Vanrensburg Siener

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The text discusses predictions of civil war and turmoil in South Africa between 2016-2019, with Christians establishing themselves in the Orange Free State and Transvaal regions. It encourages Christians to link up and play a role in facilitating a smooth transition during this time.

The text predicts that South Africa will experience a civil war, with Christians establishing themselves in the Orange Free State and Transvaal region, while the rest of South Africa will be in other camps. It says the country will split along these lines.

Christians are expected to link up together across denominations and play a role in making the transition that Christ wanted. They are encouraged to form bonds with churches in the Orange Free State and Transvaal to help each other during the predicted events.

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To the Reader,

Believe in Jesus Christ and peace will be with you, its not a peace the world knows its nore a spiritual peace , one that
our souls crave.

The purpose of this article is to provide insight into South Africa in the coming period between 2016 till 2019 , basically
the region will experience turmoil like never before. Those that believe in Christ will find themselves being tested to the
ultimate level. It is important to note that in every manner and way Christ is with us, therefore I am bringing to you
news which you will need in the coming period.

The news is brought to you by a one called Siener van Rensburg , and it is importnat to note that Sieners faith and belief
has attested to this document you are now reading.

Basically , South Africa will be caught up in a civil war, it will be split with the Christians who will be established
under the Afrikaner in the Orange Free State and Transvaal in the one camp and the others in the rest of South Africa.

While it is difficult to comprehend why such a situation must occur , it is important that those of Christian beliefs and
heritage link up together and play role in making the transition that Christ has wanted. Therefore it is strongly
encouraged that ministers and those senior in their congregations link up with the regions mentioned in question and
play a role in fascilitating a smooth transition to Christ and His way.

It is not within the ambit of this article to determine how that is to be done, it is requested that those members who
obtain this article forward it to their ministers and that the ministers form bonds and twin with respective churches of
Christ in the Orange Free State and Transvaal for just such an event. It is advised that the churches make such plans and
travel so as to familiarise themslves with each other and Christ's will and how best to achieve what is to come in the
near future.

Do not fear , many will help , and attached is the document provided by a messenger of God, servant and believer in
Jesus Christ who has provided yourselves with all the information you need. Additionally , his people have made great
sacrifices respectfully beleiveing in Jesus Christ and now will come the time when you all will be thrown into the fire.
The Afrikaners have a saying for this “Vas Byt Lekker Nou”, you will see what it means later , just pray and believe and

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count yourself lucky that you are chosen to read this.

Strange how in the first attack on Christianity in Europe the slogan “Je suis Charlie “ - a play becomes a play on the
word “Jesus” the choice is yours , not a difficult choice to make believing in Christ Now is it?.

Below is how Christ will manifest himself to those that decieve, just watch the news carefully , and be respectful as the
Lord wants us to be.


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Foreword to French | Parisians,

One of the darkest secrets of the French and European leaders is that they have been lied to and betrayed by the English Royal
family. The deception was uncovered in Africa and it has been covered up time and again by the English press , who wish to betray
mainland Europe by being political allies , yet embracing values alien to Europe and France . It has once been said that the stone
rejected by the builders shall become the cornerstone , and all who do not believe will trip over it , such has been the folly of France
to believe the English liberals . During the second Anglo Boer war of 1899-1902 a popular yet humble man (van Rensburg) foresaw
the English Monarchy falling and being stripped of everything , as the French take revenge on the deception carried out by the Royal
family .

In fact van Rensburg , a staunch believer in God and the Afrikaner people , who remarkably had the ability to forsee things well into
the future, laid bare his visions with his people. During the Anglo Boer war it was van Rensburg who foresaw the concentration
camps , wherein two of his children would die , as would a total of 26000 other Afrikaners (mainly women and children) die of
disease and starvation. To this van Rensburg issued a chilling vision that the Monarch (Queen Elizabeth) would lose her right to stay
in England to Germany and England would be totally destroyed. Furthermore England would be destroyed 'in a day', a chilling
prediction of nuclear destruction if ever there was one , its here. The French would share in the Turmoil in Europe , nothing would be
left untouched , everything would be wrong and peoples lives would become misery. The English Royalty driven liberals , so strong
and influential in Europe would be driven back and eliminated.

When questioned about his prophetic vision and its timing ,van Rensburg replied 'when the ice melts'. A visionary , who as far back
as 1900 was able to pierce the veil of time and know of 'Global Warming' when most people scarcely could read and write.

The Monarchy today faces total destruction for deeds done in Africa to the Afrikaner people , deeds so dark , that van Rensburg
,known openly for his visions, was even jailed for a short period. The English judge during his hearings remarked that he should 'eat
less meat' so as not to have such lucid dreams (incidentally the judge who told him this also issued him with the order to have 'no
further visions', also died shortly thereafter).

The Europeans , who have raised the European Union (EU) into being and now require elected officials to justify their roles in
society , forced head to head with an institution that has no basis for its claims to rule. Essentially every institution in the UK is
answerable to the Monarchy . If fact proof of this is in the designation 'HMS' on the ships , every ship is His majesty's ship or Her
majesty's ship . Additionally , the MOD (Ministry of Defence) answer not to parliament in the UK(United Kingdom) as one would
believe in a democracy , but to the Monarchy instead. The Monarchy in iteslf would abuse it position of trust , telling people that it is
liberal values that have made Europe great , a total lie . It was the foundation of Christ that lifted Europe out of the doldrums to a
hieght of wealth never before seen in the history of the World. At its height the Monarch would switch side , attempting to
incorporate Islam into a Christianity , the Windsors would make appeals , and ultimately openly betray Christ by attempting to
change the calendar and the manner in which we attest to Christ , via the Calender. They would attempt to force Europe to integrate

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with the 'Gentiles' something Europe was warned of 2000 years ago.

Strangely , the French totally missed that Christ's name was Jesus , was this a derivative of the french “Je suis” a play on words
“Jesus”, meaning I AM CHRIST . Now is the time for the French (Paris) to remember “'The stone( Christ) that the builders rejected
(by the Windsors) has now become the cornerstone ” , everyone who rejects him will suffer by the folly of liberalism , religion of the
fools and weak hearted.

Van Rensburg foresaw the demise of the Monarchy at the hands of the Germans leading the EU. In fact as of writing this , HSBC the
'Worlds Local Bank' has already made plans to pull out of London , if that is not a telling sign , of international corporates beginning
to hedge their bets elsewhere. Liberalism is dead , the Windors are officially known to have expelled South Africans Afrikaners from
the Commonwealth , all because the Afrikaners knew the death and destruction that would come from forced settlements of different
cultures. But the English Windsors true to their nature knew that death and destruction would weaken Europe and especially the
French , their silently hated enemy to whom they have no time for.

Already the Scottish have begun to contest their rights . It is foreseen (by van Rensburg) that a civil war will break out in England in
the near future, as the Scottish realise that they have been short changed in their dealings with the English Monarchy over the years.
Their belief in Christ has been undermined over the centuries , till they are weakened to the point where they will be forced to
integrate with foreigners who despise them.

The details of the Monarchy's misdeeds and the slaughter of Afrikaner women and children in Africa will come to haunt the Windsor
family . From this will be no respite for what was the most powerful family in the World by Germany who paid dearly in the past for
two world wars it lost . Its attempt to force the migration of millions of economic migrants via its policy of deception will be
uncovered. Its betrayal of Christ will be clearly seen as the migrants ramp up chaos , destruction , rapes and killing on a scale never
seen since world war II . All of this will be witnessed by the Europeans , who were disbelieving of the Afrikaners , who warned of
just this back in the 1960's , but were promptly dispatched to the political wilderness.

But as van Rensburg predicted, Germany would unify (1992) and settle old scores for once and for all. This would also happen when
a great German leader looks to Africa again and Europe , and especially the French will be under attack and experience much
troubles , will realise that Europes woes can only be solved by looking beyond the continent and recognising its huguenot's heritage
in a far far away land.

Clearly , it is time to recognise the cornerstone for once and for all ,without it a Paris massacre will be a regular given event in
perpetuity in Europe .

Bdr Venz

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Foreword by the English Translators

It has been a privilege to translate this very important book; a book with a clear message from a prophet of the Almighty God to his
people, not only present in the Southern point of Africa, but also to the Western World. If one reads these visions of the Seer Nicolaas
van Rensburg, one finds the Hand of Almighty God always present, surely guiding His people towards their destiny, according to His
Will, through all the errors made by this stiff-necked people out of own choice.
The time of this destiny is on the horizon and like the sun at dawn, only a faint light is visible, but as the sun rises over and above the
horizon, its light suddenly becomes bright and clear. So also will the time of this destiny suddenly appear. The brightness thereof will
be such, that it will consume their enemies like that of fire, forever to be destroyed.
Jeremiah chapter 51:20: “Is tusa mo thau agus mo ghai-sce cogaidh ina n-aonar ina bhfichidi augus ina mbeirt agus ina sivaite!”
(Thou art my battle-axe and weapons of war, for with Thee will I break in pieces the Nations and with Thee will I destroy kingdoms).
After the great struggle has ended, may we then voice the following to the Honour of our God “Wha hae wi God bled.”
General information
Purists will probably find much to criticize about while perusing this book, as the language therein is inclined to be rather archaic.
However, rewriting it into modern English would change the whole character of the Seer Van Rensburg’s story. As the reader will
learn, Seer was a simple, humble man who had no formal education, being able only to read his Bible with great difficulty.

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The manner in which he describes his visions may initially seem confusing, and sometimes may not even make sense to the average
reader. However, as the story unfolds, the reader will become more familiar with his particular style. To facilitate understanding of
the symbols which he used, a complete list will be found elsewhere in this book.
The term ‘Kaffir/s’ has been retained wherever the Seer describes his visions in which blacks are featured. Should anyone feel
offended by this, please understand that no offence is intended, but the term is in keeping with his style of expression and the period
in which he lived.
All Biblical quotations used in the text have been taken from the King James Version, except where specifically marked: ‘Good News
The Seer often refers to shoes or boots in his visions. Please note that the shoes or boots generally worn in his day were known as
‘velskoene’ (literally ‘skin’-shoes). Many farmers of his day made their own shoes or boots from tanned ox- or other hide, and
although not as stylish as the factory product, were nonetheless sturdy, tough and hardwearing.
The War of 1899 - 1902 is commonly referred to as the Anglo Boer War. It is also known as the Boer War, Second Boer War, Second
War of Liberation or Freedom. For the sake of conformity the latter term is used throughout most of the text.
Aloes, or aloe trees are often used throughout the text. However, the aloes referred to here are the Agave, American aloe or sisal
plant, commonly called ‘garingbome’ (cotton-trees) in Afrikaans.
Michael Viljoen and Julie van Rensburg 28th June, 1998
Let us go to the Seer...
About five o’clock one autumn morning, I was sitting on my cane chair reading 1 Samuel 9. Saul and his servant were looking for his
father’s asses that had been lost. They found nothing, and when Saul wanted to go back his servant advised him that they should
consult a man of God. He said the following to Saul: “Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man,
all that he saith cometh surely to pass; now let us go thither (to the seer); peradventure he can show us our way that we should go.”
Something happened to me at that moment; a shudder went through me, a light flashed through my head and as I stood up I spoke
aloud to myself: “Have we not had our man of God and Seer?”
Vague memories came to mind, and for a fleeting moment I saw myself in the countryside at Lichtenburg where my father was busy
telling me, my brothers and sister about Seer van Rensburg who always went to a hill behind his house during the day, to read his
Bible and pray. “And there God spoke to him.” I heard my father say.
This was what I could remember. I then started searching, but just like Saul’s asses, Seer van Rensburg was lost to me. Then one
morning at a place called Eloffsdal, Pretoria, he appeared before me in the form of old Mr. Paul Prinsloo, an eighty two year old
“disciple”, and a person who knew all about Seer van Rensburg—a man even at that age, who had bright and clear eyes. And for the
first time since my childhood I heard the following words: “Seer van Rensburg said... ‘ And from that time on I met various other
people who knew about the Boer Prophet and what he had said. Then information started coming to me like a flood.
Today I know without doubt—we had our own Seer!

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Foreword by the BDR Vanis to Windsors............................................................................................................................1

Foreword by the English Translators...............................................................................................................................3

PREFACE -Prophet, or bearer of an apocalypse ..............................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 1 - Messenger of God ....................................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 2 - The gift of prophecy ..................................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 3 - The Second Revelation? His disciple .......................................................................................................13

CHAPTER 4 - Wearers of the prophetic cloak , Israel and the Afrikaner nation ...............................................................15

CHAPTER 5 - SEER—THE PERSON By Kalahari-Mac (Kalahari-Mac is the pseudonym of an Afrikaans author).......17

CHAPTER 6 - Reports, letters and memories .....................................................................................................................20

CHAPTER 7 - The Second War of Freedom .......................................................................................................................23

CHAPTER 8 - Messenger of God .......................................................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 9 - Mourning crepe over Lichtenburg ..............................................................................................................31

CHAPTER 10 - The Rebellion.............................................................................................................................................34

CHAPTER 11 - In prison .....................................................................................................................................................43

CHAPTER 12 - The Upright Shall Remain Standing .........................................................................................................46

CHAPTER 13 - The Tragic Death of General Botha ..........................................................................................................48

CHAPTER 14 - Then My Old Bible Appeared Before Me... .............................................................................................51

CHAPTER 15 & 16 - The Second World War ...................................................................................................................53

CHAPTER 17 - The Founding of the United Nations .......................................................................................................56

CHAPTER 18 - The Birth of A Republic ..........................................................................................................................58

CHAPTER 19 - The John Vorster Era ...............................................................................................................................60

CHAPTER 20 - Spectre of Terror. .....................................................................................................................................63

CHAPTER 21 - The Election, the Result and Thereafter .................................................................................................70

CHAPTER 22 - Reform—the Time of Darkness .............................................................................................................78

CHAPTER 23 - Blood River Recalled .............................................................................................................................87

CHAPTER 24 - The Seven Plagues of England ..............................................................................................................97

CHAPTER 25 - The Seer’s Last Days .............................................................................................................................100

CHAPTER 26 - Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Prophecies ...................................................................................................103

CHAPTER 27 - The Bible and Seer’s Visions ..............................................................................................................120

EPILOGUE ....................................................................................................................................................................124

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Prophet, or bearer of an apocalypse?
During the last quarter of the previous century and the first quarter of this century, no one was more well- known in the Western
Transvaal than Nicolaas van Rens- nburg, the Seer.
He was a legend during his lifetime and not only did well-known generals of the Boer war, like De La Rey and Kemp believe that he
was a prophet, but statesmen like Generals Hertzog, Louis Botha and J.C. Smuts on more than one occasion witnessed, even in
Parliament, that Nicolaas van Rensburg’s prophecies have come true during their lifetime.
There is enough evidence which proves that Nicolaas van Rensburg was no charlatan. The only book he read was the Bible and he
believed that his visions came directly from God and never did he practice occultism. He was a devoted Christian and never used his
“gift of prophecy” for personal gain, or attempt to impress anyone. He believed that you must live your life in honour of God and
many Bible verses are found in his prophecies, and to this day it has not yet been proven that his prophecies were false, (except those
ignorant people who have attempted to interpret them in their own way).
In a study called Bible History for Catechises published in 1971 and edited by Professor J.I. de Wet, it would seem that Nicolaas van
Rensburg was a bearer of an Apocalypse more than being a prophet.
Nicolaas (Seer) van Rensburg, the Boer Prophet, died in l926, but today he is still considered to be one of the most remarkable

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personages in our history.

It is therefore surprising that there has been only one half-hearted attempt, 70 years after his death, to publish his life story.
From 187l (when he was only seven years old) until his death in 1926, he had more than 700 visions about his people in South
Africa, other nations, as well as world affairs. Although many of his visions were remembered by word of mouth, it was only during
the last ten years of his life that he asked his daughter, Anna, to write down his daily visions.
The Books are Lost!
The two books which contained his visions as written down by Anna, his daughter, were nowhere to be found during the early years
of l980, and even the remaining family did not know where they were. According to an article in a Sunday newspaper in 198l, these
books disappeared after the death of his daughter, Anna Badenhorst, and could not be found. Now, after about 50 years the books
have again emerged and when reading these visions (they have an astonishing parallel with the Revelation of John) one realises that
the symbols and metaphors just may contain the key to those things we do not yet understand in our times. In about 700 visions the
history of Nicolaas van Rensburg’s people, the Afrikaner, is sketched over a period of l00 years, fitting together like pieces of a
puzzle. One must only find the right piece at the right time to complete the picture.
Knowledge and interpretation of most of these visions were for years only known to certain people. But to date many of the Seer’s
closest friends could not interpret all Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions. An attempt was made in a recent publication, but not only
were these interpretations contrary to those given by Nicolaas van Rensburg himself, (but even contrary to the interpretations given
by the people themselves) thereby causing a lot of damage. Just as there are visions and revelations by Daniel and other pro- phets of
the Bible which will only be understood when they are fulfilled, so it is with some of Nicolaas van Rens- burg’s visions.
So that everyone can know”
With the publication of Voice of a Prophet, I am fulfilling the wish of Nicolaas van Rensburg, namely that his visions should be made
known to all his people. In 19l6 he had a vision that towards the end of this century his people would become more and more
interested to know about his visions. At that time he told a very good friend of his, Mr. Boy Mussmann, who lived in Vryburg, the
following: “There will come a time when I will be much in the news again. At that time I saw that we as a nation were still arguing
amongst one another, and then suddenly we have a black government. Then only will the Afrikaners’ most bitter struggle begin.” He
also said: “I see a time when the whole world will be ploughed under. (This is the beginning of the Third World War and everything
will be in disorder and confusion will reign). Then I saw a snake lying on the ploughed land. I could not see its head or tail ....
(Nobody will know for certain where this war will begin, or where and when it will end). Everything in the churches will also be
wrong. I saw my daughter Anna seated and writing, then I knew: nobody would be able to make head or tail of my visions for one
will say—Nicolaas van Rensburg said this and another will argue and say, no, he said thus.... After seeing this vision I asked my
daughter to write down my visions daily so that all will know when the time comes.” Mrs. Anna Badenhorst (his daughter), who was
14 at the time, started writing down all his visions from 15th August 1916 until his death ten years later, filling two books with
hundreds of entries. How many actual visions Nicolaas van Rensburg had will probably never be known. Those which he “saw” from
1871, were mostly memorized and kept by word of mouth.
The Seer, Nicolaas van Rensburg, did not discuss his visions with everyone. Perhaps the reason was that God so decreed it and sent
only a few genuine and trustworthy friends and people to the old prophet, people and friends who had the gift, when Nicholas van
Rensburg had pas- sed away, to be able to remember verbatim what he had told them. Such people and friends were Generals Koos
De La Rey and Christiaan de Wet (two Boer generals from the Boer War), and Mr. Kerneels Nieuwenhuis, but especially his good
and trusted friend, Mr. Boy Mussmann. Mr. Mussmann said: “I devoted my life to make my people aware of the visions and their
interpretations as seen by Nicolaas”. Evidence hereof are the hundreds of letters regarding these visions he wrote to people,
newspapers and magazines. Some of these are also, for the first time in 40 years included in this book.
Lastly, I also received a neatly handwritten manuscript about Seer’s visions and interpretations, written in beautiful Afrikaans (the
Krause Document). For me personally it is one of the most important Seer discoveries of the past number of years. It consists of over
90 pages and contains all his well-known visions as written down by his daughter, Anna, in the two vision books, but also includes
his astounding vision of the outbreak and outcome of World War 3 (as memorised by Oupa (Grandfather) Krause). When the old man
was sent to jail in 1942 by Jan Smuts he related these future events verbally to a celmate Mr. Brits who wrote it down. Futhermore it
contains a number of letters personally written by the Seer, as well as some extremely interesting new visions which were not
documented by his daughter.
Undoubtedly Seer van Rensburg has an enormous influence on the descendants of his people. He himself said that the time would
come when he would be very much in the news again; a time when his compatriots would be at loggerheads with each other; a dark
time when they would be subjects under a black government. That prophesy has already been fulfilled in our time!
Astonishing wisdom and knowledge
One of the very first things I noticed when I began my research on the life and prophecies of Nicolaas van Rensburg, was his
humility and unshakable belief and trust in God.
He never had any formal schooling, yet his knowledge and wisdom not only astonished his own family and friends, but even scholars
from Cambridge University, England (who had perused his visions) could not believe that he never had any formal education and that
he was just an ordinary and illiterate farmer.
From l9l6 Nicolaas van Rensburg only revealed his visions and interpretations to his daughter, Anna, and closest friends. This was
confirmed by Mr. Boy Mussmann in many of his letters.
During Nicolaas van Rensburg’s lifetime many of his visions were fulfilled, like the second Boer War, and after that the Union of
South Africa. Many of his visions have yet to be fulfilled, while others have already been fulfilled during the last decade or two.
Some examples are the disintegration of Russia which would coincide with major reforms in South Africa, and Afrikaner dissension.
I hope, with the publication of this book, 70 years after Nicolaas van Rensburg’s passing away, to reintroduce him to his people as the
man of God, the prophet and true patriot.The writing of this book, Voice of a Prophet, like none other, has given me days of joy.
Adriaan Snyman

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September, l995

Messenger of God
Nicolaas Pieter Johannes Janse van Rensburg was born on the 30th of August 1864, near the town called Wolmaransstad, on the
family farm, Rietkuil, where he spent his childhood. Like most children of his day, he grew up in difficult and turbulent times. At the
age of seven he started his schooling which lasted a mere 20 days, for his father needed his help on their farm. From that time he
never had any formal education again.
From a tender age he was known to be ‘different’, timid and reserved and never took part in the mischievous pranks of boys his age,
nor did he have any real interest in farming. He mostly enjoyed listening to his mother reading to him from the Bible. By means of
the Bible his mother was able to teach him, with difficulty, to read the Book by spelling and deciphering the words one at a time.
From that time until his death, the Bible was the only book he ever read and he had no interest whatever to read anything else, for he
believed other books or newspapers were worldly things and did not spiritually enhance a person. This made his knowledge and
visions of world affairs all the more astonishing for by only reading the Bible over a period of 55 years, he accurately forecast what
would happen worldwide in the future.
His mother, Anna Catharina van Rensburg, was a quiet, sensitive and soft-spoken woman and healthwise not very strong. Nicolaas

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van Rensburg did not only take after his mother, but also inherited her frailness. This was the main reason why there was such a
strong bond between them until her death.
Just like his mother, he disliked violence to such an extent that he could not even stand seeing an animal being slaughtered. It is
therefore an enigma why he joined the Boer forces during both wars and stayed throughout until the end, even though he foresaw the
disastrous outcome. He is also the only soldier in history who never shot at or killed any of his enemies—he never carried a gun.
Many who did not understand his gift of prophecy shrugged their shoulders and quoted Shakespeare: “there are more things in
heaven and on earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.”
When he was still a toddler, his mother noticed that her son could ‘see’ things, but he was then still too young to grasp and
understand what was happening to him. His mother believed that if this gift was from God, her son would understand at a later stage.
Even though she had always wondered how great this gift was that her son received and asked him many times what he was seeing
that made him so unhappy, he only stood staring at her with his deep penetrating blue eyes and could never utter a word. The look in
his eyes was such that she wanted to take him to her and hug him.
Many people have said that his eyes put fear into them and did not want to look into them. Others again said that they have never
seen such sad eyes, it was as though he looked at you from an infinite depth, through you, as if he saw something far away which
brought the sadness to his eyes.
How heavily this burden of prophet or seer rested on his shoulders, nobody would know, but at the age of twenty he had already
started greying and was chosen as an elder in his church the following year. At thirty, neighbouring farmers older than him called him
‘Oom’ Niklaas (‘Oom’ meaning uncle in English and is widely used among Afrikaners as a sign of respect for somebody older than
oneself, even though not one’s immediate family). A female was likewise addressed as ‘Tante’ or ‘Tant’, meaning aunt, while peers
usually addressed each other as ‘neef’ or ‘nig’, meaning cousin.). An Afrikaans writer, Johannes Meintjes, who had made a study of
Nicolaas van Rens- burg, put it this way: “It is as if Nicolaas van Rensburg had never known any childhood or teenage years, as if he
was born old and one could not help but feel awe and respect towards him.”
His mother was a woman who kept to herself and many times locked herself in her room to study the Bible. This love of the Bible
and the knowledge thereof, she always shared with her son, Nicolaas.
One day when their minister remarked to her how obvious and great the resemblance between her and her son was, she said: “I know,
Reverend, I have the feeling that Nicolaas will become a great and well-known preacher one day...”
She probably knew something, as mothers sometimes do! Only at one time during his childhood (he was seven years old) did she
have a glimpse of his gift of prophecy, because she had passed away long before Nicolaas became known as a seer and a legend in
his lifetime.
Kort koos’ van Rensburg
Nicolaas’ father, known as Willem, or ‘Kort (Short) Koos’ (Koos being an abbreviation of Jacobus, or Jacob), was a very rugged man
and had no time for cowardice. As a teenager he was part of the “Great Trek” and had to face many hardships and dangers and when
he arrived in the Transvaal, he settled on a farm which he called ‘Rietkuil’ (Reed Pool). It therefore came as a shock to him when he
discovered that his youngest son, Nicolaas, was not to follow in his footsteps. He wanted tough and rugged sons, who could, like
him, take on the struggle of life with no sympathy towards, or from anyone.
He never showed sympathy and the workers (blacks) on his farm experienced this. He therefore made Nicolaas a shepherd, for he
believed that was all he could do. Nicolaas therefore left home every morning to herd sheep. He carried his food and Bible with him,
and while looking after the sheep he struggled with the reading of the Bible and as a result he eventually read through it many times
and could remember lengthy passages.
The Van Rensburg family was very poor, and to subsidise his meagre income, Kort Koos had to leave the farm many times with his
wagon loaded with farm products and tools he had made, to barter for food. During these times his wife and four children were alone
on the farm and Annie, his wife, being of timid nature, experienced these times as a nightmare, for there were many raider gangs
roving around the countryside robbing and plundering.
Dream vision
It was during one of these times when Kort Koos was absent on a trip that Nicolaas had one of his visions.
A very loyal black worker, Moos, working for the Van Rensburg family, knocked on the kitchen door one evening. The children were
already asleep. This black warned Nicolaas’ mother he had heard that one of the gangs who roamed the countryside was going to
attack the family farm that evening and murder them all.
Nicolaas’ mother was numb with shock, for although knowing about these roving, plundering gangs, she never expected that they
would be attacked. She immediately woke the children and told them that they must get ready to leave for a neighbouring farm.
Nicolaas, when his mother woke him, sat still for a moment, staring. He then said to her: “It will not be necessary, Mother, for God
appeared to me in a dream, saying that we must stay home, for He will protect us, as long as Father is away. We must stay.”
The seven year old Nicolaas was calm and spoke with confidence, a confidence which his mother had never heard before. She
wanted them to leave immediately, but Nicolaas told her: “You, Pieter and the girls can go—I am staying home.” His mother’s
impression was that God wanted her to protect her home and children unto death. She then decided that this was what she would do.
She took her four children to the front room (sitting room) of the house, made them lie down, covered them with blankets, took the
old musket and waited. Nicolaas’ brother and two sisters went to sleep immediately, but he stayed awake with his mother. Everything
was quiet and by sunrise no attack had taken place.
At first light Nicolaas’ mother looked through the window and saw the gang outside. For some inexplicable reason they never
attacked and as she looked she saw them turn and run away as if they were frightened by something or somebody. She could never
find out why they never attacked the house or why they suddenly ran away, but from that day she believed more in her son’s gift to
see, and accepted that he received visions from God, because he trusted in God so much and studied the Bible diligently.
A lifetime of pain, anxiety and sorrow
Nicolaas van Rensburg eventually came to understand this gift he had—a gift which would bring him a lifetime of pain, anxiety and

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sorrow, for being able to ‘see’ into the future is not always beneficial. He also realised he could not use this gift to enrich himself, for
then it would be taken away, and he also realised that the message which he would receive through his gift, was far too precious to
his people, as he had to warn them of their future.
Although he was a timid person, his patriotism was very strong at the age of twelve, and as he grew older it became like a burning
flame within his heart. This burning patriotism became more of a burning desire when he ‘saw’ how his people (the Afrikaner Boer
Nation) would be oppres- sed, downtrodden, and how traitorous some of his own would be. (The Boers were first oppressed by
Britain, thereafter by world leaders and lastly by their own political leaders).
He also saw division amongst his people, rebellion, brothers fighting brothers with blood flowing, droughts, poverty, world wars and
then the first of two republics.
In one of these visions he saw twilight descending over this country, a vision he also saw just before he passed away, but this time he
saw twilight becoming darkness.
Shortly after this last vision he told a visiting member of the family: “There will be more treason, more abuse, yes, I see more
division and more flowing of blood than during the Rebellion. (During the 1914 Rebellion the Boers took up arms and sided with
Germany). This is not just our blood, but I also see an unbelievable miracle happening. When I saw this miracle, I knew only then
that the struggle of my people (for freedom and a free country, a Republic of their own) will be fulfilled and then it will be the end of
the time of my visions....”

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The gift of prophecy
People who have the gift of prophecy acknowledge that it sometimes appears in their younger years, sometimes in middle age and
now and then in old age, but very seldom throughout their lives.
Nicolaas van Rensburg’s case was different, for it began at a very early age and only came to an end when he passed away. It reached
its zenith during the Boer War, when it subsided a little and reached a peak again during his later years. He always experienced his
visions in times of silence and/or when he was alone.
Twelve years after the Boer War, when he was imprisoned for participating in the Rebellion of l914, he explained to a journalist,
Harm Oost, how his visions ap- peared to him. Before this only his wife and children and a few compatriots knew how his visions
came to him.
He explained it as follows: “I start to experience a sort of pressure in the back of my head and my senses begin to spin until I become
so dizzy that I cannot stand upright any more. I then lie down, put my hands behind my head and close my eyes. Even though my
eyes are closed I begin to see a haziness passing before my eyes, but the pressure in my head is still there. The haze becomes thicker
and starts to whirl like clouds that are gathering and out of this the visions come as clear as daylight as though I am there myself. The

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only thing I can do is to look and see what is shown to me......”

The visions end when the pressure and the dizziness subside. He then contemplates on what he saw so that he may understand them.
Just like in the Revelation of John, Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions appeared in symbols, which were objects he came into daily
contact with, like pigs, goats, sheep, oxen, horses, and asses. These animals also appear in different colours. For example: a red bull
will be England; a blue bull—Germany, and oxen with white on the back will be America. The Afrikaner Boer nation was always
seen as a greyish or brown type of animal.
Further symbols were farming implements such as picks, shovels, sickles, ploughs, etc. Ox wagons, hooded carts and other vehicles
were also symbols. Many other objects and animals seen as symbols played prominent roles in these visions, like certain buck species
(Springbok), chickens, yellow water, turning wheels, etc.
His visions were not always chronological, nor logical, and sometimes they were so comprehensive that he experienced them over
periods of days and even weeks.
In the beginning he did not always understand his visions and it sometimes happened for example that he saw a vision of somebody
without his/her hat on (In those days no Boer was ever seen without his hat on). Only when this person had passed away, did he know
the meaning of such a vision. But he soon learned to understand the meanings of the symbols and visions, but although he could or
would not in the beginning, either understand, or interpret his visions, he later did so. Interpretations he only gave to close friends
whose integrity he did not doubt.
From 1916 until his death, he always went to sit on a small hill behind his farmhouse to pray and study his Bible in the silence and
during these times he experienced his visions. People living in the surrounding areas then started to name his little hill as ‘the place of
visions’, for every time he returned after having been on this little hill, his daughter had to write down what he had seen.

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The Second Revelation?
His disciple
Boy Mussmann corresponded with various people for decades until his death in 1973 regarding Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions; he
was his bosom friend for twelve years, as well as his ‘disciple’ and only ‘messenger’. In his letters he not only wrote
comprehensively about Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions, which were told to him personally, but the more difficult and
incomprehensible symbols and visions were explained to him by Nicolaas.
He said the following: “If I had to put into book form everything I have written down, it would come close to what one of the writers
of the Bible wrote (....making many books, there is no end—Ecclesiastes 12 verse l2). Every Afrikaner, whether rich or poor, should
read it (the Seer’s story and his visions), then our people will know that they also had a prophet as one reads about in the Bible in
Samuel Chapter 9 verse 9 ‘Before time in Israel when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spoke, come let us go to the seer, for he
then is now called a prophet was before time called a Seer’.”
Mr. Mussmann (he was the son of a sister of one of the Boer generals, De La Rey), in his later years farmed at Langlaagte (Long
Valley) near Vryburg.
In 1955 he wrote to a friend: “The Seer’s daughter wrote down all his visions from 1916 until his death. Things that still have to

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happen, and are happening now, have all been written down—as well as the biggest event of all (the free Republic). After her father’s
death (1926) she told me the following: ”Uncle Boy, you must write a book about my father". I do not think there is anybody today
that knows as much as I do about the visions. But to get to know Nicolaas well, you must know all about him and have intimate
knowledge of the meaning of everything....”
I have therefore made extensive use of Mr. Mussmann’s knowledge and interpretations of the Seer’s visions dating from after the
First World War until today.
For the first time after reading all the visions that had been written down, Mr. Boy Mussmann declared emphatically: Nicolaas is a
second John and his visions a Second Revelation of what is still to happen to his people, the Afrikaner, whom he loved so much."
After this, Mr. Mussmann started gathering all the information he could possibly get, in order to start writing about Nicolaas van
Rensburg as requested by Anna Badenhorst (Nicolaas’ daughter). Unfortunately, however, the time to do this continuously eluded
him, for during the war years (1940 onwards) things went wrong for him when General J.C. Smuts sent a team of detectives to
confiscate all books and also the ‘secret’ Krause Document (see Chapter 22) in which these visions were written, (probably because
of the less flattering things about Smuts and the future of the country that Nicolaas had prophesied). However, extremely valuable
information about Seer van Rensburg was left behind by Mr. Mussmann in numerous letters, articles and personal conversations.

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Wearers of the prophetic cloak
Israel and the Afrikaner nation
The well-known English author, Lawrence G. Green, focuses on two interesting comparisons between the Afrikaner nation and
Israel, a conclusion he came to after years of studying the Afrikaner nation: (a) That nowhere other than in Palestine would one find
as many Biblical names of places and towns as in South Africa, and (b) that the Afrikaner, more than any other nation in the world,
has received the gift of prophecy.
Green mentions President Paul Kruger as one member of the Afrikaner nation that had this gift, as he could ‘see’ game in a hunting
ground long before he and his fellow-hunters reached that specific area or watering hole. But one evening Paul Kruger, after having
asked his young wife, Gezina, to read certain chapters to him from the Bible, left the house and went to a mountain called the
Magaliesberg (a mountain range in the Southern Transvaal and reputed to be one of the oldest ranges in the world), to be alone with
Days later his wife, worried sick, asked the neighbours to help search for him. They found him on the mountain near to death from
lack of water and food.
Although he never spoke about his experience during those days on the Magaliesberg Mountain, it was said that he awaited a

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message from God to show him the right way to go.

But what really happened was that he, like Jacob, wrestled with God. Being a strict Calvinist, he was afraid that his gift to ‘see’
would weaken his trust in God, and when he was on the mountain he prayed that this gift be taken away from him. His prayer was
General De la Rey regarding the seer
General Koos de la Rey did not have the gift of clairvoyance, but could immediately detect whether somebody was an opportunist, a
renegade or a charlatan. If Seer van Rensburg was a charlatan (as some people have alleged), General De La Rey would have been
the first to notice this and would not have named Nicolaas van Rensburg ‘a messenger to his people’, nor would he have said that
Seer was “an instrument of a Power which I recognize and respect.”
According to the Afrikaans historian, Professor G. van der Westhuizen, seers and prophets were not unique with- in the Afrikaner
nation, as such cases could be traced throughout their history. Among others he refers to a letter in the Bloemfontein War Museum
(Orange Free State) containing details of a vision seen by a Mrs. Annie Botha on the 2nd of May 1900. Her vision is very similar to
one seen by Seer van Rensburg. She also foresaw Lord Roberts’ scorched earth policy which would only be implemented in
September 1900. (This refers to the torching of Boer farms and houses by the British to prevent the Boer fighters from obtaining
supplies during the Anglo Boer War).
Her vision lasted four hours and plunged her into a state of deep depression.
“However,” Professor Van der Westhuizen said: “Never was there anyone who could correctly forecast on the same scale as Nicolaas
van Rensburg did.”
The struggle against Mapog and malaria
(‘Mapog’ was chief of one of the black tribes)
In 1882 Nicolaas van Rensburg and his younger brother went on commando under General Piet Joubert against Mapog. During this
period it showed clearly that Nicolaas van Rensburg, being timid of character and having an antipathy against violence, would never
gain fame as a warrior, but his fellow commando members never held this against him, for his integrity and warmheartedness won
him their love and respect, even at such a young age.
During this period on commando, which lasted from October 1882 until July 1883, he became ill with malaria and at times there was
fear for his life. After a long period of illness, and arriving back on the family farm, he retreated into himself and did Bible study for
six months.
In December 1883, during a business trip to Wolma- ransstad, he met Annie Kruger, a good looking and placid daughter of a
neighbouring farmer. It was a fleeting acquaintance, but on his way home Nicolaas knew without any doubt that this was the woman
he would marry, and on 8th January 1884, the couple tied the knot. His premonition that she was the one he should marry was
correct, as she was one of very few people who understood him, for during the days when he retreated from his family to study his
Bible, she accepted it without protest. During their 42 years of marriage, she gave birth to ten children and was a great comfort to
him during his times of anxiety after experiencing visions which caused him great distress. Although she was always in the
background she was very proud of her husband, but she never realized that he was chosen by God to receive visions about his
people’s destiny which would be a guide to them in the difficult and dark days to come.
Close family life
Seer Van Rensburg’s participation in the Boer War and Rebellion of 1914 never influenced the close relationship between him and his
family. Annie and the children seldom spoke to outsiders, or expressed their views about his visions, but Annie sometimes proudly
announced: “My husband is a Seer....”
Except for his third son, Kallie and eldest daughter Hester, his other children never inherited the gift of prophesy. Kallie never
actually experienced any visions, but had the gift to interpret those of his father.

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SEER—THE PERSON By Kalahari-Mac (Kalahari-Mac is the pseudonym of an Afrikaans author).
Seer Van Rensburg as person, his peculiar character and visions drew the interest of various well-known people like ‘Kalahari-Mac’,
author of a book titled Behind the scenes of the Rebellion.(About the 1914 Rebellion). He met Nico- laas van Rensburg for the first
time on the 26th November 1914 at a town called Nakop. His description of the Boer prophet was as follows: “He was short of
stature, with a long black beard, and had a stately countenance, always carrying his Bible under his arm. I have never seen him smile;
his calmness was such that his face was virtually expressionless.
Together with his son they accompanied the troops on a little open cart drawn by mules. It is astounding how much respect General
Kemp and his troops showed him. I estimated his age in the fifties, although his dignified conduct made him seem much older. When
he experienced a vision, he recounted this vision exactly at least a hundred times that day.
With the patience of Job he explained the vision over and over without any indication of becoming impatient. Never have I seen him
angry. Any other person, under those circumstances, would have lost their temper.
“He had an unshakeable belief in the Bible and had no doubt that he was sent by the Creator to assist the Rebels with advice. This
was the reason why he accepted all questions by the Rebels as part of his task. He was a humble and poor farmer with just enough

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education enabling him to read the Bible.”

Dr. C. Louis Leipoldt
(A well-known Afrikaans poet and author)
The poet, dr. C. Louis Leipoldt’s view of the Seer was more scientific and objective. His view was that, although the Seer was not
well educated and without any cultural background, he had an inborn feeling for that which was beautiful and he looked at life with
the farsightedness of a poet. He said about the Seer: “His rhapsodies came from a deep feeling from within, although he could not,
because of a limited vocabulary, totally express himself. He used one word to express more than one meaning and repeated the same
phrase with slight modifications, not to emphasize the phrase, but, as though he loved to create association and rhythm.”
In the Afrikaans magazine, Die Huisgenoot of November 1921, an anonymous reader gave the following description of the Seer’s
character and lifestyle: “A few weeks ago four of us specially went to visit old ‘Oom’ Nicolaas. He lives in an old style, flat roofed
little house, which is very elementary, but very neat on the whole. When we arrived he approached and greeted the visitors, of which
two were well-known to him, with dignity.
“One immediately gets the feeling of being in the presence of somebody with a profound personality. His facial structure, clear blue
eyes, long beard, well formed forehead and calmness all have a bearing on his character and personality. As soon as we entered the
little house we were offered a cup of coffee and after some conversation one of us asked the old prophet regarding what lay ahead. At
first he hesitated, but after a while he started to talk about what he sees on the road ahead. His way of expressing himself is by first
referring to some history from the Boer War and how it came about that he became aware of his ability to foresee. Then slowly he
will start talking about present situations. While leaning on the table with his left arm, he would slowly and repeatedly touch his
forehead and rub his beard and now and again he would wipe the water from his eyes. It seems as if what he is telling you creates
mental exertion. He then said: “Not too far ahead, a thick black cloud will threaten our people, but it will quickly pass and then there
will be happiness and well- being. All the plains of our country will be dug up and ploughed and here and there a few aloe trees will
be left standing and weeping bitterly.” (the aloe trees, according to him, is the British Government). “The English all move to
Kimberley and then I do not see them any more. The ‘Boers’ (Afrikaners) also get together and those (Afri- kaners) who are among
the English and other enemies of ours, I see coming over and joining us....”
The writer then ends his article with the following pro- phecy of Nicolaas: “I see Ireland being flung from a wagon (England) like a
loose sheaf of corn.”
Johannes Meintjes
Johannes Meintjes, a well-known South African writer and painter, had another interesting opinion regarding Nicolaas and the people
of his time.
According to the him the ‘Boers’ of the old Republics were typical Biblical characters—not just in appearance, but also in their way
of life which was based on the will of God. Just like the Biblical patriarchs, their whole way of life was subjected to the Will of God.
Johannes Meintjes saw in the language used by Nicolaas the same poetic speech in which the Bible was written and is the speech in
which the ‘Boer’ prophet revealed his visions. He explained this as follows: “As the years passed and Nicolaas studied his Bible
more and more, eventually his speech and description of his visions would be delivered in rich Biblical metaphor.”
One can see many (almost unbelievable) parallels between the ancient Israelites and the Boer people. For example: The Voortrekkers
believed themselves to be the Elect of God and even Paul Kruger, the President of the Transvaal Republic, declared to his people:
“You are the children of God.” He said this on many occasions as if he feared that his people would forget who and what they were
and are.
The question is—why did Paul Kruger believe this and why did he repeat it to his people on so many occasions? The only thing we
know is that this trust in the love and protection of God was what carried the Boer nation through all their sufferings when on trek
(when they left the Cape Colony during British reign) and strengthened them during the Anglo-Boer War. The basis for their belief as
being the Elect of God can be seen in the parallel of the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites of old and the Boer nation’s trek inland
into the wilderness from the Cape Colony.
Other examples are:
Just like Moses and Aaron, the Boer leaders were men of God. God made a Covenant with Israel to deliver them from their enemies
(Egyptians), and lead them into their promised land on condition they keep that specific day (l4th day of Nisan) from generation to
generation as a remembrance of their delivery, and that it must be a feast day in honour of their God. In turn the Voortrekkers prayed
to God and asked Him to deliver them from their enemies, the Zulus, at Blood River and made a Covenant with God that if He
helped them, they would keep this day as a Sabbath from generation to generation and would build a temple in His honour. This was
the battle of Blood River which occurred in the l6th of December 1938.
On their arrival in the promised land, Israel built a temple in honour of God. The Voortrekkers, when they arrived in their promised
land, also built a Church and monument. (the Church of the Covenant in Pietermaritzburg and Voortrekker monument in Pretoria).
Since the battle of Blood River the Day of the Vow (covenant) has been kept by the Boers. This Holy day has now been abolished to
appease the heathens in the “new South Africa.”
During the Anglo-Boer War an incident occurred which was so identical to the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt that it became known as
“Pharaoh’s Red Sea” among the burghers.
Today there are many Afrikaners (the Seer called them ‘jingoes’) who, under foreign pressure, agree that the Day of the Covenant
should be abolished. Nicolaas van Rens- burg have foreseen this happening in one of his visions on 28th February, 1922. In this
vision he saw that one of our future Governments would hand over power to aliens and that it would happen as a result of the fact
that this future Government would succumb to pressure from the West instead of following the Will of their God.
God has made a Covenant with only two nations, Israel of old and the Boer nation. Is it therefore a coincidence that Israel of old and
the Boer nation of today were and are the two most hated nations in history? Africa and the West have been more lenient towards evil
Communism than towards the Boer nation. Nicolaas even foresaw this worldwide campaign of hate!
Incense holders and sheep droppings

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Johannes Meintjes compared Nicolaas with John who wrote Revelation, and it is very interesting to compare some of the symbols
used by both in their visions. It is also significant that many of the symbols used by both prophets were part of their everyday lives;
the plant and animal kingdoms, the heavens, standard utensils and their own environments.
John: The sun becomes black as a hairy sack and the moon becomes like blood. He sees angels holding the four winds of the earth;
he sees an incense holder from which voices, thunderclaps, lightning bolts and earthquakes are flung out. Then locusts with the
appearance of horses and faces of men appear; there were horses with heads of lions with fire, smoke and brimstone emitting from
their mouths. He sees a red dragon with seven heads and ten horns; also a serpent from whose mouth water spouts and a woman with
the wings of an eagle fleeing from the dragon. Then he saw a Man mounted on a pure white horse, clothed with a vestment dipped in
blood and from whose mouth emerged a sharp two-edged sword to smite the nations...
The Seer: In the pictures that appear during Oom Nicolaas’ moments of clairvoyance, bulls and rams of different colours storm each
other and there are often broken bones and horns. Wagons drawn by oxen of different colours rattle past; birds fly out of the mouths
of statues, springbok run over a scorched piece of earth in Eastern Europe and in the West the earth is ploughed asunder. From the
south swine come running and suddenly change into people. A young Irish maiden becomes an adult in the twinkling of an eye.
Sheep droppings fall out of a large barrel and the whole of the earth changes into a place covered in sheep droppings only. A stretch
of aloe plants moves towards the north; in the north-west a bucket of blood falls over and spills and he sees the flag of the Boer
nation being dipped in blood and this blood-flag then flies over a free Boer nation.

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Reports, letters and memories
Today, more than 70 years after Seer van Rensburg’s death, there is still a vast amount of written information available about his
character and his visions, largely thanks to his children, grandchildren, family members and others who have preserved them over the
years. Numerous newspaper reports, letters and memories from intimate friends about the old prophet’s activities have also
miraculously been retained. Naturally all these things throw more light on his character and person, as well as the remarkable visions
he experienced almost daily.
Many deeply religious people—some being among the greatest names in Boer politics—visited him on his farm in his flat roofed
little house with its clay walls and floors in the district of Wolmaransstad in the Western Transvaal. On his farm Rietkuil great Boer
leaders like Generals Jan Smuts, Koos de la Rey, Christiaan de Wet, Christiaan Beyers, and prominent figures like Imker
Hoogenhout, Jan Kemp, Harm Oost, Drs. Tielman Roos and H.D. van Broekhuizen, visited him, and were served coffee and rusks by
his daughters Anna and Letta.
On many occasions he was seen by his children leaning on his cane, looking towards the horizon and talking to visitors who wanted
to know whether he had interesting new visions regarding the future.
A Joseph within the family

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Van Rensburg’ son, Kallie, was the one who, like Joseph of old, had the ability to interpret his father’s visions. However, at the time
no outsiders knew about this. Since 1916 Kallie had noted down his father’s visions and even studied them long after his father’s
death. Kallie died in 1966, and although he was no educated person, his insight into, and ability to interpret his father’s visions,
astounded even his two sisters, Anna and Aletta.
However, shortly before Anna died in a car accident at Rietkuil in 1981, she and her sister, Aletta, spoke about their elder brother’s
‘gift of interpretation’ for the first time.
“If only our brother was still living”, they proclaimed to a journalist, (the late) Koos van der Merwe: “for he had a wonderful talent to
understand and interpret Father’s visions. Like Father, Kallie was not well educated, but read the newspapers regularly and knew a
lot regarding politics and world affairs. In uncertain times he would take the book in which Father’s visions were noted and study it
and then say to us—look, just like Father saw it in his visions! Do you see? And then we also saw and understood.”
Kallie never married and his brother, Johannes, only married at a late age during 1953. As a result of this there was no grandson to
continue the family name.
Even though Van Rensburg’ other children could not interpret or understand all his visions, they could talk for hours about what their
father saw. Particularly his two daughters, Anna Badenhorst and Letta Botha.
During their last interview with the journalist, Koos van der Merwe, Anna told of the following vision her father ‘saw’ just before the
Rebellion of 1914. The vision was about Van Rensburg and Kerneels Nieuwenhuis standing in the dark at Park Station, Johannesburg
and looking at a brown coloured block being rolled out in front of them. All of a sudden the darkness disappeared and it became
bright with light and they were then standing in front of a building which had barred windows.
Everything happened accordingly. During January l915 the Rebels laid down their arms at Upington and Seer and the officers of the
Rebels were sent to the Fort at Boks- burg. The Seer was imprisoned there and found his cell- mate to be someone with the surname
of Nieuwenhuis. They became very good friends and Kerneels Nieuwen- huis wrote down all the visions the Seer experienced while
in prison. The amazing fact is that the Seer recognized the building with the barred windows as the prison he had seen in his vision.
He also foresaw their release (the sudden bright light and recognizing the building from the outside).
He did not experience many visions in which his children were directly involved. Yet during the Anglo-Boer War he said that two of
his daughters would die of measles in the concentration camp at Mafeking (Mafikeng) after they, as well as their two other sisters and
grandparents, were taken captive by the English in 1901.
Fourteen years after that vision, he had another one in which he saw his eldest son, Willem Jakobus, lying on the wrong side of his
coat. He described this vision to Mr. Boy Mussmann and his brother’s son and added that this was a bad omen. But the vision of the
death of his two little daughters in the concentration camp would affect him deeply years later.
Mrs. Maria James, the granddaughter of Van Rensburg tells the story:
The grass stands high and yellow
“During the Anglo-Boer War in the year 1901, my grandfather’s eldest son, the late uncle Willie, together with my grandmother and
two of her younger children fled from their farm Rietkuil in my grandfather’s horse-drawn cart and linked up with the camp of a
certain Mr. Le Roux. This camp was made up of wagons with women, children and elderly people. They camped the night on a farm,
Witpoort, which lay to the north-east of Rietkuil.
“The next morning as it became light, they were overpowered and taken captive by the English officers and traitors (National
Scouts). The horse-drawn carts and eques- trians escaped. Part of this group that escaped were my grandfather, the Seer, my
grandmother, Annie, and their daughter Aletta, who later became Mrs. Botha. However the wagons with the women and children
were taken captive and taken to Ottosdal, then known as Korannafon- tein. At Ottosdal all their belongings were burnt and they were
escorted in open wagons to the concentration camp at Mafikeng.
“Grandfather’s son, Willie, who herded the sheep and cattle outside the camp, managed to escape and stay out of enemy hands.
“Grandfather saw all this happening in a vision—he saw my mother (Hester Coertze) standing alone and a bustard (symbol of a type
of wild peacock, depicting treason) walking all around her and the grass stood high and yellow...” (A sign of impending danger).
Not long after, two of his daughters in the concentration camp would appear in a vision again. This was in October of the same year
when he saw Anna Katrina and Maria Elizabeth, together with his deceased sister standing on a ladder. He then knew that they were
going to die.
The deaths of his two little daughters was one of the most traumatic experiences of his lifetime. He had difficulty in coming to terms
with this and mourned their deaths for a long time. But these same two daughters, Anna Katrina and Maria Elizabeth would appear in
a vision for the third time precisely 20 years later.
A family friend tells the story
The Seer was not so shy that he could be described as being unsociable. He loved people and his knowledge of human nature was
extensive, according to ‘Tant’ (aunt) Letta. The fact that he had the gift of foresight also helped.
“The idea that Van Rensburg was of sombre character was totally wrong”, said Mr. J. Lategan, a friend of the Van Rensburg family.
“I became a friend of Van Rensburg after his release from prison in Johannesburg in 1916. During the next ten years until his death in
1926 an intimate friendship grew between our families. Although we belonged to different churches, Van Rensburg being a member
of the Reformed Church and we were members of the Dutch Reformed Church, he and his wife, ‘Tant’ Annie, always stayed over at
our house during the time of Holy Communion. Whenever they came to town they stayed at our home. In this way we got to know
and appreciate him and ‘Tant’ Annie as sincere Christians and rugged Afri- kaners; people on whom Church and nation could always
rely, and nothing would ever entice them to divert from the ways of their nation.
“Van Rensburg never took much notice of political talk and would quietly sit and listen while people were engaged in such
arguments. Sometimes he would only nod his head when he agreed with someone. But, whenever people started talking about the
Boer nation, or about religion, he would enthusiastically join in the conversation. One Sun- day, just after Church, while sitting at the
table, Van Rens- burg dominated the conversation for over an hour. In his soft, almost musical voice he spoke so entertainingly that
we just sat listening. He spoke about the reforms that would take place in our country and how the Boer nation would trek northwards

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in their thousands.
(More will be said about these visions and their interpretations in chapters 22-25. Some of these visions are so current that they could
have appeared in this morning’s newspaper).
“Van Rensburg may have been a simple and not highly educated farmer, but was one of the most interesting people I have ever met,”
said Mr. Lategan.
The Seer’s seventh child, ‘tant’ Letta, remembers people visiting them at their farm Rietkuil and trying to take advantage of her
father’s kind-heartedness, but he had no trouble in spotting such fraudsters.
When she was twelve years old, after the normal family prayer gathering, her father made the following remark: “I see a tree with
green foliage and then a branch growing counter to the others, break and fall to the ground. This branch immediately started growing
strongly—a new political party. But the old tree started to wither and die.”
A year after this vision General Hertzog walked out of the cabinet of General Louis Botha. This led to the formation of the National
The visions did not often disturb Seer, but there were occasions when he became so agitated that he felt compelled to talk about them,
or went outside to find solitude in the veld.
During the afternoon of 1 May 1921, Van Rensburg came into the house after work and requested his daughter, Anna, to fetch writing
materials. She wrote down the visions in a school exercise book.
Seer dictated the following: I see a pig lying down in Europe with its head facing West. The pig is being scraped clean with a sharp
knife. The light is fading and I see the pig being hung up in the Union." (The Union of South Africa).
When she wanted to know from him what this vision meant, he told her it indicated the advent of the Afrikaner capitalist whose
property he saw as being abhorrent.
South Africa—the one with the curly golden hair
One of the most interesting visions Van Rensburg experienced and interpreted himself, was of three little girls lying next to each
other in a cradle. One had long black hair and blue eyes, the other one was dark of skin and the last one had curly golden hair. The
one with black hair and blue eyes grew more rapidly than the others. Then the dark skinned one next became strong, and lastly the
one with the golden curly hair. Van Rensburg explained that this vision had to do with countries receiving their independence from
Great Britain. He explained that the black haired, blue eyed one is Ireland, the dark skinned one, India, and that the golden curly
haired one, was South Africa. He said that these countries would receive their independence accordingly.
Just before her death in 1981, Van Rensburg’s daughter Anna, made an interesting remark. She said she remembered her father saying
that the country which will win the war in the far future (Third World War) would have to have Germany as an ally.
A vision Van Rensburg had about a dark cloud coming from the East, creeping over Europe and eventually covering Europe in
darkness only became clear long after his death. He told his son, Kallie, this vision had to do with the rise of Communism in
Russia and China are the countries orchestrating the infiltration of Communism into Europe and the West as well as in South Africa.
Until recently South Africa was the only country where Communism was banned in terms of law. The Seer had the following vision
which clearly indicated the important roles of China and Russia:
“A red bull rises in the East while more red cattle rise further East. These cattle want to wage war. They are looking in our direction.”
This is the only reference to red bulls in the book of visions.
Anna could also quote many of the visions she noted down in her book and elaborate on them: “Look, Father made me write here
during the 1920’s: I see a chalk-like country, it looks like Rhodesia to me. I see a train with troops. These troops are shooting with
Maxims through the windows. They are South African troops and are firing at our enemies.” This is one of the clearest visions he had
regarding a future war in Africa.
Van Rensburg’s granddaughter—Mrs. Ria James
Mrs. Ria James, one of the 20 surviving grandchildren, supplied the following interesting information regarding certain visions which
had not yet been noted down:
a) (The Rebellion)
“While in prison, Grandfather saw himself leaving for home, but one of his friends forgot his riempie-seat stool. (This did happen).
Grandfather also said to his friend Kerneels Nieuwehuis: ”Kerneels, I see you and I sitting under a tree on a wooden bench eating
raisin cakes." This actually did occur during Christmas that year when raisin cakes were distributed to them and which they ate while
seated on a bench under a tree."
b) (First World War)
In 1911 he predicted the First World War: “The world was burning—and grey and red bulls were fighting”. In 1914, when
Grandfather’s brother, uncle Pieter, was called up, Grandfather told him that he would be home in two weeks. This did happen.
With the passing of years, the darkness that Seer always spoke about did indeed descend over South Africa.
Some of his visions gives one a feeling of great anxiety: “Out of the North a speckled black ox appears. He is looking in our
direction. The earth in our country becomes desolate, but in Europe it becomes pitch dark.” (He said a second worldwide depression
would occur at the turn of the cetuary).
However, there are many positive visions which seem closer to fulfilment than people may think. Following is an edited version of
three different visions combined into one: “After we as a nation have humbled ourselves before our God, I see a great miracle
happening. Thereafter I see the ‘Vierkleur’ (the old Transvaal flag, with four colours, red, white, blue and green) flying out over a
free Afrikaner nation and there is peace and prosperity...”
Among the many mementos his grandchildren have today are a wooden spoon and fork made by him during the Rebellion, when he
was imprisoned, an old Bible given to him by Kate Kock, many photos, as well as hundreds of his visions written down by his
daughter Anna.

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The Second War of Freedom
With the outbreak of the Second War of Freedom, Nicolaas van Rensburg’s gift of prophecy came to it’s fullest, but simultaneously
his life also became a nightmare. He acknowledged that it was terrible for him, as he had to endure the war twice—firstly through his
visions, followed by reality. What he saw in the future was enough to spiritually break even a strong man.
Together with his brother, Pieter, he was called up to join the commando of Field-General Du Toit. The Western Transvaal
commandos were under command of General Piet Cronje, assisted by General Koos de la Rey as his advisor.
After General Cronje’s commando was surrounded on the mountain at Magersfontein, General Christiaan de Wet sent Danie Theron
through the English columns to advise General Cronje that he would shoot a path open at a certain spot through which General
Cronje could escape with his 4,000 men. However, Cronje did not see his way out and all were taken prisoner, except Nicolaas van
Rensburg and a few other men who escaped, risking their lives. They were then placed under command of General De Wet.
I am sending you the prophet Nicolaas
That night at Taungs, (a little town in Botswana), Van Rensburg held a prayer meeting for his fellow commandos. He was very tired
and went to bed early. During the night he suddenly awoke, feeling a strange pressure in his head. It was so intense that it made him

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dizzy. Closing his eyes and holding his head in his hands he did not know, nor realise what was happening to him. He woke his
brother, Pieter, and told him that he was afraid. Pieter thought it to be only a nightmare and went back to sleep. Frightened, and not
knowing what was happening to him, Nicolaas left their tent and walked into the veld. The pressure in his head took hold of him
again and he then lay down on the ground and closed his eyes. After closing his eyes he became aware of milling clouds in front of
them, which then became denser. He thought it to be a storm brewing, but the clouds suddenly disappeared and he saw a plain in
front of him. What he then ‘saw’ that night made him think he was losing his mind. At sunrise when the commandos started to mount
up, Field-cornet Jan van Wyk noticed that Nicolaas van Rensburg was missing. Some of the men then started searching for him. After
a while, they found him lying beneath a bush like a frightened child. His hair was tousled, his face dirty and streaked with tear marks
and his clothes tattered and dirty.
Some of the men found this hilarious and laughed at him, for to them he looked like a lout. Nicolaas did not say a word and despite
his appearance he was very calm. It was only Field-cornet Jan van Wyk (who later married Van Rensburg’s sister) who saw Nicolaas’
red eyes and bloodied chewed nails and realised he must have gone through a terrible experience.
The young Field-cornet waited until they were alone in camp and asked Van Rensburg: “’Oom’ Klasie, what happened last night?”
What Nicolaas van Rensburg told him was so terrifying that Field-cornet Van Wyk refused to believe him.
Everything covered under smoke and flames
Van Wyk reported the incident to General De la Rey and to his surprise the general requested that he fetch Nicolaas. Van Rensburg
then told the general about the vision he had. (I quote him verbatim): “General, last night I saw something terrifying. We will be
going to Kimberley, but we will not stay there very long. I got this feeling that we were riding again, southwards. Then the vision
appeared: I saw our men fleeing across a blackened earth. Then I saw our wives and children bundled together in hundreds and
thousands. I can still hear the children crying. The women were also filled with despair and grief and as they were being herded and
driven, I saw our homes and lands go up in flames from horizon to horizon. Everything was covered in smoke and flames... General,
it was terrifying.”
When he had finished speaking, General De la Rey rubbed his hand across his face and murmured: “May God keep us safe! Return to
your men for we have to ride. If you see something again, please tell me immediately. Be careful who you talk to about this, for the
men will not believe you and only laugh at you. But come to me...”
Jan van Wyk walked a little way with Van Rensburg and then asked him: “’Oom’ Klasie, does this mean that we are going to lose the
war? And what will the English do with our women and children? Why will our homes and farms be burned? What does all this
Nicolaas van Rensburg only shrugged his shoulders for he was still too shocked and dumbfounded to think clearly.
“I hope it was only a nightmare and nothing else,” Jan van Wyk said before they parted.
However, what neither he nor the General realised, was that the ‘prophet’ Nicolaas van Rensburg was born that night at Taungs on the
16th October, 1899. This vision came only five days after the outbreak of the war and at that stage not even the English soldiers could
have dream- ed of the horrors the scorched-earth policy and murder camps launched by Lords Roberts and Kitchener would result in.
(From then until the end of the war in 1902, more than 26 000 old people, women and children would die and more than 63 000
houses and Farms destroyed by arson).
Nicolaas’ battle against Satan
What few people knew at the time was that throughout his lifetime Nicolaas van Rensburg had been waging his own personal war
against Satan. To him Satan was real and he constantly felt this evil force snapping at his heels.
His first physical contact with Satan occurred that night at Tuangs when he saw the vision of torture and death of thousands of
women and children in a war only just begun between Boer and Brit.
About what actually happened during those midnight hours, Van Rensburg said: “I went to bed and fell asleep. During the early
morning hours I suddenly woke up. I then saw a vision to this side. (indicating southwards). We were among thorn trees surrounded
by troops. I then turned to the other side. From the west I saw many women and children coming, and they were fleeing. I saw the
whole of that part of the earth was blackened. I saw vast destruction over the whole country. My anxiety became so great that I
wanted to flee into the wilderness to be alone and not return. My thoughts became confused and suddenly I knew that satanic powers
were trying to destroy me. That was when I hid under the bush where Jan van Wyk and the others found me. General Koos de la Rey
then sent me home to recover. At my farm Rietkuil, I could not settle down. My heart was restless and shortly afterwards I left to
rejoin the commando. However, I was fighting a greater battle against the devil than against the English. Satan was attempting to
drive me back to the desert to kill myself in the wilderness: ”because,” he said to me: “everyone laughs at your visions and nobody
will ever believe you!”
I drove him away, but every time he returned; at times he was grey in colour and at other times he was black. A hideous being that
did not appear human. For many days I wrestled with him before he finally went away. I then had an ulcerated hand and was
hospitalized at Boshoff. I was really ill with this hand, cousin!” (The term ‘cousin’ was commonly used among Afrikaners to address
each other).
The devil would often still waylay and torment him, but Nicolaas would never again have any doubts about the sense and meaning of
his supernatural gift. It placed him on a more intimate footing with his people and strengthened his love for his country. As servant
and prophet this gift was from God and had to be used in service of his people, the Boer nation. He used the Bible more often instead
of his visions to bring consolation and hope to his people during the war.
In later life, when a friend asked him whether the devil was still tormenting him, he replied: “Yes, my friend, he will not change, but
as long as I cling to my God, His word and my people, I will remain standing...”
Van Rensburg was sent home to recover shortly after his vision at Taungs. He was a physical wreck and authorities are of the opinion
that he never fully recovered from his shocking experience.
It comforted him to know that the general believed him, but it was not enough. The pain and heartache over the dark future of his
people could not alleviate it. The image of fleeing women, and children in particular, would still haunt him for many years

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His long standing friendship with General Koos de la Rey began at Taungs. The general never forgot their first conversations. “Who
would ever have thought this at the outbreak of hostilities?” he wrote later. “No wonder the burgers thought Nicolaas was insane.
However, he was not insane.”
During the nearly three years of war, Van Rensburg’s supernatural gift found its greatest expression. One reason why more people
began believing in him was the fact that General de la Rey took him seriously. Although a military genius, De la Rey was also a
pacifist, a man who, in principle, was firmly opposed against all violence of war.
The field preacher
During most of part the war, Van Rensburg remained with the commando of General De la Rey. Because preachers and doctors
became very scarce during that time, he often led the church services himself. Rather than firing at the enemy, he preferred preaching
to the Boers and giving them moral support which they often sorely needed. He started filling the shoes of a minister and many
people were impressed by his vast Biblical knowledge.
However, there were others who regarded Seer’s gift with scepticism. Initially both President M.T. Steyn and General J.B.M. Hertzog
wanted nothing to do with him. However, they rapidly changed their tune after meeting the Seer as guests of De la Rey. He (the Seer)
came to warn De la Rey that the two statesmen should leave urgently as the enemy was advancing to take them prisoner. Steyn and
Hertzog thought this a joke, but Koos de la Rey was so insistent they listen to the Seer, they finally agreed to do so.
More than ten years later, when answering questions put by the Chosen Committee investigating the 1914 Rebellion, General
Hertzog elaborated on what happened on that specific day.
Today it is still an enigma and miracle how a handful of Boers could harass the whole British army throughout the country. In all
probability Nicolaas van Rensburg played no small part in these events. He often foresaw the English movements and could issue a
warning to the commanders.
“We must move camp,” he would announce out of the blue: “for the English will arrive at dawn!” Virtually every time he was right.
He also predicted the arrival of messengers correctly. “General must remain here for a few hours more. I see two men on white and
brown horses, bearing a letter.” The messengers would indeed arrive with important news.
Through the ‘Red Sea’
Certain parallels between the Boers and Israelites have previously been mentioned. In the same manner the Israelites passed through
the Red Sea, General de Wet and his men fled before the enemy through a full river—pursued by the English, who were hot on their
heels. However, something occurred which General de Wet could not explain to his dying day.
General de Wet himself admitted that he and his men were often assisted by Nicolaas’ personal messages and/or warnings in evading
the English forces in the nick of time.
One of the most miraculous visions the Seer ever experienced concerned General de Wet shortly before the death of Danie Theron in
September 1900 when the general and his men were forced to resign. Years later the well-known Reverend J.H. Loubser accurately
wrote it down and safeguarded it.
Reverend Loubser quotes General de Wet: “On one occasion between four hundred to six hundred men and I were caught in a heavy
rainstorm where the Caledon and Orange Rivers meet and we were trapped in a corner by the English. Once or twice my men
managed to drive them back, but it soon became obvious that the English were getting the upper hand. In fact, I heard later that a
message announcing that ‘old dirty De Wet’ was captured, had already been sent to England.
“I realised we were in a hopeless situation and was strongly tempted to raise the white flag. However, while standing there
undecidedly, a soaked and bloodied Danie Theron stumbled our of the bushes. He had just swum across the river from Transvaal with
a letter from General De la Rey.
“Koos de la Rey wrote that the Seer was with him and said he had ‘seen’ that my men and I would be in such serious trouble that we
would consider surrendering.
“However, De la Rey wrote, I must not be afraid, the Lord will provide. Nicolaas says there is a large rock on my side of the
Caledon. My men and I must enter the water at that spot, regardless of how high the river was running. We must head straight across
to where a marula tree is standing. According to De la Rey, the Seer added that even the horses’ bellies would not get wet, for the
Lord would be with us. We would find a group of sleeping Englishmen on the opposite side.
“We actually found the rock, but my men thought it sheer madness to try and cross the river and I had to lay in- to them with my
sjambok (a type of whip) before they would saddle up. Danie Theron, who had meanwhile been attended to and provided with clean
clothing and a horse, entered the river with us.
“To my amazement we all crossed safely and the water did not even touch the horses’ bellies, for there was a high sand bank exactly
where Nicolaas had said we should cross over. On the other side we found the sleeping British and fired on them so heavily that they
fled in confusion. Meanwhile the English on the opposite side were crossing the river on our tracks. They were about halfway when
something happened that I cannot explain. Suddenly all those soldiers and their horses began disappearing under the water, just like
Pharaoh and his men at the Red Sea, and several hundred drowned in the Caledon River that day.
“All I can surmise is that the sand bank which had supported us, must have washed away from under them. Undoubtedly the Lord
sent Danie Theron to me with Nico- laas’ message that day!”
President M.T. Steyn and the Prophet
Not long after this incident, General De Wet and 600 of his men were encamped on a farm near Heilbron and Memel. For more than
a week they never encountered any British forces. During the course of one afternoon, about three or four o’clock, they noticed a
cloud of dust far down the road. It was president M.T. Steyn and ‘Oom’ Nicolaas van Rensburg arriving in a spider-buggy. They
brought a letter written by General Koos de la Rey to General De Wet. The message read: “I am sending President Steyn and the Seer
to you, for I believe you are encamped in a safe place. The English are on to us and I thought it best to send them to you to enable
them to rest a while.”
On their arrival on the farm, Roodewal, President Steyn lay down in the buggy while General Hertzog, (who had meanwhile also

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arrived), read to him from the book Quo Vadis. The Seer decided to stroll around the farmyard and then started talking to Mr. Jack
Brebner, secretary to President Steyn, where he was resting on his saddle. Suddenly Brebner called out: “President, you have to listen
to what Van Rensburg has to say!” President Steyn called the Seer over, who told him that he was seeing a number of white flags and
strange looking houses next to a ditch. “President”, he said, pointing towards Kroonstad. “Two horsemen are coming, one on a black
and the other on a white horse.”
The horsemen duly arrived, carrying a letter from acting President Schalk Burger of the Transvaal Government, for President Steyn.
During a follow up visit Van Rensburg, in the presence of General Hertzog and President Steyn, advised General De la Rey he had
seen a vision of British troops arriving on the farm very early the next morning, before the rising of the morning star. On hearing this,
General De la Rey immediately ordered his men to mount up and sent President Steyn and Van Rensburg ahead in the spider.
Unfortunately two of General De la Rey’s second in command did not heed this warning and remained on the farm. The following
day General De Wet received a message confirming the arrival of the British troops, as well as the capture of the two adjutants.
One Sunday afternoon about six months before his death, General Christiaan de Wet told a Hollander of Dewetsdorp, Mr. Cornelis
Kruger: “Do you see Kruger, it was not I, nor General De La Rey who was so brave; it was the Hand of God!”
General De Wet expressed himself as follows regarding his trust in Van Rensburg’s visions: “There are many people who do not
believe what the Seer says, but the same living God in the time of Israel, is still living. It was not I who was such a great warrior; no,
it was the work of God who strengthened me through the Seer.
In contrast to General Kemp, who was always reluctant to give credit to Van Rensburg’s exceptional gift to see events beforehand,
Generals De Wet and Koos de la Rey unreservedly did so at all times.
One day, when General De Wet and his men arrived at a small stream near Sannaspos to camp there, the Seer immediately warned
him that a British force was approaching from Bloemfontein, especially to surprise and capture him at this place. General De Wet
immediately heeded this warning and hid his men. Not long after, the British arrived. The general and his men disarmed them,
stripped them stark naked and sent them back to Bloemfontein to tell the story there!
Is my house still standing ‘Oom’ Klasie?
During the war many of the men sought comfort from Van Rensburg, for they accepted that he could ‘see’ into the future. They
would ask: “‘Oom’, is my home still standing, or has it been burnt down?” “Where are my wife and children?” “Is my son still
alive?” There were many worrying questions and it seemed that Van Rensburg understood these peoples’ needs and fears and he tried
to help them.
However, he always answered hesitantly as he did not want to upset his comrades and interpreted what he saw in such a manner that
they were comforted.
During those dark, sad times, the Seer’s understanding and sympathy served as inspiration for his people. This alone is already
sufficient reason to honour his memory. Throughout the years of war he lived closely to his people; associated with them on a more
intimate footing than previously and this deepened his love for his country and his people even more. He served his people out of
love, and his gift was a gift from God in service of the Boer nation.
It would fill a book with hundreds of pages to explain and interpret all the visions of this old Boer prophet. Unfortunately not all the
visions and predictions he saw during the War of Freedom were preserved, and Boers who fought in that war are no longer living.
Those we do know of were those visions which were passed on by traditional word of mouth. The rest which he saw from day to day
were never written down.
General De la Rey once said: “If ever a book is written about the old Seer, it would be one of the most interesting contributions
towards the literature of the history of the War of Freedom.”
It has been said by certain historians that the Seer advised General De la Rey regarding military strategies. This was never the case,
for the Seer had virtually no military experience and would never have interfered. The most important aspect of Van Rensburg’s
advice was that he could ‘see’ the strength of numbers of a British force and from which direction they were advancing. Such
information then was used be General De la Rey to plan his strategy.
Some of the commanders ignored Nicolaas’ warnings, often with disastrous results. However, generally the Seer’s word was law.
Nicolaas always remained humble and never enforced his warnings on his seniors or the burghers—he merely passed them on as
timely warnings. It never occurred to him to show pride about his wonderful gift.
When Van Rensburg spoke, everyone fell silent and listened. Then he would tell of his strange visions; visions of battles between
blesbuck bulls, rams and bulls; visions of blood and sieves and ploughs; of black curtains, pails, white papers, black mourning crepe,
flowers, ropes, the sun, moon, stars and comets; and visions of flags, sickles and bricks.
Perhaps Almighty God ordained that the old Seer’s visions, would not only be noted down by his daughter, but also to live forth by
word of mouth, for our history has repeated itself 100 years later—the Boer nation is once again living in that smelting-oven of
oppression, distress and devastation...
Saddle up—unsaddle!
Mr. J.J.M. Yeats, of Jan Kempdorp wrote: “My late father (a Field-cornet in General de la Rey’s commando) said not long after the
English occupied Klerks- dorp in March 1902, General de Wet decided to reoccupy the town. His commando arrived at a spot close
to Klerks- dorp in the early part of evening and would camp there for the night. Everyone, except Van Rensburg, off-saddled, but he
remained seated. Father asked: ”What now?" He replied: “Look, the English are advancing straight at us from Klerksdorp.” Father
believed him, as did General De la Rey, who ordered Father and two other men to go and determine whether the English were really
on their way. The rest of the men were ordered to immediately saddle up again and wait on their horses until my father and his
companions returned.
Father and the two scouts rode a short distance towards the town when they spotted the English commando, but they were moving
away from them towards Klerksdorp. After following the enemy for some distance they turned around, satisfied that no Englishman
would dare show his face near the camp that night.
On reaching the commando again they were surprised to see that everyone, except Van Rensburg, had saddled up again, ready to

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leave quickly. Van Rensburg, however, rested against a tree-trunk while his horse was cropping grass a short distance away. Father
asked the Seer what this meant, upon which the old man stroked his beard and replied: “You see, cousin, shortly after you left, I saw
the English troops turn around, so I off-saddled. This lot did not want to believe me. You can also off-saddle now. We will enter
Klerksdorp tomorrow without having to fire a single shot.” It happened exactly as the Seer said: the Boers did not find a single
Englishman in the town!
The beginning of his grief
The Seer once said to a friend: “A great responsibility rests on my shoulders.” Then he quoted from Psalm 78: “Give ear, O my
people, to my law; incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old:
Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; shewing to the generation
to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength, and His wonderful works that He hath done...”
The Seer indeed spoke in parables and riddles and his nation seldom listened—or perhaps they did not want to listen. Right to the end
of the war the Seer was treated with a degree of contempt and anger by some of the burghers. On one occasion they even forced him
to ‘ride ox-hide’ as punishment for the so-called ‘visions’ with which he naggingly tormented the Boers. J.F. van Wyk said: “He (Van
Rensburg) ‘saw’ far too many fierce bulls which posed danger for our commando, and those bulls also meant nothing as we could not
even slaughter them. The ‘war- council’ found the Seer guilty and he had to ride ox-hide.
The skin of a freshly-killed beast was used for this purpose. It was put down on the ground with the hair side up and six elongated
holes (large enough to insert two hands) were cut in on either side. Twelve men stood around the hide and Nicolaas was told to lie
down on it. The twelve then lifted the hide, pulling it taut. They threw Nicolaas high into the air—five times in succession.
It was a dangerous game, but the Seer accepted it with a good-natured, embarrassed smile.
The reason for the burghers’ hostility started in October 1899 when the Seer told General Koos de la Rey that the Boers would not
only lose the war and the English flag hoisted in Bloemfontein and Pretoria, but that hundreds of Boer houses would be torched,
farms plundered and women and children would be captured and taken away. Some of the Seer’s comrades were so incensed by these
predictions that they threatened to shoot him; they bran- ded him a coward, said he was insane and an uppermost traitor.
However, despite all this, and his own shock and dismay at the frightening vision, Seer van Rensburg silently endured their
accusations and hostility. His comradeship and patience towards them never altered; even after that same vision became reality more
than a year later.
Throughout the war the salvation, welfare and safety of his people were all that mattered to him—so much so that he never
mentioned a word to anybody about the suffering he and his family experienced during the dark times of the war and the Rebellion.
Early one night in January 1901, he and some family members stayed with a farmer, Willem Bosman, in the Wolmaransstad area.
While drinking coffee the following morning, the Seer suddenly held up his right hand and placing his left hand over his eyes, he sat
staring ahead a long time. He turned to the farmer and said:
“Willem, I see three cows coming down the road five miles away from Klerksdorp on the other side of the mountain. They will be
here before sunset. They seem dead tired, exhausted and urgently in need of attention.”
The farmer’s wife laughed and mockingly told her husband that Van Rensburg probably had his eye on the cows which had been
missing for a month already. However, Willem Bosman and someone else rode away to go and look for the cows. Five miles on the
other side of the mountain they found three emaciated, terrified women fleeing from the English soldiers. Back at the Bosman
homestead, they told an appalling story:
“The English arrived on our farm, burnt the house with all our possessions, drove our cattle to their camp and abducted us, a number
of children and old people on an ox wagon; but we three managed to escape during the night.”
The seer’s children go to the death camp
Some days after rejoining General de la Rey’s commando, he saw a vision in which five of his children were captured by the English
and he, his wife and the other two children remaining behind. On hearing this, General Koos de la Rey permitted Van Rensburg to
return to Rietkuil to safeguard his family. Arriving home, the Seer first went to warn his parents, (who were living in the original
house at Rietkuil) as well as some of the neighbouring farmers to leave the area immediately, as the English were on their way to
plunder their homes and capture their women and children.
Only a few neighbours and one or two friends believed Van Rensburg and they started preparing to leave their farms.
With assistance from a friend, the Van Rensburg’s furniture and other possessions were stored in one room which was then sealed
with an additional clay wall on the inside. This little storeroom was so cunningly built that unless one knew of its existence, the
plastered partition could be mistaken for an inside wall.
Late that afternoon while the women were preparing supper for the children, they received a message that the English soldiers were
advancing towards Rietkuil and they had to make a hasty departure. Van Rensburg, his wife and eldest son, Willie and two daughters
fled into the veld in their horse-drawn cart, driving their cattle ahead of them. Their eldest daughter, Hester, the other four children
and their grandparents, accompanied by other farmers’ wives, attempted to flee towards Wolmaransstad in ox-wagons. Two of Van
Rensburg’s sisters-in-law, Mesdames Nonnie van Wyk and Hannie Claasen, were among this group. Nonnie van Wyk was the wife of
Field-cornet Jan van Wyk, who was present at Taungs during the early years of the war when the Seer saw the vision of destruction
and the end of the war. It was he who took the Boer prophet to General de la Rey.
The two children accompanying the Seer and his wife began crying from hunger, but there was no time to stop and feed them. They
fled throughout the night. At dawn when Nicolaas rejoined the refugees, he was told how some of the wagons (among those being his
own and that of Mrs. van Wyk) got lost in the dark and went in another direction.
Kill the chickens!
This group also included a neighbour’s wife, Mrs. Susara Gertruida Steyn, and her children. Years later Mrs. Steyn told her grand-
daughter, Lynette Baird, of their experience. She said after two days of fleeing they, together with Van Rensburg and family arrived at
the homestead of an elderly farmer. The house was built against a high ridge. The farmer invited them to stay for the night. The old
Seer immediately asked whether he had any chickens. When the farmer asked why, Van Rensburg answered: “Shoot the dogs and

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slaughter all your chickens!”

The farmer stared at him in surprise and Van Rensburg had to repeat what he said, adding: “English troops will arrive here tonight
and I see them passing very close to the house. The dogs will start barking, the chickens will make a noise and we will all be
But the farmer did not want to know anything and refused point blank to obey the Seer’s orders. However, Nicolaas persisted and
eventually persuaded his host to do as he was ordered.
Mrs. Steyn clearly recalls that the night was clear with a full moon and from inside the darkened house they observed a number of
mounted English slowly passing along the base of the ridge.
Van Rensburg and company left the following morning to continue the search for the rest of his family and parents. Later during the
day they encountered a Boer commando closely following the English and the men told him that the wagons which were lost had
fallen into enemy hands near Korannafontein (later renamed Ottosdal). The English initially took the women, old people and children
to Korannafontein and burnt their wagons that same night. the Seer’s parents, four children and Annie’s sisters were sent to the
concentration camp at Mafikeng in open wagons.
The driver of the wagon on which the Seer’s daughter, Hester, rode, was nicknamed ‘Good man’ because he had five year old Letta
placed in the care of her sister, Hester.
Filled with anxiety and sorrow, the Seer rejoined his commando. He already had a premonition that this was just the beginning of the
tribulations he and his family would have to bear.
In the murder camps
In the concentration camp, caring for her two brothers and two sisters fell on the shoulders of his 13-year old daughter, Hester. Daily
rations were so meagre that they were perpetually hungry, and little Hester took in washing to earn a few extra pennies. This kept her
busy from dawn to dusk daily so that eleven year old Cornelius had to stand in the queue at the rations store to receive the family
Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, another camp inmate at Mafe- king, said it was impossible for the handful of helpers to hand out rations to
thousands of women and children in a single day. So on Mondays they queued for meat (which was mostly rotten and inedible),
Tuesdays to received coffee, rice or sugar, flour and salt on Wednesdays and Thursdays and only received a little firewood on
Fridays. Every day people queued from dawn until nightfall to be assisted. On many occasions the frail fainted in the scorching sun,
but the camp authorities ignored them as though they were non-existent.
“Under these desperate conditions,” Mrs.Meyer said: “measles and typhoid were rife in the camp. It was so severe that whole
families were wiped out. At one stage the death toll totalled 21 per day.”
Emily Hobhouse
In her book: The Sorrows of War (and those who suffered them), Emily Hobhouse describes the following: “Mothers with small
children had to wait three days before seeing a doctor, and when their turn came around, they were chased away, for: ‘don’t you
know that all children under the age of five years must die?’ Such a woman returned to her tent with an eternal, relentless hatred
towards the enemy.”
One morning on rising to go and do washing, 13-year old Hester was aghast on noticing that both her sisters had contracted measles.
Van Rensburg had not received any news about his family for some time, as during that period De la Rey’s forces were continuously
being hounded by the enemy and also had a few narrow escapes. He and Annie would only meet again in middle October of 1901.
However, it was a joyless reunion, for his first words to her were: “My wife, early this week I had a vision of our children in the
death camp at Mafikeng and it was not good. I see a ladder reaching from Earth to Heaven and our two daughters, Anna Katerina and
little Maria Elizabeth are standing on it, and while still looking, I saw my sister, Bettie, who had passed away in ‘85, appearing at the
foot of the ladder. This means that the Lord has sent Bettie to fetch our children—they are no longer with us...”
Shortly afterwards he and his wife received tidings that ten year old Anna Katerina and five year old Maria Elizabeth had
respectively died of measles on 6th and 8th October in the camp at Mafikeng. At the same time two of his nieces, the daughter of his
sister and that of his sister-in-law, Nonnie van Wyk, had also passed away.
(Twenty years later these four children would play the leading role in one of Van Rensburg’s most important visions regarding the
destiny of the Boer nation).
After fleeing from their farm, Rietkuil, during that night, Van Rensburg never had the chance to visit his farm again before the end of
the war. Once there, he discovered that his friend who had helped him enclose his few pieces of furniture behind the secret wall, had
joined the English forces as a National Scout. He informed them of the false ‘inner’ wall in Nicolaas’ house. Shortly after, the traitor
accompanied a troop of soldiers to Rietkuil where they dynamited and destroyed the furniture.
The day after he and his wife discovered the destruction, he stood dumbly for a long while next to his dismayed and grief-stricken
wife and then spoke softly: “Naked we came into the world and naked we will leave it...”

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Messenger of God
The Seer never forgot that his gift was from God and that he should use it in service of the Boer nation—and, ironically enough, this
was at the height of the saddest time in its history—wrote Johannes Meintjes.
And, like the Biblical prophets, the Seer never took up the sword against his nation’s enemy. “He has been sent by God to lead us,”
one of his fellow-burghers said, adding: “Van Rensburg was the Messenger of God and not His Sword.”
The outcome of the war could have been vastly different for the Boer forces had they made more use of the Seer’s gift of prophesy,
but right up to the end only a few individuals sought his counsel now and then.
Yet every day he saw in broad terms what was happening on the battlefield. In this manner he correctly predicted the outcome of the
last great battle between General de la Rey and Lord Methuen. Even then he was not spared the distressing outcome of the war.
According to Field-cornet Yeats, who was present, De la Rey meticulously planned the battle between himself and Methuen: “That
evening, after war-council, General de la Rey sent me to go and call Van Rensburg to find out whether he had ‘seen’ anything. Van
Rensburg nodded and described his vision:
I see a red Afrikaner bull approaching from Vryburg. His horns face straight forward. He is anxious to fight. He is brave and strong,
but when he reaches Barberspan, he changes colour to a red-mottled bull and his horns are hanging. His courage has fled. He begins

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to feel weak. But he will become worse, for when he reaches Harts River, he has no horns. He cannot butt any longer. Then I see him
at Tweebos with a fractured foreleg. Now he is white and hornless and lies wounded in the dust. A young black arrives, throws a rope
over the bull’s head and leads him back to where he came from." And as an afterthought, the Seer added: “He must have been
The English suffered a humiliating defeat at Klipdrift where they found Lord Methuen lying in the dust with a wounded leg. He
never took part in the war again.
Later when Boy Mussmann asked the Seer why he saw Lord Methuen as a mottled bull, the old prophet replied: “Probably because
his forces consisted of ‘Hensoppers’ (from the term ‘hands up’, a derogatory term for those Boers who joined the English forces to
fight against their own people), National Scouts from the Cape, Tommies, coloureds and blacks—a motley crew!”
Shortly thereafter the last negotiations for peace began and once again Van Rensburg described everything beforehand down to the
last detail, telling De la Rey: “You will sign with the Englishman’s knee...” (In other words, the Peace treaty would be signed on
England’s terms).
Van Rensburg also spoke about many tents near Vereeni- ging; of the flags that would be flying, and he even saw the place where the
negotiations would take place: “But peace will not be finalised there. I see a Boer house in Pretoria—that is the place...” He was
correct, for on 31st May 1902 the Peace Treaty was signed in the house of George Heys in Pretoria. Even General Barry Hertzog was
totally stunned and later often spoke of the Seer’s visions in Parliament.
The sickle of death
Some months earlier Van Rensburg had a vision regarding an event which would take place abroad after the signing of Peace. He saw
Generals Botha, De la Rey and Kemp occupying the front pew of a church in Holland. He then heard the text from which the sermon
would be delivered, as well as the psalm which would be sung. According to De la Rey, he had completely forgotten about this vision
until the three of them sat in the church in Holland and the identical text and psalm were announced by the minister.
Meanwhile the Seer returned to Rietkuil where he once again took up his former humble task. Sometimes months would pass without
seeing his hero and bosom friend, Koos de la Rey. But every once in a while the general sent a messenger, Captain Kerneels
Nieuwenhuis, to ask what Van Rensburg had seen in the interim period. In this manner De la Rey was given news of the stirring in
the Balkan states, the approaching war and also about Mussolini’s victories of the future in North Africa.
At this time (1914) the old Boer prophet saw a very strange vision, one that he could not explain. Shortly after, De la Rey visited him
and Seer told him about it. At first, though, he spoke lengthily about the Great War soon to break out: “During the past week I often
saw darkness descending over the world. It is a darkness in which many nations will be ruined. War is going to destroy millions. But
in the aftermath of the war I see a mourning-cloth descending over the world; a darkness when all nations will lament and pray; I see
the sickle of death mowing down millions. It is a terrible disease which will cause more deaths than all the battles of the war.”
(In those two visions he saw the First World War and the outbreak of the Spanish ‘Flu in 1918).
Then he told of the other strange vision: “After that, I saw a sharp sickle on the eastern side of Europe coming in from the west. I do
not know what it means. Two red flags are draped over a fence and two head of cattle are fighting. (I have never seen such a sickle or
such red flags). Then I spotted my bull, old Piet—blood was pushing up from inside him and he was angry. Four purple flags are also
draped over the fence and they, too, turn red. Shortly before the Great War, a fountain of blood flowed from Piet. Suddenly the faces
of war appear before me again; blood raining from clouds, buckets of blood. There is a massive fire burning. There is a yellow brick
which becomes soft. And then—I saw a huge red flag moving from north to south. The fire also burnt from north to south. Then
everything fades and two red bulls are engaged in battle...” Van Rensburg was silent for some time before asking: “What do you think
it means, ‘Oom’ Koos? For that fire will continue burning long after the war is over.”
However, De la Rey had no idea that the sickle represented the Communist flag or the purple flags indicated the Russian vassal or
dependent states which would fall to Communism; that the melting yellow brick depicted the humiliation of Japan. How could he
know that the red flag and fire moving from north to south would indicate the onslaught of Communism through China, along the
Pacific ocean and South Seas? And the two battling bulls? Authorities agree it can only mean that Russia and China would be
engaged in a devastating war before the end of this century.
General de la Rey left in sombre mood. Not long after, he again sent Captain Nieuwenhuis to the seer. The message sent back with
him was even more disturbing: “I see threatening storm-clouds piling up over our country. Soon the fuse that will set the whole
country alight, will be lit...”

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Mourning crepe over Lichtenburg
Just at this time an event occurred which would for ever immortalise the name of Seer van Rensburg in the annals of Boer history. On
Saturday, 11th July 1914, scarcely three weeks prior to the outbreak of war, the Seer unexpectedly arrived at General de la Rey’s
farm, Elands- fontein, in the Lichtenburg district. It was the first time in the 15 years of their friendship that Van Rensburg undertook
the 90 km trip to visit the general approximately 3 km outside Lichtenburg. He knew he was the bearer of bad news which would
affect the life of his dear friend and national favourite and he wanted to convey it personally.
Elandsfontein was a popular visiting place. Boer generals, British statesmen, townsfolk and burghers often called there, as well as
people who wanted to enjoy the anecdotes and humour of the famous general and the hospitality of his wife, ‘tant’ Nonnie. A lively
atmosphere always prevailed on the farm, until the Seer arrived on that fateful day...
The general immediately realised that Nicolaas had seen another vision, one that compelled him to undertake the tiring trip on
horseback to speak to him. They had scarcely greeted when the old prophet said: “’Oom’ Koos, I had to come. It is a serious matter.”
De la Rey took one look at Nicolaas’ large, weary and sad eyes, his frail bent shoulders, and with trepidation he realised that Nicolaas
was even more bewildered than when he saw the terrifying vision about the War of Freedom! The general was at a loss for words.
When they stepped on to the verandah, he laid his hand on the old man’s shoulder: “You look tired and done in, ‘Oom’ Nicolaas. It is

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nearly sunset—please rest now and we will talk tomorrow...”

(What follows next is a verbatim reflection of events the next day as noted down by General de la Rey’s favourite daughter, Polly.
She did so at the request of Johannes Meintjes, the author):
We ate and retired early. However, my father did not sleep much. (Her mother, Nonnie, told her this later.) The next morning he was
up earlier than usual, but it was only after the customary morning prayer service and tea at eleven o’clock that Father and I went with
Van Rensburg to the smoking room. (Father never smoked anywhere else in the house).
Only when we three were alone there, I heard Father say calmly: “All right, Van Rensburg, let us hear...”
“’Oom’ Koos,” the Seer began: “this is a serious matter. Something is going to happen to you. Every time I see you, you are
bareheaded and you know this is serious...” I still remember how sorrowful Van Rensburg was. There were tears in his eyes—he
always loved my father. However, I could not understand what was going on.
He spoke again: “I see a white piece of paper with two black letters written on it—a one and a five (15). This white paper with the
black letters is hanging over Lichtenburg. Then I see you and you are bareheaded. Then I see it becoming late at night. A black piece
of mourning crêpe is hanging over the town...”
Suddenly Nicolaas van Rensburg stared into the distance as though he was seeing something else: “I see a large expanse of blue
water on which cork stoppers (ships) are floating—large ones. Now I see something very small under the water (something like a
small vehicle) and when this surfaces, the large cork sinks...”
Father turned to me and hastily whispered in English: “Torpedoes.”
I do not think Van Rensburg even heard him, because he continued: “When I looked across the blue water again, all the corks had
disappeared. I see a large man on the opposite side; he does not live there, he lives here in our country. He is beautifully dressed, with
gold buttons on his jacket and gold braid on his hat. He carries a long sword at his side. When he returns to our country, I see the
white paper with the black 15 again, then I see you and once again you are bareheaded. The man who returned removes his fancy
clothes, removes his sword and says he will not wear them any longer...”
Father turned to me again and whispered: “It must be General Beyers, as he is overseas.”
Van Rensburg did not even look up: “I see coming from the north...” ’Probably Pretoria,’ Father wondered aloud. “...a long wagon
running on steam...” ’Must be a train,’ Father explained again as though I did not understand.
“I do not really see many people in the wagon; I see only a few. Old ‘tante’ (De la Rey’s wife, Nonnie) is also there with the children
—you too, Polly. There are beautiful flowers, flowers wherever you look. There is also ample food in the wagon, but nobody is
eating, and ‘Oom’ Koos is also there, but ‘Oom’ is bareheaded, and this is not good...”
Van Rensburg became so sorrowful that he could not continue immediately. “The man with the beautiful clothes is also in the wagon.
It stops at many places, and then many people assemble. They are very sad. It has something to do with you, ‘Oom’ Koos—‘Oom’
must take care...”
Flags hanging half mast
Van Rensburg looked through the window and continued: “I see the wagon coming to Lichtenburg. It is becoming dark and the
mourning crêpe is once again hang- ing over the town. I see flags hanging on short poles...” Father whispered in English: “Half
mast.” And then I understood for the first time what it all meant, and I sat fear-stricken, listening to Van Rensburg: “I see a large hor-
se commando approaching from Schweizer-Reneke. They are sleeping in an open area under trees. It is not war—it has something to
do with ‘Oom’.” (The open area was the market square where the statue of General de la Rey stands today). I see numerous steam
wagons approaching. They are all coming to ‘Oom’..."
Another long silence followed when Father and I stared at him. He spoke again: “’Oom’ must take care...”
Van Rensburg left for home on Monday, 13th July. The only thing Father had to say was: “Well, Polla, you heard everything. We
shall see what happens on the fifteenth.”
I only asked him to please not say anything to Mother...
The day of liberation
World War I broke out on 3rd August, 1914. The corks (ships) were sunk in the great blue waters. The Seer’s vision of the white
paper with the black 15 hanging over Lichtenburg took on a political connotation; many people believed the 15th would be the day of
liberation for the Boer nation with General de la Rey in the forefront.
All the burghers of the Onder (Under) Harts River were called to attend a meeting at Treurfontein (now Coligny, approximately 29
km from Lichtenburg), equipped with “geweer, paard, zadel en toom en zoveel ammunitie en proviand als zij in staat waren te
brengen” (rifle, horse, saddle and bridle and as much ammunition and provisions as can be carried). On Saturday, ‘15’ August De la
Rey addressed about 800 men, and against all expectations, he sketched the conditions in Europe and admonished them to remain
On 5th September he attended the special Parliamentary session and on the 12th the Senate ratified the decision that South African
troops must invade German South West (now Namibia) to lend full support to England.
That same afternoon General de la Rey returned to the Transvaal by train. He knew the detectives were watching him and instead of
changing trains at Germiston to proceed to Pretoria, he decided to continue on to Johannesburg. He arrived there on Monday, 14th
September, book- ed in at the Victoria Hotel and was given room 15.
On the same day General Beyers resigned as Commandant-General of the Union Defence Force—the man with the beautiful clothes
returning from overseas and removing his sword.
Meanwhile a meeting was organised in Potchefstroom on 15th September. “Because”, the rebels believed: “in God’s time, one month
later or earlier makes no difference—the ‘liberation’ had already been ordered for the 15th.
The principal speaker naturally had to be General de la Rey. The organisers even sent a motor car to Rietkuil to transport the Seer to
the meeting in order for him to witness his vision becoming reality. However, for some reason or another the Seer refused to travel to
Potchef- stroom.
To add to their dismay, they learned that General De la Rey would also be late!

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Generals Beyers and De la Rey left for Potchefstroom around 7 p.m. Mr. A.J. Wagner was the driver of the Daimler motor car with
the registration number TP 24. (The numeric value of 24 is 6; 2 + 4 = 6; so too the numeric value of 15: 1 + 5 = 6!).
Two policemen attempted to stop the Daimler on the corner of Du Toit and De Villiers Streets. At the time they were on the lookout
for the dangerous Foster gang and stopped all cars with three occupants at roadblocks.
However, because the Generals surmised that the roadblocks were meant for De la Rey, they ordered Mr. Wagner to continue driving
The Lion of the Western Transvaal dies
One of the policemen, Drury, fired at a rear wheel. When the Daimler came to a stop, the shocked driver got out. He grabbed De la
Rey and tried to lift him and then the beloved warrior whispered his last words: “Krisjan, I’ve been hit...”
The Lion of Western Transvaal reached out slightly, fell back and drew his last breath. An evening wind was blowing and during the
events he had lost his hat, which was never found again. (Van Rensburg said he had seen him without his hat).
So the vision of the ‘black 15’ in the sky above Lich- tenburg had been fulfilled!
According to Polly, “more than 40 special trains arrived at Lichtenburg; there was insufficient accommodation in town for everybody
and people stayed on the trains—except for the horse commando from Schweizer-Reneke who camped on the market square.”
Years later, during a radio interview, Mr. Piet Mussmann (Boy’s brother), told how he rode from Schweizer-Reneke to Rietkuil on his
motorcycle on 15th July 1914 to meet the Seer. Van Rensburg gave him a detailed description of the proceedings at General de la
Rey’s funeral: “Trains are running to Lichtenburg where they stop. In Lichtenburg I see a large building with doors on the southern
and northern sides. I see a mass of people in front of the southern door. It was the Reformers’ Church. I see six people bearing a
coffin, but they enter through the northern door and the coffin is placed on chairs in the centre of that building. However, this
person’s face is veiled, but somebody puts out his hand and unveils the face, and when he has done that, it is ‘Oom’ Koos de la Rey’s
On the day of the funeral the vision was once again fulfilled.
This prophesy regarding General Koos de la Rey, as well as the number ‘15’ became one of the Seer’s most well- known.
The death of general beyers
What few people know is that Van Rensburg also frequently saw General Christiaan Beyers in the same vision and it is well-known
that General Beyers was also present in the motorcar on that fatal night. And just as Van Rensburg predicted, General Beyers was
also present with the De la Rey family on the funeral train.
Was it mere coincidence that the old prophet saw General Beyers in the same vision? I do not think so, because before the end of that
year he tragically drowned in the Vaal River while desperately trying to swim across in an attempt to escape a hail of bullets from
If the figures of the year 1914 are added up, they also total 15...

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The Rebellion.
Nicolaas van Rensburg’s patriotism and unshakeable trust in the love and protection of God lay so deeply rooted in the hearts of his
ancestors that they even saw God’s leading hand in the course of the Great Trek and two Wars of Liberation. It was He who helped
them face the bitter pioneering years and suffering during the second War of Freedom. Because He led them to bring light to the
darkness of Africa, His blessing hand would be over them and He would never forsake them.
The peaceful atmosphere prevailing in the Seer’s congregation in Wolmaransstad was interrupted in 1914 by World War I and the
Rebellion. Nicolaas did not attend Church and Holy Communion in July 1914. His one son explained the reason: “My father says we
are going to be scattered.” That same afternoon the burghers were commandeered and this was the start of the Rebellion. The Seer
and many men from his congregation joined General Kemp to take part.
All able-bodied men from the area were commandeered to the railway station at Lichtenburg. On arrival there the protesters, among
others Van Rensburg, Commandant Izak Claasen, Mr. W. Naudé and General Kemp mounted their horses, galloped away and
assembled at Haakbos- laagte.
When the Seer appeared, the majority harboured no doubts that he was the ‘Messenger of God’ and his voice would take on a
profound quality for them throughout the duration of the 1914 Rebellion.
After General Kemp addressed the rebels at Haak- boslaagte, the burghers also requested to hear what the Seer had to say. Making a

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short speech, this was the first time he spoke about the ‘blood-flag’ which would be flying over his people: “I see we have our own
flag, but there is a bloodstain in the centre...” (Mr. Naudé personally noted down this vision).
‘Oom Nicolaas himself believed that he had been sent by God to serve the Rebellion with advice and guidance. He knew beforehand
what bitter sacrifices it would require; but he felt himself called to personally endure those sufferings and walk along the road which
“God has opened for my Boers,” as he put it to his nephew.
From all the reports, and according to tradition, there is no doubt that with the help of his visions, he frequently kept the commando
out of the hands of their pursuers and enabled them to avoid various other pitfalls.
Commando members often relied more on the Seer’s visions instead of obeying orders issued by officers, with the result that the
officers became prejudiced towards him. General Manie Maritz once remarked that he would never allow Nicolaas in his commando:
“...because he ‘sees’ such strange things which he tells the burgers about and just now they believe him so that my officers can do
nothing with them.” Once even General Kemp (in whose commando the Seer served) became impatient with Nicolaas and placed the
blame for all their misfortunes on his shoulders.
Nicolaas participation in the Rebellion also resulted in a rift between him and his church.
The minutes of the ‘Nederduitsch’ Reformed Church indicate that Seer van Rensburg served as deacon on the Church Council in
1895. He resigned as an elder in 1908 and was only nominated as elder again after the Rebellion. However, Reverend S. Vermooten,
who was consultant for Wolmaransstad at that stage, hoped that the Seer would decline the eldership as he was a rebel, which could
cause dissension in the church. Meeting by chance at the church square, Reverend Vermooten said to him: “Van Rensburg, I hear you
declined to accept...” to which the Seer replied: “Yes, Reverend, but you did not want me to accept!”
Israel and the Boer Rebels
It is noteworthy how often the Rebels of 1914 compared the journey of Moses and the Israelites to Caanan with their own
1) 600 of our men, poorly armed, had to trek in the same manner as Moses and the Israelites trekked through the desert to Caanan.
2) We had our own Moses who performed his own miracles —‘Oom’ Cornelius van Rooyen—with his built-in compass, who knew
the hours of night as well as those of day. Now he and Nicolaas, the Seer, were together and between them they advised General
Kemp what he should do.
3) It must have been some sight for Government troops to observe the small encampment in the far distance from the high
mountain... in the same manner that Bileam could observe the encampment of the Israelites from the mountains.
4) With the help of Seer van Rensburg, General Kemp led us safely through the desert as Moses of old did.
On commando with Kemp
An interesting article about the Boer prophet appeared in Die Burger (a daily newspaper) of 8th July, 1940.
“Shortly before the outbreak of the Rebellion of 1914, General Koos de la Rey—according to testimony given later—visited Van
Rensburg one night to enquire what the future held in its hand. Van Rensburg told the Boer hero that he saw people moving
westwards; they look like commandos moving from three points in the country as far as a line (place) where they merge. (General
Kemp’s Rebel forces).
There they met another commando dressed in dull- brown uniforms (Manie Maritz’ and his men). The commando leaders discuss a
blue document (the treaties). Eventually they sign them and the flag is hoisted.”
(As will be seen later on, this vision was literally fulfilled).
The article continues: “On a certain day during the Second War of Freedom the Boer encampment under Commandant Potgieter
stood on the banks of the Brak River. They were faced with a predicament as it was impossible to determine the plans of the British
“In the event of the Boers deciding to choose a specific direction, they could fall into enemy hands. Commandant Potgieter asked Mr.
Piet de Villiers to go and find Van Rensburg and ask him whether he was able to ‘see’ what the British were planning.
“At the time Van Rensburg was with the wagons which had fled from the English. When Mr. de Villiers reached Van Rensburg, the
latter told him to convey the message to Commandant Potgieter that it would be dangerous to tra- vel through between
Wolmaransstad and Schweizer-Re- neke, as he had ‘seen’ the British troops passing that way. Mr. de Villiers had scarcely returned to
his own commando when a strong British force—exactly as Van Rens- burg had warned—passed between the two towns.”
In many letters to Messrs Cornelius Borman of Kimber- ley and Joos Haasbroek of Potchefstroom, as well as in the January 1956
issue of Mense (‘People’), Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote a detailed account of his experiences with Van Rensburg while serving in
General Kemp’s commando during the Rebellion, when they undertook the arduous journey of approximately 1000 km through the
Namib desert. (I am also using information sent to me by Messrs C.L. Hager of Griekwastad and D.J. Esterhuizen of Upington).
The hammer and sickle
Mr. C.L. Hager bought a farm situated between Griek- wastad and Postmasburg in 1950. One of his neighbours was 82-year old
Frans Groenewald, an erstwhile resident of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. “He was a War of Freedom and Rebellion veteran.”
Mr. Hager wrote to me, and he also knew and was on good footing with Seer van Rensburg. He told me the story of the Rebellion
many times:
On their way to German West (Namibia) Mr. Groene- wald told me how they moved out from Kuruman on the Olifantshoek road in
1914 and that he was riding abreast with the Seer. The Kalahari sand lay before them. The Seer suddenly reined in his horse and
asked him: ‘What type of thing is that hammer and sickle I have seen all morning coming down from the north across the sky to
Africa? What could it mean?’
Mr. Groenewald said he looked up, but the sky was clear. Some time later the Seer said he was also seeing how many, but many
blacks were running from the African countries North of us, to our South Africa, an from here to Europe. Van Rensburg added that he
wondered what they wanted.
During the rest of the journey he continued speaking about the strange hammer and sickle he kept seeing to the north. This greatly
disturbed him!

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When riding from Kuruman towards Katu and Sishen, one sees the Koranna mountains on one side and the Langeberg on the other.
The Sishen-Saldhana railway line runs between these two ranges.
Now, when General Kemp’s Rebel commando rode from Kuruman in the direction of Olifantshoek and they could see the desert
sand, the Seer asked Frans Groene- wald: “And now? What is the meaning of all those lights that look like those of Johannesburg?”
Mr. Groenewald said he saw nothing but Kalahari sand. He could never understand that vision of the Seer, because when he told me
this, Sishen was still covered under limestone and sand. The Railways only developed Sishen after Mr. Groenewald had passed
When one nowadays proceeds from Kuruman towards Olifantshoek in the evening, one can see the lights of all the mines—including
those of Sishen and Katu, and they look just like Johannesburg during the Seer’s time. Who would have thought this possible in those
Mr. Hager continues writing: “At one time the rebels were surrounded by Union troops on this side of Kheis, and it was clear that
they were trapped there. General Kemp then realised that he was in trouble and called a war council meeting. There did seem to be
one solution—they would have to fight their way out at a specific location. However, before giving the order to do so, General Kemp
decided to consult the Seer. He called Van Rensburg over and explained his plan to him. The Seer shook his head and said: ”No, we
have to cross that hillock there," indicating towards the place. General Kemp then told him that the Government’s cannons were
standing there and held his binoculars out to Nicolaas to look for himself. But without taking them, the Seer said: “It is all right; I can
see the cannons, but they are unmanned.” General Kemp followed his advice and they crossed the hillock without a single shot being
Mr. D.J. Esterhuizen
Mr. Esterhuizen’s father and ‘Oom’ Nicolaas van Rens- burg became good friends during the Rebellion and were often seen in each
other’s company. During their march to German West, they were engaged in a skirmish with Government troops one evening and
before darkness fell, the Rebels were surrounded. His father, Commandant Esterhuizen, decided to wait until later that night before
breaking through the enemy lines. However, the Seer went to him and said: “We will be captured where you are planning to escape
tonight, but the Lord is opening another way for us on the other side where we must go through—I will lead you to safety.”
Commandant Esterhuizen assembled the men and told them about the plans. However, he warned them that they had to be executed
very quietly and orderly. He and the Seer would take the lead and during the exodus no smoker was allowed to strike a match. They
had progressed only a short distance when the Seer said: “Commandant, someone is striking matches in the back lines.”
Commandant Esterhuizen called the men to a halt and strictly forbade anyone to smoke, and they started walking again. Not long
after, Van Rensburg whispered once again: “Commandant, somebody is still striking matches to light a pipe.” The commandant’s
patience was wearing thin and ordering the Seer to lead the men on, he turned his horse, Ruby, and rode to the rear of the column.
Then he spotted a man who had pulled his coat halfway over his head, attempting to light a pipe behind it. There and then the
commandant belaboured the culprit across his head with his sjambok, which effectively extinguished the man’s craving for a smoke!
Van Rensburg then led them through safely without any of the Government troops getting any inkling of their presence.
Record of the Rebellion
(As told by Boy Mussmann):
Most important is the journey we had to undertake in 1914 to German South West to negotiate treaties. I described how, during this
journey, ‘Oom’ Klasie told us day and night where our enemies were and where we could safely pass through their lines. A symbolic
trek! In the same manner 600 000 Israelites trekked through the de- sert, so 600 of us (poorly armed) had to do the same. General
Smuts controlled the entire Defence Force, as well as all the cannons and battle equipment. They went out of their way to stop us,
capture us or shoot us to prevent us from reaching German South West, but it was all in vain.
Now I’m planning to take my manuscript about the Rebellion to Die Vaderland (a national daily newspaper) to ask what the cost
would be to print 30 or 50 booklets... They refused and so I published the booklet myself.
This piece of history is just as important in the history of our people as that of the solemn Vow made at Danskraal (Blood River) on
the 16th of December 1838...
Hoist the ‘Vierkleur!
(The ‘Vierkleur’ (four-colour) flag of the old Transvaal Republic was so named because it consisted of three horizontal bands of red,
white and blue and a vertical band of green).
When the Boer Generals were called up to Vereeniging in 1902 to negotiate peace, ‘Oom’ Klasie said to General Koos de la Rey:
“You will declare peace, but we will lose our country.” He added: “Another war will break out between England and Germany and
we will regain our lost freedom as a result... I see a number of people hastily trekking between the wells (perils) to German South
West with me in order to negotiate treaties with the Germans there. As far as the boundary between us and German South West is
concerned, we do not cede an inch of our boundary, because:
‘Het midden van de Oranjerivier zal in de toekomst de grenzen vormen tussen Duits Zuidwest-Afrika en de Kaapkolonie.’ (In the
future (ahead) the centre of the Orange River will form the boundary between German South West and the Cape colony).
In 1914 when Generals Botha and Smuts indicated that they intended annexing German South West for England, De Wet, De la Rey
and Beyers decided to hoist the Vierkleur and fight for a republic; but they would not shed innocent blood or move boundaries.
Shortly before the outbreak of war, Reverend Faust- mann of Schweizer-Reneke was on leave in Cambridge. He received a letter
from my father which read: “Seer van Rensburg said you must come home, because he sees the flames of war being ignited.”
Reverend Faustmann ignored this advice, as a professor (at Cambridge) told him: “There are no war clouds in the sky, so where will
war come from?” He then went to Scotland. Eighteen days later he could not board his ship because he had sailed on a German ship.
So Lord Selborne offered him and his wife a free passage to Cape Town.
At the time I was attending school in Stellenbosch when I received a telegram from my father ordering me to return home
I showed Reverend Faustmann my telegram and we travelled together to Schweizer-Reneke. En route I told them how ‘Oom’ Klasie

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had told my father how we would be travelling to German South West.

No sooner had we arrived in Schweizer-Reneke when Parliament decided to invade German South West with the help of volunteers.
The English regiments, The Natal Carbineers, Natal Light Horse, Cape Mounted Rifles, etc., immediately entered the field. The first
division which reached German South West marched as far as Sandvlei.
General De la Rey was shot dead on 15th September 1914. Soon afterwards General Smuts commandeered Isak Claasen with his
men and when they arrived at Co- ligny, a train was standing ready to transport them to German South West. Painted on the side of
the train was the message: “Volunteers for German West.” Isak said: “I am no volunteer!” and he and his men led their horses off the
train which brought them from Lichtenburg. Then General Smuts and his loyal followers attacked Isak’s commando.
We—from Schweizer-Reneke—departed from Christi- ana to Lichtenburg and found Generals Beyers and Kemp with approximately
2 000 men—travelling in the direction of Schweizer-Reneke. On the evening of 2nd November 1914 (it was full moon) we slept 8
miles (12 km) from Schweizer-Reneke. On the 3rd November we pulled down the English flag and hoisted the Vierkleur. Reverend
Faustmann saw me and called me over. On reaching him he said to me: “It is a great sin to rebel against your authorities—read
Romans thirteen.” I replied: “Reverend, while you were in Cambridge you did not believe and now, once again, you have no faith.
We are on our way to German South West as I told you on the train.” He asked: “Where is Van Rensburg?” I replied: “He will be here
around ten or eleven o’clock.”
Meanwhile a number of professors and (church) ministers from Stellenbosch sent a decree to General Botha and said: “You must
condemn the Rebels because it is a great sin to rebel against the authorities—Romans 13.” For this reason General Botha called all
the Western Transvaal church ministers to Pretoria and ordered them to preach Romans 13 only.
That afternoon after lunch my eldest brother accompanied the Seer to Reverend Faustmann. On their arrival, Reverend Faustmann
said: “It is a great sin to rebel against your authorities—Romans 13.” The Seer replied: “Reverend, the Lord sent Samuel to anoint
Saul as king. Then the Lord sent Samuel again to anoint David as king. Who, among the followers of David or Saul were the rebels?”
Then Reverend Faustmann said: “Look, the Old Testament is obsolete! It serves as a story book to lead us to the New Testament.”
“We must remember that the Ten Commandments are written in the Old Testament and not in the New,” the Seer quipped and added:
“Reverend, I’m coming to the New Testament. Jesus was perfect and He said: ‘Render unto Caesar what is his and to God what is
His. And who killed Him? The authorities!”
It was on that night, 3rd November 1914 when I met Van Rensburg the first time and this was the start of a wonderful adventure for
When the Seer returned, he told me: “Reverend Faust- mann is a Minister, but one without faith.” That same day the Seer also told us
he had seen a ditch across our road. We pass to the right of the point. He sees us receiving German Mausers in German West, but they
have white points and he does not know what it means. He sees himself greeting General Maritz where he is seated on his blue roan
horse in German West.
That evening we left Schweizer-Reneke and stopped at Louwsvlakte, opposite Killarney. We moved from there along the plain
leading straight to Pudmi station. On arriving at the convention line, ‘Oom’ Klasie stopped the commando and said: “An armoured
train is waiting for us here at Pudmi station.” Later that night he turned us away and we went due north until we arrived opposite
Dryhart station. The following day (5th November) we stopped on the Kaapseberg (Cape Mountain) where ‘Oom’ Klasie announced:
“There is a spotted bustard (traitor) amongst us.” That same night we left and had not proceeded far when a shot rang out in the front
of the commando and a rider disappeared to the left. We waited for the rear riders to catch up with us and ‘Oom’ Klasie said: “We can
proceed now, the spotted bustard has disappeared. He wanted to shoot General Kemp, but missed.”
On Sunday, 8th November, we left for Kuruman town. My brother, Piet, and I were riding abreast when ‘Oom’ Klasie joined us. He
addressed my brother: “When I look at myself, I see my people. I see myself being shot. They carry me through a watery marsh and
on the opposite side is a house with a verandah on the northern side. They lay me down on a couch and cover me with a blanket.”
I suddenly recalled what ‘Oom’ Klasie had told us before the skirmish. The marsh water is the fountain at Kuruman and the right end
of the ditch where we passed is the mission station, Siodin. the white house is that of the missionary. Later Siodin was changed to a
We moved towards Olifantshoek and that night, very close to the town, ‘Oom’ Klasie stopped the commando to announce:
“Government troops are lying in wait on either side of the road running through the ridges to ambush us.”
We turned left on the road to Postmasburg and arrived at the farm, Dikeping the following morning. That morning our spies caught a
small old stallion with a swollen knee and led it to the camp. Around eleven o’clock Koos Uys asked General Kemp whether he
could have the old horse and the general agreed. Uys asked the general which direction he was taking from there and Kemp said:
“Post- masburg”, then he (Kemp) asked what the state of water and grass was there. Uys replied that it had rained some days
previously; water was plentiful and the grass should be green by now. The Seer chipped in: “I see Government troops passing us in
an easterly direction.” Our spies reported the same.
We remained there in silence the whole day, allowing the Government troops an opportunity to pass us from Oli- fantshoek town—a
distance of 14 miles (23 km). At sunset ‘Oom’ Klasie told us to move on as the road was clear. As we crossed the second ridge, we
saw Government troops taking up positions alongside the Postmasburg road and we started shooting at them. At the same time Petrus
Ferreira, who had split away from us at Kuruman, started shooting at them from the southern side. We were ordered to go and take
the pass running through the Langeberg, so if the Government troops wanted to get at us, they would have to pass around
Ferreira entered the pass behind us and took up position by a farm gate after hiding the horses. When the Government troops arrived,
they were savagely attacked by Fer- reira and they had to retreat.
After that we moved past Langeberg towards Groot Rivier (now Orange River) as far as Witsand where we found water. ‘Oom’
Klasie said: “The enemy is not coming so we can sleep now.” Each man hobbled his horse and then fell asleep.
The following morning ‘Oom’ Klasie announced: “Get the men together—the Government troops are advancing. We had scarcely
assembled at Witsand when the enemy arrived and we engaged in battle. We lost four men and one was wounded. Of our men who

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died, three were shot in the head and the fourth in the stomach. We discovered the reason for our men being shot in the head—we
wore white hatbands which they used as targets! We objected to wearing white bands around our arms as it was the badge of Roman
Catholicism during Bartholomew night when the Christians were murdered.
We stayed over at Witsand for two days, which was good, as more than 150 men turned back and surrendered. We were in bad shape
and many of our horses had to remain behind. It was very dry that year, but fortunately a lot of horses were grazing there.
General Kemp sent two divisions under command of Petrus Ferreira and the other under MacCarthy ahead with reports to Maritz,
asking him for assistance. After the second day ‘Oom’ Klasie announced that the road was open and we must leave. ‘Oom’ Willie
Boshoff of Wolmarans- stad held a short service and read from Joshua 3:5: “And Joshua said unto the people: Sanctify yourselves,
for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” We then realised that both ‘Oom’ Klasie and ‘Oom’ Willie were elders of their
church at Wolmaransstad and intimate friends. Tomorrow we would experience something special.
We trekked until 11 o’clock the following day. On reaching the hills above Groot River, we found the enemy lying fast asleep. The
shooting started immediately. We could see the waters of Groot River, but the enemy stood fast in defence.
When night fell we shot our way through to the river, enabling us and our horses to drink. Then ‘Oom’ Klasie said: “Now I
understand the vision of the man with the spectacles—this means it is their spy and we have to tread carefully. Yet we caught them
The two days we stayed over at Witsand served a dual purpose. Resting the horses, catching other horses and catching the enemy
asleep when we arrived. One of our men was shot.
From there we moved along the river to Upington and every day we had to shoot the enemy away from the water. We arrived at a
farm called Kafferswart where the dunes meet almost on the river banks. The farm lay between two ridges where they broke on the
banks. We left six men here to serve as lookouts for the force advancing behind along the river. Many horses, mules and donkeys
emerged from the dunes at the entrance where the house stood, to drink. We rounded them up and drove them into our camp where
the men caught horses, donkeys, mules—everything that could be mounted.
On the eastern side right opposite our camp south of Groot River, Government troops made an appearance. They started fighting and
we suspected it could be a battle between rebels and Government troops being waged there. General Kemp called a war council and
it was decided we would move on as ‘Oom’ Klasie insisted that there were no rebels. We told ‘Oom’ Klasie: “Royston said he was
waiting for General de Wet, and Royston receives the official reports of rebel movements... If it is not De Wet, then possibly it could
be Conroy.”
“No,” said ‘Oom’ Klasie: “it isn’t Conroy either.” Someone asked whether it could be Maritz, to which Nicolaas replied: “No, my
brother, I have already told you I am greeting Maritz where he is sitting on his blue roan in German West.”
An ugly incident occurred that day. At Schweizer-Reneke a little Frenchman by the name of Russell joined us. He was extremely
brave. While he and I were strolling past General Kemp, he called Russell and said: “Russell, I want to send you through to Maritz
with a report. If you can deliver it, and if I come into power, I’ll make a big man out of you.” Without saying a word, Russell took the
report and walked away. I had seen General Kemp writing the report in his pocket book and which read: “You can believe what this
man tells you.”
I told the General: “But, General Kemp, this is very unfair of you. You know that he cannot possibly get through the lines of
thousands of enemies!”
“That does not bother me! I don’t trust him and I’ll be well rid of him.”
“But General,” I replied: “if he is not trustworthy, you are giving him carte blanche to lead Maritz into the hands of the enemy!”
Kemp repeated that he would not succeed. The Government troops captured Russell and shot him. Why did General Kemp not rather
consult the Seer to determine if there was another spotted bustard among us?
It became obvious that the skirmish on the opposite bank of the Groot River was a blind to entice us there. Then it would have been a
simple matter for the Government to guard the fording places in the river and so prevent us from reaching German West. When it
grew dark at Kafferswart, the Seer said: “Our road is open—we must move—ride east into the dunes.”
After 15 miles (24 km) we reached the farm, Diepklip. Nothing came of the war council. From Diepklip we went due north, through
the dunes without water and only a light shower of rain. This turned into a true desert trek.
And while trekking through the Namib, conditions for the rebels became so critical at one stage, that their tongues stuck to their
palates, and out of sheer desperation they were compelled to slaughter some of the pack horses and drink their blood in order to
The Seer led us past on the right of Steenkamp’s Pan where a large Government force was stationed. When we observed sheep
droppings among the dunes, we realised we were almost through the desert. We had not progressed far before coming across a
number of sheep which we took with us. We stopped by a pan of water at Rooidam.
We dropped off into a deep sleep, but fortunately the commandant awoke and said: “Men, saddle up. Look at the Government troops
advancing!” The whole area was teeming with troops. Fortunately the Seer had told us at the pan: “The road is open, we must move,”
otherwise panic would have ensued. Our order was to occupy the hillock to the left of the pan. When we reached the top, we noticed
another large force to the left of the hillock surrounding us.
Our 17 men swerved to the right to rejoin the main encampment. We on the hillock had scarcely gone about 100 yards before bombs
started exploding around us. We were surrounded and compressed into a small group so we defended ourselves as best we could with
limited ammunition at our disposal. Our 600 men were but a handful, of which more than half were foot-soldiers. When our
ammunition ran out, we threw away our rifles, for who was capable of carrying an empty rifle across the dunes?
The Government troops stopped firing before sundown. We were called back from our defensive circle. (I had harnessed some oxen
from Witsand to our motor car, as my brother, Piet Mussmann, had been wounded at Kuruman and was lying in the vehicle). This
gave us some breathing space while General Kemp sent out reports ordering the burghers to assemble by the vehicle.
When General Kemp and I reached the car simultaneously, the Seer was sitting on the running-board. General Kemp asked the Seer:
“Well, old Nicolaas, how does it look to you now?” The Seer replied: “I told you when we were at Kaffirswart. The red blanket is

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covering us, after which I see a red light while we are fighting. Then the blanket lifts and we emerge from under it.” At these words,
General Kemp held his fists under the Seer’s nose and snarled: “You talk easily, but look how we are surrounded by the enemy!”
The Seer replied: “I have seen the road where we must exit and I did not see any shots being fired at us... Look, we are moving
between two dunes (due north) until they come together where we move through the pass. Then we turn left (westwards), crossing
one dune after which we proceed across hard veld. Further on we reach a pan of water, after which we pass between the troops. We
capture three blind springbok (Government troops mistaking us for their people) at the pan.”
When it grew dark, the Seer put his jacket over his arm and said to the officers: “Keep the burghers together in a small group—do not
let them spread out.”
That night the Seer walked in front of the oxen pulling the motor car and we followed him. There was no moon and we passed right
in front of the Government troops’ cannons without a shot being fired. After crossing the dune we reached the plain where we
captured the three ‘blind springbok’. And as ‘Oom’ Klasie had predicted, they mistook us for their own people. Muller Rademeyer of
Vryburg remarked that the three men had a large amount of water flasks with them and realising they were Government troops, they
were captured.
Then the Seer told me (Boy Mussmann): “I see General Botha himself is there. His eyes are popping out from rage, his horns are
sharp, but the white canvas (groundsheet) is covering us—God’s protective hand.” He then referred to Revelation 7:14-17—God’s
presence in their midst.
After the men and animals had drunk their fill at Rooi- dam, Van Rensburg once again sat on the running-board of the car. I asked:
“’Oom’ Klasie, why did General Kemp go weak in the knees when he reproached you with his fists under your nose?” He replied:
“Yes, my brother, God makes everyone kneel in the dust. Tomorrow, or the day after, the General Kemp must not say it was he, the
brave general, or I, the Seer, or you, the brave burghers who led us out, but give the glory to God that is due to Him.” I asked: “’Oom’
Klasie, what lies ahead?” He replied" “Tomorrow we will be among the ‘blue rocks’ (dolerite). However, what I don’t understand is
that I see them splitting away from us and then returning with two blue roans, two brown horses and one grey dappled horse. They
then come in amongst us.”
That night we moved from Rooidam, arriving at a farm, Geluk, at sunrise.
We saw a number of riders and we shot at them, as we had to obtain water and food. Initially they hid in the ‘kraal’ (cattle enclosure),
but when they saw us approaching they fled and spread out so that we could not simultaneously kill two with one bullet.
On arriving at the farm, we learned that the Germans and German farmers had fled. The owner of the farm, Mr. Long, had no
livestock in the veld. Captain Williams was sent to deliver a report to them. He took the two brown horses and a dapple grey which
Muller Rademeyer had looted the previous evening, returning with Captain Adam Boshoff, Commandant Schoeman de Wet and a
certain Van Zyl, and two blue roans.
Commandant Schoeman had heard the cannons thundering and realised it was one or other rebel commando breaking through.
It was for this reason he advanced in that direction as quickly as he could the previous day.
The oxen were unharnessed from the car and a report made to General Maritz. I shot one of the draught oxen and when the skin was
spread out on the ground, ‘Oom’ Klasie arrived and announced: “Move immediately! Immediately!” On looking back towards
Rooidam, we saw the red dust of Botha’s troops advancing.
Louis Botha surrounds us
We positioned ourselves at Eersteplaas where the road runs over the ridge towards Grootneus. Our foot-soldier comrades gave us
what ammunition they could spare and we moved on as far as Grootneus.
General Botha’s troops were determined to surround us and Commandant Schoeman had to move to the rear flank, shoot back and
return from the left. It seemed as though General Botha was being cautious as he did not know whether other forces than those of
Commandant Schoeman were in the vicinity.
After the day’s skirmish we marched to Koegoeskop where ‘Oom’ Klasie said: “The enemy is not coming, so we can sleep now.” The
following day as we marched to Langklip, General Botha kept track of us. That evening we arrived at Langklip where we found
livestock for slaughtering.
We obtained a strong wagon and a span of oxen. At 10 o’clock that night ‘Oom’ Klasie announced that we had to move as the enemy
was advancing from three sides. General Botha struck at 2 o’clock and found only the remains of animal heads and feet left after the
feast. At 9 o’clock the next morning Maritz joined us with a strong contingent of reinforcements. On 28th November that evening we
slept at Nakab.
After having rested at Nakab, singing, and giving thanks to God, we had to march to the German barracks at Nabas on 1st December.
Bags of oats were brought in for the surviving horses and we and the horses soon moulted and we were given Mausers.
Treaties drawn up
The Governor arrived to negotiate with us. Treaties were drawn up and some of our officers were chosen to sign the treaties on behalf
of the 1914 Rebels.
The following version of the 1914 treaties is that of General Manie Maritz as written in his book: My Life and Aspirations, published
in 1939. (This book is still on the banned list in South Africa. In fact, most books written by role players during the War of Freedom
and the Rebellion were banned by the Smuts Government).
The Agreement:
“Agreement made and concluded between and by the Governor of the Kaiser of German South West Africa as representative of his
esteemed Majesty, the Kaiser of Germany, and General S.G. Maritz, on behalf of a number of officers and men wishing to declare the
independence of South Africa, acknowledge:
· 1. Said General S.G. Maritz having declared the independence of South Africa and declaring war against England;
· 2. The Governor of German South West Africa acknowledges all ‘Afrikaans’ forces engaged against England as
being forces of war and after further discussions to support them in their war against England.
· 3. In the event of British South Africa being declared partly or fully independent, the Governor of the Kaiser of

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German South West Africa will apply all means to have the State or States acknowledged thus and have them included in the general
signing of peace.
· 4. In consideration of such assistance the newly formed State or States will have no objection to the German
Reich annexing Walvis Bay and the islands adjoining German South West Africa.
· 5. The centre of the Orange River will in future form the boundary between German South West Africa and the
Cape colony.
· 6. The German Reich will have no objection if the above named States annex Delagoa Bay.
· 7. Should the uprising fail, any dissidents present in German territory will be considered to be German subjects
and treated as such.
After the signing of the treaties we were transferred from Nabas and Ukamas to Jerusalem where the last horses were distributed
among ourselves. We were ordered to move from Skuitdrif at Orange River where we met Commandant Stadler. He had previously
taken Commandant Du Plessis of Cradock as prisoner-of-war. Du Plessis had marched to Upington with 500 men, having promised
to General Smuts to deliver Manie Maritz to him (Smuts).
The 500 men fled and left their commander in the safe hands of Commandant Stadler. The Botha-Smuts Government decided to
march into German West in various columns of 1 000 men each.
One column was at Rooysvlei, one at Lutzhuts and one at Nous (on the Union side of the Orange River). In the meantime the river
had risen considerably—probably this same water which had claimed the lives of General Beyers and Pieterse.
Reaching Nous posed a problem. However, the maxim: ‘A farmer always makes a plan’ swung into operation. Van der Merwe rowed
across with a steel cable and firmly wound and tied it around some thorn trees. Many hands pulled it as taut as possible on the
German West side and tied it to thorn trees there.
The two boats were held alongside each other and planks attached across them to form a rude platform. An ox chain was hooked to
the cable in front of the boats and we had a workable ferry with which we transported our commando and cannons across the river.
‘Oom’ Klasie, however, did not want to cross over, saying: “I see a well (danger) in the middle of Orange River. At Nous I see an
English girl (Government troops) jumping up and running down the valley. She is wearing a dirty napkin and then she sits down.”
The last division to cross on the ferry was that of Commandant Stadler. The ferry could carry four mounted horses simultaneously.
The last four ‘penkoppe’ (young teenage army volunteers) rounded up the sheep belonging to the Government troops and put them
under the planks inside the boats. On reaching the centre of the river, the load became too heavy and the boats started taking in water.
Two of the four lads drowned -the ‘well’ that Van Rensburg had seen, had claimed its victims.
Back to the Transvaal
While still in the Transvaal, ‘Oom’ Klasie said: “I will be standing naked when we begin our return journey.”
‘Oom’ Klasie was standing naked in the bathroom when some of the burghers entered and announced: “General Kemp says we must
make preparations as we have to return to the Transvaal.” On learning that Kemp intended returning, Manie Maritz went to
him and asked: “What is going on?” Kemp replied: “I am going back” and Maritz said: “This will be your last move.”
“The Seer told me that the road would be open," Kemp said, but Maritz said: “Your road may be open, but I cannot see it.”
Eventually, after arriving in German West, the burghers in the Rebellion commando were dilapidated; their clothes were in tatters;
their shoes worn through and some had no shoes. All the officers and men could talk about were the wonderful leadership of the Seer
van Rensburg. General Manie Maritz could not believe all these tales, but at the same time he could not imagine that everyone could
be lying.
So he said: “One day several of the Rebellion officers and I were sitting on Adam’s dam wall. I saw the Seer approaching and I
thought—let who say what—you are a wonderful creature.” Then he added: “Seer, sit next to me and say: ‘I see you believe nothing
of what I am telling you! Now I will tell General a few things and if they do not happen, you never have to believe me.’”
Van Rensburg then told the following in connection with our proposed attack on Lutzputs: “You plan on capturing everyone at
Lutzputs. I see you standing with a blanket. Part of it is torn off and disappears—but not one will escape...”
“Then I said: ‘If this happens, I will believe you, because if a single one escapes, then the cannons at Van Rooysvlei will be alerted.”
When our bombs began raining down on the (Government) camp at Lutzputs, the sentries who had fired warning shots when they
spotted our presence, appeared. They charged at us and we yelled: “Hands up!” They gave their horses rein and charged at us where
we (20 men with Mausers each loaded with 6 rounds of ammunition) were sitting at the ready. The trench where we were hidden was
so wide and deep that even our horses could not be seen from the surface. After the battle some of the foot-soldier youngsters
(Defence Force) arrived and told General Ma- ritz to go and look where they had lain in their trench —there was not a single empty
shell as they had refused to shoot at them. General Maritz said to them: “I will not send you away to Windhoek. See to it that you do
not shoot at your fellow Afrikaners again!”
Not a single one escaped.
That evening, after the Rebels’ victory at Lutzputs, the old Seer held a thanksgiving service and read from Malachi 3:1 “Behold, I
will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me...” after which they sang hymn 53:3: “Could my heart in fearsome
battle, tempted by deep unworthiness have mistrusted Thy love...” (Loose translation from original Afrikaans).
The black mule and the Sabbath.
We marched from Lutzputs to Upington when the Seer said: “I see our little wheel turning at Upington. (This meant things would go
On Thursday, 21st January 1916 we arrived at a farm near Upington. From a hillock on this farm (Christiana) one could see Upington
We received our orders on Saturday night: “Saddle up, we must attack Upington!”
A war council was called for after dark. General Kemp stood in the centre and addressed the officers.
Suddenly ‘Oom’ Klasie appeared, went up to General Kemp and said to him: “I am asking you for the last time not to attack
Upington tomorrow on the Sunday (24th January).”

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General Kemp replied: “I have confirmed reports that General Botha has 12 000 troops in the forts and he is bringing in still more
troops. Do you want me to wait until Monday when there could be a further 12 000 troops?”
‘Oom’ Klasie shook his head: “Since leaving the Trans- vaal the Government troops have attacked us every Sun- day. We have had to
defend ourselves and blood and crime rest on their heads. However, if you attack tomorrow, blood and crime will rest on your head.”
He continued: “I see we are now a black mule which is staggering backwards. We have deteriorated into a mule—a black mule. We
will suffer heavy losses of death and casualties. The mule staggers back. They will drive us back. Please, you must not attack on the
General Kemp replied: “Look, I want to attack tomorrow, or not at all.”
‘Oom Klasie said: “General, if you do not want to listen, then I have just one request to make to Jack Smith, the officer of the cannon
division...” (His sons served under Smith).
General Kemp wanted to know what this request was and Nicolaas replied: “I see my son Willie die. I just want to ask Smith to not
place him where he intended doing so.”
My brother, Commandant Chris Mussmann then said: “‘Oom’ Klasie, if your son is to die, you can place him where you want to and
he will still be shot.”
Then the Old Seer Wept!
The Seer turned to him and nodded:
“Yes, old Chris, but don’t you know God is pacified by prayer?” He looked at us again and said: “I have a last request to make from
all of you—you all know now that he will die. Please do not tell him.” And with that he left the meeting, exiting past me where he
had entered. And as far as he walked, we could hear his sorrowful sobbing. Surely over his son, but also over the sin against God
(fighting on a Sunday), Who had miraculously protected and led us through the desert. No pen can ever describe the feelings in his
fatherly heart!
The following morning we entered Upington in closed file. My brothers Chris and Piet, the Seer, his nephew, Andries, and I rode at
the head of brother Chris’ commando. The Seer said he had seen a vision above Andries’ brother’s leg and did not know what it
“I see blood flowing from his leg and I also see a big white house which looks like a church. I see my son Willie lying on the wrong
side of his coat. My mother and other Boer women sit weeping around him. This is a very bad sign...”
General Kemp kept to his plan and attacked Upington on Sunday morning. But we were driven back with the loss of 30 dead, 90
wounded and a large number of captives.
(Andries’ brother was hit in the leg during the fight against the Government troops. Commandant Stadler was also heavily wounded
and died that night at Christiana. His ‘penkoppe’ lost a true father in him).
After this setback ‘Oom’ Klasie said to General Kemp: “Now you must go and negotiate, because our work is finished.” (He meant
the agreements we had made were finished). Then he added: “I saw our guns being packed away in the box.”
General Kemp was angry and snapped at him: “You might see with your backside! Where have you seen anyone negotiating with
someone who has conquered you?”
With this Manie Maritz chipped in: “Kemp, have you no damned shame? When you arrived from the Transvaal, you did not even
drop your trousers to relieve yourself without the Seer having to see your road. And today you treat him like this? There is nothing to
be done for you, because with the few men you have left after the fight—no matter how brave and well-armed—you can never
conquer the Union!”
Kemp said: “If I do this, the Government will have us all shot.”
To which the Seer replied: “I cannot see them shooting us, because the white canvas is covering us.” (Whenever we were in dire
straits, he always said: “I see a white canvas covering us. God’s protective Hand. He then quoted Revelation 7: 14-17): And he said,
“These are they who have came out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the
Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple; and He who sits on the throne will
spread his tent over them...”(NIV).
General Manie Maritz was of the opinion that his rebel forces could deliver a last blow to the Government troops. However, Van
Rensburg ‘saw’ otherwise and told the general:
“A great black mountain across which there is no pathway, looms before us. We come up against an impenetrable wall... I also see
sugar being distributed to us in Upington and that we return to the Transvaal along another route —with fast iron wagons...”
Then General Maritz took General Kemp with him to go and negotiate with the Government officers. The commandos returned for
some distance towards the German West side as far as the farm Koegoeskop to await the outcome of the negotiations.
The Seer said he saw the negotiations being successful, because he saw us moving to Upington and food being distributed to us.
However, Willie van Rensburg, his son, was not shot in the fight and was still with us.
Like Moses of Old
The terms laid down were: “You must lay down your arms.” The officers would be taken prisoner and the burghers would be sent
home with their horses. If the Government required horses, they would be evaluated and we would be paid out for them. There were
many acacia trees on the farm Koegoeskop. Van Rensburg said he saw every burgher picking a peach from an acacia, but he (the
Seer) only got a peach in Pretoria.
On learning that we intended surrendering, the German authorities sent each burgher a golden Pound as travelling expense. ‘Oom’
Klasie’s name did not appear on the corporal’s list, so he did not get a golden coin (his peach).
Our commando travelled to Upington to surrender and that night we slept outside the town, every division with its officer. The
artillery was just ahead of my brother Chris’ command. The Seer’s son, Willie, and I were together when he said: “My father says
that the Government is going to hold the officers for a long time, as he saw straps around the officers’ legs, but they won’t hold us for
long.” He also told me to join him in the ploughing at Wolma- ransstad so that we could stay together.
With Manie Maritz’ surrender after the battle of Uping- ton, those who had not been killed would be taken prisoner and sent back by

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train to the Transvaal. They were issued with provisions, which also included a ration of sugar—exactly as the Seer had said!
The officers were sent to the Fort in Johannesburg and we burghers to the Kimberley compound. On our arrival, 40 of us were ill
from gastric fever.
On Sunday morning, 27th March 1915, the camp commandant asked me whether I knew Corneels and Nicolaas van Rensburg. “Yes,
I do.” I replied. He then requested me to call them for him. I told the two brothers the commandant wished to see them.
Unfortunately, however, I did not ask why he wanted to see them. It was only on Sunday evening when I saw Corneels van Rensburg
weeping in front of their cell and asked him what was wrong. He told me: “We went to the hospital this afternoon. Our brother,
Willie, is dying.” I asked: “Did you leave him by himself?” He shook his head: “No, our mother and several other women who went
to visit their menfolk are with him.”
Exactly as his farther predicted: “I see my son Willie lying on the wrong side of his coat. My mother and other Boer women sit
weeping around him...”
(Willie died of gastric fever that same night).
We arrived in Kimberley on 7th February 1915 and were discharged in April. The hospital was the white house Van Rensburg had
seen in his vision.
280 Witnesses were subpoenaed to testify against the officers. Not a single one could say he had ever seen the Seer with a gun in his
hands or that he played an active part in the Rebellion. Furthermore, nobody could declare that he had ever incited any of them to
rebel, so no sentence could be passed on ‘Oom’ Klasie.
After every officer’s case was closed, Judge Lang and two assessors entered and read out each man’s sentence. General de Wet was
sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment and fined £1 000.
After the officers had all received their sentences, he turned to the Seer. There were no charges against him. The Judge then said:
“You eat too much meat at night. That is why you dream dreams and see visions. But I’m telling you to keep your dreams and visions
to yourself, or I’ll put you in jail for the rest of the war.”
That night ‘Oom’ Klasie and my brother slept together. My brother said to him: “The Englishman had his knife in for you today.”
‘Oom’ Klasie replied: “Yes, old Chris, but I see them burying him.”
Three days later Judge Lang was buried after he had died very suddenly.
Boy Mussmann concludes his description with the following: “General Kemp, with the help of Seer van Rens- burg, led us safely
through the desert as did Moses of old.”

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In prison
Although no evidence was led during his trial that Nico- laas van Rensburg carried a weapon, he was sentenced on his own evidence
to 18 months’ imprisonment and fined £50.
During his own trial the Seer had an astounding vision.
While in the dock, the presiding Judge addressed him: “I forbid you to see anything!” to which the Seer replied:
“Your Honour, what can I do, for as I am standing here, I am seeing.” In response to a question what he was seeing, Van Rensburg
said: “I see my son Willie has died in Kim- berley prison.”
The hearing was still in progress when a messenger entered with a telegram for the Seer. The presiding Judge tore it open and read
out to the court: “Your son has passed away.”
General Manie Maritz attempted to flee with the treaties, but was taken prisoner by Commander Sampaai de Nobe- re in Portugal,
after which he was taken to Germany and only returned to the Union in 1920.
(On 14th September 1940 the Germans read out the treaties and proclamation of 1914 over the radio and declared to the Afrikaner
nation that they acknowledged the treaties and would do everything within the power of the German nation to honour them one day.
Van Rensburg had already predicted this twenty years earlier!).
After conclusion of the Seer’s trial and sentence, he shared a cell with the writer, Harm Oost, in Boksburg prison. His first words to

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the newspaper reporter were: “I knew we would meet. A black mule licked at my sleeve and I had to go through a thorn thicket. But I
emerged on the other side...” The ‘black mule’ represented the prison authorities and the thorn thicket the abuse and suffering he had
to endure. The arduous journey on which the Seer accompanied General Kemp and 600 rebels to German South West had
taken their toll on his health to such an extent that he would never fully recover.
Despite gaining fame as a the Seer since the War of Freedom, Van Rensburg received no mercy from the prison authorities.
Every morning they were allowed outside in the stone yard for some exercise, and sometimes Van Rensburg told Harm in his own
serene manner of visions he had seen the previous night.
(I quote some of them):
“I see you remaining behind after the others have been released.”
Some months later: “Your time to go is close.”
Then suddenly one morning: “My wife wants to come and visit me, but I sent her a telegram that she must not do so, as I will be
home before she arrives here.”
The Rebel, Boy Mussmann wrote to a friend: “I have written to newspapers appealing to persons who knew Van Rensburg to send
me any information on him so that I can publish the truth in my book. I received a letter from Mrs. Van Wyk of Kroonstad who wrote
that when the Rebel officers were in the Fort, she visited her brother, Commandant van Niekerk. There she met General de Wet’s
wife returning from the Fort. Mrs. De Wet told her she should also visit Seer van Rensburg.
On entering the Fort, Mrs. van Wyk spotted a man with a long beard standing there. She then asked: “Are you the Seer?” He replied:
“Yes” and showed her to a bench where they sat down. She felt heartbroken and thought that the Afrikaners in there would never be
released. She also asked him whether they would be released, to which he replied: “Yes, I think shortly,” and explained: “I was sitting
on this same bench when I saw a well before me from which food baskets emerged. I do no understand what the vision means. But
when I see a vision which I do not understand, the Lord allows me to see it again with changes until I fully understand it.”
He continued: “I looked through that window and once again I saw the well outside and food baskets emerging from it, and this time
I saw my new hat lying on the table in my home. Now I understand our suffering is the Fort (the well), but we fill our food baskets
and go home, because I put on my new hat and clothes.” Van Rensburg continued: “When I saw the well which we were trapped in, I
saw a ladder in the well and I stood on the first rung. There was not another Koos de la Rey, a Beyers or a De Wet in the field that
could rescue us, but we had to look up to God from the bottom of the well to rescue us. Amid all our tribulations the ladder was in the
well, but when the spotted pig oneday stands in the well in England (famine), there is no ladder. That is why I knew we would be
released from here, for we have our ladder. But there will be no help for England during her oppression!”
According to Harm Oost, the Seer had always been ‘Oom’ Klasie, the gentle humanitarian Christian whose gift of ‘seeing’ was not as
rare as official documents reported.
In Die Burger of 17th March 1926, Harm Oost described his first meeting with the Seer (in Boksburg prison) as follows: “He was a
frail man, lean as a result of hardship in the veld; his brown beard was long and greying. A real ‘back- velder’ (yokel), although not
sturdily built. He had large mystic grey eyes, half wild because of the new cruel environment and even more cruel expectations...”
The old Boer prophet was incarcerated for about a year — first in Boksburg then in the Fort in Johannesburg. He and Harm Oost
were together once again, but this time they were locked up in separate cells, and Harm Oost often heard the grey-haired ‘old’ man
(the Seer was only 51 at the time) tossing on his mattress in the icy cold cell, praying or muttering verses from the Bible. However,
the prophet endured his struggle alone and never complained about his lot, even when he was ill.
The English warders belittled, mocked and ill-treated him at every opportunity, but he endured all this with such stoicism and silence
that Harm Oost would still talk about it years later.
Under house arrest
After the Rebellion, General Jan Kemp told of his last day with the Seer in January 1915 when his rebel troops were taken prisoner
by the Government forces at Uping- ton. He was extremely irate and angrily lashed out against the Seer: “Yes, what now? Your
prophesies were all wrong!”
Undisturbed, Nicolaas van Rensburg look at Kemp: “General, last night I had another vision...” he began, but Kemp interrupted him:
“I am sick and tired of your visions!” ‘Please be patient, General," the old prophet plead- ed. “Last night I saw a red castle with
green grass and red flowers in the front. I see us arriving at the castle and we do not have to knock. While standing there the door
opened and we were led inside where men were preparing food and they provided us with clothing and shelter.”
Kemp said some days later they were taken to the Fort in Johannesburg where he saw a large square red-brick building. In the front
garden he saw green grass and red geraniums in full bloom. The door suddenly opened and they were taken inside where men were
cooking porridge. After having eaten, they were issued with prison clothing. Kemp sarcastically asked the Seer whether this was the
red castle he had seen!
However, Nicolaas did not seem to hear him.
That same night the Seer was locked up in a stone cell next to Harm Oost. The mockery and abuse he had to endure from the English
warders was not nearly as upsetting as the fact that they had confiscated his Bible and shaved off his beard the following morning.
One day he received a visit from a lady who enquired whether there was anything he needed. With tears in his eyes, Van Rensburg
said: “I have no Bible or Hymn book...” Some days later she brought both books and he was so overcome with gratitude that he could
not speak. His benefactress had written in the front of the Bible: “To ‘Oom’ Seer van Rensburg, from Kate Kock, Germiston.”
(One night while in prison he had a strange vision that a friend, Louis Dohnè, had written in the last three pages of the Seer’s Bible
and was dated 1916. This vision does not appear in the vision book and with permission from ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ children it is now
published in complete form in this book).
Like the other rebels, ‘Oom’ Nicolaas was required to pay a redemption fine before being released from prison eleven months later
on 20th December 1915. However, he was not a free man yet, as General Smuts immediately placed him under farm arrest and for
eight years (until 1923) he could not even attend a church service without prior permission from the local magistrate.
The Seer is Depressed

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After his release from prison, Nicolaas suffered from depression for a time. However, even this condition did not blunt his gift for
seeing visions.
Die Burger of 13th July 1940 reported: “It was as though he became very reserved, but more religious and read his Bible more often
and held regular Sunday services.”
According to this report and personal memories of people who recalled his ‘church services’, the contents and character of these
services followed a fixed pattern without any exceptions. While his soft grey-blue eyes looked across his congregation, he could
recite the Bible texts from which he would deliver his sermons almost entirely from memory. He was a calm preacher, but
nonetheless delivered his message in rich Biblical metaphor; he em- phasised the most important words with hand gestures which
held his audience captive right to the end.
Mr. Johannes Gagiano, (who, as a child, attended these services with his father) writes as follows:
“When the minister was absent. ‘Oom Seer’, as elder of the church, often led the services. His conduct was characterized by his
gentleness. My father often told me that he spoke to the people rather than preached, and his messages spoke of the perseverance of
faith. However, he often spoke about the sufferings of Christ. To strengthen their faith, ‘Oom Seer’ constantly reminded them of the
great deeds the Lord had done for their ancestors, the Boer nation, during the War of Freedom and the Rebellion.
Die Burger confirms Mr. Gagiano’s words: “In almost every sermon he also warned those present to trust in God and not fear the
future.” And he could reassure and console them regularly with these words: “It has been revealed to me that there is a future for this
nation of which I am a member and which I love so dearly. I cannot explain it, but I still see some visions I have seen before; visions
indicating to me that our nation will one day become completely free.” The paper concludes: “Sometimes he (in his sermons) also
referred to the punishment that lies ahead for the enemies of his people, particularly England, which will be infested by plagues.”
In October 1914 a certain Jan Petrus wrote about the final split-up between England and South Africa: A yellow brick and a blue
brick (England and Germany) grind against each other without any effect. But when they grind against each other again, Van
Rensburg sees a glass full of wheat with husks inside the yellow brick. This time the yellow brick has softened and when the two
bricks part, the yellow one throws the glass with (now threshed) wheat to one side. This means that Germany will defeat England in a
future war and in that war the Boer nation will be purified and (with German help) entirely liberated.
Letters of Prophecy
The Seer corresponded regularly with a number of people, and according to a correspondent of Die Burger (13th July, 1940): “...some
of his letters consisted entirely of visions he had seen, but to the uninformed reader they seemed like meaningless rambling. For
example, one letter opens with an interpretation which makes one come to a conclusion that he must have written many letters in
which he possibly shared individual visions with different people.
“Sometimes it seems that he gives an interpretation in a letter, of a vision described to someone else in another letter. One can only
come to the correct conclusion once all his letters have been collected.”
The Farmyard At Rietkuil
Nicolaas’ granddaughter, Mrs. Ria James and Mr. Boy Mussmann sketched the lifestyle of the Van Rensburg family after the First
World War:
“Nicolaas Janse van Rensburg, a farmer, made a simple living at Rietkuil, in the Wolmaransstad district, in a drab, clay-roofed house
with board windows and clay walls. There was a ridge behind the little house and if one stood on top of this ridge, one could see the
grass sprouting out here and there from the clay roof. (It was on this same ridge that the Seer spent many hours during his last days
with his Bible).
“His favourite seat was a sheepskin next to a little folding chair in front of the house where he kept himself busy with his cobblers’
tools, mending his and his family’s shoes; it was there he told many of his visitors—some from hundreds of miles away—of his
wonderful visions.
“Only the bare necessities were to be found in the cool, semi-dark kitchen, sitting-room and bedrooms; a stove with oven; a white-
scrubbed kitchen table; a few chairs made of wood with interlaced strips of rawhide seats, and some benches, and black iron
bedsteads. Like in other homes at the time, the floors consisted of a mixture of clay and cow dung which were smeared daily with
warm dung to keep them shining. Simplicity was the trade mark of Seer van Rensburg.
“But even during those difficult times,” Mrs. James said: “Granddad was not so poverty-stricken as was alleged. My mother, (Hester)
provided coffee and food when visitors arrived. No guest ever left without refreshments—even if it was only coffee and a cooked
green mealie (ear of maize!)”
Van Rensburg was never attracted to earthly possessions. His heart and front door were always open to visitors; not only for
important guests like ministers, parliamentarians and other high officials who came to learn what he had ‘seen’ again, but particularly
for the poorest among the poor. His motto was always: “Naked we came into the world and naked we will leave it.”
The almost worldwide interest in his visions after the Rebellion and First World War suddenly made a legend of this humble,
unwilling farmer in his lifetime. (Inquiries even came from overseas and the stream of visitors included the curiosity-seekers from as
far afield as the then Northern and Southern Rhodesia—Zambia and Zimbabwe. Many prominent English authors also wrote about
the Boer Prophet-authors like Lawrence Green (There’s a secret hid away); A.A. McRae (Prophets and Prophecies—The Sondervan
Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, vol 4, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976), and the novelist, Stuart Cloete (Rags of Glory, Doubleday
and Company Ltd, New York, 1963). Cloete devoted a whole chapter on Van Rensburg’s visions).
However, all the fuss and attention over his visions and the miraculous ways in which they were fulfilled, did not change Nicolaas
van Rensburg in any way.
Professor Van der Westhuizen rightly declared: “This ‘prophet’ has been honoured in his own country.”

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The Upright Shall Remain Standing
Chosen Committee
Immediately after the 1914 Rebellion the Smuts Government, as well as Supreme Court, held inquiries into three aspects regarding
the Rebellion:
A. The first was: The Judicial Commission of Inquiry, into the deaths of Senator the Honourable J.H. de la Rey and Dr. G. Grace.
U.G. no. 48, 1914. With this inquiry Smuts wanted to establish the mysterious circumstances behind the death of General De la Rey.
B. The second: The Report on the outbreak of the Rebellion and the policy of the Government with regard to its supposition. (Blue
book dated 26th February, 1915) and,
C. The third: The report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the causes of, and circumstances surrounding the recent Rebellion
in South Africa. December 1916. A Chosen Committee was appointed for the last inquiry.
The purpose of the Chosen Committee was mainly to gather information into the role played by Nicolaas van Rensburg during the
A substantial amount of information about the Seer and his visions is included in the Goverment’s Blue Book of 26th February 1915,
as well as the Judicial Committee’s investigation, because rumours were rife that Nicolaas van Rensburg was the chief instigator and

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driving force behind the Rebellion.

It was also said that he led a gullible General Koos de la Rey (who was off his head) by the nose and had a hold over De la Rey in the
same manner that Rasputin had a hold over Tzarina Alexandra, influencing him with his mysterious evils and dominating him.
If the old prophet, in his simplicity, did not knowingly do so on his own initiative, it was alleged, he was used in a calculating manner
by anarchists.
(Extracts from the Report of the Judicial Commission):
“He (the Seer) seems to have a limitless influence over the farmers in the district. We were told by a witness that shortly before the
Rebellion, as many as ten motor cars could be seen on a certain day at the Van Rensburg’s house.
“The prophet had no more a dedicated disciple than the late General de la Rey. He often related the prophet’s visions to friends and
stated his firm belief in them.
“A farmer, Commandant Marthinus van Rensburg (no relation) of the district Wolmaransstad and neighbour of the Seer, testified that
as far back as July 1913, during the first labour strike on the Witwatersrand, the prophet had visited him and said that this strike was
but the beginning; but that the main matter would be when the fire broke out in Europe, and that it would soon begin; then the time
would come when we would regain our independence.”
On 13th August 1914 General Louis Botha invited his friend and confidant, Koos de la Rey, to Pretoria for an interview with him and
Smuts over the looming Rebellion. General Louis Botha testified as follows regarding that interview:
“Judging from General de la Rey’s condition and behaviour it seemed as if he was in an almost absent-minded state of mind—
reacting mainly as a result of the visions of the prophet Van Rensburg whom he consulted on a regular basis. While speaking to me,
he would, for example, suddenly start praying, and time after time would return to what Van Rensburg had predicted. He continually
repeated that the prophet had seen that independence would be returned to the country without any blood being spilt...”
Late that night General de la Rey promised that he would pacify his men and rectify matters.
“However,” the Commission continued: “he became victim of the (evil?) influence of the prophet and men like Nieuwenhuis who
were determined—for the purpose of rebellion—to make the most of his (the Seer’s) great influence over the nation.”
(Extracts from the Blue Book of 26th February 1915): In contrast to the Judicial Commission’s damning judgments against Van
Rensburg, the findings of the Government were far more sympathetic and at times even favour- able.
“On various occasions he (Van Rensburg) proved that he was clairvoyant. Undoubtedly he had a great influence over thousands of his
people... In an extraordinary and seemingly authentic vision he saw the conclusion of peace which established his reputation (as
prophet). His fame spread throughout the country and abroad and strange stories of his miraculous gift were told all over.
“General de la Rey showed great interest in the Seer and Van Rensburg harboured great admiration for the General...”
General hertzog testifies for the Seer
General Hertzog was also asked to testify about Van Rensburg’s ‘activites’, and his replies to questions 2198-2202 are included in the
typed report by the Chosen Committee about the Rebellion.
(I hereby give an abridged version of General Hertzog’s evidence):
It was three months before the Treaty of Vereeniging, viz. on 27th or 28th February 1902. President Steyn was helpless and trapped
in his carriage as a result of illness. Accompanied by myself and Jack Brebner he visited the Western Transvaal to consult a doctor
who had been accompanying General de la Rey. It was in the vicinity of Klerksdorp and General Hertzog indicated a place where the
esteemed company could stay over close to a horse trolley where five or six of the general’s staff were staying. The general probably
thought that the President would be safest in the company of his alert staff. However, Van Rensburg thought otherwise... The day
after our arrival the slight figure appeared at President Steyn’s wagon and advised him in his shy manner. He considered this stopping
place to be hazardous and said the President should rather leave. However, President Steyn was not prepared to ignore General de la
Rey’s orders. then Van Rensburg said: “I have had a vision. I see the English columns capturing these men.” (The staff at the trolley).
He indicated in a certain direction: “I have seen the scouts over there...”
The President still refused. And it was only after General de la Rey personally requested him to pay attention to ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’
warning that the esteemed company moved to another location. They were only just in the nick of time, as shortly afterwards the
English forces struck and among others captured General de la Rey’s staff... (Just as ‘Oom Nicolaas had predicted).
The evidence of many other people was also heard by the Chosen Committee, but in its final report, the Chosen Committee admitted
that it could find no solid evidence of the accusations against Van Rensburg, and the Boer prophet’s simple and childlike integrity
remained solid against every accusation; his strange gift of clair-voyance continued to remain a mystery...

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The Tragic Death of General Botha
The outbreak of the Great ’Flu Epidemic during 1918 not only had a tragic beginning, but also a tragic ending.
A friend and confidant of Van Rensburg said that even before the outbreak of World War I, the Seer had warned that General Louis
Botha would turn his back on the Boer nation. He said:
“After receiving self-rule in 1910, the nation held prayer meetings so that the Lord would show us the right man to be elected as
Prime Minister. At the time we had to choose between Botha and Merriman. Botha lost the election.
However, we gave him the seat at Losberg and elected him Prime Minister. Four years later (1914) this same Botha executed all the
Boer generals, who had done their duty during the Second War of Freedom because they did not want to shed innocent German blood
and move the national bo.undaries. After that, General Botha imprisoned all the officers in the Fort and the regular burghers in the
Kaffir compounds at Kimberley.
“It was then ‘Oom’ Klasie said to me: ‘If we had acted according to our prayers and elected Merriman as Prime Minister, there never
would have been a Rebellion. But even when Botha lost out, we would not listen, and now the Lord is punishing us for our sins by
using this same Botha.’”
The Great ‘Flu Epidemic

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‘Oom Nicolaas explained further: “I see a black block being pushed by a hand from Cape Town across the country. When the block
has vanished, I see people in mourn- ing clothes.”
In reply to a question whether a disaster was about to occur over the nation, and what could be done about it, the Seer said: “Yes,
brother, it will be something terrible, and it will be a time of faith and prayer.”
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Russia surrendered and in 1918 Germany utilised these troops to launch a new attack on the
West. In June, Paris was in danger again as at the start of the war. General Botha was worried that England could lose against
Germany if America did not enter the war. While negotiations were in progress, a shipload of English coloureds on leave entered
Cape Town. Because an influenza epidemic was raging on board, they were requested to anchor outside the harbour.
The harbour authorities asked General Botha whether the ship could enter harbour and dock or whether it should wait until the
epidemic had run its course. General Botha sent a telegraph, permitting the passengers to land, enjoy their holiday and then return to
Shortly after, the worst ‘flu epidemic in the history of the country broke out—and in one month about 70 000 souls died as a result. In
1919 General Botha went down with ‘flu and despite receiving every medical treatment, it was all in vain.
While he was ill, General Botha remembered how he had captured the Rebels (fellow-Boers) and had them shot because they refused
to fight against innocent Germans to annex German West for England. As ‘Oom’ Klasie said: “General Botha wasn’t like Smuts.
Smuts is a yellow dog with a white collar. He is a complete Englishman and only has a Boer name (white collar), but General Botha
still has feelings (a Boer heart) for the Boer nation...”
(Extract from a letter by Boy Mussmann): Shortly after General Botha died, I was visiting ‘Oom’ Klasie. I asked him: “Why did you
not tell me about General Botha’s passing away? I thought you always told me everything.” He replied: “I told you about the man
descending a ladder (his leadership is past) and I see how his clothes become threadbare and fall off (a sign that he would commit
suicide, because): he falls backward and dies. Then bees attack him.”
I said: “But you did not tell me it was Botha” His reply was: “I am telling you now. The only mistake I made was in thinking that he
was being attacked by bees. They were maggots, because after all those injections, Botha’s body would surely turn rotten.”
I arrived in Wolmaransstad where Reverend Van der Horst summoned me and said: “Whenever you come to Wolmaransstad, you
always visit the Seer. What does he say?” I told him the whole story as I have written it to you. Reverend Van der Horst then said:
“Last night I returned from Pretoria. General Botha’s corpse was lying in State in the church. It had become so rotten that the church
had to be disinfected and the coffin lined with lead. Now I ask: Why was he not embalmed? Is it because the news might leak out
about what really happened (to the General, that he did not die a natural death)? That he committed a deed for which no Statesman
would receive a State funeral. Could a person believe that General Botha had committed suicide (because of the wrongs he had done
to his people?).
Today it is general knowledge that General Louis Botha committed suicide by cutting his wrists at the age of 57 on 27th August 1919
—prof. A.W.G. Raath, Seer van Rensburg and the Rebellion, 1994.
Jan Smuts—the Colour of Treason
In 1921, P. Imker Hoogenhout, son of the national poet, C.P. Hoogenhout, was inspector of schools at Wolma- ransstad. He and Seer
van Rensburg became close friends.
In an article in Die Brandwag (a national weekly magazine), he wrote: “I have met many illustrious people in my life. However, it
was among the humble that I met someone who made a lasting impression on me—‘Oom’ Nicolaas van Rensburg, the Seer. He was
one of very few people who would make such a great and lasting impression on me.”
Right from the time they first met he wanted to know from Van Rensburg whether it was true that he saw visions.
“Yes, cousin,” the old man replied: “But sometimes I cannot explain the visions. On other occasions they are so clear that I know
immediately what they represent.”
The conversation eventually turned to the tense conditions in Europe, and Imker Hoogenhout was astounded at the old the Seer’s
knowledge and insight into matters on the world front. After Van Rensburg had left, the Reverend van der Horst arrived and Mr.
Hoogenhout wanted to know from him whether the Seer perhaps received newspapers from overseas, as he was aware of events
which did not appear in the local press.
Laughingly the minister replied: “Van Rensburg has never read a newspaper in his life!”
It was only then the Inspector realised what wonderful gift that humble, simple old man was blessed with and he started making
inquiries among the people about Nicolaas—who and what he was.
He was told by a local lawyer, Sam Gordon, that he often visited the Seer on his farm, Rietkuil, and that his kind were few and far
between: “For although Van Rensburg is a poor man, he will give his last farthing to help his neighbour. I have often cautioned him
not to do this, as people are taking advantage of his goodness.”
“Ach, Mister Gordon, they probably need the money more than I do, otherwise they would not have asked me for it,” Van Rensburg
would reply in his calm manner. Gordon added: “But that is not all. He is also a great patriot through marrow and bone and will not
hesitate to sacrifice his life for his country if required to do so.”
At the time, prior to the amalgamation between Smuts and Hertzog, few voters had any time for Smuts and one day a farmer
expressed his anti-Smuts feelings in no uncertain terms in the presence of Van Rensburg.
The Seer admonished him, saying one does not speak badly about one’s neighbour. He (Gordon) then told Hoogenhout and those
standing around about the vision Nicolaas had seen about Smuts and Hertzog: “Look, I have seen a vision where they crawl out of an
ant-bear hole, meaning one day they will seek shelter in a sanctuary...” (This vision was fulfilled when Hertzog and Smuts formed
their coalition government in 1933).
Imker Hoogenhout concludes his notes about the Seer as follows: “A prophet is not honoured in his own country, but the same could
not be said of Van Rensburg. I lived in Wolmaransstad for five years and never heard a single person denigrating him. To me he was
an example of the humble to whom things, which were hidden from the wise, were revealed.”
For A Bowl of Lentil Soup

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As far back as 1910 with the formation of Union, Van Rensburg had already seen Smuts and Botha selling out the Boer nation to
England for ‘a pot of lentil soup.’ (This old Afrikaans idiom refers to someone selling their birthright). His granddaughter, Mrs. Ria
James, told of this vision: “Grandfather saw how Louis Botha, Jan Smuts and General Hertzog, all dressed in brown suits, (the colour
of the Boer nation) went to England. On their return, however, Botha and Smuts were dressed in khaki (the colour of betrayal) and
only General Hertzog was still dressed in brown.”
At the time Van Rensburg was one of few who warned that the Union would one day become the led horse of the British Empire, but
nobody would listen.
This all began when Botha presented the Cullinan diamond to the British Royal House, after which he exchanged his Boer uniform
for knickerbockers and silk stockings—something which Smuts had done long ago. From then they were not to be trusted by the
“The rejection of Hertzog as Cabinet Minister was proof of this,” said Dr. M.C.K. van Schoor.
And the attack on German West three years later (1914) came as no surprise to the Seer. “When the grass turns green, we will fight
again” he repeatedly warned since the summer of 1911. “I see were are marching to German West in the north and it will be a bitter
This battle was but the first phase of the British campaign with which the Boer could not associate himself; because in the process the
Boer nation would be compelled to make heavy sacrifices for the Empire.
In the book of visions, the Seer gives the following two descriptions of Smuts: 1) I see a red-brown beast standing in Johannesburg,
looking eastward, and he suddenly becomes very lean. a Red beast is the colour of England; a brown one is our colour, so a red-
brown beast is nothing other than a degenerate Boer... 2) General Smuts is a yellow dog wearing a white collar. If one entices a dog
away from its original owner with morsels of food, he eventually bites the master who reared him. In the same manner Smuts was
enticed away from his nation with money and honour. Now England has the dog and we have the collar—so it is written in the Bible.
In 1923 General Smuts called a meeting at Lichtenburg. ‘Oom’ Klasie ‘saw’ his best hat lying on the table on stage with General
Smuts and he immediately realised he would be attending this meeting, but could not imagine why he would be doing so. The
magistrate at Lichtenburg, Mr. Graham Gos, visited the Seer and told him that General Smuts requested his presence at the meeting.
During the meeting Smuts bestowed honours on the old national father (Van Rensburg) who had honoured him with his presence.
After the meeting had adjourned, he and Smuts drank tea together and Smuts once again emphasised how pleased he was to see him.
“Why then, General?” The Seer asked, although he could guess why.
“Because I need your advice. Tell me, how can I bridge the chasm, which is growing wider by the day, between myself and the Boer
nation, to bring healing?”
The Seer shook his head: “You won’t take my advice, General.”
Then Smuts pleaded with him: “Tell me what I must do and I will do it, even if it costs me my life!”
After a long silence, the Seer replied softly, but clearly: “Dissolve Parliament and call an election, and if you win, you’ll know that
the nation is behind you. But things cannot continue as they presently stand...”
At the end of 1923 ‘Oom’ Nicolaas wrote to Boy Mussmann: “If you will fetch me here and bring me back, I will celebrate Dingaan’s
Day with you this year. (Dingaan’s day, renamed Day of the Vow and even more recently, Day of Reconciliation under ANC rule, is a
public holiday established on December 16th 1838, in commemoration of the victory of the Voortrekkers over Dingane and his Zulus
at the Battle of Blood River. The Voortrekkers made a vow with God that should they win, they and their generations to come would
celebrate this day as a Sabbath.
And while returning after the service, the Seer told Mussmann that on his advice, General Smuts intended dissolving Parliament and
calling an election. Mussmann would not believe this and said Smuts would never resign.
“He will,” the Seer replied convincingly: “because I see myself chopping down the thorn bush standing in the way of the nation, then
I see the harvester threshing the maize so that the leaves go flying in all directions—this is the coming election and then we, the
National Party, will be in power.
However, wherever the Seer mentioned this, people laughed at him. “It is impossible for the National Party to win an election,
because Smuts not only has a huge majority over the National Party and other groups, but last year (1922) he had all the workers shot
in the interest of the mining magnates—those same magnates will give him money to ensure he will win such an election,”
Mussmann said.
Van Rensburg stared ahead and replied: “I see ears of sorghum wheat (money) taking on a human shape. They suddenly disappear
and a naked person stands there—that is General Smuts. He will lose despite all his money. Furthermore, I see when Smuts dissolves
Parliament, five Merino rams come up from the Cape colony—they have been shorn. this means that five Ministers will not get
parliamentary seats again—De Wet, Mentz, Frans Malan and General Smuts himself. Because I see a Boer boot (a Boer government)
and I also see a thatched roof home (a Boer Parliament)...
General Smuts dissolved Parliament in 1924, called an election and lost it. But General Hertzog wanted Smuts back in Parliament
and requested that he stand unopposed during a by-election in Standerton.
Van Rensburg was very upset about this and said: “Now Hertzog is making the biggest mistake of his life and an idol of Smuts! ”The
Lord Himself decreed that Smuts must fall out and now Hertzog wants him back there! The Boer nation will live to regret this,
because I see the thatched house mouldering and I see Smuts and Hertzog crawling into an ant-bear hole together—they will unite,
but as always, at the cost of the Boer nation."
During a visit to Rietkuil, the Seer told Mr. Boy Mussmann how the burghers also idolised General Piet Cronjé: “And that is why the
Lord decreed that Piet Cronjé suddenly surrendered at Paardeberg—before his troubles began. From that time on the Lord is pressing
down on our nation, and He will continue pressing—sometimes more lightly, sometimes increasingly, until the day we are free and
independent—then we will enjoy limitless blessings and prosperity...”

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Then My Old Bible Appeared Before Me...
“I go North and a wire is strung across the road. A woman’s hand loosens the wire and I proceed further. Then the grass that was
burned is beautifully green and people are running around a hill. Then my old Bible appeared before me.
Nicolaas van Rensburg saw this vision in November 1920 and spoke to his children and friends about it on several occasions, saying
he saw it as the ‘birth and liberation of our people’ (the wire being untied, and the green grass). But this would only happen when the
nation celebrated at a hill in the north (Voortrekker Monument 1948... people running around a hill—a sign of joy), and this festival
will have a strong religious connotation: (The Bible appearing before him).
During this time (1920/1921) the Seer also made several references to the many ‘black lines’ he saw running all across the country.
One Sunday he also mentioned this to an old friend of Wolmaransstad, Mr. J. Lategan: “I have seen those black lines again, but this
time thousands of people were moving from Cape Town along them to the north.”
When Mr. Lategan asked what the lines could mean, the Seer replied: “They could be roads, but don’t ask me why they’re black.”
At that time nobody realised that one day there would be a network of tarred roads throughout the country...
Replying to a further question where the thousands of people were headed, the Seer shook his head: “I don’t know, but it reminded
me of the Great Trek of 1838. Perhaps the Boers are going to unite and move away again—where to I would not know.”

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They did not discuss the matter further.

Mr. Lategan related an interesting anecdote of the time when Van Rensburg was confused over a vision of the then South African
Party with himself. He and his family lived upstream along the Makwassiespruit and after heavy rains it often happened that the
livestock enclosure lower down would be overrun with dirty muddy water. When a summer storm threatened during late afternoon,
the sheep would be driven to a granite hillock to spend the night there, instead of in the enclosure.
One Sunday in December 1921 Van Rensburg and ‘Tant’ Anna were visiting the Lategans at Wolmaransstad and he told them about
the vision he had seen the previous day: “I saw a number of my merino sheep lying asleep. Suddenly there was an unusual
commotion among them and the next moment I saw many lying dead.”
(The old prophet always associated merinos with the South African Party, because, as he said, ‘they always did such stupid things.’)
Van Rensburg concluded the vision meant that some great trouble lay ahead for the SAP. However, shortly after, he visited the
Lategans again on 6th January 1922, laughing heartily, and saying: “Do you know, cousin, I thought it was the ‘Sappe’ (as the Party
was generally known) that were going to run into trouble, but all the time it was I myself. Two days ago when a storm was brewing
again, we drove the sheep to the hillock as usual. The weather was extremely heavy and at about dusk we heard a tremendous
thunderclap. Some while later my son came to tell me that a bolt of lightning had struck right in the centre of the sheep and killed no
less than 274—almost half of my flock!”
Strikes and A Great Depression.
“I (Anna) and Nicolaas are aiming towards Johannesburg with double-barrelled shotguns. (The Boers are preparing for war). Then
great numbers of merino sheep were advancing from that direction. A stone house stands on the western side and a piece of the iron
roof is missing in front, and so is the door.
The Seer had a very clear vision of the mining strikes and riots in Johannesburg during 1922. The Smuts Government used military
force to quell the riots in which 287 white strikers were wounded and 140 killed. As a result of Smuts’ unapproachable actions, he
lost a lot of support from the labourers, and scarcely two years later he (on advice from the Seer van Rensburg) called out a general
election which -against all expectations—was won by General Hertzog’s National Party: (The stone house with part of the roof, as
well as the door missing.)
15th July 1920: My old hat is on the southern side and it suddenly becomes new.
This vision confirms the previous one. A new Boer leader takes over from Smuts. (General Hertzog, 1924).
A Dark Cloud Over Johannesburg
About six months before the death of General de Wet, Van Rensburg, while visiting a school principal, Mr. Gert Malan, told him, as
well as a Hollander, Mr. Cornelis Kruger, that he would miraculously escape from under a dark cloud hanging over Johannesburg.
The Seer did not know exactly what this meant, but he saw General de Wet riding south from Bloemfontein with thousands of people
following him. At the same time he saw the dark cloud over Johannesburg. He then looked at Mr. Kruger and said: “Dutchman, you
are also under that dark cloud, but the Lord will protect you—not a hair on your head will be harmed.”
Six months later General de Wet passed away. His coffin was followed to the ‘Vrouemonument’ (National Womens’ Monument
commemorating the women and children who died in the concentration camps during the Second War of Freedom) south of
Bloemfontein by his horse and thousands of mourners, and where General Smuts delivered a speech.
At the same time the great strike took place in Johannesburg. Mr. Kruger had to attend matters of business in Pretoria and on arriving
at Bloemfontein station, a clerk warned him that he was proceeding further at his own risk. Before the train reached Vereeniging, Mr.
Kruger saw signs of violence everywhere—railway carriages and wagons damaged by the strikers, and as the train pulled in at Park
station, Johannesburg, wild shooting and the droning of aeroplanes greeted him. However, he reached Pretoria safely. But on
returning to Dewetsdorp, only a troop train was available and they would only reach Germiston at eight o’clock that evening, as
every now and then the troops were engaged in fights with the strikers. Kruger had to spend the night in an hotel opposite the station.
The commanding officer who issued him with a pass said: “Goodbye. I’ll never see you again.”
Germiston station was surrounded by strikers and on the way to the hotel, bullets whistled around him. He only managed to board a
train to the Orange Free State the following day. Fighting was still rife in the vicinity of Johannesburg, but as the Seer had predicted,
Mr. Kruger emerged safely from under the Dark Cloud.
The Depression Years
Shortly before his death in 1926 the Seer had a vision which strongly reminds one of the dream of Pharaoh of Egypt in connection
with the seven fat and seven lean cows: “In the morning I see two white horses coming to graze in the marsh. They face each other
while grazing, then that afternoon they turn away from each other. They are thin and emaciated. Another white horse joins them, then
they were three.” He said there would be a world-wide money crash.
The New York Stock Exchange crashed in October 1929, followed by bankruptcies and suicides. This was the start of the Depression.
And for three years South Africa suffered its most devastating drought in history.

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The Second World War
Mr. Mussmann writes: “ A few years after the end of World War I, a German artilleryman told someone in Schweizer-Reneke that
after the Krupp Arms factory had closed down according to conditions laid down at the Treaty of Versailles, the best German experts
were working in Russian arms factories, and even then visualized the continuation of hostilities (WWI).
In the light of this, at first opportunity we went to visit Nicolaas van Rensburg and asked whether he could see anything pointing to a
possible co-operation between Russia and Germany. He told us:
“I see teams, teams of oxen coming down south from the far north of Europe, each team being led by two blue oxen.”
From this we deduced that the two countries would one day collaborate and that German officers (blue lead oxen) would command
the raw, illiterate Russian troops. And when the Treaty of Friendship (non-aggression) was signed between Germany and Russia on
23rd August 1939, all doubts were dispelled. Later the vision was literally fulfilled at the precise place—exactly as Van Rensburg had
seen it.
Germany and Russia were engaged in conflict from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea in the south. They (the blue oxen)
took the initiative and military leadership ‘against’ the Russians and not ‘over’ them, and Rumanians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Finns,

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Hollanders, French, Spaniards, Italians, etc., (teams of oxen) were drawn into the war whether they liked it or not.
The Boers and the 2nd Worlds War
The Boer nation would once again be put into a crush pen when General Jan Smuts called for them to take up arms for the British
Empire. Van Rensburg had already foreseen this more than two decades earlier and said the same thing would happen as did before
WWI when the same Smuts and Louis Botha declared war against Germany. However, Botha would not be there and Smuts now
pinned his hopes on General Hertzog. Van Rensburg had warned the nation not to follow Smuts, adding that Hertzog would not stay
with Smuts until the end, which would mean the end of his (Hertzog’s) political career.
Mr. Mussmann writes: “However, our nation ignores these warnings. I also quoted the Seer’s word at Senekal: ”Our nation will be
divided and unarmed." He stated further: “After General Smuts fell out in Pretoria West, General Hertzog gave him the Standerton
seat unopposed (in the same manner Botha was given Losberg). Van Rensburg stated three times: ”General Smuts is the downfall of
General Hertzog!"
Mr. Mussmann writes further: “In 1924 four of us (my brother, the two Haasbroeks and I) were visiting Van Rensburg. On that day
he again spoke about the nation’s mistake of making idols of its leaders. My brother then said: ”Oom Nicolaas, I only have faith in
General Hertzog—he is our best statesman." To which I (B.M.) added: “I again believe Tielman Roos is our best statesman.” But the
Seer replied: “Brothers, you are both wrong. I see a time coming when Hertzog and Roos will be lying down head to tail. They do not
support our national interest. However, General Hertzog will rise again and return.”
“When I mentioned this at Senekal, a certain Mr. Van Dyk stood up in the meeting and said: ‘I believe everything you have said
about the Seer, but I do not believe that Hertzog will return, because he abused and cursed us.’ I repeated it in February 1938:
”General Hertzog will return, but the nation will not unite—not before the red pickaxe has brought us together again."
The coalition was formed in 1933. Six years later saw the outbreak of World War II. Hertzog wanted to remain neutral, but Smuts
sided with the Empire, winning the vote against Hertzog, thereby immersing South Africa in the bloodiest conflict the world had ever
(Once again ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ warning to his nation and General Hertzog was in vain).
The White Horse Without A Harness
Mr. Mussmann wrote in Die Volksblad dated Friday 30th September 1940: “Everything happening now was predicted by the Seer.
For that reason I have tried to recall as many of his visions as possible. If I had a memory like that of Reverend C.W. Retief of Paul
Roux, little would have been lost. On 4th September 1939 Van Rensburg saw the following vision: ‘A white horse without harness
stands in Cape Town, looking at the troubles of war in the east. The horse is without a harness.’ He interpreted the vision himself:
Without harness means that the team who voted for neutrality did not have the means to implement it.
Hitler’s Blitzkrieg
Concerning the Seer’s vision regarding the outbreak and progress of the Second World War, and what the outcome would be, Die
Burger of 8th July 1940 reported:
“In conclusion there is ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ prediction about another great war between England and Germany. The greatest part refers to
what will happen in South Africa after the war. We omit this as it many be offensive.”
“The reporter refers here to the Boer prophet’s vision about total reform in the country; the lifting of apartheid and specifically the
Seer’s words: ‘I see the earth here being ploughed—what was above is below and those who were masters are now below.’ (See
Chapter 20—Spectre of Terror).
The reporter continues: “Nonetheless, the first part of the prediction is remarkable in that it was already made in 1926 by Van
Rensburg, and on 2nd February 1940, typed and being in my possession long before Hitler’s offensive in the West, and reads: ‘France
and Poland will fight on the side of England. However, Poland will not go far in the war. There will be two great campaigns in France
which will determine the war, but not end it. France will pull out.”
8th January 1917: “Wagons with white canvas covers and without oxen flee from each other in Europe. (The confusion and fear in
Europe following Hitler’s Blitzkrieg).
12th January 1917: “Wagons are approaching us in the Union. (South Africa joins the war). ”In Europe a yellow stone rolls South.
Behind it there are wagons with blue mules. (Japan joins Germany as an ally).
19th January 1917: “A bucket full of blood falls over in the north west.”
21st January 1917: “An old woman scoops maize from a large dish.”
(Season). “In the south a man stands with a gun to his head.
He said the visions dating from 19th January till 27th January 1918 all refer to terrible bloodshed which would follow the outbreak of
the war; scarcity of food; bombings all over Europe and eventually Hitler’s invasion of Russia.
“Concerning this, Van Rensburg stated further: ”Then a large blue stone (Germany) appeared. It first rolled west, turned, rolled
eastwards and then rolled north..."
In the west the ‘stone’ first conquered Holland, Belgium and France; from there it flattened the Balkan states. Then it turned north
and so began one of the most famous campaigns of World War 2: the long conflict between the German 6th Army under command of
General Paulus, and the Russian forces. Germany progressed right up to the banks of the Volga and the final victory was already in
sight when they began their campaign against Stalingrad. However, the Russians fought back and eventually gained the upper hand
and Hitler suffered his first great defeat.
‘In Western Europe a woman dressed in black silk appears (wealthy people), mourning deeply. (Even the well-to-do would not
escape the ravages of war). In the Union a woman also stands, dressed in mourning clothes, looking at the battlefields of Europe; (we
would also be involved).
19th August 1922: “A large (cattle) dung fire rages—flames shooting from the centre. There are three large stones and fire between
them until they also catch fire.
The three stones indicate the involvement of Europe, America and Japan in the war.
15th October 1918: “There is a crooked blue stone in Northwest Europe—this turns into a plough wheel and shatters. (The fall of

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Germany reaffirmed).
15th August 1923: (Extract from a lengthy vision concerning WW2. This refers not only to the horrors of war, but according to his
son, Kallie, he said it also indicates how and where the conflict started): “There was a town from which people fled into forests. (I go
to a large house in Europe and enter the next one—rawhide ropes lie on the floor in a room). (The people fleeing into the forests refer
to the day when German troops marched into Sudetenland and Austria in 1938).
25th August 1922: “I am driving north by car. At first the ground was brackish, then sandy and there are many dried aloe plants
which disappear. I arrive at some dried trees and a footpath runs between them. I emerge from the trees and there is a road on which I
travel in my car, followed by other cars. I go through a gate and number of Boers on horseback pass me. A long corrugated iron
house with new doors and windows which are all closed, is standing in Europe (German interests). I see a brick house of which the
front wall has collapsed, although the rear walls are still standing: (English interest). Then there is a large corrugated iron house in a
state of disrepair (French interest).
Interpretation (abridged): During the first months of the war, a well-prepared Germany will remain unscathed: (A long corrugated
iron house with doors and windows shut). The next vision: (The brick house with only the rear walls standing)—this indicates
England which, despite heavy losses, will withstand attacks by the Germans. (Then there is the corrugated iron house in state of
disrepair): The capitulation of France shortly after the outbreak of war).
When these events start, Germany has a new strong Government (Nazi Party). Everything about the building is new which indicates
that it does many things in secret; (The closed doors and windows). Nobody knows exactly what is being planned. The house is built
of corrugated iron, which is why it is a hard, unbending Government. England gets the wind in front and is greatly destroyed, because
the front wall is missing. The weakest of the three countries is France, which is now only a ruin. All three countries would later play
an important role in the future of the Boer nation.
20th April 1920: Small white-backed oxen haul wagons in Europe. They eventually disappear, but then the oxen reappear and they
are large fat oxen. The world turns black before them and English women are in mourning. German women are neatly dressed in blue
and their hats are decorated with roses.
26th April 1920: Women in Europe are dressed in black. They are lean and their faces are bewildered. Then German women appear
again, neatly dressed in blue with white roses on their hats.
The white roses probably refer to Rosengarten, one of the German concentration camps built high up on the Ettersberg.
Germany Divided In Two
21st August 1918: A block stands in Europe and a sharp knife cuts it in two; then a (plough) share appears and shaves around the
lower section after which the block becomes a dried up aloe stump. The share shaved somewhat deeper on one side of the block. The
remnant becomes a piece of cloth which winds around the aloe stump, which in turn rotates. A large herd of blue cattle goes south,
passing a wall on their right.
He interpreted this vision as follows: Germany would be divided after the war a sharp knife cutting the block in two). The Nazi Party
disappears from scene (the dried up aloe stump) and the Berlin wall is built. This is followed by the decline of East Germany and the
wall is destroyed, followed by the unification of Germany, (a large herd of blue cattle going south).
Van Rensburg also prophesied the outcome of the war to a friend and his son, Kallie: “Germany will not win the war, because the
world will once again speak about the powerful German Empire as England was spoken about: ‘Britannia rules the waves’. We will
believe that Germany will never arise again because she ignored that which God warns about in Isaiah 14;14: ‘I will ascend above the
heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.’
However, in time God will bestow mercy on the German people again and they will rise to power..." (See Chapter 22)

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The Founding of the United Nations
The Seer described the founding of the United Nations as follows: “I see people putting a steel ‘tyre’ on a wagon wheel. At first the
tyre was too small, but when it eventually fits, the wheel has no hub.”
Van Rensburg himself interpreted this vision: “General Smuts will recommend that an Alliance of Nations, (consisting of allies)
should be established. However, they soon discover that this alliance is inefficient (the tyre being too small). They will then include
Germany among others (the tyre fits, but has no hub). This means the aim of the United Nations will be to establish a human
organisation by means of human intelligence to do the mighty works of God, for when God says ”War", no human organisation will
prevent it, and when He says “Peace”, no human organisation will wage war.
“The wheel has no hub because the United Nations have excluded God. A wheel cannot operate without a hub to hold it together,
causing it to break and overturn the wagon in the process—all countries which are part of the United Nations will experience great
distress, because the axle around which everything turns is God’s decision—not man’s...”
Northern and Southern Rhodesia
Shortly before his death, Van Rensburg ‘saw’ how England would first lose German East (Tanganyika), followed by Northern and
Southern Rhodesia: “I see small and large red cattle (the English) fleeing from Kenya and Nyasaland in a north-westerly direction to

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Northern Rhodesia.”
In a letter to Mr. Willem Boshoff of the then Southern Rhodesia, Mr. Boy Mussmann writes: “Now I’m asking why the red cattle are
not fleeing to us? They do not come here because the English refer to us as the ‘Dirty Boers’. This was decreed by God. (”I see a long
line of ‘Kaffir’ spears appearing behind the English, and then a bucket filled with blood falls over (this means bloodshed). The other
whites (conservatives) flee in our direction. The dust in front of their wagons catches alight. I see a mountainous countryside and
smoke and flames emerge from between the mountains and people engaged in heavy fighting appear. Those are the Boers living in
that area. They flee so swiftly that the dust flies behind them. Their interest is our interest. We will have to stand together”.
When the conflict between black and white started in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) and other African states during the 1960’s, the
catchwords were chaos, blood and fire. Nothing could remain standing before this orgy of murder, mayhem and destruction. And
while everything went up in smoke and flames, our northern neighbour states were taken over by black dictators and Africa’s Dark
Middle Ages began.
Hundreds of whites from Rhodesia and other states that fell under black rule, fled to South Africa as they felt safe here. Mr.
Mussmann wrote to Mr. Willem Boshoff (of Rhodesia): “I told General Manie Maritz: ‘Oom’ Klasie saw Northern and Southern
Rhodesia becoming part of our republic when the Germans retake German West (Namibia)! Then Manie said: ‘After we had cleansed
the country with possessions and blood and tamed it, along came Rhodes, who said: ‘We must break the neck of the bottle open to the
interior—and he annexed Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana), etc.’”
One of the causes for the unrest in the (then) Belgian Congo was unemployment and the hasty actions of France when it granted
independence to the Congo’s northern neighbouring states. The Congo was not prepared or equipped for the republic which had to be
created haphazardly within six months. Patrice Lumumba became the first prime minister of the independent republic. However,
scarcely five days later rebellion broke out among the armed forces and speedily deteriorated into bloody attacks on white farmers in
particular. A mass exodus of whites began.
The Panga-Era
Angola has a long and complicated history, but the revolution which the Seer spoke about, broke out on 4th February 1961 when
MPLA militants stormed Luanda prisons with pangas (bush knives) in an attempt to free political prisoners. They were unsuccessful,
but it was the start of a long and bloody conflict. Terrorists from the erstwhile Congo streamed across the northern border into Angola
and murdered hundreds of whites, as well as non-whites.
At the time these murderers where known as UPA (panga gangs) and later became known as FNLA. Then the revolution and
liberation struggle began.
Later it seemed as if the dust would settle, but this was a deceptive calm, as shortly thereafter hostilities between the MPLA and
UNITA broke out and degenerated into a long drawn-out bush war.
One of the few eyewitnesses who survived an attack by the panga gangs was Zacharia, a timber transporter who arrived at the Luvo
sawmill with his assistant at dawn on 15th March 1961 to load timber at this border-post between Angola and the Congo republic.
Zacharia had a premonition that all was not well and stopped at the entrance to Luvo to wait and see. He and his assistant spotted
blacks dressed in long coats standing around among the houses of the town’s 42 inhabitants and wondered what was going on.
Suddenly the war cry: “Mata! UPA! Mata! UPA!” rang out. At almost the same time he and his assistant heard wild cries of terror
from the whites. Hastily they sought refuge in an empty crate on the truck and helplessly watched as a horde of some 300 black
terrorists dragged all 42 whites out of their houses, attacked them with pangas and sawed them to pieces on one of the giant
mechanical bandsaws while still alive.
Not far from there, the little town of Quitexe, north of Carmona in the coffee-rich district of Uige in Northern Angola, was also a
target of the terrorist group who had disguised themselves as early buyers. At exactly eight o’clock, as soon as the last chimes from
the church bells died down and the shops opened for the many black buyers waiting in the main road, the slaughter began.
But in the same manner as Zacharia, the blockman and butcher of Quitexe also had a premonition that something was wrong and he
stopped his wife from opening the doors of the butchery to let customers in. He had a gut feeling and sent his daughter to fetch their
“She had just returned,” he said: “when all hell broke loose in town. The terrorists’ war-cries ”Mata! UPA! Mata! UPA!" mingled
with the fearful screaming of whites and that morning my daughter and I mowed down numerous blacks as they angrily tried to break
down the doors of the butchery. In the meantime I could see through an opening how my white friends and their families out there
were being maimed, decapitated and cut to pieces.
“Fortunately we had a lot of ammunition and we scared away the attackers.
“When a division of soldiers arrived from Carmona that afternoon, my wife, my daughter and I were the only survivors in Quitexe...”
Surely it was no coincidence that Zacharia and the butcher, as well as other whites who survived the blood bath on the morning of
15th March 1961, had a premonition that all was not well.
The interesting question whether the Seer van Rensburg might not have had a similar unexplained premonition when he warned Boy
Mussmann with these words: “...look, our day is coming too, but for us who knows what is going to happen and how our salvation
will come, it will not be so bad as for those who do not know.”
The Revolution Spreads Southwards
After independence in the Congo, the revolution started in the southern states. It spread further and further south until it crossed our
boundaries. Afrikaners have long been aware that blacks in Southern, as well as the rest of Africa are preparing for the final onslaught
against whites, specifically with the purpose of conquering and taking possession of the country. However, the majority will be
driven here by famine, poverty and misery.

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The Birth of A Republic
I see a large house in another country. Inside I hear many voices and they are arguing. Then I see a man, one of our own, being
pushed out of the front door. When he is outside, I see the rear wall of the house collapsing. Then suddenly there is bright light. (9th
September 1922).
According to Kallie van Rensburg, this has a bearing on the events in March 1961 when Dr. Verwoerd attempted to retain South
Africa’s membership in the British Commonwealth after it became a republic. Dr. Verwoerd was optimistic that his application would
succeed, because countries like India, Pakistan and Ghana became republics without loss of Commonwealth membership.
A series of heated debates followed during the Commonwealth conference and Dr. Verwoerd was virtually forced to leave the
Commonwealth. (They push one of our men out of the front door). In his farewell speech in London, Dr. Verwoerd said: “I was
shocked and overwhelmed by the hostile spirit prevailing against South Africa... opposition is based on the so-called ‘discrimination’
we practise in South Africa. But this hostility came from countries where the principles of so-called democracy is totally absent...”
The rear wall seen by Van Rensburg to collapse, indicates that the Commonwealth will lose its influence and support and will
probably exist in name only. (With the establishment of the ‘United States of Europe’ in the near future, it is not unlikely that the
Commonwealth will dissolve).
However, there would be a period of peace and prosperity for the Boer (suddenly there is bright light).

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Blood Runs Out of My Walking Stick

8th July 1919: I leaned on my walking stick and a small vein opened at the bottom of it and blood ran on to the ground and on to my
shoe. Then a sheet of corrugated iron came loose from the beam and I saw the sky. The sheet returned to the beam and the walls of
the house were high.
This gripping prophecy about the assassination of Dr. Verwoerd is undoubtedly one of the Seer’s most significant visions in so far as
it concerns the history and future of the Boer nation. It does not only indicate the traumatic end of a particular era in the history of the
nation, but also the beginning of instability where it will move away from its ‘original ideals and aims.’
Before interpreting the vision, it may be appropriate to look at some of the most important symbols appearing in it.
The first symbol is my walking stick. Two items the old Boer prophet would never be seen without were his walking stick and his
hat. We already know that his hat signified government. His walking stick had a dual meaning. Firstly, it could serve as a weapon and
secondly, it signified something very close to a person—a support, in other words, a confidante or something (or somebody) one
could always rely on.
The next two symbols, vein and shoe or boot indicate violence and a Boer head of Government (or Boer Government). The meaning
of other symbols such as corrugated sheeting, beam, sky and walls will become clear in the statement below.
Dimitrio Tsafendas
On Tuesday, 6th September 1966, at 2.14 p.m., while the bells of Parliament were ringing, a 49-year old Greek, Dimitrio Tsafendas,
stabbed Dr. Verwoerd to death with a silver-bladed dagger in the Council Chamber. Although Tsafendas was declared mentally
unstable by a court, it seems—according to the Seer’s vision—the assassination was not only meticulously planned beforehand, but
that a close confidant of Dr. Verwoerd was also directly involved. (...a vein opened up at the bottom of my walking stick and blood
ran on to the ground and on my shoe). The walking stick (violence) that leaves the Seer’s shoe bloodied (Boer head of Government)
springs directly from his personal stick (support or confidante).
One only has to look at the many unsolved and enigmatic aspects of the assassination of Dr. Verwoerd for which there have never
been satisfactory explanations, to realise that there could be more behind his death than the blind obsession of a disturbed man. I
name but a few:
· According to informed sources, Dr. Verwoerd was to deliver an important speech before Parliament on 14th
September 1966, stating that the mining industry would in future have to pay the same tax (45%) as did other companies, instead of
only 3%, at the same time drastically reducing whites’ taxes.
· Two months before the murder Tsafendas said he could not leave South Africa before he had completed a ‘certain
· Tsafendas was in contact with underground groups overseas and shortly before the murder he received a message
that ‘the time was almost ripe’.
· Secrecy still surrounds the manner in which (and reasons why) an ex-convict like Tsafendas with a criminal
record was appointed as a parliamentary messenger after he had already been deported from Greece, Portuguese East Africa and
America. In Portuguese East Africa he spent a long time in prison where he was brainwashed, after which he smuggled himself into
South Africa by hiding on a goods train.
· On Friday, 2nd September (four days before the assassination of Dr. Verwoerd) a British Liberal candidate, Mr.
Allan Lomas, stood waiting at the Dieppe-Newhaven ferry to buy coffee when a young man approached him and asked: “Is there any
news in the paper about the assassination of Dr. Verwoerd?” adding that he did not have money to buy a newspaper. Mr. Lomas
quickly paged through his morning newspaper, saw nothing and gave the paper to the young man. (Did something go wrong that
Tsafendas could only commit the murder four days later?), and -
· Tsafendas repeatedly asked the chief messenger permission to take the newspaper to the Council chamber, but
each time he was refused. Who then gave him permission to enter the Council chamber?
This, then, concerning the murder of Dr. Verwoerd.
The rest of the Seer’s vision can be summed up as follows: After Dr. Verwoerd’s murder, things began changing. “Then a sheet of
corrugated iron came loose from the beam. The National Party expanded its policy boundaries and began moving away from
apartheid (and then I saw the sky). However, after a passage of time it (the Government) will attempt to return to the old ways (the
sheet then returned to the beam), but the changes were irretractable, Parliament is bigger and also includes other groups now” ( ...the
walls of the house were high).

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The John Vorster Era
On 24th October 1923 Van Rensburg wrote to Mrs. J.J. Steyn. (Literal translation from Afrikaans—style and punctuation unaltered to
retain authenticity).
“Here by us in the north stands a woman with her face turned to the north. She is dressed in white. Her outer garment slides down
and the clothes that emerge, black. She turns around and sits down. Then she is a large old fat auntie, completely dressed in black.
“This is the capitalist coming in mourning (when the country’s money means nothing). Then a door opens and I walk up a steep
hillock. This means we overcome the heavy times.
“The passage of events look now just as when were in the prison. (The Seer refers here to a vision he had while imprisoned.) In the
west stands a tree. On the west side it is half chopped down—that means a strong political Party will still tear—but then I (the
genuine Afrikaner) go with my little axe to chop him down completely, so that it lies on the ground.
“This is the same sign what I saw when Genl. Botha threw Genl. Hertzog out of the cabinet. One of the statesmen will naturally fall
It is very interesting to note that the Seer speaks of the ‘same sign’ here. In other words, he ‘saw’ that in the distant future there would

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be another division as the one between Botha and Hertzog.

Seer himself lived through the first division:
During General J.B.M. Hertzog’s famous De Wildt speech on 7th December 1912, he spelled out the principle of ‘South Africa first’.
He also condemned Botha’s British immigration policy, evoking such a fierce uproar that Botha kicked him out of his cabinet.
However, the final split between them came two years later when General Hertzog left the South African Party and founded the
Nationalist Party. He was also elected as the first NP leader. While the NP grew from strength to strength, the S.A. Party died a
lingering death and finally disappeared in 1980.
Compare these events with the ‘second division’ some 55 years later. The parallels are so remarkable as to be almost uncanny. The
four main themes of the ‘first division’ are present once again, viz. a speech; an omission from the cabinet; the founding of a new
political Party and a ruling Party losing its influence after division and eventually dying.
In 1969 Dr. Albert Hertzog delivered his so-called ‘Cal- vanistic’ speech in Parliament, causing one of the biggest commotions in
political circles since the NP came into power in 1948. In his speech he compared the Afrikaner’s piety, honesty, justice and love of
freedom with that of the liberal outlook of the English. The circumstances under which the speech took place, were surprisingly
similar to those when General Hertzog gave his speech at De Wildt in 1912.
And, as was the case with his father at the time, Dr. Hertzog was also ‘thrown’ out of cabinet by the ruling Party when Advocate
John Vorster left him out during a cabinet reshuffle.
In October 1969 Dr. Hertzog once again followed his father’s example by establishing a new political Party—the HNP (Reformed
National Party)—and being elected as its first leader. Further setbacks occurred in the National Party when Dr. Andries Treurnicht
broke away in 1982 and founded the Conservative Party.
However, the last part of the Seer’s vision must still be fulfilled, viz the disappearance of the ruling Party (NP) which was deserted
by Dr. Albert Hertzog and which the Seer spoke about: “...then I (the true Afrikaner) go with my little axe to chop him down
completely so that it lies on the ground.” (This leaves no doubt that the demise of the National Party will occur mainly through
actions of the Boer nation. And here, towards the end of 1998 it seems obvious that the once mighty NP is on its last legs).
(Mr Louis Döhne, of Reitz, was also a cell-mate of the Seer in the Fort in Boksburg after the doomed Rebellion of 1914. Mr. Döhne
wrote down the details in the last three pages of ‘Oom Nicolaas’ Bible of a vision the pro- phet saw one night).
Mrs. Ria James, the Seer’s granddaughter, sent me this vision, as well as supplying some details of the struggle in Angola. I will deal
with only the first part of the vision, as it refers to certain events during the decade after the murder of Dr. Verwoerd.
The Border War
Vision: I dreamed that a church is close to my home, but the minister is not there. (The Church is still present, but spiritually it is
dead). The wagons are pulled up in two rows; I am seated among women and a little girl of about 8 years old gets up and says: ‘look
towards the west.’ (The women and children would literally be left behind in a future war, while the men would have to fight far from
home. Undoubtedly this refers to the conflict on our northern borders).
The long-continued conflict on our northern border, as well as the Cuban ‘incident’ is almost forgotten today, except for those who
lost loved ones, family members or friends there. Judging from a letter I received from Mr. Danie Esterhuizen of Upington, it does
seem if Van Rensburg also foresaw this event in our history:
“On 19th December 1924, I accompanied my father to visit the Seer, who was ill, at Rietkuil. On our arrival Van Rensburg told my
father he was expecting us. My father then asked him what was still to happen in the future.
His reply was: “Commandant, I see things, but they will only take place in the distant future. I see a yellow stream struggling to seep
through the northern border of German West. I then see Union soldiers running across the bridge at Upington like springbok to the
yellow stream. Then the stream disappears into the sand. This means they will be involved in heavy fighting against the enemy. At
first they fight like enraged bulls and drive each other across the border right into Angola. (When my father asked him what the bulls
looked like, he said: It is a black-and-white bull (black and white soldiers) and a red one (the Cubans). The red bull is the victor, but I
see he is deeply wounded.
“This vision was fulfilled in the 1980’s when South African troops passed Upington in their Ratels (military vehicles). They came in
such long columns that one could drive past them for 50 km. Here in Upington we saw them for days, taking in fuel and provisions,
after which they disappeared in clouds of dust. They fought with the South West African troops against the Cubans, but lost the
battle. The Seer was right—Cuba was also deeply wounded and we saw how their wounded were transported back to Cuba...”
America, Vietnam and Saddam Hussein
On 27th April 1918, Van Rensburg saw the following vision:
American oxen (white-backed oxen) go east and there is a small leader in front. The leader wants to go west, but the oxen refuse to
obey and they start bunching in a circle.
The mention of a leader indicates that American forces (white-backed oxen) are waging war, but not on full strength. Their ‘going
east’ is undoubtedly seen as America’s involvement in the drawn-out Vietnamese war in South East Asia. At first in 1954 there was
only an American military advisory group, but in 1965 it became obvious that South Vietnam could only sustain Communist
infiltration from the north with the help of a strong American presence. And so a fruitless war started which would last for ten years.
However, in the course of time, conflict flared up in American circles when President Nixon wan- ted to continue the war at all costs
(the leader wants to go west, but the oxen refuse to obey—there was strong resistance). Matters reached a turning point when
Congress refused to allocate additional funds for the Vietnam war. North Vietnam immediately continued the war with renewed
vigour and on 10th March that year they gained a decisive victory by capturing the capital city of the Darlak province. Thousands of
American troops had to be evacuated from Saigon by means of a massive air-bridge under chaotic conditions (...they start bunching
in a circle).
Collapse of the Berlin Wall
Unrest also started growing in Russia during the early 1980’s. The oppressed Russians and other nations who lived under
Communism, revolted sporadically until that historic day in 1989 when the Wall of Shame dividing West and East Germany was torn

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down and people rejoiced throughout Europe. However, the festivities did not last long, as un-controlled masses of aliens streamed
across the borders of Germany, emptying the treasury and unemployment became rife. Then suddenly Nazism—to the consternation
of a peace-seeking world—reared its head again after 40 years.
These skirmishes between Germans and ‘aliens’ were but the opening salvos of the pending revolution. (The pot of fire old the Seer
saw in Russia).
The East Bloc countries on whose necks the yoke of Communism had been chafing since 1917, also started calling for freedom and
independence, and the fires of revolution were springing up everywhere. The West held its collective breath and waited for the
Kremlin to quell this resistance with its usual show of force, as it had done in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.
However, this time it would not succeed, for Russia was bankrupt and faced the worst poverty and misery in its history. Therefore it
had no option but to exploit the West’s greatest weakness, humanism, for its own benefit. Gorbachev surprised the whole world by
pulling back the Iron Curtain and extending a hand of friendship to President Ronald Reagan of America, and, true to form, America,
without thinking twice, embraced Communism on behalf of the whole western world: A man emerges from the east. His watch-chain
sparkles in the sun. Another man emerges from the south and embraces the man from the east.

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Spectre of Terror.
Humanity always yearns for something out of reach, particularly if it holds the promise of influential friends, status, wealth or fame.
In the same vein Van Rensburg’s peers would also have loved to say that they were ‘friends’, or even ‘acquaintances’ of leaders and
well-loved national figures of that period—figures such as General Smuts, Barry Hertzog, and the Rebels Koos de la Rey, Christiaan
de Wet, Krisjan Beyers Jan Kemp and Harm Oost. There were others too, like Imker Hoogenhout, Dr. Tielman Roos and Dr. H.D.
van Broekhuizen.
The Seer never sought the friendships, status or fame of these people. He looked past these attributes as though they did not exist and
merely accepted them as people. And with few exceptions (as with General de la Rey), it was they who visited him at his home. After
his death a newspaper reported that at times no less than ten vehicles were to be seen parked in ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ yard.
However, not everyone who visited him, really understood him, or were interested in investigating his spiritual world. Many went
there purely out of curiosity, just to ‘hear what the old the Seer had to say’. And when they did not understand his metaphorical
speech and strange symbols, they left disappointed or angry.
Yet, every one who had some contact with the old Seer, had to admit that he was someone special and a real prophet; as Ex-President

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P.W. Botha so aptly expressed after a short meeting in 1924, ‘he was as one who was called’.
However, the visions about the future of his people which Van Rensburg saw, were not always meant for everybody’s ears!
Keep It Secret!
In a letter written by Mr. Boy Mussmann to Mrs. S.M. van Tonder of Heilbron in 1956, he writes that certain information disclosed
to him by Van Rensburg was of such a nature that he would not convey it to all and sundry, because he was afraid of causing panic,
and certain people would make life very difficult for him. As he put it: “I tell these things only to the most reliable people, and please
keep it secret, otherwise it will be said I am creating panic, or give reasons for exacerbating it.”
Mrs. Van Tonder and her father, Mr. Borman, were his confidants and Mr. Mussmann revealed some of these visions to them. In this
manner we get a clearer picture of the ‘dark times’ which will become reality when a big (labour) strike is launched in the distant
future. The Seer said in 1925: “Then (when the strike begins) there will be big problems with the ‘Kaffir’ and ‘coolies’, besides the
troubles overseas (racial conflict and dangers of civil wars). In connection with the ‘Kaffir’ trouble, I saw women fleeing. They do
not even have time to close their windows and the curtains are blowing outwards...
“This big strike will ring in the ‘war’ on the East Rand, and the situation in the Eastern Cape will have deteriorated to such an extent
that whites will flee from cities like Port Elizabeth and East London...”
According to the vision, some of them will join the Communist Party and take up arms against the Boers.
“Then we (the Boers) will go to Vereeniging. The enemy is sitting tight in Northern Transvaal and Northern Free State, while
Southern Transvaal, Free State and Cape, march to Prieska to fetch arms...”
Then ‘Oom’ Klasie saw the place at Vereeniging where the Communists and English comrades went to lie low, become hollow like a
well—they will be in critical condition.
Johannes Gagiano
In a letter I received from Mr. Johannes Gagiano in July 1993, he confirms this bloody conflict: “You asked whether Elder C.A.
Gagiano, who visited Van Rensburg with Dr. Rossouw, was related to me. Yes, he was my grandfather; he was an Elder of the NG
Church at Delarey for 25 years. I am intensely interested in the old prophets of our Lord Jesus, and I was extremely privileged to
know a wonderful God-fearing man (Van Rensburg). He was a friend of both my late father and grandfather.
“My father and grandfather were both on commando with Van Rensburg in 1914 under Commandant Van Vuuren and General Kemp.
Wherever they stopped to let the horses rest, Van Rensburg would tell Father and Grandfather of the problems in store for the Boer
“ I still remember how often my grandfather told me that one day, when they stopped to let the horses rest, Van Rensburg lay
down some distance from them, with his hat covering his face. Father and Grandfather walked over to where he lay and wanted to
know whether the Boer nation would wage war again.
“Father said the old man lifted his hat slightly and replied: “Old Kallie, no, we won’t wage war again, but they—Jan Smuts and his
people—will do so. But then our troubles start with the ‘Kaffir’. And it will be our last white Government before the final division.
“I also remember one morning in 1925. My father came in from outside and told my mother he had seen ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ hooded
cart on its way to ‘Oom’ Hendrik— Grandpa Leroux’s son, Commandant Leroux. Father watch- ed the road and when the cart
returned, he said: “Now Van Rensburg is going to visit Grandpa Leroux.” He took my hand and we walked to Grandpa Leroux’s
house. This old man was bedridden, ill with cancer.
“While we were strolling along, Father said Van Rens- burg was on one of his ‘vision trips’. I did not understand what he meant.
when we arrived, Van Rensburg was in the room with Grandpa Leroux.
“I remember he quoted a lot from the Bible; he could become very excited, particularly when he spoke of the glories of heaven. Then
he looked at Grandpa and said: ”Not so, brother Gawie?" Later Van Rensburg stood up and said a prayer for Grandpa. Father and I
walked out to his cart with him.
“This was the last time I saw Van Rensburg, the Prophet of God. Only now do I understand what Father meant by ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’
‘vision trip’, because Grandpa Leroux died two weeks later and three months after that, Commandant Hendrik Leroux was struck and
killed by lightning.”
The Seer’s Revelations Given To Dr. Rossouw
Dr. Servaas Rossouw, at the time a (church) minister of Cape Town, was travelling in the company of an elder and a deacon to
Wolmaransstad to go and meet Van Rensburg. Dr. Rossouw did not believe in the Seers visions, and if he was not a minister, Van
Rensburg might not even have wanted to speak to him and his two church council members about the visions. However, he did so,
and the old Seer’s prophetic revelation impressed him so much that he accurately wrote everything down:
“In the year 1920 during my service in Cape Town”, Dr. Rossouw wrote: “I was visiting my brother-in-law, Reverend Esterhuizen,
from Delareyville. A son of General de la Rey and others started telling me about old Mr. van Rensburg and his visions, with the
result that I made a special trip, in the company of Elder C.A. Gagiano and Deacon C.G. van der Merwe. We spent the greatest part
of the day with him and lunched with him. He asked me to say grace, adding: ”Please understand that I don’t let just anyone say
grace at my table". I then asked him: “What then makes you trust me? He then started telling me about his visions.”
A Nation Divided
“Look, Reverend,” Van Rensburg said during the midday meal: “there is an immense chasm dividing our nation. But it will be filled
in so that we can go to each other and greet each other again... The dogs did not even bark at you, and last night I already ‘saw’ you
He continued: “I can see great troubles coming in Europe. They are like writhing snakes, particularly three large ones—black, brown
and yellow—posing a threat and ready to strike. The first two open their poisonous mouths widely and their tongues tremble, but are
too confused to strike. (Prelude to WW2). The yellow snake is Germany, for it is wounded and floundering and writhing. But it
swallows the small ones, one after another. Then it swims across a dam and also swallows the small snakes across the water.” (The
invasion of France and Holland shortly after the outbreak of the war).
The Blood Flag

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“The Boers will take matters into their own hands, and those who do not give way, will be trampled to death. A great silence will
prevail before the storm which will be violent, but of short duration. A bucket of blood will fall over, our flag will be dipped in it and
this blood flag will then fly over a liberated nation.
Dr. Rossouw continued: “He (Van Rensburg) then spoke a lot about withered maize fields (the farmers who will become
impoverished), famine, a butcher cutting out the fat only (what is due to the Boer) and ‘many other things which do not sound so
strange now as they did. I make no comment, as I have always been sceptical about all his visions. Nonetheless, under the present
circumstances here and abroad, they are strange,” Dr. Rossouw concluded his description of the visit to the Seer.
However, he could not have guessed that in the distant future, shortly before a black government would take over in Parliament, the
old Boer prophet would be in the news again—he even saw this in a vision.
I Will Be Newsworthy Again
Van Rensburg told Boy Mussmann in 1916: “A time will come when I will be very much in the news again. During that time I see we
are still fighting amongst each other, then suddenly it will be over, and we will have a black government. Then the last, but most
intense struggle will begin for the Afrikaner...”
“During that time the Boers will require a strong leader to show them the road ahead. It will be the task of an unknown spiritual
leader who will have to unite the people and prepare them for the struggle at hand.
“I see the Afrikaner nation being the last to enter this thing and first to emerge—it is a black government. When we are out from
under it, the others will still be sitting up there (Zimbabwe an Zambia) with it..."
He also said these protectorates (Zimbabwe and Zambia) will be inaugurated with us and one day we will ‘clean up’ everything as far
as the equator.
The well-kown journalist, Braam Visagie, who had a lengthy interview with the Seer’s son, Kallie, during the 1960’s, describes in his
own words this strange ‘cleaning up’ vision:
“I see a train steaming ahead with difficulty through the Rhodesian bush. It is a long train, heavily loaded and filled with soldiers.
Their uniforms are those of the South African Defence Force. They speak Afrikaans and South African English.
“Pandemonium suddenly breaks loose; shots are being fired into the bush. The train stops and soldiers take up positions alongside the
train which serves as protection...”
Like Pieces In A Jigsaw Puzzle
Nicolaas often spoke about the great and important events which still have to take place before the Boer nation eventually united and
became free.
The following interpretations were given by the Seer himself, and also come from personal recollections of his contemporaries; a
pamphlet distributed in 1940; other old magazines and publications, as well as letters and notes by his intimate friends, Messrs Boy
Mussmann and Joos Haasbroek, and other friends.
Although he could not always understand or interpret everything he ‘saw’, he nevertheless knew that one day (in the far future) there
would be drastic changes in his country.
Here and there he tried to give as detailed an indication as possible of what was going to happen. Yet very few of his contemporaries
believed him, and only today, more than seventy years after his death, many of these visions and his interpretations are beginning to
fall into place like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.
On the Rubbish-Dump of Namibia
Nicolaas van Rensburg foresaw enormous moral decay coming, first in Namibia, then in South Africa, and that the present struggle
and division among Afrikaners would go hand-in-hand with this decay.
In German West a white hobbled horse walked across the rubbish dump. (All norms of decency and moral standards would
deteriorate when the whites (white horse) would be restricted and pushed aside by the government of the day (the horse is hobbled).
And then it (the horse) is let loose and a saddled piebald horse stands directly before me. (Whites will emigrate from Namibia at the
same time a racially mixed government (piebald horse) takes over the reins here in South Africa. The Afrikaner also faces bloodshed
and violence—the piebald stands directly before him and is saddled).
Redistribution of land which traditionally belonged to the Boer nation does not only become a matter of dispute, but we also enter an
era of total moral collapse: ‘A large black-and-white horse stands beside me (on the same terrain which I saw re: getting our own
republic—in other words, the multicoloured horse also wants to pocket that terrain for himself). Then I see two white stones grinding
against each other. (There is great friction and dissension among the whites). The stone in the east (Free State) turns into the other to
become one. (The whites will unite and stand together again).
After this he saw a plough going through the rubbish dump. (There is no more censorship; pornography and other evils against which
the nation used to guard, are now shamelessly being ploughed open). In a vision he saw on 26th February 1922, his compatriots are
warned to live chastely: The world is clean, but suddenly turns and then it is full of sheep droppings. I then heard a clear voice saying
to me: ‘Gird up your loins and let your light shine.
Van Rensburg saw a Large Broom sweep away all the filth of moral decay from the earth. (11th March 1923).
One day he explained to Boy Mussmann exactly what that broom was when Mussmann wanted to know what the enemies were
going to flee from when trouble started in the country. The Seer replied it would be the Spectre of Terror which God would create in
their hearts, and added that God was going to punish them for the thousands of lives they had taken and literally turned the country
into a desert.
Then Van Rensburg referred him to Isaiah 14: “The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the sceptre of the rulers. He who
smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted and none hindereth... Yet thou shalt
be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee... saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble... that made
the world as a wilderness, that destroyed the cities... thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people; the seed of evildoers shall
never be renowned... For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and
son, and nephew, saith the Lord...I will sweep it with the besom of destruction...”

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The Last Discord

But those difficult and dark days will be preceded by a bitter political struggle between liberal and conservative Afrikaans-speakers.
The splitting of the NP, when first the Herstigte (Re- founded) National Party (1975) and later the Conservative Party (1982)
breaking away, rekindled the discord among the Boers and reopened old wounds. Yet this division was one of the central themes in
Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions. He ‘saw’ it so often, spoke about it so often that one gets the impression that there was never
anything else but quarrels and dissension among the Boers. Struggle, discord and betrayal runs like a dark-red stream of blood
throughout our history; there was discord over the Great Trek; the forming of Union; our language and our own flag. Our
participation in two World Wars led to civil war, uprisings and betrayal. Dr. Verwoerd even had to hold a referendum over the
question of a republic to obtain a mandate...
But as Van Rensburg predicted, the second republic (1961) soon started coming loose at the seams (compare his vision of 15th
December 1917) and before long the dissension was just as intense.
Once again, today, war-clouds are forming on the horizon. When one looks at what Van Rensburg predicted, it grabs one by the
throat, because this time the Boer nation is facing its greatest watershed. The Seer spoke about the last great struggle ahead as the last
purification of the Boer nation. In his later years, Van Rensburg must have seen this coming, as he often referred to it with grief, and
only told facets of it to a few of his confidants.
In 1920 Van Rensburg told Dr. Servaas Rossouw about the chasm dividing his people, the blood which will flow. On another
occasion he connected this ‘division’ with a specific event when he remarked to Boy Mussmann: “Russia will go under at the same
time when the freedom struggle begins for the Boer nation... but not long afterwards the sickle—the symbol of Communism—will be
resurrected in the west and in Russia, and things will be even worse than before!”
Ex-President P.W. Botha
The course of current events, but particularly the chaos and bloodshed which started in 1990, was predicted in an important vision he
had in the early 1920’s. Mrs. Sufra Mostert wrote it down and refers to Mr. P.W. Botha:
I see many people in a house, sitting around a table, and I hear them arguing. Suddenly the man at the head of the table arose, walked
out by the door and left the house, and the rear wall collapsed.
The day ex-President P.W. Botha was present when his father was conversing with the Seer van Rensburg, he never realised that he,
in person, had already figured in this vision of the Seer four years previously. At that time the youthful Pieter Botha realised even less
that his future father-in-law, a well-known church minister, Dr. Servaas Rossouw, of Swellendam, had by sheer coincidence visited
the Seer at Rietkuil and personally received a number of astonishing visions about the future of the Afrikaner.
Mr. Botha writes about his short meeting with Van Rensburg: “When I was a young boy of about nine years old, the Seer visited the
town of Paul Roux where I was born, and a family member of my father received the Seer. We visited the family during a Holy
communion weekend and it was there that I stood looking at the Seer while my father and the other family member spoke to him. He
made an unerasable impression on me. He was a dignified man and gave the impression of a ‘Called’ one.
There is no doubt that the vision above can only refer to ex-President P.W. Botha:
Because of the long drawn-out unrest situation in South Africa and the state of emergency imposed by P.W. Botha during the 1980’s,
pressure for reform was mounting on the Government; the lifting of apartheid, the release of Nelson Mandela and other political
prisoners, as well as unbanning the revolutionary organisations such as the ANC, the Communist Party, PAC, etc. Although Mr.
Botha made certain concessions, he refused to veer away from his paved course, and in his famous Rubicon speech in September
1985, he also demanded that Mandela denounce violence before he could be set free. This was widely criticized by liberals here and
abroad and threats of increased boycotts, and even direct involvement, were made.
However, President Botha’s mild stroke early in 1989, and his resignation as Party leader, changed matters. The ‘New thinkers’ and
supporters of ‘total reform’ in the NP challenged him, and according to Mr. Botha’s own testimony in the press, there were not only
serious differences between him and some of his cabinet members, but it often also led to conflict situations: (I see people sitting
around a table and they are arguing). And then, in August 1989, the person at the head of the table (the leader) rises and walks out
through the door...
According to the geopoliticist, Donald S. McAlvany, liberals abroad, particularly in America, played an important part in these
events. He states as follows: “In August of 1989, State President P.W. Botha was overthrown in a “bloodless coup orchestrated by
several of his own powerful cabinet ministers and directed from behind the scenes by the U.S. State Department...”
(In fact, Donald McAlvany had visited this country on a regular basis since the 1970’s with the specific purpose of giving lectures in
every big centre. Virtually every lecture began with: “Your greatest enemy is NOT the Soviet Union, but my own country, the USA!
The CIA, the State Department, the International Bankers—those three in par- ticular, are extremely dangerous, as they will stop at
nothing to overthrow your present Government in favour of black, Communist-led majority rule... He also held talks with high-
ranking officials in Government, as well as the Armed Forces, and was well-received until around 1988, when he was suddenly
rebuffed and virtually declared ‘persona non grata’ by these same officials who had previously welcomed him. No doubt whatsoever
that the secret forces in the USA had done their homework very diligently by brainwashing (and probably threatening) the South
African Government into submitting to their demands...)
On 2nd February 1990, President F.W. de Klerk announced his ‘total reform initiatives’ and immediately there was talk about a ‘New
South Africa’ and a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity awaiting the country and its people.
However, the Seer’s vision paints a totally different and sombre picture: The resignation of a Head of State will not only be very
unexpected (A man suddenly arises), but he will also leave the Party of which he was the ruler (leaves the house). Those that remain
behind will lose a lot of ‘support’ (the rear wall of the house collapses). The four walls of a house symbolize the voters (or members
of an organisation) which must keep the Party (organisation) standing.
The Distressing Position of the Farmers
The following vision, taken from Die Burger, of 1940, has a direct bearing on the above-mentioned speech of F.W. de Klerk, as well
as the present situation in South Africa:

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“Shortly before Parliament convened in 1932, Mr. P.C. de Villiers held a report-back meeting in Klerksdorp. After the meeting a voter
approached him, took out his pocket- book and read a vision seen by Van Rensburg to him:
“I see the farmers in a critical position. The land is bare and everyone is suffering. Then I see a young man arriving from the direction
of Pretoria to address a political meeting, after which political changes take place. Parliament opens and not long after, members
scatter in all directions and an election is called...”
This vision refers to a time in future when it would be so dark for the nation that the Prophet ‘could not see his hand before his eyes’.
The circumstances of the farmers are also critical (in fact, never so critical as now!) A great multitude is addressed by a youngish man
(Mr. F.W. de Klerk’s first speech at Vereeniging as new leader of the NP after Mr. P.W. Botha’s resignation), followed by total
political upheaval (2nd February 1990). This is followed by a parliamentary session where things go wrong and members split up.
The vision—similar to the one of 12th March 1917: ‘I am at Wolmaransstad and put on new black shoes—a black government comes
into power.’ However, if the Seer’s own interpretation is correct, it will be of short duration.
Codesa (1992-93)
It has already been mentioned that Van Rensburg interpreted many of his visions himself. In the course of years he also entrusted
possible interpretations to his family and a few intimate friends. This valuable information has been put at my disposal by his
grandchildren and descendants of friends.
The vision: 29th August 1918: A book opens—the first page is black, two people sit on the second page and the third page grows
large and long with writing on the back. A sabre emerges.
Interpretation: “This vision clearly indicates Codesa negotiations, as it concerns two groups of people (blacks and other) who are
negotiating. However, these negotiations will be lengthy and drawn out (...the third page grows large and long). Everything will not
be above board either; a lot of plotting takes place in the sly—probably by more than one of the parties involved, because: (...with
writing on the back). However, the outcome of the negotiations will not bring about the expected peace: (A sabre emerges). It is
interesting that mention is made of a sabre—it is probably the most well-known Russian weapon from the time when Communism
came into being. For this reason one can accept that the looming confrontation would be Communist-inspired. The manner and extent
of this confrontation is not mentioned in this vision, but the Seer saw this in another vision just over a month before his demise: 28th
January 1926: I see a fat black horse and after that a dirty-yellow horse. The black horse spells trouble with the blacks and the yellow
horse spells trouble with the Indians.
“A rifle comes so closely to me out of India that I am looking down the barrel.” This means that during these dark times we will have
a lot of trouble from the Indians.
The Death of Prof. Johan Heyns
Nicolaas van Rensburg had only three visions in which he saw a very important public figure falling over backwards. He himself
interpreted this symbol and stated that someone would die an unnatural and violent death.
In the first of these visions he saw General Louis Botha standing on a ladder and falling over backwards. The Seer immediately
explained that the general would commit suicide. This was fulfilled when he slashed his wrists.
The second vision concerned an important church leader in Pretoria who would fall backwards from a sitting position and dying—
14th February 1921. Van Rensburg saw a male person wearing a white dress shirt, sitting in Pretoria, he is an important church leader
and/or minister and dies violently. ... falling over backwards.
The ex-moderator of the NG Church, Professor Johan Heyns, was assassinated on the evening of 5th November, 1994 at his house in
The Goose Is Freed
The Seer’s third and last vision of someone dying an unnatural death came exactly six months and three days before his own death.
Early on the morning of 8th September 1925, the Seer went to the hillock behind his house. When he returned later on, he was so
upset and despondent that he did not want to talk about what he had ‘seen’. Only later that afternoon when his daughter, Anna, had
the opportunity of writing it down in her exercise book, her father requested that she head it with the words: Baie belangrik (Very
I see the statue of a black man, he collapses over backwards, his mouth opens wide and a goose emerges from it and flies East. Then
another great white bird with very large wings, tinged with grey and with a human face appears... Then a train full of blacks comes
from the west...
This vision refers to a black man released from prison (Nelson Mandela?). The unbanning of Communism and the far-reaching
consequences it holds in store for the Boer nation and its future.
The statue collapses over backwards, his mouth opens and a goose emerges from it—he is met by the authorities and set free. The
goose flies East—(it closes ties with the Communists). Then another great white bird with very large wings returns (when it returns,
it will be very powerful—which did happen; today Mandela is the head of state in South Africa and the most powerful ruler South of
the Sahara). The colour of the bird is white, but tinged with grey (the ‘peace’ he offers is not genuine, or to be trusted). The train from
the west refers to black exiles who, at this time (the Era of the Goose) return to South Africa.
However, except for the ‘goose’ being set free from prison, his connection with the Communist Party and his expanded rule, the Boer
prophet also saw the statue collapsing over backwards. And as in the case of the two previous visions, it means the person will die a
violent or unnatural death.
In April 1915, some months after the Rebellion, while languishing in prison, the Seer had a vision of a funeral, bloody violence and
great tribulations still to come over his people at the end of the century. According to his prison-mates, this vision also greatly upset
him. However, it was only later that he connected it with the one of 8th September (Mandela):
The vision: 4th April 1915—I see a coffin being let down into a grave, fires coming out, but one great fire igniting in front. Naked
people appear. I’m sitting by a table and dividing a trt. It is dark, but silver letters appear on a shining (metal) sheet. (Then he told
them to read Psalm 12:6): The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Not only will unprecedented violence erupt throughout the country during the burial of this very important person, but also full scale

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civil war (...but one great fire igniting in front). At that time the Boer nation will be naked, stripped of everything and feel very
Therefore this vision cannot be associated with the death of Chris Hani on 10th April 1993, as the government was still in white
hands, and things were still going well with them! Civil war did not follow his death either..
The tart which Van Rensburg divided, means the little that the nation still has left, would be divided even further until he is left with
virtually nothing. Only after that will the darkness which Van Rensburg spoke about, descend over the Boer nation—a darkness in
which one cannot even see one’s hand before one’s eyes.
The silver letters on the shining sheet means (according to Psalm 12) that the time has come for the nation to enter the furnace.
Saddam Hussein
It is remarkable that the Seer also had several visions which predicted the outbreak and progress of the 1991 Middle East war in great
8th June: “In Europe there are three plastered vats (countries which have concluded agreements) filled with dry grass, and a Turk
ignites them...(Turkey will become involved in a war).
15th June: “A large log is burning. In front is a large pile of logs on the ground, (23rd June) and flames emerge from it but die down
again. (The war will be of short, but intense duration—as was the war in the Middle East when Hussein attacked Kuwait in 1991).
In one of his undated visions, the same Turk and same war are seen again, but from another angle and more detailed: A Turk setting
three haystacks alight. The world catches alight and a vision of horses with blood running down their bits appears.
From Mr. Boy Mussmann’s interpretation we can deduce the following: The Turk is Saddam Hussein. The three haystacks are
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the Israelis who were all involved in the 1991 Middle-East conflict. Although the war may seem to be over,
the same Turk (Hussein) will fan the flames again when he intervenes in the civil war in Russia (Bosnia?) to help his people
(Muslims?). The war will be at its worst (extermination of Moslems by Serbian rebels?), which will develop into a full- scale world
war and be so horrible that blood will run down the bits of the horses.
Turkey was in the picture again on 4th April 1919. Three sickles appear one after the other and join so that they become one. Wagons
travel from North to East; they are Turkish wagons, but they are new and covered with canvas.
The collapse of Russia will be of short duration, for the ‘massive civil war’ Van Rensburg saw there will cause the Soviet Union to
return to its old ways of ‘oppression, revolution and dictatorship’, (The three sickles becoming one). During that time a Turk
(Saddam Hussein?) will become involved in this civil war. However, this time there will be two differences: (1) The Turk is well-
prepared for war (the wagons are new); and: (2) He is planning in secret and will strike on a certain day and place—(against the
Serbs?) when nobody expects it and possibly using nuclear arms.
The Soap Cauldron With Fire
(The older generation of Boers made their own excellent soap in huge cauldrons. Although a dying art, it is still demonstrated in the
‘live’ museums throughout the country).
Mr. Joos Haasbroek wrote: “’Oom’ Klasie predicted a long drawn-out and bloody revolution in the Southwest (the Angolan struggle
in which our soldiers were also involved): When it clears (when we have pulled out of the struggle) I see a soap cauldron with fire
underneath in the east of Europe and Russia. In other words, the Angolan war will scarcely have ended when a dreadful civil war will
break out in the Soviet Republics.”
This did occur after the once indivisible East Bloc crumbled into 15 separate states in the early nineties. The Croatians and
Slovenians who were forced into a unified state with the Serbs in 1929 (Yugoslavia), broke away, and in 1992 Bosnia-Herzegovina
followed their example. At the end of December 1972, Czechoslovakia was finally torn apart because of mutual quarrelling, ethnical
differences and 74 years of forced ‘unity’.
The Balkanising of Central and Eastern Europe is proof that this vision had come true and that a yearning for ‘ethnical purity’ and
‘self-determination’ is not limited to white South Africans. In erstwhile Yugoslavia, the Serbs themselves were involved in a bloody
ethnical struggle. The appeasement policies of the European Community attempting to restore peace between the warring factions
came to nothing, for at the end of 1992 the Serbs were in control and they ‘ethnically cleansed’ the whole area of non-Serbs
(Muslims). In the process they also managed to capture about a third of Croatia and two-thirds of Bosnia- Herzegovina and
inaugurate them into their territory and drive out about one million Muslims and Croats from the area under Serbian control.
During 1992 the old Soviet Union also experienced some half dozen or more wars, and today matters look even worse.
However, before the Boer nation faces its last battle, Van Rensburg saw a bucket filled with blood fall over in the north of Southern
Africa; he saw the nation being torn further apart, power being wrested from its hands and how his own National Party, which had
stood strong and formidable, disappear from the scene in shame.
An Old Wagon Wheel
The Seer also spoke about an old wagon wheel which comes rolling from East London and Port Elizabeth in the eastern province
(enemies of the Afrikaner—English and pro-English Afrikaners, as well as jingoes and foreigners): At first it wobbles a lot, but then
gets direction and loses a spoke (which binds government and nation together) and then loses a rim (old English enemies) and
gradually it becomes a new wheel.
It rolls as far as Vereeniging and a petrol factory (Sasol- burg) where it lies down.
Then he had another vision which supplements this one.
I see a snake (Communist threat) sailing towards us, but I cannot see its head. It sails in the long grass (Dishonest). The snake lingers
a while in Mafikeng (there will be trouble and chaos, but only for a short period) then it also goes to Vereeniging where it curls itself
up without me having seen its head. (The snake hides in the bosom of the nation, but they do not know this or see it at first).
Just before the snake left Zimbabwe, Van Rensburg saw a bucket of blood falling over in that country, meaning it will be taken over
by a black government.
Once again ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ prophecy came true: After a lengthy and bloody struggle (bucket of blood) Ian Smith was betrayed by
his friends in the west and forced into handing over power to Robert Mugabe and the Communists. The snake lingering a while in

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Mafikeng, points to the events taking place in Bophutaswana in March 1994 when three AWB comrades were executed in cold blood
while leaving the territory after a futile effort to rescue President Mangope’s rule.
To this day that incident leaves many unanswered questions. And to this day the black who murdered them, is still working as a
constable in the Bop-police where he enjoys ‘hero’- status.
Almost every time Van Rensburg saw snakes in his visions, the soil was turned over and went hand-in-hand with betrayal, foul play
and bloodshed.
The Snake At Vereeniging
The last part of the ‘snake-vision’ above—then it goes to Vereeniging where it curls itself up without me having seen its head—can
only be interpreted when it is clear, precisely when it lifts its head. In this light, the Seer once told Boy Mussmann that ‘the snake
represents the “whole force against the Afrikaner”; then the next interpretation I received from a person in Potchefstroom, does not
seem so far off the mark:
“In Matthew 23: 27-33 the Messiah describes the Pharisees and He says they have as their father the snake mentioned in Genesis 3.
He calls them ‘whitened sepulchres’.
Just as the Messiah did, Seer van Rensburg also pointed out the trail of the ‘snake’ throughout our history. Its trail comes from
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and after overturning the soil in Mafikeng, it came to Vereeniging and curled up.
It cannot be just sheer coincidence that De Klerk was MP for Vereeniging, just as it could not have been coincidence when he
delivered his maiden speech there.
Was it this day that ‘Oom’ Klasie referred to when he said: ‘The snake will lift its head for the first time in Vereeniging and then we
will know who it is.
Therefore it was frightening to see how enthusiastically the audience whistled and cheered at every word of capitulation and betrayal.
That day the road was paved for the judgment which God will bring against this hard-headed and recalcitrant nation.
His followers could scarcely wait for the election of April 1994 to sign away not only their honour, their self-respect, the future of
their children, but also the one and only true GOD whom they had worshipped since they first arrived in the country, to the
Communists. And as with everything else where Satan interferes, there was no thought for righteousness and justice. The whole
election was one great lie, a fraudulent affair and so corrupt that even the presiding judge eventually admitted that there was massive
corruption. However, he defended the results and the rest of the world praised it as a miracle of God!
“Miracle of whose god?” one is inclined to ask, for the TRUE GOD had NO hand in this scandalous, fraudulent business! It was the
snake and his accomplices who were in control and stripped the Boer nation—stripped them naked as were Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden after their meeting with Him.
Why Vereeniging?
When making a closer study of the meaning of Vereeni- ging, one comes to realise it is no mere coincidence that the final scenes of
the Seer’s visions will be concluded there. It is as though this has been decreed by a Higher Hand. The “Treaty of Vereeniging” was
the most demeaning moment in the existence of the Boer nation. They were broken and coerced by means of betrayal among their
own ranks and the most reprehensible methods by the British, to surrender. More than
26 000 women, children and old people were senselessly murdered in the concentration camps and farms were burned at the behest
of Lord Roberts’ ‘scorched-earth’ policy. The Boer was on his knees and he had no choice but to surrender to save the lives of his
women and children.
And 90 years later the descendants of these same Boers join hands with the enemies of their God; they give their traitor a standing
ovation and set the table to be slaughtered once again.
Today the greatest concentration of black townships are situated in the vicinity of Vereeniging. It forms part of the great
Witwatersrand and the other black townships (Gau- teng area)—and is considered to be the most dangerous residential area on earth:
“because here,” the terrified black inhabitants say: “you do not die a natural death, but through the barrel of an AK 47.” The place has
become a battlefield.
And when the final battle of Vereeniging is over, the symbolic meaning of its name (to unite) will eventually end the quarrelling and
fighting, ‘close the chasm’ and stand over a purified nation.

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The Election, the Result and Thereafter
Division in Boer ranks caused matters to go wrong even before the 1994 election because the different groups could not come to an
agreement regarding their modus operandi. Originally neither the Conservative Party, nor General Viljoen’s Freedom Front, nor the
HNP or AWB intended taking part in the elections and there was much talk and threats of war and bloodshed if the elections should
take place. The leader of the Freedom Front, General Viljoen, repeatedly warned that the election should be postponed, demanding a
‘cooling off’ period. During a TV programme he even said he has the support of approximately 10 000 trained men, and if it came to
the worst, he would act.
And the Boer nation believed him...
The ANC and NP ignored his warnings and continued with their plans to hold the election. Did they possibly know that he (Viljoen)
would do nothing?
However, the Boers were ready for action and anxiously sat waiting for him.
Threats against the government and the ANC were also made by the Conservative Party. They would ‘hit’ the Pharaoh with ‘ten

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plagues’ and with concerted effort managed to progress to plagues two or three.
Yes, it really seemed if the Boer was still able to stand up for himself.
However, when the moment of truth arrived, General Viljoen forgot about his demands, registered for the election and finally ripped
the already splintered rightwing groups to pieces.
Stunned, disillusioned and leaderless the handful of conservatives suddenly did not know in which direction to turn. Without
direction and dismayed in spirit, all they could do was sit and wait for the election; even those that voted for the General out of
despair, knew it was futile.
This time the Boer nation was finally outfoxed and slaughtered with cold-blooded calculation by the enemy.
For decades the Seer tried to warn his beloved people, he pleaded with them in vain not to lose their way, because if this should
happen: “...the betrayal and brotherly squabbles would be terrible amongst the people and everything would go wrong in the
Exactly 69 years and one month to the day before the 27th April elections were held, the Seer prophesied that this election would
only bring about bad luck and misery.
Which is precisely what happened: Within a year, virtually all structures which whites had built up over a period of centuries, were
demolished. Health services have been destroyed and even the once solid Public Service crumbled. Officials occupying public
service posts today prefer toyi- toying in the streets rather than putting in a solid day’s work, and words like qualifications or merit
simply do not exist in their vocabularies. Things look even worse in Parliament. Half of the officials were never inclined to work,
while the other half cannot work, because they were all in prison. But now they are appointed in posts which white officials had
slaved for over decades!
Van Rensburg predicted the demise of the NP on more than one occasion.
18th February 1918: Large baskets lie in the water on the seashore. (There is a scarcity of food and water). The blue stone of Europe
turns towards us. (Some Germans are sympathetic to our cause). A thick aloe stump appears in Pretoria and it withers. (An Afrikaner
government — the NP — which used to be strong [thick aloe stump] loses its ability to rule) and it moves South. (This was fulfilled
to the letter, because the Afrikaner’s only only win in the 1994 election was in the Western Cape. Six years later, ten months before
his death in 1926, the Seer predicted that after this first democratic election, the Afrikaner will have no political power as “he lies on
his back”:
27th May 1925: The whole land is covered under maize leaves (indicating an election in which the whole nation took part) after
people have threshed (after the election) and in the Cape a man lies on his back on the leaves.
Poverty and misery will cause many blacks from Africa to enter our country, he said. They will settle mainly in Natal, but will
contribute little or nothing towards the economy. The once-strong National Party (large aloe plants) is struggling to survive, but it has
no influence or power base any longer and disappears rapidly into thin air, after which the battle for survival for the Boers begins.
(Compare the letter the Seer wrote to Mrs. J.J. Steyn on 24th October 1923 on the same subject in chapter 21).
Today, four years down the line since the election, many of these visions have become reality. Because Mr. de Klerk resigned as
leader of the NP, and his successor, Mr. M. van Schalkwyk’s new NP was part of the Government of National Unity, and as official
opposition it dared not make too much noise for fear of being attacked by President Mandela; thus it maintains a low profile.
The Boer prophet ‘saw’ that the Afrikaner leader who was at the helm at the time, knew he would surrender his rule to that of an alien
Van Rensburg predicted this ‘voluntary surrender’ on February 1922 and also prophesied that this would be done under pressure from
the West.
28th February 1922: I see a Boer stepping forward, his shoes remain behind. (Shoes are the symbol of a Boer government and the
fact that the Boer has removed his shoes indicates that he willingly hands over power). He kneels down, facing West.
This prophecy was fulfilled exactly 72 years, two months and two days later: At 6 o’clock on the evening of 2nd May 1994 (five days
after the April 1994 election, but before the final results had been announced), Mr. F.W. de Klerk smilingly told the world on TV:
“With this I now hand over power into Mr. Mandela’s hands.” Without being aware of it, F.W. de Klerk repeated the Seer’s prophetic
words almost verbatim!
A column writer of Die Volksblad had this to say about De Klerk’s words and surrender in the issue of 6th May 1994: “The Nobel
Prize for Grace and Style must surely go to F.W. de Klerk this year. I know of no man who has worked himself out of a job with such
grace and style. This must be a unique world record.
“The only thing he did not do when he—once again with grace and style—acknowledging on Monday evening (2nd May 1994) that
the NP had lost and ‘Oom’ Nelson would be the new State President—ended off by saying in Afrikaans: ‘God bless Africa’.
“He only did so in English and Xhosa (‘Oom’ Nelson’s language).
“Good grief!”
Civil War In Bosnia
From 8th June until 1st September 1925, Van Rensburg repeatedly ‘saw’ parts of the same disturbing vision of a future world conflict
which would be sparked off by the civil war in Russia, and which will involve South Africa. (It will be fully dealt with in Chapter 25
under the heading: “Outbreak of World War 3”).
1st July: Wheat is standing white and ripe in the Union. [The Afrikaans word ‘ryp’ means ready to harvest]. (An election is on the
cards in South Africa). While in prison, I saw a large wheat-stack in the Cape. (Some of the Boers in the Cape are beginning to wake
up and unite—as they did before the Rebellion).
10th July: Grass is burning in Europe and the earth becomes black from there to here. (A full-scale war is being waged in Europe and
will spread to South Africa).
1st September: A wood fire is raging in an oven in the Union and flames shoot from the opening... (The conflict will be the worst
ever experienced in South Africa).
The Seer and the Doves of Peace

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On 1st September 1919, Seer van Rensburg had a vision of an event which would be enacted exactly 74 years later to the day. It
refers to the bloody violence which would occur in the northern parts of our country (the PWV area, or Gauteng as it is now known)
and to which, according to the Seer, there would be no end. In this astonishing vision the Seer not only predicted the peace initiatives
of September 1993 between the Government and the ANC, but also described the two peace symbols, the white and blue doves. The
end of the blue dove (false peace) is so horrifying that it gives one cold shivers; an end which neither F.W. de Klerk or Nelson
Mandela had in mind when they kicked off the so-called ‘peace month’ by shaking hands amid cheering.
Vision: 1st September 1919: A fire is blazing under a huge cauldron (rebellion) from the north; but the fire does not die down! (This
means the violence cannot be stopped). [Five days later Nicolaas was given a glimpse of further developments]: I went North and a
blue bird appeared before me in the road from the west; then it changed into a dove in the way of the cauldron: (The so-called Dove
of Peace will land in the cauldron—in other words, all attempts at peace will fail!) [The last part of this vision was seen on 10th
September]: English wagons travelling from North to South; (Enemies of the Afrikaner fleeing South). There is a barbed-wire camp
in the Union and women climb through the wires and enter the camp. (Women will end up in concentration camps).
An open road leads West and a Boer shoe lies in the road. (The Boer will not go along the new road of South Africa which opens up
before it).
The start and finish of the NP/ANC’s ‘Month of Peace’ is notable. It started during the week of the prophet Mo- hammed’s birthday
—29th August until 4th September— and ended during the last week of September during the climax of the Chinese ‘Autumn
Festival’ in honour of their ‘moon-god’.
You Will Bend Your Knee Before Islam!
After seeing a vision on 15th January 1921, the Seer said to Boy Mussmann a day would come when the Indians would occupy a
position of power in the country. The Christian values of the Afrikaner would then be in direct conflict with the religion of Islam.
This vision has already come true since the first Muslims were elected to Parliament, as Halaal symbols started appearing on
chickens and dairy products in shops. At first there was some resistance against this, but soon died down and today we buy these—
and other—products without any thought about the heathen ceremony during which it was dedicated to Allah.
Even the so-called ‘religious’ Afrikaners ignore the stern warning in God’s word to distance themselves from such heathen sacrifices.
The Muslim population comprises about 250 000 out of a total population of 45+ million, yet we accept these heathen sacrifices
without so much as a whimper. Until 1989 there was not a single Muslim in the Free State, yet one could not purchase a single block
of margarine or a chicken without the halaal-symbol stamped on it.
Today many ministers and theologians say that Allah and Jahweh is one and the same God. However, let us see what the Word of
God, as well as the K’oran have to say about this:
The Bible: 1 Cor 8:4: As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol
is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one.
1 Cor 10:20: ...that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God.
1 Cor 10:21: ...Ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table and of the table of devils.
In Revelation 2:14 & 20 the Lord reproaches the congregations of Pergamus and Thiatira because they ate the flesh of idols.
The K’oran: Section 23:171: The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is but a messenger of Allah and of His word He gave to Mary as a gift
of mercy. Believe therefore in Allah and his messengers. And say not: ‘Trinity.’ But cease, it is better for you. Allah is but one God. It
is far from His holiness that He would have a son. To Him belongs what is in heaven and on earth. (172): “The Messiah (Jesus) does
not consider it beneath Him to be a servant of Allah...”
A vision Van Rensburg saw on 15th January 1921— Then I heard: “The cry of the nation rises up to God: The earth trembles! ”Then
I saw a small ‘coolie’ (Indian) who stood up and suddenly grew into a large ‘coolie’.
According to the accompanying Biblical verses: (Exod. 2:23) “...and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they
cried, and their cry came up to God by reason of the bondage.” (2 Sam. 22:7): “In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried to my
God, and He did hear my voice out of His temple, and my cry did enter unto His ears.” (Jer. 10:10-11): “But the Lord is the true God,
He is the living God, and an everlasting King; at His wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to abide His
indignation. Thus shall ye say unto them, the gods that have not made the heaven and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth,
and from under these heavens.
Criminals are Let Loose
Not long after Mandela was freed by President F.W. de Klerk in 1990, he first placed a moratorium on the death penalty (mainly to
pacify the majority of black criminals), after which literally thousands were freed from the prisons. Seer also had a vision about this
on 28th November 1915 while incarcerated in Boksburg prison: A large sheet of dark red paper appears. On the right side are blood
red squares and on the left are white squares. (He said much will be written about bloodshed when the Boer nation in South Africa
will start their bitter struggle against Communism). I see wagons with red oxen. (The Communists are armed and ready for war). The
prison pot goes to Pretoria, but it is empty. (There is a scarcity of food). The prison cells are all open and the line hangs full of clean
washing. (Thousands of criminals are freed, criminals who have not nearly served their full sentences).
Africa Afflicted With Pestilence and Famine
1st February 1918: My white-handled pocket knife is very sharp. A small hand-axe in the Cape is very sharp—war clouds build up in
the sky. A muddy ditch in Europe runs from East to South. At the southern end stands a large house. A small ‘Kaffir’ emerges from
the house, enters the ditch and disappears. A man on horseback emerges from the ditch and disappears again—the ditch becomes very
He said: “My pocket knife” is symbolic of the Boer forces. The ‘small hand-axe’ (in the Cape) represents the Boer Government of the
day—war threatens between Boers and Government forces. At the same time a sinister agreement is concluded between East (Russia)
and Europe (the muddy ditch). But Europe becomes a confederation with one parliament which will be seated in the south (At the
southern end stands a large house). The confederation between Europe and the East-Bloc countries will cause black governments in
Africa to be wiped out by disasters, pestilence and famine (the small ‘Kaffir’ emerging from the house—he loses his power of

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government—and enters the ditch and disappears (great disasters). Then a strong leader (man on horseback) rises and takes over the
reins in Europe. However, his leadership will be of short duration before he and his followers are destroyed by the same pestilence,
famine and other disasters (he disappears again.)
The Anti-Christ?
The above events seen by Van Rensburg, are very similar to the visions seen by Daniel and John of the Anti- Christ rising as world
ruler after the European Union is established—a process already in progress. According to Daniel 7:25, the Anti-Christ will rule only
for a short time (three and a half years). It will be a time when the world will experience horrifying disasters (the ditch becoming
very wide).
The Seer admitted that his visions did not always appear in chronological order. For example, he would see a vision which would
only materialise in twenty years’ time, but on the following day he sees an incident which would happen within a week. However, it
has also happened that he first ‘sees’ the end of an event and later (sometimes months, and even years later) the beginning of it.
Europe Becomes A Unitary State
13th December 1918: An aloe stands in Europe and it changes to a bunch of flowers—cosmos, crown-of-honour and devil’s bush.
(He said in the future Europe will stand under authority of a single government (one aloe). Although that government will look good
on the surface (bunch of flowers) it will be inherently diabolical and corrupt (crown-of-honour and devil’s bush are weeds).
10th January 1919: Then there is a team of oxen in Europe led by two speckled-backed oxen and they move away. (Europe as a
unitary state is lead by a motley crew).
The new world order
6th April 1919: Many poplars come in sight in Europe; then also in the Union. A Zulu beast approaches the Union from the west.
Then I stand before a newly-built white house. Many small aloes are destroyed in Europe. The large trees are an avenue, they wither
and go North West.
(The poplars indicate that governments in Europe and South Africa will eventually stand under the same authority—the New World
Order. The Zulu will eventually become part of that system, but retain its traditional char- acter. Eventually it will only be the
Afrikaner who will exist fully apart and independent (the white house). Many smaller European states, as well as some of the larger
powers collapse).
The Real Struggle Still Lies Ahead
I received a long letter dealing with visions related to the end of this century from Mr. Joos Haasbroek of Pot- chefstroom. Among
other things he writes: “I am not collecting this information about the Seer -I virtually grew up with it, because ‘Oom’ Boy (a bosom
friend of the Seer) was married to my father’s elder sister. My uncle also told me that when visiting ‘Oom’ Klasie, he would sit and
talk about the fortunes and misfortunes of nations of the world and one would think that he had travelled far and wide, but ‘Oom’
Klasie only read his Bible.
“’Oom’ Klasie joined in the Dingaan’s Day festivities on our farm Botchwick in 1924. I do not enjoy writing about future events,
because as my uncle told me, the real struggle still lies ahead. My uncle passed away in March 1973, and the way things are going
today, I would love to say to him: ‘Look, Uncle, something that ‘Oom’ Klasie predicted is happening!’”
On 10th March 1961 Boy Mussmann wrote to a friend in the then Southern Rhodesia. “I recall that you had previously written to me
about Seer van Rensburg. You ask whether these events have already happened, or were still to happen. The Seer told me he did not
give dates, for the Bible teaches us that the times and occasions are only known to the Lord. Not even the Angels in heaven know the
times. But we see certain signs which indicate when events must occur. It is a pleasure for me to write to you, ‘flesh of my flesh,
blood of my blood’.
“You once asked me whether the article I wrote in the Volksblad was still correct. I received many air mail letters, among others from
a lady who said that her mother had moved back to the Transvaal. I wrote to her and other people, saying: Do not leave your property
or sell it at giveaway prices... for as the Lord rescued us at Blood River, so it will be again.
“The signs referred to are already becoming reality and can be seen as the advent to the dark times or furnace Van Rensburg spoke
about before his death. This includes the apparent collapse of Communism; the dramatic reform in South Africa; our greatest drought
in memory; a new government taking over and the power of the NP being limited to the Cape only before finally disappearing from
the political scene; strikes which will cripple the economy and also the spread of a world-wide disease (AIDS?) which will wipe out
millions of people and for which no cure will be found.
“He also said he saw a thick wall behind which a fire raged. This was the Board of Censors. It is dark because all the candles of
information have been snuffed, meaning that we are deliberately being deceived by the media—nobody knows any longer what is
going on in the country and nobody dreams or sees visions any more.
“Van Rensburg said all these things would go hand- in-hand with a resurrection of racial uprisings throughout the world. It will start
in Europe, he warned, and then spread throughout the rest of the world (There is a white cloth in the west (Europe) (a symbol of
racial purity). The cloth opened up (people will live more openly and push racial purity into the background) and inside are white
beans (beans indicate people with the same genetic characteristics—in this case, the whites) and they spread across the earth (against
all expectations, white racism will increase worldwide).
At first the Westerner in Europe withheld himself from making any distinction between his white heritage and that of other nations.
However, Van Rensburg said that when they become overrun by ‘aliens’, their aspirations for the ‘preservation of the whites’ cannot
be stopped any longer.
Liberal intellectuals regard racism as being an abnormal, unnatural condition—a ‘disease’ which they call ‘xenophobia’, (a loathing
of aliens, or foreigners).
The 19th century German philosopher, Fichte, was a rabid racist, and so was his contemporary, Hegel. During the 20th century it first
was Adolf Hitler, and now the present generation of Germans, or Neo-Nazis—also known as skinhead- gangs who are terrorizing all
non-German immigrants.
In Germany alone during 1992 there were 2084 attacks against, among others, black South Africans, Afghans, Romanians and Turks.

