Nesting of Irregular Shapes Using Feature Matching and Parallel Genetic Algorithms

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Nesting of Irregular Shapes Using Feature Matching and Parallel

Genetic Algorithms
Anand Uday
Erik D. Goodman
Ananda A. Debnath
Genetic Algorithms Research and Applications Group (GARAGe)
Michigan State University
2857 W. Jolly Road, Okemos, MI 48864
[email protected]

The problem of finding a dense packing of a set

of two-dimensional polygonal shapes within
another larger two-dimensional polygon is called
nesting. This problem finds wide application in
the manufacturing, leather cutting, and textile
industries in short, where material is costly so
scrap must be minimized. In this paper, we
describe a new approach to solving this problem.
It is a hybrid (or memetic) approach, which uses
a parallel genetic algorithm and a heuristic based
on shape information in the form of feature
matching. In our experiments with the parallel
GA, we tried various topologies for the
communication among subpopulations, and
various migration policies. A good choice of
communication patterns seems to give
subpopulations more time to explore by
themselves before they are contaminated by
individuals from other subpopulations, while still
allowing for useful sharing of building blocks
gained. Our test problems show this approach to
work well in this type of problem, where the
search domain is very large.


Layout and cutting problems are important in many

industries, as they involve the optimal use of valuable raw
material. Problems of optimal arrangement of 2-D pieces
to be cut from an initial piece of stock material are called
nesting problems, and there are many varieties, depending
on the shapes of the pieces, constraints on their
orientations, etc. The problem to be addressed in this
paper can be stated as follows: given a rectangular piece
of stock of a specified width and indefinite length, find
the optimal arrangement of a given set of polygonal
part shapes onto that stock such that a) none of the parts
overlaps any others, b) all are contained within the
boundary of the stock piece, and c) the length of the stock
piece used is minimized. In this case, there is no
constraint on the orientation of the part shapes, but they
may not be turned over. Note that there is no

constraint, such as convexity, on the shape of the

polygonal parts.
In recent years, a number of researchers have investigated
the problem of nesting of irregular shapes. The heuristic
approaches taken to solve this problem can be broadly
classified into two categories: rule-based approaches and
stochastic algorithms. In a rule-based heuristic, a set of
rules is designed to try to take advantage of some
characteristics of the shapes of the parts, placing earliest
those with certain characteristics, packing together parts
with certain matching features, etc. On the other hand,
stochastic approaches such as genetic algorithms or
simulated annealing, typically use little information about
part shapes, instead using only simple packing rules and
relying on the stochastic algorithm to vary the order in
which these rules are applied to the parts to be nested
The approach we have chosen is a hybrid one with strong
reliance on a powerful feature-matching heuristic capable
of generating fairly good nestings even without a genetic
algorithm. It uses part shape features to determine the
exact placement and orientation of the parts, here
augmented by a genetic algorithm that determines the
sequence in which they are nested (now sometimes
together called a memetic algorithm). We have used a
parallel GA to make the search both more global and
more efficient.


A significant amount of research has been done in this

area. Freeman and Shapira (1975), and Adamowicz and
Albano (1976) have approached this problem by shape
approximation, in which they approximate the shape by
their minimum-enclosing rectangle and then pack the
rectangles. To overcome the waste associated with the
rectangular approximation, attempts have been made to
first generate pairwise rectangular clusters, if the shapes
allowed (Nee et al., 1986).
Several attempts have also been made to solve this
problem using local greedy search heuristics. Albano and
Sapuppo (1980) proposed an algorithm that decided the
next part to be placed by evaluating the potential waste
due to the placement of the part at hand.
In 1996, Lamousin et al. proposed an algorithm that
modifies Albano and Sapuppos algorithm, using the

concept of No Fit Polygon (NFP) for part placement.

Lamousin and Waggenspack (1996) also proposed
another algorithm that uses features of the profile. This
algorithm matches complementary features of the part and
the remaining area of the stock.

nested, for example: (3, 4, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 0, 2, 1). In this

example for nesting of ten parts, the chromosome would
be interpreted as the sequence in which the parts are to be
considered and placed on the sheet by a heuristic nesting

Besides the deterministic approach, probabilistic and

evolutionary techniques have been used to solve this
problem. G-C Han and S-J Na (1996) used a two-stage
method with a neural-network-based heuristic for
generating an acceptable initial layout, and a simulated
annealing algorithm for fine-tuning the solution. In 1995,
Ismail and Hon proposed a genetic-algorithm-based
solution to this problem. They generated a set of initial
random layouts as their first generation chromosomes. The
layouts were allowed to have parts overlapping each other.
They constructed an objective function that tried to
minimize the total area needed to nest them and included a
penalty associated with the overlaps. Jain and Gea (1998)
proposed a solution based on genetic algorithms by using
a 2-D representation for the chromosomes. Babu and Babu
(1999) described a genetic algorithm which aimed at
finding an optimum sequence in which the parts are to be
placed on the sheet (Babu and Babu, 1999). In 2000, Sha
and Kumar came up with a representation that encoded the
sequence and the orientation of the part on a 2-D
chromosome and modified the genetic algorithm operators
to deal with that form.

