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Delegate Reacts
to Budget Crisis

Fire Damages
Sunderland Home

Board of Elections
Shares Voting Information

Thursday, April 4, 2024 Calvert County Times 2

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North Beach nature center celebrates one
Beach towns get new library building
year anniversary


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3 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Grand Opening Set for New Twin Beaches

By Dick Myers Twin Beaches Branch Manager Melissa
Staff Writer Gray said, “We are very excited for the next
chapter of welcoming the community to
April 16 at 2 p.m. will be a milestone a long enjoy and experience this amazing space.
time in the making. That’s when the cer- This building was designed with intentional
emonial ribbon will be cut, and the doors gathering spaces, so we are looking forward
will swing open for the new Twin Beaches to being a place where people come together
Library in North Beach. to explore, learn, and grow.”
The library is moving from leased space The grand opening comes right after
in Chesapeake Beach. Calvert Library National Library Week (April 7-13). In
Executive Director Carrie Willson said, “My honor of the week, Southern Maryland
kind of assumption is that anytime we’re Regional Library Association released sone
leasing a space, that we don’t intend to do facts about libraries:
that forever. I know that at least 20 years ago • Library materials have circulated
the plan was to move the library to North 546,331 times, including checkouts
Beach. It’s taken about that long to actually and renewals.
get a new building.” • 37,385 people used their library cards
Lack of space was the glaring prob- and 4,240 people signed up for new
lem. But Willson noted, “We made every library cards.
effort to make it as ADA (Americans with • So far this fiscal year (July 1, 2023-
Disabilities Act) accessible as possible. And March 30, 2024), Southern Maryland
so, we even moved some of the shelving Staff of the new Twin Beaches library. Front row: Sandy Hunting, Assistant Branch Manager (black sweater) public library customers checked
ranges a little further apart, maybe six or and Melissa Gray, Branch Manager (red dress, denim jacket). 2nd row; Heather Thielker (gray shirt), Heather out 738,879 physical materials and
Malcomson (teal shirt), Denise Alexander (purple shirt over teal long sleeve), Jennifer Miller (gray jacket
seven years ago to allow a wheelchair to get with red turtleneck), Nicole Hurley (gray sweater over black dress). Last row: Erin Gage (gray jacket), Sally 298,421 digital materials.
up and down each of the aisles. But the park- Anderson (purple jacket), Shannon Gibbons (black jacket). • Mobile hotspots for those unserved/
ing is at such an angle that if you are actually underserved by broadband have cir-
in a wheelchair. or have mobility issues, it’s It’s large; it’s spacious.” toward the Bay there up on the third floor, culated 1,164 times.
really challenging to get into the front door Willson did a verbal tour: “The first thing there’s a kind of giant terrace that you can Most popular online resources (all free):
of that Captain’s Quarters location.” you encounter on the second floor, which see from outdoors that has seating for small • LinkedIn Learning: An online edu-
She added, “There is not a meeting room is kind of the main floor of the library, is children, for teens and for adults. So, there’s cational platform covering business,
per se. So, the children’s story time hap- the adult collection and adult computers. a really amazing space that you can lounge technology and creative skills with
pened on the carpet in between the stacks on There’s a cafe area where folks can get in, sit on, read on, look at the Bay, watch the expert-led course videos.
the children’s side of the library, which lim- things out of vending machines and have ospreys. It’s pretty incredible.” • ConsumerReports.org: A provider of
ited the number of people who could come lunch from one of the surrounding restau- Willson said the architects who designed unbiased reports on a variety of prod-
to a story time program. And then if there rants brought in. There’s your typical copier the library were very conscious of the setting. ucts to help consumers make more
was a program happening in what we called and the information desk, circulation desk “The library was designed for the setting, for informed purchasing decisions through
the meeting room, it meant that everybody at combo where you can get help from a staff the building to stand out as a public library test results, ratings, recommendations
the public computers and anybody who was member. There’s comfortable seating with and that kind of beacon of lifelong learning, and buying guides.
browsing the teen section was also involved views to the Bay, both inside and outside.” but also kind of fit in with the beach.” • Brainfuse HelpNow: A live, online
in that program because there just weren’t Willson went on to explain, “On the sec- “I think the end product people are gener- learning platform providing home-
separate spaces.” ond floor, there’s a porch area with some ally really happy with,” she said. “The gray work help, writing labs, adult learning
Willson observed, “There’s so much outdoor seating. And then there’s a 100-per- siding makes it look very beach like.” resources, and much more.
happening at any given time in addition to son meeting room on that floor as well, Willson added, “The roof that’s on the Top 3 Adult Fiction Titles, year to date:
people who are studying or remote work- which is dividable into two smaller meet- building is called a butterfly roof. But I think • Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie
ing. The list goes on of things that make a ing rooms for groups to use or for library you’ve heard me refer to it as an open book. Garmus
modern library. So, we’re really grateful for programs to happen in.” That was a nice touch.” • The Exchange: After the Firm by John
this new space.” She said, “And then if you walk or take When Willson was in Hagerstown before Grisham
Of the time it has taken to get to this the elevator to the third floor, you’re on this coming to Calvert she helped move a library • Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
point, Willson said, “It’s difficult for a small really gorgeous roof that you can see from; there, so “I had a little bit of a taste of what it Top 3 Adult Nonfiction Titles, year to date:
county like Calvert to come up with money the outside is visible from the inside. So, was, but generally it’s as big a project as you • Killers of the Flower Moon: The
for a capital project. So, thankfully there’s you’ve got all the exposed beams of the can imagine. So. the staff at Twin Beaches Osage Murders and the Birth of the
a county capital grant program that’s run by roof. The children’s side takes up one half have been incredible. And the move team FBI by David Grann
the Maryland State Library Agency, and that of the third floor, and the teen area takes up that’s worked on the project has done an • The Iliad by Gillian Cross and Neil
provided almost half of the funding for this the other half. So, it’s tremendously excit- incredible job. But it involved packing up Packer
project. And so, without that program, which ing to have that much space for the young everything that we needed to take with us, • The Best of Me by David Sedaris
recently in the last few years expanded from people in the community to make their own. and not the things we didn’t, and then hir- Top 3 Young Adult Fiction Titles, year
a $5 million program to a $7.5 million pro- “There’s a podcasting booth up there for ing a moving company to physically move to date:
gram, we were able to get a significant all ages, not just for kids and teens, but for the collection from where it was to where • One of Us is Lying by Karen M.
amount of funding that made it possible.” adults as well. That can be used for telehealth it is now. So that mapping each part of the McManus
The sire selection featured a battle between appointments or job interviews or recording collection to its new shelving units, and • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
North Beach and Chesapeake Beach, but a podcast or recording an oral history, you every box coming from this place in the • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Willson said, “I think it’s worked out. It is name it. And that’s fully equipped. There’s old building and going to this place in the Top 3 Children’s Fiction Titles, year to
such an ideal spot, basically a block off the also Makerspace on the third floor, again new building.” date:
boardwalk, the views of the Bay are tre- for older young people and, and adults. So But she added, “We’re also moving into • The Deep End by Jeff Kinney
mendous. (Chesapeake Beach) Mayor (Pat) there’s a laser cutter, a 3D printer, a vinyl a space that’s four times the size of our old • Loyalty by Avi
Mahoney, I think, has a corner picked out cutter. So, you can design and print your space. And we’ve added a lot of staff, so we • Unlocked by Shannon Messenger
for his morning newspaper reading. The own stickers or design and etch a glass, like needed new tape dispensers and more pencil Top 3 E-books and Audiobooks:
Chesapeake Beach Town Council and the a glass or a coffee cup or a metal travel cup. holders and all of the things that go into a • Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
North Beach Town Council and mayors have It’s just tremendously cool.” building; we needed lots more clocks for the • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
both all been super supportive of the project.” The Children’s Imagination Station is walls and more trash cans. And so, between by J.K. Rowling
“It’s kind of a jaw dropping,” Willson on the third floor, an imaginative play area the county and the library staff, and the archi- • Percy Jackson and the Olympians by
said about what people will see when they that we have in each of the Calvert librar- tects and the project managers, it’s been quite Rick Riordan
enter the new library. “It makes me emo- ies,” Willson said. “There’s expanded space the project. But we’ve had a really fantastic
tional. I’m so excited. It’s really beautiful. for that. And then if you walk all the way team working on the project.” [email protected]
Thursday, April 4, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 4

Governor Blamed for Calvert Budget Crunch

Fisher: There’s No Legislative Remedy
By Dick Myers was we’re going to get a lot of high paying it negotiates, is based on that amount. Well, crazy, you would want the LNG plant to be
Staff Writer jobs and we’re going to get a lot of revenue there’s a problem with that. When Dominion valued as much as possible because the state
to pay for county services and especially built the facility 12-14 years ago, it cost $4 gets a good portion of the revenue as well.
As the Calvert County Board of County the public schools. And so, our county has billion. Berkshire bought the facility in 2020 But the governor isn’t interested in helping
Commissioners (BOCC) begins in earnest been operating very conservatively, fiscally for $8 billion. So, it’s worth $8 billion at in this issue. He’s not even talking about
next week working on next fiscal year’s for many years. And then because the state least. And so, Calvert County has appealed how this facility should be properly valued.
budget, they are facing a two-pronged bud- isn’t acting the same way, they came in and the valuation and saying that it’s obviously And so, I find that very odd, on the one hand,
get squeeze from the state. County schools grabbed our surplus. And so, then the next worth what they paid for, which is $8 bil- and on the other hand, he took all the money
are facing a $22.5 million budget cut from question is, how can the governor grab your lion. And, if it were assessed and a PILOT from Calvert County and that makes it even
the state due to the county’s alleged wealth. surplus? How can he do that?” agreement were to be put in place, Calvert odder. And so, it’s not personal with him. It’s
That wealth is due in part to the existence Fisher answered, “The answer is sim- County would be doing extraordinarily well. just a spending problem. He has a spending
of two utility plants, Exelon’s Calvert Cliffs ple. For one, both of the fixed tax agree- The problem is Berkshire is fighting like problem. And it sounds a little corrupt to
Nuclear Power Plant, and the Dominions ments with the nuclear power plant and the crazy through the appeals process to say it’s me, quite frankly. I smell corruption. When
Cove Point LNG plant. Yet the county still LNG plant expired in, I believe 2022, that really not worth a whole lot. And the rea- you have a governor who’s basically saying
is negotiating on the revenue it will receive timeline. So, in other words, during the son why this should matter to the citizens he’s not going to try to have a conversation
next year from those two plants. pandemic, the county began renegotiating of Calvert County isn’t just for school fund- with the local stakeholders about the valu-
The staff recommended budget the BOCC those. And of course, it’s just the county, it’s ing and for county services funding and for ation of a facility when there’s a matter of
will use as a baseline had anticipated $69 not me up here in the state. It’s pure county the Sheriff’s Department’s funding and so public record. Because it’s a publicly traded
million from those two plants. Because the authority. And the LNG plant has, which is forth, it should matter because the people company that purchased it for $8 billion.”
issue has not been resolved, the flat budget really out of the two of them, the one that who technically are paying those taxes to Fisher said he’s looked at the matter every
includes the use of $28 million in fund bal- pays an enormous amount of revenue. The Calvert County are people who are receiv- which way and doesn’t believe politics is at
ance to balance the budget. LNG plant has been playing hardball with ing the natural gas, which is Europe. So, 84 play, given that the governor is a Democrat
It has been suggested at public meetings Calvert County. And that is to say they hav- percent of the natural gas currently is being and Calvert is now majority Republican.
thar the legislature rectify the situation. en’t renewed that agreement. So, the county exported to Europe, and the rest is being Expecting a resolution shortly, he said,
But Del. Mark Fisher (R: 29C) says there issued a temporary tax credit, and they did exported to Japan and India.” “So for next budget year we should be in
is no legislative remedy for the county’s so with the goodwill of understanding that Fisher is expecting a ruling soon and if decent shape. But this one, it doesn’t change
woes. Fisher, in an April 2 interview with they would eventually renegotiate a PILOT the county loses, they can appeal to the tax the fact that the governor literally stole this
the County Times, talked about what has agreement, not just for the LNG plant, but court, he said. money out of the budget. And that is a fact.”
caused the problem. also for the nuclear power plant.” But he said, “I kind of smell a rat because
Fisher said, “Calvert County invited years Fisher noted, “To give you an idea if you’re the governor of Maryland and [email protected]
ago a nuclear power plant and an LNG plant of why that matters, in Maryland law, a you are a spend thrift, you’re spending like
to locate in the county. This happened many, PILOT agreement that a county has with
many years ago. And the LNG plant was a major employer is not considered part of
then converted from an import plant to an the wealth effect, but a tax credit is. And so
export plant. And, the county entered into a consequently the governor could, he didn’t
fixed payment agreement, which are PILOT have to, but he could choose to steal the
(Payment in Lieu of Taxes) agreements for money, and he did. In the event the county
taxation. And the reason the county effec- renegotiates a PILOT agreement for each
tively invited these facilities was twofold. One of those two facilities, which of course they
was because they paid an enormous amount will, then that will not be included in the
of taxes, which helps to fund public schools wealth effect.”
and other county services, but also because Fisher further explained, “The problem
they, of course, have high paying jobs.” now is that you now have two facilities, both
Fisher explained, “The governor decided of whom know that they have leverage over
this session because of the ridiculous over- Calvert County because of this state law,
spending of, quite frankly, the governor and which is a wealth effect where they steal
his party, and they are overspending. There from the fiscally responsible and reallocate
is no one that would deny that he decided to money to the fiscally irresponsible. And that
take the county’s surplus, which was created is really what is happening now. And that
by those two facilities largely and put it into state law has been in effect for more than
the state budget. So literally he stole Calvert two decades ever since Thornton was put
County’s surplus.” into place for that sole purpose, to steal from
Fisher said, “Most counties would never the so-called responsible.”
want an LNG plant or a nuclear power plant Fisher says Calvert isn’t the first county
in their county. Most people…they would it’s happened to, it occurs every year.
say no, I don’t want those here.” Fisger said, “The lobbyists for the LNG
Fisher added, “Whether or not the plant, which is now owned by Berkshire
so-called negative externalities are real or Hathaway, one of the largest companies in
imagined by those two things is less import- the world, those lobbyists are saying that
ant than the fact that we took them will- the LNG plant’s only worth $4 billion.
ingly in Calvert County. And the tradeoff Remember what Calvert County receives,

