8th Grade SAT Word List
8th Grade SAT Word List
8th Grade SAT Word List
Word Definition
abeyance Suspension of an activity; postponement.
abhor to loathe, detest
abrogate to abolish or invalidate by authority
abscond to depart secretly
accede to express approval; agree to
accolade Embrace; award; commendation.
accost to approach and speak to someone
acrid harsh, bitter
adage old saying or proverb
adamant uncompromising, unyielding
adhere to cling or follow without deviation
admonish Caution; reprove mildly; reprimand.
adversarial antagonistic, competitive
aerial having to do with the air
affable friendly, easy to approach
aggregate collective mass or sum; total
aggrieve to afflict, distress
aligned precisely adjusted; committed to one side
alleviate to relieve, improve partially
aloof detached, indifferent
ambiguous uncertain; subject to multiple interpretations
ambivalence Uncertainty; doubt; indecisiveness.
amiable Cordial: of pleasant disposition; friendly.
amicable friendly, agreeable
anecdote short, usually funny account of an event
animosity hatred, hostility
anomaly Abnormality; deviation from the general rule;
anonymity condition of having no name or an unknown
apathetic indifferent, unconcerned
aphelion point in a planet's orbit that is farthest from
the sun
arbitrary depending solely on individual will;
arbitrator mediator, negotiator
arduous extremely difficult, laborious
articulate well spoken, expressing oneself clearly
ascribe to attribute to, assign
aspersion false rumor, damaging report, slander
assent to express agreement
assert to affirm, arrest
asunder into different parts
atrocious monstrous, shockingly bad, wicked
atrophy Waste away from lack of use; degenerate.
attest to testify, stand as proof of, bear witness
audacity Boldness or adventurousness; gall.
auxiliary supplementary, reserve
avenge to retaliate, take revenge for an injury or
avert to turn (something) away; prevent, hinder
avow Affirm; assert; declare; acknowledge.
awry crooked, askew, amiss
becalm to make calm or still; keep motionless by lack
of wind
becloud to confuse; darken with clouds
beguile to deceive; mislead, charm
belated Tardy; overdue.
belfry bell tower, room in which a bell is hung
belie to misrepresent; expose as false
bequeath to give or leave through a will; to hand down
bestial beastly, animal-like
bonanza extremely large amount; something profitable
boor crude person, one lacking manners or taste
brevity Briefness; succinctness; terseness.
brusque rough and abrupt in manner
callow Inexperienced; immature; naive.
canvass to examine thoroughly; conduct a poll
caustic biting, sarcastic; able to burn
cede to surrender possession of something
cession act of surrendering something
chagrin shame, embarrassment, humiliation
circumnavigate to sail completely around
clamor Loud noise or complaint; commotion; din.
clarity clearness; clear understanding
claustrophobia fear of small, confined places
cloister Convent; monastery; religious place.
cloister to confine, seclude
collusion collaboration, complicity, conspiracy
commensurate Equal in measure; of the same duration or
commission fee payable to an agent; authorization
compelling having a powerful and irresistible effect
compliant submissive and yielding
compulsive obsessive, fanatic
concerto musical composition for orchestra and one or
more soloists
condone to pardon or forgive; overlook, justify, or
excuse a fault
conflagration big, destructive fire
consign to commit, entrust
consolidate to combine, incorporate
consonant consistent with, in agreement with
Constrict Squeeze; pinch; obstruct; block.
corroborate to confirm, verify
countermand to annul, cancel, make a contrary order
credible plausible, believable
cryptic Enigmatic; obscure; secret; puzzling.
culmination climax, final stage
curt abrupt, blunt
curtail to shorten
debunk to discredit, disprove
decathlon athletic contest with 10 events
decorous proper, tasteful, socially correct
decorum Appropriate conduct; polite or proper
behavior, protocol.
defile to dirty, spoil; disgrace, dishonor
demur to express doubts or objections
depreciate to lose value gradually
deter to discourage; prevent from happening
devoid totally lacking
dilapidated in disrepair, run down, neglected
disaffected Disillusioned; dissatisfied; discontented.
discordant harsh-sounding, badly out of tune
discredit to dishonor or disgrace
discredited disbelieved, discounted; disgraced,
discrepancy difference between
disheveled untidy, disarranged, unkempt
dispel to drive out or scatter
dispense to distribute, administer
dispense with to suspend the operation of, do without
disperse to break up, scatter
dissipate to scatter; to pursue pleasure to excess
dissociate* to separate; remove from an association
divine to foretell or know by inspiration
doleful sad, mournful
dolt Cretin; fool; dimwit; idiot.
dotard Senile person.
doting excessively fond, loving to excess
dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and
ebb to fade away, recede
eloquence fluent and effective speech
emaciated skinny, scrawny, gaunt, esp. from hunger
eminent celebrated, distinguished; outstanding,
emotive appealing to or expressing emotion
empathize Identify with; understand.
