Bayside Executive Summary
Bayside Executive Summary
Bayside Executive Summary
ES.1 Introduction
This Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) assesses the potential environmental impacts of the Bayside Groundwater Project (Proposed Project or project) proposed by the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD or the District). This document has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code, section 21000, et seq. and CEQAs implementing guidelines (CEQA Guidelines), Title 14, California Code of Regulations, sections 15000, et seq. The District is the lead agency for the CEQA process. Inquiries about the project should be directed to: Angela Knight EBMUD Water Supply Improvements Division 375 Eleventh Street - MS 407 Oakland, CA 94609-4240
In March 2001, EBMUD circulated a Draft Environmental Impact Report (2001 DEIR) on the Bayside Groundwater Project (SCH No. 2000092044). The 2001 DEIR evaluated the impacts of developing multiple injection wells in the San Lorenzo area with a collective annual capacity of 15 million gallons per day (mgd). The DEIR analyzed a number of well locations, a treatment facility location, and pipeline alternatives. Based on comments received on the DEIR, the District subsequently conducted focused studies that have led to substantial project changes that eliminate potentially significant impacts or reduce to less than significant levels the impacts that remain. Rather than revise and recirculate the 2001 DEIR to analyze the modified project, EBMUD has prepared this new Bayside Groundwater Project Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2000092044). An overview of the project is set forth in Section ES.2.4 and is fully described in Section 2.0 (Project Description) of this DEIR. The project, as revised, involves the injection of potable drinking water into the SEBPB during wet years for later recovery and use during a drought. As analyzed in this DEIR, the project is proposed in two phases. Phase 1 would be implemented immediately to provide an annual capacity of 1 mgd. Phase 2 is the potential future expansion of groundwater facilities with an annual capacity of between 2 and 10 mgd. EBMUD has made no commitment to implement Phase 2. EBMUD intends to use the information gathered from Phase 1 operations to help inform its future determinations on whether and how to proceed with Phase 2. If EBMUD determines to implement Phase 2, EBMUD would at that time complete a subsequent EIR. However, to the extent EBMUD can analyze the potential impacts of Phase 2 at this time, that analysis is included in Section 4.0 of this DEIR.
Additional project objectives are: To initiate EBMUD groundwater use within the SEBPB to prepare for both near-term (less than five years) and future drought conditions, and To collect data to inform decisionmaking regarding (1) whether it is appropriate to implement Phase 2 a larger-capacity facility and, if so, (2) how to design it.
Several sources, including local runoff and conserved Mokelumne River water Up to four additional Industrial zone, westerly end of westerly Grant Avenue, or venues within a broader area including San Lorenzo, San Leandro, and southern part of Oakland Not currently identified
At-the-wellhead chloramination, pH control, fluoridation; iron and manganese removal as needed Treatment at well site Connection to existing 12-diameter main in Grant Avenue; approximately 500 feet Settling followed by dechlorination Filter backwash and well backflush via storm drain system and sanitary sewer, respectively Drought Supply May initiate operation when October reservoir storage is projected to decline below 500,000 AF No Project Alternative Increased Conservation Increased Reclamation Regional Desalination Groundwater Storage in East Contra Costa County
Well sites or centralized treatment plant; location not known Unknown but in the vicinity of well locations Not currently identified Not currently known
Operational Parameters
Drought Supply May initiate operation when October reservoir storage is projected to decline below 500,000 AF No Project Alternative Increased Conservation Increased Reclamation Regional Desalination Groundwater Storage in East Contra Costa County
Ongoing monitoring of ground surface elevation change (subsidence), water quality, groundwater levels, and model verification
Not currently known; anticipated to be similar to Phase 1; possibly expanded version of Phase 1 monitoring
Short-term extraction rate could be up to 2 mgd; however, the annual average extraction would not exceed 1 mgd.
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This DEIR concludes that some of the effects of Phase 2 are presently knowable, and some are presently unknowable. For the presently knowable effects of Phase 2, this DEIR concludes that development of Phase 2 facilities would also have no impact, a less than significant impact with no mitigation required, or a less than significant impact with the implementation of effective and feasible mitigation measures. If and when EBMUD determines to implement Phase 2, a subsequent EIR will be prepared. Table ES-2A presented at the end of this chapter summarizes the environmental effects of Phase 1 of the project after mitigation, and Table ES-2B summarizes the environmental effects of Phase 2 of the project after mitigation. Sections 3 and 4 (Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures), Section 5 (Growth-Inducement Potential), and Section 6 (Cumulative Impacts) each provide a description of the criteria used in making the above significance determinations.
The alternatives analysis included in Section 7 of this DEIR compares the impacts of these three alternatives with the Proposed Project and the No Project Alternative. The analysis concluded the following:
Hydrology and Quality, Surface Water Hydrology and Quality, and Hazards, for which overall impacts would likely be less than under the project.
Award of construction contract, October 2006 Completion of construction, October 2007 Duration of startup operation, September 2007 to September 2008 Project in service, October 2008