Six Great Ideas
Six Great Ideas
Six Great Ideas
Each summer since 1951, Mortimer J. Adler conducted a seminar at The Aspen Institute in
Colorado. At the 1981 seminar, fifteen leaders from the worlds of business, literature, education,
and the arts joined him in an in-depth consideration of the six great ideas that are the subject of
this book: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty -- the ideas we judge by; and Liberty Equality and Justice
-- the ideas we act on. The group discussions and conversations between Dr. Adler and journalist
Bill Moyers were filmed for broadcast on public television, and millions of people followed their
exploration of these important ideas. Discarding the out worn and off-putting jargon of academia,
Dr. Adler dispels the myth that philosophy is the exclusive province of the specialist. He argues
that "philosophy is everybody's business," and that a better understanding of these fundamental
concepts is essential if we are to cope with the political, moral, and social issues that confront us
The Great Idea of Truth
BILL MOYERS: Six great ideas -- truth, goodness, beauty, liberty, equality, justice.
Why these six?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they're
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -- which is the ultimate good -- "That to
secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed.
There are five of the six ideas, and the sixth is in another great document, Pericles'
famous speech at the end of the first year of the Peloponnesian War in which he was
comparing Athenian civilization and culture with the militaristic stale of Sparta, and said,
"We Athenians cultivate beauty without effeminacy." -- There's the six of them.
Now, there's a second reason. Three of these ideas -- the first three, truth, goodness and
beauty -- are the values by which we judge everything in the universe -- our ideas, our
thoughts, human conduct, the world of nature and the world of artistic products. The
second three ideas -- liberty, equality and justice -- are the ideas that relate you and me,
relate people in society. Their equality, their freedom to relate to one another, their just or
unjust treatment of one another -- they are the ideas that govern our actions. They are the
ideas by which we evaluate governments and societies and laws.
MOYERS: One of the oldest of all questions: what is truth?
ADLER: Truth consists in the agreement between what we think and what is in the
world, what is real.
MOYERS: [voice-over]: Here comes Mortimer Adler, armed with great ideas -- six, to
be exact. He aims to make us think about truth, beauty and goodness, liberty, equality and
justice. And the first of these is truth.
Aspen, Colorado, home every summer for the Aspen Institute. To its seminars come
people from all over the world, to take part in intellectual free-for-aIls over the classic
ideas of Western thought. In their midst, that most demanding and controversial
provocateur of all, the philosopher and teacher Mortimer Adler. He's been disturbing the
peace of mind in this valley for 30 of his 80 years.
[to Dr. Adler] You've been coming out here a long time.
MOYERS: You've spent a lot more of your time than that with the great books.
ADLER: The great books for me now goes back more than 60 years, back to the 1920s,
when I was a student at Columbia University and began reading them under the
marvelous guidance of a great teacher, John Erskine. And in fact I've been reading,
studying and teaching the great books ever since then. It took two years: we read about
60 books in two years, and discussed them once a week on a Wednesday night. And I
learned, I think, how to discuss the great books and how to lead discussions of the great
books from him. Marvelous teacher, John Erskine. And the more I read them, the more I
studied them, the more I led discussions of them, the more I discovered that the heart of
the great books of the great ideas -- the great ideas they discuss -- there in those books is
the Western discussion, the Western consideration, the Western examination and
exploration, and the controversies about the great ideas.
MOYERS: What in particular grabbed you in those early days, when you were just a
ADLER: Well, the issues raised, they used to he the most important intellectual issues:
and often the most important practical issues that any human being can face are stated in
terms of ideas like liberty and equality and justice, or truth, goodness and beauty, man,
God, immortality, sin, virtue, happiness. I mean, the great ideas are at the heart of our
lives in some sense -- certainly, our intellectual lives, no question about that at all.