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Asylum seekers
Rapport—20th December 1992): “The swell of asylum-seekers already started in the late 1970’s and with the collapse of the Berlin
Wall on 9th November 1989, it grew into a tidal wave. In 1995 there was still no end to this tidal wave and between 40 000—50 000
asylum-seekers crossed into Germany. Holland, England and France face the same problems and the authorities cannot handle it any
longer. The German Government cannot keep up with the number of applications and in 1994 they already had a backlog of over 1-
“The spate of racial attacks were sparked off after the crumbling of the Berlin Wall of Shame when the so-called unification of
Germany did not bring about the promised prosperity. The disillusioned younger generation of Germans had to stand by looking on
from the sidelines as hundreds of thousands of ‘aliens’ were granted asylum and financial aid, while they could get neither work nor
refuge. (The situation is identical in South Africa, and nothing has come of the promised “peace, prosperity and harmony”, and things
are looking just as grim as the Seer had predicted).
“Young Germans are frustrated and rebellious for being openly betrayed and sold out to alien parasites by their leaders, and for these
reasons these ‘aliens’ are being attacked daily by German youth gangs.
“However, it is not so much these attacks which are causing problems to the church, German scholars and sociologists—it is that
‘echo of approval found among the silent masses.’ It is also disconcerting to the liberal thinkers that such a spate of unstoppable
racial hatred is building up all over Europe. And the question no one dares ask—as the answer may be too shocking—does Europe
find itself on the eve of a new glorification of race?”
During the same year (1992) America experienced its worst racial violence in history when whites were openly attacked in the streets
of San Francisco by bloodthirsty Negroes in a week-long orgy of violence, and their businesses, cars and houses were plundered and
White Americans are literally fleeing from states such as Florida, Washington, Oregon, Montana and California which are being
overrun by Negroes and other blacks from Africa. During a period of three years (1992—1995), 3.7 million whites left California,
while some 3.5 million non-whites settled there during the same period.
An Ominous Prophecy
In the last years before his death, the old Boer prophet was often visited by people from far and wide, who wanted to know: “What
lies in the future? Will it become worse for our nation, or is there hope for a free, independent state? Then Van Rensburg would sit
staring in front of him and eventually reply cryptically: ”one day the nation will take matters into its own hands, and those who refuse
to get out, will be trampled to death. A great silence will prevail just before the storm breaks, which will be violent, but of short
duration. A bucked filled with blood will topple over and our flag will be dipped it in, after which this blood flag will be hoisted over
a free nation."
This is truly an ominous prophesy. For those who do not share the Boer’s struggle for freedom, these words spell out serious
problems. For the Boer it means the unavoidable bloodbath to gain that freedom which has always eluded him. But Van Rensburg
said the nation must first bend its knee before God and be willing to walk every inch of that road. He also warned them that the road
was going to be very tough, because: “Before we get our own (Boer) republic, a bitter struggle awaits us. During the 1914 Rebellion,
we (the Boers who would not associate themselves with Government policy) had to go through a sieve. This time we will go through
a furnace. At that time I told you I see darkness ahead, because when I sat on my horse, I could not see its mane; but in the difficult
time ahead it will be so dark that I cannot see my hand before my eyes.
Pigs In Johannesburg
Van Rensburg warned that large-scale reform, revolution and chaos would break out here at the same time the Soviet Union began to
It has happened exactly as he had predicted!
One day he asked his eldest son, Kallie, to write down the following vision: I see a pig hanging on a hook in England. It disappears
from there and reappears in Johannesburg, after which sausage was made from it. The sausage is draped over the chairs in Parliament
in Cape Town, and I ate some of it. (The Seer represents the Boer nation). The sausage hanging in Johannesburg is confiscated by
legislation and it indicates that it is a justified case. We do not rob or steal; we only take back what we have received from the Lord
through blood and sacrifice, the Seer said. Then he interpreted the vision more fully: The pigs (capitalists) in Johannesburg will—in
co-operation with the enemies of the Boers overseas —confiscate his property (the sausage), but it will be of no use to them, for the
Boers will regain power with help from God (the sausage draped over the chairs in Parliament). At the same time the mines and
minerals will become State property and all the old Republican farms fall back to, and are distributed among my people.
As far back as the Boer nation can remember, everything he worked for, everything he discovered and everything he built up, was
confiscated by others. The after-effects are still running strongly through our modern history. It is a well-known fact that white South
Africans are the poorest Westerners, despite the fact that we have a wide variety of natural resources and mineral riches.
When going back to that first annexation, and going through history step by step, one begins to realise just how much have been
taken from them. The goldfields are not controlled by them today, but by the Jewish financial giant, Anglo-American, the English and
But according to the Seer’s interpretation of the vision, it does seem if there will be an end to foreign interference of many years and
reckless usurping of land and mineral rights by foreign robber gangs. He also says the Afrikaner who rises up from the dust this time,
will not crawl before the enemy, hat in hand again, as he did 90 years ago at Vereeniging.
Nationalization will take place, but not by the ANC or Communists as most South Africans fear. They will initiate it, but (if ‘Oom’
Klasie is correct) there will be a sudden change and the Boers will be sitting on top! Diamond, gold, copper, silver and tin mines—
everything will be nationalized, the foreign parasites will be driven out of the country, or they will leave of their own accord. They
will be dispossessed and all their fixed properties such as farms, houses and land will fall back to the Boer nation—as it should have
been right from the beginning.

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On one occasion ‘Oom’ Klasie openly named these ‘robber gangs’ who had taken everything for themselves in South Africa: the
British money-barons, or ‘pigs’ as he called them. In a letter to Mr. H.J. Dreyer of Senekal he wrote: The disappearance of the
speckled beast in Europe (the seeming crumbling of Communism) followed by the earth going black here is a sign that the time is
coming—the time for great reform and revolution.
Even in these modern times, South Africa is fairly isolated and far from the European continent. Thus it remains an expensive
exercise to come and wage war here, and these circumstances could also be the main reason why South Africa will not immediately
be involved in any world conflict, because during that time the whites in South Africa will have their own problems; being trampled
on and dominated by blacks and Indians in every walk of life, large-scale violence, unemployment and poverty. Dur- ing wars
against black tribes in the distant past, the whites had a right to defend themselves, but today they are compelled by the church and
Communist authorities to passively sit looking on while being stripped of everything that is precious and sacred to them—own flag,
language, culture, education and religion.
The black horse
28th January 1926: I see a fat black horse and then a dirty-yellow one. The black horse spells trouble with the ‘Kaffir’; the dirty-
yellow one spells trouble with the ‘coolies’. A gun appears out of India and is so close to me that I am looking down the barrel—
indicating a lot of trouble with the ‘coolies’ during those dark times.
The Seer also told Boy Mussmann that for us who know (the loyal Afrikaners) the trouble with the ‘Kaffir’ will not be quite as bad as
was the case with whites in our neighbouring states. He then told him about the red flag coming out of the north and that the earth
there will be overturned with the plough. (At first Communism will have its greatest influence in our northern neighbouring
countries; the earth is overturned with the plough. It was the case when the Belgian Congo gained independence at the time,
followed by a terrifying period of bloodshed and chaos.
The Red Flag
Communism was but the forerunner of the present New World Order: ‘In each and every one of us there is a piece of God’ they said,
‘which is why all differences must disappear and we must aspire towards one person, one vote, one world government and
particularly one world religion; for this is the only way in which we can achieve a lasting world peace and Utopia. (According to
Allan Boe- sak, Pretoria will be the capital of this ‘New Paradise’!).
(Allan Boesak was a pastor of the Mission Reform Church of Africa until he became involved in leftwing politics and was a co-
founder of the United Democratic Front movement, a cover-up for the then banned ANC. At the moment he is on trial on charges of
fraud and theft, having skimmed off large amounts of money donated by Danchurch, a Danish organisation, for the ‘upliftment of the
Van Rensburg not only predicted the fall of Communism in Russia, but also added that it would continue to exist here in Africa,
causing unprecedented violence in our country: A red flag comes out of the north and the earth there is ploughed under, but I see a
second red flag emerging (it will be resurrected). Then I saw teams of black oxen (Kaffir) being yoked up (they are organising) and
they look straight in our direction. (They are preparing to start trouble). The grass catches alight (violence breaks out) and the fire
comes in our direction.
We hear and read: ‘Communism is dead’ almost on a daily basis, but Van Rensburg asked “where is its grave?”, because he ‘saw’
how it was gaining new momentum in Southern Africa.
Peter Hammond of the Frontline Fellowship confirmed this in his 1992 report on events in Eastern Europe. According to him,
Communism is all but dead, for, he said, the Communists operating in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Lithuania, etc., are the same ones that have been persecuting Christians for decades; the same comrades who have, for
decades, been responsible for mass murders and persecution. Even the KGB is still in control of affairs. Proof of this is the fact that
the Russian Federation retained the hammer and sickle emblem on the athletes’ sports clothing during the 1992 Olympic Games in
Barcelona. “But the South African flag and National anthem was unacceptable during the same event...”
Jean Raspail—A Modern Times Prophet?
The Seer van Rensburg was not the only one who foresaw the uncontrolled influx of blacks into the Western World. A noted French
author, Jean Raspail, accurately predicted and described this course of events in his sensa- tional novel, Le Camp des Saints (The
Camp of the Saints), publish in 1973 by Robert Laffont-Fixot, S.A..
The following extract is from the Publisher’s Note in the lastest American edition published in 1995 by The Social Contract Press:
“The novel alternately has been praised as a clear minded view of the future or, contrarily, vilified as ‘racist’. Individ- uals have even
been attacked for merely being familiar with it...We are indebted to Jean Raspail for his insights into human conditions, and for being
20 years ahead of his time...”
In an Afterword to this edition Jean Raspail confessed: “I wrote The Camp of the Saints ten years ago (after) one morning in 1972, at
home by the shore of the Mediterranean, I had a vision:
“They were there! A million poor wretches, armed only with their weakness and their numbers, overwhelmed by misery, encumbered
with starving brown and black children, ready to disembark on our soil...I literarily saw them saw the major problem they presented,
a problem absolutely insoluble by our present moral standards. To let them in would destroy us. To reject them would destroy them.
During the ten months I spent writing this book, the vision never left me...I came out of it totally exhausted, almost unrecognizable
even to myself. I have written other novels since, but this one, I must say seemed to have been dictated by an otherworldly force, by
an inspiration from on high I wouldn’t dare name.
“Only after I had finished the last chapter and reached the point of no return in the final confrontation between us and them, did I
woke from the horror and became myself again...”
Since 1973 this much talked-about novel had already sold 3 million copies worldwide. An Afrikaans translation by Naomi Morgan
was published in 1990. The cover text of the Afrikaans edition makes chilling reading:
“By the year 2000 there will be 7000 million on earth, out of which only 900 million will be white. This fact compelled the author,
Jean Raspail to sketch a frightening vision of the future.

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“It is a futuristic story, but Raspail’s description of thousands of blacks streaming into Europe (particularly France) to find refuge
there, almost reads like the front pages of today’s newspapers.”
( It takes place in the early future (the 1990’s). About a million Third-world men, women and children board dilapidated boats
on a ‘Last Chance Armada’ to the white man’s paradise—a peace-loving convoy who will knock on the doors of abundance and
“Their only weapons are their numbers and the sympathy they invoke—the ideal weapon. It hits the fragile Western conscience; must
one give in to deep feelings of compassion and drown oneself in the process, or must one use force against mere weakness? The
government is in a quandary, the moral and religious authorities are caught in their own trap, and lastly, the nation in the grip of a
storm in which our last shaky and confused Western values clash and shatter to pieces in an almost comical manner.”
On the jacket of the English publication the question is asked: “Is it an allegory—or a prophecy? Is Raspail’s apocalyptic vision
really the way in which the world will end for the white man?... This gripping novel will anger some readers, but nobody will be able
to forget it or remain untouched.”
Concerning conditions in our own country, the following was written:
“This is fiction which has already become a nightmarish reality in South Africa during the 1990’s, with its 30 million (now 45
million) blacks and 5 million (now 3 million) whites. Third-world hordes are streaming into the cities and towns in their pitiful
countless numbers. Already peace is the catchphrase for every crime imaginable. Our government, even our moral and religious
authorities are capitulating.”
This ‘racist novel’ for which Raspail was vilified, doomed and even ridiculed at the time, is now becoming a terrifying reality.
The Dirty-Yellow Horse—Oriental Forces
The dirty-yellow horse points to the Indians in our country, as well as their country of origin. In the 340-year history of South Africa,
Indians have never played any significant role. They have only now started coming to the foreground and making demands during the
last decade.
They have particularly established themselves in the sports arena where they blow the whistle and penalise players left, right and
centre. The Indian has also realised that the Boers are very tolerant and will make sacrifices as long as nobody interferes with their
‘sports-god.’ However, the omission of the Boers from the sports and all other areas has only just begun. They have already been
warned: no lily-white team will ever again compete internationally, for we are now living in the Third World and words such as
norms, merit or qualifications do not exist in the vocabularies of the third-worlders.
In one of the Seer’s visions which was reported in the media, we get a clear prophesy of the far-reaching influence the Indians would
have in South African society.
According to somebody who was interviewed by a reporter, his family held a dinner Party in Witbank to celebrate his great-
grandfather’s 99th birthday in 1963. During the meal somebody made a remark about Bronkhorst- spruit (a small town between
Pretoria and Witbank). His great-grandfather heard the remark and wanted to know from one of the grand-children whether the
heathen temple had been built at Bronkhorstspruit.
This stunned everyone at the table and some even laugh- ed, as it was still during the premiership of Dr. Verwoerd before he was
assassinated, and a very prosperous period for the conservative Afrikaner.
Replying to the question where he got that notion, the old man said: “Seer van Rensburg prophesied years ago that such a temple
would be build at Bronkhorstspruit before the divided Boer nation would unite again...”
Thirty years later Dr. Hennie Senekal, a retired church minister and erstwhile Mayor of Bronkhorstspruit, proud- ly announced
that one of the largest Buddhist temples was being built in this same town and would become one of the greatest tourist attractions in
the country.
It is also the first Buddhist temple on the African continent and built at a cost of R300 million in the suburb of Cultura Park,
Bronkhorstspruit. The guest house, which would serve as temporary temple, was completed in 1995 at a cost of R34 million while
the other structure was being built. Most of the building materials and tiles were imported from Taiwan; so also the massive steel bell
weighing 6 tons which would be rung by 20 campanologists (bell-ringers). The inside is adorned by a huge golden statue of Buddha
with hundreds of smaller statues lining the walls.
While the main temple was under construction, numerous marble statues and pillars stood in the garden of the guest-house and which
would be used to decorate the main temple.
A well-known Afrikaans architectural firm was assigned to draw the building plans.
There is no church complex in South Africa which is comparable to this idol temple.
The Muslim influence has been increasing in the country. They regard Christians as their biggest enemies, and should a Muslim
befriend a Christian, the latter is an enemy of his god, Allah. So ties of friendship are taboo. Yet ironically the world’s largest Islamic
propaganda centre is situated here in Durban, South Africa!
The Boer leaders are probably the only ones in the world who sit watching passively while foreigners, who have no part of their
national symbols, can stand up during a news conference and announce:
“Away with your national anthem! Away with your flag!”
However, ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ warning rings mercilessly in the ears:
A second red flag emerges. The grass catches alight and spreads southwards. Then I see teams of black oxen being yoked up (they are
organising) and they look in this direction ... This will be times of bloodshed, teason, fraternal quarrels, conflict and severe
tribulations ¼ Times when the Boer’s hats are pulled over their eyes and their heads hang low.
The spate of violence, rebellion and revolution which has been plaguing Africa for the last 30+ years, has already spread here. It
forms part of the Great Revolution which has been instigated by the Communists (the red flag).
On 2nd February 1990 we entered the final stage of capitulation to Communism, which has been very carefully orchestrated over a
period of many years to prepare us for the final surrender.
Spiritual Leader From the Eastern Cape

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Should the old great-grandfather have been correct on his 99th birthday, this recalcitrant Boer nation will not come to its senses
before another 3—4 years’ have passed to reunite. And by that time the darkness will already have descended over us.
However, Van Rensburg said that this time they will not rely on the fleshy arm of their leaders again. Nonetheless a spiritual leader
who will unite and arm the nation, will rise in the Eastern Province. Although Van Rensburg did not say how this man would arm
them, I believe it will be spiritual as well as physical.
The man in the brown suit also steps forward at this stage. On 15th June 1920, Van Rensburg had a vision of England being
conquered by Germany in a future battle; a well-built Boer in a brown suit will play an important part in this victory.
It is the same Boer who will come here to address and pacify the people at Lichtenburg.
This shows another clear parallel between the oppression which the Boer nation finds itself in and the experiences of the Israelites
when they were subjected to op- pression by God because of their disobedience.
During such times, strong leaders and God-fearing people rose from the nation to lead them to freedom—and without exception that
freedom was gained through Divine intervention.
Think of Moses, Samson, Gideon, David, Andries Pre- torius and Charl Cilliers.
No other modern nation in the world has the testimony of a Blood River or Vegkop (to name but two) in their history. And as was the
case with Israel, it was the spiritual leader, Charl Cilliers, rather than the warrior, Andries Pretorius, who armed the ill and trapped
Voortrekkers in preparation for the looming battle against the advancing Zulus.

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Reform—the Time of Darkness
Van Rensburg prophesied the total reform which would take place in the country before the Boer nation would get its own republic.
Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote that ‘Oom’ Klasie told him: “Before we get our own Republic, there must be total reform; reform as in the
days of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 5). Not only in politics, but also in the churches, because even in my church (‘Nederduits’ Reform
Church) there are many wrongs. Yes, it will be as in the time of Nehemiah who did not receive a salary from the Governor for 12
years to assist his people to rebuild Jerusalem.”. He added: “During the time of reform, virtually nothing in the country will be right;
either in Government, nor in our churches. I see the Union overturned by the plough; what was above is now below and the masters
have now become the servants. Total reform will also occur in general society...”
We already know the reform process brought about by F.W. De Klerk and the Church. But what ‘reform’ had Nehemiah in mind an
why was it necessary?
Amos 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that
thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children”.

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In Nehemiah 5 Israel was ordered to separate themselves from their enemies, return to God and confess their sins against Him, but
they refused and had to bear the consequences: “We have had to borrow money to pay the king’s tax on our fields and vineyards ¼
we have to subject our sons and daughters to slavery ¼ our fields and our vineyards belong to others...”
And in Neh. 13 God told Israel in what they have sinned against Him and how He expected them to reform: “On that day the Book of
Moses was read aloud in the hearing of the people and there it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever be
admitted in the assembly of God .... When the people heard this law, they excluded from Israel all who were of foreign descent ¼ In
those days I saw men in Judah treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing in grain and loading it on donkeys ¼ and selling
them in Jerusalem on the Sabbath to the people of Judah. I rebuke the nobles of Judah and said to them, ‘What is this wicked thing
you are doning—desecrating the Sabbath day?’ ¼ Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from
Ashdod, Ammon and Moab ¼ I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I
made them take an oath in God’s name and said: ‘You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take
their daughters in marriage for your sons of for yourselves. Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel
The Afrikaner does not really know why reform must take place, or what it boils down to. He blindly agrees and hopes for the best.
He allows everything to be taken from him and everything to be changed. He prefers doing nothing to stop it, for it may be
This total reform also links up with the vision of the pork sausages hanging over the chairs in Parliament. South Africa is rich in
minerals and precious metals and this is the prize everyone is fighting over. However, it belongs to the Boer nation and will remain
with them, the Seer assured his people. The Boer is solely responsible for everything that is happening to him now. Over the years he
was made to believe that he is inferior, and to blame for the misery of the blacks. He believed it as he believed in peace and
prosperity if he relinquished his power and everything else.
However, things only became worse. The racial question is still unsolved and meanwhile violence continues spilling across our
borders. Van Rensburg had this to say: I see the State carriage travelling through Taungs, (a black area where thousands of blacks
reside and was well-known to Van Rensburg) leaving deep tracks. He repeated that the Government of the day would experience a lot
of trouble with the ‘Kaffir’.
According to other visions in this connection, it seems that secret agendas emanating from America, England, the ANC/SACP
alliance and liberal Afrikaners to destroy the handful of Boers, will come to nothing.
The Seer’s Timetable
Glancing through the Seer’s timetable since the official abolishment of Apartheid (vision: 9/1/15) it is astonishing how accurately he
predicted events. Revolution, violence and rebellion will break out in the country (1/8/14); ‘necklace’ murders are committed on a
large scale (13/9/14—This particularly cruel and diabolical method, invented by ANC members, entailed the intended victim’s hands
to be tied with wire; a tyre placed around his/her neck, soaked with petrol or diesel fuel and then set alight. While the victim suffered
a slow and agonizing death, his/her tormentors would scream and dance around him/her in a demented manner, often poking at
him/her with sticks or hurl stones at him/her). At this time the Soviet Union will crumble (1/8/14). Then the SEVENTH LEADER of
the National Party appears on scene (1/8/14), but he will be a traitor, because Van Rensburg saw him as a clean-shaven young man
(9/1/15). He also rejects the principles of the NP (13/9/14—the sole of my shoe comes off).
Communism now also comes strongly to the foreground (9/1/15—the sickle bends) and during that time of chaos and confusion, the
Afrikaner is sitting in sackcloth and ashes (his hat is pulled over his eyes); he sacrifices everything, even his precious cultural
heritage is left behind (9/1/15—wagons flee past me). And the loyal Afrikaners who bravely prepared for the struggle, offer no
resistance; they, too, are dismayed and without hope—(9/1/15—horsemen, in other words, men who were ready for war, stand
helplessly looking on at the passing, fleeing wagons). But there are also a number of so-called ‘true Afrikaners’ who are involved in
backhand- ed wangling with the traitors of the nation for the sake of lining their own pockets (8/1/15). A moderate Communist-
inclined leader (13/9/14—with half-long horns—Mandela, takes over the reins. However, he has many problems, for his followers
are war-minded (13/9/14—savage red cattle are with him). After this, the bloodiest period in our history begins—hundreds of
innocents are murdered in their houses (9/1/15—dappled white horses (sly murderers) appear before the house and I see a hat with a
band of mourning cloth around it).
A very important Communist dies during this time—Joe Slovo? (21/1/15)—the red mule drops dead).
Illegal immigrants and squatters stream into the country (10/1/15—a dark blanket approaches us in the footpath). The black tribes in
Africa are involved in an intense struggle, but this is kept secret by the leaders and the media (12/1/15—I see mixed-up people
fighting, but a white canvas covers them).
The present situation here, as well as in the rest of the world confirms that the Seer van Rensburg’s timetable is swiftly approaching a
great and final crisis.
According to that timetable, the blacks will first ‘disappear’, after which the jingoes and English will flee:
We are going to have more trouble with the ‘Kaffir’, for years ago, shortly after the War I saw a small ‘Kaffir’ rising halfway out of
the earth. Then I had another vision. I saw he had grown into a mighty warrior who now appeared fully out of the earth, and the
shadow of the spear and shield he held above his head, fell right across the land. This is far in the future, then he disappears into fog.
But before that time I also saw darkness descending down over the land. My advice is, fight, even if you do so with your backs to the
He also saw the English leaving Johannesburg for England; “they stand on the wagon (aeroplane), clad only in shirts and trousers,
without jackets, hats or shoes. In other words, they leave the country as they entered it. I then opened my Bible and read Exod. 14:13.
You see, this is the word of God and as long as the world exists, there will never be another enemy in Africa to wrong us. the less
chance there is for our people to think how these things can still happen, the greater is the miracle created by God to return us to
being a faithful nation and show the Strong Arm which fed and watered the Israelites in the wilderness.”
Jer. 32: 20-21 tallies surprisingly closely with this: (My God) which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this

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day, and in Israel, and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day; and hast brought forth Thy people Israel out of
the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror. (Also
compare the Seer’s prophesy re: the Spectre of Terror).
The discord and violence which broke out among the black population groups about a decade ago and which was kept under control
by a state of emergency by Mr. P.W. Botha, is still rife, and the militant factions studiously ignore the ANC’s desperate efforts to
bring about peace and reconciliation. The open enmity of blacks towards each other, towards whites and the moratorium on the death
penalty, is no deterrent. It confirms what the Seer said about the spear and the shield held above the black warrior’s head. The shadow
falls across the land, in other words, the violence will affect the whole country. But then the warrior disappears into the fog. He will
disappear to where he will be no further problem to the Boer nation. How this will happen, the Seer prophesied that God will create a
miracle which will finally free the Boers of his enemies.
However, in the same breath he also warned his people against Communism, adding that this was the source of all our problems with
the blacks. The Communists plan to use them as cannon fodder in the planned revolution. Blacks allow themselves to be misused
because they have been promised a great ‘reward’: prosperity, nationalization, a luxurious Utopia and the enslaving of whites. These
empty ‘promises’ urge the blacks on to unprecedented hate and violence.
The violence which we are experiencing in the country today, has come from a long way back and we are only beginning to feel what
was the order of the day during the 1960’s in the rest of Africa.
Black On Black Violence
During my visit with the late ‘Oom’ Paul Prinsloo (July 1991) we sat in front of his house in the suburb of Eloffsdal, Pretoria,
discussing the Seer. He suddenly lean- ed over and said: “There is a vision which I have not told you about, because I don’t know
whether you should write about it in your book.” After much wheedling and pleading he finally spoke about it: “The Seer first had a
vision about a big black with a spear emerging from the ground, after which he saw the warrior’s shadow across the land. Well, on
another occasion he saw a number of blacks emerging from the grass. They all had guns and all the guns were trained on the Seer
(the Afrikaner nation). Just as he thought they were about to shoot him, they turned away to where other blacks were running. The
Seer thought it meant blacks warring on blacks again (the Seer had a vision while in Boksburg prison on 15th February 1915 which
links up with the above vision: The prison cells are all open and the lines are full of clean washing—criminals are freed and many of
them occupy privileged positions. On the northern side there are ‘Kaffir’ armed with guns, but I only see their legs. This is a clear
indication of Mkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the military wing of the ANC. The fact that he can only see their legs means he does not
know how well-armed they are. He saw two railway carriages to the north and one was painted brown (brown is the colour of the
Afrikaner, and according to the Seer, his beloved people will be forced to play second fiddle during those sad times. THEN
PRESIDENT KRU- GER CAME IN SIGHT. (this reference to President KRUGER’s face means that events described in the vision
correspond with events during the Kruger-era, when a handful of Boers had to fight against an overwhelming super-power for three
years under terrible conditions to save themselves from extinction).
Under A Black Government
One night, while in prison (1916) ‘Oom’ Klasie dreamt what would happen to his people when they found themselves under a black
Goverment and without a true leader. He saw himself (the Boer nation or Nationalists) walking on his socks—this means there is no
longer a Boer Government.
But at the same time they have no guide because their leader left them in the lurch by resigning:
It was shortly before daybreak. (South Africa enters a new era). Leaves—they look like poplar—appear out of thin air. (Preparations
are going ahead for an election). At first they were just a spot (prior to the election it will be dark and violence and bloodshed will
erupt). until they increase and the air is full of leaves. (The election takes place (April 1994) and everybody, except the ‘maize
leaves’, or ‘loyal Afrikaners’, votes). All the leaves disappear. (The next planned elections (1999?) been postponed or cancelled and
the situation of the Boers worsens day by day).
However, in two other visions ( 10th and 12th July 1923) the Seer saw the many blessings God had given South Africa, but the
nation became faithless towards God, and because they show no remorse for their sins, things will become worse for them. Then they
will trample each other and fight as never before. And when their leader, who bent his knee before Europe (vision of 26th February
1922) in order to hand his nation over into alien hands, (A Boer in the Union is pulling off his shoes and kneeling before the west to
give in to their demands), suddenly resigns, he will finally turn his back on his dismayed and humiliated nation.
When I reached the door, my children came out of the house (the National Party leadership is taken over by a younger genration—the
new leader, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, is only 36 years old ,but this youngster and his followers have no further interest in the Boer
nation, because they ‘leave the house’)
Then: I walk to my stable and while walking, my head seems to give a jerk. (This is the time when the nation will wake up and
realise that he has been robbed of everything and he finds himself sitting in sackcloth and ashes). I look up, the sky is clear and
immediately black letters with a silvery glow appear from South East to South West. The whole sky seems to fill with letters; then I
saw specific numbers: 14376 before everything vanished.
According to the Seer’s granddaughter, Mrs. Ria James, this refers to an important invasion operation which took place in Angola on
14-3-76. However, it may also stands for fourteen-thousand-three-hundred-and-seventy-six days. This is exactly 40 years, forty years
of National Party ruling (1948-1988) before the SEVENTH LEADER appears on scene in 1989 (vision: 1/8/14), but Van Rensburg
said he will be a traitor, because he saw him as a clean-shaven young man (vision: 9/1/15), and under his presidency everything the
National Party stood for vanished into thin air (before everything vanished).
The rest of the vision: In a valley in front of my door I saw a number of cattle; two red bulls, one with a blaze (ANC and Inkatha)
were fighting). The one with the blaze jumped away, ran some distance and fought again. I am not worried about the fighting. (The
struggle between the Communists (ANC) and In- katha continues, but the Boer nation ignores them).
Two houses are burning in the northwest. A third one has already burnt and only the walls are left standing. (Refers to the unrest,
violence and arson which will occur during the years after the elections. When I woke up, I saw a man dressed in grey, (a spiritual

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messenger who will call the nation to the struggle) the doors are wide open and he leads me to the wall of the large door where he
stopped. On the western side there is no fort, the doors are open. (We enter a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity—a time
when burglar proofing and locks will not be necessary).
Deproclamation of the Alluvial Diggings
An important event took place near Lichtenburg on 15th May 1993, fulfilling another of ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ visions: 10th June
1922: The weather is misty in the east and a new rifle approaches with butt forward. The diggings are washed out but the people have
left. At Johannesburg lies a large mound of soil, but no one is to be seen. The diamond diggings are washed out but nobody is
there. (The mines are closed). Trains and cars have stopped on the rises as they have run out of fuel.
I will concentrate only on the ‘washed-out diamond diggings and the people who have left them’:
In March 1993 I received the following invitation from Mr. Jan Schutte, curator of the Lichtenburg Museum: “The Lichtenburg
World Museum Day festival will be celebrated at Bakerville (a small town some 20 km from Lichtenburg) on 15th May 1993, as the
Deproclamation this year will close an era in the history of one of the world’s richest diggings.” The festivities include digging
demonstrations, diamond rush and sorting, as well as donkey rides. During the festivities on 15th May I learned that the diamond
field would be privatised after Deproclama- tion and the handful of diggers who were still eking out a living there, would have to
seek other employment.
The most astounding aspect of this vision is that Van Rensburg had already seen the shut-down of these diggings almost four years
before the diamond fields were discovered at Lichtenburg! It also gives some indication of the timetable when some of the events,
written down by Dr. Rossouw and others, could be expected: From the above vision we can deduce that the ‘big strike in
Johannesburg’ will only take place after the diggings have been shut down and the diggers have left.
The Deproclamation of the diggings came into force on 31st December 1993, and sooner or later a large-scale strike in Johannesburg
can cause trains and cars to come to a standstill!
A Terrible Drought
The Seer said: Parliament is in session when trouble starts here and there is drought in our country—a devastating drought.
In 1991-1992 South Africa experienced its worst drought in history. Never before was so much State aid granted to the drought-
stricken areas. Parliament can be convened with human intelligence, but droughts come from the Lord, according to the Seer.
Christians believe poverty and these droughts must be seen as punishment, for the Bible clearly states one may not pull in the same
yoke with the heathen. They say as long as we have blacks, Hindus and Muslims in Government, we will continue to be punished.
It is also asked, how does a Christian nation govern hand in hand with the Muslim, the Hindu and ancestral spirits without betraying
his Redeemer?
I see merino rams (cabinet) in session with their heads put together, as there are extremely urgent matters to be discussed.
These ‘urgent’ matters must mean some great crisis for the Government of the day. This is the first vision of this kind Van Rensburg
has had.
During this time I see a much bigger strike than that of 1922 and all the trains in the Union, except the train between German West
and Prieska, are at a standstill. Their crews are also on strike.
Concurrent with the strike, Seer van Rensburg also saw a massive power failure in Gauteng (formerly PWV, ab- breviation for
Pretoria/Witwatersrand/Vereeniging triangle); some people will still have firewood for cooking purposes, while others will have to
eat cold food.
1st August 1917: In the direction of Johannesburg lies a large pile of dried wood, about 100 yards in diameter. A table is set and a
dish of cold (dried) crushed maize is on the table, followed by a dish of cold porridge.
The strikes will expand and have serious consequences for the economy. According to the Seer, nothing will bring an end to the
strikes. Continuous demands for higher salaries will be made until businesses cannot afford them any longer, and they will be forced
to close. This mass action is part of an organised campaign by the Communists to make the country ungovernable in order to take
over completely.
Today the ANC/SACP/Cosatu alliance has so much power that it would present no problem to call a nationwide strike which would
cripple transport and the economy. However, the railway line between Prieska and Nam- ibia will remain in operation, according to
the Seer.
Van Rensburg paints the following picture: All the trains and motor vehicles in the Union are at a standstill at that time. Only the train
from Prieska will be running, as our cannons and guns will be coming from Lüderitzbucht. (Lüderitz Bay).
From here events start gaining momentum and begin to speed up to the end of the old man’s visions.
The Krause Document
The above events are confirmed in the Krause Document confiscated by General Smuts in 1942, for fear that should the Seer’s
visions become public knowledge, it would incite rebellion against the Government.
The above-mentioned nationwide strike will go ahead in 1999 just prior or after the second ‘democratic’ election, which would be the
time when Afrikaners would finally turn their backs on the Government. The Seer said things would go very badly for the strikers, as
he had seen ‘the pig hanging from a hook in Johannesburg’. Then revolution would break out and in the confrontation that follow the
Afrikaners would take back the country.
The Seer told ‘Oupa’ Krause: “However, before that happens, the English, Jews and jingoes will not only use the riches of our
country to oppress us; they will also incite the Indians, black Communists and liberal Coloureds to lay charges against, and murder
“Some white policemen and members of the Defence force will also take part in this persecution, and in return many false promises
will be made to them. A father will betray his son, a sister her brother and a friend will betray the one who trusted him. The renegade
chiefs will go to England where they will be plotting in secret with the English, getting their plans in order.
“Then, when we least expect it, they will strike—we will be disarmed, brought before Court on trumped-up charges and imprisoned
immediately. You see, these plans were already in the pipeline long before a black government came into power. Many of our people

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will be killed in the intense struggle which will follow. For that reason we must never surrender our weapons; we must settle our
differences and unite if we want to save ourselves from going under.
He then explained how we will get help from Germany: “When these things start, a man rises up in Germany who will take over the
reins. They have been preparing in secret for this takeover for many years. And the arms that Germany will produce will be of such a
nature that many countries will be afraid of attacking them.
“They also become liberated, regain all their states in Europe and become so powerful that I see it (Germany) seated at the head of
the table just after the Third World War ends. England’s place is empty as it isn’t a nation any longer. And now Germany gets an
opportunity to avenge all its men who were hanged after a war (the Second World War?) and deliver the Coup de Gracè to England.
Yes, it is Germany with its unbelievable weapons which will destroy the Englishman for what they had done to it (Germany) during
WW2, and we also owe them...”
However, he said at this stage our people are very divided; many will resign from the security forces—military as well as police—but
many will stay on to assist the English to subvert the Boers”.
The Seer also said many people in the country will claim to be staunch Nationalists (for the Boer cause), but their only aim is to
strengthen the hands of the enemy against us.
Furthermore, our enemies will secretly import arms and ammunition from England and other places and hide these in secret caches
around the country, and the day they are ready to attack us, they will incite the Indians, blacks and coloureds to join the uprising
which they had been planning for so long. It will become a full-scale revolution in which our women and children will be exposed to
the greatest danger.
“But we must not forget: many of the men in the Security Forces who are supporting us, are now being arrested and replaced with
“However, when they are ready to attack the rebels (whites who are resisting), things will turn ugly and all their well-laid plans will
be destroyed. It will be so horrific for them that they will flee, but it will not be of any use, for many will die when we—as well as
German forces—retaliate. They will never be able to fight against us again.
“All those advanced secret weapons I wrote about earlier, will be used and their destructive power will be like firebombs that can
destroy large cities. Smoke and fire will cover everything like a thick blanket for weeks—perhaps months—and it will become dark
early in the morning, while birds will nest early. A toxic gas will also kill silently in the cities without even cracking a window pane.
This will be released over port cities from German submarines and warships and it will colour the sky a shiny yellow-orange hue
which will be seen daily on the horizon.
The war will not last long, but peace will only prevail once we have ‘cleaned up’ into the north. Many of the neighbouring states will
then willingly reach out their hands to us...”
Two Leaders Die With Dishonour
The Seer had two visions in 1923 which are concurrent with the ‘arming’ of the Boers and the overthrowing of an existing
government. Although the first date cannot be accurately pinpointed, the Seer himself described it to Mr. Lood Kirsten, furnishing
interesting details of how those Mausers will reach the Boers, as well as what conditions will be like here and in Namibia.
First vision: (Yellow peach rain)
“A large dam is full of water; it is raining, all the sluices are open and the dam empties. A peach tree grows on the dam wall and
peaches are lying on the ground. Crates of Mausers, still packed in grease, are being offloaded from the train. Aloes are uprooted and
roll eastwards when Germans return.”
(According to the Seer’s timetable for this vision, trouble is going to break out when the ‘yellow peach’ rain starts falling. (In the
early part of the century the old people always referred to the late summer rains as the ‘yellow peach’ rain—usually starting mid-
February and lasting two weeks). The dam running empty means the nation will suffer financially.
Second vision: I travel to Europe and cross mountains and arrive at a place where new Mausers are hidden under boards. Some
distance further is the corner of a house where two people lie covered under a sheet and they become covered with earth. A bit further
there is something similar to a clock/watch with stripes, from which a ‘Vierkleur’ (the four-colour flag of the old Transvaal) emerges.
He said weapons are being collected and stored for the Boers in a mountainous region of Europe. (When he refers to a Mauser, it
refers to the Afrikaner). According to the vision above which he described to Mr. Lood Kirsten, ‘the Mausers were still packed in
grease when they were offloaded from the train.’ Those weapons were therefore used to overthrow the government which was
referred to, because: ‘he sees only the corner of a house. The uprooted aloes further indicate that the government was violently
overthrown, after which some M.P’s and other officials fled in an easterly direction (Durban?) (Compare the prophecy in Chapter 28
referring to the large number of liberals who will leave the country ‘naked’)These events will become reality when the Boers in
Namibia return to South Africa.
The two corpses lying covered under a sheet means they did not die a natural death; (if they did, they would have lain in the house)
they were probably fusilladed. They also receive no honourable burial, as they are simply covered—‘they are covered with earth’.
They were definitely important people, otherwise he would not have ‘seen’ them—probably leading figures from the collapsed
After a short passage of time and significant changes (stripes on the clock) the Afrikaner will rule under the ‘Vierkleur.’
Foreign Support For the Boer Nation
As far back as 3rd December 1918, the Seer had a vision of Westerners who would be fighting a furious battle in the far future for the
retention of their white heritage; he described the campaign of rabid hatred against them, but also saw that white racism would
increase worldwide.
Looking at recent events in Europe. America and South Africa where race riots occur regularly, that vision of the Boer prophet is
already being fulfilled. A poll held in America during 1993, indicated that approximately 30 million white Americans classified
themselves as being right- wing and racist; the majority of them also admitted being against Government policy of enforced
integration and that they were secretly fighting it at every opportunity.

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CNN recently did several interviews with rightwing groups in—among others—Germany, Holland and Sweden. They expressed a lot
of sympathy for the cause of the Afrikaner; however, what probably struck few viewers, was the bitterness among German ranks over
the ‘handing over of Namibia and Swakopmund’ to a black government by the South African Government. Their strong opposition to
this move, indicates that another vision of the Seer (Germany will render military aid to South Africa in the future) suddenly does not
seem so far-fetched, after all: “The South African Government had no right to cede South West Africa to a black government,” a
German viewer said: “because with the surrender at the time (July 1915) it was agreed that if South Africa had no further interest in
Namibia, Germany would be given the option of gaining control over it again, but we were totally ignored in this matter.”
The New Germany
The father-in-law of ‘Tant’ Bessie van Rooyen of Hen- neman was a long-standing friend of the Seer and he often told her of the
visions the Boer prophet saw:
“He (the Seer) predicted the Second World War and its outcome. He said he saw Germany as a large black snake whose back is
broken and paralysed (losing the war). Then Van Rensburg saw a white canvas covering (protecting) it. It lay there for a number of
years and when it had healed, the canvas is removed. Now the snake lifts its head and strikes towards the east—the Wall of Shame is
demolished and Germany is united again. Then Van Rensburg saw the snake strike at a woman on a throne across water and she
disappears. (According to this vision, he said the Monarch (Queen Elizabeth) will lose her throne because of Germany and it seems
likely that there will not be a successor).
“However, as long as the snake lies there, Van Rensburg sees our nation fighting amongst each other as never before. He also sees a
red (wooden) beam pressing down on our nation and when the fighting is at its worst, dolerite rocks (bombs) fall on Johannesburg.
Only then will the nation wake up and begin uniting, and just when that happens, Van Rensburg sees the red beam breaking and the
snake striking at South Africa.”
After the Berlin Wall is demolished, the last purification of the Boer nation begins—by means of betrayal, strife and dissension when
they will be divided into two camps. However, it will not be for too long, because the German nation will assist the Boer nation (the
striking snake) and together they will triumph and live peacefully.
The Seer’s son, Kallie, confirmed this sequence of events during a newspaper interview in 1966 and added that his father not only
saw what would happen during WW2, but that Germany would ignite the fires of that war and subsequently lose the war. One of the
Seer’s visions also refers to this period: “I see a blue stone (Germany) rotating, then it becomes a cannon wheel which falls
and shatters on the ground. The ground is dug up and becomes fertile.” He added: “After Germany loses the war, it will rise
up again, but not as a formidable military force. The fruits of Germany will not be death and destruction, but economical and
industrial prosperity...”
He also said that although the world despised Germany, God had not forgotten it, for he “saw a hand covering Germany under a
white canvas where it was lying—the same white canvas which he saw covering the Rebels at Rooidam in 1914".
The snake was hidden under the canvas for many years. And after WW2 had ended, there was no movement from the snake, as it
took a long time for its back to heal and the canvas could be removed. God had blessed Germany during those years and made it
Germany and the Warships
Van Rensburg first sketched the history about the role played by the Boers and Germans in the capture of German West: He said
when Generals De Wet and De la Rey heard that Botha and Smuts intended attacking German West to capture it for the English,
General De Wet called a meeting at Koppies. He decided there: “if Botha and Smuts pass a law through Parliament that we must
capture German West, we would hoist the Vierkleur and fight for a republic.”
On the day Botha introduced the draft bill to invade German West, Koos de la Rey told him not to do it: “because if England wins the
war, German West will automatically fall into England’s lap. However, should England lose, then you are sending us into a war
against Germany and we will have to conquer Germany.”
He put forward another very important reason: “We must not shift boundaries and shed innocent blood of a nation who have done us
no harm, because during the War (1899-1902), Germany supplied the Boers with cannons and guns with which we fought the English
until we could fight the English with their own guns.” An important reason why General de la Rey did not want to fight against
Germany was because he believed, according to Hosea 5:10: “...that remove the bound; therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them
like water.”
Now, after all these years, this important history is recalled. Part of the Boer nation will move to Prieska (or close vicinity), the Seer
said. During the 1914 Rebellion the train only went as far as Prieska. A rebel who was there, said: “It helped us, who had to go to
German West, to negotiate with the Germans, because during that dry year, General Botha’s troops also had to struggle along from
there with horse commandos and wagons with food.”
Railway Line To Prieska
Mr. Boy Mussmann writes: “When ‘Oom’ Klasie said we would surrender (Feb 1915), the railway line had been completed as far as
Upington, but there was no bridge. After surrendering, General Botha decided to take German West. (Opposition to this by the rebels
was in vain). Then the Seer told an old friend: ”We are against General Botha going into German West to take it. I say we are against
it, but if General Botha does not take German West, the Germans will have no reason to reclaim it again one day. General Botha
cannot take German West if he does not extend the railway line from Prieska to join the German line to transport his troops and
‘So," the Seer said: “we willthen see that the Lord’s ways are not our way. We will come into power, for I see a Boer-shoe (Boer
government). I see a Boer thatched house (Boer Cabinet).
“However, before that day arrives, ‘dark times’ await South Africa when drastic reform will ‘uproot’ the land... who was the master is
now the servant. During this time our leaders will attempt to establish a new government in a helter-skelter fashion. However, it will
not be the long- awaited Boer republic, as there is still too much strife.”
He said he saw many Boer-lasts (on which shoes are moulded): “Now I see so many lasts on which the future republic, will be

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moulded. Almost all the little organisations and groups want a share in this.”
During that time the Boer nation will be fighting with its back to the wall, seemingly without hope.
Submarines At Lüderitzbucht
(Commonly known as Lüderitz Bay. However, the correct name is Lüderitzbucht).
After publication of the first edition of Voice of an Prophet, I received a telephone call from a very irate Commodore in Cape Town,
lashing out at me in no uncertain terms for the ‘rubbish’ I had written in the book. His main gripe was against the section in which I
dealt with the five German warships in Lüderitzbucht, which would bring arms to be sent to Prieska for the beleaguered Afrikaners
when they would have their backs to the wall without any hope of help.
His opinion was: After WW2 Germany signed an agreement which forbade it to build warships. According to the Commodore, the
railway line between Prieska and Lüder- itz had already been in disuse for 80 years, and it would be impossible to restore it, as it was
covered under metres of desert sand in places.
I told him I was unaware of any such agreement. Furthermore, I had no first-hand knowledge of the present condition of the railway
line between Prieska and Lüder- itz.
However, in the light of the Commodore’s scathing criticism, I added the following to Seer’s vision about German warships in the
second edition of Voice of a Prophet: “At this stage the possibility of this happening (ships in Lüderitz, as well as the line being
reopened) seems like a chimera, a vague figment of the imagination.”
I would dearly love to contact this particular Commodore today to determine whether he still considers the Seer’s visions to be
‘rubbish’, for since then, Germany has not only had warships built, but the railway line between Prieska and Lüderitz has been in use
for quite some time again!
German Frigate Visits Cape Town
Die Burger of 20th November 1996 reported as follows about a German frigate which visited Cape Town:
“The flagship of a German Naval Task force, the Schles- wig-Holstein, recently visited Cape Town. Mr. Leopold Scholtz wrote that
the name of the ship has a very interesting history which is connected with South Africa in more than one way.
“During a press conference on board the Schleswig- Holstein, Captain Jan Scharf, Commanding Officer of the German Task Force,
(consisting of two frigates and two battle support vessels), said the ultra-modern ship was so new that it was taken into service only
two months previously.
“It is the first German naval visit since 1938, when a previous ship, also the Schleswig-Holstein, was the last German warship to visit
South Africa. However, it was an unofficial visit to take in fuel; the last official visit, accompanied by the usual pomp and ceremony,
was at the beginning of 1935, when the light cruiser, Emden, under com- mand of Captain (later Admiral) Karl Doenitz, anchored in
Table Bay. Between 1932–1934, the Emden was under command of Captain Wilhelm Canaris, who later, as Admiral, was appointed
as head of the German espionage service. The Berlin external office of the South African Embassy in Germany is situated in his old
house, Villa Harteneck.
“The original Schleswig-Holstein gained notoriety by firing the first shots of World War 2 through its 28 cm guns. It so happened that
the ship, accompanied by a few cruisers, destroyers and minesweepers, appeared in the bay of Danzig (now Gdansk), Poland, before
daybreak on 1st September 1939.
“The largest part of the Polish fleet, consisting of 4 destroyers, 6 submarines and other smaller craft, was concentrated in the port of
Danzig. The Schleswig-Holstein pointed its guns at these ships and gave the signal for the bloodiest and cruellest conflict the world
has ever known.
“However, as outdated the old Schleswig-Holstein was, its later namesake is super-modern, equipped with all the latest technology of
the 1990’s.
“Military shipbuilding has come a long way since the old Schleswig-Holstein. And it is fitting that a common visit to Cape Town has
forged a link between the old and the new.
The Lüderitz Railway Line
During the past year I have received numerous letters and telephone calls from people who were either directly involved in the
upgrading of the railway line between Prieska and Lüderitzbucht, or who have visited the area to gain first-hand knowledge.
The Commodore of Cape Town was correct when he said the line was buried metres deep under sand in places. According to a lady
whose son was involved in the restoration project: “only the tops of telegraph poles next to the line were visible in places, and
because of the ‘shifting’ dunes in that area, workers have to patrol the line regularly to ensure that it is not covered by sand again.”
I also received a very interesting letter from Windhoek, concerning the upgrading of Lüderitz harbour: “Mr. Don Vermeulen, the man
in charge of expanding and deepening the harbour at Lüderitzbucht (the Germans insist that we speak of Lüderitzbucht, under which
name the town is registered), says that R50 million is being spent on upgrading—so much so—that when the work has been
completed, ships lying 8 m deep at low tide and 160 m long, will be able to anchor there.
“In their latest economic report on Namibia, Huysamer Stals say this is the fourth consecutive year that Namabia’s economy has been
sliding downwards. Lüderitzbucht is the only place in Namibia where the opposite is happening. Mr. Vermeulen says the fish have
increased to such an extent that they were compelled to enlarge the harbour.
“He also said that the 300 km railway line is being rebuilt through the Namib desert to Keetmanshoop, adding that all railway lines in
Namibia are being upgraded, including the one from Keetmanshoop to the Namibian/South African border.
“According to Mr. Vermeulen, he has no knowledge whatsoever of Seer van Rensburg, or books written about him.
“What lends more importance to the harbour and rebuilding of the railway line, is that Germany is providing the finance for these
“One can rightly ask: Did the Lord decree that the fish population increase to such an extent that the harbour had to be enlarged, and
the railway line be rebuilt at the same time?”
Lüderitz: Our Day of Reckoning
Mr. M.F. Botes of Merweville wrote: “During a recent trip to Namibia, my wife and I paid a flying visit to Lüderitz. On the return

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trip we spent the night in a hotel at Aus where we had a convivial chat to the manageress and her son, and during the course of the
conversation, the railway line was mentioned. She said part of the line had been inoperable for two years, but last year the
Government decided to repair and utilize it again. Apparently it was covered under so much sand that only the tops of telephone
poles were protruding. The line was cleared with bulldozers and had to be repaired in some places, from what we could judge from
the ballast and fillings.
“They further told us that the German Government is pouring in vast amounts of money (mainly for specific projects) which has to
keep the wheels turning, so to speak. Then I told them something about the Seer van Rensburg’s visions, particularly those that had a
bearing on the railway line to Lüderitz.
(Among other things, Seer said: During that time all the trains in the Union are standing still; all the motor cars are standing still. The
only train line which will be operating is the one from Prieska. We will get our cannons and guns from Lüderitzbucht along that
“In the light of the above information, the day of reckoning for the ‘New South Africa’ is closer than we realise.”
Prieska and the Treaties
The Seer said during that time the German Government will not only honour the treaties signed between the Rebels and Germans in
1914, but: “they are also coming to help us clean up the country.”
Then five German warships will dock at Lüderitz, and Van Rensburg says they will arm us, because we will be unarmed (we will
have no defence force any longer): as soon as the warships dock I see the English fleeing from Rhodesia and the Cape. The Lord will
use the railway line built by Smuts and Botha to annex German West for England, to grant us total freedom and independence.
Just after the end of the Rebellion, the Seer told General Kemp: “Our work is complete. Now we must lay down our arms, for the
time for realisation of our freedom is not yet at hand.” He then explained to Kemp that they would lose this round of the battle (this
was before the end of WWI). “Because in the distant future another war will break out to continue this one, but division and
confusion will leave the Boers without any hope, after which the war will be rekindled, and with it, hope. For that reason General
Botha must take German West, otherwise later the Germans will have no reason to reclaim it, thus honouring our treaties.”
According to the Seer, the loyal Afrikaners will then drive every jingo (Anglicized Boer) out of the country.
However, before that happens, they (the Boers) would go to Prieska (or vicinity) in their thousands to be armed. Van Rensburg
remarked about this rally: “I could saddle my horse and ride for days without knowing how many Afrikaners have gathered there, for
when I look down from a high place for a good view, there are grey donkeys (loyal Afrikaners) as far as the eye can see."
It seems unlikely that the Germans will come to our assistance, but let us return to the 1914 Rebellion: It was the decision of
Generals Smuts and Botha to attack German West. The Afrikaners were opposed to it, but Smuts and Botha went ahead with their
plans. This sparked the Rebellion by dissatisfied Afrikaners, and approximately 600 of them, under command of General Kemp, went
to German West to negotiate with the Germans. English troops attempted to prevent them from reaching German West, nonetheless
they got through and handed written agreements to the Germans in which they undertook to not take up arms against Germany.
But South African Government troops eventually took German West for England and in the process the agreements were forgotten.
However, Seer van Rensburg has predicted that those same agreements will once again become extremely important for the Boer
nation. At a time when they find themselves in dire straits, he said, Germany will not only come to our aid and arm us, but also
acknowledge the agreements.
Merino Rams and Blue Letters
In March 1955, Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote a letter to Die Volksblad, relating what the Seer had told him about four important events
which still had to be fulfilled, and when they could be expected to do so: (1) Great war troubles which would plunge the country into
chaos; (2) A brown- suited man who would unite the nation again; (3) a coup d’etat, and (4) Total freedom and prosperity for the
Afrikaner. Mr. Mussmann wrote as follows:
“Sir—During the past few days many people have asked me about the man dressed in a brown suit as mentioned by the Seer van
Rensburg. He did not say this man would necessarily be the president. Brown is our national colour. He said the man who would
address the burghers from a hillock north of Lichtenburg, would be dressed in a brown suit. The Seer spoke about our future
Republic... if the Seer’s predictions are correct, then we must not expect to get our Republic via the ballot box, but by means of a
coup d’etat.”
(The above mentioned declaration of the Seer’s vision 40 years ago caused great upheaval and it was ridiculed by everybody; but
after the April 1994 election, only an absolute fool would dare hope that whites would ever win another election in South Africa,
which would enable them to declare their own republic).
“Please allow me to state which predictions are concurrent with this. He (the Seer) sees Parliament in session:
Vision: Our Parliament is in session. It has rained and the grass is green; then it becomes white and dry, and when the grass becomes
green the second time, the Germans will land in German West. Then three blue letters arrive in Parliament. The merino rams
(Ministers and/or cabinet members) stand with their heads together, planning and legislating. When the first blue letter arrives, the
merinos become shifty. A second blue letter arrives and they begin jumping around and with the third blue letter they scatter and flee
from the Cape. I see the MP’s rushing home, as they now appear as wild muscovy ducks.
Because the Seer saw blue as the German colour, the ‘blue letters’ indicate this as a sign that sooner or later there could be direct
German intervention in the affairs of South Africa. It runs concurrently with the presence of German warships in Lüderitz at that
stage. “The consequences will be war. There is no government in the country and total chaos and mayhem will be the order of the
This ‘intervention’ will be to the benefit of the Afrikaner, but it will cause serious problems for the Government, as the arrival of the
first letter will start putting pressure on it to give in to certain demands. The second letter indicates that these demands were not met
and Government feels threatened, as ministers are jumping around as they will not know which way to go. The last letter indicates a
possible ultimatum to the Government, followed by the coup, after which Parliament is dissolved and flees from the Cape.
Van Rensburg interpreted the further course of the vision to Mr. Mussmann: Parliament dissolves in chaos and there is no

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government any longer. When the ministers arrive here, we are mounted and ride in the direction of Lichtenburg. (The Boers are now
ready for whatever lies ahead and they do not hesitate to act.) We gather at the hillock where a man in a brown suit (a loyal
Afrikaner) addresses us.
The rest of Mr. Mussmann’s letter reads: “Seer sees hobbled horses grazing around the hillock and he says: The fact that they are
hobbled horses indicates they are commando horses. They must soon be caught and saddled again. (Ready for war).
We Cannot Persuade Them
Mr. Mussmann states further: “There are other visions related this one. I asked the Seer: ‘How is it possible that we cannot convince
the ‘Afrikaner-sappe’ (liberals) with the best arguments and facts?’ Seer replied: I saw their eyes—they are white like those of a blind
animal and they pop out. We cannot convince them. I then asked: ‘So how will we Afrikaners ever come together then’ the Seer said:
I have seen the divided nation: two pieces of wood, one with pegs in it and the other with holes. The red pickaxe goes over them. The
pegs are then in the holes and the two pieces of wood join so neatly that one cannot see the joints. I then asked Van Rensburg what
this pickaxe meant, which he then explained: War troubles or a furnace... it is the Lord who will unite us again with that red-hot
pickaxe. And there (at the hillock north of Licht- enburg) we turn back and trek down here again just as we did in 1914, but in our
own time. Western Transvaal, Southern Free State and Eastern Cape meet at Grootrivier (Orange River) where we will meet the
Germans and get all the guns and cannons we will need.
The Boer Nation Is Armed
At Prieska where the Germans armed us (made possible by the railway line between Prieska and Lüderitz, originally built by Botha
and Smuts), Van Rensburg sees us turning around and that our horns are sharp. (We are now a force to be reckoned with).
We turn back there and I see us rolling in the first dolerite rocks at Kimberley. (The dolerite rocks being rolled in means that
Kimberley will be the first place to be bombed by the Boers). This is the start of great trouble. The Boers advance and on arrival, a
number of dolerite rocks (bombs) fall. The trouble has scarcely started at Kimberley when I see the Union’s Jews, English and
Jingoes (enemies) fleeing to Vereeniging where they all assemble.
Seer said: They also flee from German West, Port Elizabeth and East London to Vereeniging. The English flee from Rhodesia as far
as Mafikeng, then turn towards Vereeniging.
The burghers from Northern Transvaal and Free State (those from Lichtenburg pursuing the English) surround the English there. Seer
said the refugees trample each other to death at a bridge spanning Orange River (Uping- ton). Then the Germans arrive by rail to
Prieska with cannons, guns and ammunition for us. He then sees the place where they are trapped is hollow like a well, indicating
that their position is critical.

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Blood River Recalled
Prompted by a question why these people were fleeing, Van Rensburg replied in an interesting, but strange way: “It will be because
of the Spectre of Terror which God has created in their hearts. (As it happened at Blood river on that day [16th December 1838]).
Humanly speaking, they have just as many brave people as we do, but we must remember: nobody is brave before God. In reply to
the question why they were fleeing to Vereeniging, the Seer said: We had to sign the humiliating Treaty at Vereeniging, as well as
give up our freedom—this, after thousands of lives had been sacrificed and our country literally turned into a wilderness. Go read
Isaiah 14.
Van Rensburg also issued a clear warning that before this Spectre of Terror came over the enemy, the Boer nation would have to
kneel in genuine reconciliation and renounce the world as they did at Blood River. We must pray that our sun does not set (26th
February 1922). Lev. 26: 15-17: And if ye shall despise my statutes or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my
commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I will also do this unto you: I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the
burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of the heart; and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall
eat it. And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies; they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye

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shall flee when none pursueth you.

(Virtually everything the Boer sows and plants today is eaten by his enemies).
As though he sat watching a movie, Van Rensburg described to Mr. Boy Mussmann what lay in store after reconciliation of the
nation: They (the enemy) burst out of the east and flee to Durban, and even when they are on board the ships, they still shoot back at
It is interesting that he sees them fleeing to Durban. Since early days it has been the seat of the Englishman, the Indian and Zulu, all
enemies of the Boers; furthermore, it is a very liberal city that will welcome the enemies of the Boer with open arms and try to assist
them. The great and final battle will take place there, but eventually our enemies will sound the retreat and leave the country, he said.
Van Rensburg said he opened his old State Bible at Exodus 14:13: And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see
the salvation of the Lord, which He will shew to you to day, for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no
more for ever.
A Warning
Mr. Boy Mussmann describes it thus: “We’re sitting in front of his little home and he says to me: Do you see, between those two
aloes—they burst out due east and flee to Durban, and once they are on the ships, they still fire back at us who are pursuing them,
then when they leave, I open my Bible at Exod. 14:13. Look, this is the Word of God and as long as the world exists, no Englishman
or other enemy will ever be in Africa to harm us again. We signed the humiliating Treaty at Vereeniging, and it is there where we will
deal the English the death-blow. A warning, not so?
After that I see brown horses coming from Durban. It is the returning burghers who had pursued the enemy. My blue roan, which I
had lost during the first battle at Mafikeng on 12th October 1899, was with the brown horses. Then my shoes fell off my feet and I
put on new ones...(This is the Boer republic).
In closing, Mr. Mussmann emphasized, remember, Van Rensburg said: “We get a perfect Republic from a perfect God, without a
penny’s national debt. At Prieska my one shoe gets a new upper (an interim government): then I see a blue suit of clothes (Germany,)
then a brown suit (Boers), then a grey suit (a Divine person), and when the burghers return from Durban after driving off the enemy, I
get a new pair of shoes, a new saddle and bridle—this means a permanent Government and a totally new beginning.
After the enemy has been conquered, the Vierkleur is dipped in a bucket of blood and hoisted over this new Republic which
Afrikaners have been fighting for over so many decades. It will be a Republic won through sorrow, suffering and bloodshed and for
which the nation had to make many sacrifices. After that, the Seer predicted, the Boer will enjoy unprecedented freedom and
In closing, ‘Oom’ Klasie confirmed that Northern- and Southern Rhodesia (Zambia and Zimbabwe) would become part of our
Republic when the Germans come to reclaim German West.
It is interesting to note that the Seer points to a man in a brown suit as the one who will pacify the angry Boers.
A Nation Without A Leader and A Shepherd
Messrs Joos Haasbroek and (late) Paul Prinsloo were of the opinion that the ‘silence’ mentioned by Van Rens- burg, will be
concurrent with the period of despondency which will descend on the Afrikaner nation after the election (April 1994). This will ring
in the ‘dark period’ when matters will worsen for the Boer.
I see the Boers’ hats pulled over their eyes and their heads are hanging low. (They look very despondent). I see they have spots on
their eyes like pearls (Cataracts) (They are blinded and cannot see what is really happening around them). Then I see Hosea 4;16
appearing before me: For Israel slideth back like a backsliding heifer; now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place. (Now
Israel will be homeless and without leader or shepherd).
“Then Van Rensburg said he saw the grass becoming dry (the advent of winter—but not necessarily the first winter after the
election); he also sees the grass becoming white dry (a bitterly cold winter—as we have never experienced before)...”
The ‘silence’ and seeming peace after the election will soon be something of the past, for, according to (recently late) Mrs. Elize
Botha, her father, Dr. Servaas Rossouw, often told them over dinner that Van Rensburg had seen how drops of blood had rolled across
the land from North to South; much more in the north and Natal than in the Cape, and here and there fires also sprang up—this
predicts trouble, murder and violence again.
(Today, since the ANC takeover in 1994, that vision has become reality. The unrest, robberies, violence and bloodshed in the Cape is
not as intense as in Natal or Gauteng).
After that he saw people marching down the streets in Johannesburg (mass-action). Violence erupts in Gauteng and strikes take place
all over the country: 1st October 1917: The maize-cobs are on fire in Johannesburg. 15th July 1919: People with shovels behind their
backs come from the same direction (they are on strike) and when they start work, there is a large floor (negotiations that fail).
He also sees Parliament in session and it will be a long session, then added: When the first rains fall and the grass starts turning
green, I look at Parliament, because trouble will start there...
The merino sheep (not only Boer leaders any longer) sit with their heads together, talking and arguing about the many problems,
strikes and violence in the country.
At this stage, hostility from Indian ranks reaches a crisis over the Afrikaans language, and all efforts to maintain it have already
failed, because Van Rensburg sees Afrikaans fading into the background: 24th April 1923: A yellow paper (Indian influence) appears
in the Union with something written on it which fades (my writing) (the Language of the Boers—my writing and everything
connected with it is now being denied and trampled upon. All the protests of the Boer fall on deaf ears and he can only watch
helplessly as the official status of his language ‘disappears’).
Important news reports are deliberately and openly being witheld from the public, and there is total ignorance about events in the
country, for news coverage on TV and radio is now in the hands of the enemy with strong Communist ties: There is a tunnel and the
largest stream runs East (reports of unrest and bloodshed in Natal). A wide stream of blue water flows and in front it becomes a sickle
(Violence in Germany becomes world news; the local media now in the hands of the Communists (the sickle).
In another vision (11th July 1919) he foresaw more serious problems: (financial crisis and the collapse of public services) in store for

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the new government—A sieve lies on a floor in the northeast (the April 1994 election) and sorghum husks disappear, (state-controlled
institutions collapse and money becomes very scarce—gold decreases in value and/or the Stock market collapses) then another sieve
appears on the floor, (another election seems inevitable).
It is at this point the three blue letters arrive in Parliament. According to Mr. Haasbroek, the Germans are now demanding their
territory which we handed over to a black Government. When the last blue letter arrives, Van Rens- burg sees: A vehicle which looks
like a flat-bottomed boat, landing (on the west coast).
For some or other reason Van Rensburg once again asked Mr. Mussmann not to ‘tell the people everything; in particular do not say
too much about the strong German force which is coming to assist the Boers’.
Mr. Haasbroek said: “Shortly after this, ‘Oom’ Klasie saw the Government falling apart. It will not only be the NP, but also the
Government that took over from them.
“The Boer nation is still divided at this stage, and it is then ‘Oom’ Klasie saw the red pickaxe go over it (the divided nation is
suffering badly under the Communists, but unite under a spiritual leader). I think the Communists will initiate something...”
Now nothing can prevent the bloody conflict ahead.
Van Rensburg said he sees everyone who played a part in the surrender (whether they were actively involved, or approved of it) will
be attacked by the Spectre of Terror he previously saw coming over the enemies of the Boer. He sees how these people—women in
particular—fleeing from their homes, not even having time to shut doors or windows, because while they are running in terror, the
curtains are blowing around in the open windows.
But for those who knew that reform would only bring about harm and humiliation, there will be no fear, for their salvation is at hand.
This period will also ring in the start of WW3.
Rivers of Blood In Eastern Europe
Van Rensburg warned that things would go horribly wrong in Eastern Europe (Russia) and on our northern borders, for when the
struggle in Russia is at its peak, he sees a pot with fire in the southwest (Angola), indicating that ethnic violence will start up in all its
fury again.
However, matters will be far worse in Russia, for it is there he saw the dreadful civil war, and while this is raging the world will stand
by, looking on helplessly.
No doubt the war in Bosnia can be seen as one of the worst civil wars humanity has ever experienced. And there is no end in sight...
Under the banner: Hell of Bosnian war shakes world, the newspaper Rapport of 16th July 1995 reported the following: “’A second
tragic human refugee drama threatens as the Bosnian conflict rapidly worsens. Late this week, photographs and TV coverage shook
the world. And now it seems as if the ‘hell of Srebrenica’ is going to repeat itself.
“Touching scenes were enacted as thousands of women and children had to flee their homes with their few possessions...”
Mr. Joos Haasbroek, brother-in-law of Mr. Boy Muss- mann, remembers almost verbatim what the Seer told Mr. Mussmann about
this dreadful civil war: “Boy, you have already stood in the open when a heavy shower comes down and you see water streaming
through the grass. Well, that is how the blood will flow in Eastern Europe!”
With these words, the Seer also referred for the first time to a vision he had about the start and progress of the Third (and last) World
War. The details were only made known during the 1940’s by one ‘Oupa’ (Grandfather) Krause. Seer said this war would start in
Eastern Europe (Russia), but would soon cause conflict between Russia and America and then spread worldwide.
The Beginning of the Third World War
On one occasion the Seer told his son, Klasie: “God will raise Germany up again after that great war (WW2). However, night will
fall over England. I see a black snake lying there—this means England’s black problem. It indicates civil war and famine. the snake
curls up—blacks and Coloureds will settle in England and then its problems— and its collapse—begin.
While incarcerated in the Fort in Johannesburg in 1914, Van Rensburg told Mr. Willie Lourens: “I see England as a black pig with a
white hair here and there. It is the black nations, along with a few whites, who will rise up and cause problems overseas against the
whites, particularly in England. Then Van Rensburg saw the pig hanging from a hook in England—it had been cleaned, but with a
stain. This is the English stain on our flag. He then saw the pig hanging in Bloemfontein, but without the stain, indicating that our
flag, now clean, will be flying over the Union. He added he did not know whether they (he and Mr. Lourens) would still be living by
that time, as this lay far in the future, but in the meantime he saw more trouble between blacks and whites in the country.
When England’s problems begin, civil war will erupt in France as blacks will also stream into that country. However, before these
events, a dreadful civil war will break out in Russia and consequently America and Germany will stand together. And when things
have progressed further, Germany will attack German West; the present Government there will scatter in confusion as they will rely
on the arm of their generals and leaders—all bustards, in the same manner General Hertzog relied on Smuts in 1934, and brought him
to a fall. Read Jeremiah 7: 5-7: For if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a
man and his neighbour; If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither
walk after other gods to your hurt; Then I will cause you to dwell in this place, the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.
These visions of the struggle in Russia and Angola reminded Mr. Mussmann of another vision Van Rensburg had in connection with
an aircraft-carrier which would anchor in German West, adding that he saw this long before such a vessel was ever built! Mr.
Mussmann said he spoke about the vessel at Senekal in 1938, saying Van Rensburg described it as looking like a punt. “Later I saw a
photograph of this ship in Die Volksblad and received a letter from Commandant Erasmus in which he wrote: ‘This is the vessel seen
by Van Rensburg!’
Mr. Mussmann continues: You ask whether we will still have another war. I relied: ‘Definitely’, and this time Germany supports
America and a strong German force will take action—something few people will expect if they are unaware of the Seer’s prophecies
or have practical knowledge of them. How will the Germans anchor 5 warships in Lüderitz if these ships are not handed over to them
by America? And the war he ‘saw’ will start in Russia and spread right across the North Pole, from Iceland to Moscow, and from
Greenland and Alaska to Siberia.
Outbreak and Course of World War III

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(An eyewitness report!)

During 1942/43 a member of the Ossewa-Brandwag, ‘Oupa’ Krause gave an almost unbelievable description to Mr. E.L. Brits, of the
Seer’s visions on the outbreak of a future world war. His narrative of that destructive war almost reads like an eyewitness report by a
war correspondent who had been present during the battles. What follows is a somewhat abridged version of ‘Oupa’ Krause’s
narrative taken from the archives of the Ossewa-Brand- wag (emphasis my own).
We are in grave danger, our enemies are legion and strong and wealthy. The English, Jews and jingoes incite the ‘coolies’, coloreds
and ‘Kaffir’ against us. Even sections of the police and military oppose us in an effort to bring us down. Everything was pre-planned
covertly in England between that Government and the leaders here, to send troops at a given time to help them against us. They have
been at the ready for some time and waiting to fight against the Boer and his Government. A revolution is brewing here and many of
us will be slaughtered. We will have to defend ourselves against them and all Afrikaners will have to stand together to save ourselves
from extinction.
They are secretly plotting to regain power by means of revolution and violence, which is why British troops will secretly be
transported here to assist them. Our army will split; our people will go out from them, but they will be left with everything. The
English are very purposeful and their spies are all over. Many people in the country allege they are staunch nationalists, but they are
not. The same is happening in the police. Our enemies will carefully meet covertly, secretly import arms and ammunition from Eng-
land and other countries and store them in all their secret meeting-places and caches. When this has been completed, they will invite
all the blacks and coloureds and incite them to take part in the revolution, during which our women and children will face the worst
Although times will be very dark for us, our enemies will not succeed in getting us down completely. All possible and suspect
Military officers (Magnus Malan and others?) will be replaced by jingoes. Something happens which they did not take into account,
and this permanently ends their reign and activities. United States troops will also be here to try and prevent the English from
succeeding in their goal. It seems as though they intend interning some of the Boers, although the camp differs from those during
1939 -1945. They transport us to another country, possibly Australia, where we are liberated by Japanese army officers who are
pleased to learn that we are Boers.
As was the case during the previous war, our troops are sent North again, but this time there is more dissension amongst them. There
is friction between the English- and Afrikaans-speaking troops and many are shot dead during in-fighting.
Our troops run into an obstacle. U.S. troops who have already annihilated the English army, block our passage. Our troops are
disarmed and separated. The English are taken prisoner, but the Afrikaans troops are sent home and arrive here without any weapons.
Darkness Descends Over the Republic.
(When ‘Oupa’ Krause described these events, the Republic of South Africa was still 20 years into the future).
The first troops who went North were volunteers, but later ones were commandeered. Those who refuse to go North, are interned,
while others are beaten to death in the streets because they are not in uniform. Up North where our troops are being captured, fighting
is intense and fires burn high. Meanwhile a great darkness descends over the Republic. ‘Coolies’ from India, and English attack us
here in the Union, but after a lengthy struggle they leave. Although warned by the USA to stay away, they nonetheless arrive in a
large fleet to attack us. The USA Navy stops them near Durban, bombards them and sends them back to India. The Chinese who also
wanted to join in the fray are warned by the Indians to be on the lookout for the USA who are protecting the Afrikaners.
England Fears Russian Bombs
Because England fears a Russian bomb attack, they connive in secret with the Russians. They betray Western military secrets to
Russia and sign treaties with Russia against the USA. Russia mistrusts the English; the USA learns of this treachery and realises the
danger of English betrayal against it.
The great clash between American and British troops takes place in Egypt after the next world war has started. The English army is
defeated and those still alive after the battle, are taken prisoner. It is also there where our troops are stopped and disarmed. The
English attempt to get help in secret from the Japanese, but are unsuccessful.
During the night Russia storms through Turkey (Iraq) en route to the Suez region, while Turkey offers no resistance. The Russians
make contact with the American army in Syria and Palestine where they (the Russians) are stopped by the Americans.
Palestine is destroyed during the fighting. Some Arabs side with the Americans. Many oilfields in the Middle-East are set alight. The
Red Army is defeated by the more advanced secret weaponry of the USA.
The Russians break through to Spain en route to Gibraltar, and when they are stopped there, they turn on England and attack them
from the air.
England is totally destroyed. The Germans of Stalingrad are with the Russians—they are being intimidated, thus they have no choice.
the Russians continue fighting in Europe and while flattening everything in their path on the way to Gibraltar, they are stopped once
again at the Spanish Pyrenees mountains by Spanish and American troops. Intense fighting takes place here, and a miracle occurs
with the German army. The Red army is completely defeated. The Spanish attack Gibraltar and annex it, thus Spain reclaims its
stolen property.
Many secret weapons and gas is used everywhere. While horror (atomic?) bombs sow death and destruction, nations will be
annihilated. While some nations cease to exist, others will still survive, but will be worthless. It will be a devastating war and
everyone will be expected to go and fight.
Our Boer nation will not be destroyed, for we have a purpose and destination. England will be a very minor factor. Ireland also gains
its freedom and drives the English from their country. Holland surrenders without a whimper. France will somehow survive; Russia
will be finished and although the USA will not be destroyed, it will be a very weak nation.
The Germans declare peace in Europe and become the strongest nation in a very short time. We get our freedom through Germany
who becomes the leading power in Europe, while she regains all her erstwhile colonies. Even we, who harmed her, must pay the
price. Peace and prosperity lasts many years and every nation has its rights. Our country becomes very large and prosperous.
West-Germany is preparing itself in secret to save itself from ruin. It manufactures everything for the allies, but its thoughts are

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different. A miracle occurs in Germany in which they recover again. They become involved in fighting again, and through this they
regain their freedom and also become a great nation.
All their provinces in Europe are returned to them and they retrieve all their stolen property. All their prisoners-of-war—men, women
and children, as well as those of Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria who are alive, must be repatriated. The war in Korea will continue,
albeit in low key, until the next war breaks out.
Resurrection of the German Army
Across the sea in Europe the German army is miraculously resurrected, and history will make an about-turn. We receive our weapons
from the Germans in South West and our enemies flee the country. They are obsessed with fear and flee as swiftly as possible,
leaving all their belongings behind, only to be confiscated by the Government. We receive our weapons from the Germans on the
border and at the same time elect our Government and President. The people are in awe of him. He is not a large, or old man, but
with thinning hair, thick eyebrows and sharp eyes.
The Boers annex the Union and expand further North. Many distant colonies join us, for there is danger in their countries and Mother
England is no longer there. Boer and German commandos march together in Africa to safeguard the country and make it habitable for
the white man again. It takes time, but there is unity and everyone is working together. A better nation, with one Church which is now
stronger than before! We become a great and prosperous nation and many immigrants settle here, and new towns and cities, with
gigantic factories, are built.
The Germans sent many secret weapons across the Spanish border when they were forced to surrender after WW2. They could not,
or would not use them, as the time was not yet ripe to do so. German engineers and technicians manufacture arms for the USA and
Germany and it is no secret in the USA. The Red army will be destroyed at the Spanish border and the Russians will discover
armaments which they never expected in the Pyrenees—all German made.
When the Germans have finished fighting in Europe, they will send armed forces and armaments to us, which they will hand over to
us at the South West border; organise us into commandos and German forces will march to the Union with us to reclaim it. There will
be the odd skirmish here and there, but not many. The enemy are fleeing to the coast. The Queen’s head will disappear from our
coinage and a new design will take its place. The English language will disappear. One Nation, One Language, One Crest and One
‘Oupa’ Krause added: It seems if the trouble in Europe starts in the vicinity of the present Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina). At the
moment (1995) the Serbs and Moslems are engaged in a bloody civil war.
The Beginning of Oppression
War breaks out in Europe around April or May (year unknown) as soon as the thaw sets in, but by the time there is no more ice and
snow, it will have progressed considerably—so much so that it seems if the Russians are winning. An atmosphere of oppression will
prevail not only in Europe, but also in our own country.
The Germans will make use of the opportunity to take revenge on England, which will be totally annihilated. As usual, the USA in
Europe will initially flee, but return later with a strong military force and stop Russia in Spain. Van Rensburg says the Germans will
be fully armed—probably with secret armaments from underground arsenals, which, indeed, is the case.
The war will be very swift, destructive and dreadful. Nations will be annihilated very quickly by means of air attacks, horror
(nuclear?) bombs and germ warfare.
Laser Beams?
The worst will be ‘electric beams’ sowing death and destruction above and below; even the soil will be destroyed and few people will
remain alive. The Russians storm through Hungary, Yugoslavia, through Austria to Italy to occupy these countries, then through
France—which supports them—en route to Spain where the Spanish put up a fierce resistance before the USA goes to their aid. The
Russians have one purpose in mind—Africa, to incite the blacks, so by the time summer sets in, they have virtually conquered the
whole of Europe. This will be our time of oppression when our enemies make a concerted effort to annihilate us, incited by English
clergy, Jews, ‘coolies’, Kaffirs and jingoes. English and USA troops in Germany will be wiped out. That war will be one of terrible
battles and Van Rensburg says: “a great well will be filled with blood.” This indicates that blood will flow as never before. This
leaves the Russians no time to think and at this point God comes to the Germans’ assistance. They, with help from the USA, attack
the Russian communication lines and press down on them from all sides until the Russians are completely defeated. And people will
say: God has helped Germany, otherwise how else could she have done this?
(‘Oupa’ Krause often told me this in prison, but added he did not know how this could happen).
German vengeance will go beyond Europe, which is why the English will flee every time things go wrong—even in our own country.
They will sell out here and flee, according to Van Rensburg. Wherever the Germans go, the English will be in trouble - they will have
no friends, whereas Germany and the USA will be partners. In the long run, when all this is over, there will be peace. Remember, Van
Rensburg said he saw Germany sitting at the head of the final peace table. Germany will then stand by us with aid and armaments to
put the Kaffir back in line again.
Germany—the Strongest Force In Europe
Van Rensburg saw a vision on 14th February 1921: I see a thick grove of willows standing in Europe ; they start thinning out and
behind them I see a hornless blue beast which is hobbled. The hobble loosens and falls off, the beast becomes fat and horns appear on
its head.
The hobbled, hornless blue beast means that after World War 2, Germany had no military aspirations at first, but when the hobble
falls off—the fall of the Berlin wall— things change and they again build up a military power base. In the not to distant future this
will also benefit the Boer nation:
1st January 1918: A man dressed in a blue suit and white collar stands in Europe and looks our way.
Van Rensburg says this is nothing short of a miracle. Things will change in Germany when a strong and important German leader
(blue suit, white collar) comes to the foreground and takes command of the Defence force. He will also make a dramatic
announcement that he favours the cause of the Boers (he looks our way).

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When the Boer nation is told the good news that Germany favours his cause, it will bring about such a dramatic awakening that they
will stand united again, at the same time being extremely dangerous. This could cause a situation where they will trample everything
to death in their path. Although the black will attempt to resist, they will be unsuccessful and swiftly retreat: “The Boers will take
matters into their own hands, and those who do not give way, will be trampled to death”. (1920).
19th September 1920: In the southwest is a small pond filled with grass and a small amount of water. Muscovy ducks run around in it
and the water becomes more and more. The ducks represent our people and the water means good news for us. In the north, sheep
become white-backed cattle. The sheep are Boers who undergo such a change that they become dangerous. There is some movement
among the ‘Kaffir’, but nothing dangerous.
During these critical times England is experiencing, there is a total news blackout, while at the same time we receive the good news
about German armaments in Lüder- itzbucht. India will also be much in the news—not good, however. In our country the English
who acted in unison against the Boers are stripped of everything and flee the country post-haste. Shortly thereafter trouble erupts in
the Eastern Province, causing food shortages as a result of the disruption and extended labour strikes.
5th March 1922: A vat emerges from a well and pours yellow water on the grass surrounding the well. The water runs back into the
well, after which the floor of the well came up and it was dry, indicating that English news has dried up. A broad stream of blue water
enters the Union from the west—good news from the Germans and Americans. Far North lies a town from which a broad stream of
water flows. (Seer’s son, Kallie, said his father was of the opinion that the town could represent India). A clean-shaven Englishman
dressed only in shirt and trousers goes West from Johannesburg, while people carrying small pails go from West to East. The earth
makes a turn and the Boers sit on their various coloured horses, looking Northeast.
Money Shortage
On 11th July 1919 Van Rensburg already prophesied that a future black government would take part in two elections, but with the
advent of the second election they would face more serious problems (financial crisis and collapse of public services): There is a
floor in the northeast and a sieve appears on the floor (the April 1994 General election) and the sorghum husks disappear. (State-
controlled institution and municipal services collapse, followed by a serious shortage of money—gold loses its value and the Stock
Exchange collapses). Then another sieve appeared on the floor (preparations for a larger election [than that of 1994] takes place).
Only then the three blue letters arrive in Parliament—the first one is merely a warning, then an ultimatum and lastly a declaration of
war by Germany. “During this time there will be problems with the Indians and blacks,” the Seer said after his last vision of 28th
January 1926: (I see a fat black horse and then a dirty-yellow horse).
The Seer interpreted his vision of 21st January 1921 by saying that the Indians and blacks would be armed when they took the
country and law into their own hands. This would cause riots in which many people would lose their lives—so much so that the
country would be ungovernable. (Compare the present bloody conflict between Pag- ad Muslims and druglords on the Cape Flats).
He also predicted that the Indians would not do these things on their own, but would be secretly incited by Jingoes (Boer-traitors).
“The rapes and robberies on whites and murders of white farmers will continue to escalate as the second election draws closer. And
neither the Government, or the Boer leaders who do nothing but talk, can, or will do anything about these outrages.
They will, as usual, just sit looking on as they did prior to the 1994 election...”—as the Seer warned us against them in his vision of
9th January 1915: “But the so-called ‘loyal’ Afrikaners who prepared for the struggle so bravely, offer no resistance...”
Even our own brave young men who were prepared to fight until the bitter end prior to the 1994 election, would be betrayed by their
own leaders and they can only look on helplessly.
From the 1994 election until the next one (1999), distress will increase and become uglier. ‘Oom’ Klasie said the country is entering a
night in which many are going to lose their jobs, houses, pensions and everything else; a time when municipalities and many state
departments will go bankrupt; the churches will also be very motley and running empty.
On the morning of 8th September 1925, the Seer told his daughter, Anna, he sees a black man being released from prison in the
distant future, visit Russia, and on his return, be appointed in an important post. The country will be thrown into chaos under his rule.
However, it is only after the violent death of a black leader, and a massive strike cripples the country, that real trouble starts.
This black leader will lie in state on Church Square in Pretoria, while people flock there in their thousands to ‘pay their last respects’:
“The body of the king (black leader) is placed in a glass coffin and he lies in state on Church Square, Pretoria—for seven days.
Mourners came from all over the world to pay homage to this king (of the rainbow-nation). Nobody worked—for seven days, for
people moved past the coffin day and night, fell on it and wept bitterly, and could not be consoled—for seven days.
“On the eighth day he was buried in Heroes’ Acre.” (A special plot in the old cemetery in Church Street, Pretoria, reserved for
Thus what the old prophet, the Seer van Rensburg, said, came true: “I see a coffin being lowered into a grave. Fires emerge, but one
great fire emerging in front. Naked people appear.” This tells of violence and civil war which will erupt with the burial of the (black)
king. Then the Boer nation will also stand naked, stripped of everything and experience dreadful oppression...
This vision concurs with the ‘bloody funeral’ he saw on 4th April 1915’.
Chaos and decline are visible everywhere; the cold- blooded murders of whites escalate by the day and our pension schemes are
being plundered. In a vision on 26th December 1921, the Seer saw a fatal stomach disease break out in the Johannesburg area. The
disruption this would cause even greater violence: “There is a round tank in the east and fire falls out of it.”
It is at this time the Seer saw the red pickaxe going over us—a time when the nation will still be very divided and dissension at its
But then he sees the man in the brown suit rise very unexpectedly to gather the nation together and take matters in hand by means of
a coup d’etat. The first large-scale violence erupts and the Witwatersrand (Gauteng) in particular feels the brunt of black violence,
and bloodshed in that area will also be unexpected.
However, when the armed forces advance on Pretoria at dawn, the Boers are ready for action and Johannesburg is bomb-attacked,
which shakes the whole world. The ensuing war will quickly spread northwards until the whole of Europe is in flames. But England
will suffer the most as a result of race riots and famine..." he predicted.

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This concurs with what his son, Kallie, remembers about his father’s prophecies about England: Shortly after the collapse of our
pension funds, race riots erupt in Europe in which England will be particularly hard-hit: Small peach trees are at Pretoria and they
suddenly disappear so that the empty space is like a floor. A large black snake lies curled up in Europe, but night is going to descend
over England. I see a black snake lying there—this depicts England’s black problem, as well as famine and civil war. The snake curls
itself up—blacks and coloureds will go to England and settle there. Then England’s problems begin—and its ruin.
During this critical period in England, all news channels are shut down and we receive the good news of German armaments in
India will now also be much in the news, but it is bad news. The English in our country who unanimously acted against the Boers are
stripped of everything and hastily flee the country. Not long after this, trouble breaks out in the Eastern Province and there is famine
as a result of disruption and an extended labour strike.
On 22nd March 1922 the Seer had this to say about this strike: The last sign I saw about the strike was a slaughtered sheep hanging
on a hook, this being a sign that the strikers came off badly. Our cause is still going well and the wheat and chaff is on the floor where
the chaff goes out of the threshed wheat. At first there was darkness only in the east of the Union, but now it is completely covered.
Three pots are boiling rapidly in Europe, indicating that trouble is brewing there. Then a ditch full of blue water from Europe
indicates news from that quarter. A woman dressed in black emerges in Europe, indicating a sign of mourning. Here by us a man
steps forward, but his shoes remain behind. This is a sign that the nation must reconcile. A woman appears, indicating the same.
Another woman appears and looks towards Europe, which is in heavy mourning. Thus something significant lies ahead there.
However, the Boer prophet ‘saw’ that the strike would be counter-productive and things will go wrong for the strikers, as many of
them will die during that time. Matters start coming right for the Boers when the ‘true’ Afrikaans elements separate themselves from
the liberal factions. The troubles that started in the Eastern Province now spread across the rest of the country. Three civil wars are
waging in Europe, but once again we receive good news from Germany. And the spiritual leader from the Eastern Province unites the
nation, and once again, as it occurred at Blood River, he humbles himself before God. One of the greatest tragedies of all times hits
Europe now.
The symbols in the Seer’s visions have very clear meanings. The slaughtered sheep means violence and bloodshed, which, in this
case, coincides with the strike. The wheat and chaff separate—liberals and conservatives divide into two camps. Three boiling pots in
Europe—the Seer says trouble is still brewing and civil war will still break out, but not at the time when our country is preparing for
the coming war. At the end of the vision he says something horrific is going to happen in Europe—several civil wars will break out
and conditions will swiftly become critical: A woman sits on a chair on maize leaves, the leaves catch fire and disappear. The woman
places more leaves on the chair. This indicates France in the Rhine area. English cattle move away among the maize cobs; they seem
to be fleeing. They are the fleeing English (9th August 1923).
France will experience major election problems and there will be severe rioting in the Rhine area when England finally faces
destruction, and everybody who can possibly do so, flees.
England is Destroyed
Van Rensburg said that England will be totally destroyed, so that “only a lean pig will be left lying in the mud here and there.”
England put other countries to the torch—as was the case here and in Germany and murdered their women and children, and so the
same will be done to her. She will sink further into poverty and horror(nuclear?) and other incendiary bombs will rain down on her,
even into bomb shelters, without any means of stopping them. Remember, ruin must also strike them over the MURDER of our
women and children here. Van Rensburg said when it is all over, he sees a colossal gallery where the thousands of Boers, women and
children murdered by the English during the period 1900-1902, are sitting. He also sees his own children who died in the hell-camps
among them. They, and Angels, are weeping tears of joy over our liberation and God’s vengeance against the murderers.
A Great Future For the Boer Nation
The Afrikaner nation faces a great and bright future. We are liberated from our enemies. We get a God-fearing Boer President. He is
an exceptional man, free of Party- politics; he ignores trivialities and looks past them. He is righteous and genuine and looks at our
future. Transvaal, the Orange Free State and Cape form the nucleus of our great Republic and from here we look North. There is
unity among the Afrikaner people, attached and loyal towards one another, standing solidly behind our good President who is a true
During the war we secure our borders. In the beginning everything is very chaotic. We rout certain numbers of our greatest enemies
when the first shots are fired about 280 miles from here. It is not serious, for our enemies flee to the ships in Durban.
We become a large Republic—larger than anyone could have dreamed of.
The head of the snake is crushed permanently; the jingo elements disappear altogether; the blacks come under our control and we are
our own masters—“the slave has become the master once again.”
Our own Republic
Circulars distributed by (late) Advocate Oswald Pirow based on the Seer’s visions, make mention of the Great South African
Republic of which the borders stretch as far as south of Sudan and then east and west. It becomes a very important country,
particularly in the field of industry and economics. It will be vastly developed and everything a state requires will be built—for we
will be rid of the great bloodsucking vampire—the English and its jingo. Huge factories—even larger than those in Europe and the
USA will be built. This is the country of the future world and will even surpass the USA in industry and economics. We will be far
away from all the turmoil and other nations and they will fear us, for we will be a God-fearing nation. At the end of time we will also
be the last country to fall. Remember, ‘Oom’ Nicolaas said: “We slaughter the pig right here.” The wealth of the country will belong
to us and not to foreigners.
Many of the hostile organisations in our country will be stopped. They are indignant, but what can they do about it? Nothing! Those
who are not happy here, must pack their belongings and get out. Our population grows in strength. Many Germans come to settle
here. Van Rens- burg said we will never experience English domination again.
Everything looks very rosy, but we first have to face great darkness before all this becomes reality. Van Rensburg says what and how

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this will be, he cannot say.

However, bear in mind that our salvation must come from Above. Distress will drive us together and to God, so that we, like the
Germans, can say that our salvation comes from God. The great black armies from the Northeast Africa threaten us even more so that
we will call to God for help. He will stop this—how, I do not know. Yet this great ‘darkness’ will envelop us, but fortunately not for
Bloody conflict erupts during which black nations will attack each other in a war like none other this country has ever seen.
Parliament will be in session and by the time the members have adjourned and everyone hastens home to arm themselves, the Zulus
will already have started a conflagration against the Xhosas and they are busy annihilating them with ‘knobkerries’ (a traditional
fighting-stick with a knob on the end, not unlike a mace), machete knives, spears, AK 47’s and great rejoicing; nobody will be
overlooked and they will kill everything and everybody— men, women, children, stock, poultry and dogs.
The Boers are summoned to a hillock north of Licht- enburg in Western Transvaal, and it is at this hillock that the man in the brown
suit makes his first appearance. The onus rests on him to call the rebellious, dissatisfied and pugnacious Boers to order and channel
their fury in the right direction.
Nobody will know beforehand who this man is, as the nation will only become aware of him when he goes to address them from that
hillock at Lichtenburg.
The English historian, Julian Oxford, writes in his book: A Prophet with Honour, that he was told by ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ daughters their
father was ‘very well acquainted’ with a man in a brown suit who ‘appeared to him’ for the first time during the disturbing vision of
death and destruction during the 2nd “War of Freedom” (Anglo-Boer War). Oxford says that this man continuously appeared to the
Seer to interpret the meanings of “complicated visions to him.” (Coinciding with this, there was also a second person who also
appeared regularly to Van Rensburg in his visions, viz. “the man in the grey suit.” Van Rensburg described him as being a Divine
being, and after one such appearance, told Adaan de la Rey: I was sent home on 29th February 1900, as I was suffering intense pain
from a whitlow on my finger. I was staying with a German family in Hopetown and fell asleep on the couch. The Divine being
appeared before me and asked whether I would refuse to obey an order given to me by God. Since then I have never hesitated to tell
what I have seen).
In later years the Seer often described the man in the brown suit who would address the nation from the hillock at Lichtenburg. One
was as follows: He is not tall and will address the tempestuous Boers in a restful, soothing manner. He will be a genuine Afrikaner, a
Boer down to his marrow. What he has to say will touch the hearts of the nation and anyone who still harboured any doubts, will
accept him immediately as leader...
When the new leader has ended his speech, Van Rens- burg sees many hobbled horses grazing around the hillock. This means the
men are ready and willing to fight; there is no stopping them now. Even the new leader does nothing to stop them, as he urged them
to unite, take up arms and meet the enemy as believers.
The Boers turn southwards towards Prieska from Licht- enburg. A miracle occurs and the Boers get unexpected help in the form of
‘new guns’ at Lüderitzbucht. For the first time since the War the Boer nation will rise up to reclaim his freedom and stolen heritage
through the barrel of a gun.
Everyone will be well-equipped with brand new weapons and ammunition which had been hidden by the Germans during WW2 in
the Pyrenees mountains near Spain, and which were now transported in warships to Lüderitz Bay.
Everything takes a turn, for they are extremely active in preparing to confront the enemy along with the German forces en the Third
(and last) War of Freedom. When the battle finally starts, the grass will be green, and side by side with German troops they turn
around for battle. The Northern Transvaal and Northern Free State troops check the snake, wheel and springbok (Government troops)
at Vereeniging. This allows Southern Transvaal, Southern Free state and the Cape the opportunity to march from Prieska. On the way
to Vereeniging, the first bombs fall on Kimberley where thousands will die. They then advance on Vereeniging for a great battle. The
government troops at Vereeniging are in dire straits; the place where they find themselves, is hollow, like a well.
Undated: A troop train moves towards Bulawayo and somewhere among the hills it comes to a standstill. A fight breaks out between
Rhodesian and Union troops (who all speak Afrikaans) on the train.
This vision gave the Seer a brief picture of the war which will still be fought between the Boers and the black forces of Zimbabwe
(and possibly Zambia also) after the rest of Southern Africa has already been taken over by them, and the English driven out of the
country. The Krause document indicates that a strong German contingent will also assist the Boers here.
The Seer saw the ‘Spectre of Terror’ descending over our enemies at the ‘well’ near Vereeniging, and obsessed with fear, they fled,
leaving everything behind that they had stolen from us since the time of the Vow. The Boer forces drive them to where they will
never be able to worry us again. And when the Boers return, they confiscate everything; from the upper reaches of the Limpopo River
to where the Cape pushes its tongue into the sea.
7th August 1923: A large pile of straw lies in Europe and next to it, maize leaves, which are on fire. Afterwards there are maize cobs
which are also ablaze. I saw the same vision when Greece and Turkey fought against each other. Oxen with white on their bellies are
hauling wagons northwards, but I do not know the oxen. A speckled ox in the far north of Europe stands looking our way (unknown).
When the beast disappears, the earth turns black—black being a sign the world receives when matters will take a turn. Then I am in a
new thatched-roof house and this is good news for us.
World War III is in full swing. Europe is almost totally destroyed by incendiary bombs. Italy joins the war. In the far north of Europe
a plot is being hatched against the Boers; however, before it can be executed, those involved all die and matters become favourable
for us when German troops appear, take over power and establish a new Boer Government for us.
The Face of Our President
Shortly before his death, in 1926, the old the Seer described to his son what the new president of the new Boer Republic would look
like: “I see him, someone with a full face, similar to that of Minister Piet Grobler, Minister of Lands; a man with a broad face. I may
not reveal more, but what I have said is clear enough...”
(7 Aug. 1923): The world looks like summer here, camps which have been completely trampled by yellow horse-drawn wagons are

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moving down to the Cape. The yellow wagons indicate the English. Wheat lies on the (threshing) floor, signalling that the time is
drawing near. Where the earth is without grass, it is (like) brown pudding in my plate—a good sign for us. A dish of honey appears
from the west, a knife cuts slices from it and one slice lands in my plate. I saw this honey in the west ten years ago and only now it
lands in my plate.
And when we have finally conquered the Government troops at Vereeniging, we also drive the English (yellow wagons) out of the
White Tents In the Karoo
After all these events have been fulfilled and millions of blacks invade the European Union, thousands of white Christians will leave
Europe to settle in South Africa. Seer said he saw their tents stretching from the Cape to the Kalahari and South West Africa
(Namibia). Tents will also be standing from Durban to Mozambique (now Maputo). These will serve as temporary shelter for all the
Christians from over the world, for South Africa will not only be the safest country in the world, but also the only Christian country.
Every tent dweller will be under the protection of God’s Hand—as was Israel in the Sinai desert in the time of Moses.
The Kruger Millions Rediscovered
The Covenant made with God by the Voortrekkers at Blood River on 16th December 1838 plays a role in this last vision of the
victory by the Boer nation.
In one of the last visions regarding this, Van Rensburg saw thunder clouds, and a woman holding flowers, in the west. When she
places the flowers in a jar, a Vierkleur blows out if it and then he sees a gallery.
10th November 1921: The fog lifts and a wagon is loaded with sheaves. (Those people who identify themselves with the aims and
aspirations of the Boers are already standing together). Then the sheaves lie on the floor and the floor becomes clean. Small clouds in
the north move away from each other and the sun shines brightly. (The fight for survival and unrest is past and there is peace). There
is a gallery in the sky to the north and on the gallery there is an inscription like that on the Tabernacle with gold candlesticks (the sign
of a Covenant/Vow, and also indicates the presence of gold—one of the sources from the collection of (late) ‘Oom’ Paul Prinsloo
mentions that the ‘gold’ refers to the rediscovery of ‘Paul Kruger’s missing gold bars and coins’—the much talked-about ‘Kruger
Millions’ hidden in various man-made caves). A host of children emerges from behind the gallery and they come South. The children
are all approximately 10 years old;, all dressed in white and all have blue eyes. My own two children, Anna Katrina and Maria
Elizabeth, who both died from measles in the murder-camp at Mafikeng, are in the lead. One of my sister’s children, as well as the
daughter of my old ‘blanket-mate’, Jan van Wyk—those two children also died in the murder-camp, and then I saw all four girls at
the head of the procession.
According to the Seer’s own interpretation, the Tabernacle, the golden candlesticks and that host of children were all ‘camp-
sufferers.’ While he was still watching them, they all descended down to earth. Van Rensburg says that is the moment when our
nation will be free and independent again.
He also said that all those children in their lifetime were not all 10 years old, and not every one had blue eyes, but that is the way he
saw them. After they had descended, he heard then say in unison:
“We have come to share in the joy of our fellow brothers and sisters for whom we were a sacrificed.”
Van Rensburg further said that when the children turned back to heaven, their eyes were full of tears. However, they were not tears of
sorrow, but of joy for the new freedom of the Boer nation...Van Rensburg never doubted that those children knew when we would
acquire our freedom: “for we read in the Bible that if one sinner on earth repents, there is rejoicing among the Angels in heaven...” he
He further saw how liberals fell to their knees with tears in their eyes. He said to General de la Rey’s son, Adaan: “Then we will also
see tears in our eyes.” To which the young De la Rey replied: “That will be the day when I cry over a SAP (South African Party,
which was to the left of the political spectrum in opposition to the rightwing National Party). Then Seer said to him: ”No, brother,
they are tears of joy that God is not humiliating us as He is humiliating them." He added that for the upright people in the ‘Boer
laager’, it would be like a second Blood River, and no blood of any Afrikaner who sought shelter in this ‘Boer laager’ would be spilt
—in other words, those who did not take the road of surrender and betrayal!
According to Adaan de la Rey, Van Rensburg told him that we would elect our first President at Groot River (Orange River), and he
is of the opinion it is the same person in the brown suit who addressed them outside Licht- enburg.
Electing the President
(From the Krause document)
“There in the fertile area of Prieska we elected our first Government and our first President.
People were in awe when they saw him in his top hat and tailcoat, for he was not old, nor was he a large man, with bushy brows,
sharp eyes and thinning hair. They were even more overawed when they saw him pass by in his coach on the new road that had been
built with German help, for since the days of President Kruger, they had not seen a president riding in a coach again.
That night he was inaugurated in festive mood in the presence of the whole nation—exactly ten years after their freedom had been
given away to the heathens on 2nd February 1990..."
(According to this declaration, it seems as if the first Boer president will be appointed early in the year 2000).
‘Oom Nicolaas added that the president would be the first man to write a note in the Book of State—so the new Boer Government
would not acknowledge a penny’s debt made by the previous government, as the new government would have access to its own huge
fortune (the Kruger millions) which was recovered by the Boers from the man-made caves where it was hidden.
Van Rensburg saw our newly-elected President covered under a blanket—the outer cover was torn, but the blanket was clean. Thus it
was no secret who was chosen as president by the Boers. All the mines now become state property, as well as the farms given to the
settlers by Lord Milner.
After the ceremonies everyone went home, sleeping in the open without fear and also entering the city without fear.
‘Oupa’ Krause said: “The Afrikaners face a great and beautiful future. We are freed from our enemies; we have a God-fearing Boer
President, free from Party politics. He is not concerned with petty matters but looks up. He looks at our future. The nucleus of the

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great Boer republic is the Transvaal, Orange Free State and Cape. From here we look north. The Afrikaner nation is a great unit, and
we support our good President, a true leader.
“In the course of time the Boers took possession of the Union and expanded further north as far as the equator. Boers and German
commandos marched forward in Africa to make the country safe and habitable for the white man once again. This takes time, but
everyone works together to achieve this.
“People from many overseas colonies come to settle here, for there is only death and destruction in their own countries, and Mother
England is no more.
“We became a great and prosperous nation, for immigrants arrived from all over the world to live in peace and security with us...”
Then Van Rensburg saw himself walking during the night to the house of his brother, Piet, who lived just across the stream. Great
raindrops started falling and the Divine person (in the grey suit) appeared before him once again and asked him whether he could see
the storm clouds; two in the east, two in the north, two in the west and one in the south—those were the seven plagues which would
torment England.

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The Seven Plagues of England
The vision of the seven ‘thunderclouds’ is one of the most alarming regarding a series of disasters which will hit England, and which
has only partially been fulfilled. According to resources at my disposal, there are more than 20 direct references to these strange and
fearful events. The Seer predicted that the seventh—and last—plague will finally spell the end for England when the Boers have
regained power in South Africa.
Van Rensburg has never doubted that England’s ruin would be caused by crimes she committed against Afrikaner women and
children during the War of Freedom. He once said to a friend: “Every time some great world event happens, women and children are
murdered, followed by retribution. Did Pharaoh also not order the midwives to kill all newborn male children? And the punish- ment
that followed was that he and all his horsemen were drowned in the Red Sea...”
In this context he referred to 1 Samuel 15:2-3: : Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amelek did to Israel, how he had
laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and
spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass...

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Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote to Mrs. S.M. van Tonder in 1949: “’Oom’ Klasie says he ‘sees’ a multicolored pig standing in a well in
England and it is so hungry that it is licking against the walls (Famine and scarcity of water). It will probably die from hunger and
thirst when the struggle is at its worst here in South Africa. There is also a pot of fire in Russia (civil war) and then ‘Oom’ Klasie sees
the grass catch alight in England—the start of civil war. (Possibly this could indicate another major flare-up in the long drawn-out
conflict between England and Ireland).
England has not experienced any famine since the old Boer prophet saw that vision, and will only take place when ‘a very dark
period’ breaks out over the Afrikaner. Distressing times also lie ahead for the English here in South Africa—some will flee ‘in
confusion and desperation’, others (white Angora goats) will side with the Boers while others (goats) will take up arms with the
Communists against the Boers.
Boy Mussmann—1947: When Jan Smuts’ detectives wanted to arrest me at Vryburg because of the Seer’s visions, one of them asked
me: “What does the Seer predict—what is going to happen here?” I replied: “We will get a republic, but prior to that times will be
dark for us.” The detective said: “Yes, it will be financial trouble.” However, I replied: “No, the Seer said he saw the peach tree
changes into a cypress—the tree bearing fruit (golden pounds) becomes a luxury article tree. Gold pounds will disappear and will be
replaced by notes, and when the coming war is over, you can paper the walls of your house with English banknotes as they will be
worth less than wallpaper.”
This vision still awaits fulfilment since the Seer announced it.
“’Oom’ Klasie saw pigs (English statesmen) running across a dam wall to go and drink water. But when he looked again, he saw the
dam was almost empty and the pigs wallowing in the mud.” (England will experience extreme financial problems).
Boy Mussmann—1960: “’Oom’ Klasie saw a well in England. Someone is pouring yellow water from the well on to the grass, but
the water runs back into the well. The bottom of the well comes up and it is dry.” This is the start of England’s ruin because of
betrayal (yellow water). The traitors come from within their own ranks (the bottom of the well comes up and it is empty). Ironically
enough, it seems this treason will take place when South Africa is fighting her final struggle for survival.
This is followed by England’s surrender to starving invaders from Africa who (as they did against white South Africa) were there to
demand their rights.
Seer held several in-depth discussions about this extraordinary vision of ‘the seven plagues of England’ with a few intimate friends:
“I see a woman decorated with ribbons (a symbol of the English nation). Then I see the ribbons unwinding one by one until she is
totally naked—and eventually I see her die. This means that in time England will lose all her possessions and colonies...”
(This part of the vision has already been fulfilled).
Europe Becomes Black
Mr. H.J. Dreyer of Senekal sporadically corresponded with the Seer about his visions until his death in 1926. However, it was only
during the 1940’s (and as Ossewa- Brandwag supporter) that Mr. Dreyer published these visions and their interpretations in Die
Vision: “White-backed oxen (America), led by a small boy are hauling wagons in Europe. Then there were red oxen (Communists)
with two white-backed oxen (America) led by a little ‘Kaffir’ (Africa)...” Van Rensburg remarked about the two boys to Mr. Dreyer:
The little ‘Kaffir’ is a weaker, less intelligent leader as a boy and would always be beaten in every aspect by the other boy.
Interpretation: In Europe the whites were always the rulers and they enjoyed strong support from the well- wishing Americans.
However, things will change drastically when Africa begins to overrun Europe and black Communists (as here in South Africa—
compare next vision that follows) take over temporary power in Europe with America’s help.
In conjunction with this, Van Rensburg wrote to Mr. Dreyer: In South Africa there are also two boys—one white and one black. The
latter has an old sack around his waist (the conditions of the blacks will be critical). The two begin to fight—trouble between white
and black, and right from the start the white boy gets a deadly grip on the black one so that he loses his sack and is naked and the
black boy flees in a northerly direction (from where he came).
On 29th September 1919 Van Rensburg had a similar vision and he gave a precise indication where the ‘destination’ of the little
‘naked Kaffir’ would be.
According to what he saw, such a great depression would come in Europe so that England would lose everything in the process. Even
America would be in no position to render any assistance to save the situation and when it withdraws from Europe, thousands of
hungry and destitute ‘Kaffir’ from Africa stream there: (A shop stands in Europe, but there are no people in it, and people with
wagons loaded with rubbish flee northwards. Many white-backed oxen appear in Western Europe and when they disappear, little
naked ‘Kaffir’ run North).
The First Plague
In time to come matters will go badly, said Van Rensburg. “I see seven black clouds in the sky and raindrops begin to fall. A man in a
grey suit (somebody divine) appeared and asked me whether I had seen the clouds, and I replied yes, I saw two clouds in the east,
west and south, but only one in the north. Then the man said to me: ‘Those are seven disasters God is going to send over England
which will destroy it...” Then Van Rensburg remembered the vision of the woman covered in ribbons.
The Second Plague
He tells that when he was imprisoned in the Fort in 1914, one night he saw how a Rebellion officer stood in a well with him (great
trouble). However, there was a ladder in the well and he (the Seer) stood with one foot on the first rung. Simultaneously he saw the
grass in England catch alight (civil war) and the flames are high, then disappear, and the country looks like a harrowed field after
Then a multicoloured pig stood in a well (England in dire straits) and it was licking the sides of the well. It seemed unable to get out.
Some aloe stumps lay across the well (The British government was attempting to hide its problems from the rest of the world). The
pig is very hungry, indication a great famine in England in the future.
When he saw this, he knew immediately that their group in the Fort would be rescued from the troubles of the Rebellion and its
consequences—being the thousands of pounds demanded from the rebels by the Government. But there was no salvation (ladder) for

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the multicoloured pig, indicating England’s downfall, also economically:

“I saw pigs running across a dam wall. The dam becomes empty and a large bird sits on the paving stones beneath. A small bird
comes flying along but is immediately swallowed up by the large bird.” He interpreted this as follows: “The dam is America who
intends lending money to England, consequently England will be financially ruined.”
The Third Plague
Famine and hunger will come over England and during that time great herds of black cattle (people from Africa and India) will enter
the country from the east. One beast will stop and look back, indicating from which quarter the danger will come; all the coloured
races from England’s colonies will go there, resulting in racial conflict—for Africa and the Orient will be suffering and desperate
hordes of sick and hungry Indians and blacks will seek refuge in England and other parts of Europe.
The Fourth Plague
He sees this as a pot with fire underneath. Normal pots stand in England and France, indicating civil wars, but a huge cauldron, with
a glowing fire, stands in Russia, indicating a large-scale civil war. Then Germany and America attack Russia as allies.
The Fifth Plague
The Seer relates how, during WWI, he saw how the British fleet attacked Germany at Jutland. He saw Kitch- ener dying there and the
British fleet looked like scale- dishes on the water. “This means they clashed, but were found to be too light...” But he saw the future
British fleet as empty boxes, floating without direction. They are useless and without direction, for: “What nation can fight if it is
experiencing civil war and famine?”
The Sixth Plague
He told Boy Mussmann: “I see a man on a black horse riding into the water. I see him as clearly as I’m seeing you and the water is
splashing over him. Horse and rider disappear under the water. ”England’s military force will meet the same end as did Pharaoh’s
horsemen who pursued the Israelites in the Red Sea.
The Seventh Plague
“I see a multicoloured pig. Taking the pig by its legs, I overturned it. And that is our (the Boer nation’s) contribution to England’s
(During the first decade of this century it was general knowledge in a certain part of the Transvaal that a church minister pronounced
a curse over England just after the end of the War of Freedom (1899-1902). Allegedly his words were: “What you did to our women
and children, the same will be done to yours.”).
The last plague to hit England will be as a result of strong action by the Boer nation.
The answer to the question: what is this ‘action?’ can be deduced from other visions and their interpretations. On 29th September
1919, Van Rensburg saw thousands of blacks and English fleeing South Africa to England to seek refuge after the struggle in which
the Afrikaner regains his freedom. Once the black hordes arrive in England, its economy will collapse and the country will finally be
Mr. Johannes Gagiano also pointed out to me the interesting fact that the Seer spoke about the ‘seven plagues’ which would mean
England’s ruin; plagues which—according to Die Burgher of 13th July 1940: “spells punishment for the enemy. Van Rensburg saw
that plagues would infest England and it seems as if they would all occur on the same day.”
Revelation 15 mentions the ‘Seven last plagues’ which would mean the end of Babylon and usher in this dispensation: Compare
Revelation 18:8: Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with
fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her...
Then he saw three women dressed in black (mourning). They were an English woman, a German and an Afrikaner. Then the
Afrikaans woman said to the English woman: “I wept, now you are weeping.”
‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ prophecies for his people and country end here...

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The Seer’s Last Days
In his book, Gewapende Protes (Armed protest) about the 1914 Rebellion, P.G. Hendriks sketched the Seer’s last years after the
“In years the frail man is not old—fifty-four—but he became grey and bent in prison. It seems as if his deep religious sense and love
for his people shine ever brighter as his body wanes.” When he did not preach to the congregations on Sundays, he usually spent
them with his family. telling them about his prophecies, particularly during his later years when age started bending him.
However, with his gift of prophecy he was always a person who could never be understood or explained."
In the dusk of his life, because of ill-health and concern about the future of his people, the Seer became more withdrawn into his own
world of thought to meditate in solitude.
Although he suffered from high blood pressure and arthritis, it is unknown whether he ever consulted a doctor, or whether any
medication was prescribed for him.
Nevertheless, a number of well-known doctors of his time knew him well. Among them were people like Doctors Von Rennenkampf,

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Ramsbottom and the poet, C. Louis Leipoldt. Only Leipoldt once wrote down a few impressions about the Seer and said this about
his appearance and health: “He is a commanding figure who im- pressed even those that did not believe in his gift. He is no medium
—rather, an introvert, obsessed with his own meditations which he interprets with symbolisms. His long slender fingers, and his
longish limbs (a leptosomic type), were remarkable and seemed to be easily influenced by changes in the weather.
Kallie van Rensburg told how, in the weeks before his father’s death, he would often enter the kitchen and see him sitting alone in a
corner, his large right fist folded over the head of his walking stick, gazing far away like someone who was astonished at something
happening there.
Sometimes Seer van Rensburg would speak to him, his brother, his sisters or friends about it, whereas on other occasions many days
would pass—as though he wanted to gather courage en then mutter sadly and audibly to one of them:
“Our nation suffered bitterly in past years, and that suffering is still not over. I see a black curtain hanging over the far future. But I
would rather die in battle than to give up. My child, it was the motto of our fathers—let it also be your motto. You will only find
happiness with your own people.
I see our commandos trekking to German West again. You will fight in a different manner from ours and there will be many more of
you. And I see the Vierkleur flying again. It is God’s will and His will shall be done.“
On another occasion he told his brother’s son, Andries: “Our nation will become free; I see them trekking inland where they
congregate in a large mass; I see some going west where they will fight and revolution breaking out among them, but everything will
happen without any blood being shed. On the past of our nation, and on the present, there is no stigma; hope in the future and aim for
the best you can achieve.”
During the last months before his death, his health slowly but surely deteriorated and he looked much older than his years.
One day he went to his catechism teacher, Gerrie Ros- souw, requesting him to catechise his youngest son, Jo- hannes, to be
confirmed in the church. He said to the catechism teacher: I see the children digging and taking our white clods and in the hole lies a
long diamond." He knew he had not long to live.
FIve Death-Bed Visions
· l. The unification of the Afrikaner.
· 2. A bloody war.
· 3. A large maize crop failure.
· 4. A new diamond mine.
· 5. Boer exiles returning.
Shortly before his death, he told his two children, Kallie and Anna, about the five remarkable visions he had while ill in bed.
However, because of the serious condition of their father, the children only revealed these visions after his funeral on 13th March
1926 and three days later they were published with his obituary in the Cape Times.
The English press was never kindly disposed towards him, and in the weeks following his death, numerous journalists and reporters
grabbed their pens to comment on the Boer prophet and his visions. His contribution to, and influence on the history of the Afrikaner
during the Anglo Boer War, Rebellion and the period after were ridiculed as being unimportant and insignificant. He was described as
being an uncultured, highly emotional and unstable person whose sanity was questionable. His visions were seen as the semi-
religious rantings of a quack and compared his piety with that of “age old superstitions of barbarians all over the world.”
They also said that Nicolaas van Rensburg’s fame as ‘prophet’ would stand or fall by those last five visions.
Because one of those visions is already becoming reality, it should be interesting to see what happens with the rest.
1): Unification of the Afrikaner: This was the second time he clearly saw the unification of the Afrikaner. He told his children: The
first time was years ago—I was sitting on my verandah and saw Generals Hertzog and Smuts approaching and talking like two
bosom friends, and while I sat in surprise, they both disappeared into an ant-bear hole. After a while General Smuts emerged alone
and walked away, but I did not see General Hertzog again.
The amalgamation between the South African and National parties came in 1934 and five years later, at the outbreak of WW2, Smuts’
and Hertzog’s ways finally parted when Hertzog disappeared from the political scene.
2); A Bloody war: “There will be a bloody war and even more will die than in the Great War of 1914. This time white and black will
fight together against the enemy outside our borders.
When the Seer had that vision in 1926, the possibility of another world war was so remote that people openly mocked about it.
However, Kallie asked his sister on 3rd September 1939: “Do you remember that Dad spoke about a war still to come? This is it...”
South Africa joined and its troops (black and white) went to fight in North Africa and Italy.
3): A very severe crop failure: “I see drought coming and maize crop failures such as the country has never seen before.”
Lawrence Greene alleged in 1956 that such details were too vague to determine when such a drought would come again. However,
today there is no doubt that Nicolaas forecast frightening droughts and crop failures. The authorities admitted in a 1992 newspaper
that the 1991-1992 drought was the worst to hit the country this century, and that about ten thousand farmers faced ruin as a result of
crop failures.
4): New diamond mine: “A large new diamond mine will be discovered.
Scarcely a year later, the well-known archaeologist, Dr. Hans Merensky, was prospecting along the Namakwaland coast and
discovered large amounts of diamonds in old oyster-beds and terraces of Alexander Bay. This is the richest diamond field discovered
thus far.
5): Afrikaner exiles return. “I see many Afrikaners who had immigrated to Argentina after the Anglo-Boer war, returning to their
More than 300 Afrikaners left our shores on 21st October 1905 on board the Highland Fling to seek a new home in Argentina.
However, three decades later in 1938, many felt that they had endured enough hardships and about 400 returned.
Seer van Rensburg’s fame as prophet was upheld!
During the last three years of his life, Nicolaas van Rensburg became even more of a recluse and spent many days with his Bible on

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the hillock behind his house. This was probably because his visions of events from the past and present, and particularly the future,
predicted fearful anxiety, suffering and changes to come, upset him so much that he was hesitant to discuss them.
Two visions he saw in July 1923 give a good indication of what still lies ahead from 1960 up to the turn of the century for his
beloved people:
10th July 1923: A dish containing honey appears from the west and a knife cuts pieces off. I am sitting at a table and one piece lands
in my plate.
(On 12th July 1923 he saw a similar vision): A great pile of maize cobs appears from the west and they are on fire. Then there was a
new thatched-roof house which I entered.
Then honeycombs emerged which were being cut with a knife and honeycombs were on the table.
These two visions are concurrent: The Afrikaner (Boer nation) enjoyed blessings and prosperity over a long period. However, things
gradually changed. The maize cobs and fire depict rebellion and unknown problems accompanied by violence. The Boer would get
his own parliament only after these events were fulfilled (the new thatched-roof house). No foreigner would ever have the privilege
of reigning over him again. Isaiah 35:4: Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not, your God will come with
vengeance, even God with a recompense, He will come and save you.
Once this vision has been fulfilled and a new Government elected, unprecedented blessings and prosperity await the Boer nation and
it will eventually be given his share in the riches of the country.
My Flesh Disappears
When Andries, the Seer’s nephew visited him for the last time at Rietkuil, he spoke to him about his coming death: I see a piece of
wood lying across my chest; the flesh on my arm disappears. I think my end is near, it is not far any more.
A few days later, on the evening of 11th March 1926, Nicolaas (the Seer) van Rensburg suddenly died of stroke.
Mrs. Ria James, one of his granddaughters, wrote: Unfortunately I remember nothing about Grandfather’s funeral; I only remember
his face and the accompanying sadness, and then our (the girls’) black dresses we wore to the funeral service which was conducted
by a Reverend S.J. Strydom. (He read from Psalms 90 and 93 and they sang Hymn 20: 1-3).
Following is a verbatim quotation of the funeral list as written down by Nicolaas’ son, Kallie:
Funeral list:
Of the late Nicolaas Pieter Johannes van Rensburg.
The Lord of Life and Death has called him to eternity. Our dearly beloved Father and husband at the Age of sixty one years, six
months and 11 days. After a happy marriage of forty two years. (Directly translated from original Dutch).
Bearers: Second Bearers:
P.N.J. van Rensburg B.J. Botha Snr.
D.F.J. van Rensburg (P. Smith) P.F. Kruger
N.J.J. van Rensburg C.F. Terblanche
J.C.J. van Rensburg A.B. Terblanche
R.J. Coertze M.J. Smith
B.J. Botha Jnr P.L. Smith (M.J. Smith)
G.J. Coertze Van Wijk
J.C. van Niekerk J.C. Botes.
More than 800 people attended his funeral at Rietkuil. “And”, wrote Dr. G. van der Westhuizen in Knapsak: “there could not be a
more fitting epitaph for this outstanding person than the text of the lesson which was delivered at his funeral (by Reverend Strydom).
Exod: 15:18: The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.
Anna Badenhorst did not write down her father’s last vision as it upset her too much, and only some while after his death she spoke
to outsiders about it: “Shortly before his death, my father told my sister and me: I see my walking-stick lying across me. I see them
nailing boards around me. I see a table with mourning cloth and a pile of white stones...
The role of Nicolaas (the Seer) Janse van Rensburg in our nation’s history was unique, and undoubtedly he was destined to exercise a
far-reaching influence on the course of events in our nation’s history—in some respects even greater than that of the statesmen of his
day. For while many of them are now half-forgotten, it seems as if the personage of the Seer van Rensburg has suddenly been drawn
clearly on the horizon of our history. In fact, he is the only ‘prophet’ whose name appears in our parliamentary ‘blue books.’
He was a strange figure—mysterious and mystic, but at the same time a shy, humble man who walked with his God and his nation
every day.
However, he was more than just a true patriot and legend; his life was like that of an old-Testament prophet and Divine messenger—
one of the most gripping enigmas of our nationhood.

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Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Prophecies
(The interpretations of ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ visions are as I received them. However, there could be other interpretations).
Although Van Rensburg also had visions about events abroad (England, America, Europe and Japan), his visions constantly reverted
back to his own people and their interests. Even in his own time many of his prophecies were fulfilled, yet there are hundreds of
symbolisms which only now are beginning to have any meaning and being fulfilled. Treason, fraternal quarrels, conflict and severe
tribulations were the most important themes thereof. He spoke of soap cauldrons over a fire (rebellion); empty bowls ( expectations);
a new shoe (new government); pigs (capitalists); snakes (enemies of the Boer); a man on horseback (strong leader); aloes (past
government) and a host of other symbols with which he prophesied the course of history, particularly that of the Boer nation.
Most of his ‘fulfilled prophecies’ have, where possible, been mentioned in the text. However, there are a number of visions which
need special mention and they are treated separately.
Van Rensburg did not only see death, spilling of blood, war and destruction. He also ‘saw’ a number of future events regarding the

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nation and which have contributed to him being recognised as a true National prophet:
1. Boy Mussmann’s Prediction
1973: Mr. Joos Haasbroek of Potchefstroom said that shortly before Mr. Mussmann’s death in 1973, he asked him why he did not
write a book about Seer van Rens- burg’s life and visions, as there were few people who knew so much about the Seer as he did. Mr.
Mussmann’s reply was: “No, Joos, someone else will write the book, somebody in Mossel Bay.”
(At that stage the author, Adriaan Snyman, and his wife, Annelize, were residing in Pretoria and he was employed by the Department
of Agricultural Technical Services. They only settled in Mossel Bay in 1980—publisher).
2. Louis Botha’s Suicide
1st October 1916: A ladder stands in the East and a man descends from it (Botha). A number of wagons are trekking around Europe.
In this instance the Seer explained exactly what this vision meant. He even furnished the names in brackets to his daughter: General
Louis Botha who would become alienated from his people and succumb to an early and tragic death. The wagons trekking around is
an indication of the uncertainty and chaos after WWI.
3. Rise of Communism (1)
One evening when the Seer grew quiet during the meal, his eyes narrowing and his beard began trembling, the family knew he was
having a vision: “Please fetch the writing materials,” he said to Kallie. “Write there: I see a black cloud creeping over Europe from
the east and covering it in darkness like night. A large black ox with speckles emerges from the north. He is looking straight at us.
The earth here becomes like fallow land. But it is pitch black in Europe...
Kallie’s interpretation: The black shadow moving across Europe from the east is undoubtedly the rise of communism. The speckled
ox is Africa which will also come under the influence of Communism which is seeking a foothold here. We are facing very difficult
times, but it will be far worse in Europe.
4. Rise of Communism (2)
4th April 1919: Three sickles appear one behind the other and stack one on top of the other until they become one.
Then wagons trek from North to East; they look like Turkish wagons, but they are new and are covered with canvas.
Russia’s division will be short. It will return to its old ways of ‘oppression, permanent revolution and dictatorship.’ (The sickles
becoming one). Shortly thereafter a Turk (Hussein?) will ignite a new war in the Middle East. (Wagons on the way are always a sign
of approaching war. However, this time there are two great differences: (1) The Turk is ready for war (new wagons) and (2) It is
planning in secret and will attack on a certain day and place (in the East—Serbia?) when least expected, and possibly with nuclear
5. Rise of Communism (3)
21st August 1916: A woman emerges from the east and goes west. She is dressed in black; red cattle and a little ‘Kaffir’ are behind
her and the cattle approach me straight on
The woman in black indicates the death and destruction which Communism (red cattle) would introduce to the West. When the Seer
had this vision in 1916, it was a year before the start of Russian revolution. The little ‘Kaffir’ points to a union between Africa and
the Communists. Whenever the Seer saw himself or his shoes in a vision, it always indicated the Boer nation. The cattle going
straight at him is just a confirmation of what already has transpired: right from the beginning the Boers (Afrikaners) were the main
target of the Communists.
6. Spreading of Communism
21st November 1918: A small red flag emerges from the far north and the world is ploughed under from the north.
This indicates Communism spreading its evil influence over the world and causing chaos and misery.
7. Ireland Gains Independence
9th September 1922: A woman sits with a child covered with a blanket on her lap. The woman removes the blanket; the child is
strong and has dark brown eyes. The child suddenly grew up and became a big girl. (Interest in Ireland).
The woman symbolizes England and the child, Ireland. The blanket is removed. This means that Ireland will gain independence.
During 1920 a referendum was held in all 32 county districts of Ireland after the southern part demanded self- rule. Only 6 districts in
Northern Ireland decided to remain under British rule. The southern part was established as a dominium in 1922, but only left the
British Commonwealth in 1948. Ireland became a republic on 18th April 1949.
8. The Symbolic Ox-Wagon Trek
1920: During that year the Seer gave a detailed and amazing inter-pretation of his visions to Dr. Servaas Ros- souw (father of
[recently late] Mrs. Elize Botha, wife of ex- President P.W. Botha) about everything that would still happen to the Boer nation. I will
only touch on one of these outstanding visions because it coincides with what Van Rensburg told Mr. Lategan and his family.
According to Dr. Rossouw, Van Rensburg said he saw donkey- and ox wagons moving from South to North. The donkey wagons start
lagging behind and the ox wagons multiply in number. They are being led by a horse commando and Van Rensburg saw how he, Dr.
Rossouw, was leading the cavalcade with six other men mounted on pure white horses.
Dr. Rossouw’s detailed account of his visit to the Seer in 1920 was published in Die Burger of 25th October 1938, and with that he
confirmed in writing that this vision was literally fulfilled when, accompanied by a large commando, he led the Symbolic Ox Wagon
Trek from Swellendam to the Transvaal on a white stallion.
This vision of the Seer is confirmed in a newspaper article by Mr. Lategan of Wolmaransstad: I had almost forgotten about the black
lines across the Union, he wrote, when Van Rensburg mentioned it again: “I see thousands of people from all over the country
moving along those black lines to a hill near a big city where they all assemble. There is a great festival around a very large house
which is built to window height. Various flags flutter around the building and in the centre the Republican flags are also hoisted, and
I see our nation becoming free...”
Mr. Lategan was present at the laying of the corner stone of the Voortrekker Monument in 1938. He tells the story: “I sat looking at
the monument with all the flags flying, particularly the Republican flags occupying a prominent place in the centre, and suddenly I
realised this was the vision that Van Rensburg had seen! Then I remembered him saying that our nation would be free.

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I went to call my wife and asked her whether she could still remember what Van Rensburg had said, remarking that if Van Rensburg
was correct, our nation would be free to work out its own future when the Monument was completed.
However, scarcely nine months later World War 2 broke out and the monument had to remain incomplete for years, while attempts
were made to acquire scarce and good quality building materials and process them.
When an election was called in 1948, I told several people about the vision Van Rensburg had seen and added that the National Party
must win the election, otherwise how else could we be free? But I did not know how the NP could win.
The Boer was in power with the inauguration of the monument, and for the first time in history we were a free nation—albeit
temporarily, for Van Rensburg also ‘saw’ that sometime in the future the nation would lose its freedom again and go through the
furnace of its last and severest fight for freedom..."
9. The Second World War
(The following five visions all have a bearing on World War 2)
8th January 1917: Wagons in Europe covered with white canvas and without oxen are fleeing in all directions.
12th January 1917: Wagons are approaching us in the Union. In Europe a yellow stone rolls South, followed by wagons with blue
19th January 1917: A bucket filled with blood falls over in the northwest. (This vision also has a bearing on events discussed in
Chapter 20, Spectre of Terror as it forms part of a whole series (of events which would follow decades later): The rioting in the
Belgian Congo in the early 1960’s and the whites who fled to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia)—this is where the bucket of blood falls
24th January 1917: Blood flows into a round hole until it is almost full.
Much blood would be spilled during that war, the Seer said, and history has proved him correct. It was a war in which millions died.
South Africa (the Union) is also involved: (wagons approaching us in the Union). The ‘blue mules’ depict Germany; the ‘yellow
stone’ is Japan attacking America at Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941. An old woman scooping maize (out of a bowl) means that
the war will last for years. The bucket of blood, as well as the hole filling with blood, indicates the senseless bloodshed.
10. World war 2—the aftermath
10th October 1921: A piece of paper with small writing appears in Europe and a hand holding a pencil draws flowers and draws a line
across it. Then a team of yoked oxen appears with grey ones in between and which have a connection with Germany. Then a fat blue
roan (horse) appears in Europe.
These visions point to events before and after WW2. The founding of the German Federal Republic and negotiations which would
follow, are absolutely meaningless! Cross out the finely worked-out war plans, etc. The team of oxen means that Germany acts with a
partner. With German surrender Van Rensburg sees a blue road disappear into the bushes in Germany. Germany will (in the future)
take strong action against England. England is dying (a pig). The pig is being dressed, meaning our (the Boers’) troubles are
becoming very serious: I see a pig lying in Europe with its head towards the west. It is being scraped clean with a sharp knife. Dusk
is falling and I see them hanging up the pig in the Union. (Then I saw a camp surrounded by shining wire and the grass turns white
around the camp. Brown horses appear in the east and my blue roan is amongst them. My old shoes come off my feet and I put on
new ones. Then a boot comes into sight, but the sole is missing).
After the end of WW2 there would be great discord in South Africa. ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ blue roan indicates that the Boers would not
only assume a leading role, but that they would also win an election and rule the country—new shoes (1948). The Boers would be in
power for many years. (Then a boot without a sole comes into sight—a sole only wears out after many years).
11. Inauguration of the Voortrekker Monument
21st November 1920: I am going North and a wire is strung across the road. A woman’s hand loosens the wire and I continue my
journey. Then I saw green grass in the burns and people are running around a hillock. My old Bible appears before me.
12. The Death of Advocate Strydom
20th April 1919: I am between four walls; the roof has blown off and it is becoming dark.
A Boer leader, Advocate J.G. Strydom, dies during his term of office (the roof has blown off) and dark times lie ahead for the nation.
13. Rioting In Europe
15th December 1917: A large cauldron is in Eastern Europe and a fire is burning beneath it (bloody rebellion and rioting). I see new
shoes in the north of the Union, but the tacks are falling out of them in a pile and they become melted lead.
Rebellion and rioting are rife in Eastern Europe, and shortly after the Boers got a Republic, but when it changed its policies, it was
the start of its downfall. This is precisely what happened: on 9th November 1956 the Hungarian uprising broke out and a handful of
rebels fought fiercely against the superior numbers of Russian oppressors while they pleaded in vain with the West for assistance. In
one of the bloodiest conflicts since WW2, Budapest was entirely destroyed by Russian tanks and heavy artillery and hundreds of
men, women and children died (cauldron with fire under it).
Not long after this, the Boer nation got its republic (new shoes, 1961). However, scarcely five years later (1966) the republic was
beginning to fall apart at the seams (tacks falling off the shoes). Advocate John Vorster succumbs to the financial powers with his
‘outward policies’ (melted lead).
14. South Africa Leaves the Commonwealth
More then 30 years ago the well-known journalist, Koos van der Merwe, wrote about the Seer in a newspaper: “Page with me
through this book of prospects. It was written 40 years ago, but is dated tomorrow and the day after. See, here on 9th September 1922
he saw Dr. Verwoerd leaving a conference hall in London 39 years later.
“On 23rd May 1923 you are a witness to trouble waiting for us in the future, and some years later it is written precisely what our First
President of the New South African Republic will look like one day...”
Seer’s third eldest son, Kallie, who, with his sister, Anna, wrote down their father’s visions, said to Koos van der Merwe: “When I
read about these visions, I see most of the troubles lie with blacks. Here is one: 23rd May 1923: I see a thick black cloud bank lying
to the northwest. It grows denser and denser, then the storm breaks. When it passes, the clouds disperse and the sun breaks through.

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15. Dr Verwoerd Murdered

8th July 1919: I leaned on my walking-stick and a small vein opened at the bottom, and blood flowed from it on to the ground and
my shoe. Then a corrugated-iron roofing sheet came off a beam and I saw the sky. The sheet returned to the beam and the walls of the
house became high.
Dr. Verwoerd was murdered in Parliament in 6th September 1966 -full vision and interpretation, Chapter 20.
16. The Cuban Crisis
18th December 1918: In the far north a pugnacious red bull stands with its head to the east. Then a white-backed bull with very sharp
horns goes from West to East.
The only time America (white-backed bull) and Russia (red bull) ever squared up to each other was during the Cuban crisis of 1962.
17. Aids: The World Looks Like A Dung-Yard
He saw immorality on the increase throughout the world; how a disease broke out in Africa as a result and mainly blacks dying from
it. It spreads throughout the world, but whites are relatively untouched by it:
12th December 1917: A great tank (reservoir) comes from the north. Fine sheep droppings roll from it (sexually transmitted diseases
as a result of immorality), the tank rolls South and the earth becomes like a dung-yard.
30th March 1918: An old little ‘Kaffir’(third world)dressed in women’s clothing (homosexual)sits in Europe and droppings roll off
him in the West (he is totally infected with this disease and the Western nations will also be infected).
This was the first vision the Seer had which predicted worldwide decadence, immorality and pornography, also referring to a
horrendous ‘dirty sickness’ as a result. In a later vision he cautions his people to lead chaste lives.
At that time nobody knew of the existence of Aids. Today the whole world is like a ‘dung-yard’, particularly in Africa and the rest of
the third world.
He had a vision on 22nd February 1922 and warned his people to live chaste lives: The world is clean, but it gives a turn and is then
filled with sheep droppings. I then clearly heard someone saying to me: ‘Gird your loins and let your light shine.’
After that the old prophet saw a Great Broom (11th March 1922) sweeping this filth from the earth. The meaning of the broom is
discussed in chapter 22.
18. Lesotho Becomes Impoverished
In Masus (Maseru, Lesotho) white goats trek South. I arrive at a large corrugated-iron house which is empty, and then a shop full of
goods, but there are no people.
Basotholand, now known as Lesotho, gained independence in 1966 and after the blacks took over, whites left the country. Lesotho
reverts back to its traditional lifestyle, crippling the economy. People are leaving as there is no more buying power.
19. Russia Changes Its Spots
22nd April 1917: A door opens in the east and gnu (a buffalo-like animal of the African plains) heads are seen; these become the
horns of tame cattle. A man emerges from the east. His watch-chain shines in the sun. Another man emerges from the south and he
takes the man from the east around the waist.
More than a decade ago it would have been unthinkable for Russia to open its doors to the West. When the Seer had this vision,
Communism had not even been established in Russia yet. But after more than 70 years, the ‘Iron Curtain’ is drawn back and
Westerner and Communist move freely across the borders. The man with the watch chain is undoubtedly Mikhail Gorbachev with his
‘perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’ (reform and openness) policies. In due course he also signs an agreement with America and/or Europe.
20. Religion—Communism’s Trump-Card
13th August 1922: There is still a cauldron on the fire, but the fire dies down. (Last of the uprisings).
30th October 1922: Two chickens are fighting in Europe—one black/grey and the other red/grey. The latter runs away and suddenly
many chickens are running East.
Birds can indicate either the economy or treason. Here we see a definite sign of division and struggle between two groups; on one
side there are black spiritual leaders (black/ grey chickens) and on the other the red/grey—the Communists, under the pretext of
religion. When the latter concedes victory, everybody in the ‘east’ frantically looks for new investment possibilities. After the Berlin
Wall was destroyed in 1989, exactly this happened. It was not cattle going east, otherwise it would have meant war.
21. The Chernobyl Disaster
22nd October 1923: I see a ‘boiler’ in Europe; fire bursts from the cover. A woman is gazing North; her white dress drops down and
she is then dressed in black. She turns and sits down in a chair and is completely dressed in black.
The ‘boiler’ mentioned here undeniably points to the disastrous explosion at the nuclear power station in the Russian town of
Chernobyl on 26th April 1986. The after- math of the explosion was far greater than the Russian authorities were prepared to admit at
the time. Leading scientists are of the opinion that this explosion was equal to that of 30 Hiroshima atomic bombs.
A massive ground area was contaminated by radioactive radiation which affected harvests as far as Finland two years later. The
explosion in the immediate vicinity of Chernobyl was catastrophic and 31 people died in a hell of flames. Another 160 000
Ukrainians were uprooted and left without shelter. Since then more than 8000 have died from the effects of radiation. Thousands of
contaminated reindeer, as well as great herds of cattle meant for slaughter, and even house pets had to be destroyed. Crops failed and
in 1987 a famine raged in that area.
However, it was a nightmare period for the inhabitants of the Chernobyl area which, in many cases, still continues. Information
leaked to the West paints a horrific picture of the pain and suffering among the impoverished farming families (particularly women
and children) who had to remain on their contaminated smallholdings, as there was nowhere else for them to go. Many are already
dead; others are slowly dying because of contaminated water and other natural resources.
According to the latest statistics (1995), three million Russians were exposed to radiation when nuclear experts ‘dusted’ radioactive
clouds to prevent them from reaching Moscow. Most of these victims will die within the next 10—15 years.
A Biblical connotation of these events came to light when a linguistic expert pointed out the meaning of the Ukrainian word
‘Chernobyl’—it means bitter or wormwood. We read about it in Revelation 8:10-11, and has a bearing on one of the plagues during

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the Great Oppression resulting from contamination and poisoning of water resources: “And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a
great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And
the name of the star is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died in the waters,
because they were made bitter.
22. Russia Collapses
30th May 1917: A cotton seed emerges from the east; leaves cover the seed like white cloths, and on this are red blood spots. A dark-
red bull with sawn-off horns is walking from north to south. There is a lot of chaff in the Cape. The chaff comes towards us, followed
by reeds moving west.
Russia loses power and collapses. The seed (money) emerging from the east, sketches the complete picture in present Russia. It is
financially bankrupt (leaves on the cotton seed), mainly as a result of its excessive military activities
The blood spots on the white cloths indicate its long history of bloodshed before its power is broken. A defeated Communism seek
support from America. At the same time empty promises (chaff from the Cape) are made to the nation. The reeds represent those
elements in society who blindly believe and accept everything they are told.
23. Ethnical Violence In Russia
10th April 1919: Two cattle—one speckled and one red—in the east of Europe are on the point of fighting when the red one
disappears. Then a wood fire burns in Eastern Europe. The speckled beast (representing various ethnical groups) and the red beast
(Communism) both indicate Russia. When they confront each other, Communism disappears, albeit temporarily, because:
18th July 1919: Shining sickles emerge in Europe and go west. Red oxen appear again. When they emerge, blankets roll up. (The
sickle, symbol of Communism, is revived in the West— red oxen appear again—under false pretences of offering care and
protection, but only death and destruction result). Smoke from dynamite spreads far out and pieces of wood scatter in the smoke.
24. Alliance With the British
2ND May 1920: The same direction in which the snakes were, is now a raging fire under a willow tree. (Rebellion and rioting).
10th June 1920: A speckled ox stands in Europe and turns around; then he becomes a white pig, then a white dog, then he disappears.
Then English wagons trek South. (Added later): I am standing in Western Europe and my hands are covered in blood.
The speckled ox (Russia) will change course once and undergo a metamorphosis twice. The first turnabout (the speckled ox turning)
occurred in the late 1930’s when Russia, despite a peace treaty with Germany, also signed a military treaty with England (the pig)—
to stab Germany in the back.
The second change (becoming a white pig) would occur more than 40 years later when Russia ostensibly changes its Communist
mantle for that of Capitalism (the pig). He would then, despite a front of integrity and good intentions (he changes to a white dog)
continue his ‘savage dog’ policies until he receives the final death-blow (he disappears). However, this will only happen after a
bloody battle in which South Africa (hands covered in blood) will also be involved.
25. Margaret Thatcher
12th December 1918: A straw hat appears in Europe and then a woman with blue eyes appears and she dons the hat.
This is the era of Margaret Thatcher—the first woman who would rule as premier in Europe (a hat being the symbol for a head of
26. Dismantling of Apartheid
23rd September 1917: Many black and white goats are mixed together east of Johannesburg. A road runs from East to West and in
this road a little ‘Kaffir’ is driving pigs this way. Many donkey carts assemble in the Free State; a dusty road runs West and I
suddenly take this road.
With this vision, Van Rensburg saw the dismantling of apartheid coming (black and white goats mixed together). England (pigs)
under pressure from Africa (little ‘Kaffir’), influences our leaders. The Afrikaners stand together for unity and self-preservation
(donkey carts assembling). But they return to their fixed traditions and erstwhile home (republics?) (a dusty road and I suddenly take
this road).
27. Parliament Without God’s Blessing
20th December 1918: Cars (carts?) in the Cape Colony go East and a hand pushes them along, and old yellow wheel follows them,
rolling on its hub.
Then black chairs stand in a circle. Cleaned (animal) intestines are draped behind the backrests.
A slaughtered pig hangs there; it disappears and sausage is lying on the ground. A small ‘Kaffir’ is here, driving cross-bred sheep to
the east. Some goats are among the leaders.
This vision has distressing undertones—people are being forced in a direction they do not want to go, by the government of the day.
The yellow wheel points to a major and important role being played by the Muslim leaders. (Van Rensburg also told Boy Mussmann
that a wheel rolling on its hub means ‘it is not according to God’s will’, and legislation being passed in parliament, will be done
without His blessing). Black chairs in a circle mean a black conspiracy. Intestines—foreigners co-operating. Slaughtered pig—a bad
sign for the Boer every time. Little Kaffir—the same evils and problems; and the cross-bred sheep are jingoes, or Boers that have
become anglicized. They are being involved in Communism by blacks.
28. Chris Hani Murdered
4th March 1922: The Union is dark, but it is as though the darkness is alive and opening up and a three-share plough emerges from
the east. Then an Englishman arrives from Johannesburg to the south, dressed only in shirt and trousers and clean-shaven, and
without a hat. People come peeping from south to East, holding small tin pails in their hands; the earth makes a turn and Boers riding
multicoloured horses trek Northeast.
The death or ruin of a very prominent man in Johannesburg creates wide interest. It is an Englishman and the fact that he does not
wear a hat, indicates that he might die violently. There is wide interest from all over, but it is not about sympathy—rather, what
advantage people could gain from the matter (tin pails). After a while the Boers turn away and leave for a destination Northeast on
their nulticoloured horses. They are not true Afrikaners.

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29. Sports Idol—Sword of the Enemy

Undated: During December 1993 I received a visit from Mr. and Mrs. P. van Rensburg of Plettenberg Bay (a great great-grandson of
the Seer’s brother, Pieter, and his wife). According to notes left by Mr. Van Rensburg’s father and also to Boy Mussmann, on a few
occasions the Seer, before his death in 1926, said he saw two major sins in the hearts of his people which would cause them much
distress, confusion and despair.
He often first spoke of the Boer’s mistake to always idolize his leaders, for they were also people of flesh and blood who would not
be able to achieve anything without the will of God. Secondly, he not only saw that we would become sports fanatics in the future,
but it would be idolized so much that the enemy would use it as a strong weapon against us. Eventually our enemies would compel us
to sacrifice our principles,
our religion, yes, everything for the sake of sports.
Mr. Van Rensburg said: “My late father often reminded us of this, but because we, as children, did not understand, we ignored these
warnings which Van Rensburg issued, saying that sports would be used by foreign forces to bring us to our knees and give in to their
demands. It was only during the 1960’s when I heard about other countries mentioning ‘sports boycotts’ over the radio that I
suddenly realised with a shock what Van Rensburg had meant by that sombre warning...”
Once again the old Boer prophet was correct: For the sake of international competition, an overseas tour, a gold trophy, we yielded to
the outside world’s demands and pressure; today we do not honour the Sabbath any longer and kneel before a ruling power which has
rejected Christ and who calls on the ancestral spirits during national assemblies.
And there is not a single Stephen among our leaders who has the moral courage to stand up for Christ, or like an Elijah of old, to drag
the treacherous priests of Baal to the river and slaughter them there. No! They prefer apologising to the drinkers of blood and
atheists, and their cause is defended on TV, from the pulpits and rostrums!
The tendency to idolize their leaders, Van Rensburg said to Boy Mussmann, will cost them dearly one day. In a letter written by Mr.
Mussmann to Mr. Cornelius Borman during June 1960, he wrote: “The truth ‘Oom’ Klasie told me was: ‘Our mistake is to idolize our
foremen. For that reason the Lord let them fall...’”
(The prophet, Jeremiah, also warns his people against this sin: Thus saith the Lord: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and
maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when
good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. (Jer: 17: 5,6).
According to Mr. Joos Haasbroek of Potchefstroom, there is a definite link between the idolizing of our leaders and the punishment
and dark times which the Seer referred to:
“When that dark time comes,” the Seer warned the nation, do not tie yourselves to the leaders and depend on the arm of flesh, for
they will disappoint you very deeply. Rather trust in God, as you should..." He also predicted that these events would occur around a
big election, one in which everyone, except loyal Afrikaners, would participate and which would lead to the final split between Boer
and Boer.
30. The Necklace Murders
Something like a human head emerges, wearing a white collar. These white collars become like rubber bands. Then a black hat lay
there. I see two people resembling officers who had been caught and they have lettering on their caps. (Two very prominent Police or
Defence Force officers are placed under arrest and tried).
31. A Black Man In A High Position
26th December 1921: A team of oxen, with grey ones in between, is in Europe and they are unyoked. The Union is ploughed under
and merino sheep trek to Johannesburg. There is one black sheep among them. A round black tank emerges from the east and fire
falls out from it.
The oxen are unyoked. This means that aggression in Europe will diminish temporarily. At the same time the ground in South Africa
is ploughed under. Everything is upside-down and what was on top is now below and vice-versa. Merinos (ministers) move to
Johannesburg, which has always been the centre of liberal activities. It is also the centre of financial power. A black sheep is among
them; this is a black man with so much authority, he is offered a government post. A round black tank emerges from the east and fire
falls out from it. Revolution and aggression incited from the Orient, spreads to our country.
32. Black Power Rips Boer Nation Apart
28th November 1917: There is a valley in the south and sheep appear from either side of it. A little ‘Kaffir’ appears and drives the
sheep on the west side northwards.
The Boers (sheep) achieved their goal after a long struggle—the Republic in 1961 (they appear out of the valley). However, it was
the strong influence of the black man over the liberals which caused division (and tearing apart) of the nation (a little ‘Kaffir’ drives
the sheep on the western side—the leftwing elements among the Boers— northwards).
33. Woe To Him Who Gathers the Nations
Undated: (Mr. Joos Haasbroek): “Whenever I visited ‘Oom’ Boy Mussmann, he always called me aside to speak about the Seer’s
prophecies. I had heard them so many times, and when I questioned him about them, he could speak until dawn the following day.
So, one day, while we were alone, he said: ‘What I am going to tell you now, I haven’t mentioned to anyone, and please keep mum
about it, because nobody will believe you, anyway. You see, ‘Oom’ Nicolaas told me that we would have a black government one day
and we would lose everything, but everything!’
“That night I could not sleep. Today I believe the Lord gave ‘Oom’ Nicolaas the gift of prophecy because He wanted to give him
(‘Oom’ Nicolaas) to the nation as a prophet, probably because the Lord knew the dark times that lay ahead for us.
“Regarding the Republic: ‘Oom’ Nicolaas spoke about Total Reform which would precede it, and it seems to me that the 1961
Republic was too soon for this prophecy—it still has to be fulfilled (our own Republic), but only after the turbulence of Total
“If you read the three chapters of Habakkuk, you may get a better understanding of God’s plan for us. Why do I say Habakkuk? It is
because we read about God’s judgments in chapter 2, and this indicates to us what Van Rensburg said about God’s plan for us.

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‘And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the
vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not He; though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it
will not tarry... the just shall live by its faith... a proud man cannot be satisfied... but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto
him all people. (Since 2nd February 1990, F.W de Klerk has done just that—he has gathered all the nations in South Africa for
himself! But today he is also picking the fruits thereof): ‘Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb
against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his...’ (The Good News Bible is even more merciless towards the
man who would gather all the nations under one blanket): ‘The conquered people will taunt their conquerors and show their scorn for
them. They will say: “You take what isn’t yours, but you are doomed! How long will you go on getting rich by forcing your debtors
to pay up? But before you know it, you that have conquered others will be in debt yourselves and be forced to pay interest. Enemies
will come and make you tremble... but now those who have survived will plunder you because of the murders you have committed
and because of your violence against the people of the world and its cities...’
“’Oom’ Nicolaas saw a vision during the War (1899-1902) which is worth a lot to us:
“After Cronjé was trapped on the hill at Magersfontein, General de Wet had Danie Theron crawl through the English columns to tell
him that he would shoot open a passage for him, so that they could escape. However, Cronjé did not want to do so. The Seer and
some burghers managed to get out and were then under the command of General de Wet. ‘Oom’ Nicolaas had a whitlow on his finger
and asked permission to go home to treat the condition. He was granted leave and on the first evening he slept over with a German
family. That night he had a vision of the Hand of the Lord putting pressure on the nation— sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier, and
which would continue until we were a completely free nation, followed by peace, blessings and prosperity.
“God is prepared to do His bit for us, but then He expects us to be a faithful nation. Once again, read Habak- kuk. About the
punishment the Lord will mete out to the enemy for their sins, we read Samuel 15: 2,3: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that
which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid in wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and
utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and
34. Corrupt Government Disappears
15th Nov 1917: An old boot appears from the north, the leather deteriorates and eventually there is a bare foot.
This points to a government which has been in power for a long time (the boot is old—the NP) but corruption and other misdeeds
eventually led to its downfall.
In the Seer’s day the National Party was at the beginning of its existence. The first elections had just been held when he died.
Nonetheless he saw the course of this Party, which would later become the strongest Party in the country, right up to it’s decline.
Seer van Rensburg saw the end of the National Party from 1919 until 1921 in four stages. There would first be a split; then surrender
to a black government under pressure from the West; after that he predicted the swift decline of the NP; then the resignation of its
leader and lastly a change of name (poplar tree) and disappearance.
a) Split: The splitting of the National Party was very clear in Nicolaas van Rensburg’s visions, particularly the vision of 9th May
1919: Wagons loaded with wood assemble in the Union; and when they disappear, the whole world is black as though everything is
burnt. A pole stands in the Cape and a butcher’s cleaver hacks off a piece.
The wagons assembling indicate preparations for a war, but although it is an undeclared war, (wood on the wagons), the effects
thereof would cause vast distress and bloodshed. A pole was always the symbol of a strong party or government. However a piece is
hacked off the pole, meaning the ruling party (NP) would be split in the Cape (Parliament). This occurred when first the HNP broke
away in 1969 and later the CP in 1982.
The split in the Boer nation was often seen in ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ visions. But this vision indicates a great and final split which would
originate in the Cape—Parliament.
Wagons loaded with wood assemble in the Union; and when they disappear, the whole world is black as though everything is burnt. A
pole stands in the Cape and a butcher’s cleaver hacks off a piece.
This vision is not just another variation. The cause of this great split in Afrikaner ranks will originate in the Cape, presumably in
Two days later, on 11th May 1919, the Seer had an even clearer vision of this split:
A saw cuts a piece of wood in half in the Union and it becomes a piece of poplar wood.
The interpretation of this vision partially links up with the previous one. The wood is sawed in half and changes into poplar. A Boer
Government or white ruling power are symbolized as an aloe. A poplar is alien to our nation and in this case it will be the ANC with
their Communist ideas on one hand and the waning NP full of foreigners on the other hand. The new Party, the ANC, will take over
Meanwhile a reader from Lichtenburg pointed out to me that there is also another interpretation for the vision of 11th May 1919: The
saw cut a piece of wood in half in the Union and it becomes a piece of poplar wood.
According to this man, this vision complements the vision of 9th May 1919, except that the poplar wood has nothing to do with the
ANC, but ‘refers to the splitting of the NP’ (the sawed-through wood). After the split the NP gets a new image which is unacceptable
to the Boer nation, and shortly thereafter the NP leader will resign and the name of the Party will change (becomes poplar). As was
said in Messenger of God, an aloe has always been the symbol of white rule in the Union—but after the split in the Party, he is hostile
towards the Boers, causing the bitterest dissension in our national history."
b) Surrender: The surrender of white rule began on the day Van Rensburg saw the Boer removing his shoes and kneeling before the
West, followed thereafter by a black government.
26th February 1922: In the north of the Union a Boer lets his shoes come off his feet and he kneels to the west.
And he already saw on 12th March 1917 that we would have a black Government...“I am at Wolmaransstad and I put on new black
c) Retrogression: Despite De Klerk’s promises after the 1994 election that the NP would grow from strength to strength and that he

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(De Klerk) would still be there in 1999 to beat the ANC and take over the Government again, he has let them down once again, for
today, four years later, the NP is totally ruined, and Mr. De Klerk is not there to lead them any longer.
In 1914 a certain Jan-Petrus wrote about a vision the Seer had concerning the decline of the NP: The Seer spotted a tall tree in our
country, and it started crumbling from the top, or ‘pluiings’, as he expressed it; and then the tree died, leaving a hole in the ground
where it stood. After that he saw a beautiful blue tree rise in both the Transvaal and Free State, bearing grapes as large as a good-
sized peach.
His interpretation was that our Government would disintegrate and that two other governments would rise in the Transvaal and Free
Seer not only correctly predicted the NP’s dramatic retrogression, but also the large-scale racial integration which would take place.
15th November 1921: And old boot appears out of the north, the leather deteriorates and eventually there is a bare foot. I walk among
my sheep here on the hillock and they are sleeping mixed up—mixed breed and merino.
When the Seer was in prison with Mr. Willie Lourens after the 1914 Rebellion, Willie complained to the Seer that they had to sit in
prison because they rebelled against the Boer traitors and England. Van Rensburg consoled him by saying that he saw something
good for the Afrikaner far in the future: I see a black pig with a white hair here and there in England. Seer said this means that the
black nations overseas will rise up against the whites (in England) one day, and some of the whites there will support these blacks.
He added: Then I saw this same pig hanging here and I knew we would also have trouble with the blacks, but this will not stop us
from getting our own free and independent Republic one day.
d) NP Leader abandons the ship: The ‘bare foot’ the Seer referred to in the back of his Bible, indicates that the Party is now without a
leader (boot)—he either died, or resigned. (F.W. de Klerk resigned as leader of the NP at the end of August 1997). According to the
Seer’s vision, this will spell the end of the NP, for in the vision there is no indication that the NP will last much longer after the boot
(leader) has deteriorated to such an extent that it fell off by itself. It might last in coalition with other parties for a while, but as party
it has no further say or influence any longer.
e) NP changes its name:
According to several letters I received, it is virtually a fait accompli that the new NP leader, Mr. Marthinus van Schalkwyk, ‘will have
to change the name of the party before the 1999 election, as the Seer has already predicted: The saw cut a piece of wood in half in the
Union and it becomes a piece of poplar wood.
35. Black Government Takes Over
12th March 1917: A great enclosure full of fat cattle is in Europe. There are three types; grey, black and red. They emerge from the
enclosure and wagons flee West; the world becomes dark. In the east a long iron wagon is under a rock and it moves the rock. I am at
Wolmaransstad and putting on new black shoes.
This vision depicts black rule and persecution. At first everything went well with Europe and with us, but the peace and co-operation
would be of short duration. The nation wakes up too late and an exodus to the west begins. Dark days break for us. Insecurity,
violence, confusion and ignorance become part of our daily existence (the earth grows dark). The national leaders will be
manipulated and controlled mainly by the iron fist of the treacherous Communists (in the east a long iron (treachery) wagon under a
rock and it moves the rock). There is underhanded manipulation and then ‘Oom’ Klasie put on new black shoes at Wolmaransstad
(his home). This means that a new government will come into power. For the Republic it means a black government, but the
Afrikaners will be the ‘west’ (Western Cape) and not be ruled by this government.
36. The New Constitution
10th June 1919 (NB): A hand holding a pencil makes two noughts on a clean sheet of yellow paper. (Seer told his daughter: This is a
very important vision for my people" Then she wrote N.B. next to it. Interpretation: A new constitution which will be worthless, is
Then I am in an empty house; the door opens and I go out and enter another house and it is very light through the window. (When
this agreement is concluded, the nation rejects this government (an empty house). The Afrikaner nation does not only get a new
government—entering another house— but its misery and hardships are at an end and faces a future of unparalleled peace, prosperity
and blessings (light through the window).
A white lady’s hat appears in Europe. (At this time a woman will take over power in Europe—note that the Seer refers to Europe and
not England. This vision does not point to Maggie Thatcher).
37. Brotherly Discord and Treason
Undated: The Boer nation was important to the Seer. Next to God, he loved his people the most, and their interests rested heavily
with him. He always spoke of the struggle that lay ahead for his people—the most intense struggle in its history, but it would also be
the final purification of his torn and confused nation. One afternoon, shortly before his death, he sadly confessed to his nephew,
Andries: “Andries, the Afrikaner nation will be purified once again, and nothing can stop it. Although fraternal quarrels and treason
will be intense among our people, I see we are still forging ahead on the road God has decreed for us...”
Seer always saw the Hand of God in the future of his people, and he implicitly trusted his God.
38. Schism...
This is fully dealt with in 34—Corrupt Government disappears, section a).
39. ...and Division
20th September 1919: Goats and sheep are all mixed, but the goats stand together.
Pro- and Anti-Government people will still live together. But in contrast to its enemies (the goats) who stand together, the Afrikaners
(Boers) will be divided amongst each other—a whim dating back as far as the days of the Great Trek. After this it has cropped up
repeatedly in the history of the Afrikaner, but now it is at its worst, although a pretence of unity is maintained.
40. Government of National Unity
10th October 1919: Many long nails lie around in the West of the Union. Then new shoes appear. The toe of one shoe is not yet

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Frantic efforts are made to form a new government. However, many plans and agreements will have to be abandoned to satisfy all the
relevant parties: (many nails lie around). It will also result in various government systems (regional management?): Note the plural
‘shoes’. Seemingly it will not succeed, for one of these ruling systems of parties are doomed to failure right from the start (the toe of
one shoe is not yet completed).
41. The ‘Rainbow’ Nation
8th February 1921: Many shoe tacks lying around on the ground and I have a handful of rusty ones in my hand. I am wearing new
‘I’ refers to the Afrikaner nation and the ‘new shoes’ on ‘Oom’ Klasie’s feet indicate that in the political context we are now moving
within a new sphere of the ANC, for the original little tacks turning into lead (Dr. Verwoerd’s policy), are unusable for this party.
They are rusted: and we know that a hammer-blow on the head of a rusty nail bends it in any direction. Then there are the many party
members who say today: “There is no room for me in the ‘old dispensation’.”
Therefore a ‘rainbow nation’ had to be created out of eleven nationalities; but the grand peace which had the outside world and the
ANC/SACP rejoicing, is all wishful thinking, for in this colourful rainbow, every ethnic group is fighting desperately to keep its
stripe pure!
There will be many attempts and battles before the Afrikaners (Boers) will get a new Republic. This search for solutions has been
ongoing for years; rusty nails thrown aside. It is only now that the future of Azania on the one hand, and the Boer Republics on the
other hand, is beginning to get on course. But the new shoes (Government) may probably not be what many people had in mind.
42. Murder Gangs Released
27th November 1915: A large sheet of dark red paper appears. On the right hand side there are blood red squares and on the left hand
side the squares are white. (Much will be written about bloodshed when the struggle against Communism by whites in South Africa
begins). I see wagons with red oxen. (The Communists are armed and ready for war). The prison pot comes to Pretoria, but it is
empty. (There is a general shortage of food). The prison cells are all open and the lines hang full of washed clothing. (Thousands of
criminals are released countrywide—criminals who have not nearly completed serving their sentences yet).
43. Uninvited Immigrants
18th April 1917: Wagons arrive from the South with a mixture of red speckled oxen. The two lead oxen unyoke themselves, the two
rear oxen turn black and then all the oxen turn black.
A mixture of red speckled oxen represent a variety of people from various national groups. However, red is the dominant colour
representing Communism or the British. The fact that the oxen unyoke themselves means that they are uninvited and make
themselves at home over here and have a change of heart. They turn black and pursue black idealism. (The next vision links up with
this one).
44. Squatters On the Advance
16th April 1919: Black cattle come through hills in the north of the Union. There are also black cattle in the east.
This vision, seen as far back as 1920, confirms what the Seer said—hordes of blacks descending down on us from North and East
Africa. When this happens, a very young and inexperienced leader figure will emerge and purposely drag the liberal English through
dark times into a chasm: A small boy drives pigs towards the west; it grows dark and they disappear. Then there is an enclosure
from which cattle emerge, but they turn around and return to the enclosure.
Meanwhile the blacks will have returned to their traditional habits of separate living areas (there was an enclosure) and many of them
will try to break away again, but without success.
The enclosure and black cattle that do not know where they want to go, is also an indication of how much confusion there will be—
even among the blacks.
45. They Swarm Like Locusts
Undated: A Mr. W.H. Boshoff of Marble Hall writes: “I am sending you two original letters (still in their original envelopes!) written
to me by the late Mr. Boy Muss- mann while I was residing in the then Southern Rhodesia. You will notice that they were written
many years ago, and as a result of my moving around, I had lost interest and forgot about them. It is a miracle that these two letters
were pre-served and I discovered them after my wife passed away while I was clearing up three months ago. I’m very pleased about
Deducing from these two letters and other statements and documents which had come into my possession, it might be necessary to
take another look at the Seer’s visions connected to the events in Zambia and Zimbabwe (the old Northern- and Southern Rhodesia),
as well as his incredibly accurate predictions of the Communist onslaught against White South Africa which followed:
“Foreigners will flock into our country; they are as numerous as locusts and they arrive, regardless of race, language, colour or creed.
One shipload of 500 arrived. Only one woman was a Protestant—the rest were all Roman Catholics, along with the blacks—all
enemies of ours. Read Nehemiah 13: On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people, and therein was found
written that the Ammoniate and the Moabite should not come into the congregation of God forever, because they met not the children
of Israel with bread and with water... Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed
multitude... In those days saw I in Judah some treading wine presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading asses... and I
testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals...and I contended with them, and cursed them, and plucked off their hair,
and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for
After that, Van Rensburg saw the English lose Tanganyika, Zambia and Zimbabwe: he told of the red flag coming from the north and
the whole world being ploughed under; then he saw a snake in this up-rooted earth and after that a black ox with speckles looking
South (at us).
Communism first gained a firm grip on Central Africa before spreading further to Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and
eventually South Africa. He describes it thus: “I see small and large red cattle (the English) from Nyasaland (Malawi) and Kenya
fleeing in a north-westerly direction (Zambia) from the snake. A long line of ‘Kaffir’ spears appears behind the English, then a bucket

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of blood falls over.

(Every time Van Rensburg saw a bucket of blood, this was followed by massive human slaughter. During his lifetime he had four
such visions in which he saw a bucket of blood. The first was early in 1917, referring to WW2, the second one was when violence
erupted in the (then) Belgian Congo; he described the third to a minister, Dr. Servaas Rossouw—a bucket of blood will fall over in
the north when the Afrikaner takes matters into his own hands, and in the fourth, after the conclusion of the Afrikaner’s freedom
struggle and after “our enemies have fled”—he saw the ‘Vierkleur’ being submerged in a bucket of blood and then hoisted over a free
He saw the progress of the Communist onslaught in Africa as follows: Other whites flee our way. The dust before their wagons
catches alight. I see it is mountainous country; smoke and flames erupt from the mountains and people, fighting fiercely, come into
sight. They flee so swiftly that the dust flies behind them. Their cause is our cause and we will have to stand together. A snake
(Communists) comes sailing out of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), keeping low in the long grass ( it is sly). ‘Oom’ Klasie does not
see its head. When it reaches Mafikeng (the original name, later changed to Mafikeng, then reverting back to the original name), it
turns and goes to Vereeniging. (Here we are given an unbelievable description of the route by which the Communist insurgents
entered South Africa and where their power-base was situated).
“The snake from Southern Rhodesia goes to Vereeni- ging (Sasolburg). Many English leave East London and Port Elizabeth; some
will flee while others will go to assist the enemy at Vereeniging. Now ‘Oom’ Klasie said: ‘I am walking among the mine dumps in
Johannesburg and not a human being is to be seen (all the mine ‘Kaffir’ have gone home) and all the cars are standing still.’”
46. the ‘chicken run’
10th December 1920: Sheep come together in the north where they turn into white-backed cattle. A pile of ash lies in the west and
a hobbled white horse walks across the ash; it becomes free and young people run to where the white- backed oxen are.
They are fleeing before the Spectre of Terror which God will create in their hearts...
While aliens are overrunning the country, the great ‘chicken-run’ begins: the sheep become white-backed cattle. These are
Americanised and anglicized Afrikaners, and driven by a spectre of terror, are fleeing pell-mell out of the country in droves. The
prefer leaving their compatriots in the lurch rather than staying and fighting for their rights.
(Since Mr. de Klerk’s reform on 2nd February 1990, the white population has diminished from 5.5 million to 3.9 million over a
period of five years, and the end is not yet in sight. Ironically, these ‘chicken-runners’ are not only the top brains in the country, but
also those who hailed De Klerk’s reform initiatives the loudest; who eagerly voted ‘yes’ in every election and referendum. Small
wonder, then, that the NP is on its last legs—its most ardent supporters have all fled!
Until recently the Censorship Board still had the power to prevent the youth of South Africa from being exposed to undesirable
publications and movies from America; the horse was hobbled and could not do as it pleased. The Board has now been muzzled and
done away with by the ANC, because that same horse is now free.
Since the Censorship Board has been stripped of its powers, an unprecedented wave of pornography and violence has hit our nation.
Every norm of decency has been done away with, and unfortunately our youth is no longer prepared to adhere to decent Christian
standards—they have boisterously embraced America and its filth. The evil influence is very much apparent in our movies and books.
47. The Boer Nation In Sackcloth and Ashes
26th February 1922: A woman, heavily dressed in mourning attire, emerges from the west of Europe. A farmer in the north of the
Union lets his shoes fall off his feet and he kneels towards the west.
The nation is in mourning. Dark times are experienced and people are despondent. A time will come when the nation will kneel down
before God in humiliation—political and other differences are forgotten, for they do not matter any longer. In the face of the
destructive attack on the Afrikaner, he returns to God with whom he made a Vow, and now he is praying that the sun will not set over
48. The Boer and the Parasite
5TH May 1921: A woman flees from a house standing in the east. A small hole appears and a whip goes into the hole. Then donkeys
pull a yellow cart and they go through a muddy marsh. Eventually the cart becomes a wagon with a long team of donkeys in front.
The wagon brake is on, but the team manages to pull the wagon through the marshland.
A woman fleeing from a house, a lady head of Government (Margaret Thatcher) is forced to resign. At the same time a whip enters a
small hole. A whip is used to exert authority and to discipline, but there is no longer authority. And the Boers (donkeys) have become
the slaves of the Indians (yellow wagon), being expected to do the dirty work while the Indians sit on the wagons like parasites. The
lengthening donkey team indicates increasing financial pressure on the Boers.
48B. Election Fraud
10TH May 1921: A yellow wagon comes from Johannesburg and a yellow sieve emerges from the wagon. A yellow wagon and
sieve means fraud in an election or referendum. (This vision must be read in conjunction with the previous one).
49. America and Russia Bend the Knee
11th August 1918: White-backed oxen, led by a small boy, draw wagons in Europe. Then there were red oxen with two white- backed
oxen, led by small ‘Kaffir’.
America exercises influence over England. But here in Africa, Russia and America are led by the nose by blacks.
50. The Truth Commission (1)
11TH August 1918: A folded blanket emerges from the east and unfolds. Then there is a pole and a ‘Vierkleur’ hangs on top of it. The
earth is pitch black in the west.
Although the Boer leaders will attempt to keep their deeds of the past secret, they will be exposed, largely through the aid of Indians.
The pole with the ‘Vierkleur’ flying from it, refers to the ‘loyal Afrikaners’. When the struggle is over, they will not only stand more
firmly, but also gain their long-sought freedom. At this stage, bloody wars will still be fought somewhere in the world (...the world is
pitch black). (Also compare the vision of 10th May 1922).
51. The Truth Commission (2)

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10th May 1922: The Union comes into sight, completely ploughed under and it looks like an ash-heap which has been ploughed
Everything is turned upside-down. Corruption and deceit, lies and secrets from all sides and parties are revealed.
52. Free State Boers Meet Opposition
23 June 1918: A large sheet of brown paper is burning from the west. I am trying to douse the fire, but it flares up in a steep road
running West. I ride South on an open road. Clouds over Europe seem as if they are alive and where they touch the earth, the look
like harvested maize fields.
This indicates a vast orchestrated campaign to finally finish off the Boer nation and bring it further into disrepute. It is initiated in the
Free State and the farmers, in particular, will suffer the most. The campaign intensifies and gains momentum. The ‘upright Afrikaner’
turns away on his own course where there is no resistance or obstacles. Secret things are being done in Europe against the Afrikaner
(There are clouds that seem alive). The harvested maize fields indicate a period of famine and misery for the whole of Europe.
53. Divorce and Death of Princess Diana
According to Professor A.G.W. Raath and N. van Zyl (Die Vierkleur wapper weer: Die Visioene van Siener van Rensburg, Vierkleur
Uitgewery, Bloemfontein, 1994) (The ‘Vierkleur’ flies again: The visions of the Seer van Rensburg), the Boer prophet already
predicted Prince Charles’ and Princess Diana’s divorce on 20th January 1919: A ditch is in the Union and a woman emerges from the
top end. She is dressed in khaki and a sieve is above her head. When the woman disappears, ears of wheat are fully developed. A thin
stream of yellow water runs across an old road from North to West, and when the water had finished running across, a large flock of
merinos walked along the road.
The Seer said a ‘divorce was hanging over the head of a very renowned British lady of noble birth’ (Diana), and when she dies, we
prepare for a big election...
The Seer often said when he ‘sees’ ripe wheat, it means an election is on the cards. (Compare his vision of 1st July 1925). And this is
exactly what happened! A few days after Princess Diana’s death on 29th August 1997, the first election shots were fired by the NP
and ANC, and shortly thereafter (4th October 1997) the Conservative Party announced during its annual congress that it would
participate in the elections. The vision further indicates Oriental involvement (yellow water) and that many loyal Afrikaners
(merinos) would turn their backs on the NP and CP to return to the ‘old ways’ and act in their own interests, as their leaders had never
done for them.
The Free State farmers did so when they took the law into their own hands at the end of 1997 to avenge the cold-blooded murders of
white farmers. However, according to the Seer, they will soon be stopped by the Government, although the murders will escalate
until the planned election in 1999.
In three other important visions (16th and 23rd January 1916 and 3rd September 1920), he not only saw how this English Lady
would be stripped of everything after her divorce, but that her sudden death would plunge the whole of England into mourning. He
further said that there would be dirty tricks involved in her death, and that she would die in a car accident. 1. (16th January 1916): A
beautiful noble lady dressed in yellow is English. She becomes naked. (After her divorce the Princess lost her claim to the throne, as
well as her titles).
2. (23rd January 1916): A lady wrapped in mourning cloth (death) and a sieve on the western side. There is a large shining table with
cotton lying on it (dirty trick). A pile of ash lying there (the scandal which she brought over the Royal House was the reason she had
to die. Among other things, there were rumours that Diana was expecting her Muslim lover’s child and also that she would be
marrying him shortly). There are car tracks in the road (she would die in a motor car accident).
3. (This vision comes from the Krause-document. Van Rensburg wrote to Mr. S. Naudé of Bethlehem about this on 3rd September
...A yellow ‘spider’ (a light English coach) travels East and when it stops, a beast emerges from underneath and overturns it. The red-
spotted beast stands there and the spider has disappeared.
In his letter to Mr. Naudé, the Seer explains that one of the occupants in the spider was an English nobility, and that the speckled red
beast (America—CIA?) was responsible for the accident.
But Van Rensburg also saw at the same time of the divorce and accident, it would hold serious repercussions for the British throne.
During the 1920’s he told Mr. van Rooyen some interesting predictions about the British Royal House. Mr. van Rooyen was a good
friend of the old prophet and the visions were sent to me by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bessie van Rooyen of Henneman:
“Every time ‘Oom’ Klasie saw a snake in a vision, he said there would be racial problems and that the earth was overturned
(ploughed under). This racial conflict leads to treason, or dirty tricks; an important person dying violently. and/or war (in other
words, there will surely be bloodshed).
“The Seer told us in great detail how World War 2 would break out, who would participate and also that Germany would emerge a
defeated and broken nation from the conflict...”
54. Election In the Western Cape
31st August 1917: Wagons assemble on a floor in the Cape; when they reach the floor, wheat sheaves fall down and they are
winnowed. In the west a blue flag appears and it seems if it wants to come here. An enclosure with aloes stands in German West; the
enclosure gives a turn and then wagons were travelling South.
When the Seer specifically refers to the ‘Cape’, the old Boer republics are not included. At some or other stage an election will be
held in the Western Cape only, and against all expectations, drastic political changes occur (winnowed or clean wheat). This is
followed by German intervention (blue flag). By this time blacks are already ruling the country here and in South West (Namibia),
(aloe enclosure). With the passage of time (enclosure turning), South Africans leave Namibia and return here (wagons travelling
55. The Last Sifting
10th November 1921: The mist clears and a wagon is loaded with sheaves. The sheaves fall on the floor and the floor becomes clean.
Small clouds are seen in the north; they move away from each other and the sun shines brightly.

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The harvest is in and loaded on the wagon. There is division among the Boers and those who do not belong to the nation. The latter
have no share in the vision. Sheaves on the floor means that preparations are being made for winnowing. This will be the last sifting
process for the nation. After this the sky opens and the sun shines on the Boer nation.
56. Nuclear Disaster at Koeberg?
13th September 1914: Darkness descends. Two small lights. A massive engine emitting smoke which covers the mountains and then
people come walking across the bare earth. He (the Seer) sees a town where the houses disappear. Our people appear. He sees a large
red bull with shortish horns and he is surrounded by fierce red cattle. The carts go up and it is SO DARK HE CANNOT SEE HIS
HORSE’S MANE. The world is burnt black. The further he goes, the hotter he feels the glow in his face. He then enters the home of
‘Tant’ Nonnie (General de Wet’s wife) and the carts pass by.
A massive power failure will occur countrywide at the same time the Boer nation is engaged in its final battle for survival. It seems if
a massive explosion will occur at Koeberg and everything in the vicinity will be destroyed by radiation (the earth is bare and the
houses disappear). Followers of a moderate Communist leader (Mandela) are dangerous and pugnacious. Once this leader disappears,
the dark time arrives for the Afrikaner-Boer. The destruction caused by the nuclear disaster will be felt for a long time. During this
time ‘upright’ Boer women will take care of their compatriots. Many people will move North from the disaster area.
57. Night Attack On Johannesburg
In 1921 the Seer had a terrifying vision of a night attack on Johannesburg by black terrorists. He said it would occur very suddenly
and unexpectedly:
A man would be standing on his verandah in the evening, looking out over the city and say to his wife: “What a beautiful evening.”
However, the barking dogs will awaken them in the early hours of the morning and they will hear gunfire and bloodthirsty screaming
of the attackers running through the streets. Then they will realise that it has begun. However, nobody will be able to stop them and
thousands will be killed in that night attack.
Even the Bible speaks about this in Job 24: 12-14, describing how murderers will strike before dawn; how the wounded will lie
groaning in the city, but God will not answer them, because this will be the divine judgment which they have deserved.
The Bible also predicts this in Isaiah 29:3: And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount,
and I will raise forts against thee. Even the first chapter of Jeremiah warns us that the enemy will descend on us and raze everything
we possess within sight. And exactly as the Seer has said, Jeremiah tells us that this attack will take place at night when the enemy
will be plotting against us—Jer: 6:5: Arise, let us go by night, and let us destroy her palaces. Verse 11 says they will spare nobody,
neither women nor the grey- beards; then they will take our houses, fields and women for themselves. God Himself says in verse 16
why this judgment will fall on us, for we have gone astray from the right ways. He wants our church leaders to stand up again and
ask to return to the old ways which were the right ones. But our church leaders said: We do not want to follow those.
The horrifying slaughter which will take place among the whites, and the terror they will experience, will be their punishment
because they did not continue to follow the old ways.
According to Isaiah 17, these murderers will descend down on us with a terrible roar—like that of many waters.
However, just when we think it is over, God will send His Angels to our rescue. These locust swarms (murderers) will be
overpowered by a spectre of terror, and they will flee, according to verse 13: The nations shall rush like many waters; but God shall
rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing
before the whirlwind. But they will flee too late, for according to verse 14, He will then release the spectre of terror over them and
destroy them all in one night: And behold at eveningtide trouble, and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that
spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.
58. Our Interests In Europe
6th August 1922: In Northern Europe a man dressed in a brown suit stands looking South.
During the dark period of our history, a South African in Europe bears our interests at heart.
59. Treaties Reaffirmed
9th August 1922: A large blue cloth appears before me and opens up, showing photographs of people and writing in blue lettering. I
could not read it completely. Then a large sheet of paper with black lettering, at which I looked, appeared. This was followed by an
open Bible.
Germany approaches the Afrikaner with a suggestion, undertaking, or perhaps an agreement—perhaps the treaties of 1914 are related
to this. However, the Afrikaner does not sign, and is not informed of the contents. Then there is a very important document or letter,
followed by the Bible, which represents the Vow. There is no sign of aggression or opposition, and the blue letters could mean that
the Germans will honour the Vow.
60. Cause For the Boer Gains Support
25th May 1922: White goats assemble, but the angora goats trek West. The angoras come so close to me that I pat them on their
backs with my hand. Wheat is being winnowed and clean wheat covers a large area.
The English will stand together, but Englishmen with Boer hearts break away and join the Afrikaners, who accept them. An election
follows and the cause of the Afrikaner gains strong support.
61. The Boer’s Faith Restored
10th February 1921: Something grey, which looked like a tent, was above my head, and it became light in the Free State. The Free
State flag appeared and a dry vineyard started budding and green leaves appeared.
A tent represents a nation and a grey tent is the Boer. This vision refers to Boers in the Free State, and the light, as well as the flag,
indicates that the Free Staters with Boer hearts will return to their roots and their national identity. They not only return there (the
vineyard starts budding), but this also means that their faith in God has been restored with good results.
62. Faithful Afrikaners Apart
21st August 1921: A number of cattle are running in Europe. There are grey ones in between; they gradually take the lead and run as
though something is chasing them. A road goes West and donkeys stand in line at the bottom of it.

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Authorities are scrambling around in Europe and South Africans are among them. Possibly this scrambling has something to do with
the situation in South Africa, seeing as the South Africans take the lead in this scrambling and running as though being chased.
This means South Africa is fleeing from the European governments. Contrary to a situation of war, the South African Government is
attempting to get away from the influence of overseas countries. However, the faithful Afri- kaners are not involved in this.
They are following their own road and do not participate in the fleeing. They are organised and on course. (Sometimes grey also has
something to do with Germany).
63. Germany Arms the Boers
5th November 1922: A white dog enters a hole in the Union. I come in front of the hole which grows larger, and tracks lead West.
The hole becomes a dam wall on which I am standing and the dog emerges from among the paving stones. A gun with its barrel
pointing East is in Europe and bags are tied shut. They disappear East. I am standing with a new Mauser against my head (German
A dog is a head of government which has degenerated and is now hiding in a hole, seeking shelter, or fleeing somewhere, or to
someone, who will give him sanctuary. When the Afrikaner confronts him head-on, he has already fled to the West. The sanctuary
becomes a dam wall (the economy of a country). Whoever gives him refuge has strong ties with the economy. A white dog emerges
from among the paving-stones. These paving-stones symbolize state debts and this leader is responsible for much of it. At the same
time war is threatening in Europe, but this is being planned in secrecy. The aggression will be aimed at the East-bloc and will
eventually move there. The Afrikaner will co-operate with the Germans in the area of weapons. This could include arming.
64A. They Receive Secret Support
10th June 1922: It is misty in the east and a new rifle comes to me with butt first.
Extracted washings are seen at the diggings, but everybody has left. A large pile of soil lies in Johannesburg, but nobody is to be
A gun is given to the Afrikaner (he is being armed), but the vision does not say by whom, or what. He takes a stance against the East
(Russia, Oriental, liberal, etc). War clouds are building up and the misty weather indicates that this is being done covertly. The mines
close and nobody is working them any longer. It seems if this happened very suddenly as the washings have all been extracted, but
nobody has had time to work them further.
64B. Arming At Prieska
5th July 1922: A rifle appears with its butt to the east in the Union. I am aiming east with a new rifle.
The Afrikaner receives good weapons and can continue the fight against the onslaught from the east.
65. The Battle At Vereeniging
10th July 1922: A yellow piece of iron is at Vereeniging and it draws a yellow circle on the ground. A black pig with a long snout
goes to Vereeniging from Johannesburg.
This vision is part of the Seer’s visions about the last great struggle for survival of his people. He said the enemies of the Boers will
flee to Vereeniging in confusion when the first bombs begin falling. The piece of yellow iron drawing a circle indicates the traitors
who assemble at Vereeniging in an effort to finish off the Boers.
Seer also refers to the black pig with a long snout coming from Johannesburg. Black pigs point to liberal-minded capitalists who
support black ideology. The long snout indicates that they will have much to say in announcing this. They also go to Vereeniging,
probably to encourage their own people there.
66. Collapse of Black Government
10th August 1921: There is a big house and it is almost dark. The house disappears and only the foundation remains.
I then walked North down a road in the darkness and eventually stand on a dam wall with a piece of rope in my hand.The house
standing in near-darkness indicates the country concerned is in an extremely desperate state of affairs. The house disappears and only
the foundations remain—in other words, the Government has collapsed and is virtually destroyed. The darkness remains, but in this
darkness (extremely critical time) the Afrikaner will continue on the road which he has decided upon—he will stay on course until he
reaches a dam wall—this indicates something to do with the economy. The rope in the Seer’s hand is a source of rescue which only
he will have at his disposal.
67. Namibian Whites Come To South Africa
27th July 1918: Brown wagons, (Southwest Boers) with their shafts pointing South-west stand in South West (Namibia).
White Afrikaners in Namibia are preparing to emigrate south and join the Boers of South Africa.
68. Loyal English
29th May 1917: Wagons trek from East to West in the Free State. There is dim writing on brown wagons without oxen. A large house
stands in the south. Angora goats at the rear of the house go out of the yard, which remains empty.
In the course of time numerous English (angora goats) will identify themselves with the Afrikaner (Boer). Throughout the years they
supported the Government in all its reforms, but this changes. These English Boers who remained loyal and fought on the side of the
Government (behind the house) are now leaving and the yard remains empty. The Government will not be able to rely on their
support any longer. Dim writing always indicates lies and the truth being hidden.
69. Financial Power Flees To Gauteng
15th September 1921: It is very dark and pigs are running to Johannesburg where there is a fence. Then it became light, but the world
is pitch-black.
Uncertainty and fear drive the financial powers together. They seek refuge in Johannesburg (Gauteng); possibly to the stock exchange
or large corporations as antipodes against nationalization. Johannesburg is the capital of large corporations, Stock Exchange, etc.
They get temporary respite, but the earth is pitch-black, meaning that all their efforts will be shipwrecked and they will go under in
the process.
70. Glow of Fire Over Gauteng
Vision: 1st October 1917: Maize cobs are on fire in Johannesburg. On this side of Johannesburg a number of grey goats with white

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bellies are gathered on a rise. Wild muscovy ducks come from the east and fly in the direction of the fire. ‘Kaffir’ spears appear in the
east. Small and large red cattle go out from East to Northwest.
Interpretation: The maize cobs on fire in Johannesburg is a sign of riots and bloodshed occurring there. (Compare other visions with
this one: 12th August 1922 and 12th July 1923). At the same time there are English (grey goats with white bellies) who identify
themselves with the cause of the Boers. Foreigners (wild muscovies) from East Africa (Mozambique and Tanzania) flock into the
country and wherever they go, there is violence and bloodshed (‘fly in the direction of the fire’). But the actual violence with the
blacks and their communist allies starts at this point (‘Kaffir’ spears appearing in the east and small and large red cattle go out).
71. Power Failure
On 1st August 1917 Van Rensburg saw people in Gau- teng using firewood again—there is no power, and most people have nothing
but cold porridge to eat. This is a clear vision of a massive power failure in Gauteng.
72. Pension Funds Collapse
On 1st March 1919 he saw several leading Communist-aligned figures being shot dead in a single attack outside a building where
peace negotiations were in progress. I am standing next to a large white house and many people are on the eastern side of the house,
but they are without hats. The white pension funds collapse; it will coincide with massive race riots in Europe and England will be
worst-hit. A number of small peach trees in Pretoria disappear so that the area where they grew, is as bare as a floor. A large black
snake lies curled up in Europe.
73. Collapse of Government of National Unity
10th March 1922: Horsemen and one riderless horse approach alongside ploughed fields. Then there was a large field of maize
alongside which brown horses and a donkey are running East. The maize disappears and the field looks as if it has never been
ploughed. Old roads run on either side of maize fields, and the maize disappears and once again it looks as though they were never
Several leaders (Government of National Unity) are in control of the country. Among them is a parasite which has contributed
nothing. At first it seems if progress is being made (there are crops). The Afrikaners among them are well-disposed towards the
Orientals; however, one of them is a ‘loyal Boer’ (a donkey). They go East—for the Afrikaner it is the direction of the enemy. Then
degeneration and chaos begins and all their efforts to establish unity, are destroyed. They receive no further support, and have nothing
to fall back on, as the things they had pinned their hopes on, are non-existent.
74. Destruction of Andalusia (Jan Kemp Dorp)
I received several letters from people who have knowledge of a vision the Seer had shortly before his death; a sinister vision which
would be fulfilled in the future in that area. He allegedly said: “I see a dreadful conflagration at Andalusia (renamed Jan Kemp Dorp).
It will be the worst fire the country has ever seen.”
(It is relatively well-known that one of the largest weapons and ammunition stores in South Africa is located at Jan Kemp Dorp, and
fairly recently a military expert, speaking at a meeting held in the town, stated that sabotage of the stores would cause a frightening
and total destruction in a radius of approximately 200 km [including Vryburg and sections of Kimberley]. Much of the ammunition
stored there is old and very unstable).
75. Vaal Triangle Prepared For War
13th May 1918: Numerous small grey locusts in Johannesburg.
Locusts or grasshoppers represent Government troops or a nation preparing for war. The locusts are not large, thus it is not a large
army as that of a large country. Their grey colour identify them as Boers in the Johannesburg area (Vaal Triangle?) preparing for war.
76. Boers Also Prepared For War
Vision: 25th May 1923: Unarmed ‘Kaffir’ come in sight far in the east. I felt something alive in the pocket of my jacket and when I
put my hand in and turned it inside-out, live locusts fell out and hopped northwards (Locusts indicate a nation preparing for war).
77. Nation In Revolt
6th October 1917: Four clean tin bowls in the west; then three ‘Boer’ pots (round three-legged cast-iron pots) with fire underneath
them. When the fires died down, I scooped food from one of the pots into a bowl.
The four empty bowls represent expectations harboured by the Boers. Because their expectations are not met, the nation revolts. It
will be a large revolt as there were three pots with fires under them. The Boers themselves will stop the revolt, for the fires die down
naturally. As a result of the revolt and pressure on the government, certain concessions will be made to the Boer’s demands.
78. Parliament Dissolves
Undated: One of the prophesies concerning the present split in Afrikaner ranks was noted down by 82 year old Mr. P.M. Prinsloo of
Pretoria. This will take place immediately after an election of referendum: “Parliament dissolves, and dissolves again, after which
things happen very quickly. Boers go in and out of their houses. Their hats are pulled over their eyes and their heads hang low. (They
are very despondent). I see spots on their eyes which look like cataracts (they are blinded and cannot see what is happening around
them). Then I see Hosea 4:16 appear before me: For Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer; now the Lord will feed them as a
lamb in a large place. (Israel is unprotected).
While liberals and the outside world rejoiced over the election results, a spirit of total dismay and despair descended over the
rightwingers, as though they could not believe or understand what had happened to them. Even the AWB (Afrikaner Resistence
Movement—an ultra- rightwing group) had retreated into the background, and all their intentions and plans to fight for the cause of
the Boers, were forgotten. The Boers were never so badly demoralized, even after the Treaty of Vereeniging, or the failed 1914
In this condition of bitterness and depression, they could possibly still swing into action and rip the delicate, tottering democracy to
pieces. However, that had to be avoided at all costs; give them sports, sports tours, and even more sports; but the main course always
had to be ‘king rugby’—the nectar to which the Boers were addicted for so many years. And happily satisfied, they spent their days
in front of TV, held barbecues and guzzled beer while they watched every smash-hit and every movement of their heroes while
cheering them on the cricket grounds and rugby fields of the world. For while in that condition of euphoria, one forgets that you’ve

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been retrenched, that you have no livelihood, neither have you any rights or privileges, and that you have been reduced to the status
of beggars by those to whom you gave yesterday and the day before.
79. A Coup d’Etat
1st July 1917: Cattle with very sharp horns in far Eastern Europe. New wagons are in the West. A ladder stands against the wagons.
Somebody comes along and picks up the ladder and when he does this, there is a platform on top with three Boers on the platform.
Violence is still a threat in Eastern Europe. Things have changed here (new wagons). However, power and prestige will be taken from
a new leader and he is replaced by leaders of the three Republics. it is not clear whether the Seer refers here to three different parties,
or whether it is someone who will act on behalf of the three Republics. However, it does point to a coup d’etat (the ladder is
80. Salvation For Our Women and Children
On 24th June 1923 Van Rensburg saw how true Afrikaner women and children were almost supernaturally taken away to a safe
haven shortly before the great trouble started. He also saw degenerated Afrikaners and liberals fleeing the country as there was no
refuge for them.
Other new visions I have received, surrounding the possible death of this leader, is the following:
81. Face of A President
Shortly before his death, the old the Seer described the appearance of the State President of the New Boer Republic, who would be
elected by the nation:
I see him, a man with a full face, rather like that of Minister Piet Grobler, Minister of Lands. A man with a broad face. I cannot reveal
more, but this is clear...
82. A Completely New Life
12th August 1922: I stand dressed in a new grey suit and new shoes next to a new saddle and bridle. A blue rolled-up flag comes out
of Europe. A large pile of maize cobs lies in the west and these are burning on the sides (Europe). A pot containing food and fire
under it is in the east (Union), and (23rd August 1922) there is another pot on the fire, but the fire dies down.
Everything is new—appearance, future, Government and also the seat. Total renewal is in store for the Boers, but not in the manner it
is being forced upon us. This renewal only applies to the Afrikaner. The blue, rolled-up flag is Germany. That country may play a role
in our future, but we do not know how. The pile of cobs burning on the sides indicates a revolution or war in Europe which is in its
last throes. At the same time there is rebellion in South Africa, but because there is a pot full of food on the fire, it means it is good
and justified.
83. Traitors Mercilessly Punished
12th July 1923: A great pile of maize cobs appear in the west and they are all on fire. Then I entered a large new thatched-roof house.
Honeycombs appear and a knife slices through them. Then honey was on the table.
Maize cobs symbolize useless whites (who call themselves Afrikaners, but they are not) and they are burned (evicted from Afrikaner
ranks). A new Government of Boer Ministers is indicated by a new thatched-roof house. It is also a large house, indicating a strong
Government over which the Afrikaner has full control. The honeycombs symbolize great prosperity. It is served on the table and is
available to all who wish to partake of it.
84. An Interim Boer Government
4th August 1922: While I am standing, my shoe is covered by a new upper, and I am wearing a beautiful new suit.
Then I was dressed in a new brown suit—the colour of our nation.
The Boer nation gets an interim Government. The new suit symbolizes self-respect, pride and prosperity. After that he wears a brown
suit, indicating that everything will be genuinely Afrikaner.
85. Confiscation of Property
29th November 1917: Two large slices of bread, spread with honey, come to me. Vast riches which were traditionally the property of
the Boer nation, falls back to it and repossesses it.
86. Prosperity For the Boers
29th July 1917: This morning I saw a basket full of almost-ripe yellow summer peaches in the west.
This means great prosperity is on the cards for the Boers. However, he did not say when this would be fulfilled.
87. Their Ultimate Destiny
10th November 1921: A large gallery is in the sky to the north, and this gallery is like the description of the Tabernacle with the
golden candlesticks, and a large number of blue-eyed children, dressed in white, emerge from behind the gallery and come South.
They are led by two sisters; all are about ten years old and they say: “We have come to share in the joy of our fellow brothers and
sisters for whom we were a sacrifice.”
This vision has a bearing on the ultimate destiny of the Boer nation and is discussed in detail in Chapter 22.
88. Englishman, Now You Will Mourn
25th December 1918: Oxen, ploughs and people in the Union come West and then the whole earth is ploughed under. On the
eve of the Rebellion, Gen. de Wet and other war veterans held a meeting at Koppies and made a resolution that if Botha and Smuts
decided to annex German West for England, we would hoist the Vierkleur and fight for a Republic.
Then Van Rensburg saw a rolling apple and when it stopped, it was a newborn baby girl. As we progress towards a Republic, the
child grows until she is an adult woman (dressed in brown). Then there were lily-like flowers of a shiny yellow colour in the Union.
They rose into the air and a woman in brown lay on her side. She got up and walked. A human spirit appeared and said: “We
mourned, now you will mourn!”
The shoe is now on the other foot—on that of the Englishman and other enemies or the Boer! According to Mr. Boy Mussmann,
Van Rensburg had this to say about the vision: “We must remember that Ireland’s daughter is just a little older than ours.
Independence could have fallen into our laps like an apple (during the meeting at Koppies), for the Lord is mighty, but He wants His
share, namely a faithful nation. That is why the apple rolled.

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So, when all the difficult and dark days are over, and those still to come, a faithful Boer nation will be born. During the dark times of
the nation’s existence, Van Rensburg saw a woman with a bunch of grapes in her hand. The women of the nation are more resolute in
their faith than we men. When dark times descend over our nation again, as Van Rensburg said, that we would not see our hands
before our eyes, the man will be doubtful, but he sees a woman who greets him.
On another occasion he saw black, rained-out clouds around him, except for an open place in the west. There he saw two women, one
with a bunch of flowers in a basket; the basket overturns and the Vierkleur spills out. Van Rensburg said the rained-out clouds meant
that the difficult times were over and the grain-basket is something in which fruit was packed—this was the contribution made by the
women to obtain our freedom. He said we must acknowledge that our men suffered, but our women suffered even more.
89. England’s Ruin
18th October 1917: A dam full of water comes into sight. The water disappears and the paving-stones fill it; another dam in sight, this
time empty. Then I see a mountain behind which lies a large empty town.
According to what Van Rensburg told Mr. Boy Muss- mann, this points to England’s ruin. The dam which runs empty is the economy
which collapses and the stones that fill the dam is the (national) debt. The empty town behind the mountain is England which finds
itself in dire financial straits...
In connection with England’s credit to America, he says: “Pigs run across a dam wall. The dam is full (lots of money in America).
When we look again, the dam is empty. The paving stones fill the dam. (America’s treasury is full of IOU’s).”
He sees a large bird (America) sitting on the paving stones of the dam. It gulps down a small bird. This means that America will
swallow England financially.
90. Racial Conflict In Europe
8th April 1918: A great cloud of smoke like that of an explosion erupts in Europe. Englishmen, with ‘Kaffir among them, arrive on
horseback and they veer away from the smoke.
Europe is going to experience major racial conflict. Sabotage and arson (explosives) will be the order of the day and require strong
action from involved Governments (horsemen). The smoke indicates riots breaking out and the Englishmen with blacks among them
means that those two groups, in particular, will clash.
91. Depression In Europe
29th September 1919: An empty shop stands in Europe; people flee North in wagons filled with rubbish. Many white-backed oxen
emerge from Western Europe, and when they disappear, little naked ‘Kaffir’ run North.
A depression which will make all other disasters look like child’s play, is facing the world. (See also 3rd August 1918). Nothing will
have value any longer, and there will be no money. It will hit Europe so hard that England will financially go under in the process.
America will intervene and try to help, but a starving black Africa will swarm to Europe (naked little ‘Kaffir’).
92. White Racism Increases
3rd December 1918: There is a white cloth in the west. It opens and contains white beans which spread all over the world.
The shocking incidents of racism which reoccurred in America and Germany during 1992, and are still continuing, was already
predicted by Van Rensburg more than 70 years ago; White racism (the preservation of the white race) which has been suppressed by
decades of brainwashing and exaggerated feelings of guilt, would, according to the Seer, be resurrected in Europe (the West)
thereafter accelerate and rapidly spread throughout the whole world.
93. Rioting In Europe
13th May 1917: The grass is alight in Europe with a massive smoke cloud and the fire moves Southwest. In the north of Europe a
large dam is full of water, but suddenly dries up.
There is unrest and rioting in Europe. All the smoke indicates confusion and revolution. The fire moving southwest means that the
unrest will spread in that direction. In that sector of Europe we find Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Greece lies further
south, so it may even spread to that area. The prosperous nations such as Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark lie to the north. The
large dam full of water (financial prosperity or financial aid) dries up and they will no longer be in a position to render assistance to
the poorer countries. It also indicates drought and possible causes of the riots will be the critical economic conditions and famine.
94. Capitalist In the Trap
5th August 1920: In the east of Europe the grass is alight and flames shoot high into the sky. When it disappears, the world is level
like a harrowed field.
Then I saw a well with pieces of wood laid across the top, while a multicoloured pig is in the well. It seems unable to get out.
After the original wars and rioting in Eastern Europe, the dust will settle for the time being. The harrowed field means that the basic
differences will ostensibly be settled and everything does not look like a ploughed field any longer. However, the well is a trap, and
the dry pieces of wood across it spell nothing good. The pig is the Westerner (capitalist) caught in this trap, but he is powerless to
save himself. Just then the East-bloc countries will cause a worse situation for the West.
95. Famine In Europe
3rd October 1918: The maize is green and standing about 2 ft high in the fields, but is sparse. It then disappears and there is nothing.
A rough blue stone in Europe changes into a wheel, and when it starts rolling, it falls to pieces.
The sparse 2 ft high maize indicates waning prosperity, eventually ending in famine and want in Europe, with Germany initially
being worst hit (a rough blue stone). This is followed by total collapse of the gigantic money powers (probably also the Wall Street
Stock Exchange) which will begin shortly after financial institutions in Europe suffer setbacks which cannot be stopped.
96. Collapse of Government In Europe
18th February 1921: A tall tree falls in Europe and a saw is cutting along its trunk.
A country or Government divides. A strong Government will collapse in Europe and cause discord.
97. Advance of Asians On Europe
24th July 1918: A yellow stone is in the west of Europe and a blue stone in the south. The stones grind against each other, the yellow
one approaches the blue one and they grind again. Eventually the yellow one is like the hub of a wheel which falls over, and then

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large wheels roll on their hubs on the ground. The world in the southeast looked like a harvested maize field and black cattle walk
Northeast through the field. When they arrive in the east, they become white speckled cattle. Where the stone changed into a wheel,
there is a large water hole, the water is alive and cattle enter it from the western side. The bank enlarges on the eastern side and a
train with blue coaches emerges from the opening and goes South.
There is an organised march (not necessarily military) by Orientals who could be Indians or Japanese. The blue stone represents
Germany which is resisting these Orien- tals. The yellow stone changing into a wheel indicates Islam which supports this march. The
wheel falls over—the results of the confrontation will be disastrous for them. The other wheels turning on their hubs on the ground,
indicate that faith in God will triumph. People do things in faith while putting their trust in the Creator. It seems as if it could be a
religious war, a Jihad, initiated mainly by the Muslims. When the confrontation is over, there is a harvest in the southeast which has
been gathered. The maize- cobs are people who are up to no good, and the blacks, or liberals trample over them in their tranquil
march to the East. The black oxen are negative, a threat. In the east the black oxen change to speckled oxen, the symbol of Russia.
The fact that they become white-speckled, changes the negative implication, as white represents good, but speckled beasts are a
motley lot. They undergo a change of heart and lose their threatening attitude. Where the Muslims supported the Oriental march, a
certain amount of prosperity develops. It is a lively economy and the West enjoys the fruits thereof. A fort is built to the East to
protect the economy and the good news and prosperity spreads south.
4th August 1918: (Links up with previous vision): In a field where black cattle passed through, there are maize-cobs which become a
pile and become clean white maize kernels.
When a strong black consciousness establishes itself in the country, the Afrikaner steps forward and begins fighting for his survival.
The Afrikaners also become more united. The harvest is good and the people pure of vision. An election or referendum will
determine how the people feel. Here are overt signs of apartheid and/or white racism again.
8th August 1918 (Links up with previous vision): A huge conflagration rages towards the northeast of Europe, then the flames turn
south. The wheel which turned in Europe now turns here in the Union.
There is war in Europe, first in the northeast and then in the south. the Muslim movement also makes its influence felt in South
98. Earthquakes Destroy Japan
Mr. Mussmann recalls how he often sat on the little field-stool in front of Van Rensburg’ home at Riet- kuil, listening to the Seer
describing the lots of nations. “And to think he was an illiterate man who never read a magazine or newspaper; he also knew nothing
of the histories of nations, but he knew everything about them.
“Ah, what joyous times I spent there! He often told of events which still had to happen here and in Europe, and one day, while he was
speaking about that again, I asked him: ‘But what about Japan, ‘Oom’ Klasie?’ His reply was: ‘We need not fear Japan, for the Lord
will fight it with earthquakes.’”
In 1991 Peter Hadfield predicted in his book, Sixty Seconds that will Change the World, (Sidgwick & Jackson) that a major
earthquake would hit one of Japan’s most populated industrial areas in the 1990’s.
On Tuesday, 17th January 1995, the Japanese city of Kobe was hit by a devastating earthquake, in which 2872 people died during the
tremor, while weeks later rescue teams were still battling to rescue the wounded and destitute from the ruins.
According to Hadfield and seismologists, this quake was just the “prelude to an era of intense seismic upheaval directly below Tokyo
itself, the world’s premier financial capital”; and they predicted a series of far worse tremors which will not only claim millions of
lives, but also destroy the Japanese economy, causing a chain reaction which could also destroy the shaky economies of the whole
Western world.

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The Bible and Seer’s Visions
(Amazing parallels)
The further I delved into the old Boer prophet’s visions, the more I came to the realization that many of the prophecies of the Old
Testament were applicable to the Boer nation, for the symbols and comparisons in the Seer’s visions were, in many cases, almost
identical to those utilized by the Biblical prophets when they came to Israel with a Divine message.
Therefore I have no doubt that Van Rensburg van Rensburg acted as a prophet for the descendants of the Boer nation.
For quite some time now I have been making a study of this interesting aspect of the Seer’s prophecies, and in the process received
much assistance from Messrs Johannes Gagiano of Van der Bijl Park and Pieter White of Johannesburg. However, because it would
justify writing a separate book, I will touch on only a few references:
Mr. Johannes Gagiano writes: “The Biblical truths are reconfirmed through the visions of our own prophet, whom I had the privilege
of knowing personally. He often took my child’s hand in his and confirmed to us (my grandfather, father and myself) these things
which were prophesied through God thousands of years ago.

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“There are many of ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ visions which are a direct revelation of the prophecies from the Old Testament over God’s
people, and over the histories of Judah and Israel. Van Rensburg often named the relevant Scriptures to explain his words. For
example, he quoted Isaiah 14:1: For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land;
and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob...
He also spoke of a greater division which will come than the one which we experienced the past 40 years.
The Bible: In Deuteronomy 28:44, God warns His people that if they do not obey His orders, He will make those that were at the
head, the tail end, and their enemies around them will then become the head.
Seer: Van Rensburg also warned that in the times when we, as nation, take the wrong road, and when everything is upside-down and
inside-out, they (our enemies) will be the masters and we will be the slaves.
The Bible: Ecclestiastes 10: 6,7 (Good News Bible) tells us: Stupid people are given positions of authority while rich men are
ignored. I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves.
Seer: In the past the Afrikaner was always privileged to ride on the wagon, while the black man acted as his ‘rope-leader’ (the ends of
a rawhide rope were tied around the horns of the two lead oxen, and the boy or man would literally lead the oxen by means of this
rope). However, it was NEVER expected of this rope leader to pull the wagon.
On 5th May 1921 the Seer had a vision of a team of grey donkeys pulling a yellow wagon (Indians) through a muddy marsh; the
brake was on, but the donkeys managed to pull the wagon through.
When the Seer speaks of donkeys in general, it refers to ALL Afrikaners, but when he describes them as GREY DONKEYS, these are
the TRUE AFRIKANERS; in other words, only the conservative elements in the BOER NATION.
With this vision he saw the nightmare which has now become a reality for us. We have been forced to alight from the wagon; the
rope-leaders not only ride the wagon now, but have also tightened the brake. According to the Seer, we will have to pull the wagon
through this MUDDY MARSH, whether we like it or not.
Of course, he did not know that today it would be known as the GRAVY TRAIN!
At the moment we are running easily with the wagon, the traces are hanging loose, for the road is still level and the brake is not too
tight. However, sooner or later we will reach the MUDDY MARSH, and then the brake will be tightened and we will begin to pant
and sweat under the load.
The Bible: We read in 2 Chron. 7:13,14 of the distress which must first come upon us before the nation will purify and humble itself
before God: If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my
people; If my people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked
ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. (‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ vision resembles this one):
Seer: The Lord will help the Boer nation, but they will first have to truly humble themselves, yes, truly humble themselves before the
He also applied these things described in Jer. 30:11 to the Boer nation. He refers to the time when the nation will once again live
peacefully and quietly: For I am with thee, saith the Lord, though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee; yet I
will not make a full end of thee...
The Bible: (Isaiah 14:1,2) ...and the strangers (heathen) shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. And
the people shall take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for
servants and handmaids; and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.
Here is a clear reference to the ‘great chasm’ Van Rens- burg spoke about—however, the final division will cause an even greater
chasm than was the case among the Afrikaners in 1914.
Mr. Gagiano states further: “I also get the impression from the visions of Van Rensburg, where he speaks of the wars between West
and East, that he had insight into the sin of Jerobeam with which he led the nation of God astray. God then sent the Assyrians to go
and wage war against Jerobeam. Since that time God has warned Israel to observe His Sabbaths, but they rejected God’s ordinances
and refused to follow His institutions, but followed filthy gods.
“The nation will split, but Israel and Judah will be joined again like two pieces of wood.
The Bible: (Ezekiel 37:19): Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph... and the tribes of Israel, his fellows, and will put them with him,
even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in Mine hand...
Seer: Verbatim his vision was almost identical: I saw the divided nation; two pieces of wood, one with pegs and the other with holes.
The red pickaxe goes over them. The pegs go into the holes and the two pieces of join so well that one could not see the seams.
Asked what the red pickaxe was, he replied: Troubles of war, or a furnace. It is the Lord who will bring us together with that red-hot
pickaxe (Communist onslaught).
Another Seer-expert, Mr. Joos Haasbroek of Potchef- stroom, wrote to me on 15th November 1993: “The Seer did predict that God
will create a miracle which will finally free the Afrikaner nation from his enemies. And he also said God is prepared to do His part
for the nation, but He expects something in return from us, and that is to be a faithful nation, for, ‘Oom’ Klasie added: I had a vision
in which I saw the Hand of God pressing down on our nation, sometimes lightly, sometimes more heavily. And it will continue
pressing down until we are a totally free nation, after which I see unparalleled blessings and prosperity for the upright Afrikaner.”
“However, in the same breath ‘Oom’ Klasie warned us against the communists, for they were the source of all our troubles with the
blacks. And our nation must humble itself before God, as this was the cleansing process and will serve to prepare us for the Return of
“Now God has given us a prophet like Van Rensburg so that he could tell us of everything that would occur at Codesa!
“Every now and then I say to my wife: Look at what is happening now—Van Rensburg predicted exactly this. We must just cling
strongly to our faith in God, because we have not yet reached the point to which we are descending. It is just around the corner. The
whites are systematically being degraded; so much so that we are almost just good enough to pay in order for them to continue with
their evil deeds. However, we must never forget that we are now exiles under the blacks as Israel was in exile under the heathen
nations. What we did wrong, is not so terrible as what the Jews did, for they murdered Christ.

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“Look, South Africa to me is the way Johanna Brandt described it: God’s jewel, and therefore I believe the Lord wants us to live here
in ‘Harmony’, and show love towards one another. But instead of love, there is so much rancour and hatred among the whites now,
that God can do nothing else at this stage but to exile us, so that we, as a result of hardships, will eventually be compelled to live
together (in harmony) if we want to survive in South Africa.
“It is not a pretty picture, but these things are staring us in the face and which we will have to rectify before God will change His
vision towards us.
“Do you recall Van Rensburg saying about events to come, that we will be the last to enter, but first to emerge? This could have
something to do with all the disturbances here in Africa? There is trouble everywhere in Africa, and it could just be that we will be
the last to become involved in the disturbances, but be first to see the end of it? At this stage I think that Zimbabwe and South Africa
have the most whites to put a swift end to the disturbances. But then I say again, we will have to get our priorities right towards God,
otherwise we could find our- selves in trouble here.
“Remember, Van Rensburg also said in this day and age of our people, we must not tie ourselves to the foremen(leaders). This is very
important, for even in the crisis hour of our nation’s existence, they will pretend to assist us, but their only purpose will be to gain
advantage for themselves from the critical position we find ourselves in. Our greatest battle will not be against the enemy, but against
the bustards (traitors)among our own people...
“Of prime importance is those little blue-eyed girls he saw descending down from heaven: I see, when we are free, a large house like
the gallery in a church. A large multitude of children emerges from the gallery, in ranks of four; they descend down to earth, and
when they turn around, their eyes are full of tears of joy over our new freedom.
(Compare Revelation 7:17 with this vision): For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them
unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Seer said two of the children in front were his own
two children and two were those of his neighbours; therefore he knew they were camp-sufferers. He saw them all at the age of ten
years old and they were all dressed in white. (Compare Rev 7:14): These are they which came out of the great tribulation, and have
washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
“We look forward with longing for their coming, for: ”We came to share in the joy of our fellow-brothers and sisters for whom we
were a sacrifice".
This vision also links up with what we read in Revelation 6:10,11 about the multitude of white-clad Angels calling day and night
under the throne of God: How long, o Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the
earth? And He replied: Rest a little while longer until the complete number of your fellow-servants and brothers had been killed, as
you have been...
Mr. Gagiano continues: “We now daily see our fellow- brothers dying around us—cruelly. Yet Van Rensburg saw the rams (leaders)
doing nothing to stop it. Some of them will retire, fat and stinking-rich. But when trouble starts, the rest flee from the Cape and come
flying like muscovy ducks, each to his predestined place—overseas.
“He often also warned that his people would succumb to the temptation of wealth and prestige and be dragged to hell.
Seer: I see a pig lying in Europe with his head towards the west. It is scraped clean with a sharp knife. Dusk falls and I see them
hanging up the pig in Johannesburg.
In reply to a question from his daughter what it meant, he said it was the degenerative spirit of Mammon which will become skilful
among the Boer nation. Van Rensburg said these things would only happen in the distant future (during the last days?)
The Bible: We read in James 5:3: Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them will be a witness against you, and you shall
eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. (Isaiah 9:16): For the leaders of this people cause
them to err, and they that are led of them are destroyed...
Then Russia will also exchange its Communist coat for that of the capitalist (the pig) with a pious expression. But it will not cease its
cruel ‘dog-policy’ until it has finally been conquered in the bloodiest struggle the Boer nation has ever known.
Seer: That day Van Rensburg once again spoke about our nation’s mistake to always idolize his foremen and rely on their arms of
The Bible: The Lord says in Amos 9:9,10: For lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn
is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The
evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
Seer: In this regard Van Rensburg said again: In 1914 we(the Boers opposed to Smuts’ war policy) went through a sieve. I also told
you then that I see dark times. But for us who know, it will not be so dark—it is those who prepared themselves and did not blindly
believe that “the evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.”
The Bible: Political and church leaders in South Africa should take notice of God’s relentless instruction to His prophet to warn the
nation against those who announce peace, for: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophecy
unto you; they make you vain; they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them
that despise Me, the Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace, and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own
heart, No evil shall come upon you. (Jer 23:16,17).
Seer: On 12th December 1917 Van Rensburg saw a large tank coming from the north. Fine sheep droppings rolled out from it
(sexually transmitted diseases connected with immorality); the tank rolled South and the world changed into a dung-yard. A vision of
30th March 1918 links up with this one: A little old ‘Kaffir’ (third world) sits dressed in women’s clothing (he is gay) and dung rolls
off him on the western side (he is not only afflicted with this disease, but spreads it among the Western nations).
The Bible: (Jer. 16:4): They shall die of grievous deaths (aids?); they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they
shall be as dung upon the face of the earth; and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcasses shall be
meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.
Mr. Gagiano adds: “Van Rensburg also prophesied that the Boer nation would have to find a strong leader, as in the time of
Nehemiah when he had to lead his people to their land, Palestine. Van Rensburg even went so far as to say that the (Boer) nation

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would have to cut themselves loose from this world. He added that there were many wrong things in his own church—traditions and
rituals which they would have to get rid of.
“That is why I was so encouraged when Van Rensburg spoke about the white canvas he saw appearing over the Boer nation: (God’s
protective hand), and he also saw us living in ‘white tents’ again.
“When one reads Isaiah 14 along with chapters 24 and 25, then one understands that Van Rensburg was referring here to the Israelites
—Israel will once again live in their white (reconciliation) tents again—after the purification at Armageddon.
The Bible: (Isaiah 43:8): Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears... (Luke 11:34): The light of the body
is the eye; therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of
Seer: He told the late Mr. Paul Prinsloo’s father: Their hats hang over their eyes and their heads hang low. (Their mood is sombre and
dark). I see spots on their eyes which look like pearls (cataracts—they see, but do not understand what is really happening around
The Bible: (Mark 9;40): For he that is not against us, is on our part. (Compare with Luke 9:50).
Seer: According to a letter written by Mr. H.J. Dreyer to Die Volksblad, Van Rensburg told him: Who is not with us, is against us...
The Bible: According to Micah 2:12, God Himself will gather his people together again: I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I
will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Boz’-rah, as the flock in the midst of their fold; they
shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. Micah 4:8 tells us the nation will be assembled at the Sheep Tower, and
Micah 4:10 tells us they will have to leave the city to go and live in the field, for there the Lord will deliver them from the hands of
their enemies. The Hebrew word for ‘Sheep Tower’ which is referred to here is Imigdal, Imigdol or Migdol.
Seer: The nation will assemble on the other side of Lichtenburg and be led by a man in a grey (brown) suit. It is significant that
approximately 128 km beyond Lichtenburg, between Schweizer-Reneke and Delareyville, there is a farming community called
The Bible: (Amos 9:9,10): For lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a
sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, the evil shall not
overtake nor prevent us. (Isaiah 48:10): Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of
Seer: In 1914 we went through a sieve, but now we are going through a furnace. The Afrikaner nation went through its first sifting
during the Rebellion of 1914, when brother stood up against brother, the second during the 1989 election and the third and last sifting
was during the April 1994 election. It seems we are now standing before the ‘furnace of distress.’ Pieter White of Johannesburg
writes: “Seer said we are God’s people , and a comparative study between many of his visions and Biblical pronouncements, this is
Seer: It becomes very clear from ‘Oom’ Nicolaas’ actions during the War and Rebellion, that God’s protective and rescuing Hand was
over the Boers every moment on the battlefields. The Almighty disclosed plans to the Seer so that he could lead the Boers and they
were capable of cheating, dodging or conquering the enemy.
The Bible: We read in 2 Sam. 5: 23—25 that God Himself fought with Israel on the battlefield: And when David enquired of the
Lord, He said: Thou shalt not go up; but fetch a compass behind them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees... David
did as the Lord commanded and conquered the enemy.
Seer: (19th May 1925): A fig grove, which I saw in 1910, appeared when the figs were ripe, but now they were just swollen. when
they were ripe, I picked some.
The Bible: (Jer 24:5) Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away
captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good... And I will give them a heart to
know Me... and they shall be my people and I will be their God... The tribe of Judah has always been compared with the fig tree. The
Jews are the rotten figs and the exiles of Judah the good (edible) figs. (Read also Hosea 9:10; Amos 4:9; Nah. 3:2; Micah 4:2-4 and
Luke 13:6).
Seer: The fig grove is standing again, but it seems if the trees are somewhat dry, and there are a few ripe figs.
The Bible: (Jer 4:2,8; Jer 29:17; and Isaiah 18:5). In the Seer’s vision and the quoted texts, the division between nations is clearly
symbolized. Compared with the ‘green’ or ‘rotten’ figs which are numerous, only a few ‘ripe’ or ‘good’ figs (true believers from the
tribe of Judah) are to be found.
Concerning the ‘rotten’ figs, God told Jeremiah: And I will deliver them... to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse in all
places... And I will send the sword, the famine and the pestilence... (Jer 24:8-10).
Seer: (17th November 1915) A friendly Englishman arrived here. I see vines coming up, but a great flame consumes them.
The Bible: (Isaiah 18:5): For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut
off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches. (The sprigs being cut and branches being cut down,
indicate the division which will occur and which the Seer described as the furnace).
Seer: He said in the days when everything in the country will be upside-down, the truth will be violated in our churches and the
ministers will cling to many wrong things; traditions and rituals which they will have to get rid of.
The Bible: (Acts 7:47-51) And Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands... what
house will ye build me, saith the Lord... Hath not my hand made all these things? Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears,
ye do always resist the Holy Ghost... (2 Tim 4:3-4) ...For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their
own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be
turned unto fables.
Peter white closes his comparative study with these words: Almighty God sent His servant, Seer van Rensburg to us. those that
believe his words and listen to them, will live in triumph, and those who despise his words, will be thrown to the ‘fowls of the
mountains and wild animals of the earth!’ (Isaiah 18:6).

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(Let us now bow our heads in the same spirit of humility and unwavering faith in God as did Nicolaas Seer van Rensburg as we take
our final leave of him in his last days).
(To his son, Andries, shortly before his demise): No stig- ma rests on your past, on the past of our nation; place your hope on the
future and aim for the best you can achieve. Our nation has suffered bitterly during the years that lie behind us, and that suffering is
still not over. I see a black curtain hanging over the future. But rather die in battle than surrender. This was the motto of our fathers,
my son; let it be your motto, too. You will only find happiness among your own people.
(the Seer is critically ill): I see a piece of wood lying across my chest; the flesh around my arm disappears. I think this will be my end
which is not far any more.
His nearing death.
(On his deathbed): I see you trekking back to South West Africa, and I see the Vierkleur flying once again. This is God’s Will, and
His Will shall be done. You will fight in a different manner from the way we fought, and there will be many more of you... You are

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coming to take care of me, but God will take better care...