Crossover: For this representation we considered four

different crossover operators: partially matched crossover
(PMX), uniform order-based crossover (UOBX), orderbased crossover (OBX) and cycle crossover (CX) (Davis,
1991; Goldberg, 1988).

We describe here an approach that uses a genetic

algorithm wedded with a powerful heuristic to solve the
problem more effectively.


Genetic algorithms are often useful in solving highly

multimodal problems, of which nesting is a fine example.
Although GAs can be made resistant to premature
convergence, they are not immune. One technique to
reduce the likelihood of premature convergence is
parallelization of the GA using multiple subpopulations.
The two most commonly used kinds of parallel GAs are
the fine-grain GA and coarse-grain GA. In a fine-grain
GA, small subpopulations (or individuals) are typically
arranged over a grid-like space, and each interacts
frequently (for breeding, etc.) with its immediate
neighbors. In a typical coarse-grain (or island) GA,
each subpopulation occasionally sends migrants to a
specified set of neighbors, but the communications
topology is typically open and frequency of
communication low.
In this paper, we have investigated the nesting problem
using a coarse-grain parallel GA.
Population Representation: In a classical GA, a
binary string representation was often used. However, for
sequencing and other combinatorial problems,
chromosomes often represent an ordering of entities,
specified simply as a permutation of the integers {0, 1, ,
N-1}. For this work, the chromosome is such a
permutation, ranging over the indices of the parts to be

Mutation: The mutation operators we tested here were

swap mutation and scramble mutation (Davis, 1991;
Goldberg, 1988).
Crowding and Incest Reduction: To reduce the chances
of premature convergence, we made the use of a DeJong
crowding factor (Goldberg, 1988). It helps in allowing
several distinct groups of individuals to develop and
persist in the population. This technique is useful when
exploring problems that are strongly multi-modal. In
addition, the mechanism of incest reduction (Goodman,
1994) reduces the proportion of crossovers performed
between very similar chromosomes. This technique helps
to maintain genetic diversity and thus helps in avoiding
premature convergence.
Elitism: We used elitism to insure that at least one copy
of the current generations best individual appears in the
next generation.
Fitness Function: The problem aims at minimizing the
length used of a fixed-width piece of rectangular stock.
However, in preliminary studies, we observed that nesting
larger parts first often yielded a better solution. In order
to speed the search and exploit this, in some of our runs,
we added a bias term to our fitness function that slightly
favored nestings in which larger (area) parts were placed
first. However, the effect of this term was not found to be
large, and we abandoned its use in the later runs. Linear
scaling of fitnesses was used to control selection pressure
(Goldberg, 1988).



In our hybrid (or memetic) algorithm, shape information

is used to effectively match complementary features on
the parts and the stock. In this case, building on the
earlier work of one of the authors (Debnath, 1997), we
have defined a feature to be an instance of two adjacent
edges on a polygon. The data defining this type of feature
are the lengths of the two adjacent edges and the internal
angle between these edges. Figure 1 shows an example of
such a feature.
4.1 Placement Policy
Given the next part to be nested, the algorithm determines
what position and orientation is best for the part vis--vis
the current state of the stock. At any point, the system
tracks a stock profile a polyline comprised of portions
of edges of stock and parts, and that includes all currently

Figure 1: Feature information

open area in the stock as nested to date. Candidates for
features at which to nest subsequent parts are located on
this profile. The profile will grow to include many small,
closed areas in which no additional parts can be nested,
and the algorithm, after numerous attempts to nest
subsequent parts in such an area, will eventually mark the
points in that area as bad points, and will refrain from
trying to nest more parts there.
The packing heuristic first selects the vertex on the stock
profile (ignoring bad interior points) with the lowest yco-ordinate. If more than one vertex has the same y-coordinate, the vertex with the smallest x-co-ordinate is
selected. This selection is based on the placement policy
of lowest and if necessary leftmost. The heuristic forms a
target feature on the stock, and iterates through all the
features of the part at hand. To each of the iterations
through the part features it assigns a particular score. The
orientation yielding the highest score is retained for the
final placement. This score is calculated using the
following parameters:
Left Shadow Area (see Figure 2): Since our placement
policy was selected to fill up the stock from left to right,
any closed-off areas to the left of the stock would be
unfavorable for the final solution.
Bottom Shadow Area (see Figure 2): Since our
placement policy was also set to fill up the stock from
bottom to top, any closed-off areas towards the bottom of
the part would again be unfavorable for the solution.
Contact Length of the Feature (see Figure 2): To
effectively exploit a corner feature, it was necessary to
calculate the contribution due to the feature itself. To
ensure good local packing, we wanted the contact length
between the part at hand and existing stock profile to be
maximized. Further, in order to yield comparable units in
the scoring function, the value of this measure is squared.