5 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Guilty Plea Entered in Fire Damages

Yardley Hills Murder Sunderland Home
Anthony Hill, 28, of Washington, DC By Dick Myers
pleaded guilty on March 28 in Calvert Staff Writer
County Circuit Court to second degree
murder, use of a handgun in a crime of vio- A fire that damaged a single-family home
lence, and unlawful possession of a regu- on March 31 in Sunderland has been ruled
lated firearm. The charges resulted from the accidental by the Maryland State Fire
August 1, 2023, shooting death of Dakarai Marshal’s Office.
N. Milburn in the Yardley Hills subdivision The fire at 1110 Claggett Road caused
of Prince Frederick. $100,000 damage to the structure and
Sentencing has been scheduled for July $25,000 damage to the conrenrs. James
1, 2024, before Judge Mark S. Chandlee. Mackall was listred as rge owner/occupant. Photo from Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office
Hill is facing a maximum of 75 years incar- According to the fire marshal’s office,
ceration, including at least 5 years without “The fire originated in the basement of the A smoke alarm was present and did
the possibility of parole. dwelling and spread to the remainder of activate.
The case was prosecuted by Senior the residence. The cause was determined The primary responding fire company
Assistant State’s Attorney Lee Ann Bell and to be a space heater placed too close to was the Huntingtown Volunteer Fire
Assistant State’s Attorney Allison Walton. combustibles. One occupant sustained a Department. It took 40 firefighters 30 min-
minor burn injury but refused medical ser- utes to bring brge blaze under control.
Press Release from Calvert County State’s vice. The occupants were assisted by the
Attorney Anthony Hill American Red Cross. [email protected]

Calvert County Board of Elections Provides

Voting Information for 2024 Primary Election
As the Maryland primary election gov/Vote. lowing locations: service for seniors and persons with dis-
approaches, it is essential for Calvert County Community Resources Building, 30 Duke abilities at a sliding scale; please contact
residents to be informed about important Early Voting St. in Prince Frederick the Office on Aging at 410-535-4606 for
voting information. The primary election Registered voters can vote early in person • Southern Community Center more information.
will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from Thursday, May 2 through Thursday, 20 Appeal Lane in Lusby
and it is crucial for all eligible voters to exer- May 9, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, including • Calvert Library Fairview Branch Preliminary Results
cise their right to vote. weekends, at the following locations: 8120 Southern Maryland Blvd. in After Maryland polls close on Tuesday, May
• Community Resources Building Owings 14, citizens can tune in to the Calvert County
Voter Registration 30 Duke St. in Prince Frederick • Northeast Community Center Government channels at www.YouTube.
The last day to register in advance to vote or • Southern Community Center 4075 Gordon Stinnett Ave. in com/CalvertCountyGov or Comcast chan-
to change your voter information is Tuesday, 20 Appeal Lane in Lusby Chesapeake Beach nel 99 or 1070 to view preliminary results
April 23, 2024. Same-day voter registration • Ward Farm Park Vote Center If voting by mail, be sure to follow all for state and local contests.
will also be available at any voting location 10455 Ward Road in Dunkirk instructions provided with the ballot. Learn Preliminary results will not be released
during early voting and on primary election Learn more at www.CalvertCountyMd. more at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/ until all polls in Maryland have closed. All
day. For more information about voter reg- gov/EarlyVoting. VoteByMail. results are unofficial until all mail-in and
istration, visit www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/ provisional ballots have been canvassed
VoterRegistration. Vote by Mail Primary Election Day Information and counted and results are certified by the
Registered voters may choose to vote by Voters may cast their ballot at their assigned Election Board.
Polling Place Changes mail. To have a ballot mailed to you prior to polling center on Tuesday, May 14, 2024,
In January, Calvert County voters in the election day, applications must be received from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The least crowded time For more information on voter registration,
Dunkirk, St. Leonard and Lusby areas were (not just postmarked) by the Election Board to vote on election day is typically between early voting locations, preliminary results
notified by mail of polling place changes. by Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Ballots have 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Voters may bring their from the State Board of Elections and other
Voters can confirm their polling locations begun to be mailed to voters who have sample ballots with them when they cast important details about the Maryland pri-
online at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/ requested to vote by mail. their vote. mary election, visit www.CalvertCountyMd.
PollingPlaces or through Maryland Voter Requests for internet-delivered ballots gov/Vote. Citizens may also contact the
Services at https://voterservices.elections. must be submitted by Friday, May 10; Transportation Calvert County Election Board office at
maryland.gov/PollingPlaceSearch. requests for in-person pickup of ballots may During the 2024 primary election in Calvert 410-535-2214 or elections@calvertcoun-
be requested by Tuesday, May 14. County residents have access to various tymd.gov. The Election Board office is open
Sample Ballots To complete an application online, visit transportation providers. Regularly sched- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Sample ballots will be mailed to voters vote.md.gov/NeedBallot. Voters may also uled public transportation service will be Friday, at 30 Duke St. in Prince Frederick,
beginning April 12, 2024. A sample ballot request a mail-in ballot form by calling available during early voting and on primary lower level. Stay up to date with Calvert
includes an example of the actual ballot the the Calvert County Board of Elections at election day. Visit www.CalvertCountyMd. County election information on Facebook at
voter will receive, including the date of the 410-535-2214. gov/BusSchedules for fares, routes and www.facebook.com/CalvertElectionBoard.
election, a list of candidates and ballot mea- After a mail-in ballot is received and com- schedules. Find information on Calvert County
sures the voter is entitled to vote on, voter pleted, voters may submit the completed Public Transportation provides point Government services online at www.
precinct information, polling location and ballot by mail using the included prepaid to point paratransit services upon request CalvertCountyMd.gov. Stay up to date with
voting instructions. Voters are encouraged envelope or by placing it in one of the four for qualifying seniors or disabled to all Calvert County Government on Facebook
to research and fill out their sample ballot. secure drop boxes provided throughout the polling locations, except Plum Point at www.facebook.com/CalvertCountyMd
Voters are allowed to bring their sample bal- county, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until Elementary. For more information, visit and YouTube at www.youtube.com/
lot with them when voting. Sample ballots Tuesday, May 14, at 8 p.m. Drop boxes are www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/ParaTransit. CalvertCountyGov.
will also be available through the Election under surveillance and ballots are retrieved The Office on Aging coordinates with
Board website at www.CalvertCountyMd. daily by Board of Elections staff at the fol- Lifestyles, Inc. to provide point to point
Thursday, April 4, 2024 Calvert County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 6

April Showers Bring Hospice of the

Flood Risks Chesapeake’s Culinary
Prepare for Emergencies During Flood
Awareness Month
Event Raises $100K
With April designated as Flood Awareness
Month, Calvert County Government urges
residents to take proactive steps in under-
standing and preparing for flood hazards.
Calvert County is susceptible to various
flood risks throughout the year, such as storm
surges, heavy rainfalls and coastal flooding.
Flooding is the most prevalent natural
hazard in Maryland. Armed with the right
information and tools, residents can be pre-
pared for when flooding strikes:
• Make a Plan: Have a household emer-
gency plan that includes emergency
contacts, a meeting place and com-
munication plan with others in your
household, and how to meet any spe-
cial needs.
• Build a Kit: Assemble an emergency
kit with essentials like water, food, In addition to the video series, Calvert Hospice of the Chesapeake President and CEO Becky Miller, center, poses with, from left, Brittany, Bill,
medications and important documents. County is making updates to critical Roger and Diane Murphy from the events Presenting Sponsor, Floor Systems.
• Stay Informed: Sign up for local alerts resources aimed at bolstering the commu-
and monitor weather updates. nity's resilience to flood hazards. Later this The Calvert County community came points in living with their diseases.”
• Property Protection: Consider flood April, the county will unveil an updated together to enjoy fine cuisine, local wines and Funds from this year’s event will con-
insurance, ensure equipment like flood hazard map that will provide resi- spirited dancing, helping to raise more than tinue to benefit programs at the Burnett
sump pumps operate correctly, elevate dents with more detailed, accessible infor- $100,000 for Hospice of the Chesapeake at Center as well as hospice and supportive
utilities and use sandbags or other bar- mation on flood risks in their specific areas. the 11th annual Culinary Event held March care for residents of Calvert County. “By
riers to mitigate floodwater damage. Furthermore, updates to the Calvert County 22 at The Hall at Huntingtown. All proceeds joining us tonight, you are supporting those
• Report Flood Prone Areas: Report Flood Mitigation Plan and an improved will be used to grow and strengthen pro- who are making change happen, those who
nuisance tidal flooding, precipita- Community Rating System (CRS) rating grams in Calvert County and provide direct are seeking new and innovative approaches,
tion-caused flooding and coastal storm are on the horizon. These enhancements support to local patients and families living and those who are expanding on that orig-
damage using the MyCoast Maryland promise to bring valuable benefits to the with illness and loss. inal vision,” President and CEO Becky
mobile app or website. Citizens are community, including reduced flood insur- As guests enjoyed dinner, Hospice of Miller said.
reminded to always follow safety pre- ance rates through the CRS program, in the Chesapeake’s Director of Community The organization is grateful for the gen-
cautions when making flood reports: recognition of stronger protections and pre- Health Faith Fitzgerald talked about a erous support of its many sponsors, includ-
do not walk, swim or drive through paredness measures against flood hazards. major initiative that benefited from last ing Presenting sponsor Floor Systems;
flood waters, and stay off bridges over Residents are encouraged to learn more year’s event. The Burnett Center for Hope Vintners Blend sponsors Kelly Generator
fast-moving water, which can wash about the county’s floodplain management & Healing, formerly the Burnett Calvert & Equipment, Inc.; and Maertens Fine
bridges away without warning. efforts by visiting www.CalvertCountyMd. Hospice House, was reopened in November Jewelers; Malbec Sponsors Lee Funeral
A centerpiece of this year's Flood gov/Floodplain. with a new purpose of focusing on hope Homes; Peggy McKelly; and Michael
Awareness Month is a series of educational Find information on Calvert County and healing of the Calvert County com- & Karen Sharpe; and Rosé sponsor Gail
videos set to be released every Tuesday in Government services online at www. munity through a variety of experiential Siegel, O’Brien Realty.
April on the county's YouTube channel. CalvertCountyMd.gov. Stay up to date with teaching, learning and partnership opportu- The nonprofit also would like to thank its
These videos will cover topics such as Calvert County Government on Facebook nities. “Hope and healing are a critical part event partners, The Hall at Huntingtown,
floodplain awareness, floodplain mitigation at www.facebook.com/CalvertCountyMd of our care continuum,” Fitzgerald said. Maryland Country Caterers, Event Pro,
planning, floodplain community ratings and and YouTube at www.youtube.com/ “The Burnett Center’s vision is serving and NightLife.
the National Flood Insurance Program. CalvertCountyGov. community members who are at different


