GRE Word List

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markedly different from an accepted norm,

Degrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or
Abnormal or deviant, one whose behavior

departs substantially from the norm of a group


(v) Reduce, Diminish, become less in amount or


Temporary suspension, inactivity




Detest, regard with disgust

(v) Formally give up the throne (or some other


power or responsibility), give up, such as power,

Give up, renounce; repudiate, recant, or shun

as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and

(especially formally or under oath)




Rough, suitable for grinding or polishing (such

bad or unhealthy); decline to vote

as sandpaper); causing irritation or annoyance
14. abyss

A deep and vast space or cavity; anything

profound or infinite


Side-by-side. The more common "abreast of"
15. accede

Agree, give consent; assume power (usually as

means keeping up with, staying aware of, or
"accede to")

remaining equal in progress with.

accretion Gradual increase; an added part or



Sour; harsh or severe

10. Abridge

Reduce or lessen; shorten by omitting parts

acidulous Slightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic

19. Acme Summit,

peak, highest point

throughout while retaining the main idea

20. Activism The

practice of pursuing political or other

goals through vigorous action, often including protests
and demonstrations
11. abscission

Cutting off; sudden termination; the separation of

leaves, petals, or other parts from a plant or


Keen, quick, accurate insight or judgment

or belief

Stick (to), such as with glue, or to a plan

Admonish Mildly scold; caution, advise, or remind

to do

Depart suddenly and secretively

24. adulterate Make

Abstain Hold back, refrain (especially from


inferior ingredients

impure by adding inappropriate or

30. Affable
25. adumbrate

Warm and friendly, pleasant, approachable

Give a rough outline of; foreshadow; reveal

only partially; obscure

31. Affectation

Fake behavior (such as in speech or dress)

26. Adverse

adopted to give a certain impression

(adj) Opposing, harmful

32. Aggrandize
27. Advocate

Make greater; exaggerate

Speak or argue in favor of (verb); a person

who pleads for a cause or on behalf of another

33. aggregate

Gather together, amount to (v); constituting a

person (noun)
whole made up of constituent parts (adj)

28. aerie

Dwelling or fortress built on a high place; the

34. Alacrity

Cheerful or Speedy willingness

nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or

hawk, built on a mountain or cliff

35. albeit

Although, even though

29. Aesthetic

Concerning the appreciation of beauty or good

36. Alienate

Cause to become unfriendly, hostile, or

taste, pertaining to the science of what is
beautiful (adj); a sense of beauty and taste of a

particular time and place (noun)

37. aloof

Distant physically or emotionally; reserved;



amalgamate Blend, merge, or unite

44. analgesia

to having

Not clear, hard to understand, open

several meanings of interpretations

Pain relief; inability to feel pain

45. Analogous

Comparable, corresponding in some

40. Ambivalent

Uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do

particular way (making a good analogy)

two contradictory things at once

46. Anarchy

Absence of law or government; chaos,

41. ameliorate

Improve; make better or more bearable


42. amortize

Gradually pay off a debt, or gradually write off

an asset

47. annul

Make void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of

laws or other established rules)

43. anachronism

Something that is not in its correct historical

time; a mistake in chronology, such as by

48. anodyne

Medicine that relieves pain (noun); soothing,

relieving pain (adj)

assigning a person or event to the wrong time

49. Anoint


Rub or sprinkle oil on; make sacred, such as by

a ceremony that includes applying oil to

50. Anomaly

Deviation from what is common;


57. apostle

Pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an

51. Antagonize

early follower of Jesus)

Make hostile or unfriendly

58. apposite

Highly appropriate, suitable, or relevant

52. antedate

Be older than, precede in time; assign to an

59. apprise

earlier date

Inform, give notice to

53. antithetical

Directly opposed, opposite; involving

60. approbation

Praise or approval, especially formal approval

antithesis (the rhetorical act of placing two

phrases opposite one another for contrast, as

61. appropriate

Set aside or authorize (such as money) for a

in love me or hate me)
particular purpose; take for one's own use

54. Apathy

Not caring; absence of feeling; lack of interest

62. arbiter

Judge, umpire, person empowered to decide

or concern
matters at hand
Apocryphal Of questionable authenticity; false


Person who deserts a party, cause,

63. Arcane

Known or understood by only a few; obscure,


64. Archaic

lacking skill or knowledge, crude, uncultured

Characteristic of an earlier period, ancient,


71. Ascertain

Find out with certainty

65. ardent

Very passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic

72. Ascetic

Abstinent or austere in lifestyle; a person who

66. Arduous

leads an austere and simple life without

Very difficult, strenuous; severe, hard to endure

material pleasures, esp. someone who does

67. arrogate

this for religious reasons

Claim or take presumptuously or without the

right to do so

73. ascribe

Assign or credit to a certain cause or source

68. Articulate

Using language in a clear, fluent way (adj.);


speak distinctly or give clarity to an idea (v)

Free from germs

69. Artifact

Any object made by humans, especially those


form an earlier time, such as those excavated

Rigor, severity; harshness or sharpness of

bu archeologists

tone; roughness of surface

70. Artless

Free of deceit or craftiness, natural, genuine;




Very bold or brave, often in a rude or reckless

Damaging remarks, defamation, slander



Attack violently, assault


Make Larger


Persevering, diligent, constant


Telling the future, such as through



supernatural means

Make milder, relieve; soothe, pacify, or calm



Venerable, majestic; inspiring admiration

Weaken or thin out



Severe in manner or appearance; very self-

In harmony; in sympathetic relationship

disciplined, ascetic; without luxury or ease;


sober or serious

universally or generally accepted principle


Self-governing, independent


Refuse to proceed or to do something


Insatiable greed; a miserly desire to hoard


Swell or puff out; increase rapidly




Lacking freshness and originality; clich

Declare or affirm with confidence




Something that ruins or spoils

Enthusiastic, dedicated, passionate;

excessively desirous


Morally low, mean, dishonorable; or little or


Self-evident truth requiring no proof;

no value; crude and unrefined; counterfeit

101. bent

Personal inclination or tendency

Howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf
102. besiege

Attack, overwhelm, crowd in on or surround



103. bevy

Contradict or misrepresent

Group of birds or other animals that stay

close together; any large group


Doing good

104. bifurcate

To fork into two branches or divide into two

100. Benign

Harmless; favorable; kindle, gentle, or


beneficial; not cancerous

105. bilk

107. blithe

Cheat or defraud

Joyous, merry; excessively carefree (so as to

ignore more important concerns)

106. blight

Disease that kills plants rapidly, or any cause

108. Bogus

of decay or destruction (noun); ruin or cause

Fake, fraudulent

to wither (verb)
109. Bolster

Strengthen or support

shock, or cushions

110. bombastic

(Of speech or writing) far too showy or

117. Bureaucracy

Govt. characterized be many bureaus and

dramatic than is appropriate; pretentious
petty administrators or by excessive,

111. bonhomie

seemingly meaningless requirements

Friendliness, open and simple good


118. Burgeon

Grow or flourish rapidly; put forth buds or

112. Boor

shoots (of a plant)

Rude, ill-mannered, or insensitive person a

peasant or a country bumpkin

119. burnish

Polish, make smooth and lustrous

113. brandish

Shake, wave, or flourish, as a weapon

120. Buttress

Support or encourage (v); a support or prop,

114. brook

esp. projecting from and supporting the wall

Suffer or tolerate
of a building (n)

115. bucolic

Pertaining to shepherds; suggesting a

121. Bygone

Past, former (adj.); that which is in the past

peaceful and pleasant view of rural life
(usually plural noun)

116. Buffer

Something that shields, protects, absorbs

122. Cacophony

Harsh, discordant, or meaningless mixture of


130. Castigate

Criticize severely; punish in order to correct

123. calumny

Malicious lie intended to hurt someone's

131. Catalyst

Causer of change
reputation; the act of telling such lies

124. canard

132. catholic

Rumor, a false or baseless story

Universal, broad-minded

125. Candid

133. Caustic

Open, sincere, honest

Capable of corroding metal or burning the

skin; very critical or sarcastic

126. Canonical

Authorized, recognized; pertaining to the

134. Censure

canon, or body of accepted rules, standards or

Strong disapproval or official reprimand

artistic works

(n); to issue such disapproval or

reprimand (v)
127. Capricious

Acting on impulse, erratic

135. Chauvinism

Fanatical patriotism or blind enthusiasm

128. cardinal

Chief, most important

for military glory; undue or biased

devotion to any group, cause, etc.

