Metal Building and Roofing System
Metal Building and Roofing System
Metal Building and Roofing System
eMag - Lounge
Digitized knowledge for Construction
Metal building and Roong system
With the evolution of urbanisation and sustainability there has been signicant development in metal
buildings and roong systems. Metal buildings are versatile in their applications and usage. These pre-
engineered steel buildings are very useful for outdoor storage purposes and they are known for their
strength, durability, versatility & cost-effectiveness. Today, owners want high-performing and beautiful
roong systems that can take on the many challenges that the ever-changing outdoor conditions present.
Consumers want a roof that can withstand the exterior elements. In short, there is now a demand for roong
systems that are not only aesthetically pleasing but structurally robust as well.
It is no secret that technology is constantly evolving and rapidly changing the landscape of many different
industries. This ranges from increasing the efciency of day-to-day operations to manufacturing new and
advanced high-tech products. In this edition of eMag-Lounge, we have therefore focused on topics such
as pre engineered metal buildings, hybrid buildings, roong ventilation and roong tiles.
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ir intake and exhaust Given below are few of the products avail- they are installed at the peak of a roof's
vents are used in venti- able for you for your energy vents are also ridge, allowing for trapped warm air to
lating steep-slope roof called attic vents; these vents ensure there escape from the attic. It also works better
assemblies to provide a is a good amount of airflow and ventilation because it allows external moving creating
means of allowing out- in your attic. The general purpose of roof a vacuum when the wind blows over the top
side air to enter and exit vents is to keep cool in the summer and dry of the roof. This helps create the right air bal-
attics and ventilation during the colder months. Encouraging nat- ance in your attic, which plays an important
spaces in cool climates, ural airflow and circulation makes your role in keeping your home comfortable.
the main objective of attic or roofing system home more comfortable by providing a way
air flow is to keep a chilly roof temperature to for hot, moist, or stale air to leave the house. The method behind roof ventilation
manage ice dams created by melting snow, Attic ventilation is important in both hot and
as well as to duct moisture that relocates cold climates. The roof design should provide plenty of air
from the conditioned area to the attic. Air space for insulation and air flow under the
consumption as well as Plain tile vent are uti- Unventilated or poorly ventilated attics don't roof and eaves. And, a correctly designed
lized in aerating steep-slope roof covering have an escape route for the heat that system will precisely balance the intake and
settings to offer a means of permitting out- builds up. This buildup of heat can damage exhaust ventilation under the roof so that the
side air to go into as well as exit attics and air your shingles from the inside out. An evenly attic is slightly pressurized, preventing con-
flow areas. Roof vents intake vents are uti- vented roof will allow the hot air to escape ditioned air from being sucked out too
lized to permit outside air to participate in keeping your roof and attic cooler. Continu- quickly through the vents, thus increasing
attics as well as air flow rooms. ous ridge vents are more effective because heating and cooling costs.
Ventilation only works when air flows. There When the temperature increases outside, right amounts and directions throughout
are two primary methods to create air flow we all want to stay cool inside. A properly the roofing system.
within an attic: vented roof allows heat to escape, thereby
reducing the workload on your air condi- Different types of roof vents
Ÿ Mechanical. Requires a power source. tioner. This one is simple: an air conditioner
Ÿ Natural. Whenever possible, natural that's running less means a lower electric Air intake and exhaust vents are used in ven-
roof ventilation is used. The stack bill. tilating steep-slope roof assemblies to pro-
effect and the wind effect work vide a means of allowing outside air to enter
together to naturally circulate air. These indoor temperature extremes are and exit attics and ventilation spaces.
often the result of poorly vented roofs. Once
The stack effect occurs when hot air rises your roof is adequately vented to allow the EXHAUST VENTS
and creates a higher pressure at high points hot air to escape and the cool air to enter the
in the attic. Hot air that escapes is known as attic space, your home will be more com- Exhaust vents allow exhaust to escape,
exhaust. However, this hot air cannot fortable year-round. some of the popular types are given below.
