Air Intake For Pig Houses

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Air intake for pig houses

Climate for Growth

Air Intake From SKOV

egardless of the size, geometry

and location of the livestock house,
SKOV has a solution to supply fresh
air to the livestock house. It is important
to supply fresh air to the livestock house
to ensure the right climate for the animals. Depending on the age and requirements of the animals, it is important that
the right amount of air enters the house
in an optimum direction and at the right
height and velocity.
Always optimum livestock house
At low outdoor temperatures, cold air
is sucked into the livestock house due
to the negative pressure. The air must
not reach the pigs in the livestock house
without it being mixed with the housing
air first. This is ensured by correct dimensioning and interaction of the ventilation
At high outside temperatures, it is important to remove the excess heat from the
animals and create air movement around
them in order to provide a cooling effect.
Regardless of the outside temperature,
the inlet air should be distributed evenly
throughout the livestock house and utilized to a maximum extent with the least
possible energy consumption.
The livestock house climate is decisive
for the pigs' productivity, including feed
consumption and gain, but also affects


the stress level and infection risk among

the animals.
Throughout many years, SKOV has
developed ventilation solutions for pig

producers all over the world, and our

systems ensure an optimal climate in the
livestock house, for the benefit of the
grower as well as the animals.

SKOV Wall Inlets

KOV has developed a series of wall

inlets of the highest quality, which
may be used in most types of pig
houses. The DA 1200 series includes
brick-in wall inlet as well as flange inlets.
The flange inlet is also supplied as DA
1911 with somewhat higher capacity.
The inlets may be fixed in the wall,
bricked in or cast in concrete elements.
There are four dimensions, depending
on the thickness of the wall. The inlets
require no additional support by bricking
in or casting.

plastic materials of the highest quality,

ensuring that the inlet casing will not
be broken in the case of minor displacements in the brickwork.

springs of the inlet ensure optimal and

exact closing function under all conditions, also in cold periods with ice

Safe opening and closing function

Four springs of stainless steel keep the
flap closed. The inlets should be pulled
open. In a SKOV system an 8 mm pull
rod is used to open the flap. The strong

The flange inlets may be used in light

constructions, such as sandwich panels.
An extension can be mounted, so the
inlet may be adapted to different wall
Common to all SKOV's wall inlets is that
the inlet flap is insulated to counteract condensation. The inlet flap is also
strengthened with a metal rail, ensuring
that it closes tightly, and that it doesn't
lose its shape at very low or high temperatures.
All of SKOV's wall inlets are made from

The SKOV air inlets may be used for all kinds of pig production and contribute to ensuring an optimal
climate in the livestock house.



SKOV's wall inlets in brief


Angled inlet shutter directing the air

towards the ceiling

Sharp edge on the inlet flap, creating a

more powerful air jet

Air direction baffle accommodating the

air jet to the ceiling slope



Advanced Inlet Control creating more powerful air currents at minimum ventilation

No cracks in the base of the inlet

An inlet flap reinforced by metal band ensures that the inlet shuts tight

Accessories for wall inlets

epending on climatic conditions, the type of production and the design of the livestock house, as well as the location, there
may be a need for various kinds of accessories for the wall inlet.

The wall inlets may be supplied with a mesh, so that e.g. birds
or mice cannot enter the building. This reduces the risk of
infection. The mesh is available as coarse-meshed as well as

Air direction baffles

Air direction baffles are used in order to adapt the air jet in
cold weather, as well as to prevent that the air adheres to the
wall. There are two different SKOV air direction baffles: short
and long air direction baffles The type of air direction baffle
depends on the design and location of the livestock house.

Baffle plates
For houses located so that the inlet is exposed to a strong
wind impact, a baffle plate reducing wind impact may be


Ceiling Inlets

n an LPV system, DA 1540 inlets are

also used, a universal ceiling inlet that
draws fresh air into the house from the
attic. The ceiling inlet ensures optimum
control of the air flow and ensures high
performance at low air velocity.

The DA 1540 inlet can reach a fully open

position. In this position the air is directed almost straight down. This feature
can be utilised to cool the pigs during

Differentiated opening

KOV's inlets provide optimal air

current at all ventilation levels.
Differentiated opening makes it
much easier to control air currents at
minimum ventilation. Rather than opening all the inlets a little, a smaller number
of the inlets open more.

When the ventilation requirement is low, the

fresh air is sucked in through one inlet.


hot periods. To utilise this function, the

ceiling inlet should be placed above the
lying area of the pigs so that it is made
possible to increase the air velocity and
cool the pigs immediately. Hence the
required lying and dunging area can be
Diffuse air intake
A diffuse air intake takes place when the
fresh air is sucked into the house through

This means that there will be fewer but

stronger air currents. The differentiated
opening and the sharp edge of the inlet
flap ensures that the fresh air adheres to
the ceiling (Coanda effect). The Coanda
effect ensures that the air reaches far
enough into the livestock house to be

At a ventilation requirement of 30%, inlets

with delayed opening will start opening

very small pores or holes in the ceiling

structure with the help of negative pressure. This ensures a low air velocity when
the air enters the house, thus avoiding
drafts. During hot periods the diffuse air
intake is complemented by SKOV's ceiling inlets DA 1540 and DA 1800, thereby
establishing sufficient air velocity to cool
the animals.

mixed with the air in the building, before

it reaches the area occupied by the animals. At maximum opening, an increased
air velocity creates the right cooling.