7 IN OUR COMMUNITY Calvert County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

North Beach Nature Parks & Recreation

Center to Celebrate Announces Pickleball
One-Year Anniversary Tournament
The Town of Np0rth Beach is inviting take in the live music performed by the The Calvert County Department of Parks scholarship helps those who wish to partic-
evenyone to Wetlands Overlook Park to Cypress Creek Bluegrass Band. & Recreation (CCPR) will host its annual ipate in Parks & Recreation programs but
celebrate the one-year anniversary of the The Calvert County Master Gardeners Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, April lack the funds to do so by subsidizing pro-
North Beach Nature Center on April 20 have been added to the event, providing 27, and Sunday, April 28, 2024. Games gram costs. The program also encourages
from 12 to 3 pm. There will be fun for fam- valuable insights and information. Inside will be held at Hallowing Point Park, young adults to pursue a career in the field
ilies and nature lovers alike. the Nature Center, we’ll be showing the located at 4755 Hallowing Point Road in of parks and recreation through a continuing
The town is thrilled to have Trail Life original “The Lorax” film, adding a touch Prince Frederick. education scholarship.
Troop 0153 dedicate the new Green of nostalgia and environmental awareness The tournament will be run by CCPR The Calvert County Department of
Woodland Trail, and they also will be to the celebration. And of course, no birth- staff. Events will consist of women’s dou- Parks & Recreation strives to enhance
planting a tree for Arbor Day with the Tree day celebration is complete without cake! bles and men’s doubles on Saturday and the health, economy and well-being of
Committee. In addition to these activities, The complete schedule for the event is mixed doubles on Sunday. Medals will be the Calvert County community through
there will be crafts and door prizes for available on r5eh North Berach website. awarded for first, second and third place in sustainable practices, leisure opportu-
everyone to enjoy. You can also relax and each age group. nities and environmental stewardship.
Players must register by April 12. For more information about Parks &

Caution: Duck Crossing

Registration costs $70 for one day or $85 Recreation facilities and programs, visit
for both days. To register online, please online at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/
visit calvertcounty.perfectmind.com and ParksandRecreation.
use the following activity numbers: For updates on Parks & Recreation ser-
There has been an increase in duck activ- to not feed ducks. • Ages 19-34: Activity #442855 vices, park availability, field closures and
ity around town. This is the time of year Feeding ducks peo- • Ages 35-49: Activity #442856 more visit Parks & Recreation at www.
that Mallard Ducks breed and nest near the ple food can lead • Ages 50-64: Activity #442857 Facebook.com/CalvertCountyParks and
Chesapeake Bay. Nests are built on high to serious problems, • Ages 65 and older: Activity #442858 follow @CalvertCountyParks on Instagram.
ground near water. The female will lay 8 including malnutrition, Proceeds from the tournament benefit Find information on Calvert County
to 10 eggs that typically hatch in 28 days. overcrowding, pollu- the Therman Gray Memorial Scholarship. Government services online at www.
Please be cautious when driving and keep tion, pest attraction, and Calvert County Parks & Recreation operates CalvertCountyMd.gov. Stay up to date with
your eyes out for ducks that may be cross- loss of the duck’s natural this program in memory of the late Therman Calvert County Government on Facebook
ing the roads. fear of humans. Gray, a former Calvert County Government at www.facebook.com/CalvertCountyMd
This is also a great time for a reminder employee who was active in working with and YouTube at www.youtube.com/
and mentoring Calvert County’s youth. The CalvertCountyGov

Living Well With Diabetes

Southern Pines Senior Center, Lusby
20 Appeal Lane, Lusby, MD 20657
Tuesdays, April 16 - May 21 | 1-3:30 p.m.

Calvert Pines Senior Center, Prince Frederick

450 W. Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Tuesdays, June 25 - July 30 | 1-3:30 p.m. FREE!

Get the support you need while exploring strategies that promote well-being and decrease
the risk of complications associated with diabetes. Learn simple techniques to manage your
symptoms and receive effective ways to talk with your doctor and family about your health.

To register, please call

410-535-5400, ext. 514.
Funding for these workshops is provided by the Maryland Department of Aging, Title IIID funds.
Thursday, April 4, 2024 Calvert County Times CALENDARS 8

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Fri, Apr 5 a pick-up appointment. We understand that the various loan options available to you. Offered by Maryland Department of Labor,
demand may be higher than our supply of Learn about down payments and what gets American Job Center, this is an interactive
On Pins & Needles Chromebooks. If you don’t receive a laptop at counted in your income and assets. Find workshop for resume and cover letter writ-
one of our events, we encourage you to check out what those acronyms MIP and pmI ing help. Looking for a job, or a better job?
Calvert Library Prince Frederick out our lending program. Customers can bor- are about. Bring your questions! Mortgage Don’t miss this free class. Registration closes
850 Costley Way row a Wi-Fi-enabled Chromebook, a mobile Consultant Jessica Sullivan will be on hand the Monday before the event. If you have
1-4 p.m. hotspot or both for a normal borrowing period to answer them! 410-535-0291 or 301-855- questions, please contact Cheryl Thorne
of 21 days with a library card. 410-257-2411. 1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info. at [email protected] job-
Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, https://CalvertLibrary.info. seeker help is available on mwejobs.mary-
crocheting or other project for an after- land.gov. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
noon of conversation and shared creativ- Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble & Tue, Apr 9 https://CalvertLibrary.info.
ity. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// More
CalvertLibrary.info. Creature Feature Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support
Calvert Library Prince Frederick
First Fossil Friday! 850 Costley Way Calvert Marine Museum Calvert Library Southern Branch
12-3 p.m. 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons
Calvert Marine Museum 3-4 p.m.
1 - 4:30 p.m. Games are a great way to keep your brain Come to the museum for the Monthly
sharp while having fun! Join us! Please Mystery Creature Feature. Every second Get tips and support from other caregivers.
Fossil hunters, bring your fossil finds from register. Interested in reading about Tuesday of the month, the CMM Education Facilitated by Charles Harrell and Dennis
Calvert Cliffs or other local areas to be Mahjongg? Take a look at what the library Team will feature an animal in the museum Poremski of the Alzheimer’s Association.
identified! This service is provided for free; has. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// lobby that is not normally on display. Learn 410-326-5289. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
however, admission fees apply for access to CalvertLibrary.info. about a new animal and discover the won-
CMM exhibits. derful variety of creatures found in our local
estuaries. Take-home educational coloring Upcoming
Mon, Apr 8 pages will be available! Check our social
Sat, Apr 6 media feed for the big reveal on Monday to Maritime Performance Series: Claude
Watch the Solar Eclipse with Us find out what Tuesday’s Creature Feature Bourbon
Garden Smarter - Landscaping will be! Included with museum admission.
All Calvert libraries Calvert Marine Museum
Calvert Library Prince Frederick 2-3:30 p.m. Friday, April 12
850 Costley Way Wed, Apr 10 7 - 9 p.m.
We’re not in the direct path but we should
Tips and what not to do when landscaping have about 80 percent coverage! Come Brain Games (PF): Mahjongg, Claude Bourbon is known throughout
your garden/yard. 410-535-0291 or 301- watch with us and the Astronomy Club! Scrabble & More Europe and America for amazing guitar
855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary.info. We’ll have a limited number of solar performances that takes blues, Spanish,
eclipse glasses on hand to safely view the Calvert Library Prince Frederick and Middle Eastern stylings into uncharted
Chromebook Giveaways eclipse. Remember, never look at the sun 850 Costley Way territories. It is an experience that compels
without proper eye protection!! Glasses 10 a.m.-1 p.m. his audience to return again and again to
Northeast Community Center will be available starting at 2pm. https:// hear and watch him play, as his fingers
Chesapeake Beach CalvertLibrary.info. Games are a great way to keep your brain lightly dance over the strings of his gui-
10 a.m.-4 p.m. sharp while having fun! Join us! Please tar. Performance is in the museum’s Harms
Mortgages 101 register. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. Gallery starting at 7 p.m.; doors open at 6
Calvert County and Calvert Library are excited https://CalvertLibrary.info. p.m. with beer and wine for sale. Tickets
to be able to give one FREE Chromebook to Calvert Library Prince Frederick are $20 online, up to one day prior at bit.ly/
qualified households. These Chromebooks 850 Costley Way Resumes and Cover Letters MaritimeConcerts, and $25 the day of the
have been provided by a grant from the 6:30-7:30 p.m. concert, online and at the door.
Maryland State Department of Housing and Calvert Library Prince Frederick
Community Development. Please see the Home ownership helps you build wealth. 850 Costley Way
qualification requirements before making Learn the steps to getting a mortgage and 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey [email protected] or service in its news coverage.

Advertising To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler [email protected] name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Staff Writers make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/

County Times
Dick Myers [email protected] edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Guy Leonard [email protected] submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
Contributing Writers receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Ron Guy, Ken Lamb, Shelby Opperman, lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Dave Spigler
Calvert County Times & EVENTS
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Calvert County Government will be responsible and accountable to all citizens of Calvert County; provide high quality, effective and
efficient services; preserve Calvert County’s environment, heritage and rural character; foster opportunities for responsible and
sustainable residential growth and economic development; and support Calvert County’s essential institutions and keep them strong.

UPCOMING MEETINGS Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 14

Meetings are open to the public and are subject to change. The voter registration deadline is April 23
Board of County Commissioners meeting, Tuesday, April 9, 2024, For polling locations, important dates and more visit
10 a.m., Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 175 Main Street, Prince Visit www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/Vote

Boards and Commissions Meetings

Meetings are held via Zoom unless otherwise noted.
Call-in information can be found on www.calvertcountymd.gov.
Volunteer drivers needed who can commit to
Architectural Review Committee - Prince Frederick Town Center,
one day per month for approximately 1.5-2
Monday, April 8, 2024, 7-8 p.m.
Administrative Charging Committee Meeting Drivers deliver meals to homebound older
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 3-4:30 p.m. adults. If you cannot drive but still want to serve, delivery route coordinators
Historic District Commission Meeting and board members are also needed. If you are interested or have any
Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 4:30-6:30 p.m. questions, please call 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170.

Public Hearings and Meetings

Board of Appeals Hearing
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
Thursday, April 4, 2024, 9 a.m. Ribbon Cutting
Join the Board of County Commissioners on
Find more information about all Boards and Commissions at Tuesday, April 16 at 2 p.m. for the ribbon-cutting
www.calvertcountymd.gov/GetInvolved. Now is a great time to get ceremony for the new Calvert Library Twin Beaches
involved! Call 410-535-1600, ext. 2201 with any questions. Branch located at 4100 5th St. in North Beach.

Visit www.calvertag.com/FarmersMarketVendor for more information.

Zoning Ordinance Update - Public Comment Period open for articles NEW Sherrif Office District Station Locations:
17 & 31 opens April 5 though May 3, 2024 Dunkirk District Station
10500 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 20754
Lusby District Station
11780 HG Trueman Road, Lusby, MD 20657

Parks & Recreation to Host Pickleball

Tournament at Hallowing Point Park
Players must register by April 12. The cost is $70 for one
day or $85 for both days.
To register online, visit calvertcounty.perfectmind.com.