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RURAL KILLINGS FROM 1994-2012-02-01

The list is updated and as complete as possible, but many more murders are
missing from the list due to the information clamp down by the SA Police

BARNARD Koos. Shot. Farm Goedgevind, Ventersburg. 23 June 1994.
BRIERS Piet. Shot. East Leigh, Orkney. 25 Oct 1994.
CORT Herbert. Knifed. Farm Volsfish, Schoemanskloof. 14 Jan 1994.
DE LANGE Pieter. Beaten & stabbed. Farm Wanbestuur, Gluckstad. 24 Feb 1994.
FOURIE Jopie. Shot.Farm Waterloo, Kroonstad. 12 Feb 1994.
GILDENHUYS Burgert. Shot. Farm Nooitgedacht, Groblersdal. 4 Oct 1994.
GLENDINNING Rhoda. Axed. Farm Manderstam, Thornville. 15 Nov 1994
GLENDINNING Richard. Axed. Farm Manderstam, Thornville. 15 Nov 1994
GOURLIE George Henry John. Shot. Northriding holding, Randburg. 21 Apr 1994.
GOURLIE wife. Shot. Smallholding Northriding, Randburg. 21 Apr 1994.
GREEFF Jan. Tortured. Farm Mooihoek, Vredefort. 21 Sept 1994.
HENNING Almeiro. Beaten. Farm Loerie, Port Elizabeth. 13 Oct 1994
JACOBS Gert Petrus. Stabbed. Stephanopark holding, Vanderbijlpark. 5 Feb 1994.
KLINGENBERG Herbert. Shot. Farm Goedgevonden, Wakkerstroom. 11 Mar 1994.
KRAFT Andries. Shot.Farm Skoongesicht, Koster. 2 Sept 1994
LAURESSYN John. Shot. Farm Koppie-alleen, near Nylstroom. 2 Sept 1994
MARAIS Yolanda. Shot. Oudedorp holdings, Potchefstroom. 7 Aug 1994.
PIENAAR Piet. Shot. Paardeplaats, Hartbeesfontein. 2 Aug 1994.
PRETORIUS Mike. Stabbed. Mooinooi smallholding, Brits. 20 April 1994.
PRINSLOO Johannes George. Tortured. Farm Wildebeestfntein, Ogies, 4 Feb 1994.
ROUX Wallace Pieter. Shot. Farm Kromdraai, Witbank. 18 Oct 1994.
SWANEPOEL Stephanus. Shot. Grootvlei, Balfour. 2 May 1994
UNNAMED CULLINAN farmer. Beaten & knifed. Farm Acht, Cullinan. 20 Apr 1994.
UYS Louisa Maria. Stabbed.Farm Steenkoolspruit, Ermelo. 17 Jan 1994.
VAN WYK Johannes Marthinus. Stabbed. Vischuil holding, Springs. 3 Mar 1994.
VISSER Johannes. Shot. Smallholding Endicot 82, Springs. 8 July 1994

ALBERTS Gideon. Murdered. Nooitgedacht holdings, Orkney. 5 Feb 1995.
BEKKER Don. Slashed. Lothair. 26 Jan 1995
BOTHA Beulah. Axed. De Rust, Hartbeespoortdam. 7 Apr 1995
BOTHA Johannes Nicolaas. Shot. Smallholding 22, Pietersburg. 26 Oct 1995
BOTHA Annetjie . Shot. Smallholding 22, Onverwacht. Pietersburg. 26 Oct 1995
BOTHA Willem. Panvaan, Vryheid. Mar 1995.
BLAZE Walter. Shot. Farm Mooihoek, Utrecht. March 1995.
BRENT-MEEK Marlene Jean. Strangled. Stoneyridge, Warmbaths. 5 Jan 1995.
CADLE Hendrik. Shot. Mooirivier. Apr 1995.
DE VILLIERS David. Beaten. Farm Kransfontein, Warden. 12 Nov 1995
DU PLESSIS Doepie. Shot. Pongola. 1 Sep 1995
DU TOIT Annetjie. Shot. Makwassie. 17 Sep 1995
DU TOIT Frikkie. Shot. Makwassie. 17 Sep 1995
GREYLING Boet. Stabbed & shot. Farm Greytown. 23 Sep 1995
GREYLING Erika. Tortured. Farm Greytown. 23 Sep 1995
HOFFMANN Isabella Susanna. Tortured. Near Wapadrand. Apr 1995.
HURTER Johannes Albertus. Shot. Farm Bergrust, Komatipoort. 04 Aug 1995
HURTER Maria Hilda. Shot. Farm Bergrust, Komatipoort. 04 Aug 1995
JOOSTE Willem. Shot. Louw’s Creek. 6 Nov 1995
NEL Elonika. Stabbed. Farm Weltevrede, Delmas. 10 Nov 1995
OLIVIER Ockert Barend. Stabbed. Farm Leeufontein, Ventersdorp. 16 Nov 1995
PARSONS Regina. Throat slit. Farm Erfdeel, Cornelia. 11 April 1995.
PRETORIUS Johannes Jacobus. Shot. Farm Tweefontein, Nylstroom.
REYNOLDS Rodney Kenneth. Beaten & Shot. Farm Kent, Standerton. 2 Aug 1995
ROCHER Boet. Shot. Farm Brakfontein, Swartruggens. 14 Jan 1995
SCHOLTZ Willie. Shot. Farm Gestoptefontein, Ottosdal. 17 Nov 1995
SCHUTTE Elizabeth Cornelia. Shot. Pelgrimshoop holdings,Pietersburg.6 Sep 1995
SLABBERT Coenraad Frederick. Stabbed. Farm Leyden, Kokstad. 26 Apr 1995
SLABBERT Amanda. Stabbed. Farm Leyden, Kokstad. 26 Apr 1995
STEENKAMP Lourens. Shot. Farm Varkenskraal. Groblersdal. 4 Nov 1995
STRYDOM Roelf. Assaulted. Bapsfontein holdings, Delmas. End Nov 1995.
THOMPSON Reggie. Stabbed. Farm Veekraal. Haenertsburg. 3 Mei 1995
TRUTER Petrus Gideon Van Zyl. Axed. Farm Elandskraal, Mooinooi. 26 Dec 1995
VAN DEN BERG Bergie. Stabbed. Tweefontein farm, Babsfontein. 28 Aug 1995
VAN DEN BERG Isa. Shot. Tweefontein farm, Babsfontein. 28 Aug 1995
VAN DRIEL Gerhard. Hacked. Farm Groenkloof, Mooinooi. 14 Apr 1995
VAN EEDEN William George. Stabbed. Leeukraal, Greylingstad. 24 Mar 1995.
VAN RENSBURG Basie. Beaten & Stabbed. Farm Elim, Theunissen. 4 Dec 1995
VAN ZYL Christeen. Shot. Linkholm holding, Vanderbijlpark. 06 June 1995
VAN ZYL Fillip. Shot. Linkholm holding, Vanderbijlpark. 06 June 1995
VENTER Lodewickus Johannes. Beaten. Smallholding 28, Tzaneen. 28 Feb 1995.
WAGNER John William. Stabbed. Plot 91, Pelzvale, Randfontein. 15 Apr 1995
WOERMANN Jobst. Shot. Vaalkop, Vryheid. Nov 1995

BRITS Hennie. Shot. Roedtan, Pietersburg. 21 Dec 1996.
BUYS Flippie. Shot. Farm Lucerne Valley. 3 Sep 1996
DARDIS Mary Laura. Tortured & Raped. Wakkerstroom holding. 11 July 1996
DOHLER Karl Harro. Shot. Farm Glenside, Gonube. 12 Nov 1996
ERASMUS Cornelius Marthinus. Tortured. Steenbokpan, Ellisras. 23 Nov 1996
FAIRBANKS-SMITH Julia. Beaten&Stabbed. Heldersig, Nieuwoudville. 24 Sep 1996
FAIRBANKS-SMITH Emma. Crushed scull. Heldersig, Nieuwoudville. 24 Sep 1996
GOUWS Johan. Suffocated.Farm Oranjeville. 13 Apr 1996
GREIG Hannah. Shot. Farm Hartzenbergfontein, Walkerville. 27 Apr 1996
GROBLER Nicolaas. Shot. Farm Rietfontein, Coligny. 10 Oct 1996
JACOBS Dawid. Shot. Kameeldrift holding, Pretoria. 8 Nov 1996
JANSE VAN VUUREN Anna Maria. Shot. Farm Klippan, Makokskraal. 15 Mar 1996
KRIEL Matthys Cornelius Johannes. Murdered. Holding. Greylingstad. 4 Jan 1996
LOUW Eunice Frances. Shot. Farm Ongemak, Vryheid. 29 Dec 1996
LOUW Gansie. Stabbed. Farm Heldersig, Nieuwoudville. 24 Sep 1996
MARTINS Maria de Freitas. Shot. Vogelstruisfontein, Ellisras. 28 Oct 1996
McCABE Keith. Dissapeared, declared dead. Compasberg, Nieuw Bethesda. 1996
NEL Christiaan Frederik. Stabbed. Farm Diepdrift, Graskop. 27 Nov 1996
NEL Maria Cornelia Cronje. Stabbed. Farm Diepdrift, Graskop. 27 Nov 1996
SCHARLACH Werner. Murdered. Farm Wartburg. Nov 1996
SCHOEMAN Jan Adriaan. Tortured. Ventersfontein, Waterberge. 31 Dec 1996
SNYMAN Carel Petrus. Murdered. Farm De Brug, Barkley West. 24 Dec 1996
STEYN Koos. Axed. Mount Olive, Barberton. 29 April 1996
VAN DER MERWE Callie. Shot. Haakdoornbult, Skuinsdrif. 14 Dec 1996
VAN DER MERWE Coen. Shot. Farm Leeuwfontein, Fochville. 2 Oct 1996
VAN ROOYEN Fred. Shot. Farm Rietfontein, Greytown. 24 Nov 1996
VAN VUUREN Jan. Shot. Farm Spitskop, Heilbron/Petrus Steyn. 29 Mar 1996
VAN WYK Hermanus “Manie”. Shot. Farm Tevrede, Hazyview. 2 May 1996
VAN ZYL Pieter. Shot. Farm Gladstone, Letaba, near Tzaneen. 8 June 1996
VORSTER Anna Francina. Shot. Farm Leliefontein, Ermelo. 1996.
VORSTER Chris. Shot. Farm Sterkfontein, Piet Retief. 17 April 1996
VOSLOO Kobus. Stabbed. Mooihoek, Potgietersrus. 1 Dec 1996

BOONZAAIER Nico. Shot. Farm De Hoop, Schweizer-Reneke. 30 Nov 1997.
BOTHA Susara “Sarie”. Beaten & stabbed. Rosashof, Vanderbijlpark. 14 Feb 1997
BOUER Jan. Stabbed. Farm Chester, Hoedspruit. 9 Aug 1997
BRODIE Stefan. Shot. Diepsloot holding, Centurion. 28 Apr 1997
CAMPBELL Peter. Shot. Bloedrivier. 26 March 1997
CAWTHORN Rae. Stabbed. Stutterheim holding. 1997
COETSER Frederik. Tortured. Farm Renosterhoek Section 32, Sabie. 15 Jan 1997
DE CASTRO Ricardo. Shot. Farm waterval. Zeerust, 22 Sep 1997
DEETLEFS Veronica. Throat slit. Farm Armondale, East London. 1 Feb 1997
DE MEYER Gerbrecht Heiltje. Shot. Farm Oplossing. 22 April 1997
DENNER John Henry. Shot. Lizumpi. Klerksdorp. 6 April 1997
DREYER Servaas. Tortured. Charlestown. 18 Nov 1997.
DU PLESSIS Pietie. Shot. Legkaart area, Pieterseburg. 7 July 1997.
DU TOIT Maryke. Shot. Mamogalieskrans farm, Brits. 25 June 1997.
EHRENBERGER R.F. Shot. De Deur holding. 22 Dec 1997
ELLSON Peter. Slashed. Farm ‘Plottie, Thornville. 3 Sep 1997
EVANS Reg. Shot. Farm horseshoe, Camperdown district. 30 June 1997
FOUCHE Wicus. Shot. Avalon Farm, Lichtenburg. 19 Jan 1997
FUHRSTENBURG Frans. Shot. Kaallaagte holdings, Pretoria North. 2 Nov 1997
GATHMANN Werner. Shot. Farm at Greytown. 25 Mar 1997
GEVERS Vivianne. Shot. Paulpietersburg farm. 5 Oct 1997
GROBLER Frans. Shot. Farm Homefire, Krugersdorp. 19 Dec 1997
HARDY Richard. Shot. Babango area, KZN. 3 Sept 1997
HOENDERDOS Gerhardus Johannes. Suffocated. Farm Muldersdrift. 4 Dec 1997
JACOB John. Murdered.Farm Bloekomkrans, Lothair. 21 Feb 1997
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Ebenhauzer. Shot.Buffelsvlei, Ventersdorp. 16 June 1997
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Francious. Beaten. Komkommerhoek. 22 Dec 1997
JORDAAN, Ria. Strangled. Tweefontein Farm, East London Nov 14 1997
KEYSER James Christiaan “Jimmy . Shot. Rietfontein, Fochville. 9 Mar 1997
KIETZMAN Friedrich Wilhelm. Throttled. Troutwaters, Haenertsburg. 22 Aug 1997.
KRUGER Jan Barend. Murdered. Laersdrif. 17 Nov 1997
LEITH Lets. Shot. Farm Violet, between Edenville and Steynsrus. 12 Nov 1997
MARAIS Eben. Shot. Dresden farm, Burgersfort. 12 Dec 1997
MARAIS Magdalena. Tortured. Newcastle farm. 25 Nov 1997
MARAIS Nicolas. Tortured. Newcastle farm. 25 Nov 1997
MYBURG Ingrid. Shot. Mountain Breeze. Stellenbosch. 29 Sep 1997
OLLSSON Brendon. Shot. Diepsloot holding, Centurion. 28 Apr 1997
PIETERSE Theo. Shot. Farm La Riviera, Bultfontein. 10 Oct 1997
PRINSLOO Herman. Shot. Mooiplaas, Heilbron. 21 Feb 1997
SCHEEPERS Gerhard. Tortured & Strangled. Klipkrans, Ermelo. 2 Dec 1997
SCHEEPERS Nellie. Tortured & Strangled. Klipkrans, Ermelo. 2 Dec 1997
SLABBERT Johanna Magrieta. Strangled. Cyferfontein, Potchefstroom. 29 Oct 1997
SMIT Christiaan Johannes Mauritz. Shot. Uitloop holding,Potgietersrus. 11 Feb
SMITH Thomas. Stabbed. Farm Vinyard, Aliwal-North. 19 Oct 1997
STEENKAMP Gerrit. Tortured. Middelbult, Bothaville. 13 Aug 1997
STRAUSS Ivan. Kidnapped, never found. Farm Khoms, Keimoes. 19 Oct 1997
SWANEPOEL Jan Andries. Shot. Wolwekraal, Brits. 2 Aug 1997
SWART Andre. Shot. Farm Serfontein, Koppies. 7 July 1997
THERON Barend Charles. Shot. Aliwal holding. Warmbaths. 15 Feb 1997
UNKNOWN GOODLAND farm, male aged 30. Murdered. Komatipoort. 16 Mar 1997
VAN DER WALT Charlotte Catharina. Shot. Geluk, Brits. 6 Aug 1997
VAN EEDEN Gideon. Shot. Paardeplaas, Tzaneen. 22 Feb 1997
VAN WYK Magdalena. Burnt. Farm Leliefontein, Trichardt. 22 Mar 1997
VAN WYK Michael “Mike”. Burnt. Farm Leliefontein, Trichardt. 22 Mar 1997
VAN WYK Ben. Stabbed. holding Rooipoort. Potgietersrus. 13 Dec 1997
VAN WYK Roos. Stabbed. holding Rooipoort. Potgietersrus. 13 Dec 1997
VENTER Ansie. Shot. Bloukrans farm, East London. 14 Nov 1997.
VENTER Audrey. Strangled. Helenasrus holding, Vereeniging. 28 Jan 1997
VENTER Gerrit. Strangled. Helenasrus holding, Vereeniging. 28 Jan 1997
VENTER J. Murdered. Holding 41, Riverpark. 7 June 1997
VERMAAS Dries. Shot. Greylingstad farm. 6 April 1997
WILLEMSE Francios. Shot. Ugie farm. 4 Oct 1997

BARKHUIZEN Yvonne. Shot. Farm Fern Aber, Muden. 26 May 1998
BODENSTEIN Liendjie. Shot. Farm De Rust, Tzaneen. 29 May 1998
BREYTENBACH Andre. Shot. Farm Ruigtevlei, Soekmekaar. 4 Aug 1998
BRITS Willem. Shot. Klipplaatsdrift, Middleburg. 5 July 1998.
BRUELL Johan. Strangled. Smallholding Rikasrus, Randfontein. 1 Mar 1998
BRUELL, wife of Johan. Strangled. Smallholding Rikasrus, Randfontein. 1 Mar 1998
BUNTING Simon Lesley. Murdered. Wellington farm, Mooi River. 25 Aug 1998
BUYS Christoffel. Shot. Farm Geluksrus, Mooi River. 30 July 1998
BUYS Dina. Shot. Farm Geluksrus, Mooi River. 30 July 1998
CARLETZ Gestune Petronel. Beaten. Nigel smallholding. 17 July 1998
COETZEE Hennie. Shot. Farm Valleifontein, Lichtenburg/Mafikeng. 27 May 1998
DE BEER Maxie. Shot. Farm Doringfontein. Ottosdal/Wolmaransstad. 14 Feb 1998
DELAFIELD Don. Beaten. Farm Leeuwpoort, Rustenburg. 16 May 1998
DELAFIELD Verina. Beaten. Farm Leeuwpoort, Rustenburg. 16 May 1998
DRUMMOND Claude Goffrey. Shot. Soekmekaar holding. 18 April 1998
DU PLESSIS Johannes. Shot. Drakeville smallholding, Vanderbijlpark. 22 April 1998
DU PREEZ Marius Louis. Shot. Dundonald, Ermelo. 28 Aug 1998
ERASMUS Piet. Shot. Farm Geluksrus, Mooi River. 30 July 1998
FISCHER Christo. Shot. Farm Spitskop, Kranskop. 5 Mar 1998
FRAUENSTEIN Cecil. Chopped. Farm Sunny Grove, East London. 5 Sept 1998
GEYER Ryan. Shot. Swavelpoort, Boschkop smallholdings, Pretoria. 1998
GILLESPIE Ernst Andrew. Beaten. Farm Eerstegeluk, Bethal. 7 Mar 1998
GILLESPIE Septina Muriel. Axed. Eersterivier holding, Kareedouw. 13 Sep 1998
GREEFF Jacobus Philippus. Shot. Farm Middelwater, Hanover. 24 July 1998
GREYLING Gert. Torturred. Farm Driehoek, Bethal. 24 Feb 1998
GROBLER Gert. Axed. De Deur smallholding. 16 Feb 1998.
HAMILTON John. Chopped. Hamiltons Farm, Port Snt Johns. 30 April 1998
HEATHFIELD Ria. Burnt. Farm Boschrug, George. 9 Aug 1998
HEATHFIELD Tommie. Burnt. Farm Boschrug, George. 9 Aug 1998
HUMAN Jacobus Frederick. Shot. Farm Welgemeent, Cockhouse. 27 Aug 1998
KNOX Hendrik “Hennie”. Beaten. Farm Sendelingsfontein, Klerksdorp. 24 Dec 1998
LAMBERT Harry. Axed. Farm at Curry’s Post, 11 June 1998
LAMPRECHT Isabel. Burnt. Boschrug, George. 9 Aug 1998.
MARAIS Martha Magdalena. Shot. Krokodilspruit holding. 24 Nov 1998
MARCHANT Bobby. Burnt. Boschrug, George. 9 Aug 1998.
MEYER Santie. Shot. Plot 158 Swartbos, Muldersdrift, Devon. Aug 1998
MURLEY Wilfred. Shot. Inchanga farm. 13 Mar 1998
KRUGER Karel. Shot. Smallholding Jaagbaan, Potgietersrus. 18 Apr 1998
MACK B.shot. Farm Highflats, Ixopo. 20 June 1998
MARAIS Daniël. Stabbed. Farm Mariesdale, Koffiefontein. 12 May 1998
MARAIS Anna. Shot. Farm Baviaanskrans, Ladysmith. 16 June 1998
MARAIS Hannes. Shot. Farm Baviaanskrans, Ladysmith. 16 June 1998
MARAIS Sheila. Shot. Farm Newlands, Warmbaths. 16 March 1998
MCCARDLE Norman Alexander. Shot. Bredell holding, Kempton Park. 13 May 1998
OOSTHUIZEN Martha. Axed. Farm Zandfontein, Ladismith, Cape. 4 July 1998
OTTO Gieljan. Tortured. Roossenekal. 14 April 1998
PETERSON Dennis. Beaten. Farm Frere. Estcourt. 24 May 1998
PIENAAR Rovina Petronella. Murdered. Farm Mooifontein, Bloemhof. 1 Feb 1998
PIENAAR Willem Jaco. Shot. Buffelsdoorn Holdings, Stilfontein. 19 Feb 1998
RADLOFF Beth. Stabbed. Waterfall, Ficksburg. 29 July 1998
RAUTENBACH Bester. Beaten. Farm Isley, Underberg. 19 July 1998
RAUTENBACH Annamaria Magdalena. Beaten. Uitvlug. Vereeniging. 17 Mar 1998
RAUTENBACH Hendrik Christoffel. Bashed. Uitvlug. Vereeniging. 17 Mar 1998
REDINGER Friedel. Shot. Farm Dulumbi. Kranskop/Greytown area. 7 Dec 1998
REVENHORST Eva. Assaulted. Hoekwil. Wildernis. 3 Oct 1998.
RIMBO P. Murdered. Farm Nooitgedacht, Middleburg. 7 Mar 1998
ROBBERTZE Jan. Shot. Klipplaatsdrift, Middleburg. 5 July 1998
ROBBERTZE Jeanette. Shot. Klipplaatsdrift, Middleburg. 5 July 1998
RONALDSON Dave. Shot. Pietermaritzburg Farm. 16 Mar 1998
ROOS Annetjie.Shot.Farm Koerland, Fouriesburg. 1 Nov 1998
ROOS Kol.Shot.Farm Koerland, Fouriesburg. 1 Nov 1998
ROUSSOUW Frans Pieter. Stabbed. Modderfontein farm. 20 Mar 1998
SHARPLES Margaret. Strangled. Pietermaritzburg. 1 March 1998
SLABBERT Neels. Stabbed. Vereeniging holding. 7 July 1998
SMIT Engela. Axed. De Deur smallholding. 16 Feb 1998
SOUCHON Tristan Henry. Shot. Farm Chiselhurst, Amatikulu. 22 Dec 1998
STANDER Andre. Murdered Farm Hazenjacht, De Rust. 30 Aug 1998
STRAUSS Hendrik. Shot. Farm Palmietfontein near Bloemhof. 4 April 1998
TAITZ Theodore Stanley. Shot. Farm New Modder, Benoni. 11 Mar 1998
THERON George. Shot. Holding 39, Vanderbijlpark. 15 May 1998
THERON Piet. Bashed. Farm Hazor, Virginia/ Winburg. 15 Dec 1998
THORNE Lionel. Murdered. Plaston holding, White River, Nelspruit 8 Aug 1998
VAN HEERDEN Johannes Henry. Bashed. Nooitgedacht, Witbank. 27 Aug 1998
VAN HUYSTEEN Thys. Shot. Viljoenskroon farm. 30 July 1998
VAN VUUREN Daantjie. Shot. Farm Wilgerspoort, Balfour. 16 Jan 1998
VAN WYK Johanna. Bashed. Farm Bitterspoort, Carnarvon. 1 Aug 1998
VAN ZYL Francis. Shot. Constantiakloof, Florida aan die Wes-Rand. 1998
VERMAAK David. Shot. Farm Bartlow Combine, Hluhluwe. 5 Oct 1998
VERMEULEN Roelof. Murdered. Plot 4, Randfontein. 25 Aug 1998
WEBBER Bert. Shot. Toitskaarl farm, Marble Hall. 13 Mar 1998
WHELEHAN Doreen. Beaten. Dexter cattle stud farm. Muldersdrif, 26 June 1998
WYLIE Peter. Murdered. Farm Upper Gletwyn, Grahamstown. 29 Aug 1998
AUCAMP Barend Burgert. Shot. Rietfontein holdings,Hartbeespoortdam.19 Jul 1999
BARNARD Joe. Shot. Farm Glenacres, Rustenburg. 8 Jan 1999
BIGNOUX Marion. Shot. Maphumulo. 10 Feb 1999
BOTHA Harry. Shot. Muden farm. 5 Feb 1999
BUYS Dina. Shot. Gelksrus, Middlerus, Mooi River. 29 July 1999
CLAASSEN Manafsen. Shot. Vaalbank farm, Balfour. 20 Nov 1999
COETZEE Jason. Beaten. Farm De Rust, Hazyview. 9 July 1999
CROSS Boeta. Beaten. Farm Paradise People, Hoedspruit. 20 Dec 1999
DE BRUUN (BRUYN ?) Flip. Shot. Farm Middelplaas, Weenen. 28 Sep 1999
DELPORT Cor. Shot. Holding 31, Nelspruit. 1 April 1999
DUVENHAGE Jan Hendrik. Shot&Assaulted.Farm Toitskraal,Marble Hall.24Jul 1999
FISCHLI Ferdinand. Shot. Plot 19, Bashewu Holdings. Welbekend. 5 July 1999
GREYVENSTEYN Matheus. Stabbed. Groutville farm. 2 Sep 1999
GROBLER Jan. Shot. Farm Uitkyk. Ventersdorp. 10 July 1999
HARMSE Jan. Shot. Ogies farm. 17 Mar 1999
HAYNES Lila. Murdered. Farm Yokon, Stutterheim. Eastern Cape. 12 Nov 1999
JORDAAN Jan Barend. Slashed. Vryburg. 29 Nov 1999
JORDAAN Ria. Strangled. Farm tweefontein, Molteno. 13 Nov 1999
LATEGAN Jan. Shot. Farm Kafferskraal. Amersfoort. 17 Sep 1999
LOUBSER Elbert. Murdered. Hazyview farm. 15 June 1999
MALAN Roelf Jacobus. Shot. Grootvlei holding. Pretoria. 3 Apr 1999
MALAN Magdalena, Hendrika “Lien”. Shot. Grootvlei holding. Pretoria. 3 Apr 1999
MARITZ Gerrit. Beaten. Farm Rondedraai. Estcourt. 15 Jan 1999
MEYER Cornelius. Beaten Elandshoek holding. Cullinan. 7 Sept 1999
MOOLMAN Piet. Murdered. Heidelberg farm. 4 Sep 1999
MULLER Hans Paul. Stabbed. Mapleton smallholding, Boksburg. 11 May 1999
NORTJIE Ria.Beaten, raped, burnt.Vastfontein, Pretoria. 1999
NORTJIE Salie. Beaten&Burnt. Vastfontein, Pretoria. 1999
PETTIT Fred. Murdered. Farm Landskrona, Queenstown. 20 Feb 1999
SLABBERT Gert. Shot. Klipfontein, Cullinan. 20 July 1999
STEYN Alec. Stabbed & Burnt. Ford Weber farm, Christiana. 20 Jan 1999
STEYN Nellie. Stabbed & Burnt. Ford Weber farm, Christiana. 20 Jan 1999
STUBBS Ernst Henry Blandford. Shot. Farm Clearwater, Haenertsburg. 12Sep 1999
THEUNISSEN Braam. Beaten. Marikana. 10 Mar 1999
UNNAMED LANGPLAAS/SANDFONTEIN man. Burnt. Brits. 29 June 1999
VAN DEN BERG Anna. Axed. Farm Steynsdraai, Carolina. 30 Jan 1999
VAN DER MERWE Gert. Shot&Throat slit. Rustig, Naboomspruit. 28 Feb 1999.
VAN DER MERWE Fransie. Raped&Throat slit. Rustig, Naboomspruit. 28 Feb 1999.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Hester. Shot. Henorg Dairy, Fochville. 8 Feb 1999
VAN SITTERT Johannes Hendrik. Tortured & Burnt. Klerksdorp. 31 July 1999
VAN ZUYDAM Gert. Shot. Weenen on 23 Sep 1999.
VAN ZYL Jan. Shot. Farm Langverwacht, Pomeroy. 22 Feb 1999
VERMAAK Louis. Stabbed. Gamtoosvallei farm. 9 Apr 1999
VERMAAK Pieter. Stabbed. Gamtoosvallei farm. 9 Apr 1999
VERMAAK Thomas. Shot. Farm Winnaarspoort, Machadodorp. 2 Feb 1999
VETTER Reginald. Strangled. Farm Wanbeck. Ferndale area. 7 Dec 1999
VOLLER Bill. Stabbed & Shot. Farm Dindinnie, Tzaneen. 30 Nov 1999
WANNENBURG Lettie. Shot. Farm Woodford. Weenen. 15 Jan 1999
WESTERMAN Ernst Adriaan. Beaten. Noodhulp holdings, Warmbaths. 1 Dec 1999
ZORAB Zoe Cathryn. Shot. Northriding Holding, Benoni. 5 Aug 1999
ALCHIN, male. Shot. Geduldsfontein, Rocklands,Port Elizabeth. 10 May 2000
ALDUM Hannes. Shot. Farm Aona, Tshiise. Limpopo. 25 April 2000
ARTHUR David. Shot. Farm Gaikaford. East London. 1 Mar 2000
BEZUIDENHOUT Anna. Beaten. farm Vogelfontein, Breyten. 5 Nov 2000
BEZUIDENHOUT Jan. Beaten. farm Vogelfontein, Breyten. 5 Nov 2000
BOTES Nico. Shot. Farm Vergenoegd, Swartruggens, Groot Mariko 1 Sep 2000
BOTHA Johannes. Shot. Farm Rietfontein, Lydenburg. 1 Nov 2000
BUITENDAG Martiens “MJ” . Strangled. Spruitfontein farm. 23 Aug 2000
BUUT, male. Shot. Farm Mooiplaas, East London.15 May 2000
CORDIER Dina. Stabbed. Farm Ebenaezer, Wesselsbron. 27 Aug 2000
CORDIER Marthinus. Stabbed. Farm Ebenaezer, Wesselsbron. 27 Aug 2000
CRONJE Flip. Shot. Farm Waterval, Koster. 13 Dec 2000
DE BEER, male. Murdered. Farm Rustplaas, Piet Retief. 19 July 2000
DE FREITAS Josè Freitas. Shot. Farm Kingstonvale, Nelspruit. 16 Nov 2000.
DE JAGER, male. Shot. Plot 42, Grootvlei, Hammanskraal. 21 November 2000
DE LANGE Willem. Shot. Plot 42, Grootvlei, hammanskraal, Pretoria. 20 Nov 2000
DE NYSSCHEN Christiaan Johan. Beaten. Twee Buffels, Coligny. 8 June 2000
DE WET Chris. Shot. Geluk holding, Brits. 13 Dec 2000
DE WIT Christoffel Frederick. Beaten. Farm Kliprandkloof, Danhauser. 20 July 2000
DIEDERICKS Gertruide. Strangled. Baviaanskloof farm, Volksrust. 19 Nov 2000
ENGELBRECHT Carel. Murdered. Farm Hawerford, Paterson. 6 June 2000
ENGELBRECHT Eduard. Shot. De Kroon, Brits. 11 Sep 2000
ENGELBRECHT Jan. Beaten. Rooipoort holding. Potgietersrus. 13 Apr 2000
ENGELBRECHT Karel. Tortured. Paterson smallholding. 5 July 2000
ERASMUS Jan. Shot. Farm Modderfontein, Groot Marico. 2 Apr 2000
ERASMUS Johannes. Murdered. Utrecht farm. 1 Feb 2000
ERASMUS Piet. Shot. Farm Geluksrus, Middelrus, Mooir River. 29 Apr 2000
FORD Alan. Stabbed. Mansfield farm. Kwadukuza. 1 Feb 2000
GELDENHUYS Jurie. Shot. Farm Rietfontein, Hartbeesfontein. 15 Oct 2000
GOWNDEN D. Tortured. Umkomaas farm. 31 July 2000
GRAHAM, male aged 59. Shot. Farm Tuschenbei, Utrecht. 14 August 2000
GROOTENDORST Gerrie. Shot. Plot 77, Kaalfontein, Rayton. 1 July 2000
HENDERSON, 44 yr old male. Beaten. Hunters Farm, Hekpoort. 29 May 2000.
HILL Dougie. Beaten. Nooitgedacht farm, Klerksdorp. 11 or 12 Feb 2000
HILL Ria. Beaten. Nooitgedacht farm, Klerksdorp. 11 or 12 Feb 2000
HUNTLEY Vivian Kirby. Murdered. Natal Midlands farm. 20 Dec 2000
JANSE VAN VUUREN Chrissie. Shot. farm Olyvenkloof, Jamestown. 14 Sep 2000
KEITH Derek. Garrotted. Farm Florida, Port Edward. 8 Aug 2000
KHARWA Essop. Stabbed. Estcourt farmstall. 1 Feb 2000
KIRBY Huntley. Murdered. Natal Midlands farm, Mooi River. 1 Dec 2000
KLOECK Des Allen Hector. Beaten. Doringrandjie plot, Pretoria, 10 Apr 2000
KRITZINGER Albie. Beaten. Farm Glenroy. East London. 15 Aug 2000
KRITZINGER Willem Christiaan. Beaten. Farm Glenroy. East London. 15 Aug 2000
LE ROUX Poppie. Beaten. Pongola smallholding. 17 Feb 2000
LIEBENBERG Nicky. Shot & Burnt. Bothaville. 13 Feb 2000
LIEBENBERG Sus. Shot & Burnt. Bothaville. 13 Feb 2000
LOUW Isabel. Strangled. De Deur smallholding. 6 Sep 2000
LUBBE, a married female. Shot. Farm Peagan Place, Estcourt. 9 May 2000
MARAIS Anna. Shot. Farm Klipkraal. Citrusdal, Marcuskraal district. 7 Aug 2000
MARAIS Wille. Shot. Farm Klipkraal. Citrusdal, Marcuskraal district. 7 Aug 2000
MARTIN Gordon. Shot. Farm The Ranch, White River. 27 Mar 2000
MILJO Louis. Shot. Lombosch farm. Kwa Mbonambi.17 Feb 2000
MITCHELL, male aged 43. Murdered. San Michells plot. Atlantis. 1 Nov 2000
NAUDE Sam G. Shot. farm Olyvenkloof, Jamestown. 14 Sep 2000
OOSTHUIZEN Theunis. Beaten. Plot 123 Klipdrift, Hammanskraal. 1 Oct 2000.
PISTORIUS Braam. Shot. Maanhaarrand area farm, Magaliesburg. 8-13 Dec.2000
POTGIETER Hedley. Shot. Nelspruit holding. 25 Feb 2000
PRETORIUS Ina. Bashed. Groblershoop. 17 May 2000.
PRETORIUS Loius. Murdered. Klein Rocklands, Bloemfontein. Sep 2000
RABE Gert Johannes. Shot. Farm Wydgelegen, Wakkerstroom. 18 July 2000
RADLOFF, married female. Murdered. Farm Waterfall, Ficksburg. 11 May 2000
RAS Hendrik. Shot. Kromhoek Farm, Wakkerstroom. 3 May 2000.
RICHTER P. Murdered. Plot 498, Karos, Upington. 6 Aug 2000.
ROUX Alet. Murdered. Riversdale farm. 13 December 2000
SCHMIDT Julius. Shot. Farm Wykom, Louwsberg.
SCHOLTZ Susara. Shot. Farm Goudplaas. Amalia. 29 May 2000.
SKINNER William. Shot. Toitskraal holding, Marble Hall, Groblersdal. 19 Sep 2000.
SPANNENBERG Daughter aged 32. Tortured & Shot. Plot 100, Benoni. 8 Oct 2000.
SPANNENBERG Father aged 67. Tortured & Shot. Plot 100, Benoni. 8 Oct 2000.
STOBIA, female aged 55. Shot. Plot NA2 Grootfontein, Marikana. 19 Oct 2000.
STRICK Edward John. Shot. Farm Roodepoortjie, Ogies. 6 June 2000.
SUMMERS 35 yr old male. Shot. Farm Carlottes, Hazyview. 4 May 2000.
SWART Paul. Shot. Steilloop farmstall, Bosveld. 18 May 2000.
THERON Mathilda “Tillie”. Murdered. Farm Leeupoort, Heilbron. 6 Aug 2000.
UNNAMED CULLINAN farmer. Murdered. 2000.
UNNAMED CULLINAN farmer’s son. Murdered. 2000
UNNAMED KING WILLIAMS TOWN farmer. Murdered. 31 May 2000.
UNNAMED KING WILLIAMS TOWN farmer’s wife. Murdered. 31 May 2000.
UNNAMED HERMANSKRAAL farmer. Tortured. Hermanskraal. Oct 2000
UNNAMED KOFFIEFONTEIN farmer aged 82. Tortured. Sep 2000
UNNAMED POLISH MAN newlywed. Murdered. Sterkfontein Dam. 23 May 2000
UNNAMED TRICHARDTDAL farmer. Murdered. 26 October 2000.
VAN AARDT Gieljam. Shot. Hartswater farm, NW. 2 Jan 2000
VAN BALEN Stefanie. Murdered. Bela-bela (Warmbaths), LP. 6 Dec 2000
VAN DER MERWE Jan. Shot. Steilloop farmstall, Bosveld. 18 May 2000.
VAN DER WOUDE Jan. Shot & stabbed. Farm Steynsdraai. Roossenekal. 4Jul 2000.
VAN HEERDEN Johannes Lodewikus. Murdered. Durbanville farm. 28 Sep 2000
VAN HEERDEN Johannes Lodewikus “Willem/Willie”. Shot. White River. 1 Dec 2000
VAN ROOYEN Nadine. Shot. Kranskop farm. 1 Jan 2000.
WALSH Martin Joseph. Stabbed. Farm Ingwelala, Hekpoort. 12 Dec 2000
WOHLBERG Ronald. Shot. Helpmekaar farm. 27 July 2000

ABRAHAMS Ismail. Shot. Groot Drakenstein farm. Boland. 2 Feb 2001.
ABRAHAMS Mariam. Shot. Groot Drakenstein farm. Boland. 2 Feb 2001.
BEZUIDENHOUT Roelof. Murdered. Steytlerville farm. 21 Nov 2001
BOTHA Irene. Murdered. Elna farm, Greylingstad. 31 March 2001
BOTHA Willie. Murdered. Elna farm, Greylingstad. 31 March 2001
BOUCHER Andre Jr. Stabbed. Farm Middelwater, Fochville. 26 Jan 2001.
BREDENKAMP Jan. Murdered. Farm Lindekweesfontein, Vredefort. FS. 2 Sep 2001.
CLOETE Desmond “Des”. Axed. Happy Valley farm, Barkley East, EC. 14 Oct 2001.
CROSS Bina. Tortured. Farm Cottondale. Tzaneen/Gravelotte. Jan 2001.
CROSS John. Tortured. Farm Cottondale. Tzaneen/Gravelotte. Jan 2001.
DEETLEFS Danie Ludwig. Murdered. Farm Almondale, Uppington 9 Dec 2001.
DE JAGER Randall. Shot. Sandton smallholding. Dec 2001
DEMETROUDES Johnny. Shot. Boekenhoutskloofdrift farm, Cullinan. 20 May 2001.
DENNIS Peter. Murdered. Sterkfontein Caves farm. Cradle-of-Mankind. 31Apr 2001.
DENNIS Shirley. Beaten. Yellowwoods farm, King Williams Town. 31 May 2001.
DENNIS William. Beaten. Yellowwoods farm, King Williams Town. 31 May 2001
DU PLESSIS Willie Snr. Shot. Hartbeesfontein farm. 12 March 2001.
FIVAZ George. Hi-jacked & murdered. Mayorspark, Alberton. 3 June 2001
GALLASZ Gustav. Beaten. Farm Kosterfontein, Magaliesburg. 5 May 2001
GREEN Bob. Burnt. Meyerton smallholding. 24 Apr 2001
GREEN Joy. Burnt. Meyerton smallholding. 24 Apr 2001
GROBLER Wessel. Shot. Colanan farm, White River. 9 Aug 2001.
HANEKOM Joachim Hermanus. Murdered. Franschhoek farm. 2 Sept 2001.
HILES Ina. Bashed. Warmbaths holding. 15 April 2001.
HOLDER Irene. Shot Farm “Highveld Safaris”, Greytown. 1 Apr 2001.
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Hester “Hettie”.Shot. Rooikoppies,Marikana. 26Mar 2001.
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Nicolas.Shot. Rooikoppies,Marikana. 26 Mar 2001.
JANSE VAN VUUREN Loek. Tortured.Broekmansfontein. Groot Marico.25Oct 2001.
JANSE VAN VUUREN Marie. Raped.Broekmansfontein. Groot Marico.25Oct 2001
JONES Herman. Murdered. Farm Klipplatsdrift, Standerton. 21 Sept 2001
JOOSTE Ilse. Shot. Farm Kromdraai. Krugersdorp. 15 Oct 2001.
JOOSTE Lynette. Shot. Farm Kromdraai. Krugersdorp. 15 Oct 2001.
JONES Herman. Murdered. Farm Klipplaatdrif, Standerton. Jan 2001.
JORDAAN Christo. Shot. Kraaifontein holding.
KATONIS Nicholas “Nic”. Burnt. Pinehaven holdings.Muldersdrift. 12 Dec 2001
KATONIS Rula. Burnt. Pinehaven holdings.Muldersdrift. 12 Dec 2001
KRIEL Jeanne. Murdered. Plot 76, Kromdraai, Witbank. 16 Sept 2001
LAAPER Ronald. Murdered. Farm Misty Hills, Waterval Boven. 23 July 2001
LE GRANGE Johan. Tortured. Kalbasfontein holding. Witbank. 27 July 2001.
MARITZ Alfred. Shot. Erasmia, GT. 22 Dec 2001.
McCABE Keith. Kidnapped. Dissapeared. Nieuw Bethesda, EC. 17 July 2001.
McGREGOR Kevin. Shot. Bloemvlei Farm, Elliott, EC. 25 March 2001
McGREGOR Marie Louise “Lu” / “Lou Shot. Bloemvlei Farm, Elliott. 25 Mar 2001
MEIRING Jannie. Stabbed.Farm Prospect, Senegal, FS. 10 June 2001
MEYER M. Murdered. Greylingstad farm. 23 June 2001.
MEYER Gert. Beaten. Zeerust. 1 Oct 2001.
MULLER Carina Sussana. Strangled. Farm Vleeskraal.Scweizer-Reyneke, NW. 28
July 2001
NEL Gert. Strangled. Bloemfontein farm. FS. 5 June 2001.
NEUENSCHWANDER Ernst. Murdered. Farm Panorama, Wellington. Jan 2001
NEUENSCHWANDER Trudie. Murdered. Farm Panorama, Wellington. Jan 2001
NEUENSCHWANDER son. Murdered. Farm Panorama, Wellington. Jan 2001
OELLERMAN Wilfred. Shot. Babanango farm. 4 May 2001.
OLIVIER Hester Magdalena. Murdered. Lentelus farm. Langkloof, Joubertina. 29
July 2001.
PAINTER Craig. Murdered. Erasmia smallholdings, Pretoria. 25 Oct 2001.
PARTRIDGE John Ernest. Murdered. Port Edward farm. 6 March 2001.
PETERS Dennis. Murdered. Sterkfontein world heritage site farm, GT. 31 May 2001.
PIENAAR Barend. Murdered. De Deur smallholding, Brits. Vereeniging. 5 April 2001.
PIKAAN Christo. Murdered. Farm Spioenkop, Grabouw. 26 June 2001.
PLOUGHMANN Liz. Tortured. Masekhane community farm, Paarl, WC. 11 Sept 2001.
POTGIETER Malcolm. Shot. Farm Sukkel, White River. MPL. 14 Jan 2001.
POTGIETER Petrus J. Murdered. Farm Lindeyspoort, Pretoria. 26 Sept 2001.
POTGIETER Piet. Shot. Farm Lindeyspoort, Pretoria, Jan 2001.
RAATS Pieter “Piet”. Stabbed. Groenfontein, near Groot Marico. NW. 26 Mar 2001.
RUSHMERE May. Shot. Farm Hardale, Queenstown. EC. 8 Feb 2001.
SCHEEPERS Martie. Shot. Wicky Creede farm, MacClear, EC. 20 Jan 2001
SCHMIDT Julius. Shot Farm Wykom. Louwsburg. Nov 2001.
SCHMIDT Ludwig / Ludwich. Murdered. Walmer holdings, Port Elizabeth. June 2001
SCHOONWINKEL Marika. Shot. Farm Diepkloof, Groblersdal. 1 June 2001.
SCHOONWINKEL Petros. Shot. Farm Diepkloof, Groblersdal. 1 June 2001.
SENA Claudio. Shot. Plot 73, Rietspruit. Rietfontein, Vaal Triangle. 9 Jan 2001.
SMITH Rinus. Shot. Bultfontein farm. 11 Oct 2001.
STAPELBERG Johan. Shot. Boons, Magaliesburg. NW. 4 Aug 2001.
STOLS Fanie. Shot. White River smallholding. MPL. 15 Sep 2001
STOLS Thelma. Shot. White River smallholding. MPL. 15 Sep 2001
TAGGART Muriel. Murdered. Farm Hartebeesbult, Newcastle. KZN. 22 Oct 2001
THERON David Johannes. Murdered. Farm Saltana Oord, Karos. NC. 15 Nov 2001
UNNAMED TOITSKRAAL Farmer aged 70. Shot. Toitskraal, Marblehall. July 2001,
UYS Hendrik Daniel “Henk”. Shot. Boons, Magaliesburg. NW. 4 Aug 2001.
VAN AART Gielim. Shot. Farm Hartswater. Kimberley. 1 Jan 2001.
VAN ASWEGEN Monica. Murdered. Waagkraal Farm, Potchefstroom. Aug 2001
VAN ASWEGEN Nelize. Murdered. Waagkraal Farm, Potchefstroom. Aug 2001
VAN BILJON Marie. Murdered. Badplaas farm. 1 Sep 2001.
VAN BILJON Ronald. Murdered. Badplaas farm. 1 Sep 2001.
VAN DEN HEEVER Christo. Murdered. Farm Vorentoe. Naboomspruit. 5 Aug 2001.
VAN DER HEEVER Martha. Murdered. Farm Vorentoe, Naboomspruit. 5 Aug 2001
VAN DER MERWE Dorothea. Suffocated. Syferfontein.Hartebeesfontein.4May2001.
VAN DER MERWE Gawie. Murdered. Syferfontein. Hartebeesfontein. 4 May 2001.
VAN DER NEST Francesca “Kleintjie”. Shot. Farm Suikervlei, Vrede. 24 Aug 2001.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Griet. Murdered. Farm Smaldeel, Parys, FS. 1 May 2001.
VAN HEERDEN Johan. Shot. Geysdorp. Delareyville, NW. 28 June 2001.
VAN JAARSVELD Fanie. Murdered. Waagkraal Farm, Potchefstroom. Aug 2001
VAN JAARSVELD Susan. Murdered. Waagkraal Farm, Potchefstroom. Aug 2001
VAN NIEKERK Theo. Murdered. Farm Geluksberg, KZN. 27 May 2001
VAN ROOYEN Dawid Hermanus. Murdered. Valleifontein, Lichtenburg. 26 Jan 2001
VAN ROOYEN Elna. Murdered. Zeekoegat Farm, Rouxville. Oct 2001
VAN ROOYEN Michael. Shot. Potchefstroom farm. 16 July 2001.
VAN STADEN Alicia. Murdered. Farm De Kuil, Overyssel, Ellissras. Oct 2001
VAN STADEN Mari-Helene. Murdered. Farm De Kuil, Overyssel, Ellissras.Oct 2001
VAN WYK Pieter. Shot. Bapsfontein. 2001
VAN ZYL Loretta. Tortured. farm Hoopenberg. Klapmuts. Muldersvlei. 1 Jan 2001.
VAN ZYL Percy. Tortured. farm Hoopenberg. Klapmuts. Muldersvlei. 1 Jan 2001.
VILJOEN Annemarie. Throat slit. Haakdoring holdings, Pretoria. 16 April 2001.
VISSER Annelize Liezette. Shot. Farm Op-Die-Berg, Kleinveld. Ceres.1 June 2001.
VISSER Jan “Jannie”. Shot. Farm Op-Die-Berg, Kleinveld. Ceres.1 June 2001.
VON LITSENBORGH Carl. Murdered. Farm Sanice, Klapmuts. Mar 2001.
VON LITSENBORGH Peggy. Murdered. Farm Sanice, Klapmuts. Mar 2001
VOSTER Petro. Murdered. Annashoop, Plooysburg, Kimberley. October 2001
WEBSTER Collin. Beaten. Richmond farm. 18 Feb 2001
WINKELMANN Herman. Murdered. King Williams Town farm, EC. 16 July 2001

BEKKER Louisa Martha. Strangled. Roodeport holdings. Warmbad. 2002.
BOTHA Len. Murdered. Bloekomspruit farm, Balfour. July 2002.
BOTHA Piet. Murdered. Farm Crocodillian Estates, Fochville, NW. 25 Feb 2002
BRENTSCHNEIDER Fritz. Murdered. Kromdraai holdings, Bela-Bela. 25 July 2002
BURGER Estelle. Kidnapped&Murdered. Farm Topfontein, Bethal. Jan 2002
CONWAY Jan. Murdered. Pilgrims Rest, LIM. Oct 2002
COUSTINO Manuel. Murdered. Elandsfontein farm, Nelspruit. Apr 2002.
DE LANGE Evelin. Raped & Garrotted. Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth. 24 Jan 2002
DE LANGE John. Shot. Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth. 24 Jan 2002.
DELPORT Martin. Shot. De Deur smallholding. Bronhorstspruit. 12 Mar 2002.
DELPORT Lillian. Shot. De Deur smallholding. Bronhorstspruit. 12 Mar 2002.
DENT Robin. Beaten & shot. Farm Aussicht, Wartburg, FS. 15 June 2002
DENT Allison. Beaten & shot. Farm Aussicht, Wartburg, FS. 15 June 2002
DENT Nicolaas. Kidnapped. Farm Aussicht, Wartburg, FS. 15 June 2002
DONALDSON D. Shot. Bishopstowe farm. 24 Mar 2002.
DU PREEZ Iris. Murdered. Wilgeboom smallholding. Potchefstroom. 5 April 2002
DU TOIT Fanie. Murdered. Farm Graanlaagte, Hertzogville. Oct 2002
ENGELBRECHT Kotie. Murdered. Old Constantia farm, Bultfontein, Nov 2002
FOURIE Albie. Murdered. Paarl farm, WC. Jan 2002
FOURIE Lenie. Murdered. Paarl farm, WC. Jan 2002
FOSTER Vernon. Murdered. Gordons Bay farm, EC. Dec 2002.
GALE Felicity Margaret. Shot. Fort Jackson farm. EC. 20 Mar 2002.
GARDNER Guy Ian. Shot. Farm Breeze Inn, Bishopstowe, KZN. 20 Feb 2002
HAVISIDE Thomas. Stabbed. Farm Penny Park, Pietermaritzburg. 22 Jan 2002
KEMPSDORP Jan. Tortured. Vryburg smallholding. 7 Aug 2002
KLINGBILL Marius. Murdered. Farm Lagerspoort, Heidelberg. 27 Sept 2002
KLINGBILL Marius’ wife. Murdered. Farm Lagerspoort, Heidelberg. 27 Sept 2002
LAKE Johannes. Shot. Farm Lynspruit, Vryheid, KZN. 12 July 2002
LANDSBERG DJ. Shot. Kameeldrift holdings, Ottos Hope, NW. 25 Feb 2002.
LE GRANGE Jacobus Louis. Murdered. Krugersdorp holding. Dec 2002.
LEWIS Albertina. Murdered. Witbank farm. 21 Sep 2002.
LEWIS George. Murdered. Witbank farm. 21 Sep 2002.
LIEBENBERG Floretta. Murdered. Jannerus farm, Bultfontein. Nov 2002.
LIEBENBERG Lieb. Murdered. Jannerus farm, Bultfontein. Nov 2002.
LOMBARD Tollie. Murdered.Farm Kareepoort, Brits. NW. Dec 2002.
MANS Rita. Shot. Ottosdal farm, NW. 17 Apr 2002.
MARE / MAREE Johannes Jacobus. Beaten. Plot 186, Randfontein.1 Aug 2002
MALDENHAUER Lionel. Murdered. East London farm. Apr 2002.
MURLEY Roy. Tortured. Kocksrus, Westonaria. NW. 19 July 2002.
NAUDE Beatrize Susanna. Shot. Farm Doornpoort. Krugersdorp. GA. Mar 2002.
NAUDE Willie. Shot. Farm Doornpoort. Krugersdorp. GA. Mar 2002
NORTJE Ria. Tortured & Burnt. 13 February, 2002.
NORTJE Salie Tortured & Burnt. 13 February, 2002.
OLIVIER Christo. Tortured. Vryburg smallholding. 7 Aug 2002
OLIVIER Pieter. Murdered. Bleskopfontein, GT. 1 April 2002
OPPERMAN Tinus Johan. Murdered. Long Tom Pass, CPT. Nov 2002
PIENAAR Andre. Shot. Farm Mooitoekoms, Viljoenskroon, FS. 12 May 2002
PIETERSE Pieter. Stabbed. Komatipoort, MPL. 15 March 2002
PRETORIUS Andries. Dundee, KZN. 7 July 2002
PRETORIUS Pieter. Shot. Farm Rietfontein, Balfour, Carolina.Jan/Sep/Dec 2002.
ROMANG Walter. Throat slit. Paarl.Feb 2002.
RUITERS Leonardus. Stabbed&Beaten. Farm Tuinplaas, Napier. WC. 1 Dec 2002
SAWYER Mona. Stabbed. Magaliesberg farm, GT. 29 April 2002
SCHEEPERS Johnny. Shot. Scheepers Neck farm, Vryheid, KZN. 12 July 2002.
SCHEEPERS Lake. Shot. Scheepers Neck farm, Vryheid, KZN. 12 July 2002
SCHMIDT Rudi. Stabbed. Pontdirft. LP. 11 Mar 2002
SIEMENS George. Murdered. Sekorro village, Tzaneen. MPL.3 July 2002
SMITH Arthur. Tortured & throat slit. Sundra farm, MP. 1 Jan 2002.
SMITH Isobel. Tortured & throat slit. Sundra farm, MP. 1 Jan 2002.
SMITH Rinus. Murdered. Farm Aangeknocht. Bultfontein, FS. Oct 2002.
STEENKAMP Lukas. Murdered. MP farm. 17 Dec 2002.
STEVENS Julie. Murdered. Long Tom Pass, CPT. Nov 2002
STEYN Barend. Murdered. Bloemspruit smallholdings.
STEYN Johan. Shot. Plot 55, Bynespoort, Cullinan. 27 July 2002
UYS Charl. Murdered. Farm Boomplaas, Reddersburg, FS. Oct 2002.
UYS Ronelle. Murdered. Farm Boomplaas, Reddersburg, FS. Oct 2002.
VAN DEN HEEVER Susan. Beaten & Shot. Vergenoegd, Tzaneen. 7 Jan 2002
VAN HOUTEN Cheryl. Hacked. Centurion smallholding, Pretoria. 7 June 2002
VAN RENSBURG Henry. Murdered. Delaryville farm. July 2002.
VAN STADEN Johannes. Murdered. Cullinan smallholding. June 2002.
VAN ZYL Loretta. Stabbed & throat slit. Farm Hopenberg. Muldersvlei. April 2002.
VAN ZYL Percy. Stabbed. Farm Hopenberg. Muldersvlei. April 2002
VAN RENSBURG Henry. Murdered. Delareyville farm, NW. 7 Aug 2002
VAN TONDER Douw. Murdered. Lephalale farm, LP. 12 Oct 2002
VILJOEN Johan. Burnt. Farm Zavanfontein, Ficksburg, FS. 16 Aug 2002
VORSTER Ben. Murdered. Limpopo farm. 29 May 2002
VAN HOUTEN Cheryl. Hacked. Centurion smallholding. Pretoria. 7 June 2002
VORSTER Ben. Murdered.
WARREN Michael John. Shot. Farm West Poyton, Kubusie, EC. 5 March 2002
WATKINS Catherine. Murdered. Potchefstroom farm, NW.12 Feb 2002
WENTZEL Ruben. Murdered. Farm Villa Pax, Vryburg, NW.12 July 2002
WERNER Stephanus Anton. Murdered. Rustenburg farm. Nw. 5 April 2002
WEYERS Hillary. Murdered.Hoedspruiit farm. 7 Aug 2002
WOLMERANS Erasmus. Kidnapped&Murdered. Farm Topfontein, Bethal. Jan 2002

ALDRIDGE C.L. Murdered. Boston farm, KZN. 18 Jan 2003.
BADENHORST Henriette. Shot&Burnt. Farm “Gister se Glorie”. Clarens. 3Nov 2003.
BADENHORST Mihanna. Shot&Burnt. Farm “Gister se Glorie”. Clarens. 3Nov 2003.
BADENHORST Louis. Shot&Burnt. Farm “Gister se Glorie”. Clarens. 3Nov 2003.
BOCK Reimond. Shot. Philipi, Cape Flats, WC. 15 Apr 2003.
BOTHMA Inez. Shot. Nelspruit farm. 8 Jan 2003.
BREYTENBACH R. Murdered. Vanwyksdorp farm. Jan 2003.
BRUWER Johannes. Slashed. Camperdown farm. 1 Aug 2008.
BURGER Wikus. Shot. Sabie smallholding. 19 Jan 2003.
BUYS Phillip. Shot. Weenen farm. 17 Sep 2003.
CUMMING Graham. Stabbed. Steynsburg, EC. 20 Oct 2003.
DE JAGER Johan. Shot. Farm Uap, Upington. NC. 9 Mar 2003.
DE JAGER Piet. Shot. Laatsgevonden, Levubu. 27 Sep 2003.
DEKKER Jaap. Shot. Farm Witklip, Piet Retief. 6 Mar 2003.
DE KLERK Jan. Murdered. Farm In-Die-Middel, Schoemanskloof. MP. 31 Dec 2003.
DE KLERK Rina. Shot. Amersfoort. 2003
DU PLESSIS Rina. Battered. Melbourne farm, Tom Burke. Lehalale,LP. 23Nov2003.
GOOSSEN Nicolaas. Throat slashed. Farm Meadowbank, Vrede, FS. 4 June 2003
GREYLING Joseph. Shot.Hoedspruit smallholding,Tzaneen. 20 Feb 2003.
GRIEBENOW Willie. Stabbed.Nooitgedacht holding, Walkerville. 14 June 2003.
GROBBELAAR Pierre. Shot. Benoni smallholding. 17 May 2003.
GROBLER Douw Gerbrand. Shot. Cullinan smallholding. 11 July 2003
GROBLER Frederika Jacoba. Shot. Cullinan smallholding. 11 July 2003
HATTINGH Conrad Frederik. Shot. Farm Koperfontein, Rustenburg. 16 May 2003.
HATTINGH Piet. Murdered. Farm Letsitele, Doringfontein, Roedtan. 15 Jan 2003.
HEBLER Fred. Burnt. Farm Goedemoed, Brandford, FS. 29 Se 2003.
HERBST Stanley “Stan”. Shot. Farm Bella, Pilgrim’s Rest. MPL. 20 Sep 2003.
HERBST Sue. Murdered. Farm Barloworld, Nelspruit. 20 Sept 2003
JANSON Willem. Shot. Nelspruit farm. 23 June 2003.
LANDSBERG D.J. Shot. Doornplaats farm, Ottoshoop, NW. 25 Jan 2003
LLOYD Dolf. Strangled. Estoire smallholding. Bloemfontein. FS. 10 Mar 2003.
LOURENS Deon. Shot. Brandon Hill farm. Empangeni. KZN. 6 Dec 2003.
MUGGELS Isaac. Murdered. Faure farm, Blackheath. 6 Dec 2003.
NAUDE Frederick “Fred” . Tortured & Shot. Cullinan smallholdings.12 Sep 2003.
NEL Cobus OR Kobus. Shot. Sardinia farm, Bultfontein, FS. 21 Aug 2003.
NIEMANN Jan Lewies. Murdered. Wonderboom airport holding. PTA .31 Dec 2003.
OLIVIER Pieter. Beaten. Farm Blesbokfontein. Bronkhorstspruit. 9 June 2003.
PLOUGHMAN Liz. Murdered. Farm Evergreen, Paarl. 3 Nov 2003.
PRINSLOO JP. Murdered. Farm Linden, Viljoenskroon, NV. May 2003
RAMSAY Thomas. Stabbed. Hermansberg-Schormans farm,Nelspruit.13 Jun 2003.
ROBERTS Joseph William. Beaten. De Deur smallholding, Brits. 15 Mar 2003.
SMIT Theuns. Shot. Brits farm. NW. 27 Mar 2003.
SMITH Fanie. Shot & Burnt. farm “Vadersdeel”, Heilbron. 30 July 2003.
SMITH Ina. Shot & Burnt. farm “Vadersdeel”, Heilbron. 30 July 2003.
STANDER S/ Murdered. Paarl farm. Apr 2003.
SWART Elsie. Murdered. Rustenburg holding, NW. 31 Jan 2003.
SWART Kolletjie. Shot.Hoedspruit smallholding,Tzaneen. 20 Feb 2003
SWART Magdalena. Beaten. Rustenburg farm. NW. 28 Feb 2003.
TOLEMAN Gary. Shot. Kruger national Park farm. 18 Oct 2003.
TALJAARD Johan. Shot. Delareyville, NW. 12 Apr 2003.
TAYLOR Rob. Shot. Edenvale, East Rand. 11 Mar 2003.
TERBLANCHE Koos. Throat slit. Trentham farm. Bethlehem. FS. 13 Oct 2003.
TWINE James. Shot. Farm Snymansdrif, Pietersburg. 31 Jan 2003.
VAN DEN BERG Gerhard. Shot. Farm Klippan, Bothaville.FS. 25 Oct 2003.
VAN DER BANK Debbie. Murdered. Lakeside smallholding, Vereeniging, April 2003
VAN DER BANK Johan. Shot. Dairy farm, Vereeniging. 4 Apr 2003.
VAN DER WALT Karel Petrus. Shot. Smallholding Oorsaak, Kroondal. 27 Mar 2003.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Jakob. Hacked. Boekenhoutkloof, Cullinan. 4 June 2003.
VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN Loekie. Tortured. Louis Trichardt farm, LP. 17 Dec 2003.
VAN REENEN Sebastian. Shot. Dew Fresh farm stall. Philippi, WC. 19 July 2003.
ZANDBERG Jan. Strangled. Estoire smallholding. Bloemfontein. FS. 10 Mar 2003.

ARMITAGE Martin. Murdered. Melkhoutkoppies farm, Makhado. 30 Sep 2004.
BOON Hanno. Shot. Pretoria farm. 16 Dec 2004
BOTES Rudi. Tortured & Shot. Genade, Bultfontein. 30 July 2004.
BOTHA Elsie. Raped & Murdered. Hendrina smallholding. 1 Jan 2004
BRAK Jan. Stabbed. Wilgerboom smallholding. Potchefstroom. May 2004.
BROWN Dave. Murdered on his Bredell smallholding, Kempton park. 20 May 2004.
DE GOUVEIA Jock. Murdered. Heidelberg farm. 16 Dec 2004.
DE VILLIERS Danicha. Murdered. Loch Logan Lake. Bloemfontein. Sat 16 July 2004.
DU TOIT W’s wife. Murdered. Brits farm, NW. July 2004
ESTERHUIZEN Frederick. Murdered. Pinetown smallholding. June 2004
FOURIE Kobus. Shot. De Deur smallholding, Meyerton. 11 Mar 2004.
FOURIE Piet. Shot. De Deur smallholding, Meyerton. 11 Mar 2004.
GEVERS Norah Joyce. Throat slit. Wartburg farm. 18 July 2004.
HALL Eunice. Murdered. Kraalhoek farm, Rustenburg. May 2004.
HECKMAN John. Stabbed. Farm Minestone, Soutpansberg. June 24
HENDERSON Willie. Murdered. Hartdoringboom smallholding, Pretoria. 6 Jan 2004.
JACOB, male aged 41 SEE WEBER Jacob
JORDAAN Eddie. Shot. Heidelberg farm. 21 May 24.
LANGENHOVEN Martinus. Shot. Muldersdrift smallholding, Pretoria. Sep 2004.
LE BRUN Jean-Paul. Shot. Sunbird Poultry farm, Eikenhof. 19 Nov 2004.
LOURENS Cornelius. Murdered. Farm Hekpoort. Magaliesburg. 12 Mar 2004.
LOURENS Olive May. Murdered. Farm Hekpoort. Magaliesburg. 12 Mar 2004
MACKINNON Ian. Shot. Walkerville smallholding, Meyerton. 18 Aug 2004.
MCCONDOCHIE Anne. Shot. Witbank. 24 May 2004.
MOMBERG Tertia. Murdered. Tuli-block farm. 15 May 2004.
MOOLMAN Chris. Murdered. Cedarville Farm, KZN. 1 June 2004.
MOSTERT Johannes Jacobus. Shot. Witkoppies farm, Henley-on-Klip. 16 Jan 2004
MOSTERT Susan. Assaulted & Shot. Witkoppies farm, Henley-on-Klip. 16 Jan 2004
MOTAUNG Lisbeth. Murdered. Buycilia holding. Vaal Rand. 22 Feb 2004
MEYBURGH Maria. Murdered. Maryvlei smallholding. Brakpan. 16 Junie 2004
MEYBURGH Phillipus. Murdered. Maryvlei smallholding. Brakpan. 16 Junie 2004
NAUDE SG. Murdered. Olyfenkloof farm, Jamestown, EC.
PARDAU Abel. Murdered. Farm Oorbietjiefontein. Hartbeesfontein. 6 Apr 2004.
PRETORIUS Hannes. Shot. Jan Kempdorp. 14 Apr 2004.
SALGUIRO Amando. Shot. Randpark Ridge, Randburg. 5 Nov 2004.
SERFONTEIN Chris. Murdered. Farm Tonnel, Vaalrivier. July 2004.
SITARAM Anand. Shot on farm road. Hopewell, Pietermaritzburg. July
SNYMAN Ian. Murdered. Farm Cop-Wildlife. Mar 2004.
STANDER Ernst. Shot. Pomona, Putfontein, Benoni. 4 Jan 2004.
STEYN Martin. Strangled. Alldays farm. 23 Mar 2004.
STRUIS Randall. Murdered. Kakamas farm. Karoo. 3 Oct 2004.
TERBLANCHE Jannie Christoffel. Murdered. Kroonbult farm. May 2004
THERON Richard. Murdered. Kosterfontein farm, Magaliesburg. 9 June 2004.
UNNAMED RAINFALL FARM husband. Tortured. Harrismith. 2 Aug 2004
UNNAMED RAINFALL FARM wife. Tortured. Harrismith. 2 Aug 2004
VAN DER MERWE Neels. Stabbed. Ellisras farm. 30 Mar 2004.
VAN DER RIET Adriana. Stabbed. Rocklands, Port Elizabeth. July 2004.
VAN DYK Estelle. Murdered. Kosterfontein farm, Magaliesburg. 9 June 2004.
VAN DYK Johan. Stabbed. Farm Renéville, Cullinan. 17 Nov 2004.
VAN NIEKERK Kosie. Stabbed & throat slit. Farm Dankbaarheid. 24 Aug 2004.
VAN WYK Paul. Shot. Kromdraai, Krugersdorp. 24 Feb 2004.
VAN ZYL Marie. Murdered. Danna Baai, Mosselbay. EC. June 2004
VELDMAN Frederick. Smothered. Ermelo holding. May 2004.
VENTER At. Shot. Leeufontein farm, Cullinan. 30 Oct 2004.
VENTER Rien. Shot. Leeufontein farm, Cullinan. 30 Oct 2004.
VENTER Sebastian. Shot. Cullinan smallholding. 10 Aug 2004.
VERKES Willem. Burnt. Eeufees Way holding, Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein. 2004.
WEBB Andrew. Murdered. Fouriesburg farm. 13 Aug 2004.
WOLFAARDT Elmarie. Murdered. Dorsfontein farm. Murraysburg. 31 Jan 2004.
WOLFAARDT Philipus. Shot. Daviddale farm, Amsterdam. July 2004.

BANNEL Noёl Donald. Murdered. Maribashoek holdings, Potgietersrus. 13 Nov
BRIGGS James. Beaten. Grahamstown farm. 29 July 2005.
BRINK Helgard. Beaten. Heatherdale holding, Akasia, Pretoria. 7 July 2005
BRINK Salomie. Beaten. Heatherdale holding, Akasia, Pretoria. 7 July 2005
CHANTLER Leonie. Murdered. Boschkop holding, Pretoria East. 27 Dec 2005
CHATTERTON Jacqueline Ivy. Stabbed. Farm Mantshonga, Boston. 29 Oct 2005.
DALE Jimmy. Slashed. Nelspruit smallholding. Mar 2005.
DE JAGER Gavin. Shot. Farm De Poort, Du Toitskloof Pass. Cape. 26 Jan 2005
EDWARDS Margaret. Raped, beaten, strangled in field. Chintsa East. 15 Oct 2005.
EGGARS Conrad. Hi-jacked&Shot. N2 North Coast road, Scottburgh. 31 Oct 2005
ERNST Pieter. Shot. Hekpoort holding, Magaliesburg. 28 July 2005.
ESTERHUIZEN Frederick. Tortured. Pinetown holding. 12 Apr 2005.
FERREIRA Catherine. Tortured. Pinetown holding. 11 Apr 2005.
GOUWS, male aged 40. Shot. Bashewa smallholding, Pretoria East. 23 Aug 2005.
GOUWS Roan. Shot. Port Elizabeth farm. 2005.
HAASBROEK Nardus. Beaten. Farm Oorgang, Dealesville. 9 Jan 2005.
HAMMEL Karsten. Murdered. De Kroon smallholdings. Rustenburg. 1 Aug 2005.
HART John. Beaten. Swing Gate holdings, Nooitgedacht, Muldersdrif. 18 Nov 2005
HART Sylvia. Beaten. Swing Gate holdings, Nooitgedacht, Muldersdrif. 18 Nov 2005
HATTINGH Gert. Murdered. Smallholding “Het Blok”. Delmas/Nigel. 13 Dec 2005.
HOLL Karel. Shot. Farm Kaalfontein, Johannesburg south. 14 Nov 2005.
HOWELL Peter. Assaulted. Gordon’s bay golf estate. 2005
KEYTER Ben. Spade murder. Dresden, Alldays. 4 Jan 2005.
LANGE Ulrich. Shot. Nooitgedacht holding. Muldersdrif. 17 Apr 2005
LOURENS Jaap. Murdered. Dundee farm. 16 Apr 2005.
LOURENS Willem. Shot. Hekpoort. 5 July 2005.
MARTISON Charles Henry. Tortured. Hartsvallei, Jan Kempdorp, Cape. 13 Sep 2005
MARTISON Koos. Beaten. Hallgate holding. Nigel 17 Oct 2005.
MATTIAS Susan. Murdered. Farm Lindley, Muldersdrift, Nov 2005
MC NEIL Robert. Assaulted. Bronkhortspruit farm. 1st May 2005
MEYER Billy. Shot. Lovedale farm, Mara. 19 Nov 2005.
NEEETHLING Wanda. Stabbed. Lowanee Estate holdings. Mar 2005.
PRETORIUS Coennie. Shot. Millgate smallholdings, Muldersdrift. Wed
Feb 2005.
ROSSOUW Krappies. Shot. Eldoraigne, Pretoria, GA. May 2005
STAN N.P. Beaten. Sandrivierspoort farm. 20 Nov 2005.
STEYN John Louis. Beaten. Sandriver holding, Pietersburg. 19 Nov 2005.
STIELER Ernest. Murdered. Olifantsfontein Road, Midrand, GT. 2005
STOFFBERG Wikus. Tortured. Farm Kaallaagte. Ficksburg. 27 Dec 2005.
SWART Pieter. Shot. Kameelfontein holding, Pretoria. Apr 2005.
WALKER Christine. Shot. Birchleigh-North, Kempton Park. 23 Sep 2005.
VAN DYK Sybrand. Shot. Kameeldoring holdings, Pretoria. 12 Jan 2005.
VAN HEERDEN Etna. Shot. Farm Kromdraai, Louis Trichardt. Mon 4 Jan 2005.
VAN RENSBURG Shirley. Tortured. North Riding smallholding. 20 August 2005
VAN ROOYEN Eugene. Shot. Eldoraigne, Pretoria, GA. May 2005
VAN VUUREN Danie. Murdered. Farm Sterkloop, Pietersburg. 12 Jan 2005.
VAN VUUREN Celia. Shot. Farm Doringfontein. Roedtan. Wed 15 Dec 2005
VAN VUUREN HennieShot. Farm Doringfontein. Roedtan. Wed 15 Dec 2005
VARTY David. Shot. Farm Rietvlei, Pietermaritzburg. 23 Mar 2005.
VELDMAN Frederick. Smothered. Ermelo smallholding. 11 May 2005.
VENTER Elsa. Shot. Donkerhoek smallholding, Pretoria. 19 July 2005
VERKES Willem. Stabbed. Bloemspruit holdings. 16 Mar 2005.
WALSH Ruth. Beaten. Hekpoort holding. Magaliesburg. 2 Aug 205.
WILKES Andrew. Shot. Honeydew holding, Nooitgedagt. Feb 2005.
WYNFORD Delray. Hi-jacked&Murdered. Marina Sea Salt/KwaMagxaki. 2 Mar 2005

ACKERMAN Joey. Bashed. Penford, Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth area. Fri 4 Mar 2006
BARKHUIZEN Sylvia, 72. Murdered. Farm Kruisement, Leslie. 7 July 2006
BARNARD Eddie. Hi-jacked & Shot. Vanderbijlpark. Sat 20 Nov 2006.
BEKKER Nicky. Hi-jacked & murdered. Riverlea, Johannesburg. Tues 15 Oct 2006.
BEZUIDENHOUT Nico. Shot. Damplaas farm,Excelsior/Winberg border. 7May 2006.
BIERMAN Louis. Shot Amanzimtoti. Wed 11 October 2006
BOTHA Charles. Tortured. Kaalvallei, near Naboomspruit. LIM. Wed 9 Feb 2006.
BOTHA Joey. Tortured. Kaalvallei, near Naboomspruit. LIM. Wed 9 Feb 2006.
BOTHA Hannes. Murdered. Evander dairy farm. 16 Dec 2006.
BOTHA Hennie. Burnt. Between Marken and Baltimore, Polokwane. Fri 2 Oct 2006
BOTHA MC. Beaten & Stabbed. Bloemfontein. Thur 18 Oct 2006.
BOTHA Thys. Shot. Farm Boesmanspruit, Carolina. June 2006.
CAMPBELLGeorge McKenzie.Kidnapped&Murdered.Tarlton,Krugersdorp.Fri,Jun 06
CAMERON Jackie. Murdered. Green Point, Cape Town, CPT. May 2006.
CILLIERS Jane. Smothered. Pentagonpark, Free State. Tues 27 Oct 2006.
COOMBES George. Chopped. Rant-en-dal smallholding, Krugersdorp. 28 Nov 2006.
CRONJE Kobus. Shot. Kameeldrift holdings. Fri 21 Apr 2006.
DE BEER Louis. Murdered. Renosterspruit smallholdings, Johannesburg. Sep 2006.
DE JAGER Manie. Shot. Schurweberg smallholding, Pretoria. Tues, 27 July 2006
DU PLESSIS Charl “Doepie”. Shot. Motherwell. Port Elizabeth. 3 Jan 2006
EAGLE Brian. Shot while driving. Cradle of Humanity. Sterkfontein. 11 Dec 2006.
ESTERHUIZEN Daniella.Shot.Riebeeckdam,CulemborgPark.Randfontein.22Dec06.
EYSSEL Bobby. Murdered. Soutpansberg, Louis Trichardt. June 2006
FIVAZ Louis. Murdered. Farm Modderbult. Ventersburg/Steynsrus. Sun 20 Nov 2006
FOURIE Eugene. Murdered. Verkeerdevlei, Brandford. Oct 2006.
FOURIE Annemarie. Murdered. Verkeerdevlei, Brandford. Oct 2006.
GEYER Anna-Marie. Stabbed&Throat slit.Farm DeDoorens,Sterkstroom.Fri19Jun06.
GREEN Bob. Torched. Meyerton smallholding. 2006.
GREEN Joy. Torched. Meyerton smallholding. 2006.
GREYLING Jan. Bashed & Shot. Farm Floridam. Trompsburg. 18 Dec 2006.
GREYLING Johanna. Bashed & Shot. Farm Floridam. Trompsburg. 18 Dec 2006.
HECKERODT Horst Adolf. Shot. De Rust holdings. Hartbeespoort. 15 Jan 2006.
HENNING Andre. Shot. The Reeds, Centurion. 2 Oct 2006.
HERSELMAN Megan. Shot while driving. N1 South. Rivonia. 15 June 2006
HEYNEKE Phillip “Flip”. Murdered. Bainsvlei farm, Bloemfontein. 21 June 2006.
JACOBS Peter. Beaten. Robin Acres, Johannesburg. Sun 15 Aug 2006
JACOBS Annemarie. Beaten. Robin Acres, Johannesburg. Sun 15 Aug 2006
KELLERMAN Renate. Raped & Murdered. Le Petit Chateau,Durbanville.15Jul2006.
KLEYNHANS Dirk. Burnt. Between Marken & Baltimore, Polokwane. Fri 2 Oct 2006
LABUSCHAGNE Johannes Kristoffel. Shot.Vredepoort farm, Dordrecht. 6 Mar 2006.
LANGE Ulrich. Murdered. Muldersdrift smallholding. Apr 2006.
LOURENS Willie. Shot. Hekpoort farm, Johannesburg west. Tues 2006
MARAIS Jacobus “Basie”. Beaten. Jongensbaai, Still Bay, Cape. Sat 7 Oct 2006.
MC GAFFIN Gordon SEE MC GAFFIN Anne-Elizabeth
MC GAFFIN Leigh SEE MC GAFFIN Anne-Elizabeth
MEYER Billy. Shot. Lovedale Farm, Mara, Makhado. Pretoria. Sat 8 Aug 2006
MOOLMAN Jan. Shot. Biesieslaagte,Wolmaranstad, North West. Wed 30 Nov 2006.
NAUDE Leon. Shot. Steinsvlei holdings. Muldersdrift. Mon 27 July 2006.
NEL Deon. Shot. Kay Sand smallholding. Randburg. 3 Mar 2006.
NOACK Mattias. Shot. Lindley holdings, West Rand. 27 Sep 2006.
PESTANA Antonio. Murdered. Rondebult, Germiston. 24 Nov 2006
PIETERS Frans. Tortured & Strangled. Swartruggens. 12 July 2006.
PODOLSKI Ezrah. Beaten & Hung. Pietermaritzburg farm. 5 Sept 2006
POTGIETER Anna-Marie. Shot. Vereeniging smallholding. 25 Jan 2006
RAUBENHEIMER Christopher. Shot. Bridlepark smallholdings,Midrand. 11Aug 2006
RAUSCH Ray. Shot. Garsfontein agricultural holdings, Pretoria. 15 Dec 2006.
REED Anna Jacoba. Strangled. Farm Arib, Gobabis, East London. 21 Sep 2006
ROBBERTSON Robbie. Strangled. Vallambrosa holding. Bloemfontein. Mar 2006.
ROOS De Ville. Shot. Uitvalgrond farm, Sonop, Brits, Marico. Fri 24 Apr 2006.
SMITH Bettie. Murdered. Farm Modderbult. Ventersburg/Steynsrus. Sun20 Nov 2006
STEPHENS Lyle Andrew. Shot. Hillcrest orphanage. 27 February 2006
STEYN John Louis. Beaten. Sand River smallholdings, Pretoria. Sat 8 Aug 2006
STRAHAN Maria. Strangled in home. Boshof smallholding. 14 July
SWIEGERS Jacoba Elizabeth. Kidnapped & Murdered.Northdene. Tues 14 Jun2006.
THORNTON Jenny. Raped & Murdered. Devon Bank farm,Dordrecht. 17 Jan 2006.
UNNAMED BARRY MARAIS RD., BLONDE woman. Raped&Murdered.23 Oct 2006
UNNAMED FICHARDTPARK farmer. Strangled. Bloemfontein smallholding. Mar
UNNAMED GORDON’S BAY Businessman aged 40 SEE BACON Clifford
VAN DEN BERG. Ben. Kidnapped & Murdered. Tarlton, Krugersdorp. Fri, Jun 2006
VAN DEVENTER Pieter Gabriel Gawie. Stabbed. Rooipoort. Potgietersrust.14 Sep
VAN TONDER Charlotte. Stabbed. Farm Merino. Vrede. 30 May 2006
VAN TONDER Kobus. Shot. Farm Merino. Vrede. 30 May 2006
VAN VUUREN Ronnie. Shot. Farm Middelwater, Hoopstad/Bloemhof. Feb 2006.
VAN WYK Willem. Shot. De Hoop farm. Steynsrus. May 2006.
VISSER Schalk. Shot on road. N2 freeway. Port Shepstone. 2006.
WAMBACH Ludwig. Tortured. Farm Sterkwater. Bultfontein, Pretoria. 20 Feb 2006.

BADENHORST Fanus. Shot. Farm Jacobsdal. 11 Mar 2007.
BARDSLEY Robert. Shot. Kalkheuwel farm, Broederstroom. May 2007
BATES Muriel. Speared & raped. Kliprivier smallholding, Joburg. 30 Aug 2007.
BOTHA Emmerentia “Nen”. Strangled & raped. Farm Skuilhoek, Luckhoff. FS. 2007.
BOTHA Hendrik. Tortured. Dunnottar smallholdings. 7 October 2007.
BOTHA Stienie. Shot. Hartbeespoortdam farm, Pretoria. 27 Sep 2007.
BOTHA Willem. Shot. Mosterthoek farm, Lydenburg. Tues. 23 Nov 2007
BOWKER-JOPLIN Gregory. Murdered. Walmer township, Port Elizabeth. Dec 2007
BREEDT Sarel. Tortured & Shot. Honingkraal, Groblersdal. Thur 13 Jan 2007.
BRISTOW Susan. Murdered with garden fork. Musina farm. 16 Apr 2007
BURGER Wikus. Shot in house. Sabie plot. Sat 20 Jan 2007
CALDEIRA Antonio. Stabbed on farm. 4 Dec 2007
CAPAZORIO Jose. Beaten to death at gate. Grootvlei holdings, Witbank.Sep 2007.
CHATTERTON Jacqueline Ivy. Stabbed in house. Boston holdings. 31 Oct 2007.
DE BRUYN Deon. Bludgeoned. Strydfontein holding, Pretoria north. 9 June 2007
DE LANGE Machiel. Tortured & burnt in house. Vaalwater, Dorset road. 6 Nov 2007.
DE PAIVA Armando. Assaulted & Strangled. Northdene, Vanderbijlpark. June 2007.
DU PLESSIS Mike. Assaulted & Shot. Jagfontein farm, Westonaria. 24 Oct 2007.
ERASMUS Hanna Lalie. Raped, mutilated, throat slit. Grootfontein Farm. Feb 2007.
ERASMUS Johanna Maria. Raped. Welbekend farm, Bronkhorstspruit. 1 Feb 2007
EVA Ken. Beaten & chopped. Eshowe, Nkwaleni. 9 Jan 2007.
FERREIRA Ruan. Murdered. Rustenburg holding. Feb 2007.
FITCH Raymond. Beaten & stabbed. Farm Two Springs, Swartberg. 20 July 2007
FITCH Yvonne. Beaten & stabbed. Farm Two Springs, Swartberg. 20 July 2007
FRIEDRICHSEN Christel. Shot. Wilgeboom Smallholding. Mar 2007.
FRIEDRICHSEN Edgar. Shot. Wilgeboom Smallholding. Mar 2007.
GREENE David. Shot outside. Rustenbergspruit farm, Estcourt. Wed 19 Dec 2007
GREYLING Susarah. Beaten. Schweizer-Reneke farm. 24 Nov 2007.
HARMAN Jeremiah. Murdered. Buffelshoek farm. Rustenburg. 31 Jan 2007.
HARRIS Rudi. Shot in house. Marloth Park Game Reserve. Sat 1 Dec 2007
HERMAN Jerry. Tortured, stabbed, shot. Rustenburg smallholding. 28 Jan 2007.
HISCOCK Brent. Shot outside. Zwavelpoort holding, Pretoria. 1 Jan 2007.
JACOBS Ian. Shot on farm road. Witbank. Sun 11 Sept 2007.
KEYSER Fanie. Shot. Marloth Park Game Reserve. Fri 28 Dec 2007.
LABUSCHAGNE Johannes. Murdered on farm. Vredepoort. 6 Mar 2007.
LIEBENBERG Tobie. Murdered. Villiers farm. Feb 2007.
MAIN Andy. Shot outside. Gillmore Hill farm, Crammond. 21 Sep 2007.
MANTHE Stephan. Tortured. Kameeldrift holdings, Pretoria. Tues 21 October 2007
MARITZ Manie Solomon. Shot. Constantia smallholdings, Pretoria. 15 July 2007
MEIRING Dillon. Shot in car. Kraaifontein N1 road. Fri 22 July 2007.
MITCHELL Cheryl. Shot. Rietfontein smallholding, Lanseria. 9 Mar 2007
MYBURGH Koos. Assaulted along road. Between Ogies / Delmas. Thur30 Oct 2007.
NEL Hein. Murdered. Bloemfontein farm. 21 Sep 2007.
NIEMAND Johan. Shot. Evander farm. 17 Mar 2007.
OOSTHUIZEN Lynette. Strangled in house, thrown off cliff. Bulwer farm. 24 Aug
PATTISONPat. Bludgeoned in garage. Eikenhof farm. June 2007
PIENAAR Hans. Shot. Mooiplaas. 13 Mar 2007.
PIETERSE Kallie. Bludgeoned outside. Trompsburg, Bloemfontein. 17 Nov 2007
POTGIETER Willie. Shot in lapa. Marikana smallholding. Rustenburg. Sat 12 May
PRINS John. Shot outside. Groberlerdal. Fri 10 Jan 2007.
RADEMEYER Steve. Bludgeoned&stabbed. Weltevrede, Schweizer-Reneke. Feb
RATTRAY David “Dave”. Shot in house. Rorke’s Drift, Dundee. Fri 26 Jan 2007
RAUTENBACH Clive. Shot in rural restaurant. Cradle of Mankind. 16 July 2007.
RICHTER Franz. Shot on farm road. Cradle of Mankind. Nov 2007
ROSANT Louis. Chopped in field. Temperance, Gordon’s Bay. Wed 21 Dec 2007
SLABBERT Willie. Stabbed & bludgeoned. Meyerton farm, Vereeniging. 28 Feb
SMIT Pieter. Shot at farmgate. Pietersburg. Thur 25 Oct 2007
SMIT Willie. Shot in house. Heatherdale smallholding. Acacia, Pretoria. 23 Jan 2007.
STANDER Sias. Shot in storeroom. Coligny farm. Dec 2007.
STANLEY Desmond. Shot in house. Ambiance Stud, Brandwacht Farm.Tue 7 Feb
STRYDOM Herman. Shot in house. Vryheid smallholding. Fri 16 Nov 2007.
UNNAMED ZEBEDIELA woman raped & murdered in house. Limpopo. 25 Nov 2007.
UYS Samantha. Strangled & stabbed at dam bridge. 14 Dec 2007.
VAN DER RIET Bill. Beaten & strangled. Die Wilgers holdings, Pretoria. 1June 2007
VAN JAERSVELD Werner. Shot driving on rural road. Olifantsfontein Rd.12 Sep
VENTER Piet. Assaulted & strangled at farmgate. Somerplaas,Vredefort. Jan 2007.
VERMOOTEN Pieter. Shot in house. Farm Sekonyana, Ficksburg. 26 June 2007
VILJOEN Sannie. Stabbed&throat slit in house. Farm Curlews, White River. July
WAIT Gerald. Shot in garden. St Albans smallholdings, Port Elizabeth. 27 Aug 2007.
WILLEMSE Willie. Chopped in field. Temperence, Gordon’s Bay. 21 Dec 2007.
ABRAHAM Rinda. Shot in home. Waterkloofrif, Pretoria. Sat 26 Jan 2008.
ABRAHAMS Fred. Tortured, assaulted & strangled in home. Klein Drakensberg,
Paarl East 10 Nov 2008
ALBERTYN Henk. Shot in home. Smallholding Donkerhoek, Pretoria 17 Nov 2008.
ANDREWS John. Shot in home. Eshowe. 27 Apr 2008
BAKERSMA Douwe. Stabbed & throat slit. Florida, Roodepoort. 3 May 2008.
BAKERSMA Hettie. Stabbed & throat slit. Florida, Roodepoort. 3 May 2008.
BAM Andre. Shot in home. Doornpoort smallholding, Pretoria. 28 July 2008
BAM Chris. Shot in home. Doornpoort smallholding, Pretoria. 28 July 2008
BENADE Hannetjie. Tortured & torched in home. Henley-on-Klip, Vereeniging. 29
Nov 2008
BOTES Graham Jimmy. Beaten with hammer in home. Alberton. 7 May 2008
BOTHA Jaco. Shot in road. Pretoria. 19 June 2008.
BROWN James. Beaten on police cells. Kriel. 11 July 2008
BIJKERSMA Douwe Gezinus. Stabbed, mutilated & throat slit in home. Florida,
Roodepoort. 1 May 2008
BIJKERSMA Hendrika Johanna. Stabbed, mutilated & throat slit in home. Florida,
Roodepoort. 1 May2008
DURIEUZ Johanna Barendina Durieux Stabbed & tortured in home. Florida,
Roodepoort. 1 May 2008
BIRKENMAYER Victor. Shot in garden at home. Amandasig smallholdings, Pretoria.
Fri 17 May 2008.
BLAKEY Ben. Stabbed on rural road. Umkomaas. 2 June 2008
BLOM Pierre. Shot on rural road. East London. Aug 2008.
BOTHA Brink. Shot in home. Mamogaleskraal, Brits 3 Nov 2008.
BOTHMA Frans. Shot on rural road. Kwamashu. Tues 4 Sep 2008
BRISTOE Maureen. Disappeared from her home. Kwelerha Nature Reserve. 2 Jan
BRUTON Wayne. Murdered along rural road.Seshego. Tues 2 July 2008
BURGER Elma. Broken neck in home. Tertia smallholding, Montagu Farm, Paarl. 10
Nov 2008
BYWATER William. Shot at rural Inchanga pleasure resort, Fourways. 22 Feb 2008
CILLIERS Bekkie. Stabbed in home. Brits smallholding. 31 July 2008.
COETZEE Frik. Shot in home. Ayerton, Barberton. Sun 27 July 2008.
COETZEE Marissa. Stabbed along road. Outeniqua overlook. Fri 14 July 2008.
COLLINS Ashley. Shot outside home. Kingsdale farm, Macleantown, East London.
Fri 13 Junie 2008.
COUTO Emilio. Shot in home. Doornpoort smallholdings, Pretoria. 2 Aug 2008
DANIELS Owen. Bludgeoned outside home. Farm Platberg, Elandslaagte,
Ladysmith 6 Dec 2008.
DE BEER Jan. Tortured & strangled. Verkyk, Tamatieberg,Volksrust Fri 10 Dec
DE WAAL Alex. Shot along rural road. Secunda. Sat 12 May 2008.
DE JAGER Theo. Shot outside homestead. Rietfontein holding, Muldersdrift,
Pretoria North. 13 Dec 2008
DE LIERE John. Shot in rural shop. Rayton. 9 Aug 2008
DEYSEL At “Attie”. Tortured in home. Lichtenburg/Ottoshoop smallholding. 21
April 2008
DEYSEL Katerina. Tortured, stabbed, raped & burnt in home. Ottoshoop
smallholding. 21 April 2008
DIETCHFIELD Jnr aged 35. Shot. Vaalbank, Bronkhorstspruit. 14 Nov 2008.
DU PLESSIS Charles. Shot in home. Farm Sterkspruit, Nelspruit. 26 July 2008
ENGELBRECHT Gert. Shot in home. Farm Oshoek, Memel, Free State. Fri 15 Aug
ENGELBRECHT Phillipus Theunis. Shot on farm road. Geluksvlei Farm, Vrede. Wed
2 Feb 2008.
ERASMUS Johanna Maria. Throat slit & raped. Welbekend farm, Bronkhorstspruit 1
Feb 2008
ESPITALIE Allan. Head wounds along rural road. Bokmakierie. Sun 15 Mar 2008
FYNN Winston. Shot on rural road. Nqubeni. 1 May 2008
GENIS Bertina. Missing after farm attack. Farm Ranchero. Messina. 18 Feb 2008
GAUDIN Sandra. Strangled in home. Blaauwberg farm, Randfontein. 23 Dec 2008
GILDENHUYS Dirk. Stabbed outside home. Witklip farm, Swellendam. Thur 12 June
GODDARD Tony. Tortured & suffocated in home. Honeydew smallholdings,
Randburg. 23 Apr 2008
GORDON Sandy. Tortured, mutilated & strangled in home. Blaauwbank game-farm,
Magalies.19 Dec2008
GROBLER Paul. Stabbed & beaten outside home. Kliprivier. Henley-on-Klip. 25 Apr
GRONUM Lien. Stabbed in home. Farm Geluk, Brits 18 April 2008
HALL Jennifer-Rae. Shot on rural road. Amanzimtoti 14 June 2008
HART John. Battered outside homestead. Swing-gate Farm. 18 Nov 2008.
HART Sylvia. Tortured & beaten in home. Swing-gate Farm. 18 Nov 2008.
HAVENGA Elize. Raped & strangled on farm road. Rietfontein smallholdings,
Pretoria. 3 Feb 2008
HEATHERINGTON Michael. Went missing on Drakensberg mountain trail. Fri 1 Feb
HENNING Rianne. Shot outside home. Honeydew smallholding, Muldersdrift. 10 Oct
HERBST Kulsum. Raped & bludgeoned in home. Farm Platberg, Elandslaagte,
Ladysmith 6 Dec 2008.
HEUNIS Erika. Raped & beaten with stones on hiking trail. Graaf-Reinet. Tues 23
Jan 2008
HEWITSON Lulu. Stabbed in home. Westcliff smallholding, Hermanus Monday, 15
September 2008
HEYNEKE Pieter. Stabbed in bed.Farm Witpoort, Ventersdorp. 5 Apr 2008
HOFFMAN Evre. Shot & torched along rural road. Burgersfort. 8 June 2008
HUNTER Clive. Shot on beach. Pipeline fishing spot, Alkantstrand, Richardsbaai.
Tues 11 July 2008
HUPPE Kurt Dieter. Shot in Lion Park holdings, Muldersdrift. 7 July 2008
JANNEKE Connie. Strangled in home. Kaalfontein holdings, Cullinan. 21 Jan 2008
JANSEN VAN RENSBURG Ben. Stabbed in bed. Uitzicht farm, Pretoria. 4 Mar 2008
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Hendrik. Spade attack outside home. Zusterstroom,
Bronkhorstspruit.7Mar 2008
JANSEN VAN VUUREN Mias.Hit and run on rural road R550. Lenasia/Nigel. 29 May
JANSE VAN VUUREN Martin. Shot along rural road. Soshanguve. 20 Apr 2008
JEENA Zaiboon. Stabbed, burnt & raped. Ottoshoop. Mar 2008
JOHNSON Albert Edward “Johnny”. Beaten & strangled in home. Adamay View,
Klerksdorp.Fri31Mar 08
JORDAAN Christo. Shot in home. Nothing robbed. Kraaifontein, 15 Nov 2008
JORDAAN Frans. Shot in home. Bultfontein farm, Pretoria North. Fri 22 Nov 2008
JORDAAN Mike. Kidnapped, bludgeoned & stabbed in car. Rooikranskoppie,
Rustenburg. 12 Oct 2008
JOUBERT Anita. Beaten in home. Bakkershoogte smallholding, Somerset West. 15
Mar 2008
JOUBERT Stephanus. Beaten in home. Bakkershoogte smallholding, Somerset
West. 15 Mar 2008
JULYAN Robert “Bob”. Assaulted, stabbed & throat slit in home. Phalaborwa. Sun
3 Aug 2008
JUYN Adri. Found dead in river. Farm Kromdraai, Potchefstroom. 3 May 2008
KOTZE Stephanus. Shot outside homestead. Garies Farm, Kimberley. Fri 4 Oct
LEMMER Richard SEE 2005.
LLOYD Witham. Tied-up, tortured & stabbed in home. Farm Goodhope, Wilderness,
Cape. Fri 3 Sep 2008
MACDONALD Marius. Shot in home. Kameeldrift smallholdings. 25 Oct 2008.
MARAIS Kobus. Shot in home. Bapsfontein smallholding. Thur 17 July 2008
MAREE Dawie.Shot in home. Dawie Meyers Park, Centurion, Pretoria. May 23 2008.
MASSET Andre. Shot in house. Cullinan smallholding. 28 June 2008.
MCGREGOR Robin. Stabbed in home. Tulbach holdings, Stellenbosch. Tues 1
Sept 2008
MEYER Reinette. Stabbed & throat slit in home. Missionary home, Mokpane. Sat 11
Feb 2008
MINNI Phillip “Flip”. Shot in bed. Rooikoppies holdings, Brits. 7 Nov 2008.
MOLL Jacques. Shot in home. Farm Stolberg, Fickburg. Fri 9 May 2008
MOUTON, Paul. Shot at rural rifle range. Roodepoort. Roodepoort. 13 July 2008
MULLER Org. Shot outside home. Farm Bahudi, Malelane. Fri 24 Feb 2008
MUNKS Roy. Stabbed outside home. Hoedspruit farm. 1 July 2008
MYBURGH Johan. Shot in home. Rietfontein farm, Groblersdal NW
NEL Tienie. Shot outside home. Farm Kafferspruit, Leslie. 2 July 2008
NELL Lucas. Shot in rural road. Tamboerskloof. Tues 17 July 2008.
NELL Marthinus Johannes. Stabbed. Maanlig holiday resort, Witbank dam. Fri 12
Nov 2008
OLIVIER Pierre. Tied up & beaten in abattoir. Jan Kempdorp. Sat 15 Apr 2008
PICTON-TUBERVILL Fred. Shot in home. Waterkloofrif smallholdings, Pretoria. 5
Jan 2008
PIENAAR Heila. Axed outside home. Waldrift smallholding, Vereeniging. 1 Oct 2008
POHLMAN, Marc. Shot outside home. Cliffdale smallholding, Pietermaritzburg. 22
Feb 2008
POVLSEN Preben.Stabbed, tortured, neck broken in home. Gordon’s bay, Strand.
14 Jan 2008
PRINSLOO Laetitia. Shot in bed. Farm Vaalbank, Bronkhorstspruit. 20 Nov 2008
RAS Willem. Hi-jacked & shot on road near bridge. Eldorado park, East Rand. Sat 2
Jul 2008
RAS Yvonne. Hi-jacked & shot in car. Eldorado park, East Rand. Sat 2 Jul 2008
ROACH Rudi. Shot in home. Kameeldrift, Pretoria-East. Thurs 9 Oct 2008.
ROBERTS Dale. Shot in home. Uitzight smallholdings, Pretoria. Wed 29 Aug
ROSS Alleyne. Shot in home. Kayalami smallholding, Midrand. 2 Feb 2008
ROUSSOUW Willie. Strangled on farm road. Hopefield, Northern Cape. 22 July 2008
ROUX Derek. Shot in home. Chartwell holdings, Fourways. 10 Jun2 2008
SCHUMANN Frans. Shot outside home. Strand. 22 Nov 2008
SLABBERT Willie. Stabbed in home. Meyerton farm, Johannesburg south. Tues 1
Mar 2008.
SPIES Johannes “Hansie”. Shot outside home. Farm Gravelotte, Harrismith. 9 Oct
STANDER Sias. Stabbed in bed. Coligny farm. 7 Nov 2008
STEENBERG Adriaan. Shot in home. Leeufontein/Kameeldrift smallholding,
Pretoria. 8 May 2008
STEWART Spencer. Shot & torched in car. Atteridgeville, Pretoria. 3 Mar 2008
STEYN Johannes. Shot in car at robot. Kelvin, Sandton. 6 Aug 2008.
TAYLOR Shirley. Beaten & suffocated in home. Alberton smallholding. 7 Mar 2008
TURNER Susan. Tied-up, tortured, stabbed in bedroom. Rural Loco-Inn, Graskop.
Fri 10 Mar 2008.
TYROPOLIS Yianni. Beaten & stabbed in home. Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein. 8 Oct
UNNAMED ALABAMA HOLDING KLERKSDORP man burnt in homeafter his sisters
were raped. Mar 2008
UNNAMED GERARDSVILLE, Hennops River Valley woman raped,tied-up, tortured &
suffocated on gravel road. 15 Feb 2008
UNNAMED OTTOSHOOP, RUSTENBURG woman raped, tortured & burnt in home.
Thur 14 Mar 2008
VAN DER GRYP Loffie. Tied up, bashed & shot outside home.Tarlton holdings,
Sterkfontein. 29 Dec 2008
VAN GREUNEN Marius. Shot in home. Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria. Sat 29
March 2008
VAN NIEKERK Jan. Shot in fishing clubhouse. Waterval Boven Trout Farm. Sat 9
July 2008
VAN RENSBURG Theuns. Slashed & hacked with panga in home. Farm
Naboomspruit. July 2008
VAN ZYL Ricus. Shot & torched along rural road. Burgersfort. 8 June 2008
VAN ZYL Susanna. Raped, strangled & stabbed in home. Aberdeen smallholding.
15 Jan 2008
VENTER Jan-Daniel. Shot in home. Farm Blikkor, Komatipoort. 16 July 2008
VILJOEN Anna. Raped & stabbed “internally” in home. Stella farm, Vryburg,
Bloemfontein.1 March 2008
VISAGIE Mary. Shot in home. Drummond. Sat 23 Oct 2008
VORRICKER Graham. Beaten & stabbed along road.Uitenhage. Sat 25 Feb 2008
WATSON Jimmy. Shot in car outside home. Delmas. 1 Apr 2008
WEHMEYER Tertius. Stabbed & shot outside home. Boekenhoutskloof AH,
Pretoria. 5 Nov 2008
WILKEN Martin. Shot in home. Hartbeeshoek Kolding, Pretoria North. 19 Aug 2008
WILKES Daphne. Bashed & stabbed in home. Peridot Street, Witbank 14 Nov 2008
WILLIAMS Emily. Shot in car. Fairland, Johannesburg. Tues 12 Feb 2008
WILSON Marge. Shot in home. Quellerina, Wes-Rand. 28 Aug 2008
WOODRAFFTE Dean Charles. Strangled outside home. Farm Zusterstroom,
Bronkhorstspruit. 7 Mar 2008
WOUDA Elsje. Stabbed & throat slit. Florida, Roodepoort. 3 May 2008.
WOUDA Gelske Afke. Stabbed, mutilated & throat slit in home. Florida, Roodepoort.
1 May 2008

ABBATEMARCO Giovanni. Kidnapped from home & murdered.ThabaMonate
ADAMS Graham. Shot in home. Koelenhof smallholdings, Middleburg. Fri 13 Feb
ANDERSON Sheun. Shot in home. Smallholding Wag-‘n-Bietjie, Bronkhorstspruit.
Fri 25 Sept 2009
BADENHORST Wessel “Boetie”. Shot in home. Delareyville farm. 10 March 2009
BARNARD Mathilda. Stabbed on bike in field. Pretoria. 8 Jan 2009
BERRINGTON Wilfred Roddrick. Shot in garden. Muldersdrift Avianto holding,
Kameeldrift 24 April 2009
BEZUIDENHOUT Alexander. Shot in home. West beach, Bloubergstrand. Fri 16 Jan
BLIGNAUT Johan. Shot in garden. Moreleta Park smallholding, Pretoria. 23 July
BLOM O”NEAL Hennetjie. Garrotted & torched in plantation. Beverley guest-farm,
Dargle. 19 June 2009
BLONDELL Louis. Shot in home. Diepsloot Missionary Sanctuary. 7 Dec 2009
BORSEI Marcello. Beaten, stabbed, kidnapped & torched. Tugela River, Richards
Bay. Tues 17 Mar 2009
BOSCHOFF Reinier. Shot in bed. Kameeldrift, Pretoria. 9 Feb 2009
BOSHOFF-SERENATA Johan. Shot in home. Savannah Hills Country Estate,
Pretoria. Sat 21 Feb 2009.
CILLIERS Pieter. Shot in home. Loraine, Ceres, Western Cape. 14 April 2009
CILLIERS Stephanus “Doppie”. Tied up, tortured, beaten, stabbed & shot.
Bronkhorstspruit 16 Sept 2009
CILLIERS Willouw de Klerk. Tied up in home, kidnapped, murdered. Farm
Brandvlei.Cape 18 March 2009
CLOETE Gerhardus Hermie. Tied up, tortured, torched outside home. Brits farm. 27
Aug 2009
COETZEE Eben. Beaten & shot outside home. Rosashof smallholding,
Vanderbijlpark 23 June 2009
COOPER John. Shot in bedroom. Proclamation Hill smallholdings, Pretoria.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
DORNING Warwick Anthony. Shot in home. Adamshurst Farm, Howick. 8 Nov 2009
DREYER Johan. Shot in home. Prolkamasie smallholding, Pretoria west. Sat 21 Mar
ERASMUS Jeff. Kidnapped from home, tortured & mutilated. Klippan. Dec 2009.
FELLARS Bruce. Shot at gate. Doornrandje smallholding, South West Pretoria. Mon
18 Feb 2009
FRANKE Sigi. Beaten with spade outside home. Undermilkwood smallholding,
Kinibaai. Mon 2 Feb 2009
FRANKISH Tracey-Leigh. Shot in home. Farmall smallholdings, Fourways,
Johannesburg. 18 Aug 2009
FURRUTTER Dieter. Shot along road. N14 near the Diepsloot squatter camp. Mon
22 Jan 2009
GREIG David. Shot in home. Hartzenberg Farm, Walkerville. 23 Jan 2009
HENERY Linda. Tied up, kicked, beaten in home. Krugersdorp. Fri 20 Jan 2009
HODSON Leonard. Shot in rural shop. Winterton, 13 Sept 2009
HOLTZHAUZEN Saar. Face & throat slashed in home. Rietfontein Farm, Alkmaar,
Nelspruit. 11 Jan 2009
HONEYBORNE Piet. Shot in home. Farm Goedehoop, Blinkpan. 1 May 2009
HOUGH Gawie. Tortured & shot outside home. Steelpoort Road, Roossenekal.
Thurs 3 Dec 2009
JACOBS Martin Tienie. Tortured & dragged behind truck. Zwavelpoort holding,
Boschkop 24 Nov 2009.
JONKHEID Klaas. Kidnapped on farmroad, tortured & torched. SpierWine
JALALPOR Farieda. Shot outside home. Broederstroom smallholding,
Haartbeespoort. Thur 12 Oct 2009
KOEKEMOER Sarel. Beaten outside, dragged into home, stabbed & tortured.
Bultfonfontein. 9 Sept 2009
KRUGER Ibele. Shot in home. Magalies Moot smallholding, Brits, Pretoria. Thurs 28
Oct 2009
KULI Jozseph. Shot in home. Smallholding Johannesburg, 24 March 2009.
LABUSCHAGNE Marius. Murdered on plot. Farmall smallholdings, 1 Aug 2009
LAMPRECHT Renier. Shot in home. Pumulani smallholding, Kameeldrift, Pretoria.
23 Dec 2009
LANCHE Robert. Shot on road. Access road to Ranfontein Quarries. 22 Oct 2009.
LE GRANGE Morne. Beaten in home. Disselboom Park, Elardus Park, Pretoria. 22
Oct 2009
LEIBBRANDT Bernie. Shot outside home. Smallholding Mnandi, Centurion. Wed 28
May 2009
LE ROUX Julie. Tied up, tortured & shot in home. Hog’s Hollow smallholding,
Kranshoek. Sat 18 Oct 2009
LE ROUX Willie. Tied up, tortured, beaten & shot in outroom.
LOCHNER Adriaan. Shop on smallholding. Meyerton. 9 July 2009
LOTTER Alice. Tortured, beaten & stabbed in home. Allenridge farm, Free State 6
March 2009
LOTTER Helen. Tortured, beaten, stabbed & mutilated in home. Allenridge farm,
Free State 6 March 2009
LOTTERIE Wilhelm. Tied up, stripped, beaten, kicked & suffocated in home.
Doornfontein. 25 Aug 2009
LUBBE Chris. Shot in caravan. Hartbeespoort farm resort. 4 July 2009
MAAS Koos. Tied up & bashed outside home. Elandsfontein, Fochville 21 May 2009
MACLEAN Tommy. Shot in driveway. Elandsrand Brits, 30 Nov 2009
MCKENZIE Charles. Bashed on road to funeral. Pretoria. Jan 2009
MEYER Billy. Shot in home. Loveday farm, Mara. Sat Nov 2009
MEYER Johan. Shot in home. Mooivallei smallholdings, Potchefstroom. 21 Jan
MEYER Paul. Kidnapped from home & shot. Selati nature Reserve, Gravelotte,
Phalaborwa. 1 Feb 2009
MYBURG Althea. Shot outside home. White River holding. 21 Apr 2009
NAGEL Karen. Shot in homes. Krugersrus, Springs. Sat 7 July 2009
O’DELL Marinda. Stabbed & throat slit in home. Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Wed 6
Aug 2009.
O’NEAL Alan. Garrotted & torched in plantation. Beverley guest-farm, Dargle,
Howick. 19 June 2009
PLOCHL Ernst. Shot & strangled at Maria Zell Missionary Station. Kokstad. Sun 1
June 2009
POTGIETER Andre. Stabbed, slashed & axed in home. Waterbron holding,
Bloemfontein. 19 June 2009
POTGIETER Jan. Shot in home. Villa Nora, Limpopo farm, Johannesburg. 21 Oct
PRINSLOO Johannes. Tied up & strangled on farm. Warmbad. 18 Jan 2009
PRINSLOO Laetitia. Shot in home. Vaalbank farm, Pretoria East. 20 Nov 2009
ROETS Nick. Shot in home. Raslouw smallholdings, Pretoria.14 July 2009
ROUND Bob. Beaten, kicked, shot & bludgeoned. Shere smallholding, Pretoria
East. Thur 23 July 2009
ROWE Alan. Shot on farm road. Bloemendal Farm, Rietvlei. Wednesday, 13 May
SCHONKEN Isabel. Shot in home. Klipkop Smallholdings, Pretoria.
SELLARS Bruce. Shot at gate. Doornrandje smallholding, Erasmia. 16 Feb 2009
SMITH Charles. Shot in home. Hartebeesfontein smallholding, Brits. 23 Oct 2009.
SMIT Christo. Shot outside home. Elandsfontein smallholdings, Pretoria. 29 July
SNYMAN Pieter. Tied-up, tortured, slashed with panga. Farm Balmoral, Limpopo. 21
Dec 2009
STEYN Hetta. Shot in home. Sabie, Kruger national Park, near Nelspruit,
Mpumalanga. 30 Oct 2009
STEYN Leon. Shot in home. Sabie, Kruger national Park, near Nelspruit,
Mpumalanga. 30 Oct 2009
STIELER Ernest. Shot while driving. Olifantsfontein, Midrand 16 May 2009
STOLTZ Coen. Bashed, kidnapped, tortured & dumped in river. Abbatoir farm,Vaal
River. Thu 9 Aug 2009
UNNAMED CULLINAN male aged 40 yrs shot in home. Cullinan smallholding,
Pretoria. 5 Oct 2009
UNNAMED GERMISTON woman aged 77 raped & strangled in home. Soshanguve
holding. Dec 2009
UNNAMED HAZYVIEW Farmer aged 80 stoned outside home. Phabeni-entrance,
Kruger Game Reserve.
UNNAMED KLEINMOND wife held hostage & shot in home. 23 June 2009
UNNAMED NOORDHEUWEL, KRUGERSDORP mother. Shot in home. Fri 6 Aug
UNNAMED ROCKLEDGE Man murdered on mountain trail. Voelklip beach,
VAN BLERK Loudine. Shot in home. Farm Brandvlei, Northern Cape 18 March 2009
VAN DEN BERG Piet. Shot in home. Cullinan smallholdings, Pretoria. Sat 13 July
VAN DEN BOSCH Jacobi “Cobi”. Bludgeoned & stabbed in home. Farm Mooiplaats,
Pretoria, Fri 2009
VAN DEN BOSCH Johannes. Bludgeoned outside home. Farm Mooiplaats, Pretoria
East, Easter Fri 2009
VAN DER MERWE Johannes. Shot on rural road. Volksrust. 22 June 2009
VAN DER POEL Willem. Stabbed in home. Redhouse, Port Elizabeth. Sun 22 Mar
VAN DER WALT Hendrik Petrus Riaan. Shot outside home. Farm Suikerfontein,
Pietersburg. 9 Mar 2009.
VAN WYK Jan. Bashed outside, tortured & mutilated in home. Vierfontein,
Viljoenskroon. 1 April 2009.
VAN WYK Klaas. Stabbed & throat slit in home. Keerom Farm, Sutherland, NC., 9
May, 2009
VENTER Basie. Bashed, tortured & mutlialted in home. Vierfontein farm,
Viljoenskroon. 30 Mar 2009
VENTER George. Tortured, bashed & beaten in home. Theescombe holdings, Port
Elizabeth. 31 Mar2009
VENTER Jakoba. Tortured, raped, bashed & beaten in home. Theescombe, Port
Elizabeth. 31 Mar 2009
VENTER Johannes. Murdered on farm. Middleburg. 23 Jan 2009
VERWEY Deon. Tied up, tortured, stabbed in home. Wavecrest, Jeffrey’s Bay 14
June 2009
VILJOEN Anna “Suzie/Ouma”. Beaten & raped in home. Reivilo, Stella Farm
holdings, Vryburg 11 Mar 09
VISAGIE Hendrik. Attacked in home, body dumped along road. Farm Weltevrede,
Orkney. 15 Dec 2009.
VISAGIE Magda. Attacked in home, body dumped along road. Farm Weltevrede,
Orkney. 15 Dec 2009
WILLS Arthur. Tied up,tortured,kidnapped from home, strangled in plantation.
SunwichPort. Sat29May09
WOEST Pieter. Shot in rural butchery. Bronkhorstspruit. 1 Nov 2009

AUCAMP Casper. Stabbed & torched in car. Farm Vandas, Limpopo. 15 Dec 2010
AUCAMP Dalene. Stabbed & torched in car. Farm Vandas, Limpopo. 15 Dec 2010
BADENHORST Jan. Murdered in home. Farm Louis Trichardt, Levubu. 2 Oct 2010
BERGMAN Jack. Tortured in home. Small holding St Albans, Port Elizabeth 2 Aug
BIRCHHALL Brian. Stabbed & torched in home. Sabie. 29 March 2010
BOTHA Kitty. Tortured & torched in home. Lyttleton smallholdings, Pretoria 12 Jan
BOTHA Robert. Stabbed in home. Kameeldrift agricultural holdings. Pretoria. 11
May 2010.
BOOYSEN Esme. Stoned on farm. Zaaiplaas, Mokopane. 19 Feb 2010.
BOOYSEN Joshua. Stoned on farm. Zaaiplaas, Mokopane. 19 Feb 2010.
BREEDT Johanna. Torched in field. Bloemfontein. 27 July 2010
BRITS Jannie. Shot in home on Leeupoort prison grounds. Witbank 14 Dec 2010
BRONKHORST Chris. Tortured in house. Walkerville smallholding, Johannesburg.
29 Sept 2010
CANNAERTS Etienne. Tortured, throat slit on farm. Ellisras, Lephaphale, 1 March
CILLIERS Susan. Tortured & beaten with hammer. Koster, NorthWest, 10 Dec 2010
COETZEE Johannes Jakobus Hendrikus. Murdered in stream. Parys, Sasolburg 16
April 2010
CROESER Erica. Throat slit. Msinsi game reserve, Albert Falls Dam,
Pietermaritzburg 28 Aug 2010
CRONJE George. Shot on farm road. Komatiepoort, Limpopo 2 June 2010
DAFFEU Koos. Shot on farm road. Ellisras, 3 Aug 2010
DEEZ Jakobus. Chopped to pieces. Villiersdorp farm. 3 July 2010
DE JAGER Theo. Shot outside. Rietfontein smallholding, Johannesburg. 23 Aug
DE JONG Albertus. Axed in garden. Perdefontein smallholding, Pretoria. 23 Oct
DENEEGHERE Louis. Kidnapped & shot. Sebokeng smallholding. 16 Oct 2010.
DENNIS Peter. Murdered on Cradle of Human Kind World Heritage site Farm. 31
April 2010
DERCKSEN Jan. Murdered along the road. Smallholding, Kempton Park 5 Nov 2010
DOREY Elizabeth. Tortured & strangled. Hilltop smallholding, Nelspruit. Thur 2 Sept
DUNN Paul. Shot in home. Farm in Letsitele District, Tzeneen. Sat 26 Feb 2010
DU RANDT Steven Peter “Seun”. Stabbed in field. Bloemfontein air base, 18 Jan
2010 DU TOIT Christina “Christa”. Throttled & shot. Swazina Park
holdings, Pretoria, 23 Sept 2010
EARLY Christopher. Bludgeoned&slashed in home. Hibberdene Woodgrange
holdings. 16 July 2010
EARLY Jennifer. Shot, possibly raped in home. Hibberdene Woodgrange holdings.
16 July 2010
ELS Kosie. Shot along rural road. Dundee, 1 March 2010
ERASMUS Marthie. Bludgeoned in home. Hartbeesfontein, Koster. 3 Dec 2010
FOURIE Andrew. Tortured in home. Boschpoort farm Vaalwater. 18 Nov 2010
FOURIE Liesel. Tortured & strangled with her pants on rural road. Brakpan, 16 April
FOURIE Theuns “Whitey”. Tortured, axed & slashed at gate. Tzaneen holding. 12
Aug 2010
GEMBALLA Uwe. Kidnapped, tortured, murdered in veld. Johannesburg. 9 Feb
GEYER Ryan. Shot in home. Swavelpoort smallholding. 26 July 2010
GIESSEKE Ernest. Bashed, stabbed, throat slit.Farm Goodhope,Ficksburg Sat 25
Jan 2010
GREYVENSTEIN Anneliese. Tortured & shot on farmroad. Mussina smallholding. 2
Nov 2010.
GREYVENSTEIN Johan. Tortured & shot on farmroad. Mussina smallholding. 2 Nov
GROBLER Naas. Shot in home. Rural security complex, Denysville Farm, Vaal
River 5 Sept 2010
HARMZEN Chrissie. Bashed & beaten in garden. Farm Dresden, Burgersfort 7 Aug
HECK Heinrich. Shot in home. Ifafa. Monday, October 11, 2010
HENNING Amelia. Raped & stabbed in field. Hospitaalpark, Bloemfontein. Wed 24
Nov 2010
HOON Ernst. Shot in home. Leeuwfontein smallholding 5 April 2010
HUMAN Dirk. Hacked,stabbed, tortured, shot in home. Mooiplaats
holding,Boschkop April 27 2010
HUNTER Robert. Hacked with panga in home. Mullerstuine holding, Vanderbijlpark
6 March 2010
JANSEN Neels. Shot in home. Rhoodia smallholdings, Vanderbijlpark. 11 July 2010
JONES Herman. Tortured in home. Farm Klipplatsdrift, Standerton. 21 Jan 2010
KARG Lorraine. Stabbed & throat slit. Farm Mooi River. 22 July 2010
KRIGE Jan. Tortured & shot en route home. Doornkop, Krugersdorp. 1 Dec 2010
KRUGER Floris Johannes. Tortured & stabbed in home & outside. Albans, Cape. 1
Sept 2010
LIZAMORE Graham. Tortured & strangled. Pinetown smallholding. 23 July 2010
LIZAMORE Graham. Tortured & suffocated. Pinetown smallholding. 23 July 2010
LOUW Jurie. Beaten and hacked in home and outside. Rietfontein, Kromdraai 29
Nov 2010
MARAIS Marius. Shot in home. Rustenburg, North West Province. 26 May 2010
MCLAUD Collin. Shot in home. Meyerton smallholdings. Fri 8 Feb 2010
MEINTJIES Janine. Knifed and beaten. Dundee smallholding, 25 Dec 2010
MEYER Janet. Stabbed & raped in caravan. Hill farm, East London 13 Jan 2010
MOUTON Christo. Shot in home. Drie Riviere AH Vereeniging. 30 Sept 2010.
MULLER Alicia. Stabbed & raped on farm road. Rooidak Farm, Villiersdorp,21 April
MYBURGH Anna Jacoba. Tortured, shot, stabbed, kidnapped from home.
Bronhorstspruit 18 Oct 2010
NEELS Jansen. Shot in home. Rhoodia smallholdings, Venderbijlpark. 13 July 2010
PELSER Theunis. Shot whiole working on plot. Leeufontein Smallholdings,
Kameeldrift 7 May 2010
PESTANA Mandy. Throat slit. Linbropark smallholding, Johannesburg North. 18
Oct 2010
PETERS Andrelette. Stabbed, mutilated, raped in road. Wolfgat Nature Reserve..
Cape Town 8 Oct 2010
POTGIETER Attie. Bashed & stabbed outside house. Farm Tweefontein, Lindley. 1
Dec 2010
POTGIETER Wilna. Tortured & shot in bedroom. Farm Tweefontein, Lindley. 1 Dec
POTGIETER Willemien. Assaulted & shot in home. Farm Tweefontein, Lindley. 1
Dec 2010
POTGIETER Lourens. Assaulted & shot along road. Sybrandts Kraal, KwaMhlanga,
4 Jan 2010
PRETORIUS Gert. Shot. Holgatfontein smallholding, killed East Rand. 14 April 2010
PRINSLOO Lida. Tortured, kidnapped from home. Primrose holdings,Springs. 27
Oct 2010
RALFE Lynette. Shot in home. Dairy farm, Colenso.Nigel.16 March 2010
REYNEKE Gert. Shot in home. Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria. 17 Oct 2010
ROHRS Anna-marie. Brutally murdered in home. Estcourt farm. KZN. 26 Oct 2010
SCHOEMAN Riana. Shot in home. Smallholding, Rayton 16 Aug 2010
SCHOEMAN Tolstoi. Tortured & strangled with pyjama pants. Farm Vygeboom,
Carolina. Fri 7 Dec 2010
SLATER Rene. Tortured, kidnapped & mutilated along farm road. Vaalkrans,
Uitenhage. 15 Feb 2010
SMIT Johanna Magrietha. Tortured & strangled in home. Witpoort, Wolmeransstad.
Sun 4 July 2010
SMITH Elizabeth “Lilly”. Tortured, impaled on garden fork in home. Jongensfontein,
Stilbaai 6 Oct 2010
SMITH Jan. Tortured, bashed & stabbed in home. Jongensfontein holding Stilbaai 6
Oct 2010
SMITH Ron. Tortured & shot.. Droogekloof game-farm, Bela Bela, Warmbaths. 2
March 2010
SNYMAN Kobus. Shot in home. Glen Austin smallholding, Midrand. 18 Jan 2010
STAPLES John. Beaten in home. Roodepoort smallholding, Bronkhorstspruit. 26
Sept 2010
STEENBERG Suna. Shot in home. Smallholding Kameelfontein 16 April 2010
STEYN Barend. Tortured, slashed, burnt in home. Bloemspruit holding,
Bloemfontein. Fri 8 Nov 2010
STRYDOM Johan. Tortured & bashed at gate. Farm Buffelshoek,Potchefstroom 14
May 2010
TERRE’BLANCHE Eugene Ney. Hacked & bashed in home. Villanna farm,
Ventersdorp 3 April 2010
UNNAMED BOSCHKOP, MEYERTON man shot in home. 28 May 2010
UNNAMED CENTURION, Pretoria student “DB”. Shot in cottage. Timsrand holding
15 Oct 2010
UNNAMED DALMADA holdings man. Tortured & beaten in home. Saturday 17 April
UNNAMED DANIEL’S DRIFT, SILVERTON man. Kidnapped & murdered on road. 17
Oct 2010
UNNAMED DOORN, WELKOM holdings man. Tortured, slashed, beaten, knifed in
home. Thur 7 Aug 2010
UNNAMED MEYERTON security guard stabbed & shot outside. Meyerton farm. 14
July 2010
UNNAMED MOEDWIL, RUSTENBURG farmwife. Tortured in home. Thur 2 Dec 2010.
UNNAMED NOORDHOEK, PORT ELIZABETH woman. Tortured, raped & bashed on
beach. 14 Feb 2010
UNNAMED TOISE, STUTTERHEIM Farmer. Murdered in farm stall. East London. 3
Nov 2010
UNNAMED TZANEEN man. Beaten & stabbed at farm gate. Tues 11 Aug 2010
VAN DEN BERG Andries. Tortured & bashed in home. Knoppieshoogte,
Randfontein Thurs 4 Nov 2010
VAN DEN BERG Catharina Hendrika “Ria”. Tortured & beaten in home. Daspoort,
Pretoria 13 Jan 2010
VAN DER LITH Hennie. Tortured, bashed & stabbed in home.Louis Trichardt farm,
13 Nov 2010
VAN DER LITH Pieter Blomerus. Bludgeoned & tortured near dam. Louis Trichardt
farm, 13 Nov 2010
VAN DEVENTER Albert. Shot in garden. Langwater game farm, Vaalwater. Sat 14
Mar 2010
VAN DEVENTER Frik. Shot in home. Farm Laagwater, Waterberg. 14 Mar 2010
VAN JAARSVELD Gerard. Shot in kitchen. Smallholding Willowbray, Pretoria 11
July 2010
VAN NIEKERK Sylvia. Stabbed in guesthouse cottage. Boplaas, Danielskuil Fri 10
Sept 2010
VAN STADEN Koos. Assaulted & shot in home. Glenco sugar estate, Hoedspruit. 6
Feb 2010
VAN STADEN Koos. Shot in home. Edleen holdings, Kempton Park 24 Jan 2010
VAN STADEN Koos. Shot in home. Brits farm. 19 March 2010
VAN VUUREN Francina. Assaulted in home. Jagersfontein holding, Bloemfontein.
24 March 2010
VAN WYNGAARD Christiaan. Stabbed in home. Farm goedehoop. 27 Oct 2010.
VAN ZYL Carel. Asssaulted & stabbed in home. Florapark holdings, Upington 13
May 2010
VAN ZYL Koos. Tortured on meathooks, stabbed, shot. Farm Poortjie Steynrust,
Senekal. 5 Jan 2010
VAN ZYL Retha. Tortured on meathooks, stabbed, shot. Farm Poortjie Steynrust,
Senekal. 5 Jan 2010
VENTER Fanie. Shot in home. Bethal farm. Bethal 6 Feb 2010
VENTER Johannes. Shot in home. Middleburg farm. 23 Jan 2010
VILJOEN Hennie. Stabbed & bludgeoned at farmgate. Hoeveld holding,
Bloemfontein. 27 Dec 2010
VINHAS Carlos. Beaten, stripped naked & shot at Kruger Park gate. Hazyview. 21
April 2010
VISSER Kotie. Shot on rural road. Port Shepstone. 14 Dec 2010
WALFORD Russell. Bludgeoned in cattle shed. Farm Peacevale, Pinetown. Thurs 8
July 2010
WARTINGTON Jakobus. Beaten in outside room. Farm Disselskuil, Phillipstown,
Karoo Sat 6 Sept 2010
WEILBACH Marie. Beaten in home. De Deur, Vereeniging, 23 Dec 2010
WHEELER Jan. Stabbed & shot in home. Marble Hall farm. Polokwane 12 March
WYNNE Greg. Drowned in dam. Parys farm. 6 Sept 2010

BEKKER Charlotte. Stabbed in home. Farm Houtpoort, Heidelberg. 1 July 2011
BEKKER Martiens. Stabbed in home. Farm Houtpoort, Heidelberg. 1 July 2011
BEUKES Jaco. Bashed with a stone along road. Smithfield, Free State. Sun 18 Aug
BOSCH Cornelius. Kidnapped from home, tortured & shot. Buffelsdrift Pretoria, 24
Feb 2011
BRIEDENHANN Marnus. Hi-jacked, tortured & shot in Naval Hill Nature Reserve. 15
July 2011
CARTON-BARBER Devlin. Shot outside at rural guesthouse. White River. Fri 8 Aug
COSTA Alberto. Shot outside home. Farm Cloetesdal, Stellenbosch, 17 Feb 2011
CULLEM John Allen. Stabbed outside home. Airfield, Benoni. 19 May 2011
DANIELS Leslie. Tortured & stabbed in home. Kyalami farm. Fri 16 Feb 2011.
DE JAGER Nico. Shot while fishing. De Rust Resort, Hartbeespoort. Tues 29 Sep
DESGRANGES Michael tied up, tortured & strangled in home. Ronaldskloof
holding, Kloof. Sun 13 Mar 11
DE VRIES Kobus. Shot in home. Babanango darm. Thur 23 Jan 2011
DU TOIT Glenwood. Shot on duty. Sutherland farm, Cape. 14 Jan 2011.
GELDENHUYS Charl. Beaten and torched on rural road. Holfontein, Secunda. 4 Feb
GIOVANNI Peripoli. Stabbed outside home. Virginia. Sat 1 Aug 2010
GROBLER Koos. Bashed in home. Henley farm, Letsitele, Tzaneen. Sun 7 July 2011
GROBLER Martie. Stabbed in home. Hoogekraal farm, Glentana, Cape. 13 June
GROENEWALD Gerhard. Stabbed in home. Magalieskruin holdings. 4 Feb 2011
HERMANN Frik. Tortured in home. Laaste Watergat Farm, Warmbaths. 4 Feb 2011
MALAN Jan. Axed & stabbed in home. Mooilande smallholding, Vereeniging. Sat 11
June 2011.
MALAN Susan. Strangled & throat slit in home. Mooilande smallholding,
Vereeniging. Sat 11 June 2011.
MAREE Corne. Tortured, stabbed & shot on road. Nelspruit. 24 March 2011
MULLER Helgard. Shot in home. Farm Mara, Frankfurt 18 Feb 2011
OELOFSE Johannes. Shot in home. Vaalpark smallholdings, Sasolburg. 25 May
OOSTHUIZEN Schalk. Beaten in home. Capital Park, Pretoria.17 Feb 2011
PARKIN Antjie. Beaten & strangled. Lephalale smallholding, Limpopo. 6 May 2011
PETERS Lorraine. Shot in home. De Hoop Dam, Roossenekal holdings, Limpopo.
Tues 1 Sep 2011
PISTORIUS Weibrandt Elias. Shot in home. Muldersdrift smallholding. 26 June 2011
SNYMAN Bruno. Shot in home. Kameeldrift smallholdings, Pretoria. 22 July 2011
STRECKER Babs. Bashed, stabbed & beaten in home. Rustenburg smallholding. 4
Feb 2011.
STRYDOM Johan. Shot outside home. Meyerton smallholding. Sun 26 Apr 2011
TOTH Zoltan. Axed & tortured outside home. Zuurbekom holding, Westonaria. 20
July 2011
UITENWEERDE Thinus. Tortured, stoned, buried alive. Farm Aliesrust, Reitz. 2 Aug
UNNAMED KRAAIFONTEIN male. Tortured & stabbed in home. Joostenbergvlakte
holding. 26 Feb 2011
VAN DER BERG Hester. Beaten in garage. Theescombe smallholding, Port
Elizabeth. 3 May 2011
VAN STADEN Deon. Bashed, stabbed & beaten in home. Rustenburg smallholding.
Sat 4 Feb 2011
VAN DEVENTER Albert. Shot in garden. Farm Langwater, Vaalwater, Limpopo 16
March 2011
VAN ROOYEN Koos. Shot in home. Witfontein smallholding, Randfontein. Friday
March 4 2011
VAN STADEN Deon. Stabbed & bashed in home. Madikwe Village smallholding,
Bethanie. 10 Feb 2011
VAN STADEN Bruno. Shot in home. Kameelfontein holdings, Pretoria. 21 July 2011
VAN ZYL Phillip. Tortured & stabbed in home. Joostenbergvlakte holdings,
Kraaifontein. Fri 27 Feb 2011
VORSTER Susan. Murdered on road/lake. Boksburg. 7 Feb 2011
WARTINGTON Jacobus Cornelius. Assaulted in home. Disselskuil farm,
Phillipstown. 5 Sept 2011
WILKEN Wendy. Assaulted & shot in home. Walkerville smallholding,
Johannesburg. 21 Mar 2011


CILLIERS Hendrik Johannes “Boet” . Tortured, tied to a tree & shot outside home.
Farm Stella. 29 Jan 12
DU TOIT Andries. beaten with iron rod in home. Klaapplaatdrift farm, Ventersdorp. 13
Jan 2012
DU TOIT Francois. Shot in home. Roossenekal, Limpopo. 22 Jan 2012
HUYSER Hans. Shot along road. Brits. 2 Jan 2012
JOFFE Pat. Stabbed inside home. Mnandi plot. 16 Jan 2012
VAN BILJON Frans. Beaten & Stabbed on road. Donkerhoek. Jan 2012
URBAN KILLINGS FROM 1993-2012-02-01

The list are updated and as complete as possible, but many more murders are
missing from the list due to the information clamp down by the SA Police

NESS Yvonne. Assaulted & drowned at home. Kwaaiwater. Oct 2003.

DU TOIT Hannes. Shot at shop. Miederpark Spar. July 2004.
WHEATLEY Hannah. Raped & Strangled in home. Benoni. 27 Aug 2004

JOOSTE Kalin. Stabbed in street. Margate 20 Dec 2005
THOMAS William Henry. Tortured in house. Pretoria. 8 May 2005.
VAN DER MERWE Peet. Stabbed in Centurion Mall, Pretoria. June 2005

BIERMAN Louis. Shot in street. Amanzimtoti. Wed 11 October 2006
BLOOM Richard. Murdered in street. Camps Bay, Cape Town. 15 Apr 2006
BOUTEL Quintin. Stabbed in street. Port Elizabeth, EC. 5 Oct 2006.
BRINK Anna Magrieta. Tortured in house. Delmas. Sun 12 Dec 2006.
CONINGHAM Robin. Shot on house porch. Bryanston. Mon 13 Dec 2006.
ELS Louisa. Shot while driving. Pretoria. 2006.
ELS Wayne. Shot in house. Lynwood Ridge, Pretoria. 25 Oct 2006.
ENGELBRECHT Magaret. Stabbed in house. Piketberg. Kaapstad. 2 May 2006.
EVA Neville. Stabbed in house. Walmer. 2006.
GOLDEN Brett. Murdered in street. Camps Bay, Cape Town. 15 Apr 2006
GOUWS Johannes Pieter . Strangled in house. Parow, Cape. 23 May 2006
KILLIAN Johan. Murdered in his car. Arcacia, Pretoria. Sat 15 Aug 2006.
KILLIAN Lina. Raped & Tortured in street. Duncanville, Vereeniging. 7 Dec 2006.
KIRSTEN Ken. Shot in driveway. Northcliff, Johanesburg. Apr 2006
KOTZE Jacqueline’s unborn child. Murdered while driving. Gordon’s Bay. Dec 2006.
KRUGER Werner. Shot in house. Monument Park, Pretoria. 2006.
LITHINS Patricia. Shot outside house. Paulshof. Dec 2006.
MULLER Daniel. Shot in restaurant. Pretoria. 26 Aug 2006
MULLER Maryne. Kidnapped in car. N1 Lynnwood Highway. Pretoria. 14 Sep 2006
MULLER Louise. Tortured in house. Bloemfontein. Thur 17 Dec 2006.
NEL Hein. Strangled in flat. Port Elizabeth. 10 Oct 2006.
PETERSEN Taliep. Murdered in house. Athlone. Cape Town. 16 Dec 2006.
PREPOK Vaughn. Beaten & throat slit in street. Edenvale, East Rand. Thur 21 Dec
PRETORIUS Marius. Shot in driveway. Verwoerdpark, Alberton. Tues 28 Dec 2006.
RABIE Sandra. Beaten in house. Boksburg. Thur 18 Dec 2006
ROBERTSON Sean. Knifed in home. Woodmead. 12 Feb 2006.
ROSSOUW Christelene. Bashed & Stabbed in house. Welgemoed. 3 Mar 2006.
SAAIMAN Zelda. Shot in her garage. Brooklyn, Pretoria. 24 Aug, 2006.
SCHOEMAN Stefanus Johannes “Fanie”. Tortured in house. Paul Roux. Mon 4 Oct
SMITH Emily. Raped & Suffocated in flat. Johannesburg. 8 June 2006.
STRYDOM Louis. Tortured in house. Bloemfontein. 20 Oct 2006
TERBLANCHE Yolandi. Shot in park. Nylstroom. 21 Dec 2006
VAN AARDE Johanna Retief “Joy”. Bludgeoned in house. Gordon’s Bay. 21 May
VAN DER KAAM Hendrick. Stabbed in home. Krugersdorp. Mon 17 July 2006
VAN DER MERWE Ettiene. Kidnapped from house. Bloemfontein. 18 May 2006
VAN NIEKERK Theo. Murdered in house. Loeriepark, George. 2006.
VAN STADEN Alta. Strangled in house. Lynwoodpark, Pretoria. 15 May 2006.
VERMAAK Susan. Tortured in house. Brooklyn, Pretoria. 20 Dec 2006.
VISSER Ben. Shot in house. City centre, Makhado (Louis Trichardt) 12 Apr 2006.
WEEDON Gill. Stabbed in her garage. Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg. October 2006
WHARTON John. Shot on pavement. Melville, Johannesburg. 14 July 2011
YEOMANS Wilhelmina Angela. Murdered in house. Heathfield. Cape Town. 2006.

ABRAHAMS Vincent. Murdered in house. Strandfontein. Cape Town. 15 June 2007.
ANDERSON Elaine. Shot on road. Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg. 15 Oct 2007
BREEDT Martie.Tortured & Strangled in house.Kilner Park, Pretoria. Fri 5 Jan 2007.
BROOME Norma. Assaulted in house. Atlasville,Benoni. Tues 15 May 2007.
BROWNE Justin. Stabbed in house. Northwold, Johannesburg. Aug 2007.
BULL Tony. Shot in his garage. Strandfontein, Cape Town. Sat 2 July 2007.
BURDETT Rita. Strangled in house. Mooi River. Sun 12 Feb 2007.
BURGESS Sheila. Bludgeoned in house. Hibberdene. Sun 23 July 2007
BRUNS Frikkie. Assaualted & Stoned in street. Blouputs, Kakamus. Fri Aug 2007.
CALITZ Lisbet. Shot in public parking. Port Elizabeth. Sat 4 Sep 2007.
CAMARA Abel. Shot inside shop. Rawsonville, Boland. 28 Dec 2007
CASSIDY Peter. Tortured in house. Florapark, Pietersburg. Tues 22 Aug 2007.
DE KLERK Cornelius. Shot in driveway. Pretoria East. Sat 2 Jan 2007
DENNILL Daphne. Shot in house. Reyno Rif, Witbank. 19 July 2007.
DE WET Bernard “Bernie”. Shot in house. Ladysmith. Wed 21 Feb 2007
DE WET Ian. Murdered. Found in car. Faerie Glen, Pretoria. Mon 6 Aug 2007.
DIEDERICKS Chris. Shot, at house. Sharonlea, Randburg. Wed 13 June 2007.
DOWNSHerbert James “Bob”. Stabbed in house. Richmond. Fri 5 Mar 2007
DU PREEZ Charlene. Tortured & burnt. Arcadia, Pretoria. 16 Aug 2007
EYBERS Johan. Injected in hospital. Lydenburg. Fri 18 June 2007.
FRANCA Daniel. Shot in shop. Potchefstroom. 13 July 2007.
FRASER Ann. Stabbed in garden. Sandton, Johannesburg. Sat 1 Mar 2007.
FREDERICKS Lynn. Shot in house. Hillcrest. Sat 4 Aug 2007.
GERMISHUYZEN Jan. Stabbed in flat. Hatfield, Pretoria. Fri 1 Jan 2007.
GOEBELS Helmut. Stabbed. Rustenburg. Sun 11 Nov 2007.
GREYLING Albie. Shot in garden. Eldoraigne, Pretoria. Fri 5 Feb 2007.
GROBBELAAR Johan. Shot in office. Kroonstad, Free State. Tues 31 May 2007.
HAMMAN Nick. Tortured & strangled in house. Palmiet, Kleinmond. Sat Nov 2007.
HARMSE Elsebeth. Hit with car in street. Pretoria. 30 July 2007
HARMSE Nico. Hit with car in street. Pretoria. 30 July 2007
HASSELL Leon. Shot in street. Glenwood, Durban. Sat 4 Aug 2007.
HORSTMANN Julie. Tortured in house. Boston, Cape Town. Sat 23 Jan 2007.
HUMAN Sheldean. Kidnapped from home&murdered. Pretoria Gardens. Feb 2007.
HUME Lynne. Kidnapped on road & torched. Ballito, Durban. Tues 27 Oct 2007.
HUSSELMAN Marie. Beaten in house. Jacobsdal. Sun 19 Feb 2007
ISAACS Lameez. Shot in house. Strandfontein, Cape Town. 13 June 2007.
JANSEN VAN RENSBURG Gert. Shot in shop. Claremont, Pretoria. Wed 27July 07.
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Renier. Shot in garden. Bloemfontein. Sat 18 Dec 2007
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Theuns. Beaten,chopped in house.Naboomspruit. Dec07.
JOHNSON Terence. Shot while cycling. Bonteheuwel. Thur 21 Dec 2007.
JOUBERT Adriaan Albertus. Shot in garden. Florapark, Roodepoort. 24 Jan 2007.
JOUBERT Marc. Shot in restaurant. Durban North. May 2007.
KARVELAS Nick. Shot in driveway. Alberton. Tues. 12 June 2007.
KERKOF Rian. Assaulted & shot. Moreleta park, Pretoria. Thur 11 Nov 2007
KING Rodney Derrick. Shot in house. Olivedale, Johannesburg north. 22 Jan 2007
KOEN Louis. Maltreated in hospital. Nelspruit. 16 Apr 2007.
LARKIN Mike. Stabbed in road. Rondebosch, Cape Town. Fri 20 Nov 2007.
LERATA Eric. Shot in driveway. Montana Park, Pretoria. July 2007.
LE ROUX Lourens. Shot in vehicle outside police station. Cape Town. 12 Apr 2007.
MALAN Ben. Shot in house. Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria. Sat 26 May 2007.
MAREE Ines Christina. Assaulted & raped in house. Lyttleton, Pretoria. 4 Nov 2007.
MPOMPOLASStelios. Assaulted in shop. Kimberley. Wed 1 Feb 2007.
NIGHTINGALE Garry. Shot in driveway. Steiltes, Nelspruit. Sat 25 Aug 2007.
ODENDAAL Cathy. Tortured & raped in house. Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Oct 2007
OOSTHUIZEN Gert. Shot in shop. Claremont, Pretoria west. 3 July 2007
OOSTHUIZEN Rudy. Stabbed. Addington, Durban. Wed 27 Dec 2007
PETROU, male adult. Shot in house. Menlo park, Pretoria. Sun 16 Dec 2007.
REYNEKE Sonja. Dissapeared in street. Requires medicine. Pretoria. Jan 2007
RIPPON Vernon. Bludgeoned in garden. Umbilo, Durban. 11 Sep 2007.
RISSEEUW Hannes. Bludgeoned in house. Duncanville, Vereeniging. 12 Oct 2007.
SCALLEN Roy. Stabbed in office. Walmer bay, Port Elizabeth. Sun 12 Feb 2007.
SCHAEDLE Ingrid. Shot in rural hotel. Wartburg. Wed 8 Nov 2007
SCHAEDLE Siggi. Shot in rural hotel. Wartburg. Wed 8 Nov 2007
SCHEFFER Quinton. Shot in vehicle on road. Constantia. Fri 24 Dec 2007.
SCOTT Howard. Shot in driveway. Weltenvredenpark, West Rand. Fri 19 July 2007.
SHANKLAND Lauren. Stabbed & beaten in house. Sunningdale, Durban. 7 Sep 07
SLABBERT Gerhard Brooklyn. Shot in driveway. Brooklyn, Pretoria. Wed 28Nov 07.
SNYMAN Cilliers. Shot in house. Lynnwood, Pretoria. Fri 17 Aug 2007.
SONNEKUS R.H. “Sonnie” Assaulted&strangled in house. Lyttelton-Manor. Nov 07
STAATS Sandy. Tortured. Craighall Park, Johannesburg. 13 May 2007.
STOCKER Jürgen. Shot in house. Bryanston. Johannesburg. Wed 21 Nov 2007
STRYDOM Jan-Andries. Assaulted & stabbed. Wesselsbron. Sat 17 Feb 2007
SWART Jan. Shot in parking. Pretoria. Tues 18 Dec 2007.
TALJAARD Albert. Shot in house. Buffalo Creek, Pretoria. Tues 3 July 2007
TAUTE Willie. Suffered heart attack during attack. Murray Field, Pretoria. Oct 2007.
THOMSON Mike. Stabbed & drowned. Craighall Park. Thur 5 Oct 2007.
UNNAMED BONTEHEUWEL man. Shot in house. Thur. 3 Aug 2007
UNNAMED BONTEHEUWEL woman. Shot in house. Thur. 3 Aug 2007
UNNAMED VICTORY PARK man. Shot in road.Delta Park, Joburg. Thu 9 Nov 07
UNNAMED WESTVILLE NORTH man. Stabbed & tortured. Durban. 24 Nov 2007.
VAN DEN BERG Hennie. Heart attack during attack. Hazelwood, Pta. Oct 2007.
VAN NIEKERK Anisha. Dissapeared in street. Murdered. Glen Marais. Nov 07
VAN RENSBURG Gert. Shot in shop. Claremont, Pretoria. Wed 25 July 2007.
VAN SITTERT Dirk. Shot in house. Lyttleton Manor, Pretoria. Wed 10 Jan 2007.
VAN WYK Ettiene. Bludgeoned in house. Nelspruit. 1 Feb 2007.
VAN WYK Hannes. Bludgeoned in garden. Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp. 28 Aug 2007
VAN ZYL Dawie. Beaten to death in garage. Doornkruin, Klerksdorp. 29 Oct 2007.
VAN ZYL Willem. Strangled. Queenswood, Pretoria. Thu 6 Feb 2007
VENTER Elaine. Strangled in garden. Mossel Bay. Mon 6 Feb 2007.
VERMAAK Ignatius. Shot in shop. Charlo, Port Elizabeth. 7 Sep 2007
VERMEULEN Rene. Stabbed. Maitland, Camps Bay. Tues 13 June 2007.
VIGNEY Jean. Shot while driving. Bethlehem. Mon 26 Jan 2007
VILJOEN Francois. Shot in house. Lynnwood, Pretoria. Sat 27 Aug 2007.
VUCEVIC Milo. Shot in shop. Greymont, Westdene. Johannesburg. 1 June 2007
WALL Gwen. Murdered in house. Simon’s Town. Wed 11 July 2007.
WHEELER Peter. Assaulted in police cells. Grabouw. Sat 9 July 2007.
WOYCLEN Benjamin. Stabbed in garden. King William’s Town. Wed 21 Jan 2007
ZAAIMAN Zelda. Murdered in driveway. Brooklyn, Pretoria. Oct 2007.
ZACHOS Angelo. Tortured in flat. Bedford Gardens, North Rand. 6 July 2007.

BASSON Dixie. Tortured & stabbed in home. Kensington, Johannesburg. Sat 26
Jan 2008.
BATES Wynand. Shot in shop. Anderbolt industrial area, Boksburg. 23 Aug 2008
DE SILVA José. Shot in shop. Anderbolt industrial area, Boksburg. 23 Aug 2008
BEUKES Marthinus. Shot in shopping center. Pietersburg. Wed, 24 December 2008
BUYS Dennis David. Tortured in home. Pretoria North. 19 Nov 2008.
COHEN Sheldon. Shot in car. Balfourpark, Johannesburg. 28 Jan 2008.
COSSON Yvonne. Assaulted & torched in home. Ramsgate. Sun 6 Jan 2008
COSTA José Paulo. Tortured & stabbed in apartment. Pretoria gardens. 18 Sep
DE JAGER Hein. Shot in shop. Pretoria North. Thurs 18 March 2008.
DE KORTE Jana. Assaulted & raped in home. Franschhoek, Western Cape. Tues. 30
Jan 2008.
DIPPENAAR Anton. Shot in road. Kempton park. 4 Apr 2008.
DUNSMORE Ella.Throat slit outside home. Springs. 11 Sep 2008
DU PREEZ Brad. Shot in home. Lynnwood, Pretoria. Fri 17 May 2008.
ENGELBRECHT Jan. Tortured & shot in home. Booysens, Pretoria.Jan 8 Sept 2008
ERASMUS Sebastian. Murdered in car. Pretoria. 30 Apr 2008.
GIBBON Neil. Open wound in neck. Attacked in apartment. Greenpoint, Cape Town.
Sat 25 Feb 2008
GOUWS Ria. Shot in home. Greylingstad. 25 Feb 2008
GOVAARS Eric. Stabbed in road. Parklands, Cape Town. 2 Jan 2008
GUY Robin. Shot on verandah. Bryanston. Wed 3 Jan 2008
HENN Marlene. Shot in home. Randburg. Fri 28 Mar 2008
KOEKEMOER Johannes. Shot in home. Kilner Park. Sat 6 Sep 2008
KOTZE Christine. Stabbed & throat slit at work. Stanford, Cape. 1 April 2008
KOTZE Christine. Shot at work. Stanfford. Tues 3 Apr 2008.
LAP Julian. Shot in home. Parktown North. Sun 4 Mar 2008
MOODIE Peter. Shot in bed. Honibal Str, Rynfield, Benoni 26 Nov 2008
MULLER Corrie. Stabbed in home. Primrose, Germiston. Wed 3 Dec 2008
MURRISON Michelle “Mishie”. Stabbed in home. Wembley, Pietermaritzburg. Wed 7
Feb 2008
OPPERMAN Mollie. Tied up, tortured & smothered in home. Randles Park,
Klerksdorp. Wed 16 July 2008
ROBERTZE Danie. Beaten in home. Morningside, Durban. 28 May 2008.
ROCHFORD Kevin. Shot outside home. Mowbray, Cape Town. 23 Apr 2008.
ROOS Danie. Stabbed in garden. Balfour. 15 Jan 2008
SEAGAR Allan. Hit-and-run while cycling. Durban. Sun 1 Jun2 1008
STEINBANK Michael. Shot in car. Newlands East, Durban. Tues 23 Jan 2008
THEUNIS Chris. Shot in home. Equestria, Pretoria. 10 Sep 2008
TOFTE Annicke. Stabbed in home. Morningside, Durban. 28 May 2008.
TRUTER Mark. Tied-up, tortured & suffocated in hotel. Pietermaritzburg. Wed 31
Jan 2008
UNNAMED ERASMIA, PRETORIA woman stabbed & raped on road. Erasmia,
Pretoria. 18 Feb 2008
UPTON Charlie. Shot in driveway. Rondebosch, Cape. Fri 19 Dec 2008
UYS-JOUBERT Koos. Tied-up & suffocated in home. Wonderboom South, Pretoria.
Sat 9 June 2008
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Marie. Stabbed & shot in home. Kleinmond, Cape Town. 4
Aug 2008
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Schalk. Stabbed & shot in home. Kleinmond, Cape Town. 4
Aug 2008
VAN RENSBURG Estée. Raped & shot in home. Faerie Glen, Pretoria. Thur 27 Mar
VAN TONDER Marthinus. Tortured in apartment. Welkom. Sat 10 Apr 2008
VAN ZYL Jane. Shot in car at home. Bergvliet, Wynberg. Sun 23 May 2008
VENTER Piet. Shot in home. Florapark 25 June 2008
VISSER Andries. Axed and shot in home. Wonderboom South, Pretoria. Tues 15
July 2008
VOLSCHENK Danie. Shot at work. Witbank. 30 Jan 2008
WARWOOD Phil. Shot in street. Epping, Cape Town. Thur 17 Jan 2008
WERNICH Ludwig. Tied-up & suffocated in apartment. Mokopane/Potgietersrus. 16
Feb 2008
WERNICH Rita. Tied-up & suffocated in apartment. Mokopane/Potgietersrus. 16 Feb
WEYERS Petrus Louwrens. Beaten in home. Brummeria, Pretoria. 23 May 2008

2009 - this year is still far from complete. I have only been through about a third of
the info.
ANGELBAUER Dianna. Bashed in shop. Vanderbijlpark. Tues 19 May 2009
BOTHA Tienie. Tortured & strangled in home. Louis Trichardt. Thursday 19 Feb
BROWN James. Beaten in police cell. Kriel 9 June 2009
CASSELS Richard. Stabbed in home. Westville, Durban. 19 Apr 2009.
DU PLESSIS Ellen “Moekie”. Beaten in home. Worcester. Mon 10 Jan 2009
KINGMA Jacqueline. Bashed & raped in home. Mayfair, Johannesburg. 4 Nov 2009.
KLOPPER Willie. Tied to car and torched. Rustenburg.
KRUGER Bernadine. Terrorized & driven over on road. Pretoria. 23 Feb 2009
LABUSCHAGNE Danie. Shot in home. Brakpan. Thurs 19 Nov 2009.
LOMBARD Andre. Beaten & torched in apartment. Nelspruit. 4 May 2009
LOMBARD Thyrza. Beaten and strangled in home. Clarens, Free State. Fri 19 June
MILLS Neville. Shot in home. Evander. 17 July 2009
NAUDE Louw. Shot in home. Deneysville. 1 Apr 2009
POTGIETER Cecile. Tortured, stabbed & bludgeoned inside home. Jeffrey’s Bay. 20
Feb 2009
PRETORIUS Chris. Shot in home. Stonehenge, Nelspruit. 25 Jan 2009
PRETORIUS Willie Andries. Tied-up, stabbed, strangled, bashed & shot in home.
Bergtuin, Pta.29Aug 09
PRINSLOO Louis. Beaten outside home. Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria. 10 July 2009
SCHRADER Jaco. Shot in home. Proteahoogte, Brackenfell. Thur 9 Apr 2009
SMIT Gericke. Bashed, tortured & strangled in worksite storage room. Pretoria.
Polokwane, 18 July 2009
SWEMMER Frans. Bludgeoned in garage and battered in home. Waterkloof,
Pretoria. Thur 12 Nov 2009
TAYLOR Rob. Shot inchemist. Edenvale. 10 Mar 2009
TROLLIP Hebert. Shot in home. Bronkhorstpruit. Fri 16 Jan 2009
UNNAMED German emigrant, Bashed & beaten in home., Roosenvelt Park,
Johannesburg 9 Dec 2009
WARBURTON Bianca. Shot in car on road. Johannesburg. 14 Oct 2009
WARD Keith. Shot outside home. Sundowner, Randburg, Johannesburg. 10 May
WORSELY Norma Scott. Strangled in home. Rondebosch, Cape Town 26 Aug 2009
ZERNA Horst Dieter. Shot along road. Ashley, Pinetown. 22 Oct 2009

ALLEN Cedric. Stabbed inside his home. Elspark, Germiston, 27 May 2010
ARKNER Ursula. Assaulted in home. Klopper Park, Germiston, Dec 9 2010
BLIGNAUT Elsa. Strangled in home. Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 26 Jan 2010
BOOYSEN Daniel “Danie”. Stabbed in road. Stellenbosch 17 Sept 2010
BUY Dave. Shot in road. Garankuwa, Pretoria North. 13 April 2010
COETZEE Jacoba ‘Jakkie’. Axed in home. Ermelo 23 Sept 2010
DIESEL Willie. Stabbed at ATM. Virginia. 11 Dec 2010
DU TOIT Gert. Shot during heist. Soweto, Pretoria South. Sat 7 June 2010
DUVENHAGE Alta. Tortured in home. Alberton 24 May 2010
EDWARDS Bruce. Shot in restaurant. Umbilo, Durban. 29 Sept 2010
ELS Elsie. Beaten in home. Swellendam. 5 Feb 2010
ELS Nick. Beaten in home. Swellendam. 5 Feb 2010
GEBHARDT Lourens. Bashed at schoolgate. Westonaria. 6 Nov 2010
GRANAT Peter. Shot in road. Parkwood, Johannesburg. 1 Mar 2010
GRISS Conrad. Beaten with hammers in his home. Houtbaai, Cape. 16 April 2010

HODNETT Evelyn. Bashed & possibly raped in home. Durban, 29 Dec 2010
HENNINGS Daleen. Shot outside office. Boksburg North, 2 Dec 2010
HOEKSTRA Jan Gerrit. Shot in car. Walmer, Port Edward. Mon 22 Nov 2010
HOPKINS Marianne. Strangled in home. Stellenbosch 10 Sept 2010
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Nick. Shot in restaurant. Umbilo, Durban. 29 Sept 2010
KILIAN Cornelia. Strangled in home. Durbanville. Sat 20 Nov 2010
KOTZE Hilda. Tortured & throat slit in home. Potchefstroom. 30 March 2010
KRUGEL Martin. Tortured & beaten in home. Pretoria. 15 May 2010
LUBBE Joey. Stabbed in home. Jan Kempdorp. 22 March 2010
MCLOUGHLIN Kevin. Shot in shop. Northgate shopping centre, Johannesburg. Mon
5 Oct 2010
MENZES Rory. Shot in restaurant. Umbilo, Durban. 29 Sept 2010
MURATAVA Svetlana. Kidnapped from home & bashed. Rustenburg 20 Nov 2010.
NIENABER Lorna. Shot in home. Nigel. 3 Aug 2010
NEL Arrie. Shot at work. Pretoria West. 23 Aug 2010
O DELL Marinda. Tortured & throat slit in home. Krugersdorp. 29 July 2010.
OELOFSE Johannes. Shot in home. Vaalpark, Sasolburg. 25 May 2010
PEDERSON Anne. Stabbed & shot in home. Irene Park, Klerksdorp. 29 Nov 2010.
PEDLAR Ananda. Shot in shopping centre. Carnival Mall, Boksburg. 4 Oct 2010
PERIPOLI Giovanni. Stabbed in road. Virginia. 5 Aug 2010
PIENAAR Willie. Shot in shopping centre. Kwaggasrand, Pretoria. 12 April 2010
PULZONE Louis. Shot in home. Bloemfontein. 8 Oct 2010
ROTHSCHILD Loius. Shot in home. Blairgowrie, Randburg. Sat 7 Aug 2010
SMIT Anika. Tortured & mutilated in home. Pretoria North. 12 March 2010
SMITH Alden. Attacked in home, kidnapped, strangled in car. Pretoria 25 Dec 2010
SMITH Donovan. Tortured & beaten in home. Dowerglen Ext 2, Bedfordview.
Tuesday 26 Feb 2010
STADLER Marius. Stabbed on pavement outside restaurant. Bloemfontein.1 March
STEENKAMP Francois. Tortured & beaten in home.Newlands, Pretoria. 4 Feb 2010
STRYDOM Shawn. Shot in restaurant. Umbilo, Durban. 29 Sept 2010
VAN AS Jan “Assie”. Shot in home. East Lynne, Pretoria, 25 March 2010
VAN ECK Colleen. Assaulted 7 strangled in home. Sun City Casino, Rustenburg,
Sun 20 Oct 2010
VAN TONDER Killian.Shot in road. Pretoria, Tues 25 May 2010
VELLOEN Riaan Petrus. Beaten in police cell. Florida police cells, Roodepoort, 29
Nov 2010
VENTER Theuns. Tortured & bashed in home. Mayville, Pretoria. 12 Feb 2010
VENTER Suzie. Raped & strangled in home. Mayville, Pretoria. 12 Feb 2010
VERWOERD Hendrik Jnr. Stabbed at church parking. Rayton/Cullinan. 5 Sept 2010.
WIING Maria. Strangled in home. Silverton, Pretoria 4 June 2010

ALBERTS Japie. Numerous wounds & shot in home. Vanderbijlpark. 15 Feb 2011
ARMSTRONG Malcolm. Crushed in mob attack on road. Isando 14 Feb 2011
BRENNER Heinz. Assaulted in home. Linden, Johannesburg. 10 Feb 2011.
COETZER Ettienne Gert. Kidnapped from home, assaulted, strangled, torched,
dumped in field. Claremont 1 Feb 2011
CULVERWELL Graham. Assaulted in home. Merrivale. 2 Feb 2011
DAVIS Bernard. Shot on verandah. New Germany, Durban. Sat 16 Mar 2011
DE JAGER Doris. Shot in driveway at home. Ridgeway, Johannesburg. 4 Feb 2011.
DE LANGE Nico. Stabbed & throat slit in home. West Village, Krugersdorp. 22 Jan
DOMINIGO Owen. Hi-jacked, shot along Marine Drive. Port Elizabeth. Sat 1 Feb 2011
ENSLEY Dillon. Shot outside home. Edenvale. 25 Feb 2011
FRASER Magda. Beaten with hammer outside post office. Balfour. 15 Jan 2011
GREYLING Albie. Shot outside home. Aldoraigne, Pretoria. 7 Jan 2011
GROBLER Lodie. Stabbed in shop. Ladybrand, 14 Jan 2011
HATTINGH Christo. Run down on road between Trichardt and Secunda. 20 Mar
HECTOR Theresa. Murdered along road. Humansdorp, Cape. 26 Feb 2011
JACKLIN Georgie. Kidnapped from home. Bashed. Linden, Johannesburg. 8 Feb
JACKSON Phillip. Shot outside home. Edenvale. 25 Feb 2011
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Joof. Shot in garden. Evander central. 13 March 2011
JONES Megan. Shot in road. Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town. Mon 4 Aug 2011
NORTJE Johan. Shot in driveway. Montclair, Durban 17 Jan 2011
ODENDAAL Jeanette. Shot in car. Kempton park. Tues 27 Apr 2011
OLIPHANT Sarah-Jane. Hi-jacked, shot along Marine Drive. Port Elizabeth. Sat 1
Feb 2011
PHILLIPSON Abbie. Throttled in garden. Krugersdorp 19 Jan 2011
PIETERSE Andre. Torched in home. Nelspruit. 4 Feb 2011
PIETERSE Marco. Beaten with hammer & torched in home. Nelspruit. 4 Feb 2011
PIETERSE Suzette. Beaten with hammer & torched in home. Nelspruit. 4 Feb 2011
RETIEF DE LANGE Ode. Battered & bludgeoned in home. Springs. Sun 30 Jan 2011
ROSSOUW Jaco. Petrol-bombed in office. Nylstroom. 6 Mar 2011
SAVVIDES George. Shot in home. Wonderboom, Pretoria. 1 April 2011
SMITH Mavis. Strangled in home. Durban 13 Jan 2011
UNNAMED SOSHANGUVE, PRETORIA Man. Shot at petrol station. 16 Jan 2011
VAN DER HEEVER Piet. Stabbed in home. Welkom. Riebeeckstad, Welkom. 28 Jan
VAN DER MERWE Basie. Stabbed in home. Booysen, Pretoria. 8 Mar 2011
VAN NIEKERK Fan. Tortured in home. Monument, Krugersdorp. 2 Aug 2011
WHITMORE Noellene. Throat slit in home. Boneaeropark, Kempton Park. Thur 7
Aug 2011
WHITMORE Percy. Bashed & suffocated in home. Boneaeropark, Kempton Park.
Thur 7 Aug 2011.

2012 ( Update will be completed later )

DE VILLIERS Mona. Murdered in back yard. Centurion. 6 Jan 2012

UNNAMED PARKVIEW woman. Murdered inside home. 30 Jan 2012

CILLIERS "Boet". Tortured, tied up, beaten & shot outside home. Farm Stella.
Boet Cilliers and 3 of his grandchildren.
CILLIERS Hendrik Johannes “Boet”, farmer aged 77, lived alone and was still very
active. At around 19:00, his pick-up truck was found abandoned about 3km from his
home by his neighbour, who set off to find Boet. The farmhouse was in disarray. His
corpse was found tied up to a tree about 30m from his home. The feet were tied up,
and he had been badly beaten up. There was a bullet wound to his head. It is
suspected that Boet was attacked while he was fixing a fence by an unknown gang
of 3 young men, seen drinking and smoking by the locals. Farm Erfdeel, Stella,
Mafikeng. Sun 29 Jan 2012.

DE VILLIERS Mona. Murdered in back yard. 6 Jan 2012

January 6 2012 - Mrs Mona de Villiers, 86, brutally murdered by black attackers,
Centurion home. between 9 amd 10am. As reported by Mr Cor Ehlers, chairman of
the "Oase" group, which strives for Afrikaner autonomy inside South Africa.

Mr Ehlers writes that his aunt Mona de Villiers was murdered at her Centurion home
between 9am and 11am. 'She was 86 years old, very fit and healthy, and still drove
her own car. She lived in the house with her younger sister - who went shopping at
9am and came across her murdered sister at the kitchen back-yard upon her return.
I had a very special tie with my aunt Mona, who was my mother's niece. Her car was
used as a getaway car and the Toyota Corolla was found by the police a few blocks
from the murder scene. OASE: onafhanklike afrikaner selfbeskikkingsekspedisie:
selfbeskikkingsekspedisie/221377837901182 ONAFHANKLIKHEID EKSPEDISIE:

DU TOIT Dries. Beaten to death in home. Klerksdorp. 13 Jan 2012

DU TOIT Dries aged 56, AND his wife Lettie AND his sister, Elizabeth de Villiers, were
asleep in their farm house when a gang of at least 5 men broke into their home at
around 04:10. Dries was beaten to death with a metal object. Lettie, who was in the
bed next to him, was also beaten with the iron object, and suffered serious injuries.
Her head required stitching, some of her teeth were broken, and she suffered a
broken rib. Elizabeth suffered minor injuries during the attack. Electrical equipment
to the value of R2000 ($250) was stolen before the attackers fled the scene. One
week before the attack, their farm was visited by four 'officials' who claimed they
were investigating the theft of a petrol-tanker. Lettie refused to let these unidentified
people inside the homestead. A few days later a police-officer showed up also
investigating the alleged theft, which the Du Toit couple knew nothing about. A blue-
light vehicle also drove up to the turn-off to their farm, which was suspicious to the
family. Klipplaatdrift, Ventesdorp. 13 Jan 2012

DU TOIT Francois. Shot in home.Roossenekal, Limpopo. 22 Jan 2012

DU TOIT Francois, farmer aged 38, AND his family were attacked inside their home at
around 01:00. Francois heard a strange noise coming from outside their home and
got up to fetch his pistol from the gunsafe. A gang of at least 3 men had already
gained entrance into the family home and shot him in the stomach. He returned fire,
and was then shot behind the ear. His wife and two children aged 9 and 12, were
taken to a lapa outside the home, where their hands and feet were tied up with cable
ties. The gang fled in the family vehicle, taking celphones, cash and two weapons
from the safe. The vehicle was abandoned near the farm. Francios passed away in
the arms of his neighbours before they could transport him to hospital.
Roossenekal, Limpopo. 22 Jan 2012

GEYER Johan. Shot in kitchen. Brooklyn. 23 Jan 2012

GEYER Johan was cooking supper for his family in the kitchen shortly before 21:00
when a gang of at least 3 men entered his home and shot him in the back. The bullet
went through hi spine and also tore his stomach and liver. He is in critical condition
in the hospital. Nothing was stolen. Brooklyn, Pretoria. Mon 23 Jan 2012

HUYSER Hans aged 50 AND his wife Cindy aged 48 AND

their friend Danie Niemand aged 53 AND his wife
Charmaine aged 49 AND two children aged 10 and 15 had
pulled off to the side of the road under a bright light at
midnight to change a tyre after the car hit a pothole. While
the women were pouring cooldrinks from the boot of the
car, the men were changing the tyre. A gang of 3 men
appeared from the gras and climbed over the balystrade
This is the pothole that
of the road, and walked right up to Danie, who stood up.
One of the men pulled out a gun from his pants pocket, damaged the wheels
pointed it at Danie and opened fire. Danie ran away, heard
another two shots go off, and fainted. After a few seconds
he recovered, and managed to pull over 3 passing cars. In
the meantime, the gunman approached Hans, who tried to
defend himself with the car jack. The gunman shot Hans
three times in the upper body and he collapsed. One of
the gansters had opened his pants and ordered Cindy to
go lie down in the bushes. She swore him, and ran to
Hans. The gang stole Charmaine’s handbag and Hans’s
celphone before they fled the scene. Hans died on the
scene in his wife’s arms. 10 days after the attack, the
police had not yet started the investigation. Britz N4. 2 Danie Niemand indicates
Jan 2012 where they were changing the wheel

JOFFE Pat. Stabbed inside home. Mnandi plot. 16 Jan 2012

JOFFE Pat, horse trainer aged 77, was murdered inside her home during the night.
Her corpse was found the following day by her neighbour with stab wounds, locked
up in the guest bathroom. It appeared that she had been tortured. Her car, celphone
and computer were stolen. Mnandi plot, Centurion. Mon 16 Jan 2012
The Star

REPORT GIVEN: On Saturday night Mr Neville Joseph, his wife and their two friends
with two children were attacked on their small holding The Rest" in Nelspruit. They
were having a braai when three armed men stormed on to them, the armed men then
spoke to them in Afrikaans and English, telling them that they will not be harmed.
The women were then told to give up their jewellery. Mr Neville Joseph then over
heard them talking to one another in Zulu that they were going to first rape the
women, then kill all of them. Luckily Mr Joseph understood their language. Mr
Farreira, his friend, took action and threw a chair at one of the attackers, and Mr
Joseph also jumped them. They ran around the house and fired a shot, which hit Mr
Joseph in his stomach. More shots were then fired but luckily no one was hit! The
nearby security heard the shots and the Joseph family also pushed the panic button.
At this time the attackers fled! Mr Joseph is in hospital and doing ok! His wife is very
traumatized but also ok. 24 Jan 2012

POTGIETER Pottie. attacked up home. Winburg. 14 Jan 2012

POTGIETER Pottie, widower aged 73, was attacked inside his home at around 11:00
by a gang of 6 black men, one of which had been released on parole the previous
day. Pottie’s hands were tied up with wire, he was kicked, beaten, and left for dead.
He was discovered three days later. The doctor is worried about his hands which
were tied up for so long with the blood circulation cut off as well as his kidneys
since he was without water for 4 days. The police caught one of the attackers after
they had tried to sell Pottie’s pick-up van. Winburg.
Sat 18 Jan 2012

UNNAMED PARKVIEW woman aged 65 was murdered inside her home during the
day. Clothes, jewellery and two celphones were stolen. 30 Jan 2012

VAN BILJON Frans aged 66 was murdered while travelling home after work from
Pretoria to Bronhortstspruit in the Donkerhoek/Boschhoek area during the
afternoon. It is suspected that he was forced off the road. His body was dull of
bruises and he had been stabbed 8 times with a knife. A farm worker can upon his
body. His wallet and the vehicle’s keys were missing. Jan 2012

VAN NIEKERK Anita Jacobs aged 62, was attacked inside her home at around 01:00
by a gang of at least 5 men who had entered the home after bending the burglar bars
open. Her 4 year old grandson, who she had raised the previous 2 years since the
death of his mother, was asleep throughout the ordeal. Anita’s throat was sliced
open in various places with a blade, and she received multiple cuts on her arms
during the attack. A neighbour, who had heard strange noises, went to investigate.
Her kitchen and bedroom was covered in blood. Anita underwent emergency surgery
and may never recover fully as her vocal chords had been severed, which also
effects the swallowing process. Two cell phones and R300 ($24) had been stolen.
Mookgophong(Naboomspruit). Sat. 21 Jan 2012

VAN NIKERK Ria aged 81, was attacked inside her home at around 02:00 by a gang
of at least 2 men. They climbed over the wall of the old age home where she resided,
and broke a window to get into her unit. They tied her hands with a scarf, and her
feet with a belt. Ria was beaten so badly that the doctors are fearing for her life while
she is on a ventilator system in ICU. Her attackers fled in her car, taking her
television and jewellery. Bronhorstspruit. Sat 10 Jan 2012


2011 A - F

Painting by slain artist Cornelius Bosch, 2011

ALBERTS Japie. Numerous body wounds, in home. Vanderbijlpark

ALBERTS Japie, male aged 43, ex-prison official found dead in a pool of blood on
the kitchen floor of his home with numerous wounds to his chest and
back. Vanderbijlpark 15 Feb 2011

ARMSTRONG Malcolm. Skull & face crushed. Isando 14 Feb 2011

ARMSTRONG Malcolm male aged 34, white owner of courier-business: skull
crushed, nose, cheekbones broken in vicious black racist-mob attack targetting
white ‘labour brokers’ and anyone driving a truck. Isando 14 Feb 2011

Bekker couple with their children

Martiens Bekker with grandchild

BEKKER Charlotte, retired school teacher aged 60, left in picture, AND her husband
Martiens aged 68, far right in picture, were attacked during the night by an armed
gang inside their rented farmhouse. It appears that during the struggle, Martiens
was assaulted outside the homestead and dragged back inside. His corpse was
found with numerous stab wounds on the bedroom floor. Charlotte was tied to a
chair and then frantically stabbed to death. Houtpoort farm, Heidelberg. 1 July

BEUKES Jaco. Beaten to death along road. Smithfield.

BEUKES Jaco aged 42, company foreman, noticed one of the company trucks,
which should have been parked on site, being driven along the road on a Sunday
with at least two passengers inside it. He tried to pull the driver over, and a car
chase ensued. When they came to a halt, he spoke to the driver, who was a
company staff member, and they agreed that the matter would be resolved at work
the following day. As he drove away, the truck reared down on him. Jaco pulled
over and jumped out his vehicle. A struggle ensued between him and the two
passengers from the truck who beat Jaco to death with a stone. Smithfield, Free
State. Sun 18 Aug 2011

BIELL Barbara, 72 yr old female missionary, was on the farm belonging to the
Strydom family at the time that an armed attack took place, during which she and a
fellow missionary were tied up, threatened with rape, and locked up in a cupboard.
Vaal river, Vereeniging. 8 Feb 2011
Biell, Barbara, missionary, attacked on Strydom farm, Vereeniging

BONTHUYS Nickie, hair stylist aged 28, took photos when a heavily-armed gang of
at least 50 metrocops -- cursing and screaming - stormed into the bistro where she
was a patron, supposedly on a drugs-raid. They found no drugs but hard-handedly
terrorised the patrons. One of the cops saw what she was doing, and shoved her so
hard that she stumbled before she was thrown into a police-van so heavy-handedly
that one of her toes were broken. Nickie was arrested on a trumped-up charge of
'crimen injuria', and held incarcerated for 17 hours in a filthy, cockroach-and-
mosquito-infested Lyttleton-police station cell. All night long, she had to endure
racist taunts and threats - such as "must I paint my face white so that you can
listen to me?' snarled at her by a police captain. Another black police officer
threatened her with: "Now you will see how a black man locks up a white woman'.
When concerned friends who went to enquire about her at the police station, they
were also arrested. Centurion Friday February 18 2010

BOSCH Cornelius. Kidnapped, shot & torched. Pretoria. 24 Feb 2011

BOSCH Cornelius, renowned South African artist and philosophist, disappeared

from his home without a trace and was found two weeks later in a field, his body so
badly burnt that dental records had to be used to identify him. An autopsy revealed
he had been shot in the head. Pretoria smallholdings. 24 Feb 2011

BOTES Avelene came around the corner towards the local magistrate’s court at
around 10:45 with her car as 5 dangerous convicts, suspects in an armed robbery
escaped from a prison van in front of the court. Their leg-irons had already been
loosened inside the prison van as they arrived; they grabbed a constable's service
revolver and shot him dead. The gang then seriously injured a warrant/officer, and
got hold of two R5 military assault rifles with which they spilled into the street,
shooting indiscriminately while trying to find a get-away-car. They stopped her at
once, shoved her into the passenger's seat and chased off. She tried to climb out
but they dragged her back inside. Bystanders and guards at the court exit fell flat,
scattered and hid in a massive panic while the gang threatened them with the guns.
Avelene was then taken for a high-speed ride, but the convict who drove her car
lost control, crashing it against a shop-wall in Bluegumbush near Phuthaditjhaba –
where he died behind the wheel. The critically injured Avelene was rushed to
hospital where she died. Harrismith. 5 May 2011
- Volksblad
BOUWER Robert. Shot & torched along rural road. Serengeti golf Estate. 1 Sep

BOUWER Robert “Robbie”, businessman aged 40, owner of Birds of Africa Park,
was reported missing by his family on Monday after he had not returned home from
an optometrist appointment in Boksburg. His burnt corpse was found with bullet
wounds two days later next to his burnt car just outside the Serengeti Golf Estate,
on the rural High Road of Pomona between Kempton Park and Benoni.
1 Sep 2011

BRAND Nooi assaulted & robbed. Rietfontein.

BRAND Nooi, AND her three children Annemarie (16), Lazyla (15) and Wynand (11)
AND fiancé Flip De Bruyn moved onto a plot in Rietfontein 2 years ago. Since then
they have been robbed repeatedly and have nothing of value left at all. On one
occasion while the family were out, criminals took out a whole window, first
removing the putty. When Nooi arrived home, the house was bare. The fridges, TV,
DVD player, groceries, blankets, mattresses, everything was gone. On another
occasion Nooi says criminals tried to pull her through a window from outside the
house while Flip was in the bathroom. The attacks are increasingly more violent.
During the last incident, she was hanging up the family laundry at around 12:45
when two black men in their late twenties jumped over the neighbour’s fence where
they had stolen their laundry. One of them grabbed Nooi by the throat with one
hand and with the other repeatedly bashed her head against the wall. This was
while his accomplice was plucking all the washing off the line and putting it into the
laundry basket. Her neighbour heard her screams for help and ran to her aid. When
the man who was Nooi saw him, he wrenched her celphone from her hand and
threw her to the ground. The attackers ran away across the fence into the bushes.
Nooi suffered a broken cheekbone and damaged eardrum. She has suffered
continuous headaches ever since the assault and is terrified of stepping outside
her homestead without someone from the family accompanying her. Pretoria. Wed
May 4 2011

BRENNER Heinz. Assaulted in home, died in hospital. Linden.

BRENNER Heinz, male aged 71, was home alone when he was attacked by a
gunman and was brutally assaulted during which he sustained serious brain
injuries. The gunman dragged Heinz through the house and dumped him in front of
his garage while he waited for Mrs Brenner and her daughter to return from the
shops. They were attacked and robbed at gunpoint before they were locked up in a
cupboard. Heinz died from his injuries two weeks later in hospital. Linden,
Johannesburg. 10 Feb 2011

BRIEDENHANN Marnus. Hi-jacked, tortured, blindfolded & shot along road. Naval
Hill Nature Reserve.

BRIEDENHANN Marnus, male aged 23. Hi-jacked, tortured, blindfolded & shot in the
neck along the road. With his hands and feet tied up, Marnus clamboured through
wires and over stones and rocks until he got to a road where he could find help.
Naval Hill Nature Reserve. 15 July 2011
Al Debbo se nefie geskiet

BRITS Kobus, shot at work by corrupt cop gang. Hazyview.

BRITS Kobus, security guard aged 60, locked the gate at work and climbed into his
vehicle at around 18:15 when his door was pulled open by a gang of five black men,
one of them demanding cash. Kobus was threatened with a firearm and he
attempted to push his attacker away but was shot, at which point the men fled. A
police constable was arrested two days later in this matter and charged with
attempted murder. Hazyview. Fri 5 Aug 2011

CARTON-BARBER Devlin. Shot while unpacking. Rural guesthouse, White River.

Devlin Carton-Barber on the left

CARTON-BARBER Devlin, professional hunter aged 27. Davlin had accompanied
tourists on safari in South Africa. Whilst they were unpacking their belongings two
men emerged from the bushes and without saying a word, fired a shot and killed
him. The two men took the wife's handbag and fled. Rural guesthouse, White
River. Fri 8 Aug 2011
Phasa: Hunter's killing shocking 2011-08-08

COCKCROFT Dian, beaten, threatened & robbed at school. Benoni

COCKCROFT Dian, school principal, was attacked, beaten and robbed by two black
men who threatened to kill her while opening her school at around 06:40. Benoni.
27 July 2011


COETZEE Christo, tow-truck driver AND his colleague Christo Coetzee, AND Lucas
Hattingh, a qualified paramedic, had stopped at the scene of an accident along the
N1 near Petroport. Lucas asked a policeman present if anyone was injured. When
he pointed to a woman who was standing next to a second policeman, Lucas
approached to see if he could help, but the second policemen became agitated.
When Lucas insisted on speaking to her (the accident victim), one of the policemen
grabbed Lucas and threw him in front of a car travelling on the highway. If that
driver had not braked and swerved, Lucas would have been hit. When Christo tried
to help Lukas (from the road), three policemen turned on him. One of them pushed
Lucas backwards, another other cocked his R5 semi-automatic assault rifle rifle
and pushed it into Lucas’s face. When they backed off, Lucas phoned the police
10111 emergency call centre and told an officer what was happening.

This call enraged the policemen and two of them attacked Lucas, punched and
pushed him around, demanding to know who he was giving their vehicle details to.
The call was still active when he was hit with a rifle butt but managed to hold on to
his phone. He could hear the operator asking if he was all right, assuring him help
was on the way. Lucas then called his brother-in-law, Louis Strydom. When Louis
arrived and asked the policemen what was going on, he was arrested on charges of
interfering with police duties and put into the police cells until the following day,
when the charges against him were withdrawn. Tshwane metro police arrived and
advised the men to go to the nearest police station for their own safety, which they
did. Christo tried to open a case against the policemen at the Sinoville police
station, but a policewoman manning the charge office laughed at him and told him
“good luck”, as they don’t open cases against fellow policemen. It was only after
he started phoning 10111 again that she changed her attitude, but even then it took
nearly an hour to get her to write a statement. Police spokesman Lieutenant-
Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said a case of assault and pointing of a firearm had been
opened. Mon 2 May 2011.
Pretoria News

COETZER Ettienne Gert, kidnapped, strangled & torched. Pretoria.

COETZER Ettienne Gert, builder aged 66, kidnapped from his Claremont home,
assaulted, strangled, torched, dumped in field at Soshanguve by 3 black gang
members known to him. His burnt-out pick-up van was found abandoned along the
Rosslyn Road north of Pretoria. Pretoria 1 Feb 2011

COETZEE Lina, assaulted in hospital bed. Postmasburg.

COETZEE Lina, female aged 85, was brought to hospital in the morning with a
broken hip. A black man walked into the women’s ward past the black patients,
straight up to Lina, and brutally beat her up. One of the black male patients from an
adjacent ward saved her. Postmasburg. Fri May 7 2011.

COLAM Maureen, female aged 66, and a male friend were watching television in her
home at around 11:20pm when her dog started barking. She opened the door to let
the dog out, and a screwdriver wielding man stormed in and cornered her in the
lounge. He told her to keep quiet and demanded money. He also removed some
articles from her handbag which he had seen on the couch. Maureen managed to
evade the man and once on the other side of the lounge, she went to activate the
He tried to stab her but missed, and ran away. Southport. Mon 25 May 2011.

CONROY Koos AND wife Frances attacked on homestead. Leeukraal.

CONROY Koos aged 75 AND his wife Frances aged 70 were attacked at their
homestead by a gang of 5 men armed with knives and guns. Koos was attending to
cattle when the gang overpowered Frances inside her house at around 07:00am.
She was physically assaulted, tied up and robbed. They demanded to know where
the safe was from Frances but there was none. She gave them her silver jewellery
box which they broke open and threw her pearls in her face, demanding the safe
again. Koos returned home and was yanked from his pick-up van by two of the
attackers, one with a gun and the other with a knife. He was stabbed in the hand
and shot in the neck before he and Frances were tied up and gagged. Family
arrived unexpectedly and the gang fled the scene. Farm Leeukraal, Ventersdorp. 20
July 2011.

COSTA Alberto. Shot on homestead. Cloetesdal.

COSTA Alberto, farmer aged 44, went outside his home to investigate why his dogs
were barking at around 02:00, and was shot in the chest by a gang who had dug a
hole underneath the electrified fencing to gain access to his property. He fired
back, injuring one of the black attackers with his shotgun before he died on the
scene. Alberto had been involved with a large black-economic empowerment
project on three farms which supported many workers. Cloetesdal, Stellenbosch.
17 Feb 2011

full moon over Wellington wheat farm, area of Alberto Costa. 17 Feb 2011 Photo talen by
farm wife Christa Steyn
CULLEM John Allen aged 66, AND his wife were standing next to the fire of their
barbeque on their property when two knifemen from the road jumped over the
fence and stabbed the couple repeatedly. The attackers then went into the house
where they attacked and robbed the daughter and her two young children. John
died on the scene from his injuries. Airfield, Benoni. 2011-05-19

CULVERWELL Graham & his wife attacked inside home. Merrivale.

CULVERWELL Graham, a physically disabled retired panelbeater, AND his wife
Hillary, both aged 84, were attacked inside their house by a gang of 5 men at
around 19:00. They stormed into the house when Hillary opened the door to feed
their dogs. She was overpowered by 2 men, robbed of R300 ($35) gagged, her
hands tied with plastic tape and locked up in the bathroom, while 3 men assaulted
Graham severely and robbed him of his celphone, which was recovered outside in
their garden. He died shortly afterwards in his study. Merrivale. Tues 2 Feb 2011.
- The Witness

DANIELS Leslie. Tied up & stabbed in home. Kyalami smallholding.

DANIELS Leslie, foreman on chicken farm aged 58, slaughtered like an animal,
stabbed numerous times, to death. The homestead’s walls and floors were smeared
with his blood. His daughter found his body, the hands and ankles tied together, on
the living-room floor. It is believed that the murderers got inside the electronically-
protected homestead by digging a hole underneath the wires. Kyalami
smallholding. Fri 16 Feb 2011

DAVIS Bernard, male aged 65 and his wife heard a noise in the garden during the
night. Bernard went outside to investigate and was shot. His wife heard a bang and
went to check on her husband. She found him lying on the verandah with a gun
shot to the face. Nothing was taken. New Germany, Durban. Sat 16 Mar 2011

DE BEER Alette, stabbed in bedroom. Waterbron smallholding.

DE BEER Alette, 72 yr old hairdressing salon, was stabbed repeatedly by a youth

who had a steak-knife in each hand – in her head, left lower leg, right arm and left
shoulder - while she fought back fiercely. Her numerous wounds had to be stitched
up while she was under sedation on the operating table. The youngster had arrived
at her smallholding begging her for an odd-job so she agreed to let him work in the
garden in exchange for an agreed-to amount .When she turned around, he had
snuck into her homestead, stolen steak-knives from her kitchen and attacked her in
her bedroom, immediately demanding that she give him R300 in cash. She fought
back with all her might and managed to push the alarm button – and the howling
noise caused the ‘innocent school-child’ to flee. Alette, bleeding heavily, jumped
into her car and rushed to a neighbouring smallholding for help. Waterbron
smallholding, Bloemfontein Sat 15 Jan 2011
De Jager family
DE JAGER, Doris, High Court stenographer aged 50, was an important witness who
could verify the accuracy of the court records for many politicallly-sensitive trials
which took place at the Johannesburg High Court, such as the murder trial of
Glenn Agliotti (acquitted of murdering mining-magnate Brett Kebble); and the
controversial fraud trial of former SA police chief Jackie Selebi, amongst many
others. She and her daughter Margie aged 21, had been shopping. Upon their
return home, Margie was closing the gate when she noticed two men inside their
property. One had a pistol in his hand. She ran into the house and yelled to her
brother, Danie aged 29, while phoning a security company. Seconds later she heard
two shots. Danie was on the couch when his sister ran inside. He heard a scream
and flew out of the door to see his mother inside his silver Corsa-bakkie where she
tried to shie away from the gunman. Doris was shot through the windscreen of the
vehicle whereafter her attackers fled the scene in a get-away car. She rolled from
the vehicle and collapsed. Danie attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation but stuff
ran from her mouth and she turned yellow. Margie rushed out when she heard her
brother screaming and saw her mother dying on the ground. She heard her rattling
breath and knew it was over. Nothing was robbed and the car was not hijacked. The
neighbour happened to be in a small park near the De Jager home and saw the get-
away car before Doris was shot. It was a white Opel Astra with four men inside. The
vehicle stopped and two men climbed out. A bit later ‘the vehicle returned’ and he
heard two shots. Soon after the neighbour found Danie sitting next to his dead
mom. Ridgeway, JHB., 5 Feb 2011
De Jager, Doris, 50, Joburg High Court stenographer, executed,driveway

DE JAGER Jaco aged 35 AND his wife were fishing at the De Rust holiday resort
close to midnight when they were attacked by a gang of at least 3 men. Jaco was
shot in the stomach and died shortly afterwards. His wife was robbed of her
diamond ring, cellphones and laptop computer. Hartbeespoort. Tues 29 Sep 2011
DE LANGE Nico, stabbed in doorway of home. West Village.

DE LANGE Nico, male aged 55, was concerned about the three aggressive youths
who kept tearing around at high speed on his erf in their purple Opel Corsa in West
Village and endangering his family. At around 16:30 on a Saturday, the three youths
were spinning their wheels on his erf in front of his house again, so he stepped
outside to speak to them. The guys attacked him, and he fought back. One of them
then threatened to kill him before they got into their car and chased off in it while
De Lange went back inside his home. However just minutes later the man came
back in the same car and stopped in front of Nico’s house with a knife stuck in the
back of his pants. Nico was at the kitchen door when the man walked towards him
– and slashed him across one of his wrists with his knife, then stabbed Nico in his
neck and cut through his artery, saying that he should get ready for his funeral.
There was a lot of blood. Mr De Lange’s fiancee’s 15-year-old daughter, who also
witnessed the murder, said the knifeman ran right past her to his car after stabbing
Nico. One of his mates stood laughing next to the car. She ran after them to write
down the Corsa’s registration number so that they could be captured. Meanwhile
Nico,bleeding profusely, was staggering behind her towards the gate – making
certain that she and her mother were safe, she said. Then he collapsed and died.
Nothing stolen, West Village, Krugersdorp. 22 Jan 2011
De Lange, Nico, 55, stabbed to death bl. youth, West Village, Krugersdorp

DESGRANGES Michael, tied up, tortures & strangled in home. Kloof.

DESGRANGES Michael aged 71 was tied up, tortured and strangled in his home
during the night. His attackers fled the scene in his car. Ronaldskloof smallholding,
Kloof. Sun 13 Mar 2011

DE VILLIERS Jaco and two friends attacked while rock-climbing. Brits.

Jaco de Villiers
DE VILLIERS Jaco, student aged 21, and his friends Gert vd Walt aged 24, and
Dennis Wevell aged 22, suffered a three-hour ordeal while rock-climbing when a
well-organised gang of six black knifemen , who split up into three groups of 2,
threatening to cut their throats, trussed up their hands and feet with telephone
cables. One by one they were loosened and forced to walk into the woods, forced
to lay facedown. One picked up Van der Walt’s head and gestured with his fingers
across his neck while another one kept sharpening his knife and stabbing Van Der
Walt’s legs with it. Brits,12 Jan 2011
DE VILLIERS Juan. Trussed up and shot inside his home. Alberton.

DE VILLIERS Juan, male aged 38 AND his life partner Ms Jenny Wilson were
attacked inside their home during the night. She had gone to bed at around 23:00
and Juan fell asleep on the couch in the lounge. Their son Devan aged 10 was at a
sleepover at a friend's house. Juan was attacked by two black men and trussed up
hands-and-feet with shoelaces. He was also shot once while already tied up in the
kitchen. Then the men stormed into Jenny’s bedroom. When she opened her eyes
and saw these two (black) men in the room, she realised she had to flee. One man
grabbed her but she kicked, bit them and screamed, and then ran down the
hallway, shouting for Juan to help. Jenny literally dove out of the backdoor and
before she could do anything else, Juan was there. The injured man had managed
to rip off the shoe-laces which were keeping him tied up and ran outside to protect
his mate. Three shots then were fired and it became very quiet. The blacks had fled
with very little loot: just a cellphone, a wallet and bottles of wine. After he was
rushed to Union-hospital in Alberton for emergency surgery, it was found that he
had sustained four gunshot wounds. His wounds were too severe: the life-support
was turned off two hours later in the presence of Jenny and his grieving mom, Mrs
Alta Smith, aged 56. Mayberry Park, Alberton. 1 April 2011.

DE VRIES Kobus. Shot on property. Babanango farm.

Kobus de Vries in front with dog.

DE VRIES Kobus. Boer-gunsmith Kobus de Vries aged 54, skimmed an Eskom
vehicle as he was overtaking it at around 14:00 in the village. Both Kobus and the
driver of the Eskom vehicle pulled over and agreed to go to the police station, but
Kobus decided to go home first. The police paid a visit to his homestead, and it is
unclear why a tactical force and more than 40 officers became involved in a “stand-
off” which lasted four and a half hours during which Kobus refused to come out of
his house. The police then used a farm worker to lure De Vries out of his house
with promises that he would not be fired on. Media reports have stated that he was
shot in the back while allegedly attempting to run back into his home. Three shots
were fired by snipers, from two different calibre guns. The second bullet hit his
arm. As he stumbled into his house, his shotgun hanging at his side, a third bullet
hit him in the neck and killed him. In the first news reports, the police had claimed
that he’d committed suicide. Babanango farm. Thur 23 Jan 2011.
Kobus de Vries, 54, of Babanango, KZN, Boer gunsmith, mowed down under
mysterious circumstances by 40-member cop-team with 3 sharpshooters - Jan 20

DU PREEZ Leon. Attacked on road. Welkom.

DU PREEZ Leon aged 34, was driving to work with his car window open at around
09:30 on the Jan Meyer road. At the Manny’s circle he was behind a truck and
realized that a taxi mini van had suddenly driven up very close alongside him. Leon
heard someone call to him. As he looked up at the taxi he saw a shiny object
thrown at him. He nearly rolled the car as he felt his face burn and the warm blood
on his face. Leon quickly closed his wondow, wiped some of the blood from his
face with a cloth he kept in his car so that he could see where he was going, and
raced to work where he could get help. At hospital he received 7 stitches to the
worst cut in his face and was treated for shock. Welkom. 21 Sept 2011

DU TOIT Giel. Stabbed to death in home. Vosburg.

DU TOIT Giel, electrician aged 69, was stabbed to death inside his home. A black
youth, who was involved in a breakin in at the same home during October 2010
after which several stolen items were found in his possession, has been arrested.
More arrests are expected. Vosburg. 9 Feb 2011.

DU TOIT Glenwald, police student-constable, shot in spine by gun smugglers.

Sutherland Farm, Northern Cape. 14 Jan 2011 Jan 14 2011 – SAPS student-
constable Jacob Boleme, 26, murdered, officer Glenwald Du Toit shot in spine by
Dr Phillipe and Mrs Agnes Nenière while SAPS tried to confiscate arms-cache
couple was shot dead by huge police force six days later –Sutherland NC farm


ERASMUS Barend, male aged 79, and wife, Annetjie, aged 82, attacked and stabbed
in their home on their farm near Phillipstown, Kimberley 1 Feb 2011
Erasmus Barend 79 and Annatjie, 82, attacked, stabbed in Phillipstown

EULER Hein. beaten to death in home. Benoni

The Euler home

EULER Hein, a German aged 75, AND his wife Erika aged 71, were attacked in their
home during the night. Erika woke up when two men appeared in her bedroom.
They demanded money and guns from her as they dragged her through the house
while assaulting her. Hein woke up and came out of his room, where they assaulted
him and beat him with an iron pole. At around 01:00 Erika managed to phone their
neighbours for help. When they arrived, the attackers had already left the premises.
Hein was found laying on the floor in front of his bedroom, where he had died on
the scene, his scull totally crushed. Erika was found full of blood with serious head
injuries, a broken nose and a deep cut in her arm. She was admitted to hospital. It
is unclear as to if anything had been looted. Their other neighbours had noticed the
lights on in the Euler home the evening of the attack at around 23:00 that evening,
and thought it strange. Morehill, Benoni. 2 Oct 2011

FAIRWEATHER Luke. Shot dead in road. Cape Town.

FAIRWEATHER Luke, prominent cricket official aged 49, was a guest at the
President’s Suite during a test match between South Africa and India, was shot
dead outside Sahara Park while in his car with his elderly mother by a traffic official
for “refusing to accept traffic violation fine” on Wednesday. Newlands cricket
grounds, Cape Town. 5 Jan 2011.

FOURIE Barries, male aged 35, arrested a drug dealer who tried to peddle drugs to
barrie, and took the drug dealer along with his drugs to the police station. However,
the police refused to take his statement nor speak to the drug dealer. The seargent
on duty cursed barriers, sprayed him with pepper spray and beat him in front of the
drug dealer. Bloemfontein, 2 Aug 2010
Barries Fourie attacked by Park Road SAPS, Bloemfontein: he tried to hand over a
suspected drug-deal with the drugs…

FOURIE Jacomien, assaulted & kidnapped from home. Potgietersrus.

FOURIE Jacomien, female manager at magistrate”s court aged 55, was recovering
from a back operation in her home where she was brutally assaulted by a gang of
two armed men inside the kitchen at around 11:00. She managed to get a call
through to her husband on the cellphone and although she could not speak to him,
in listening to the background noises he realised that she was in trouble and
contacted security services and the police for help. Jacomien told her attackers
that her husband was on his way and they got scared and commandeered
Jacomien to drive them away in her own car. Upon his arrival home, her husband
found blood on the diningroom tablecloth, and court documents were strewn
amongst the chaos. Along the way, one attacker got out and the other took over
and accosted Jacomien. She managed to kick him and flee in her car, but was lost.
She was found in her car at a road block about 60km from her home after a massive
police search at around 17:00. Potgietersrus 8 March 2011

Fraser husband and sister

FRASER Magda, postmistress aged 42, was hammered to death by 2 black men, of
which one was a trusted employee who entered the back of her work premises with
a key shortly before she unlocked the front at around 06:45am, entered, and
unwittingly locked herself in with the killers. The complete murder and robbery was
caught on cctv. Balfour 15 Jan 2011

Killer of Fraser caught on cctv

FULS Gunter. Cursed & bit in office. Bloemfontein.

FULS Gunter, a debt-collector who happened to share an office block with a black
hairdresser, was accused by her in his office that he had cut her electricity. However
Gunter had nothing to do with it: he said contractors hired by Bloemfontein municipality
turned off their electricity access the previous day. When he tried to explain that he was
totally innocent and was inconvenienced just as much by the electricity black-out, she
suddenly charged him, sank her teeth right through his thick winter jacket, and bit deep
into his arm, drawing blood. She then stormed from the office, cursing him for a 'piece of
shit' and a 'racist'. More seriously: she also threatened to kill him. Bloemfontein. 29 Apr

2011 G-M

GAUDIN Frank. Tortured to death on farm. Rustenburg.

GAUDIN Frank. Canadian-born farmer aged 73, a keen environmentalist who ran the
African Artifacts Farms near Randfontein and sold African art, was found tortured
to death. His mutilated body was found at 17:00 inside a crack on an outcrop on his
farm after he was reported missing at the police station by his neighbours. All his
vehicles were on his property and nothing had been stolen. His body was identified
by his son, now a teacher working in Australia, who said that “The brutality of this
deed was inhumane...I don’t have any language strong enough to describe
how brutal these injuries were.” Slash wounds and bruising to his upper body,
across his face and head were clearly visible. Frank had been trussed up tightly,
and rags were tied over his head. His wife Sandra, aged 56, was also murdered in
December 2008 on the same farm by two Mozambiquan brothers - strangled to
death. One of them was sentenced in January this year to life in prison, but the
other one has escaped custody. Farm Blaauwbank, Randfontein, 6 June 2011

GELDENHUYS Charl.Beaten & torched along road. Holfontein.

Burnt car of Charl Geldenhuys

GELDENHUYS Charl, chef aged 35, waslast seen alive when he had to take a food
order to a customer in Secunda on a Friday night. His torched corpse was
discovered the following morning next to his burnt out car in the veldt. A blood-
coated car wrench was found in the back of the car along with car radio and cd
player, and it appears that he may have been killed elsewhere. His parents
identified his body by a sandal he was wearing. Holfontein, Secunda 4 Feb 2011
Geldenhuys Charl 30 chef torched in car rural Holfontein squatter camp Kinross

GIOVANNI Peripoli. Stabbed in his garden. Virginia.

GIOVANNI Peripoli, male aged 74, had returned from the bank at around 10:30am
and closed his gate when an attacker jumped over his fence in broad day light in a
busy street. Peripoli was stabbed three times in his stomach with a brand new
butcher’s knife. Each stab was twisted and his entire stomach was sliced open
from side to side. The attacker jumped back over the fence and left in a waiting get-
away car. Nothing was stolen. Peripoli died shortly after in the hospital. Virginia.
Sat 1 Aug 2010
Peripoli, Giovanni 74, dead: stomach sliced open, Virginia, Free State knife attack –
nothing stolen

GOOSEN Giep, farmer, and his wife, their little son and two of his little friends, were
ambushed by gang of 5 blacks at the gate of their farm, held hostage and robbed
upon their return from church. Arriving at the farm-gate, Giep had stopped to open
the gate when five armed black men stormed from the woods and climbed into his
vehicle. The five men were all armed. They ordered Giep to drive to the homestead
and enroute asked him specifically ‘where is the money for the pumpkins’. He
farms with butternuts and also sells them from his homestead. However Giep did
not have any cash on him except R50 in his wallet and gave this to them. They
threatened to shot dead ‘his only son’ if he didn’t give them all his money. And then
they shot all three his dogs dead right in front of everybody. They ordered Giep to
unlock his safe – there was no money in the safe – took his firearm, and tried to
drive off in the Goosen’s vehicle. When they battled to get it started, they ordered
his wife to start the vehicle and they chased off with it: it was found abandoned
later near Ofcolaco not far away from their farm. Harmonie, 30 Jan 2011
Goosen, Giep, farmer and family, attacked, 5 blacks, Harmonie Mpumalanga
Goosen, Giep, farmer and family, attacked, 5 blacks, Harmonie Mpumalanga

GOUWS Bertus AND his family assaulted in road. Alberton.

GOUWS Bertus AND his wife Suzette, and their son Jean aged 20, went to a house
in Opperman Street to fetch their other daughter from a party at 23:15. Upon their
arrival, they noticed two of the boys at the party were pushing each other. Once the
parents started talking to their daughter, the one boy pointed to them and told the
other boy he wanted to beat them up. Jean got out of the car and as he walked
closer one of the boys took off his shirt and told him they were going to fight, to
which Jean wanted to know why. He was informed that his father, Bertus, had
allegedly made a racial slur. Bertus then climbed out of the car to stand next to his
son and told him to get back in the car, when Bertus suddenly got hit in the face by
the black boy and simultaneously got hit in the back with a bat. Bertus fell to the
ground and tried to stand up, but was unable to due to his injuries from being
kicked. He tried to crawl away, but the group of boys grabbed him and dragged him
behind a car where they kept hitting him with pipes and kicking him. Jean was also
being hit and kicked for trying to help Bertus, and his daughter was also being
pushed around by a girl who was standing nearby. Bertus was informed afterwards
that he was also hit over the head with a bottle. Suzette called the police, but the
police never made it to the scene. Alberton, 5 Feb 2011
Gouws, Bertus, brutal assault large black youth gang Alberton

GREYLING Albie shot dead in parent's garden. Eldoraigne.

GREYLING Albie, male paramedic-student aged 24, who had paid off the last
installment on an engagement ring earlier that day, arrived at his parents' home at
around 19:30 along with his friend Martin Vermeulen as an armed gang were fleeing
the scene. Susan aged 60, Albie’s mother, had been pistol whipped about half an
hour earlier and had just been robbed of her celphone and about $70 in cash when
Albie and Martin walked into the yard. The gang immediately started shooting at the
unarmed Afrikaners – and while Martin managed to flee, Albie was trapped behind
the swimming pool. He yelled at them that they ‘could take everything but to leave
him alone.’ However, Albie was shot dead execution style above his right eye, on
the lawn, by a black killer who shouted “we are going to kill all you white people” in
front of his mother's eyes. Eldoraigne, Pretoria 7 Jan 2011
GROBLER Koos. Scull crushed in home. Henley farm.

GROBLER Koos “Koos Kettie”, retired boilermaker aged 64, was attacked inside
his home on a Sunday night and his head was crushed by a gang of at least 3 men
who broke a bathroom window to gain entry. His bloodied corpse was found next
to his bed by friends the following morning. A small amount of cash and his pick-
up van was stolen. The van was found 2km from his home where it had been
crashed. Henley farm, Letsitele, Tzaneen. Sun 7 July 2011

Lodie and Melanie Grobler

The Grobler family. Lodie, wife Melanie and 2 yr old son

GROBLER Lodie, 27 yr old shop manager, was stabbed several times in the
stomach by a black employee who worked in the butchery department and walked
into his office with a knife after being dissatisfied with a disciplinary hearing earlier
that day. Lodie walked out the office, collapsed, and died on scene in front of his
mother-in-law and other shoppers. Ladybrand, 14 Jan 2011
GROBLER Martie. Stabbed & murdered in home. Hoogenkraal farm.

GROBLER Martie aged 59, was attacked, stabbed and murdered inside her rented
home during the weekend. Her landlord found her bloodied corpse in the bedroom
at around 08:00 on Monday when she did not arrive to pick up fellow workers in her
lift club. Stabbed in home. Laer Hoogekraal farm, Glentana, George. 13 June 2011

GROENEWALD Gerhard aged 47, was moving home during the afternoon when he
was stabbed repeatedly in the back. His girlfriend went to look for him after she
could not raise him on the phone. She found his bloodied corpse and notified the
police. During their investigation of the crime-scene they discovered that Gerhard’s
van was missing. It was observed at around 18:00 in Sohsanguve township
northwest of Pretoria being driven by a man who chased away when noticing the
police. They chased him and arrested him. Stephanie complex, Magalieskruin
smallholdings, Pretoria. 4 Feb 2011.
Groenewald Gerhard dad of 4, stabbed to death, Magalieskruin AH Feb4 2011

GROENEWALD Johan, 38 yr old shot 17 times inside a liquor store by black gang.
Johan managed to shoot back and injure one of the attackers. A full month later the
police had not yet taken his statement, and the injured attacker was released very
soon on R2,000 bail, but was re-arrested several weeks later for murdering a
policeman at the Bethanie police-station in North West. This man then managed to
‘escape’ again and now is at large. Johan’s body was covered in bullet-wound
injuries back and front; his upper-thigh was broken and his right-ring top-digit was
amputated after it was shattered by a bullet. Silverton, Pretoria. 1 Feb 2011

HATTINGH Christo. Run over and died on road. Secunda.

HATTINGH Christo, cricket player aged 26, run down deliberately while riding his
bike. The vehicle dragged his body for some distance before stopping, and backed
up, driving over the body, before speeding off. The police later found the vehicle
abandoned and the owner claimed that it had been stolen. Main road between
Trichardt and Secunda. Sat 20 Mar 2011.

HERMANN Frik, well known Afrikaans author aged 78, philosopher and farmer, was
murdered inside his home. Frik had been cruelly tortured, his hands tied up behind
his back, and left to die in his house. Laaste Watergat farm, ALMA Warmbaths 4
Feb 2011
Hermann, Frik, author-farmer, murdered on farm Laaste Watergat, ALMA

HECTOR Theresa. Murdered on road. Humansdorp.

HECTOR Theresa aged 21, went missing near her home in Humansdorp.
Her partially decomposed body was found naked in bushes near her home a few
weeks later. Humansdorp, Cape. 26 Feb 2011

HERLEY Henry. Shot in home. Trichardt.

HERLY Henry, male aged 21, was murdered inside his home in the early morning
hours. His family’s housekeeper found his corpse in the kitchen. Neighbours had
heard shots fired at the Herly home but then saw Henry’s vehicle drive away and
presumed the young man had gone “out on the town”. Trichardt, Secunda. Fri 13
May 2011.
HICKS Roy, male aged 75, was talking on skype for the first on Monday morning
since his son Mark in New Zealand had bought it for him a week previously. While
speaking to Mark, a gang of two men broke into his home in Centurion. Mark
watched the robbers tie up his father and ask where the valuables were kept in the
house. He then called family in South Africa for help, and they contacted the police.
The police arrived at Roy’s house within minutes. When the attackers tried to flee,
the police opened fire on them killing one and arresting the other.
Skyping man sees dad attacked 2011-04-30 07:13

HOUGH Mike AND his wife were attacked inside their home at around 20:30 by an
armed gang of at least 4 men. Two attacked the home, and two remained outside
with a vehicle. Mike was shot in the lower-body from outside through the window
while asleep in his bed. His wife was attacked when a firearm was pushed against
her head and the trigger pulled over – but the gun failed to fire. The attacker then
tried to stab her with a knife but she fought against him and he cut her hand
instead. When the Hough family’s son rushed up to help, the attackers fled – but
while fleeing they shot the youth. If the youth hadn’t shown up the entire family
would have been murdered. The gangsters fled with a firearm, money and stolen
jewelery from the safe. The SAPS showed up many hours after they were called,
strolled through the homestead, chattered away with each other in
their black language and left again.
Mike, who is the caretaker at the farm, was in the news recently after
the illegal SAPS raid at its historical Boer Genocide Museum last year - which is
located at the Boer-concentration camp graves. He allegedly was supposed to
testify as a witness in a criminal case which was lodged by the ANC-regime against
ex-32Battallion commander Willem Ratte, who was held in a police-jail for a month
after his arrest - and went on a long hunger-strike to force his release. The ANC
claimed in a highly publicised press-conference at the time of the arrest of Ratte
(and a group of empoverished Afrikaner youths he was teaching the carpentry
trade to), that Ratte allegedly was involved in ‘terrorism plans’ and ‘treason’.
Balmoral farm, Bronhorstspruit. 18 Feb 2011

IMMELMAN Gary. Shot on property. Drie Riviere.

IMMELMAN Gary, business man aged 55, was shot while sitting inside his car in the
driveway of his home by a 9 man gang dressed as policemen. They arrived in 5
cars at his home, of which one was an Audi and had a blue light on its roof and
they parked it outside the gate. They overpowered the gardener and forced him to
ring the doorbell. Mrs Immelman had seen them arrive on the property and pushed
the alarm. The gang broke down all the doors to gain entry into the house,
including the door to the bathroom where she and her domestic worker were
hiding. The women as well as the gardener were forced to lay on the ground inside
the main bedroom. The gang had planned to blow the built-in safe open with
explosives. When the security forces arrived, they saw the blue light on the Audi
parked outside and thought that the police had arrived and that everything was
under control. They were overpowered and robbed. Gary, who was armed, arrived
at the property along with other security forces. He spoke to the “policemen” inside
the Audi, who followed him as he drove up to the house. They got out the Audi,
instructed the other security forces to remain still, and opened fire on Gary. As
bullets penetrated the bodywork of his car Gary jumped out and ran towards the
gate. More shots were fired at him. He was struck 5 times, in the chest, stomach,
right arm and left leg. He collapsed and remained on the ground while the attackers
fled the scene, and a shoot-out with the police followed. Gary was rushed to the
hospital for treatment. This was the 2nd attack on the Immelman home within one
month. Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. 25 July 2011.

JACKLIN Georgie. Kidnapped from home, tortured & murdered. Linden.

JACKLIN Georgie, ex-school teacher aged 65, kidnapped from her guesthouse in
Linden. Her head was caved in with a concrete-block, plastic cabling tied up her
mouth, her teeth were bashed out, her nose was broken and her bed-clothes she
was found in, were soaked in blood. The police discovered that the concrete-block
she was murdered with, ‘had been neatly washed off and placed back at the
entrance of her guest house. Her mutilated corpse was dumped in a field near the
Vaal River, Sasolburg. Her ex-husband identified her by the ring she wore. Portable
items from her house and her car was stolen. Linden, 8 Feb 2011
Jacklin, Mrs Georgie, 65, brutally murdered, Linden
Georgie Jacklin RIP: Staff 1987-1991

JACKSON Charles, farmer aged 66, pistol-whipped, tied up and locked up together
with his wife aged 53 during an attack on his farm Houwhoek, Joostenbergvlakte,
Grabouw 27 Jan 2011
Jackson, Charles, pistol-whipped with wife, farm attack, Houwhoek,
Joostenbergvlakte Grabouw

JACKSON Phillip AND Dillon Ensley shot dead in home. Edenvale.

grieving neighbours
JACKSON Phillip male aged 53, shot dead AND Dillon Ensley, aged 21, suffered a
gunshot wound in his stomach from which he died in hospital the following
morning. During a family barbeque in their backyard, Dillon was frying meat on the
open fire for the family. His girlfriend, Stacey aged 20, was standing with him, while
her parents. Phillip and Janet, were inside the house. A gang of 3 armed men
jumped over the fence into the garden and forced Dillon and Stacey into the house,
where they found Phillip and Janet. All four the victims were forced to lay down on
the kitchen floor. When the gang started to tie the family up, Phillip jumped up to
confront the gang. Dillon tried to help Phillip. Both men were shot. The women
were tied up and robbed of their celphones and cash before the gang fled the
scene. Edenvale. Fri 25 Feb 2011

JACOBS Florenda aged 32, went to to draw cash from the atm at the local garage
for her grandmother at around 23:00 but never got there. The SAPS found her car
torched several kilometers away at the Orange Farm squatter camp at around 01:00
and traced her address from the engine number. They discovered her body in a
ditch during a helicopter search. She sat on her haunches and was shot in the face.
Rust-Ter-Vaal, Oliefanfontein, Vereeniging. 27 Apr 2011.

JANSEN Gary & Piet Morkel shot in public lounge. Belhar.

JANSEN Gary was among patrons of the Come Together Lounge when two men
walked in and opened fire at around 20:45. Mr Piet Morkel, who was standing at the
door, Gary Jansen and a third man were killed. Theo Gopie the pub owner, was
shot through the mouth, and protected himself from the shooters by pulling one of
the corpses close to him to cover his body. Gary’s cousin Garnett Spies, who lives
two doors away, says he could hear the shots from his house. “I had just left the
place when I heard more than 20 shots being fired from here.” Belhar, Cape. 23 Aug

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Joof. Shot in garden. Evander.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Joof, a grandfather, was visiting his grandchildren.

They accidentally kicked their ball into the neighbours’ yard. An argument ensued
after the neighbour, a black policeman, refused to return the ball. He pulled out his
and shot Joof to death. Evander central. 13 March 2011

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Kobus. Stoned to death in road. Lydenburg.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Kobus, mine captain, was stoned to death by a huge black
mob of rioters after 500 workers had been fired from the Australian owned Smokey
Hills Platinum mine near Lydenburg, even though the decision had nothing to do
with him. Kobus was riding in a mine-owned bus with other workers enroute to
Mecklenburg when their access was barred by the rioters. The driver tried to turn
back but got stuck in a ditch - and the venomous group of black males then
descended on the bus. They dragged everyone from the bus, beat up and caned the
black workers but then let them escape. However Kobus, the only white man in the
group, tried to make peace and to calm people down.They stoned him to death and
dragged his corpse through the streets in triump. Widow Bonita Janse van
Rensburg is in terrible shock and his family also is very angry. "We are in the dark
as to how he came to be there, and the barbaric way in which he was slaughtered
will haunt us. We are a close family and to lose one of our brothers in this way is
traumatic,'said his brother Saaiks. The murdered mine-captain leaves also leaves
behind his children Kendre, 4, Kayla 9, and Christen, 9. SAPF lt-col Ronel Otto said
no-one was arrested for the lynching.Lydenburg. 26 May 2011.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Lindie. Assaulted in home. Kameelfontein.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Lindie, female chef aged 28, was house sitting at the
Kameelfontein estate when the dogs started barking at around 01:00. She phoned
the owner of the house, who was on visit to Calvina for a few days for advice. The
gardener phoned Lindie and told her that he noticed someone in the yard. A loud
clack sound followed and the owner phoned her back, advising Lindie to switch all
the lights on and make sure that the security gate was locked. Lindie replied that
she was too scared and started crying. She threw the phone under the bed when
she saw them, and the owner heard Lindie scream and the dog bark. First one man
entered her room and pointed his gun at her, followed by another two men who
also pointed their guns at her. One of the men lifted Lindie by the hair from the bed
and threw her onto the floor. She was forced to the bar inside the house and made
to lie on the floor. One stepped on her head and kicked her in the ribs. She was
also hit in the face, and Neelsie, the Rotweiler dog, was hit with a gun on the head.
Then Lindie was taken outside, thrown down the stairs and hit in the face with the
fist. They took her to the gardener’s room where they left her. One fired a shot,
saying: “See, I can kill you.” The men took her bag, phone, ring, and the family
television. She says she has never been as scared as she was that night, and
continually begged for her life and also that they do not kill the dog. It was the 4th
time that this house was burglarized. Kameeldrift, Pretoria. Sun 6 Aug 2011.

JANSSENS Tom. Stabbed in road. Cape Town.

JANSSENS Tom, Belgium student, attacked while taking a stroll at lunch time by
three men armed with knives and a broken bottle-head, was stabbed and
threatened to be killed. Sustained huge cut on left arm and smaller cuts on hand
and right shoulder. Gugulethu, Cape Town. 6 March 2011
Sunday Argus [email protected]

JOHNSON Mike aged 78, was apprehended at gunpoint on a public road in Vorna
Valley by two Police Officers on Thursday morningduring a 'routine Police search
for illegal drugs.' Together with four co-workers, he was ‘frisked’ and his vehicle
searched. Although nothing illegal was found, his vehicle keys and digital camera
were confiscated. Mike was informed that he was under arrest, ordered into the
Police van and transported to the Midrand Police Station, followed by his co-
workers in his vehicle, driven by the other police officer. Mike was taken to the
holding cells and charged with: ‘Police Interference While on Duty and Resisting
Arrest’, advised of his constitutional rights in terms of: Section 35 of Act No. 108 of
1996, ordered to empty his pockets and remove his belt and shoe laces, (allegedly
to prevent him from committing suicide). When a detective wanted to take a
statement and his fingerprints, Mike advised him that he wished to exercise his
right to remain silent and to be informed at his first court appearance of the reason
for his arrest, whereupon the detective immediately left the room. Mike was told in
order to leave he would have to sign an admission of guilt and pay R500 bail. By
the time he managed to raise the bail money, it was late evening and the night shift
had taken over at the police station. His finger prints were taken and he was
presented with a lengthy statement to sign, which he did not read, and as he was
signing it under duress, he added the word ‘without prejudice’ below each
signature. The matter was withdrawn by the police the following morning at court. 7
April 2011
Unlawful arrest: Case No. CAS 225 / 04 / 2011

JONES Megan. Stabbed & shot along road. Blikkiesdorp.

JONES Megan, female aged 19, was stabbed to death. A passer-by found her body
where it had been dumped in the street on the outskirts of the fence enclosing
Blikkiesdorp in the early hours of Monday morning. Her bloodied corpse also had a
gunshot wound to the face and both her hips were broken. Blikkiesdorp, Cape
Town. 4 Aug 2011.

LIEBENBERG Jacques, farm foreman aged 24, was attacked inside his home at
around 22:00 by a heavily armed gang of four men wearing balaclavas. They tried
to hack him to death with a hatchet, but he managed to escape and required 7
stitches to the head. Hanskraal, Overberg. 11 June 2011

KRYNAUW Japie. Hi-jacked. Rhenosterfontein.

KRYNAUW Japie, community-protection volunteer male aged 38 AND his fellow

volunteer neighbour Willie Mans, were posted along the N4-highway, on guard-
duty: looking for an armed gang which had been spotted at 03:00 by the residents
of two nearby farms. Willie was standing next to their pick-up truck and Japie was
sitting behind the steeling wheel when he saw two black males in his side-mirror.
Before he could react one had fired a shot which hit the passenger seat. He turned
on the bakkie but was dragged out while his cellphone and flashlight were ripped
from his hands. The two blacks jumped in to drive off. Japie jumped onto the tow-
bar and hung on to the vehicle for many kilometres while the gang drove his bakkie
in the direction of Pretoria on the dark N4 highway from Boschkop. However when
they reached Donkerhoek there were street lights and the gangsters spotted his
hands grabbing the back of the bakkie while he sat on the tow-bar. They stopped
and fired a shot at Japie who had jumped off and hid in the high grass along the
berm. The attackers fled further on foot. Japie went in search of a phone to call for
help a few minutes later. About 100 Conserve-neighbourhood watch members had
scrambled to assist. The attackers were apprehended by the Rhenosterfontein
residents along the Bronhorstspruit road shortly after. They also captured another
suspected man who had burglary-tools with him. Rhenosterfontein, Pretoria. 24
Feb 2011

MACKEY Ian, father of two, attacked whist cycling and stabbed repeatedly by two
armed black men in broad day light. Table Mountain, 31 Jan 2011-03-12
Mackey, Ian, cyclist survives stabbing at Rhodes memorial, Table

LABUSCHAGNE Casper. Assaulted & robbed in home. Mara.

LABUSCHAGNE Casper, male aged 66, had gone to a rural town to buy bread and
milk. A gang armed with pick-axe handles and rusty pipes broke into his home
through a tiny livingroom window and ambushed him on the porch upon his return
home at around 19:00. They choked his dog named Seuntjie to death, beat up the
old farmer, tied him up, took his keys, opened the registered gun-safe and took
about R10,000 in cash and his shotgun. He was then dragged into the kitchen
where he endured more assaults until he passed out. They took his cellphone and
fled in his car. Another dog, fox-terrier named Bakkies guarded Casper and barked
so much that he woke up. He cut himself loose with his hunting knife and drove to
neighbours who alerted police. Usually Casper did not have that much cash on him
but he had just sold some cattle to a local abattoir the Saturday before. Mara,
White River. Wed 22 July 2011.

LIEBENBERG Fan. Tortured to death in home. Monument.

LIEBENBERG Fan, female aged 80, was murdered inside her home during the night.
It appears that she was attacked in front of the television in the lounge or dining
room, then dragged to the master bedroom where she was visciously assaulted.
Vomit was found on the bedding. Her bloodied corpse was found in a pool of blood
on the diningroom floor. Her hands and feet were tied with pieces of cloth. Her scull
was crushed and her head mutilated with pruining shears so badly that her son
hardly recognised her. A celphone, jewellery and .22 handgun was stolen.
Monument, Krugersdorp. Sun 2 Aug 2011

LIEBENBERG Jacques, farm foreman aged 24, was attacked inside his home at
around 22:00 by a heavily armed gang of four men wearing balaclavas. They tried
to hack him to death with a hatchet, but he managed to escape and required 7
stitches to the head. Hanskraal, Overberg. 11 June 2011

LOVEGROVE Neil aged 52, had gone rushing to the aid of his housekeeper who
was screaming at the top of her lungs at his back door at around 11:00. Neilwas
ambused by a black man in blue overalls, who bashed him over the head with a
large boulder. The blow swept him off his feet, and the attacker kicked and beat
him, before running away. Loot: a cellphone. “There was blood everywhere,” said
Lovegrove. His head was cut to the bone above one eye-bank and required
stitching. Neil had also testified in court against heavily-armed black men, who
were caught after their attack on Neil 2 years earlier. Kameeldrift-West, Pretoria. 9
May 2011

MACKEY Ian. Stabbed & robbed while cycling. Table Mountain.

MACKEY Ian was cycling near the Rhodes memorial on Table Mountain when he
was attacked by two armed black men during the day. They knocked him onto a
bush and he fell on his back before they stabbed him, robbed him of his bike and
fled the scene. Ian tied his heart-monitor strap around the stabbing wound on his
leg because he was losing so much blood, which probably saved his life. He was
able to limp towards the parking lot and get help. Cape Town. Sunday, 30 Jan 2011.
Mackey, Ian, cyclist survives stabbing at Rhodes memorial, Table Mountain

MALAN Jan AND Susan. Slaughtered in home. Mooilande.

MALAN Jan, retired policeman aged 64, AND his wife Susan aged 60, clerk at
Children’s Court, were ambushed and slaughtered inside their home as they
entered after shopping for groceries during the day. Jan was axed to death and
suffered stabbed wounds in the left-side of his body with a knife and hatchet-
wounds to his face and head. Susan was found with a scarf covering up her face,
her throat sliced right through. Their dogs had been poisoned and their maid had
been warned of the attack a few days earlier. Nothing stolen. 3 men have been
arrested.Smallholding Mooilande, Vereeniging. Sat 11 June 2011
Jan and Susan Malan ‘slaughtered’: suspect

MARCELLINO Jack & friend Terry kidnapped. Sandton.

MARCELLINO Jack and friend, Terry, ambushed and kidnapped by 5 black gang
members from the gate of their home. An hour long ordeal listened to by wife,
Moira, on her celphone. Released unharmed. Sandton, 8 Feb 2011
Marcellino: Sandton kidnapping,2 SA and Chinese residents, 18 College Ave,
Eblockwatch team SANDTON kidnapping: Feb 7

MAREE Corne. Assaulted, stabbed & shot along road. Alkmaar.

MAREE Corne, security officer aged 42, stopped along the road when he saw a
suspicious vehicle. He was assaulted by two black men, and stabbed in the head.
Signs of a struggle were visible and a bloody trail from his vehicle where they had
dragged him led to the bushes where his corpse was found. It appeared that Corne
was made to kneel before he was shot in the stomach, chest and face. His
celphone caked with blood was found near his body but his service pistol had been
looted. Alkmaar, Nelspruit. 24 march 2011

Kim Nccusker
Blood trail of Kim in road where she had been dragged by taxi

Taxi driver leaving to go to police station

MCCUSKER Kim, advocate aged 25, AND her finance were driving along the
Lonehill Boulevard in their pick-up van at around 06:45 to a gymnasium when a taxi
which had been weaving through the traffic, scraped the side of their van but
refused to pull over. At the four-way stop intersection at Concourse Crescent
where the traffic was congested, her fiancé pulled up alongside the taxi, climbed
out, checked the damage to their vehicle and tried to get information from the taxi
driver for insurance purposes. Kim also got out of their van and stood in front of
the taxi while her fiancé argued with the taxi driver. In the middle of the argument
the taxi driver pulled off, knocked Kim over and continued speeding away while she
was trapped under his vehicle. He fiancé hit the driver’s window in an effort to stop
him, lost his balance and fell over in the traffic but was able to get up. He got back
into his vehicle and chased after the taxi, hooting and trying to stop him. Other
motorists who witnessed what had happened also tried to stop the taxi, but the
driver continued, jumping a red light at the Lonehill Shopping Centre. Another
motorist noticed something hanging from under the taxi’s rear. He realised it was a
woman whose feet were under the taxi, with her torso and head sticking out. She
was awake and she had a look of trauma on her face. He stopped his car and
started running after the moving taxi, trying to get him to stop, but he picked up
speed and he couldn’t get near him. Three other drivers saw what was happening
and gave chase. He tried to call Emergency Management Services, but said that
when he told the operator there was a taxi accident and they needed help, the call
cut out and he tried several times to call back without success. In desperation he
called 702 (local radio station). Kim was dragged along the road for about 700
meters beneath the taxi before a large crowd was able to stop the taxi in a
congested road and handed the driver over to the Lonehll security guards. Kim was
admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Fourways, Johannesburg. Tues 13 Sep
MENDEZ Manuel manages the Station butchery, one of the biggest meat
distributors in Mayfair, which is owned by his wife, Helena’s father. Shortly after he
opened the shop at 06:00, several gunmen stormed the shop and shot him eight
times. A nearby vendor stated that the men followed Manuel into the butchery, then
shots rang out. He was shot five times in the stomach, once in the upper torso,
wrist, thigh and chest. The bullet that went through his chest went into his arm.
When Helena got the call that Manuel had been shot, she sped to the scene,
removed her husband’s clothes and put pressure on the gunshot wounds to help
stop the bleeding. When the medics arrived, they said that her actions had saved
his life. He has been admitted to hospital for surgery. Eight years ago, Manuel
miraculously survived a shooting during at the same butchery. He was shot once,
but it just missed his heart. In both attacks, nothing was stolen. Johannesbug.
Tues 19 Sep 2011.

MENZE Nihle, male aged 24, died under mysterious circumstances within a short
time period of the complaint he laid against the police for false arrest, pistol
whipping and brutality of himself and a friend. Police claim a home owner stabbed
Nihle after an alleged break-in. Uitenhage 15 Jan 2011

MEYER Sonja & partner Etienne Kapp shot at home. Laezzonia holdings.

MEYER Sonja aged 28 AND her life partner Etienne Kapp aged 34 were enjoying a
barbeque in their yard at around 21:00 when they were attacked. Etienne was
sitting on the verandah while Sonja took food into the kitchen. An armed gang of at
least 3 men stormed from the side of the house and pointed a gun at Etienne. He
said “No! No!” No!” but they opened fire without warning and he was shot in the
chest. He shouted to Sonja to stay inside the house and fought their attackers
during which he was also shot in the arm and leg. After they fled the scene, Etienne
noticed Sonja lying in the doorway. She had been shot 3 times in the chest. He held
her in his arms and she took her last breath. Laezzonia holdings, Centurion. Mon 15
Sep 2011

MINNAAR Johan AND his wife Anita were attacked on their farm by a masked,
armed gang of at least 5 black men. As Johan was leaving for work at around 06:00,
he was ambushed and dragged back inside the homestead where another group
was holding Anita at gunpoint. The couple were robbed of their personal
belongings and car. The gang abandoned the car along the road and jumped into
two get-away cars. Farmers blocked their escape by parking a truck across the
road and apprehended one of the gunmen. The second get-away car drove around
the truck but drove into another truck at the road block set up by the police further
down the road and two gang members were injured and arrested. Welgevonden,
Belfast. 26 Aug 2011

MORSDEN Edgar, male aged 79, was found unconscious by his children inside his
home at around 14:00 after he had been attacked inside his home during which he
was tied up and sustained head injuries. He died later in hospital. A DVD player and
a playstation were stolen. Palm Beach. 9 May 2011

MULLER Helgard shot to death, disabled wife Marietjie tied up & gagged. Mara

MULLER Helgard aged 66 AND his wife Marietjie AND their domestic helper were
attacked inside their homestead during the day. Helgard was out tending cattle
when a gang of at least 2 men, armed with a gun and a stick, entered the
homestead at around 07:00. Marietjie, who is confined to a wheelchair, and the
helper were tied up with shoelaces, gagged and robbed of their personal effects,
and then left in different rooms. Helgard returned home two hours later. After he
had been robbed of cash and a gun, the attackers shot him in the chest and fled the
scene in his pick-up van. Helgards was still breathing when his son found him, but
he died on the way to hospital. Farm Mara, Frankfurt 18 Feb 2011
MUNTING Marc, male aged 35, was coming out his bedroom at around 16:00 when
a gang of 3 black men attacked him with a knife, 4pd hammer, gardening spade and
pitchfork. Marc was hit over the head with the spade and pitchfork before he even
saw them. From the first blow there was so much blood that he was fighting
blindly. Marc pleaded with them to let him live and take anything they wanted, but
they just continued beating and stabbing. During the attack his pants had been
ripped off him. At one stage he ducked when one of the men lifted the knife and he
accidently stabbed one of the other robbers in the neck and shoulder area. Marc
realised that he would have to get away if he wanted to live. Badly injured, he dived
through the bedroom window and started running. The men ran after him and
caught him, continuing the attack. Marc fought for his life, he knew they wanted
him dead. Somehow he managed to get to the garage where there were security
beams that set off the alarm. The men then fled and the alarm alerted his parents
that live next door. His father came over to investigate and found Marc on the
ground. He was bleeding so much, he would have died there if he did not get
medical attention fast. His father made sure his mother was locked up in their
house before he rushed Marc to hospital. While on route to the hospital, the
attackers ransacked Marc’s home. They stole his computer and electrical items.
What they did not take, they smashed to pieces. During the next three days, Marc
had to receive four pints of blood. He spent eight hours in surgery to have the
serious stab wounds to his head and body attended to. “I realise I am very, very
lucky to be alive. Those men had no feeling for life. They had murder on their faces.
I think it is just the adrenaline that saved me. I had lost so much blood, I don’t know
where I got the strength to keep fighting,” he said. His knees, hands and wrists
were slashed, smashed and bashed. He was almost scalped, one of his kidneys
punctured, and multiple stab wounds from the knife and pitchfork. Silkaatsnek
holding, Northern Magaliesberge.
Thur 30 June 2011.

2011 N-T

NAGY Ferenc AND wife Nagy assaulted, tied up & robbed in home. Lichtenburg.

Mrs Klein Nagy and her son

NAGY Ferenc aged 71, AND his wife Klein aged 67, were attacked inside their
bedroom by an armed gang of at least 6 men at around 04:00. The farmstead dog,
two cats and chickens were poisoned before the men broke into the house with a
crow bar and iron pipes. The couple were physically assaulted, tied up and robbed.
Ferenc was stripped naked and shocked with a shocking machine which left burnt
marks on his body. After the gang fled the scene with celphones, cash and
personal effects, Ferenc, still tied up, hopped naked in the dark to find help. His
wrists and feet were severely swollen from the attack, after which the couple were
hospitalization for their injuries. Lichtenburg farm, Koster. 14 May 2011

NIEUWOUDT Leon. Shot on farm. Burgersdorp.

NIEUWOUDT Leon, stock-theft police officer aged 38, who specialised in livestock
investigations, was shot dead while investigating a stock theft case on a farm near
Burgersdorp. Leon and another officer found four stolen sheep. His colleague left
him behind at the scene. Leon later called in to say he had arrested two people and
needed help. On the arrival of his colleagues at around 14:15, they found him with
two gunshot wounds to the body. His firearm was missing, but none of his other
personal possessions were taken. Mon 19 July 2011

NIENABER Isak "Sakkie". Murdered along the road. East End.

NIENABER Isak Jacobus “Sakkie” aged 52, was found murdered in his car near a
sewerage plant. He was last seen alive at around 23:30, and his time of death was
placed between 00:00 and 06:00. A homeless man came across his corpse two
days later. Sakkie had a stab wound to the stomach, and was probably strangled.
The car doors were open, and the keys in the ignition. Only the car radio appeared
missing. Tues 4 Oct 2011. East End, Bloemfontein.

NOESMEIER Merle, female aged 64, AND Jerry her husband aged 70, were attacked
inside their home during the night by 3 black youths. During an ordeal that lasted
more than 2 hours, the couple were beaten with hammers and spades. They tied up
Jerry’s hands and feet, threw him into a bath, poured hot water onto him and threw
bath salts into his eyes and open wounds. Merle was indecently accosted and
forced to perform lewd acts. Her head required stitches and her face was very
swollen. Her body was covered with bruising. Jerry also required hospitalization
and had lost his sight. A mere R140 ($18) was stolen. Censorship: Police demanded
that they not publish the pictures of their injured elderly parents. Sherwood, Port
Elizabeth. 28 Jan 2011

NORTJE Johan, top harbour policeman aged 51, was ambushed as he drove into
his driveway by an armed gang of at least 4 men who were contracted to do the
“hit” for R30 000. Johan was shot twice in the chest and died on the scene.
Montclair, Durban 17 Jan
ODENDAAL Jeanette. Shot in stationery car. Kempton park.
Tues 27 Apr 2011
Cop Shoots Woman

A car guard who said he witnessed the shooting of an unarmed civilian outside the
Kempton Park police station, east of Johannesburg, has told The Star newspaper
that the policeman refused to call an ambulance. Sipho Baloyi, who had helped
Jeanette Odendaal, 45, to park her car when she crashed into a stationary police
vehicle, said the sergeant shot her from short distance after Baloyi alerted the
police to the accident in the parking lot. "A sergeant came around from the charge
office and walked out of the station. He didn't say anything, but walked to her
passenger window. He shot her upper arm and it looked like the bullet went
through her breast and out of her chest," said Baloyi. The police officer then
walked back into the police station, but returned a few seconds later. He said he
pleaded with the sergeant to call emergency services. But, said Baloyi, the
sergeant told him: "She's dying already, there's no point in calling the ambulance."
He said other police officers flooded the scene after the shooting and demanded to
know from the sergeant why he had shot her. The sergeant then allegedly burst
into tears. Beeld newspaper reported that Odendaal, who lived in Aston Manor, a
few kilometres from the police station, had wanted to report a case of disturbance
of peace. The Star said her family would travel from Middelburg in Mpumalanga on
Thursday to identify her body. The Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) said
on Wednesday that the sergeant had been arrested and would appear in court
soon. It was believed that he mistook the noise of the crash for gun shots.


OELOFSE Johannes, male aged 55 was attacked inside his home at around 19:00
by a gang of at least 3 armed men. Johannes was shot to death at a short distance
before they stole his television and fled the scene by foot. Vaalpark smallholdings,
Sasolburg. 24 May 2011

OLIVIER Frederick. Hung in police cells. Westonaria.

OLIVER Frederick, male aged 19, was arrested by the police for “public
drunkenness” and dumped in the police holding cells for the obligatory four hours
“drying out period”. Frederick was discovered hanging in his cell. It is not clear if
he was alone in his cell during that period. His father, Mr Olivier, stated: “My son
had a bright future ahead of him. He was hopeful of getting a job on the mine,
where he recently applied, and was supposed to get engaged in September. Why
would he do something like this?” Mr. Olivier has his suspicions about his son’s
death in custody. “I have photographs of my son in his casket. He looks as if he’s
been beaten up. He had no mark on his face when he was arrested.” Westonaria. 28
Apr 2011

OLIVIER Gerda, female aged 59, AND her husband Mel aged 64, AND two builders
who were living inside the Olivier residence while doing building work on the
property, Danie AND Johan Du Toit, were attacked inside the farmhouse during the
night at around 19:30 by a gang of 5 men. Mel was physically assaulted before he
was tied up along with Danie and Johan. Gerda was burnt on her chest and arms
with a steam iron during the attack which lasted many hours. They were robbed of
cash, weapons and a pick-up van, which was found crashed along the Boshof road.
Farm Novo, Hoopstad. 24 May 2011

OOSTHUIZEN Annemarie, SAPS lt.Col was slapped in the face and roughly
manhandled by a police captain after she asked him to amend his report. A female
constable was fisted and a female police reservist was thrown against a wall when
they tried to intervene. The attacker was swearing, cursing and shouting
throughout his uncontrolled temper outburst. Klerksdorp. 20 July 2011.

OOSTHUIZEN Lente. Tied up & robbed in home. Hartbeespoort.

OOSTHUIZEN Lente, female aged 26, woke to feel a gun held to her head and found
a three men in her bedroom at around 04:30. They tied her up with shoelaces while
they ransacked the house and used her car to move the goods to a waiting get-
away car. A gang of 6 men have been arrested in this matter. Hartbeespoort. Tues
14 June 2011.

OOSTHUIZEN Schalk murdered & Elaine Nelson injured in home. Pretoria.

OOSTHUIZEN Schalk, male aged 50 AND his life partner, Elaine Nelson, female
aged 43, were attacked inside their home by two armed men around 01:00. Elaine
woke up from the barking of her dog and opened the door in the passage leading to
the garden. The dog ran up and down the passage to the lounge barking
continuously. As Elaine turned around to switch on the light, a man appeared in
front of her and started hitting her. Schalk woke up and ran past her down the
passage. Elaine ran outside to hide. When it became quiet, she peeped through the
lounge window and saw Schalk lying on the floor and a lot of blood. She went to
him, but he did not respond. Schalk was beaten over the head several times with a
metal pipe and died later in hospital. Elaine suffered serious head wounds. Only
their two celphones were stolen. Two men have been arrested in this matter.
Capital Park, Pretoria.17 Feb 2011
PAPENFUS Joggie, male smallholder, was having a barbeque with friends about
500m down the road from his parents-in law, the du Toits, when he received a
phone call that they had been attacked at the homestead of their friends, the de
Jagers. Joggie and a friend set off in immediate pursuit, and found the gang of four
attackers driving on the gravel road nearby. The attackers immediately fired on the
two Afrikaner men, stopped their car and fired again - hitting Joggie in the stomach
and elbow. Joggie was admitted to the trauma unit of a Pretoria hospital. The attack
was launched just after 65-year-old Chris de Jager, his wife Marie aged 57, and
colleague Dirkie du Toit had finished decorating a hall for a Valentine's dinner.
Chris had left the hall for his homestead at 20:00 and was attacked as soon as he
stepped from the gate: "Two black males jumped me as I walked out of the gate,'
he said. "One attacker wore a bullet-proof vest with six firearms strapped to it. They
pushed a pistol to my head, forced me inside the house, threw me down and tied
me up with cable-binders. They threatened to cut off my ear if I did not give them
the key to the safe. I said well they'd better cut it off then because I didn't have the
key. Then they pistol-whipped me.' While this was going on, his wife Marie and
Dirkie du Toit had left the hall at 21:10 and drove to the De Jager homestead.
However upon their arrival, they became suspicious, so Dirkie went into the house
first while Marie remained in the bakkie. Dirkie was ambushed inside the house,
and Marie was attacked just as she was climbing from the pick-up van. She said an
unknown black man suddenly showed up next to it; she locked herself inside but
the man smashed open the window, ripped her from the bakkie, threw her to the
ground, and dragged her by her feet to the gate. She was thrown across the wall
and then dragged by her feet into the homestead. Bleeding from the brutal
treatment, she was dumped next to Dirkie and two unnamed domestic workers
who also had been tied up and assaulted. The gang plundered the house and fled
in a vehicle. Dirkie managed to get himself loose and untied everybody else, and
they phoned for help. Cullinun
Sat 12 Feb 2011.

PARKIN Antjie. Beaten & strangled to death in home. Lephalale.

Mrs Parkin & granddaughter (left)

PARKIN Antjie, female aged 70, was murdered during the day. Her corpse was
found by her son on the carpet in her bedroom. She had been beaten beyond
recognition and strangle marks were clearly visible on her neck. The blood-covered
body of Thomas Tshabalala, 45, who had worked for her son, Ben Wessels, for
several years, was found by trackers under debris on the banks of the Mogol
River. Smallholding 40km from Lephalale, Limpopo. 6 May 2011

PETERS Lorraine aged 65 AND her husband Sydney Ralph aged 67 were sharing
their home with fellow employees of a dam building company. At around 21:00 they
woke up from the commotion and screams by the fellow employees who were
watching television in the lounge as they were attacked by an armed gang of at
least 3 men. As the couple walked down the passage to investigate, several shots
were fired at them. Lorraine was hit in the head and chest and died on the scene.
Sydney sustained bullet wounds to the left hand and leg. Their attackers fled with
3 celphones, a laptop computer and jewellery. De Hoop Dam, Roossenekal
holdings, Limpopo. Tues 1 Sep 2011

PHILLIPSON Abbie. Tortured & strangled in garden. Krugersdorp.

PHILLIPSON Abbie, retired municipal cashier aged 80, was murdered by a “trusted
black gardener”. He was arrested for throttling her to death with a shoelace after
stuffing her mouth with a rag and taping over her face - in full view of horrified
neighbouring workers who had climbed on the roof when they heard her screams.
Abbie was found in an outroom and was still breathing through her nose when the
paramedics arrived, but died shortly afterwards on the scene. Some of her jewellery
was found hidden inside the lawn-mower bag by the cops afterwards. Her celphone
was missing. Krugersdorp.
Wed 19 Jan 2011.
PIETERSE Andre, father aged 40 AND wife Suzelle aged 38 AND son Marco aged 9
were bashed with hammers and torched. Another resident, André Lombard, was
murdered in the same room on 4 May 2009 by burglars. This case suspected to be a
police cover-up as a family murder, because it is humanly impossible to set
yourself on fire and lie down on your bed, calmly waiting to die. The police
suspected that building contractor dad André -- who was said by a family friend to
having being deeply worried and depressed due to financial problems -- may have
battered Suzelle with a hammer, then poured petrol over himself and his son, and
then set fire to both. The father and son were found together on a double bed, burnt
to death. Suzelle was rescued after she was seen by alarmed neighbours through a
window crawling around in the smouldering fire at about 6am. However she died
several hours later at the Nelspruit Mediclinic where she worked. Nelspruit, 4 Feb
Pieterse family immoliated - Shephard Park Apartments Nelspruit
There are so many things about this case that do not make sense. Andre was my
husband’s cousin. No one has told us much about what happened and the funeral
yesterday was one of the saddest funerals I have ever been to! Listed are the things
I do not understand: 1. I could not imagine someone setting fire to themselves and
laying on a bed waiting to die. No ones pain threshold is that high! Suzelle was
beaten from the kitchen to the bedroom. Surely if your husband is beating you, you
will run out the kitchen door, not crawl to the bedroom? How did she manage to
survive when her husband and son burnt to death? Why was the fire alarm
smashed and by whom? And the main thing... in May 2009 another "Andre" was
murdered in the townhouse. His killers were never found. I don't believe in
coincidences! Why was an autopsy only done on Marco and not on Andre and
Suzelle as well? If anyone has some answers for me, please let me know. Thanks.

PIETERSE Morne assaulted in police station. Welkom.

PIETERSE Morne AND his girlfriend Rhona went to the police station at around
19:00, looking for a specific detective they wanted to talk to, to give him
information they had about a certain crime. A black female clerk in civilian clothes
cursed Rhona, shouting that they would have to contact the detective themselves,
and to ‘fkoff’ out of her police station. Then a male uniformed police officer jumped
over the counter and beat Morne in the face several times. The couple then asked
other police officials at the station to help them lodge a formal complaint against
the cop who had assaulted him – but nobody wanted to help. Eventually the
detective they’d enquired after, came to the police station. Then Morne was beaten
by the same cop again – in front of the detective, who intervened. Welkom. Fri 27
Apr 2011.
Morné Pieterse cursed, beaten by SAPS Welkom

PISTORIUS Weibrandt Elias AND Magda shot in home. Muldersdrift.

PISTORIUS Weibrandt Elias aged 53 AND his wife Magda aged 50 were attacked
inside their home at around 04:00. They had their backs turned to the door when an
armed gang of 3 men entered their bedroom. One shone his torch into the couple’s
eyes and said “Hello boss!” Magda shouted “What do you want?!” and they
opened fire. Weibrandt was shot in the chest and arm. He stumbled out of bed, took
one step and collapsed. Then another shot was fired and the bullet hit Magda in the
stomach. The gang stole a celphone, wallet and watch and fled the scene. Magda
crawled to her children’s bedroom to call for help. Muldersdrift smallholding. Sun
26 June 2011
Hello boss, dad told - then shot dead 2011-06-27 08:56

PITSER Louise, female aged 71 was murdered inside her home. While Louise was
visiting friends in Margate during the day, her attackers removed a window from
her house and gained entry. They lay in wait for her return and then overpowered
her before stabbing her to death. Her dog, a terrier, was locked inside the house.
The attackers fled the scene in her car. The police dog unit arrested one of the
attackers two days later and recovered some of her stolen jewellery, her car, and
what appears to have been the murder weapon. Umtentweni. Sat 31 May 2011
Umtentweni: Robbers waited in woman victim’s home

POTGIETER Gerhard, art-dealer aged 51 AND his wife Elizabeth aged 48 were
attacked inside their home by an armed gang at around 19:45. The couple had been
watching television in the lounge before Gerhard decided to go to his bedroom for
some “quiet time”. Elizabeth heard him scream and saw he was held at gunpoint by
at least 3 black men. All three wore balaclavas, each had a handgun. One of the
men was constantly trying to rip her rings from her fingers - but she explained they
would not budge. Elizabeth stated: "I think they got panicky because Gerhard
constantly yelled for help, loudly. I put my hands in the air and told them, 'wait' and
tried to calm my husband down but it didn't work.' The Potgieter family's female
lodger locked herself in a cupboard in her bedroom when she heard the screaming.
Gerhard struggled with one attacker for his gun and Elizabeth used diversion to try
and flee. She explained: "It was pitchdark in the house and as I was running
towards the back door I heard shots fired behind me. Two men chased me and
stopped me from escaping just outside the back door. I screamed very loudly and
the men then fled across the wall because the gates were locked. I must have
screamed for at least five minutes for help.” She went inside and found her
husband covered in blood, injured. Neighbours heard her screams and contacted - who in turn alerted the police.The emergency paramedics who
arrived on the scene attended to Gerhard, who had been shot three times in the
upper body, but he died shortly afterwards. Nothing was stolen. Drie Riviere,
Vereeniging. 1 Aug 2011.
20110802 South African Arts and Crafts

POTGIETER Theuns assaulted at garage. Pretoria.

POTGIETER Theuns, male aged 33, had gone to a petrol station in Gezina at
around 21:00 to get two flat tyres repaired. He had his firearm tucked into the back
of his pants, but did not have his licence with him. CCTV footage shows police
officers arriving at the station and walking over to where Theuns and his friend
were talking to another man in the workshop area. He stated that: "Even before
they asked me I took out my gun and put it on the car's engine cover. The police
told us to lie down. I raised my arms and lay down.” Another man, presumably a
plain-clothes policeman, then walked up to Theuns and kicked him in the stomach
several times as officers in uniform look on. He then stomped on his head,
punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach again. A uniformed officer
then kicked Theuns. While he was being handcuffed, the first policeman kicked him
again. He was taken to the Pretoria Moot police station, accused of possession of
an unlicensed firearm, pointing a firearm and resisting arrest. While in custody, it
was confirmed that he was the lawful owner of the gun. After vomiting blood and
passing blood in his urine, Theuns was taken to a hospital. After he was
discharged from hospital, Theuns appeared in the Pretoria Magistrate's Court
where he was released on bail of R2 000.
According to Theuns, the police refused to help him open an assault case against
the officers. Pretoria.
Thur 21 Apr 2011.

RAS Rikus. Assaulted along the road. Grootvlei.

RAS Rikus aged 42, and his children aged 2yrs and 3 yrs old, were travelling home
in their pick-up van at around 14:00 to their farm in Grootvlei, and were stopped at
the Villiers T-junction by the newly established Mpumalanga traffic “intervention”
unit formed by the Safety and Security Department. An officer informed Rikus that
a tail light was not working. Rikus got out of his vehicle to investigate, and an
argument between them ensued. Another officer started pushing Rikus around, and
then head butted him. Rikus told him that he was going to report the incident to the
police before he drove away. A few kilometers down the road, four traffic vehicles
carrying about ten officers came up behind him and forced him off the road. “Then
all hell broke loose,” he said. “One tried to smash the windscreen while another
jumped onto the back of the van and tried to strangle me through the back window.
The two farm workers, who were sitting on the back of the van, pulled the two
hysterical children, who were screaming and trying to grab onto their father and
each other, out of the van through the back window, and ran away with them. The
officers dragged Ricus out of the van, whilst assaulting and cursing him, making
making racist remarks, such as “this is how a white c*unt looks after he has been
f*cked up by us!” They took him to the Grootvlei police station and charged him for
assault, crimen injuria and disregarding the instructions of a traffic officer. In turn,
Ricus opened a case of assault against the officers and was released on his own
recognaisance. Grootvlei, Mpumalanga. 7 Oct 2011.

RETIEF DE LANGE Ode, attorney in her fifties, was attacked inside her home at
around 20:00 by a gang of three black men and severely bludgeoned. The following
morning her domestic servant discovered her and contacted her parents. Her father
rushed her to the hospital at around 10:00. Ode was able to give a detailed
description of her attackers before she passed away from her injuries the following
day. Nothing was robbed. One of her attackers were arrested soon after. Selection
Park, Springs.
Sun 30 Jan 2011.

RHEASE assaulted in home. bryanston.

RHAESE, female aged 72, was preparing dinner in the kitchen and her husband was
in the bedroom having a nap. Four armed black men gained access to the house
through the sliding doors leading to the dining room. Mrs Rhaese locked herself in
the kitchen when she saw them entering, but one of the men jumped through the
kitchen serving hatch leading from the dining-room to the kitchen. He hit her on the
side of her face with the barrel of his gun. She dropped to the ground. As she lay
there one of the men stood on her head and two others both stood on each of her
hands, all the time shouting 'where is the man, where is the money'. Her husband
heard her screams and as he entered the passage from the bedroom he saw them
running towards him. Mr Rhaese fired a shot at them. The cowards turned and ran
away just as the security company arrived at the gate. The Rhease couple were
previously attacked in their driveway five months earlier after she was followed in
her car while driving home one night. The couple were were attacked and beaten as
they arrived home. Bryanston, 12 Feb 2011

ROSSOUW Jaco. Torched at work. Nylstroom.

ROSSOUW Jaco, male aged 34, fuel-station co-owner, suffered 95% burn-wounds
after a worker threw a petrol-bomb into his office. Jaco passed away 2 weeks after
attack from his injuries. Nylstroom, 6 March 2011

ROUX Dawid-Hendrik, schoolboy aged 15, suffered a sexual-mutilation assault and

required surgery to restore the blood flow to one testicle after an unknown gang
flash trashed his room whilst he was asleep in the boarding house of his school.
This followed a previous attack in 2009 which gave him concussion. Paarl 1 Feb

SAVVIDES Geroge & Emmerentia attacked in home. Wonderboom.

SAVVIDES George, male aged 63, was shot dead when he responded to the cry of
help from his wife, Emmerentia, who was sleeping in a different room. At around
3:30 am, Emmerentia woke up with two black men in her room. The one was armed
with the gun, the other with a heavy duty spanner. The man tapped his spanner on
her arm, and grabbed her handbag. Emmerantia cried out for help. George opened
his door and looked into the barrel of a gun. He slammed his door shut, but the
gunman shot him through the door and the bullet lodged in his heart. Their
attackers ran away with a celphone and her handbag. Emmerentia heard George
say 'they got me'. She rushed to him, felt his forehead and then phoned the police -
or tried to, because nobody answered the 10111 emergency number. She then
pushed an emergency alarm on her cellphone and the police arrived within
minutes. Wonderboom, Pretoria. 1 April 2011
Aanhaling van: Werner Smook op March 31, 2011, 12:22:52 PM

SMITH Annetjie. Tortured in home. Zastron.

SMITH Annetjie, female aged 62 yrs, was attacked inside her home on a Sunday
morning after she had opened the door to let her dog out at around 08:00 by two
well dressed black men. Annetjie suffered a brutal beating with their fists whilst
being dragged around. They threatened to slit her throat and beat her to death with
the broomstick if she did not give them money. However, due to the four previous
break-ins she had suffered during a three week period during 2010, she had
nothing of value left. Annetjie was kicked repeatedly, smothered with a pillow and
tied up securely with ropes and chains, left for dead. She suffered extreme thirst
while she waited for someone to save her. Her domestic helper of 20 years was
shocked when she discovered Annetjie 25 hours later. She was extremely thirsty,
her wrists and ankles dark blue form the bruising. She was airlifted and rushed to
the trauma unit of the Pelonomi-hospital in Bloemfontein. Zastron 15 Feb 2011

SMITH Mavis. Strangled in apartment. Durban.

SMITH Mavis, female aged 74, was attacked inside her apartment during the night
and strangled to death. Her celphone, an old television and her handbag containing
R300 was stolen. Durban. Thur 13 Jan 2011. Daily

SMITH Pete. Bludgeoned & stabbed to death in home. Southport.

SMITH Pete, male aged 84, was murdered inside his home. A friend found his
corpse in the bathroom. It appeared that Pete had been bludgeoned to death. He
was also attacked and hacked with a bush knife. There were multiple open wounds
to his face, head and hand. The garage door was open and two safes had been
opened. A small amount of cash was missing. Southport. 8 May 2011.
SNYMAN Bruno aged 66 AND his wife Alexis aged 55 were attacked inside their
home at around 17:30 by an armed gang of at least 5 men wearing balaclavas.
Bruno opened the door to their flat on a smallholding when the doorbell rang and
looked into the barrel of a gun. The gang forced their in, and while Bruno was held
hostage at gunpoint, went through to the bathroom where Alexis was bathing. One
of them closed her mouth and ordered her to get out of the bath and dress. Bruno
tried to use his handgun and was shot four times at close range in the chest and
arm. They looted his gun and a celphone and fled the scene. Paramedics tried to
save Bruno for more than an hour, but he passed away on the scene. Kameeldrift
smallholdings, Pretoria. 22 July 2011

STEYN John/Johan. Assaulted & robbed on farm road. Farm Neuklaagte.

STEYN John/Johan aged 58, was assaulted. stabbed and robbed along a farm road
at around 20:00. John came across two men who claimed to have a punctured tyre
and asked him for help. While he was helping them, they struck him on his head
with a rock when his back was turned. John was then stabbed seven times in the
back and once in the stomach with a broken bottle. The two fled with his pick-up
van which was parked outside the house. John fired two shots at his attackers, but
missed. He only managed to contact police and paramedics on the following
morning after he found his cellphone near where he had struggled with the pair. No
arrests had been made.
STRYDOM Hans/Hannes was attacked by a gang of 7 men inside his home during
the night. Hans was hit over the head with an iron pipe four times and stabbed with
knives before he broke free from the attack. He only realised that he had been
stabbed 30 minutes after the attack. If they had stabbed him 1cm lower it would
have been through his kidney. Evander holdings. Secunda. 2 May 2011


SWANEPOEL Tonie, retired engineer aged 59, who raised vegetables on his
subsistence smallholding outside Ritchie in the North Cape, was found murdered,
hidden inside his freezer after a tip-off to the police by phone at 03:00. His killers
had first dumped frozen food from the freezer. They then went to the kitchen,
prepared a meal, and sat down in the living room next to the freezer to eat it. Tonie
had stab wounds in the chest and back. Robbery did not seem to be the primary
motive: his handgun was found discarded in the veld near his homestead. No
valuables were taken from the homestead: only a cellphone and housekeys
belonging to him were found in their possession. The suspects were released from
jail the previous week on bail after appearing in court on a unrelated charge of
housebreak. It was the ninth time in 12 years that the Swanepoel home ahd been
broken into. His mother had been raped in the same house during a housebreak in
1996 and his father suffered from a heart attack and died on the porch. Ritchie,
Cape. 8 Sept 2011.

TILLET Vivien. Attacked in home. Matubatuba.

TILLET Vivien, grandmother aged 90, grandson Keith Lewis and family dog
viscously attacked by two armed black men who had broken into their home at
around 20:30. The men, armed with a gun and fighting sticks, had broken their
locked gate, entered the house and attacked the young Keith with sticks. He also
was shot at: the bullet grazed his face. Knowing his fragile grandmother was in her
room, Keith fought back with everything he had. One of the intruders hissed at
Keith that they were going to rape his grandmother and then kill her. He tried to
escape, hoping the two men would follow him and leave his grandmother alone. He
ran outside up the dirt road towards town and waved down a police vehicle. Horror
awaited Keith and his father, the son of Vivien, as they got home. Viven had been
dragged from her bed into the backyard. Beaten over the head, ribs broken and arm
sprained, she lay helplessly in a puddle of blood in the dark, waiting for her family
to return. The perpetrators were nowhere to be found. They'd also bashed the old
family dog. Matubatuba 10 Feb 2011
Tillett, Vivien, 90; grandson Lewis, Keith in vicious assault, Mtubatuba

TOTH Zoltan, of Hungarian descent aged 73, was murdered on his homestead
hours before his 74th birthday. His 9 yr old son related the attack the following day.
They had heard the dog barking at someone outside in the yard at around 19:00.
Zoltan went outside to see who it was and the boy remained behind, peeping
through a kitchen window. There were two men – one with a gun, and the other with
a knife. “The one aimed the gun at me, but I locked the door and hid.” According to
the boy, one of the attackers smashed a window and unlocked the door from the
inside. Zoltan was still gone, with the only celphone on him. “I hid behind the door
and they searched for me a long time. The men said that they were going to hang
him (Zoltan) if I don’t come out of hiding.” One of the men found him behind the
door and wanted to know where Zoltan hid the money.“I told them to look inside
the cupboards, but they did not find anything.” After a lengthy search the men
came across a concealed safe, which they chopped open. They warned the boy that
they would shoot him if he left the house, and that they would return later. “I was
very scared and alone. I did not know what to do. I waited for him (Zoltan) to return
and by 23:00 decided to watch TV. I fell asleep shortly after 04:00, but woke up a
shot while later. When it started to get light, he went outside to find help, but about
10m from the kitchen door he came across the bloody corpse of his father. “They
said they were going to hang him. They lied.” The boy never suspected that his
father had been killed as he came out of hiding after hearing the threat on his
father’s life. Zoltan had been axed with a pick axe and bled to death.He had sold 10
pigs two weeks prior to the attack. Zuurbekom holding, Westonaria. His wife,
Angela, had died in 2005. Tues 20 July 2011

Pick Axe

2011 U-Z

UITENWEERDE Thinus tortured, stabbed, bashed & buried alive. Mother (85)
assaulted & raped. Wife (paralyzed) assaulted. Farm Aliesrust.


UITENWEERDE Thinus, male aged 55, was murdered by two black “youths” outside
on his farm at around 13:00 and then his killers turned on his wife and mother
inside their home. Thinus was stabbed in the stomach, his feet tied with a black
shoe lace, his hands with nylon rope, and a scarf was knotted around his face
before he was dragged to the shallow grave his murderers had prepared. He was
dumped inside his grave and bashed on the head with large sandstone boulders.
His scull was crushed as he lay on his stomach with his head in the sand. The
autopsy report reveals that he was still alive when they buried him beneath. The
youths then entered the homestead where they attacked Ella, his 84 year old
mother, pulled her around roughly and assaulted her physically, tied her up,
covered her mouth and face up with her own bandages she used for arthritis. Then
they raped her as his wife Magriet, who is paralyzed from the waist down and bed
ridden, lay helplessly on the floor, where she was mauled and kicked. Farm
Aliesrust, Reitz. 2 Aug 2011
Labels: ANC youth league, Boer Genocide, Kill the Boer, Narysec, Reitz, Shoot the
Boer, Uitenweerde Bella 85 raped by two murderers of her son


Thinus Uitenweerde next to his shallow grave

Brother of murdered Thinus Uitenweerde establishing a proper grave for his brother
Uitenweerde son

UNNAMED BENONI Homeless man found dead, SEE VAN DER WALT Chase

UNNAMED BLOEMFONTEIN, BRITTISH white female aged 51, raped and robbed of
her celphone and some cash by 2 black men while taking a walk in the happy Valley
nature reserve during the morning. Mon 13 Jan 2011




Security guard points out scene of attack

UNNAMED BLYTHEDALE BEACH holiday-maker boy aged 17 AND his girlfriend
aged 16 walked about 1km along Blythedale Beach from the Prince’s Grant holiday
resort at around midday and sat down on their beach towels. 3 Men armed with
knives attacked them. The boy was stabbed in the leg and then used the towels to
tie up his arms and legs. They dragged his girlfriend down the beach and then up a
pathway into the bushes. After about 20 minutes, the boy managed to free his legs,
and with his hands still tied behind his back, he ran back to Prince’s Grant and
raised the alarm. Because of the overgrown, bushy terrain in the area, the resort
security contacted Flight Training Services at Virginia Airport and pilots Warren
Grace, Dale Roux and Samantha Meyrick took to the skies. “It is so dense, she
could have been anywhere,” Grace said. “We left at about 1.20pm and searched the
beach for a while, flying sometimes at 100 feet.” He said he could see the search
vehicles on the ground and they were eventually alerted that the teenager had been
found almost 2km inland in the Nonoti area by two local teenagers who had
stumbled across her. Their father, Michael Gumede, said the girls had been on
their way to the beach – something he would never allow them to do again. “They
went over the hill towards the sea and came across this little girl, crying and asking
for help. She told them she had been raped and she was worried about her
boyfriend. My daughters brought her to me at home… she was crying and talking
about this boyfriend. “I called the (KwaDukuza) police three times and spoke to
people, but nobody said they would come. They didn’t even ask for my address,”
he said. “I asked her if they (her attackers) had guns and she said they had knives.
I have a bit of self-defence (training) so I said to her, ‘Let’s go and find your
boyfriend.’ ” Gumede took her in his car and drove down the road, where he came
across the resort security who were scouring the area for her and the suspects.
“She is tiny for her age and she was hysterical,” a security officer said. “She gave
us a description of the men and the clothing they were wearing. She can remember
quite a lot of detail. We were able to tell her that her boyfriend was okay and had
raised the alarm.” They were both taken to a local hospital where the boyfriend
received stitches.
Prince’s Grant was offering a reward of R20 000 cash for information leading to
arrests and a further
R20 000 cash on conviction. Anyone with information should phone 082 552 5553. -
The Mercury [email protected]. Tues 4 Oct 2011

Pitch fork
UNNAMED BRACKENDOWNS resident attacked in garden with hammer & pitchfork.
UNNAMMED BRACKENDOWNS, ALBERTON resident had let Alex, the gardener, in
at 08:00 as usual, and told Alex that when he finished his work he should say so.
The owner of the house then made sandwiches and a cup of coffee for the gardener
and locked up his dogs. When the homeowner came out to see whether Alex had
finished his work he was struck over the head from behind with a hammer. The
victim says he did not fall down the first time after he was struck, and tried to turn
around but was struck repeatedly over the head. The gardener then chased the
victim to the carport of his house where he fell to the ground. Then Alex used a
pitch fork to stab his employer – but fortunately the man was able to fight back.
“When I saw him grab the pitchfork I thought to myself this is it, I better fight back
or it’s over.” A tussle ensued and the man managed to fend off the gardener. “I
managed to hit him a few times and I think that scared him because he then started
to back off. I did not black out but I do not remember what happened after that and
how I got back to where my dogs were locked up.” The victim says a group of
Jehovah’s Witnesses just happened to be walking by outside his house: he
apparently then climbed over a fence shouting for help and the group of people
immediately called for help. Paramedics arrived and began to treat the victim for
his injuries before transporting him to hospital. The man sustained serious head
injuries that required several stitches.
He also sustained an injury to his arm when he was trying to ward off the pitch
fork.When asked why he though his gardener had done this the victim said he
“believed it could be that Alex was on drugs or has a drug problem.” Wed 27 July

UNNAMED CENTURION, PRETORIA family attacked inside their home by four

armed black men, and tied up with cable ties while their 4 yr old son was instructed
to fetch the keys to their safe. Pretoria, 28 Jan 2011
Centurion - white family attacked, tied up, robbed by four armed black males

UNNAMED KRAAIFONTEIN, CAPE male aged 42, was found by his young children
in the early morning on a couch in his lounge where he had been murdered. His
hands were tied up, and there was a stab wound to his chest. His children, who had
been asleep in the house, did not wake up during the attack. 26 Feb 2011
News24 Home › South Africa –

UNNAMED NELSPRUIT BABY aged 1 kidnapped by a silver-grey Mazda-3 car.

Nelspruit 9 March 2011
UNNAMED ONDERSTEPOORT, PRETORIA white female smallholder was attacked
in her bed at around 04:00 by a gang of at least 2 men. During the attack they
pushed mosquito netting into her mouth before they fled the scene, taking her
celphone, a television, and other electrical equipment. Onderstepoort
smallholding. 24 Jan 2011

UNNAMED POTGIETERSRUST farmer wife was raped inside her home at around
noon by a black municipality worker. Her ordeal started soon after she was pushing
an old refrigerator to outside the house so that she could clean it - when the phone
rang inside. When she went inside to answer it - the person on the other end hung
up at once -- but she had forgotten to close the security gate behind her. When she
turned around, a man was inside the house. After the rape, the woman called her
husband - who alerted the Potgietersrust farmers citizen-band network. A group of
Potgietersrust farmers - connected with citizen-band radios - immediately raised
roadblocks, informed the police and chased down the rapist to a municipal office.
There a standoff ensued between municipal workers who were protecting the rapist
from being arrested, and the farmers. According to informed sources, the man had
apparently driven a municipal vehicle to the smallholding at around noon and
raped the Afrikaans woman inside. Local farmer Sakkie Kidson said: "we reacted
quickly and stood together.' The farmers then clustered outside, demanding that
the rape-suspect be turned over to the police - and accusing the municipal workers
of protecting the man from a legal arrest. Marietie Louw-Carstens quoted witnesses
as saying that the row got pretty nasty, with 'vile insults being flung back and
forth'. Eventually the police did arrive to 'calm things down' and to arrest the
suspect. However, none of the farmers would leave until they were certain that the
suspect would not just be released again. They waited to hear when the suspect
would be charged and when he would be scheduled for a court-appearance. The
determined group stood waiting outside the local police station until 18:00 when
they were reassured that the suspected rapist - police confirmed that the arrested
man works at the municipality - would appear in the local magistrate's court on
Wednesday, said lt.col Ronel Otto. She confirmed that a rape-charge was lodged.
Ms Louw-Carstens also went to the smallholding where the rape took place: her
son said his mother is 'quiet, we'd rather not talk about it.' He confirmed that she
was taken to hospital for antiretroviral treatment; and for trauma counselling. 1 Mar

UNNAMED PRETORIA TEENAGE GIRL. Held hostage & tied up in shop.

UNNAMED PRETORIA teenage girl, who worked at a video shop, had briefly
stepped outside the shop at about 01.45. A 32-year-old man, calling himself “Jan”,
said he wanted to rent a movie. They both entered the shop. “Jan” put two DVDs on
the counter. Suddenly the man put a pistol on the counter, demanding money, the
girl’s cellphone and her car. He forced her to a storeroom where he tied her legs
with a black plastic bag. He wrapped newspaper around her wrists before tying
them with a wire coat hanger. Then he shoved paper into her mouth and tied it with
a black bag. When a customer entered the shop “Jan” told him it was closed. He
took the girl’s R30, cellphone and car keys, and got into her car. When the
customer asked the suspect what he was doing in the girl’s car he jumped out and
ran back into the shop, closing the security gate and door behind him. The
customer called for help on the security system. Within minutes
offficers from the security company, the police, metro police, hostage negotiators,
the task force and medical staff all descended on the scene. A police officer and a
negotiator spoke to Jan through the door. By this time he’d untied the girl, and
brought her from the storeroom. During hours of negotiations the man lost his
temper and became upset when he saw police outside. At around 16:30 the girl
stood near the door, and then pretended to pass out. The police told ‘Jan’ he must
allow her to get medical help as she could ‘die’, and then there’d be a murder
charge. The man opened the door. Within seconds the girl jumped up and ran out.
She was taken to hospital for shock and discharged. It is not clear if she had been
sexually abused.
Sat 29 Jan 2011
Afrikaans teen escapes 3hr hostage ordeal Villieria Pretoria

UNNAMED SOSHANGUVE, PRETORIA petrol-station manager aged 35,was

murdered in cold blood by four armed black males who arrived at 08:30 in a
luxurious silver BMW without number-plates. They gunned down the unnamed
manager down, then left in their posh car without stealing anything whatsoever.
The manager was rushed to the nearby hospital but died from his wounds. 16 Jan

UNNAMED STELLENBOSCH university student aged 25, was raped in a bathroom

at the women’s residence at around 05:30. She was doing frontdoor- guard duty by
herself, when she allowed the man, who pretended to be a friend of one of the
residents, into the foyer. It appeared that he was armed when he forced her into a
bathroom at the residence, where she was raped. Shortly afterwards, he stole her
possessions and ran away. Sun 2 Mar 2011 -

UNNAMED VALMARY PARK, CAPE TOWN woman was followed home after she
withdrew cash from an ATM was attacked by two black people as she got out of her
car. They dragged her inside her home and tied her up before robbing her. 22 Jan

UNNAMED VERWOERDPARK, ALBERTON couple were attacked on their driveway

in Schoeman Road by an armed gang at around 19:30. The husband aged 69 was
plucked from behind his steering wheel. A black attacker got behind the steering
wheel while the wife was still inside. The husband apparently tried to help his wife,
fell down and was run over by the hijacker: his head was crushed and he died on
the scene. His wife was then thrown from the moving car: one of her hips and of
her ribs were broken in the fall. Their attackers chased away in the Alberton
couple's car, followed by another vehicle. Further down the road they plucked
another motorist from his vehicle and hijacked that too. The second motorist was
shocked but unjured, and his car was found abandoned about an hour later at a
shopping centre by his tracker-company. 23 May 2011

UNNAMED VERWORDPARK, ALBERTON MAN aged 69 AND his wife were attacked
inside their driveway as they drove out at around 19:30. The man was plucked out
from behind the steering wheel of his car while his wife was still in the car at the
time. A black man got behind the steering wheel. Her husband tried to help his wife,
fell down and was deliberately run over by the hijacker: his head was crushed and
he died on the scene. His wife was then thrown from the moving car: one of her
hips and of her ribs were crushed. The hijackers then raced away in the Alberton
couple's car, followed by another vehicle. Further down the road they plucked
another motorist in a Toyoto RunX from his vehicle and hijacked that too. The
second motorist was shocked but unjured, and his car was found abandoned about
an hour later at a shopping centre by a tracker-company. 24 May 2011.

UNNAMED WELKOM mother and her two nine-year-old children were murdered
inside their home. Neighbours saw the mother on Sunday morning in the garden. A
family friend stopped by at around 19:30 on the same day, and discovered the
tragedy when he looked through a window after finding the house locked and
silent. Blood-coated rooms bore silent witness to the fierce struggle of the
unarmed family who had moved into the house 2 months earlier. Blood smears and
markings on his back show that the nine-year-old boy desperately tried to crawl
underneath his bed to hide from his murderer – but was dragged out and killed. His
nine-year-old slain sister’s body was on her bed in the same room; their 46-year-old
mother’s blood-covered body was found in the main-bedroom. Dagbreek, Welkom.
Sun 6 June 2011

UNNAMED WELKOM family were attacked at around 21:10 inside their home. A
man AND a woman were beaten with an iron pipe over their bodies, AND another
man sustained various stab wounds. Another woman aged 23 AND a girl aged 12
were assaulted and raped during the attack. Cash and a car was looted. Welkom.
Thur 6 Aug 2010
Rowers verkrag vrou, tiener in Vrystaat 2010-08-06

VAINA Tony aged 50 AND his wife Giraldine aged 46 AND their son Amaro aged 12
AND the family dog were attacked, tortured and hacked to pieces with pangas as
they ran while they were chased around their 13 room home. There were blood
splashes and smears in every room of this large house. The savages tortured this
family before killing them, while drinking the alcohol they found in the house. The
police discovered the murder scene after finding the family’s car deserted in
Orange Grove. Giraldine was found in the main bedroom. She had also been raped
and a broken bottle rammed into her vigina. The body of Amaro was found in the
bath, where he had finally been drowned with his hands tied behind his back. The
body of Tony was found in the lounge, on his stomach with his hands tied behind
his back and a bullet to the back of his head. The family dog was also hacked to
pieces and then shot. This was done by the 20 year old son and his buddies of a
black family who had worked for the family for many years. Anyone old enough to
remember the Congo and ‘Uhuru’, will recognise this. The newspaper reports
brushed over this dreadful carnage stating that the family was shot. Walkerville
smallholding near the show grounds. Sun 2 Oct 2011

VAN COLLER Magdalena. Mysterious death in hospital. Germiston. 25 Apr 2011

Leeluie Fourie and Tommy van Coller

VAN COLLER Magdalena died mysteriously 5 days after she arrived at the
Germiston public hospital, to where she had been transferred from the Glynwood
private hospital as her medical aid funds had run out. She suffered from severe
stomach cramps and diarrhea. Family members Neeluie Fourie and her brother
Tommy van Coller still await answers from the hospital. Neeluie stated: "On April
20 (Wednesday), my mother was taken to Germiston Hospital, and when I called her
she said she was ok, but still in a lot of pain.” Her mom was in terrible pain and
nurses told her they gave her mother Voltaren - a drug used for pains but not
stomach cramps and diarrhea. Her mother also complained that she wanted to go
home 'as the nurses were trying to kill her." Fourie could not lift her into a
wheelchair, and the nurses refused to help."I did not know what to say, she was in
pain and I could not take her home, even though she said she would rather die at
home," she said sadly. On Monday, Leeluie received a call from her aunt who said
she was 'sorry to hear the news of her mother's passing'. "My mother was covered
in bruises, her mouth and nose covered in blood"... A shocked Leeluie and her
brother Tommy van Coller rushed to the hospital and demanded to see their
mother, but were told by nurses that it was too late and she had died early on
Monday morning. "We asked to see her and only two hours later did they take us
into the morgue."I tried to uncover her face, but the nurses kept pulling back the
sheet and told me I could not see her, but I demanded and when I pulled back the
sheet I was shocked," she said. Under the white sheet, her mother lay covered in
bruises and her mouth and nose covered in blood. The nurses claimed that the
bruises and bleeding were 'due to performing CPR." Leeluie added that: "her gold
chain which she got from her mother was missing, as well as some of her pension
money which I had drawn for her and put in her purse." They returned to the
hospital on Thursday to get the body but waited nearly three hours for the
paperwork. "When we were eventually allowed to go and get her, she was limp, still
lying in the same place we had left her on that Monday. Her body was never
returned to the refrigerator.' "She had already started to smell. My brother saw the
form on the table and he took it, and on the original there were blank spaces and
the cause of death stated renal failure and gallbladder problems," she said. When
the GCN reporter looked at the form it also said that Magdalene had been in a coma
for 20 days before she died; but also that she had been 'brought in four days before
her death,' and had 'been going to the hospital for nearly seven years.' "When the
form was requested by the undertaker, nurses told him that the doctor who treated
her was on leave and they would take the form to a doctor in the clinic to
complete," she said angrily. The form was given to a doctor who had never even
treated her mother, and on this form he stated she had been in hospital for a month
for exhaustion but died from renal failure. The family were also forced to pay R500
before the body was released from the hospital. "We want answers from the
hospital as to how my mother died, where the bruises came from, why we had to
pay that R500 and why she was left outside the refrigation unit in the morgue?" she
said furiously. Christina Mndaweni, CEO at the hospital told the GCN on Friday
afternoon that the hospital would look into the matter and comment this week. In
the meantime the family still have no closure on their mother's sudden death. Van
Coller was cremated on Wednesday.

