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New Light of Myanmar


Volume XXI, Number 47

9th Waning of Kason 1375 ME

President U Thein Sein

felicitates Italian President, PM

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

Nay Pyi Taw, 2 JuneU Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has
sent messages of felicitations to Dr Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy and Mr
Enrico Letta, Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy, on the occasion of the Proclamation Day of
the Republic of Italy, which falls on 2 June 2013.MNA

Narrow gap between urban and rural health care services: President

President U Thein Sein meets Union ministers, Chief minister, deputy minister, patrons, chairperson and members of Public Health Foundation.mna
Nay Pyi Taw, 1 June
President U Thein Sein called
on Public Health Foundation
to assist in narrowing the
gap of health care service
delivery between urban
and rural areas as much as
It took one year for the
government to form a formal,
systematic public health
foundation to promote the
health standard of people,
mentioned the President
as he met the patrons, the
chairperson and members of
Public Health Foundation at
Yangon Region government
office this evening.
He said he was pleased
with the make-up of the
foundation constituted
with personalities of great
experience in health and
social sectors at home and
abroad. The foundation
is responsible to assist in
the work programmes of

the State government and

Health Ministry to improve
the health care service
delivery to the people,
he said, calling on the
foundation to cooperate in
good faith with the Health
Ministry in promoting the
health standard of the nation.
He noted the some
examples of similar but
borderless NGOs from
private sector in other
countries, adding that such
NGOs have technical and
financial advantages and
are offering assistance
in developing countries
including Myanmar.
However, those NGOs being
funded by mainly the public
contribution would like to
bring direct benefits to the
people and prefer to interact
with similar organizations
rather than governments
concerned, not wanting
to intervene in internal

political affairs.
He hopes the foundation
to be able to promote the
health standard of the
people through networking
with health-related NGOs
worldwide. He called for
formulation of a draft
regarding the foundation
and submission of it at the
forthcoming parliamentary
He warned against the
unchanged trend of 3D
malaria, TB and AIDS
despite concentrated efforts
on control of those diseases,
demanding greater efforts.
He also spoke of the need
to control better such
life-threatening diseases
as cancer, heart attack,
hypertension and diabetes.
He called on the
foundation to assist in
bridging the gap of health
standard between urban
and rural regions as much

as possible. He also urged

the foundation to help with
health knowledge, and
personal hygiene of rural
He suggested that
determined efforts should
be put into a particular sector
rather than undertaking
sector-wise measures. He
also spoke of the need to
function according to the
law and regulations.
Chairperson of Public
Health Foundation Dr
Than Sein elaborated on
organizational structure,
functions, interaction
with local and foreign
organizations, future plans
and financial status of the
Deputy Minister for
Health Dr Win Myint,
Yangon Region Chief
Minister U Myint Swe,
Union Ministers at the
President Office U Soe

He wards off natural disaster


Thane, U Tin Naing Thein

and foundation patron Dr
Ko Ko Gyi gave account of
the foundation.
In his guidance, the
President called on the
foundation to turn itself
into a reliable organization
in promoting the health
standard of the country with
devotion to longevity of its
citizens. He also asked the
foundation to cooperate
with GPs abroad and social
organizations, calling for
systematic expenditure of

the fund. He also promised

government assistance,
urging the foundation to
assist in promoting the
health standard of people
through establishment of
worldwide links with local
and foreign organizations.
Foundation was founded
as a social organization on
21 December, 2012 and
its mission is said to be to
work toward ensuring equal
public access to health care
service nationwide.MNA

US Kerry says
unacceptable for Iran to
have nuclear weapon

Maha Saddhamma Jotika dhaja

Sithu Dr. Khin Maung Nyunt
When you visit prominent pagodas or
Buddhist temples in Myanmar cities or towns,
you are sure to find a statue of a gilt Buddhist
monk in a sitting posture, with his right hand
in a rice alms bowl, preparing a mouthful of
rice food, and his face looking at the sky,
watching the position of the sun.

"The President called on

the foundation to assist in
bridging the gap of health
standard between urban
and rural regions as much
as possible"

Self-reliant school building

opened in Yedashe Tsp

Sri Lanka, Thailand to

enhance maritime security
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New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

local news

Third Myanmar Job Fair kicks off

N ay Pyi Taw, 1 June

The opening of the Third
Myanmar Job Fair, organized by Myanmar Youth
Entrepreneurs Association
under the supervision of
the Ministry of Labour,
Employment and Social
Security, took place at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on
U Wisaya Road in Dagon
Township, yesterday.
Union Minister for
Labour, Employment and
Social Security U Maung
Myint spoke words of

thanks for conducting the

Job Fair aimed at creating
job opportunities for the
youths. The onus is on the
government and private
sectors to ensure youth
employment. Such kind of
job fair serves as a platform
for both employers and
He called for human
resources development
through job fairs. Next,
Yangon Region Minister
for Development Affairs
Mayor U Hla Myint, Re-

Motorbike accident kills one,

hurts other one in Myinmu
M yinmu , 1 June
Myinmu Township police
station said that they had
a report of a motorbike
accident at a place between
mile post Nos(41/4) and
(41/5) on Mandalay-Myinmu road near Nabekyu rest
house in Myinmu Township on 28 May morning
and they rushed there.
Police found U Win
Swe dead, bleeding from
his ears and nose at the
scene. The fatal incident
happened to the motorbike

driven by Maung Tun, 27,

of Pauk Township together
with U Win Swe while the
motorbike crashed into a
tree by road as it plunged
off the road due to excessive speed.
Maung Tun, the motorcyclist, had suffered
injuries and he was taken to
Myinmu hospital. Myinmu
police station charged the
motorcyclist with dangerous driving.
Kyemon-Ko Ko

Overturned bus kills one

passenger in Kawthoung
Kawthoung, 1 June
A passenger bus en route to
Myeik from Bokpyin had
caught into an overturned
car accident at mile post
No (102/2-3) near Nantaung Village in Pyigyi
Mandine sub-township
in Kawthoung District of
Taninthayi Region at about
8.50 am on 23 May.
The bus carrying 51
passengers23 men, 24
women and four children of Myeik Tagun
bus line overturned on

the road between Bokpyin

and Myeik. The rollover
passenger bus accident left
one young man killed and
six men and eight women
injured. The victim was
identified as Maung Phyo
Soe, 18.
Local authorities and
a rescue team rushed there
and transported the injured
to Pyigyi Mandine hospital
and Bokpyin Township
Kyemon-Kyaw SoeKawthoung

gion Minister for Electric

Power and Industry U
Nyan Tun Oo and officials
formally opened the Fair.
Then the Union minister
and Yangon Region Chief
Minister U Myint Swe
unveiled the signboard of
the Fair. Afterwards, the
Union minister, the chief
minister and party viewed
round the Fair.

Construction of temporary market for

New Bogyoke market nearing completion

Yangon, 1 June As
New Bogyoke Market will
be upgraded by Yangon
City Development Committee in cooperation with
Shwedaung Company, a
temporary market is being built at the corner of
Shwedagon Pagoda Road
and Anawrahta Road for
the convenience of shopkee-pers.
So far construction
of the temporary market
has been completed by 90
per cent.
The new Bogyoke
market was put into service on 17 December
1980. Now, there are 436
shops in the new Bogyoke
market including twenty
shops which were opened
three years later, says the
chairman of the market
development committee.
As the wooden market
has become old and it is
required to build a new

Fire reduces houses to

ashes, leaves victims
homeless in Mandalay
Mandalay, 1 June A
fire broke out in a house in
Minte Ekin ward in Aungmyethazan Township in
Mandalay at about 9 am
The fire is believed to
have started from an overheated iron which was left
unattended in a state of being plugged into the socket
at the house of Daw Yee
Yee Htay who left home
for Thabeikkyin at about
8.50 am as her husband
telephoned her to go there.
The fire swept through
the whole house and spread
to two huts in the same

compound and two nearby
houses, leaving four households homeless.
Fire crews accompanied by 20 fire trucks
of Mandalay Region Fire
Services Department managed to bring the fire under
control in cooperation with
auxiliary fire bridge members and local people. No
(5) police station filed a
lawsuit against Daw Yee
Yee Htay with fire negligence.
Kyemon -Ba Oo

Drowsy driver causes car

accident on expressway

Toungoo, 1 June A
road accident happened to a
bus carrying 21 passengers
heading from Taunggyi
to Yangon on YangonMandalay Expressway near
Kyauktaga Township of
Bago Region at about 4.30

am on 27 May.
The passenger bus
driven by Kyaw Naing Linn,
32, skidded out of control
and ended up hitting 13 crash
barriers and nine cat eyes

and modern market in

the time of the new government, opened tender
was invited in 2012. For
the convenience of shopkeepers, construction of a
temporary market that can
hold 436 shops carried out
at the place of open market
and construction works are
nearing completion. Plans
are underway to relocate all
shops of the new Bogyoke
market which is going to
be upgraded at the temporary market in June, he

He spoke words of
thanks for upgrading
plan of the Union government, Yangon Region
govern-ment and Yangon
City Development Committee and Shwedaung
All shopkeepers of
436 shops in new Bogyoke
market will be relocated at
the temporary market with
436 shops, each shop has an
area of eight square feet.
Kyemon-Soe Win-MLA

MPF launches emergency,

complaint-handling phone
Nay Pyi Taw, 1
JuneMyanmar Police
Force under the Ministry
of Home Affairs has put
hot lines into place at
Myanmar Police Force
HQ and region/state police stations to enable the
public to submit tip-offs
and complaints over illegal
acts, mis-appropriation and
The public may reach
the numbers for their information and complaints
but are requested to avoid
manners causing disruptions to these phone lines.
Myanmar Police Force
HQ, Nay Pyi Taw Police
Force, Kachin, Kayah,
Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine
and Shan State Police Forces, Sagaing, Taninthayi,
Bago, Magway, Mandalay,
Yangon and Ayeyawady
Region Police Forces,
Offices of Commanders of East, West, South
and North District Police
Forces in Yangon Region,
No (1) Police Station in
Taunggyi, Office of Dep-

uty Commander of State

Police Force in Lashio, and
Kengtung Police Station in
Kengtung have emergency
numbers of 199.
Phone numbers receiving complaints from
the public are Myanmar
Police Force HQ (067412222 and 067-412444),
Nay Pyi Taw Police Force
(067-550333), Kachin
State Police Force (07421444), Kayin State Police Force (058-23355),
Sagaing Region Police
Force (071-24996), Taninthayi Region Police Force
(059-23998), Bago Region
Police Force (052-23999),
Magway Region Police
Force (063-28099), Mandalay Region Police Force
(02-61444), Mon State
Police Force (057-24987),
Rakhine State Police Force
(043-22833), Yangon Region Police Force (012302199), Shan State Police Force (081-2125455)
and Ayeyawady Region
Police Force (042-23844).

in the middle of the road at

a place between mile post
Nos (77/5) and (77/4). The
incident is said to be due to
drowsiness of the driver who
lost control.
No one was hurt in the

road accident, but the crash

caused damage to crash
barriers and nine cat eyes.
Myotchaung expressway
traffic police charged the
driver with reckless driving.

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

UN experts see no increased cancer risk
Assad forces advance; West, Russia exchange
among Fukushima residents
barbs ahead of talks

Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO)s tsunami-crippled

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants (R to L)
No4, No3 No2 and No1 reactor buildings are seen in
Fukushima prefecture, in this aerial view photo taken
by Yomiuri Shimbun 26 Feb 2012.
Vienna, 1 JuneUN Tokyo Electric Power Cos
scientists assessing the plant resulted in a reduction
health impact of the disaster- of dose they would have
crippled Fukushima Daiichi received from radioactive
Nuclear Power Station said substances released after
Friday their estimates based the 2011 accident.
on data obtained so far
The panel said its dose
show the radiation dose on estimate of radioactive
residents in the region is so iodine, which is associated
low they do not expect to with the thyroid cancer, in
see any increase in cancer most cases was below the
in the future but urged critical 50 millisieverts,
that follow-up studies be a threshold above which
conducted on residents preventive iodine tablets
are given to young children.
The UN Scientific
The doses for the whole
Committee on the Effects body are estimated up to 10
of Atomic Radiation also millisieverts, much lower
noted that the prompt than 100 millisieverts of
many dose considered to increase
residents from areas around risks for solid cancers.

