5 Sem Syllabus
5 Sem Syllabus
5 Sem Syllabus
Lathi and Zhi Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 4th Edition, Oxford
University Press.
Unit 2 Differential phase-shift keying, Power Spectra, Bandwidth Efficiency, Probability of Error
Analysis-ASK, Probability of Error Analysis-FSK, Probability of Error Analysis-PSK, Probability
of Error Analysis-QPSK, Probability of Error Analysis-QAM.
Unit 3 Uncertainty, Information, Entropy, Source coding, Huffman coding, Shannon Fano coding.
Introduction to error control coding, Linear block code
Unit 4 Discrete PAM signals, Power spectra of discrete PAM signals, Inter-symbol interference, Signal
design for zero ISI, Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less baseband binary transmission, Raised
cosine spectrum, square root raised cosine spectrum, Correlative coding, Eye pattern, Baseband
M-ary PAM systems.
Unit 5 Spread spectrum systems, Code divisionmultiple access – Principle of operation, Forward and
reverse channels, Processing gain, Advantage and disadvantage of CDMA, Concept of near-far
problem and power control, Multicarrier modulation scheme – MC-CDMA, OFDM..
Text Books:
1. *[a] Observe the output of PCM Encoder when a DC voltage is applied to its input. Find the
difference between quantization level of the PCM Encoder.
*[b] Observe the effect when a Sinusoidal signal is passed through PCM Encoder and reconstructed
using PCM Decoder.
2. Evaluate the performance of Non-Uniform Quantizer when used to quantize a speech sample.
3. *Observe the performance of Binary ASK signal in presence of noise.
4. * Observe the performance of Binary FSK signal in presence of noise.
5. Evaluate the performance of QPSK modulated wave in presence of AWGN.
6. Generate the symbols with the following probabilities
x1=0.1, x2=0.1, x3=0.2, x4=0.2, x5=0.4
Using Huffman technique find the codes and the compression ratio.
Using Shannon Fano Encoding technique find the codes and the compression ratio.
8. Generate a (7,4) Linear Block Code given a generator matrix𝐺 = . Assume that the received
vector is 1 0 0 1 0 0 1. Find the Syndrome.
9. Study of Inter Symbol Interference due to band limited channels in baseband digital data
10. Study of CDMA transmitter and receiver.
NOTE:(*) Indicates Hardware Experiments to be performed on TIMS Kits.
Text Books:
[T1] S. K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing- A Computer based approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
[R1] A.V.Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer and J.R. Buck, “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, Pearson Education.
[R2] Tarun Kumar Rawat, “Digital Signal Processing”, Oxford University Press
[R3] John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, And
Applications”, Pearson Education.
1) (a) Introduction to the Digital Signal Processing Kit (DSK) and the Code Composer Studio (CCS).
(b) Sine Wave Generation Using Eight points with DIP Switch Control.
(c) Sine Wave Generation Using sin() Function, Reconstruction, Aliasing, and the Properties of the
AIC 23 Codec.
Course Objectives After doing this course, the students would be able to:
CO-1 Understand and appreciate the design of internal circuits of various modern analog ICs
CO-1 Understand the ideal and nonideal design of linear and nonlinear application circuits using various
analog ICs
CO-3 Understand the circuit design using IC OTAs and their merits and limitations
CO-4 Understand the basic application circuits using miscellaneous other analog ICs such as Log/antilog
modules, Analog multipliers, 555 IC timers, Voltage Regulators, PLL etc.
Unit Number Contents
Unit-1 Building blocks of analog ICs; architectures of internally-compensated-type op-amps and
modern high slew-rate large-BW op-amps; Non ideal parameters of the op-amps and their
effects: input bias currents, CMRR, PSRR, gain-bandwidth conflict and its resolution;
Stability considerations, origin of slew rate and its effect; high slew rate op-amps
Unit-2 Design of various functional circuits; analog filters/oscillators; gain and bandwidth of
inverting/non-inverting/instrumentation amplifiers; Magnitude and phase errors, examples
of passive and active compensated circuits; active-R design.
Unit-3 Log/antilog module; Precision Rectifiers; Comparator and zero crossing detector; Schmitt
Trigger; astable and monostable multivibrators; Square/triangular wave form generators.