VAN DEEMTER Alje 7 Annemarie. Attacked inside home. Bloemspruit.

Annemarie van Deemter

VAN DEEMTER Alje aged 70 AND his wife Annemarie, aged 70 were attacked
inside their home during the morning with a hammer which the attackers had taken
out from the couple’s garage, and knives. Alje, who has had a hip replacement, was
hit repeatedly on his left arm with the hammer whilst protecting his head by an
attacker who wore a balaclava. Annemarie also suffered a beating during the
attack, in which at some stage, a knife was held to her throat. She said that this
experience was far worse than the heart bypass operation she had a few months
earlier. Bloemspruit agricultural holdings, Bloemfontein. Sat 9 May 2011

VAN DER BERG Hester aged 80, was beaten to death on her smallholding. Her
husband and her son found her badly battered body in the garage twenty minutes
after they arrived from work at around 15:00. She had wounds on the back of her
head and left eye as well as bruises on all of her ribs. Theescombe smallholding,
Port Elizabeth. 2 May 2011

VAN DER HEEVER Piet aged 65, retired headmaster, was stabbed to death in his
home by two black men. His wife discovered his body after she came back from a
walk. Nothing robbed. Riebeeckstad, Welkom 28 Jan 2011 http://www.farmitrack

VAN DER LINDE Riennie, female aged 62, was attacked in her driveway twice in
four months. On the first occasion, her arm was Riennie leaves for work at around
05:30. On the first occasion she was beaten black and blue. This time, as she got to
her car to leave for work at around 05:30, a man tackled her. Riennie saw she was
under attack from two black men, of which one had drawn his gun on her, and
started screaming. She was shot in the left upper thigh, and realised she had to get
away. Rienie ran to her house for help and rang the front door bell, shouting to her
husband that she had been shot. Her daughter, while making her bed, heard the
shot ring out, and ran to investigate. She opened the back door, looked into the
barrel of a gun, and ducked. A second attacker, who was not holding a gun, told
her to be quiet, walked into the house, picked up a laptop computer, and walked
out. The two attackers then ran away, taking Rienie’s handbag with them. Annlin,
Pretoria. 23 Mar 2011

VAN DER MERWE Andre "Brood". Shot & tortured. Ottosdal.

VAN DER MERWE Andre “Brood” aged 49, was attacked inside his farm house at
around 20:00 by an armed gang. They held him at gunpoint while they ransacked
the house for money. Then they shot him in the chest, the back, and in the head,
before they tied him to the back of his pick-up van and dragged him along the road
until they rolled the van about 1.2km from the homestead. When his girlfriend could
not reach him on the phone, she became alarmed, and contacted his 22 yr old son.
Along with some friends, they came across the drag lines and a trail of blood on
the road, which they followed until they found his corpse. One of the attackers had
been injured during the accident and was still in the pick-up van when the police
arrived. So far three arrests have been made. Ottosdal farm. Sat 30 Apr 2011.

VAN DER MERWE Basie. Stabbed at home. Booysen, Pretoria.

VAN DER MERWE Basie aged 68 AND his wife Annemarie aged 58, were attacked
inside their home. Basie had stepped outside his home to fetch his newspaper and
three black men slipped into the house. One of them confronted Annemarie in the
bedroom and told her to be quiet, but she screamed for help. As Basie was about to
enter the house he was stabbed six times, in the chest, back and left hand before
their attackers fled the scene. Annemarie dragged her bleeding husband into the
house and called the emergency services. She stayed with him until her son
arrived. He said when he arrived at his parental home his dad was still breathing -
but his eyes were closed. "My mom was besides herself and I took her to the
neighbours. When I came back he had died.” The police claimed that they have
rounded up two suspects in the nearby squatters' camp and are 'questioning them
to determine if they can be linked to the murder.' Apparently police picked up
Annemarie’s knitting-bag in the field nearby. Booysen, Pretoria.
7 Mar 2011

VAN DER MERWE Elsie. Attacked inside her home. Bloemfontein.

VAN DER MERWE Elsie aged 66, was attacked at around 03:00 by a gang of at least
3 men who had broken into her home. Elsie was getting out of bed when the men
stormed down on her and pinned her to the bed. She was strangled, beaten and
kicked before they poured wine over her and threatened to set her alight. Her
neighbours became suspicious when she did not answer her phone at around
04:30 and noticed her car in the driveway with the brake lights on. As they called
for her, an unknown man jumped out of the car. Her attackers fled the scene on
foot. They looted a dstv decoder, her celphone, and some cash. Elsie was admitted
to hospital for treatment. Bloemfontein. Sun 2 Oct 2011.

VAN DER MERWE Emile aged 19, was enroute from Ventersburg to Hennenman on
a rural road at around 01:00 to visit friends when he was pulled over by cops in a
'blue light' vehicle. Two black officers jumped out and accused him of 'being
drunk'. They searched him and the pick-up van he was driving, and then threw him
-- without any kind of explanations - in the back of the police van: one officer drove
him to the police station, the second one followed in the pick-up van. He asked to
call someone for help from the police station but they refused. At the police station,
Emille was deliberately humiliated, being ordered to sit down on the floor next to
the row of empty chairs in the charge office. He repeatedly asked if he could make
a phone call. It was repeatedly refused. Then he saw between eight and ten cops
assaulting a man in the charge office. "They even threw him against the wall'. A
police officer waved a switchblade-knife in front of Emile’s face and threated to cut
him if he did not confess that he had stolen the pick-up van he had been driving. He
told them that the van belonged to his grandmother, for whom he works as a sheep
farmer, and that they could phone her to confirm this, giving them her telephone
number. The young man stated: "I was terrified, did not know what was going to
happen.” He said the other police officers ignored the illegal actions of their
comrade. One of the officers in the charge office said 'his blood must be drawn' but
this never happened. He was terrorised like this for three hours. At 04:00 they gave
him his keys and he left. Ventersdorp.
Sun 6 Sep 2011

VAN DER VYVFER Roz. Gang raped & assaulted. Died from seizure. Table View

VAN DER VYFER Roz, female productions manager aged 38, died in hospital after
she had been gang raped. Before she lapsed into a seizure, she told people what
had happened to her. Roz responded to an advert on the popular classifieds site
Gumtree, offering casual employment for stocktakers at a store in Observatory two
weeks earlier by phone. She was told that transport had been arranged to ferry the
stocktakers from a meeting point to the store, where they would work the night
shift. She joined a group of other passengers, who she assumed were job seekers,
on a minibus that drove to the store. When they arrived, Roz got off the bus, but
was told to get back on as it was so cold. One of the men said he would check if
there were still places for more stocktakers, but later returned and said the
positions were all taken and that those on the bus could have complimentary tea,
coffee and juice for their efforts. Roz drank some of the juice and began to feel very
sick. The last thing she remembered was being hit over the head, but she could not
recall any other details. In the early hours of the following morning, she woke up
on a stretch of grass in Table View with all her belongings missing, apart from her
cellphone. She then called a taxi driver friend who took her home. Her neighbour
recalled that he had been awoken by the sound of the woman trying to break down
her front door at 03:00. “She was in shock and I noticed that her pants were torn,”
he said. “I then took her to the trauma section at Groote Schuur where she was
examined by a doctor. She was then transferred to the gynaecology department
and was given a course of anti-retroviral therapy.” Semen from four men had been
found in her body. It appears she was out cold for approximately five hours.The
following day, while in the care of her friend, she had a seizure and was
hospitalized again for tests. After another bad seizure she lapsed into a coma and
died 2 weeks later. The store denied any knowledge of the advert and does not
make use of such advertisement services. Table View, Table Mountain. Cape Town.
Sat 2 Sep 2011

VAN DER WALT Chase. Hung in tree along road. Benoni

VAN DER WALT Chase, computer technician aged 26, was on route to Newcastle
and ended up in Benoni by default. His lifeless half naked body was found hanging
from a tree branch next to Tom Jones Street near the N12 on ramp. According to
his sister, Charles was a father of two, and a cherished and loved son and brother.
She admonished the local newspaper for publishing that he was a homeless man
regularly seen begging at the robots. This was impossible as he had not been
lliving in the area for some years, and was also never a beggar. The newspaper
explained that they merely relayed the information as given to them by the police.
Charles had left the Benoni area after he was involved in court precedings against
the state in 2009, in which his legal team were claiming costs for his loss suffered
when he was shot on Saturday 7 Jan 2009 by a security guard while driving along
the N12 with passengers in his car, which caused him to have an accident. It was
alleged that Charles had ignored VIP members who indicated that he should not
drive too close to President Kgalema Motlanthe’s car. After he had been shot,
Charles was arrested for reckless and negligent driving. He appeared briefly in the
Benoni Magistrates Court the following Tuesday and was released on R500 bail.
Statements by eye witnesses claimed that they had not seen any legal reason why
Charles was shot as he was driving past the presidential envoy. Benoni. 8 Sep 2011
VAN DER WALT Willie, well known community leader, was ambushed by five black
men from behind as he entered his house at 5am. They hacked away at his face and
body with pangas while he wrestled them from entering the home where his wife
was in the bedroom. He required reconstructive surgery. Farm de Kroon, Brits 19
Jan 2011

VAN DEVENTER Albert, retired male aged 63, was overpowered by an unknown
number of attackers in the garden of his farm and shot in the face at point blank
range before they ran into the kitchen where they found his wife, Hannetjie, who
they tied up, blindfolded, dragged around the room, stripped naked and robbed.
Vaalwater, Limpopo 16 March 2011 -
› ... › Suid Afrikaanse Nuus en Politiek -

VAN HEERDEN Barney. Tied up & strangled to death in home. Organge grove.

VAN HEERDEN Barney was murdered inside his home during the night. His corpse
was found at around 08:00, naked and bound up. It is believed that he was
strangled to death. His laptop was stolen. A remote control for the electronic gate
to his property was found outside near the gate. Orange Frove, Johannesburg.
Tues 20 Sep 2011.

VAN NIEKERK Fan, female aged 80, was murdered in her home. Her daughter
called in on Fan at around lunch time and became suspicious when she noticed the
security gate to the back door standing open. Fan did not respond to her calling,
and the daughter got the neighbours to help her break open the lock on the front
door. They came across her ravaged corpse laying in a pool of blood at the
entrance to the diningroom. The hands and feet were tied with pieces of cloth and
her head had been smashed beyond recognition with gardening shears. It appeared
that Fan was overpowered in the lounge while she was watching television during
the night. Her attackers dragged Fan to the main bedroom where she was assaulted
and vomited on the bed linen. Her celphone, jewellery and .22 pistol was missing
from the safe. Monument, Krugersdorp. 2 Aug 2011

VAN NOORDWIJK Anna-Marie aged 53, newspaper editor, was shot in the face and
chest from outside her homestead at around 23:00. She opened the back door to
yell at the dogs, who were barking fiercely, to keep quiet. Her attackers opened fire
on her and fled the scene. Her daughter found her bleeding at the backdoor. Anne-
Marie was rushed to hospital and underwent surgery. Harrismith farm. Thur 1 Sep
- Volksblad
Harrismith chronicle:

VAN ROOYEN Koos. Shot in home. Witfontein.

peaceful demonstration against murder

VAN ROOYEN Koos, farmer and businessman aged 63, AND his wife Marie-Louise,
were inside their home at around 18:00, waiting for friends to travel to a 25th-
anniversary-dinner of the Randfontein Agricultural Show when they were attacked.
Koos noticed two men entering the house through the back door and was shot in
the chest and left side “during a struggle” in front of his wife’s eyes. They then tied
her up and robbed her before taking cash and a firearm, and fleeing on foot into
nearby bushes. Koos died on the scene. Members of the local Randfontein
community gathered in a peaceful demonstration against the murder of the local
farmer and businessman. They opposed the bail application of the two black men
who were arrested shortly after his murder. Witfontein, Randfontein. Friday 3 Mar

Mr Koos Van Sittert & his wife

The Van Sittert Home

VAN SITTERT Koos, male aged 74, was overpowered at his gate when he arrived
home during the evening, forced into his home and murdered inside his bedroom.
His decomposing corpse was found on his bed in a drawn up position and with a
blanket over his head. Cash and a pistol was stolen from his safe. His son had to
identify him at the morgue. He said that his father was thin and frail as he was not
eating regularly since the death of his wife 3 months earlier, and would have not
been able to offer resistance to his attackers. Ottosdal. Fri 14 Sep 2011
Moord met pille 2011-09-14 23:14

VAN STADEN Bruno aged 66 AND his wife Alexis aged 55 were attacked inside
their home at around 19:30. There was a knock at the door to their home. Bruno
opened the door and looked into the barrel of a gun. A gang of 5 men then forced
their way in. While one gunman held Bruno hostage, the others found Alexis in the
bathroom. One of them put his hand over her mouth and told her to get out of the
bath and get dressed. Bruno tried to reach for his gun but was shot at close range
in front of Alexis. Four bullets struck his chest before their attackers fled with his
gun and two celphones. Paramedics tried in vain for more than an hour to save his
Kameelfontein holdings, Pretoria. 21 July 2011

VAN STADEN Deon, 51 yr old mechanic, and friend Babs Strcker aged 73, were
playing a board-game at the kitchen-table of their home, when they were attacked
and murdered. The body of Deon was found still lying inside his chair which had
fallen over backwards on the kitchen-floor. His sister stated: “He was mutilated;
shredded by many knife-wounds and was bashed over the head and body from
behind with a spade. It looks as if Babs had tried to flee to the room because her
feet were still lying inside the kitchen-door entrance. She also was stabbed a great
many times and bashed over the back of her head with a spade.” The attackers fled
the scene in Deon’s pick-up van. Madikwe Village, Bethanie smallholding,
Rustenburg Fri 4 Feb 2011
Grisly farm murder scene 'indescribable' 2011-02-10 1 Virginia Keppler, Beeld

VAN STADEN Hammies, suffered a farm attack and stock theft during which his
home was invaded. Naboomspruit 25 Jan 2010
Van Staden, Hammies, farm attack Limpopo Naboomspruit

VAN ZYL Phillip. Tied up & stabbed in home. Kraaifontein.

The Van Zyl home

VAN ZYL Phillip aged 42, was murdered during an attack in his home during the
night. His children, a boy and a girl, had slept through the attack and were
unharmed. They found hime dead on a couch in the lounge early in the morning.
His hands were tied and there was a stab wound to the chest. A shattered sliding
door gave access to the house. Neighbours heard a pick-up van pull in and tow
something away shortly before midnight. The family car was found abandoned near
Fisantekraal. Joostenbergvlakte, Kraaifontein. Fri 27 Feb 2011

VERSTER Hilda aged 93, was murdered inside her home during the afternoon. Her
son Izak Verster aged 63, had stopped off to pay her a visit at around 15:30. Two
knifemen stormed from her house, with one screaming to the other: ’Stab him, stab
him!’ Izak was stabbed in the back and arms before they fled the scene. He found
his mother‘s mutlilated body covered in stab wounds in her bedroom. Her hands
were tied up with a leather belt and a rag was stuffed into her mouth. Little of value
was stolen. The police arrested both attackers within a few days. One of them was
out on parole at the time of the attack. Paarl East, Stellenbosch. Tues. 12 July 2011.

VORSTER Kitty, a 92 yr old woman who walks with a frame, was letting her
Dachshund inside as she does every day at 20:00. The fiesty little dog was barking
madly and wouldn’t come inside – so the old lady peeked around the backdoor to
find out why and was ambushed by six black militant youths. They’d already cut
the telephone- and citizen-band radio wires before the attack, said her daughter-in-
law. During her 2 hour ordeal, Kitty was shoved to the ground, badly beaten and
bruised. They hogtied the frail old woman with her hands and feet together; then
tried to throttle her to death with a tablecloth and a pillow. The gang went on a
rampage through her cottage: heating food in the microwave then half-eating it and
throwing the rest on the floor. After about two hours Kitty warned the gang – she
estimated them to be between 15 to 17 years old -- that her son was expected home
any minute. They fled, stealing only two cellphones, an old SADF-greatcoat, and a
‘klawerbord’ (a musical keyboard). Her cottage is only a stone’s throw away from
the homestead of her son Martiens. He and his wife left the farm at around 18:00 to
attend a church-meeting, . and returned at around 22:45. Martiens immediately
suspected that something was wrong, as he saw his mother’s lights were still on
inside. He rushed there and raised the alarm when he came across the badly-
beaten up old lady. Farm Rustpan, Hertzogville. Wed 2 Feb 2011
Vorster, Kitty, 92, survives farm attack Hertzogville, 6 bl

VORSTER Phillip AND family attacked in home early evening. Roodepoort.

VORSTER Phillip, mechanical engineer aged 49, AND his family were at home in the
early evening hours when he was attacked in their hallway by 3 armed men during
which he was shot in the leg before they escaped in a waiting get-away car.
Roodepoort. 5 Aug 2010
Vorster family survives attack by four gunmen, Roodepoort

VORSTER Susan. Disappeared along road, found dead in lake. Boksburg.

VORSTER Susan, 63 yr old Shell employee, went missing en-route to work. Her
corpse was recovered from the Boksburg Lake the next day. Her daughter
collapsed when she indentified her mother’s body at the mortuary. She was
devastated and was not prepared for what she saw. There was blood in the nose
and ears and was obviously a victim of crime. Her employer's white Toyota Corolla,
her handbag and the jewellery she wore were missing. Johannesburg 7 Feb 2011 -
Vorster, Susan, 63, Shell worker, dead in Boksburg lake Feb72011

VOSLOO Jan aged 45, and four of his employees were fetching cattle from a farm
on fire. Jan died a week later from burn injuries sustained during the fire. A 19-
year-old who went with them burnt to death. His body was found after the fires
were brought under control. A 26-year-old woman sustained burns to her face, left
hand and both legs. She was still recovering at the hospital while the other men
were discharged from hospital on the same day. The veld-fires burnt
uncontrollably. More than 380 fires were identifies within a 24-hour period: there is
strong proof that the majority were deliberately set in the “scorched earth” plan of
attack on farmers. Areas affected included Potchefstroom North, Muiskraal,
Rysmierbult, Welverdiend, Mooibank, Kromdraai, Parys, Lindequesdrift, Fochville,
Enselspruit, Klipdrift and Vredefort Dome. At least 60 000ha of land was destroyed.
Groot Marico, North West Johannesburg. Tues 1 Sep 2011
WARTINGTON Jacobus Cornelius aged 78 AND his wife Anna Maria aged 72 were
attacked at their homestead during the night. Jacobus went to investigate why the
electricity had failed inside their home. The generator for the farm electricity was in
a room outside the house. There he was overpowered by two men who viciously
assaulted and killed him. They went into the house where they found Anna Maria,
assaulted her and tied her up. She sustained a head injury and arm fracture. They
stole a pistol and a rifle before fleeing in the couple’s pick-up van. A family
member said Mrs Wartington "crawled" to the telephone after the attack to phone
her son on a nearby farm."She has had a hip replacement. I don't know how she
managed to reach the telephone. It was pitch dark and she was tied up with
shoelaces." farm Disselskuil, Kimberley. Sat 5 Sept 2010
2010-09-05 Jakobus Wartington murdered, wife Anna cruelly attacked Phillipstown
Disselskuil farm

WESTENDORF Wolfgang, assaulted, tied up while friend was raped. Camps Bay,
Cape 11 Feb 2011
Knott, Westendorf families testify about gang terror, Camps

WILKEN Wendy. Shot in home. Walkerville smallholding.

WILKEN Wendy aged 60 AND her husband Mario and their staff were attacked on
their Koi fish farming smallholding at around 09:00. Three men, pretending to be
customers, overpowered 4 staff members and forced them to the main house, to
where Wendy and Mario were. Everyone was forced into the pantry, which is where
the safe is situated. The couple were forced to open the safe, but it was empty.
Wendy was yanked from the safe and told to find money. Mario heard a shot, forced
the door open, and fell over his wife’s body which lay on the floor in a pool of
blood, with a gunshot to the head. She died on the scene. The attackers fled empty
handed. Walkerville smallholding, Johannesburg. 21 Mar 2011
Mario in kitchen of attack with staff

Mario Wilken

The Wilken Home

WILMANS Annie aged 72 AND her husband Mel aged 77, opened their front door to
take their pet dog to the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) and a gang
of 3 men stormed down on them, forcing them back into the house. "It happened
so quickly, " Annie said. Mel husband was tied up in the house. “One man stabbed
him with a screwdriver in the right leg. His ribs, chest and back were also hurt.”
She said her husband was also choked and a man sat on his chest. The attackers
wanted to tie her up too but she refused. One of them then called her “stubborn”.
"He took off my wedding ring. He said he would cut off my finger with my own
butter knife if the ring didn’t come off easily.” Annie told one of their attackers that
her husband had to be at the doctor’s at 09:20 and that if they didn’t get there on
time, they would be fetched from the house. The gang then fled with her wedding
ring and her husband’s knife. Brixton, Johannesburg. 13 May 2011

WINGRAVE Gillian, female aged 70, answered a knock to her door. A man told her
that he was looking for two other men whom he thought were on the property.
Gillian told the man to leave and closed the door. Suddenly two men smashed a
window of her home to gain entry. They grabbed Gillian and demanded cash, hit
her head against the wall and robbed her. They fled the scene with a cellphone and
cash. Tues. 26 May 2011.

WITMORE Noellene aged 65 AND her husband Percy aged 70 were attacked and
murdered inside their home during the morning, and their corpses were discovered
in the evening by their son. Percy was hit over the head with a blunt object and
then suffocated with a plastic bag. Noellene was stabbed in the back and her throat
was slit. Everything in the house was thrown about and it is not known if anything
is missing at this stage because of the mess. The door to the house had been
forced open and police are busy with investigations. The bodies were taken to a
government mortuary for a post mortem where forensic experts will conduct an
investigation. Bonearo Park, Kempton Park. Thur 4 Aug 2011

WOOD Wesley, male aged 30 AND his Hannah AND their two children were
attacked shortly after they arrived home from the beach at around 17:30. An armed
gang of at least two men hid behind a pick-up van parked under the carport while
the family settled in. Hannah was putting their 3 year old daughter into the bath
while Wesley took their one year old baby daughter with him to check up on the
chickens. Hannah went back outside to fetch something from the van but was
overpowered just outside the door. An attacker pinned her down, but she managed
to break free, run into the house and push the door shut until they kicked it down.
She ran into the bathroom and locked herself and her baby in. At this time, Wesley
returned to the house, but fled with his baby into the garden, while being chased by
their attackers. He was cornered and stabbed in the right-hand side of the chest
which punctured his lung. The attackers fled the scene without taking anything.
Hannah came out a short while later, pushed the panic button, and found that
Wesley had been murdered outside. Kromarty Estate, Farm Doringkop, KwaDakuza.
Sun 20 Sep 2011
WORTMAN Barbara & Etcel. Tortured & suffocated. Wartburg.

WORTMAN Barbara aged 76 AND her son Etcel aged 45, were attacked inside their
home by a black gang of 6 men at around 18:30. Barbara had left the back door
unlocked after she had fetched firewood. The gang stormed into the farm-house,
beat the hell out of both white people, tortured them with boiling water from a
kettle, and tried to asphyxiate them with plastic bags. They stole a .22 pistol and a
shotgun from the safe and fled the premises in Etcel’s pick-up van. Wartburg. Tues
2 June 2011.

YOUNG Chantelle, was among the young recruits at the police's training academy
in Ulundi, where their heads were shaved bare before they started with their basic
training in the hot sun, where they had to sit many hours without any hats on their
heads. The girls who refused to have their hair shaved off were punished with
physical training. Within three days of being shorn, Chantelle was so burned by the
sun that her whole face was swollen to the extent that she couldn't see anymore.
Upon seeking medical attention, she was told that because she was not yet a
member of the police's medical aid she could not see a doctor, and was sent to a
clinic and given vitamin tablets instead. After that, all the other girls collected
money for her to see a doctor. Her father was of the opinion that she was suffering
of sunstroke as she complained of headache, dizziness and vomiting. Ulundi. 1 Feb
SAPF college shaves hair female recruits - CHANTELLE YOUNG pic recruit severe
sun allergy


Please note this list will never be complete as there are no official records

ALLEN Cedric & wife Heather attacked inside their home. Elspark.

ALLEN Cedric, male aged 64, AND his wife Heather were attacked by a knife-
wielding black man early evening. Heather returned home from choir practice to
fetch some papers she had forgotten when the stranger followed her into her yard
and told her to “Keep on walking”. He followed her into the house. When he came
upon Cedric he immediately stormed down on him and stabbed him in the neck
three times, severing a main artery. The attacker then forced Heather into her work
room and tied up her hands and feet with the electrical cord from her sewing
machine. The attack was interrupted by another choir member who had come
looking for Helen and the attacker fled out the door, down the road, and jumped
into a waiting car. Cedric died on the scene. Elspark, Germiston. Tues 25 May 2010
mesmoord.html ‘Stap net aan!’ sê man voor mesmoord

ARKNER Ursula aged 76 AND her friend Karl Gaiduschek aged 80, were attacked
inside their townhouse at around 12:00 by a gang of at least 3 armed black men.
Karl was having an afternoon nap when the gang entered their home, attacked
Ursula and tied her up. She heard them beating Karl up in his bed in an assault that
lasted for more than three hours. After strangling him with the cords off the
television set, he was left for dead in a pool of blood. After they left the scene with
Ursula’s vehicle – taking with them clothing, food, liquor, cellphones etc., she
managed to free herself and phone for help. Carl was hospitalized and severely
traumatized. Ursula died a few days later from a heart attack. Germiston.
Thu 9 Dec 2010
White Germiston couple endure brutal attack Dec 9 2010
Casper Aucamp

AUCAMP Casper male aged 55 AND his wife Dalene aged 52, were ambushed
shortly after they arrived home from town in the evening. It appeared that they were
busy offloading Christmas presents from their Land Cruiser when the attack
started. The toolbox which Casper always took with him when he travelled, was
found at the entrance to their home in a pool of blood. Their daughters became
concerned when the couple could not be reached on the phone, and asked a
neighbour to investigate. He found the house and farmgate locked. The daughters
then went to the homestead themselves where the gardener informed them that
their parents had gone to town to purchase animal fodder. Thereafter, another
neighbouring farmer phoned the sisters to advise them that a burnt out Cruiser had
been found on a gravel road 25km away. Upon their arrival at this road, they
immediately recognised the vehicle to belong to their parents. The police were
already at the scene and investigating the matter. Later that afternoon, the police
phoned them to inform them that they had discovered two burnt bodies in the boot
of the Cruiser. The daughters identified the bodies of their parents, which were
scorched beyond recognition, by the jewellery that they were wearing. The couple
had both also been stabbed repeatedly. Blood stained clothes and a bloody mop
was found inside the gardener’s bedroom on the Aucamp homestead. After
intensive investigation, he was arrested by the police. They confiscated a handbag
containing keys, a cellphone, credit card and R2 000 that is reported to belong to
the couple. The knife believed to have been used in the attack was also recovered.
Farm Vandas, Cumberland, outside Thabazimbi. 16th of Dec 2010, national public
holiday called ‘The Day of Reconcilliation’.
to-appear-for-double-murder-20110119 Man up for burning couple to death

AUCAMP Hendrik Gerhardus AND his wife was working inside his bottle store
when an armed gang opened fire on him at around 20:00. One of the black men
plucked out a handgun and immediately fired shots at Hendrik, who was hit in the
stomach while he was firing three shots back at his shooter, hitting him in the
upper body. During the shooting, the couple’s baby son was seated in his pram
near his mother at the counter. The injured black man ran about 60 meters, trying
to make his escape, before collapsing on the street corner and died of his injuries.
Hendrik was rushed to the nearest hospital in Ga-Rankuwa where he underwent
emergency surgery that night and another operation at 11:00. Pretoria-North. 7 Oct
2010 2010-10-07 Hendrik Gerhardus
Aucamp critically injured in gunfight with armed gang, Pretoria North Skote-klap-
AUCAMP Hein, 57 yr old owner of the farm where the Aucamps run a holiday resort,
AND Anton Greeff, 50 yr old manager, AND Hein’s wife Erika aged 54 AND their son
Aucamp Jnr were attacked by 5 armed black men during which Hein and Anton
were seriously injured. Around 19:00 Aucamp Jnr walked into the office where two
men held his mother, Erika, at gunpoint. Jnr fell to his knees and begged them not
to shoot. He was hit in the face with a pistol, and pretended to be unconscious,
while secretly using his celphone to call his father for help. His father Hein and
Anton stormed into the office. A fist fight followed and shots were fired before the
gang ran off and jumped into their waiting get-away car. One of the gang members
jumped onto the boot of the car, and Jnr grabbed onto the back of the car and
wrestled him down, hanging on to the vehicle as it sped through the night. Like a
scene from an action movie, they struggled for about 400 meters on a farm road
while both clung to the car. Jnr broke off the car’s number plate. “I knew it would at
least give us a clue for finding the vehicle,” he said. At the main road between
Ermelo and Hendrina, both fell off. The attacker disappeared into the night. By this
time one of his accomplices was already lying dead in the Aucamp’s house. Shortly
thereafter, another two suspects were caught after about 60 pick-up vans full of
farmers reacted to a mayday call.
Spitskop, Middleburg. Wed 25 Aug 2010

BADENHORST Jan, farmer aged 75, was found dead in the veldt about 2km from
his homestead wearing only his socks and shoes after he had gone to check the
fence at 05:00am. His clothes were neatly folded on a pile near his body, about 30m
from his pick-up van. The keys were still in the ignition. Louis Trichardt, Levubu. Fri
2 Oct 2010
Sasmarts Comment: a 75 yr old man does not go into the veld and take off his
clothes to commit suicide before breakfast. Suffocation is also a possibility. No
further information could be found on the internet concerning Mr Badenhorst’s
forensic results.

BECK Heindrich SEE HECK Heinrich

BENADE Corene. Attacked in home. Rietspan smallholdings.

BENADE Corene, female aged 42, was attacked in a strickingly similar manner to
that in which her grandmother, Hannetjie Botha, was attacked during 2008, in which
she was tortured and burnt to death inside her home. It appeared that the attackers
at the Benade homestead referred to similar methods of torture done at the Botha
house. A gang of armed attackers entered the homestead and tied up two workers
and dumped them in the hallway. Her husband Johan was at work and the two
children at school. “From that moment on I was in the same hell my grandmother
had suffered through and I was continuously praying out loud,” she said. The
armed gang constantly threated to rape her, to murder her and to torch the
homestead. They also threatened to torture her with a hot iron and to drill holes
through her neck with an electric handdrill. Yet they didn’t do any of those things.
She believes her calm prayer stopped them from carrying out their threats. She
gave the men all the cash she had – R700 (about $70) and unlocked the family’s
registered gun-safe – but when she was unable to provide the security code to
another safe on the premises the gang set to cutting it open with a blowtorch
themselves. Throughout this ordeal the men were constantly threatening and
shouting at her -- while she sat on her knees and prayed with one man holding a
cocked gun to her head. “They kept telling me to stop praying but our Heavenly
Father folded me into His arms – and these men couldn’t do what they were
threatening to do, namely to rape me, murder me or torch me. I was even saved
from being tortured with the drill,’ the young Afrikaans mom said. In the end the
gang left with money, cellphones, jewellery and her husband’s three hunting rifles.
They had been at her homestead for about two hours. Meanwhile her husband – at
work in Randfontein – started worrying when he couldn’t raise his wife on her
cellphone. He contacted one of the employees, who was tied up in the hallway, who
was able to whisper a warning through the phone. Mr Benade then contacted their
neighbour, who rushed over to the homestead. The Kliprivier police were also
alerted – and were on the scene within minutes, said the couple, but the attackers
had fled the scene. Rietspan smallholdings, Vaalrand. 18 Mar 2010
‘Bid, want ek skiet jou nou,’ sê smalende rower

BENADE Hennie & Ann attacked in home. Honingnestkrans.

BENADE Hennie aged 48, was ambushed as he walked into his home shortly before
13:00 by a gang which included his gardener. When Hennie arrived home, he spoke
to his gardener about chores, and then walked into the house. As he passed the
bar, one attacker jumped out from behind the fridge, with Hennie’s brand new pick-
axe handle in his hand, and another attacker came from round the corner with an
old pick-axe handle in his hand. They took turns in beating him to the ground.
Every time he tried to get up, they beat him some more, breaking his right arm, and
stabbing his left hand with a knife. Then they dragged him upstairs to the main
bedroom, demanding money. Hennie was forced to open the safe for them, and was
then thrown aside. They took his firearm from the safe, and complained that the
cash was too little. The beating resumed, and he was dragged to another room to
open a second safe. Once again the money they found in the safe was not enough
for them. At this stage, the gardener walked in, took the firearm, and shoved it into
Hennie’s mouth, cursing him as a white dog. Hennie’s wife Ann aged 54, AND their
maid walked in and were forced to lay down on the ground before they and Hennie
were tied up.For more than 6 hours the gang rummaged through the house. They
discovered Ann’s handbag and took the cash from it. During this time, one of the
attackers found abottle of brandy, opened it, and drank from the bottle. He then
pushed the bottle into Hennies mouth, saying that Hennie should be intoxicated at
the time he is shot dead. The bottle was also pushed into Ann’s mouth, and so the
couple were forced to finish the brandy within minutes. At around 19:00 the gang
left the scene, taking their loot along with them in the couple’s pick-up van. Hennie
managed to untie himself, and then untied Ann. They managed to get help from the
neighbours. At the hospital, more than 100 stitches were used to close the hole in
the back of Hennie’s head. The police confirmed that a case of robbery was
opened. Nothing was mentioned about assault or attempted murder.
Honingnestkrans smallholding, north of Onderstepoort Nature Reserve. Mon 8 Nov
2010 'Jy wou mos, wit hond'

BERGMAN Jack, male aged 86, was found lying semi-conscious in a pool of blood
on the kitchen floor by security officers at around 02:00 after the house alarm was
activated. He told the security officers that four men had attacked him while he
was sleeping in his bedroom. He had severe facial injuries and numerous stab
wounds to the chest. A police source described the crime scene as horrific, with
blood in the bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. It appears that a gang of five
men gained entry to the house after breaking a window and unlocking the back
door. The first suspect, a 51- year-old, was arrested days later. The other four were
arrested after a day-long police operation. They have been charged with murder
and armed robbery. Police said they all grew up on the farm and knew their victim.
Jack was taken to hospital where he died from his injuries a few days later. Small
holding St Albans, Port Elizabeth 2 Aug 2010


BEZUIDENHOUT Bossie. Shot in home. Nelspruit.

BEZUIDENHOUT Bossie and his family had barely moved into their new home in a
security complex when he was murdered. Bossie had listened to his 5 year old
daughter saying her prayers before he went downstairs to tuck his son into bed.
His wife heard him shout “Julle bliksems!” and then a gunshot. Bossie was shot in
the neck after which his attackers fled. Bossie died on the scene. It appears that he
had been shot with a .38 revolver, and footprints of two or three men were found.
Shandon Estates, Nelspruit. Sat 1 Feb 2010

BIRCHHALL Brian aged 65, was found dead after a security company on patrol
raised the alarm when they noticed smoke coming from his home at around 21:45.
The gates to the yard as well as the house’s doors were locked and no signs of
forced entry could be found. Two vehicles were pushed from the yard while the fire
was being extinguished. Only then did they discover Brian, who was hearing
impaired, lying near a closet in his bedroom, facing up. He had been wearing
slippers and his body was covered with clothes and a beam which fell from the
ceiling. Only his legs from below the knees, his hands and a part of his chest
sustained burn wounds. He however had a deep wound in his neck below the ear,
as well as stab wounds in his face. Apparently no sharp object or weapon was
found near him which could have injured him during the fire. It was suspected that
the fire might have started in the living room as its ceiling was the first to collapse.
Sabie. Mon 29 March 2010

BLIGNAUT Elsa aged 83, was found dead inside her home, strangled with her
Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 26 Jan 2010
Vierde vrou in maand in haar huis in Pta aangeval 2010-01-28 10:28

BLITS Maria, Dutch tourist aged 51, was walking along the top of the road when all
of a sudden, she said, a guy with a beanie appeared from nowhere. He pulled out a
knife and stabbed her in arm, after which she gave him her handbag and he ran off.
A passing motorist took her to hospital for surgery.
Port Elizabeth, 20 May 2010

BOOYSEN Daniel "Danie". Stabbed in the road. Stellenbosch

BOOYSEN Daniel “Danie”, university student aged 22, was walking with a girlfriend
in the city at around 3:00 when they were attacked by 3 black men. It appears that
they wanted to rape her, and that he died from a stab wound in his neck while
defending her. A passing motorist came to his aid the attackers fled. Danie died on
the scene, and his girlfriend was taken for medical treatment. Stellenbosch
17 Sept 2010

BOOYSEN Joshua aged 61 AND his wife Esme aged 42 were ambushed and
murdered inside their home. Two men were sentenced to double life for their part in
the planned attack wherein two workers were overpowered at the couple's
property, forced into the house and tied were tied up. When the Booysens returned
from an outing, the attackers assaulted them with stones, killing them. They then
ransacked the house and fled in the couple's Mercedes-Benz, which was later
found burnt out about 20km from the house. One of the two guns looted from the
homestead was found in the debris. The police said the two workers managed to
free themselves and walked to the nearest police station. Zaaiplaas farm, Tinmyne,
Mokopane, Limpopo. 19 Feb 2010.
2 get life for stoning couple to death 2011-07-28

BOOYSENS Marius aged 28, AND his mother Doris, AND their family were
ambushed, overpowered and robbed by a group of armed black men as they
entered their garage to park their car at night. During the attack, that lasted about
15 minutes, a computer, celphones, a music system and a coin collection was
looted before the gang fled the scene in the family car. Smallholding,
Haartebeestpoort. Fri 9 Oct 2010 LONG WALK SINCE FREEDOM
NEWS OCT 11 2010 Dorie Booyens and family attacked in Ifafi
BOTES Hennie. Stabbed inside home. Ritchie.

BOTES Hennie, aged 74, was asleep at night when he heard a noise in his house.
When he opened the security gate between his bedroom and the rest of the house,
he found all the lights were on, the cupboards were opened up and the house had
been ransacked. He walked outside to investigate, and then locked the door behind
him when he walked back inside again, keeping the house keys with him. Only then
did he notice that someone was hiding underneath the kitchen table. “I ignored him
- pretending he wasn’t there,’ he said. He then fetched a garden spade and
confronted the stranger – asking him to get out from underneath. “But then he beat
me and threw a milk-can at me.” The intruder grabbed a knife and stabbed Hennie
several times in his head before breaking a window and climbing through it to flee.
“There was blood everywhere. The man’s hair was stuck to the broken window-
pane,” said the old man. However his ordeal had only started then: he tried
phoning the Modderrivier SAPS three times – and got no response at all there. “I
phoned my son and after a long 90 minute wait – I was bleeding all the time – the
police showed up." The attacker was also injured by broken glass while fleeing,
thus left his DNA behind on the window-pane, and his shoes, jacket and knife in the
homestead. Smallholding Ritchie, Free State. Fri 28 Feb 2010
Jack , brain dead after the attack

Jack after 5 months in hospital

BOTHA Alice aged 71 AND her husband Jack aged 75 were attacked inside their
home during the night by a gang of at least 3 men who had broken their way in.
Their daughter and her boyfriend arrived home at around 23:00. Strangely, the
garage door was open and there was blood on the door handle. The daughter went
into the house and found her father on the kitchen floor. An unkown man came
walking from one of the rooms inside the house into the kitchen on his route out.
His attitude was self-assured, as if he had the fullest right to be there. Outside, the
boyfriend confronted him, but he offered no resistance. The daughter had started
screaming hysterically, and her boyfriend, realising that she was alone inside the
house, ran inside, and the intruder escaped. In the passage to the bedroom they
came across the body of Alice sprawled on the floor, where she had been struck on
the head with a gun. Both Alice and patric had been stabbed repeatedly during the
attack. Benoni police spokesman said the couple had endured a horrific ordeal.
"They were attacked with sharp objects and had blood all over them. The house
had been ransacked and was upside down." Patrick, who survived the initial attack,
spent five months in hospital and at the Huis Hoeveld Frail Care Centre, after
suffering severe head injuries. According to the Botha's daughter, Jack was unable
to care for himself as he never recovered from his injuries. "He was like a baby; he
had minimal brain function and needed to be fed." Three men were initially
charged with murder, attempted murder, house robbery and rape. According to the
investigating officer of the Benoni CID, a second murder charge could be added
when the three next appear in court. "They have been linked to the crime scene and
a possibility exists that they have been involved in other serious crimes in Benoni
and surrounding areas." Two of the men have been remanded in custody while the
third is out on bail for medical reasons. One of the two attackers arrested in this
incident admitted to the raping of Alice, but not the murder. Apparently Alice was
assaulted and robbed in her bedroom before the gang proceeded to the second
bedroom, where they assaulted Patrick. A plactic bag containing celphones and
jewellery from the home was later found in the garden outside the house. Airfield,
Benoni. 12 Feb 2010.

Kitty's grandson pointing to little verses of encouragement she had on her walls

BOTHA Kitty, 83 yr old granny, was attacked between 19:00 and 21:30 inside her
home in which she had lived for 55 years, before it was set alight. The neighbours
heard a loud noise when a window burst due to the heat. They went to the house to
investigate. Kitty’s grandson explained: "The neighbours tried to put the fire out
with their garden hoses. A policeman who happened to drive by the house tried to
go inside to look for my ouma, but the flames and smoke were too overwhelming."
The fire brigade arrived shortly thereafter and was able to put the fire out before it
spread throughout the entire house. Kitty’s body was found in the hallway, in front
of the room where the fire was started. She was partially burnt. There were marks
on her face, and signs that she had been strangled, her hands tied up, and a rag
stuck into her mouth. According to the autopsy report, Kitty had died of head
wounds. Kitty's Dachshund, Moomoo, presumably went to hide behind the couch
during the attack, where he smothered to death due to the smoke. The attackers
ransacked the entire

house. "The content of every drawer and cupboard was thrown out. They also tried
to open the safe which contained my ouma's firearms, but failed. Then they started
the fire in the room next to my ouma's bedroom and fled." According to him,
nothing was stolen. Lyttleton smallholdings, Pretoria.
Fri 12 Jan 2010

BOTHA Robert. Stabbed in home. Kameeldrift smallholding.

BOTHA Robert aged 58, was attacked by a gang of at least 3 men inside his home
at around 15:00. His toy pom dog, named Louis, sat on his master’s chest and
guarded his body until the police arrived after he watched helplessly while Robert
was stabbed in his face, arms, and 5 times in the heart. There were also many cuts
on his arms, presumably self-defence wounds. His cousin, who surveyed the
scene, said: “I think Robert saw the three men approaching and ran to his
bedroom to open the safe and take out his .22 gun. They must have been too quick
for him and attacked him in the bedroom just after he opened the safe. They
overpowered him near his bed and stabbed him.” The trail of blood illustrates how
he tried to flee from his attackers and looked for a place to hide from them. “Robert
stumbled from his bedroom to a workshop next to his room. If you look at the trail
of blood, you can see how he ran to the workshop. There he must have stumbled,
because he lost a shoe there.” Robert then stumbled around the corner to an
awning next to the workshop, where he tried to hide on an old mattress under the
rubble, leaves and branches. “That’s where the dog went to sit on his chest. Robert
loved that dog very much. His late grandmother let the dog in his care when she
died.” Robert’s body was discovered ten minutes later by a man he shared his
house with. He then called the police. “The police were soon at the scene, but they
weren’t able to get the dog off RTobert’s chest. My sister had to come and take the
dog away.” During their investigation, the police discovered a puddle of blood on
the side of the smallholding’s fence, and suspect that the blood belonged to one of
the attackers whom Robert presumably injured. Two licenced .22 rifles were stolen
during the attack. Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria. 10 May 2011
doodgesteek-20100511 ROBERT BOTHA, 58, KILLED KAMEELDRIFT AH
BOWYER Jean aged 93, was admitted to Olivedale hospital, after receiving
extensive injuries while in the care of The Village of Golden Harvest Care
Centre. Her daughter received a call from the hospital at 05:45 to inform her that
her mother was at the casualty department in a critical condition and that the family
should come to see her immediately. She wrote: “At that stage, no one from the
Care Centre had contacted us to inform us of her condition. When Golden Harvest
eventually called, they said that my mother was severly demented and senile and
had a bad fall. They claimed that she was running around, throwing things at them
and that she tried to get out through the window! When we visited her on Thursday,
she was hardly strong enough to get out of her chair on her own! Once the medical
staff examined her, they raised their concerns, stating that her injuries did not
coincide with that of a fall. Through the course of the morning it became evident
that her injuries matched that of someone who had been severly battered and
assaulted! The various blood tests, scan and x-rays revealed the following:

- 6 bilateral rib fractures

- fractured tibia
- fractured clavical
- extensive bruising all over her body
- scrapes and lacerations on her legs and arms
- a 5cm laceration above her left eye
- a 12 cm laceration on the scalp that revealed the skull
She had lost a lot of blood and struggled to remain awake. Her blood pressure and
heart rate kept dropping and blood had to be transfused. We have talked to the
Ambulance crew, who stablised her and moved her to hospital. The crew confirm
that the staff at Golden Harvest were evasive and scarce and were not forthcoming
in answering their questions. They failed to inform the crew of the 12cm scalp
laceration, which they concealed with taped bandages. The crew further confirmed
that when they arrived, her unit was in complete disaray, with bloodied sheets lying
on the floor. At 3pm, when we went to get some basic essentials for her, the place
reeked of strong detergents (like bleach) and all the furniture had been moved
around into different places. The Sister at Olivedale casuality confirmed that when
no family had arrived after 30 minutes after the ambulance arrival, she called the
Golden Harvest staff to enquire whether we were informed. She was told that they
could not get hold of us. This is an outright lie, as neither of us have had any
missed calls from them! The Olivedale Sister, called us and immediately got hold of
Further, on Golden Harvest's claims regarding the dementia: We visited her on
Thursday and she was a little slow to respond, but definitly not demented. The
Matron claims that at 15h00 on Friday, she was horribly demented, but a family
member visited her at that exact time and can not give any reports of her having
dementia! It has become quite apparent that there is a cover up story.
My Mom-in-law has stablised and is out of immediate danger. Her injuries will take
months to heal, if they ever do. She has woken up and spoken a few sentences.
She has explained to us that she had a disagreement with 2 of the nurses at Golden
Harvest about putting on another nightie. When they got frustrated with her, they
slapped her until she fell. They then kicked her and dragged her around.
She has given a name of one of the nurses. She is very afraid of what will happen
and has begged us not to say anything! Her words were, "it will only get worse if
they know I told someone..."! We are now seeking advice as to our way forward,
but we will not let this horrific abuse of a frail 93 year old be covered up. We will do
all we can to ensure justice is served. I have attached some photos of her injuries -
please do not look if you are sensitive. I am hoping that this email will circulate
and eventually land in the hands of someone who can help us. We have sent this
information to Carte Blanche as well. We, as the family, can not thank Netcare
Olivedales' doctors, sisters, nursing staff, radiologists and ambulance crew
enough for their support, professionalism and humanity enough. If only there were
more of you around! Thank you so much for what you've done - we truly appreciate
it. Johannesburg.
12 June 2010

BREEDT Johanna. Burnt in field. Bloemfontein.

BREEDT Johanna, female aged 64, was torched with 100% burns in a field and died
shortly after. A worker at a private residence right next to the field went to
investigate why their dogs were barking so much – and when she saw the burning
woman, she alerted her homeowner, the SAPS and the fire department. A member
of the Bloemsec-private security company who was patrolling the street also
rushed in to help douse the flames. The homeowner said that initially he did
not recognise the burnt woman – until he noticed her car parked nearby, and her
cellphone near the scene, and realised that it was Mrs Breedt – a close family
friend. She was still alive when paramedics from ER24 rushed her from the scene
to the Bloemfontein MediClinic with 100% burn wounds: she died shortly after
21:00. Medical personnel said her burn wounds were ‘the worst any of them had
ever seen’. Her distraught and crying husband, Reverend Johan Breedt, stood
helplessly at the scene and was reportedly inconsolable. It appears as if a
flammable liquid was poured over Johanna. Police said that her death ‘may not be
crime related’ as it appears that nothing was stolen. Bloemfontein. 27 July 2010
Afrikaner woman torched in Bloemfontein

BREYTENBACH George aged 78, AND his wife Leonie aged 75, were attacked at
their homestead at around 11:00. George was taking a walk with their dog when two
men, armed with a golf club and knives, stormed down on him. They beat him so
hard that the golf club broke on his head. The broken club, the bloody dog and a
pool of blood bore silent witness to the drama. “They hit me and I fell, but I was not
knocked out, I am too tough for them to knock out,” he said. “One of them climbed
on me and hit me with a blunt object on the head six, seven, eight times.” The
attackers then dragged him into the house with a knife against his throat, where
they held Goerge and Leonie hostage in the bedroom. The couple were forced to
open the safe, from which a pellet gun and a shot gun was taken. An attacker
loaded the shotgun with one of the two bullets that were in the safe, and then
threatened to shoot the couple should they make any trouble. After taking what
little cash the couple had on them, the gang rummaged throught the house for
valuables. When they were finished, the couple were tied up with the electrical cord
from the vacuum cleaner. Leonie was locked up in the bedroom and George in the
bathroom. Leonie managed to free herself, climb out through the window, and seek
The Rest, Uitkyk smallholdings, Nelspruit. Fri 4 June 2010

BRINK Andries & Rusty. Attacked along road. Delft.

BRINK Andries retired professor, AND wife Rusty, both aged 87, were inside their
car which had broken down, waiting for assistance to arrive on the off-ramp of the
Hindle highway near Delft at around 14:45, when they were attacked by a gang. Two
men, one on either side of the vehicle, appeared. The man outside the passenger
door shouted ‘I want that diamond ring!” and threw a brick against the windscreen
three times before it shattered. It hit Rusty against the temple, where it left a deep
gash, and on the arm. She threw her engagement ring on the floor, and passed him
her wedding ring. He snatched the gold chain off her neck, and his accomplice
grabbed the handbag off her lap before they ran away. A reward of R1000 is offered
by the Brinks for the return of the jewellery. Warrant officer Brian Daniels drom the
Delft police station was the spokesperson for this case. Western Cape. Sun 25 Sep

BRITS Jannie, shot in stomach with .765 gun while at home. Witbank 14 Dec 2010
Jannie Brits, shot in stomach with .765 calibre-gun, home on Leeuwpoort prison
grounds, Witbank Dec 14 2010

BRITTZ Hettie, 29 yr old therapist, AND her husband Louis,a gospel singer, were
attacked by a gang inside their security complex home at night. Louis was overpowered
by an armed gang while he was working and dragged into the bedroom where Hettie was
asleep. They were both laid down on the floor and tied up before Louis was dragged
away, after which Hettie was raped. Centurion, Pretoria. Monday 11 Feb 2010
- Beeld

BRONKHORST Chris, disabled male aged 67, tortured by 4 armed blacks using
melting plastic and rubber whips, Walkerville smallholding, Johannesburg. 29 Sept
Bronkhorst Chris 69, back in ICU and critical Nov 23 2010 after torture-attack Sept
29 2010FarmiTracker

BRUWER Andre, father aged 53, AND wife Laurenza aged 51, AND daughter
Luandri aged 20, home robbed twice, ambushed by ‘well-informed armed men in
SAPS uniforms’. Women were threatened with rape. Centurion, 28 Sept 2010

BURGER Botha, AND his wife Adele, AND their sons Christiaan aged 12, AND Jan-
Harm aged 10 were attacked and tied up by 4 black men at around 3am in their
home. They were all tied up and robbed. Potchefstroom. 22 July 2010
Burger family, Potchefstroom, attacked at home, July 22 2010.

BURGER Chantelle, aged 18, AND her sister Zaria aged 12, AND two of their best
friends, AND her mother Elaine were attacked in the early hours of the morning.
Chantelle, who was 7 months pregnant, had fallen asleep on the couch in the
lounge while they were watching tv. Her sister walked their friends out as they were
leaving to go home and the three girls were confronted by a gang of armed men.
Chantelle awoke to her sister’s screams. One killer stood over the girls as they lay
face down on the ground, and the others were about to break into the family's
home. Chantelle ran to their rescue and was shot at as she opened the door.
Bullets struck the wall centimetres from her head and shoulder, the hot metal
fragments tearing into her stomach. Elaine awoke to the sound of her daughters
screams and rushed down the passage. As she opened fire the other attackers who
were still shooting at Chantelle turned on Burgher and fired five shots at her.
Miraculously the bullets, which struck her in the chest, side, right arm and elbow,
missed all her vital organs. Pienaarspoort smallholding, Pretoria. Sat 5 June 2010
Family's miracle escape during armed raid

BUY Dave, businessman aged 59, was attacked and shot by 2 members of a 4 man
gang as he was walking to his garage to go to work around 8:00am. He had been
shot twice in the shoulders and once in his heart and was in much pain as he lay in
the garden. Garankuwa, Pretoria North. 13 April 2010

CANNAERTS Etienne, Belgian farmer aged 61, killed during brutal assault on his
farm in Ellisras, Lephaphale, 1 March 2010 Ellisras/Lephaphale

CILLIERS Chris aged 63, recovering from chemo therapy for cancer, AND wife
Susan, female aged 63, were sitting on their verandah during the afternoon, Chris
went into the house and was attacked by 3 man gang with sticks and fists, tied up
to a chair. Susan attacked on the verandah, dragged to the bedroom, hands and
feet tied, head smashed with 16 pd hammer, died. Koster, NorthWest, 10 Dec 2010

COETZEE Mickey, female aged 48, brutally beaten in her face, forced to walk over
body of her dead friend. ALSO See Du Toit Christina. Smallholding Uitzicht,
Pretoria. 23 Sept 2010
COETZEE Jacoba ‘Jakkie’, female aged 62, axed to death in her bedroom late
morning. Ermelo 23 Sept 2010
Jacoba ‘Jakkie’ Coetzee’s mutilated body lay between her Bible and the bloodied

COETZEE Johannes Jakobus Hendrikus, male aged 60, was found dead in a muddy
stream in Parys after he went missing while doing business in town. There was at
least one stab wound found on his body. Sasolburg 16 April 2010

CLOETE Rita, AND sister Lida Prinsloo, aged 76, were both hi-jacked, robbed and
threatened 8 hours apart at Ms Prinsloo’s house by armed gangs. Ms Cloete was
beaten with a rifle butt, broken wrists and nearly driven over. Guests shot at.
Springs, 27 Oct 2010

CONRADIE Niek, male aged 64, was attacked by 3 black men during the day on a
sidewalk in city centre. He was pushed around very roughly and pepper sprayed
and robbed. Kroonstad. Tues 10 Nov 2010
2010-10-09 Niek Conradie, 64, survives day-light attack by three gangsters,
Kroonstad city centre

COOKE Gordon, male aged 27, AND fiancee Bianca Barrand AND their baby girl
Abigail, 8 months, were asleep when a 4 man armed gang broke into their rental
cottage at midnight. Gordon was shot in the neck with a .765 pistol. The bullet
lodged in his spine, and had the speed queen washing machine thrown on him
afterwards. (Paralised).Bianca hid with Abigail between the bedroom furniture while
they were robbed. Smallholding Witbank, 26 Dec 2010 (Midnight, Xmas).
Gordon Cooke, shot in spine, Witbank Blesbok Country lodge AH Witbank, 26 Dec
2010 1am

COWAN Remske, female aged 75, suffered a broken nose, an injured throat and
extensive bruising to her face while watching tv alone in her daughter’s home when
when a black attacker tore the security door off to get inside, beat her with a
telephone, dragged her through the house and tied her to a chair. Primrose,
Germiston 28 Oct 2010
20101028 Afrikaans pensioner brutally beaten in Germiston:http://censorbugbear-

CRESSY Eddie, male aged 65, was overpowered in his house by 4 men on Heritage
Day. One of the men pressed a saw against Eddie’s throat while another shoved the
barrel of a .22 rifle into his mouth, demanding money. He was also kicked and hit.
Camera stolen. Farm Beginsel, Clarens. 27 Sept 2010.

CROESER Erica, wildlife lodge supervisor aged 32, had her throat slit with a knife
that was ALSO used to stab her 34-year-old husband, Constable Morné Croeser of
the SAPS dog unit, in the stomach. Msinsi game reserve Albert Falls Dam,
Pietermaritzburg 28 Aug 2010

CRONJE Cornelius, farmer aged 83, AND his wife Anna Marie aged 85, AND their
daughter petronella aged 53 were attacked during the day on their farm by 8 men.
Cornelius sustained serious head injuries and was tied up with plastic rope, left to
die in his bedroom. The women were tied up and forced to lie down on the dining
room floor. Doornlaagte, Welkom. Wed 17 Feb 2010

CRONJE George, area manager aged 48, AND Charles Slabbert, male aged 45, shot
while asking for directions during the day. George died from 2 gunshots in his
chest, Charles suffered face, chest, arm and hand injuries. Komatiepoort, Limpopo
2 June 2010

DAFFEU Koos, male farmer, building contractor and Solidarity trade unionist aged
46 and fellow worker were ambushed and executed at a low water bridge on a dirt
road en route to his farm 5:45 am by unknown gang. Ellisras, 3 Aug 2010 .

DAVEL Luna, single parent aged 35, was asleep in her home with her two children
aged 9 and 6. Luna woke up around 2am by her bedroom door opening and then
closing and the light going on. 4 black men stood inside her room, armed with
heavy car spanners and a large bat. They were tied up and robbed during the 1 hr
attack. Donkerhoek smallholding, Boschkop, 31 May 2010 -

DEEZ Jakobus, farming assistant went missing. Found chopped to pieces.

Villiersdorp farm. 3 July 2010
Deez, Jakobus, farm worker missing July 3 2010, found chopped to pieces
Villiersdorp farm

DE JAGER Theo, member of the community policing committee aged 43, was shot
dead while investigating a break-in at a house about 10:00am. Rietfontein, West
Rand, Johannesburg. 23 Aug 2010
Antwoord #256 op: August 24, 2010, 09:23:59 AM »Aanhaling

DE JONG Albertus, Dutch male aged 66, axed to death on smallholding,

Perdefontein, Pretoria North 23 Oct 2010
Nederlander, afgeslacht met bijl op kleinhoeve Perdefontein, Wallmansthal,
Kameeldrift Pretoria-Noord 2010-10-23

DEL FABBRO FAMILY attacked while asleep by 4 black men. Antonella, BABY aged
two, shot at while Marco, FATHER aged 35, shot in hip, hid her in hallway. Monya,
MOTHER aged 37, shot in foot while Marco pulled her off the bed out of the firing
line as another 3 bullets were pumped into his body. Anja, DAUGHTER aged 12,
cowered in her room, saw her mother forced back into bedroom at gunpoint.
Mooiplaats smallholding 25 Nov 2010
Antonella del Fabbro, (2) shot at while asleep between parents: Mooiplaats
smallholding Nov 25 2010

DENEEGHERE Louis, male aged 63, kidnapped on 18 Sept 2010 from the
Morningside Country club, his Kensington home ransacked, found dead from a
gunshot wound on smallholding south of Sebokeng on 16 Oct 2010. Cape.
DENNIS Peter, killed on unnamed farm near Sterkfontein Caves Cradle of Human
Kind World Heritage site Farm 31 April 2010

DERCKSEN Jan, male aged 62, went missing on Oct 25, found murdered days later
along the road. Naked, his lower body severely bruised. His shoes, socks, pants
and shirt folded neatly next to him. Smallholding, Kempton Park 5 Nov 2010

DE WET Cornelia, 32, woke up to the smell of smoke around 22:00 at night. She
looked into a wall of fire and her bedroom curtains were in flames. Her two
children, Cornelia aged 11, and Joey aged 2, had been overcome with smoke.
Caroline found the doors wired shut, and was shot at while she leaned out the
kitchen window to untie the wire around the latch of the door. Her parents and third
child, who slept in a house nearby, ran to her aid, but were kept at bay for 2 hours
by bullets from the approx. 15 member gang who had doused the wooden house
with diesel before setting it alight. Farm Kwaggafontein, Carolina. Sat 19 April 2010
- Beeld

DIESEL Willie, mining shift boss aged 49, died shortly after he had been stabbed in
his back and heart by 3 black men while withdrawing cash early in the morning at
4:18am so that he could pay for a sheep which he and his workers were planning to
braai at work that day. Virginia, 11 Dec 2010

DITMARS Jan aged 59, AND wife Madi, aged 50, in shootout with 4 black men. Madi
was injured in the shoulder. Boschkop smallholding, 29 Oct 2010

DOREY Elizabeth, female aged 64, overpowered early in the evening after a gang
removed a window from her house. She had severe bruising all over her fragile,
small body. Her hands tied behind her back, a rag stuffed into her mouth, and
strangled to death with an electric cord in her dilapidated farm house, Hilltop
smallholding, Nelspruit. Thur 2 Sept 2010

DUNN Paul, a Citrus farm manager aged 49, died from an attack inside his home
during the early hours of the morning by 3 black men and was shot in the chest,
neck, right arm and back. Letsitele District, Tzeneen, early hours of Sat 26 Feb 2010

DU PLESSIS Quentin, male aged 30, was walking home from his mother’s house at
around 20:00 when he was accosted by policemen. Quentin suffered brutal
beatings during which he was hit, kicked and pepper sprayed repeatedly
throughout the night and was forced to sign an admission of “I was drunk”.

DU RANDT Steven Peter “Seun”, male aged 35, AND Jasper Slabbert, male aged 39,
were walking home at night through a field when they heard the footsteps of a gang
behind them. While running away, they were overpowered and stabbed mercilessly.
Jasper suffered 5 stab wounds, and Seun died from 28 stab wounds. Bloemfontein
air base, 18 Jan 2010

DU TOIT, Chanel, female aged 28, killed on Dieu Donne wine estate, Franschoek,
Western Cape 6 April 2010.(keeping on farm murder list until completion of arrested
husband’s trial 2010-09-23)

DU TOIT, Christina (Christa), smallholder throttled and executed with single head
shot, AND housefriend Mrs Mickey Coetzee female aged 48, brutally attacked, AND,
along with the housemaid, forced to walk over the body of Christina four times by
gardener. Swazina Park Uitzicht Pretoria, 23 Sept 2010
20se%20lyk%20na%20kopskoot orig news

DU TOIT Jan, male aged 80, attacked in bed at 2am. Blanket pulled over his head,
shot in stomach. Left to die. Kameeldrift, Pretoria Fri 1 May 2010

DUVENHAGE Alta, female aged 64, attacked and killed in her house by a gang of at
least 6 members. They rolled her body up in a carpet and dumped it in a manhole.
Alberton 24 May 2010
Lyk in mat toegerol in mangat gekry

EAGER Thys, retired army colonel aged 78, AND wife Barbara, aged 74, attacked
around 3am in their bed after 3 black men gang broke through the roof of their
townhouse. Barbara was assaulted, stabbed, thrown off her bed, feet and hands
tied, throttled, blanket thrown over her head to smother her. Thys was left for dead
after he had been thrown off the bed, kicked, beaten, strangled. Centurion, 9 June
Slagoffer van huisrooftog dink man is dood toe hy ophou kla

EARLY Christopher male aged 69, AND wife Jennifer aged 62, from the UK,
attacked at their home by 3 black men, murdered, dumped in their car and left at
shopping centre after accident. Hibberdene Woodgrange smallholdings, KZN 16
20100723-2 16 July 2010

ELS Fanie AND his wife Tos, both retired, were attacked at sunset inside their
garden by a masked man with a knobkierrie (traditional wooden stick weapon).
Klerksdorp, 23 May 2010

ELS Kosie, male teacher, pulled over along the road while he was driving by an
armed gang of black men and fatally shot twice at point blank range. Dundee, 1
March 2010

ELS Nick, male aged 63, AND his wife Elsie aged 58, were attacked and beaten to
death inside their home. Swellendam. 5 Feb 2010
Retired Afrikaans couple Nick and Elsie Els murdered in Swellendam near George –
they’d moved from Phalaborwa to be ‘safe’…

ERASMUS Chris, male aged 63, recovering from chemotherapy for cancer, AND
wife Martie aged 63, were sitting on the verandah during the afternoon. Chris went
inside the house where he was ambushed, beaten up with fists and sticks, then tied
to a kitchen chair, threatened. Marthie was dragged to the bedroom, hands and feet
tied, bludgeoned to death with a 16 pd sledgehammer by 3 black man gang.
Hartbeesfontein, Moedwil district, Koster 3 Dec 2010

ERASMUS Kobus Jnr, a male aged 40, AND his son, Corrie aged 18, AND his father,
Lukas aged 64, walked into a hail of fire by a heavily armed gang outside their
homestead at night while their wives and children hid inside the darkened house.
Farm Jakkelsdans, Moloto, Pretoria Sat 29 March 2010
Man, son flee hail of bullets2010-03-29 07:39

FERREIRA Callie, male aged 52, AND wife, Tina aged 48, attacked by two black
armed men in their home at night. Callie was knocked to the floor as he was hit with
a pole on his back as the robbers stormed into the kitchen and suffered cracked
ribs during the assault. Their hands were tied behind their backs with shoelaces for
3 hours while the attackers ransacked their home. Farm Uitzicht, Kameeldrift,
Pretoria Wednesday, 14 July 2010

FISCHER Karel, male farmer aged 86, who was recovering from a recent stroke,
AND son, Adriaan where attacked and extensively tortured by 4 black gunmen at
night on his farm. Karel was dragged along as a human shield while they were
fleeing. Morgenzon, Mapumalanga, 4 Sept 2010
Fischer, Karel, 86, Morgenzon, Mpu farmer, tortured, used as human shield by 4
black militias in gunfight with 60 farm-defenders

FOURIE, Andrew male aged 62, retired teacher and tenant on farm, attacked and
severely tortured by 3 black men, was also dragged around with a belt around his
neck in his house, and his hands which were severely afflicted by arthritis,
crushed. Smothered with a pillow and left for dead. He died from his injuries 1 Dec
2010. His beloved Jack Russel dog ‘Snottie’, was brutally kicked and beaten and
then shot dead in front of him. 18 Nov 2010

FOURIE Liesel, aged 28, mother of two young children, went to the shop to buy
bread and milk on Friday, but never returned. Her car was found with blood on it 4
days later in a nearby town, its back window smashed. Her corpse was found 500m
from the car, stuffed into storm water drain, her hands tied behind her back with
her pants, and her face crushed. Brakpan, 16 April 2010

FOURIE Theuns “Whitey” tow-truck driver aged 46, was attacked by a gang of 5
black men who ambushed him at the gate to his smallholding at around 21:00. His
house was covered in blood. They tied his hands behind his back, and tied him to a
tree where they chopped and slashed him with pangas and axes. They had also
gang raped a woman and put her inside the boot of his car. Tzaneen. 12 Aug 2010

GAIDUSCHEK Karl, 80, was attacked whilst he was having an afternoon nap in his
home by 3 black men. He was beaten for 3 hours, strangled with tv wires, and left in
a pool of blood for dead. See ALSO his friend, Ursula Arkner, female aged 76, who
was tied up and listened to his assault. She died a few days later from a heart
attack. Germiston, Dec 9 2010 White Germiston couple endure brutal attack
Dec 9 2010

GEBHARDT Lourens, pupil aged 18, saw the father of a fellow student holding a
baseball bat in his hands outside the school gates around 13:30 and tried to
prevent the man from beating any pupils when he was bashed on his head to death.
Westonaria, 6 Nov 2010 Louwrens Gebhardt, 18, Westonaria HS, Nov 6 2010 – dies
from beating with baseball bat - he’d tried to stop a man from attacking a fellow-

GEMBALLA, Uwe, German car tycoon, was kidnapped, and his body found in a
field 9 months later. His hands were tied behind his back, and he had been shot in
the head, his body wrapped in plastic. 9 Feb 2010.
2010-10-04 Gemballa, Uwe, German tycoon, found murdered in veldt, kidnapped
9Feb2010 . more on

GEYER Ryan, father of two children Nathan aged 4, and Morgan aged 2, shot at
point-blank range and bundled into a cupboard. His wife, Bronwyn aged 33, was
overpowered and bundled into the cupboard on top of her husband’s corpse. Their
homestead on a rural smallholding was entered by armed gang firing shots through
the locks of the front door. Swavelpoort, 26 July 2010

GIESSEKE Ernest, 69 yr old retired chemistry scientist, was attacked around 5am
and murdered by 7 men who hit him on the head and slit his throat with a blunt
object. The gang fled with a celphone and a handbag. Farm Goodhope,Ficksburg
Sat 25 Jan 2010
GRANAT Peter, male aged 63, managing director of Autozone spares chainstores,
was what appears to have been in a kneeling position, when he was shot into the
top of his head outside his car along the road he had been travelling at around
22:00. Parkwood, Johannesburg

GREEF Anton, 50, farm-foreman in serious condition after fierce combat inside the
Aucamp family homestead near Ermelo. 25 Aug 25 2010

GREYVENSTEIN Johan, mining contractor aged 54, AND wife Annelise aged 53,
tortured and murdered. Their bodies were found inside their bakkie on their
smallholding. Johan was shot execution-style behind the left-ear. His body was
lying halfway across his Annelise’s blood-soaked body. They were both bare
footed. Shopping bags with groceries were next to them and they were covered up
by a canvas Mussina, 2 Nov 2010 more FarmiTracker

GRISS Conrad, male aged 23, was attacked by two black men around 2:00am who
had broken into his home through a window. They beat him to death with hammers.
Houtbaai, Cape. 16 April 2010
- Sapa

GROBLER Naas, male aged 56 was attacked and shot inside his house at the
sliding door of their stoep as he went to see why their dogs were barking at around
4am while his wife hid and locked herself in the bathroom. A rural security complex
on the Denysville Farm, Vaal River 5 Sept 2010

HARMZEN Chrissie, aged 70, a tiny woman who was bent over from rheumatoid
arthritis aged, was viciously killed while stepping outside her farm house to catch a
bit of sunshine. During the vicious bashing away at her face and chest, her lungs
burst. Farm Dresden, Burgersfort 7 Aug 2010
20100810Aug 6 2010 Mrs Chrissie Harmzen, 70, rental farm Dresden,
murdered Burgersfort,Mpumalanga
HECK Heinrich, boilermaker aged 43, AND his wife, AND their two children, a boy
aged 16 yrs and a girl aged 14 yrs, were watching tv around 19:30 when two black
men walked into their house and put a gun against the boy’s head. Heinrich threw a
glas at the gunman to distract him, and was shot in his chest. He died en route to
the hospital. Svenstreet, Ifafa. Monday, October 11, 2010

HENNING Amelia, police reserve woman aged 36, was killed in a field after she had
been raped and stabbed in her face and chest during the night. Hospitaalpark,
Bloemfontein. Wed 24 Nov 2010
Posted by Boerenuus at 9:15 PM 0 comments Gesin in rou ná moord op ma

HODNETT Evelyn, female aged 86, brutally murdered, possibly raped, by 19 yr old
youth. Her 57 yr old son, Tyrone Quinez ambushed, beat with an iron pipe and left
for dead. Durban, 29 Dec 2010

HOEKSTRA Jan Gerrit, a 61yr old country club manager, was shot in the stomach
during a hijacking attempt around 10:00 am in town. Walmer, Port Edward. Mon 22
Nov 2010
1.875715 Jan Gerrit Hoekstra, Walmer Country Club manager, killed 9th Avenue,
Walmer, PE drive-by shooting, nothing robbed, Nov 22 2010

HOON Ernst, male matriculant aged 18, shot dead through window from outside the
homestead whilst asleep in bed by unknown number of gunsmen. Leeuwfontein
smallholding 5 April 2010

HOPKINS Marianne, a mother of 4 children, was found strangled in her bath during
the morning. Stellenbosch 10 Sept 2010

HUMAN Dirk, male smallholder aged 41, was found around 7:45am in the
dressingroom of the master bedroom, his bloodied head in the cupboard, just out
of sight of his 2 yr old son who was in his cot. Dirk had been hacked, stabbed, his
hands tied with shoelaces, his head in the cupboard tied up in the dressing room of
the master bedroom while he was dressing to go to work, and executed with a
bullet by a gang while his 2 yr old son was nearby in his cot, the morning of
“Freedom Day”. Nothing robbed. Mooiplaats smallholding, Boschkop April 27 2010
dies-20100428 Boy calm in cot as dad dies 2010-04-28 23:16 .. report

HUNTER Robert, a 68 yr old pensioner who had Parkinson’s Disease and joint and
bone illnesses, was hacked to death with a panga in his home by three armed men
shortly before 5am. Smallholding Mullerstuine, Vanderbijlpark 6 March 2010

JANSEN Neels, aged 61, had an operation on Friday, and was lying in bed next to
his wife, Irma, Sunday morning 4:30 an armed gang broke down burglar proofing to
a window to their home. They tied up Gavin Coetzee, a jockey who had been
staying at the house, and Neels while forcing his 16 yr old grandson, Armand, into
his grandparents room at gunpoint whilst indecently assaulting his grandmother
and beating up his grandfather. Neels died from a gunshot in his stomach. In the
house was also Arnand’s mother and two younger siblings. Rhoodia
smallholdings, Venderbijlpark. 11 July 2010
Teen sees grandfather shot dead
Moenie-worrie-nie-20100711 http://afrikaner-genocide-

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Nick, male aged 57 AND Shawn Strydom aged 33, AND
Rory Menzes aged 40 (leaving behind 4 orphans between the age of 13 – 21), AND
Bruce Edwards aged 57 killed, AND Shawn Edwards injured after an Indian man
followed a white man into the toilets of a restaurant during a football match and
remarked on the size of his penis. Race related insults were hurled which
culminated into a brawl. The Indians left the pub and 5 off duty Indian policemen
returned but were refused entry. They forced their way into the restaurant and
opened fire during which 5 patrons were shot with police pistols. Restaurant
looked like a gruesome slaughterhouse. Umbilo, Durban 29 Sept 2010,,2-7-1442_2461005,00.html
on_46 “ Why did the armed brothers force their way into the
pub? “
Racist cops who massacred 4 whites sentenced to 205 years

JONES Elrene, shot in the shoulder and ankle during an armed attack by 5 black
gunmen on smallholding Willowbray, Pretoria. 11 July 2010. SEE ALSO Van
Jaarsveld, Gerhard killed; Rudolph Terblanche paralysed

JONES Herman, attacked, left for dead with his hands tied in the back of his home,
had a lonely death on farm Klipplatsdrift, Standerton, 21 Jan 2010

JONKER Stuart aged 81, AND his life partner Tina Muller aged 82, awoke at around
2:00 in their home from the noise when 3 black men broke down their front door.
The elderly couple were beaten with iron poles and wooden sticks, tied up and left
for dead between their blood sodden underwear. They suffered severe bruising all
over their bodies, their faces unrecognizable. Tina also suffered a broken jaw bone,
bleeding on her brain, and rape. Farm Ooswes Boerdery, Sterkspruit, Nelspruit.
Wed 22 Oct 2010

KARG Lorraine, a 58 yr old farmwife, went to fetch their 65 yr old helper to put out
the fire which an armed gang had started on their farm while her husband rushed
out to kill the blaze. En route they were accosted stabbed and their throats slit. Her
body was found in the garage, his body was found outside the kitchen door. The 34
yr old domestic worker was shot several times inside the kitchen. Mooi River, 22
July 2010
The Witness

KLEINHAUS Madeleine, female aged 21, shot by 2 black gunmen during the day
while sitting in the car with her mother at a street vendor. Centurion, Pretoria
Friday, 18 June 2010
Geskiet toe pa stop om iets te koop Oorsprong:Beeld
KILIAN Cornelia, frail woman of 84 yrs, was strangled to death inside her bed at a
retirement village during the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning.
The burglar proofing had been torn off a window and her cottage was ‘overturned
inside’. Durbanville. Sat 20 Nov 2010
Mrs Cornelia Kilian, 84, strangled to death, retirement home Huis Aristea, Queen
Street, Durbanville Saturday Nov 20 2010 – NOTHING APPEARS ROBBED

KOEKEMOER Ryno, a paraplegic male aged 36, AND his wife Rina aged 34, were
attacked outside their home around 21:30. Both suffered stab wounds. Welkom. 22
March 2010

KOTZE Hilda, retired headmistress aged 80, was killed inside her bedroom. Her
hands and knees were tied up with dishcloths and she was in a squatting position,
her throat slit. Potchefstroom. 30 March 2010

KOUREMETIS Chris, wealthy businessman gunned down execution style inside his
car at wedding as armed men opened fire. Twelve bullets were fired in total. Two hit
Chris, on in his chest, the other his wrist. Rural Cradle Restaurant, Muldersdrift 12
Oct 2010
Muldersdrift 2010-10-12 Chris Kouremetis, best man at wedding, gunned down,
rural Cradle Restaurant, Muldersdrift
The Star

KRUGEL Martin, male aged 78, was murdered inside his flat around 18:00h. He was
found with his underpants stretched over his head, and had a broken nose,
jawbone and arm. He had been severely kicked and beaten with a blunt instrument.
Pretoria. 15 May 2010

KRUGER Floris Johannes, male smallholder aged 60, tortured and stabbed at least
9 times in the chest, tied by his feet, all his ribs broken, taken into the bushes in his
car, his head bashed in and shot twice in the head with a cloth over his head. One
bullet went between his eyes. Around midday. Albans area, Eastern Cape. 1 Sept
KRUGER Marzanne, baby aged 1 yr old, pistol whipped and bashed against the
wall. Suffers serious brain damage when she and her minder, Francina Sekhu, were
brutally assaulted at their home in Robinvale, Pretoria. 2 May 2010
HOME – still in a coma

LAKIE Walter, male aged 60, attacked on farm Makaya near Brondal. Celphone
stolen. 25 March 2010
EJ Hill.

LANGE Gert, farmer aged 67, was watching tv in his home at night when he was
attacked by 3 black men wearing balaclavas. He was stabbed repeatedly in his face
and chest, and kicked in his ribs, face and head, left lying in his blood for dead.
Vaalbank Farm, Bethlehem, Free State. 22 July 2010

LIZAMORE Graham, aged 62, and his wife Kate aged 50, both journalists, were
murdered in their home. Their bodies were found in a state of decomposition,
slumped in the toilet. Graham’s hands tied behind his back with a rope and Kate’s
head was covered with what looked like a refuse bag. Pinetown smallholding. 23
July 2010

LOUW Jurie, farmer aged 38, succumbed to wounds after coma induced by assault
with hatchet and knobkierie attack during which he suffered serious facial, leg and
back injuries. It appears an unknown number of men entered his farmhouse late
Friday evening or in the early hours of Saturday, assaulted Jurie, and kidnapped
him. He was found in his bakkie which had a flat tyre on the road to his home.
Unknown fingerprints were lifted from this vehicle. Rietfontein, Kromdraai 29 Nov
LOUW, Jurie, dies 13Dec2010 from assault 28Nov2010, Kromdraai, Rietfontein farm,
Krugersdorp: nothing robbed
geslaan-sukkel-om-te-praat-na-aanval-20101128 LOUW

LUBBE Joey, female aged 75, was stabbed repeatedly to death by two black men
inside her home. Jan Kempdorp. 22 March 2010

MAGUIRE Robin, male aged 47, AND his family, (np details could be found on his
family), attacked and tied up on their farm near Brondal. Thursday 25 March 2010

MALHERBE Okkie, farmer aged 63, AND his wife Emmerentia aged 53, AND his son,
WD aged 34, AND his daughter Zia AND her daughter Kaycee aged 5 were attacked
by 8 men impersonating police officers. Three were in uniforms. When asked for
identification they pulled balaclavas over their heads and semi-automatic machine
guns at the family, tied them up, poking gun barrels against their heads and
repeatedly electrocuted the adults with stun-guns. The parents were dragged to the
bedroom, had plastic bags tied over their heads and choked. A torturous 2 hour
ordeal, started shortly after 19:00 on Farm Olem farm,Doelen, Mokopane,
Potgietersrus January 28 2010,_family_
Murders/page8 Source:Polisielede roof, skok boer en sy gesin, Beeld, 2010-01-28.
Beeld newspaper claimed they were ‘bogus cops’.
URL: Malherbe, Okkie, cattle farmer
Potgietersrust, attacked by police with cattleprods, tortured Jan 28 2010

MARALLICH Kevin, off-duty policeman aged 53, was stoned to death on farm, AND
companion Kathy Potgieter aged 59, seriously injured at lunchtime while they were
fishing by two black men who stole their bakkie. Ashhill, Nyoni. 3 Sept 2010

MAREE Martin, smallholder, was attacked when gunmen invaded his home at about
2:50am on Xmas night, pushed the gun-barrel of a .765 pistol against his stomach,
and simply fired a shot. Kromdraai plot 132, Witbank. 26 Dec 2010
Martin Maree, Kromdraai plot 132, Witbank, shot in stomach Dec 26 2010 with .765
MARAIS Marius, smallholder aged 44, shot dead by two bullets into his brain while
defending his family from a 4 member gang of black men who invaded their
homestead and held the women at gunpoint during a family braai at night.
Rustenburg, North West Province. 26 May 2010

MCLAUD Collin, male aged 63, was making tea in the early hours of the morning
when he was attacked, forced to open his safe and shot twice in the chest in the
kitchen where he died. Meyerton smallholdings. Fri 8 Feb 2010

MCLEOD Jean, female farmer aged 79, was overpowered and assaulted by a black
man when she arrived home with groceries in the afternoon, dragged to an old
shed on the property, sand thrown into eyes and put into her mouth, gagged with
masking tape and her legs bound. She suffered broken ribs and was taken to
hospital in a critical condition. Robbed of her groceries, cash and bakkie.
Stutterheim 16 Jan 2010
2010_1_16 Mrs Jean McLeod, Stutterheim farmer, assaulted, sand stuffed in her
mouth and eyes, gagged, bound, in hospital inserious condition

MCLOUGHLIN Kevin 38, jewelry shop owner shot dead in cold blood, AND a woman
was shot in her chest, AND two security guards were shot, one in the leg, the other
in his shoulder, AND a man in the parking lot was shot in his chest a 4 man gang
who opened fire on people inside a shopping mall at around 9:00am. Northgate
shopping centre, Johannesburg. Mon 5 Oct 2010

MEINTJIES Dawie, male aged 85, AND his life partner Maria de Beer aged 81, AND
his son Jannie aged 60, AND Jannie’s wife Mariaan aged 53 were attacked by a 3
man armed gang around 1am. Maria was on her way to the bathroom when a
gunman forced her back to her room. Dawie fought for their lives during which he
was stabbed in his arm and his little finger shot off. Both Maria and Dawie suffered
various schrapnel wounds. Mariaan set off the siren and the intruders fled.
Soutpan’s Drift, North West 31 March 2010

MEINTJIES Janine, widow, single mother of two children aged younger than 6 yrs,
went to bed alone on Xmas eve when she was brutally attacked by a man with a
knife and a hammer. He had loosened a window from its pane earlier in the day to
gain easy entrance during the night. After the attack, Janine drove herself to a
neighbour who rushed her to hospital where she died while waiting for help on
Xmas day. Dundee smallholding, 25 Dec 2010
28bd07fG4149e7G0&bcode=XxE_b& report

MINNAAR Flippie, professor aged 83, AND his wife Louise aged 77, were attacked
inside their home on a Saterday night. Flippie was hit on the head with a stick,
shoved and thrown around. Louis was threatened with rape. Both were badly
traumatised. Dan Pienaar. Bloemfontein.

MEYER Janet, woman aged 55, who lived in a caravan, was attacked, stabbed,
raped and killed by 4 men on Hill farm, East London 13 Jan 2010

MITCHELL John AND Wayne Taylor, international rugby coaches, were attacked
inside their home by black men. John was stabbed in his arm and leg. Hyde park,
Johannesburg 9 Oct 2010
New Zealand rugby-men John Mitchell and Wayne Taylor attacked by black
knifemen, Hyde Park, Johannesburg

Mouton, Christo, murdered in his bed around 22:00 by 3 armed black men who shot
him in his heart, and then asked his 6 yr old daughter, Monay, for the keys to his
safe. She guarded her father’s body all night, alone. Drie Riviere AH Vereeniging. 30
Sept 2010.
2010-09-30 Mouton, Christo, murdered, Drie Riviere AH Vereeniging, daughter, 6,
guards his body all night more on

Muller Alicia, scholar aged 16, was taking a 10 minute walk through an orchard to
catch her lift to school around 7am when she was fatally stabbed in her back and
raped at knife-point in a ravine at a river. Rooidak Farm, Villiersdorp,21 April 2010
Follow up: April 22 2010 at 11:06am
Members of the Port Elizabeth Flying Squad arrested Aaron "Papie" Setona, who
had been their neighbour for four months, on a farm near Joubertina in the Eastern
Cape at about 2.45am on Wednesday for the murder he had allegedly committed
near Villiersdorp.-Daily Voice
MURATAVA Sviavlana/Svetlana, a Russian strip-artist, disappeared on 20 Nov 2010.
Police discovered her body where it had been dumped in a ditch near Hannaskraal
and put her in the morgue on 23 Nov 2010 but only reported her demise after she
had been reported missing in Jan 2011. It appears she was lying on her back while
someone sat on her chest, holding her by her hair and bashed her head repeatedly
against a hard surface. The back of her skull was completely bashed open.
Rustenburg 20 Nov 2010.
Note: Svetlana is pronounced as Svitlana or Sviatlana, and the surname Muratova
will be pronounced Muratava. The surname also suggests a possible Tatar/Bashkir
ethnic origin, which may be of some help in this case
woman murdered in Rustenburg, South Africa

MYBURGH Anna Jacoba, female aged 65, AND her daughter-in-law Edri Myburgh,
aged 28, AND their housekeeper Paulina Moyana were attacked by 2 black men
inside their homestead. Anna was stabbed in the foot and also extensively tortured
with a hot iron before they were forced into the car, kidnapped, and driven around
on the Spitskop/Sairta road between Bronkhorstspruit and Witbank. Anna was shot
behind the left ear, and Edri shot inside her mouth and driven over by the car. Both
women were left for dead. Anna died from the traumatic after-effects.
Bronhorstspruit 18 Oct 2010

NEELS Jansen, aged 61, had an operation on Friday, and was lying in bed next to
his wife, Irma, Sunday morning 4:30 when he was shot dead in front of his 16 yr old
grandson, Armand, forced at gunpoint to open the safe in his grandparents’ room.
The killers had broken into their house and tied up Gavin Coetzee, a jockey who
was also staying in the house. Irma had also been assaulted indecently. In the
house was also Arnand’s mother and two younger siblings. Rhoodia
smallholdings, Venderbijlpark. 13 July 2010
Teen sees grandfather shot dead
Moenie-worrie-nie-20100711 http://afrikaner-genocide- Aanhaling

NIEMAND Phillip, 40 yr old captain of the K9 (dog unit), policeman for 29 yrs,
critically wounded when he was shot in his head while feeding his doves at about
6:30 am at his house on the Wilgeboom smallholding, Potchefstroom 2010

NIENABER Lorna, teacher aged 49, AND her daughter Win-Ellen aged 23, were shot
at their back door. Win-Ellen was shot in her stomach, shoulder and leg. Lorna died
on the scene. Nigel. 3 Aug 2010

O DELL Alicia, 17 yr old girl, was attacked in her room, hit on her throat with an iron
rod and strangled AND her mother, Marinda, aged 48, a labour broker, was then
thrown down a staircase, suffered a large hole in her left shoulder, and was
murdered, her throat slit by 2 black men. Krugersdorp. 29 July 2010. ALSO see O
Dell Marinda

O’FRIEL Garth, AND his son Brendan aged 16, AND his girlfriend Bernadine le
Roux aged 30, were attacked by armed gunmen inside their home at around 6:00am
while they were asleep. Brendan and Bernadine were both shot in the chest.
Alberton. 23 Feb 2010

OLIVIER Fredrick Chrisjan, male aged 46, AND his brother, Koos Petrus Olivier
aged 43, jailed indefinitely whilst awaiting trial for shooting dead one of the 3 black
men who were breaking a window to enter their homestead. Smallholdings,
Kameeldrift. 20 Sept 2010
2010-09-20 Olivier – 2 smallholders arrested for self-defence killing of black
attacker, Kameeldrift Sept 20 2010 DENIED BAIL HEARING 2010-09-20 more on

OLIVIER Martie, a woman who had given birth two months previously, was gang
raped by police throughout the night who kidnapped her after they had arrested her
husband, Sarel, for a traffic misdemeanour and left bleeding in a field, lips swollen
and split, a large bump on her head, suffering from concussion, her eyes bruised,
her knee badly injured, trembling and bleeding between her legs, her underwear “in
tatters” and her dress soiled with blood and semen. Since then she and her family
are fugitives, receiving death threats for reporting the matter. Kempton Park 28
March 2010
‘Cop rape’ victim’s trauma Published: 3/28/2010 21:27:49,1,22

ORBELL Miles, a 53 yr old pilot, was shot at during the day while driving his car,
and all 4 the car tyres were shot to shreds. When he climbed out his car he was
shoved around, sworn at, threatened and thrown into jail for 12 hours by the metro
police. Babsfontein. East Rand. 29 March 2010

PEDERSON Anne, retired teacher aged 74, was attacked at her home around 9am,
and died from stab wounds and gun shots. Irene Park, Klerksdorp. 29 Nov 2010.

PEDLAR Ananda, police captain, AND her husband Craig, both in their 40’s, were
on holiday when they walked into a shopping centre around 9:30am where a
robbery was taking place. An armed gang of about 6 black men were shooting
wildly. Ananda tried to grab her service pistol from her handbag, but it was
snatched from her and she was shot in her neck and chest, and died on the scene.
Craig tried to assist her and was shot in the back of his head. Carnival Mall,
Boksburg. 4 Oct 2010

PELSER Theunis, male truck driver aged 66, was shot dead during an attack at his
work on a plot. Co-worker Johan Swiegers aged 55, was ALSO attacked, forced
down onto the floor at gunpoint and kicked in his neck, and his finger damaged by
a gunshot. Leeufontein Smallholdings, Kameeldrift 7 May 2010
2010-05-07 Theunis Pelser, 66, truckdriver J&B Sugar, killed, Kameelsdrift
/Leeuwfontein AH

PESTANA Mandy, female aged 66, was ambushed inside her home by an unknown
number of assailants who had taken off her roof tiles to gain entry, and
disconnected the alarm while they waited for her to arrive home. It appears she
became suspicious upon entry to her premises and tried to run away, was
overpowered and her throat was slit. Linbropark smallholding, Johannesburg
North. 18 Oct 2010

PETERS Andrelette, girl aged 19, had left home to buy airtime, last seen in a taxi
with tinted windows. Her naked body was dumped three days later at the Wolfgat
Nature Reserve. Mutilated, 120 stab wounds all over her body, the flesh on her face
ripped out. Her mother could only recognize her by the tattoo on her arm. Cape
Town 8 Oct 2010

PIENAAR Willie, male aged 24, was killed outside a shopping centre around 17:00.
Willie had just climbed into his car when he was grabbed around his neck and shot
in the head. His body was thrown out his car and searched for valuables before the
three gang members ran off in different directions, but were apprehended by the
public. Kwaggasrand, Pretoria. 12 April 2010

PIETERSE Mannetjie, male aged 69, AND his blind son Johan aged 27 AND their
guests came under attack while they were having a barbeque in their fenced-in
garden when a gang slipped into the farmhouse. Johan, who is blind, went to the
bathroom where he was pistol whipped three times over his head by two attackers,
who then stormed down the hall to confront the rest of the family. Farm Houtvolop,
Schweizer-Reneke. Monday night 1 Feb 2010

PITOUT Coenie 35, fertiliser-factory representative, was woken by his wife Tania,
aged 33, around 2:30 am Sunday. He got out of bed and walked into the hallway to
investigate the noise, into three very sturdily built black men and was shot at point-
blank range. His face was blackened, cheek strafed and half-an-ear shot off. While
he wrestled the shooter for the gun, a second man stabbed Coennie with a knife in
his right side. A third man picked up the gun and shot Coennie in his left side.
Meanwhile Tania was trying to gather their two little daughters. One of the gunmen
grabbed their daughter Imke. Coenie tore Imke from the man’s grip and shoved her
down the hallway. Tania ran with their two daughters to the living room, locked the
door behind her, smashed a window and ran for help with the girls. Coennie was
shot again, through his left shoulder, and fell on his back, pretending to be dead,
praying that the terror ‘would end’. An attacker walked up to him, kicked him in the
face and shot him in the chest. That shot broke one of his ribs. Koster 28 Sept 2010

POTGIETER Attie, farm manager aged 40, AND his wife Wilna, aged 36, AND their
daughter Willemien aged 3 were attacked during the day at their homestead by an
armed gang of 6 men. Attie was ambushed outside the house, hit on the back of the
head with a sharp object, presumably a panga and stabbed with a garden fork.
Wilna was brutally killed in her bedroom. Little Willemientjie was taken to an
outside room, shot in the back of her head, then dumped on her mother’s body, a
little pink ribbon still tied in her hair. A chilling message written in Sotho on a
piece of cardboard saying "We have killed them. We are coming back", was found
on the gate of the farm where three people were brutally killed on Thursday, the day
of their 11th wedding anniversary. Farm Tweedontein, Lindley, Free State. 1 Dec

POTGIETER Lourens, male aged 50, laypreacher and mine worker,

Shot in his stomach, chest and between his eyes. Two wounds found on his back.
His car was stolen, and his body, dressed in black clothes, was found along the
road. Sybradts Kraal, KwaMhlanga, Mpumalanga 4 Jan 2010

PRETORIUS Gert, retired fire-chief of Nigel aged 67, was feeding his livestock. His
wife, Anet, was rubbing the colic-pains from the one-week old baby of one of their
farm-workers who entered her house, put a gun to her head, beat and tied her up.
He cut open and robbed their safe, walked outside to Gert, and shot him dead at
point-blank range in the chest. Holgatfontein smallholding, killed East Rand. 14
April 2010…rmoor-20100414

PRINSLOO Lida, female aged 76, died a few months later from trauma related
injuries suffered when she AND sister Rita Cloete, were both hi-jacked, robbed,
severely assaulted and threatened 8 hours apart at Lida’s house by armed gangs.
Ms Cloete was beaten with a rifle butt, broken wrists and nearly driven over. Guests
shot at. Springs, 27 Oct 2010

PULZONE Louis, male aged 60 AND his wife, Christa aged 50, were exhausted after
moving furniture. Louis went to bed and Christa fell asleep in front of the tv in their
lounge. She awoke around 1:00am and looked into a gun barrel. Black men tied her
hands with a kettle cord. Louis heard a noise and walked into the lounge where he
was shot dead. President Brand Avenue, Bloemfontein. 8 Oct 2010

RALFE Nigel, was unarmed in his farm office when 4 black men shot him in his
arm, disabling him, then beat him severely. They forced him to his house at
gunpoint. He watched helplessly as his wife, Lynette, aged 64, opened the door for
him and was shot 3 times at point blank range as she turned and died while
running to press the panic button. Nigel was forced to his knees to be executed. He
ducked and the bullet lacerated horizontally across the back of his neck. As all of
this was happening, Nigel's three small granddaughters entered the room and saw
him covered in blood - he had to persuade them to stay calm, go to their bedroom
and shut the door. Dairy farm, Colenso.Nigel.16 March 2010
LYNETTE 20100316 (64) farm wife, Colenso dairy, husband Nigel survived 2 shots.
RALFE THE RALFE MURDER: RALFE LYNETTE 20100316 (64) farm wife, Colenso
dairy, died, husband Nigel survived 2 shots.

RAMSAUER Johan, male aged 45, AND his brother Eugen aged 44, AND a friend
Mano Gerber aged 27, were attacked by an armed gang on their farm inside their
fenced back-yard at around 17:15. Eugen suffered a broken foot, hand and head
injuries; Johan suffered spinal injuries and a broken shoulder; Mano required
stitches for the knifewounds in her arm. Farm Driefontein, Wellington. Sunday 26
Jan 2010

REYNEKE, Gert, male aged 71, had gone to visit his granddaughter to make a
wrought-iron bed for her 14th birthday, but was shot by unknown gang on the
Kameeldrift smallholding. Nothing robbed. Pretoria. 17 Oct 2010
REYNEKE, GERT 71, 2010-10-17 M, murdered Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria,
nothing robbed

ROHRS, Anna-marie, schoolteacher and farmwife, brutally murdered in cold blood

by two black men. Estcourt. KZN. 26 Oct 2010
Farm wife murdered, Pretoria court burns down
2010-10-26 Anna-Marie Rohrs, farm wife Escourt KZN, murdered Disbanding of
farm-commandos has left farming community vulnerable

ROSS Margareth, female aged 80, was attacked and stabbed repeatedly inside her
bed during the night. Knysna. 28 March 2010
- Die Burger e-pos artikel Druk artikel

ROTHSCHILD Loius, businessman, was having supper with his young family when
4 black gunmen attacked them inside their home and shot him dead when he tried
to push the panic button. Blairgowrie, Randburg. Sat 7 Aug 2010.
2010-08-07 Unarmed Louis Rothschild, father of one-year-old boy, murdered,
Blairgowrie, Randburg and

SCHLIGEL Antreas, male aged 45, AND companion Cornelia Scatter, german
tourists, female in her 40’s, woke up in their holiday cottage at aound 23:30 from
strange noises and saw two men forcing the door open. They were threatened with
knives, their hands tied with electric cables and strips from torn curtains. Halstead
Farm, Addo, Port Elizabeth Sat 13 Nov 2010

SCHOEMAN Riana, female aged 36, was shot to death through her door, in front of
her two children aged 4 and 6. Smallholding, Rayton 16 Aug 2010
: DitsemVrystaat

SCHOEMAN Tolstoi, farmer aged 86, AND his wife, Gudryn were asleep in their bed
when 2 armed black men, one with a panga, the other with a knife, gained access to
their house, presumably with a duplicate key, and attacked them in their bedroom.
Toilstoi was beaten, his hands tied up behind his back, and his feet tied up before
he was strangled to death with his pajama pants. Gudryn was forced into her car
(the attackers knew exactly where the car keys were kept) and kidnapped. The
killers wanted her to draw their savings from an ATM bank at a nearby town.
However, they rolled the car en route and ran away. Farm Vygeboom, Badplaas,
Carolina. Fri 17 Dec 2010
Tolstoi Schoeman, 86, killed; wife Güdryn kidnapped farm Vygeboom Badplaas Dec
15 2010 – cellphone robbed.

SERFONTEIN Willem Jacobus, AND wife Anna, farming couple in their sixties,
sustained serious injuries during an attack in their homestead. While Willem was
outside to turn on his water-pump three black men had entered their home and
attacked Anna. They were trying to strangle her to death with an electric cord when
Willem returned. He was bashed over the head with an iron bar and sustained
heavy bruising across his body as well as an injured hand and arm while trying to
save her life. Ficksburg, Free State 27 Dec 2010

SLABBERT Jasper, male aged 39, AND Seun Du Randt were walking home through
a field at night when they heard the steps of a gang. As they were fleeing, they were
overpowered and stabbed mercilessly. Jasper suffered 5 stab wounds, and Seun
died from 28 stab wounds. Bloemfontein air base, 18 Jan 2010 SEE ALSO Du
Randt Seun

SLATER Rene, farmwife, left her homestead around 8am in her bakkie, which was
found crashed along the road about 13km away at 10am. Her gruesomely mutilated
corpse lay covered by twings 100m from her home. Farm Vaalkrans, Uitenhage,
Eastern Cape. 15 Feb 2010
2010_02_15 Vaalkrans Uitenhage East Cape gruesomely mutilated after kidnapping
SLATER Rene F 20100215 Vaalkrans farm Uitenhage East Cape gruesomely
mutilated after kidnapping

SMIT Anika, scholar aged 17, attacked inside her home during the morning. Her
body was found naked, with at least 6 stab wounds, her hands chopped off below
the elbows and missing. Pretoria North. 12 March 2010

SMIT Johanna Magrietha, female aged 76, arrived home from church and was
ambushed by killers who took her inside the house, tied her to a chair and pulled
plastic bags over her head. She was strangled to death, nothing robbed. Witpoort
smallholding, Wolmeransstad.,Sun 4 July 2010
Sources: family in USA; SAPS death certificate; TLU Henk van den Graaf

SMITH Alden, male hairdresser aged 37, found strangled and robbed in his car
Christmas evening at shopping centre. Pretoria 25 Dec 2010
Pretoria hairdresser Alden Smith strangled in own Audi Alden Smith, 37, owner
Options Hair Design, Brooklyn Pretoria, strangled to death in his AudiA3

SMITH Donovan, male aged 75, was shot and left to die inside his home during the
night after suffering previous robberies during which he had been beaten and tied
up. Tuesday 26 Feb 2010

SMITH Jan, male aged 62, AND his wife, Elizabeth (Lilly) aged 62, tortured to death.
Their decomposing bodies were found inside their house, heavily bruised and
bound with rope. Elizabeth impaled on a garden fork, Jan suffered many stab
wounds on his body, and was bashed on his head. Jongensfontein smallholding
Stilbaai 6 Oct 2010

SMITH Manie, Volksblad newspaper IT chief, AND his wife Caroline were both shot
during an attack around 1:15am by a gang of black men who entered their home by
destroying door locks. Manie in an upper-right leg and left-hand, and Caroline in
the left-knee and right-foot. Fleurdal, Bloemfontein 23 Nov 2010

SMITH Ron, Canadian engineer aged 70, who had spent 50yrs in SA (he had built
the government complex in Pretoria), tied to a chair, tortured, shot in the leg and
left to bleed to death. Droogekloof game-farm, Bela Bela, Warmbaths. 2 March 2010
2010-03-02 Droogekloof-game farm tortured to death BelaBela Warmbaths
Canadian Tortured & Murdered on Farm in Limpopo, 3rd Farmmurder in Limpopo in
4 days...

STADLER Marius, male carpenter aged 31, left the company of his wife and 4
friends at a restaurant where they were having supper to buy cigarettes. His corpse
was found later on the pavement with stabwounds in his back. His wallet and its
contents as well as his id documentation strewn around him. Nothing stolen. 1
March 2010
STEENBERG Suna, business woman aged 43, heard her mother-in-law scream as
she was attacked inside their home by two black men dressed as policemen. Suna
grabbed her gun from the safe and ran to her aid. She was grabbed from behind by
the throat and shot twice at point blank range in her head. After 6 months in a
coma, she passed away. Smallholding Kameelfontein 16 April 2010
more on 20100516 Suna Steenberg, STILL IN COMA May 24 2010
– “Montana Pale and Lapas supplies” – head-shots from men in uniform,

STEENKAMP Francois, heart surgeon aged 71, beaten to death inside his home
during the night. His hands were tied behind his back and he was found under his
bed with only his feet sticking out. Pretoria. 4 Feb 2010

STEYN Barend, male smallholder aged 73, was tortured to death during the
afternoon by a gang which carried various types of iron weapons, which included a
panga, a garden pick, and an axe, found on the scene. Barend was found inside a
bedroom which has a safe. His hands were tied behind his back, a sock stuffed into
his mouth, and a cloth tied around his head and throat. His body was a bloody
mess. The iron with which he had been burnt, was still on when his son arrived
unexpectedly. Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein. Fri 8 Nov
2010-10-05 Barend Steyn (73) Bloemspruit smallholdings, murdered

STEYN Magdel, female aged 24, was pushed away from her car during the day,
pulled and shoved around, thrown violently against a vehicle, sworn at and
insulted, and jailed for 15 hours without food and water by the metro police. Falsely
accused of bumping another vehicle. Everything is shown on a video to be used in
court. Pretoria. 20 March 2010

STEYNBERG Cecilia, farmers wife aged 51, who’se husband was away on
business, woke around 3am by the barking of their two small dogs, fetched her
firearm from the safe, and climbed back into bed. An armed gang of 3 men cut the
burglar guards of the tv room, and broke down their security gate in the passage
leading to the bedroom. As the armed robber barged into her room, his gun
misfired and she shot him in the neck. Farm Stormpan, Wesselsbron. Wed 30 Sept

STIRTON Justin “Father Stirton”, Catholic priest aged 60, attacked by 4 black men
at the Parish of Immaculate Conception, Underwood Road, Pinetown. 26 Set 2010
Daily News [email protected]

STRYDOM Willem, male aged 72, AND his wife Willemina, aged 69 (a disabled
couple, both using crutches) AND their son Adrian aged 35, were travelling in their
car on New Years Eve, when police pulled them over, grabbed their car keys,
pushed Willemina to the ground, brutally assaulted, kicked and wrongfully arrested
and jailed Willem and Adrian. Willemina had to find help to rush her to the hospital
where she was given a hip replacement operation and was treated for her broken
knee suffered during the attack Pretoria 31 Dec 2010
See Laynes STRYDOM Adrian, male aged 35, assaulted, jailed while defending his
disabled parents from brutal attack by police. Pretoria 31 Dec 2010
Disabled Boer couple assaulted by SAPS Die Moot http://afrikaner-genocide-

STRYDOM Johan, farmer aged 40, tortured to death by three black men. They
bashed Johan over the head at his gate at around 12:00 noon, tied a chain around
his left ankle, and dragged him with his face in the ground behind his own bakkie
on his farm until his liver burst. There were cuts and abrasions all over his body
and the back of his skull was crushed. Killer Jonathan Sekgone apparently told
arresting officers that he was ‘proud of what he had done’. Farm
Buffelshoek,Potchefstroom 14 May 2010
20110228 Beeld

SWART Grieta, female aged 86, AND Margaret Snyman female aged 72, were still
inside their car as they got home from shopping at around 16:00 when 4 black men
pulled up behind them and attacked and robbed them. Vanderbijlpark 29 Feb 2010
Margaret Snyman 72; and Griet Swart 86, had their fingers broken by 4 black
attackers – but still fought
SWART Piet, male aged 58, AND his wife Ria, aged, 53, were attacked in their home
during the morning by 5 black men who had their address on a piece of paper. Piet
was overpowered, forced to the ground at gunpoint, assaulted, kicked and shot in
his leg. Ria was also severely beaten on her head and tied up with cable ties.
Kafferskraal-hoewes, Klerksdorp. 28 May 2010

TERBLANCH Rudolph, male aged 47,AND friend Gerard van Jaarsveld AND
lifepartner Elrene Jones shot in the kitchen while they were having a braai by 5
black men. Rudolph permanently paralized, Gerard dead, Elrene wounded.
Smallholding Willowbray, Pretoria 11 July 2010
Terblanche, Rudolph, 47,

TERRE’BLANCHE Eugene Ney, male aged 66, Reknown Afrikaans political leader,
hacked and bashed to death with pangas and knobkierries while he was sleeping
by 2 black men. Villanna farm, Ventersdorp 3 April 2010

THOMAS Hester, female aged 79 was attacked during the day on the porch of her
house by a tall black man. He stabbed her with a knife just below her left eye, cut
her belt off and used it to strangle her with. He beat her further as he dragged her
around the house and stamped on her chest before forcing her into her house.
Inside her wardrobe he found various articles with which he tied her up and locked
her into her bathroom where he had left her to die. Bloemfontein. 25 March 2010
Bejaarde ‘dankbaar sy is nie ook verkrag’

UNNAMED ADDO ELEPHANT PARK German girl aged 15, raped repeated by 2
black men who gained entrance to the holiday chalet she was sleeping in by
breaking the back window at 6:am while her 4 yr old brother watched helplessly.
Addo Elephant Park, Eastern Cape, 25 July 2010
German teen girl, 15, raped, robbed by two males, Addo Elephant Park EC July 25

UNNAMED ALBERTON man aged 33, was shot in his stomach while driving along
the road in an apparent car-jacking incident. 23 June 2010
23 June 2010
UNNAMED BOKSBURG Witfield woman aged 34 was attacked inside her house
around 12:00 midday by 4 men who had been employed to replace her thatch roof.
They beat her and tied her up with wire, stabbed her in her neck with a broken knife
and stuck their fingers into her mouth to drag her by her check and jawbone
through the house from room to room while taking turns to rape her in the
bathroom. Her legs were bruised, broken and blue, her eyes bloodshot and she has
lost partial sight in her one eye. There was blood coming from her ears, and they
had bitten her arms.

UNNAMED CENTURION, Pretoria White student known as DB was shot by a black

man who had entered the college grounds, charged into the communal lounge of a
cottage where the kids were playing computer games, pulled out a gun and opened
fire on DB at point blank range as he raised his hands in surrender. Viva Youth
College, Timsrand smallholding Centurion 15 Oct 2010 SEE BOOYSEN 2010-09-18 Daniel
Booysen, 22, Stellenbosch University student, stabbed to death)

UNNAMED DAMADA Family attacked by a gang of 15 armed men who entered their
house around 3:30am. They tied up the 40yr old father and beat him to death while
5 gang members took gang- raped his wife before turning on the couple’s 4 yr old
daughter and seriously assaulted her. Nothing looted. Dalmada Saturday 17 April

UNNAMED DURBAN COUPLE, attacked at about 5:00 in their home by a gang. They
sustained severe blunt force trauma injuries and needed advanced life support
intervention. Oribi Heights, Durban 6 Nov 2010

UNNAMED KIMBERLEY. Male corpse, eaten recognizably by fish and crabs,

foundin the confluence of the Hartsrivier and the Vaal Rivier near Delportshoop.
Little white dog founds sitting on the river bank guarding his dead owner.
Kimberley. 25 Nov 2010

UNNAMED MARKEN farm wife aged 66, gang raped by 3 armed black men. Her
family was attacked around 9:00 on a Sunday morning. Her husband tied up and
locked in an out-building., left badly traumatized. Marken, Limpopo 19 Sept 2010
Afrikaner farm wife gang-raped; three black males arrested by farmers Marken

UNNAMED MEYERTON security guard aged 49, responded to an alarm at a farm

around 11:30. His corpse was found behind the house, his hands tied up behind his
back, and two bullet holes in his head. Meyerton 14 July 2010

UNNAMED MEYERTON, BOSCHKOP FAMILY attacked around 22:00 in their home

during which the father was shot dead execution style and his two teenaged
daughters were gang-raped by four black attackers. Boschkop, Meyerton 28 May
(UNNAMED MEYERTON BOSCHKOP also given as PRETORIA, Pretoria 24 June
2010 see VAN DEN BOSCH couple 2009)

UNNAMED MOTHERWELL male aged 54, bashed with a hammer and robbed by 3
man gang in Motherwell, 28 June 2010
7C449629 3 Robbers beat 54 year old male with hammer in Motherwell

UNNAMED PORT ELIZABETH blond woman killed with ‘blunt-trauma head injury’.
Her partially clothed bruised corpse was found on Valentine’s Day on the beach,
her clothes nearby. She had a black rose tattoo on her neck and dragon on her
back. Noordhoek, Port Elizabeth 14 Feb 2010 (Valentine’s day)
Blonde, tattooed woman murdered Noordhoek PE beach Feb 14 2010

UNNAMED PORT ELIZABETH. Mother raped repeatedly at gunpoint in front of her 4

yr old son who was forced to watch with a knife against his throat by 5 black men
who had broken into her cottage through a window at 3am. Port Elizabeth 17 June

UNNAMED PRETORIA ORDCHARDS mother was assaulted with a pitch-fork by an

attacker who was constantly yelling shut up, shut up at her. When she realized he
was going to rape her in front of her 7 yr old son, she told the kid to hold on to his
puppy and put a blanket over his head. The little boy offered the attacker his R30
($4usd) pocket money, which the rapist snatched before bundling the mother into
her car and speeding off with her. At one point she remembers seeing lights and
when she started screaming he hit her over the head. She managed to jump from
the moving vehicle: she cant remember what happened: she was found next to the
road with a broken jaw and arm. 25 July 2010

UNNAMED PRETORIA unarmed male aged 58 was shot in his house through a
window at close range, hitting him in the shoulder. A gang of men pursued him as
he fled deeper into the house under fire. His wife and teenaged child was
traumatised but unhurt. 11 Oct 2010

(UNNAMED PRETORIA, SILVERTON smallholding where two men and one woman
were outside their homestead at night. 5 armed men came through their fence and
shoved them inside. All three the victims were assaulted and shot. One of the
victims died. 12 June 2010, See TERBLANCH Rudolph, male aged 47,AND friend
Gerard van Jaarsveld AND lifepartner Elrene Jones

UNNAMED PRETORIA, SILVERTON Chinese dealer in computer hardware,

kidnapped and murdered between 10pm and 1am. His dumped corpse was found
by a passerby along the N4 highway. Daniel’s Drift, Silverton 17 Oct 2010
2010-10-17 Unnamed Chinese businessman found murdered, N4 highway Daniel’s
Drift Silverton

UNNAMED RANDBURG, Robindale young man aged 16, was asleep in his bed
around 2:45am when 2 men attacked him with a panga. It was the second attack on
their home within 7 hours. 24 March 2010

(UNNAMED RUSTENBURG man aged 62, AND his wife aged 63, were violently
attacked on their farm at around 4pm. Their feet and hands were tied with ropes
and an electric extension cord. They received serious head injuries during which
his wife died. Farm near Moedwil Rustenburg, Fri 3 Dec 2010 ALSO see ERASMUS Chris, male aged 63,
recovering from chemotherapy for cancer, AND wife Martie aged 63,)

UNNAMED TZANEEN man aged 46 was ambushed by 5 men wearing balaclavas at

his gate in the evening. They beat and stabbed him to death with pangas and iron
rods. A domestic worker on the property who went to investigate was dragged into
the house and gang raped. Limpopo, Tues 11 Aug 2010
UNNAMED VAALRIVIER COUPLE attacked by 8 black men inside their house at
night. They were tied up and severely beaten all over their bodies. Vanderbijlpark
Fri 5 Nov 2010 Armed attack at house next to the Vaalriver - Vanderbijl Park

(UNNAMED VEREENIGING FAMILY ATTACKED. Father shot dead execution style,

AND TWO teenage DAUGHTERS RAPED by the 4 black gang men who had killed
their father. Smallholding Meyerton, 28 May 2010
verkrag-is-20100602 ALSO SEE unnamed MEYERTON BOSCHKOP)

VAN AARDE Edwil, retired radio and tv presenter aged 71, was attacked inside his
house at about 11:30. Edwil unwittingly opened his security door and was thrown
to the floor by a black man who had a garden fork, rusted file and a wheel spanner
with him and a knife in his hands. Edwil was dragged by his feet down the passage
to his bedroom while being kicked and hit repeatedly. Krugersdorp. 29 March 2010

VAN AS Jan “Assie”, male aged 49, was gunned down by 3 black men inside his
house around 3:00am from 5 gunshot wounds and died while he was trying to
close the bedroom door to his child’s room and bend straight the burglar bars the
gang had bent to clinb through to protect his family. Pretoria, 25 March 2010

VAN DEN BERG Andries, male aged 82, found dead in his bedroom, trussed up
with feet tied and hands tied in praying position on his chest. The right side of his
face was crushed in and one ear was torn off. Two baseball bats and a knob-kierie
were next to his body. Knoppieshoogte smallholding, Rikasrust, Randfontein Thurs
4 Nov 2010
Posted by Boerenuus at 8:30 PM 0 comments

VAN DEN BERG Catharina Hendrika “Ria”, Dutch born female pensioner aged 65,
was attacked in the kitchen before she was dragged through to the bathroom where
she was tied up, badly beaten and bruised. Finally killed in the lounge by black
maintenance man. Daspoort smallholdings, Pretoria 13 Jan 2010
4891C318712 update V Pestana,
daughter, This article was
originally published on page 2 of The Star on January 14, 2010 Source:IOL

VAN DER LITH Pieter Blomerus aged 65, AND his wife Hennie, attacked by armed
gang while selling livestock. Pieter was tied up to water-pipes near a dam and
bludgeoned to death with several blunt objects, a rubber floormat from a car tied
around his head. Hennie was also bashed with blunt objects and stabbed to death
with knives. Nothing robbed. Louis Trichardt farm, 13 Nov 2010
vermoor-20101116 - SAPA

VAN DER WALT Henry, male aged 50, was at a shopping center when he noticed
tow black men assaulting and robbing another man. They turned on him and shot
him in his spleen. This is the second time he had been shot at during the same
year, and he had suffered 4 bullets during an attack at his sister’s house 6 yrs
previously. Centurion, Pretoria. 1 April 2010

VAN DEVENTER Albert, male aged 64, killed execution style on his game farm 15
March 2010

VAN DEVENTER Frik, farmer aged 64, was shot outside his home around 19:00.
His wife was working in the kitchen when she heard the shot, and 2 black gunmen
stormed into the house, assaulted her and tied her up. Farm Laagwater, Waterberg.
14 march 2010

VAN ECK Colleen, female aged 59, public relations officer at Sun City Casino, was
beaten and thrown hard against the wall of her flat before she was strangled with a
telephone chord in her home at the staff quarters at the resort on Sunday.
Rustenburg, 20 Oct 2010
details-of-latest_02.html 2010-02-20 Colleen
van Eck, 59, Sun City public relations manager, beaten and strangled - Rustenburg
tourist flat
VAN NIEKERK Sylvia, Afrikaans poet, was gruesomely murdered between 15:00
and 17:00 during the day, and found with stab wounds in her neck and stomach in
her kitchen. Guesthouse farm cottage Boplaas, Danielskuil Fri 10 Sept 2010

VAN RHEEDE van OUDSHOORNS Karien, female, opened the door for their 28 yr
old gardener to give him the newspaper he had asked for around 15:00. He stormed
in and stabbed her repeatedly with a garden fork. She suffered multiple wounds,
including on her neck. Bloemfontein Friday, 5 February 2010
Volksblad Vrou van Bfn met tuinvurk aangeval

VAN STADEN Koos, warrant-officer aged 36, was in bed watching tv, his two
children aged 10 and 12 sleeping peacefully with him, when 3 black gunmen
entered his room. Koos calmly raised his hands to show that he is unarmed and
shifted his body in front of his children, begging for their lives. He was shot point
blank in his stomach, thrown onto the floor, his face against the tiles, and a gun
pushed against the back of his head. Centurion, Pretoria 19 Aug

VAN STADEN, Koos, a 70 yr old male, killed by attacker on Glenco sugar estate,
Hoedspruit. 6 Feb 2010
VAN STADEN KOOS 201002-06 77 Glenco sugar estate Hoedspruit, killed by
attacker, wife shoots back

VAN STADEN Koos, medical doctor aged 55, was attacked and killed by a gang of
black men a the back door of his home around 20:00. Koos was assaulted and
suffered 4 gunshots in his chest. Kempton Park 24 Jan 2010

VAN STADEN Koos, vegetable farmer maged 60, shot dead through bedroom
window. Brits, 19 March 2010
VAN STADEN KOOS 2010-03-19 ( 60) Kleinfontein veg. farmer, Brits, NW shot dead
through bedroom window

VAN STRAATEN Wally, male aged 46, suffered broken ribs and was shot in his
neck at point blank range (has lost use of his arm) when two armed men invaded
their home at midnight and held a gun to his 13 yr old daughter’s throat.
Elarduspark, Pretoria East 8 June 2010

VAN TONDER Gert, male aged 36, manager of a security company, AND his wife
Lizette, aged 37, were having a barbeque in their garden when 5 armed black men
stormed down on them. Gert wrestled a gunman and was shot in his wrist and in
his stomach. Rietvalleipark, Pretoria East 11 June 2010

VAN TONDER Killian, male aged 75, shot at point blank range by two black killers
during the day next to his vehicle in front of shops. Killian was begging and
screaming for his life, then sat down on the curb to show passers by where he had
been shot as he bled unstoppably to death. Pretoria, Tues 25 May 2010
Pensioner killed in botched hijacking

VAN VUUREN Francina, a 77 yr old woman, AND her husband Boet, aged 80 and in
a wheelchair, AND their two sons, Marius aged 44 also in a wheelchair, AND
Marthinus aged 35, AND their nephew, Juan aged 13 were attacked by a gang of
men armed with spades and knives on a Sunday night. Francina was surprised
when she opened the backdoor for their dogs, and 6 men stormed in. She was hit
with a spade, her hands and feet tied with wire. She was also beaten and thrown
against the wall so violently that she suffered brain damage and has since died
comatozed. Juan, who was in another room, was assaulted. The men moved into
the lounge, using Francina as a buffer. Boet always carries a .22 pistol with him
and wanted to shoot the man holding his wife – but was terrified of hitting her. In
the melee, all the family members were beaten, kicked, stabbed with knives and
bashed with shovels on their heads and bodies. Blood coated the walls and floors
of the homestead Marius was beaten from his wheelchair with repeated blows from
a shovel and suffered serious head wounds and a broken arm. An attacker broke
Boet’s finger as he wrestled the gun off the cripple man Harringtonstraat,
Jagersfontein, Bloemfontein. 24 March 2010

VAN WYK Jaco AND his wife Mona were brutally assaulted at gunpoint and
wrongfully handcuffed and arrested while their 3 small children watched from the
car they had been travelling in on Xmas day, had been forced off the road. A family
friend, Lee, was holding the kids back in the car when a police officer stuck his gun
against Lee’s head and told him to get the children to shut up. The scene was
filmed and used as evidence by another traveller who was also threatened and
attacked by the police. En route to the police station, Jaco was severely beaten.
The police told 14 prisoners that they had brought them a “Paulina” to rape. Upon
enquiries the police denied that the Van Wyks were imprisoned, then said they had
been released whilst they were still inside the cells. Brits. 25 Dec 2010
Van Wyk couple thrown in Brits SAPS cells, racially abused Van Wyk couple
dumped in Brits SAPS cells, racially abused, threatened with rape: Statement by
Brits Freedom Front Plus councillor Elsa Lourens

VAN WYK Johan, church minister aged 48, AND his mother Alida van Buuren aged
71, AND HIS 5 YR OLD DAUGHTER, Lindie, were brutally attacked inside their home
on a Wednesday night while they were asleep by three men armed with wheel
spanners and crow bars. They were tied up, thrown to the ground, kicked, beaten,
threatened with rape and death. Northcliff, Johaneesburg. 27 April 2010
Jy lê daar as ’n pa, maar kan nie jou kind beskerm’

VAN WYNGAARD Christiaan, 43, Free State Warden farmer, stabbed to death, and
his wife, Marie aged 55, was tied up with her hands behind her back, and a blanket
thrown over her. Oct 27 2010, farm Goedehoop

VAN ZYL Koos, aged 64, AND his wife RETHA aged 66, tortured on meathooks
before murdered on farm Poortjie Steynrust, Senekal, Free State
VAN ZYL KOOS and RETHA, 64 and 66, 2010-01-07 MURDERED TORTURED ON

VAN ZYL Manie, male aged 74, AND his daughter Elmarie aged 44, were attacked
by a man with an angle-iron. Manie was attacked outside while he was feeding
chickens. He followed the attacker to the house, shouting warnings at Elmarie and
was bashed across the table. Elmarie was beaten and threatened but managed to
push the attacker out the house before she locked the door. Nooitgedacht Farm,
Hertzogville, Bloemfontein. Fri 9 Oct 2010 LONG WALK SINCE FREEDOM Monday, October 11, 2010
NEWS OCT 11 2010
VELLOEN Riaan Petrus, male aged 37, security camera technician, beaten to death
by police in cell after false arrest. Florida police cells, Roodepoort, 29 Nov 2010
20101128 of Beeld newspaper
Afrikaners tortured, killed by SAPS

VENTER Fanie, farmer, murdered. His mother, Hannetjie aged 79, who had also
been attacked, walked 4km to get help. Bethal 6 Feb 2010

VENTER Johannes AND wife attacked on farm, Johannes murdered. Nothing

robbed. Middleburg 23 Jan 2010
VENTER JOHANNES 2010_01_23 murdered Middelburg farm, wife injured – nothing

VENTER Theuns, male aged 85, AND his wife Suzie aged 83, were murdered inside
their home during the night. Theuns was found lying on his stomach in the lounge,
his hands and feet tied with electrical cables cut from appliances in the house. He
had sustained head injuries. Suzie was found lying in the passage. Presumably
raped, and strangled with a piece of cloth that was found nearby. Mayville, Pretoria.
12 Feb 2010

VERMEULEN Riaan, woke up to find 2 black men in the lounge of his house around
2:30am where he and his family had fallen asleep. His eldest son had a gun pointed
against his head. Riaan jumped up and chased the attackers away, during which he
was shot in both his knees. His 16yr old son saved his family by wrestling the gun
off the shooter, and shooting the attacker with his own gun. Since then the family
has been terrorised by gang members. Naudeville, Welkom Fri 19 Nov 2010
Seun (16) skiet inbreker met eie wapen nadat hy pa wond Inbrekers teister glo jong
held nadat hy gesin red

VERWORD Hendrik Jnr, male aged 44, stabbed to death on Kleinfontein

smallholding, Pretoria 5 Sept 2010.
Hendrik Verwoerd Junior nearly stabbed 44 years after famous grandfather’s
assassination more

VILJOEN Hennie, farmer, ambushed as he stepped out his car to open his gate by
armed black men, stabbed and bludgeoned to death with huge rocks. Smallholding
Hoeveld, Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein. 27 Dec 2010
VILJOEN Hennie, M Bloemspruit smallholding, Bloemfontein Dec 27 2010
bludgeoned to death with rocks

VINHAS Carlos, salesman, found naked and murdered at the Numbi Gate, Kruger
Park. Car untouched, shoes and clothes stolen. Hazyview. 21 April 2010 2010-04-21

VISSER George, AND his life partner Zelda Keulder aged 36, AND their son, Zane
aged 6 were attacked at their home at around 9pm. George was shot in the neck
through the windshield as he arrived home. Zelda was working inside the house
when an armed black man ran in through the front door, pistol-whipped and threw
her on the floor of the bedroom. Two black men then followed and dumped the
injured Mr Visser next to her. The couple was brutally beaten, pistol-whipped, and
threatened at gunpoint. Zane was caught and hurled into the room as the attackers
were interrupted by visitors and fled. Donkerhoek, Pretoria 28 Nov 2010
Zane Visser, 6, hides in dad’s landrover during vicious attack, Donkerhoek Pretoria
Nov 28 2010 Pretoria.

VISSER Schalk aged 56, AND his wife Kotie, distributors of Beeld newspapers,
murdered four years apart by an armed gang, gunned down in their light delivery
van on the same road, the N2, en route Port Shepstone. Schalk had been shot when
his vehicle had broken down in 2006. Kotie was gunned down on her way to pick
up newspapers, her lung and spine damaged by bullets fired by the attackers - and
she was left permanently paralysed and on a life-support system until she died 6
weeks later. 14 Dec 2010
Visser, Kotie and Schalk snr. Beeld distributors gunned down on N2 Port
Shepstone 2006 and 2010
Visser, Kotie and Schalk snr. Beeld distributors gunned down on N2 Port
Shepstone 2006 and 2010

VON BRANDIS Ben, stone mason aged 54, AND his wife Gail, aged 50, AND their
teenager son, Barend, were attacked around 4:00 while they were asleep by 3 black
men, of which 2 wore balaclavas, who gained entry to the premises by breaking
open the lock of the security door of their lounge. Gail was grabbed, threatened
with rape as her clothes were torn off her body, burnt with hot plastic on her legs,
dragged to the diningroom and suffocated with a cloth, and her hands tied with a
telephone cable. Ben was attacked with an axe. Broekmansfontein, Rietvaly, Groot
Marico 12 Feb 2010

WALFORD Russell, a 73 yr old craftsman and dairy farmer, bludgeoned to death in

his cattle shed, his body found under a tree. Russell's wife, who now lives in
London, was also attacked and shot during a robbery on the same farm five years
ago and is now paralysed. Farm Peacevale, Pinetown. Thurs 8 July 2010
WALFORD, RUSSELL, 73, 2010-07-04, Dairy farmer bludgeoned to death in his
cattle shed
21&id=1389050771&fbid=1533483342225 Source: Caxton Newspapers: not online,
contacts: Tel : (033) 394-1042 Fax : (033) 394-8805 Email
:[email protected]://censorbugbear-

WARREN Manie, AND his wife Linda, were attacked at gunpoint inside their
security complex home and was held at gunpoint at around 17:30. 1 Oct 2010
20101008 Manie and Linda Warren attacked, Ifafi security complex

WARTINGTON Jakobus, 78 yr old farmer, AND his wife, Anna Maria aged 72,
attacked in their homestead between 20:00 and midnight. Their electricity had gone
out and Jacobus went to check on the generator which was in an outside room,
where he was overpowered and beaten to death. Anna was assaulted inside the
house in the pitch black darkness, tied to a chair, and sustained head injuries and a
fractured forearm. Farm Disselskuil, Phillipstown, Karoo Sat 6 Sept 2010
- SAPA 12-28-2010#322
20100906 2010-09-05 Jakobus Wartington murdered, wife Anna cruelly attacked
Phillipstown Disselskuil farm

WEILBACH Marie, aged 79, was sitting in her lounge watching tv when 2 black men
attacked her so viciously that she died days later in a coma. She suffered multiple
open wounds on her body from a sharp object. The attack was interrupted by her
26yr old grandson, Eon, who shot dead the intruders after one of them shot at him,
and the other had an iron rod in his hands. Eon was charged with a double murder
case. The attackers had been trouble makers and had scared away the other farm
workers. They had stolen from the farmer previously and were unhappy because,
although they had already received their wages, they had not yet received their
Christmas bonus by the 23rd of Dec. De Deur, Vereeniging, 23 Dec 2010
WEILBACH Marie, female aged 79, ARIE F 79, died Dec26 2010 brain bashed in by
berserker workers Dec 23 Mhlushwa Khoza, Mbongiseni Hornsby who attacked her
grandson and were shot dead by Eon Viljoen 26

WESSELS Piet, farmer, was attacked with pieces of iron and stabbed at around 6:00
on his farm. Bothaville. 21 March 2010
« Antwoord #148 op: March 21, 2010, 11:24:48 PM » Aanhaling

WEYLON Moses AND his fiancé Susan Rosenberg were attacked while they were
asleep in ther bed around 2:30am by 4 men. Moses was slightly grazed by the bullet
that flew past his neck and ear. Eesterust, Pretoria. 12 Feb 2010

WHEELER Jan, a 65 yr old farmer, was overpowered in his bedroom and stabbed to
death by 5 men who gained access into Jan’s house by breaking the back door,
Marble Hall, Limpopo. Polokwane 12 March 2010

WIING Maria, German woman in her 70’s, attacked in her home late at night or in
the early hours of the morning by 6 black men, found strangled to death and
robbed. Silverton, Pretoria 4 June 2010

WYNNE Greg, 43 yr old advocate mysteriously drowned in a dam on his farm whilst
investigating a case of fraud one day after he hired at least one security guard, who
was not present at the time of his demise. Parys, 6 Sept 2010

UNNAMED NEWPARK, KIMBERLEY man aged 56 was attacked inside his home at
night by 3 men wearing balaclavas. He was forced at gunpoint into a car after a bag
had been pulled over his head. The men then drove him to a bank after they forced
him to give them his pincode. They withdrew ‘an unknown amount of money’ from
his bank-account and then dumped him in the veldt, hog-tied, alongside a rural
road, where he was discovered by a passerby at around 07:00 the following
morning. Fri 2 Aug 2010
Kimberley man, 56, kidnapped, hogtied, dumped in veldt overnight


ADAMS Erica, female aged 20, was shot dead in the face by gang wearing
19 Sept 2009 cnr Angela str & Eva Str., Valhalla Park, Cape Town. 19 Sept 2009

ANDERSON Sheun, boy aged 18, AND his father Robert aged 47 were shot by an
armed gang who gained entry into their home through a kitchen window at around
1:00am. Robert was shot twice in his stomach while he lay sleeping in his bed.
Sheun was attacked in the passage and died in the kitchen by the hands of a 2nd
gunman who shot Sheun in the back. Smallholding Wag-‘n-Bietjie,
Bronkhorstspruit. Fri 25 Sept 2009

ANGELBAUER Dianna, businesswoman aged 64, suffered severe blows to her head
and was bashed to death by a gang inside her shop at around 18:00. Tues 19 May

ABBATEMARCO, Giovanni, Warmbaths owner, was reported missing on the night

of 27th February 2009 and his decomposed body was discovered on the grounds of
his Lodge on 25 June 2009. He had been attacked by an armed gang, robbed,
bundled into his own vehicle, kidnapped and murdered. Thaba Monate Lodge,
Warmbaths. 27 Feb 2009


Badenhorst, Cas, survived farm attack: details awaited from family July 27 2009.

BADENHORST Wessel “Boetie”, farmer aged 55, lived alone on the farm he was
born. Was found shot with a single 9mm gunshot to his chest. Nothing robbed.
Delareyville. 10 March 2009

BARNARD Mathilda, a secretary aged 39, was on a bike ride during the afternoon
when she was attacked in a field. She was found unconscious and had a stab
wound to the left side of her neck and blood streamed from her right arm and leg.
Pretoria. 8 Jan 2009

BENWETT Michelle, female aged 36, was shot in her stomach by 3 armed men.
Waterfall, Umbilo, Durban. 12 March 2009

BECKMANN Colin, aged 63, AND his wife Pat, aged 60, a university sports projects
co-ordinator, were attacked by an armed gang during the early hours of the
morning. Colin had gone into the garden to put out their dustbin for rubbish
collection when 3 men stormed towards him and told him to stand still. He wrestled
with them and a bullet aimed at his head deflected as he pushed an attacker into
the shooter. Pat heard the commotion, grabbed her pepper spray, and ran from the
bedroom to help Colin. A gunman, waiting for her in the passage, shot her as she
ran past him. The bullet, fired from almost pointblank range, tore through her right
hand and breast puncturing her lung before it lodged itself against her spine. A few
days later their dog was poisoned. Pat is permanently paralized. Constantia park,
Pretoria. Wed 15 July 2009

BERRINGTON Wilfred Roddrick, male aged 60, left the wedding party he was
attending to fetch something in his nearby room when he was attacked and killed
by two black men. Muldersdrift Avianto smallholding, Kameeldrift 24 April 2009

BINGGELI Peter AND his wife were ambushed by gunmen who lay in wait for them
on their farm. They arrived at their home at around 23:30pm. Peter was shot 3
times and beaten with an iron bar. He owes his life to his wife. She ran into the
bush. The attackers failed to find her and fled, fearing she had called for help.
Eiderdowns stolen from a wendy house on the farm were found behind rocks. It
was clear the attackers had lain there for days observing the Binggelis before they

BLIGNAUT Johan, a business advisor aged 54, was working as usual on his laptop-
computor in his lapa (a fenced off picnic area inside a garden) at 5am on a Saturday
morning, when strangers broke the concrete fencing of his garden and shot him in
his head and neck to death. Moreleta Park smallholding, Pretoria. 23 July 2009

BLOM Hennetjie, SEE Alan O’Neal

BOSCH Marina, female, was working during the early hours of the morning when 3
gunmen stormed into her home AND shot her driver, Charles Smit, twice in the
chest, and then shot Marina in her leg. Pierre v Ryneveld, Pretoria. 17 Jan 2009

BOSHOFF Louis, farmer aged 69, AND his wife, Elsabe aged 57, were attacked.
Louis was taking an early morning reading for the weather station when he was
attacked by 3 gunmen. She heard him screaming and ran down the hall, and right
into a black man who threatened to rape her, and then shoot her dead, if she didn’t
give him money. He dragged her outside where another man was with her husband.
But she managed to shake herself loose, ran back into the homestead, and fetched
a hunting rifle. When she heard two gunshots outside, she got such a fright that
she accidentially let off a shot with her rifle. The gang then ran away but Loius had
been shot in the back at point-blank range. Farm Viljoenslaagte, Kroonstad. 13 July

BOSCHOFF Reinier, a plant nursery smallholder aged 67, AND his wife Daphne,
aged 60, a kindergarden teacher, woke up inside their bed during the night as their
light was switched on my 3 armed black men who had broken into their home.
Renier started sitting up and was shot right through the head. They dragged
Daphne through the house, demanding money, firearms, jewellery. She didn't have
the key to the safe - it's kept by one of their sons. So they hogtied and gagged her,
threatened her with rape, and left her lying next to her dead husband where she
was discovered 4 hours later. Kameeldrift, Pretoria. 9 Feb 2009

BOTHA Jan, male aged 51, a member of the police forum committee, AND his wife
Ronel came under the direct attack of an armed gang in their property. Jan went
outside at around 19:00 to park his son’s car when he was shot without warning.
The Colt 45 bullet penetrated his hip on the one side, and exited the other side.
Ronel heard a loud bang and mistook the sound of the gunshot for an accident.
She rushed outside and found two back men standing over her husband. A gun
was shoved into her face as they made demands from her, but she darted back
inside her home, locked the door and sounded the alarm. Pretoria. 20 July 2009

BOTHA Tienie, 78 yr old mayoress, was found dead in her home. Her naked body
wrapped tightly in a sheet, her neck wrapped in a tightened noose. She had been
attacked by a gang of 6 men, of which one has died since the court hearings. Louis
Trichardt. Thursday 19 Feb 2009.

BRAINE Julia, female aged 62, AND her friend Rosaline Posel aged 73, were
attacked inside their home around 04:00 by a 4 man gang. Julia awoke to find the
men standing over her bed, two of them brandishing knives. They dragged her from
her bed, hit her in her face, dragged her outside and continued beating her. Two of
the men returned into the house and attacked Rosaline in the kitchen. Hilton farm,
Pietermaritzburg. Sat 5 July 2009

BRITZ Santi, business woman aged 48, witnessed in open court for the sake of the
community against the black man who broke into her home at around 07:00am
raped her twice. Potchefstroom. January 2009

BROWN James, 90 yr old Alzheimer’s sufferer, beaten to death by police in holding

cell after eating a candy bar inside Shoprite, forgetting to pay for it. Kriel 9 June
BUITENDAG Louise, a 43 yr old mother of four, was in her car on the way back from
a business meeting at around 22:00 when she was attacked by 3 gang members. As
Louise stopped at a red traffic light, her car windows were bashed and shattered
with spark plugs. She looked up into a man who said nothing as he pointed his gun
at her and shot twice. A bullet lodged inside her mouth next to her jawbone and she
required surgery. Pretoria. 13 March 2009

BUYS Ben, aged 83, AND his wife Louisa Snr, AND his daughter Louisa Jnr aged
40, were ambushed during the afternoon on their smallholding by 4 black men who
hid in the garden after they had yanked the telephone wires out, waiting for the
women to come home. The criminals took the pepper spray off the women and
sprayed them with it, then smashed a window in the door of the homestead,
through which they pulled Ben and beat him with a broomstick. The Buys family
were brutally beaten with various weapons and locked up in the bathroom while
their home was ransacked. Ben and Louisa Jnr required stitches for serious
wounds on their heads and body. Keering str, Maselspoortpad 9 Nov 2009

CILLIERS Doppie, a 66 yr old lawyer, was violently attacked and killed by a gang
inside his home during the early hours of the morning. His hands and feet were
hogtied together, and he had been tortured, strangled and shot in the upper body.
Bronkhorstspruit smallholding, Cullinan, Pretoria 16 Sept 2009

CILLIERS Pieter, a successful fruit farmer aged 57, was unarmed when he rushed
out of bed to stop a gang from entering his house at night while his 14 yr old
daughter and friends were asleep. Pieter was shot to death right through his
kitchen door. He suffered 4 bullets, of which two lodged inside his chest. Loraine,
Ceres, Western Cape. 14 April 2009

CILLIERS, Willouw de Klerk AND Mrs Loudine van Blerk were ambushed by a gang
of 3 men as they arrived home and entered their house around 17:00. Loudine was
shot dead. Willouw and the housekeeper were tied up and bundled into his car,
which they crashed. The killers fetched another vehicle from the farm and bundled
their hostages onto the back, which they also crashed and this killed Willouw. Farm
Brandvlei, Northern Cape 18 March 2009

CLOETE Gerhardus Hermie, farmer male aged 47, who had been reported missing,
was found in veldt, his chest naked and his trousers torched. His hands and feet
tied with shoelaces. The murderers did a very strange thing: they tore off Mr
Cloete’s car’s front and rear buffers, transported these with the body, dumped the
body in the field 4km away from the car, and ‘decorated’ the body with the
bumpers. The back window of his carhad been smashed, and blood was found on
the back seat. Brits. 27 Aug 2009

COETZEE Eben, male aged 57, AND his wife, Suretta aged 45, were attacked at their
tuck shop. Eben was pistol whipped and shot to death. Rosashof smallholding,
Vanderbijlpark 23 June 2009


DE BRUYN Phillip, male aged 30, was opening the driveway gate at his girlfriend’s
home when he was mown down by a gang. They threw him into the back of his car,
and raced off with him for about 100 meters, stopped and ran away to jump into
their own vehicle which had been following. Phillip died en route to the hospital.

DE JAGER Pieter, an elderly farmer, was attacked and died under a tree

DIEDERICKS Thys, businessman aged 52, was driving his bakkie in traffic around
18:00pm when he was attacked by 4 black men. They threw him onto the back of
his pick-up and held him hostage while they drove off with him to a field, where he
was assaulted further with traditional wooden weapons and left for dead. Heavy
rain brought Thys back to consciousness about 3 hours later and he crawled until
he found help. Both his ankles were sprained, and the bones inside his hands were
broken. He had also suffered a cracked scull and various head injuries which
include his right ear torn off. Louis Trichardt. 29 Jan 2010
Kapers val man aan; los hom vir dood

DORNING Warwick Anthony, doctor and recently retired senior government official,
also renown history expert on the secrets of the SA 'bush war, was in his bedroom
at around 20:00 on a Saturday night when 2 intruders broke into his home through
the kitchen and shot him to death. Adamshurst Farm, Howick. 8pm Nov 2009

DREYER Koos, smallholder aged 57, AND his wife, Ria aged 59 were sleep at
around 01:30am when an armed gang of at least 5 men broke into their home. Koos
heard a noise and ran into the hallway where he was attacked with a short knife,
hockey stick and a home-made sword. He suffered various wounds and was also
chopped in his upper torso. Ria was attacked inside her bedroom where she threw
what ever she could find at their attackers until she was able to reach her
husband’s gun and fire warning shots. Looted: a home-made sword and a pair of
binoculars. Eljeesee smallholdings, Tarlton, Krugersdorp. Sat 31 May 2009,,3-975_2525340,00.html 20090531 Dreyer
smallholders survive siege by five attackers, Eljeesee AH, Tarlton Krugersdorp
ELS Nicolaas, scrap metal dealer aged 37, was attacked by a gang of 4 armed men
at around 08:00am inside his workshop during which he was shot at and returned
fire. Krugersdorp. 24 July 2009,,3-975_2541433,00.html Link

ENGELBRECHT Charles, farmer aged 73, AND wife Violet, aged 71, were brutally
attacked by 7 black men wearing balaclavas on a Sunday evening at around 21:00.
Their pets had been poisoned earlier. Charles was ambushed outside his home and
beaten into unconsciousness with hammers, pliers and lucern hooks, and left for
dead with broken ribs, nose, and serious bruising all over his body before they
entered the home where they attacked Violet in her lounge, pulled her through the
house with lucern hooks, threatened her with rape, and tied her to a chair. They
loaded Charles onto his farm bakkie and dropped him off in the fields. Magogong,
Hartswater. 21 Nov 2009
Volksblad Man op plaas naby Botrivier geskiet

ERASMUS Jeff, farmer aged 66, was reported missing from his townhouse in
Dec.2009 after his locked-in dog was rescued by neighbours. A month later,
anglers discovered a ‘neatly-amputated’ lower-leg in the deep waterhole at Klippan.
Police divers divers undertook extraordinary work to recover his skeleton in
extremely filthy and complicated circumstances about two metres deep, some 10
metres from the shore. 6 men, of which 2 were share croppers and allowed to use
his farm, have been arrested. Welkom FS Reported 29 Jan 2011


FOURIE Kathrina, female aged 85, was attacked by a gang of 5 armed men at
around 07:00am inside her home and was stabbed repeatedly. Goedverblijf Farm,
Soutpan, Free State. Tues 19 Aug 2009

ERASMUS Mark, electrical engineer aged 29, AND his wife Angela aged 29, were
attacked in their garden as they arrived home in the evening by an armed gang that
first robbed Mark of his wallet and celphone, then beat him and opened fire on the
couple. Both needed to be operated on. Mark, who was shot in his leg and neck, is
now paralized from his chest down. Vanderbijlpark. 15 May 2009.,,3-975_2520931,00.html

FICK Gillie, a farmer, AND his wife, Sophie were attacked at 5:45am on their farm.
Gillie got into his bakkie to drive out to the fields. He looked up into 4 attackers, of
which 2 had guns pointed at his head. They forced him onto the ground, then
started smashing the windows and burglar bars of the house with a pickaxe.
Sophia exchanged gunfire with them before they left. Nov 2009

FRANKISH Tracey-Leigh, female aged 33, sales representative, was attacked and
killed by an armed gang who had broken into her cottage at around 00:45 midnight.
Tracey-Leigh was found kneeling in front of her bed, with a gunshot wound in the
head. Farmall smallholdings, Fourways, Johannesburg. 18 Aug 2009
20090817 Tracey-Leigh Frankish, 33 mom, killed Farmall AH, Fourways

FURRUTTER Dieter, car dealer, murdered when he went to help his friend Wolfram
Ebel, whose car had broken down on the N14 near the Diepsloot squatter camp
MURDER in article Germany.

GREIG David, livestock farmer aged 65, AND his wife, Jeanette aged 64, were
attacked by 3 gunmen during the night in their kitchen. David was fatally wounded
by 2 gunshots in his chest, and one in his head. Jeanette was badly assaulted and
stabbed with a knife. She has lost her hearing permanently because her eardrums
burst during the beating. Hartzenberg Farm, Walkerville. 23 Jan 2009,,3-975_2459970,00.html,,2-7-1442_2459983,00.html

GUBB Donald AND his wife Yvonne, an elderly couple, were attacked in their home.
Donald was stabbed in the head, clubbed over the head and then stabbed in the
chest. Yvonne was also bashed over the head. Pemberton dairy farm,
Chrissiesmeer. 23 June 2009,,3-975_2532443,00.html

HAYMAN Eddie was assaulted by 3 policemen inside his garden during the
morning after they had assaulted his wife. Eddie was working with the three men he
had employed when the police stopped at his home and harassed his employees,
searched them, insulted them and accused them of “being up the backsides of
white people”. They were in the process of loading the workers into their police
vehile to “profile” them at the police station when Eddie’s 7 months pregnant wife,
Marcell, tried to reason with the police. However she was sworn and slapped
violently on her breasts and she fell to the ground. Eddie ran over to assist his wife
and was attacked by the policemen. While one man was throttling him, the others
beat him with their fists and truncheons. The police also threatened to shoot their
dogs. A case was opened against Eddy for assaulting a policeman and he was
thrown into jail.
'The commissioner slapped me on my breasts'

HODSON Leonard, shop keeper aged 56, was attacked by 3 black men at around
17:00 inside his shop and was shot. The bullet penetrated his right shoulder,
punctured his lung and crushed his 9th vertebrae. He died after surgery. Winterton,
13 Sept 2009
20090913 Hodson, Leonard, 56, m, Scrumpy Jacks farm shop, Winterton, KZN

HOLTZHAUZEN Saar, widow aged 64, was murdered inside her home during the
night, her face and throat slashed. Rietfontein Farm, Alkmaar, Nelspruit. 11 Jan

HONEYBORNE Piet, farmer aged 50, AND his wife Bella, AND his mother Gerda
aged 98, were attacked at around 01:00 midnight by 5 armed black men inside their
home. Gerda was assaulted inside her bedroom. Bella had run into gunmen in the
hallway but managed to escape when Piet ran to her aid and took a fatal bullet in
his chest. Farm Goedehoop, Blinkpan. 1 May 2009,,3-975_2510004,00.html

HOUGH Gawie, male aged 42, was overpowered at night inside his house by three
black men who stole his firearm and dragged him about 600m away. They were on
a footpath when they shot him at very close range in the left side of his face. He
bled to death as they dragged him 15m into the bushes, rested, and another 15m
where they left him under a tree before they dragged him a further 20m to a river
bank. He was wearing only his underpants. This happened two months after a
former employee of his brother Deon, 41, threatened him with the words: "I'll show
you what I can do with a white man." Steelpoort Road, Roossenekal, Mpumalanga
Thurs 3 Dec 2009

HOWARD Francis male aged 76, AND his wife Gillian, aged 75 awoke to gunshots
as 3 armed men broke into their home. They locked themselves in their bedroom
while the door to their house was kicked down. The gang was interrupted by a
security company and ran away. Dec 2009
JACOBS Martin Tienie, male aged 65, caretaker. His frail, tortured corpse was
discovered by lodgers at 8am. A wire had been tied around his neck and he had
been dragged behind a pick-up truck. Zwavelpoort smallholding, Boschkop 24 Nov
20091124 Afrikaner caretaker Martin Tienie Jacobs was dragged by bakkie like a
dog with a wire around his neck - Zwavelpoort AH, Boschkop double-murders:
nothing robbed

JANSEN VAN RENSBURG Izak AND his wife Marrianne, an elderly couple, were
attacked at the gate to their farmstead on returning from Sunday church service
during the day by 2 black men using a hammer, stick and a hatchet for weapons.
The couple were tied up and thrown on the back of their “bakkie” (light delivery
van) and kidnapped. They managed to escape after the driver made an accident.
Marken, Ellisras. Sun 2 Nov 2009

JONKHEID Klaas, news madia consumer expert aged 48, kidnapped during the
afternoon from a farm road near where he had been staying, tortured to death and
torched by 4 man gang. His partially burnt corpse dumped in a churchyard. Spier
wine estate, Stellenbosch. 1 June 2009

JALALPOR Farieda, female aged 58, AND her husband Ahmed, were returning to
their home from work in the evening when they were ambushed by an armed gang
of 6 men. Farieda was shot in the back of her head. The only thing they stole was
the basket of fruit she had been carrying. Broederstroom, Haartbeespoort. Thur 12
Oct 2009
Hartbeespoort residents furious about attack against its oldest business family

KELLERMAN Bartholomeus, aged 29, realised their home was being robbed as he
drove into the yard with his wife and child on Wednesday night around 21:00, as
the lights of their home had been turned on, and the curtains drawn closed. He was
shot in the side of his body as he drove back out the gates to safety. Farm
Stelkloof, Botrivier, Cape. 21 Nov 2009
– Die Burger

KING Candy, female scholar aged 17, was attacked by a group of about 16
schoolboys from another school outside her schoolyard while she was waiting for
her mother. She was threatened and attacked with a knife, slapped repeatedly,
thrown to the floor, kicked repeatedly and robbed of her celphone. Mountain View,
Pretoria. 27 Nov 2009

KINGMA Jacqueline, disabled woman aged 36, bashed to death, her face crushed,
probably raped, in her home during the morning. Mayfair, Johannesburg. 4 Nov

KOEKEMOER Sarel, male aged 69, was in his garden during the day, where he was
attacked and beaten on his head with a spade by a 3 man gang. They then dragged
him into his house where he was tortured and stabbed repeatedly with a knife.
Sarel’s daughter, an only child, found his mutilated and dead body lying in a pool
of blood in his bathroom. Bultfonfontein smallholdings, Pretoria North. 9 Sept 2009

KNOX Tjaart Petrus “Piet”, male aged 84, was attacked inside his bed at around
03:00am by an armed gang who broke a window to gain entry to his home. Piet was
hit over the head with a firearm, shot in the chest, and left for dead. Riamarpark,
Bronkhortspruit. Wed 14 Aug 2009
Shot man lay in own blood for 27 hours August 14 2009

KRUGER Bernadine, schoolgirl aged 15, was riding her scooter to school on a dual
carriageway which was empty of cars except for the taxi on her side. The taxi driver
drove up fast behind her, honking his hooter constantly, and reered up against her
bumper from lane to lane. He then bumped her aggressively, and rode over her
body after she flew several meters through the air. 23 Feb 2009

KRUGER Ibele, male aged 56, an IT specialist, AND his wife, Amanda, were attacked
by an armed gang at their home late at night. Amanda left Ibele in the lounge
watching tv and retired to bed when she heard Ibele screaming 'no, no, no' and
then two gunshots. She escaped through a door in their bedroom which leads into
their garden where she was ambushed by a man who pushed a gun into her face
and grabbed her celphone away, leaving her traumatised and kneeling over her
husband's body, which was sprawled in the garden where he had collapsed.
There was a bullet hole through his hand and in his face and one in his chest.
Magalies Moot smallholding, Brits, Pretoria. Thurs 28 Oct 2009

KRUGER Neels AND his children were shot at indiscriminately outside their home
in the early hours of Tuesday morning by a large gang. The children were saying
goodbye to their friends when one of their friends noticed the gunmen who then
shot at and chased the kids into their home where they continued firing
indiscriminately before fleeing empty-handed when the house alarm was sounded.

KULI Jozseph, 70 yr old Hungarian born retired industrial chemist, was gunned
down and shot to death as he fled his bed by 5 armed black men. Smallholding
Johannesburg, 24 March 2009.

LABUSCHAGNE Marius, was attacked and murdered for his celphone. He was
living in a caravan on a plot. Farmall smallholdings, 1 Aug 2009

LAMMERDING Lammie, male aged 62, was attacked by a gang inside his home and
shot in the stomach. Wilgenhof, Kroonstad. July 2009

LAMPRECHT Renier did not survive the second attack and died an hour after he
had been gunned down inside his home. At around 3:30am, Renier, aged 43, AND
his girlfriend Hannelie du Toit, aged 39, were shot at inside their bedroom. Their
hands and feet were tied up and they were dumped on the bed where Renier bled to
death. During the previous attack on another smallholding, Renier had been shot 3
times in the stomach. Pumulani smallholding, Kameeldrift, Pretoria. 23 Dec 2009

LANCHE Robert, a 17 yr old scholar, was shot to death during the day while riding
on the back of a bakkie which was ambushed and came under fire from a large
armed gang. Randfontein Quarried. 22 Oct 2009.
Read original Beeld report of shooting

LE GRANGE Morne, male aged 27, was killed inside his bathroom of a high security
complex during the night. His corpse was covered with several bruises and
slumped between the toilet and bath. Disselboom Park, Elardus Park, Pretoria. 22
Oct 2009
Woman finds adult son Morne le Grange, 27, dead in Disselboom Park, Elardus
Park bathroom

LEGUORI John, aged 52, AND his wife Tersia aged 51, were attacked inside their
home on a Sunday evening. Tersia was in bed and John was having a shower when
3 men armed with knives climbed in through a bathroom window and stabbed
Tersia 3 times in her chest and John was stabbed in his head and neck. The couple
were then tied up and severely beaten, bundled into their own car and taken to a
deserted Caledonian river. One attacker climbed out and was studying the area
while another tried to pull Tersia out the car. John managed to free himself and the
couple fled under fire in their own car. Farm Tripolitania. 10 May 2009,,3-975_2515393,00.html

LEIBBRANDT Bernie, male aged 66, ex-cricketer, ambushed in front of his garage
when he arrived home around 21:00, shot in the head execution style. Smallholding
Mnandi, Centurion. Wed 28 May 2009,,3-975_2523736,00.html

LEMMER Faan Snr aged 91, who is deaf, AND his son Faan Jnr aged 67, AND wife
of Faan Jnr Christie aged 60, were attacked and terrorised by an armed gang for
nearly 3 hours on their farm at night. Faan Jnr was surprised by 4 attackers when
he went to check on his father during the night as he saw his light was on and was
severely beaten into sub-conciousness. He was threatened with his life and
sustained head injuries which required stitching as well as bruising all over his
body. Faan Snr was also beaten and Christie was tied up. Farm Nekel,
Mapungubwe. 8 May 2009

LOMBARD Thyrza, female aged 77, famous landscaper, was attacked by 3 black
men, beaten and strangled to death with a shoe lace inside her bedroom. Only her
celphone was stolen. Clarens, Free State. Fri 19 June 2009
Boerland Aanhaling,00.html
Moordenaar 20 jaar tronk toe

LOTTER Alice, mother aged 74, AND daughter, Helen Lotter aged 57 both tortured
to death during a 3 hour ordeal by two black men using broken bottles, knives and
scissors inside their home at night. Helen was stabbed repeatedly with a broken
bottle, in her anus and vagina. Her cervix and womb was carved out and her teeth
bashed out. Her face and body covered with lacerations and bruises. Alice suffered
stab wounds to her neck and arms. Allenridge farm, Free State 6 March 2009

LOTTERIE Wilhelm, male aged 65, AND his sons Piet AND Neels, AND his daughter-
in-law Jessica aged 23 along with her newly born baby were attacked on their
smallholding. A 5 man gang had set alight the field across from their home to
attract the men out of the house before they entered the homestead where they
found Wilhelm on the porch. He was beaten and dragged into his lounge where
Jessica was forced to watch how Wilhelm was attacked and killed. After the elderly
gentleman, who suffers from a heart condition and should not lie down flat, was
pushed down to the floor, his hands and feet were tied up behind him and his pants
were pulled down to beneath his knees. He was kicked, pistol whipped and
severely beaten before he was suffocated to death. Piet and Neels were ambushed
as they returned home, overpowered and trussed up separately in the bathroom
and toilet. Doornfontein, Pretoria. 25 Aug 2009
20090825 Wilhelm Lotterie, 65, beaten to death, Doornfontein smallholdings
Willem Lottery vermoor 25 Aug 2009.wma (89.18 KB - afgelaai 3 kere.)
Piet Lottery oor moord op sy pa, Willem 8kbps.wma

LOTTERING Riaan, male aged 42, was at church choir practice around 19:45pm
when he received a message on his celphone from his daughter, Lunique aged 16,
that there was a gang of armed black men inside their home. His wife Cathy, aged
41 was attacked in her bedroom AND son Tyran aged 11 was taken from the loung
into his mother’s bedroom where their hands were tied up with cable ties behind
their backs. Riaan arrived on the scene with other church members and the police
force in tow. He was shot by one of the attackers through the door of his vehicle
and sustained a bullet wound in his thigh. Montana, Pretoria. 27 Aug 2009
SMS aan pa in kerk red gesin se lewe 2009-08-27 [+/-] Expand post
Sunday, 30 August 2009 SMS aan pa in kerk red gesin se lewe

LUBBE Chris, a 45 year old realtor, AND his life-partner Frikkie Cloete were
camping out in a caravan at a farm’s campsite when a gang of black men, armed
with knives and a hunting rifle, started hammering at their door and smashing their
windows. Chris was shot in his back. The bullet punctured one of the main arteries
to his lungs and he bled to death. Hartbeespoort 4 July 2009,,3-975_2536388,00.html

MAAS Koos, male aged 74, AND his wife, Anna aged 72, were attacked by a gang of
at least 3 black men on their farm at around 05:00am. Koos walked outside and
opened the gate to switch on the water pump where he was ambushed, beaten, his
hands and feet tied up, and bashed to death. The killers then entered the
homestead and attacked Anna, dragged her to her bedroom, and tied her up. She
managed to call for help 2.5 hours later. Elandsfontein, Fochville 21 May 2009,,3-975_2520500,00.html,,3-975_2520500,00.html

MARE Chris, dairy farmer aged 44, was sitting down at the kitchen table for dinner
with his wife Hildegard, AND son CP aged 13 at around 19:00 inside their home
when a gang of armed robbers kicked open their back door and opened fire on
them. Chris jumped up and tried to grab the nearest attacker’s gun, allowing his
family time to flee. He was shot three times, once in the hand and twice in his torso.
daughters Nicolene aged 20, Sune aged 20,,,3-975_2528491,00.html

MCKENZIE Charles, male aged 60, was walking to a funeral when he was attacked
by a gang of black men, mostly teenagers and beaten to death with iron rods and
bricks. Pretoria. Jan 2009,,3-975_2540117,00.html

MEYER Billy, a small-scale farmer, was shot dead through the head at 19.30pm on a
Saturday as he sat in his house with his baby.

MEYER Johan aged 56, closed-circuit security business owner, was shot dead
inside his kitchen at night. Mooivallei smallholding, Potchefstroom. 21 Jan 2009,,3-975_2458127,00.html

MEYER Paul a doctor aged 38, AND his wife Marelise aged 32, AND their baby son
Wouter, AND their friends Pierre AND Sue Gallagher, were kidnapped from their
farm by 5 black men and driven at breakneck speed in a 70km chase before being
dumped along the road. The unarmed Paul was shot dead execution-style.
Gravelotte, Phalaborwa. 1 Feb 2009

MILLS Neville, a doctor aged 63, AND his wife Ria aged 61, AND his wheelchair
bound son Cival, also a doctor and inventor aged 34, AND his daughter Madie, a
lawyer, were attacked by an armed gang inside their home at night. The gang
stormed into the house, shouting ‘Do you want to die today?’ and attacked Cival.
They pushed a gun against his head and told Ria they were going to shoot him. She
screamed, which alerted Neville, who had gone to bed. He jumped up and rushed to
the living roomwhere he was critically shot in the stomach. Evander. 17 July 2009,,3-975_2540163,00.html
Memoir by Dr Cival Mills Becomes an Overnight Bestseller
Farmer gunned down on farm 2009-11-08 07:51

MR CLEAN Tommy, male aged 55, Afrikaner entrepreneur holds worldwide jukebox
patents, assassinated, Brits, 20091130

MYBURG Anna, AND Daughter-in-law Edri, AND their housekeeper Paulina Moyana
were overpowered from home and kidnapped in the morning by two black men.
Anna was assaulted, stabbed with a knife, and burned extensively on her face and
body with a steam iron. Adri unwittingly walked in on this attack and was
assaulted, beaten, her clothes stripped. All three women were dumped into the car
and driven 53km before the Myburgs were thrown out. Edri was shot in the mouth
execution style, but survived because the bullet had entered between her nose and
lip and shattered her left jaw. Her mother was also shot in the head, and that bullet
also still needs to be removed. The men then drove off with the housekeeper,
leaving the two Afrikaans women for dead along the roadside. They crashed the car
which left Paulina paralysed.

NAGEL Karen, female aged 45, AND her husband Jan, were attacked at their home
at night. Karen was shot by a gang of black men at their door. Jan was shot in his
hand as he protected his head. Karen died in hospital shortly after. Krugersrus,
Springs. Sat 7 July 2009

NEL Flip see SMIT Christo

O’DELL Marinda, occupational therapist specializing with children, AND her

daughter, Alicia aged 17, were attacked insdie their home by a gang of black men.
Alicia was beaten on her head with a crowbar before she was strangled and left
comatized. Marinda was repeatedly stabbed before her throat was slit.
Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Wed 6 Aug 2009.,,3-975_2544515,00.html
Stampvol kerk bring hulde aan geliefde terapeut,,3-975_2545117,00.html

O’NEAL Alan, male aged 57, AND his new bride, Hennetjie Blom aged 40, who
worked at a biltong shop were attacked and brutally killed. Their garrotted bodies
had been torched and were found still smouldering in a plantation, charred beyond
recognition. Beverley guest-farm, Dargle, Howick. 19 June 2009,,3-975_2531333,00.html

PIENAAR family were attacked by 4 armed men during the night inside their home.
The attack was interrupted by family members who caught one of the attackers and
handed him over to the police. However the matter was not concluded as the
investigating officer had not filled in the relevant statements required for court
proceedings and the attacker was released from police custody and let free. The
family has now become a hit target for retaliation attacks by the gang members.
Queenswood, Pretoria. 16 Nov 2009
[+/-] Expand post Link Suspect freed in cop bungle


PRETORIUS Willie Andries, male aged 64, retired building contractor, had been tied
up on his bed during an armed attack in his home during January 2009 and had 4
break-ins at his house during the 6 weeks preceding the final attack in August
when he was murdered during the night. Blood was splattered on the walls inside
his house including the passage and some of the bedrooms. His corpse was found
on his bed under a blanket with various stab wounds, his hands tied up in front of
his throat with his neck-tie. A full whiskey bottle was smashed on his head, and the
butt of his .303 gun was found broken, presumably on his head, next to his body.
Bergtuin, Pretoria. 29 Aug 2009

PLOCHL Ernst, Cistercian missionary aged 78, born in Austria, had dedicated the
last 40 years of his life to the rural mission of Marrion Hill in South Africa, was
found murdered there on a Sunday. Kokstad. 1 June 2009

POSEL Rosaline, see Julia Braine

POTGIETER Andre, journalist and writer aged 72, died from his wounds a few days
after he was attacked in his bed during the night by a gang of black men armed
with axes, crow bars and knives. smallholding Jan Coetzeelaan, Wateerbron,
Bloemfontein. 19 June 2009
Skrywer, joernalis André Potgieter sterf ná aanval

POTGIETER Cecile, female aged 51, a respected businesswoman, was

overpowered at the gate of her home, dragged inside her house where she was
viciously tortured, stabbed and bludgeoned to death. Jeffrey’s Bay. 20 Feb 2009

POTGIETER Dries “Nollie” AND his wife Stienie, were hijacked and kidnapped from
in front of their home at around 18:15 by an armed gang. As the elderly couple
arrived home, Stienie got out their car to open the gate. A delivery van drove up
behind them and three gunmen dragged Dries from his car and pushed him up
against a pole and the car was stolen. Both Dries and Stienie were bundled into the
van and were driven through townships and bushes during the night for hours
before they were thrown out along the road. Heatherdale smallholdings, Pretoria.
Sat 23 June 2009,,3-975_2532442,00.html
Link Comments: 0
3 polisiekantore, 1 kaping, geen aksie

POTGIETER Jan, a 65 year old caretaker, was shot dead inside his home. Villa
Nora,Limpopo farm, Johannesburg. 21 Oct 2009
30/Opsigter_by_rusoord_deur_Zimbabwi%C3%ABr_doodgeskiet –

PRETORIUS Jan, farmer aged 76, AND his wife Marie aged 74, have survived their
second farm attack over the past 12 years. Farm attackers tried to ambush Jan
outside his homestead at around 21:20 by switching off the electricity in the
switchbox in their garden. However Jan came out with a handgun and fired a shot
towards the attackers to scare them off. The men were within arm’s reach but they
ran away. Wildebeeslaagte, Hartbeesfontein. 11 June 2009.
Jan Pretorius, 76, survives second farm attack, Wildebeeslaagte, Hartbeesfontein

POTGIETER Manie AND his wife, Helene, were attacked inside their fenced
homestead at around 4:00am after their telephone wires had been cut by agang of 4
men. As they broke down the security door of the homestead, Manie walked into
the hallway to confront them, and was attacked. He rushed back into the bedroom
and he and his wife tried to push the door closed, but the four attackers managed
to open it slightly - and fired a shot into the room and pushed their way in. Manie
was tied up and a gun was held to his head while Helene was dragged throughout
the house while the attackers looked for valuables. One man kept saying to her:
"Do you want AIDS, I will give you AIDS...'. Manie was bashed over his head with a
crow bar and left for dead. The attack was interrupted by staff members at 4:30am.
Koppies district, Free State. 15 Feb 2009.,,3-975_2470892,00.html

(PRETORIUS Loius, aged 69, killed on Klein Rocklands, Bloemfontein FS during


PRETORIUS Wynand, male aged 55, AND his wife Lydia aged 52, AND two of their
children, Anette aged 27, AND AND his mother-in-law Doris Engelbrecht aged 72,
AND a friend Julian Pringle were attacked and tortured by an 8 man gang during
the early evening for more than 2 hours. Wynand was ambushed as he arrived at
home and shot at by two gunmen but neither of their guns went off. He was beaten
and while lying on the floor he was repeatedly doused with boiling water, which
they even poured into his ears. He was also choked. He sustained burns for which
he required surgery on his head, neck, back and chest. Doris was watching tv
when her daughter, Lydia, entered the lounge with an attacker following her. He
grabbed Doris by the neck and choked her, then used his gun to push her into the
diningroom. Lydia was tortured terribly. Besides being doused with boiling water,
she was also beaten with steel clippers, and sustained various injuries, including a
broken nose and cheeckbones. The rest of the family sustained lighter injuries.
Smallholding, Delmas. 25 July 2009
‘My gelukkige dag’: 2 aanvallers se vuurwapens gaan nie af

PRINSLOO Laetitia, female aged 54, AND her husband Doctor Duncan Prinsloo, a
veterinarian aged 61, were attacked and shot inside their home while they were
asleep at around 04:00am by an armed 3 member gang. Laetitia was shot to death,
and Duncan had a bullet removed from his spine. Vaalbank farm, Pretoria East. 20
Nov 2009,,3-975_2445467,00.html

PRINSLOO Louis, male aged 80, came across two men in the process of breaking
into his neighbour’s house. They beat him to death, presumably with an iron pole.
Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria. 10 July 2009,,3-975_2537768,00.html
Rowers slaan bejaarde man dood

Raath Corrie AND her family were attacked at their home by 4 black men at night.
The family dog and litter of kittens were violently murdered and Corrie’s face was
slashed as the men screamed ‘You all have to die’. The gang, who are well known
to the local police, were interrupted and ran away at the arrival of a security vehicle.
Rietfontein smallholdings, hartbeepoort. 26 Jan 2009

ROETS, Nick, male aged 56, who always carried a gun on him since his family had
been attacked during 2001, was overpowered and gunned down with his own
revolver inside his house during the morning. Raslouw smallholdings, Pretoria.14
July 2009

ROUND Bob, male aged 79, was attacked, beaten, kicked, shot and bludgeoned to
death when he confronted a gang on his property at around 08:00am. Smallholding
Shere, Pretoria East. It appears that this gang was responsible for the attack on
Wim van den Bosch a few hours earlier. Thur 23 July 2009

ROWE Alan, male farmer aged 58, was ambushed by a gang of at least 3 black men
as he arrived home at around 20:45. His vehicle was shot at from the front and the
back. Alan jumped out and ran to his fence to get to the road, but he was hunted
down and shot, once in his arm and twice in his upper body. Nothing
robbed,Bloemendal Farm, Rietvlei. Wednesday, 13 May 2009
MEC says farm killing was senseless

SAAIMAN Adri, female aged 23, AND her mother Elsa Pieterse aged 52, AND her 4
month old twin babies Megan, female, AND Christian, male, were attacked by an
armed gang at around 10:15am while travelling on a public road. Both the babies
were strapped into their baby car seats on the back seat and Elsa was sitting
between them. Adri drove their vehicle after their front tyre had been shot to
smitherines for about 2.5km whilst under heavy machine-gun fire from gunmen
following them in another car at a high speed chase. Elsa covered her
grandchildren with her body and suffered a flesh wound. Bullets damaged both the
baby car seats and bedding and ricocheted through the interior of the car.
Vanderbijlpark/Potchefstroom crossing. 14 July 2009,,3-975_2538484,00.html
Kaperkoeëls mis 2 babas net-net Posted in Uncategorized on 14 July, 2009

SAAIMAN Anna-Marie, female aged 78 AND her husband, Koert aged 80, were
attacked inside their home during the day. Anna-Marie’s finger was bitten off during
the assault on her body. Kromdraai smallholdings, Pretoria North. 20 Aug 2009
2009820 Anna-Marie Saaiman, 78, fights off ‘mad’ attacker, Kromdraai
smallholdings, Pretoria North

SAMPSON Ray, male aged 34, was hi-jacked and kidnapped in his own vehicle by
an armed gang of 4 men outside a petrol service station at around 12:00 midday.
Along a deserted road he was forced out of the vehicle. Ray was shot at, pepper
sprayed and attacked physically during which he was able to apply self-defence,
jump in his own vehicle and escape. Midrand, Olifantsfontein road,Hartebeestpoort.
Wed 25 June 2009,,3-975_2532869,00.html
Man ‘sny aanvaller se keel half af’ ná kaping

SCHAFER August, male aged 62, was preparing fruit preserve on his porch AND
his wife Hannetjie aged 62, was having a nap in her son’s bedroom at around 17:30
when they were attacked by 3 armed men. A gun was pushed against his mouth as
he was told to keep quiete, and two men frog-marched him into the house as the
third attacker walked directly into the main bedroom. Hannetjie heard the shuffle
outside, and begged them not to shoot her husband, but one of the gunsmen
laughed and said “lekker!” as he fired a shot into the left side of August’s chest.
The bullet damaged his large and small intestines, appendix and hip bone. Villeria,
Pretoria.1 Sept 2009

SCHONKEN Isabel, female aged 55, AND her husband, Lars aged 56, a
businessman, were attacked by an armed gang at around 02:00am inside their
home. Lars was pistol whipped, shot in his chest, and suffered a broken wrist and
scull diring the assault. Isabel ran away and hid in the bathroom, where she was
shot dead from behind. Klipkop Smallholdings, Pretoria.

SHORT Gerhardt, farmer aged 42, was arrested by 20-strong police force 17 cars
the day after he enlisted the help of a local security company to transport the 4
unknown black men who showed up on his farm and threatened him with death, to
the local police station.

SMALLBERGER Martha, female aged 72, was attacked at her home in the evening
at around 20:00 by 3 armed men. Martha was badly assaulted with glass shards and
shot at point-blank range. Her neighbour, Shaun Coetzee aged 30, heard her alarm
and ran over to help her. He was also critically shot. Umbilo, Durban. 12 March 2009,,3-975_2485229,00.html

SMIT Gericke, male aged 29, bashed to death in the face and on the head with a
shovel during the morning in a worksite storage room. Hans van Rensburg Street,
Pretoria. Polokwane, 18 July 2009
Gericke Smit, 29, who 'Wouldn't Hurt Fly', died after being repeatedly hit on the
head and in the face with a shovel

SMIT Christo, male aged 42, AND his housemate Flip Nel aged 46, both
businessmen, were gunned down by 4 armed black men as they left their home for
work in the morning. Christo was shot in the stomach, and died in hospital. Flip is
now bound to a wheelchair from the bullet which lodged in his spine. Elandsfontein
smallholdings, Pretoria. 29 July 2009
20090729 Christo Smit, 42, dead; housemate Flip Nel, 46, seriously injured in
armed attack, Elandsfontein smallholding, Pretoria,,3-975_2544179,00.html,,3-975_2543642,00.html

SMITH Charles, male smallholder, was attacked inside his home at around 03:00am
by a gang of armed men. The intruders were inside his hallway and shot him in his
stomach. Charles died on the way to hospital. Nothing robbed. Hartebeesfontein,
Brits. 23 Oct 2009. Hartebeesfontein


20090905 Peter Smith of Rooikop farm Middelburg, shot by 4 armed blacks,,3-975_2388376,00.html

SNYMAN Pieter, farm manager, ambushed when he walked into his home where 4
black attackers had assaulted and tied up his wife Jeanine, 50, and their daughter
Sharon, 12, at around 18:30. Pieter was also tied up and dragged into the bathroom
where his family was kept and thrown into the bath, his hands secured to the bath
handles. Meanwhile daughter Tracy, 30, who also works on the farm, came back
after offloading workers in their kampong. She was also attacked, tied up and kept
in the bathroom, with the four attackers demanding money and weapons, during
which they hacked away at Mr Snyman several times with a panga. Later the family
was locked up in the bathroom while the attackers searched the homestead. Mrs
Snyman held her badly injured husband in her arms until he died. Farm Balmoral,
Limpopo. 21 Dec 2009
Snyman Pieter Limpopo farm Balmoral murder Dec2122009

STEYN Leon AND his wife, Hetta, restauranteurs, were attacked at around 7am
inside their home by a gang of armed men as Hetta opened the kitchen door. She
was shot to death in the kitchen and Leon was shot to death inside his bedroom.
Nothing was stolen. Sabie, Kruger national Park, near Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. 30
Oct 2009
STERN Martin aged 59, and his wife Janet aged 57, Canadian tourists were stabbed,
stoned, bound and robbed, as they were begging for their lives during a completely
senseless and savage attack while hiking through the Fernkloof reserve on
Christmas day. Hermanus, 25 Dec 2009
“They were vicious,’ Fernkloof Hermanus nature reserve robbery victims told
Canadian TV news

STIELER Ernest, male aged 39, was driving with his two sons in the car when a
gunman drove up to them, and whilst passing them laughed as he shot Ernest to
death. Olifantsfontein, Midrand 16 May 2009,,3-975_2531002,00.html
Man lag toe hy pa doodskiet

STOLTZ Coen, male security guard aged 53, was attacked, kidnapped and killed
while he was working the night-shift at an abbatoir farm. His socks and shoes had
been removed, and his hands were tied up with his shoelace. Coen was severely
tortured, his eye smashed in and his body covered in terrible wounds before he
was dumped into a river. Vaal River. Thurs. 9 Aug 2009
2009-0809 Coen Stoltz, 53, kidnapped farm guard, found murdered in Vaal River

STRAUSS Ohna, female aged 37, AND her husband Jaco, AND their 14 month old
baby girl Anni, were attacked inside their home during the very early morning
hours by a gang of 5 black men armed with guns, a monkey wrench and car jack.
While the couple were being tied up and dragged through the house by their hair,
Anni fell off the bed and injured her face against a cupboard. Jaco was locked into
a bathroom and Ohna was threatened with rape. She managed to remove her gag
and screamed for help. Kameelfontein smallholding, Pretoria. Fri 22 June 2009
‘You whites live so nicely here – I am here to rape you…’
‘Ek is hier om jou te verkrag’

*^SWEMMER Frans, male aged 89, was brutally attacked inside his garage with a
sledgehammer at around 19:00pm and dragged into his house where he was
battered to death. Waterkloof, Pretoria. Thur 12 Nov 2009

UNNAMED ABERDEEN farmer AND his son were arrested for murder when they
shot dead an armed burglar. Beaufort West 22 July 2010

UNNAMED ACORNHOEK, a white woman Dutch tourist, who is said to have been a
“traffic accident victim”, was mutilated by a mortuary worker her breast and hand
sliced off her corpse with a special knife he carries around with him for that
purpose. Mpumalanga 21 June 2009,,752-2460_2531627,00.html
Capt. Hlathi tel. South Africa (31) (0) 82 462 0804.,,752-2460_2531627,00.html 20090620
Dutch tourist’s ‘s body mutilated to make traditional medicine: two Acornhoek men
20090620 ‘Unknown white woman’ slaughtered for traditional medicine: Acornhoek
man arrested

UNNAMED CANADIAN TOURISTS were attacked at around 07:15am along a hiking

trail when they were stabbed with knives and rocks thrown at them. Another man
was found dead on a rock-ledge at the same time. Fernkloof Nature Reserve,
Hermanus. 23 Dec 2009. See UNNAMED ROCK-LEDGE.

UNNAMED CULLINAN male aged 40 yrs, AND his wife were attacked during the
night after the wife went outside to investigate why their dogs were barking and
was ambushed by an armed gang of 3 black men, who forced her back into her
house. The man was shot to death inside his lounge before they left with two
celphones and a laptop computer. The gang proceeded to rob another homestead
in the area later during the same night. Cullinan smallholding, Pretoria. 5 Oct 2009

UNNAMED FREE STATE University Students, 6 first-year females, were walking

from the swimming pool area to their residential area early evening when they were
accosted by a group of black student males. The men shouted to the women that
they must ‘fuck off” their university premises, and that they are ‘white bitches”. The
men also threatened the women with rape and threw bricks at them. Security
personnel on the premises ignored the incident.

UNNAMED GERMISTON woman aged 77 raped and strangled to death with a

telephone cord at the Soshanguve smallholding. Germiston. Dec 2009
Elderly woman strangled to death with a telephone cord at the Soshanguve

UNNAMED GLENCOE female aged 72, slightly built, was thrown to the floor,
throttled, assaulted and raped by a 31 yr old black man named Lucky Khumalo,
during the day inside her home. Glencoe, Feb 2009,,2-7-1442_2483000,00.html

UNNAMED HAZYVIEW Farmer aged 80, AND his wife were attacked during Nov
2008 and again during January 2009 by the same 3 black men, during which his
wife was raped both times. But the second time, the farmer was stoned to death.
Their farm is located near the Phabeni-entrance to the world-famous Kruger game
reserve. Hazyview.,,3-975_2452222,00.html

UNNAMED JOHANNESBURG, ROOSEVELT PARK, German emigrant, female aged

64, was attacked in her bathroom and bashed over the head and beaten to death.
Anton van Wouw Rd., Roosenvelt Park 9 Dec 2009
46/Vrou_(64)_in_haar_huis_aangeval,_vermoor_ Johannesburg Beeld

UNNAMED JOHANNESBURG, SANDTON woman aged 58, approached her home in

secure complex around 10pm but noticed her door ajar. She turned to run away but
was jumped on and repeatedly stabbed in her neck and wrist by the security guard
of her premises. Bryanston, Sandton, Johannesburg, 29 Sept 2009

UNNAMED KLEINMOND wife AND her husband, aged 34, were attacked by two
armed black men during the morning. The husband arrived home after he had
dropped off their children at school and was ambushed inside his home where his
wife was being held hostage. A shootout followed during which she was shot and
died shortly after being admitted to hospital. Kleinmond, 23 June 2009
Kleinmond wife, and 2 robbers dead in shootout

UNNAMED KRUGER PARK GATE Farmer aged 80, stoned to death, AND wife raped,,3-975_2450513,00.html

UNNNAMED KRUGERSDORP, NOORDHEUWEL mother was shot to death during

an attack inside their home by two black men at around 03:00am. Her teenage
daughter was tied up. Fri 6 Aug 2010
Krugersdorp – Noordheuwel

UNNAMED MANANDI RESERVE , two women who work for an insurance company
were hi-jacked along the N2 national highway and bundled into the boot of their car
by two armed men at around 16:00. They both sustained injuries during the high-
speed chase, shoot-out and accident that followed. Kwa-Msane, KZN 15 Sept 2009

UNNAMED PIETERMARITZBURG Mpoponmeni farmer in his 50’s, was gunned

down at night on a farm and found dead, lying in a pool of blood from a gunshot
wound. Mpoponmeni, Pietermaritzburg. Sat

UNNAMED POTCHEFSTROOM, MOOIBANK smallholder woman aged 86 was

attacked inside her bedroom at about 23:00pm my two knife wheeling men. She
was stabbed, beaten up and tied up but managed to escape and lock herself into
her bathroom where she was found 14 hours later,dehydrated, covered in bruises
and knife cuts. Potchefstroom smallholding, 22 Jan 2009.,,3-975_2458127,00.html (UNNAMED
MIDRAND white woman executed on Blue Hills smallholding, 12 July 2009 SEE

UNNAMED PRETORIA, MEYERSPARK WOMAN aged 65 was tied up, her mouth
taped up and raped inside her home during the morning. Pretoria 11 March 2009,,3-975_2485227,00.html

UNNAMED ROCKLEDGE Unknown man also found dead on rock-ledge: Police have
also not yet identified the partially decomposed body found on Sunday away from a
mountain about a kilometre above Voelklip beach. The circumstances surrounding
his death remain murky. Contact information Overstrand municipality security
officer: Director: Protection Services Contact Person: Neville Michaels Contact
Number: 028 313 8914

UREN Cynthia, AND her children were attacked and terrorized inside her home by a
gang of 4 armed men during a 3 hour ordeal. She was assaulted and kidnapped but
managed to leap from the car along the road. Fury street, Pierre van Ryneveld,
Pretoria.17 Jan 2009

*^UYS Hettie, widower aged 72, was brutally attacked while she was visiting the
grave of her deceased husband after attending morning church. She was found
near her car, the bottom half of her body naked. Her whole body was covered in
bruises and injuries. Chaffing was found on her thigh and arm. On her forehead
and cheeck were shoe imprints. Her scull had bruise markings and was crushed.
There was bleeding on both sides of her brain. Her eyes were swollen and her
fingertips were blue. Kimberley 18 Jan 2009
VAN BLERK Loudine AND Willouw de Klerk Cilliers were ambushed by a 5 man
gang as they arrived home and entered their house around 17:00. Loudine was shot
dead. Willouw and the housekeeper were tied up and bundled into his car, which
the killers crashed. They fetched another vehicle from the farm and bundled their
hostages onto the back, which they also crashed and this killed Willouw. Farm
Brandvlei, Northern Cape 18 March 2009

VAN DEN BERG Piet, male aged 64, AND his wife Madeleine aged 59 were attacked
by an armed gang at around 10:15am at their home. Madeleine was still in her
pajamas when Piet walked out to his workshop where he was overpowered by three
men using knives and guns. They dragged him into the house and forced him and
his wife to lie face down on their bed. When Piet got up to fetch the keys for the
safe he was shot from behind. Madeleine was forced to step over her bleeding
husband to fetch the keys for the attackers, threatened with rape, hit and cut with a
knife, her hands tied with her gown’s belt before she was pushed and locked into a
cupboard. Madeleine heard the click of lighters and realised the house was set
alight. She bit through her belt to free herself and broke the cupboard down to
escape but could not carry Piet outside as their home burnt down. Cullinan
smallholdings, Pretoria. Sat 13 July 2009.
Man shot dead, wife escapes fire,,3-975_2538185,00.html
20090712 “Say your last words,” said murderers of Piet van den Berg, Cullinan –
then they shot him in the back, locked wife Madeleine in a closet and torched their

VAN DEN BOSCH Johannes aged 63, AND Jacobi “Cobi”, aged 60, a Dutch
immigrant couple were found in pools of blood. Johannes was bludgeoned to death
with a steel pipe while in the dairy, tending to calves in the morning. Jacobi died on
the floor of her home after being repeatedly stabbed with a knife in her upper body.
. Farm Mooiplaats, Pretoria East, Easter Friday 2009

VAN DEN BOSCH Wim, son of Johan and Cobi van den Bosch who were killed on
Easter Friday, was shot 4 months after the death of his parents by an attacker
during the night. Wim and a friend were investigating shots heard fired at a
neighbouring house when he was shot in his chest. A farmworker was found dead
from a gunshot wound in the pumphouse. Mooiplaats smallholdings, Pretoria east.
23 July 2009

VAN DER HOVEN Anna, a 64 yr old criminologist, was taking tea outside to a
casual labourer during the day in her garden when he leapt at her and hit her over
the head again and again with a spade. He lay on top of her on her lawn, strangling
her and pushing her face into the lawn to suffocate her. He punched her bloodied
and bruised face repeatedly and left her for dead. Lyttleton, Pretoria. 3 July 2009
Beaten academic too traumatised to talk

VAN DER MERWE Johannes, male aged 37, was shot dead on a rural road by
Soweto car hijacker. Volksrust. 22 June 2009,,3-975_2532105,00.html

VAN DER WALT Hendrik Petrus Riaan, male aged 44, artisan who worked at
smelters, was in a group of friends and family having a braai to celebrate his wife’s
birthday. A group of men hiding in the bushes opened fire on Hendrik, who died
from the bullet of a .308 hunting rifle. Nothing robbed. Farm Suikerfontein,
Pietersburg. 9 March 2009.,,3-975_moreStories,00.html

VAN RENSBURG Nellie, a stroke disabled farmwife aged 53, AND her mother
Martha van den berg aged 79, were attacked inside their bedroom by a 9 black
member gang who stormed into their home at around 08:00am. The women were
assaulted, beaten up and kicked, and tied up with cable ties. Farm Rooihoogte,
Rosendal, Free State. 8 June 2009
20090607 Martha vdBerg, 79; Nellie vRensburg, 53, survive horrific assaults by 9-
member farm attack gang, Rosendal, FS – 7 arrests

VAN STADEN Nico, farmer aged 44, AND his two children were ambushed as they
stopped their car to open their gate at around 20:00pm by 3 armed gunmen. Nico
was attacked from front and behind as he got out of his vehicle but managed to
ward off the assault. Belfast. 7 Oct 2009,,3-975_2450560,00.html
VAN VUUREN Gert, farmer aged 68, AND his wife, were victimized by 3 police
officers who arrived on their farm in a police vehicle at about 14:00 on a Saturday.
They pulled out their guns in a threatening manner, and called him a 'white dog’,
and cursed his wife and his mother, adding that ‘ALL WHITE DOGS WILL BE
KILLED’. Hilton. 8 Jan 2009,,2-7-1442_2450016,00.html

VAN WYK Jan, male aged 82, retired policeman, only stayed on his farm over the
weekends, was lured outside, bashed over the head with a shovel, dragged back
inside the homestead while still alive -- and then mutilated, which included the
dismemberment of his penis. The murderer, a Lesotho man who described himself
as a ‘traditional healer’, was found sweeping the veranda and making food. Jan’s
mutilated body was found in the diningroom. His penis had been cut off.
Vierfontein, Viljoenskroon. 1 April 2009. ALSO see Basie Venter,,5-83_2494792,00.html,,3-975_2494684,00.html,9909,2-7-

VAN WYK Klaas, sheep farmer aged 71, was attacked inside his home at around
21:00 by a 4 men gang. He was stabbed repeatedly, his throat was slit and he was
dragged through his house. Klaas was found dead on his bed the following
morning. Keerom Farm, Sutherland, NC., 9 May, 2009
Raporteer aan moderator

VENTER Albert, a church minister, was enroute to the church office when he was
grabbed at gunpoint by five black men. They manhandled him roughly, stood on
his back while searching him for valuables. Albert was hogtied and dumped into
the boot of his car. They drove around with him in his car at breakneck speed on a
dirt road for a while, then returned to his farm house, where they tried to attack
Albert’s wife, at gunpoint. She managed to lock herself in the study and called the
police on her cellphone. The gang fled, with Venter still in the car-boot. They then
stopped the car in the veld and fled on foot. Marblehall. 16 Nov 2009,,752-2460_2454871,00.html

VENTER Basie, male aged 65, mutilated for 'traditional medicine' on farm
Vierfontein, Viloenskroon, Free State. 1 April 2009,,3-975_2494684,00.html 20090401 Jan van
Wyk, 82, and Basie Venter, 65, penises mutilated, then killed on Viljoenskroon
farms for ‘traditional medicine’
20090123 Johannes Venter, 64, murdered Middelburg farm, wife injured – nothing

VENTER George, retired entrepreneur aged 78, AND his wife Cobi, human rights
activist aged 67, born in Holland, were brutally murdered inside their home after
20:30pm by a gang of suspected 6 members. Every large window in the house was
smashed and there was blood in all the rooms including the ceilings. George was
tortured and beaten with a four- pound hammer, a large rock, a bloodied golf club
and a sculpture of Mozart, dragged by his feet from room to room and finally
murdered inside the diningroom beneath a piano. Cobi was gang raped and
severely beaten, left for dead against the lounge wall. She died a few days later in
‘It was like evil just exploded there’ [+/-] Expand post

VENTER VERGENOEG PETRUSBURG farming couple arrived home around 19:00.

Upon noticing a broken window, Mr Venter entered the homestead to fetch a torch
while his wife waited in the car. As he walked outside again, he was ambushed by 4
black men who attacked him and left him for dead. Mrs Venter ran to an outside
toilet where she locked herself in and phoned for help off her cellphone. Vergenoeg
farm, Petrusburg 8 May 2009

VERWEY Deon, business man aged 46, was attacked while he was asleep inside his
bed at around 02:00. He was stabbed with a screw driver in his heart, and his feet
were tied up with telephone wire. From the blood-trail in the house, police say that
it appeared as if the injured Mr Verwey had struggled from the living room to the
rear door where he managed to call for help. He died en route to the hospital.
Wavecrest, Jeffrey’s Bay 14 June 2009
Deon Verwey, 49, Afrikaans resident, Jeffreys Bay – stabbed in bed with

VILJOEN Anna “Suzie” “Ouma”, female aged 86, was found dead. Raped, and
beaten black and blue in the livingroom of her humble cottage, only 2 houses away
from the police station. Reivilo, Stella Farm smallholdings, Vryburg 11 March 2009,,3-975_2484582,00.html
20080301 Anna Viljoen, 86, raped, murdered, Stella farm, Vryburg, NW

VISAGIE Hendrik, a 54 year old mineshaft-carpenter, AND his wife Magda were
cruelly killed and dumped along the road. Farm Weltevrede Vierfontein, Orkney. 15
Dec 2009.
Visagie, Hendrik and Magda – murdered Vierfontein, Muslim Algerian on trial Parys

VOSLOO Ciandi, a 5th year female student, was walking home from class at around
13:30 in the city one week before her final exams when she was attacked by two
men. She was carrying her celphone in her hand when she was grabbed and
stabbed and with a razor sharp penknife to the bone. They yelled “"Voertsek,
Voertsek!" while they cut the nerves, two arteries, tissue and all the muscles in
Ciandi’s right arm . She was in the operation theatre for seven hours during which
a vein was taken from her left leg and put in her arm. Centurion, Pretoria. 21 Oct

WARBURTON Bianca, psychology student, stopped her car at a stop street near
the clinic where she served her internship at around 10:00am when she was
attacked by a 3 man gang. One pulled out a gun from his pants, cocked it, and shot
her. She died while laying in the street next to her car waiting for the ambulance.
Johannesburg. 14 Oct 2009
Bianca Warburton, psychology intern, Alexandra Health Centre, South Africa –
murdered Oct 14 2009 – nothing robbed


WESSELS Rina, female aged 78, was driving to church during the morning but was
forced to stop in the road as large concrete bricks had been stacked across the
road, about 1km from her homestead. Large black man appeared at her door and
instructed her to move over into the passenger seat. He drove off with her and
stopped off further along the road where he pulled her to a ditch, climbed onto her
chest with his knees whilst he tied her up with rope, threatening to kill her.
Wesselbron. Sun 22 Nov 2009
WILLS Arthur. Kidnapped from home & strangled. Sunwich Port.

WILLS Arthur, male aged 86, still had a bandage around his head from recent
surgery when he was attacked at the home by a gang of three black men. His
family, with whom he was living, attended an afternoon barbeque with friends.
Upon their arrival home at around 21:00 they discovered Arthur and his pick-up van
missing. With the help of a car tracking company, his van was found abandoned
the next day in KwaMakhutha after a bit of a car chase. After three weeks of frantic
searching, the first culprit was arrested. A month later, his accomplices were
arrested and showed the police where they had dumped Arthur’s body in a timber
plantation close to his home after they had strangled him to death. They have been
charged with kidnapping and murder and await trial in Nov 2011. Sunwich Port,
Hibberdene. Sat 29 May 2009.

WOEST Pieter, a butchery manager aged 55, was fatally wounded during a shoot-
out with a 10 man armed gang while they were robbing the butchery and held staff
at gun-point. Bronkhorstspruit. 1 Nov 2009

WORSELY Norma Scott, female aged 72, was strangled to death with a cord around
her neck during the morning inside her home. She was last seen walking her dog at
around 08:00am. Nothing stolen. Park Rd., Rondebosch, Cape Town. Wed 26 Aug
Norma Scott Worsely, 72, strangled to death; Nothing Stolen

ZERNA Horst Dieter, male aged 57, was putting up sign-boards along the road
when he was attacked by 3 armed men who drove up to him and opened fire. Horst
died several hours later in the operating theatre. Pinetown. 22 Oct 2009

KNOTT family assaulted, tied up and ten yr old daughter threatened with rape
during 2 hr ordeal whilst 5 black gang members ransacked their home in Camps
Bay may 2008
Knott, Westendorf families testify about gang terror, Camps Bay

ABRAHAM Rinda. Assaulted & shot inside home. Waterkloofrif, Pretoria. Sat 26 Jan

ABRAHAM Rinda, the principal of a crèche aged 55, AND her family were attacked
inside their home during the night by an armed gang of at least 3 men. Rinda was in
her bedroom when they broke into the house. As she walked down the passage
towards her son, an attacker grabbed her by the throat, and shot her through the
heart. She died on the scene. Only her celphone was stolen before the gang fled
the scene. Waterkloofrif, Pretoria.
Sat 26 Jan 2008.

Mom shot in heart - for cell Pretoria - The principal of a crèche was killed by a
single bullet in the heart after three armed robbers overpowered her and her family
in their home. [+/-] Expand post
Kleuterhoof in hart geskiet

ABRAHAMS Fred. Tortured & strangled in home. Klein Drakensberg, Paarl 10 Nov

ABRAHAMS Fred, a 78 yr old pioneer-businessman, was murdered one week after

he had been attacked and robbed by a 4 man gang after work. In the second attack,
Fred was found tied up on his bed, assaulted and strangled to death. Klein
Drakensberg, Paarl East. 10 Nov 2008

ALBERTYN Henk. Shot in home. Smallholding Donkerhoek, Pretoria. 17 Nov 2008.

ALBERTYN Henk, male aged 44, shot dead execution style with a single bullet
through his head while seated at his computer at night as his family was asleep at
home. Stolen 1 x pistol. Smallholding Donkerhoek, Pretoria 17 Nov 2008.

ALBERTYN Henk, male aged 44, shot dead execution style with a single bullet
through his head while seated at his computer at night as his family was asleep at
home. Stolen 1 x pistol. Smallholding Donkerhoek, Pretoria 17 Nov 2008.

BAM Andre, 26 yr old male, AND father Chris Bam 57 yrs old, AND mother
Veronica, retired dairy farmers, were attacked at around 02:00am in their home
during which all of them were shot by a heavily armed gang. Chris was critically
shot 4 times inside his bedroom and Andre shot dead as he ran out his room to
help his parents. Chris succumed from his injuries a few days later in hospital.
Nothing robbed. Doornpoort smallholding, Pretoria. 28 July 2008
This article was originally published on page 1 of Pretoria News on July 30, 2008,,5-83_2379758,00.html

BARNARD Ben : 20080526 Paarl farm attackers Ben Barnard holdings, not yet
arrested, Mthatha robber caught with loot,,2-7-1442_2404078,00.html
Cant get link to work

BENADE Hannetjie, female aged 70, was attacked at her smallholding, tortured and
murdered. It is not clear whether she was dead before her home in which she was,
was burnt down, as her body had been torched. Her daughter- in-law, Corene
Benade, was attacked during 2010 in exactly the same way by killers who knew
details of the attack on Hannetjie, but managed to escape the burning house.
During this attack details are given on the torture that had been inflicted. Henley-
on-Klip. 29 Nov 2008

BEUKES Marthinus, male aged 28, was at a busy shopping centre the day before
Xmas when a security guard shot him in the chest to death. Wed, 24 December
Wag skiet glo man wat ‘nie daar mag staan’
Afrika/0,,3-975_2446857,00.html Oorsprong:Beeld,,3-975_2446857,00.html

BIJKERSMA Douwe Gezinus, Dutch-Fresian immigrant male aged 57, AND his
wheelchair-bound wife Hendrika Johanna aged 57, AND her carer Ms Gelske Afke
Wouda aged 40, AND grandmother Johanna Barendina Durieux, 87 were attacked
and massacred by Stephanus Modise with a knife. Mr Bijkersma was stabbed 28
times, his wife five times, Ms Wouda nine times - and Mrs Durieux sustained three
knife wounds across her throat, and died three months later in hospital. Florida,
Roodepoort. 1 May 2008
gevonnis-20110315 Dutch community in

BLOEMHOF Emile, farmer aged 34 was falsely arrested and thrown into jail after
protecting his farm labourers by apprehending a knife wielding black man and
handing him over to the police at the police station. Marblehall, Limpopo. 19 Dec
2008,,3-975_2444257,00.html \
2 boere in sel ná hulle ‘aanvaller’ oorhandig

BOTHA Brink, male farmer and dog breeder aged 53, AND his wife Christelle, AND
their 13yr old daughter were attacked by an armed gang during the night inside
their home after they had poisoned 8 of the family’s dogs. Brink was shot twice in
the chest. Christelle was grabbed around the neck, and after their daughter was
forced out of her room, the women were tied up and locked into the study. Brink
died shortly after. Mamogaleskraal, Brits 3 Nov 2008.,,3-975_2420583,00.html,,3-975_2431888,00.html

BOTHMA Herman, farmer aged 45, was attacked on his farm at around 01:40am by
3 black men and was shot in his backside. Nigel. 13 Dec 2008 Boer herken glo 2
rowers wat hom in die boud skiet,,3-

BROWN Clarence, was slaughtered alive for body parts by 3 black men.
Bushbuckridge. 15 Aug 2008

BROWN Ria, female aged 63, was attacked on her farm during the day at around
11:00am by two black men. She was grabbed by her neck and forced into her
house, beaten up, her hands and feet tied up and suffocated with a plastic bag.
Waterval-Boven, Mpumalanga. Sat 29 Nov 2008.
Vrou deur venster om man te maan,,3-

BURGER Elma, widow aged 72, was attacked and murdered at her home by the
same gang which had attacked her a few months earlier during which she had
sustained serious injuries and had been hospitalised, at which time her husband
died from a heart attack. Stolen: celphone. Montagu Farm, Paarl. 10 Nov 2008
20081110 Elma Burger, 72, murdered, Montagu smallholding-

Buys, Dennis David, male aged 78, was living alone in his home where he was
attacked during the night by a gang who broke a window from the outside. Dennis
was assaulted while he was asleep, his feet were tied and he was gagged. Then he
was strangled to death with a rope. This case was never reported to news media,
nor investigated, and is now closed, according to his sister. 175 Jack Hindon
Street, Pretoria North. 19 Nov 2008
Dennis Buys, murdered, Pretoria north, never investigated

CLOETE Izak “Sakkie” SEE REYNEKE Andre

COETZEE Frik, ex-cop vegetable farm worker aged 57 was shot dead and his
brother was seriously injured during an attack on their farm. Barberton. Monday 28
July 2009.,,3-975_2365776,00.html,00.html
20080728 Afrikaner vegetable-farm worker Frik Coetzee, (ex-cop), shot dead on
Barberton farm;,,3-

COUTO Emilio, Portuguese-South African smallholder aged 67, AND his wife
Couto, aged 59, were attacked inside their home at around 02:20am by an armed
gang who fired gunshots into their bedroom while Couto was desperately trying to
close the door. Emilio was shot to death. Doornpoort smallholdings, Pretoria. 2
Aug 2008,,3-975_2369269,00.html

DANIELS Owen, farm foreman aged 62, AND daughter Kulsum Herbst aged 20,
attacked and murdered at their cottage during the day. Owen was bludgeoned to
death outside. Kulsum, mother of a 3 yr old girl, raped at knife point and beaten to
death with a hammer. One black man, out on parole for a previous attempted
murder and rape case, was arrested while driving Owen’s stolen vehicle. Farm
Platberg, Elandslaagte, Ladysmith 6 Dec 2008.

DE BEER Jan, male aged 65, was brutally attacked during the night and was found
murdered inside his homestead in the morning. His hands were tied up behind his
back with a belt, and trussed up with his feet. Clothes were strewn over his face
and a rag pushed into his mouth. Jan had been strangled slowly - with his own
clothes. Verkyk, Tamatieberg,Volksrust Fri 10 Dec 2008,00.html

DE JAGER Hein, store manager aged 28, was shot dead in the back of the head as
he sat with his back to the door and had put up his hands, showing he was
unarmed and not resisting during an armed robbery at his work by 7 armed killers.
Pretoria North. Thurs 18 March 2008.

DE JAGER Theo, male aged 46 and member of community-policing, was shot in the
ehad and died later at a clinic while investigating a burglary by 7 man gang around
10am on Rietfontein smallholding, Muldersdrift, Pretoria North. 13 Dec 2008

DEYSEL AT “Attie”, retired mine-worker aged 60, AND his wife Katerina aged 56,
AND even their parrot, were tortured and brutally murdered. Very little of value was
robbed. Lichtenburg/Ottoshoop smallholding. 21 April 2008,,3-975_2311284,00.html

DU PLESSIS Charles aged 62, AND his brother Hans, were attacked on their farm
by an armed gang. Charles died form his injuries shortly after in the hospital.
Farm Sterkspruit, Nelspruit. 26 July 2008,,3-975_2365760,00.html,,3-975_2365760,00.html,00.html

DURIEUX Johanna Barendina SEE BIJKERSMA Douwe

ENGELBRECHT Gert, famer aged 59, was murdered inside his home after his fields
had been set alight. His corpse was found in his bedroom with a bullet wound
under his right eye. Farm Oshoek, Memel, Free State. Fri 15 Aug 2008
20080815 Gert Engelbrecht, 59, Memel farm, Oshoek FS, found murdered,,2-7-1442_2377066,00.html,,2-7-1442_2377837,00.html

ENGELBRECHT Jan, businessman, AND his family were attacked during the night
inside AND outside their home by an armed gang of black men. His daughter was
attacked by two men inside her bedroom while Jan had a gun pointed at his ehad
inside his bedroom. His wife AND two sons were under fire by gunmen outside
their home. Jan was fatally wounded as he ran to their aid. Booysens, Pretoria.Jan
8 Sept 2008

ENGELBRECHT Nick, see KOTZE Stefanus

ERASMUS Johanna Maria, female aged 76, was attacked during the morning by her
black worker. He slit her throat and raped her corpse. Welbekend farm,
Bronkhorstspruit 1 Feb 2008

FLEMMING Kate see HALL Jennifer-Rae

FOURIE Jannie was shot 9 times in his chest during an attack by a gang of black
men who had broken into his home and shot at least 20 bullets into the passage.
Pretorius Park, Pretoria. 15 April 2009
GAHAGAN Nick’s farewell dinner for two families were interrupted by a heavily
armed 22 member black gang who shouted “hello, we are your security” as they
stormed into his home, talking between themselves to “kill all the whites” in Zulu
while the robbery took place, unconcerned about the alarm sirens which were set
off. La Lucia, Durban 24 Nov 2008 http://censorbugbear-

GORDON Sandy, farmer wife aged 56, was tortured and killed inside her home. Her
mutilated body was found at around 16:00 on the kitchen floor, her hands and feet
tied up together with electrical cables, and a cable was apparently also used to
strangle her. Blaauwbank game-farm, Magalies, Pretoria. 22 Dec 2008,,2-7-1442_2425287,00.html

GRONUM Lien, female aged 71, stabbed to death at her home during the day by a
black couple. Farm Geluk, Brits 18 April 2008

GUILLAUME Celia, 58 year old licenced big-game hunter, was attacked on her farm
during the day by 4 men. She was pistol shipped, stripped, tied up and gagged.
Although they had taken everything they wanted within minutes, the torture lasted
for hours. They had travelled 40km to attack her and were caught but all the
evidence and dockets have disappeared. They have been phoning her with death
threats. Soutpansberg. Nov 2009

HALL Jennifer-Rae, a beauty therapist, AND her friends Kate Flemming AND Amy
Lansdell were travelling in their car in a business area during the day and had
stopped to change drivers when they were attacked by a gang of black men. Kate
was wounded and Jennifer-Rae was shot to death at point blank range before they
were robbed and hi-jacked. Amanzimtoti 14 June 2008
You were merciless, judge tells hijacker
Done. ##^^HART, John, retired mechanical engineer aged 88, AND his farmer wife
Sylvia aged 83, were attacked on their farm between 12:00 and 14:30. John was
battered to death outside by the cattle sheds. Sylvia was tortured and beaten to
death with golfclubs inside her house. Swing-gate Farm. November 18 2008

HAVENGA Elize, mother aged 26, was en rout home when she was attacked, raped
and strangled. Her corpse was found close to her house. Rietfontein
smallholdings, Pretoria. 3 Feb 2008,,2-7-1442_2264014,00.html,,3-975_2388401,00.html

HENNING Rianne, missionary, was executed trying to escape with her children,
Honeydew smallholding. 11 Oct 2008,,3-975_2408027,00.html

HERBST Kulsum, female aged 20, mother of a 3yr old daughter, raped at knifepoint,
hammered to death inside cottage during the day . Father Owen Daniels
bludgeoned to death outside. Farm Elandslaagte, Ladysmith 22 Nov 2008.. See

HEWITSON Lulu female aged 84, wife of Barnard heart-transplant team surgeon
Rodney, murdered, Westcliff smallholding, Hermanus. 13 Sept 2008,,2-7-1442_2393200,00.html,9171,837606-1,00.html

HEWITT Jack, 61 yr old lodge owner, AND friend Ronnie Roberts aged 50, were
attacked and shot by two armed black men who shot straight at unarmed Jack
where he was seated at a table. Loot: some cash and a handbag. Kenjare Lodge,
Kromdraai smallholding, Krugersdorp 13 Nov 2008

JACOBS Chris, male aged 63, AND his family were attacked on their small holding
during the night by 4 armed black men. Chris was shot in the leg, his wife was shot
in the stomach, his daughter-in-law was raped, and the hands and feet of his 10-
year-old grandson was tied up and he was repeatedly kicked.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Hendrik, an 82 year old farmer, AND his grandson, Dean
Charles Woodraffte aged 17, were attacked and killed by one of their farm workers.
While the attacker was bashing Hendrik to death with a spade, Dean tried to defend
his grandfather but was overpowered and strangled to death. The attacker then
robbed the homestead but took no food. Farm Zusterstroom, Bronkhorstspruit. 7
March 2008
Old Bronkhorstspruit farmer, grandson killed by ‘hungry’ worker

JOHNSON Allan, 62, who is wheelchair-bound, AND his wife, Gertruida "Anita", 59
were attacked by gunmen on their farm. Anita was attacked after letting the puppy
out of the house. The men grabbed and threw her to the floor before stormed into
the bedroom where Allan was asleep , attacked him and then tied the couple up.
Tues 2 Dec 2008. Farm De Wagendrift., Kameeldrift.
Pensioners, boy hurt in farm attacks

JORDAAN Christo, male aged 41 shot dead, AND wife Koekoes AND daughter
Nicolene aged 22, AND son Ruan aged 13, were home at night. Koekoes was doing
laundry in the kitchen when she turned round and looked into the barrel of a
handgun pointed at her face by a black man, as another gunman stormed past her
into the lounge directly to the unarmed Christo where he and Ruan were watching
tv. As he aimed, Christo slapped away his gunhand. The shot went into the wall.
Christo wrestled him down the passage into the kitchen where the first gunman
was waiting. Both gunmen opened fire on him at point blank range. Nothing
robbed. Kraaifontein, 15 Nov 2008

JULYAN Robert “Bob” aged 70, AND his wife Rhoda aged 65, were attacked inside
their home during the early hours of the morning by 3 attackers who slipped into
the house when Rhona went outside to investigate why their dogs were barking.
Bob was stabbed repeatedly and his throat was slit, and Rhoda was tied up and
assaulted, "slapped and slapped" on the head. The couple were repeatedly asked
where their son was. Nothing was stolen. Essenhout Street, Phalaborwa. Sunday 3
Aug 2008,00.html

HENNING Abri, and his wife Rianne, both missionaries, were attacked by a large
group of black men who had held the missionaries inside the protected compound
at gunpoint. Rianne was executed as she tried to flee with her childrenMarcelle
(2) and Anika (10 months). Honeydew smallholding. 10 Oct 2008

KOLTZOV Albert, farmer aged 20, SEE BLOEMHOF Emile

KOTZE Christine, female businesswoman aged 36, was brutally attacked and killed
at her workplace by a gang of black men. Stanford, Cape. 1 April 2008.

KOTZE FAMILY ATTACKED. Meyersdal, Alberton. Son Stephan, aged 21, was alone
at home studying at around 20:00pm when their home was invaded by 5 armed
gangmen. An attacker pushed a gun against his head, hit him with a spanner, tied
his hands and feet and dragged him from room to room. His sister, Janine aged 30,
arrived home and was assaulted, her hands and feet tied, and thrown onto the
balcony. His parents, Jan aged 48, and Millie aged 50, arrived home from holiday at
around 23:00 but were still in their car when the attackers shot at them. They turned
around to drive out, and were shot at by the police which had arrived at the scene
and had mistaken the couple for the gangsters. Their car had more than 43 bullet
holes. Jan was shot ten times in his chest, and Millie five times in her stomach.
Meyersdal, Alberton. 29 Aug 2008,00.html

KOTZE Stephanus, farmer aged 67, was murdered while he was assisting his
neighbour, Nick ENGELBRECHT. Nick, farmer aged 69, was ambushed, hi-jacked
and kidnapped by 2 armed men as he arrived home during the evening. He
managed to escape and run to his neighbouring farmer, 67 year-old Stefanus Kotze
and his wife. The attackers shot and wounded Nick in his upper left arm and shot
Stefanus in the face. He died on the scene. His wife then locked the house and
called the police after which the attackers fled. Garies, Kimberley. Fri 4 Oct 2008,00.html,,2-7-1442_2404496,00.html

KRIEL Andre, male aged 45, AND his family arrived home at around 22:00pm where
they were were ambushed, attacked, and shot at by an armed gang of 5 men
during which Andre was shot nine times.,,3-975_2441694,00.html
‘Toe skiet hulle my waar ek lê’

LEGEMAR Family which INCLUDES 5 children, Cariene aged 9, Dieter aged 13,
Petra aged 16, Willemien aged 20, Cor aged 21 attacked by a gang of at least 10
black men who had crawled through underneath electric fencing to the homestead,
all armed with AK47’s late at night, shooting through the windows for at least 3
hours. The police took 13 hours to respond. Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria 21
Nov 2008,00.html

LOMBARD Pierre AND his sister, Thyrza Stott, were held as hostages in a house
and robbed. Johannesburg, 2008

LOUBSER Louise, female aged 42, AND her two daughters Arina aged 16, AND
Celia aged 13, were inside her car when they were attacked by a black man driving
a bulldozer near their house at around 17:00. Louise sustained serious injuries
after she fell out the car and he used the bulldozer to lift and drop the car on her.
Letaba Estate, Tzaneen. Fri 25 Aug 2008,00.html
Bride's brother goes berserk, Beeld

LUDIK family were attacked by an armed gang while they were asleep in the city
where they went to attend an emigration-expo. Andries, a well known lawyer, and
their 5 yr old daughter were tied up while the mother, aged 35, was raped while her
6 yr old son was lying in the bed next to her. Pretoria. Monday 4 April 2008.,,752-795_2300770,00.html
Afrikaner Ludik family emigrates to Australia after surviviing rape/robbery terror
ordeal, Kameeldrift, 5/04/2008

MACDONALD Marius, a pharmacist aged 42, was asleep in his home at around
01:00am with his family where he was attacked by an armed gang, tied up and shot.
The attackers threatened to kill his wife when she tried to help him as he slowly
bled to death. Kameeldrift smallholdings. 25 Oct 2008.
20081026 Marius MacDonald shot, left to bleed to death tied to his family,
Kameeldrift Pretoria

MARITZ Johan AND girlfriend Ursula Bekker AND her daughter, 5 yr old Angelique
were attacked by 3 black men in the early hours of the night. Ursula had gone
downstairs to see why the dogs were barking when she saw a black man opening a
window. She hit his arm with a pool cue but was overpowered by two others who
had forced the front door open. She was pushed to the floor, stabbed in the back of
her head, kicked, beaten and stripped. Maritz awoke to her agonizing screams and
ran downstairs where he was hacked repeatedly with a panga. Ursula pushed past
her attackers and ran to protect her daughter. Laying over her, she pleaded for her
daughter’s life while she was severely beaten. Police took 13 hrs to respond.
Smallholding Knoppieslaagte, Centurion Wed 13 Nov 2008

MOLL Jacques, male aged 64, was shot to death during an attack on their farm
while the gunman was shouting 'KILL THE BOER'. His son, Xavier, was showering
at the time. Two of the attackers tried to shoot him but their guns failed while he
was praying out loud before they fled. Farm Stölberg, Ficksburg, Free State. 11 May

Moodie Peter, lawyer aged 36, AND his family were attacked at night while asleep. A
pillow was used for a muffler as they shot him in the stomach. Celphone stolen.
Honibal Str, Rynfield, Benoni 26 Nov 2008

MOUTON, Paul, doctor in dentistry aged 74, was target shooting at the rifle range at
around 14:00 when he was shot at least 4 times, twice from behind and once in his
shoulder by attackers who had jumped the fence and creeped up on him from
behind, and had stolen his gun as he was checking his target. He died shortly
afterwards. Paul had survived two previous attacks on his life, one inside his home
16 years ago during which attackers had axed him, and another 8 yrs ago inside his
medical practice room. Roodepoort. 13 July 2008,,3-975_2357616,00.html

MULDER Elsje, female aged 76, was beaten to a pulp inside her home during the
night by an armed gang. Elsje opened the security door to let her dogs in when she
was ambushed and at least three armed men tied up her hands with tight elastic
bonds and then dumped her on her bedroom floor - going back to repeatedly
assault the defenceless woman while they rummaged through her home. She was
also jumped on and kicked while tied up and left for dead. Limpopo farm. Thurs 4
July 2008,,3-975_2365133,00.html
Limpopo farm wife Elsje Mulder was beaten to a pulp jumped on and kicked while
defenceless and tied up July 24 2008

MULLER Corrie, male aged 81, AND his wife, Hettie aged 78, were attacked inside
their kitchen at around 08:30am by a gang member who fisted her repeatedly in the
face and arms. Corrie, who had been in the shower, heard his wife scream for help
and trieed to rescue her. He was attacked, wrestled to the ground and stabbed in
his neck with a kitchen knife before he bled to death.
Germiston. Wed 3 Dec 2008.,,2-7-1442_2438426,00.html
Man killed for cap, phone Done.#^MUNKS Roy, businessman and farmer aged 65,
was killed by an armed gang on his farm. His body was found inside a “kraal”,
stabbed to death. Hoedspruit. 1 July 2008 (local inquest showed he had been killed
by buffalo but forensic testing found stab wounds on his body. Since then two
attackers caught for another crime admitted to this one as well.),,752-795_2396862,00.html
Y91A/s1600-h/Munk Roy Hoedspruit farmer murder inaccurate finding of accidental
death by buffalo attack%5B7%5D.jpg
NEL Tienie, farmer aged 33, was kidnapped before he was gunned down. His wife,
Nicolene escaped the attack by tucking her two children, Zanell, 2 and Nico, 7
weeks, underneath her arms, running into the veld and hiding. She then watched
and saw her husband fall down after two shots were fired. He died in hospital.
Leslie district, Leandra, Mpumalanga. 2 July 2008,,3-975_2358732,00.html

PIENAAR Heila, mother aged 42, axed to death AND her daughter Charmaine aged
18, paralized; axed by black attacker who pre-planned their murder on the premises
of their smallholding scrapyard. Charmaine lay with her scull chopped open,
cheeckbones splintered and jawbone broken next to the corpse of her mother for 6
hours. Smallholding Waldrift. 1 Oct 2008

POHLMAN Mark, aged 31, AND his family were attacked by an armed gang at
around 19:00. Mark was sanding his stairs, and his wife Carolina was sitting on the
verandah. Their children, aged three and four, were with them. Mark was shot twice
in the chest and died near their fence while Carolina hid her children in the
bathroom and barricaded the door with her body, where she was found and
attacked. Pietermaritzburg smallholding. 22 Feb 2008.
20082202: Farmer Marc Pohlman’s murderers found guilty in

PRETORIUS Joe, retired school principal aged 67, and his wife, Cathy, were saying
goodbye to their daughter after celebrating their wedding anniversary when they
were attacked outside their home. Joe was shot twice and sustained critical
injuries. Pretoria. Mon 8 Dec 2008.

PRINSLOO Duncan, doctor aged 61, AND his wife, Laetitia, aged 54, were asleep in
their beds when they were attacked by a large armed black gang who entered their
heavily barricaded homestead at night. Duncan was critically injured and shot in
his back. Laetitia was shot dead. Farm Vaalbank, Bronkhorstspruit. 20 Nov 2008
Read original Afrikaans story here,,3-975_2430750,00.html,,3-975_2445467,00.html

REYNEKE Andre, a professional game ranger aged 39, AND his eight-year-old son,
Ju-Andre, were guests on a farm where they woke up at around 01:30am when an
armed gang pushed a gun against Ju-Andre’s head. Andre was fisted in the face
and thrown onto the floor where he was kicked repeatedly. Ju-Andre was pistol
whipped and fisted in his chest. Both father and son had their hands and feet tied
up. Ju-Andre was taken hostage and used as a shield to arouse their neighbour,
Sakkie Cloete. Sakkie, the farm owner aged 65, woke to the sounds of his dogs
barking, and saw Ju-Andre standing outside his house. When he enquired what the
problem was, he was ambused by the gang and shot three times. Ju-Andre was
ditched along the perimeter of the property by his attackers and told to run or be
shot, although his feet were still tethered.
Pensioners, boy hurt in farm attacks

ROACH Rudi, male teacher aged 50, AND his family were attacked by an armed
gang in the early hours of the morning on their small holding. Rudi was shot to
death, AND their son Rüdiger, aged 16, was shot twice in his shoulder and once in
the head. Kameeldrift, Pretoria-East. Thurs 9 Oct 2008.,,3-975_2413673,00.html

ROBERTS Dale, church minister aged 50, was shot in the shoulder and bled to
death whilst kneeling at prayer next to his bed inside his church at night. Looted:
tea bags, a broken kettle, a small radio and a pair of shoes. The attackers gained
entry into the building by breaking open two air-conditioner ducts from the walls
with crowbars. Uitzight smallholdings, Pretoria. Wed 29 Aug 2008,,3-975_2385100,00.html

ROSSOUW Willie, retired prison officer brigadier aged 76, was attacked by a gang
of at least 3 men, and strangled to death along a deserted farm road. Hopefield,
Northern Cape. 22 July 2008,,2-7-1442_2361629,00.html

ROUX Derek, retired businessman, had been retired 2 years and was set to marry
his fiancé Wendy Tee. Derek was shot dead, and Wendy was injured during the
attack the night before their wedding. Fourways, Chartwell Agricultural Holdings.
10 June 2008,,3-975_2339842,00.html
20080708 Derek Roux murdered, fiancee Wendy Tee injured Fourways Chartwell AH

SCHUMANN Frans, delivery man aged 48, ambushed in front of his house as he
arrived home from work around 10pm and was shot dead with a 9mm bullet in his
back by 2 black men. Nothing stolen. 22 Nov 2008

SLABBERT Willie, florist, was stabbed to death in his kitchen during an attack. His
niece Daleen Kruger died of a heart attack shortly after hearing the news. Meyerton
farm, Johannesburg south. Tues 1 Mar 2008.,,2-7-1442_2078012,00.html

SMITH Linzi-Anne, female aged 62 AND her husband, Robert, aged 65 AND two
friends attacked during the afternoon by 3 gunmen. Linzi-Anne was inside her
home when she was confronted, assaulted, and her hands and feet tied up with
cable-ties at gun-point. Shortly after, Robert and 2 friends were also ambushed as
they entered the house. Freeland Farm, Wed 10 Dec 2008

SPIES Johannes “Hansie”, farmer aged 75, went outside his house to see why the
dogs were barking at around 05:00 when he was gunned down by a gang of armed
men who had arrived in two vehicles to attack him. The critically injured Hansie
managed to shoot one of the attackers and they fled. Hansie walked into his house,
bleeding profusely and died within the hour. He sustained gunshot wounds in his
arm and chest. Nothing looted. Farm Gravelotte, Harrismith. Thurs 9 Oct 1008
20081009 Hansie Spies, 75, farm Gravelotte, Harrismith – dead in hail of AK47


4 armed men broke a window to gain entry into the home of a 40 yr old farmer at
around 01:45 at night and found his son watching television. They forced him into
his father’s room and shot the man in the head. He died en route to the hospital.
SEE: 20090905 Peter Smith of Rooikop farm Middelburg, shot by 4 armed blacks.,,3-975_2388376,00.html

SPIES Johannes SEE SPIES Hansie

STANDER Sias, farmer aged 69, AND his wife, Hannetjie ageed 67, were asleep at
night inside their home when they were attacked by at least four Shangaan
speaking men. Sias was stabbed to death. Hannetjie fought back fiercely while she
received 12 stab wounds, eight stab-wounds to her legs, two in her left arm
and two in her head, before she was able to reach her gun and shoot one attacker
dead. Coligny farm. 7 Nov 2008
20081107 Sias Stander, 69, killed, wife Hannatjie shoots dead attackerErnest
Vilakazi, 34 of Mozambique on Coligny farm

STEENBERG Adriaan, male aged 45, AND his family were home when they were
attacked by an armed gang who shot Adriaan to death. His father, Professor Dawie
Steenberg aged 68, an Alzheimer sufferer, put up a spirited defence against the
attackers. Leeufontein/Kameeldrift smallholding, Pretoria. 8 May 2008,,3-975_2323379,00.html

STOTT Thyrza, See Lombard Pierre

TRUTER Wayne, university lecturer aged 32, AND about 15 guests were celebrating
his fiance’s birthday inside her house at night when they were visciously attacked
by an armed gang of at least 6 men who had shot the car guard on their way into
the premises. The victims were made to lie down on the floor but Wayne ran to
press his panic button for help and was caught, dragged into a dark place in the
garden, assaulted, kicked in the stomach where he recently had a hernia operation,
and hit on his left leg with a brick or a pipe. One of them tried to shoot him but the
gun didn’t go off. Faerie Glen, Pretoria East. Sat 29 July 2008,00.html
Robbers attack partygoers 29/07/2008 08:09 - (SA) Beeld

UNNAMED DURBAN, PINETOWN woman was picking up her daughter from family
when she was attacked by gunmen and ordered out of her car. Her daughter, who
was walking down the driveway, saw the gunmen approach her mother’s car,
screamed and ran back into the house she had come from. One gunman followed
her but was confronted by her father who shot him dead. Durban. Wed 23 July 2008,00.html

UNNAMED JOHANNESBURG, MIDRAND white woman aged 44, shot execution

style while alone in her home around midnight, working on her computer by gang
who had ripped the security entrance gate off its rail. Nothing stolen. Smallholding
Blue Hills, Midrand. 18 Nov 2008

UNNAMED PRETORIA, ORCHARDS Man testified in court against a gang of six

black armed men who entered his bedroom in the early hours of the night, pistol
whipped him breaking his nose, basing his head against the wall, tied up his hands
behind his back with a wire coathanger, tied his feet and stuffed a pair socks into
his mouth, before tying up the hands of his wife behind her back, forced her to
kneel and raped her. 10 Nov 2008.

UNNAMED FORT HARE Professor‘s family attacked at around 18:00 by two black
men along the road while the husband and father was changing their car tyre. He
was shot and left bleeding along the road while his wife and daughters were
kidnapped, raped and assaulted during a 6 hour ordeal. King William’s Town. 18
July 2008
UNNAMED KLERKSDORP, ALABAMA. Two sisters aged 61 and 67 were attacked
inside their house during the night and raped repeatedly in their kitchen, bathroom
and bedroom in front of a 4 yr old granddaughter by 3 black men. The eldest sister
suffered a stroke during the attack and has become a cripple, bound to a
wheelchair. Their home was burnt down shortly afterwards and their brother died
during the fire.

UNNAMED LEBALENG UNDERTAKER, male aged 42, has been arrested for murder
after shooting a habitual robber who had broken into the funeral parlour at night, to
death after he had ignored the warning shot. Lebaleng, North West. Wed 16 Aug

UPTON Charlie, semi-retired accountant aged 72, was attacked by two black men
inside his driveway at around 22:00pm and was shot dead. Only thing taken was
his car keys. Rondebosch, Cape. Fri 19 Dec 2008

VAN DER GRYP Loffie, 48 yr old manager of dairy farm, AND his wife Linda, aged
46, AND his two sons, Bennet aged 23 AND Roelof aged 21, AND his daughter
Leandre aged 17, AND Boer Booysen, a local pastor aged 65 from whom the Van
Der Gryp family were renting a cottage were attacked by a gang of 12 black men.
Loffie was ambushed while walking to the dairy farm’s office from their nearby
cottage at night, tied up, tortured, and bashed over the head with large stones. The
gang split into groups, attacking the family inside their home at gun-point. The
pastor heard suspicious noises and walked closer to investigate. He was
ambushed and engaged in a gun battle, shot in the leg. Van der Gryp, who was
lying tied up and bleeding with head wounds was shot dead. Tarlton smallholdings
29 Dec 2008,,3-975_2446910,00.html

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Schalk AND his wife Marie, pensioners, were attacked
inside their home and shot to death. Nothing looted. Kleinmond, Cape Town. 4 Aug

VAN GREUNEN Marius, ex-policeman aged 38, was home alone after having had a
break-in to his premises 2 weeks earlier and was attacked inside his bedroom at
around 03:00am. Marius was injured fatally from 7 gunshot wounds. Kameeldrift
smallholding, Pretoria. Sat 29 March 2008,,2-7-1442_2297626,00.html

VAN RENSBURG Theuns, farmer, AND his wife Hettie were attacked on their farm
by 5 black men. Theuns was slashed and hacked to death, Hettie sustained serious
injuries. Farm Naboomspruit. July 2008.

VAN STADEN Stephan, male aged 22, left paraplegic when armed attackers invaded
their home during supper time and shot him in the chest. Loot: two celphones and
a wallet. Queenswood, Pretoria. 19 Nov 2008

VENTER Jan-Daniel, male law student aged 21, AND his father, Jan aged 50, were
watching a television program inside their house early evening when they were
attacked by 3 armed men. Jan-Daniel was shot to death and his dog injured. Farm
Blikkor, Komatipoort. 16 July 2008,,3-975_2358144,00.html

VILJOEN Anna, female aged 86, was attacked, raped and violently assaulted by a
black man inside the home of her children. She died from her injuries a few days
later in hospital. Stella farm, Vryburg, Bloemfontein.1 March 2008 (note, month end),,3-975_2537453,00.html
Lewenslank nadat hy bejaarde vermoor

VISAGIE Mary, businesswoman aged 38, was attacked early in the morning by
gunmen who had crashed through the sliding doors of her rental home and was
shot in the stomach in front of her two little girls. Drummond, Pietermaritzburg. Sat
23 Oct 2008
20081023 KZN business woman Mary Visagie shot dead near rural hotel Drummond

WIEHMEYER Tertius, male aged 64, sheep farmer/construction company owner,

was attacked by a large gang of black men. He was stabbed and then executed on
the ground. Boekenhoutskloof AH, Pretoria. 5 Nov 2008
20081105 Wehmeyer, Tertius, 64, Boekenhoutskloof AH Pretoria stabbed, then

WILKES Daphne, female aged 64, who lived alone, was bashed in the face
repeatedly, badly assaulted, and stabbed at least ten times with a butcher’s knife
with so much strength and violence that it sliced through her neck. Stabbing
wounds to her hand, arm and back. Her body was found in the bathroom. Loot:
celphone, wallet, toaster, tv. Peridot Street, Witbank 14 Nov 2008

WILSON Marge, female aged 53, AND her husband Dave aged 57, head of geology
department of De Beers mining company, were attacked inside their home at
around 07:30am by 4 armed men. Marge was shot to death and Dave was shot on
the right side of his chest. Nothing stolen. Quellerina, Wes-Rand. 28 Aug 2008,00.html

WOUDA Gelske Afke SEE BIJKERSMA Douwe Gezinus


ABRAHAMS Vincent, male aged 55, was found murdered inside his home with a
gunshot to the neck. Caraval Way, Strandfontein. Cape Town. 15 June 2007.
Mnr Vincent Abrahams (55) se lyk was in sy huis ontdek met ‘n koeel in sy nek.
Caravalweg, Strandfontein.

ALLAN Donald, doctor aged 55, was overpowered inside his home, seriously
assaulted and left for dead before he was robbed. He was saved from death 2 days
later when a friend found him inside his house. Donald had suffered many broken
bones and multiple injuries. Rayton, Pretoria East. Found on Tues 3 Dec 2007.
Dr Allan Donald (55) van Rayton, was tuis oorval, erg aangerand, beroof, en vir
dood agtergelaat. Hy was van ‘n gewisse dood gered toe ‘n vriend hom twee dae
later in sy huis gevind het. Donald het veelvoudige beserings en beenbreuke
opgedoen tydens die aanval.

ANDERSON Elaine, a retired journalist in her 50’s who was deeply involved in
church work, was parked at an intersection in Woodlands around 19:00, where she
was shot to death with one bullet by an armed gang of at least 2 men. Elaine lost
control of the car and crashed into a pillar, before they leaned over her body and
stole her celphone. Soon after, the men proceeded to fire two shots at Patricia
Kippen, a mother of two small children, who was parked next to a church. Patricia
was placed on a ventilator and admitted to hospital, but died soon afterwards.
Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg. 15 Oct 2007
Mej. Elaine Anderson, afgetrede joernalis in haar 50’s wat veel te doene gehad het
met kerk verigtinge, het by ‘n Woodlands kruispad gestop, en was met een koeel
doodgeskiet deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 2 mans. Sy het beheer oor
haar kar verloor en in ‘n pilaar vas gery, warna hulle oor haar ligaam uitgereik het
en haar selfoon gesteel het. Kort daarna het hulle twee skote op Patricia Kippen, ‘n
ma van twee klein kinders, wat langsaan ‘n kerk geparkeer was, gevuur. Sy was op
‘n suurstof toestel gesit voordat sy by ‘n hospitaal opgeneem was, maar is kort
daarna oorlede. Pietermaritzburg.

BADENHORST Andre was inside his shop in De Wilgers at around 10:00, when a
“customer” ordered a bag of cement to be delivered to his house. He followed
Andre’s workers who went out to do the delivery, and met up with 2 other men at
this house. They left together in a BMW and returned to Andre’s shop where he was
alone. The “customer” remained inside the car, and the other 2 men ran into the
shop. One had a big, thick stick in his hand, and the other a pistol. They hit Andre
and demanded money. He gave them everything he could and they took everything
they wanted inside the shop. After robbing him, they threatened to kill him. They
tied his hands with cable ties, smashed his knees and broke his ribs before they
fled the scene. Sat 27 Oct 2007. Pretoria.
Mnr Andre Badenhorst was aleen in sy winkel nadat sy werkers uitgegaan het om
‘n sak plaveisel af te laai by ‘n klient wat dit sopas gekoop het, se huis. By die huis,
het hulle die klient in ‘n BMW klim saam met 2 ander mans. Die mans het toe terug
na die winkel gegaan. Die klient het sitende gebly terwyl die ander twee die winkel
ingestorm het, een met ‘n groot, dik stok, en die ander met ‘n geweer. Hulle het
Andre geslaan en beroof. Daarna het hulle hom met die dood gedreig, sy hande met
“cable ties” vasgebind, sy knie stukkend geslaan en sy ribbes gebreek voordat
hulle gevlug het.

BADENHORST Fanus aged 27, AND his finace Marina Maritz aged 33, were attacked
during which he was shot to death, and she was severely tortured. Farm Jacobsdal.
11 Mar 2007.
Mnr Fanus Badenhorst (27) is doodgeskiet op ‘n plaas naby Jacobsdal, en sy
verloofde Marina Maritz (33) was ernstig gemartel

BARBIERI Rita AND her mother Antonia Cuscito, Italian tourists, were visiting
Rita’s daughter and were left alone in her house while she and her husband,
Joachim Huyssen, and their 7 week old baby, went to drop off friends. Rita and
Antonia noticed a man at the kitchen window and started screaming for help. Three
men charged into the house, and hit Antonia repeatedly over the head with a
shifting spanner. Forcing the two elderly women to the floor, two of the attackers
stood guard over them while the third ransacked the house. The attack was
interrupted when the Huyssens returned home and the attackers ran away.
Brooklyn, Pretoria. Jan 2007.
Mev Rita Barbieri en haar moeder Antonia Cuscito, Italiaanse toeriste, het vir Rita
se dogter gekuier. Die bejaarde dames was aleen in die huis terwyl die dogter en
haar man Joachim Huyssen, tesame met hul 7 were oue baba, vriende gaan aflaai
het, toe hulle ‘n man by die kombuis venster gesien het. Die dames het om hulp
begin skree maar ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans het die huis ingestorm. Antonia
was herhaaldelik teen die kop met ‘n moersleutel geslaan voordat die twee dames
op die vloer neer gedwing was. Twee van die bende het oor die dames waag
gestaan terwyl ‘n derde aanvaller die huis gestroop het. Die aanval was deur die
terugkoms van die Huyssens onderbreek en hul aanvallers het gevlug. Brooklyn,

BARDSLEY Robert, male aged 42, was shot on his farm in the Kalkheuwel area,
Broederstroom. May 2007
Mnr Robert Bardsley (42) geskiet in Kalkheuwel omgewing op
plaas, Broederstroom


BARNARD JJ, male aged 26, was visiting a family member and her two children
aged 4 and 9 at around 19:30 when an armed attacker entered their property. JJ met
him at their back door and drew out his gun. JJ grabbed the attackers arm and was
shot but the bullet passed through his pants, hit a car parked nearby and
penetrated the diff. Claremont, Pretoria. Sat 25 Aug 2007.
Mnr JJ Barnard (26) het tydens sy kuier by familie en hul twee kinders (4) en (9) by
die agterdeur voor ‘n aanvaller te stane gekom wat ‘n geweer op ho getrek het. JJ
het die man se arm gegryp en ‘n skoot het afgegaan, deur sy broek getrek en ‘n kar
wat naby geparkeer was, getref, en die diff deurboor. Claremont, Pretoria.

BATES Muriel, journalist aged 73, was found murdered in her home on a
smallholding near Kliprivier. Her naked body lay in the passage to her room. There
were three large wounds to the head, neck and stomach. She had clearly been
raped. A spear was found next to her body but there was not a drop of blood on it.
Her celphone and car was stolen. The car was found the following evening near
Kimberley. Johannesburg. Sun 30 Aug 2007.
Mej Muriel Bates (73) vryskut joernalis, se naakte lyk was in die gang na haar
slaapkamer gevind met drie gapende wonde aan die kop, nek en maag. Dit was
duidelik dat sy verkrag was. ‘n Spies het langs haar lyk gele maar daar was geen
bloed op dit nie. Haar selfoon en kar was gesteel. Die kar was die volgende aand in
Kimberley opgespoor. Kliprivier kleinhoewe, Johannesburg.

BEKKER Fanie, businessman, was walking through the entrance of a hospital at

around 09:15 when he became aware of 3 men surrounding him. They put a gun to
his head and robbed him. Belville, Cape Town. Thur 3 Feb 2007
Mnr Fanie Bekker, besigheidsman, was omstreeks 09:15 besig om deur die
voorportaal van ‘n hospitaal te stap toe hy gewaar dat hy omsingel word deur 3
mans. Een het ‘n vuurwapen teen sy voorkop gesit en hom beroof. Belville,

BERGH Adriaan, businessman,suffered theft during an attack at his

Waterkloof home after an armed gang broke the gate to the premises. Pretoria. Feb

BERGH Marcel, female aged 22, was attacked and robbed by a gang
of at least 2 armed men in the early hours of the morningoutside the nightclub
belonging to her parents in Menlyn Park, Pretoria. Jan 2007

BEYERS Vivian, male aged 29, was parked inside his pick-up truck outside his
shop at around 20:10 when he was attacked by an armed gang of at least two men.
They walked up to him, while one pulled out a gun, and shot him in the stomach. As
Vivian tried to flee to his father, Mr Vivian Krog, who was standing about 10 meters
away, he was shot again, in the back. His father pulled out his own gun and the
attackers fled to a nearby field. Greystreet, Krugersdorp. Wed 10 Feb 2007.
Mnr Vivan Beyers (29) was in sy bakkie parkeer voor sy winkel omstreeks 20:10 toe
twee mans na hom gestap het. Die een het ‘n geweer uitgetrek en Vivian in die
maag geskiet. Hy was ‘n tweede keer geskiet, in die rug, toe hy probeer vlug het na
sy pa, mnr Vivan Krog, wat sowat 10 meters weg gestaan het. Sy pa het sy eie
geweer uitgepluk en die bende het na ‘n naby gelee veld gevlug. Krugersdorp.

BEZUIDENHOUT Jan, his wife Christa, his daughter, and his grandmother, were
attacked on a farm in Silkaatsnek, Brits. 7 Mar 2007.
Mnr Jan Bezuidenhout, sy vrou Christa, dogter en ouma was aangeval op ‘n plaas
in Silkaatsnek, Brits

BLAIR Andrew AND Jocelyn, London tourists, were mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Umhlanga, Durban. Feb 2007.

BLAIR Jocelyn SEE BLAIR Andrew

BOHM Irmgard, German female aged 75, was unlocking the

reception office to her country lodge at around 06:30 when she was attacked and
physically assaulted by an armed gang of at least 3 men. A big lump on her head
suggests that she had also been pistol whipped. While two men held her back, a
third man pushed his pistol so deep down her throat that she had cuts inside her
throat and mouth. During the attack, both her shoulders were pulled out of joint.
Her 35 year old daughter ran out to help her, but an attacker opened fire with a R5
assault rifle. However the attackers fled empty-handed when dogs were set loose
on them. Hazyview. 25 July 2007.
Mev Irmgard Bohm, ‘n Duitse vrou (75) was omstreeks 06:30 besig om die
ontvangslokaal van haar vakansie oord oop te sluit toe sy deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 3 gewapende mans oorval was. ’n Groot knop op haar kop dui op die
geweld waarmee een van die verdagtes haar met vermoedelik ’n pistool oor die kop
geslaan het. Terwyl twee ver- dagtes haar vasgehou het, het ’n derde sy pistool met
soveel krag in haar mond gedruk dat sy snywonde aan die binnekant van haar
mond en keel opgedoen het. Irmgard was so hardhandig hanteer en aangerand dat
albei haar skouers uit potjie was. Toe haar dogter haar te hulp snel, het een van die
aanvallers met ’n R5-aanvalsgeweer op haar losgebrand. Maar die aanvallers het
lee hande gevlug nadat honde op hulle losgemaak was. Hazyview.

BOOYSE Marisa, a public prosecutor, was attacked unexpectedly and stabbed 14

times while she was sitting behind her desk at work. Her associate who came to her
aid was also attacked. In court the knifeman claimed he needed to steal her
celphone to sell it to get money to buy food for his family. Pretoria. 31 May 2007.

BOOYENS Estee, newspaper editor was asleep when she was shot at through her
bedroom window at around 01:30 and a bullet hit her pillow. Her husband David
jumped out of bed and punched through the window, striking the gunman, who
dropped the gun. An accomplice piucked up the gun and opened fire on the couple
as they fled into the kitchen. Nothing was stolen. Muldersdrift farm. 29 Aug 2007.
Daar was op mev. Estee Booyens, ‘n koerant redakteur, geskiet terwyl sy geslaap
het. Die koeel het van buite die toe slaapkamer venster haar kussing getref, waarna
haar man, Dawid, opgespring en die aanvaller deur die venster geslaan het. ‘n
Tweede aanvaller het die geweer opgetel en op die egpaar geskiet terwyl hulle die
kombuis in gevlug het. Niks was gesteel nie. Muldersdrift.


BOOYSEN Ruánn aged 10, who has a hearing disability, was visiting his
grandmother Joey Pavier at her sister Sandra Franklin’s home on the Bashewa
smallholdings when his parents, Dirk and Santie Booysen, along with his sister
Zahnte, arrived at around 20:00. Sandra opened the kitchen door for them and
noticed that they were being overpowered by an armed gang. She ran back into the
house, shouted to her husband and sister to fall down as she grabbed her gun from
her cosmetic bag. Sandra pushed Ruánn in behind a cupboard and took cover
behind a couch. An attacker storm into the house, forced Mr Franklin to the ground
and Joey onto her knees while he stripped them of their valuables before
rummaging through the house. Outside, the Booysens did not realise that the
house was also under attack as they were being robbed at gunpoint by 3 armed
men. When they threw Dirk onto the ground, Zahnte jumped out the car and ran
into the house, where, inside, Ruánn did not hear Sandra whisper to him to stay
put, and peep out from behind the cupboard. He saw another attacker beating his
grandmother on the head repeatedly with a gun, and rushed over to save her. He
was also forced onto his knees, and as his attacker took aim to shoot him, Sandra
tried to shoot the attacker but her gun would not go off. Her son Alexander, aged
23, who had been in his room upstairs, was thrown down the stairs by an attacker,
but jumped up and ran back upstairs, which made their attackers uneasy and they
left soon after. As they were running away, one of them shot at Dirk but missed his
head by a couple of centimetres. Welbekend. Fri 5 Mar 2007.
Ruánn Booysen, ‘n gehoorgestremde seun (10) het by sy ouma Joey Pavier gekuier
by haar suster Sandra Franklin se huis op die Bashewa kleinhoewe. Toe sy ouers,
Dirk en Santie Booysen, sowel as sy suster Sahnte omstreeks 20:00 daar aankom,
het Sandra die kombuisdeur vir hulle oopgemaak, en gesien dat hulle deur ‘n bende
van gewapende mans oorval word. Sy het terug in die huis gehardloop en vir haar
man en Joey geskree om plat op die vloer te le terwyl sy haar geweer uit haar
grimeringsakkie gryp, vir Ruánn agter ‘n kas ingooi en self agter ‘n rusbank in die
sitkamer skuiling gesoek het. ‘n Aanvaller het die huis ingestorm en vir Mnr
Franklin gedwing om op die vloer te le, en vir Joey op haar kniee maak staan terwyl
hy hulle van hulle persoonlike besittings beroof, voordat hy verder die huis gaan
deursoek het. Buite het die Booysens nie besef dat die huis ook oorval word terwyl
hulle, met gewere op hulle gerig, beroof word deur drie mans nie. Toe die mans vir
Dirk op die grond neergooi, spring Zahnte uit en hardloop die huis in. Daar het
Ruánn nie gehoor toe Santie vir hom fluister om nie te beweeg nie, en loer toe agter
die kas uit. Hy sien toe hoe ‘n ander aanvaller sy ouma herhaaldelik teen die kop
slaan met ‘n geweer, en het op hom afgestorm om haar te red. Maar hy was ook op
sy kniee gedwing. Terwyl die aanvaller sy geweer op Ruánn mik, het Santie die
aanvaller probeer skiet, maar haar geweer wou ne afgaan nie. Intussen was haar
seun Alexander (23) wat in die boonste verdieping in sy kamer was, by die trappe
afgegooi deur ‘n aanvaller. Maar Alexander het opgespring en weer terug boontoe
gehardloop, wat die aanvallers onrustig gemaak het, en hulle het kort daarna
gevlug. Terwyl hulle weggehardloop het, het een van de aanvallers op Dirk geskiet,
en sy kop rakelings gemis. Welbekend.



BOOYSENS Estee, newpaper editor aged 37, AND her husband David
aged 32, photographer, woke up at around 01:30 to find they were under attack
from at least 2 armed men. David hit one unconscious before they were shot at. The
second bullet missed Estee by inches while she was fleeing to the kitchen, from
where she threw everything she could find at their attacker to prevent him from
entering through the door. David was injured in the hand and suffered heavy
bleeding. Muldersdrif smallholding. Wed 30 Aug 2007.
Mej Estee Booysen (37) koerant redakteur, en haar man David (32) ‘n fotograaf, het
omstreeks 01:30 wakker geword onder aanval van ten minste 2 gewapende mans.
David het onmiddelik die een aanvaller by hulle venster kitswink geslaan voordat
die tweede aanvaller op hulle losgebrand het. Die tweede koeel het Estee rakelngs
gemis terwyl sy na die kombuis gevlug het. Daar het sy hom met alles gegooi wat
sy in die hande kon kry om te verhoed dat hy by die deur inkom. David was in die
hand beseer en dit het geweldig gebloei. Muldersdrif klienhoewe.

BOSCH Willie, disability activist, AND his wife Elsabie were asleep in their bed at
around 21:00 when an armed gang of at least 2 men smashed a glass door leading
to their bedroom with a potplant and rushed into the bedroom. They flashed their
torches at the couple before attacking them. Elsabie had a screwdriver to the throat
while Willie was attacked with a knife. He managed to break free and opened fire on
their attackers, who then fled the scene. Willie sustained an injury to the left eye
and a bump on the head. Maitlands farm, Nelson Mandela Bay. Thur 8 Oct 2007.
Mnr Willie Bosch, aktivis vir gestremdes, en sy vrou Elsabie was in hul Maitlands
plaas aan die slap toe ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste twee mans omstreeks
21:00 die glasdeur na die egpaar se kamer met ‘n potplant stukkend geslaan, en op
hulle afgestorm het. Eers het hulle met flitsligte op die egpaar geskyn voordat een
vir Willie met ‘n mes aangeval het, en die ander vir Elsabie met ‘n skroewedraaier
teen die keel teruggehou het. Willie kon losbreek en het op hulle geskiet, waarna
hulle weggehardloop het. Nelson Mandela baai.

BOSCH-VAN SOEST Aart AND Marcelle were attacked and robbed on their
Ottoshoogte farm. 4 July 2007.
Aart en Marcelle Bosch-Van Soest was op hul plaas Ottoshoogte aangeval en

Reg. BOTHA Emmerentia “Nen”, music teacher aged 64, was attacked, assaulted,
raped, robbed and strangled to death by the same gang which had broken into her
farmhouse one month previously. Farm Skuilhoek, Luckhoff. Freestate. 2007.
Mev . Emmerentia “Nen” Botha (64) musiekonderwyseres, was oorval, aangerand,
verkrag, beroof en verwurg op haar plaas Skuilhoek deur dieselfde bende wat ‘n
aand tevore by haar plaashuis ingebreek het. Luckhoff.

BOTHA Evert aged 22 was at the house of his parents when they were attacked by
an armed gang of at least 3 men inside their home at around 21:30 during which
Evert was injured in the leg by schrapnel off a bullet an attacker had fired into the
floor. Everyone in the house were tied up and robbed. Del Judor, Witbank. Fri 25
June 2007
Mnr Evert Botha (22) was by sy ouerhuis in Del Judor tydens ‘n gewapende aanval
deur ten minste 3 mans. Een van hulle het ’n skoot in die vloer geskiet en skrapnel
het Evert in die been getref. Almal in die huis was vasgemaak en beroof. Witbank.

BOTHA Hendrik, male aged 58, was found by the police at his house and rushed to
hospital. Hendrik had been seriously injured and robbed during an attack by at
least 2 men on his property. He died the following day from his injuries. Dunnottar
smallholdings. 7 October 2007.
Mnr Hendrik Botha (58) was deur die polisie gevind en na die hospitaal gejaag
nadat hy op sy erf deur ten minste twee mans ernstig beseer en beroof was.
Hendrik het die volgende dag aan sy beserings beswyk. Dunnottar kleinhoewe.

