May 2005
(KPOD, DPOD, Tidal Link and Cholri Weir)
Page No.
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. v
I. Background ...................................................................................................
II. Introduction..................................................................................................
Annex 1. Persons Met by the Mission...................................................................... 46
Annex 2. References ................................................................................................. 49
Annex 3. Program for World Bank Mission............................................................. 53
Annex 4. Concepts in Tidal Link Design.................................................................. 56
May 2005
List of Tables
Table 1. Decisions and Actions of the Government in Response to Damages
to LBOD .................................................................................................
Table 2. Content of SMO Monitoring Reports .........................................................
Table 3. Content of NIO Annual Physical Monitoring Report ..............................
Table 4. Earlier Salinity Measurements in the Tidal Liink Area (mS/cm) ...............
Table 5. Number of Birds Recorded in the Annual Waterfowl Census by SWD .....
Table 6. Selected Parameters from the Analysis of Sugar Factory and KPOD
Effluent ....................................................................................................
List of Figures
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7a
Figure 8a
Figure 8b
Figure 9
Figure 10
List of Maps
Map 1:
LBOD Outfall System.............................................................................. 2
Map 2:
Schematic Diagram of LBOD Outfall ..................................................... 43
Map 3-6: Satellite Images of the Indus Delta .....................................................43-46
May 2005
(KPOD, DPOD, Tidal Link and Cholri Weir)
LBOD Stage I project was executed during 1984-1997 to relieve water logging and
salinity in 1.27 million acres in Mirpurkhas, Sanghar, and Nawabshah Districts. The
project included a Tidal Link Canal to carry the saline drainage effluent from a spinal
drain 42 km across the coastal zone to the Arabian Sea in view of the international and
environmental dimensions of the Rann of Kutch. Soon after completion some of the
banks and weir structures in the Tidal Link failed mainly because of the silty loam
material of the soil in the area used in the construction which is highly sensitive to flow
velocity which scoured the bed and breached the embarkments. In 2001 a WB fact
finding mission concurred with the government that the damages were beyond repair.
In July 2003 storms resulted in extensive damages and losses in the Lower Badin
District in the vicinity of LBOD which galvanized the Government of Pakistan and the
population in the Badin District to find and implement a solution to this problem.
The World Bank organized a mission in March 2005 to review the present conditions at
the outfall and identify the possible alternatives to mitigate the damages and secure the
benefits of LBOD. The mission concluded that the Tidal Link carried a flow at least
two times the design discharge of 4,400 cusecs during the floods of July 2003. A
combination of factors that caused damages and loses in the lower basin were identified
by the mission: a) the storm that affected the area combined with a typhoon and sea
high tide; b) water coming to the area from the irrigation canals and irrigation refusals;
c) breaches occurred in the upper LBOD basin; d) lack of maintenance in the LBOD
system; f) institutional weakness and lack of preparedness for an emergency flood
management. These conditions were not foreseen at design stage.
Sea water was no t expected to penetrate more than 19 km from its outlet upstream into
the Tidal Link, to an area about 11 km downstream of the Cholri Weir. At present both
tidal fluctuations and sea water intrude into the dhands and KPOD, and the drainage
and environmental functions of the Tidal Link portion of the LBOD outlet is impaired.
The result is that there is now an open connection between the dhands and the Tidal
Link, exposing the dhands to tidal fluctuations, sea water intrusion, sedimentation, and
excessive drainage during low tide. A small tidal creek type system of drainage
channels has now developed in Cholri Dhand, which is closest to the Tidal Link. No
tidal fluctuations are evident in Sanhro and Mehro Dhands.
May 2005
During the July 2003 storm, Badin received 218 mm of rain and Nawabshah in the
upper part of the LBOD basin received 191 mm. LBOD canals were overtopped and
numerous breaches occurred, in part because farmers in the upper LBOD basin cutting
the banks of the drains to hasten the drainage of rain water from their fields. Equally
important, the discharge into KPOD and the Tidal Link Canal were more than twice the
design discharge, resulting in severe scour of the Tidal Link Canal as well as breaches
in both its right and left embankments. As a result local people have felt the LBOD
outfall scheme increase the vulnerability of their already fragile livelihood system.
The present conditions of the outfall system do not provide the hydrological,
environmental and social functions that were originally considered at the design phase.
The LBOD can now be described as a new river that is forming an estuary and is an
integral part of creek formation into the coastal area. The Tidal Link has invited the sea
to approach the land and now the tidal fluctuations are visible. This process will
continue, and its progress is difficult to predict. Adapting to this new process requires
continuous hydraulic and environmental monitoring in a learning by doing approach.
The mission believes that the present actions taken by the Government, namely repairs
to parts of the drainage system and lowering the DPOD weir, are considered
appropriate for those site conditions, but do not constitute a comprehensive and
sustainable solution. Other actions should be further analyzed before implementation.
The mission recommends a combination of hard structural measures and institutional
soft actions to address these objectives. Most of the agencies concerned with some
aspect of LBOD drains and the Tidal Link have undertaken missions to examine the
conditions on the ground, and have made proposals, including so called immediate
measures, to alleviate the situation. A comprehensive strategy or plan to solve the
current problems has not yet been prepared, particularly a plan that wo uld respond the
wide range of challenges and objectives.
In view of the mission estimate that a 24 hrs storm event similar to that experienced in
July 2003 has a 56% probability of occurring in a five- year period, the mission
recommends to initiate without further delay the implementation of the institutional and
structural following proposed actions:
1. Develop and agree in a Flood Management Plan to compliment the
emergency contingency plan proposed by the Badin DCO;
2. Establish a professional O&M program for the main drains and outfall
3. Implement the World Banks proposed concept for a the livelihoods relief
and improvement program in the coastal areas of Badin and Thatta;
May 2005
Diversion of the Seerani drain and other Kotri drains into the dhands.
Construct a gated structure at the DPOD and KPOD to control the flows
in both directions.
Analyze the location of the tidal control structure in the KPOD and
possible control structures in the drains.
The proposal to extend the drainage system by studying LBOD Stage II & III in light of
the present outfall conditions of the outfall should be postponed until the existing
problems are adequately address and solved. Moreover, the strategy to manage the
storm drainage in the upper basin needs to be organized and tested. This approach
would avoid aggravating or increasing social unrest, vulnerability and anxiety in the
Badin District that might result from a decision to go ahead with premature studies at a
time when people participation is most needed.
Given the complexity of the system and its present evolution and dynamics, the
proposed physical interventions require continuous monitoring as a part of the learning
by doing process, and the collection of data essential for adequate analysis of problems
and options. These studies and follow up actions, if the Sindh Government agrees, will
be included in the Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project presently in advance stage
of preparation.
May 2005
May 2005
(KPOD, DPOD, Tidal Link and Cholri Weir)
The total estimated cost of the project at appraisal in November 1984 was US$635.7 million.
Maps, Charts, Figures and Tables, unless they appear in the text, are located at the end of the report.
The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) mission estimated that unquantifiable benefits (for
example, non-farm benefits such as storm water drainage or the multiplier effects of the projects
substantial employment benefits) that were not included in this estimate of the economic IRR could
increase the IRR to 15-20%.
Continuation of the erosion of the Tidal Link Canal bed and banks, destruction
of the Cholri Weir intended to protect environmentally important coastal zone areas,
and the penetration of tidal fluctuations and sea water upstream to where it could
threaten ecosystems and the drains, was worsened and accelerated by major storms
associated with the southwest monsoon in 1999 and 2003. Overloading of the LBOD
drains during the July 2003 storms worsened the impact of the heavy rain that caused
widespread damage. Although the Tidal Link continues to function, its many breaches,
changes in canal cross section, and movement of the tides and seawater into the drains
and dhands have called into question the long term sustainability and functionality of
the LBOD outlet works. Moreover, it became clear after the 2003 storm that LBOD
outlet system could not handle or be secured against the effects of the large volume of
May 2005
storm water runoff that results from the large, intense monsoon season rain storms like
those that have occurred recently in this region in 1994, 1999 and 2003.
Purpose and objective of the mission. After the July 2003 storms, which
resulted in extensive damages and losses, the Government of Sindh and the Federal
Government were anxious to find a strategy to secure the benefits generated from
LBOD Stage I Project in its upper reaches and prevent the recurrence of damages in the
outfall from such events. The concerned agencies at Federal and Provincial level
undertook studies and site visits and presented proposals for action by the Government.
