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nna parameteers: (Co
1.4.6 Diirectivity
This param
meter indicatees how well an
a antenna co
oncentrates poower into a lim
mited solid anngle.
The directivity D of an
n antenna is the
t ratio of th
he radiation iintensity U inn a given direection (, ) to the
radiation intensity
averraged over alll directions U0 (see Fig. 200)

direectivity conceept
Fig. 20: Maximum
m directivity D0 is the direcctivity in the maximum
raddiation directiion (0, 0)

Note: Thee directivity of

o an isotropicc source is 1, whereas it is more than 1 for any other antenna.

1.4.7 Gain
The gain or
o power gain
n of an antenn
na in a certain
n direction (, ) is definedd as

where Pin is the input power

to the antenna
and iss related to thhe radiated poower Prad as:

In the abo
ove equation, is the efficciency of the antenna. It acccounts for thhe various lossses in the anttenna,
such as th
he reflection lo
oss, dielectricc loss, conducction loss, andd polarizationn mismatch looss.
Taking th
he efficiency into account, the
t gain and the
t directivityy are related bby:

Fig. 21: Explaining

thee concept of antenna

Similar to
o the maximu
um directivitty, a maximu
um gain G0 ccan be defineed and whichh is related tto the
m directivity D0 by:

1.4.8 An
ntenna Po
n antenna in a given direection is defi
fined as the ppolarization oof the plane wave
The polarrization of an
transmitteed by the anteenna in that direction.
The polarizationn of a wave ttransmitted (or received) by an
antenna is
i the locus of
o the tip of th
he instantaneo
ous electric ffield vector E traces out w
with time at a fixed
on point. (see Fig. 22)

Iff the locus is a straight linee

Iff the locus is a circle
Iff the locus is an
a ellipse

linear polarizzation
circular polaarization
elliptical pollarization



Fig. 22: (aa) Linear, (b) Circular and (c) Ellipticall polarization Mathematical Form

mulation of
o Polarizaation
For a wav
ve travelling in the ve z-direction, the electric
field ccomponents iin the x and y-directions arre:

E x E x 0 cos t kz x

E y E y 0 cos t k z y

where Ex00 and Ey0 are amplitudes

in x and y direcction respectivvely, and x, y are the phaase angles. Thhe
total instaantaneous vecctor field E is::

E a x E x 0 cos( t kz x ) a y E y 0 cos( t kz y )
Linear Polarizatiion:
Let x = 0,
0 y = 0 and Ex0 = 3, Ey0 = 5.

Fig. 23: Linear


at z = 0 and

t = 0 we
w get:

E x 3 cos0 0 0 3
at z = 0 and

t = /2
2 we get:

E x 3 cos / 2 0 0 0
at z = 0 and

E y 5 ccos0 0 0 5
E y 5 ccos / 2 0 0 0

t = we
w get:

E x 3 cos 0 0 3

E y 5 ccos 0 0 5

So the tip of the E field

d vector movees linearly alo
ong the line.

Special Cases:
If Ex = 0, then we only
y have the y-co
omponent (y--polarized waave)

E a y E yo cos((t kz y )
If Ey = 0, then we only
y have the x-co
omponent (x--polarized waave)

E a x E xo cos((t kz x )
In generall, we get lineaarly polarized
d waves if:

x y n ,

n = 0, 1, 2,

ar Polariza
It occurs when
Ex0 = Ey0, and = x - y = Odd multiples of /2

Fig. 24: Circular


Let x = 0,
0 y = /2 and
d Ex0 = 1, Ey0 = 1.

E a x E x 0 cos(( t kz ) a y E y 0 cos( t kz )

at z = 0 and

t = 0 we have:

E x cos(t kz ) cos 0 1

E y cos(t kz ) cos 0
So at time t = 0, we can locate the locus of the E-field vector at point 1 on the circle. (see Fig. 24)

at z = 0 and

t = /2 we have:

E x cos( ) 0;

E y cos( ) cos 1
2 2

That corresponds to point 2 on the circle (Fig. 24)

at z = 0 and

t = we have:

E x cos( ) 1;

E y cos(

) cos

That corresponds to point 3 on the circle (Fig. 24)

Elliptical Polarization:
The explanation for elliptical polarization is same as that for circular polarization except that it occurs
when Ex0 Ey0 0.



Major axis

Ex0 x

Minor axis

Fig. 25: Polarization ellipse at z = 0 of an elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave

Note: Circular polarization and Elliptical polarization can be either right-handed or left-handed
corresponding to the electric field vector rotating clockwise (right-handed) or anti-clockwise (lefthanded).

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