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is to find
d the integralss that define the
t vector andd scalar potenntials. In ordeer find the sam
me, let
The next task
us take the curl of both
h sides of equaations (4a) an
nd (4b).

g to the vecto
or identity

and using equations (1b

b) and (2a), we
w have:

Using equ
uations (7a) an
nd (7b) in (10
0a) and (10b), respectivelyy, we have

where k2 = 2. In orrder to fully characterize a vector, it ccurl as well as divergence has to be deefined.
We have defined the rotational
url) propertiess of the magnnetic and elecctric vector ppotentials, butt have
not yet deefined the irro
otational (diveergence) prop
If we choo


then, equaations (11a) and

a (11b) redu
uce to

The relatiionship chosen for the vector and scalar potentiaals defined inn equations ((12a) and (122b) is
defined ass the Lorentz gauge.
Equationss (13a) and (1
13b) are defin
ned as inhom
mogeneous Heelmholtz vecttor wave equuations whichh have
solutions of the form

where r locates the fieeld point (wh

here the field is measured)) and r locattes the source point (where the
current is located) [see Fig. 33].

Fig. 33: Locations

of th
he source point and field point
Similar in
us Helmholtzz scalar wavee equations ccan be foundd for the elecctric and maggnetic
scalar pottentials as giv
ven in equation
ns (15a) and (15b).

The solutiions to the scaalar potential equations aree

In order to avoid com

mplex differeentiation, onee may determ
mine EA andd HF directlyy from Maxw
equations once EF an
nd HA have been determ
mined using ppotentials (eqquations (4a)) and (4b)). From
or electric currrents and maagnetic currennts, we have
Maxwells equations fo

na problems, the regions where we want to determ

mine the radiiated fields aare away from
m the
In antenn
sources. Thus,
we may
y set J = 0, M = 0 in the above equationss to solve for EA and HF. T
This yields:

As stated earlier, the to

otal fields by superposition
n are:

that gives:

d in determiniing the antenn

na far fields, then, first, w
we must determ
mine the poteentials
So, if we are interested
he integrals defining
the ppotentials [eqnns. (14a), (144b)] simplify in the
in the far field. We wiill find that th
far field.

at th
he far-field.
Fig. 34: Potentials

paralleel. Therefore, we can have
In the far field, the vecctors r and (r-r) becomes nearly

propriate term
ms of the potenntial integralss [eqn. (14a) aand (14b)] yieelds:
Using thiss approximatiion in the app

It can furtther be simpliified as:

Note: Thee r term in th

he numerator complex exp
pontial term ccant be negleected since it represents a phase
shift term
m that may still be significan
nt even in thee far field.
Bringing the r-dependent terms outtside the integral, since thhe potential inntegrals are iintegrated over the
source (prrimed) coordiinates, the farr field integralls defining thhe potentials bbecome:

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