129. Cartography

136. chicanery

Trickery, deception by knowingly false

Disgustingly or distastefully sweet

144. coagulate

Chronological Arranged in or relating to time


Cause a liquid to become solid or

activity, or

Strictly limit a role, range of

area; in math, to be constructed around so as to

touch as many points as possible

145. Coalesce

Come together, unite; fuse together

139. circumspect

Cautious, prudent; careful to consider the

146. coda

Final part of a musical composition; an

circumstances and consequences
ending, esp. one that sums up what has

140. clamber

come before

Climb awkwardly or with difficulty,


147. coffer

Chest for storing valuables; financial

141. Clamor

resources, a treasury

Noisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd;

a loud, continuous noise

148. Cogent

Very convincing, logical

142. Clinch

Make final or settle conclusively; to fasten

149. collude

Conspire; cooperate for illegal or

or hold together
fraudulent purposes

143. cloying

150. Commensurate

bad quality)

The same in size, extent, etc., equivalent;



Eager to please; cheerfully

Complementary Completing; fitting together well;

151. compendium

Concise but complete summary; a list or

mutual needs

155. Compliant
152. Complacent

Obeying, submissive; following the

Self-satisfied, smug; overly content (and

therefore lazy, neglectful, or some other

156. Concede

Give in, admit, yield; acknowledge

160. Confer

reluctantly; grant or give up (such as giving

Consult, compare views; bestow or give

up land after losing a war)

161. confound

Confuse, frustrate; mix up or make worse

157. Conciliatory

Reconciling, appeasing, attempting to make

162. Connoisseur

the peace

Expert, especially in the fine arts; person or

educated, redefined tastes

158. Concur

Approve, agree
163. connote

Suggest or imply in addition to the precise,

159. Condone

Overlook, tolerate, regard as harmless

literal meaning

171. contrite
164. Console

Remorseful; feeling sorry for one's offenses

Lessen the suffering or grief of (v); a control

or sins
panel, or small table or cabinet (n)
contumacious Rebellious; stubbornly disobedient

165. Consolidate

Unit, combine, solidify make coherent

166. Constrict

a play

Riddle, the answer to which involves

on words; a mystery

Squeeze, compress; restrict the freedom of

174. Converge

167. Construe

Move towards one another or towards a

interpret or translate
point; unite

168. Contentious


Knowledge about or experienced with


in opposite way; on the other hand

Controversial; prone to causing arguments,

especially gratuitous or petty ones

177. convoke

Call together, as to a meeting

169. Contextualize

Place in context, such as by giving the

178. Convoluted

background or circumstances

170. contraries

Things that are opposing; either of two

opposite things

Twisted; very complicated

179. Copious

Plentiful, bountiful


Support, add evidence to

Cosmopolitan Belonging to the entire world, at

187. Counterproductive

Defeating the purpose; preventing the

globally; free from local or national

intended goal

prejudices or attachements
188. Covert

Secret, veiled, undercover

182. cosset

Treat as a pet, pamper

189. Crafty

Cunning, skillful in deception or

183. coterie

Close or exclusive group, clique

184. Countenance

Facial expression or face (n); approve or

underhandled schemes

190. Craven

Very cowardly, lacking courage

tolerate (v)
191. Credibility

Believability, trustworthiness

185. Counterintuitive

Against what one would intuitively

192. Credulous

Gullible; prone to believing or trusting

too easily or without enough evidence

186. Counterpoint

Contrasting item, opposite; a

193. Crescendo

Steady increase in force, intensity, or

complement; the use of contrast or
the loudness of a musical passage; a
interplay in a work of art
climactic moment or peak

201. declaim
194. Culminate

Speak in an impassioned, pompous, or

Reach the highest point or final stage

oratorical manner; give a formal

195. cupidity


Greed, great or excessive desire

202. declivity
196. curmudgeon

Downward slope

Bad-tempered, difficult person; grouch

203. Decorous
197. Cynical

Behaving with propriety and good

Thinking the worst of others'

taste; polite
motivations; bitterly pessimistic

204. Deem
198. Daunt

judge; consider

Discourage, dishearten, lessen the

courage of

205. Deface

Vandalize. mar the appearance of

199. Debase

Degrade; lower in quality, value, rank,

206. Default

Failure to act, neglect (n); fail to fulfill

etc.; lower in moral quality
an obligation, especially a financial

200. Debunk

one (v)

Expose, ridicule, or disprove false or

exaggerated claims

207. Deference

Respectful submission; yielding to the

authority or opinionj of another

209. Deleterious

Harmful, unhealthful

208. Deflect

Cause to curve; turn aside, esp. from a

210. delimit

Fix, mark, or define the boundaries of

sstraight course; avoid


Mark the outline of; sketch; describe in

demagogue A leader who lies and gains power by



Derived from something else; not

Thoroughly dried up, dehydrated

desultory Lacking consistency or order,

arousing the passions and especially
sporadic; going off topic
prejudices of the people
220. Detached impartial,

disinterested; unconcerned,

distant, aloof
213. demur

Show reluctance or object, especially for

Deterrent Something that restrains or


moral reasons
diaphanous Very sheer, fine, translucent

223. Diatribe
214. Denigrate

Bitter, abusive attack or criticism; rant

Belittle, attack the reputation of

224. dichotomy
215. Denote

Division into two parts or into two

Be a name or symbol for

contradictory groups

216. Deride

mock. scoff at laugh at contemptuously

225. dictum

Formal or authoritative pronouncement;

saying or proverb

232. dilettante

Person who takes up an art or activity for

226. Didactic

amusement only or in a superficial way

Intended to instruct; teaching , or teaching a

moral lessen

233. Din

Loud, confused noise, esp. for a long period of

227. diffident


Lacking confidence, shy

234. dirge
228. diffuse

A funeral or mourning song or poem

Spread widely, disseminate (verb); dispersed,


Free someone from a mistake in

widely spread out, or wordy and going off-

topic (adj)

Discerning Having good judgement or insight;

able to

distinguish mentally
229. Digress

Go off-topic when speaking or writing

discomfiting Disconcerting, confusing, frustrating

discordant Harsh or inharmonious in sound;

230. dilate

To become wider or make wider, cause to

disagreeing, incongruous

expand; to speak or write at length, elaborate

239. Discredit


Injure the reputation of, destroy credibility

of or confidence in
231. dilatory

Slow, late; procrastinating or stalling for time

240. Discrepancy

Difference or inconsistency
248. disparate

Distinct, different
241. discrete

Separate, distinct, detached, existing as

249. Dispassionate

individual parts

Unbiased, not having a selfish or personal

motivation; calm, lacking emotion

242. Discriminating

Judicious, discerning, having good

250. Dispatch

judgement or insight

Speed, promptness; send off or deal with in

Disingenuous Insincere, not genuine

a speedy way

Disinterested Unbiased, impartial; not interested

251. Disperse
245. Disjointed

Scatter, spread widely, cause to vanish

Disconnected, not coherent, jerky; having

the joints separated

252. Disposition

A person's general or natural mood;

246. Dismiss


Allow to disperse or leave; fire from a job;

put aside or reject, especially after only a

253. Disquieting

Disturbing, cause anxiety

brief consideration

254. dissemble
247. disparage

Mislead, conceal the truth, put on a false

Belittle, put down; bring shame upon,

appearance of

255. Disseminate

Harsh, inharmonious sound; cacophony;

Scatter, spread about, broadcast


256. Dissent

Disagree or take an opposing view, esp. in

259. distaff

Female, esp. relating to the maternal side

relation to a formal body such as a
of the family; women or women's work; a
government, political party, or church;
staff that holds wool or flax for spinning
such a view

260. distend
257. dissolution

Swell, expand, stretch, bloat

Dissolving, the state of having been

dissolved; breaking bonds or breaking up

261. Distill

Purify; extract the essential elements of

of a group of people; death, disintegration;

sinking into extreme hedonism, vice, and

262. dither

Act indecisively (verb); a state of fear or

trembling excitement

258. Dissonance
263. diurnal

Occurring every day; happening in the daytime

265. Divest

(rather than at night)

Deprive or strip of a rank, title, etc., or of

clothing or gear; to sell off holdings (ant:

264. Diverge

Differ, deviate; branch off or turn aside, as from

a path


266. Divine

Discover through divination or or supernatural

272. dovetail

Join or fit together

means; perceive by insight

273. droll
267. doctrinaire

Funny in an odd way

Person who applies doctrine in an impractical

or rigid and close-minded way (noun); merely

274. Dubious

Doubtfull, questionable, suspect

theoretical, impractical, or fanatical about

other people accepting one's ideas (adj)

275. dupe

Person who is easily fooled or used (noun); to

268. Document

fool or exploit (verb)