The Provincial Government the 30 of September, 2004 in the meeting held to present
the conclusions of the Drainage Master Plan, asked the World Bank to organize an
International Panel of Experts (POE) to review the hydrologic, ecological, water quality
data that had been gathered since 1999, to assess the current performance of LBOB and
the Tidal Link and identify the associated problems, and to recommend a course of
action to the Government. The World Bank sent an official request to the Federal
Government on November 8, 2004 to inform about the objectives of the mission and
prepare the necessary arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the mission with
the participation of the different government agencies involved in the LBOD Stage I
Project. The mission wants to acknowledge the full support given to the mission and the
full access to the information ready available. Nevertheless the efforts genuinely
displayed some information was not accessible in the offices visited and will require a
detail search in the future, particularly in view of the further analysis of the missions
proposed actions
The POE4 undertook a mission to Pakistan from March 7 to March 2005. The
mission visited Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, Badin and Thatta to learn about the
project area and review the LBOD outfall system performance since its completion.,
and to discuss the issues with government officials, technical staff of the concerned
agencies and Institutes, local government officials, stakeholders in the project area
including fisherman and farmers, and NGOs5 . Government and non-government
officials and technical experts were extremely generous with their time and provided
considerable data and background information and reports to the mission. The World
Bank Country Office, the PC of NDP, the staff and management of the Irrigation and
Drainage Authority (SIDA), and the Additional Secretary, Sindh Irrigation and Power
Department (IPD), provided important lo gistical support and substantive guidance to
the mission. The mission is very grateful to all these officials and experts for their
hospitality and assistance. The mission initial findings were presented to the Minister of
Irrigation and Power Mr. Nadir Leghari on Friday 18 of March.
The POE consisted of Dr. Fernando Gonzalez, Mission Leader and water management expert; Dr.
Javier Aparicio, coastal engineering expert; Mr. Santiago Funes, social and institutional expert; and
Dr. Walter Garvey, environment and water resources expert.
A list of organizations and officials that met with the mission is given in Annex 1 and the detail
program mission is given in Annex 3.
May 2005
The LBOD Stage I project 6 . The area served by LBOD was proposed by the
Government of Pakistan because of the acute problems of salinity and waterlogging
which severely affected the productivity, income and livelihood of the population living
in this area. The Badin District in the lower LBOD basin consists of extremely flat land
that is traditionally exposed to extensive inundation during heavy rain because of low
infiltration rates and slow runoff (this cond ition prevails to a somewhat lesser degree in
many areas of the upper basin as well). The natural drainage is also impeded in the
monsoon season by the high tides and extensive flooding of the coastal zone, which is
the natural outlet for this slow and shallow overland flow. The upper basin of LBOD,
Nawabshah, Sanghar and Mirpurkhas Districts in central Sindh Province receive
irrigation water from the Indus River by means of the Sukkur Barrage and the Nara and
Rohri canals. The purpose of the LBOD scheme was to relieve water logging by
lowering the water table and remove saline water from this irrigated area. The LBOD
Stage I project7 provided drainage tubewells and tile drains to lower the water table and
collect saline water as well as new and remodeled surface drains to collect and transfer
this saline water to a new spinal drain8 . The accumulated discharge of the spinal drain
was connected downstream to two older drains 9 (Map 1): Kadhan Pateji Outfall Drain
(KPOD) (a drain built to collect saline discharge from numerous small drains in the
Kotri basin of eastern Badin District and carry this drainage discharge into Pateji Dhand
and the Rann of Kutch); and the Dhoro Puran Outfall Drain (DPOD) (an old natural
channel thought to be a remnant of an ancient Indus River channel that flowed into
Shakoor Dhand near the Rann of Kutch). This brought the brackish and in some cases
saline agricultural drainage water of LBOD Stage I Project to the edge of the coastal
zone a wide, flat plain consisting of mud and partly salt encrusted flats, shallow
depressions some of which are lakes perennially filled with brackish to hyper-saline
water, and a zone of active tidal creeks that connect this plain to the sea.
This report does not contain a complete description of the LBOD Stage 1 project. A full description
can be found in the World Bank Implementation Completion Report (ICR), June 1998, Report No.
In 1980 the GoP proposed to the Bank the LBOD project which covered 10 districts served by
Barrage, in view of the financial and time constraints the project was divided in
different stages. Stage I project included the priority districts of Nawabshah, Sanghar and
Mirpurkhas Districts. Stage II and III were intended to extend the coverage to the other Districts.
The Project also provided important irrigation improvements including the remodeling of two major
canals, construction of an off-channel storage reservoir, and watercourse lining and land leveling.
The bifurcation of the Spinal Drain flow was made just upstream of the connection with KPOD by
means of an uncontrolled broad crested weir located in a side channel excavated in the left bank so
that a portion of the spinal drain discharge would be diverted through the Dhoro Puran Link to the
Dhoro Puran, an moribund natural channel that empties into Shakoor Dhand.
May 2005
Shakoor Dhand and the Rann of Kutch lie astride the Indian-Pakistan border.
The Sindh dhands10 (lakes) lie entirely in Pakistan and are generally connected to the
Rann of Kutch especially at high tide. Since the 1960s, when the Kotri Basin drains
(which lie west of the LBOD basin) were built to discharge into the dhands they have
become an important local fishery, and a waterfowl habitat of international importance.
Portions of two of the Sindh dhands (Sanhro and Mehro) have been declared Ramsar
sites, and the Rann of Kutch, which also contains a large Ramsar site partly in Pakistan,
is included on the WWF list of the 200 globally most important biodiversity hot-spots.
The natural pattern of surface drainage and overland flow, especially of storm runoff,
from this coastal and near-coastal zone in Badin District is south and southeastward
towards the Rann of Kutch. To avoid discharging LBOD through KPOD directly into
this environmentally sensitive international wetland, a Tidal Link Canal was built 42
km southwestward across the dhands and the Rann of Kutch from KPOD to the nearest
active tidal creek, Shah Samado Creek. The Tidal Link Canal was isolated from the
Rann of Kutch and the dhands by high embankments. An 1800 ft weir, called the
Cholri Weir, was built where the Tidal Link Canal passes through Cho lri Dhand in
order to attenuate high water levels in the Tidal Link Canal during high tide by
allowing water to flow into the dhands during this period, and to protect the dhands
from excessive drainage during low tide when the water would flow back into the Tidal
Link Canal. Since sea water was not expected to come closer than about 11 km
downstream of the weir, the negative effects of the intrusion of the much more saline
sea water would also be minimized. The outlet works of LBOD thus consist of the
DPOD, which discharges through the Dhoro Puran natural channel into Shakoor
Dhand, the enlarged KPOD drain, the Tidal Link Canal connected directly to the sea,
and the Cholri Weir.
The National Drainage Program (NDP). The National Drainage Program11
(NDP) was launched in 1998 to improve the efficiency of the irrigation and drainage
system in Pakistan. NDP was deliberately frontloaded with institutional and policy
reforms and backloaded with an investment program. NDP represented a major
change in the water resources development strategy in Pakistan shifting the priority
from physical interventions to emphasize the need to improve management of the
existing infrastructure. NDP financed the completion of irrigation improvement works
including the remodeling of the Nara and Jamrao irrigation canals, and water course
improvements including lining and precision land leveling. Numerous existing drains
and drainage structures in the LBOD and Kotri basins were rehabilitated to take care of
the deferred maintenance, and operation of the drainage tubewells improved. NDP
There are four important dhands in this part of the Sindh coastal zone: Sanhro, Mehro, Cholri, and
Pateji. These shallow lakes and lagoons are inter-connected at high tide in the wet monsoon season
when most of the eastern coastal zone is a vast shallow water body. Sanhro and Mehro Dhands
contain Ramsar sites. Shakoor Dhand, is a shallow depression in the Rann of Kutch south and east
of the Tidal Link that has no direct link to an active tidal creek (WAPDA Note, undated).
The National Drainage Program was financed by the Government of Pakistan, the World Bank, the
Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Its
was estimated to cost US$785 Million at appraisal.
May 2005
financed the monitoring program including the work of the National Institute of
Oceanography and the SCARP Monitoring Organization (SMO) of WAPDA as well as
an extensive research program and a number of critical policies and planning studies
including the National Drainage Master Plan (DMP) that is now under preparation. At
the request of the Government the Bank organized a Panel of Experts to provide
recommendations for the implementation of the Plan. At sub-project level
Environmental Scoping and Screening Procedure was developed and applied to all
NDP investments. This Procedure played a major role in steering NDP investments
away from environmental sensitive areas and costly land acquisition problems.
Although the World Bank components of NDP have been completed, the JBIC and
ADB components have been extended. In particular, with ADB assistance the long
delayed implementation of the LBOD Environmental Management and Monitoring
Plan (EMMP) is about to be implemented 12 . Substantial progress was made under NDP
to increase the participation of farmers in the operation and maintenance of the
irrigation and drainage system. In Sindh, this process has supported the emergence of
local leaders such as elected members of Area Water Boards (AWBs) and elected
officers of Farmer Organizations (FOs) who have played an active and constructive role
in the LBOD debate that continues to the present.
Summary of issues associated with the operation of LBOD, KPOD and DPOD
drains and the Tidal Link. LBOD drain passes through the eastern part of Badin
District and discharges to the KPOD and DPOD spinal drains. The eastern portion of
Badin District, which encompasses the coastal zone namely the Talukhas of Badin,
S.F. Rahu and Tango Bago suffered prolonged flooding and extensive damage during
the July 2003 storms.