escape without an inlet for cooler, low-
pressure air. Cool air that enters is referred A well-designed and properly installed attic Wind Turbines/Whirlybird Ventilation
to as intake. When the wind blows against ventilation system, accompanied by good
the outside of a roof and increases the vol- attic insulation, will provide excellent tem- Wind turbines are also commonly called
ume of intake and exhaust, it is known as perature and moisture control to protect whirlybirds. These are one of the oldest
the wind effect. Intake and exhaust gener- your home from unnecessary damage and types of roof vents available. You might rec-
ate the natural flow of air to create a well- help maintain comfortable internal temper- ognize the wind turbine from older homes or
vented attic. atures year-round. even your childhood homes. Maybe your
home now has one.
Benefits of roof ventilation A roof ventilation system works by providing
a continual flow of air through the attic The wind turbine roof vent uses no electric-
Ventilation benefits a roof when it's hot out- space, helping remove overheated air and ity. It processes on air movement alone, as
side as well. When the temperature outside moisture from the attic and roof system and the name suggests. Wind powers this
rises, the temperature on your roof can be reduce the impact of changing tempera- puppy to circulate and vent air. As the wind
nearly double. A hot roof over a poorly tures and moisture conditions both inside turbine spins, the vanes pull hot and humid
vented attic translates into a very hot attic. and outside the home. air out. This process removes the stale air
from your attic or roof space, freshening up
Unventilated or poorly ventilated attics don't The system that allows the ventilation of air the space and potentially cooling as well by
have an escape route for the heat that to take place consists of intake vents and natural means.
builds up. This buildup of heat can damage exhaust vents installed at strategic intervals
your shingles from the inside out. An evenly in the attic or roof area. Several different POWER VENTS
vented roof will allow the hot air to escape types of vents may be used in different loca-
keeping your roof and attic cooler. tions to provide for attic air to circulate in the These types of roof vents operate on elec-
tric power. They are often referred to as elec-
tric-powered attic vents. These powered
vents can be mounted on your roof or your
gable. You can choose from several differ-
ent colors to get one that blends with your
other colors. Additionally, the roof power
vents are primarily low-profile. They are
small and round and set close to your roof.
There are 2 main types of powered vents –
Wind Powered Warehouse Ventilation hardwired models and solar-powered mod-
Secondary school with passive ventilation els.
system in Gando village, Burkina Faso
Hardwired Power Roof Vents
An ab anbar (water reservoir) with
double domes and windcatchers
(openings near the top of the The most common Power roof vent is a hard-
towers) in the central desert city of wired power roof vent. If you decide to use a
Naeen, Iran. Windcatchers are a roof vent that is not solar-powered, this is
form of natural ventilation. what you will be using. This type of roof vent
is directly wired into your home and typically
attached to a thermostat/humidistat to oper-
ate the vent. However, they might also be
operated by a manual switch instead. The
Roofing ventilation being used in hardwired roof vent can be attached to
Vukovar, Croatia either a hole cut into your roof or they can be
mounted to a gable. As with various other is typically located near the ridge. These are this type of vent system.
vent types, it is ideal to pair your hardwired long and thin in shape. These vents remove
vent with an intake vent, such as a soffit moisture and hot air from your attic or roof Ridge vents are designed to be installed at
vent. space. the peak of a roof slope. They are almost not
visible to the naked eye, which perhaps con-
Solar-Powered Roof Vents Box Vents tributes to its popularity. Ridge vents are
slightly more expensive than other vent
Solar-powered roof vents are slightly differ- Box vents are another popular and well- options.
ent from hardwired roof vents because they known vent option. You most likely have
are powered by solar power. These roof seen that small box sitting on a rooftop. You These vents are designed to provide an
vents have a solar panel attached to the may even see a rooftop with several sitting even distribution of air, rather than just vent-
mount, and they are ultimately powered by atop it. When it comes down to it, the most ing specific spots or areas. This feature
the sun's rays charging the panel. These are commonly recommended vents are either helps to make this one of the most efficient
ideal if your roof gets a lot of natural light. If ridge vents or box vents. roof venting options now available.
