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Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 115

Chapter 7
Sampling and Sampling Distributions

The two main objectives for Chapter 7 are to give you an appreciation for the proper application of
sampling techniques and an understanding of the sampling distributions of two statistics, thereby enabling
you to:

1. Determine when to use sampling instead of a census.

2. Distinguish between random and nonrandom sampling.
3. Decide when and how to use various sampling techniques.
4. Be aware of the different types of error that can occur in a study.
5. Understand the impact of the central limit theorem on statistical analysis.
6. Use the sampling distributions of x and p .


7.1 Sampling
Reasons for Sampling
Reasons for Taking a Census
Random versus Nonrandom Sampling
Random Sampling Techniques
Simple Random Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Cluster (or Area) Sampling
Nonrandom Sampling
Convenience Sampling
Judgment Sampling
Quota Sampling
Snowball Sampling
Sampling Error
Nonsampling Errors

7.2 Sampling Distribution of x

Sampling from a Finite Population

Sampling Distribution of p

116 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

central limit theorem quota sampling

cluster (or area) sampling random sampling
convenience sampling sample proportion
disproportionate stratified random sampling sampling error
finite correction factor simple random sampling
frame snowball sampling
judgment sampling standard error of the mean
nonrandom sampling standard error of the proportion
nonrandom sampling techniques stratified random sampling
nonsampling errors systematic sampling
proportionate stratified random sampling two-stage sampling


1. Saving time and money are reasons to take a _______________ rather than a census.

2. If the research process is destructive, taking a _______________ may be the only option in
gathering data.

3. A researcher may opt to take a _______________ to eliminate the possibility that by chance
randomly selected items are not representative of the population.

4. The directory or map from which a sample is taken is called the _______________.

5. If the population list from which the researcher takes the sample contains fewer units than the
target population, then the list has _______________.

6. There are two main types of sampling, _______________ sampling and _______________

7. If every unit of the population does not have the same probability of being selected to the sample,
then the researcher is probably conducting _______________ sampling.

8. Nonrandom sampling is sometimes referred to as _______________ sampling.

9. The most elementary type of random sampling is _______________ random sampling.

10. In _______________ random sampling, the population is divided into nonoverlapping

subpopulations called strata.

11. Whenever the proportions of the strata in the sample are different than the proportions of the
strata in the population, _______________ _______________ random sampling occurs.

12. With _______________ random sampling, there is homogeneity within a subgroup or stratum.

13. If a researcher selects every kth item from a population of N items, then he/she is likely
conducting _______________ random sampling.

14. When the population is divided into nonoverlapping areas and then random samples are drawn
from the areas, the researcher is likely conducting _______________ or _______________
Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 117

15. A nonrandom sampling technique in which elements are selected for the sample based on the
convenience of the researcher is called _______________ sampling.

16. A nonrandom sampling technique in which elements are selected for the sample based on the
judgment of the researcher is called _______________ sampling.

17. A nonrandom sampling technique which is similar to stratified random sampling is called
_______________ sampling.

18. A nonrandom sampling technique in which survey subjects are selected based on referral from
other survey respondents is called _________________ sampling.

19. _______________ error occurs when, by chance, the sample is not representative of the

20. Missing data and recording errors are examples of _______________ errors.

21. The central limit theorem states that if n is large enough, the sample means are _______________
distributed regardless of the shape of the population.

22. According to the central limit theorem, the mean of the sample means for a given size of sample
is equal to the _______________ __________.

23. According to the central limit theorem, the standard deviation of sample means for a given size of
sample equals _______________.

24. If samples are being drawn from a known population size, the z formula for sample means
includes a __________ _______________ factor.

25. Suppose a population has a mean of 90 and a standard deviation of 27. If a random sample of size
49 is drawn from the population, the probability of drawing a sample with a mean of more than
95 is ________________.