In the 1986 nuclear

accident in Chernobyl,
many children consumed
milk with a high iodine
concentration, leading to
high thyroid doses and an
increase in thyroid cancer.
The panel said the
quick evacuation of the
local population after the
accident has reduced the
radiation doses for the
people by a factor of 10.
Radiation doses were also
reduced because taking in
food contaminated with
was prevented. The results
presented in the report
differ from those in a
previous report published
by the World Health
Organization in February,
which warned of higher
cancer risks for residents
and nuclear power plant
workers around Fukushima
than the average for the
countrys entire population.
On this, UNSCEAR said
the WHO only had access
to data from the first three
months after the accident
and then calculated the
estimates by using models
and plausible parameters,
while UNSCEAR made use
of precise dose distributions
from an additional year of
time, which helped present
updated results.
Kyodo News

Beirut, 1 June
Forces loyal to President
Bashar al-Assad tightened
their siege of rebels in a
strategic town on Friday, in
a counter-offensive that is
shifting the balance of the
Syrian war ahead of a peace
conference next month.
Rebels said they had
managed to infiltrate new
fighters into the town of
Qusair on the Lebanese
frontier, where they are
encircled by Assads army
and his allies in Lebanons
Hezbollah militia who
have openly joined the
war on his behalf.
The battle comes amid
a blizzard of diplomacy
ahead of the conference
called by the United States
and Russia, the first time
in a year that the global
powers ranged on opposing
sides in Syrias civil war
have agreed to talk about a
way to end it.
If the summons to
peace talks in Geneva was
intended to calm rhetoric it
has had the opposite effect,
with Russia and the West
issuing tit-for-tat threats
to escalate the conflict by
sending arms to the warring
sides. The two-year war has
killed at least 80,000 people
and has divided the world
and split the Middle East
on its dangerous sectarian

US may introduce F-35 stealth jets

in Dec 2015 at earliest
Washington, 1 June
The US Defence Department
said on Friday it is trying to
introduce the F-35 stealth
fighters in the military
in December 2015, after
keeping the country and
others concerned such as
Japan long guessing about
the schedule due to a delay
in development. The Marine
Corps plans to introduce a
model of the F-35 equipped
with technology that can

evade radar detection in

December 2015 and the Air
Force plans to do likewise
a year later, a department
official said. The US
military notified Congress
on Friday of the schedule.
Lt Gen Chris Bogdan,
who serves as F-53
officer in the department,
said that the aircraft
design and technological
capabilities of the F-35

are sound and the

department will deliver on
our commitments to meet
service timelines.
SelfDefence Force plans to get a
total of 42 F-35s as its nextgeneration main fighter jet
and introduce four in fiscal
year 2016. Israel also plans
to use the fighters. The US
military stopped short of
deciding when to deploy
the aircraft due mainly

to a delay in software
aircraft has been developed
jointly by the United States,
Britain, Australia and six
other countries.
Lockheed Martin Corp
as a key developer designed
three types of the aircraft
each for the Navy, the Air
Force and the Marine Corps
and the US military plans to
have about 2,400 units of
the aircraft.Kyodo News

US Kerry says unacceptable

for Iran to have nuclear
Washington, 1 June
US Secretary of State John
Kerry said on Friday he did
not have high expectations
presidential election in Iran
would change the calculus
over Teheans nuclear
program,e, repeating it was
unacceptable for Iran to
have a nuclear weapon.
At a joint news
conference with German

Foreign Minister Guido

Westerwelle, Kerry said
Iran needs to understand
that international patience
was waning over the
nuclear programme that
Tehean says is meant for
peaceful purposes. Every
month that goes by gets
more dangerous, Kerry
said. Westerwelle also said
more diplomatic talks were

US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during the

World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North
Africa at the King Hussein Convention Centre, at the
Dead Sea on 26 May, 2013.

faultline between Sunni and

Shiite Muslims.
Millions of Syrians
have fled their homes
and sectarian violence is
surging in neighbouring
Lebanon and Iraq, with
recent histories of SunniShiite civil wars of their
own. Russia and Iran back
Assad, a member of the
minority Alawite sect, an
offshoot of Shiite Islam.
Western countries, most
Arab states and Turkey
all back the rebels, mainly
drawn from members of the
majority Sunni sect.
Moscow suggested on
Friday it could speed up the
delivery of advanced antiaircraft missiles to Assads
government to prevent

although it also floated the

idea that it could suspend
the shipment, turning the
missiles into an apparent
bargaining chip ahead of the
peace talks in Geneva.
Francois Hollande said it was
unacceptable for Moscow to
discuss arming the Syrian
government ahead of the
peace conference, even as he
emphasised the importance
of his own and his allies
threat to arm the rebels.
The rebels made major
gains in the second half of
2012, seizing swathes of the
country from Assads forces
and leading Western leaders
to declare that the presidents
days in power were surely

A damaged military vehicle used by the Free Syrian

Army is seen after heavy fighting against the forces
of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Lebanons
Hezbollah in the al-Barak area near Qusair town
on 31 May 2013.Reuters

Most Americans oppose US

military involvement in Syria
Washington, 1 June
A majority of Americans
believe the United States
should not use military
action to attempt to end the
civil war in Syria even if all
economic and diplomatic
efforts fail, finds a poll
released on Friday.
opposition to US military
involvement in Syria,
compared to 24 percent
who favor such action to try
to end the prolonged civil
war in Syria, according to
the Gallup poll conducted
on 28-29 May.
At the same time, 58
percent of Americans say
they are not optimistic that
the conflict in Syria will be
solved through economic
and diplomatic means,
while 27 percent agree that
such efforts will succeed,
it shows. Americans also
pay less attention to the
Syrian civil war, as the poll
finds that less than half (49

percent) of respondents say

they are following news
about the conflict very or
somewhat closely. This is
below the historical average
of 60 percent for more than
200 news events that Gallup
has measured since 1992.
seem to have a clear
preference for keeping
the US military out of
the Syrian conflict, given
their opposition to such
involvement even though
they expect that diplomatic
efforts will fail to bring
peace, Gallup said.
Syria recently, has said he
favours providing arms to
the anti-government forces
there. But so far the US
government remains wary
of arming Syrian rebels,
even after the European
Union (EU) on Monday
lifted its arms embargo on
Syrian rebel forces.

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

S c ie nc e & Te ch no l o g y
Large asteroid, with small
moon in tow, to fly by Earth
Cape Canaveral, 1
JuneA large asteroid accompanied by its own small
moon was approaching
Earth on Friday, the latest
in a string of celestial visitors drawing attention to the
potential dangers of objects
in space.
Asteroid 1998 QE2 which is not named for the
United Kingdoms monarch - is about 1.7 miles in
diameter, about nine times
as long as the Queen Elizabeth II ocean liner.
It is far bigger than the
small asteroid that blasted through the skies over
Chelyabinsk, Russia, on
February 15, leaving more
than 1,500 people injured

by flying glass and debris.

That same day another
asteroid, about 150 feet
in diameter, passed about
17,200 miles from Earth closer than the networks of
communication satellites
that ring the planet.
At its closest approach,
which will occur at 4:59
p.m. EDT (2059 GMT),
asteroid 1998 QE2 will be
about 3.6 million miles (5.8
million km) from Earth,
which is roughly 15 times
farther away than Earths
For an asteroid of this
size, its a close shave,
said Paul Chodas, a scientist with NASAs Near
Earth Object programme

Self-sustaining building
strives to be Canadas
greenest home

The first radar images of asteroid 1998 QE2 were

obtained when the asteroid was about 3.75 million miles
(6 million kilometers) from Earth, as pictured in this
image courtesy of NASA.Reuters
office at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena,
NASA is tracking 95
percent of the large asteroids with orbits that come
relatively close to Earth.
The US space agency, as
well as Russia, Europe and
others, plans to beef up as-

teroid detection efforts to

find smaller objects that
could still do considerable
damage if they hit a populated area.
Scientists used radar to
get a preview of the asteroid on Wednesday and discovered it had a small moon
in tow.Reuters

LinkedIn boosts security,

offering similar technology as

The logo for LinkedIn Corporation, a social networking website for people in professional occupations, is
pictured in Mountain View, California on 6 Feb, 2013.

New York, 1 June

LinkedIn Corp unveiled
technology to improve the
security of the social networking site for professionals, about a week after
Twitter introduced similar
tools following a surge in
high-profile attacks on its
users. The optional service,
known as two-factor authentication, is designed to
verify the identity of users
as they log in by requiring them to enter numeric
codes sent via text message.

LinkedIn introduced
the service on Friday, about
a year after a highly publicized breach that exposed
passwords of millions of
its users. Some security
experts criticized LinkedIn at the time, saying the
firm had failed to use best
practices to secure its passwords. The site provided
instructions to its 225 million users on how to turn
on the optional service at

was not particularly likely

that the partnership would
happen, because Facebook
thinks they have enough
data to do it themselves.
He, however said, if
it was to happen, it would
benefit Yelp, and would cut
down competition from Facebook.
It would mean broader distribution for their
reviews, and more people
reading their reviews,
White said.
Its not directly a revenue generator, but in theory it would increase the value of advertising on Yelp,
just because youre getting
it out to more people.
The success of graph
search, which will rely
heavily on local information, depends on Facebook
launching a mobile app. In
addition, graph search lacks
the depth of review content
offered by Yelp.
If Yelp were to partner
with Facebook for graph
search, the consumer review aggregator would be
in a better position to compete with Google, Jefferies
analyst Brian Fitzgerald

told Reuters.
Yelp already has a tieup with Facebook Connect,
which allows users to login
with their Facebook credentials without having to
create separate accounts for
different websites.
A Yelp user can
see if a Facebook friend
has reviewed a business.
said Yelp could also make
a good acquisition target
for Apple, Google or Facebook.
Any one of those guys
could acquire Yelp and they
would be able to use it pretty productively, he said.
Yelp was founded by
former PayPal engineers
Jeremy Stoppelman and
Russel Simmons as a startup idea in a business incubator in 2004. It has never
been profitable since its inception.
Analysts expect the
company to post its first
profit of 1 cent per share
for the first quarter of 2014,
according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Yelp open to partnering with Facebooks rival offering

New York, 1 June

Consumer review aggregator Yelp Inc, which analysts say could face intense
competition from Facebook
Incs graph search, is
open to partnering with the
social networking websites
latest offering, Yelps Chief
Financial Officer Rob Krolik told Reuters.
Facebook, in January,
unveiled its graph search
feature, available in a beta
version, letting users trawl
their network of friends to
find everything from restaurants to movie recommendations, bringing it into direct competition with Yelp.
Analysts have viewed
this as a big negative for
Yelp as companies such as
Facebook have a lot of opportunity to imitate smaller
companies, and over a larger audience.
We are actually happy
to partner with Facebook
(for graph search) if thats
something that theyre interested in, Krolik said.
Facebook declined to
comment on any possible
Yelps mobile app

makes it easier for people to

discover local businesses. It
combines Yelps reviews
and other relevant information with knowledge of
the consumers location. It
also allows consumers to
check-in at local businesses.
Google Inc, through its
Google Plus Local product,
also recommends businesses to its users based on circles, past reviews, location
and allows them to publish
reviews and photos of favorite places.
Facebook and Google
and some other players really are attacking the local
space via technology, Krolik said.
Krolik said Yelp,
which is integrated into Apple Incs Maps product and
their Siri product, would
definitely monitor Facebooks graph search and see
what its all about.
I just dont think people go to Facebook to find a
great local business. I think
they connect with their
friends, see a lot of photos.
Macquarie Research
analyst Tom White said it

Toronton, 1 June
Imagine living in a home
that not only generates its
own electricity, but also
filters rainwater and turns
human waste into fertilizer.
building is now a reality in
the Canadian city of Peterborough, some 150 km east
of Toronto. The newly built
home thats now up for sale
for the price of 649,000 Canadian dollars is as green
as it gets, said Chris Magwood, project manager
and executive director at
the Endeavor Center, a local non- profit sustainable
building school.
Painted with a naturethemed palette inside and
out, the spacious, open-style
layout is not only aesthetically pleasing, but offers up
a myriad of innovative and
eco-friendly options. Naming their project Canadas
Greenest Home, Magwood
told Xinhua in a recent interview that they wanted to
push the envelope and create something thats never
been done before.
We really wanted to
try building a house that
had a lot of green components to it, but that met a
sort of modern, more conventional appearance, and
fit into the regular construction market more than some
of the alternative houses
that have been done in the
past, he said.
The 2,300 square-foot
three-bedroom home, complete with a wheelchair accessible main floor and 23
windows - at least two in
each room - was built completely from scratch over an
eight-month period. Each
and every detail was taken
into careful consideration,
Magwood stressed.
We really tried to
cover all the bases with this
one. I myself have been doing green construction for

almost 20 years, and this

is sort of the culmination
of all that experience, he
said, adding This is the
one building where weve
been able to put everything
together to try to make it the
best it can be.
One of the biggest differences between their project and other green homes
that already exist is that it
doesnt focus on just one
aspect of green building,
according to Magwood.
Instead, it strived to have
it all.
The builders integrated
a number of mechanical
systems into the home to
help create a living space
that was energy-efficient,
had optimal indoor air quality, generated renewable
energy and produced minimal waste. Having those
features combined all into
one building, especially a
home, is a rare sight, said
One of the big features
is the human waste composting system set up in the
basement. With the composting toilets using only
one tenth of a liter of water
per flush, the system not
only minimizes water usage, but the easy-to-use and
odour-free composter also
completely eliminates sewage output by sending all
clean compost to the front
of the house as fertilizer.
Besides the composting toilets, the house also
collects rainwater and treats
it so that it doesnt need to
rely on city water.
Overall, the house
will cost buyers 60,000 to
80,000 dollars more than an
average home of that size
in the area just because of
all the mechanical systems
theyve built into the home.
But Magwood stressed that
most of initial cost will be
offset by the money saved
in the long run.Xinhua

