KSI Project Charter Outline and Instructions

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KSI Project Charter Outline and Instructions


The Project Charter includes five sections:

 Project Name
 Overview
 Performance Objectives
 Project Characteristics
 Project Recommendations

The following guidelines present information to help you identify what information to include
in each section. Each topic must be covered, although some projects require more detail than


Choose a short, energizing name or acronym that describes your project. Be specific and make
sure you're not duplicating another project's name.


2.1 Project Background

This section describes the context surrounding the project, and presents the primary
motivation for the project. It includes a high-level description of the business area, the
current situation, the desired situation, and the gaps that exist.

The following list identifies potential items that could be included in the project

 A general description of the business functions, the specific services, and the
 The sequence of events or conditions that contributed to the current problem or
 Contributing historical data;
 Relevant features of the program areas involved;
 The manner and extent to which information technology is currently applied; and,
 A definition of the effected units of work and estimates of the quantity of work

2.2 Problem/Opportunity Statement

This section includes a concise statement of the problem(s) that negatively impacts
current business operations or the specific opportunity(s) that would make the business
or program operations more effective.

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KSI Project Charter Outline and Instructions

Avoid describing the symptoms of the problem instead of the problem itself. Symptoms
that may seem to be the problem include:

 Processes that are old, confusing, convoluted, redundant, labor intensive,

undocumented, or nonstandard;
 Data that is incorrect or incomplete;
 Data that requires excessive effort expended in collection, multiple collection
points, or different versions of the truth; and,
 Technology that has incompatible hardware/software, outdated hardware/software,
ineffective use of automation, or too many manual processes.

The symptoms of a problem are important in that they help lead to a solution. However,
symptoms alone are not enough to justify a project. To make sure that you have reached
the real problem, ask yourself “So what?” for each item you have included as a
problem. If you have identified a business problem or opportunity, your answers should
fall into one or more of the following categories:


 Excessive costs incurred in operating an existing program

 Generation of additional program costs
 Services at an unsatisfactory level according to a specified policy
 Workload/staff increases
 Quality or timeliness of information
 Additional requirements mandated by law or Federal regulations
 Limitations on the capability or capacity of current resources

The following are example problem statements:

 Current system cannot provide statistics of UI claims filed on Fridays.

 The current process requires 3.6 PYs of overtime to process travel claims.
 The current hardware system is obsolete and may fail within the next six months,
meaning that the department will no longer be able to process revolving fund
checks in a timely manner.


 Avoidance of future operating costs

 Improving mission critical customer services
 Workload/staff reductions
 Ability to add capacity to current resources

The following are example opportunity statements:

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Transferring the system to the network allows standard access throughout the state
reducing support needs and providing more rapid response to customer requests.

 Installing the automated call center allows the department to continue with the
current staffing level and improve service, even as the number of calls increases.
 Since revised Federal law allows state access to Social Security Administration
address file, we can use this file to reduce the workload required to maintain current
addresses on all individuals.

2.3 Project Objective Statement

The Project Objective Statement (POS) is a high-level, written summary of the project.
The POS states what the project must accomplish in order to be successful. It reflects
the current understanding of the project and is used to focus the team members, the
sponsor, and other key stakeholders on the primary objective of the project. The POS
should be concise, 25 words or less, and avoid jargon as much as possible.

A word of caution --- Make sure that the POS is measurable and achievable. The
project’s success will be determined by how well it achieved the POS. The following
are example POS’ for different projects:

The Apollo Project: By the end of the decade, send a man to the moon and return him
safely to earth.

A process improvement project: Create and implement a “No Rework” program to

reduce software development costs by 50% within the next twelve months.

A Training Information System Project: By the 3rd Quarter of FY 99 , develop a

centralized training information database to be the sole source of scheduling and
registration activities for the department.

An Office Automation Project: Evaluate, select, and install an automated suite of tools
to improve the department’s ability to share information for common office functions
and to reduce the training and support requirements for desktop applications.

2.4 Project Scope

This element goes hand-in-hand with the POS. The scope sets the boundaries on the
project so it can be done successfully. The project boundaries are defined by specific
customer business areas to be supported, functionality to be included, and/or
technologies to be addressed. If the project needs to be accomplished in phases, the
specific boundaries for each phase should be stated here.

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The project scope must be consistent with the Business Objectives and the Functional
Requirements stated in Section 3, “Performance Objectives,” of this Project Charter.
For example, the scope statement for the implementation of a new automated system

could include business process re-design, physical office alteration, new office
procedures, legal issues, financial management, and even administrative support such
as travel arrangements.

It is often beneficial to clearly state what the project does NOT include to help identify
the project boundaries.

For example, the following table shows the scope of an Operating System Upgrade

OS Upgrade Project Scope

In Scope Out of Scope
Upgrade all central office Workstations at sites outside the central
workstations to CyberOS 2000 office

Ensure that current user Replacement or upgrades to user

applications continue to function. applications.

Train central office users on the Train users on user applications under the
new CyberOS interface. new interface.

