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0 F


In Honor of Robert C. Kammerling
William E. Boya jian

An Update on Imperial Topaz from the Capio Mine,
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Daniel A. Sauer, Alice S. Keller, and Shane F. McClure
Trapiche Rubies
Karl Schmetzer, Henry A. Hanni, Heinz-Jiirgen
Bernhardt, and Dietmar Schwarz
Some Gemological Challenges in Identifying Black
Opaque Gem Materials
Mary L. Johnson, Sl~aneF. McClure,
and Dino G. DeGhionno
Enstatite, Cordierite, Kornerupine, and Scapolite
with Unusual Properties from Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka
Pieter C. Zwaan
Some Tanzanite Imitations
Lore Kiefert and Susanne Th. Schmidt


DO. 264

pg. 257

Gem Trade Lab Notes

Gem News
The Robert C. Kammerling Research Endowment
Book Reviews
Gemological Abstracts
Annual Index

ABOUT THE COVER: The historic Ouro Preto region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is
world-renown for the fine topazes that have been produced there for more than two
centuries. Today, the Capiio mine is one of the most productive in the region. This
mine and the superb topazes produced there are described in the article by D.Sauer
and colleagues in this issue. Marketed as "Imperial" topaz in the trade, the Ouro Preto
topazes come in a broad range of hues, some of which are illustrated here. The fancycut topaz in the necklace weighs 24.13 ct; the three loose topazes weigh (fromleft to
right) 44.11, 71.21, and 66.66 ct, respectively. Courtesy of Amsterdam Sauer
Company, Brazil.
Photo 0Harold o)Erica Van Pelt-Photographers, Los Angeles, CA,
Color separations for Gems & Gemology are by Effective Graphics, Compton, CA
Printing is by Cadmus Journal Services, Baltimore, MD.
0 1996 Gemological Institute of America
All rights reserved. ISSN 0016-626X


Richard T. Liddicoat
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Editor, Gem Trade Lab Notes

C. W. Fryer
Editors, Gem News
Mary L. Johnson
John I. Koivula
Editors, Book Reviews
Susan B. Johnson
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Editor, Gemological Abstracts
C. W. Fryer

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Alan T. Collins
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Brush Prairie, Washington

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Los Angeles, California

Kenneth Scarratt
Bangkok, Thailand

Emmanuel Fritsch
Nantes, France

Robert E. Kane
Lucerne, Switzerland

Karl Schmetzer
Petershausen, Germany

C, W. Fryer
Santa Monica, California

John I. Koivula
Santa Monica, California

James E. Shigley
Carlsbad, California

Henry A. Hanni
Basel, Switzerland

A. A. Levinson
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Christopher P. Smith
Lucerne, Switzerland


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Any opinions expressed in signed articles are understood to be the opinions of the authors and not of the publishers.

W e are dedicating this issue to the late Robert C. Kammerling. At the time of his tragic death
in January 1996, Bob was an associate editor, a member of the Editorial Review Board, co-editor
of both the Gem News and Gem Trade Lab Notes sections, and one of Gems o)Gemology's
most prolific authors. In fact, the Fall 1994 article "An Update on Filled Diamonds," of which
he was first author, won both the Gems d Gemology Most Valuable Article award and a national award for best scientific article. A superb writer, a brilliant information gatherer, and a true
friend to gemology, Bob had a tremendous impact on the journal and on gemology as a whole.
We were very pleased with the response to our request for articles for this Gems o)Gemology issue
honoring Bob. Papers were submitted from all over the world: Brazil, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Myanmar, the Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, and the United States. Although we
could not publish all of the articles in one issue because of space and time constraints, this broad
involvement speaks to the respect held for Bob internationally.
Indeed, Bob Kammerling was the gemologist's gemologist. He liked gem oddities-whether natural, treated, or manufactured. Such oddities are well-representedin this issue: Unusual gem materials from Sri Lanlza (a country Bob visited several years ago) are described by Prof. Pieter Zwaan,
several tanzanite imitations are characterized by Drs. Lore Kiefert and Susanne Schmidt, and identification guidelines for black opaque gem materials are provided by Bob's GIA GTL colleagues Dr.
Mary Johnson, Shane McClure, and Dino DeGhiomo.
Bob also loved to travel to study gem localities, no matter how distant or dangerous. He believed
that a true understanding of any gem requires an awareness of the circumstances under which it
emerged from the ground and eventually reached the jewelry market. The article by Daniel A.
Sauer, Alice S. Keller, and Shane F. McClure-on Brazil's Cap50 Imperial topaz mine-is the type
of locality project he would have pursued personally or encouraged others to go after. In addition,
Bob Kammerling brought people of diverse interests together for the common good of gemology.
The article on trapiche rubies is a team effort by one of Germany's leading gemologists, Dr. Karl
Schrnetzer, with fellow experts Dr. Henry Hanni, of the SSEF Swiss Gemmological Laboratory, the
Gubelin Laboratory's Dr. Dietmar Schwarz, and Ruhr-University's Dr. Heinz -Jurgen Bernhardt.
Bob Kammerhg's first love may have been the Gem News section of the journal, filled with the
many small "bytes" of news that he and his co-editors brought to the gemologist. Many readers
tell us that this is the section of Gems &> Gemology to which they turn first, to get the latest
information. It is also the place where Bob shared discoveries from his various trips, as well as from
his many colleagues in the gemological community.

If the study of gemstones is indeed a blend of art and science, Bob Kammerling epitomized the field
he so loved. And, perhaps more than most, he played a primary role in helping us seek the truth
about gems in a significant and yet practical way. For this gemologist, Bob Kammerlhg will be
deeply missed and long remembered as one of the heroes of modem gemology.

William E. Boyajian, President,

Gemological Institute of America



Winter 1996

23 1

By Daniel A. Sauer, Alice S. Keller, and Shane F. McClure

T h e Capiio mine is one of the oldest and

most productive fully mechanized Imperial
topaz mines in the historic Ouro Preto area
o m a s Gerais, Brazil. Bulldozers, water
cannons, and dragscrapers are used in t w o
m a i n pits t o remove the thick brown overburden for processing t o recover topaz crys~ a l sin a broad range of sizes and colors. The
rarest color is pinkish purple t o purple. Heat
Ueatmeni will turn some brownish yellow
or orange Imperial topaz t o "peach" or pink.
Preliminary testmg suggests that there m a y
be a difference in fluorescence between heattreated and non-heat-treated topaz.


Mr. Sauer, a gemologist and geologist, is technical
director of Amsterdam Sauer Company, Brazil.
Ms. Keller is editor of Gems & Gemology,
Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica,
California. Mr. McClure is supervisor of
Identification Services at the GIA Gem Trade
Laboratory, Carlsbad, California.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Dr. Wagner
Colombarolli,Edmar Evanir da Silva, and Fernando
Celso Goncalves, of the Topkio Imperial Mining
Company, for the invitation to visit the mine and for
providing information. Constantino Psomopoulos
of Amsterdam Sauer Co. selected samples for
photograph, reviewed the original paper, and
helped with subsequent revisions.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 232-241
0 7996 Gemological Institute of America


Imperial Topaz

opaz has been known from the Ouro Preto area of

Minas Gerais for more than 200 years, with the discovery first announced publicly in 1768 (Rolff, 1971). Since then,
topaz has been recovered sporadically from a number of
deposits within an area of approximately 120 lzm2 that lies, for
the most part, just west of the colonial city of Ouro Preto.
Today, the region lznown i n the world gem market as the
Ouro Preto Imperial topaz district comprises two major active
mining sites-Cap50 (formerly Cap20 do Lana) and Vermelhio
(also lznown as Sara1nenha)-and a few dozen abandoned mines,
occurrences, and alluvial worldngs. Although Vermelhao and
other mining areas have yielded excellent gem topaz (Verrnelhso
is especially noted for the large crystals found there), the only
private, wholly owned, and completely mechanized mine currently in full operation is the Cap50 mine, in the Rodrigo Silva
district. Specimens and information about that mine were
gathered by the senior author [DAS)during several visits over
the last few years and in a visit by the second author (ASK)in
August 1996.
Several articles have been written on the intense orangy
red topazes from Ouro Preto (figure 1 ) t h a t are called Imperial topaz i n t h e trade (e.g.,
Atkinson, 1908, 1909; Bastos, 1964, 1976; Olsen 1971, 1972;
Fleischer, 1972; DIElboux and Ferreira, 1975, 1978; Keller,
1983; Cassedanne and Sauer, 1987; Cassedanne, 1989). The
present article describes the current mining situation at the
Cap50 mine and describes the topaz found there, both as it is
recovered and as it reaches the market. It also reports on the
heat treatment of some orange Imperial topaz to produce
attractive pink stones.
Cap50 is one of several lznown topaz deposits in the Ouro
Preto area (figure 2). It can be visited easily in a day from Rio


Winter 1996

Figure 1. The fine

Imperial topazes from
the region near Ouro
Preto, in Minas Gerais,
Brazil, are most commonly intense orangy
yellow to orange. The
most sought-after
Imperial topazes are the
"sherry" red and saturated pink stones. Bi-colored stones are rare. The
stones shown here range
from 8.82 to 14.28 ct; the
bi-colored topaz at ihe
bottom is 14.10 ct.
Stones courtesy of
Amsterdam Sa~zerCo.;
photo 0 Harold &> Erica
Van Pelt.

de Janeiro, traveling first by air (about 350 air kilometers) to Belo Horizonte, and then by car on
Route BR040 (Belo Horizonte-Rio de Janeiro)south
for 30 km (19 miles) to Route BR356, then east
(toward Ouro Preto) for 53 l a 1 (33 miles), at which
point a right turn onto a dirt road leads to Rodrigo
Silva, about 7 km to the south. From Rodrigo Silva,
a village of approximately 1,200 residents, one travels on a dirt road about 3 km west to reach the
mining site. Access to the mine area is limited to
those who work there or are invited by the principals. Located in one of the highest regions of the
country, the Cap30 mine lies at an altitude of about
1,200 m (3,900 feet). The chief industry in this
mountainous area is cattle ranching, both for beef
and dairy products.
Since 1972, the mine has been under the ownership of the Topbzio Imperial Mining Company
(Topbzio Imperial MineraQo, Comkrcio e Industria

Imperial Topaz

Ltda.), of which the three partners are Dr. Wagner

Colombarolli, Edmar Evanir da Silva, and Fernando
Celso Goncalves. The entire concession is approximately 600 ha (1,500 acres); it consists of the main
mine and three reservoirs. The Topbzio Imperial
Mining Company also has another concession, the
C6rrego do Cip6 complex, which is 2.5 km northwest of Capiio (again, see figure 2); it is now under
development for possible future mining.
The geology of the Ouro Preto topaz area has been
discussed by Keller (1983), Pires et al. (1983),
Ferreira (1983 and 1987), Cassedanne and Sauer
(1987), Cassedanne (1989),and Hoover (1992).To
summarize, the topaz deposits occur in the Ouro
Preto quadrangle of the Quadrilbtero Ferrifero (a
famous iron-producing area) in southern Minas
Gerais. The topaz mineralization falls within an


Winter 1996


Figure 2. This map indicates the many topaz deposits in the Ouro Preto area. Two of the largest are
the Vermelhiio mine, near Oliro Preto, and the Capiio mine, near the village of Rodrigo Silva.
Adapted from a 1987 map produced by the Minas Gerais Light and Power Company.

