Volume 19 Number 2
Kashmir Sapphire
David Atkinson and Rustam Z. Kothavala
Editorial Forum
Gem Trade Lab Notes
Gem News
Gemological Abstracts
Suggestions for Authors
Book Reviews
ISSN 0016-626X
Richard T. Liddicoat, Jr.
Associate Editor
Peter C. Keller
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Gems s)Gemology is published quarterly by the Gemological Institute of America, a nonprofit educational
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Any opinions expressed in signed articles arc understood to be the views of the authors and not of the publishers.
ver a period of time, the laboratories of the Gemological Institute of America have
worked with a number of individuals and firms whose occupation is the synthesis
of gem materials. The products of many of these manufacturers have been described in
the pages of this journal. In the process we have found wide variations in attitude toward
the consuming public, the jewelry industry, and gem testing laboratories. There are huge
differences in the degree to which manufacturers cooperate in their efforts to help jewelers and gemologists distinguish their products from natural counterparts. Some manufacturers provide information and samples before marketing a new product, some make
continuing supplies available without charge, or at cost for use in instructional purposes;
and a few go so far as to try to build some identifying characteristic into their manufactured gem materials.
Unfortunately, there are others who are not only uncooperative in the avenues mentioned, but seem to make every effort to make products that are indistinguishable from
natural gemstones.
It is one thing for a very well equipped scientific gemological laboratory to be able to
distinguish natural from artificial materials, but it is something else for the average,
relatively poorly equipped small jeweler to detect the artificial product. Synthetics cut
by hand by native workers in the Orient often have a deceptively natural appearance that
one limited to the use of a loupe or even a microscope, but without significant experience, would find almost impossible to detect.
It is our opinion that the manufacturer owes the consuming public, as well as the jewelry
industry, a high degree of cooperation, and that he or she should make every effort to
ensure that synthetic gem materials are as readily identifiable as it is in the realm of
possibility for that manufacturer to accomplish.
We commend those who do their best to assist. We condemn the approach of those who
do their best to deceive.
Summer 1983
By David Atkinson and Rustam Z. Kothavala
T h e unique beauty of gem sapphires from
Kashmir has brought fame to a locality
about which little has been reported in
recent years. After an initial burst of
activity 100 years ago, the production of
these gemstones has slowed to a trickle
and the majority of the corundum from
these mines today is of industrial grade.
Despite evidence of other gem mineral
occurrences i n the area, difficult terrain
and political factors have impeded their
exploitation. This article, the result of an
expedition to the deposits in 1981,
chronicles the history of the Kashmir
mines, describes the characteristics o f the
sapphires found there, and examines the
outlook for the future of this area.
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
As early as 1882 {Mallett)and 1890 (La Touche),
reports by government geologists to the Geological Survey of India concurred that the discovery
of sapphires in a glacial cirque above the village
of Sumjam, on the southwest slopes of the rugged
Zanskar Range (figure 3), was the result of a land-
slide that took place some time in 1881 (see chronology in box). Minor quakes and avalanches are
frequent in this geologically active region. It is
clear from various letters and communications by
missionaries and traders who lived in the area at
the time that the local inhabitants had been aware
Figure 2. Zanslzari traders,
crossing the high mountain
passes, were first
responsible for bringing
the sapphires from Paddar
to the attention of the
outside world. Photo by
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
-- -- -
Disputed borders
State boundaries
Major peaks
International boundaries
Mining districts
'igure 3. M a p
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
10 c
7 C
--.- A,.1 b . J L111 1U111, dllU / .J L l l l WAUC aLC UUg 1IU111
3 .
K. V. Gaines visits the deposits, gaining acc;ess from the south. The first western geolc)gist to visit the site in many years, he col1ects some specimens, which are later lost.
. . hu.y -Amra+!-,-.-ad:n
11945- Spul-aukL
p i . l v * l L c I-----1coocC-a. n
1951 though production is substantial, the stones
are not as good as those found during the
1952- 1
1959 1
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
Figure 4. Panorama of the cirque in which the sapphires were first found, showing 11) Rubellite Mine,
4,650 m ; (2) Old Mine, 4,500 m ; (3) New Mines, 4,550 m ; (4) burrows dug b y early miners for shelter;
of the Geological Survey of India's deputy superintendent, T. D. La Touche, to carry out the first
detailed survey and estimate of future potential.
La Touche's results were presented in his landmark report of 1890. Since then, only one comprehensive survey has been published (Middlemiss, 1931).Later surveys, undertaken by various
government agencies since India's independence
in 1947 and extending to the late 1970s, remain
On the recommendations of La Touche, crude
washing troughs were constructed, using lumber
carried from hundreds of meters below the mine.
However, his attempts to exploit the alluvial
deposits already discovered on the floor of the
cirque at the base of the Old Mine yielded only
one spectacular stone, and the mine was abandoned for 16 years until the government leased
the prospect to private interests (Minerals Yearbook, 1906).It is evident from the frequent change
in lessees that followed that the combination of
impossibly harsh mining conditions, constant
raiding by unauthorized parties, and the lack of
major crystals made mining less and less attractive. Nevertheless, several interesting developments during this period pointed the way to future potential for the mines. La Touche had
reported finding loose blocks of corundum in matrix on the north slope behind the Old Mine,
known as the "back slope" (see figure 5), but was
unable to trace this material to its exact source.
In addition, he postulated the existence of further
Figure 5. Schematic cross section through the northeast wall of Kudi Valley shows
pegmatite lenses distributed through the altered marble (actinolite-tremolite). Only those
lenticles at the surface have been excavated. After Middlemiss, 1931.
m above
sea level
Sapphire mines
I A-
Back slope
Pegmatite lenses
Actinolitetremohte body
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
(5) geologically important actinolite-tremolite body; (6)placers; and (7) typical pegmatite
intrusion with large pegmatite boulder below. From photos by R. Kothavala.
From placers
Summer 1983
parable" stones emerged. With the final dismantling of the maharajah's political power in 1967,
the last connections between the maharajah of
Kashmir and the Paddar mines were broken. Effective control of the mines now rests with the
state government of Jammu and Kashmir. Over
the past 30 years mining has been intermittent.
In 1981 the mines were inactive, although at the
time of writing negotiations are once again under
way to lease the area to private interests.
The Zanslzar Range occurs in an area of discontinuity in the Great Himalayan mountain range
and is separated from the Karalzoram and Hindu
Kush ranges by the feature lznown as the Indus
suture, through which the Indus River flows. Although very little is known about the crystalline
roclzs of Zanslzar, the local formations bear many
similarities to those of the Hunza Valley, 350 lzm
to the north, which was recently described by
Gubelin (1982). One important difference is the
age of the metarnorphics, which are CambroSilurian [Lydelzlzer, 1883)) as distinct from the
younger Eocene roclzs of the Karalzoram Range
(Gansser, 1964).
The mineralogy of the Paddar deposit is relatively simple but appears to be unique among
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
clear: further deposits of sapphire and more common pegmatite minerals are certain to exist in the
area. Their discovery, however, may be delayed
indefinitely by the treacherous terrain and long,
harsh winters.