Support with evidence, cite sources in a detailed

way, create documentary evidence of

276. duplicity

Deceit, double-dealing, acting in two different

269. doff

ways for the purpose of deception

Take off (such as clothes), put aside; remove

one's hat as a gesture

277. dyspeptic

Grumpy, pessimistic, irritable; suffering from

270. Dogma

dyspepsia (indigestion)

A system of principles laid down by an

e.g. For example, such as
authority; established belief
ebullient Very enthusiastic, lively, excited;
bubbling as
271. Dormat

Asleep, inactive, on a break

though being boiled

280. Eccentric

Peculiar, odd, deviating from the norm esp. in a

286. effigy

Representation or image of a person, esp. a

whimsical way
crude facsimile used to mock a hated person

281. echelon

A level, rank or grade; the people at that level

282. Eclectic

Selecting the best of everything or from many

diverse sources

283. Eclipse

The obscuring of one thing by another, such as

the sun by the moon or a person by a more

famous or talented person (n); to obscure,

darken, make less important (v)

284. edify

Uplift, enlighten, instruct or improve in a

spiritual or moral way

285. Efficacy

the quality of being able to produce the

intended effect

effrontery Shameless boldness

295. Eloquent

Marked by forceful, fluid, apt speech;

Egalitarian Related to belief in the equality of all

expressive, emotionally moving

esp. in political, economic, or social spheres

296. emaciate
289. Egregious

Make abnormally thin, cause to physically

Extraordinarily or conspicuously bad; glaring

waste away

290. egress

An exit or the action of exiting

297. Embellish

Decorate, add ornamentation; enhance (a

291. Elated

story) with fictional or fanciful details

Very happy, in high spirits


292. elegy

Song or poem of sorrow, esp. for a deceased


293. Elevate

Prominent, distinguished, of high rank

Empirical Coming from, based on, or able to be

verified by

experience or experimentation; not purely based on



Copy in an attempt to equal or be better

Raise, lift up; lift the spirits of; move up to a

encomium Warm, glowing praise, esp. a formal
higher rank or status or raise up to a higher
expression of praise
spiritual or intellectual plane
302. endemic Native,

local; natural, specific to, or

confined to a particular place
294. Elicit

Call forth, bring out, evoke

303. Enervate


Weaken, tire

Produce, give rise to, cause to exist;

Person with cultivated, refined tastes, esp. in


Raise to a higher value, desirability, etc.

food and wine

306. Enigma

Puzzle, mystery, riddle; mysterious or

311. equanimity

contradictory person

Composure, evenness of mind; mental or

emotional stability, esp. under stress

307. Entitlement

Having the right to certain privileges;

312. Equitable

believing, sometimes without cause, that one

Fair, equal, just

deserves or has a right to certain privileges

313. equivocate

Enumerate Count or list; specify one-by-one

Use unclear language to deceive or avoid

Ephemeral Lasting only a short time, fleeting

committing to a position

310. epicure
314. Erratic

Inconsistent, wandering, having no fixed

317. erstwhile


Former, previous (adj); in the past, formerly

315. Erroneous

Mistaken, in horror; improper, morally

318. Erudite


Scholarly, knowledgeable; possessing deep,

often systematic, knowledge

316. ersatz

Artificial, synthetic; being an inferior

319. Eschew


Shun, avoid, abstain from

by a harmonious use of words

320. Esoteric

Understood by or intended for only a few;

326. Exacerbate

Make worse (more violent, severe, etc.),

inflame; irritate or embitter (a person)

321. Estimable

Worthy of esteem, admirable; able to be

327. Exacting

Very severe in making demands; requiring

precise attention

322. ethos


Clear from guilt or blame

The character, personality, or moral values

specific to a person, group, time period, etc.

Exhaustive Comprehensive, thorough, exhausting

a topic

or subject, accounting for all possibilities; draining,

tending to exhaust
323. Eulogy

Speech of praise or written work of praise, esp.

330. exigent

Requiring immediate attention, action, or aid;

a speech given at the funeral
excessively demanding

324. euphemism

Substitution of a mild, inoffensive, or indirect

331. exonerate

Clear from blame or accusation; free from a

expression for one that is considered offensive
or too direct

332. expedient
325. euphony

Suitable, proper; effective, often at the expense

Pleasing or sweet sound, especially as formed

of ethics or other considerations

333. Explicit

338. Facetious

Direct, clear, fully revealed; clearly depicting

Joking, humorous, esp. inappropriately;

sex or nudity

not serious, concerned with frivolous

334. Exponent

Person who expounds or explains; champion,

339. Facilitate

advocate, or representative

Make easier, help the progress of

335. expurgate

340. faction

Censor; remove objectionable or offensive parts

Group or clique within a larger

organization; party strife and dissension

336. extemporaneous

Done without preparation (esp. of a

341. Fallacious

Containing a fallacy, or mistake in logic;

speech), or with some preparation but no
logically unsound; deceptive
notes; improvised, done on the spur of

the moment

342. fallow

Left unplanted (of land); not in use

337. Extrapolate

Conjecture about an unknown by

343. Fanatical

Excessively devoted, enthusiastic, or

projecting information about something
zealous in a uncritical way
known; predict by projecting past


344. Fanciful

Whimsical, capricious; imaginary; freely

349. Feasible

Possible, logical or likely, suitable

imaginative rather than based on reason

or reality

350. fecund

Fruitful, fertile; capable of abundantly

345. fastidious

producing offspring, vegetation, or

Excessively particular, difficult to please;

creative or intellectual work
painstaking, meticulous, requiring

excessive attention to detail

351. felicitous

Admirably appropriate, very well-suited

346. Fathom

for the occasion; pleasant, fortunate,

Measure the depth of (usually of water)as

marked by happiness
with a sounding line; penetrate and

discover the meaning of, understand

352. fervid

Very hot; heated in passion or

347. fatuous


Foolish, silly, esp. in a smug or

complacent manner

353. fetid

Stinking; having an offensive smell

348. fawn

Show affection or try to please in the

354. Fidelity

Faithfulness, loyalty; strict observance of

manner of a dog; try to win favor through
duty; accuracy in reproducing a sound or
flattery and submissive behavior

355. Figurative

Metaphorical, base don figures of speech;

360. florid

containing many figures of speech (as fancy

Reddish or rosy; flowery, showy, or

sounding writing); relayed to portraying

excessively fancy

human or animal figures

361. flout

Treat with disdain, contempt, or scorn

356. Finesse

Extreme delicacy, subtlety, or diplomacy in

(usually of rules)

handling a sensitive situation or in a

362. fluke

performance or skill (n); use tact or

Stroke of luck, something accidentally

diplomacy; employ a deceptive strategy (v)


357. Flag

363. foment

Get tired, lose enthusiasm hang limply or

incite, instigate, stir up, promote the growth


of; apple medicated liquid to a body part

358. fledgling

364. forage

A young bird that has just recently gotten its

Wander in search of; rummage, hunt, make a

feathers, an inexperienced person (noun);


new or inexperienced (adj)

365. ford

Place where a river or similar body of water is

359. Fleeting

Passing quickly, transitory

shallow enough to walk or ride a vehicle

Wildly excited, frantic, distracted

across (noun); to cross at such a place (verb)

374. Fringe
366. Foreshadow

On the margin, periphery (adj.); the people in

Indicate or suggest beforehand, presage

a group who hold the most extreme views

367. forestall

Delay, hinder, prevent by taking action

375. Frugal

Economical, thrifty, not wasteful with money;


368. Forfeit

Surrender or lose as a result of an error, crime,

376. fulminate

Explode, detonate; attack verbally in a

or failure to fulfill an obligation
vehement, thunderous way

369. Fortify

Strengthen, invigorate, encourage

377. furtive

Done secretly; stealthy, sly, shifty

370. fortuitous

Happening by chance; lucky

378. Futile

Producing no useful result, ineffective, trivial

371. fracas

or unimportant

Noisy disturbance or fight; brawl

379. Gainsay
372. fractious

Declare false, deny; oppose

Unruly, troublemaking; irritable

373. frenetic

380. gambol

Frolic; skip or leap playfully

388. glacial
381. garner

Pertaining to glaciers; cold, icy, slow,

Gather and store; amass, collect


382. Garrulous

Talkative, wordy, rambling

389. Glib

Fluent and easy in a way that suggests

383. Gauche

superficially or insincerity

Tactless, lacking social grace, awkward,


390. glower

Stare in an angry, sullen way

384. Gawky

Physically awkward (esp. of a tall, skinny

391. goad

Urge on (as cattle) with a pointed or

person, often used to describe teenagers)
electrically charged stick; spur on,

385. Germane

stimulate, encourage

Relevant and appropriate, on-topic

392. Goosebumps
386. gestation

The "bumps" created by hairs standing up

Pregnancy; the period from conception until

on the skin in response to cold, fear, etc.
birth of an animal or (metaphorically) of an

idea or plan

393. gouge

Scooping or digging tool, like a chisel, or a

387. Gist

Main idea, essence

hole made with such a tool (noun); cut or

scoop out; force out a person's eye with

being pompous, overblown, bombastic
one's thumb; swindle, extort money from


397. grandstand

Perform showily in an attempt to impress

394. Gradation


A progression, a process taking place

gradually, in stages; one of these stages

398. grating

Irritating; harsh or discordant (of a noise);

395. graft


Insert part of a plant into another plant,

where it continues to grow; join living tissue

399. Gregarious

Social, pertaining to a flock or crowd

(such as skin) to part of the body where it

will continue to live and grow; attach as if

400. grievous

Causing grief or suffering; very serious,

by grafting (verb); the part so grafted (as in
grave; flagrant, outrageous
a graft of skin); the act of acquiring money

or other benefits through illegal means, esp.