east-west trending zone that extends from Antonio

Pereira village (Antonio Pereira mine) on the east,
to Miguel Burnier village (Lagoa do Neto occurrence) on the west, both in the Ouro Preto district
(again, see figure 2). Pires et al. (1983)identified
four main topaz belts in the region, each of which
trends east-west.
The formation of the topaz has been the subject
of much debate over the last century (see Olsen,
1971, 1972; Fleischer, 1972; for an informative summary of this debate, see Cassedanne, 1989). The
mineralized zone is characterized by intensely
weathered (to depths of at least 50 m) rocks underlain by unweathered granitic gneisses, granites, and
three series of Precambrian metasedimentary roclzs.
The Minas series of Precambrian inetasediments
was subjected to two major intrusive events: (1)
about 2,700 million years ago, by a batholith that
fractured the sedimentary roclzs; and (2)about 1,300
million years ago, by acid intrusions (high-silica
igneous roclzs). It is believed by Keller (1983) and
others that one or both of these intrusions provided
the mechanism for the fluorine-rich solutions that
entered the rocks through fractures and generated
the topaz mineralization. Pires et al. (1983),Oliveira
(1984), and Hoover (1992)support the formation of
strata-bound topaz deposits from a predominantly
hydrothermal process that occurred during or shortly after a period of intense metamorphism.
Regardless of its mode of formation, the mineralized rock comprises a single horizon that varies

Imperial Topaz


in thickness from 1 to 6 m (rarely, to 10 m). It is

composed of a heavily weathered yellowish to dark
brown talc-clay rock called "brown terrain" that is
cut by discontinuous kaolinite veins (Cassedanne,
1989) and lenses. Topaz crystals are found within
the lzaolinite-together with quartz, mica, and
specular hematite. They sometimes are associated
with rutile and, rarely, with green and blue euclase.
At Capiio, the mining operation has grown sigmficantly from the single shallow pit last described in
this journal by Keller (1983).At the time of the present authors' August 1996 visit, two large open pits
were being worked, separated by a narrow access
road that will be removed in the near future to make
one large pit. The larger pit was 30 m at its deepest
point and approximately 350 m long by 150 m wide
(figure 3). The smaller pit was 18 m at its deepest
point, and approximately 200 m by 80 m (figure 4).
The two pits together covered about 7 ha, or 17 acres.
Capiio Creek, which runs through the hilly
concession area, has been dammed in three places
to form reservoirs that serve the mining operation
and minimize its environmental impact. One reservoir, for sedimentation control, blocks off an area
where the mine tailings are dumped; once the sediments have settled to the bottom of the reservoir,
the suspension-freewater is released back into the
creek. The other two reservoirs provide water for
mining and washing the ore.

Winter 1996

Because of the depth of the current mining

operation, dragscrapers are now used at both pits to
recover the topaz. Large buckets are dropped from
overhead lines into the pit, where they scoop up
the materials comprising the weathered zone (figure 5) and drag them to the top for processing. At
the time of our visit, there were two dragscrapers at
the larger pit and one at the smaller (newer)one. At
both pits, bulldozers work the surface of the pit and
push the lateritic soil and rock materials into the
path of the dragscraper. This material is then pulled
to a large, fixed bucket (washing area) at the top of
the pit and washed by water cannons to form a mud
pulp. This pulp then flows to a fixed screen, with a
quarter-inch (less than 1 cm) mesh, through which
the smaller particles pass to the sedimentation
reservoir. The remaining gravels are processed to
recover topaz. As a secondary operation, water cannons are used at the bottom of the pit both to soften
the rock for recovery by the dragscraper and to create a slurry. The slurry is then pumped out of the
pit (again, see figure 3) onto the same quarter-inchmesh fixed screen used to separate the mud pulp.
When the bulldozer uncovers a white lzaolinite
vein, a good indicator of topaz mineralization, the
driver stops. Three people are sent to scrape the
vein by hand to look for gem crystals (figure 6).
Like all of those who are authorized to pick up
crystals, these special miners are identified by their
red hats. The remaining minerals recovered from
these veins are processed in smaller screens, also
with a quarter-inch mesh.
To date, the owners have determined that
open-pit mining is the most efficient system for
recovery of the topaz. Core drilling has shown that
mineralization extends as much as 40-50 m below
the lowest part of the larger pit (W. Colombarolli,
pers. comm., 1996). Over the last two yearsbecause of the combined effects of a strong currency (which has more than doubled labor costs in
U.S. dollar amounts), the deeper workings, and
stricter environmental requirements-operating
costs for the Cap50 mine have risen 70%. The sedimentation reservoir will be full after only about 10
years; it must then be restored to its natural state,
and another reservoir created.

Recovery. At the washing area at the top of the

pits, giant water cannons first push the material
removed by the dragscraper through a 4 inch (10
cm) "grizzly" screen (figure 7). Material that does
not pass through the screen is rejected. Gravity carries the remaining pulp down through large gutter
Imperial Topaz

Figure 3. In August 1996, the larger pit at the Cup20

mine was 30 m deep and approximately 350 m long.
Toward the bottom of the pit, a water cannon softens the weathered host. material and creates a slurry
that is then pumped out of the pit. One of the m i n e
owners, Dr. Wagner Colombarolb, i s standing at the
upper edge of the pit with one of the authors. Photo
b y Daniel A. Saner.

pipes to the quarter-inch-mesh screen that separates out the smaller particles. The fraction that
remains is washed to remove any residual clay, so
only rock fragments and minerals are left for further processing.
Next, a conveyor belt transports the washed
material to a bucket wheel that tosses the rock fragments and minerals onto a two-tier vibrating screen:
One tier has a 1%inch mesh and the other is Va inch.
Any material over 1% inch is put in the waste pile.
The fractions that remain-one between 1% inch
and % inch and the other less than % inch-are
stockpiled separately into two silos.

Winter 1996

Figure 4. The newer,

shallower pit at Capcioseparated from the original pit by only a narrow access road (on the
left)-has proved very
productive. Here, a bulldozer pushes the
intensely weathered
rocks and soils into the
center of the pit for
washing. Photo by
Daniel A. Saner.

For final processing, crystals and rock fragments from one of the silos are placed on another
conveyor belt, where several sorters pick out the
topaz by hand (figure 8). By only processing one of
the two sizes at a time, the miners reduce the risk
of larger stones hiding smaller ones. Any topaz
found is placed in a tube that runs alongside the
conveyor belt. At the end of the day, a security
manager runs water through the tube and collects
all of the topaz in a bag at one end. These crystals
are then placed in a locked box that has a padlock
at the bottom and two "blades" at the top, so the
crystals can be inserted easily but will not drop out
if the box is turned upside down
Currently, approximately 50 people are involved
in the Capiio mining and processing operation.
Because more ore is mined daily than can be processed, some of the screened gravels are stockpiled
for processing during the December-to-April rainy
season, when mining slows down considerably.
Topaz is found in a broad range of colors at the
Capio mine: light yellow, orange-yellow, brownish
orange, pinkish orange ("salmon" or "peach"), pink,
reddish orange, orange-red, and "sherry" red (again,
see figure 1). All of these colors of topaz from the
Ouro Preto deposits are traded as "Imperial."
The rarest color is pinkish purple to purple (figure 9). Although this hue was not seen at the Cap50
mine for almost eight years, approximately 200
grams were found from a single area of the main pit
Imperial Topaz

in 1996. Most of these crystals were heavily includ-

ed, so the total production is expected to yield no

more than 15 carats of faceted stones, ranging from
0.5 to 2 ct. Also rare, but seen in finer, less-included,
qualities this year, are bi-colored crystals. When cut,
these make exquisite gems (again, see figure 11.
After purple, the next rarest color of Imperial
topaz is a slightly brownish or "sherry" red. The most
sought-after color in the topaz market, "sherry" red
topaz represents less than one-half of one percent of
the total cuttable material found. Most faceted "sherry" red stones from Capiio are 5-10 ct, but 20-30 ct
topazes in this color range have been cut. Also rare are
the pale-to-saturatedpink stones that occur naturally
at the Capiio mine.
Most common is yellow-to-orange topaz. Capiio
is the main source for commercial sizes (2-8 ct) in
this color range. In addition, many stones in the
10-15 ct range have been cut; 20-30 ct stones are
rare but available.
During our visit to the Cap20 mine, we were
shown a half-day's production from the main pit
(figure 10).The 3.5-4 kg of topaz crystals represented very good output for one day-according to the
mine owners, a half-kilo of crystals is typical. The
crystals we examined were predon~inantlyyellow
to orange to pink, although we did see at least one
5.5 cm orange-red crystal that would yield about 12
ct of faceted topaz, with the largest stone 7-8 ct.
The largest fine crystal was 8 cm and was deep red
down the c-axis. We also saw a few bi-colored,

Winter 1996

Production from the smaller pit for the same

time period was 500-600 grams. We saw more pink
stones in this lot than in that from the larger pit.
Only 1%-2% of all the material recovered is
faceting quality, according to Dr. Colombarolli. In
1995, from an average of 11,000 m3 of ore processed
every month, fewer than 100 kg of mine-run topaz
crystals were recovered. The estimated yield from
these crystals, based on experience to date, would
be 5,500 carats-a total of 66,000 carats of cut
Imperial topaz for the year, or 0.5 ct of topaz per
cubic meter of ore processed.
The largest crystal recovered to date at the
Cap50 mine (although broken into four pieces) was
1.3 kg, Dr. Colombarolli noted.
Although "peach" to pink (figure 11)Imperial topaz
does occur naturally, these colors may be produced
in some brownish yellow or orange topaz by heat
treatment, which removes the yellow color center.
At one operation visited by the second author
(ASK),the cut stones are put in a small (about 7.5
cm square] clay tray that is then placed in an oven,
and the temperature is brought to 1050(565OC; it
takes approximately 40 minutes). The oven is then
turned off, and the stones are allowed to cool slowly to room temperature, to avoid thermal shock,
before they are removed. Although the occasional
"peach" stone that results from a partial heating
may turn pink on further heating, the pink color
obtained at 10507 is usually the best that can be
achieved. Reheating a pink stone or heating i t
Figure 5. One of two dragscrapers in the larger pit at
Capdo pulls the saturated, intensely weathered
host material to the top for processing. Photo by
Daniel A. Suuer.

Figure 6. When the bulldozer uncovers a distinctive lzaolinite vein, all other activity stops. Certain
miners (denoted by red hats) then search for topaz
crystals by hand. Here, the senior author examines a topaz crystal found in this thin white vein.
Photo by Alice S. Keller.

longer will not produce any additional change (see

also Nassau, 1994). However, as shown in figure
12, the change is often substantial.
Most topaz is not suitable for heating, because
topaz typically contains a number of inclusions:
liquid-and-gas, breadcrumb-like crystal clusters,
needle-like voids, transparent-to-translucent rhombohedral crystals or negative crystals, and fingerprint-like patterns of liquid inclusions. When liquid
inclusions, in particular, are present, there is a good
chance that the stone will develop large cracks or
localized fractures as a result of fluid expansion.
Materials and Methods. We examined a small Sample of material that the Amsterdam Sauer Company
had obtained directly from the Cap50 mine office
during the last two years and cut in their own facilities. The sample included: five faceted naturalcolor Imperial topazes, ranging from brownish yellowish orange to pinkish orange (3.09-9.59 ct); two
faceted stones (0.65 and 1.19 ct) and three crystals
(17.73-67.97 ct) that were pinkish purple; six faceted

Imperial Topaz


Winter 1996


We determined refractive indices of n,,, =1.630 and
=1.638 (birefringence=0.008)on all of our samp es and a specific gravity of 3.52-3.54k0.02. These
findings are consistent with published values for
topaz (see, e.g., Webster, 1994) and did not vary for
any of the colors we examined, including those that
were the result of heat treatment.
Also consistent with published values are the
absorption spectra and pleocluoism. In most stones,
the only absorption visible was a general darkening
of the far red portion of the spectrum. When viewed
down the c-axis, the heated pinlz stones and the
pinkish purple crystals showed a barely discernible
line at 682 nrn.This line is related to the chromium
that produces these colors; it has previously been

Figure 7. The two dragscrapers bring the host

material directly to corresponding platforms at
the top of the larger pit, where miners wield large
water cannons to wash off the finer particles and
push the rock fragments through a series of grates.
The largest rocks are screened out first. Photo by
Daniel A. Sauer.