The mines are situated in the northeast wall
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
radically, during an era of declining British influence in the Indian Empire. The rulers in the
fiercely,.independent dominion of Kashmir were
widely accepted as being above British law, and
therefore immune from many of the tributary
pressures usually incumbent on subjects of colonial empires. Those who wished to acquire remarkable Kashmir sapphires would most certainly have to pay for them. The closely guarded
collection of prize crystals and faceted stones
housed in the toshakhana, or State Treasury, was
seen only by a privileged few. Some of the more
important pieces are described here.
La Touche (1890) reports seeing several crystals about 12.5 x 7.5 cm (5 x 3 in.) that were blue
and transparent in the center fading to colorless
at the ends. Such crystals undoubtedly weighed
thousands of carats. Of rough crystals, the largest
and most impressive was a fragment almost
spherical in shape and of a deep blue color, estimated to be "larger than a croquet ball." Many
cases of cut stones of fine color "superficially as
large as florins" were also described [Middlemiss,
1931). One can only surmise that such stones
weighed over 20 ct. Several witnesses report large
crystals in the possession of certain government
officials in the 1880s (Mallett, 1882). Theirs
whereabouts are now unknown. In 1887, La
Touche exposed a gemmy crystal weighing over
930 ct. in the washings of the placers. Whether
this was ever cut has not been recorded. Certainly, the royal jewels of the maharajahs of KashKashrnir Sapphire
mir and Jaipur were known to contain breathtalzing examples. This is presumably still the case.
Over the years, as production of large stones
dwindled, the disposition of new important stones
became less and less public. The presentation in
1934 by the Duke of Kent to Princess Marina of
an engagement ring set with a large, square-cut
Kashmir sapphire focused the attention of international jewelers on these stones, which were already in short supply [Hadford-Watlzins, 1935).
Few examples of rough or faceted Kashmir sapphires are on display in the major museums of the
The following account serves to illustrate the
current availability of Kashmir stones over 20 ct.
In early 1980, a leading authority and supplier of
gem sapphires in the United States was nonplussed to receive rather urgent requests from a
dozen different sources for a fine cushion-cut
Kashmir sapphire of 25 ct. After learning that the
sapphire was intended as a gift at a certain royal
wedding, the dealer redoubled his efforts to locate
a suitable stone. Only two pieces could be located, one of which was patently unavailable.
Notwithstanding the auspicious circumstances,
negotiations for the other stone broke down and
the order was never filled (R. Miller, 1982, personal communication).
The mines are not operating at this time. Permission to work the site falls under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Mining and Geology,
Jammu and Kashmir government, and a police
guard maintains a year-round vigil at or near the
site. In the past, gems have been sold at infrequent state government auctions. The most recent of these took place in Srinagar in 1969, where
some 57,000 ct of gem rough were sold (Australian Financial Review, 1969). Judging by the proceeds of this sale (approximately US$20,000) the
number of important pieces must have been low.
Details of a previous sale in 1965 are not known.
As a result of the rapid decline in official mining activity over the past 30 years, more and more
of today's trade in Kashrnir sapphires is falling
into the hands of the indigenous population (figure 13). The strict laws forbidding private trade
in sapphires are a deterrent against any organized
collecting or excavating. Nevertheless, every year
a handful of fine stones found by shepherds on the
hillsides make their way out of the Paddar Valley
to be sold in Delhi. Probably because of the inGEMS & GEMOLOGY
Summer 1983
Australian Financial Review (1969) Kashrnir. October 16,
p. 35.
Bauer M. (1906)Precious Stones. Translated by L. J. Spencer,
Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, VT, 1969.
Burton R.C. (19131 Note on a twinned crystal of hambergite
from Kashmir. Records of the Geological Survey of India,
Vol. 43, pp. 168-172.
Coggin Brown J. (1956) Sapphires of India and Kashmir. The
Gemmologist, Vol. 25, No. 298, pp. 77-80; No. 299, pp.
97-100; NO. 300, pp. 129-132.
Gaines R.V. (1946) The Kashmir Sappire Mines. Himalayan
Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 73-77.
Gaines R.V. (1951)The sapphire mines of Kashmir. Rocks a )
Minerals, Vol. 26, p. 464.
Gansser A. (1964) Geology of the Himalayas. John Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY,
Gubelin E.J. (1982)Gemstones of Pakistan: emerald, ruby, and
spinel. Gems el Gemology, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 123-139.
Hadford-Watkins J.F. (1935) Kashmir sapphires. The Gernmologist, Vol. 4, No. 42, pp. 167-172.
Holland T.(1930)Mineral production of India 1924-28. Rec-
Kashmir Sapphire
Summer 1983
Figure 1. The D i a m o n d M a s t ~ r ~a ~ ,
thermal testing instrument
manufactured by Presidium
Diamond PTE Ltd. and marketed by
GEM Instruments Corporation.
Summer 1983
Figure 2. Diagramatic
sketch of the
DiamondMaster probe,
showing the principal
components of the sensor.
Heat energy can be transferred by three methods:
conduction, convection, and radiation. In solids
Summer 1983
TABLE 1. Thermal properties of gem materials, synthetics, and simulants as well as some metals at room
(cal/cm OC sec) (cal/gm OC)
(cal/cm2 OC secfi)
The G E M DiamondMaster
Summer 1983
TABLE 1. Thermal properties of g e m materials, synthetics, a n d simulants as well as some metals at room
temperature.' (Continued)
(cal/cm OC sec)
(cal/gm 'C)
(cal/cm2 OC sec*)
Silver 100%
Silver 69%, gold 31% (weight)
Silver 34%, gold 66% (weight)
Gold 100%
Platinum, 10% iridium
aUnless another reference is indicated by a superscript letter, the values for conductivity and density
were taken from Horai, 1971; for specific heal, from Robie and Waldbaum, 1968. * = Assumed value;
not found in the literature.
"Burgemeister, 1978.
'Webster, 1975.
dChemical Rubber Co., 1966.
"Clark, 1966.
'Washburn, 1929.
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Burgemeister E.A. (1978)Thermal conductivity of natural diamond between 320 and 450 degrees K. Physico, Vol. 93B,
pp. 165-179.
Carslaw H.S., Jaeger J.C. (19591Conduction of Heat in Solids,
2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.
Chemical Rubber Company (1966) Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics, 47th ed. Boca Raton, EL.
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Figure 2. Using the same methods as their
19th-century predecessors, miners remove
material from the newly reopened Mina El
Buey. Mine owner Joaquin Ontiveros reported
that Mina E l Buey was last worked over 100
years ago.
Opal from the Querktaro area typically has lower
properties than the Australian material. The refractive index is usually around 1.42 to 1.43; the
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
sions, the ease with which they might be analyzed, their photogenic nature, and in some cases
because of their rarity and uniqueness. The following discussion reports the results of this investigation, which led to the definitive identification of a number of the included minerals and
the revelation of some heretofore unreported inclusion phenomena in opals.