401. grouse

Complain or grumble (verb); a reason for

by abusing one's power (noun)
complaint (noun)

396. grandiloquent

Relating to lofty speech, esp. to the point of

402. grovel

Creep or crawl with one's face to the ground,

prostrate oneself as a token of subservience,

degrade or abase oneself

403. Guile

Long, intense verbal attack, esp. when

Clever deceit, cunning, craftiness

delivered publicly

404. Hackneyed

So commonplace as to be stale; not fresh or

410. Hardy

Bold, brave, capable of withstanding

hardship, fatigue, cold, etc.

405. halcyon

Calm and peaceful, carefree; prosperous,

411. harrow

Farming tool that breaks up soil (noun);

successful, happy
painfully disturb or distress (verb)

406. hallmark

A mark indicating quality, purity,

412. Haven

Harbor or port; refuge, safe place

genuineness, etc.; any distinguishing


413. Hearken

Listen, pay attention to

407. hand-

Grasping, squeezing, etc. of the hands as an

414. hedge


Avoid commitment by leaving provisions for

expression of nervousness, guilt, etc.; extend

withdrawal or changing one's mind; protect
debate over what to do about an issue
a bet by also betting on the other side

408. hapless

Unlucky, unfortunate

415. Hedonist

Person devoted to pleasure

409. harangue

416. hegemony

Domination, authority; influence by one

422. Hodgepodge

Mixture of different kinds of things, jumble

country over others socially, culturally,

economically, etc.

423. homage

Honor or respect demonstrated publicly

417. hermetic

Airtight, sealed, isolated; reclusive;

424. Homogenous

Of the same kind; uniform throughout

pertaining to alchemy, occult

425. hoodwink
418. Heterogenous

Trick, deceive

Different in type, incongruous; composed of

different types of elements

426. hotly

In an intense, fiery, or heated way

419. hew

Strike, chop, or hack (as with an axe, sword.

427. husband

etc.); make or shape something (such as a

Manage prudently, sparingly, or

statue) with a cutting tool

economically; conserve

420. Hierarchy

428. Hyperbole

A ranked series; a classification of people

Deliberate exaggeration for effect

according to rank, ability, etc.; a ruling body

429. iconoclast

Attacker of cherished beliefs or institutions

421. hoary

Very old, gray or white as from old age

430. Idiosyncrasy

Characteristic or habit peculiar to an

436. Imminent

Ready to occur, impending

individual; peculiar quality, quirk

437. immutable
431. idolatry


Idol worship; excessive or unthinking

devotion or adoration

438. Impair

Make worse, weaken

432. idyllic

Presenting a positive, peaceful view of rural

439. Impartial

Unbiased, fair
life (as poetry or prose); pleasant in a

natural, simple way

440. impasse

Position or road from which there is no

433. ignoble

escape; deadlock

Not noble; having mean, base, low motives;

low quality

441. impassive

Not having or not showing physical feeling

434. Illiberality

or emotion

Narrow-mindedness, bigotry; strictness or

lack of generosity

442. impecunious

Poor, without money

435. imbue

Permeate or saturate, as dye in a fabric;

443. Impede

Hold back, obstruct the progress of

influence throughout

444. imperious

Commanding, domineering; acting like a

450. implacable

high-ranking person; urgent

Not able to be appeased, calmed, or

445. impermeable

Impassable, not allowing passage through

451. Implication

(such as by a liquid)

Act of implying or that which is implied;

imperturbable Calm, not able to be upset or


close connection, esp. in a incrimination


Impenetrable, not able to be harmed

452. Implicit

emotionally disturbed

implied, not stated directly; involbed in the

very essence of something, unquestionable

448. impetuous

Passionately impulsive, marked by sudden,

453. Implode

hasty emotion; forceful, violent

449. impious

Not religious, lacking reverence, ungodly

Burst inward

454. imprecation

Curse; prayer for harm to come to someone

455. impugn

Attack the truth or integrity of

457. Inadvertent

Unintentional; characterized by a lack of

456. impute

Credit, attribute; lay blame or

responsibility for (sometimes falsely)

attention, careless

458. inasmuch


In like manner, considering that

(contradiction of "in as much", generally

465. Inconsequential

Insignificant, unimportant; illogical

followed by "as")

466. inconstancy
459. incarnadine

Fickleness, unreliability; the state of

Blood red or flesh-colored

changing without good reason

460. Incendiary

Setting on fire, pertaining to arson;

467. Incorporate

Combine, unite; form a legal corporation;

arousing strife, rebellion, etc.;
embody, give physical form to
"inflaming" the senses

468. inculcate
461. Incentive

Teach persistently, implant (an idea) in a

Something that encourages greater action

or effort, such as a reward

Untiring, not able to become

462. Inchoate

Just begun, underdeveloped, unorganized

Indeterminate Not fixed or determined,

indefinite; vague

471. Indifferent
463. Incipient

Not caring, having no interest; unbiased,

Just beginning; in a very early state


464. Incongruous

Out of place, inappropriate, not

472. indigence

Extreme poverty

480. ingrate
473. indolent

Ungrateful person

Lazy, slothful

481. ingratiate
474. inert

Make an effort to gain favor with

Inactive; having little or no power to move

482. Inherent
475. inexorable

Existing as a permanent, essential

Relentless, unyielding; not moved by

quality; intrinsic

476. infallible

Incapable of error; certain

477. Inform

Inspire, animate; give substance, essence

or context to; be the characteristic quality


478. Ingenuous

Genuine, sincere, not holding back; naive

479. Ingrained

Deep-rooted, forming part of the very

essence; worked into the fiber

483. inimical

Hostile, adverse, harmful

484. iniquity

Injustice, wickedness, sin

alone; narrow-minded, provincial

492. insurrection


Harmless, inoffensive

Rebellion or revolt against a government or


Excessive, not within proper limits,

similarly established authority

493. Intelligible


Able to be understood, clear

487. inquest

Legal or judicial inquiry, especially before a

494. inter

Bury (a dead body) or place in a tomb

jury and especially made by a coroner into the

cause of someone's death; the results of such

495. interplay

Interaction, reciprocal relationship or

an inquiry

Incapable of feeling; unconscious,

496. interregnum


Hint, suggest slyly; introduce (an idea)

A time in between two reigns or regimes

during which there is no ruler; a period

someone's mind in a subtle, artful way
during which government does not function;

490. insipid

any period of freedom from authority or break

Dull, stale, lacking taste or interest

or interruption in a series

491. insular

Pertaining to an island; detached, standing

497. intractable

Difficult to control, manage, or manipulate;

Violent denunciation; accusations, insults, or

hard to cure; stuborn
verbal abuse

498. intransigent

Refusing to compromise, inflexible, having

504. inveigle

Entice, lure; get something by flattery,

extreme attitudes
cleverness, or offering incentives

499. Intrepid

Fearless, brave, enduring in the face of

505. investiture

Investing; formally giving someone a right or


500. Intrinsic

Belonging to the essential nature of a thing

506. invidious

Hateful, offensive, injurious

501. inundate

Flood, cover with water, overwhelm

507. irascible

Irritable, easily angered

502. inure

Toughen up; accustom or habituate to pain,

508. irresolute

Wavering, not sure how to proceed, not firm

hardship, etc.
in one's decision-making

503. invective
509. itinerant

510. itinerary

Traveling from place to place, esp. as part of a

Travel schedule; detailed plan for a journey

511. Jargon

Vocabulary specific to a group or occupation;

Sharp, piercing; very perceptive or mentally

convoluted or unintelligible language
sharp; intense (of a feeling)

512. jettison

Discard, cast off; throw items overboard in

519. kindle

Ignite, cause to begin burning; incite, arouse,

order to lighten a ship in an emergency

513. jingoism

Excessive, loud patriotism and aggressive,

520. kinetic

Pertaining to motion
warlike foreign policy

521. knell

The sound made by a bell for a funeral, or any

514. Jocular

Joking or given to joking all the time; jolly,

sad sound or signal of a failure, death, ending,
etc. (noun); to make such a sound (verb)
Judicious Using good judgement; wise, sensible

a time

Critical point in time, such as a crises or

522. Kudos

Praise, honor, congratulations

when a decision in necessary; a place where two

things are joined together

lachrymose Tearful, mournful

517. juxtapose

Lackluster Not shiny; dull, mediocre; lacking

brilliance or

Place side by side (either physically or in a

metaphorical way, such as to make a
525. Laconic

Using few words, concise

526. Lament Mourn;

express grief, sorrow, or regret (v);

an expression of grief esp. as a song or poem (n)
518. Keen


A harsh satire (n); ridicule or satirize

537. lax

Not strict; careless, loose, slack

Landmark Object (such as a building) that stands

out and
538. Layperson

can be used to navigate by; a very important place,

event, etc.