26. Suppose a population has a mean of 455 and a variance of 900. If a random sample of size 65 is
drawn from the population, the probability that the sample mean is between 448 and 453 is

27. Suppose .60 of the population posses a given characteristic. If a random sample of size 300 is
drawn from the population, then the probability that .53 or fewer of the sample possess the
characteristic is _______________.

28. Suppose .36 of a population posses a given characteristic. If a random sample of size 1200 is
drawn from the population, then the probability that less than 480 posses that characteristic in the
sample is _______________.
118 Study Guide and Solutions Manual


1. Sample 15. Convenience

2. Sample 16. Judgment

3. Census 17. Quota

4. Frame 18. Snowball

5. Underregistration 19. Sampling

6. Random, Nonrandom 20. Nonsampling

7. Nonrandom 21. Normally

8. Nonprobability 22. Population Mean

9. Simple 23. / n

10. Stratified 24. Finite Correction

11. Disproportionate Stratified 25. .0968

12. Stratified 26. .2645

13. Systematic 27. .0068

14. Area, Cluster 28. .9981


7.1 a) i. A union membership list for the company.

ii. A list of all employees of the company.

b) i. White pages of the telephone directory for Utica, New York.

ii. Utility company list of all customers.

c) i. Airline company list of phone and mail purchasers of tickets from the airline during
the past six months.
ii. A list of frequent flyer club members for the airline.

d) i. List of boat manufacturer's employees.

ii. List of members of a boat owners association.

e) i. Cable company telephone directory.

ii. Membership list of cable management association.
Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 119

7.5 a) Under 21 years of age, 21 to 39 years of age, 40 to 55 years of age, over 55 years of age.

b) Under $1,000,000 sales per year, $1,000,000 to $4,999,999 sales per year, $5,000,000 to
$19,999,999 sales per year, $20,000,000 to $49,000,000 per year, $50,000,000 to
$99,999,999 per year, over $100,000,000 per year.

c) Less than 2,000 sq. ft., 2,000 to 4,999 sq. ft.,

5,000 to 9,999 sq. ft., over 10,000 sq. ft.

d) East, southeast, midwest, south, southwest, west, northwest.

e) Government worker, teacher, lawyer, physician, engineer, business person, police officer,
fire fighter, computer worker.

f) Manufacturing, finance, communications, health care, retailing, chemical, transportation.

7.7 N = nK = 825

7.9 a) i. Counties
ii. Metropolitan areas

b) i. States (beside which the oil wells lie)

ii. Companies that own the wells

c) i. States
ii. Counties

7.11 Go to a conference where some of the Fortune 500 executives attend.

Approach those executives who appear to be friendly and approachable.

7.13 = 50, = 10, n = 64

a) Prob( x > 52):

x 52 50

z = 10 = 1.6
n 64

from Table A.5 Prob. = .4452

Prob( x > 52) = .5000 .4452 = .0548

b) Prob( x < 51):

120 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

x 51 50

z = 10 = 0.80
n 64

from Table A.5 prob. = .2881

Prob( x < 51) = .5000 + .2881 = .7881

c) Prob( x < 47):

x 47 50

z = 10 = 2.40
n 64

from Table A.5 prob. = .4918

Prob( x < 47) = .5000 .4918 = .0082

d) Prob(48.5 < x < 52.4):

x 48.5 50

z = 10 = 1.20
n 64

from Table A.5 prob. = .3849

x 52.4 50

z = 10 = 1.92
n 64

from Table A.5 prob. = .4726

Prob(48.5 < x < 52.4) = .3849 + .4726 = .8575

e) Prob(50.6 < x < 51.3):

x 50.6 50

z = 10 = 0.48
n 64

from Table A.5, prob. = .1844

x 51.3 50

z = 10
n 64

from Table A.5, prob. = .3508

Prob(50.6 < x < 51.3) = .3508 .1844 = .1644

Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 121

7.15 n = 36 = 278

P( x < 280) = .86

.3600 of the area lies between x = 280 and = 278. This probability is associated with z = 1.08
from Table A.5. Solving for :