Three-Phase Inclusions. When we observe an inclusion that appears to be a negative crystal such
as that illustrated in figure 10, one of the last
gemstones to come to mind as a possible host is
opal, because, by virtue of its amorphous nature,
opal should not house negative crystals that contain the liquid, gas, and solid components of a
three-phase fluid inclusion. Figure 10, however,
illustrates just such a three-phase inclusion in a
Mexican opal. The following explanation is offered for its existence. Perhaps during initial formation in its extrusive igneous host, the opal captured and included a euhedral crystal, a carbonate
such as calcite or dolomite. If the opal's environment and the natural water it contains in its
structure turned somewhat acidic, the rhombohedral carbonate crystal could be dissolved, leaving behind a rhombohedron-shaped cavity that
would now be filled with a portion of the dissolving solution and an accompanying gas bubble.
Any insoluble inclusions in the original carbonate crystal would be left behind as solids.
In addition, if the dissolving solution brought
chemically suspended impurities with it, these,
too, could be deposited in the void left by dissolution of the carbonate crystal in the opal host.
Study of figure 10 immediately reveals the obvious liquid and gas phases present. A closer examination reveals numerous tiny red solid phases
attached to the surface of the void which dent the
gas bubble where they are trapped between it and
the walls of the cavity, proving that they are inside the bubble with the liquid and gas phases.
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
tral core of this crystal is still fresh blaclz hornblende, while the outside has completely altered
to limonite. Notice, too, that in the pseudomorph
example, the external morphology of the original
hornblende remains intact.
Goethite. Another inclusion observed and studied
was a columnar mass of an earthy, red-brown
color showing a circular cross section and a concentric radial structure (figure 13). A tentative
visual identification of this and many similar inclusions suggested that the material was goethite,
FeO(OH), a common alteration product of ironbearing minerals such as hematite, pyrite, and
As with the hornblende, X-ray diffraction
proved the visual identification to be correct: the
inclusion is indeed goethite.
Hematite. Intermixed and closely associated with
goethite in Mexican opals is hematite. Close
microscopic examination of goethite-containing
areas in the opals will often reveal small amounts
Fluorite. A few very small, transparent, nearcolorless cubes with octahedrally modified corners were noticed by the authors. Polarized pinpoint illumination showed no evidence of double
refraction. The cubes were in direct association
with hematite. Two of the cubes are perched on
the edge of a single tabular hematite crystal. As
this opal is in a private collection, no further testing could be carried out. However, the habit,
transparency, and single refraction of these inclusions strongly suggest fluorite.
Quartz. A small, tumble-polished sample of almost-colorless Mexican opal contained numerous
small, essentially colorless, euhedral prismatic
crystals apparently terminated by rhombohedra1
faces. Under polarized light with a first-order red
compensator, the inclusions, as illustrated in figure 14, stood out vividly as doubly refractive solids in the singly refractive host opal. A Beclze line
test showed that the refractive index of the inclusions was higher than that of the opal. In transmitted light, little relief could be seen between
the opal and the inclusions, suggesting that the
R.I. of the inclusions was relatively close to that
of the opal; but the double refraction of the inGEMS & GEMOLOGY
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Bauer M. (1904)Precious Stones (transl.of 1896 German text).
Charles Griffin & Co., London.
Burton L.W. (1981) The opals of Querktaro. Gems a ) Minerals,
No. 521. D. 6.
Foshag W.F. (1953) Mexican opal. Gems is) Gemology, Vol. 7,
NO. 9, pp. 278-282.
Fryer C., Crowningshield R., Hurwit K., Kane R. (1982) Gem
Trade Lab notes. Gems el Gemology, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 104.
Keller P.C. (1977) Geology of the Sierra Gallego area, Chihuahua, Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas,
Kunz, G.F. (1907) Precious Stones of Mexico. Secretaria de
Fomento, Mexico City, Mexico.
Mayers D.E. (1947) Mexican black opal. Gems &> Gemology,
Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 475-476.
Ramirez S. (1884)Riqueza Minera de Mexico. Oficina Tipographics de la Secretaria de Fomento, pp. 250-287.
Sinkankas J. (1959)Gemstones of North America, Vol. 1. Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co., Ncw York, NY.
Sinkankas J. (1976)Gemstones of North America, Vol. 2. Van
Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, NY.
Webster R. ( 1975) Gems, Their Sources, Descriptions, and
Identification. Butterworths, London.
Summer 1983
By Peter C. Keller
W i t h the opening of a n e w display area in 1982, this
unique museum in the gem-cutting capital of Europe
has not only doubled in size but has also established
itself as one of the finest gemology exhibits in the
world. ~ h i s ' a r t i c l edescribes both the n e w and old
exhibit areas and discusses some of the organization
and design techniques that have contributed to the
success o f the Deutsches Edelsteinmuseum.
-- -
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
were not known as cut stones prior to the 20th
century, such as cuprite and labradorite. Also featured are gems from localities that are new to the
20th century, such as Indian aquamarine, Pakistani topaz, Afghani tourmaline and lzunzite, and
Brazilian emerald.
The highlight of the new second-floor exhibit
is a walk-in vault containing some of the finest
gems in the museum. The centerpiece in the
vault is a 2-ct diamond, displayed with several
smaller diamonds. Elsewhere, diamonds are displayed in a unique manner on coal (figure 7). The
cases along the far wall of the exhibit include exquisite tanzanites, emeralds, rubies, sapphires,
imperial topaz, and some very fine cameos, one
of which is of ancient Roman origin.
According to Gerhard Beclzer, the vault was
built for two purposes. First, it enables the museum to present special exhibits from all over the
Summer 1983
I n September 1982, Dr. Horst Krupp, of IdarOberstein, sent GIA's Department of Research a
sample of peridot for study. The stone was from
a parcel that supposedly contained enstatite purchased from the Tanzanian State Gem Corporation, the source of a previous lot of enstatite that
Dr. Krupp had already cut and marketed. Material
from the second parcel, however, exhibited no
cleavage -and, during preshaping, displayed hardness characteristics different from those noted in
the first parcel of enstatite. Closer examination
revealed refractive indices that corresponded more
closely to those of peridot than enstatite. These
stones reportedly came from alluvial gem deposits in the vicinity of the Usambara Mountains in
the Umba district near the Tanzania-Kenya border. While peridot from East Africa has been briefly
reported (Bridges, 1982))there has as yet been no
detailed documentation of the material in the
gemological literature.
The rough material examined by Dr. Manson consists of slightly worn-looking or partly corroded
crystals. The crystal surfaces are characterized by
varying degrees of frosting typical of alluvial
transport. Still in evidence, however, are surficial
solution and etch features, which suggest that the
material was not carried far.
The 1.37-ct oval-cut stone now in GINS permanent collection (GIA # 13781) is exceptionally
transparent and bright, with less yellow than is
typical of most peridots. The refractive indices,
measured from the table of the stone with a GEM
Duplex I1 refractometer and sodium light, approximate a = 1.650, B = 1.658, and -y = 1.684, indicating a biaxial positive optic character. The
specific gravity, measured hydrostatically, is approximately 3.25.