The Tidal Link Canal bed and banks were constructed with the soil obtained
from the canal excavation and consisted mainly of silty loam in which scour and
erosion processes are highly sensitive to flow velocity. The design phase of the Tidal
link Canal included both physical and mathematical model studies, for a more detailed
description of concepts in design see Annex 4. These analyses determined that tidal
fluctuations would be felt all the way up the Tidal Link Canal form Shah Samando
Creek to a point somewhere near the terminus of KPOD, but sea water was not
expected to penetrate more than 19 km upstream to an area about 5 km downstream of
the Cholri Weir, the main connection between the Tidal Link and the dhands. At
present both tidal fluctuations and sea water intrude into the dhands and KPOD, and the
The Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA), the focal point for implementation of the
LBOD EMMP, has submitted a PC-I to the Government to finance the functioning of an
Environmental Management Unit (EMU) that has been operational within SIDA since 2003. The
EMU will be responsible for implementation of this program. A PC-II to finance the associated
studies and monitoring program has also been submitted to the Government. The EMU will
coordinate implementation of the program in collaboration with a number of cooperating Sindh
agencies, universities and organizations with experience and expertise in the relevant areas ensuring
that a shared knowledge base is developed along with the human resources to sustain the program
over the long term.
May 2005
drainage and environmental functions of the Tidal Link portion of the LBOD outlet are
The Cholri Weir was constructed in the right bank of the Tidal Link Canal
where it crossed the dhands to prevent damage to this area that could be cause by tidal
fluctuations. Within months of the completion of the weir, erosion around the structure
became evident. Despite attempts to repair this damage, monsoon storms in 1998 and
1999 led to the complete destruction of the weir due mainly to scour of its foundation
and erosion of its abutments. The result is that there is now an open connection
between the dhands and the Tidal Link, exposing the dhands to large tidal fluctuations,
sea water intrusion, sedimentation, and excessive drainage during low tide. A small
tidal creek type system of drainage channels has now developed in Cholri Dhand,
which is closest to the Tidal Link. No tidal fluctuations are evident in Sanhro and
Mehro Dhands.
The mission received several comments from local people, especially those who
live in the lower LBOD basin in Badin, and a number of experts which do not agree
with the LBOD outfall scheme. For example, the report of the Panel of Experts,
reviewing the national Drainage Master Plan (DMP) noted that during their recent visit
to Badin that drainage issues play an important role and are heavily debated in the area.
Local people believed that the LBOD outfall design cut across rather than following the
natural drainage pattern. They felt its orientation southwestward would expose the
structures to the persistent high winds, wave action and high tides that occur in the area
during the southwest monsoon. As a result local people have felt the LBOD outfall
scheme would increase the vulnerability of their already fragile livelihood system.
the entire berm was eroded away; the section of the channel has been widened
considerably in several places; the Cholri Weir had been destroyed; and the water level
in the Dhands had been lowered and Cholri Dhand drained by tidal fluctuations in the
Link. The judgment of the Committee was that the Tidal Link was continuing to
function and the ongoing channel evolution would stabilize sometime in the future with
a section that would generally follow the current alignment. However, in light of the
uncertainties concerning the factors governing the ongoing changes within the Tidal
Link, and the uncertain viability of conventional mitigation options, the Committee
recommended that no repair should be carried out in Tidal Link as damages done by
cyclone are beyond the repair limit, and that surveys and monitoring should be
World Bank Fact Finding Mission. In March 2001, the World Bank organized
a Fact Finding Mission to understand the technical details, system performance and the
damages to the Tidal Link; also to understand the possible technical, environmental and
social consequences, and to suggest to the Government of Sindh further steps to be
taken. The mission concurred with the view of the GOS Technical Committee that the
no-action recommendation of the committee is justified not only because the damage
is beyond repair by conventional methods, but also because the scour of the channel
bed and erosion of the embankments are still active under the influence of the
uncontrolled tidal flow through the tidal link and flow to and from Rann of Kutch and
the Dhands. The mission believed these conditions would render any attempt to repair
the damages useless using conventional methods until such time as there is more
knowledge of the processes underway in the Tidal Link area. The mission stressed that
intensive monitoring of the physical and environmental conditions in the Tidal Link
area should be continued to provide a basis for formulating further action. This
included continuation of the hydrologic and hydraulic monitoring being carried out by
the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), water quality and LBOD Stage I Project
operational monitoring by the WAPDAs SCARP Monitoring Organization (SMO),
and full implementation of the Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan
(EMMP) prepared for LBOD Stage I Project in 1998 (which included extensive study
and monitoring of ecological, fisheries, avifauna, water quality and hydrology, and
socio-economic conditions in the dhands and the wider Tidal Link area).
monitoring. The Committee recommended improvement of the roads in the area and
improvement of communications systems that would enable more rapid and effective
response to disaster and crisis events. The Committee recommended that stakeholder
participation be increased in any future activities to ensure social acceptance of plans
and measures, and that any future proposed actions be subject to an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with Sindh EPA regulations including an
ecological risk assessment.
The National Drainage Master Plan (DMP). At a request of the GOP the WB
organized a POE to review the DMP from August to November 2004. The Panel
observed that the DMP contains a good and clear overview of the past developments
with respect of drainage developments. The approach, which is based on drainage
basins, is useful. The Drainage Atlas promised to be an excellent publication and
presents the most relevant drainage information available in the country. The Panel was
critical in terms of the proposals presented in the DMP, regarding the physical
interventions, salt balances, Initial Impact Environmental Assessment and particularly
objected the Trans Boundary Outfall Drain (TBOD). The Panel recommended that the
TBOD option may not be considered anymore. The Panel visited Sindh Province and
conducted a practical training in the DRAINFRAME methodology and organized a
stakeholders consultation in Kotri Basin and made recommendations to develop a
Drainage Development and Water Management Plan for this basin. The Panel prepared
terms of reference for this study and the Government of Sindh agree in the proposed
methodology and the time-framework to finalize it. The report of the POE of the DMP
was available for the Outfall of LBOD mission and was an useful element in the
preparation of this report.
Recent actions taken by the Government. The losses suffered in the Badin
District during the 2003 rainfall, galvanized the Federal and Provincial Governments
into action. As of 20th August 2004 the Government has decided upon a number of
actions in connection with LBOD and the aftermath of the 2003 events. These decisions
provided a substantive framework for the Mission. They were made available to the
members of the mission before it began its work in Pakistan. Table 1 synthesizes the
main decisions and actions that have been taken.
May 2005
Slashing off of the fixed weir on DPOD (to lower the invert of the crest
of the weir)
under construction
to be implemented
to be implemented
to be implemented
to be implemented
to be implemented
to be implemented
to be implemented
Seawater intrusion
to be implemented
to be implemented
May 2005
Soil Monitoring
P e r f o r m a n c e T e s t o f 4 4 4 D r a i n a g e T u b e w e l l s w h i c h a r e recently installed in
Mirpurkhas Component of LBOD Stage I Project area
Observed Depth to Watertable for installing piez ometer pipe of the said area
Depth to watertable survey of the Chotiari Reservoir area for installing lines
of piezometers
May 2005
May 2005
-74 -76
Figure 1
May 2005
Figure 3 . M e a s u r e d w a t e r c u r r e n t a l R D -93 ( N I O , 2 0 0 4 )
Velocity (m/s)
Q=500 m3/s
Q=350 m3/s
Q=250 m3/s
May 2005
The mission concluded from the data available that the tidal influence extends
considerably upstream in the Tidal Link and into KPOD. NIO reports that the tidal
amplitude at RD -93 (see Figure 5) is about 2 m. Moreover, during October 1999 the
tide levels recorded at RD 22 were 1.4 to 2.46 m, and during November December
1999 the tide levels recorded at RD 21 were 0.31 to 1.84 m (NIO, 2004). NIO further
reports that the influence of tidal fluctuation is noticeable up to RD +2, within KPOD
and near the outfall of Seerani drain into KPOD.
TIDAL LEVELS AT RD -93 DURING 07 TO 11 -02 -2001
Height (m)
F i g u r e 5 . T i d a l l e v e l s a t R D -9 3 ( N O I , 2 0 0 4 )
Another indication of the extent to which the tide has penetrated the Tidal Link
is salinity. According to NIO (2004), the high saline sea water from Shah Samando
Creek which previously was detected up to RD -125 and RD -95 has now extended up
to RD -38 and possibly beyond. Figure 6 shows a clear influence of the tide cycle on
the salinity as far from Shah Samando Creek as RD -30. The mission noted that in
Pateji Dhand, formerly the outfall of KPOD, salinity is extremely high, around 68,000
ppm (Figure 7), due to high evaporation in the area and the fact that this dhand does not
currently receive water from any drain nowadays while the other dhands do.
Salinity (ppt)
May 2005
(e 16
Longitude (minutes of 68 Deg.)
(NOI, 2004)
The Tidal Link left bank is attacked from the Rann of Kutch by tides and storm
surges, and is directly exposed to wave action generated by strong storm and southwest
monsoon winds and waves in the zone of influence of tides (Map 3). These factors .are
especially amplified during high storm surges, such as those produced by the 1999
cyclone and the 2003 storm13 .
There is a high time variability involved in the process at the outfall area. Water quality and water
levels in the Dhands have hourly variations with the tide, monthly seasonal variations and annual
differences with the droughts. The comparison among the different measurements or satellite images
taken at different times could proved misleading.