An exhibitor displays Weenie Bear printed by a 3D

printer at China Beijing International Fair for Trade
in Services (Beijing Fair) in Beijing, capital of China,
on 29 May, 2013.Xinhua

New Light of Myanmar

SAC redemptions grow, as
Magnitude Capital joins in
New York, 1 June
Investor redemptions from
Steven A Cohens SAC
Capital Advisors continue
to mount, with Magnitude
Capital emerging as the latest outside investor asking
to get money back from the
$15 billion hedge fund.
Magnitude Capital, a
fund of hedge funds that
manages $3.1 billion of client money, began redeeming funds in the first quarter
of this year and intends to
submit another withdrawal
notice for the second quarter, according to a person
with knowledge of the investment.
Cohens firm also recently received withdrawal
requests from two large institutional investors, Blackstone Group LP and Ironwood Capital, as an insider
trading probe focusing on
Cohens firm moves forward.
SAC Capitals secondquarter redemption deadline is Monday 3 June.
Magnitudes investors
will have their money back
from Cohens hedge fund
by the end of the year, according to that person and

another person familiar

with the investment.
Several calls to partners at Magnitude Capital were not returned. A
spokesman for SAC Capital
declined to comment.
It was not immediately clear why Magnitude
had decided to take back
its money. The amount of
money the firm has with
SAC Capital also is not
Blackstone, which is
the largest outside investor
in Cohens fund, has decided to redeem a significant
portion of its roughly $550
million allocation to SAC,
according to a letter from
pension consulting firm
Russell Investments, which
Reuters earlier reported on.
The letter said Blackstone decided to submit
a redemption notice to
SAC Capital after reviewing the terms of a $616
million agreement SAC
Capital reached in March
with the US Securities and
Exchange Commission to
settle allegations that the
hedge funds employees
had engaged in insider trading in four stocks.Reuters

An exterior view of the headquarters of SAC Capital

Advisors, LP in Stamford, Connecticut, in this picture
taken on 13 Dec, 2010.Reuters

But in the new study,

researchers found people
who like BDSM, which
stands for bondage-discipline, dominance-submission and sadism-masochism, were well adjusted
and reported slightly better
wellbeing than people who
dont take part in those activities.
We do have a lot of
academic literature thats
finding these positive things
and not finding harmful
characteristics, said Dr
Beverly Stiles, who has
studied BDSMers but was
not involved with the new
The people that identify as being part of the
(BDSM) subculture, this is
who they see themselves as

DirecTV, two others bid over
$1 billion for Hulu
Lod Angeles, 1 June
Satellite operator DirecTV
and two other bidders have
offered more than $1 billion apiece to buy Hulu, a
source with knowledge of
the bidding process said on
Friday, increasing the likelihood that owners News
Corp and Walt Disney Co
will be able to shed the video streaming service they
failed to sell in 2011.
Hulu board members,
who are being advised by
Guggenheim Partners on
the auction, fielded at least
seven buyout offers last
week, the source said.
That number will be
whittled down in the next
two or three weeks, the
source told Reuters on
condition of anonymity
because the process was

It was unclear which
two other bidders offered
$1 billion for Hulu. The
service has more than 4
million subscribers and
generates revenue of about
$700 million through subscriptions and a free adsupported service.
The proposed price tag
heightens the likelihood
that News Corp and Disney
will find an acceptable offer
price, which was the sticking point of the 2011 round
of buyout negotiations.
DirecTV spokesman
Darris Gringeri declined to
comment, as did Meredith
Kendall, a spokeswoman
for Hulu. Bloomberg first
reported the news on Friday.
Sources have said the

Jason Kilar, CEO of Hulu, participates in the Hollywood Radio and Television Society presentation of The
Digital Chiefs: A Special Conversation on the Future of
new Media in the Digital Age panel discussion in
Los Angeles on 8 Sept, 2009.Reuters
other bidders are Yahoo,
former News Corp president Peter Chernin, private
equity firm KKR, cable operator Time Warner Cable,
Guggenheim Digital, and
Silver Lake Management
and talent agency William
Morris Endeavor Entertain-

ment in a joint bid. Cable

company Comcast is the
third owner of Hulu alongside News Corp and Disney, but is precluded from
an operational role as a condition imposed on it upon
its acquisition of NBC Universal in 2011.Reuters

Chinas May manufacturing PMI rises to 50.8

Beijing, 1 JuneChinas Purchasing Managers
Index (PMI) for the manufacturing sector rose to 50.8
percent in May from 50.6
percent in April, data from
the China Federation of
Logistics and Purchasing
(CFLP) showed on Saturday.
May marked the eighth
consecutive month that the
PMI figure stayed above 50
percent, which demarcates
expansion from contraction, according to a statement of the CFLP.
A modest rise in the
May PMI and steady subindices suggest the recovering trend in Chinas
economy becomes more
obvious, said Zhang Liqun,
an analyst from the Development Research Centre of
the State Council.
CFLP, the sub-index for
production moved up from

BDSM practitioners arent mentally ill

New York, 1 June
Some good news for people
who enjoy restraints, riding
crops and floggers in the
bedroom: A new study says
you probably dont have a
mental disorder.
The results seem contradictory to what the general public and professionals believe, said Andreas
Wismeijer of Tilburg University in the Netherlands,
who published the study
along with Marcel van Assen.
Previous studies had
suggested that BDSM activities were linked to mental
disorders and vulnerability
to abuse, according to the
researchers, who published
their results in The Journal
of Sexual Medicine.

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

in their core, said Stiles,

chair of sociology at Midwestern State University in
Wichita Falls, Texas.
There have been a
number of studies in Finland and other places that
basically concluded that
there was no more or less
psychopathology (or mental illnesses) among those
who practice BDSM compared to control groups,
said Dr Richard Krueger,
who researches sexual behavior but wasnt involved
in the new study.
They were fairly well
adjusted or better functioning, said Krueger, an associate clinical professor of
psychiatry at the Columbia
University College of Physicians & Surgeons.Reuters

52.6 percent in April to

53.3 percent, a major driver
of the May PMI and representing expanding output.
Orders received by
manufacturers picked up
in May, as the sub-index
for new orders edged up
0.1 percentage points from
the previous month to 51.8
After tumbling 10.5
percentage points to below50-percent level in April,
the sub-index for purchas-

ing prices of raw materials

rebounded 5 percentage
points to 45.1 percent in
May, indicating improved
market expectation, according to Zhang.
The sub-index for raw
materials inventories was
slightly up 0.1 percentage
points from the previous
month to 47.6 percent in
May, but still marking a
fourth consecutive month
of shrinking stocks.
The CFLP data also

showed that the employment sub-index for May

declined 0.2 percentage
points to 48.8 percent, indicating job cuts, while the
sub-index for supplier delivery times was unchanged
at 50.8 percent.
The official PMI, based
on a survey of purchasing managers from 3,000
companies in 21 industries,
diverged from the HSBCs
flash PMI reading issued
last week.Xinhua

Not all very short kids need screening tests: study

New York, 1 June
Kids who are short for their
age but otherwise healthy
probably dont need extensive blood tests to determine if a disease is stunting
their growth, researchers
said in a new study.
Of 235 short kids without symptoms who were referred for specialty testing,
just three had a possible diagnosis picked up on those
labs, and only one diagnosis for celiac disease was confirmed, researchers
Most of the screening
tests are for diseases you really wouldnt want to miss,
but its rare that any of

those diseases (would only)

present with short stature,
said by Dr Stephanie Sisley, who led the study.
Guidelines on short
stature from endocrinology groups recommend lab
screening for very short
children, including those
who dont have any problems picked up on a physical exam. That screening
includes blood tests for thyroid and growth hormones
as well as calcium and other
But one of the authors
of those guidelines agreed
that based on the new findings, kids who are short but
have no other symptoms

A nurse takes care of newborn babies at a hospital in

Hefei, Anhui Province on 21 April, 2011.Reuters

probably dont need extensive screening.

Sisley and her colleagues reviewed the medical charts of 1,373 short
children who were referred
to the endocrinology clinic
at Cincinnati Childrens
Hospital Medical Centre
between 2008 and 2011. Of
them, 235 were below the
third percentile for height
and had a normal checkup and no record of having
stopped growing.
A 10-year-old girl who
is four feet, one inch tall
would fall just below the
third percentile, for example, as would a six-year-old
boy who is three feet, five
Few of those children
underwent all tests recommended by the guidelines;
the average kid had about
two-thirds of them. One
was diagnosed with celiac
disease - when the body
cant process certain grains
- and two others had signs
of underlying conditions
but didnt finish follow-up
tests. There were 10 falsepositive lab results that
didnt pan out on further

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

New Light of Myanmar

Wo r l d
EU member states to allow Japanese beef imports from June

South Korean President Park Geun Hye (R) and Ugandas President Yoweri Museveni (L) are seen ahead of
their talks at the presidential office in Seoul on 30 May
2013. Kyodo News

European Union member
states can start importing
Japanese beef from June,
with the lifting of a ban due
to the Fukushima nuclear
accident and mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform
agriculture ministry said
The European Union
will only allow Japanese
beef that has been processed at slaughterhouses
which conform to food security standards.
Concerned with effects
of the 2011 nuclear accident
at the Fukushima Daiichi

power plant in northeastern Japan, the European

Union said beef from
10 prefectures including
Fukushima can be exported only if they come with
a certificate of inspection
that assures consumers
that the food is free from
radioactive substances.
The rest of Japans

prefectures are urged to

provide certificates showing products place of origin.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said the European
Union in March included
Japan in the list of countries that can export beef
to the region, but details

about restrictions regarding specific radioactive

substances have not been
Kobe beef and other
high-grade beef brands are
expected to draw brisk demand among EU member
nations amid the growing
popularity of Japanese
food.Kyodo News

Tornadoes hit near Oklahoma City, five dead

US vice president pledges to deepen ties with

Brasilia, 1 June US
Vice President Joe Biden
promised on Friday during
his official visit to Brazil
to deepen bilateral relations.
I leave Brazil with
much optimism on the fact
that relations can reach
another level. We are the
first economy in the world,
you are the seventh. I hope
we can work a lot together, he told a Press conference after his meeting
with Brazilian President
Dilma Roussef on the last
day of his three-day visit.
Were ready for a
deeper, broader relationship across the board on
everything from the military to education, trade
and investment, Biden
Biden said he ex-

pressed to Rousseff the

will of his country to
strengthen relations in all
I do not think there
is any obstacle we cannot
overcome, he said, adding that the interest we
have of strengthening relations, which were never
distant, is stressed by these
visits and meetings.
Biden said one of the
goals of his visit was to officially invite the Brazilian
president to visit Washington next October.
He promised that the
US government would
work to issue tourist visas
to Brazilians in a faster
manner, saying he had
talked to the Brazilian authorities to significantly
reduce the waiting time
for a visa from 12 weeks

to two or three days. To

do that, we are doubling
the number of consulate
Biden also praised
themagicof successfully
growth with democracy and
social advances.
At the Press conference, Biden was accompanied by his Brazilian counterpart Michel Temer, who
said Brazils foreign policy
is never to distance itself
from the United States, despite the fact that it has favored the South-South relations.
Biden arrived in Brasilia from Rio de Janeiro after visiting Colombia, and
Trinidad and Tobago. This
was Bidens fourth visit to
Latin America.Xinhua

Vehicles slowly pass by a semi tractor-trailer, which was blown off the highway by a
tornado, in the Eastbound lane of Interstate-40 just east of El Reno, Oklahoma
on 31 May 2013. Reuters
City, 1
thunderstorms spawned tornadoes
that menaced Oklahoma
City and its already hard-hit
suburb of Moore on Friday,
killing a mother and her
baby, and officials worried
that drivers stuck on freeways could be trapped in
the path of dangerous twisters.
The mother and her baby
were killed while travelling
on Interstate 40, just west of
Oklahoma City, when their
vehicle was picked up by the
storm, said Betsy Randolph,
spokeswoman for the Okla-

German tourist shot and seriously wounded

in Rio slum
Brasilia, 1 June A
German tourist was shot
and seriously wounded
in the stomach on Friday
in one of Brazils largest
slums, where drug traffickers still control areas despite a crackdown in 2011.
Frank Daniel Benjamin, 25, was shot in an alley of the poorest section of
the Rocinha slum on Rio de
Janeiros south side, a police statement said. A local
resident picked him off the
ground and carried him to a
police unit from where he
was rushed to hospital with
a serious wound to the liver.
The shooting added to
a recent wave of violence
that has hit visitors to Rio,
including the brutal kidnapping and rape of an American tourist that shocked the
tourist trade.
The violence just

weeks before Rio hosts

football games in a warmup for the 2014 World
Cup has raised alarm over
the citys ability to control
crime and ensure the safety of visitors in a city that
will also hold the Olympic
games in 2016.
In July, hundreds of
thousands of Catholics are
expected to descend on Rio
to see Pope Francis on his
first trip abroad as pontiff.
The recent violence has
raised questions about the
effectiveness of efforts to
pacify Rios large slums
by sending in troops and
police to dismantle drugtrafficking rings.
The Rocinha slum, part
of a shanty town perched on
steep hillsides, was pacified in November 2011
and now attracts visits by
foreign tourists on guided

The German tourist,
however, was shot in the
poorest part of the slum
known as Dirty Clothes,
where drug traffickers still
rule a maze of back alleys
that are hard to patrol and
tourists normally do not

visit, a police source told

A friend who was with
the wounded man told police they were surprised in
an alley by an armed man
who shot at them when they
ran off.