encumber to hinder, burden, restrict motion
entail to involve as a necessary result, necessitate
enthrall Mesmerize; captivate; thrill.
entity something with its own existence or form
enumerate to count, list, itemize
epicure Person devoted to luxurious living; person
with refined tastes.
epilogue concluding section of a literary work
escapade Adventurous conduct; unusual behavior.
espouse Embrace: defend: support.
exhume to remove from a grave; uncover a secret
expedient convenient, efficient, practical
expedite Speed up matters; accelerate; quicken.
exponent one who champions or advocates
extol Praise; laud; hail; glorify.
fabricate to make or devise; construct
fabricated constructed, invented; faked, falsified
fallible Faulty; imperfect.
feckless ineffective, careless, irresponsible
feign to pretend, give a false impression; to invent
feisty excitable, easily drawn into quarrels
fetid Possessing an offensive smell; malodorous:
foul; gamey.
fitful intermittent, irregular
flippant Nonchalant; frivolous, superficial; light.
fluctuate to alternate, waver
foreboding dark sense of evil to come
foreclose to rule out; to seize debtor's property for lack
of payments
fragmentation division, separation into parts,
fulsome Loathsome; excessive.
garble Confuse; scramble; distort.
gargantuan giant, tremendous
girth distance around something
glib fluent in an insincere manner; offhand, casual
grovel Act in a servile way; cringe; kneel.
gullible easily deceived
hamper Hinder; frustrate; impede.
hedge Enclose; surround; fence.
hilarity Boisterous merriment; enjoyment.
hindsight perception of events after they happen
holistic emphasizing importance of the whole and
interdependence of its parts
hydrate to add water to
hygienic clean, sanitary
hyperventilate to breathe abnormally fast
hypothetical theoretical, speculative
illicit illegal, improper
illustrious famous, renowned
immaculate spotless; free from error
immerse to bathe, dip; to engross, preoccupy
impeccable flawless, without fault
implausible improbable, inconceivable
implicate to involve in a crime, incriminate
impose to inflict, force upon
inane foolish, silly, lacking significance
inaudible Faint; soft; hard to hear.
inception beginning
incessant continuous, never ceasing
incumbent holding a specified office, often political
indefensible inexcusable, unforgivable
indicative showing or point out, suggestive of
indigent very poor
indulge to give in to a craving or desire
infatuated strongly or foolishly attached to, inspired with
foolish passion, overly in love
ingenuous Genuine; open; candid; frank.
ingrate ungrateful person
injunction command, order
innuendo indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation
insinuate to suggest, say indirectly, imply
inter to bury
intercede Intervene; negotiate.
interloper trespasser; meddler in others' affairs
interrogate to question formally
introvert someone given to self-analysis
intuitive instinctive, untaught
invoke to call upon, request help
itinerant wandering from place to place, unsettled
itinerary route of a traveler's journey
jubilee special anniversary
judicious Logical; reasonable; clever.
laceration cut or wound
laconic Concise; terse; curt.
languid lacking energy, indifferent, slow
languish Decline; diminish; weaken.
latent present but hidden; potential
laudable Commendable; admirable; exemplary.
levity Lightness; frivolity.
liberal tolerant, broad-minded, generous, lavish
linguistics study of language
ludicrous Outlandish; silly; ridiculous.
lurid Shockingly vivid; horrifying; sensational.
lurk to prowl, sneak
magnitude extent, greatness of size
malcontent discontented person, one who holds a
malnutrition undernourishment
manifest obvious
manifold diverse, varied, comprised of many parts
marginal barely sufficient
meander Twist; bend; zigzag.
meddler person interfering in other's affairs
mentor experienced teacher and wise advisor
mercenary motivated only by greed
mercenary soldier for hire in foreign countries
meticulous Precise; scrupulous; particular.
minuscule very small
mire Mud; slime; muck.
misapprehend to misunderstand, fail to know
munitions ammunition
narrative account, story
nocturnal pertaining to night; active at night
nomadic moving from place to place
notoriety unfavorable fame
nullify to make legally invalid; to counteract the
effect of
oblique indirect, evasive; misleading, devious
obsessive preoccupying, all-consuming
obsolete no longer in use
obtuse insensitive, stupid, dull
opaque Impenetrable by light; dull; dark; obscure.
opportune appropriate, fitting
opportunist one who takes advantage of circumstances
optimum Peak or prime; ideal.
orb sperical body; eye
orchestrate to arrange music for performance; to
coordinate, organize
overwrought agitated, overdone
pacific calm, peaceful
pacifist one opposed to war
pacify to restore calm, bring peace
pall to lose strength or interest
pall (n) covering that darkens or obscures; coffin
paltry Minor; petty; insignificant.
panorama broad view; comprehensive picture
paradox contradiction, incongruity; dilemma, puzzle
paradoxical self-contradictory but true
paragon Model or standard of excellence.