May 2005
The mission concluded that the Tidal Link carried a flow much greater than the
design discharge. Interviews, presentations and the reports of the LBOD consultants
(1984 and 1994) indicate clearly to the mission that the LBOD channel design
discharge was set considering only drainage rates of 1.5 cusec/sq mile or 1.4 mm/day
(this number changed for different project areas), leaving a free board of around 2 ft .
This would correspond to a design capacity of 2400 cusecs and a maximum carrying
capacity of 4440 cusecs corresponding to a 125 mm rainfall of 5 days duration, which
would result in flood duration of 5 days. The disposal of storm water into the surface
drainage was to be limited using control inlets sized assuming a ponding depth of
around 1 foot and discharge restricted to 1.8 cusecs. Analysis of available data indicates
that the maximum discharge experienced in KPOD and Tidal Link in 2003 was around
10,000 cusecs that resulted from rainfall of 218 mm recorded at Badin, which occurred
after two other storms earlier in the same month. July 2003 resulted in the largest
monthly rainfall recorded at Badin station in 67 years. From statements made by
several officials, it was assumed in the design of LBOD canals that the channel system
would not be allowed to carry base flow during heavy rainfall, but the Mission found
that it was not the case during the 2003 storms. Not only was base flow present in the
system but irrigation water refusals were also diverted directly to the drain system and
additional inlets were provided by farmers breaching the embankments.
Assessment of changes and conditions using remote sensing. The LBOD and
Tidal Link are quickly becoming both a new river and an upstream extension of the
Shah Samando Creek. Satellite images (Map 3-6) show that several tidal fingers have
developed around the channel from breaches left by past floods and cyclone events. It is
expected that this situation will continue to develop until a new equilibrium is achieved
in which sediment load carried by the tidal wave and upstream flow is compensated by
sediment detachment brought about by the ebb phase of tide. Existing tidal fingers have
also extended further in the northern direction and in some cases have joined those
connected to the Tidal Link. Satellite images also show a reduction of the surface area
of the Dhands, although it is not clear whether this effect has been due to changes in the
Tidal Link or, as reported anecdotally by many people, to drought conditions. Apart
from that, satellite images show small changes in the overall coastal plain and
geomorphology during the last few years (Map 3-6). IMTA will provide more detail
information and confirm this assessment as part of the on-going work performed by the
Institute for this mission.
Analysis of storm conditions in the LBOD basin. The Mission had access to a
limited amount of rainfall data. There are eight storms at least as intense as the 1994,
1999 and 2003 storms in 67 years. From these data a simplified frequency analys is of
annual maximum 24 h and monthly precipitation at Badin Station was made. The
May 2005
results are shown in Figures 8a and 8b 14 . For a rainfall duration of 24 hours, the 2003
storm has a return period of 6.6 years. This implies a probability of 56% of having at
least one similar or grater storm to occur in a period of 5 years. With respect of the
monthly rainfall, the graph shows a return period of 67 years. Factually the July 2003
monthly rainfall is the highest recorded rainfall in Badin.
Rainfall, mm
The reduced variate R shown in Figure 8a and 8b is related to the return period T by the equation
R = ln ln
T 1
May 2005
Rainfall, mm
resources and the expansion of the irrigated water supply capacity from 67 MAF to
104, including the construction of Tarbela and Mangla dams. The benefits for Pakistan
have allowed the country meeting the basic needs of its populatio n and double the
irrigation acreage. Of particular concern are the problems of the deltaic areas of Sindh.
The country is now engaged in studying the environmental flows required to maintain
the ecological and productive functions of the estuary.
In view of the international dimensions of the Rann of Kutch, and the economic
and ecological importance of the dhands, the designers decided to transport the LBOD
discharge through a new canal directly to an active tidal creek where the flow would be
diluted and discharged to the sea during low tide. Measures were implemented that
would protect the valuable dhands (Cholri Weir), and the canal was designed (high
embankments topped by a berm) to withstand the forces it would encounter (wind and
waves) as it crossed the Rann of Kutch. However, very little real data and information
were available on which to base the formulation of additional environmental and
ecological management measures. In 1997 baseline studies of the fishery (Univ. of
Jamshoro) and avifauna (Zoological Department of Pakistan) of the dhands along with
a socio-economic assessment of the fishing community (Univ. of Jamshoro) were
carried out to add to the physical monitoring data being gathered by the NIO and the
SMO (hydraulics and salinity among other things). The Environmental Monitoring and
Management Plan (EMMP) for LBOD Stage I Project, prepared by the consultants in
1998, stressed the implementation of a well designed monitoring program that would
build the knowledge base and help authorities to spot adverse trends and formulate
mitigation measure. Unfortunately this EMMP could not be implemented due in large
part to the disputes between GOS and WAPDA, and the lack of a committed
institutional focal point in Sindh that could persuade policy makers of the importance of
providing the necessary resources and financial support such a program requires.
Fortunately NIO monitoring of salinity in the dhands and the Tidal Link have continued
from 1999 to June 2004 (discussed in the next chapter).
The monitoring system in place is still limited and does not fully help to
understand thoroughly the impacts that have occurred and the mitigation measures to be
implemented. A more sustained effort in monitoring and data collection is needed to
face today GOS challenge to mitigate the damages to the outfall system, to fully
understand the long term changes (over the last 50 years) in the coastal zone that appear
to have affected the dhands and to define the mitigation measures to be implemented.
May 2005
However despite emigration and the difficult living conditions to which the
people of this area have been confronted with, the coastal population of Badin
increased from 450,000 in 1998 to an estimated 520,000 in 2005 (15.5% in 7 years,
meanly from natural growth). The extreme climatic events of the last four years
including continuous droughts and two major storms have affected this area, and have
become the center of discussion in the Sindh society. The people of the area have
demonstrated considerable resilience and coping capacity over the years particularly
during these extraordinary circumstances.
Concerning basic services, clean water and electricity, schooling and health, the
improvements, if any, have not been significant so far. An increased vulnerability has
worsened poverty conditions for the population in the area.
As per the events in July 2003 local elected authorities firmly indicated to the
Mission that the amount of water received at the lower Badin was unprecedented. The
main reasons, in their views were: the additional volume collected by the drainage
system at the higher lands and the performance of the outfall system.
The dynamic context of the LBOD scheme. The present conditions of the
outfall area are quite different form the ones observed when LBOD outfall system was
in the stage of preparation and before it started operations. With the information
available to the mission about the initial state of the area, key changes are now
recognized in the topography, batimetry and cross sections of the Tidal Link and the
KPOD. There are also important deviations from the original project estimations of the
salinities, velocities and water levels at several places.
Since well before the contribution of the LBOD Stage I Project, the Indus Delta
has been in a complex and delicate transition from the original equilibrium to a
May 2005
new state, with serious perturbations due to the drastic changes in the Indus
River hydrologic and sediment regimes. Increased water use in the Indus River
basin mainly for the expansion of irrigated agriculture has changed the water
flow and the sediment load that had built the delta over geologic time.
According to the National Oceanographic Institute, the fragile equilibrium
among tidal and litoral currents, river flow and sediment transport has been
drastically changed. The river was dry during last years kharif season below
Kotri barrage. The observed changes at macro scale have been interpreted by
some experts (interviewed by the mission, including scientists from the Institute
of Oceanography), as a shrinking of the Indus delta. This seems to be confirmed
by the finding of purely oceanic origin organisms in the tidal creeks by the same
scientists. NIO scientists and others studying the Indus delta also believe that
the estuary, which is the most productive part of this delta, has also shrunk with
negative impacts to livelihoods, commercial activities and fisheries,.
The combined effects of runoff from heavy rainfall and the tide, brought higher
velocities than the erosion limits for the soil material in the Tidal Link. These
effects have widened the original excavated channel to more than double the
original design width. They have also increased dramatically the depth of the
Tidal Link up and within KPOD. The new section and slope in the Tidal Link
have changed the anticipated tidal effect in the outfall resulting in marine water
intrusion in the drains and dhands, and tidal fluctuations much grater than
estimated in the original design.
Furthermore, the Tidal Link and its embankments altered the previous
streamflow pattern in the tidal area of the dhands. The new pattern modified the
water velocities in the dhands and caused erosion and siltation that are difficult
to quantify with the present information. The breaches that resulted from the
failure of the Cholri Weir and the embankments concentrated the flow in some
areas facilitating new connections from the dhands and the Tidal Link to the sea.
The combined effect is facilitating the drainage of the dhands and increasing the
amplitude of the tidal fluctuations in KPOD and its connected drains up to about
RD 80. These conditions were not expected to extend into KPOD during the
design phase.
Why did the Cholri weir and the Tidal Link embankments fail? The report
describing this original design (Delft Hydraulics, 1989) considered scouring a distant
event, predicted an annual dredging requirement of 70,000 m3 and even suggested the
May 2005
purchase of dredging equipment and the construction of a dredger service depot at Ali
Bandor. The original geometric setup of the Tidal Link Canal has suffered
considerable changes because of the flows produced by the 1999 and 2003 storms. A
preliminary analysis of the recently collected data suggests that the stable slope is
different from that adopted in the original design.