Figure 8. In a shed-Like stmctille behind the main

pit, miners manually sort through the concentrate,
seorchmg for topaz. Any topaz found is placed in
tubes along either side of the conveyor belt. Photo
by Daniel A. Sauer.

stones that had been heat treated to purplish pink

(0.90-2.61 ct); and one yellowish orange crystal
(97.59 ct) that had been sawn in half, with one half
then heat treated to purplish pinlz. All of the heattreated stones had been treated by the method
described in the preceding section.
Refractive index readings were obtained on all
of the cut stones with a Duplex I1 refractometer
and a near-sodium equivalent light source. Specific
gravity on the cut stones was determined by the
hydrostatic weighing method, with three separate
measurements taken on each stone. A desk-model
Beck prism spectroscope was used to examine the
absorption spectra of the cut stones in the study,
and a polarizing-filter dichroscope was used to
determine the pleochroism on all samples. The
ultraviolet fluorescence of all samples was viewed
in a darkened environment using four-watt longand short-wave lamps. The stability to light of two
of the heat-treated purplish pink samples and two
of the natural-color orange samples was tested with
an Oriel 300-watt solar simulator. The four stones
were placed in the solar simulator for 145 hours,
which is equal to about 290 hours of sun exposure
(at noon strength for a mid-latitude location). The
temperature was monitored so that it did not
Halfway through the test, and
exceed 130(54C)
at the end, we compared the samples to the other,
comparable-color stones in this study.

Imperial Topaz


Winter 1996

reported in heat-treated pink topaz from Brazil and

in natural-color pink topaz from Palustan (Hoover,
1992; Webster, 1994).
The pleochroism of the predominantly orange
material was yellow, yellowish orange, and purplish pink. This changed to shades of pink in two
directions, and colorless in the third, after heat
treatment. Pleochroism in the pinlush purple samples was purplish pink, pinlush purple, and colorless.
All of the samples were inert or fluoresced moderate orange to long-wave ultraviolet radiation, with
a somewhat stronger reaction in the predominantly
orange stones. To short-wave W, the orange and
pinkish purple stones fluoresced a very weak to
moderate chalky yellow-green. However, the heattreated pink topazes had a generally stronger fluorescence than the natural-color stones, with a shift in
fluorescence hue to a yellowish or greenish white
(figure 13).This distinction between the heated and
unheated topazes was very evident in the two halves
of the sawn topaz crystal (figure 14).To the best of
our knowledge, this difference in fluorescence has
not been reported previously in the literature.
However, our results are based on a small sample
and so are only preliminary. The possibility of fluorescence as an indicator of treated or natural color
needs to be investigated further with a significant
sample of lmown natural-color pink topazes.
It is interesting that although the internal characteristics of the stones we examined were typical
of topaz from this area (liquid inclusions, groups of
tiny crystals, some larger rhombic crystals, angular
grain plains, and internal fractures), there was no
apparent difference in the nature of these inclusions between the heated and unheated stones.
This was true even for the sawn crystal (figure 15),
which was heavily included; we thought it likely
that at least some of the liquid inclusions in such a
crystal would have burst. Nevertheless, we caution
against heating material that has inclusions, as such
stones often do not survive the treatment process.
There was no noticeable loss or change of color
in any of the topazes tested with the solar simulator, either the heat-treated purplish pink or the natural-color orange stones.

Figure 9. One of the rarest colors of topaz from the

Ouro Preto region are these pinkish purple gems,
found in a small area of the Capio mine. This crystal is 36.87 ct; the cut stones are 1.19 and 0.65 ct.
Photo b y Shane F. McClure.

Amsterdam Sauer, topaz cutters use a 360 grit

grinding wheel, a 600 grit faceting disk, and polish
the stones on a lead/tin lap with Linde A (&03)
powder. Recovery depends on the amount of incluFigure 10. For the authors, the mine owners
removed the topaz crystals recovered after only
about a half-day's work (usually, they are recovered only once a day). The 3.5-4 kg of topaz crystals shown here represent a particularly good yield
for a single day from the larger pit. The largest
crystal, in the foreground, is approximately 8 c m
long. Photo by Daniel A Sauer.

Because topaz has perfect basal cleavage, the table
must always be polished at an angle to the c-axis
according to Webster, 1994);extreme care
should be taken to avoid grinding the stone perpendicular to the cleavage plane. Also, inclusions can
cause the stone t o break on the wheel. At
Imperial Topaz


Winter 1996

Figure 11. This suite of

jewelry is composed
entirely of pink topazes
from Ozzro Preto. They represent some of the superb
stones from this historic
Imperial topaz locality.
The topazes in the necklace weigh a total of 30.36
ct; those in the earrings,
5,50 ct; and the one in the
ring is 1.90 ct. Jewelry
courtesy of Amsterdam
Sauer Co.;photo 0Harold
o)Erica Van Pelt.

sions in each crystal. Well-formed, fairly clean crystals yield up to 2 carats per gram.
Brazil's historic Ouro Preto topaz region continues
to produce significant amounts of fine topaz in a
broad variety of colors, which are known in the trade
as Imperial topaz. The only private, wholly owned,
Figure 12. This 97.59 ct Imperial topaz crystal was
sawn in half and the bottom was heated to
1050Fwhich produced the pmplish pink color.
Photo by Shane F. McClure.

Imperial Topaz

mechanized mine currently in operation there is the

Cap50 mine, which is near the village of Rodrigo
Silva. Today, production from this mine represents
as much as 50% of the total production of Imperial
topaz from Ouro Preto. Although large amounts of
ore are mined from the two open pits that constitute
the Cap50 mine today, the recovery is only 0.5 ct of
cut topaz per cubic meter of ore processed.
Environmental responsibility and the greater depths
Figure 13. A difference in short-wave UVfluorescence was noted between the unheated and heattreated faceted topazes examined for this study:
here, a weak chalky yellow-green in the two
unheated pinlush purple stones (left),as compared to moderate to strong greenish-to-yellowish
white in the heat-treated pink stones (right).
Photo by Shane F. McClure.


Winter 1996

Figure 14. Fluorescence to short-wave UV radiation

was the only differencein gemological properties
between the unheated (left)and heated halves of
the crystal in figure 12. Photo b y Shane F. McClure.

of the mining operation, together with the strong

currency, have significantly increased the costs of
extracting the topaz.
The rarest topaz color is purple. "Sherry" red
and bi-colored stones are also uncommon. Certain
brownish yellow or orange stones can be heat treated
to pink, which is stable to light and heat (as evidenced by the fact that further heating or heating at
higher temperatures will not change the color). The
preliminary observation that heat-treated pink topaz
fluoresces a strong yellowish-to-greenish white to
short-wave W radiation, as compared to the weak
to moderate chalky yellow-green of their naturalcolor orange or purple counterparts, deserves further

Atlzinson A.S. (1908) Report on topaz in Brazil. Minerals
Yearbook, U.S. Bureau of Mines, p. 842.
Atkinson A.S. (1909)Mining for gems in Brazil. Engineering and
Mining Journal, June 19, pp. 1234-1235.
Bastos F.M. (1964)The topaz mines of Ouro Preto. Lapidary
Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 918-920.
Bastos F.M. (1976)Imperial topaz from Brazil. Lapidary Journal,
Vol. 30, pp. 1838-1840.
Cassedanne J.P., Sauer D A . (1987) La topaze imperiale. Revue
de Gemmologie, No. 91, pp. 2-9.
Cassedanne J.P. (1989) Famous mineral localities: The Ouro
Preto topaz mines. Mineralogical Record, Vol. 20, pp.
22 1-233.
DIElboux C.V., Ferreira C.M. (1975)Topazio na regiiio de Our0
Preto. Boletim d o Departemento d e Geologia, UFOP,
PublicaHo Especial No. 1, pp. 73-79.
DIElboux C.V., Ferreira C.M. (1978)Topazio na regiiio de Ouro
Preto. Sociedade de Intercambio Cultural e Estudos Geologicos,
Semanas de Estudos, Nos. 14 and 15, pp. 14-52.
Ferreira.C.M. (1983)Vulcanismo icido no quadrilitero ferrifero e
sua relac30 corn alguinas ocorrt5ncias e/ou depositos minerais. Anais do I1 Simpbsio de Geologia de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, pp. 128-133.
Ferreira C.M. (1987) Geologia da jazida de topizio do Morro de
Saran~enha.Revista Escola de Minas, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 15-17.
Fleischer R. (1972) Origin of topaz deposits near Ouro Preto,

Imperial Topaz

Figure 15. No differencewas observed in the nature

of the inclusions between the heated and unheated
halves of the sawn crystal. Note the undisturbed liquid inclusion plane i n the center of the photograph,
where i t crosses the saw cut. Photomicrograph b y
Shane F. McClure; magnified 20x.

investigation to determine its usefulness as an identification criterion.

Because of the heavily weathered host rocks
and the discontinuity of the gem-bearing veins,
open-pit mining appears to be the most efficient
means to recover these rare gems. The prospects for
continued production at the Cap50 mine are good,
inasmuch as core drilling has shown topaz mineralization as deep as 50 m below the current low point
of the main pit. However, we do not know what
impact the difficulties and related costs of extracting the ore at such depths will have on the general
availability of this gem material.
Minas Gerais, Brazil, discussion. Economic Geology, Vol. 67,
NO, 1, pp. 119-120.
Hoover D.B. (1992) Topaz. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford,
Keller P C , (1983)The Capiio topaz deposit, Ouro Preto, Minas
Gerais, Brazil. Gems el Gemology, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 12-20.
Nassau K. (1994)Gen~stoneEnhancement, 2nd ed. ButterworthHeinemann Ltd., Oxford, England.
Oliveira C.M.M. de (1984)Composi@o mineral6gica e quimica
do nivel topazifero nas proximades de Rodrigo Silva (Ouro
Preto, Minas Gerais). Resumes, Breves Comunica@es,
Cursos, Excurs6es e Mesas Redondas, 33rd Congress of
Brazilian Geology, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 265-266.
Olsen D.R. (1971) Origin of topaz deposits near Ouro Preto,
Minas Gerais, Brazil. Economic Geology, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp.
627-63 1.
Olsen D.R. (1972) Origin of topaz deposits near Ouro Preto,
Minas Gerais, Brazil, a reply. Economic Geology, Vol. 67,
No. 1, pp. 120-121.
Pires F.R.M., Freitas C.O., Palermo N., Sarcih M.N.G. (1983)
Geologia e genese dos depositos de tophzio do distrito de
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. Anais do 11Simpbsio de Geologia
de Minus Gerais. Belo Horizonte, pp. 283-296.
Rolff A. (1971) Brazilian imperial topaz. Lapidary Journal, Vol.
25, pp. 1556-1562.
Webster R. (1994) Gems, 5th ed. Rev. by P. G. Read, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, England.


