Unit - 1.PrintOUT

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Unit – 1

Theory of Metal Cutting

Metal cutting process is basically shearing of work material and the

surface is removed in the form of chip
Metal cutting commonly called machining, produces a desired shape,
size and finish on a rough block of work piece material with the help
of a wedge shaped tool that is constrained to move relative to the
work piece in such a way that a layer of metal is removed in the
form of a chip.

Chip formation in conventional machining process

Elements of metal cutting

Cutting conditions are characterized mainly by such elements as,
cutting speed, Feed, Depth of cut, undeformed chip cross-section,
Cycle time and machining time.
Cutting speed is the distance traveled by the work surface per unit
time in reference to the cutting edge of the tool.
Cutting speed, v = π DN / 1000 m/min
Where D is the work piece diameter in mm and N is work piece
speed in RPM
Feed (s) is the movement of the tool cutting edge per revolution of
the work: in turning it is expressed in mm/revolution.
Depth of cut (t) is measured in a direction perpendicular to the work
axis and in straight turning in one pass, it is found from the relation t
= (D – d) / 2 mm, where D is original diameter of the work piece and
d is the diameter of machined work piece in mm.
The time required to machine one work piece is called the cycle time
(Tp), it includes machining time (Tm), handling time (Th) which
includes loading, un loading of work piece etc., servicing time (T s),
which includes time spent on changing blunt tools, chip removal,
machine lubrication etc., and (Tf) time for rest and personal needs.
The standard time per piece (Tp) is determined by Tp = Tm + Th + Ts
+ Tf min. Knowing the standard time per piece, the rate of
production can be calculated.

Geometry of Single Point Cutting Tool (Tool Signature)

Metal cutting by chip formation occurs when a work piece moves
relative to a cutting edge, which is positioned to penetrate its surface.
The principle of tool geometry is to provide a sharp cutting edge that
is strongly supported.
The word tool geometry is basically referred to some specific angles
or slope of the salient faces and edges of the tools at their cutting
Rake angle and clearance angle are the most significant for all the
cutting tools.

Rake and Clearance angles of cutting tools

Rake angle (γ) is defined as the angle of inclination of rake surface

from reference plane and Clearance angle (α) is defined as the angle
of inclination of clearance or flank surface from the finished surface.
Rake angle is provided for ease of chip flow and overall machining.
Rake angle may be positive or negative or even zero
Relative advantages of such rake angles are:
• Positive rake – helps reduce cutting force and thus cutting
power requirement.
• Negative rake – to increase edge-strength and life of the tool
• Zero rake – to simplify design and manufacture of the form
Clearance angle is essentially provided to avoid rubbing of the tool
(flank) with the machined surface which causes loss of energy and
damages of both the tool and the job surface.
Hence, clearance angle is a must and must be positive (3 o ~ 15o
depending upon tool-work materials and type of the machining
operations like turning, drilling, boring etc.).

Three possible types of rake: Positive, Zero and Negative rake


Basic Features of Single Point Cutting Tool (Turning)

Tool signature showing seven elements of single point cutting
Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting
Orthogonal cutting is the simplest, as the tool cutting edge goes in
straight line through the material
and the edge of the tool is set
perpendicular to the cutting
In oblique cutting, the cutting
edge is inclined at an angle
(cutting edge inclination) to a
line drawn at right angles to the
direction of cutting. The cutting
edge inclination is measured in
the plane of the new work piece

Chip Formation
The chip formed in the metal cutting processes undergoes plastic
deformation, i.e. it becomes shorter and its cross section increases
(Chip contraction). Due to contraction the length of the chip
obtained will be much shorter than the length of travel of the tool
along the surface of the work. Depending upon the material being
machined and the cutting conditions used, four types of chips are
produced during metal cutting, viz., Continuous chip, Continuous
chip with built up edge, Discontinuous chip / Segmental chips, Non-
homogeneous chip.