A policeman patrols the Rocinha slum during an operation against drug dealers in Rio de Janeiro in this 14
Nov 2011 file photo. According to local media, a German tourist was shot on 31 May

homa Highway Patrol. The

interstate was shut down due
to the storm, with multiple
crashes and injuries.
National Weather Service meteorologists at one
point declared a tornado
emergency for parts of the
Oklahoma City metropolitan area, including Moore,
and storm spotters were
tracking a tornado in the
western suburb of Yukon.
One twister touched
down on Interstate 40 and
was headed toward Oklahoma City. A tornado also
touched down in Moore,
which was hit by a massive
EF-5 twister last week that
killed 24 people.

The Interstate is at a
standstill, Randolph said.
We are begging people to
get off the Interstate and
seek immediate shelter ...
We are in a dire situation.
Oklahoma Governor
Mary Fallin told CNN that
motorists stuck on any freeway in the path of a twister
should try to go in the opposite direction to where the
twister was coming from.
What we saw from
the tornadoes that came
through Moore and the other ones last week was that
people who were in cars on
the Interstate were killed,
Fallin told CNN.

Indian chains worry phone,

tablet makers give top terms
to e-tailers

Mumbai, 1 June
Brick and mortar electronics retail chains in India say
heavy discounting by online retailers is hurting them
and they have asked manufacturers to take measure to
stop such deals, the Economic Times reported on
Friday. The chains such as
Future Groups eZone and
Reliance Digital have asked
brands including Samsung,
Nokia, Apple and BlackBerry to impose strict pricing policies on popular Indian e-tailing websites such
as Flipkart, Infibeam and
discounting by online stores
affects our sales to quite
an extent, said Rajan Malhotra, president of Indias

largest listed retailer Future Group, which runs 38

eZone stores.
If we get pushed due
to such discounting, we
definitely have to push back
with the brands, he said
while confirming his firm
has taken up the issue with
the manufacturers.
The Apple iPhone5
16GB, for example, is available online for Rs 40,950
($725) while at retail chains
and Apples own stores it is
sold for Rs 45,500. Brian
Bade, chief executive at
Reliance Retails electronics retailer Reliance Digital,
said the brands need to take
a tough stand against online
deals that hurt the regular
retail business.
Kyodo News

New Light of Myanmar

l o ca l ne w s
Thitlaylon high school branch upgraded to full-fledged BEHS


Opening ceremony of upgraded Basic Education High School of Thitlaylon

village in progress.
P yinmana , 1 June
The ceremony to upgrade
Basic Education High
School (branch) of Thitlaylon village in Pyinmana

Township in Nay Pyi Taw

Council Area to a fullfledged Basic Education
High School was held on
29 May morning.

Village-tract ad-ministrator U Pho Ni, headmistress Daw Yin Hla

and townselder U Myint
Swe formally opened the

Abhidhamma course conducted in Mandalay

Nay Pyi Taw, 1 June
Mandalay Region Womens
Affairs Organization conducted Ngwe Hla Yadana
Abhidhamma crash course
from 18 to 22 May at Basic
Education High School
No (4) in Chanayethazan

Township of Mandalay
Patron of Region
Womens Affairs Organization Daw Myat Ngwe
delivered a speech at the
opening ceremony.
The trainer of the

course was Saddhamma

Jotikadhaja Daw Khin
Thanda Oo.
The course was completed by 350 members of
township WAOs in Mandalay District.
MMAL-Ko Thet Htway

School band course concluded in Mohnyin

Myaingthaya Basic Education High School Band poses with organizers and
trainers at band course concluding ceremony.
M o h n y i n , 1 June
The concluding ceremony
of band course was held
in Myaingthaya Basic
Education High School
(Branch) in Mohnyin
Township in Kachin State
on 28 May morning.
Headmaster of

Myaingthaya Basic
Education High School U
Hla Thaung delivered a
speech at the ceremony.
It was also attended by
departmental personnel,
social organizations
members, townselders,
trainees and parents.

The course was

organized by the
headmaster, teachers and
alumni. U Tun Shwe of
Mohnyin Township gave
the training. A total of 110
trainees completed the

Child development workshop held in

Mandalay, 1 JuneA
workshop to review
Myanmars policies and
strategies of early child
care development took
place at Swan Hotel in
Pyigyimyethman ward in
Chanayethazan Township,
here, here on 28 May
Deputy Directors U
Aung Tun Khaing and
Daw Khaing May Nu of

Social Welfare Department,

UNICEF external consultant
Ms Emily Vargas-Baron,
UNICEF local consultant
Dr Thein Lwin, education
in-charge Dr Aye Aye
Yi, officials of Mandalay
Region ministries, officials
of region advocate-general
office, officials of ethnic
and cultural organizations,
officials of international and
local NGOs were present at

the workshop, making some

70 attendance.
U Aung Tun Khaing
extended greetings and
Ms Emily Vargas-Baron
explained purpose of the
Those present discussed
the drafting of Myanmar child
nurturing and growth policy
at the two-day workshop
through 29 May.

There was 150 attendance of members of school
board of trustees, social
organizations members,
parents and students.
Our Thitlaylon Basic
Education High School
was opened as Basic
Education High School
No (2) (branch) since
2004. We are as hearty
as parents and teachers
for upgrading the school
to the (full-fledged) Basic
Education High School
in 2013-2014 academic
year, townselder U Myint
Swe said.
MMAL-Min Min Lat
(Mandalay University)

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

odd news
Abandoned ammunitions
found in Monywa
M onywa , 1 June
Grenades and bullets were
found in black plastic bag
by Bogyoke street in Kwegyi ward in Monywa of
Sagaing Region on 30 May
The local battalion
seized two grenades and

17 bullets and the police

of No (1) Police Station
in Monywa the mobile
phone in the bag for further
The Nokia brand mobile has a SIM card inside
with no battery.
Myanma Alinn

Illegal teak boards seized in Mansi

Mansi, 1 JuneForesters of Forest Department in Mansi Township
in Bhamo District seized
illegal teak boards in a
Pajero near Namaphwe
village on Shweku-Bhamo
street, Kachin State, on 28
May morning.
A combined team
of Mansi police, foresters and local authorities
seized the car carrying the
illegally-extracted teak

bag stolen on
MandalayMyitkyina train
K awlin , 1 JuneA
passengers bag was stolen
on Mandalay-Myitkyina
train bound for Mandalay
on 22 May morning
between Wayonegon
village in Kawlin Township
in Sagaing Region and
Koedaungboe village in
Kanbalu Township.
Ma Yi Oo lay back using
her sling bag as a pillow on
the first-class coach and
found her bag abruptly
dragged away by a man who
jumped down the train and
run away about 15 minutes
away from the arrival at
Kawlin railway station.
The bag includes about K
1,560,000 and a mobile
phone plus her citizenship
scrutiny card. Kawlin police
are working on the case.
MMAL-Ko Ko Nyein

Mansi police station

has opened a case as regards

the seizure.MMAL-Lu
Poe (Mansi)

Drugs seized in Tamu
T amu , 1 JuneActing on tip-offs, an antinarcotics squad led by
Police Sub-Inspector Tun
Lwin intercepted a Kenbo
125 bike bound for Myothit
Sub-Township from Tamu
Township, Sagaing Region,
on 27 May afternoon.
They seized opium
powder, stimulant tablets
and other illegal drugs hidden under the seat of the

Rider of the bike Htan
Kho Se of Myothit SubTownship has been charged
with drug-related cases.
Further investigation
led to the arrest of two
more suspects Aung Naing
Tun of Khamaing village
and Sein Lin of Kaipyin
village in Phaungpyin
Naing (Tamu)

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013


He wards off natural disaster

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

Man behind the wheel

We were shocked by the recent tragedy
where 11 died and 16 were wounded in a passenger bus accident on the expressway. This
incident was the worst slaughter among the
road fatalities occurred on it. An incident of
this magnitude is horrifying.
During the past four years, 216 lives were
lost in 432 traffic crashes in which 305 cases
of reckless driving were the most. Nearly twothird of road accidents with the high number
of fatalities and injuries was due to errors of
human judgment. So, it can be said that the
sheer follies of drivers in going so fast on the
road with speed limit contribute a greater
percentage of reckless driving cases than others. The end result of the investigations into
the recent fatal accident of the passenger bus
indicates a speed infringement of the driver.
The errors and stupidities of the speedsters
are widely attributed to the unwanted slaughter on the expressway. Excessive speed and
drunken driving, drowsiness while driving, a
momentary lapse of concentration at turn or
at the time of use of mobile phone and a poor
judgments on mechanical failures, especially
related to faulty brakes and bald tyres, account
for a significant number of expressway deaths
and injuries. According to facts and stats, 90
per cent of traffic crashes on the expressway
are due to the drivers downiness and use of
unqualified tyres.
The shocking death toll of passenger bus
crash alarm us that concrete actions are critically needed to ensure the expressway as safe
as possible. Making it safer calls for action
plans of upgrading road safety infrastructure,
building engineering safety countermeasures
and ensuring improvement in emergency
services, enhancement of safety in vehicles
and improvement in road user behaviours.
Moreover, enhancing penalty for undisciplined vehicles and drunken drivers have to
be addressed as bad behaviours of the men
behind the steering wheel are often their own
worst enemies.

Urban development and

management discussed
Nay Pyi Taw, 1
JuneJointly organized
by Department of Human
Settlement and Housing
Development under the
Ministry of Construction
and Asian Development
Bank, Talks on Urban
Development and Management were held at
the meeting hall of the
ministry yesterday noon,
with an address by Union
Minister for Construction
U Kyaw Lwin.
Then, Principle In-

frastructure Specialist
Mr. Hideki Iwasaki extended greetings.
Technical Advisor
Mr. Alistair C Blaunt
to Asian Development
Bank submitted paper
on policy and reforms
for urban development
in Myanmar, necessities
for economic and social
development, system for
drawing urban planning
and made clarification
on tactic paper.

When you visit prominent pagodas or Buddhist

temples in Myanmar cities
or towns, you are sure to find
a statue of a gilt Buddhist
monk in a sitting posture,
with his right hand in a
rice alms bowl, preparing
a mouthful of rice food,
and his face looking at the
sky, watching the position
of the sun.
He is sheltered in a
shrine like temple with a
copper tired roof. The shrine
is placed on a raft afloat in
a lake or pond, natural or
All Myanmar people
know that this statue is not
Buddha. He is a monk who
attained saint-hood in post
Buddhas time. He watched
the movement of the sun to
check if it had reached noon,
because monks abstain from
taking meal in the afternoon.
He is well-known
as Shin Upagote [Shin
Upagupta]. He is worshipped by all believers who
want his protection from all
natural disastersstorms,
earthquake, landslide, unwanted rain, volcanic eruption etc.
He became prominent
in the time of Emperor
Asoka. Asoka was the great
patron and inheritor of Buddha Sasana. He became a
Buddhist convert after many
battles he fought for the
unification of his empire.
He witnessed to his great
grief and repentance for
several losses of human
lives including children
and pregnant woman. Is
there any means of uniting
a country other than fighting? He asked himself.
Whereupon great Maha
Thera Mogaltiputra Tisa
told him, Yes, there is,
Your Imperial Majesty. It
is Buddhism based upon
metta [compassion, lovingkindness to all sentient beings. Maha Thera taught
Asoka to observe moral
precepts, and to mediate for
the concentration of mind
[Samatha] and for Vipassana for gaining insight
knowledge of reality behind
Asoka embraced Buddhism, held Buddhist Council, sent out Buddhist missions to nine places and
nine countries, allowed his
son and daughter Maheindara and Sangha metre to
became monks who took
Buddhism to Lankadipa [Sri
Lanka] where they planted

southern branch of Maha

Bodhi Tree at Bodhagaya
and established Buddha
Sasana there.
Being not satisfied with
what he had done so far for
the propagation of Peace
Region, Buddha Sasana,
Asoka never stopped doing
religious and social welfare
works such as building rest
houses, water tanks and
wells, irrigations, gardens,
parks, roads, monasteries,
pagodas, temples, homes
for the aged, orphanages and
hospitals throughout his farflung domains and beyond.
It is said that each kind of
his good deed number equal
to the 84000 bodies of Buddhas Dhamma.
In these works of merit,
he often encountered natural
disasters storms, heavy
rains, floods, earthquake,
lighting thunder, landslide
etc. etc. Brahmin guru
priests were consulted and
they told the emperor that it
was Mara, the evil opponent
[Satan] of the Buddha who
was molesting, and that
only one saint monk of that
time Ashin Upagupta could
tame Mara to submission.
Whereupon the saint monk
was invited to ward off
Mara the evil opponent,
Saint Monk gave peaceful dhamma to Mara who
refused to receive. There
followed a series of power
contests between Saint
Monk and Mara. Eventually
Mara was subdued when
saint Monk by his mantra
put on the neck of Mara a
rotten corpse of a dog, which
Mara could not get rid of.
Mara went to all deities to
help him but all said that
only Saint Monk could help
and told Mara to obey Saint
Monk. Mara knelt before the
Saint Monk, confessing his
guilts and sins, apologizing and promising to listen
to him, if only saint monk
would remove the rotten
dog corpse. Saint Monk
gave Mara moral precepts
to observe and made him
promise never to molest,
while good deeds were being performed and never
destroy objects of good
deeds. Mara obeyed and
Asoka could carry on his
religious and social welfare
works without disasters.
Since that time, till
today, Shin Upagupt has
become Patron Saint of preventing natural disasters. He
is believed to be still alive,
residing in a copper shrine

