Space Technology For National Security: GP Capt Vivek Kapur Senior Fellow, CAPS

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CAPS In Focus 11 April 2016 www.capsindia.




Gp Capt Vivek Kapur
Senior Fellow, CAPS

Introduction IRNSS satellites. The seventh and last satellite of

the IRNSS system is planned to be launched
The afternoon of 13 March 2016 saw the during April 20163. These events have a bearing
successful insertion into its planned orbit of the on the countrys overall power and capabilities
satellite, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite and require analysis.
System -1F (IRNSS-1F), by the thirty third
Capability Progression and Future
consecutive successful mission of the Polar
Technology Development
Satellite Launch Vehicle Commercial-32 (PSLV C-
32) - the Indian Space Research Organisations Indias space program commenced with
(ISROs) workhorse PSLV rocket1. This was the formation of Indian National Committee for
PSLVs thirty second commercial mission hence Space Research (INCOSPAR) in the early 1960s
named PSLV-C322. The initial experimental test and later in the same decade with the formation
launches of ISROs rockets carry mission of ISRO4. Initially, the organisation experimented
numbers prefixed by E, for instance SLV E-1 with imported sounding rockets of French and
while development missions are prefixed with a US origin. In the 1970s, in an effort to better
D, for instance PSLV D-2 and commercial exploit space technology for national
missions carry the prefix C for the mission development, ISRO ventured into satellite design
number. With this successful launch two and manufacture. Early satellites such as
important capabilities were demonstrated by Aryabhata, which was launched by the USSR
ISRO. Firstly, the PSLV has once again proven its from Baikonur aboard a Soviet launch vehicle,
reliability and high precision launch capabilities. Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE),
Secondly, ISRO has moved a step closer to carried aloft on the European Space Agencys
completion of the full planned constellation of (ESAs) Ariane launch rocket, were the countrys

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CAPS In Focus 11 April 2016

early experimental satellites5. After achieving a developing its Geostationary Satellite Launch
level of confidence in satellite design and Vehicle (GSLV) in its Mk-I, Mk-II and Mk-III
exploitation ISRO proceeded to work towards variants to boost the individual payload lift
plugging the launch technology gap in the capability to above four tons per launch. At
country. The Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) present India still requires to purchase launch
launched with a measure of success in 1979, facilities on foreign rockets for its heavier
1981 and 1983 led on to the Augmented Satellite satellites11. Heavy lift launch capability will also
Launch Vehicle (ASLV) and then to the Polar be needed for the proposed manned space flight
Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). The SLV was phase of space exploration by India. The GSLV
capable of placing mere 40 kg class payloads into incorporates high thrust cryogenic engine
Low Earth Orbit (LEO)6. The ASLV launched technology. ISRO is also developing a launcher
between 1987 and 1992 served to prove called LVM-3 to lift up to 4,000 kg payloads to
technologies that could be utilised in later launch GTO and 8,000 kg to LEO12.
vehicles. The ASLV was able to place payloads
The progress and achievements of ISRO are
weighing up to 150 kg into LEO or 400 km
commendable and have given the country a
circular orbits7. The ASLV essentially comprised
leading position in space technology
a SLV core mated with booster rockets arranged
development and exploitation for national
around its base to give higher thrust. The ASLV
development. India is today self-sufficient in
also featured solid propellants in all stages8. The
satellite technology and launch technology. The
PSLV that was used to launch the IRNSS-1F
country also has a wealth of experience in
satellite has emerged as one of the most reliable
utilisation of space technology for national
launchers in the world. It can carry payloads
development and myriad uses for human
weighing 1,750 kg to sun synchronous polar
development. These range from mapping of
orbit (SSPO), 1,450 kg to geostationary transfer
parameters required for agriculture, to
orbit (GTO) and has been used to place satellites
education, communication, etc. 13 Unlike most
in geosynchronous orbit (such as the IRNSS
other countries India has advanced its space
satellites), and geostationary orbit. PSLV
program entirely for civil human development
comprises a solid fuel core9. In its enhanced
purposes. Military applications are limited to
versions such as the PSLV-G and PSLV-XL up to
utilisation of a few transponders aboard
six solid fuelled strap-on rockets are attached
satellites for communication and access to some
around its first stage to boost thrust. A PSLV-XL
imagery from ISROs remote sensing (IRS)
rocket was used to launch Indias Mars Orbiter
satellites. Starting out with resolutions of a few
Mission (MOM) in 201410. ISRO is testing and
meters the later ISRO optical earth observation

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CAPS In Focus 11 April 2016

satellites, cartographic satellite (CARTOSAT) and Analysis of ISROs Current Development