BOTHA Stienie, female aged 61, AND her life partner Ouboet Venter aged 53, had
moved into their farmhouse a week before they were attacked, along with their
friend Mariska, at around 01:30 by a gang of at least 4 men, armed with a knife,
screwdriver, a spoon and a pistol. Stiennie was shot at close range in the chest
before the bedroom lights were switched on. Ouboet was pistol whipped twice on
the head, assaulted, stripped naked, and forced to the floor and his hands tied up.
Mariska was also brought into their bedroom and forced to the floor. Her hands
were tied up and her rings were stolen. The house was robbed as Stienie lay in a
pool of her own blood. If Ouboet tried to look at her, he was beaten and kicked. A
bullet had ruptured her lungs and she died from her injuries after spending a month
in hospital. Hartbeespoortdam, Pretoria. 27 Sep 2007.
Mej. Stiennie Botha (61) en haar lewensmaat Ouboet Venter (53) het slegs ‘n week
tevore in hul plaashuis ingetrek waar hulle en ‘n vriendin, Mariska, deur ‘n bene van
ten minste 4 mans, gewapen met ‘n pistool, skroewedraaier, mes en ‘n lepel,
omstreeks 01:30 oorval was. Stiennie was op kort afstand in die bors geskiet.
Ouboet was twee keer oor die kop met die pistool geslaan en aangerand. Eers
nadat hulle die lig aangesit het, het hy besef dat Stiennie gewond was. Hulle het
hom kaal uitgetrek en na die vloer gedwing, sy hande vasgebind, en as hy na
Stiennie probeer kyk het, was hy geslaan en geskop. Mariska was ook na hul kamer
gebring, op die vloer gedwing, haar hande vasgemaak en haar ringe gesteel. Terwyl
die huis beroof was, het Stienie in haar eie bloed gele. ‘n Koeel het deur haar longe
gebars, en sy is na ‘n maand in die hospitaal oorlede. Hartbeespoortdam, Pretoria.

BOTHA Tienie, male aged 80, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances arre not clear. Sterpark, Pieterseburg. Jan 2007
Die omstandighede van mnr Tienie Botha gedurende ‘n plaasaanval op Sterpark is
nie duidelik nie. Pietersburg.

BOTHA Willem, businessman aged 42, was concerned that because his 9 year old
son Tiaan was hearing impaired, he may battle to find work in the future, so he
bought the Mosterthoek farm and started building it up for Tiaan to become a
farmer on. Willem and Tiaan arrived at the farm shortly after 19:00. When they
entered the house, the dogs started barking. Willem went outside to take their
luggage from the pick-up van, where two en stormed down on him and shot him in
the chest. He anaged to return fire at which they fled empty-handed befoe he
collapsed onto the vehicle, and died on the scene. Tiaan saw the shooting through
the window and was standing at the farmgate, holding his father’s gun, when a
neighbour came to investigate the gunshots. Lydenburg. Tues. 23 Nov 2007.
Mnr Willem Botha (42) besigheidseienaar, het onlangs die plaas Mosterthoek
gekoop vir sy seun Tiaan (9) om eendag op te boer omrede die kind
gehoorgestremd was. Hulle het kort na 19:00 daar aangekom, maar toe hulle by die
huis instap, het die honde begin blaf. Willem het uitgestap om bagasie van die
bakkie af te laai, waar twee mans op hom afgestorm en hom twee keer in die bors
geskiet het. Willem het 4 skote terug geskiet, waarna sy aanvallers gevlug het, en
hy vooroor op die bakkie ingeval het. Hy is op die toneel oorlede. Tiaan het die
skietery deur die venster gesien. Die buurman wat kom ondersoek instel het as
gevolg van die skietery, het die kind by die plaashek gevind, met sy pa se pistool in
sy hande. Lydenburg.

BOTHMA Cornelius AND his wife Carina were attacked at around 01:30 at their
home in the Boschfontein-Maanhaarrand area. Carina heard their dogs bark and
went outside to investigate. She saw a man at their pick-up truck and ran back into
the house. The man followed her while shooting at her. She reached the house
safely, but Cornelius, who had got into a gun fight with their attackers, was shot in
the right side of his hip. Their dog had also been poisoned. Rustenburg. 29 June
Mnr Cornelius Bothma was in die regterheup geskiet nada thy in ‘n skietgeveg
deurmekaar was met aanvallers wat op sy vrou, Carina geskiet het terwyl hulle haar
agtervolg het in haar vlug die huis in. Carina het omstreeks 01:30 wakker geword
van hul honde se geblaf, en toe sy gaan ondersoek instel het, het sy op ‘n man
afgekom by hulle bakkie. Sy het terug na die huis gehardloop, maar was gevolg.
Hul hond was ook vergiftig. Die Boschfontein-Maanhaarrand omgewing,


BOUWER Jan and Carina were mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their
circumstances are not clear. Die Wilgers, Pretoria. Jan 2007.

BOUWER Mercia, female aged 80, was attacked by two men disguised with gloves
and scarves around their faces inside her home atDe Zoete Inval during the
morning as she came out from her bathroom. Mercia was tied with electrical cords
to a chair in her bedroom while they rummaged through her home. While trying to
free herself, she fell forward and hit her head on a television. She realized that she
would not be able to stay in that position with her hands and feet tightly bound and
her head bleeding for long, and managed to break free and set off the alarm. They
put a knife to her throat, threw her on the bed and tied her up again. They also tried
to stuff a sock into her mouth. They fled, taking only a celphone when a security
officer arrived. South of Paarl. Thur. 13 July 2007.
Mej Mercia Bouwer (80) was gedurende die oggend deur twee mans wat vermom
was met handskoene en serpe om hul gesigte oorval toe sy uit haar badkamer
geloop het. Sy was met elektriese koorde op ‘n stoel in haar slaapkamer vasgebind
terwyl hulle haar huis deursoek het. Mercia het haarself probeer loswikkel maar het
vooroor geval en haar kop teen die televisie stukkend geslaan. Sy het besef dat sy
nie veel langer met ‘n bloeiende kop en haar hande en voete styf vasgebind kon sit
nie, en het daarin geslaag om haarself te bevry om die alarm te aktiveer. Haar
aanvallers het ‘n mes teen haar keel gedruk, haar op die bed neergestamp en haar
weer vasgebind. Hulle het ook probeer om ‘n sokkie in haar mond te stop. ‘n
Sekuriteits wag het opgedaag en die aanvallers het slegs met haar selfoon gevlug.

BOWKER-JOPLIN Gregory, personal trainer aged 47, disappeared along with his
car, last seen refuelling at a garage near his home. His car was later found by the
police at the back of Walmer township with a massive amount of blood in the boot.
Blood was also found on the side of the car. His shoes were found under the
passenger seat. Presumed murdered. Port Elizabeth. 10 Dec 2007
Mnr Gregory Bowker-Joplin (47) was laas gesien brandstof insit by ‘n vulstasie
naby sy huis maar was daarna tesame met sy kar vermis. Die polisie het sy kar
agter die Walmer plakkerskamp gevind met baie bloed in die kattebak, asook bloed
aan die kant van die kar. Sy skoene was onder die passasiers sitplek gevind. Hy
word tans as vermoor verdink. Port Elizabeth.

BREEDT Doné, female aged 19, stopped at an intersection during the day, when a
man who had been sitting on the grass, appeared at her window and demanded her
car. She laughed nervously and he then wanted her celphone. When she refused to
hand it to him, he pulled a pocket knife from his pants and stabbed her in the right
arm near the elbow, nearly severing the main artery completely. She managed to
drive off to safety. Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Wed 14 Nov 2007.
Mej. Doné Breedt (19) was by ‘n stopstraat gedurende die dag, toe ‘n man wat op
die gras gesit het, skielik by haar venster verskyn het. Eers het hy haar vertel dat sy
haar kar aan hom moet gee, en sy het senuweagtig begin lag. Maar toe dring
daaraan op dat sy haar selfoon vir hom moet gee. Doné het geweier en hy het ‘n ‘n
knipmes uit sy broek getrek en haar slagaar naby die regter elmboog amper
heeltemal afgesny. Boordheuwel, Krugersdorp.
Sy begin lag, toe steek hy haar in arm


BREEDT Jan, male aged 44, stopped along the N12 near Fochville to change the
tyre to his car at around 22:40. His friend Ms Mariaan Jacobs was passenger. Two
gunmen approached and shot Jan in the head and stomach before they stole his
wallet and celphone. They fled the scene when another car approached.
Krugersdorp. 21 Dec 2007.
Mnr Jan Breedt (44) en sy vriendin mej Mariaan Jacobs het omstreeks 22:40 op die
N12 naby Fochville van die pad af getrek om die kar se wiel om te ruil. Twee
gewapende mans het op hulle toegeslaan en Jan in die maag en kop geskiet
voordat hulle sy selfoon en beursie gesteel het. Hulle het gevlug toe ‘n ander
voertuig aankom. Krugersdorp.

BREEDT Martie, female aged 49, short-term insurance broker and volunteer at a
home for the mentally disabled, was attacked inside the passage of her home
during the night, physically assaulted, hog-tied and strangled. Her son found her
body hidden in a duvet underneath the bed of her ransacked bedroom after coming
home from night shift at around 04:00. Kilner Park, Pretoria. Fri 5 Jan 2007
Mev. Martie Breedt (49), kort termyn versekering handelaar en vrywillige werker by
‘n huis vir die verstandelike gestremdes, was gedurende die nag in die gang van
haar huis oorval. Martie was aangerand, haar hande en voete aan mekaar
vasgebind, en versmoor voordat sy in haar duvet onder haar bed weggesteek was.
Haar seun, wat omstreeks 04:00 van nagskof afgekom het, het haar ligaam in ‘n
gestroopte kamer gevind. Kilnerpark, Pretoria.

BREEDT Sarel aged 78 AND his wife Ina aged 76, cattlefarmers, were enjoying
lunch outside under a canopy at around 12:30 when they were attacked by an
armed gang of at least 3 teenage boys. Ina was overpowered inside the house by
two of their attackers, while another one stood guard at the farmgate. When Sarel
came to her assistance, he was bashed on the head and back of the neck with an
iron pole. He lay on the cold cement floor for many hours in his own blood and
vomit. They also threatened to shoot Ina while they ransacked the house. Sarel
asked to use the bathroom, where his hands and feet were tied up with rags before
they tied him to a chair. He was shot to death with a bullet between the eyes, and
his head slung backwards. The attackers told Ina that they had killed her husband
and would come back before they tied her hands and feet with telephone cord in
the kitchen, and fled with the fridge and other personal effects in the couple’s pick-
up van at around 20:00. Ina managed to cut herself free with a knife that was left on
the stove. She grabbed a blanket and fled outside where she hid next to a farmdam
until dawn. The pick-up van was found burnt out about 60km from their home on
Honingkraal, near Roossenekal in Groblersdal, Middelburg area, Mpumalanga
district. Thur 13 Jan 2007.
Mev Ina Breedt (76) en haar man Sarel (78), beesboere, was omstreeks 12:30
aangeval terwyl hulle middag ete onder ‘n afdak benuttig het. Ina was in die
kombuis oorval deur twee gewapende tiener seuns terwyl ‘n ander een by die
plaashek waggestaan het. Toe Sarel haar te hulp kom, het hulle kom met ‘n
ysterpyp teen die kop en agter die nek geslaan. Hy het vir ure op die koue sement
vloer in sy eie bloed en kots gele. Intussen was Ina met die dood gedreig terwyl
hulle die huis beroof het. Sarel het gevra om die badkamer te gebruik, waar die
aanvallers sy hande en voete met lap vasgebind het, en hom ook aan ‘n stoel
vasgemaak het. Daarna het hulle hom met ‘n enkelskoot tussen die oe doodgeskiet,
en sy kop het agteroor gehang. Hulle het vir Ina vertel dat hulle haar man
doodgemaak het, en haar hande en voete met ‘n stuk elektriese koord vasgebind in
die kombuis. Voordat hulle ongeveer 20:00 met die yskas en ander persoonlike
items gevlug het in een van die Breedt bakkies, het hulle gese dat hulle gaan
terugkom. Ina kon haar hande lossny met ‘n mes wat op die stoof agtergelos was.
Sy het ‘n kombers gegryp en op die werf langs ‘n plaasdam skuiling gesoek tot
daglig. Die gesteelde bakkie was sowat 60km vanaf hul huis gevind waar dit
uitgebrand was. Honingkraal, Roossenekal

BRENKMAN Nick aged 54, AND his wife Petro aged 48, AND their friends Alice and
Jack D'Almeida were attacked by an armed gang during the night and herded onto
the verandah. His quick-minded son Neil aged 12, made a beeline for the safe from
which he took his father’s 9mm pistol and hid it inside his trousers. The attackers
found Neil inside the house and herded him to the verandah as well. They also
found the grandmother aged 84 in her bedroom, her nurse, and a friend of Neil and
threatened to murder the grandmother. Neil sneaked the gun to his father, but one
of the attackers saw and a gunfight ensued, during which Nick was shot in the
hand, Petro was shot in the heel and one of the attackers were shot dead.
Amandasig, Pretoria. Saturday 16 June 2007.
Mnr Nick Brenkman (54), se vrou Petro (48) en hul vriende mnr Jack D'Almeida en
sy vrou Alice, was deur ‘n gewapende bende oorval en na die stoep gedwing. Sy
seun Neil (12) het vlink gedink en vinnig sy pa se 9mm pistool uit die kluis geneem
en in sy broek weggesteek. Toe hul aanvallers op hom in die huis afkom, het hulle
hom ook na die stoep gedwing. Hulle het ook op sy ouma (84) in haar kamer
afgekom, saam met haar verpleegster en sy vriend. Hulle het gedreig om haaar te
vermoor. Een van die aanvallers het gesien toe Neil die geweer vir sy pa aangee en
‘n skietgeveg het gevolg, waarin Nick in die hand geskiet was, Petro in die
hakskeen en een van die aanvallers doodgeskiet was. Amandasig, Pretoria.

BRISTOW Susan, female aged 54, was murdered on her farm with a garden fork.
Musina. 16 Apr 2007.
Mej Susan Bristow (54) was met ‘n tuinvurk vermoor op die Musina plaas

BROOME Norma AND her husband Ted aged 81, were attacked twice inside their
house after a gang of at least 3 men overpowered Ted while he was tending his
garden and forced him into the house. They tied up the elderly couple’s hands
behind their backs before kicking and punching them, ransacked their home and
left. However, they returned the following night and continued their barbaric
assault when they found the couple still tied up. Norma was murdered on her bed.
Ted was left in the passage, with multiple fractures and a dislocated shoulder,
where he was found the following morning, his hands still tied tightly behind his
back were swollen 3 times to their normal size. He had to be treated for gangerine
in his hands. The neat home in which they had lived in for more than years was
trashed, and the only things stolen were a few pieces of antique jewellery and a
cellphone. Atlasville, Benoni. Tues 15 May 2007.
Mnr Ted Broome (81) was besig om in sy tuin te werk toe hy deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 3 mans oorval was. Hulle het hom die huis ingedwing, waar beide Ted en sy
vrou Norma se hande agter hul rug vasgebind was, geskop en met die vuis
bygedam was. Daarna was hulle beroof en vasgebind agtergelos. Die volgende
aand het die aanvallers terug gekom, die ouer paar steeds vasgebind gevind, en die
gruwel aanranding voortgesit. Norma was op haar bed vermoor. Ted was in die
gang agtergelos, waar hy die volgende more gevind was, sy hande steeds styf
agter sy rug vasgemaak na 40 ure se marteling, drie keer hul normale grote geswel,
sy skouer uit die potjie, en met veelvuldige breuke aan sy liggam. Hy moes vir
gangreen behandel word weens die tekort van bloedvloei na sy hande. Die netjiese
tuiste waarin hulle vir meer as 30 jaar gewoon het, was vlenters. Al wat gesteel was
is ‘n paar stukke antieke juwele en ‘n selfoon. Atlasville, Benoni.


BROWN Phillip SEE BROWN Cheryl

BROWN Cheryl, female, AND two males, Lional and Phillip, were mentioned in
records on farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Kwa-Zulu Natal. Jan

BROWN Selma aged 27 was 31 weeks pregnant when she was sitting in the car
arund 07:30 while dropping off her one-year son at daycare when a man, who had
walked past her car, suddenly turned around and hit the window with a revolver.
She quickly gave him her handbag. He took it, but then aimed the gun at her
stomach and fired a shot. The bullet hit her in the breast and the man ran away.
Blood spouted from her breast like a fountain. The trauma caused her to go into
labour for 3 days with contractions only three minutes apart. The labour process
had to be stopped so that Selma could undergo surgery to have the bullet removed.
Forest Hill, Port Elizabeth. Sat 4 Aug 2007.
Mej. Selma Brown (27) was 31 weke swanger toe sy in die motor sit voor die huis
van die dagmoeder van haar een jaarige seun. ‘n Man wat verby haar geloop het,
het skielik omgedraai, en haar venster met sy rewolwer geslaan. Selma het
onmiddelik haar handsak aan hom oorhandig, waarna hy die geweer op haar maag
gerig het en ‘n skoot geskiet het. Die koeel het haar in die bors getref en hy het
weggehardloop. Bloed het soos ‘n fontein uit haar bors gespuit. Die angs het kraam
aangebring en na drie dae was haar sametrekkings 3 minute uitmekaar. Die kraam
moes gekeer word sodat daar op haar geoporeer kon word om die koeel te
verwyder. Forest Hill, Port Elizabeth.

BROWNE Justin, general manager for the event company Strike Productions, AND
his wife Geordie, AND their children Daniella aged 7 AND Robin aged 4, were
attacked inside their home during the night by an armed gang of at least 4 men.
Geordie and Justin went to investigate why their dogs were barking when Geordie
was overpowered by a knifeman, and Justin by a gunman. They were pushed back
into their bedroom, where they tried to shield their children from the attackers while
they took the wedding and engagement rings of Geordie’s fingers. Then they were
tied up and their attackers demanded guns from them, saying that their tip told
them that Justin was a police officer, and had a gun. They also wanted to know
where the RSi (Toyota Corolla) was. Justin told Geordie that he loved her and
kissed her. Two more attackers arrived and loaded their television and computers
into the family car, An Audi A4. They took R200 from her purse and Justin’s
wedding ring. Geordie managed to free herself and ran to another room to press a
panic button. It was only later that she realised she had been shot in an arm during
her escape attempt. While she was in the room, her children came running to her
shouting "Mommy, mommy, daddy is dead!". His throat had been slit. Northworld,
Randburg. Sat 25 Aug 2007.
Mnr Justin Browne, bestuurder van die Strike Productions vermaaklikheid’s
maatskappy, en sy vrou Geordie het gedurende die nag gaan ondersoek instel
waaroor hulle honde blaf toe hulle in twee aanvallers in hul huis vasloop. Die een
het Geordie met ‘n mes oorval, en die ander vir Justin met ‘n geweer. Hulle was
terug na hul slaapkamer gedwing, waar die ouerpaar probeer het om hul kinders
Danielle (7) en Robin (4) te beserm. Nadat die aanvallers Geordie se trou en verloof
ringe van haar vingers afgeneem het, was hulle vasgebind. Die aanvallers het op
vuurwapens aangedring, want volgens hulle “tip” het hulle verstaan dat Justin ‘n
polisieman was, en dus ook ‘n vuurwapen besit het. Hulle wou ook weet waar die
RSi (Toyota Corolla) was. Justin het vir Geordie vertel dat hy haar liefhet, en haar
gesoen. Nog twee aanvallers het opgedaag en die televisie en kompers in die fmilie
se kar, ‘n Audi A4, gelaai. Daarna het hulle R200 uit haar beursie geneem en Justin
se trouring van hom afgeneem. Geordie het besef dat sy kon losbreek en het na ‘n
ander kamer gehardloop om die paniek knoppie te druk. Eers later het sy besef dat
sy in die arm geskiet was tydens haar vlug. Daar het hul kinders skreend na haar
aangehardloop met die woorde dat hul pa dood is. Sy keel was gesny. Northworld,

BULL Tony, male aged 44, pulled into his driveway on Cordette road at around
12:20 where he was attackedby a gang of at least 4 armed men. They smashed his
windscreen and demanded money, after which they shot several bullets into his
chest and robbed him. He died on the scene. Strandfontein, Cape Town. Sat 2 July
Mnr Tony Bull (44) het omstreeks 12:20 by sy huis in Korvetteweg aangekom toe
vier rowers sy motorruit stukkend geslaan en geld geëis het. Hulle het verskeie
skote, wat hom in die borskas getref het, gevuur en hom beroof. Tony was op die
toneel dood. Strandfontein.

BURDETT Rita aged 84, a founding member of the Treverton Preparatory School in
Mooi River, was attacked inside her home on the school grounds by two black
youths who had planned to kill her and steal her car in the late afternoon. They
walked past her car in an open garage, and found her sitting on a chair. One of the
youths pulled a cushion cover over her head. During the struggle her spectacles
fell to the floor of the doorway to the lounge. They both strangled her with an
electrical cord and the post-mortem found she had died of asphyxia due to
strangulation, although both youths said she was still alive when they wrapped her
in a duvet and put her in the boot of her car which they drove away. Her corpse was
found dressed in nightclothes at around 16:00 by the police. Mooi River.
Mej. Rita Burdett (84) een van die stigters van Treverton Laerskool in Mooi Rivier,
was in haar huis op die skoolgronde aangeval deur twee jeugdiges wat haar dood
beraam het om haar kar te steel. Hulle het in die laatmiddag verby haar kar in die
oop motorhuis gestap, en haar sittend op ‘n stoel gevind. Een van die jeugdiges het
‘n kussingsloop oor haar kop getrek. Haar brille het op die vloer voor die deur wat
na haar sitkamer lei, geval gedurende die struweling. Tesame het hulle haar met ‘n
elektriesekoord gewurg. Die nadoodse ondersoek het bevind dat sy dood versmoor
het weens wurging, alhoewel albei die jeugdiges getuig het dat sy steeds lewend
was toe hulle haar in ‘n duvet toegedraai en in haar kar se kattebak geprop het.
Haar lyk was in slaapklere geklee toe die polisie dieselfde dag omstreeks 16:00
daarop afgekom het.

BURGER Barend, male aged 19, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances is not clear. Pretoria north. Feb 2007.

BURGER Wikus aged 30, was shot in the eye and died on the scene in his wife’s
arms after he had run into the house to save his family, who were in the kitchen
where they were attacked by an armed gang of at least 3 men around 01:30 on their
plot outside Sabie.
Mnr Wikus Barnard (30) was in die oog geskiet en is op die toneel in sy vrou se
arms oorlede nadat hy die kombuis ingehardloop het om sy familie te red toe ‘n
bende van ten minste 2 mans op hulle toegeslaan het ongeveer 01:30 op hulle plot
buite Sabie.

BURGESS Sheila, female aged 69, was found dead in her house by friends during
the morning. It appeared that she had been bludgeoned to death by a hammer. Her
body was also naked. Hibberdene. Sun 23 July 2007.
Mej. Sheila Burgess (69) se naakte ligaam was in haar huis deur haar vriende
gevind gedurende die oggend. Dit blyk dat sy met ‘n hamer doodgeslaan was.

BURGMAN Louis, a blind chiropractor aged 72, AND his wife Jacqui aged 70, were
attacked as they entered their home during the afternoon by an armed man while
two accomplices waited outside in a get-away car. Jacqui was putting down her
handbag when she heard Louis shout “Ouch!” Louis had been hit from behind on
the back of the head, and when he fell, he was kicked so hard that his ribs snapped.
Jacqui thought he had bumped into something, but as she turned around, she was
faced with a gun. The attacker hit her on the head with the butt of his pistol, and as
she fell, he was on top of her, trying to remove her wedding ring by biting her finger
off. They got into a fist fight during which her husband heard the attacker tell her
that he was going to shoot her dead as he pressed the nuzzle of the gun against
her nose. She was wrestlng him for the gun when her domestic helper set off the
alarm, and their attacker ran away. Randburg.
Mnr Louis Burgman (72) ‘n blinde chiropraktisyn, en sy vrou, Jacqui (70), het by hul
huis ingestap toe hulle deur ‘n gewapende man aangeval is, terwyl sy twee makers
buite in ‘n voertuig wag. Jacqui was besig om haar handsak neer te sit toe Louis
“Eina!” skree. Hy was van agter oor die kop geslaan en toe hy val, was hy so hard
geskop dat sy ribbes gebreek het.Jacqui het gedink dat Louis in iets vasgeloop het,
maar toe sy omdraai, staar sy in ‘n pistool vas, net voor sy oor die kop met die kolf
geslaan was. Toe sy val, was hy bo-op haar en het probeer haar trouring afneem
deur om haar vinger af te byt. Hulle het in ‘n vuisgeveg beland waarin haar man
gehoor het hoe die aanvaller se dat hy haar gaan doodskiet terwyl hy de geweer
teen haar neus druk. Jacqui was besig om hom vir die pistool te stoei toe hul
huishulp die paniekknoppie druk, en die aanvaller het weggehardloop.


BRUNS Frikkie, meat supplier aged 26, was attacked at his cooling truck during the
day by a gang of at least 5 men. Frikkie was beaten with with a spade and an iron
pole into oblivion before he collapsed onto the floor with a crushed scull
whereafter he was kicked, jumped on and stoned to death. Blouputs, Kakamus. Fri
22 Aug 2007.
Mnr Frikkie Bruns (26) ’n vleishandelaar, was by sy verkoelingsvragmotor op
Blouputs deur ‘n bende van 5 mans gedurende die dag aangeval. Nadat hulle hom
met ‘n graaf en ‘n yster paal katswink geslaan het, het hy bewusteloos op die grond
gele met ‘n verbryselde skedel, waar hulle hom verder geskop, op hom gespring en
hom met klippe bestook het totdat hy dood was. Kakamus.

CALDEIRA Antonio, male aged 57, was stabbed to death on a farm. 4 Dec 2007.
Mnr Antonio Caldeira (57) was doodgesteek op ‘n plaas.

CALITZ Lisbet, business woman aged 44, was ambushed in the parking lot to her
place of employment as she arrived at around 08:30 by a gang member of at least 4
men who had mistaken her for her boss. He demanded that she open her door, and
when she refused, he smashed the driver‘s seat window and fired two shots at her.
One hit her in the chest, She was shot through the heart and the lungs. Lisbet
bumped her car into a wall as she reversed in an attempt to get away. When the
shooter realised that there was no money in the boot of the car as he had expected,
he fled. Port Elizabeth. Sat 4 Sep 2007.
Mev Lisbet Calitz (44), ‘n besigheids vrou, was vir haar baas verwar en was deur ‘n
lid van ‘n bende van ten minste 4 mans ingewag by die parkeer terrain van haar
werk. Toe sy omstreeks 08:30 intrek, het hy vir haar beveel om haar deur oop te
maak, maar sy het geweier, waarna hy die venster van die bestuurskant stukkend
geslaan het en twee skote op haar gevuur het. ‘n Koeel is deur haar hart en haar
longe was ook beskadig. Lisbet het probeer vlug in trurat maar het die kar gestamp.
Nadat die aanvaller besef het dat daar nie geld in die kattebak is, soos wat hy
verwag het nie, het hy gevlug. Port Elizabeth
CAMARA Abel, businessman aged 69, was locking up his business premises at
around midnight when he was attacked by an armed gang and shot to death.
Rawsonville, Boland. 28 Dec 2007.
Mnr Abel Camara (69) was besig om sy onderneming kort voor middernag te sluit
toe hy deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval en doodgeskiet was. Rawsonville

CANTERELLI Gan Carlo aged 64, AND his partner Sue Simpson aged 58, were
asleep when an armed gang of at least 5 men wearing balaclavas broke into their
home in a complex in Hilton at around 01:00. Sue woke up to her dog barking and
went to investigate. As she entered the hall, three figures came towards her. Once
she realised what was going on, she screamed, and they pushed her into a cabinet.
Carlo pushed the panic button but had no response. He ran to her aid but was
overpowered. The couple were dragged back to their bedroom, tied him face-down
on the floor and put Sue on the bed and covered her head with a duvet. With guns
to their heads, the couple suffered a brutal three-hour torture session during
which they pulled a plastic bag over his head and throttled him. When they
demanded the safe key, Sue told them it was in the spare room. They dragged her
there, where she opened it for them. After it was looted, she was dragged back to
the bedroom, where Carlo had been gagged with several pairs of socks in his
mouth and bound with ties and scarves around his head. An attacker entered the
bedroom with a kettle, and started pouring boiling water on her head and swirled it
over her back. They boiled the kettle again, then did the same to Carlo. The couple
could hear each others screams as the torture continued, during which someone
shoved the barrel of a rifle into Sue’s ear before removing it and bashing it against
her chest. They were suffocated with plastic bags, causing them both to slip in and
out of consciousness.
Pliers from a toolkit were used to pinch, pull and twist the soft skin on the couple's
bodies, while they were threatened that their legs would be broken and Sue would
be raped, and their house burnt down. The only contact Carlo had with Sue during
the ordeal was the gentle reassurance of their entwined toes. They suffered first-
degree burns to their backs and severe injuries and bruising to their faces and
heads when the gang left them for dead. Carlo also suffered a compressed
Pietermaritzburg. Wed 22 Feb 2007.
Mnr Gan Carlo Canterelli (64) en sy gesselin Sue Simpson (58) het geslaap terwyl 5
gewapende mans geklee met balaklavas by hul huis in ‘n veiligheids gebied te
Hilton ingebreek het. Die geblaf van Sue se hond het haar wakker gemaak, en toe
sy ondersoek instel het 3 mans na haar beweeg. Nadat sy besef het wat aangaan,
het sy geskreeu, en hulle het haar in ‘n kas in gestamp. Carlo het die paniek
knoppie gedruk, maar daar was geen reaksie nie. Hy het haar te hulp gesnel maar
was oorval. Die paartjie was terug na hulle kamer gesleep, waar Carlo met sy gesig
teen die vloer vasgebind was. Sue was op die bed neergesmyt en ‘n duvet was oor
haar kop gegooi. Met gewere teen hulle koppe, het die paartjie ‘n drie uur marteling
ondergaan. ‘n Plastiese sak was oor sy kop getrek en hy was gewurg. Op aanvraag
het Sue vir die bende vertel dat die kluis se sleutel in die spaarkamer was. Sy was
daarheen gesleep, en sy het dit vir hulle oopgesluit. Nadat hulle die kluis beroof
het, was sy terug na die hoofkamer gesleep, waar Carlo met ‘n klomp sokkies
gemuilband was, en vasgebind met dasse en serpe om sy kop. ‘n Aanvaller het met
‘n ketel gekookte water die kamer binnegekom was dit oor haar kop en rug laat
uitstroom. Hulle het die ketel weer laat kook, en vir Carlo op dieselfde manier
gebrand. Die paartjie het mekaar hoor skreeu terwyl die marteling voort duur,
waarin iemand ‘n geweer se loop in Sue se oor gedruk het, dit uitgepluk en haar
teen die bors met dit geslaan het. Hulle was beide met plastiek sakker versmoor,
waardeurens hulle in en uit bewussyn geswym het. Tange van ‘n gereedskap
kassie was gebruik om die sagte velle op die paartjie te knyp, trek en draai, terwyl
hulle gedreig was dat hulle kniee gebreek sou word, en Sue verkrag sou word
voordat die huis aan die brand gesteek sou word. Die enigste kontak wat Carlo en
Sue tydens die aanval met mekaar gehad het, was met hulle tone. Die paartjie het
eerste grad brand wonde oor hul rug sowel as ernstige beserings en kneusings op
hulle gesigte en koppe gehad toe hulle vir dood agtergelos was. Carlo het ook ‘n
geknersde rugwerwel opgedoen tydens die aanval. Pietermaritzburg.

CAPAZORIO Jose, male aged 47, was ambushed at the main gate to his
smallholding at around 09:00 and beaten to death with a blunt object. It appears
that as his assailants fled with his pick-up van, they bumped the wall of his
property, and bricks fell which partially covered his corpse.Grootvlei holdings,
Verena, Witbank. 12 Sep 2007.
Mnr Jose Capazorio (47) was omstreeks 09:00 by die hoofhek van sy kleinhoewe
ingewag en met ‘n stomp voorwerp doodgeslaan. Blykbaar het sy aanvallers die
muur wat sy hoewe omhein, raakgestamp terwyl hulle met sy bakkie gevlug het, en
van die bakstene het sy ligaam deels bedek. Grootvlei hoewe, Witbank.

CARLSON Matthew, male aged 47, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
his circumstances are not clear. Devon. Jan 2007.

CASSIDY Peter, freelance journalist and radio personality aged 68, was found dead
on the floor of his bathroom by the police after they had discovered his pick-up
truck abandoned next to the road at around 03:00. His hands and feet were tied up,
a rope was twisted around his throat, and he was lying on his stomach with a
wound on the back of his head. Florapark, Pietersburg/Polokwane. Tues 22 Aug
Mnr Peter Cassidy (68), ‘n vryskut joernalis en radio persoonlikheid, se lyk was op
die badkamer vloer van sy huis deur die polisie aangetref nadat hulle sy bakkie
omstreeks 03:00 verlate langs die pad gevind het. Peter het op sy maag gele, sy
hande en voete vasgebind, met ’n tou om sy nek gedraai en daar was ’n wond aan
sy agterkop. Florapark, Pietersburg/Polokwane
CHATTERTON Jacqueline Ivy, female aged 46, was attacked by two knifemen inside
her home during the day. The men waited in the laundry of the farm for her
husband to leave the house. When he walked out to walk the dogs, the one man
pulled a stocking over his face and stormed into the house, while the other
followed once he heard her screams for help, and locked the house doors. They
tracked her from room to room, stabbing her more than 40 times with two different
knives: a pocket knife and a larger, fixed blade knife. Jacqueline was stabbed 22
times in the back, thrice in her left lung and six times in her right lung. She also
sustained a stab wound to the neck, two stab wounds to her left arm, five wounds
to her face and one stab wound to the scalp. They made their escape through the
bathroom window and burnt their clothes. She died soon after her husband arrived
home. Boston agricultural holdings. 31 Oct 2007.
Mev Jacqueline Ivy Chatterton (46) was deur twee mans met messe in haar huis
gedurende die dag doodgesteek. Hulle het in die plaas se opwaskamer gewag
totdat haar man die woning verlaat. Nadat hy uitgestap het om saam met hul honde
te gaan loop, het die een aanvaller ‘n sykous oor sy kop getrek en die huis binne
gestorm. Toe die tweede aanvaller haar om hulp hoor skree, het hy gevolg en die
deure toegesluit. Hulle het haar meer as 40 keer gesteek terwyl sy van kamer na
kamer gevlug het. Jacqueline was 22 keer in die rug gesteek, drie keer in die linker
long, en ses keer in die regter long. Sy was ook in die nek, twee keer in die linker
arm, vyf heer in die gesig en een keer in die kop gesteek. Hulle het deur die
badkamervenster ontsnap, en hulle klere gaan verbrand. Sy is kort na haar man se
terugkoms oorlede. Boston hoewe.

CLARK Freddy, male aged 50, ran outside along with his wife Zenobie, AND her
son, Quintin Groenewald, to help their neighbours, the Moolmans, who were being
attacked during the early evening of a Sunday night. Nico Moolman, a famous
writer, AND his wife Naomi, were watching television when 2 armed gunmen
stormed in through the front door and immediately shot their dog in the chest. The
gunman turned the pistol on Nico and pulled the trigger twice, but the gun would
not fire. Nico was ordered down onto the floor, and Naomi was given the tieback an
attacker ripped off their curtains and instructed to tie the legs of their dog up.
Freddy, and his family, had heard the shot, went outside and called out to Nico but
got no reply. The attackers fled outside when they heard Freddy calling. Freddy and
Quintin noticed them and tried to stop their escape. The gunman shot Freddy at
close range above his left eye and suffered serious injury. Vanderbijlpark, FS. 3 Feb
Die bekende skrywer mnr Nico Moolman, en sy vrou Naomi, was vroegaand in hul
huis besig om televisie te kyk toe twee mans deur hul voordeur storm en die hond
skiet. Die aanvaller het sy geweer op Nico getref en die sneller twee keer getrek,
maar die geweer het nie afgegaan nie. Daarna was Nico op die vloer gedwing terwyl
Naomi beveel was op die hond se bene vas te maak met die gordyntou was ‘n
aanvaller van die gordyn afgeruk het. Intussen het sy bure, Freddy Clark (50), sy
vrou Zenobie, en haar seun Quintin Groenewald die geweerskoot gehoor en vanaf
die sypaadjie vir Nico geroep, waarop die aanvallers op vlug gesit het. Freddie en
Quintin het die aanvallers vasgetrek, maar die een het vir Freddie bokant die
linkeroog geskiet, waarvan hy ernstige skade opgedoen het. Vanderbijlpark.

COETZEE Gerhardus Jakobus, male aged 48, was attacked by 3 men at his gate as
he arrived home from work at around 18:30 and was shot in the stomach. Nothing
was stolen. Silverton, Pretoria. 11 July 2007.
Mnr. Gerhardus Jakobus Coetzee (48) het omstreeks 18:30 vanaf werk voor sy hek
stilgehou toe drie hy deur 3 mans aangeval en in die maag geskiet was, waarna
hulle lee hande gevlug het. Silverton, Pretoria

COETZEE Naas, male aged 66, dropped his wife, Elize aged 63, off at their home
and was parking his pick-up truck in the garage when he was attacked by two men.
As he opened the door they pounced on him and pulled a sack over his head. He
tried to get his back to the wall as he was stabbed and kicked. Naas was concerned
about his wife being alone and having left the farmhouse door open and called out
for help as loudly as possible. He felt himself go lame as he was stabbed in his side
but kept struggling to stay on his feet. As an attacker brought a knife up to his
throat, and found grip on his mouth with his free hand, Naas bit him with such
vengeance that blood spurt out. His workers had heard his screams and as they
approached, the attackers ran away. Naas had suffered seven stab-wounds in his
right hand and four in his sides during the attack on Welgeplaas in Burgersdorp,
North Eastern Cape
Nadat mnr Naas Coetzee (66) sy vrou Elize (63) by die plaashuis afgelaai het, was
hy besig om sy bakkie in die motorhuis te parker toe hy deur twee mans aangeval
was. Hy het sopas die deur oopgemaak toe hulle hom bespring en ‘n sak oor sy
kop trek. Hy het probeer om met sy rug teen die muur te stane te kom terwyl hulle
hom gesteek en geskop het. Naas was bekommered oor Elize wat die huis se deur
oop vir hom sou wees, en het so hard hy kon vir hulp uitgeroep. Hy het gevoel hoe
hy lam word toe hy in die sy gesteek word, maar het aanhou worstel om op sy
voete te bly. Terwyl ‘n aanvaller ‘n mes na Naas se keel bring, en met die ander
hand greep oor Naas se mond probeer kry, het Naas hom so hard op die hand
gebyt dat die bloed uitspuit. Die plaaswerkers het Naas se kreete gehoor en nader
gekom voordat sy aanvallers gevlug het. Naas het sewe steek wonde on sy
regterhand en vier in sy sye gehad gedurende die aanval op Welgeplaas in

CONRADI Alwyn, male, AND Zena, female, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.


COOKS Maggie, female aged 70, was in the kitchen of the church Congregation of
Christ at around 21:00 when an armed gang attacked the church members. They
first overpowered teens outside the church during which they hit a 14 yr old girl on
the back with a firearm. They tried to hit her in the face with a stick, but she
protected herself with her arms. Thereafter they bodysearched her for valuables. A
15 yr old boy was pistolwhipped on the head. Maggie was threatened with one of
the church's knives, stabbed in the side and sustained severe scratches to the
hands and arms as she was shoved around, shortly before they attacked the rest of
the people inside the church, shouting at them to lie down and be quiet. They
opened fire and some of the bullets hit the roof and walls of the church hall before
they fled. Witbank. Fri 7 Oct 2007.
Mej Maggie Cooks (70) was in die kerk se kombuis toe ‘n gewapende bende op die
gemeente toeslaan. Hulle het eers die tieners wat buite gestaan het, aangerand. ‘n
14 jarige meisie was in die rug met ‘n geweer geslaan. Hulle het probeer om haar
met ‘n stok in die gesig by te kom, maar sy het met haar arms gekeer. Daarna het
hulle haar ligaam deursoek vir goed van waarde. ‘n 15 jarige seun was teen die kop
met ‘n gewer geslaan. Maggie was met een van die kerk se messe gedreig, in die sy
gesteek en het ernstige snymerke op haar hande en arms opgedoen terwyl hulle
haar rondgestamp het. Kort daarna het die aanvallers op die mense in die gebou
afgestorm en beveel om stilt e bly en op die vloet te le. Hulle het met hul gewere
losgebrand en koeels het die dak en mure getref voordat hulle gevlug het. Witbank.

COOPER Rikus was driving with his family in a doublecab pick-up truck at around
08:00 along the N1 South from Randburg to Vanderbijlpark and were about 15 km
from the Grasmere tollgate when a man walked so slowly across the road that
Rikus had to swerve from the left lane to the right lane to miss him. The man turned
around, and hurled a rock the size of a rugby ball at the oncoming vehicle. The rock
smashed through the windscreen and flew out the back window. Ricus was cut in
the face and the corneas of his eyes, but managed to continue driving to safety. A
group of men were loitering along the road at the site of the attack. 25 July 2007.
Mnr Rikus Cooper was omstreeks 08:00 op die N1 suid vanaf Randburg na
Vanderbijlpark sowat 15km vanaf die Grasmere tolhek oppad in ‘n dubbelkajuit
bakkie saam met sy huisgesin toe ‘n voetganger so stadig oor die pad verby loop
dat Wikus vanaf die linkerbaan na die regterbaan moes verander om hom mist e ry.
Die voetganger het skielik omgedraai en ‘n rots, so groot as ‘n rugbybal, na die
aankomende voertuig gegooi. Die rots het deur die voorruit gebars en by die
agterruit uitgevlieg. Rikus het snywonde in die gesig en oe opgedoen, maar het
verder tot veiligheid aangery. ‘n Groep mans het langs die pad gestaan waar die
aanval voorgekom het.

CORDIER husband (67) AND wife (64) were attacked during the afternoon by an
armed gang inside their farmhouse. Initially only 2 men rang his doorbell, enquiring
where they could buy sheep. Mr Cordier opened the door to give them directions
and was overpowered by 5 armed men. The couple were forced to the floor inside a
bedroom, tied up with neckties, and robbed at gunpoint. His wife was also
threatened with rape. Their grandsons Gerrie aged 19 AND Ronaldo aged 22 walked
into the attack unexpectedly, and were also overpowered and tied up. Biesiesvlei,
near Sannieshof. Klerksdorp. 27 June 2007.
Mnr Cordier (67) en sy vrou (64) was in hulle plaashuis aangeval gedurende die
middag. Twee mans het die Cordier se deurklokkie gelui, en gevra waar hulle skape
kon koop. Toe mnr Cordier die deur oopmaak om vir hulle aanwysings te gee, was
hy deur 5 mans oorval. Die egpaar was na die vloer in ‘n kamer gedwing en met
dasse vasgemaak en beroof terwyl gewere op hulle gerig was. Sy vrou was ook met
verkragting gedreig. Hulle kleinseuns Gerrie (19) en Ronaldo (22) het
niksvermoedend de huis ingestap en was ook oorval en vasgebind. Biesiesvlei,

CREAGH Kieran, Catholic priest aged 44, was in a critical condition in hospital after
being shot four times by an armed gang of 8 men at the Leratong hospice he
founded for the care of the terminally ill, which includes HIV/Aids. Two of the shots
hit him in the chest and he also suffered internal bleeding after the gang had cuffed
the security guards at the gate to the Leratong premises during the afternoon, and
forced them to lead them to the keys of the safe, which were kept by Kieran.
Atteridgeville, Pretoria West. 2 Mar 2007.
Vader Kieran Creagh, ‘n 44 jarige Katolieke priester, was in ‘n ernstige toestand by
de hospitaal opgeneem nadat ‘n bende van 8 mans hom 4 keer geskiet het by die
Leratong-hospies wat hy gestig het om terminaalsiekes wat MIV/vigs insluit, te
besorg. Twee skote het hom in die bors getref, en hy het ook aan inwendige
bloeding gelei nadat die bende sy sekuriteits wagte by die hek van die Leratong
gronde geboei en gedwing het om hulle na die kluis se sleutel te neem, wat in
Kieran se sorg was. Atteridgeville.

CREIGHTON-JONES Douglas, male aged 76, went to report a break-in at his shed at
the police station on a Sunday morning while his wife went to church. He arrived
home before her and was ambushed inside his home by a gang of at least 2 men at
around 10:00. Douglas was physically assaulted and also attacked with a blunt
object, during which he sustained injuries to his forehead, face and arm and was
left lying on the kitchen floor. Aloe Corner farm, Richmond 27 May 2007.
Mnr Douglas Creighton-Jones (76) het na die polisie stasie gegaan om ‘n saak aan
te gee van diesfstal in sy skuur terwyl sy vrou kerk toe gegaan het op ‘n Sondag
oggend. Omstreeks 10:00 het hy by die huis aangekom en was in die huis oorval
deur ‘n bende van ten minste 2 mans. Hy was onder andere ook met ‘n stomp
voorwerp aangeval waartydens hy beserings op sy voorkop, in sy gesig en aan sy
arm opgedoen het voordat hulle hom op sy kombuis vloer agtergelos het. Aloe
Corner plaas, Richmond.

CRONJE Bettie, female aged 72, was not home when her house was broken into the
first time, but two weeks later she was asleep in her bed at around 02:00 when a
gang of 4 men broke in. Bettie was tied up and robbed. She was found by
passersby who heard her calls for help 5 hours later. Theunissen. 4 Sep 2007.
Mej Bettie Cronje (72) was nie tuis toe haar huis die eerste keer beroof was nie,
maar was 2 weke wel in haar bed aan die slap gewees toe ‘n bende van 4 mans
omstreeks 02:00 ingebreek het. Sy vas vasbebind en beroof. Verbygangers het haar
5 ure later bevry nadat hulle haar om hulp hoor roep het. Theunissen.

CRONJE Mizpah aged 79, AND her sister Susanna Groenewald aged 84, were living
together in a house for about 6 years before they were attacked, severely assaulted
and robbed at around 03:00. Susanna went to investigate a noise she had heard in
the kitchen where a man appeared next to the fridge, hit her over the head with a
glass bottle and ordered her to lay on the floor. Mizpah also went to the kitchen and
was bashed on the head with a chair. She fell to the ground with a fractured scull.
Their attacker threatened to kill them with his knife, swore at them and ordered
them not to move while he robbed their home and ate from the kitchen. At around
05:00 he stood with his legs widespread over Susanna, held his penis in his hand,
and said he was going to rape her. She mustered all her strength and kicked him
between the legs, after which he fled the scene. Both women required
hospitalization for their injuries. Uitenhage. Eastern Cape. Sun 30 Oct 2007.
Mev Mizpah Cronje (79) en haar susterSusanna Groenewald (84) het 6 jaar
saamgewoon voordat hulle omstreeks 03:00 in hul huis oorval was. Susanna het ‘n
geluid in die kombuis gehoor, maar toe sy instep, het ‘n man langs die yskas
verskyn en haar met ‘n glasbottel oor die kop geslaan, waarna sy beveel was om
stil op die vloer te bly le. Mizpah het die geraas gehoor, maar toe sy die kombuis
instap, het hy haar met ‘n stoel oor die kop geslaan, waarvan sy skeudelbreuk
opgedoen het. Met sy mes het hy hulle om die dood gedreig, gedwing om stil op die
vloer te le terwyl hy hulle beroof, gevloek, en hul kos vanuit die kombuis geeet het.
Dit was omtrent 05:00 toe hy wydsbeen oor Susanna gaan staan het, en met sy
privaat deel in die hand, gedreig het om haar te verkrag. Sy het al haar kragte
ingespan en hom hard tussen die bene geskop, waarna hy gevlug het. Uitenhage.



DAFFUE Lanie was shot in the foot outside her house by an armed gang which
were attacking her friend, Heleen Coetzee, at around 20:00 outside the gate in her
car, after Lanie had run to her aid with pepperspray. Her son, Gerhard “Gert” was
inside the house at that time. Mountain view, Pretoria. Sun 7 Jan 2007.
Mev Lanie Daffue was in die voet geskiet nadat sy met pepersproei in die hand
uitgehardloop het na haar vriendin, Heleen Coetzee, wat by Lanie se hek omstreeks
20:00 in haar motor onder aanval was deur ‘n gewapende bende. Haar seun,
Gerhard “Gert” was tydens die aanval in die huis. Mountain View, Pretoria.


DE BEER Charin, top prosecutor, was robbed at gunpoint in front of her children by
a gang of at least two men in the driveway of her home in Bryanston.
Johannesburg. GA. Tues 10 Jan 2007.
Mej Charin de Beer, hoof aanklaer, was met ‘n geweer teen haar kop deur ‘n bende
van ten minste 2 mans voor haar kinders beroof in die oprit van haar huis te
Bryanston, Johannesburg.

DEBEIL Tilda aged 64, an interior decorator, was waiting at the Lynwood primary
school at around 14:10 to collect her grandchildren an armed attacker tried to take
the keys of her new Toyota Corolla from her. During their scuffle, she knocked his
arm away and the shot he fired, missed her. He kicked her in the stomach, grabbed
the keys, and jumped into her car while more gang members were watching them in
a nearby car. Tilda jumped up and slammed the car door several times on his arm.
He reversed into her before driving off. Amongst her injuries is a bump on the head
and a painful arm. Pretoria. Thur 14 June 2007.
Mev. Tilda Debeil (64), ‘n binneshuis versierder, het by die Lynwood laerskool
gewag om haar kinders na skool op te tel, ongeveer 14:10, toe ‘n gewapende
aanvaller haar nuwe Toyota Corolla se sleutels probeer gryp het. Hulle het begin
stoei, en sy het die aanvaller se arm gestamp toe ‘n skoot afgaan wat haar gemis
het. Daarna het hy haar geskop, die sleutels gegryp en in haar kar gespring, terwyl
sy trawante in ‘n naby geparkeerde kar die skouspel dopgehou het. Tilda het haar
aanvaller se arm herhaaldelik in die deur vasgeslaan voordat hy in trurat weggetrek
het en haar gestamp het voordat hy weg gery het. Pretoria.

DE BRUYN Deon aged 49 AND his wife Minnie aged 50 AND their daughter Mindie
aged 14 were attacked inside their home at around 02:30 by an armed gang of at
least 3 men. Minnie woke up when she heard footsteps as two men appeared in
their bedroom, one armed with a hammer, and the other with a gun. She saw a third
man slip into Mindie’s bedroom as they slammed on the light. Minnie screamed
Deon awake and as he tried to get up, the one attacker bashed him in his side with
the hammer while the gunman shot Deon in the chest and right hand. Deon
staggered to the bedroom door, where he collapsed and battled to breathe. Mindie
was herded to the lounge where she was tied up, while her mother had to show
their attackers where the valuables were kept, having to step over her dying
husband several times, before she was tied up in the lounge next to her daughter,
her hands with the cord from an iron, and her feet with the cord from a cellphone-
charger. Deon died on the scene. Strydfontein smallholding, Pretoria north. 9 June
Mnr Deon de Bruyn (49), sy vrou Minnie (50) en hul dogter Mindie (14) was
omstreeks 02:30 in hul huis deur ‘n gewapende bende oorval. Minnie het wakker
geword toe sy voetstappe hoor net voordat twee aanvallers hulle kamerlig
aangeskakel het. Een was met ‘n hamer gewapen, en die ander met ‘n geweer.
Minnie het ook gesien hoe ‘n derde aanvaller by Mindie se kamer ingaan, en het
Deon wakker geskree. Toe hy probeer opstaan, was hy met die hamer in die sy
geslaan terwyl hy in die bors en regterhand geskiet word. Hy het tot by die
kamerdeur gestruikel, waar hy inmekaar gesak het en gesukkel het om asem in te
neem. Mindie was na die sitkamer gedwing waar sy vasgebind was terwyl haar ma
herhaaldelik oor Deon moes trap om vir die bende te wys waar om hulle
waardevolle besittings te kry, voordat sy ook in die sitkamer langs haar dogter
vasgebind was, haar hande met die koord van ‘n strykyster, en haar voete met die
koord van ‘n selfoon kragleier. Deon is op die toneel oorlede. Strydfontein
kleinhoewes, Pretoria noord.

DE BRUYN Vera, female aged 83, heard a crash as the glass slidingdoor to her
home was smashed shortly before a gang put the light on inside her bedroom
shortly after 05:00 while she lay in her bed. She was hit in the face and robbed.
Equestria retirement village, Silverton, Pretoria East. 4 Sep 2007.
Mev. Vera de Bruyn (83) was net ná 05:00 deur ‘n bende oorval terwyl sy in haar
bed gelê het. Eers het sy ’n slag gehoor toe hulle haar skuifdeur se glas stukkend
geslaan het, en toe slaan hulle haat kamerlig aan. Sy was in die gesig geslaan en
beroof. Equestria aftree oord, Silverton.

DE JAGER Kenny aged 47 AND his wife Cindy aged 45, AND their daughter Cheney
aged 16, AND their son Richard aged 22, were attacked inside their home at around
3:30 by an armed gang of at least 3 men. They overpowered Cindy inside her bed
and covered her mouth with their hands so that she could not scream. Then Kenny
and Cindy were woken up and robbed of cash and celphone. The attackers wanted
to herd the family all into one room, and asked Kenny for his car keys, which he
refused to give to them, and they shot 3 times, during which he was wounded in the
stomach. Silverton, Pretoria. Tues 18 Dec 2007.
Mnr Kenny de Jager (47) was in die maag getref nadat 3 skote afgevuur was deur ‘n
bende van ten minste 3 mans wat ongeveer 3:30 by hul huis ingebreek het. Eers het
die mans op sy dogter, Cindy (16), in haar kamer afgekom en haar mond met hulle
hande toegedruk sodt sy nie kon skreeu nie. Daarna het hulle vir Kenny en sy vrou
Cindy (45) in hul kamer wakker gemaak en van kontant en ‘n selfoon beroof. Hulle
seun, Richard (22) was ook tydens die aanval tuis. Die aanvallers wou die gesin
almal in een kamer vaskeer, en het vir Kenny vir sy voertuig sleutels gevra. Maar hy
het geweier om dit vir hulle te gee, en hulle het hom geskiet. Silwerton, Pretoria.

DE KLERK Cornelius, a doctor aged 70, went to open the garage for his brother, Mr.
Nico de Klerk and his wife Andrie, who had just arrived from Windhoek to visit him
at his home in Menlo Park when two men, dressed as security guards and armed
with pistols, approached Nico’s car from both sides, opened the doors and pulled
him and his wife out. She panicked and screamed. Cornelius had realized that
there was trouble and fetched his gun from the house. When he came outside, he
fired two warning shots. One of the attackers fled but the other grabbed Nico. They
struggled and Nico was shot in the left arm. Cornelius had come closer to save his
brother and the attacker who had run away, returned and pushed Cornelius to the
ground. Several shots were fired, hitting a wall across the street, and Cornelius
three times in the chest, once through the lower abdomen and once in the arm. He
died on the scene and his gun was stolen during the attack. It appears that one of
the attackers was also shot before he ran away. Eastern suburbs of Pretoria, GA.
Sat 2 Jan 2007.
Mnr Nico de Klerk en sy vrou Andrie, het van Windhoek af by sy ouer broer,
Dr.Cornelius de Klerk (70) se huis in Menlo Park gearriveer toe twee gewapende
mans, aangetrek as sekuriteits beamptes, sy kar van beide kante nader, die deure
ooppluk en hom en sy vrou uit die kar ruk. Sy vrou het angebevange geword en
geskreeu. Cornelius, wat besig was om die motorhuis se deure vir sy broer oop te
maak, het onraad gemerk en sy geweer vanuit die huis gaan haal en twee
waarskuwings skote afgevuur. Die een aanvaller het weg gehardloop, maar die
ander een het vir Nico gegryp. Hulle het gestoei en Nico was in die linkerarm
geskiet. Toe Cornelius nader stap om sy broer te help, het die aanvaller wat weg
gehardloop het, terug gekom en vir Cornelius teen die grond gestamp. Baie skote
het afgegaan waarvan een ‘n muur oorkant die straat getref het. Cornelius was drie
keer in die bors getref, een keer in sy maag en een keer in sy arm, waartydens sy
geweer gesteel was. Hy het op die toneel gesterf. Dit blyk dat en van die aanvallers
ook geskiet was voordat hy weg gehardloop het. Pretoria Oos.


DE KRAMER Marisia, female aged 49 and her dog Princess Shirley (a Yorkie) was
travelling with her friend Ms. Elize van Niekerk aged 54, along with her dog
Princess Tiffany ( a miniature Yorkie-terrier) to Magaliesberg and stopped at the
Laurentia farmstall where Marisia got out. As she returned, Elize notices a gunman
running towards her and said “Maatjie, ons word gehijack,” (Friend, we are being
hi-jacked) as she tried to gather the dogs while an attacker tried to pull her from the
car. He pushed a gun against her head and ordered her to be quiet. When he finally
got her out of the car, both dogs slipped from her arms: Princess Tiffany jumped
back into the car, and Princess Shirley scrambled into the traffic. In the meantime,
a second attacker had pulled Marisia out of the car and had climbed in on the
passenger side. When Marisia realized that Princess Tiffany had landed under the
feet of the hijacker behind the steering wheel, she jumped over the attacker in the
passenger seat to get the dog out from between the driver’s legs. The driver was
shocked, jumped out the car, and aimed his gun at Marisia. As she came erect with
the dog in her hands, she looked into the gun, and pushed it out of the car window
on the driver’s side. A shot went off, followed by another, softer sounding shot. The
attacker in the passenger seat jumped out, pushing Marisia out the car along with
him, a look of disbelief on his face. Another vehicle hooted and the attackers fled in
a blue Golf. Princess Shirley was caught by two other motorists down the road and
returned to “her mother”. Krugersdorp. One of their attackers died shortly after in
hospital. Thur.
Mej. Marisia de Kramer (49) en haar hondjie Prinses Shirley (‘n Yorkie) het saam
met haar vriendin mej. Elize van Nikerk (54) en die se hondjie Prinses Tiffany (‘n
miniatuur-yorkshire terrier) oppad na Magaliesburg by die Laurentia-padstal
stilgehou. Elize wat in die motor bly wag het, het ’n gewapende man aangehardloop
sien kom terwyl Marisia inklim. “Maatjie, ons word gehijack,” was al wat Elize kon
uitkry terwyl sy hul twee hondjies probeer gryp terwyl die kaper haar uit die motor
probeer ruk. Hy het sy geweer teen haar kop gedruk en haar beveel om stil te bly.
Toe hy haar uiteindelik uit die motor kry, het albei hondjies uit haar arms geglip:
Prinses Tiffany het in die motor teruggespring en Prinses Shirley het tussen die
verkeer deur laat spaander. Intussen het ‘n tweede aanvaller vir marisia uit die kar
getrek en by die passasierskant ingespring. Toe Marisia besef dat Princess Tiffany
onder die voete van hul skaker aan die bestuurkant beland het, het sy bo-oor die
aanvaller op die passasiersitplek gespring om die hond onder die bestuurder se
voete uit te kry. Die bestuurder het uit die motor gespring en sy geweer op haar
gerig. Toe marisia oorent kom met die hond in haar hande, het sy in die loop van
die geweer vasgekyk, dit uit die venster aan die bestuurs kant gestamp, en ‘n skoot
het afgegaan, gevolg deur ‘n tweede, dower skoot. Die aanvaller in die
passasierskant het uitgespring met ‘n verbaasde uitdrukking op sy gesig, en vir
Marisia in die proses uitgegooi. ‘n Ander voertuig het toeter geblaas, en die
aanvallers het gevlug in ‘n blou Golf. Princess Shirley was straat af deur twee
motoriste aangekeer en terug aan haar “ma” besorg. Een van hul aanvallers het
kort daarna in die hospitaal gesterf. Krugersdorp.

DE LANGE Machiel, cattle and sheep farmer aged 70, was murdered inside his
heritage farmhouse on Vogelstruisfontein during the night. There were definite
signs of a break-in at the front door, and signs of a struggle in the lounge where
couches were upturned. His burnt corpse was found on his bedroom floor
underneath a pile of thatch. The bedroom had a thatch roof and some of this had
fallen on him. The inside of the house was full of smoke and ash, although there
was not much fire-damage on the outside. His pick-up van was found on the road
between Vaalwater and Modimolle/Nylstroom. The motor had been burnt out. Farm
about 30 km from Vaalwater on the Dorset road. 6 Nov 2007.
Mnr. Machiel de Lange (70), ‘n skaap en bees boer, se verkoolde lyk was in sy
slaapkamer onder ’n hoop dekgras op die grond gevind. Sy kamer had ’n grasdak
en van dié gras het op hom geval. Van buite is daar nie veel brandskade aan die
huis nie, maar die hele huis binne was vol rook en roets. Daar was duidelike tekens
van ’n gewelddadige inbraak by die voordeur, asook ’n struweling in die sitkamer
waar banke omgegooi was. Sy uitgebrande bakkie was op die pad tussen Vaalwater
en Modimolle/Nylstroom gevind. Familiestandplaas Vogelstruisfontein, sowat 30
km van Vaalwater op die Dorset-pad.

DENNILL Daphne, female aged 55 was shot in the left upper chest at point blank
range by a gunman standing at her door as she shouted to a second gunman, who
had pushed his gun against her son, Malcolm Dennill head, to leave him alone.
Malcolm, aged 34, was lying on the ground after he had been attacked by a gang of
at least three men, of which two had opened fire on him as he walked from the main
house to an outside flat to fetch washing at around 18:30. His children aged 4 and 8
were standing behind his mother at the time she was shot. The gang ran away and
she died on the scene. Reyno Rif, Witbank. 19 July 2007.
Mnr Malcolm Dennill (34) het omstreeks 18:30 uit die hoofhuis na ‘n woonstel in die
tuin gestap om wasgoed te gaan haal toe hy deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans
aangeval was. Twee van hulle het op hom geskiet voordat hy met ‘n geweer teen sy
kop op die grond vasgedruk gele het. Sy ma, Daphne (55) het die voordeur
oopgemaak en op sy aanvaller geskree om haar seun uit te los, maar was deur die
tweede aanvaller, wat reg voor haar in die deur gestaan het, bo in die linker bors
geskiet, waarna die bende weggehardloop het. Malcolm se twee kinders, 4 en 8 jaar
oud, het reg agter haar gestaan tydens die skietery. Sy is op die toneel oorlede.

DE NYSSCHEN Louis aged 42, AND his wife Sorelda suffered double jeopardy
when the engine of his VW Caddy, which had done 17 000km, cut out near the R57
exit from the N1-highway to Bloemfontein at about 19:00 on a Friday night. They
immediately called Volkswagen's emergency back-up service for help. While they
were waiting, two men appeared next to their windows. One hit the windscreen with
a gun and demanded that Louis unlock the doors. He was shot the moment he
unlocked the doors.The bullet had gone through his one thigh and lodged in his
other thigh. When they started touching Sorelda, Louis feared they might rape her
and threw himself over her. Somehow he managed to close her door and start up
the engine again, travelling 2km before it cut out again. It took more than an hour
before the tow-in service arrived. While they were gone from their home in
Muldersdrif, it was broken in to. Johannesburg North. 17 Aug 2007.
Mnr Louis de Nysschen (42) en sy vrou Sorelda het twee keer deurgeloop met
verlies nadat die sy VW Caddy, met slegs 17 000km op die klok, naby die R57 afrit
vanaf die N1 hoofweg na Bloemfontein uitgesny het omstreeks 19:00 op ‘n Vrydag
nag. Hulle het onmiddelik die nood-dienste van Volkswagen se nadiens sorg gebel
vir hulp. Terwyl hulle gewag het, het twee mans langs hulle vensters verskyn. Een
het met ‘n geweer teen die windskerm geklop en aangedring dat Louis die deure
ontsluit. Die oomblik dat hy dit gedoen het, was hy geskiet. ‘n Koeel het deur sy
een bobeen geboor en in sy ander bobeen vasgehak. Toe die aanvallers aan
Sorelda begin raak, was Louis bang dat sy verkrag sou word, en het homself oor
haar gegooi. Hy het al sy krag ingespan en die deur toegeruk, en die enjin
aangesluit. Hulle het 2km voort gery voordat dit weer uitgesny het. Dit her meer as
‘n uur geneem voordat die insleeptrok opgedaag het. Terwyl hulle afwesig was, het
skelms by hul huis in Muldersdrif ingebreek. Johannesburg noord.

DE PAIVA Armando, male aged 79, was murdered by a gang of at least 2 men at
around 03:00. His son, Boytjie, who lived on the same property, woke up from the
barking of their dogs and noticed lights on at his father’s house, and the burglar
bars broken. His 14 year old cousin Armand accompanied him to investigate. As
they entered his father’s room, one attacker wrestled Boytjie for his gun, which
would not go off, and another chased after Armand. After both attackers had fled,
Botjie was able to untie his father who had been throttled with a shirt wrung around
his neck, after his mouth had been gagged with another shirt, and his legs tied with
a belt. Northdene smallholdings, Vanderbijlpark. 23 June 2007.
Mnr Armando de Paiva (79) was omstreeks 03:00 in sy huis vermoor. Sy seun Botjie
wat op dieselfde perseel gewoon het, was wakker gemaak deur die honde se
geblaf. Hy het opgemerk dat sy pa se husligte aan is, en dat ‘n sitkamervenster se
diefwering gebreek was. Sy nefie Armand (14) het saam met hom Armando se
kamer ingegaan waar een aanvaller vir Botjie om sy geweer, wat nie wou afgaan
nie, gestoei het, en ‘n tweede aanvaller vir Armand gejaag het. Nadat die aanvallers
gevlug het, het Botjie sy pa losgemaak van die hemp wat om sy keel opgewen was,
en nog ‘n help waarmee hy gemulband was. Sy bene was ook met ‘n gordel
vasgebind. Northdene kleinhoewe, Vanderbijlpark.
Bejaarde man op hoewe vermoor Jun 25 2007

DE TOIT Emile SEE DU TOIT Francios

DE TOIT Francios SEE DU TOIT Francios
DE TOIT Michelle SEE DU TOIT Francios

DE WET Bernard “Bernie”, a famous personality amongst vintage car collectors

aged 62, AND his wife Barbara, were woken by a strange noise at around 04:00.
Taking his gun, Bernard searched the house and came across an armed gang of at
least 2 men in the kitchen. The men struggled in which Bernard shot one of his
attackers in the thigh, but was disarmed by the other attacker who shot Bernard in
the stomach. Barbara was then assaulted and suffered a cut to the head, but the
attack was interrupted when the police arrived and followed the bloodtrail of the
wounded attacker to their hideout across the road. Bernard bled to death on the
scene. Ladysmith. Wed 21 Feb 2007.
Mnr Bernard “Bernie” de Wet (62), ‘n bekende versamelaar van ou karre, en sy vrou
Barbara was wakker gemaak deur ‘n vreemde geluid in hul huis omstreeks 01:00.
Bernard het sy geweer saam met hom geneem om ondersoek in te stel. In die
kombuis het hy op ‘n bende van ten minste twee mans afgekom en hulle het
gestoei. Bernard het een aanvaller in die dy gewond, maar ‘n ander aanvaller het
die geweer van Bernard afgeneem en hom in die maag geskiet. Barbara was
aangerand en het ‘n snywond teen die kop opgedoen voordat die aanval
onderbreek was deur die polisie, wat die bloedspoor van die gewonde aanvaller tot
by hul wegkruipplek oorkant die pad kon volg. Bernard het op die toneel
doodgebloei. Ladysmith

DE WET Ian, male aged 40, was murdered and found a few days later in his car,
which was parked at a shopping centre. The police used the carkeys which were in
the ignition to open the boot. His corpse had been wrapped in a cream coloured
duvet and there was some blood around his nose. As he was carried away on a
stretcher, his hand could be seen, which was covered in plastic. Faerie Glen,
Pretoria. Mon 6 Aug 2007.
Die polisie het die motor se sleutels in die aansitter gevind en op mnr. Ian De Wit
(40) se lyk afgekom toe hulle die kattebak oopgesluit het. Sy lyk was toegedraai in
’n roomkleurige duvet. Daar was ’n bloederigheid om die neus, en ’n hand,
toegedraai in plastiek, kon gesien word terwyl hy op ‘n draagbaar weggedra was.
Faerie Glen, Pretoria

DICKENS Johnny, male aged 23, was shot at while he was driving
along the M57 close to Snt George’s hotel by a drunken policeman from Kempton
park at around 01:00. Silvertondale, Pretoria. Feb 2007.
‘n Dronk polisieman van Kemptonpark het omstreeks 01:00 vanuit sy voertuig op
mnr Johnny Dickens (23) geskiet terwyl hy op die M57 naby St George’s hotel gery
het. Pretoria. 7 Feb 2007

DIEDERICKS Chris, doctor aged 66, AND his wife Anthea were ambushed by a gang
of at least 3 armed men upon their return home at around 22:00. Anthea suffered a
broken finger from an attacker while he was trying to pull off her ring. Chris was
shot in the heart and died on the scene. Sharonlea, Randburg. Wed 13 June 2007.
Dr Chris Diedericks (66) en sy vrou Anthea was omstreeks 22:00 by hul aankoms
tuis voorgele deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3 mans. Anthea se vinger
was gebreek deur ‘n aanvaller terwyl hy haar ring wou afruk. Chris was in die hart
geskiet en is op die toneel oorlede. Sharonlea, Randburg.

DOWNS Herbert James “Bob” aged 100, was stabbed to death and robbed inside
his home by an armed gang. Richmond. Fri 5 Mar 2007.
Mnr Herbert James “Bob” Downs (100) was doodgesteek en beroof deur ‘n
gewapende bende in sy
huis. Richmond.

DE BRUYN Koos, male aged 63, and 3 workers, were attacked, tied up and robbed
on the Rondeklip farm, Percy Fyfe. 29 Nov 2007.
Mnr. Koos Du Bruyn (63) en 3 werkers, was op die plaas Rondeklip oorrompel,
vasgebind en beroof. Percy Fyfe omgewing

DU PLESSIS Deon AND his wife, newpaper publishers,were hijacked and robbed
after arriving at their Lower Houghton home. Their nine assailants who arrived in
five cars were all armed with pistols and wearing balaclavas. The car was later
recovered abandoned on Louis Botha Avenue. Johannesburg. 17 July 2007.

DU PLESSIS Karel AND his wife Jenine AND their baby son, four-month-old
Theuns,were attacked in their rented home at about 20:00 when an armed gang of
at least 6 men dressed in security guard uniforms burst in through the kitchen
door. Karel was tied up and had his ankle broken with the butt of a shotgun, while
his baby was slapped for crying. Jenine, who had hidden her celphone under
Theuns, managed to connect a call to their neighbours’ farm. They heard the
background noise on the phone and arrived at the Du Plessis' home as the
attackers had plugged in an electric iron, presumably to torture the couple. They
got into a gunfight with the attackers during which the neighbour was wounded in
his buttock and back after which the attackers fled. Both the vehicles owned by the
Du Plessis couple were on the lawn in front of their house, piled high with the
attackers’ loot when the neighbour arrived. Farm Vaalbank near Hlobane in the
Vryheid district. Friday, 19 Oct 2007
Mnr Karel du Plessis, sy vrou Jenine en hul 4 maande oue baba seuntjie Theuns,
was in hul plaashuis aangeval deur ten minste 6 gewapende mans wat aangetrek
was in sekuriteits wagte se klere. Die bende het deur die kombuisdeur ingebars en
Karel vasgebind en sy enkel met die kolf van ‘n haelgeweer geslaan en gebreek
terwyl sy baba deur die gesig geklap was omdat hy gehuil het. Jenine, wie haar
selfoon onder die baba weggesteek het, het ‘n oproep met die naburige plaas kon
koppel. Die bure het, nadat hulle die agtergrond geraas gehoor het, by die du
Plessis se woning aangekom terwyl die aanvallers ‘n strykyster aangeskakel het,
blykbaar om die egpaar meet te martel. Na ‘n skietgeveg was die buurman in sy
boud en rug getref en die aanvallers het gevlug. Toe die bure opgedaag het, was
ltwee die du Plessis se voertuie in hul voortuin, hoog gestapel met die goed wat hul
aanvallers gelaai het om te steel. Vaalbank, Hlobane.

DU PLESSIS Lorinda AND her husband, along with other friends, were visiting her
mother at Marloth Park. They were sitting in the lapa, about to eat potjiekos at
around 01:00, when a gang of at least 5 men, armed with AK47’s appeared,
signalled to them to be quiet, and forced them into the house where their feet were
tied up and their faces covered with sheets and pillows on the lounge floor, before
they were robbed. Sun 8 Oct 2007.
Mev Lorinda du Plessis, haar man, en vriende, het by haar ma op Marlothpark
gekuier. Omstreeks 01:00 het hulle in die lapa aangesit op potjiekos te eet, toe ‘n
bende van ten minste 5 mans gewapen met AK47’s verskyn het. Die gesseligheid
was beduie om stilt e bly, en was die huis ingedwing waar hulle voete vasgebind en
hul gesigte met lakens en kussings toegegooi was op die sitkamervloer voordat
hulle beroof was.

DU PLESSIS Mike aged 70, and his household were overpowered during a well
planned attack by an armed gang of at least eleven men, during which he was shot
to death in cold blood. The previous day, two of the attackers visited his building
supplies shop, which is adjacent to his home, requesting a quote. They returned
the following day at around 08:00, accompanied by another man. They pulled out
their guns as they entered the shop, and tied up Mike, AND his son-in-law Jan
Jonker, AND three workers who were outside, before searching the shop for
money. Mike’s daughter Anette van Rensburg, who lived in the house opposite to
the shop, tried to phone him during this time, but got no answer. She then phoned
her mother, Sannie du Plessis aged 65, and asked her if she knew why there was
no reply in the shop. Anette tried to phone the shop again, but the phone line was
dead. She presumed it was a network problem, not realizing that their attackers had
cut the telephone wires. Sannie decided to go to the shop after her daughter’s
phone call. Outside her home, three men jumped over the wall and grabbed her,
tied her feet and dragged her back to the house so roughly that the skin came off of
her back. She called to her husband and son-in-law, but thought they must already
be dead. Meanwhile, after the attackers had taken all the money and celphones they
could find in the shop, they demanded more cash. Mike told them that he had none
more. Sannie called for help again, and heard Mike and then the shot that killed
him. One of her attackers put a gun into her mouth and shouted: 'Shut up you
bastard, I'm gonna kill you! Their domestic worker, who was inside the house,
suspected something was wrong when the family's two boerboels started barking
after the shot. She ran towards the alarm, but the attackers were already inside the
house. They hit her in the face with a gun and kicked her between her legs, beat her
up, shoved grass in her mouth and threw her in the dog kennel. Jan watched his
father-in-law die in shock while Jan was hit in the face with a gun, beaten and
kicked all over his body. As Sannie was tied up inside the house along with two
other workers, an attacker shouted at her to “Stop crying, because there is no
fucking God who is going to help you!” While their attackers looted the house, one
of the workers crept towards her and cut her loose with a small knife. The gang left
in their getaway car as well as two of their victim’s pick-up vans, which were
recovered 2 hours later by the police. Jagfontein farm outside Westonaria on the
West Rand. Wed 24 Oct 2007.
‘n Bende van ten minste 11 mans het die Moolman huishouding aangeval met ‘n
goedberaamde plan. Die dag voor die aanval, het twee van die bendes by mnr Mike
du Plessis (70) se bouers materiaal winkel, wat langs sy huis was, ‘n kwotasie
aangevra. Die volgende more, omstreeks 08:00, het hulle, gepaard met nog ‘n ander
man, opgedaag en die winkel binne gestorm met gewere. Hulle het vir Mike, sy
skoonseun Jan Jonker, en die drie werkers wat buite was, vasgebind voordat hulle
die perseel deursoek het vir kontant. Intussen het Mike se dogter Anette van
Rensburg, wat in ‘n huis oorkant die winkel gewoon het, die winkel probeer bel,
maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Sy bel toe haar ma, Sannie (65) om uit te vind of sy
dalk weet waarom daar geen antwoord in die winkel was nie. Toe Anette weer die
winkel bel, was die lyn dood, en sy het aangeneem dat dit ‘n tegniese problem was,
nie dinkende dat hulle onder aanval is nie. Sannie het besluit om na die winkel te
stap, maar toe sy buite kom, het 3 mans oor die muur gespring en haar gegryp,
haaar voete gebind en haar so hardhandig terug na die huis gesleep dat hulle die
velle van haar rug afgetrek het. Sannie het haar man en skoonseun geroep, maar
gedink dat hulle alreeds vermoor was. Intussen, nadat die bende selfone en al die
geld wat hulle kon kry, geneem het, het hulle op meer geld aangedring. Mike het
gese dat hy nie meer geld gehad het nie. Sannie het weer om hulp geroep, en toe
hoor sy haar man, en die skoot waarmee hy vermoor was. Een van haar aanvallers
het ‘n geweer in haar mond gedruk en geskree 'Shut up you bastard, I'm gonna kill
you!’ Die huisbediende wat in die huis was, het onraak gemerk toe die familie se
twee boerboele na die geweerskoot begin blaf het. Sy het gehardloop om die alarm
te akteveer,maar die aanvallers was reeds in die huis, en het haar met ‘n geweer in
die gesig geslaan en haar tussen die bene geskop, haar geslaan, gras in haar mond
geprop en haar in die hondehok gegooi. Jan het geskok gekyk hoe sy skoonpa
doodgaan terwyl hulle vir Jan in die gesig slaan met ‘n geweer, en hom oor sy lyf
slaan en skop. Terwyl aanvallers vir Sannie in die huis saam met twee ander
werkers vasbind, het ‘n aanvaller op haar geskree “Stop crying, because there is no
fucking God who is going to help you!” terwyl die bende die huis gestroop het, het
een van die werkers nader aan Sannie gekruip en haar met ‘n klein messie
losgesny. Die bende het met hul aanval kar sowel as twee van die Moolman bakkies
gevlug, wat binne 2 ure deur die polisie opgespoor was. Die jagfontein plaas,

DU PLESSIS Naas, a lucerne farmer aged 52, AND his wife Rulyn aged 50, AND
their daughter Alma aged 16 had gone out and their home could have been robbed,
but their attackers waited for their return. At around 22:40 they arrived home. While
unlocking their door, the dogs started barking and they heard the sound of heavy
footsteps storming down on them. Alma ran through and pushed the panic buttons,
then hid in the bathroom, from where she counted five armed men. Her parents did
not have time to lock the door behind them and tried to keep it pushed closed while
their attackers kicked and shoved, then started shooting at them through it. Rulyn
fetched a pistol for Naas and he started shooting back at them from a vantage point
in the passage, as the gang had spread out around the house. He said they had not
come to rob, but to murder. Their eyes were wide and bloodshot. They fled when
the security company arrived ten minutes later. Farm in Brits. 3 Nov 2007.
Mnr Naas Du Plessis (52) ‘n luserne boer, sy vrou Rulyn (50) en hul dogter Alma
(16) was uithuisig, en die huis kon beroof gewees het, maar die aanvallers het op
die huisgesin se terugkoms gewag. Omstreeks 22:40 het die du Plessis
niksvermoedend na hul plaas teruggekeer. Terwyl hulle besig was om die deur oop
te sluit, het die honde begin blaf, en hulle kon hoor hoe harde voetstappe op hulle
afstorm. Alma het die huis ingehardloop en die paniek knoppies gedruk, waarna sy
in die badkamer weggekruip het, en ten minste 5 gewapende mans kon tel. Haar
ouers het nie tyd gehad om die deur agter hulle toe te sluit nie, en moes dit teen die
bende toedruk, terwyl dit van buite gestoot en geskop was. Toe daar op hulle
geskiet was, het Rulyn Naas se pistool vir hom gaan haal, waarna hy in die gang
stelling ingeneem het, omrede die bende uitgesprei en die huis omsingel het. Van
daar af het hy begin terugskiet. Hy meen hulle het nie gekom om te roof nie, maar
om te moor. Hulle oe was groot en bloedbelope. Hulle het gevlug nadat die
sekuriteits maatskappy sowat 10 minute later opgedaag het. Brits.

DU PLESSIS Rina female aged 65 from Elardus Park, Pretoria is given as DU TOIT
Rina under the account of DU TOIT Francios

DU PREEZ Alana, hotel business teacher, used the back gate to her classroom at
the Linden High School around 13:10, where she was approached by two well-
dressed men who robbed her at gunpoint barely 5 meters away from schoolkids.
She was also bitten on the fingers as they removed her rings. Her car was later
found at Thrupps shopping mall near the school. Paul Channon, principal of The
Ridge School in Westcliff, Johannesburg, was in an attempted hijacking on the
same day. Johannesburg. Thur 31 Aug 2007.

DU PREEZ Charlene, female aged 16, disappeared after she had been to supper at a
restaurant with friends. Her naked corpse was found along the Koedoespoort
railway line the next day, mutilated and burnt. Her mother could only recognise her
by the tip of her nose, the toes on her right foot and a mark on her chest. Her face
looked terrible. Her burnt right hand was found by family friends, who had just
learnt of the murder, 3 weeks later near the scene. Arcadia, Pretoria. 16 Aug 2007.
Mej. Charlene du Preez (16) het vermis geraak nadat sy saam met vriende gaan
uiteet het. Haar verbrande en verminkte halfnaak lyk was die volgende dag langs
die Koedoespoort-treinspoor gevind. Haar moeder kon haar slegs aan haar neus
se punt, haar regtervoet se toontjies en ’n merk aan haar bors uitgeken. Haar gesig
het vreeslik gelyk. Drie weke later het vriende van die familie, wat pas van die
moord gehoor het, haar verbrande regterhand naby die toneel opgespoor.

DU TOIT Emile SEE DU TOIT Francios

DU TOIT Michelle SEE DU TOIT Francios

DU TOIT Francios hosted a farewell dinner for his sister Michelle du Toit inside the
double garage on his property which is surrounded by a concrete wall and an
electric fence, during which his party of eleven were attacked by a gang of at least
4 men armed with guns and stones. They had removed a slab of the concrete wall
and slipped under the electric wires before they appeared amongst the guests
while Francios and his mother, Rina du Toit aged 65, were inside the house. First
they hit guest Louis Oberholzer over the head with a rock. He fell down
unconscious. Then they walked to each of the stunned guests, hitting them over
the head and pushing them to the ground with the order to "sleep”. Desiré
Oberholzer, wife of Louis, didn’t react fast enough and was kicked in the back.
Louis regained consciousness at one point and sat up. He was hit another four
times on the head with rocks. There was
blood everywhere. Francios and Rina were walking from the house to the garage
when a man put a pistol to his head. Francious noticed that everyone was lying on
the garage floor before they threw him and Rina to the ground. Then they asked
who the owner of the house was. Francios raised his hand and led them to the safe
in his bedroom, begging them not to hurt the 6 year old daughter of his guests who
was asleep on the bed. With a pistol pressed against his temple, he opened the
safe for their attackers to rob. Then everone were tied up in the garage and robbed
before the attackers left. Louis regained consciousness, but could not remember a
thing. His sinus cavities were fractured, he suffered a skull fracture, had bleeding
on the brain and an ear drum was damaged. Elardus Park agricultural holdings,
Pretoria GA.
Michelle du Toit se afskeids ete by haar broer, Francios se huis was onderbreuk
deur ‘n bende van ten minste 4 gewapende mans. Die gesellighed van 11 mense
was in die dubbelmotorhuis op die Elardus hoewe wat met ‘n elekstriese heining en
baton muur omring is. Die bende het ‘n gedeelte van die baton uit die muur gehaal
en onder die heining deur geklim voordat hulle skielik tussen die gaste verskyn het
terwyl Francios en sy ma, Rina (65) in die huis was. Eerste het hulle vir Louis
Oberholzer so hard met ‘n klip teen die kop geslaan dat hy bewusteloos op die
grond geval het. Daarna was elke gas met klippe teen die kop geslaan, na die grond
gestoot en beveel om te “slaap”. Toe Desiré, Louis se vrou, nie vinnig genoeg
beweeg het nie, het hulle haar in die rug geskop. Op ‘n stadium het Louis sy
bewussyn herwin maar was nog vier keer teen die kop met klippe geslaan. Die plek
was oortrek met bloed. Terwyl Francios en Rina van die huis na die motorhuis stap,
het ‘n man sy pistool teen Francios se kop gedruk. Hy het opgelet dat sy gaste
almal op die vloer le voordat hy en sy ma op die grond gegooi was. Toe die bende
wou weet wie die eienaar van die huis was, het Francios sy hand opgesit, en hulle
na die kluis in sy kamer gelei, waar hy gepleit het dat hulle nie die 6 jarige dogter
van sy gaste wat op die bed gele en slap het, moet beseer nie. Met ‘n pistool teen
sy slap gedruk, het hy die kluis vir hul aanvallers oopgesluit om te roof. Daarna
was almal in die motorhuis vasgebind en beroof voordat die bende verdwyn het.
Louis het sy bewussyn herwin, maar het breuke in sy sinus holtes en skedelbeen
opgedoen, asook bloeding op die brein, en ‘n beseerde oordrom. Pretoria.

DU TOIT Ina, female aged 65, AND her husband Hannes aged 67, were sleeping in
separate rooms because she had recently had a hip operation and was still
experiencing pain. At about 01:00 she heard Hannes shouting. She went to his
room and saw two attackers repeatedly stabbing him with knives as he lay in his
One of the men grabbed Ina and stabbed her before he dragged her to the kitchen,
demanding money. The other attacker then forced her to her bedroom, where she
was raped three times during an attack which lasted about an hour. Hannes had
been stabbed 7 times. Ina was stabbed once in the arm and her hand became
numb. She also suffered much pain, and had to use antri-virol drugs. A pair of
shoes, a celphone, and R160 ($23) was stolen. Musina. Wed 27 Sep 2007.
Mev Ina du Toit (65) en haar man Hannes (67) het in aparte kamers geslaap omrede
sy onlangs ‘n heup operasie ondergaan het, en steeds veel pyn ondervind het.
Omstreeks 01:00 het sy Hannes hoor skree. Toe sy by hom aankom, sien sy twee
mans hom met messe steek. Een het haar gegryp en ook gesteek, waarna hy haar
na die kombuis gesleep, en op geld aangedring het. Die tweede aanvaller het haar
na haar eie kamer gedwing, waar sy 3 keer verkrag was gedurende die aanval wat
omtrent ‘n uur geduur het. Hannes was 7 keer gesteek. Ina was in die arm gesteek,
en haar hand is verlam. Sy het baie pyn verduur, en moes op anti-vigs medikasie
gaan. Een paar skoene, ‘n selfoon en R160 was gesteel. Musina.



EKSTEEN Jaco, radio personality aged 34 AND his friends were enjoying a
barbeque at his home, when they were attacked by an armed gang at around 21:00.
They were forced into the house, where the men were forced to lay down on their
stomachs. Their hands and feet were tied up with shoe laces and neckties. The
gang was robbing the house when they were interrupted by the arrival of
neighbours and they fled the scene. Witbank. Fri 8 Nov 2007.
Mnr Jaco Eksteen, radio omroeper, en sy vriende was besig om by sy huis te braai
toe hulle deur ‘n gewapende bende omstreeks 21:00 aangeval was. Hulle was die
huis ingedwing, waar die mans op hul mae op die grond moes le. Hule hande en
voete was met skoenveters en dasse vasgebind terwyl die huis deursoek was. Die
aanvallers was onderbreek toe bure opdaag, en het gevlug. Witbank.
ELLIS Johnathan, male aged 25, was travelling from Gold Reef City to Alberton
during the afternoon. He stopped for a red robot on the corner of Kliprivier and
Columbine road in Mondeor, Johannesburg south, when a gunman appeared next
to his window and ordered him out of the car. He was thrown onto the backseat
while two attackers climbed into the front and sped off. They raced along the East
Rand N12 highway at a high speed and hit the curb near Witfield. The car rolled
during which Johnathan fell out. The wrecked car landed on him. He had no feeling
in his lower body, but found the carjack, which had also fallen out, and lifted the
car off him to crawl out. The first and second vertebrae of his spine were crushed
and his pelvis was fractured on two places, which has left him permanently
paralyzed. Benoni. Thur 30 July 2007.
Mnr Johnathan Ellis (27) was gedurende die middag vanaf Gold Reef City oppad na
Alberton. Hy het op die hoek van Kliprivier- en Columbineweg in Mondeor in die
suide van Johannesburg vir ‘n rooi verkeerslig stilgehou. ’n Gewapende man het
skielik langs hom verskyn en hom bevel om uit die kar te klim. Twee aanvallers het
Johnathan op die agtersitplek gegooi, voor ingeklim, en teen ’n hoë spoed met die
N12-snelweg in die rigting van die Oos-Rand gery. Hulle het beheer oor die motor
verloor en ’n sypaadjie naby Witfield getref. Die motor het gerol waartydens
Johnathan uit die motor geslinger was. Die wrak het bo-op hom tot stilstand
gekom. Johnathan het geen gevoel in sy onderlyf gehad nie, maar het die domkrag
wat naby hom gelê het (dit het in die rol uit die motor geval) nader getrek en in ’n
half omgedraaide posisie die metaal bietjie vir bietjie daarmee van sy lyf af gelig.
Hy het sy arms gebruik om onder die verfrommelde wrak uit te kruip. Sy rug en
pelvis is op twee plekke gebreek. Die eerste en tweede rugwerwels is vergruis, en
hy is permanent verlam. Benoni. Don 30 July 2007.
ENGELBRECHT Gerhard, scholar aged 16, was studying at home at around 10:00.
A woman and her two “sons” knocked at the door and asked to be shown the
house, which had been on sale for a long time. While Gerhard was showing them
around, his neighbour saw a car pull up onto his property, and another two men
slipped into the house. Gerhard was overpowered at gunpoint and forced to lie
down on the kitchen floor while his attackers argued on how to tie him up, and
finally agreed to tie his hands and feet behind his back by using his father’s
neckties. After the attackers had looted the house and left, Gerhard managed to lift
a knife off the table and push the panick button. Montana Park, Pretoria north. 8
Nov 2007.
Gerhard Engelbrecht (16) het omstreeks 10:00 tuis studeer toe ‘n vrou en haar twee
“seuns” aangeklop en hom gevra het om die huis, wat al ‘n geruimde tyd op die
mark was, aan hulle te wys. Terwyl hy met hulle doenig was, het sy bure gesien hoe
‘n motor die erf intrek, en twee gewapende mans die huis inglip. Gerhard was
oorval en gedwing om op die kombuisvloer te le, terwyl die aanvallers stry oor hoe
hy vasgemaak moet word. Hulle het toe saamgestem om sy hande en voete agter
sy rug vas te maak met sy pa se dasse. Nadat hulle die huis beroof het, het hulle
gevlug, en Gerhard het met sy mond ‘n mes van die tafel af kon gebruik om ‘n
paniekknoppie te druk. Montanapark, Pretoria.
ERASMUS Callie, male aged 54,arrived home on his farm at around 05:15 after
unlocking his petrol station in the area. As he drove into the garage, a gunman
followed him and forced him into the house at gunpoint, where his wife, Petro aged
52, came across them and ran to the bedroom to fetch a gun. She heard shots and
upon her return noticed Callie and their attacker were wrestling, but that the
attacker no longer had his gun. She pistol whipped him and Callie shot him in the
leg, tied his hands with cable ties and handed him over to security forces. Callie
was admitted to hospital with bullets in his right shoulder and upper leg. Louis
Trichardt. 7 Nov 2007.
Mnr Callie Erasmus (54) het omstreeks 05:15 na sy plaas teruggekeer nadat hy sy
vulstasie in die omgewing oopgesluit het. ‘n Aanvaller het hom die motorhuis
ingevolg, en met ‘n geweer die huis in gedwing. Sy vrou Petro (52) het op hulle
afgekom en kamer toe gevlug om ‘n geweer te gaan haal. Sy het skote gehoor, en
by haar terugkoms gevind dar Callie en die aanvaller stoei, maar dat die aanvaller
nie meer in besit van sy geweer was nie. Petro het hom teen die kop met haar
geweer geslaan, en Callie het hom in die been geskiet, sy hande met kabelhegters
vasgebind, en hom aan sekuriteitsdienste oorhandig. Callie was by die hospitaal
opgeneem met skietwonde in die regter skouer en bobeen. Louis Trichardt.

ERASMUS Hanna Lalie, female aged between 60 and 65, was murdered at around
10:30 on the Grootfontein farm which is adjacent to the Rietvlei View Country
Estate safety complex. Her son followed her trail of blood into the bushes where
her naked, mutilated corpse was found. She had been raped and her throat was slit.
The rings were not stolen from her fingers. Farm Grootfontein. 12 Feb 2007.
Mej. Hanna Lalie Erasmus wat tussen tussen 60 en 65 jaar oud is, se lyk was op die
plaas Grootfontein reg langs die veiligheidskompleks Rietvlei View Country Estate
gevind deur haar seun wat die bloedspoor gevolg het tot in die bosse, waar hy op
haar verminkte ligaam afgekom het. Sy was omstreeks 10:30 aangerand, verkrag en
keelaf gesny. Sy was kaal gevind en het nog haar ringe aangehad. Welbekend.
Pretoria oos.
ERASMUS Johanna Maria, aged 76, was raped and murdered on the Welbekend
farm, Bronkhorstspruit. 1 Feb 2007
Mev Johanna Maria Erasmus (76) was verkrag en vermoor op die Welbekend plaas,

ERASMUS Pieter, male aged 44, returned home from an atm bank at around 22:50
and his wife heard the gate close, and then shots rang out. She pushed the panic
button for help, and looking through the window, saw him laying in the garden
where he had been shot in the left lung. She shouted for her children and ran
outside to help him. Their 17 yr old son got the car ready for her to rush Pieter to
the hospital, and then stood guard at their gate while his 15 yr old sister was inside
the house until help arrived. Pretoria. Wed 31 Aug 2007.
Mnr Pieter Erasmus (44) het omstreeks 22:50 vanaf ‘n kitsbank die erf ingery. Sy
vrou het die hek hoor toemaak, en toe het skote gelui. Sy het die alarmknoppie
gedurk, en deur die venster vir Pieter in die tuin sien le, waar hy in die linkerlong
raakgeskiet was. Sy het haar kinders geroep terwyl sy na hom uitgehardloop het.
Hul seun (17) het ‘n voertuig gereed gekry waarmee sy Pieter na die hospitaal
gejaag het. Daarna het die seun by die hek gewaak terwyl sy suster (15) in die huis
gewag het totdat hulp opgedaag het.

ERDMAN Manfred, a pastor, was shot at point blank range in his stomach when he
came across an intruder in his backyard in the middle of the night. It took more
than two years of medical treatment for him to recover from this injury. Barberton.
Pastoor Manfred Erdman het meer dan twee jaar in en uit die hospitaal moes
beweeg vir behandeling nadat hy op kort afstand in sy maag geskiet was in sy
agtertuin middernag deur ‘n aanvaller.

ERNTZEN Trevor, a wine farmer, sustained serious brain damage during an attack
on his farm. 18 May 2007.
Mnr Trevor Erntzen, ‘n wynboer, het ernstige breinskade opgedoen tydens ‘n
aanval op sy plaas.

EVA Ken, farm manager, was attending a meeting on land dispute along with more
than 200 other people, whom included government officials and policemen, when
he was attacked by 6 men armed with “knopkierries” (traditional wooden club
weapon) and pick-axes, and beaten to death. Eshowe, Nkwaleni. 9 Jan 2007.
Mnr Ken Eva, ‘n plaasbestuurder, was tydens ‘n vergadering wat deur meer dan 200
mense bygewoon was, waar onder gowerments lede en polisie manne by was, deur
deur ses aanvallers met knopkieries en kapmesse vermoor. Eshowe.

EYBERS Johan, male aged 62, was admitted to hospital with a broken leg, and died
half an hour after a nurse had injected him at around 22:00.Lydenburg. Fri 18 June
Mnr Johan Eybers (62) was in die hospitaal opgeneem met ‘n gebreekte been. ‘n
half uur nadat ‘n verpleegste hom ingespuit het, was hy oorlede. Lydenburg.

FERREIRA Ruan, male aged 21, was murdered during an attack on a Rustenburg
holding. Feb 2007.
Mnr Ruan Fereirra (21) was tydens ‘n aanval op ‘n Rustenburg hoewe vermoor.

FITCH Raymond aged 78 AND his wife Yvonne aged 79 were beaten and stabbed to
death on their farm during a planned attack in which their telephone, farm radio and
alarm system were disconnected. Their bodies were found the following day by
their son. Their car, which was stolen during the attack, was was found abandoned
within hours on a gravel road between Matatiele and Mt Fletcher. Farm Two
Springs, Swartberg. 20 July 2007
Mnr Raymond Fitch (78) en sy vrou Yvonne (79) was vermoor tydens ‘n goed
beplande aanval waarin hul landlyn, plaas radio en alarmstel vooruit
gediskonnekteer was. Die oue paar was geslaan en gesteek op hul Two Springs
plaas, waar hulle seun het die volgende dag op hulle lyke afgekom het. Hul kar,
waarmee die aanvallers gevlug het, was binnekort deur die polisie gevind waar dit
verlate op die grondpad tussen Matatiele en Mt Fletcher gestaan het. Swartberg.

FOURIE Anton AND his wife, farmers, escaped a planned attack on their homestead
during which she would have been tortured with boiling water and robbed, while
the attackers waited for Anton to come home, at which time he would have been
ambushed and overpowered. This plan, however, was thwarted by the police after
following a tipoff. It was the 97th such plan intercepted within the last three years.
Bothaville, 11 Jan 2007.
Mnr Anton Botha en sy vrou, boere van Bothaville, was gespaar van ‘n beplande
aanval op hul hoewe waarin sy met kookwater gemartel en beroof sou word, en
Anton by sy huis ingewag en oorval sou word nadat die polisie op ‘n leidraad
gereageer het en die plan gefnuk het. Dit was die 97ste aanval wat so gekeer was in
die afgelope 3 jaar.

FOURIE Charles AND his wife Karin locked themselves up in their bedroom and
called for help after Charles noticed a gunman inside their passage. Their home
had been attacked by an armed gang around 23:00 which had tied up his son
Donovan aged 26, AND his girlfriend before robbing them. Amandasig, Acacia,
Pretoria. Sat 23 Jan 2007.
Saterdagaand omstreeks 23:00 het ‘n gewapende bende by mnr. Charles Fourie se
huis in Amandasig toegeslaan. Hulle het sy seun, Donovan (26) en dié se meisie
sowat 45 min. lank vasgebind en toe beroof. Charles het eers agtergekom wat aan
die gang was toe hy hom in die gang amper vasgeloop het in ’n aanvaller met ’n

FOURIE Hilda, female Beeld newspaper journalist, had been to the municipality and
returned to her car which was parked in their parking lot at around 18:45. While she
was climbing into her car, a carguard moved in between her and her car door, and
refused to move. Another car guard approached, shoved him away, and then
turned on Hilda. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down onto her seat
into a lying position. She managed to stab him in the face with her carkey, at which
he let go his grip, and she managed to drive off. Pretoria. 18 June 2007.

FOURIE Josina aged 81, AND her husband Isak aged 84, were attacked inside their
Ifafa flat shortly after 06:00 when Isak opened the door for a painter, who had been
working for them for 3 weeks, The painter pushed Izak out of the way and stormed
into their bedroom. A second man appeared and grabbed Izak. The two men
repeatedly stabbed the couple and while Isak wrestled with one, Josina managed to
get a club next to their bed, and laid into her attacker. Their dogs also joined in the
fray and their attackers fled. Josina had been stabbed five times in the chest and
head. Isak was knifed seven times in the back, and both his lungs were perforated.
Hartbeespoort. Wed 12 Dec 2007.
Mnr Izak Fourie (84) was in sy Ifafa woonstel aangeval toe hy die deur oopmaak vir
‘n verfwer wat 3 weke vir hom gewerk het, ongeveer 06:00. Hy het Izak eenkant
gestamp, en na die slaapkamer gestorm, en vir Josina (81), Izak se vrou, aangeval.
‘n Tweede man het by die deur ingestap en vir Izak gegryp. Terwyl Izak met die
aanvallers gestoei het, het Josina ‘n knuppel wat langs die bed gestaan het, gegryp
en haar aanvaller begin terugslaan. Hul ses honde het ook by die geveg ingespring,
en hul aanvallers het gevlug. Izak was 7 keer in die rug gesteek, en altwee sy longe
was gekwes. Josina was vyf keer in die bors en kop gesteek.
Hartbeespoort. Saturday, 15 December 2007

FRANCA Daniel aged 21, AND a security guard aged 34, were shot
by a gang of at least 3 men who stormed into a supermarket along the N12 at
around 19:00. Daniel was shot in the chest, and died shorty lafter from his wound in
the hospital. The security guard was shot in the leg, and bled to death on the
scene. Cash and airtime was stolen. Potchefstroom. 13 July 2007.


FRANS Barnie aged 35, AND his brother-in-law Andre Vos, were watching a rugby
game on television around 11:00 when the alarm went off on Andre’s car. They
found a gang of men attempting to steal the car and chased them away, during
which one of the gang stabbed Barnie with a screwdriver in the chest. The wound
hardly stopped short of his heart. After being treated in the intensive care unit of
the hospital, Barnie rushed off to get married that same evening, as
planned. Weltevreden Park. Sat 24 Feb 2007.
Mnr Barnie Frans (35) het sy bruilof bygewoon, soos beplan, dieselfde aand nadat
hy in die oggend tot by die hart met ‘n skroewedraaier gesteek was deur ‘n bende
wat omstreeks 11:00 sy swaer, Andre Vos, se motor wou steel. Die twee swaers
was besig om rugby op televisie te kyk toe die motor se alarm afgaan, nadat ‘n
bende dit probeer steel het. Terwyl die swaers die bende verwilder, het een vir
Barnie aangeval. Na behandeling in die hospitaal se intensiewesorg waakeenheid,
het Barnie sy woord gehou en gaan trou. Weltevredenpark

FRASER Ann, widow aged 68, heard a noise in her garden at The
Inandas, one of Sandton's most upmarket complexes. When she stepped outside to
investigate she was stabbed in the throat and shoulder by an attacker with a plastic
spike, taken off the irrigation system. Her home was robbed of a dvd player. Her
handbag was found in the neighbour’s garden the following day before her corpse
was found in her flowerbed. Johannesburg north. Sat 1 Mar 2007.
Mev Ann Fraser (68) wat in die Inandas sekuriteits gebied in Sandton gewoon het,
het ‘n geluid in haar tuin gehoor gedurende die nag. Toe sy uistap om ondersoek in
te stel, was sy met die punt van ‘n water aanleg system in die skouer en nek
gesteek, waarna haar woning van ‘n dvd speller geroof was. Haar handsak was die
volgende dag in haar bure se tuin gevind, waarna daar op haar ligaam in haar
blombedding afgekom is. Johannesburg noord.

FRAYNE Tim, engineer aged 62, drove into the property of his friend during the day
to pick him up but was followed by another car, blocking his exit. As an armed
attacker appeared at his window, Tim reversed and sped forward under gunfire,
crashing the car of his attackers into a wall, at which the airbags in their car
opened and they fled. The police discovered property in their car which had been
stolen during a hijacking earlier in the day from a school principal. This was the 4th
time that Tim had been involved in a hi-jacking attempt. Bedfordview,
Johannesburg. Wed 21 July 2007.
Mnr Tim Frayne (62) ‘n ingeneur, het gedurende die dag by sy vriend se erf ingery
om hom op te tel maar was deur ‘n ander kar gevolg en afgesny. ‘n Man met ‘n
geweer het langs sy venster verskyn, maar Tim het in trurat weggetrek, en toe in
eerste rat onder geweerskote voorentoe gejaag en die aanvalkar teen ‘n muur
vasgestamp, waarvan die lugsakke ook oopgeblaas het, waarna die aanvallers
weggehardloop het. Die polisie het gesteelde goedere in die kar ontdek wat vroeer
die dag tydens ‘n kaping van ‘n skoolhoof geroof was. Bedfordview.

FREDERICKS Lynn, widow aged 69, AND her friend aged 85 who was visiting, were
attacked at her home in Marianne Road around 17:15 by an intruder Lynn had seen
jump over the fence into her garden half an hour earlier. She asked him what he
wanted through a window. He said he wanted to speak to her domestic worker at
which she replied that she did not have one, and he left. Soon after, Lynn opened
her garage door to let her two dogs out. Half an hour later she opened the garage
door to let them back into the house when she was confronted by the intruder.
There was a scuffle and when she attempted to press the panic button, the man
shot her in the head and died at the scene. He then went into the kitchen, which
was next to the garage, and searched Lyn’s friend, demanding a cellphone. She
said she did not own one, went into cardiac arrest and the attacker ran off, taking
nothing with him. Hillcrest. Sat 4 Aug 2007.
Mej.Lynn Fredericks, ‘n weduwee (69) en haar vriendin (85) was ongeveer 17:15
deur ‘n gewapende man by haar huis in Marianne straat aangeval. Lynn het die man
sowat ‘n half uur oor haar heining sien spring, en deur die venster vir hom gevra
wat hy soek. Hy het na haar bediende gevra, en Lyn het geantwoord dat sy nie een
het nie. Kort daarna het Lynn die motorhuis se deure oopgemak om haar twee
honde uit te laat. ‘n Halfuur later het sy weer dieselfde deure oopgemaak om hulle
terug in te laat, toe sy voor die man te stane kom. Hulle het gestoei, en sy het
probeer haar paniek knoppie druk toe hy haar in die kop skiet. Lyn is op die toneel
oorlede. Hy het toe die kombuis, wat langsaan die motorhuis was, ingestap, haar
vriendin deursoek, en op ‘n selfoon aangedring. Sy het geantwoord dat sy nie een
het nie, en in hartversaking gegaan. Hy het gevlug sonder om enige iets te neem.

FREIMOND Debra aged 47, was opening the canopy of her vehicle while waiting
outside theChelsea Preparatory School to pick her daughter up, when she was
attacked by 3 armed men. One put a gun to her head and another pushed her to the
ground. Her 13 year old daughter hit the gunman on the neck with her hockeystick.
He turned the gun on her, but another motorist tried to run him down. He shot at
the motorist and a bullet lodged in his dashboard after it smashed through the
windscreen, after which the attackers fled. Durban north. Mon 13 Aug 2007.
Debra Freimond (47) was besig om die agterkap van haar voertuig op te sluit terwyl
sy voor die Chelsea Laerskool wag om haar dogter op te tel, toe sy deur 3
gewapende mans oorval was. Die een het ‘n geweer teen haar kop gedruk, en ‘n
ander het haar op die grond neergestamp. Haar 13 jarige dogter het die man met
die geweer teen sy nek met haar hokkiestok geslaan. Hy het toe die geweer op haar
gemik, maar ‘n motoris het hom probeer omry. Hy het op die motoris geskiet en ‘n
koeel het deur die windskerm gespat en in die konsul vasgeslaan. Durban noord.

FRIEDRICHSEN Christel, female aged 66, AND her husband Edgar aged 73, were
shot during an attack on their smallholding at Wilgeboom. She died on the scene
from her injuries. Mar 2007.
Christel Friedrichsen (66) en haar man Edgar (73) was tydens ‘n aanval op hul
Wilgeboom kleinhoewe geskiet. Christel is op die toneel dood aan haar wonde.

FURSTENBURG Johan, banana farmer aged 33, AND his worker were attacked at
around 05:45 by an armed and masked gang of at least 4 men, tied up and robbed.
Levubu. Thur 21 June 2007.
Mnr Johan Furstenburg en ‘n werker was ongeveer om 05:45 deur vier gemaskerde
en gewapende mans oorval en beroof op sy piesangplaas te Levubu.
Polisie wil boer wat beroof is, arresteer Jun 27 2007

GANDER Eric AND his wife Marguerite were overpowered inside their bedroom at
around 01:00 while they were asleep by a gang of 4 men who jumped on them an
started beating them. During the attack they were forced onto the floor, their hands
and feet tied with ropes, and their thumbs tied with plastic cable ties before they
were robbed. Their 11 month old baby was unharmed. Parkhurst, Johannesburg. 5
Feb 2007.
Mnr Eric Gander en sy vrou Marguerite was in hul bed deur ‘n bende van 4 mans
oorval wat op hulle gespring het en hulle begin slaan het omstreeks 01:00 waarna
die egpaar na die vloer gedwing was. Hulle hande en voete was met tou vasgebind
en hul duime met kabelbinders voordat hulle beroof was. Hul 11 maande oue baba
was ongedeerd. Parkhurst, Johannesburg.


GERBER Anton, operations manager at Sakek emergency services, was shot at

around 01:00 while trying to prevent an armed gang from entering his work
premises, and was robbed of his celphone. Pelindaba. 8 Nov 2007.

GERBER Gerrie aged 82, AND his wife Rose aged 76, were attacked inside their
bedroom by a gang of at least two men, armed with a knife and a screwdriver, at
around 23:00. The couple were thrown against the furniture, slapped in the face and
beaten across their bodies while their attackers ransacked the house for valuables.
Gerrie was also stabbed with scissors in the legs. The bleeding couple were left
tied up on their bed. Westdene, Johannesburg. Mon 3 Dec 2007.
Mnr Gerrie Gerber (82) en sy vrou Rose (76) was omstreeks 23:00 in hul kamer
aangeval deur ‘n bende van ten minste twee mans, gewapen met ‘n mes en ‘n
skroewedraaier. Die ouepaar was aanhoudend aangerand terwyl hul huis van enige
waardevolle besittings gestroop was, waartydens hulle in die gesig geklap en oor
die lyf geslaan was. Gerrie was ook met ‘n sker in sy bene gesteek. Die bloeiende
egpaar was vasgebind op hul bed agtergelos. Westdene, JHB.

GERBER Johan, male aged 53, had returned too his car parked at the Momentum
building in Pretorius street during the day where was held at knifepoint by a gang
of at least 8 men, pretending to be car security watchmen, while he was robbed.
Pretoria, 15 Aug 2007.
Mnr Johan Gerber (53) het na sy kar wat voor die Momentum gebou in
Pretoriusstraat teruggekeer gedurende die dag, en was deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 8 mans, wat hulself as karoppassers voordoen, met ‘n mes teen die keel
beroof. Pretoria.

GERMISHUYS Gerrie, famous rugby player aged 57, AND his wife were attacked
inside their home during the afternoon by an armed gang of at least 2 men. The
attackers rushed at his wife and she screamed, which alerted Gerrie who ran to her
aid. A revolver was pushed against his head while one of the attackers tried to take
her rings off her fingers. When it became clear that their attackers wanted to tie
them up, Gerrie began wrestling with his attacker and was shot 3 times before the
gang ran away empty handed. One of the bullets went through his cheeck and
lodged behind the back of his neck. Another bullet damaged the bones in his right
hand. His jawbone also needed to be re-attached during an operation. Northcliff,
Johannesburg. 6 Jan 2007.
Oud-Springbokvleuel Gerrie Germishuys (57) en sy vrou was in hul Northcliff huis
gedurende die middag deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste twee mans
aangeval. Eers het hulle op sy vrou afgestorm en sy het gegil. Gerrie het
gehardloop om haar te help maar ‘n rewolwer was teen sy kop gedruk terwyl hulle
die ringe van haar vinger probeer afneem het. Toe dit duidelik word dat hulle
vasgemaak gaan word, het Gerrie met die aanvallers begin stoei en was drie keer
geskiet, voordat hulle leehande gevlug het. Een koeël is deur sy wang en sit nou
agter in sy nek vas. ‘n Ander koeel het die vingerbene aan sy regterhand beskadig.
Sy kakebeen moes ook aangeheg word tydens ‘n operasie. JHB.

GERMISHUYZEN Jan, a teacher, was stabbed to death with a knife during an attack
inside his flat at night. Hatfield, Pretoria. Fri 1 Jan 2007.
Mnr Jan Germishuyzen, ’n Pretoriase onderwyser, was Vrydag nag in sy Hatfield
woonstel met ’n mes doodgesteek.



GERSBACH Lourens AND his girlfriend Zinta Buys parked inside ther driveway at
around 22:00 to offload their vehcle. While Lourens was taking hs drumset out of
the boot, a white Opel Corsa carring 4 men pulled in behind them and 2 men
jumped out. Lourens dropped to the ground immediately, and Zinta went running
up the road. While one of the men were robbing Lourens of his wallet, celphone
and watch, the other chased after Zinta, who screamed so loudly that their
attackers were caught offguard, jumped in the Corsa and raced away. However,
they were caught withn 45 minutes by the police. Mulbarton, Mondeor, Alberton.
Sat 26 Januarie 2007
Mnr Lourens Gersbach en sy vriendin Zinta Buys, het omstreeks 22:00 in hul oprit
stilgehou. Lourens was besig om sy dromme uit die kattebak te laai toe ’n wit Opel
Corsa met vier mans agter hulle stilhou en twee mans uitspring. Hy het oombliklik
platgeval en Zinta het straat-op gehardloop. Die een man het Louwrens se beursie,
selfoon en horlosie gevat en die ander man het Zinta agterna gesit. Sy het ook só
geskree dat dit hulle onkant gevang het en hulle het in die Corsa gespring en
weggejaag, maar was binne 45 minute deur die polisie gevang. Mulbarton,
Mondeor, Alberton. Sat 26 Januarie 2007

GESS Karen, beautician aged 39, left work and returned home at around 08:50 to
fetch something, where her daughter aged 14 and domestic worker aged 45 were
alone. She rang the bel from the gate for her worker to open. As the worker opened
the door to walk out of the house, an escaped serial rapist, who had been hiding in
the garden, slipped into the house. Karen heard the worker scream, pressed the
panic button on her phone which is connected to the eblockwatch neighbourhood
service, and scaled the wall to her house. She found her worker had locked herself,
together with the daughter, up inside a bedroom. Karen pleaded for mercy with the
attacker, who, after he had robbed her, shouted at the worker and daughter that he
would kill Karen if they did not come out of the bedroom. When they came out, he
tied them all up with shoelaces, and locked the worker and daughter up in one
bedroom, before he pulled Karen through the house, assaulted her, and pushed her
onto the bed in another bedroom. He tried to strangle her with his hands, then used
a scarf. He had ripped her pants and underwear off, climbed on top of her and was
about to rape her when her brother shouted at him through the window. The
attacker jumped up and ran away. The rapist, along with an accomplice, was later
caught by the police. Roodepoort. 5 June 2007.
Mev Karen Gess (39) ‘n skoonheidsterapeut, het omstreeks 08:50 van die werk na
haar huis gegaan om iets op te tel, waar haar dogter (14) en huiswerker aleen tuis
was. Karen het die klokkie by die hek gelui vir die werker om te hoor en die hek oop
te sluit. Toe sy die huisdeur oopmaak om uit te stap, het ‘n ontsnapte reeks
verkragter, wat in die tuin geskuil het, die huis ingeglip. Karen het die werker hoor
skree, die paniekknoppie op haar foon gedruk, wat met Eblockwatch gekoppel was,
en oor die huis se muur gespring. Die werker het haarself en die dogter in ‘n kamer
toegesluit. Karen het met die aanvaller gepleit, maar nada thy haar beroof het, het
hy op die werker en dogter geskree dat hy Karen sou vermoor as hulle nie uit die
kamer kom nie. Toe hulle uitkom, het hy al drie die vrouens met skoenveters
vasgemaak, en die dogter en werker in ‘n kamer toegesluit. Daarna het hy vir Karen
deur die huis gesleep en ggeslaan voordat hy haar op ‘n bed neergestamp het. Eers
het hy haar met sy hande gewurg, en daarna met ‘n serp. Hy het haar broek en
onderklere afgeskeur, bo-op haar geklim en was reg om haar te verkrag toe haar
broer deur die venster op hom skree. Die aanvaller het gevlug, maar was later,
tesame met sy makker, deur die polisie voorgekeer. Roodepoort.

GOEBELS Helmut, German aged 58, was attacked on his property by an armed
gang of at least 2 men and was stabbed in the head with a knife on the Monday, but
managed to call for help and was saved by a security company. The following
Saturday he also called for help after he saw two suspects on his property, but they
could not be found. However, the next day, he was found dead with three knife
wounds in his chest by his gardener. There were traces of blood on the gate and its
lock in his driveway that apparently prevented his escape. Rustenburg. Sun 11 Nov
Mnr Helmut Goebels (58) ‘n Duitser, was die Maandag op sy perseel deur ‘n
gewapende bende van ten minste twee mans in die kop met ‘n mes gesteek, maar
kon hulp ontbied en was deur sy veiligheids maatskappy gered. Die eerskomende
Saterdag het Helmut twee verdagtes in sy erf gewaar en weer die veiligheids
maatskappy gebel, maar die verdagtes het gevlug. Die volgende dag het sy tuinier
hom dood aangetref met 3 steekwonde in die bors. Daar was bloed aan sy hek en
die slot daaraan, wat blykbaar sy ontvlugting gekeer het. Rustenburg.

GOOSEN Anton, famous South African musician, was attacked inside his home at
around 23:00 by a gang of at least 4 armed men who had broken down the kitchen
door to enter. He woke op inside his bed when they switched off the television. He
was pistol whipped on the head twice, and blood spilled all over his pillow. Then
Anton was thrown around and kicked in the ribs They tied his hands behind his
back, threw him on the floor in front of the fireplace, and robbed him. He was told
to make his dog named Sky, a Jack Russell, quiet or it would be shot.The attackers
put their loot into Anton’s pick-up van but could not get it started. After Anton had
driven them out the drive, they retied his hands and threw him on the back of the
van. When they reached the main road, he was dropped off along with his dog. As
he does not use bedclothes, Anton was naked throughout the attack. Gansbaai
Lapa Farm, Hennopsrivier. Magaliesburg.
Die legendariese Afrikaanse sanger Anton Goosen was in sy huis deur vier rowers
aangeval omstreeks 23:00. Hy het wakker geword toe iemand die televisie afskakel.
Hy was twee keer teen die kop met ‘n geweer geslaan en baie bloed het op sy
kussing gespat. Hulle het hom rondepluk en in die ribbes geskop voordat hulle sy
hande agter sy rug vasgebind het en hom voor die kaggel neergegooi het. Hy moes
sy kon, Sky, ‘n Jack Russel, stilmaak of die hond sou geskiet gewees het. Nadat
hulle hom beroof het, was die buit op Anton se bakkie gepak. Anton moes die
voertuig vir hulle aanskakel en uit die werf ry, waarna hulle weer sy hande
vasgebind en hom agter op die bakkie gegooi het. Toe hulle by die hoofpad kom,
het hulle hom en sy hond langs die pad gelos. Anton was deurentheid nakend
omrede hy nie met bedklere slap nie. Gansbaai Lapa Farm, Hennopsrivier.

GREEFF Louis aged 66 lived in a secluded part of a small hamlet, with his wife
Bessie. He woke up when their bedroom light was switched on by two masked men
at around 23:00, and jumped up but was stabbed three times, in the head, shoulder
and leg, pushed to the bed and tied up. The commotion woke Bessie, and she was
also tied up. The couple were sworn at and threatened with death while their home
was robbed. Help arrived and the attackers fled empty handed. Chintsa Holiday
Resort along the Jikeleza route. Gonube. Thur 12 Nov 2007.
Mnr Louis Greeff (66) en sy vrou Bessie het in ‘n afgesonderde deel van die Chintsa
vakansie oord gewoon waar hy omstreeks 23:00 wakker geword het nadat ‘n
gewapnede bende hul kamerlig aangeskakel het. Louis het onmiddelik opgespring,
maar was in die kop, skouer en been gesteek, teen die bed vasgedruk en
vasgebind. Bessie het van die rumoer wakker geword, en sy was ook vasgebind.
Die egpaar was gevloek en met die dood gedreig terwyl hulle huis beroof was. Hulp
het opgedaag, en die aanvallers het lee hande gevlug. Jikeleza, Gonube.


GREENE David, a pioneer cattle farmer aged 74, was apparently assassinated with
a single 9mm bullet between his eyes at around 18:20 after he had herded his small
flock of sheep into their encampment near the farmhouse, which was an issue in a
land claim dispute. Rustenbergspruit farm near Estcourt. Natal Midlands. Wed 19
Dec 2007
Mnr David Greene (74), ’n pionier-beesboer van die plaas Rustenbergspruit naby
Estcourt,was omstreeks 18:20 in die voorkop geskiet nadat hy sy handvol skape vir
die nag in hul kampie naby die huis gaan toemaak het. Sy dood was skynbaar ‘n
sluipmoord omrede sy plaas in ‘n dat grondhervormingskwessie betrokke was.

GREYLING Albie, male aged 25, AND his friend Martin Vermeulen walked into the
property of Albie’s mother, Susan aged 60, at around 19:30, as attackers were
leaving her home after they had pistol whipped her with a revolver on the back of
her head and robbed her at around 19:00. The attackers shot at Martin but missed,
but Albie was shot above the left eye before they cornered Martin in the back yard
and told him that they were going to kill all the whites before they fled. Albie died
soon afterwards on the lawn. Eldoraigne, Pretoria. Fri 5 Feb 2007.
Mnr Albie Greyling (25) en sy vriend Martin Vermeulen het omstreeks 19:30 by Albie
se ma, Susan (60) se erf ingeloop terwyl die bende wat haar sopas aangeval het, uit
die huis gevlug het. Susan was met ‘n rewolwer agter teen die kop geslaan en
beroof. Die aanvallers het vir Martin mis geskiet, maar vir Albie bokant die
linkeroog getref. Daarna het hulle vir Martin in die tuin vasgekeer, en aan hom
vertel dat hulle al die blankes gaan vermoor, voordat hulle gevlug het. Albie is kort
daarna op die grasperk oorlede. Eldoraigne, Pretoria

GREYLING Hendriena, female aged 82, was attacked in her Sonerville farmhouse at
around 07:00 by three prison warders from the Modderbee Prison between Benoni
and Springs. They had gained access to the house via the kitchen door and
proceeded to kick, punch and strangle her with a shirt. An alarm in the house went
off triggering the attention of a neighbour who came to investigate, and they fled
the scene. The police captured them the same day. Hendriena sustained serious
injuries and bruises all over her body. Bultfontein, Free State. Saturday 5 Mar 2007.
Mev. Berta Greyling (82) was op die Sonerville plaas deur drie veiligheids
bewaarders van die Modderbee departement van korrektiewe dienste tussen
Benoni en Springs in haar huis aangerand waartydens sy geskop, geslaan en met
‘n hemp gewurg was. Die huisalarm het afgegaan wat die bure se aandag getrek
het, en met hulle aankoms, het die aanvallers gevlug. Die polisie het hulle dieselfde
middag gevang. Hendriena het ernstige wonde en kneusings oor haar hele ligaam
opgedoen gedurende die aanval. Bultfontein, Vrystaat.

GREYLING Jan, mechanic aged 43, thought that spares were being delivered when
a pick-up van stopped in front of his home, from which he worked, at around 08:00
and blew the hooter. He saw two men inside the van, of which one opened the gate
for the other to drive in. Jan and his eldest son met them at the kitchen door, and
was walking to their van with one of the men, when he noticed the other man slip
into the house. He ran back to the house but was pistolwhipped on the head at the
door and marched into the house at gunpoint where he realized that there were 5
attackers, and his family and friends were already held hostage in the passage on
the floor, where they lay on their stomachs with their hands tied up. Jan grabbed
his 2yr old son and kept him tightly in his arms while he was forced into the
bathroom and his feet tied up. his son stayed relatively calm although his father
was hit and kicked while the house was robbed. The attackers knew exactly where
the safe was. After they had left, Jan was able to take a knife and cut everyone free.
Schweizer-Reneke. Sat 28 Aug 2007.
Mnr Jan Greyling (43) motorwerktuigkundige, wat van sy huis af werk, het gedink
dat die bakkie wat omstreeks 08:00 voor sy huis gestop en toeter geblaas het,
onderdele kom aflewer het. Een van die twee insittendes het die hek oopgemaak vir
die bakkie om in te ry. Jan en sy oudste seun het die mans by die kombuisdeur
tegemoet geloop en saam met die een man na die bakkie gestap. Toe Jan opmerk
dat die ander man die huis inglip, het hy terug gedraai en na die huis gehardloop,
maar was by die deur oor die kop met ‘n geweer geslaan. Terwyl hy met ‘n geweer
teen die kop die huis in gedwing was, het hy besef dat daar 5 aanvallers was, en dat
sy familie en vriende alreeds op hul mae in die gang vasgemaak was. Hy het sy 2
jaarige seuntjie styf in sy arms vasgedruk en was na die badkamer geneem waar sy
voete vasgebind was. Die kind was redelik kalm terwyl Jan geskop en geslaan was
terwyl ddie huis beroof was. Die aanvallers het presies geweet waar die kluis was.
Nadat hulle gevlug het, kon Jan ‘n mes kry en almal lossny. Schweizer-Reneke


GREYLING Susarah, female aged 73, was beaten to death during an attack on her
farm in Schweizer-Reneke. 24 Nov 2007.
Mev Susarah Greyling (73) was doodgeslaan tydens ‘n aanval op haar plaas in

GROBBELAAR Johan, army Colonel aged 50 and the commander of military base
Group 24, was shot by a fellow soldier of the rank corporal, and died in hospital a
few days after he had been shot in his office at the army base after a disagreement
between them concerning the demobolization of the commandos which protected
farmers. The Colonel felt strongly that it was essential to keep the commandos in
force. One of the bullets that struck him had lodged in the base of his brain.
Kroonstad, Free State. Tues 31 May 2007.
Kol Johan Grobbelaar (50) bevelvoerder van die militere basis Groep 24, was in sy
kantoor deur ‘n mede soldaat, rang kopperaal, geskiet na ‘n argument oor die
uitfasering van die kommandos wat plase beskerm het. Kolonel Grobbelaar het
sterk geglo dat dit belangrik was om die kommandos in stand te hou. Hy is ‘n paar
dae later oorlede nadat een van die koeels wat hom getref het, in sy breinstam
vasgesteek het. Kroonstad.

GROBLER Gerhard, pizza delivery man aged 34, walked into an armed attacked in
progress while delivering pizzas when he knocked on the door of the family he was
delivering to, and an attacker opened the door with his gun aimed at Gerhard. They
tied his arms behind his back with neckties and instructed him to lie face down on
the floor. The family, a husband, wife and eleven year old daughter, had already
been tied up. He was listening how the family were assaulted and beaten when he
was shot in the head and lost consciousness. When he came to, the gang of at
least 5 armed men had left. Golfpark holdings, Meyerton.
Mnr Gerhard Grobler (34) het aan die deur van ‘n gesin geklop om pizzas aan hulle
af te lewer toe ‘n aanvaller die deur vir hom oopmaak met ‘n geweer op hom gerig.
Gerhard se hande was agter sy rug met dasse vasgemaak en gedwing om kop
ondertoe op die grond te le. Die familie, ‘n egpaar en hul elf jarige dogter, was
alreeds vasgemaak deur die bende van ten minste 5 gewapende aanvallers.
Gerhard het geluister na hoe die familie geslaan en aangerand word toe hy teen die
kop geskiet was, en het sy bewussyn verloor. Toe hy dit herwin, was die aanvallers
weg. Golfpark hoewe, Meyerton
Kopskoot klap

GROBLER Nick, pilot aged 52, AND his wife Poppet, suffered a break-in at their
house, which is inside the Mooikloof Gardens security complex during which their
television was stolen four days before they were attacked at around 02:00 inside
their bedroom by a gang of at least 2 armed men. One of them had trouble cocking
his gun, and Nick charged at him. A shot went off and hit him in the leg. In the
pandemonium Nick closed the bedroom door and locked it, keeping the robbers
out while he phoned for help. Pretoria. Tues 10 July 2007.
Daar was ‘n inbraak by mnr Nick Grobler (52) ‘n vlieenier, en sy vrou Poppet, se
huis wat in die Mooikloof Tuine sekuriteits kompleks gesit het, waarin hul
televisiestel gesteel was. Vier dae later was hulle in hul kamer aangeval deur ‘n
bende van ten minste twee gewapende mans, ongeveer 02:00 in die nag. Toe die
een aanvaller sukkel om sy geweer te oorlaai, het Nick hom bestorm. In die
gewarboel w shy in die been geskiet, maar hy het die deur kon sluit, wat hul
aanvallers uitgehou het terwyl hy hulp ontbied het met sy selfoon. Pretoria.

HAMMAN Nick, retired postmaster aged 74, was attacked and robbed by a gang of
at least 3 men inside his home during the night. His corpse was found lying on its
back on the kitchen floor at around 03:00 by the police after they had searched the
area for suspicious looking charackters who had dropped a load of stolen goods
along the road. His hands were tied in the front of him with shoelaces, and
apparently he had been strangled. Palmiet, Kleinmond. Sat 13 Nov 2007.
Mnr Nick Hamman (74) oud posmeester, se lyk was in sy huis gevind deur die
polisie nadat hulle op soek was na ongurige kalante wat gesteelde goedere langs
die straat laat val het. Blykbaar het ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans gedurende die
nag by sy woning ingebreek, hom vermoor en besteel. Nick het op die
kombuisvloer op sy rug gele, die hande voor vasgemaak met skoenveters.
Blykbaar was hy verwurg. Kleinmond.

HARMAN Jeremiah, farmer, was murdered by an armed gang of at least 4 men on

his farm Buffelshoek on the Kommiessiedrift road. Rustenburg. 31 Jan 2007.
Die plaasboer Jeremiah Harman was op sy plaas by Buffelshoek deur ‘n
gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans vermoor. Kommiessiedrift road.
HARMSE Elsebeth AND her son Nico aged 5, died when they were hit by a car on
the corner of Bremer and Wilhelm street in Pretoria on Monday, 30 July 2007.
Mev. Elsebeth Harmse en haar seuntjie Nico (5) wat Maandag dood is nadat ’n
motor hulle op die hoek van Bremer- en Wilhelmstraat omgery het. Pretoria.
HARRIS Rudi, male aged 55, was attacked inside his home by a gang of at least 7
men armed with AK47’s. He was shot to death whilst wrestling an attacker for his
gun. Marloth Park. Sat 1 Dec 2007
Mnr Rudi Harris (55) was in sy huis deur ‘n bende van ten minste 7 mans gewapen
met AK47’s aangeval en was tydens ‘n stoeiery met ‘n aanvaller oor sy geweer
doodgeskiet. Marlothpark.

HARRISON Beatrice Pearl, female aged 85, was driving in Valley Vista road,
approaching Hosking Road during the afternoon when a car came flying down the
road and cut her off. Two men leapt out of the vehicle, wrenched her door open and
pulled her out of the car. She was thrown into the middle of the road before one of
the men jumped into her car and drove off, with all her personal effects, including
her crutches. She was bleeding profusely and required hospitalization. The skin
had peeled off her right arm and was hanging loosely. Pietermartizburg. 21 Nov
Mej Beatrice Pearl Harrison (85) het net voor Hoskingstraat in Valley Vistastraat
gedurende die middag gery toe ‘n kar op haar afjaag en haar van die pad af druk.
Twee mans het uit die kar gespring, haar deur oopgepluk, en haar uitgeruk. Sy was
in die middel van die straat gegooi voordat hulle in haar kar gespring en weggery
het, maar al haar persoonlike besittings, insluitende haar krukke daarin. Sy het baie
gebloei en het hospitaal behandeling benodig. Die velle van haar regterarm was
nerfaf en het los gehang. Pietermaritzburg.
HASSELL Leon AND his brother Armand, were parked at the corner of Moore and
Chelmsford roads during the morning while waiting for a tow truck to fetch Leon’s
pick-up van when they were confronted by a gang of four men. The Hassells told
the gang that their vehicle could not start and that they were trying to get the
vehicle towed to their home. However, a man pulled out a gun and shot Leon in the
face whle Armand ran away. Paramedics were in the area and responded quickly
when they heard the gunshots. The sound of the sirens scared the gang off. Leon
was admitted to hospital in a coma and died a few days later. Glenwood, Durban.
Sat 4 Aug 2007.
Mnr Leon Hassell en sy broer Armand was op die hoek van Moore en Chelmsford
straat geparkeer terwyl hulle vir ‘n insleepdiens gewag het om Leon se bakkie te
trek toe ‘n bende van 4 mans hulle gekonfronteer het. Die Hassells het aan hulle
verduidelik dat die bakkie nie kon aansluit nie, en dat hulle dit huistoe wou sleep. ‘n
Man het sy geweer uitgepluk en Leon in die gesig geskiet terwyl Armand
weggehardloop het. Noodhulpdienste wat in die nabyheid was, het vinnig reageer
toe hulle die geweerskote hoor en om hulp gesnel. Die klank van hulle siriene het
die bende weggeskrik. Leon was in ‘n koma toe hy by die hospitaal opgeneem was,
en het ‘n paar dae later gesterf. Glenwood, Durban.

HATTINGH Chris suffered amnesia for more than 3 weeks in hospital after he had
been attacked while walking from town to the caravan he was living in about 4km
from his worksite and was struck on the head and robbed inside the caravan.
Witbank. 18 May 2007.
Mnr Chris Hattingh het aan geheue verlies gely vir meer as 3 weke in die hospitaal
nadat hy aangerand was terwyl hy vanaf die dorp geloop het na die karavaan,
sowat 4km vanaf sy werk, gewoon het, waar hy oor die kop geslaan en beroof was.

HAVENGA Elise, female aged 70, woke up inside her bedroom in the security
complex Boskruin Gardens just before 02:00 because of strange noises, which
sounded like rooftiles, and then a sudden sharp noise. She searched the house,
found nothing strange, went back to bed, and fell asleep reading. Next she saw two
men enter her room and she screamed. One of the men walked around her double
bed and punched Elise in the face. She screamed harder and another blow fell.
Havenga does not remember what happened after that, but she woke up in a pool
of blood on the bedroom floor quite some time later. Both her hands and feet were
tied up with scarves, and her body was beaten black and blue. Her arms and hands
were covered in cuts and bruises from warding off the blows. Randburg. Mon 16
July 2007.
Mej. Elise Havenga (70) het in ‘n plas bloed wakker geword vanuit haar beswyming
nadat sy deur twee mans in haar kamer aangeval was. Haar hande en voete met
serpe gebind, en haar ligaam oortrek met kneuse. Haar arms en hande was vol
snymerkse soos sy die aanvallers se houe afgeweer het. Die laaste ding wat sy kon
onthou, was toe sy vir die tweede keer met die vuis bygedam was nadat sy uit skok
en angs geskree het, waarna sy bo van haar bed afgeslaan was. Vroeer die aand,
omstreeks 02:00, het ongewone geluide Elise uit haar slap gebring. Dit het soos
dakteels geklink, en toe was daar ‘n vinnige skerp slag. Sy het haar huis, was in die
Boskruin Tuine kompeks staan, deursoek maar niks vreemd opgelet nie. Oplaas het
sy terug in haar bed geklim, begin lees en ingesluimer. Volgende het sy haar
aanvallers sien by haar kamer inloop, en begin skree. Randburg.

HEPBURN Fransie, AND her children Natalee-Hope aged 10 months AND Danielle
aged 2, were inside their car when they stopped at a street corner during early
morning traffic. An attacker cracked the windscreen of their car with a sparkplug,
and then smashed the window on the passenger side, pushed his arm inside and
wrestled Fransie for her handbag which was under the car seat, before he ran
away. Bloemfontein. FS. Feb 2007
Mev Fransie Hepburn het in die druk verkeer by ‘n stopstraat in haar motor gestop
waarin haar kinders Natalee-Hope (10 maande) en Danielle (2) ook was. ‘n Man het
die voorruit met ‘n porselein vonkprop gekraak, en daarna die passasiersvenster
gebreek, sy hand indesteek en met Fransie om haar handsak, wat onder die sitplek
was, gestoei voordat hy weggehardloop het. Bloemfontein.
HERBST Chris was shot in the face and stabbed several times in the back and neck
while fighting two thugs trying to rape his 12-year-old daughter and kill his six-
year-old son. Elardus agricultural holdings, Pretoria. Oct 2007.
Mnr Chris Herbst was in die gesig geskiet en herhaaldelik in die rug en nek gesteek
terwyl hy met twee boewe baklei het wat sy 12 jarige dogter wou verkrag en 6 jarige
seun wou vermoor. Elardus hoewe, Pretoria.

HERMAN Jerry, male professional big-game hunter aged 52, wasattacked during
the night inside his rented home. His corpse was found in the bathroom, the hands
tied with electrical cord, and feet with a cloth. There were multiple knife stab
wounds on the body and he had been shot in the stomach and head. His pick-up
truck was stolen, but recovered later by the police where it had been abandoned at
Markana. Rustenburg smallholding. 28 Jan 2007.
Die lyk van die beroepsjagter, Jerry Herman (52) was in die badkamer van sy
huurhuis ontdek nada thy gedurende die nag vermoor was. Die hande was met
elektriese kabeldraad vasgemaak, en sy voete met ‘n lap. Daar was verskeie mes
steek wonde aan sy lyf. Hy was ook in die maag en kop geskiet. Sy gesteelde
bakkie was verlate gevind op Markana deur die polisie. Rustenburg kleinhoewe.
HESSEL Leon, male aged 41, went to assist a friend who’se car had broken down
on the corner of Moore and Chelmsford Drive, Umbilo during the morning. He was
waiting inside the car for his brother to fetch a tow-rope when a gang of 4 men
approached him and wanted to steal the car. He explained to them that the car had
broken down and needed to be towed. One of the men took out his gun and shot
Leon in the face. The bullet damaged the C2- or C3- disc in his neck and he is
permanently paralyzed. Durban. 4 Aug 2007.
Mnr Leon Hessel (41) het gedurende die oggend ‘n vriend wie se kar op die hoek
van Moore en Chelmsfordrylaan, Umbilo gebreek het, gaan help. Terwyl hy in die
kar gesit en wag het vir sy broer om ‘n sleeptou te bring, was hy deur 4 mans
genader wat die kar wou steel. Leon het aan hulle verduidelik dat die kar onklaar
geraak het en gesleep moes word, waarna een van die mans ‘n geweer uitgepluk en
Leon in die gesig geskiet het. Die koeël het of sy C2- of C3-nekwerwel beskadig, en
hy is verlam. Durban.
HEYNS Johan, movie director aged 58, AND his wife were attacked inside their
home by an armed gang of at least 2 men at around 19:50. She was watching
television, and he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom when a man appeared
next to him and shot him in the pelvis. Another gunman stormed down on Mrs
Heyns, bumped her and demanded the safe. Johan crawled to the bedroom while
they were being robbed and help arrived shortly. The bullet had damaged his
bladder before it made an exit through the right bottocks. Bryanston,
Johannesburg. Sun 26 Sep 2007.
HILL Ed, aged 58 AND his physically disabled wife Graziella aged 56, were at a
graveyard around 10:45 when they were overpowered and robbed. Graziella was
waiting inside the car while Ed was attending to flowers when she saw an attacker
rush towards Ed with a golfclub in his hand, and she screamed. Ed heard the
warning and turned around in time to face his attacker. A second attacker jumped
into the car with her and threatened to kill her if she shouted, and robbed her while
his partner robbed Ed. Ed offered to draw funds from an ATM and led his attacker
towards the gate. His partner pulled Graziella from the car and followed them.
However when other pedestrians appeared, the attackers ran away. Pretoria. Sat 11
June 2007.
Mnr Ed Hill (58) en sy fisiese gestremde vrou Graziella (56) was omstreeks om
10:45 by ‘n begrafplaas oorval en beroof. Graziella het in die motor op Ed gewag
terwyl hy na blomme omgesien het, toe sy ‘n aanvaller sien wat met ‘n bofbalkolf
op Ed afstorm, en sy het begin skree. Ed het haar gehoor en omgekyk. ‘n Tweede
aanvaller het by haar in die voertuig gespring, en gedreig om haar te vermoor sou
sy skree, waarna hy haar beroof het. Intussen was Ed ook beroof, en het aangebied
om vir die aanvallers fondse vanaf ‘n kitsbank te trek, voordat hy sy aanvaller na
die hek gelei het. Die ander aanvaller het Graziella uit die kar gepluk en hulle
gevolg. Oppad het ander voetgangers verskyn, en die aanvallers het
weggehardloop. Pretoria.
HISCOCK Brent, male aged 23, AND his brother Allan AND his wife Myoko, were
sitting in front of a fire outside the flat on the plot which belonged to their parents
in Zwavelpoort, celebrating the new year shortly before midnight when they were
confronted by an armed gang of at least 2 men. Brent wished them a happy new
year before he realised that they were held at gunpoint. Their attackers demanded
to be taken to the main house, where his parents were asleep. His father, who slept
on the couch in the lounge, had suffered a series of strokes, and needed feeding
through a pipe to the stomach. His mother would be asleep in the lounge. At their
front door, Brent stopped short, turned around, and confronted the gunmen. They
opened fire on Brent and ran away. He died minutes later in his brother’s arms.
Pretoria East. 1 Jan 2007.
Mnr Brent Hiscock (23) het saam met sy broer Allan en die se vrou Myoko het voor
‘n vuurtjie langs die woonstel op hul ouers se hoewe in Zwavelpoort die nuwe jaar
ingewag toe ‘n bende van ten minste 2 mans kort voor middernag verskyn het.
Brent het hulle ‘n gelukkige nuwe jaar toegewens voordat hy besef het dat daar
gewere op hulle gerig word. Die aanvallers het daarop aangedring om na die
hoofhuis geneem te word. Sy pa, wat weens ‘n rits beroerte aanvalle deur ‘n pyp na
sy maag gevoer moes word, sou in die sitkamer geslaap het, en sy ma in haar
kamer. By die voordeur het Brent omgedraai om hul aanvallers te konfronteer.
Hulle het hom geskiet en weg gehardloop. Brent is ‘n paar minute later in sy broer
se arms dood. Pretoria Oos.
HOFFMAN Jacobus escaped death when gunmen opened fire on him in his home.
His son was struck in the leg by shrapnel from the ricocheting bullet. Pretoria. 1
June 2007.
Mnr Jacobus Hoffman het die dood vrygespring toe ‘n gewapende bende in sy huis
op hom vuur. Sy seun was in die been getref deur die shrapnel van ‘n koeel.
HOLMES Ryan, student aged 22, was attacked inside his home by an armed gang
six weeks before he was shot in the head at close range inside his car at the
driveway of a friend at around 21:00 by a gang of at least 3 armed men. They
robbed his friends and stole his car. The bullet lodged behind his eye and was
admitted to hospital in a coma. Vorna Valley, Midrand. Sun 5 Sep 2007.
Mnr Ryan Holmes (22) student, was in sy huis deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval
ses weke voordat hy in sy kar by vriende se inrit op kort afstand in die kop geskiet
was deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 gewapende mans. Hulle het die vriende beroof
voordat hulle met sy kar weggejaag het. Die koeel het agter sy oog vasgepen en hy
is by die hospitaal in ‘n koma opgeneem. Vorna Valley, Midrand
HOLMES Sue, female aged 60, AND her woman companion AND their 65-year-old
friend Peter, were on their usual walk at around 09:15 with their four dogs - a "little
yapper", a Scottish terrier, a sheepdog and a Labrador, and reached a flat area
along De Hel, a natural extension of the thickly wooded Constantia green belt,
when 2 men came up behind them, grabbed the woman companion, threatened to
kill them, and robbed them at knife point. Constantia, Cape Town. Tues 9 Feb 2007
Mej Sue Holmes (60) het met haar vriendin en hul vriend Peter (65) soos woonlik
saam met hulle 4 honde = ‘n klein keffertjie, ‘n Skotse terrier, ‘n skaaphond en ‘n
Labrador in die De Hel gebied gestap ongeveer 09:15 toe hulle op ‘n gelyke deel
van agter deur 2 mans met messe aangeval was. Eers was die vriendin gegryp, en
nadat hulle met die dood gedreig was, beroof. Constantia groen belt, Kaapstad.
HOLMES Sue (friend Peter) SEE HOLMES Sue

HOLTZHAUSEN Archie AND his son Wouter aged 17, were cycling in a field at
around 13:00 towards the Blue Valley Golf Estate when they noticed two men along
the path, the one carrying a potato bag. Suddenly one man drew an AK47 from the
bag and ordered them to climb off their bicycles. He pushed his fully automatic
assault rifle against Archie’s head, while his accomplice put a penknife to Wouter’s
throat. They were ordered to the ground and robbed. Centurion. 26 Sep 2007.
Mnr Archie Holtzhausen en sy seun Wouter (17) het omstreeks 13:00 in ‘n veld
oppad na dieBlue Valley Golf Estate viets gery toe hulle twee mans in die pad
gewaar het. Die een man was besig om ‘n aartappel sak te dra. Skielik het hy ‘n
AK47 daaruit gepluk en hulle van hulle fietse af beveel. Terwyl hy sy geweer teen
Archie se kop gedruk het, het die ander aanvaller sy knipmes teen Wouter se nek
gedruk. Hulle was na die grond toe gedwing en beroof. Centurion.

HOPPER Nicolene aged 22, AND her 16 month old baby Jordan, AND her mother
Jacoba aged 42, were waiting along the M7 carriageway betweenBellair and Titren
roads for help to arrive after their car had broken down after a church service at
night when two men approached their car and fired a shot through the window. The
bullet hit Jordan, who was asleep on his mother’s lap, in the left shoulder, before
striking Nicolene's hand as it exited. The gunmen opened the passenger door and
robbed them, pushed the gun against her stomach and then fired another shot,
hitting Jacoba in her left hand before they fled. The bullet that struck Jordan had
entered his shoulder and perforated a lung, before passing through his stomach
and pancreas. He underwent a four-and-half-hour operation, and was on a
ventilator in the intensive care unit. He also underwent an emergency blood
transfusion a few days later. Durban. Thurs 18 June 2007.

HORTSTMANN Robert aged 73 AND his wife Julie aged 74 were attacked inside
their home of 50 years, tied up to a chair in their bedroom and tortured for many
hours, where they were found unconscious the following morning by their son.
Julie died soon after from her injuries and Robert was in a critical condition in
hospital. It appears that nothing was stolen. They had been married for 50 years.
Boston, Belville, Cape Town. Sat 23 Jan 2007
Die Horstmann-egpaar, Robert (73) en Julie (74), wat 52 jaar in hul Boston huis
gewoon het, was etlike ure lank in hul slaapkamer aan ’n stoel vasgebind en
gemartel. Hulle was die volgende more bewusteloos in hul huis aangetref deur hul
seun. Julie is kort daarna oorlede aan haar beserings. Robert het in ‘n ernstige
toestand in die hospitaal vir sy lewe geveg. Skynbaar was niks gesteel nie. Die
egpaar was vir 50 jaar getroud. Belville, Kaapstad

HULLEY-MULLER Louise aged 25, was shot 8 times in front of her two small
children during a farm attacked outside Nelspruit. March 2007.
Mev Louise Hulley-Miller (25) het 8 skietwonde opgedoen in die teenswoordigheid
van haar twee kindertjies tydens ‘n plaas aanval in Nelspruit omgewing

HUMAN Sheldean, a girl aged 7, disappeared from the Pretoria Gardens home of
her parents at around 18:30. Her corpse was found 3 weeks later in an open field.
Pretoria. Sun 20 Feb 2007.
Die 7 jarige dogtertjie Sheldean Human wat omstreeks 18:30 op ‘n Sondag vanuit
haar ouers se erf verdwyn het, se ligaam was 3 weke later in ‘n oop veld gekry.
Prertoria Gardens, Pretoria.
HUME Lynne, estate agent aged 47, disappeared shortly after seeing a client in the
Ballito area at around 13:00. Her burnt out car contained her charred remains in the
passenger side, burnt beyond recognition, with the neck and feet bound with wire,
was found the following morning on a farm road at Kestell in the Free state.
Security cameras at a bank in Pietermaritzburg had shown that a gang of 4 men
had cashed a personal cheque made out by Lynne on the same afternoon that she
had disappeared, and more cheques were cashed in Stanger. Durban. Tues 27 Oct
Mev Lynne Hume (47) eiendomsagent, het verdwyn naadat sy omstreeks 13:00 ‘n
klient in Ballito ontmoet het. Haar uitgebrande kar was die volgende ogend in
Kestell, Vrystaat gevind waar dit op ‘n plaaspad by Kestell in die Vrystaat gevind,
met haar verkoolde ligaam in die passasiers kant, met die nek en voete met draad
vasgebind. Sekuriteitskamaras van ‘n bank in Pietermaritzburg het gewys dat ‘n
bende van 4 mans ‘n persoonlike tjek van Lynne dieselfde middag as haar
verdwyning, gewissel het. Verdere tjeks was ook in Stanger gewissel. Durban.
HUNTER Cecil, male aged 31, was driving in Benoni during the early hours of the
morning when he was pulled over by the police. They accused him of driving into
the road against the flow of oncoming traffic, which he denied. They asked what he
was going to do about the matter, and he got the impression that they wanted to be
bribed. When he asked them for proof of identity, they refused and accused him of
resisting arrest. A policewoman sprayed him in the face with pepperspray 4 or 5
times. He could not see anything while a policeman cuffed his hands tightly behind
his back. One of them stole the wallet from the back of his pants and took all the
cash out of it before they threw him into the back of their van. At the police station,
he was severely attacked physically and suffered cuts to the head and bruising all
over his body. He was denied medical attention. Fri 7 Nov 2007.
Mnr Cecil Hunter (31) het in die vroee ogendure in Benoni gery waar hy deur die
polisie van die pad afgetrek was. Hulle het hom daarvan beskuldig dat hy teen
aankomende verkeer die straat ingedraai het, wat hy ontken het. Hulle het homo ok
gevra wat hy omtrent die aantuiging gaan doen, wat hom die indruk gegee het dat
hulle gehoop het vir ‘n afbetaling. Toe hy hulle vir identifikasie vra, het hulle
geweier. ‘n Polisievrou het hom met pepersproei 4 or 5 keer in die gesig gespuit.
Terwyl hy niks kon sien nie, het ‘n polisieman Cecil se hande styf agter sy rug
geboei. Een van hulle het die beursie vanuit Cecil se agtersak gesteel en al die
kontant gevat. Daarna was hy agter in hul vangwa gegooi en na die polisiestasie
geneem. Daar was Cecil erg aangerand, en het snye op sy oogbanke en kneuse oor
sy hele ligaam opgedoen. Hy was mediese behandeling geweier. Benoni.

HUSSELMAN Marie aged 77, was ambushed by a gang of at least 4 men when she
returned home from church during the morning and was forced into her house,
robbed at knifepoint and then physically assaulted. Marie was also beaten on the
head and shoulders with a “knopkierrie” (a traditional weapon, wooden club with
solid ball like head) repeatedly, and pepperspray was squirted into her mouth. Her
blood was found on the floor and bed of her room. She suffered a broken jawbone,
concussion, a damaged left eye, the facial bones cracked, severe swelling on the
left side of her head and face, bruising and wounds all over her body. Marie died
two days later in hospital from her injuries. River Street, Jacobsdal. Sun 19 Feb
Mej. Marie Husselman (77) was met haar tuiskoms ná ‘n kerkdiens by haar
agterdeur ingewag deur ‘n bende van ten minste vier mans, en die huis ingedwing.
Nadat hulle haar met ‘n mes aangehou en beroof het, was sy herhaaldelik met ‘n
kierie in die gesig en oor die skouers geslaan. Pepersproei was ook in haar mond
gespuit. Marie se bed en slaapkamervloer was met haar bloed bevlek. Haar
kakebeen was af geslaan. En die beentjies in haar gesig gekraak. Hy het
breinskudding opgedoen, asook ‘n beskadigde linker oog, geweldige swelling aan
die linker kant van haar gesig en kop, en wonde en kneuse oor haar hele lyf. Sy het
twee dae later in die hospitaal aan haar beserings ontkom. Jacobsdal.

ISAACS Lameez, female aged 22, was murdered inside the home of her parents
where her corpse was found with a bullet to the head. Baden-Powell drive,
Strandfontein, Cape Town. 13 June 2007.
Mej. Lameez Isaacs (22) se lyk was in haar ouerhuis te Baden Powell-rylaan gevind
met ‘n koeëlwond in die kop. Strandfontein.

JACOBS Frans AND his wife Yvonne, both aged 61, AND their granddaughters
Chantelee aged 17 AND Andrea aged 12, AND a friend of Chantelle, Johann van
Niekerk aged 20, were watching television in their duplex when a gang of at least
two armed men walked in through an open door at around 19:00. Frans jumped up
and he was shot in the chest. The gang demanded money while Frans lay groaning
from pain on the floor. Andrea, who had been in her bedroom, heard the shot and
was coming down the stairs when an attacker saw her, put a gun to her head,
grabbed her and threw her onto her injured grandfather. After their attackers had
left, the family were able to have Frans admitted to hospital. The bullet entered the
right side, went through his lung and liver and left his body through his back.
Lynnwood, Pretoria.
Mnr Frans Jacobs en sy vrou Yvonne, albei 61, hul kleindogters Andrea (12),
Chantelle (17) en die se vriend Johann van Niekerk (20) was omstreeks 19:00 in hul
dupleks besig om televisie te kyk toe ‘n bende van ten minste 2 gewapende mans
die oop deur instep. Frans het opgespring en was in die regter bors geskiet. Terwyl
hy op die vloer van pyn gekreun het, het die aanvallers op geld aangedring. Andrea
wat in haar kamer besig was, het die skoot gehoor. Terwyl sy by die trappe
afgekom het, het ‘n aanvaller haar gewaar, sy geweer teen haar kop gedruk, haar
gegryp en bo-op haar gewonde oupa neergesmyt. Nadat die bende gevlug het, kon
die familie Frans onder medisiese sorg by die hospitaal kry. Die koeel het deur sy
long en lewer getrek en by sy rug uitgevlieg. Hy is in die hospitaal se waakeenheid
behander. Lynnwood, Pretoria.

JACOBS Ian, scholar aged 15, was travelling home with family at around 02:00
when they were stopped by a police vehicle on a farm road. The police opened fire
and Ian was hit. He climbed out the vehicle and walked about 10 meters before he
collapsed. The police retuned with help about 3 hours later but it was too late. Ian
had died from his injuries. Witbank. Sun 11 Sep 2007.
Mnr Ian Jacobs (15) was saam met familie oppad huis toe omstreeks 02:00 toe hulle
deur ‘n polisievoertuig op ‘n plaaspad vasgekeer was. Die polisie het op hulle
losgebrand, en Ian was gewond.. Hy het uit die voertuig geklim en sowat 10 meter
geloop voordat hy inmekaar gesak het. Die polisie het hulp gaan soek en sowat 3
ure later teruggekom, maar dit was te laat. Ian het aan sy wonde beswyk. Witbank.
JACOBS Jarques was painting an outside room and was washing the paintbrushes
outside the house at around 00:30 when he was shot at. His wife Zonda, heard the
shot and immediately locked the door to her bedroom where their newborn baby
was asleep. Their other son, 21 months old, was asleep in his own room. Two men
found her in another part of the house and dragged her to the locked bedroom, and
ordered her at gunpoint to open the door, but she refused. They went outside to
where a third man was holding Jarques hostage, and she passed them R400
through the window. The attackers brought Jacques inside, broke down the
bedroom door, and tied him to the bed. One held a gun to Zonda’s head while they
looted the house. Murrayfield, Pretoria. Sat 12 Nov 2007.

JACOBS Marce aged 17, noticed that his father was being assaulted and robbed at
his car by a gang of at least 3 armed men when he went to open the gate for him.
When an attacker forced Marce into the house at gunpoint to collect car keys,
Marce spoke loudly in a different language to the attacker, which made his mother
and sister realize that there was a problem, and they were able to hide before they
were noticed. The attacker threatened to hit Marce with a hammer, but the young
man managed to remain calm. Two cars were stolen off the property, but were
recovered within hours, but their contents, which included a golf club set, was
missing. Petersfield, Edenvale. 31 Oct 2007.
Mnr Marce Jacobs (17) het besef dat sy pa by sy kar deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3
mans aangerand en beroof word toe hy die hek vir hom wou gaan oopmaak het.
Terwyl ‘n aanvaller met ‘n geweer vir Marce na die huis gedwing het om karsleutels
op te tel, het Marce luidelik in ‘n ander taal begin praat, wat sy ma en suster laat
besef het dat daar fout is, en hulle kon wegkruip. Die aanvaller het gedreig om
marce met ‘n hamer te slaan, maar die jong man het kalm gebly. Twee voertuie was
van die perseel af gesteel, maar binne ure terug gevind, sonder hulle inhoud en ‘n
stel gholfstokke wat ook in die kar was. Petersfield, Edenvale.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Brandt, student aged 20, was asleep inside a student
commune house when the house was attacked by a gang of men. Brandt, who slept
closest to the entrance door, woke up as an attacker swung a 10kg weight at his
head. He tried to ward the blow off with a pillow, but was hit. Other students woke
up from the noise and wrestled the gang whereafter they fled. He suffered a
cracked scull, two cuts and bruising to the face during the attack. Bloemfontein. 5
Sep 2007.
JANSEN VAN RENSBURG Gert, male aged 44, dies in hospital from injuries
sustained inside the Claremont supermarket during an attack in which an armed
gang opened fire and shot 6 people. Nothing was stolen. Pretoria West. Wed 27
July 2007.
Mnr Gert Jansen van Rensburg (44) het in die hospitaal gesterf aan skietwonde wat
hy opgedoen het tydens ‘n aanval in die Claremont supermark waarin ‘n
gewapende bende losgebrand en 6 mense gewond het. Niks was gesteel nie.
Pretoria wes.

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Renier was sitting in the garden of their security complex
in Fleurdal during the morning when a stranger appeared at their gate. Renier got
up and walked towards him, but was shot in the chest and died shortly after from
this wound. Bloemfontein. Sat 18 Dec 2007
JANSE VAN RENSBURG Theuns and his wife Hettie, both aged 72, were attacked
inside their home shortly after 20:00 by a gang of at least 3 men. Theuns had heard
a noise outside and went to investigate. He was attacked with a panga shortly
afterwards, and severely assaulted during which he suffered a fractured scull. His
dentures were found on the floor of the passage. Hettie had tried to fight back
during the attack, but four of the fingers on her left hand were severed with a pair
of garden shears. Her right arm was also broken. Bleeding profusely, she ran to the
main bedroom's en-suite bathroom, where she locked herself in to hiding. Her
fingers were later found found lying around in the house. The subconscious body
of Theuns was dragged through to the main bedroom, stripped naked and placed
on the bed. Hettie peeped through the keyhole from the bathroom and saw one of
their attackers watching television as he lay on the bed next to her husband while
his gang were robbing the house. It was around 04:00 that they left. She was able to
get help around 07:00 by calling out to her neighbour. Four of her fingers had to be
amputated at the first joint. Theuns had lost all feeling in the right side of his body
and remained in a coma for more than two weeks in ICU until his life support
system was turned off. 7th Street. Mookgopong/Naboomspruit. Sun Dec 2007.
Theuns van Rensburg en sy vrou Hettie, albei 72, was in hulle huis kort na 20:00
aangeval deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans nadat Theuns die agterdeur
oopgemaak het om te sien waarom hulle honde blaf. Hy was erg met ‘n panga
aangerand wartydens sy skeudelbeen gebreek was. Sy valstande was later in die
gang gevind. Hettie het probeer terug veg maar vier van die vingers aan haar
linkerhand was met ‘n tuinsker afgesny en haar regterarm was gebreek voordat sy
bloeiend die hoofslaapkamer se badkamer ingevulg en die deur gesluit het. Haar
vingers was later gevind waar hulle in die huis rondle. Die onbewuste ligaam van
Theuns was na die hoofslaapkamer gesleep, ontklee, en op die bed neergesit.
Hettie het deur die deurslot se gat geloer en gesien date en van die aanvallers
langs Theuns op die bed le en televisie kyk terwyl sy trawante die huis beroof.
Hulle het omstreeks 04:00 die huis verlaat.Sy kon eers ongeveer om 07:00 hulp van
hul buurman kry nadat sy hom geroep het. Vier van haar vingers moes tot by die
eerste lit geamputeer word. Theuns het alle gevoel in die regterkant van sy ligaam
verloor en nooit weer sy bewussyn herwin nie. Na twee weke onder intensiewe sorg
was die apparate wat hom aan die lewe gehou het, afgeskakel.

JOHNSON Terence, male aged 26, was cycling along Kiaat Road at around 13:40
when a vehicle with 3 occupants stopped nearby. One got out and fired several
shots at Terence. He was wounded in the back and right leg. He died on the scene.
Bonteheuwel. Thur 21 Dec 2007.

JONCK Malan woke up from a noise outside his bedroom door at about 02:00 as an
armed gang tried to get in. Malan aged 60 and his wife Corrie aged 59, barred their
bedroom door up every night before they went to sleep by pushing a dressing table
against it and wedging a triangular iron door-stopper underneath the door. A club
is stored above the door-frame. The door would inch open, then he would shut it
again. When the gap was large enough, one of the attackers poked his head
through. Malan hit him on the head with the club and pushed the door shut again.
For a while it was quiet, before two shots were fired through the closed door,
presumably with a handgun and a shotgun. Corrie was shouting hysterically over
the phone while calling for help. A portable radio worth R50 ($7), a small
compressor, sugar was stolen during an ordeal that lasted about an hour.
Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve farm near Heidelberg. Wed 20 June 2007.
Mnr Malan Jonck (60) en sy vrou Corrie (59) het omstreeks 02:00 wakker geword
van die geraas wat ‘n gewapende gemaak het terwyl hulle die slaapkamerdeur
probeer oopstoot het. Die egpaar het snags hul deur toegesper deur om ‘n
spieelkas voor, en ‘n driehoekige strykyster onder, die deur in te skyf.
‘n Knuppel was bo-op die deurkoessyn gehou. Die deur sou ‘n bietjie oopskuif, dan
stoot Malan dit weer toe. Ten einde het dit groot genoeg oopgeskuif vir ‘n aanvaller
om sy kop deur te druk. Malan het hom met die knuppel teen die kop geslaan en
weer die deur toegestoot. Dit was stil vir ‘n ruk voordat hulle twee skote deur die
toe deur geskiet het, waarskynlik met ‘n haelgeweer en ‘n pistool. Corrie het
histeries oor die foon geskree terwyl sy hulp ontbied het. ‘n R50 draagbare radio,
klein compressor en suiker was gesteel gedurende die uur lange aanval op hul
plaas in die Suikerbosrand natuur reserwe naby Heidelberg.

JONKER Barend, male aged 85, was attacked on his farm Rietvlei with an axe, and
sustained serious injuries to the face and head. Polokwane. 20 Nov 2007.
Mnr Barend Jonker (85) was met ‘n byl aangeval op sy plaas Rietvlei, waartydens
hy het ernstige beserings aan sy gesig en kop opgedoen het.


JOUBERT Adriaan Albertus business consultant aged 59, was sitting with his wife,
Wilma aged 55, in his office built onto the back of their garage at around 21:00
when the security lights outside their house in Abbott street went on. While
Adriaan went outside to investigate, Wilma saw a gunman walk around the house,
and she screamed as she ran into the kitchen to hide, where their son Deon aged
32, was making tea. Four gunshots went off outside the house during which
Adriaan was shot in the chest and leg before their attackers fled in a get-away car.
Adriaan died on the scene. Floridapark, Roodepoort. 24 Jan 2007.
Mnr. Adriaan Albertus Joubert (59), ’n sakekonsultant, het saam met sy vrou Wilma
(55) in sy kantoor wat agter die motorhuis aangebou is, gesit omstreeks 21:00 toe
hul huis in Abbottstraat se sekuriteitsligte self aanskakel. Terwyl Adriaan
ondersoek gaan instel het, het Wilma ‘n gewapende man om die hoek van die huis
gesien stap, en sy het gillend die kombuis ingevlug, waar hul seun Deon (32) besig
was om tee te maak. Vier skote was buitekant afgevuur, waartydens Adriaan in die
bors en been geskiet was. Die aanvallers het in hul eie kar verdwyn, en Adriaan is
kort daarna op die toneel oorlede. Floripark, Roodepoort.

JOUBERT Deon SEE JOUBERT Adriaan Albertus

JOUBERT Wilma SEE JOUBERT Adriaan Albertus

JOUBERT Huibrecht, female aged 38, arrived home from work at about 16:00 and
opened the door to find her life partner Mr. Charl van Schalkwyk aged 37, AND her
son aged 17, AND their son aged 8 under attack by a gang of at least 3 men. She
ran back to her car but was shot through the windscreen in the chest and abdomen
as she reversed. The gang stole the celphones from the house before they ran
about 200 meters and crossed the R114 to the adjacent N14 highway, where they
opened fire on two men who had been stranded along the road after their pick-up
truck had broken down. Laezonia plots on the R511, near Diepsloot. Johannesburg
north. Tues 12 June 2007.
Mev Huibrecht Joubert (38) het omstreeks 16:00 na werk tuis gekom op die
Laezonia plotte op die R511, maar toe sy die deur oopmaak het sy besef dat haar
lewensmaat mnr . Charl van Schalkwyk (37), hulle seun (8) en haar seun (17) onder
die aanval van ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3 mans was. Huibrecht het
terug na haar voertuig gevlug maar was deur die windskerm in die bors en maag
geskiet terwyl sy in trurat weggetrek het. Nadat die bende die selfone uit die huis
gesteel het, het hulle sowat 200 meter verder oor die R114 na die N14-snelweg, wat
reg langsaan is, gehardloop. Daar het hulle losgebrand op twee mans wat
stilgehou het toe hul bakkie onklaar geraak het. Diepsloot, noord van Jhb
JOUBERT Marc, a building contractor aged 30, was shot to death during an attack
by an armed gang at the St. Tropez restaurant where Marc was attending a birthday
party. Durban North. May 2007.
Mnr Marc Joubert (30), ‘n boukontrakteur, was doodgeskiet tydens ‘n aanval op die
St. Tropez restaurant waar hy ‘n verjaarsdag partytjie bygewoon het. Durban noord

KARVELAS Nick, school principal aged 44, received a call at work from his
domestic servant who warned him that there was a problem at home at around
10:00. Nick was shot to death in his driveway upon his arrival as he got out of his
car. Alberton. Tues. 12 June 2007.
Mnr Nick Karvelas (44) skoolhoof, het omstreeks 10:00 in sy kantoor ‘n oproep
vanaf sy huishulp gehad waarin sy gese het dat daar ‘n problem by sy huis was.
Nick was met sy aankoms op die inrit doodgeskiet pas na hy uit sy voertuig geklim
het deur ‘n bende van ten minste 4 gewapende mans. Alberton.

KEELE Monntoe aged 83 AND his brother Gabriel aged 81 were attacked inside
their home at night by a gang of 4 armed men and robbed. Roodebloem, Qwa-Qwa.
9 Mar 2007.

KEMPEN Gideon, male aged 32, heard a strange noise inside his security complex
home at around 04:00. While investigating the noise, he came across an intruder
who had climbed in through a window, and was opening the door for his partners-
in-crime. He stabbed Gideon in the chest which punctured his lung before escaping
out the window. Somerset-Wes. 9 July 2007
Mnr Gideon Kempen (32) het omstreeks 04:00 ‘n ongewone geluid in sy sekuriteits
gebied huis gehoor en ondersoek gaan instel. Hy het op ‘n indringer afgekom wat
deur ‘n venster ingebree het en besig was om die voordeur vir sy makers oop te
maak. Hy het Gideon in die bors met ‘n mes gesteek waardeur sy longe ook
raakgesteek was, en uit die venster ontsnap. Somerset-Oos.

KERKOF Rian, male aged 53, AND his daughter Helene aged 21, were attacked by
an armed gang of at least 4 men during the night. Rian was overpowered, assaulted
and shot inside his bedroom, which woke Helene up. As she called her father, they
stormed into her room, picked her up, hit her and threw her down next to her
seriously wounded father, then tied them to each other. Helene was also kicked
several times. One of them tried to pull up her shirt, but she curled her body up and
begged them to take what they want, and leave so that she could take her father to
the hospital, who was bleeding profusely from the right side of his chest and was
suffering much pain. They laughed at her while they shook him, and spent more
than an hour rummaging through the house and eating from the fridge before they
left. Rian died in hospital the following day. Moreleta Park, Pretoria. Thur 11 Nov
Rian Kerkof (53) was gedurende die nag in sy kamer deur ‘n gewapende bende van
ten minste 4 mans oorval en in die regterbors geskiet. Sy dogter Helene (21) het die
skoot gehoor en hom geroep. Die bende het haar kamer ingestorm, haar opgetel,
geslaan, en langs haar pa op die vloer neergesmyt waar sy en haar pa aan mekaar
vasgebind was. Helene was ook herhaaldelik geskop. Toe een van die mans haar
hemp probeer optrek, het sy haarself in ‘n bondeltjie opgetrek, en hulle gesoebat
om te vat wat hulle wou, en die plek verlaat sodat sy haar pa, wat swaar gebloei het
en in baie pyn was, na die hospitaal kon neem. Hulle het haar uitgelag terwyl hulle
hom geskud het. Vir meer as ‘n uur het die bende die huis deursoek en uit die
kombuis geeet voordat hulle gevlug het. Riaan is die volgende dag in die hospitaal
oorlede. Moreleta Park, Pretoria.

KEYSER Fanie, pharmaceutical representative and part-time cattle farmer aged 47,
AND his wife Annelize AND their son J.C. aged 13, arrived at their holiday home in
Marloth Park after supper at a local restaurant, when they were attacked by a gang
armed with AK47’s. Fanie, who was very safety conscious, first checked the house
for intruders before he let his family in. While he went back outside to lock their
car, Annelize heard two gunshots. He ran back to the house but collapsed on the
verandah. She ran to her bedroom and pushed the door closed. An attacker,
speaking in Afrikaans and wearing khaki clothes, said that she wont be harmed as
they only wanted money. He pried open the door, pushed the gunbarrel of an AK47
inside the room and shot. JC had hidden under his bed before he managed to
escape the house and pushed the panic button which was still around his father’s
neck before he used his own celphone to call for help. Fanie’s phone and handgun
had been stolen. He was taken to a nearby doctor, but died shortly afterwards.
Kruger National Park. Fri 28 Dec 2007.
Fanie Keyser (47), ’n verteenwoordiger in die farmaseutiese bedryf in Pretoria en
deeltydse beesboer, sy vrou Annelize en hul seun J.C. (13) was in Marloth park
aangeval oomblikke nadat hulle van ’n nabygeleë restaurant na hul vakansiehuis
teruggekeer het. Fanie, wat baie veiligheids bewus was, het eer die huis
deurgegaan voordat hy sy familie ingelaat het. Terwyl hy hulle kar gesluit het, het
Annelize twee skote hoor afgaan. Fanie het na die huis gehardloop, maar op die
stoep inmekaar gesak. Sy het na haar kamer gehardloop en die deur toegestoot. ‘n
Aanvaller, geklee in Khaki, het in Afrikaans gese dat hulle haar nie leed gaan
aandoen nie en slegs geld soek. Daarna het hy die deur probeer oopstoot, die loop
van ’n AK47 ingedruk en ’n skoot afgevuur. JC wat eers onder sy bed skuiling
gesoek het, kon uit die huis onsnap en het die paniek kknoppie wat steeds om sy
pa se nek gehang het, gedruk, voordat hy met sy eie selfoon hulp ontbied het.
Fanus se selfoon en handgeweer was gesteel. Hy was na ‘n naby gelee dokter
geneem maar het kort daarna gesterf.
Kruger nasionale Park.

KEYSER Kobus aged 44, his wife Adri aged 40 AND some friends who had decided
to sleep over, were attacked by an armed gang of at least 4 men who had
apparently drugged the family's three dogs and used a ladder they had brought
with them to gain access through an upstairs window. Kobus and Adri were
surprised in their bed at about 03:30 and were forced at gunpoint into the room
where their friends were sleeping. Kobus was beaten with a cricket bat when he
did not want to hand over the keys to the safe. The robbers got hold of two
firearms, helped themselves to money and jewellery, and began to ransack the
house for more money. At one stage, Adri offered them Krugerrands, but the
aggressive attacker did not want the "strange money". It was then that he
threatened her and tried to force her to a chair. "I knew he wasn't just talking, he
was going to do it," she said. "He kept grabbing my face and saying 'look at my
face, I'm going to rape you and then kill you'. I could see the devil in his eyes."
With a supreme effort she pushed him off and dived for the panic button, after
which they fled. Umtentweni, Port Shepstone. Sat 10 Jan 2007
Mnr Kobus Keyser (44) se huis was deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4
mans aangeval nadat hulle die familie se 3 honde verdoof het, en met ‘n leer ingang
deur ‘n venster ingang bekom het. Kobus en sy vrou Adri (40) was omstreeks 03:30
in hul slaapkamer verras en met gewere op hulle gerig, na die kamer waar hulle
vriende oornag het, gedwing. Kobus was met ‘n krieketkolf geslaan toe hy weier om
die kluis se sleutels aan hulle te gee, waar hulle twee gewere, juwele en geld gevind
het. Op ‘n stadium het Adri Krugerrande aan die bende geoffer, maar ‘n agressiewe
aanvaller wou nie die “eienaardige” geld he nie. Dis toe dat hy haar gedreig het en
op ‘n stoel wou neer dwing. “Ek het geweet dat hy nie net praat nie, hy sou dit
gedoen het,” het sy gese. “Hy het aanhou om my gesig te gryp, terwyl hy se ‘kyk na
my gesig, ek gaan jou verkrag en dan gaan ek jou doodmaak.’ Ek kon die duiwel in
sy oe sien.” Sy het al haar krag saamgespan, hom van haar afgegooi, en geduik om
die paniekknoppie te druk, waarna hulle gevlug het. Umtentweni, Port Shepstone.

KING Rodney Derrick aged 79 was visiting his son Brendon at his home in
Olivedale when a gang of at least 4 men attacked Brendon as he drove into his
driveway at around 20:30. Derrick heard Brendon shout that the family must not
come out the house, and rushed out to save him. They wrestled their attackers,
who started shooting while they fled. Two of the bullets hit Derrick in the chest, and
he died shortly after on the scene. Nothing was stolen. Johannesburg north. 22 Jan
Mnr Rodney Derrick King (79) wat by sy seun Brendon in Olivedale gekuier het, het
ongeveer 20:30 gehoor toe Brendon, wat sopas by die huis stilgehou het, skree dat
die familie nie uit die huis moet kom nie. Rodney het uitgehardloop om hom te help
en hulle het saam die bende van ten minste 4 aanvallers gestoei. In hul vlug het die
aanvallers skote afgevuur, waarvan twee hom in die bors getref het. Hy is kort
daarna op die toneel oorlede. Johannesburg noord.


KOEN Louis aged 72, was admitted to a state hospital for 2 weeks after he had
fallen and broken his leg, where he was abused to such an extent that he suffered
an "emotional breakdown" and slept with a flashlight on his chest afterwards. He
died within a month. In hospital, nurses had left him on the bed without a sheet,
blanket or clothes. They tied his hands and feet to the bed for two days, and were
found standing around him, tickling and taunting him. On the day of his surgery, he
had trouble breathing. The nurses gave him oxygen with a mask, which made him
even more uncomfortable. It was later found that the pipe was not connected to the
oxygen cylinder and that the oxygen escaped from the opening. The hospital later
tried to fix the equipment with sellotape. Loius was left to lie in his own urine and
faeces. His panic button had been disconnected to prevent him from ringing for
help. Louis was discharged, but fell ill again a few weeks later and was admitted to
another state hospital where he died 3 days later, after taking his last sip of water
from a urine bottle as the hospital didn't have any drinking glasses. Nelspruit. 16
April 2007.
Mnr Louis Koen (72) het geval en sy been gebreek waarna hy by ‘n staatshospitaal
vir 2 weke ingeneem was. Daarna was hy so erg emosioneel getraumatiseerd dat hy
met ‘n flitslig op sy bors geslaap het, en was binne ‘n maand oorlede. In die
hospitaal, het verpleegsters hom op die bed sonder ‘n laken, kombers of klere
gelos. Hulle het sy hande en voete vir twee dae aan die bed vasgemaak, en was
betrap terwyl hulle hom herhaaldelik gekielie en getart het. Op die dag van sy
operasie, het hy gesukkel om asem te kry, en die verpleegsters het ‘n masker op sy
gesig gesit om suurstof toe te pas, wat hom baie ongemaklik gemaak het. Later
was daar gevind dat die pypie wat die suurstof vanaf die bottle toevoer, nie
vasgemaak was nie. Die hospitaal het dit daarna met hegband probeer vasplak.
Louis was gelos om in sy urine en stoelgang te le. Sy paniekknoppie was ook deur
die verpleegsters ontkoppel soda thy nie hulp kon ontbied nie. Nada thy ontslaan
was, het hy weer ‘n terugslag gehad, en was by ‘n ander staathospitaal opgeneem.
Daar het hy drie dae later beswyk, nadat hy sy laaste slukkie water vanuit ‘n urine
bottle moes drink omrede die hospitaal nie glase gehad het nie. Nelspruit.

KOPPEL Gavin AND his wife Pam, parents of singer Danny K, were followed home
after dinner by an armed gang of at least 4 men. As they arrived home at the gates
of their security complex, the two security guards and the Koppels were held at
gunpoint. The Koppels were also threatened with death, robbed and hi-jacked.
Johannesburg. Thur 3 Mar 2007.
Die ouers van die gewilde sanger Danny K, mnr Gavin Koppel en sy vrou Pam, was
oppad huistoe na aandete deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans gevolg.
By die ingangshek tot hul veiligheids gebied, was die twee sekuriteits wagte asook
die Koppels met gewere opgehou voordat die Koppels met die dood gedreig,
beroof en gekaap was. Johannesburg.

KORFF Mrs., wife of Boetie, male aged 55, was injured during an attack on his farm.
14 April 2007.
Die plaas van Mnr Boetie Korff (55) aangeval. Sy vrou is beseer in aanval.
KOTZEN Issy aged 83, AND his wife Beatrice aged 77, AND their housekeeper were
overpowered, beaten and robbed by a gang of at least 3 men armed with a shotgun
inside their home at around 09:00. Potchefstroom. Fri 26 Feb 2007.
Mnr Issy Kotzen (83), sy vrou Beatrice (77) en hul huishulp was omstreeks 09:00 in
hul huis deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans gewapen met ‘n haelgeweer oorval,
aangerand en beroof. Potchefstroom.

KRAUSE Babsie, female aged 99, AND her house maid were attacked and robbed
by an armed gang of 3 men at around 08:00 inside their home. Esterpark, Kempton
Park. Fri 21 Nov 2007.


KRIEL Kallie aged 26 was driving to work at around 12:00 through the industrial
area of Sasolburg when a man jumped in front of his car. Kallie pushed brakes and
was hijacked by a gang of 3 armed men. They forced him to drive to another area,
then stop and get out the vehicle. They tied his hands behind his back, put the
muzzle of a gun inside his mouth and "beat him into the boot". They slammed the
boot shut and drove on. Kallie had difficulty breathing in the pitch dark, hot boot.
He managed to pull his legs through his tied arms to get his hands in front of him,
use his celphone which was in his pocket to phone for help, took out the car radio
speaker in the back window to get air in, and pushed a break light out to hang his
leg out the car to draw attention. His attackers argued amongst themselves,
stopped and abandoned the car. Sasolburg. Thur 23 Aug 2007.
Mnr Kallie Kriel (26) het deur die nywerheids gebied in Sasolburg gery oppad na sy
werk omstreeks 12:00 toe ‘n man voor sy kar inloop. Kallie het brieke aangeslaan
en was deur 3 mans geskaak. Eers moes hy na ‘n ander wyk bestuur, voordat hy
moes stilhou en uitklim. Hulle het sy hande agter sy rug vasgemaak, en die loop
vn’n geweer was in sy mond geprop voordat hy in die kattebak in gedonder was.
Kallie het gesukkel om asem te haal in die snik warm en giet donker. Hy kon sy
bene deur sy vasgebinde arms trek sodat sy hande voor hom is, en sy selfoon
gebruik, waarmee hy om hulp gebel het. Hy het die kar radio se musiek boks onder
die agterruit uitgepluk en ‘n brieklig uitgeskop sodat hy sy been uit die voertuig
kon laat hang om aandag te trek. Sy aanvallers het gestry en die voertuig gestop
en verlaat.


KRUGER Hian, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Faerie Glen, Pretoria. Jan 2007.

KUSTER Alida, female aged 66, AND her husband Max aged 71, were walking along
the beach from Aston Bay to Jeffreys Bay when two men appeared from the
bushes. One man pushed a knife of about 20-30cm against her throat while another
man held a knife to Max’s throat while robbing them. Their private parts were also
searched for hidden monies. 3 Nov 2007.
Mev. Alida Küster (66) en haar man Max (71) het al langs die strand van Astonbaai
tot Jeffreysbaai gestap toe twee mans skielik uit die bosse te voorskyn gekom het.
Een het ’n mes van tussen 20 cm en 30 cm teen haar keel gedruk terwyl die ander
’n mes teen Max se kop gehou het terwyl die egpaar beroof was. Voordat die
aanvallers gevlug het, het hulle eers die senior burgers “bevoel” om seker te maak
hulle steek nie êrens geld weg nie.

LABUSCHAGNE Johannes, male, was murdered during a farm attack in

Vredepoort. 6 Mar 2007.
Mnr Johannes Labuschagne was tydens ‘n plaasaanval op Vredepoort vermoor.

LARKIN Mike, university professor, was attacked by a gang of at least two men
during the night while he way on his way to a prayer meeting. Mike was repeatedly
stabbed and died on the scene from his injuries. Roslyn road, Rondebosch, Cape
Town. Fri 20 Nov 2007.
Prof. Mike Larkin (58) was in die aand op pad na ’n gebedsgroep toe hy deur 'n
bende van ten minste twee mans aangeval en herhaaldelik met ‘n mes gesteek was.
Hy is op die toneel oorlede aan sy wonde. Roslynweg, Rondebosch.

LAROS Avril, teacher aged 63, had two break-ins at her home in 10 days and an
attempted hi-jacking at her gate during which she crashed her car into a wall.
Edenvale, GA. 18 Jan 2007.

LENSLEY Francois, actor in the television series 7de Laan, was lying on the sofa
watching TV at about 21:00 when three armed men stormed into his house. He then
jumped up with his hands in the air. When an attacker pushed a gun into his face,
Francois pushed him out of the way. A shot was fired and hit Francois in the
shoulder, after which he was tied up and robbed. Midrand 6 Jan 2007.
Mnr Francois Lensley, Marko in 7de Laan, het ongeveer 21:00 op sy bank gele en tv
kyk toe 3 mans sy huis binnestorm. Hy het met sy hande in die lug opgespring,
maar toe een ‘n geweer in sy gesig druk, het hy hom weggestamp. ‘n Skoot was
afgevuur, en Francois was in die skouer getref, waarna hulle hom vasgebind en
beroof het. Midrand.

LERATA Eric, chief manager of Sakek emergency services aged 44, was shot to
death in the head with one bullet upon his return home from the airport, and his
company car was stolen. Montana Park, Pretoria. July 2007.
Mnr . Eric Lerata (44), hoofbestuurder van Sakek, was voor sy huis in Montanapark,
noord van Pretoria, met een koeel in die kop doodgeskiet nadat hy van die lughawe
teruggekeer het. Sy maatskappy voertuig was ook gesteel. Montana.
LE ROUX Beverley aged 26, was driving along Glen Markie road around 14:00. At
roadworks, she was stopped by 3 men, who stabbed her in the head and neck.
When they pulled her from her car, she wrestled them for her handbag. The attack
was interrupted when a pedestrian ran to her aid. Ramsgate. 3 July 2007
Mej. Beverley le Roux (26) het in die Glen Markiestraat omstreeks 14:00 vir 3 mans
wat langs padwerke in die straat gestaan het, gestop. Hulle het haar in die kop en
nek gesteek, maar toe hulle haar uit haar kar pluk, het sy hulle vir haar handsak
gestoei. Die aanval was deur ‘n voetganger onderbreek wat haar te hulp gesnel het.

LE ROUX Gideon AND his wife Margaret, both aged 60, were overpowered in their
driveway by a gang of at least 2 men armed with revolvers. The couple were forced
into the house AND together her daughter Jolene Oberholzer aged 28, AND her 3 yr
old son Stefan, AND Jolene’s future sister-in-law Natasja van den Heever aged 19,
AND their domestic worker, were robbed and locked up in the bathroom. Gideon
broke them free by smashing the window with his fist, which required 23 stitches to
close. Horizon. Johannesburg. Mon 18 July 2007.
Mnr Gideon le Roux (60) en sy vrou Margaret (60) was in hul oprit deur ‘n bende van
ten misnte 2 mans met rewolwers oorval en die huis ingedwing, waar hul saam met
haar dogter Jolene Oberholzer (28), haar seun, Stefan (3) en Jolene se aanstaande
skoonsuster, Natasja van den Heever (19) saam met hul huiswerker beroof en in die
badkamer toegesluit was. Gideon het die badkamervenster met sy vuis stukkend
geslaan sodat hulle kon ontsnap. Dit het 23 steke geneem om sy hand te heg.
Horizon, Johannesburg.

LE ROUX Lourens, police detective, was shot five times in a police vehicle outside
the Woodstock police station by the suspects of a muder case he was
investigating, and died on the scene. Cape Town. 12 Apr 2007.
Speurder Lourens le Roux was 5 keer geskiet terwyl hy in ‘n polisievoertuig voor
die Woodstock polisiestasie gesit het deur die verdagtes van ‘n moordsaak
waarmee hy besig was met ‘n ondersoek. Kaapstad.

LEWIS P.G. Doctor, woke up around 02:30 when an intruder had set off his house
alarm. They confronted each other and after a gunfight, the intruder fled the scene
along with his gangmates. Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein. Saterdag 5 Aug 2007.
Dr . P.G. Lewis was omstreeks 02:30 wakker gemaak deur die alarm in sy huis wat
afgegaan het. Hy het op ‘n oortreder afgekom, en na ‘n skietgeveg, het die
oortreder en sy makers gevlug. Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein. Sat 5 Aug 2007.

LIEBENBERG Fred,an orthopaedic surgeon aged 69, was attacked at his home
during the morning by a gang of at least 4 men, two armed with revolvers. They
beat him over the head as he was about to get into his car, tackled and dragged
him from his vehicle demanding money as his dogs barked frantically around him.
All he was concerned about was his wife Hannelie aged 53, who stood in the
doorway of their home. He screamed a warning urging her to lock herself inside
before he was pistol-whipped. As one of the attackers charged at his wife the
others shoved a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, but it did not go off. The
attackers panicked when they heard her radio the community for help and fled with
his briefcase and carkeys on foot. Boschkop, Pretoria. Tuesday 28 Aug 2007.
Dr Fred Liebenberg (69), ortopediese snykundige, was deur ten minste 4 mans,
waarvan 2 met rewolwers gewapen was, by sy huis aangeval gedurende die oggend
toe hy in sy kar wou klim. Hulle het hom oor die kop geslaan en van die kar weg
getrek terwyl hulle op geld aangedring het, en sy honde benoud om hom geblaf het.
Al waaraan Fred kon dink was die veiligheid van sy vrou Hannelie (53) wat in die
huis se deur gestaan het. Hy het vir haar geskree om haarself in die huis toe te sluit
en was oor sy kop met ‘n geweer geslaan. Terwyl een van die aanvallers op haar
afgestorm het, het sy makers ‘n geweer teen sy kop gedruk en die sneller getrek,
maar dit het nie ontvonk nie. Die bende het senuweeagtig geword toe hulle haar om
nood op die radio hoor roep, en het te voet gevlug met sy aktetas en karsleutels.
Boschkop, Pretoria.

LIEBENBERG Tobie, male aged 40, died from the injuries he sustained during a
farm attack in Villiers. Feb 2007.
Mnr Tobie Liebenberg (40) het gesterf aan die beserings wat hy tydens ‘n plaas
aanval op Villiers opgedoen het.

LITTLEJOHN Sue, female horsefarmer aged 70, went outside her house at around
18:00 to see why the horses were whinnying. Upon her return, she found two men
waiting inside the house. They tied her hands and neck with a rope, kneeled and
sat on her, and strangled her. Every so often they slid her along the floor and
banged her head into the wall. They would then leave the room and return again to
continue the torture, which lasted for more than an hour-and-a-half, during which
she passed out three times. However, because she makes her own ropes - to use
on her horses - she knew they were difficult to bind someone with. It's thick, plaited
material, which is difficult to knot. She kept wriggling her fingers and hands and
the knots came undone. Sue eventually escaped by making a hole in her bedroom
ceiling and wriggling along the rafters, and then descending down into the kitchen
after her attackers had left. Lidgetton valley farm, KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. 16 Dec
Sue Littlejohn (70) ‘n perdeboer, het omstreeks 18:00 uit na die stalle gegaan om te
sien waarom die perde rinnik. By terugkeer, het twee manne haar in die huis
ingewag. Haar hande en nek was met tou vasgemaak. Hulle het op haar gehurk en
gesit, en haar ook verwurg. Elke nou en dan het hulle haar oor die vloer gegly en
haar kop het teen die muur gestamp. Hulle het die kamer verlaat, en weer terug
gegaan om die foltering voort te sit, wat een en ‘n helfe uur aangegaan het, warin
sy drie keer haar bewussyn verloor het. Maar Sue, wat self die toue gemaak het uit
dik, gevlegde materiaal vir gebruik op haar perde, het geweet dat dit moeilik is om
die toue te knoop. Sy het haar vingers en hande gewikkel totdat die toue losgekom
het, ‘n gat in haar plafon gemaak, daardeur geklim, en langs die dak balke gekruip
tot by die kombuis, waar sy uitgeklim het nadat hulle verdwyn het. Lidgetton valley,
Natalse middelande.

LOOSEN Jurgen, a German aged 63, had opened the farmgate for his wife, Vijay at
around 07:00. She had just driven off when an armed gang of at least 3 men opened
fire on him, and was shot in the right leg. He returned fire and ran into his house
where he called for help. Renosterspruit nature reserve, Lanseria, Johannesburg
north. 16 Feb 2007.
Mnr Jurgen Loosen (63) ‘n Duitser, het ongeveer 07:00 die plaashek vir sy vrou
oopgemaak. Kort nadat sy deur gery het, het ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3
mans op hom losgebrand. Jurgen was in die regterbeen gewond maar het terug
geskiet en by sy huis ingehardloop, waar hy hulp ontbied het. die Renosterspruit-
bewaringsgebied, Lanseria.

LOURENS Anton was wounded by an armed gang inside his Menlo Park home. Oct
2007. Pretoria.

LUE Meunier, AND his family, French citizens, were attacked and robbed at the
Thika-Thika guestlodge. Hazyview. July 2007
Mnr. Meunier Lue, ’n Franse burger, en sy gesin was op die Thika-Tika-gasteplaas
aangeval en beroof. Hazyview

MADDEN Alan, male aged 49, was ambushed at his garage upon his return home at
around 21:45 by 3 men.One was armed with a gun, another one with a knife and the
third with a screwdriver. They spread his arms and held them above his head. Then
they forced him to his knees, put a gun to his head and searched him. When one of
them crouched down to untie a shoelace with which to tie Alan up, he took his gun
from his ankle holster and stood up. They tried to take the gun from him and he felt
a blow against his head before he pulled the trigger and emptied the magazine on
them while he screamed. One of them fell down dead and the others kept running.
Security complex in Honeydew, Johannesburg. Tuesday 29 Aug 2007.
Mnr Alan Madden (49) was by sy motohuis voorgele met sy aankoms omstreeks
21:45 deur 3 mans, waarvan een met ‘n geweer, ‘n ander met ‘n mes en die derde
man met ‘n skroewedraaier gewapen was. Hulle het sy arms uitgesprei en bokant
sy kop gehou. Toe was hy met die geweer teen sy kop na sy kniee gedwing en hulle
het hom deursoek. Terwyl een afgebuk het om sy skoenveter uit te trek waarmee
Alan vasgebind sou word, kon Alan sy eie geweer vanuit sy enkelhouer trek en het
opgestaan. Hulle het die geweer van hom probeer wegneem en het hom teen die
kop geslaan, waarna hy die sneller getrek het en sy magasyn op hulle leeggemaak
het terwyl hy geskree het. Een het dood neergeval terwyl sy makkers gevlug het.
MAIN Andy, vegetable farmer aged 52, was attacked by a gang of at least 4 men and
shot several times with a high-powered weapon when he returned to his farm late
in the evening before he entered his house, where he died from his injuries.
Gillmore Hill farm, Crammond. 21 Sep 2007.
Mnr Andy Main (52) groente boer, was deur ‘n bende van ten minste 4 mans oorval
en verskeie keer met ‘n hoe-kaliber geweer geskiet toe hy laat in die aand na sy
plaas teruggekeer het, voordat hy die huis ingegaan het, waar hy aan sy wonde
oorlede is. Gillmore Hill farm, Crammond

MALAN Ben aged 21, a third-year mechanical engineering student, AND his family
were home in the early hours of morning when they were attacked by an armed
gang. The men smashed Ben’s bedroom window with a chair. Ben hurled himself at
the men through the window and they opened fire on him. His father found his son
dying outside and the attackers ran away. Ben died shortly after. Lynnwood Ridge,
Pretoria. Sat 26 May 2007.
Mnr Ben Malan (21), ‘n derde jaar student van meganiese ingeneurswerk, en sy
fmilie was tuis toe ‘n gewapende bende hul huis aangeval het. Die mans het Ben se
kamer venster met ‘n stoel stukkend gegooi. Ben het deur die gebreekte venster
gespring om hulle te verwilkder, maar hulle het hom sumier geskiet. Sy pa het op
hom afgekom waar hy sterwend langs sy aanvallers le, en hulle het weg
gehardloop. Ben het kort daarna beswyk. Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria.

MALTBY Charles, car salesman, took a customer on a test drive. When the
customer sprayed pepper spray in Charles’s face and stabbed him so vehemently
in the hand with a Stanley knife that the handle broke off, Charles fought back.
Eventually Charles stopped the car, got out, and waved down an off-duty cop, who
gave the attacker chase and together they apprehended him. The hand needed 20
stitches. Cape Town. Tues 24 Sep 2007.

MANAS Leanne, television presenter, was forced out of her vehicle at gunpoint
when she drove onto her property at about 17:30 by well dressed men who had
followed her home in their own car. She was forced her into her home and then
took her to her bedroom, where they tied her up with a necktie before they robbed
the house and left. Thur 15 Oct 2007.

MANTHE Stephan, male aged 64, was overpowered at the gate of the smallholding
he was living on, assaulted and dragged across the premises, and tortured to death
at around 07:00. His friend and employer found his corpse with the hands tied
behind the back. He had been badly assaulted and his head was covered in blue
bruises. His nose and mouth were covered by masking tape. Kameeldrift holdings,
Pretoria. Tuesday, 21 October 2007
Mnr Stephan Mantha (64) was omstreeks 07:00 by die hek van die kleinhoewe waar
hy gewoon het, voorgele, aangerand, en oor die perseel gesleep, voordat hy
doodgemartel was. Sy vriend en werkgewer het sy lyk ontdek. Die arms was agter
die rug vasgemaak. Hy was erg seergemaak, en sy kop was vol blue kneusings. Sy
neus en mond was met hegpleister toegeplak. Kameeldrift hoewe, Pretoria.

MAREE Ines Christina, female aged 83, died from head injuries two weeks after she
had been attacked, beaten, raped and robbed by an armed gang inside her home.
Lyttleton, Pretoria. 4 Nov 2007.
Mev. Ines Christina Maree (83) het in die hospital gesterf twee weke nadat sy in
haar huis aangeval, aangerand, vekrag en beroof was. Lyttleton, Pretoria.

MARITZ A.W.A.male aged 52, was attacked by a gang of at least 10 men on his farm
in the Hoedspruit area. 2007
Mnr A.W.A Maritz (52), weer ‘n 10 man aanval af op sy plaas in die Hoedspruit

MARITZ Manie Solomon, BMW branch manager, was ambushed as he arrived home
by an armed gang of at least 2 black men and was gunned down in front of his 15
year old handicapped daughter, whom they had assaulted before his arrival. He
died shortly afterwards. Looted: cellphone. Constantia smallholdings, Pretoria. 15
July 2007
Mnr Manie Maritz, ‘n BMW takbestuurder, was ingewag en doodgeskiet deur ‘n
bende van ten minste 2 swart mans met sy aankoms by die huis nadat hulle sy
onbevoegde dogter aangerand het.


MAXWELL Miems narrowly escaped being hijacked and suffered a flesh wound to
the wrist when she was attacked in Meyerspark. July 2006
Miems Maxwell was in die gewrig gewond terwyl sy ‘n skaaking vrygespring het in

MENESES Louiz, church minister aged 34 AND his family were attacked upon their
arrival home at around 17:30 by a gang of 4 armed men in a pick-up van, and
robbed at gunpoint. Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein. Sun 6 Aug 2007.
Pastoor Louiz Meneses (34) en sy familie was met hul aankoms tuis voor die huis
deur 4 mans in ‘n bakkie met ‘n vuurwapen gedreig en besteel. Langenhovenpark,

MEIRING Dillon, boy aged 5, was shot in the neck while he was sleeping on his
mother’s lap inside their car while they were waiting for family at the Wineland
1stop-garage around 19:00 by an armed gang fleeing a robbery they had just
committed. He died later in hospital. Along the Kraaifontein N1 road. Fri 22 July
Dillon Meiring, ‘n 5 jarige seun, het omstreeks 19:00 op sy ma se skoot gele en
slaap terwyl hulle by die Wynland-1stop-motorhawe op familie gewag het toe ‘n
gewapende bende was sopas ‘n rooftog afgele het, hom in die nek geskiet het. Hy
is later in die hospitaal oorlede. Kraaifontein.

MEYER Marie, female aged 64, was alerted by the barking of her dog at around
23:30 inside her home in Erasmuskloof and she noticed 2 figures on her verandah.
She pushed her panic button as they broke through her lounge window. Marie was
cornered in her kitchen and beaten repeatedly on the head with a blunt object
during which she lost her glasses and could not see anything. They ripped the
rings off her fingers, grabbed her watch and celphone, and fled. She had to receive
several stitches to her head and her eyes were black and blue. Her daughter Corné,
who lives in a townhouse in Moreleta Park, was also robbed on the same night. Sat,
22 Jan 2007. Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
Mej. Marie Meyer (64) se hond het omstreeks 23:30 in die huis begin blaf, en sy het
twee figure on haar stoep gesien. Terwyl sy haar paniekknoppie druk, het hulle
deur haar sitkamervenster ingebars. Marie was in haar kombuis vasgekeer en
herhaaldelik teen die kop met ‘n stomp voorwerp geslaan waartydens sy haar brille
verloor het en niks kon sien nie. Hulle het die ringers van haar vingers afgeruk, en
haar horlosie en selfoon gegryp voordat hulle gevlug het. Sy moes ‘n groot aantaal
steke in die kop kry, en haar oe was blou en swart gekneus. Haar dogter Corné, wat
in ‘n Moreletapark meenthuis woon, was dieselfde aand ook beroof. Erasmuskloof.

MITCHELL Cheryl, female aged 53,was shot to death during an attack on her
Rietfontein smallholding near Lanseria. 9 Mar 2007.
Me Cheryl Mitchell (53) was tydens ‘n aanval doodgeskiet op haar kleinhoewe in
Rietfontein, naby Lanseria

MODEL Bobby, a US citizen and international adventure photographer, was being

driven by his sister Faith aged 32 in his pick-up van near the Monwabisi resort
during the afternoon when a chunk of concrete about the size of a melon smashed
through the windscreen and hit Model's head. Bobby was in a critical condition on
life support in hospital. Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Thur 10 June 2007.
Mnr Bobby Model, ‘n Amerikaanse avontuur kameraman, was deur sy suster Faith
(32) naby die Monwabisi oord bestuur in sy bakkie gedurende die middag, toe ‘n
sement blok die groote van ‘n wartlemoen deur hul windskerm gebars en hom teen
die kop getref het. Bobby was ernstig beseer en moes aan lewegewinde toerusting
gekoppel word. Khayelitsha, Kaapstad.
MPOMPOLAS Stelios, 59 year old owner of the Steers restaurant in Bultfontein
road, was found murdered behind his counter at around 01:15. He had been robbed
and physically assaulted until he died. The floors and counter were covered in
blood and the door was locked. Kimberley. Wed 1 Feb 2007.
Mnr. Stelios Mpompolas (59) se bebloede lyk is in die vroeë oggendure agter die
toonbank van sy Steers restaurant in Bultfonteinweg gekry waar hy tussen 21:30 en
01:15 oorval, beroof en tot die dood aangerand was. Die deure was gesluit gevind.



MULLER Gustav, leader of the Suidlanders movement, a group of people who are
concerned about the safety of South Africans in issues such as natural disasters
and crime, was arrested without bail for two weeks, and the case remanded on
suspicion that he may be implicated in the possession of an illegal firerm.
Klerksdorp, North West. 13 Dec 2007.
Mnr Gustav Müller, leier van die Suidlanders-beweging, ‘n groep mense wat hulle
besorg met die welstand van Suid Afrikaners sou daar ‘n noodgeval wees
veroorsaak deur die natuur of misdaad, was vir twee weke in die aanhoudingselle
in Klerksdorp aangehou sonder borgtog, en die saak onbeperk uitgestel omdat hy
met die onwettige besit van ’n vuurwapen verbind word. Noordwes

MYBURGH Koos, male aged 51 from Upington, was en route to a farm near Delmas
to collect a load of chicken manure with his truck at around midnight but missed
the turnoff to the farm and made a U-turn. Immediately after he was ordered to pull
over by a group of about 6 policemen. While Koos was trying to stop his massive
truck they started shooting at it. As he climbed out they assaulted him after which
there were marks on his face, his left ribs hurt badly and he struggled to breathe.
He had a terrible pain in his stomach and was vomiting while he waited at a
guesthouse for a relief driver. He died from his injuries two days later. Between
Ogies and Delmas. Thur 30 Oct 2007.
Mnr Koos Myburg (51) van Upington, was middernag oppad na ‘n plaas in Delmas
om hoendermis op te tel maar het die plaaspad se afdraai misgery. Hy het
omgedraai, maar was deur ‘n groep van omtrent 6 polisiemanne gemaan om van
die pad af te trek. Terwyl hy sy massiewe trok tot stilstand probeer bring, het hulle
op hom begin skiet. Toe hy uitklim het hulle hom aangerand. Koos het merke op sy
gesig gehad, sy linker ribbes het gepyn en hy kon swaarlik asemhaal. Hy het ook
vreeslike pyn in sy maag ontwikkel en het gekots terwyl hy by ‘n gastehuis gewag
het vir ‘n drywer om by hom oor te neem. Twee dae na die aanranding het hy aan sy
beserings beswyk. Tussen Ogies en Delmas.

NAUDE Jan, male aged 48, AND his wife aged 33, were attacked on their farm at
Eksteen, during which she was also raped. Memel. 9 Feb 2007.
Jan Naude (48) en sy vrou (33) was aangeval op hul Eksteen plaas, waartydens sy
ook verkrag was, Memel

NEL Hein, male aged 26, was murdered during an attack on a Bloemfontein farm. 21
Sep 2007.
Mnr Hein Nel (26) was vemoor tydens ‘n plaas aanval op Bloemfontein

NEETHLING Doreen aged 59, AND her husband Schalk aged 60, AND their son
Schalk aged 33, were attacked by an armed gang of at least 3 men inside their
home at around 19:10. Doreen was peeling onions in the kitchen when she saw two
men. She screamed and rushed at them with her knife. One of the attackers had
such a fright he nearly ran out the door, but as she tried to push the panic button,
he turned around, covered her mouth and grabbed her by the throat. He wanted to
shoot her, but his accomplice said he should rather just beat her, whereafter he
pistol whipped her on the head. They dragged her to her son’s bedroom and threw
her into the door. An attacker pushed her head down and her face into a pool of her
own blood, while whispering in her ear that he was going to shoot her to death.
Schalk Snr. was overpowered inside his bedroom. He asked that they take anything
they wish but spare the life of his wife. He was pistol whipped so hard on the head
that he lost consciousness. Schalk Jnr was overpowered elsewhere in the house
and assaulted. The family were tied up with plastic cable ties and their home was
robbed. The loot was loaded into Schalk Jnr’s car with which their attackers fled
the scene. Eldoradus park, Pretoria. 24 Sep 2007.
Mev Doreen Neethling (59), haar man Schalk (60) en hul seun Schalk (33) was
omstreeks 19:10 deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 gewapende mans in hul huis
oorval. Doreen was besig om uie te skil in die kombuis toe sy twee gewapende
aanvallers sien. Sy het hard begin gil en op hulle afgestorm. Die een het so geskrik
dat hy amper by die kombuisdeur uitgehardloop het. Maar toe sy probeer het om
die paniekknoppie te druk, het die een haar gegryp, en terwyl hy haar mond en keel
toedruk, gese hy gaan haar skiet. Die ander een het gesê dat hy haar eerder moet
slaan, en toe slaan hy haar met sy vuurwapen oor die kop. Hulle het haar na haar
seun se kamer gesleep en in die kamer se deur neergegooi. Een van die aanvallers
het haar gesig in haar my eie bloed gedruk, terwyl hy in haar oor fluister dat hy
haar gaan doodskiet. Schalk sr. was intussen in sy slaapkamer oorval. Hy het
gepleit dat hulle alles kon vat, maar sy vrou se lewe spaar. Daarna was hy met ’n
vuurwapen katswink oor die kop geslaan. Schalk jr. was elders in die huis oorval en
aangerand. Die gesin se hande en voete was met plastiekkabels vasgebind, en hul
huis was gestroop. Die gesteelde goedere was in Schalk jr se kar gelaai, waarmee
die aanvallers gevlug het. Elarduspark, Pretoria

NEETHLING Ryk, a lawyer from Bloemfontein, was driving his wife San-Marié AND
their schooling daughter Jean-Marié from the airport at night and stopped at a red
robot in Beyers Naudé Avenue. A knifeman smashed the passenger window, fisted
San-Marié and robbed her. Johannesburg. Mon 6 June 2007.
Die Bloemfontein prokureur Ryk Neethling, sy vrou San-Marié en hul skoolgaande
dogter Jean-Marié, was oppad terug van die lughawe in die aand toe hulle by ‘n rooi
verkeerslig in die Beyers Naudé-rylaan stilhou. ‘n Man gewapen met ‘n mes het die
passasiers venster stukkend geslaan en vir San-Marié met sy vuis in die gesig
bygedam voordat hy haar beroof het. Johannesburg.
NEL Sarel aged 34 AND his son Christo aged 5, walked out their kitchen door at
around 06:00 and 3 men rushed at them. One pushed a pistol against Sarel’s head
while the other two attackers grabbed Sarel’s hands. The gunman then pulled
Christo from behind his father and pushed him into the kitchen where they kept
him and his mother, Deidré aged 34, hostage. Everytime the attacker pointed his
gun at Christo, the boy shouted for help from his mother. The gunman threatened
to shoot the child if he did not shut up. Meantime the other two attackers were
trying to force Sarel into the house. At the door he stopped abruptly, pushed the
man on his right into the inflatable kiddies swimmingpool which stood outside the
door, and beat up the attacker on his left. As the gunman peeped out the door to
see what was going on, Deidré pushed the panic button and the gang ran away.
Sarel was able to catch the attacker which had fallen into the pool as he couldn’t
run fast because his clothes were wet. A butchers knife, a brick and masking tape
was found in their yard, but their two Jack Russel dogs had disappeared, presumed
poisoned. Daspoort, Pretoria West. 7 Feb 2007.
Mnr. Sarel Nel sy vrou, Deidré (albei 34), en hul seun, Christo (5), was omstreeks
06:00 by hul huis oorval nadat hul twee honde, Jack Russels, spoorloos verdwyn
het. Sarel en Christo het sopas by hul kombuisdeur uitgestap toe ‘n bende van drie
gewapende mans op hulle afstorm. Terwyl een sy pistool teen Sarel se kop druk,
het die ander twee sy hande gegryp. Die aanvaller met die pistool het Christo, wat
agter sy pa gestaan het, gegryp, die pistool teen sy kop gedruk en hom by die
kombuisdeur ingestoot. Christo en Deidré was in die kombuis aangehou. Elke keer
wat die aanvaller sy die pistool op Christo gerig het, het hy geskreeu: ‘Mamma,
hulle gaan ons skiet’!” Die aanvaller het vir haar geskreeu dat sy haar kind moet
“Shut up or I promise I will shoot him.” Intussen wou die ander twee rowers vir
Sarel by die huis indwing. Hy het in sy spore vasgeslaan, die aanvaller aan sy
regterkant in sy seun se opblaas-swembad gestamp en die aanvaller aan sy
linkerkant hard geslaan. Die aanvaller met die pistool het sy kop by die
kombuisdeur uitgesteek om te kyk wat aangaan en Deidré het die kans gevat om
die paniekknoppie te druk, waarna die bende gevlug het. Maar die aanvaller wat in
die swembad geval het, se klere was papnat en hy kon nie vinnig hardloop nie.
Sarel het hom gevang en aan die polisie oorhandig. Daar was ook ’n baksteen,
slagmes en kleefband op hul erf gevind. Die honde was vermoedelik deur die
aanvallers van kant gemaak. Daspoort.
NIEMAND Johan, male aged 60, was shot during a farm attack in Evander, and died
from his wounds. 17 Mar 2007.
Mnr Johan Niemand (60) het gesterf aan die skietwond wat hy tydens ‘n
plaasaanval in Evander opgedoen het.

Reg. NIEWOUDT Johan, university professor aged 64, investigated a strange noise
in his garden at around 21:00 and was shot in the back by an armed gang, who fled
empty handed. Pretoria. Sat 12 Sep 2007.
Prof Johan Niewoudt (64) het net na 21:00 ‘n gedagte geluid in sy tuin gehoor en
uitgestap om ondersoek in te stel. Hy was deur ‘n geapende bende in die rug
gesliet, wat lee hander weggehardloop het. Pretoria.
NIEUWOUDT Stephan, an ardent cyclist, and his family arrived on their
smallholding at around 12:30 to find his wife’s car in the driveway, and the gate and
door of their home broken down. He ran towards their house and was attacked by a
gang of 3 men who attacked him with a screwdriver and a pick, whereafter they
jumped into their get-away car and drove over him. His leg was broken in three
places. Erasmusrand smallholding, Pretoria. 9 June 2007.
Mnr Stephan Nieuwoudt,’n bekende fietsryer, en sy familie het omstreeks 12:30 by
hul kleinhoewe aangekom en sy vrou se motor op die inrit gevind, en die hek en
deur van hul huis oopgebreek. Stephan het na die huis gehardloop, waar drie mans
hom aangeval het met ’n pik en ‘n skroewedraaier. Daarna het hulle met hul
vlugmotor gespring en Stephan omgery. Sy been was in 3 plekke gebreek.

NIGHTINGALE Garry aged 27, AND his wife Nicky were returning home from an
occasion to their home in separate cars at about 22:30. Nicky drove in first to where
an armed gang was already waiting for them and she was robbed. When Garry
arrived, he was shot in the face and back before their attackers calmly drove off in
his pick-up van. He died from his injuries shortly afterwards. Steiltes, Nelspruit. Sat
25 Aug 2007.
Mnr Garry Nightingale (27) en sy vrou Nicky het omstreeks 22:30 na ‘n geleentheid
in verskillende voertuie huistoe gery, waar hulle deur ‘n gewapende bende ingewag
was. Nicky wat eerste ingery het, was beroof. Met Gary se aankoms was hy in die
gesig en rug geskiet voordat hulle rustig met sy bakkie gevlug het. Gary died soon
after from his injuries. Steiltes, Nelspruit.


OBERHOLZER Mr M AND Mrs. Desire Oberholzer were mentioned in records on

farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Elardus park, Pretoria. GA. Jan

ODENDAAL Cathy, businesswoman, arrived home as an armed gang of at least 3

men were leaving her house they had just robbed. She tried to flee into the house
but they followed her. She was overpowered, tortured, assaulted, raped and left for
dead. Cathy managed to walk outside and scream for help, but the attackers heard
her and returned to murder her. Her body was found sprawled out on the floor of
the washroom, which is adjacent to the house. Her maid, who was hiding in the
house, described the attack in whispers on a celphone to Cathy’s husband, who
had frantically summoned help for them. He was on a business trip in Cape Town.
Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria Tues 16 Oct 2007
Mev Cathy Odendaal, besigheidsvrou, het van die dorp af by haar huis aangekom
toe sy op ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste drie mans in haar tuin afkom wat op
vlug was nadat hulle haar huis beroof het. Sy het die huis probeer invlug, maar
hulle het haar gevolg en oorval. Cathy was gemartel, verkrag, aangerand en vir
dood agtergelos. Maar sy het na buite geloop en om hulp geskree. Haar aanvallers
het haar gehoor, teruggedraai en haar in die waskamer, wat teenaan die huis gebou
is, vermoor. Die huishulp, wat onder ‘n bed weggekruip het, het fluisterend die
aanval aan Cathy se man beskryf, wat met besigheid in kaapstad was, terwyl hy
naarstigtelik hulp vir hulle ontbied het. Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria

ODENDAAL Francois, a businessman aged 31, went to investigate why he dog was
restless at around 01:00. When he opened his front gate, he was attacked and felt a
sharp pain in his arm. He thought he had been stabbed, but was jabbed twice in the
wrist with a syringe that contained a poison intended for his dog. There was a
heavy smell like ammonia in the air as his whole body pained, his arm swelled up
and he had sporadic cramps in his limbs from uncontrollable muscle spasms. His
wife sounded the alarm, and the two attackers fleed down the street, while shooting
at the security guards. West Acres, Nelspruit. Thur 16 Feb 2007.
Mnr Francois Odendaal (31) besigheidsman, het omstreeks 01:00 sy voorhuishek
oopgemaak om vas te stel waarom sy hond onrustig was toe hy aangeval was en ‘n
skerp pyn in sy arm gevoel het. Hy het gedink dat hy met ‘n mes gesteek was, maar
was twee keer in die gewrig met ‘n inspuitnaald gesteek met gif wat vir sy hond
bedoel was. Die reuk van ammoniak het sterk in die lug gehang terwyl sy hele lyf
begin pyn en sy arm opgeswel het. Sy spiere het ook onwillekeurig spasmaties
saamgespan. Sy vrou het die alarm laat afgaan, waarna twee aanvallers straataf
gevlug het, terwyl hulle op die sekuriteitswagte geskiet het. Wesakkers, Nelspruit.
OOSTHUIZEN Gert was shot in the head AND his mother, Paula, was wounded,
during an attacked inside his brother’s shop in the evening when an armed gang of
at least 5 men opened fire on them. Nothing stolen. He died in hospital 2 days later
from this injury. Supermarket in Claremont, Pretoria west. 3 July 2007.
Mnr Gert Oosthuizen was in die kop geskiet en sy ma, Paula, was ook gewond toe
‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 5 mans in sy broer se Claremont supermark
vroegaand losgebrand het. Gert is twee dae later in die hospitaal oorlede. Pretoria.

OOSTHUIZEN Lynette, newly widowed 63 yr old chicken farmer, was attacked at

night inside her home by a gang of 3 men, strangled, and thrown off a 200m cliff
60km away from her Boston farm during bad weather conditions. Her slipper was
found lying near the edge of the cliff. It took more than 4 hours for a team to
recover her body. Bulwer. 24 Aug 2007.
Mev Lynette Oosthuizen (63) hoenderboer en pas weduwee, was gedurende ‘n nag
van ongure weer in haar huis deur 3 mans aangeval, gewurg en van ‘n 200m krans
afgegooi, sowat 60km vanaf haar Boston plaas. Haar slipper was op die rand van
die krans gevind. Dit het meer as 4 ure vir ‘n span geneem om haar ligaam te lig.


OOSTHUIZEN Rudy, male aged 26, walked into Addington Hospital with stab
wounds to his chest and forehead, collapsed and died. Wed 27 Dec 2007.

OOSTHUIZEN Sanet, estate agent aged 45, arrived home at around 07:00 after
dropping her younger children off at school, to find her 20yr old daughter held
hostage by 2 men, one with a pistol and the other with a knife. Sanet had brought a
cereal bowl from her car and threw it at the man closest to her. She turned around
and was shot in the back. The bullet passed through her body and nicked her
finger. Chantelle, Pretoria North. Mon 18 Oct 2007.
Mev Sanet Oosthuizen (45) het by haar huis in Chantelle aangekom nadat sy haar
jongste kinders by die skool afgelaai het, om te vind dat haar 20jarige dogter deur
twee mans aangehou word, een met ‘n mes, en die ander met ‘n pistool. Sanet het
die ontbytkos bord wat sy uit haar kar gebring het, na die aanvaller naaste aan
haarself gegooi en omgedraai. Sy was in die rug geskiet. Die koel het deur haar
ligaam gesny en een van haar vingers getref. Pretoria noord.

OPPERMAN Michael AND his wife Ina AND their 13yr old son arrived home at
around 19:00 and were ambushed at their gate by an armed gang of at least 4 men,
robbed and hi-jacked. Mulbarton, Johannesburg South. 20 June 2007.
Mnr Michael Opperman, sy vrou Ina en hul 13 jargie seun was omstreeks 19:00 in
hul oprit deur 4 gewapende mans ingewag, oorval, beroof en ge-kaap. Mulbarton,
Johannesburg suid.
Beeld-joernalis voor huis gekaap Jun 21 2007

PATTISON Pat, pilot aged 88, was beaten with a hammer and murdered inside his
garage at around 18:00. His grandson, Hubert, who lived on the same property,
saw Pat drive in from a family celebration of father’s day, but, after half-an hour,
had become curious as to why Pat had not put off the lights to his pick-up van.
Along with his father, they went to investigate,and found a black man hiding in the
van. They pulled him out, and he escaped. They jumped in their own car and
searched for him. In the meantime, the intruder had returned to the van and stole
Pat’s wallet and celphone. Upon their return, they did not find Pat inside his house,
as expected, but his battered corpse inside the garage. Eikenhof farm. June 2007.
Na ‘n familie samekoms op vadersdag, het die oud vlieenier, mnr Pat Pattison (88)
se kleinseun, Hubert, hom omstreeks 18:00 by die familie standplaashek gesien
inry. Maar toe Pat se bakkie ligte na ‘n half uur nie afgeskakel was nie, het Hubert
en sy pa ondersoek gaan instel. Hulle het op ‘n swart man afgekom wat in die
bakkie wegkruip, maar hy het ontsnap. Hulle het met hul eie kar vir hom gesoek.
Intussen het die inboorling terug na die bakkie gegaan en Pat se beursie en selfoon
gesteel. Met hul terugkoms, het hul vir Pat in sy huis gaan soek, maar op sy
bebloede ligaam in die motorhuis afgekom. Eikenhof.
PENZ Piet and his wife were attacked on a farm near Rust de Winter. 2 Dec 2007.
Mnr Piet Pentz en sy vrou was aangeval op ‘n plaas naby Rust De Winter

PERUMAL Linda, female aged 31, AND her mother, were overpowered, tied-up,
robbed inside their home by a gang of at least 3 armed men at around 11:45. Linda
was taken hostage and kidnapped in her own car. Her mother managed to free
herself and call for help. Eblockwatch, a helicopter and the police managed to track
her down on a gravel road about 4 hours later. Wierda park, Centurion, Pretoria.
Tues. 12 June 2007.
Mej Linda Perumal en haar ma was deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3
mans oorval, vasgemaak en beroof. Daarna het hulle vir Linda met haar eie motor
ontvoer. Haar ma het kon hulp ontbied. Eblockwatch, ‘n helicopter en die polisie
het saamgewerk en haar binne 4 ure op ‘n grondpad opgespoor. Wierdapark,

PETER Dillon aged 7, was sitting in the backseat of their car with his mother Susan,
and 2 yr old sister Bianca. His 12 yr old brother Jerome was passenger and their
father James was driving. At around 10:45am they pulled up in front of their
friend’s house in Buffelsdraai. An armed gang sped up behind them, and two
gunmen got out, walked up to the family car, pointed their gun at James and
ordered him out the car. Jerome jumped out and ran around to James. One attacker
jumped into the passenger seat and pointed his gun at Dillon and his mother. The
other gunman jumped in behind the steering wheel and pulled off. Dillon opened
the backdoor, bundled his mother and sister out, and then jumped out himself.
Verulam. 2 Dec 2007.
Mnr James Peter het omstreeks 10:45 saam met sy familie by vriende se huis in
Buffelsdraai opgedaag. Terwyl hulle nog in die motor sit, sy seun Jerome (12) voor,
en sy vrou, hul dogter Bianca (2) en seun Dillon (7) op die agtersitplek, het ‘n
gewapende bende agter hulle ingetrek. Twee mans het uitgespring, en met hul
wapens op James gerig, hom beveel om uit te klim. Jerome het uitgespring en om
die kar na sy pa gehardloop. Een van die aanvallers het in die passasiers kant
ingespring, en sy wapen op Dillon en sy ma gerig. Toe die ander aanvaller agter die
stuur inspring en wegtrek, het Dillon ‘n agterdeur oopgepluk, sy ma en sussie
uitgestamp, en toe self uitgespring. Verulam.
PETERS Freek, doctor aged 75, was attacked on his smallholding in Skurweberg,
during which he was stabbed 16 times. Pretoria West. Feb 2007.
Dr Freek Peters (75) was op sy Skurweberg kleinhoewe aangeval en 16 keer
gesteek. Pretoria Wes

PETROU family were ambushed when they arrived home at around 23:00. Mr Petrou
was shot to death inside the house. His wife and daughter were shot in their garden
and critically wounded. One celphone was stolen. Menlo Park, Pretoria. Sun 16 Dec
Die Petrou familie was omstreeks 23:00 op hul aankoms tuis deur ‘n bende oorval.
Mnr Petrou was in die huis doodgeskiet. Sy vrou en dogter was in die tuin erg
gewond. Een selfoon was gesteel. Menlopark, Pretoria.
Intruder puts gun to toddler's head December 18 2007 at 06:34AM

PIENAAR Hans, male aged 64, AND his wife Elbie aged 56, were attacked and shot
on their farm. Hans died from his injuries. Mooiplaas. 13 Mar 2007.
Mnr Hans Pienaar (64) en sy vrou Elbie (56) was aangeval en geskiet op Mooiplaas.
Hans het aan sy wonde gesterf.


PIETERSE Adél, female aged 29, AND her aunt Helene van Zyl aged 47, were
attacked on a Sunday morning while Helene was opening the garage door for Adél
to park her car. A man appeared and pushed his gun against Helene’s head, and
ordered Adél out of the car. Before she could open the door, he shot her through
the windscreen. Pulled open the door, and threw her out. A second attacker jumped
into the passenger side and they sped off. The police found her car later but her
handbag and personal belongings were gone. Bloemfontein. 22 Oct 2007
Mej Adél Pieterse (29) en haar tannie Helene van Zyl (47) was op ‘n Sondag oggend
deur ‘n gewapende bende oorval terwyl Helene die motorhuisdeur vir Adél
oopgemaak het om haar voertuig te parkeer. ‘n Man het uit nerens verskyn, ‘n
geweer teen Helene se kop gedruk, en vir Adél uit haar kar beveel. Voordat sy die
deur kon oopmaak, het hy haar geskiet, die deur oopgeruk, en haar uitgepluk. ‘n
Tweede aanvaller het by die passasiersknat ingespring en hulle het weggejaag. Die
polisie het die voertuig later opgespoor, maar sonder Adél se handsak en
persoonlike besittings. Bloemfontein

PIETERSE Christo had paid to park his pick-up van in a designated enclosed area
in the field next to the Vodacom park, where he watched a rugby match. Upon his
return, at around 23:00, a man claiming to be a carguard demanded money from
Christo before stabbing him in the shoulder with such force that the blade broke off
the handle, and ran away. Bloemfontein. Sat 7 Feb 2007.
Mnr Christo Pieterse was na ‘n rugbywedstryd omstreeks 23:00 in die afgebaande
parkeertoerein by sy bakkie oorval deur ‘n man wat hom vir geld genader het. Hy
was met sulke drif in die skouer gesteek dat die mes se lem van die handvatsel
afgebreek het, waarna sy aanvaller gevlug het. Bloemfontein.
Bfn sakeman aangeval ná rugby op Vodacompark Feb 07 2007

PIETERSE Kallie aged 48,was murdered with a piece of iron by an armed gang of at
least 5 men who overpowered workers at their homes on the farm Straussfontein
Farm on a Saturday morning. The workers were threatened with firearms, tied up
with wire, and robbed of their cellphones. The attackers then took a house worker
hostage and went to the farmhouse where the farm owner Flip Henning, 64, was
shot in the stomach near his vehicle. Flip managed to get inside the house and
alert his neighbours, who cordoned off the farm and helped to catch the attackers.
Investigators also found a vehicle that was covered with branches on the farm.
Trompsburg, Bloemfontein. 17 Nov 2007.
Mnr Kallie Pieterse (48) was met ‘n stuk yster vermoor deur ‘n gewapende bende
van ten minste 5 mans wat op die Straussfontein plaas toegeslaan het geudrende
‘n Sondag oggend. Die werkers was met draad vasgemaak en met vuurwapens
gedreig, en val hul selfone beroof. ‘n Huishulp was na die huis gedwing, waar hulle
die plaas eienaar, mnr Flip Henning (64) naby sy bakkie in die maag geskiet het.
Flip kon in sy huis kom, en het sy bure laat weet, wat die plaas omsingel en die
booswigte help vang het. Speurders het ook ‘n voertuig wat onder takke verbloem
was op die plaas afgekom. Trompsburg. Bloemfontein.

PITTS Fred, engineer aged 53 was taking his car out the garage to go to the gym at
around 04:30. and was attacked by two men, one with a knife, the other with a
pistol. He shouted, in an attempt to scare them off because his wife was asleep in
the house. Then he heard a shot, immediately felt numb and fell. They turned
around, walked casually to his car and stole his cellphone, laptop and wallet before
leaving. The bullet went through his shoulder-blade, ribs, both lungs and spinal
cord, causing permanent paralysis from the waist down. He lay there for 20 minutes
before two neighbours drove past, saw him lying on the floor with the garage open,
and phoned his wife. Fred was conscious throughout. Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria.
Tues. 22 Feb 2007.
Mnr Fred Pitts (53), ‘n ingeneur, was omstreeks 04:30 besig om sy kar uit die
motorhuis te kry om gym by te woon toe twee mans, een gewapen met ‘n mes, en
die ander met ‘n pistool, hom oorval. Fred het geskreeu om hulle te verwilder
omrede sy vrou slapend in die huis was. Toe hoor hy ‘n skoot, het onmiddelik lam
geword en ineengestort. Hulle het omgedraai, met gemak na sy voertuig gestap, en
sy selfoon, draagbare komper en beursie gesteel voordat hulle gevlug het. Die
koeel het deur sy skouer, ribbes, altwee longe en ruggraat beweeg, wat hom
permanent van die middellyf verlam gelos het. Sy bure het sowat 20 minute later
verby gery en hom op die vloer van sy oop motorhuis gesien, waarna hulle sy vrou
gebel het. Fred was deurentyd by sy volle bewussyn. Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria

POLACK Dennis AND his wife Sally, an elderly couple, were taking their dogs for a
walk near their home in Glen Austin when 3 men came out of the bush, shooting.
Sally attacked them with her walking stick. Dennis, although wounded 3 times and
seriously injured, managed to pull out his gun and returned fire, upon which they
fled. Sally was left cut, bruised and shocked. Dennis was shot in the arm and leg
and had to undergo a three-and-a-half-hour operation. Midrand. Wed 26 Dec 2007
Mnr Dennis Polck en sy vrou Sally, ‘n bejaarde egpaar, het met hul honde gestap
naby hul huis in Glen Austin toe 3 mans skietend uit die bos gestorm het. Sally het
hulle met haar kierrie geslaan. Dennis, wat drie keer gewond was, het sy geweer
kon uitpluk en terugskiet, waarna die aanvallers op vlug geslaan het. Sally het sny
wonde en kneusing opgedoen tydens die aanval, en was erg geskok. Dennis was in
die arm en been geskiet, en moes ‘n drie en ‘n halwe uur operasie deurgaan.

POLLARD Chris, male tourist from los Angeles, California, is mentioned in records
on farm attacks, but his circumstances are not clear. West Rand. 2007.

POTGIETER Chappies, fireman aged 28, was inside his wife’s shop when he heard
the neighbouring shop owner blowing the hooter of his vehicle. Chappies ran out
to help him, but was shot by an attacker. He collapsed on the pavement and was
drowning in his own blood before his neighbour turned him onto his side. He is
permanently injured from this injury. Welkom. 16 April 2007.
Mnr Chappies Potgieter (28) brandbestryder, was in sy vrou se winkel toe hy die
burige winkeleienaar hoor sy kar toeter aanhoudend blaas. Chappies het hom te
hulp gesnel, maar was deur ‘n aanvaller geskiet. Hy het op die sypadjie inmekaar
gesak en was besig om in sy eie bloed te verdrink, toe die buurman hom op sy sy
draai. Hy is verlam deur sy besering. Welkom.
POTGIETER Helena was travelling along the Bloemhof road to Wolmeransstad
when a gang of about 60 jumped into the road and stoned her vehicle. 13 June
POTGIETER Lizell, athlete aged 37, arrived home in Bainsvlei at around 20:30. As
she unlocked her front door, she felt a hard bash against her head as two attackers
started to beat her repeatedly with bricks across the head and face.

She was pushed to the ground and was told that: “We steal from you whites
because whites have everything and we have nothing. That is why we take your
things. And because you live alone. A white woman may not live alone.” They
would ask her things, such as where the safe is, but everytime she tried to reply,
they bashed her with bricks. A third attacker joined them as they bullied her into
the house. She was thrown onto the floor again, and her head was stood on so
fiercely that she thought her ear was torn off. She pretended to faint. They tied her
up with electrical cord, and dragged her into the bathroom where she was locked
up until the following morning around 09:00. Bloemfontein. Fri 6 Mar 2007.

POTGIETER Willie, male aged 43, was killed with a single shot on his smallholding
near Marikana. His wife Marieta found her husband's body in the lapa. Rustenburg
area. Saturday 12 May 2007.
Marieta Potgieter het haar man, Willie (43) se lyk in die lapa gekry nadat hy met ‘n
enkelskoot doodgeskiet was. Rustenburg.

PRETORIUS Ria, female aged 44, was en route from Makhado about 2km from
Levubu to purchase stock at around 13:00 when she was attacked by an armed
gang of at least 3 men and shot multiple times, also in the head. She was found
dead inside her car, which was idling. A portion of the large amount of money she
had with her was stolen. Her personal possessions were found in the car.
Soutpansberg. Tues. 2 Jan 2007.
Mev. Ria Pretorius (44) was omstreeks 13:00 vanaf Makhado (Louis Trichardt)
onderweg na Levubu om voorraad aan te koop. Sy is egter sowat 2km buite die
dorp dood in haar voertuig aangetref. Ria was verskeie kere geskiet, ook in die kop.
‘n Groot gedeelte van die geld wat sy by haar gehad het, asook haar handsak en
persoonlike besittings, was steeds in die kar, wat geparkeer maar aangeskakel was.
PRINS John AND his wife, farmers, were leaving their house in the morning to look
for their dog when they were attacked by at least 2 armed men. John was shot to
death in the head before his wife was tied up and robbed. The attackers fled in the
couple’s vehicle, which was later recovered. Groberlerdal. Fri 10 Jan 2007.
Mnr John Prins en sy vrou, boere, was oppad om na hul honde te gaan soek in die
oggend toe hulle aangeval was deur ten minste 2 gewapende mans. John was in
die kop doodgeskiet voordat sy vrou vasgebind en beroof was. Die aanvallers het
in die egpaar se voertuig gevlug, wat later opgespoor was. Groblersdal.
PRINSLOO Nicolene, aged 28, was closing her gate at around 06:15 when a car with
3 occupants pulled in behind her. Two jumped out and robbed her. When she
battled to remove her wedding rings for them, as her fingers were swollen from her
being 12 weeks pregnant, they became impatient and rough with her. One of them
jumped into her car, in which her 2 yr old daughter was screaming for help.
Nicolene refused to allow them to drive off and kept begging in both English and
Afrikaans while under gunpoint until they handed over the child, before they sped
off. She had also been robbed of her personal effects 4 years previously during an
armed attack at the house of friends. Kempton Park. Fri 10 Sep 2007.

PRINSLOO Riana, a doctor, had viewed a house with her sister Maretha, a
psychologist, and an estate agent in Parktown North during the day. She was
saying goodbye to the agent, while Maretha was getting into her car, when Riana
noticed an armed man had pushed his gun through the window on the drivers side
of the car in which Maretha was turning the ignition, point it at her head, and
demanded her car keys. She also noticed his armed accomplice, rushed at him,
pushed and hit him. This confused the attacker who had taken the car keys, and
Maretha grabbed them back. Riana told Maretha to drive away, while she fought off
the attackers, shouting at them: “Don’t you shoot my sister!” Maretha took off but
turned the car back to help Riana, who had a gun pointed at her stomach. The
attackers fled in another car which was waiting for them. Johannesburg. Tues 16
Aug 2007.
Dr Riana Prinsloo en haar suster Maretha, ‘n sielkundige, het tesame met ‘n
eiendoms agent na ‘n huis in Parktown noord gedurende die dag gekyk, en was
besig om vir die agent totsiens te se terwyl Maretha solank in haar kar geklim het.
Riana merk toe op dat ‘n man by die kar venster aan die bestuurder se kant, waar
Maretha besig was om die sleutel te draai, sy geweer ingedruk het en op die
sleutels aandring. Hy het ‘n gewapende mater gehad, op wie Riana afgestorm het,
hom gestamp en geslaan het. Die aanvaller met die sleutels was deurmekaar, en
Maretha het die sleutels terug gegryp. Riana het haar beveel om weg te ry, terwyl sy
met die aanvallers baklei het en geskree het dat hulle nie haar suster mag skiet nie.
Maretha het weg getrek, maar terug gedraai om Riana, wat met ‘n geweeer teen
haar maag gestaan het, te help, waarna die aanvallers in ‘n wagtende voertuig
gevlug het. Johannesburg.
RADEMEYER Steve, farmer aged 78, AND his wife Engela aged 85, were attacked
shortly after 19:00 inside their home, No forced entry could be found, even though
the couple were very security conscious. Steve had undergone surgery for cancer
treatment two weeks previously to the attack in which a gang of at least two men
wearing balaclavas overpowered the couple. Steve was beaten on the head
repeatedly with a spade, and stabbed several times. He died on the lounge carpet.
Engela was forced to watch this assault, her hands and feet tied up. She was
dragged through the house to open the safe and thrown onto the kitchen floor,
where she was threatened with a kitchen knife before their attackers fled. It took
more than 2 hours for her to be able to cut herself free with the same knife she had
been threatened with, and put together the pieces of the celphone their attackers
had thrown off the kitchen table, before she could call for help. Farm Weltevrede,
Schweizer-Reneke. Fri 26 Feb 2007.
Mnr Steve Rademeyer (78) en sy vrou Engela (85), plaasboere van Weltevrede, was
net na 19:00 in hulle huis oorval. Alhoewel die egpaar baie sekuriteitsbewus was,
kon geen teken van gedwonge toegang gesien word nie. Dit was skaars twee weke
nadat Steve ‘n operasie teen kanker ondergaan het, dat twee mans met klapmusse
hom herhaaldelik met ‘n graaf oor die kop geslaan het, en hom verskeie keer met ‘n
mes gesteek het. Steve het op die sitkamermat gesterf. Engela moes toekyk, haar
hande en voete vasgebind, waarna sy deur die huis gesleep was om die kluis vir
hulle aanvallers oop te sluit, en hulle haar op die kombuisvloer neergesmyt en met
die dood deur ‘n broodmes gedreig het. Dit het haar meer dan twee ure geneem
nadat die aanvallers gevlug het, om haar hande en voete met dieselfde mes los te
sny, die selfoon wat die aanvallers van die kombuistafel afgesmyt het, se stukkies
weer aanmekaar te sit, en hulp te ontbied. Schweizer-Reneke
RANDELL Jan aged 39, was driving his pick-up van during the morning on his farm
Mooigelegen when he found an intruder on the farm. Jan got out of his van to
speak to the man, but was shot in the chin. The bullet lodged in his neck. The
intruder ju8mped in the van and drove off, but was caught by the farmwatch
community. Ermelo. Thur. 10 Aug 2007
Mnr Jan Randell (39) was Donderdagoggend op sy plaas, Mooigelegen, in die gesig
geskiet toe hy ’n betreder daar betrap het. Die koeël het Jan in die ken getref en in
sy nek vasgeslaan. Die oortreder het met Jan se bakkie gevlug, maar was deur die
boerewag gevang. Ermelo.

RATTRAY David “Dave” aged 49, legendary tourism personality and Anglo-Zulu
War expert, was shot to death at around 17:30 inside his house at the Fugitive’s
Drift lodge. A gang of at least 6 men armed with guns and pistols split up to round
up his staff from the office and around the house, asking for David’s whereabouts
by name. His wife Nicky came across the single gunman, masked with a balaclava,
who had walked into the house. Dave jumped between them and was shot. The
gunman walked out, and was instructed to go back inside to make sure that Dave
was dead. He pumped another two bullets into Dave. He had been shot in the hand,
arm and chest, collapsed aand died on the scene. Nothing was stolen. Rorke’s
Drift, Dundee. Fri 26 Januarie 2007
‘n Bende van ten menste 6 mans gewapen met gewere en pistole het die Fugitive’s
Drift woning omstreeks 17:30 oorgeneem, die vrou van die kantoor asook die
werkers om die woning vasgekeer en vasgestel waar Dr David “Dave” Rattray (49)
verkeer. Een aanvaller, verbloem met ‘n balaklava, het die huis ingestap waar hy op
Nicky, Dave se vrou, afgekom het. Dave het tussen hulle ingespring en was geskiet.
Die aanvaller het sonder meer uitgestap, waar sy bendeleier hom bevel het om
seker te maak dat Dave dood is. Die aanvaller het ‘n verdure 2 skote op Dave
gevuur. Hy was in die hand, arm en bors getref, het inmekaar gesak en is op die
toneel oorlede. Niks was gesteel nie. Rorke’s Drift, Dundee

RAUTENBACH Clive, hotelier, AND his partner Nicolene Vanessa da Costa, AND his
staff members were attacked by a gang of armed men during which the unarmed
Clive was murdered and a staff member raped. Cradle of Mankind, Crocodile River.
16 July 2007.
Mnr Clive Rautenbach, hotel eienaar, sy vennoot Nicolene Vanessa da Costa, en sy
personeel was deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval, waartydens die ongewpende
Clive vermoor was, en een van sy personeelede verkrag was. Wieg van Die
Mensdom, Krokidil rivier.

RENDER Noël “Neil”, male aged 56, climbed into his car which was parked in
central Pretoria and opened his window at around 10:30. A gang of at least 3 men
appeared at his window, and the one in the middle started to stab him, in full view
of a police captain who only came closer once the gang had fled. Neil used his
hands to protect his chest and was stabbed twice in the right thumb and once in
the palm of his right hand. Tshwane. 6 Feb 2007.
Mnr Noël “Neil Render (56) het omstreeks 10:30 in sy kar, wat in die middestad van
Pretoria parkeer was, geklim en sy venster oopgemaak. Drie mans het langs hom
verskyn, waarvan die middelste man hom met ‘n mes aangeval het in volle sig van
‘n polisiekaptein, wat eers na die aanvallers gevlug het, Neil genader het. Terwyl
Neil sy bors beskerm het teen die aanval, was hy twee keer in die regterduim en
een keer in die regter handpalm gesteek. Tshwane.

REID Syd, opened the front door to his home when the daughter of his maid
knocked at around 21:30. A gang of 7 men, of which at least 2 had guns, stormed in
and held him hostage while he was robbed. Sundra smallholding. 23 Oct 2007.
Mnr Syd Reid was omstreeks 21:30 aangeval. Hy het ’n klop aan sy voordeur
gehoor en dit oopgemaak nadat hy deur ’n venster gekyk en net sy huiswerker se
dogter buite gesien het. Toe hy die deur oopmaak, het sewe mans, van wie twee
gewapen, glo die huis binne gestorm. Sundra.

REYNEKE Sonja, female aged 36, dependant on medical attention, disappeared en

route to keep a doctor’s appointment. She appeared at a bank, asking to withdraw
all her funds. The bank contacted her family, and they froze her account, and
rushed to the bank, but she had disappeared again and has been missing since.
Pretoria. Jan 2007
Mej. Sonja Reyneke (36) wat op mediese behandeling staatmaak, het oppad na ‘n
dokter’s afspraak verdwyn. Sonja het eers by haar bank verskyn en gevra om al
haar vondse te onttrek. Die bank het haar familie gekontak, en hulle het haar
rekening gevries, bank toe gejaag, maar sy was alreeds weg, en was nooit weer
gesien nie.

REYNOLDS Edwin, Tshwane metro-policeman aged 30, was on point duty during
an international car event at the Zwartkops race track when an armed gang of at
least 6 men jumped off the pick-up van they were travelling in, opened fire wildly on
everyone around them at the entrance gate before they stole R1500 ($180) entrance
tickets fees, two passenger vehicles and fled. These vehicles were later recovered
where they had been abandoned a few kilometres away. The attack was initiated
when one of the gunmen who had jumped off their van, circled the vehicle behind
them, in which Mr Deon Smit aged 52, was parked, waiting to gain entrance to the
race-track. He shot at Deon through the car door and wounded him in just under
the ribs. Another attacker entered the security entrance booth and opened fire on a
police assistant, but his gun would not go off. The assistant took cover with Edwin
behind a nearby vehicle, and Edwin returned fire on their attackers who were
shooting wildly into the air at randomly at the public. Edwin was wounded in the
spine and is permanently paralized from the attack. Pretoria. 5 Feb 2007.
Mnr Edwin Reynolds (30) ‘n Tshwane polisieman, en ‘n reservis was op puntdiens
tydens ‘n internationale resies by die Zwartkop renbaan toe ‘n gewapende bende
van ten minste 6 mans die ingang aangeval het. Die aanval het ontdooi nadat een
van die aanvallers wat van die bakkie waarin hulle gery het, afgespring en om die
voertuig wat agter hulle in die ry was, gehardloop het. Hy het deur die kardeur op
die insittende mnr Deon Smit (52) geskiet en hom onder die ribbes getref. ‘n Ander
aanvaller het die sekuriteitshokkie betree en op ‘n reservis geskiet, maar sy geweer
wou nie ontplof nie. Die reservis het tesame met Edwin agter ‘n voertuig skuiling
geneem, van waar Edwin op die bende, wat wild in die lug en tussen die publiek
geskiet het, terug gevuur. Edwin was in die rug gewond, en is permanent verlam.
Die aanvallers het R1500 gebuit en met nog twee voertuie gevlug, wat ‘n paar
kilometre verder verlate opgespoor was. Pretoria.

RICHTER Franz, aged 80, was a German wild-life reserve owner who had created
hundreds of jobs for the locals, AND an unnamed employee were en-route to pay
staff wages when they were ambushed by a large armed gang and shot to death
execution-style. On trial are his former housekeeper - the Sowetan newspaper
reported her as his ‘widow’, but this could not be independently confirmed. Some
of the accused also face corruption charges for allegedly trying to bribe a police
officer with R15,000 cash in exchange for destruction of the dossiers. Heia Safari
Ranch, Cradle of Mankind, Muldersdrift November 2007

RIPPON Vernon, male horticultural expert aged 77, returned home after dinner and
was attacked by an armed gang who lay in wait for him in his garden. He was
brutally beaten with a blunt object and his car was stolen. It was later found
abandoned in Isipingo. Vernon died soon after from his injuries. Umbilo, Durban.
11 Sep 2007.

RISSEEUW Hannes, was attacked inside his home at around 16:00 by a gang of at
least 3 men and beaten to death with an ornamentally carved, wooden spoon of
about 1m long and 40mm thick, which stood in his outside room. His celphone was
stolen. Duncanville, Vereeniging. Thur 12 Oct 2007.
Mnr Hannes Risseeuw was omstreeks 16:00 in sy huis deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 3 mans met ‘n ornamentele gekerfde houtlepel, sowat 40 mm dik en 1 m
lank, wat in sy buitekamer gestaan het, doodgeslaan. Sy selfoon was gesteel.
Duncanville, Vereeniging

ROESTROF Johan aged 58 AND his wife Susan aged 56 were attacked at their
home by a gang of at least 4 men who asked Johan to open the shop adjacent to
his house at atound 19:30 for them. Susan, who was in the kitchen, heard fighting
and tried to run to her room, but the men followed and pushed the door open. They
shot her once in the left side of her chest and dragged her back to the shop where
they tied her up with a rope. She managed to untie herself and called for help on a
private radio network. One of the attackers heard on that radio that help was on the
way, and the gang fled with some loot. Reitzburg farm near Vredefort. Wed 23 Feb
Mev Susan Roestrof (56) het gehoor ‘n geveg uitbreek tussen haar man Johan (58)
en ‘n bende van ten minste 4 mans wat daarop aangedring het dat hy hul
padstalletjie wat teenaan hul huis gebou was, oopsluit omstreeks 19:30. Sy het na
haar kamer probeer vlug, maar was deur die bende gevolg. Hulle het haar deur
oopgestamp en haar in die linkerbors geskiet waarna sy na die padstal gesleep en
met toue vasgemaak was. Susan het haarself losgewikkel en hulp op die plaasradio
gevra. Een van die aanvallers het op die radio gehoor dat hulp oppad was, en hulle
het met gestellde goedere gevlug. Reitzburg, Vredefort.

ROOS Phillip, boy aged 12, AND his sister aged around 7 years old, were alone at
their Jordaanpark home around 10:00 when a knifeman gained entrance. His sister
watched in shock as Phillip was stabbed at least eleven times, of which seven
times were in the chest, three in his back and once in the head before he was
strangled with the dress of a doll. She went into hiding while the attacker stole a
dvd machine and fled. Phillip sought help and thought his sister had been
kidnapped. He collapsed outside their property on the pavement, where a passerby
found the bloodied child. Heidelberg. 11 July 2007.
Mnr Phillip Roos (12) en sy kleuter sussie was omstreeks 10:00 alleen in hul
Jordaanpark huis toe ‘n aanvaller hulle oorrompel het. Die sussie het gesien hoe
Phillip ten minste elf keer met ‘n mes gesteek was, waarvan daar 7 steke in die
bors, 3 in die rug en 1 in die kop was, voordat die aanvaller hom met ‘n pop se rok
gewurg het. Sy het weggekruip terwyl die aanvaller ‘n dvd masjien gesteel het
voordat hy op vlug geslaan het. Phillip het gevrees dat sy sussie ontvoer was, en
het hulp gaan soek. Hy het op die sypadjie voor hul erf inmekaar gesort, waar ‘n
verbyganger die bebloede kind gevind het.

ROSANT Louis, male aged 53, was found dead in a field with open wounds to the
head after he had been attacked by a gang of at least 5 men. Temperance, Gordon’s
Bay. Wed 21 Dec 2007.

ROSSEAU Marie AND her husband Gawie were attacked inside their guesthouse
Villa Langa by an armed gang of at least 3 men during which she was shot in the
foot, and a celphone was looted. Malelane. Sun 23 Aug 2007.
Marie Rosseau en haar man Gawie was in hul gastehuis Villa Langa deur ‘n
gewapende bende van ten minste 3 mans oorval waartydens sy in die voet geskiet
was, en ‘n selfoon gebuit was. Malelane.

ROSTOLL Belinda was ambushed by an armed gang of at least 3 men as she

arrived home at around 11:00 and tied up. The attackers fled when her father-in-law,
aged 76, arrived shortly after, and advised them that the police were on their way to
the scene. Plaston. 14 Oct 2007.

ROTHSCHILDLynne, psychologist, was a victim of crime for the 5th time at her
home in Northcliff.
3 men dressed in blue overhauls, of which two were carrying guns, walked in
through her kitchen door at around 11:00. Lynne was forced through her home at
gunpoint while she was physically attacked and robbed. Johannesburg. Wed. 1 Feb
Dr Lynne Rothschild, ‘n sielkundige, was vir die 5de keer deur misdaad betrek by
haar Northcliff woning. Ongeveer 11:00 het drie mans, geklee in blou oorpakke,
waarvan twee gewapen was, by haar kombuisdeur ingestap. Met wapens op haar
gerig, was sy deur die huis gedwing waartydens sy fisies aangerand en beroof was.

SAAIMAN Frans, doctor aged 63, AND his wife Jeanette aged 63, were attacked
inside their home at around 21:30 by a gang of at least 3 armed men during which
he was severely beaten with “kierries” (traditional weapons, wooden clubs with
hard solid ball-like heads). Frans sustained two broken ribs, concussion, various
cuts on his head which required stitching, the left eyebrow was broken, and
various bruising all over his body. His eyes were also swollen shut. His wife, which
was in a different part of the house during the attack, surprised the gang as she
locked the gate in their passage and walked towards them in her nightgown. It
appears that they thought she was a ghost, and they fled through a bedroom
window. Lynwood, Pretoria. 4 Oct 2007.
SAAIMAN Zelda, housewife aged 49, was gunned down in the garage of her
Brooklyn home on August 24, 2006.
Mev Zelda Saaiman (49) ‘n huisvrou, was in haar motorhuis doodgeskiet in

SCALLEN Roy, businessman aged 54, was working in his office on a Sunday
evening when he was attacked, during which his private parts were severed and he
was stabbed several times. Walmer bay, Port Elizabeth. Sun 12 Feb 2007.
Mnr Roy Scallen (54) .n sakeman, was op ‘n Sondag aand in sy kantoor toe hy
oorval en vermoor was. Roy se geslagsdele was gedurende die moord afgesny en
hy het veelvuldige steekwonde aan die lyf gehad. Walmerbaai, Port Elizabeth.