Find all of our social media accounts online at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/SocialMedia
FACEBOOK YOUTUBE www.linkedin.com/company/
www.facebook.com/CalvertCountyMd www.youtube.com/CalvertCountyGov calvert-county-government
Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 19


1. A minute amount (British) 1. Possesses
5. Mystical or magical 2. American Board of Orthopedic
11. Shortening Surgery
14. More satisfying 3. Ancient Syrian city
15. Other side 4. Clip
18. Philippine island 5. In a way, misleads
19. More unnatural 6. Human gene
21. Mutual savings bank 7. The Golden State (abbr.)
23. Famed designer Chanel 8. Lizard genus
24. Makes less wild 9. Parasites that invade the skin
28. At some prior time 10. Took apart
29. The cops who investigate the cops 12. Mild yellow Dutch cheese
30. Immune system response 13. S. California town
32. Distress signal 16. Suffix plural
33. Engine additive 17. Painting technique
35. “No Scrubs” trio 20. Small Eurasian deer
36. Very fast airplane 22. Mr. T character
39. A reward (archaic) 25. Microsoft
41. Commercial 26. Shock therapy
42. Spots where golfers start 27. Able to be sold
44. Polite form of address (Indian) 29. A doctrine
46. French river 31. These three follow A
47. Reduce the light 34. Pulse
49. Blood-sucking fly 36. Quantitative fact
52. A way to categorize 37. Doctor __: children's book author
56. Procrastinates 38. Hebrew calendar month
58. Tall slender tower 40. Designated hitter
60. Where researchers work 43. Norther Poland village
62. Office of the Pope 45. A passport is one form
63. Office furnishing 48. Hand (Spanish)
50. Hit with the open hand
51. Actor Idris
53. Shakespeare’s nickname “The __”
54. Northern U.S. lake
55. Marvin and Horsley are two
57. Soak
58. Partner to cheese
59. Expression of disappointment
61. College dorm employee

18 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

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Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times CALENDARS 17

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Apr 4 Sat, Apr 6 George Island—the only Revolutionary War and promoting the skill of quilting. New
battle to occur in Maryland. members of all skill levels are welcome. For
American Legion Post 221 Meeting Growing for good Planting day questions, email: [email protected]

American Legion Post 221 Historic Sotterley Plantation Sun, Apr 7

21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue 44300 Sotterley Ln., Hollywood Upcoming
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. 9a.m. to Noon Quarter Auction Benefit
Carry-Out Chicken Dinner
American Legion Post 221 invites all active Ready to help Historic Sotterley usher in Knights of Columbus Hall,
duty personnel and veterans to join us for spring? We’re looking for volunteers who 16441 Three Notch Rd., Ridge K.C. Hall, Ridge
our monthly meeting on the first Thursday don’t mind getting dirty, love gardening and Noon to 2:30p.m. Sunday, April 14, 2024
of each month at 7:00pm. E-mail us at farming, and want to help their community 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
[email protected] or call 301*481*6625 to join us for our Growing for Good Planting Auction starts at 1PM. Regular bidding pad-
for more information. Days! You will help us get our seeds planted dles are $3 each, 2 for $5 or 3 for $7. Bring $15 Dinner: 1/2 chicken, potatoes, veg-
so they can start growing in our Hoop House your quarters to bid with. All-in paddles are gie, cole slaw, and a roll. Self serve dining
Senior Thursday at Historic St. Mary’s or cut and prep potatoes for planting in our $45 and include a bid on all items on the facilities available. Baked goods available.
City fields. What we produce here at Historic event program. For info or reservations, 301-872-4641
Sotterley gets donated to our partners at email [email protected] or
Historic St. Mary’s City local food banks and pantries to support call 240-416-4224.
18751 Hogaboom Ln., St. Mary’s City community members in need. Ongoing
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Rebels & Redcoats: A Southern Mon, Apr 8 Military and Veterans Support Group
Seniors 65+ enjoy FREE ADMISSION to Maryland Revolutionary War Family
Historic St. Mary’s City the first Thursday Event Pax River Quilters Guild Meeting 21797 North Coral Dr., Lexington Park
of each month! Learn about Maryland’s Every other Saturday at 9 a.m.
history while visiting the Woodland Indian Piney Point Lighthouse Museum Good Samaritan Lutheran Church
Hamlet, the reconstructed Town Center, the 44720 Lighthouse Rd., Piney Point 20850 Langley Rd., Lexington Park We support our military and veterans
Maryland Dove on the waterfront, and the 10 a.m. to 5p.m. 6:30 p.m. through the PTSD/Suicide Prevention
Tobacco Plantation. Visitor Center, Gift Group of Southern Maryland meeting at The
Shop, site interpreters, beautiful walking FREE family fun event commemorating the Meetings are the second Monday of every Flashback restaurant. Problems? Come join
paths. 301-994-4370 or hsmcdigshistory.org American War for Independence as it hap- month and feature guest speakers, show us. Call Harry Metzler at 240-298-3837 or
pened in St. Mary’s County. This event is and tells, and other fun activities. Pax River Nick Gravelle at 301-481-6751
being held on land at Piney Point Lighthouse Quilters Guild is a non-profit organization
Museum near the site of the Battle of St. devoted to philanthropic quilting projects

on the second Monday of the month. Chief for Calvert County Natural Re- Fix-it Fair: Clothes & Fabrics
Connect and Converse Food will not be provided. sources, introduces the native trees of Community members are invited
Do you enjoy arts and crafts? Do you Maryland and offers strategies for se- to bring in broken household items
enjoy games? Do you want to make Introduction to A.I. lecting and placing a tree in your yard at and learn how to repair them them-
new friends? Connect and Converse Come chat with ChatGPT and learn home at Leonardtown Library on Satur- selves at Lexington Park Library on
might just be the event for you! Join about A.I. at Lexington Park Library on day, April 13 from 10 – 11 a.m. Maryland's Saturday, April 13 from 2 – 4 p.m. Lo-
us at the Charlotte Hall Library on Wednesday, April 10 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. native trees come in an amazing array cal experts will be here to guide you
Monday, April 8 from 12 – 1 p.m. for an Curious about A.I.? Want to know more of sizes and shapes. They can provide through the repair process, with a dif-
opportunity to connect and converse about Chat GPT? This lecture will intro- beauty and boost the environmental ferent focus each month. April's focus
with others. During this monthly pro- duce some of the basic ideas around ar- health of your home landscape, no mat- is fabric! Tear a hole in your best den-
gram, we will gather in the meeting tificial intelligence. We’ll talk about how ter how large or small the space. Learn im jeans? Remember your favorite
room to either create artwork or play A.I. is being used today, what its current more about their many benefits, from sweater fitting better last year? Need
a game. You are encouraged (but not limitations are, and how it will shape the supporting nesting birds and beneficial to cover up a stain that won't budge?
required) to bring your own lunch with future! Computer Skills needed for this insects to improving air and water qual- Bring in your torn, stained, or ill-fit-
you! For the month of April, our art ac- class: Internet searching. Register on ity. The talk will conclude with a walk ting items, and let's see if we can't
tivity will be color or paint by number. www.stmalib.org. around the Library's "Front Yard" for an fix it together! Tools, materials, and
Our game will be Blokus. This event is up-close look at the native trees that are light refreshments will be provided.
intended for adults with intellectual or Plant for Native Trees in the focal points of our native plant gar- Registration is encouraged; walk-ins
developmental disabilities as well as Your Yard at Home den. Register on www.stmalib.org. welcome as space allows. Register
their friends, family, and caregivers. Join us as Karyn Molines, the Division on www.stmalib.org.
Connect and Converse usually meets
2/$5 3.48
St. Mary’s County Times
2/$7 3.78 2/$7
Thursday, April 4, 2024

6-Ct., Selected 11.5 To 15-Oz., Selected 27.5 To 28.2-Oz., Selected 16-Oz. Nathan’s Onions Or 22-Oz. 7.3 -Oz. 4 To 6-Pack, Selected 16-Oz., Regular
Mayfield Ice Cream Bars Marie Callender’s DiGiorno Arby’s New York Klondike Blue Bonnet
Or Sandwiches Pot Pies Pizzas Curly Fries Garlic Knots Bars Margarine

1.98 3.98 3.98 2/$6 4.28 1.48





Honey or Hickory Smoked

Bakery & Deli Fresh
Premium Deli Turkey

6.99 Lb.
Cornershop 22-Oz., 8-Inch
Yellow Coconut Or
American Cheese Egg Custard Pie

5.98Lb. 4.98
Double Layer
Carrot Cake

12-Ct., Selected 10.5-Oz.
Bakery Fresh Benson’s
Cookies Angel Food Bar Cake

4.58 3.48

Liquor and Beer

12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz., Cans 12 Pack, 12-Oz. Bottles
15-Pack Milwaukee’s 18-Pack Modelo
Best Light Coors Light Especial 10-Oz. Cans

7.99 15.99 16.99

24 Pack Bud Light


1.75 Liter 1.75L

Tito’s 1.75L 750 ML Crown
Vodka Smirnoff Vodka Fireball Whiskey Royal

30.49 18.99 15.99 42.99

Winess of the Month
Superior 750 ML
Red and White
Red Blend 750ml, Sauvignon Blanc
Chateau La Roberterie Chateau La Roberterie
Blue Billed Josh Cellars

10.99 16.99
Duck Wine Wine

5.98 13.98
1.48Lb. 5.98Lb.
Pork Chops Tip Roast

USDA Inspected, Bone-In 3.48

Thursday, April 4, 2024 Center
St. Cut
Mary’s County Times23860 Hollywood301-475-2531
Road, Hollywood, MD 20636
Reg. Or Brown Sugar
Pork Chops Ham Steaks

2.98 4.98 3.98

16-Oz. 93% Lean 2.20-Oz.

Butterball butchers on site Dean
Lb. Ground Turkey Fully Cooked Bacon
to assist with all your meat customizations!
15-Oz., Reg. Or
Bun Size

Ball Park
Beef Franks

6.98 4.98
Certified Angus Beef 16-Oz., Selected
Boneless Sirloin Jimmy Dean

Certified Angues Beef
Boneless Beef Lb. Tip Steaks Roll Sausage

1.48Lb. 5.98Lb.
USDA Inspected Certified Angus Beef
Ribeye Steaks Bone-In Assorted Beef Sirloin

avings 3.98 5.98

S Lb.
Pork Chops Tip Roast
1-Lb., Southern Seas
8-Oz., Pre-Sliced 31 To 40-Ct. Large

Dietz Provolone Raw EZ Peel
Or Swiss Cheese Shrimp
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
Center Cut Reg. Or Brown Sugar

3.98 3.98
Pork Chops 6 To 7-Oz., Selected
Dietz & Watson
Ham Steaks 6-Oz., Selected

USDA Inspected, Bone-In Lunch Meat Sushi Roll
Country Style
4.98 3.98
16-Oz. 93% Lean 2.20-Oz.
Butterball Jimmy Dean
Pork RibsLb. Ground Turkey Fully Cooked Bacon


Sail Pacific
Salmon Fillet
Lb. 15-Oz., Reg. Or
Bun Size
Ball Park

4.98Lb. 9.99Lb.
1-Lb. Fresh Beef Franks
Nature’s Best Cod
Fillets Fillets

Farm To Table 6.98Lb. 4.98

Certified Beef 16-Oz., Selected
Certified Angues Beef Boneless Sirloin Jimmy Dean
Tip Steaks Roll Sausage
Boneless Beef
Ribeye Steaks
M Lb.
8-Oz., Pre-Sliced
Dietz Provolone
Or Swiss Cheese
1-Lb., Southern Seas
31 To 40-Ct. Large
Raw EZ Peel

Sweet, Plump Farmers Finest 2-Lb. Bag All Purpose Farmers Finest
Red Seedless Premium Vine Ripe Tangy Fresh
6 To 7-Oz., Selected Jumbo Yellow Large Green

3.98 .983.98
6-Oz., Selected
Grapes Tomatoes LemonsDietz & Watson Onions Bell
.98Lb. 1.98
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
Country StyleLb. 3.98 Lunch Meat
Lb. .78
Sushi Roll

Pork Ribs 8.99

ONE! 6.98
Salmon Fillet

4.98 9.99
1-Lb. Fresh
20-Oz., Easy Squeeze 30-Oz., Selected 16-Oz., Selected Nature’s Best Cod
Ragu Lb. Mueller’s Or San Giorgio Pasta Lb.
16.9-Oz., Bottles 24-Oz., Selected 12 To 16-Oz., Selected 16.6-Oz., Selected
Heinz Ketchup Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise Hidden Valley Ranch Perch Fillets Fillets

Farm To Table
6-Pack Pasta Sauce Kellogg’s
FINAL PRICE Salad Dressing

2/ 5


2/ 3 3/ 3



5.98 2/ 4 3/ 4
3/$13 $
$ $


1.00 1.00


t o
Sweet, Plump Farmers Finest 2-Lb. Bag All Purpose Farmers Finest
Red Seedless Premium Vine Ripe Tangy Fresh Jumbo Yellow Large Green
20-Oz., Easy Squeeze 11.5-Oz. Cans, Selected 15-Oz. 8.5 To 12.5-Oz., Selected 10.4 To 12-Oz., Selected
Grapes Tomatoes Realime Or Lemons Keebler Onions Bell Peppers

.98 1.98Lb. 2.18 3.98 2/$7 .982Lb./$7 .7810.98

Heinz Yellow Mustard 12-pack General Mills Matchlight Charcoal
FINAL PRICE Arizona Tea Realemon Juice Cookies Cereals FINAL PRICE



1.00 1.00

4/5/24 - 4/7/24
ONE! 6.98
1 FREE 16.9-Oz. Cloralen Regular Bleach Coffee

Download your DIGITAL COUPON

for Bottles
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Thursday, April 4, 2024 County Times Home Garden
& 11

Tips to Organize Your

Cluttered Kitchen

Kitchens serve as the heart of many homes. pots and pans can eat up cabinet
Thanks to the popularity of open floor plans, space or clutter the inside of an oven
kitchens also tend to be highly visible from for those who don’t have any other
nearby spaces, such as family rooms and space. While your decorative enamel
even main entryways. A messy, cluttered Dutch oven might fit nicely on a shelf
kitchen can be an inefficient eyesore that’s or counter, cast-iron pans and skillets LOW PRESSURE HOUSE WASHING | ROOF WASHING
visible from various locations in a home. can be hung from durable hooks over PORCHES & DECKS | DRIVEWAYS & SIDEWALKS
That makes getting organized in the kitchen an island or near the stove.
a worthwhile goal. • Organize under the sink: It can be dif- FENCES | GUTTER CLEANING | GUTTER GUARDS
The following are some tips to help ficult to keep cleaning products tidy
homeowners organize their kitchens. and within reach. Try installing a short
• Start with the utensils: Utensils come tension rod inside the cabinet and use CALL THE GUTTER CLEANING
in all shapes and sizes. Take inventory it to hang spray bottles, rubber gloves PROFESSIONALS
of your utensils, discarding or donat- and cleaning cloths.