z =

280 278
1.08 =

1.08 = 2

1.08 = 12

= = 11.11

7.17 a) N = 1,000 n = 60 = 75 =6

Prob( x < 76.5):

x 76.5 75

z = N n 6 1000 60 = 2.00
n N 1 60 1000 1

from Table A.5, prob. = .4772

Prob( x < 76.5) = .4772 + .5000 = .9772

b) N = 90 n = 36 = 108 = 3.46

Prob(107 < x < 107.7):

x 107 108

z = N n 3.46 90 36 = 2.23
n N 1 36 90 1
122 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

from Table A.5, prob. = .4871

x 107.7 108

z = N n 3.46 90 36 = 0.67
n N 1 36 90 1

from Table A.5, prob. = .2486

Prob(107 < x < 107.7) = .4871 .2486 = .2385

c) N = 250 n = 100 = 35.6 = 4.89

Prob( x > 36):

x 36 35.6

z = N n 4.89 250 100 = 1.05
n N 1 100 250 1

from Table A.5, prob. = .3531

Prob( x > 36) = .5000 .3531 = .1469

d) N = 5000 n = 60 = 125 = 13.4

Prob( x < 123):

x 123 125

z = N n 13.4 5000 60 = 1.16
n N 1 60 5000 1

from Table A.5, prob. = .3770

Prob( x < 123) = .5000 .3770 = .1230

7.19 N = 1500 n = 100 = 177,000 = 8,500

Prob( X > $185,000):

X 185,000 177,000

z = N n 8,500 1500 100 = 9.74
n N 1 100 1500 1

from Table A.5, prob. = .5000

Prob( X > $185,000) = .5000 .5000 = .0000

Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 123

7.21 = 50.4 = 11.8 n = 42

a) Prob( x > 52):

x 52 50.4

z = 11.8 = 0.88
n 42

from Table A.5, the area for z = 0.88 is .3106

Prob( x > 52) = .5000 .3106 = .1894

b) Prob( x < 47.5):

x 47.5 50.4

z = 11.8 = 1.59
n 42

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.59 is .4441

Prob( x < 47.5) = .5000 .4441 = .0559

c) Prob( x < 40):

x 40 50.4

z = 11.8 = 5.71
n 42

from Table A.5, the area for z = 5.71 is .5000

Prob( x < 40) = .5000 .5000 = .0000

d) 71% of the values are greater than 49. Therefore, 21% are between the
sample mean of 49 and the population mean, = 50.4.

The z value associated with the 21% of the area is 0.55

z.21 = 0.55

z =

49 50.4
0.55 =

= 16.4964

7.23 p = .58 n = 660

124 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

> .60):
a) Prob( p

p P .60 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 1.04
n 660

from table A.5, area = .3508

> .60) = .5000 .3508 = .1492

Prob( p
Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 125

b) Prob(.55 < p
< .65):

p P .65 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 3.64
n 660

from table A.5, area = .4998

p P .55 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 1.56
n 660

from table A.5, area = .4406

< .65) = .4998 + .4406 = .9404

Prob(.55 < p

> .57):
c) Prob( p

p P .57 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 0.52
n 660

from table A.5, area = .1985

d) < .56):
Prob(.53 < p

p P .56 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 1.04
n 660

from table A.5, area = .3508

p P .53 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 2.60
n 660

from table A.5, area = .4953

< .56) = .4953 .3508 = .1445

Prob(.53 < p

< .48):
e) Prob( p
126 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

p P .48 .58

z = PQ (.58)(.42) = 5.21
n 660

from table A.5, area = .5000

< .48) = .5000 .5000 = .0000

Prob( p

7.25 p = .28 n = 140 Prob( p 0 ) = .3000

< p

0 < .28) = .5000 .3000 = .2000

< p
Prob( p

from Table A.5, z.2000 = 0.52

0 :
Solving for p

p 0 P
z = P Q

p 0 .28
0.52 = (.28)(.72)