Winter 1996

By Karl Schmetzer, Heniy A, Hanni, Heinz-Jurgen Bernhardt, and

Dietmar Schwarz

R u b y crystals from Southeast Asia with

a fixed six-rayed star, similar in effect t o
trapiche emeralds from Colombia, are
described. They consist of six trunsparent-to-translncent ruby sectors separated
b y nontransparent yellow or white planes.
Most samples also have a hexagonal
tapered yellow, black, or red core. In the
yellow or white arms of the star and in
the boundary zones between the core and
the six ruby sectors, a massive concentration of tube-like inclusions is seen. These
inclusions are oriented perpendicular to
the morphologically dominant dipyramidal crystal faces; they contain liquid,
two-phase (liquid/gas), and solid fillings
identified as magnesium-bearing calcite
and dolomite. A trapiche-type sapphire is
also described.


Dr. Schrnetzeris a research scientist residing in

Petemhausen, near Munich, Germany. Dr. HSnni ls
director ofSSEFSwiss GemmotofificalInstitute.
Basel, and profiassor of gemology at Basel
University, Swtearland. Dr. Bernhardt is a research
scientist at the Institute for Mineralogy ofRuhrUniversity,&hum, Germany,Dr. Schwarz is
head of research at the GQbelln Gemmdoglcal
Laboratory, income, Switzerland. All photos and
photomicrographs are by the authors unless otherwise noted.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to
Dr. 0. Madonbach of Bochum University for photomicrography of the poUshed sections and X-ray
pwder diffraction analysis.
Gems & Gemolooy, Vat 32 No. 4, pp. 242-250.
@ 7996 GemologicalInstitute of America

Trapiche Rubies

n October 1995, a 6.0 ct cabochon-cut ruby with a distinct

sectored appearance-similar to that associated with
trapiche emeralds~wasshown to one of the authors (KS)by
a gem collector who resides near Munich, Germany. This sample
was first described by Miillenmeister and Zang (1995)and also
briefly mentioned by Henn and Bank (1996). The unusual
cabochon consists of six transparent ruby sectors delineated
by six nontransparent (i.e.,translucent-to-opaque)yellow arms
in the form of a fixed six-rayed star. Myanmar was mentioned
as country of origin by the Idar-Oberstein gem dealer who
originally sold the stone (R. Goerlitz, pers. comm., 1996).
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)examination of this sample revealed the presence of what are most probably carbonates-mainly calcite plus some subordinate anlzerite-in the
arms of the star (Mullenmeister and Zang, 19951, and carbonates were also mentioned by Henn and Bank (1996).SEM-EDS
(energy-dispersive spectroscopy) revealed the characteristic
peaks of Ca, Mg, Fe, and C (U. Henn, pers. comm., 1996).
In November 1995, subsequent to the 25th International
Gemmological Conference in Thailand, three of the authors
(KS, HAH, and DS) visited the ruby market of Mae Sai, close
to the Myanmar border, where great quantities of rough and
some fashioned rubies were offered for sale. The dealers said
that the material on display originated from the Mong Hsu
mining area in Myanmar (see Peretti et al., 1995). After two
days of searching, we obtained one cabochon (figure 1) and
about 30 rough samples of sectored ruby similar to the piece
seen in Germany. Some days later, one of the authors (DS)
acquired more than 70 additional rough sectored crystals from
various dealers in Bangkok. For these samples, the suppliers
mentioned Vietnam and Myanmar as possible countries of origin. In total, more than 100 trapiche-type rubies were available for the present study. In the course of our research, we
also encountered one gray trapiche-type sapphire (BoxA).
All samples were examined macroscopically as well as by conventional microscopic techniques in reflected and transmitted
light. Eighteen samples, which represented all of the structural varieties seen, were sawn into three or four slices each.

Winter 1996

The slices were oriented three ways: (1)parallel to

the c-axis and parallel to one of the arms of the sixrayed stars, (2)parallel to the c-axis and perpendicular to one of the arms of the stars, or (3)perpendicular to the c-axis. From these slices, we had polished
slabs about 1.0-1.3 mm thick prepared for each of
the 18 crystals, as well as 10 polished sections
about 200 p thiclz and two approximately 20 pm
polished thin sections. We cut an additional 30
pieces of rough in one direction and polished one
side to view the internal structure.
We examined the polished slabs with a gemological microscope, first with fiber-optic illumination and then immersed in methylene iodide. The
polished sections were examined with conventional petrographic microscopes (Leitzand Zeiss).
To identify the solid inclusions, we used two
microanalytical techniques: 10 of the polished
slabs were examined by Raman sPectroscoPY with
a Renishaw Raman microscope (see Hanni et al.,
1996, for experimental details), and eight of the
approximately 200 pm thiclz polished sections were
analyzed with a CAMECA Camebax SX 50 electron microprobe.
For additional chemical characterization of the
material forming the arms of the six-rayed stars
and comparison with the chemistry of the host
ruby, we submitted five natural crystal fragments
and six polished slabs to energy-dispersive X-ray
fluorescence (EDXRF)analysis using a Philips PV
9500 X-ray generator and detectors with a Spectrace
TX-6100 system and software package. We used
lead foils with specially prepared holes to restrict
analysis to the ruby areas only (without any arm
component) and to analyze areas that included part
of a yellow arm and some adjacent ruby.
In addition, yellow, nontransparent (translucent-to-opaque), triangular areas with massive
inclusions in the outer zones of two samples were
examined both by electron microprobe and by Xray diffraction analysis (using a conventional 57.3
mm diameter Gandolfi camera).
We first examined the samples with the unaided
eye or a lox loupe. All of the rough samples were
fragments of barrel-shaped crystals; they ranged
from about 3 to 8 mm in diameter and from 3 to 10
mm in length. Some were water-worn, but others
revealed a distinct striated surface structure on
planes more or less parallel to the basal pinacoid
(figure 2). About 20 of the crystal fragments had
natural faces, all with a uniform habit consisting of
1 rapiche Rubies

1. ~apiche-typerubiahave heen seen ill

Southeast Asian gem markets. This 1.55 ct cabochon was purchased in Mae Sai, Thailand, from
among material that was mined in Mong Hsu,
Myanmar. As is the case with trapiche emeralds,
the six-rayed star is fixed; that is, it does not move
when the stone or light source is moved.

a single &pyramidal crystal form. These faces were

inclined about 5' to the c-axis, which indicates that
the dominant form is the hexagonal dipyramid ft)
j 14 14 28 31, Three crystals had one or two additional rhombohedra1 faces i (1011).
The divided structure of the crystals was
best seen in those polished slabs oriented perpendicular to the c-axis. In these hexagonal crosssections, six red, transparent-to-translucent sectors were subdivided by the yellow- or whiteappearing arms of a six-rayed star. In some crystals, the six arms (which, unlike typical asteriated gems, are fixed-that is, they do not move
when the stone or light source is moved) intersected at one small point, forming six triangular
ruby sectors (figure 3). In many cases, however,
the arms extended outward from a hexagonal
central core (figure 4))producing trapezoidal ruby
areas. The cores of our study samples were usually either opaque yellow or black (figure 5); in
some cases, they were transparent red. We also
saw thin yellow or (rarely) white zones, similar
in color to the arms of the stars, in the boundaries between the black or red cores and the six
triangular ruby sectors (see, e.g., figures 4 and 5).
In some samples, only a small intersection
point between the six yellow arms of the star was

Winter 1996


Figme 3. In some of the trapiche nzbies, the six

arms intersect at one small point, forming six triangular ruby sectors. This polished slab is about 4.2
m m in diameter.
Figure 2. The six-rayed (hexagonal)star in this 7.5mm-diameter trapiche ruby separates the nzby into
six triangular sectors. Note the surface striations
oriented perpendicular to the six dipyramidal faces
of this crystal, almost parallel to the basal pinacoid.

observed on both sides of a crystal fragment or polished slab. In most cases, however, distinct cores
were seen, revealing a pyramidal or tapered outline
(figure 6). That is, the diameters of the red, yellow,
or black cores varied between the two ends of the
crystal fragments or between the two sides of the
polished slabs (figures 3 and 5). In most cases, the
cores or intersection points at both ends were the
same color; however, we also saw a few barrelshaped samples with different colors at either end.
In some samples, yellow, nontransparent, feathery structures extended outward from the dividing
planes into the transparent ruby sectors, forming triangular areas of massive inclusions toward the edges
of the crystals (figure 7). Occasionally, these zones
had been weathered out (figure8).

sectors to the outer dipyramidal faces of the crystal.

Those ruby sectors that were semi-transparent to
translucent had more of the tube-like inclusions.
Examination of the polished sections revealed
the same characteristic patterns noted above, with
striations restricted to the arms and boundaries
between the cores and transparent ruby sectors (figure 12a, b, c) and a dense concentration of tubes in
semi-transparent samples (figure 12e, f). In some
samples, the six arms intersected in a small point,
that is, without a core (figure 12a, e); others had a
small transparent red (figure 12f),a small nontransFigure 4. In many of the trapiche rubies, the arms
radiate from a hexagonal central core, so the six
ruby sectors are trapezoidal. This polished slab
measures about 3.2 m m in diameter.

In transmitted light, the yellow or blaclz central
cores, the six yellow arms of the stars, and the yellow triangular areas appeared opaque (figure 9).We
observed a series of parallel tube-like structures or
striations extending outward from the cores or
arms into the ruby sectors (figure 10). Where the
ruby sectors were transparent, these structures
were largely restricted to thin areas close to the
central core and the arms (figure 1l), although
some tubes did run through the full transparent

Trapiche Rubies


Winter 1996

Figure 5. These trapiche ruby cross-sections illustrate some of the different forms observed in the
samples examined. The arms of the stars intersect i n a small point (lower right) or extend outward from the corners of a hexagonal black
(upper right and lower left) or yellow (upper left)
core. The upper left sample (which measures
about. 4,2 m m in diameter) is the other side of the
slab shown in figure 3; note the size difference in
the centers on the two sides.

parent yellow (figure 12c), or an opaque blaclz core

(figure 12d). A few had large cores (figure 12b, d).
Occasionally, the arms widened toward the edges
of the crystals, often with evidence of weathering
(figure 12d-f).
With higher magnification, using crossed
polarizers, we resolved the striations as thin
tubes (figure 13a) that were often filled with birefringent minerals. The arms of the six-rayed stars
were formed by massive concentrations of such
tubes, which were filled with birefringent minerals (figure 13b), a liquid, or a liquid and gas (figure 13c).
Examination of sections parallel to the c-axis
revealed that the tube-like structures are not oriented exactly parallel to the basal plane of the
corundum crystals, but rather show a slight inclination, about 5O (figure 14). This indicates that
they are oriented perpendicular to the dominant
dipyramidal faces co, which are inclined about 5'
to the c-axis.
In.the blaclz or yellow cores of some of the polished sections, we observed small birefringent mineral inclusions in the form of tiny round spots ('figure 13a).These probably represent cross-sections of
tubes oriented perpendicular to the basal pinacoid,
which means that the tube-like structures also run
parallel to the c-axis in the cores of some samples.
Trapiche Rubies

Figure 6. This view, parallel to the c-axis of this

7.2-mm-diameter sample, illustrates the tapered
core, which is mostly red but black at one end.
Note the strong striations in the outer zones, away
from the core.

