the following, the influence of temperature and pressure on the other geometrical
quantities of the meter body are examined, and the consequences for Eq. (2.12) ad-

Temperature change

First, consider a temperature change only, Tdry. The consequences for the geo-
metrical quantities are illustrated in Fig. D.1. From the figure one has

y i 0 = R0 cos i0 (D.2)

Di0 = 2 R02 y i20 (D.3)

Di 0
Li0 = (D.4)
sin i 0

xi 0 = (D.5)
tan i 0
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 223

where Di0 is the chord length of path no. i, and subscript 0 is used to denote the
relevant geometrical quantity at dry calibration conditons.



io Lio
y Dio Di
yio yi

io= i

Fig. D.1 Geometry for acoustic path no. i in the USM, showing changes with temperature, T (sche-

Now, for a temperature change Tdry only, it is assumed here - as a simplification,

depending on the type of pipe support for the meter body - that the meter body will
expand equally in the axial and radial directions130. In this case the angles remain
unchanged, cf. Fig. D.1, i.e.

i = i0 and i = i 0 . (D.6)

Consequently, one obtains

yi = R cos i K T R0 cos i 0 = K T y i 0 , (D.7)

Di = 2 R 2 y i2 2 K T2 R02 K T2 y i20 = K T 2 R02 y i20 = K T Di 0 , (D.8)

Di K D
Li = T i 0 = K T Li 0 , (D.9)
sin i sin i 0

Di K D
xi = T i 0 = K T xi 0 . (D.10)
tan i tan i0

130 This assumption may be a simplification, depending on the type of pipe support for the meter
body. For instance, for nearly "clamped" axial boundary conditions (such as a meter body
mounted in an infinitely long pipe), the meter body is not likely to expand much in the axial di-
rection, and the assumption may be poor. At the other extreme, for "free" axial boundary condi-
tions (a finite pipe section with free ends), the meter body is free to expand in the axial direction,
and the assumption should be a reasonable one. Between these two extremes is expected to be
the case of a meter body mounted in a finite pipe section (between bends).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 224

Pressure change

Next, consider a pressure change, Pdry. The consequences for the geometrical
quantities are illustrated in Fig. D.2. For a uniform internal pressure change, the an-
gle i remains unchanged, i.e.

i = i0 . (D.11)

y Di Dio
yio yi


Fig. D.2 Geometry for acoustic path no. i in the USM, showing changes with pressure, P (schemati-
cally). Illustrated here - without loss of generality - for a cylindrical pipe section model
(ends free), with axial contraction.

Consequently, one obtains

yi = R cos i K P R0 cos i 0 = K P y i 0 , (D.12)

Di = 2 R 2 y i2 2 K P2 R02 K P2 y i20 = K P 2 R02 y i20 = K P Di0 . (D.13)

With respect to displacement in the axial direction, xi, different models for the meter
body pressure expansion / contraction are in use (cf. Table 2.6), and these give dif-
ferent results for the axial displacement. However, the different models can be
treated here conveniently in one single description. Let

xi = K *P xi0 , where K *P 1 + * Pdry , (D.14)

is the correction factor for the for the axial displacement of the USM meter body,
and * is the coefficient of linear pressure expansion for the axial displacement131.

131 For the cylindrical pipe section model (with free ends), one has * = R0 Yw and
* = R0 Yw [Roark, 2001, p. 592], so that * = . For the cylindrical tank model
(with ends capped), one has * = ( R0 Yw)(1 2) and * = ( R0 Yw )( 0.5 ) [Roark, 2001,
p. 593], so that * = (1 2 ) (2 ) .
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 225

One needs to express xi in terms of K P instead of K *P . For this purpose, the ratio of
the two correction factors is written as

K *P 1 + Pdry *

C = 1 ( * )Pdry = 1 1 ( K P 1 ) , (D.15)
KP 1 + Pdry

where C is a number very close to unity. Consequently, Eq. (D.14) can be written as

xi = K P Cxi0 , (D.16)

leading to

[ ( )
Li = xi2 + Di2 K P2 C 2 xi20 + K P2 Di20 = K P2 1 * Pdry xi20 + K P2 Di20 ]

P [ ( *
) ]
K 1 2 Pdry x + K D = K P Li0
2 2
( )
1 2 2 * Pdry (D.17)

= K P Li 0 1 2 cos 2 i 0 * Pdry )

Di K D tan i 0
tan i = P i0 = . (D.18)
xi K P Cxi 0 C

Combined temperature and pressure change

Hence, for a combined temperature and pressure change, one has

yi K T K P y i0 , (D.19)

Di K T K P Di 0 , (D.20)

xi K T K P Cxi 0 (D.21)

tan i0
i tan 1 , (D.22)

For steel ( = 0.3), the ends-free model gives * = 0.3 , and the ends-capped
model gives * = 0.235 . The two models thus have different sign, where the former model
gives axial contracton, and the latter model gives axial expansion.
For the infinitely long pipe model (ends clamped, with no axial displacement), one has
* = 0 so that * = 0 .
The parameters involved are defined in Section 2.3.4 (cf. Table 2.6).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 226

Li K T K P Li0 1 2 cos 2 i0 * Pdry . ( ) (D.23)

Eqs. (D.19)-(D.23) should constitute a relatively general model for the effect of pres-
sure and temperature on the USM meter body, accounting for any model being used
for the radial and axial pressure expansion / contraction of the meter body (i.e. for
and * , respectively). These expressions form the basis of Section 2.3.4.

Meters with inclination angles equal to 45o

From the above analysis, the validity of the commonly used expression for qUSM
given by Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) may be evaluated, as addressed in the following.

From Eqs. (D.1), (D.21) and (D.23) one obtains

R 2 L2i

K T K P R0 ) (K
T (
K P Li 0 1 2 cos 2 i0 * Pdry ) )

xi K T K P Cxi 0

R0 L2i0 3 3 1 2 cos i 0 Pdry

2 *
( ) (D.24)
xi 0 1 B( K P 1 )

[ ( ) ]
R0 L2i0 3 3
= K T K P 1 + ( 1 2 cos 2 i 0 ) * Pdry
xi 0

For USMs for which all inclination angles are 45o, i.e. i 0 = 45o, i = 1, , N, one
has 1 2 cos 2 i 0 = 0 , and Eq. (D.24) reduces to

R 2 L2i R0 L2i 0 3 3
KT K P , i = 1, , N, (D.25)
xi xi 0

so that insertion into Formulation C given in Table 2.5 leads to

N ( N refl ,i + 1 )L2i ( t 1i t 2 i )
qUSM = R 2 wi K T3 K P3 qUSM ,0 (D.26)
i =1 2 xi t 1i t 2i


N ( N refl ,i + 1 )L2i0 ( t 1i t 2i )
qUSM ,0 R 2
0 w
i =1
2 xi0 t 1i t 2 i

is Formulation C with the dry calibration values for the geometrical quantities in-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 227

It has thus been shown that for meters with inclination angles equal to 45o, Formu-
lation C of Table 2.5, in combination with Eqs. (2.13)-(2.17), lead exactly to Eq.
(D.26), which is the same as Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22). That means, the relationship has
been shown for formulation C.

Since formulations A, B, C and D, given by Table 2.5, are equivalent (can easily be
derived from one another), it follows that Eqs. (2.20)-(2.22) apply to all the four

Meters with inclination angles different from 45o

Current USMs use inclination angles in the range 40 to 60o, approximately. To

evaluate whether Eq. (D.26) is a good approximation also for such inclination angles,
the relative error made by using Eq. (D.26) is investigated. From Eq. (D.24) this
relative error is equal to

( )
( 1 2 cos 2 i0 ) * Pdry , (D.28)

which for the three meter body expansion models becomes

( 1 2 cos 2 i 0 ) ( 1 + )Pdry , for the cylindrical pipe section model (ends free),
( 1 2 cos 2 i 0 )Pdry , for the infinite cylindr. pipe model (ends clamped), (D.29)
( 1 2 cos 2 i 0 ) Pdry , for the cylindrical tank model (ends capped),

respectively, where is given in Table 2.6 for two of the models considered here
(ends free and ends capped).

For example, consider the ends-free model, steel ( = 0.3), and a worst case exam-
ple with i 0 = 60o for path no. i. The relative error made by using Eq. (D.26) is then
2 ( 1 + )Pdry = 12 1.3 Pdry , which is typically of the order of 6 10 6 Pdry .
(Here, Pdry is given in bar, and is given in Table 2.6.) For the 12 USM data
given in Table 4.3, pressure deviations of e.g. Pdry = 10 and 100 bar yield relative
errors in flow rate of about 610-5 = 0.006 % and 610-4 = 0.06 %, respectively.

