04 Drug Information Center & Drug Information Service
04 Drug Information Center & Drug Information Service
04 Drug Information Center & Drug Information Service
Drug Information Service
Abdullah Al-Dahbali, MPharm, PhD
Drug Information Centre (DIC)
• A professional agency (usually in a hospital) dedicated to
the collation & transfer of drug-related knowledge
– the drug-related knowledge is called drug information
• The information has to be of good quality & up-to-date
– quality information are unbiased, scientific & evidence-based
– in a timely way
– in order to promote effective, safe & rational use of drugs
• Transferring knowledge in this way should improve the knowledge, the
attitude & the behavior of stake holders of the drug use process (who
are these stake holders?!! )
• Operationally, DIC strives to
1) serve as an agency for all activities related to selection,
procurement, distribution & utilization (use) of drugs
2) to coordinate a program of dissemination of drug information
to the health care professionals, the general consumers &
patient, and
3) support decisions towards safe, appropriate, and rational drug
use 2
Scope of Activities of DIC
Administrative Services
Research Education
Examples of Activities of DIC
1) Answering inquiries related to drugs
2) Guiding the decisions of Pharmacy & Therapeutics
Committee in the hospital
a) Designing drug use policies (e.g. who can/can’t prescribe a
specific drug.)
b) Hospital formulary development & maintenance (adding or
deleting drugs to & from the formulary)
• A formulary contains drugs (& their prescribing information) that should
be available in the hospital
3) Producing publications (newsletters & bulletins)
4) Conducting studies on drug utilization
5) Coordination of reporting programs (such as adverse
drug reaction reporting)
6) Conducting training programs on these activities 4
Drug Information Service
• DIC service that purposefully answering inquiries related to drugs
– This service should be provided by a drug expert, or so called drug
information specialist (Who?!)
– Providing this service needs skills in addition to knowledge
• inquiry answering should be systematic (why?)
– Because the first question asked by the inquirer is not necessarily the
whole picture, and may not represent the question that should be
• Especially if the inquirer is from the lay people
– The systematic approach helps formulating a more useful answer
• It is the task of the inquiry receiver to facilitate a process for revealing the
real question in the inquiry (how?!)
– By opening a conversation with the inquirer
• By asking questions to the inquirer
– otherwise, valuable information can be lost
The 7-Step Systematic Approach (Way) for
Answering a DI inquiry (modified by Host & Kirkwood) See Next Slide.