The birefringent mineral inclusions in the tubelike structures were analyzed independently by
Raman spectroscopy and an electron microprobe.
Two types of Rainan spectra were found repeatedly
in all of the polished slabs (figure 15).These spectra
were consistent with calcite and dolomite, as determined by data in the literature (White, 1974; Pinet
et al., 1992)and our own reference spectra.
Electron rnicroprobe analysis of the solids filling
the tubes confirmed these results and provided some

Figure 7, The arms in this 4 x 6 m m trapiche

ruby slab "feather out" and widen toward the
outer edge of the crystal, almost completely
absorbing one of the ruby sectors.


Winter 1996

Figure 8. In some of the trapiche rubies i n which

the arms form triangular zones at the rim of the
crystal, weathering has created re-entrant angles.
This sample is approximately 7 x 8 m m .

additional chemical data. Two mineral phases were

present in all of the samples examined (figure 16): a
magnesium-bearingcalcium-richmineral (calcite)and
a carbonate with higher magnesium and lower calcium contents (dolomite).Quantitative chemical analyses gave a Mg:Ca ratio of 7:93 for the magnesiumbearing calcite (averageof five analyses) and a Mg:Ca
ratio of 49:51 for the dolomite (average of six analyses].No iron was detected in either of these minerals.
Figure 9. When the slabs are examined with
transmitted light, the cores and arms of the
trapiche rubies appear opaque. The parallel striations illustrated in figure 2 are clearly seen in this
3.5-mm-diameter cross-section. Immersion,
crossed polarizers.

Figme 10. In reflected ngnt, this trapiche ruby slab

reveals a series of parallel tube-like structures
extending outward from each of the six arms of the
star and from the dividing planes between the
black core and the six trapezoidal red zones.
Magnified Wx.

Because the tube-like structures that extended

into the gem-quality ruby sectors were colorless,
and the calcite and dolomite inclusions were ironfree, we concluded that the yellow color of the arms
and some cores must be due to intense weathering
and secondary iron staining of the cavities and
tubes. This interpretation was supported by the
presence of white arms in some (not deeply weathered) samples and by X-ray fluorescence analyses. In
two samples for which we recorded distinct differences, the iron signal in the XRF spectrum of the
yellow arm was about four to five times stronger
than the iron signal of the adjacent ruby sector
(which contained fewer tube-like inclusions).
The massive, nontransparent, yellow triangular
areas that broadened toward the outer rim in some
samples consist of non-gem-quality corundum,
according to X-ray powder diffraction and microFigure 11. In those samples with transparent ruby
sectors, most of the tube-like inclusions ended close
to the arms or dividing planes with the core.
Magnified 50x.

Trapiche Rubies


Winter 1996

Figure 12. When viewed with transmitted light, the polished basal sections of the trapiche rubies clearly illustrate
the different types of star-like structures: (a) the arms of the star in this 3-mm-diametersample intersect in a small
central point; (b) the arms in this 4-mm-diameter section extend outward from the corners of a yellow central
core; (c)the arms m this 4.2-mm-diametersection extend outward from the corners of a small yellow central core,
with evidence of weathering in the arms at the rim (re-entrant angles); id) the aims in this 3.2-mm-diameter section, which extend horn a black core, get thicker as they approach the outer rim of the crystal, with evidence of
weathering at the rim; (e)weathering is more extensive in the arms of this 5-mm-diametersample, which intersect
in a small central point; and ( f ) the arms in this 4.5 x 5 m m sample extend outward from a red core, ending in partially weathered triangular structures at the rim of the crystal. Note the profusion of tube-like inclusions in the
ruby sectors of semi-transparent samples e-f, as compared to the ruby sectors of transparent samples a-c. Polished
sections a, b, and d-f are 200pm thick; sample c i s 20 ,um thick. Photomicrographs by 0.Medenbach.

probe analyses. In the samples we examined, these

sectors contained a massive concentration of inclusions, apparently also accompanied by intense
weathering and iron staining.
Nomenclature. These ruby samples share a number
of common structural features with trapiche emeralds from Colombia, as described in the mineralogic and gemological literature (Bernauer, 1926;
McKague, 1964; Schiffmann, 1968; Nassau and
Jackson, 1970; O'Donoghue, 1971).In both mineral
species, corundum and beryl, hexagonal single crystals are divided by included material into six distinct
triangular or trapezoidal growth sectors, depending
on the presence or absence of a central core. The
arms of the six-rayed stars consist of the host (ruby
Trapiche Rubies

or emerald) with inclusions of other minerals: calcite and dolomite for ruby, albite for emerald. In
both gem materials, the central core consists of the
host mineral alone or of the host mineral plus
inclusions (similar to the composition of the arms),
and it is typically tapered.
Oriented striations (tube-like inclusions) occur
both at the outline of the core and extending outward from the nontransparent arms into the transparent ruby or emerald sectors. In our ruby samples,
these striations were oriented perpendicular to the
dominant crystal form, that is, perpendicular to the
hexagonal dipyramid a (14 14 28 31; in emerald,
they are perpendicular to the first-order hexagonal
prism m {1010].
In general, most of the structural characteristics
that have been described for various trapiche einerGEMS & GEMOLOGY

Winter 1996


Figure 13. When the polished sections were viewed with higher magnification and crossed polarizers, i t
became evident that the tube-like structures (a) were filled with birefringent minerals (b), or with a liquid or
liquid and gas (c). The tiny round spots in the core of figure a are actually cross-sections of tubes that run perpendicular to the basal pinacoid. Photomicrographs by 0.Medenbach; a = magnified lox, b = 40x, c = 40x.

aids from Colombia (see, e.g., Bemauer, 1926; Nassau

and Jackson, 1970)were also found in the sectored
rubies described in this article. Thus, it seems reasonable to apply the term trapiche not only to sectored
emeralds from Colombia, but also to similarly sectored rubies regardless of geographic origin.

ment caused the massive formation of tube-like

inclusions at the outer edge of the core. Subsequent
to this event, new tube-like inclusions formed at the
boundaries between the six dipyramidal growth sectors. In the direction along the c-axis, tube-like inclu-

Formation Sequence. Discussions as to whether the

structural features observed in Colombian trapiche
emeralds are primary or secondary in origin (i.e.,
whether they formed during or after the formation of
the host emerald) are ongoing (McKague, 1964;
Nassau and Jackson, 1970; Petreus, 1974).However,
the arrangement of the tube-like inclusions in our
samples suggests that the sectored structure of the
trapiche rubies described in this article is primary.
Specifically, we believe that the red or black core
formed first; then, a change in the growth environ-

Figure 15. O n the basis of these Roman spectra (note

that scales are different), the mineral inclusions in
the tube-like structures were identified as (A)calcite
and (B) dolomite. The lines at 414.8 and 749.7 cm-1
(not labeled) are assigned to the corundum host,

Figure 14. In this view of a 5.9-mm-diameter

trapiche ruby crystal parallel to the c-axis, the
lube-like inclusions show a small inclination to
the basal plane.

RAMAN SHIFT ( c m " )


Trapiche Rubies


Winter 1996

from the state of Goihs, Bif

DelRe (1994).The samples he
hexagonal central co
ed by narrower green
from the comers ,of
the Brazilian-material ap
"negative" of Colombian
Recently, trapiche corundum with a similar
"negative" appearance was seen in the gem market.
Ten sapphires with a sectored structure were offered
at the 1996 Base1 fair by a Berlin gem dealer. He had
purchased several cabochons and one faceted trapiche
sapphire in Myanmar in early 1996; at that time, he
was told that the samples originated from the Mong
Hsu mining area (H.-J. Engelbrecht, pers. comm.,
A 6.59 ct trapiche sapphire was purchased by one
of the authors (HAH).It is whitish gray in color, with
six almost triangular white reflective (opaque)areas.

of;&$, -

s^rs.-in the tr@che rubies

~ i c r o ^ ~ o e@ri$@&jt&rffr&led

dipul^t. t k t h 9 . e

appearing min&r~'J&%lusi~t^\th$t'we^f,~c&~(ie~t~ated
in the areas confined by the dx Sfmt of the star. After
carefully r e p o l i s h the back of the sapphire cabochon, we were able to Identify t h e inclusions by
SEM-EDS as phlogopite. These phlogopite inclusions,
which were undoubtedly concentrated during crystal
growth, are responsible for the dark gray appearance of
the arms of the star.

. .'


~ ~ ,'~~fihishyf~tfwJP
. A ~
tAai~ t ~ u t & ~ a ~ t f ~ a ~ s oreten-&-ia
a p M s atfea.sfm
kt,A 4.59 m a p i c h e sapphire is shown @xe
the 1.35 ct ttapiche ruby cabochon /or coinpt~~on..

sions also formed in basal growth sectors, with an

orientation perpendicular to the basal pinacoid.
Where the basal faces were prominent, discrete cores
with calcite and dolomite inclusions in tube-like
structures formed; where the basal faces were small
or absent, smaller cores or intersection points
between the arms of the stars formed.
Trapiche Rubies

needles in the whitish reflectinggrowth Wnes,dr3.bri~

ented parallel to thegrowth planes, as indicated h w
by the drms of the small six-rayedstars.

The appearance of the samples described in

this article can be explained in terms of their relative position in this trapiche ruby growth sequence:
Samples with red and/or black cores on either end
of the crystal fragments were grown at an earlier
stage, and those with yellow cores or intersection
points were grown in a later stage.

Winter 1996

Figure 16. Election

X-ray scanning images
for Ca (left)and Mg
(right) confirmed the
presence of calcite and
dolomite i n the tube-like
inclusions. The more
intense calcite image
reflects the higher calcium
content in this mineral.

Origin. As mentioned previously, some of the

material described in this article was selected by
the authors from large parcels of reportedly Mong
Hsu rough in Mae Sai, northern Thailand. Certain
characteristics of these trapiche rubies are closely
related to those of untreated rubics from Mong Hsu
(seePeretti et al., 1995):The dominant crystal form is
the hexagonal dipyramid m (14 1428 31, typical samples reveal dark violet to almost black central cores
and red rims, and an abrupt change of growth conditions is evident in the growth sequence. Furthermore, calcite and dolomite are components of the
Mong Hsu host rock; Peretti et al. (1996)described a
ruby crystal from Mong Hsu in a calcite vein, embedded in a dolomite marble.
However, there are also some indications that
Vietnam might be the country of origin for all or
some of the samples. One Bangkok gem dealer
mentioned that he had seen rubies of this type
coming from Vietnam (K. Siu, pers. comm., 1995).
In addition, rubies with sectored growth structures
were seen about five years ago in large parcels of

Bernauer F. (1926)Die sog. ~maragddrillingevon Muzo und ihre
optischen Anomalien. Neues Jahrbuch fui Mineralogie,
Geologie und Palaontologie,
Vol. 54, Part A,
- . Siipplemental
-pp. 205-242.
DelRc N. 119941Gem trade lab notes: Emerald. traniche from a new
locality. ~ e h ei}s Gemology, Vol. 30, No. 2; pp.'l 16-1 17.
Hanni H.A., Kicfert L., Chalain J.-P., Wilcock I.C. (1996) Ein
Rcnishaw Raman Mikroskop im gemmologischen Labor:
Erste Erfahningen bei dcr Anwcndung [A Rcnishaw Raman
Microscope in the gemmological laboratory: First application
experiences]. Gen~mologie.Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 45, No. 2, 1996, pp.
Henn U., Bank H. (1996)Trapicheartige Korunde aus Myanmar.
Gemmologie. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen
Gesellschaft, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 23-24.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1994) Gem news:
"Trapiche" purple-pink sapphire. Gems es) Gemology, Vol.
30, No. 3, p. 197.
McKague H.L. (1964)Trapiche emeralds from Colombia, part I.
Gems a)Gemology, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 210-213,223.
Mullenmcister H.-J., Zang J , (1995) Ein Trapiche-Rubin aus
Myanmar (Burma).Lapis, Vol. 20, No. 12, p. 50.


