Social Media For Language Teaching and Learning: Chongrak Sitthirak Language Institute, Thammasat University

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Social Media for Language Teaching and Learning

Chongrak Sitthirak
Language Institute, Thammasat University

This article illustrates how Social Media has influenced teaching and learning
English at present. Originated in the world of Social Networking, the Social Media has
already been integrated into an informal education system for decades; i.e.
teleconference and distance learning before it has evolved into a more sophisticated
system, e-learning. There is also a controversy of using new Social Media such as
Facebook or WebChat. The discussion is varied by many studies. In the end, it is time
to re-consider the roles of teachers and learners as well as their affective and
attitudinal effects on Social Media used for education, since it will be or is now
unavoidably integrated into our daily lives.
Key words: Social Media, Language teaching and Learning, Learning Style


Social Media, the so-called Social Network as referred to in the relationship
among users, are rapidly growing types of digital media. They emerge in various forms
to bring people together as communities: Blogs (e.g., WordPress), Social Networks (e.g.,
Facebook), Microblogs (e.g. Twitter), Wikis (e.g. Wikipedia), Video Podcasts, Discussion
Forums, RSS Feeds, and Photo Sharing (e.g. Flickr) (GSA's Office of Citizen Services &
Innovative Technologies, 2012) as examples. In Thailand, the Social Media have played
a vital role for decades. The statistics show that about 20.6 million out of 66.7 million
Thai people have access to the Internet (Neilson, 2011). The popular social media
among teenagers, who are the majority of the social media users, include Facebook,
Hi5, Twitter, Linked in, and Foursquare respectively. The top five online activities online
include e-mailing, reading news, sending private messages, reading reviews and sharing
content. From 2000 2011, the number of Thailands internet users has soared to

more than 700% (NECTEC, 2012). The dramatic rising of the new online community
affect all dimensions of Thai society from politics to economics, from culture to
lifestyle, and from entertainment to the realms of teaching-learning.


Social media are digital applications varied by their purposes of use:
communicating, discussing, private chatting, selling products, etc. In this article, the
social media are divided into two categories for further discussion as follows:
Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Tools
Ashley (2003) defined the synchronous tool as a tool which enables real-time
communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode, while the
asynchronous enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through
a "different time-different place" mode. The synchronous tools, e.g. audio-video
conferencing, chat and instant messaging, Twitter, Skype, etc., have some advantages in
that they offer spontaneous reaction, updated data and immediate feedback, while the
asynchronous tools, e.g. e-mail, web board, web blogs, streaming video-audio, etc.,
have less immediate interaction, and the delayed response will cause information to
be out-of-date. However, its not always plausible to respond quickly because in some
cases, message receivers need some time to digest the information (Technology
Solutions for Teaching and Research, 2012). The selection of synchronous and
asynchronous depends on the purposes of correspondence between senders and
receivers, hereby; the teachers and the students whether they want to communicate in
real time or share information for later use.
Educational or non-educational Tools?
There are three types of learning environments apart from formal education
due to the new communication technologies: Distance Learning, Online Learning and ELearning. Distance learning creators are trying to design the existing course to overcome
the matter of distance, i.e. time and place (Guilar and Loring, 2008 ; Newby et al,
2000). Moore et al. (2011) stated that there were inconsistencies of the terms, Online
Learning (so called Blended Learning) by Asian region scholars, and E-learning. The

difference between them is that online learning seems to get connected to the
learners through the social media on the Internet, while E-learning (or e-learning)
covers both electronic media used on the campus and off the campus. The content of
these educational tools are purposefully crafted as instructional media, and in most
cases, evaluation is needed to fulfill the course assignment.
However, Mark Zuckerbergs initial idea for the Facebook page was not aimed
at education, but for pleasure and social connection in leisure time. The Facebook
policy states clearly that the application is to, ...create greater understanding and
connection. Facebook promotes openness and transparency by giving individuals
greater power to share and connect... ( If purpose
is not for education right from the start, then how can we expect students optimize
the use of Facebook as a learning tool? This idea was supported by a survey of Roblyer
et al (2010) who found that students did not consider Facebook to be a means for
education. Chen and Bryers (2012) also claimed that a low percentage of students
and instructors use them for educational purposes.


The digitized social community phenomenon has definitely triggered English
language teachers to conduct research through the uses of Social Media. The research
topics on social media are wide and varied. Some studies focus on the use of specific
media, i.e. Blogger and Facebook to aid students assignments, or Webinar (Seminar on
the Website) to discuss and share intriguing teaching materials (Anderson, 2010). The
other studies emphasize the relationship among the users, or Social Network that
assists learning. For example, the British Council conducted a research project into
how the Internet has affected the preferred learning styles of young people wanting
to learn English around the world. The result revealed that 69% of learners said that
they found the Social Network had helped them learn more effectively because of its
informality and relaxing atmosphere (Dalton, 2009). As a consequence, these new
media and their impacts on English learning should be carefully investigated and