your roof is shaded during the day, then this
is probably not an ideal solution for you. The Box vents are often combined with soffit ven- Cupola Vents
solar panel powers the fan and moves tilation techniques for optimal performance.
masses of air out to help cool the attic or These types of roof vents do not use elec- The cupola vent is also a great way to just
roof space. These do not typically move as tricity. They work best with open attic plans. give your roof a little something extra. These
much air as hardwired models. The way the vent works is the winds flow vents are very large but also very nice. The
through and combined with the soffit, the cupola vent is more common on sheds,
Off- ridge vents vent pulls moisture and hot air out of the barns, and outbuildings than on most
attic. houses. However, it is an effective vent that
Off-ridge vents are a lesser-known vent. is still in use today.
They are not as popular as other types of Ridge Vents
vents and in fact, can be hard to find infor- The cupola vent's original purpose was to
mation on. They operate similarly to box Ridge vents are the newest and greatest allow ventilation and light through one
vents, which we discuss next. Off-ridge venting innovation. It seems like these have source into an attic or roof space area.
vents require a cutout in the roof. quickly become one of the more popular These types of roof vents sit directly on the
venting options. If you are getting a new ridge of a roof and air continually passes
They are then mounted in the cutout, which roof, your roofing company may push for through them.
Hip Vents
Soffit Vents
Shamanth Kumar M
Project Engineer and
Manager of Design Services
Salarpuria Sattva Group
teel is the material of choice dition. An efficiently designed pre- the maximum. PEBs have gained a
for design because it is inher- engineered building can be lighter than global reputation for durability, water
ently ductile and flexible. It the conventional steel buildings by up- and earthquake resistance. PEBs are tre-
flexes under extreme loads to 30%. Lighter weight equates to less mendously versatile – they are easy to
rather than crushing and steel and a potential price savings in set-up, expand, modify, and transport
crumbling. Structural steels low cost, structural framework. to different locations. They are environ-
strength, durability, design flexibility, mentally friendly and can be aestheti-
adaptability and recyclability continue A Hangar is a closed structure to hold cally designed with unique features. An
to make it the material of choice in aircraft or spacecraft in protective stor- estimated 20-30% can be saved on
building construction. Fast construc- age. Hangars are used for protection cost, as compared to conventional
tion lowers overhead expenses for con- from weather, protection from direct building methods.
struction management services. Steel is sunlight, maintenance, repair, manu-
extensively used in the construction of facture, assembly and storage of air- PEBs can be delivered to a site in just 5
industrial buildings of large spans with craft on airfields, aircraft and ships. Han- to 8 weeks - conventional steel struc-
or without cranes (medium and heavy gars need special structures to be built. tures take as much as 20 to 25 weeks to
buildings), where the concrete con- The width of the doors is too large and complete. The unique techniques
struction is not feasible. spans from 30 meters to 120 meters, employed during fabrication help PEBs
thus enables the aircraft entrance. The be up-to 30% lighter than regular steel
In structural engineering, a pre- bigger the aircraft are to be introduced, products. No welding or fabrication is
engineered building (PEB) is designed the more complex structure is needed. required at the construction site, result-
by a manufacturer to be fabricated Hence Pre-Engineered buildings are spe- ing in greater speed and efficiency.
using a pre-determined inventory of cially designed and engineered to fit
raw materials and manufacturing meth- together to satisfy the unique require- CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS
ods that can efficiently satisfy a wide ments of specific end-uses.