Trapiche Rubies

material from Vietnam, which probably originated

from the Luc Yen mining area (C. P. Smith, pers.
comm., 1996), and a purple-pink trapiche sapphire
described by Koivula et al. (1994)reportedly came
from a parcel of Vietnamese rough.
Trapiche rubies represent a new variety of corundum
that is similar in appearance to trapiche emeralds.
Like trapiche emeralds, these rubies are composed of
six triangular or trapezoidal sectors formed by the
fixed arms of a six-rayed star, with or without a
tapered core. The arms consist of the host material
and massive concentrations of inclusions. In trapiche
rubies, these inclusions are tube-like structures that
are oriented perpendicular to dominant dipyramidal
crystal faces. The minerals in these tubes are calcite
and dolomite. Although the arrangement of these
inclusions suggests that the star pattern formed at
the same time as the ruby crystal formed, the
detailed growth mechanism of the trapiche ruby pattern cannot be explained at present.

Nassau K., Jackson K.A. (1970) Trapiche emeralds from Chivor

and Muzo, Colombia. American Mineralogist, Vol. 55, No.
314, pp. 416-427.
O'Donoghue M.J. (1971)Trapiche emerald. Journal of Gemmology,
Vol. 12, No 8, pp. 329-332.
Peretti A., Mullis J., Mouawad F. (1996)The role of fluorine in
the formation of colour-zoning in rubies from Mong Hsu,
Myanmar (Burma). Journal of Genamology, Vol. 25, No. 1,
pp. 3-19.
Peretti A., Schmetzer K., Bernhardt H.-J,, Mouawad F. (1995)
Rubies from Mong- Hsu. Gems &> Gemmology,
-. . Vol. 31, No.
1, pp. 2-26.
Petreus I. I19741, The divided structure of crystals, Ik Secondary
structures and habits. Neues ~ a h r b u c hf i r ~ i n e r a l o & e
Abhandlungen, Vol. 122, No. 3, pp. 314338.
Pinct M., Smith D.C., Lasnier B. (1992)Utilitk de la microsonde
Raman pour l'idcntification non-destructive dcs gemmes. In
La Microsonde Roman en Gemmologie, Association Franpisc
de Gemmologie, Paris, pp. 1 1-60.
Schiffmann C.A. (1968) Unusual emeralds. Journal of
Gemmology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 105-1 14.
White W.B. (1974)The carbonate minerals. In V.C. Farmer, Ed.,
The Infrared Spectra of Minerals, Mineralogical Society
Monograph 4, London, pp. 227-284.


Winter 1996

Fall 1988



Fall 1993

Spring 1989

Jewels of the Edwardians

A Guide Map to the Gem Deposits of Sri Lanka
Two Treated-Color Synthetic Red Diamonds
Two Near-Colorless General Electric Type lla
Synthetic Diamond Crystals

The Sinkankas Library

The Gujar Killi Emerald Deposit
Beryl Gem Nodules from the Bananal Mine
"Opalite:" Plastic Imitation Opal

Russian Gem-Quality Synthetic Yellow Diamonds

Heat Treating Rock Creek (Montana) Sapphires
Garnels from Allay, China

An Economic Review of Diamonds

The Sapphires ot Penglai, Hainan Island, China
Iridescenl Orlhoamphibole from Wyoming
Detection of Treatment in Two Green Diamonds

Winter 1993

Summer 1989

e,isa are still available

Filled Diamonds
Synlhetic Diamond Thin Films
Grading the Hope Diamond
Diamonds with Color-Zoned Pavilions

Spring 1994

The Anah, Ametrine Mine, b l i v i a

Indaia Sapphire Deposits of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Flux-Induced Fingerprints in Synthetic Ruby

Summer 1994

Fall 1989
Polynesian Black Pearls
The Capoeirana Emerald Deposil
Brazil-Twinned Synthetic Quartz
Thermal Alteration of Inclusions in Rutilated Topaz
Chicken-Blood Stone from China

Synthetic Rubies by Douros

Emeralds from the Mananjary Region, Madagascar:
Internal Features
Synthetic Forsterite and Synthetic Peridot
Update on Mining Rubies and Fancy Sapphires in
Northern Vietnam

Winter 1989

Fall 1994

Emerald and Gold T,ure of the Alocha

inge, Australia


Spffng 1995

Filled Diamonds: Identification and Durability

Inclusions of Nalive Copper and Tenorite in
Cuprian-Elbaite Tourmaline, Paraiba, Brazil

SwiM 1396

nenecance Infrared Spectroscopy in Gemology

Mildly Radioactive Rhinestones

Winter 1994
Color Gradina ol Colored Diamonds in the GIA
Gem ~ r a d eLaboratory
Ruby and Sapphire from the Ural Mountains, Russia
Gem Corundum in Alkali Basalt

Sprlng 1990
Gem Localilies of the 1980s
Gemstone Enhancement and Its Detection
Synlhetic Gem Materials in Ihe 1980s
New Technologies of the 1980s
Jewelry of the 1980s

Sprlng 1995
Rubies from Mong Hsu
The Yogo Sapphire Deposit

Sprlng 1991
Age, Origin, and Emplacement of Diamonds
Emeralds of Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan

Summer 1991
Fracture Filling ol Emeralds: Opticon and "Oils'
Emeralds from the Urat Mountains, USSR
Treated Andamooka Matrix Opal

A visual Guide to the Identification

of Filled Diamonds

Fall 1991

Winter 1991

Gem-Quality Grossular-Andradite: A New Garnet

Irom Mali
Sapphires from Southern Vietnam
Ti-Sapphire": Czochralski-Pulled Synthetic Pink
Sapphire from Union Carbide

Marine Mining of Diamonds off Southern Africa

Sunstone Labradorite from the Ponderosa Mine
Nontraditional Gemstone Cutting
Nontransparent "CZ" from Russia

A History of Diamond Sources in Africa: Part 1

A Chart for the Separation of Natural and
Synthetic Diamonds

Fall 1995

Rubies and Fancy Sapphires Irom Vietnam

New Rubies Irom Morogoro, Tanzania
Bohemian Garnet-Today

Winter 1995

Spring 1992

Gem-Quality Green Zoisite

Kilbourne Hole Peridot
Fluid Inclusion Study of Querktaro Opal
Natural-Color Nonconductive Gray-to-Blue Diamonds
Peridot as an Interplanetary Gemstone

Sprlng 1996
A History of Diamond Sources in Africa: Part II
~emolGcalInvcsligation of a New Type of Russian
HvdrothermalSvnthetic Emerald
~ r o w l hMethod and~rowth-MatedProperties of a New
Type of Russian Hydrothermal Synthetic Emerald

Summer 1992

Summer 1996

Gem Wealth of Tanzania

Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Radioactivity
Dyed Natural Corundum as a Ruby Imitation
An Update on Sumitomo Synthetic Diamonds

Sapphires from the Andranondambo Region,

Russian Demantoid, Czar of the Garnet Family
Opal from Shewa Province, Ethiopia

Fall 1992

Fall 1996

Ruby and Sapphire Mining in Mogok

Bleached and Polymer-Impregnated Jadeite
Radiation-Induced Yellow-Green in Garnet

De Beers Natural versus Synthetic Diamond

Verification Instrumenis
Analyzing Internal Growth Structures:
Identification of the Negative dPIane in
Natural Ruby
Russian Flux-Grown Synthetic Alexandrite

Winter 1992
Determining the GoldContent of Jewelry Metals
Diamond Sources and Production
Sapphires from Changle, China

Sprlng 1993
Queensland Boulder Opal
Update on Diffusion-Treated Corundum:
Red and Other Colors
A New Gem Beryl Locality: Luumaki, Finland
De Beers Near Colorless-to-Blue Experimental
Gem-Quality Synthetic Diamonds

Summer 1993
Flux-Grown Synthetic Red and Blue
Spinels Irom Russia
Emeralds and Green Beryls of Upper Egypt
Reactor-Irradiated Green Topaz


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Winter 1996


Imperial Topaz Irom the Cap20 Mine,

Minas Gerais, Brazil
Trapiche Rubies
Identifying Black Opaque Gem Materials
Enstatite, Cordierile, Kornerupine and Scapolite
from Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka
Some Tanzanite Imitations
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By Mary L.Johnson, Shane F, McClure, and Dino G. DeGhionno

A m o n g the most difficult gems to identif y are those that are black and opaque (or
nearly so). In general, any gem material
can be opaque because o f inclusions, any
black opaque material can be fashioned,
and any porous material can be dyed.
Thus, t o identify a black opaque material, every possible mineral, and m a n y
rocks and manufactured substances,
must be considered. Microscopic appearance, refractive index, specific gravity,
and other properties (such as magnetism
or radioactivity) provide useful clues, but
in most cases advanced identification
techniques (X-ray diffraction, EDXRF
spectroscopy) are necessary, and even
these m a y not be conclusive. Black
opaque pyroxenes, amphiboles, and
spinel-group minerals are especially challenging t o identify.



Black Opaque Gem Materials

ne of the most challenging problems in gemology is that

of determining the identity of a blaclz opaque gem inaterial-hereafter called a "blaclz opaque." Such materials are
a mainstay of the jewelry business, primarily as side stones, decorative elements in multi-stone mosaics, and in men's jewelry.
Treated blaclz chalcedony ("black onyx"), black jade, and
hematite traditionally have been the black opaques in greatest
demand. As a variety of quartz, "black onyx" is probably the
most familiar durable black opaque to lapidaries and gem cutters. Today, it is a popular medium for artistic carvings, many of
which have been incorporated into fine jewelry (figure 1).
In recent years, various materials have been misrepresented as "black onyx" or "black jade" to meet the trade's need for
calibrated goods in high-volume markets. Members of the
trade, in turn, have been sending samples to identification laboratories to ensure that the material has been properly represented, so that they can sell it honestly. Usually, individual
items sent to the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory (GIA GTL) for
identification are representative of larger lots.
The purpose of this article is to provide a set of procedures
by which to identify blaclz opaques (that is, materials that are
black or almost blaclz and opaque or nearly so). The examples
used are drawn primarily from our experience at GIA GTL. Not
all black opaques are included here, as that is beyond the scope
of a single article (and almost any gem material, by virtue of
inclusions, can become a "black opaque"). Because so many
materials-both common and exotic-may be used as black
opaques, any set of identification procedures must take all possibilities into consideration, not just a few. For example, black
jade (nephrite or jadeite), "onyx," and hematite each have many
imitations. Also, natural-color black diamonds may be confused
with diamond imitations and treated-color diamonds. In the
last few years, other black opaque materials have become
increasingly available, such as the amphibole ferrohomblende
(sold as blaclz "gem barlzevikite") and various spinel-group minerals (figure2). Still another challenging problem is that of identifymg black opaque polycrystalline aggregates, or roclzs.