The Tanzanian peridot was analyzed using a MAC
electron microprobe at an operating voltage of 15
KeV and beam current of 0.05 PA. The standards
used were periclase for MgO, kyanite for A l a ,
quartz for SiOz, wollastonite for CaO, rutile for
TiOa, chromic oxide for CraOg, almandine-spessartine garnet for MnO, fayalite for FeO, and nickel
oxide for NiO. The data were corrected using the
Ultimate correction program (Chodoset al., 1973).
For purposes of comparison, we also selected
and analyzed peridots from major known localities: Egypt (Zabargad), Burma, Arizona, Norway,
and Mexico (figure 1).The chemical compositions
of these stones and the Tanzanian material are
listed in table 1. Recent gemological and mineralogical literature on peridots from various localities provides additional information on comparable material (e.g., Burns, 1970; Wilson, 1976;
Dunn, 1978; Gubelin, 1981; Steele et al., 1981;
and Koivula, 1981).
The colors of the Tanzanian and 13 other peridots
were determined with the GEM ColorMaster
Ms. Stockton is senior research gemologist and Dr. Manson is
director of research at the Gemological Institute of America,
Santa Monica, CA.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the
California Institute of Technology for the use of its MAC
rnicroprobe, standards, and facilities; and Randy Heuser for
his assistance with those facilities. Thanks also go to Michael
Havstad for the photographs in figures 1, 3, 4, and 5 and to
Susan Kingsbury for the illustrations in figures 2 and 6. Special
appreciation is given to those people whose generous
donations and loans of specimens made it possible to
examine a variety of material.
(''1983 Gemological Institute of America
Summer 1983
(again, see table 1)and converted to CIE color coordinates. Figure 2 shows the positions of the stones
on the relevant portion of the CIE diagram, from
which it is evident that the hue of the Tanzanian
peridot is closer to that of the Norwegian and
Zabargad material than to the hues of the other
peridots. Since the stones from Tanzania, Nor-
TABLE 1. Chemical composition (in weight %) and color of peridot specimens from various l ~ c a l i t i e s , ~
C hemical
and color
CIE x and y
(15 )
(16 )
0.91 3
( I 3034)
( I 3035)
0.1 1
( I 1447)
Summer 1983
(1 1452)
(1 1453)
Summer 1983
Figure 3. A selection from the peridots studied that clearly refutes the idea that the
amount of iron alone accounts for the variety of color observed among peridots. These
stones are arranged (left to right) from lowest to highest proportion MglMg+Fe (i.e., from
most to least FeO present).
We also examined an East African enstatite (GIA
#96B) that we believe to be similar to the ones
confused with the Tanzanian peridot. This stone
at first appears to be quite like peridot (figure 5),
and the refractive indices measured from the table
of the stone-approximately a = 1.669, p =
1.672, and y = 1.679 (biaxial positive)-lie in the
ranges of those for peridot, although the birefringence of enstatite is considerably lower than
that of peridot (approximately 0.010 as compared
to 0.036). The spectra of peridot and enstatite,
however, provide an easy means of distinguishing
Figure 6. Optical absorption spectra of (A)
enstatite from East Africa (GIA #96B), and (B)
peridot from Mexico (GIA #12666),
Summer 1983
the two stones. Although both have been thoroughly documented (Liddicoat, 1980))the spectra
for the enstatite and peridot shown in figure 5 are
reproduced here (figure6) for immediate reference.
Chemical analysis of this same enstatite (see
table 2; performed at the same time as the peridot
analyses) revealed an Mg0:FeO ratio similar to
that of the Tanzanian peridot as well as a somewhat high aluminum content for enstatite (Dunn,
1975176 and 1978; Schmetzer and Krupp, 1982).
These compositional features are characteristic of
enstatite formed in a high-temperature, highpressure geologic environment in which peridot
can also form (Deer et al., 19781.
The dozen or so samples of cut peridot from Tanzania that we have seen are all exceptionally attractive gems with transparency and color comparable to that of material typical of Norway and
to some of the stones from Zabargad. Although
these East African peridots have been confused at
times with enstatite, the characteristic spectra of
the two materials provide an easy means of separation.'The quantity of peridot available from
Tanzania is as yet unknown and will determine
the significance of this material to the gem
Bridges C.R. (1982) Gemstones of East Africa. In D.M. Eash,
Ed., International Gemological Symposium Proceedings
1982, Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica,
CA, pp. 263-275.
Burns R.G. (1970) Crystal field spectra and evidence of cation
ordering in olivine minerals. American Mineralogist, Vol.
55, pp. 1608-1632.
Chodos A.A., Albee A.L., Garcarz A.J., Laird J, (1973) Optimization of computer-controlled quantitative analysis of
minerals. In D.R. Beaman, R.E. Oglivie, D.B. Wittry, Eds.,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Elec-
Weight %
C a0
Fe 0
CIE x and y
'Error is less than weight %.
Summer 1983
B y K. Schmetzer and H. Bank
A cut gemstone with intense chatoyancy that
originated from Sri Lanka was determined to be a
member of the scapolite solid-solution series, Indices
of refraction and unit-cell dimensions were found as
w = 1.583, e = 1.553 a n d 2 = 12.169, = 7.569 A,
respectively; a meionite content of 69% was
established b y microprobe analysis. The chatoyancy
is caused b y needle-like inclusions w i t h an
orientation parallel to the c-axis o f the scapolite host
crystal. Microprobe analysis o f these needles showed
them to be pyrrl~otite.
Ca/(Na+K+Ca)x 100
Summer 1983
In the scapolite solid-solution series, the unitcell dimension g a s well as both refractive indices
w and e increase with the increasing meionite
content of the sample, whereas the unit-cell
dimension g remains more or less constant
(Eugster et al., 1962; Deer et al., 1968; Troger,
1971; Ulbrich, 1978).Comparing the physical data
of the scapolite investigated here with the optical
data and. unit-cell dimensions of scapolites with
similar chemical compositions, as given in the
literature, we found a good congruence of all
values. The meionite content of approximately
70%) as established by microprobe analysis, was
confirmed. Several scapolites with a composition
near 70% meionite have been described in the literature (Ingamells and Gittins, 1967; Evans et al.,
1969; Ulbrich, 1973; Graziani and Lucchesi, 1982);
though rarer, cut gem scapolites of similar composition have also been mentioned in various
articles (Krupp and Schmetzer, 1975; Dunn et al.,
1978; Graziani and Gubelin, 1981; see also, Zwaan
and Arps, 1980).