The mission did not have access to precise written information including
observation notes about the causes of the failure of the Chori weir and the
embankments of the Tidal Link. Nobody was at the site during these events, but it is
clear that the causes were different for the weir and the embankments. Damage to the
weir began within a few months of its completion, and it failed in 1998 and 1999
probably from scouring of the foundation along the canal bed and from water flowing
over the crest of the weir. The embankments failed in 1999 probably from the
combined effect of scouring in the Tidal Link Canal bed and banks due to high
velocities, overtopping (due to storm flow in the channel greater than the design flow)
and the wave action in unprotected slopes during high tides. Any alternative
considering future rehabilitating the TL should consider these adverse site conditions in
designing the new structures.
Were the 1999 and 2003 rainfall events too rare to be considered the basis for
the design of the system?. The accumulated rainfall in July 2003 is the record highest
for any given month. Severe 24 hour duration storms, similar to the one of the 24 hrs
duration of July 2003 storm, occurred in 1994 and 1999. A similar storm will occur in
the next 5 years with a probability of 56% (8 similar 24 hrs storms have occurred in the
last 67 years). Of course, in the 80s when the studies were prepared the 1994, 1999 and
2003 storms have not been recorded. In any event, the principle underpinning the
design criteria was to control the water inflow to the drains in the farmers fields. It is
clear that the changes observed in the delta are caused by a combined effect of the
LBOD Stage I project and the extraordinary events in 99 and 2003. River and coastal
systems do not usually change during ordinary conditions. They incur substantive
change during large storms and floods. In deltas, like the one of the Indus, they tend to
deposit sediments along the bed until a large storm or flood occurs. During large
extreme events one can expect to have more changes tha n in many years of relative
small storms and flows.
May 2005
Behavior of the LBOD drainage system. The Badin District in the lower
LBOD basin consists of extremely flat land that is susceptible to extensive inundation
during heavy rain because of low infiltration rates and slow runoff (this condition
prevails to a somewhat lesser degree in many areas of the upper basin as well). The
natural drainage is also impeded in the monsoon season by the high tides and extensive
flooding of the coastal zone, which is the natural outlet for this slow and shallow
overland flow. The LBOD spinal drain and its associated collector drains were
designed to carry agricultural and subsurface drainage. The designers assumed that
these sources of water would be cut off during heavy rainfall, so that the canal and its
full free board of 4 ft could be used to carry runoff from heavy rain. However, this
capacity could drain a total of only 125 mm of rainfall over 5 days with a 5 days flood
duration with inlet controls to 1.8 cusecs and ponding depth of one foot. Larger
amounts of runoff that would result from larger rainfall would have to be stored on the
farmers land for longer periods. However, two things happened during the particularly
heavy rainfall experienced in July, 2003: first, except from most of the tubewells, the
baseflow of agricultural drainage water was not cutoff and it continued to flow into the
drains; second, farmers in the upper LBOD basin quickly cut the drain embankments to
allow their field to drain more rapidly increasing the amount of runoff flowing into the
drain and increasing the discharge; and third, diversions into the irrigation canals was
not stopped leaving them full and causing several breaches when additional water
entered the canals from the rainfall. During such periods farmers commonly allow flow
in their water courses 15 to go directly to the drains since their field are being inundated
by the heavy rain further increasing drain discharge. The resulting high discharges
overloaded the LBOD system downstream causing numerous canal breaches that
poured water into the already clogged drains and compounded flooding in eastern Kotri
Basin and Badin District. During the mission visit, the affected population reported
damages from breached canals and informed about the rapid rise in water levels that
caused severe damage in this area.
Generally there are not sufficient controls to prevent canal flows from entering the distributaries, minors, and
watercourses, and even if there were, there is generally not sufficient escape capacity to handle the very high
discharges that would result if water is not taken in the distributaries. Hence, timely decisions to reduce
diversions into the irrigation canals, is a critical part of the overall response to heavy rain and flood risk
May 2005
Mehro Dhand
Sanhro Dhand
Cholri Dhand
Pateji Dhand
Tidal Link channel
Rann of Kutch
Shah Samando Creek
Open Sea
Jan-Feb 1997
Salinity (ppt) January 2001
Salinity (ppt) January 2002
Salinity (ppt) December 2002
Salinity (ppt) December 2003
Only Pateji Dhand had persistently high salinity in both the 1980s and in 1997,
and the NIO data indicates that that is also the case today. The hyper-salinity of the
Rann of Kutch is remarkable, and indicates that it may be influencing salinity in the
Tidal Link and the dhands where it flows through the existing breaches in the Tidal
Link Canal left bank. Comparison of the above table with Figures 7 & 9 demonstrates
clearly the substantial increase in salinity throughout the dhands since 1997. Up to
1997 at least, salinity conditions remained very favorable for the basically brackish or
estuarine ecosystem that had developed over the years in the dhands. At present,
salinity conditions range from those typical for sea water to the hyper-saline Pateji
Dhand (Figure 7). The anecdotal evidence seems to conflict over whether the dhand
surface area has shrunk, or the depth has substantially decreased because of the direct
connection between Cholri Dhand and the Tidal Link. Other than the obvious intrusion
May 2005
of sea water into Cholri Dhand, it is therefore difficult to say what the primary causes
are of this drastic change in salinity. But the effects are evident: a major decrease in
birds and waterfowl, absence of the distinctive vegetation and other fauna that existed
in the shallower areas of the dhands, and a major decrease in the yield specie
composition of the fishery.
Changes in the number of birds in the two Ramsar sites located in Sanhro
Dhand (Jubho Lagoon) and Mehro Dhand (Nurri Lagoon) respectively as recorded by
the Sindh Wildlife Department (SWD) in their annual census is summarized in Table 5.
Little or no trend is indicated by the Nurri Lagoon data but the data for Jubho Lagoon
shows a substantial decline. The total combined number of birds in the two adjacent
and inter-connected lagoons also shows a substantial decline of about 46% between
1990 and 2002.
Table 5. Number of Birds Recorded in the Annual Waterfowl Census by SWD16
Jubho Lagoon
Nurri Lagoon
The analytical problem is that there is not sufficient data to understand the
current water balance of the dhands in terms of both water quantity and water quality,
and hence to determine what are the primary causes of these changes and how any
imbalances could be corrected or their effects mitigated. Anecdotal evidence suggests
that the flow in the two major Kotri drains that discharge into Sanhro and Mehro
Dhands, the Karo and Fulelli drains respectively, have greatly diminished because of
the shortage of irrigation water but there is no measured data to support this. The
mission observed very heavy pollution in the Karo Gungro drain reported to be caused
by wastewater discharges from sugar mills and towns in the sub-basin (though piped
sewerage system coverage in area is thought to be very low). The 1998 LBOD Stage I
Project EMMP Report compared water quality data collected by LBOD drains in 1994
for sugar factory effluent with similar data at two points along KPOD. This
comparison is shown in the Table 6. KPOD used to discharge into the more isolated
Pateji Dhand but this source of brackish water has been diverted into the Tidal Link. It
seems from the available data therefore, that the major influences on the water quantity
and quality balance has shifted to evapotranspiration (ET) and sea water intrusion with
a consequent increase in overall salinity.
As shown in the Drainage Master Plan POE Report, Annex II, after Shahid Amjad and Samina Kidwai,
Freshwater, brackish water and coastal wetlands of Sindh: Status Paper, Karachi, NIO.
May 2005
Table 6. Selected Parameters from the Analysis of Sugar Factory and KPOD Effluent
Dark brown
Total Solids (mg/l)
Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD) (mg/l)
KPOD Effluent
@ RD 84
KPOD Effluent
@ RD 21
Social perceptions of the LBOD system and the events of 2003. From the
perspective of most of the concerned stakeholders, LBOD did not fulfill expectations in
the lower Badin. Introducing the Districts Contingency Plan to Combat Cyclones and
Flood/Rain 2004-2005 it is said that Although Government has provided maximum
relief and other agencies have also substantially contributed. but area and population
affected is of such a large scale that people are still not satisfied.
The impact from the heavy rains in 2003 seems to have galvanized the opinion
of an important part of the local population in Badin and the neighboring district of
Thatta. It is however evident that civil society concerns on the outfall structures
emerged pretty soon after the Tidal Link inception (i.e. Sindh Chamber of Agriculture
and Sindh Abadgar Board on 15/02/1996).
The mission had the opportunity to receive a number of well articulated queries
from representatives of the civil society organizations active at district, provincial and
national level. Some of the expressions were in line with queries submitted to the
World Bank Inspection Panel. However some representatives of farmer groups also
informed the mission of the benefits derived from LBOD in both agricultural
May 2005
productivity and in the time the floods recede from their lands, which was usually 2
months while in the July 2003 storm it was only 10 to 15 days.
The mission noted that member farmers of the Area Water Board organized
under NDP enjoying credibility in the area and affected by the floods, underscored the
positive benefits of the LBOD Stage I Project in the agricultural sector as well as the
need to further improvements and corrections in the outfall structures. Other farmers
pointed out the lack of discipline and organization in some parts of the drainage
system that opened free course to the water in their plots cutting the drains, thus
originating an unexpected increase in the flow to the lower areas.