ing items you don’t use. Next, des- • Use kitchen cabinet rollouts: A short-
ignate drawers or countertop storage age of storage space in cabinets can be

solutions for the utensils you use most remedied with rollouts. They provide
often. Place them within easy reach, additional capacity to cabinets and
and take into account your dominant make it easier to find items, instead
hand for placement.
• Categorize your pantry: Empty the
pantry, paying attention to staples you
of having to dig at the back of dim
cabinet recesses.
• Tame your container collection: It’s
regularly use. Then figure out a sys- tempting to save all of those take-out ASK ABOUT OUR ANNUAL
tem for categorization that works for containers or empty margarine tubs for
your household. Perhaps place all bak- leftovers. But if there’s an avalanche GUTTER CLEANING PROGRAM
ing essentials together, such as flour, every time you open up a cabinet to
oil, baking soda, and cocoa powder. reach for a container, you probably have
Maybe you need to designate a “kids too many. Invest in one type of storage CALL OR TEXT FOR A FREE ESTIMATE

corner” in the pantry where you keep container so you can nest the containers
fruit snacks, granola bars and breakfast and lids for ultimate organization.
cereals. Use uniformly shaped contain- An organized kitchen is more attainable
ers to store packaged foods so you’re than it may seem. Some simple strategies
not contending with oddly shaped can help homeowners make these home
boxes and bags. hubs less cluttered and more calming. SURFACESOLUTIONSERVICES.COM
• Use extra wall or ceiling space: Large
Home Garden
10 & County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Maintaining a Lawn Routinely Roamed by Pets

Vibrant, green lawns can draw attention to
any landscape. Many homeowners toil for
hours each week to ensure their lawns are
pristine, or invest in lawn care services to
help maintain a yard if they do not have the
time to do so themselves.
While many treatments can be applied to
lawns to help them thrive, animal waste is
not among them. Pet owners who aspire to
have beautiful lawns will have to take a few
extra steps to ensure lawns can persevere
despite the presence of furry companions.
Reseed with a damage-resistant grass.
There are many different types of grass, and
some are more resilient than others. Tall fes-
cue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass,
and Bermuda grass are just some of the grass
varieties that can capably handle pet traffic.
If replacing the entire lawn is not possible,
consider reseeding or addressing the areas
that pets frequent.
• Strengthen the root system. It may be
tempting to cut the lawn short, particu- establish these pet highways and look • Avoid chemical lawn treatments. of materials. Scale back on grass, and
larly if dogs or cats like to nibble on lon- like intended features. When pets use the yard and rest on the incorporate groundcover, hardscape
ger blades of grass. But that approach • Set boundaries. Pet urine contains high lawn, you’ll need to eliminate products materials like pea gravel, or extend the
could be doing the lawn a disservice. levels of nitrogen, which can burn that can be harmful to them. Choose patio. Artificial turf also is an option,
According to The Home Depot, letting grass and turn it brown. It’s not pos- all-natural fertilizers and weed and as it won’t brown and wither. Some
the lawn grow to at least three inches sible to water down urine or pick up pest preventatives. turf products can even be quickly and
will help keep moisture in the soil and solid waste immediately every time a • Look for pet-friendly alternatives. If thoroughly cleaned with water.
prevent evaporation. That moisture will pet goes outdoors, so designate a pet- maintaining a lawn with pets seems It can take some trial and error for pet par-
strengthen the roots, creating a health- friendly spot for potty time. Use fenc- like an uphill battle, consider swap- ents to protect their lawns from the effects
ier lawn for pets and people. ing or a dog run to separate this area ping out your landscape with a variety of having furry friends playing in the yard.
• Create pet paths. Various materials can and help mitigate “land mines” all over
be used in these high-traffic areas to the lawn. Fencing also can keep pets
minimize the sights and signs of pet
traffic. Mulch or crushed stone can
out of vegetable gardens and away
from potentially toxic plants.
Did you know?
Dog owners often find that having a Vet, signs of mushroom toxicity include
fenced-in space gives pets an oppor- vomiting, salivating, yellowing of the skin

tunity to run around off-leash and enjoy and “whites of eyes,” coma, seizures,
time outdoors and can make it easier and loss of balance. Other dogs may
for pets to go out on bathroom breaks. experience diarrhea or refuse to eat. Any

THINGS “KOOL” Still, pet owners must recognize that

inquisitive dogs can get into trouble even
in seemingly safe yards. One potential
pet owner who has suspected a dog has
eaten wild mushrooms should consult
a veterinarian. Early treatment can help
WITH FIRE PRO LLC FIRE EXTINGUISHERS danger is ingestion of potentially toxic
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and prevent more serious organ dam-
age or death. Pet owners who cannot
ers to check their yards for mushrooms trust their dogs unattended in the
• Strong stainless steel • Filled with nontoxic UL listed
components built to last a plant based COLD FIRE® all year long, but especially during wet yard should bring their pups out
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Thursday, April 4, 2024 County Times Home Garden
& 9

How to Prepare Your

Landscape forDownsizing?
PlantsOr thinking about buying
or selling your home?
Retiring? Downsizing?
Retiring? Downsizing?
Or thinking about buying
Or thinking about buying
I’m your or selling your home? ....
or selling your home?
I’m your
A Seniors Real Estate Specialist®, or SRES®, is a Realtor®
who has received additional extensiveA training Senior Real and is
Specialist®, or SRES®,
uniquely qualified to assist Seniors 50+ I’m
in housing
is a Realtor® whoyour
and purchases. I am your SRES . I amreceived®
a full time Certified
extensive training and
Relocation Specialist with 20 years’ experience A uniquely
is Seniors RealinEstate
qualifi edSpecialist , or SRE

to has received
assist Seniors additional
50+ extensive t
buyers and sellers of all ages in Southern in
housing sales and
uniquely qualified to assist Seniors 50+
me help guide you through the process and
purchases.the I special
am a
and purchases. I am your SRES®. I am a
ity of soil. Soil considerations
full time Certified
New plants can add much to a landscape.
Whether they’re replacingPastplantsSIYC Membership
that are
pH levels will indicate
how likely a plant is to thrive in a
of buying or selling your home,Specialist
Relocation makingwith 20 years’ exp
Relocation Specialist
no longer thriving or being Chair
added to&supple- given spot. High
Board Member the transaction
levels won’t neces- less stressful and more buyers
Retiring? Downsizing? 22and
successful.sellers of all ages in Souther
ment an existing landscape, new plants are sarily mean an area should be avoided,
an affordable way to give a home’s exterior as some plants thrive in acidic soils. me help guide
experience in you
helping through the process
a whole new look. Additional soil tests can determine Or thinking about
buyers and sellers of all buying ages in Southern
Much consideration is given to which other characteristics, such as the nutri- Past SIYC Membership considerations of buying or selling you
or selling Let me help guide you through
plants to add to a landscape. That’s under- ent levels of soil and the amount of & Boardyour home? the transaction less stressful and more
standable, as homeowners want to choose Laura Zurl, GRI, SRES, e-PRO
organic matter it contains. Each of
Chair Member
the process and the special considerations
plants that will thrive and won’t compromise these variables canSeniors
help homeowners
50+ Real Estateof buyingSpecialist® or selling your home, making the
the health of surrounding plants and trees. make the right choices as they intro-
Before planting or even choosing plants, it’s properties. Relocation Specialistless stressful and more succesful.
duce new plants to theirCertified transaction
I’m your ....
important to plan for new additions to a land- • Consider local wildlife. If local wild-
Laura Zurl, GRI, SRES, e-PRO
scape. Preparing the landscape can inform
life makes its presence known on a
of Real Estate Institute Seniors 50+ Real Estate Specialist®
homeowners about which plants to purchase Laura Zurl, GRI, SRES, e-PRO
property, homeowners may want to
A Seniors Real Estate Specialist®, or SRES®, is a Realtor®
Certified Relocation Specialist
who has received additional extensive training and is
and can ensure they thrive after planting. take proactive steps prior to planting Seniors uniquely RealqualifiedEstate GraduateSpecialist®
of Real Estate Institute
• Document sunlight exposure. Plants Contact me today for more information!
anything new. A new fence might pre- to assist Seniors 50+ in housing sales
have different needs, and one of the vent animals like deer from getting Certified and Relocation
purchases. I am your SRES Specialist
. I am a full time Certified
biggest differences between species [email protected] OR my cell (410) 610-8630
in, but that likely won’t do much to
of RealContact
Specialist with
Estate me 20 today
years’ for more
Institute information!
in helping
is the amount of sunlight they need repel smaller animals like squirrels, buyers and sellers of all ages in Southern Maryland. Let
11734 H.G Trueman Road • Lusby, MD 20657 • Office (410) 495-8425
to thrive. According to Penn State rabbits or foxes. If wildlife is a con-
[email protected] OR my cell
me help guide you through the process and the special
(410) 610-86
Extension, plants characterized as “full cern, homeowners can seek advice at Contact
11734 H.G
Past SIYC Membership
me today
considerations Roadorfor
of buying •selling more
Lusby, MD making
your home, 20657 • Office (41
sun” require six or more hours of sun- their local garden center about which Chair & Board Member theinformation!
transaction less stressful and more successful.
light per day, while those considered plants certain animals are likely to
“partial sun” need between four and ignore. Homeowners who want to [email protected]
six hours of sunlight per day. Plants attract wildlife can do the same in Laura Zurl, GRI, SRES, e-PRO
Cell 410-610-8630
Seniors 50+ Real Estate Specialist®
designated as “partial shade” need reverse, choosing plants wildlife will
two to four hours of sun per day, while be drawn to. Homeowners who want to 11734 H.G. Graduate ofTrueman
Real Estate Institute Road
Certified Relocation Specialist

“shade” plants need less than two deter wildlife should erect fencing or Lusby • MD
hours of sunlight a day. Documenting other barriers prior to planting. Contact me today for more20657
sunlight exposure in advance gives • Clear space if necessary. Plants grow Offi ce 410-449-8425
[email protected] OR my cell (410) 610-8630
11734 H.G Trueman Road • Lusby, MD 20657 • Office (410) 495-8425
homeowners an idea of which plants up and out, and cramped quarters can
should be planted and where they make it hard for new plants to thrive.
should be planted. Jot down these Some may thrive but only at the
observations in a journal over several expense of other plants. If necessary,
weeks and then choose plants that will clear space prior to planting to ensure
thrive in each area. plants have ample space to grow.
• Test the soil. A soil pH test is a simple Some pre-planting landscape preparation
and quick way to determine the acid- can ensure new plants thrive.
8Home Garden
& County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

How to Tackle Spring Cleaning

Spring is a season of renewal. When the
flowers are blooming and the trees are bud-
ding and the weather is pleasantly warm,
people often feel inspired to make changes
around their homes. Work may begin with
culling belongings and organizing essentials.
There is debate regarding where the
practice of “spring cleaning” originated.
Some researchers link it to certain reli-
gious groups. It has long been an ancient
Jewish custom to thoroughly clean a house
in preparation for the springtime feast of
Passover. The house is scoured to remove
any yeast bread, or chametz, from the home.
Similarly, members of the Greek Orthodox
church celebrate “Clean Week,” which is
a week of cleaning before Lent. In Iranian
culture, families spend days cleaning prior
to the Persian New Year, which begins on
the spring equinox.
Spring cleaning also has some secular
roots. For instance, in the 1800s, Londoners can make you give up on spring clean- to avoid other tasks. Keep personality pare for spring storms. Tackle time-de-
routinely cleared their homes of grime and ing prematurely. Agree to address one in mind when establishing a cleaning pendent tasks first and then move on
soot that accumulated over the winter. room/task a day. Keep a basket or box schedule. For example, clean at night to others that are less time-sensitive.
Spring cleaning is still a ritual for many handy to store errant items until you if you’re a night owl, or wait until you • Spread out the work: Some people like
today. As people embark on their plans to move on to the next room. are feeling antsy before embarking on to devote full weekends to spring clean-
tidy up, these tips can help them along. • Stock up on supplies: Prepare all of a “calm down cleaning.” ing, but that can be overwhelming for
• Tackle one big task a day: Who hasn’t the cleaning supplies in advance. Put • Tackle seasonal chores first: Some others. Breaking down cleaning tasks
started one project only to be distracted together a tool kit of sorts with the tasks need to get done to prepare for into 15- to 30-minute intervals each
into moving along to another room? equipment you need, including mops, the spring and summer season. These day can make the job more tolerable.
This often occurs when people dis- brooms, rags, cleansers, and the like. may include cleaning the grill and Spring cleaning season has arrived, and
cover something out of place in one Organization can keep you on course. sorting through outdoor furniture and certain tips can make the job more efficient
space and then move that item where • Harness your strengths and weak- decor. Spring cleaning may involve and manageable.
it belongs, only to find a new cleaning nesses: Some people clean because readying the pool for another year of
task at hand in that space. Inefficiency they are stressed or angry, others do so use, or cleaning out rain gutters to pre-