Maha Saddhamma Jotika dhaja

Sithu Dr. Khin Maung Nyunt
on a float in the south seas.
Travelers especially sea
voyagers worshipped him
as Patron Saint of seamen.
In Myanmar, in the
month of Thadingyut [October] there is held a festival
of Shin Upagote Puja. His
gilt statues are made, put in
a copper painted shrine with
a spire. After about a week
long puja, the statue and the
shrine are put on a raft with
offertories of food ration,
fruits and cooked rice and
float it down the river to the
sea. Offertories on the raft
are donated to monks and
the needy. In Myanmar,
marine waters, the statue the
shrine and the raft of Shin
Upagote are a common sight
which seamen witness in all
In course of time, there
emerged a special rite
of Shin Upagote Puja to
suspend or to stop storm
and rain at the time and
place where good deed of
religious merit and social
welfare was about to be carried out. There is a special
master to conduct this ritual
puja A middle age man of
good moral caliber, a vegetarian, observing nine moral
precepts, who has learnt the
correct way of puja from his
senior masters, upon request
would conduct the puja. He
demarcates the area of puja
at the place where good
deeds are to be performed.
The demarcated puja area is
cleaned and cleansed consecrated by lustral water. It is
fenced in by banana plants
and coconut fronds. White
sand is spread on the ground
of the area while cotton
threads blessed with mantra
demarcate the puja area. On
a bamboo platform, Shin
Upagote statue in a shrine
is placed with many ritual
paraphernalia. The master
of puja, after paying homage to three Gems the
Buddha, the Dhamma and
the SanghaBegins chanting parittas and mantras,
the audience outside the
demarcated area, repeat
after him in chanting Shin
Upagote gathas.
The master of ceremony requests the Saint Monk
to ward off natural disasters,
to suspend or stop storm
and rain at the time and the
place where good deed is
being carried out build-

ing bridges, roads, monasteries, pagodas, school,

orphanage, hospital, home
for the aged, novitiation
and ordination ceremonies,
festivals etc, etc. The puja
master sprinkles holy water
and sprays flowers to ten
Coincidentally or miraculously, strong wind and
rain subside and stop at the
time and place of where
good deeds are performed
till they finish while at other
places wind and rain still
The master of the puja
is presented with clothing,
towels or some food ration
as a token of thanks. Never
give money or cash. He
gives his service for the
community. He does not
earn his living by puja.
It is a customary practice of Myanmar people to
hold Shin Upagote puja for
warding off natural disasters especially wind and
rain at the time and place
of the performance of their
good deeds.
At the htis or canopies
of most prominent ancient
pagodas metallic plates
with etchings of Saint
Upagupta are found affixed, apparently to ward
off thunder, lighting and
heavy storms. Chinese
Buddhist communities in
Myanmar believe in Shin
Upagupta. They annually
hold Shin Upagupta Puja.
Myanmar seamen worship
Shin Upagupta as their
patron Saint who protects
them during their marine
voyages. When the writer
of this article in late 1957
monsoon about to go to
United Kingdom by S.S.
Salween of the Henderson
Shipping Line for a Myanmar Government Scholarship for post graduate
degree Ph.D at the London
School of Economics, London University, a Chinese
friend of his mother came
to give him a bronze statue
of Shin Upagupta to keep
and worship. The writer did
accordingly. In his long sea
journey to UK, and back
journey home in June 1960,
by S.S Worchester Shine of
Bibby Shipping Line his
ship passed through many
stormy seas, the Bay of
Bengal, the Mediterranean
(See page 9)

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013


Union FM felicitates Italian

Nay Pyi Taw, 2 JuneU Wunna Maung Lwin, Union
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union
of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Ms
Emma Bonino, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Italy, on the occasion of the Proclamation Day of the
Republic of Italy, which falls on 2 June 2013.MNA

22nd WEF to focus social, ...

(from page 16)
Q: Is there any difficulty for sound engineering in preparing for the
A: For TV debate, the
issue will be our sensitive
mics. We have a lot of sensitive mics for the discussion.
Difficulty will be that we
have to make sure that they
dont feed back. So, that
will require some skills.
And, also we have to
advise microphones for
different broadcasting stations.
Because some of them
will prefer to use forum
microphones. Some of them
prefer to use other mics.
We have let them know
that the number of people
they have is it is okay to use
forum mics or other mics.
These are the things

that we have to make sure

that we know which is
If we dont know, they
will feed back. So, we can
address problems like when
sound is not enough for
audience to hear.
Michel Meca, Chief Chef
of Kandawgyi Hotel
We arrived here four
days ago and we have
been organizing the whole
MICC. We will have to cook
for the president, prime
ministers and many many
VIPs in the forum.
Q: How many staff
are assigned here for the
A: We have two groups.
Over 60 staff for the kitchen
and over 60 waiters to serve
the guests.
We have to cook 1200
buffet and 150 reserves.

English proficiency course

Y a n g o n , 1 June
The concluding of English
Proficiency Course No.
1/2013 for English Lecturers
from Universities, Degree
Colleges and Colleges
of the Higher Education
Departments under the
Ministry of Education took
place at National Center for
English Language on Pyay
Road yesterday evening,

with an address by Deputy

Minister for Education Dr
Myo Myint.
The course is aimed
at improving language
proficiency of English
Lecturers, effective teaching
with English usages and
idioms and learning practical
activities which can apply in
language teaching.

He wards off natural disaster

(from page 8)
seas, after crossing the
Suez Canal and passing
the strait of Gibraltar and
the Bay of Biscay in the
Atlantic before arrival at
Liverpool seaport and Yangon harbour home bound.
Squally rains and stormy
times were experienced but
he was safe and sound. His
mother and Chinese friends
were now no more. But the
statue of Upgupta is still in
his shrine room.
During one Christmas,
he happened to be a guest
of his Scottish classmate
in Edinburgh. In the guest
room of his house was
found a bronze statue of
Upagupta with its shrine

with flowers and fruits. His

father a retired ship captain
explained how he got the
statue and the shrine. It was
a very stormy evening in the
Bay of Bengal. Their ship
lost visibility. In complete
darkness a lightning struck,
he and his men saw a raft
with that statue in the shrine
afloat on the rolling waves.
They managed to salvage it
and put them in the reception room. Incredibly, the
storm subsided and the next
day was a pleasant sunny
day. Since then they kept
the statue and shrine in
the captains room. When
he retired he brought it
to his house as seem in
the guest room. When the

Union Minister meets employers and employees in

Hlinethaya, Shwethanlwin Industrial Zones
Yangon, 1 JuneUnion Minister for Labour,
Employment and Social
Security U Maung Myint
this morning met employers
and employees from Myue
and Sue Garment Factory
owned by Mr. Sung Min
Kim in Hlinethaya Industrial Zone Section (4) and
Toe Myat Aung Knit Lace
Factory owned by U Soe
Wai in Shwethanlwin Industrial Zone.
In meeting with them,
the Union Minister said
over 500 labour organizations had been formed
after enacting Labour Organization Law, adding
that the representatives
of employers, employee
and government will attend international labour
conference to be held in
Geneva of Switzerland in
June. Foreign investments
are being invited for creating job opportunities and
increasing labourforceapproach enterprises and
Yangon, 1 June At
the invitation of Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group
for Relations with the
ASEAN States of the Federal Republic of Germany
Dr Thomas Gambke, a
Myanmar parliamentary
delegation led by member U Ba Shein of Pyithu
Hluttaw Bill Committee
left here for Germany this
afternoon. They were seen
off at Yangon International
Airport by officials of the
Hluttaw Office.
The Myanmar parliamentary delegation led by
the member of Pyithu Hlutwriter studied the statue,
the inscriptions on its base
says Made in 1935 and
floated down in that year
in Burmese language.
There are three Shin
Upagupta in Yangon that
the writer visits frequently.
(1) A big shrine with the
statue at the foot of Shwedagon Pagodas north-west
direction in a depression
which used to be full of
water some years ago. A
long corridor connects
the main car road in the
compound with the shrine
(2) A big bronze statue
in a sumptuous copper
shrine kept in the centre of
a water lake-shaped tank
with aquatic creatures in
the precinct of the largest
bronze Buddha Image in

Union Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Security U Maung Myint
views production process at a factory.

the government is striving

for relaxation of GSP tax,
he added. The Union minister pledged that minimum
wage will be issued after

scrutinizing the reports

of the region and state by
making field study in accord
with the outcomes of the
final coordination meeting

to be held in 4 June. He
also called for cooperation
in enhancing life of labour

Myanmar parliamentary delegation leaves

for Germany
taw Bill Committee comprises six members from
Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha
Hluttaw and the Hluttaw

delegation seen at the
airport before departure
for the Federal
Republic of Germany.

Yangon named Maha Zeya

Atula Marazein located
to the east of Shwedagon
Pagoda Hill (3) A medium
size statue with its bronze
shrine in the precinct of
Aindawya Pagoda in Dagon
Township, next to Myoma
high school. When the
writer first visited the third
statue, he found an inscription which says that a
retired ship captain U Thant
Lwin during one of his sea
voyages salvaged it from
the sea waves and kept on
his ship. After retirement
he kept it at his house.
Now, he moved it there, for
public worship. The writer
saw young seaman of all
creeds and climes paying
respect to the statue before
they depart for sea service

on board.
This year May, the entire country was busy with
preparations for encountering the impending cyclone
Mahasen. Every hour, media gave out warning and
informing the condition
of the Mahasen yellow to
orange. Then on the 16th
May, orange to near red.
The writer was praying to
the Buddha and his treasured Upagupta statue on the
shrine chanting paritta and
seamen being long journeys
to and back with that statue
and arrived home safe and
sound with that statue.
Pray ward off Mahasen.
On the 17th May, TV gave
out the happy tidings. The
storm was over completely
though it brought strong

wind and heavy showers,

no damage, no destruction
of life was caused. Right
now Myanmar is a country undergoing a period
of reconstruction reform,
renovation politically, economically, socially, culturally and religiously. It is a
country where good deeds
of religious merits and
social welfare works are
being carried out . So Saint
Upagupta would not allow
Mara the evil opponents to
molest us.
But we Myanmar people have to keep our moral
and religious duty to
observe moral precepts, to
retain goodwill and to send
metta [Loving-kindness] to
all mankind.