Consequently, for moderate pressure deviations Pdry (a few tens of bar), such errors
can be neglected, and Eq. (D.26) may be used also for inclination angles in the range
40o to 60o. However, for large pressure deviations Pdry ( 100 bars or more), such er-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 228

rors may not be negligible132, and Eq. (D.26) represents an approximation which is
not so good for inclination angles approaching 60o.

Hence, for such pressure deviations and inclination angles, Eq. (2.20) represents only
an approximation (with respect to separation of KP). It should be noted, however,
that KT can be separated out in all cases.

132 The NPD regulations [NPD, 2001] state that Correction shall be made for documented meas-
urement errors. Correction shall be carried out if the deviation is larger than 0.02 % of the total
volume. (cf. section C.1).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 229



The present appendix gives the theoretical basis and mathematical derivation of the
uncertainty model for the USM fiscal gas metering station which is summarized in
Chapter 3.

As described in Section 1.4, the present appendix is included essentially for docu-
mentation of the theoretical basis of the uncertainty model. For practical use of the
Handbook and the computer program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, it is
not necessary to read Appendix E. Chapter 3 is intended to be self-contained in that

For convenience and compactness the detailed derivation of the uncertainty model is
given here for the actual USM volumetric flow rate measurement only, q v , given by
Eqs. (2.1) and (2.9) for the functional relationship, and Eqs. (3.1) and (3.6) for the
relative expanded uncertainty, respectively.

The uncertainty models for the volumetric flow rate at standard conditions, Q, the
mass flow rate, q m , and the energy flow rate, q e , are then obtained easily from the
uncertainty model derived for the volumetric flow rate measurement, q v , simply by
including the uncertainties of P, T, Z/Z0 (for Q), (for q m ), and P, T, Z/Z0 and Hs
(for q e ), as given by Eqs. (3.7)-(3.9), respectively (cf. the footnote accompanying
Eqs. (2.1)-(2.4)).

The overall uncertainty model for the fiscal gas metering station is derived first, cf.
Section E.1. The uncertainty model for the un-flow-corrected USM is then given in
Section E.2. In Section E.3 the results of Section E.2 are combinded with the uncer-
tainty model for the gas metering station, so that the model accounts for the USM
flow calibration, the USM field measurement, the flow calibration laboratory, etc.

On basis of the detailed derivations given here, Chapter 3 summarizes the expres-
sions which are implemented and used in the program EMU USM Fiscal Gas Me-
tering Station.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 230

E.1 Basic uncertainty model for the USM fiscal gas metering station

For the volumetric flow rate measurement, the functional relationship is given by Eq.
(2.1), which is equivalent to Eq. (2.9). The various quantities involved are defined in
Section 2.2.

Since qUSM , j and qUSM are measurement values obtained using the same meter (at the
flow laboratory and in the field, respectively), qUSM , j and qUSM are partially corre-
lated. That is, some contributions to qUSM , j and qUSM are correlated, while others are
uncorrelated. This partial correlation has to be accounted for in the uncertainty

There are several ways to account for the partial correlation between qUSM , j and
qUSM 133. The method used here (for the purpose of deriving the uncertainty model)
is to decompose qUSM , j and qUSM into their correlated and uncorrelated parts, i.e.:

qUSM , j = qUSM
, j + qUSM , j ,

+ qUSM
, (E.2)


Here, qUSM , j and qUSM are those parts of the estimates qUSM , j and qUSM which are as-

sumed to be mutually correlated. They are associated with standard uncertainties

133 Three possible approaches to account for the partial correlation between qUSM , j and qUSM are
addressed in Appendix F. This includes the approach used here, and its relationship to and
equivalence with the approach recommended by the GUM, as given by Eqs. (B.2)-(B.3).

134 This method of decomposition into correlated and uncorrelated parts (of partially correlated
quantities), such as used in Eqs. (E.1)-(E.2), has not been found to be mentionened in other
documents on uncertainty evaluation, such as e.g. [ISO, 1995], [EAL-R2, 1997], [ISO/CD 5168,
2000], [NIS, 1995], [Taylor and Kuyatt, 1994]. However, the method was applied succesfully in
[Lunde et al., 1997], and a variant of this approach (although for a different type of problem) has
been used in [EA-4/02, 1999, Appendix G, p. 23 (D5)].
This method has its main advantage when partial correlations are involved, so that the
correlation coefficient, r, involved in the covariance method recommended by the GUM (cf.
Eqs. (B.2)-(B.3)), is different from 0 and 1 (|r| < 1). The evaluation of r may then in practice
be difficult. However, by using the decomposition method, the inclusion of the correlation co-
efficient r in the evaluation of the standard uncertainty of the measurand is avoided. In fact, the
decomposition method used here and covariance method recommended by the GUM are
equivalent, as shown in Appendix F.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 231

which are due to systematic effects. qUSM , j and qUSM are those parts of the estimates

qUSM , j and qUSM which are assumed to be mutually uncorrelated.

Formally135, thus, by inserting Eqs. (E.1)-(E.2), Eq. (2.9) can be written as

q v = 3600 K dev , j q ref , j . (E.3)
, j + qUSM , j

From Eq. (E.3), the combined variance of the estimate q v is given as

2 2
qv q v
u c2 ( qv ) = u c ( K dev , j ) + u c ( q ref , j )
K dev , j q ref , j
2 2
q q
+ U v u c ( qUSM
) + U v u c ( qUSM
qUSM qUSM , j
q q
+ C v u c ( qUSM
) + C v u c ( qUSM
qUSM qUSM , j

[ ] [
+ u( q comm ) + u( q flocom ) ]2


u c ( qv ) combined standard uncertainty of the output volumetric flow

rate estimate, qv ,

u c ( K dev , j ) combined standard uncertainty of the deviation factor esti-

mate, K dev , j ,

u c ( q ref , j ) combined standard uncertainty of the reference measurement,

q ref , j , at test flow rate no. j (representing the uncertainty of the
flow calibration laboratory),

u c ( qUSM ) U
combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM (represent-
ing the USM uncertainty contributions in field operation, which
are uncorrelated with flow calibration),

135 Note that the decomposition of each of the flow rate measurements qUSM , j and qUSM into two
terms, a correlated and an uncorrelated term, as made in Eqs. (E.1)-(E.3), is used only for the
purpose of developing the uncertainty model. This type of description, with such a decomposi-
tion of the flow rate measurements, is of course never used in any gas metering station or USM
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 232

, j ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM , j , at test

u c ( qUSM
flow rate no. j (representing the USM uncertainty contributions
in flow calibration, which are uncorrelated with field opera-

u c ( qUSM ) C
combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM (represent-
ing the USM uncertainty contributions in field operation, which
are correlated with flow calibration),

,j )
u c ( qUSM combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM , j , at test
flow rate no. j (representing the USM uncertainty contributions
in flow calibration, which are correlated with field operation),

u( q comm ) standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to signal communi-

cation between USM field electronics and flow computer (e.g.
use of analog frequency or digital signal output), in flow cali-
bration and field operation (assembled in on term),

u( q flocom ) standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to flow computer

calculations, in flow calibration and field operation (assembled
in on term).

As explained in Section B.2, the symbol x (the hat notation) has been used to
denote the estimated value of a quantity x, in order to distinguish between a quan-
tity and the estimated value of the quantity.

The contributions appearing in the third line of Eq. (E.4) represent the contributions
to the combined variance from the correlated input estimates qUSM , j and qUSM . The

other terms represent the contributions from the uncorrelated input estimates. To ob-
tain Eq. (E.4), it has been assumed that the deviation factor estimate K dev , j is uncor-
related with the other quantities appearing in Eq. (E.3). This assumption may be
questioned, as K dev , j may be correlated with possible systematic contributions to
q ref , j , but is not addressed further here.

Now, since it follows from Eq. (E.3) that

qv q v qv q
= , = v ,
K dev , j K dev , j q ref , j q ref , j
qv q qv q
= v , = v , (E.5)

q v q q v q
= v , = v ,
qUSM , j
qUSM , j qUSM , j
qUSM , j
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 233

Eq. (E.4) becomes

2 2
u c ( K dev , j )
u c ( q v ) u c ( q ref , j )
= ~ +
q v K dev , j q ref , j
2 2
u c ( qUSM ) u c ( qUSM )
u ( q U )
) u c ( qUSM , j
+ c USM + +
qUSM qUSM , j qUSM qUSM , j
2 2
u( qcomm ) u( q flocom )
+ +
q v q v

To simplify the notation, Eq. (E.6) can be written more conveniently as

E q2v = E K2 dev , j + E q2ref , j + E q2U + E q2U

+ EqC EqC
] +E
2 2
comm + E 2flocom (E.7)

where the definitions

u c ( q v )
E qv ,
q m
u( K dev , j ) u( q ref , j )
E K dev , j , E qref , j ,
K dev , j q ref , j
u c ( qUSM ) u c ( qUSM ,j )
E qU , E qU , (E.8)
qUSM USM , j
qUSM , j
u c ( qUSM ) u c ( qUSM ,j )
E qC , E qC ,
qUSM USM , j
qUSM , j
u( q comm ) u( q flocom )
E comm , E flocom ,
qv q v

have been used, and

E qv relative combined standard uncertainty of the output volumetric flow

rate estimate, qv ,

E K dev , j relative standard uncertainty of the deviation factor estimate, K dev , j .

