Romeo and Juliet Study Guide

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Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

Romeo and Juliet

Study Guide
Directions: Fill out each section of this study guide. Each section will help you
prepare for the test. The types of questions in each section will be on the test in one
form or another. It is in your best interest to complete this study guide.

Section 1: Characters

Directions: Below is a list of characters. In the space provided, explain who these characters are.
Provide the page number where you found this information.

1) Balthasar:
2) Mercutio: -
3) Lady Capulet: -
4) Romeo:
5) The Friar:
6) Tybalt:
7) Paris:
8) The Nurse:
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

9) Lady Montague:
10) Lord Capulet:
11) Juliet:
Section II: The Play and the 1968 movie

Directions: Below is a chart and a list of events. Read each events and write it in the space in
which it took place.

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare The 1968 version of the movie Romeo and

• Friar Lawrence tells all at the end

• Romeo and Juliet wore purple at their wedding
• Lady Montague dies
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

• The story ends in Capulet’s Tomb

• Juliet wears red at the party
• Romeo kills Paris
• 4 people die
• Mercutio is stabbed by Tybalt on purpose

Section III: Short Questions

Directions: Below are a variety of questions that could appear on your test. Answer the
questions in the space provided, using your notes, worksheets, and the text to check your answer.

1.) In what year was William Shakespeare born?


2.) William Shakespeare and his wife, Anne, had how many children during their marriage?

3.) Shakespeare was born in what part of England?


4.) What was the name of the theater in London that William Shakespeare’s plays were
performed in?

5.) When did William Shakespeare die?


6.) Why did the Capulets decide to throw a party?


7.) Romeo and Juliet is set in what city?

Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

8.) Romeo changes his mind and decided to fight Tybalt for what reason?

Section IV: Quotations

Directions: Identify the speaker of the quote in the space provided. Use your notes, worksheets,
and text to help you find the answer.

1.) “If ever you disturb the streets again, Your lives shall pay the forfeit of peace”

2.) “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!”

3.) “What’s here? A cup, closed in my true loves hands?

Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.”

4.) Hand thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!

I tell the what, get thee to church on Thursday,
Or never after look me in the face”
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

5.) “Tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door;

But tis enough, ‘twill serve: ask for me tomorrow,
And you shall find me a grave man,
-a plague o’ both your houses”

6.) “Then hie you to Friar Lawrence’s cell;

There stays a husband to make you a wife.”

Section V: Iambic Pentameter

Directions: Using the u and /, mark out the Iambic Pentameter below for each line.

Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

And the continuance of their parents' rage,

Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Section VI: Short Answer

Directions: Read each question carefully and answer in the space provided. Use your notes,
worksheets, and text to answer the questions completely.

1.) Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight and were married right away. Do you think that
Romeo and Juliet were really in love? Give three reasons in your response.
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

2.) In a paragraph (five sentences), show three differences between the written version of the
play and the two movies.

3.) Can literature that was written hundreds of years ago be present in our lives today? Give three
examples from the play to support your views.
Name: ________________ Date: ____________ Hour: ____________

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