2.5 Project Sponsor

Identify the Project Sponsor by name and organization. This individual is the one
whose department has the greatest stake in the project’s success and is responsible for
the project's costs and benefits. Typically, the sponsor comes from the client
organization. Ask the following questions to help identify the Project Sponsor:

 Who cares so much about the successful completion of the project that they are
willing to fund the project and ensure that adequate resources are assigned to it?
 Who will make the final decision if the team cannot resolve a problem on its own?
 Who will make the final decision to add resources, cut features, and slip the
schedule for the project?

The Project Sponsor has the ultimate responsibility for the project’s costs and benefits
and should be of a high enough level to have the necessary leverage, authority and the
ultimate responsibility. If it's a small, local project, a division or section manager could

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KSI Project Charter Outline and Instructions

be the sponsor. If it's a large, multi-departmental project, a senior executive should be

the sponsor.

2.6 Project Priority and Strategic Fit

Identify how this project fits into the business unit and the organization’s tactical plan.
Determine the priority for this project relative to other projects that the Project Sponsor
is responsible for. Then determine the project priority across the organization as well.
Refer to specific goals and/or objectives in the strategic or tactical plan and identify
how the project helps meet these goals.

The following steps may be helpful in clarifying the strategic fit.

 Identify how the project fits with the organization’s strategic/tactical vision(s).
Determine which set of visions/plans the project must satisfy or be tested against.
Then describe the project’s alignment and/or variance from the existing vision/plan.

 Identify the fit with organizational strategies. Sometimes the project may affect one
or more local department strategies or business plans. Identify which one(s) and
describe the project’s alignment and/or variance.

 Identify the fit with legal/regulatory direction, if appropriate for this project.
Describe how the project complies with the organization’s legal mandates.

2.7 Stakeholder(s)

List the organizations that are involved directly or indirectly with the project. Describe
how their job functions will be effected by the project's final product. Usually, at least
one of the stakeholder organizations reports to the Project Sponsor.


3.1 Business Objectives

Briefly state the business objectives that effectively respond to the problems and/or
opportunities. Include at least one objective for each problem/opportunity mentioned in
Section 2.2, “Problem/Opportunity Statement.” Objectives define the significant results
that must be achieved by this project. When writing the objectives, remember to focus
on “What” the system or product will do, not “How.” Each objective should:

 Directly relate to a problem/opportunity item;

 Be realistically achievable;
 Be measurable (this means that progress on the objective can be tracked, measured
and compared);
 Indicate the direction of expected change (more, less, same as etc.); and,
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 Indicate the degree of expected change (percentage, prior year level, numbers of).

Business objectives usually fall into one of the following four categories: increasing
revenues for the organization, avoiding costs, improving customer service, or
complying with federal and state governmental regulations. For example:

 Provide statistical data of all UI claims filed on Fridays.

 Eliminate 3.5 PYs for processing travel claims.
 Verify current address for 75% of new claims filed.

3.2 Functional Requirements

Identify the essential characteristics that the proposed system or product must have if it
is to satisfy the objectives. Functional requirements describe “how” the project result
will function and provide a list of the minimum technical features that must be in place
when the project is complete. Each functional requirement should track back to a
business objective and should be specific enough to be used to measure the successful
completion of the project. The primary functional requirements appear on the Project
Data Sheet as “Ability To” statements or “Performance Objectives” depending on the
nature of the requirement.

Depending on the project, the functional requirements are written in terms of:

 Types of data, in terms of groups, size, retention period etc.;

 Database characteristics;
 Processing procedures;
 Processing functions needed to support the program process;
 Types of output, in terms of groups, volume, timing, location, quality, media etc.;
 Types of input in terms of groups, volume, timing, location, quality, media etc.;
 Software constraints;
 Equipment/hardware constraints;
 Staffing constraints;
 Security or confidentiality risks;
 Hardware/software interfaces;
 Development scheduling constraints;
 Data constraints;
 Organizational constraints; and,
 Legislative constraints.

Functional requirements usually describe very specific features of the resulting system.

For example:

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 The system must have on-line access to SCDB U1 claim records.

 The system must print credit card numbers on travel vouchers.
 The system must be able to access the SSA Unix-based database.

3.3 Successful Completion Criteria

Describe how the success of the project will be determined from the customer’s
perspective. The completion criteria should be in quantifiable/measurable terms so that
there is no doubt as to the project’s success. If the functional requirements have been
sufficiently quantified, meeting them constitutes the successful completion criteria.
Quantifiable measures of customer use and/or satisfaction with the final product also
measure the successful completion of the project.


4.1 Assumptions

List any assumptions that were made in defining the project. Assumptions can effect
any area of the project including scope, the stakeholders, the business objectives, and
the functional requirements. A basic assumption behind most projects is that the
problem should be solved. If any assumptions have been made regarding staffing, e.g.
specific technical or business skill sets and/or individuals necessary to complete the
project, list these assumptions here.