Winter 1996

This article will examine the applicability of

advanced as well as traditional gemological tests in
identifying blaclz opaque gem substances. Basic
gemological tests can distinguish some common
blaclz opaque materials, but they cannot be relied
on for unambiguous determination in all cases.
Various ancillary methods can also provide useful
clues about the nature of blaclz opaques. In most
situations, though, only advanced techniques provide the definitive information needed to identify
these materials.
Certain blaclz materials (pearl, jet) are distinctive enough to present their own identification
challenges, and are outside the scope of this article.
The reader should consult Muller (1987) for the
separation of jet from other natural and manufactured hydrocarbons; Goebel and Dirlam (1989)provide a good summary of how to identify treatments
in blaclz natural and cultured pearls.
Optical Tests. As Liddicoat (1989)pointed out, the
first test used in examining a gem material is visual
observation-with a microscope, a loupe, or the
unaided eye. For many transparent stones, much of
the relevant identification information comes from
the stone's interior; that is, transmission of light
through the stone is needed to detect characteristic
features. In the case of black opaques, however, examination is limited to surface or near-surfacefeatures.
The first question to be addressed when identifying blaclz opaques is whether the material is singlecrystal (orglass)or an aggregate. An important clue in
this regard is the appearance of a fracture surface.
With fashioned stones, look for the small chips that
are frequently present around the girdle or on the
back of cabochons. Most aggregate materials will
have a dull, granular fracture, although extremely
fine, compact aggregates, such as chalcedony, may
appear waxy and conchoidal. In contrast, smgle-crystal materials may have any of several types of fracture
surfaces (includingconchoidal, uneven, and splintery
with vitreous [glassy] to adamantine luster), but they
are never granular. Therefore, if a vitreous conchoidal
fracture is observed, it can be surmised that the material is single crystal. Conversely, if a granular fracture
is observed, the material must be an aggregate.
Another simple test is to examine the polished
material with reflected light, to look for fractures
and grain boundaries, differences in relief (figure3),
and differences in reflectivity (figure4), all of which
indicate an aggregate. Contrasts in relief may result
Black Opaque Gem Materials

Figwe 1. Because of their dramatic appearance,

and the ease with which many can be fashioned,
black opaque gem materials are increasingly
important in gem carvings and custom-made jewelry. This 9.1 x 3.5 cm piece is composed of carved
dmsy dyed blaclz chalcedony ("black onyx"),
together with curved Oregon opal, a pink tourmaLine, mother-of-pearl,and diamonds. Carvings and
gold fabrication by Glenn Lehrer, Sun Rafael,
California;photo 0Lee-Carraher Photography.

from different polishing hardnesses among the

minerals present, from directional variations in
hardness between grains with different orientations, or from different grain sizes, as in the bands
in "black onyx" and blaclz coral. Usually only large
differences in refractive index values (and, thus,
luster) can be observed.

Winter 1996


If a microscope with an analyzer is available, a

polarizer can be placed over the light source to
obtain additional information. Anisotropic (uniaxial and biaxial) minerals have different refractive
indices with different directions of polarized light,
so the relative reflectivities of adjacent grains in an
aggregate may change as the analyzer is rotated.
Some highly reflective materials, such as the blaclz
opaque minerals graphite and enargite, may show
pleochroism in reflected light.
Observation of the sample's luster can be very
important (again, see figure 2). Black opaques can

have any type of luster and, in general, "higher"

lusters (adamantine or metallic) correspond to high
R.I. values. However, the apparent luster also may
be affected by the quality of the polish on a fashioned gem.
In many cases, a blaclz opaque is not completely black or opaque when a very thin region is
viewed with a strong beam of light. Fiber-optic illumination in conjunction with magnification is
ideal for this purpose (Koivula, 1982). Materials
that have a blaclz appearance overall may look
green, brown, red, blue, purple, gray, or the like, at
these intensely lit thin edges. Sometimes growth
structures are more visible in thin edges with
strong transmitted light (figure 5) than with reflected light. Inclusions-such as gas bubbles in manufactured glass, and stretched gas bubbles and irontitanium oxide inclusions in natural volcanic glass
(obsidian; see, e.g., Gubelin and Koivula, 1986, p.
285)-may also be seen.
Some blaclz opaques display asterism (see, e.g.,
Kane, 1985 [sapphire]; Liddicoat, 1989 [diopside];
Koivula and Kammerling, 1990a [elzanite]; and
Koivula et al., 1993b [irradiated quartz]),which can
be an important consideration for identification.
Chatoyancy is also seen occasionally (as in opalKoivula and Kainmerling, 1990b).Both of these phenomena may be very weak, so strong pinpoint illumination also should be used to search for them.
In those cases where a material is blaclz because
of inclusions, it often helps to try to determine
which opaque material is responsible for coloring
the unknown. Strong, low-angle oblique illumination can be used, with magnification, to distinguish

Figure 3. The contrast in relief seen in reflected

l k h t i n this dark green fuchsite (muscovite) mica is
due to the presence of harder minerals, such as
quartz, in this aggregate material. Photo by John I.
Koivula; magnified 15x.

F i p e 4. The crystals in this sample of (manufactured) devitrified glass have a higher refractive
index than the glass matrix, and so they reflect
more light. Photomicrograph by John 1. Koivula;
magnified 20x.

Figure 2. These four opaque black stones, which

rangefiom 1.88 to 13.63 CL,are hercynite (the two
faceted stones) and magnetite, spinel-group miner01s from the Bo Phloi region of Thailand. Photo by
Maha DeMaggio.



Black Opaque Gem Materials



-^ .,




Winter 1996

Figure 5. The banding in this "black onyx" cabochon is visible only on a very thin edge with strong
fiber-optic illumination. The black chalcedony
may have been a banded agate before being treated
to produce the black color, or it could have been a
chalcedony in which different layers selectively
absorbed the coloring agent. Photomicrograph by
John I. Koivula; magnified lox.

(for instance) between metallic iron oxides such as

hematite, which appear reddish brown when lit
from the side (figure 6), and titanium-bearing
oxides such as ilmenite, which may appear white
when lit from the side (becauseof surface alteration

Figure 6. The large hematite crystal in this

quartz/magnetite/hematite cabochon looks red
along a very thin edge; this red color is seen when
the sample is examined with low-angle oblique
illumination. Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula;
magnified 1 5x.

Black Opaque Gem Materials

into white so-called "leucoxene" [Deer et al., 1966,

pp. 418-419], figure 7). Similarly, the opaque iron
sulfides pyrite and pyrrhotite look brassy yellow in
reflected light. This technique may also provide
clues to the identity of a metallic-luster opaque.
Many other optical tests-such as observing
the absorption spectrum, checking the optic sign,
or looking for pleochroisin-are not feasible when
testing blaclz opaques. (However, a reflected-light
spectrum sometimes can be obtained from opaque
samples: Kammerling et al., 1990.)Fortunately, the
refractive index (or indices] of an opaque material
still can be measured, although many materials,
especially those with metallic lusters, have indices
that are over the limits of a standard refractometer.
Measurements should be taken from several places
on a black opaque to check for multiple phases, or
to determine if the material is doubly refractive.
(As used here, "phases" refers only to solid phases,
including distinct minerals, glass, plastic filler, etc.)
Other Physical Tests. Specific gravity can be
extremely valuable for distinguishing among single-crystal materials, especially those with refractive indices greater than 1.81. It is somewhat less
reliable for aggregates and porous materials. Note
that some materials give inconsistent specific
gravity values, including the hercynite sample
described below. Also, hydrostatic specific gravity
measurements are less precise than, for example,
refractive index measurements.

Figure 7. The ilmenite crystal in this black

labradorite moonstone cabochon look's white when
viewed with low-angle oblique illumination.
Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula; magnified 20x.


Winter 1996


Various other tests may be useful or even diagnostic for certain materials. One common test is the
observation of luminescence to long- or short-wave
ultraviolet radiation. For example, some blaclz diamonds fluoresce (Kammerling et al., 1990).Certain
blaclz opaques, notably magnetite, are strongly
attracted to magnets, as are some other spinel-group
minerals (e.g., some hercynite: Johnson, 1994) and
some hematite (Fryer et al., 1984). The streak test
(scratching an inconspicuous comer of the sample
across an unglazed porcelain plate) must be made
carefully, as it is a destructive test, but it can provide
distinctive information about certain materials. For
example, the iron oxides-magnetite, hematite, and
goethite-have black, red, and brown streaks,
respectively. However, for aggregate materials with
small grain sizes, the low-angle oblique illumination
test mentioned above provides the same information
as a streak test, without the risk of damaging the
sample. Some low-luster materials, such as jet and
plastics, react to the thermal reaction tester ("hot
point") with diagnostic aromas.
Some materials are electrically conductive.
These will give a positive response to an electrical
conductometer-or even to an electrical multimeter, which is available at most hardware stores. For
example, a diagnostic test for manufactured yttrium iron garnet, YIG, is that it does not conduct
electricity (Kammerling et al., 1990). However,
practically any mineral or rock can appear blaclz
and opaque because of included graphite, which
conducts electricity; consequently, such a material
might give a positive response to an electrical conductivity test even though the host material is not
electrically conductive.
Finally, a few materials are innately radioactive,
such as pitchblende (uraninite; Fuhrbach, 1987)
and dark green to blaclz-appearing elzanite (see, e.g.,
Kane, 1986a; "Gem News," 1987). Others are
radioactive because of treatment, such as treatedcolor blaclz diamonds (see, e.g., Reinitz and
Ashbaugh, 1992; Koivula et al., 1 9 9 2 ~ )Radio.
activity can be detected by means of handheld
detectors [such as Geiger counters), by the fogging
of photographic film (see, e.g., Fuhrbach, 1987), or
with more sophisticated techniques (Ashbaugh,
In many cases, however, the information provided by the tests described above will not be sufficient
to identify a blaclz opaque (figure8).For these pieces,
more advanced testing, requiring more sophisticated
equipment, is necessary.


Black Opaque Gem Materials

Advanced Tests. Two advanced testing procedures

will usually identify any unlznown blaclz opaque: Xray powder diffraction analysis and energy-dispersive
X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)spectroscopy. In X-ray
powder diffraction analysis, a minute amount of
material is scraped from an inconspicuous spot on
the sample. The resulting fine powder is attached to
a small glass fiber "spindle" that is then mountedalong with a strip of X-ray sensitive film-in a special diffraction camera. Next, the sample is exposed
to a strong beam of nearly monochromatic X-rays.
The lattice of atoms (atomic structure) of the rotating powdered sample causes the X-rays to be diffracted and expose arc-shaped regions on the film. By
measuring the positions of these arcs, and estimating their relative intensities, we can compare the Xray powder diffraction pattern of the unknown material to diagnostic patterns for known materials.
Because the powder sample is usually taken from
only one or a few inconspicuous spots, care must be
exercised to ensure that the area sampled is representative of die piece as a whole; this is especially
difficult to guarantee for black aggregates.
In the second test, EDXRF spectroscopy, the
entire sample is exposed to a strong X-ray source,
which induces the elements in the sample to produce (or "fluoresce") secondary X-rays. Because each
element in the sample produces X-rays with a characteristic set of energy levels, the sample's chemical
composition can be approximated by collecting and
counting these X-rays. (Notethat the elements within the sample absorb some or all of each other's
emitted X-rays, as well as the source X-rays, and can
cause one another to fluoresce; consequently, the
quantitative or even semi-quantitative determination of a sample's chemistry is much more complicated and, in general, requires appropriate and wellunderstood standards.)
The combination of X-ray powder diffraction
and EDXRF analyses can usually determine both the
structure and the chemistry of a sample. Frequently,
this information is sufficient to identify the material. However, we may not be able to separate minerals that form groups or series (such as pyroxenes,
amphiboles, and spinels)from other members of the
same mineral group without further testing, such as
the destructive or relatively inaccessible tests
described below.
Petrographic and Other Geologic Tests (Not
Recommended). Because of their destructive
nature, certain standard geologic tests may be inap-


