Week003 Vectors and Two Dimensional Motion
Week003 Vectors and Two Dimensional Motion
Week003 Vectors and Two Dimensional Motion
Chapter Objectives
In this chapter, students will manipulate multiple vector quantities to find resultants
geometrically and by using the component method. Students will also calculate the
displacement, velocity, and acceleration for objects experiencing two-dimensional
motion, particularly as a projectile. Lastly, students will identify frames of reference to
describe and calculate relative velocities.
3.1 Define vector and scalar quantities, citing examples. Construct a resultant vector
by applying the rules of vector addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
3.2 Find vector components using trigonometry. Determine a resultant algebraically
from the components of vectors.
3.3 Define displacement, velocity, and acceleration in two dimensions.
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Chapter 3 Vectors and Two-Dimensional Motion 9
EK 2.A.1
EK 2.A.2
LO 3.A.1.1 [SPs 1.5, 2.1, and 2.2]
LO 3.A.1.2 [SP 4.2]
LO 3.A.1.3 [SP 5.1]
16 traditional classes or 8 blocks. Be certain to point out Example 3.7 involving the range
equation, which is a time saver for those particular problems it solves and worthy of
students’ memorization. Invest time in graphical representations of two-dimensional
motion as well as having students perform experimental investigations.
EK 2.A.1
EK 2.A.2
Less than 1 traditional class or ½ block. The Essential Knowledge components of the
Curriculum Framework above require students to understand characteristics of vectors
and scalars, which are introduced in chapter 2 and elaborated on in chapter 3. A brief
review of these ideas from this chapter may be useful in the second year course, but save
as much time as possible for future chapters.
Quick Quizzes:
Quick Quiz 3.1 (p. 59)
Quick Quiz 3.2 (p. 61)
Quick Quiz 3.3 (p. 61)
Quick Quiz 3.4 (p. 65)
Quick Quiz 3.5 (p. 65)
*AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination
Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
2015 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or part.
10 Vectors and Two-Dimensional Motion Chapter 3
Warm-Up Exercises: Text pp. 78–79 (odd-numbered answers, Text p. A.25; answers with
explanations, IM pp. 51–53)
Conceptual Questions: Text pp. 79–80 (odd-numbered answers, Text p. A.25; even-
numbered answers, IM p. 53)
Problems: Text pp. 80–87 (odd-numbered answers, Text p. A.25; even-numbered answers,
IM pp. 54–55; solutions, IM pp. 55–86)
Study Tips
Tip 3.1 Vector Addition vs. Scalar Addition
A + B = C is very different from A + B = C. The first is a vector sum, which must be
handled graphically or with components, whereas the second is a simple arithmetic sum
of numbers.
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