New Light of Myanmar

10 Sunday, 2 June, 2013

Local news
Kalay-Monywa-Mandalay express coaches change to
Kalay-Gangaw route

Self-reliant school building

opened in Yedashe Tsp
Yedashe, 1 June
Opening of a new self-reliant
Basic Education Primary
School building was held
in Shanpaing Ward in Yeni
of Yedashe Township,
Bago Region yesterday
The school building
was constructed with the

contributions of townselders,
local people and neighboring
Present at the ceremony
were officials of Yedashe
To w n s h i p E d u c a t i o n
Office, ward administrator
and townselders, parents,
teachers and pupils.
Kyemon-Ko Lwin (Swa)

Kalay, 1 JuneDue to
continuous rainfall beginning
the first week of May, KalayMonywa-Mandalay express
buses are using Gangaw
Road instead of the regular
route through Yagyi Road,
said a driver.
The downpour on 24
May flooded the KalewaYagyi Road section from
Kyaw Village to Yagyi and
around 30 vehicles were
stranded on the road for
three days. The passengers
were also cut off from the
outside world temporarily

according to a passenger.
What I saw last
year was Yagyi Road is
vulnerable to even a shower.
It (the road foundation)
is quite good in summer.
But, once the rain touches
the ground, it becomes
something like clay. So, it
would be the safest to use
Gangaw rather than Yagyi
in monsoon, explained a
It is 224 miles from
Kalay to Mandalay through
Yagyi Road but is 297
miles through Gangaw
Kyemon-Shin Nay Min

Farming rights certificates

presented in Singaing
Singaing, 1 June
Farming rights certificates
were presented to the
farmers at the meeting hall of
Singaing Township General
Administration Department,
here, yesterday morning.
On the occasion,
S i n g a i n g To w n s h i p
Administrator U Myint Thein
explained the purpose of

presenting certificates. Then,

he presented 93 certificates
to the Ward administrator
on behalf of 55 farmers in
Thitkhouk Villag-tract.
A total of 20679
certificates will be presented
to the farmers of Singaing
in 2013.
Kyemon-Tun Tun

Chin traditional Longyi

popular in Magway market

Medics give free medical

treatment to patients in Paung

Paung, 1 June
Head of Township Health
Department Dr Maung
Maung Lwin and assistant
surgeons and medics gave
free treatment to patients
and shared talks on health
knowledge at Pangon
Village, Paung Township,
Mon State, on 29 May
The head of Township

Health Department and

medics provided 83 patients
with free medical treatment
and gave talks on preventive
measures against DHF.
They then gave out
pamphlets to villagers.
Thegon and Ahlet
Villages have been provided
with medical treatment free
of charge.
Kyemon-Paung IPRD

K a l ay, 1 J u n e
Chin traditional Longyi
manufactured in Kalay
Region are popular in
Magway market.
There are over 50 Chin
traditional weaving designs
according to Chin nationals
region. The prices of Chin
Longyi are from K 8000 to
K 30000.
K a l a y To w n s h i p
population is over 300000
and Myanmar and Chin
are 50 percent each. Over
1500 looms run by 246
entrepreneurs in three
wards and three villages are
producing Chin traditional
Longyi and transporting it to
Yangon, Mandalay, Magway

and Pyay markets. K 500,000

loan was disbursed to six
entrepreneurs by the Region
Fund in 2012-2013 fiscal year.
Thanks to loan disbursement
for development of rural
area small enterprises, the
entrepreneurs made more
investment in cotton textile
industry and could create job
opportunities and increase
productivity. In 2013-2014
financial year, Sagaing
Region Government will
disburse K 30 million loan
to the entrepreneurs, said
a local woman who sells
Chin traditional Longyi from
Kyemon- Hla Myint

Nay Pyi Taw Police Force

grants stipends to offspring of
police staff
Nay Pyi Taw, 1 June
Stipends were granted to
offspring of staff members
of Nay Pyi Taw Police
Force Office for 20132014 academic year at
the ceremony held at the
meeting hall of the office
on 29 May.
The stipends totalling K

900,000 were distributed to

106 students from primary
level to university level.
Commander of Nay Pyi
Taw Police Force Police
Col Aung Aung presented
the stipends to the
MMAL-Ko Ko Lwin
(Nay Pyi Taw)

A 10-wheeled truck
overturns in Khamaukgyi
Township, hurts seven

Kawthoung, 1
JuneA 10-wheeled truck
5Kha/2151 owned by
Yuzana Palm Oil Company
overturned near mile post
34 on Kawthoung-Bokpyin
Road in Khamaukgyi
Township of Kawthoung
District, Taninthayi Region,
at 9:15 pm on 29 May.
The truck carrying
seven workers from
Kawthoung to the company
overturned at mile post No.

34 at the exit of Khamaukgyi

due to out of control.
Seven workers on
aboard were wounded in
the accident.
Driver U San Shae (a)
Kadon run away shortly after
the accident.
Khamaukgyi local
police force is taking
necessary measures over
the case and to arrest the
traffic rule broker.
Kyemon-U Kyaw Soe

New Light of Myanmar

Sri Lanka, Thailand to

enhance maritime security

Sri Lankas President Mahinda Rajapaksa (R) meets

with visiting Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra
in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka, on 31 May 2013.
Sri Lanka and Thailand on Friday decided to enhance
maritime security during their meeting. Xinhua
Colombo, 1 JuneSri
Lanka and Thailand on
Friday decided to enhance
maritime security during a
meeting between President
Mahinda Rajapaksa and
visiting Thai Prime Minister
Yingluck Shinawatra.
Rajapaksa said that
sharing experiences and
expertise will contribute to
eradicating terrorism and
other security threats in
the region, the Presidents
Office said.
He pointed out that
despite the end of the
war in Sri Lanka in 2009,
supporters of the Tamil

Tigers are continuing their

fight to divide Sri Lanka
from foreign shores.
We must cooperate
more closely in securityrelated information and
Rajapaksa said. Rajapaksa
also expressed gratitude
to Thailand for its firm
support to Sri Lanka at the
19th and 22nd UN Human
Rights Council meetings,
adding that Sri Lanka
should be entitled to have
time and space to proceed
with a delicate process of
national reconciliation.

Asian youth gather in

Cambodia to discuss peace,

Phnom Penh, 1 June

The 2013 Asian Youth
Forum opened here on
Friday to exchange views
on strengthening peace,
stability and development
announced Hun Many,
President of Union of
The two-day forum
brought together youth
countries of the Asian
Youth Council, including
China, Brunei, South
Korea and Mongolia,
he said. They would
discuss challenges, share
experiences and reflect
their commitments to a
significant and proactive
role in building a culture
of peace and development
in the region in particular
and the world at large,
said Hun Many, son of
Prime Minister Hun Sen.
Prime Minister Hun Sen
said the forum provided

a rare opportunity for

Cambodian youth to share
views on strengthening
development in the region
and the world, as well as
share experiences and
create regional network.
I am really proud
of Asian youth who are
together for the cause of
peace, development and
prosperity in each country,
the region and the world,
the premier said.
This is the real
spirit of cooperation and
partnership that must take
root among youth, the core
force of development in
the future.
He said the forum,
held under the theme
Stability and Development
through Education, was
right and timely in the
context that the possibility
of turmoil and civil war
were threatening many
countries and regions.

Sunday, 2 June, 2013 11

R e gi o na l
Japan plans to more than triple foreign visitors by 2030
Tokyo, 1 JuneThe
government has drafted
a plan to more than triple
the annual number of
foreign travelers to Japan
to 30 million by 2030
by publicizing Japans
attractions, sources close to
the matter said on Friday.
The draft plan, which
the sources made available
to Kyodo News, estimates
that if the target is achieved,
foreign travelers spending
in Japan may expand to 4.7
trillion yen in 2030 from 1.3
trillion yen in 2010 when
foreign arrivals totaled a
record 8.61 million.
spending is estimated to
travel-industryrelated employment to
250,000 people in 2010.
The draft plan
prepared as part of an
economic growth strategy

which the government

will adopt in June urges
government agencies to
prepare to establish and
tourism resources as part of
the Japan Brand.
The government and
private sectors should
foreign television programs
covering Japan, the plan
It also calls for easing
visa conditions within this
year for travelers from
Southeast Asian countries
and considering long-stay
visas for wealthy foreigners.
aims to attract travellers
from Thailand, Malaysia,
Southeast Asian countries
in the wake of a substantial
decline since last fall in
Chinese travelers due to a
bilateral territorial row.

A staff member introduces bamboo-made electronic

products at China Beijing International Fair for Trade
in Services (Beijing Fair) in Beijing, capital
of China, on 31 May 2013.

The plan also calls

on the government to
make Japan Asias largest
sponsor of international
conferences. And it urges
the government to consider
developing a new railway
network linking Haneda
and Narita airports and
central Tokyo, based on a
feasibility study in fiscal
The draft indicates
the government expects
to attract many more
travellers, particularly from
Asian countries.

estimates the number of
globally will double to 1.81
billion in 2030 from 2010,
with robust growth expected
in travel to Northeast Asian
countries including Japan,
and to Southeast Asia.
carriers are leading to
a rise in the number of
people who can afford to
enjoy international travel,
said Takeshi Sakimoto,
associate professor of
tourism at the Osaka
University of Tourism.
Kyodo News

India inducts new Swiss-made

New Delhi, 1 June
The Indian Air Force
officially inducted a new
Swiss-made basic trainer
Friday to augment the air
forces training capacity.
Minister Jitendra Singh
inducted the PC-7 MkII
trainer at a ceremony at an
academy in Hyderabad,
a Press release from the
Defence Ministry said.
India has contracted
for 75 of the aircraft from
Switzerland and the first
flight of cadets is expected
to be trained in the planes
from July.
Singh said the PC-7
MkII is an important

The aircraft, with
characteristics, user friendly
and modern navigation
suited for IAFs training
requirements, Singh said.
I assure the nation that no
effort will be spared to equip
IAF with the latest training
aids and infrastructure.
The PC-7 MkIIs are to
be used for basic training
of all pilots in the air force
as well as navy and coast
guard pilots.
Kyodo News

Vietnam decides to take

part in UN peacekeeping
Singapore, 1 June
Vietnam has decided to
send military personnel
to the UN peacekeeping
force, Prime Minister
Nguyen Tan Dung said on
opening of an annual Asia
security forum known as
the Shangri-la Dialogue,
Dung said Vietnams
initial participation will
be in the areas of military
medicine and military
It is our desire
partnerships with all the
permanent members of
the UN Security Council
noninterference in the internal

affairs of each other,

mutual respect, equal
and mutually beneficial
cooperation are committed
implemented, Dung said.
Nations currently has
peacekeeping operations
Africa, the Middle East,
Europe and South Asia.
however, that his country
will not be a military ally
to any country, nor will
it allow any country to set
up military basec.
Vietnams defence
policy is that of peace
and self-defence. Vietnam
will not ally itself with
any country to counter
another, Dung said.
Kyodo News

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera speaks at

the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, on 1 June 2013.
The 12th Shangri-La Dialogue kicked off in Singapore
on Friday. Xinhua

New Light of Myanmar

12 Sunday, 2 June, 2013


Applications are invited for appointment of
General Sales Agent in Myanmar. Interested
Agencies are requested to send their applications to Manager Agency & Interline, Biman
Bangladesh Airlines, Balaka, Biman Head
Office, Kurmitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
within 10 working days from publishing of
this advertisement in prescribed questionnaires
available in the web-site of Biman Bangladesh
Airlines (

Mohammad AlkasMollah
Manager Agency & Interline

Three killed, four injured in

explosion in Manila
Manila, 1 JuneThree
people were killed and four
others, including a foreigner, were injured on Friday
night in a loud explosion in
a posh apartment in Taguig
City, Manila, Philippines,
authorities said.
The blast happened
at around 8:10 pm at Two
Serendra, Global City, Fort
Bonifacio, a shopping and
residential area in Taguig
Interior and Local
Government Secretary Mar

Japan renews commitment to Somalia

by resuming direct aid

A special meeting dedicated to discussing issues

confronting Somalia is held in Yokohama, near Tokyo,
on 31 May, 2013, ahead of the fifth Tokyo International
Conference on African Development on 1 to 3 June.
Kyodo News
Yokohama, 1 June
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
renewed Japans commitment to supporting Somalias nation-building efforts
on Friday, saying Tokyo
will resume direct aid to the
East African nation that is
seeking to revive its economy and government following two decades of civil
strife and political turmoil.
At a special meeting in

Yokohama dedicated to discussing issues confronting

Somalia, Abe said Japans
new assistance to the country will focus on enhancing
its socio-economic conditions, maintaining law and
order, and invigorating the
countrys fragile industries.
The stability of Somalia is important for the stability and prosperity of East
Africa and indispensible for

solving Somalias piracy

problem fundamentally and
ensuring the safety of one
of the worlds major sea
arteries, which connects the
Indian Ocean with the Red
and Mediterranean seas,
Abe told participants.
The one-day meeting,
held on the sidelines of a
conference on African development involving leaders mostly from the continent that will take place
from Saturday through
Monday, also drew dignitaries such as Somali President Hassan Sheik Mohamud and Ethiopian Prime
Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.
In his remarks, Mohamud expressed his determination to strengthen the
resilience of Somali society by securing cooperation
from the people of Somalia
and assistance from the international community.
Kyodo News

Roxas confirmed, in a news

briefing, the death of the
three people on board a delivery van that was hit by a
slab from Unit 501 of Two
He withheld the identities of the victims as their
next of kin would be informed first.
Those injured were
rushed to a nearby hospital
for treatment, he said.
Roxas asked the public
not to speculate as to the
cause of the explosion since
investigation has been ongoing. This could be an accident, the explosion could

Workers gather shattered glass after an explosion in

Taguig City, the Philippines on 31 May, 2013. Three
people died in the explosion, while four people were
injured according to reports.Xinhua
be from a chemical, it could
be anything, he said.
Philippine President
Benigno Aquino III went

to the explosion site and

ordered all concerned agencies to help in the investigation.Xinhua

Economic cooperation, partnership framework

dominate Canada, Chile leaders meeting
Ottawa, 1 JuneCanadian Prime Minister
Stephen Harper met with
Chilian President Sebastian
Pinera here on Thursday,
with bilateral economic cooperation and the renewal
of a strategic framework at
the top of their agenda.
At a joint news conference held in the Parliament
building, Harper noted bilateral trade has more than
tripled since Canada signed
a free trade agreement with
Chile in 1997 the first
such a deal that Chile had
struck with a developed
country. Merchandise trade
between the two countries
reached almost 2.5 billion
US dollars last year, according to the Canadian
Prime Ministers Office.
Canada has also become the largest source of
new direct investment in

Chile over the past decade,

Harper said.
The two countries
agreed to several joint initiatives, including cooperation in the energy sector and
a strong commitment to
responsible resource management a prickly point
picked up by the media.
Pinera was asked about
the Chilean governments
decision last Friday to fine
Barrick Gold Corp. 16.4
million Canadian dollars
(15.91 million US dollars)
and suspend the Canadian

multibilliondollar mining operation
in the Andes Mountains
for causing environmental
The Chilean president
said that while Canada was
the most important foreign investor in his country,
Barrick failed to comply
with an environmental impact assessment, but had
since agreed to improve its
behaviour with respect to
the environment in 23 areas identified by Chile.