Figure 2: Sample part and stock illustrating some packing



In order to test our algorithm on realistic industrial

examples, we took as the base problem a set of parts to be
nested on steel plate stock in the shipbuilding industry.
Complex geometry and varying sizes characterize the set
of parts, possibly including multiple copies of the same
part. We made several test runs to determine suitable
operators, migration strategy, and values for various
coefficients. Table 1 lists the experiments and findings
for the genetic operators and best coefficients for score
Of all the crossover operators, uniform order-based
crossover (UOBX) (see explanation below) worked best,
both in sets of runs using each crossover operator for
single runs and using different crossover operators for
different subpopulations in the same run. Considering the
nature of this problem and the manner in which UOBX
works, this was expected. In the case of UOBX, there
seemed to be a higher probability that meaningful
building blocks were preserved.
Table 1: Experiments and findings

Best Performance using:

Crossover Operators:



Mutation Operator:


Swap, Scramble
Values of coeff.s a, b, c

The scoring function used is thus:

a = -1, b = -1,
c = 2.5~3.0

a*(Left Shadow Area) + b*(Bottom Shadow Area) +

c*(Contact Length)2,
where a, b < 0 and c > 0.

Briefly, by example, the UOBX operator works as

Step 1: Selection of parents
Parent 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Parent 2: 2 4 5 7 9 6 3 1 8

Step 2: Random generation of binary template

Step 3: The 1s specify loci to be filled by the
corresponding alleles of the first parent in the first child,
and the 0s are filled on the second child with
corresponding alleles of the second parent.
Child 1 (partial): - 2 3 - - 6 - 8 9
Child 2 (partial): 2 - - 7 9 - 3 - Step 4: The void - space of the first child is filled by the
genes of parent 2 in their order of appearance (without
duplication, since the result must be a permutation) and the
second child is handled correspondingly.
Child 1: 4 2 3 5 7 6 1 8 9
Child 2: 2 1 4 7 9 5 3 6 8
Swap mutation (exchanging alleles at two randomly
chosen loci) was observed to yield better results than
scramble, as was again expected for this problem.

Figure 4: A sample output with 28 parts

Preliminary runs were made with three sets of
subpopulation sizes: 20, 50, and 200 per subpopulation,
and 50 seemed to be sufficient. The crowding factor was
set at 1/10 of the subpopulation size in all runs, as was the
incest-reduction factor.

Figure 3: Ring and Grid Topology

The set of values of coefficients given in Table 1 gives
better performance than other combinations, although this
search was not definitive. We arrived at this conclusion
by assigning different sets of coefficients to different
subpopulations in the same run. We observed that the
subpopulation with a= -1, b= -1, and c= 2.5 ~ 3.0
generally yielded a better result. A possible implication of
this trend is that matching of the contact lengths between
two polygons is important and can result in better packing.

For this problem, we also tried different migration rules

using different topologies. The topologies used are shown
in Figure 3. Two types of topologies were tried: i) ring
topology, ii) a variety of grid topologies. For the ring
topology, we used eight subpopulations of 50 individuals
each, with the single best individual of each subpopulation
migrating to the nearest subpopulation in a counterclockwise direction every ten generations. In the grid
topology, the migration scheme was different. In this
case, in order to try to provide a sufficient number of
migrants to allow for significant influence on the recipient
subpopulation, but to avoid essentially making the
subpopulations a well-mixed single subpopulation, one
tenth of each subpopulation was migrated to each of its
neighboring subpopulations, but only every tenth
generation. The neighboring subpopulations, each
containing 50 individuals, were defined as shown in
Figure 3. The design of this grid was an attempt to
provide a diversity of communication path lengths among
various subpopulations in the total set i.e., within a
vertical subring, subpopulations communicated relatively
quickly, but between columns, communication was
delayed. It was observed that this grid topology yielded
better and more consistent results than the simple ring
topology and high migration frequency. It may be due to
that fact that the grid topology helped in maintaining the
genetic diversity among subpopulations for more
generations and thus gave the subpopulations more time to
evolve The topologies described above were implemented
in GALOPPS (Goodman, 1996), a GNU- licensed
freeware developed at MSUs GARAGe. Figures 4 and 6
show sample outputs of problems we tested. Figure 4
nested 28 parts, while for Figure 6, these parts were dupli-

than linearly but less than quadratically with the number

of objects to be nested. The GA usually stopped making
rapid progress after about 200 generations. Figure 5
shows a plot of raw fitness value versus number of
generations. The percentage utilization of stock typically
obtained with this particular set of shapes was 83% 84%.

Figure 5: Plot showing each time a new best-of-population

nesting is found in any subpopulation (exclusive of
migration), versus generation when it occurred, for a
sample run using the grid topology of Figure 4.


This paper describes an application of a shape-featurematching heuristic and a coarse-grain parallel GA to a

challenging form of nesting problem. The use of shape
information and feature matching helped in finding
feasible solutions very effectively. It made the search
more efficient by doing local search within each
evaluation of the GA. We also tested an unusual grid
topology and migration scheme. The results suggest that
this led to improvement in performance of the GA. In
industries such as shipbuilding, where the material is
quite costly, even a half-percent improvement in packing
density is sufficient to justify a fairly intensive search
process, such as represented by the method described
here. Of course, the computational intensity of this
approach makes it inappropriate for real-time
decisionmaking on less costly nesting problems.

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