A person who is not a member of the clergy or

not a member of a particular profession (such

529. Languid Drooping

from exhaustion. sluggish, slow;

lacking in sprit

as medicine, law, etc.)

530. larceny


largess or Generosity, the giving of money or gifts

(esp. largesse with the implication that the giver is a

539. leery

Suspicious or wary

superior to the recipient)

Lassitude Tiredness, weariness; lazy indifference

540. legerdemain

Slight-of-hand (magic as performed by a

533. latent

Potential; existing but not visible or active

534. Laudable

Worthy of praise

magician); trickery or deception

541. lethargic

Lazy, drowsy, or sluggish

542. Levity

535. laudable

Lightness (of mind, spirit, or mood) or lack of

Worthy of praise
seriousness, sometimes in an inappropriate

536. Lavish


Abundant or giving in abundance; marked by

excess (adj.); give very generously (v)

543. Levy

Collect tax from, wage war on, or enlist for

military service (v); act of collecting tax or

amount owed, or the drafting of troops into

549. lionize

Treat like a celebrity

military service (n)

550. lissome
544. Liberal

Flexible, supple, agile

Favorable to progress or reform; believing in

maximum possible individual freedom;

551. listless

Spiritless, lacking interest or energy

tolerant, open-minded; generous(adj.); a

person with such beliefs or practices (n)

552. livid

Furiously angry, enraged

545. Libertine

Morally or sexually unrestrained personl

553. Log

Keep a record of, write down; travel for or at a

freethinker (regarding religion)
certain distance or speed (v); a written record

546. licentious


Sexually unrestrained; immoral; ignoring the


554. Loquacious

Talkative, wordy

547. Likewise

Also, in addition to; similarly, in the same

555. Lucid

Clear, easy to understand; rational, sane


556. lugubrious
548. limpid

Clear, transparent; completely calm

Mournful, gloomy (sometimes in an

exaggerated way)

558. lumber

Walk in a heavy or clumsy way, sometimes

due to being weighed down

557. Lull

Soothe or cause to fall asleep (as in lullaby);

quite down; make to feel secure, sometimes

559. luminous

Shining, radiant, well-lit; brilliant or

falsely (v); a period of calm o quite (n)

560. lurid Gruesome

or excessively vivid;

565. Makeshift

A temporary, often improvised, substitute

sensational, shocking, unrestrained
(n); improvised for temporary use (adj.)
machination or Crafty schemes or plots
566. malediction
562. maelstrom

A curse

Violent whirlpool; any chaotic, turbulent

567. malinger

Pretend to be sick, esp. to get out of work,

563. magnanimous

duties, etc.

High-minded, noble, lofty; generous in

forgiving others, free of resentment

568. Malleable

Able to be bent, shaped, or adapted

564. magnate

Very important or influential person, esp.

569. manifest

Obvious, apparent, perceptible to the eye

in business
(adj); to show, make clear, or prove (verb)

570. mannered

Having a particular manner, esp. an

577. mendicant

Beggar, or religious follower who lives by

artificial one

571. mar

Damage, spoil, ruin

578. Mercurial

Quickly and unpredictable changing

572. martinet

moods; fickle, flighty

Person who adheres to rules extremely

closely; strict disciplinarian

579. meretricious

Attractive in a vulgar or flashy way,

573. maudlin

tawdry; deceptive

Excessively sentimental, showing sadness

or some other emotion in a foolish or silly

580. Metamorphosis

A complete change or transformation (in

biology, a change such as a caterpillar

574. Maverick

becoming a pupa and then a butterfly)

Rebel, individualist, dissenter

581. metaphysical
575. maxim

Concerned with abstract thought, related

A general truth or fundamental principle,

to metaphysics (branch of philosophy
esp. expressed as a proverb or saying
concerned with explaining the nature of

576. Mendacious

Lying, habitually dishonest

being and of the world); very subtle or


588. missive

Letter, written message

582. Meticulous

Taking extreme care in regards to details;

589. Mitigate

Make less sever; lessen or moderate

precise, fussy
(damage, gried, pain, etc.)

583. milieu

590. Modest

Environment, atmosphere; the

humble; simple rather than showy; decent

environmental setting in which something

(esp. "covering up" in terms of dress);

happens or develops

small, limited

584. militate

Have a great effect, weigh heavily (often as

591. modicum

A little bit or limited quantity

militate against)
592. modish

Stylish, contemporary
585. mired

Stuck, entangled (in something, like a

593. Molify

swamp or muddy area), soiled

Calm or soothe (an angry person); lessen or

586. mirth

Jollity, merriment; amusement or laughter

594. molt

misanthrope Hater of humankind or

Shed or cast off, esp. to regularly shed skin,


feathers, etc. (as a snake)

595. monastic


Common, ordinary, everyday

Relating to or resembling a monastery


Generous, giving liberally

(where monks or nuns live), esp. by being

603. myopic

quiet, secluded, contemplative, strict,

Near-sighted; lacking long-term thinking,

and/or lacking luxuries


596. Monotony

604. nadir

Sameness or repetitiousness to the point of

Lowest point

being boring; lack variation, uniformity,

605. Naive

esp. repetition in sound

Simple and unsophisticated, unsuspecting,

lacking worldly experience and critical

597. Moreover

Besides; in addition to what was just stated


598. Mores

606. Nascent

Customs, manners, or morals of a

Coming into existence, still developing

particular group
607. Negate

Deny or refute; make void or cause to be

599. morose

Gloomy, sullen


multifarious Diverse, having a lot of variety

608. neologism

New word or phrase (or a new meaning

609. neophyte

applied to an existing word or phrase)

Beginner, novice; person newly converted to a

Ill fame; the state of being well known for a

disgraceful reason

610. Net

Remaining after expenses or other factors

618. Novel

New, fresh, original

have been deducted; ultimate (adj.); too bring

in as profit, or to catch as in a net (v)

619. Nuance

A subtle difference in tone, meaning,

expression, etc.

611. nettle

Irritate, sting, or annoy

Nevertheless However, even so, despite that or

620. obdurate

Stubborn, hardhearted, hardened in

613. noisome

Offensive, disgusting; harmful

621. Objective

Factual, related to reality or physical objects;

614. nominal

Trivial, so small as to be unimportant; in

not influenced by emotions, unbiased

name only, so-called

622. oblique


Important or big enough to matter

Slanting or sloping; indirect, misleading, or


Implying or attempting to establish a


expressing value judgments or telling people what to

do (rather than merely describing that which is

617. Notoriety

623. Obsequious

Servile, very compliant, fawning

624. Obsolete

Out of date, no longer in use

631. Offset

Counteract, compensate for (v); a

625. Obstinate


Stubborn or hard to control

632. Onerous
626. Obviate

Burdensome, oppressive, hard to endure

Prevent, eliminate, or make unnecessary

627. occlude

Stop up, close, shut in or shut off

633. Opaque

Not translucent; not allowing light, heat, etc.

to pass through; dark, dull, unclear or stupid

628. Occult

The supernatural (n); pertaining to magic,

634. opine

astrology, etc.; mysterious, secret or hidden

Express an opinion

(adj.); to hide, to shut off from view (v)

635. opprobrium

Disgrace and disapproval that result from

629. Offhand

Casual, informal; done without preparation or

outrageously shameful actions

forethought; rude in a short way, brusque

Optimal or Best, most desirable or favorable

630. Officious

Excessively eager in giving unwanted advice

637. orotund

Full, rich, and clear (of the voice or

or intruding where one is not wanted;
speaking); pompous, bombastic
meddlesome, pushy

638. Orthodox

ornate, elaborate, or fussy; overdone

adhering to a traditional, established faith, or

to anything customary or commonly accepted

646. palatial

Suitable for or resembling a palace,

639. Oscillate


Swing back and forth; waver, change one's


647. palliate

Make less serious or severe; relieve symptoms

640. ossify

of an illness

Become bone or become hard like bone;

become inflexible in attitudes, opinions, etc.

