Mtech 2nd Semsyllabus
Mtech 2nd Semsyllabus
Mtech 2nd Semsyllabus
Module 2
Linear prediction and Optimum Linear Filters: Random signals,
Correlation Functions and Power Spectra, Innovations
Representation of a Stationary Random Process. Forward and
Backward Linear Prediction. Solution of the Normal Equations The
Levinson-Durbin Algorithm. Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error
Filters. (Text 1)
Module 3
Adaptive filters: Applications of adaptive filters- Adaptive
channel equalization,, Adaptive noise cancellation, Linear Predictive
coding of Speech Signals, Adaptive direct form FIR filters-The LMS L1,L2,L3
algorithm, Properties of LMS algorithm.
Adaptive direct form filters- RLS algorithm. (Text 1)
Module 4
Power Spectrum Estimation: Non parametric Methods for Power
Spectrum Estimation - Bartlett Method, Welch Method, Blackman
and Tukey Methods.
Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation:
L1, L2,L3
Relationship between the auto correlation and the model
parameters, Yule and Walker methods for the AR Model Parameters,
Burg Method for the AR Model parameters, Unconstrained least-
squares method for the AR Model parameters, Sequential estimation
methods for the AR Model parameters, ARMA Model for Power
Spectrum Estimation. (Text 1)
Module 5
WAVELET TRANSFORMS: The Age of Wavelets, The origin of Wavelets,
Wavelets and other reality transforms, History of wavelets, Wavelets
of the future.
Continuous Wavelet and Short Time Fourier Transform: Wavelet
Transform, Mathematical preliminaries, Properties of wavelets.
Discrete Wavelet Transform: Haar scaling functions, Haar wavelet
function, Daubechies Wavelets. (Chapters 1, 3 & 4 of Text 2)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Design adaptive filters for a given application
Design multirate DSP Systems
Implement adaptive signal processing algorithm
Describe and design active networks
Understand advanced signal processing techniques, including multi-rate
processing and time-frequency analysis techniques
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications, John
G.Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, Fourth edition, Pearson-2007.
2. Insight into Wavelets- from Theory to Practice, K.P Soman, Ramachandran,
Resmi- PHI Third Edition-2010.
Reference Books
1. "Modern Digital signal processing", Robert. O. Cristi, Cengage Publishers,
India, 2003.
2. "Digital signal processing: A Practitioner's approach", E.C. Ifeachor, and B.
W. Jarvis, , Second Edition, Pearson Education, India, 2002, Reprint.
3. Wavelet Transforms, Introduction to Theory and applications, Raghuveer.
M. Rao, AjitS. Bopardikar, Pearson Education, Asia, 2000.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]
Subject Code 16ECS22 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 04 Exam marks 80
Total Number of 50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours (10 Hours per Module)
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. The Entropy, information rate and capacity for the Discrete memoryless
2. Apply modern algebra and probability theory for the coding.
3. Compare Block codes such as Linear Block Codes, Cyclic codes etc and
Convolutional codes.
4. Detect and correct errors for different data communication and storage
5. Implement different Block code encoders and decoders.
6. Analyze and implement convolutional encoders and decoders.
7. Analyze and apply soft and hard Viterbi algorithm for decoding of
convolutional codes.
Modules RBT
Module 1
Information theory: Introduction, Entropy, Source coding theorem,
discrete memoryless channel, Mutual Information, Channel Capacity
Channel coding theorem. (Chap. 5 of Text 1)
Introduction to algebra: Groups, Fields, binary field arithmetic, L1,L2,L3
Construction of Galois Fields GF (2m) and its properties, (Only
statements of theorems without proof) Computation using Galois
filed GF (2m) arithmetic, Vector spaces and Matrices.
(Chap. 2 of Text 2)
Module 2
Linear block codes: Generator and parity check matrices, Encoding
circuits, Syndrome and error detection, Minimum distance
considerations, Error detecting and error correcting capabilities,
Standard array and syndrome decoding, Single Parity Check
Codes(SPC),Repetition codes, Self dual codes, Hamming codes, Reed-
Muller codes. Product codes and Interleaved codes.