Types of chips
Continuous chip is produced when the material ahead of the tool
continuously deforms without fracture and flows off the tool face in
the form of a ribbon. This type of chip is common when most ductile
materials, such as wrought iron, mild steel, copper and aluminum are
machined. Basically this operation is one of shearing the work
material to form the chip and the sliding of the chip along the face of
the cutting tool. The formation of chip takes place in the zone
extending from the tool cutting edge to the junction between the
surfaces of the chip and work piece; this zone is known as the
primary shear zone. This type of chip is associated with low friction
between the chip and the tool face. Some times chip breakers
become necessary for convenient chip handling.
Under certain conditions, the friction between the chip and the tool is
so great that the chip material welds itself to the tool face / nose. The
presence of this welded material further increases the friction and
this friction leads to the building up of layer upon layer of chip
material. The resulting pile of material is referred to as a built-up
edge. The built-up edge continues to grow and then breaks down
when it becomes unstable, the broken pieces being carried out by the
underside of the chip and the new work piece surface. Continuous
chips with built-up edge normally occur while cutting ductile
materials with high speed steel tools at low cutting speeds. Welding
of chips to the tool forms the built up edge which adversely
influences on tool life, power consumption and surface finish.
Therefore chip welding should be prevented by following means
a) Reduce friction by increasing rake angle of the cutting tool and
by using a lubricant between the rake face and the chip.
b)Reduce temperature by reducing friction and by reducing
cutting speed
c) Reduce pressure between the chip and the tool by increasing the
rake angle, reducing the feed rate and using oblique instead of
orthogonal cutting
d)Preventing metal to metal contact by use of a high pressure
lubricant between chip and tool interface.
Discontinuous chips are separate, plastically deformed segments
which either loosely adhere to each other or remain completely
unconnected. The work material undergoes severe strain during the
formation of chip, and it is brittle, fracture will occur when the chip
is partly formed. Under these conditions the chip is segmented and
the result is the formation of discontinuous chip. Discontinuous
chips are also produced when machining brittle materials such as
cast iron or cast brass. Such chips may also be produced when
machining ductile materials at very low speeds and high feeds. For
brittle materials discontinuous chip is associated with fair surface
finish, lower power consumption and reasonable tool life. For ductile
materials, segmented chips are not desirable as they indicate
excessive tool wear and poor surface finish.
Non-homogeneous chip can be seen in materials in which the yield
strength decreases with temperature and which have poor thermal
conductivity. These chips are formed due to non-uniform-strain in
the material during chip formation. There are notches on the free
side of the chip, while the side adjoining the tool face is smooth. The
shear deformation which occurs during chip formation causes the
temperature on the shear plane to rise, which in turn may decrease
the strength of the material and cause further strain if the material is
a poor conductor. Thus a large strain is developed at the point of
initial strain. As the cutting process is continued, a new shear plane
will develop at some distance from the first shear plane and the
deformation shifts to this point thereby giving the characteristic
notch-like appearance of the non-homogeneous chip.
Forces acting on a single point cutting tool
Determination of the cutting forces are required for:
 Estimation of cutting power consumption, which also enables
selection of the power source(s) during design of the machine
 Structural design of the machine – fixture – tool system
 Evaluation of role of the various machining parameters ( process
– VC, so, t, tool – material and geometry, environment – cutting
fluid) on cutting forces
 Study of behaviour and machinability characterisation of the
work materials
 Condition monitoring of the cutting tools and machine tools.

Cutting force components and their significances

The single point cutting tools being used for turning, shaping,
planing, slotting, boring etc. are characterized by having only one
cutting force during machining. But that force is resolved into two or
three components for ease of analysis and exploitation.
Fig visualizes how the single cutting force in turning is resolved into
three components along the three orthogonal directions; X, Y and Z.
Pz : (Fc) Cutting Force / Tangential force: acts in a vertical plane
tangent to the cutting surface
Px: (Ff / Ft) Axial force / Feed force / Thrust force: acts in a
horizontal plane parallel to the work axis
Py: (Fr) Radial force: acts in a horizontal plane along a radius of the
Tan β = F / N = μ
Where β = Friction angle, F = Frictional force, N = Force normal to
friction force and μ = Coefficient of friction
Tan Ф = (r cos α) / (1 – r sin α)
Where Ф = shear angle, α = rake angle
‘r’ is the cutting ratio, = t1 / t2
Where ‘t1 is the uncut thickness and t2 is the chip thickness
F = Fc sin α + Ft cos α
N = Fc cos α – Ft sin α
Fc = Fs cos Ф + FN sinФ
Ft = FN cos Ф – Fs sin Ф
Where, Fs is the Shear force on the shear plane and FN is the force
normal to the Shear force
Characteristics and Applications Of The Primary Cutting Tool

(a) High Speed Steel (HSS)