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Thursday, April 4, 2024 Home Garden
& County Times 7

How to Pick Paint for Home Interiors

Many components combine to define a values for the ceiling. This approach
home’s interior. Some homeowners may be mimics the look of the great outdoors,
partial to certain styles, such as ultra modern where the ground tends to be darker
or farmhouse, while others may opt for a than the trees, and the trees are darker
more traditional look that cannot necessar- than the blue sky.
ily be categorized as one style or another. • Utilize paint to create the vibe you
Though many homeowners may spend con- want. The home renovation experts at
siderable time and devote a lot of energy to This Old House note that colors evoke
making their home embody a certain style, an emotional response. Cool colors like
those who aren’t willing to commit to a par- blue and green give off a relaxing vibe,
ticular look can lean on one component to which makes them ideal for bedrooms
make a stylish statement all their own: paint. and bathrooms. Red is an intense color
Color can be a part of every homeown- that can up the energy ante in any
er’s design arsenal. Bold colors can be room, which can make it an option for
used to create a stunning accent wall, while homeowners who want to spark debate
homes with open concepts often utilize around their dinner tables.
color to define rooms. Homeowners who • Give personal preference its place at
want to revitalize their home interiors can the table. Though interior designers
do so with paint, and this approach doesn’t may have years of experience picking
require homeowners to commit to a whole paint colors for a home and researchers
new design style. may have determined how certain col-
Though paint may seem simple to novices, ors can be utilized to create a desired
homeowners who have painted home inte- ambiance in a given room, ultimately
riors in the past recognize how complicated homeowners are the ones who will be
the process of picking paint can be. Paint living in the home. So it’s important
retailers have a seemingly endless swatch that homeowners pick colors they like
of paint colors to choose from, and before designers rely on a simple technique the walls. A photograph of the item can for their home interiors.
long homeowners heads may be spinning as when recommending color schemes to be handy when visiting the paint store. Paint is an inexpensive way to transform
they try to narrow down their options. The their clients. Choose a standout color • Lighten colors as you go up. The a room. Homeowners can rely on a combi-
following tips can help homeowners pick the from existing furnishings, such as the home renovation and design experts nation of color strategies and their personal
perfect paint for their home interiors. dominant color from a patterned deco- at HGTV recommend picking darker preferences as they try to decide which col-
• Take stock, and photographs, of your rative pillow or piece of furniture, and color values for the floor, medium ors they want on their interior walls.
current furnishings. Many interior then look for the same shade to paint color values for the walls and light

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Thursday, April 4, 2024 Home Garden
& County Times 5

The Pros and Cons of Irrigation Systems

Maintaining a lush, green lawn and thriving require a large reservoir or pond to accu-
landscape that includes shrubbery, flowers mulate water. Also, uneven terrains could
and trees requires time, money and often divert the water.
some sweat equity. However, the beauty that
results from such effort compels many home- Drip irrigation system
owners to take on the landscaping challenge. This type of irrigation system is used pri-
Forgetting to water the greenery or get- marily in arid regions. It is made up of lat-
ting hit with a drought can cause a lawn eral lines of flexible or rigid polyethylene
to deteriorate rapidly. An irrigation sys- pipe. Drip irrigation allows homeowners to
tem may seem like a smart investment, but focus watering on a particular garden area.
homeowners should weigh the pros and cons It provides moisture directly to the soil.
of such systems before having one installed. Therefore, there is no water waste from run-
Irrigation systems are installed to pro- off or evaporation. Drip irrigation waters
tect landscaping so plants can thrive year- plants slowly and can cause less soil erosion
round. Irrigation systems come in various and reduce nutrient leeching.
forms, from sprinkler to drip to surface irri- While easier and more effective than
gation systems. No system is necessarily some other irrigation methods over the long
better than another. That’s because each is haul, a drip irrigation system has a substan-
designed to address specific watering needs. tial startup cost. In addition, the system can
Here’s a look at various irrigation systems get clogged at times. When gardening sea-
and the pros and cons of each. son is finished, a drip irrigation system will
need to be drained and dismantled.
Sprinkler system
Sprinklers are popular because they tend Irrigation systems can help care for plants and
to be very affordable and easy to set up. lawns. However, they can be costly and some
Manual sprinkler systems utilize a hose require significant maintenance. Weather and
and sprinkler head, while automatic sys- pests also can reduce the effectiveness of yard
tems are programmed and do all the work irrigation systems by damaging equipment or
once they’re installed. Sprinklers cover a says that water from sprinklers is lost due systems use channels or furrows throughout directing water in directions homeowners did
lot of ground and can irrigate large spaces to evaporation on hot, windy days. In fact, the cultivation area. Once the water runs not intend. Customers are urged to do their
quickly. However, that same benefit can be as much as 80 percent of the water used may through these channels, gravity distributes research regarding which system, if any, is
a disadvantage as well. not make it onto the grass or plants. it accordingly. best for their properties.
Sprinklers are indiscriminate in their Surface irrigation systems require min-
watering, sometimes hitting pavement or Surface irrigation system imal effort but are best suited for farms
driveways. Also, the Gardening Channel Sometimes called gravity irrigation, these and commercial enterprises because they

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4 Home Garden
& County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024


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Thursday, April 4, 2024 Home Garden
& 3 County Times

How to Pick the Right Trees for Your Property

Trees benefit a landscape by serving both
aesthetic and utilitarian functions. A home
surrounded by healthy green trees can be a
sight to behold, and those same trees can
benefit surrounding plants and wildlife at
the same time.
As appealing as trees are, not all trees and
landscapes make for the perfect match. The
Arbor Day Foundation notes the importance
of planning when designing a landscape.
Planning ensures the trees homeowners
ultimately choose for their properties will
grow well in the soil and moisture present
in their yards.
Careful consideration of a handful of vari-
ables can help homeowners determine which
trees will make the best fit for their properties.
• Height: Homeowners must consider
the projected height of a tree before
planting it. Avoid trees that will bump
into anything when fully grown, as
that can adversely affect surrounding
greenery and pose a safety hazard.
The ADF’s tree sizing guide can be
accessed at https://www.arborday.org/
trees/rightTreeAndPlace/size.cfm and
serves as an invaluable resource for that they’re planted far enough apart so want to plant for privacy can con- thrive. Homeowners can have their soil
homeowners who want to plant new they don’t adversely affect surround- sider trees with quick growth rates or tested to determine which trees will
trees around their properties. ing plants. In addition, wide trees that purchase more mature trees that are thrive in it. Local garden centers can
• Canopy spread: Trees grow out as well are planted too close together can already near full growth. Those who be a great resource for homeowners
as up, so it’s important to consider their make the landscape appear crowded, are not in need of instant transforma- who want insight as to which trees will
potential width at maturity as well. The taking something away from its aes- tion can try trees with slower growth thrive in their local climates.
ADF sizing guide can help homeown- thetic appeal. rates, which the ADF notes typically Trees serve many functions on a prop-
ers get an idea of how wide a tree is • Growth rate: Growth rate is an import- live longer than fast-growing species. erty. Choosing the right trees for a land-
likely to be at maturity. Trees that ant variable because it can affect how • Requirements: Different trees require scape requires careful consideration of a
spread out quite a bit don’t necessarily quickly homeowners will see changes different amounts of sun and mois- host of variables.
need to be avoided, but it’s important in their landscapes. Homeowners who ture and different soil components to

9 Signs of Pest Infestation

Individuals want a home that is welcom-
ing and comfortable. Unfortunately many
conditions that people find appealing also
Did you know?
appeal to pests. Pests may be more problem- Many pest control methods don’t only
atic at certain times of year , such as when target pests — pollinators can often
weather is extreme and pests like rodents get caught in the crossfire. With-
or even raccoons seek refuge in a home. out pollinators, more than 100 crops
During times of year when temperatures grown in the United States would not
are mild, certain insects may begin to hatch be able to thrive. Plants, including
or swarm, becoming problematic around various fruits, vegetables, nuts and
the home. more, rely on pollinators to ensure to
Some signs of pests taking up residence transport pollen. Though many plants
may be readily apparent, while others may are self-pollinating and others are
be less obvious. The following are nine pollinated by the wind or water, many
signs of pest infestation in or around a home. others rely on insects and animals to
1. Droppings: Small droppings may indi- become pollinated. The U.S. Depart-
cate that pests are nearby. Droppings ment of Agriculture says birds, bees,
will vary depending on the insect or bats, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles,
rodent. It’s good to familiarize your- and small mammals all can work as
self with the appearance of various will shed certain parts of their anat- other biting insects. pollinators. Examples of crops polli-
droppings, from mice to termites to omy to grow larger. Roaches, bed bugs 8. Presence of nests: Those who can see nated by pollinators include apples,
bed bugs. and beetles are some pests that might nests in corners or undisturbed areas squash and almonds. Animals
2. Footprints: Footprints are another sign be scattering sheds or egg casings in of the home likely have pests present. and insects help pollinate more
of pest infestation. Footprints left in a home. Termite wings are discarded Rodents often use chewed cardboard, than 75 percent of the world’s
dirt around a home, or in dusty areas once the swarmers choose a new loca- insulation, paper, and other scavenged flowering plants, and nearly 75
in the attic or basement, may show tion for the colony. items to create nests, according to percent of all crops, according
that pests are tracking in and out of 5. Foul odors: Musty or foul smells, par- exterminators. to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
the house. ticularly in hidden areas, may indicate 9. Increased number of beneficial insects: Unfortunately, pesticide use
3. Sawdust piles or trails: Sawdust could pests are nesting nearby. An influx of spiders and other pred- can diminish the number
be indicative of termites or ants. 6. Unexplained noises: Scratching or atory insects may indicate there are of natural pollinators.
Insects like carpenter bees also may scurrying in walls or floors often indi- plenty of food sources in the home Natural gardening and
burrow into areas of wood and leave cates pests are present. for them to feast on. pest control can help
sawdust behind. 7. Bites: Waking up in the morning with Pests can be problematic, but homeown- protect the habitats of
4. Shed wings, skins and casings: Many welts or red areas on the skin might ers who recognize signs of infestation can pollinators.
insects molt and, during this process, indicate the presence of bed bugs or take prompt action.
2 Home Garden
& County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024



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Home Garden

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County Times
St. Mary’s County • Calvert County
14 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Commission for
Southern Maryland
Fishing & Outdoor Women Honors
Woman of the Year
Adventure Fair
St. Mary’s County Fairgrounds
Saturday, April 6 | 8am–3pm
Sunday, April 7 | 8am–2pm

Patrice Campbell, founder of Building Bridges, was honored March 30 by the St. Mary’s County Commission
for Women by being named Woman of the Year.
Building Bridges is a community non-profit organization based in Lexington Park that provides assistance to
families, children and even the homeless.
Photo courtesy of the St. Mary’s County Commission for Women.