The chatoyancy in the scapolite described in this
article is caused by needle- or rod-like inclusions
preferentially oriented parallel to the optical axis
of the scapolite host crystal. Some of the needles,
however, are also observed in an orientation different from this direction (as in figure 2). Identification of these needle-like inclusions was
difficult because of their small size. Some of these
inclusions ran in a direction perpendicular to the
small facet that had been cut and polished for
optical purposes; they were found to average 1 to
2 pm in diameter, with some even smaller. A
qualitative microprobe analysis showed that the
Summer 1983
Craig J.R., Scott S.D. (1974) Sulfide Phase Equilibria. Mineralogical Society of America, Short Course Notes, Vol. 1,
Sulfide Mineralogy, Boulder, CO.
Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J. (1963) Rock-Forming
Minerals, Vol. 4, Framework Silicates. Longman, London,
Dunn P.J., Nelen J.E., Norberg J. (1978) On the composition
of gem scapolites. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 16. No. 1,
pp. 4-10,
Eppler W.F. (1958)Notes on asterisrn in spinel and chatoyancy
in chrysoberyl, quartz, tourmaline, zircon and scapolite.
Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 251-263.
Eppler W.F. (1973)Praktische Gemmologie. Ruhle-Diebener,
Stuttgart, Germany.
Eugster H.P., Prostka H J . , Appleman D.E. (1962) Unit-cell
dimensions of natural and synthetic scapolites. Science,
Vol. 137, pp. 853-854.
Evans B.W., Shaw D.M., Haughton D.R. (1969)Scapolite stoichiometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
Vol. 24, pp. 293-305.
Graziani G., Gubelin E. (1981) Observations on some scapolites of Central Tanzania. Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 17,
No. 6, pp. 395-405.
Graziani G., Lucchesi S. (1982)The thermal behavior of scapolites. American Mineralogist, Vol. 67, No. 11/12, pp. 12291241.
Gubelin E. (1968)Die Edelsteine der Insel Ceylon. Gubelin,
Lucerne, Switzerland.
Ingamells C.O., Gittins J. (1967)The stoichiometry of scapolite. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 9, Part 2, pp. 214-236.
Krupp H., Schmetzer K. (1975)Hochlichtbrechender Skapolith
aus Tansania. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen
Gesellschaft, Vol. 24, p. 162.
Schmetzer K., Gubelin E., Medenbach O., Krupp H. (1977)
Skapolith-Katzenauge and Stemskapolith aus ZentralTansania. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gernmologischen
Gesellschaft, Vol. 26, pp. 3 -5.
Troger W.E. (1971) Optische Bestimmung der gesteinsbildenden Minerale, Teil 1 Bestimmungstabellen, 4. Auflage.
Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, Germany.
Ulbrich H.H. (1973)Crystallographic data and refractive indices
of scapolites. American Mineralogist, Vol. 58, No. 112, pp.
8 1-92.
Webster R. (1975) Gems: Their Sources, Descriptions, and
Identifications, 3rd ed. Butterworths, London, England.
Weibel M., Wessicken R., Woensdregt C.F., Wuthrich A. (1980)
Stemsaphir und Sternquarz. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 60, pp. 133136.
Wuthrich A., Weibel M. (1981) Optical theory of asterism.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Vol. 7, pp. 53-54.
Zwaan P.C., Arps C.E.S. (1980) Properties of gemscapolites
from different localities. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 29, pp. 82-85.
Summer 1983
Editorial Forum
Enclosed is a copy of an original manuscript which I
recently acquired. New "finds" of original Kunz
material are rare and this one surfaced through a nongemological source-I therefore believe it to be new to
gemological literature.
T h e inscription was located in a large and bulky
'blank" book, being a collection of autographs, monographs, and inscriptions collected over an estimated
twenty years by a U.S. an~bassador'swife. He apparently served in a variety of positions and, as his wife,
the collector assembled a huge number of inscriptions,
principal'lyfrom well-known political figures. The Kunz
piece w a s t h e only one of gemological interest and prior
to our discovery probably received little attention.
The two thoughts expressed by Kunz are interesting, if not informative, remembering that they are nearly
a century old.
May I take one additional small bit of valuable
space to express m y thanks and appreciation for the
excellence of Gems ei) Gemology in its new format. I
a m sure my colleagues join m e unanimously in appreciation of the high standards of gemological excellence,
editorial ethic and photographic achievement apparent
in every issue.
Stuart J. Malkin
Olde World Gemstones
Sherman Oaks, California
Editorial Forum
Summer 1983
11 1
Chuck Fryer
GIA, Santa Monica
Flights of Fancy
From time to time we encounter examples of some new creation or artistic achievement that is the product of someone's imagination. The
"crusader" diamond illustrated in
the Gem Trade Lab Notes column
of the Winter 1982 issue of Gems
d Gemology and the fish-shaped
diamond pictured in the Spring 1983
column are examples of this. Occasionally we see inclusions in stones
Robert Crowningshield
Gem Trade Laboratory, New York
Karin N. Hurwit
Gem Trade Laboratory, Santa Monica
Robert E . Kane
Gem Trade Laboratory, Los Angeles
Summer 1983
Figure 5. Diagrams of the crown (left) and profile (right) of a rosecut diamond.
In the past few months, the New
York laboratory has received for diamond quality grading several brilliants that have turned out to be
Summer 1983
EMERALD, Synthetic
Summer 1983
Black Non-Nacreous
Natural "Pearl"
One would almost think he were
looking at a polished baroque stone
when observing an item that was
Summer 1983
Here and there were patches resembling clearings in a forest (figure 16).
These took on an iridescent, almost
opal-like quality when turned in the
light. It was determined that the
"pearl," which weighed in excess of
100 grams, was indeed a calcareous
concretion with specific gravity the
same as for natural pearls. We do
not know what mollusc produced it.
Early Mabe?
Recently submitted to the New York
laboratory for identification was a
lattice-work pearl choker in which
what appeared to be gold spacer bars
were enameled white (figure 17).The
necklace consisted of 76 "pearls,"
each approximately 8 mm in diameter, in four rows of 19 each. With
a loupe, one could easily see that the
"pearls" were assembled and probably mabes. The radiograph in figure
18 shows a peculiar rectangular insert as well as the hemispherical
center, the drill hole, and the peg.
The "pearls" did not fluoresce to
X-rays, but we would not expect
Summer 1983
TURQUOISE, Imitation
SAPPHIRE, Color Restoration
Recently in New York we were
shown a ring containing a natural
colorless sapphire that the client said
was a pleasant "Ceylon" yellow before a recent repair job. Dr. Kurt
Nassau had suggested that the client
bring the ring to us for the purpose
of exposing it to X-rays. On two occasions in the past, Dr. Nassau had
restored the color to red tourmaline
that, thought to be ruby, had lost it
through overheating. In these two
cases the color, apparently perrnanent, was restored by the use of
gamma rays.
To control our experiment with
the colorless sapphire, we exposed
the ring and another colorless sapphire from our own collection. When
the two stones reached a medium
dark brownish yellow, we put them
both in a sunny window for about
four hours. When removed, our loose
stone was again colorless, but the
ring stone was now a pleasant yellow, which the owner stated looked
very much like her original stone.
