AUWC CS Course Out

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Ambo University Woliso Campus

School of Technology and Informatics

Department of Computer Science

Course title: Digital Logic Design
Course code: EENG2042
Credit hours: 3 ECTS: 5 Contact hrs: 2 Lab hrs: 3 Tutorial hrs: 0
Prerequisite: None
Course category: Supportive
Year: II Semester: I
Instructor Abebe K
Course Description
This course provides an overview of the principles underlying Number systems, arithmetic
operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps,
implementation of digital logic gates using universal gates(NAND and NOR gates),
exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders,
multiplexers, Demultiplexers adders, subtractors, multipliers, sequential circuits, latches,
flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, and counters. Finally, under this course, Analysis and
design of combinational and sequential logic systems will be done.
Course objectives
Upon the completion of the module, Students will be able to:
 Convert between decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems.
 Differentiate different Codes in digital system.
 Perform two-level logic minimization using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps
minimization method.
 Analyze the properties and realization of the various logic gates.
 Perform binary addition and subtraction.
 Implement the Boolean Functions using NAND and NOR gates.
 Incorporate medium scale integrated circuits, like decoders, encoders, multiplexers, etc.,
into circuit design.
 Differentiate and Design Combinational and Sequential circuits.
 Design and analyze clocked sequential circuits.
 Use various types of latches and flip-flops to build binary memory and counters.
o Perform asynchronous and synchronous sequential logic analysis
Course outline
1. Introduction to Digital Systems (2 lecture hour)
1.1 Digital and analogue quantities
1.2 Binary digit logic level and digital waveform
2. Number system, operations and codes (2 lecture hour)
2.1 Decimal number
2.2 Binary number
2.3 Decimal to binary conversation
2.4 1’s and 2’s compliment of binary number
2.5 Signed number
2.6 Hexadecimal number
2.7 Octal number
2.8 BCD
3. Logic gates (2 lecture hour)
3.1 The inverter
3.2 The AND gate
3.3 The OR gate
3.4 The NAND gate
3.5 The NOR gate
3.6 The Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR gates
4. Boolean algebra and Logic simplification (4 lecture hour)
4.1 Boolean operation and expression
4.2 Laws and rules of Boolean algebra
4.3 Demorgan Theorems
4.4 Boolean analysis of logic circuit
4.5 The K-map
5. Combinational logic (6 lecture hour)
5.1 Functions of combinational logic
5.2 Basic combinational logic circuits
5.3 Implementing Combinational logic
5.4 Universal property of NAND and NOR gates
5.5 Adders, decoders , encoders ,multiplexers and de multiplexers
6. Flip flops (4 lecture hour)
6.1 Latches
6.2 Edge triggered flip flops
6.3 Master slave flip flops
6.4 Applications
7. Counters (4 lecture hour)
7.1 Synchronous counters
7.2 Asynchronous counters
7.3 Up/down counters
7.4 Design of synchronous counters
8. Shift registers (4 lecture hour)
8.1 Basic shift registers
8.2 Serial in serial out registers
8.3 Serial in parallel out Registers
9. Memory and storage (4 lecture hour)
9.1 Basics of semiconductor Memory
9.2 Random access memory (RAM’s)
9.3 Read only memory (ROM’s)
9.4 Programmable ROM;s(PROM,EEPROM)
9.5 Flash memories
Assessment Methods
Assignment/quizzes 10 %
Project 20%
Mid semester examination
Final examination 50%

Attendance Requirements 80% Lecture attendance and 100% Lab attendance

Text books and References:

1. Morris M. Mano: Digital Design (3rd Edition)
2. R. J. Tocci and N. S. Widmer: Digital Systems – Principles and Applications, 9th Ed,
Prentice Hall, 2004
3. T.L. Floyd: Digital Fundamentals, 9th edition ,Prentice Hall
4. Stephen Brown, ZvonkoVranesic: Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 1st edition 2002
5. R.P. Jain: Modern Digital Electronics, raw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 1 edition,
(August 21, 2006)
6. AnantAgarwal and Jeffrey Lang: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits,
Morgan Kaufmann Series, Jul 15, 2005

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