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4. Broadband Antennas
4.1 Introduction
The advent of broadband system in wireless communication area has demanded the
design of antennas that must operate effectively over a wide range of frequencies. An antenna
with wide bandwidth is referred to as a broadband antenna. But the question is, wide bandwidth
mean how much bandwidth? The term "broadband" is a relative measure of bandwidth and
varies with the circumstances.
Bandwidth is computed in two ways:

fu fl
100 %


where f u and f u are the upper and lower frequencies of operation for which satisfactory
performance is obtained.

fc is the center frequency.





The bandwidth of narrow band antenna is usually expressed as a percentage using equation (4.1),
whereas wideband antenna are quoted as a ratio using equation (4.2).

fu and fl are determined by the VSWR = 2 points.

The definition of a broadband antenna is somewhat arbitrary and depends on the

particular antenna. "If the impendence and pattern of an antenna do not change significantly over
about an octave ( f u / fl =2) or more, it will classified as a broadband antenna". Broadband
antennas usually require structures that do not change abruptly in its physical dimensions, but
instead utilize materials with smooth boundaries. Smooth physical structures tend to produce
patterns and input impedance that also change smoothly with frequency. This simple concept is
very important in broadband antennas.
Various categories of antennas come under the preview of broadband antenna viz.,
travelling wave antenna, helical antennas, biconical antenna, frequency-independent antenna,

odic antennas etc. In thiss chapter, wee will focus on two majoor varieties oof antennas, such
as, (i) frequency-in
dependent antennas
nd (ii) log-pperiodic anttennas withh a minimum
m of
analyticaal formulatio

4.2 Frequency-In
nt Antenna
A antenna with a ban
ndwidth of about 10:1 or more iis referred to a frequeencyindepend
dent antennaa. The purestt form of a frequency
inndependent aantenna has constant paattern,
impedancce, polarizattion, and phaase center wiith frequencyy.
A distinguish
hing feature of
o frequency
y-independennt antennas is their self--scaling behaavior.
Most rad
diation takess place from
m that portio
on of the frrequency-inddependent antenna wherre its
width is a half-wavelength or the circumfereence is one w
wavelength.. This regioon is called aas the
active reegion. Radiattion is maxiimum perpendicular to tthe plane off the structuure. As frequuency
decreasess, the active region mov
ves to a larger portion oof the antennna, where thee width is a halfwaveleng
Scaling charaacteristics of antenna [V
V.H. Rumseey, 1957] m
model measuurements inddicate
that if thee shape of th
he antenna were
w complettely specifieed by angles, its perform
mance wouldd have
to be independent of frequency.
It was sh
howed by Ru
umsey that this
t requirem
ment would bbe fulfilled bby antenna w
whose equatiion in
sphericall co-ordinatees is of the fo

r ea ( 0 ) f ( )


This equ
uation of an
n equiangullar or logarrithmic spiraal where a: rate of exxpansion annd 0 :

(aa) Co-ordinaate system fo

or antenna based
on equuiangular spiral.

(b) Two symmetrical arms of flat spiral antenna.

(c) Two asymmetrical arms with a . A biconical antenna is obtained if rotated
about the common axis.
Fig. 4.1: Equiangular spiral antenna
Frequency-independent antennas can be divided into two types: spiral antennas and log-periodic

4.2.1. Analysis of frequency-independent antennas:

Let the surface of an edge on its surface is described by a curve:
r F ( , )

r: distance along the surface or edge

[Assume that the antenna has both terminals close to the origin an each is symmetrically
disposed along the 0 , - axis]
If the antenna is to be scaled to a frequency that is K times lower than the original frequency, the
antenna's physical surface must be made K times greater to maintain the same electrical
The new surface is described by:

r / KF ( , )
The new and old surface is identical; that is, not only are they similar but they are also congruent
(if both surfaces are infinite).
Congruence can be established only by rotation in .
For the second structure to achieve congruence with the first, it must be rotated by angle C, so
KF ( , ) F ( , C )

Note: C depends on K but neither depends on or .

Physical congruence (coinciding exactly when superimposed) implies that the origin antenna
electrically would behave the same at both frequencies.

Note: However the radiation pattern will be rotated azimuthally an angle C.

To obtain the functional representation of F ( , )

[ KF ( , )]
F ( , )
[ F ( , C )]

[ F ( , C )]
( C )


F ( , )
[ KF ( , )] K

[ F ( , C )]

[ F ( , C )]
( C )


Equating(4.4) and (4.5)


F ( , )
F ( , ) K


1 dK 1 r

[using r F ( , ) ]
K dC r


Since the left side equation (4.7) is independent of and , a general solution for the surface
r F ( , ) of the antenna is

r F ( , ) ea f ( )

1 dK
K dC

f ( ) : arbitrary function.

Thus for any antenna to have frequency independent characteristics, its surface must be
described by the above equation. For this specification of f ( ) / derivative of f ( ) is required.

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