Mathematical Model of The Double Effect Telescopic Hydraulic Damper

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Scientific Bulletin of the The 6th International Conference on

Politehnica University of Timisoara Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics

Transactions on Mechanics Special issue Timisoara, Romania, October 21 - 22, 2004



Doru CALARASU, Prof.* Elena SERBAN, Lecturer

Department of Hydraulic Machinery Department of Computer Science and Engineering
"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Dan SCURTU, Assoc. Prof.
Department of Hydraulic Machinery
"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
*Corresponding author: Bv. Dimitrie Mangeron 59A, 7000050 , Iasi, Romania
Tel.: (+40) 232 278680 (+2138), Fax: (+40) 232 242109, Email:[email protected]

The paper presents the fundamental aspects of the The hydraulic dampers performances have a major
double effect telescopic hydraulic damper used by rail influence both in vehicle stability and the passengers'
vehicles. A mathematical model that may helps to the comfort. In most cases, the design objective is a com-
realization of some numerical simulation is also pro- promise between comfort and stability. Hard dampers
posed. The results of the simulations are compared to are used for vehicles that must be able to run on very
experimental data. uneven roads. These dampers diminish the comfort,
but increase the adherence to the road.
KEYWORDS The hydraulic damper has a double effect and it
telescopic hydraulic damper, mathematical model, suppresses the oscillations in both senses with a greater
numerical simulation energy in spring relaxation phase.
The hydraulic telescopic dampers with two tubes
NOMENCLATURE represent the most used constructive solution. The oleo-
pneumatic damper represents a progress in dampers
F force at the hydraulic cylinder rod realization.
m reduced mass
p1 , p 2 cylinder rooms pressure
A1 , A2 cylinder room area A bitubular hydraulic telescopic damper transforms
the kinetic energy of the oscillating movement in
∆p dr throttle pressure losses thermic energy dissipated outwards. This energy
∆p s 2 valve pressure losses transformation is the result of the viscous friction
ρ oil density that appears at the damper fluid passing through the
vp piston velocity calibrated lamination orifices.
The AT 13 AHT, used at the wagons, schematic
vs valve flow velocity diagram is presented in Figure 1.
ν oil kinematic viscosity In compression phase, the piston 10 realizes an
λ throttle flow linear loss coefficient over-pressure in lower room. The valve 9 is opened
ξ throttle flow local loss coefficient and a connection with upper room is realized. When
a1 , a 2 , l1 , l 2 throttle geometric characteristics the force F exceeds an imposed limit, the valve 8 is
opened too.
ABBREVIATIONS In relaxation phase, the piston 10 compresses the
oil from upper room of the cylinder 6. The valve 9 is
AHT – hydraulic telescopic damper closed, and the oil from the tank 12 is aspired in lower
room through valve 11. The oil is evacuated through

1 b 3
F 1
vp d
2 p1,A 1 p2,A2 Fc ,vp
3 Q Q Q Q1
4 S2 2 Q2

S1 Dr F

7 4 4 S3

9 Figure 2. Compression phase

2. Bernoulli equations for sections 1-2, and 2-3 re-
10 spectively
p1 v 2p p2 ∆p s 2 α ⋅ v s2 l dv s
11 + = + + + (2)
γ 2g γ γ 2g g dt
12 and
Figure 1. The constructive scheme of AHT damper p2 α ⋅ vs2 p2 α ⋅ v 2p
+ = + (3)
γ 2g γ 2g
throttle 2, and when the pressure exceeds a limit im-
posed by the force F value, the valve 8 is opened too. Taking into consideration the following values:
The oil evacuation is realized through the same α = 1 , l = 0 , ∆p dr = p 2 and v p = v s 2 , from Eq. (2) and
circuit composed from throttle 2 and valve 8, no matter
which phase takes place. (3), it obtains:
The volume and the oil flow differences between p1 = ∆p de + ∆p s 2 (4)
the two phases leads to an energy difference dissipated p 2 = ∆p dr (5)
for compression and relaxation, respectively.
3. The fluid continuity equation:
The relaxation damping force Fd and the com-
where: Q = A1 ⋅ v p ; Q1 = A2 ⋅ v p .
pression damping force Fc represent the resistances
The fluid flow through throttle is:
realized by the damper when the piston run the relaxa-
tion stroke and compression stroke, respectively. The Q2 = Q − Q1 = v p ( A1 − A2 ) (7)
diagram of these forces versus the piston velocity
v p represents the damper external characteristic. 4. Pressure losses through throttle and valve, respec-
3.1. Compression phase q ⎛ Q2 ⎞
∆p dr = ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎟ (8)
The Figure 2 represents the hydraulic scheme of 2 ⎝ µ dr ⋅ Adr ⎠
the AT 13 damper in compression phase. This scheme
highlights the fluid circuit. q⎛ Q ⎞
∆p s 2 = ⎜ ⎟ (9)
The mathematical model results from the system 2 ⎜⎝ µ s 2 ⋅ As 2 ⎟

analytical description:
1. Dynamic balance equation 5. It will be considered the friction force Ff through δ
dv p space piston – cylinder under laminar hypothesis:
Fc = m + F f + p1 A1 − p 2 a 2 (1)
dt vp
F f = ν ⋅ ρ ⋅ πD ⋅ b ⋅ (10)