paramount supreme, dominant, primary
pathos pity, compassion
patrician aristocrat
pauper very poor person
pedestrian commonplace
pediatrician doctor specializing in children and their
peerless unequaled
peevish Irritable; grouchy; ill-tempered.
penance voluntary suffering to repent for a wrong
perennial present throughout the years; persistent
perpetual endless, lasting
pertinent applicable, appropriate
phobia exaggerated, illogical fear
phonetics study of speech sounds
piety devoutness
pilfer to steal
platitude 1. Triteness. 2. Clich�; trivial remark.
plaudit Enthusiastic expression.
poignant Intense; powerful; biting; piercing.
porous Permeable; absorbent; having holes.
pragmatic practical; moved by facts rather than abstract
prattle Gab; babble.
prattle meaningless, foolish talk
precarious uncertain
precipice edge, steep overhang
precipitate to throw down from a height; to cause to
precision state of being precise
precocious Showing premature development.
preposterous absurd, illogical
primeval Belonging to a primitive age.
primordial Belonging to a primitive age; first in time.
pristine untouched, uncorrupted
procrastinate Postpone; stall; defer.
procrastinator one who continually and unjustifiably
prognosis prediction of disease outcome; any prediction
proponent advocate, defender, supporter
prostrate lying face downward, lying flat on ground
protocol ceremony and manners observed by
prude one who is excessively proper or modest
pugnacity Eagerness to fight; belligerence.
pulverize Grind; crush; smash.
punitive having to do with punishment
purge to cleanse or free from impurities
quell to crush or subdue
rail to scold with bitter or abusive language
rapport relationship of trust and respect
rapt deeply absorbed
reactionary Opposing progress; characterized by
rebuff blunt rejection
reconciliation Settlement or resolution.
recount to describe facts or events
reflection image, likeness; opinion, thought, impression
regress to move backward; revert to an earlier form
or state
relegate to assign to a class, esp. an inferior one
renegade traitor, person abandoning a cause
renege to go back on one's word
renounce to give up or reject a right, title, person, etc.
repentant apologetic, guilty, remorseful
repress to restrain or hold in
requiem hymns or religious service for the dead
resolve to conclude, determine
resolve determination, firmness of purpose
resuscitate to revive, bring back to life
retiring shy, modest, reserved
retract to draw in or take back
retrench to regroup, reorganize
retrieve to bring, fetch; reclaim
revere to worship, regard with awe
revert to backslide, regress
revulsion strong feeling of repugnance or dislike
rife widespread, prevalent; abundant
rostrum stage for public speaking
rudiment Beginning; foundation or source.
ruffian Brutal person; cruel and sadistic person.
ruminate Contemplate; think about.
salutation greeting
saunter to amble; walk in a leisurely manner
scabbard sheath for sword or dagger
secluded isolated and remote
serenity calm, peacefulness
serpentine serpent-like; twisting, winding
simper to smirk, smile foolishly
singe to burn slightly, scorch
skeptical doubtful, questioning
slough to discard or shed
snippet tiny part, tidbit
sobriety seriousness
sodden thoroughly soaked; saturated
sojourn visit, stay
solace comfort in distress; consolation
solidarity unity based on common aims or interests
somber dark and gloomy; melancholy, dismal
sovereign having supreme power
speculation contemplation; act of taking business risks for
financial gains
speculative involving assumption; uncertain; theoretical
staid self-restrained to the point of dullness
stratify to arrange into layers
stricture something that restrains; negative criticism
stylize to fashion, formalize
stymie to block or thwart
subdued suppressed, stifled
subjugate to conquer, subdue; enslave
subterranean hidden, secret; underground
subvert to undermine or corrupt
sufferable bearable
superficial shallow and phony
supplant replace, substitute
surmise to make an educated guess
syllabus outline of a course
symposium meeting with short presentations on related
taciturn Reserved; shy: uncommunicative.
tangible able to be sensed, perceptible, measurable
tantamount Indistinguishable; equivalent.
taxonomy science of classification
tenable defensible, reasonable
terminal concluding, final; fatal
testament statement of belief; will
testimonial statement testifying to a truth; something
given in tribute to a person's achievement
theoretical abstract
therapeutic medicinal
thesaurus book of synonyms and antonyms
timorous timid, shy, full of apprehension
translucent partially transparent
transpire to happen, occur; become known
travesty parody, exaggerated imitation, caricature
trifling of slight worth, trivial, insignificant
upshot Final result; conclusion; end.
urbane courteous, refined, suave
utopia perfect place
variegated Multicolored; polychromatic; varied.
versatile adaptable, all-purpose
vie to compete, contend
vignette decorative design; short literary composition
virtuoso someone with masterly skill; expert musician
wallow to indulge oneself excessively, luxuriate
wary careful, cautious
wayward erratic, unrestrained, reckless
whimsy playful or fanciful idea
windfall sudden, unexpected good fortune
withdrawn unsociable, aloof; shy, timid
zoologist scientist who studies animals