range of structural and aesthetic design A healthy trend in the form of growth in
requirements. Pre-engineered steel INTRODUCTION demand for construction works in resi-
buildings can be fitted with different dential, Commercial, Institutional,
structural accessories including mezza- Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEBs) are the Industrial and Infrastructure sectors are
nine floors, canopies, fascia's, interior latest trend in India. A PEB is a metal being seen over the past decade. Mod-
partitions etc. and the building is made building that consists of light gauge ern Structures are much more complex
water proof by use of special mastic metal standing seam roof panels on and sophisticated as compared to ear-
beads, fillerr strips and trims. steel purlins spanning between rigid lier period. One of the major changes
frames with light gauge metal wall clad- which are being felt by all is that the
In pre-engineered building concept the ding. They drastically reduce construc- present structures are taller and thin-
complete designing is done at the fac- tion time. Maintenance is also ner. Modern day requirement of struc-
tory and the building components are extremely low. PEBs optimally utilize tures is that these should be lighter yet
brought to the site in knock down con- resources, and leverage technology to not compromising on functionality.
Civil engineering construction has seen
a continual economic competition
between steel, concrete and other con-
struction materials.
available and that it is possible to con- once thought impossible. Steel struc- The most common and economical
struct a structure using local sources of tures have reserve strength. Simple type of low rise buildings is a building
labor and materials. stick design in the steel framing allows with ground floor and two intermedi-
construction to proceed rapidly from ate floor plus roof. The roof of low rise
Ÿ Steel Buildings the start of erection. buildings may be flat or sloped. Inter-
mediate floors of low rise buildings are
A steel building is a metal structure fab- Ÿ Conventional Steel Buildings made of mezzanine systems. Single sto-
ricated with steel for the internal sup- ried houses for living take minimum
port and for exterior cladding, as Conventional Steel buildings are con- time for construction and can be built
opposed to steel framed buildings sultant and conservative. The Structural in any type of geographical location like
which generally use other materials for members are hot rolled and are used in extreme cold hilly areas, high rain prone
floors, walls, and external envelope. conventional buildings. The materials areas, plain land obviously and extreme
Steel buildings are used for a variety of are produced or manufactured in the hot climatic zones as well.
purposes including storage, work plant and are shifted to the site. The
spaces and living accommodation. raw materials are processed in the site ADVANTAGES OF PEBs
for the desired form and erected. The
Ÿ Timber Buildings modifications can be done during erec- Ø Reduction in Construction Time:
tion by cut and weld process. Truss sys- Buildings are typically delivered in
Timber Buildings are more feasible in tems are used in conventional system. just a few weeks after approval of
areas where wood materials are easily drawings. Foundation and anchor
accessible, wood construction is often Ÿ Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings bolts are cast parallel with fin-
considered to be the cheapest and best ished, ready for the site bolting. In
approach for small housing structures. Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings are man- India the use of PEB will reduce
Wooden or timber buildings are con- ufactured or Produced in the plant total construction time of the pro-
structed in western countries where itself. The manufacturing of structural ject by at least50%. This also
temperatures are too low. In wooden members is done on customer require- allows faster occupancy and ear-
buildings the members such as beams, ments. The detailed structural mem- lier realization of revenue.
columns and roofs are made of wood. bers are designed for their respective Ø Lower Cost: Due to the systems
The wooden buildings may be in location and are numbered, which can- approach, there is a significant sav-
thatched, gypsum and ply wood sheet- not be altered, because members are ing in design, manufacturing and
ing etc. manufactured with respect to design on site erection cost. The second-
features. These components are made ary members and cladding nest
STEEL BUILDINGS in modular or completely knocked con- together reducing transportation
dition for transportation. These materi- cost.
Today's structural steel framing is bring- als are transported to the customer site Ø Flexibility of Expansion: Build-
ing grace, art and function together in and are erected. Welding and cutting ings can be easily expanded in
almost limitless ways and is offering process are not performed at the cus- length by adding additional bays.
new solutions and opportunities to cre- tomer site. No manufacturing process Also expansion in width and
ate challenging structures, which were takes place at the customer site. height is possible by pre designing
for future expansion.
