Tutorial Sheet (Atomic Spectroscopy - I) : School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TIET, Patiala Applied Chemistry (UCB008)

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School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TIET, Patiala

Applied Chemistry (UCB008)

Tutorial Sheet (Atomic Spectroscopy – I)

1. What is spectroscopy?
2. What is atomic spectroscopy?
3. What is the difference between atomic absorption and emission spectra?
4. What is an "atomizer"?
5. What kind of light is detected in atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and atomic emission
spectroscopy (AES)?
6. Why is the color of a flame containing sodium atoms different from that of a flame
containing potassium atoms?
7. What is the difference between a total consumption burner and a premix burner? Which is
used for which technique?
8. What is the principle of atomic emission spectrophotometry?
9. List various steps involved until the detection of analyte using AES.
10. Name the factors that affect the intensity of emitted radiation in AES?
11. What are the main limitations of flame photometry (AES)?
12. If E1 and E2 are the energies of ground state and excited state for a metal M, then what is
the wavelength of emitted radiation?
13. What temperature can be achieved by each of the following flames?
(a) air/natural gas
(b) air/acetylene
(c) N2O/acetylene
(d) oxygen/acetylene
14. What is the purpose of the high-energy flame, discharge, or plasma source in atomic
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TIET, Patiala
Applied Chemistry (UCB008)

Tutorial Sheet (Atomic Spectroscopy – II)

1. Which analytical technique AAS or AES is more sensitive to change in temperature and Why?
2. Why is the total consumption burner a satisfactory burner for flame photometry?
3. In AAS, sometime it is imperative to use O2 or N2O oxidant for the fuel-oxidant mixture. What is
that condition when we need to use such strong oxidants?
4. What is the principle of atomic absorption spectrophotometry?
5. What is the role of a monochromator in the atomic absorption spectrophotometer?
6. Describe the process of sputtering.
7. What is the role of inert gas (He or Ne) in the hollow cathode lamp?
8. For the same concentration of Nickel, the absorbance at 352.4 nm was found to be about 30%
greater for a solution that contained 50% ethanol than for an aqueous solution in AA. Explain?
9. What type of metals can’t be easily detected by AAS? Give two examples.
10. Define Lambert-Beer’s law. What do you mean by absorbance and transmittance?
11. Why does Beer's law apply in the case of AA, but not in the case of flame photometry?
12. What are the essential differences between atomic absorption spectrophotometry and flame
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TIET, Patiala
Applied Chemistry (UCB008)

Tutorial Sheet (UV-Vis spectroscopy)

1. What is mean by electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions? Which of these transitions
require more and the lesser energy?

2. What is the difference between an atomic absorption and a molecular absorption spectrum and
why does this difference exist?

3. What is the range of UV and visible region in EMR spectrum?

4. What happens on absorption of UV and infrared radiation by a molecule?

5. Draw relative energies of various types of molecular orbitals. Show various transitions in case of
alkanes (C-C), alkenes (C=C), carbonyl (C=O) and conjugated alkenes (C=C-C=C).

6. What do you understand by the terms: chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic shift,

hypsochromic shift, hyperchromic shift and hypochromic shift?

7. Give the possible transitions in the following molecules:

(a) Methanol (b) Benzoic acid (c) Pyridine (d) Ethane

8. State the importance of the wavelength of maximum absorption λ max. Arrange the following
molecules in order of increasing λmax.

(i) (a) C6H6 (b) CH2=CH2-CH2-CH2=CH2

(c) C6H5CHO (d) C6H5CH=CH-CH=CH2

(ii) (a) (b)

9. (i) Naphthalene and anthracene are colorless, but tetracene is orange. Why?

(ii) -carotene is orange. Why?

10. (i) Aniline shows blue shift in acidic medium. Explain.

(ii) p-Nitrophenol shows red shift in alkaline medium. Explain.

11. Draw the diagram for UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Name the light source used for visible and UV
work. Compare the materials from which cuvettes must be made for UV and visible work. What
is the role of photomultiplier tube?

12. Why σ – σ* transition is not observed by general UV-Vis spectrophtotmeter?

13. Discuss the colour change brought about by a change in H+ concentration in phenolphthalein
and methyl orange indicators.
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TIET, Patiala
Applied Chemistry (UCB008)

Tutorial Sheet (IR Spectroscopy)

1. What do you understand by force constant? How is the force constant of a molecule related to its
vibrational frequency?

2. Calculate the approximate frequency of C-H stretching from the following data:

K = 500 Nm-1, mC = 20 X 10-24 g, mH = 1.6 X 10-24 g.

1 35
3. H Cl has a force constant (k) value of 480 N/m. Calculate the fundamental frequency and its

4. What is the vibrational mode? Draw various vibrational modes of CO2 and H2O. How many bands
will appear in the IR spectra of these molecules?

5. Distinguish between the following from their IR spectra:

(a) Ethanol and dimethyl ether (b) Primary and secondary amines

6. How inter- and intra- hydrogen bonding can be distinguished from IR spectroscopy?

7. How does the O-H stretch in the IR spectrum of a carboxylic acid differ from the O-H stretch of an

8. Why IR absorption due to C=O stretching occurs at higher frequencies than stretching of C=C bond?

9. Distinguish between an ester and ketone on the basis of IR spectroscopy.

10. Rank the following bonds in order of increasing stretching frequency (cm-1) in IR spectroscopy:
O-H, C≡N, C-N and C=O

11. Write IR absorption frequencies (cm-1) for the following groups:

(i) Alkane -C-H, C-C (ii) Alkene =CH, C=C (iii) Alkyne ,
(iv) Alcohols O-H (v) Ether C-O (vi) Aldehyde, Ketone C=O
(vii) Nitrile (viii) Amine C-N

12. IR spectra are often characterized as molecular finger-prints. Comment on it.

13. Why are inorganic compounds useful as sample “windows” and matrix material for IR analysis?

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