The basic composition of HSS is 18% W, 4% Cr, 1% V, 0.7% C and
rest Fe.
Such HSS tool could machine (turn) mild steel jobs at speed only
upto 20 ~ 30 m/min (which was quite substantial those days)
However, HSS is still used as cutting tool material where;
• the tool geometry and mechanics of chip formation are
complex, such as helical twist drills, reamers, gear shaping
cutters, hobs, form tools, broaches etc.
• brittle tools like carbides, ceramics etc. are not suitable under
shock loading
• the small scale industries cannot afford costlier tools
• the old or low powered small machine tools cannot accept high
speed and feed.
• The tool is to be used number of times by resharpening.
With time the effectiveness and efficiency of HSS (tools) and their
application range were gradually enhanced by improving its
properties and surface condition through -
• Refinement of microstructure
• Addition of large amount of cobalt and Vanadium to increase
hot hardness and wear resistance respectively
• Manufacture by powder metallurgical process
• Surface coating with heat and wear resistive materials like TiC,
TiN, etc by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) or Physical
Vapour Deposition (PVD)

Typical composition of HSS tool

Addition of large amount of Co and V, refinement of microstructure

and coating increased strength and wear resistance and thus
enhanced productivity and life of the HSS tools remarkably.
(b) Stellite
This is a cast alloy of Co (40 to 50%), Cr (27 to 32%), W (14 to
19%) and C (2%). Stellite is quite tough and more heat and wear
resistive than the basic HSS (18 – 4 – 1)
But such stellite as cutting tool material became obsolete for its poor
grindability and specially after the arrival of cemented carbides.
(c) Sintered Tungsten carbides
The advent of sintered carbides made another breakthrough in the
history of cutting tool materials.
• Straight or single carbide
First the straight or single carbide tools or inserts were powder
metallurgically produced by mixing, compacting and sintering 90 to
95% WC powder with cobalt.
The hot, hard and wear resistant WC grains are held by the binder
Co which provides the necessary strength and toughness.
Such tools are suitable for machining grey cast iron, brass, bronze
etc. which produce short discontinuous chips and at cutting
velocities two to three times of that possible for HSS tools.
• Composite carbides
The single carbide is not suitable for machining steels because of
rapid growth of wear, particularly crater wear, by diffusion of Co
and carbon from the tool to the chip under the high stress and
temperature bulk (plastic) contact between the continuous chip and
the tool surfaces.
For machining steels successfully, another type called composite
carbide have been developed by adding (8 to 20%) a gamma phase
to WC and Co mix. The gamma phase is a mix of TiC, TiN, TaC,
NiC etc. which are more diffusion resistant than WC due to their
more stability and less wettability by steel.

• Mixed carbides
Titanium carbide (TiC) is not only more stable but also much harder
than WC.
For machining ferritic steels causing intensive diffusion and
adhesion wear a large quantity (5 to 25%) of TiC is added with WC
and Co to produce another grade called Mixed carbide.
But increase in TiC content reduces the toughness of the tools.
Therefore, for finishing with light cut but high speed, the harder
grades containing upto 25% TiC are used and for heavy roughing
work at lower speeds lesser amount (5 to 10%) of TiC is suitable.
Up gradation of cemented carbides and their applications
The standards developed by ISO for grouping of carbide tools and
their application ranges are given in Table

K-group is suitable for machining short chip producing ferrous and

non-ferrous metals and also some non metals.
P-group is suitably used for machining long chipping ferrous metals
i.e. plain carbon and low alloy steels
M-group is generally recommended for machining more difficult-
to-machine materials like strain hardening austenitic steel and
manganese steel etc.
(d) Plain ceramics
Inherently high compressive strength, chemical stability and hot
hardness of the ceramics led to powder metallurgical production of
indexable ceramic tool inserts since 1950.
Advantages and limitations of alumina ceramics in contrast to
sintered carbide.
Alumina (Al2O3) is preferred to silicon nitride (Si 3N4) for higher
hardness and chemical stability. Si3N4 is tougher but again more
difficult to process.
The plain ceramic tools are brittle in nature and hence had limited
Properties of Alumina Ceramics

Basically three types of ceramic tool bits are available in the market;
• Plain alumina with traces of additives – these white or pink
sintered inserts are cold pressed and are used mainly for
machining cast iron and similar materials at speeds 200 to 250
• Alumina; with or without additives – hot pressed, black colour,
hard and strong – used for machining steels and cast iron at
VC = 150 to 250 m/min
• Carbide ceramic (Al2O3 + 30% TiC) cold or hot pressed, black
colour, quite strong and enough tough – used for machining
hard cast irons and plain and alloy steels at 150 to 200 m/min.