E qref , j relative standard uncertainty of the reference measurement, q ref , j

(representing the uncertainty of the flow calibration laboratory),
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 234

E qU U
relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM (the
USM uncertainty contributions in field operation, which are uncor-
related with flow calibration),

E qU relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM

, j , at test
USM , j
flow rate no. j (the USM uncertainty contributions in flow calibra-
tion, which are uncorrelated with field operation),

E qC C
relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM (the
USM uncertainty contributions in field operation, which are corre-
lated with flow calibration),

E qC relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM

, j , at test
USM , j
flow rate no. j (the USM uncertainty contributions in flow calibra-
tion, which are correlated with field operation),

E comm relative standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to signal com-

munication between USM field electronics and flow computer (e.g.
use of analog frequency or digital signal communication), in flow
calibration and field operation (assembled in on term).

E flocom relative standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to flow com-

puter calculations, in flow calibration and field operation (assembled
in on term).

In the calculation program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, E K dev , j , E qref , j ,
E comm and E flocom are input relative uncertainties. The terms related to the USM
measurement are analysed in more detail in the following.

E.2 Uncertainty model for the un-flow-corrected USM

Before proceeding with the full uncertainty model for the gas metering station, given
by Eq. (E.7), the relative uncertainty contributions E qU , E qU and E qC - E qC

need to be associated with particular physical effects and uncertainty contributions in

question for the USM. To evaluate this, a model for the uncertainty of the USM is

For this purpose it serves to be useful to first use an expression for the uncertainty of
a un-flow-corrected USM, in which all (or at least most of) the uncertainty contri-
butions are described (Section E.2), and next see what uncertainty terms which are
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 235

cancelled when applying this model to a flow-corrected USM (cf. Section E.3), so
that only deviations relative to flow calibration conditions are accounted for in the
model, as well as possible correlation between flow calibration and field operation.

The uncertainty model of the USM is to be meter independent, in the sense that the
analysis does not rest on specific meter dependent technologies which possibly might
exclude application to some meters. This means that the analysis has to be kept on a
relatively general level, so that e.g. meter dependent integration techniques, transit
time detection methods, dry calibration methods, etc., are not to be accounted

E.2.1 Basic USM uncertainty model

From [Lunde et al., 1997 (Eqs. (5.3) and (5.18)] and [Lunde et al., 2000a (Eq. (7.2)],
it is known that the relative combined standard uncertainty of the un-flow-corrected
USM volumetric flow rate reading, qUSM , can be modelled as137, 138, 139

136 However, it should be noted that the uncertainty model and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station can be extended to account for meter dependent technologies, such as specific
integration techniques, transit time detection methods, dry calibration methods, etc. That
means, variants of the program can be tailored to described the uncertainty of a specific meter (or
meters), used in a gas metering station. Such extension(s) may be of particular interest for meter
manufacturer(s), but also for users of that specific meter. Cf. Chapter 6.

137 The derivation of Eq. (E.9) has not been included here since that would further increase the pres-
ent appendix, and since the detailed derivation is available in [Lunde et al., 1997].

138 One modification has been made here relative to the expression given in [Lunde et al., 1997]
(Eqs. (5.3) and (5.18) of that report). In the last term of Eq. (E.9) the expression
2 2

[ ] [ ]
N * (n)
s E
t 1i
+s E
t 1i ,C
t 2i has ben replaced by
t 2 i ,C s t 1i E t 1i ,C + s *t 2 i E t(2ni ,)C . That means, not
i =1 i =1
only is the correlation between upstream and downstream propagation in path no. i accounted
for, but also the correlation between the different paths.
It should be noted that this approach represents a simplification. Ideally, terms of both
types mentioned above should be accounted for in the uncertainty model, since some effects will
be correlated between paths (electronics/transducer delay and t-correction (P & T effects, drift),
etc.), while others may be uncorrelated between paths (transducer deposits, etc.). The model can
easily be extended to account for both correlated and uncorrelated effects between paths, by ac-
countinfg for both types of uncertainty terms. That has not been done here, to avoid a too com-
plex user interface (difficulty in specifying USM input uncertainties). However, after some time,
as the USM technology grows more mature, it may be more relevant to include both effects in
possible future updates of the Handbook and the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Sta-
tion. Cf. Chapter 6.

139 In the GARUSO model, an expression corresponding to Eq. (E.9) is used (with the modification
described in the footnote above). In addition, expressions are given for the various uncertainty
terms appearing in Eq. (E.9). In the present Handbook, these more detailed expressions are not
used, in order to keep the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station on a more generic
level, to avoid a too high "user treshold" (difficulty in specifying USM input uncertainties).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 236

[ ]
E q2USM E I2 + ( s *R E R ) 2 + ( s *yi E yi ) 2 + ( s*i Ei ) 2
i =1

[( s ] [ ]
+ *
t 1i Et(1ni ,,UU ) ) 2 + ( s *t 2 i Et(2ni,,UU ) ) 2 + ( s t*1i Et(1ni ,,UC ) ) 2 + ( s *t 2 i Et(2ni,,CU ) ) 2 (E.9)
N ave i =1 i =1
+ s *t 1i E t(1ni ,)C + s *t 2 i Et(2ni ,)C , ]
i =1

where the definitions

u( qUSM ,I ) u c ( R )
EI , ER ,
u c ( y i ) u ( )
E yi , Ei c i ,
y i i
( n ,U )
u c ( t ) u c ( t 2( in,U,U ) )
E ( n ,U )
t 1i ,U 1i ,U
, E ( n ,U )
t 2 i ,U , (E.10)
t 1i t 2i
u c ( t 1(in,U,C ) ) u c ( t 2( in,U,C ) )
E ( n ,C )
t 1i ,U , E ( n ,C )
t 2 i ,U ,
t 1i t 2i
u c ( t 1(in,C) ) u c ( t 2( in,C) )
Et(1ni ,)C , Et(2ni ,)C ,
t 1i t 2 i

have been used for the respective relative standard uncertainties. Here, Nave is the
number of time averagings used for a transit time measurement, and

u( qUSM ,I ) standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM , due to approximating

the integral expression for qUSM by a numerical integration (i.e. a
finite sum over the number of acoustic paths).

u c ( R ) combined standard uncertainty of the pipe radius estimate, R .

u c ( y i ) combined standard uncertainty of the lateral path position esti-

mate, yi .

For example, in GARUSO the integration uncertainty EI is calculated from more basic
input (e.g. flow velocity profiles (analytical or based on CFD modelling), USM integration
method, etc.). In the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station, EI is to be specified
and documented by the USM manufacturer. Similar situations apply to e.g. the transit time un-
certainties of Eq. (E.9).
It may be noted, however, that such more detailed expressions can be implemented in
the program as well, if that should is of interest (e.g. for USM manufacturers), cf. Chapter 6.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 237

u c ( i ) combined standard uncertainty of the inclination angle esti-

mate, i .

u c ( t 1(in,U,U ) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 1(in,U,U ) (the part of the upstream

transit time estimate t 1(in ) which is uncorrelated with respect to
downstream propagation, and uncorrelated with respect to the
Nave upstream shots140 of path no. i)141.

u c ( t 2( in,U,U ) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 2( in,U,U ) (the part of the down-

stream transit time estimate t 2( in ) which is uncorrelated with re-
spect to upstream propagation, and uncorrelated with respect to
the Nave downstream shots of path no. i).

u c ( t 1(in,U,C ) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 1(in,U,C ) (the part of the upstream

transit time estimate t 1(in ) which is uncorrelated with respect to
downstream propagation, and correlated with respect to the Nave
upstream shots of path no. i).

u c ( t 2( in,U,C ) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 2( in,U,C ) (the part of the down-

stream transit time estimate t 2( in ) which is uncorrelated with re-
spect to upstream propagation, and correlated with respect to the
Nave downstream shots of path no. i).

u c ( t 1(in,C) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 1(in,C) (the part of the upstream

transit time estimate t 1(in ) which is correlated with respect to
downstream propagation, and correlated with respect to the Nave
upstream shots of path no. i).

u c ( t 2( in,C) ) combined standard uncertainty of t 2( in,C) (the part of the down-

stream transit time estimate t 2( in ) which is correlated with respect
to upstream propagation, and correlated with respect to the Nave
downstream shots of path no. i).