648. pallid

Abnormally pale (as skin); lacking color or

ostensible or Professed, evident, or pretended;
outwardly ostensive appearing in a certain way
ostentatious Pretentious, boastful showiness

643. Outstrip

Surpass, exceed; be larger or better than; leave


644. Overshadow

Cast a shadow over, darken; dominate, make

649. panache

Flair, style, swagger; a flamboyant or grand

way of acting

650. panegyric

Formal or lofty expression of praise

to seem less important

651. panoply

Splendid, wide-ranging, impressive display or

645. overwrought

Overly nervous, agitated, or excited; too


652. Paradigm

fruit with a knife), reduce or trim as if cutting

Model or pattern; worldview, set of shared

off the outer parts
assumptions, values, etc.

656. Pariah
653. Paradox

Social outcast, untouchable

Contradiction that is actually true

657. parley
654. paragon

Discussion, negotiation, esp. between

Model of excellence, perfect example

enemies (noun); to have such a discussion

655. pare


Peel or cut off the outer layer (such as peeling

658. parry

Deflect or avoid (esp. a blow or attack);

661. pastiche

skillfully evade (a question)

Mix of incongruous parts; artistic work

imitating the work of other artists, often

659. Partial

Biased, prejudiced, favoring one over others;


having a special liking for something or

662. Patent

someone (usually partial to)

Obvious, apparent, plain to see (adj.); a letter

from a govt. guaranteeing an inventor the

660. Partisan

Devoted to a particular group, case, etc.(adj);

rights to his or her invention (n)

fervent supported of a group, party, idea, etc.

pathogenic Capable of producing disease

guerrilla fighter(b)

Pathological Relating to or caused be disease;

relating to

name or word that is disparaging (noun)

compulsive bad behavior

672. pellucid

Transparent, translucent; clear, easy to

665. Patronizing

Condescending, having a superior manner,

treating as an inferior
673. Penchant

Liking or inclination (usually penchant for)

666. Paucity

Scarcity, the state of being small in number

674. penitent

Regretful, feeling remorse for one's sins or

667. Peccadillo

Small sin or fault

misdeeds (adj); a person who feels this way

668. pedant

Person who pays excessive attention to book

learning and rules, or who uses his or her

675. penumbra

Outer part of a shadow from an eclipse; any

learning to show off
surrounding region, fringe, periphery; any

area where something "sort of" exists

669. peddle

Travel around while selling; sell illegally; give

out or disseminate

676. penury

Extreme poverty or scarcity

Pedestrian Ordinary, dull, commonplace

(adj); a

Disparaging, derogatory, belittling

677. per


Intrinsically; by itself; in itself

678. peregrinate

Travel from place to place, esp. on foot

682. peripatetic Journeying

from place to place;

traveling on foot

683. Peripheral Relating

to or making up an outer
boundary or region; not of primary importance, fringe
679. perennial

Lasting through the years or indefinitely,

684. Permeate

enduring; recurring


Perfidious Disloyal, treacherous, violating one's


perspicacious Having penetrating insight or good

perfunctory Done superficially, without much

care, or

Spread or penetrate throughout

Very harmful or destructive, deadly


merely as routine
687. Pervasive

Tending to spread throughout

688. phalanx

Formation of soldiers carrying shields close

together for defense; any very close group of


689. Philanthropy

Efforts to improve the well-being of

humankind, generally through giving


690. philistine

Person deficient in or hostile to culture

698. platitude
691. phlegmatic

A shallow, overused statement; cliche

Apathetic, sluggish, not easily excited or

made emotional

699. Plausible

Believable; having the appearance of truth

692. Phone

fake, counterfeit; insincere, not genuine

700. plebian

Of the common people

693. Pious

Devout; religiously reverent and dutiful

701. plethora

Excess; excessive amount

694. Pith

Core, essence; significance or weight

702. plucky

Brave, spirited

695. Placate

Satisfy or calm down (an angry or

703. Plummet

Plunge, fall straight down

dissatisfied person), esp. by conciliatory


704. plutocracy

Rule by the wealthy

696. Placid

Peaceful, calm, tranquil

705. Polarized

Divided into sharply opposed groups

697. Plastic

Able to be shaped or formed; easily

706. polemic

Controversial argument, esp. one attacking

a specific idea

709. Ponderous

Heavy, bulky and unwieldy; dull. labored

707. politic

Shrewd, pragmatic; tactful or diplomatic

710. posit

Presume, suggest, put forward (an idea)

708. polyglot

Speaking or composed of many languages

(of a person, book, etc.); a person who

711. Posthumous

Happening or continuing after death

knows several languages

fling, plunge, or hurl down

712. Potentate

Ruler, person of great power

718. prcis

Concise summary, abstract

713. Pragmatic

Practical; dealing with actual facts

719. Precursor

Something that comes before, esp.

714. prattle

Talk in an idle, simple-minded,

something that also announces or suggests

meaningless, or foolish way; chatter,

something on its way

720. predilection

Preference, tendency or favorability

715. Preamble

Introductory statement, preface



Unstable, insecure, dangerous

721. Predisposed


Cause to happen suddenly or

Having an inclination or tendency

beforehand; subscribe


Stray from the truth, mislead, lie

722. Preempt

729. primacy

Prevent; take the place of, supplant; take

The state of being first or most important

before someone else can

730. Principled

Having high moral standards

723. prescient

Having foreknowledge or foresight, seeing

731. Pristine

the future

724. presumptive

Based on inference or assumption;

In an original, pure state; uncorrupted

732. Probity

Honesty, integrity

providing reasonable grounds for belied

733. proclivity

Inclination, natural tendency

725. Presumptuous

Too bold of forward; going beyond that

734. Prodigal

which is proper

Wasteful, extravagant; giving abundantly,

726. Pretentious

Claiming or demanding a position of

735. Prodigious

importance or dignity, esp. when

Extraordinarily large, impressive, etc.

unjustified; showing off, creating a

736. Profligate

deceptive, false show of worth

preternatural Supernatural, exceptional

Completely and shamelessly immoral, or

extremely wasteful


Reproduce, spread, increase

737. Profound

Very insightful, penetrating deeply into a


subject; pervasive, intense, "down to the

746. prophetic

Natural inclination or tendency

Relating to prophesy, predicting, ominous

very bottom"; at the very bottom

747. propitiate

Attempt to reconcile with, satisfy, or reduce

738. Profuse

Abundant, extravagant, giving or given

the animosity of (a person who is angry,
offended, etc.)

739. Prohibitive

748. propitious

Tending to forbid something, or serving to

Favorable, giving good signs for the future,


likely to work out; kind or forgiving

740. Proliferate

749. Propriety

Increase or spread rapidly or excessively

Conforming to good manners or

appropriate behavior
741. prolix

Excessively long and wordy (of a person,

750. Prosaic

piece of writing, etc.)

Dull, ordinary

742. Prologue

751. Proscribe

Introductory part to a book, play, etc.

Prohibit, outlaw; denounce; exile or banish


Distinct, strong, clearly indicated

752. Prospective

Potential, in the future

760. pulchritude
753. providential

Physical beauty

Lucky, fortunate, or relating to divine care

(the idea that a deity has helped or cared for

761. pungent

Having a sharp taste or smell; biting,

a person)
stimulating, sharp

754. proxy

Agent, substitute, person authorized to act

762. pusillanimous

Cowardly, timid
on behalf of another

763. Qualified
755. Prudent

Modified, limited, conditional on

Wise in practical matters, carefully

something else
providing for the future

764. Quandary
756. puerile

Uncertainty or confusion about what to do,

Juvenile, immature

757. pugilism

boxing, fighting with the fists

765. querulous

Given to complaining, grumbling

758. Pugnacious

Inclined to fight, combative

766. Quibble

Make trivial arguments or criticism, find

759. puissance

Power, might

faults in a petty way, esp. to evade

something more important

767. quiescent

Quiet, still

768. quixotic

undergoes a change in a chemical reaction

Extremely impractical but very romantic,

chivalrous, or idealistic; impulsive

774. Reap

Harvest, such as by cutting; gather; get as a

769. Quotidian

result of one's effort

Daily; everyday, ordinary

775. recalcitrant
770. raconteur

Not obedient, resisting authority, hard to

Witty storyteller

771. Ranks

Personnel; a group of people considered all

776. recant

Withdraw, retract, or disavow something one

has previously said, esp. formally

772. rarefied

Lofty, very high up or elevated (in a

777. recapitulate

Summarize, repeat in a concise way

metaphorical way); exclusive, select; thin,

pure, or less dense (as air at the top of a

778. Recluse

Person who lives in seclusion


779. recondite
773. reactant

Not easily understood, hidden, dealing with

Something that reacts; a substance that

an obscure topic

Response or reply, esp. a witty comeback

780. recrudescent

Revival, breaking out into renewed activity

787. Relegate

Send or commit to an inferior place, rank,

781. redound

condition, etc.; exile, banish; assign (task) to

To have a good or bad effect, esp. as a result

someone else
of a person's efforts or actions (usually used

with to, on, or upon)