4.2 Constraints

Identify known or suspected constraints on the execution of the project. These

constraints describe boundaries within which the project must operate and that also
may be obstacles to the project’s successful completion. For example, constraints
could include any of the following:

 Limited head count

 Lack of or limited knowledge
 Short window of opportunity
 Use of new technologies and tools
 Delivering the product within a specific time frame
 Delivering the product within a limited cost

Be as specific as possible and describe the constraints in the context of the project.

4.3 Issues/Concerns/Risks

Identify major items that could cause the project to fail. Concentrate on those items,
which are outside the jurisdiction of the project and could be “show-stoppers” to the

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KSI Project Charter Outline and Instructions

success of the project. Use the Risk Assessment Questionnaire to help identify and list
potential risks in this section.

4.4 Related/Dependent Projects

Identify projects that are or must be underway or completed before this project can
successfully be completed. Next, identify projects that depend on this one for their
successful outcome. Lastly, identify technical relationships between this project and
other projects/solutions.

In the case of related projects, it is helpful to describe the nature of the dependency.
The project being planned may be dependent on another project, be interdependent with
another project, or have projects that depend on it. The nature of the dependency can

Data: The project shares data with another project.

Function: The project shares common functionality with another project.
Staff: The project shares staff with another project.
Technology: One project installs the technology that another requires.
Funding: The projects share funding arrangements.

Include any dependent or interdependent projects on the Project Data sheet under


5.1 Existing System

Briefly describe the current method of operation. Include a general description of the
system procedures, inputs, outputs, overall costs, PY numbers and PY costs. In
addition, include pertinent information from the following topics as necessary:

 Current system objectives;

 Shortfalls of current operations;
 Current workload requirements;
 Backlogs;
 Data entry methods, both manual and automated;
 Data characteristics, contents, structure, size, languages, volatility, accuracy;
 Data integrity, security, privacy, confidentiality;
 Existing equipment, peripherals, processors;
 Software, software languages;
 Documentation, accuracy;
 User satisfaction, system drawbacks, failures;
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 System successes, things that work well; and,

 Support costs, future costs, overruns.

5.2 Alternative Analysis

Identify the potential alternatives for accomplishing this project. For example, one
alternative could be to build a solution in-house. Another alternative could be to buy the
software from a vendor, and tailor it to support the organization’s business. Still another
alternative might be to accomplish only part of the desired solution in a phased
approach to the project. Include specific technologies in this section, only if they are
required by organizational constraints or architectural standards.

Include the following general information for each alternative:

General description including what the alternative is, how it would be implemented,
and how it would work after implementation. Include additional details such as specific
interfaces, tools required, architecture requirements, support, etc.;

Estimated time frame;

Specific assumptions and constraints;
Advantages; and,

Include enough detail to thoroughly describe the potential alternatives and differentiate
between them.

5.3 Recommended Alternative

Select one of the alternatives to be carried forward. Provide justification for why you
chose this alternative.

5.4 Project Milestones

List the major events by which you intend to measure your progress on the project. The
major milestones should coincide with the deliverables. It is not necessary to identify a
separate milestone for each deliverable. However, it should be clear from the milestone
description which deliverables are completed by that milestone.

Events that must be reported include: project start date, development completion date,
operational date and post-implementation evaluation date. Any other important
deadlines or key management checkpoints critical to project success, such as
procurement dates, budget deadlines, legislation enactment dates, or partial

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implementation dates, should also be included. Project management milestones should

be identified at no less than three-month intervals during the life of the project.

Most milestone completion dates are represented by elapsed days/months from the
project approval date. However, if the project includes dates mandated by legislation,
show these specific dates as the milestone.

Project Milestones Completion Date

5.5 Cost Analysis

Estimate the costs and income of your selected alternative for three to five fiscal years
from the beginning of the project, depending on the project duration and size. Present
these high level estimates in the following “Cost Analysis Table.” Remember that this
is only a preliminary estimate. It will be used as a guide to allocate resources, not to
measure the success or failure of the project. A more accurate estimate of both schedule
and resources will be derived during the Plan phase, if the project is approved.

Cost reductions or personnel-year reductions should be reported as negative numbers,

while cost increases or personnel-year increases should be reported as positive
numbers. If the proposal modifies or replaces an existing operation, savings and cost
avoidance should be based upon comparison with the current method of program
operation. If the proposal recommends a new system, provide estimated costs for the
proposed information technology capability. If the proposed solution will increase
program income (i.e. tax revenues, collectable audit exceptions, accounts receivable,
etc.) such increase should be reported as negative numbers under “Program Income.”

FY <1> FY <2> FY <3>

PYs Costs PYs Costs PYs Costs
One-time Costs $ $ $
Continuing Costs $ $ $
Impacted Program $ $ $
Program Income $ $ $

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Net Program Costs $ $ $

Cost Savings $ $ $
Cost Avoidance $ $ $

5.6 Source of Funding

Indicate the source of funding anticipated for the proposed project. If the project is
to be funded from multiple sources, list each source. Examples include the State
General Fund, special funds, Federal grants, interagency reimbursements, redir-
ection from existing baseline funds, and contracts. Also, state if the funds have been
budgeted for this purpose.

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