Here, E I is the relative standard integration uncertainty, i.e. the contribution to the
relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM , due to use of the finite-
sum integration formula instead of the integral. E I accounts for effects of installa-

140 For simplicity, a shot refers here to a single pulse in a sequence of N pulses being averaged.
The superscript n refers to shot no. n in the sequence n = 1, , N.

141 With respect to transit times and their uncertainties, subscripts U and C refer to uncorrelated
and correlated estimates, respectively, with respect to upstream and downstream propagation
(for shot no. n, at path no. i).
Superscripts U and C refer to uncorrelated and correlated estimates, respectively,
with respect to different shots (for a given propagation direction at path no. i).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 238

tion conditions influencing on flow profiles, such as pipe bend configurations, flow
conditioners, pipe roughness, etc.

E R is the relative standard uncertainty of the meter body inner radius estimate, R .
E R accounts for the instrument (measurement) uncertainty when measuring R at
dry calibration conditions, pressure / temperature effects on R (including possible
pressure / temperature corrections), and out-of-roundness.

E yi is the relative standard uncertainty of the lateral chord position estimate, y i , for
path no. i. E yi accounts for the instrument (measurement) uncertainty when measur-
ing y i at dry calibration, and pressure / temperature effects on y i (including pos-
sible pressure / temperature corrections).

Ei is the relative standard uncertainty of the inclination angle estimate i , for path
no. i. Ei accounts for the instrument (measurement) uncertainty when measuring i
at dry calibration, and temperature effects on i (including possible temperature

Et(1ni ,,UU ) and Et(2ni,,UU ) are the relative combined standard uncertainties of those contribu-
tions to the upstream and downstream transit time estimates t1(in ) and t 2( in ) , respec-
tively, which are uncorrelated with respect to upstream and downstream propaga-
tion, and also uncorrelated with respect to the Nave shots (for a given propagation
direction of path no. i). They represent random time fluctuation effects142, such as
incoherent noise and turbulence effects (random velocity fluctuations, and random
temperature fluctuations).

Et(1ni ,,UC ) and Et(2ni,,CU ) are the relative combined standard uncertainties of those contribu-
tions to the upstream and downstream transit time estimates t1(in ) and t 2( in ) , respec-
tively, which are uncorrelated with respect to upstream and downstream propaga-
tion, but correlated with respect to the Nave shots (for a given propagation direc-
tion of path no. i). They represent e.g. effects of the clock resolution of the time de-
tection system in the meter, and coherent noise.

Et(1ni ,)C and Et(2ni ,)C are the relative combined standard uncertainties of those contribu-
tions to the upstream and downstream transit time estimates t1(in ) and t 2( in ) , respec-

142 By random effects are here meant effects which are not equal or correlated from "shot" to "shot",
and which therefore will be affected significantly by averaging of measurements over time.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 239

tively, which are correlated, both with respect to upstream and downstream propa-
gation, and with respect to the Nave shots (for a given propagation direction of path
no. i). They represent systematic effects due to cable/electronics/transducer
/diffraction time delay correction (including finite beam effects), possible cavity de-
lay correction, possible transducer deposits, possible beam reflection at the pipe wall
(for USMs using reflecting paths) and sound refraction (profile effects on transit

s *R , s *yi , s*i , s t*1i , st*2i are the relative (non-dimensional) sensitivity coefficients for the
sensitivity of the estimate Q to the input estimates R , y , ,t ,t , respectively,
i i 1i 2i

given as

1 N
Qi yi R ( 2
s =
Qi 2 + , s yi = sgn( y i )
, (E.11a)
Q i =1 (
1 y i R
) Q 1 y i R ( )

Qi 2 i

Q t 2 i Q t 1i
si =
, st*1i = i , st*2i = i , (E.11b)
Q tan 2 i
Q t 1i t 2i Q t 1i t 2 i

respectively, where for convenience in notation, the definititions

PT0 Z 0 ( N refl + 1 ) R 2 y i2 ( t 1i t 2i )
Q Qi , Qi 7200R 2
wi , (E.12)
i =1 P0 TZ t 1i t 2 i sin 2 i

have been used.

The last (sum) term appearing in Eq. (E.9) involves the upstream and downstream
relative sensitivity coefficients of path no. i, s t*1i and st*2i . From Eqs. (E.11) these are
about equal in magnitude but have opposite signs. Thus, for equal drift in the up-
stream and downstream transit times - that means, equal relative combined standard
uncertainties Et(1ni ,)C and Et(2ni ,)C , the resulting relative combined variance due to such
drift will be comparably small and nearly negligible relative to the other (uncorre-
lated) terms. The partial cancelling effect obtained in USMs through the transit time
difference t 1i - t 2i , is thus accounted for in the uncertainty model through this last
(sum) term in Eq. (E.9).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 240

E.2.2 Simplified USM uncertainty model

In order to avoid a too high user treshold of the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas
Metering Station, with respect to specification of USM input uncertainties, the USM
uncertainty model given by Eq. (E.9) can be further simplified with respect to transit
time uncertainties, without much loss of generality. Note that this is a simplification
relative to the GARUSO model [Lunde et al., 1997].

E.2.2.1 Uncorrelated transit time contributions

In the following, it is assumed that Et(1ni ,,UU ) and Et(2ni,,UU ) are about equal, so that they
can be replaced by a single relative uncertainty term, here denoted as EtU1i ,U . That

Et(2ni,,UU ) Et(1ni ,,UU ) EtU1i ,U . (E.13)

This assumption is motivated by the fact that Et(1ni ,,UU ) and Et(2ni,,UU ) are associated with
random transit time fluctuation effects on two acoustic signals that are propagating in
opposite directions almost simultanously in time (upstream and downstream shot
no. n), see Section E.2.1.

Similarly, it is assumed that Et(1ni ,,UC ) and Et(2ni,,CU ) are about equal, so that they can be
replaced by a single relative uncertainty term, to be denoted by EtC1i ,U , i.e.

Et(2ni,,CU ) Et(1ni ,,UC ) EtC1i ,U . (E.14)

This assumption is motivated by the fact that Et(1ni ,,UC ) and Et(2ni,,CU ) are associated with
random and systematic transit time effects on two acoustic signals that are propagat-
ing in opposite directions almost simultanously in time (upstream and downstream
shot no. n), see Section E.2.1.

To further simplify the notation, and without loss of generality, it is then natural to

Et 1i ,U ( EtU1i ,U ) 2 + ( EtC1i ,U )2 . (E.15)
N ave

This single relative uncertainty term Et 1i ,U thus accounts for the effects of turbulence
(random velocity fluctuations, and random temperature fluctuations), noise (incoher-
ent and coherent), finite clock resolution, electronics stability (possible random ef-
fects), possible random effects in signal detection/processing (e.g. erronous signal
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 241

period identification), and power supply variations, on the upstream and downstream
transit times of path no. i (cf. Section E.2.1).

E.2.2.2 Correlated transit time contributions

For the correlated uncertainties, it is in the following assumed that Et(1ni ,)C are about
equal for all Nave upstream shots of path no. i, and simply denoted Et 1i ,C , i.e.

Et(1ni ,)C Et 1i ,C . (E.16)

Similarly, it is assumed that Et(2ni ,)C are about equal for all Nave downstream shots of
path no. i, and simply denoted Et 2 i ,C , i.e.

Et(2ni ,)C Et 2 i ,C . (E.17)

These assumptions are motivated by the fact that each of Et(1ni ,)C and Et(2ni ,)C is associ-
ated with systematic transit time effects on Nave acoustic signals that are propagating
in the same direction almost simultanously in time, see Section E.2.1.

Such systematic effects are e.g. cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay

correction, possible cavity delay correction, possible transducer deposits, possible
beam reflection at the pipe wall (for USMs using reflecting paths) and sound refrac-
tion (profile effects on transit times), cf. Section E.2.1.

E.2.2.3 Simplified USM uncertainty model

Insertion of Eqs. (E.13)-(E.17) into Eq. (E.9), and using the fact that st*1i st*2i , yields
a simplified expression for the relative standard uncertainty of the un-flow-corrected

[ ]
E q2USM E I2 + ( s *R E R )2 + ( s *yi E yi ) 2 + ( s*i Ei ) 2 + 2( s *t 1i Et 1i ,U ) 2
i =1
2 (E.18)
[ ]
+ s *t 1i Et 1i ,C + s*t 2 i Et 2 i ,C
i =1

As a basis for the identification of uncertainty contributions to be made in Section

E.3, a description of the various relative uncertainties appearing in Eq. (E.18) is
summarized in Table E.1.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 242

Table E.1. Relative uncertainties involved in the uncertainty model of the un-flow-corrected USM.