Technology Experimental Satellite (TES) have Programs
achieved sub-metric resolution. ISRO has also
A few issues related to access to space,
moved on to value added services. The Global
however, remain. Launch rockets are a mature
Positioning System (GPS) Aided Geo Augmented
technology but suffer from the drawback of
Navigation (GAGAN) system has been developed
taking a long time to manufacture and a long
and operationalised by ISRO. GAGAN aims to
time to prepare for launch due to limited speed
improve the accuracy of GPS signals through
of fuelling with volatile rocket fuels. Being single
implementation of a satellite aided regional
use items they are also relatively expensive. The
differential GPS system for all, especially
national interest may require short notice launch
commercial users, over the Indian landmass.
of satellites to deal with several different
However, it suffers from the drawback of relying
contingencies. Such situations with the current
upon foreign owned and operated GPS
technology require satellites of various types
navigational signals14. Such signals are open to
pre-fabricated and prepared for launch, including
degradation and / or denial by the system
being mated to launch rockets that have also
operator (s). In order to overcome this deficiency
been fabricated in advance and at least partially
ISRO has initiated the IRNSS program. This
fuelled to reduce launch lead time. Despite all
program envisages coverage over a swath of 40
such measures a rocket launch still would take
degrees by 40 degrees in latitude and longitude,
several days from being ordered till lift off. Such
which would enable full coverage of Indian
a situation would lead to a lack of strategic and
territory and about 1500 km beyond Indias
tactical flexibility in the countrys ability to fully
borders and coastlines. Such coverage should
exploit space technology to achieve national
suffice for Indias needs. IRNSS uses a unique
security goals.
configuration to achieve the desired system with
a mere seven satellites of which the last is ISRO has been working on a reusable
expected to be launched in April 2016. With this launch vehicle for some time now. News reports
system becoming fully operational later this year, indicate that the assembly of ISROs Reusable
India would achieve strategic independence in Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstrator (RLV-
accurate satellite based navigation for all uses TD) is nearing completion and tests are being
from military to commercial15. IRNSS coverage carried out on the vehicle. A test launch is
can be extended when required through adding possible around mid-May 201616.
satellites adjacent to the initial constellation
Such a launch vehicle is likely to utilise a
centered over India.
combination of rocket engines and supersonic

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CAPS In Focus 11 April 2016

combustion ramjet (Scramjet) engines. A rocket Indications are that in the near future India
engine would initially boost the vehicle to very could achieve considerable progress in
high supersonic speeds of around Mach 3 to operationalising reliable and quick response
Mach 4. At this stage the compression required space access capabilities. Such a development
for a scramjet to operate would be achieved and would provide a big boost for the countrys
the scramjet - that uses atmospheric oxygen, strategic autonomy and capability to protect the
hence providing lower weight of the basic national interest.
vehicle would enable carrying higher useful
payloads. A scramjet carries only fuel and no
oxygen / oxidiser unlike a rocket engine that ISRO has, since its formation in the 1960s,
needs to carry both fuel and an oxidiser. The made considerable progress in development of
scramjet phase would boost the vehicle to very satellite technology and space launch rocket
high speeds into the upper atmosphere close to technology. Having achieved self-sufficiency in
or past the Karman line17. The payload carried satellite technology, ISRO has moved on to
aboard could now be injected into orbit. In cases refining its value offerings from its satellites.
where very high altitudes are required to be Alongside, it has also developed a robust national
reached, the vehicle could carry the payload space launch capability. Having established the
mated to another smaller rocket engine which PSLV as a reliable and proven workhorse it is
would now ignite to take the payload to altitudes now working on enhancing its heavy lift
beyond the scramjets capability. Its mission capability. In parallel, ISRO has also been
carried out, the vehicle would now glide back to working on development of reusable launch
earth to either land like an aircraft or be vehicle technology and hopes to demonstrate its
recovered through use of parachutes or ditching first reusable launch vehicle in May 2016. These
into the sea. The vehicle could now be prepared developments point towards a considerable
for reuse thus saving considerable cost. Such enhancement of Indias scientific and
technology, in addition to cost saving, could also technological base and the ability to exploit space
provide quicker access to space when needed as technology for national development and
full fabrication of a complete launch vehicle security.
would not be required for each launch. A fleet of
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this
even four or five such RLVs could provide the article are those of the author and do not necessarily
flexibility needed by the country to face different reflect the position of the Centre for Air Power Studies
contingencies effectively.

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CAPS In Focus 11 April 2016

Notes 15 Ibid., ISRO launches PSLV C32, India's sixth 16PTI, ISRO plans technology demonstration of Reusable
navigation satellite, Launch Vehicle mission by mid-May,
_C32_Indias_sixth_navigation_satellite_999.html, accessed -plans-technology-demonstration-of-reusable-launch-
on March 14, 2016. vehicle-mission-by-mid-may/, accessed on March 28, 2016.

2 Ibid.
3 Lisa Jani, ISRO for Improving National Space 17 The Karman line is the universally accepted line
Programme, separating the atmosphere from space and lies at about
improving-national-space-programme-2037890.html, 100 kilometers above sea level., How
accessed on March 16, 2016. High is Space,,
4 ISRO timeline, accessed on March 28, 2016.
to-today#73, accessed on March 20, 2016.
5, ISRO Missions,,
accessed on March 21, 2016., SLV,,
accessed on March 21, 2016.
7, ASLV,, accessed on March
21, 2016.
8 Ibid.
9, PSLV,, accessed on
March 21, 2016.
10 Ibid., Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
(GSLV),, accessed
on March 22, 2016.

12, LVM-3,, accessed on
March 26, 2016.
13, Applications,, accessed on March
22, 2016.
14, A step towards initial Satellite based
Navigation Services in India: GAGAN & IRNSS,
accessed on March 26, 2016.

Centre for Air Power Studies | @CAPS_India | Centre for Air Power Studies

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