(Chap. 3 of Text 2)
Module 3
Cyclic codes: Introduction, Generator and parity check polynomials,
Encoding of cyclic codes, Syndrome computing and error detection,
Decoding of cyclic codes, Error trapping Decoding, Cyclic hamming L1,L2,L3
codes, Shortened cyclic codes. (Chap. 4 of Text2)
Module 4
BCH codes: Binary primitive BCH codes, Decoding procedures,
Implementation of Galois field arithmetic, Implementation of error
correction. (Chap. 6 of Text 2)
Reed -Solomon codes. (Chap. 7 of Text 2)
Majority Logic decodable codes: One -step majority logic decoding,
One-step majority logic decodable codes, Two-step majority logic,
decoding, Multiple-step majority logic. (Chap. 8 of Text 2)
Module 5
Convolution codes: Convolutional Encoding, Convolutional Encoder
Representation, Formulation of the Convolutional Decoding Problem,
Properties of Convolutional Codes: Distance property of
convolutional codes, Systematic and Nonsystematic Convolutional
Codes, Performance Bounds for Convolutional Codes, Coding Gain.
Other Convolutional Decoding Algorithms: Sequential Decoding,
Feedback Decoding. (Chap. 7 of Text 3)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Ability to analyse a discrete memoryless channel, given the source and
transition probabilities.
Ability to apply the concept of modern linear algebra for the error control
coding technique.
Ability to Construct and Implement efficient LBC, Cyclic codes etc encoder
and decoders.
Ability to apply decoding algorithms for efficient decoding of Block codes
and Convolutional codes.
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, Digital Communication systems, First edition, Wiley
India Private. Ltd, 2014. ISBN 978-81-265-4231-4
2. Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello. Jr, "Error control coding", Pearson,
Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2004.
3. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications - Fundamentals and
Applications, 2nd Edition Pearson Education (Asia) Ptv. Ltd, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Blahut. R. E, "Theory and practice of error control codes", Addison
Wesley, 1984.
2. 2. Salvatore Gravano, Introduction to Error control coding, Oxford
university press, 2007.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]
Subject Code 16ECS23 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 04 Exam marks 80
Total Number of 50 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours (10 Hours per Module)
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
Characterize small-scale fading in terms of Doppler spectrum, coherence
time, power delay profile, and coherence bandwidth.
Apply mathematical models of radio wave propagation.
Analyze the error probabilities for common modulation schemes.
Describe different types of diversity and how they improve performance for
mobile radio channels.
Analyze the AWGN channel capacity.
Modules RBT Level
Module 1
The Wireless channel: Physical modeling for wireless channels,
Input/output model of wireless channels, Time and frequency L1,L2,L3
response, Statistical models. (Text 1)
Module 2
Point-to-Point Communication, Detection diversity and
channel uncertainty: Detection in Rayleigh fading channels, Time L1,L2,L3
diversity, Antenna diversity, Frequency diversity, Impact of the
channel uncertainty. (Text 1)
Module 3
Diversity: Introduction Micro-diversity, Micro-diversity and L1,L2,L3
Simulcast combination of signals, Error probability in fading
channels with diversity reception, Transmit diversity.
(Chap. 13 of Text 2)
Module 4
Capacity of wireless channel: AWGN channel capacity, Resources
of AWGN channel, Linear time invariant Gaussian channel, L1,L2,L3
Capacity of fading channels. (Text 1)
Module 5
MIMO Systems: Introduction, Space diversity and system based
on space diversity, Smart antenna systems and MIMO, MIMO
based system architecture; MIMO exploits multipath, Space time
processing, Antenna considerations for MIMO. MIMO channel
modeling, MIMO channel measurements, MIMO channel capacity,
CDD, Space time coding, advantages and applications of MIMO,
MIMO application in 3G. (Chap. 15 of Text 3)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Acquire knowledge of characteristics of
mobile/wireless communication channels
Apply statistical models of multipath fading
Understand the multiple radio access techniques
Understand the need of coding, diversity, interleaving and link techniques f
or mobile/wireless communications network
Design receiver and transmitter diversity techniques
Identify and describe modern techniques for high-rate wireless
communications, using MIMO transmission
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Books:
1. David Tse, P. Vishwanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication,
Cambridge University press, 2006.
2. Andreas F.Molisch Wireless Communications 2nd Edition John Wiley &
3. Upena Dalal, Wireless communication, Oxford, 2009.
Reference Book:
Ke-Lin Du, ad M.N.S. Swamy, "Wireless communication systems-From RF
subsystems to 4G enabling Technologies", Cambridge.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]
Subject Code 16ECS24 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 04 Exam marks 80
Total Number of Lecture 50 Exam Hours 03
Hours (10 Hours per
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
Understand waves propagating in Networks.
