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Oriole News: Come Celebrate The Unveiling of Our New Media Center!

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Oriole News

If you dont go to Oriole, well, you dont go to Oriole

May 2013

Main Topics:
Target Library Make Over Grade Announcements Oriole Participates in Francophonie Week Summer Reading Tips Fun Summer Facts

Come Celebrate the Unveiling of Our New Media Center!

Target is partnering up with the Heart of America foundation to renovate 25 libraries across the U.S through the Target School Makeover Program. Oriole elementary was selected for Broward county this 2012-2013 school year. Our grand re-opening of the media center will be on May 8, 2013 at 11:15 am. As part of the renovation process, Oriole will receive 2,000 new books and a technology upgrade complete with iPads, interactive white boards and more. At the unveiling of the library, every student and his/her siblings will also receive seven new books to take home. In addition to a remodeled library, Oriole will be receiving a Target Meals for Minds food pantry. In partnership with Feeding America affiliates, Target Meals for Minds food pantries will provide students and their families with more than 22 pounds of fresh produce and staple foods each month. Parents must be present with their enrolled children on event day to receive a Meals for Minds ticket for each child. About Target Minneapolis-based Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) serves guests at 1,808 stores 1,784 in the United States and 24 in Canada and at Target.com. Since 1946, Target has given 5 percent of its profit through community grants and programs; today, that giving equals more than $4 million a week. For more information about Targets commitment to corporate responsibility, visit Target.com/corporateresponsibility. About The Heart of America Foundation The Heart of America Foundation (http://www.heartofamerica.org), is a national nonprofit headquartered in Washington, DC that uniquely promotes volunteer service and literacy. The organization aims to inspire acts of service and a love of reading by building community and providing children in need with the tools to read, succeed and make a difference. Committed to education and volunteerism, The Heart of America Foundation engages volunteers by putting books into the hands of children who need them the most. Since 1997, The Heart of America Foundation has provided children living in poverty with over 3.28 million library and take-home books, and has engaged volunteers in more than 1,075,000 hours of service to the community.

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Kindergarten News
Did You Know? Fun Summer Facts
Can you believe that we are already in the month of May? This has been a really fantastic school year, and we are now getting ready to close out your child's 2012-2013 school adventure. Students will be swimming for the first two weeks of May. Be sure to ask your child about what they learned and how to stay safe while swimming. This is a valuable, lifelong skill they will be using. Career day is also coming up soon, and we will have a visit from a variety of individuals. It is never too early for your child to start imagining their futures. Encourage students to talk about what they learned and what different careers interest them. You never know what kind of job they might dream of! Academically, we will be doing all we can to prepare for the transition into first grade. Please remember to help your child to finish all homework. Thanks for all that you do!

1. The average American eats around 5 1/2 gallons of ice cream a year. July is the National Ice Cream month because it is the month the most ice cream is sold. 2. A crickets chirp frequency fluctuates with temperature. Count the number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, then add 37 to whatever number you reach and you have an approximate outside temperature (in Fahrenheit)! 3. Did you know that a watermelons closest relatives are vegetables? Watermelon is most closely related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash. The watermelon is composed of 92% water, and early explorers often used hollowed out watermelons as canteens. 4. The Popsicle was invented by accident by an 11 -year-old boy named Frank Epperson in 1905. He accidentally left a mixture of powdered soda and water, with a stirring stick, on his porch. It froze overnight, and he awoke the next morning to find a frozen pop! Cherry flavor popsicle is the number one favorite flavor.

First Grade News

The end of the 2012-2013 school year is approaching fast, and you may ask, What is left to be done? There is plenty of reading and writing left for your student to accomplish. Please continue to read with your child, and practice writing with them right into summer vacation. The first grade assessment is approaching fast, and every little bit of practice helps! With summer fast approaching, always think safety first for all of your children. Be aware of all activities that your children are involved with, and integrate reading, writing, and math in the quiet times you and your family spend together. Thank you for a great year, and we think our parents are truly the best!

Oriole Participates in a French Cultural Celebration

The French language and Francophonie Week is organized every year around March 20th (International Francophonie Day). It is a major event in France as well as abroad. This celebration of the French language is expressed by its participants by creating poetry and art around ten words from the French langue. This year, the words chosen were: atelier, bouquet, cachet, coup de foudre, quipe, protger, savoir-faire, unique, vis--vis, and viola. The French Cultural Services in Miami and the Consulate General of Haiti in Miami, in partnership with the French Heritage Language Program, the Little Haiti Cultural Center and the Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance, launched a local art contest for students who participate in the French Heritage Language Program. Three of our own Oriole students, Ms. Lewis, and Madam Rebiere were invited to the official ceremony during the Big Night in Little Haiti on Friday April 19th 2013. Oriole will receive a collection of French books for participating in this event, and we are all very proud of our students! Bravo !