0 .28
.02 = p

0 = .28 .02 = .26


7.27 p = .48 n = 200

a) Prob(x < 90):

p = .45

p P .45 .48

z = PQ (.48)(.52) = 0.85
n 200

from Table A.5, the area for z = 0.85 is .3023

Prob(x < 90) = .5000 .3023 = .1977

b) Prob(x > 100):

Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 127

p = .50

p P .50 .48

z = PQ (.48)(.52) = 0.57
n 200

from Table A.5, the area for z = 0.57 is .2157

Prob(x > 100) = .5000 .2157 = .2843

c) Prob(x > 80):

p = .40

p P .40 .48

z = PQ (.48)(.52) = 2.26
n 200

from Table A.5, the area for z = 2.26 is .4881

Prob(x > 80) = .5000 + .4881 = .9881

7.29 = 76, = 14

a) n = 35, Prob( x > 79):

x 79 76

z = 14 = 1.27
n 35

from table A.5, area = .3980

Prob( x > 79) = .5000 .3980 = .1020

b) n = 140, Prob(74 < x < 77):

128 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

x 74 76

z = 14 = 1.69
n 140

from table A.5, area = .4545

x 77 76

z = 14 = 0.85
n 140

from table A.5, area = .3023

P(74 < x < 77) = .4545 + .3023 = .7568

c) n = 219, Prob( x < 76.5):

x 76.5 76

z = 14 = 0.53
n 219

from table A.5, area = .2019

Prob( x < 76.5) = .5000 .2019 = .2981

7.31 Under 18 250(.22) = 55

18 - 25 250(.18) = 45
26 - 50 250(.36) = 90
51 - 65 250(.10) = 25
over 65 250(.14) = 35

n = 250

7.33 a) Roster of production employees secured from the human resources department of the company.

b) Alpha/Beta store records kept at the headquarters of their California division or merged files of
store records from regional offices across the state.

c) Membership list of Maine lobster catchers association.

7.35 Number the employees from 0001 to 1250. Randomly sample from the random number table
until 60 different usable numbers are obtained. You cannot use numbers from 1251 to 9999.

7.37 n = 1100

a) x > 810, p = .73

Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 129

x 810
n 1100

p P .7364 .73

z = P Q (.73)(.27) = 0.48
n 1100

from table A.5, area = .1844

Prob(x > 810) = .5000 .1844 = .3156

b) x < 1030, p = .96,

x 1030
p = .9364
n 1100

p P .9364 .96

z = P Q (.96)(.04) = 3.99
n 1100

from table A.5, area = .49997

Prob(x < 1030) = .5000 .49997 = .00003

c) p = .85

< .84):
Prob(.82 < p

p P .82 .85

z = PQ (.85)(.15) = 2.79
n 1100

from table A.5, area = .4974

p P .84 .85

z = PQ (.85)(.15) = 0.93
n 1100

from table A.5, area = .3238

Prob(.82 < p < .84) = .4974 .3238 = .1736

7.39 Divide the factories into geographic regions and select a few factories to represent those regional
areas of the country. Take a random sample of employees from each selected factory. Do the same
for distribution centers and retail outlets. Divide the United States into regions of areas. Select a
few areas. Randomly sample from each of the selected area distribution centers and retail outlets.
130 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