Fishing & Outdoor Vendors Classified Ads

Speakers | Food
50/50 Raffle | Door Prizes Employment Opportunities
Kids’ Casting Contest Estimator Procurement
Welder (precision) CNC Machinist
Painting (military) Sheet Metal
Boater Safety Course
by America’s Boat Club www.compliancecorporation.com/careers
240-561-8910 or [email protected]
Now Hiring!
Admission $5 cash at entrance Part time Airport Shuttle Driver
Kids 12 & Under Free! Preference given to retired government employees & military.
Hiring driver for pick-ups to and from airports, residences, and train
Sponsored by the Southern Maryland stations. Candidates must be neat, friendly, and timely. Experience
preferred but not necessary. Criminal background check & clean driving
Recreational Fishing Organization, Inc. record required. Position pays hourly rate plus tips and bonus.
Send your resume to [email protected]

Vendor Registration: [email protected]

Sponsorship opportunities available!
Contact 301-481-7411 or [email protected]
Certified Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning in Hollywood is
searching for a career oriented candidate to join their team.
This full time position has lots of growth potential.
To learn more call 301-373-4791.
Candidates must be drug free with a clean criminal record
and have dependable transportation.
Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 13

Enrollment Announced
St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS)
is pleased to announce registration for
Kindergarten for the 2024–2025 school
year. All schools will hold open registration
one of the following:
• Mortgage/deed/rental agreement with
911 address assignment;
• Current utility bill with parent/legal
of the Week

beginning Monday, May 6, 2024, which will guardian name, 911 address of resi-
continue throughout the summer. dence, and service address (post office
Parents of children who will be five years box is not acceptable, wireless phone
old by September 1, 2024, should register at
the school assigned to their physical address
during the open enrollment period.
bills are not acceptable); and,
• Patuxent River Naval Base housing form
NOW-NATC-1110-1/15, Assignment to

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) may go to Public Quarters, which identifies bona     
the school assigned to their legal address fide residence in St. Mary’s County.     
to complete the registration paperwork. Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) not intend-       
Children are not required to be present ing to register an appropriately aged child 
for registration. Required documentation for kindergarten must obtain a waiver from
includes evidence of birth, proof of resi- the St. Mary’s County Public Schools   
dency, a copy of the child’s immunization Department of Student Services. It is not  ­€‚­ƒ„ ƒ† ‡
record, and any court papers regarding cus- necessary for children enrolled in Head Start ‚ˆˆƒ„­‰Š‚­ƒ‹ ‹ 
tody of the minor child. Parent(s)/Legal or Pre-Kindergarten in the public schools to     ‚‹‹ŒŽŠ ‡‡ƒ ‹ ‰‘ƒ  
Guardian(s) must also bring photo identifi- register again.       
cation when registering their child. Additional Kindergarten information       ‚ ’
Each elementary school will conduct can be found at SMCPS - Kindergarten €Š‰­‚†‚ƒ“„ ­ƒŠƒŽŽ‹ƒŽ‰Šˆƒ  
open enrollment for the children residing Registration.  ‰‘ƒŽŠ ‡‡ƒ„   
in their zone. Information regarding which Additional Early Entrance to Kindergarten  €ˆ ””• Ž” †ƒ€Œ€‚„ƒ‚Š 
school serves your residential area is pro- Information can be found at SMCPS Early ‹ƒ‚Žƒ„‰‰Žƒ€ƒ‚‚ŒŽ‰‹­­‰‚ ‰‹­  
vided by the Department of Capital Planning Entrance to Kindergarten.
at SMCPS - Find a School by your address Questions about Kindergarten registration ­ –     —˜
or 301-475-4256, option 6. You do not need may be directed to Kate Weaver, Supervisor of ˆ ™„ „‚„ „    
to make an appointment to register a child. Student Services, at 301-475-5511, ext.32150.  š››   
Documentation that indicates the cur- Questions about Early Entrance to  ›  ›    ›
rent physical address of the child will be Kindergarten may be directed to Cortney   
accepted as proof of residence. Proof of Dvorak, Supervisor of Instruction/Elementary
residence will include, but is not limited to, Programs, at 301-475-5511, ext. 32101.

Health Department > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC

Hosting Community
Baby Shower
Photos to pull from Marketing Hub image library

Financial goals aren’t achieved overnight.

The St. Mary’s County Health Department event for our community,” said Dr. Meena Whether it’s investing some extra income, preparing a future for
invites expecting and new parents who Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer. your family with your retirement secured, or saving for a home or
live in St. Mary’s County to a Community “We’re excited to celebrate our growing St.
Baby Shower. The event will take place on Mary’s families by offering support, free education costs, we’re here to coach you through it.
Saturday, May 4, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. - resources, and valuable education.”
12:00 p.m. at the Margaret Brent Middle Pre-registration is recommended, as space
School-Based Health Center at 29675 Point is limited to 300 participants - click here to Contact us today to start creating a financial strategy tailored to
Lookout Rd, Mechanicsville 20659. register. If you have any difficulty regis- your specific needs.
This FREE event will offer giveaway tering, please call 301-475-4330 or email
items to attendees, including diaper bags, [email protected] for assis-
David McDonough
diapers, baby wipes, and essential baby tance. Individuals must live in St. Mary’s Financial Advisor
items while supplies last. Special raffle County and be either pregnant/expecting or
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
items include car seats, pack ‘n-plays, and raising a new baby (less than one-year-old).
Leonardtown, MD 20650
more. Additionally, families will be con- To learn more about SMCHD’s pro- 301-997-1707
nected to community resources. grams and services for infants, children,
“Our team at the health department is and families, please visit smchd.org/ MKD-8652E-A AECSPAD 21773300
proud to continue providing this wonderful infants-and-children.
FREE St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Drayden African American

Schoolhouse Open Houses
April 6 • May 4 • June 1 • June 15
11AM–2 PM
Learn more about one of the nation’s best-
preserved one-room African American
schoolhouses and its rich history and
importance to education in St. Mary’s County
First Friday Itinerary t to Know
9 a.m. Social’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony www.facebook.
18287 Cherryfield Road • Drayden, Maryland com/socialonfenwick
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Book signing with Karen Janowsky at Fenwick St. Books www.

St. Mary’s 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tarot card readings by Holly at Fenwick Street Books www.
Nursing & Rehabilitation 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. Kid-friendly mini sign workshop at Board and Brush www. Le
Center facebook.com/boardandbrushleonardtownmd o n a r dto w n
4 p.m. St. Mary's County Arts Council and the St. Mary's County Chamber of Commerce host a ribbon
21585 Peabody Street
Leonardtown, MD cutting in celebration of the new logo and newly refreshed gallery www.smcart.org
• Long-term care www.smnci.org 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Audience participation Drum Circle on the St. Mary’s Arts Council lawn with the SoMar
Drummers www.smcart.org
• Rehabilitation
services 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Meet photographer Sal Icaza at the Opening Reception of his in-house exhibit at the St.
Mary's County Arts Council Gallery & Gift Shop. Meet & greet with Sal from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. www.
• Respite care smcart.org

6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Learn botanical illustrations techniques for drawing and water coloring flowers at The
Yellow Line www.theyellowline.co
To schedule a tour or
speak to admissions,
8:30 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. Live music featuring Nightcap at Action Lounge and Billiards www.facebook.com/
please call

Special Offers & Deals
The Good Earth Natural Food Co. will offer the Sunny Bunny Smoothie with carrot juice, coconut water,
FROM LOCAL mango, apple, and ginger www.facebook.com/thegoodearthnaturalfoodsco

VINES Specials & Sales throughout Shepherds Old Field Market www.shepherdsoldfield.com

The information included here is accurate at the time of printing, and is subject to change.
Please visit the event page for current information.

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Open 7 days a week Noon - 6 pm • 23790 Newtowne Neck Road
Do you want to advertise on this page?
Contact Jen Stotler: 301-247-7611 or [email protected]

Thank You to Our Wonderful Sponsors:

County Times St. Mary’s County • Calvert County

Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 11

Naval Air Station Patuxent River News

Navy and Air Force Fighter Pilots to Train as a
Joint Force
Navy and Air Force fighter pilots will capable tactical aviator.
begin training as a joint force at the The JSE was initially designed to sup-
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft port F-35 Lightning’s operational testing as
Division (NAWCAD)’s Joint Simulation there was no way to safely and adequately
Environment (JSE) starting in 2024. represent real-world conflict on an open-
NAWCAD installed a division of four air range. Today, the DOD is scaling the
U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor cockpits into the Navy’s technology for additional digital
Navy’s premier simulation test and training range facilities supporting programs like
facility alongside its division of eight F-35 F-35, F-22, and E-2D. In addition, the DOD
Lightning cockpits in January. has made training in the JSE a formal part of
“When America is engaged in conflict, the Navy’s Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor
the DOD will bring joint capability to bear Program—commonly known as TOPGUN.
from every service across all domains,” said Over the next year, NAWCAD will incor-
NAWCAD Commander Rear Adm. John porate additional test and training cock-
Dougherty IV. “We’ve replicated this ability pits including the F/A-18 Hornet, EA-18
in the Joint Simulation Environment, a force Growler, and E-2 platforms to train fighters
multiplier helping aviators deter aggression for future flight lines. The warfare center
and—if necessary—prevail in conflict.” A pilot tests a U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor cockpit simulator headed for installation in the Naval Air Warfare will also deploy its second training sys-
The new addition of fifth-generation fighter Center Aircraft Division’s Joint Simulation Environment. tem onboard a Navy carrier, USS Abraham
simulators brings Navy, Marine Corps, Air Lincoln (CVN 72).
Force, and allied partners into the hyper-re- fight,” said NAWCAD JSE Director Blaine facility running smoothly from its cockpits, The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft
alistic digital range that consists of cockpits, Summers. “The JSE is where fifth-gen fight- to its software and simulators, to its mission Division employs more than 17,000 military,
domed simulators with 4K projectors, and air- ers train to hone their tactics and fight like debriefing rooms where pilots get feedback civilian and contract personnel. It operates
craft software to enable pilots to fly wartime their lives depend on it.” on their performance during training. test ranges, laboratories and aircraft in sup-
scenarios in a near-exact virtual environment. Developed by Navy engineers and indus- In this highly realistic digital range, avi- port of test, evaluation, research, develop-
Tactical groups training in NAWCAD’s JSE try partners, NAWCAD’s JSE is a powerful ators experience the consequences of their ment and sustainment of everything flown
fly more sorties over one week than they do training and test facility designed to adapt mistakes, including mission failure, loss by the Navy and Marine Corps. Based in
over a year on open-air ranges. and grow, utilizing hardware and software of systems, and even loss of life. The JSE Patuxent River, Maryland, the command
“Open-air ranges are extremely con- from actual DOD aircraft, weapons, and enables pilots to learn those hard lessons, also has major sites in St. Inigoes, Maryland,
strained with safety limitations that pre- other defense systems. The JSE has all the immediately adjust, fly again, and continue Lakehurst, New Jersey, and Orlando, Florida.
vent warfighters from training like they’d equipment and experts needed to keep the the learning process to become a highly


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27th Annual Run & Walk for Hospice

All net Proceeds benefit Hospice – See runforhospice.org Jim Dicus 240-925-5423
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10 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Sell it - Buy it
at Auction
Farrell Auction Service, LLC is proud to host this great
Sheriff’s Deputies
Recover 197 Capsules
Community Fundraising Event on behalf of “Team Nick” and the
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
of Fentanyl
Deputies from the St. Mary’s County
Sheriff ’s Office Patrol Division and
Criminal Investigations Division executed
a search warrant on Kevin Jason Copsey,
39, of Mechanicsville, MD, on Tuesday,
April 2, 2024; significant quantities of fen-
tanyl and cocaine were recovered during
the operation.
The warrant was executed in Charlotte
Hall following a traffic stop for an equip-
ment violation. During the traffic stop, K9
Maja positively alerted to the presence of
a controlled dangerous substance, and the
subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered
a plastic bag containing 197 fentanyl cap-
sules and 25 vials of cocaine. The suspect
was also found to have a capsule of fentanyl
on his person.
Copsey was arrested and transported
to the St. Mary’s County Detention and Kevin Jason Copsey
Rehabilitation Center and charged with
CDS: possession with intent to distribute State’s Attorney for St. Mary’s County.
cocaine, CDS: possession with intent to The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office
distribute fentanyl, CDS: possession with remains committed to combating illegal
intent to distribute fentanyl/heroin mix- narcotics distribution within our commu-
ture, CDS: possession of large amount and nity and will continue to work to ensure the
related charges. Additional charges are safety and well-being of our residents.
www.Far rellAuctionSer vice.com pending a review from the Office of the

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

The St, Mary’s County Commissioner just and Ostrow, the first termers, but looks like
voted to raise our income taxes from 3% to they are going to follow along. Maybe they
3.2%. Mike Hewitt voted against the income will readjust if they want to be reelected?
tax increase. Guy, Colvin, Anderson, and And, the School System is the “sacred
Ostrow voted for the tax increase. The cow” and they always want more, even
Commissioners blame the State and said with enrollment down. Pay the teachers, but
“the State let us down”, which is true. But, require the school system to consolidate pro-
The Commissioners who have been there grams and cut Administrators, Assistants,
for 2 and 3 terms, Colvin, Guy and Hewitt and the fat that always exists in any gov-
spent down the very LARGE fund reserves ernment office.
we had built under previous much more fis- Raising the income tax rate will hurt the
cally conservative Board of Commissioners. economy of St. Mary’s County as a lot of
So , if we still had those reserves, we would tax payers are already strapped because of
be in good shape financially . Mike Hewitt out of control inflation caused by Democrat
said “we need to give these reserved back policies at the Federal and State levels.
to the people with more spending” Now the Attend the public hearing on 23 April and/
chickens are coming home to roost. He can or email the Commissioners to object to tax
enjoy the chicken. We need to cut spending, increases at [email protected]
not raise taxes! Politicians respond to pressure from vot-
All 5 Commissioners are Republicans, ers, they want to be reelected. Give’m hell.
and we hear that Republicans are the fis-
cal conservatives but not this bunch, par- Joe Wible, Sr.
ticularly the ones who have been there Leonardtown
awhile. The jury is still out on Anderson

Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times ON THE COVER 9
ing back up,” said Mayor Dan Burris. a boy — because of his attachment to it
The front of the house of the new store will but also because his business would not be
be for coffee and other beverages, while the one among so many similar ones across the
back of the house will hold the cocktail bar Potomac River; it would be a unique business
as well as a custom coffee roasting apparatus. that could expand into a community anchor.
“That’s our next big push,” Hintze said. “It’s not just a local business it’s run by a
“The coffee roasting business.” local family,” Coogan said, adding that the
Coogan had achieved a certain level of new store is fitting in with the town’s over-
coffee quality, he said, and he wanted to arching plan to bring services and amenities
ensure that he kept that level in house. closer to residents. “We want to help make
His operation gets coffee beans from all the town more walkable.”
over the world, from Colombia to Indonesia, The façade of the new store has been
he said. refurbished as well, Coogan said, with all of
“Roasting coffee is part science but part the old signage redone in its original colors
art as well,” Coogan said. “So, we figured just as it was so many decades ago.
we might as well just do it ourselves.” Coogan and Hintze have striven to shore
By roasting their own coffee beans, they up the old structure and make it more mod- Hintze behind the bar in Social's new home
can distribute their own brand to other busi- ern while still retaining much of its historic
nesses who want to tap into their popular appeal of old Leonardtown.
products, Coogan said. Coogan said the building’s renovation
The new store will also include a kitchen, was supported in part by a grant from
Coogan said, which will allow Social to American Express to restore historic anchor
expand its menu. businesses.
“The kitchen in the new location is the “We’re one of just 25 in the whole nation
same size as the [entire] older location,” to get that grant,” Coogan said. “This is
Coogan said. “Our seating capacity [in the a place that will be a hub for the young
old location] is 52 customers; our seating professional.”
capacity over there [in the new store] is Coogan said he is not sure of what the
190 people.” future holds for his smaller property, only
The new venue also has outdoor seating that he may turn it into a speakeasy-themed
like its predecessor. establishment.
“We may have lines [to get in] but at least To top off the return of the iconic Duke
they’ll be able to sit,” Coogan said. building, Coogan said the duck pin bowling
Coogan started his business in alley installed long ago over top of the main
Leonardtown in 2018 after considering space will be reopened as well.
whether to do so in Old Town Alexandria “That’s unique entertainment no one else
in Virginia. offers,” Hintze said.
He decided on Leonardtown — his long-
time home where he has lived since he was [email protected] Coogan shows freshly roasted coffee beans and the redone facade
8 ON THE COVER St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Social Coffeehouse Gets New Home

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

Workers are in a flurry of activity at the old

Duke building at the corner of Washington
Street and Fenwick Street in downtown
Leonardtown, pushing to meet the Apr. 6
deadline for the opening of the new Social
Coffeehouse’s home, just across the street
from its much smaller original establishment.
Sean Coogan, its owner, is confident that
the interior of the newly renovated building
will be ready in time.
When he bought the space, he thought it
would take a much shorter period of time to
get it ready; but it’s already been two years,
he said.
The COVID-19 pandemic hurt many
businesses badly, but, Coogan said, it
brought much more business his way than
before the dread disease struck.
“We made twice as much in revenue in
2020 than 2019,” Coogan said, noting that
the shift to allow outdoor seating in town Sean Coogan and Kelly Hintze oversee work at the Duke building Hintze's daughters at Social: Zoe, 8, and Leah, 6
brought out many customers who wanted
to socialize after being cooped up during be known simply as Social. “We had to move here,” Coogan said. part of an old hotel in Washington D.C. —
early lockdowns. “We just blew up because Social became so popular, Coogan said, “There was no other choice.” Coogan said the bar may date back from
of COVID-19.” that customers had to contend with a lack The old Duke’s Bar was the only space the 1850’s — that was hauled by boat down
The situation started to cause problems. of space when they arrived. available to match what Coogan wanted to the Potomac River to Leonardtown and off
“Being the central coffee and day drink- “We actually got some negative reviews,” accomplish, he said, but the old building loaded at the wharf and finally brought up
ing establishment, we just started outgrow- Coogan said. “Because people just couldn’t had to be gutted — even the exterior wall to the Duke building.
ing our current store,” said Kelly Hintze, get in.” facing Fenwick Street on the roof had to be The building was constructed in 1920.
who coordinates the new coffee roasting The move to a new place was more of restabilized — but there are pieces of the The town leadership is excited to see the
business that will take up a portion of the a necessity than the fulfillment of a long- original bar that are still there. business shift its lodgings.
new home for what Coogan now wants to held desire. One of them is the original bar that was “I’m glad to see the Duke building open-

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Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 7

Sheriff’s Office
Investigating Shooting
at Local Restaurant
On April 2 at approximately 11:11 p.m.,
deputies from the St. Mary’s County
Sheriff’s Office responded to the Applebee’s
Restaurant on Miramar Way, California for
the report of a shooting.
Detectives and Crime Lab personnel
from the Criminal Investigations Division
assumed the investigation and determined
there was an altercation that led to one vic-
tim being shot while inside the restaurant.

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Deputies administered life-saving measures
until the victim was transported to an area
trauma center for medical treatment.
The investigation is ongoing, and any-

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one with information is asked to contact
Detective Warren Forinash at 301-475-
4200, ext. 8072, or Warren.Forniash@
Tipsters can also call Crime Solvers 24/7
Note: Tip239 is case-sensitive and must
be typed in the message block as shown. $400*/Household
at 301-475-3333 or send a text to Crime With Crime Solvers, you never have to give
Solvers at 274637. Type “Tip239” in the your name. If your information leads to an For more information, including Full Membership,
message block and select SEND. After you arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward.
get a response, continue your conversation. please visit www.BretonBayGolf.com/memberships

Run for Hospice in 301-475-3068

Leonardtown This *Membership has monthly minimum

Weekend 2024 SPRING

38250 New Market Turner Rd

By Guy Leonard It is being dedicated to the memory of

APRIL 19 • 8:30AM
Vehicles • Farm Equipment • Heavy Equipment
Staff Writer Felix De Weldon, an Austrian immigrant,
sculptor and U.S. Navy sailor who crafted
Anyone interested in running or walking to the scale model for the Iwo Jima Memorial
raise money for hospice this weekend has
until 3 p.m., April 4 to register online to take
over a three-day non-stop effort at Patuxent
River Naval Air Station in February of 1945.
APRIL 20 • 8:30AM
Antiques • Flowers • Tools • Vintage Cars
part. Same-day registration on April 6 will De Weldon would go on to create the
Building Materials • Lawn Equipment • and More
still be available. memorial that now stands in Arlington
The annual event, which is now in its National Cemetery in 1954 with the help
27th year is broken up into four parts; one of hundreds of other sculptors.
is a five-kilometer run through the streets “It’s such an amazing story,” Dicus said. PREVIEW APRIL 18 • 8:30AM
of Leonardtown, a 10-kilometer run on a This year’s event is continuing the return See Equipment at EquipmentFacts.com
rural country road course, a fun walk on of participants to the race which had sharply
one loop through Leonardtown and the dwindled because of the COVID-19 pan-
Defender’s Cup, which is a five-kilometer demic, he said. TAKING CONSIGNMENTS NOW
run team competition. “We’re having a good pre-registration,”
All proceeds from the event go directly Dicus said. “We have over 1,000 registrants
to support Hospice of St. Mary’s and its right now.
work to provide medical comfort and care “It’s rebounding well.”
to patients in their last days of life. The organization is still looking for vol-
Runners and walkers participating in unteers to assist in managing the run/walk
the race can do so in memory of loved course. Those interested can contact Liz
ones they have lost and run with messages Calabrese at 301-904-3078 or via email at HAYESAUCTIONSERVICES.NET
memorializing them. [email protected].
This year’s Defender’s Cup has a special (301) 861-7738
meaning, said race organizer Jim Dicus. [email protected] LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
6 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

Campaign for Local YMCA Continues

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

A top official with the YMCA of the

Chesapeake, the non-profit group working
with the county to establish a new facility in
Lexington Park, told a senior citizen advi-
sory group that they have raised $1.5 million
locally towards building the 60,000 square
foot facility.
Tony Sigmon, chief development officer,
with the YMCA of the Chesapeake said at a
March 25 meeting that the local committee
of those seeking donations must still raise
another $2.5 million before they are able folks here in St. Mary’s,” Sigmon said.
to break ground next to the county-owned “We’re super excited to come down here and
public pool and Great Mills High School. work with the folks in St. Mary’s County.”
“We are working on a campaign of raising When the non-profit built a YMCA in
$5 million to $7 million,” Sigmon said. “We Chestertown in Kent County, Sigmon said, it
hope $2 million of that $7 million will come had a transformative effect on the community
from the federal government.” there, bringing together racial, socioeconomic
If the organization can raise approxi- and age demographics who rarely associated.
mately $4 million, Sigmon said, they could “It’s the most diverse place in the county,”
break ground after the summer. Sigmon said. “One-third of the folks are
“Our goal is that we will break ground members of the YMCA there.
this fall,” Sigmon said. “This is going to be “That’s what we’re hoping to change, to
a 15-to-18-month project.” have a place for people to gather.”
Sigmon said they have already received There will be numerous programs planned
$850,000 in federal funding through the for the YMCA, Sigmon said, including
efforts of U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md- sports and fitness for all age groups.
5th) and U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin. “We’re going to reengage the 5th grade
The overall cost of the project is antic- swimming lessons for all of the kids in St.
ipated to be $22 million — $15 million Mary’s County,” Sigmon said. “We give
of that has already been allocated by the every 6th grader a membership at the YMCA.”
county government.
“We anticipate serving a little over 10,000 [email protected]
Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 5

New Traffic Signal Shoppers Grocery

Planned for Clements Stores Closing
By Guy Leonard “The signing improvements will involve By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer replacing the existing stop signs with larger Staff Writer
ones and adding ‘Cross Traffic Does Not
Numerous occurrences of speeding and Stop’ panels underneath the proposed All three Shoppers Food Warehouse gro-
traffic crashes have brought complaints stop signs,” the notice states. “A recent cery stores in St. Mary’s County will soon
about the intersection at Route 5 and Route three-year crash was reviewed history was be closing, The County Times has learned.
242 in Clements but the county could see reviewed and considered. The major grocery store brand has stores
some relief there. “The intersection sight distance for in Leonardtown, California, and Charlotte
According to an announcement from motorists on the Morganza Turner Road Hall.
the district engineer for the State Highway looking north was found to be inadequate.” The Shoppers stores had been open for
Administration (SHA), the state now plans The notice stated that those signage only about two years since taking over the
a traffic signal for the intersection, which improvements would be completed in store space left by the McKay’s Food Stores
serves nearby Chopticon High School as approximately 60 days if the weather which had also gone out of business after
well as several residential neighborhoods. permitted. more than 50 years in the community.
“The results of a traffic signal warrant The state’s survey of the intersection’s Officials with the company stated that in
evaluation for the intersection determined traffic also showed that speeding was a con- the two years since reopening in St. Mary’s
that traffic signal control is justified at this stant problem there. a lack of profitability was the main reason
time,” the notice from SHA states. “In addi- “The speed at which 85 percent of the to close the three stores.
tion to the traffic signal, actuated cantilever motorists drive when unaffected by weather In local on-line forums, posters com-
hazard identification beacons will also be or other roadway conditions [was found] to mented that the stores had long suffered
considered on [Route] 5 approaches, before be 48 miles-per-hour and 45 miles-per-hour from a lack of sufficient clientele while not
the intersection to alert motorists approach- for northbound and southbound directions offering significantly better prices on food
ing the intersection to prepare to stop. respectively” the notice stated. and other items. said Town Administrator Laschelle McKay.
The notice said that the construction The posted speed limit is only 30 The closure of the store in Leonardtown “It’s always hard to see a business going out.
of the new signal could take between 18 miles-per-hour. means the community there will be down “But hopefully they’ll be able to find
months to two years. to one large grocery store, a Food Lion in something to fill that space.”
There are also signage improvements [email protected] an adjacent shopping center.
planned as well. “We never like to see an empty building,” [email protected]
4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024


g r o u nds • Leonar dtown, md
Mary’s C o u n t y fa ir



Thursday, April 4, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 3

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Run for Hospice this weekend in Leonardtown Social Coffeehouse finds new home after two
years of renovations


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2 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, April 4, 2024

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St. Mary's
County Times


Shoppers Grocery
Stores Set to Close

Push for Lexington

Park YMCA Continues

Shots Fired at
California Restaurant


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