2 6
2 6
2 6
6 Text
2.6 Text
A. Fonts
Font 3 replaced font 23 for labeling waterways and as-built changes. Use
font 3 with a slant angle of 25 degrees for waterways and a slant angle of
15 degrees for as-built changes. Years ago font 1 was created to reduce
the spacing between characters. With the improved kerning in font 3 along
with the improved enhancements for print quality and clarity, font 1 is no
longer used.
In the Caltrans CADD system, base maps are designed using State Plane
Coordinates. Roadway project plans are developed at a ratio of 1 to 1
(real coordinate values), but are plotted at a desired scale. Standard text
sizes were determined based on how the text looks relative to the sheet
border and the relative prominence of various texts. Place text at the
appropriate CADD standard size based on the intended plot scale for
clarity and readability of text on hard copy plans.
The table below defines the text sizes to be used for roadway project plan
sheets and photogrammetry based on a plot scale of 1 = 50 (Caltrans
base scale). See Appendix A6 for text sizes at other acceptable plotting
scales (font, weight and slant remain the same.)
at 1=50
Title Project Description 14.5 * 43 0 0
Name and ID Code of Individual Plan 14.5 * 43 0 0
Sheets, (does not apply to the Title
Titles for Quantity Tables and Detail 12 43 0 0
Drawings. Begin and End Construction
on Title Sheet
For Pacific Ocean 12 3 2 25
Country and State boundary 11 43 0 0
City Names on the Title Sheet Strip 10 ** 43 0 0
County Names on the Title Sheet Strip 10 43 0 25
Begin and End Work on Title Sheet. 10 3 2 0
Titles for Informational Tables
Subtitles for Tables and Detail 8.75 **** 3 2 0
Drawings. Route & Route No, Line
Designation. *** Headings inside a
Quantity Table
Bays 8.75 3 2 25
As-built Changes 8.75 3 2 15
River Names (Water Ways) 7 3 ***** 1 25
Majority of Text, (including text with 7 3 1 0
drawings, tables and dimensioning).
County Lines and City Limit Lines
Restricted Space for Placement of Text 7 3 0 0
Name, Date, License Number Inside 7 3 1 0
Seal and Date of Signature 5
Printed Names in Margin of Sheet 6 3 1 0
Photogrammetric Mapping and Survey 6 2 1 0
Topographic Mapping Text
For additional information about text sizes on contract plans not listed in
the above table see the individual sections and examples in the Plans
Preparation Manual.
*** If a layout sheet has multiple routes and is a busy, cluttered sheet
making it difficult to see route labels, then the route, route number
and line designation may be placed using;
text height/width = 10, Font = 43, Wt = 0 for routes with work or
text height/width = 7, Font = 3, Wt = 1 for routes without work.
For title sheet strip maps that cover a large area (multiple counties),
the route identification may be placed using;
text height/width = 7, Font = 3, Wt = 1 for routes without work.
***** Do not use Font 23. It is obsolete and does not have the
appropriate spacing for characters or the desired appearance for
certain letters. Use Caltrans standard Font 3 (CTFONT1) at a slant
angle of 25 degrees.
The text size values listed in the table below applies to both a pre-version
8 (pre-V8) and a V8 format design file. In a pre-V8 format design file the
text size values are in feet. But in a V8 format design file the text size
values are in inches. The reason the text size values changed from feet to
inches is that the sheet border in a pre-V8 format design file was 22 x 34.
In a V8 format design file the sheet border was changed to 22 x 34.
Informational notes - majority of 0.1400 3 1 or 2
plan lettering requirements and
border information
Detail Titles 0.2400 3 4
Detail Titles 0.2400 43 0
Sheet Titles and Border information 0.2400 43 0
In the Caltrans CADD system, all right of way drawings are designed
using State Plane Coordinates. Maps are developed at a ratio of 1 to 1
(real coordinate values), but are plotted at a desired scale. Standard text
sizes were determined based on how the text looks relative to the sheet
border and the relative prominence of various texts. Place text at the
appropriate CADD standard size based on the intended plot scale for
clarity and readability of text on hard copy prints.
The size for the text listed in the table below is based on a plot scale of
1= 50 (Caltrans base scale).
Predominantly Numeric Annotation
including bearings & distances, curve 5 3 1
data, coordinates, and stationing.
Detail Labels (i.e. DETAIL A & SEE
10 3 3
NO SCALE label 5 3 2
Descriptive Annotation including
easement descriptions, EXISTING 5 4 1
Route Label along alignment 7 4 2
Map Sheet Reference Label
8 4 2
(i.e. SEE MAP 81328)
Block & Lot/Parcel Label
Large (i.e. BLOCK 9) 12 4 1
Medium (i.e. LOT 2, PARCEL 4) 10 1
County and City Labels 26 7 2
Government Landnet Label
Township & Range 14 3
Large (i.e. SECTION 1) 12 55 1
Medium (i.e. GOVT TRACT 21) 10 1
Small (i.e. GOVT LOT 3) 8 1
Subdivision & Record Map Label
Large (i.e. ROS 6-8) 14 2
Medium (i.e. PM 2-3) 12 2
Small (i.e. OR 7-11) 10 2