Unit-4 Operational Transconductance amplifiers (OTA): LM3080/ LM13600/ LM13700 and modern
IC OTAs such as OPA860/ OPA880; OTA-C realization of electronically-tunable resistors,
inductors, filters, sinusoidal oscillators, non-sinusoidal wave form generators; VCO/CCO;
advantages and limitations of OTA-C circuits.
Unit-5 IC Timer 555 and its applications: various modes of operation, power-on and power-off time-
delays, astable and monostable multivibrators; and other application circuits; IC analog
multipliers and their applications; Miscellaneous analog ICs such as IC Voltage regulators, IC
Function Generators, IC Phase locked loops (PLL) etc.
Suggested readings:
1. S. Franco, ``Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits,’’ Tata McGraw Hill
I Hardware-based Experiments:
1. Experimental verification of a GIC-simulated Inductor and its application in band pass filter design
2. Single-resistor-controlled sinusoidal oscillator design using op-amps
3. Op-amp Comparator and its use in astable and monostable multivibrators design
4. IC555 Timer based VCO designs (variable frequency; variable duty cycle)
5. IC OTA-based circuits, Current controlled integrator; Current controlled square/triangular waveform
6. Applications of IC Analog multipliers AD534
II PSPICE-based Experiments:
7. DC, AC and Transient analysis of inverting/noninverting/unity gain amplifiers
Course Objectives:
Reference Books:
1 Designing Embedded Hardware. 2nd Edition. John Catsoulis. ISBN: 0596007558. O'Reilly
2. Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction. Frank Vahid and Tony
Givargis. ISBN: 0471386782. Wiley.
4. MSP430G2x53 Datasheet
2. HelloSwitch Toggle the LED when the switch is Onboard LED and Switch
pressed and released Onboard LED and Switch
Overcoming bouncing of switch using Onboard LED, External Push-
software method button, 10k resistor
Demonstrate pull-down configuration of Onboard LED, External Push-
switch button, 10k resistor
Demonstrate pull-up configuration of
3 Clock and Reset Demonstrate use of in-between CPU On-board LED, Three external
clock frequency change. Check Reset Switches, 3 10k resistors.
Source for CPU Five external LEDs, Five 330
ohm resistors
4 Interrupts for Implement Hello Switch using Interrupt. Onboard LED and Switch
Switch Implement Hello Switch using rising
Interfacing edge Interrupt Onboard LED, External Switch,
Implement Hello Switch using falling 10k resistor, 1uF capacitor
edge Interrupt
6 Hello LPM Initialising low power mode in msp430 Onboard LED and Switch
for awaking on button interrupt and
toggle led
7 LCD Interfacing Initially Display “Hello Embedded 16*2 LCD, USB cable, trim pot,
Systems!” on LCD. 47 ohm resistor, 1k resistor
Initially Display “Hello Embedded 16*2 LCD, USB cable, trim pot,
Systems!” on LCD. external switch, 47ohm, 1k and
Then use a push button to display or 10k resistor
hide custom characters.
8 HelloTimer Implement a 8bit binary seconds 8 external LEDs, 8 330ohm
counter, displayed using 8 LEDs resistors
10 ADC Interfacing 1) Use the potentiometer to change the External LED, Potentiometer,
red LED intensity from 0 to maximum Resistor, capacitor
in 256 steps. 16*2 LCD, USB cable, trim pot,
2) Use the potentiometer to change the Potentiometer
timer duty cycle and check it on DMM
using RC filter.
3) Display ADC value from external
source in terms of voltage on 16*2
11 HelloADC_Intern Display Internal Temperature sensor 16*2 LCD, USB cable, trim pot
al_Temperature_ value in terms of voltage on 16*2 LCD
12 LFSR Read ADC value and then use it as a 16*2 LCD, USB cable, trim pot,
seed value for the 8 bit LFSR. The new Potentiometer.
LFSR value is then displayed on 16*2 On-board LED, potentiometer
Read ADC value and then use it as a
seed value for the 32 bit LFSR. The new
LFSR value is then used to turn a LED
on or OFF
13 HelloDAC Covert digital to analog value using R-2R 10Kohm, 20Kohm
ladder DAC (1% resistors)
16. RefreshSSD_Inte Change the refresh rate of the SSD 4-digit SSD, BC547 transistor,
rruptBased according to the value from ADC. The On-board switch,
switch is used for incrementing the Potentiometer.
display count. All this is done using
Timer for displaying.