Cutting temperature – causes, effects and influencing

(i) Sources, causes of heat generation and development of
temperature in machining
During machining heat is generated at the cutting point from three
sources, as indicated in Fig. Those sources and causes of
development of cutting temperature are:
 Primary shear zone (1) where the major part of the energy is
converted into heat
 Secondary deformation zone (2) at the chip – tool interface
where further heat is generated due to rubbing and / or shear
 At the worn out flanks (3) due to rubbing between the tool and
the finished surfaces

Sources of heat generation in machining

The heat generated is shared by the chip, cutting tool and the blank.
The apportionment of sharing that heat depends upon the
configuration, size and thermal conductivity of the tool – work
material and the cutting condition. Figure visualizes that maximum
amount of heat is carried away by the flowing chip. From 10 to 20%
of the total heat goes into the tool and some heat is absorbed in the
blank. With the increase in cutting velocity, the chip shares heat
Apportionment of heat amongst chip, tool & job

ii) Effect of high cutting temperature on tool and Job

The effect of cutting temperature, particularly when it is high, is
mostly detrimental to both the tool and the job. The major portion of
the heat is taken away by the chips. But it does not matter because
chips are thrown out. So attempts should be made such that the chips
take away more and more amount of heat leaving small amount of
heat to harm the tool and the job. The possible detrimental effects of
the high cutting temperature on cutting tool (edge) are:
 rapid tool wear, which reduces tool life
 Plastic deformation of the cutting edges if the tool material is
not enough hot-hard and hot-strong
 Thermal flaking and fracturing of the cutting edges due to
thermal shocks
 Built-up-edge formation

The possible detrimental effects of cutting temperature on the

machined job are:
 dimensional inaccuracy of the job due to thermal distortion and
expansion-contraction during and after machining
 Surface damage by oxidation, rapid corrosion, burning etc.
 induction of tensile residual stresses and microcracks at the
surface / subsurface
However, often the high cutting temperature helps in reducing the
magnitude of the cutting forces and cutting power consumption to
some extent by softening or reducing the shear strength, τ s of the
work material ahead the cutting edge. To attain or enhance such
benefit the work material ahead the cutting zone is often additionally
heated externally. This technique is known as Hot Machining and is
beneficially applicable for the work materials which are very hard
and hardenable like high manganese steel, Ni-hard, Nimonic etc.
(iii) Role of variation of the various machining parameters on
cutting temperature
The magnitude of cutting temperature is more or less governed or
influenced by all the machining parameters like:
• Work material : - specific energy requirement, ductility,
thermal properties (λ, cv)
• process parameters : - cutting velocity (VC), feed (so), depth
of cut (t)
• cutting tool material : - thermal properties, wear resistance,
chemical stability
• tool geometry : - rake angle (γ), cutting edge angle
(φ), clearance angle (α), nose radius (r)
• cutting fluid : - thermal and lubricating properties,
method of application

Many researchers studied, mainly experimentally, on the effects of

the various parameters on cutting temperature. A well established
overall empirical equation is given by

where, Cθ = a constant depending mainly on the work-tool materials.

The above equation clearly indicates that among the process
parameters VC affects θi most significantly and the role of t is
almost insignificant. Cutting temperature depends also upon the tool
geometry. The equation depicts that θi can be reduced by lowering
the principal cutting edge angle, φ and increasing nose radius, r.
Besides that the tool rake angle, γ and hence inclination angle, λ also
have significant influence on the cutting temperature. Increase in
rake angle will reduce temperature by reducing the cutting forces but
too much increase in rake will raise the temperature again due to
reduction in the wedge angle of the cutting edge. Proper selection
and application of cutting fluid help reduce cutting temperature
substantially through cooling as well as lubrication.