Ø Larger Spans: Buildings can be
supplied to around 80M clear
Ø Quality Control: As buildings are
manufactured completely in the
factory under controlled condi-
tions the quality is assured.
Ø Low Maintenance: Buildings are
supplied with high quality paint
systems for cladding and steel to
suit ambient conditions at the site,
which results in long durability
and low maintenance costs.
Ø Energy Efficient Roofing and
PEB Structure Wall Systems: Buildings can be
supplied with polyurethane insu- urban, individual and mass housing pro- Ø Equipment housing/shelters.
lated panels or fiberglass blankets jects, farmhouses, slum re-
insulation to achieve required U organization projects and rehabilita- There is a great possibility of improving
values. tion projects, amenity structures like the aesthetic quality with a choice of
Ø Architectural Versatility: Building health centers, kiosks, primary schools, roofing elements, exterior finishes,
can be supplied with various types panchayat etc. The pharmaceutical weather-sheds, color system and varia-
of fascia's, canopies, and curved industries and exhibition centers, and tions in planning as well as massing.
eaves and are designed to receive functional requirements like offices,
pre cast concrete wall panels, cur- seminar halls, call centers, supermar- PEB PROSPECT S IN THE WORLD
tain walls, block walls and other kets, showrooms etc. have also
wall systems. attracted PEB. Earthquake-resistant Technological improvement over the
Ø Single Source Availability: As the buildings are the recent applications of year has contributed immensely to the
complete building package is sup- PEB with wide and immediate accep- enhancement of quality of life through
plied by a single vendor, compati- tance. various new products and services. One
bility of all the building compo- such revolution was the Pre-Engineered
nents and accessories is assured. Applications of Pre Engineered steel buildings. Through its origin can be
This is one of the major benefits of buildings include:- traced back to 1960s its potential has
the pre-engineered building sys- been felt only during the recent years.
tems. Ø Houses & Living Shelters. This was mainly due to the develop-
Ø Factories. ment in technology, which helped in
APPLICATION OF PEB Ø Warehouses. computerizing the design. PEB concept
Ø Sports Halls (Indoor and Out- has been very successful and well estab-
Almost every conceivable building use door). lished in North America, Australia and
has been achieved with PEB; the most Ø Aircraft Hangers. is presently expanding in UK and Euro-
common applications are industrial, Ø Supermarkets. pean countries. PEB construction is 30
institutional and commercial buildings. Ø Workshops. to 40% faster than masonry construc-
Ø Office Buildings. tion. PEB buildings provide good insu-
In India, Pre-engineered building sys- Ø Labour Camps. lation effect and would be highly suit-
tems find application primarily in the Ø Petrol Pumps/Service Buildings. able for a tropical country like India. PEB
construction of Warehouses, & Indus- Ø Schools. is ideal for construction in remote &
trial sheds & Buildings. The recent focus Ø Community centers. hilly areas. A recent survey by the Metal
has also shifted to cover rural as well as Ø Railway Stations Building Associations (MBA) shows
PEB Structure
that about 60% of the nonresidential COMPONENTS OF PEB weld on one side. All end wall roof
low rises building in USA are pre- beams and end wall columns shall be
engineered buildings. A typical assembly of a simple metal cold-formed "C" sections, mill-rolled sec-
building system is shown below to illus- tions, or built-up "I" sections depending
PEB PROSPECTS IN INDIA trate the Synergy between the various on design requirements. Plates, Stiffen-
building components as described ers, etc. All base plates splice plates, cap
Although PEB systems are extensively below: plates, and stiffeners shall be factory
used in industrial and many other non- welded into place on the structural
residential constructions worldwide, it Ø Primary components. members. Built- up I section to build pri-
is relatively a new concept in India. Ø Secondary components. mary structural framing members (Col-
These concepts were introduced to the Ø Sheeting (or) cladding. umns and Rafters).