President Musharraf stated in 2004 that [] people of Badin and Thatta had
suffered a lot because of the absence of the proper floodwater disposal system. [That]
the primary objective of LBOD system was to save the people of Sindh from adverse
effects of the extraordinary rains. [That] the people of Sindh have, therefore, lost faith
in LBOD. The President instructed the Army and WAPDA, SIDA and the IPD of
Sindh to start the implementation of the actions presented in Table 1. The President
visited the area shortly after the mission departed and personally stated the commitment
of the Government of Pakistans solution to the problems following detailed analysis
and recommendations from the concerned institutions at the federal and provincial
May 2005
activities and record valuable knowledge. It is important for the Province to reduce the
uncertainties in the availability of financial resources for the sector.
LBOD Stage I Project has had positive results in Mirpurkhas, Sanghar, and
Nawabshah Districts, and in eastern Badin District. It has increased agricultural
production stimulating the development of agro- industries in the basin. However,
institutional weaknesses persist in the capacity of the system to perform efficiently
under storm events, including increased flood risk downstream in Badin District. There
are also impacts related to expansion of the area affected by tides and sea water (for
example, measured salinity at RD-30, Figure 6, just downstream of where KPOD joins
the Tidal Link varies between 40 and 50 ppt), and increased salinity in the Dhands
located in the Sindh portion of the Rann of Kutch (measured salinity in the Dhands,
Figure 7, varies from 35 to 68 ppt).
The Dhands. Salinity has increased in the dhands (Figures 7 & 9). The open
connection between the Tidal Link and the dhands has introduced significant tidal
fluctuations at least in Cholri Weir, and caused the gradual silting of this Dhand. A
tidal creek type drainage network has developed where the erstwhile Cholri Weir was
located; facilitating rapid and excessive drainage of Cholri Dhand at low tide (it is not
known how far this effect extends into the dhands). The increased salinity of the
dhands is probably caused by a combination of decreased flows in some of the Kotri
drains (Kora and Fuleli) that flow into the Sanhro and Mehro Dhands, diversion to
KPOD (which collected the eastern Kotri drains and emptied into Pateji Dhand) into the
Tidal Link, and the inflow of some sea water through the open connection with the
Tidal Link. Evaporation may also be a more important part of the water balance of the
dhands than in previous times. The mission observed that the dhands may now be
under threat from pollution by sugar factories and other polluters upstream on the
drains that outfall into the dhands.
Runoff from heavy rainfall. The storm drainage capacity was overwhelmed
during the July 2003 storms that occurred in the area. Subsurface drainage is now
improving the conditions and the sustainability of the irrigated agriculture of the LBOD
basin. But it presented major problems in parts of the LBOD basin and large areas of
the Kotri basin in Badin District in July 2003 due to a combination of factors: i) the
high intensity of the rainfall; ii) storm drainage of such magnitude was not considered
in the design of the drainage that was primarily constructed to manage subsurface
drainage flows; iii) inadequate operation of canal and drainage structures; iv)
May 2005
The Tidal Link Canal. The Tidal Link Canal, which constitutes the most
important part of the LBOD outfall has been submitted to higher stress than originally
expected, especially during the storm events of 94, 99 and 2003. Cholri weir and the
embankments of the Tidal Link failed and are at present in a state beyond repair. This
failure was partly due to design issues and the magnitude of the storm flows being well
beyond the design parameters and criteria. The end result is a completely changed
outfall condition leading to a process that is forming a new estuary configuration. This
ongoing process has widened and deepened the Tidal Link sections and increased the
tidal fluctuations and the penetration of sea water much farther upstream in the Tidal
Link Canal than was thought to be possible at the time it was designed. This process is
still active and evolving, and appears to be moving upstream into KPOD.
The challenges ahead. The problem today is to define near term and long-term
effective and cost efficient alternatives that contribute to meeting the following
Diminish the flood risk of the lower basin in Badin District area for villages and
agricultural land,
Ensure that local officials are prepared to act locally in a coordinated, effective
and timely manner in case of an extreme event like the one in July 2003, to
diminish economic losses and prevent loss of life of the local population
Limit sea water intrusion and tidal fluctuations in the Kotri drains along KPOD,
and within KPOD itself
Restore salinity conditions and limit the influence of tidal fluctuations and
sediment accumulation in the Dhands
Control the estuary development process in the outfall and limit its adverse
May 2005
In the LBOD design this was referred to as the diversion of freshwater (storm runoff) flowing in LBOD.
However one would expect the flow (saline agricultural drainage water (baseflow) and storm runoff) to be
completely mixed by the time it reaches the diversion point, though the resulting salinity of the flow would
certainly be lower than the baseflow. The design was based on the operating assumption that the flow from all
tubewells and tile drains would be stopped during a storm..
May 2005
of the Spinal Drain. The mission believes that the critical factor in the safety and
security of the LBOD outfall system is the maximum discharge in KPOD, and that this
should not exceed 5-6,000 cfs. Presently there is no data that would support assuming
that a flow greater than about 2000 cfs can be diverted through the Dhoro Puran Link
because of the downstream water levels in Shakoor Dhand and the condition of the
Dhoro Puran River. Hence the maximum allowable flow in the Spinal Drain under
these conditions would be about 7-8,000 cfs. If because of excess storm runoff
upstream in the LBOD basin, the flow would be higher than this limit, escapes must be
built into the left bank of the Spinal drain to reduce the discharge. These escaped flows
could be routed to the upper portion of the ancient Dhoro Puran River so long as the
tailwater conditio ns of the Dhoro Puran Link were not worsened. The point where the
Spinal Drain bifurcates is clearly a critical point in the LBOD outfall system. The
mission believes that two gated structures are needed to ensure operating flexibility and
the safety of KPOD. The first structure (B) would be located downstream of the
bifurcation within the KPOD channel to enable strict control of the discharge in KPOD.
The second structure (C) would be a gated structure in the Dhoro Puron Link
replacing the present uncontrolled weir. The combination of these two control structure
would provide maximum operating flexibility and control of LBOD flows. For
example, not only would gated structure B ensure that the maximum flow in KPOD
was below the limit, but at non peak times, the gates would permit significant flows to
be sustained in the Dhoro Link helping to resuscitate the ancient Dhoro River and
possibly improve groundwater and drinking water supplies in that area (flow
simulations would need to be carried out and detailed water quality data would have to
be available and analyzed to consider this possibility). Provision of uncontrolled
escapes in the KPOD left bank, in addition to those mentioned above for the Spinal
Drain, would enhance the safety of KPOD. In both the Spinal Drain and KPOD, the
height of the top of the right bank must be at least 22 ft based on the missions estimate
of the water surface profile at the point where the flow bifurcates18 . This right bank
must also be strengthened and all zones and points of weakness eliminated, especially
around existing structures where drains enter the main canals.
D & E Measure to protect the Kotri Drains. The intrusion of tidal
fluctuations and saline water into the small Kotri drains that flow into KPOD is a major
concern of farmers in the eastern portion of Badin District (mainly in the Left Bank
Canal sub-basin). Suggestions have been made to provide small gated regulators or
tide gates near each of these drain inlets to prevent back flow into the drain at high tide
in KPOD. Escapes could also be constructed in Seerani drain to divert water into the
A preliminary estimation of water levels at DPOD and KPOD/Tidal Link channels was done using
the HEC/RAS program from the US Corps of Engineers. The level at the DPOD/KPOD bifurcation
was calculated assuming a common tide level at the discharge of both channels. Results suggest an
embankments level of about 22 ft around the fork. It should be noted that this is only a crude
estimation of the levels, due to the fact that no topographical information in the zone around Dhoro
Dhand, data on the precise conditions at the outfalls and the discharge coming from upstream at the
Dhoro Puran old river course was available. Also, discharge into Cholri and Pategi Dhands was not
taken into account.
May 2005
waste land that separates this drain from the dhands in order to control the water level
in these drains. The same approach might also be an attractive option in some of the
other Kotri drains that outfall into KPOD if they are threatened by high water levels and
there is similar waste land available. So far there is no data available to the mission
that tidal fluctuations or sea water intrusion is a problem in the lower parts of these
drains. If new data showed that the penetration of tidal fluctuations and sea water
actually causes harm, then such structures may be a viable option. However there is
another option. The mission noted that one of the main causes of increased salinity in
the Dhands is the reduction of drain inflow, caused in part by the prolonged drought in
the Indus River basin and the consequent reduction in the availability of irrigation
water. Before the LBOD outfall system was constructed KPOD acted as a collector
drain and carried these drain flows into Pateji Dhand. Diversion of the Kotri drains
that enter (or all of them as before) towards Pateji Dhand, and possibly Mehro Dhand,
would, if the salinity of these drains is generally lower than the present salinity of the
Dhands, contribute significantly to their improvement. A sound analysis is needed to
insure that this action will not evolve in the formation of a new creek.
