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Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged
Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged
Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged
Ebook95 pages28 minutes

Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged

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About this ebook

The Seven Deadly Sins have sliced up the dictionary and taken what's theirs. No one vice is too greedy as each volume prides itself on having more than 500 entries. Word lovers will lust after these richly packaged volumes--and once you've collected all seven, you'll be the envy of all your friends.

Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged
Anger will never cause a loss of words again--as long as the Wrathful keep this reference clutched in their fists during their next fit. Speech will be their weapon as they launch a verbal assault on anyone who's wronged them.
Release dateAug 18, 2011
Wrath: A Dictionary for the Enraged

Adams Media

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    Wrath - Adams Media

    An Introduction to




    NOUN: An intense anger; a vengeful punishment.

    Many sins sow the seeds for war, but the unmitigated rage responsible for its execution comes from wrath. The destruction, the loss, the pain—all are left in the wake of this particular sin. Whether it comes down from on high like the gods’ rage in Homer’s Odyssey or boils up from inside like the fuel of Ahab’s vengeful voyage, the vice’s choking grip has been felt throughout history and literature. Sometimes justified, oftentimes not, the results are always the same. While wrath is best defined in the gritted teeth and white-knuckled fist of the enraged, this short dictionary captures the spirit of the most combative sin.




    VERB: To humiliate, shame, or embarrass someone.



    ADJECTIVE: Repulsive or reprehensible.



    VERB: To detest or hate intensely.

    Even though the divorce was finalized, it didn’t change the fact that Rachel still ABOMINATED her ex-husband for having an affair.



    VERB OR ADJECTIVE: As a verb, to exasperate. As an adjective, embittered.



    ADJECTIVE: Most often used to describe something that is bitter or harsh in smell or taste, the word can be applied in a more general sense to anything that is extremely angry and bitter.



    ADJECTIVE: Bitter or hostile; something that is acrimonious is filled with anger and animosity.



    ADJECTIVE: Acting in opposition to or in an antagonistic manner; unfavorable; hostile.



    NOUN: A condition of physical or mental suffering; hardship.

    Sophie’s self-hatred became such an AFFLICTION that no one was surprised by her eventual suicide.



    VERB: to make worse; to intensify; to cause to become irritated or inflamed.



    VERB: To isolate or make someone feel as if he or she no longer belongs somewhere; estrange.



    VERB: To punish, especially with a monetary fine.



    NOUN: A person or thing that is shunned because it is extremely disliked or loathsome.



    NOUN OR VERB: As a noun, a strong feeling of displeasure. As a verb, to arouse wrath within.



    NOUN: An extremely critical and reproachful comment.



    NOUN: Extreme hostility or resentment.



    NOUN: Hostility or ill feeling.

    I was angry with my friend:

    I told my wrath,

    my wrath

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