MOYERS: You're most known to many people for your work in Aspen with this
ADLER: Yes, well, it was in 1950 that Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke first brought me to
Aspen, and I've been coming ever since. Walter in 1950 established the Aspen Institute
and in the next year we started the first executive seminars that I've been moderating for
the last 30 years. And in those executive seminars the central ideas have been liberty,
equality, justice, rights, property, tragedy -- ideas that I've been considering all my life.
And I must say that these Aspen seminars have been the most refreshing and fruitful
summers I can possibly spend.
MOYERS: But in addition to moderating the seminars, you've written a lot, haven't you?
ADLER: Oh, yes. In that house there, for example, I wrote two books -- the book on the
existence of God, and a book on moral philosophy. Back there in the house from which
we started, I wrote the book on angels, and a book on the great ideas, and in this house
we're coming to along here in a book called The Common Sense of Politics, and a book
called The Difference of Man and the Difference it Makes. So that along this street, just
within these few hundred yards, I've written seven books in Aspen.
MOYERS: What was the idea behind the executive seminars and of bringing adults to
the table to discuss these ideas?
ADLER: Well, all, all the people that come to these executive seminars -- top executives
from our corporations, top persons in United States public life and the professions --
they've all become, shall I say, narrow specialists in their fields, and Walter's idea and the
idea of the Aspen Institute under Joe Slater has been to open their minds to the great
truths, and the great discussions -- to make them generalists as well as specialists.
ADLER: Re-educate them, and they all, I think, appreciate that re-education. I've known
almost no one who has come to an Aspen executive seminar that hasn't regarded it as one
of the most profitable two weeks in his life.
MOYERS: Is it your feeling that adults can deal with these later in life more easily than
they could --
ADLER: It's been said that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but a human adult is
not an old dog. And a human adult can learn very much more than children can. In fact,
as you grow -- as you become more mature, learning is more fruitful because you have
wider experience, wider back-ground to increase and improve your understanding. I've
always thought that adult learning was the very -- the very essence of human education.
MOYERS: The seminars we're going to be in over the coming days will include people
from different cultures. What is your feeling about the cross-cultural exchanges that take
ADLER: I think we're still at that stage in the world's development when there is no
trans-cultural community. I think we're going to have difficulty having the Easterners and
the Westerners, the non-Westerners, talk to one another. But it'll be, even though difficult,
the fact -- the appearance, the emergence of those difficulties will teach us what we have
to do to achieve in the course of time a world cultural community.
MOYERS: [voice-over]: Nothing so becomes the human being, says Mortimer Adler, as
our mind; and nothing gives him more joy than provoking us to use it. His latest book,
Six Great Ideas, will engage and enrage these men and women who have gathered to
debate. You'll meet each by name during this series of films, including a Native American
author, an Indonesian philosopher, an oil producer from Texas, a physicist, a lawyer, a
judge -- 15 in all, of diverse experience and opinion, in the company of six great ideas
and one Mortimer Adler.
ADLER: It's the deepest human aspiration; it's the thing that distinguishes mankind from
all other animals. In fact, in his pursuit of truth man is -- in contemplation of truth, man is
most like God.
ADLER: The contemplation of truth -- Aristotle thinks of God as being concerned only
with the contemplation of truth.
ADLER: I think it is. I think it's the mind of man -- it is not a matter of the heart, it's not
a matter of feelings -- it's a matter of the mind, the reasoning mind, the understanding
mind that we use to pursue truth.
MOYERS: But are there not works of art, the literature of Carlos Casteneda, for
example, that may not be truthful but is meaningful?
ADLER: Oh, yes. I mean, the great -- there is poetic truth, of course, but poetic truth is
of a totally different kind and I think you're correct in saying poetic truth lies most in its
significance rather than in its, shall I say, factual accuracy.
MOYERS: An example?
ADLER: Well, just take for a moment the extraordinary poetic truth in the satirical
writing of Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels. Obviously not true in fact, but
extraordinarily true in meaning.
MOYERS: What difference do you -- or what distinction do you draw between objective
truth and subjective truth?
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