F - Control of Tidal Link access to the Dhands. One of the most
important and complicated problems arises because of the open connection between the
Tidal Link Canal and the Dhands created when Cholri Weir was destroyed. The
mission believes that reconstruction of the Cholri Weir, even based on a new design,
should not be considered at this time in part because of the still active scour and erosion
processes ongoing in the Tidal Link. Recent remote sensing studies carried out by
SUPARCO on behalf of WAPDA suggest that the main effect of the open connectio n
appears to be the sedimentation of Cholri Dhand and the formation of a tidal creek
within this dhand that facilitates its rapid drainage at low tide. No data or evidence has
so far come to light that these tidal and sediment effects have extended further into
Sanhro and Mehro Dhands where two Ramsar sites exist (Pateji Dhands is isolated
from the other three dhands by low silt barriers). Not enough is known about the
overall water and salinity balance of the dhands to say at this point which are the
dominate causes of the high salinity although it seems sure that sea water intrusion
from the Tidal Link has contributed significantly. Nor can one say for sure whether
recovery of normal drain flows from Karo and Fuleli drains combined with restoration
of the inflow from the other Kotri drains would be sufficient to lower salinity in Sanhro
and Mehro Dhands to levels similar to the past when it was a highly productive fishery
and good waterfowl habitat. Those conditions were more brackish or estuarine with a
maximum salinity of 20 ppt and a significant salinity gradient.
Other Possible options to conserve and improve the dhand ecosystems.
The mission discussed a number alternative measures that might contribute to the
recovery of the dhands.
May 2005
to circulate between the dhands and it prevents the recruitment of juvenile fish,
shrimp and other fauna. Moreover this option should not be chosen until the
dynamic water balance and patterns of water movement within the dhand
system are well known and a verified model of these dynamics can be used to
assess the feasibility and impact of this option.
Second, most experts and the mission agree that increased flow of brackish,
relatively low salinity water into the dhands is the best restoration strategy
assuming this would shift the water and salt balance toward a lower salinity
environment, something that can be determined by a comprehensive monitoring
program designed to provide the data needed to analyze the dynamic water
quantity and quality balance in the dhands. At present studies have begun to
provide data and analysis to support ongoing negotiations concerning the
allocation of Indus River flow to the Indus River and delta below Kotri Barrage.
Should these negotiations prove successful from Sindhs perspective, a
percentage of the flow available should be diverted into the Kotri canals and
drains to the dhands. This would likely have a significant impact on the
restoration process.
Constructed wetlands have not been tried in Pakistan as a low cost method of treating wastewater or
polluted water. This method possibly combined with other low cost methods should be piloted as a
way of treating the agricultural drainage water (if this would improve the viability of an option such
as diverting LBOD flows into parts of the Rann of Kutch) and in particular, as a method of treating
sugar factory and other wastewater discharges to the drains that threaten the dhands. Global
experience with constructed wetlands and other low cost wastewater treatment options has greatly
increased in recent years, and Pakistan could benefit from this experience since its experience with
command and control regulatory approaches have been unsuccessful.
May 2005
to stimulate their management of the fishery by preventing over- fishing and use
of fine mesh nets that take excessive quantities of young fish and shrimp.
The mission believes that for the time being the best strategy is to ensure
increased flow of brackish water into the dhands from the Kotri drains including
the diversion of those drains that currently flow into KPOD, and to intensify the
monitoring of water levels, tides, sediment, bathometry, salinity and drain flows
in the Dhands to improve the understanding of the water balance and to detect
any negative trends that emerge in order to formulate mitigation measures.
Review the design of the system for storm drainage and construct the entrances
to the drains, synthesize the hydrographs at relevant points and review
capacities in critical spots. Introduce a sound storm design analysis using
appropriate models calibrated with past events including the July 2003 storms.
Study the structures to modify present trend and diminish the flood risk to lower
Basin villages and farmers. Consider the natural drainage pattern and the long
evolution of the system at feasibility stage.
May 2005
May 2005
and health. The Mission agrees with the proposal under preparation in the sense that
looking beyond the immediate and medium term problems and their possible
solutions, what appears to be a logical and sustainable proposition is integration of
coastal communities with the rest of the economy. In particular, the POE agrees that
integrating the coastal econo my with the developed areas of the province would be the
way to address the problem in the long run.
May 2005
The present conditions of the outfall system do not provide the hydrological,
environmental and social functions that were originally considered at the design phase.
The LBOD- KPOD can now be described as a new river that is forming an estuary
and is an integral part of creek formation into the coastal area. The Tidal Link has
invited the sea to approach the land and now the tidal fluctuations are visible in the
KPOD. This process will continue, and its progress is difficult to predict. Adapting to
this new process requires continuous hydraulic and environmental monitoring in
learning by doing approach.
The mission believes that the present actions taken by the Government, namely
repairs to parts of the drainage system and lowering the DPOD weir, are considered
appropriate for those site conditions, but do not constitute a comprehensive and
sustainable solution to the problems. The concept of preventing the intrusion of the sea
and tidal influence through the reinforcement of the left bank of the Seerani Drain
should be further analyzed. The proposal to build an embankment encircling the Sindh
dhands should be abandoned. Also the idea of building a gated structure in the KPOD
close to the Tidal Link should be carefully evaluated considering previous experience.
The proposal to extend the drainage system by studying LBOD Stage II & III in
light of the present outfall conditions of LBOD Stage I should be postponed until the
existing problems at the outfall are adequately address and solved. Moreover, the
strategy to manage the storm drainage in the upper basin needs to be organized and
This approach would avoid aggravating or increasing social unrest,
vulnerability and anxiety in the Badin District that might result from a decision to go
ahead with these premature studies at a time when people participation is most needed.
In any case, a hypothetical implementation of LBOD Stage II or III would imply
increases in the capacity of the present system.
Objectives for performance of the LBOD outfall. Under the strategic approach
described in Chapter VII, the Mission identifies the following objectives that the outfall
should achieve in the a long term:
Control the sea intrusion in the lower part of the existing drains
May 2005
Control the evolution of the estuary at the outfall and limit its adverse
Diversion of the Seerani drain and other Kotri drains into the dhands.
Construct a gated structure at the DPOD and KPOD to control the flows
in both directions.
Analyze the location of the tidal control structure in the KPOD and
possible control structures in the drains.
Given the complexity of the system and its present evolution and dynamics, the
proposed physical interventions require continuous monitoring as a part of the learning
May 2005
by doing process, and the collection of data essential for adequate analysis of problems
and options. The following table illustrates the problems and proposed infrastructure
hard actions. The options mentioned in the table below are also shown in schematic
diagram of the LBOD outlet system in Map 2.
Drainage - Cholri
Pateji dhands
Salinity - Mehro
Sanhro dhands
Flood risk
May 2005
During the final meeting of the mission with the Sindh Minister of Irrigation
and Power Sindh, the mission was able to discuss the next steps that the Government of
Sindh could consider. These included:
Discuss, agree and approve the proposed strategy among the concerned
agencies at the Federal and Provincial levels.
Funding. Considering the long lasting relations of the World Bank with the
Sindh Province and the advanced status of preparation of WSIP 20 , it could be possible
to include the proposed monitoring actions, studies and investigations, designs and
capacity building initiatives identified by the mission in this project. The Government
of Sindh could consider this possible funding or decide among other alternatives and
include its final choice in the Provincial Budget.
An immediate action that can be taken is to extend the SMO monitoring
contract with NIO encompassing an expanded and well design program of data
collection and analysis in the Tidal Link, KPOD, the Rann of Kutch, Shakoor Dhand
and Dhoro Puran, and enter into agreements with IUCN and WWF along with
cooperating Sindh environmental agencies and universities to monitor and study the
affected ecosystems and wetlands in the dhands and Tidal Link area, including field
testing of mitigation measures in the dhands as discussed in Chapter VI.
The IPD needs to define TORs for feasibility studies and design of the
physical interventions proposed above. This step is critical to ensuring timely budget
approvals consistent with the results of feasibility studies;
Finally, a phased and detailed plan of implementation of the approved
actions needs to be organized.
May 2005
(Cholri, Pateji,
Sanhro &Mehro)
E Diversion
(Old Dhoro
Puran River)
Map 3
May 2005
Map 4.
Map 5
May 2005
Map 6
May 2005
May 2005
May 2005
, Drainage Master Plan, Islamabad, 2004
, Terms of Reference for the Formulation of a Drainage Development and Water
Management Plan for Kotri Left Bank Drainage Basin
ActionAid, Disastrous effects of the Left Bank Outfall Drainage, Islamabad, 2003
ActionAid, National Drainage Program A Curse for Coastal Communities,
Islamabad, 2004
Arcadis BMB, Opinion on the Performance of the Surface Drainage System in Sindh
under Extreme Rainfall in July 2003
Asian Development Bank, Challenges in the Water Sector, a presentation at the
Pakistan Development Forum, Islamabad, 2004
Asian Development Bank, Project Completion Report on the LBOD Project (Stage I),
Delft Hydraulics under assignment by LBOD Consultants. Left Bank Outfall Drain.