Control of cutting temperature and cutting fluid application

(i) Basic methods of controlling cutting temperature
It is already realized that the cutting temperature, particularly when it
is quite high, is very detrimental for both cutting tools and the
machined jobs and hence need to be controlled, i.e., reduced as far as
possible without sacrificing productivity and product quality.
The methods generally employed for controlling machining
temperature and its detrimental effects are:
 Proper selection of cutting tools; material and geometry
 Proper selection of cutting velocity and feed
 Proper selection and application of cutting fluid

a) Selection of material and geometry of cutting tool for reducing

cutting temperature and its effects
Cutting tool material may play significant role on reduction of
cutting temperature depending upon the work material.
As for example,
 PVD or CVD coating of HSS and carbide tools enables reduce
cutting temperature by reducing friction at the chip-tool and
work-tool interfaces.
 In high speed machining of steels lesser heat and cutting
temperature develop if machined by CBN tools which produce
lesser cutting forces by retaining its sharp geometry for its
extreme hardness and high chemical stability.
 The cutting tool temperature of ceramic tools decrease further if
the thermal conductivity of such tools is enhanced (by adding
thermally conductive materials like metals, carbides, etc in
Al2O3 or Si3N4)
Cutting temperature can be sizeably controlled also by proper
selection of the tool geometry in the following ways;
 large positive tool–rake helps in reducing heat and temperature
generation by reducing the cutting forces, but too much increase
in rake mechanically and thermally weakens the cutting edges
 compound rake, preferably with chip–breaker, also enables
reduce heat and temperature through reduction in cutting forces
and friction
 even for same amount of heat generation, the cutting temperature
decreases with the decrease in the principal cutting edge angle, φ

 nose radius of single point tools not only improves surface finish
but also helps in reducing cutting temperature to some extent.

b) Selection of cutting velocity and feed

Cutting temperature can also be controlled to some extent, even
without sacrificing MRR, by proper or optimum selection of the
cutting velocity and feed within their feasible ranges. The rate of
heat generation and hence cutting temperature are governed by the
amount of cutting power consumption, PC where;

PC = PZ.VC = t soτsf VC

So apparently, increase in both s o and VC raise heat generation

proportionately. But increase in VC, though further enhances heat
generation by faster rubbing action, substantially reduces cutting
forces, hence heat generation by reducing τs and also the form factor
f. The overall relative effects of variation of V C and s o on cutting
temperature will depend upon other machining conditions. Hence,
depending upon the situation, the cutting temperature can be
controlled significantly by optimum combination of V C and so for a
given MRR.
c) Control of cutting temperature by application of cutting fluid
Cutting fluid, if employed, reduces cutting temperature directly by
taking away the heat from the cutting zone and also indirectly by
reducing generation of heat by reducing cutting forces
Purposes of application of cutting fluid in machining and grinding.
The basic purposes of cutting fluid application are :
• Cooling of the job and the tool to reduce the detrimental effects
of cutting temperature on the job and the tool
• Lubrication at the chip–tool interface and the tool flanks to
reduce cutting forces and friction and thus the amount of heat
• Cleaning the machining zone by washing away the chip –
particles and debris which, if present, spoils the finished
surface and accelerates damage of the cutting edges
• Protection of the nascent finished surface – a thin layer of the
cutting fluid sticks to the machined surface and thus prevents
its harmful contamination by the gases like SO 2, O2, H2S,
NxOy present in the atmosphere.
However, the main aim of application of cutting fluid is to improve
machinability through reduction of cutting forces and temperature,
improvement by surface integrity and enhancement of tool life
Essential properties of cutting fluids
To enable the cutting fluid fulfil its functional requirements without
harming the Machine – Fixture – Tool – Work (M-F-T-W) system
and the operators, the cutting fluid should possess the following
For cooling :
• high specific heat, thermal conductivity and film coefficient for
heat transfer
• spreading and wetting ability
For lubrication :
• high lubricity without gumming and foaming
• wetting and spreading
• high film boiling point
• friction reduction at extreme pressure (EP) and temperature
Chemical stability, non-corrosive\ to the materials of the M-F-T-W
less volatile and high flash point
high resistance to bacterial growth
odourless and also preferably colourless
non toxic in both liquid and gaseous stage
easily available and low cost.

Principles of cutting fluid action

The chip-tool contact zone is usually comprised of two parts; plastic
or bulk contact zone and elastic contact zone as indicated in figure.
The cutting fluid cannot penetrate or reach the plastic contact zone
but enters in the elastic contact zone by capillary effect.
With the increase in cutting velocity, the fraction of plastic contact
zone gradually increases and covers almost the entire chip-tool
contact zone as indicated figure
Therefore, at high speed machining, the cutting fluid becomes
unable to lubricate and cools the tool and the job only by bulk
external cooling
Cutting fluid action in machining

Apportionment of plastic and elastic contact zone with increase in

cutting velocity.