Social Media create a new community where teachers and students do not
have to communicate by means of the traditional face-to-face classroom environment.
The brand-new changing way of teaching-learning environment definitely brings about
impacts. The impacts of Social Media for teaching and learning are reflected by the
teaching-learning styles, teacher-student roles, and affective-attitudinal effects.
Teaching and Learning Styles
The formal use of Social Media can be recognized as a combination of online
and traditional classroom teaching as proposed by Schmidt and Brown (2004). They
believe that such a combination could enhance the teaching and learning environment
as well as technology literacy of both students and teachers. The quality of
experiential learning needs to be achieved by examining the teaching style; assessing
the students preferred learning styles; knowing about online and traditional teaching
and learning tools and how to select them; and lastly, reflecting, implementing and
revising the online teaching plan. The process will be more effective if classroom
action research is implemented by teachers along the way (Schmidt, 2002).
For learners, independency and autonomy are necessary learning styles to be
successful online language learners, especially in the distance learning context (White,
2004). White also claimed that online learners characteristics must include the ability
to identify, participate in and manage learning experiences, which match their
individual learning needs in order to gain any benefit from the new learning mode.
Identifying online learners learning styles can be obtained by online instrumentation.
Graf et al. (2009) developed a tool; Detecting Learning Styles (DeLeS) is a computer
program that helps find out the learning styles of students participating in online
courses. They found that students have the sensing/intuitive dimension, the
active/reflective and sequential/global dimension in learning online respectively. This
means more students like to learn facts and concrete material from their sensory and
predictive outcome than get involved in discussing and reflecting on the provided
information. The step-by-step learning or holistic learning of knowledge, however, is
seen as a last resort.

Roles of Teachers and Learners

With the social media integrated as the new environment of learning, the role
of the teachers is altered to be less controlled as Dalton (2009) implied from his
research result that teachers should change their role into facilitator rather than the
giver-of-knowledge and promote more group work and relaxing learning
environments. For Online Distant Learning (ODL) teachers, Easton (2003) claimed that
the teachers had two roles in particular, starting from an instructional designer at first
to an interaction facilitator when the online course begins. Duncan and Barnett (2012)
found that, besides the roles of directing and leading the online learning class to reach
the goal, the online teachers also had to be aware of a balance of flexibility of the
teaching time and problem-solving tasks that might occur anytime while working on a
As to students new roles, they have to engage in online task-based learning or
discussions. This has eliminated the general chatting time better than face-to-face
discussion (Dalton, 2009). Craig et al. (2008) asserted that students views of the best
online language learners consisted of self-motivation, punctuality of assignment and
originality of work. They also expected that the best online teachers must be able to
provide useful feedback, advise them for discussion and encourage them to have
critical thinking.
Affective and Attitudinal Effects
The affective response or attitudinal effect of using Social Media for education
is also usually addressed in both positive and negative aspects. As an illustration, one
research reveals that Facebook Social Network allows students to overcome their
shyness in asking questions outside the classroom, and they feel unrestrained by
boundaries between lecturers and themselves, creating a good rapport in some ways
(Bosch, 2009).
Some misuses of the Social Media are also reported. The online activities
between teachers and students can cause negative impacts to teachers themselves
such as the obsession of social networking or false teacher-student relationships
(Vasagar and Williams, 2012; Bloxham, 2010) The language and culture are also being
discussed. The different forms of language used to communicate in Social Networking

sites among students, their peers and lecturers need to be carefully monitored;
otherwise, some misunderstandings will occur and interfere with the learning-teaching
process (Rembe, 2011).

More than 100 social media are being used for language learning and
educational purposes (C4LPT, 2012). The number of uses of the media cannot predict
the efficient or effective result of the latest teaching-learning tool. More research
needs to be conducted and tracked down regarding the never-ending evolution of
technology in terms of educational implications. However, it is the teachers own
premise to select what is considered best for their students. It might well be the case
that what works best for others may be the worst for oneself.





Anderson, D. (2010). The Effective Use of Social Media in the English Classrooms.
Webinar summary retrieved from
english_roundtable.pdf on 27 April 2012.
Ashley, J. (2003). Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Tools.
Executive Update Online. Retrieved from
Bloxham, A. (2010). Social networking: teachers blame Facebook and Twitter for
pupils poor grades. News Article on The Telegraph. Retrieved from
education/educationnews/8142721/S...Facebook-and-Twitter-for-pupils-poorgrades.html on 27 April 2012.
Bosch, T.E. (2009). Using Online Social Networking for Teaching and Learning:
Facebook Use at the University of Cape Town. Communication, 35 (2). Pp. 185







Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies C4LPT (2012). Top 100
Tools for Learning 2012. Retrieved from
Chen, B. and Bryer, T. (2012). Investigating Instructional Strategies for Using Social
Media in Formal and Informal Learning. The International Review of Research in
Open and Distance Learning. Volume 13 (1). Retrieved from
Craig, A., Goold, A., Coldwell, J., and Mustard, J. (2008). Perceptions of Roles and
Responsibilities in Online Learning: A Case Study. Interdisciplinary Journal of ELearning and Learning Objects. Volume 4. Retrieved from
Dalton, J. (2009). Teaching and Learning through Social Networks. Retrieved from on 27 April 2012.
Duncan, H.E. & Barnett, J. (2010): Experiencing online pedagogy: a Canadian case
study. Teaching Education. Volume 21 (3). pp. 247-262.
Easton, S. (2003). Clarifying the Instructors Role in Online Distance Learning.
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