Use the Smith Chart for various applications.
Understand the basic considerations in active networks
Design active networks.
Understand RF/MW Frequency Mixer and Phase Shifter Design
Modules RBT Level
Module 1
Wave propagation in networks: Introduction, Reasons for
Using RF/Microwaves, Applications, RF Waves, RF and L1,L2
Microwave circuit design, Introduction to Components Basics,
Analysis of Simple Circuit in Phasor Domain, RF Impedance
Matching, Transmission Media, High Frequency Parameters,
Formulation of S-parameters, Properties of S-Parameters,
Transmission Matrix, Generalized S-parameters.
Module 2
Smith chart and its Applications: Introduction, Smith Chart,
Derivation of Smith Chart, Smith Chart Circular and Radial L1,L2
Scales, Application of Smith chart.
Module 3
Basic consideration in active networks: Stability L1,L2
Considerations, Gain Considerations and Noise Considerations.
Module 4
RF/Microwave Amplifiers: Small Signal Design: Introduction, L1,L2,L3
Types of amplifier, Design of different types of amplifiers
RF/Microwave Frequency Conversion: Mixers: Introduction,
Mixer Types, Conversion Losses for SSB Mixers, SSB versus
DSB mixers, One diode mixers, Two diode Mixers.
Module 5
RF/Microwave Control Circuit Design: Introduction, PN L1,L2,L3
Junction Devices, Phase shifters, Digital phase shifters,
Semiconductor phase shifters, PIN diode attenuators.
RF and Microwave IC design: MICs, MIC materials, Types of
MICs, Hybrid verses Monolithic ICs, Chip mathematics
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Discuss and analyse waves propagation in Networks
Apply the Smith Chart for finding various parameters in transmission lines
Analyse the basic considerations in active networks
Describe and design active networks
Design RF/MW Frequency Mixers and phase shifters
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Book:
Matthew M. Radmanesh, "RF and Microwave Electronics Illustrated", Pearson
Education edition, 2004.
Reference Book:
Reinhold Ludwig, and Pavel Bretchko, "RF circuit design theory and
applications", Pearson Education edition, 2004.
[As per Choice Based credit System (CBCS) Scheme
Subject Code 16ELD251 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 03 Exam 80
Hours/Week marks
Total Number of 40 Exam 03
Lecture Hours (8 Hours per Module) Hours
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
Understand the complete dynamics of automotive electronics
Design and implement the electronics that attributes the smartness to the
automobiles by way of unprecedented safety, add-on features, and
Modules RBT
Module 1
Automotive Fundamentals, the Systems Approach to Control
and Instrumentation:
Use Of Electronics In The Automobile, Antilock Brake Systems, L1,L2
(ABS), Electronic steering control, Power steering, Traction control,
Electronically controlled suspension. (Chap.1 and 2 of Text)
Module 2
Automotive instrumentation Control: Sampling, Measurement
and signal conversion of various parameters. (Chap. 4 of Text) L1,L2, L3
Module 3
The basics of Electronic Engine control:
Integrated body: Climate controls, Motivation for Electronic Engine
Control, Concept of An Electronic Engine Control System, Definition
of General Terms, Definition of Engine Performance Terms,
Electronic fuel control system, Engine control sequence, Electronic
Ignition, Sensors and Actuators, Applications of sensors and L1,L2,L3
actuators, air flow rate sensor, Indirect measurement of mass air
flow, Engine crankshaft angular position sensor, Automotive engine
control actuators, Digital engine control, Engine speed sensor
,Timing sensor for ignition and fuel delivery, Electronic ignition
control systems, Safety systems, Interior safety, Lighting,
Entertainment systems. (Chap. 5 and 6 of Text)
Module 4
Vehicle Motion Control and Automotive diagnostics: L1,L2, L3
Cruise control system, Digital cruise control, Timing light, Engine
analyzer, On-board and off-board diagnostics, Expert systems.