The chemicals like chloride, phosphate or sulphide present in the

cutting fluid chemically reacts with the work material at the chip
under surface under high pressure and temperature and forms a thin
layer of the reaction product.
The low shear strength of that reaction layer helps in reducing
To form such solid lubricating layer under high pressure and
temperature some extreme pressure additive (EPA) is deliberately
added in reasonable amount in the mineral oil or soluble oil.
For extreme pressure, chloride, phosphate or sulphide type EPA is
used depending upon the working temperature, i.e. moderate (200 oC
~ 350oC), high (350oC ~ 500oC) and very high (500 oC ~ 800 oC)
Types of cutting fluids and their application
Generally, cutting fluids are employed in liquid form but
occasionally also employed in gaseous form.
Only for lubricating purpose, often solid lubricants are also
employed in machining and grinding.
The cutting fluids, which are commonly used, are :
• Air blast or compressed air only.
Machining of some materials like grey cast iron become
inconvenient or difficult if any cutting fluid is employed in liquid
form. In such case only air blast is recommended for cooling and

• Water
For its good wetting and spreading properties and very high specific
heat, water is considered as the best coolant and hence employed
where cooling is most urgent.
• Soluble oil
Water acts as the best coolant but does not lubricate. Besides, use of
only water may impair the machine-fixture-tool-work system by
So oil containing some emulsifying agent and additive like EPA,
together called cutting compound, is mixed with water in a suitable
ratio ( 1 ~ 2 in 20 ~ 50). This milk like white emulsion, called
soluble oil, is very common and widely used in machining and
• Cutting oils
Cutting oils are generally compounds of mineral oil to which are
added desired type and amount of vegetable, animal or marine oils
for improving spreading, wetting and lubricating properties.
As and when required some EP additive is also mixed to reduce
friction, adhesion and BUE formation in heavy cuts.
• Chemical fluids
These are occasionally used fluids which are water based where
some organic and or inorganic materials are dissolved in water to
enable desired cutting fluid action.

There are two types of such cutting fluid;

Chemically inactive type – high cooling, anti-rusting and wetting but
less lubricating
Active (surface) type – moderate cooling and lubricating.
Solid or semi-solid lubricant
Paste, waxes, soaps, graphite, Moly-disulphide (MoS 2) may also
often be used, either applied directly to the workpiece or as an
impregnant in the tool to reduce friction and thus cutting forces,
temperature and tool wear.
Cryogenic cutting fluid
Extremely cold (cryogenic) fluids (often in the form of gases) like
liquid CO2 or N2 are used in some special cases for effective
cooling without creating much environmental pollution and health

Selection of Cutting Fluid

The benefit of application of cutting fluid largely depends upon
proper selection of the type of the cutting fluid depending upon the
work material, tool material and the machining condition.
As for example, for high speed machining of not-difficult-to-
machine materials greater cooling type fluids are preferred and for
low speed machining of both conventional and difficult-to-machine
materials greater lubricating type fluid is preferred.
Selection of cutting fluids for machining some common engineering
materials and operations are presented as follows :
• Grey cast iron:
Generally dry for its self lubricating property
Air blast for cooling and flushing chips
Soluble oil for cooling and flushing chips in high speed machining
and grinding
• Steels:
If machined by HSS tools, sol. Oil (1: 20 ~30) for low carbon and
alloy steels and neat oil with EPA for heavy cuts
If machined by carbide tools thinner sol. Oil for low strength steel,
thicker sol. Oil ( 1:10 ~ 20) for stronger steels and staright
sulphurised oil for heavy and low speed cuts and EP cutting oil for
high alloy steel.
Often steels are machined dry by carbide tools for preventing
thermal shocks.
• Aluminium and its alloys:
Preferably machined dry
Light but oily soluble oil
Straight neat oil or kerosene oil for stringent cuts.
• Copper and its alloys :
Water based fluids are generally used
Oil with or without inactive EPA for tougher grades of Cu-alloy.
• Stainless steels and Heat resistant alloys:
High performance soluble oil or neat oil with high concentration
with chlorinated EP additive.
The brittle ceramics and cermets should be used either under dry
condition or light neat oil in case of fine finishing.
Grinding at high speed needs cooling ( 1: 50 ~ 100) soluble oil. For
finish grinding of metals and alloys low viscosity neat oil is also
Methods of application of cutting fluid
The effectiveness and expense of cutting fluid application
significantly depend also on how it is applied in respect of flow rate
and direction of application.
In machining, depending upon the requirement and facilities
available, cutting fluids are generally employed in the following
ways (flow) :
• Drop-by-drop under gravity
• Flood under gravity
• In the form of liquid jet(s)
• Mist (atomised oil) with compressed air
• Z-Z method – centrifugal through the grinding wheels (pores)
as indicated in figure.
The direction of application also significantly governs the
effectiveness of the cutting fluid in respect of reaching at or near the
chip-tool and work-tool interfaces.
Depending upon the requirement and accessibility the cutting fluid is
applied from top or side(s). in operations like deep hole drilling the
pressurised fluid is often sent through the axial or inner spiral hole(s)
of the drill.
For effective cooling and lubrication in high speed machining of
ductile metals having wide and plastic chip-tool contact, cutting fluid
may be pushed at high pressure to the chip-tool interface through
hole(s) in the cutting tool, as schematically shown.