UNIT-1 Introduction to Control Systems, Transfer function and Block Diagram Representation and
Reduction Techniques and Signal Flow graphs, Mason’s Gain formula.
Feedback Characteristics of Control Systems: Feedback and Non-feedback Systems, Reduction of
Parameter Variations by use of Feedback, Control Over System Dynamics by Feedback, Control
of Effects of Disturbance Signal by Feedback and Regenerative Feedback, Sensitivity Analysis.
Unit 2 Transmission characteristics of optical fiber, signal degradation in optical fiber, attenuation, losses
in optical fiber, Transparent windows, transmission rate, Dispersion and pulse broadening in
different types of fibers, Chromatic dispersion, Dispersion shifted and dispersion flattened fibers,
Polarization Mode Dispersion, Nonlinear optical effects, Kerr effects: self-phase modulation, cross-
phase modulation and four-wave mixing.
Unit 3 Optical sources, LED and Laser diode, principle of action, structure and types of LEDs and lasers,
homostructure and heterostructure, characteristics of semiconductor laser and LEDs, Quantum-
well laser diodes, Fabry-Perot laser diodes, Distributed-feedback laser diode, Vertical-cavity
surface-emitting laser
Unit 4 Optical detectors, requirements for photodetectors, types of photodetectors, principle of PIN and
APD diodes, noise in photo detectors, phototransistors and photo conductors.
Unit 5 Functional modules of optical fiber communication system, modulation format, transmitter,
receiver, optical amplifiers, Semi-conductor optical amplifier, Fiber amplifier, multiplexers, WDM
and DWDM systems, Dispersion management, Dispersion compensating fiber, BER and Q factor
Text Books:
1. Senior, John M Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice, Pearson Education Limited, 2009
2. Keiser, Gerd Optical Fiber Communications, 4th ed.,Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
Reference Books:
1. Liu, Max Ming-Kang Principles and Application of Optical Communications, McGraw-Hill Education, 1995
2. Mynbaev, D. K. and Scheiner, L. L. Fiber-Optic Communications Technology, Pearson Education, 2011.
3. Agrawal, Govind P. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, John Wiley & sons, 4e, 2010
List of experiments
1. To establish and study the point-to-point optical fiber communication link and calculate propagation
loss, attenuation in optical fibers.
2. To observe working principle and characteristics of LED and plot its P-I characteristics.
3. To observe working principle and characteristics of LASER and plot its P-I characteristics.
4. To study and plot the refractive index profile and numerical aperture of optical fiber for α=1, 2, 3….∞
using optical simulation tools/ MATLAB.
5. To study different optical transmitter, receiver components using optical simulation tools like Optsim,
Optisystem, etc.
6. To design and evaluate the optical link performance for different modulation formats using optical
simulation tools like Optsim, Optisystem, etc., at different link lengths
Unit 1 Inequalities of Markov and Chebyshev, Weak law of large numbers, Discrete entropy, Joint and
conditional entropies, Entropy in the continuous case, Maximization of continuous entropy,
Entropy of a bandlimited white Gaussian process.
Unit 2 Uniquely decipherable and instantaneous codes, Kraft- McMillan inequality, Noiseless coding
theorem, Construction of optimal codes, Discrete memoryless channel, Mutual information and
channel capacity, Shannon’s fundamental theorem and its weak converse, Capacity of a
bandlimited AWGN channel, Limits to communication – Shannon limit.
Unit 3 Coding for reliable digital transmission and storage, Types of codes, Modulation and coding, ML
decoding, Performance measures, Algebra Background, Groups, Fields, Binary field arithmetic.
Unit 4 Vector Spaces over GF(2), Generator and parity check matrices, Syndrome and error detection,
Standard array and syndrome decoding, Hamming codes Polynomial representation, Systematic
encoding, Cyclic encoding, Syndrome decoding.