SCHAAP Henja, fashion designer, was at his friend Barnie Barnard’s home in
Monumentpark celebrating Barnie’s 61st birthday while sitting on the porch along
with Barnie’s daughter Hettie, who works and lives at the United Arabian Emirates,
his Italian neighbours and friend Mariette Kokxhoorn from Netherlands, a tourism
guide, when they were attacked at around 20:00 by a gang of at least 2 men. One of
the men carried two guns. An attacker aimed his gun at Henja and pulled the
trigger, but the bullet did not go off. Henja was then pistolwhipped on the head and
pinned to the ground at gunpoint. His friends were robbed of their personal
belongings and also forced to the ground. Hettie was plucked up by her pants from
the ground and forced into the house, where they stole laptop computers and
celphones before fleeing the scene. Pretoria. 14 Aug 2007
Dit was Barnie Barnard se 61ste verjaarsdag, en op sy stoep was sy vriende wat
saam met hom gevier het. Sy dogter Hettie, wat in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate
woon en werk, sy kollega van Nederland, me. Mariette Kokxhoorn wat oorsese
toere na Suid-Afrika reel, die mode-ontwerper mnr Henja Schaap asook sy
Italiaanse bure was daar toe twee gewapende mans hulle oorval het. Die een
aanvaller het twee gewere gehad. Eerstens het een op Henja geskiet, maar die
geweer het nie ontplof nie. Toe word Henja oor die kop geslaan met die kolf van die
geweer, en na die grond gedwing met ‘n geweer teen sy kop gedruk. Die
gesselligheid was beroof en ook na die grond gedwing, waarna Hettie van die
grond af aan die broek opgeruk en die huis in gedwing was. Daar het hulle
skootrekenaars en selfone gesteel voordat hulle op die vlug geslaan het. Pretoria

SCHAEDLE Siggi, male aged 68, AND his wife Ingrid aged 63, were working inside
their hotel at around 22:00 when they were shot to death by a single gunman.
Wartburger Hof Hotel, Wartburg, 40km from Pietermaritzburg. Wed 8 Nov 2007.
SCHEFFER Quinton, a 40-year-old ADT armed response officer, was attacked at
around 22:15 while sitting in his vehicle by a gang of at least 5 men who fired 7
shots into the back of his vehicle, hitting him in the head, neck and ankle. Less
than an hour later, the gang hit on a nearby restaurant which was monitored by
ADT security. Constantia. Fri 24 Dec 2007.
SCHMITT Manfred, German tourist aged 65, was walking along the Marine parade at
around 17:20 when he was attacked and robbed by a gang of at least 4 men armed
with knives. Durban. Wed. 25 Oct 2007
SCHOLLE Renata AND her daughter aged 10 were attacked inside their bedroom at
around midnight by an armed gang and robbed at gunpoint before their hands and
feet were tied behind their back. Nelspruit. Tues. 29 Oct 2007.
SCHREIDER Adel and family were entertaining their friends Mr Koos Uys, his sister
and his wife at their home in Faerie Glen on Valentine’s evening when they were
attacked at around 19:00. When two armed men appeared at the back of the house
where they were sitting, they jumped up and tried to disarm the men. Koos
suffered a stab wound in the chest, and a 15cm stabwound in the head. He was
able to restrain his assailant, but when a gun went off he slackened his hold for a
split second and the attacker managed to escape. Adel had been shot from under
his armpit and the bullet lodged in the right shoulder blade before his assailant
stabbed him in the chest, missing the point of his heart by 2mm. Two celphones
were stolen before the attackers fled. Silver lakes, Pretoria. 12 Feb 2007
Mnr Adel Schreider en sy vrou het hul vriende mnr Koos Uys, die se suster en vrou
op Valentine’s dag by hul woning in Faerie Glen onthaal toe hulle deur twee
gewapende mans oorval was. Dit was omstreeks 19:00 toe die mans in die agtertuin
op die kuiergroep toegesak het. Adel en Koos het die aanvallers probeer ontwapen,
waartydens Koos ‘n snywond in die bors en ‘n 15cm snywond in die kop opgedoen
het. Hy het die oorhand op sy aanvaller gehad totdat ‘n skoot afgegaan het, en hy
vir ‘n spitsekonde sy greep gelig en die aanvaller gevlug het. Adel was in sy
armholte geskiet, waarvan die koeel teen sy regterskouer vasgeslaan het. Daarna
het sy aanvaller hom met ‘n mes in die bors gesteek. Die messteek het die punt van
sy hart met 2mm gemis. Die aanvallers het 2 selfone gebuit en gevlug. Pretoria.
SCHUTTE Pieter was shot during an attack on his Fremontia Street home.

SCOTT Howard, manager of an engineering company, was ambushed and shot as

he drove his pick-up van into his driveway at around 20:00. He lost control of his
vehicle and plunged through the palisade fencing and came to a standstill against
his house. Howard died on the scene. Nothing was looted. Weltenvredenpark, West
Rand. Fri 19 July 2007.
Mnr Scott Howard, die bestuurder van 'n ingenieursonderneming, was by sy inrit
ingewag en geskiet toe hy met sy bakkie ongeveer 20:00 inry. Hy het beheer oor die
beheer verloor, deur die pallisade-heining voor sy erf gebars en teenaan sy huis tot
stilstand gekom. Hy is op die toneel oorlede. Niks was gesteel nie.
Weltenvredenpark, Westrand
SEEGERS Coen, farmer aged 80 AND his wife were attacked, overpowered, tied up
and robbed on their farm Kalkfontein by a gang of at least 4 armed men, who
pretended that they were interested in buying milk, at around 08:00. Potgietersrus.
Sat 1 Dec 2007
Mnr Coen Seegers (80) en sy vrou was omstreeks 08:00 deur ‘n gewapende bende
van ten minste 4 mans op hul plaas Kalkfontein oorrompel, vasgebind en beroof
nadat die mans voorgegee het dat hulle melk wou koop. Potgietersrus.

SENEKAL Johan Willem aged 69, was overpowered during the evening by an
armed gang of at least 4 men while he was parking his car in the garage of the Dinie
Estates smallholding. They forced him into the house at gunpoint. During the
attack, they tied up his hands before they burnt them with a clothes iron. He was
also robbed before they left the scene in his vehicle as well as their own vehicle.
Kroondal area, Rustenburg. Mon 20 May 2007
Mnr Johan Willem Senekal (69) was in die motorhuis op sy Dinie Estates
kleinhoewe oorval deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans terwyl hy sy
motor parkeer het gedurende die nag. Hulle het hom met ‘n geweer die huis
ingedwing. Gedurende die aanval, het hulle sy hande vasgebind voordat sy hande
met ‘n strykyster gebrand was. Hy was ook beroof voordat hulle met sy voertuig,
sowel as hulle eie voertuig, gevlug het. Kroondal, Rustenburg.

SHANKLAND Lauren, female aged 27, was found murdered in her lounge during the
afternoon, lying next to her baby boy. Her car was found in the driveway with its
door open, and the front door to her home was ajar. She had been stabbed 19 times
and sustained a blow to the head. The baby was treated for minor lacerations to the
head. Sunningdale, Durban. Thu 7 Sep 2007.
SHULMAN Larry, male aged 63,was woken by the alarm in his house during the
early hours of the morning. While searching his house, he came across two
intruders in his lounge. He hit one of them with his walking stick but was
overpowered, beaten to the ground and hit on the head. As he lay on the ground,
the second intruder shot him in the head. The 9mm bullet lodged in his skull
millimetres from his brain. The doctors have put a metal plate into his head to
secure the skull. His wife is very grateful that Larry is still alive. Nothing was stolen.
Groenkloof, Pretoria. Fri 10 Feb 2007.
Mnr Larry Shulman (63) was in die vroee oggend ure deur die alarm in sy huis
wakker gemaak. Na ondersoek, het hy op twee indringers in sy sitkamer afgekom.
Larry het een van die indringers met sy kierie geslaan, maar was oorval, en die
indringer het hom na die grond geslaan. Die tweede indringer het Larry in die kop
geskiet. ‘n 9mm koeel het sy skedel deurdring en die brein met millimeters gemis.
Dokters het ‘n staalplaat in sy kop gesit om die skedel te versterk. Sy vrou is baie
dankbaar dat Harry die aanval oorleef het. Niks was gesteel nie. Groenkloof,

SINGERY Mark AND his wife Luitje, both aged 41, AND their children, awoke at
around 03:00 when an intruder entered their home and walked into the master
bedroom. Mark wrestled the man and held him in a grip until the police took him
away 45 minutes later. During this struggle, mark was bitten and cut with a sharp
object. Willow Park Manor, Pretoria.
Mnr Mark Singery en sy vrou Luitje, albei 41 jaar oud, en hul kinders was omstreeks
03:00 wakker gemaak nadat ‘n oortreeder die hoofslaapkamer betree het. Mark het
met die man gestoei en hom in ‘n grip vasgehou totdat die polisie die oortreeder
sowat 45 minute later weggeneem het. Tydens die gestoei, was Mark gebyt asook
met ‘n skrerp voorwerp gesny. Willow Park Manor

SLABBERT Gerhard Brooklyn, AND his wife Margaret were driving into their
property when they saw a man climb over their wall. Gerhard got out of the car and
asked him what he wanted. As the man pulled a gun out of his pocket, Gerhard
tried to jump back into their car, but was shot. He died soon after in hospital.
Brooklyn, Pretoria. Wed 28 Nov 2007.
Mnr Gerhard Brooklyn Slabbert en sy vrou Margret het by hulle erf ingery toe hulle
‘n man sien wat oor hulle muur klim. Gerhard het uit die voertuig geklim en hom
gevra waarna hy soek. Toe die man ‘n geweer uit sy sak trek, het Gerhard probeer
terug in die kar spring, maar was geskiet. Hy is kort daarna in die hospitaal oorlede.
Brooklyn, Pretoria.

SLABBERT Willie, a 58 yr old florist, drove in through his farmgate at around 18:00
in his pick-up van. His farm worker heard the van drive off again a short while later,
and assumed that it was Willie. The van was overturned shortly after on a farm road
and the engine was still running when his neighbours came across it. Upon
investigation, they found Willie’s corpse lying on the kitchen floor, with several
stab wounds to the neck, shoulder and chest. A 4pd hammer and long handled
chisel, which formed part of Willie’s antique collection, and a knife was found on
the scene, as well as a cable and cord, with which his attacker presumably planned
to tie him up with. It appears that Willie had put up a struggle as the place was in a
mess. Meyerton farm, Vereeniging. Tues 28 Feb 2007.
Mnr Willie Slabbert (58) ‘n bloemis, het omstreeks 18:00 met sy bakkie by sy
plaashek ingery. Kort daarna het sy plaaswerker die bakkie hoor uitry, maar
aangeneem dat Willie agter die stuur was. Die bakkie het op die plaaspad gerol en
nog geluier toe die bure daarop afkom. Met ondersoek, het hulle sy lyk op die vloer
in sy kombuis gevind met verskeie steek wonde in die nek, skouer en bors. Hy was
by sy huis ingewag nadat ‘n bende toegang tot die huis verkry het nadat hulle die
stopverf om n venster in die motorhuis wat aan die kombuis verbind is, afgehaal en
daardeur geklim het. ’n Langsteel-beitel en ’n vierpond-hamer, wat deel van Willie
se antieke versameling was, en ‘n mes was op die toneel gevind, asook ’n kabel en
koord waarmee die rowers hom vermoedelik wou vasbind. Meyerton plaas.

SMIT Neels aged 55, AND his wife Babsie aged 54, woke up shortly before 01:00
when their bedroom light was switched on by a gang of at least 4 men masked in
balaclavas who jumped on their bed and started punching them. During the
wrestling the attackers found Neel’s revolver under his matress. As the couple tried
to break free, an attacker pulled out his panga and warned them to lay still or be
killed. Their hands and feet were tied up with steel wire. Their bedsheet was cut
with a knife into strips with which their mouths were gagged. The couple were
dragged to the lounge and held hostage by an attacker holding the revolver they
had found. He was distracted and left the room during which Neels managed to
break free, untie his wife, fetch his shotgun from the diningroom and load it with
buckshot. He went in search of help from the farm owner who lived nearby and
came across an attacker running back from the neighbour. Neels shot at him and
the gang fled. It was found that the dogs on the property had been poisoned.
Mogale’s Kraal, Brits. Fri 28 Feb 2007.
Mnr Neels Strydom (550 en sy vrou Babsie (54) het kort voor 01:00 wakker geword
toe hul kamerlig deur ‘n bende van 4 mans vermom in balaklavas, aangesit was. Die
mans het op hulle gespring en met die vuis bygedam. Tydens die gestoei het die
aanvallers op Neels se rewolwer onder sy matras afgekom. Terwyl die egpaar
probeer losbreek, het ‘n aanvaller ‘n panga uitgetrek en gedreig om hulle dood te
maak sou hulle nie stil le nie. Daarna was hulle hande en voete met bloudraad
vasgemaak. Die bedlaken was met ‘n mes in stukke gesny waarmee hulle
gemuilband was. Daarna was hulle deur na die sitkamer gesleep waar een aanvaller
hulle met die rewolwer wat gevind was, opgepas het. Toe hy hulle aleen gelos het,
het Neels kon los wikkel, vir Babsie losmaak, sy haelgeweer vanuit die eetkamer
kry en dit met bokkruit laai. Daarna het hy om hulp by die naburige plaaseienaar
gaan soek. Oppad het een van die aanvallers van die plaaseienaar se rigting terug
gehardloop en Neels het op hom gevuur, waarna die bende gevlug het. Daarna was
gevind dat die honde op die perseel vergiftig was. Mogale’s Kraal, Brits

SMIT Pieter aged 29, contractor to the Lund chicken farm on which he lived, AND
his family were attacked at their home. Pieter was on his way to work at around
04:15 when an armed gang of at least 3 men ambushed him at the farm gate and
forced him back to his home, where they shot him to death in the kitchen. His wife,
Natasha also aged 29, who was 2 months pregnant, was in the bedroom of their 3
year old son Pieter Jnr., and shot at their attackers when they passed the room,
and wounded some of them nd they fled the house. As they passed the front of the
house, Natasha looked through the window and got into a gunfight with their
attackers, during which she was shot in the right leg. Pietersburg. Thur 25 Oct
Mnr Pieter Smit (29), kontrakteur vir die Lund hoenderplaas warop hy gewoon het,
was ongeveer 04:15 oppad werk toe, toe ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3
mans hom by die plaashek oorval het. Hy was terug na die huis gedwing en in die
kombuis doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Natasha (29), wat 2 maande swanger was, was in die
slaapkamer van hul 3 jarige seun, Pieter jr., waaruit sy op die aanvallers gekiet het
toe hulle verby die kamer stap. Sy het van hulle gewond, en hulle het gevlug.
Terwyl hulle die voorkant van die huis verby steek, het Natasha in ‘n skietgeveg
met hulle deurmekaar geraak toe sy uit ‘n venster gekyk het en was in die
regterbeen geskiet. Pietersburg.

SMIT Willie, male aged 41, had opened the door and security gate at night to
investigate noises outside their home, and realised that his family was under attack
from an armed gang of at least 3 men. Willie was shot through the kitchen door and
used his last strength to get the bolt back into the door, and secured it with a lock.
He then asked his wife magda aged 44 to phone the police, and said goodbye to her
and their 13-year-old son, Steven before he died. The bullet had hit him in the left
side, smashed an artery and damaged his lungs. Heatherdale smallholding. Acacia,
Pretoria north. Sat 23 Jan 2007.
Mnr Willie Smit (41) het die deur en sekuriteitshek gedurende die nag oopgemaak
om geraas te ondersoek, en besef dat sy familie onder aanval van 3 gewapende
mans was. Hy was deur die kombuuisdeur geskiet maar het sy laaste krag gebruik
om die deur weer toe te druk, te grendel en die slot op te sit. Daarna het hy sy vrou
Magda (44) gevra om die polisie te bel, en vir haar, en hul seun Steven (13) totsiens
gese voordat hy gesterf het. Die koeel het hom in die linker sy getref, ‘n slagaar
deurboor en sy longe beskadig. Heatherdale kleinhoewes, Acacia.

SMITH Samantha, newspaper editor, who was 5 months pregnant at the time, was
attacked inside her home by an armed gang of at least three men at around 13:10
which appeared inside her lounge. She was forced at gunpoint to lie down, before
being tied up and gagged. The men kept telling her that they would not rape her if
she did not scream or fight. They covered her with duvets and kept asking
questions. She could not speak because they tied a shirt around her mouth and
nose, and she battled to breathe. They also asked her where the safe and jewellery
was, and left her bound after looting the house. South End. 23 Oct 2007.

SNYMAN Cilliers, a 65 yr old doctor, was watching television and his wife Kate,
aged 62, was reading in the bedroom during the night inside their home. Kate
heard a loud bang and went to investigate. She found Cilliers had been shot to
death in their son’s bedroom. A gunman came running towards her, but she locked
herself and Cilliers up and their attacker fled the scene. Nothing was stolen.
Lynnwood, Pretoria. Fri 17 Aug 2007.
Dr Cilliers Snyman (65) was besig om in die aand televisie te kyk, en sy vrou Kate
(62) het in hul kamer boek gelees toe sy ‘n harde skoot hoor. Sy het Cilliers in hul
seun se kamer aangetref waar hy doodgeskiet was. ‘n Gewapende man het op haar
afgestorm, maar sy kon die kamerdeur sluit, waarna die aanvaller gevlug het.
Lynnwood, Pretoria.
SONNEKUS Emile AND his friend Luke, both aged 7, AND Luke’s parents Grant and
Helen Murphy, were attacked in front of Emile’s house where they were dropping
him off at around 20:00 by an armed gang of at least 3 men. They were made to lie
down during which they were robbed. Grant was also hit over the head with a
firearm and Helen was repeatedly kicked in the face before the attackers fled with
the family car. She needed stitches and suffered a broken nose. Emile was involved
in a prior hijack attack when he was 3 years old at the same gate. Malvern,
Germiston, East Rand. 25 Oct 2007
Emile Sonnekus (7) en sy vriend Luke Murphy (7) en die se ouers Grant en Helen,
was voor Emile se huis oorval toe hulle hom wou aflaai omstreeks 20:00 deur ‘n
gewapende bende van ten minste 3 mans, wat hulle gedwing het om op die vloer te
le terwyl hulle beroof was. Grant was op die kop geslaan met ‘n geweer, en Helen
was herhaaldelik in die gesig geskop voordat die bende met die familie se motor
Gevlug het. Helene moes steke kry en haar neus was gebreek. Emile was tevore
ook in ‘n staak aanval op 3jarige ouderdom voor dieselfde hek. Malvern, Germiston.


SONNEKUS Sonnie, male aged 89, was murdered inside his home shortly after
08:00. He had put up a fight during the attack and the knuckles on his hands were
grazed. His hands and feet had been tied up and his nose broken. He had
suffocated on blood in his throat. Lyttelton Manor, Centurion. Mon 12 Nov 2007.
Mnr Sonnie Sonnekus (89) was in sy huis vermoor kort na 08:00 in ‘n aanval
waarteen hy terug geveg het. Sy kneukels was stukkends. Hy hande en voete
geboei, en sy neus gebreek. Sonnie het versmoor aan bloed in sy keel. Lyttelton
Manor, Centurion

SOUTHEY David, farmer aged 79, went to close the farm gate as he did every
evening, he was attacked. Three men were hiding in the long grass. They stabbed
him in the back and his hand before throwing him onto the back of his pick-up van
and drove to his homestead. Here he was stabbed repeatedly. They also threatened
to pour boiling water over him while they robbed and dragged him bleeding around
his home. David was gagged, bound with barbed wire and left to suffer in minus-
degree temperatures. Winterfold farm, Cedarville.
Die plaasboer mnr. David Southey (79) was deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans in
lang gras by die hek op sy plaas Winterford ingewag. Toe hy, soos oudergewoonte,
die hek vir die nag gaan sluit, het hulle hom in die rug en hand gesteek en agter op
sy bakkie gegooi. Daarna het hulle met hom na sy plaashuis gery. Hier was hy
herhaaldelik gesteek, en deur sy huis rongetrek was terwyl hulle gedreig het om
hom met kokende water te brand. Hy was ook beroof, gemuilband, met
jakkelsdraad vasgebind en in yskoue weer gelos om te krepeer. Cedarville.

STAATS Sandy, female aged 68, AND her tenant were tortured by a gang of at least
3 men during a 3 hour ordeal. Their hands and ankles were tied, bags placed over
their heads and ropes around their necks before they were dragged into the
bathroom before the house was ransacked. Sandy was threatened with rape, and
one of the attackers said he had aids. They also threatened to kill her. The tenant
was made to watch them pour the boiling water which they fetched from the
kitchen, over Sandy repeatedly, during which she suffered 2nd and 3rd degree
burns over 60% of her body. Both Sandy and her tenant were also repeatedly
strangled. The attack, which started around 20:10, ended after the neighbours
alerted the police that her dogs were barking incessantly. Sandy died a week later
in hospital after she fell into a coma. Craighall Park, Johannesburg. 13 May 2007.
Mej. Sandy Staats (68) en haar huurder was deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans in
haar huis aangeval omstreeks 20:10. Hulle hande en enkels was geboei, sake oor
hulle koppe getrek, en toue om hulle nekke gebind voordat hulle die badkamer
ingetrek was. Eers was die huis geplunder, toe dreig hulle Sandy met die dood, en
ook met verkragting, waartydens een van die aanvallers gese het dat hy aan vigs ly.
Die huurder moes toekyk hoe hulle herhaaldelik kookwater vanaf die kombuis
deurdra en oor Sandy uitgiet. Sy het 2de en 3de vlak brandmerke oor 60% van haar
lyf opgedoen. Beide die huurder en Sandy was ook herhaaldelik gewurg. Die 3 ure
marteling was stop gesit nadat bure die polisie verwittig het dat haar honde
aanhoudend blaf. Sy is ‘n week later in die hospitaal oorlede nadat sy in ‘n koma
geval het. Craighallpark.

STANDER Odette and her daughter Ilandre aged 13, were window shopping at night
while they were waiting for their food order to be prepared by Kentucky when they
were attacked by two men. One man distracted Odette while the other grabbed
Llandre and gagged her with her scarf, trying to steal her celphone. When Odette
realised what was going on, she pushed the attacker off her daughter. He flared up
in fury and tried to knock her out. They wrestled each other all the way down the
block until Odette realised that Ilandra had broken loose, and told her to go seek
help, after which their attackers fled. Odette required 7 stitches above her one eye.
Zoutpansberg, Pretoria. Wed. 9 July 2007.
Mev Odette Stander en haar dogter Ilandre (13) het in die nag na die winkelvensters
gekyk terwyl hulle gewag het vir Kentucky om die kosbestelling wat hulle ingedien
het, voor te berei, toe hulle deur twee mans aangeval was. Terwyl een man Odette
se aandag afgetrek het, het die ander een Ilandre se serp in haar mond gedruk en
haar selfoon probeer gryp. Odette het die man van haar dogter weggestamp, wat ‘n
vreeslike woede in hom ontketting het. Hy het Odette herhaaldelik probeer uitslaan
en hulle gestoeiery het ‘n blok van Kentucky af gelei. Toe Odette besef dat Ilandre
los was, het sy haar gese om hulp te ontbied, waarna die aanvallers gevlug het.
Odette het 7 steke bo haar een oog moes kry. Zoutpansberg, Pretoria.

STANDER Sias, male aged 69, was attacked inside the storeroom on his farm
during Dec. 2007. He was going to witness against his attackers in court, but was
shot to death a few days before the courtcase on 7 Nov 2008. Coligny. Dec 2007.
Sias Stander (69) was by die stoorkamer op sy plaas oorval gedurende Des 2007.
Enkele dae voordat hy teen sy aanvallers in die hof sou getuig, was hy doodgeskiet
op 7 Nov 1008. Coligny.


STEENKAMP Judith aged 85, AND her son Albertus aged 44, were overpowered
inside their bedrooms by an armed gang of at least 4 men at around 01:30. They
first entered the room of Albertus and shot him twice. Then they dragged Judith out
of her bed at gunpoint and hit her in the face. They forced her into Albert’s room
where she saw him lying on the floor, bleeding. One of the attackers took the cord
off her hairdryer and tried to tie up her hands. She pleaded that he not do that.
When one of the others drew his attention, she hid the cord under the pillow. They
threatened to kill her while they robbed her. They fled with her handbag and clothes
belonging to her and Albertus, after locking them in his bedroom. Albertus told his
mother to try and break the door with the sewing machine. She banged against the
door for long time, and managed to do it, climbed through the hole, stumbled down
the stairs to the front door and then walked in the pitch dark without her walking
stick more than 100m to seek help. Kameeldrif holdings, Pretoria. Thur 2 Aug 2007.
Mnr Albertus Steenkamp (44) was twee keer geskiet terwyl hy in sy bed geslaap het
ongeveer 01:30 deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans. Sy moeder,
Judity (85) was uit haar bed geruk, in die gesig geslaan en met ‘n geweer op haar
gerig, die gang af gedwing na haar seun se kamer, war hy op die vloer gele en bloei
het. Een van die aanvallers her die koord vanaf haar haardroer gevat en wou haar
hande daarmee vasmaak. Sy het gepleit dat hy dit nie doen nie, en toe sy aandag
deur ‘n ander aanvaller afgetrek was, het sy die koord onder ‘n kussing
weggesteek. Hulle het haar met die dood gedreig terwyl hulle haar beroof het. Die
aanvallers het met haar handsak en klere wat aan Judith en Albertus behoort het,
gevlug nadat hulle die slaapkamer deur gesluit het. Lbertus het vir Judith gese om
die deur met ‘n naaimasjien te probeer breek. Na vele stampe het sy ‘n gat groot
genoeg kon maak om deur te klim trappe af, en meer dan 100m in die git donker,
sonder haar kierrie, geloop om hulp te ontbied. Kameeldrift hoewe, Pretoria.

STEYNBERG Trudie aged 47, walked into the flat at the front of her house at around
17:00 and was attacked by a knife wielding intruder disguised with a balaclava and
wearing gloves. He hit her and tried to strangle her with an electrical cord. She
fought him off and kicked him between the legs. As he stumbled, she tried to run
away. He grabbed at her and she kicked him in the throat. Trudie managed to run
into the house and call her husband, after which the attacker fled. Wesselsbron.
Thur Feb 24 2007
Mev Trudie Steynberg (47) het omstreeks 17:00 by die woonstel voor aan hul huis
ingestap waar sy deur ‘n indringer, gewapen met ‘n mes, aangeval was. Hy het
handskoene aangehad en ‘n klapmus. Nadat hy haar geslaan het, het hy probeer
om Trudie met ‘n elektriese koord te wurg. Sy het terug baklei en hom tussen die
bene geskop. Toe hy struikel, het sy gevlug. Hy het weer na haar gegryp en sy het
hom op die keel geskop. Trudie het die huis in gehardloop en haar man geroep,
waarna die indringer gevlug het. Wesselsbron.

STANLEY Desmond, farm manager aged 54, was murdered during the night in his
house at Ambiance Stud on Brandwacht Farm. Desmond was found under blankets
in the bedroom of his home, where he lived alone. He had a single bullet wound to
the back of his head. Two vehicles reported stolen from the premises were
discovered abandoned by police a few kilometres away from the farm. Worcester.
Tues 7 Feb 2007.
Mnr Desmond Stanley (54) plaasvoorman op Ambiance Stud, was in sy huis, waar
hy aleen gebly het, gedurende die nag vermoor. Sy lyk was onder komberse in sy
slaapkamer gevind, met ‘n enkel koeel in sy agterkop. Die twee voertuie wat van die
perseel as gesteel aangemeld was, is verlate deur die polisie gevind ‘n paar
kilometer weg van die plaas af. Brandwacht, Worcester.

STANTON Darrell, male aged 24, was walking to his car at around 02:40 when he
was attacked by two men and knifed in the arm, back and right lung before he was
robbed of his selphone and carkeys. He ran to the police station which was about
1km away and begged them for help, but was told to wait. He sought help at a
nearby guesthouse and was taken to the hospital where two emergency
operantions were performed on him during the following 24 hours. Stellenbosch.
Sat 8 Dec 2007.

STEYNBERG Trudie, female aged 47, walked into the flat in front of her house at
arounf 17:00 in which a knifeman, disguised with a balaclava and gloves, suddenly
appeared and attacked her. He beat her and spat at her before he tried to strangle
her with an electrical cord. She fought back and kicked him between the legs. He
stumbled and she tried to break free, but he grabbed at her again, so she kicked
him in the neck, and managed to run out to her house and get help, at which he
fled. Wesselsbron. Thur 24 Feb 2007.

STOCKER Jürgen, businessman aged 66, AND his wife Martina aged 49, were
attacked inside their Bryanston home during the night. Jürgen was shot in the
upper body and collapsed in the passage. He was tied up and left in a pool of his
own blood. Beaten and semi-conscious, Martina Stocker lay next to her husband's
bloody corpse for more than 30 hours, where she was discovered and rushed to
intensive care at the hospital. She had been viciously attacked and was
dehydrated. Johannesburg North. Wed 21 Nov 2007.
Mnr Jürgen Stocker, besigheids man (66), en sy vrou Martina (49) was gedurende
die nag in hul Bryanston huis aangeval. Hy was in doe bo-lyf geskiet en het in die
gang inmekaar gesak, waar hy vasgebind was en in ‘n poel van sy eie bloed
agtergelos was. Martina was erg aangerand, en het in en uit beswyming beweeg
terwyl sy naby haar man se lyk vir meer dan 30 ure gele het voordat sy ontdek was.
Sy was in die hospitaal se intensiewe waakeenheid opgeneem vir haar beserings
en waterverlies. Johannesburg.

STOLZ Sandy happened to look up from her computer to the closed circuit
television screen which was showing how her brother and his fiancé, who was
entering her property, was under attack by a gang of at least 4 ared men who had
pulled in behind him at around 22:00. She pushed the alarm but the siren did not
bother the attackers. They fled after neighbours started shooting at them.
Newlands, Pretoria. 26 Jan 2007
Toe mev Sandy Stolz van haar komper opkyk na die kringloop televisie merk sy hoe
haar broer en sy verloofde, wat omstreeks 22:00 sopas by haar erf ingery het, deur
‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans beroof word. Sandy het die alarm
knoppie gedruk, maar die gelooi van die sirene het nie die aanvallers afgeskrik nie.
Eers nadat die bure op die bende begin skiet het, het hulle gevlug. Newlands,

STOLTZ Elaine female aged 52, AND her children AND their friend Stefan du Toit
aged 22 returned home from the funeral of her husband, were attacked and robbed
at gunpoint by an armed gang of at least 3 men inside their home at around 23:00.
Florentia, Alberton. Thur 8 Feb 2007
Mev Elaine Stolz (52) en haar kinders het pas vanaf haar man se begrafnis tuis
gekom toe hulle deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 gewapende mans in hul huis
beroof was. Florentia, Alberton.

STOOP Candice aged 21, and a family member, woke up at around 05:00 from the
barking of the dogs. An intruder appeared in their bedroom and robbed them at
gunpoint, fired a shot which lodged in the ceiling, and fled. She found that her dog
had been killed. Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein. Sat 5 Aug 2007.
Mej Candice Stoop (21) en ‘n familielid was omstreeks 05:00 wakkergemaak deur
die geblad van hul honde. ‘n Oortreder het in hulle kamer verskyn en hulle was met
‘n wapen op hulle gerig, beroof, waarna hy ‘n skoot afgevuur het wat in die dak
vasgeslaan het net voordat hy gevlug het. Daarna het sy gevind dat haar hond
doodgemaak was. Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein.

STRYDOM Herman aged 45, AND his wife arrived home late at night after work. As
he was unlocking their door, he was shot to death by an armed gang. She managed
to activate the alarm and their attackers fled. Nothing looted. Vryheid smallholding.
Fri 16 Nov 2007.
Mnr Herman Strydom (45) en sy vrou het laat van die werk af by die huis aangekom.
Terwyl hy die deur oopsluit, was hy deur ‘n gewapende bende doodgeskiet. Sy kon
die alarmstelsel aktiveer, waarna die aanvallers gevlug het. Vryheid kleinhoewe.

STRYDOM Jan-Andries, doctor aged 82, was murdered on his birthday. His wife,
Mariana, arrived home around 11:30 from their medical practice shortly after Jan-
Andries, and was attacked inside the bedroom by a man wielding a long knife. She
was physically assaulted, stabbed in the hand, tied up and robbed as she watched
her husband drown in his own blood as he lay on the floor. His hands were tied to
his right foot with a rope during which he was physically assaulted. He was also
kicked repeatedly in the face, head and body. Wesselsbron. Sat 17 Feb 2007.
Dr Jan-Andries Strydom (82) was omstreeks 11:30 op sy verjaarsdag in sy
slaapkamer vermoor. Sy vrou Mariana het hulpeloos toegekyk terwyl sy vasgebind,
aangerand, in die hand gesteek en beroof was deur ‘n man met ‘n lang mes hoe
haar man herhaaldelik in die kop, gesig en oor sy hele lyf geskop was terwyl hy op
die grond gele het. Sy hande was aan sy voete met ‘n tou vasgemaak terwyl hy
aangerand was. Mariana het gehoor hoe hy gorrel geluide maak terwyl hy in sy
bloed dood verstik. Wesselsbron.

SWART Amanda, female hairdresser aged 50, woke up at around 00:30 when 3 men
appeared in her bedroom. One hit her over the head with a rock the size of half a
brick. While blood was flowing over her face, another man run his finger over her
cheeck, looked her in the eyes, and threatened to rape her if she did not supply
them with money and guns. After they had robbed the house, they tied up her
hands and were leaving when one of the attackers returned and stabbed her on the
forehead. She needed 5 stitches to close this wound. Smallholding, Pretoria west.
Sun 1 Oct 2007.
SWART Jan, businessman aged 46, AND his business partner Mr. Sarel Blignaut
were sitting inside their pick-up van waiting for the bank to open at around 08:30
when a gang of 3 men, armed with an AK47 and two pistols, stormed down on them
and opened fire before robbing them. Jan was shot and died on the scene. Church
str.,Pretoria. Tues 18 Dec 2007.
Mnr Jan Swart (46) en sy besigheids vennoot mnr Sarel Blignaut het omstreeks
08:30 in hul bakkie gesit en wag vir die bank om oop te maak toe ‘n bende van 3
mans, gewapen met ‘n AK47 en twee pistole, op hulle afgestorm en losgebrand
het. Jan was geskiet en hy, sowel as Sarel, was beroof. Jan is op die toneel
oorlede aan sy wonde. Kerkstraat, Pretoria.

SWART Johnty, police-dog trainer aged 32, went to open the door of his flat at
around 22:20 for his cousin but found him standing at the door with a gun to the
head. They were under attack by a gang of 4 men with 9mm pistols. Fearing for the
life of his cousin, Johnty unlocked the door, and was pistolwhipped on the jaw.
Two of the gang members entered the flat while two stood on guard outside.
Johnty AND his wife AND four other family members were forced to lay down on
the floor in the lounge. Their hands were tied behind their backs, and curtains
which had been ripped off from the windows, were thrown over their heads. The
hostages were kicked and hit repeatedly while they were being sworn at. Johnty
was pistol whipped three times on the head, and his wife was pistol whipped once
on the head. Somehow the attackers were aware that Johnty worked for the police
and mocked white policemen as useless. Their home was looted of cash, jewelry
and other valuable assets. Pretoria. Sat 13 Feb 2007.

TALJAARD Albert aged 63, was visiting his son, Derick, his wife AND two children,
Zander aged 3 years AND baby Anlia aged 4 months, at their home inside the
Buffalo Creek security complex. Derick was checking that all the doors of their
house was lock at around 20:30 when he noticed a man peeping into their window,
accompanied by another 3 men. Derick called for help on his celphone and noticed
a man pointing a gun at his head, and the rest of the gang running around the
house. He dived under the table for cover, shouting to his family that they were
under attacked. His father came down the stairs and the two of them made their
way to the front door where their attackers had entered. Albert pushed Derick into
the study and started hitting their attackers. As Derick ran upstairs to protect his
children, he saw them shoot his father. The suspects fled with two laptops and
other personal belongings when the family Derick had called for help, arrived at
their home. Albert died on the way to the hospital. Pretoria. Tues 3 July 2007.
Mnr Derick Taljaard was ongeveer 20:30 besig om te verseker dat sy huis, wat in
die Buffalo Creek sekuriteits gebied staan, se deure gesluit was toe hy iemand
merk wat deur ‘n venster loer. Nog 3 mans het by die vedagte verskyn. Derick het
op sy selfoon hulp ontbied en gewaar dat ‘n geweer na sy kop gerig is terwyl die
res van die bende om die huis hardloop. Hy het onder die tafel ingespring terwyl hy
vir sy familie skree dat hulle aangeval word. Sy pa, Albert (63), wat op besoek was,
het die trappe afgekom en saam met hom na die voordeur gegaan waar die bende
besig was om in te kom. Albert het vir sy seun by die eetkamer ingestamp en met
die aanvallers begin stoei. Terwyl Derick die trappe opgehardloop het om sy vrou
en twee kinders Zander (3) en baba Anlia (4 maande) te beskerm, het hy gesien hoe
sy pa geskiet word. Die aanvallers het met twee skoot rekenaars en ‘n paar
persoonlike besittings gevlug toe die familie wat Derick om hulp gebel het,
opgedaag het. Albert is oppad na die hospitaal oorlede. Pretoria.

TALJAARD Elsabe aged 27, AND her husband Thys, 43, AND their two sons, one-
year-old Roelof AND eight-week-old Ruan were attacked inside their garage at
around 19:15. The family had just pulled in and Thys was opening the car door for
his wife when he noticed a gang of at least 4 men standing there. He tried to wrestle
them until one pressed a gun against his head. Another pressed a firearm against
Elsabe’s head and tried to steal her jewellery. Thys handed over the car keys to
them and one of the robbers jumped into the car, reversed out of the garage at high
speed, tearing off the door on Elsabe's side, and sped off about 300m down the
road, turned around and drove past their house again. Meanwhile, Elsabe had
managed to get the baby out of the baby-seat and when they were about 400m from
their house, she jumped out clutching them both. A neighbour who had run out to
help the family was shot and admitted to the intensive care unit at the hospital.
Elardus Park. Pretoria. 1 July 2007.
Die Taljaard gesin was omstreeks 19:15 in hul motorhuis aangeval deur ‘n bende
van ten minste 4 gewapende mans. Thys (43) het die kar se deur vir sy vrou Elsabe
(27) sopas oopgemaak toe hy hulle daar gewaar. Eers het hy probeer met hulle
stoei, maar toe druk een sy geweer teen Thys se kop. ‘n Ander aanvaller het sy
geweer teen Elsabe se kop gedruk en haar juwele probeer afpluk. Thys het die
voertuig sleutels aan hulle oorhandig waarop een onmiddelik in die kar gespring en
so vinnig in tru rat weg getrek het dat hy Elsabe se oop deur afgeskeur het. Hy het
sowat 300m gejaag, omgedraai, en weer verby die huis gejaag. Intussen het Elsabe
hul 8 weke oue baba Ruan vanuit sy babastoel op die agter sitplek gelig, en tesame
met hul een jarige seun Roelof wat op haar skoot was, uit die bewegende kar
gespring. Hul buurman watt e hulp gehardloop het, was geskiet en moes in die
hospitaal se intensiewe sorg eenheid opgeneem word. Elardus Park. Pretoria

TAUTE Willie aged 70, AND his wife Hannatjie aged 61, arrived at their home inside
a security complex at around 14:00 and were offloading groceries from their car
when they were attacked by an armed gang of at least 3 men. They were forced into
the garage and demanded the car keys. One of the attackers pulled out a gun and
aimed it at them. Another attacker grabbed her finger and tried to bite the wedding
ring off it, but she said he could have it, and he took it. The couple were then
ordered to kneel and their attackers ran out and jumped into a waiting get-away car.
Willie chased after them with his gun, but suffered a massive heart attack and died
on the scene. Murray Field, Pretoria East. 11 Oct 2007.


THOMAS Darren, male aged 26, was attacked by a gang of at least 3 men inside his
father’s mansion at around 03:00 after he had investigated strange noises in the
home. Darren was stabbed in the face with a screwdriver and then shot in the left
shoulder. Nothing appears to have been stolen. Northcliff, Johannesburg. 23 Oct

THOMSON Mike was ambushed while cleaning his pool in Craighall Park by three
men who jumped over his neighbour's fence. Mike, who was a martial arts expert,
initially managed to fight his attackers off before they shot him in the chest. He was
then stabbed 14 times and shot a second time in the back of his head before being
dumped in the pool. The gang then entered his house, where they found his wife
and their three small children and tied them up. For three hours the men ransacked
the house, loading their loot into Mike's car. One of the attackers stayed behind to
make sure there was no tracking device on the vehicle. Later, his wife managed to
untie herself and her children, and ran to a neighbour's house for help. Mike died
on the scene. The car was later found abandoned in Alexandra. Bryanston. Thur 5
Oct 2007.

THORN Roy, church minister aged 53, AND his family were attacked by a gang of 4
armed men inside their home during breakfast. Roy was shot 4 or 5 times. The
bullet which lodged in his hip can not be removed. Moorreesburg, Cape Town. Sun
19 June 2007
Dominee Roy Thorn (53) en sy gesin was gedurende ontbyt in hul huis deur ‘n
gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans oorval, waartydens Roy 4 of 5 keer
geskiet was. Die koeel in sy heup kan nie verwyder word nie. Moorreesburg,

TRESSIDER Athol, businessman aged 49, AND his wife Jenny, AND their daughter
Aimee aged 13, AND their son Kairan aged 10, were attacked at around 02:15 inside
their home by a gang of at least 3 men, all armed with knives. Athol woke up after
he thought he had been punched only to find he had been stabbed twice in the
chest. His wife and children were taken to Aimee’s bedroom where they were tied
up with his neck ties and belts. Athol thought that he was going to be killed at this
stage, but he was dragged to their bedroom where he and Jenny were forced to lie
on the bed, and the children under a blanket on the ground. While the attackers
were rummaging through the house, they set off the alarm sensors. When the alarm
company phoned to enquire if all was in order, Jenny was forced to answer them
that all was fine. The attacker that cut her hands free so that she could answer the
phone, stabbed her hand by accident, and it required 10 stitches to knit. The family
were then locked up in Aimee’s room and their attackers loaded their loot into the
family car and sped off. Northworld, Johannesburg West. 10 Oct 2007.

TROLLOPE John AND his wife were attacked and robbed on their farm in
Thabazimbi. 7 Dec 2007.
John Trollope en sy vrou was op hul plaas aangeval en beroof, Thabazimbi

UNNAMED ADDO COUPLE were attacked inside their farmhouse at around 14:00 by
a gang of at least 5 armed men who tied the couple up, beat, kicked and robbed
them. The 75-year-old man suffered a broken arm and several broken ribs while his
73-year-old wife suffered bruises. They only managed to untie themselves at
around 19:30. Port Elizabeth. Sat, 4 January 2007
‘n Egpaar van Addo was omstreeks 14:00 in hul plaashuis deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 5 gewapende mans oorval waartydens hulle vasgebind, geslaan en geskop
asook beroof was. Die 75 oue man het ‘n gebreekte arm en verskeie gebreekte
ribbes opgedoen, en sy 73 jarige vrou was erg gekneus. Hulle kon eers teen
omtrent 19:30 hulself bevry. Port Elizabeth.

UNNAMED BONTEHEUWEL man aged 28 AND woman aged 30 were both found in
the main bedroom of the house with gunshot wounds to the head AND a 29 year
old man with serious head injuries was found in one of the bedrooms by the police
after they were informed that three men were seen running from the house at
night. Thur. 3 Aug 2007
UNNAMED DORANDIO PRETORIA woman aged 39 was attacked in the street about
40m from her home at around 16:30 by a knifeman. He grabbed her from behind
and demanded her celphone, after which he stabbed her, beat her up and dragged
her into the bushes of a nearby field where he raped her. Both her hands were
broken during the attack and the nerves totally severed. She also suffered stab
wounds in her chest, legs, shouder and back which punctured her lung. She was
also strangled. He offered a passerby a turn at raping her, but was ignored. She
managed to flee wearing only her bra and one shoe when the attacker went for his
gun. Her watch and celphone was stolen during the attack. She also required anti-
virol treatment against AIDS.Pretoria north. 9 July 2007.
’n 39-jarige vrou van Dorandia was omstreeks 18:30 sowat 40 treë van haar huis af
van agter in die straat deur ’n gewapende man oorrompel, wat haar aangerand en
herhaaldelik met ‘n mes gesteek het. Daarna het hy haar in die bos van ‘n naby
gelee oop stuk grond gesleep waar hy haar verder aangerand en ook verkrag het.
Hy het tot vir ‘n verbyganger aangebied om die vrou ook te verkrag, maar was
geignoreer. Gedurende die aanval was albei haar hande gebreek en hul senuwee
morsaf gesny. Sy was in die rug gesteek en só die een long stukkend gesteek.
Verder was sy herhaaldelik in die bors, bene en op die skouer gesteek en gewurg.
Toe die aanvaller vir sy geweer gaan, het sy straataf kon vlug met slegs haar bra en
een skoen aan. Sy was van haar horlosie en selfoon tydens die aanranding beroof.
Sy moes daarna antiretrovirale behandeling teen MIV/vigs ontvang. Pretoria noord.

UNNAMED ELARDUS PARK three schoolboys were tied up and bundled into
cupboards after five armed men stormed into their Alouette Street home. Pretoria.
Oct 2007

UNNAMED GERMISTON couple were in a serious condition after they

were attacked inside their vehicle close to the train station in Germiston at around
16:09. Their vehicle was stolen during the attack. The woman had been thrown
from the vehicle by her attackers and it appears that she had been kicked or beaten
in the head. She had sustained a serious head injury and had a decreased level of
consciousness. The man was admitted to hospital with a gunshot wound to his
right thigh and a fracture to his thigh bone. Tues. 17 July 2007

UNNAMED HUMANSDORP woman aged 23 was cleaning up while her husband

took some of their guests home at around 02:15. She was hit over the head twice
and robbed of her cellphone and jewellery. Her attacker then dragged her outside,
throttled and raped her. He fled on foot. Sat 13 Nov 2007.

UNNAMED KOOKRUS girl aged 6 was raped inside the garage of her parents’ home
by the 17 yr old son of a homeless black couple her mother had allowed to sleep
inside their garage 2 weeks previously. The mother was not aware of the existence
of the son at that time. Tues 31 Aug 2007.

UNNAMED MEYERTON FARMWIFE was ambushed at her farmgate by a gang of 3

armed men. They tied her hands and took her to her home. She was alone at the
time. After they had ramsacked the house, she was bundled into the boot of her
car. They drove her car to Meyerton and left her inside the boot. About 3 hours later
a passerby heard sounds coming from the boot and recued her. Sun 13 Feb 2007

UNNAMED MIDRAND Woman driver and female passenger were seriously injured
during an attack by an armed gang at the R511 and Olifantsfontein road
intersection during the night. The driver was shot in the forehead and subsequently
lost control of the car and it crashed into the stationary car that was in front of
them at the intersection. The passenger had two of her fingers partially amputated
by a bullet. Wed 21 June 2007.

UNNAMED MONUMENT PARK primary school girl was raped after she and her
mother, aged 35, were attacked and robbed by two men armed with knives and
guns inside their home from about 01:00 until 05:00. The mother was tied up and
also suffered a severed finger during the attack. Pretoria. 4 Sep 2007.

UNNAMED MUSINA husband aged 67 AND his wife aged 65, were attacked inside
their home during the early hours of the morning by two men armed with knives.
The husband was alone in the bedroom, still asleep, when their attackers fell on
him and started stabbing him. His wife heard his screams, and ran to his aid. She
begged them not to kill him, as they stabbed him over and over. One of the
attackers then charged at her with his knife and stabbed her in the arm, bumped
her over and kicked her. He dragged her to the kitchen where he raped her.
Thereafter she was forced back to the bedroom where her husband looked on
helplessly as their two attackers took turns in raping her. A celphone, jewellery,
cash and a music system was looted before their attackers fled the scene. The
couple both required urgent medical attention and had lost a lot of blood. The
husband had suffered seven life threatening stab wounds. Wed 2 Oct 2007.

UNNAMED PINETOWN GERMAN Couple, male aged 67 AND wife aged 61, were
driving toeards Pinetown when their vehicle was stopped at a T-junction on
Sandhurst Road in New Germany. An attacker went to her window and started
banging on it while two other attackers went to the driver's side and shouted at the
husband to open up. He refused to and asked what they wanted ... there was no
warning – one of the men pulled out a gun and shot the husband. The bullet hit him
in the arm. The gunman then reached through the shattered window and switched
off the car. The attackers demanded cellphones and money. She took her cellphone
and gave it to him. The gunman then stepped back, and the husband took out his
gun and shot that their attackers, who then fled the scene. 7 Nov 2007.
UNNAMED VAL DE GRACE women aged 20 and 25 were overpowered at around
04:00 inside their garden cottage, into which they had moved that same day, by 3
men. One of the men was armed with a gun. The women were taken into separate
rooms and raped. Their attackers stole a laptop computer, and a vehicle. Pretoria
east. 31 Oct 2007.
UNNAMED VICTORY PARK man, elderly, was walking along with other walkers at
around 18:00 when he was shot by two armed attackers, and died on the scene.
Thur. Delta Park, Johannesburg. 9 Nov 2007.

UNNAMED WESTVILLE NORTH man aged 60 was murdered inside his home by a
gang of at least two men. His hands and legs were tied with clothes and he had
several serious multiple stab wounds to the body. He died on the scene. Durban. 24
Nov 2007.
UNNAMED WIERDA PARK WOMEN were hijacked, repeatedly raped and robbed by
a gang. One of the three women attacked in a three week time period, testified in
court that when she arrived home around 19:00 on June 1, 2007. Two men jumped
into the back of her car and pushed something into the back of her neck and
grabbed the ignition keys. Another man got in behind the stearing wheel. They
drove off with her, and after stealing her jewellery, asked for her bank card and pin
code. Then they tied her hands and put her in the boot. The ride was very rough
and she scremed out in pain several times as she bumped her head. The vehicle
stopped in areas where she heard loud music. She was ordered out the boot, into
the front set, and told to take off her pants. She was raped repeatedly while they
waited for midnight to be able to draw more money from her bank account again.
Eventually they let her go. Pretoria.
Drie Wierdapark vrouens was in ‘n drie weke tydperk geskaak, herhaaldelik verkrag
en beroof deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans. Een vrou het in die hof getuig van
die aanval op haar nadat sy tuis gekom het ongeveer 19:00 op 1 Junie 2007. Twee
mans het op die agtersitplek ingespring, iets teen haar nek gedruk en die
aansluitings sleutels gegryp. ‘n Ander man het by die stuurkant ingespring en met
haar wiggery. Nadat hulle haar juwele gesteel het, was sy vir haar bankkart en kode
gevra. Daarna het hulle haar hande geboei en haar in die kattebak gedwing. Hulle
het op rowwe paaie gery en sy het dikwels uisgeskree van pyn wanneer sy haar
kop gestamp het. Die voertuig het in roerige gebiedens gestop waar sy luide
musiek gehoor het. Toe was sy uit die katterbak beveel, en moes voor inklim, en
haar broek uittrek. Sy was herhaaldelik verkrag terwyl hulle gewag het vir
middernag sodat hulle meer geld uit haar rekening kon trek. Ten einde was sy

UNNAMED WITBANK husband aged 34 AND wife aged 30 AND their two children,
agd 7 yrs AND two and a half years were sleeping in the same room. At around 2:30
the wife heard a strange noise and woke her husband up to investigate. As he
opened the bedroom door, he was shot in the left side by an armed gang of at least
5 men, and collapsed to the floor. His wife was ordered out of the room and taken
through the house with them as they rummaged it. A work collegue, sleeping in
another room, was woken and tied up. The wife was taken into another room and
raped. After they had stolen wallets, celphones and a laptop computer, they fled in
the husband’s pick-up van. The husband required surgery and the wife was put
onto a course of anti-virols. The van was retrieved from Ferrobank, near Witbank.
24 June 2007.
Rowers verkrag vrou, skiet haar man in Witbank Jun 25 2007

UNNAMED ZEBEDIELA COUPLE were attacked inside their home while they were
asleep at around 02:00. The 80-year-old man, who is blind, was stabbed in the
forehead. The 72-year-old woman was raped and killed. A cellphone and their
pension money was looted. Limpopo. Fri 25 Nov 2007.
Brutal attack on elderly couple 25/11/2007


UYS Samantha was attacked at the bridge of a dam by two youths, strangled and
stabbed in the neck, after which they stole her mother’s car. 14 Dec 2007.

VAN DEN BERG Christiaan, businessman, AND his son aged 22, were ambushed
by an armed gang at the gate of their driveway when they arrived home at around
22:00. When Christiaan got out to open the gate, two shots were fired and a bullet
hit him in the shoulder, after which their car was stolen by their attackers.
Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. 29 Sep 2007.

VAN DEN BERG Hennie was attacked inside his home in Hazelwood, suffered a
heart attack, and died. Menlo Park, Pretoria. Oct 2007.

VAN DEN HEEVER Hester, female aged 84, was lying on her bed in her house
during the morning when an intruder attacked her, handcuffed her right hand to the
bed, slapped her repeatedly while threatening to kill her, and robbed her.
Ficksburg. Sat 25 June 2007.
Mej Hester van den Heever (84) was gedurende die oggend in haar bed deur ‘n
indringer aangeval. Hy het haar regterhand aan die bed vasgeboei, haar
herhaaldelik geklap en met die dood gedreig terwyl hy haar beroof het. Ficksburg.

VAN DER MERWE Gerhardus, male aged 58, was ambushed in his garage during
the morning by two men armed with an iron rod. During the scuffle, he shot both
men dead. Boschmansfontein farm, Greylingstad. Fri 3 Aug 2007.
Mnr Gerhardus van der Merwe (58) was gedurende die oggend in sy motorhuis deur
twee mans, gewapen met ‘n stuk yster, ingewag. Tydens die gestoei het hy albei
doodgeskiet. Plaas op Boschmansfontein, Greylingstad

VAN DER MESCHT Wanda AND her family were attacked and robbed during the
night inside their home by a gang of at least 4 armed men who threatened to shoot
her husband to death. Algoapark. Port Elizabeth. 5 Feb 2007.
Mev van der Mescht en haar gesin was gedurende die nag in hul huis deur ‘n bende
van ten minste 4 gewapende mans oorval en beroof, waartydens hulle gedreig het
om haar man dood te skiet. Algoapark. Port Elizabeth

VAN DER RIET Bill, a top microbiologist,was found murdered in the lounge of his
home at Die Wilgers smallholdings. He had been beaten and strangled. Pretoria
east. 1 June 2007.
Uitstaande wetenskaplike mnr Bill van der Riet se ligaam was in die sitkamer van
sy huis op Die Wilgers kleinhoewes gevind nada thy aangerand en verwurg was.
Pretoria oos.

VAN DER VEGTE Willem aged 56, who had been injured in an armed attack 2 years
previously, AND his wife Marlene aged 52, had moved into their home a week
before they were attacked by an armed man at around 20:00. He smashed through
their lounge window and shot Willem twice in the stomach. As Willem ducked
behind a corner, their attacker emptied his 9mm magazine on Willem, who was shot
a further 4 times in the legs. The attacker stole a handbag and a celphone before he
fled. Monument Park, Pretoria East. Wed 16 June 2007.
Mnr Willem van der Vegte (56) wat twee jaar tevore tydens ‘n gewapende aanval
beseer was, en sy vrou Arlene (52) het ‘n week tevore in die huis ingetrek waar
hulle omstreeks 20:00 deur ‘n gewapende man aangeval was. Hy het deur die
sitkamervenster ingebars, en Willem twee keer in die maag geskiet. Terwyl Willem
agter ‘n hoek skuilding gesoek het, het die aanvaller sy 9mm magasyn op Willem
leeggeskiet, en hom ‘n verdure 4 keer in sy bene gewond. Die aanvaller het ‘n
handsak en ‘n selfoon gesteel voordat hy gevlug het. Monumentpark, Pretoria oos.

VAN DE VENTER Sheron, school secretary aged 56, was overpowered, physically
assaulted and robbed by two men disguised with balaclavas and gloves at around
15:20 in a planned attack inside her office. They had dismantled the telephone
wires and alarm system of the school and arranged a get-away vehicle before they
seriously injured Sharon with an axe and a hammer, before and after they had
robbed R4000 ($570) of the school’s money which was in her care. She suffered
four holes in her head, a broken finger, broken ribs and smashed teeth.
Bloemfontein. Fri 23 July 2007.
Skool sekretaresse Sheron van de Venter (56) was gedurende ‘n beplande aanslag
omstreeks 15:20 op kantoor erg aangerand en beroof deur twee mans, wat met
klapmusse en handskoene vermom is. Hulle het vooraf die skool se telefoon drade
en alarm stelsel ontkoppel, en ‘n vlugvoertuig gereel. Sheron was voor en na die
aanval, waarin hulle R4000 gebuit het waarvoor sy aanspreeklik was, met ‘n byl
gekap en ‘n hammer geslaan. Sy het vier gate in haar kop, ‘n gebreekte vinger en
vier gebreekte ribbes asook beskadigde tande tydens die aanval opgedoen.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Joost, former Captain of the Springbok rugby team, was
robbed by an armed gang at gunpoint after his car had run out of fuel just before
the town Viljoenskroon at night while he was waiting inside his vehicle for help.
They recognised him as captain of the Springboks and fled as his help arrived. Free
State. Fri 29 July 2007.
Joost van der Westhuizen, voormalige Springbok-kaptein, was met ’n vuurwapen
teen die kop beroof terwyl hy in sy kar, wat sonder brandstof in die nag net buite
Viljoenskroon gaan staan het. Die aanvallers het hom herken en gevlug toe sy hulp
opdaag. Vrystaat.

VAN GREUNEN Hans, retired policeman aged 72, AND his wife Cecilia aged 62,
were attacked inside their garden at around 13:00 by a gang of at least two men. As
one of the attackers tried to stab Hans, he grabbed the knife off his assailant, who
then bashed Hans on the head with a brick. The couple were then bumped into their
house and forced to the ground, rolled up in blankets and told they were going to
be stabbed to death. The attackers then robbed the house, put their loot into the
family car and raced off with it. Dinwiddie, Boksburg. 20 Aug 2007.
VAN HEERDEN Susann returned home after fetching her son, Cisco aged 19, from
work at around 20:15. Cisco opened the garage door and within seconds he was
overpowered by two armed men in the driveway. Three others overpowered
Susann who was still in the vehicle and held a gun to her head. The men took them
through the garage into the house where her husband, Neels, was surprised by
what was going on and was hit over the head with a firearm where he was lying on
the couch. The gang immediately demanded jewellery, money and safe keys while
they searched the cupboards and tied the family up. They were dragged to the
main bedroom where Cisco was thrown onto the bed and both Susann and Neels
were on the floor. While one attacker pointed a gun at their hostages, the others
attackers kept on beating and kicking them. They tried to put a cloth in Susann’s
mouth but she just kept on shaking her head. The gang were getting anxious when
they could not find the safe keys and threatened to rape Susann. Cisco asked them
to untie his feet so that he could help search for the keys. The van Heerden’s don’t
use the safe and had nothing inside it, but their attackers did not believe them.
When they could not find the keys, the men took him back to the room and three
men then focused on Susann. They pulled down her pants and tried to pin her
down. But one of the attackers became jittery and shouted, "we must go, let’s go"
and the men immediately left, taking the family car. It was later found abandoned
close by. The assault lasted half an hour. Sonheuwel, Nelspruit. Thur 1 Oct 2007.

VAN JAERSVELD Werner, male aged 24, was driving along the Olifantsfontein
Road where he recognised the car of his fiancé which had been hi-jacked ten days
earlier, by the hubcaps he had specially fitted for her. Werner immediately notified
the police, and pursued it. He was still on the line to the police, but in less than 4
minutes, he was shot twice by the hi-jackers and died on the scene.
Johannesburg East. 12 Sep 2007.

VAN NIEKERK Anisha, student aged 22, disappeared after she had been dropped
off 2 blocks from her friend’s home in Glen Marais, Kempton Park between 17:15
and 19:00 on Sunday. Her corpse was found wearing only a jersey in a field
between Bronkhorstspruit and Bapsfontein the following Monday, 8 days later. It
appeared that she was not murdered at the scene, and that she had been hit over
the head with a rock. East Rand. 25 Nov 2007.
VAN RENSBURG Christo, AND his wife AND their 14 yr old daughter, were
preparing for bed on their Willow Glen smallholding when the doorbell rang. A
group of men, posing as police officers, of which 3 were dressed in police
uniforms, persuaded Christo to allow them in. As they entered, they overpowered
Christo, hitting him on the side of the face with a rifle butt before forcing him into
his office. The gang was armed with an assortment of weapons including rifles.
Running into the kitchen, two of the men grabbed his wife before attacking the
daughter. Dragging them into the office as well, the gunmen threatened to kill them
if they did not reveal the whereabouts of the safe. The gunmen then pushed and
pulled the terrified family into the main bedroom where they pulled a plastic
Checkers bag over the wife’s head, wrapped her in a duvet and started throttling
her. Christo pleaded with their attackers to leave his wife and daughter alone. They
then threatening to rape his wife and daughter, and Christo screamed at them to
shoot him instead. Releasing his wife from the duvet, one of the thugs grabbed
Christo by the back of the head and shoved a gun into his mouth, threatening to
shoot him. "All I can see every time I close my eyes is the gun being shoved into
my mouth and the man's eyes. "They were dead. There was nothing in them," he
said while describing the ordeal. The gunmen grabbed their daughter before
forcing them to open the safe. The family was then pulled into the pantry, tied up
with cable ties, and locked in. Their attackers fled the scene with cameras,
celphones, cash and keys. Pretoria East. Sat 23 Jan 2007.

VAN RENSBURG Gert aged 41, were inside a supermarket during the late afternoon
when an armed gang opened fire on the shoppers. Gert was herding children from
the line of fire and dragging injured victims to safety when he was shot and died in
hospital nearly 24 hours later. Five people were seriously injured during the attack
and needed surgery. Nothing was stolen. Claremont, Pretoria. Wed 25 July 2007.


VAN ROOYEN Alwyn AND his wife were attacked inside their home at around 22:00
by a gang of armed black men. Alwyn was axed in the head before he tried to take
the axe from his attacker, and the axe fell to the ground. His wife then went and laid
with her back upon the axe to prevent the attackers from using it again, during
which she sustained many stabwounds in her back. Alwyn was shot in the groin
during the shuffle, and the bullet passed through the bone in his leg before their
attackers fled. Malelane. Sun 16 Aug 2007
Mnr Alwyn van Rooyen en sy vrou was deur ‘n gewpende bende van ten minste 4
mans in hul huis aangeval. Hulle het Alwyn met ‘n byl oor die kop gekap. Hy het
met hulle gestoei om die byl van hulle af te neem en dit het op die vloer geval. Sy
vrou het toe met haar rug op die byl gaan le om die aanvallers te verhoed om dit
weer in die hande te kry. Haar rug was vol snymerke soos sy gestoei het om
haarself tussen die byl en die aanvallers te hou. Daarna het hulle vir Alwyn in sy
lies geskiet en die koel is dwarsdeur sy been, waarna die aanvallers gevlug het.

VAN ROOYEN Drienkie aged 50 AND her husband Henry aged 56 were attacked by
an armed gang of at least five men, who carried a police radio and of which two
were dressed in police uniforms, inside their home on the Kameeldrif
smallholdings during the early hours of the evening. Henry was overpowered
outside when he went to fetch coal for the fireplace. He was forced inside the
house to Drienkie where they were asked for money and guns. Henry pointed out
that they had already taken his wallet from him outside. He was slapped, hit with
the fist and pistol whipped against the head. His feet were cuffed and his hands
were tied up. An attacker took a sock from the washing basket and shoved it into
Drienkie’s mouth with his gun, threatening to shoot her if she screamed. Her hands
were tied up behind her back and an electrical cord was tied around her neck. They
ransacked the house and loaded their loot into Henry’s pick-up truck with which
they rode away as far as the gate before it cur out. They then fetched Henry from
the house and dragged him down the gravel road to start the van for them.
Meantime, Drienkie managed to break free, jumped into the family car, and went
speeding past the attackers on her way to get help from their neighbours. The
attackers fled the scene. Moments later the Van Rooyen’s son drove past, picked
his father up, and drove them to safety. Pretoria. 16 July 2007.

VAN ROOYEN Rernke, doctor, was attacked shortly after arriving at the hospital at
about 8am. She was approached by a well-dressed man as she was climbing out of
her car in the doctors‘ parking lot near the maternity section. The man pretended
he wanted to ask her a question, but suddenly stabbed her in the back just below
her right shoulder blade, stole her celphone and wallet, and fled the scene. This
was the 3rd attack on the Dora Nginza hospital staff at the back of the hospital
premises in less than one month. Port Elizabeth. 18 Oct 2007.


VAN SCHALKWYK Willem, businessman aged 45, AND his wife AND their daughter
aged 18, were attacked during the night inside their home during which Willem was
stabbed in the left shoulder and sustained deep cuts to both arms from the elbows
to the wrists, as well as a crushed right eye socket. He had lost a lot of blood and
three doctors performed emergency surgery on him in hospital.
Pietersburg/Polokwane. Sat 8 Oct 2007.

VAN SITTERT Dirk, male aged 47, AND his wife Adri aged 45, were watching
television inside their home at around 22:00 when an armed gang entered their
house through the back door and shot them as they tried to get up. Their attackers
looted the house before they fled, leaving the couple to writhe in pain on the floor.
Dirk had been shot twice in the upper body and died on the scene. Adri had been
shot in the upper body and required intensive care in the hospital. Her friend,
Martie Breedt, who lived in the same area, had been tortured to death inside her
home the previous week. Lyttleton Manor, Pretoria. Wed 10 Jan 2007.

VAN STADEN Renette, female aged 39, was shot in the leg by an armed gang and
robbed as she entered her home in the Dio Vista security complex at around 04:15.
Nelspruit. 27 Jan 2007.

VAN TONDER Thinus, engineer aged 46, was passenger in a pick-up van with two
colleagues to Ga-Rankuwa when they were attacked as they drove past a cash-in-
transit heist during the day. The cash van had been driven into from the front by
one attack vehicle, and into the back by another attack vehicle. A third attack
vehicle was on the scene, from which the gunmen were breaking open the cash van
doors. Thinus and his colleagues, as well as other motorists, did not realise that it
was a robbery in process, and slowed down at the scene of the accident to offer
assistance, but was shot at by the attackers. Thinus was shot in the chest and had
to receive 13 units of blood (about four litres), had undergone emergency surgery
to repair the damage that the bullet, which punctured both his lungs and missed
his heart by a millimetre. An off duty policeman and his wife were also shot during
the incident. Medusa, Pretoria. 5 June 2007.

VAN WYK Ettiene, SA cyclist champion aged 29, heard his dogs barking and went
outside to turn on the spotlights at around 20:00. His corpse was found the
following morning lying in a pool of his own blood on the floor of the diningroom.
The right arm was underneath the body which lay on the stomach. There was a
gaping wound to the back of the head. Nothing stolen. Nelspruit. 1 Feb 2007.

VAN WYK Hannes, handyman aged 70, was working with a crew at the home of a
customer in Wilkoppies during the day. The 10yr old son of the customer heard
strange noises at around 17:00 and came across the injured Hannes lying behind
the garage where he had been left for dead after he was beaten with a spade,
stabbed several times and robbed of his pick-up van. Hannes was still alive when
paramedics arrived. As he drew his last breaths, he told the police it was his
workers who had attacked him. It was then that the police realised the two workers
had made off in Van Wyk's van. The vehicle was later found abandoned on the
outskirts of Klerksdorp, on the road to Stilfontein. Although four men in the
vicinity were picked up by the police for questioning, they had since been released
as they could not be linked to the incident. Klerksdorp. Mon 28 Aug 2007.

VAN WYK Morné, former police spokesperson, AND his wife Dalene, AND their two
children, son Jacques aged 11, and daughter Suné aged 7, were attacked inside
their home at around 18:30 by an armed gang. Morné stepped outside to see why
their dogs were barking and walked straight into a gun. He and the two women in
his life were then tied up with neckties and told to lie in the entrance hall, where
they were kicked, sworn and cursed at. Morné swallowed his pride and begged for
the safety of his family while they threatened to rape his wife. Jacques, who was
asleep, was woken up by the attackers who demanded he should show them where
the safe was. They ransacked the house within 12 minutes and got away in
Dalene's Toyota Corolla. Garsfontein, Pretoria. Sunday 14 Oct 2007.
Mnr Morné van Wyk se ondervinding as voormalige polisie spreekspersoon het
goed te pas gekom gedurende die aanval op sy gesin omstreeks 18:30. Morné het
uit die huis geloop om te sien waaroor hulle honde blaf en in ‘n geweer vasgekyk.
Hy en sy vrou Dalene, en hul dogtertjie Suné (7) was met dasse vasgemaak en
gedwing om op die ingangsportaal se vloer te le. Hy het vir sy gesin se lewens
gesoebat teryl hulle geskop en erg beledig was. Sy seun jarques (11) wat in sy
kamer geslaap het, was deur die aanvallers wakker gemaak en beveel om die kluis
aan hulle uit te wys. Hulle het die huis binne 12 minute gesloop en met Dalene se
Toyota Corolla weg gery. Garsfontein, Pretoria

VAN WYK Petrus, male aged 51, was attacked on his farm in the Marble Hall area. 1
July 2007.
Mnr Petrus van Wyk (51) was aangeval op sy plaas in die Marble Hall area

VAN ZYL Dawie, male aged 59, AND his wife Maranda aged 48, were attacked at
their home by their gardener. He had been in their employ for about 5 months, and
had borrowed R2000 ($180) from Dawie to attend to a funeral, with the arrangement
that R10 ($1.20) per month was to be deducted from his salary to repay the debt.
Maranda returned home from work at around 19:00. The garage door was open, as
was the custom when Dawie arrived home from work before her. Maranda found
the gardener in the workshop outside their home. She enquired where Dawie was
and he replied “Daar anderkant”. (There on the other side). She took her celphone
to call Dawie but before the phone rang, the gardener came at her swinging an iron
pole from above his head. She ran screaming for help while he was beating her her
on the head. Maranda landed on her back in the adjacent study. At one stage she
turned onto her stomach during the attack. When she could scream no more, her
attacker presumed she was dead, fetched a cloth from the garage and threw it over
her face. He rummaged through her handbag, took her celphone and fled the
scene. After the place was quiet, she phoned for help. The police discovered
Dawie’s corpse in a dark corner of the garage in front of his car under a tarpaulin.
He had been beaten to death and his hands were tied up. Doornkruin, Klerksdorp.
29 Oct 2007.

VAN ZYL Jacques, network engineer aged 37, AND his wife Teresa aged 35, were
inside their garage shortly after 20:00 when a gunman stormed towards them,
screaming and shooting while his accomplice guarded the door with a screwdriver.
The couple ran into their home to protect their children and call for help. Both
required surgery to remove bullets from their bodies. Teresa was shot in the calf of
her right leg. Jarques had a bullet pass through the inside flesh of his right arm and
lodge in his side. Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp. Mon 8 Feb 2007.

VAN ZYL Tertius aged 40, AND his family were enjoying a barbeque at their home in
Moreleta Park early evening when two armed men confronted Tertius as he walked
round the house to call their domestic servant to join them for supper. He threw a
garden chair at one of the men which unbalanced him, which allowed Tertius time
to run into the house. He wrestled the attackers at the door for the key, but
managed to lock it. He ran out the other door and brought his family into the house
for safety before calling for help, after which their attackers fled the scene. Pretoria.
6 Nov 2007
VAN ZYL Willem, farmer aged 33, was driving home along the Wintersbush gravel
road but was ambushed by a gang of at least 3 armed men at a cattle crossing
which had been blocked with cement blocks and metal poles. Willem was shot 4
times, severely assaulted and left for dead. Bullets struck him in the upper and
lower body and in the right wrist. He was also robbed of his celphone and firearm.
Kimberley. 1 Mar 2007.

VAN ZYL Willem, male aged 74 was found by his sons where he lay murdered in the
passage of his home during the afternoon. It appeared that he had been strangled
to death. Some electrical equipment and his car was looted, but was found a week
later at the Mozambique border. Queenswood, Pretoria. Thu 6 Feb 2007.
VENTER Andre, male ageed 38, AND his family were attacked during the night by
an armed gang of at least 3 men inside their home at around 04:15. Andre managed
to return fire and their attackers fled the scene. Krugersdorp. 3 Aug 2007.

VENTER Elaine, female aged 66, walked out of her home at around 10:00 with
sandwiches and cooldrink for the gardener with whom she was working outside.
That was the last time her husband saw her alive after 45 years of marriage. He
went into town and upon his return at around 13:00 could find neither his wife nor
the gardener. Her corpse had been hidden beneath garden refuse at the back of the
property with a nylon rope around her neck and a cloth thrown over her face.
Mossel Bay. Mon 6 Feb 2007.

VENTER Hendrie, male aged 27, stopped at the red traffic light at the Rigel Avenue
off-ramp from the N1 towards Centurion during the morning. He heard what
sounded like someone slapping a hand against the car. A man walked up to the
front passenger side, and another appeared next to his window, pulled out a
revolver and with an expressionless face started pulling the trigger and fired at
least four shots into the car. Hendrie drove off and pulled in at a garage for help. He
had been shot in the shoulder an required emergency surgery. Pretoria. Thur 16
Feb 2007.

VENTER Noël was attacked on the corner of Aliwal and Charles street by two men
who tried to steal his celphone and stabbed him in the chest. Bloemfontein. 8 Feb


VENTER Piet, farmer aged 68, was ambushed at his farmgate after taking workers
home in the late afternoon. His corpse was found in tall grass near the gate with a
piece of rope around the neck the following morning. His pick-up van was found
abandoned on the road between Parys and Fochville shortly after. Somerplaas,
Vredefort. Thur 19 Jan 2007.
Mnr Piet venter (68) se lyk was in die lang gras naby sy plaashek deur sy werkers
vroeg in die more ontdek met ‘n tou om die nek. Hy was laas lewend gesien toe hy
hulle na werk die vorige dag in Parys gaan aflaai het. Sy bakkie was kort daarna
verlate op die pad tussen parys en Fochville gevind. Somerplaas, Vredefort.

VENTER Susan, aged 49, AND her family were inside their home when they were
attacked and robbed by a gang of at least 4 men armed with 9mm pistols. They
stormed into the house after Susan had opened the door at around 21:00 to let her
dog out. Hartebeesfontein at De Deur, Vaal Rand, south of Johannesburg. Wed 26
Dec 2007.
Mev. Susan Venter en haar gesien was in hulle huis deur ‘n bende van ten minste 4
mans gewapen met 9mm pistole oorval en beroof nadat Susan die deur oopgemaak
het om haar hond uit te laat ongeveer 21:00. Haartebeesfontein.

VERMAAK Ignatius was shot and robbed during an attack inside a mini market
during the day by an armed gang of at least 3 men. He died shortly after from his
injuries. Charlo, Port Elizabeth. 7 Sep 2007.


VERMEULEN Rene, interior decorator, disappeared after she had drawn money
from an ATM. Her body, with 13 stab wounds to the back of the head, was found 3
days later under a black bag inside a church which she, together with her mother,
had recently bought with the intention of converting it into a home for the needy.
She had been murdered by two of the homeless men she had employed as
gardeners after she had told her mother that she was going to draw money for
them. Her car was found abandoned in Queenstown the day before. Maitland,
Camps Bay. Tues 13 June 2007.

VERMOOTEN Pieter, farmer aged 58, AND his wife were attacked by an armed gang
inside their home. She was found alone and tied up at around 19:00 while they
waited for him to arrive home. Pieter was overpowered shortly after he arrived
home, was shot in the stomach and robbed. He died on the scene. Sekonyana
farm, Ficksburg. Mon 25 June 2007.
Mnr Pieter Vermooten (58) was op sy plaas ingewag nadaat ‘n gewapende bende
omstreeks 19:00 op sy huis toegeslaan en sy vrou vasgebind het. Pieter was in die
maag geskiet en beroof. Hy het op die toneel aan sy wonde beswyk. Sekonyana
plaas, Ficksburg

VICKIUS Per-Olov, Swedish born businessman aged 66, was waiting at an

intersection during rush hour traffic shortly after 07:00 in Newton Park just minutes
after dropping off his two year-old son at a daycare centre when he was
approached by two armed men. They fired three shots, one shattering the driver‘s
side window. A bullet hit Per-Olov in the face, after which he lost control of his car,
which crashed into the boundary wall of a townhouse complex. The bullet had
entered the right ear and exited though his mouth, fracturing his cheekbone. Port
Elizabeth. 13 Dec 2007.
VIGNEY Jean, security guard aged 24, was shot in the head while driving a
response vehicle to business premises from which his company had received an
alarm signal at around 02:00. by an armed gang of at least 5 men. He died the
following day in hospital. Bethlehem. Mon 26 Jan 2007.

VILJOEN Brian aged 55 AND his wife Jenny aged 52, went outside to see why their
dogs were barking at around 03:20 but could not see anything strange and went
back to bed. Suddenly a gunshot went off, followed by an armed intruder who
barged into their room, threatening to shoot them and their sausage dog while
robbing them at gunpoint. Langenhoven Park, Bloemfontein. Sat 5 Aug 2007.
Mnr. Brian Viljoen (55) en sy vrou, Jenny (52), het die honde hoor blaf, gaan kyk,
maar niks gesien nie. Terug in hul kamer, het hulle ’n klapgeluid gehoor en die
volgende oomblik was daar ’n man in hul kamer wat ’n vuurwapen op hulle gerig
het. Hy het heeltyd gedreig om hulle en hul worshondteef te skiet terwyl hy hulle
beroof het. Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein.

VILJOEN Francois, musician aged 25, heard his mother scream inside her bedroom
during the early morning and ran to her aid, but was shot by the 4 armed attackers
who had broken into their home. Nothing was found stolen. Francois died upon his
arrival at hospital.

VILJOEN Sannie, female aged 87, was murdered inside her home during the night
by a black man who broke in through a window. It appears Sannie had been
dragged from her bed to the kitchen, where she was stabbed 6 times with one of
her own kitchen knives, and her throat slit. Sannie was found dead in a pool of her
own blood. Farm Curlews, White River. 27 July 2007
Mev Sannie Viljoen (87) ws gedurende die nag in haar huis deur ‘n swart man
vermoor wat ‘n venster gebreek het om ingang te verkry. Skynbaar was Sannie
vanaf haar bed na die kombuis gesleep, waar sy 6 keer gesteek was met een van
haar eie kombuismesse, voordat haar keel afgesny was. Haar lyk was in ‘n poel
bloed gevind. Plaas Curlews, Witrivier.
VONK Marjan, a slightly-built violist aged 49, was travelling along the M1
highway in the left lane towards Johannesburg at around 08:55 and spoke on the
celphone, which is illegal, but common practice in South Africa. A metropolice
vehicle passed her on the left by driving in the emergency lane, and stopped in
front of her. A policeman walked over to Marjan and pulled her out of her car with
such force that he broke the bones in her hand, and threatened to throw her into
jail before handing her a fine. Her hand required surgery during which steel pins
were inserted. Marjan used to play 8 hours on the violin every day and it was her
only means of income. She will never be able to play the violin with precision
again. Johannesburg. 21Aug 2007

VORSTER Willem, male aged 27, AND his wife Theresa AND their two children, son
Janus aged 8 AND baby of 18 months old arrived home at around 02:00. Theresa
had been driving, and decided to open the door to the house before waking her
family up, who had fallen asleep during the drive home. She noticed muddy
footprints inside the house and her husband’s toolbox standing on the floor,
realized that there was a problem and ran back outside, but the intruders chased
after her. As she was starting the car, a gun was shoved through her open window
into her face, and another gunman took aim at Willem through the passenger side
window. Willem grabbed the baby, who was sleeping on his lap, and jumped out
the car, turning his side to the gunman to protect his child. He was shot in the
stomach, below the right side of his chest. Theresa and the children were forced
into the house and made to sit still on the bed. Willem was dragged into the room
and made to lie at the bottom of the bed. No one was allowed to look at him or help
him while their attackers rummaged through the home for almost an hour, before
they loaded their loot into the family vehicle, locked them up into the house, and
left. Theresa took the baby and climbed through the window to walk in the pitch
dark to the next farmhouse for help. Willem suffered great blood loss, a piece of his
liver had to be removed, and his intestine was damaged. Marikana smallholding,
Northwest. 11 Oct 2007.

VOS Andre SEE FRANS Barnie

VOSLOO Mel, director of the Tshwane metropolice, climbed into his car which was
parked at the municipality at around 13:00 and was attacked by 3 men. Two men
grabbed his arms and a third man knifed him in the stomach. Pretoria. 18 June
VOSTER Jan aged 79, AND his wife Hannetjie aged 75, were attacked and
physically assaulted inside their home by a gang of at least 2 men at around 01:30.
The attack was interrupted when help arrived. Hannetjie suffered injuries on her
arms. Jan was chopped in the face, neck and head with pangas and required
emergency surgery to stitch the severed arteries. Nelspruit. 22 Nov 2007.
Saturday, 24 November 2007 79-year-old Afrikaner farmer Jan Voster, 'chopped to
shreds by panga'

VUCEVIC Milo, shop owner aged 66, was attacked inside his shop by two armed
men at around 17:00. Milo was shot twice and robbed. He died on the scene.
Greymont, Westdene. Johannesburg. 1 June 2007.
Winkeleienaar (66) doodluiters vermoor Jun 02 2007

WAIT Gerald, male aged 51, was talking to his neighbour, Boetie Barnard, next to
his house at around 08:10 when they were approached by a gang of 4 men, asking
for work. Gerald replied that he had no work for them, and asked why they had not
knocked at the front door. One of the men pulled out his revolver and shot Gerald
twice in the stomach. Boetie picked up a carjack which lay on the ground close to
him to defend himself with, but was stabbed in the shoulder with a knife. When
Gerald’s girlfriend heard the gunshots, she grabbed their 5 yr old son, who had
been sitting on a step outside and had watched the whole scene, and dragged him
into the house, then ran to their neighbours to ask for help. They rushed Gerald to
the hospital, but he was declared dead on arrival. St Albans smallholdings, Port
Elizabeth. 27 Aug 2007.
WALL Gwen, female aged 73, was attacked, murdered and robbed inside her home.
Her corpse was found on the bathroom floor with an open wound to the head.
Simon’s Town. Wed 11 July 2007.
WEIDE Suzanne, woman aged 61, had sat at her laptop computer in the lounge for
about 10 minutes at around 05:30 when she heard a voice from outside. She looked
up into a man with a large pistol, jumped up and yelled for help. He shot her in the
bum and proceeded to break down the burglar proofing. Suzanne ran into the
bedroom where her husband locked the door while they waited for assistance. The
attacker, who she said had a lot of hate in his eyes, entered their home and stole
the laptop before he fled. The bullet hit her in the buttocks, passed through her
lower intestine and lodged in her right thigh. Ashlea gardens, Pretoria East. Sat 26
Feb 2007.
WENHOLD Hugo, male aged 53, AND his wife Sandra aged 44, AND their son
Heinrich, And their daughter Benita AND her fiancé Arnold Theron aged 22, were
attacked on the Buxtehude Estate by an armed gang of at least 7 men who simply
walked in through an open sliding door to the bar area of their house. Hugo started
wrestling with one of the attackers and was shot in the side. He immediately
collapsed, but crept to the diningroom in an effort to reach his gun. Sandra ran
around the bar in an effort to flee through another sliding door to get help. An
attacker pursued her, but she hit him in the face with a bottle and managed to
escape outside. Benita locked herself into a bedroom and pressed a panic button
when she heard the anguished shouts and shots. Arnold ran through the kitchen
and smashed into a closed sliding door. An attacker followed him and forced him
to the dining room, where Hugo told him to “Donder die ding” (hit the thing) while
another attacker held a firearm to Hugo’s head. A struggle broke out and Arnold
was forced down onto the floor next to Hugo. An attacker fired another shot at
Hugo but just grazed him before they forced Hugo outside in order to steal cars.
They fled with several celphones, handbags and a laptop computer when help
arrived for the Wenholds. After the attack the family found that their son Heinrich
had been overpowered and tied up in a flat on the premises. The gang fled with a
laptop computer, several cellphones and handbags. Hugo was put onto a ventilator
in the hospital intensive care unit. A bullet had penetrated his liver. Rustenburg.
Sat 12 May 2007.
Mnr Hugo Wenhold (53) en sy familie was deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste
7 mans aangeval by hul huis op die Buxtehude Estate wat sumier deur ‘n oop
skuifdeur wat na die kroeg gedeelte in hul huis lei. Hugo het met een van die
aanvallers in die kroeg begin stoei en het ineengestort nada thy in die sy geskiet
was. Daarna het hy na die eetkamer gekruip om by sy gewere uit te kom. Sy vrou,
Sandra (44) het om die kroeg gehardloop in ‘n poging om deur ‘n ander skuifdeur te
vlug en hulp te soek maar ‘n aanvller het haar nagejaag. Sy het hom met ‘n bottle in
die gesig geslaan en kon ontvlug. Benita, hul dogter, het haarself in ‘n slaapkamer
toegesluit toe sy die geskree en skote hoor en die paniekknoppie gedruk. Haar
verloofde, Arnold Theron (22) het by die kombuis in ‘n geslote glasdeur
vasgehardloop en na die eetkamer gedwing, waar Hugo gele het met ‘n geweer teen
sy kop. ‘n Struweling het uitgebreek toe Hugo vir Arnold se “Donder die ding” en
het vir Anton gedwing om langs Hugo op die vloer te le. ‘n Aanvaller het op Hugo
geskiet, maar sy kop slegs rakelings getref. Die aanvallers het toe vir Hugo na buite
gedwing om voertuie te steel maar het op vlug geslaan met handsakke, selfone en
‘n skootrekenaar toe hulp vir die Wenholds opdaag. Na die aanval verby was, het
die familie ontdek dat hul seun Heinrich oorval en vasgebind was in ‘n woonstel op
die perseel. Hugo was op ‘n respirator gesit en in die hospitaal se bewaareenheid
opgeneem. ‘n Koeel het sy lewer deurgedring. Rustenburg.

WESSELS Erna, female aged 53, put flowers on the grave of a friend during the
morning when she was attacked by two men at knifepoint. She was physically
assaulted, which included being fisted and scratched, threatened with murder, and
robbed. Memoriam graveyard, Bloemfontein. Sat 28 Feb 2007.
WHEELER Peter, building contractor aged 55,realised that he had consumed too
much alcohol to drive safely and stood outside his carin the early evening. He was
arrested for being drunk in public, and locked up in the police holding cells for the
night, along with murder trial awaiting prisoners. Peter was beaten and kicked to
death during the night. Grabouw. Sat 9 July 2007.
WILLEMSE Willie, male aged 45, was attacked and murdered by a gang of at least 5
men. His body was found with a gaping head wound in an open field. Temperence,
Gordon’s Bay. 21 Dec 2007.

WILSENACH Cari-Mari aged 29 AND her friend George Kriel aged 45, were attacked
while they were sitting on the porch at around 18:00 at their home by an armed
man. He took their celphones from them and forced them into a bedroom at
gunpoint. When he ordered them to lie down on the bed, George reached for the
man’s gunhand and pushed it to the ground. They wrestled and two shots went off.
George was pistol whipped on the head six times while Cari-Mari pushed the panic
button in the room and attacked the gunman with anything whith anything she
could lay her hands on. She ran to the kitchen where she pushed another panic
button. The wrestling had progressed to the garden. Cari-Mari grabbed a meat
knife and tried to hit their assailant with it repeatedly, but it had no effect. She then
gripped the knife firmly and pushed the blade completely into his back. He ran with
the knife still in his back into the house, and George locked the attacker in. Capital
Park, Pretoria. Wed 21 Nov 2007.
Cari-Mari Wisenach (29) en haar vriend George Kriel (45) het omstreeks 18:00 op
die stoep van hulle huis gesit toe hulle deur ‘n gewapende man aangeval was. Eers
het hy hul selfone afgeneem voordat hy hulle na die slaapkamer gedwing het. Daar
het hy hulle bevel om op die bed te le. George het die man aan sy wapenarm
gegryp en dit afwaarts getrek waarna ‘n stoeiery ontstaan het. Cari-Mari het die
paniek knoppie gedruk en toe die aanvaller met enige iets wat sy in die hande kon
kry, mee gegooi of geslaan. George was 6 keer teen sy kop met die geweer geslaan,
waartydens Cari-mari kombuistoe gehardloop het en ‘n ander paniek knoppie
gedruk. Die stoeiery het uitgelei na die tuin. Sy het ‘n vleismes gegryp en die
aanvaller herhaaldelik daarmee geslaan, maar geen indruk gemaak nie. Toe neem
sy die hef in die hand en steek hom in die rug totdat die lem nie meer sigbaar was
nie. Hy het terug in die huis gehardloop met die mes steeds in sy rug, waarop
George die aanvaller in die huis toegesluit het. Capitalpark, Pretoria

WINDSOR Pieter, male aged 75, was waiting inside his car outside the school for
his grandchildren at around 17:00. He was accosted by two men and shot. They
pulled him out the car, jumped in and shot Pieter again before they sped away. His
car was found an hour later in front of a shebeen in Sunnyside. Pieter had been
shot in the lower back and in the buttox. Monument Park, Pretoria. 18 June 2007.

WOODALL Allan aged 58, AND his wife Rita aged 51, were attacked at their home
during the morning. Rita had opened the garage door to let their gardener out,
when she saw two strangers in their driveway. One of them stormed forward and
managed to climb in under the garage door while she was closing it. With a gun
against her head, he marched her into the house. Allan had heard her shouting and
sat waiting for them with his gun in his hands, but because Rita was being used as
a shield, could not pull the trigger. The attacker aimed for Allan’s chest and shot 3
times. He was hit in the side and arm. The attacker then pushed the gun into one of
Rita’s eyes and pulled the trigger, but the gun did not go off. He threw her to the
ground, screamed and cursed, and ran away out through the garage door.
Vanderbijlpark. Mon 17 Dec 2007.

WOYCLEN Benjamin, male aged 81, had gone outside to throw something in the
dustbin and when he did not return his wife went out to investigate and found him
lying dead next to the fence. He had been attacked by a gang of at least 3 men and
was stabbed 14 times. He died on the scene. King William's Town, Eastern Cape.
Wed 21 Jan 2007.

WRIGHT Roger aged 79, AND his wife Myra, who celebrated 55 years of marriage
this year, were having a romantic candle-lit dinner when an intruder armed with a
knife broke into their home on Wilden Place. He attacked Roger from behind and a
huge scuffle ensued, during which Roger was stabbed several times in the chest
and at the back of his neck and bled profusely. Myra began screaming from the
kitchen where the intruder picked her up and threw her across the room so hard
that she hit her head on the fridge. He then tried to throttle her, but Roger, although
he was seriously injured, came back into the kitchen and pulled the intruder off her,
after which the intruder fled. La Lucia. Monday 11 Nov 2007.
Mnr Roger Wright (79) en sy vrou Myra, met wie hy pas sy 55 ste huweliks
herdenking gevier het, was besig om ‘n romantiese kerslig aandete te geniet in
hulle Wilden Place huis, toe ‘n aanvaller hom van agter oorval het. Gedurende ‘n
steoiery, was Roger herhaaldelik met ‘n mes in sy bors, en agter in die nek gesteek.
Myr het vanuit die kombuis begin te skree, en die aanvaller het haar opgetel en met
groot krag gegooi waar sy haar kop teen die yskas gestamp het. Roger, hoewel hy
erg gewond was, het terug na die kombuis gegaan en die aanvaller van sy vrou
afgetrek, waarna die aanvaller gevlug het. La Lucia.

ZAAIMAN Zelda was murdered in the driveway of her Brooklyn home. Pretoria. Oct

ZACHOS Angelo, a man in his 60’s, was found murdered in his flat. His son came
across his corpse lying on the kitchen floor, the hands and feet bound with neck
ties. A scarf wrapped around his head and pushed into his mouth. Angelo had also
been beaten with a blunt opject. Nothing appeared stolen. Bedford Gardens, North
Rand. 6 July 2007.

ZETLER Jeffrey, strawberry farmer aged 51, was overpowered by a gang of at least
4 armed men, tied up and robbed at around 16:10. Brakelsdal, Stellenbosch. Sat. 13
Aug 2007.
ZOHLNER Klaus, male aged 52, was walking along the Wingerd hiking trail at
around 09:15 when he was accosted by a knifeman and robbed, during which he
was also hit with the fist, and a stone on the head. Onder-Papegaaiberg,
Stellenbosch. 19 Oct 2007.


ACKERMAN Joey, female aged 88, was attacked inside her bedroom during the night
and bashed on the head with a blunt weapon. Joey also suffered serious internal
injuries during the attack and died about a week later in hospital. Penford,
Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth area, EC. Fri 4 Mar 2006
Mev Joey Ackerman (88) was gedurende die nag in haar kamer aangeval, en oor die
kop geslaan met ‘n stomp voorwerp. Joey het ook ernstige interne beserings
opgedoen tydens die aanval en het omtrent ‘n week later in die hospitaal beswyk.
Penford, Uitenage.


ALBORGHETTI Marco, AND his friends Sergio Disaro AND his wife Griziella, all
Italian tourists from Bergano, were strolling along the Schulphoek coast at around
11:00 when they were attacked, physically assaulted and robbed by two men with
knives. Marco was stabbed in the face, chest, back and ankle, close to the Achilles
tendon. Sergio’s clothes were torn during the wrestling he had with both the
attackers, and Griziella was also hit in the face. Sandbaai. Sat 12 Nov 2006.
Die Italiaanse toeriste van Bergano, mnre Marco Alborghetti, Sergio Disaro en sy
vrou Griziella, was op ‘n uitstappie langs die Schulphoek kuslyn toe hulle deur 2
mans gewapen met messe aangeval, aangerand en beroof was. Marco was in die
gesig, bors, rug en enkel gesteek, naby sy Achille’s tendon. Sergio se kleure was
geskeur tydens sy worsteling met altwee die aanvallers. Griziella was ook in die
gesig geslaan. Sandbaai.

ARMSTRONG Sarie AND her daughters Amor aged 6 AND Bernice aged 4, as well as
their grandparents Willem AND Rina de Vos, were attacked, threatened with death,
physically assaulted and robbed by an armed gang of at least 4 men on their
driveway at suppertime. Rooihuiskraal holdings, Pretoria. Fri Dec 2006.
Mev Sarie Armstrong was oppad uit vir ete met haar dogters Amor (6), Bernice (4) en
hulle grootouers Willem en Rina de Vos toe hulle in hulle oprit deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 4 gewapende mans oorval was. Hulle was ook fisies aangerand, met die dood
gedreig, en beroof. Willem was herhaaldelik geskop en geslaan terwyl Rina aan die
hare rondgepluk was. Amore het vir haar lewe gepleit met ‘n geweer teen haar kop.
Bernice, wat begin skreeu het, was so hard in die rug geskop ddat sy oor die grond
geseil het. Rooihuiskraal.

BACON Clifford, businessman aged 40, was neighbour to Mrs Joy van Aarde, and
their homes were attacked during the same night by a gang of 9 men, armed with
guns, butchers knives and meat cleaving hammers. His son Clifford, AND a friend
Michael Billson both aged 19, were forced at knife point against their throats to
undress to their socks and were tied up. Clifford walked out from his room and was
stabbed twice in the back. His girlfriend aged 25, who was 5 months pregnant,
slammd the bedroom door shut and locked it, but the attackers kicked it down, and
forced all four their victims onto the double bed and tied them up and ransacked the
home. One attacker took the girlfriend to the bathroom and raped her. He was
interrupted by another attacker who wanted to watch, and she was raped again. The
attack lasted about 3 hours before the gang left, taking their loot in two vehicles
stolen from the Bacons. Gordon’s Bay. 21 May 2006
Mnr Clifford Bacon (40) besigheidsman, se huis was aangeval dieselfde aand as sy
buurvrou, mev. Joy van Aarde, deur ‘n bende van 9 mans gewapen met gewere,
slagters messe en vleis hamers. Sy seun Clifford en ‘n vriend, Michael Billson,
altwee 19, was met messe teen hul keel forseer om tot by hul onderbroeke te ontklee
vordat hulle vasgemaak was. Toe Clifford uit sy kamer stap, was hy twee keer in die
rug met ‘n mes gesteek. Sy vriendin (25) wat op daardie tyd 5 maande swanger was,
het haar kamerdeur toegestamp en gesluit, maar die aanvallers het die deur
afgeskop. Al vier die slagoffers was na die dubbelbed gedwing en vasgebind. Terwyl
die huis geplunder was, het een aanvaller die vriendin na die badkamer geneem en
verkrag. Hy was onderbreek deur ‘n tweede aanvaller, wat hulle wou dophou. Toe
was sy weer verkrag. Die aanval het omtrent 3 ure geduur, voordat die aanvallers
met die bacons se twee voertuie gevlug het. Gordonsbaai.

BACON Calvin SEE BACON Clifford

BAILEY Kim, aged 42, AND her daughter Bronwyn aged 15, AND her two friends
were attacked by the same man shortly after each other during the afternoon. Kim
was taking a health walk when she was thrown on the ground, dragged through
bushes, assaulted, beaten, cursed and stripped during which time her attacker
threatened to stab her with a screwdriver, tried to rape her and bit a chunk out of her
cheeck. She finally managed to break free, and the attacker came across her
daughter walking with her friends along the same road Kim had been on. He grabbed
the one girl by the throat but Bronwyn stormed down on him and pushed him away
before they managed to escape. Margate. 16 July 2006. Mev. Kim Bailey (42), haar
dogter Bronwyn (15) en die se twee vriendinne was kort na mekaar deur dieselfde
man op dieselfde middag aangerand. Kim het 'n gesondheids stappie in die pad
langs die strand geloop toe sy onverwags op die grond gegooi en deur die bosse
getrek was. Haar aanvaller het haar geslaan, gevloek, haar klere van haar lyf afgetrek
en gedreig om haar met 'n skroewedraaier te steek terwyl hy probeer het om haar te
verkrag. Hy het tot 'n stuk vleis uit haar wang uit gehap. Kim het ten einde
losgebreek en kon weghardloop. Bronwyn en haar vriendinne het op die selfde
padjie gestap na haar moeder toe die aanvaller op hul afkom en die een vriendin aan
haar sumier aan die keel gryp. Bronwyn het die aanvaller weg gestamp en die
meisies het kon vlug. Margate.

BARKHUIZEN Sylvia, 72 yr old granny, and her 10 yr old granddaughter, had

returned from town during the day when an attacker leapt at Sylvia like a tiger. The
young girl screamed for help and the attacker grabbed her and forced her mouth
shut. Sylvia shouted at him to leave her granddaughter alone and he shot her in the
head and the stomach. She died on the scene. Her granddaughter who had watched
the murder in horror, was robbed, slapped, choked, and thrown on top of her dead
grandmother’s body by farm worker. Farm Kruisement, Leslie, Mpumalanga 7 July


BARNARD Eddie, lawyer aged 34, his wife Rena and their baby girl Carli aged 9
months, were overpowered in front of their home at around 20:45 by an armed gang
of at least 3 men, forced into the back of the family double cab pick-up truck, and
kidnapped. Their heads were covered with blankets as the vehicle travelled towards
Tokoza. Some time later the vehicle stopped and Eddie was thrown out and shot
twice. Carli was also grabbed and thrown out of the vehicle, and another shot was
fired. Rena thought that both her husband and child had been killed. Then they
grabbed her and threw her out as well before they sped off. Carli suffered head
wounds, cuts and grazes. Eddie had been shot 3 times, in the stomach, chest and
back. He died shortly afterwards in hospital. Vanderbijlpark. Sat 20 Nov 2006.
Die prokureur mnr Eddie Barnard (34), sy vrou Rena en hul baba dogtertjie Carli (9
maande oud) was voor hulle huis omtrent 20:45 deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten
minste 4 mans oorval, agter by hulle eie dubbel kajuit bakkie ingedwing, en was
ontvoer met komberse oor hulle gegooi. Die voertuig het ‘n geruime tyd in die rigting
van Tokoza gery voordat dit stilgehou het. Eddie was uitgegooi en twee keer geskiet.
Toe was Carli gegryp en uitgesmyt. Nog ‘n koeel het geklap. Rena het gedink dat
beide haar man, en haar kind, dood geskiet was. Daarna het hulle haar ook
uitgesmyt. Carli het kop beserings, sny wonde en kneusings opgedoen. Eddie was
drie keer geskiet, in sy bors, kop en rug. Hy het kort daarna in die hospitaal beswyk.



BEKKER Nicky, female aged 27 who worked with blind people, was kidnapped in her
own car from her gate around 20:00. Her corpse was found on the roadside about
2km from her home with scratch marks to the face and a bullet wound below her
right eye. Riverlea, Johannesburg. Tues 15 Oct 2006.
Mej Nicky Bekker (27) wat met dowes werk, was by haar hek in haar eie voertuig
ontvoer omtrent 20:00. Haar lyk was omtrent 2km verder langs die pad gevind, met
krap merke op die gesig, en ‘n skietwond onder die regteroog. Riverlea.

BENADE Andries AND his wife Maretha AND their two grandchildren aged 17, were
attacked inside their home during the night by a gang of at least 4 men armed with
R1 and R4 machine guns. Andries was shot in the elbow and calf of his leg and left
for dead. He heard an attacker say that they may leave as their job is done. They had
forced his granddaughter outside into a car when they were intrupted by security
forces and feld. The previous owner of his smallholding was shot to death on the
same premises, along with his son, 6 years previously. Cullinan smallholding. Tues
12 June 2006.
Mnr Andries Benade en sy gesin was gedurende die nag deur ten minste 4 mans
gewapen met R1 en R4 masjien gewere in hulle huis aangeval waartydens hulle hom
in die elmboog en kalf geskiet en vir dood agtergelos het. Hy het gehoor date en van
die aanvallers noem dat hulle maar kan gaan omdat hulle werk daar klaar was.
Daarna het hulle sy kleindogter na ‘n voertuig gedwing maar was onderbreek toe
wageenhede opdaag en het gevlug. Die vorige eienaar van die kleinhoewe was
tesame met sys en op dieselfde plek 6 jaar tevore doodgeskiet. Cullinan kleinhoewe.


BERGH Marcel, female aged 22, was hi-jack two weeks before her mother, Michelle
Bergh, was viciously assaulted inside her home. Later in the same year, she was
attacked by 2 armed men in the early hours of the morning outside her parents
nightclub and robbed. Menlyn, Pretoria.

BERGH Michelle, was overpowered inside her Waterkloof home and nearly beaten to
death by an armed gang and left for dead. She crawled around in the house on her
hands and knees to find a knife to cut loose her arms and legs which had been tied
up during the attack. Later during the same year, she was attacked during the day
inside her workplace in Menlyn and robbed at gunpoint. 2006.


BEZUIDENHOUT Hannu, building contractor aged 29, was stabbed with a knife in the
chest which barely missed the chambers of his heart, by one of his workers. He tried
to drive himself to the hospital but drove into a pole. Linksfield Ridge,
Johannesburg, GA. Mon 4 Oct 2006
Boukontrakteur Hannu Bezuidenhout (29) was deur een van sy werkers met ‘n mes
in die bors gesteek, wat sy hart skrams gemis het. Hannu het himself na die
hospitaal probeer dryf, maar het in ‘n paal vasgery. Linksfield Ridge, JHB.
BEZUIDENHOUT Nico, farmer aged 59, AND his wife Bellien aged 57, were attacked
on their farm by an armed gang of 5 men at around 11:00am. The men were waiting
inside a car outside the shop attached to their house for them to arrive back from
church and bought an item, returned to their car, and re-entered the shop armed and
shot Nico to death. They forced Bellien into the house. They were unable to open the
safe and shot her in the head. She has been admitted to hospital in a critical
condition. Damplaas farm, 20km from Excelsior on the Winberg border. 7 May 2006.
Mnr Nico Bezuidenhout (59) en sy vrou Bellien (57) was ingewag op hul plaas deur ‘n
bende van 5 mans vir terugkeer na kerk omstreeks 11:00. Die bende was in ‘n kar
geparkeer voor die winkel wat aan die huis gebou was. Hulle het iets in die winkel
gekoop, na hul voertuig geloop en die winkel terug ingestorm met wapens en Nico
doodgeskiet. Bellien was die huis in forseer. Nadat die bende nie die kluis kon
oopkry nie, het hulle haar in die kop geskiet. Sy was in die hospitaal in ‘n ernstige
toestand opgeneem. Damplaas, Winberg.

BIERMAN Louis, male aged 66, was on a short holiday when he was attacked by 2
men and shot in the side of his head during the day at about 11:00am outside the
shops of a busy street as he was opening his car door. Louis died in hospital a few
hours later. Amanzimtoti. Wed 11 October 2006
Mnr Louis Bierman (66) was met vakansie in Amanzimtoti toe hy deur die kop geskiet
was deur twee mans in 'n besige straat terwyl hy die deur van sy kar oopmaak,
ongeveer 11:00. Hy is later in die hospitaal oorlede aan sy wond.

BILLSON Michael BACON Clifford

BLEWITT Pat, female in her 80’s, was attacked at around 3am inside her home, tied
up and robbed. Walmerpark,Port Elizabeth, EC.2 Oct 2006
Mej. Pat Blewitt, ‘n dame in haar 80’s, was aangeval, vasgebind en beroof omtrent
03:00 in haar meenthuis. Walmerpark, Port Elizabeth.

BLOOM Richard SEE Goldin Brett



BOSHOFF Thys aged 66 SEE BOTHA Thys

BOTES Malie, female aged 44 AND her domestic worker were attacked during the
day at around 12:30 in her home. The women were overpowered at gun-point,
assaulted, beaten and pistol whipped. The domestic worker was told to switch the
iron on as they wanted to burn the women but she managed to escape and call for
help. Malie was kicked, pistol whipped and shot at. Farm Mooiplaas, Groblersdal Rd.,
district Middleburg. Tues 25 Oct 2006


BOTHA Charles aged 72, AND his wife Joey aged 71, were attacked and murdered on
their farm. Their bodies were found a few days later. Charles had been tortured,
stabbed and sliced in the head, back and legs, his heels and Achilles' tendons cut.
His corpse was found about 2km from his farmhouse in bushes. Joey's face was
bludgeoned, apparently with a brick, and left to die in her bedroom. No theft.
Kaalvallei, near Naboomspruit. LIM. Wed 9 Feb 2006.
Mnr Charles Botha (72) sy lyk was in die bosse sowat 2km vanaf sy plaashuis ontdek
waar hy dood gemartel was met steek wonde in sy kop, lyf en bene. Sy hake was
afgesny. Joey was in haar slaapkamer gelos om dood te gaan nadat haar gesig
vermorsel was, skynbaar met ‘n baksteen. Kaalvallei, Naboomspruit.

BOTHA Hannes,dairy farmer,was murdered on his farm. The murderer was on trial 15
July 2008 and pleaded poverty in his defence.Evander 16 Dec 2006.
Mnr Hannes Botha, melkboer, was op sy plaas vermoor. Die moordenaar wat on 15
Julie, 2008 in die hof verskyn het, pleit armoede as sy rede vir die aanval. Evander.

BOTHA Hennie, security guard at SBV aged 22, AND his colleagues Dirk Kleynhans
aged 28, AND Marcus Malete aged 25, AND Deon Stein aged 20, were attacked during
the day by an armed gang and burnt alive inside their security van. A farmer pulled
Deon out from the fire, but he died shortly after. Between Marken and
Baltimore,Polokwane. Fri 2 Oct 2010
Mnr Hennie Botha (22) sekuriteitswag vir SBV en sy mede werkers Dirk Kleynhans
(28, Marcus malete (25) en Deon Stein (20), was deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval
en dood verbrand in hul geldva. ‘n Boer het Mnr Stein uit die vuur getrek, maar hy is
kort daarna oorlede. Polokwane.
BOTHA MC, lawyer aged 43, was attacked at around 07:00 and stabbed in the
shoulder and left eye. He died in hospital shortly afterwards from a fractured scull.
Bloemfontein. Thur 18 Oct 2006.
Prokureur MC Botha (43) was omstreeks 07:00 aangeval en in die skouer en
linkeroog gesteek. Hy is kort daarna in die hospitaal oorlede an skedelbreek.

BOTHA Thys aged 66, AND his wife Babs aged 62 were shot while they were trying to
close their bedroom door on a gang armed with 12 bore shotguns. Thys was shot in
the chest and died on the scene. Babs was shot in the left hand and lost all her
fingers except the thumb. Farm Boesmanspruit, Carolina. June 2006.
Mnr Thys Botha (66) en sy vrou Babs (62) was geskiet terwyl hulle die
slaapkamerdeur op ‘n bende wat met 12 boor masjien gewere gewapen is, toemaak.
Thys was in die bors doodgeskiet. Babs het al haar vingers behalwe die duim van
haar linkerhand verloor nadat die hand aan flared geskiet was. Boesmanspruit,

BOUTEL Quintin, male aged 52, was stabbed to death in the street by a gang and
robbed of his shoes and a celphone. Port Elizabeth, EC. 5 Oct 2006.
Mnr Quintin Boutel (52) was in die straat doodgesteek deur ‘n bende, en van sy
skoene en foon beroof. Port Elizabeth.
[+/-] Expand post


BRAUN Clare, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her circumstances are
not clear. Pretoria, GA., Oct 2006

BREEDT Hendrik aged 74 AND Lena aged 72, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Honingkraal, Roossenekal. March
Die omstandighede van mnr Hendrik Breedt (74) en Lena (7) tydens die plaasaanval
op Honingkraal, Roossenekal, is nie helder nie.

BREEDT Willie, church minister aged 78, and his staff, were attacked and robbed at
gunpoint by an armed gang of at least 3 men at round 10:00 on his smallholding,
Haakdoring. Willie was also physically assaulted and threatened with death, but
managed to outwit his attackers. Pretoria North. 6 Dec 2006.
Mnr Willie Breedt (78) pastor, en sy werkers was deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten
minste 4 mans op sy kleinhoewe Haakdoring oorval en beroof ongeveer 10:00. Willie
was ook aangerand, en met die dood gedreig, maar kon sy aanvallers uitoorle. PTA.


BRINK Anna Magrieta, widow aged 79, was murdered inside her home at around
02:00 by attackers who lifted the tiles off the roof and climbed in through the ceiling.
It appears she was attacked inside her bed from blood found in the room. There was
also blood on a sandwich toaster and kitchen cabinets, on a walking stick found in
the passage, the floors, as well as on two candle holders, one made from brass, and
the other from glass. Her corpse was locked into the bathroom, found on the floor,
her arms tied behind her back at the elbows, and her feet were also tied up. Towels
were wrapped around her head and tied with electric cord. Delmas. Sun 12 Dec 2006.
Die weduwee Anna Magrieta Brink (79) was ongeveer om 02:00 in haar huis vermoor
deur aanvallers wat die teels vanhaar dak gelig het en deur die plafon ingebreek het.
Volgens bloed in haar kamer, blyk dit dat sy in haar bed aangerand was. Daar is ook
bloed aan ‘n toebroodjiebraaier, kombuis kaste, twee kers houers waarvan een van
koper en die ander van glas gemaak is, ‘n kierrie wat in die gang gevind was, en op
die vloere. Haar lyk was in die badkamer toegesluit, die arms agter haar rug by die
elmboe vasgemaak, en haar voete was ook vasgebind. Handoeke was om haar kop
met elektroniese drade vasgemaak. Delmas.

BROWNING Elza, female aged 60, AND her husband. Patrick, were attacked inside
their property at about 16:30. Elza, who recently had undergone an operation, was
outside when 2 armed men stormed down on her, shaking and shoving her. During
the struggle one attacker grabbed her around the throat from behind, pressing a gun
against her head. The other pulled at her hands where she clenched her purse and
car keys. The attacker pulled so hard on the keys, of which the ring was around her
finger, he nearly ripped her finger off. As Patrick stepped outside to investigate the
commotion one of the gunmen shouted at Patrick and tried to shoot him. He pulled
the trigger repeatedly but the gun did not go off. Doringkloof, Centurion. Wed 21
July 2006
Pensioner fights off gun-wielding attackers

CAMPBELL George McKenzie aged 18, AND his employer Ben van der Berg who
farmed sheep and ran a nursery at Tarlton, were found and murdered 11km apart
next to the N14 Tarlton highway. Their hands were tied to their ankles behind their
backs. They were forced onto their knees before they were killed by a single bullet to
the head, and fell forward. The face of George was tear-streaked and his mouth open
as if he had wanted to say something. Krugersdorp. Fri, June 2006.
Mnr George McKenzie Campbell (18) se lyk was langs die N14 Tarlton hoofweg
gevind, 11 km nadat sy baas, mnr Ben van der Berg, ‘n skaap boer en eienaar van ‘n
kwekery, se lyk gevind was. Albei was met ‘n enkele koeel deur die kop geskiet,
nadat hulle hande van agter hul rug aan hulle enkels vasgebind was. Hulle het
vooroor geval. Daar was traan merke oor George wange, en sy mond was oop asof
hy wou praat. Krugersdorp.

CAMERON Jackie, female, killed in Green Point, Cape Town, CPT., May 2006. See


CILLIERS Jane, chemist aged 58, was murdered inside her home during night. She
was tied up and possibly smothered from the rags that had been tied around her
head. Pentagonpark, Free State. Tues 27 Oct 2006.
Mej. Jane Cilliers, ‘n apteker, was gedurende die nag in haar huis vermoor. Sy was
vasgebind, en het waarskynlik versmoor in die lappe wat om haar kop vasgebind
was. Jane was Woensdagoggend deur haar dogter Catherine (21) gekry. Sy was
vasgebind en lappe was om haar kop gedraai. Sy het moontlik versmoor
Dinsdagaand in haar huis in Pentagonpark

CLAASEN Rencia, female aged 51, had lost her feet in a freak accident and was in a
wheelchair while her sister, Mrs. Elsie Viljoen aged 45, helped her arrange her
furniture as she had moved into her home on the Boekenhoutskloof holdings that
same day, when they were attacked and robbed by a gang armed with a gun, knives
and various stones. They pushed a gun against Tencia’s face and told her to be
quiet. Elsie was pushed under the table and ordered to sleep. Then their hands were
tied with the shoelaces their attackers had brought with to the house. A family friend
Magda Boshoff, also aged 45, arrived during the attack and was tied up with
electrical cord broken off a standing lamp. The women were robbed and Elsie was hit
with a rock against the head and taken to a bedroom. Magda was ordered to the
bathroom, and Rencia was carried to the bathroom before the women were locked
into the house and their attackers left. Kameeldrif, Pretoria.13 Dec 2006.
Mev Rencia Claasen (51) wat haar voete in ‘n frats ongeluk verloor het, was in haar
rolstoel terywl haar suster Elsie Viljoen (45) haar help meubels regskuif nadat Rencia
die selfde dag by die huis op Boekenhoutskloof hoewe ingetrek het, toe hulle oorval
en beroof was deur ‘n bende wat met ‘n geweer, messe en verskillende klippe
gewapen was. ‘n Geweer was teen Rencia se kop gedruk en sy was beveel om stil te
bly. Elsie was bevel om onder die tafel te slap. Toe was hulle hande vasgemaak met
skoen rieme wat die aanvallers saam met hulle gebring het. ‘n Familie vriendin,
magda Boshoff (45) het gedurende die aanval ingeloop. Sy was met die elektriese
koord wat van ‘n staanlamp afgesny was, vas gemaak. Elsie was met klip teen die
kop geslaan en na ‘n kamer gedwing. Martie was na die badkamer bevel, en Rencia
was na die badkamer gedra, voordat die aanvallers die huis gesluit het en verdwyn
het. Kameeldrif, PTA.

CLARKE Michael, boy aged 16, was ambushed and shot in the neck outside his
house, 3 weeks alter, his family was attacked inside the kitchen of the same house.
Michael Clarkse (16) was buite sy huis ingewag en in die nek geskiet. Drie weke later
was sy familie in die kombuis van dieselfde huis aangeval.

COETZEE Hans AND his wife Dalene, both aged 85, and their domestic water Mary
Mnisi were attacked, overpowered, physically assaulted and robbed by an armed
gang inside their home during the morning. Garsfontein 15 Dec 2006.
Mnr Hans Coetzee en sy vrou Dalene (albei 85) asook hul hulshulp Mary Mnisi, was
oorval, aangerand en beroof deur ‘n gewapende bende in hul huis gedurende die
oggend. Garsfontein.

COETZEE Koos, male aged 76, opened the door of his farmhouse for his little dog at
around 22:00 and was attacked by a gang of at least 3 men. Koos was overpowered,
physically assaulted, his hands and feet tied up with shoelaces and forced to his
bedroom, where he was physically assaulted again and robbed. Carolina. 20 July
Mnr Koos Coetzee (76) was om 22:00 deur drie mans oorrompel toe hy sy plaashuis
se deur vir sy hondjie oopgemaak het. Koos was erg aangerand, sy hande en voete
met skoenveters vasgebind en na sy slaapkamer gedwing, waar die rowers hom
weer aangerand en beroof het. Carolina.

COLLINS Mrs. F., was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her circumstances
are not clear. Upper Koppieskraal, Clocolan. June 2006.
Die omstandighede van mev F Collins gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Koppieskraal is
nie duidelik nie. Clocolan.

COMBRINCK Alida Jacoba SEE COMBRINK Alida Jacoba

COMBRINK Alida Jacoba, female aged 88, was picking oranges when she was
physically attacked and robbed of her watch. Alida was severely beaten and kicked.
Her chest bone and nose was also broken, and her face badly bruised and swollen.
Neighbours heard her anxious screams and saved her. Luckhoff. 16 Aug 2006.
Mej. Alida Jacoba Combrink (88) was besig om lemoene te pluk toe sy aangeval en
van haar horlosie besteel is. Sy was erg geskop en geslaan. Haar borsbeen en neus
is gebreek en haar gesig blou geswel. Luckhoff.

COMBRINCK Mark, male aged 22, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear on attack on the Cape Town Table View. July 2006.
CONINGHAM Robin male aged 58, AND his wife Lynne, were sitting on their porch at
around 20:00 when 2 men scaled their garden wall and fired two shots into Robin’s
chest and robbed Lynne. Robin died on the scene. Bryanston. Mon 13 Dec 2006.
Mnr Robin Coningham (58) en sy vrou Lynne het ongeveer 20:00 op hulle stoep
vertoef toe 2 mans oor hulle muur klim, vir Robin in die bors skiet, en vir Lynne
beroof. Robin is op die toneel dood. Bryanston.

COOMBES George, male aged 59, was ambushed at his home after returning from
the shops during the afternoon. George was physically attacked and repeatedly
chopped in the forehead with a garden hoe before he was robbed, and died. His
daughter found his corpse in the front garden. Rant-en-dal, Krugersdorp. 28 Nov
Mnr. George Coombes (59) was aangeval en beroof by sy huis nadat hy inkopies in
die dorp gedoen het. George was herhaaldelik op sy voorkop met ‘n skoffelpik
geslaan gedurende die aanranding, waaraan hy beswyk het. Sy dogter het op sy lyk
in die voortuin afgekom. Krugersdorp.

CORNELIUS Nick aged 80, AND his wife Lynette aged 56, were delivering
newspapers early in the morning when they were attacked by an armed gang which
had stopped behind them in Vorna Valley. Nick was hit on the head with a gun with
such force that the magazine fell out. He was pulled out of his van and thrown on the
floor. An attacker jumped on his chest. Lynette was also physically attacked before
their vehicle was stolen. Midrand. 20 Nov 2006.
Mnr. Nick Cornelius (80) en sy vrou, Lynette (56), was besig om koerante af te lewer
vroeg in die oggend in Vorna Valley toe hulle aangeval was deur ‘n bende wat agter
hulle gestop het. Nick was so hard oor die kop geslaan met ‘n geweer, dat die
magasyn uitgeval het. Daarna was hy uit sy voertuig gepluk, op die grond
neergesmyt, en ‘n aanvaller het op sy bors gespring. Lynette was ook aangerand
voordat hulle afleweringswa gesteel was. Midrand.

CRONJE Kobus AND his wife Ronel AND their son Janus were attacked and
physically assaulted inside their home. Kobus was also shot, and died later from his
wounds. Kameeldrift holdings. Fri 21 Apr 2006.
Die Cronje gesin was in hulle huis aangeval. Kobus, die broodwinner, was ernstig
gewond en het later aan sy beserings geswyk. Sy vrou Ronel, en hul seun Janus,
was ook aangerand. Kameeldrif hoewe.
DARREN Kurt was attacked and robbed by an armed gang inside his Centurion
home during October 2005 AND again in April 2006.
Kurt Darren was in Oktober 2005 én gedurende April 2006 in sy Centurion huis
aangeval en beroof.

DE BEER Louis, police inspector, was murdered on the Renosterspruit

smallholdings, Lanseria, Johannesburg area. Sep 2006.
Insp. Louis De Beer was op die kleinhoewe Renosterspruit, vermoor. Lanseria naby

DE BEER Wim AND his girlfriend were attacked in the garden of their guesthouse by
a gang of at least 5 armed men plus another 4 gang members waiting outside in their
get-away car. Wim was talking on his phone when 3 gansters stormed down on him.
One, armed with a Tokarev pistol, shot at Wim, but missed as Wim lunged at him
with his hunting knife. The girlfriend walked out the house towards them and Wim
jumped in front of her, taking a bullet in the stomach which lodged in his hip. She
was physically assaulted by another 2 gangsters and robbed before the attackers
fled with Wim’s double cab. Moreletapark, Pretoria east. 2 Dec 2006.
Mnr Wim de Beer was in sy tuin aangeval terwyl hy op die telefoon gepraat het deur
‘n bende van ten minste 9 mans, waarvan 4 in hul eie wegry motor buite die erf
gewag het. 3 van die mans het op Wim afgestorm terwyl een ‘n skoot met ‘n Tokarev
pistol afgevuur het. Wim het die aanvaller met sy jagmes in die onderbeen gesteek.
Toe sy vriendin uit die huis stap, het Wim voor haar ingespring en ‘n koeel in sy
maag gekry, wat in sy heup vasgepen het. Die vriendin was deur nog 2 bendes
aangerand en beroof, voordat hulle met Wim se dubbel-kajuit gevlug het.
Moreletapark, PTA.

DE BRUYN F., Ms. was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her circumstances
are not clear. Farm Sanatigo. May 2006.
Mej. F. De Bruyn se omstandighede tydens ‘n plaasaanval op Santigo is nie helder
DE JAGER Manie, male aged 59, AND his wife Serina “Tjoekie” aged 53, were asleep
inside their home at around 02:00 when an armed gang of at least 4 men dressed in
military uniform opened fire on them. Manie swung a pillow at them and wrestled the
attackers into the lounge, where he was shot several times, of which two bullets
struck him in the back. Tjoekie managed to escape and locked herself into the
garage until staff arrived at around 07:00. Manie died on the scene.. Only two
celphones were stolen. Schurweberg smallholding, Pretoria. Tues, 27 July 2006
Mnr Manie de Jager (59) en sy vrou Serina “Tjoekie” (53) was in hul kamer aan die
slap ongeveer 02:00 toe daar op hulle geskiet was deur ‘n bende van ten minste 4
mans wat in militere drag geklee was. Manie het ‘n kussing as skild gebruik en die
aanvallers gestoei tot in die televisie kamer, waar hy herhaaldelik geskiet was,
waarvan twee keer skote hom in die rug getref het. Tjoekie kon ontsnap en het
haarself in die motorhuis toegesluit totdat werkers opgedaag het, om en by 07:00.
Manie het op die toneel gesterf. Slegs twee selfone was gesteel. Schurweberg
hoewe, Pretoria.






DIEDERICK Aele, female aged 32,is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Randfontein, FS. Dec 2006.


DIRKER Petru. Female graphic designer, was attacked when she stopped at her
home around 21:00 by an unkown man who had broken a window to get into her
home, waited for her and and hit her on the head with the butt of a firearm. He forced
her into the boot of her own car and started driving around. He stopped regularly
and threatened to kill her if she made a noise or moved. He also threatened to drop
her off in an unsavoury part of the city so that she would be raped and murdered.
Another time, he threatened to kill her and dump her in a ditch next to the road. He
made her sit on the passenger seat next to him after driving around for several
hours. He drove to an ATM and ordered her to withdraw R3 000 ($300). He drove
back to her house and tied her to a chair and gagged her, thanked her for her co-
operation and left her with the spare keys to her car, saying she can pick it up the
next day in Lesotho. Universitas, Bloemfontein. Fri 29 Sept 2006
Mej. Petru Dirker, ‘n rekenaar deskundige, het omstreeks 21:00 by haar huis
aangekom en was ingewag deur ‘n man wat by haar huis ingebreek het deur om ‘n
venster met sy geweer kolf stukkend te slaan. Hy het haar in die kattebak van haar
motor gedwing en vir ure lank rond gery. Hy het gedurig stil gehou en haar met die
dood gedreig sou sy beweeg of ‘n geluid maak. Hy het ook gedreig om haar in ‘n
ongure deel van die dorp af te laai waar sy waarskynlik verkrag en vermoor sou
word. Hy het ook gedreig om haar te vermoor en in ‘n sloot te gooi. Die aanvaller het
by ‘n kitsbank ingetrek en haar bevel om R3000 te trek, waarna hy haar terug na haar
huis geneem het, aan ‘n stoel vasgebind en gemuilband het. Toe het hy haar bedank
vir haar samewerking, die spaar sleutels van haar motor geneem, en gese dat sy die
motor die volgende dag in Lesotho kon kry. Universitas, Bloemfontein.



DIXIE Clyde, male aged 64, AND Lynton, male, AND Roy, male, AND Yvonne, female
aged 62, are mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not
clear. Berea, Durban. KZN. Apr 2006.
Die omstandighede van die Dixie familie, Clyde (64), Lynton, Roy en Yvonne (62)
tydens ‘n plaasaanval in Berea is nie duidelik nie. Durban.

DUNN Nicky, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her circumstances
are not clear. Berea agricultural holdings, Durban. KZN. Feb 2006.
Die omstandighede van mej. Nicky Dunn tydens ‘n plaasaanval op die Berea hoewes
in Durban is nie helder nie.

DU PLESSIS Charl “Doepie”, ex-chief of police aged 45, was delivering milk when an
attacker shot him as he drove around a corner. He died after 3 weeks in hospital.
Motherwell. Port Elizabeth. 3 Jan 2006
Mnr Charl “Doepie” du Plessis (45), voormalige polisie hoof, was besig om melk af te
lewer to hy om ‘n draai ry en geskiet was. Hy het 3 weke later in die hospitaal
beswyk. Motherwell, Port Elizabeth.

DU PLESSIS Sandra, a female financial advisor aged 30 yrs old, was shot at her gate
inside her car as she arrived home at night by an armed gang. Seven bullets struck
the car's driver door and window of her car, two narrowly missed her head while five
hit her in the right arm, left arm, stomach and back, missing her vital organs by
millimetres. She was ordered out her car and watched as she stumbled bleeding
profusely towards the fence of her home before the attackers sped off in their own
car. Centurion, Pretoria. Fri 6 Oct 2006

DU PLOOY Andrew is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his circumstances

are not clear. Berea, Durban. KZN. Feb 2006
Die omstandighede van mnr Andrew du Plooy tydens ‘n plaasaanval in Berea is nie
duidelik nie. Durban.

DU PREEZ Arnie, girl aged 4, AND her family Gerda, Jan, and PJ are mentioned in
records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Nooitgedaght,
Cullinan. MP. June 2006.
Die omstandighede van die dogtertjie Arnie du Preez (4) en haar familie Gerda, Jan
en PJ tydens ‘n plaas aanval in Nooitgedaght is nie helder nie. Cullinan.

DU PREEZ Freek and his wife were having an afternoon nap at around 15:00 when
she heard someone in the room. An unknown man swung an axe at her but
missed and she was only slightly injured. Freek woke up and the attacker threw the
axe at him, only injuring him lightly, and running away. It appears that there had
been two attackers as their shoes and caps were found outside the house. Bochkraal
farm, Addo. EC. 6 Dec 2006.
Mnr Freek du Preez en sy vrou het ongeveer 15:00 ‘n middag slapie in hulle huis
gevang toe sy vrou iemand in hulle kamer hoor. ‘n Onbekende man het ‘n byl na haar
geswaai, maar het gemis, en sy was net lig beseer. Freek het wakker geskrik en die
aanvaller het die byl na hom gegooi en slegs skrams gevang voordat die aanvaller
weggehardloop het. Dit blyk dat daar twee aanvallers was omrede hulle skoene en
kepsies buite die huis agtergelos was.

DU TOIT Fanie, male aged 76, was attacked for the third time in 5 years. This time he
was overpowered inside his kitchen by 2 men and sustained head injuries. Nothing
robbed. Garinglaagte Farm, Hertzogville, Free State. 28 July 2006. farmer robbed
third time in five years

EAGLE Brian, businessman aged 56, was shot to death during the afternoon while
he was driving along the Hekpoort R563 road, a few meters from the Greensleaves
restaurant in the Cradle of Humanity by an armed gang, who then hi-jacked a
minibus and fled the scene without taking anything. Sterkfontein. 11 Dec 2006.
Mnr brian Eagle (56) besigheidsman, was op die Hekpoort pad R563, ‘n paar meters
vanaf die Greensleaves restaurant, in sy motor doodgeskiet deur ‘n bende wat
daarna ‘n minibus geskaak het en gevlug het sonder om enige iets te steel. Wieg van
die mensdom, Sterkfontein.

EKSTEEN Luancko aged 32, AND his wife Ronel aged 33, AND their children Elisma
aged eight AND Christiaan aged ten, were walking along the Sabi River inside a
holiday resort when they were attacked by a knife wielding gang. The family ran
away but Luancko collapsed when a rock was thrown at his head. A man from a
neighbouring holiday cottage ran to their rescue. It took 6 stitches to sew the wound
up in Luancko’s head. Krugerspark Lodge, Hazyview. 14 july 2006.
Mnr Luancko Eksteen(32), en sy vrou Ronel (33) en twee kinders, Elisma (8) en
Christiaan (10), was op ‘n uitstappie langs die Sabi rivier in ‘n vakansie oord toe
hulle aangeval was deur ‘n bende gewapen met messe. Die familie het weg
gehardloop, maar Luancko het ineengestort nadat hulle hom met ‘n klip teen die kop
gegooi het. .n Man van ‘n naburige vakansie hut het tot hul redding gekom. Dit het 6
steke geneem om die wond in Luancko se kop toe te werk. Krugerspark Lodge,

ELS Louisa, a 48 year old doctor, was en route to work at the Mamelodi hospital
when she was shot close to her work in the black township. She tried to get away
from her attackers, but died at the wheel, and her car came to a stop, slewed against
a gate. A sixteen year old New South African was arrested after he was caught
stealing Els’ cell phone from her body while still in the car after it came to a stop.
Pretoria. 2006.
Mev. Louisa Els (48), ‘n vroue dokter, was oppad werk toe by die Mamelodi hospitaal
in die swartbuurt toe sy geskiet was. Louisa het haar aanvallers probeer ontvlug,
maar het agter die stuurwiel beswyk en die motor het teenaan ‘n hek tot stilte gekom.
‘n 16 jarige “nuwe’ Suid Afrikaner was in hegtenis geneem nadat hy haar selfoon van
haar lyk op die toneel afgesteel het. Pretoria.

ELS Wayne, senior manager aged 37, was shot inside his bedroom at around
03:00am by an armed gang who had broken a kitchen window to gain access into his
house. His 14yr old son was home at the time and phoned for help. Wayne died in
hospital shortly afterwards. Lynwood Ridge, Pretoria. 25 Oct 2006.

ENGELBRECHT Magaret, female aged 74, was attacked while she was taking her dog
for a walk, dragged inside her home, and stabbed in the chest to death. Piketberg.
Kaapstad. 2 May 2006.
Mej. Magaret Engelbrecht (74) was buite haar huis oorval nadat sy met haar hond
gaan stap het, die huis ingesleep, en in die bors dood gesteek. Piketberg, Kaapstad.

ESTERHUIZEN Daniella aged 5, AND her family, father Diederick aged 36, mother
Anel aged 32, brother Andrico aged 3, AND their friend Ferdi Kleinhans aged 29,
were fishing in the early evening at the Riebeeck dam in Culemborg Park when a
gang of 4 men approached on and one of them shouted “robbery” and opened fire
on them. Diederick was shot in the chest and groin. A bullet recochetted off Anel’s
finger and hit Danielle in the forehead. All the tyres to their car was shot to shreds,
but Diederick rushed his family to hospital. Daniella was dead on arrival.
Randfotnein. 22 Dec 2006.
Die Esterhuizen gesin was saam met ‘n vriend, Ferdi Kleinhans (29) by die viswaters
van die Riebeeck dam in Culemborg Park vroegaand toe 4 mans hulle ander. Een het
“rooftog” geskree en toe bars hulle los met gewere. ‘n Koeel het van die moeder
Anel (32) se vinger afgedons en haar 5 jarige meisie Daniella in die voorkop getref.
Die vader Diederick (36) was in die bors en lies getref. Hulle seuntjie Andrico (3) was
ook teenswoordig. Diederick het met sy familie in hul mkotor, waarvan al die bande
aan flerde geskiet was, na die hospitaal gejaag. Daniella was klaar dood met hul
aankoms. Randfontein.

ETSEBETH Albert, AND his wife Carin, AND his brother Frans AND his wife and their
son and daughter were attacked inside their home at around 23:00 by a gang of
armed men who entered the house by breaking down the doors. More than 30
rounds of ammunition were shot off during the first 6 minutes of their entry into the
house at the family, who were scurrying to find protection. His nephew hid his sister
and in a bedroom and locked the door before he locked himself with his father
(Frans) into another room. Albert locked the security gate in the passage separating
them from the rest of the house and stalled the intruders once they broke through.
Albert was shot at, physically assaulted and ordered at gunpoint to lie on the floor
while the bedrooms were broken into. Frans and his son were found, physically
assaulted and robbed before the police sirens scared the attackers away. Two weeks
previously, their neighbour Jan van Rooyen had been attacked in a similar way, shot
in the back, and left paralyzed. Nevada street, which borders the Faerie Glen Nature
Reserve, Pretoria. Dec 2006.
Die Etsebeth gesin, Albert en sy vrou Carin, sy broer Frans en die se vrou, dogter en
seun, was ongeveer 23:00 in hul huis aangeval deur ‘n gewapende bende wat die
deur afgebreek het en meer dan 30 rontes die huis in geskiet het gedurende die
eerste 6 minute van die inbraak terwyl die familie naarstigtelik skuiling gesoek het.
Sy broerskind het sy suster en ma in ‘n kamer weggesteek en die deur gesluit
voordat hy en sy pa (Frans) hulself in ‘n ander kamer toegesluit het. Albert het die
sekuriteitshek in die gang gesluit en die boewe se aandag afgetrek. Hy was
aangerand en met ‘n geweer forseer om op die grond te le terwyl hulle by die kamers
ingebreek het. Frans en sy seun was gevind, aangerand en beroof. Die bende het
weg gehardloop toe ‘n polisie serene begin lui. Twee weke tevore, was hul buurman
Jan van Rooyen op sort gelyke manier aangeval, in die rug geskiet, en verlam.
Nevada straat, aangrensend aan die Faerie Glen Natuur Reservaat. Pretoria.

ERASMUS Jan aged 67 AND his wife Rina aged 63 were robbed at gunpoint of cash
by a gang of at least 3 men during the day on the way to the bank. Port Alfred. 28 Oct

Cop tells of hearse chase 18/10/2007


EVA Neville, male aged 78, was attacked inside his house, but his corpse was found
dumped in the bathroom of a granny flat adjacent to his house. He had multiple stab
wounds to the head, neck, upper torso and also defensive wounds on his hands. The police
were unable to establish if anything had been stolen. Walmer. 2006.
Mnr Neville Eva (78) se lyk was in die woonstel se badkamer gelos nada thy in die hoofhuis
vermoor was. Hy het met verskeie steek wonde aan sy kop, nek, bors en arms gesterf. Die
polisie kon nie vasstel of enige iets vermis is nie. Walmer.

EYSSEL Bobby, male, killed in Soutpansberg, Louis Trichardt. LIM. June 2006
FERREIRA Fanie AND his wife Hannetjie AND their daughter Johané aged seventeen,
were attacked on their farm Grootgeluk (previously named Boufarm) on a Sunday morning
by an armed gang. The family were threatened, tied up and robbed. Harrismith. 6 July

Mnr. Fanie Ferreira, sy vrou, Hannetjie, en hul 17-jarige dogter, Johané, van die plaas
Grootgeluk (voorheen Boufarm), is Sondagoggend deur ‘n gewapende bende oorval,
gedreig, vasgemaak, en beroof.

FERREIRA Paula AND her brother Rick de Silva and other family members were on
their way home after work at around 19:30 when they were forced off the road at the
Mogol bridge by an armed convoy gang and hi-jacked. Rick was forced into the boot
of their car and the attackers demanded to be taken to Paula’s home. However, they
were denied entry, and after robbing their hostages, set them free along the road.
Groenfontein holdings. Thur 29 June 2006.
Mev. Paula Ferreira en haar broer mnr. Rick de Silva en familielede was om halfagt
ná werk op pad huis toe, maar op die Mogolbrug gekaap deur die konfooi van ‘n
gewapende bende. Rick was in hul kattebak gedwing en die aanvallers het daarop
aangedring om na Paula se woning geneem te word. Toe hulle ingang geweier was,
het hulle die aangehoudenes beroof en vrygelaat. Groenfontein hoewes.


FIVAZ Elize, a pregnant woman aged 23, was admitted to hospital after being
wounded by attackers in her house. Lewisham, Krugersdorp. July 2006
Elize Fivaz (23) was swanger toe sy in die hospitaal opgeneem was nadat ‘n bende
haar in haar huis aangerand het. Lewisham, Krugersdorp.

FIVAZ Louis aged 77, AND his friend Ms. Bettie Smit aged 72, AND an unknown farm
worker, were murdered during a viscuous attack on a farm near Ventersdorp. The
body of the farm worker was found in an outside room. Bettie was found where she
had been murdered in the kitchen. Louis was found dead next to a broken coffee
table in the diningroom. His wallet and gun was not stolen from his bedside table.
The house was covered with blood. Farm Modderbult between Ventersburg and
Steynsrus. Sun 20 Nov 2006
Mnr Louis Fivaz (77) en sy vriendin Bettie Smit (72) en ‘n onbekende plaaswerker het
gruwel dood gesterf op hul plaas Modderbult. Die plaas werker se lyk was in ‘n
bediendekamer gevind. Bettie se lyk het in die kombuis gele. Louis het langs ‘n
gebreekte tafeltjie in die eetkamer gesterf. Sy geweer en beursie was nie vanaf sy
bedkassie gesteel nie. Die huis was vol bloed. Tusse Ventersburg en Steynsrus

FOURIE Eugene aged 56, his wife Annemarie aged 52, AND their daughter Annerette,
were attacked and physically assaulted on their farm Rietvlei. Both Eugene and
Annemaried died from their injuries.Verkeerdevlei, Brandford. Oct 2006.
Mnr Eugene Fourie (56) en sy vrou Annemarie (52) was vermoor, en hul dogter
Annerette beseer in die aanval op hul plaas Rietvlei, Verkeerdevlei

FOURIE Annerette, female aged 32, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Rietfontein farm, Bloemfontein. FS. Nov 2006.
Die omstandighede van mej. Annerette Fourie (32) tydens ‘n plaas aanval op
Rietfontein is nie helder nie. Bloemfontein.

GERMISHUYS Jean, female aged 67, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Kemptonpark GA. Jan 2006
Die omstandighede van mej. Jean Germishuys (67) tydens ‘n plaas aanval in
Kemptonpark is nie helder nie.


GEYER Anna-Marie, farmwife afed 69, was attacked inside their chicken coop during
the day by a gang armed with knives, stabbed several times, and her throat slit. They
had intended to murder her husband as well, but he was accompanied by a visitor
friend, from whom they ran away. Farm De Doorens, Sterkstroom. Fri 19 June 2006.
Mev Anna-Marie Geyer (69) was met messe gesteek en haar keel afgesny tydens ‘n
aanval deur ‘n bende in die hoenderhok van hul plaas gedurende die dag, terwyl
hulle haar man ingewag het. Hy was saam met ‘n besoeker, van wie hulle weg
gehardloop het. De Doorens. Sterkspruit.

GOLDEN Brett, a popular television personality, AND his friend Richard Bloom were
overpowered by a gang of 6 men armed with 9mm CZ 75 semi-automatics in front of
a mansion at around midnight, and robbed of their personal effects and stripped of
their clothes except for their socks, tied up and bundled into the boot of their car, in
which they were kidnapped and shot to death. Camps Bay, Cape Town. 15 Apr 2006
Mnre Brett Golden (‘n gewilde tv persoonlikheid) en Richard Bloom was deur 6 mans
gewapen met 9mm CZ semi-automatiese gewere aangeval voor ‘n prykhuis
middernag, van hulle persoonlike besittings asook hulle klere beroof (behalwe vir
hulle sokkies), vasgemaak en in hul motor se kattebak ingeprop. Daarna was hulle
daarin ontvoer en doodgeskiet. Kampsbaai, Kaap Stad.

GORDON Thys, male aged 66, sustained serious injuries when he was attacked and
beaten with a hammer on his holding near Mooiriver. Potchefstroom. 2006.
Mnr Thys Gordon (66) was vroeër vanjaar op sy hoewe aangeval en erg met 'n hamer
aangerand. Mooirivier. Potchefstroom. 2006.

GOUWS Johannes Pieter , male aged 74, was murdered inside his house during the
morning. His feet were tied and he was strangled to death with a necktie. Parow,
Cape. 23 May 2006.
Mnr Johannes Pieter Gouws (74) was in sy huis vermoor gedurende die oggend. Sy
voete was vasgebind, en ‘n das styf om sy keel geknoop. Parow.

GRAFF Simon aged 71 AND his wife were attacked on their farm at around 14:40 by
an armed gang. Simon was shot outside the house and died on the scene. His wife
was pulled inside the house and tied up in the kitchen before she was robbed.
Doornfontein, Magaliesberg. Thurs 2006.
Mnr Simon Graff (71) was op sy werf in die bors geskiet deur ‘n gewapende bende
om en by 14:40. Sy vrou was die huis ingetrek en in die kombuis vasgemaak voordat
sy beroof was. Doornfontein, Magaliesberg.


GREEN Bob and his wife Joy were both torched to death on their smallholding in
Meyerton. 2006.
Mnr Bob Green en sy vrou Joy was altwee dood verbrand op hul kleinhoewe in
Meyerton. 2006.

GREYLING Jan aged 67, AND his wife Johanna aged 64, were forced into their home
shortly after they had arrived back on their farm Floridam from church on a Sunday
morning. A tin of pepperspray, of the type used by police, was found inside the
house, presumably owned by the murderers. Broken chairs in the lounge and
kitchen witness of a fight. Jan was bashed on his head repeatedly with a blunt
object. His corpse was found in the kitchen with a bullet to the back of the head. A
pillow had been used to stifle the sound of the gunshot. Her body was found in the
nearby bedroom, with two gunshots behind the left ear, and another pillow, which
had been used to stifle the gunshot sound. Trompsburg. 18 Dec 2006.
Mnr Jan Greyling (67) en sy vrou Johanna (64) was by hul aankoms op die plaas
Floridam na kerk op ‘n Sondag more die huis in gedwing. 'n Kannetjie pepersproei,
soos dié wat die polisie gebruik, is in die huis opgetel, en het vermoedelik aan die
moordenaars behoort. Gebreekte stoele was in die sitkamer en kombuis, bewyse van
‘n struweling. Jan was herhaaldelik met 'n stomp voorwerp oor die kop geslaan,
voordat ‘n kussing oor sy gesig gedruk was en hy van agter in die kop doodgeskiet
was in die kombuis. Johanna se lyk was in ‘n nabye slaapkamer gevind, ‘n bebloede
kussing oor haar kop en met twee koeëls agter haar linkeroor. Trompsburg.

GREYVENSTEIN Paul, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Hekpoort, Magaliesberg. June 2006.

GRIESEL Henk, male aged 33, had stopped to inspect his vehicle after he had ridden
over a pothole on the Schoemanskloof road, about 50km from Nelspruit. An elderly
black man pulled up behind him and approached him with a white container, offering
assistance. As Henk looked up, acid was poured over his head. He jumped in his car
and raced to safety. He sustained burns on his arms, head and face, barely missing
his eyes. Nelspruit. 16 Aug 2006.
Mnr Henk Griesel (33) het van die Schoemanskloof pad af getrek om sy kar te
ondersoek nadat hy ‘n slaggaat getref het. ‘n Bejaarde swart man het agter hom
ingetrek, met ‘n wit houer aangestap en hulp geoffer. Toe Henk op kyk, was suur oor
sy kop uitgegooi. Hy het in sy kar gespring en na veiligheid gejaag. Henk het
brandwonde op sy arms, kop en gesig opgedoen, wat skaars sy oe gemis het.

HAASBROEK Beatrix, female aged 76, woke up with an attacker inside her bedroom
at around 23:30. After he robbed her of cash and her watch, he threw two unused
condoms on the floor and left. Albertville, Johannesburg. Fri 18 Dec 2006.
Mej. Beatrix Haasbroek (76) het omstreeks 23:30 wakker geskrik met ‘n aanvaller in
haar kamer. Nadat hy haar van kontant en haar horlosie beroof het, het hy twee
ongebruikte kondome op die vloer gegooi, en die huis verlaat. Albertville, JHB.

HALL Quintin, a 12 year old boy, was walking with his mother and her friends at
night in town to view a property for sale when they were confronted by an armed
gang of 5 black men at the gate. Although Quintin stood still, he was shot in his
stomach by one of the attackers as they were leaving in the car they had just hi-
jacked off another white woman. Boksburg. Thurs 21 July 2006

HANSON Michael, owner of a transport company aged 33, AND his girlfriend Marieta
Hansen aged 32, were attacked on their smallholding at around 22:00.

Michael was about 150m from the house when he was overpowered by 2 men. He
was ordered to lie down on his stomach but refused. Michael was repeatedly hit on
the head with an iron pipe, shot in the leg and cheeck, and left for dead. He managed
to reach a neighbours house about 1km away to call for help. Unknown to him,
another two attackers had overpowered Marieta in the house and blindly opened fire
on her, but missed. They stole cash and fled. Michael required reconstructive
surgery. The doctor described his face as a “bowl of rice cripsies”. Honeydew, West
Rand. 4 Apr 2006.
Mnr Michael Hanson (33), eienaar van ‘n vervoer maatskappy, was op sy kleinhoewe
deur 2 mans aangeval omstreeks 22:00. Toe hy weier om na hulle bevele te luister en
op sy maag te le, was hy in die wang en been geskiet, herhaaldelik met ‘n yster paal
op die kop geslaan, en vir dood agter gelos. Hy het na sy buurman om hulp gaan
soek amtrent ‘n kilometre verder, en nie besef dat Marieta intussen in die huis deur
‘n ander twee mans aangeval was nie. Hulle het blindelings op haar geskiet, en
gemis. Hulle het geld gesteel en gevlug. Honeydew.

HARTZER Alida Magrieta, female aged 56, was attacked inside her bedroom at
midnight by 2 men. She was severely beaten in the face and on her head with a
heavy piece of wood, and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Roodepoort
farm, Ventersdorp. NW. Sat. 14 Sep 2006.
Alida Magrieta Hartzer (56) was middernag in haar kamer deur twee mans met ‘n
swaar stuk hout aangerand. Alida het ernstige kop en gesig wonde opgedoen. Sy
was in ‘n kritieke toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem. Roodepoort plaas,

HATTINGH Pierre aged 30 AND his wife awoke from their sleep when the lights of
their bedroom were switched on by attackers. Pierre was shot in the shoulder. Their
security alarm went off and the attackers fled. Rietfontein plot, Muldersdrif. Tues 10
Oct 2006.
Mnr Pierre Hattingh (30) en sy vrou het wakker geskrik toe aanvallers hulle kamer lig
aangeskakel het. Pierre was in die skouer geskiet, maar die aanvallers het gevlug
nadat die alarm stelsel begin raas het. Plot Rietfontein, Muldersdrif.

HECKERODT Horst Adolf aged 62, AND his wife Eveline, AND their two sons, were
attacked inside their home on the De Rust holding, during which Horst was shot to
death, and his family were locked up in the bathroom. Hartbeespoort. 15 Jan 2006.
Mnr Horst Adolf Heckerodt (62) was gedurende ‘n aanval in sy huis op die De Rust
hoewe doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Eveline, en hul 2 seuns was in die badkamer toegesluit.

HENNING Andre, aged 47, AND his wife Daleen aged 46, AND their sons Dewald aged
16 AND Marinus aged 14, were attacked and inside their home during the early
morning hours. Daleen was shot by a bullet which penetrated her arm and chest.
Andre was shot under the chin, and fought for his life in hospital for 10 weeks before
he passed away from his injuries. A television set and R100 ($12) was stolen during
the attack. The Reeds, Centurion. 2 Oct 2006.
Mnr Andre Henning (47) was in die ken geskiet, en sy vrou Daleen (46) was getref
met ‘n koeel wat haar arm deurboor het en in die bors getref het. Hulle seuns Dewald
(16) en Marius (14) was ook in die aanval betrokke. ‘n televisie stel en R100 was
gesteel. Andre het vir 10 weke in die hospitaal om sy lewe geveg voordat hy aan sy
beserings beweyk het. The Reeds, Centurion.

HERBERT Jennifer, female aged 52, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Cape Town. Oct 2006.



HERBST Chris aged 37, AND his wife Julene aged 36, AND their daughter Annika
aged 12, AND sons JJ aged 6, AND Christiaan aged 14, were attacked inside their
home at around 01:30 by an armed gang, during which Chris fought of their
attackers with his bare and was stabbed 9 times and shot once before the police
arrived to save them. Their nightmare began when Julene noticed a suspicious light
in their house and woke Chris up. He jumped out of bed as two men entered, armed
with a knife and a gun. Chris hit the knifeman who fell and stabbed Chris in the right
buttox. While they wrestled, he was shot in the left cheeck. He wrestled them both
down the passage before he went looking for his wife, and told her to smash the
bedroom window, escape and call the police. Christiaan had loaded his father’s
pellet gun and was waiting for the attackers to enter his room. Chris went to his
children’s room and heard an attacker say to his daughter “come here, I want you”.
While he wrestled the attackers out of her bedroom, he kicked JJ to fall under the
bed to safety. Chris was also stabbed in the back 5 times, once in the ear, and three
times in the hand during the attack. Two celphones were stolen. Elardus Park,
Mnr Chris Herbst (37) was in die gesig geskiet en nege keer met ’n mes gesteek toe
hy gewapende aanvallers met sy kaal vuiste gemoker het. Omstreeks 01:30 het sy
vrou, Julene (36), wakker geword en ‘n lig in hul huis gesien. Toe sy vir Chris wakker
maak, het hy uit die bed gespring en twee mans, gewapen met ‘n mes en ‘n geweer,
het hul kamer ingestap. Chris het een van die aanvallers neer geslaan, wat hom toe
in die regter boud gesteek het. Terwyl hulle gestoei het, was Chris in die wang
geskiet. Hy het die aanvallers gang af geboender voordat hy terug na sy kamer
gehardloop het en Julene gese het om die kamer venster te breek om te ontsnap en
die polisie te ontbied. Intussen het sy seun Christiaan (14) sy pa se windbuks gelaai
en vir die aanvallers in sy kamer gewag. Chris het toe na die kamer van sy ander
kinders, ‘n dogter Annika (12) en JJ (6) gegaan, waar hy gehoor het hoe ‘n aanvaller
vir haar se: “Come here, I want you.” Terwyl hy die aanvallers uit haar kamer
boender, het hy JJ na veiligheid na onder die bed geskop. Chris was 5 keer in die
rug, een keer in die oor, en drie keer in sy hande gesteek voordat die polisie hulle
gered het. Twee selfone was gesteel. Elardus park, Pretoria.

HERSELMAN Megan, senior journalist aged 49, pulled off on the N1 South about 100
meters before the Rivonia turnoff and was shot 4 times through the passenger
window by an armed gang of at least 3 men. Megan pulled off but the car ran off the
road and came to a halt in a ditch. Megan was dead before the police arrived on the
scene. Nothing was missing. Johannesburg 15 June 2006
Mej. Megan Herselman (49), senior joernalis, het omtrent 100 meter vanaf die Rivonia
afrit op die N1 Suid hoofweg van die pad af getrek en was vier keer deur die
passasiers ruit geskiet deur ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans. Sy het weg getrek maar
die motor her van die pad af geloop en in ‘n sloot ten stilstand gekom. Niks word
vermis nie. Johannesburg.

HEWAT John, male aged 70, was making supper at around 19:00 when he went
outside to investigate why his dogs were barking. He was overpowered, his hands
tied behind his back, and beaten to unconsciousness. When he gained
consciousness, he managed to call for help on his celphone. The police found
property belonging to John next to his pick-up van. He was admitted to hospital with
serious face wounds. Donnybrook farm, Komga. East London. Sat 2006.
Mnr. John Hewat (70) was oorrompel toe hy buite toe stap om ondersoek in te stel
waarom sy honde blaf omstreeks 19:00 terwyl hy aandete voorberei. Sy hande was
agter sy rug vasgemaak en hy was onbewus geslaan. Toe hy bykom, het hy hulp
ontbied met sy selfoon. Die polisie het van sy goedere buite langs sy bakkie gevind.
John was met ernstige gesig wonde by die hospitaal opgeneem. Donnybrook plaas,

HEYMANS Susanna, female aged 79, was attacked inside her home at around 19:00
by 3 men dressed in blue over-alls and balaclavas, who had broken the door open
with the wooden handle of an axe. She was physically assaulted during which her
mouth was torn, some of her teeth hit out from her mouth and her face severely
bruised. They left Susanna tied up with a belt to her bed. It took 4 hours for her to
free herself. Her celphone, microwave oven, purse and a ring was stolen. Brandfort.
17 July 2006.
Mej. Susanna Heymans (79) was in haar huis deur 3 mans oorrompel en aangerand
wat die deur gebreek het met ‘n bylsteel. Van haar tande was uitgeslaan, haar mond
was geskeur, en sy het menigte kneusings in haar gesig opgedoen. Hulle het haar
met ‘n gordel aan haar bed vasgemaak. Dit het vier ure geneem vir haar om los te
kom. ‘n Microgolf oond, beursie, ring en selfoon was gesteel. Brandfort.


HEYNEKE Phillip “Flip” aged 51, was murdered on his farm at Bainsvlei by a gang of
at least 4 men. He had been tied up before he was hanged in a storeroom.
Bloemfontein. 21 June 2006.
Mnr Phillip Heyneke (51) was op sy plaas in Bainsvlei vermoor deur ‘n bende van ten
minste 4 mans. Sy lyk was vasgebind voordat hy in sy stoor opgehang was.

HOLLAND Trevor was driving outside their business in Honeydew, when he

managed to avoid an attack. Less than two weeks later Trevor AND his wife Kathy,
AND their 15 year old daughter Kylie AND a friend, were in the family car driving out
of the family business when a man standing next to a stationary car on the side of
the road opened fire on them. As bullets smashed into the dashboard of the family's
car, Trevor used his evasive driving skills to escape from their attackers, who had
tried to box the family in with three different cars. Johannesburg suburbs,12 Dec
Mnr Trevor Holland het die aanval op hom in sy voertuig voor sy familiebesigheid
kon ontwyk, maar minder dan twee weke later was hy weer daar aangeval, maar
hierdie keer was sy vrou Kathy, hul dogter Kylie (15) en ‘n vriendin saam met hom in
die familie kar te ‘n man wat langs ‘n voertuig in die straat gestaan het, op hulle
begin skiet het. Terwyl koeels in die instrument penaal vasslaan moes Trevor sy
oorlewings bestuurs vernuf gebruik om te ontsnap van hul aanvallers wat probeer
het om hom met drie ander voertuie vas te keer. Honeydew.
HOMMAN Joshua, male aged 71, was attacked, physically assaulted and robbed by a
gang of at least 4 men inside a storeroom on his farm at around 06:30. Leslie. 20 July
Mnr. Josua Homman (71) was deur vier mans aangeval wat hom ongeveer 06:30 in ’n
stoor op sy plaas in die Leslie-omgewing aangerand en besteel het. Leslie.

HORRMAN Des aged 63, AND Colleen aged 62, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Farm Canasta Place, Ford Grey, EC.
June 2006.

HOSKIN Graeme, AND his family were attacked inside their home, where he was shot
in the face and stabbed several times in the back and neck while he fought off two
thugs trying to rape his 12-year-old daughter and murder his six-year-old son.
Pretoria. 26 Oct 2006.
Mnr Graeme Hoskin en sy familie was in hul huis aangeval waartydens hy in die
gesig geskiet was, en vele male in die rug en keel gesteek was terwyl hy twee skurke
afgeweer het wat sy 12 jarige dogter wou verkrag, en sy 6 jarige seun wou vermoor.
Link Heroic dad recounts horrors of home invasion


HUXHAM Neville, male aged 64, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Johannesburg GA. Dec 2006.

JACOBS Peter aged 93, AND his wife Annemarie aged 77, were attacked inside their
home at around 04:00. Peter went to investigate the noise when a window in their
lounge was broken by a gang of at least 4 men. He was beaten to death in the
hallway with a heavy wooden carved elephant statue. Blood splattered the walls and
lay in pools on the floor. Annemarie was severely physically assaulted and murdered
in the passage. Robin Acres, Johannesburg. Sun 15 Aug 2006
Mnr. Peter Jacobs (93) en sy vrou Annemarie (77) was in hul huis vermoor nadat
Peter gaan ondersoek instel het oor die geraas van ‘n sitkamer venster wat gebreek
was deur die aanvallers om ingang te bekry ongeveer 04:00. Peter was in die
ingangsportaal met ‘n swaar olifant hout standbeeld doodgeslaan. Daar was ‘n poel
bloed op die vloer en bloed bevlekte mure. Annemarie was erg aangerand en ook
vermoor in die gang. Robin Acres, JHB.

JACOBS Ivan aged 72, AND the wife of his late brother Willem, Mrs Gwendolene
Jacobs aged 56, were overpowered, physically assaulted and robbed on the
Bloemspruit smallholding. Blood splattered on walls, carpets, bed linen and
matresses bore testimony to the gruesome attack. Dentures found in a pool of blood
and a brick nearby bore testimony to the attack in the early morning after Ivan went
outside in search of his dogs, which had been poisoned by a gang of at least 3 men
who waited for him in ambush. Ivan was struck on the head from behind with a brick
and a hammer, forced into the house to be further assaulted, during which he was hit
on the knee, hip, head and body with the hammer until he lost consciousness, and
left for dead. He was also stabbed. Gwendolene was also hit on the head from
behind with a hammer and further seriously assaulted physically. After they were
saved, she was treated in the hospital for concussion, various head and other
wounds and bruising. Bloemfontein, Wed 12 Apr 2006.
Bloedgespatte mure, matte, beddegoed en matrasse asook valstande wat buite op
die grond in ‘n poel bloed langs ‘n bebloede baksteen le het getuig aan die aanval op
mnr Ivan Jacobs (72) en die vrou van sy oorledene broer Willem, Gwendolene (56),
op hul hoewe Bloemspruit vroeg oggend nadat Ivan uit die huis gestap het op soek
na sy honde, onwetend dat ‘n bende van ten minste 3 mans sy diere vergiftig het, en
hom inwag. Ivan was met ‘n baksteen en hamer van agter teen die kop geslaan en
die huis ingedwing, waar hulle hom verder oor die knie, heup, lyf en kop met die
hamer geslaan het totdat hy sy bewussyn verloor het en vir dood agtergelaat was.
Hy was ook met ’n mes gesteek. Gwendolene was ook van agter aangeval en met ‘n
hamer teen die kop geslaan voordat hulle beroof was. Sy was verder erg aangerand
en het aan harsingskudding gelei toe sy by die hospitaal opgeneem was nadat hulle
gered was. Bloemfontein.,


JANSE VAN RENSBURG Nico and his wife Tokkie, farming couple aged 70, were
attacked and robbed by an armed gang inside their home at around 04:00 and
violently assaulted, during which Nico’s law was broken. Aldrie farm, Waterpoort,
Soutpansberg. Sat 3 June 2006.
Die oue paar, Nico en Tokkie van Rensburg (70’s) was ongeveer 04:00 in hul
plaashuis deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval, en erg aangerand. Nico se kakebeen
is af gebreek. Aldrie plaas, Soutpansberg.

JONKER Karen, female, was physically assaulted during an attack on a farm in the
Makwassie area, near Wolmeranstad. 5 June 2006.
Karen Jonker was erg aangerand op ‘n plaas in die Makwassie gebied, naby

JOUBERT Swys, ex-rugby player aged 50, was driving home at night after a rugby
meeting had run late, and was pushed off the road by another car with at least 3
armed attackers. He was sworn at, pistol whipped over his head, and shot while
wrestling a gunman before they made off with his car. This was the third time Swys
had been hijacked in the streets of Johannesburg. Johannesburg. Oct 2006
Mnr Swys Joubert (50), oud rugby speller, was vir dide derde keer in die strate van
Johannesburg grskaak. Oppad huistoe na ‘n rugby vergadering in die nag was sy kar
van die pad afgedruk deur ‘n bende kar met ten minste 3 gewapende lede. Hy was
oor die kop geslaan met ‘n geweer, en ook geskiet terwyl hy met die aanvallers
gestoei het.
The angels heard me, says ex-rugby player

KEARNEY Frans, male aged 58, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Moreletta park, Pretoria. GA. Nov 2006

KELLERMAN Renate, thirty five year old female owner of Le Petit Chateau in
Durbanville, was found at about 04:20, murdered in her bedroom, presumably by
black attackers, after a telephonic tip-off. Her bloodied naked body bore several stab
wounds and her face had been covered by a duvet. She had also been raped. Her
pick-up van was later found in a non-white area. Cape Town. 15 July 2006.
Mej. Renate Kellerman (35), eienaar van die Le Petit Chateau in Durbanville, se
bebloede kaal lyk was in haar kamer gevind ongeveer 04:20 na ‘n telefoniese
leidraad. Sy was vermoedelik deur ‘n swart bende vermoor. Daar was veelvuldige
steek wonde aan haar lyf. Haar kop was met ‘n duvet bedek. Sy was ook verkrag.

KILLIAN Johan aged 32, previously branch manager of the ER24 emergency centre,
was found dead on the back seat of his mother’s car in front of The Don hotel a few
days after his death. The keys were in the ignition. His wallet was found in a rubbish
bin a couple of blocks away. Arcacia, Pretoria. Sat 15 Aug 2006.
Mnr Johan Killian (32) voormalige takbestuurder van die ER24-nooddienste, se lyk
was ‘n paar dae na sy dood op die agter sitplek van sy moeder se kar voor die The
Don hotel gevind, die sleutels steeds in die aansluiter. Sy beursie was ‘n paar blokke
verder in ‘n asdrom gevind. Arcacia, Pretoria.

KILLIAN Lina, a 50-year-old diabetic woman who had back problems and walked with
crutches was attacked soon after she left her daughter’s house to walk down the
road to a nearby shopping centre during the day. Lina was assaulted, beaten in the
face with a brick, raped and murdered. Her crutches lay in the road, and her naked,
bloodied corpse was found on its back by her daughter about 25m from the road in
tall grass of the vacant stand adjacent to her house. Her face and head bashed to a
pulp. Her money, jewelry and bank cards were not stolen. Duncanville, Vereeniging.
7 Dec 2006.
Mev. Lina Killian (50) wat aan suikersiekte gely het, rugprobleme gehad en met
krukke geloop het, was langs die pad tussen haar dogter se huis en ‘n winkel
sentrum oorval, verkrag en met ’n baksteen doodgeslaan gedurende die dag. Haar
krukke het in die pad gele, en haar naakte, bloedbesmeerde lyk het op die rug gele
sowat 25m vanaf die pad was deur haar dogter gevind tussen lang gras in die erf
langsaan haar huis. Die gesig en kop ‘n bloedirige pappery. Die kontant wat sy
getrek het, haar bank kaart en juwiliersware was nie gesteel nie. Duncanville,
KIRSTEN Ken, television director aged 58, was shot to death in his driveway.
Northcliff, Johannesburg. Apr 2006
Ken Kirsten (58), ’n televisie-regisseur, was in die oprit van sy huis in Northcliff,
Johannesburg, doodgeskiet.

KLEIN Chris aged 65, AND his daughter Sanet du Plessis aged 34, AND her friend,
were attacked by an armed gang of at least 4 men. Chris was shot and injured. Sanet
and her friend were overpowered and robbed. Muldersdrif smallholdings. May 2006.
Mnr Chris Klein (65) was geskiet in die aanval waarin ten minste 4 gewapende mans
ook sy dogter Sanet du Plessis en haar vriendin oorval en beroof het. Muldersdrif
kleinhoewes. May 2006.



KOTZE Jacqueline aged 34, had been in the police force for 17 years and earned the
title Captain, was pregnant while she was driving her car to a shopping centre with
her two younger children, Miecqe aged 4 and Yelcqe aged 2. While stationary at a
robot, she leaned back and set the babyseat lower for her child, waved an apology
out her window for any inconvenience she may have caused, and drove on.
Suddenly sirens flared up and her car was pushed off the road by two members of
the metro police. They asked for her drivers licence. Jacqueline tried to turn her
ignition on for the airconditioner to work for her children as it was hot in the car but
she was yanked from her car, her arms pulled up sharply against her back and
cuffed. They dragged her to their car and threw her into the back. Whilst driving her
to the police station, one of them received a phone call from his wife, and told her
that they had arrested a rich, white bitch who had an attitude problem. She was
charged with public disturbance and reckless driving before she was set free 4
hours later. Her pregnancy developed complications from the injuries she sustained
during the arrest and lost the baby two weeks later. Gordon’s Bay. Cape Town. 29
Dec 2006.
Mej. Jacqueline Kotze (34) polisie kaptein met 17 jaar diens in die polisiemag, was
swanger toe sy en haar twee kinders, Miecqe (4) en Yelcqe (2) na ‘n winkelsentrum
gery het. Terwyl hulle vor ‘n verkeerslig parker was, het sy terug gereik om die
babastoeltjie op die agtersitplek laer te stel, met haar hand uit die venster gewuif in
verskoning aan die ander padgebruikers vir enige ongemak waat sy dalk veroorsaak
het, en voort gery. Skielik het sirens opgevlam en haar kar was van die pad af gedruk
deur 2 manne van die “metro” polisiediens. Hulle het haar bestuursliksensie
aangevra. Jacqueline wou die motor aanskakel om die lugversorger te aktiveer vir
die kinders, omdat dit snikwarm in die voertuig was, maar sy was uit haar kar gepluk,
haar arms kort teen haar rug opgetrek en geboei. Hulle het haar na hul kar
weggesleep en agter in gegooi. Terwyl hulle met haar na die polisiestasie gery het,
het een van die mans ‘n ooproep van sy vrou ontvang, en aan haar vertel dat hulle ‘n
reik wit teef met ‘n houding gearristeer het. Jacqueline was met openbare
oproerigheid en onbedagsame bestuur aangekla en vier ure later vrygelaat. Haar
swangerskap het kompliasies opgetel weens die hardhandige behandeling tydens
haar arristasie en sy het haar ongebore baba twee weke later verloor. Gordonsbaai,

KNOESEN Jubre, male aged 32, was turning onto his farm shortly after midnight
when he was stopped by two men in plain clothes driving a police vehicle and was
shot in his upper arm. Farm Jonkersrus, Welkom. Tues 10 October 2006,,2-7-1442_2011790,00.html
'Cops' shoot and injure farmer

KOTZE Jacqueline aged 34, had been in the police force for 17 years and earned the
title Captain, was pregnant while she was driving her car to a shopping centre with
her two younger children, Miecqe aged 4 and Yelcqe aged 2. While stationary at a
robot, she leaned back and set the babyseat lower for her child, waved an apology
out her window for any inconvenience she may have caused, and drove on.
Suddenly sirens flared up and her car was pushed off the road by two members of
the metro police. They asked for her drivers licence. Jacqueline tried to turn her
ignition on for the airconditioner to work for her children as it was hot in the car but
she was yanked from her car, her arms pulled up sharply against her back and
cuffed. They dragged her to their car and threw her into the back. Whilst driving her
to the police station, one of them received a phone call from his wife, and told her
that they had arrested a rich, white bitch who had an attitude problem. She was
charged with public disturbance and reckless driving before she was set free 4
hours later. Her pregnancy developed complications from the injuries she sustained
during the arrest and lost the baby two weeks later. Gordon’s Bay. Cape Town. 29
Dec 2006.
Mej. Jacqueline Kotze (34) polisie kaptein met 17 jaar diens in die polisiemag, was
swanger toe sy en haar twee kinders, Miecqe (4) en Yelcqe (2) na ‘n winkelsentrum
gery het. Terwyl hulle vor ‘n verkeerslig parker was, het sy terug gereik om die
babastoeltjie op die agtersitplek laer te stel, met haar hand uit die venster gewuif in
verskoning aan die ander padgebruikers vir enige ongemak waat sy dalk veroorsaak
het, en voort gery. Skielik het sirens pgevlam en haar kar was van die pad af gedruk
deur 2 menne van die “metro” polisiediens. Hulle het haar bestuursliksensie
aangevra. Jacqueline wou die motor aanskakel om die lugversorger te aktiveer vir
die kinders, omdat dit snikwarm in die voertuig was, maar sy was uit haar kar gepluk,
haar arms kort teen haar rug opgetrek en geboei. Hulle het haar na hul kar
weggesleep en agter in gegooi. Terwyl hulle met haar na die polisiestasie gery het,
het een van die mans ‘n ooproep van sy vrou ontvang, en aan haar vertel dat hulle ‘n
reik wit teef met ‘n houding gearristeer het. Jacqueline was met openbare
oproerigheid en onbedagsame bestuur aangekla en vier ure later vrygelaat. Haar
swangerskap het kompliasies opgetel weens die hardhandige behandeling tydens
haar arristasie en sy het haar ongebore baba twee weke later verloor. Gordonsbaai,

KRIEK Lelanie, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Sunnyside, Pretoria. GA. Feb 2006

KRUGER Johan, male aged 32, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Leeuspruit, Grootvlei. Nov 2006.

KRUGER Werner was attacked inside his bedroom at night by an armed gang off at
least 5 men. Werner was shot twice in the stomach and once in the head. He died on
the scene. Monument Park, Pretoria.
Mnr Werner Kruger was in sy kamer gedurende die nag deur ‘n gewapende bende
van ten minste 5 mans aangeval en geskiet, twee keer in die maag, en een keer in die
kop. Hy is op die toneel oorlede. Monument park, PTA.

LABUSCHAGNE Johannes Kristoffel, male aged 61, phoned his son to tell him that
his house had been broken into minutes before he was shot in the head and neck on
the cement slab outside his home. He died on the way to the hospital. Vredepoort
farm, Dordrecht. 6 Mar 2006.
Mnr Johannes Kristoffel Labuschagne (61) was in die nek en kop geskiet op die
plaveisel buite sy huis kort nadat hy sy seun gebel het om te se dat daar op sy plaas
ingebreek was. Hy is oppad na die hospitaal oorlede. Vredepoort, Dordrecht.

LARDNER Craig, wine farmer of Paardeberg, woke up in his bed in the early morning
hours to a burst of gun-fire from his window. He managed to roll off the bed when
the shooting started, but was shot in the leg and foot. Twenty-one shots were fired at
him. Farm Far Horizons. Cape. 2006.
Mnr Craig Lardner, ‘n wyn boer van Paardeberg, was deur sy venster geskiet
gedurende die vroee oggend ure. Meer dan 21 skote was op hom afgevuur
waartydens hy in die been en voet getref was voordat hy van die bed afgerol het.
Plaas Far Horizons. Kaap.

LANGE Ulrich, male aged 81, was murdered on his smallholding in Muldersdrift. Apr
2006. Mnr Ulrich Lange (81) was op sy kleinhoewe vermoor in Muldersdrif.

LENSLEY Francois, actor in the television series ‘7de Laan’ was overpowered inside
his home by an armed gang during which he was shot in the shoulder. Gauteng. 4
Jan 2006.
Francois Lensley (Marko in 7de laan) was deur gewapende mans in sy huis oorval en
in die skouer geskiet. Gauteng
LIEBENBERG Karin, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Warren, Amanzimtoti. KZN. Mar 2006.

LIEBENBERG Marethea, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Sinoville, Pretoria. GA. Jan 2006.

LITHINS Patricia AND her son Jesse who was a scholar at the time, AND her
husband Jerome, who is hardhearing, were attacked, physically assaulted and
robbed by a gang of 3 men outside their home early in the morning, after they had
held the family domestic worker and 2 visitors hostage for 11 hours in the maids
room. Patricia was shot to death. Jerome has since had to close his business, and
Jesse suffered from stress and depression, and his studies. Paulshof. Dec 2006.
Die Lithins familie se lewens is onherroeplik verander nadat hulle aangeval,
aangerand en beroof was deur 3 gewapende mans buite hul huis in die vroee oggend
ure, waarin. Mev Patrica Lithin doodgeskiet was. Haar hardhoorende man, Jerome,
moes sedertdien sy besigheid toemaak. Hulle seun Jesse, wat op die tyd ‘n skolier
was, het aan stress en depressive begin lei en sy studies laat vaar. Die aanval was
nadat hul huishulp en 2 vriende vir elf ure deur die bende in die bediendekamer
aangehou was. Paulshof.

LOMBARD Marlene, AND her son AND her two daughters, AND her mother were
attacked and robbed on the farm Nooitgedacht. 5 July 2006.
Marleen Lombard en gesin (haar ma, dogter en 2 seuns) was aangeval en beroof op
die plaas Nooitgedacht.

LOURENS Willem, Desire AND Anthea are mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
their circumstances are not clear. Soutpansberg, Louis Trichardt. LIM. June 2006.

LOURENS Anton, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Menlo Park, Pretoria. GA. Oct 2006.

LOURENS Willie, male aged 61, was shot to death inside his office AND his wife
Edmund was overpowered, tied up and robbed by an armed gang of at least 5 men
inside their farmhouse at night. Hekpoort farm, Johannesburg west. Tues 2006
Mnr Willie Lourens (61) was doodgeskiet en sy vrou Edmund oorval, vasgemaak en
beroof gedurende ‘n aanval deur ten minste 5 gewapende mans in hulle plaashuis
gedurende die nag. Hekpoort plaas, JHB.

MALAN Willie, male, was ambushed at around 18:20 by two men inside the same
house where his wife had been attacked 3 years previously. He suffered serious
head wounds and was robbed. Soutpansberg farm, Levubu, Louis Trichardt. LIM. Fri
3 Mar 2006
Mnr Willie Malan was omstreeks 18:20 op sy plaas naby Levubu wreed aangeval deur
twee boewe wat hom in sy huis ingewag, aangerand en beroof het, waartydens hy
ernstige kopbeserings opgedoen het. Sy vrou was drie jaar tevore ook op dieselfde
plaas aangerand. Soutpansberg



MARCOS Luis AND his wife Marindawere attacked by an armed gang of at least 3
men in the Soutpansberg farming area. Louis Trichardt, LIM. April 2006.
Mnr Luis Marcos en sy vrou Marinda, was deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3
mans aangeval in die Soutpansberg plaas gedeelte van Louis Trichardt.

MARAIS Jacobus “Basie”, a businessman aged 56, received a false call in his home
that there had been a burglary at a local airfield hanger at around 01:30. He left to
investigate but his body was found outside next to his pick-up van outside a house
in his neighbourhood two hours later. He had been hit with a blunt object on the
head. Jongensbaai, Still Bay, Cape. Sat 7 Oct 2006.
Mnr “Basie” Jacobus Marias (56) ‘n besigheidsman, het omstreeks 01:30 in sy
Jongensbaai huis ‘n telefooniese oproep gekry met ‘n vals alarm dat daar by die
naburige lugveld ingebreek word. Hy het gaan ondersoek instel, maar sy ligaam was
2 ure later langs sy bakkie gevind naby ‘n huis in sy buurt. Hy was met ‘n stomp
voorwerp teen die kop geslaan. Stilbaai.

MAXWELL Miems, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Meyerspark, Pretoria. GA. July 2006.

MC DONALD Brenda, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Durban, KZN. Feb 2006


MC GAFFIN Gordon SEE MC GAFFIN Anne-Elizabeth
MC GAFFIN Leigh SEE MC GAFFIN Anne-Elizabeth

MC GAFFIN Anne-Elizabeth aged 38, AND her children, son Gordon aged 5, AND
daughter Leigh aged 8, were attacked, held hostage and robbed on their farm
Grassmoor, Louis Trichardt. LIM. 9 Apr 2006.
Anne-Elizabeth McGaffin (38) en haar kinders, seun Gordon (5) en dogter Leigh (8)
was op hulle plaas Grassmoor aangehou en beroof, Louis Trichardt

MEIKLEJOHN Cameron was tied up by an escaped convict inside her room while her
2 year old daughter watched before he stole their television and car at around 06:15.
Johannesburg. 5 Dec 2006.
Mej. Cameron Meiklejohn was deur ‘n ontsnapte gevangene in haar kamer
vasgemaak voor haar 2 jarige dogterjie omstreeks 06:15. Hy het hulle televisie en
motor gesteel. JHB.

MERRYWEATHER Andrew, male aged 22, is mentioned in records on farm attacks,

but his circumstances are not clear. Claremont. Nov 2006.

MERRYWEATHER Matthew, male aged 24, is mentioned in records on farm attacks,

but his circumstances are not clear. Rondebosch. Sep 2006.

MEYER Billy, a small-scale tomato farmer aged 43, AND his girlfriend, Alida Grobler
aged 27, AND her three children, six-month-old baby girl, Christelle, AND 3 year old
Shaun AND 6 yr old Justin, were attacked by an armed black man inside their home
at around 19:30pm. Alida was preparing a feeding bottle for Christelle in the kitchen
when the gunman walked through the kitchen door and ordered her to the lounge,
where Billy was sitting with Christelle on his lap. The boys started screaming and
Billy was putting his baby down on the floor when he was shot dead through the
head. Stolen: celphone and about $25. Lovedale Farm, Mara district, Makhado.
Pretoria. Sat 8 Aug 2006


MOOLMAN Jan aged 37, was working on his farm in the night when he AND his
security guard was attacked by a gang of 8 men. Jan was shot to death. His guard
was shot in the foot. Biesieslaagte, Wolmaranstad, North West. Wed 30 Nov 2006.
Mnr Jan Moolman (37) was doodgeskiet terwyl hy gewerk het op sy plaas
Biesieslaagte gedurende die nag deur ‘n gewapende bende van 8 mans. Sy wag was
in die voet geskiet. Wolmaranstad

MORGAN Michelle, is mentioned in records on farm records, but her circumstances

are not clear. Durban, KZN. Feb 2006.

MOSTER Willem, male aged 60, was attacked and bashed with hammers and a
spanner on his farm Skandinawiërsdrift, Mar 2006
Mnr Willem Moster (60) was aangeval met hamers en ‘n moersleutel op sy
plaas, Skandinawiërsdrift

MUCHNICK Talia aged 20 had just finished studying at around 01:00 inside her home
which she shared with her younger brother Johnathan and her parents, and went
downstairs to find her cellphone when she heard a thump that sounded like her
brother falling out of bed. Talia shouted to her brother and he replied, saying:
"Everything is fine. Stay downstairs I'll come and get you." Then Jonathan appeared
through the door with two knifemen flanking him. He had a gaping wound in his back
and his hands had been sliced up. He told her not to scream and tried to put his
hand out to her but they didn't like that. The pair were escorted into their parents'
bedroom. There, the entire family were tied up while every drawer and every
cupboard was ransacked. The Muchnick mother grew hysterical, telling the
attackers to: "Hurry, we need to call the doctor (to treat Jonathan)." She was then
locked up in the bathroom. The gang loaded the family vehicle with their loot and
fled. Morningside. 12 May 2006.

MULLER Daniel, male aged 22, was shot to death during an armed robbery in a
restaurant. Convicted were Moses Mkhawane aged 26, and Nicholas Ngwenya aged
21. Pretoria. 26 Aug 2006,,3-975_2485246,00.html
MULLER Maryne, female aged 38, was shot and kidnapped in their family car while
she was waiting inside her car for her husband, who had climbed out to stretch his
legs at around 20:30 along the N1 Lynnwood Highway. Her corpse was later found,
still inside the car, with the safety belt on, and bullet wounds in the stomach, chest
and leg. Pretoria. 14 Sep 2006
Mej. Maryne Muller (38) was insittende van hulle familie motor terwyl haar man sy
bene gerek het langs die N1 Lynnwood hoofpad ongeveer 20:30 toe sy geskiet en in
hul motor ontvoer was. Haar lyk was later steeds in die motor gevind, met die sitplek
gordel vas, en skiet wonde in haar maag, bors en been. Pretoria.

MULLER Louise, female aged 77, was murdered inside her home during the night.
her corpse was found on the bedroom floor, with the hands and feet tied up, a
nightie tied around her neck, and a duvet thrown over her body. Her home had been
broken into two weeks previously as well. Bloemfontein. Thur 17 Dec 2006.
Mev. Louise Müller (77) was in haar huis vermoor. Haar lyk was in die kamer ontdek,
die hande en voete vasgemaak, ‘n nagjurk om haar keel vasgebind en ‘n duvet oor
haar ligaam gegooi. Bloemfontein.

MULLER Pieter, male aged 43, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Ermelo, Mpumalanga. MP. Sep 2006.

MYBURGH Norma aged 45 AND her son Hugo aged 21, were attacked on their farm.
Hugo was overpowered inside their garage and forced into the house, where Norma
had also been overpowered by another 2 gang members. They were instructed to
drive their attackers in Norma’s car to Burgersfort where he had to withdraw R1500
($200) from his account at an ATM for their attackers, who then climbed out of the
car in a black township. Steelpoort. 20 July 2006.
Mnr Hugo Myburgh (21) was in die motorhuis op hul plaas oorval en na die huis
geneem waar sy ma, Norma (45) ook deur 2 aanvallers oorrompel was. Daarna is
hulle gedwing om hulle aanvallers in Norma se voertuig na Burgersfort te neem, was
Hugo R1500 vanuit ‘n kitsbank moes trek en aan die bende oorhandig, wat in ‘n
swart gebied uit die kar geklim het. Steelpoort.

NAUDE Leon, business man aged 48, was attacked while a colleague was dropping
him off at his home on the Steinsvlei holdings at around 19:15. Leon was shot five
times in the face and upper body. He died on the scene. Muldersdrift. Mon 27 July
Mnr Leon Naude (48) was doodgeskiet terwyl ‘n mede werker hom by sy huis op ‘n
Steynsvlei hoewe na werk afgelaai het. Hy was vyf keer gewond in die gesig en bolyf,
en is op die toneel oorlede. Muldersdrift.

NAUMANN Fritz was shot at on the Leeukuil holdings. Pietersburg. 1 Feb 2006
Mnr Fritz Naumann is ongedeerd nadat ‘n koeël hom gemis het op sy Leeukuil
hoewe, Pietersburg

NEL Deon aged 35, AND his wife Elizma were attacked as they arrived home on their
Kay Sand smallholding around 21:00. Deon was taking groceries from the car while
Elizma was unlocking the front door of their home when an armed gang of at least 4
men appeared. Deon ran towards Elizma but was shot in the back and collapsed
about 10 meters from his wife. More shots were fired into his body before they
dragged him by his arms to Elizma and robbed them of their personal effects, even
grabbing the shoes from her feet. As the attackers fled, they fired shots at the
domestic workers who were approaching to investigate what was going on. Dean
died before the ambulance arrived. Randburg. 3 Mar 2006.
Mnr Deon Nel (35) was vermoor gedurende ‘n aanval op hul Kay Sand kleinhoewe
kort nadat hulle tuis gekom het. Hy was besig om inkopies uit die kattebak te laai, en
sy vrou Elizma was besig om die voordeur oop te sluit, toe ‘n gewapende bende van
ten minste 4 mans verskyn het. Deon het na Elizma gehardloop maar was in sy rug
geskiet. Daarna het hulle nog ‘n sarsie skote op die swaargewonde entrepreneur
afgevuur en hom aan sy arms na Elizma gesleep. Die egpaar was van al hul
persoonlike besittings beroof. Tot Elizma se skoene was van haar voete afgeruk
voordat die aanvallers gevlug het. Daar was ook op die huishulp geskiet toe hulle
nader stap om te sien wat aangaan. Randburg.

NEL Hein, male aged 26, was found strangled to death and bound to a chair in the
flat of a tenant from whom he had tried to collect rent money. Port Elizabeth. 10 Oct
Mnr Hein Nel (26) se lyk was vasgebind aan ‘n stoel in die woonstel van ‘n huurder
van wie hy huurgeld moes ontvang, gevind waar hy dood verwurg was. Port

NEL Leatha, female aged 21, was walking inside a shopping centre to do banking for
her employer early evening when she was robbed. Another shopkeeper tried to help
her, but was shot in the left leg. Her attackers fired two more shops into the
windows of the bottle store where she was employed before they fled. Pietersburg.
Fri 20 Dec 2006
Mej. Leatha Nel (21) was beroof terwyl sy in ‘n besigheids sentrum gestap het om
haar werkgewer se geld te bank. ‘n Winkeleienaar het haar tot hulp gesnel maar was
in die linker been geskiet. Die aanvallers het nog twee skote in die venster van die
bottelstoor waat Leatha werk, geskiet voordat hulle gevlug het. Pietersburg.



NIEHAUS H, Mrs., is mentioned in records on farm killings, but her circumstances

are not clear. Worcester, WC

NIENABER Jan, male aged 35, AND his wife Alette aged 30, were attacked inside
their home at night by an armed gang of 3 men. Alette was in bed and Jan was
watching tv when their lounge window broke into shards and he saw a hand
clutching a pistol. He managed to alert a security company as he ran to warn his
wife, but before they could close the bedroom door, they were overpowered and
forced to lay face-down in their lounge. The couple were stomped on and pistol
whipped on their heads. Alette was stripped and made to walk around wearing only
her t-shirt while she was pawed. The drama ended when the security company
arrived. Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, Pretoria. 11 Oct 2006,,2-7-1442_2010899,00.html
Wife made to parade half-naked

NOACK Mattias, male aged 57, was shot to death on the Lindley holdings, West
Rand. 27 Sep 2006.
Mattias Noack (57) was op die Lindleyhoewe doodgeskiet, Wes Rand

NORTJE Kerneels, male aged 64, was attacked while he was working on his land
during the day by a gang of 4 men armed with stones, a knife, scissors and a spade.
They threatened to kill him and was told“Boer, today I am going to kill you!” They
wrestled with Kerneels during which he slipped in the mud and his glasses fell. His
celphone and watch was stolen. Kerneels also sustained a large gash on his back
from the spade they had hit him with before his son arrived, and they ran away. Farm
Opwag, Groblershoop. 12 Dec 2006
Mnr Kerneels Nortjie (64) was op sy landerye gedurende die dag deur 4 mans
gewapen met klippe, ‘n sker, mes en graaf. Hy was ook met die dood gedreig, en
moes hoor :”Boer, vandag maak ek jou vrek!” ‘n Stoeiery het ontstaan waarin
kerneels in die modder gegly het en sy brille laat val het. Hy was ook met ‘n graaf in
die rug gekloof. Sy horlosie en selfoon was gesteel voordat sy aanvallers gevlug het
toe sy seun opdaag. Opwag plaas, Groblershoop.

OBERHOLZER Petro, female in her 60’s, was attacked on the Columbiapot No. 5
smallholding. Naboomspruit. 28 May 2006
Petro Oberholzer (60’s) was aangeval op die Columbiapot nr 5 hoewe
naby Naboomspruit

OLIVIER Jacques, male aged 33, AND his fiancé Anel Venter were in his
garage/workshop at night where Jacques was busy working when they were
confronted by two armed men. Anel managed to escape just as they fired several
shots into the garage during which Jacques was fatally wounded. Nothing looted. Fri
29 Sept 2006
Man killed in attack on smallholding

OLWAGE Andrew aged 78 AND his wife Kowie aged 75, were attacked outside their
home in Goodwood late at night after they arrived home by an armed gang of at least
4 men. Inside the garage, a ganster pulled the trigger twice to shoot Andrew, but the
gun did not go off. Andrew grabbed the gun from him, but was hit from behind on his
head by another attacker. They dragged him into the garden where they kicked and
hit him in and out of consciousness. Kowie, who was waiting for her husband
outside the garage, was also attacked and dragged into the garden where she was
severely beaten in and out of consciousness, and threatened with death. Her teeth
fell out and lay against a wall. Their neighbours, Mr Jan Visagie and his wife Ronel,
heard their screams and were also held at gunpoint when they arrived to investigate.
Andrew managed to get the attention of police which drove past and the gang fled in
the Olwage car. The Olwages were admitted to hospital with serious head injuries.
Cape Town. Mon 4 Oct 2006
Mnr Andrew Olwage (78) en sy vrou Kowie (75) was kort na hul aankoms tuis in die
laatnag deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans oorval. Andrew was in die
motorhuis toe ‘n aanvaller twee keer die sneller trek om hom te skiet, maar die
geweer het nie afgegaan nie. Andrew het die geweer van hom afgeneem, maar was
van agter op die kop geslaan deur ‘n ander aanvaller. Hulle het hom na die tuin
gesleep waar hy in en uit beswyming geslaan en geskop was. Kowie, wat buite die
motorhuis vir haar man gewag het, was daar gegryp en ook die tuin in gesleep waar
sy ook in en uit beswyming geslaan en geskop was. Haar tande het langs ‘n muur
uitgeval. Toe hulle bure, Jan Visagie en sy vrou Ronel, tot hulp kom was hulle met
gewere aangehou. Andrew het daarin geslaag om die aandag van ‘n polisie voertuig
wat toevallig verby gery het, te trek, en die aanvallers het in die Olwages se motor
gevlug. Goodwood, Kaapstad.


OOSTHUIZEN Jocoba AND her husband were attacked, physically assaulted and
robbed inside their farmhouse at around 13:15 on a Sunday during which her right
wrist and hipbone was broken. The left shoulder of her husband was also damaged
before they put him into the bath to cut his throat but changed their plans.
Soutpansberg, 15km from Potgietersrus.Louis Trichardt. LIM. Mar 2006.
Mev Jocoba Oosthuizen en haar man was omstreeks 13:15 op ‘n Sondag in hul
plaashuis oorval, aangerand en beroof. Jocoba se regter gewrig en bekkenbeen was
gebreek, en haar man se linker skouers ontwrig voordat hy in die bad geprop was
met die bedoeling dat sy keel afgesny moet word voordat die aanvallers van plan
verander het. Soutpansberg, Potgietersrus.

OPPERMAN Buks, male aged 63, AND his wife Mariaan aged 60, were ambushed at
around 10:30 when they arrived home after church by an armed gang of at least 4
members, of which one was a woman. Buks was forced to walk down the passage
with a gun pushing into his back to open the safe in their bedroom. Then the couple
were tied up with nylon ropes in the bathroom. An attacker showed Buks a penknife
and said: 'I am going to kill your wife with this knife.' They pulled a shirt over his
head, shut the bathroom door and took his wife to the bedroom. She began praying
while one of them was talking to her. Then he asked her what she was doing. She
told him: 'I am praying - for myself and for you.' When she said that, he told her she
should remain seated and they left.'' Weilaagte, Delmas. 21 Aug 2006.
Mnr Buks Opperman (63) en sy vrou Mariaan (60) was by hul huis ingewag en
aangeval na kerk ongeveer 10:15 op ‘n Sondag deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten
minste 4 aanvallers waarvan een ‘n vrou was. Buks was gang af gedwing met ‘n
geweer teen sy rug gedruk om die kluis in hulle kamer oop te sluit. Daarna was die
egpaar in die badkamer met nylon toue vasgemaak. ‘n Aanvaller het ‘n knipmes aan
Buks gewys en gedreig dat hy mariaan gaan doodmaak. Sy hemp was oor Buks se
kop getrek, en Mariaan was na die slaapkamer geneem. Terwyl die aanvaller met
haar praat, het sy hardop begin bid. Toe hy vra wat sy doen, het sy geantwoord dat
sy bid, vir haarself, en vir hom. Hy het gese dat sy moet stilsit en die aanvallers het
verdwyn. Weilaagte, Delmas.

PARKIN Len Norman, male aged 45, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Sinoville, Pretoria. GA. Jan 2006

PEACH Carole, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Durban, KZN. Dec 2006.

PENNING Bekka, farmer aged 75, AND his wife, were attacked and robbed on their
farm Rietbult, by an armed gang of at least 3 men. Soekmekaar, Louis Trichardt. Sun
17 Sept 2006
Mnr Bekka Penning (75) en sy vrou was op hul plaas Rietbult aangeval en beroof
deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 3 mans. Soekmekaar, Louis Trichardt.

PESTANA Antonio, male aged 47, was found murdered in his farmhouse in
Rondebult, Germiston. 24 Nov 2006
Mnr Antonio Pestana’s (47) was dood gevind in sy Rondebult plaashuis, Germiston

PIETERS Frans aged 44, a mine worker who has a prosthetic leg, AND his wife
Daleen aged 33, AND their children Gideon aged 10 AND Anuscka aged 3, were
attacked inside their home by a gang of armed men who kicked open the front door
at 21:15 while Daleen was watching television, and her family were asleep. They
stormed down on Daleen and stabbed her with knives, cutting her leg to the bone in
two places above the ankle. They fetched Frans and the children from their rooms
and tied them all up in the television room. The family were continually physically
assaulted in full view of each other. Their torturers melted a plastic bag, and dripped
the melting plastic onto the boy, Gideon. They also battered his face, broke his nose
and his eye was bruised and swollen. Anuscka was slapped in the face. Daleen was
repeatedly hit and kicked. The barrel of a 9mm pistol was pushed into her mouth
before the family were blindfolded and gagged. Frans was severely tortured during
which his forehead was slashed open, and boiling water poured on him, before he
was strangled with a shoelace. The gang tortured the family until around 01:00
before they left, taking the television and cd player with them. From there they tried
to break down the door of a neighbouring smallholder but were interrupted by the
police, who caught one of the attackers. Swartruggens. 12 July 2006.
Mnr Frans Pieters (44), ‘n mynwerker met ‘n valsbeen, sy vrou Daleen (33), en hulle
kinders Gideon (10) en Anuscka (3) was deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval in hulle
huis. Daleen was beig om televisie te kyk, en haar familie het geslaap, toe die boewe
die deur afskop en op haar afstorm. Hulle het haar onmiddelik met messe bygedam
en haar been net bokant die enkel is ook twee keer tot op die been gesny. Frans en
die kinders was vanuit hulle kamers na die sitkamer gedwing waar hulle almal
vasgemaak was. Hulle het die seun Gideon gebrand met ’n plastieksak wat hulle
gesmelt het en op hom laat drup het. Sy neus was stukkend geslaan en oe blou
toegeslaan. Die dogtertjie Anuscka was geklap. Die hele familie was gedurendheid
aangerand in volle sig van mekaar. Die loop van ‘n 9mm pistol was in Daleen se
mond gedruk net voordat die hele familie geblinddoek en gemuilband was. Frans se
voorkop was oopgesny, en kookwater oor hom uitgestort, voordat hulle hom met ‘n
skoenveter verwurg het. Die familie se marteling het tot omstreeks 01:00 voort
geduur. Die bende het die televisie en ‘n cd speller gesteel en die naburige
kleinhoewe eienaar se deur probeer afskop, maar was deur die polisie geonderbreuk,
wat een van die bende gevang het. Swartruggens.



PODOLSKI Ezrah, farmer aged 71, AND his wife Miriam aged 61 were attacked by 3
men during the day on their farm. Miriam was punched, kicked and pulled by her hair
before she was tied to a chair. Ezrah was bludgeoned with a shovel on his head and
then hung to die in a tree. Two suspects have been apprehended: Nkosingipile
Khumalo aged 21, and Zikhulile Simbela aged 29. Pietermaritzburg farm.
5 Sept 2006
2009-04-14 Ezrah Podolski, P’Maritzburg:killed 2006-09-05,,2-7-1442_1993779,00.html
POTGIETER Anna-Marie, female police captain aged 39, was shot to death by an
armed gang of at least 3 men on a smallholding near Vereeniging. 25 Jan 2006
Kapt. Anna-Marie Potgieter (39) was doodgeskiet op ‘n hoewe naby Vereeniging.

POTGIETER Boet, farmer aged 74, was attacked on his holding during the day and
injured his arms while protecting his head from a piece of wood swung at him
repeatedly. Mooiriver area, Potchefstroom. 6 Dec 2006
Mnr Boet Potgieter (74) se arms was beseer terwyl hy die houe van ‘n stuk hout
bedoel vir sy kop afgeweer het op sy hoewe naby die Mooirivier, Potchefstroom.

POTGIETER Clarance, male aged 25, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Brenthurst, Brakpan. Sep 2006.

PREPOK Vaughn, male aged 19, was walking home at around 04:30 when he was
murdered in the street. He had suffered a broken nose and his teeth were sticking
out through his bottom lip during the assault in which his head was beaten to a pulp
before his throat was slit. Edenvale, East Rand. Thur 21 Dec 2006.
Mnr Vaughn Prepok (19) was besig om huis toe te stap ongeveer 04:30 toe hy in die
straat vermoor was. Sy neus was gebreek, en sy tande het deur sy onderlip
deurgesteek nadat sy kop pap geslaan was, voordat hy keelaf gesny was. Edenvale,

PRETORIUS Andries, his friends Mr Viljoen AND Mr Van Zijl were attacked,
physically assaulted and robbed by an armed gang of at least 5 men. Andries was
also bitten and scratched by their attackers and had to be treated with anti-
retrovirals. 2006.
Mnr Andries Pretorius en sy vriende mnre Viljoen en van Zijl was deur ‘n gewapende
bende van ten minste 5 mans oorval, aangerand en besteel. Andries was ook gekrap
en in die hand gebyt, waarvoor hy anti-vigs behandeling moes ondergaan.

PRETORIUS Gary, male aged 28, AND his girlfriendGiuliette Breytenbach aged 29,
were attacked at around 20:10 on their Bashewa smallholding by an armed gang of
at least 5 men. Gary was shot outside their home, and then robbed. Guiliette went
outside to investigate what the noise was about and was confronted by the armed
gang who chased after her and forced their way into the house, before they robbed
her. Garsfontein, Pretoria East. Mon 19 Oct 2006.
Mnr Gary Pretorius (28) was buite sy huis op die Bashewa kleinhoewe geskiet
ongeveer 20:10 deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 5 mans. Sy vriendin,
Giuliette Breytenbach (29) het uit die huis gehaas om hom te help maar het haarself
in 5 mans vasgeloop. Hulle het haar die huis ingevolg en beroof. Garsfontein.

PRETORIUS Marius aged 41, AND his wife Lily, AND their daughter Chanté aged
seven, AND their son Riaan aged 19, were attacked as they arrived home at around
20:00 and parked inside their garage, by an armed gang who had pulled in with their
get-away car behind them. A gunman jumped out and ran towards the family. Marius
reversed into their attackers’ car and was pulling off when a gunman shot at them.
Marius leaned forward to protect his family, and was shot in the left shoulder. He
drove to safety until he passed out. He died shortly after. Verwoerdpark, Alberton.
Tues 28 Dec 2006. Marius nearly died during an attack in 1998.
Mnr Marius Pretorius (41), sy vrou Lily, hul dogtertjie Chanté (7), en sy seun, Riaan
(19), het net ná 20:00 by sy motorhuis ingetrek toe ‘n gewapende bende agter hulle
stilgehou het, en man met ‘n pistol uitgespring en na hulle begin hardloop het.
Marius het agteruit gejaag en die ander motor getref. Terwyl Marius wegtrek, het ‘n
aanvaller ‘n skoot afgevuur. Marius het vorentoe geleun om sy familie te beskerm en
was in die skouer getref. Hy het hulle na veiligheid bestuur totdat hy sy bewussyn
verloor het, en is kort daarna oorlede. Verwoerdpark, Alberton.

PRINSLOO Joggie, male aged 62, AND Bets, female aged 60, are mentioned in
records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Farm Prinshof,
Warmbaths. LIM. Sep 2006.

RABIE Sandra, wife of ex-NP parlament member, was murdered during an attack
inside her home by an armed gang of at least 3 men. It appears she was followed
into the house at around 23:00 and overpowered in the passage. Her husband, who
was reading in the bedroom, AND her son who came out from his bedroom were
held at gunpoint while they were tied up. Sandra was beaten on the head with a blunt
object to death while they were forcing her to hand over the keys to the safe.
Boksburg. Thur 18 Dec 2006.
Mev Sandra Rabie, vrou van voormalige NP parlementslid, was in haar huis vermoor
gedurende ‘n gewapende aanval deur ten minste 3 mans. Dit blyk dat hulle haar die
huis ingevolg het ongeveer 23:00 en haar in die gang oorval het. Haar man, wat in die
kamer gelees het, en haar seun wat uit sy kamer gestap het, was met gewere
aangehou terwyl hulle vasgebind was. Sandra was herhaaldelik met ‘n stomp
voorwerp teen die kop geslaan terwyl hulle die kluis se sleutels uit haar gedwing het.
Sy is gedurende die aanval oorlede. Boksburg.

RAMPAI Elizabeth, female aged 25, was with her baby when they were overpowered
and robbed in an attack on a farm in Delareyville. 7 Sep 2006
Elizabeth Rampai (25) en haar baba was oorval en beroof gedurende in plaasaanval
in Delareyville

RAUBENHEIMER Christopher, male aged 31, was shot to death on the Bridle park
smallholdings, Midrand. 11 Aug 2006
Christopher Raubenheimer (31) was doodgeskiet op ‘n kleinhoewe in Bridle Park,

RAUSCH Ray, male aged 76, was shot dead as he entered his house by an intruder at
around 21:40. His wife, Connie, was woken up shortly before the shooting by the
barking of her dogs. She saw the intruder in her room pointing a gun at her and he
indicated with his finger over his lips that she must remain quiet. He walked into the
passage and the gun went off. Garsfontein agricultural holdings, Pretoria. GA.
Midrand 15 Dec 2006.
Mnr Ray Rausch (76) was dood geskiet toe hy by sy huis se voordeur instep
ongeveer 21:40. Sy vrou, Connie, het kort daarvoor wakker geword van die honde se
geblaf, en ‘n man in haar kamer gesien wat ‘n wapen op haar gerig het, en met sy
vinger oor sy mond aan haar gebaar het om stilt e bly. Hy het uit die kamer gang af
gestap en die doodskoot het geklap. Garsfontein hoewe.

REED Anna Jacoba, female aged 65, AND her family Caroline female aged 12, AND
Natasha female aged 45, AND Phillip male aged 9, were attacked inside their house
in the farm Arib during which Anna was strangled to death. Gobabis, Gonubie, East
London, EC. 21 Sep 2006
Mej. Anna Jacoba Reed (65) was verwurg in haar huis op die plaas Arib gedurende ‘n
aanval waarin haar familie, ‘n meisie Caroline (12), ‘n vrou Natasha (45) en ‘n seun
Phillip (9) ook oorval was. Gobabis distrik.

REED Caroline SEE REED Anna Jacoba

REED Natasha SEE REED Anna Jacoba
REED Phillip SEE REED Anna Jacoba

REGENASS Manny was ambushed inside his farmhouse upon his return from work
at night by a gang which had gained entry into the premises by cutting the burglar
proofing off a window. Manny was attacked in the dark, physically assaulted and
robbed. He suffered a broken jaw and serious head injuries during the physical
attack during which he was also bashed on the head and kicked. Mabatlane, Bela-
Bela. Sat 1 July 2006.
Mnr Manny Regenass was by sy plaashuis na werk ingewag, aangerand en beroof
deur ‘n bende wat toegang gekry het deur om diefwering voor ‘n venster af te knip.
Manny was in die donker oor die kop geslaan en geskop waartydens hy ernstige kop
wonde opgedoen het, asook ‘n gebreekte kakebeen. Mabatlane, Bela-Bela.

RIGBY John aged 76, AND his wife Wilma aged 75, were attacked, robbed and
physically assaulted with pick axes and “kierries” (traditional weapons made from
wood, which has a wooden handle and hard ball-like club) on their farm Southborne,
Addo district. 30 Dec 2006.
Mnr John Rigby (76) en sy vrou Wilma (75)was op plaas Southborne, Addo-distrik
met pikstele en knopkieries aangerand en beroof
ROBBERTSON Robbie, farmer aged 56, was strangled to death on his Vallambrosa
holding by a gang of at least 22 members. Bloemfontein. Mar 2006.
Mnr Robbie Robbertson boer (56), was verwurg op sy Vallambrosa hoewe deur ‘n
bende van ten minste 2 mans. Bloemfontein

ROBERTSON Sean AND his wife Derynwere ambushed inside their bedroom
at night by an armed gang of at least 8 men who attacked and robbed them. Three
knives were used to stab Sean of which two belonged to the family, a bread knife
and a carving knife. He was stabbed 13cm deep near the hip, and in the heart. His
heart stopped shortly after he had been admitted to hospital and he spent 5 days in
the trauma unit. Woodmead. 12 Feb 2006.

ROOS De Ville, farmer aged 40, AND his wife Johanna aged 37, were attacked inside
their kitchen at about 19:30 when an armed man entered through the unlocked door
and demanded that they lie face down on the ground. He then fired 3 shots at De
Ville, hitting him twice in the chest and once in the neck. A second attacker entered
and demanded vehicle keys from Johanna while a third attacker carried a television
set and computer outside. The attackers fled when they saw lights at the gate from a
security company responding to the alarm which had gone off when the shots were
fired. The stolen items were found outside the house. De Ville died from his wounds
in hospital the following day. Uitvalgrond farm, Sonop area near Brits, Marico. Fri 24
Apr 2006.
Mnr De Ville Roos (40) en sy vrou Johanna (37) was in hulle kombuis ongeveer 19:30
aangeval toe ‘n aanvaller deur die ongesluite kombuis instap en hulle bevel om op
die grond te le. Hy het drie skote op De Ville afgevuur. Twee het hom in die bors
getref, en die ander skoot in die kop. ‘n Tweede aanvaller het ingestap en voertuig
sleutels van Johanna geeis terwyl ‘n derde aanvaller ‘n televisiestel en komper
uitgedra het. Die aanvallers het gevlug toe die ligte van ‘n sekuriteitswa op die hek
geskyn het nadat ‘n alarm afgegaan het weens die geweerskote. De Ville het die
volgende dag in die hospitaal beswyk aan sy wonde. Uitvalgrond plaas, Sonop, Brits.

ROOS Johanna SEE ROOS De Ville

ROSS Penny, female, was attacked on her farm during which she was being
strangled when her brother arrived and saved her. Pigeonhole. 3 mar 2006
Mej. Penny Ross was op haar plaas Pigeonhole aangeval en gewurg, waartydens
haar broer opgedaag en haar gered het.

ROSSOUW Christelene, female aged 78, was murdered in her home before 08:00am.
The kitchen table was overturned, and bloody stripes along the walls leading to the
bathroom where her corpse was found in the shower. It appears that she had been
bashed with a brick and stabbed with a screwdriver. There were many wounds to her
head. Welgemoed. 3 Mar 2006.
Mej. Christelene Rossouw (78) was in haar huis vermoor voor 08:00. Haar kombuis
tafel was omgesmyt, en daar was bloed strepe teen die mure af na die badkamer.
Haar lyk was in die stort gevind. Dit blyk dat sy met ‘n baksteen geslaan was, en met
‘n skroewedraaier gesteek was. Haar kop was vol wonde. Welgemoed.

RUDOLPH Amelda. female aged 36, AND Armand, male aged 11, AND Jean, male
aged 9, are mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not
clear. Randfontein, GA. Feb 2006

SAUNDER John aged 72, AND his wife Pamela aged 54, were attacked and physically
assaulted on their smallholding, during which John was stabbed with a knife as well.
Witbank. Dec 2006.
Mnr John Saunder (72) en sy vrou Pamela (54) was aangeval en aangerand by hul
kleinhoewe, waartydens John ook met ‘n mes gesteek was. Witbank.

SCHBART Keith, male aged 16, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Nylstroom. LIM. Dec 2006.

SCHEEPERS Karel aged 59 AND his wife Cornelia aged 54, arrived at their home
around 21:00. Karel became suspicious as he entered the house and heard a strange
noise from the diningroom. He locked the security gate to the diningroom and heard
the sound of a gun being cocked coming from his bedroom. Karel ran out, grabbed
his wife by the arm and ran for shelter behind old ruins as three shots were fired at
them. Karel phoned the police, who arrested the attacker locked in the diningroom.
Laersdrift farm. Middleburg. 20 July 2006.
Mnr Karel Scheepers (59) en sy vrou Cornelia (54) het ongeveer 21:00 by hul huis
aangekom. Toe karel instap, het hy ‘n geraas vanuit die eetkamer gehoor en die
eetkamerdeur se skuifslot gesluit. Toe hoor hy hoe ‘n vuurwapen in die slaapkamer
oorgehaal word en hardloop uit die huis, gryp sy vrou aan die arm, en hardloop vir
skuilding na ‘n ou murasie terwyl drie skote op hulle gevuur was. Karel het die
polisie gebel, wat die aanvaller in die eetkamer in hegtenis geneem het. Laersdrif
plaas, Middelburg.


SCHOEMAN Stefanus Johannes “Fanie”, retired farmer aged 74, AND his wife
Christina Elizabeth “Chrissie”aged 74, moved into town to be safer and were usually
locked up inside their home by 17:30. Chrissie was feeling ill and lay down on the
couch in their lounge where she was overpowered at around 18:30 and beaten with a
hammer. She was also told that her husband had already been killed and that they
would not hesitate to kill her should she not co-operate. Chrissie was forced to her
bedroom, after which she tried to wash herself in the bathroom. She has lost an eye
and suffered a splintered cheeckbone in the attack. Fanie was found on his knees in
his garage, his hands tied up in front of him and his body tied up with wires and rope
to a pole. He had been assaulted and strangled to death. Paul Roux. Mon 4 Oct 2006
Stefanus Johannes “Fanie” Schoeman (78) afgetrede plaasboer, en sy vrou Christina
Elizabeth “Chrissie” (74) het dorp toe getrek vir veiligheid en gewoonlik teen 17:30
was hul huis toegesluit. Chrissie het olik gevoel en op die sitkamer bank gele toe sy
ongeveer 18:30 met ‘n hamer oorval was. Sy was ook vertel dat haar man alreeds
vermoor was en dat haar anvallers nie sou skroom om haar dood te maak as sy nie
saamwerk nie. Sy was na haar slaapkamer gedwing, waar sy probeer het om haarself
skoon te was. Sy het ‘n oog verloor in die aanval en haar wangbeen is gesplinter.
Fanie se lyk was in die motorhuis gevind, op sy kniee. Die hande voor hom gebind
en sy lyf aan ‘n paal vasgebind met drade en toue. Hy was erg aangerand en
verwurg. Paul Roux.

SCHOLTZ Robbie Scholtz aged 61 AND his wife Ina, AND their son Khyber aged 23,
were attacked inside their home at night by an armed gang of at least 2 men. Robbie
and Ina were physically assaulted in the passage. One attacker pushed the firearm
into her face and said: "I'm going to shoot you right now. I'm going to kill you now."
She called out to Khyber who had been asleep for an hour. He grabbed his
knobkerrie and ran into the passage. He saw blood everywhere, and two men hitting
his father with something. Khyber began hitting the attackers with his knobkierrie.
Together with his father, they bundled their attackers out into the garden. He realised
one of the attackers had a gun only when he pulled it out, pushed it against Khyber’s
head, and said “Now what?” before he hit Khyber on the head with the gunbutt. The
other attacker threw a brick at Robbie’s head before they fled. Robbie required
stitches and Khyler surgery. Randburg. May 2006.
Mnr Robbie Scholtz (61) en sy vrou Ina was in die gang van hulle huis gedurende die
nag deur ‘n bende van ten minste 2 mans aangeval. ‘n Bendelid het sy geweer in Ina
se gesig gedruk en gedreig dat hy haar op heterdaad gaan doodskiet. Sy het vir haar
seun Khyber (23) wat ‘n uur tevore gaan slap het, om hulp geroep. Khyber het sy
knopkierrie gegryp en na die gang gehardloop. Hy het gesien dat twee mans sy pa
met iets slaan, en dat daar oral bloed was. Khyber het die aanvallers met sy kierrie
begin slaan, en saam met sy pa, het hulle die bende na die tuin uitgeboender. Khyber
het eers besef dat die bende gewapen was toe een ‘n geweer teen sy kop druk en vra
“wat nou?” voordat hy hom met die geweerkolf oor die kop geslaan het. Die ander
bende het ‘n baksteen teen Robbie se kop gegooi voordat hulle gevlug het. Robbie
moes steke ontvang, en Khyber snykunde vir hulle wonde. Randburg.

SCHONKEN Joan, widow aged 72, who replies on a walking stick, was attacked
inside her home while she was watching television at night. She was whipped with a
shambok, threatened with death, beaten and kicked into subconciousness with her
hands tied behind her back, and left for dead. Her eyes are swollen shut and she has
a deep gash on her forehead. Her whole body is badly bruised from the attack.
Kirkwood farm, Port Elizabeth. EC. Sun 19 Nov 2006
Mev. Joan Schonken, weduwee (72) was met ‘n kierrie loop, was aangeval terwyl sy
televisie gekyk het gedurende die aand. Sy was met ‘n sjambok bygedam, met die
dood gedreig met haar hande agter haar rug vasgemaak, en bewusteloos geslaan en
geskop voordat hulle haar vir dood agtergelos het. Haar oe is bot toe geswel, en sy
het ‘n diep snywond op haar voorkop. Haar hele lyf is pers gekneus van die
aanranding. Plaas Kirkwood, Port Elizabeth.

SCOTT Duanne, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Durban, KZN. Jan 2006.


SMITH Emily, widow aged 53, was overpowered inside her flat at around 22:00,
gagged, robbed, and raped before being suffocated with a pillow. A piece towel
along with a piece of foam torn from the couch on which her corpse was found, was
stuffed into her mouth. Emily was found with a pillow over her head, her face green.
Johannesburg. 8 June 2006.
Weduwee Emily Smith (53) was ongeveer 22:00 in haar woonstel oorval, gemuilband,
beroof, verkrag en met ‘n kussing versmoor. In haar mond was ‘n stukkie handoek
sowel as ‘n stuk spons wat afgeskeur was van die bank waarop haar lyk gevind was.
‘n Kussing was oor haar kop, en haar gesig was groen. JHB.

SNYMAN Aletta AND her husband Johan were attacked at their cafe around 07:40 by
an armed gang of at least 4 men. Alette was behind the counter when the gang
entered. One of them pulled a gun out and pushed it against her head, saying “I
shoot you! I shoot you!” He pulled the trigger repeatedly but it would not go off. She
pushed his gun aside and called Johan who ran in from outside. The gunman aimed
at Johan and pulled the trigger again but it would not go off. Johan grabbed his
sjambok and chased them out into the street, where 2 of them were caught by a
private protection service. Strand. Sunday 13 Oct 2006.
Aletta Snyman was ongeveer 7:40 deur ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans
in haar kafee aangeval. Een van hulle het sy geweer uitgepluk, teen haar kop gedruk
en gese: “I shoot you! I shoot you!” Hy het herhaaldelik die sneller getrek, maar die
skote het nie afgegaan nie. Aletta het die geweer weg gestamp en haar man Johan,
wat buite besig was, geroep. Toe hy inhardloop het die aanvaller ook op hom
probeer skiet, maar weereens het die skote nie afgegaan nie. Johan het sy sambok
gegryp en die bende straat in gejaag, waar ‘n private veiligheids diens twee van die
bende aangekeer het. Strand.



SNYMAN Willie aged 68, AND his wife Martie aged 65, AND his sister-in-law Rita
Meyer, were attacked and stabbed by a man in the waiting room of Kalafong Hospital
while Rita’s husband was being treated for cancer. Willie was stabbed eight times
during which his spine was damaged and blood ran from different wounds in his
body. Martie was stabbed in the shoulder blades and Rita in the head. Both women
were covered in blood while members of the public who were standing around at the
hospital overpowered the man, assaulted him until he could not move, and then tied
him up. Pretoria. 20 July 2006.
Mnr Willie Snyman (68), sy vrou Martie (65) en sy skoonsuster Rita Meyer het in die
Kalafong hospitaal gewag vir Rita se man terwyl hy behandeling vir kanker ontvang
het, toe hulle deur ‘n man met ‘n mes aangeval was. Willie was 8 keer gesteek
waartydens sy rugstring beskadig was, en bloed het uit verskeie wonde uit sy lyf
gevloei. Martie was in haar skouer gesteek en Rita was in die kop gesteek. Terwyl die
dames met bloed gevlek was, het mense van die publiek wat by die hospitaal
rondgestaan het, die aanvaller oorval, aangerand totdat hy nie meer kon beweeg nie,
en vas gebind. Pretoria.

SONNEKUS Zaan, an 8 year old boy, had returned from school and was sitting on the
toilet when a gang of at least 4 men, armed with firearms and a knife, attacked his
home. Two domestic maids were tied up and assaulted while their babies, along with
Zaan’s 9 month old brother, were asleep. Zaan was grabbed from the toilet by his
ears, kicked against the legs and slapped hard in the face before he was taken to the
main bedroom where they threw him with such force against the pillows that he
dropped to the floor. He asked them if he may put on his pants but they swore him.
They demanded to know where the safe was, but Zaan did not know the answer.
They gagged him and tied up his hands and legs before they locked him up in a
bathroom. Zaan was concerned that his 13 year old sister may arrive home from
school and be attacked. He managed to free his hands and climbed out the bathroom
window. He climbed back into the house through the main bedroom window but the
attack was over. His sister walked through their gate as the attackers climbed into a
taxi. Pretoria.Mon 22 Oct 2006.
Zaan Sonnekus (8) het van die skool afgekom en was op die toilet toe 4 mans,
gewapen met gewere en ‘n mes, op sy huis toegeval het. Die twee huishulpers was
vasgebind en aangerand terwyl hulle babas saam met Zaan se 9 maande ou boetie
geslaap het. Die aanvallers het Zaan aan die ore van die toilet af gepluk, teen sy bene
geskop en hard deur die gesig geklap voordat hulle hom in die hoof slaapkamer met
soveel geweld teen die kussings neer gegooi dat hy van die bed af op die vloer geval
het. Zaan het gevra of hy sy broek mag aantrek, maar hulle het hom gevloek, en wou
weet waar die kluis gehou word, maar Zaan het nie die antwoord geken nie. Hulle het
Zaan se hande en voete vasgemaak, hom gemuilband en in die badkamer toegesluit.
Zaan was bekommered dat sy 13 jarige suster van die skool sou tuiskom en
aangerand word. Hy het sy hande losgekry en by die badkamer venster uitgeklim. Hy
het weer terug in die huis geklim deur die hoofslaapkamer venster, maar die aanval
was verby. Toe sy suster deur hulle hek stap, was die aanvallers besig om in ‘n taxi
te klim. Pretoria.

SPARKS Wilhelm, Brittish tourist male aged 20, is mentioned in records onf arm
attacks, but his circumstances are not clear. Ellisras. Dec 2006.

STEPHENS Lyle Andrew, British voluntary charity worker aged 28, was shot and
fatally wounded while taking food to an orphanage near Hillcrest. 27 February 2006
Mnr Lyle Andrew Stephens, ‘n Britse vrywillige genade werker (28) was op pad na ‘n
weeshuis om kos af te lewer toe hy geskiet was en van sy wonde gesterf het.

STEYN John Louis, farmer aged 73, was murdered inside his home shortly before
midnight. John had been attacked, dragged to his kitchen and hit on the head with a
blunt object. Stolen: celphone. Sand River smallholdings, Makhado. Pretoria. Sat 8
Aug 2006
Mnr John Louis Steyn (73) was kort na middernag in sy huis aangerand, na die
kombuis gedwing, met ‘n stomp voorwerp teen die kop geslaan en vermoor. Sand
Rivier hoewe, Makhado.

STRAHAN Maria, farmer woman aged 49, was strangled to death inside her home
during the night by an attacker who gained entrance to the premises by breaking
through the roof. Boshof smallholding. 14 July 2006.



STRAUSHEIM De Wet AND his wife Arien were not home when an armed gang
attacked their home early in the evening. The Strausheim children Christine aged 20,
her sister Wilke aged 16, AND brother Conrad aged 11, as well as their friends Mike
Botes aged 20 AND his brother Wesley aged 18, were sitting on the verandah when
the gang appeared, some wearing balaklavas or stockings over their heads, and
forced them into the house. They took Wilke through the house in search of a non-
existant safe. The attackers waited at the door for the return of the parents. Arien
walked in first and disappeared from De Wet’s sight, and he realised that there was a
gun pointed at him. He wrestled with his attacker until he saw Arien held at gunpoint.
De Wet was pistol whipped so viscuously that he required 13 stiches to the head. He
was also bit on the hand during the assault on him. Their attackers fled the scene
with some jewelry and a couple of hundred rands. Brooklyn, Pretoria. Dec 2006.
Mnr. De Wet Strasheim en sy vrou, Arien, was nie tuis toe die familie huis vroegaand
aangeval was nie. Die Strasheim kinders Christine (20), haar suster Wilke (16), en
broer Conrad (11) was saam met vriende Mike Botes (20) en sy broer Wesley (18)
buite op die stoep toe hulle oorval was deur ‘n bende gewapende mans, van hulle
met balaklavas of sykouse oor die kop. Die jong mense is die huis ingedwing, waar
hulle Wilke deur die huis geneem het op soek na die kluis, wat nie bestaan het nie.
Die ouer paar was in gewag. Arien het voorgestap, en uit De Wet se sig verdwyn toe
hy besef dat daar ‘n vuurwapen op hom gerig is. Hy het met sy aanvaller gestoei
totdat hy besef het dat Arien met ‘n geweer teen haar kop aangehou word. De Wet
was toe so hard oor die kop geslaan met ‘n geweer dat hy 13 steke moes kry. Hy was
ook in die hand gebyt gedurende die aanranding. Die aanvallers is met ‘n paar
honderd rand en enkele juwele op vlug. Brooklyn, PTA.

STRAUSS Kolie aged 69, a wine farmer who recently had a small knee operation,
AND his wife Adrie aged 62, were inside their farmhouse when they cornered an
intruder in their kitchen. While Adrie phoned the police, Kolie was overpowered and
his gun taken from him before the intruder fled the scene. He was later caught and
the gun was recovered. Bloemsmond, Kanon Island. 2 Oct 2006.
Mnr. Kolie Strauss (69), ‘n wynboer wat twee dae voor die voorval ’n kleinerige knie-
operasie ondergaan het, en sy vrou, Adrie (62) van die plaas Bloemsmond, het ‘n
aanvaller in hul kombuis vasgekeer. Terwyl Adrie die polisie gebel het, was Kolie
oorweldig en sy geweer van hom afgeneem voordat die aanvaller gevlug het. Hy was
later aangekeer deur die polisie, en die geweer was aan Kolie terug besorg.

STRYDOM Louis, banker aged 50, was overpowered inside his home during the day
by at least 2 attackers and cruelly murdered with a knife. Bloemfontein. 20 Oct 2006.
Mnre. Louis Strydom (50), 'n bankamptenaar, was helder oordag in sy huis aangeval
deur ten minste twee mans was hom wreed met ‘n mes vermoor het. Bloemfontein.

SWANEPOEL Bennie AND his wife Stella, both aged 75, were ambushed by at least 3
attackers, bashed on their heads with wooden objects, savagely assaulted and left
for dead before their home was ransacked on their smallholding at night. Stella was
attacked inside her home and also stabbed twice in the foot with a knife. She gained
consciousness the following morning at around 05:00, and after finding Bennie
unconscious outside, managed to get him into a vehicle and drive them to safety.
They both required medical attention for serious head wounds in the hospital.
Kookrus smallholding, Meyerton. Sun Jan 2006.
Mnr Bennie Swanepoel en sy vrou Stella, albei 75, was by hul huis ingewag deur ten
minste 3 aanvallers in die nag. Hulle was albei met hout voorwerpe herhaaldelik oor
die kop in ‘n beswyming geslaan en vir dood agter gelos. Stella was in die huis
oorval, en was ook 2 keer met ‘n mes in haar voet gesteek. Sy het eers die volgende
more sowat om 5 uur haar bewussyn herwin, en vir Bennie gevind wat bewusteloos
buitekant gele het. Sy het hom in ‘n voertuig kon kry, en na veiligheid gery. Beide
van hulle moes in die hospitaal behandel word vir ernstige kop beserings. Kookrus
kleinhoewe, Meyerton.


SWANEPOEL Bertus, a paraplegic aged 41, AND his nephew Henry aged 15, were
inside a car specially adapted for Bertus to drive when they were attacked by an
armed gang in their driveway during the day. Bertus was ordered to get out of the
car, but when it became apparent that he could not, he was ordered to drive. Henry
was thrown out from the backseat of the car and a gun was put to his head. This
upset Bertus and he asked to be put with his nephew on the grass. They obliged him
and robbed their victims before they stole the car. It was recovered the following day
from a black township by the police. Clayville, between Pretoria and Midrand. Mon 25
May 2006.
Mnr Bertus Swanepoel (41) wat verlam is, was in sy voertuig wat spesiaal vir hom
ontwerp was, oorval in sy oprit terwyl sy susters kind Henry (15) op die agter sitplek
gesit. Toe die aanvallers besef dat Bertus nie uit die voertuig kan klim nie, was hy
bevel om te bestuur. Hulle het vir Henry uitgepluk en op die grond maak hurk met ‘n
geweer teen sy kop. Dit het vir Bertus hoog ontstel, en hy het gevra dat hulle hom op
die gras langs Henry moet neersit. Dit het hulle gedoen en albei slagoffers beroof
voordat hulle met die voertuig weg gery het. Die polisie het die voertuig die volgende
dag in ‘n swart woonbuurt opgespoor. Clayville.

SWANEPOEL Maxi, female aged 92, was attacked while she was working in her
garden during the day by a man who had asked her for water. He overpowered her
on the porch, pulled her into the house and locked the front door. He picked her up
in the kitchen and threw her down on the bedroom floor, tied her up and taped her
mouth up before he robbed her. She suffered a sprained ankle and many bruises.
Edenburg. 9 June 2006.
Mej. Maxi Swanepoel (92) was besig in haar tuin toe ‘n man haar vir water gevra het.
Sy was oppad om in die huis te gaan toe hy haar op die stoep oorval, die huis intrek
en die voordeur sluit. Hy het haar in die kombuis opgetel en hard op die kamer vloer
neer gegooi, vasgebind en haar mond toegeplak voordat hy haar beroof het. Sy het
‘n geswikte enkel en baie kneuse opgedoen gedurende die aanval. Edenburg.

SWART Niek aged 76, AND his wife Sina aged 68 were attacked on the farm
Damfontein outside Bethlehem. Apr 2006.
Mnr Niek Swart (76) en sy vrou Sina (68) was op die plaas Damfontein buite
Bethlehem aangeval

SWART Shareen, actor in South African television series ‘7de Laan’ AND her
daughters were attacked, overpowered and robbed inside their Meyerspark flat,
Pretoria. Oct 2006.
Shareen Swart (Katinka in 7de laan) en haar dogters was in hul woonstel te
Meyerspark, oorval en beroof. Pretoria


SWIEGERS Jacoba Elizabeth W. Female aged 56, was overpowered on her

smallholding at night, forced into the house, robbed and then kidnapped in her own
vehicle. Her body was found 2 days later by the police. Northdene, Vanderbijlpark.
Tues 14 June 2006.
Mev. Jacoba Elizabeth W. Swiegers (56) op haar kleinhoewe oorval gedurende die
nag, haar huis ingedwing, en beroof voordat sy met haar eie voertuig ontvoer was.
Die polisie het op haar lyk 2 dae later afgekom. Northdene, Vanderbijlpark.

TERBLANCHE Yolandi aged 19, AND her friend Keith Schabort aged 16, were
relaxing in a park close to her parent’s home when they were accosted by armed
men after 01:00 early morning. The couple tried to run away from the men but were
shot. Keith was shot in the leg by one attacker, and Yolandie was shot 3 times, once
in the left shoulder, and twice in right shoulder blade, by the other attacker. She died
from her wounds. Other young people in the park were also under fire at that time.

THERON Fanie aged 59, a cattle farmer, AND his wife Ria aged 55, AND his mother
Hetta aged 87, were attacked, physically assaulted, tied up and robbed inside their
farmhouse at around 20:30 by a gang of at least 4 men armed with two guns, a
hammer and a club. An attacker pulled the trigger of his gun 3 times to shoot Fanie,
but the shot would not go off. He then hit Fanie in the face with a hammer. Ria
managed to untie her hands and push the panic button before their attackers fled the
scene. All three victims required medical treatment for their injuries. Die Erf,
Jeffrey’s Bay. Wed 18 Feb 2006.
Mnr Fanie Theron (59), sy vrou Ria (55) en ouma Hetta (87) was omstreeks 20:30 op
hul beesplaas Die Erf aangeval deur ten minste 4 mans gewapen met 2 gewere, ‘n
hamer en knopkierrie. Al drie was aangerand, vasgemaak en beroof. Eers het ‘n
aanvaller die sneller op Fanie getrek, maar nadat dit die derde maal nie wou afgaan
nie, het hulle hom met ‘n hamer in die gesig geslaan. Ria het haar hande kon loskry
om die alarm te aktiveer voordat hul aanvallers gevlug het. Al drie die slagoffers
moes mediese behandeling kry vir hul beserings. Jeffrey’s Baai.

THORNTON Jenny, female aged 55, was overpowered at around 19:00 by armed
attackers in her garden after she had gone out to turn off the irrigation water. She
was forced back into the house where she was physically assaulted and robbed.
Blood was found on the verandah, and the bedroom was in disarray. Her naked
corpse was found on top of the diningroom table with gunshot wounds to the head
and stomach. during the day and shot in the stomach and head. Devon Bank farm,
near Ida, Dordrecht. Mon 17 Jan 2006.
Mev. Jenny Thornton (55) was op haar plaas, Devon Bank, naby Ida vermoor. Jenny
was ongeveer 19:00 in haar tuin deur ‘n gewapende bende oorval terwyl sy die
waterstelsel afgedraai het en terug na die huis gedwing. Bloed was op haar stoep
gevind en haar slaapkamer was deurmekaar. Haar naakte lyk was op die
eetkamertafel gevind met ‘n geweerskoot in die kop en maag. Dordrecht.

UNNAMED BLONDE woman aged between 25 and 30, was found lying half naked
with her celphone on her chest along the Barry Marais road at around 06:00 and
hospitalized, where she died shortly after from injuries sustained from the rape and
assault on her body. Signs of a struggle and tyre marks were clearly visible at the
scene where she was found. East Rand. 23 Oct 2006
‘n Onbekende blonde vrou van oudderdom tussen 25 en 30 was half nakend gevind
met haar selfoon op haar bors waar sy langs die Barry Marais weg gele het
omstreeks 06:00 en was na die hospitaal geneem, was sy beswyk het aan haar
beserings wat sy opgedoen het tydens die aanranding en verkragting van haar
ligaam. Tekens van ‘n struweling asook motorbandspore is duidelik sigbaar op die
toneel waar sy gevind was. Oos Rand.

UNNAMED BULGERIVIER retired advocate aged 74, and his wife aged 73, were
attacked around 03:00 in the La Rive Hotel by an armed gang of at least 5 men. The
couple were roughly forced to lie down on their bed, and threatened at gunpoint with
their lives to hand over keys to their safe and vehicles. They were locked up inside
their bedroom while the building was ransacked. However, after their attackers came
upon his professional clothing, they left empty handed. Mabatlane (Vaalwater). Fri 7
Apr 2006.
'n Bejaarde Afgetrede advokaat (74) en sy bejaarde vrou (73) van Bulgerivier, was in
hul kamer by die La Rive hotel deur ‘n bende van ten minste 5 gewapende mans
aangeval ongeveer om 03:00. Die oue paar was hardhandig op die bed laat le en met
‘n rewolwerloop teen die kop en dreigemente op hulle lewens beveel om die kluis en
voertuie se sleutels te oorhandig. Daarna was hulle in hul kamer toegesluit terwyl die
gebou gestroop was. Maar nadat die bende op die advokaat se werksklere afgekom
het, het hulle sonder enige iets verdwyn. Bulgerivier. Mabatlane (Vaalwater).

UNNAMED FICHARDTPARK farmer of doves was strangled to death on his

smallholding. Bloemfontein. Mar 2006
Die wurgmoord op ‘n duiweboer by sy huis op die Pichardtpark kleinhoewe word
ondersoek. Bloemfontein.

UNNAMED GLENWOOD LEISUREBAY couple, female aged 59 and her husband aged
64, were attacked and robbed inside their home about 5km away from the Webster
couple who were shot and robbed a short while earlier, by a gang armed with a
shotgun and a handgun at around 20:30. She was hit on the head with a blunt
object. The husband had a gun shoved in his face, and shot at. 17 Aug 2006.
’n 64-jarige man en sy 59-jarige vrou was by hul huis in Novarweg, Glenwood –
minder as 5 km van die aanval dieselfde aand op die Websters – aangerand en
beroof. Sy was oor die kop geslaan met ‘n stomp voorwerp. Die aanvallers wat met ‘n
haelgeweer en ‘n pistol gewapen was, het ‘n geweer in die man se gesig gedruk.
Hulle het ook op hom geskiet, maar nie getref nie.

UNNAMED GORDON’S BAY Businessman aged 40 SEE BACON Clifford

UNNAMED KIBLER PARK couple were attacked while they were watching cricket on
television inside their home at around 10:20am by two men armed with a knife and a
hammer. One of them then started attacking a 73-year-old man with a hammer, while
the other held a knife to the throat of the man's wife. When the old man tried to
prevent a second blow with his arm, his wrist was broken. He fell to the ground and
the attacker continued hitting him on his legs with a hammer. When the old man
realised his 71-year-old wife was being threatened with a knife, he grabbed the
hammer from his attacker and started to fight back. Their attackers then fled, taking
nothing from the house. Johannesburg. 18 Dec 2006.
‘n Bejaarde paartjie was in hul Kibler park huis aangeval omstreeks 10:20am terwyl
hulle krieket gekyk het, deur twee mans wat met ‘n hamer en mes gewapen was. Die
een aanvaller het die bejaarde man (73) met ‘n hamer teen die kop geslaan. Toe hy
die tweede hou met sy arm probeer afweer, was sy gewrig gebreek, en hy het op die
vloer geval, waar sy aanvaller hom verder met die hamer op sy bene geslaan het. Toe
die ouer man sien dat sy vrou (71) met ‘n mes teen haar keel gedreig word, het hy
begin terug baklei, en die hamer van sy aanvaller af weg geneem. Die aanvallers het
toe gevlug. Niks is gesteel nie.

UNNAMED MEMEL couple were attacked on their farm and physically assaulted,
during which the wife was raped. 9 Feb 2006.
‘n Egpaar was op hul plaas in die omgewing van Memel aangeval en aangerand,
waartydens die vrou verkrag was.

UNNAMED PENNINGTON holiday makers from Durban, 6 young people aged

between 18 and 21, which included 2 sisters and a brother, were attacked while they
were swimming inside the pool of the holiday home they were renting at around
midnight by a gang of at least 3 men, armed with knives and a pistol. The victims
were forced into the house and tied up. After they had been robbed, the three women
were forced to strip off their swimming costumes and gang raped in front of the men.
Apparently the same gang hit on another home about 400 meters away the previous
day, in which a couple from Randburg were attacked and the woman sexually
assaulted. 31 Dec 2006.
Twee susters en ’n vriendin was wreed verkrag terwyl hul kêrels en ’n broer gedwing
was om toe te kyk. Die ses slagoffers was van Durban, en hul ouderdomme het
gewissel van 18 tot 21 jaar. Hulle was besig om in die swembad van ’n vakansiehuis
by Pennington wat hulle gehuur het, te swem toe hulle deur ‘n bende van ten minste
3 mans, gewapen met messe en ‘n pistool, aangeval was. Die jong groep was die
huis ingeboender, vasgemaak en beroof. Daarna was die drie meisies gedwing om
hulle baaikostuums uit te trek, en was herhaaldelik deur die aanvallers verkrag, voor
die vasgebinde mans. Blykbaar het dieselfde aanvallers die vorige dag op ‘n
vakansie huis sowat 400m verder ook toegeslaan op ‘n egpaar van Randburg,
waaartydens die vrou seksuel gemollesteer was.

UNNAMED TABLE BAY tourist couple from Brittain were walking to the highest point
of the mountain at Maclear’s beacon, when they were attacked and robbed by 2 men
with knives. The husband was stabbed in the back and arm, and his wife was
stabbed in the arm before they were robbed. Cape Town. 27 Dec 2006.
‘n Britse egpaar wat op toer was in die Kaap het op Tafelberg se wandlepad na die
hoogste punt (Maclear’s beacon) slagoffers geword van 2 mans gewapen met
messe. Die man was in die rug en arm gesteek, en sy vrou net in die arm voordat
hulle beroof was.

VAN AARDE Johanna Retief “Joy”, female aged 79, was attacked during the same
night that her neighbours were attacked by a gang of 9 men armed with guns,
butchers knives and meat cleaving hammers. Her corpse, bludgeoned to death, was
found the following morning at around 06:00 after the police had been to investigate
the attack on her neighbours, The Bacons. Mr Clifford Bacon, a 40yr old
businessman, had noticed that although her gate was locked, her door was standing
open. Gordon’s Bay. 21 May 2006


VAN DEN BERG Petro aged 59, was wounded by the same bullet which had been
shot at her husband, Andre, a 60 yr old hairdresser. Andre had woken up from the
barking of their dogs and looked out their bedroom window, where he looked into

The face of a black man who said “I want your money.” Andre closed the curtain and
was shot at close range through the shut window. A bullet penetrated his chest,
made an exit through his arm, and hit Petro in the head, penetrated her scull and
affected her sight. Their 9 yr old granddaughter lay sleeping next to her. Nothing was
stolen. Makhado central. (Louis Trichardt). 19 Apr 2006.
Mev. Petro van den Berg (59) was in die kop getref met dieselfde koeël wat haar
man, Andre (60) in sy bors getref en onder sy arm uit is. Dié egpaar was in hul kamer
aangeval gedurende die nag nadat die honde se geblaf Andre, ‘n haarkapper, wakker
gemaak het. Hy het opgestaan en deur die venster in ‘n swart man vasgekyk wat aan
hom gese het “I want your money”. Andre was op kort afstand geskiet.
Sy kleindogter (9) het langs sy vrou in die bed gele toe die koeel haar getref het. Dit
het haar skedel deurboor en visie aangetas. Niks was gesteel nie. Makhado/Louis
Trichardt dorpsgebied.

VAN DEN BERG Rita aged 46, returned from town with her children and was shot in
the back by an intruder inside the passage of her home at around 16:00 in front of
her 9 yr old daughter. Wick Farm, Barberton. Sat 7 Oct 2006.
Mev Rita van den Berg (46) was in die rug geskiet deur ‘n boef in die gang van haar
huis, voor haar dogter (9) se oe, nadat hulle van die dorp afgekom het, omstreeks
16:00. Die Wick plaas. Barberton.

VAN DER KAAM Hendrick, male aged 78, AND his wife Niesje aged 72, were attacked
inside their home while they were watching tv at around 22:00 by 3 armed men. The
couple were tied up and Niesje was stabbed. Hendrick died from the attack.
Krugersdorp. Mon 17 July 2006,,2-7-1442_1969506,00.html

VAN DER LINDE Stoffel, pharmacist at the Panorama hospital aged 54, was
overpowered by an armed gang of at least 3 men inside his garage upon his return
home from town during the day. He was held hostae at gunpoint with a 9mm pistol
and robbed. Welgemoed, Capetown. 14 Dec 2006.
Dr Stoffel van der Linde (54), ’n Narkotiseur van die Panorama-hospitaal, was na sy
terugkoms vanaf die dorp in sy motorhuis oorrompel deur ‘n bende van ten misnte 3
gewapende mans. Stoffel was met ‘n 9mm pistool aangehou en beroof. Welgemoed.

VAN DER MERWE Ettiene, business owner aged 35, was overpowered inside his
home during the night by an armed gang. A garden fork was found next to his bed
the following day. Ettiene was also robbed and bundled into the boot of his car
before he was kidnapped. His corpse was found with a bullet in the head early the
next day on the back seat of his car, abandoned near the Maselspoort offramp along
the Thabu Nchu road. His hands were tied, and a cloth had been pulled over his
head. Bloemfontein. Mon 18 May 2006.
Mnr. Ettienne van der Merwe (35), besigheids eienaar van Bloemfontein, was in sy
huis oorval en beroof deur ‘n gewapende bende gedurende die nag. ‘n Tuinvurk was
daarna in sy kamer gevind. Ettiene was in die kattebak van sy eie kar geprop en
ontvoer. Sy lyk was die volgende more vroeg in sy verlate kar op die Thaba Nchu
pad naby die maselspoort afrit gevind met ‘n koeel deur die kop. Hy was op die
agterste sitplek met ‘n lap oor die kop en sy hande gebind vermoor.

VAN DER MERWE Martiens, farmer aged 70, AND his wife Mien aged 65, were
attacked on their farm at around 06:30. Martiens was in the cattleshed and Mien was
reading her Bible inside their lounge when she was confronted by an armed gang.
They tied her up and forced her to the bedroom to open the safe. Mien was badly
assaulted during which she was fisted on the mouth and suffered a cracked rib and
chestbone. Martiens, who was partially deaf and had recently suffered a stroke,
heard her screams but could not make out what she was saying. He rushed to her
aid but was confronted in the house by their attackers, overpowered and assaulted.
He was also turned onto his back and tied up, and severely hit on the mouth, ribs,
arms and back. His little dog, Seun, a Jack Russel, braved the attackers by barking
incessantly and, although he was badly mistreated by the attackers, kept climbing
on to Martiens in an effort to save him. He irritated them so much that they gave up
the assault and fled the scene. Dennelaan, Clocolan. Sat 24 Apr 2006.
Mnr Martiens van der Merwe (70) se lewe was waarskynlik gered deur sy Jack Russel
hondjie “Seun”, wat deurentheid die aanval op Martiens sy baas probeer red het
deur om sy ligaam te klim en aanhoudend skril geblaf het, nie teen stande dat die
aanvallers hom hardhandig behandel het nie. Martiens, wat hardhorend was en
onlangs ‘n beroerte gehad het, was by die melk stalle besig toe sy vrou, Mien (65) in
die sitkamer Bybelstudie gedoen het ongeveer 06:30 en deur ‘n gewapende bende
oorval was. Hulle het haar vasgebind en na die slaapkamer gedwing om die kluis oop
te sluit. Sy was herhaaldelik in die gesig met die vuis geslaan. Mien het ook ‘n
gekraakte borsbeen en ribbe opgedoen tydens die aanval. Martiens het haar gille
gehoor maar kon nie verstaan wat sy se nie. Toe hy haar te hulp snel, was hy in die
huis aangerand. Martiens was op sy rug vasgemaak, en herhaaldelik op sy mond,
ribbes, arms en rug geslaan. Dis toe dat Seun die aanvaller soveel geirreteer het dat
hulle op vlug geslaan het. Dennelaan, Clocolaan.


VAN DER MERWE Nico farmer aged 47, AND his wife Debra aged 44, were on their
way to check on their cattle in the field, when they received a tip-off that an armed
gang of at least 4 men were about to attacked the homestead which they shared with
his parents-in-law, Mr Koos de Kock and his wife Corrie, both 75. Nico turned back
and came across the gang about 100m from the homestead. They approached him
aggressively, asking for employment. As one of them came right up to Nico and put
his hand in his own pocket, Nico fired a warning shot into the air and ordered them
to lie down. The gang was tied up and handed over to the police. A revolver was
found in the pocket the attacker had put his hand in to, and he was an escaped
convict. Other weapons found on them included a panga. Zeerust. 2006.
Mnr Nico van der Merwe (47) en sy vrou Debra (44) was oppad na beeste op hul plaas
toe hy gewaarsku was dat ‘n gewapende bende van ten minste 4 mans die huis wou
oorval, waar sy skoonouers, mnr Koos de Kock en sy vrou Corrie, albei 75, saam met
hom geboer het. Nico het omgedraai en sowat 100m vanaf die opstalle op die bende
afgekom, wat agressief na hom gestap en na werk gevra het. Toe een van die mans
tot by Nico stap en sy hand in sy eie sak steek, het Nico ‘n waarskuwings skoot in
die lug geskiet, en die bende bevel om op die grond te le, waar hulle vasgemaak was
en aan die polisie oorgehandig was. Hulle het ‘n rewolwer in dis sak gekry van die
man wat sy hand daarin gesteek het. Hy was ook as ‘n ontsnapte prisonier uitgeken.
Tussen die ander wapens wat aan die bende gevind is, was ‘n panga. Zeerust.

VAN DER MERWE Riaan, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. June 2006. Nooitgedaght, Cullinan. MP. June 2006.

VAN DEVENTER Pieter Gabriel “Gawie” aged 70, AND his wife Rygel aged 64, were
attacked on their farm Rooipoort. Gawie was stabbed to death. Rygel was physically
assaulted. Potgietersrust. Mokopane district. 14 Sep 2006
Mnr Pieter Gabriel “Gawie” van Deventer (70) was doodgesteek sy plaas Rooipoort
gedurende ‘n aanval, en sy vrou Rygel (64) aangerand, Potgietersrus, Mokopane

VAN HEERDEN Etna aged 53, AND her mother Ona aged 75, were attacked at the
back of their home while her husband Dries was sitting on the front porch at around
19:30. Ona, who lives in a flat adjacent to Etna’s house, was walking towards the
backdoor to join the family for supper when an armed gang stormed down on her.
Etna grabbed her mother and pulled her into the kitchen to safety but was shot in the
chest. Etna had blood pouring out from her mouth and died shortly after. Farm
Kromdraai, Ledig road, Makhado, Louis Trichardt. LIM. Mon 4 Jan 2005.
Mev Etna van Heerden (53) het haar ma, Ona (75), na veiligheid by die agterdeur
ingetrek terwyl ‘n gewapende bende op haar afgestorm het omstreeks 19:00 terwyl
sy van haar woonstel aan hul huis gestap het vir ete in die hoofhuis. Etna was in die
bors geskiet en bloed het uit haar mond gevloei voordat sy gesterf het. Haar man,
Dries, het op die voorstoep gesit voor die aanval. Plaas Kromdraai, Louis
Trichardt. Makhado

VAN HEERDEN Leoni, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Jeppestown. Johannesburg. GA. Dec 2006.

VAN LEER Barry was attacked on the Buffelspoort holding. Sep 2006.
Mnr Barry van Leer was op die Buffelspoort hoewe aangeval.

VAN NAPEL Marius, male aged 42, was attacked inside his home in the early hours
of the morning and shot in the arm. The bullet damaged the main artery before it
exited and caught Alida, his wife, on the forehead and scorched her eyebrow.
Boschkop smallholding. 24 July 2006.
Mnr Maruis Van Napel (42) was in sy arm gewond gedurende die aanval op sy hoewe.
Die koeel het ‘n hoofslagaar getref voor dit ook vir Alida, sy vrou, skrams teen die
oogbank getref en haar wenkbrou geskroei. Boschkop

VAN NIEKERK Roy, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his circumstances
are not clear. Sunridgepark, Port Elizabeth. EC. Oct 2006.

VAN NIEKERK Theo, male aged 44, was murdered inside his parents’ home while
they were on holiday. It appears that he was attacked inside their garden and tried to
lock the security gate to the house before he was severely assaulted and robbed.
Loeriepark, George. 2006.
Mnr Theo van Niekerk (44) was in sy ouers se huis vermoor terwyl hulle met verlof
was. Hy was blykbaar in die tuin aangeval, en dit lyk asof hy die sekuriteitshek van
binne probeer sluit het voordat hy wreed aangerand en vermoor was. Loeriepark,



VAN ROOYEN Jan, lawyer aged 58, his family AND friends, which also included Mr
Raymond Hugo, were enjoying a barbeque at his home around 3:45 when they were
attacked by an armed gang of at least 3 men. The gang was very aggressive and first
hit Raymond with a stick. Raymond stood up and was shot in the leg. Jan also stood
up and was shot in the back. The gang left without taking anything. Jan is
permanently paralized. Faerie Glen smallholdings, Pretoria. 11 Dec 2006.
Prokureur Jan van Rooyen (58), sy familie en vriende, ondermeer mnr Rayond Hugo,
was beisg om te braai toe ‘n gewapende bende vn ten minste 3 mans hulle aangeval
het. Die bende was baie agressief, en het eers vir Raymond met ‘n stok geslaan. Toe
Raymond opstaan, was hy in die been geskiet. Jan het ook opgestaan, en was van
agter in die rug geskiet, waardeur hy permanent verlam is. Faerie Glen kleinhoewes,

VAN ROOYEN Juan aged 32, was driving with his wife Renette AND their two
children, a daughter Anri aged 3, AND son Janus aged 4, to their farm in the evening
when he stopped at an intersection to speak to a farmworker known to him. Another
2 men approached and one of them pulled out a gun and shot Juan in the back. The
same bullet hit Anri in the stomach. Juan managed to drive a few meters before he
became paralyzed. Anri underwent an emergency operation. Apr 2006. Heilbron.
Mnr Juan van Rooyen (32) was op pad na sy plaas met sy vrou Renette, en kinders
Anri (3) ‘n dogtertjie, en Juan (4) ‘n seuntjie toe hy by ‘n aansluiting aftrek om met ‘n
plaaswerker wie hy ken, te praat. Twee mans het nader gestap en een van hulle het
‘n geweer uitgepluk en vir Juan in die rug geskiet. Dieselfde koeel het Anri in die
maag getref. Juan het weggetrek en ‘n paar meter voort bestuur voordat hy verlam
geword het. Anri moes ‘n noodoperasie ondergaan. Heilbron.

VAN STADEN Alta, female aged 61, was attacked inside her home during the day,
strangled to death and left in the bath. Decoder stolen. Lynwoodpark, Pretoria. 15
May 2006.
Mev Alta van Staden was in haar huis gedurende die verwurg en in die bad gelos.
Net ‘n dekodeerder word vermis. Lynwoodpark, Pretoria.

VAN TONDER Kobus, farmer aged 78, AND his wife Charlotte aged 68, were
murdered on their farm Merino. A cattle herder found the body of Kobus next to his
abandoned bakkie in a veld with a bullet wound to the head. Later, police found the
body of Charlotte at the back door, presumably stabbed to death with a pair of
scissors. The only item missing is their gun. Vrede. 30 May 2006.
Mnr Kobus van Tonder (78) en sy vrou Charlotte (68) was op hul plaas Merino buite
Vrede vermoor. ‘n Veewagter het op Kobus se lyk by sy verlate bakkie in die veld
afgekom. Hy het ’n koeëlwond in die kop gehad. Daarna het die polisie Chaarlotte se
lyk by haar afterdeur gekry. Sy is vermoedelik met ’n skêr doodgesteek. Vrede.

VAN VUUREN Ronnie, male aged 67, was shot in the head to death on his farm
Middelwater between Hoopstad and Bloemhof. Fri., Feb 2006.
Mnr. Ronnie van Vuuren (67), van die plaas Middelwater, was Vrydagnag in sy huis
op die plaas tussen Hoopstad en Bloemhof in die kop doodgeskiet.