Z-Z method of cutting fluid application in grinding

Application of cutting fluid at high pressure through the hole in the
Failure of cutting tools
Cutting tools generally fail by :
i) Mechanical breakage due to excessive forces and shocks. Such
kind of tool failure is random and catastrophic in nature and
hence are extremely detrimental.
ii) Quick dulling by plastic deformation due to intensive stresses
and temperature. This type of failure also occurs rapidly and
are quite detrimental and unwanted.
iii) Gradual wear of the cutting tool at its flanks and rake surface.
The first two modes of tool failure are very harmful not only for the
tool but also for the job and the machine tool.
Hence these kinds of tool failure need to be prevented by using
suitable tool materials and geometry depending upon the work
material and cutting condition.
Mechanisms and pattern (geometry) of cutting tool wear
For the purpose of controlling tool wear one must understand the
various mechanisms of wear that the cutting tool undergoes under
different conditions.
The common mechanisms of cutting tool wear are :
i) Mechanical wear
• Thermally insensitive type; like abrasion, chipping and
• Thermally sensitive type; like adhesion, fracturing, flaking
ii) Thermochemical wear
• Macro-diffusion by mass dissolution
• Micro-diffusion by atomic migration
iii) Chemical wear
iv) Galvanic wear
In diffusion wear the material from the tool at its rubbing surfaces,
particularly at the rake surface gradually diffuses into the flowing
chips either in bulk or atom by atom when the tool material has
chemical affinity or solid solubility towards the work material.
The rate of such tool wear increases with the increase in temperature
at the cutting zone.
Diffusion wear becomes predominant when the cutting temperature
becomes very high due to high cutting velocity and high strength of
the work material.
Chemical wear, leading to damages like grooving wear may occur if
the tool material is not enough chemically stable against the work
material and/or the atmospheric gases.
Galvanic wear, based on electrochemical dissolution, seldom occurs
when both the work tool materials are electrically conductive,
cutting zone temperature is high and the cutting fluid acts as an
The usual pattern or geometry of wear of turning and face milling
inserts are typically shown in figure
Geometry and major features of wear of turning tools

Photographic view of the wear pattern of a turning tool insert

Schematic (a) and actual view (b) of wear pattern of face milling
In addition to ultimate failure of the tool, the following effects are
also caused by the growing tool-wear :
• increase in cutting forces and power consumption mainly due
to the principal flank wear
• increase in dimensional deviation and surface roughness
mainly due to wear of the tool-tips and auxiliary flank wear

• odd sound and vibration

• worsening surface integrity
• mechanically weakening of the tool tip

Tool Life
Tool life generally indicates, the amount of satisfactory performance
or service rendered by a fresh tool or a cutting point till it is declared
Tool life is defined in two ways :
(a) In R & D : Actual machining time (period) by which a fresh
cutting tool (or point) satisfactorily works after which it needs
replacement or reconditioning.
The modern tools hardly fail prematurely or abruptly by mechanical
breakage or rapid plastic deformation.
Those fail mostly by wearing process which systematically grows
slowly with machining time.
In that case, tool life means the span of actual machining time by
which a fresh tool can work before
attaining the specified limit of tool wear.
Mostly tool life is decided by the machining time till flank wear, VB
reaches 0.3 mm or crater wear, KT reaches 0.15 mm.