Evidently the natural color center is
different from an induced center,
Andrew Quinlan in our New York lab took
the photos used in figures 1 , 2, 4, 9-12,
,5_18, and 20, shane McClure, in L~~
Anaeles. is resoonsible for tiaures 6. 8.13.
and 19.Mike ' ~ a v s t a din
, Santa Monica;
took the photos used for figures 14, 21,
and 22. Susan Kingsbury, also from Santa
m i c a , supp,jed figures 5 and 7, pigure
3 was provided by Sotheby Parke Bernel,
New York.
Summer 1983
Stephanie Dillon, Editor
Gem News
Summer 1983
Dona M . Dirlam, Editor
Miriam K. Cybul
GIA, New York
Stephanie L. Dillon
GIA, Santa Monica
Bob F, Effler
GIA, Santa Monica
Joseph 0. Gill
Gill & Shorten Ltd., San Francisco
Caroline K. Goldberg
GIA, Santa Monica
Joseph P. Graf
Gem Trade Lab, Inc.,
Los Angeles
Fred L. Gray
GIA, Santa;Monica
~lizabethR. Hardy
GIA, New York
Gary S. Hill
GIA, Santa Monica
Jill M. Hobbs
GIA, Santa Monica
Steven C. Hofer
Santa Monica
Karin N. Hurwit
Gem Trade Lab, lnc.,
Santa Monica
Noel P. Krieger
GIA, Santa Monica
Ernest R. Lalonde
GIA, Santa Monica
Shane F. McClure
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Michael P. Roach
Andin International, New York
Gary A. Roskin
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Gemological Abstracts
Michael L. Ross
GIA, Santa Monica
Andrea L. Saito
GIA, Santa Monica
James E. Shigley
GIA, Santa Monica
Frances Smith
Gem Trade Lab, Inc., Los Angeles
Carol M. Stockton
GIA, Santa Monica
Barbara J. Taylor
Asian Institute of Gemmological
Sciences, Los Angeles
Evelyn Tucker
Anchorage, Alaska
Kerry J. Werner
GIA, Santa Monica
which blanketed approximately one-quarter of the island's surface. The material, primarily basalt, emerged
in the locality now known as the Montaiias de Fuego,
or Timanfaya, and covered a n area of more than 200
square kilometers. Within the magmatic mass are
embedded pyroclastic products, including volcanic
bombs and aggregates of olivine crystals. A secondary
type of olivine is found as coastal detritus, crystallized
grains having been freed by the weathering away of encasing roclzs.
Specimens from various parts of the island were
studied. Those of greatest gemological interest were i n
the form of rounded crystals from the coastal fields.
X-ray diffraction performed on crystals and associated
roclzs revealed the chief constituent to be forsterite
(MgaSi04).The presence of chromite is evident i n octahedral inclusions.
A good number of the olivines can be classified as
peridot, not only for their transparency and green color,
but also for their gemological properties: hardness, 6.056.40; S.G., 3.341-3.364; R.I., 1.650-1.694; birefringence, 0.035-0.038; optical sign, positive; absorption:
widest band at 497 nm, narrower bands at 474 n m and
455 nm.
In addition to the mineralogical and gemological
Summer 1983
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1983
This article presents summary data on the characteristic features of these rocks, and focuses on their occurrence in the western United States and in Mexico.
The tectonic setting and geochemistry of these topaz
rhyolites suggests that they are extrusive equivalents
of fluorine-rich granites. They originated from the
partial melting of the continental crust followed by
magmatic differentiation and crystallization. Topaz
rhyolites represent only one of several genetically related types of mineral deposits that form in a volcanogenic environment.
Ober die gemmologische Bedeutung des GalliumNachweises in Korunden (Concerning the gemological significance of the presence of gallium in
corundum). H. A. Hanni and W. B. Stem, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1982, pp. 255-260.
It has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between certain synthetic and natural gemstones. One
potential source of valuable information is to identify
the trace elements in a gemstone, since they reflect the
environment of its formation. This article reports traceelement data on the rare element gallium in a suite of
24 natural and eight synthetic corundums. Because of
its atomic properties, gallium behaves .chemically in a
manner very similar to aluminum, and is concentrated
in many aluminum-rich minerals in the earth's crust.
However, it would not be expected in synthetic aluminum-rich materials grown in a chemically pure
environment. These data on trace elements were
collected using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence
methods. According to the authors, all natural corundum~
in this suite contained gallium concentrations in
excess of 200 p.p.m., whereas in various synthetic conindums (Verneuil, Chatham, Kashan, Knischka), gallium could not be detected. This article demonstrates
why trace-element analysis will become an important
tool in future gemological research.
Kimberlites: their relation to mantle hotspots. S. T.
Crough, W. J. Morgan, and R. B. Hargraves, Earth
and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 50, 1980, pp.
The origin of lzimberlite, the host rock of diamonds,
continues to be a matter of geologic inquiry. Available
evidence indicates that kimberlites crystallize from
magmas that are produced by partial melting in the
earth's mantle at depths of 100 km or more. Using data
for post-Triassic age kimberlites in North and South
America and in Africa, the authors of this article suggest that the formation of many kimberlite magmas is
related to f'hotspotf' activity in the mantle. Hotspots
are areas in the upper mantle where there is a convective upwelling of magmatic material. By reconstructing
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1983
Mineral rims on diamonds from kimberlites. A. I. Ponomarenko and Z. V. Spetsius, International Geology Review, Vol. 24, No. 7, 1982, pp. 829-834.
When found in kimberlite, diamond crystals sometimes display a thin coating of other minerals resulting
from secondary alteration. T o better understand this
alteration, the authors of this article carried out a mineralogical study of the coatings on several hundred
The coatings ranged in thickness from tenths of a
millimeter to about 2 m m . A variety of minerals were
found comprising the coating material; the authors
provide some compositional data on them. There is no
indication that the diamond crystal itself participated
in the alteration reactions that produced the coating.
From their study, the authors conclude that the formation of a coating on diamonds often accompanies
and is related to the formation of fractures and veinlets
in the surrounding kimberlite during hydrothermal alteration. These fractures allow for the movement of
mineralizing solutions that deposit the coatings. Similar coatings found on other minerals in the kimberlite
record the same alteration environment.
This study provides further information on the nature of kimberlite during both its formation and subsequent alteration.
T h e Southeast Asian strategy. J. Vollmer, Goldsmith,
Vol. 162, NO. 5, 1983, pp. 30-34, 70.
There is currently a move by De Beers to create a major
cutting industry in Southeast Asia, specifically, in
Bangkok, Thailand, and in Kota Bharu, Malaysia. The
immediate reason for this new diamond-cutting industry is to handle the large De Beers stockpile of small
rough and the anticipated large production of small
stones from Australia and Botswana. Boasting low labor costs, a long tradition of colored-stone cutting, and
a growing local diamond market, Southeast Asia seems
a logical place for a "fifth" major diamond-cutting center (following Israel, India, Antwerp, and Hong Kong).