Uncertainty Description

ER Relative standard uncertainty of the meter body inner radius estimate, R , due to e.g.:
instrument uncertainty when measuring R at dry calibration conditions,
P & T effects on R (including possible P & T corrections),
E yi Relative standard uncertainty of the lateral chord position estimate, y i , due to e.g.:
instrument uncertainty when measuring y i at dry calibration conditions,
P & T effects on y i (including possible P & T corrections),
Ei Relative standard uncertainty of the inclination angle estimate, i , due to e.g.:
instrument uncertainty when measuring i at dry calibration conditions,
P effects on i (including possible P correction),
Et 1i ,U Relative standard uncertainty of those contributions to the transit time estimates t 1i
and t 2 i which are uncorrelated with respect to upstream and downstream propaga-
tion, such as:
turbulence (transit time fluctuations due to random velocity and temperature
incoherent noise (RFI, pressure control valve (PRV) noise, pipe vibrations,
coherent noise (acoustic and electromagnetic cross-talk, acoustic reverberation
in pipe, etc.)
finite clock resolution,
electronics stability (possible random effects),
possible random effects in signal detection/processing (e.g. erronous signal
period identification),
power supply variations.
Et 1i ,C Relative standard uncertainty of those contributions to the upstream transit time esti-
mate t 1i (downstream transit time estimate t 2 i ) which are correlated with respect to
( Et 2 i ,C ) upstream and downstream propagation, such as:
cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay, including finite-beam
effects (line P and T effects, ambient temperature effects, drift, effects of
possible transducer exchange),
t-correction (line P and T effects, ambient temperature effects, drift,
reciprocity, effects of possible transducer exchange),
possible systematic effects in signal detection/processing (e.g. erronous signal
period identification)
possible cavity delay correction,
possible deposits at transducer front (lubricants, liquid, wax, grease),
sound refraction (flow profile effects on transit times),
possible beam reflection at the meter body wall.
EI Relative standard integration uncertainty, due to effects of installation conditions
influencing on flow velocity profiles, such as:
pipe bend configurations upstream of USM,
in-flow profile to upstream pipe bends,
meter orientation relative to pipe bends,
initial wall roughness,
changed wall roughness over time (corrosion, wear, pitting, etc.),
possible wall deposits / contamination (lubricants, liquid, grease, etc.).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 243

E.3 Combining the uncertainty models of the gas metering station and
the USM

In the following, the uncertainty model for the un-flow-corrected USM, Eq. (E.18), is
to be used in combination with the uncertainty model for the gas metering station,
Eq. (E.7), in which flow calibration of the USM is accounted for. That means, one is
to associate each of the relative uncertainty contributions E qU , E qU and E qC -

E qC with specific physical effects and uncertainty contributions in the USM. For
USM , j

this purpose, Eq. (E.18) and Table E.1 is used. However, Eq. (E.18) needs some
modification to account for flow calibration effects.

E.3.1 Consequences of flow calibration on USM uncertainty contributions

The method used here to associate the various uncertainty contributions of Table E.1
with E qU , E qU and E qC - E qC , is to evaluate qualitatively each of the uncer-

tainty contributions of Table E.1 with respect to

(1) which effects that are (practically) eliminated by flow calibration, and
(2) for those effects that are not eliminated by flow calibration, whether they are cor-
related or uncorrelated with respect to field operation re. flow calibration.

Table E.2 summarizes the results of this evaluation.

E.3.2 Modified uncertainty model for flow calibrated USM

In Eqs. (E.9) and (E18), the uncertainty terms related to R , yi and i , i = 1, , N,

have been assumed to be uncorrelated. This is a simplification, as commented in
[Lunde et al., 1997]. In practice, they will be partially correlated. For example, in-
strument (measurement) uncertainties are typically uncorrelated, as well as the out-
of-roundness uncertainty of R . However, P and T effects are correlated, cf. Table

By flow calibration, the uncorrelated contributions to E R , E yi and Ei are practically

eliminated (instrument uncertainties, out-of-roundness), cf. Table E.2. The remain-
ing uncertainty terms are those related to P and T effects, which are correlated. For
application to a flow calibrated USM, thus, the uncertainty model given by Eq.
(E.18) needs to be modified, to accont for such contributions. That means, in this
case the term
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 244

[ ]
( s *R E R ) 2 + ( s *yi E yi ) 2 + ( s*i Ei ) 2
i =1

appearing in Eq. (E.18) is not valid and needs to be modified (replaced by one of the
terms in Eq. (E.24), see below).

Table E.2. Evaluation of uncertainty contributions in the uncertainty model for the un-flow-corrected USM, Eq. (E.18), with
respect to effects of flow calibration.

Uncertainty Eliminated Correlated or

Contribution (examples)
term in by flow uncorrelated effect ?
USM model calibration? (flow calibration re. field)
ER instrument uncertainty (at dry calibration), Eliminated
P & T effects (including possible P & T corrections) Correlated
out-of-roundness Eliminated
E yi instrument uncertainty (at dry calibration) Eliminated
P & T effects (including possible P & T corrections) Correlated
Ei instrument uncertainty (dry calibration) Eliminated
P effect (including possible P correction) Correlated
Et 1i ,U turbulence (random velocity and temperature fluct.) Uncorrelated
incoherent noise Uncorrelated
coherent noise Uncorrelated
finite clock resolution Uncorrelated
electronics stability (possible random effects) Uncorrelated
possible random effects in signal detection/processing Uncorrelated
power supply variations Uncorrelated

Et 1i ,C cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay Correlated

t-correction Correlated
possible cavity delay correction Correlated
possible systematic effects in signal detection Correlated
possible deposits at transducer front Correlated
sound refraction (flow profile effects on transit times) Correlated
possible beam reflection at the pipe wall Eliminated

Et 2 i ,C cable/electronics/transducer/diffraction time delay Correlated

t-correction Correlated
possible cavity delay correction Correlated
possible systematic effects in signal detection Correlated
possible deposits at transducer front Correlated
sound refraction (flow profile effects on transit times) Correlated
possible beam reflection at the pipe wall Eliminated
EI pipe bend configurations upstream of USM Correlated
in-flow profile to upstream bends Correlated
meter orientation relative to pipe bends Correlated
initial wall roughness (corrosion, wear, pitting, etc.) Eliminated
changed wall roughness over time Correlated
possible wall deposits / contamination Correlated
possible use of flow conditioners Eliminated

For this purpose, one needs to revisit the basic USM uncertainty model derivation
given in [Lunde et al., 1997]. However, it is necessary here to consider only the
terms related to R , yi and i , i = 1, , N, and account for correlations between
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 245

those. With respect to these parameters, Eq. (5.5) in [Lunde et al., 1997] is then re-
written as (using Eq. (B.3))

2 2 2
u ( Q ) =
u c ( R ) + u c ( yi ) + u c ( i )
R i =1 y i

i =1 i
+ 2 r( R , y i ) u c ( R )u c ( y i ) + 2 r( R , i ) u c ( R )u c ( i )
i =1 R y i i =1 R i
+ 2 r( y i , j ) u c ( y i )u c ( j ) + 2 r( y i , y j ) u c ( y i )u c ( y j )
i =1 j =1 y i j i =1 j =1 y i y j
+ 2 r( i , j ) u c ( i )u c ( j ) + other terms
i =1 j =1 i j

where r( a ,b ) is the correlation coefficient of the estimates a and b . Now, let

r( a , b ) = sign( a ) sign( b ) , (E. 20)

where sign( a ) = 1 for a 0, and -1 for a < 0. This is valid for the correlation
between R and yi , and between yi and y j , i, j = 1, , N. For the correlation be-
tween R and i , between yi and i , and between i and j , i, j = 1, , N, how-
ever, Eq. (E.20) represents an approximation, since i is not temperature dependent
whereas R and yi are (cf. Eqs. (D.1), (D.19) and (D.22)). However, the approxi-
mation may be reasonably valid since the i -dependence of the meter body uncer-
tainty is very weak (cf. Table 4.17 and Fig. 5.15).