Unit 1:
Radar and Radar Equation: Introduction, Radar block diagram and operation, frequencies, applications,
types of transmitters, duplexers and displays, Millimeter and submillimeter waves derivation of radar
equation, Range performance, minimum detectable signal, probability of false alarm and threshold detection,
radar cross-section, system losses and Propagation effects.
Unit 2:
CW Radar – Doppler Effect, CW Radar, applications, FM – CW radar, altimeter, Multiple Frequency Radar.
Pulse Radar – MTI, Delay Line Canceller, Multiple Frequencies, Range-gated Doppler Filters, Coherent and
Non-coherent MTI, Pulse Doppler Radar.
Unit 3
Tracking Radar: Tracking with Radar, Sequential Lobbing, Conical Scanning, Mono- Pulse tracking Radar
phase comparison mono pulse, tracking in range, comparison of trackers, Airborne Doppler Navigation,
Electronic scanning Radar, Principal and Block diagram
Unit 4.
Detection – Introduction, Optimum Bayesian decision rules. Detection criteria for different target
models,Matched Filter, Detection Criteria, Detector characteristics.
Navigation: Introduction, loop antenna, Four methods of Navigation, Local direction finding Loop Antenna,
Goniometer, Errors in direction finding, Adcock direction finder, Its advantage over loop antenna, Radio
ranges, VHF Omnidirectional range, LORAN, DECCA navigation system
Unit 5:
Phased Arrays – Basic concepts, feeds, phase shifters, frequency scan arrays, multiple beams, applications,
advantages and limitations.
Recent trends in satellite navigation -GPS: principle, position location determination, global satellite
[T3}. Title Avionics Navigation System Author M. Kayton and W. Fried Publisher Wiley Interscience Edition
Reference Books:
List of Experiments:
1. Introduction to RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging)
2. Analysis OF RADAR Range Equation.
3. Analysis of Radar Signal to Noise Ratio against target detection range for different values of target Radar
cross section.
4. Analysis of Radar Signal to Noise Ratio against target detection range for different values of Radar peak
5. To study the principle operation of Doppler Radar and MTI Radar.
6. Study of the object counting (number of objects) with the help of Radar.
7. Detection of different types of materials with the help of Radar receiver and transmitter.
8. To study the principle of GPS Technology.
9. To study the satellite link with GPS technology and Radar.
For MATLAB exercise, refer Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB, Bassem R. Mahafza, Ph.D.
Unit-II: Antenna Array: Two Element Array, concept of scanning, N-Element Linear Array, Multiplication
of patterns, End-fire, broadside array, parasitic array, Uniform and Non-uniform array, planar array,
Feeding methods of antenna array element, mutual coupling between two antennas.
Unit-V: Antenna Measurements: Antenna Measurements-Test Ranges for Near and far field, Friis
equation, Radiation Pattern Measurement, Gain, Directivity, Polarization measurement, impedance,
VSWR, bandwidth measurement.
Text Books:
[T1] C.A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2016.
[T2] W. L. Stutzman, G. A. Thiele, “Antenna theory and design”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
[T3] John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka, Ahmad S. Khan,“Antennas and Wave Propagation”, 5th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2017.
[R1] Elliot, R.S., “Antenna Theory and Design”, Revised edition, Wiley IEEE Press.
7. The Measurement of S-parameters of any Device under test (DUT) like one, two and Three port devices
(designed by students) using the vector Network Analyzer(VNA)
Unit-I:Digital image fundamentals and transforms: Elements of visual perception – Image sampling and
quantization Basic relationship between pixels, Basic geometric transformations, Introduction to Fourier
Transform and DFT, Properties of 2D Fourier Transform, Separable Image Transforms: Walsh, Hadamard,
Discrete Cosine Transform, Haar, Slant, Karhunen – Loeve transforms.
Unit-II: Image enhancement and restoration: Spatial Domain methods: Basic grey level transformation,
Histogram equalization, Image subtraction, Image averaging, Spatial filtering: Smoothing, sharpening filters.
Laplacian filters, Frequency domain filters: Smoothing, Sharpening filters, Homomorphic filtering.
Unit-III: Image restoration: Model of Image Degradation/restoration process: Noise models, Inverse filtering,
Least mean square filtering, Constrained least mean square filtering, Blind image restoration, Pseudo inverse,
Singular value decomposition.