VAN WYK Martha aged 56 AND her husband Koos, a farming couple and owners of a
game lodge, were attacked inside their home at around 22:30 by an armed gang of at
least 5 men during which they were forced into the bathroom and to plunge their feet
into a bathtub of boiling water before they were robbed. The attackers also cut the
soles of the feet off Koos before plunging them into the boiling water during the
attack. The police found these soles in another part of the house during their
investigation after the attack. Gluckstadt, Vryheid. 11 Apr 2006.
Mnr Koos van Wyk en sy vrou Martha (56), boere en eienaars van ‘n gastehuis op hul
wildsplaas, was omstreeks 22:30 in hul huis aangeval deur ‘n bende van ten misnte 5
gewapende mans. Die egpaar was in die badkamer ingedwing en hulle voete in ‘n
bad van kookwater voordat hulle beroof was. Gedurende die aanval, was Koos se
voetsole ook afgesny voordat sy voete in die kookwater gedompel was. Die polisie
het hierdie voetsole in ‘n ander deel van die huis gevind tydens hulle ondersoek na
die aanval. Gluckstadt.

VAN WYK Willem, male aged 72, was shot to death inside his farmhouse on De
Hoop. Steynsrus. May 2006.
Mnr Willem van Wyk (72) was in sy plaashuis op De Hoop doodgeskiet, Steynsrus

VAN WYNGAARDT Willie aged 83, AND Marinda, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Soutpansberg, Louis Trichardt. LIM.
June 2006.


VAN ZYL Daantjie, cattle farmer aged 77, was attacked during the day by an armed
gang, dressed as policemen. He was tied up and boiling water was poured over his
lower body. He was also threatened with the mutilation of his private parts before he
was robbed. Buhrmannsdrif. 12 Aug 2006.
Mnr Daantjie van Zyl (77) was in sy plaashuis aangeval gedurende die dag deur ‘n
bende wat as die polisie aangetrek was. Hulle het hom vasgemaak en kookwater oor
die onderhelfde van sy ligaam gegiet. Hy was ook daarmee gedreig dat hulle sy
geslagsdele sou afsny voordat hy beroof was. Buhrmannsdrif.

VAN ZYL Werner, was ambushed and overpowered inside the home of his parents
Carike Keuzenkamp, famous South African singer, and her husband Olaus van Zyl,
after he had dropped them off at the airport. Randburg. Mar 2006.
Mnr Werner van Zyl, seun van die beroemde Suid Afrikaanse sangeres Carike
Keuzenkamp en haar man Olaus van Zyl, was by sy ouerhuis aangeval op sy
terugkeer vanaf die lughawe nadat hy hulle daar afgelaai het. Randburg.

VENTER Gerhard, male aged 37, AND female Alida, AND male Hardus aged 10, AND
male Wian, are mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are
not clear. Kameeldrif. Pretoria. GA. Sep 2006.

VERMAAK Susan, female aged 63, was followed when she arrived home from gym
through the garage at about 11:00 by a gang of 4 black men and a woman who spoke
Tswana. Susan was taken, along with her maid Sheila, through the house while it
was being ransacked. Sheila was then tied up and a cloth stuffed into her mouth.
Susan’s husband arrived home around 18:00 and became immediately suspicious
when he saw her waterbottle on the gound outside. He found Sheila and untied her.
Then he came upon the corpse of his wife inside a bedroom. It appeared that her
body was covered with stab wounds. A thick plastic bag was over her head, and a
rope had cut into her throat. Brooklyn, Pretoria. 20 Dec 2006.
Mev Susan Vermaak (63) was deur die motorhuis gevolg toe sy omstreeks 11:00
terug van die gymnasium by die huis aankom. Vier mans en ‘n vrou wat Tswana
praat het Susan en haar huishulp Sheila oorval en hulle deur die huis gedwing terwyl
hulle dit besteel. Daarna was Sheila vasgemaak en ‘n lap in haar mond geprop. Haar
man het omstreeks 18:00 tuis gekom en onmiddelik onraad vermoed toe hy haar
waterbottel buite op die grond sien. Hy het vir Sheila losgemaak, en toe op sy vrou
se lyk in ‘n slaapkamer afgekom. Dit het gelyk asof haar ligaam vol steekwonde was.
‘n Dik plastiek sak was oor haar gesig getrek en ‘n tou het haar nek ingesny.
Brooklyn, Pretoria.





VISSER Barry, male, AND Marco, male aged 13, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Nooitgedaght. Cullinan. MP. June

VISSER Ben, photographer aged 65, was shot to death inside his bed by an attacker
from outside his house through a window during the night. Nothing was stolen. City
centre, Makhado (Louis Trichardt) 12 Apr 2006.
Mnr. Ben Visser (65), 'n fotograaf, was deur 'n toe venster in sy huis in die hoofstraat
doodgeskiet gedurende die nag. Makhado/Louis Trichardt.

VISSER Leandra was alone at farmhouse about 10km from town with her baby at
around 21:00 when 3 men smashed the backdoor down with a crowbar, which they
hit her on the shoulder with from behind. They threw a blanket over her head, tied
her hands and feet and threatened her with death before they robbed the house of
electronic equipment. Leandra, Hartswater. NC. 5 May 2006.
VISSER Schalk, newspaper distrubutor aged 56, was gunned down on the N2
freeway by an armed gang when his delivery van had broken down. His wife Kotie,
was gunned down 4 years later in the same way. Port Shepstone. 2006.
Mnr Schalk Visser (56) koerant verspreider, was doodgeskiet op die N2 deur ‘n
gewapende bende nadat sy aflewerings trokkie langs die pad gaan staan het. Sy
vrou, Kotie, was 4 jaar later op dieselfde manier geskiet. Port Shepstone.

VIVIERS Christo, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Hekpoort, Magaliesburg. June 2006.

WALDEN Marc, male aged 25, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. 2006\07 Table view, Cape Town. CPT. July 2006

WAMBACH Ludwig, farmer aged 65, was attacked and hanged to death from a tree
on his farm Sterkwater. His son discovered the body during the afternoon, and his
father’s pick-up van, which was parked in the veld. His pistol was missing. Two black
men were arrested, one in possession of the stolen pistol. Bultfontein,
Hammanskraal, Pretoria. 20 Feb 2006.
Mnr Ludwig Wambach (65), boer van die plaas Sterkwater, se ligaam was deur sy
seun ontdek waar dit van ‘n boom gehang het in die middag. Sy bakkie was in die
veld geparkeer. Sy pistol was vermis, en later gevind aan een van die twee verdagtes
was in hegtisneming geneem was. Bultfontein, Pretoria.

WARREN Sara, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Cape Town. Oct 2006. CPT.

WEBSTER Jessica aged 24 AND her fiancé David Bovino aged 26, both students,
were attacked in their holiday home at around 22:30. Jessica was on the porch when
a gang armed with a shotgun and a pistol, stormed towards her. She ran into the
house and shut the glass door but they shot her through the door, twice in the
stomach. David rushed to save her but was shot in both thighs and in the chest.
Then the couple were tied up and robbed. Leisurebay, KZN south coast. 17 Aug
Me. Jessica Webster (24) en mnr. David Bovino (26), albei studente, was in hul
vakansiehuis aangeval ongeveer 22:30. Jessica was die stoep toe ‘n bende wat met
‘n haelgeweer en ‘n pistol gewapen was, op haar afgestorm het. Sy het in die huis in
gevlug en die glasdeur agter haar toegemaak, maar hulle het haar daardeur geskiet
en twee keer in die maag getref. Daavid, wat haar tot hulp gesnel het, was in albei
bobene en in die bors geskiet. Die paartjie was toe vasgebind en beroof.

WEEDON Gill, well known squash personality, was murdered because she owned a
Nissan Sentra, which was ordered by a notorious criminal specialising in car theft.
Gill came across her knife wielding attacker inside her garage, grabbed his arms and
they tussled. Gill fell to the ground and was then stabbed in the back and
stomach. He went inside the house and forced her son at knife point to start the car
for him. Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg. 26 October 2006
Mej. Gill Weedon, bekende sports persoonlikheid, was vermoor omdat sy ‘n Nissan
Sentra gehad het, wat deuer ‘n bende wat in motordiefstal spesialiseer, gesoek was.
Gill het in haar motorhuis op ‘n aanvaller wat met ‘n mes gewapen was, afgekom. Sy
het hom aan die arms vas gegryp en hulle het gestoei. Nadat sy op die vloer geval
het, het hy haar in die maag en rug gesteek. Daarna het hy die huis ingegaan en haar
seun met ‘n mes gedwing om die motor aan te skakel. Scottsville, PMB.

WEHMEYER Maria, female aged 82, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Walmer, Port Elizabeth. EC. Jan 2006

WESSELS Jan aged 66 and his wife Salome aged 42 were attacked with knives on
their farm Vaalwater. 27 Apr 2006
Jan Wessels (66) en sy vrou Salome (42) was met messe aangeval op hul plaas,

WHARTON John, businessman and ex-game ranger aged 32, was shot to death in
front of his parents house at around 19:00 as he was about to leave in his car. There
was bruising on his head. His body lay on the pavement. His wallet, celphone and
car keys still with him. Nothing was stolen. Melville, Johannesburg. 14 July 2011
Mnr John Wharton (32) besigheidsman en voormalige wildtuin bewaarder, was voor
sy ouers se huis dood geskiet net voor hy sou wegry omtrent 19:00. Sy kop is ook
gekneus. Niks word vermis nie. Sy kar sleutels, beursie en selfoon was nog by hom.
Melville, JHB.

WILLIAMS Dave, a sugar cane harvesting contractor aged 41, was ambushed along
the farm road he was driving along by 3 armed men during the afternoon. A bullet
went through the windscreen, passed through the sun visor and into his chest,
lodging just behind the breast bone. He continued driving himself to the hospital.
Doctors considered it too risky to remove the bullet. Wartburg. Fri 7 Aug 2006.
Mnr Dave Williams (41) ‘n suikeroes kontrakteur, was gedurende die middag op sy
plaaspad voorgele deur 3 gewapende mans wat op hom losgebrand het. ‘n Koeel het
deur die windskerm en sonklap sy bors deurboor en net agter die borsbeen
vasgesper. Dave het voort na die hospitaal gery, waar dokters die risiko te groot ag
om die koeel te verwyder. Wartburg.

WILLIS Bernadine, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth. EC. Dec 2006.

YEOMANS Wilhelmina Angela aged 87, was found by her son-in-law inside her home
at around 20:15 where she had been living for 54 years, and murdered, with bruises
and blood on her face. Her hands and legs were tied up with a telephone cord and a
scarf was wound tightly around her neck. Galwayweg 19, Heathfield. Cape Town.
Nothing stolen. Tues, 2006.
Mev. Wilhelmina Angela Yeomans (87) se lyk was omstreeks 20:15 in haar huis,
waarin sy al 54 jare woon, deur haar skoonseun gevind. Haar hande en voete was
vasgemaak met telefoon koord, en “n serp was styf om haar keel vasgeknoop. Daar
was ook bloed en kneus merke op haar gesig. Niks word vermis nie. Heathfield.


AZEVEDO G.A. male aged 49, was overpowered and robbed on the Alkmaar farm,
Nelspruit. 9 Jan 2005
Mnr G.A. Azevedo (49) was op die Alkmaar plaas buite Nelspruit oorval en beroof.

BANNEL Noёl Donald, male aged 63, was murdered on the Maribashoek
smallholdings, Potgietersrus. 13 Nov 2005.
Noёl Donald Bannel (63) was op die Maribashoek kleinhoewe vermoor,

BEKKER Daniel aged 80, AND his wife Maria aged 77, are mentioned in records on
farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Bloemfontein, March 2005.
Die omstandighede van mnr Daniel Bekker (80) en sy vrou Maria (77) gedurende die
plaas aanval in Bloemfontein is nie helder nie.

BENGGELI Annemarie aged 52 AND Lilian aged 26 AND Peter aged 64 are
mentioned in records on farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear.
Sterkfontein farm, FS, June 2005
Die omstandighede van Me Annemarie Benggeli (52), mej Lilian (26) en mnr Peter
Benggeli (64) gedurende die plaas aanval op die Sterkfontein plaas is nie helder

BLACKALLER Walter, male aged 23, was the manager of a petrol filling station and
was shot and robbed by an armed gang in front of his wife and sister. Walter died
on the scene. Pelindaba, Pretoria west. Dec 2005.

BORAIN Collete woke up at around 04:15 while her husband Christopher was being
butchered by a gang of 8 men, armed with the family steak knives and a long
breadknife. The lights were off and the room would have been completely dark
were it not for a full moon outside and the thin Roman blinds. During the bloody
struggle - which lasted several minutes - the breadknife sunk into the wooden bed
and snapped. One of the robbers grabbed it and smashed it into Collette's face
twice - luckily the blade had broken off and the handle was bare. Her nose began to
bleed. She stared into the faces of the attackers for two seconds - the image
burning into her memory - before standing up on the bed, screaming and reaching
for the panic button. By the time she pressed the button and forced the three
robbers to flee, Christopher had been stabbed 17 times. He had to have surgery on
five of the wounds and his arm was in a cast for eight weeks to help heal the cut
nerves. He still has no feeling in several fingers. The couple lost two cellphones
and two watches during the robbery. River Club, Sandton. 13 Nov 2005.

BOTES Alta aged 75, and her maid, were overpowered and robbed
on the Panorama farm, Soutpansberg. 16 Dec 2005.
Alta Botes (75) en haar huishulp was oorval en beroof op die Panorama plaas,

BRIGGS James, male aged 6, was beaten to death on a Grahamstown farm. 29 July
Mnr James Briggs (60) was doodgeslaan op ‘n plaas in Grahamstown

BRINK Helgard aged 46 AND his wife Salomie aged 49, were beaten to death inside
theirr home on the Heatherdale holding, Akasia, Pretoria. 7 July 2005
Mnr Helgard (46) en Salomie Brink (49) was in hule huis met ‘n hammer
doodgeslaan. Heatherdale, Akasia

BUYS Este, female aged 55, was attacked and physically assaulted on the Klipkraal
farm. She was admitted to hospital in a serious condition. Tweeling. 20 Mar 2005.
Mev Este Buys (55) van Klipkraal plaas, was aangeval, en in ‘n ernstige toestand
by die hospitaal opgeneem. Tweeling.

CHANTLER Leonie, female aged 47, was murdered near her Boschkop holding,
Pretoria East. 27 Dec 2005
Me. Leonie Chantler (47) was vermoor naby haar hoewe buite Boschkop, Pretoria

CHATTERTON Jacqueline Ivy, farmer’s wife aged 46, was attacked inside her house
by two black men who had broken in while her husband, James, went outside to
switch off a pump at night. James was locked out while Jennifer suffered 31 stab
wounds of which eleven were in her lungs and several in her back. Eventually when
James got into the house he found her gasping on the floor. One of the attackers
were arrested inside the house by farmers in response to a May-day call on the
farmer’s radio. She died on the way to hospital. Farm Mantshonga, Boston. 29 Oct
Mev Jacqueline Ivy Chatterton (46) was in haar huis aangeval deur twee swart mans
wat ingebreek het terwyl haar man buite gegaan het om ‘n pomp af te sit in die nag.
Jennifer het 31 steekwonde opgedoen, waarvan heelwat op haar rug was, en elf in
haar longe. James was uitgesluit en teen die tyd dat hy kon inkom het sy op die
grond gele en hyg. Een van die aanvallers was in die huis gevang deur boere wat
op die radio noodkreet re-ageer het. Jennifer is op pad hospitaal toe, oorlede.
Mantshonga plaas, Boston.

CILLIERS Jane, chemist, was murdered inside her bedroom during the morning.
Her daughter arrived at the house and came upon the corpse of her mother in her
bedroom which had blood pools, while the killers were hiding inside the house. Her
boyfriend arrived directly after her and they left immediately to report the matter to
the police station. While they were gone, Jane’s second daughter arrived along
with her friend and came across the corpse which was cold, lying face down and
tied up. Pentagonpark , Bloemfontein 25 Oktober 2005

CLARK Matthew, boy aged 16, was shot in the neck on the Lammersmoor holding,
Muldersdrif. 20 Apr 2005.
Mnr Matthew Clark Matthew (16) was in die nek gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op die
Lammersmoor hoewe, Muldersdrif-omgewing

CORNELIUS Miriam aged 53, AND her friend Elizabeth de Jager aged 69, AND a 3 yr
old child, were overpowered and robbed inside the house on the Broedersdrift
farm, Tzaneen. 24 July 2005.
Miriam Cornelius (53) en Elizabeth de Jager (69) was saam met ‘n 3 jarige kleinseun
in hul plaashuis oorval en beroof op Broedersdrift, Tzaneen

CRONJE Henri, male, was attacked and tortured on his farm in

Franschoek, WC., July 2005
Mnr Henri Cronje was op sy plaas gemartel. Franschoek, WC. July 2005

DALE Jimmy, male aged 51, was slashed to death with pangas on his smallholding,
Nelspruit. Mar 2005.
Mnr Jimmy Dale (51) was met pangas doodgekap op sy kleinhoewe, Nelspruit

DARREN Kurt was attacked and robbed by an armed gang inside his Centurion
home during October 2005 AND again in April 2006.
Kurt Darren was in Oktober 2005 én gedurende April 2006 in sy Centurion huis
aangeval en beroof



DE JAGER Gavin, male aged 47, was shot to death on his farm De Poort near Du
Toitskloof Pass. Cape. 26 Jan 2005
Mnr Gavin de Jager (47) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas De Poort naby

DE KLERK Rina aged 59, AND Julius aged 72, were shot on their farm. Rina died at
the scene. Amersfoort. 1 Sep 2005.
Rina de Klerk (59) en mnr Julius de Klerk (72) was geskiet gedurende ‘n aanval op
hul plaas waarin Rina gesterf het. Amersfoort omgewing

DE VOS Phillip, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth, EC., Oct 2005
Mnr Phillip de Vos se omstandighede tydens die aanval op die plaas in Walmer
Heights is nie duidelik nie. Port Elizabeth, EC.

DU PLESSIS Rina AND her husband “Doep”, an elderly farming couple, were
attacked and physically assaulted on their farm during the day. Rina was
overpowered when she went outside to feed her chickens. Her hands and feet were
tied and her dentures were rammed so deep down her throat that a doctor
struggled to extract them during a post mortem by the attackers who had rammed a
cloth with an iron bar down her throat when she started screaming, before they hid
her body behind a bale of Lucerne in a shed while they waited for Doep to come
back from the fields. He, too, was seriously assaulted but managed to pull out his
gun at which they fled, taking only R9. (1usd). Doep died the following year in a car
accident. Malbourne farm, Tom Burke, LIM. Dec 2005
Mnr Doep du Plessis was uit op die lande terwyl sy vrou, Rina, oorval en vermoor
was terwyl sy die hoenders gevoer het. Gedurende die nadoodse ondersoek, moes
‘n dokter haar keel oopsny om haar valstande te verwyder, wat diep in haar keel
afgedruk was terwyl die boewe ‘n lap met ‘n stuk yster in haar mond geforseer het
toe sy begin skree het. Haar hande en voete was aan mekaar vasgemaak voordat
hulle haar lyk onder lussern bale in ‘n stoor weg gesteek het terwyl hulle Doep
ingewag het. Doep was ook ernstig aangerand voordat hy sy geweer kon uitpluk en
hulle het gevlug met die R9 wat hulle kon buit. Doep is die volgende jaar in ‘n motor
ongeluk oorlede. Malborne plaas, Tom Burke.

DU PREEZ Roelf, former police lieutenant-colonel AND his wife Marieka, both aged
64, were attacked inside their home at night. Marieka was stabbed with pruining
inside the scullery where she was talking on the phone to their foreman. The call
was not ended and the foreman ehard the attack in process. When Roelf ran to
save her, he was repeatedly hit over the head with an iron pipe. Once he fell, he
could not get up as he was slipping in his own blood. Their farmworkers saved
them from a certain death when they entered the house and tied up the attacker,
who was preparing to kill his victims with a panga and a knife. Marieta and Roelf
were both admitted to hospital for surgery. Roelf had to get 65 stitches. Louis
Trichardt. Makhado. Thurs, Sep 2005.
Mnr Roelf du Preez, gewese polisie luitenant col., en sy vrou Marieka, albei 64, was
in hulle huis aangeval. Marieka was in die spens op haar foon besig om met die
plaas voorman te praat toe sy met ‘n snoeisker aangerand was. Die voorman het
die aanval op die foon gehoor. Roelf het haar te hulp gesnel, en was herhaaldelik
op sy kop met ‘n staal pyp geslaan. Toe hy val, kon hy nie opstaan nie, omrede hy
in sy eie bloed geglei het. Hulle plaaswerkers het hulle van ‘n gewisse dood gered
toe hulle opdaag en die aanvaller vasbind, wat met ‘n panga en ‘n mes reg gestaan
het. Louis Trichardt.

DU TOIT Fritz, boy aged 15, was alone on the Brakspruit farm at around 08:00am
when 3 men dressed in Balaklavas overpowered him and took him to the storeroom
where he was tied to a chair with rope around his hands, feet and head. The men
then doused him and the room with petrol, struck a match and threw it on the petrol
before they left. Fritz managed to cut himself loose, jump through a window and
escape on a motorbike. Louis Trichardt, LIM. 9 March 2005
Frits du Toit (15) was alleen op die Brakspruit plaas toe 3 mans geklee met
balaklavas hom aangeval en na die stoorkamer gedwing het. Fritz was op ‘n stoel
vasgemaak met toue om sy hande, voete en kop. Die mans het hom met brandstof
gedweep, asook die kamer, ‘n vuurhoutjie aangesteek en op die petrol gegooi
voordat hulle weg gehardloop het. Fritz het himself los gesny, deur die venster
gespring, en op ‘n motorfiets ontsnap. Louis Trichardt

DYK van and DIJK van are found under VAN DYK EDWARDS Margaret, retired
female, had taken her dogs for a walk at about 09:00 when she was confronted by
a black youth. He demanded money and when she refused, he robbed her of her
wristwatch and a gold necklace and assaulted her. He then raped her despite her
pleas for mercy, before strangling her. Margaret died of multiple injuries after
sustaining more than 19 wounds to her body, some of which were inflicted with a
blunt object like a stick. Her husband of 40 years, aged 72, found her half naked
corpse about 500m from their hamlet home. Chintsa East. 15 Oct 2005.

EDWARDS Margaret, retired female, had taken her dogs for a walk at about 09:00
when she was confronted by a black youth. He demanded money and when she
refused, he robbed her of her wristwatch and a gold necklace and assaulted her. He
then raped her despite her pleas for mercy, before strangling her. Margaret died of
multiple injuries after sustaining more than 19 wounds to her body, some of which
were inflicted with a blunt object like a stick. Her husband of 40 years, aged 72,
found her half naked corpse about 500m from their hamlet home. Chintsa East. 15
Oct 2005.
EGGARS Conrad, a businessman who had stopped along the N2 near the North
Coast road to answer his celphone, AND his wife Lora. They were confronted by an
armed gang of 3 men who opened fire on them. Conrad was thrown out the car, and
Lora climbed out before their car was hi-jacked and crashed soon after. Conrad
died from his injuries. Scottburgh. 31 Oct 2005
Mnr Conrad Eggars en sy vrou Lora het langs die N2 naby die Noordkus pad
afgetrek sodat Conrad, ‘n besigheidsman, ‘n telefoniese oproep kon neem. ‘n
Bende van 3 gewapende mans het op hulle geskiet, en vir Conrad uit die voertuig
getrek. Lora het self uitgeklim, waarna die bende die voertuig gesteel het, maar kort
daarna verongeluk het. Conrad is aan sy beserings oorlede. Scottburgh

ERNST Pieter, Dutch doctor aged 48, and founder of the Marang charity house, was
shot to death at his gate on the Hekpoort holding, Magaliesburg. 28 July 2005.
Dokter Pieter Ernst, ‘n Duitser (48) wat die Marang baramhartige huis gestig het,
was voor sy hek op die Hekpoort hoewe doodgeskiet. Magaliesberg.

ESTERHUIZEN Frederick, male aged 48, was tortured to death on his holding in
Pinetown. 12 Apr 2005.
Mnr Frederick Esterhuizen (48) was doodgemartel op sy hoewe, Pinetown

FERREIRA Catherine was tortured to death on her holding in Pinetown, 11 Apr

Catherine Ferreira was doodgemartel op haar hoewe, Pinetown

FERREIRA Andreas Ferreira aged 62 AND his wife Frederika Jacoba aged 63, were
attacked, physically assaulted and robbed on part C13 of the farm Lofdal,
Trichardtsdal. 25 Oct 2005.
Johannes Andreas Ferreira (62) en sy vrou Frederika Jacoba (63) was op die
gedeelte C13 van plaas Lofdal aangeval, aangerand en beroof, Trichardtsdal

GERICKE Mariaan AND Margaret, females aged 62, are mentioned in records on
farm murders but their circumstances are not clear. Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth.
EC. July 2005
Die omstandighede van me. Mariaan en Margaret Gericke, albei 62, gedurende die
aanval op Greenbushes, is nie helder nie. Port Elizabeth.

GIBSON Martin, male, was attacked on his farm and while wrestling his attackers,
shot himself in the arm, and they fled. Greylingstad. 7 Jan 2005
Mnr Martin Gibson was aangeval op sy plaas. Gedurende sy worsteling met die
boewe, het hy himself in die arm gewond. Na die skoot het hulle gevlug,

GOUWS Leon aged 55, AND his wife, AND their son Jarque aged 19, are mentioned
in records on farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Olifantspoortjie
Farm, Steelpoort, LIM., 12 Dec 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Leon Gouws (55), sy vrou, en hul seun Jarque (19)
gedurende die aanval op die Olifantspoortjie plaas is nie helder nie. Steelpoort.

GOUWS, male aged 40, was shot to death through the door of his house on the
Bashewa smallholding, Pretoria East. 23 Aug 2005.
Mnr Gouws (40) was deur sy huisdeur doodgeskiet op die Bashewa kleinhoewe,
Pretoria oos.

GOUWS Roan was shot to death during a farm attack in Port Elizabeth. 2005.
Roan Gouws was in Port Elizabeth dood geskiet tydens ‘n plaas aanval.

GUILLAUME Celia, female big-game hunter, farmer and owner of a seed export
business, was attacked inside her home during the day by an armed gang of 4 men
who had travelled 40km to reach her. They assaulted Cecilia physically, beat with
their guns, stripped her, tied her up and gagged her. After they had robbed her they
stayed on in the house for many hours. Farm Soutpansberg. Jan 2005
Mej. Cecilia Guillaume is ‘n grootwild jagter, boer en eienaaar van ‘n saad uitvoer
besigheid. Sy was gedurende die dag in haar huis aangeval deur 4 mans wat 40km
gery het om by haar uit te kom. Sy was fiesies aangerand, met gewere geslaan, van
haar klere ontmeen, vasgebind en gemuilband. Nadat hulle haar beroof het, het die
mans nog vir baie ure in die huis aangebly. Suidpansberg plaas.

HAASBROEK Nardus, male aged 74, was beaten to death on the farm Oorgang,
Dealesville. 9 Jan 2005.
Mnr Nardus Haasbroek was doodgeslaan op die plaas Oorgang, Dealesville

HAMMEL Karsten aged 35, was murdered inside his house on the De Kroon
smallholdings. Rustenburg. 1 Aug 2005.
Karsten Hammel (35) was in sy huis op De Kroon kleinhoewe vermoor, Rustenburg

HANSEN Marieta, female aged 32, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Honeydew, Johannesburg, GA., March 2005
Die omstandighede van Me. Marieta Hansen (32) gedurende die plaas aanval op
Honeydew is nie duidelik nie. Johannesburg.

HART John aged 88, AND his wife Sylvia aged 84, were beaten to death on the
Swing Gate holdings, Nooitgedacht, Muldersdrif. 18 Nov 2005
Mnr John Hart (88) en sy vrou Sylvia (84) was doodgeslaan op die Swing Gate plaas
hoewes in Nooitgedacht, Muldersdrif

HATTINGH Gert, male aged 85, was murdered on his smallholding “Het Blok”
beteen Delmas and Nigel. 13 Dec 2005.
Mnr Gert Hattingh (85) was vermoor op sy kleinhoewe “Het Blok” tussen Delmas en

HEWAT John, male aged 70, Donnybrook, Komga, East London, SEE HEWAT John

HEYMAN Richard, male aged 74, was robbed on his farm. 28 Sep 2005.
Mnr Richard Heyman (74) was op sy plaas beroof

HOLL Karel, male aged 73, was shot to death on his farm Kaalfontein near the
Orange farm, Johannesburg south. 14 Nov 2005.
Mnr Karel Höll (73) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas Kaalfontein naby Orange Farm,
suid van Johannesburg

HOLTZHAUSEN Gerhard, male aged 22, survived an armed attack on his life when
he managed to take the gun from his assailant. Farm Goedgedacht, Louis Trichardt.
May 2005.
Gerhard Holtzhausen (22) het die aanval op sy lewe afgeweer toe hy ‘n wapen van
sy aanvaller afneem in die aanval op sy plaas Goedgedacht, Louis Trichardt

HOWELL Peter, a retired pensions broker, AND his wife Pamela, both aged 71, were
attacked in their home and seriously assaulted physically. Peter died soon after
from the injuries he had sustained. Gordon’s bay golf estate. 2005
Mnr Peter Howell, (71) afgetrede pensioen makelaar, was in sy huis in die
Gordonsbaai Golf Estates doodgemaak tydens ‘n aanval. Sy vrou, Pamela (77) was
ook aangerand.

HUMAN Lourens, male aged 70, was attacked and physically assaulted on his farm
between Sundra and Delmas. 21 Aug 2005
Lourens Human (70) was op sy plaas tussen Sundra en Delmas aangeval en

JOOSTE Kalin, a 16 yr old school girl, was on holiday at a popular beach town with
her friend and walked to the beach at night. They were attacked by two knife-
wielding men lying in wait. Her friend was stabbed in the arm, AND Kalim was
stabbed in her neck and died shortly afterwards. Margate 20 Dec 2005
Mej. Kalin Jooste (16) skoolier, en haar vriendin was op pad na die see in die
gewilde vakansie dorp Margate gedurende die nag te voet toe hulle deur 2 swart
mans met messe aangeval was. Kalin was in die nek gesteek en is kort daarna
oorlede. Haar vriendin het 'n steekwond in die arm opgedoen.

LEMMER Richard, male aged 74, was brutally attacked on his farm Rietkuil,
Klerksdorp. 27 Nov 2005
Richard Lemmer (74) was brutaal op die plaas Rietkuil aangeval, Klerksdorp
KEYTER Ben, cattle farmer aged 79, AND his wife Dalene aged 59, were attacked by
a gang of men during the day. One of the attackers had asked Dalene for water, and
she opened to door to serve him. The gang pushed in past her. Two of them pulled
Ben outside. Dalene was made to watch while they killed him with a spade, taunting
her with words such as look, you cant help him. They then turned on Dalene,
physically attacked her, and left her for dead on top of the deepfreeze. Dalene had
suffered a stroke, and is paralized. Dresden, Alldays. 4 Jan 2005.
Mnr Ben Keyter (79) en sy vrou Dalene (59) was gedurende die dag aangeval op hul
beesplaas. Een van die bendes het vir Dalene om water gevra. Toe sy die deur
oopmaak om hom te help, het hulle die huis ingestorm. Twee van hulle het Ben die
huis uitgetrek. Dalene was forseer om te kyk hoe hulle hom met ‘n graaf vermoor,
terwyl hulle haar tart met woorde soos kyk, jy kan hom nie nou help nie. Daarna
was sy aangerand, en vir dood op die vrieskas agtergelaat. Sy het ‘n beroerte
aanval gehad, en is verlam. Dresden, Alldays.

KIRSTEN Alexa, female aged 52, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances is not clear. Natal Midlands, KZN. Feb 2005
Die omstandighede van mej Alexa Kirsten (52) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in die
natalse binneland is nie helder nie.

KLOPPER Hester Christina aged 78, AND her daughter Hannetjie aged 42, were
attacked on Plot 11, Burnside. Hester was shot. Nelspruit. 15 Oct 2005.
Hester Christina Klopper (78) was aangeval op die Plot 11 Burnside. Hester was
geskiet. Nelspruit

KOEN Eureka, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances are not clear. Edgemead, Cape Town, CPT. Nov 2005
Die omstandighede van mej. Eureka Koen gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Edgemead
is nie helder nie. Kaapstad.

LANGE Ulrich, male aged 81, was shot to death on a Nooitgedacht holding.
Muldersdrif. 17 Apr 2005
Mnr Ulrich Lange (81) was op ‘n hoewe in Nooitgedacht doodgeskiet, Muldersdrif

LOURENS Jaap, farmer, died 2 weeks after the attack on his farm in Dundee. 16 Apr
Mnr Jaap Lourens het 2 weke na die aanval op sy plaas gesterf, Dundee

LOURENS Willem, farmer aged 61 AND his wife Edmund aged 60, were attacked
inside their home. Willem was shot to death. Hekpoort. 5 July 2005.
Willem Lourens (61) en sy vrou Edmund (60) was in hulle huis aangeval. Willem
was doodgeskiet. Hekpoort
LOUW Daan AND his wife Louise were shot at inside their bedroom during an
attack, but the bullets missed them. Roodepoort holdings, Pietersburg.14 Jan 2005.
Daan en Louise Louw oorleef aanval in hul slaapkamer toe aanvallers misskiet op
‘n Roodepoort hoewe, Pietersburg

MARTISON Charles Henry, farmer aged 75, was tortured to death during an attack
inside his home within 5 weeks of his brother also being murdered on a farm in a
different area. Charles was found at around 07:00 lying on the bed in his bedroom
with his hands and feet tied with a rope and pantyhose. A lounge suite chair was on
top of him. Hartsvallei, Warrenton, Jan Kempdorp, Northern Cape. 13 Sep 2005
Charles Martinson was in sy Hartsvallei plaashuis dood gemartel binne 5 weke dat
sy broer ook vermoor is in ander streek. Sy lyk was omtrent 07:00 op sy bed
gevind, die hande en voete met tou vas gemaak, en ‘n sitkamerstoel bo-op hom.
Warrenton, Jan Kempdorp. Northern Cape.

MARTISON Koos aged 90 AND his wife Judith aged 87, were attacked, tied up to
each other and beaten on their holding in Hallgate. Koos was beaten to death, and
Judith was tied to his corpse until she was found. Nigel 17 Oct 2005.
Mev Judith Martinson (87) was vasgebind aan haar vermoorde man Koos (90) wat
met ‘n stomp voorwerp doodgeslaan was by Hallgate-hoewes, Nigel

MATTIAS Susan, female Belgium farmer, was murdered on Farm Lindley,

Muldersdrift, Nov 2005
Mej. Susan Mattias, ‘n Belgiese boer, was op haar plaas vermoor in Lindley,

MC NEIL Robert, farmer aged 60, was attacked, severely assaulted and robbed by a
gang of at least 3 men, and died the following day from his injuries. Mr Pieter de
Beer who was on the same farm, was also attacked, Kidnapped and severely
assaulted. Bronkhortspruit 1st May 2005
Mnr Robert McNeil is dood die volgende dag aan sy beserings na die aanval op sy
plaas deur ten minste 3 mans wat hom erg aangerand en besteel het. Hulle het ook
vir mnr Pieter de Beer, wat op dieselfde plaaas was, oorval, ontvoer en erg
aangerand. Bronkhorstspruit.

MEYER Billy, farmer aged 43, was shot to death on his farm Lovedale in the Mara
district. 19 Nov 2005.
Mnr Billy Meyer (43) was op sy plaas Lovedale in die Mara-distrik doodgeskiet

MEYER Garth, male aged 30, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Walmer Port, Port Elizabeth. Dec 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Garth Meyer gedurende die plaas aanval op Walmer
Port is nie duidelik nie. Port Elizabeth.
MILES Maggie, female aged 65, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Sunny Grove Farm, Kidd’s Beach, East London. EC.
Dec 2005
Die omstandighede van mej Maggie Miles gedurende die plaas aanval op Sunny
Grove is nie duidelik nie. Oos London

MINNAAR C.P. male, was robbed on his farm on Letsitele. 17 Sep 2005.
Mnr C.P Minnaar was op sy plaas beroof, Letsitele

NEEETHLING Wanda, female aged 49, was stabbed to death on the Lowanee Estate
holdings. Mar 2005.
Wanda Neethling (49) was op die Lowanee Estate hoewe doodgesteek

NEL Arrie, security guard aged 29, was shot in front of a fuel station while on duty
by a gang member. The first shot hit him in his chest. After he had dropped to the
ground, the gunman shot him in his head. He had been shot at least three times
before he died. Pretoria West. 23 Aug 2010
Mnr Arrie Nel (29) sekuriteits wag, was op diens by 'n brandstof vulstasie toe hy
deur 'n bende in die bors gesliet was. Nadat hy op die vloer geval het, het sy
aanvaller hom in die kop geskiet. Arrie was ten minste drie keer geskiet voordat hy
dood gegaan het. Pretoria wes.

NELSON Lenie, female aged 82, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Summnerstrand, Port Elizabeth, EC., Sept 2005
Die omstandighede van mej Lenie Nelson (82) gedurende die plaas aanval op
Summerstrand is nie duidelik nie. Port Elizabeth

NORTJE Kerneels, male aged 64, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Opwag, Groblershoop, Dec 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Kerneels Nortje (64) gedurende die plaas aanval op die
plaas Opwag is nie duidelik nie. Groblershoop.

OOSTHUIZEN Otto, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Kuduskraal, Louws Creek, Nelspruit, MP Nov 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Otto Oosthuizen gedurende die plaas aanval op
Kuduskraal is nie duidelik nie. Louws Creek.

OPPERMAN Boks aged 63, AND his wife Mariaan aged 60, were attacked and
robbed on the farm Weilaagte, Delmas. MP. 21 Aug 2005.
Boks Opperman (63) en sy vrou Mariaan (60) was aangeval en beroof op die plaas
Weilaagte, Delmas

PRETORIUS Coennie aged 36 AND his family were attacked by an armed gang of 7
men wearing balaklavas after church at night. Coennie, his wife Petro aged 35, and
their two children, a daughter Estleen aged 8 and son Coennie Jnr aged 12, left
church and stopped at a cafe en route home. Coennie’s brother Jurie aged 29,
Eugene Pienaar and his wife Elsie were locking the gates of the church when they
were overpowered and kidnapped by the gang. Eugene was forced into the boot of
his car. Jurie was instructed to drive to his home, which he shared with Coennie
and their parents. Elsie was instructed to follow him in her car. Once home, Eugene
was left in the boot while Jurie and Elsie were forced into the house where they
came upon Jurie’s parents, Coennie Snr and Hanna. All the victims were tied up
and the gang were robbing them of their jewellery and money when Coennie and
his family drove into the driveway. A security guard rushed out to warn Coennie of
the danger, but too late. Shots were fired into the car as Coennie tried to reverse
out. He was critically injured and Petro was shot in the stomach. They were forced
from the car into the house and tied up before the gang fled with their cars, Eugene
still in the boot. He managed to free himself after the car was abandoned. Coennie
died shortly afterwards from his wounds. Millgate smallholdings, Muldersdrift. Wed
Feb 2005.
Die Pretorius gesin was deur ‘n gewapende bende van 7 mans wat balaklavas
gedra het na kerk in die aand. Terwyl Coennie (36), sy vrou Petro en hul kinders
Estleen (8) en Coennie jnr (12) by ‘n kaffee gestop het, het Coennie se broer, Jurie
(29) en Eugene Pienaar saam met sy vrou Elsie, die kerk se hekke gesluit toe hulle
deur die bende oorval was. Eugene was in sy motor se kattebak toegesluit. Jurie
was forseer om na sy huis te ry, wat hy met sy broer Coennie en hul ouers gedeel
het. Elsie moes hulle volg in haar kar. Met tuiskoms, het die bende Eugene in die
kattebak agter gelos, en Elsie en Jurie by die huis ingedwing. Daar het hulle op
jurie se ouers afgekom, Hanna en Coennie Snr. Almal was met skoenriemme
vasgemaak en besteel van hul juwele en geld toe Coennie met sy familie die inrit
inry. ‘n Sekuriteitswag het hom probeer waarsku maar te laat. Daar was skote op
hulle geskiet en beide Coennie en Petro was gekwes. Hulle was toe ook die huis
ingedwing, vasgemaak en beroof. Die bende het met hulle slagoffers se voertuie
ontsnap, met Eugene steeds in die kattebak. Nadat die voertuig langs die pad gelos
was, het Eugene himself bevry. Coennie het aan sy wonde beswyk. Millgate-
hoewes, Muldersdrift



PRICE Norman, male aged 70, was overpowered inside his home on the farm Daisy
Dell during the morning but outwitted his attackers, who had planned his murder,
and suffered only arm injuries as he warded of the 20cm serrated edge knife which
was lunged at him repeatedly, before a 2nd attacker grabbed him from the rear.
Norman then glanced at the window, as if there was an onlooker, and when his
attackers also looked, he managed to break free and push his panic button, at
which the gang fled. Sunlands, Addo, EC. 24 Apirl 2005
Mnr Norman Price (70) het sy aanvallers, wat sy moord beplan het, uitoorle nadat
hulle hom gedurende die oggend in sy huis op die Daisy Dell plaas, aangeval het.
Eers het hy die mes van 20cm lange lem steke van sy lyf afgeweer met sy arms, en
toe die tweede aanvaller hom van agter betrek, na die venster gekyk asof iemand
daar staan. Toe hulle sy blik volg, het hy weg gebreek en sy alarm knoppie kon
druk, waarna hulle gevlug het. Sunlands, Addo.

RENTON Jimmy, male aged 41, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Moordenaar, East London, EC. March 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Jimmy Renton gedurende die aanval op die plaas
Moordenaar is nie duidelik nie. Oos Londen.

REYNOLDS Martha Elizabeth, female aged 61, was attacked and robbed on her farm
in the Agatha area. Sep 2005. Mev Martha Elizabeth Reynolds (61) was op haar
plaas in die Agatha-omgewing aangeval en beroof

ROODT Koekie aged 92, opened her security door during the morning to give a 31
year old black man some food after he had told her that he was hungry. He pushed
past her, slapped the food out her hands and demanded money. He stripped her
and tried to rape her, and became furious when she resisted. During the violent
assault and rape that followed he beat and bruised her face, breaking her nose, ribs
and hip. She lay helplessly on the floor while he rummaged through her house
before he picked her up again, and left her on the bed. Graskop. 24 Maart 2005
Mej. Koekie Roodt was wreed aangeval deur ‘n swart man (31) wie kos gebedel het
nadat sy die sekuriteits hek van haar huis oopgemaak het om hom te voer. Hy het
die huis ingestorm, die kos uit haar hande geklap, en op geld aangedring. Daarna
het hy haar klere uitgetrek en probeer om haar te verkrag. Toe Koekie hom teesit,
het hy woedend geraak en haar wreed aangerand en verkrag, waartydens haar
gesig pimple en pers geslaan was, en haar neus, ribbes en heup gebreek was. Sy
het hoopeloos op die vloer gele terwyl hy haar huis deursoek het voordat hy haar
opgetel en op die bed gelos het. Graskop.


ROTHSCHILD family were robbed at gunpoint by an armed gang inside their home.
One of the attackers returned during 2007 and attacked them again. The wife also
was robbed at gunpoint on the same premises in the driveway during 2002.
Northcliffe. Johannesburg. May 2005.

SCOTT Joy was seriously injured during an attack during which she killed her
attacker. Dundee. 4 May 2005.
Joy Scott was erg gewond in aanval op Dundee waartydens sy haar aanvaller dood
gemaak het.

SHELVER Melissa, female aged 23, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. East London smallholdings. EC. June 2005.
Die omstandighede van mej. Melissa Shelver (230 tydens ‘n aanval op ‘n
kleinhoewe in Oos Londen is nie helder nie.

STAN N.P. male aged 45, was attacked inside his farmhouse and beaten to death.
Sandrivierspoort. 20 Nov 2005.
Mnr N.P. Stan (45) was aangeval in sy plaashuis en doodgeslaan, Sandrivierspoort

STEYN John Louis, male aged 73, was beaten to death dring an attack on his
Sandriver holding outside Pietersburg. 19 Nov 2005.
Mnr John Louis Steyn (73) was op sy Sandrivier hoewe buite Pietersburg

STEYN Sonja, female aged 42, was attacked by a gardener with a garden fork on
her farm Vorentoe, and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Stellenbosch,
WC. 25 Sept 2005
Sonja Steyn was aangeval op hul plaas deur ‘n tuinjong met vurk, en kritiek by die
hospitaal opgeneem. Plaas Vorentoe, Stellenbosch

STIELER Ernest, male aged 37, was murdered on the Olifantsfontein Road,
Midrand, GT. 2005
Mnr Ernest Stieler (37) was op die Olifantsfontein pad vermoor. Midrand, GT.

STOFFBERG Wikus aged 51, AND his wife Ria, were ambushed at their farm gate as
they returned home from town in their pick-up van. Wikus was shot in the head
before he was tied to his van, and dragged behind the vehicle which the attackers
drove a long distance before they fled. Ria was also tied up but not to the van. Farm
Kaallaagte. Ficksburg. 27 Dec 2005.
Mnr Wikus Stoffberg (51) en sy vrou Ria was by hulle plaashek voorgele op hulle
terugkoms vanaf die dorp. Wikus was in die kop geskiet voordat hy aan sy bakkie
vasgemaak was en agteraan meegeslee was. Ria was ook vasgebind, maar nie aan
die bakkie nie. Kaallaagte, Ficksburg

SWART Pieter, male aged 49, was robbed and shot to death during an attack on his
Kameelfontein holding, Pretoria. Apr 2005.
Mnr Pieter Swart (49) was aangeval, besteel en doodgeskiet op sy Kameelfontein
hoewe, Pretoria

TERBLANCHE Tiennie and Lynn, are mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
their circumstances are not clear. Port Elizabeth, EC. May 2005
Die omstandighede van Tiennie en Lynn Terblanche gedurende die aanval in Port
Elizabeth is nie helder nie.

THERON Christine, female aged 54, was attacked, overpowered, kept hostage and
robbed on the farm Berg-en-Dal. 21 Sep 2005
Mev Christine Theron (51) was op die plaas Berg-en-Dal oorval, aangehou en

THERON Fanie aged 59, AND Hetta “Etta” aged 87, AND Ria aged 55, are mentioned
in records on farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Die Erf, Jeffrey’s
Bay, EC. May 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Fanie Theron (59) en mev Hetta “Etta” (87) en Ria (55)
Theron gedurende die plaas aanval op Die Erf is nie helder nie. Jeffreysbaai.

THOMAS William Henrydied of head injuries and loss of blood after he had been
attacked inside his home during the evening with a knife and a dumbbell, during
which his private parts were cut off before he was robbed. Police found William’s
naked body in a pool of blood, and his private parts under a dressing table inside
the house of a a security complex in Pretoria. 8 May 2005.
Mnr William Henry Thomas is aan kopbeserings en verlies aan bloed oorlede nadat
hy met ‘n mes en “dumbbell” aangeval was gedurende die aand, sy geslagsorgane
afgesny en hy beroof was. Die polisie het William se kaal ligaam in ‘n bloedplas
ontdek, en sy geslags organe onder ‘n spieeltafel in sy veiligheidsgebied huis te
UNNAMED BAVIAANSPOORT PRISON Two nurses on duty were taken hostage by
a prisoner with a sharpened wire coathanger, threatened with murder, tied-up,
indecently assaulted, stabbed and robbed in the storeroom,where one of the
nurses were also raped. The other nurse saw him battling to cut her throat from
side to side before he also turn on her and cut her. March 2005.

UNNAMED NESTPARK girl aged 14 was raped during an attack during which her
brother aged 24 was shot in the stomach and their home robbed on the
smallholding northeast of Bapsfontein. 25 Aug 2005
‘n Meisie (14) was aangeval op ‘n kleinhoewe in Nestpark, en haar broer (24) in die
maag geskiet, terwyl hulle plek beroof was, noordoos van Bapsfontein


VAN DER MERWE Peet, male aged 18, died after being stabbed with a broken bottle
during an attack in which his celphone was stolen one night at the Centurion Mall,
Pretoria. June 2005
Mnr Peet van der Merwe (18) het gesterf nadat hy met ‘n gebreekte bottle gesteek
was gedurende ‘n aanval waarin sy selfoon gesteel was in die nag by die Centurion
winkelsentrum, Pretoria.

VAN DER MERWE Ruben, male aged 54, was attacked, physically assaulted and
robbed on his smallholding. A week later, his wife Dorothea aged 47, was also
attacked inside the house and physically assaulted, also with chains, and robbed.
Pietersburg. 20 June 2005
Ruben van der Merwe (54) was op sy hoewe aangeval, aangerand en beroof. ‘n
Week later is sy vrou Dorothea van der Merwe (47) op dieselfde hoewe in hul huis
met aangerand, onder andere ook met kettings, en beroof. Pietersburg

VAN DER WALT Hendrina aged 54, was physically assaulted on her farm in
Chrissiesmeer, Nelspruit.
9 Jan 2005.
Hendrina Van Der Walt (54) was op haar plaas aangerand, Chrissiesmeer, Nelspruit

VAN DYK Ronnie, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Bloemfontein, FS. July 2005
Die omstandighede van mnr Ronnie van Dyk gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in
Bloemfontein is nie duidelik nie.

VAN DYK Sybrand, male aged 57, was shot to death on the Kameeldoring holdings,
Pretoria. 12 Jan 2005.
Mnr Sybrand van Dyk (57) was doodgeskiet op die Kameeldoring hoewe, Pretoria

VAN ONSELEN Hester, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Bloemspruit, FS. July 2005
Die omstandighede van mej. Hester van Onselen gedurende die plaas aanval in
Bloemfontein is nie helder nie.

VAN RENSBURG Shirley was attacked by an armed gang at her North Riding
smallholding. Shirley was tortured to death, dismembered, and her trunk buried in
the Nkwe Bushveld resort near Thabazimbi. Randburg. 20 August 2005
Mej. Shirley van Rensburg was op haar hoewe in North Riding aangeval deur ‘n
gewapende bende, en ‘n gruwel dood gesterf, waarna haar ligaam opgesny en
begrawe was in die Nkwe bosveld oord buite Thabazimbi. Randburg.,,3-975_2544181,00.html

VAN ROOYEN Eugene, male aged 23, AND his friend Krappies Rossouw, were
attacked inside their house and shot. Eugene, who had been shot in the face,
begged neighbours to help them. He died in hospital ten days later. Krappies died
on the scene. Eldoraigne, Pretoria, GA. May 2005
Mnr Eugene van Rooyen (23) en sy vriend Krappies Rossouw was in hulle huis
aangeval en geskiet. Eugene, wat in die kop geskiet was, het by die bure om hulp
gesmeek. Hy is 10 dae later in die hospital dood. Krappies het op die toneel gesterf.
Eldoraigne, Pretoria.

VAN VUUREN Danie AND his wife Gertruida were attacked on their farm Sterkloop,
during which Danie was murdered, and Gertruida seriously injured. Pietersburg. 12
Jan 2005.
Danie Van Vuuren was vermoor en sy vrou Gertruida ernstig beseer gedurende die
aanval op hul plaas Sterkloop, Pietersburg

VAN VUUREN Hennie AND his wife Celia, both aged 53, were attacked by an armed
gang at their home. Hennie returned home from dropping off his workers at around
18:00, late afternoon, and found his wife’s blood-spattered corpse sprawled in the
garden in front of their house. She had been shot to death. He was made to kneel
next to his bakkie at their gate before he was shot at point-blank range in his
forehead. Nothing was stolen. Farm Doringfontein. Roedtan. Wed 15 Dec 2005
Mnr Hennie van Vuuren en sy vrou Celia, albei 53, was by hulle huis deur ‘n bende
van gewapende mans aangeval. Nadat hy sy werkers afgelaai het, omstreeks 18:00,
laat middag, het Hennie op die ligaam van sy bebloede vrou afgekom wat uitgesprei
in die voortuin gele het. Sy was dood geskiet. Hennie was forseer om by die hek
langs sy bakkie te kneel voordat hy in die voorkop doodgeskiet was. Doringfontein
plaas, Roedtan.
Source: Kneeling farmer 'executed', Beeld & News 24, 2005-12-15; (URL:] [Submitted & Verified by White Refugee],,3-975_2348402,00.html

VAN WYK Kiaas, male aged 71, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Sutherland. NC. 9 May 2009.
Mnr Kiaas van Wyk (71) se omstandighede gedurende ‘n plaasaanval in Sutherland
is nie duidelik nie.

VARTY David, male aged 39, was shot to death on the farm Rietvlei,
Pietermaritzburg. 23 Mar 2005.
Mnr David Varty (39) was doodgeskiet op die plaas Rietvlei, Pietermaritzburg

VELDMAN Frederick, male aged 36, was attacked and smothered to death on his
smallholding. Ermelo. 11 May 2005.
Mnr Frederick Veldman (36) was versmoor op sy kleinhoewe in Ermelo

VENTER Elsa, female aged 43, was shot to death on the Donkerhoek smallholding,
Pretoria. 19 July 2005
Elsa Venter (43) was doodgeskiet op die Donkerhoek hoewe, Pta
VERKES Willem aged 64, AND his ten year old son son were attacked and stabbed
on their holding and left for dead. Willem died from his injuries. Bloemspruit. 16
Mar 2005.
Mnr Willem Verkes (64) was op sy hoewe Bloemspruit doodgesteek. Sy seun (10)
was ook gesteek en vir dood agtergelaat.

VILJOEN Jaco, woke up just in time to slam his bedroom door closed on attackers
in his home on Pietersburg holdings. 1 June 2005.
Jaco Viljoen het betyds wakker geword om sy kamerdeur toe te stamp teen die
aanvallers wa alreeds in sy huis op ‘n Pietersburg hoewe was.

VISSER Hester, female aged 35, was bashed with a hammer on her Boltonwold
holdings, Vereeniging. 15 Aug 2005.
Hester Visser (35) was met ‘n hamer aangerand op die Boltonwold hoewes,

VISSER Moos AND his wife, both aged 60, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Edenburg Dist., Bloemfontein FS.
May 2005
Mnr Moos Visser en sy vrou, albei 60, se omstandighede gedurende ‘n plaas aanval
in die Edenburg distrik is nie helder nie. Bloemfontein

VUYK Korster aged 74, AND his wife Christina aged 72, were attacked on their
holding outside Pretoria, GA. 30 Nov 2005
Me Christina Vuyk (72) en haar man Korster (74) was aangeval op hul hoewe, Pta

WALKER Christine, stopped in front of her parents home to attend the party they
had arranged for her 27th birthday. A pick-up truck carrying a gang of armed men
pulled in next to her in great haste. 3 Men jumped out and started hammering on
the roof of her car, pulled her out and shot her before they hi-jacked her car, which
was found 20 minutes later in the Tembisa settlement. Her celphone was also
stolen. Christine was declared brain dead in the hospital and the life support
machines were disconnected later that night. Birchleigh-North, Kempton Park. 23
Sep 2005.
Mej. Christine Walker (27) het voor haar ouers se huis stilgehou om die verjaarsdag
partytjie wat hulle vir haar gereel het, by te woon, toe ‘n bakkie met ‘n gewapende
bende langs haar injaag. Drie mans het uitgespring en op haar dak begin hamer
voordat hulle haar uitgepluk en geskiet het. Hulle het haar kar gesteel, wat 20
minute later in Tembisa opgespoor was. Haar selfoon was ook gesteel. Christine
was in die hospitaal breindood verklaar, en later die nag was die masjiene wat haar
aan die lewe gehou was, afgeskakel. Birchleigh-North, Kempton Park

WALSH Ruth, female aged 63, was beaten to death on the Hekoort holding.
Magaliesburg. 2 Aug 2005.
Mev Ruth Walsh (63) was op die Hekpoort hoewe doodgeslaan, Magaliesburg

WASSERMAN Joёl /Joe / Oom Toet, aged 59, AND his wife Elsa were attacked by
an armed gang inside their home on the farm Avontelur. Joel was physically
assaulted. Elsa was shot in the foot. Badplaas.
17 Sep 2005.
Joёl / Oom Toet / Joe Wasserman (59) en sy vrou Elsa was in hulle huis op die
plaas Avontelur aangeval deur ‘n gewapende bende. Joel was aangerand en Elsa
was in haar voet gewond. Badplaas

WELD Eric, tourist from California, Los Angeles, was mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but his circumstances are not clear. West Rand, July 2007
Die omstandighede van mnr Eric Weld, ‘n toeris vanaf Los Angeles, California,
tydens ‘n plaas aanval op die wes rand is nie duidelik nie.

WIEDECK Brigitte aged 57 AND Mr Werner aged 65, AND Tina Wiersema were on
their New Country Farm holding when an armed gang of 8 men attacked them. Tina
managed to escape. Mr Werner was held at gunpoint and tied up while Brigitte was
gagged with a scarf and robbed. Then Brigitte was beaten with an iron pole during
which she suffered serious scull fractures and lost her right eye. She was choking
in her own blood and was left for dead. Makhado, Louis Trichardt. Apr 2005
Mnr Werner (65) en Brigitte Wiedeck (57) en Tina Wiersema was op hulle New
Country Farm hoewe toe ‘n gewapende bende aanval. Tina het ontsnap. Mnr
Werner was met ‘n geweer teen sy kop aangehou en vasgemaak. Brigitte was met
‘n serp gemuilband, terwyl hulle beroof was. Daarna was Brigitte ernsitg met ‘n
ysterpaal aangerand en vir dood agter gelos. Sy het verskeie skedelbreuke
opgedoen en haar regter oog verloor in die aanval terwyl sy aan haar bloed verstik
het. Makhado.


WILKES Andrew aged 32, was shot to death on the Honeydew holding,
Nooitgedagt. Feb 2005.
Mnr Andrew Wilkes (32) was op ‘n hoewe in Honeydew, Nooitgedagt doodgeskiet

WYNFORD Delray, female accountant aged 32, was abducted on her way to work in
the morning by 2 black men, assaulted, robbed and murdered and her body
dumped in the bushes between Marina Sea Salt and KwaMagxaki. 2 March 2005
Mej. Delray Wynford (32) was oppad werk toe in die oggend ontvoer, aangerand en
vermoor voordat haar ligaam in die bosse tussen Marina Sea Salt en KwaMagxaki
gegooi het.

ZETLER Lenny, male aged 60, was ambushed upon his arrival home at around
21:30 inside his garage by a very aggressive armed gang of 3 men. One of them
wore gloves. His dog was shot during the attack and ran away. Lenny was shot in
the right leg above the ankle, taken into his house and robbed before they lock him
up in the bathroom, where he was found the following morning. Montain Breeze
farm between Stellenbosch and Somerset West. 13 may 2005.
Mnr Lennie Zetler (60) was in sy motorhuis voorgele deur 3 gewapende bendes op
sy terugkeer omtrent 21:00. Sy hond was scrams geskiet en het weg gehardloop.
Lennie was in die regter been geskiet net bokant sy enkel voordat hy die huis
ingeneem en beroof was. Hulle het hom in sy badkamer toegsluit waar hy die
volgende oggend gevind was. Mountain Breeze.


ARMITAGE Martin, male aged 66, and his housekeeper, were murdered on the
Melkhoutkoppies farm, Makhado. 30 Sep 2004.
Mnr Martin Armitage (66) en sy huiswerker was vermoor op die Melkhoutkoppies
plaas, Makhado.

BECKENSTRATER Fritz, male aged 49, was ambushed at his farmgate and shot four
times in the stomach and hip. Krokodilspruit, White River. 15 Nov 2004.
Mnr. Fritz Beckenstrater (49) is 4 keer gewond (in maag en heup) gedurende ‘n
aanval by sy plaashek op Krokodilspruit, Witrivier

BENEKE Sarel, male aged 51, was mentioned in records on farm murders but his
circumstances are not clear. Benggeli, FS. Feb 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Sarel Beneke (51) gedurende die plaasaanval op
Benggeli is nie helder nie.

BEUREN Frits, female in her sixties, AND her sister Nellie Rich were attacked on
their holding. Frits was shot in the chest. Witbank. 18 Mar 2004.
Me Frits Beuren (60’s) was in haar bors gewond in die aanval op haar hoewe, maar
haar suster Nellie Rich was nie beseer, buite Witbank

BEZUIDENHOUT Willie, was robbed at gunpoint on his White River farm, 29 Feb
Mnr Willem Bezuidenhout was nie beseer gedurende ‘n gewapende roof op sy plaas
in die Witrivier gebied nie.


BLADEN Dick, male aged 73, was attacked and robbed on his farm, Gleniffer,
Grahamstown. 14 Feb 2004.
Dick Bladen (73) van die plaas Gleniffer, was aangeval en besteel. Grahamstown

BOON Hanno, professor, was shot to death at a quarry hole on his farm near
Pretoria. 16 Dec 2004
Prof Hanno Boon was doodgeskiet by ‘n “quarry gat” op sy plaas naby Pretoria

BOTES Rudi, male aged 47, was attacked on his farm, cruelly tortured during which
his eyelids were cut off, and then shot to death. Genade, Bultfontein. 30 July 2004.
Mnr Rudi Botes (47) was op sy plaas Genade oorval, vreeslik gemartel waartydens
sy ooglede afgesny was, en doodgeskiet, Bultfontein

BOTHMA PG., farmer aged 62, his wife Heleen and their son aged 26, were attacked
and robbed on their Riverside farm, Frankfort. Oct 2004
Mnr PG Bothma (62) en sy vrou Heleen en hulle seun (26) was op hul Riverside plaas
aangeval en beroof, Frankfort

BOTHA Elsie, female aged 52, was attacked, raped and murdered on her
smallholding in Hendrina. 1 Jan 2004
Me Elsie Botha (52) was op haar kleinhoewe oorval, verkrag en verwurg. Hendrina


BOTHA Susanna, female aged 46, was attacked inside her farmhouse in the Marble
Hall area. Sep 2004.
Susanna Botha (46) was in haar plaashuis oorval, Marble-Hall omgewing.

BRAK Jan aged 68, AND his wife Rita aged 67, a Dutch couple, were severely
stabbed during an attack on their Wilgerboom smallholding. Jan died from his
injuries. May 2004.
Mnr Jan Brak (68) en sy vrou Rita (67), ‘n Hollandse egpaar, was op hulle Wilgeboom
kleinhoewe aangeval en verskeie steekwonde opgedoen waarvan Jan gesterf het.

BROWN Dave was murdered on his Bredell smallholding, Kempton Park. 20 May
Hoewe eienaar Dave Brown was vermoor in Bredell naby Kempton Park

CHAMELEON Chris was knifed inside his flat after he arrived hom at his flat by
attackers who had broken in. Johannesburg. Jan 2004
Chris Chameleon het meswonde opgedoen toe hy by sy woonstel tuisgekom het
nadat aanvallers ingebreek het. JHB.

CLOETE family were attacked on the Kromsruit farm, Memel. 21 Dec 2004.
Die Cloete gesin was aangeval op hul Kromspruit plaas, Memel.

COETZEE Annetjie, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her circumstances
are not clear. Port St. Johns, EC. June 2004
Die omstandighede van mej. Annetjie Coetzee tydens ‘n plaas aanval in Port Snt
Johns is nie helder nie. Oos Kaap.

DE AGRELLA Dolores, manager of the Adam’s Apple roadside inn, awoke one
evening when her dogs barked and a dark figure appeared in her room. He pulled her
jaw down, put a gun in her mouth, and pulled the trigger, without a word. The gun
didn’t go off because he had the wrong calibre bullet in the chamber. She wrestled
him for her life until he fled. Farm. July 2004.
Mej Dolores de Agrella, wat die Adams Apple gastehuis bestuur, het wakker geword
van die honde se geblaf, en ‘n donker figuur wat haar kakebeen oopgerek het. Hy het
woordeloos ‘n geweer se loop in haar mond gedruk en die sneller getrek. Die geweer
het nie gewerk nie omrede die verkeerde groote koeels in die gelaai was. Sy het met
hom om haar lewe geveg totdat hy gevlug het. Plaas.

DE CLERQ Tobias Jan, SEE DE KLERK Jan 2003

DE BEER Elsa, female aged 63, was attacked, physically assaulted and stabbed with
a knife on her smallholding. Elsa was admitted to hospital with bleeding on her
brain. Brits. 15 June 2004.
Elsa de Beer (63) was oorval, aangerand en met ‘n mes gesteek op haar kleinhoewe.
Elsa was by die hospitaal opgeneem met breinbloeding, Brits

DE GOUVEIA Jock, male aged 70, was murdered on his farm in Heidelberg. 16 Dec
Mnr Jock de Gouveia (70) was vermoor op sy plaas in Heidelberg

DE LANGE Dawie was shot 3 times in the head at close range inside his flat and died
on the scene. His car was stolen but recovered later on. Nelspruit. Sun 26 June

DE VILLIERS Danicha, clinical technician aged 23, was found dead during the
morning. Her corpse was floating in the Loch Logan Lake dressed in denim pants
and pink socks during the morning. Bloemfontein. Sat 16 July 2004.


DU PREEZ Jan, AND his entire family including his wife Frances and four children,
Anton aged 30, Yolandi aged 27, Tanya aged 23, and Werner aged 21 were terrorised
by the SAPS over a 5 year period which started on 8 May 2004 during which they
were physically assaulted and falsely arrested. Jan had been kidnapped and beat so
badly that he had to be rushed to Pretoria for emergency surgery. One of these
attacks were filmed on video and the court cleared the family of all wrong-doing. 8
May 2004. Nylstroom.
Die Du Preez gesin Jan en sy vrou Frances en hul vier kinders Anton ( 30), Yolandi
(27), Tanya (23) en Werner (21) was deur die SAPS geterroriseer sedert hul eerste
aanval op hul plaas 8 Mei 2004 waarin Jan ontvoer en so erg beseer was dat hy na
Pretoria gejaag moes word vir ‘n nood operasie. Die hele familie was fisies
aangerand en in die trunk gesmyt onder valse aantuigings. Die hof het in hul guns
beslis nadat een van die aanvalle op kamera afgeneem was.

DU TOIT Hannes, police constable was shot to death during an armed attack on the
Mieder park Spar. Clients Jolené van der Merwe aged 11 AND Mr Hannes Steenkamp
aged 37 were also shot. July 2004.

DU TOIT W’s wife, was murdered on their farm near Britz, NW., July 2004
Mev W du Toit was vermoor op hulle plaas naby Brits.

ESTERHUIZEN Frederick, male aged 48, was murdered on his smallholding near
Pinetown. June 2004
Frederick Esterhuizen (48) was vermoor op sy Pinetown kleinhoewes

FICK Giellie, farmer aged 61, was attacked in the early hours of the morning by an
armed gang of 6 men, overpowered and robbed of his pick-up van and .22 revolver
on the farm Sodom. The gang was arrested shortly after. Waterpoort. Tues 5 Oct
Mnr Giellie Fick (61) was deur ‘n gewapende bende van 6 mans op sy plaas Sodom in
die vroee oggend ure aangeval en beroof van sy .22 rewolwer en bakkie. Die bende
was kort daarna inhegtenis geneem. Waterpoort.

FOUCHE Ivan Joseph aged 73, AND his wife were attacked, overpowered, tied up
and robbed on their smallholding in Sundra. 23 Nov 2004.
Ivan Joseph Fouche (73) en sy vrou was aangeval, vasgebind en beroof op hul
kleinhoewe, Sundra

FOURIE Henk, male aged 29, was ambushed at his farmgate and shot in the back.
Varkenskraal, Groblersdal. 20 May 2004.
Mnr Henk Fourie (29) van Varkenskraal, Groblersdal was in die rug geskiet by
plaashek waar hy voorgele was.

FOURIE Kobus aged 38, AND his father Piet aged 69, was shot to death during an
attack on their smallholding between De Deur and Meyerton. 11 Mar 2004.
Mnr Kobus Fourie (38) en sy pa Piet Fourie (69) was doodgeskiet op hul kleinhoewe
tussen De Deur en Meyerton

FRANCIS Brenda, French tourist, AND Jenny Botha, both females aged 40, are
mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. King’s
Beach, Port Elizabeth. EC., April 2004.
Die omstandighede van mej. Brenda Francis en Jenny Botha (altwee dames 40 jaar
oud) gedurende die aanval op Kings Beach is nie helder nie. Port Elizabeth.

GEVERS Norah Joyce, female aged 68, was murdered during an attack when her
throat was slit on a farm in Wartburg. 18 July 2004.
Me Norah Joyce Gevers (68) was keelaf gesny op ‘n plaas in Wartburg

GIDIS Robert, farmer aged 60, was shot during an attack on the farm Dagbreek,
Gravellote near Phalaborwa. 22 Feb 2004.
Mnr Robert Gidis (60) was geskiet op sy plaas Dagbreek by Gravellote
naby Phalaborwa

GOUWS Arthur, male aged 55, AND his daughter Adri aged 14 and their farmworker
Bethuel Nkosi aged 20, were attacked by an armed gang on their farm in the
Weltevrede area. Arthur was physically assaulted with a spade, stabbed with knives
and shot. Delmas. 26 Sep 2004.
Mnr Arthur Gouws (55) was op sy plaas in die Weltevrede-omgewing aangeval en
aangerand met messe, ‘n graaf, en was ook geskiet. Sy dogter Adri (14) en ‘n
plaaswerker Bethuel Nkosi (20) was ook aangeval. Delmas distrik

GRENVILLE Capson, a farmer from Komatiepoort, shot an attacker dead and was
arrested for murder.
16 Dec 2004.
Mnr Capson Grenville, ‘n boer van Komatiepoort, het ‘n onbekende aanvaller
doodgeskiet, en was gearresteer vir moord.

GROENEWALD Barend Christoffel aged 78, AND his wife were attacked and
physically assaulted on a farm in Koppies, Welkom. 1 Feb 2004
Mnr Barend Christoffel Groenewald (78) en sy vrou was aangerand in ‘n aanval op
hul Kopies plaas naby Welkom

HALL Eunice, female aged 65, was murdered on the Kraalhoek farm, Rustenburg.
May 2004.
Me Eunice Hall (65) was vermoor op die plaas Kraalhoek, Rustenburg

HAYWARD Clint aged 35 and Michelle aged 37, were attacked inside their bedroom,
and shot to death by an armed gang of which three are Zimbabweans at the
Mountain View Hotel, Louis Trichardt. 20 October 2004.
Mnr Clint Hayward (35) en sy vrou Michelle (37) was in hulle slaapkamer by die
Mountain View hotel doodgeskiet deur ‘n swart bende waarvan 3 mans Zimbabiers
is. Louis Trichardt.

HECKMAN John aged 45, was tabbed to death on the farm Minestone, Soutpansberg.
June 2004
Mnr John Heckman (45) was doodgesteek op die plaas Minestone, Soutpansberg

HENDERSON Willie, male aged 61, was murdered on a Hartdoringboom

smallholding, Pretoria. 6 Jan 2004.
Mnr Willie Henderson (61) was vermoor op sy plot in Hartdoringboom, Pta

HORN Anneliese, female aged 66, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear. Van Staden’s Kloof, EC. Jan 2004
Mej. Anneliese Horn (66) se omstandighede in die plaas aanval in Van Staden’s Kloof
is nie helder nie.Oos Kaap.

JACOB, male aged 41 SEE WEBER Jacob

JORDAAN Eddie, male aged 71, was shot to death during an attack in his miellie
lands on a farm in Heidelberg. 21 May 24.
Mnr Eddie Jordaan (71) was doodgeskiet in die mielieveld op sy plaas, Heidelberg

KLEINHANS Theodorus aged 79, AND his wife Martha, were attacked on their farm in
Henneman. 1 Feb 2004
Mnr Theodorus Kleinhans (79) en sy vrou Martha was aangeval op hul plaas buite

KRUGER Wilma, female, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but her

circumstances are not clear. Waverley, Pretoria, GA., Feb, 2004
Die omstandighede van mej Wilma Kruger tydens ‘n plaas aanval op Waverley is nie
helder nie. Pretoria.

LANGENHOVEN Martinus, male, was shot to death on his smallholding at

Muldersdrift, Pretoria, GA. Sep 2004.
Mnr Martinus Langenhoven was doodgeskiet op sy kleinhoewe in Muldersdrift,

LE BRUN Jean-Paul aged 42, was shot to death on the Sunbird Poultry farm,
Eikenhof. 19 Nov 2004.
Mnr Jean-Paul Le Brun (42) was op die Sunbird Poultry plaas doodgeskiet. Eikenhof

SEE LEEUWNER Johanna AND her daughter Hanlie aged 18, were attacked on their
farm but managed to call for help. Mr Manie van Niekerk and Mr Norman Biko arrived
to save them, and were shot. Farm Ongegund, Caledon. FS. 12 Oct 2004.
Johanna Leeuwner en haar dogter Hanlie (18) was aangeval op hulle plaas, maar het
hulp ontbied. Mnr Manie van Niekerk en Norman Biko wat kom help het, was gewond
deur die aanvallers. Plaas Ongegund, Caledon

LOURENS Cornelius aged 78, AND his wife Olive May aged 79, were murdered on
their farm Hekpoort. Magaliesburg. 12 Mar 2004.
Mnr Cornelius Lourens (78) en sy vrou Olive May (79), was vermoor op hul plaas,
Hekpoort, Magaliesburg

MACKINNON Ian, male aged 60, was shot to death on a smallholding outside
Walkerville, near Meyerton. 18 Aug 2004.
Mnr Ian Mackinnon (60) was doodgeskiet op ‘n kleinhoewe buite Walkerville naby

MCCONDOCHIE Anne aged 58, AND her husband John aged 63, were attacked on
their farm. Anne was shot to death. John was critically injured. Witbank. 24 May
Mev Anne McCondochie (58) en haar man John (630 was aangeval op hul plaas.
Anne was doodgeskiet. John was ernstig beseer. Witbank.

MEYER Lardus, male, survived an attack on his farm in Belfast. 16 Jan 2004.
Mnr Lardus Meyer het ‘n aanval op sy plaas afgeweer. Belfast

MOMBERG Tertia, female aged 47, was murdered on the Tuli-block farm. 15 May
Tertia Momberg (47) was vermoor op die Tuli-block plaas

MOOLMAN Chris, male aged 38, was murdered by an armed gang on the Cedarville
Farm. The gang saw Chris drive away, and robbed his gardener at knifepoint. Then
they broke into the farmhouse, stole his weapons, and waited for his return, upon
which they shot him to death. KZN. 1 June 2004.
Mnr Chris Moolman (38) was deur ‘n gewapende bende vermoor op die Cedarville
plaas. Hulle het gesien hoe Chris van die plaas wegry, en het sy tuinier teen mespunt
besteel. Daarna het hulle by die plaashuis ingebreek en Chris se wapens gesteel.
Hulle het hom ingewag en dood geskiet
Sy moordenaars was op 13/11/2008 gevonnis.

MOSTERT Johannes Jacobus aged 72, AND his wife Susan aged 61, AND their
workers David Nkebenyane aged 56 and his wife Florence Malatadiane were attacked
on the Witkoppies farm, physically assaulted and shot to death. Henley-on-Klip. 16
Jan 2004
Mnr Johannes Jacobus Mostert (71) en sy vrou Susan (61) asook hulle werkers mnr
David Nkebenyane (56) en sy vrou Florence Malatadiane was op die plaas
Witkoppies naby Henley-on-Klip aangeval, aangerand en doodgeskiet

MOTAUNG Lisbeth, female aged 56, was murdered. Her corpse was found in a
shallow grave on the Buycilia holding. Vaa; Rand/ 22 Feb 2004
Lisbeth Motaung (56) was vermoor. Haar lyk was gevind in ‘n vlak graf op die
Buycilia hoewe. Vaal Rand
MEYBURGH Phillipus aged 58, AND his wife Maria aged 38, were murdered on the
Maryvlei smallholding. Brakpan. 16 Junie 2004
Mnr Phillipus Meyburgh (58) en Maria (38) sy vrou, was vermoor op die
Maryvlei kleinhoewe, Brakpan

NASH Alexander, male aged 18, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Northcliff, Johannesburg, GA. July 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Alexander Nash (18 tydens ‘n plaas aanval op Northcliff,
Johannesburg, is nie duidelik nie.

NAUDE SG, male aged 68, was murdered on the Olyfenkloof farm, Jamestown, EC.
Mnr SG Naude (68) was vermoor op die Olyfenkloof plaas, Jamestown.

NEPGEN Jennifer, female aged 35, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear Haakdoringboom, GA. Oct 2004
Die omstandighede van mej Jennifer Nepgen (35) tydens ‘n plaas aanval op
Haakdoringboom is nie duidelik nie

PARDAU Abel aged 78, AND his wife Ermini were attacked and physically assaulted
on their farm Oorbietjiefontein. Abel was murdered. Ermini was seriously injured.
Hartbeesfontein. 6 Apr 2004.

Mnr Abel Pardau (78) van die plaas Oorbietjiefontein by Hartbeesfontein was
aangerand en vermoor, sy vrou Ermini is ernstig beseer in die aanval.

PRETORIUS Hannes, male aged 75, was attacked and shot on his farm, and died in
hospital from his injuries. Jan Kempdorp. 14 Apr 2004.
Mnr Hannes Pretorius (75) was geskiet in ‘n aanval op sy plaas in die Jan Kempdorp
distrik, en het in die hospitaal gesterf

PRETORIUS Nico, male aged 37, from the farm Toitskraal, was shot at the vegetable
market in town and admitted to hospital in a critical condition.
Mnr Nico Pretorius (37) van die plaas Toitskraal, was by die groentemark op die dorp
geskiet, en was in 'n kritieke toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem.

RADEMAN Simon, fashion designer, AND two of his employees were attacked and
overpowered by an armed gang inside his studio home in Nieu-Muckleneuk, Pretoria.
Aug 2004
Die modeontwerper Simon Rademan en twee van sy werknemers was in sy ateljee-
huis deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval. Nieu-Muckleneuk, Pretoria.


SALGUIRO Amando AND his daughter 3yr old Daniella, AND his brother Teco were
sitting in their Jacuzzi when an armed gang, dressed in black, jumped over the fence
into their garden. Both Amando and Teco jumped up to protect Daniella. Amando
was shot to death, and Teco was shot in the leg before the gang fled. Randpark
Ridge, Randburg. 5 Nov 2004.
Mnr Amando Salguiro, sy dogter Daniella (3), en sy broer Teco, het in hulle Jacuzzi
ontspan toe 5 swart mans wat in swart geklee was, oor hulle heining gespring het.
Beide Amando en Teco het opgespring om Daniella te beskerm. Salguiro was
doodgeskiet, en Teco was in die been geskiet voordat die aanvallers gevlug het.
Randpark Ridge, Randburg.

SAMSON William, farmer aged 61, was shot at inside his home, but the bullet missed
and hit the window frame. Dullstroom. Jan 2004.
Mnr William Samson (61) ‘n boer van Dullstroom was op geskiet in sy huis maar die
skoot het die vensterraam getref.

SCHOEMAN Beltus aged 41, AND his wife Amanda, were attacked,
overpowered, robbed and left locked-up inside their cooler room
on their farm, Nooitgedacht. 5 July 2004.
Beltus Schoeman (41) en sy vrou Amanda was op die plaas Nooitgedacht Aangeval,
beroof, en in ‘n koelkamer toegesluit.

SCHOEMAN Jan, male ageed 63, was shot during an attack on his Duvenhagekraal
holding, Westenburg. 30 Dec 2004.
Jan Schoeman (63) was geskiet gedurende ‘n aanval op die Duvenhagekraal hoewe,

SERFONTEIN Chris, farmer on the farm Tonnel, was murdered. Vaalrivier. July 2004.
Mnr Chris Serfontein, plaasboer van die plaas Tonnel, was vermoor. Vaalrivier

SHELTON Mark, male aged 37, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Tygerberg agricultural holdings, Cape Town area, CPT.
Oct 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr. Mark Shelton (37) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op die
Tygerberg hoewe is nie helder nie. Kaapstad

SILBERMAN Bradley, male aged 22, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
his circumstances are not clear. Sandton agricultural holdings, Johannesburg, GA.
November 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr. Bradley Silberman (22) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
die Sandton hoewe is nie helder nie. Johannesburg.

SITARAM Anand, farmer aged 61, was shot in the head at a place where he dropped
off employees who worked on his farm. He died from his injuries in hospital the next
day. Hopewell, Pietermaritzburg. July 2004.

SNYMAN Ian, male, was murdered on the farm Cop-Wildlife. Mar 2004.

Mnr Ian Snyman was vermoor op die Cop-Wildlife plaas

STANDER Hendrik Christoffel aged 62, AND his son Ernst aged 39, AND Mrs Hetta
Stander, were attacked on their smallholding by an armed gang who posed as
Telkom workers. Ernst was shot to death. Hendrik was physically assaulted and
robbed. It is not clear what happened to Hetta. Pomona, Putfontein, outside Benoni,
East Rand. GA. 4 Jan 2004.
Mnr Hendrik Christoffel Stander (62), sy seun Ernst (39) en mev Stander was op hul
kleinhoewe aangeval deur ‘n bende wat hulself voorgedoen het as Telkom werkers.
Ernst was doodgeskiet. Hendrik was aangerand en beroof. Dit is nie helder wat met
mev. Stander gebeur het nie. Pomona, Putfontein. Buite benoni, Oos Rand.

STASSEN Pearl Dorothy, female aged 40, was mentioned in records on farm attacks,
but her circumstances are not clear. Stoneydrift, East London. EC. Feb 2004.
Die omstandighede van mev Pearl Dorothy Stassen (40) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval
op Stoneydrift is nie helder nie. Oos London.

STEENBERG Adriaan, male aged 45, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
his circumstances are not clear. Leeufontein, Kameeldrift Agricultural holdings,
Die omstandighede van mnr Adriaan Steenberg (45) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Leeufontein is nie helder nie. Kameeldrift hoewes, Pretoria.

STEPHEN Michael, male aged 22, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Primrose, Germiston, Jan 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Michael Stephen (22) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Primsrose is nie helder nie. Germiston.

STEYN Hennie, South African Policeman, was mentioned in records on farm attacks,
but his circumstances are not clear. Middelburg, MP. Oct 2004.
Die omstandighede van die SA polisieman Hennie Steyn gedurende ‘n plaas aanval
op Leeufontein is nie helder nie. Middelburg.

STEYN Martin, farmer aged 81, was strangled to death with a rope while he was
milking his cows. Alldays area. 23 Mar 2004.
Mnr Martin Steyn (81) was met ‘n tou verwurg terwyl hy besig was om te melk. In die
Alldays omgewing

STRUIS Randall, police constable aged 19, was taking care of a farm in Kakamas,
attacked, and murdered. Karoo. 3 Oct 2004.
Const. Randall Struis (19) was vermoor op ‘n plaas in Kakamas wat hy opgepas het.

STEVENSON Lana, female, AND Brendon, boy aged 6, were mentioned in records on
farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Douglasdale, Feb 2004
Die omstandighede van die mej. Lana Stevenson en die seun Brendon (6) gedurende
‘n plaas aanval op Douglasdale is nie helder nie.

SWINSON Gary, male, AND Greigan, boy aged 6, AND Kyle, girl aged 12, AND Nicole,
girl aged 9, AND Tracey, female aged 35, were mentioned in records on farm attacks,
but their circumstances are not clear. Bedfordview, Johannesburg, GA., May 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Gary Swinson, en seun Greigan (6), en dogter Kyle (12),
en dogter Nicole (9) en vrou Tracey (35) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Bedfordview is
nie helder nie. Johannesburg.

TERBLANCHE Neels, male aged 74, AND Danie, male, AND Lettie, female, were
mentioned in records on farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear.
Dwaalboom, Marico, Thabazimbi, NW. March 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Neels Terblanche (74), en Danie en Lettie gedurende ‘n
plaas aanval op Dwaalboom, Marico, Thabazimbi, NW, is nie helder nie.

TERBLANCHE Jannie Christoffel aged 83, AND his wife Trudie aged 86, were
attacked and physically assaulted. Jannie died from his injuries. Kroonbult farm.
May 2004
Mnr Jannie Christoffel Terreblanche (83) was doodgeslaan op Kroonbult plaas, en sy
vrou Trudie (86) was ernstig aangerand gedurende ‘n plaas aanval.

THERON Krystal, female aged 18, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Dersley park, Springs, GA., Oct 2004
Die omstandighede van mej. Krystal Theron (18) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Dersley park is nie helder nie. Springs.

THERON Richard aged 59, AND Ms. Estelle van Dyk aged 58, were murdered on a
farm in Kosterfontein near Magaliesburg. 9 June 2004.
Mnr Richard Theron (59) en Me Estelle van Dyk (58) was vermoor op die
plaas Koesterfontein naby Magaliesburg

UNNAMED COOKHOUSE Farm attack masterminded by a traditional healer. He took

the gang to the farm, collected them afterwards, and shared in the stolen goods. The
farmer’s wife, her two children and their 14 yr old friend were home when the gang
overpowered them inside the farmhouse. She was tied up to a bed and raped in front
of the children. When the farmer walked into the house on his return from a local
meeting, he was manhandled and disarmed, then locked in a large gun safe while the
house was looted. October 13, 2004.

UNNAMED GRASMERE TOLGATE victims witnessed in court about the attack they
suffered at around 04:00 just past the Grasmere tollgate south of Johannesburg in
their pick-up truck. The husband AND his wife aged 45 AND their niece who had
turned 14 on that day, were forced off the road by a red Toyota Camry after which 2
gunmen ran towards them shooting and shouting, then pulled at their door handles.
The husband opened his door and they tried to pull him out, but he was stll wearing
his safety belt. When he unclipped it, they forced him onto his wife’s lap, while both
attackers climbed in through his door. They followed the Camry for about 900m then
tried to fit their victims into the boot of the Camry, but the space was not large
enough. The husband was told that he was going to be killed before he was dragged
back to his pick-up, where he was told to run, and then was pistol-whipped against
the back of his head. As he fell, he rolled down an embankment while under fire, and
left for dead. Once he heard the vehicles pull off, he summoned help. The police
were able to save the women, but they had already been raped. 31 Mar 2004
Getuienis was gelewer deur ‘n man en sy 45 jarige vrou wat saam met hul
susterskind wat op die dag van hul aanval 14 jaar oud geword het. Hul bakkie was
net na die Grasmere tolhek suid van Johannesburg omstreeks 04:00 deur ‘n rooi
Camry van die pad af gedwing, waarna twee gewapende aanvallers skietend en
skreeuend op hulle toegsak het en die deure probeer oopruk het. Die man het sy
deur oopgesluit, en hulle het probeer om hom uit sy voertuig te ruk, maar sy
veiligheidsgordel was steeds vas. Nadat hy dit losgeknip het, was hy gedwing om op
sy vrou se skoot te klim terwyl altwee die aanvallers by sy deur inklim. Hulle het
sowat 900m agter die Camry aangery voordat hulle die familie in die kattebak prbeer
stop het, maar dit was nie groot genoeg nie. Die man was gese dat hy vermoor gaan
word, en was terug na sy bakkie gesleep. Daar was hy beveel om te hardloop, maar
toe word hy agter teen die kop met ‘n geweer geslaan. Terwyl hy teen die wal af
geval het, was daar op hom geskiet voordat hulle hom vir dood agtergelos het. Nadat
hy die voertuie hoor wegtrek het, het hy hulp ontbied. Die polisie kon die vrouens
red, maar hulle was alreeds verkrag.

UNNAMED RAINFALL FARM couple tortured to death. Harrismith. 2 Aug 2004

Onbekende Afrikaanse egpaar doodgemartel op Rainfall plaas, Harrismith

UNNAMED MAKHADO (LOUIS TRICHARDT) Three women were at the Albany bakery
in the industrial area where they were robbed. One woman resisted, and was shot in
the head. Thur 07 Oct, 2004.

VAN DER MERWE Hennie aged 56, AND his son Henk aged 22, were shot during an
armed attack on their farm near Nylstroom. 25 June 2004.
Mnr Hennie van der Merwe (56) en sy seun Henk (22) was gewond in ‘n gewapende
aanval op hulle plaas naby Nylstroom
VAN DER MERWE Jolené aged 11 AND her mother were walking outside the
Miederpark Spar during the day when 3 men, carrying bags, opened fire. Her mother
threw Jolené down on the ground for shelter behind a vehicle, and covered her with
her own body. Jolené was shot in the buttox and required extensive surgery. 2004.

VAN DER MERWE Mien, female aged 65, was mentioned in records on farm attacks,
but her circumstances are not clear. Dennelaan, Clocolan, EC. March 2004
Die omstandighede van me. Mien van der Merwe (65) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Dennelaan is nie helder nie. Clocolan.

VAN DER MERWE Neels, male aged 64, was stabbed to death on his farm in Ellisras.
30 Mar 2004.
Neels van der Merwe (64) was doodgesteek op sy plaas, Ellisras

VAN DER MERWE W, a rooibos tea manufacturer aged 38, was attacked at his
farmgate. 2 May 2004.
Mnr W Van Der Merwe (38) ‘n rooibos vervaardiger, was aangeval by sy plaashek.

VAN DER RIET Adriana, female aged 86, was stabbed to death during a farm attack
on Rocklands, Port Elizabeth. July 2004.
Adriana Van der Riet (86) was doodgesteek in die plaasaanval op Rocklands, PE

VAN DER VEEN R., aged 46 and his family were attacked by an armed gang. Mr van
der Veen was murdered. His wife was raped, and his children were physically
assaulted. July 2004.
Mnr R . van der Veen (46) boer was vermoor, sy vrou verkrag, en sy kinders

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Joost, famous rugby player, AND his wife Amor Vittone,
famous television personality, AND their baby son were attacked inside their home
in the Silver Lakes security Complex, Pretoria. Aug 2004

VAN DYK Estelle SEE THERON Richard

VAN DYK Johan, male aged 69, was stabbed to death with a knife during an attack
on his farm Renéville in the Cullinan district. 17 Nov 2004.
Mnr Johan Van Dyk (69) was op sy plaas Renéville met ‘n mes doodgesteek.

VAN NIEKERK Kosie, female aged 79, AND her helpers Mr. Elias Mokoena aged 42,
AND Christina Mokoena aged 50, were attacked on their farm Dankbaarheid. Kosie
was stabbed before her throat was slit. Elias was strangled to death. Christina was
shot and seriously injured. 24 Aug 2004.
Mev Kosie Van Niekerk (79) was op die plaas Dankbaarheid gesteek en keelaf gesny.
Werker Mnr Elias Mokoena (42) was verwurg. Huishulp Christina Mokoena (50) was
swaar gewond.


VAN REENEN-BERGMANN Johan, male aged 61, was attacked on his farm in
Tzaneen. 25 Feb 2004.
Mnr Johan Van Reenen-Bergmann (61) was op sy plaas aangeval, Tzaneen.

VAN STADEN Jaco, father of two small children and husband to a pregnant wife,
was gunned down while working in a liquor store by an armed gang of at least 3 men
during an armed robbery. Pretoria. Aug 2004.
Mnr Jaco van Staden was doodgeskiet by sy werk in ‘n bottelstoor deur ‘n
gewapende bende gedurende ‘n rooftog. Hy was die pa van twee klein kindertjies en
sy vrou was swanger. Pretoria.

VAN WYK Paul, male aged 74, was shot to death during an attack aat Kromdraai,
Krugersdorp. 24 Feb 2004.
Mnr Paul van Wyk (74) was doodgeskiet gedurende die plaas aanval op Kromdraai,

VAN ZYL Marie, female singer aged 53, was murdered at Danna Baai, Mosselbay. EC.
June 2004
Me. Marie van Zyl (53) sanger, was vermoor in Danna Baai, Mosselbaai.

VELDMAN Frederick, male aged 26, was smothered to death on his holding in
Ermelo. May 2004.
Mnr Frederick Veldman (26) hoewe eienaar, was versmoor in Ermelo.

VENTER At male aged 71, AND his wife Rien aged 65, were shot to death on their
Leeufontein farm, Cullinan. 30 Oct 2004.
Mnr At Venter (71) en sy vrou Rien (65) was op die plaas Leeuwfontein doodgeskiet,
Cullinan distrik

VENTER Sebastian, male aged 62, was shot to death on his Cullinan smallholding. 10
Aug 2004.
Mnr Sebastian Venter (62) was doodgeskiet op sy Cullinan kleinhoewe.

VERKES Willem, bird farmer aged 64, AND his 13 yr old son, were cruelly attacked
by an armed gang of at least 2 men on their holding in Eeufees Way. Willem was
physically assaulted in front of his son, who thought his father was dead when their
attackers wanted to kidnap him. He begged them to allow him to close his father’s
eyes before they take him, but they refused, threatening to kill him if he should cry
over his father. They then put Willem inside his house and burnt it down. The
autopsy on his remains proved that he was burnt alive. The son was taken to a
secluded area near a squatters camp, stabbed 9 or 10 times and left for dead. He was
fortunate that the 5th house he knocked on for help, ablidged. Bloemspruit,
Bloemfontein. 2004.
Mnr Willem Verkes (64), ‘n duiweboer, was wreed aangerand deur ‘n gewapende
bende van ten minste twee mans op sy hoewe voor sy 13 jarige seun se oe. Hy het
gedink dat sy pa dood was toe hulle hom wou ontvoer, en het gesoebat om eers sy
pa se oe toe te maak voordat hulle hom wegneem. Maar hy was dit geweier, en met
die dood gedreig sou hy oor sy pa begin huil. Daarna het hulle vir Willem in sy huis
gesit voordat hulle die huis aan die brand gesteek het. Die nadoodse ondersoek op
sy oorskot het vasgestel dat Willem steeds lewend was toe hy verbrand was. Die
seun was naby ‘n plakkerskamp geneem en 9 of 10 keer met ‘n mes gesteek en vir
dood agtergelos. Hy was gelukkig dat die 5de huis by wie hy om hulp gevra het, hom
gehelp het. Bloemspruit.


VON BENECKE Wilhelm aged 55, AND his wife Magdalena aged 52, were attacked
inside their home, overpowered, tied up and robbed on their farm, Nelspruit. 6 Aug
Wilhelm von Benecke (55) en sy vrou Magdalena (52) was oorval in hul plaashuis,
vasgebind en beroof. Nelspruit

WEBB Andrew, Army captain aged 24, was murdered during an attack on a farm at
the border, Fouriesburg. 13 Aug 2004.
Weermag Kapt. Andrew Webb (24) vermoor op grens plaas naby Fouriesburg

WEBER Jacob aged 41, AND his family were attacked on their farm Loarlien. Jacon
and his son Simon aged 12, were shot. Sabie. 28 Jan 2004.
Weber familie aangeval op hul plaas Loarlien in Sabie. Jacob Weber (41) en sy 12-
jarige seun Simon was geskiet. Loarlien, Sabie

WHEATLEY Hannah, female aged 84, was attacked by a gang of black men inside her
home after they broke down her door to gained entry. She was assaulted, raped and
strangled to death. They stole her handbag, toaster, a wall clock and a kettle. Two of
the gang members were caught and sentenced. Benoni. 27 Aug 2004
Me. Hannah Wheatley (84) was in haar huis aangeval deur ‘n swart bende nadat hulle
‘n deur afgebreek het om die perseel te betree. Hannah was aangerand, verkrag, en
vervurg. Hulle het haar handsak, ‘n rooster, ‘n muur klok en ‘n ketel gesteel. Twee
lede van die bende was gevang en gestraf. Benoni.
Life for men who strangled octogenarian

WIEDECK Brigitte, female, AND Werner, male, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Loius Trichardt, LIM. April 2004
Die omstandigehede van mnr Werner Wiedeck en mev Brigitte Wiedeck tydens ‘n
aanval in Louis Trichardt is nie helder nie. LIM.

WOLFAARDT Petrus aged 60, AND Elmarie aged 57, were attacked, overpowered and
physically assaulted on their Dorsfontein farm. Elmarie died from her injuries.
Murraysburg. 31 Jan 2004.
Mnr Petrus Wolfaardt (60) en Elmarie (57) was aangeval op die Dorsfontein plaas,
Murraysburg. Mev Wolfaardt het aan haar beserings gesterf.

WOLFAARDT Isak, male aged 40, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Dorsfontein, Graaf-Reinet, Feb 2004
Die omstandighede van mnr Isak Wolfaardt (40) gedurende die plaas aanval op
Dorsfontein is nie helder nie. Graaf-Reinet.


WOLFAARDT Philipus, male aged 53, was shot to death during an attack on the
Daviddale farm, near Amsterdam. July 2004.
Mnr Philipus Wolfaardt (53) van plaas Daviddale naby Amsterdam was doodgeskiet
tydens ‘n plaas aanval.


ALDRIDGE C.L.was murdered while he was selling milk on his farm. A suspect was
caught and put into custody. Boston area. 18 Jan 2003.
Mnr CL Aldridge vermoor terwyl hy melk verkoop het op sy plaas in die Boson
gebied. ‘n Verdagte was gevang deur die polisie.

ASHBURNER Ronald aged 68, AND his wife Maxi aged 66, was aatacked on their
farm. 3 June 2003.
Ronald Ashburner (68) en sy vrou Maxi (66) was aangeval op hulle plaas

BADENHORST Cas was ambushed at his farmgate and shots were fired at him, but
he was not injured. Middelfontein. 23 Sep 2003.
Daar is op Cas Badenhorst geskiet by sy Middelfontein plaashek waar aanvallers
hom ingewag het. Gelukkig was hy nie raak getref nie.
BADENHORST Louis aged 81, AND his wife Henriette AND their daughter Mihanna
aged 55, were attacked inside their guesthouse “Giste se Glorie” on their farm,
overpowered, shot and burnt to death. Clarens. 3 Nov 2003.
Louis Badenhorst (81) en sy vrou Henriette en hul dogter Mihanna (55) was oorval in
hulle gastehuis “Gister se glorie”, geskiet en dood verbrand. Clarens plaas.

BADHOLDT Janna, female aged 31, was mentioned in records of farm attacks, but
her circumstances is not clear. Paarl, WC., Nov 2003
Die omstandighede van mej. Janna Badholdt (31) gedurende die aanval op ‘n Clarens
laas is nie helder nie.

BARNARD Isabel, female aged 60, was attacked and stabbed with a knife before her
dogs were able to save her. Chatsworth farm. Musina. Mar 2003.
Isabel Barnard (60) was aangeval en met ‘n mes gesteek op haar plaas in
Chatsworth. Haar honde het verdere aanval gekeer, Musina

BASSON Andriesa, female, AND Pierre, male, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Paarl, WC., Dec 2003
Andriesa en Pierre Basson se omstandighede in die aanval oop ‘n plaas in die Paarl
is nie helder nie.WC.



BENEKE Sarel, male aged 51, was attacked on the farm De Pan but survived. Reitz.
10 Oct 2003.
Sarel Beneke (51) het ‘n aanval op die plaas De Pan in Reitz oorleef.

BERGH Adriaan, male, AND Marcel female aged 22, AND Michelle female, are
mentioned in records on farm attacks but their circumstances is not clear.
Waterkloof, Pretoria, GA. April 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Adriaan Bergh en mej Marcel (22) en mej. Michelle
Bergh tydens die aanval op die Waterkloof plaas is nie helder nie. Pretoria.

BHIKHOO Shida aged 56, was attacked and overpowered inside a smallholding
house, but not injured. Marble Hall. 19 Nov 2003.
Shida Bhikhoo (56) was in die huis op ‘n kleinhoewe oorval, maar nie beseer nie.
Marble Hall

BOCK Reimond aged 44, AND his wife were attacked on the Sandvlei farm. Reimond
was shot to death. His wife was physically assaulted. Philipi, Cape Flats, WC. 15 Apr
Reimond Bock (44) was doodgeskiet op die Sandvlei plaas in Phillippi, sy vrou net
aangerand. Kaapse Vlaktes.

BOOYSE Giellie, male aged 77, was attacked on his farm by an armed gang. Their
gun would not go off, which gave Giellie the chance to pull out his own gun, and
they fled. Lehalale. 17 Feb 2003.
Gielie Booyse (70’s) was aangeval op sy plaas deur ‘n bende. Toe hulle wapen nie
wou nie afgaan nie, het Giellie sy eie wapen uitgepluk,en die aanvallers het vlug.

BOTHA Louis, male aged 50, was shot and stabbed during an attack on his farm
Rietspruit. Heidelberg. 27 Apr 2003
Louis Botha (50) was geskiet en gesteek gedurende ‘n aanval op sy plaas Rietspruit
naby Heidelberg.

BOTHMA Inez aged 64, was shot to death on a farm. Nelspruit. 8 Jan 2003.
Inez Bothma (64) was doodgeskiet op ‘n plaas, Nelspruit

BOUCHER Brian Barry aged 66, AND his wife Rosslyn aged 63, were attacked on
their farm. Brian was stabbed and Rosslyn was physically assaulted. Komga. 5 Mar
Mnr. Brian Barry Boucher (66) was gesteek, en sy vrou Rosslyn (63) was aangerand
in die aanval op hulle plaas by Komga.

BREYTENBACH R., was murdered on his farm in Vanwyksdorp. Jan 2003.

Mnr.R. Breytenbach vermoor op plaas, Vanwyksdorp

BRUWER Johannes, male aged 69, AND his wife Sonja aged 64, AND their maid
Thelma Shezi, were attacked on their farm with pangas. Johannes was slashed to
death. Both Sonja and Thelma was admitted to hospital in a critical condition.
Camperdown. 1 Aug 2008.
Johannes Bruwer (69), sy vrou Sonja (64) en hul huishulp Thelma Shezi was op hul
plaas aangeval met pangas. Johannes is dood aan sy wonde. Beide vrouens was in
‘n ernstige toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem. Camperdown

BURGER Aletta, female aged 62, AND Piet aged 59. Were mentioned in records on
farm attacks, but their circumstances are not clear. Hartsvallei, Feb 2003
Mnr Piet Burger (59) en Aletta (62) se omstandighede in die aanval op ‘n plaas in die
Hartsvallei is nie duidelik nie.

BURGER Wikus, male aged 30, was shot to death on his smallholding in Sabie. 19
Jan 2003.
Wikus Burger (30) was op sy kleinhoewe doodgeskiet, Sabie

BURGER Hannie aged 59, AND her husband Ernst were attacked on their farm
Doringplaas. She was admitted to hospital in a coma. Vredendal. 27 Sep 2003.
Hannie Burger (59) en haar man Ernst was aangeval op hul plaas Doringdrift. Sy was
in ‘n koma die die hospitaal opgeneem. Vredendal

BUYS Phillip, male aged 77, was shot to death on his farm in Weenen. 17 Sep 2003.
Philip Buys (77) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas, Weenen

BUTLER Robert, male, was attacked, assaulted and robbed on the Esperado Valley
farm, Barberton, LIM. Feb 2003
Mnr. Robert Butler was op die plaas Esperado Valley aangerand en beroof.

BUYS Phillip, male aged 77, was attacked by an armed gang who cursed him as a
white man before they shot him to death. Weenen, KZN. 17 Sep 2003
Mnr Phillip Buys was deur sy aanvallers vervloek
as 'n blanke man voordat hulle hom dood geskiet het. Weenen.
Philip Buys

CILLIERS Christoph, male aged 65, AND his wife, were physically assaulted during
an attack on their farm near Frankfort. 28 Aug 2003.
Christoph Cilliers (65) en sy vrou was aangerand gedurende 'n aanval op hul plaas
naby Frankfort

CLAASSEN Magde AND her family were attacked on their holding. Anje, aged 9,
managed to phone the police and their attackers fled. Kameeldrift. 6 Nov 2003.
Magde Claassen en haar gesin was aangeval op hulle hoewe. Anje (9) kon die polisie
bel, waarna die bende gevlug het. Kameeldrift

CLEMENTS Christine, Pharmacist aged 48, was shot in the stomach and robbed
along the highway when she stopped to check the tyres of her car. N7 Du Noon. 11
Mar 2003.
Mev Christine Clements, apteker (48) was op die hoofweg in die maag geskiet nadat
sy uit haar kaar gespring het om die bande na te sien. N17, Du Noon.

COHEN Nonna, female aged 59, was admitted to hospital in a serious condition after
she had been attacked on her farm for the second time in one year. 18 Feb 2003..
Nonna Cohen (59) was vir die 2de keer op haar plaas aangeval. Sy was in ‘n ernstige
toestand deur die hospitaal opgeneem.

CUMMING Graham, farmer aged 54, was dropping off his workers when he was
attacks and stabbed to death. Steynsburg, EC. 20 Oct 2003.
Mnr Graham Cumming (54) was oorrompel terwyl hy sy werkers afgelaai het, en
doodgesteek. Steynsberg distrik.

CUTTING Louise, female aged 55, was attacked on the Gunyula holding, tied up and
robbed. Letsitele. 3 Aug 2003.
Louise Cutting (55) was aangeval op die Gunyula hoewe, vasgebind en beroof.

DE BEER Jan, male aged 72, was shot on his farm Sondagsloo. Vaalwater. 30 Apr
Jan De Beer (72) was op sy plaas Sondagsloop geskiet. Vaalwater

DE JAGER Johan, male farmer aged 55, was shot dead and his corpse was found by
his neighbour. Farm Uap, Upington. NC. 9 Mar 2003.
Johan de Jager (55), plaasboer, se lyk was deur sy buurman gevind. Johan was
doodgeskiet. Plaas Uap, Upington

DE JAGER Piet, male aged 65, AND his wife Lenie aged 60, AND their son Herman,
were attacked on their farm during which Piet was shot to death. Laatsgevonden,
Levubu. 27 Sep 2003.
Mnr Piet de Jager (65) en sy vrou Lenie (60) en hul seun herman, was op hulle plaas
Laatsgevonden oorval. Piet was doodgeskiet. Levubu.

DEKKER Jaap, farmer aged 65, was shot to death on his farm Witklip, where his
neighbour found his corpse. Piet Retief. 6 Mar 2003.
Mnr. Jaap Dekker (65) se lyk was deur sy buurman ontdek waar hy doodgeskiet was
op sy plaas “Witklip” naby Piet Retief

DE KLERK Jan, male aged 77, was murdered on his farm In-Die-Middel in
Schoemanskloof. His corpse was found in his freezer. Nelspruit. 31 Dec 2003.
Jan De Klerk (77) was op sy plaas In-Die-Middel vermoor . Sy lyk was in die vrieskas
gevind. Schoemanskloof Nelspruit

DE KLERK Rina aged 59, AND her husband Julius aged 72, were attacked on their
farm in 2003. During another attack in 2005, Rina was shot to death.

DE KLERQ Julius, Amersfoort male aged 62, SEE DE KLERK Rina 2003 and 2005.

DE WILDE Johan AND his family AND Anton Weyers were attacked, overpowered
and robbed inside their home on a farm in the Levubu area. LIM. July 2003.
Johannes De Wilde, sy familie en Anton Weyers was in die plaashuis op Levubu
aangerand en beroof. LIM

DONADIO Franco, male aged 49, was shot and robbed on his farm.
Franco Donadio (49) was geskiet en besteel op sy plaas.

DUNN John, a sugarcane farmer, was shot and poisoned. John was admitted to
hospital where he was fighting for his life. Northcoast. 25 Apr 2003.
Mnr. John Dunn, ‘n suikerboer vanaf die Noordkus, was geskiet en vergiftig. Hy het
om sy lewe geveg in die hospitaal geveg.

DU PLESSIS Andre, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his

circumstances are not clear. Rouxville, Barberton, Feb 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Andre de Plessis gedurende ‘n plaasaanval in Rouxville
is nie duidelik nie. Barberton.

DU PLESSIS Rina aged 74, AND her husband “Dup” aged 75, were attacked,
overpowered and physically assaulted in Melbourne, Tom Burke. Rina was battered
to death. Dup sustained serious injuries. Lehalale, LP. 23 Nov 2003.
Mev Rina du Plessis (74) was doodgeslaan en haar man “Oom Dup” (75) ernstig
beseer gedurende die aanval op hul Melbourne plaas, Tom Burke, Lehalale.

FONTANA Rose Hilda, female aged 74, was attacked and physically assaulted on her
farm during which she sustained permanent damage to her face where she was
burnt with a clothes iron. Barberton. 20 Aug 2003.
Rosa Hilda Fontana (74) was op haar plaas aangeval, en verduur permanente
gesigskade nadat sy met ‘n strykyster gebrand was. Barberton

FOURIE Boet, farmer aged 65, AND Joel Ntombela aged 31, were attacked on their
farm but not seriously injured. Farm Buren, Nkwalini. 5 Dec 2003.
Boet Fourie (65) en Joel Ntombela (31) was aangeval op die Buren plaas naby
Nkwalini, maar nie ernstig beseer nie.

FOURIE Johan, male, AND Ockie, male, were mentioned in records on farm attacks,
but their circumstances during an attack on the Rietfontein farm is not clear.
Moddderrivier, Sep 2003
Die omstandighede van mnre Johan en Ockie Fourie gedurende ‘n plaasaanval op
Rietfontein is nie helder nie. Modderrivier.


FRIERE M. F. Male aged 62, was ambushed, attacked and robbed at his farmgate.
Piet Retief. June 2003.
Mnr M.F. Friere (62) was ingewag, aangeval en beroof by sy plaashek, Piet Retief

GELDENHUYS Christo, male aged 65, was attacked on the farm Wonderfontein,
Groot Marico. 21 July 2003.
Christo Geldenhuys (65) was op die plaas Wonderfontein aangeval, Groot Marico

GELDENHUYS Jacobus aged 60, AND Maria aged 68, were attacked on their farm.
Fochville. 10 June 2003.
Jacobus Geldenhuys (69) en Maria (68) was aangeval op hul plaas, Fochville

GOOSSEN Nicolaas, male ageed 41, was found murdered with his throat slashed.
Farm Meadowbank, Vrede, FS. 4 June 2003
Mnr Nicholas Goossen (41) was op die plaas Meadowbank naby Vrede vermoor, waar
hy keelaf gesny was.

GOUWS Johannes, male aged 76, AND his wife Alett aged 73, were attacked on their
farm Donkerhoek during which Johannes was physically injured. 30 Mar 2003.
Johannes Gouws (76) en sy vrou Alett (73) was aangeval op hul plaas “Donkerhoek”,
waartydens Mnr Gouws beseer was.


GRIEBENOW Willie, male aged 56, was stabbed to death on the Nooitgedacht
holding, Walkerville., Vereeniging. GT. 14 June 2003.
Willie Griebenow (56)was doodgesteek op die hoewe Nooitgedacht by Walkerville
naby Vereeniging

GROBBELAAR Pierre aged 54, was shot to death on a Benoni smallholding, GT. 17
May 2003.
Pierre Grobbelaar (54) was doodgeskiet op ‘n Benoni kleinhoewe

GROBLER Douw Gerbrand police captain aged 59, AND his wife Frederika Jacoba
aged 57, was shot to death on a Ccullinan smallholding. 11 July 2003
Kapt. Douw Gerbrand Grobler (59) en sy vrou Frederika Jacoba (57) was doodgeskiet
op ‘n kleinhoewe in Cullinan

HATTINGH Conrad Frederik, male aged 33, was shot to death on his farm
Koperfontein in Boons, Rustenburg. 16 May 2003.
Conrad Frederik Hatting (33) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas Koperfontein by Boons,

HATTINGH Piet, farmer aged 82, was attacked by an armed gang and brutally
murdered on the farm Letsitele, Doringfontein, Roedtan, LP. Later, 3 suspects were
sentenced. 15 Jan 2003.
Pieter Hatting (82) was wreed vermoor op die plaas Doringfontein buite Roedtan
Piet Hattingh (82)

HEBLER Fred, AND his wife Maria aged 60, were attacked and their house burnt
down during which Fred was murdered. Farm Goedemoed, Brandford, FS. 29 Se
Mnr Fred Hebler en sy vrou Maria (60) was op hul Goedemoed plaas aangeval
waartydens die huis afgebrand en Fred vermoor was. Brandfort

HERBST Stanley “Stan” aged 53 was shot to death during a shoot out with an armed
gang during which Stan also shot one of his attackers dead. Nothing was stolen.
Farm Bella, Pilgrim’s Rest. MPL. 20 Sep 2003.
Stanley Herbst (53) was doodgeskiet tydens ‘n skietgeveg met ‘n bende waarin hy
ook een van sy aanvallers doodgeskiet het op die plaas Balla naby Pelgrimsrus
Stan Herbst (40) Unknown attacker

HERBST Sue, female aged 49, was murdered on the farm Barloworld, Nelspruit,
LIM.Nothing was robbed. 20 Sept 2003
Mej. Sue Herbst was vermoor tydens ‘n aanval op die Barloworld plaas. Niks was
gesteel nie. Nelspruit.

HOFFMAN Stephen, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Levubu Boerevereniging, Sept 2003
Mnr Stephen Hoffman se omstandighede tydens ‘n aanval op die Levubu
Boereverening is nie helder nie.

JACOBS Dirk,male doctor aged 85, AND Vossie, female, are mentioned in records
on farm attacks. But their circumstances are not clear. Loius Trichardt, LIM. April
Die omstandighede van Dr. Dirk Jacobs, en mej. Vossie Jacobs, gedurende die
aanval op ‘n plaas in Loius Trichardt is nie duidelik nie. LIM., April 2003


JANSON Willem, male aged 55, was shot on his farm outside Nelspruit. 23 June
Willem Janson (55) was geskiet op sy plaas buite Nelspruit

JONKER Ina, female aged 56, was attacked and robbed on the Makwassie farm,
Wolmeranstad, Botswana border. Mar 2003.
Ina Jonker (56) was aangeval en beroof op die plaas Welgewaagd, by die Botswana-
grens by Dwaalboom

JOUBERT Henry AND his wife were attacked on their holding, tied up and robbed.
Laezonia, south west of Pretoria. 29 May 2003.
Henry Joubert en sy vrou was op hul hoewe oorval, vasgebind en beroof, Laezonia,
suidwes van Pretoria

JOUBERT Martin aged 81, AND his wife Eilena aged 80, survived a panga attack on
their farm in Westonaria. 4 May 2003.
Martin Joubert (81) en Eilena (80) oorleef ‘n panga aanval op hul plaas in Westonaria

JORDAAN Willem “Willie”, male aged 49, was stabbed during an attack on the
Swagershoek farm, and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Clocolan. 13 Sep
Mnr. Willem Jordaan (49) was op die Swagershoek plaas is gesteek en in ‘n ernstige
toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem. Clocolan

KLEYNHANS Annette, female aged 59, AND her brother Doctor Louw Bekker aged
54, were critically injured during an attack on their Lilyvale holding near Benoni. 26
Sep 2003.
Annette Kleynhans (59) en haar broer Dr Louw Bekker (64) was ernstig gewond in ‘n
aanval op Lilyvale-hoewes naby Benoni

KRIEL Johannes, male,was stabbed with a knife and robbed during an attack on the
Rouxville farm, Barberton, MP. 17 Feb 2003
Johannes Kriel was met ‘n mes gesteek en beroof gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas
Rouxville, Barberton.

KRUGER Philippus AND his wife survived an attack on their farm outside Belfast. 21
Dec 2003.
Philippus Kruger en sy vrou het ‘n aanval oorleef op hul plaas, Belfast

LABUSCHAGNE Pieter aged 72, AND his wife Jacoba Johanna aged 68, were
attacked and physically assaulted on their farm Sewenfontein, Bloemhof. 20 July
Pieter Labuschagne (72) en sy vrou Jacoba Johanna (68) was op hul
plaas Sewenfontein oorval en aangerand. Bloemhof

LACRACLACK John aged 60, AND his wife were attacked, critically injured and
robbed on their farm in George Valley, Tzaneen. 12 Dec 2003.
John Lacraclack (60) en sy vrou was aangeval, erg aangerand en beroof op hul plaas
in George Valley, Tzaneen

LANDSBERG D.J., male aged 53, was shot to death on his Doornplaats farm,
Ottoshoop, NW. 25 Jan 2003
Mnr D.J Landsberg (53) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas in Doornplaats, Ottoshoop
This was announced on the South African radio, FM station.
LLOYD Dolf aged 69, AND his friends Jan Zandberg aged 71, AND Magriet Smit aged
79, were attacked on a smallholding in Estoire. Both men were strangled to death.
Magriet survived the attack. Bloemfontein. FS. 10 Mar 2003.
Dolf Lloyd (69) en sy vriende Jan Zandberg (71) en Magriet Smit (79) was aangeval
op ‘n hoewe in Estoire. Albei mans was dood gewurg. Magriet het die aanval oorleef.
Jan Zandberg (71) Dolf Lloyd (69)

LOUGHOR-CLARKE John aged 58, AND Gayle, were attacked and seriously
assaulted physically on their Tzaneen farm. 12 Dec 2003
John Loughor-Clarke (58) en Gayle was erg aangerand op hul plaas, Tzaneen

LOURENS Deon aged 33, AND his wife Amanda aged 29, were attacked on their farm
Brandon Hill. Deon was shot to death. Empangeni. KZN. 6 Dec 2003.
Deon Lourens (33) en Amanda (29) was aangeval op die Brandon Hill plaas buite
Empangeni, en Deon was doodgeskiet.
Deon Lourens (33)

MALAN Susan, female aged 73, survived the attack on the farm Vierentwintig Riviere,
Vaalwater. 30 Apr 2003.
Susan Malan (73) van die plaas Vierentwintig Riviere, Vaalwater oorleef aanval

MARX Gerhard, male aged 70, was attacked on his farm but survived. Plettenberg
Bay. 12 Mar 2003.
Gerhard Marx (70) was aangeval op sy plaas buite Plettenberg Baai, maar het oorleef

MASSYN Mossie, male aged 57, was assaulted with a firearm on the Leeukuil
smallholding outside Pietersburg. 10 Apr 2003.
Mossie Massyn (57) was met ‘n vuurwapen aangerand op die Leeukuil kleinhoewe
buite Pietersburg

MINNAAR, wife of Kobus, AND her maid were attacked inside their house, tied up
and robbed. Letsitele. Jan 2003.
Mnr Kobus Minnaar se vrou, en haar huishulp, was in die huis op hul plaas aangeval,
vasgebind en beroof, Letsitele

MATTHEE Getruida, female, was mentioned in records on arm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear during an attack on Klein Drakensberg, KZN,July 2003
Die omstandighede van Gertruida Matthee gedurende die aanval op Klein
Drakensberg is nie helder nie.

MOHR Geoff, male aged 35, was attacked and robbed on the Vaderlandse Rietvlei
farm. 28 June 2003.
Geoff Mohr (35) van die Vaderlandse Rietvlei plaas was aangeval en beroof.

MORAE James, farmer aged 54, AND his family were attacked on a Walkerville
holding. 15 Mar 2003.
James Morae (54) en sy gesin was aangeval op ‘n hoewe by Walkerville.

MUGGELS Isaac, boy aged 8, was murdered by the children of farmworkers. Faure
farm, Blackheath. 6 Dec 2003.
Isaac Muggels (8) was op die plaas Faure, vermoor deur werkgewers se
kinders, Blackheath

NAUDE Danie, male aged 44, was attacked, assaulted and robbed on the Holfontein
farm, between Pietersburg and Potgietersrus. 9 Nov 2003.
Danie Naudè (44) was aangerand en beroof op die plaas Holfontein, tussen
Pietersburg en Potgietersrus

NAUDE Frederick “Fred” aged 65, a disabled farmer, was tortured, beaten to a pulp,
and then executed. Cullinan. GT. 12 Sep 2003.
Fred Naude (65), ‘n gestremde plaasboer, was gemartel, pap geslaan en toe
doodgeskiet op ‘n kleinhoewe buite Cullinan
Fred Naude (65)

NEL Cobus OR Kobus, male aged 31, was shot during a “death squad” attack on the
Sardinia farm and died from his injuries. Bultfontein, FS. 21 Aug 2003.
Kobus Nel (31) van Sardania plaas sterf aan skietwonde, Bultfontein

NESS Yvonne aged 70, turned from her door to fetch food for two beggars when they
forced their way into her home and attacked her. Yvonne was stabbed with a paint
scraper and beaten with a wooden chair and table, before they threw her into a
swimming pool. Her corpse was found days later with her poodle standing guard at
her body. Ten rand in change was stolen from her home during the attack.
Kwaaiwater. Oct 2003.

NIEMANN Jan Lewies, was murdered on a smallholding near the Wonderboom

airport, Haartdoringboom area, Pretoria. 31 Dec 2003.
Jan Lewies Niemann was vermoor op ‘n kleinhoewe naby die Wonderboom lughawe,
Hartdoringboom omgewing, Pretoria

ODENDAAL Petrus ageed 61, AND his wife Dawn aged 56. were attacked and
physically assaulted on their smallholding in Kliprivier, south of Johannesburg. 9
June 2003.
Petrus Odendaal (61) en sy vrou Dawn (56) was aangeval en aangerand op die
Kliprivier kleinhoewe, suid van Jhb
OLIVIER Pieter aged 51, AND his wife Martie aged 49, were attacked on their tomato
farm Blesbokfontein. Pieter was beaten to death. Martie suffered severe physical
assaults. Bronkhorstspruit. 9 June 2003.
Pieter Olivier (51) was doodgeslaan, en sy vrou Martie (49) erg aangerand op hul
tamatieplaas Blesbokfontein, Bronkhorstspruit

O'NEALE Nel, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his circumstances is
not clear. Bloemfontein area, FS., Aug 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Nel O’Neale gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in die
Bloemfontein gebied is nie helder nie.

PENNING T.E. male aged 75, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear during an attack on the Farm Rietduldt Legkraal,
Soutpansberg, LIM.,April 2003

PLOUGHMAN Liz, doctor aged 51, was murdered on the farm Evergreen, Paarl. 3 Noc
Dr Liz Ploughman (51) was op die Evergreen plaas vermoor, Paarl

POTGIETER Peggy aged 71, AND Basie aged 72, were attacked, physically assaulted
and robbed on a Naboomspruit holding. 15 Oct 2003
Peggy Potgieter (71) en Basie (72) was aangeval, aangerand en beroof op ‘n hoewe
te Naboomspruit

PRINSLOO JP, male aged 62, was attacked and robbed on his Linden farm,
Viljoenskroon, NV. 14May 2003
Mnr J.P Prinsloo (62) aangeval op sy plaas en beroof, Bothaville

RAMSAY Thomas, male aged 56, was attacked and stabbed to death on the
Hermansberg-Schormans farm,Nelspruit. MPL. 13 June 2003.
Mnr. Thomas Ramsey (56) was doodgesteek op die plaas Hermansberg-Schormans,
Thomas Ramsay (56)

ROBERTS Joseph William, male aged 73, was beaten to death on his smallholding in
De Deur, Brits, Vereeniging. NW. 15 Mar 2003.
Joseph William Roberts (73) was doodgeslaan op ‘n hoewe naby De Deur,
Joseph William Roberts (73)

ROBERTS Ronnie, male aged 69, was attacked with knives on his farm Nomga, and
admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Burgersdorp. 10 May 2003.
Ronnie Roberts (69) was op die plaas Nomga aangeval met messe, en in ‘n ernstige
toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem. Burgersdorp

ROETS Maria AND her family were attacked on the farm Vlakplaats, Barrage.No
serious injuries sustained. 14 Mar 2003.
Maria Roets en haar gesin was aangeval op die Vlakplaats plaas. Geen ernstige
beserings opgedoen nie. Barrage.

ROHLANDT Esta, female aged 24, was attacked, physically assaulted and robbed on
the Palmietkuil farm. 24 Nov 2003.
Esta Rohlandt (24) was aangerand en beroof op die Palmietkuil plaas.

ROOTMAN Willem, male aged 56, was attacked and robbed on the Groenheuwel
farm. 1 Mar 2003.
Mnr. Willem Rootman (56) was oorval en besteel op die Groenheuwel plaas.

SCHAUP Morris aged 70, AND his wife Dawn aged 69, were attacked and both were
shot in the legs on their farm in Weltevreden, Belfast. 15 Oct 2003.
Mnr. Morris Schaup (70) en sy vrou Dawn (69) was in hulle bene gewond gedurende
die aanval op hul plaas in Weltevreden, Belfast

SCHOLTZ Leonard, male aged 36, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear. Doornhoek, Bothaville, FS. Mar 2003.
Die omstandighede van mnr. Leonard Scholtz gedurende die plaas aanval op
Doornhoek, Bothaville, is nie helder nie.

SCHULTZ Lizanne, female, had theft on her farm. Apr 2003.

Lizanne Schultz se plaas is beroof

SCOTT Hester aged 72 AND her family were attacked and physically assaulted on the
Zesfontein smallholding in Putfontein. 20 Sep 2003.
Hester Scott (72) en haar gesin was op die Zesfontein kleinhoewe aangerand
gedurende ‘n aanval, Putfontein

SEARLE John, male aged 70, was ambushed, physically assaulted and robbed at the
“Wincanton Estate” farmgate. Uitenhage. 29 Oct 2003.
John Searle (70) was aangerand by die “ Wincanton Estate” plaashek en
beroof, Uitenhage


SMIT Theuns, male aged 48, was shot to death on his farm in Brits. NW. 27 Mar 2003.
Theuns Smit (48) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas, Brits
Theuns Smit (48)
SMITH Fanie aged 42, AND his wife Ina aged 33, were shot and torched to death on
the farm “Vadersdeel”, Heilbron. 30 July 2003.
Mnr. Fanie Smith (42) en sy vrou Ina (33) was geskiet en dood verbrand op die
‘Vadersdeel’ plaas, Heilbron
Fanie Smith (42) Ina Smith (33)

SNYMAN Shirley, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Aug 2003.
Die omstandighede van mej. Shirley Snyman gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in die
Bloemfontein gebied is nie helder nie.

SONNEKUS Emile aged 3, was in a hijacking drama in front of their gate

with his brother Simon aged 11, AND his sister Heleen aged 8, and their Amsterdam
au pair. Malvern, East Rand, Johannesburg.
Emile Sonnekus (3) was in ‘n motorkaping drama saam met sy broer Simon (11),
suster Heleen (8) en hul oppasser vanaf Amsterdam voor hulle hek in Malvern,
Oosrand. Johannesburg.

STANDER S, was murdered on a farm in the Paarl. Apr 2003.

S. Stander was vermoor op ‘n plaas in die Paarl

STAPELBERG W.P.,male aged 59, was shot at and his pick-up van was stolen during
an attack on his farm in Piet Retief. June 2003.
Mnr W.P Stapelberg (59) was aangeval waaartydens daar skote op hom gevuur was,
en sy bakkie gesteel was. Piet Retief

STEENKAMP Piet, farmer aged 70, was shot on Maanhaarrand near Magaliesburg. 14
Aug 2003.
Mnr. Piet Steenkamp (70) ‘n boer van Maanhaarrand naby Magaliesburg was geskiet.

SWART Elsie, female, was murdered onan agricultural holding near Rustenburg, NW.
31 Jan 2003.
Elsie Swart was op ‘n hoewe naby Rustenburg vermoor
Elsie Swart

SWART Gert, male aged 41, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances are not clear.Bothaville, FS., March 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Gert Swart gedurende die plaas aanval op Bothaville is
nie helder nie.

SWART Kolletjie AND Joseph Greyling aged 18, were shot to death on a
smallholding on Hoedspruit, Tzaneen. 20 Feb 2003.
Kolletjie Swart en Joseph Greyling (18) was op ‘n kleinhoewe doodgeskiet
buite Hoedspruit, Tzaneen

SWART Magdalena, female aged 56, was beaten to death in her bathroom, where her
son found her corpse. Rustenburg farm. NW. 28 Feb 2003.
Mej. Magdalene Swart (56) se lyk was deur haar seun gevind waar sy in haar
badkamer doodgeslaan was op ‘n plaas in Rustenburg.
Magdalene Swart (56)

SWART Rita, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances are not clear. Louis Trichardt, LIM., July 2003
Die omstandighede van mej. Rita Swart gedurende die plaas aanval op Louis
Trichardt is nie helder nie.

TOLEMAN Gary, male aged 41, was shot to death on his farm near the Kruger
national Park. 18 Oct 2003.
Gary Toleman (41) was op sy plaas doodgeskiet naby die Kruger Park

TALJAARD Johan aged 33, AND his wife Gertruida aged 30, were attacked inside
their bedroom on a farm. Johan was shot to death. Gertruida was physically
assaulted. Delareyville, NW. 12 Apr 2003.
Johan Taljaard (33) en sy vrou Gertruida (30) was in hul plaas se slaapkamer
aangerand. Johan was doodgeskiet. Gertruida (30) was aangerand. Delareyville.
Johan Taljaard (33)

TAYLOR Rob, pharmacist aged 53, was attacked for the 5th time by an armed gang
inside his chemist before he was pistol whipped across the jaw and shot dead
execution style. Edenvale, East Rand. 11 Mar 2003.
Die apteker Rob Taylor (53) was vir die vyfde keer in sy apteek deur ‘n gewapende
bende aangerand. Rob was teen die kakebeen met ‘n geweer geslaan en toe
doodgeskiet. Edenvale, Oosrand.,,3-975_2484568,00.html

TERBLANCHE Koos, male aged 52, was found murdered with his throat slit on the
Trentham farm. Bethlehem. FS. 13 Oct 2003.
Koos Terblanche (52) was keelaf gesny op sy plaas, Trentham, Bethlehem
Koos Terblanche (52)

THERON Johannes Stephanus, male aged 77, was mentioned in records on farm
attacks, but his circumstances is not clear. De Wet’s Dorp, FS., Oct 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Johannes Stephanus (77) gedurende die aanval op ‘n
plaas in De Wets’s Dorp is nie helder nie.

THERON Michiel aged 17, was kidnapped during an attack on their farm, but
managed to escape. Fouriesburg. 25 Aug 2003.
Michiel Theron (17) was van ‘n plaas in Fouriesburg ontvoer, maar het ongedeerd

THEUNISSSEN Cornelia, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her

circumstances is not clear. Bethlehem, FS. May 2003
Die omstandighede van mej Cornelia Theunissen gedurende die aanval op ‘n plaas
in Bethlehem is nie helder nie.

TOERIEN Tolla was shot during an attack on a farm in Weltevrede. 4 Apr 2003.
Tolla Toerien was geskiet in die aanval op ‘n Weltevrede plaas

TOLKEN Jan aged 69, AND his wife Ryne aged 65, were attacked on their dairy farm
“Saamstaan” in Kraaifontein. 28 May 2003.
Jan Tolken (69) en sy vrou Rhyne (65) was aangeval op hul melk plaas “Saamstaan”,

TREEBY Marlon aged 49, was attacked on the Vastfontein smallholding,

Hammanskraal. 9 Dec 2003.
Marlon Treeby (49) van die Vastfontein hoewe naby Hammanskraal was aangeval.

TWINE James, male aged 72, was shot to death and his housekeeper was stabbed in
the back with a knife on their farm Snymansdrif, Pietersburg, Polokwane,LP. 31 Jan
James Twine (72) was doodgeskiet op sy plaas Snymansdrif naby Pietersburg, sy
huishulp is met ‘n mes in die rug gesteek
James Twine (72)

UYS Miek aged 79, was attacked with a hammer on his Kalkbank farm, Amersfoort.
12 Mar 2003.
Miek Uys (79) was aangeval met ‘n hamer op sy plaas Kalkbank, Amersfoort.

VAN DEN BERG Gerhard, farmer aged 44, wenet to help another farmer during a hi-
jacking alert and was shot to death on the farm road a few kilometres from his home.
Farm Klippan, Bothaville.FS. 25 Oct 2003.
Gerhard Van den Berg (45) was op die plaaspad ‘n paar km van sy huis doodgeskiet
toe hy ‘n ander boer wou help tydens kaping. Klippan plaas, Bothaville
Gerhard van den Berg (44)

VAN DER BANK Debbie, female, killed on Lakeside, Vereeniging, April 2003

VAN DER BANK Johan aged 38, AND his wife Debbie aged 33, were attacked on their
dairy farm. Johan was shot to death. Debbie was physically assaulted. Daairy farm,
Vereeniging. 4 Apr 2003.
Johan Van Der Bank (38) was doodgeskiet, en sy vrou Debbie (33) was aangerand
gedurende die aanval op hulle melkery plaas. Vereeniging.
Johan van der Bank (38)


VAN DER LINDEN Johnny, male 33, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but
his circumstances are not clear. East Rand, GA., July 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Johnny van der Linde (33) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval is
nie duidelik nie. Oos Rand, GA.

VAN DER MERWE Cornelius, male aged 65, was attacked on the farm Woetalleen,
Hendrina. 26 Feb 2003
Mnr Cornelius Van der Merwe (65) van die plaas “Woestalleen” was
aangeval, Hendrina

VAN DER WALT Karel Petrus aged 59, was ambushed and shot to death on the
smallholding Oorsaak, where his wife found his corpse. Kroondal, NW. 27 Mar 2003.
Karel Petrus van der Walt (59) was ingewag en doodgeskiet op die Oorsaak-
kleinhoewe waar sy vrou op sy lyk afgekom het. Kroondal
Karel Petrus vd Walt (59)

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Johan, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances is not clear. Tarentaalbos, Theunissen, April 2003
Mnr Johan van der Westhuizen se omstandighede in die aanval op Tarentaalbos is
nie duidelik nie. Theunissen.

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Jakob, male aged 74, was hacked to death on
Boekenhoutkloof, Cullinan, GT. 4 June 2003.
Mnr Jakob van der Westhuizen (74) was op Boekenhoutkloof dood gekap. Cullinan.
Jakob van der Westhuizen (74)

VAN DYK Sarel, male aged 52, was shot during an attack in the Weenen farming
community. 11 Aug 2008.
Sarel van Dyk (52) was geskiet gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in Weenen.

VAN HUYSSTEEN George, male aged 66, AND Lettie aged 63, are mentioned in
records on farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Steynsrus, FS., Aug
Die omstandighede van George (66) en Lettie (63) gedurende die laas aanval op
Steynsrus is nie helder nie. Vrystaat.

VAN JAARSVELD Hester,and their housekeeper were attacked on their farm but were
saved by her husband. Rusfontein, Balfour. 27Aug 2003.
Hester Van Jaarsveld en haar huiswerker was aangeval op die plaas Rusfontein naby
Balfour, maar was deur haar man gered.

VAN NIEUWENHUIZEN Loekie, farmer aged 59, was stabbed and driven over until he
was dead. Louis Trichardt, LP. 17 Dec 2003.
Loekie Van Nieuwenhuizen (59) was gesteek en daar was oor hom gery totdat hy
dood is, Louis Trichardt
Loekie van Nieuwenhuizen (59)

VAN REENEN Sebastian, employee at the Dew Fresh farm stall, was shot to death.
Philippi, WC. 19 July 2003.
Sebastian Van Reenen, ‘n werker in die Dew Fresh plaaswinkel, was doodgeskiet,
Sebastian van Reenen

VAN VUUREN Sannie, female aged 82, was not home when her farm was broken into
and burnt down. 19 May 2003.
Sannie Van Vuuren (82) was nie by haar huis toe die plaas beroof en aan die brand
gesteek was nie.

VAN ZYL Jacobus, male aged 57, was attacked on the farm Poortjie in Roos Senekal,
Bethlehem. 10 Oct 2003.
Jacobus van Zyl (57) was aangeval op die plaas Poortjie in Roos Senekal, naby

VAN ZYL Kobus was shot in the head and totally crippled during an attack at night
by an armed gang inside his house, Parkhurst, Johannesburg. May 2003.
Mnr Kobus van Zyl was deur ‘n gewapende bende in sy huis gedurende die nag in
die ko geskiet en is heeltemal verlam. Parkhurst, Johannesburg.
The night I lost my life

VERMAAK Attie, male aged 60, was attacked and seriously wounded when he was
shot on his farm near Munnik. 13 Jan 2003.
Attie Vermaak (60) was aangeval en ernstig beseer toe hy geskiet was op sy plaas
naby Munnik.

VILJOEN Charles aged 49, and 3 farm workers were shot during an attack by another
farm worker. Steynsburg. 13 Sep 2003.
Mnr Charles Viljoen en drie plaas werkers was deur ‘n ander plaaswerker geskiet.

VISAGIE Jacoba Magdalena aged 45, was attacked inside her home on the farm
Rietkuil, Lichtenburg. 31 Jan 2003.
Jacoba Magdalena Visagie (45) was aangeval in haar huis op die plaas
Rietkuil, Lichtenburg

VISSER Andries AND his wife Eleanor was menetioned in records on farm attacks,
but their circumstances are not clear. Lakeside, Vereeniging, GA., April, 2003
Die omstandigehede van mnr Andries Visser en sy vrou Eleanor gedurende ‘n plaas
aanval op Lakeside is nie duidelik nie. Vereeniging.

VOLLER Vera, female aged 62, was overpowered inside her house, physically
attacked, tied up and robbed on the farm Dindinnie, Ofcolaco. 17 July 2003.
Vera Voller (62) was in haar huis op die plaas Dindinnie oorval, aangerand,
vasgebind en beroof, Ofcolaco

VON FURSTENBURG Leon, farmer, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
his circumstances is not clear. Louis Trichardt, LIM., April 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Leon von Furstenburg, ‘n boer op Louis Trichardt,
tydens ‘n plaas aanval is nie duidelik nie.

VORSTER Anna, female aged 52, was attacked on the Sandheuwel farm,
Anna Vorster (52) was aangeval op die plaas Sandheuwel,Wesselsbron

VOSLOO Gert, male aged 49, AND his wife Hendrina aged 52, are mentioned in
records on farm attacks, but their circumstances is not clear. Heuningspruit,
Heidelberg, March 2003
Die omstandighede van mnr Gert Vosloo (49) en sy vrou Hendrina (52) tydens ‘n
plaas aanval op Heuningspruit is nie helder nie. Heidelberg.

WAGNER Fritz was shot and critically wounded during an attack in a farm attack,
Fritz Wagner was ernstig gewond in ‘n plaasaanval, Levubu


WIESE Pierre, male aged 57, was missed by the shots fired at him on the farm
Kalkbank, Dendron. May 2003.
Pierre Wiese (57) oorleef ‘n aanval nadat skote hom gemis het op die plaas Kalkbank,



BEKKER Louisa Martha, female aged 69, was strangled to death on the Roodepport
holdings. Warmbad. 2002.
Louisa Martha Bekker (69) was op die Roodepoort hoewes dood verwurg. Warmbad

BESTER Nicole, girl aged 10, SEE BOOYSEN Maxine.

BOOYSEN Maxine, female aged 19, AND Roxanne, female aged 12, AND Shirley
female aged 17, AND Nicole Bester, female aged 10, were mentioned in records of
farm attacks in the Florida area, but their circumstances are not clear. Pretoria. GA.
May 2002.
Die omstandighede van mej. Maxine (19) en Roxanne (12) en Shirley (17) Booysen
asook Nicole Bester (10) gedurende die aanval op Florida, Pretoria, is nie helder nie.

BOTHA Len, aged 60, was murdered on the Bloekomspruit farm, Balfour. July 2002.
Len Botha (60) was vermoor op die Bloekomspruit plaas, Balfour

BOTHA Piet, male aged 49, homestead visitor, killed on Farm Crocodillian Estates,
Fochville, NW. 25 Feb 2002
Mnr Piet Botha het op die Crocodillian Estates plaas gekuier, waar hy vermoor was.
Fochville, NW.

BOUWER Marius, Advocate, see NEL Willie

BRENTSCHNEIDER Fritz, male aged 63, was murdered by an armed gang (3 youths
have been arrested) on the Kromdraai holdings, Rooiberg, Bela-Bela, LP. 25 July
Fritz Brentschneider (63) was deur ‘n bende vermoor op die Kromdraai hoewes by
Rooiberg,Bela-Bela. (3 jong mans was in hegtinis geneem insake die moord.)

BROWN Yvonne, female aged 45, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear. Blinkwater, East London, EC., during April 2002
Me. Yvonne Brown (45) se omstandighede tydens die aanval op Blinkwater, Oos
Kaap, is nie duidelik nie.


COCKS Michelle, baby girl aged 3, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Stellenbosch, Cape Town, CPT September 2002

CONWAY Jan, male Brittish Tourist aged 55, killed near the Royal Hotel, Pilgrims
Rest, LIM., during October 2002

COUSTINO Manuel, male aged 67, was murdered on an Elandsfontein farm,

Nelspruit. Apr 2002.
Manuel Coustino (67) was vermoor op ‘n Elandsfontein plaas, Nelspruit

DE LANGE John aged 66, AND his wife Eveline aged 60, were attacked and murdered
on their smallholding. John was shot to death. Eveline was raped and garrotted to
death. Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth. 24 Jan 2002.
John De Lange (66) en sy vrou Eveline (60) was op hul hoewe aangeval en vermoor.
John was dood geskiet. Evelin was verkrag en oopgesny. Mount Pleasant.

DELPORT Martin aged 50, AND his wife Lillian aged 54, were attacked and shot to
death on their De Deur smallholding on the Rietfontein farm. Nothing was stolen.
Bronhorstspruit. 12 Mar 2002.
Mnr Marius Delport (50) en sy vrou Lillian (54) was op hulle kleinhoewe De Deur
doodgeskiet. Niks word vermis. Plaas Rietfontein, Bronkhorstspruit.

DENT Robin, a sugar cane farmer, AND his wife Allison, both aged 59, were attacked
while asleep inside their bed at around 03:00 by a black man armed with a military-
style rifle. He bludgeoned the unarmed couple, forced them to their bathroom and
shot them to death in front of their 12 yr old son Nicolaas, who was then forced at
gunpoint to drive the killer in his parents' car about three miles away, where he was
kidnapped on foot. The corpse of Nicolaas was later found. Farm Aussicht,
Wartburg, FS. 15 June 2002
Die lykie van Nicolaas (12) was gevind nadat hy die swaar gewapende moordenaar
van sy ouers, mnr Robin Dent en sy vrou Allison, albei 59, met hulle kar moes wegry
3km vanaf die plaas waar hulle voor sy oe in die badkamer doodgeskiet was. Hulle
was omtrent 03:00 in hul bed aangerand. Aussicht plaas, Wartburg.

DONALDSON D, farmer, was gunned down on his Bishopstowe farm. 24 Mar 2002.
Die plaasboer mnr D. Donaldson was op sy plaas doodgeskiet te Bishopstowe.

DU PREEZ Iris, female aged 70, was murdered on her Wilgeboom smallholding.
Potchefstroom, NW. 5 April 2002
Me. Iris du Preez (70) was vermoor op haar Wilgeboom kleinhoewe. Potchefstroom.

DU TOIT Fanie, male 72 yr old, was murdered on the farm Graanlaagte, Hertzogville,
Oct 2002
Mnr Fanie du Toit (72) was op sy plaas Graanlaagte vemoor. Hertzogville.

ENGELBRECHT Kotie, male aged 59, was murdered on the farm at Old Constantia,
Bultfontein, Nov 2002
Mnr. Kotie Engelbrecht (59) was op Ou Constantia vermoor, Bultfontein.

FOURIE Albie aged 73, AND Lenie aged 72, were murdered on a farm in Paarl, WC.
Jan 2002
FOURIE Albie (73), and Lenie (72) was op hul plaas in die Paarl vermoor.


FOSTER Vernon aged 83 was murdered on a farm outside Gordons Bay, EC. Dec
Mnr Vernon Foster (83) was op sy plaas buite Gordonsbaai vermoor. Oos Kaap.

FREDERICKS Willie, male aged 38, AND Ms. Haneline Jantjies were attacked,
overpowered and physically asaulted on the farm Vrede. killed (Ms H Jartjies
wounded) Farm Vrede, Stellenbosch, WC. 2 July 2002
Willie Fredericks (38) en Haneline Jantjies was op die plaas Vrede oorval en
aangerand. Willie is vermoor. Stellenbosch.

GALE Felicity Margaret, classical musician aged 58, AND her husband Rodney aged
67, were attacked and shot on the Fort Jackson farm. EC. Felicity died on the scene.
20 Mar 2002.
Felicity Margaret Gale (58), klasikale musikant, was doodgeskiet en haar man
Rodney (67) gewond tydens 'n aanval op die plaas by Fort Jackson. Oos Kaap.

GARDNER Guy Ian, male aged 28, was shot to death on Farm Breeze Inn,
Bishopstowe, KZN. 20 Feb 2002
Mnr. Guy Ian Gardner (28) was doodgeskiet in die Farm Breeze Inn op Bishopstowe.

GOUWS Hannes aged 87, AND his wife Kleintjie aged 83, were mentioned in records
on farm attacks, but their circumstances is not clear. Farm Driehoek, Bultfontein.
Dec 2002.
Die omstandighede van mnr Hannes Gouws (87) en sy vrou, Kleintjie (83) tydens ‘n
aanval op die Driehoek plaas is nie duidelik nie. Bultfontein.

GRUNDY Isla, (maybe Ilsa?) female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but
her circumstances is not clear. Stellenbosch, Cape Town, CPT Sept 2002
Die omstandighede van Isla (Ilsa?) gedurende ‘n aanval op Stellenbosch is nie
duidelik nie. Kaapstad.

HARMSE Willem aged 41, AND his wife Selma aged 40, AND their daughters
Charlene aged 18 AND Chantelle aged 4, were attacked on the Farm Kareepoort, but
their circumstances is not clear. Brits, NW., Dec 2002
Die omstandighede van die Harmse familie, Willem (41), sy vrou Selma (40) en
dogters Charlene (18) en Chantelle (4) insake die aanval op die plaas Kareepoort is
nie duidelik nie. Brits. Noord wes.

HAVISIDE Thomas, male aged 80, was stabbed to death on Farm Penny Park,
Pietermaritzburg, KZN. 22 Jan 2002
Thomas Haviside (80) was doodgesteek op die plaas Penny Park, Kokstad

HERBST Tommy, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his

circumstances is not clear. Bella, Pilgrims Rest, MP. April 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr. Tommy Herbst in die aanval op die plaas Bella is nie
duidelik nie. Pilgrimsrus.

HILLS Phillip, male aged 22, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Stellenbosch, Cape Town, CPT. May 2002


KLINGBILL Marius, AND his wife were murdered on the farm Lagerspoort near
Heidelberg, NW., 27 Sept 2002
Mnr Marius Klingbill en sy vrou was op die plaas Lagerspoort doodgemaak.

KRAPOHL Theuns, male aged 44, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Bergrivier, Goede Hoop, July 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr Theuns Krapohl gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Bergrivier is nie duidelik nie. Goede Hoop.

KRUGER PJ, male aged 52, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear during the attack on the farm Don-Don, Bethlehem, MP.
March 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr. PJ. Kruger gedurende die aanval op die Don-Don plaas
is nie duidelik nie. Bethlehem.

LAKE Johannes, male aged 50, was shot to death on the farm Lynspruit, Vryheid,
KZN. 12 July 2002
Mnr Johannes Lake (50) was doodgeskiet tydens ‘n aanval op die Lynspruit plaas,

LANDSBERG DJ, mine explosives expert, was shot to death by a gang of 4 men on
the Kameeldrift agricultural holdings, Doornplaats farm, Ottos Hope, NW. 25 Feb
Mnr DJ Landsberg was deur 4 mans doodgeskiet op die Kameeldrif hoewe,
Doornplaats plaas, Ottoshoop.

LE GRANGE Jacobus Louis, male aged 82, was murdered on his Krugersdorp
holding. Dec 2002.

Mnr. Jacobus Louis La Grange (82) was op sy hoewe vermoor, Krugersdorp

LEWIS George AND his wife Albertina, both aged 77, were murdered on their farm
outside Witbank. Their dog was also killed during the attack. The police report on the
Lewis's murder says "no motive." MPL. 21 Sep 2002.
Mnr George Lewis (77) en sy vrou Albertina (77), was op hulle plaas buite Witbank
vermoor. Hulle hond was ook tydens die aanval doodgemaak. Die polisie verslag
noem “geen motief nie”.

LIDDERD Hester, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstances is not clear. Brandford, FS., Oct 2002
Me. Hester Lidderd se omstandighede gedurende die aanval in Brandford is nie
duidelik nie. Vrystaat.

LIEBENBERG Lieb, aged 67, AND his wife Floretta aged 66, were attacked and
murdered on the Jannerus farm, Bultfontein. Nov 2002.
Mnr Lieb Liebenberg (67) en sy vrou Floretta (66) was vermoor op die Jannerus
plaas, Bultfontein.

LOMBARD Tollie AND his children Willie aged 10, AND Jessica aged 14, AND
Cynthia aged 15, were attacked on the farm Kareepoort during which Tollie was
murdered. It is not clear what happened to his children. Brits. NW. Dec 2002.

MANS Rita, farmers wife aged 31, was shot to death on an unnamed farm in Ottosdal,
NW. 17 Apr 2002.
Me. Rita Mans (31), plaasboer se vrou, was op ‘n plaas in Ottosdal doodgeskiet.
(SAFM – South African radio station FM)

MARAIS Abrie, male 37 yrs old, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstance is not clear. Greenpoint, Cape Town, CT., Oct 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr Abrie Marais (37) gedurende ‘n aanval in Greenpoint is
nie helder nie. Kaapstad.

MARE / MAREE Johannes Jacobus, male aged 62, was bludgeoned to death on plot
186, Hillside, Randfontein, GT.1 Aug 2002.
Johannes Maree (62), was dood geslaan op plot 186, Randfontein

MALDENHAUER Lionel, male aged 51, was murdered on a farm outside East London.
Apr 2002.
Lionel Maldenhauer (51) was vermoor op ‘n plaas buite Oos London

MAY Kate, female aged 21, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Port Elizabeth, EC. 10 Oct 2002
Die omstandighede van me. Kate May gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Port Elizabeth is
nie duidelik nie. Oos Kaap.
MURLEY Roy, smallholder, was tortured to death on Kocksrus, Westonaria. NW. 19
July 2002.
Mnr. Roy Murley was dood gemartel op die kleinhoewe Kocksrus, Westonaria.

MYBURGH Joan Alexander, female aged 53, was attacked on the Rooidraai farm,
Klerkskraal area. Nov 2002.
Joan Alexander Myburgh (53) was aangeval op die Rooidraai plaas, Klerkskraal

NAUDE Willie aged 71, AND his wife Beatrize Susanna aged 66, were shot to death
on their farm Doornpoort. Krugersdorp. GA. Maar 2002.
Mnr Willie Naude (71) en sy vrou Beatrize Susanna (66) was op hul plaas Doornpoort
doodgeskiet. Krugersdorp.

NEL Mariette, female farmer, had half her face blown away by a gang of at 3 black
men during an attack on her inherited farm Mathafani. She has not been able to
afford reconstructive surgery. During 2010 she survived another attack on her life
when she was ambushed by an armed gang from the side of the road and her small
farm-vehicle was shot up. Ladysmith. Mar 2002.

NEL Willie, a Hammanskraal farmer, AND his wife Ester AND his advocate Marius
Bouwer (at that stage the operational commander of the SAPS anti-corruption unit)
were falsely arrested during a racist witch hunt. During a 16 day incarceration in
different places, Willie was also handcuffed to a chair and tortured with electric
shocks to his genitals, suffocated with pieces of rubber tubing, kicked all over his
body and kidneys with such force that he urinated blood and still suffers from the
after-effects. The Pretoria High Court awarded him R500 000 settlement fee for his
suffering during 2010.
Die Pretoriaanse hoof hof het R500 000 vergoeding aan Willie Nel toegestaan nadat
hy, sy vrou Ester, en hul advokaat Marius Bouwer volgens valse verslae in die trunk
toegesluit was, waartydens Willie erg gemartel was op verskeie perseele gedurende
‘n etniese “skoonmaak” van blankes. Wille was ondermeer aan ‘n stoel vasgemaak
met elektriese skokke op geslags organe, versmoor met stukke rubber, en so erg op
sy ligaam geskop dat hy bloed in sy water afgeslaan het het en steeds fisiese
nagevolge daaraan dra.

NORTJE Salie aged 67, AND his wife Ria aged 54, were tortured to death, during
which they were torched alive. 13 Feb 2002.
Mnr Salie Nortje (67) en sy vrou Ria (54) was dood gemartel, waartydens hulle ook
lewend aan die brand gesteek was.

NUWENHUIZEN Hein, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Ford Jackson, East London. EC. Apr 2002.
Die omstandighede van mnr Hein Nuwenhuizen gedurende die aanval op Ford
Jackson is nie duidelik nie. Oos London.

OLIVIER Christo, male aged 58, AND Jan Kempsdorp were tortured to death and then
buried in a shallow grave by a gang of black men on a smallholding. The two Blacks
who were arrested for this crime were granted bail. Vryburg. 7 Aug 2002.
Mnre Christo Olivier en Jan Kempdorp was dood gemartel en in ‘n vlak graf gedomp
deur ‘n swart bende waarvan 2 gevang was, maar later uitgelaat was op borg.

OLIVIER Pieter aged 54, AND his wife Martie aged 46, were attacked and physically
assaulted on an unnamed farm. Pieter died from his injuries. Bleskopfontein, GT. 1
April 2002
Mnr Pieter Olivier (54) en sy vrou Martie (46) was aangeval een aangerand,
waartydens hy aan sy beserings dood is. Bleskopfontein, GT

OLLIE M, killed on Farm Kareepoort, SEE LOMBARD Tollie

OPPERMAN Tinus Johan, male Mozambique tourist, AND Julie Stevens a Brittish
tourist, were attacked and murdered on the Long Tom Pass, CPT. Nov 2002
Mnr. Tinus Johan Opperman, ‘n Mozambiekse toeris, en Julie Stevens ‘n Brise toeris,
was aangeval en vermoor op die Long Tom Pass, Kaap.

PIENAAR Andre, male aged 56, was shot to death on the farm Mooitoekoms,
Viljoenskroon, FS. 12 May 2002
Mnr. Andre Pienaar (56) was doodgeskiet op die Mooitoekoms plaas, Viljoenskloof.

PIETERSE Pieter, male TV personality aged 66, was found dead. He had been
stabbed 22 times. Komatipoort, MPL. 15 March 2002
Die bekende televisie persoonlikheid Pieter Pieterse (66) se lyk was ontdek met 22
steekwonde. Komatipoort.

PRETORIUS Andries, male aged 47, was murdered on an unnamed farm. 3 men were
arrested for the attack 2 days later, July 9. Dundee, KZN. 7 July 2002
Mnr Andries Pretorius (47) was vermoor op ‘n plaas buite Dundee. 3 mans was vir
die aanval gearristeer 2 dae later.

PRETORIUS Family was under attack from an armed gang of 4 men. Pieter aged 58
died in the shootout after he managed to shoot dead one of the attackers. Willem
aged 70 was bashed on the head with a blunt object before his wife managed to
shoot a warning shot after which the attackers ran away. It is not clear what
happened to Pieter aged 32 during the attack, nor who or what the circumstances of
the female Lorinda was. Farm Rietfontein, near Balfour, in the Carolina district.
MP.Jan/Sep/Dec 2002.
Die Pretorius gesin was op hul plaas Rietfontein aangeval deur 4 gewapende mans.
Pieter (58) was doodgeskiet gedurende sy skermitseling met die aanvallers, waarvan
hy een doodgeskiet het. Willem (70) was oor die kop geslaan met ‘n stomp voorwerp
voordat sy vrou op die aanvallers ‘n waarskuwing skoot losgelaat het. Dit is nie
duidelik wat met Pieter (32) gebeur het nie, en ook nie wie Lorinda is en wat haar
omstandighede was nie. Balfour, Carolina.
names.html -

ROMANG Walter aged 54, and his girlfriend Miemie Fourie aged 62, were attacked
and physically assaulted on the Koopmanskraal farm. Walter’s throat was slit, and
Miemie was left for dead, and was hospitalized in a coma. Paarl.Feb 2002.
Walter Romang (54) en sy vriendin Miemie Fourie (62) was op die Koopmanskraal
plaas aangeval en wreed aangerand. Walter was ten einde keelaf gesny. Miemie was
vir dood gelos, en by die hospitaal opgeneem in ‘n koma. Paarl.

RUITERS Leonardus aged 66, was stabbed and beaten to death by an ex-prisoner on
the farm Tuinplaas, Napier. WC. 1 Dec 2002
Leonardus Ruiters (66) was dood geslaan en gesteek deur ‘n voormalige prisonier p[
die Tuinplaas, napier.

SAUER Marne male, Linelle female, and Megan female, are mentioned in records on
farm attacks but their circumstances are not clear. Farm Tabakpoort, Burgersdorp,
Aug 2002
Dit is nie duidelik wat met die Sauer gesin, Marne manlike, Linelle en Megan vroulik,
gedurende die aanval op die Tabakpoort plaas gebeur het nie. Burgersdorp. Aug

SAWYER Mona, female aged 78, served food to a strange black man who claimed to
be hungry, before he stabbed her to death with a knife. Farm near Magaliesberg, GT.,
29 April 2002
Monica Sawyer (78) het kos gegee aan ‘n vreemde swart man wat hongerte gepleit
het, en haar toe doodgesteek het met ‘n mes. Magaliesburg.

SCHEEPERS Johnny AND Lake were shot to death on the Scheepers Neck
farm, Vryheid, KZN. 12 July 2002.
Johnny en Lake Scheepers was op hul plaas doodgeskiet. Scheepers Neck, Vryheid.

SCHMIDT Rudi, male aged 51, AND Cornelia, female, were attacked on their farm
Tuscanon. Rudi died from blood loss after he had been stabbed by an alleged former
security guard. It is not clear what injuries Cornelia sustained. Pontdirft. LP. 11 Mar
Mnr Rudi Schmidt (51) het dood gebloei nadat hy gesteek was deur ‘n vermeende
voormalige sekuriteits wag. Dit is nie helder wat se beserings Cornelia opgedoen het
tydens die aanval nie. Tuscanon plaas, Pontdift.

SIEMENS George, dairy farmer aged 62, was murdered while he was delivering milk
to the Sekorro village near Tzaneen. MPL.3 July 2002
Mnr George Siemens (62) was vermoor terwyl hy melk aan die Sekorro gemeenskap
afgelewer het. Tzaneen.

SMITH Arthur aged 63, AND his wife Isobel aged 61, were attacked, overpowered,
beaten and severely tortured before their throats were slit on their farm in Sundra,
MP. 1 Jan 2002
Mnr Arthur Smith (63) en sy vrou Isobel (61) was oorrompel gedurende ‘n aanval op
hulle plaas buite Sundra. Die egpaar was verskriklik geslaan en gemartel voordat
hulle kele afgesny was. MP.

SMITH Helgardt, male aged 26, AND his brother Rinus, AND Tania, female aged 22,
were attacked on their farm Aangeknocht. Rinus was murdered. Helgardt was shot. It
is not clear what injuries Tania sustained. Bultfontein, FS. Oct 2002.
Mnr Helgardt Smith (26) en sy broer Rinus (22) en mej. Tania Smith (22) was op hul
plaas Aandgeknocht aangeval. Rinus was vermoor, en Helgardt was geskiet. Dit is
nie duidelik wat se beserings Tania gedurende die aanval opgedoen het nie.
Bultfontein, Vrystaat.

STEENKAMP Lukas, male aged 82, was murdered on an unnamed farm, where his
neighbours found his corpse on the floor. LP. 17 Dec 2002.
Mnr Lukas Steenkamp was vermoor op sy plaas, waar die bure sy lyk op die vloer
ontdek het. MP.

STEVENS Julie see OPPERMAN Tinus Johan

STEYN Barend, male aged 73, was murdered on the Bloemspruit smallholdings.
Mnr Barend Steyn (73) was op die Bloemspruit kleinhoewes vermoor.

STEYN Johan, male aged 55, shot dead on plot 55, Bynespoort, Cullinan area, GT. 27
July 2002
Mnr Johan Steyn (55) was doodgeskiet op die plot 55, Bynespoort, Cullinan.

SUTHERLAND Frans, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
ciscumstances is not clear. East London, EC., April 2002
Die omstandigehede van Frans Sutherland gedurende ‘n plaas aanval is nie duidelik
nie. Oos London.

THERON Jannie aged 75, AND his son Jannie Jnr aged 24, were attacked on the farm
Wolwekop, but their injuries are not clear. De Wets Dorp, Free State. July 2002.
Die omstandighede van mnre Jannie Theron (75) en sy seun Jannie Jnr (24) tydens
die aanval op hul plaas Wolwekop is nie duidelik nie. De Wets Dorp, Vrystaat.

UNNAMED MPUMALANGA HEADLESS CORPSE of ethnic-European male found on

unnamed farm, MPL. 7 Aug 2002

UYS Charl, male, AND Ronelle, female, were murdered on the farm Boomplaas,
Reddersburg, FS. Oct 2002.
Mnr Charl Uys en mej Ronelle Uys was op Boomplaas vermoor, Reddersburg.

VAN DEN HEEVER Susan aged 72 was attacked inside her farmhouse, bashed on the
head with a hammer, tied up and shot to death with an AK47 automatic assault rifle
by an armed gang who “hid” her body. Vergenoegd, Tzaneen. 7 Jan 2002
Me. Susan van den Heever (72) was in haar huis oorval deur ‘n gewapende bende,
met ‘n hamer teen die kop geslaan, vasgebind en met ‘n AK47 doodgeskiet voordat
hulle haar lyk “weggesteek” het. Vergenoegd, Tzaneen.

VAN DER WALT, Louis, male, is mentioned inr cords on farm

attacks, but his circumstances is not clear. Theunissen. July 2002.
Mnr. Louis van der Walt se omstandighede tydens die aanval op die Theunissen
plaas is onduidelik.

VAN ECK Rob AND his wife were attacked and robbed in Benoni. Rob was also
attacked and stabbed in KZN during 2002. 19 Sep 2003.

VAN HOUTEN Cheryl, female aged 51, was hacked to death on an unnamed
smallholding, Centurion, GT. 7 June 2002
Me. Cheryl van Houten (51) was doodgekap tydens die aanval op haar kleinhoewe in

VAN RENSBURG Henry, male aged 74, was murdered during a farm attack in
Delaryville. July 2002.
Mnr. Henry Van Rensburg (74) was vermoor tydens ‘n plaas aanval in Delaryville

VAN STADEN Johannes, male aged 25, was murdered on a smallholding in Cullinan.
June 2002.
Mnr. Johannes van Staden (25) was vermoor op ‘n kleinhoewe in Cullinan

VAN TONDER Koos, male aged 68, AND Christo, male aged 32, AND Marie, female
aged 31, were attacked on the farm Platjan, but their injuries are not clear.
Vreugdenburg, Swartwater, LIM. July 2002
Die beserings van die Van Tonder familie Koos (68), Christo (32) en Marie (31) tydens
‘n plaas aanval op Platjan is nie duidelik nie. Vreugdenburg, Swartwater.
VAN TONDER Miems, female aged 66, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but
her circumstances are not clear. Frylingspan, Van Zyl’s Rus. June 2002.
Die omstandighede van Miems van Tonder (66) gedurende die plaas aanval op
Frylingspan is nie duidelik nie. Van Zyl’s Rus.

VAN ZYL Percy aged 68, AND his wife Loretta aged 58, were attacked on their farm
Hopenberg. Percy was stabbed to death. Loretta was stabbed 22 times and her
throat slit. Muldersvlei. April 2002.
Percy Van Zyl (68) was doodgesteek, en sy vrou Loretta (58) 22 keer gesteek voordat
sy keelaf gesny was op die plaas Hopenberg, Muldersvlei

VENTER Attie, male aged 51, was mentioned in records on farm killings but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Don-Don, Bethlehem, FS. March 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr Attie Venter (51) gedurende die aanval op die plaas Don-
Don is nie duidelik nie. Bethlehem.

VAN RENSBURG Daan, male, was attacked by an armed gang and shot in the arm.
Moolmanspruit farm. Aug 2002.
Daan Van Rensburg was deur gewapende aanvallers op die plaas Moolmanspruit in
sy arm geskiet

VAN RENSBURG Henry, male aged 74, was murdered on an unnamed farm,
Delareyville, NW.,7 Aug 2002
Mnr Henry van Rensburg (74) was vermoor op ‘n onbekende plaas in Delareyville.

VAN STADEN Johannes, male aged 25, was mentioned in records on farm killings,
but his circumstances is not clear. Cullinan smallholding. GT. 8 June 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr Johannes van Staden (25) gedurende die aanval op ‘n
Cullinan kleinhoewe is nie duidelik nie.

VAN TONDER Douw aged 24, AND his wife Alicia aged 20, were attacked on their
farm. Douw was murdered, and Alicia was injured. Lephalale, LP. 12 Oct 2002
Mnr Douw van Tonder (24) was vermoor en sy vrou Alicia (20) beseer gedurende ‘n
aanval op hulle plaas in Lephalale.

VAN ZYL Caren, female aged 23, was mentioned in records on farm murders but her
circumstances are not clear. Bloemfontein area, FS., March 2002
Die omstandighede van mej. Caren van Zyl (23) gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in die
Bloemfontein gebied is nie duidelik nie. Vrystaat.

VILJOEN Johan, a cheese farmer, aged 19, was torched to death along with one of
his workers. Farm Zavanfontein, Ficksburg, FS. 16 Aug 2002
Johan Viljoen (19), ‘n Zevenfontein kaas boer, was aan die brand gesteek en dood
verbrand saam met een van sy werkers. Fiksburg. Vrystaat.
VORSTER Ben, male aged 67, was murdered on unnamed Limpopo farm by an
armed gang, LP. 29 May 2002
Mnr Ben Vorster (67) was deur ‘n gewapende bende op ‘n onbekende Limpopo plaas
vermoor. LP.

VOSTER Vernon, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Gordons Bay, WC., December 2002
Die omstandighede van mnr Vernon Voster gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op
Gordonsbaai is nie helder nie.

VAN DEN HEEVER Susan, female aged 72, was mentioned in records on farm attacks
but her circumstances are not clear. Farm Vergenoegd, Tzaneen, MPL.7 Jan 2002
Die omstandighede van mej. Susan van den heever (62) gedurende die plaasaanval
op Vegenoegd is nie helder nie. Tzaneen.

VORSTER Ben, male aged 67, was murdered by an armed black gang.
Mnr Ben Vorster (67) was deur ‘n swart bende vermoor.

WARREN Michael John, male aged 78, was shot dead on the farm West Poyton,
Upper Kubusie area, EC. 5 March 2002
Mnr Michael John Warren (78) was op die plaas West Poyton doodgeskiet. Opper
Kubusie, Oos Kaap.

WATKINS Catherine, female aged 21, was found murdered inside the farm shed. Her
windpipe had been ripped out. Potchefstroom, NW.12 Feb 2002
Mej. Catherine Watkins (21) was in die plaas skuur gevind met haar windgorrel
uitgeruk. Potchefstroom.

WEILBACH Johan, male aged 33, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Farm Reckliff, Bethlehem, FS. May 2002
Mnr Johan Weilbach (33) se omstandighede tydens die aanval op die plaas Reckliff
is nie duidelik nie. Bethlehem.

WENTZEL Ruben, male aged 39, was murdered. Farm Villa Pax, Vryburg, NW.12 July
Mnr Ruben Wentzel (39) was op die plaas Villa Pax vermoor. Vryburg.

WERNER Stephanus Anton, aged 62, was murdered by farmworkers on an unnamed

farm, Rustenberg, Nw. 5 April 2002
Mnr Stephanus Anton Werner (62) was deur plaaswerkers op ‘n onbekende plaas
buite Rustenburg vermoor.

WEYERS Hillary, female aged 35, was murdered on an unnamed farm, Hoedspruiit.
One of the attackers have been arrested. Hoedspruit, MPL. 7 Aug 2002
Mej. Hillary Weyers (35) was op ‘n plaas buite Hoedspruit vermoor. Een verdagte

WOLMERANS Erasmus, farming foreman aged 52, AND Estelle Burger, 27 yr old
farmers wife, were attacked, overpowered, kidnapped and shot dead, Farm
Topfontein, Bethal, MPL., Jan 2002 (see Burger Estelle)
Plaasvoorman Erasmus Wolmerans (52) van die plaas Topfontein, EN Elstelle Burger
(27) die plaasboer se vrou, was gedurende ‘n aanval oorrompel, ontvoer en
doodgeskiet. Bethal.


ABRAHAMS Ismail AND his wife Mariam was shot to death on the Groot
Drakenstein farm. Boland. WC. 2 Feb 2001.
Ismail Abrahams en Mariam sy vrou was doodgeskiet op die plaas Groot
Drakensteyn, Boland

BESTER Natalia, female aged 21, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear. Nelspruit LIM, Oct 2001
Die omstandighede van Natalie Bester (21) gedurende ‘n plaasaanval is nie duidelik
nie. Groot Drakensteyn, Boland.

BEUKES Helga, female,was mentioned in records of farm attacks but her

circumstances are not clear. GA during January 2001.
Die omstandighede van Helga Beukes gedurende ‘n plaas aanval is nie helder nie.

BEUKES Leon, male, was attacked by a gang of armed men and was shot in the face,
back and arm before he returned fire and shot two of his attackers dead. Leon was
admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Melmoth. 17 May 2001.
Leon Beukes was in sy gesig, rug en arm geskiet voordat hy kon terugskiet en het 2
van die aanvallers doodgeskiet. Hy was in ‘n ernstige toestand by die hospitaal
opgeneem. Melmoth

BEUKES Petro, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Tweefontein farm. Nov 2001.
Die omstandighede van Petro Beukes gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op tweespruit is nie
duidelik nie.

BEZUIDENHOUT Roelof aged 84, was murdered inside his farmhouse. Steytlerville.
21 Nov 2001
Roelof Bezuidenhout (84) was in sy plaashuis vermoor, Steytlerville
BORMAN Wilhemus, male aged 68, survived an attack on his farm Uyskraal. Marble
Hall. Jan 2001.
Wilhelmus Borman (68) het ‘n aanval afgeweer op die plaas Uyskraal, buite Marble

BOTHA Andries, male, was murdered on the Tandala farm, unnamed district, EC. 20
Jan 2000
Andries Botha was op die plaas Tandala vermoor, Oos Kaap.

BOTHA Willie aged 59, AND Irene, female aged 53, were attacked and murdered the
Elna farm, Greylingstad, LP. 31 March 2001
Irene (53) en Willie Botha (59) was op die Elna plaas vermoor tydens ‘n aanval.
Greylingstad, LP

BOUCHER Andre Jr, male aged 35, was stabbed to death on the farm Middelwater,
Fochville, Carletonville, NW. 26 Jan 2001.
Andre Boucher Jr (35) was doodgesteek op die plaas Middelwater, Fochville,
Carletonville, NW

BREDENKAMP Jan, male aged 53, was murdered on his farm Lindekweesfontein,
Vredefort, FS. 2 Sep 2001.
Jan Bredenkamp (53) was op sy plaas Lindekweesfontein vermoor, Vredefort.

BRENNER Ernie,was mentioned in records of farm attacks but his circumstances is

not clear. Johannesburg area, GA, during March 2001
Die omstandighede van Ernie Brenner tydens ‘n plaas aanval is nie duidelik nie.

CLOETE Desmond “Des”, male aged 76, was axed to death near his farmhouse on
Happy Valley, Barkley East, EC. 14 Oct 2001.
Des Cloete (76) was doodgekap naby sy Happy Valley plaashuis, Barkley Oos

CORENSKY Edith, female, was attacked on her smallholding along with two workers,
tied up and robbed. Plot 63, Nestpark. 8 Nov 2001
Edith Corensky en twee werkers was vasgebind en beroof op Plot 63, Nestpark

COWAN, a married couple, were attacked and physically assaulted on the Lushof
farm. He sustained serious head injuries.Near Marken. 22 Nov 2001.
Mnr Cowan het ernstige kopwonde opgedoen terwyl hy en sy vrou aangeval was op
die Lushof plaas, naby Marken

COX Colin, male aged 62, was overpowered, physically assaulted and robbed on his
farm in the Cilvale area, Bronkhorstspruit. 16 Nov 2001.
Colin Cox (62) is aangerand en beroof op sy plaas in die Cilvale gebied,

CREESE Arthur aged 77, AND his wife Sophia were attacked on the Beaumont farm
during which Arthur shot one of the attackers dead. Sterkstroom. 30 Aug 2001.
Arthur Creese (77) en sy vrou Sophia was aangeval op die Beaumont plaas, waar
tydens Arthur een aanvaller doodgeskiet het. Sterkstroom


CREVITS Marie-Claire and Gawie aged 55, wre attacked on their farm and were
physically attacked, during which boiling water was poured over her. Crevits, marble
Hall. 10 Sep 2001.
Marie-Claire en Gawie (55) Crevits op plaas aangeval, ook kookwater oor haar
gegooi, Marble Hall.

CRONJE Isaac Johannes aged 73, AND Anna-Cecilia aged 72, were stabbed and
physically assaulted during an attck on their Leeupoort smallholding, Witbank. April
Isaac Johannes Cronje (73) en Anna-Cecilia (72) was gesteek en aangerand tydens ‘n
aanval op hulle Leeupoort kleinhoewes, Witbank omgewing.

CROSS John aged 77 AND Bina aged 76 were tortured to death during an attack on
their farm Cottondale. John was shot in his knees, and the shower head was forced
down his throat with running hot water before he was shot to death. Bina was also
shot in the knees before being shot to death. Between Tzaneen and gravelotte. Jan
John Cross (77) was gemartel, in die knieë geskiet, en was met ‘n stortkop in sy keel
afgedruk met warm water, en toe doodgeskiet. Bina (76) was ook in die knieë geskiet
en toe doodgeskiet op die plaas Cottondale, tussen Tzaneen en Gravelotte

DEETLEFS Danie Ludwig, male aged 72, was stabbed in the head and on his body
before he was murdered on the farm Almondale, Cove Ridge, Near Uppington and
East London.EC. 9 Dec 2001.
Danie Ludwig Deetlefs (72) was vermoor op die Almondale plaas. Sy lyk was vol
steek wonde op die lyf en in die kop. Cove Ridge, Oos London

DEKKERS Petrus Jacobus, male aged 82, was attacked on his farm Driefontein, and
tied up. Wolmaransstad. 19 July 2001.
Petrus Jacobus Dekkers (82) was op sy plaas Driefontein aangeval en
vasgebind. Wolmaransstad

DE BEER Thys, male aged 65, was attacked and physically assaulted on the farm
Rooikoppies, Brits. 15 Aug 2001. Thys de Beer (65) van die plaas Rooikoppies was
aangeval en aangerand, Brits

DE JAGER Randall, actor in television series ‘7de Laan’ AND his girlfriend were
attacked by an armed gang who shot him to death in Sandton. Dec 2001
Mnr Randall de Jager en sy vriendin was deur ‘n gewapende bende aangeval wat
hom doodgeskiet het in Sandton.
DU PLESSIS Daisy, female aged 78, was attacked inside her home by an armed gang,
tied up, physically assaulted and raped. Thornton.2001
DE LANGE female, was attacked, overpowered and physically assaulted on Plot 14,
Lewzene Estates, Cullinan. 21 June 2001.

Me de Lange was aangeval en aangerand op Plot 14 Lewzene Estates, Cullinan

DEMETROUDES Johnny, male aged 63, was shot to death during an attack on the
Boekenhoutskloofdrift farm, Cullinan. 20 May 2001.
Johnny Demetroudes (63) was doodgeskiet tydens die aanval op die plaas,
Boekenhoutskoofdrift, Cullinan Distrik.

DE NECKER Tonie aged 85, AND his wife Nellie aged 81, were attacked on the
Schuinshoek farm. They were both physically assaulted, Tonie was shot and Nellie
was strangled. Pietersburg. NP. June 2001.
Tonie (85) De Necker en sy vrou Nellie (81) was aangeval op die Schuinshoeck plaas,
waar tuidens Tonie gewond, en Nellie gewurg was. Pietersburg.

DENNIS Peter, smallholder, was murdered during an attack on the platinum rich
farmlands near the Sterkfontein Caves. Cradle-of-Mankind. 31 Apr 2001.
Mnr Peter Dennis was op ‘n plaas naby die platinum ryk gronde van die Sterkfontein
grotte vermoor. Cradle-of-Mankind.

DENNIS William aged 65, AND his wife Shirley aged 64, were beaten to death on the
Yellowwoods farm, King Williams Town, EC. 31 May 2001.
Mnr William Dennis (65) en sy vrou Shirley (65) was op die Yellowwoods plaas
doodgeslaan. King William’s Town.

DE SMIDT James, male aged 54, was shot in the leg during an attack on the farm
Doreen. Douglas. 23 Oct 2001.
James De Smidt (54) was op die plaas Doreen aangeval, en in sy been gewond.

DOBEYN Peter aged 64, AND his wife Cecily aged 61, were attacked on their farm
during which they were both physically assaulted. Peter’s hand was also chopped
off during the attack. Farm in Wartberg. 28 May 2001.
Peter Dobeyn (64) se hand was afgekap in die aanval op sy Wartberg plaas. Sy vrou
Cecily (61) was ook aangerand.

DU PLESSIS Willie (senior) aged 73 was shot to death on his farm Hartbeesfontein,
12 March 2001. It appears that his son , also named Willie (junior), was attacked on
the same farm a month earlier, on the 6th of Feb 2001, but his circumstances are not
clear. Greylingstad. LP.
Mnr. Willie du Plessis (73) was op sy plaas Hartbeesfontein doodgeskiet op die 12de
Maart 2001. Dit wil voorkom dat sy seun en naamgenoot Willie, ook op die plaas
aangeval was op die 6de Feb 2001, maar sy omstandighede is nie helder nie.

DU TOIT Natalie, scholar and top swimmer, was hit deliberately by a taxi driver while
riding her scooter back from school. Her left leg had to be amputated. Feb 2001.
Die skoolmeisie en top swimmer, Natalie du Toit, was met opset deur ‘n taxi drywer
omgery terwyl sy oppad huis toe was op haar motorviets. Haar linker been is afgesit.
Feb 2001.

FIVAZ George, male, was hi-jacked and murdered in Mayorspark, Alberton. GA. 3
June 2001
Mnr. George Fivaz was geskaak en vermoor in Meyerspark, Alberton. GA.

FOURIE David, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his circumstance is
not clear. Soutpan, FS, during Oct 2001
Die omstandighede van David Fourie gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Soutpan is nie
helder nie. Vrystaat.

GALLASZ Gustav, male Hungarian emigrant aged 75, was beaten to death on the
farm Kosterfontein, Hartbeesfontein, Magaliesburg, NW. 5 May 2001
Gustav Gallasz (75) was dood geslaan op die plaas Kosterfontein, Magaliesburg

GOUWS Hannes aged 87, AND Kleintjie aged 83, were attacked on their farm, but
their attackers fled when a warning shot was fired in their direction. Bultfontein. 24
Nov 2001.
Hannes Gouws (87) en Kleintjie (83) was aangeval op die Bultfontein plaas, maar die
oortreders het gevlug nadat ‘n waarskuwing skoot op hulle afgevuur was.

GREEN Bob AND his wife Joy, were torched to death inside their home on their
smallholding at Meyerton. NW. 24 April 2001.
Bob Green en Joy was dood verbrand in hulle huis op ‘n Meyerton kleinhoewe.

GROBLER Wessel, male aged 37, was shot during an attack on his farm with a
shotgun, and died later in hospital. Colanan farm, White River. MPL. 9 Aug 2001.
Wessel Grobler (37) was met ‘n haelgeweer geskiet op die plaas Colanan, Witrivier,
en is later in die hospitaal dood.
HANEKOM Joachim Hermanus, male, was murdered on an unnamed farm,
Franschhoek, WC 2 Sept 2001.
Mnr. Joachim Hermanus ws vermoor op ‘n onbekende plaas te Franschoek, Wes

HEUER Sarah, female aged 17, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances during an attack in the Germiston area during Jan 2001 is not clear.
Die omstandighede van mej. Sarah Heuer (17) tydens ‘n aanval on germiston is nie
helder nie.

HILES Ina, female aged 82, was bashed to death on a holding outside Warmbaths. 15
April 2001.
Ina Hiles (62) was op ‘n hoewe buite Badplaas doodgeslaan

HOHNE John, male aged 72, was mentioned in the records of an attack on
Ventersvilla, but his circumstances are not clear. Windsorton during Aug 2001
Die omstandighede van mnr John Hohne gedurende ‘n aanval op Ventervilla is nie
helder nie. Windsorton.


HOLDER Irene aged 52, AND her boyfriend Willem Botha aged 59, were ambushed
and shot by an armed gang of 4 men inside their home upon their return from church
at around 10am. Irene was shot to death. Willem was shot in the right knee and
upper leg, and left arm before he returned fire and injured an attacker at which the
gang fled. Farm “Highveld Safaris”, Greytown. LP. 1 Apr 2001.
Irene Holden (53) en haar kerel Willem Botha (59) was met hul tergkoms na kerk om
ongeveer 10vm deur 4 gewapende swart mans in hul huis ingewag en geskiet. Irene
was goodgeskiet. Willem was in die regter knie, bo-been en linker arm gewond
voordat hy kon terugskiet, waarin hy een van die boewe gewond het voordat die
bende gevlug het. Plaas “Highveld Safaris”, Greylingstad.

HUDGES Marlene, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Kromdraai during Oct 2001
Die omstandighede van mej. Marlene Hudges gedurende ‘n plaasaanval op
Kromdraai is nie helder nie.

JACOB Doors AND his wife were attacked and robbed on their farm in Vryburg. 1
Aug 2001.
Doors Jacob en sy vrou was aangeval en beroof op hulle plaas in Vryburg

JACOBS Catherina Wilhelmina, female aged 78, was mentioned in records on farm
attacks but her circumstances is not clear. Middeldeel, Edenburg, Free State Dec
Die omstandighede van Catherina Wilhelmina Jacobs gedurende ‘n aanval op die
plaas Middeldeel is nie helder nie. Edenburg. Vrystaat.

JACOBS Tania, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear. Cape Town area, CPT Sept 2001
Die omstandighede van mej. Tania Jacobs gedurende ‘n aanval in die Kaap gebied
is nie helder nie.


JAGGER Samantha, female aged 25, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but
her circumstances is not clear. Nelspruit area, LIM, October 2001
Die omstandighede van mej. Samantha Jagger (25) gedurende ‘n aanval in die
Nelspruit omgewing is nie helder nie

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Hester “Hettie” aged 58, AND her son Nicolas aged 35, AND
Pricille aged 35, were attacked on the farm Rooikoppies, during which Nicolas was
killed. It is not clear what injuries Pricille sustained. Hettie was shot in the shoulder
and died a week later in hospital. Marikana, NW. 26 Mar 2001.
Die aanval op die Janse van Rensburgs waarin Nicolas (35) gesterf het, het gevolg
na die afsterwe van Hettie “Hester” (58) wat in die skouer gewond was, ‘n week later
in die hospitaal. Wat met Pricille (35) gebeur het gedurende die aanval is nie helder
nie. Rooikoppies, Marikana.



JANSE VAN VUUREN aged 72, AND her husband Loek aged 73, were attacked,
overpowered and physically assaulted on their farm in Broekmansfontein. Marie was
raped and murdered. Loek died from his injuries two months later in hospital. Groot
Marico. LP. 25 Oct 2001.
Marie Janse van Vuuren (72) was verkrag en vermoor, haar man Loek Janse van
Vuuren (73) erg aangerand gedurende die aanval op hul plaas in Broekmansfontein.
Loek is 2 maande later in die hospitaal oorlede aan sy beserings. Groot Marico.

JANSEN VAN VUUREN NJ, male, was attacked inside his home, overpowered and
robbed. Plot 76, Firolaz. 17 Aug 2001.
Mnr NJ Jansen van Vuuren was in sy huis aangeval en beroof op die Plot 76 Firolaz.

JONES Herman, male, was murdered killed on the farm Klipplatsdrift, Standerton,
MPL., 21 Sept 2001
Mnr. Herman Jones was op die plaas Klipplatsdrift vermoor. Standerton, MPL
JOOSTE Lynette aged 40, AND her two daughters Yolande aged 16, AND Ilse aged
14, were attacked and shot on Kromdraai. Lynette and Ilse died at the scene. Yolande
was admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Krugersdorp. GT. 15 Oct 2001.
Lynette Jooste (40) en haar dogters Yolande (16) en Ilse (14) was aangeval op
Kromdraai. Lynette en Ilse was doodgeskiet. Yolande was ernstig gewond en in ‘n
kretieke toestand in die hospitaal opgeneem. Krugersdorp.

JONES Herman, male aged 59, was murdered on his farm Klipplaatdrif, Standerton.
Jan 2001.
Herman Jones (59) was vermoor op sy plaas Klipplaatdrif, Standerton

JORDAAN Christo, male, was shot to death with a 9mm gun by two black men on his
Kraaifontein homestead. Nothing was robbed.
Mnr. Christo Jordaan was op sy Kraaifontein hoewe doodgeskiet met ‘n 9mm geweer
deur 2 swart mans. Niks beroof.

KATONIS Nicholas “Nic” aged 79, AND his wife Rula aged 67, were murdered on the
Pinehaven holdings, where their charred remains were found. Muldersdrift. GT. 12
Dec 2001.
Nic Katonis (79) en Rula (67) was vermoor op die Pinehaven hoewe, waar hulle
verbrande oorskot gevind was. Muldersdrift

KLEINBEGIN SEE NEL Gert. (surname was given as Kleinbegin, which is actually the
name of the farm, and the name of the farm was given as unnamed.)

KLEINHANS C aged 73, AND his wife, Mrs. N Kleinhans aged 65, were attacked on
their farm Palmiet, tied up and robbed. Grahamstown. 11 Feb 2001.
11 Februarie 2001 Mnr C Kleinhans (73) en sy vrou N Kleinhans (65) aangeval op
Palmiet plaas, net vasgebind,beroof, Grahamstown

KRIEL Jeanne, female aged 38 was murdered on Plot 76, Kromdraai, Witbank, MPL.
16 Sept 2001
Mej. Jeanne Kriel (38) was op die plot 76, Kromdraai buite Witbank vermoor.

VAN ZYL Dian SEE KRUGER Christiaan

KRUGER Christiaan aged 51, AND Dian van Zyl aged 30, were attacked on a
smallholding during which Christiaan was shot twice. Outside Rustenburg. 31 Dec
Christiaan Kruger (51) en Dian van Zyl (30) was aangeval op ‘n kleinhoewe
buite Rustenburg, waarin Christiaan 2 keer gewond is.

KRUGER Francois, boy aged 14, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Heidedal, Bloemfontein, FS. May 2001
Die omstandighede van Francois Kruger (14) gedurende die aanval op Heidedal is
nie duidelik nie. Bloemfontein.

KRUGER Johannes Christiaan, male aged 38, was overpowered inside his office on a
Grootvlei holding, and robbed. Hammanskraal. July 2001.
Johannes Christiaan Kruger (38) was in sy kantoor op ‘n Grootvlei hoewe naby
Hammanskraal oorval.

KRUGER Nic, male aged 70, was shot in the stomach during an attack on Weikamp,
Marble Hall. July 2001.
Nic Kruger (70) was in sy maag gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op Weikamp, Marble

LAAPER Ronald, male, was murdered on the Farm Misty Hills, Waterval Boven, MPL.
23 July 2001
Ronald Laaper was vermoor op die plaas Misty Hills, Waterval Boven, MPL

LEE John, male aged 55, was seriously wounded during an attack on the grootvlei
holdings, Hammanskraal. 13 Feb 2001.
John Lee (55) was erg aangerand op Grootvlei-hoewe, naby Hammanskraal

LE GRANGE Johan aged 54, AND his wife, an impoverished farming couple who
lived on a subsistence farmlet, were attacked and by an armed gang of at least 8
Xhosa-speaking men. They were severely tortured during which she was burnt with
an iron and had boiling water poured over her. Johan was eventually beaten to
death. After this attack, the gang attacked the home of his daughter and her two
small children, who lived on the same farmlet. She was able to hide her baby before
the gang found her and her 4 year old daughter, tied them up, and viciously
assaulted them physically repeatedly. After a long period of torturing their two
female victims, the attackers fled with their only means of transport – an old farm
truck. Kalbasfontein holding. Witbank. MPL. 27 July 2001.
Mnr Johan Le Grange (54) en sy vrou, ‘n verarmde boere egpaar, was op ‘n
Kalbasfontein hoewe aangeval deur ‘n bende van ten minste 8 gewapende Xhosa-
spreekende mans. Die egpaar was erg gemaartel, waartydens die vrou ook met ‘n
strykyster en kookwater gebrand was. Johan was ten einde dood geslaan. Hierna het
hul aanvallers of die egpaar se dogter toegeslaan, wat ook op die hoewe gewoon het
saam met haar twee kinders. Sy het haar baba kon wegsteek voordat die aanvallers
vir haar en haar 4 jarige meisiekind vasgebind en herhaaldelik aangerand het. Na ‘n
geruime tydperk van marteling, het die aanvallers met die familie se enigste ryding
gevlug – ‘n ou plaastrok. Witbank.


LOMBAARD Isak aged 72, AND his friend Ms. Heila Jansen van Rensburg aged 69,
were attacked and overpowered on the farm Zuurplaat. Izak sustained serious
injuries on his head and arms. Rustenburg. Oct 2001.
Isak Lombaard (72) en Mej. Heila Jansen van Rensburg (69) was oorval en aangerand
op die plaas Zuurplaat. Isak het ernstige beserings aan sy kop en arms opgedoen.

LOTTER Connie, female aged 43, was shot on the Goedehoop farm road. Carolina.
June 2001.
Connie Lotter (43) van die plaas Goedehoop was op die plaaspad geskiet. Carolina

MAHONEY Hester, female aged 69, was attacked and robbed inside her farmhouse.
Hendrina. July 2001.
Hester Mahoney (69) was in haar plaashuis by Hendrina aangeval en beroof.

MARITZ Alfred aged 31, AND his father Nicolaas were attacked by an armed gang of
3 men on their smallholding. Alfred was shot to death. Nicolaas was shot in the hip.
Erasmia, GT. 22 Dec 2001.
Alfred Maritz (31) was doodgeskiet op Erasmia kleinhoewe, en sy pa Nicolaas was in
die heup gewond gedurende ‘n aanval deur 3 gewapende mans. Erasmia


McCABE Keith, male aged 40, went missing from Compasberg, and was declared
dead after 5 years. Nieuw Bethesda, EC. 17 July 2001.
Keith McCabe (40) het vanaf Compasberg verdwyn, en was na 5 jaar as dood
verklaar. Nieuw Bethesda, EC

McGREGOR Kevin aged 47, AND his wife Marie Louise “Lu” or “Lou” aged 40, were
shot to death on the Bloemvlei Farm, Elliott, EC. 25 March 2001
Kevin McGregor (47) en sy vrou Lou (40) was op die plaas Bloemvlei doodgeskiet,

MEIRING Jannie, male aged 67, was stabbed to death on his Farm Prospect, Senegal,
FS. 10 June 2001
Jannie Meiring (76) was op sy plaas Prospect doodgesteek. Senekal

MEYER M, male aged 45, was murdered on his farm in Greylingstad. 23 June 2001.
Mnr A Meyer (45) was vermoor op sy plaas, te Greylingstad.

MEYER Gert AND a female family member aged 82, were attacked and physically
assaulted on their farm Koedoefontein. Gert was beaten to death. She was raped.
Zeerust. 1 Oct 2001.
Gert Meyer was doodgeslaan op sy plaas Koedoefontein. ‘n Familielid (82) was
verkrag. Zeerust

MOOLMAN Johan, male, is mentioned in records on farm attacks but his

circumstances is not clear. Louis Trichardt LIM. July 2001
Die omstandighede van mnr. Johan Moolman gedurende ‘n plaasaanval is nie
duidelik nie. Louis Trichardt.

MULLER Carina Sussana, female aged 88, was strangled and killed on the farm
Vleeskraal in the Glaudina area, Scweizer-Reyneke, NW. 28 July 2001
Carina Susanna Muller (88) was verwurg in haar huis op die Vleeskraal plaas,
Glaudina omgewing, Schweizer-Reneke.

NEETLING Nadia, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstance is not clear. Proklamasie Heuwel, Pretoria GA., Dec 2001
Die omstandighede van mej. Nadia Neetling gedurende ‘n aanval op die Proklamasie
Heuwel is nie duidelik nie. Pretoria.

NEL Gert, male aged 71, was attacked inside his bed and strangled to death with an
electrical cord. Farm near Bloemfontein. FS. 5 June 2001. Gert had survived a
previous attack in 2000.
Mnr Gert Nel (71) was in sy bed met ‘n elektriese koord doodgewurg. Plaas buite
Bloemfontein. Hy het ‘n vorige aanval in 2000 oorleef

NEL Heinrich, male aged 17, was attacked on a farm outside Swartruggens. May
Heinrich Nel (17) was op sy plaas buite Swartruggens aangeval.

NEUENSCHWANDER Ernst aged 83, AND his wife Trudie aged 81, AND their son
were murdered by an armed gang on their farm Panorama, Wellington. CPT. Jan
Mnr Ernst Neuenschwander (83) en sy vrou Trudie (81) en hulle seun was in die
aanval op die Panorama plaas vermoor. Wellington CPT Jan 2001


OELLERMAN Wilfred, chicken farmer aged 78, was shot to death at his farm gate.
Unnamed farm, Babanango area, 4 May 2001.
Wilfred Ullerman (Oellerman) (78) ‘n hoenderboer, was doodgeskiet by sy plaashek,
Babanango area

OLIVIER Hester Magdalena, female aged 56, was murdered on Lentelus farm at Twee
Rivieren in the Langkloof, Joubertina. WC. 29 July 2001.
Hester Olivier (56) was vermoor op die plaas Lentelus by Twee Riviere in die
PAINTER Craig, male aged 38, was murdered on an unnamed farm in Erasmia,
Pretoria. GT. 25 Oct 2001.
Mnr. Craig Painter (28) was op ‘n onbekende plaas in Erasmia doodgemaak. Pretoria.

PARTRIDGE John Ernest, aged 75, was murdered on an unnamed farm, Port Edward,
KZN 6 March 2001.
Mnr. John Ernest Partridge (75) was op ‘n onbekende plass in Port Edward vermoor.

PETERS Dennis, male,was murdered on an unnamed Sterkfontein world heritage site

farm, GT. 31 May 2001.
Mnr Dennis Peters was op ‘n onbekende Sterkfontein “world heritage site” plaas

PETRUS J. was mentioned in records on farm murders but his circumstances are not
clear. Farm Lindleyspoort, Pretoria, GT. 26 Jan 2001.
J.Petrus se omstandighede in die plaas aanval op Lindleyspoort is onbekend.

PIENAAR Barend, male, was murdered on a smallholding, De Deur, Brits.

Vereeniging, GT. 5 April 2001.
Mnr. Barend Pienaar was op sy kleinhoewe in De Deur vermoor. Brits, Vereeniging.

PIETERSE Anna, female, was attacked, overpowered and tied up on the

Steenkoppies farm. Mr. Daniël Pieterse arrived on the scene. And was physically
attacked, tied up and robbed. Magaliesburg. 1 June 2001.
Anna Pieterse was op die plaas Steenkoppies aangeval en vasgebind. Mnr Daniël
Pieterse het opgedaag, en hy is aangerand, vasgebind en beroof. Magaliesburg

PIKAAN Christo, a farm attack critic and business manager, was murdered on the
farm Spioenkop, Grabouw, WC. 26 June 2001.
Christo Pikaan, ‘n kretiek van plaas moored en besigheids bestuurder, was vermoor
op die plaas Spioenkop, Grabouw, WC

PLOUGHMANN Liz, female professor aged 50, was tortured to death on the
Masekhane community farm, Paarl, WC. 11 Sept 2001.
Prof. Liz Ploughmann (50)was dood gemartel op die Masekhane gemeenskap plaas,
Paarl, WC

POTGIETER Dorothy, female, was mentioned in records of farm murders, but her
circumstances is not clear. White River, MP. During January 2001
Mej. Dorothy Potgieter se omstandighede in ‘n plaas aanval buite Witrivier is nie
duidelik nie.
POTGIETER Malcolm, male, was mentioned in records on farm murders but his
circumstances are not clear. Unnamed farm, Hoopenberg, Muldersvlei, WC. 15 Sept
Die omstandighede van mnr. Malcolm Potgieter tydens ‘n plaas aanval in
Hoopenberg is nie helder nie. Muldersvlei, Wes Kaap.

POTGIETER Malcolm, male aged 63, was shot to death inside his house in the farm
Sukkel, White River. MPL. 14 Jan 2001.
Malcolm Potgieter (63) was doodgeskiet in sy huis op die plaas Sukkel, Witrivier

POTGIETER Petrus J, male, was murdered on the farm Lindeyspoort, Pretoria, GT.,
26 Sept 2001.
Mnr. Petrus J. Potgieter, male, was vermoor op die Lindeyspoort Plaas, Pretoria.


POTGIETER Piet, male aged 42, was shot to death on the farm Lindeyspoort,
Pretoria, GT. Jan 2001.
Piet Potgieter (42) op die plaas Lindleyspoort was doodgeskiet, Swartruggens



RAATS Pieter “Piet” aged 51, AND his friend Ms. Elizabeth Pretorius aged 43, were
attacked on his smallholding on the farm Mooinooi. Piet was stabbed to death.
Elizabeth was physically assaulted. Groenfontein, near Groot Marico. NW. 26 Mar
Piet Raaths (51) was op sy kleinhoewe doodgesteek. Sy vriendin Mej. Elizabeth
Pretorius (43) aangerand. Plaas Mooinooi, Groenfontein. Buite Groot Marico.

RENS Aldrich, male aged 66, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but his
circumstances is not clear. Port Elizabeth, EC. March 2001.
Die omstandighede van mnr Rens Aldrich (66) tydens ‘n plaas aanval in die Pot
Elizabeth omgewing is nie duidelik nie.


RUSHMERE May, female, was shot to death inside a farmstall on the farm Hardale,
Queenstown. EC. 8 Feb 2001.
Mej. May Rushmere was in ‘n winkel op die plaas Hardale doodgeskiet, Queenstown


SCHEEPERS Martie, female aged 53, was shot to death on the Wicky Creede farm,
MacClear, EC., 20 Jan 2001
Martie Scheepers (53) was doodgeskiet op die Wicky Creede plaas, Maclear

SCHMIDT Julius aged 42, AND his son Albert aged 11, were attacked on their farm
Wykom. Julius was shot to death. Albert was shot in the leg. Louwsburg. Nov 2001.
Julius Schmidt (42) was doodgeskiet op die Wykom plaas, en sy seun Albert (11)
was in been gewond, Louwsburg

SCHMIDT Ludwig or Ludwich, boy aged 16, was killed in Walmer, Port Elizabeth, EC.,
June 2001
Ludwig or Ludwich Schmidt, ‘n seun (16), was vermoor in Walmer, Port Elizabeth.

SCHOONWINKEL Petros aged 33, AND his wife Marika aged 30, AND their son
Marnus aged 9, were attacked inside their farmhouse. Both Petros and Marika was
shot to death. Marnus was physically assaulted and tied to a tree. Farm Diepkloof,
Groblersdal. MPL. 1 June 2001.
Johan Schoonwinkel (33) en sy vrou Marika (30) was doodgeskiet in hulle plaashuis.
Marnus (9) was aangerand en aan’n boom vasgebind. Groblersdal

SENA Claudio aged 19, AND his father were shot during an attack on their holding,
Plot 73, Rietspruit. Claudio died on the scene. Rietfontein, Vaal Triangle, NW. 9 Jan
Claudio Senna (19) was doodgeskiet, en sy pa gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op hul
hoewe Plot 73 Rietspruit, in die Kliprivier area, Vaalrand

SMITH Anton, male 66 yrs old, AND Margaret Smith was mentioned in records on
farm attacks but their circumstances is not clear. Rietspuit Farm, Nelspruit, LIM,
November 2001
Die omstandighede van mnr Anton Smith (66) en Margaret Smith gedurende die
aanval op die plaas Rietspruit is nie duidelik nie. Nelspruit.

SMITH Carel, male aged 45, was attacked with a hunting knife and stabbed in the
hand but was able to escape and find help. Farm Elim. Gluckstadt area. 29 May 2001.
Carel Smith (45) van die plaas Elim was met ‘n jagmes aangeval en in die hand
gewond, voordat hy gevlug en hulp ontbied het. Gluckstadt-omgewing

SMITH Hendrik aged 89, AND Poppie aged 63, were attacked and physically
assaulted on the farm Soutput. Dealesville. May 2001.
Hendrik Smith (89) en Poppie Smith (63) was op die plaas Soutput aangeval en
aangerand. Dealesville

SMITH Rinus, aged 27, was shot to death on a farm in the Bultfontein district. 11 Oct
Rinus Smith (27) was doodgeskiet op die plaas in Bultfontein distrik

STAPELBERG Johan aged 40, AND his brother-in-law Hendrik Daniel Uys aged 39,
were on their way to a woman on a neighbouring farm who reported strangers in the
area when they were shot to death inside their pick-up van. Unnamed farm, Boons,
Magaliesburg. NW. 4 Aug 2001.
Johan Stapelberg (40) en Henk Uys (39) was in hul bakkie doodgeskiet oppad na ‘n
vrou van hul buurplaas wat laat weet het van vreemdes in die omgewing,

STOLS Fanie aged 53, AND his wife Thelma aged 48, were shot to death on their
smallholding. White River. MPL. 15 Sep 2001
Fanie (53) en Thelma (48) Stols was op hul kleinhoewe doodgeskiet, Witrivier

STROH Thea, female, was seriously injured during a panga attack on her farm.
Marble Hall. 31 July 2001
Thea Ströh van Marble Hall was ernstig beseer in die panga aanval op haar Marble
Hall plaas

STRYDOM Rosseau, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Groenkloof, Pretoria, GA., November 2001
Die omstandighede van mnr Rosseau Strydom in die plaas aanval op Groenkloof,
Pretoria, is nie helder nie.

SWART, male, was attacked and physically assaulted on the Roodepoort holdings.
21 Apr 2001.
Mnr Swart was aangeval en aangerand op die Roodepoort hoewes

TAGGART Muriel, female aged 60, was murdered during an attack on the farm
Hartebeesbult, Newcastle. KZN. 22 Oct 2001
Murial Taggart (60) was vermoor gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas Haartebeestbult,
Newcastle, KZN

THERON David Johannes, male aged 54, was murdered on the farm Saltana Oord,
Karos. NC. 15 Nov 2001
David Johannes Theron (54) was vermoor op die Saltana Oord plaas, Karos, NC


UNNAMED TOITSKRAAL Farmer aged 70,was shot dead by “wood-gatherers”, farm

Toitskraal, Marblehall, MPL during July 2001, ref 10-1368
Onbekende Toitskraal plaasboer (70) was deur “hout versamelaars” doodgeskiet.

USHER John aged 55, AND his wife Jennifer aged 53, AND his son Gregory aged 34,
were attacked by an armed gang. John and Jennifer were stabbed. Gregory was shot
and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Platt Estate. 20 May 2001.
John Usher (55) en sy vrou Jennifer (53) was albei gesteek tydens ‘n plaas aanval.
aangeval. Sy seun Gregory (34) was geskiet en in ‘n ernstige toestand by die
hospitaal opgeneem. Platt Estate


VAN AART Gielim, male aged 67, was shot on his farm Hartswater by a gang of
Soweto youths and died the next day in hospital. Kimberley. 1 Jan 2001.
Gieljam van Aardt (67) was op sy Hartswater plaas deur ‘n bende van Soweto
jeugdiges geskiet, en die volgende dag in die hospitaal beswyk aan sy wonde.

VAN ASWEGEN Hannes, boy aged 3, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but
his circumstances is not clear. Wolwerand Farm, Petrusburg, FS during Oct 2001
Die omstandighede van Hannes van Aswegen (3) gedurende die aanval op
Wolwerand is nie helder nie. Petrusburg.

VAN ASWEGEN Magda, farm woman aged 49, was attacked but managed to ward it
off. Carolina. Jan 2001
Magda van Aswegen, ‘n plaasvrou van Carolina (49), was aangeval, maar het die
boewe kon afweer


VAN BILJON Ronald AND his wife Marie were attacked during which Ronald was
murdered and Martie was kidnapped. Her corpse was found on the 6th of Nov, 2
months later. 1 Sep 2001. Unnamed farm, Badplaas.
Mnr Ronald van Biljon was aangerand en vermoor op sy plaas buite Badplaas op 1
Sep 2001, waartydens sy vrou Marie ook aangerand en ontvoer was. Haar lyk was
daarna op die 6de Nov ontdek.

VAN DEN HEEVER Christo aged 80, AND his wife Martha were attacked on their farm
Vorentoe during which he was murdered, and she paralized. Naboomspruit. LIM. 15
Aug 2001.
Christo van den Heever (80) was vermoor op die plaas Vorentoe, sy vrou sal vir res
van lewe gestremd wees, Naboomspruit

VAN DER HEEVER Martha, female 76, was murdered killed on Farm Vorentoe,
Naboomspruit, LIM, Aug 2001
VAN DER MERWE Gawie, male aged 55, AND his wife Dorothea aged 48, were
attacked and murdered on the Syferfontein farm. Dorothea was suffocated to death.
Hartebeesfontein, NW. 4 May 2001.
Gawie Van der Merwe (55) was op plaas Syferfontein vermoor. Sy vrou, Dorothea (48)
was versmoor. Hartebeesfontein.

VAN DER NEST Francesca “Kleintjie” aged 45, was shot to death in her home on the
farm Suikervlei, Uitzight, Vrede. 24 Aug 2001.
Francesca “Kleintjie” Van der Nest (45) was doodgeskiet in plaashuis op die plaas
Suikervlei op Uitzight, Vrede

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Gert aged 75 was murdered on the farm Smaldeel, Parys,
FS. 1 May 2001.
Griet van der Westhuizen (75) was op die plaas Smaldeel vermoor, Parys

VAN HEERDEN Johan, farmer aged 41, was ambushed at his farm gate and shot to
death. Geysdorp. Delareyville, NW. 28 June 2001.
Johan van Heerden (41) was by sy plaashek doodgeskiet in die Geysdorp omgewing.

VAN JAARSVELD Fanie aged 78, AND Susan aged 62, AND Monica van Aswegen
aged 67, AND baby Nelize van Aswegen (1) were attacked and murdered on the on
Waagkraal Farm, Potchefstroom, FS during Aug 2001
Fanie (78) en Susan (62) was op hulle plaas Waagkraal aangeval en vermoor, asook
Monica (67) en baba Nelize (1) van Aswegen. Potchefstroom.

VAN NIEKERK Theo, male, was killed on the farm Geluksberg, district unnamed,
KZN, 27 May 2001
Theo van Niekerk was op die geluksberg plaas vermoor.


VAN ROOYEN Dawid Hermanus, male aged 62, was murdered on the Valleifontein
farm, Lichtenburg, NW. 26 Jan 2001
Dawid Hermanus van Rooyen (62) was op die plaas Valleifontein vermoor,

VAN ROOYEN Elna, female aged 48, was murdered on Zeekoegat Farm, Rouxville,
Oct 2001
Elna van Rooyen (48) was op die Zeekoegat plaas vermoor. Rouxville.

VAN ROOYEN Michael, farmer aged 43, was ambushed and shot to death at his
farmgate. Potchefstroom, NW. 16 July 2001.
Michael Van Rooyen (43) is by sy plaashek doodgeskiet, Potchefstroom omgewing

VAN ROOYEN Ronnie, male, was mentioned in records on farm killings but his
circumstances during an attack in Windburg is not clear. FS., Nov. 2001
Die omstandighede van mnr Ronnie van Rooyen tydens ‘n plaas aanval in Windburg
is nie duidelik nie. Vrystaat.

VAN STADEN Alicia aged 20, AND Mari-Helene aged 16, both females, were
murdered on the farm De Kuil, Overyssel, Ellissras, LIM., Oct 2001
Mari-Helene (16) en Alicia (20) was op De Kuil, Overyssel vermoor. Ellissras

VAN WYK Pieter, farmer, was shot during a hi-jacking on the rural Bapsfontein road
stop to Pretoria R21. He died shortly after. His vehicle was found 3km from the
Plaasboer Pieter van Wyk was geskiet by die Bapsfontein/Pretoria kruising buite
Benoni gedurende ‘n kaping en het kort daarna aan sy wonde beswyk. Sy voertuig
was 3km verder gevind.

VAN VUUREN Andries and his wife Dina wee attacked, physically assaulted and
robbed on their Hilltop smallholding outside Nelspruit. July 2001.
Andries en Dina van Vuuren op hul kleinhoewe by Hilltop aangerand/beroof naby

VAN ZYL Christiaan Antonie aged 61, AND Aletta Georgina aged 59, AND her 35 yr
old son, AND their house keeper Erlette Mokhaha aged 49, AND their gardener
Angenas Molefe aged 27, were attacked and overpowered on the Kalkfontein farm.
Christiaan suffered injury from being bashed on the head with an object.
Lichtenburg. 25 Sep 2001.
Aletta Georgina van Zyl (59) en Christiaan Antonie (61) haar man, 35 jarige seun,
huishulp Erlette Mokhala (49) en tuinwerker Angenas Molefe (27) was op die plaas
Kalkfontein oorval. Mnr van Zyl is beseer (met voorwerp teen kop geslaan).

VAN ZYL Percy AND his wife Dr. Loretta van Zyl, both aged 68, were tortured to
death on their farm Hoopenberg on New years Eve, during which they were also
strangled and stabbed to death with a hunting knife. The corpse of Percy was found
outside their home, and Loretta was found inside their home. Klapmuts. Muldersvlei.
WC. 1 Jan 2001.
Percy van Zyl (68) en sy vrou Dr Loretta van Zyl (58) was op hul plaas Hoopenberg
op Nuwejaarsaand doodgemartel, waartydens hulle ook verwurg en met ‘n dolk
doodgesteek was. Percy se lyk was buite hul huis gevind, en Loretta s’n n die huis.
Klapmuts, Muldersvlei

VENTER Gertruida, female aged 57, was attacked, overpowered and physically
assaulted on Plot 33, Bynestpoort. Cullinan. 25 May 2001.
Gertruida Venter (57) was aangeval, oorweldig en aangerand op Plot 33 Bynestpoort,

VENTER Wikus aged 47, AND his father Boet aged 79 AND his wife Trix aged 69,
were attacked, overpowered and physically assaulted on the Weggendrift farm,
Groblersdal. 3 Jan 2001.
Wikus Venter (47), sy pa Boet (79) en ook sy vrou Trix (69), was aangeval, oorweldig
en aangerand op die Weggendrift plaas, Groblersdal

VILJOEN Annemarie, female aged 23, was attacked and her throat slit inside her
home on the farm Haakdoringhoewe, Pretoria, GT. 16 April 2001.
Annemarie Viljoen (23) was in haar huis keelaf gesny op Haakdoringhoewe, buite

VISSER Jan “Jannie” aged 41, AND his wife Annelize Liezette aged 33, were shot to
death on the farm Op-Die-Berg, Kleinveld, Koue Bokkeveld, Ceres, WC, 1 June 2001.
Jannie Visser (41) en sy vrou Annelize (33) was doodgeskiet op hul Kleinveld plaas,
Op-Die-Berg, Koue Bokkeveld, naby Ceres (Bokkeveld)

VISSER M., female aged 44, and her maid were attacked, tied up and robbed. Farm
Pusela, Tzaneen. 29 Jan 2001.
Mev M Visser (44) van die plaas Pusela en haar huishulp was oorval, vasgebind en
beroof, Tzaneen

VON LITSENBORGH Carl aged 69, AND his wife Peggy, were murdered on on the
farm Sanice, Klapmuts. WC. Mar 2001.
Carl von Litsenborgh (69) en sy vrou Peggy was op hul plaas Sanice vermoor.

VOSTER Petro, female aged 60, was killed at Annashoop, Plooysburg, Kimberley,
NC., October 200
Me. Petro Voster (60) was op die plaas Annashoop vermoor. Plooysburg,Kimberley.

WEBSTER Collin, male aged 70, was bludgeoned to death on unnamed farm,
Richmond KZN 18 Feb 2001
Colin Webster (70) was dood geslaan op ‘n plaas in Rchmond. KZN.

WILSENACH J.P., male, was shot in the knee through the window of his rented home
on a farm in White River. MPL. Dec 2001. His brother Johan went on a wild shooting
spree during 2008 and shot 4 non-whites dead and wounded others.
Mnr J.P. Wilsenach was in die knie gewond toe iemand hom deur die venster geskiet
het in sy huurhuis op ‘n plaas, Witrivier. Sy broer Johan het in 2008 op ‘n wilde
skiettog gegaan, en vier nie-blankes doodgeskiet en ander gewond

WINKELMANN Herman, male aged 71, was murdered during an attack on an

unnamed farm, King Williams Town, EC. 16 July 2001
Herman Winkelmann (71) was murdered on an unnamed farm, King Williams Town,


ALCHIN, male aged 61, died in a shootout with 3 attackers, Geduldsfontein,

Rocklands, Port Elizabeth. EC. 10 May 2000
Mnr Alchin was doodgeskiet gedurende ‘n skiet geveg met boewe op sy plaas
Geduldsfontein, Rocklands, Port Elizabeth.

ALDUM Hannes aged 65, AND his wife Avril aged 64, were attacked and shot inside
their home. Hannes died on the scene. Avril was admitted to the hospital in a critical
condition. Farm Aona, Tshipise. Limpopo. 25 April 2000
Hannes Aldum (65) was doodgeskiet tydens ‘n aanval in hulle huis. Sy vrou Avril (64)
was in ‘n ernstige toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem. Plass Aona, Tshipise, LP.

ARTHUR David aged 62, AND his son Roger aged 39, AND 3 women were shot
during an attack on their farm Gaikaford. David died on the scene. East London. 1
Mar 2000
David Arthur (62) was doodgeskiet op die plaas Gaikaford. Sy seun Roger (39) en 3
vrouens was ernstig gewond in die aanval, Oos London

BARNARD Beeton Michael, male aged 37, was mentioned in the records on farm
attacks, but his circumstances is not clear. Durban KZN Dec 2000
Beeton Michael Barnard (37) se naam was genoem in plaas aanval register, maar sy
omstandighede is nie helder nie. Durban

BEZUIDENHOUT Jan aged 80, and his wife Anna aged 76, were beaten to death
inside their home on the farm Vogelfontein, Breyten. 5 Nov 2000
Jan Hendrik Bezuidenhout (80) en sy vrou Anna Cornelia (76) was in hulle huis op
die plaas Vogelfontein doodgeslaan, Breyten

BIGGS Cedric was mentioned in records of farm attacks but his circumstances is
unclear. Farm Albany, EC 7 Sep 2000
Die omstandighede van Cedric Biggs gedurende ‘n plaas aanval op Albany is nie
helder nie. Oos Kaap.

BOTES Nico, male aged 31, shot and killed on farm Vergenoegd, Swartruggens,
Groot Mariko omgewing. NW 1 Sep 2000
Nico Botes (31) was op die plaas Vergenoeg doodgeskiet, in die Swartruggens,
Groot Mariko omgewing

BOTHA Andries was mentioned in records of farm attacks but his circumstances are
unclear. Farm Tandala, unnamed district, Eastern Cape. 20 Jan 2000
Die omstandighede van Andries Botha gedurende die aanval op die plaas Tandala is
nie helder nie. Oos Kaap.

BOTHA Johannes aged 57, AND his wife Diana aged 49, were in their bed when they
were attacked and shot. Johannes died on the scene. Diana was shot in the chest
and arm. Farm Rietfontein, Lydenburg. 1 Nov 2000 Johannes Botha (57) was in sy
bed op die plaas Rietfontein doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Diana (49) was in die bors en arm
geskiet. Lydenburg omgewing.

BOTHMA Mariana, technicon director aged 47, was shot to death by a gang of armed
men who broke into her home at around 02:30am and overpowered inside her
bedroom. She was taken outside at gunpoint and shot to death in her driveway. Her
friend and lodger, Ms. Anneliene Stroebel was robbed and ordered to the bathroom.
The attack was interrupted by the police. Pretoria. 5 Dec 2000.

Tegnikon direkteur Mariana Bothma (47) was in haar kamer oorval deur ‘n
gewapende bende omstreeks 02:30. Sy was na buite gedwing en op haar inrit
doodgeskiet. Haar vriendin en loseerder Anneliene Stroebel was beroof en na die
badkamer bevel. Die aanval was deur die polisie onderbreek. Pretoria.

BREEDING Michael, male, AND two women, were attacked and overpowered inside
his home. Michael was clubbed over the head with a piece of wood and tied up. The
women were raped. Ladybrand Farm. 20 Feb 2000
Michael Breeding was in sy plaashuis oorval, met ‘n stuk hout oor die kop geslaan
en vasgebind. Daarna is 2 vrouens wat saam met hom in die huis was, verkrag. Naby

BREEDT Lettie, female aged 69, was attacked with a knife and physically assaulted
on her farm in the Veekraal area, Brits. 5 May 2000
Lettie Breedt (69) was met ‘n mes aangeval en aangerand op haar plaas in die
Veekraal omgewing, Brits

BRITZ Albertus was mentioned in records of farm attacks in Villiers but his
circumstances is not clear. Free State. Sep 2000
Die omstandighede van Albertus Britz in die aanval op ‘n plaas in Villiers is
onduidelik. Vrystaat.

BUITENDAG Martiens “MJ” aged 58, AND his mother Susan Buitendag aged 78, were
attacked on their farm. MJ was strangled to death. Susan was badly assaulted.
Spruitfontein area. 23 Aug 2000
Martiens "MJ" Buitendag (58) was verwurg op sy plaas. Sy ma Susan Buitendag (78)
was erg aangerand gedurende die aanval. Spruitfontein omgewing

BUTT, male aged 62, was shot to death on the farm Mooiplaas, East London, EC 15
May 2000
Mnr Butt was doodgeskiet op Mooiplaas in Oos Londen.

CLAASEN Pieter aged 56, AND his wife Minette, were attacked inside their
farmhouse. Pieter was critically shot. Minette was assaulted. Farm Welgevonden,
Ellisras. 27 Aug 2000
Pieter Claasen (56) van die plaas Welgevonden was in sy plaashuis aangeval en
ernstig gewond. Sy vrou Minette was aangerand. Ellisras

CORDIER Marthinus aged 58 AND his wife Dina aged 57 were stabbed to death on
their farm Ebenaezer, Wesselsbron. 27 Aug 2000

The name of Petrus Cordier and his wife Dina aged 75 is also mentioned in farm
attack records dated 6 Sep 2000, but their circumstances in this attack is not clear.

CRONJE Flip, male aged 70, was shot to death on his farm Waterval, Koster, NW. 13
Dec 2000
Flip Cronje (70) van die plaas Waterval was doodgeskiet in die Koster gebied

CROUCAMP Brian, male aged 23, was mentioned in records of farm attacks, but his
circumstances is unclear. Johannesburg area, GA during November 2000
Die omstandighede van Brian Croucamp gedurende ‘n plaas aanval in Johannesburg
is onduidelik.

DE BEER, male, was found murdered in a plantation on his farm Rustplaas, Piet
Retief, MPL 19 July 2000
Mnr De Beer se vermoorde lyk was in die plantasie op sy plaas Rustplaas gevind,
Piet Retief.

DE FREITAS Josè Freitas aged 63, born in Madeira, wheel chair bound from a
previous attack on his farm, was shot to death in the orchards of his garden during
this attack. Exotica Nursery, farm Kingstonvale, Nelspruit. 16 Nov 2000.
His story was featured in the documentary ‘A Bloody Harvest” on Carte Blanche TV
Josè Freitas (65) wat alreeds verlam was van sy beserings wat hy opgedoen het
gedurende ‘n voorige aanval op sy plaas, was in sy wielstoel in sy blomtuin se
oorde, waar hy aangeval en doodgeskiet was. Plaas Kingstonvale, verwante aan die
Exotica Nursery, Nelspruit
Ns. Josè se storie was gewys in die opgawe ‘A Bloody Harvest’ op TV in M-Net se
Carte Blanche

DE JAGER, male aged 66, was shot to death on plot 42, Grootvlei, Hammanskraal. 21
November 2000
Mnr De Jager was tydens ‘n aanval op Plot 42, Grootvlei, dood geskiet.

DE KLERK A F, male aged 30, was attacked and robbed on his smallholding outside
Orkney. 11 Jan 2000
Mnr A.F. de Klerk (30) was op sy kleinhoewe buite Orkney aangeval en beroof.

DE KLERK Frieda aged 59, AND her husband Willie aged 66, AND her mother Elsie
Moolman aged 80, were attacked on their farm, overpowered, tied up and robbed.
Farm Mooihoekspoort, 25km from Naboomspruit. 21 Mar 2000
Frieda de Klerk (59) van die plaas Mooihoekspoort, haar man Willie (66) en haar ma
Elsie Moolman (80) was op hulle plaas aangeval, vasgebind en beroof, 25 km buite

DE LANGE Dawie was shot 3 times in the head at close range inside his flat and died
on the scene. His car was stolen but recovered later on. Nelspruit. Sun 26 June 2000.


DE LANGE Willem, male aged 65, was shot to death inside his home on plot 42,
Grootvlei, Hammanskraal, Pretoria. 20 Nov 2000
Mnr Willem de Lange (65) was doodgeskiet in sy huis op Grootvlei-hoewe plot 42,
buite Hammanskraal, Pretoria

DE NYSSCHEN Christiaan Johan, male aged 64, was found beaten to death on his
farm Twee Buffels, Coligny. 8 June 2000
Christiaan Johan de Nysschen (64) van die plaas Twee Buffels was doodgeslaan
gevind in sy huis. Coligny.

DE VOS J, advocate aged 51, was attacked, overpowered and robbed on his farm in
16 Nov 2000
Adv Johannes Nicolaas de Vos (51) was op sy plaas aangeval en beroof,
DE WET Chris aged 67, AND his wife Joan aged, 61, were attacked and overpowered
inside their home. Chris was shot to death. Joan was physically assaulted and tied
up. Geluk holding near Brits. 13 Dec 2000
Chris de Wet (67) van Geluk naby Brits was in die huis op hul hoewe oorval en
doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Joan (61) was aangerand en vasgebind.

DE WET Gert, male aged 30, was attacked inside his home, overpowered and shot.
Farm Luxemburg, East of Tzaneen, Ofcolaco. 25 Oct 2000.
Gert de Wet (30) van die plaas Luxemburg was in sy huis oorval en geskiet. Tzaneen
oos, Ofcolaco

DE WIT Christoffel Frederick, male aged 63, was beaten to death on the farm
Kliprandkloof, Danhauser, Northern Natal. 20 July 2000
Christoffel Frederick de Wit (63) was op sy plaas doodgeslaan, in Dannhauser, Noord


DIEDERICKS Gertruide, female aged 60, was strangled to death with a cord inside
her farmhouse. Baviaanskloof far, Volksrust. 19 Nov 2000
Gertruida Diedericks (60) was met ‘n koord verwurg in haar plaashuis, Volksrust

DINKELMANN Ernst, doctor aged 73, was attacked inside the house on his brother-
in-law’s farm outside Nelspruit. 13 Nov 2000
Dr Ernst Dinkelmann (73) was aangeval in die huis op sy swaer se plaas buite

DU TOIT Francious, male aged 29, was stabbed in the back 7 times on a holding in
the Mooi River area.
2 Sep 2000
Francois du Toit (29) was 7 keer in die rug gesteek op sy hoewe, Mooirivier gebied

DU TOIT Francious was mentioned in an attack on the farm Koppies but his
circumstances is unclear. Free State. 14 Oct 2000
Die omstandighede van Francious du Toit gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas Koppies
is onduidelik. Vrystaat.

DU TOIT M, male, AND Rita du Toit female aged 54, are mentioned in records on farm
attacks but their circumstances is not clear. Koesterfontein, Magaliesburg. July 2000
Die omstandighede van mnr M Du Toit en Ria du Toit (54) gedurende die aanval op
die plaas Koesterdontein in Magaliesburg is onduidelik.

DU TOIT Nic, male aged 60, was shot in the shoulder during an attack on the
Vlugthoek farm, Magoebaskloof. 31 Sep 2000
Nic du Toit (60) was in die skouer gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas
Vlugthoek, Magoebaskloof omgewing

ELLERBECK Courtney, an unborn baby, was shot in the buttox and the bullet ripped
out alongside her spine while she was still inside her mother Lesley’s tummy. Lesley
had stopped her vehicle in front of her parents’ property during the day when she
was attacked by a gang of at least 2 men. One attacker grabbed her car keys and
then shot her in her right side before he ran away. Seven years onwards Courtney is
still undergoing operations to correct her spine. She has been paralyzed and is fitted
with steel pins and a colostomy bag. Boksburg South. 30 March 2000.

ENGELBRECHT Carel, male, was found murdered on farm Hawerford, Paterson, FS

6 June 2000
Mnr Carel Engelbrecht was vermoor op die plaas Haverford, Paterson, Vrystaat. 6
Aug 2000

ENGELBRECHT Eduard aged 34, AND his wife Nadine aged 32, AND their children
Rudolf aged ten AND Elaine aged 7, were attacked on their holding. Eduard was shot
to death. Nadine and the children were overpowered, tied up and robbed. De Kroon,
Brits. 11 Sep 2000
Eduard Engelbrecht (34) van ‘n hoewe in die De-Kroon omgewing was doodgeskiet,
sy vrou Nadine (32) en kinders Rudolph (10) en Elaine (7) was oorweldig, vasgebind
en beroof. Brits

ENGELBRECHT Jan AND his wife Marie, both aged 85, were viciously attacked,
overpowered and assaulted with a steel pipe on their Oorlogsfontein smallholding
during which Marie was also raped.
Jan died that night from the injuries he had sustained. Rooipoort holding between
Zebediela and Potgietersrus. 13 Apr 2000
Jan Engelbrecht (85) van die hoewe Oorlogsfontein was erg aangerand met ‘n
ysterpyp. Sy vrou Marie (85) was ook verkrag. Jan is dieselfde aand oorlede aan sy
beserings. Rooipoort-hoewes tussen Potgietersrus en Zebediela.

ENGELBRECHT Jan-Hendrik, male aged 44, was attacked and stabbed in the
shoulder. Farm Geelhoutkloof, Suikerbosfontein area. 31 Dec 2000
Jan-Hendrik Engelbrecht (44) van die plaas Geelhoutkloof in die Suikerbosfontein
omgewing was oorval en in die skouer gesteek. Nylstroom

ENGELBRECHT karel, male aged 74, was attacked, overpowered and kidnapped from
his smallholding. His corpse was later found on a gravel road between Slagboom
and Enon, Paterson. 5 July 2000
Karel Engelbrecht (74) was aangeval, oorrompel en van sy kleinhoewe af ontvoer. Sy
lyk is later op die grondpad tussen Slagboom en Enon gevind, Paterson
ENGELBRECHT Verene, female aged 60, nearly lost three fingers while defending
herself during a panga attack on a Paulpietersburg farm, Northern Natal. 13 Aug 2000
Me. Verene Engelbrecht (60) van Paulpietersburg het byna 3 vingers verloor in haar
poging om die panga aanval te keer gedurende ‘n plaasaanval, Noorde van Natal

EVERARD Julie, female aged 84, was critically injured during a vicious assault on
her smallholding outside Plettenbergbaai. 20 Feb 2000
Julie Everard (84) was erg aangerand in ‘n aanval op haar kleinhoewe, buite

ERASMUS Jan, male aged 62, was shot to death on the farm Modderfontein, Groot
Marico. 2 Apr 2000
Jan Erasmus (62) was doodgeskiet op die plaas Modderfontein, Groot Marico

ERASMUS Johannes, male aged 80, was murdered in Utrecht. 1 Feb 2000
Johannes Erasmus (80) was vermoor, Utrecht

ERASMUS Piet, male farmer, was shot to death with AK47 on the farm Geluksrus,
Middelrus, Mooi River, KZN. 29 Apr 2000
Mnr Piet Erasmus as op die plaas Geluksrus met ‘n AK47 doodgeskiet. Middelrus,

FORD Alan, male aged 84, was stabbed to death in the house he rented on the
Mansfield farm outside Kwadukuza, Northern natal. 1 Feb 2000
Alan Ford (84) was in die bed van sy huurhuis doodgesteek op die Mansfieldplaas
buite Kwadukuza, noorde van Natal

FOURIE David, male aged 79, was shot in the stomach and leg during an attack on
his farm Rondefontein, but managed to return fire and shoot his attacker dead on the
porch. Soutpan. 29 Oct 2000
David Fourie (79) van die plaas Rondefontein was in die maag en been gewond
gedurende ‘n aanval, maar het terug geskiet en sy aanvaller doodgeskiet op sy
stoep, Soutpan


GELDENHUYS Jurie, doctor aged 52, was attacked inside his house and shot in the
throat. He died on the scene. Farm Rietfontein, Hartbeesfontein, NW. 15 Oct 2000
Dr Jurie Geldenhuys (52) was in sy huis op die plaas Rietfontein in die keel geskiet
en het beswyk aan die wond. Hartbeesfontein

GOWDEN D, was tortured to death on an unnamed farm, Umkomaas, KZN. 31 July

D Gowden was dood gemartel op ‘n plaas in die Umkomaas omgewing. KZN.
GRAHAM, male aged 59, shot and killed with a South African Army assault rifle (R4)
on the farm Tuschenbei, Utrecht, KZN 14 August 2000
Mnr Graham (59) was geskiet met ‘n Suid Afrikaanse R4 geweer en doodgemaak op
die Tuschenbei plaas, Utrecht.


GROOTENDORST Gerrie, Dutch male aged 37, was shot to death on the holding Plot
77, Kaalfontein in Rayton near Cullinan, Pretoria district. 1 July 2000
Gerrie Grootendorst (37) was op ‘n Kaalfontein-hoewe doodgeskiet, naby Cullinan

HAROLD Diederick Johannes Harold, male aged 52, was overpowered, tied up,
physically assaulted and beaten with a “kierrie” (traditional weapon wooden stick
with a hard ball-like head used as a club). Farm in Schweizer-Reneke. 10 Dec 2000
Diederick Johannes Harold (52) was op ‘n plaas in die Schweizer-Reneke omgewing
oorval, vasgebind en met ‘n kierie aangerand

HARTZENBERG Isabel Louw, female, was mentioned in farm attack records but her
circumstances are not clear. 6 September 2000
Die omstandighede van Isabel Louw Hartzenberg gedurende ‘n plaasaanval is

HENDERSON, a 44 yr old male was beaten to death on Hunters Farm, Hekpoort, GT

29 May 2000.
Mnr Henderson (44) was op die plaas Hunters Farm doodgeslaan. Hekpoort.

HILL Dougie aged 55, AND his wife Ria aged 56, were beaten to death on the
Nooitgedacht farm, Klerksdorp. 11 or 12 Feb 2000
Dougie Hill (55) en sy vrou Ria (56) was doodgeslaan op die Nooitgedacht plaas,

HUNT Nicolas and Robert, Brittish tourists, were mentioned in an attack in the Bushy
Durr Observatory, but their circumstances is not clear. Gauteng GA during July 2000
Die omstandighede van Nicolas en Robert Hunt (Britse toeriste) gedurende die
aanval op die Bushy Durr Observatory, is nie duidelik nie.Gauteng GA

HUNTLEY Vivian Kirby, female killed on unnamed farm, Natal Midlands, KZN 20 Dec
Vivian Kirby Huntley was op ‘n Natal Middellandse plaas doodgemaak gedurende ‘n


INGEGNERE Glenn, male, AND Lindy, female, AND Sarah-Lee, girl aged 8, AND
Anthony, boy aged 11, were attacked in the Durban farming area but their
circumstances are not clear. KZN.Dec 2000
Die omstandighede van mnr Glen, en seun Anthony (11), en vrou Lindy, en dogter
Sarah-Lee (8) gedurende die aanval op ‘n plaas in die Durban omgewing is nie
duidelik nie. KZN.

INGRAM George, male aged 79, was mentioned during an attack on the farm Meriba,
but his circumstances is not clear. Bethlehem MP, during November 2000
Mnr George Ingram se omstandighede gedurende die aanval op die plaas Meriba is
onduidelik. Bethlehem, MP


JANSE VAN RENSBURG Willem aged 70, AND his wife Anna aged 68, were attacked
and shot inside their farmhouse. Willem is paralyzed from his injuries. Koffiefontein.
5 Mar 2000
Willem Janse van Rensburg (70) is verlam na ‘n aanval in hul plaashuis. Sy vrou
Anna (68) was ook gewond, Koffiefontein


JANSE VAN RENSBURG Jan Cornelius, male aged 51, was overpowered and robbed
on his smallholding outside Pretoria. The Littleton police are dealing with the matter.
31 Jan 2000
Jan Cornelius Janse van Rensburg (51) was oorval en beroof op sy kleinhoewe buite
Pretoria. Hy het die Lyttelton polisiekantoor gekontak

KEITH Derek, chicken farmer aged 38, AND his wife Julie were attacked and
overpowered on their farm. Keith was tied up, bashed on the head with a hammer,
and garrotted to death with wire. Julie was physically assaulted. Farm Florida, Port
Edward. KZN. 8 Aug 2000
Derek Keith (38) was op sy hoenderplaas “Florida” vasgebind, met ‘n hamer oor die
kop geslaan, en toe verwurg met draad. Sy vrou Julie was aangerand. Port Edward

KELLY Anthony, male aged 47, was attacked on his farm Longfields, but the
attackers fled after he shot at them. White River. 14 Nov 2000
Antony Kelly (47) was aangeval op die plaas Longfields, maar sy aanvallers het
gevlug nadat hy op hulle geskiet het. Naby Witrivier.

KHARWA Essop, male aged 71, was stabbed to death inside his farmstall outside
Estcourt. 1 Feb 2000
Mnr Essop Kharwa (71) was doodgesteek in sy plaaswinkel buite Estcourt
KILLIAN Justin, male aged 70, was shot in the stomach during an attack on the farm
Quathquan, Barberton. MPL. 1 Sep 2000
Justus Kilian (70) was in sy maag gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas
Quathquan, Barberton

KIRBY Huntley, male aged 76, was robbed and murdered on a Natal Midlands farm
near Mooi River.
1 Dec 2000
Huntley Kirby (76) was op ‘n Middelandse plaas beroof en vermoor, Mooirivier

KLOECK Des Allen Hector, Dutch farmer aged 72, was beaten to death on a
Doringrandjie plot Erasmia, Pretoria, GT. 10 Apr 2000
‘n Hollandse boer, mnr Des Allen Hector Kloek, was doodgeslaan op ‘n
Doornrandjies plot in Erasmia, buite Pretoria, GT.

KRITZINGER Willem Christiaan AND his wife Ada Alberta "Albie" aged 67, were
beaten to death on their farm Glenroy near Kommadagga. East London. EC 15 Aug
Willem Christiaan Kritzinger (73) en sy vrou Ada Alberta "Albie" (67) van die plaas
Glenroy was doodgeslaan. Naby Kommadagga, Oos London.

KRUGER Willie, an avocado farmer aged 53, was attacked on his farm Nooitgedacht
and stabbed with a knife. Nylstroom. 11 Sep 2000
Willie Kruger (53) ‘n avokado boer, was met ‘n mes gesteek in ‘n aanval op die plaas
Nooitgedacht,, buite Nylstroom

LE ROUX Poppie aged 73, AND her husband Du Toit aged 79, were attacked on their
smallholding. Poppie was beaten to death. Du Toit was seriously assaulted. Pongola.
17 Feb 2000
Poppie le Roux (73) was doodgeslaan op ‘n kleinhoewe buite Pongola. Haar man Du
Toit le Roux (79) het die swaar aanranding oorleef.

LIEBENBERG Nicky aged 59, AND his wife Sus aged 59, were murdered during an
attack inside their home where they were shot before their house was set alight. It is
unsure if they were alive when the fire was started. Bothaville. 13 Feb 2000
Nicky Liebenberg (59) en sy vrou Sus (59) was in hulle huis vermoor. Albei was
geskiet voordat die huis aan die brand gesteek was. Dit is onseker of hulle steeds
lewend was toe die brand begin het. Bothaville

LOUW Isabel aged 73, AND her daughter Chyrel-Ann Louw aged 44, were attacked
on their smallholding. Isabel was throttled to death with a rope around her neck. De
Deur. 6 Sep 2000
Chyrel-Ann (49) en haar ma Isabel Louw (73) was aangeval op ‘n kleinhoewe naby De
Deur. Isabel was doodgewurg aan tou om haar nek.
LUBBE, a married female, was shot in the face and killed on the farm Peagan Place,
Estcourt, KZN.
9 May 2000
Mev Lubbe was in die gesig geskiet en dood gemaak op die plaas Peagan Place,
Escourt, KZN

MARAIS Wille aged 83, AND his wife Anna aged 75, were shot to death on their farm
Klipkraal. Even their poodle dog was also killed. Citrusdal in the Marcuskraal district.
WC. 7 Aug 2000
Willie Marais (82) en sy vrou Anna (75), en selfs hulle skoothondjie was op die plaas
Klipkraal doodgeskiet, Citrusdal in die Marcuskraal-omgewing

MARTIN Gordon, male aged 51, was shot to death outside his home. Farm The
Ranch, White River.
27 Mar 2000
Mr Gordon Martin (51) van die plaas The Ranch was buite sy plaashuis doodgeskiet.

MILJO Louis aged 46, AND his friend Theresa Schoeman aged 31, were forced off the
road while they were travelling in his pick-up van near the Lombosch farm. Louis
was shot to death. Theresa was seriously assaulted physically and robbed. 17 Feb
Louis Miljo (46) was doodgeskiet naby die Lombosch-plaas, buite Kwa Mbonambi,
nadat sy bakkie van die pad af gedwing was. Theresa Schoeman (31) was erg
aangerand en beroof.

MITCHELL, male aged 43, was murdered on plot San Michells, Atlantis, WC. 1
November 2000
Mnr Mitchell (43) was op die plot San Michells vermoor te Atlantis. WK.


NAUDE Sam G. aged 68, AND Ms Chrissie Janse van Vuuren aged 71, were shot to
death on the farm Olyvenkloof, Jamestown. 14 Sep 2000
Sam Naude (68) en Me Chrissie Janse van Vuuren (71) was op die plaas Olyvenkloof
doodgeskiet, Jamestown

NEL Gert, male aged 71, was attacked on his farm and stabbed with a knife in the
stomach. Bloemfontein. 1 Oct 2000
Gert Nel (71) was op sy plaas aangeval en met ‘n mes in die maag gewond.

NIEHAUS H, female, was mentioned in records of farm attacks but her circumstances
is not clear. Worcester, WC. 14 Sep 2000
Die omstandighede van mej. H Niehaus tydens die aanval op ‘n Worcester plaas is
nie duidelik nie. WK.

NORTJE Willem, male aged 51, was shot at during an attack on his farm but after he
returned fire, the attackers fled. Ceres. 1 Dec 2000
Willem Nortje (51) was aangeval op sy plaas buite Ceres, maar nadat hy teruggeskiet
het, het sy aanvallers gevlug.

OOSTHUIZEN Ronnie, male aged 60, is mentioned in records of farm attacks, but his
circumstances is not clear. Farm Rietgat, Koppies. FS. July 2000
Die omstandighede van mnr Ronnie Oosthuizen gedurende die aanval op sy plaas
Rietgat gedurende Julie is nie duidelik nie. Koppies, Vrystaat.

OOSTHUIZEN Theunis, male aged 78, was overpowered by attackers on his holding,
tied up, and his head crushed with a blunt object. Plot 123 Klipdrift, Hammanskraal. 1
Oct 2000.
Theunis Oosthuizen (78) was op sy hoewe deur boewe oorval, vasgebind en sy kop
met ‘n stomp voorwerp verbrysel. Plot 123 Klipdrift, Hammanskraal gebied

PIENAAR Gert aged 88, AND his wife Susara Grobler aged 87, AND Francina van der
Merwe aged 60, AND Dorah Matsutstuteng aged 48, were attacked on the farm
Hartbeespoort during which they were overpowered, tied up and robbed.
Buffelshoek. 11 Jan 2000
Gert Pienaar Grobler (88) van die plaas Hartbeespoort en sy vrou Susara Grobler (87)
was oorval, vasgebind en beroof. Francina van der Merwe (60) en
Dorah Matsutstuteng (48) was ookvasgebind, maar nie beseer nie, in die Buffelshoek

PIENAAR Nelia, female aged 54, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances is not clear. Farm Mooitoekoms, Vierfontein FS during May 2000
Die omstandighede van mej.Nelia Pienaar (54) gedurende die aanslag op die
Mooitoekoms plaas te Vierfontein is onduidelik. Vrystaat.

PISTORIUS Braam, male aged 58, was shot to death on his farm in the Maanhaarrand
area, Magaliesburg. 8-13 Dec.2000
Braam Pistorius (58) was op sy plaas in die Maanhaarrand omgewing doodgeskiet,

POTGIETER Hedley aged 57 AND his wife Hannie aged 55 were attacked on their
holding. Hedley was shot to death and Hannie was physically assaulted and robbed.
Nelspruit. 25 Feb 2000
Hedley Potgieter (57) was doodgeskiet en sy vrou Hannie (55) aangerand en beroof
gedurende ‘n aanval op hulle hoewe, Nelspruit
POTGIETER Mariete, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her
circumstances are not clear. Pretoria North GA during October 2000
Die omstandighede van mej. Mariete Potgieter gedurende ‘n plaas aanval is nie
duidelik nie. Pretoria noord, GA.

POWELL Cathleen aged 33, AND her mother Phillis aged 70, were attacked by an
armed gang on their farm Houtpoort. Cathlene lost her left eye from a gunshot
wound. Phillis was physically assaulted with a steel pipe. Heidelberg. 11-13 Aug 2000
Cathlene Powell (33) van die plaas Houtpoort het haar linkeroog verloor nadat sy
geskiet was, en haar ma Phillis Powell (70) was erg aangerand met 'n staalpyp
gedurende ‘n aanval deur gewapende mans. Heidelberg

POWEL E, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but her circumstances
are not clear. Balfour, MPL during August 2000
Die omstandighede van mej. E. Powell gedurende ‘n plaas aanval is nie duidelik nie.
Balfour, MPL.
PRETORUIS Braam, male, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances is not clear. Fairlands, Johannesburg GA during November 2000.
Die omstandighede van mnr. Braam Pretorius tydens die aanval op die Fairlands
plaas is nie duidelik nie. Johannesburg, GA.

PRETORIUS Ina, female aged 54, AND her husband Japie aged 73, were savagely
attacked. Ina was bashed to death with a hammer. Japie was physically assaulted
and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Groblershoop. 17 May 2000.
Ina Pretorius (54) was doodgeslaan met ‘n hamer. Haar man Japie (73) was in ‘n
kritieke toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem na ‘n aanval te Groblershoop.

PRETORIUS Jannie, male aged 72, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Jacobsheuwel, Viljoenskroon FS, during July 2000
Die omstandighede van mnr. Jannie Pretorius (72) gedurende die aanslag by
Jacobsheuwel is onduidelik. Viljoenskroon, Vrystaat.

PRETORIUS Loius, aged 69, killed on Klein Rocklands, Bloemfontein FS during

September 2000
Mnr Louis Pretorius (69) was vermoor op Klein Rocklands, Bloemfontein Vrystaat.

RABE Gert Johannes, male aged 28, was reported missing, before his corpse was
found with bullet wounds on the farm Wydgelegen, Wakkerstroom. MPL 18 July 2000
Mnr. Gert Johannes Rabe (28) was as vermis aangemeld. Sy ligaam was later ontdek
op die plaas Wydgelegen, met koellwonde. Wakkerstroom. MPL.

RADLOFF, married female, was attacked and murdered on farm Waterfall, Ficksburg,
FS. 11 May 2000
Mev Radloff was aangerand en vermoor op die plaas Waterval, Fiksburg. Vrystaat.

RAS Hendrik, male aged 53, was attacked on his farm and shot to death in the shed.
Kromhoek Farm, Wakkerstroom, MPL. 3 May 2000.
Mnr. Hendrik Ras (53) van die plaas Kromhoek was doodgeskiet in die plaas se
skuur. Amersfoort

RICHTER P. Aged 78, was murdered on his plot. Money and one sheep was
stolen. Plot 498, Karos, Upington, NC 6 Aug 2000.
Mnr. P. Richter (78) was vermoor. Geld en een skaap word vermis. Plot 498 Karos,
Upington, NC

ROBERTSON Robbie, male aged 72, was overpowered inside his farm stall,
physically attacked and robbed. Farm on Secunda, near Kriel. 1 Dec 2000.
Robbie Robertson (72) was in sy plaaswinkel op Secunda oorval, aangerand en
beroof. Naby Kriel.

ROUX Alet, farm murder investigator journalist, was killed on an unnamed farm,
Riversdale, WC.
13 December 2000
Mej. Alet Roux, ‘n plaas moord rubriek skryfster en joernalis, was op ‘n ongenoemde
plaas vermoor. Riversdale, WC

ROUX Maria, female aged 58, AND Du Toit Roux, male aged 61, were attacked on
their holding. Maria was shot in the stomach three times. Leeupoort, Witbank. 14
Aug 2000.
Maria Roux (58) en Du Toit Roux (61) was op hulle hoewe aangeval. Maria was 3 keer
in die maag gewond. Leeupoort, Witbank

SAAYMAN Sakkie aged 69, AND his wife Alice aged 65, were ambushed inside their
home but were able to shoot at their attackers and wounded one. Lichtenburg
smallholding. 3 Sep 2000.
Sakkie Saayman (69) en sy vrou Alice (65) was op hul kleinhoewe buite Lichtenburg
ingewag, maar het op hul aanvallers geskiet en een gewond.


SCHMIDT Julius aged 42, AND his son Albert aged 8, were attacked and shot in their
pick-up van by 2 “hitch hikers”. Julius was to death in the neck. Albert was seriously
injured. On the farm Wykom, Louwsberg. KZN.
Julius Schmidt (42), van die plaas Wykom, was doodgeskiet in sy bakkie, en sy seun
Albert (8) was ernstig gewond, deur 2 “duimgooiers”. Louwsburg. KZN.

SCHOLTZ Susara aged 70, was attacked and shot to death on the farm Goudplaas.
Her corpse was found by her husband. Amalia. NW. 29 May 2000.
Susara Scholtz (70) was op Goudplaas doodgeskiet, waar haar man op haar lyk
afgekom het. Amalia omgewing

SKINNER William aged 79, and his dog were shot to death on their Toitskraal
holding, Marble Hall, Groblersdal. MPL 19 September 2000.
William Skinner (79) en sy hond was op die Toitskraal hoewe doodgeskiet, buite
Marble Hall, Groblersdal. MPL.

SMIT Anna female aged 46, was shot in the stomach on the Boekenhoutkloof
holding, Kameeldrif-Wes. 10/11 Dec 2000.
Anna Smit (46) van Boekenhoutkloof in Kameeldrif-Wes was op haar hoewe in die
maag geskiet.

SMIT Susanna, female, was mentioned in records on farm attacks, but her
circumstance is not clear. Unnamed farm, Delmas, GT 27 August 2000.
Die omstandighede van Susanna Amit gedurende die aanval op ‘n plaas is nie
duidelik nie. Ongenoemde plaas, Delmas. GT

SPANNENBERG Father aged 67, and daughter aged 32, were both tortured and shot
to death on Plot 100, Boden Streeet, Benoni. 8 Oct 2000.
Mnr. Spannenberg (67) en sy dogter (32) was gemartel en dood geskiet op die plot
100, Bodenstraat, Benoni.

SPANOS Basil Vasilios, male aged 57, was shot through a window on the farm
Vlakfontein, Balfour.
16 Nov 2000.
Basil Vasilios Spanos (57) was op die plaas Vlakfontein gewond na ‘n skoot deur sy
venster geskiet was. Balfour

STEYN Jacobus Fillipus aged 72, AND his wife were shot at but not injured on their
farm Rondebojé, Between Potgietersrus and Naboomspruit. 3 June 2000.
Jacobus Fillipus Steyn (72) en sy vrou was aangeval op die plaas Rondebojé, maar
die skote was mis, en hulle het oorleef. Tussen Potgietersrus en Naboomspruit.


STOBIA, female aged 55, was shot and killed on plot NA2 Grootfontein, Marikana,
NW. 19 October 2000.
Mej. Stobia (55) was geskiet en vermoor op die plot NA2 Grrootfontein, Marikana.

STRICK Edward John, male aged 79, was shot to death with his own shotgun on the
farm Roodepoortjie, Ogies, MPL. 6 June 2000.
Mnr. Strick was met sy eie haelgeweer doodgeskiet op die plaas Roodepoortjie,
Ogies. MPL.

SUMMERS, a 35 yr old male, was shot dead on the farm Carlottes, Hazyview, MPL. 4
May 2000.
Mnr Summers (35) was op die plaas Carlottes doodgeskiet. Hazyview. MPL.


THERON Mathilda “Tillie”, retired physician, was killed on the farm Leeupoort,
Heilbron. 6 Aug 2000.
Dr. Mathilda “Tillie” Theron, afgetreede dokter, was op die plaas Leeupoort vermoor.

TURNER George, male aged 79, was shot in the arm during an attack on the farm
Bedford, White River. 15 Nov 2000.
George Turner (79) van die plaas Bedford was in die arm gewond gedurende ‘n
aanval, Witrivier.

UNNAMED CULLINAN farmer and his son killed during the night by a heavily armed
gang. 2000.
Onbekende man en seun aangeval en doodgeskiet gedurende ‘n aanval deur ‘n
swaar gewapende bende. Cullinan.

UNNAMED KING WILLIAMS TOWN farmer and his wife found dead on their farm,
King William’s Town. EC. 31 May 2000.
Onbekende plaasboer en sy vrou se vermoorde lyke gevind op hulle plaas te King
William’s Town. Oos Kaap.

UNNAMED POTCHEFSTROOM woman aged 83 was overpowered and raped on her

smallholding near Potchefstroom. 1 Dec 2000.
‘n 83 Jarige vrou was op haar kleinhoewe buite Potchefstrooom oorval en verkrag

UNNAMED PRETORIA girl aged 14 has been permanently traumatized after an attack
on her family inside their home which 5 heavily armed black men invaded. They tied
up the mother, father, six-year-old sister and ten-year-old brother with barbed wire in
the living room. They then grabbed the 14-year-old girl and took her to the bathroom,
where each attacker brutally gang-raped her in turn, with the family listening nearby,
helpless. The attackers returned to the living room where they beat and kicked the
white father in the face while he was still tied up, ransacked the home, and fled in the
family's car. Pretoria. 17 Nov 2000

UNNAMED TRICHARDTDAL farmer, aged 30, (SAP witheld name) killed on unnamed
farm, Trichardtdal, MPL 26 October 2000.
‘n Boer van Trichardtdal (30) wie se naam deur die polisie weerhou word, was op sy
plaas doodgemaak. MPL.

UNNAMED WINTERSNEST woman aged 31 was raped inside her home on the
Wintersnest holding, near Soshanguve. 1 Dec 2000.
‘n Vrou (31) was in haar huis op die Wintersnest-hoewe naby Soshanguve verkrag

UNNAMED FARMER tortured to death on unnamed farm, Hermanskraal, GT during

October 2000 SEE OOSTHUIZEN male aged 76 from plot 123, Klipdrift.