Eqs. (E.19) and (E.20) lead to

2 2 2
u ( Q ) =
u c ( R ) + u c ( y i ) + u c ( i )
i =1 i
R i = 1 i
+ 2 sign( R )sign( y i ) u c ( R )u c ( y i ) + 2 sign( R )sign( i ) u c ( R )u c ( i )
i =1 R y i i =1 R i

+ 2 sign( y i )sign( j ) u c ( y i )u c ( j ) + 2 sign( y i )sign( y i ) u c ( y i )u c ( y j )
i =1 j =1 y i j i =1 j =1 y i y j
+ 2 sign( i )sign( i ) u c ( i )u c ( j ) + other terms
i =1 j =1

which can be written as (since sign( R ) = 1 )

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 246

u ( Q ) =
u c ( R ) + sign( y i ) u c ( y i ) + sign( i ) u ( ) + other terms . (E.22)

R y c i
i = 1 i i = 1 i

Consequently, for a flow calibrated USM, Eq. (E.9) is to be replaced by

[ ]

E 2
qUSM E + s *R E R + sign( y i )s *yi E yi + sign( i )s*i Ei
i =1

[ ] [ ]
+ ( s*t 1i Et(1ni ,,UU ) )2 + ( s*t 2i Et(2ni,,UU ) )2 +
N ave i =1 i =1
( st*1i Et(1ni ,,UC ) ) 2 + ( st*2i Et(2ni,,CU ) )2 (E.23)
+ s*t 1i Et(1ni ,)C + s t*2 i Et(2ni ,)C ,
i =1

and it follows that Eq. (E.18) is to be replaced by

[ ]

E 2
qUSM E + s *R E R + sign( y i )s *yi E yi + sign( i )s*i Ei
i =1
. (E.24)

+ 2 ( s *t 1i Et 1i ,U ) 2 + s*t 1i Et 1i ,C + s *t 2 i Et 2 i ,C
i =1 i =1

Eq. (E.24) is the expression used in the following for the uncertainty of the flow cali-
brated USM.

E.3.3 Identification of USM uncertainty terms

E.3.3.1 Uncorrelated contributions, for flow calibration re. field operation (repeatability)

In Eq. (E.7), the term E qU represents the USM uncertainty contributions in field

operation, which are uncorrelated with flow calibration, cf. Section E.1. Thus, on
basis of the fourth column in Table E.2 and Eq. (E.24), the identification
E q2U = 2 ( s *t 1i Et 1i ,U ) 2 (E.25)
i =1

has been made here. Moreover, from of the second column in Table E.2, Et 1i ,U is to
be associated with the repeatability of the transit time measurements in field opera-
tion, at the flow rate in question. Consequently, E qU represents the repeatability of

the USM measurement in field operation, at the flow rate in question. Hence, it is
convenient to define
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 247

E rept E qU , (E.26)


E rept repeatability (relative combined standard uncertainty, i.e. standard

deviation) of the USM measurement in field operation (volumetric
flow rate), at the flow rate in question (due to random transit time ef-

Similarly, in Eq. (E.7) the term E qU represents the USM uncertainty contributions
USM , j

in flow calibration (at test flow rate no. j), which are uncorrelated with field opera-
tion, cf. Section E.1. On basis of the fourth column in Table E.2 and Eq. (E.24), the
E q2U = 2 ( st*1i Et 1i ,U , j )2 (E.27)
USM , j
i =1

has been made here. From the second column in Table E.2, Et 1i ,U , j is to be associ-
ated with the repeatability of the transit time measurements in flow calibration, at test
flow rate no. j. Consequently, E qU is to represent the repeatability of the USM
USM , j

measurement in flow calibration, at test flow rate no. j. Hence, it is convenient to de-

E rept , j E qU , (E.28)
USM , j


E rept , j repeatability (relative combined standard uncertainty, i.e. standard

deviation) of the flow calibration measurement (volumetric flow
rate), at test flow rate no. j, j = 1, , M (due to random transit time
effects on the N acoustic paths of the USM, and the repeatability of
the flow laboratory reference measurement).

E.3.3.2 Correlated contributions, for flow calibration re. field operation

In Eq. (E.7), the terms E qC and E qC represent those USM uncertainty contribu-

tions in field operation, which are correlated with flow calibration, and vice versa,
cf. Section E.1. Thus, on basis of the third and fourth columns in Table E.2, the
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 248

[E ] E [ ]

+ s*R E R , + sign( y i )s *yi E yi , + sign( i )s*i Ei ,
EqC 2
I ,
USM , j
i =1

[ ]
+ st*1i Et1i ,C + s t*2 i Et2 i ,C
i =1

has been made here, where

E I , relative standard uncertainty of the USM integration method due to

change of installation conditions from flow calibration to field op-

E R , relative combined standard uncertainty of the meter body inner ra-

dius, R , due to possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature
between flow calibration and field operation.

E yi , relative combined standard uncertainty of the lateral chord position

of acoustic path no. i, y i , due to possible deviation in pressure
and/or temperature between flow calibration and field operation.

Ei , relative combined standard uncertainty of the inclination angle of

acoustic path no. i, y i , due to possible deviation in pressure and/or
temperature between flow calibration and field operation.

Et1i ,C relative standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic transit time

effects on upstream propagation of acoustic path no. i, t 1i , due to
possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature between flow cali-
bration and field operation.

Et2 i ,C relative standard uncertainty of uncorrected systematic transit time

effects on downstream propagation of acoustic path no. i, t 2i , due to
possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature between flow cali-
bration and field operation.

Note that the sub/superscript used in Eq. (E.29) denotes that only deviations
relative to the conditions at the flow calibration are to be accounted for in the ex-
pressions involving this sub/superscript. That means, systematic effects which are
(practically) eliminated at flow calibration (cf. Table E.2), are not to be accounted for
in this expression.

Now, for convenience in notation, define

E rad , s*R E R , , (E.30)

Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 249

E chord , sign( y i )s *yi E yi , , (E.31)
i =1

E angle , sign( i )s*i Ei , , (E.32)
i =1

( )
Etime , s *t 1i Et1i ,C + s *t 2i Et2i ,C , (E.33)
i =1


E rad , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the meter body inner radius, R , caused by possible de-
viation in pressure and/or temperature between flow calibration and
field operation.

E chord , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the lateral chord positions of the N acoustic paths, y i , i =
1, , N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature
between flow calibration and field operation.

E angle , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to un-

certainty of the inclination angles of the N acoustic paths, i , i = 1,
, N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or temperature
between flow calibration and field operation.

Etime , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to

systematic effects on the transit times of the N acoustic paths, t 1i and
t 2i , i = 1, , N, caused by possible deviation in pressure and/or
temperature between flow calibration and field operation.

E.3.4 Uncertainty model of the USM fiscal gas metering station

From Eqs. (E.7) and (E.26)-(E.33), the relative combined standard uncertainty of the
USM volumetric flow rate measurement becomes

E q2v = E K2 dev , j + E q2ref , j + E rept

, j + E rept

+E 2
I , (
+ E rad , + Echord , + E angle , )
+E 2
time , +E 2
comm +E 2

Since most conveniently, input to the program EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering
Station may be given at different levels, it may be useful to rewrite Eq. (E.34) as
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 250

E q2v = E cal
+ Ecomm
+ E 2flocom , (E.35)


E cal E K2 dev , j + E q2ref , j + E rept
,j , (E.36)

EUSM E rept
, , (E.37)

, E body , + E time , + E I ,
2 2 2 2
EUSM , (E.38)

Ebody , E rad , + Echord , + E angle , . (E.39)


E cal relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to

flow calibration of the USM.

EUSM relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to

field operation of the USM.

EUSM , relative standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , related to field op-

eration of the USM.

Ebody , relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qv , due to

change of the USM meter body from flow calibration to field opera-
tion. That is, uncertainty of the meter body inner radius, R , the lat-
eral chord positions of the N acoustic paths, y i , and the inclination
angles of the N acoustic paths, i , i = 1, , N, caused by possible
deviation in pressure and/or temperature between flow calibration
and field operation.

Eqs. (E.35)-(E.39) are the same as Eqs. (3.6), (3.16), (3.19), (3.20) and (3.22).

The corresponding relative expanded uncertainty of the volumetric flow rate meas-
urement is given from Eq. (E.35) to be

U ( q v ) u ( q )
= k c v = k E qv , (E.40)
qv q v
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 251

where U ( q v ) is the expanded uncertainty of the estimate qv . For specification of

the expanded uncertainty at a 95 % confidence level, a coverage factor k = 2 is rec-
ommended [ISO, 1995; EAL-R2, 1997].
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 252




As mentioned in Section E.1, there are several ways to account for the partial corre-
lation between qUSM , j and qUSM . Three possible approaches to account for such par-
tial correlation are addressed briefly here. This includes (1) the covariance method
recommended by the GUM [ISO, 1995] (Section F.1), (2) thedecomposition
method used in Appendix E (Section F.2), and (3) a variance method, which is
often useful, but which for the present application (with a rather complex functional
relationship) has been more complex to use than the method chosen (Section F.3).