Stepper motor-based actuator, Cruise control electronics, Vacuum -
antilock braking system, Electronic suspension system Electronic
steering control, Computer-based instrumentation system,
Sampling and Input\output signal conversion, Fuel quantity
measurement, Coolant temperature measurement, Oil pressure
measurement, Vehicle speed measurement, Display devices, Trip-
Information-Computer, Occupant protection systems. (Chap. 8 and
10 of Text)
Module 5
Future automotive electronic systems:
Alternative Fuel Engines, Collision Wide Range Air/Fuel Sensor,
Alternative Engine, Low Tire Pressure Warning System, Collision L1,L2, L3
avoidance Radar Warning Systems, Low Tire Pressure Warning
System, Radio Navigation, Advance Driver information System.
Alternative-Fuel Engines , Transmission Control , Collision
Avoidance Radar Warning System, Low Tire Pressure Warning
System, Speech Synthesis Multiplexing in Automobiles, Control
Signal Multiplexing, Navigation Sensors, Radio Navigation, Sign
post Navigation , Dead Reckoning Navigation Future Technology,
Voice Recognition Cell Phone Dialing Advanced Driver information
System, Automatic Driving Control.
(Chap. 11 of Text)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Understand and implement various control requirements in the automotive
Comprehend dashboard electronics and engine system electronics.
Identify various physical parameters that are to be sensed and monitored
for maintaining the stability of the vehicle under dynamic conditions.
To understand and implement the controls and actuator system pertaining
to the comfort and safety of commuters.
Design and implement sensor network for mechanical fault diagnostics in an
automotive vehicle.
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Book:
William B. Ribbens , "Understanding Automotive Electronics", SAMS/Elsevier
publishing, 6th Edition, 1997.
Reference Book:
Robert Bosch Gmbh, "Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics-
Systems and Components, Networking and Hybrid Drive", Springer Vieweg, 5th
Edition, 2007.
[As per Choice Based credit System (CBCS) Scheme
Subject Code 16ECS252 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 03 Exam 80
Hours/Week marks
Total Number of 40 Exam 03
Lecture Hours (8 Hours per Module) Hours
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
Modules RBT
Module 1
Multimedia Communications: Introduction, Multimedia L1, L2, L3
information representation, multimedia networks, multimedia
applications, Application and networking terminology.
(Chap. 1 of Text1)
Information Representation: Introduction, Text, Images.
(Chap. 2- Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of Text 1)
Module 2
Information Representation: Audio and Video. L1,L2, L3
(Chap. 2 - Sections 2.4 and 2.5 of Text 1)
Distributed multimedia systems: Introduction, main Features of
a DMS, Resource management of DMS, Networking, Multimedia
operating systems. (Chap. 4 - Sections 4.1 to 4.5 of Text 2)
Module 3
Multimedia Processing in Communication: Introduction, L1,L2, L3
Perceptual coding of digital Audio signals, Transform Audio
Coders, Audio Sub band Coders. (Chap. 3 - Sections 3.1,
3.2, 3.6, 3.7 of Text 2)
Module 4
Multimedia Communication Standards: Introduction, MPEG L1,L2, L3
approach to multimedia standardization, MPEG-1, MPEG-2,
Overview of MPEG-4. (Chap. 5 - Sections 5.1 to 5.4 and 5.5.1 of
Text 2)
Module 5
Multimedia Communication Across Networks: Packet L1,L2, L3
audio/video in the network environment, Video transport across
generic networks, Multimedia Transport across ATM Networks.
(Chap. 6 - Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 of Text 2)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand basics of different multimedia networks and applications.
2. Analyze media types like audio and video to represent in digital form.
3. Understand different compression techniques to compress audio.
4. Understand different compression techniques to compress audio video.
5. Describe the basics of Multimedia Communication Across Networks
Reference Book:
Raif steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia: Computing, Communications
and Applications, Pearson education, 2002, ISBN -9788177584417.
[As per Choice Based credit System (CBCS) Scheme]
Subject Code 16ELD253 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 03 Exam 80
Hours/Week marks
Total Number of 40 Exam 03
Lecture Hours (8 Hours per Module) Hours
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
Understand overview of microsystems, their fabrication and application
Working principles of several MEMS devices.
Develop mathematical and analytical models of MEMS devices
Know methods to fabricate MEMS devices
Various application areas where MEMS devices can be used.
Modules RBT
Module 1
Overview of MEMS and Microsystems: MEMS and Microsystem, L1, L2
Typical MEMS and Microsystems Products, Evolution of
Microfabrication, Microsystems and Microelectronics,
Multidisciplinary Nature of Microsystems, Miniaturization.