The author goes beyond these immediate reasons
and presents other motivations as well. The other cutting centers for melee are in Israel and India, both often
troublesome to De Beers. Israel, where the larger and
better of the small stones are cut. has had a difficult
time balancing its high labor costs with the depressed
prices for faceted diamonds. India is an insatiable buyer
of the cheaper small stones, but because of low yield
it cannot handle the better rough profitably. De Beers
feels that Thailand and Malaysia could correct this imbalance of demand between the better and lower quality melee. The increased competition would also supply them with valuable leverage.
The absence of any mention of the Soviet Union's
pivotal cutting role is a n important omission. Ms. Vollmer, nevertheless, has written an incisive article. Eight
photographs accompany the text.
Gemological Abstracts
Brazilian gemstones. R. Ribeiro Franco, Earth-Science
Reviews, Vol. 17, 1981, pp. 207-219.
This article gives a brief, but reasonably comprehensive, state-by-state review of Brazil's role as one of the
most important gemstone producers i n the world today. The author begins by addressing the question of
defining precious vs. semiprecious and, fortunately,
chooses not to use either term. He also discusses the
definition of "gemological province" as a region where
great varieties of gems may be found, and lists eight
such provinces, in Burma, Sri Lanka, Vietnam-Thailand, Malagasy, California, Russia, India, and Brazil.
Areas such as Colombia and Badakhshan, Afghanistan,
are not considered gemological provinces because, according to the author, they produce only one gem species-emerald and lapis lazuli, respectively.
Following these discussions, the author briefly describes the diamond and colored stone sources in Brazil
on a state-by-state basis. These include the agate deposits of Rio Grande do Sul and the pegmatite deposits
in Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Bahia, and Goias. The
discussion of the diamond occurrences in Brazil includes an interesting list of the 30 most important diamonds found in Brazil, which range in weight from
104.0 to 726.6 ct.
There are several states mentioned that show little
history of gemstone production but have great future
potential. One such example is the emerald occurrence
at Santa Terezinha, in Goias, which has flourished
since the writing of this article in 1981.
Peter C. Keller
The Colorado Quartz Mine, Mariposa County, California: A modern source of crystalizcd gold. A. R.
Kampf and P. C. Keller, Mineralogical Record,
Vol. 13, No. 6, 1982, pp. 347-354.
The first record of the Colorado Quartz Mine is a patent
filed on February 1, 1875, by John A. Bataille, a merchant in the town of Colorado, Mariposa County, California. Since then the mine has changed ownership
several times and is now the property of Colorado Gold,
Inc., of Fallbrook, California. Kampf and Keller give a
detailed account of the history of the mine and the occurrence of the fine specimens it has produced.
Located in the famous Mother Lode area of California, the Colorado Quartz Mine occurs in black slates
of the Briceburg formation, probably of late Jurassic
age, that have been intruded by greenstone dikes. The
gold is found in pockets at the contact between the
quartz veins of the dike and the slate wall rock. A
chemical analysis of the crystallized gold showed a content of 93.3% gold and 6.7% silver. T h e general habit
of the gold is octahedral and arborescent, which is illustrated in the photographs included in the 11 figures.
This excellent article is one of eight in an issue de-
Summer 1983
voted to gold. Highly recommended to anyone interested in gold, the issue will undoubtedly become a classic because of the information presented and the
outstanding color photographs
In conclusion, the author states that while a properly Interpreted Laukgrain may indicate a pearl's identity, it is probably not the most appropriate means for
general pearl testing.
Chuck Fryer
Rare-metal pegmatites with precious stones and conditions of their formation (Hindu Kush). L. N. Rossovskiy, International Geology Review, Vol. 23,
No. 11, 1981, pp. 1312-1320.
In recent years, increasing amounts of gem material
have come from granitic pegmatites in the Hindu Kush
region of Afghanistan. In this article, Rossovskiy presents a summary of the geologic occurrence, mineralogy, and gem production of the numerous pegmatites
in this area, which have many similarities to the gempegmatite province of Southern California. Pegmatites
in the Hindu Kush can vary greatly in size, shape, mineralogy, and internal structure, and occur as elongate
veins in both granitic massifs and associated mctamorphic rocks spread over a large area. Gem tourmaline, beryl (morganite, aquamarine), and spodumene
(lzunzite) are found as large crystals in pocket-bearing
microcline pegmatites. From field evidence, these gem
pegmatites appear to have crystallized at rather shallow
depths in the earth's crust (3.5-6.5 lzm) and at relatively low ,temperatures (down to 200Cin a geologically stable environment. The Hindu Kush represents
one of the major pegmatite regions of the world; the
present article is a valuable source of geologic information on this area, which until recently had not been
carefully studied.
Relacion entre las proporciones de talla perfecta en estilo brillante del diamante (Comparison of proportions of brilliant cuts to ideal). A. Vilardell, Gemologia, Vol. 15, No. 51-52, 1981, pp. 25-34.
The author discusses the use of data such as crown and
pavilion angles and table depth percentages on five
styles of brilliant-cut diamonds to construct a proportionscope. Diagrams of Johnson-Roesch, Tolkowsky,
Tillander, Eppler, and Parker methods are provided. A
graph of a properly cut diamond is based on these. The
author illustrates the use of a simple mechanism for
inserting a diamond into a slide projector for viewing
against the image on the graph,
Gemological Abstracts
The ABC1s of brilliants. Town ed Country, Vol. 136,
NO. 5031, 1982, pp. 198-202.
A is for aquamarine, B is for black pearl, C is for
citrine . . . and so the staff of Town d Country presents
a delightful collection of 26 color photographs by Cy
Gross. Jewelry from the world's leading jewelry designers is superimposed on the erotic Art Noveau alphabet
created by artist-illustrator Erte in 1924. Unfortu-
Summer 1983
Gemological Abstracts
Summer 1983
The great jewellers in France. B. Janot, Djatnant, No.
252, September-October, 1981, pp. 29-36.
Starting with the French Revolution at the close of the
18th century, Janot discusses the rise of many irnportant jewelry families in France. Dividing the time into
six periods, he characterizes the popular jewelry, the
major events in the jewelry trade, and the personalities
in each group. Janot describes the dramatic change that
occurred in such a relatively short time-from court
jewelers who designed only for the aristocracy to independent jewelers designing for those outside the aristocracy. This is an interesting look at the beginnings
of renowned French jewelers, from Nitot and FromentMeurice to Boucheron and Cartier.
Noel P. Krieger
The pioneer jewelry makers of New England. Executive
Jeweler, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1982, pp. 43-46.
In a rare look at the history of jewelry manufacturers
in the New England region of the United States, the
following 12 companies are featured: American Jewelry
Chain, Armbrust Chain Company, Cheever, Tweedy
& Co., A. T. Cross, Excel1 Manufacturing Co., A and
Z Hayward Inc., Leach & Gamer Company, LeStage
Manufacturing Co., MarissaIBarrows, W. E. Richards
Co., Howard H. Sweet & Son Inc., and Vennerbecli &
Clase Company. Having immigrated from Europe, most
of these pioneer jewelry makers founded companies at
the turn of the century in Providence or Lincoln, Rhode
Island, or in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Accompanying
the short descriptions of each company are four blacliand-white photographs of scenes from the early days of
these manufacturers.