In Section F.2 the decomposition approach used in Appendix E is shown to be

equivalent with the covariance method recommended by the GUM, for evaluation
of partially correlated quantities. The reason for choosing the decomposition
method for the analysis of Appendix E is addressed.

F.1 The covariance method

The classical way to account for partially correlation between quantities is the co-
variance method recommended by the GUM [ISO, 1995], given by Eqs. (B.2)-(B.3).
From the functional relationship given by Eq. (2.9), the combined variance of the es-
timate q v is then given as

2 2
qv q v
u ( qv ) =
u c ( K dev , j ) + u c ( q ref , j ) + u c ( qUSM )
K dev , j q ref , j qUSM

q v qv qv
+ u c ( qUSM , j ) + 2r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) u c ( qUSM )u c ( qUSM , j ) (F.1)
qUSM , j qUSM qUSM , j
[ ] [
+ u( q comm ) + u( q flocom ) ]

where r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) is the correlation coefficient for the correlation between the
estimates qUSM and qUSM , j (|r| < 1), and
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 253

u c ( qUSM ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM (represent-

ing the USM uncertainty in field operation),

u c ( qUSM , j ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate qUSM , j (repre-

senting the USM uncertainty in flow calibration),

The other terms are defined in Appendix E.

Use of the covariance method, Eq. (F.1), involves evaluation of the correlation co-
efficient r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) , which may be difficult in practice, as r is different from 0
and 1. For this reason an alternative (and equivalent) method has been used, as de-
scribed in Section F.2.

F.2 The decomposition method

The decomposition method which has been used in the present Handbook is de-
scribed in detail in Appendix E. Here some more general aspects and properties of
the method are addressed.

The main advantage of this method is that no correlation coefficient r( qUSM , qUSM , j )
is involved, so that evaluation of a numerical value for this coefficient is avoided.
Instead, first the physical contributions to qUSM and qUSM , j are identified, i.e. the
physical effects which are influencing them (cf. Table E.1). Next, each contribution
is evaluated, i.e. whether it is correlated or uncorrelated between flow calibration and
field operation, based on skilled judgement and experience (cf. Table E.2). Identifi-
cation of terms is then made, as described in Section E.3.

However, since the covariance method is the method recommended by the GUM,
the decomposition method is to be shown to be equivalent to the covariance
method, to justify its use. Hence, Eq. (E.4) is to be related to Eq. (F.1). For this
purpose, Eq. (E.4) can be rewritten as

2 2
qv q v
u c2 ( qv ) = u c ( K dev , j ) + u c ( q ref , j )
K dev , j q ref , j
q v 2 U
q v 2 U
+ [
u c ( qUSM ) + u c2 ( qUSM
) +

u c ( qUSM , j ) + u c2 ( qUSM
,j )]
qUSM qUSM , j
qv qv
+2 C
u c ( qUSM C
)u c ( qUSM
, j ) + u( q comm ) + u( q flocom ) ] [ 2
qUSM qUSM , j
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 254

2 2
q v q v
= u c ( K dev , j ) + u c ( q ref , j )
K dev , j q ref , j
2 2
q v q v
+ u c ( qUSM ) + u c ( qUSM , j ) (F.2)
qUSM qUSM , j
q v q v
qUSM qUSM , j
u c ( qUSM C
)u c ( qUSM , j ) + u( q comm )
+ u( q flocom )
] [ ]

where the identities

qv q q v q v q qv
= Cv = , = Cv = (F.3)
qUSM , j qUSM , j qUSM , j


u c2 ( qUSM ) = u c2 ( qUSM
) + u c2 ( qUSM
) , u c2 ( qUSM , j ) = u c2 ( qUSM
, j ) + u c ( qUSM , j )
2 C

have been used, cf. Eq. (E.3) and Eqs. (E.1)-(E.2), respectively.

Eq. (F.2) (obtained by the decomposition method) becomes identical to Eq. (F.1)
(obtained by the covariance method) by defining
u c ( qUSM )u c ( qUSM ,j )
r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) = , (F.5)
u c ( qUSM )u c ( qUSM , j )

or, equivalently,
u c ( qUSM )u c ( qUSM ,j )
r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) =
u c2 ( qUSM
) + u c2 ( qUSM
) u c2 ( qUSM
, j ) + u c ( qUSM , j )
2 U

1 (F.6)
u c ( qUSM )
u c ( qUSM )

1+ 1+ ,j

u c ( qUSM ) u ( q C
c USM , j )

for the correlation coefficient between the estimates qUSM and qUSM , j . Its value
ranges from 0 to +1 depending on the numerical values of the two ratios appearing in
the last expression of Eq. (F.6).

The decomposition method given by Eq. (E.4) is thus equivalent to the covariance
method given by Eq. (F.1).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 255

In the decomposition method, r is usually not evaluated as a number (i.e. Eqs.

(F.5)-(F.6) are not used). On the other hand, it could be said that r by this method is
evaluated more indirectly, by the identification procedure described above and used
in Appendix E.

In fact, it may be noted that by this method, r can be evaluated quantitatively. When
the identification described above has been done, numbers for u c ( qUSM ) , u c ( qUSM ),
u c ( qUSM , j ) and u c ( qUSM , j ) are in principle available, and r can be calculated from

Eq. (F.6).

F.3 The variance method

Another method, which is here referred to as the variance method, is perhaps the
most intuitive of the methods discussed here for evaluation of the uncertainty of
partially correlated quantities. In some cases (for a relatively simple functional rela-
tionship) this approach is very useful, and leads to (or should lead to!) the same re-
sults as the methods described in Sections F.1 and F.2. This method is briefly ad-
dressed here for completeness.

In the variance method approach, the full functional relationship for q v (including
the USM measurements qUSM and qUSM , j ) would be written out as a single expres-
sion, in terms of the basic uncorrelated input quantities. u c ( q v ) would then be
evaluated as the square root of the sum of input variances. In this method, the co-
variance term (the last term in Eq. (F.1)) and the correlation coefficient
r( qUSM , qUSM , j ) would thus be avoided.

However, in the present application, involving the combination of Eqs. (2.9), (2.12)
and (2.13)-(2.18), the full functional relationship for q v is considered to be too com-
plex to be practically useful. In this case the variance method has been considered
to be considerably more complex to use than the method chosen.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 256



The present appendix gives the theoretical basis for Eq. (3.14), describing the uncer-
tainty model for the gas density measurement, including temperature, VOS and by-
pass installation corrections.

For the gas density measurement, the functional relationship is given by Eq. (2.28).
The various quantities involved are defined in Section 2.4.

From Eqs. (B.3) and (2.28), the combined standard uncertainty of the gas density
measurement is given as

2 2 2


u ( ) =
u( u ) + u c ( T ) + u( Td ) + u( Tc )
u T
d T c T
2 2 2


+ u( K 18 ) + u( K 19 ) + u( K d ) + u( )
K 18 K 19 K d
2 2


+ u( cc ) + u( c d ) + u( Pd ) + u c ( P )
c c c d Pd P

+ u c ( Z d Z ) + u 2 ( rept ) + u 2 ( misc )
( Z d Z )

u( u ) standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) density esti-

mate, u , including the calibration laboratory uncertainty, the
reading error during calibration, and hysteresis,

u c ( T ) combined standard uncertainty of the line gas temperature esti-

mate, T ,

u( Td ) combined standard uncertainty of the gas temperature estimate

in the densitometer, Td ,

u( Tc ) combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the densi-

tometer calibration temperature, Tc ,

u( K 18 ) standard uncertainty of the estimate of the temperature correc-

tion calibration coefficient, K 18 ,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 257

u( K 19 ) standard uncertainty of the estimate of the temperature correc-

tion calibration coefficient, K 19 ,

u( K d ) standard uncertainty of the estimate of the densitometer trans-

ducer constant, K d ,

u( ) standard uncertainty of the periodic time estimate, ,

u( cc ) standard uncertainty of the calibration gas VOS estimate, cc ,

u( c d ) standard uncertainty of the densitometer gas VOS estimate, c d ,

u c ( P ) combined standard uncertainty of the line gas pressure estimate,

P ,

u( Pd ) standard uncertainty of assuming that Pd = P, due to possible

deviation of gas pressure from densitometer to line conditions,
Pd ,

u c ( Z d Z ) combined standard uncertainty of the gas compressibility factor

ratio between densitometer and line conditions, Z d Z ,

u( rept ) standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the indicated (uncor-

rected) density estimate, u ,

u( misc ) standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) density esti-

mate, u , accounting for miscellaneous uncertainty contribu-
tions, such as due to:
- stability (drift, shift between calibrations),
- reading error during measurement (for digital display instru-
- possible deposits on the vibrating element,
- possible corrosion of the vibrating element,
- possible liquid condensation on the vibrating element,
- mechanical (structural) vibrations on the gas line,
- variations in power supply,
- self-induced heat,
- flow in the bypass density line,
- possible gas viscosity effects,
- neglecting possible pressure dependency in the regression
curve, Eq. (2.23),
- model uncertainty of the VOS correction model, Eq. (2.25).
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 258

As formulated by Eq. (G.1), the estimates T , Td and Tc are assumed to be uncorre-

lated, as well as the estimates P and Pd .

