Inclusive Inelastic Electron Scattering From Nuclei: Nadia Fomin

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Inclusive Inelastic Electron Scattering from


arXiv:0808.2625v1 [nucl-ex] 19 Aug 2008

Nadia Fomin
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Abstract. Inclusive electron scattering from nuclei at large x and Q2 is the result of a reaction
mechanism that includes both quasielastic scattering from nucleons and deep inelastic scattering
from the quark consitituents of the nucleons. Data in this regime can be used to study a wide variety
of topics, including the extraction of nuclear momentum distributions, the influence of final state
interactions and the approach to y-scaling, the strength of nucleon-nucleon correlations, and the
approach to x- scaling, to name a few. Selected results from the recent experiment E02-019 at the
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility will be shown and their relevance discussed.
Keywords: scaling, electron scattering, momentum distributions, SRCs
PACS: 21.30-x


The quasielastic cross section is analyzed in the Plane Wave Impulse Approximation
(PWIA), where the dominant process is assumed to be scattering from an individual
nucleon, whose motion is treated relativistically. The inclusive cross section for this
process is given by [1]
2 + (~
= dE d 3 p S(p, E)eN (E0 + + MA1
p +~q)2 )
ddE N=1
where S(p, E) is the nucleon spectral function, eN is the off-shell electron-nucleon cross
section. Following the steps of [1], we can simplify and factorize this expression to give
= F(y, q)
Z ep + N en M 2 + (p + q)2

F(y,q) is the scaling function defined as

F(y, q) = 2



y1(Esmin )

d p p S(p, E)


where y is the longitudinal momentum of the struck nucleon, determined by the argument of the -function in Eq. 1. Expression 2 allows us to extract the response function
F(y,q) from the measured cross section. Scaling of the reduced cross sections (F(y,q)) in
y has been observed [8, 6] in the quasi-elastic region (Example: Fig. 1). This means that
the reduced cross section, instead of being a function of energy and momentum transfers, instead depends on only one variable, in this case y, and the reduced cross sections
for different kinematics all lie on one scaling curve.

FIGURE 1. Left: 3 He Cross sections for 6 scattering angles (18 -50) as a function of , energy loss,
at 5.766GeV (JLab experiment E02-019). Right: The scaling functions extracted from the above cross
sections as a function of y, the longitudinal momentum of the struck nucleon. Q2 range covered is 2.5-7.4
at the quasielastic peak. Scaling is observed for negative values of y, corresponding to the x > 1 region,
where quasielastic contributions are dominant.

The scaling function can be related to the nucleon momentum distribution, but there
are a few obstacles. First, theres a binding correction that comes from the possibility
of having the recoil nucleus be in an excited state. Also, the PWIA approach does not
take Final State Interactions (FSIs) into account, whose contributions are largest at low
values of Q2 and large negative ys and enough to change the predicted approach to
scaling. And finally, in order to extract a momentum distribution, one needs to be able to
subtract or reasonably neglect any contributions from inelastic processes which requires
either a cross-section model or data taken at kinematics where inelastic processes dont


In Fig. 1, we observe the struck nucleons of very high momenta. The repulsive NN
force imparts high momentum to the nucleons as the interaction distance between
the nucleons becomes smaller than the average inter-nucleon spacing. The momentum
of fast nucleons is balanced by the correlated nucleon(s), rather than the rest of the
The ideal regime for studying SRCs is at x>1 and Q2 >1, where scattering from lowmomentum nucleons is suppressed and the energy transfer is higher than the kinetic
energies of the correlated nucleons. Here, the mean field contribution is negligible, and
the inclusive cross section can be approximated with [4]

A (x, Q2 ) =


ak (A)
j (x, Q2 )


where A (x, Q2 ) is the electron-nucleus cross section, j (x, Q2 ) is the electron- jnucleon-correlation cross section, and a j (A) is proportional to the probability of finding

FIGURE 2. SRC ratios for 12 C. The left plot shows the ratio to 2 H and the right plot shows the ratio
to 3 He. The ratio for 1.4<x<2 is proportional to the abundance of the NN correlations in Carbon, and the
ratio for x>2.4 is proportional to the abundance of 3N correlations.

a nucleon in a j-nucleon correlation. Using 2 H and 3 He cross sections as well as a

theoretical calculation for the fraction of nucleons in each of those that are in a 2- or
3-N correlation, one can obtain SRCs for heavier targets, which show the abundance of
correlations. For example, for 12 C, shown in Fig. 2 has a 20% and 0.6% probability
of a 2N and 3N SRC, respectively, which is in agreement with previous measurements

As one can see from Fig. 1, y-scaling fails for y>0, where inelastic processes dominate.
In this region, the cross section is described in terms of the nuclear structure functions:
d 2
= mott [W2A (q, ) + 2W1A (q, ) tan2 ( /2)]


In the limit of high energy loss and momentum transfer in the DIS regime, the structure
functions simplify to functions of x alone. When one examines the structure functions
with the Nachtmann variable [2], which extends the scaling to lower values of Q2 , one
expects to see the same scaling behavior
p as is seen for x in the same kinematic region.
reduces to x as Q ( = 2x/(1 + 1 + 4M 2 x2 /Q2 ).
Our analysis of the inelastic cross section is done through the study of the W2A structure function, which can be extracted from the measured cross section in the following


W2A =
ddE mott [1 + 2 tan2 ( /s) 1+ 2 /Q2 ]

where R is the ratio of the longitudinal cross section to the transverse [9].
Fig. 3 shows that the W2A structure function scales in x in the DIS region. Since the
variable is analogous to x, we expect W2 to scale in as well, in this region. However,
scaling is observed for all values of , including the quasielastic region.

FIGURE 3. Structure function W2A for 12C as a function of x (left) and (right). Scaling is only
observed for low values of x, but for all values of , rather than just in the inelastic region.

The first explanation [3] of this observation involves expanding as a function of

y, suggesting that the scaling we see in the quasielastic region is the same as the yscaling analysis yields, with the presence of FSIs masked by the relationship between
the two variables. Another explanation [10] states that the observed scaling is purely
accidental and is just a result of the inelastic contribution falling off at the same rate as
the quasielastic contribution rises.
A final explanation for this observation is that it might be due to local duality [5].
Bloom and Gilman observed that the structure function has the same Q2 behavior as
the resonance form factors. In fact, the scaling curve is recovered by averaging over the
resonance peaks.

Despite the fact that the contributions from different processes measured in inclusive
electron scattering are difficult to separate, it still offers a wealth of information. With
a good sample of data over a variety of targets and kinematics, we can study nucleon
momentum distributions, SRCs, scaling, Q2 behavior of the W2A structure functions, as
well as other physics.


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