Indian markets lately in the late 1990s Ø Accessories.
with the opening up of the economy B. Columns
and a number of multi nationals setting Ÿ PRIMARY COMPONENTS
up their projects. India has an installed The main purpose of the columns is to
steel capacity of 35 to 40 million tones A. Main framing transfer the vertical loads to the foun-
& apparent steel consumption is dations. However apart of the horizon-
around 27 to 30 million tones. The cur- Main framing basically includes the tal actions (wind action) is also trans-
rent Pre-Engineered steel building man- rigid steel frames of the building. The ferred through the columns. Basically in
ufacturing capacity is 0.35 million tons PEB rigid frame comprises of tapered pre-engineered buildings columns are
per annum. The industry is growing at columns and tapered rafters (the fabri- made up of I sections which are most
the compound rate of 25 to 30 %. cated tapered sections are referred to economical than others. The width and
as built-up members). The tapered sec- breadth will go on increasing from bot-
FUTURE OF PEB tions are fabricated using the state of tom to top of the column. I section con-
art technology wherein the flanges are sists of flanges and web which are
The steel structures (SS) market in India welded to the web. Splice plates are made from plates by welding.
is in excess of 4.5 Mn.MT, growing at a welded to the ends of the tapered sec-
rapid pace of more than 10% p.a. over tions. The frame is erected by bolting C. Rafter
the past few years. This market has expe- the splice plates of connecting sections
rienced a higher growth compared to together. All rigid frames shall be A rafter is one of a series of sloped
both Indian steel industry as well as welded built-up "I" sections or hot- structural members (beams) that
Indian construction GDP. Overall con- rolled sections. The columns and the raf- extend from the ridge or up-to the wall-
struction sector accounts for majority ters may be either uniform depth or plate, down slope perimeter or eave,
(greater than 80%) of the steel struc- tapered. Flanges shall be connected to and that are designed to support the
tures market (volume terms) in India. webs by means of a continuous fillet roof deck and its associated loads.
Image Source:,,
Ridge Ventilator Adjustable Louvre
ybrid building includes opportunist building, which makes the and products that have properties that are
both the city context most out of its multiple skills, a key player subject to reversible change when
and the architecture which revitalises the urban scene and exposed to external influences such as
itself, which is charac- saves space. light, temperature, electrical charge or
terized by a high pro- any other physical or chemical stimulant.
grammatic complexity. Hybrid buildings are becoming increas- NASA defines 'smart materials” as mate-
It seems like an improved version of ingly common because they make use of rials that are able to 'remember” configu-
mixed use building to solve problems wood, which is a renewable, more eco- rations and adjust to specific stimulants.
related to mixed use such as land scarcity. conscious material than steel, and because There are ample examples of these mate-
'This is hybrid', book by Steven Holl they're often erected more quickly than rials that are used now in construction.
states, the hybrid building is a specimen of buildings that exclusively rely on struc- Thin solar films and organic solar cells are
opportunity which has the mixed-use tural steel. relatively new technical solutions that
gene in its gene code.It turns against the have found its place in architecture.
combination of the usual programs and Hybrid materials Beside them, dye solar cells (DSC mod-
bases its whole raison on the unexpected ules), thermo-electrical generators and
mixing of functions. The hybrid is the con- When describing hybrid materials, the systems that are based on piezoelectric
sequence of a rant against tradition, giv- term 'smart materials' is frequently used properties have also been adopted. Hybrid
ing typology the one finger salute. It is an almost as a synonym. Those are materials properties can also be found in derivatives
Reduced Maintenance
Sustainability & Environmental Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture with DLR Group T3 West Midtown, in Atlanta
Impact without steel, hybrid constructions are tances is reduced fuel consumption and
always made from a combination of less noise and air pollution. Also the cost
Most hybrid constructions are pre-made energy-efficient materials, as this ensures for parking is smaller. In general, costs for
in controlled environments and shipped to lower operational costs. transport are smaller and from economi-
the location, which reduces the amount of cal point of view, for users it is much more
waste typically produced on construction Mobility and user satisfaction convenient to have several functions com-
sites. For environmentally conscious resi- bined in one place.