Volume 2, Issue 4

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Summer Reading Tips

Second Grade News

We are near the end of the 2012-2013 school year. We hope that you and your child have also enjoyed the educational journey through 2nd grade. We enjoyed teaching and learning with our 2nd grade students this year. Some items you want to keep in mind as the year comes to a close. Your students will be taking their end of the year district assessments. They will be tested both in reading and math. From the reading assessment, your child must score 65% and above to be promoted to the 3rd grade. This will be administered in late May. Those nightly readings are very important. During the summer keep your children engaged and reading. We wish you and your children a safe, restful, and fun summer break.

Be a reader and writer yourself. When you spend time reading books on the beach or even directions for how to put together the grill this summer, you demonstrate for your child that reading is both fun and useful. Set aside a consistent time each day for reading. Depending on your familys schedule, reading time might be in the morning, afternoon or before bed. Whatever time you choose, stick to it, but also remember that flexibility around trips and special family events is OK. Read aloud to your reader. As school-aged children become better readers, parents often stop reading aloud to them. However, by reading more difficult books aloud to your reader, you help him learn new vocabulary words, concepts, and ways of telling stories or presenting information. You also enjoy the closeness of sharing a book with your child. Connect read-aloud choices to summer activities. Read your child books about camping, such as Webster and Arnold Go Camping, before or after a camping trip. When you read and discuss books about things your child has experienced, you help her learn important vocabulary and extend her understanding of experiences. Allow your child to choose books for summer reading. While it is important for your child to complete reading required by his school, it is equally important for him or her to read about topics that interest him, whether it is insects, dragons or a favorite fiction series.

Third Grade News

The third grade teachers would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of the parents and family members for the joint effort that helped lead our 3rd graders towards academic success. Even though our students have taken the FCAT, we are continuing to review previously taught skills in all academic areas. As we approach the end of the school year, we would like to remind parents to have conversations with your children about appropriate class/school behavior. We are planning a couple of field trips as well as our end of the year block party. If students receive referrals and/or constantly disobey school/class rules, they will be banned from any of those activities. As we approach the summer break, we would like to suggest a few things that will reinforce academics and help with the students transition into the next school year.

Engage your children in daily reading sessions and/or activities. Engage your children daily activities involving multiplication facts. Seek out summer resources or activities that are educationally based. Encourage your children to maintain a writing journal, and make daily entries. On behalf of the entire third grade team, we would like to thank you for all that you do to help us teach your children. Have a safe, relaxing, and fun-filled summer loaded with lots of books.

Oriole Elementary School 3081 NW 39th Street Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33309 Phone #: 754-322-7550 Fax #: 754-322-7590

Fourth Grade News

As we enter the summer break, we would like to remind our Oriole family on the importance of water safety. Drowning is the third highest cause of death among children. By following a few simple rules, you can be water-smart over the summer break!

http:// oriole.browardschools.com

You may have heard of the Water Safety Code, it is advice to keep you safe in and around water. Spot The Dangers

A Special THANK YOU to Orioles Partners in Education

Open water like a lake may look safe, but it can be very dangerous. Learn to spot and avoid dangers. These are: The water can be very cold. There may be hidden currents. The banks might be steep. It can have deep waters. There may be hidden dangers. There are no lifeguards. It is difficult to estimate depth. The water may be polluted. Here is some general advice to follow to ensure you remain safe in and near the water at the beach.

Do a check of the area when you arrive and look for dangers. Don't swim alone. Check to see if lifeguards are available. Check if the water is affected by currents or rip-tides. Think! Are there rocks, piers, or dangers that may affect swimming and bathing? Are there any water sports taking place, such as wave runners or jetskis. If so, it is not safe to swim. Check the water and weather conditions before you head to the beach.

Be safe over the summer break, and we are looking forward to your return for the 2013-14 school year.

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5th Grade News

The fifth grade team is in the process of planning year-end activities for our fifth grade students. A letter will be sent home for upcoming events. Also 5th grade students went on an exciting field trip to the Junior Achievement World of BizTown on May 1, 2013. BizTown is where a kid can become an adult for a day by working and receiving a paycheck. Students learned the importance of being an active citizen and responsible consumers in society. Please remember that reading, math, and science homework is given on a daily basis. Parents, ensure that your child is completing his/her homework nightly.

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