(b) In industries or shop floor : The length of time of satisfactory

service or amount of acceptable output provided by a fresh tool
prior to it is required to replace or recondition.

Measurement of tool wear

The various methods are :
i) by loss of tool material in volume or weight, in one life time –
this method is crude and is generally applicable for critical
tools like grinding wheels.
ii) by grooving and indentation method – in this approximate
method wear depth is measured indirectly by the difference in
length of the groove or the indentation outside and inside the
worn area
iii) using optical microscope fitted with micrometer – very
common and effective method
iv) using scanning electron microscope (SEM) – used generally,
for detailed study; both qualitative and quantitative
v) Talysurf, specially for shallow crater wear.

Taylor’s tool life equation.

Wear and hence tool life of any tool for any work material is
governed mainly by the level of the machining parameters i.e.,
cutting velocity, (VC), feed, (so) and depth of cut (t). Cutting
velocity affects maximum and depth of cut minimum.
The usual pattern of growth of cutting tool wear (mainly V B),
principle of assessing tool life and its dependence on cutting velocity
are schematically shown in Fig

Growth of flank wear and assessment of tool life

The tool life obviously decreases with the increase in cutting
velocity keeping other conditions unaltered as indicated
If the tool lives, T1, T2, T3, T4 etc are plotted against the
corresponding cutting velocities, V1, V2, V3, V4 etc as shown in
figure, a smooth curve like a rectangular hyperbola is found to

Cutting velocity – tool life relationship

When F. W. Taylor plotted the same figure taking both V and T in
log-scale, a more distinct linear relationship appeared as
schematically shown
With the slope, n and intercept, c, Taylor derived the simple equation

VTn = C
where, n is called, Taylor’s tool life exponent.
The values of both ‘n’ and ‘c’ depend mainly upon the tool-work
materials and the cutting environment (cutting fluid application).
The value of C depends also on the limiting value of V B undertaken
( i.e., 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm etc.)

Cutting velocity vs tool life on a log-log scale

Modified Taylor’s Tool Life equation
In Taylor’s tool life equation, only the effect of variation of cutting
velocity, VC on tool life has been considered. But practically, the
variation in feed (so) and depth of cut (t) also play role on tool life to
some extent.
Taking into account the effects of all those parameters, the Taylor’s
tool life equation has been modified as,

where, TL = tool life in min

CT a constant depending mainly upon the tool – work materials and
the limiting value of VB
x, y and z exponents so called tool life exponents depending upon
the tool – work materials and the machining environment.
Generally, x > y > z as V C affects tool life maximum and t
The values of the constants, CT, x, y and z are available in
Machining Data Handbooks or can be evaluated by machining tests.
Machinability is expressed as “operational characteristics of the
work-tool combination”. Attempts were made to measure or quantify
machinability and it was done mostly in terms of :

• tool life which substantially influences productivity and

economy in machining

• magnitude of cutting forces which affects power consumption

and dimensional accuracy

• surface finish which plays role on performance and service life

of the product.

Often cutting temperature and chip form are also considered for
assessing machinability.

But practically it is not possible to use all those criteria together for
expressing machinability quantitatively.
In a group of work materials, one may appear best in respect of, say,
tool life but may be much poor in respect of cutting forces and
surface finish and so on. Besides that, the machining responses of
any work material in terms of tool life, cutting forces, surface finish
etc. are more or less significantly affected by the variation; known or
unknown, of almost all the parameters or factors associated with
machining process. Machining response of a material may also
change with the processes, i.e. turning, drilling, milling etc.
therefore, there cannot be as such any unique value to express
machinability of any material However, earlier, the relative
machining response of the work materials compared to that of a
standard metal was tried to be evaluated quantitatively only based on
tool life (VB* = 0.33 mm) by an index,

Following graph shows such scheme of evaluating Machinability

rating (MR) of any work material. The free cutting steel, AISI –
1112, when machined (turned) at 100 fpm, provided 60 min of tool
life. If the work material to be tested provides 60 min of tool life at
cutting velocity of 60 fpm (say), as indicated in graph, under the
same set of machining condition, then machinability (rating) of that
material would be, or, simply the value of the cutting velocity
expressed in fpm at which a work material provides 60 min tool life
was directly considered as the MR of that work material.
In this way the MR of some materials, for instance, were evaluated

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