Hacker group Anonymous warns Japan not to conduct whaling

Washington, 1 June
The hacker group Anonymous has warned the
Japanese government not
to hunt whales in a message recently posted on the
video-sharing website YouTube.
This is not just a

warning, Anonymous said

in what appears to be the
first verbal offensive the
group has taken over the issue. It also urged the people
of Japan not to follow the
idiotic belief of your government.
The Japanese govern-

ment is aware of the message posted on Wednesday

and braced for following
actions, an official said.
The group criticized
Japan for actively participating in the destruction of
marine life worldwide,
posting undated movies that

show Japanese ships hunting whales using harpoons

in an unnamed sea.
The group warned last
year of cyberattacks on
the Japanese government
to protest against revision
of the countrys copyright
laws.Kyodo News

Tourists stroll through a hill covered by moss pink

flowers, called shibazakura in Japanese, in full bloom
at a park in the town of Ozora, Hokkaido,
on 31 May, 2013.Kyodo News

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013 13


Canadian songwriter-producer David Foster honoured

with star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
songwriter and producer David Foster received a star
on the fabled Hollywood
Walk of Fame on Friday,
crowning a prolific career
which spanned more than
four decades. The popular
musician, who has won 16
Grammy Awards from 47
nominations, received the
2,499th star at an event
held in front of the Capitol
Records building where
his Skylark album was
launched in 1972.
Outgoing Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa joined a group of
speakers including Leron
Gubler, President and

CEO of Hollywood Chamber of Commerce which

hosted the ceremony, and
popular daytime television
host Dr Phil McGraw to
congratulate Foster on the
occasion. Its an honor to
be here to celebrate David
Foster, a good friend and
one of the most talented
people I know, said Villaraigosa. We dont call
this the Walk of Fame
for nothing. Here are the
stars, here are the people
who touched our lives
and stirred our hearts with
their talents.
Foster, recollecting
the time when he arrived
in Hollywood more than
40 years ago to launch his

career, was moved. This

is an extremely fantastic day for me,obviously,
and it also a reflective
one. Foster, born 1 Nov,
1949,in Victoria, British
Columbia, began studying
piano when he was 4 years
A keyboardist for
theformer Canadian pop
group Skylark, Foster was
instrumental in discovering Celine Dion, Josh
Groban, Michael Buble
and Andrea Bocelli. He
also worked with a starry
pack of superstars including Barbra Streisand,
Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Madonna
and Stevie Wonder and


fer L

Jennifer Lopezs TV show inspired by her life

Beijing, 1 JuneJennifer Lopez has admitted

her new TV show which
features a same-sex couple

raising adopted, biological and foster

children was inspired by her own
family. Jennifer
Lopezs personal
life inspired her
new show.
T h e
features a samesex couple raising
biological and
foster children
and Jennifer, who has
twins Max and
Emme, five, with
ex-husband Marc
Anthony, admitted she has taken
some inspiration
from her own situation.
She told ABC News:
I am a non-traditional
family. Me being a single

mom, their dad doesnt live

at home with them. They
have three stepbrothers
from two moms...thats not
traditional. Do I want my
children to feel weird about
that? No I dont. ... So putting a show like this one to
me is, look, there is no perfect (image of) what family
is supposed to be.
While Jennifer who
is currently dating dancer
Casper Smart has three
failed marriages behind
her, she says the only thing
that matters to her is that
her children are healthy and
She explained: The
show is about love and
thats what I constantly
remind myself of because
I kind of let society get
inside my head, Oh, it
shouldnt be like this. I did
this, I did that. I failed,
And its like, no. Theyre
happy, theyre healthy,
theyre loved more than
anything in the world and
theyre going to be fine. I
want them to know that.

helped them to realize

their musical dreams.
The iconic musicians
16 Grammys include three
for producer of the year,
in 1984,1991 and 1993.
He also earned nominations for best original song
Oscars for The Karate
Kid, Part II in 1986, The
Bodyguard in 1993 and
Quest for Camelot in
1998. Today Hollywood
songwriter and producer David Foster, said
Gubler. David is one of
the most successful songwriter and producer in history creating album sets
collectively sold hundreds
of millions.Xinhua


After Earth leaves critics cold ahead

of competitive weekend
Los Angeles, 1 June
Will Smith may be one of
Hollywoods most bankable action stars, but his
new film, After
Earth, in which
he stars with
his 14-year-old
son Jaden, has
opened to cold
reviews from
critics and faces
stiff competition
in a busy box office weekend.
After Earth
is a futuristic postapocalyptic tale of a father and his teenage son
in which the young boy
must embark on a life-saving mission. Sony Pictures
Entertainment, a division
of Sony Corp., spent about
$130 million to produce the
movie, making it one of the
studios biggest summer releases.
The story is centered
on the father-son relationship and the dynamic of a
father passing the mantle

Jesse Eisenberg explores world of street magic for heist film

Los Angeles, 1 June
Actor Jesse Eisenberg may
be best known for his Oscar-nominated performance
as Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg, but in his latest
film, the fast-talking actor

explores the underground

world of magic for comedy
heist caper, Now You See
The film, out in theaters on Friday, sees a group
of street magicians come
Cast member
Jesse Eisenberg poses
during the
premiere of
the film To
Rome with
Love by
US director
Woody Allen
in Rome on 13
April, 2012.

together as the four horsemen, staging large scale

magic shows during which
they rob a bank and distribute the money among the
audience. Eisenberg plays
silver-tongued sleight-ofhand expert J Daniel Atlas, a role he said he was
drawn to because of the
characters confidence and
his own need to overcome
stage fright in 2011 while
performing in an off Broadway production called
Asuncion, which he had
also written.
I thought itd be like
a perfect challenge for me,
and maybe help me deal

with some of the stage

fright I was dealing with.
My character is the greatest magician in the world
and he has an attitude of
someone whos earned
that, so I forced myself to
feel and behave like him,
the actor explained. In the
film, which co-stars Morgan Freeman, Michael
Caine and Mark Ruffalo,
Eisenberg joins forces with
three other street magicians, played by Isla Fisher,
Woody Harrelson and Dave
Franco, to stage a complex
and captivating series of

Will Smith
to his son is mirrored both portunity for the last year to
on screen and off, as the spend ten or twelve hours
younger Smith leads the ac- a day together, every day.
tion. Will Smith, 44, who And for me its just the best
wrote the initial story and way, for me at least, to parwas the executive producer ent.
of the film, said the project
Jaden Smith bears a
gave him valuable time to strong resemblance to his
spend with his son, with famous father and won over
whom he first starred in the most critics as the lead in
2006 family drama, The 2010s reboot of The KaPursuit of Happyness.
rate Kid. However, he has
Filmmaking and en- not been received as warmtertainment is our family ly for his performance as
business, Smith said at a ranger Kitai Raige in After
recent news conference. Earth.
So, it really gave us an opReuters


New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

Santos sack coach Ramalho

Santos coach Muricy Ramalho.

Rio de Janeiro, 1 committee decided MuJuneSantos have sacked ricy Ramalho is no longer
coach Muricy Ramalho, coach of Santos FCs projust days after selling Bra- fessional team. The trainer
zil starlet Neymar to Bar- was told of the decision on
celona. The role will be Thursday, the club said in
temporarily filled by the a statement. The announceBrazilian clubs under-20 ment follows the clubs 2-1
coach Claudenei Oliveira defeat to Botafogo in Brauntil a permanent replace- zils Serie A championship
ment is found, Santos said on Wednesday.
on Friday.
Ramalho, who took
management charge of the club in April

New Zealand
spurns big
rule changes
as it preps for
Americas Cup

Emirates Team New

Zealand sails in San
Francisco bay on 31 May,
San Francisco, 1
JuneThe head of New
Zealands Americas Cup
team has sharply rejected
the idea of major changes
to the sailing competitions high-tech catamarans in the wake of an accident that killed a British
Grant Dalton, managing director of Emirates
Team New Zealand, told
Reuters on Thursday that
he supported new safety
rules put forward last week
by event organizers. But
he dismissed suggestions
by some sailors, including members of the Artemis Racing team that suffered the accident, that big
changes such as smaller
sails or power-assisted onboard controls were necessary.


2011, led Santos to their

third Copa Libertadores
trophy, two Paulista championships and the South
American Supercup.His departure, and that of 21-yearold Neymar to the Camp
Nou, marks the end of arguably Santoss most successful era since Pele made
the club famous in the late
1950s and 60s.
Santos are beginning
a reformulation process after one of the best periods in
the 101-year history of the
club, the statement said.
Former Corinthians and
Brazil boss Mano Menezes
and Atletico Bilbaos Argentine manager Marcelo
Bielsa have reportedly been
short-listed as candidates
for the vacant position.

Ex-NBA player Mookie Blaylock in critical

condition after crash

Atlanta, 1 June
Former NBA player Mookie Blaylock was in critical
condition at an Atlanta hospital on Friday after being
involved in a car crash that
killed another person, police said. Jonesboro Police
Chief Frank Allen told Reuters that Blaylock, 46, was
taken off life support when
his condition stabilized.
Atlanta Medical Centre spokeswoman Nicole
Gustin said Blaylock, who
played most of his career
with the Atlanta Hawks,
was listed in critical condition at the facility, but she
could not release other details. Blaylock was behind
the wheel of a 2010 Cadillac Escalade on Friday in

Vulnerable Nadal needs to find form against

flashy Fognini
Paris, 1 JuneAfter
two lacklustre performances
and an out-of-character rant
at organizers all eyes will
be on Rafa Nadal to see if
the claycourt matador or this
weeks vulnerable impostor shows up to face Fabio
Fognini on Saturday. Seventimes champion Nadal let
his feelings be known after
Parisian downpours and lopsided scheduling left him
with only one days rest before facing the showman Italian, who has had an extra 24
hours recuperation.
After being taken to
four sets by Daniel Brands
in round one and Martin Klizan on Friday, Nadal expects
Fognini, with his flashy winners, to be in better shape.
Probably my opponent is
better than me, talking about
physical performance, but
the only thing I can say is Im

going to work as much as I

can to be 100 percent ready,
Nadal said.
Tomorrow will be a really tough match, and I need
to play better than today.
I need to do it.In contrast
to Nadal, Novak Djoko-

vic looked imperious in his

second-round victory over
Argentinas Guido Pella, but
in Grigor Dimitrov he faces
a player who beat him in the
second round of the Madrid
Masters this month.

Bucks reach agreement with

Drew to become head coach

Rafael Nadal of Spain hits a return to Martin Klizan

of Slovakia during their mens singles match at the
French Open tennis tournament at the Roland Garros
stadium in Paris on 31 May, 2013.Reuters

Haas takes Memorial lead, Woods labors to 74

Bill Haas of the US hits his second shot on the 13th
hole during the second round of the Memorial
Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf Club in
Dublin, Ohio on 31 May, 2013.Reuters

Dublin, 1 JuneRejuvenated by the recent birth

of his first child, American
Bill Haas rebounded from
successive missed cuts on
the PGA Tour to grab a
three-shot lead in Fridays
weather-hit second round at
the Memorial Tournament.
While five-times cham-

Former NBA player Mookie Blaylock.

Clayton County, south of ing, police said.
Atlanta, when he crossed
Blaylock played in the
over the center line into on- National Basketball Assocoming traffic and struck ciation from 1989 to 2002.
a minivan head-on, Allen His ability to shut down
opposing players twice
We have reason to be- earned him a place on the
lieve he may have suffered NBA All-Defensive First
a seizure, Allen said. He Team. He played with the
had been previously treated Hawks from 1992 to 1999
for a seizure disorder. A and also spent time with
husband and wife in the the New Jersey Nets and
minivan were injured along Golden State Warriors. An
with Blaylock, and all three arrest warrant for Blaylock
people were transported to was issued on 21 May for
Atlanta Medical Center, failure to appear in court on
where the woman later died, drug possession and drunkAllen said. The man in the en- driving charges, Allen
minivan suffered injuries said.
that were not life- threatenReuters

pion and last years winner

Tiger Woods battled to a
two-over-par 74 in gusting
winds at Muirfield Village
Golf Club to sit 10 strokes
off the pace, Haas putted
superbly on lightning-fast
greens to fire a five-underpar 67.
Though Haas bogeyed

his final hole, the par-four

18th, after hitting his approach over the back of the
green, he was delighted to
take control of the popular
PGA Tour event hosted by
Jack Nicklaus with a nineunder total of 135. Ive
been very fortunate, Haas
told reporters after a round
which included five birdies,
an eagle at the par-five fifth
and two bogeys to finish
three ahead of compatriot
Matt Kuchar (70).
I hit a couple of loose
shots. On number 11, the
wind was right-to-left and I
hit a provisional, I thought
it was out of bounds there.
We got out there and it (his
first tee shot) must have hit
a tree and it was fine. I ended up making birdie.