All inlets are fully synchronized when the

ventilation reaches 100%


n order to ensure an exact regulation

of the air inlets, SKOV has developed
a heavy duty and precise actuator, DA
175. The actuator may be turned ON/
OFF or made continuously variable and
is available in several variants with a
tensile force of 100 kg, 150 kg, 300 kg
or 600 kg, respectively. The actuator is
installed with direct pull on the inlets,
which ensures a simple and reliable
installation. The actuator is developed
so that the pull rod may be positioned in
all directions, providing high flexibility in
connection with assembly.

components, subsystems and systems.

The importance of these mounting sets
is often neglected, but they contribute to
ensuring a quick and correct installation
of the equipment, so it works optimally.

The actuator is made from maintenance-free materials, resulting in no

maintenance costs once installed. For
instance, the actuator does not contain
any carbon brushes that require replacement on a regular basis.
One of the distinctive marks of a
well-functioning and effective ventilation system is that the components are
connected correctly.
Therefore, SKOV always supplies mounting sets with all the necessary parts,
including washers, wires, screws, fittings,
pulleys, etc., together with the various

Roof Inlets

A 50 air supply unit is an air inlet

combining high performance
with low air velocity in the area
occupied by the animals. The air supply
unit is among other things developed
for use in livestock house buildings in
countries that place special demands on
the air intake.
In certain countries, the air intake must
be above the ridge to reduce the risk of
infection. In other countries, the architectural style is characterized by monoblock
houses, which makes it impossible to use
conventional wall inlets, just like a roof
construction without ceiling makes it impossible to use ceiling inlets throughout
Eastern Europe.
No draughts in the area occupied by
the animals
The exceptional feature of the air supply
unit is the high performance, combined
with the low air velocity in the area occupied by the animals. These two things
may often be contradictory.
SKOV has solved the problem by using
air distribution plates, directing the air
out in several air layers and distributing
it optimally in the area occupied by the
During warm periods, where the cooling effect of the air velocity is required,
the air supply unit, when fully opened,
provides high performance with high air


The animals' conditions and productivity
are improved, since they are not exposed
to draught in the animal zone, in spite of
the high performance.
Uniform distribution at 100% stepless
A new parallel linkage system has been
developed for the air supply unit ensuring that the air supply unit is opened in
a uniform manner all the way around. It
ensures an even air distribution in the
entire livestock house.
The 100% stepless adjustment of the
gap also ensures that the system can be
adjusted to the air jet range desired for
the time of the year.

1 air jet - high air velocity at the intake as

well as in the occupied zone

May be adapted to all common building types

DA 50 air supply unit is a flexible construction that is composed of several
separate components.
The unit has been developed with a
complete duct series, ensuring that the
unit may be mounted in all kinds of livestock houses.
DA 40 for equal pressure systems
In houses with equal pressure ventilation,
SKOV's DA 40 roof inlet is used, which by
means of adjustable nozzles ensures an
even distribution of air in the pig house.

2 or more air jets - high air velocity at the

intake as well as in the occupied zone

DA 50 air supply unit combines the high performance with low air velocity
resulting in the animals not perceiving any draught in the animal zone.




Air Intake for SKOV's Tunnel Systems

SKOV's new tunnel inlet is space-saving as it merely opens 37 cm into the livestock house

KOV offers three kinds of air intake

that are especially designed for Tunnel and Combi-Tunnel systems.

DA 17K Tunnel inlet

DA 17K is SKOV's new tunnel inlet with
an opening angle at maximum opening
of only 37 cm. The inlet therefore takes
up minimal space compared to other
air inlets for tunnel systems and will not
interfere with the equipment in the pig
The tunnel inlet is supplied with both
semi- and highly insulated inlet flaps that
are made from sturdy PVC material. Due
to the insulation and impermeability of
the tunnel inlet, cold areas are avoided
in front of the tunnel inlet, when the
ventilation runs in side mode.
The tunnel inlet may be set very precisely
and thus creates the best conditions for
the animals in the livestock house. DA
17K is easy to install and is made from
solid materials, ensuring a long service
Rack & Pinion Tunnel opening
As an alternative to the DA 17K tunnel
inlet, a Rack & Pinion tunnel opening
may be used.
Rack & Pinion is a heavy duty and stable
system with a good and solid closing

mechanism, ensuring a correct, insulated

and sealed door. Rack & Pinion is mounted directly in the wall of the livestock
house with a cooling pad.

thicknesses and materials. SKOV supplies the critical components, including

various mounting sets, to ensure optimal
functioning of the air intake.

Tunnel Door Light

The tunnel door light system is
an extremely flexible lightweight system,
which may be adapted to most wall

Due to the insulated inlet flaps of the DA 17K tunnel inlet, cold areas are avoided in front of the inlet
and the animals are given optimum conditions.


EN 201503

Hedelund 4 DK-7870 Roslev
Tel.: (+45) 7217 5555


SKOV Asia Ltd.

PB Tower TH-10110 Bangkok
Tel.: (+66) 2 382 3031-2

Climate for Growth

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