7.41 p = .54 n = 565

a) Prob(x > 339):

x 339
p = .60
n 565

p P .60 .54

z = P Q (.54)(.46) = 2.86
n 565

from Table A.5, the area for z = 2.86 is .4979

Prob(x > 339) = .5000 .4979 = .0021

b) Prob(x > 288):

x 288 = .5097
n 565

p P .5097 .54

z = P Q (.54)(.46) = 1.45
n 565

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.45 is .4265

Prob(x > 288) = .5000 + .4265 = .9265

< .50):
c) Prob( p

p P .50 .54

z = P Q (.54)(.46) = 1.91
n 565

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.91 is .4719

Prob( p
< .50) = .5000 .4719 = .0281

7.43 = 56.8 n = 51 = 12.3

a) Prob( x > 60):

x 60 56.8

z = 12.3 = 1.86
n 51
Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 131

from Table A.5, Prob. = .4686

Prob( x > 60) = .5000 .4686 = .0314

b) Prob( x > 58):

x 58 56.8

z = 12.3 = 0.70
n 51

from Table A.5, Prob.= .2580

Prob( x > 58) = .5000 .2580 = .2420

c) Prob(56 < x < 57):

x 56 56.8

z = 12.3 = 0.46
n 51

from Table A.5, Prob.= .1772

x 57 56.8

z = 12.3 = 0.12
n 51

from Table A.5, Prob.= .0478

Prob(56 < x < 57) = .1772 + .0478 = .2250

d) Prob( x < 55):

x 55 56.8

z = 12.3 = 1.05
n 51

from Table A.5, Prob.= .3531

Prob( x < 55) = .5000 .3531 = .1469

e) Prob( x < 50):

132 Study Guide and Solutions Manual

x 50 56.8

z = 12.3 = 3.95
n 51

from Table A.5, Prob.= .5000

Prob( x < 50) = .5000 .5000 = .0000

7.45 p = .73 n = 300

a) Prob(210 < x < 234):

x 210 x 234
1 =
p = .70 2 =
p = .78
n 300 n 300

p P .70 .73

z = PQ (.73)(.27) = 1.17
n 300

p P .78 .73

z = PQ (.73)(.27) = 1.95
n 300

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.17 is .3790

the area for z = 1.95 is .4744

Prob(210 < x < 234) = .3790 + .4744 = .8534

> .78):
b) Prob( p

p P .78 .73

z = PQ (.73)(.27) = 1.95
n 300

from Table A.5, the area for z = 1.95 is .4744

> .78) = .5000 .4744 = .0256

Prob( p

c) p = .73 n = 800 > .78):

Prob( p
Chapter 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions 133

p P .78 .73

z = PQ (.73)(.27) = 3.19
n 800

from Table A.5, the area for z = 3.19 is .4993

> .78) = .5000 .4993 = .0007

Prob( p

7.47 By taking a sample, there is potential for more detailed information to be obtained. More time can
be spent with each employee. Probing questions can be asked. There is more time for trust to be
built between employee and interviewer resulting in the potential for more honest, open answers.
With a census, data is usually more general and easier to analyze because it is in a more standard
format. Decision-makers are sometimes more comfortable with a census because everyone is
included and there is no sampling error. A census appears to be a better political device because
the CEO can claim that everyone in the company has had input.

7.49 Switzerland: n = 40 = $ 21.24 =$3

Prob(21 < x < 22):

x 21 21.24

z = 3 = 0.51
n 40

x 22 21.24

z = 3 = 1.60
n 40

from Table A.5, the area for z = 0.51 is .1950

the area for z = 1.60 is .4452

Prob(21 < x < 22) = .1950 + .4452 = .6402

Japan: n = 35 = $ 22.00 = $3

Prob( x > 23):

x 23 22

z = 3 = 2.11
n 35

from Table A.5, the area for z = 2.11 is .4826

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P( x > 23) = .5000 .4826 = .0174

U.S.: n = 50 = $ 19.86 =$3

Prob( X < 18.90):

x 18.90 19.86

z = 3 = 2.02
n 50

from Table A.5, the area for z = 2.02 is .4783

Prob( X < 18.90) = .5000 .4783 = .0217

7.51 = $281 n = 65 = $47

P( x > $273):

x 273 281

z = 47 = 1.37
n 65

from Table A.5 the area for z = 1.37 is .4147

Prob.( x > $273) = .5000 + .4147 = .9147

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