788. Remedial

Providing a remedy, curative; correcting a

782. redress

deficient skill

Setting something right after a misdeed,

compensation or relief for injury or

789. rend

Tear violently, esp. to tear one's clothing or

wrongdoing (noun); correct, set right,
hair out of grief; pull apart, split, or tear away
remedy (verb)

790. Render
783. refractory

Give, submit, surrender; translate declare

Stubbornly disobedient, hard to manage

791. repast
784. refulgent

A meal (noun); to eat or feast (verb)

Shining, radiant

792. repertorial
785. Refute

Pertaining to a repertory or repertoire, a stock

Prove to be false
of available things or a number of theatrical

786. rejoinder

performances presented regularly or in

799. Rescind

Annul, repeal, make void

793. Replete

Supplied in abundance, filled gorged (used

800. Resolution

The quality of being firmly determined;

with with)
resolving to do something; a formal

794. repose

judgement, esp. decided by a vote

The act or state of resting; peacefulness,

tranquility; lying dead in a grave

801. Resolve

Find a solution to; firmly decide to do

795. Reproach

something; decide by formal vote(v);

Blame, disgrace (n); criticize, express

firmness of purpose (n)
disappointment in(v)

802. Respectively
796. reprobate

In the order given

Disreputable, unprincipled, or damned

person (noun); shameless, depraved (adj)

803. Restive

Impatient or uneasy under the control of

797. Repudiate

another; resisting being controlled

Reject, cast off, deny tat something has


804. resurgent

Having a revival, renewing, rising or

798. Requite

Reciprocate, repay, or revenge

surging again

805. Reticent

810. ribald

Not talking much; private (of a person),

Using or relating to obscene or vulgar humor

restrained, reserved
811. ridden

Dominated or burdened by
806. Retrospective

Looking to the past or backward; applying to

812. Rife

the past, retroactive (adj.); An art exhibit of

Happening frequently, abundant, currently

an artist's work over a long period of time (n)

being reported

807. revamp

813. rift

Renovate, redo, revise (verb); a restructuring,

A gap or fissure (such as in rock), a break in

upgrade, etc. (noun)

friendly relations

808. Reverent

814. rococo

Feeling or expressing very deep respect and

Very elaborate and ornate (in decorating or


metaphorically, as in speech and writing);

relating to a highly ornate style of art and

809. Rhetoric

The art or study of persuasion through

architecture in 18th-century France

speaking or writing; language that is

815. Rudimentary

elaborate or pretentious but actually empty,

Elementary, relating to the basics;

meaning little

underdeveloped, primitive

816. rue

Regret, remorse (noun); to feel regret or

remorse (verb)

817. ruminate


Permission or approval, something that

support or authority to something else (n); to allow,

confirm, ratify (v); OR a legal action by one or more
countries against anther country to get it to comply
(n); to place sanctions or penalties on (v)

824. Sanguine

Turn over in the mind, reflect on; chew cud (as

Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful; reddish, ruddy

a cow)

(as in rosy-red cheeks indicating health or

818. Rustic

Relating to country life, unsophisticated;

825. Sap

primitive; made of rough wood (adj.); a rural or

The inner fluid of a plant or any essential body

uncultured person (n)

fluid; energy; vitality; a person taken advantage

of (n); undermine, weaken, tire out (v)

819. Sacrosanct

Sacred, inviolable, not to be trespassed on or

826. sardonic

violated; above any criticism

Scornfully or ironically mocking, cynically

820. Sagacious

Wise; showing good judgement and foresight

827. Satiate


To fully satisfy; to go beyond satisfying to the

821. salient


Obvious, standing out; projecting, protruding,

point of excess (possibly inducing disgust,

jutting out

tiredness, etc.)

Salubrious Healthful, promoting health

828. Saturate

Soak or imbue thoroughly; cause a substance to

unite with the greatest possible amount of

835. searchingly

In a searching or penetrating manner; while

another substance
examining closely or probing for answers

829. savant

Learned person, scholar, someone admitted to

836. secrete

Produce and release a substance from a cell or

membership in a scholarly field; a person with
gland of the body for a functional purpose
amazing mental abilities despite having a

cognitive difference or disability

837. Secular

Not religious or holy; pertaining to worldly

830. Savor


Appreciate fully, taste or smell with pleasure

831. Scant

838. sedition

Not enough or barely enough

Inciting rebellion against a government,

esp. speech or writing that does this

832. Scathing

Severe, injurious; bitterly harsh or critical (as a

839. Sedulous


Preserving, persistent, diligent in one's

833. scintilla

A tiny bit or trace

840. semantic

Relating to the different meanings of words

834. scurvy

Contemptible, mean

or other symbols

Border, lie along the edge of, go around;

841. Sentient


Conscious; experiencing sensation or

perceiving with the senses

848. skittish

Shy, fickle, uncertain, or prone to act

842. seraphic

suddenly due to nervousness; lively in a

Like an angel; serene, spiritually carried off

restless or excessive way
or transported

849. Slack
843. shard

Loose, negligent, lazy, weak (adj.); neglect

Fragment of some brittle substance, esp. a

to do one's duties; loosen up, relax (v);
sharp fragment of pottery, glass, etc.
period of little work (n)

844. Simultaneous

At the same time

850. slake

Satisfy (esp. thirst), cool, or refresh; make

845. sinecure

less active

A job or position that pays while requiring

little or no work

851. Slew

A large number or quantity

846. Skeptic

Person inclined to doubting or questioning

852. Slight

Small, not very important, slender or delicate

generally accepted beliefs
(adj.); treat as though not very important;

847. Skirt

snub, ignore(v); an act of treating in this

responsibilities, etc., such as among a group

way; a discourtesy (n)
of people or among classes, nations, etc.

853. sobriquet

A nickname

857. somatic

Of the body

854. solecism

Nonstandard use of grammar or words;

858. Soporific

Causing sleep; sleepy, drowsy (adj.);

mistake, esp. in etiquette
something that causes sleep (n)

855. Solicitous

Concerned or anxious (about another

859. Sound

Measure the depth of (usually of water) as

person), expressing care; eager or desirous;
with a sounding line; penetrate and discover
very careful
the meaning of, understand (usually as

856. solidarity

sound the depths )

Fellowship in interests, feelings,

860. Spartan

Very disciplined and stern; frugal, living simply;

863. Specious

austere; suggestive or the ancient Spartans

Seemingly true but actually false; deceptively

861. Spate

Sudden outpouring or rush; flood

864. Spectrum

A broad range of nevertheless related qualities

862. Spearhead

Be the leader of

or ideas, esp. those that overlap to create a

indefinitely, not movable (adj.)

continuous series (as in a color spectrum, where

each color blends into the next in a continuous

871. Stark

Complete, total, utter; harsh or grim; extremely

simple, severe, blunt, or pain

865. Speculate

Contemplate; make a guess or educated guess

872. stasis

Equilibrium, a state of balance or inactivity, esp.

about; engage in a risky business transaction,
caused by equal but opposing forces

873. Static
866. Sporadic

Fixed, not moving or changing, lacking vitality

Occasional, happening irregularly or in

scattered locations

874. Status


Existing state or condition

867. Sportive

Playful, merry, joking around, done "in sport"

875. steeped

Immersed (in), saturated (with)

(rather than intended seriously)

squalid Disgusting, filthy, foul, extremely



Crush, squash; suppress or silence; walk

876. stentorian

Very loud and powerful (generally of a human


through ooze or in wet shoes, making a smacking or

sucking sound
877. stigma
870. Standing

Mark of disgrace, a figurative stain or mark on

Status, rank, reputation (n); existing

someone's reputation

883. stratagem

Military maneuver to deceive or surprise;

878. Stingy

Not generous with money, reluctant to spend or

crafty scheme

884. stratum

One of many layers (such as in a rock

879. stint

Period of time spent doing something, or a

formation or in the classes of a society)

specific, limited amount of work (noun); to be

885. strut

frugal, to get by on little (verb)