Toronto, 1 JuneFormer Atlanta Hawks coach

Larry Drew has been named
head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks, the National
team said on Friday.
Drew, who led Atlanta
to playoff berths in each
of his three seasons there,
reached an agreement in
principle to replace Jim
Boylan, who stepped in on
an interim basis after the
Bucks and Scott Skiles parted ways in early January.
It was clear to us that
Larrys track record in Atlanta, along with his experience as an assistant coach
and player, make him the

right choice to lead our

club, Bucks general manager John Hammond said in
a statement. We look forward to what he will bring
to this franchise and we
welcome him and his family to Milwaukee.
Drew, 55, who had an
11-year playing career that
included stints with the
Kings in Kansas City and
Sacramento and in Los Angeles with the Lakers and
Clippers, has a 128-102
record as a coach. He takes
over a Bucks team that was
swept out of the first round
of the playoffs by the defending champion Miami

Atlanta Hawks head coach Larry Drew makes a call in

the first half of their first-round Eastern Conference
playoff NBA basketball game against the Indiana Pacers
in Atlanta, Georgia on 3 May, 2013.Reuters

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013 15

festival to make

A Vietnamese dealer poles his raft to sell Vietnamese

goods at the Detian Waterfalls scenic spot on the border between China and Vietnam, in Shuolong Township of Daxin County, south Chinas Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region, on 28 May, 2013. Small amount
of border trade in the first four months in Guangxi has
seen a jump of 50.8 percent year on year to 3.03 billion
US dollars, according to the latest statistics from the
Nanning Customs. Xinhua

Experts see Ghanas pension

funds as catalyst for growth
in capital market
Accra, 1 June Experts claim ongoing reforms in Ghanas Pension
Regulations could be a potential catalyst for growth
of the countrys capital
market and rapid economic
They called on the authorities on Friday to develop the capital market
and bond market into which
pension funds could be invested to realize its full potentials.
Sam Pee Yalley, chief
executive officer (CEO) of
the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA),
believes the pension funds,
if developed well, could become the main catalyst for
the growth of Ghanas bond
He said pension funds,
which are long-term investment funds sought by government, is the right type
of alternatives for foreign
Most countries that
Ghana borrows from just
lend Pensions Funds to us
because pension is a longterm commitment; so if we
also streamline our pensions well, and Ghana can
sell long-term bonds of between 10 and 30 years, pensions funds would be available for these projects, he
told Xinhua in an interview
here on Friday.
Ghanas new Threetier Pensions Scheme became functional on 1 Jan,
2010 under the new Pensions Law, the National
Pensions Act, 2008 (Act
766) passed on 12 Dec,

It requires that out
of the total contribution
of 18.5 percent of ones
monthly income, the employer will remit 13.5 percent to a restructured Social Security and National
Insurance Trust (SSNIT)
towards the first tier pension scheme, out of which
2.5 percent will be National
Health Insurance (NHI)

London, 1 June Londons world-famous arts

centre Southbank Centre
launched its summer-long
festival of neighbourhood,
which will open on Saturday.
The festival, which
will last for three months
until 8 Sept, celebrates
neighborhoods and communities, and explores the
concept of what makes a
good neighbourhood and
what it means to live side
by side.
With this festival, we
try to create an appetite that
neighborhood is joyful,
said Jude Kelly, artistic
director of the Southbank
A series of 42 flags
adorning the roof of the
Royal Festival Hall, one
of the venues in the centre,
raised questions about the
meaning of neighbourhood.
My idea would be if
people sang their responses
to the flags and addressed
the Royal Festival Hall,
which has been broadcasting and singing to the neighbourhood since 1951, said
Bob and Roberta Smith, the
artist who came up with the

(1-6-13 09:30 am ~
2-6-13 09:30 am) MST

* News
* The Worlds Largest
* News
* Lannakha Waterfall
* News
* Those who never
give up (Part-I)
(Zaw Win Myint)
* News
* Those who never
give up (Part-II)
(Zaw Win Myint)
* News
* The History of
Mrauk U Pagoda
* News
* Amarapura, Origin
of Hand Loom
* News
* Me N My Travel
Pyin Oo Lwin
* News
* Easily Cooked &
Tasty Dishes (Spiced
* Myanmar Movies
A Jokers Heart

Myanmar TV
(2-6-2013, Sunday)
6:00 am
1. Paritta By Hilly
Region Missionary
6:25 am
2. To Be Healthy
6:35 am
3. Song & Dance of
National Races
4. Documentary
7:00 am
5. News/ Weather Report
8:00 am
6. News/ International
8:25 am
7. Documentary
9:00 am
8. News/ International
9:20 am
9. Mono Classical Songs
10:00 am
10. News
10:15 am
11. TV Drama Series
11:00 pm
12. Science & Environment
11:10 pm
13. Gltadahale Phintbaohn
12:00 pm
14. News/ International
News/ Weather Report
12:25 pm
15. Round Up of The
Weeks International

2:40 pm
16. Documentary
3:00 pm
17. News
3:15 pam
18. Documentary
4:00 pm
19. News
4:15 pm
20. Dance & Song of
National Races
4:25 pm
21. University of Distance
(TV Lectures)
-First Year
5:00 pm
22. News
5:15 pm
23. Sing & Enjoy
6:00 pm
24. News/ Weather Report
6:20 pm
25. Cartoon Series
7:00 pm
26. News
7:15 pm
27. TV Drama Series
8:00 pm
28. News/ International
News/ Weather Report
8:35 pm
29. Pyi Thu Ni Ti
9:00 pm
30. News
31. Tamyetmar Takwetsar
32. New Melody

Brazil striker Fred declares fitness for

England friendly

Brazil striker Fred

Rio de Janeiro, 1
JuneBrazil striker Fred
has declared himself ready
to start in Sundays international friendly against
England at the revamped
Maracana stadium, despite
nursing a broken rib. The
frontman suffered the injury during the early stages
of his sides 2-1 defeat to
Olimpia in Rio on Wednesday, a result that eliminated
the Rio outfit from the Copa

Its difficult but its
important to make the sacrifice, Fred said during Brazil training at Flamengos
Gavea base on Friday. Pain
is normal. Every player
knows what its like to play
through it. I am able to play
normally. If I cop a knock
I will have to grin and bear
it until the end. England
also have their share of injury concerns with forwards
Jermain Defoe (Achilles),

Danny Wellbeck (knee) and

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
(calf) in doubt for Sundays
The teams dearth of
attacking options means
coach Roy Hodgson could
deploy Arsenals Theo
Walcott as a central striker
and Rooney in a deep-lying
role. Walcott trained in an
advanced position at the
Urca military base on Friday and admits he would
relish the opportunity be
Englands target man at
the Maracana. It will be
fantastic. I said I wanted
to play up front, Walcott
said.People say I have
played up front, but I have
had limited opportunities
this year I have played on
the wing and got most of
my goals from there.
Playing for England
in any position is a dream.
The manager picks the team
and whoever plays will go
out and do a job and hope to

Image provided by Chiles National Service of Geology and Mining (Sernageomin) and Chiles National
Emergency Office (Onemi) shows Copahue volcano
spewing ash near Chiles southern town of Alto Biobio,
on 24 May, 2013. Some 1,400 Chilean residents near
Copahue Volcano have been evacuated after an alert
was issued on an imminent eruption, a local official
said on 31 May, 2013. Xinhua

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

9th Waning of Kason 1375 ME

New Light of Myanmar

Sunday, 2 June, 2013

Myanmar Engineering Council draft law discussed prior to its submission to

Y angon , 1 June
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
Thura U Shwe Mann
delivered an address at
a coordination meeting
on Myanmar Engineering
Council draft law at
Hluttaw Office (Yangon)
on Thanlwin Road, here,
this afternoon.
It was also attended
by Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy
Speaker U Nanda Kyaw
Swa, Union Minister for
Industry U Aye Myint,
Pyithu Hluttaw Committee
Chairmen U Soe Tha, U
Thein Zaw, U Thein Swe,
U Htay Myint, Deputy
Ministers U Aye Kyu, Dr
Win Myint, Dr Zaw Min
Aung, U Han Sein, U Chan
Maung and U Thaung Tin,
Yangon Region Minister
for Electric Power and
Industry U Nyan Tun Oo,
committee secretaries and
members, departmental
officials, rectors of the
Technological Universities,
President of Myanmar
Engineering Society U
Win Khaing and members,
officials from YCDC and
MCDC and guests.
In his address, the
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
said that he was informed
of a plan to enact Myanmar
Engineering Council

Law through a report by

Myanmar Engineering
Society and officials
concerned about two years
ago. Todays coordination
meeting was meant to hold
discussions on the draft law
prior to its submission to the
parliament, he added. The
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
stressed the importance of
the enactment of Myanmar
Engineering Council Law
as engineering works
would play a certain role
in industrial sector and
construction projects when
construction of Thilawa
Industrial Zone and Dawei
Industrial Zone started
and foreign investments
entered the country. He
continued that unless the
law was promulgated,
Myanmar engineers
would be appointed to
inferior positions below
their counterparts from
foreign companies; and
that the enactment of
the law was required to
avoid it. He stressed the
need to work harder to be
professional engineers,
urging Myanmar engineers
to be dutiful ones by
taking the same amount of
responsibility like foreign
engineers in implementing
the industrial zones and

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann meets those present at the meeting on Myanmar
Engineering Council draft law at Hluttaw Office (Yangon).mna
other sectors.
He continued that the
parliaments main function
was to make laws for the
sake of the country and
its people; that listening
to the voices of people
and understanding their
wills was necessary for
enactment of laws; that the
parliament had to listen to

the voices and inspirations

of engineers as they were
among the people; that the
parliament was charged with
enacting laws to protect the
rights of the people and to
enjoy more benefits; and
that the parliamentarians
were willing to discharge
their duties.
The Pyithu Hluttaw

22nd WEF to focus social, economic development

opportunities and challenges of Myanmar, East Asia
As part of efforts for
opening up development
opportunities in Myanmar,
seeking advices from
world business leaders,
giving them the chance
to understand Myanmars
reform in depth and building
relations with leaders
from governments and
organizations , Myanmar
will host the 22nd World
Economic Forum on East
Asia from 5 to 7 June at
the Myanmar International
Convention Centre in Nay
Pyi Taw for the first time.
We interviewed some

Quek Zi Ying

officials and staff preparing

for the WEF at the MICC.
U Myint Kyaw, Director of
the Information and Public
Relations Department
and Head of Information
Centre for the forum
Q: What are the
objectives of Myanmar
to host this international
A: We host the forum
with the aim of promoting
FDI in Myanmar, getting
advices from worlds
business leaders to help
Myanmars economic
development, promoting
relations between Myanmar
and foreign countries and
ensuring foreign countries
to understand and witness
Myanmars reform.
Q: H o w c a n t h e
forum help Myanmar?
A: The forum would
help us ensure opening up
opportunities for attracting
foreign direct investment,
get advice from the world
economic leaders through

U Myint Kyaw, Director

of Information and Public
Relations Department
friendships between
Myanmar and international
countries during the forum.
Besides, the forum would
benefit Myanmar a lot
because the representatives
of the governments can
witness the reform of
Q: Is there any
challenges for Myanmar
to host the international
A: We have no big
challenges because we
have experience of this
type of work. We hosted
BIMSTEC, conferences
etc. Maybe we can face

some challenges but they

are good lessons for us.
Because they can train us
how to overcome such kind
of challenges in the future.
Q: How about
the future economic
opportunities of Myanmar
due to the forum?
A: Myanmar would
see more opening up of its

Michel Meca
economy and would see more
investment opportunities
when the foreign direct
investment flows into the
country. The increase in FDI
will bring about better social
and economic development
opportunities in Myanmar.
Q: H o w
journalists at home and

Speaker called for mass

participation in the
legislative processes
and capacity building of
Myanmar engineers. He
vowed to continue holding
discussions on the draft
law to be able to submit
it to upcoming parliament
Next, the region minister

and the MES president

discussed the draft law and
Union Minister U Aye Myint
elaborated on amendment
and modification of the
draft law. Those present
took part in discussions and
the meeting came to an end
with concluding remarks by
the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker.

By: Maung Maung Myint Swe

Photos: A M Soe
abroad will cover the
A: So far, we have issued
visas to 287 journalists from
foreign countries. Over 130
local journalists have been
permitted to cover the event.
Quek Zi Ying, Sound
Engineer, Overall Sound
In-charge, Trio Av Pte
Ltd, Singapore
Q: What is your role
in preparing the forum?
A: I am one of the sound
operators for the rooms. We
have to manage more than
10 rooms.
Q: Can you talk about

any challenging thing

from sound perspective?
A: There are many
backup rooms, more than
10 rooms to manage. So,
frequency for microphone
is very important.
We have to check in
frequency because we will
have leaders talking in the
We have to make
sure that we take down
all frequencies for all the
rooms and check in so that
they are not intervened with
each other.
(See page 9)

Sound engineers prepare for the 22nd World Economic

Forum on East Asia.

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