From the functional relationship of the gas densitometer, Eq. (2.28), one obtains

u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) ] *
s s u

[ ]
u u u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ) u u

= s * ,T s ,T (G.3)


1 +
Td u K 18 + K 19 ] *
s ,Td s ,Td
Td Td u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ] ) Td

Tc u K 18 + K 19 ]
s ,Tc s ,Tc
Tc Tc

[ ]
u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ) Tc

K 18 u ( Td Tc ) *
= s ,K s ,K

[ ]
K 18 K 18 u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ) K 18 18 18

K 19 Td Tc ) *
s ,K s ,K

[ ]
K 19 K 19 u 1 + K 18 ( Td Tc ) + K 19 ( Td Tc ) K 19 19 19

2 K d2 2 K d2 *
= 2 2
s ,K s ,K (G.8)
K d K d K d + ( c c ) 2
K d + ( c d ) K d
2 3 3

2 K d2 2 K d2 *
= 2 2
s , s , (G.9)
K d + ( cc ) 2
K d + ( c d )

2 K d2 *
= 2 s ,c s ,c (G.10)
cc cc K d + ( cc ) 2 cc c c

2 K d2 *
= 2 s ,c s ,c (G.11)
c d c d K d + ( c d ) 2 c d d d
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 259

Pd *
= s ,Pd s ,Pd (G.12)
Pd Pd P + Pd Pd

Pd *
= s ,P s ,P (G.13)
P P P + Pd P

= s * ,Z s ,Z d (G.14)
( Z d Z ) Z d Z Z d Z d Z Z

Here, s * , X and s , X are the relative (non-dimensional) and absolute (dimensional)

sensitivity coefficients of the estimate with respect to the quantity "X".

Now, define
2 2

u ( temp
)= u( K 18 ) + u( K 19 ) (G.15)
K 18 K 19


u( temp ) standard uncertainty of the temperature correction factor for the

density estimate, (represents the model uncertainty of the
temperature correction model used, Eq. (2.24)).
By dividing Eq. (G.1) through with , and using Eqs. (G.2)-(G.15), one obtains

E 2 = ( s *u ) 2 E 2u + E 2 ,rept + ( s * ,T ) 2 ET2 + ( s * ,Td ) 2 ET2d + ( s * ,Tc ) 2 ET2c

+ ( s * , K d ) 2 E K2 d + ( s * , ) 2 E2 + ( s * ,cc ) 2 Ec2c + ( s * ,cd ) 2 E c2d (G.16)
+ ( s * ,Pd ) 2 E 2Pd + ( s * , P ) 2 E P2 + ( s * , Z d Z ) 2 E Z2d Z + E 2 ,temp + E 2 ,misc


E u relative standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) den-

sity estimate, u , including the calibration laboratory uncer-
tainty, the reading error during calibration, and hysteresis,

E ,rept relative standard uncertainty of the repeatability of the indicated

(uncorrected) density estimate, u ,

ET relative combined standard uncertainty of the line gas tempera-

ture estimate, T ,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 260

ETd relative combined standard uncertainty of the gas temperature

estimate in the densitometer, Td ,

ETc relative combined standard uncertainty of the estimate of the

densitometer calibration temperature, Tc ,

EKd relative standard uncertainty of the estimate of the densitometer

transducer constant, K d ,

E relative standard uncertainty of the periodic time estimate, ,

E cc relative standard uncertainty of the calibration gas VOS esti-

mate, cc ,

E cd relative standard uncertainty of the densitometer gas VOS esti-

mate, c d ,

EP relative combined standard uncertainty of the line gas pressure

estimate, P ,

E Pd relative standard uncertainty of assuming that Pd = P, due to

possible deviation of gas pressure from densitometer to line
conditions, Pd ,

EZd Z relative combined standard uncertainty of the gas compressibil-

ity ratio between densitometer and line conditions, Z d Z ,

E ,temp relative standard uncertainty of the temperature correction factor

for the density estimate, (represents the model uncertainty of
the temperature correction model used, Eq. (2.24)).

E ,misc relative standard uncertainty of the indicated (uncorrected) den-

sity estimate, u , accounting for uncertainties due to:
- stability (drift, shift between calibrations),
- reading error during measurement (for digital display instru-
- possible deposits on the vibrating element,
- possible corrosion of the vibrating element,
- possible liquid condensation on the vibrating element,
- mechanical (structural) vibrations on the gas line,
- variations in power supply,
- self-induced heat,
- flow in the bypass density line,
- possible gas viscosity effects,
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 261

- neglecting possible pressure dependency in the regression

curve, Eq. (2.23),
- model uncertainty of the VOS correction model, Eq. (2.25),

defined as
u c ( u ) u c ( T ) u c ( Td )
E u , ET , ETd ,
u T Td
u c ( Tc ) u( K d ) u( )
ETc , EKd , E ,
Tc K d
u( cc ) u( c d )
E cc , E cd , (G.17)
c c c d
u( Pd ) u c ( P ) u c ( Z d Z )
E Pd , EP , E Z d ,
P Z d Z
u( rept ) u( temp ) u( misc )
E ,rept , E ,temp , E ,misc ,


For each of the estimates Z d and Z , two kinds of uncertainties are accounted for
here [Tambo and Sgaard, 1997]: the model uncertainty (i.e. the uncertainty of the
model used for calculation of Z d and Z ), and the analysis uncertainty (due to the
inaccurate determination of the gas composition in the line). The model uncertain-
ties are here assumed to be mutually correlated143, and so are the analysis uncertain-
ties. That means,

E Z2d / Z = ( E Zd ,mod E Z ,mod )2 + ( E Zd ,ana E Z ,ana ) 2 , (G.18)


E Zd ,mod relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z d due to model

uncertainty (the uncertainty of the equation of state itself, and
the uncertainty of the basic data underlying the equation of

143 In the derivation of Eq. (G.18), the model uncertainties of the Z-factor estimates Z d and Z have
been assumed to be correlated. The argumentation is as follows: Z d and Z relate to nearly
equal pressures and temperatures. Since the equation of state is empirical, it may be correct to
assume that the error of the equation is systematic in the pressure and temperaure range in ques-
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 262

E Z ,mod relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z due to model

uncertainty (the uncertainty of the equation of state itself, and
the uncertainty of the basic data underlying the equation of

E Zd ,ana relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z d due to analy-

sis uncertainty (measurement uncertainty of the gas chro-
matograph used to determine the gas composition, and varia-
tion in gas composition),

E Z , ana relative standard uncertainty of the estimate Z due to analysis

uncertainty (measurement uncertainty of the gas chromato-
graph used to determine the line gas composition, and varia-
tion in gas composition).
From Eq. (G.18) E Z d Z will in practice be negligible, since the same equation of state
is normally used for calculation of Z d and Z . Consequently, Eq. (G.16) can be ap-
proximated by

E 2 = ( s *u ) 2 E 2u + E 2 ,rept + ( s * ,T ) 2 ET2 + ( s * ,Td ) 2 ET2d + ( s * ,Tc ) 2 ET2c

+ ( s * , K d ) 2 E K2 d + ( s * , ) 2 E2 + ( s * ,cc ) 2 E c2c + ( s * ,cd ) 2 Ec2d (G.19)
+ ( s * ,Pd ) 2 E 2Pd + ( s * , P ) 2 E P2 + E 2 ,temp + E 2 ,misc

By multiplication with 2 , the corresponding expanded uncertainty of the density

measurement is given as

u c2 ( ) = s 2u u 2 ( u ) + u 2 ( rept ) + s 2 ,T u c2 ( T ) + s 2 ,Td u 2 ( Td ) + s 2 ,Tc u 2 ( Tc )

+ s 2 ,K d u 2 ( K d ) + s 2 , u 2 ( ) + s 2 ,cc u 2 ( cc ) + s 2 ,cd u 2 ( c d ) (G.20)
+ s 2 ,Pd u 2 ( Pd ) + s 2 ,P u c2 ( P ) + u 2 ( temp ) + u 2 ( misc )

which is the expression used in Chapter 3, Eq. (3.14), and implemented in the pro-
gram EMU - USM Fiscal Gas Metering Station.
Handbook of uncertainty calculations - USM fiscal gas metering stations NPD, NFOGM, CMR (December 2001) 263


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