From Eqs. (1) –(10) it results that: dv p νρπDb
Fd = m + vp +
dv p νρπDb dt δ (16)
Fc = m + v p + ( A1 − A2 ) p 2 (11) ρ
dt δ + ( A1 − A2 )[1 + ( A1 − A2 )A2 k (Re)] v 2p
Taking into consideration, the throttle geometry, it
results: 3.3. Simulation diagram
The diagram used to simulate the AHT damper is
dv p νρπDb ρ
Fc = m + v p + ( A1 − A2 )3 k (Re)v 2p (12) presented in Figure 4. The simulation was made using
dt δ 2
the MATLAB – Simulink software.
where The simulation was mede taking into consideration
the fact that the piston movement is a sinusoidal wave
1 ⎛ l ⎞ 1 ⎛ l1 ⎞
k (Re) = ⎜1 + ξ + λ 2 2 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ λ1 − 1⎟⎟ (13) that has the form:
2 ⎜ 2
a2 ⎝ d 2 ⎠ a1 ⎝ d1 ⎠
s (t ) = s 0 sin (ωt )

3.2. Relaxation phase where s 0 is the maximum piston displacement and

The relaxation phase corresponding hydraulic ω is the wave angular frequency.
scheme is presented in Figure 3.
2 b 3 XY Graph
d du/dt du/dt m

Fd , vp Sine Wave

D p1,A1
p 2 ,A2 k1c

Q1 k2d
Q S2

S1 Dr F Switch
Q2 k2c

1 1 4 4 S3

Figure 4. Simulation diagram.

Figure 3. Relaxation phase
The equation for the relaxation force Fd results
following the same calculus procedure. So,
dv pνρπDb ρ
Fd = m + v p + ( A1 − A2 )v 2p +
dt δ 2 (14)
+ ∆p dr A2 + ∆p s1 A1

The following hypothesis is taking into consideration:

∆p s1 ≅ 0 and ∆p dr = p 2 and it results:

dv p νρπDb ρ
Fd = m + v p + ( A1 − A2 )v 2p + p 2 A2 (15)
dt δ 2

where p2 = ( A1 − A2 )2 k (Re) v 2p and k (Re) is
defined in Eq. (13).
The relaxation force Fd is defined in Eq. (16) Figure 5. Force and piston velocity time history
as: diagram.

Parameter Value
A1 1.32×10-3 [m2]
A2 9.401×10-4 [m2]
d1 4.5×10-3 [m2]
d2 2×10-3 [m2]
l1 8×10-3 [m2]
l2 0.02 [m2]

The paper presents the damper as a hydraulic
system. The schemes for compression phase and for
relaxation phase are presented.
Figure 6. Force vs. piston displacement diagram. A mathematical model and a simulation scheme
using MATLAB Simulink are obtained.
The AT 13 damper external characteristic was
obtained by simulation. The damper is supposed
working in a dynamic regime.
The characteristics obtained by simulation are
confirmed by experimental results.

1. Livint Gh., (1996) Automatic system theory, Gamma,
Iasi, Romania (in Romanian)
2. Marin V., Marin A., (1981) Automatic hydraulic
systems, Tehnica, Bucarest, Romania (in Romanian)
3. Matei P., Calarasu D., (1984) Hydraulic and
pneumatic drivers, Vol. 1, I.P. Iasi, Romania (in
4. Mazilu I., Marin V., (1982) Automatic hydrau-
Figure 7. Force vs. piston velocity diagram licsystems, Academiei, Bucuresti, Romania (in
5. Oprean A., Ionescu Fl., Dorin Al., (1982) Hydraulic
4. NUMERICAL RESULTS drivers. Elements and systems. Tehnica, Bucuresti,
The simulation results were obtained taking into Romania (in Romanian)
consideration the following values for the parameters 6. Sebastian L., (1972) Automatica, EDP, Bucuresti,
that appear in Eq. (1) – (16) Romania, (in Romanian)
7. Voicu M., (1980) System Theory, Vol. 1+2, I.P.
Parameter Value Iasi, Romania (in Romanian)
ω 9.52 [rad/s]
λ1 0.045
λ2 0.03
ξ 0.5
m 10 [kg]
ν 4.5×10-5
ρ 940 [kg/m3]
D 0.041 [m]
b 0.03 [m]
δ 4×10-4 m]


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