UNKNOWN FARMER, aged 82, tortured to death. His body dumped in well on the
farm Koffiefontein, FS. 7 Sep 2000

UNNAMED POLISH WOMAN aged 27 AND her newlywed husband were on

honeymoon in South Africa when they were attacked by 3 black men. They murdered
her husband, then forced her into the trunk of their car, went to a secluded spot and
raped her in turn. (2 of them proved HIV positive.) They then attempted to beat her to
death and drown her by stamping their feet on her head underwater at the
Sterkfontein Dam, where they left her for dead. Bruise marks from them trying to
strangle her were clearly visible around her neck when she was found the next
morning, her body blue from the cold, curled up in the foetal position and nearly
frozen, dressed only in a wet t-shirt. Her hair was also wet and she was covered with
bruises, open wounds, deep scratches, and mud. 23 May 2000

VAN AARDT Gieljam, was shot by Soweto youths, and died the next day. Hartswater
farm, NW. 2 Jan 2000
Gieljam Van Aardt was op sy plaas geskiet deur Soweto jeugdiges en die volgende
dag oorlede aan sy wonde. Plaas Hartswater, Noord Wes.

VAN BALEN Stefanie, female, was killed on an unnamed farm, Bela-bela (previously
Warmbaths), LP.
6 December 2000
Mej. Stefanie van Balen was op ‘n onbekende plaas op Bela-bela (voorheen bekend
as Warmbad) vermoor. Limpopo.

VAN DER MERWE Dolf aged 52, AND his wife Susan aged 47, AND her mother aged
77, were attacked, overpowered, tied up, physically assaulted and robbed on their
farm outside Assen near Rustenburg.
8 Jan 2000.
Dolf v/d Merwe (52), sy vrou Susan (47) en haar ma (77) was oorval, vasgebind,
aangerand en beroof op hulle plaas buite Assen naby Rustenburg.

VAN DER MERWE Jan aged 48, AND Paul Swart were shot to death at the farmstall
near Steilloop, Bosveld. 18 May 2000.
Jan van der Merwe (38) en Paul Swart was doodgeskiet by die plaaswinkel naby
Steilloop in die Bosveld.

VAN DER WOUDE Jan aged 75, AND his wife Susan aged 62, were attacked on their
farm Steynsdraai. Jan was stabbed and shot to death. Susan sustained serious
injuries from the physical assault. Roossenekal. MPL. 4 July 2000.

Jan van der Woude (72) is gesteek en dood geskiet, sy vrou Susan (62) ernstig
aangerand gedurende die aanval op hul plaas Steynsdraai in Roossenekal.

VAN HEERDEN Johan, DURBANVILLE farmer aged 41, SEE 2001

VAN HEERDEN Johannes Lodewikus “Willem / Willie”, farmer aged 73, was
ambushed on the road between KaNyamazane and White River. His attackers pulled
up alongside him and opened fire. Willem suffered 13 gunshot wounds and died on
the scene. Farm Honeybird. Louw’s Creek, MPL. 1 Dec 2000.

VAN HEERDEN Willie, male aged 73, was shot to death by an armed gang on his
farm Honeybird, Louw’s Creek. 29 Nov 2000
Willie van Heerden (73) was doodgeskiet deur ‘n gewapende bende op die plaas
Honeybird, Louw’s Creek

VAN NIEKERK Gert, farmer aged 76, was overpowered inside his dairy on the farm
Vaalrivierdrift, Standerton. 29 Nov 2000
Gert van Niekerk (76) was in sy melkstal oorval op die plaas Vaalrivierdrift,

VAN ONSELEN Willem, Norman and Stephen were named in records on farm attacks
but their circumstances is not clear. Bloemfontein, FS during July 2000
Die omstandighede van menere Willem, Norman en Stephen Van Onselen gedurende
die aanval op hul plaas is nie duidelik nie. Bloemfontein, Vrystaat.

VAN RENSBURG Christo aged 54, AND his wife Rita aged 51, AND their daughter
Carike aged 16, were attacked and robbed on their plot in Baart Road, Raslouw.
Christo was shot to death. Rita was seriously assaulted physically. Raslouw,
Centurion, Pretoria. 21 July 2000
Christo van Rensburg (54) was doodgeskiet en sy vrou Rita (51) erg aangerand
gedurende die aanval en rooftog op hulle plot in Baart straat op die Rasslouw
hoewe. Hul dogter Carike (16) was nie ernstig beseer nie. Pretoria (Centurion

VAN RENSBURG Josè, AND his wife AND a friend were overpowered and robbed in
the Surweberg holding outside Pretoria. 23 Sep 2000
Josè van Rensburg, sy vrou en ‘n vriendin was oorval en beroof op Surweberg
hoewe buite Pretoria.

VAN ROOYEN Nadine, female, was shot to death on a farm outside Kranskop. 1 Jan
Nadine van Rooyen was op ‘n plaas buite Kranskop doodgeskiet

VINCENT Nathan, male aged 29, was mentioned in records on farm attacks but his
circumstances are not clear. Johannesburg area GA during November 2000.
Nathan Vincent (29) se omstandighede tydens ‘n plaas aanval is onduidelik.

VOLGRAAF, a 54 yr old female, was mentioned in records on the farm attack on the
Volgraafsig farm but her circumstance is unclear. Groblershoop, NC, 17 May 2000.
Mej. Volgraaf se omstandighede in die aanval op die Volgraafsig plaas is nie duidelik
nie. Groblershoop, Noord Kaap.

WALSH Martin Joseph, male aged 77, was ambushed at his farmgate on his way
home where he was overpowered, tied up and stabbed to death. Farm Ingwelala, on
Steynshoop, Hekpoort. 12 Dec 2000
Martin Joseph Walsh (77) was by die plaashek op sy plaas Ingwelala vasgebind en
doodgesteek, Hekpoort

WENTZEL Keith aged 72, AND his wife Francis aged 51, were attacked with an axe
and iron pipes on the farm Zandfontein. Nylstroom. 1 Oct 2000
Keith Wentzel (72) en sy vrou Francis (51) van plaas Zandfontein was met ‘n byl en
ysterpyp aangeval. Nylstroom

WOHLBERG Ronald aged 67, AND his wife Ella aged 63, were attacked on their farm
Simbria. Ronald was shot to death. Ella was not injured during the attack, and has
returned to Sweden. Helpmekaar, 27 July 2000
Ronald Wohlberg (67) was doodgeskiet op die plaas Simbria. Sy vrou Ella (63) was
nie beseer in die aanval nie, en het terug na Swede verhuis. Naby Helpmekaar


ADENDORFF Elizath, female aged 62, was attacked inside her house, overpowered
and assaulted. Her son, Edward, heard her scream and shot dead both the
attackers. Farm Brakfontein near Gluckstadt. 7 Mar 1999
Elizath Adendorff (62) in huis op plaas Brakfontein naby Gluckstadt oorval en
aangerand. Haar seun Edward het haar krete gehoor en altwee rowers doodgeskiet
ALLSOPP John, male aged 74, was admitted to hospital in a critical condition after
he had been attacked by 2 men and shot in the head. It appears that they waited for
his arrival. Farm Bardon, Umlaas. 6 Dec 1999
Mnr John Allsopp (74) is op sy plaas Bardon deur 2 mans in die kop geskiet. Dit
wou voorkom asof die aanvallers hom ingewag het. Hy is in ‘n ernstige toestand by
die hospitaal opgeneem. Umlaas

AUCAMP Barend Burgert aged 53, AND his wife Elizabeth aged 50, were attacked
inside their cafe on a smallholding. Barend was shot to death. Elizabeth was
robbed. Rietfontein holdings, Hartbeespoortdam, Brits. 19 July 1999
Barend Burgert Aucamp (53) was doodgeskiet in sy kafee op die Rietfontein
hoewes. Sy vrou Elizabeth (50) was beroof. Hartbeespoortdam, Brits

BARNARD Joe aged 75, AND his wife Jessie aged 71, as well as a farm worker,
were attacked inside their farm house. Joe was shot to death. Jessie and the
worker were physically assaulted. Farm Glenacres, Boekenhoutfontein area,
Rustenburg. 8 Jan 1999
Joe Barnard (75) van die plaas Glenacres in die Boekenhoutfontein-omgewing was
in sy plaashuis doodgeskiet, en sy vrou Jessie (71) was aangerand, so ook ‘n
plaaswerker. Rustenburg

BELL Jeffrey, AND his wife Yvonne, were attacked inside their home. Jeffrey was
assaulted and robbed. Plot 128, Nestpark. Bapsfontein. 21 May 1999
Jeffrey Bell en sy vrou Yvonne was aangeval in hulle huis op Plot 128, Nestpark.
Jeffrey was aangerand en beroof. Bapsfontein

BIGNOUX Marion aged 59, AND her husband Darryl aged 68, AND their son Brett
aged 33, were attacked at their farmstall which was set alight to force them
outside. Marion, and the policeman Sgt A Zungu who had responded to their call
for help, were shot to death. Darryl, who had phoned the police for help, and Brett,
were critically wounded. Maphumulo. 10 Feb 1999
Marion Bignoux (59) was doodgeskiet, haar man Darryl (68) en hul seun Brett (33)
was ernstig gewond gedurende die aanval op hulle winkel, wat aan die brand
gesteek was om hulle uit te lok. Die gewonde mnr Bignoux het die polisie gebel.
Sers. Andrias Zungu het na die oproep te hulp gesnel, maar was met sy aankoms
ook doodgeskiet. Maphumulo

BOSSE Sharon Sue, female aged 50, was attacked on her holding, throttled,
stabbed 6 times and robbed. Hartbeesfontein, Cullinan. 4 Mar 1999
Sharon Sue Bossé (50) was aangeval op haar hoewe, gewurg en 6 keer gesteek, en
beroof. Hartbeesfontein, Cullinan


BOTHA Harry, farm manager aged 60, was ambushed upon his arrival at the farm
Mount Snt. Bernard, hi-jacked and shot to death. His corpse was found 5km from
the farm. Muden district. 5 Feb 1999
Harry Botha, plaasbestuurder (60) was op die plaas Mount St. Bernard gekaap na
sy aankoms, doodgeskiet en sy lyk is 5 km van die plaas af gevind. Muden distrik

BREEDT Annetjie, female aged 60, and 2 housekeepers, were overpowered and
robbed on their farm near Hazyview. 12 July 1999
Annetjie Breedt (60) en 2 huishulpe was oorval en beroof op hul plaas naby

BROWN Michael, male aged 62, was attacked on his farm “Windfall” and shot in his
side and arm. Howick area. 7 Apr 1999
Michael Brown (62) op plaas “Windfall” was in sy arm en sy gewond. Howick

BUYS Dina, female, was shot dead with AK47’s during an attck on the farm
Gelksrus, Middlerus, Mooi River. 29 July 1999
Dina Buys was met AK47 doodgeskiet op die plaas Gelksrus, Middlerus, Mooi River

CLAASSEN Manafsen aged 74, AND his wife Charles aged 86, were attacked on
their farm near Vaalbank. Manafsen was shot in both his eyes and died. Charles
was tied up, physically assaulted and robbed. Balfour area. 20 Nov 1999
Manafsen Claassen (74) was op sy plaas naby Vaalbank in albei oë geskiet en op
die toneel oorlede.
Sy vrou Charles (86) was vasgebind, aangerand en beroof. Balfour gebied

COETZEE Jason, male aged 19, was overpowered, tied up and beaten to death with
a steel pipe on the farm De Rust, Hazyview. 9 July 1999
Jason Coetzee (19) was op die plaas De Rust vasgebind, en doodgeslaan met ‘n
ysterpyp, Hazyview

COETZER Charisse, female, was overpowered, tied up and robbed on Plot 59,
Kaalfontein, Cullinan. 26 July 1999
Charisse Coetzer was in haar huis oorval op Plot 59, Kaalfontein, vasgebind en
beroof. Cullinan

COMBRINK Christoffel Jacobus aged 66, AND his wife Elzabeth Helena aged 63,
were shot during an attack on their farm Klippan, Carolina. 25 Sep 1999
Christoffel Jacobus Combrink (66) en sy vrou Elzabeth Helena (63) was op hul
plaas Klippan gewond in ‘n aanval, Carolina

CROSS Boeta, male aged 50, was beaten to death at the farm gate of Paradise
People, Hoedspruit. 20 Dec 1999
Boeta Cross (50) was doodgeslaan by die Paradise People plaashek, Hoedspruit

CURRY R.A. male aged 48, was attacked and overpowered by an armed gang of 3
men on his farm where he was stabbed with a knife in the arm, head and back, and
seriously assaulted physically. His daughter and her friend rushed to help him. She
was shot in her hip. An attacker tried to shoot her friend in the head, but the gun
jammed, and the gang fled. Blackwood farm, Heatonville/Empangeni area.
13 Dec 1999
Mr R.A. Curry (48) was deur 3 mans op Blackwood plaas oorval. Hy was met ‘n mes
in sy arm, kop en rug gesteek, asook ernstig aangerand. Sy dogter en haar vriend
het hom te hulp gesnel, maar sy was in haar heup geskiet. ‘n Aanvaller het haar
vriend in die kop probeer skiet, maar die wapen het nie afgegaan nie, en die bende
het gevlug. Heatonville-Empangeni area

DE BEER Estelle, female aged 30, was mentioned in a farm attack but her
circumstances is not clear. Pretoria. Dec 1999
Estelle de Beer (30) se naam word genoem insake ‘n plaas aanval maar haar
omstandighede is nie duidelik nie. Pretoria.

DE BRUUN (BRUYN ?) Flip, male aged 67, was shot to death during an attack on
the farm Middelplaas, near Weenen. 28 Sep 1999
Flip de Bruun (Bruyn?) (67) van Middelplaas was doodgeskiet, naby Weenen

DELPORT Cor, male aged 56, was shot twice in the heart and died on the scene.
Holding 31, Nelspruit.
1 April 1999
Cor Delport (56) was twee keer in die hart geskiet gedurende 'n aanval op hoewe
31, Nelspruit, en op die toneel oorlede.

DEWALT Arent, male aged 79, and Danie, male aged 39, were mentioned in an
attack on the farm Katboschfontein, but their circumstances are not clear. Delmas.
July 1999
Die omstandighede van menere Arent (79) en Danie (39) gedurende die aanval op
hul plaas Katboschfontein is nie duidelik nie. Delmas.

DREYER Anneliese, girl aged 6, was held hostage by an attacker who grabbed her
outside and forced her into her family house where he demanded car keys from her
mother. Her mother grabbed her and fled. The attacker then approached her father
with a bread knife, who, after firing 2 warning shots, shot the attacker to death.
Farm Onbekend, in Welbekend. Bronhorstspruit area. 17 Sep 1999
‘n Aanvaller het Annelise Dreyer (6) gegryp en haar huis ingegaan waar hy kar
sleutels geeis by haar moeder, mev Dreyer, maar sy het ontvlug met haar kind. Die
aanvaller het toe haar vader genader met ‘n broodmes. Na 2 waarskuwingskote het
hy die rower doodgeskiet. Plaas Onbekend in Welbekend area van

DREYER Hendrik Johannes was attacked and assaulted on Plot 54, Bynestpoort.
His wife summoned help and the gang ran away. Cullinan. 1 Aug 1999
Hendrik Johannes Dreyer was aangerand in ‘n aanval op Plot 54, Bynestpoort. Sy
vrou het onraad vermoed en het hulp ontbied, wat die bende laat vlug het. Cullinan

DU PLESSIS Jan aged 81, AND his brother Herman aged 69, AND their cousin Harm
aged 71, were attacked inside their farmhouse, overpowered, assaulted and
robbed. Sanddrift area, Brits. 7 Nov 1999
Jan du Plessis (81) en sy broer Herman (69) en neef Harm (71) was in hulle
plaashuis oorrompel, aangerand en beroof in die Sanddrift-omgewing, Brits

DU PLESSIS Johannes Jacobus “Doep” farm manager, AND his wife Eunice, both
aged 55, AND their grandson Armand aged 9 AND their domestic worker Phumla,
were attacked on the farm Kinkelbos during the day. Doep and Armand were
washing their pick-up van, while Eunice and Phumla were hanging up the washing
when 2 armed men pumped bullets into Doep. Phumla took Armand and hid behind
the watertank from where they heard another burst of shots as the killers gunned
Eunice down inside the house. Eunice and Phumla then ran into the bushes but the
attackers found them and forced them back into the house, demanding the keys of
the safe from them. They took some loot and loaded it into the van along with their
hostages, but dropped them off about a kilometre further on Brooklands farm. Port
Elizabeth. 28 Dec 1999
Jakobus “Doep” Du Plessis (55) en sy kleinseun Armand (9) was besig om die
bakkie te was. Sy vrou, Eunice, (55), en hul huishulp Phumla, was besig om
wasgoed op te hang toe 2 gewapende mans op hom afstorm en hom kordaat
doodskiet. Phumla het Armand saam met haar na agter die watertenk gevat om te
skuil, van waar hulle nog ‘n rits skote gehoor het, wat Eunice in die huis
doodgeskiet het. Daarna het Phumla en Armand na die bosse gehardloop vir
skuiling, maar die moordenaars het vinnig met hulle opgevang en hulle terug na die
huis gedwing waar hulle die sleutels vir die kluis ge-eis het. Die bende het
gesteelde goedere saam met hulle gyselaars in die bakkie weg gevoer, maar het
van besluit verander, en omtrent ‘n kilometre verder vir Armand en Phula afelaai op
die Brooklands plaas. Port Elizabeth.

DU PLESSIS Katrien, female aged 86, was overpowered, physically assaulted

during which her attackers jumped on her chest, and stabbed. Her friend Koos
Botes, male aged 58, tried to save her but was stabbed in the neck and head.
Vastfontein holdings, Hammanskraal. 1 Mar 1999
Katrien du Plessis (86) was op die Vastfontein-hoewes oorval, aangerand waar
tydens hulle op haar bors gespring het, en ook met ‘n mes gesteek. Koos Botes
(58) wat haar gehelp het was ook in die nek en kop gesteek. Hammanskraal
DUVENHAGE Jan Hendrik, male aged 62, was shot in the head, kicked and
assaulted. He died in hospital from these injuries. Farm Loskopnoord, Toitskraal,
Marble Hall. 24 July 1999
Jan Hendrik Duvenhage (62) van die plaas Loskopnoord, Toitskraal was in die kop
geskiet, geskop en aangerand, en het in die hospitaal aan sy wonde gesterf. Marble

EGGERS Johan, male aged 77, was attacked by an armed gang on his farm, shot
and stabbed with knives. Schoongesicht farm, Piet Retief. 6 June 1999
Johan Eggers (77) was op sy plaas Schoongesicht aangeval deur ‘n gewapende
bende, geskiet en met messe gesteek. Piet Retief

ERASMUS Christopher was mentioned in an attack on a farm in Vryburg, but his

circumstances are not clear. Mar 1999
Christopher Erasmus se omstandinghede tydens die aanval op 'n Vryburg plaas is
nie duidelik nie.

FICK Johannes aged 71, AND his wife Anna aged 68, AND their son Johannes aged
42, were attacked on their farm Rooipoort by an armed gang. Johannes Snr. was
shot in his side, and Johannes Jnr was shot in the inner thigh. Anna was
whiplashed on the head. Volksrust. 27 June 1999
Johannes Fick (71) van die plaas Rooipoort was in die sy gewond gedurende die
aanval van ‘n gewapende bende. Sy seun Johannes (42) was in sy lies gewond, en
sy vrou Anna (68) was met ‘n wapen oor kop geslaan, by Volksrust

FISCHLI Ferdinand, male aged 58, AND his girlfriend Janet Coutts, were attacked
inside the house on Plot 19, Bashewu Agricultural Holdings. Ferdinand was shot to
death. Janet was tied up. Welbekend.
5 July 1999
Ferdinand Fischli (58) was doodgeskiet in die huis op Plot 19, Bashewa Agricultural
Holdings. Sy vriendin Janet Coutts was vasgebind. Welbekend


GIBSON, male, and his house keeper were overpowered, tied up and robbed of a
weapon and cash by a gang of 3 men on farm Leokop, Normandien. 23 Dec 1999
Mnr Gibson en sy huiswerker is oorval en vasgebind op Leokop plaas. ‘n Wapen en
kontant was geroof. Normandien

GRAIG Terra, female aged 81, was ambushed about 500 meters from her home by
attackers who had cut off the farm road with a tree trunk. When Terra stopped her
car, she was overpowered and forced into the boot. However, she managed to free
herself. Greytown. 3 Mar 1999.
Terra Graig (81) van die plaas Mtonjeni, was deur plaasaanvallers oorval en in haar
motor se bagasiebak gedwing, nadat sy gestop het vir ‘n boomstomp wat haar pad
500m vanaf haar huis versper het. Sy het haarself bevry. Greytown omgewing

GREYVENSTEYN Matheus, sugar farmer aged 58, was attacked and stabbed to
death with a screwdriver. Farm in Groutville district. 2 Sep 1999
Matheus Greyvensteyn (58) ‘n suikerboer, was met ‘n skroewedraaier aangerand en
doodgesteek op ‘n plaas in die Groutville distrik

GROBLER Jan, male aged 60, was shot 8 times during an attack on the farm Uitkyk
and died in hospital from his wounds a few weeks later. Ventersdorp. 10 July 1999
Jan Grobler (60) was 8 keer geskiet gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas Uitkyk naby
Ventersdorp. Jan is einde Julie in die hospitaal oorlede aan sy skietwonde.

HANSEN Regard, male aged 59, was attacked, assaulted, tied up and robbed on the
farm Vaalbank, Gerdau area. 29 Mar 1999
Regard Hansen (59) van die plaas Vaalbank in die Gerdau omgewing, is aangerand,
vasgebind en beroof

HARMSE J.A. aged 65, AND his wife Mrs.A.M. Harmse aged 50 were attacked, tied
up and robbed by an armed gang. Mr Harmse was also shot in the arm. Naaupoort
area, Koster. July 1999.
J.A Harmse (65) en sy vrou A.M Harmse (50) was aangeval, vasgebind en beroof
gedurende ‘n aanval deur ‘n gewapende bende waarin mnr Harmse ook in die arm
gewond is. Die Naauwpoort gebied buite Koster

HARMSE Jan, male aged 70, AND his wife Bettie aged 64, were attacked by an
armed gang on their farm. Jan died from his bullet wounds in hospital afterwards.
Bettie was physically assaulted. Near Ogies. 17 Mar 1999
Jan (70) en Bettie (64) Harmse was op hul plaas aangeval. Jan het aan die
skietwonde wat hy tydens die aanval opgedoen het, in die hospitaal gesterf. Bettie
is net aangerand, Ogies-omgewing

HAYNES Lila, a 86 yr old widow, was murdered in her home. She was found in the
toilet with her hands bound with wire. She also had a neck wound which could
have been caused by a bullet or a knife. Farm Yokon, Stutterheim. Eastern Cape. 12
Nov 1999
Lila Haynes, weduwee (86) was vermoor in die toilet van haar huis gevind, haar
hande geboei en ‘n wond in haar nek wat deur ‘n mes of koeel gemaak was. Yokon
Plaas, Stutterheim. Oos Kaap.

HENNING Aletta, female, was mentioned in the farm attack records, but her
circumstances are not clear. Marble Hall. Feb 1992
Die omstandighede van Aletta Henning gedurende ‘n aanval in Marble Hall is nie
duidelik nie. Feb 1992

HEYNES Lila, female aged 68, SEE HAYNES Lila

HILL Dougie, male aged 55, sustained schrapnel wouds in his face after he had
been shot at his farmgate. Farm Nooitgedacht. Klerksdorp. Sep 1999
Dougie Hill (55) het skrapnel wonde opgedoen in die gesig nadat daar op hom
geskiet was by sy plaashek op die plaas Nooitgedacht, Klerksdorp

HOFFMAN Annemarie, female, AND Braam, male, AND Danie, male, were
mentioned in farm attack records but their circumstances is not clear. Farm
Eensgevonde, Reitz. Free State. Jan 1999
Die omstandighede van Annemarie, Braam en Danie Hoffman gedurende ‘n aanval
op die plaas Eensgevonde is nie duidelik nie. Reitz, Vrystaat.

JANSEN Frik, farmer aged 60, was attacked by a gang of 7 men inside the sheds of
the Kaydale holdings. Frik was overpowered and attacked cruelly, during which his
jaw and arm was broken, and was chopped with a panga in the head. He survived
with brain damage and the loss of use in his right arm. Heidelberg. 30 June 1999
Frik Jansen (60) van die Kaydale-hoewes, was in die stalle deur 7 mans oorval, en
wreed aangerand. Sy kakebeen en arm was ook gebreek. Frik het die kapwond met
‘n panga aan sy kop oorleef, maar het breinskade opgedoen en die gebruik van sy
regterarm verloor. Heidelberg

JANSEN Joey, female aged 53, AND her daughter, Juanita aged 18, were attacked,
overpowered, tied up and held hostage, as well as another 3 farm workers. The
attackers fled when her husband, Gert aged 59, approached. Farm Rietfontein,
Naboomspruit. 8 June 1999
Joey Jansen (53) van die plaas Rietfontein, en haar dogter Juanita (18), was
aangeval, vasgebind en vasgehou, asook nog 3 van hulle wekers. Toe Gert (59)
begin ondersoek instel, het die aanvallers gevlug. Naboomspruit.

JANSEN VAN RENSBURG Elizabeth, female aged 75, was attacked and beaten with
a “knopkierrie” (traditional weapon, wooden club with a hard ball-like head) but the
attackers ran away when her daughter saved her. Tweefontein smallholding,
Cullinan. 18 Aug 1999
Elizabeth Jansen van Rensburg (75) was aangerand met ‘n knopkierie op ‘n
kleinhoewe in Tweefontein, maar toe dogter haar te hulp snel, het die aanvallers
gevlug, Cullinan

JANSEN VAN VUUREN Frederika AND her daughter Marie-Catharine aged 14, as
well as their house keeper Margaret Magagila were attacked, overpowered and
robbed on their smallholding in Allwynspoort. They were saved by a neighbouring
policeman, Piet van Deventer, who became suspicious and arrived on the scene,
He shot one attacker dead and wounded another. Vaaldriehoek, Kliprivier. 19 Feb
Frederika Jansen van Rensburg en haar dogter Marie-Catharine (14) en hulle
huishulp Margaret Magagila was oorval en beroof op ‘n hoewe in Allwynspoort,
maar was gered deur ‘n polisieman (Piet van Deventer) wat naby hulle gewoon het
en ondersoek gaan instel het waarin hy een 1 rower doodgeskiet en ‘n ander
gewond het. Vaaldriehoek, Kliprivier

JORDAAN Don, male aged 86, was murdered and his house maid was tied up
during an attck on his Waterkloof smallholding, Rustenburg. 25 Oct 1999
Don Jordaan (86) was vermoor op die Waterkoof kleinhoewes, en sy bediende was
vasgebind. Rustenburg

JORDAAN Jan Barend, aged 70, AND his brother Gert Jacobus aged 59, were
attacked on their farm Jordaansrus. Jan was assaulted and slashed to death with a
panga. Gert was assaulted and tied up. Vryburg. 29 Nov 1999
Jan Barend Jordaan (70) op die plaas Jordaansrus was aangerand en met ‘n panga
vermoor. Sy broer Gert Jacobus Jordaan (59) was aangerand en vasgebind.

JORDAAN Ria, female aged 86, was strangled to death on the farm tweefontein,
Molteno. 13 Nov 1999
Ria Jordaan (86) was op die plaas Tweefontein verwurg, in distrik Molteno

KLOMPAS Samuel, male, was attacked and shot in his lower back and leg. Farm
Klipfontein 429JR, Cullinan. 14 May 1999
Mnr Samuel Klompas is in ‘n aangeval op die plaas in sy laer rug en been geskiet,
Klipfontein 429JR, Cullinan

KRIEK Johan aged 61, AND his wife Marie aged 58, AND their daughter Mariesa
aged 16, were attacked and overpowered while they were driving on the service
road from their farm by an armed gang, and forced to turn back to the farm, where
Johan was tied up and robbed. Marie and Mariesa was kidnapped but left along the
road inside a pick-up van. Near Vryburg, Louwsburg. 24 Jan 1999
Marie Kriek (58), haar man Johan (61) en hul dogter Mariesa (16) was op ‘n
dienspad oorval, en teruggedwing plaas toe, waar hy vasgebind en beroof was. Die
aanvallers het met sy vrou en kind gevlug, maar het hulle veilig in ‘n bakkie gelos.
Naby Vryburg, Louwsburg


KRUGER Theuns is a quadriplegic after being shot in the neck and back.1999.
Theuns Kruger is verlam na ‘n aanval waarin hy in sy neck en rug geskiet was.,,2-7-1442_2078012,00.html
LATEGAN Jan, male aged 66, AND his friend Anna Fourie aged 51, were attacked
and shot on the farm kafferskraal. Anna was injured, and Jan shot to death.
Amersfoort. 17 Sep 1999
Anna Fourie (51) was gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op die plaas Kafferskraal. Haar
vriend Jan Lategan (66) was in die aanval doodgeskiet. Amersfoort

LOUBSER Elbert aged 62, AND his wife Mrs. M.M. Loubser aged 56, AND his
mother Anna aged 91, were attacked with pangas and knives on their farm. Elbert
was murdered. Both women were admitted to hospital in a critical condition.
Hazyview. 15 June 1999
Elbert Loubser (62) was met pangas en messe vermoor. Sy vrou M.M. Loubser (56)
en haar skoonma Anna (91) was ook met pangas en messe aangeval op die plaas,
en albei was in ‘n kritieke toestand in die hospitaal opgeneem. Hazyview

MACK David, male, was mentioned in records of farm attacks in Ixopo but his
circumstances are not clear. KZN.10 Jan 1991.
Die omstandighede van David Mack gedurende plaas aanvalle in Ixopo is nie helder
nie. KZN

MALAN Roelf Jacobus aged 73, AND his wife Magdalena, Hendrika “Lien” aged 66,
were attacked by an armed gang. They were both shot. Roelf died a few hours later
in hospital. Lien died in hospital 2 weeks later (16/17 April). Their daughter Mrs Van
Heerden AND her son Jarque aged 16, arrived during the attack and were tied up.
They were shot at but the gun would not go off. Holding in Grootvlei near Pretoria.
3 Apr 1999
Roelf Jacobus Malan (73) was geskiet en is ‘n paar ure later in hospitaal oorlede. Sy
vrou Lien (Magdalena, Hendrika) (66) was ook in ‘n kritieke toestand by die
hospital opgeneem, maar sterf 16- 17/04 in die hospital. Hul dogter mev van
Heerden en haar seun Jacques (16) het op toneel afgekom.Hulle was vasgebind
nadat die aanvaller se wapen nie wou afvuur nie. Op hoewe by Grootvlei naby

MARITZ Gerrit aged 65, AND his wife aged 63, were overpowered during an attack
on their farm Rondedraai. Gerrit was beaten to death. His wife was stabbed in the
hand. Near Estcourt. 15 Jan 1999
Gerrit Maritz (65) en sy vrou (63) op plaas hul Rondedraai oorval. Hy was
doodgeslaan, en sy vrou het ‘n steekwond in haar hand opgedoen. Naby Estcourt
in Middellande

MCORD Maria, female aged 60, was attacked and robbed on a farm at Roodepoort
near Warmbaths. 19 Nov 1999
Maria Mcord (60) op ‘n plaas by Roodepoort naby Warmbad aangeval en beroof
MEYER Cornelius male aged 56, was with Hampie van Niekerk aged 65 AND his
wife Marie aged 59 on their smallholding in Elandshoek when they were attacked
and assaulted. Cornelius was beaten to death. Hampie and Marie were admitted to
hospital with serious head injuries after they had been left for dead by their
attackers. Cullinan. 7 Sept 1999
Hampie van Niekerk (65) en sy vrou Marie (59) was in ‘n bedenklike toestand in die
hospital na ‘n aanval op hulle hoewe, waar hulle oor die kop geslaan en vir dood
gelos was in Elandshoek. Mnr Cornelius Meyer (56) is in die aanval doodgeslaan,

MOOLMAN Piet, farmer aged 49, was found murdered along his farm road by his
workers. He had been shot in the eye. Heidelberg. 4 Sep 1999
Piet Moolman (49) was vermoor en dood gevind langs sy plaaspad deur sy werkers.
Hy was in die oog geskiet. Heidelberg

MORRIS Marion, aged 68, AND her husband Mike aged 69, were attacked, tied up
and robbed. Farm Waterfall, Harrismith. 29 Nov 1999
Marion Morris (68) en haar man Mike (69) was op die plaas Waterfall aangeval,
vasgebind en beroof. Harrismith

MULLER Hans Paul, male aged 67, was stabbed to death on the Mapleton
smallholding, Boksburg. 11 May 1999
Hans Paul Muller (67) was doodgesteek op die kleinhoewe Mapleton, Boksburg.

MURRAY Lettie, female aged 52, was attacked on her holding, but her attackers ran
away when she was able to shoot at them. Vastfontein, Pretoria. 25 Oct 1999
Lettie Murray (52) was op die hoewe by Vastfontein aangeval, maar het dit afgeweer
deur op haar aanvallers te skiet. Pretoria

MYBURG Jean Audrey, female, was mentioned in records of farm attacks, bur her
circumstances is not clear. Franschhoek, July 1999
Die omstandighede van Jean Audrey tydens ‘n plaas aanval op Franschhoek is nie
duidelik nie.

NEL Lol, AND his wife Meisie, were attacked, assaulted and tied up on their
smallholding in Knoppieslaagte. Their domestic worker and another man was also
tied up. Pretoria. 13 Apr 1999
Mnr Lol Nel en sy vrou Meisie was aangerand op hul kleinhoewe in Knoppieslaagte.
‘n Huishulp en nog ‘n man was ook vasgebind. Pretoria

NORMAN C.L. male, AND his wife were attacked inside their home by a gang of 5
men. She was stabbed in the neck. He was stabbed in the arm, back and head
before he was able to get hold of his gun and shoot back, at which they fled. Farm
Cramond. 16 Dec 1999
Mnr C.L.Norman en sy vrou is in die huis op hul plaas deur 5 mans oorval. Hulle
het mnr Norman in die arm, rug en kop gesteek, maar hy kon sy wapen kry en het
skote op hulle geskiet, waarna hulle gevlug het. Mev. Norman het ook ‘n steekwond
in nek opgedoen. Cramond

NORTJIE Salie aged 67, AND his wife Ria aged 54, both died during a savage attack
on their smallholding Vastfontein in which they were assaulted and beaten with
pick handles. Ria was also raped. Then they were loaded onto their pick-up van and
taken to Soshanguve where they were set alight. Outside Pretoria. The
Hammanskraal police handled the matter.
Salie Nortje (67) en sy vrou Ria (54)(sy was ook verkrag) was op die Vastfontein-
hoewes met pikstele geslaan, en daarna op hul bakkie gelaai en na Soshanguve
geneem en aan die brand gesteek, buite Pretoria (Hammanskraal polisie het saak

PETTIT Fred, male aged 79, was murdered inside his house on the farm
Landskrona, Queenstown. 20 Feb 1999
Fred Pettit (79) was vermoor in sy huis op die plaas Landskrona, Queenstown

PIETERSE H., husband and wife from plot 77, Firolaz, were overpowered inside
their house, assaulted and robbed. Bronhorstspruit. 11 Mar 1999
Mnr en Mev H Pieterse van Plot 77 Firolaz was in hul huis oorval, aangerand en
beroof. Bronkhorstpsruit

ROUX Danie, male aged 39, was shot at on his Tweefontein holding until he shot
back. Warmbaths. 23 Dec 1999
Danie Roux (39) was op die Tweefontein-hoewe aangeval en skote was op hom
gevuur, maar toe hy terug skiet, het die aanvallers gevlug. Warmbad

SCHOEMAN Mike, male aged 39, was critically injured during an assault on his life
during an attack on the farm Noordenveld, during which weapons and money was
stolen. Dundee. 7 Apr 1999
Mike Schoeman (39) van die plaas Noordenveld was erg aangerand gedurende die
aanval waarin wapens en geld geld gesteel was. Dundee

SCHOLTZ Petrus Hendrik, aged 70, AND his wife Elsie aged 65, were overpowered
and robbed inside their home during an attack on their smallholding. Pietersburg.
28 Feb 1999
Petrus Hendrik Scholtz (70) en sy vrou Elsie (65), was oorval in hul kleinhoewe huis
en beroof, Pietersburg

SKEEN Kobie, female aged 62, AND Bessie Kruger, female aged 57, were shot at by
a farm worker. Kobie was admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Bessie was
not injured. Vereeniging far. 19 May 1999
Kobie Skeen (62) was in ‘n kritieke toestand by die hospitaal opgeneem nadat ‘n
werker haar geskiet het op ‘n plaas naby Vereeniging. Die skote het Bessie Kruger
(57) gemis, en sy is nie beseer nie.

SLABBERT Gert aged 69, AND his wife Jacoba aged 63, were attacked and shot on
their holding. Gert was shot to death. Jacoba was seriously wounded. Klipfontein,
Cullinan. 20 July 1999
Jacoba Slabbert (63) was ernstig gewond in ‘n aanval op hulle hoewe, en haar man
Gert (69) was doodgeskiet. Klipfontein, buite Cullinan

SMIT Susara aged 65, AND her husband Vernon aged 69, were attacked on their
farm during which she was shot in the arm, chest and buttox. She was admitted to
the Standerton hospital. Mount Pleasant. 14 Mar 1999
Susara Smit (65) en haar man Vernon (69) was op die plaas Mount Pleasant
aangeval. Sy was in die arm, bors en boud gewond, en by die Standerton hospitaal

SMITH Sunette AND her mother-in-law Martha Smith were attacked and shot at until
they were able to shoot back. Sunette was shot in the jaw. Farm Mooiplaas,
Lydenburg. 11 Jan 1999
Sunette Smith en haar skoonma Martha Smith was aangeval op Mooiplaas. Hulle
het die aanvallers afgeweer deur om terug te skiet, Sunette was in die kakebeen
gewond. Lydenburg-omgewing

STEYN Alec aged 73, AND his wife Nellie aged 66, were overpowered inside their
farmhouse, robbed, and murdered. Both were stabbed and set alight. Ford Weber
farm, Christiana. 20 Jan 1999
Alec Steyn (73) en sy vrou Nellie (66), van die plaas Ford Weber, was oorval, beroof
en vermoor in hulle plaashuis. Albei was gesteek en aan die brand gesteek.

STEYN J, female aged 57, AND her brother N.C.Kruger aged 62, AND his wife
S.M.Kruger aged 59, were attacked, overpowered, assaulted and robbed on her
farm Koperfontein, near Rustenburg. 16 Aug 1999
Mev J Steyn (57) van die plaas Koperfonteinen, haar broer N.C. Kruger (62) en sy
vrou S.M Kruger (59), was oorval, aangerand en beroof. Naby Rustenburg

STUBBS Ernst Henry Blandford aged 84, AND his wife Helen were attacked on their
farm Clearwater. Ernst was shot to death. Helen was tied up and locked inside a
cupboard. Haenertsburg. 12 Sep 1999
Ernst Henry Blandford Stubbs (84) was doodgeskiet, en sy vrou Helen vasgebind
en in ‘n kas toegesluit tydens ‘n aanval op hul plaas Clearwater in Haenertsburg

SWANEPOEL Engela, female aged 52, wasin a critical condition after she had been
shot in the stomach and chest during an attack on the Hartbeehoekkie
smallholdings, Hartbeespoortdam. 21 Sep 1999
Engela Swanepoel (52) was in ‘n ernstige toestand nadat sy op
Hartbeeshoekkleinhoewe in haar bors en maag geskeit was. Hartbeespoortdam

SWANEPOEL Johannes, male, was mentioned inrecords on farm attacks but his
circumstances during an attack in Tzaneen are not clear. Limpopo. Feb 1999
Die omstandighede van mnr. Johannes Swanepoel gedurende ‘n aanval in Tzaneen
is nie duidelik nie. Limpopo.

THEUNISSEN Braam, male aged 42, was attacked inside the kitchen of his
smallholding, robbed, and beaten to death with a spade and a steel pipe. Marikana.
10 Mar 1999
Braam Theunissen (42) was in die kombuis op sy kleinhoewe oorval waar hy met ‘n
graaf en ysterpyp doodgeslaan, en beroof was. Marikana

UBERBACHER Joseph, male aged 63, was attacked with an axe on a smallholding
in Knoppieslaagte. 27 Mar 1999
Josef Uberbacher (63) was met ‘n byl aangeval op ‘n kleinhoewe in Knoppieslaagte

UNNAMED LANGPLAAS/SANDFONTEIN white man was murdered. His badly burnt

corpse was found on the farm of Mr Piet van Rensburg in the
Langplaas/Sandfontein area. Brits. 29 June 1999
Die erg verbrande lyk van ‘n wit man is op plaas van Mnr Piet van Rensburg gekry,
in die Langplaas/Sandfontein omgewing, Brits

UNNAMED MASITHA farmer and 4 of his workers were attacked, tied up and robbed
on the farm Masitha, Piet Plessis area. 3 June 1999
‘n Boer van die plaas Masitha en 4 van sy werkers was aangeval, vasgebind
en beroof, Piet Plessis-omgewing

UNNAMED SEDHAVEN HEIDELBERG girl aged 13 was attacked and savagely

raped, paralyzed and may suffer permanent brain damage from the attack. On the
community farm “Sedhaven” in Heidelberg. 27 Oct 1999
‘n 13 Jarige meisie was wreed aangerand en verkrag op die gemeenskapsplaas
“Sedhaven”. Sy is verlam en het moontlik breinskade, Heidelberg

UNNAMED TWEERIVIER smallholding woman aged 61 was overpowered, robbed

and raped. Waterval, Rustenburg. 10 Mar 1999
‘n Bejaarde vrou (61) was op ‘n kleinhoewe naby Tweerivier, Waterval oorval,
beroof en verkrag. Rustenburg

UNTEUDT Raymond, male aged 37, was attacked inside his home and whiplashed.
Mr Libor Dufka, aged 34, who rented a room from him, shot at the attackers, who
fled. Unfortunately one of these bullets also wounded Raymond. Klipkop holdings,
Pretoria. 31 Mar 1999
Raymond Untuedt (37) was in sy huis op Klipkop-hoewes aangeval en met ‘n wapen
oor die kop geslaan. Mnr Libor Dufka (34) wat ‘n kamer daar gehuur het, het op die
aanvallers geskiet, en hulle het gevlug. Ongelukkig het een van hierdie koeels ook
vir Raymond getref. Pretoria

VAN DEN BERG Anna, female aged 74, was axed to death on the farm Steynsdraai,
Carolina. 30 Jan 1999
Anna van den Berg (74) was doodgekap op die plaas Steynsdraai, Carolina

VAN DER MERWE Berta, female aged 74, and a worker, Mr Tsabalala, was injured
during an attack on their smallholding in Rietfontein, Cullinan. 31 Aug 1999
Mev Berta van der Merwe (64) en ‘n werker Mnr Tsabalala was beseer in ‘n aanval
op die kleinhoewe in Rietfontein, Cullinan

VAN DER MERWE Gert aged 73, AND his wife Fransie aged 72, were attacked and
overpowered on their farm by an armed gang. Gert was shot and his throat slit.
Fransie was raped, stabbed, and her throat slit. Farm Rustig, Naboomspruit. 28 Feb
Gert van der Merwe (73) en sy vrou Fransie (72) van die plaas Rustig was oorval.
Gert was geskiet en sy keel afgesny. Fransie was verkrag, gesteek en haar keel is
afgesny. Naboomspruit

VAN DER MERWE Kotie aged 62, AND his wife Elsie aged 58, were attacked inside
their bedroom. Kotie was assaulted with a steel pipe and kicked. Elsie suffered
serious head injuries and a broken arm during the attack. Farm Oskraal,
Bethlehem. 3 Jan 1999.
Mnr Kotie van der Merwe (62) van die plaas Oskraal was aangerand met ‘n ysterpyp
in sy slaapkamer, en ook geskop. Sy vrou Elsie (58) see arm is gebreek ggedurende
die aanranding, en sy het ook kopbeserings opgedoen, Bethlehem

VAN DER MERWE Louisa, female aged 72, was overpowered on her farm near
Witbank, tied up and robbed. Kriel. 7 Apr 1999
Louisa van der Merwe (72) is oorval op haar plaas te Witbank, vasgebind en beroof.

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Hester, female aged 67, was shot to death isndie her pick-
up van. Henorg Dairy, Rietfontein area. Fochville. 8 Feb 1999
Hester van der Westhuizen (67) van die Henorg-melkery in die Rietfontein gebied
was in haar bakkie doodgeskiet, Fochville

VAN HEERDEN Jacques see MALAN Roelf


VAN SITTERT Johannes Hendrik, male aged 77, lived alone on his plot, where he
was attacked, overpowered and tortured by a gang made up of 2 black school
children aged 11 and 15 and two black men aged 20 and 22. Johannes was shot in
the head before he was loaded into his pick-up van, which was set alight 15km from
his homestead after they had tied his hands to the steering wheel. 31 Aug 1999

Johannes Hendrik Gerhardus van Sittert (77) het aleen op sy plot gewoon waar hy
deur ‘n swart bende waarvan 2 skoolkinders (11 & 15) en 2 (22 & 20) was. Johannes
was gemartel voordat hulle hom in sy bakkie gelaai en 15km verder aan die brand
gesteek het nadat hulle hom in die kop geskiet het en sy hande aan die stuurwiel
vasgemaak het. Klerksdorp

VAN ZUYDAM Gert was shot to death at his farmgate near Weenen on 23 Sep 1999.
Gert van Zuydam was by sy plaashek doodgeskiet, naby Weenen

VAN ZYL Christine, female, was attacked and seriously injured on the farm
Morewag, Citrusdal. 8 Aug 1999
Christine van Zyl van die plaas Môrewag is ernstig aangerand, Citrusdal

VAN ZYL, male aged 41, was shot to death while he was elling milk. Farm
Langverwacht outside Pomeroy in the Egunjana area. 22 Feb 1999
Jan van Zyl (41) van die plaas Langverwacht was buite Pomeroy doodgeskiet terwyl
hy melk verkoop het, in die Egunjana-omgewing

VENTER, male, AND his worker, AND his wife were attacked on Plot 35,
Boekenhoutsdrift. The men were attacked and assaulted. His wife was tied up.
Cullinan. 5 Feb 1999
Mnr Venter en sy werker was aangeval en aangerand, sy vrou was vasgebind, Plot
35 Boekenhoutskloofdrift, Cullinan

VERMAAK Pieter, aged 73, AND his wife Louis aged 71, were stabbed to death at
the kraal on their farm in the Gamtoosvallei. 9 Apr 1999
Pieter Vermaak (73) en sy vrou Louis (71) was by die kraal doodgesteek,

VERMAAK Thomas, male aged 69, was shot to death inside his home on farm
Winnaarspoort, machadodorp. 2 Feb 1999
Thomas Vermaak (69) was doodgeskiet in sy huis op die plaas Winnaarspoort by

VETTER Reginald, male aged 84, was attacked and overpowered on his farm
Wanbeck. He was strangled to death. His body was later found on another place.
Ferndale area. 7 Dec 1999
Reginald Vetter (84) van plaas Wanbeck was dood verwurg. Sy lyk was later gevind
op ander plek. (hy is laaste keer op sy plaas gesien). Ferndale omgewing

VOLLER Bill, a mango farmer aged 61, AND his wife Vera aged 58, were attacked by
an armed gang. Bill was stabbed and shot to death. Vera was overpowered and tied
up. Farm Dindinnie in Ofcolaco, 60km outside Tzaneen. 30 Nov 1999
Bill Voller (61) ‘n mango boer van die plaas Dindinnie by Ofcolaco, 60km van
Tzaneen, was gesteek en doodgeskiet gedurende die aanval deur gewapende
mans. Sy vrou Vera (58) was oorval en vasgebind

WANNENBURG Lettie, female aged 55, AND her husband Pieter aged 55, AND their
daughter Jerina aged 22, were attacked on their farm Woodford. Lettie was shot to
death. Pieter was seriously wounded. Jerina was critically assaulted. Weenen
district. 15 Jan 1999
Lettie Wannenburg (55) doodgeskiet in die aanval op hul plaas Woodford. Haar man
Pieter (55) is ernstig gewond, en hul dogter Jerina (22) is erg aangerand, Wenen

WEBER Omda, female aged 77, was attacked along with a herdsman and 3 other
woman, assaulted, tied up and robbed. Piet Retied. 13 Mar 1999
Me Omda Weber (77) was saam met ‘n veewagter en nog 3 vroue aangerand,
vasgebind en beroof, Piet Retief

WESSELS Aldo, male aged 63, AND his wife Alta aged 61, were attacked inside ht
eir home. Aldo was shot in the stomach, and Alta suffered head injuries. Farm
Koelkloof in George’s Valley. 22 Dec 1999
Aldo Wessels (63) was in maag die geskiet en sy vrou Alta (61) het kop beserings
opgedoen in ‘n aanval op hul plaas Koelkloof in George’s Valley

WESSELS Joseph aged 74, AND his wife Bets aged 59, were attacked, assaulted,
tied up and robbed on their son’s farm, Welbekend. 3 Jan 1999
Joseph Wessels (74) en sy vrou Bets (59) is aangeval en aangerand op hulle seun
se plaas, vasgebind en beroof, Welbekend

WESTERMAN Ernst Adriaan Lodewyk, male aged 74, was attacked inside his home
and beaten to death with a steel pipe. Noodhulp holdings, Warmbaths. 1 Dec 1999
Ernst Adriaan Lodewyk Westerman (74) was doodgeslaan met ‘n staalpyp in sy
huis op die Noodhulp-hoewes buite Warmbad

ZORAB Zoe Cathryn, female aged 22, was shot to death, and her home robbed, on
holding Northriding.
5 Aug 1999
Me. Zoe Cathryn Zorab (22) was doodgeskiet op ‘n hoewe in Northriding, en die
plek was beroof


ALBERT JC, male aged 69, AND his wife Mary aged 66, were attacked and
overpowered by an armed gang on their holding. Mr Albrecht was shot in the arm,
and Mary was burnt on her body with an iron. Boksburg. 2 Sep 1998
Mnr JC Albrecht (69) was in sy arm gewond, en sy vrou Mary (66) is met ‘n yster
gebrand op hoewe, Boksburg

ALDER Martha aged 73, AND another 75 year old woman, were overpowered,
assaulted, tied up and robbed on holding Rietfontein. Muldersdrift. 12 April 1998
Martha Alder (73) en ‘n 75- jarige vrou is oorval op hoewe, Rietfontein. Hulle is
aangerand, vasgebind en beroof. Muldersdrift

BARKHUIZEN Yvonne, female aged 45, was shot to death on farm Fern Aber near
Muden. 26 May 1998
Yvonne Barkhuizen (45) is op die plaas Fern Aber naby Muden doodgeskiet

BARNARD Hekkie,male aged 69,walked into a shotgun trap on his farm and
suffered buckshot wounds on his hand and legs. Brits. 11 July 1998
Hekkie Barnard (69) het op sy plaas gestap en toe ‘n haelgeweerstrik afgetrap. Hy
het donshaelwonde op sy hand en bene opgedoen. Brits

BEGG Anne, female aged 57, was mentioned in an attack on the farm Surnrise-On-
Sea, East London, but the circumstances are unclear. Jan 1998
Die omstandighede van die aanslag op Anne Begg is onklaar te plaas Sunrise-On-
Sea, Oos London

BEHRENDT Haveman J, male aged 63, was attacked, assaulted and robbed on his
smallholding in Pattonway, Benoni. 2 May 1998
Haveman J Behrendt (63) was op sy kleinhoewe in Pattonweg aangerand en beroof.

BODENSTEIN Liendjie, female aged 48, was shot to death on the farm De Rust
outside Letsitele, Tzaneen. 29 May 1998
Lientjie Bodenstein (48) was op die plaas De Rust buite Letsitele en
Tzaneen doodgeskiet

BOSHOFF Nicolaas, male aged 68, AND his wife Elsabe aged 61, were critically
wounded during an attack on their farm Doornkop, near Newcastle. 1 Mar 1998
Nicolaas Boshoff (68), en sy vrou Elsabe (61), was swaar gewond op hulle plaas by
Doornkop, buite Newcastle

BOTHA Louis, male aged 56, was overpowered and assaulted on his farm by a
gang of men, but his life was saved when they were attacked by his his dogs and
fled. Malanskraal, Balfour. 23 Feb 1998
Louis Botha (56) is op die plaas Malanskraal aangerand. Sy honde het hom
gered deur om die aanvallers aan te val, en hulle het gevlug. Balfour

BREYTENBACH Andre, male aged 60, had dropped off his workers and was
travelling on home in his pick-up truck when he was ambushed at his farmgate by a
gang of armed men. Andre was shot in the stomach and killed. His attackers
displayed his corpse along the road with the spotlights of his truck next to his face
like eyes, and the number plates above his head and below his feet, before they
stole and fled with the truck. Farm Ruigtevlei, Soekmekaar. 4 Aug 1998
Andre Breytenbach (60) is op plaas Ruigtevlei ingewag deur ‘n bende by sy hek
nadat hy sy werkers afgelaai het. Andre is in die maag geskiet. Sy ligaam was langs
die pad uitgestal met sy bakkie se kopligte beide kante van sy gesig, soos oe, en
die nommer plate bokant sy kop en onderkant sy voete voordat hulle met die
voertuig gevlug het. Soekmekaar “

BRITS Theunis, male, was mentioned in the attack on Farm Jersey, but his
circumstances are unclear. Vierfontein, free State. April 1998
Die omstandighede van mnr Theunis Brits na aanleiding van die aanval op die
plaas Jersey is onduidelik. Vierfontein, Vrystaat.


BROWN Ame, female, AND her two sons aged 8 and 12, were attacked,
overpowered, assaulted and robbed by 4 black men. Before they left the premises,
they forced her children to watch as they took turns in raping their mother. She was
tested for aids which proved positive after 5 months. Elliot, Eastern Cape. 8 Oct
Ame Brown, en haar twee seuns (8) (10), was aangeval deaur 4 swart mans. Nadat
hulle van als besteel was, het die mans die kinders gedwing om te kyk hoe hulle
beurte nee mom hulle ma te verkrag. Na 5 maande was haar VIGS toetse positief.
Elliot, oos Kaap.

BRUELL Johan, male aged 63, AND his wife aged 56, were strangled to death and
robbed on their smallholding Rikasrus, Randfontein. 1 Mar 1998
Johan Bruell (63) en sy vrou (56) is verwurg op hulle plot in Rikasrus en beroof,
BRUNTON Margaret, female aged 82, was overpowered, tied up and robbed inside
her home. Farm Highlands, Nelspruit. 10 June 1998
Margaret Brunton (82) was in haar huis op die plaas Highlands oorval, vasgebind
en beroof. Nelspruit

BUCHLER Albert, male aged 42, was admitted to hospital in a critical condition
after he had been shot on his farm Renan, Bolo district, Stutterheim, East London,
on 16 May 1998.
Albert Buchler (42) was geskiet op die plaas Renan in die Bolo distrik naby
Stutterheim, en was in ‘n kritieke toestand by die hospital opgeneem 16 Mei, 1998

BUNTING Simon Lesley, farm manager aged 65, was attacked inside his bedroom
and murdered with a sharp object. Wellington farm, Rosetta, near Mooi River. 25
Aug 1998
Simon Lesley Bunting (65), bestuurder van die plaas Wellington op die
Rosettalandgoed was vermoor met ‘n skerp voorwerp in sy slaapkamer. Naby

BUYS Christoffel, AND his wife Dina aged 65, AND family member Piet
Erasmusaged 46, were attacked by an armed gang and shot. Christoffel and Piet
died on the scene. Dina died on the way to hospital. Farm Geluksrus, Mooi River. 30
July 1998
Christoffel Buys en sy vrou Dina is aangeval op hulle plaas Geluksrus. Piet
Erasmus (46), ‘n familielid, is ook doodgeskiet. Dina (65) is oppad hospitaal toe
dood, Mooirivier

CARLETZ Gestune Petronel, female aged 79, was beaten to death on her
smallholding near Nigel. 17 July 1998
Me Gestune Petronel Carletz (79) was doodgeslaan op hoewe naby Nigel

COETZEE Hennie, male aged 49, AND his son Kobus aged 22, were shot during an
attack on their home. Hennie suffered eight bullet wounds and died. Kobus was
shot twice. Farm Valleifontein, between Lichtenburg and Mafikeng. 27 May 1998
Hennie Coetzee (49) was by
sy huis op die plaas Valleifontein tussen Lichtenburg en Mafikeng doodgeskiet (8
keer). Sy seun Kobus (22) was tydens die aanval 2 keer gewond

DE BEER Maxie, female aged 58, AND her husband Piet aged 63, were attacked by
an armed gang on their farm Doringfontein. Maxie was shot to death. Piet survived
gunshot wounds in the head and neck. Between Ottosdal and Wolmaransstad. 14
Feb 1998
Maxie de Beer (58) van die plaas Doringfontein tussen Ottosdal en Wolmaransstad
is doodgeskiet. Haar man Piet (63) is in die kop en nek gewond.
DEETLEFS Louise AND her daughter Danica aged 20, were attacked and shot at by
an armed gang on their farm, who fled when Mr Geyer shot at them. Piet Retief. 6
Oct 1998
Lousie Deetlefs en haar dogter Danica (20) was aangeval op hulle plaas. Die boewe
se koeëls het hulle gelukkig gemis,en hulle het gevlug toe mnr Geyer op hul skiet,
Piet Retief

DE KLERK Hennie aged 68, AND his brother Dol aged 61, came under attack from
an armed gang on their smallholding, but shot back and killed one suspect.
Kempton Park, 17 Sep 1998
Hennie de Klerk (68) en sy broer Dol (61) het ondersoek ingestel na verdagtes op
hul hoewe, toe die aanvallers op hulle geskiet het. Die broers het terug geskiet en 1
verdagte doodgeskiet. Kempton Park

DELAFIELD Don, male aged 65, AND his wife Verina aged 52, were beaten to death
on their farm Leeuwpoort, near Rustenburg. 16 May 1998
Don Delafield (65) en sy vrou Verina (52) is op hul plaas Leeuwpoort, naby
Rustenburg, doodgeslaan

DE WAAL Arend, male aged 79, AND his son Danie aged 37, were attacked by an
armed gang inside their home. Arend was shot in the leg, and Danie was shot in the
arm before they shot one of the attackers in the stomach. Farm Katboschfontein,
near Delmas. 2 Dec 1998
Mnr Arend de Waal (79) was in die been gewond en sy seun Danie (37) was in die
arm gewond nadat hulle oorval was in hulle huis op die plaas Katboschfontein
naby Delmas. Hulle het ‘n rower in maag gewond

DRUMMOND Claude Goffrey, a doctor aged 70, was shot to death on the
Soekmekaar holding. 18 April 1998
Dr Claude Goffrey Drummond (70) was op die hoewe by Soekmekaar doodgeskiet

DU PLESSIS Amelia, female aged 63, was ambushed at her farm gate, attacked and
seriously assaulted. She may have lost her one eye. Piet Retief. 11 May 1998
Amelia du Plessis (63) was by haar plaashek aangerand en ernstig beseer. Sy het
dalk ‘n oog verloor. Piet Retief

DU PLESSIS Babsie, female aged 72, AND her husband Helgaard Muller aged 79,
were attacked on their farm Louwater. They were both admitted to hospital in
critical condition. Babsie sustained serious facial injuries, her nose crushed, her
throat cut open, and her lungs had collapsed. Helgaard also received serious facial
injuries, a broken jawbone, and cracked ribs. Sasolburg. 11 Nov 1998
Babsie du Plessis (72) van die plaas Louterwater was kritiek in die hospital
opgeneem. Haar neus was vergruis, haar longe het platgeval, en haar keel is
oopgesny. Haar man Helgaard Muller (79, ) se kakebeen was gebreek, en sy ribbes
gekraak in die aanval. Sasolburg

DU PLESSIS Johannes,male aged 62, was shot to death during an attack on

Drakeville smallholding, Vanderbijlpark. 22 April 1998
Johannes du Plessis (62) was doodgeskiet op Drakeville-hoewe, Vanderbijlpark

DU PREEZ Marius Louis, dairy farmer aged 36, was shot to death while he was
selling milk. Dundonald, near Ermelo. 28 Aug 1998
Marius Louis du Preez (36) was doodgeskiet terwyl hy melk verkoop het in
Dundonald, naby Ermelo

DYASON Johanna Hendrika, female aged 75, was overpowered by 2 men inside her
home during which they wrestled her for her gun. A shot went off and they ran
away. Kromdraai, Marikana. 17 Dec 1998
Johanna Hendrika Dyason (75) was op die plaas Kromrivier deur 2 mans oorval. ‘n
Struweling om haar wapen het ontstaan, ‘n skoot het afgegaan, en hulle het gevlug.


ENGELBRECHT Susanna Elizabeth, female aged 58, AND her daughter Lea van Zyl
AND her 2 children Elisna aged 8 years and Driaan aged 19 months, were
ambushed at their farm gate, forced back to the house, tied up and robbed, along
with Lilly Vermaas aged 87, and two of their farm workers. Tweefontein, Fochville,
25 Jan 1998
Susanna Elizabeth Engelbrecht (58), en haar dogter Lea van Zyl en haar 2
kinders Elisna (8) en Driaan (19 mnde), was by die hek op hulle plaas Tweefontein
voorgekeer, teruggedwing huis toe, en saam met Lilly Vermaas (87) en 2 werkers
vasgebind en beroof. Fochville

FISCHER Christo, male aged 65, was attacked and shot three times in the back of
the head, to death. Farm Spitskop, near Kranskop. 5 mar 1998
Christo Fischer (65) was doodgeskiet (3 keer in agterkop) op sy plaas Spitskop
naby Kranskop

FOX Sydney, male aged 73, was overpowered on his farm and beaten with an iron
pipe. Farm Fox at Snt Frances bay. 16 May 1998
Mnr Sydney Fox (73) van Fox Farm by St Francisbaai, is aangeval en met ‘n pyp


FRAUENSTEIN Cecil, cattle farmer aged 66, was attacked and overpowered by a
gang of 5 armed men. His body was mutilated with knivesand he was chopped to
death with pangas. Farm Sunny Grove near Kidds Besch near East London. 5 Sept
Cecil Frauenstein (66), ‘n veeboer, was deur 5 mans aangeval en met messe
vermink en met pangas doodgekap op die plaas Sunny Grove, naby Kidds Besch
buite Oos-London

FREITAS Beatriz was attacked inside her home, overpowered, assaulted and burnt
with a hot clothes-iron. Farm Kingstonvale, Nelspruit. 1998. Ps. Her husband was
shot to death on this same farm durind 2000.
Beatriz Freitas is in hul huis op die plaas Kingstonvale aangerand, en ook met
warm strykyster gebrand. Haar man is in die jaar 2000 doodgeskiet op dieselfde
plaas, Nelspruit

GEMMEL Allan, male aged 80, was overpowered in his farmhouse and forced into
the boot of his car. The tyres were damaged, and his attackers fled. Passersby
found Allan in the boot and freed him. Balgowan.18 May 1998
Allan Gemmel (80) was by sy plaashuis oorval in die Balgowan omgewing. Hy is in
sy kar se bak gedwing. Die kar se bande is beskadig, en hulle het gevlug. Hy was in
die bak gelos, waar verbygangers hom bevry het


GEYER Ryan, aged 35, was shot dead at pointblank range. Swavelpoort, Boschkop
smallholdings, Pretoria.
Ryan Geyer, (35), was pront op dood geskiet. Swavelpoort, Boschkop Pretoria

GEYER Camden, boy aged 12, AND Quintin Geyer, boy aged 11, has been
mentioned in an attack at Nahoon agricultural holdings, East London, Eastern
Cape, but their circumstances is not clear.
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Camden (12) en Quintin (11) Geyer is nie
duidelik nie. Nahoon kleinhoewe, Oos London, Oos Kaap. Jan 1998

GILLESPIE Ernst Andrew, male aged 74, was beaten to death with an iron pipe on
his farm Eerstegeluk, Bethal. 7 Mar 1998
Ernst Andrew Gillespie (74) van die plaas Eerstegeluk, was met ysterpyp
doodgeslaan, Bethal

GILLESPIE Septina Muriel, female aged 65, was murdered and her throat axed open
on her smallholding near Eersterivier, Kareedouw. 13 Sep 1998
Septina Muriel Gillespie (65) is vermoor (keel is oopgekap) op kleinhoewe naby
GREEFF Jacobus Philippus, male aged 76, AND his wife Martie aged 72, were shot
to death on their farm Middelwater, hanover. 24 July 1998
Jacobus Philippus Greeff (76) en sy vrou Martie (72), was doodgeskiet op hulle
plaas Middelwater, Hanover

GREYLING Gert, male aged 70, AND his only worker, Elias Nkabinde aged 50, were
attacked on their farm. Elias was hanged by the neck with high-tensile wire. During
the assault on Gert, during which he was tied up, his face beaten to a pulp, and his
body covered with burning plastic before he was left to die. The blood supply to his
arm was cut off for so long that he may loose the use of his arm. Farm Driehoek,
Bethal. 24 Feb 1998
Gert Greyling (70) van die plaas Driehoek se gesig was pap geslaan, en brandende
plastiek was oor sy lyf gedrup gedurende ‘n aanval waarin sy enigste werker, Elias
Nkabinde (50) met bloudraad aan nek opgehang was. Gert kan ook sy arm verloor
nadat die bloedsomloop lank afgesny was (vasgebind). Bethal

GRINDLE Susanah, female Vienna Austria tourist aged 37, has been mentioned
during an attack but her circumstances is not clear. Coffee bay rural area, Eastern
Cape. Jan 1998
Susanah Grindle (37)Vienna/Austria toeris se aanval in Koffiebaai, Oos Kaap, is


GROBLER Izak, amle aged 69, AND his wife Kallie aged 66, were attacked on their
farm by a gang armed with knives during which they both sustained stab wounds
on their arms. Kallie was also kicked and robbed. Farm Kalkfontein, Groblersdal. 21
July 1998
Izak Grobler (69) en sy vrou Kallie (66), was aangeval op die plaas Kalkfontein.
Hulle het snywonde aan die arms opgedoen om messteke af te weer, en sy vrou
was ook geskop en beroof. Groblersdal

GUNTER Anna, female AND Piet Gunter, male, were attacked on their farm
Heuningspruit, but the circumstances is not clear. Jan 1998. Free State.
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Anna en Piet Gunter op hul plaas Enkelboom
is nie duidelik nie. Vrystaat.

HAASBROEK Floris, male aged 61, AND his son Jaco aged 26, were attacked on
their farm. Floris was wounded in the shoulder. Burgersdorp. 5 Dec 1998
Mnr Floris Haasbroek (61) was in sy skouer gewond in die aanval op sy plaas. Sy
seun Jaco (26) was nie beseer nie. Burgersdorp

HAMILTON John, male aged 58, AND his wife Ronnie aged 78 (?), were attacked on
their smallholding. John was chopped to death with pangas. Ronnie was critically
injured. Hamiltons Farm, Port Snt Johns. 30 April 1998
John Hamilton (58) was met pangas doodgekap op die kleinhoewe Hamiltons Farm.
Sy vrou Ronnie
(78) (?) was erg aangerand, maar het oorleef. Port St Johns

HEATHFIELD Tommie AND Ria, AND their visitors Bobby Marchant aged 30, Isabel
Lamprecht aged 44 AND her son Chrisjan aged 18, Bobby Reid aged 57 AND his
son Andrew aged 24, were attacked by an armed gang during which they were shot,
doused with petrol and set alight. Ria died shortly after the attack, and Bobby died
from his wounds in hospital. Chrisjan, although he was also set alight, survived the
attack. Farm Boschrug, George. 9 Aug 1998
Mnr Tommie en Ria Heathfield en besoekers Bobby Marchant (30), Isabel
Lamprecht (44) en haar seun Chrisjan (18), Bobby Reid (57) en sy seun Andrew (24)
was geskiet en met petrol aan die brand gesteek. Chrisjan het oorleef. Ria is kort
na die aanval oorlede, en Bobby het in die hospital van sy beserings geswyk.

HILL Stan, a nut farmer, was attacked, assaulted and tied up along with his maid.
Vredefort. 12 Oct 1998
Stan Hill, ‘n neutboer, is aangerand en saam met sy huishulp vasgebind, Vredefort

HOGARTH Derrick, male aged 59, was attacked and assaulted with a hockey stick
on his holding at Elandsfontein. 2 Sept 1998
Derrick Hogarth (59) is met bofbalkolf aangerand op hoewe by Elandsfontein

HOUGH Henry, male, AND female Isabella, AND female Marietjie, were attacked on
Garsfontein but their circumstances is not clear. Pretoria. Sep 1998
Omstandighede van die aanval op Henry, Isabella en Marietjie Hough te Garsfontein
is nie duidelik nie. Pretoria

HUISAMEN Cecilia Jacoba aged 69, was attacked and assaulted on her holding. Mr
L Jonck, her neighbour, who came to her aid, was shot in the leg. Tarlton Feb 1998
Cecilia Jacoba Huisamen (69) was op haar hoewe aangeval en aangerand. Haar
buurman, mnr L Jonck (35) wat kom help het, was in die been gewond. Tarlton

HUMAN Jacobus Frederick, male aged 56, was attacked by an armed gang of 4 men
and shot to death on his farm Welgemeent, between Pattersen and Coockhouse. 27
Aug 1998
Jacobus Frederick Human (56) van die plaas Welgemeent tussen Patersen en
Kookhuis, is deur 4 mans doodgeskiet

JACKSON Johnnie, male aged 43, AND his wife Tercia aged 39, was attacked on
their holding during which Johnnie was shot to death. Tercia was overpowered,
kicked, beaten and robbed. Pongola. 4 Sep 1998
Johnnie Jackson (43) was op sy hoewe aangeval en doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Tercia
(39), was geskop, geslaan, en beroof. Pongola


12 November 1998 Hendrik Petrus Janse van Rensburg (72) is met piksteel
aangerand in plaashuis, sy kakebeen is gebreek, en snywond aan sy kop, op die
plaas Rapoeli, Delareyville

KNOX Hendrik “Hennie”, male aged 72, was overpowered inside his bed, assaulted,
tied up and beaten to death. Farm Sendelingsfontein, Klerksdorp. 24 Dec 1998
Hendrik (Hennie) Knox (72) van die plaas Sendelingsfontein was in sy bed oorval
en doodgeslaan, nadat hy vasgebind was. Buite Klerksdorp

LAMBERT Harry, male aged 54, was axed to death on his farm at Curry’s Post, 11
June 1998
Harry Lambert (54) was met ‘n byl doodgeslaan op sy plaas, Curry’s Post

LOURENS Hennie, male aged 45, AND his wife Soekie AND daughter Carin were
attacked during which he was shot in the pancreas. Farm Kromdraai-North,
Bothaville. 15 mar 1998
Hennie Louwrens (45) van die plaas Kromdraai-Noord, was in sy buik gewond. Sy
vrou Soekie en dogter Carin was nie ernstig beseer in die aanvalnie. Bothaville

MARAIS Martha Magdalena, female aged 57, was shot to death insdie the kitchen of
the tuckshop she ran from her house on the Krokodilspruit holding. 24 Nov 1998
Martha Magdalena Marais (57) wat deeltyds ‘n snoepwinkeltjie vanuit haar hoewe
huis by Krokodilspruit bedryf het, is in die kombuis doodgeskiet

MEYER Santie, female aged 67, was shot dead on plot 158 Swartbos, Enkelbosch
Farm, Muldersdrift, Devon. Aug 1998
Santie Meyer was doodgeskiet op plot 158 Swartkoos, Muldersdrift, GT

MOSTERT “Mossie” was inside his vehicle when he was attacked with a shotgun
and paralyzed. Farm Mooidam, Fouriesburg. 4 Aug 1998
Mossie Mostert van die plaas Mooidam was met ‘n haelgeweer in sy voertuig
geskiet, hy was lank daarna in rolstoel, Fouriesburg

MULLER Dina Maria, female aged 60, was stabbed in the neck with a knife during
an attack on Groenfontein holdings, Vaalwater. 30 Aug 1998
Dina Maria Muller (60) was met ‘n mes in die nek gesteek in die aanval op die
Groenfonteinhoewes, Vaalwater

MURLEY Wilfred, male aged 47, was shot to death in the head while he was
watching television inside his farmhouse. Inchanga. 13 Mar 1998
Wilfred Murley (47) is doodgeskiet (in kop) terwyl hy TV gekyk het in sy plaashuis
by Inchanga

JOHNSON Brad, male aged 12, was mentioned in an attack on Nahoon East, East
London, Eastern Cape, but his circumstances is not clear. Also SEE GEYER
Brad Jonson (12) word genoem in die aanslag op Nahoon, maar sy
omstandigehede is nie helder nie. Oos London. Sien ook GEYER Camden

JONES Rob, male, AND Deb, female, were mentioned during an attack on Port
Elizabeth agricultural holdings but their circumstances is not clear. Eastern Cape.
Jan 1998
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Rob en Deb Jones te Port Elizabeth hoewe is
nie duidelik nie. Oos Kaap.


KROG Duvina, female, was in Dinwiddie farm attack, but her circumstances is not
clear. Germiston. Feb 1998.
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Duvina Krog tydens die aanval op die
Dinwiddie plaas gedurende Feb 1998 is nie duidelik nie. Germiston

KRUGER Karel, retired Brigadier aged 70, tried to run away from his attackers, but
was shot twice in the back, and died from his injuries later on. Smallholding
Jaagbaan area, Potgietersrus. 18 Apr 1998
Oudbrig. Karel Kruger (70) is by sy kleinhoewe in die Jaagbaan-gebied by
Potgietersrus 2 keer in die rug geskiet toe hy probeer vlug het, en is later dood

KUHLMAN Jan, the 63 year old owner of a crocodile farm, was shot in the stomach
at his gate. De Wildt near Pretoria. 11 July 1998
Jan Kuhlmann (63), eienaar van ‘n krokodilplaas, is by sy hek in die maag geskiet.
De Wildt buite Pretoria

LAMPRECHT Isabel and her son Chrisjan SEE HEATHFIELD Tommie

LOURENS Hennie AND Drienie, were attacked, overpowered and robbed on their
farm in Sundra. 17 Nov 1998
Hennie en Drienie Lourens was oorval en beroof op hulle plaas. Sundra

MACK B., male aged 28, was murdered by two gunshots to the head on his farm
Highflats, Ixopo. 20 June 1998
Mnr B. Mack (28) is op sy plaas vermoor deur 2 geweer skote in sy kop. Highflats,
MARAIS Daniël, cattle farmer aged 65, AND his wife Maria aged 64, AND their
grandson Deron aged 7, were attacked inside their home. Daniël was stabbed to
death. Maria was assaulted but managed to escape with Deron. Farm Mariesdale,
Koffiefontein. 12 May 1998
Daniël Marais (65) ‘n veeboer van die plaas Mariesdale, is doodgesteek in sy huis.
Sy vrou Maria (64) was aangerand maar het gevlug met hulle kleinseun Deron (7).

MARAIS Hannes aged 88, AND his wife Anna aged 85, were both shot to death in
the head on farm Baviaanskrans, Ladysmith. 16 June 1998
Hannes Marais (88), en sy vrou Anna (85), van die plaas Baviaanskrans, was albei
in die kop doodgeskiet. Ladismith

MARAIS Sheila, female aged 58, was inside her car when she was shot to death on
the farm Newlands, Warmbaths. 16 March 1998
Sheila Marais (58) was op die plaas Newlands in haar motor doodgeskiet.

MARITZ Gerrit, male aged 80, AND his wife Magtilt aged 78, was attacked and
robbed on their farm, during which they were overpowered, assaulted and critically
wounded. Mooiplaas, Middelburg. 15 Dec 1998
Gerrit Maritz (80) en sy vrou Magtilt (78), was op hul plaas Mooiplaas oorval, erg
aangerand en beroof. Middelburg

MATTHEWS Machiel, aged 67, AND his wife Catherine aged 37, was attacked on
their smallholding by an armed gang. Catherine was alone at home when she was
overpowered and tied up. When Machiel arrived home, he was ambushed and
assaulted with hammers and fire arms. He was admitted to hospital in a critical
condition. Smallholding Magaliesberg. 21 Jan 1998
Catherine Matthews (37) was op haar hoewe oorval en vasgebind. Toe haar man
Machiel (67) tuis kom, was hy met hamers en ‘n vuurwapen aangerand. Hy was in ‘n
ernstige toestand by die hospital opgeneem. Magaliesburg

MCCARDLE Norman Alexander, male aged 76, was shot to death on his holding in
Bredell, Kempton Park. 13 May 1998
Norman Alexander McCardle (76) was doodgeskiet op sy hoewe in Bredell.
Kempton Park

MCNALLY Heather, female aged 67, was overpowered inside her home, assaulted
and robbed. Farm in Roylandgoed, near Weenen. 7 Oct 1998
Heather Mcnally (67) was in haar huis oorval, aangerand en beroof op die plaas in
Roylandgoed, buite Weenen

MEINTJIES Harry, male aged 37, AND his girlfriend Sarie Loots were attacked on
his farm Kareepoort during which he was shot in the leg. Sarie managed to shoot at
the attackers and they fled. Brits. 19 June 1998
Harry Meintjies (37) was in sy been gewond tydens die aanval op sy plaas
Kareepoort. Sy vriendin Sarie Loots het op die aanvallers geskiet, en hulle het
gevlug, Brits

MEYER Bill “Bull”, male aged 68, AND his wife Santie aged 67, AND a friend Ms A
Strydom, as well as 3 farm workers, were attacked on his farm Enkeldebosch. Bill
was bashed on the head and shot in his side. Santie was assaulted. Ms Strydom
and the farm workers were tied up and robbed. Devon, Mpumalanga. Aug 1998
Mnr Bill “Bull” Meyer (68) was oor kop geslaan en in die sy geskiet gedurende die
aanval op sy plaas Enkeldebosch buite Devon. Sy vrou Santie (67) is aangerand, en
‘n vriendin. Me. A. Strydom, en 3 plaaswerkers was net vasgebind en beroof

MINNAAR Fanie AND his wife were attacked on their holding by a gang, who ran
away after Fanie shot one of them dead. Cullinan. Nov 1998
Fanie Minnaar en sy vrou is ongedeerd nadat hy 1 van die aanvallers op sy hoewe
doodgeskiet het. Cullinan

MOUTON. A., female, suffered serious face and head wounds from an attack on her
farm during which she was beaten with a pipe. Frisgewaagd, Balfour. 21 Aug 1998
Mev A Mouton het ernstige gesigswonde opgedoen na ‘n aanval op die plaas
Frisgewaagd, waar sy aangerand was met ‘n pyp. Balfour

MYBURGH Hennie, male aged 83, AND his wife Dawn aged 70, were attacked on
their farm. Hennie was assaulted with a steel pipe, and Dawn was stabbed with a
knife. Buisdoring, between Thabazimbi and Cumberland. Dec 1998
Hennie Myburgh (83) en sy vrou Dawn (79) was aangeval op hul plaas Buisdoring
tussen Thabazimbi & Cumberland. Hennie was met ‘n ysterpyp aangerand, en sy
vrou was met ‘n mes gesteek

NAUDE Jan AND his family was shot at while he was driving his pick-up van on his
farm and had to flee.Lusthof, Clarens. Aug 1998
Jan Naude van die plaas Lusthof, en sy gesin, moes van sy plaas vlug nadat skote
op hulle geskiet was in hulle bakkie. Clarens

NAUDE Willem, male aged 76, AND his wife Beatrice aged 62, were attacked on
their farm. Willem was shot in the neck, and Beatrice was physically assaulted.
Doornpoort, Westonaria. 2 Nov 1998
Willem Naudé (76) van die plaas Doornpoort, was in die nek gewond in ‘n aanval op
die plaas. Sy vrou Beatrice (62) was fisies aangerand. Westonaria

NEL George, male aged 81, was attacked, overpowered and whiplashed on the
head with his own gun. His maid was shot afterwards. Farm near Mtunzini. 21 Sep
George Nel (81) was met sy eie wapen oor die kop geslaan op die plaas buite
Mtunzini, en sy bediende was daarna doodgeskiet

NIEMANN Pieter, male, was overpowered, assaulted and tied up by a gang who
then forced Pieter to write a letter in which he stated that he had sold sheep to his
attackers. Farm Naboomspruit. May 1998
Pieter Niemann was op sy plaas Naboomspruit aangerand en vasgebind. Hy was
ook gedwing om ‘n brief te teken dat hy skape aan die aanvallers verkoop het

OOSTHUIZEN Chrissie, female, AND Izak, male, were mentioned in an attack but
their circumstances is not clear. Valpan. Feb 1998
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Chrissie en Izak Oosthuizen is nie helder nie.

OOSTHUIZEN Martha, female, was axed to death in her kitchen. Farm Zandfontein,
Ladismith, Cape Karoo. 4 July 1998
Martha Oosthuizen van die plaas Zandfontein was in haar kombuis met ‘n byl
doodgekap, Ladismith, Cape Karoo

OTTO Gieljan, male aged 81, AND his wife Issie, were attacked on their farm
Weltevrede. Gieljan was assaulted, tied up, and died from suffocation on the
manure which was forced into his mouth. Issie was tied up. Roossenekal. 14 April
Gieljan Otto (81) was vasgebind, aangerand, en dood aan versmoring nadat
kunsmis in sy mond geprop was. Sy vrou Issie was vasgebind. Op plaas
Weltevrede, Roossenekal

PETERSON Dennis, male aged 72, was attacked and beaten to death on his farm
Frere. Estcourt. 24 May 1998
Dennis Peterson (72) was doodgeslaan in ‘n aanval op die plaas Frere, Estcourt

PHEIFER Christel SEE STANDER Hester Catharina

PHORENSON Cliff, male aged 62, was shot in the arm during an attack on holding
Mnandi, Centurion. 25 Oct 1998
Cliff Phorenson (62) is in arm gewond in aanval op hoewe by Mnandi, Centurion

PICKETT Greg, male aged 37, was mentioned in an attack on Coffee Bay
agricultural holdings, but his circumstances is unclear. Johannesburg. Jan 1998
Die omstandighede van die aanval op Greg Picket (37) is onduidelik te Coffee Bay
hoewes. Johannesburg.

PIENAAR Rovina Petronella, female aged 84, was murdered inside her home on the
farm Mooifontein, near Bloemhof. 1 Feb 1993
Rovina Petronella Pienaar (84) was in haar huis op die plaas Mooifontein vermoor,
naby Bloemhof

PIENAAR Willem Nicolaas Jaco, male aged 49, was shot to death on Buffelsdoorn
Holdings, Stilfontein. 19 Feb 1998
Willem Nicolaas Jaco Pienaar (49) was doodgeskiet op Buffeldoorn-hoewe,

PIETERSE, married female, was mentioned in an attack on the Wilgerspoort Farm

but her circumstances is not clear. Middleburg. Jan 1998
Die omstandighede van mev Pieterse tydens die aanval op die plaas Wilgerspoort
te Middelburg is nie duidelik nie.

PITOUT Sam, male aged 17, AND GerhardEngelbrecht, male aged 40, were attacked
while they were selling milk in the Dondonald-trust area. Gerhard was shot in the
leg. Sam was critically wounded with gunshots in his chest and arm. An attacker
was also wounded. Chrissiesmeer. 14 Jan 1998
Gerhard Engelbrecht (40) was in die been gewond, en Sam Pitout (17) was kritiek in
die bors en arm gewond, na ‘n aanval in die Dondonald-trustgebied waar hulle melk
verkoop het. ‘n Aanvaller is ook gewond. Chrissiesmeer

PRETORIUS Boeta, male aged 78, was mentioned in an attack on farm Ratpan, but
his circumstances is unclear. Vierfontein, Free State. Jan 1998
Die omstandighede van Boeta Pretorius (78) gedurende die aanval op plaas Ratpan
is onduidelik. Vierfontein, Vrystaat.

RADLOFF Beth, female aged 57, was stabbed to death in front of her farmhouse.
Waterfall, Ficksburg. 29 July 1998
Beth Radloff (57) is doodgesteek voor die plaashuis op plaas Waterfall, Ficksburg

RAUTENBACH Bester, male aged 71, was beaten to death inside his home on farm
Isley, Underberg. 19 July 1998
Mnr Bester Rautenbach (71) was doodgeslaan in sy huis op die plaas West Isley,

RAUTENBACH Hendrik Christoffel, male aged 66, AND his wife Annamaria
Magdalena aged 63, were attacked and overpowered on their holding Uitvlug.
Hendrik was admitted to hospital in a critical condition after he had been bashed
with a heavy object, where he died the next day. Annamaria was beaten to death.
Vereeniging. 17 Mar 1998
Hendrik Christoffel Rautenbach (66) was kritiek by die hospital opgeneem nadat hy
met ‘n stomp voorwerp geslaan was, waar hy die volgende dag aan sy wonde
beswyk het. Sy vrou Annamaria Magdalena (63) was doodgeslaan op Uitvlught
hoewe, Vereeniging

REDINGER Friedel, male aged 49, was shot to death on his farm Dulumbi.
Kranskop/Greytown area. 7 Dec 1998
Friedel Redinger (49) was op sy plaas Dulumbi doodgeskiet, Kranskop/Greytown

REID Bobby AND his son Andrew SEE HEATHFIELD Tommie


RIMBO P, Mr., was murdered inside his home. Farm Nooitgedacht, Middleburg. 7
Mar 1998
Mnr P. Rimbo van die plaas Nooitgedacht, was in sy huis vermoor. Middelburg

ROBBERTZE Jan, male aged 61, AND his wife Jeanette aged 56, AND her brother
Willem Brits aged 60, were ambushed as they arrived home on their farm, and shot
to death. Klipplaatsdrift, near Middleburg. 5 July 1998
Jan Robbertze (61) en sy vrou Jeanette (56), was by hul plaas Klipplaatsdrift
ingewag en vermoor (doodgeskiet). Haar broer Willem Brits (60) was ook
doodgeskiet. Naby Middelburg

RONALDSON Dave, male aged 68, was shot to death on his farm outside
Pietermaritzburg. 16 Mar 1998
Dave Ronaldson (68) was op sy plaas doodgeskiet, buite Pietermaritzburg

ROOS Kol, male aged 65, AND his wife Annatjie aged 60, were attacked inside their
home and shot to death. Farm Koerland, Fouriesburg. 1 Nov 1998
Mnr Kol Roos (65) en sy vrou Annatjie (60), was in hul plaashuis doodgeskiet, op
die plaas Koerland, Fouriesburg

ROSSOUW Gerda, female aged 32 AND her 3 year old daughter Suzette, were
attacked on their farm, Broodkop. Gerda was shot, tied up and robbed. Suzanne
was not injured. Bethlehem. 11 Aug 1998
Gerda Rossouw (32) was gewond, vasgebind en beroof op die plaas Broodkop.
Haar 3 jarige dogter Suzanne is nie beseer. Bethlehem

ROTHMAN Basie, AND his wife Marie, were overpowered, cruelly assaulted and
tortured on the Modderfontein holding, Rustenburg. 7 Aug 1998
Basie Rothman en sy vrou Marie, was wreed aangerand op die Modderfontein-
hoewe buite Rustenburg

ROUSSOUW Frans Pieter, male aged 64, AND his wife Tokkie aged 64, were
attacked inside their farmhouse at night by 2 men. Frans was overpowered while he
was watching television and stabbed to death. Tokkie was assaulted, tied up, and
robbed. 3 Guns were taken. Modderfontein. 20 Mar 1998
Frans Pieter Roussouw (63) was doodgesteek op sy plaas deur 2 mans terwyl hy
TV gekyk het. Sy vrou Tokkie (64) was aangerand en vasgebind. 3 wapens is
gesteel. Modderfontein

SCHUTTE Ina, female aged 49, was attacked, overpowered, tied up and robbed on
Sunsetview smallholding, Hercules. 20 May 1998
Ina Schutte (49) is op Sunsetview kleinhoewe oorval/vasgebind en beroof, Hercules

SCHWARZ Emile, male aged 60, AND his fiancé Jeanette van Vuuren aged 59, were
attacked, overpowered and robbed on his farm in Stutterheim. 9 July 1998
Emile Schwarz (60) en sy verloofde Jeanette van Vuuren (59), was op sy plaas
aangerand en beroof. Stutterheim

SENEKAL Alwyn Petrus, male aged 66, AND his brotherJacobus Frederik Senekal,
were ambushed and shot at their farm gate. Alwyn suffered a gunshot wound in his
arm. Jacobus was grazed by a bullet on the back of his head. Veekraal, Brits. 17
May 1998
Alwyn Petrus Senekal (66) en sy broer Jacobus Frederik Senekal, was by hul
plaashek oorval by die plaas Veekraal. Alwyn was in die arm gewond, en sy
broer skrams in die agterkop. Brits

SHARPLES Margaret, female aged 70, was found strangled to death on her farm
after friends, who arrived to fetch her for lunch, came under fire during which one
of them, Mr David Franklin, was shot in the chest. Pietermaritzburg. 1 March 1998
Mev Margaret Sharples (70) op haar plaas buite Pietermaritzburg, was verwurg.
Vriende wou haar kom oplaai vir middagete toe daar op hulle geskiet was, en mnr
David Franklin was in die bors gewond

SLABBERT Neels, male aged 64, was stabbed to death on his holding outside
Vereeniging. 7 July 1998
Neels Slabbert (64) was doodgesteek op sy hoewe buite Vereeniging

SMIT Engela aged 15, AND Gert Grobler aged 43, was axed to death on their
smallholding in De Deur. 16 Feb 1998
Engela Smit (15) en Gert Grobler (43) was met ‘n byl doodgekap op die kleinhoewe,
De Deur

SMITH Iris, female aged 54, AND her husband Bryan aged 54, came under fire and
was barely missed during an attack on their farm, Gravelotte.
Iris Smith (54) en haar man Bryan (54), is rakelings gemis toe daar op hulle geskiet
is op die plaas, Gravelotte
SOUCHON Tristan Henry, male aged 65, was shot to death in the head on the farm
Chiselhurst in the Amatikulu district. 22 Dec 1998
Tristan Henry Souchon (65) was doodgeskiet in die kop op sy plaas Chiselhurst,
Amatikulu distrik

STANDER Andre, male aged 65, was murdered on the porch of the farmhouse he
was renting in Hazenjacht, near De Rust. 30 Aug 1998
André Stander (65) is op die stoep vermoor van sy gehuurde plaasopstal in
Hazenjacht, naby De Rust

STANDER Hester Catharina, female aged 73, was assaulted with a stick but was
saved by her daughter, Christel Pheifer aged 39, who stabbed the attacker to death.
Smallholding Ons Ideaal, White River. 6 June 1998
Christel Pheifer (39) het ‘n aanvaller doodgesteek nadat hy haar ma Hester
Catharina Stander (73) met ‘n stok aangeval het op die kleinhoewe Ons Ideaal,

STRAUSS Hendrik was shot to death while he was asleep on the farm
Palmietfontein near Bloemhof. 4 April 1998
Hendrik Strauss van die plaas Palmietfontein was in sy slaap doodgeskiet, naby


SWANEPOEL Nols, male aged 70, was overpowered, assaulted and robbed inside
his house on the farm Rietvlei, Swartruggens. 18 Jan 1998
Nols Swanepoel (70) op die plaas Rietvlei was in die huis oorrompel, aangerand
en beroof, Swartruggens

TAITZ Theodore Stanley, male aged 61, was shot to death on his farm New Modder,
between benoni and Daveyton. 11 Mar 1998
Theodore Stanley Taitz (61) was op sy plaas New Modder doodgeskiet, tussen
Benoni en Daveyton

THERON George, a paraplegic, was shot to death on the holding 39, Vanderbijlpark.
15 May 1998
George Theron, ‘n parapleeg was doodgeskiet op hoewe (39), Vanderbijlpark

THERON Piet, male aged 73, was bashed to death with iron. Farm Hazor, between
Virginia and Winburg. 15 Dec 1998
Piet Theron (73) was met yster doodgeslaan op die plaas Hazor tussen Virginia en

THOMAS H., male aged 80, AND his wife, Mrs S Thomas, were attacked on their
holding. He was assaulted and robbed. Benoni. 18 Aug 1998
Mnr H Thomas (80) en sy vrou S. Thomas (70) was aangeval op’n Benoni-hoewe.
Die man is aangerand en beroof. Benoni

THORNE Lionel, male aged 60, was murdered on his holding. Plaston, near White
River. Nelspruit area. 8 Aug 1998
Lionel Thorne (60) was op sy hoewe vermoor, te Plaston (Witriver/Nelspruit)

TIYNTON Ivan, AND his wife Helen, both aged 66, were attacked. Ivan was stabbed
in the arm with a knife. Helen was assaulted and locked up. Ivan managed to get
hold of his gun and let off some shots which made the attacker flee. Sandy=River
area, Richmond. 29 July 1998
Ivan Tiynton (66) was in sy arm met ‘n mes gesteek. Helen sy vrou (66), was
aangerand en toegeslui. Nadat hy skote geskiet het, het die aanvaller gevlug.
Sandy-River omgewing, Richmond

UNNAMED HAAKDORING, PRETORIA farmer aged 54 was shot in the stomach and
arm during an attack on his holding Haakdoring, Pretoria. 3 Jan 1998
‘n 54 Jarige man was in die arm en maag gewond op sy Haakdoring-hoewe,
Pretoria Noord

UNNAMED HARTBEESFONTEIN woman aged 32 was seriously injured, tied to a

pole, and robbed on a holding in Hartbeesfontein. 29 April 1998
‘n 32-Jarige vrou was op ‘n hoewe in Hartbeesfontein ernstig aangerand, aan ‘n
paal vasgebind en beroof

VAN DER BERG Aliluni, aged 74, was overpowered inside the house and robbed. 2
workers were also tied up. Holding Erasmia. 1 July 1998
Aliluni van der Berg (74) was oorval en beroof in die huis op hoewe in Erasmia. 2
werkers was ook vasgebind

VAN DER MERWE family was attacked, held hostage and robbed by an armed
gang. Crystal park smallholding, Benoni. 1 May 1998
Die Van der Merwe gesin was op Crystal Park kleinhoewe deur gewapende mans
aangehou en beroof, Benoni

VAN DER MESCHT Margaret, female aged 78, was attacked on the Coega holding.
Aug 1998
Margaret van der Mescht (78) is op ‘n hoewe by Coega aangeval

VAN HEERDEN Johannes Henry, male aged 67, was bashed to death inside his bed
on the farm Nooitgedacht, near Witbank. 27 Aug 1998
Johannes Henry van Heerden (67) is op die plaas Nooitgedacht naby Witbank in sy
bed doodgeslaan
VAN HUYSTEEN Thys, male aged 25, was shot to death in the neck and head inside
the farmhouse on Viljoenskroon. 30 July 1998
Thys van Huysteen (25) was in die plaashuis doodgeskiet (in nek/kop) by

VAN NIEKERK Gerhardus, male aged 71, was tied up and beaten with blunt objects.
Farm, Witbank. 18 May 1998
Gerhardus van Niekerk (71) was vasgebind en met stomp voorwerpe aangerand op
plaas, Witbank

VAN NIEKERK female, AND her 3 children, were attacked by a gang of 4 armed
men, overpowered, tid up and robbed. Holding Boschkop. 21 June 1998
Mev Van Niekerk en haar 3 kinders is deur 4 mans oorval op hoewe in Boschkop,
hulle is vasgebind en beroof

VAN NIEKERK, female, was attacked by 3 men, but as she managed to slam the
door in their face, an attacker let a shot off which killed one of his gang members
by accident, and the dead man fell on top of her, before they ran away.
Smallholding, Pretoria North. 10 Aug 1998
Drie mans het mev van Niekerk op haar hoewe oorval, maar sy het die deur
toegestamp. ‘n Skoot het afgegaan waarin hulle per ongeluk hul eie makker
doodgeskiet het, en hy het bo-op Mev v/Niekerk geval, voordat hulle gevlug het.
Pretoria Noord

VAN RENSBURG Sarel, arrived at his farmhouse but heard his maid scream from
inside the house and ran back to his pick-up van under fire, but was missed. He
managed to call for help. Kromdraai, Potchefstroom. 8 Jan 1998
Sarel van Rensburg het op die plaas Kromdraai aangekom en sy bediende gehoor
uit die huis gil. Hy het terug na sy bakkie gehardloop, waarna hulle op hom
misgeskiet het, en hy het kon hulp ontbied. Potchefstroom

VAN VUUREN Daantjie, male aged 48, AND Johanna van Zyl aged 32, AND his
mother Johanna aged 78, were attacked by an armed gang of 4 men. Daantjie was
shot to death. Johanna was pistol whipped and stabbed 5 times with a knife in the
shoulder. Johanna was bashed in the face with the butt of a gun before the women
were tied up and robbed. The police had a shootout with the attackers during which
3 gang members were shot dead, and one detective sergeant L Zondo was also
shot dead. Farm Wilgerspoort, Balfour. 16 Jan 1998
Daantjie van Vuuren (48) was doodgeskiet op plaas die Wilgerspoort, Johanna van
Zyl (32) was met’n wapen geslaan en 5 keer met ‘n mes in haar skouer gesteek. Sy
ma Johanna (78), was met ‘n geweerkolf in die gesig geslaan, voordat die vrouens
vasgebind en beroof was. Polisie het gehelp soek na die 4 oortreders op die plaas,
en het met hulle in ‘n skietgeveg gekom waaartuidens 3 aanvallers doodgeskiet
was, asook Speurder Sersant Lehlohonoto Zondo. Balfour

VAN VUUREN Jacobus aged 69, AND his wife Monica, were ambushed,
overpowered and robbed at their farm gate. Boskop, Kathu. 13 May 1998
Jacobus van Vuuren (69) en sy vrou Monica was by die plaashek van hul plaas
Boskop oorval en beroof. Kathu

VAN WYK Johanna, female aged 40, was bashed to death on the head with a heavy
object. Farm Bitterspoort, Carnarvon. 1 Aug 1998
Johanna Van Wyk (40) van die plaas Bitterspoort was met ‘n swaar voorwerp teen
die kop doodgeslaan, Carnarvon area

VAN WYK Johannes Marthinus, male aged 42, AND his son Johan aged 12, was
ambushed at the gate of their farm, but were not injured. Paardeplaas,
Marico/Zeerust area. 2 Dec 1998
Johannes Marthinus van Wyk (42) en sy seun Johan (12), was by die hek van hulle
plaas Paardeplaas oorval (daar was op hulle geskiet), maar hulle was gelukkig nie
getref nie. Marico/Zeerust gebied

VAN ZYL Chris, male, was attacked inside his house but shot dead one of the
attackers. Farm Rockeby, Parys. 8 Sep 1998
Chris van Zyl van die plaas Rockeby, was aangeval in sy huis, en hy het een van
die boewe doodgeskiet, Parys

VAN ZYL Francis, male aged 42, was shot to death in front of his family inside his
home by an armed gang. Constantiakloof, Florida aan die Wes-Rand.1998
Mnr Francis van Zyl (42) was voor sy familie in sy huis deur ‘n gewapende bende
doodgeskiet. Constantiakloof. Wesrand.


VERMAAK David, male aged 55, was shot to death on his farm Bartlow Combine,
Hluhluwe. 5 Oct 1998
David Vermaak (55) was doodgeskiet op sy Bartlow Combine plaas, Hluhluwe

VERMEULEN Roelof, was murdered during an attack by 2 men. His maid was also
attacked. Plot 4, Randfontein. 25 Aug 1998
25 Augustus 1998 Roelof Vermeulen van Plot 4 Randfontein, en sy bediende, was
aangeval deur 2 mans. Roelof sterf in aanval

VICTOR Willie, male farmer, was attacked with a butchers knife and a panga. His
dogs saved his life. Farm SpesBona, Verkeerdevlei. Bloemfontein. 25 Oct 1998
Willie Victor van die plaas SpesBona, was aangeval met ‘n slagmes en panga. Sy
honde het tot sy redding gekom. Verkeerdevlei, Bloemfontein

VILJOEN Annalize, female aged 73, was savagely attacked on a farm in Riverton. 31
July 1998
Annalize Viljoen (73) was ernstig aangerand op ‘n plaas in Riverton

WEBBER Bert AND his wife Peta, both aged 41, AND their daughter Caroline aged
11 AND son Nielson aged 8, were attacked inside their bedrooms on the farm
Toitskraal by a gang of 6 armed men. Bert was shot 3 times in front of his children,
and Nielson was pistol whipped on the head. Peta and Caroline were assaulted.
Bert was admitted to hospital in a critical condition, and died 2 weeks later (29th
March). His wife has had to settle hundreds of thousands of rands in medical fees,
and a nationwide call for this funding had been made. Marble Hall. 13 Mar 1998
Bert Weber (41) se gesin was deur ‘n gewapende bende van 6 mans op sy geboorte
plaas Toitskraal aangeval waarin hy 3 keer voor sy kinders geskiet was. Sy seun,
Nielson (8) was met ‘n wapen oor die kop geslaan. Sy vrou Teta (41) en dogtertjie
caroline (11) was aangerand. Bert was in ‘n kretiese toestand in die hospital
opgeneem, waar hy ‘n paar weke later (29/3) beswyk het aan sy wonde. Peta is met
honderde duisende rande se skuld aan mediese fondse agtergelaat. ‘n Landswyse
versoek om fondse vir die skuld was gemaak. Marble hall.

WHELEHAN Doreen, female aged 75, was overpowered in her home on the “Dexter
cattle stud farm”, tied up, and beaten to death. Muldersdrif, 26 June 1998
Me. Doreen Whelehan (75) is in die huis op “Dexter cattle stud farm” oorval,
vasgebind en doodgeslaan. Muldersdrif

WILKENSON Kokkie, male aged 89, is paralized after an attack on his farm
Sterkfontein in which he was shot in the head, chest, arm and back. Villiers, 25 Mar
Mnr Kokkie Wilkinson (89) van die plaas Sterkfontein is verlam na die aanval waarin
hy in die kop, bors, arm en rug geskiet was, Villiers

WILSON Diny, female aged 68, AND her mother Eva Revenhorst aged 87 were
severely injured in an attack on their holding Hoekwil. Eva died 2 days later in
hospital from a heart attack.Wildernis. 3 Oct 1998
Diny Wilson (68) en haar ma Eva Revenhorst (87) was erg aangerand op ‘n hoewe
by Hoekwil naby Wildernis. Eva is 2 dae later oorlede aan ‘n hartaanval in die

WYLIE Peter, male aged 76, was murdered on the farm Upper Gletwyn near
Grahamstown. 29 Aug 1998
Peter Wylie (76) was op die plaas Upper Gletwyn naby Grahamstad vermoor.

BAUMONT F.A.Mrs., aged 56, was attacked on her farm, overpowered, tied up and
robbed. Rooikoppies area, near Brits. 6 Dec 1997
Mev F.A. Baumont (56) van die Rooikoppies omgewing is op haar plaas aangeval,
vasgebind en beroof. Naby Brits


BOONZAAIER Nico, male aged 55, was shot to death on the farm De Hoop,
Schweizer-Reneke. 30 Nov 1997. Mention has been made of Anelle, female, aged 48,
but it is unclear what her circumstances were.
Nico Boonzaaier (55) was op plaas De Hoop doodgeskiet, Schweizer-Reneke.
Melding word gemaak van die naam Anelle, vroulik (48) maar dit is onklaar wat haar
omstandighede was.

BOOYSE Martie, female, was overpowered inside her home, and stabbed
repeatedly with a knife before she managed to escape. Leeufontein holdings,
Kameeldrif. 25 Dec 1997
Martie Booyse van die Leeufontein hoewes in Kameeldrift was oorval in haar huis,
waar sy verskeie kere met ‘n mes gesteek was, maar kon toe vlug

BOTES Isabel, female aged 64, AND her husband Jack aged 69, as well as a farm
worker were overpowered and robbed on their smallholding. Jack and the worker
were tied up. Isabel was attacked with a spade, jumped on and throttled. Leeupoort,
Delmas. 4 Oct 1997
Isabel Botes (64) en haar man Jack (69) van ‘n kleinhoewe by Leeupoort is
oorval. Mnr Botes en ‘n plaaswerker is vasgebind. Isobel is gewurg, en hulle het
ook op haar gespring, en haar met ‘n graaf geslaan en beroof. Delmas

BOTHA Susara Catherina “Sarie”, female aged 85, was beaten and stabbed to death
on smallholding Rosashof, Vanderbijlpark. 14 Feb 1997
Sarie (Susara Catherina) Botha (85) is doodgeslaan en gesteek op Rosashof
kleinhoewe, Vanderbijlpark

BOTHA Wayne, male farmer aged 32, was attacked by an armed gang of 3 men.
Wayne was hit in the back of the head with a walking stick and shot in the stomach
(fortunately the gun was loaded with buckshot). Highflats, Natal south. 26 Nov 1997
Wayne Botha (32) ‘n boer van Highflats, suid Natal, is deur 3 mans aangeval. Hy is
met ‘n kierie agter die kop geslaan, en in die bors geskiet (gelukkig was dit

BOTHA W.J.J., male aged 82, was overpowered on the porch of his farmhouse, tied
up and robbed. Witpoort, Greylingstad. 18 Feb 1997
Mnr W.J.J Botha (82) is op die stoep van sy huis op die plaas Witpoort oorval,
vasgebind en beroof. Greylingstad

BOUER Jan, male aged 58, was stabbed to death on his farm Chester, Hoedspruit. 9
Aug 1997
Jan Bouer (58) van die plaas Chester is doodgesteek, Hoedspruit

BRODIE Stefan, male aged 26, AND Brenden Ollsson, male aged 25, was shot dead
when they surprised an armed gang on the holding Diepsloot near centurion. 28
April 1997
Stefan Brodie (26) en Brenden Ollsson (25) is doodgeskiet op hoewe by
Diepsloot naby Centurion, nadat hulle die boewe daar op heterdaad betrap het.

BURELLI Male, was attacked, assaulted and robbed. Farm Gevind, Balfour. Feb
Mnr Burelli is in aanval op plaas Gevind aangerand en beroof, Balfour

CAMPBELL Peter, male aged 61, was shot to death inside his pick-up van while he
was selling milk. Bloedrivier. 26 March 1997
Peter Campbell (61) is in die Bloedrivier omgewing in sy bakkie doodgeskiet terwyl
hy melk verkoop het

CAWTHORN Rae, female aged 21, was stabbed to death inside her home during the
night. Her friend with whom she shared the home, had taken a sleeping pill before
she went to sleep, was raped while she was unaware of the attack on Rae.
Stutterheim. Sep 2006
Rae Cawthorn (21) was gedurende die nag in haar woning verskeie kere met 'n mes
doodgesteek en die vriendin saam met wie sy gebly het, is verkrag. Die vriendin
was weens ‘n slaappil wat sy gedrink het voordat sy gaan slap het, onbewus van
die aanval op Rae. Stutterheim

COETSER Frederik, male aged 74, was tortured to death on his farm. His fingers
were clamped in vice, and his legs beaten and broken with sticks. He was stabbed
in his right side with a knife, and his head crushed with a stone. Farm
Renosterhoek Section 32, Sabie. 15 Jan 1997
Frederik Coetser (74) van die plaas Renosterhoek (Gedeeldte 32) was vermoor,
maar was eers gemartel deurdat sy vingers in ‘n skroef vasgedraai was, en sy bene
was so erg met stokke geslaan dat sy bene gebreek het. Daarna is hy met ‘n mes in
die regtersy gesteek en sy kop was met ‘n klip verbrysel. Sabie
COETZER Sarel Francios, male aged 75, was overpowered, assaulted and robbed
on his farm Woetalleen, Hendrina. 10 Dec 1997
Sarel Francois Coetzer (75) van die plaas Woestalleen is aangeval, aangerand en
beroof. Hendrina

COOKS Peter, male aged 69, AND his daughter aged 32, AND her children, were
overpowered at gunpoint and held hostage while their home was robbed. Sundra
holding. 24 June 1997
Peter Cooks (69) is op hoewe oorval en met wapens aangehou. Sy 32 jarige dogter,
en haar kinders, is ook aangehou terwyl die plek beroof is. Sundra

CRAFFORD Danie, AND his wife Connie, AND their two daughters, were attacked
by an armed gang of 4 men on their holding. Connie was whip lashed with a gun
and suffered a cut in the head, Danie was nicked with a bullet, and the children
were closed up in the boot of their car. Cullinan holding. 4 Dec 1997
Danie Crafford, sy vrou Connie en 2 dogters was deur 4 mans op hulle hoewe
oorval. Danie was skrams gewond, sy vrou het ‘n sny aan haar kop opgedoen toe
sy met ‘n vuurwapen teen die kop geslaan was, en hulle kinders was in die
bagasiebak van hulle motor toegemaak. Cullinan

CRAUCAMP Jan, was ambushed when he arrived at home and held up at gunpoint,
but the attacker was interrupted and ran away. Zandfontein holding. 31 Jan 1997
Jan Craucamp van hoewe in Zandfontein is met sy aankoms tuis met ‘n wapen
aangehou, maar die boef was onderbreek en het vir iets gevlug

DANNHAUSER Piet aged 76, AND his wife Baby aged 67, were attacked and
tortured on their farm. They were kicked, beaten with steel bars, tied up, strangled,
and nearly smothered to death with a blanket. Slangheuwel, Sasolburg. 2 Feb 1997.
Baby Dannhauser (67), en haar man Piet (76), is op die plaas Slangheuwel
aangeval. Hulle is geskop, met ysterstawe geslaan, vasgebind, gewurg en amper
met ‘n kombers versmoor, Sasolburg

DE CASTRO Ricardo, male aged 51, was shot to death as he entered the shed of his
farm Waterval, to which he was summoned by one of his workers, after his staff
were overpowered by an armed gang. Near Zeerust, 22 Sep 1997
Rowers het werkers oorval op plaas Waterval, en 1 werker is gedwing om die
eienaar te gaan roep, Ricardo de Castro (51). Ricardo is doodgeskiet net toe hy by
deur van skuur inkom. Buite Zeerust

DEETLEFS Veronica, female aged 63, ws overpowered and her throat slit. Farm
Armondale, Cove Ridge, East London. 1 Feb 1997
Veronica Deetlefs (63) is keelaf gesny in die aanval op plaas Armondale, Cove
Ridge, Oos London
DELPORT Christo, male, was attacked and shot twice on his farm Nooitgedacht,
Pongola. 28 Sep 1997
Christo Delport van die plaas Nooitgedacht is 2 keer gewond in aanval, Pongola

DE MEYER Gerbrecht Heiltje, male aged 72, was attacked by an armed gang of 3
men inside his house, overpowered, tied up, assaulted and shot three times. He
died the following day in hospital. Farm Oplossing. 22 April 1997
Gerbrecht Heiltje de Meyer (72) van die plaas Oplossing is in sy huis deur 3 oorval,
vasgebind en aangerand en 3 keer gewond, hy is die volgende dag in hospital

DENNER Ella, female aged 41, was shot in the hand and robbed during an attack on
her smallholding. Her maid, Connie Monnare, was not injured. Zuurplaat, Monnare,
Rustenburg. 2 Sep 1997
Ella Denner (41) is in die hand gewond gedurende ‘n aanval op Zuurplaat
kleinhoewe, en beroof. Haar huishulp, Connie Monnare, is nie beseer nie.

DENNER John Henry, male aged 71, was shot to death at his farmstall, Lizumpi.
Near Klerksdorp. 6 April 1997
John Henry Denner (71) is by sy Lizumpi padstal buite Klerksdorp doodgeskiet


DREYER Servaas, male aged 70, was ambushed while he was driving his pick-up
van. All four the tyres were shot to pieces. His corpse was found next to his
vehicle, where he had been trussed and murdered. Charlestown. 18 Nov 1997.
Servaas Dreyer (70) is vasgebind en vermoor, sy lyk is langs sy bakkie aangetref, al
4 wiele is stukkend geskiet, Charlestown

DU PLESSIS Pietie male aged 92, was brutally attacked during which he was shot in
the stomach. He died in hospital. Legkaart area, Pieterseburg. 7 July
Pietie du Plessis (92) van die Legkaart-omgewing naby Pietersburg is gewelddadig
aangeval, hy is in maag gewond, kritiek, sterf in hospitaal

DU PLESSIS Susanna Elizabeth, female aged 60, was attacked, overpowered,

dragged around by the hair, and robbed inside her home. Rooipoort holding,
Potgietersrus. 27 may 1997
Susanna Elizabeth du Plessis (60) is in haar huis op Rooipoort-hoewes oorval, aan
die hare rondgetrek en beroof. Potgietersrus

DU PONTES Eduan, male aged 22, AND his mother Theresa aged 55, and a worker
Sekorokete aged 23, were attacked at their farmstall. Theresa was shot in the
stomach, and one attacker was shot dead. Boksburg North. 7 June 1997
Eduan du Pontes (22), en sy ma Theresa (55), en ‘n werker Sam Sekorokete (23), is
aangeval by plaas stalletjie. Mev du Pontes is in die skouer gewond, en 1 rower is
doodgeskiet. Boksburg Noord

DU TOIT Maryke, female aged 18, shot dead an attacker inside her home who tried
to rape her and the maid, Mrs A Phala aged 55. Farm at Mamogalieskrans, near
Bris. 25 June 1997.
Maryka du Toit (18) van die plaas by Mamogalieskrans naby Brits, het ‘n aanvaller
in haar huis doodgeskiet nadat hy haar en die bediende, Mev A Phala (55), probeer
verkrag het

EHRENBERGER R.F., male aged 53, attacked inside his home and shot to death in
the chest, arm and leg. De Deur holding. 22 Dec 1997
Mnr R.F. Ehrenberger (53) is in sy huis op die hoewe in De Deur doodgeskiet

ELLIS Dan was in a critical condition in hospital after he had been shot in the head
through a window on his farm Texel, Nkwaleni area. 20 Oct 1997
Dan Ellis van die plaas Texel in die Nkwaleni omgewing, was deur ‘n venster in die
kop geskiet. Hy was in ‘n kritieke toestand in die hospitaal

ELLSON Peter, male aged 68, AND his wife, Anne aged 68, were attacked inside
their bedroom with pangas. They were both admitted to hospital in a critical
condition, where Peter died. Farm ‘Plottie, Thornville. 3 Sep 1997
Peter Ellson (68) is in die hospitaal dood nadat hy met pangas aangeval was in sy
slaapkamer op plaas ‘Plottie Farm. Sy vrou Anne (68), is in ‘n kritieke toestand in
die hospitaal, Thornville

ENGELBRECHT Susan, female aged 33, has been mentioned but it is unclear what
her circumstances were. Riverside, Nelspruit, Limpopo July 1997

ERASMUS Lourens, male, has been mentioned but it is unclear what his
circumstances were. Kya Sands, Randfontein. May 1997

ESPACH Antoléne, female aged 21, and her maid Lena Molefe, were attacked,
overpowered and robbed inside the kitchen of their farmhouse. Potchefstroom. 12
Nov 1997
Antoléne Espach (21) en haar huishulp Lena Molefe, is in die kombuis op hulle
plaas oorval, vasgebind en beroof. Potchefstroom

EVANS Reg, male aged 55, AND his wife Lucille aged 55, were attacked on their
farm. Reg died from gun shots in the face and chest. Lucille was shot in the chest,
and admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Farm horseshoe, Camperdown
district. 30 June 1997
Reg Evans (55) van die plaas Horseshoe, is in die gesig en bors doodgeskiet. Sy
vrou Lucille (55), is in ‘n ernstige toestand nadat sy in bors gewond is.
Camperdown distrik

FOUCHE Wicus, male aged 35, was shot to death inside his pick-up van on his
farm, Avalon, Lichtenburg. 19 Jan 1997
Wicus Fouche (35) is in sy bakkie op Avalon plaas doodgeskiet, Lichtenburg

FOURIE Christoffel “Stoffel”, male aged 41, was stabbed in the arm and back
during an attack on his farm, Farm Montana, area Roadside, near Vrede,
Bloemfontein. 9 Dec 1997
Stoffel Fourie van die plaas Montana, was in sy arm en rug gesteek in ‘n aanval.
Roadside, naby Vrede

FRANCA Maria, female aged 73, AND her daughter Helen Franca aged 39, were
attacked and robbed on their farm. Maria was kicked repeatedly and suffered
injuries on her back and coccyx. Helen suffered a broken nose and other facial
injuries. White River. 17 March 1997
Maria Franca (73) is op die rug en stuitjie geskop, en Helen Franca (39) se neus is
gebreek en is beroof op plaas in Witrivier omgewing

FREESE Edwin, male aged 36, AND his wife Inge aged 36, AND their daughters
Brenda aged 4, AND
Chantel aged 9, were attacked inside their bedrooms while they were asleep in the
early hours of Sunday morning. Edwin and Inge were beaten repeatedly with a
wooden club and a brick (usually a brick would be put into a sock and swung
around, aimed at a victim). Edwin suffered brain damage, and a part of his brain
was removed during emergency surgery. He has lost his sense of balance. All the
bones in Inge’s face were broken or cracked, and bones inside her legs and left
arm were also cracked. Her ribs were broken and her lung was punctured. The eyes
of their daughter were beaten out of their heads with baseball bats on the head a
heavy object and throttled. Brenda suffered a cracked scull. Farm Datton in
Lilienthal. Fawn Leas. 16 March 1997

FREESE Edwin Freese (36) en sy vrou Inge (36) is herhaaldelik met ‘n kolf en
baksteen geslaan nadat hulle in hul slaapkamer oorval is op die plaas Datton by
Lilienthal. ‘n Gedeelte van mnr Freese se brein moes in ‘n noodoperasie verwyder
word (het nie balans nie ens.). Al die bene van Inge se gesig was gekraak of
gebreek, die ribbe en bene in haar linkerarm is gekraak, en haar long is deurboor.
Hul dogters Brenda (4) en Chantel (9) se oe was uit hulle koppe geslaan met
“baseball clubs” en gewurg. Brenda se skedel is gekraak. Fawn Leas
FROST Robin, male aged 63, and a farm worker Gert Masumbuka aged 82, were
attacked on their farm by a gang of men who pretended to be interested in buying
cattle. Robin was seriously injured. Delmas area. 1 Dec 1997
Mnr Robin Frost (63) en ‘n plaaswerker Gert Masumbuka (82) was op hulle plaas
naby Delmas aangerand. Robin was ernstig beseer deur mans wat voorgegee het
dat hulle beeste wil koop

FUHRSTENBURG Frans, male aged 56, was shot to death in the ehart, chest and
stomach. Konrad de Wet was shot in his side, tied up, and had more than 250kg of
cement bags packed on him, but he survived. Kaallaagte holdings in
Hannamskraal, Pretoria North. 2 Nov 1997
Franz Fuhrstenburg (56) was doodgeskiet (hart,bors,maag geskiet) op
Kaallaagtehoewe in Hammanskraal, noord van Pretoria. Konrad de Wet was
gewond in die sy, vasgebind en meer as 250kg sementsakke was op hom gepak,
maar hy het oorleef.

GATHMANN Werner, male aged 60, was shot to death in his vehicle as he left his
farmhouse. Gretown. 25 March 1997
Mnr Werner Gathmann (60) is naby Greytown doodgeskiet terwyl hy van
sy plaashuis weggery het

Vivianne Gevers (60) was na kerk aangerand, op haar kniee gedwing en dood
geskiet met twee skote in haar kop. PaulpietersburgGEVERS Vivianne, female aged
60, was shot twice in the ehad and died on her farm. Paulpietersburg. 5 Oct 1997
Vivianne Gevers (60) was op haar plaas doodgeskiet met 2 skote in die kop.

GROBLER Frans, male aged 76, was attacked and shot in the head on his farm, and
died from his injuries in hospital on the 15th Feb 1998. Farm Homefire, Kromdraai,
near Krugersdorp. 19 Dec 1997
Frans Grobler (76) was op sy plaas Homefire, Kromdraai, in die kop geskiet. Hy is
op 15/02/98 in die hospitaal oorlede. Naby Krugersdorp

GROENEWALD Juian, male, AND Maretha, was overpowered on their farm, tied up
and robbed. Julian was physically assaulted. Vredenrus, Eermelo. 20 June 1997
Julian en Marethe Groenewald is op hul plaas Vredenrus oorval. Julian
is aangerand en albei is vasgebind en beroof. Ermelo

HAASBROEK Lourens. Male aged 38, has been mentioned, but it is unclear what
his circumstances were. Rayton, Cullinan, Mpumalanga. June 1997
HARDY Richard, male aged 42, was shot dead by bogus “roadworkers”. Babango
area, KZN. 3 Sept 1997

HOENDERDOS Gerhardus Johannes, aged 72, AND his wife Vincenzia aged 70,
were attacked inside their home by an armed gang. Although Vincenzia begged
them not to kill her husband, they throttled and suffocated him to death. Farm
Muldersdrift. 4 Dec 1997
Gerhardus Johannes Hoenderdos (72) was in die huis op sy plaas oorval. Selfs
nadat sy vrou, Vincenzia (70) gesmeek het dat hulle hom nie moet doodmaak nie,
het hulle hom nogtans gewurg en versmoor. Muldersdrift

HOUERST Anna, female housekeeper aged 44, was overpowered by 3 attackers

armed with knives, tied up and robbed at the house on smallholding Eloff, Sundra.
24 June 1997
Anna Houerst, ‘n 44- jarige huishulp, is deur 3 persone met messe oorval by die
huis op kleinhoewe Eloff, waar sy vasgebind en beroof is. Sundra

JACOB John, male aged 74, died on the way to hospital from the injuries he
sustained during an attack on his farm, Bloekomkrans, Lothair. 21 Feb 1997
John Jacob (74) is op pad na die hospitaal dood na ‘n aanval op sy plaas
Bloekomkrans, by Lothair

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Ebenhauzer male aged 69, was shot to death through his
window. Farm Buffelsvlei, Ventersdorp. 16 June 1997
Ebenhaezer Janse van Rensburg (69) van die plaas Buffelsvlei is deur sy venster
doodgeskiet, buite Ventersdorp

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Francious, male aged 27, was overpowered, tied up and
beaten to death. Farm Komkommerhoek, Steynsburg in the Teebus area. 22 Dec
Francois Janse van Rensburg (27) van die plaas Komkommerhoek was vasgebind
en doodgeslaan, Steynsburg in die Teebus-omgewing

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Stephan, male aged 25, was overpowered by 4 men inside
the dairy. He was slashed on his wrist, arm, and ehad with a panga. Farm
Wonderheuwel, Sasolburg. 11 Sep 1997
Stephan Janse van Rensburg (25) was in ‘n melkstal oorval deur 4 rowers, waar hy
met ‘n panga op sy pols, boarm, en kop gekap was. Plaas Wonderheuwel,

JORDAAN, Ria, 86, strangled to death, Tweefontein Farm, Molteno District, East
London November 14 1997

KEYSER James Christiaan Lourens “Jimmy” male aged 63, AND his wife Cecile
“Chippie” aged 60, AND their granddaughter Esme aged 4, were attacked inside
their home. Jimmy was shot to death, Cecile was wounded in her leg, and Esme
was wounded in her arm. Farm Rietfontein, Fochville. 9 March 1997
James Christiaan Lourens Keyser (Jimmy) (63) is in sy huis doodgeskiet, sy vrou
Cecile (Chippie) (60) is in haar been gewond, en hul kleinkind Esmé (4) is in die arm
gewond in ‘n aanval op die plaas Rietfontein, Fochville

KIETZMAN Friedrich Wilhelm, male aged 77, AND his wife Olive aged 79, were
attacked inside their home. The couple were viciously assaulted, and Fredrich was
throttled to death. Troutwaters holding, Haenertsburg. 22 Aug 1997.
Friedrich Wilhelm Kietzman (77) was in sy huis op Troutwaters-hoewe aangerand
en Verwurg. Sy vrou Olive (79) was ernstig aangerand, Haenertsburg

KJONSTAD Brett, male aged 41, was shot through a window as he was on his way
to defend his daughter, Claudia, who was being attacked in the garden. Both
survived. Farm near Margate
Brett Kjonstad (41) is deur ‘n venster geskiet op sy plaas (maar het oorleef), toe hy
sy dogter, Claudia, wou gaan help waar sy in die tuin oorval was. Naby Margate

KRUGER Jan Barend, male aged 52, was murdered. His ribs were broken and he
had a hole in his chest. He had a shop adjacent to his home. Laersdrif. 17 Nov 1997
Jan Barend Kruger (52) was vermoor. Sy ribbes is gebreek en hy het ‘n gat in sy
bors gehad. Hy het ook ‘n winkel aan sy huis gehad. Laersdrif

KRUGER Johanna, female aged 90, AND her daughter (same names) Johanna
Kruger aged 55, were attacked by a gang of 6 men. They were tied up, kicked,
attacked and robbed. Farm Kromdraai, Leslie. 11 March 1997
Johanna Kruger (90) en haar dogter met dieselfde naam (55) is op plaas Kromdraai
oorval deur 6 mans – vasgebind, geskop, aangerand en beroof. Leslie

LABUSCHAGNE Babs was saved by her maid, Betha Molekang, who surprised
attackers by her arrival at work. They shot at her, but she managed to escape. Farm
Witpoort, near Ventersdorp. 8 Dec 1997
‘n Huishulp Betha Molekang (39) van Babs Labuschagné het ‘n aanval voorkom toe
sy aanvallers verras het op die plaas Witpoort, naby Ventersdorp. Hulle het op haar
geskiet, maar sy kon ontvlug

LEITH Lets, female aged 47, was shot to death inside her bedroom. A worker who
tried to help her, was seriously wounded. Farm Violet, between Edenville and
Steynsrus. 12 Nov 1997
Lets Leith (47) van die plaas Violet tussen Edenville en Steynsrus, is in sy
slaapkamer doodgeskiet. ‘n Werker wat wou kom help is ernstig gewond

LEMMER Olivia, female aged 78, has been mentioned, but it is unclear what her
circumstances were. Lemoenfontein farm, Mooiplaas, East London, Eastern Cape.
Sept 1997
LOTTERING Enslin, male, has been mentioned, but it is unclear what his
circumstances were. Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. May 1997.

MAREE André, male, was saved when his answering machine distracted his
attackers. Roodepan, Ventersdorp. 28 Dec 1997
André Maree van die plaas Roodepan is deur antwoordmasjien gered toe dit die
aanvallers se aandag afgetrek het. Ventersdorp

MARAIS Eben, male aged 56, was shot to death on his farm. Dresden, Burgersfort.
12 Dec 1997
Eben Marais (56) is op sy plaas Dresten doodgeskiet, Burgersfort

MARAIS Nicolas, aged 44, AND his wife Magdalena aged 33, were attacked, beaten
with blunt objects and tortured to death on their farm outside Newcastle. 25 Nov
Nicholas Marais (44), en sy vrou Magdalena (33), was met stomp voorwerpe
doodgeslaan en gemartel, op plaas buite Newcastle

MULLER Barney, male aged 72, AND his wife Lenie aged 69, were attacked inside
their home. Barney was shot in the arm. Farm Winkelhaak, Kinross, near Secunda.
3 Dec 1997
Lenie Muller (69) en haar man Barney (72), was op die plaas Winkelhaak in hulle
huis oorval. Hy is in die arm gewond. Kinross

MYBURG Ingrid, female aged 34, was shot to death at the Mountain Breeze
farmstall along the R44 between Stellenbosch and Somerset West. 29 Sep 1997
Ingrid Myburg (34) is by die Mountain Breeze padstalletjie op die R44 tussen
Stellenbosch en Somerset Wes doodgeskiet

NEL Pieter Willem Adriaan, male aged 60, was hit on the head with a cooldrink
bottle and an axe before he was robbed on his holding Perdekop. 20 Sep 1997
Pieter Willem Adriaan Nel (60) is met ‘n koeldrankbottel, en ‘n byl, oor die kop
geslaan en beroof op hoewe by Perdekop

NELL Jasper, male aged 69, AND his wife Katharina aged 61, AND his sister Sarie
Vorster aged 67, were attacked by an armed gang. Jasper was smashed in the face
with a bolt cutter and his jaw was crushed. He was also stabbed in the back and
shoulder with a knife. Sarie was beaten with a walking stick and club, and both her
arms were broken. Farm Brakkloof, Swartruggens. 7 Nov 1997
Jasper Nell (69), en sy vrou Katharina (61), sy suster Sarie Vorster (67), is op die
plaas Brakkloof aangeval. Jasper is met ‘n bobbejaansleutel geslaan, en sy
kakebeen is vergruis. Hy is ook met ‘n mes in die rug en skouer gesteek. Sarie se
arms is gebreek nadat sy met ‘n kierie en ‘n stok geslaan is. Swartruggens
NIEBUHR Roland, male aged 40, AND his wife Heike aged 34, AND their three
children (2 sons and a daughter), were attacked, overpowered, tied up and robbed.
Farm near Paulpietersburg. 1 April 1997
Roland Niebuhr (40), en sy vrou Heike (34), en hulle 2 seuns en ‘n dogter, is op
hulle plaas oorval,vasgebind en beroof. Paulpietersburg

PIETERSE Theo, male aged 59, was overpowered by an armed gang of 4 men and
shot to death execution style. Farm La Riviera, Bultfontein. 10 Oct 1997
Theo Pieterse (59) is op die plaas La Riviera oorval deur 4 mans en doodgeskiet
“agter oor” (terregstellende styl), Bultfontein

POWELL Cornelius, male aged 94, was attacked on his farm with slashers and then
locked up. He was admitted to hospital in a critical condition. Hekpoort. 29 Oct 1997
Cornelius Powell (94) was met kapmesse aangeval op sy plaas, en toegesluit. Hy
was in ‘n ernstige toestand in die hospital opgeneem. Hekpoort

PRINSLOO Herman, dairy farmer aged 35, AND his wife Marina aged 33, AND their
daughters Janita aged 4 AND Sunette aged 6, were attacked inside their home.
Herman was shot to death. His wife and children were tied up. Mooiplaas, Heilbron.
21 Feb 1997
Herman Prinsloo, ‘n melkboer (35) van Mooiplaas is in sy huis doodgeskiet. Sy vrou
Marina (33), en 2 dogtertjies Janita (4) en Sunette (6), is net vasgebind. Heilbron

RAS Johanna Cecilia Sophia, female aged 80, was attacked by 2 men inside her
bedroom, strangled and robbed. Farm Bosfontein, Brits. 28 Dec 1997
Johanna Cecilia Sophia Ras (80) is deur 2 aanvallers op die plaas Bosfontein in
haar slaapkamer oorval. Sy is gewurg en beroof. Brits

RICHARDSON Mike aged 72, AND his wife Elspeth aged 65, were attacked inside
their bed, pistol whipped and robbed. Smallholding Schurveberg area. 26 Dec 1997
Mike Richardson (72) en sy vrou Elspeth (65) is in bed op kleinhoewe in die
Schurveberg-omgewing oorval, met wapen geslaan en beroof

SCHEEPERS Gerhard, male aged 55, AND his wife Nellie aged 53, were attacked on
their farm. Gerhard was strangled and shot to death. Nellie was beaten, tortured
and strangled to death. Klipkrans, Ermelo. 2 Dec 1997
Gerhard Scheepers (55) is doodgeskiet, en sy vrou Nellie (53) is doodgeslaan op
plaas Klipkrans, Ermelo

SLABBERT Johanna Magrieta Jacoba, female aged 78, was attacked by a gang of 3
men inside the shop she ran from her house and strangled to death. Farm
Cyferfontein, near Rysmierbuld, Potchefstroom. 29 Oct 1997
Johanna Magrieta Jacoba Slabbert (78) is in die winkel in haar huis op die plaas
Cyferfontein verwurg in ‘n aanval deur 3 mans. Naby Rysmierbuld, Potchefstroom

SMIT Christiaan Johannes Mauritz, male aged 42, was shot to death with a bullet in
his right temple. Uitloop holding nr 33, Potgietersrus. 11 Feb 1997
Christiaan Johannes Mauritz Smit (42) van die Uitloophoewe no. 33 is in sy
regterslaap doodgeskiet. Potgietersrus

SMITH Ronald, male aged 28, was inside his home when he was shot from the
outside through his window. His attackers then entered his home and shot him
another 4 times. Farm Kwambonambi, noord of Empangeni. 12 Nov 1997
Ronald Smith (28) was van buite deur sy venster geskiet. Die aanvallers het toe
ingekom en hom nog 4 keer geskiet, op die plaas by Kwambonambi, noord van

SMITH Thomas, male aged 67, was stabbed to death on his farm Vinyard, near
Aliwal-North. 19 Oct 1997
Thomas Smith (67) van die plaas Vinyard naby Aliwal-Noord is doodgesteek


STEENKAMP Gerrit, musician and farmer aged 39, was overpowered on his farm by
2 armed men and taken to a house on a neighbouring farm where he died a
torturous death, reportedly so tht his body parts could be used for traditional
medicine. Middelbult, Bothaville. 13 Aug 1997
Gerrit Steenkamp (39), boer en musiekant van die plaas Middelbult, is op sy plaas
oorval deur 2 gewapende swart mans en na ‘n huis op die buurplaas geneem waar
hulle hom vermin en opgesny het, glo vir tradisionele medisyne. Bothaville

STRAUSS Ivan, male aged 22, AND Johan Stadler aged 68, were overpowered and
robbed while they were travelling in their pick-up van on their farm. Johan was tied
to a tree, assaulted, and shot in the foot. The attackers kidnapped Ivan and he has
been missing since. Farm Khoms at Keimoes. 19 Oct 1997
Ivan Strauss (22), en Johan Stadler (68), van die plaas Khoms by Keimoes, was in
hulle bakkie oorrompel. Stadler was aan ‘n boom vasgebind, aangerand en in die
voet geskiet. Mnr Strauss word steeds vermis nadat hulle met hom en die gesteelde
goedere gevlug het

STRUCKMEYER William, male aged 66, was attacked and stabbed with a knife on
his farm Rietvallei. Howick. 3 3 April 1997
William Struckmeyer (66) van die plaas Rietvallei is aangeval en met ‘n
mes gesteek, en beroof, by Howick

SWANEPOEL Jan Andries, male aged 47, AND his wife Thea aged 46, AND their son
Erno aged 9, AND their daughter Hanja aged 15, were attacked on their farm by a
gang of 8 armed men. Jan was shot to death, and Thea was physically assaulted.
The children were uninjured. Wolwekraal, Brits. 2 Aug 1997
Jan Andries Swanepoel (47) is op die plaas Wolwekraal doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Thea
(46) is aangerand. Die 9 jarige seuntjie Erno, en 15 jarige dogter Hanja, is nie beseer
nie. (daar was 8 aanvallers) Brits

SWART Andre, male, was shot to death on the farm Serfontein, Koppies. 7 July
Andre Swart is op die plaas Serfontein doodgeskiet, Koppies

TALJARD Marie, female aged 32, was mentioned, but it is unclear what her
circumstances were. Welkom, Free State. July 1997

THERON Barend Charles aged 46, AND his friend Christina Martha Pretorius aged
38, were attacked inside his house on Aliwal holding. Barend was shot to death.
Christina was pistol whipped and robbed. Warmbaths. 15 Feb 1997
Barend Charles Theron (46) is doodgeskiet in sy huis op Aliwal hoewe, en sy
vriendin Christina Martha Pretorius (38) is met ‘n wapen oor die kop geslaan en
beroof. Warmbad

UNKNOWN GOODLAND male aged 30 was murdered on the farm Goodland, near
Komatipoort. 16 March 1997
‘n 30 Jarige man is vermoor op plaas Goodland naby Komatipoort

VAN DER WALT Charlotte Catharina, female aged 50, was attacked by a gang of 4
men on her farm and shot to death. Geluk, Brits. 6 Aug 1997
Charlotte Catharina Van der Walt (50), van ‘n plaas by Geluk, is deur 4 aanvallers
oorval en doodgeskiet. Brits

VAN DER WOUDE Jelte, male aged 73, was ambushed by an attacker inside his
house and shot him dead as the attacker stormed down on him. Steynsdrif,
Roossenekal. 13 Jan 1997
Mnr Jelte van der Woude (73), het ‘n inbreker op sy plaas Steynsdrif doodgeskiet
toe die rower wat alreeds in die huis was, op hom afgestorm het. Roossenekal

VAN EEDEN Gideon, male aged 82, was shot to death in his garden. Paardeplaas,
Tzaneen. 22 Feb 1997
Gideon van Eeden (82) van Paardeplaas is in die tuin voor sy huis doodgeskiet,

VAN WYK Michael “Mike” male aged 71, AND his wife Magdalena aged 71, were
attacked, overpowered, savagely assaulted physically, tied down and burnt to
death. Magdalena was tied down to a chair and definitely still conscious when the
house was set alight. Farm Leliefontein, Trichardt. 22 March 1997
Mike (Michael) van Wyk (71), en sy vrou Magdalena (71), is albei op die plaas
Leliefontein oorval en erg aangerand. Sy vrou is op ‘n stoel vasgebind, en hulle
is lewend aan die brand gesteek. Die vrou was defnitief nog by haar volle bewussyn
toe huis aan die brand gesteek is, en albei is dood. Trichardt

VAN WYK Ben, male aged 67, AND his wife Roos aged 43, were stabbed to death on
the holding Rooipoort of the farm Jaagbaan, near Potgietersrus. 13 Dec 1997
Ben van Wyk (67) en sy vrou Roos (43) was doodgesteek op die Rooipoort-
hoewe (plaas Jaagbaan) naby Potgietersrus

VAN ZYL Willie “Bles” was overpowered in his home, tied up and robbed. Farm
Pietersrus, Wesselsbron. 26 Feb 1997
Willie (Bles) van Zyl van die plaas Pietersrus is by huis oorval,vasgebind en beroof,

VENTER Ansie, aged 34, mother of 4 children Johan aged 14, AND Lindie aged 23,
AND Gerhard aged 3, AND Charlotte aged 11 months, was ambushed as they
returned home from town by 2 men who lay in wait along the road on theier farm.
The children were forced to watch as she was first shot in the stomach, then shot
to death in the head. The killers then kidnapped the children but crashed the car on
a farm road. They split up the children and locked the boys, Johan and Gerhard, up
in a rondawel of a neighbouring farm. They fled taking the girls, Lindie and
Charlotte, with them. The police found the girls abandoned in a field. Lindie had
been severely traumatised and examined by a doctor. The farmhouse was
ransacked. Bloukrans farm, East London. Fri 14 Nov 1997.
Ansie Venter (34) is voor haar kinders Johan (14) , Lindie (12), Gerhard (3) en
Charlotte (11mnde) doodgeskiet (kop en lyf) toe hulle van dorp op die plaas
Bloukrans aangekom het deur 2 mans. Die kinders is ontvoer, maar nadat die
moordenaars die kar verongeluk het, het hulle die twee seuns in ‘n rondawel
toegesluit en te voet met die meisies gevlug. Die polisie het hulle in die veld
opgespoor. Lindie is erg getraumatiseerd, en is ondersoek deur ‘n dokter. Hulle
huis was gestroop.


VENTER Gerrit, AND his wife Audrey, both aged 76, were overpowered, tied up and
strangled to death inside their house on Helenasrus holding, Vereeniging. 28 Jan
Gerrit Venter (76) en sy vrou Audrey (76) is albei oorval, vasgebind en doodgewurg
in huis op Helenasrus hoewes, Vereeniging
VENTER J, male aged 53, was murdered in the garden of his rented holding nr 41 in
Riverpark. 7 June 1997
Mnr J Venter (53), ‘n hoewe bewoner van Riverpark, is in die tuin op hoewe 41

VENTER Maria Magdalena, female aged 56, was attacked at the gate to her farm and
sustained seriousl injuries. She was hit on the head with a pick axe handle. Both
her hands were also broken as she tried to defend herself. Farm Tindwa,
Nylstroom. 1 July 1997
Maria Magdalena Venter (56) is op plaas Tindwa by haar plaashek oorval, waar sy
met ‘n piksteel op die kop geslaan is. Albei haar hande is ook gebreek soos sy
probeer keer het, en sy is ernstig beseer. Nylstroom

VERMAAS Dries, male aged 49, was ambushed inside his home after he arrived
home from church. Dries was shot in the face from his kitchen door, and died on
the scene. Greylingstad. 6 April 1997
Dries Vermaas (49) het na kerk by sy plaas aangekom, waar inbrekers hom van
die kombuisdeur in sy gesig geskiet, en hy is op die toneel dood, Greylingstad

VILJOEN Christoffel, male aged 66, AND his wife Martie aged 61, were attacked
inside their bed. Christoffel was stabbed in his mouth, hand and arms. Farm
Gerhard Minnebron, Potchefstroom. 14 Aug 1997
Christoffel Viljoen (66) het snywonde aan sy mond, hand en arms opgedoen toe hy
en sy vrou Martie (61) in hul bed op die plaas Gerhard Minnebron aangeval is met ‘n
mes. Potchefstroom

VORSTER Andre, AND his family which included his elderly mother, wife Jolene
AND their son AND their daughter Elizma AND baby Marisa, as well as their
neighbour Ben Venter, were attacked by a gang of 6 men, locked up and robbed.
Farm Sadiba-Kwele, Brits. 17 Aug 1997
André Vorster en sy gesin was op die plaas Sadiba-Kwele deur 6 aanvallers oorval.
Andre, sy vrou Jolene, hul baba Marisa en dogter Elizma, asook ‘n buurman, Ben
Venter, was toegesluit en beroof. Brits


WESSELS A.C. female aged 67, was admitted to hospital with serious head wounds
she had suffered during an attack on her holding where she was beaten and
assaulted. Tweefontein, Bronkerspruit. 22 Jan 1997
Mev A.C. Wessels (67) van Tweefontein is met ernstige kopbeserings in
hospitaal, nadat sy op haar hoewe geslaan en aangerand is, Bronkhorstspruit

WILLEMSE Francios, male aged 65, AND his wife Sannie aged 55, were attacked
inside their farmhouse. Willie was shot to death, and Sannie was critically
wounded. Ugie 4 Oct 1997
Francois Willemse (65) is op sy plaas in die huis oorval en doodgeskiet. Sy vrou
Susanne (55), is ernstige gewond, Ugie

ZAAYMAN Gert, male aged 60, was overpowered at gunpoint by 6 men, who had
also shot his dog to death, but was saved when a visitor arrived and the attackers
fled. Caarletonville holding. Dec 1997
Gert Zaayman (60) was deur 6 mans met wapens op sy hoewe aangehou, maar
hulle was deur ‘n besoeker verras en het gevlug. Sy hond is doodgeskiet.


ANDERSON Hendrik, male aged 70, was attacked in his farmhouse and suffered a
head wound. 18 Nov 1996
Hendrik Anderson (70) is by plaashuis oorval, en hy is in die kop getref.

BORNMAN Japie, male aged 81, was attacked, overpowered, and savagely
assaulted. Farm Potgietersrus. Beginning Dec 1996
Japie Bornman (81) van Potgietersrus is op plaas oorval, en ernstig aangerand

BRITS Hennie, male aged 50, AND his wife were attacked by an armed gang on their
farm. Hennie was ambushed as he arrived home and was shot to death as he
climbed out his pick-up van. His wife was thrown on top of his corpse, but
survived. Roedtan, near Pietersburg. 21 Dec 1996.
Hennie Brits (50) is doodgeskiet toe hy by sy plaas aankom, Roedtan
naby Pietersburg. Toe hy op plaas aankom en uit sy bakkie klim is daar op hom
geskiet, en sy vrou is op sy lyk gegooi, maar het die aanval oorleef

BUYS Flippie, male aged 40, AND an employee Nick Mansfield aged 46, were
attacked inside his farmstall by a gang of 5 armed men. Flippie was shot in the
head and neck to death. Nick was shot 3 times and seriously wounded. Farm
Lucerne Valley. 3 Sep 1996
Flippie Buys (40) is in die kop en nek doodgeskiet in sy plaaswinkel op die plaas
Lucerne Valley deur 5 boewe. ’n werknemer Nick Mansfield (46), is ernstig gewond
(3 keer geskiet)

CRONJE Maria Cornelia SEE NEL Christiaan Frederik

DARDIS Mary Laura, female aged 69, was raped and murdered on a holding outside
Wakkerstroom. 11 July 1996
Mary Laura Dardis (69) is verkrag en vermoor op hoewe buite Wakkerstroom
DE BEER Betsie, female aged 75, was overpowered by 3 men on her farm,
assaulted and robbed. Klerkskraal, near Ventersdorp. 6 Mar 1996
Betsie de Beer (75) is oorval deur 3 mans op haar plaas. Sy is aangerand en
beroof. Klerkskraal, naby Ventersdorp


DOHLER Karl Harro, male, was shot to death on his farm. Glenside, Gonube. 12
Nov 1996
Karl Harro Dohler is doodgeskiet op sy Glenside plaas, Gonubie

ENGELBRECHT Susanna Catharina, female aged 44, was sstabbed in the leg with a
knife and robbed. Vaal.
Susanna Catharina Engelbrecht (44) is in die been met mes gesteek en beroof, Vaal

ERASMUS Cornelius Marthinus, male aged 64, was kidnapped from his farm, tied
up and murdered. His corpse was found on his other farm. Steenbokpan at
Kameelbult, Ellisras. 23 Nov 1996
Cornelius Marthinus Erasmus (64) op plaas Steenbokpan by Kameelbult, Ellisras, is
vasgebind en is dood aan ’n kopwond. Sy lyk is op sy ander plaas gevind.


GOUWS Johan, male aged 84, was attacked inside his farmhouse. Johan was tied
up and robbed before he was suffocated to death. Oranjeville. 13 Apr 1996
Johan Gouws (84) is vasgebind, beroof en het dood versmoor in sy plaashuis,

GREIG Hannah aged 74, AND her son Noel aged 52, AND her daughter Jeanette
aged 51, AND their family friend Rosina Greeff aged 65, were attacked by an armed
gang of 12 men. Hannah was shot to death in her kitchen. Noel was viciously
assaulted with hammers and left for dead. Jeanette and Rosina were assaulted with
weapons and robbed. In 2009, the family was attacked again during which her son
David, then aged 65, was attacked and shot to death in the same kitchen. His wife
Jeanette was stabbed with a knife and beaten so severely that she has lost her
hearing. Farm Hartzenbergfontein, Walkerville. 27 April 1996
Hannah Greig (74) se plaashuis was deur ‘n bende van 12 gewapende mans
aangeval. Sy is in haar kombuis doodgeskiet. Haar seun Noel (52), is met hamers
aangeval, en vir dood agtergelaat. Haar dogter Jeanette (51), en ’n vriendin van die
gesin Rosina Greeff (65) is met wapens angerand en beroof. NS: Die gesin is weer
in 2009 aangeval waarin haar seun David Greig ook in die selfde kombuis
doodgeskiet is, en sy vrou, Jeannete, haar gehoor verloor het weens die
aanranding waarin sy ook met ‘n mes gesteek is. Plaas by Hartzenbergfontein,

GROBLER Nicolaas, male aged 59, was shot to death inside his home. Farm
Rietfontein, Coligny. 10 Oct 1996
Nicolaas Grobler (59) van die plaas Rietfontein is doodgeskiet in sy huis, Coligny

HOLL Suzette, female aged 30, was overpowered, robbed, and shot in the stomach
while wrestling her attackers who were trying to rape her. Her children, Elzabe aged
6 and Kallie aged 3, locked themselves up in the bathroom during the attack. Cattle
farm Driefontein near Balfour. 6 May 1996
Suzette Höll (30) is op die beesplaas Driefontein naby Balfour oorval en beroof.
Hulle wou haar verkrag, en het haar toe in die maag geskiet (sy is nie verkrag nie),
terwyl haar 2 kinders Elzabe (6) en Kallie (3) hulself in die badkamer toegesluit het.

JACOBS Dawid, male aged 78, was shot to death on smallholding, Kameeldrift. 8
Nov 1996
Dawid Jacobs (78) is op hoewe doodgeskiet, Kameeldrift
JANSE VAN VUUREN Anna Maria, female aged 39, was shot to death in the chest
on the farm Klippan, and her maid was shot to death in the head. Rysmier area,
Makokskraal. 15 Mar 1996
Anna Maria Janse van Vuuren (39) is in die bors doodgeskiet op die plaas
Klippan, en haar huishulp Paulina Sethapelo (43) is in die kop doodgeskiet in
die Rysmierbult- omgewing, distrik Makokskraal

KRIEL Matthys Cornelius Johannes, male aged 63, was attacked inside his home,
murdered, and robbed. The telephone wires had been cut. Holding. Greylingstad. 4
Jan 1996
Matthys Cornelius Johannes Kriel (63) is in die huis op sy hoewe vermoor. Die huis
is beroof en telefoondrade is geknip, Greylingstad

KWAKERMAAK Pieter, male aged 71, AND his wife, Maatjelina aged 69, were
attacked while they were asleep inside their bed. They were overpowered and tied
up. Maatjelina was assaulted. They were robbed of their cash and weapons. Farm
Volksrust. 9 Jan 1996
Pieter Kwakernaak (71), en sy vrou Maatjelina (69), is in hul bed op hulle plaas
oorval. Hy is vasgebind, en sy vrou is aangerand. Die boewe rowers het met geld
en wapens gevlug, Volksrust

LEE Johan, male aged 63, was ambushed by a gang of 3 men inside his home and
stabbed in the shoulder. He managed to wound one of the attackers. Farm near
Standerton. 6 Oct 1996
Johan Lee (63) is aangeval by sy huis op die plaas deur 3 mans (hulle was reeds in
die huis). Hy is in sy skouer gesteek, en hy het 1 inbreker gewond. Standerton
LE ROUX Jan Hendrik, AND his wife Martha Magdalena, both aged 53, were
attacked and robbed at knife point inside their home. Martha was also threatened
with a screwdriver, and Jan was sprayed in his face with gas. Farm Groblersdal. 4
Feb 1996
Jan Hendrik Le Roux, en sy vrou Martha Magdalena, (albei 53), is in die huis op ’n
plaas oorval. Sy is met ‘n skroewedraaier gedreig, en haar man is met gas in die
gesig gespuit. Hy is ook met ’n mes aangehou, en beroof. Groblersdal

LE ROUX Piet AND his wife Drienie was attacked inside their home, overpowered,
tied up, robbed, and kidnapped. They were dropped off 40km from their home.
Farm Mollevel, Waterpoort. 3 Feb 1996
Piet Le Roux, en sy vrou Drienie, van die plaas Mollevel by Waterpoort, is in die
huis oorval, aangerand, vasgebind,beroof en 40 km van die huis afgelaai

LOUW Eunice Frances, was shot in the neck to death inside her home. Farm
Ongemak, Gluckstadt, near Vryheid. 29 Dec 1996
Eunice Frances Louw (60) van die plaas Ongemak in Gluckstadt-omgewing is
in huis doodgeskiet (in haar nek) naby Vryheid

LOUW Gansie, female aged 57, AND her guests Julia Fairbanks-Smith aged 37,
AND 4 yr old daughter Emma, AND Johan Viviers aged 40, were attacked by an
armed gang. Gansie died with 39 stab wounds. Julia died with a crushed scull and
41 stab wounds. Emma died with a cracked scull, her face crushed with boots (the
complete imprint of a shoe could be seen clearly on her face) and 29 stab wounds.
Johan, the only survivor of the attack, was left for dead with a knife broken off in
his neck. Farm Heldersig, Nieuwoudville. 24 Sep 1996
Gansie Louw (57) van die plaas Heldersig is oorval en doodgesteek (39 wonde).
Haar gaste Julia Fairbanks-Smith (37) is 41 keer gesteek, en haar skedel is
ook verbrysel. Haar dogter Emma (4) is 29 keer gesteek, haar skedel was gekraak,
en haar gesig is vergruis met stewels (die hele skoenafdruk kon duidelik op
gesig gesien word). Slegs Johan Viviers (50) het die aanval oorleef, hy is vir
dood agtergelaat, die mes het in sy nek afgebreek. Nieuwoudtville


MARTINS Maria de Freitas, female aged 38, AND her husband Gregorio AND her
brother, Mr Pontes, suffered a farm attack during which she was shot to death.
Vogelstruisfontein, Ellisras. 28 Oct 1996
Maria de Freitas Martins (38) is doodgeskiet in ‘n aanval op die
plaas Vogelstruisfontein. Haar man Gregorio, en haar broer Mnr Pontes, is nie
beseer nie. Ellisras


NEL Christiaan Frederik, male aged 39, AND Maria Cornelia Cronje aged 45, were in
their bed when they were overpowered, and stabbed to death with knives. Farm
Diepdrift, Graskop. 27 Nov 1996
Christiaan Frederik Nel (39), en Maria Cornelia Cronje (45), is in die bed in hul huis
op die plaas Diepdrift oorval en met messe doodgesteek. Graskop

POTGIETER Martin aged 44, AND his wife Annelise 38, were attacked inside their
home. Martin woke up as he was stabbed with a knife. He was also shot in the neck
and shoulder. Annelise’s head was chopped open with an axe. Their 4 yr old son,
Terius, was not injured. They all survived. De Deur holding. 27 Jan1996
Martin Potgieter (44) het op hoewe naby De Deur wakker geword toe hulle hom
gesteek het met ’n mes. Hy is ook in die nek en skouer geskiet. Sy vrou Annelise
(38) is met ’n byl oor die kop gekap. Hul seun Tertius (4) is nie beseer nie. Almal het
die aanval oorleef

ROOS Fanie aged 66, AND his wife Beula aged 56, were attacked on their farm
during which both were shot in the stomach, but survived. She managed to shoot
some of the attackers dead. Farm Klipdrif, Hammanskraal. 23 Oct 1996
Beula Roos (56) en haar man Fanie (66) van die plaas Klipdrif is geskiet, beide sy
en haar man is in die maag gewond, maar het oorleef. Sy kon van die aanvallers
doodskiet. Hammanskraal

SAAYMAN S.G., female aged 42, was at a farmstall and was shot in the shoulder
before she was robbed. Groblersdal. 21 Mar 1996
Mev S.G. Saayman (42) is by ‘n padstal in haar skouer geskiet en beroof,

SCHARLACH Werner, male aged 37, was murdered on his farm in Wartburg. Nov
Werner Scharlach (37) is vermoor op plaas, Wartburg

SCHOEMAN Jan Adriaan, male aged 66, was attacked and robbed by 2 blacks on
his farm, garrotted and strangled with a nylon rope before he was buried in a
shallow grave in a sand dam. His son, Roelf Schoeman, came across his father’s
corpse. Ventersfontein, Vaalwater, Waterberge. 31 Dec 1996
Jan Adriaan Schoeman (66) is op die plaas Ventersfontein beroof en met ‘n nylon
tou verwurg. Sy lyk is in ’n vlak graf in a grond dam begrawe. Sy seun, Roelf
Schoeman, het op sy lyk afgekom. Vaalwater”

SHACKLETON William, male aged 65, AND Jennifer aged 57, were overpowered in a
farmhouse. They were hit in the face, but she managed to escape. Hazyview. 16 Sep
William (65) en Jennifer Shackleton (57) is in ‘n huis op ‘n plaas oorval. Hulle is in
die gesig geslaan, maar sy kon ontvlug. Hazyview

SMITH Willie, male aged 78, AND Lina Smith aged 72, were overpowered inside
their home and stabbed with knives, but managed to shoot dead one attacker, and
survived. Farm Middelbosch, Bloemhof. 9 Sep 1996
Willie Smith (78) en Lina Smith (72) is in ‘n plaashuis oorval en met messe gesteek.
Hulle het oorleef, en het 1 aanvaller doodgeskiet. Op plaas Middelbosch, Bloemhof

SNYMAN Andreas Jacobus, male aged 72, was attacked on his holding,
overpowered, hit over the head, and robbed. Vryburg. 4 Jan 1996
Andreas Jacobus Steyn (72) is by hoewe oorval, oor die kop geslaan en
beroof, Vryburg

SNYMAN Carel Petrus, male aged 64, was murdered inside his home on Xmas eve.
Farm De Brug, Barkley West. 24 Dec 1996
Carel Petrus Snyman (64) van die plaas De Brug is in sy huis vermoor, Barkley Wes

STEYN Koos, male aged 61, AND his wife were attacked inside their home. Koos
died with an axe still in his head. His wife suffered various axe wounds in her head
and neck. Her condition in hospital was critical. Mount Olive, near Barberton. 29
April 1996
Koos Steyn (61) is in sy huis op die hoewe in Mount Olive, naby Barberton, met ‘n
byl doodgekap (die byl was nog in sy kop na sy dood); sy vrou het kapwonde aan
haar kop en nek opgedoen, en haar toestand is kritiek in die hospitaal

VAN DER MERWE Callie, male aged 64, was shot to death by attackers who
pretended to be interested in buying cattle. Haakdoornbult, Skuinsdrif. 14 Dec 1996
Callie van der Merwe (64), van die plaas Haakdoornbult, is doodgeskiet nadat die
aanvallers voorgegee het dat hulle vee wil koop. Skuinsdrif

VAN DER MERWE Coen, male aged 49, was called by a farm worker to save
Marthinus de Jageer, aged 62, who had been clubbed across the head with a
firearm, but was shot to death during the attack. Farm Leeuwfontein, Fochville. 2
Oct 1996
Coen van der Merwe (49) van die plaas Leeuwfontein is doodgeskiet nadat ‘n
plaaswerker hom om hulp geroep het toe Marthinus de Jager (62) met vuurwapen
oor die kop geslaan is. Fochville

VAN RENSBURG Kosie, AND his wife Drienie, were overpowered by a gang of 3
armed men, stabbed with knives and robbed. Farm Skoonveld,Vivo. 2 Feb 1996
Kosie van Rensburg, en sy vrou Drienie, is deur 3 gewapende mans op die
plaas Skoonveld oorval. Hulle is met met messe gesteek en beroof. Vivo

VAN ROOYEN Fred, male aged 47, was shot dead when he tried to assist his
parents during an attack. Farm Rietfontein, Greytown. 24 Nov 1996
Fred Van Rooyen (47) van die plaas Rietfontein by Greytown, is doodgeskiet toe
hy sy ouers tydens ’n rooftog wou help

VAN ROOYEN Jan, male aged 41, AND his family were attacked inside their home.
His wife Anika, and their 3 children were tied up and robbed. Jan was burnt with an
iron in the face and across his legs. Holding Doringrandjies, Pretoria. 22 Aug 1996
Jan van Rooyen (41) is met ‘n strykyster in die gesig en oor sy bene gebrand op
hoewe Doringrandjies buite Pretoria. Sy vrou Anika, en hul 3 kinders (2 seuns, 1
dogter) is net vasgebind en beroof

VAN VUUREN Jan, male aged 22, AND his gradfather Jan aged 75, were attacked on
their family farm. Jan was shot in the throat while he was asleep and died. Jan was
shot in the thigh, but survived. Spitskop, between Heilbron and Petrus Steyn. 29
Mar 1996
Jan van Vuuren (22) is doodgeskiet terwyl hy geslaap het (in keel), op familieplaas
Spitskop tussen Heilbron en Petrus Steyn. Sy oupa Jan (75) is in die lies gewond,
maar het oorleef

VAN WYK Hermanus Lambertus “Manie”, male aged 60, AND his wife Patricia
“Pat”, were attacked by an armed gang of 3 men. Manie died from gunshot wounds
to his chest and head. Pat was cruelly assaulted and tied up. Farm Tevrede,
Hazyview. 2 May 1996
Manie (Hermanus, Lambertus) van Wyk (60), van die plaas Tevrede naby Hazyview,
is deur 3 aanvallers in die kop en bors doodgeskiet. Sy vrou Pat (Patricia) (56) is
wreed aangerand en vasgebind

VAN ZYL Pieter, male aged 40, was shot to death in the chest. Farm Gladstone,
Letaba, near Tzaneen. 8 June 1996
Pieter van Zyl (40) van die plaas Gladstone, Letaba naby Tzaneen, is in die bors


VORSTER Anna Francina aged 61, AND her husband Pieter Christiaan aged 67,
were attacked inside their bedroom. Anna was shot to death in the neck and head.
Pieter survived with arm, shoulder and chest wounds. Farm Leliefontein, Ermelo.
Pieter Christiaan Vorster (67) en sy vrou Anna Francina (61) is in hul huis in die
slaapkamer op die plaas Leliefontein oorval. Sy is in die nek en kop doodgeskiet,
Hy is in die arm, skouer en bors gewond, maar het oorleef. Ermelo

VORSTER Chris, male aged 29, was driving from his farm Sterkfontein to another
farm, but never arrived. He pick-up van was found inside a plantation, with his
corpse inside it. There was a bullet wound in his head. Piet Retief. 17 April 1996
Chris Vorster (29) van plaas Sterkfontein het na ander plaas vertrek, maar het nooit
daar aangekom nie. Hy is dood in sy bakkie gevind in ’n plantasie met ’n koeëlwond
deur die kop, Piet Retief

VOSLOO Kobus, male aged 62, was attacked, overpowered and robbed on his farm.
His corpse was found along the road, his hands tied behind his back with a chain,
and a stab wound in his chest. Mooihoek, near Potgietersrus. 1 Dec 1996
Kobus Vosloo (62) is op sy plaas Mooihoek vermoor, naby Potgietersrus. Hy het ’n
steekwond in bors gehad, en sy hande was met ’n ketting agter sy rug Vasgebind.
Sy huis is beroof, en sy lyk is langs die pad afgelaai

VOSTER Aletta, female aged 45, was attacked, overpowered and robbed while she
was selling miellies on her smallholding. Doornkop, Noordheuwel. 15 Feb 1996
Aletta Voster (45) is oorval op hoewe in Doornkop terwyl sy mielies verkoop het
en beroof, Noordheuwel

VOSTER Salie, male aged 49, was attacked and shot twice in the head inside his
home. He has lost the use of his right eye. Farm Burnside, area Glencoe, near
Dundee. 18 Feb 1996
Salie Voster (49) is in sy huis op die plaas Burnside aangeval, waar hy 2 keer in die
kop geskiet is. Hy het sy regteroog verloor. Glencoe distrik, naby Dundee

WALKER Edward, male aged 70, was overpowered by 2 men but managed to get
hold of his concealed gun and wounded the one attacker, and shot the other to
death. Farm Pampa, Highflats. 12 May 1996
Edward Walker (70) van die plaas Pampa Farm is deur 2 mans oorval, maar het
’n versteekte wapen in die hande gekry. Hy het 1 aanvaller gewond, en ’n
ander doodgeskiet. Highflats


ALBERTS Gideon, male aged 30, ws murdered. His corpse was found by a farm
worker 100m from his home. Nooitgedacht holdings, Orkney. 5 Feb 1995.
Gideon Alberts (30) se lyk is 100m van sy huis deur ’n plaaswerker ontdek, op
die Nooitgedacht hoewes, Orkney

BADENHORST Cas was shot at and barely missed as he arrived at his farm before
the attackers fled. Middelfontein, Wesselsbron. 08 Mei 1995
Cas Badenhorst is rakelings misgeskiet toe hy op sy plaas Middelfontein
aangekom het, en toe het die aanvallers gevlug. Wesselsbron

BARKLEY Adriana Catharina, female aged 48, was overpowered inside her home by
3 men and robbed. Farm Hartbeesfontein, Stilfontein. 12 Oktober 1995
Adriana Catharina Barkley (48) van die plaas Hartbeesfontein is in huis deur 3 mans
oorval en beroof, Stilfontein

BEKKER Don, male doctor aged 66, was attacked and slashed to death with a
panga. Lothair. 26 Jan 1995
Dr Don Bekker (66) is op plaas oorval en doodgekap met ’n panga, Lothair

BOTHA Beulah, female aged 72, AND her husband, Antonie aged 75, were attacked
on their farm. Beulah was axed to death. Antonie survived with multiple
scull fractures from a brick. De Rust, near Skeerpoort, Hartbeespoortdam. 7 April
Beulah Botha (72) van die plaas De Rust naby Skeerpoort, is met ’n byl doodgekap.
Haar man Antonie (75) oorleef aanval met veelvuldige frakture aan sy skedel nadat
hy met ’n baksteen aangeval is. Naby Hartbeespoortdam

BOTHA Johannes Nicolaas, male aged 52, AND his wife Annetjie aged 49, were
sleeping when they were attacked and shot to death through their bedroom
window. Smallholding 22, Onverwacht. Pietersburg. 26 Oktober 1995
Annetjie Botha (49), en haar man Johannes Nicolaas (52), van kleinhoewe
22 Onverwacht, is in hul slaap doodgeskiet deur hulle slaapkamervenster.

BOTHA Willem, male aged 60, AND Chris Botha were selling chickens in Vryheid
where they were overpowered by a gang of 3 men, forced into their car, and taken
to their farm where both were stabbed with knives. Willen died from his injuries.
Panvaan, Vryheid. March 1995.
Willem (60) en Chris Botha is deur 3 mans oorval by Vryheid waar hulle hoenders
verkoop het. Hulle is in hulle kar gedwing, en na hul plaas Panvaan geneem. Albei
is met messe gesteek. Willem Botha het gesterf aan sy wonde

BOWIE Gordon, male aged 48, was attacked on the bridge to his farm and stabbed
in the back and chest with knives. 7km from Parys, Buffelshoek. 25 Jan 1995
Gordon Bowie (48) is op brug op pad na sy plaas oorval, en met messe in rug en
bors gesteek, 7km buite Parys, Buffelshoek

BLAZE Walter, male aged 34, was shot to death in his back. Farm Mooihoek,
Utecht. March 1995.
Walter Blaze (34) van die plaas Mooihoek is in die rug doodgeskiet, Utrecht

BRENT-MEEK Marlene Jean, female aged 57, stopped her pick-up and climbed out
to roll a stone out of the road. She was attacked, overpowered, thrown across her
vehicle and was strangled to death. Her corpse was found the next day.
Stoneyridge holding, near Warmbaths. 5 Jan 1995.
Marlene Jean Brent-Meek (57) van die hoewe Stoneyridge buite Warmbad wou ’n
klip uit die pad rol, toe sy oorval is. Sy is op haar bakkie gegooi, en haar lyk is die
volgende dag gekry. Sy is verwurg

BURGER Dina, female aged 39, was overpowered, tied up and robbed by 2 men in
her home. Her maid, Lena Phiri aged 26, was also tied up. Farm near Nelspruit. 16
Jan 1995.
Dina Burger (39) is op plaas deur 2 mans oorval in haar huis. Sy is vasgebind en
beroof. Haar huishulp Lena Phiri (26) is ook vasgebind. Nelspruit

CADLE Hendrik, AND his wife Johanna were attacked on their farm. Hendrik was
shot twice in the head and died. Johanna was assaulted and kicked, but survived.
Mooirivier. April 1995.
Hendrik Cadle (65) is dood nada thy 2 keer in die kop geskiet is in die aanval op sy
plaas. Sy vrou Johanna, is aangerand en geskop, maar het oorleef. Mooirivier

DE BRUNO-AUSTIN Vicotia, mother of 3 small children, shouted at them to lock

themselves up inside their house while she was being attacked by a 2 man armed
gang who pretended that they were interested in buying cattle. She was shot in the
chest but survived. Farm Rietbokspruit, Barberton. 11 April 1995.
Victoria de Bruno-Austin is oorval op Rietbokspruit plaas, deur 2 mans wat
voorgegee het hulle wil beeste koop. Sy is in die bors geskiet, maar oorleef – sy het
tydens aanval vir haar kinders geskreeu om hulself in die huis toe te
sluit. Barberton

DE VILLIERS David, male aged 71, AND his wife Sarie, were attacked on their farm.
Dawie was beaten to death. Sarie suffered serious injuries, but survived. Farm
Kransfontein, Warden. 12 November 1995
David de Villiers (71) van die plaas Kransfontein is doodgeslaan deur 4 mans.
Sy vrou Sarie is erg aangerand, maar het oorleef. Warden

DE VOS Nicolaas Tjaart, male aged 27, was en route in his pick-up truck to pay his
workers when he was attacked and robbed. He managed to jump out of his bakkie
and escape. Farm Onverwacht. Kriel. 30 November 1995
Nicolaas Tjaart de Vos (27) van die plaas Onverwacht is oorval op sy plaas, en van
die werkers se loongeld beroof. Hy het uit bakkie gespring en gevlug. Kriel

DU PLESSIS Doepie, male aged 83, was ambushed at the gate of his farm, and shot
through the heart to death. Pongola. 1 September 1995
Doepie du Plessis (83) is by sy plaashek oorval en doodgeskiet in sy hart. Pongola

DU PLESSIS Johan, male aged 24, was wounded in his hand when he was shot at
on his smallholding. Bultfontein. 17 November 1995
Johan du Plessis (24) is in hand gewond toe op hom geskiet is op sy
kleinhoewe, Bultfontein

DU PLESSIS Theuns, male aged 61, AND his wife Rina, were attacked by 2 armed
men and robbed. Theuns tried to wrestle the weapons off their attackers, and was
shot in the leg with a shotgun. Rina was tied up but not injured. Sanddrift, Brits. 2
Desember 1995
Theuns du Plessis (51) van Sanddrift is met haelkorrels in sy been getref toe hy
wapens van die 2 aanvallers wou afneem. Sy vrou Rina is ongedeerd vasgebind en
beroof. Brits


DU TOIT Frikkie, male aged 55, AND his wife Annetjie aged 53, were attacked and
shot to death on their farm. Fire arms were stolen. Makwassie. 17 September 1995
Frikkie Du Toit (55) en sy vrou Annatjie (53) is doodgeskiet op hul plaas, en
van vuurwapens beroof. Makwassie

FOURIE Chris, male aged 47, AND his wife Mariaan aged 35, was shot inside their
bedroom. Chris suffered bullet wounds in his aarm, shoulder and side. Mariaan was
shot in her left side. Farm Bultfontein, Hartbeesfontein. 29 Desember 1995
Chris Fourie (47) en sy vrou Mariaan (35) van die plaas Bultfontein is deur hulle
slaapkamer geskiet, Chris is in die arm, skouer en sy gewond. Sy vrou is in in
die linkerblad gewond. Hartbeesfontein

GILLESPIE Norton, male aged 55, was attacked and robbed inside the farmstall
near the Swaziland border, Mahamba. 26 Julie 1995
Norton Gillespie (55) is by die plaaswinkel naby die Swazilandse grens oorval en
beroof, Mahamba

GOLDSTEIN Annabel, female aged 72, was overpowered inside her bedroom,
assaulted, kicked and tied up. Her weapon was stolen. Farm Rustfontein, near
Bethal. 7 September 1995
Annabel Goldstein (72) van die plaas Rustfontein is in haar slaapkamer oorval. Sy
is geskop en vasgebind. Haar wapen is ook gesteel. Naby Bethal

GREYLING Boet AND his wife Erika, were attacked inside their farmhouse. Boet
was stabbed and shot to death. Erika was tied up before she was killed.
Greytown. 23 September 1995
Boet Greyling en sy vrou Erika is in hul huis op die plaas oorval, doodgesteek en
geskiet, sy vrou is eers vasgebind en toe vermoor, Greytown

HOFFMANN Isabella Susanna, female aged 58, was attacked on her holding. Her
corpse was found trussed up inside the boot of her car. Near Wapadrand. April
Isabella Susanna Hoffmann (58) se lyk is in die bagasiebak van haar motor gekry
op haar hoewe. Sy was vasgebind. 6km van Wapadrand

JAGO Collin, male aged 73, was ambushed, overpowered, assaulted and tied up.
Two of his employees, Daniël Makgoba and John Sithole, were also overpowered
and tied up. Nelspruit. 9 Jan 1995
Colin Jago (73) van die Hilltop hoewe is ingewag, oorval, aangerand en vasgebind.
Sy 2 werknemers Daniël Makgoba en John Sithole is ook oorval en vasgebind,

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Jacobus Hendrik, male aged 63, was overpowered and
robbed by 2 men who pretended that they were interested in buying chickens.
Standerton. 11 Jan 1995
Jacobus Hendrik Janse van Rensburg (63) is deur 2 mans oorval wat voorgegee het
om hoenders te koop, hy is beroof, Standerton

JOHNSON Cedric Raymond, male aged 52, was attacked inside his home, but
managed to escape. Farm Bloempoort, Groblersdal. 7 November 1995
Cedric Raymond Johnson (52) van die plaas Bloempoort, is angeval in sy huis
met messe, maar hy kon ontvlug. Groblersdal

JOOSTE Marcel, female aged 34, was attacked by 2 men, shot in the mouth, and
robbed. She survived. Klipwater holdings, Kliprivier. 04 Julie 1995
Mev Marcel Jooste (34) van die Klipwater hoewes is deur 2 rowers oorval, in die
mond geskiet, en beroof. Sy het oorleef. Kliprivier

JOOSTE Willem, a doctor, was shot to death inside his home. Louw’s Creek. 6
November 1995
Doktor Willem Jooste is op plaas in sy huis doodgeskiet, Louw’s Creek

HURTER Johannes Albertus, male aged 34, AND his wife Maria Hilda aged 35, AND
their daughters Sune aged 6 AND Charlotte aged 3, were ambushed upon their
arrival home by a gang of 4-6 armed men. Both Johannes and Maria were shot to
death with AK47 machine guns in front of their daughters. Farm Bergrust,
Komatipoort near Marlothpark. 04 Augustus 1995
Johannes Albertus Hurter (34), en sy vrou Maria Hilda (35), is met hul terugkoms
op hul plaas Bergrust oorval en voor hul dogters Sunè (6), en Charlotte (3), deur 4-
6 aanvallers met AK47 gewere doodgeskiet. Komatipoort naby Marlothpark

MALAN Fourika, female aged 70, AND her sister Christina aged 75, were
overpowered on their farm. Christine was stabbed in her arm with a knife during the
attack. They were also locked up and robbed. Lydenburg. 7 March 1995.
Fourika Malan (70) en haar suster Christine (75) is op hulle plaas oorval. Christine
is met ’n mes in die arm gesteek. Hulle is toegesluit en beroof, Lydenburg
NAUDE Hendrina, female aged 70, AND her daughter Barbara aged 38, were
attacked on their farm and beaten with the fist. They managed to call for help, and
the attacker ran away. Burgersfort. 8 Oktober 1995
Hendrina Naudé (70) en haar dogter Barbara (38) is oorval op hulle plaas, en is met
die vuis geslaan. Die aanvaller het gevlug nadat hulle om hulp geroep het.

NAUDE Petrus, male aged 80, was attacked by an armed gang of 7 men. He was
shot in the leg and above his eye, beaten up and robbed. He was admitted to
hospital in a critical condition. Smallholding ModderOos-Boorde, Delmas. 26 Feb
Petrus Naudé (82) is deur 7 gewapende mans op ’n kleinhoewe op die ModderOos-
Boorde, by Eloff aangeval en beroof.Hy is geslaan en indie been en oogbank
geskiet. Kritiek in hospital opgeneem. Delmas

NEL Elonika, female aged 29, was stabbed to death during an attack inside her
home, during which her little daughter was assaulted with a sjambok. Farm
Weltevrede, Delmas. 10 November 1995
Elonika Nel (29) is in haar huis op die plaas Weltevrede doodgesteek.
Haar dogtertjie is met ’n sambok aangerand. Delmas

NICHOLAS Charmaine, female aged 31, was overpowered inside her home and
robbed. Hermansburg holding, Nelspruit.9 Mei 1995
Charmaine Nicholas (31), van hoewe by Hermansburg in die Nelspruit distrik is
in huis oorval, en beroof


OLIVIER Carla Riëtte, female aged 36, was overpowered inside her farmstall and
attacked with a sjambok. She shot her attacker dead in self defence. Zeerust. 5 Jan
Carla Riëtte Olivier (36) is in haar plaaswinkel oorval en met ‘n sambok aangerand.
Sy het die oortreder uit selfverdediging doodgeskiet. Zeerust

OLIVIER Ockert Barend Jonathan, male aged 53, was stabbed in the stomach and
died the next day in hospital. Farm Leeufontein, area Ventersdorp. 16 November
Ockert Barend Jonathan Olivier (53) van die plaas Leeufontein in die
distrik Ventersdorp, is in die maag gesteek, en 17/11 in die hospitaal oorlede

OTTO Trudie AND her mother, Trudie du Plooy, were overpowered by a gang of 4
men with Uzis, tied up and robbed. Farm Hazyview. 26 March 1995.
Trudie Otto en Trudie du Plooy haar ma is oorval op plaas, is vasgebind en beroof
deur 4 mans met Uzi’s, Hazyview

PAINE Sally-Ann, Johanna Nicholls and Jan Rockliffe were attacked and
overpowered by a gang of 5 men and robbed. Farm near White River.
Sally-Ann Paine, Johanna Nicholls en Jan Rockliffe is deur 5 mans aangeval op ’n
plaas en beroof, naby Witrivier

PARSONS Regina, female aged 59, AND her husband Piet aged 63, were attacked
on their farm. Regina was attacked inside their farmstall and her throat was slit.
Piet was attacked inside their farmhouse, during which he was stabbed with knives,
suffered a broken wrist and head wounds. He survived. Farm Erfdeel, Cornelia. 11
April 1995.
Regina Parsons (59) is by haar plaaswinkel oorval en keelaf gesny. Haar man Piet
(63), is in die plaashuis oorval en aangerand. Hy is met messe gesteek, ‘n
gebreekte linkergewrig en kopwonde opgedoen, maar het oorleef. Plaas Erfdeel,

PIENAAR Lodewyk Theodorus, male aged 89, was ambushed by a gang of 7 men at
the gate to his holding, stabbed with a knife in his back, and robbed. Sweizer-
Reneke. 20 September 1995
Lodewyk Theodorus Pienaar (89) is by die hek op hoewe deur 7 mans oorval. Hy is
in die blad gesteek met ’n mes en beroof. Sweizer-Reneke

PRETORIUS Johannes Jacobus, male aged 55, was shot behind the left ear during
an attack on his farm. A farmworker, Samuel Mokwena aged 40, was shot in the
head to death inside the workers’ bedroom. Farm Tweefontein, Nylstroom.
Johannes Jacobus Pretorius (55) van die plaas Tweefontein is agter die linkeroor
doodgeskiet, ’n plaaswerker Samuel Mokwena (40) is in die werkers se slaapkamer
ook in die kop doodgeskiet, Nylstroom

REYNOLDS Rodney Kenneth, male aged 47, was viciously attacked inside his
home. His scull was crushed and he was shot to death before he was robbed. His
girlfriend, Cecilia le Roux aged 28, managed to escape. Farm Kent, Standerton, in
the Vaal area. 2 Augustus 1995
Rodney Kenneth Reynolds (47) is op plaas Kent aangerand. Sy skedel is verguis en
hy is doodgeskiet, en sy huis is ook beroof. Sy vriendin Cecilia Le Roux (28) kon
betyds vlug. Standerton, in die Vaal omgewing

ROCHER Boet, male aged 71, AND his wife Susan aged 61, were attacked while
they were asleep. Boet was shot to death in the head. Susan was tied up and
robbed. Farm Brakfontein, Swartruggens. 14 Jan 1995
Boet Rochèr (71) van die plaas Brakfontein is in die kop doodgeskiet nadat hulle in
hul slaapkamer oorval is deur 4 mans. Sy vrou Susan (61), is vasgebind en beroof.

SCHEEPERS Carol Rina, female aged 36, was overpowered inside her home by an
armed man. She was able to get hold of her gun, which was hidden, and shot him 3
times, disarmed him and tied him up. Melsonia smallholding, Meyerton. 10 Mei 1995
Carol Rina Scheepers (36) is in haar huis op die Melsonia-hoewes deur ’n
gewapende man oorval. Sy het met ’n versteekte wapen hom 3 keer geskiet, hom
ontwapen en vasgebind. Meyerton

SCHOLTZ Willie, male aged 72, was shot to death 20m from his home. Farm
Gestoptefontein, Ottosdal. 17 November 1995
Willie Scholtz (72) van die plaas Gestoptefontein is 20m van sy huis doodgeskiet,

SCHUTTE Elizabeth Cornelia, female aged 24,was shot in the neck and head. She
died a few hours later in hospital. Pelgrimshoop smallholdings, Dendron,
Pietersburg.6 September 1995
Elizabeth Cornelia Schutte (24) van die Pelgrimshoop-kleinhoewes is in die kop en
nek geskiet. Sy is enkele ure later dood in die hospital. Dendron, Pietersburg

SLABBERT Coenraad Frederick, male aged 72, AND his wife Amanda were attacked
on their farm by 3 men who pretended that they were interested in buying cattle.
Coenraad was tied up, and stabbed to death. His corpse was found with a rope
around the neck. The corpse of Amanda was found in her pantry, also with a rope
around the neck, and various stab wounds. Farm Leyden, Ferndale, near Kokstad.
26 April 1995
Coenraad Frederick Slabbert (72) is op die plaas Leyden oorval deur 3 mans wat
voorgegee het dat hulle vee wil koop. Hy is vasgebind, daar was ’n tou om sy nek
vasgemaak en hy is doodgesteek. Sy vrou Amanda se lyk is in die spens gegry met
’n tou om haar nek, en verskeie steekwonde. Ferndale distrik naby Kokstad

SLABBERT Stefanus, male aged 77, was attacked inside his home by 2 men who
stabbed him with knives, but he sjambokked them and they fled. Eden holdings,
Bethlehem. 20 Feb 1995.
Stefanus Slabbert (77) van die Eden-kleinhoewes is in sy huis deur 2
mans Aangeval. Hulle het hom met messe gesteek, maar hy het hulle met sy
handsambok toegetakel, en hulle het gevlug, Bethlehem

SMITH Susanna Katriena, female aged 76, was overpowered in her bedroom by 3
men and savagely assaulted and robbed. Farm Renosterhoek, Hartbeesfontein. 08
Julie 1995
Susanna Katriena Smith (76) van die plaas Renosterhoek is in die slaapkamer deur
3 mans oorval. Sy is wreedaardig aangerand en beroof. Hartbeesfontein
SNOEK Graham, male aged 59, was overpowered inside his home by a gang of 3
men, attacked with an axed, and robbed. Schagen, wet of Nelspruit. 2 Feb 1995
Graham Snoek (59) is op sy plaas deur 3 mans oorval in sy huis. Hy is met ’n byl
aangerand, en beroof. Schagen, wes van Nelspruit

STEENKAMP Lourens, male aged 41, was shot to death by a gang of 3 men. Before
he was shot, he locked his wife Sandra, and their 3 children, up in a storeroom for
their own safety. This probably saved their lives. Farm Varkenskraal. Groblersdal. 4
November 1995
Mnr Lourens Steenkamp (41) is by sy huis op die plaas Varkenskraal
doodgeskiet deur 3 rowers. Voor sy dood het hy sy vrou Sandra, en hulle 3 kinders
in ‘n pakkamer toegesluit. Dit het heelwaarskynlik hul lewens gered. Groblersdal

STRYDOM Roelf, male aged 65, was overpowered on his holding and viciously
attacked. He died from his injuries a few days later in hospital. Bapsfontein. End
Nov 1995.
Roelf Strydom (65) is op hoewe oorval en erg aangerand. Hy is begin Desember in
die hospitaal oorlede aan beserings, Bapsfontein

SULAMAN Mrs, was throttled and robbed on her smallholding. Three of her workers
were overpowered during the attack, namely Jerry Masilela, Jibeda Sulaman and
Naney Makaola. Witbank, 21 Jan 1995
Jerry Masilela, Jibeda Sulaman en Naney Makaola is op hoewe oorval, Mev
Sulaman is gewurg en beroof, Witbank

THOMPSON Reggie, male aged 71, AND his wife Ina aged 71, were attacked inside
their farmstall by a gang of 3 men. The couple were stabbed in the neck, face and
back before they were robbed. Reggie died shortly after he was released from
hospital. Farm Veekraal. Haenertsburg. 3 Mei 1995
Reggie Thompson (71) en sy vrou Ina (71) is in hul winkel op plaas Veekraal deur 3
mans oorval, aangerand en beroof. Hulle is albei in die nek, gesig en rug gesteek.
Reggie Thompson is dood net nadat hy uit die hospitaal ontslaan is. Haenertsburg

TRUTER Petrus Gideon Van Zyl, male aged 66, was attacked in the outside room by
2 men to whom he was selling milk on Boxing Day. His head was chopped open
from behind with a sharp object and he bled to death. His home was robbed. Farm
Elandskraal, Mooinooi. 26 Desember 1995
Petrus Gideon Van Zyl Truter (66) van die plaas Elandskraal is in die buitekamer
oorval, toe hy melk aan 2 mans verkoop het. Sy kop is agter met ’n skerp voorwerp
oopgekap, en hy het doodgebloei. Sy huis is ook beroof. Mooinooi

VAN DEN BERG Bergie aged 48, AND his wife Isa aged 48, were attacked inside
their home. Isa was shot to death in the head. The corpse of Bergie was found in
the bathroom with stab and gunshot wounds. He had been tied up. Farm in
Tweefontein area, near Babsfontein. 28 Augustus 1995
Isa Van den Berg (48) en haar man Bergie (48) is in hulle plaashuis aangerand. Isa
is in die kop doodgeskiet, en Bergie is ook dood aangetref in die badkamer met
steek en skietwonde. Hy was vasgebind. Op plaas in Tweefontein omgewing, naby

VAN DER MERWE Daniel Stephanus, male aged 62, was attacked by a gang of 4
men armed with pangas, overpowered, and robbed. Farm Varkfontein, Coligny. 26
March 1995
Daniel Stephanus Van der Merwe (62) van die plaas Varkfontein is deur 4 boewe
met kapmesse oorval en beroof, Coligny

VAN DRIEL Gerhard, male aged 71, was hacked to death with a garden pick. Farm
Groenkloof, Mooinooi. 14 April 1995
Gerhard van Driel (71) van die plaas Groenkloof is met ’n pik doodgeslaan,

VAN EEDEN William George, male professor aged 66, was stabbed to death on his
family farm. Leeukraal, near Greylingstad. 24 March 1995.
Prof. William George Van Eeden (66) is op sy familieplaas Leeukraal doodgesteek,
naby Greylingstad

VAN HEERDEN Hendrik, male aged 59, AND his mother Susara aged 86, were
attacked and assaulted on their holding. Their helper, Josephina Benjamin aged 77,
was also shoved around and robbed. Witbank. 9 Mei 1995
Hendrik Van Heerden (59), en sy ma Susara (86), is op hul hoewe oorval en
aangerand. Die huishulp Josephina Benjamin (77), is ook rondgestamp en
beroof. Witbank

VAN RENSBURG Basie, farm manager aged 55, was beaten with a blunt object and
stabbed in his chest to death. Farm Elim owned by Mr Bezuidenhout, Theunissen. 4
Desember 1995
Basie van Rensburg (55), ’n plaasbestuurder op die plaas Elim van
mnr Bezuidenhout, is met ’n stomp voorwerp geslaan en in die bors
doodgesteek. Theunissen

VAN WYK Francios, male aged 28, was overpowered at his farmhouse, shot 7
times, robbed, and left for dead. Wolmeranstad. 28 Junie 1995
Francois Van Wyk (28) is by sy plaashuis oorval en 7 keer geskiet, beroof, en vir
dood agtergelaat. Hy het oorleef. Wolmaransstad

VAN ZYL Christeen, female aged 65, AND her husband, Fillip aged 70, were
attacked on their holding during which Christeen was shot to death, and Fillip
wounded in the stomach. He died ten days later in hospital. Linkholm holding,
Vanderbijlpark. 06 Junie 1995
Christeen Van Zyl (65) is doodgeskiet op die Linkholm hoewes , en haar man
Fillip (70) is in die maag gewond. Hy is 10 dae later in die hospitaal
oorlede. Vanderbijlpark

VENTER Lodewickus Johannes, male aged 86, AND his wife Zagaria aged 80, were
attacked inside their home and beaten with a club. Lodewickus sustained a
fractured scull during the attack and died 2 weeks later, on 13/3 in hospital from
these injuries. Zagaria was hit across her face, arms and chest. Smallholding 28,
Tzaneen. 28 Feb 1995.
Lodewickus Johannes Venter (86) van die kleinhoewe nr 28 buite Tzaneen, en sy
vrou Zagaria (80) is albei in huis oorval, en met ’n stok geslaan. Hy het skedelbreuk
opgedoen,en sy is oor haar gesig,arms en bors geslaan. Mnr Venter sterf 13/03 aan
sy beserings in hospital

WAGNER John William, male aged 82, was overpowered inside his bedroom and
stabbed in the neck and ehad. He died in hospital. Plot 91, Pelzvale, Randfontein.
15 April 1995
John William Wagner (82) is in slaapkamer aangeval en in sy kop en nek gesteek,
Hy is in die hospitaal oorlede. Op plot 91 in Pelzvale, Randfontein

WEILBACH Catharina, female aged 42, was stabbed during an attack on her farm,
but managed to push the panic button, and her attackers fled. Ermelo. 28 Feb 1995.
Catharina Weilbach (42) is in linkerhand gesteek toe sy op plaas oorval is, nadat sy
noodknoppie gedruk het, het hulle gevlug, Ermelo

WOERMANN Jobst, male, was shot to death in the ehad on his farm. Vaalkop,
Vryheid. Nov 1995
Jobst Woermann is op sy plaas Vaalkop in die kop doodgeskiet, Vryheid


BARNARD Koos, male aged 34, AND his family were attacked inside their home.
Koos was shot to death inside his bedroom. His wife, Tersia aged 32, was shot in
her hand and tied up. His son, Tiaan, aged 8, was shot in the head. Their daughter,
Teri-Ann aged 5, was not injured. Farm Goedgevind, Ventersburg. 23 June 1994.
Koos Barnard (34) is doodgeskiet in slaapkamer deur aanvaller op
plaas Goedgegund, sy seun Tiaan (8) is in die kop gewond, Tersia sy vrou (32) is in
die hand gewond en vasgebind, haar dogter Teri-Ann (5) het niks oorgekom
nie, Ventersburg

BECKER Arrie, male aged 78, AND his wife, Ester aged 74, were attacked by 3 men
armed with pangas. Arrie was stabbed in the shoulder and in his side, and suffered
brain damage from the attack. Ester suffered face wounds and a chop wound to her
hand. Marikana holding. 3 Aug 1994.
Arrie Becker (78) het breinskade opgedoen toe hy aangeval is deur 3 mans
met Pangas. Hy is ook in die skouer en sy gesteek. Sy vrou Ester (74), het ’n
kapwond aan haar hand en gesigbeserings opgedoen in die aanval op hulle hoewe,

BLAKE Johan Strout, male aged 80, was overpowered inside his farmhouse and
lost consciousness before he was robbed. Roossenekal. 2 Feb 1994.
Johan Strout Blake (80) is in sy plaashuis oorval, het sy bewussyn verloor, en
is beroof, Roossenekal


BRIERS Piet, male aged 50, was ambushed and shot dead in the face as he arrived
at his smallholding. His workers had already been tied up. His wife Ria, and her
friend Amanda du Plessis were not injured. East Leigh, Orkney. 25 Oct 1994.
Piet Briers (50) is met sy aankoms op sy hoewe in die gesig doodgeskiet.
Sy werknemers was toe reeds vasgebind. Sy vrou Ria, en ’n vriendin Amanda
Du Plessis, is nie beseer nie. East Leigh, Orkney

BROWN Maggel, female aged 75, was overpowered on her farm, physically
assaulted and robbed. During the attack she was fisted and also suffered a broken
arm. Farm near White River. 29 April 1994.
Maggel Brown (75) is oorval en was met die vuis geslaan, en beroof. Sy het ook ’n
gebreekte arm opgedoen. Op plaas naby Witrivier

BYBERG Mogens, male aged 45, was overpowered inside his home by a gang of 3
men. Mogens was stabbed twice in the face and robbed. Farm Heldemoed, near
Lesotho border, Ladybrand. 1-3 April, 1994.
Mogens Byberg (45) van die plaas Heldemoed is in huis oorval deur 3 mans. Hy is 2
keer in die gesig gesteek met ’n skroewedraaier, en beroof. Naby Lesotho
grens, Ladybrand

COLE Dennis, and 2 workers were attacked, overpowered and locked up in the
office on their farm by a gang of 3 men, who only stole weapons. Mr Cole managed
to escape and call for help. Farm Poleni, Highflats, near Ixopo. 14 Nov 1994.
Dennis Cole en 2 werkers is deur 3 rowers oorval op plaas Poleni. Hulle is in
die kantoor op die plaas toegesluit. Net wapens is gesteel, Mnr Cole kon ontsnap
en het alarm gemaak. By Highflats, naby Ixopo

COETZER Elizabeth Magrieta, female aged 48, ws overpowered on her farm, tied up
and robbed. Lothair. 21 Sept 1994
Elizabeth Magrieta Coetzer (48) is oorval op plaas, vasgebind en beroof. Lothair
COMBRINK Fanie, male aged 70, sustained a graze above his right eye during an
attack inside his home. Farm Laersdrif. 13 Jan 1994.
Fanie Combrink (70) van Laersdrif het ‘n skaafwond bo sy linkeroog
opgedoen, nadat hy in sy plaashuis oorval is

CORT Herbert, male aged 68, AND his wife Marlyne aged 63, were attacked by an
armed gang of 4 men. Herbert was stabbed with a knife in the stomach and chest to
death, and robbed. Marlyne was beaten and tied up. She managed to escape. Farm
Volsfish, Schoemanskloof. 14 Jan 1994.
Herbert Cort (68) van die plaas Volsfish is met mes in sy bors en maag
doodgesteek deur 4 mans, en ook beroof. Sy vrou Marlyne (63), is geslaan en
vasgebind. Sy kon ontvlug, Schoemanskloof

DE LANGE Pieter, male aged 34, was attacked by 2 men who pretended that they
were interested in buying milk. Pieter was stabbed with a knife and beaten on the
ehad with “knopkierries” (traditional wooden clubs). He bled to death. Farm
Wanbestuur, near Gluckstad. 24 Feb 1994.
Pieter de Lange (34) van die plaas Wanbestuur is oorval deur 2 mans
wat voorgegee het dat hulle melk wil koop. Hy is met ‘n mes gesteek, en oor die
kop met knopkieries geslaan. Hy het hom doodgebloei, naby Gluckstad

ELS Magrieta, female aged 68, was assaulted, tied up and robbed. Farm
Renosterfontein, Rustenburg. 26 Oct 1994.
Magrieta Els (68) van die plaas Renosterfontein is aangerand en vasgebind
en beroof, Rustenburg

FOURIE Jopie, male aged 73, was attacked on his farm and shot in the leg. He shot
back and his attacker/s fled. He died 3 days later in hospital. Farm Waterloo,
Kroonstad. 12 Feb 1994.
Jopie Fourie (73) is in sy huis op plaas Waterloo oorval, en in die been gewond.
Hy het teruggeskiet, en die aanvaller/s het gevlug, Hy sterf 15/02 in die hospital.

GILDENHUYS Burgert, male aged 56, had stopped along the road to look at
farmlands and was overpowered. He died from gunshot wounds. Farm
Nooitgedacht, Groblersdal. 4 Oct 1994.
Burgert Gildenhuys (56) van die plaas Nooitgedacht, het langs pad na lande
gekyk, en is oorval. Hy is dood aan skietwonde. Groblersdal

GLENDINNING Rhoda, female aged 74, AND her husband Richard aged 83, were
attacked on their farm. Rhoda was axed to death. Richard was seriously injured.
Farm Manderstam, near Thornville, Pietermaritzburg area. 15 Nov 1994
Rhoda Glendinning (74) is doodgekap op plaas Manderstam. Haar man Richard (83)
is ernstig beseer in aanval. Naby Thornville, in die Pietermaritzburg omgewing

GOURLIE George Henry John, male aged 38, AND his wife, were attacked on their
smallholding. George dies from a gunshot to the head in the driveway. His wife was
found dead on the bed with a gunshot to the head. Their house had been robbed.
Northriding, Randburg. 21 April 1994.
George Henry John Gourlie (38) is in die kop doodgeskiet in die oprit van
sy Hoewe. Sy vrou is dood op die bed gekry, ook met ’n koeëlwond in die kop. Die
huis was beroof. Northriding, Randburg

GREEFF Jan, aged 78, AND his wife Sannie, aged 77, were attacked and
overpowered on their farm. Jan was murdered in the storeroom. Sannie was tied up
and throttled. Farm Mooihoek, Vredefort. 21 Sept 1994.
Twee mans het Sannie Greeff (77) van die plaas Mooihoek oorval, vasgebind
en gewurg (nie dood nie). Haar man Jan (78) is in die pakhuis vermoor. Vredefort

GREEF Pieter Schalk, aged 78, was overpowered by a gang of 4 men with “kierries”
(traditional weapons, a wooden club with large, solid head), assaulted and robbed.
Colgny. 13 Jan 1994.
Pieter Schalk Greeff (78) is deur 4 mans oorval en met kieries aangerand, en beroof,

HENNING Almeiro, professor aged 56, was ambushed as he arrived at his

farmhouse, stabbed with knives and bashed to death with a blunt object. Farm
Loerie, Port Elizabeth. 13 Oct 1994
Prof. Almeiro Henning (56) is met sy aankoms op plaas buite sy plaasopstal
by Loerie aangeval, met messe gesteek en met ‘n stomp voorwerp vermoor.
Port Elizabeth

HINKELMAN Erika, female aged 68, hid inside the bathroom when she was attacked
by 2 men. They smashed down the door, assaulted and robbed her. Farm near
White River. 2 May 1994.
Erika Hinkelman (68) is aangerand deur 2 mans en beroof, toe rowers
die badkamerdeur breek waar sy geskuil het, op plaas by Witrivier

HOFFMAN Margaretha, female aged 61, AND her husband J.J.L. were attacked and
beaten with clubs during which she was stabbed in the face. She sustained a
gaping wound in her left cheek which stretches to her mouth. Their weapons were
stolen. Mount Olive smallholding 8, Barberton area. 17 Jan 1994.
Margaretha Mount Hoffman (61) van Mount Olive-hoewe 8 is oorval met stoke. Sy is
ook in die gesig gesteek en het ’n gat in linkerwang wat tot by haar mond strek.
Haar man J.J.L. is ook met stokke geslaan, Hul wapens is gesteel. In Barberton
JACOBS Gert Petrus, male aged 69, was stabbed to death inside his storeroom and
robbed. Smallholding Stephanopark, Vanderbijlpark. 5 Feb 1994.
Gert Petrus Jacobs (69) is doodgesteek in pakkamer buite sy huis op
die Stephanopark- hoewes en beroof, by Vanderbijlpark

JACOBS Lourens, male aged 57, AND his wife Agnes, were overpowered, assaulted
and robbed by 3 men aat their farmstall. Wilgeboom holdings, Potchefstroom. 9 Oct
Lourens Jacobs (57) en sy vrou Agnes is oorval en aangerand by hul winkel op
die Wilgeboom-hoewes deur 3 mans en beroof, Potchefstroom

JANSE VAN RENSBURG Johannes, male aged 72, sustained a neck wound from
attackers inside his home before they fled. He survived. Farm Renosterkop, near
Groblersdal. 1 May 1994.
Johannes Janse van Rensburg (72) van die plaas Renosterkop naby Groblersdal is
in die nek gewond deur aanvallers in sy huis voordat hulle gevlug het. Hy het


KLINGENBERG Herbert Reinhold, male aged 50, was ambushed as he arrived at

home. He suffered serious head wounds and was shot to death. Farm
Goedgevonden, near Wakekrstroom. 11 March 1994.
Herbert Reinhold Klingenberg (50) van die plaas Goedgevonden in die
distrik Wakkerstroom, is by sy aankoms oorval en doodgeskiet. Hy het ook
ernstige kopbeserings gehad

KOTZE Willem was attacked by a gang of 3 men at the farm workers compound,
overpowered, and robbed of his weapons. Farm Lapfontein, Hartbeesfontein. 6
June 1994.
Willem Kotze van die plaas Lapfontein, is deur 3 mans by werkershuise oorval
en van sy wapens beroof. Hartbeesfontein

KRAFT Andries, male aged 27, was shot to death in his back by 3 men. Farm
Skoongesicht, Koster. 2 Sept 1994
Andries Kraft (27) is op sy plaas Skoongesicht deur 3 mans doodgeskiet (in
die rug), Koster (W/M)

LAURESSYN John aged 54, AND his wife Estelle aged 52, were attacked by 5 armed
men. John was shot to death. Estelle was bashed on the head and robbed. Farm
Koppie-alleen, near Nylstroom. 2 Sept 1994
John Lauressyn (54) is deur 5 mans doodgeskiet op die plaas Koppie-alleen in
die distrik Alman, sy vrou Estelle (52) is oor die kop geslaan en beroof,
naby Nylstroom
MARAIS Yolanda, female aged 19, was shot in her head to death. Her friend, Markus
Joubert aged 21, was wounded. Oudedorp holdings, Potchefstroom. 7 Aug 1994.
Yolanda Marais (19) is in kop doodgeskiet, op die Oudedorp-hoewes, en haar
vriend Markus Joubert (21) is gewond. Potchefstroom

PIENAAR Piet, male aged 54, was murdered next to his bakkie on his farm. His left
hand had been tied with barbed wire and he had been shot in the temple.
Paardeplaats, Hartbeesfontein, Ventersdorp. 2 Aug 1994.
Piet Pienaar (54) van die plaas Paardeplaats is langs sy bakkie op die
plaas doodgeskiet (in die slaap van sy kop geskiet). Sy linkerhand was met
doringdraad vasgebind. Hartbeesfontein, Ventersdorp

POTGIETER Elaine, female aged 39, was attacked by 3 men with a knife and a
spade, overpowered, and robbed. Drumblade smallholdings, Klipriver. 8 Aug 1994
Elaine Potgieter (39) van die Drumblade-hoewes is in haar huis oorval deur
3 rowers, met ’n mes en graaf, sy is beroof, Kliprivier


PRETORIUS Marius aged 13 AND his twin brother Henkie AND their mother Suzie
aged 41, AND another ten children, AND Mr Dolf Botha aged 49 were on their way to
school in the morning when they came under fire at the farm gate by 4 attackers
with AK47’s. Marius and Mr Botha suffered cut wounds from the glass shards
caused by the shooting. This attack followed a previous attack during 1993 on the
Pretorius family during which Marius suffered serious injuries. Rooikraal farmland,
Heidelberg. 4 Aug 1994.
Marius Pretorius (13) is saam met sy ma Suzie (41), sy tweelingbroer Henkie en nog
10 kinders en mnr Dolf Botha (49) op pad skool toe by die Rooikraal-landgoed naby
die plaashek aangeval deur 4 mans met AK47’s. Marius en mnr Botha het
net snywonde opgedoen deur glasskerwe na die skote. By Heidelberg. NS:
Marius Pretorius en sy familie is ernstig gewond in 1993 op dieselfde landgoed,
maar het oorleef om weer in 1994 aangeval te word.

PRETORIUS Mike, male aged 66, AND his wife Maria aged 60, were ambushed
inside their home and assaulted. Mike was stabbed with a knife in his chest. He
died before he reached the hospital. Smallholding near Mooinooi, Brits. 20 April
Mike Pretorius (66) en Maria (60) is in hul huis op ’n hoewe naby
Mooinooi voorgelê. Haar man en sy is aangerand. Mnr Pretorius is ook met ’n mes
in die bors gesteek. Hy is dood voordat hy by die hospitaal kon kom, Mooinooi,
naby Brits

PRINSLOO Johannes George, male aged 64, was savagely tortured for many hours
to death by a gang of 3 men. His finger and toe nails were pulled out with pliers. He
was stabbed and burnt with a heated poker all over his body. His corpse was
covered with welts from a whip. He had been forced to lie down on scathing hot
coals. The post mortem found that his private parts were bruised, and that his neck
was broken and scull fractured. His teeth were shattered and his pancreas had
burst. Farm Wildebeestfontein, Ogies, near Witbank. 4 Feb 1994.
Johannes George Prinsloo (64) van die plaas Wildebeestfontein is deur 3 mans
oorval. Hy is ure lank gemartel. Sy vinger en toonnaels is met ’n tang uitgetrek,
’n stookyster is verhit waarmee hulle dit oor sy hele liggaam gesteek en verbrand
het, sy lyk was ook oortrek met sweephale,en hulle het hom ook op kole laat lê. Hy
is dood aan veelvuldige beserings. Die nadoodse ondersoek het ook bevind dat sy
geslagsdele gekneus was, sy nek en skedel gebreek is, sy tande vergruis is, en sy
milt geskeur was, Ogies, naby Witbank

ROUX Wallace Pieter, male aged 40, was attacked by a gang of 3 armed men who
pretended that they were interested in purchasing milk. They all pulled out guns
and shot him dead. He suffered bullet wounds above his right eye, chest and
stomach. Then they robbed him. Farm Kromdraai, Witbank area. 18 Oct 1994.
Wallace Pieter Roux (40) van die plaas Kromdraai is deur 3 mans oorval
wat voorgegee het dat hulle melk wil koop, hulle het almal wapens uitgeruk en
hom doodgeskiet (bo regteroog, bors en maag), en beroof, in die Witbank

STRYDOM Hendrik Petrus, male aged 66, AND his two sons, Jacobus Johannes
aged 26, AND Meyer Strydom aged 23, were attacked by 3 men at their farmstall.
Jacobus was shot in his chest before two of the attackers were shot to death by
farmers and the 3rd attacker was wounded. Farm Vlaklaagte, Holmdene,
Standerton. 5 Mar 1994.
Hendrik Petrus Strydom (66), sy seun Jacobus Johannes (26), en 2de seun
Meyer Strydom (23,) is op die plaas Vlaklaagte, Holmdene aangeval by hul
plaaswinkel. Jacobus (26) is in sy bors gewond, en 1 aanvaller is doodgeskiet. Nog
’n aanvaller is deur ander boere doodgeskiet, en die derde aanvaller is gewond,

SWANEPOEL Stephanus, male aged 50, was shot to death by 3 attackers he found
inside his home. Grootvlei, near Balfour. 2 May 1994
Stephanus Swanepoel (50) is oorval toe hy 3 boewe in sy huis betrap het, en hy is
in die bors doodgeskiet, Grootvlei naby Balfour

UNNAMED CULLINAN farmer aged 63 was murdered with a hammer and a knife.
Farm Acht, Cullinan. 20 April 1994.
‘n 63 Jarige boer van die plaas Acht is met ’n hamer en mes vermoor, Cullinan

UYS Louisa Maria, female aged 56, was murdered inside her bedroom. Louisa
sustained stabwounds in her chest and neck, and bled to death. Farm
Steenkoolspruit, on Sheepmoor, near Ermelo. 17 Jan 1994.
Louisa Maria Uys (56) van die plaas Steenkoolspruit is in haar slaapkamer vermoor.
Sy het steekwonde in haar bors en nek gehad en het doodgebloei, op Sheepmoor
naby Ermelo

VAN SCHALKWYK Jean, police constable aged 22, AND Danie Pretorius, police
constable aged 20, were patrolling the smallholdings southeast of Pretoria when
they were shot at. Danie was wounded in his right arm, and Jean in the back and
right leg. Smallholdings, Pretoria. 14 Mar 1994.
Konstabel Jean van Schalkwyk (22) en Konstabel Danie Pretorius (20) het
op patrollie gery tussen hoewes suidoos van Pretoria, toe daar op hulle geskiet
was. Pretorius is in die regterarm gewond en van Schalkwyk in die rug en

VAN WYK Johannes Marthinus, male aged 65, AND his wife Hendrina aged 64, were
attacked by 2 men. Johannes was stabbed to death outside, and Hendrina was
stabbed repeatedly inside her home. Her condition was stabilized in hospital.
Smallholding Vischuil, near Springs. 3 March 1994.
Johannes Marthinus Van Wyk (65) is deur 2 aanvallers op sy hoewe by
Vischuil naby Springs doodgesteek, sy vrou Hendrina (64) is in die huis oorval, en
met ’n mes verskeie kere gesteek, sy is in ’n bedenklike toestand in hospital

VISSER Johannes, male aged 61, was shot to death on his smallholding. Endicot
82, Springs. 8 July 1994
Johannes Visser (61) van hoewe 82 is in Indicot doodgeskiet, Springs

WESSELS Bertine Elizabeth, female aged 66, was ambushed at her pick-up by a
gang of 5 men, of which one carried a gun. They were specifically looking for fire
arms, and forced her into her house where her husband shot at them, and they ran
away. Piet Retief area. 2 May 1994.
Bertine Elizabeth Wessels (66) is by haar bakkie oorval op plaas deur 5 mans,
een was gewapend. Hulle was spesifiek op soek na wapens, en het haar by die
huis ingedwing, waar haar man het op hulle geskiet het voordat hulle gevlug het.
Piet Retief omgewing

WOOD Kelvin, male aged 26, was shot in the hand as he wrestled with 2 attackers.
They only stole weapons. Farm Dondwane, near Colenso. 16 Nov 1994
Kelvin Wood (26) is in hand geskiet in sy worsteling met 2 aanvallers, op
plaas Dondwane, net wapens is gesteel, naby Colenso


ALBERTS Tommie, male aged 43 AND his mother, Sankie aged 82, were attacked
by an armed gang of 2 men. Tommie was inside his lounge where he was shot to
death through the window with an AK47 and thenSankie was assaulted and robbed.
Leeufontein smallholdings, Pretoria. 24 May 1993.
Tommie Alberts (43) van die Leeuwfontein-hoewes is met ‘n AK47 deur die venster
van sy sitkamer doodgeskiet deur 2 mans. Daarna het hulle sy ma Sankie (82)
rondgestamp en beroof. Buite Pretoria

BAETTLER August, male aged 26, died during the attack inside his home where he
was shot in the leg and head before his house was set alight. Zwavelpoort
smallholdings, Pretoria. 2 Nov 1993.
August Baettler (26) is in sy huis op die Zwavelpoort hoewes in die kop en been
doodgeskiet. Sy moordenaar steek ook die huis aan die brand. Pretoria

BARNARD Ansie, female aged 43, AND her daughter Alida aged 19, AND their
neighbour Louie Rossouw, aged 52, were attacked by 2 men, tied up and robbed.
Farm Brits. 22 Jan 1993.
Ansie Barnard (43), haar dogter Alida (19) en buurvrou Louie Rossouw (52) is deur
2 mans op plaas oorval. Hulle is vasgebind en beroof, naby Brits

BENADE Tjaart, male aged 66, AND his wife Susan, were attacked on their farm,
robbed of 3 weapons and kidnapped. Uitspan, Meyerton. 13 July 1993
Tjaart Benadé (66) en sy vrou Susan (57) van die plaas Uitspan is oorval en beroof.
3 Vuurwapens is gesteel. Hulle is met gesteelde goed ontvoer, Meyerton

BENADE Tjaart, male aged 66, AND his wife Sue aged 57, were attacked on their
farm. Tjaart was hacked to death, and Sue had been throttled to death. Their
corpses was found in the pumphouse. Farm Uitspan, Meyerton. 13 July 1993.
Sue Benade (57) is op plaas Uitspan dood gewurg, en haar man Tjaart (66) is
doodgekap deur 4 mans. Hul lyke is in die pomphuis gekry, Meyerton

BORNMAN Johan aged 70 was sitting on his verandah at around 20:00. When he
went into the kitchen, his dogs started barking frantically. Upon his return to the
front door, he was attacked by a gang of three men. One attacker kept the dogs at
bay while the other two beat Johan with “kierries” (traditional weapons made from
wood, shaped like a walking stick but with a large ball-like club head) over his head
and entire body, demanding money and firearms. They took his pick-up van keys
from his pocket, dragged him through the house while threatening to murder him,
and beat him again. While his attackers were rummaging through the house, Johan
was able to get hold of his shotgun and they ran away looting his clothes and keys.
Sameloop farm, Hobhouse (near Lesotho border). 19 Jan 1993
BREDENKAMP James Milne, male aged 42, died from an attack on his farm during
which he suffered head injuries and was tied up. Louwater, Vaalrivier, Sasolburg.
18 June 1993.
James Milne Bredenkamp (42) is op sy plaas aan die Vaalrivier vermoor. Hy was
vasgebind en het kopbeserings gehad, Louwater, Sasolburg

BLOM Jacob Jochemius Cornelius “Ghemi”, male aged 70, was stabbed to death
during an attack by an armed gang of 2 men. Ghemi also suffered stab wounds in
the stomach and chest. His wife, Bettie, who had hidden in the pantry, was not
harmed. Farm Fraai-Uitzicht, Senekal. 25 May 1993.
Jacob Jochemius Cornelius Blom (70) van die plaas Fraai-Uitzicht is in die maag en
bors doodgesteek deur 2 mans. Sy vrou Bettie is ongedeerd, sy het in die spens
geskuil. Senekal

BRITS Anna Elizabeth “Charlie”, widow aged 65, was murdered inside the home of
her daughter during the morning. Her corpse was found on the floor of the main
bedroom by her daughter and son-in law at lunch time. The hands and feet were
tied up, and a sock had been pushed into the mouth. A piece of cloth was wound
tightly around her neck. A video machine, hand gun and jewellery box was stolen.
Secunda. 4 Feb 1993.

CARSTENS Johannes Christian, male aged 64, AND his wife Hester Jakoba
Magdalena aged 55, were attacked by a gang armed of 2 men with a bayonet and a
butcher’s knife. The couple both sustained serious injuries. Johannes received
deep wounds to his neck, right arm and leg. Farm Hollandsdrif between Pietersburg
and Potgietersrus. 17 May 1993.
Johannes Christian Carstens (64) en sy vrou Hester Jakoba Magdalena (55), van die
plaas Hollandsdrif tussen Pietersburg en Potgietersrus is aangeval deur 2 mans,
vasgebind, en beroof. Mnr Carstens het diep kapwonde aan sy nek, regterarm en
bene opgedoen. Hulle is aangeval met ‘n bajonet en slagtersmes

CRONJE Hennie, AND his wife Frandi, AND their four sons, AND their friend Elma
Rautenbach, AND her daughter Ruvé, were attacked by an armed gang, robbed and
locked up inside the bathroom. Farm Panama, parys. 23 May 1993.
Hennie Cronjé van die plaas Panama naby Parys, en sy gesin, sy vrou Frandri, 4
seuns en ‘n vriendin Elma Rautenbach en haar dogter Ruvé is oorval/ Hulle is in die
badkamer toegesluit, en beroof, naby Parys

CROUS Sebastian “Basjan”, farmer aged 60, AND his wife Johanna, aged 53, were
attacked by an armed gang. Basjan was shot to death, and Johanna sustained
serious head injuries. Farm Rietpoort, between Vredefort and Viljoenskroon. 20
Aug 1993.
Twee rowers het Johanna Crous (53) van die plaas Rietpoort oorval. Sy is oor die
kop geslaan, en haar man Sebastian (Basjan) (60) is in die kop doodgeskiet. Die
plaas is tussen Vredefort en Viljoenskroon

CROUS Jannie, male aged 62, was attacked by an armed gang of 2 men and
stabbed to death. Farm Moerbeidal, Kroonstad. 19 Oct 1993.
Jannie Crous (62) van die plaas Moerbeidal is deur 2 mans met messe op sy plaas
aangeval en doodgesteek, Kroonstad

DAVEL Gert, male aged 63, was attacked inside his home, tied up and strangled.
Brits. 2 May 1993.
Gert Davel (63) is in sy huis op ‘n hoewe oorval, vasgebind en verwurg, naby Brits

DAVIES Henry, male aged 42, was murdered during an attack where he was
stabbed inside his homestead which was also set alight. Farm Kafferskraal,
Badplaas. 6 Sep 1993.
Henry Davies (42) van die plaas Kafferskraal is in die huis aangeval, en met messe
doodgesteek, daarna is die huis aan die brand gesteek, naby Badplaas

DE BEER Johannes Diederick “Hansie”, farmer aged 60, AND his wife Johanna
“Annetjie” aged 56, were attacked on their farm by an armed gang of 5 men who
pretended to be interested in buying sheep. The farmers were forced into their
home at gunpoint, where Hansie was pistol whipped against his head and robbed
of his gun and money. Farm Rooipoort, Potchefstroom. 1 Des 1993.
Johannes Diederick (Hansie) de Beer (60) en sy vrou Johanna (Annatjie) (56) van
die plaas Rooipoort is oorval deur 5 mans wat voorgegee het dat hulle skape wil
koop. Hulle is met ‘n vuurwapen in die huis gedwing, Mnr de Beer is met ‘n wapen
oor die kop geslaan, en beroof van ‘n wapen en kontant, Potchefstroom

DE FREITAS Francisco, male aged 35, was attacked and robbed by an armed gang
of 4 men. He escaped under fire to the home of a worker who was shot in his hand
as he slammed the door in the face of an attacker. Farm Wonderfontein,
Oberholzer. 19 Nov 1993.
Francisco de Freitas (35) van die plaas Wonderfontein is deur 4 rowers oorval en
beroof. Hhy het gevlug. Skote is op hom geskiet, en hy het na ‘n werker se huis
gevlug. Ernest Lekhafolo is in die hand geskiet toe hy die deur in die aanvallers se
gesig toegeslaan het. Oberholzer

DE LEEUW Franco was attacked on his smallholding by a gang of 5 men who had
pretended to be interested in purchasing sheep from him. Franco was forced into
his house and robbed. As the gang drove away from the scene. They shot at the
farm labourer’s homes, and the bullet struck and injured black child, Samuel
Motabe aged 10. Rondawel, near hammanskraal. 1 Jan 1993
DERCKSEN Catharina Magdalena, female aged 45, was attacked by 2 men and
throttled. Farm Doornspruit, Elim, near Louis Trichardt. 5 July 1993.
Catharina Magdalena Dercksen (45) is op haar plaas Doornspruit deur 2 aanvallers
oorval en verwurg, Elim naby Louis Trichardt

DREYER Albertus aged 40 AND his wife Cornelia aged 37 AND their daughter
Johlene aged 12 AND their son Kerneels aged 17, were attacked inside their home
at around 03:00 by a gang of black men armed with pangas and knives. They
locked kernels inside his room before they entered the main bedroom where the
rest of the family were asleep. Albertus woke up to see four men with pangas and
knives, glistening in the dark, standing in front of the bed. Wordlessly they attacked
the couple who were still half asleep, slashing and stabbing at their bodies. During
the attack one man shouted: “Sorry, we do not really want to hurt you”, and
another said:”It is mandela’s fault that we have to do these things”. Johlene was
also assaulted and brought through to her parent’s room, where their hands and
feet were tied up. When Cornelia saw the wire in the attacker’s hands, she thought
they were going to be strangled. She grabbed her daughter and squeezed her
tightly against herself. He grabbed her wrist, which had been injured during the
attack, and tied wire around it. She yelped from pain and he apologised, then
grabbed her other wrist and tied that to her daughter’s arm. The gang loaded
various items onto the family pick-up van with which they fled the scene. One of
the gang members unlocked the bedroom door of Kerneels before they left. If it was
not for this, the family would have bled to death. The police managed to apprehend
four of the attackers during which one of them shot himself with a gun taken from
the Dreyer residence. They are still searching for the 5th gang member. Albertus
was wounded in the chest, nek and thigh. The blade of a butchers knife broke off in
his leg and had to be removed. Cornelia and Johlene’s faces have been
permanently scarred by wounds inflicted from the panga attacks. Wildebeeskraal,
Burgersfort. 28 Jan 1993.

DU PLESSIS Andries Hendrik, male aged 77, AND his wife Catharina aged 72, were
attacked by 2 men armed using a panga and “kierrie” (traditional walking stick
weapon which has a hard club head). Smallholding Uitkyk, Potgietersrus. 19 July
Andries Hendrik du Plessis (77) en sy vrou Catharina (72) van Uitkyk kleinhoewe is
deur 2 mans oorval en met ‘n panga en kierie aangerand, 5 km buite Potgietersrus

DU PLESSIS Christopher Jacobus, male aged 41, was murdered during an attack
during which he was robbed, and stabbed in the neck, chest, back and legs.
Smallholding Vaalview, Vanderbiljpark. 18 April 1993.
Christopher Jacobus du Plessis (41) is op die Vaalview-kleinhoewe doodgesteek
(nek, bors, keel, rug en bene) en beroof, Vanderbijlpark

DU PLESSIS Louis, male aged 73, AND his wife Cecilia aged 62, wee attacked
inside their home, tied up and lock up. Louis was also pistol whipped on his head.
Farm near Assen, Northern Transvaal. 10 March 1993.
Mnr Louis du Plessis (73) en sy vrou Cecilia (62) is in die plaashuis oorval,
vasgebind en toegesluit, Louis is met ‘n pistol oor die kop geslaan. Naby Assen in
Noord Transvaal

DU PLESSIS Marietjie aged 57 AND her mother Mrs Soes Pieters aged 86, were
raped and stabbed to death inside their home during the night by a gang of at least
3 men. The attack had been planned as the telephone wires had been cut. It
appeared that Marietjie was ambushed as she walked into the passage after the
attackers had forced open a lounge window. Her corpse was found face down on
the bedroom floor with many stab wounds to the upper body. Her bedclothes were
blood stained and the room was dishevelled and strewn with clothes. During the
trial, one of the defendants admitted that he was proud that he had ‘killed apartheid
by killing the ‘dogs’.” He said that two men had stabbed marietjie to death, and
three men had stabbed Soes to death. Farm Zoar, Brandfort. 4 Feb 1993

DU PLESSIS Andries Hendrik, male aged 77, AND his wife Catharina aged 72, were
attacked by 2 men armed using a panga and “kierrie” (traditional walking stick
weapon which has a hard club head). Smallholding Uitkyk, Potgietersrus. 19 July
Andries Hendrik du Plessis (77) en sy vrou Catharina (72) van Uitkyk kleinhoewe is
deur 2 mans oorval en met ‘n panga en kierie aangerand, 5 km buite Potgietersrus

DU PLESSIS Christopher Jacobus, male aged 41, was murdered during an attack
during which he was robbed, and stabbed in the neck, chest, back and legs.
Smallholding Vaalview, Vanderbiljpark. 18 April 1993.
Christopher Jacobus du Plessis (41) is op die Vaalview-kleinhoewe doodgesteek
(nek, bors, keel, rug en bene) en beroof, Vanderbijlpark

DU PLESSIS Louis, male aged 73, AND his wife Cecilia aged 62, wee attacked
inside their home, tied up and lock up. Louis was also pistol whipped on his head.
Farm near Assen, Northern Transvaal.
10 March 1993.
Mnr Louis du Plessis (73) en sy vrou Cecilia (62) is in die plaashuis oorval,
vasgebind en toegesluit, Louis is met ‘n pistol oor die kop geslaan. Naby Assen in
Noord Transvaal
EDWARDS John, Major MC aged 70, AND his wife Jane aged 70, were attacked and
robbed, during which his ear was nearly chopped right off, and her arm
broken.Smallholding De Deur. 24 May 1993.
Maj. John Edwards MC (70) en sy vrou Jane (70) is oorval op hul kleinhoewe. Sy
oor is byna afgekap en sy vrou se arm is gebreek in die aanval. Hulle is ook beroof.
De Deur

ENGELBRECHT Aletta, female aged 53, was overpowered and assaulted inside her
home. Smallholding Rustenburg. 11 Nov 1993.
Aletta Engelbrecht (53) is in haar huis oorval op haar hoewe en aangerand. Buite

HAARHOFF N, male aged 56, was saved from severe injury by the police who,
reacting on a tip off that an attack was planned, lay in wait when a gang of 4 men
attacked the homestead. 2 of the gang members who carried a knife and a gun were
shot dead by the police. Farm Vlakhoek, Koster. 10 Oct 1993.
Polisie het inligting ontvang dat ‘n aanval op Mnr N. Haarhoff (56) op sy plaas
Vlakhoek beplan word, hulle het daar gewag. 4 mans het die huis oorval. Die polisie
het 2 doodgeskiet. ‘n wapen en mes is by hulle gevind. Koster

HELLSTROM Louis, male aged 81, was hospitalized after he had been attacked on
his smallholding and assaulted with a hammer. De Deur. 30 May 1993.
Mnr Louis Hellstrom (81) is op sy hoewe met ‘n hamer aangeval, en is in’n
bedenklike toestand in die hospital, De Deur

HENNING Pieter, sergeant aged 22, was shot to death while searching for a suspect
inside a banana plantation. Farm Vaspen, Hazyview. 15 June 1993.
Sers. Pieter Henning (22) is doodgeskiet in ‘n piesang plantasie op die plaas
Vaspan In die distrik Hazyview, nadat hulle ‘n verdagte gesoek het die op plaas

HOLDER Audrey, female aged 25, was shot to death. Farm Indermine,
Hannamskraal. 8 May 1993.
Audrey Holder (25) van die plaas Indermine is doodgeskiet, naby Hammanskraal

HUNTER Carol, female aged 26, was shot to death inside her car on her
smallholding. Pretoria. 15 Aug 1993.
Carol Hunter (26) was in haar motor op haar hoewe buite Pretoria doodgeskiet

JONQUIERE Henry, male aged 64, was overpowered on his smallholding and
stabbed 13 times with a knife. His heart and lung was punctured and his nose
almost cut right off. He died on the was to hospital. Withok, Brakpan. 18 Nov 1993.
Henry Jonquiere (64) is op die hoewe, Withok, oorval en 13 keer met ‘n mes
gesteek. Sy hart en long is deurboor en sy neus is feitlik amper afgesny. Hy is
oppad hospital toe oorlede. Brakpan
KEYTER Rachel Magdelana, female aged 57 AND her husband, Gerrit aged 60, were
watching television when they were shot at from outside. Rachel was shot in her
right shoulder. Farm Witpoort, Ventersdorp. 23 Sept 1993.
Me Rachel Magdelana Keyter (57) van die plaas Witpoort, was besig om TV te kyk,
toe daar van buite op haar en haar man Gerrit Cornelius (60) geskiet is. Sy is in die
regterskouer gewond. Ventersdorp

KLEYNHANS E.P., male aged 47, was attacked inside his house with axes and tied
up. He sustained chop wounds on his cheeck bone and arm.Farm Branddrif,
Secunda. 3 June 1993.
Mnr E.P. Kleynhans (47) van die plaas Branddrif is in sy huis oorval met byle. Hy
het kapwonde aan sy oogbank en arm opgedoen, en hy was vasgebind. Hy het
oorleef. Secunda

KOOIJ Johannes Christoffel, male aged 58, AND his wife Wilma Petro aged
53, AND his mother-in-law Maria Magdalena de Kock aged 86, were ambushed as
they returned home from church. Johannes was shot 3 times and died. The women
were tied up and robbed. Farm Gerhardminnebron near Boskopstasie,
Potchefstroom. 21 Nov 1993.
Met hul aankoms van kerk is Johannes Christoffel Kooij (58) van die plaas
Gerhardminnebron naby Boskopstasie buite die dorp in sy huis doodgeskiet (3
skietwonde), sy skoonma Maria Magdalena de Kock (86) is net vasgebind, en sy
vrou Wilma Petro (53) is ook ongedeerd. Wapens ens. is gesteel, Potchefstroom

KOTZE Petrus Jacobus, male aged 66, AND his wife Hester aged 65, were attacked
by 2 men and axed to death on their farm. Buffelspoort, Nylstroom. 24 March 1993.
Petrus Jacobus Kotzé (68) is deur 2 mans doodgekap op die plaas Buffelspoort, in
die Nylstroom omgewing

KRUGER Deon aged 30 AND his wife Brenda aged 28 were attacked inside their
home by a gang of at least 3 men. The couple were sprayed with red pepper in their
faces and Deon’s handgun was taken from him. Then they were tied up and robbed.
Farm Rust, Letsitele valley, Pietersburg. 17 Jan 1993.


LAUTERBACH Karl, male aged 66, AND his wife Hester aged 65, were ambushed as
they arrived home on their farm. Karl was hit over the head and robbed of 6 guns
before the couple were kidnapped in their own car. About 40km along the road, Karl
was forced out of the car and shot in the left side of his chest. The corpse of Hester
was found with three gunshot wounds close to where Karl had been shot. Waterval,
Greytown. 3 Nov 1993.
Karl Lauterbach (66) en sy vrou Hester (65) van die plaas Waterval is met hul
aankoms tuis oorval. Karl is oor die kop geslaan en beroof van 6 vuurwapens
voordat die egpaar toe ontvoer is in hul kar. Karl is 40 km verder uit die kar
gedwing en in die linkerbors geskiet. Sy vrou Hester se lyk is met 3 koeëlwonde
gekry ± waar hy geskiet is, Greytown

LINDEQUE Barend Gerhardus aged 73 AND his wife Miriam aged 68 were attacked
inside their home at around 17:30 by a gang of at least 3 men. Barend was stabbed
and shot in the throat. Miriam was shot on the chin. Their domestic servant heard
the shots and went to investigate. She came upon their corpses in the lounge.
Lamont Park holding 11, Vanderbijlpark. 23 Feb 1993.

LOOTS Schalk, male aged 71, suffered a broken hip during an attacked where he
was robbed of cash and firearms on the Netherland smallholding. Koppies. 15 July
Schalk Loots (71) is op hul hoewe by die Nedersetting aangeval. Sy heup is
gebreek deur die aanvallers. Hulle het kontant en vuurwapens geroof. Buite


MARX Lettie, female aged 49, slammed her door just in time on 5 attackers and
raised the alarm to which her neighbour responded. At his arrival the gang fled.
Farm Syferfontein, Potchefstroom.
20 May 1993.
Lettie Marx (49) van die plaas Syferfontein het betyds die deur toegeslaan. 5 mans
het gevlug nadat haar buurman daar opgedaag het nadat hy die noodoproep
ontvang het . Potchefstroom omgewing

MEYER Pieter Schalk, male aged 75, was beaten to death with an iron pipe. His
corpse was found in a ditch near his house. Farm Kranspoort, Ermelo. 7 Aug 1993.
Pieter Schalk Meyer (75) van die plaas Kranspoort se lyk is in ‘n sloot naby huis
Gekry. Hy is met ‘n staalpyp doodgeslaan. Ermelo

MITCHELL Reginald aged 60, was followed home by a gang of men in a pick-up van
at around 13:00. On his farm they asked him if he sold peaches before they
attacked him. Reginald pulled out his firearm but it would not shoot. While they
were wrestling, his wife Elizabeth aged 58, arrived home in her car. The gang
opened fire on the couple, hit Reginald on the head, grabbed his weapon and fled
the scene in their van. Reginald jumped in his car and tried to follow them, but they
raced away. Upon his return home, he discovered that Elizabeth had been shot in
the head. She died on the scene. Farm Modderfontein, Cardoville, Westonaria. 15
Jan 1993

MARX Lettie, female aged 49, slammed her door just in time on 5 attackers and
raised the alarm to which her neighbour responded. At his arrival the gang fled.
Farm Syferfontein, Potchefstroom.
20 May 1993.
Lettie Marx (49) van die plaas Syferfontein het betyds die deur toegeslaan. 5 mans
het gevlug nadat haar buurman daar opgedaag het nadat hy die noodoproep
ontvang het . Potchefstroom omgewing

MEYER Pieter Schalk, male aged 75, was beaten to death with an iron pipe. His
corpse was found in a ditch near his house. Farm Kranspoort, Ermelo. 7 Aug 1993.
Pieter Schalk Meyer (75) van die plaas Kranspoort se lyk is in ‘n sloot naby huis
Gekry. Hy is met ‘n staalpyp doodgeslaan. Ermelo

PIETERSE Vernon, male aged 80, was held hostage with a bread knife and robbed.
Farm Tuine, Tzaneen. 20 Feb 1993

PRETORIUS Pieter, male aged 40, AND his wife Suzie aged 40, AND his son Pieter
aged 18, AND the 12 year old twins, Marius AND Henkie, were attacked by an armed
gang of 7 men during which Marius was shot in the neck and jawbone. His
condition was stabilized in hospital. Rooikraal land, Heidelberg.
16 Oct 1993.
Pieter Pretorius (40), en sy vrou Suzie (40), sy seun Pieter (18) en 12 jarige tweeling
Marius en Henkie, is deur 7 persone op die Rooikraal landgoed by Heidelberg
aangeval. Marius (12) is in die nek en kakebeen geskiet. Hy was in ‘n bedenklike
toestand in die hospital, maar het oorleef.

PRINSLOO Abrie aged 41 was attacked in his home during the night by a gang of at
least 3 men. Abrie bled to death after he had been shot. Farm Lemoenkloof,
Senekal. Wed 17 Feb 1993.

PUTTER Rika, female aged 58, was attacked by 2 men and shot to death on her
smallholding. Mooiplaas, Pretoria. 25 May 1993.
Rika Putter (58) was deur 2 mans doodgeskiet op haar hoewe by Mooiplaas, naby


RAUTENBACH Ignatius, male aged 50, surprised an attacker inside his home who
stormed down on Ignatius with a knife and he wounded the attacker in the chest.
Waterkloof smallholdings, Rustenburg. 24 Nov 1993.
Ignatius Rautenbach (50) van die Waterkloof hoewes het ‘n man in die huis betrap.
Sy aanvaller het met ‘n mes op hom afgestorm, en hy het die aanvaller in die bors
Gewond. Buite Rustenburg

REDMAN Linda, female aged 17, hid in the shower when 3 men broke into her
home. White River smallholding. 14 June 1993.
Linda Redman (17) van hoewe 40, het in die stort weggekruip toe 3 mans ingebreek
het by die huis, Witrivier

RICHARDSON Creswell, male aged 78, AND his wife Barbara aged 58, were
attacked, overpowered and robbed by a gang of 6 men on their smallholding.
Doornkuil, De Deur, Johannesburg south. 3 Aug 1993.
Creswell Richardson (78) en sy vrou Barbara (58) is op hul Doornkuil-hoewe deur 6
mans oorval, en beroof. Suid van Johannesburg, De Deur

ROOS Pieter, male aged 56, AND his wife Gertruida aged 53, were attacked by 2
farm workers who had been employed for only 2 weeks on their farm. The couple
were beaten to death and robbed. Farm Suikerboskop, about 30km from Witbank.
31 May 1993.
Pieter Roos (56) en sy vrou Gertruida (53) van die plaas Suikerboskop, sowat 30 km
buite Witbank, is deur 2 plaaswerkers oorval (hulle het net 2 weketevore op die
plaas begin werk),en hulle is albei doodgeslaan met ‘n ysterstaaf en beroof

ROSSOUW Cas, male aged 80, AND his wife Jane aged 70, were attacked inside
their home. Jane thought that it was their servant knocking on the door and opened
it. A man shoved the door open and started to strangle her, then shot her to death.
Cas was stabbed in his chest and neck, and beaten up before he was tied up. His
condition stabilized in hospital. Farm Sarahsdale, Dordrecht. 1 Aug 1993.
Cas Rossouw (80) en sy vrou Jane (70) van die plaas Sarahsdale het gedink dis hul
bediende wat klop en het deur die deur oopgemaak. ‘n Man het die deur
oopgestamp en haar begin wurg, en haar toe doodgeskiet. Cas is in die bors en nek
gesteek, geslaan, en toe vasgebind. Hy is in ‘n bedenklike toestand in die hospital.


SALMOND Wally, male aged 69, AND his wife, Mrs V.A.Salmond, were attacked
inside their home by an armed gang of 4 men. Wally was shot to death, and his wife
was hit with a bottle over her head. Farm Barmwell, Elandsfontein, Ladysmith. 8
Nov 1993.
Wally Salmond (69) van die plaas Barnwell is in sy huis doodgeskiet deur 4 mans.
Sy vrou, mev. V.A. Salmond (63) is met ‘n bottel oor die kop geslaan.Elandsfontein
naby Ladysmith

SCHENKEL Theo, male aged 29, AND his wife Mariaan aged 28, were ambushed by
a gang of 3 men armed with AK47’s. Theo was shot in the chest, arm and leg. He
died the following day from his injuries. Mariaan was wounded in her legs, but
survived. Their children who were in their car, Johan aged 5, Corné aged
3 AND Arina aged 6 months old, were not injured. Farm in Donkerhoek area,
Pretoria East. 25 April 1993
Mariaan Schenkel (28) en haar man Theo (29) is deur 3 mans met AK47’s aangeval
op hul plaas. Haar man Theo is in die bors, arm en been getref, en hy is die
volgende dag dood aan sy beserings. Mariaan is in die bene gewond maar het die
aanval oorleef. Die kinders wat nog in die motor was, Johan (5), Corné (3), en Arina
(6 maande) is nie beseer nie. In die Donkerhoek-omgewing, oos van Pretoria

SCHULTZ Hans-Joachim, male aged 69, was trussed up and stuffed into the linen
cupboard of his bathroom, where he was found dead. Farm near Dullstroom. 14
May 1993.
Hans-Joachim Schultz (69) is dood aangetref waar hy vasgebind en in sy badkamer
se linnekas gebondel is. Op plaas naby Dullstroom

SCHULTZ Jaco, male aged 19, farm manager for Mr Van Wyk, was shot to death in
his neck inside the shed of the farm. Another worker was kidnapped and later
found tied up near a taxi rank. Farm Skietpan, Wolmaransstad. 18 Oct 1993.
Jaco Schültz (19) is op die plaas Skietpan in die skuur in die keel doodgeskiet. Hy
het vir mnr Van Wyk gewerk as plaasbestuurder. Een werker is ontvoer en later
vasgebind gevind naby taxi staanplekke, by Wolmaransstad.

SCOTT David, and his wife Maureen, both aged 50, were overpowered by a gang of
4 men on their smallholding. David was tied up and stabbed in his head and chest
with a knife. Maureen saved his life by begging that they not shoot him. Walkerville.
11 March 1993.
Maureen Scott (50) en haar man David (50) is deur 4 mans op sy hoewe oorval.
David het mes steke in sy kop en bors opgedoen nadat hy vasgebind is. Sy vrou
het sy lewe gered deur hulle te smeek om hom nie te skiet nie. Walkerville

SMITH Johnny, male aged 62,was stabbed to death inside a storeroom on his farm.
Wesselsdal, Vanstadensrus, 23 July 1993.
Johnny Smith (62) van die plaas Wesselsdal is met ‘n mes in ‘n pakhuis
doodgesteek, by Vanstadensrus

SMITH Leslie Ernest, male aged 57 AND his wife Martha Magdalena aged 43, were
attacked by 2 farm workers, threatened with pangas and robbed. Farm
Wildebeesfontein, Ogies. 3 Aug 1993.
Leslie Ernest Smith (57) van die plaas Wildebeesfontein, en sy vrou Martha
Magdalena (43), is deur 2 plaaswerkers aangeval, en met pangas gedreig en Beroof.

SMITH Rassie, male aged 58, AND Mr Robbie Hall were attacked at the hostel on the
farm Springdale. Mr Hall managed to escape. Rassie and another black man was
chopped to death with pangas. 12 Aug 1993.
Rassie Smith (58) was by hostel op die plaas Springvale met pangas doodgekap,
asook ‘n swartman was doodgekap. Mnr Robbie Hall het ontvlug. Buite Stilfontein

STEYN Marthinus “Duimpie”, male aged 86, AND his wife Christine aged 79, were
shot to death inside their car on their farm. Bankfontein, Breyten. 11 May 1993.
Marthinus (Duimpie) Steyn (86), en sy vrou Christine (79), is op hul plaas
Bankfontein in die motor doodgeskiet. Breyten

STRAUSS Jaap P. aged 71, was shot to death from outside the window while he
was lying on his bed reading. He lay with his back to the window, and his gun and
wallet were on the bedside table. A gang of 9 men and 1 woman, masked in
balaclavas and wearing gloves, overpowered his house maid in her bedroom and
forced her to the house where they studied him through the window. An attacker
fired 4 shots at Jaap, of which one hit him in the back, and three went into a
wardrobe. They then forced open the bedroom window through which they climbed
into the house, which they plundered in search of valuables. Everything was pulled
out of the cabinets and drawers. Floor boards were chopped out with axes and
cupboards were ripped off the walls. His gun and wallet was stolen and they
escaped in his pick-up van, which was found abandoned 3km down the road.
Katdoornkraal farm, Standerton district. 12 Jan 1993.

STRYDOM Tracey, female aged 32, AND her 3 children, Michael aged 14, AND Linda
aged 8, AND baby Simone aged 11 months old, were ambushed as they arrived
home. A gang of 4 men surrounded their pick-up truck and forced them into their
homestead, where two nannies, Emma and Miriam, were tied up. The gang
threatened to slit Simone’s throat before they fled the scene with cash. Balfour. 11
June 1993.
Tracey Strydom (32), haar 3 kinders Michael (14), Linda (8) en 11 maande oue
Simone, is in hul plaashuis oorval toe hulle op die plaas aankom. 4 mans het hul
bakkie omsingel, hulle die huis ingedwing waar 2 bediendes, Emma en Miriam,
vasgebind was. Hulle het gedreig om Simone se keel af te sny, en het met kontant
gevlug. Balfour

SWANEPOEL Jan, male aged 62, AND his wife Johanna “Skroefie” aged 56,
survived a well planned attack on their farm where lights had been removed and
wires cut, by shooting back at their assailants. Farm Rustfontein, Leeudoringstad.
23 May 1993.
Jan Swanepoel (62) en sy vrou Johanna (Skroefie) (56) van die plaas Rustfontein is
aangeval op plaas, aanval was goed beplan, ligte is uitgehaal en drade geknip,
hulle het aanval afgeweer deur terug te skiet, Leeudoringstad

SWANELPOEL Sandra aged 37, AND her husband Johannes Gerhardus aged 42,
chicken farmer, were attacked on their smallholding by a gang of 3 armed men.
Johannes was overpowered and forced inside the homestead at gunpoint. Sandra
shot at them and was mortally wounded with a gunshot in her head. Smallholding
Gunyula, Letsitele. 28 April 1993.
Johannes Gerhardus Swanepoel (42), ‘n hoenderboer, is deur 3 mans op hoewe 33
Gunyula oorval. Hy is met ‘n wapen in die huis in gedwing. Sandra (37) sy vrou, het
op hulle geskiet. Sy is deur die kop doodgeskiet. Letsitele

SWANEPOEL Sannie, female aged 73, was overpowered inside the dairy by a gang
of 6 men and locked up inside the cooler room. Sharon Marais, aged 23, a lodger,
AND her two little girls, AND the gardener was tied up and held hostage while the
homestead was robbed of 7 guns and cash. Bronkhorstspruit. 16 Nov 1993.
Sannie Swanepoel (73) is op haar hoewe by melkery oorval deur 6 mans. Sy is
toegesluit in die koelkamer. ‘n Loseerder, Sharon Marais (23), haar 2 dogtertjies, en
die tuinwerker is aangehou en vasgebind. Die aanvallers het kontant en 7 wapens
gesteel. Buite Bronkhorstspruit

SWANEPOEL Willem, male aged 70, AND his wife Hester aged 64, AND their
daughter Elizabeth van der Merwe aged 27, were attacked inside their bedrooms
and tied up. They were threatened with being burnt alive if they did not hand over
their weapons and cash. 3 guns and money was stolen. Farm Trichardsfontein,
Trichardt. 29 Nov 1993.
Willem Swanepoel (70), sy vrou Hester (64), en hul dogter Elizabeth van der Merwe
(27). is op hul plaas Trichardsfontein in die slaapkamer oorval en Vasgebind. Hulle
is gedreig dat hulle hul wapens en kontant moet gee, anders word hulle aan die
brand gesteek. 3 wapens en kontant is gesteel. Buite Trichardt

SWART Johannes Gerhardus Jacobus, male aged 73 AND his wife, Theresa aged
70, were attacked and beaten to death. The corpse of Johannes was found in a
plantation, and the corpse of Theresa was found in the garden. Farm Aqua Terra,
Scheepmoor, near Ermelo. 30 Nov 1993.
Johannes Gerhardus Jacobus Swart (73,) van die plaas Aqua Terra, Scheepmoor,
naby Ermelo, is in’n plantasie op die plaas gevind. Hy is doodgeslaan. Sy vrou
Theresa (70) is ook doodgeslaan en in die tuin gevind

SWART Martie, female aged 47, was in an outside room where she was
overpowered with a weapon and a knife. Martie fought back while she was kicked
and beaten up before she was locked up and robbed. Kestell. 25 Sept 1993.
Martie Swart (47)van die plaas Ouwerf is met wapen en mes oorval in die
buitekamer. hulle het haar geslaan en geskop. Sy het teruggeveg, is toegesluit en
beroof. Kestell

SWART Martie, female aged 47, was shot to death with a bullet wound to her head
on the verandah of her home less than a month after she had been attacked in an
outside room. Kestell. 23 Oct 1993.
Nadat Martie Swart (47) in September aanval afgeweer het, is sy in Oktober op haar
plaas Ouwerf, in die kop doodgeskiet op stoep van huis, Kestell

UNKNOWN BOONS farmer aged 82, AND his wife aged 68, were attacked by 2 men.
The farmer was overpowered and shot in his shoulder. His wife was tied up, raped
by both attackers, and robbed. Boons. 18 May 1993.
‘n Bejaarde boer (82) is deur 2 mans oorval en in skouer geskiet. Sy vrou (68) is
vasgebind en deur albei mans verkrag, en toe beroof. Boons

UNKNOWN MIDDLEBURG woman aged 29, was overpowered, raped and robbed
inside her home. Farm near Middleburg. 12 May 1993.
‘n 29 Jarige vrou is op ‘n plaas in die huis oorval. Sy is verkrag en beroof. Naby

UYS Johannes Gerhardus, male aged 81, was attacked inside his house and his
face was crushed with a heavy object. Farm Kralinger, Ermelo. 5-7 Aug, 1993.
Johannes Gerhardus Uys (81) van die plaas Kralinger se gesig is verbrysel toe hy
In sy huis oorval is en met ‘n swaar voorwerp aangerand is. Ermelo

VAN DER MERWE George Hendrik, male aged 21, was ambushed and shot in the
neck as he arrived home. Smallholding Breswill, Sundra. 2 Nov 1993.
George Hendrik van der Merwe (21) van die Breswill-hoewes is met sy aankoms
oorval en in die nek geskiet, Sundra

VAN DER WALT Johan Paul was home when a stone was thrown through his
bedroom window, the telephone wires cut and a gun was shot. He was not injured.
Boons. 28 Dec 1993.
‘n Klip is deur die slaapkamervenster van Johan Paul van der Walt (74) gegooi, ‘n
skoot is ook buite die huis geskiet, en sy telefoondrade was ook geknip. Hy is nie
beseer nie. Boons

VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Johan, male aged 35, was ambushed as he arrived at the
gate of his smallholding by 4 men and was shot at with AK47’s and wounded in the
shoulder. He pretended he was dead. They escaped with his car and weapon. Near
Tarlton. 16 April 1993.
Johan van der Westhuizen (35) is by hek op sy hoewe deur 4 mans oorval, hulle het
met AK47’s op hom geskiet, en hy is in sy skouer gewond. Hy het voorgegee dat hy
dood is, en is beroof van sy kar en wapen. Naby Tarlton.

VAN DIEMEN Harry, male aged 46, AND his son Herman aged 9, AND his son Corne
aged 7, were attacked inside their home while they were watching television by 2
men demanding guns. Harry was stabbed in his chest and throat and died from his
injuries. Corne was wounded just under his heart and Herman was stabbed just
above his eye with a knife. They were all tied up until the children managed to
break free and seek help. Smallholding southeast of Pretoria. 12 July 1993.
Harry van Diemen (46) en sy 2 seuns Herman (9) en Corné (7) is in hul huis op
hoewe deur 2 mans oorval terwyl hulle televisie kyk. Mnr van Diemen is in die bors
en keel doodgesteek, Corné (7) is net onder die hart gewond. Hulle het geld en
vuurwapens geeis, en Herman (9) is met ‘n mes bokant die oog gesteek. Die hele
familie is vasgebind, maar die seuns het losgekom en hulp gaan soek. Op hoewe
suidoos van Pretoria

VAN JAARSVELD Annette, female aged 40, was overpowered inside a farmstall by
2 men and shot in the stomach and hip. Farm Onverwacht, Boons. 29 Dec 1993.
Annette van Jaarsveld (40) van Onverwacht in die Boons omgewing, is in die
plaaswinkel deur 2 mans oorval en in die maag en heup gewond. Boons

VAN NIEKERK Petro, female aged 61, was attacked inside her home by 2 armed
men but managed to fight back before the men fled. Smallholding, Johannesburg.
18 March 1993.
Petro Van Niekerk (61) is deur 2 gewapende mans in die huis op kleinhoewe oorval,
maar sy het terugbaklei, en die mans het gevlug. Buite Johannesburg

VAN ROOYEN Flip, male aged 39, AND a farm worker, Swazi Shabango aged 63,
were attacked by 2 armed men. Swazi grabbed the one attacker from behind, and as
Flip ran to his assistance, another attacker shot Flip in the hip. He died upon his
arrival at the hospital. Farm Blesbokspruit. 25 April 1993.
Flip van Rooyen (39) van die plaas Blesbokspruit en ‘n werker Swazi Shabango (63)
is oorval deur 2 mans. Mnr Shabango het 1 aanvaller van agter gegryp en
vasgehou, en mnr van Rooyen het mnr Shabango te hulp gesnel. Die tweede
aanvaller het mnr van Rooyen in die linkerheup geskiet, en hy is met sy aankoms
by hospital oorlede. Piet Retief

VAN SITTERT Johannes Hendrik, male aged 71, AND his wife Martha aged 70, were
under attack when their car was set alight and stones thrown at their house.
Johannes let off a few warning shots. The police saw the flames and went to
investigate the fire before the attackers fled. 7 Aug 1993.
Johannes Hendrik van Sittert (71) en sy vrou Martha (70) is aangeval op hul hoewe.
Hulle motor is aan die brand gesteek, en huis met klippe bestook. Hy het ‘n paar
skote op hulle geskiet. Die polisie het die vlamme gesien en kom ondersoek instel,
en toe het die mans het gevlug, Klerksdorp

VAN WYK Lilian, female aged 70 AND her granddaughter Lilian Kruger aged 15
were attacked on their smallholding. Lilian Snr was chopped to death with a panga,
and lilian Jnr sustained serious wounds, head injuries, and was robbed.
Onderstepoort, Pretoria north. 22 Sept 1993.
Lilian van Wyk (70) is op hoewe by Onderstepoort aangeval met ‘n panga en
doodgekap, haar kleindogter Lilian Kruger (15) is erg beseer, sy het kopwonde
opgedoen, en is beroof, Onderstepoort-hoewes, noorde van Pretoria

VAN ZYL Gertruida Anna, female aged 59, was attacked inside the farmstall by a
man who was chased away by her dog. Farm Kortlaagte, Lesley. 29 July 1993.
Gertruida Anna van Zyl (59) van die plaas Kortlaagte is in haar plaaswinkel deur ‘n
man oorval. Haar hond het die aanvaller bestorm, en hy’t gevlug. Naby Lesley

VISAGIE Gerhardus Jacobus, male aged 45, is in a stable condition in hospital after
he had been overpowered on his smallholding and stabbed in the neck. His
attackers fled with his pick-up, cash and weapon. Waterridge smallholding,
Carletonville. 28 April 1993.
Gerhardus Jacobus Visagie (45) is op die Waterridge-hoewe oorval en met mes in
nek gesteek, aanvallers het met sy bakkie , kontant en wapen gevlug, hy is in
bedenklike toestand in hospital, Carletonville

VOLSCHENK Maria Magdalena, female aged 37, was overpowered inside her
farmstall by 2 men, tied up and robbed. Makwassie. 10 Nov 1993
Maria Magdalena Volschenk (37) is op plaas by winkel oorval deur 2 mans, sy is
vasgebind en beroof, Makwassie

WOLMERANS Rudolph, male aged 73, was attacked on a Netherland smallholding.

Outside Koppies.
2 July 1993.
Rudolph Wolmarans (73) is ook aangeval op kleinhoewe, by die Nedersetting, buite

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