Stage 1 project, Pre-design study for tidal link and outfall. 5. Final Report,
District Badin, Contingency Plan to Combat Cyclones and Flood/Rain 2004-2005,
Badin, 2004
Government of West Pakistan, Irrigation and Power Department, Sukkur Zone. Flood
Drainage Project for Sanghar, Tharparkar & Hyderabad Districts. Project
Report, 1964
Haq, B.L., Milliman, J.D. Marine Geology and Oceanography of Arabian Sea and
Coastal Pakistan, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1984
Hussein, M. H., Inception Report Scoping Exercise and DiagnosticStudy on
Livelihood Improvemients in the Districts of Thatta and Badin in Sindh,
December 2004
ICID, The Dilemma in the Humid Tropics: Conflicts in Drainage Needs for Food
Production and the Environment, presentation, 2003
Imtiaz, A., Global Climatic Change and Pakistans Water Resources, w/d
Irrigation and Power Department, Sindh, Comments on Executive Summary Report
and Main Report of the Drainage Master Plan, Karachi, 2004
Irrigation and Power Department, Sindh, Presentation on LBOD, 2004
IUCN Pakistan, Environmental Degradation and Impacts on Livelihoods Sea
Intrusion- A Case Study, Karachi, 2003
IUCN, Sindh Programme Office, Status Paper on Agriculture in Sindh, w/d
Jaffrelot, Christophe, Le Pakistan, Fayard, Paris, 2000
May 2005
May 2005
SCARPS Monitoring (South) WAPDA. Physical Monitoring Left Bank Out Fall
Drain Stage I Project Under National Drainage Programme. Final Report
(Mar 1999 to June 2004), 3 Vols., 2004
SIDA, IRC, Area Water Board Brochure, Karachi, 2003
SIDA, IRC, Business Plan SIDA 2002-2003, Karachi, 2002
SIDA, IRC, Business Plan SIDA 2003-2004, Karachi, 2004
SIDA, IRC, Diagnostic Study Water Management Left Bank Canal Area Water Board,
Karachi, 2003
SIDA, IRC, Farmers Organization Brochure, Karachi, 2003
SIDA, IRC, Performance of the Surface Drainage System in Sindh under Extreme
Rainfall in July 2003, Karachi, 2003
SIDA, Performance of Left Bank Outfall Drain During Monsoon 2003, Hyderabad,
SIDA, Water Sector Improvement Programme in Sindh, a presentation at the Pakistan
Development Forum, Islamabad, 2004
Sindh Abadgar Board, LBODa Mega Project, but Failure!, Badin, w/d
Sindh Development Studies Centre, Patterns of Land Tenure and the Distribution of
Land Ownership in the LBOD Project area: Implications for the Distribution
of Project Benefits, Jamshoro, 1991
Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan, 1998 District Census Report of Badin,
Islamabad, 1999
UNDP, Pakistan, National Human Development Report 2003, Islamabad, 2003
UNDP/Rural Development Policy Institute, Multistakeholder Workshop on Disaster
Preparedness and Management, District Badin, 2003
Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Chief Engineer & Project
Director. Review of functioning of LBOD Stage-I System, Islamabad (Undated)
Water and Power Development Authority, Physical Monitoring of LBOD Stage I
Project under National Drainage Programme, Islamabad, 2005
World Bank Inspection Panel, Report and Recommendation on Request for
Inspection. Pakistan National Drainage Program Project, Washington, 2004
World Bank, Country Assistance Strategy for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
Washington, 2002
World Bank, Country Director Pakistan, NDP Project Final Completion
Implementation Review Mission-Aide Memoire, Islamabad, 2005
World Bank, Diagnostic Study and Proposal for Livelihoods Improvements: Badin
and Tata Districts, Sindh, Pakistan, Islamabad, 2005 (draft)
May 2005
May 2005
Meeting with Mr. Sardar Nadir Akmal Khan Leghari, Minister and Mr.
May 2005
Meeting with Brig. Abdul Haque, NDP Coordination Cell and SIDA
Meeting with Dr. Abdul Latif Rao, IUCN Country Representative, 1Bath Island, Karachi, Tel: 5861540-3 and Ms Catherine Mackenzie.
Meeting with Mr. Ijaz Ahmed, Deputy Director General, WWF, Fortune
Center, Room 606, 6th Floor, Block-VI, PECHS, Shahra-e-Faisal, Main
Nursery, Karachi, Tel: 4544791 & 2
May 2005
Monday March 21- May 15. IMTA Initiate the study on Satellite interpretation of the
area and hydraulic modeling of the identify alternatives.
May 2005
The tidal link must be designed as narrow as possible, with a limited hydraulic
capacity to prevent a strong tidal intrusion and to reduce the construction costs;
The tidal link must have sufficient drainage capacity to prevent backing up and
raising of upstream water levels;
The main threat for the feasibility of the tidal link is formed by the presence of the
northern dhands area. This area has an enormous potential storage volume and has to
remain free of tide induced water level variations. Therefore in the design it is
considered of primary importance to prevent long-term scouring (and the dander of
propagating tidal intrusion). This is affected by a relatively wide channel design with
slightly shoaling characteristics. This concept assures a long-term stable drainage
system without the necessity of artificial bottom or bank protection.
Outfall Location.
The proposed outfall location is the Shah Samando Creek near the junction of Jati
outfall drain (see also Figure 3). The choice is based on the shortest connection with the
KPOD in combination with a relatively large tidal creek having sufficient hydraulic
capacity such that the additional tidal volume created by the connection of the tidal link
increases the tidal volume of the existing creek only by an order of percents.
Longitudinal Section
An important criterion for the longitudinal channel slope is the minimum available
water depth of the channel entrance in the outfall area near RD-152. The available
water depth should be sufficient to prevent supercritical flow during any flow
conditions or tidal phase. The erosive velocities should be limited to prevent the
entrance from extensive widening by erosion. Initial erosion will enhance tidal motion
in the drainage system which results again in increasing tidal velocities.
In general it is to be preferred to maintain a constant longitudinal channel slope since
the sediment transport in stable channels is relatively sensitive to bed slope variations.
A stable channel is alluvial material is on in which scour of banks, and changes in
alignment do not occur. The degree of meandering is related to the ratio of natural
May 2005
ground level slope to channel bed slope. If this ratio is less than I, the chance of
meandering by scouring banks is negligible and sedimentation processes will prevail.
Regarding the foregoing the choice is made for a continuation of the remodeled KPOD
channel slope of 7,18.10-5 resulting in a bed level of 5.3 m- SPD (17.4 ft SPD) at RD152. This relatively steep slope is advantageous with respect to tidal damping and
necessary to minimize the possibility of meandering.
Channel Cross-section.
From the field survey in the tidal creek area it is found that local bank
erosion/instability can form a potential threat for the cross-sectional stability. For
cohesive banks and berms formed by the deposition of fine material, bank failure
occurs as a slip circle prompted by toe erosion. To reduce the perimeter of the slip
circle it is usual to design a relatively gentle bank slope of 1:3.
Furthermore it is essential in the design to link up with the geometrical characteristics
of the existing channels up and downstream of the tidal link. Generally the width/depth
ratio of a channel is related to the type of bottom material.
Since the soil samples of the creek area and the tidal link alignment show a high
percentage of silt and clay (70-80%), a relatively low width/depth ratio is required. The
cross-section of the smaller tidal creeks have a bed width/depth of 10-15 and have
remained stable for many years. The cross-section from the upstream part of the tidal
link (the remodeled KPOD) has a design width/depth ratio of approximately 20.
With a bed slope of 7,18.10-5 , a constant bed width of 28m (92ft) and side slopes 1:3,
the design width/depth ratio along the tidal link will gradually change from 20 to 11 in
downstream direction.
Southern Embankment.
Along the south side of the tidal link alignment a dike is included in the design with
sufficient height to isolate the Kotri drainage system and the northern dhands from high
storm flood levels from the Rann of Kutch.
In general the essential conditions governing dike construction are: A height adequate
to prevent overtopping, a base-width sufficient for protection against destructive
foundation seepage and a cross-section sufficiently massive for safety against the
massive movement of soil against a slip surface.
The seepage is minimized by the properties of the basic material of the dike, originating
from the tidal link dredge spoil. The cores of the dike are nearly impervious.
Attention has to be paid to failure of the dike slope caused by weathering of the top
layer. In non-monsoon season this top- layer will dray out, forming cracks in horizontal
May 2005
and vertical direction. The penetration depth of the depth is 1-2 m (3.3 6.6 ft). This
zone is obviously not impervious. The cracks form a network in the dike, allowing
seepage. Due to the seepage local sliding of the slope surface can occur. To minimize
chances of local sliding a slope of 1:3 is required.
For additional protection against the forementioned soil mechanical failures of the north
slope of the embankment, it is recommended to extend the reservation width from the
toe of the embankment until the beginning of the channel slope to a distance of about
10 times the dike height above local ground level. This criterion results in a maximum
reservation width of 50 m (160 ft) from the lower parts along the tidal link alignment.
The possibility of local channel bank failure, as discuss in paragraph 6.3 also requires
extra berm width. To protect the toe of the embankment against propagating bank
erosion, an overall berm width of 100 m (328 ft) is expected to be sufficient.
For a ground level of 0.00 SPD, the embankment will be:
2.65m + SPD
(+8.7 ft)
Consolidation dike
( 2.2 ft)
( 1.2 ft)
( 4.9 ft)
( 0.7 ft)
5.40m +SPD
(17.7 ft +SPD)
May 2005
May 2005