dents, this is an important benefit. As one Availability of different content in hybrid
of the most often used materials in hybrid buildings is better than for typical build- Source
buildings, steel contributes to the ings. This is based on the fact that hybrids
sustainability of these constructions as integrate different functions within a sin- Verticalcommunityinhybrid, irbnet,
well. Not only can it be recycled at the end gle building or complex. This means that,,
of its lifespan but it's also made from recy- users have to travel less to complete given,,
cled materials in the first place. Steel is the tasks. In a city environment, when one has,
world's most recycled product. With or to use a car, the advantage of smaller dis-
Different types
of roof tiles
oof tiles are bedded and pointed in cement mortar shape with substantial depth that
'hung' from or mechanically fixed. allows it to be laid in the same manner
t h e f r a m e- as other clay or concrete masonry.
work of a roof Given below are a few of the popular Each unit is generally made of clay or
by fixing them types of roof tiles, you can choose the terra-cotta with hollow cavities, or cells,
with nails. one that befits your project needs. inside it. The material is commonly
The tiles are used in floor arches, fireproofing, parti-
usually hung Structural clay roof tiles tion walls, and furring.
in parallel
rows, with Structural clay tile describes a category The most popular and enduring form of
each row overlapping the row below it of burned-clay building materials used structural clay tile is its use in vertical
to exclude rainwater and to cover the to construct roofing, walls, and flooring applications as a structural element. In
nails that hold the row below. There are for structural and non-structural pur- the vertical application, structural clay
also roof tiles for special positions, par- poses, especially in fireproofing appli- tile blocks are used in both columns
ticularly where the planes of the several cations. Also called building tile, struc- and load bearing walls. Likewise, struc-
pitches meet. They include ridge, hip tural terra cotta, hollow tile, and clay tural clay tile blocks were frequently
and valley tiles. These can either be block, the material is an extruded clay used as backing for exterior walls,
Majestic Masterpiece
Horsley Park, NSW
hand, solar shingles offer the appear- throughout the year. Both types of roof A pantile is a type of fired roof tile, nor-
ance of a normal roof without panels, tiles require low maintenance. mally made from clay. It is S-shaped in
but the available space is used less effi- appearance and is single lap, meaning
ciently. Once Terracotta roof tiles are properly that the end of the tile laps only the
installed they have negligible mainte- course immediately below. Flat tiles nor-
Terracotta roof tiles nance requirements for the life of the mally lap two courses. A pantile-
roof. Should a section of the roof ever covered roof is considerably lighter
Terracotta roof tiles do not warp or be damaged or require modification than a flat-tiled equivalent and can be
decompose the way asphalt tiles will (e.g. installing a skylight), only the laid to a lower pitch.
on a roof. In addition, the colour of the affected tiles usually require replace-
terracotta tile is fade proof. Tiles of ment or removal. Terracotta roof tiles Conclusion
terracotta also stand up under sunny, are non-toxic and provided your roof is
rainy, windy, snowy and icy weather clean and healthy, can be suitable for Tile roofs have been present in archi-
conditions. The insulating ability of the collection of rainwater for reuse. tecture for hundreds of years. Many cul-
these clay tiles is high, so homeowners tures have taken advantage of this kind
can save money on utility bills all Pantile roof tiles of shingle, such as Japan, Italy, and
Spain. For this reason, tile shingles
carry with them a sense of timeless-
Terracotta roofing tiles used in a project in Australia
ness which appeals to many buyers in
the present age. They have a distinc-
tive look, are famed for their durability,
and have been constructed from a
wide variety of materials. Tile roofing
gives your home precisely the charac-
ter it needs without having to sacrifice
functionality. Choose as per project
M C A -T i l e . c o m , B o r a l A m e r i c a ,, Majestic Mas-
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