Applications and Markets.
Module 2
Working Principles of Microsystems: L1, L2
Introduction, Microsensors, Microactuation, MEMS with
Microactuators, Microaccelerometers, Microfluidics.
Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication.
Introduction, Atomic Structure of Matters, Ions and Ionization,
Molecular Theory of Matter and Inter-molecular Forces, Doping of
Semiconductors, The Diffusion Process, Plasma Physics,
Module 3
Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design: L1,L2, L3
Introduction, Static Bending of Thin Plates, Mechanical Vibration,
Thermomechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Thin Film Mechanics,
Overview on Finite Element Stress Analysis.
Module 4
Scaling Laws in Miniaturization: L1,L2, L3
Introduction, Scaling in Geometry, Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics,
Scaling in Electrostatic Forces, Scaling of Electromagnetic Forces,
Scaling in Electricity, Scaling in Fluid Mechanics, Scaling in Heat
Module 5
Overview of Micromanufacturing: L1,L2, L3
Introduction, Bulk Micromanufacturing, Surface Micromachining,
The LIGA Process, Summary on Micromanufacturing.
Microsystem Design:
Introduction, Design Considerations, Process Design, Mechanical
Design, Using Finite Element Method.
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Appreciate the technologies related to Micro Electro Mechanical Systems.
2. Understand design and fabrication processes involved with MEMS
3. Analyze the MEMS devices and develop suitable mathematical models
4. Know various application areas for MEMS device
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions
Question paper pattern:
The question paper will have 10 full questions carrying equal marks.
Each full question consists of 16 marks with a maximum of four sub
There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of
the module
The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full
question from each module.
Text Book:
1. Tai-Ran Hsu, MEMS and Micro systems: Design, Manufacture and
Nanoscale Engineering, 2nd Ed, Wiley.
Reference Books:
1. Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jurg Leuthold, Micro and Nano
Fabrication: Tools and Processes, Springer, 2015.
2. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya, Brajesh Kumar Kaushik,
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Cenage Learning.
[As per Choice Based credit System (CBCS) Scheme
Subject Code 16ECS254 IA Marks 20
Number of Lecture 03 Exam 80
Hours/Week marks
Total Number of 40 Exam 03
Lecture Hours (8 Hours per Module) Hours
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. Understand the basics of symmetric key and public key cryptography.
2. Understand some basic mathematical concepts and pseudorandom
number generators required for cryptography.
3. Authenticate and protect the encrypted data.
4. Enrich knowledge about Email, IP and Web security.
Modules RBT
Module 1
Foundations: Terminology, Steganography, substitution ciphers and L1,L2,L3
transpositions ciphers, Simple XOR, One-Time Pads, Computer
Algorithms (Text 2: Chapter 1: Section 1.1 to 1.6)
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
Use basic cryptographic algorithms to encrypt the data.
Generate some pseudorandom numbers required for cryptographic
Provide authentication and protection for encrypted data.
Reference Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security, Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH, 2007.
2. Cryptography and Network Security, Atul Kahate, TMH, 2003.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Laboratory 16ECSL26 IA 20
Code Marks
Number of 01Hr Tutorial (Instructions) Exam 80
Lecture + 02 Hours Laboratory Marks
Exam 03
Course objectives: This laboratory course enables students to get practical
Matlab implementation of LTI systems and multirate systems
Realization of some systems using DSP 6713 processor
(a) Let X[k] = DFT{x[n]}. For various values of l, set to zero "high
frequency coefficients" X[64-l]= ....X[64]= ......X[64+L]=0 and take the
inverse DFT. Plot the results.
(b) Let XDCT[k]=DCT(X[n]). For the same values of L, set to zero "high
frequency coefficient" XDCT [127-L]= ....XDCT[127]. Take the
inverse DCT for each case and compare the reconstruction with the
previous case.
4. Determination of power spectrum density of a given sequence
Course outcomes: On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be
able to:
1. Realize the following using Matlab
Response of LTI systems.
Wavelet Transforms
2. Implement the following using 6713 processor
Response of LTI systems and convolution.
FFT realization and DTMF generation.
Graduate Attributes (as per NBA)
Engineering Knowledge.
Problem Analysis.
Design/Development of solutions