Gemological Abstracts
the physical and optical properties of the rough and faceted material produced by Chatham. In the detailed
description of the typical inclusions that follows, the
reader is cautioned that some of the inclusions closely
resemble those found in natural stones. Twenty-three
color photomicrographs adequately illustrate this part
of the article. The remaining 15 photomicrographs show
the characteristics of color-enhanced blue sapphires,
including altered crystal inclusions with tension cracks,
pock-marked girdle surfaces, pronounced color zoning,
and color concentrations in surface cracks. Gubelin
concludes this article with a list of 12 references. KNH
Tecnicas de crecimiento cristalino (Crystal-growing
techniques). J. M. Nogues Carulla, Getnologia, Vol.
15, No. 51-52, 1981, pp. 5-24.
The article first explains how crystals grow naturally
in solution. It then lists the methods of synthetically
producing crystals, first from vapor to solid, then liquid
to solid, these methods being divided into those employing a smelter and those proceeding from a solution.
The processes described are: growth from vapor,
Vemeuil, Czochralski, Kyropoulos, Bridgman-Stoclibarger, zonal growth, skull melt, growth from gel, hydrothermal growth, and flux fusion.
The explanations are accompanied by clear diaSLD
Summer 1983
GEMS & GEMOLOGY is an international publication of original contributions (not previously published
in English] concerning the study of
gemstones and research in gemology
and related fields. Topics covered
include (but are not limited to) colored stones, diamonds, gem instruments, gem localities, gem substitutes (synthetics), gemstones for the
collector, jewelry arts, and retail
management. Manuscripts may be
submitted as:
Original Contributions-full-length
articles describing previously unpublished studies and laboratory or
field research. Such articles should
be n o longer than 6,000 words (24
double-spaced, typewritten pages]
plus tables and illustrations.
Gemology in Review-comprehensive reviews of topics in the field. A
maximum of 8,000 words (32 double-spaced, typewritten pages) is
Notes & New Techniques-brief
preliminary communications of recent discoveries or developments in
gemology and related fields (e.g., new
instruments and instrumentation
techniques, gem minerals for the
collector, and lapidary techniques or
new uses for old techniques). Articles for this section should be about
1,000-3,000 words (4-12 doublespaced, typewritten pages).
All material, including tables, legends, and references, should be typed
double spaced on 8Y2 x 11" (21 x 28
c m ) sheets. The various components
of the manuscript should be prepared and arranged as follows:
Title page. Page 1 should provide:
(a)the article title; (b) the full name
of each author with his or her affiliation (the institution, city, and state
or country where helshe works); and
Abstract. The abstract (approximately 150 words for a feature article, 75 words for a note) should state
the purpose of the article, what was
done, and the main conclusions.
Text. Papers should follow a clear
outline with appropriate heads. For
example, for a research paper, the
headings might be: Introduction,
AMt bors
Previous Studies, Methods, Results,
Discussion, Conclusion. Other heads
and subheads should be used as the
subject warrants. For general style,
see A Manual of Style (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago).
References. References should be
used for any information that is
taken directly from another publication, to document ideas and facts
attributed to-or facts discovered
by-another writer, and to refer the
reader to other sources for additional information on a particular
subject. Please cite references in the
text by the last name of the author(s)
and the year of publication-plus
the specific page referred to, if appropriate-in parentheses (e.g., Liddicoat and Copeland, 1967, p. 10).
The references listed at the end of
the paper should be typed double
spaced in alphabetical order by the
last name of the senior author. Please
list only those references actually
cited in the text (or in the tables or
Include the following information,
in the order given here, for each reference: (a) all author names (surnames followed by initials); (b) the
year of publication, in parentheses;
(c)for a journal, the full title of the
article or, for a book, the full title of
the book cited; and (d)for a journal,
the full title of the journal plus volu m e number and inclusive page
numbers of the article cited or, for
a book, the publisher of the book
and the city of publication. Sample
references are as follows:
Daragh PJ., Sanders J.V. (1976)
Opals. Scientific American, Vol.
234, pp. 84-95.
Liddicoat R.T. Jr., Copeland L.L.
( 1967)The Jewelers' Manual, 2nd
ed. Gemological Institute of
America, Santa Monica, CA.
Tables. Tables can be very useful in
presenting a large amount of detail
in a relatively small space, and
Summer 1983
By Nance and Ron Perry, 95 pp., illus., published by Arco Publishing,
New York. IVY, 1982. US$11.95
The subtitle, "A Guide to Shaping
and Polishing Gemstones," and
comments in the introduction correctly present this book as a condensed but thorough description of
all the various lapidary operations
and techniques. It is primarily directed at the hobbyist or amateur
All types of lapidary equipment
[none commercial) are pictured and
described. Complete operating principles as well as instructions for using all equipment are concisely but
adequately presented.
A strong feature of this book is
the "How to Build Your Own Equipment or Tools" coverage given where
applicable. However, all measurements are given only in metrics,
which is very inconvenient to
those of us who have not converted
to this system (which includes most
Thereis an appendix giving hardness, specific gravity, refractive index, as well as a set of recommended
crown and pavilion elevation angles
for a great many gemstone materials. A list of suppliers [gem and
mineral shops) and an index conclude the book.
I highly recommend this book as
a general guide to lapidary techniques.
Faceting Instructor, GIA
By Miriam Anderson Lytle, 124 pp.,
illus., published by John Racila Assoc., Chicago, IL, 1982. US$39.00*
Congratulations to Miriam Lytle,
John S. Lizzadro, and everyone involved in this project! This book is
a fitting tribute to one of the finest
collections of hardstone carvings in
the U.S. After the preface by Paul
Desautels and Ms. Lytle's introduction to the collection come photographs and descriptions of more
than 60 masterpieces of lapidary art.
There are a wide variety of carv-
Book Reviews
By Oppi Untracht, 888 pp., illus.,
published by Doubleday, Garden
City, IVY, 1982. US$6O.00 '
Summer 1983
By Michael O'Donoghue, 159 pp.,
illus., published b y Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, NY, 1982.
This attractive paperback volume
presents a compendium of essential
data on minerals and gemstones at
a very reasonable price. It provides
a handy, informative reference on
the nature, properties, and occurrence of more than a thousand of the
more important minerals.
Following a brief introduction,
the majority of the book consists of
concise descriptions of individual
minerals. These indexed mineral
entries are arranged by chemistry
(i.e., elements, sulfides, oxides, etc.),
as in most mineralogy texts. Within
these broad categories, mineral species are further grouped by their
major constituent elements, or in
some instances by mineral families
(e.g., feldspars, garnets).
Book Reviews
By Vivienne Becker, 301 pp., illus.,
published b y Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., N e w York, NY, 1982 (previously published b y N A G Press in
Great Britain in 1980). USs24.95 '
Summer 1983