Unit-IV: Morphological Image processing: Set theory for Digital Images, Logical operations on Binary digital
Images, Dilation, Erosion operations and their Combinations, Morphological reconstruction.
Image segmentation: Edge detection – Thresholding - Region Based segmentation, Boundary representation,
chain codes, polygonal approximation, boundary segments, boundary descriptors: Simple descriptors: Fourier
descriptors, Regional descriptors.
Unit-V: Image representation and interpretation: boundary descriptors: Simple descriptors: Fourier
descriptors, regional descriptors. Simple descriptors: Texture
Recognition and interpretation: Elements of image analysis, Patterns and pattern classes, Decision-theoretic
methods, Structural Methods, Interpretation.
Text Books:
[T1] Rafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods 2nd Edition, Digital Image Processing - Pearson Education 2003.
[R1] William K Pratt, Digital Image Processing John Willey (2001).
[R2] A.K. Jain, PHI, New Delhi (1995)-Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.
[R3] Jae S. Lim, Two-dimensional Signal and Image Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey. 1990.
8. a) Perform basic morphological processing of binary images (corrosion, expansion, opening operation
and closing operation).
b) Use morphological operations to achieve noise smoothing and image edge extraction of grayscale
9. Open up the image cameraman.tif in MATLAB, and apply each of the following edge
findingtechniquesin turn:
i. Roberts
ii. Prewit
iii. Sobel
iv. Laplacian(withcentrevaluepositiveandnegative)
v. Zero-crossings of a Laplacian(vi)TheMarr-Hilderthmethod
vi. Whichseemstoyou toprovidethe bestlookingresult?
10. ImageSegmentation:
i. Region-orientedsegmentation
ii. Gradient-basedsegmentation
11. Imagerepresentation:(i)Chaincodes,(ii)signatures,(iii)boundarysegments,(iv)skeletons.
12. ImageDescription:(i)Fourierdescriptors,(ii)statisticalmoments,(iii)regionaldescriptors,and
[T1] Roubik Gregorian, Gabor C. Temes, “Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal
Processing”, Willey International.
[T2] Behzad Razavi,`` Principles of data conversion system design,” S. Chand and
Company Ltd.
[T3] Phillip E. Allen and Douglas R. Holberg,`` CMOS Analog Circuit Design,” Oxford
University Press.
[T4] Baker, Li and Boyce,`` CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation,” Prentice Hall
[T5] Gray, Meyer, Lewis, Hurst,`` Analysis and design of Analog IC’s,” Willey International.
Unit-2 Combinational MOS logic circuits, Static CMOS logic, Pseudo-NMOS logic, pass
transistors, complementary pass transistor logic, CMOS transmission-gate logic,
differential CMOS logic, transistor sizing, logical effort theory.
Unit-3 Sequential MOS logic circuits, timing metrics for sequential circuits, bistability
principle, static latches and flip flops, dynamic latches and registers, master-slave
flip-flops and pulse triggered flip-flops, registers, concept of clock skew and clock
[T1] Sung M. Kang, Yusuf Lablebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design”, Tata Mc-
Graw Hill, 4th Edition
[T2] Jan M. Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, Borivojenikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits-A design
perspective”, Pearson, 2nd Edition
[T3] Neil Weste and David Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective” ,
Pearson, 4th Edition
List of experiments:
1. Implement a CMOS inverter and plot its transient and DC characteristics.
2. Implement a 3-input NAND gate and verify its functionality through transient analysis.
3. Implement a 2x1 multiplexer and verify its functionality through transient analysis.
4. Implement a CMOS circuit to realize the logic function F = A+BC+DE.
5. Implement dynamic and static D-Latch and D-Flip flop using pass transistor logic.
6. Implement a PowerPC based Transmission Gate Flip-flop (TGFF).
7. Implement a Toggle Flip-flop using TGFF and realize an 8-bit asynchronous counter.
8. Implement EXOR circuit using transmission gates and inverters and characterize for delay, power, PDP and
9. Determine the relationship between gate capacitance and transistor widths at 180nm TSMC CMOS process
10. Determine the transistor sizes of a 2x1 multiplexer (using only two input NAND gates) for minimum power
delay product (PDP) using Logical Effort theory at 16X capacitive load.