880. stipulate

Specify; make an open demand, esp. as a

A structural support or brace

886. Stymie


Block, hinder, or thwart (v); an obstacle (n)


condition of agreement

881. Stoic


Indifferent to pleasure or pain, enduring without

887. Subjective

Existing in the mind or relating to one's own

complaint; person indifferent to pleasure or pain

thoughts, opinions, emotions, etc.; personal,


individual, based on feelings

882. Stolid

888. sublime

unemotional, showing little emotion, not easily

Lofty or elevated, inspiring reverence or awe;


excellent, majestic; complete, utter

889. subpoena

A court order requiring a person to appear in

896. Supplicate

Pray humbly; ask, beg, or seek in a humble

court and give testimony

890. Subside

Sink, settle down, become less active, return

897. supposition

Assumption, hypothesis, something that has

to a normal level
been supposed

891. Substantiate

Support with evidence or proof; give a

898. Surfeit

Excess, excessive amount, overindulgence

materiel existence to

899. surly
892. Succeeding

Bad-tempered, hostile, unfriendly, or rude

Coming after or following

900. Surmise
893. sully

Guess, infer, think or make an opinion with

Make dirty, stain, tarnish, defile

incomplete information

894. Supersede

Replace, take the position of, cause to be

901. surrogate

Substitute, person who acts for another

disregarded as void or obsolete
(noun); acting as a replacement (adj)

895. supplant

Take the place of, displace, especially

902. sybarite

Person devoted to pleasure and luxury

through sneaky tactics

903. Sycophant

Servile flatterer, parasitic person who fawns

same rate and thus happening together
in order to get ahead

904. symbiosis

Mutually dependent relationship between two

906. synoptic

Relating to a synopsis or summary; giving a

organisms, people, groups, etc.
general view

905. Synchronous

Happening at the same time; occurring at the

907. syntax

910. Taciturn

The rules governing grammar and how

Not talking much, reserved; silent, holding

words join to make sentences (or how words

back in conversation

and symbols join in writing computer code),

911. Tangential

the study of these rules, or any system or

Only slightly relevant, going off topic

orderly arrangement
912. tawdry

Gaudy, cheap or cheap-looking; indecent

908. Table

Lay aside to discuss later, ofter as a way to

913. Temparence

postpone discussion indefinitely

Moderation, self-control, esp. regarding

alcohol or other desires or pleasures; total

909. Tacit

Understood without being said; implied, not

abstinence from alcohol

stated directly; silent

914. tendentious

Marked by a strong point of view, biased

Sign, symbol, mark, badge; souvenir,

915. Tenuous

memento; coin-like disk used as currency for

Long and thin, slender; slimsy, having little

subways, arcade games, etc.; sample, or
person, thing, idea taken to represent an

916. terrestrial

entire group (noun); of very little or merely

Relating to the Earth or to land; worldly

symbolic value (adj)

917. terse

Concise, brief and to the point (sometimes to

923. tome

Large or scholarly book; one of the volumes

the point of rudeness)
in a set of several books

918. Timely

Well-timed, happening at a suitable time

924. Torpor

Sluggishness, lethargy, apathy; a period of

919. Timorous


Fearful, timid

925. Torrid
920. Tirade

Very hot, parching, burning; passionate

Bitter, abusive criticism or verbal attack

926. tortuous
921. toady

Twisting, winding, complex; devious, not

Someone who flatters or acts in a servile

manner for self-serving reasons

927. Tractable
922. token

Easily controlled or managed, docile; easily

shaped or molded
934. Trite

Lacking freshness and originality, lacking

928. transgression

Violation of a law, moral rule, order, etc.;

effectiveness due to overuse, cliche

935. truculent

Fierce, cruel, savage; belligerent

929. Transitory

Temporary, short-lived, not lasting

936. tumultuous

Riotous, violently agitated, marked by

930. travesty

Exaggerated, debased, or grotesque

disturbance or uproar; noisy, chaotic

937. turgid

Swollen, inflated; or, metaphorically

931. treacherous

"inflated," such as in overblown, pompous

Betraying trust, not faithful or trustworthy;

not dependable; dangerous or deceptive

938. turpitude
932. trenchant

Depravity, baseness of character, corrupt

forceful or vigorous, effective, keen;

or depraved acts
caustic, sharp

939. tyro
933. Trifling


Trivial, not very important; so small as to

be unimportant; frivolous, shallow

940. Ubiquitous

Existing everywhere at the same time

only one possible meaning

941. umbrage

Offense or annoyance (usually as take

947. Unprecedented

Never before known or seen, without

umbrage, meaning become offended or
having happened previously

948. Unseemly
942. unconscionable

Improper, inappropriate, against the rules

Not guided by conscience; morally wrong,

of taste or politeness
unjust, unreasonable

949. unsparing
943. Undermine

Generous, lavish (as in not sparing any

Weaken, cause to collapse by digging

help or gifts to others); unmerciful, harsh
away at the foundation (of a building or
(as in not sparing any criticism)
an argument ); injure or attack in a

secretive or underhanded way

950. untempered

Not toned down; not moderated,

944. Underscore

controlled, or counterbalanced

Emphasize (or, literally, to underline text)

951. upbraid
945. Unearth

Find fault with, criticize or scold severely

Dig up, uncover, expose

952. usury
946. Unequivocal

Unambiguous, clear, absolute; having

Charging interest on a loan, esp. charging

illegally high or excessive interest


953. Vacilate

Waver in one's mind or opinions, be

954. vanguard Leading

units at the front of an army;

leaders in a trend or movement, people on the "cutting
edge"; the forefront of a trend or movement

962. vestige

Trace or sign of something that once existed

955. variegated Varied

in color, having multicolored

patches or spots; diverse


Revere, regard with deep respect and

Veracity Truthfulness, accuracy; habitual

adherence to

963. vex

annoy or bother; puzzle or distress

964. via

Through, by means of, by way of (by a route

the truth

958. Verbose


that goes through or touches)

965. Viable

Capable of living (or growing, developing, etc.);

practical, workable
959. verdant

Green, such as with vegetation, plants, grass,

966. vicissitude

etc.; young and inexperienced

Changes or variations over time, esp. regular

changes from one thing to another

960. verisimilar

Having the appearance of truth, probable

967. vim

Pep, enthusiasm, vitality, lively spirit

961. vernal

Relating to the spring; fresh, youthful

968. Vintage

Related to items of high quality from a previous

violence, explosive;

era, old fashioned antique (adj.); the wine of a

976. voluble

particular year (n)

Easily fluent in regards to speech

969. Virtual

977. wan

Existing only in the mind or by means of a

Unnaturally pale, or showing some other

computer network; existence in results or in

indication of sickness, unhappiness, etc.;

essence but not officially or in name

weak, lacking forcefulness

970. virulent

978. wanton

Extremely infectious, poisonous, etc.; hateful,

Reckless, vicious, without regard for what is

bitterly hostile

right; unjustifiable, deliberately done for no

viscid or Thick, adhesive, or covered in something

sticky viscous

reason at all; sexually unrestrained or

excessively luxurious
972. vitriol

Something highly caustic, such as


(literally, one of a number of chemicals

979. Warranted

including sulfuric acid)

Justified, authorized (warrant can mean to

Vituperate Verbally abuse, rebuke or criticize


justify or a justification, but can also mean to

vouch for or guarantee)

vociferous Noisily crying out, as in protest


Varying, inconsistent, fleeting; tending to

980. Wary

Watchful, motivated by caution, on guard

against danger

981. welter

Confused mass or pile, jumble; confusion or

987. winnow

Sift, analyze critically, separate the useful part

turmoil (noun); roll around, wallow, toss
from the worthless part
about, writhe (verb)

988. winsome
982. Whereas

Charming, engaging, esp. in a sweet and

While on the contrary, considering that

innocent way

983. whet


Withered, shriveled

Stimulate, make keen or eager (esp. of an


984. Whimsical

xenophobia Fear or hatred of foreigners or that

which is


Marked or motivated by whims (odd, fanciful

ideas); erratic, unpredictable

991. yoke

A burden or something that oppresses; a frame

985. whitewash

for attaching animals (such as oxen) to each

A substance used to whiten walls, wood, etc.

other and to a plow or other equipment to be
(noun); deception, covering up of wrongs,
pulled, or a bar across a person's shoulders to
errors, misdeeds, etc. (verb)
help carry buckets of water, etc. (noun); to

986. Wily

Crafty, cunning, characterized by tricks or

unite together or to burden (verb)

992. Zeal

Great fervor or enthusiasm for a cause, person,

993. Zenith

High point, culmination

etc., tireless diligence in furthering that cause;

passion, ardor

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