Winter 1996

propriate for gemstones. The simplest of these is

hardness testing, which requires scratching the
sample one or more times. Detailed optical information about transparent minerals can be obtained
from thin sections of that material-that is, slices
with an ideal thickness of about 30 pm that have
been polished on both sides. Many minerals that
appear to be opaque at a thickness useful for jewelry are transparent or translucent in thin section;
however, most customers do not want a representative slice taken from their valuable gem!
Quantitative chemical techniques, such as
electron microprobe analysis and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy
(SEM-EDS),require costly equipment, trained personnel, and special sample preparation. Some
other techniques, such as classical wet chemistry
and the more modern gas chromatography/mass
spectrometry (GC/MS), require complete destruction of at least part of the sample. Other sophisticated tests-transmission electron microscopy,
the "ion probe," single-crystal X-ray diffraction,
and the like-require special preparation and/or
some sample destruction in order to characterize a
mineral completely. Consequently, such tests are
usually inappropriate for isolated gem samples,
although they may be required to characterize
fully a new gem material.
Several examples of black opaque materials that
have been seen at GIA GTL are given in table 1,
along with an abbreviated list of their properties
and some references for further information. This
list is certainly not complete, as any gem material
may be blaclz and opaque if it contains a sufficient
amount of dark inclusions (as is the case with
black diamonds, for example). Furthermore, virtually any dark-colored mineral that occurs in aggregates that are large and coherent enough can be
fashioned into a cabochon, and any porous material-such as calcite, dolomite, chalcedony, and the
like-can be dyed blaclz (figure9).Three especially
challenging identification problems are discussed
below: rocks (aggregate materials), pyroxene- and
amphibole-group minerals, and black spinel-group
First Example: Aggregate Materials (Rocks).
Inspection with reflected light provides the best
clue to the appropriate procedure for identifying a
blaclz opaque aggregate material. Are there differ-

Black Opaque Gem Materials

Figure 8. It would probably be necessary to use

advanced testing methods, such as EDXRF spectioscopy and X-ray powder diffractionanalysis,
to determine which black material was used in
this carving by Steve Walters. The carving is set
with amethyst-citrine and diamonds in a convertible enhancer pin designed and manufactured by David W. Lisky and Christopher
Engelken, of Christopher David Designs,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Photo by John Parish.

ences in polishing hardness, relief, or reflectivity,

indicating the presence of multiple phases or of
multiple orientations of the same mineral phase? If
so, what are the relative amounts of the phases present? (Relativeamounts are determined by estimating the proportion of different distinct areas, a standard practice in sedimentary petrology.) In most
cases, only phases comprising 25% or more of the
sample are identified by GIA GTL.
Sometimes, the surface areas of individual
phases in a rock are large enough so that individual
R.I. values can be determined. The specific gravity,
on the other hand, is an aggregate property: The
specific gravity we determine for an aggregate sample should agree with the weighted average of the
S.G. values of the individual phases present. (If it
does not, the material may be different below its
surface-e.g., hollow, or zoned around a denser


Winter 1996


TABLE 1. Gemological properties of some black opaque gem materiaha











Sometimes magnetic


Not available


Submelaiiic, resinous






Irradiated "black diamond





> 1.81


Adamantine lo vitreous

'Psilomelane" (Mn oxides)

> 1.81


Metallic to submelallic

> 1.81; 1.835


Subadamantine to vitreous


About 3.72

Subadamanlineto vitreous

Fryer (1988)
Kane (1985), Liddicoat (19891, Webster (1994)



'High' vitreous

Hurwit (1988a)
Liddicoat(1989), Webster (1994)
Liddicoat(1989), Hargell(1990)
Liddicoal(1989), Webster (1994)


Vilreous to dull

Crowningshieldel al. (1994)

Liddicoat (1989), Webster (1994)
Kane (1984)
Huwit (1985), Liddicoat (1989),Webster (1994)
Kane (1986a)
Liddicoat (1989), Webster (1994)
Koivula and Karnrnerling (1991), Webster (1994)
Liddicoal(1989),Kammerlingel al. (1990),
Koivula and Karnrnerling (1989)
Hurwit (1988b)
Koivula et al. (1994), Webster (1994)
Liddicoat (1989), Webster (1994)
Liddicoal(1989), Webstcr (1994)
Koivula and Kammerling (1990b)


Hargett (1991)
Koivula and Kammerling (1989)


Fryer el al. (1984), Liddicoat (1989),

Webster (1994)
Fuhrbach (1987), Liddicoat (1989),
Kammerling et al. (1990)
Liddicoat (1989), Crowningshield (1990),
Kammerling el al. (1990), Johnson (1995)
Liddicoat (1989), Karnmerling el al. (1990),
Koivula el al. (1992c), Reinitz and
Ashbaugh (1992)
Liddicoat (1989), Kammerling el al. (1990)
Kammerling et al. (1995b), observation of same
material (unpublished)
Webster (1994)

Spinel Group

Sometimes magnetic

Deer el al. (1966), Welch (1987), Ihis work

Johnson (1994), Webster (1994), this work,
Fryer el al. (1982), Hurwit(1984), Webster (1994)
Koivula el al. (1993a)

Garnet Group
Andradite garnet (melanile)
Corundum (star sapphire)

Pyroxene Group
Diopside (star)
Jadeite jade

Amphibole GI
Nephrite jade
Labradorite feldspar
Dyed chalcedony (black "onyx")
Chalcedony with "Psilomelane"

About 3.30

Coaled quartz
Black coral
Opal (black opaque)

Metallic to submelallic

Colored by inclusions

Rocks (aggregates)
Dolomite/quartzile rock
Basalt rock

1.66 spot

Cubic zirconia
YIG (yttrium iron garnet)
Barium sulfatelpolymer

> 1.81
> 1.81
not available
mid-1 50s

about 6

a Arranged in approximate decreasing order ot refractive index.

Vitreous to submetallic
Vitreous to resinous
Submetallic to vitreous


Kammcrling el al. (1991), Koivula et al. (1992b)

Webster (1994), Johnson and Koivula (1996)
Liddicoal(1989), Webster (1994)
Liddicoat(1989), Kammerling el al. (1990)
Koivula elal. (1992a), Webster (1994)
Liddicoat (1989), Webster (1994)
Kane (1986c), Welch (1988), Liddicoat(1989),
Moses (1989), Webster (1994)

n.d.= not determined.



Black Opaque Gem Materials


Winter 1996

core.) In general, X-ray powder diffraction analysis

of each phase is required to identify that phase conclusively; EDXRF spectroscopy, like S.G. deterrnination, only provides information about the sample
as a whole.
GIA GTL identifies black opaque roclzs as follows: If one phase comprises 75% or more of the
sample, it is described as "a roclz, consisting primarily of (name of appropriate phase), and possible additional minerals." If there are two or more phases
that each comprises 25% or more of the sample, it is
described as "a roclz, consisting of (commonest
phase, next commonest phase, etc.), and possible
additional minerals." In both cases, this comment is
added: "Petrographic testing would be necessary to
fully characterize this material." Of course, fi a blaclz
opaque rock has a well-established gemological
name (e.g., nephrite), that name is used instead. We
do not use common petrologic names for roclzs (such
as basalt, granite, or conglomerate), because such
names imply that we know the history of the roclzsuch as igneous versus sedimentary origin-which
cannot be determined easily with our testing procedures (Kammerling et al., 1995a).Typical descriptions of roclzs that have been examined by GLA GTL
include "dolomite/quartz rock" (Hargett, 1991) and
"a rock consisting of plagioclase feldspar, an amphibole, pyrite, and possible additional minerals."
Second Example: Pyroxene- and Amphibole-Group
Minerals. As of 1995, there were 21 accepted species
of pyroxene-group minerals and 66 species of amphibole-group minerals (Fleischer and Mandarino,
1995). Common gem examples of these minerals
include jadeite, diopside, and spodumene (pyroxenes),and the nephrite variety of tremolite or actinolite (amphibole).Many of the rest are dark colored or
black, unfamiliar to gemologists, and separated
from one another only with great difficulty (i.e.,
requiring quantitative chemical analysis and
detailed crystal structure determination).The most
common dark pyroxene in terrestrial roclzs is
augite, but the correspondingly common blaclz
amphibole, once known as hornblende, has been
"subdivided" into many different mineral species.
GIA GTL usually relies on a combination of Xray powder diffraction and EDXRF to identify the
less common pyroxenes and amphiboles. In some
cases, the exact mineral species cannot be determined. Examples of unusual gem pyroxenes and
amphiboles (not necessarily blaclz ones) seen by GIA
GTL include the pyroxenes augite (Hurwit, 1988a,

Black Opaque Gem Materials

Figure 9. A uniform black is often achieved b y

dyeing a porous material. This 8 . 0 5.5
~ c m set
was fashioned from two pieces from the same
slab of dnzsy chalcedony, one dyed blaclz and the
other natural light gray. Carvings and photo b y
Glenn Lehrer.

1989))omphacite (Johnson and Kammerling, 1995),

and "orthopyroxene" (Kammerling, 1993); and the
amphiboles magnesian hastingsite (as indicated by
the X-ray diffraction pattern; see Kane, 1986b),ferrohornblende (Crowningshieldet al., 1994), "a member of the cummingtonite-grunerite series" (Kane,
1984)) and "orthoamphibole" (Crowningshield,
1993). Two additional stones that we examined
could only be identified as "a member of the edenite-hastingsite-pargasiteseries of the amphibole mineral group" and "a member of the amphibole mineral group."
Because determination of the precise pyroxene
or amphibole species may require additional, moredestructive tests than we routinely perform, identification reports on these samples often contain the


Winter 1996


comment, "Petrographic testing would be necessary to fully characterize this material." This comment means that some of the "less appropriate"
tests mentioned earlier would be needed to determine the exact mineral species. Sometimes the
comment, "Additional minerals may be present,"
is added as well.
Third Example: Black Opaque Spinel-Group
Minerals. The blaclz members of the spinel mineral
group present significant identification challenges,
since the group contains 21 species (Fleischer and
Mandarino, 1995), and many of these form complete solid solutions (similar to the garnets).
However, only four of these end-members are
important components of the black spinels that we
have examined: spinel, hercynite, magnetite, and,
to a much lesser extent, chromite (Fryer et al.,
1982; Hurwit, 1984; Welch, 1987; Koiv~ilaet al.,
1993a; Johnson, 1994).
Magnetite and hercynite have refractive indices
that are over the limit of the standard refractometer
(that is, greater than 1.81))but the R.I. of spinel can
be measured, as can those of some of the intermediates between spinel and hercynite. When measurable, the R.I. of a spinel-group mineral provides an
important clue about that mineral's identity.
For many of the blaclz spinels in our experience, t h e measured specific gravity values
(3.78-3.88 for five hercynites, including the two
shown in figure 2, and 4.81-4.83 for the two magnetites in figure 2) are lower than those predicted
by Deer et al. (1966) from end-member compositions; however, other authors cite different S.G.
values for hercynite (see, for instance, Phillips and
Griffen, 1981).At least some of the hercynites that
we have examined, and all of the magnetites,
proved to be magnetic (e.g.,Johnson, 1994).
The unit-cell spacing, a, is the fundamental
distance between identical groups of atoms in the
atomic structure of an isometric crystalline material. In spinel-group minerals, this spacing can be
measured by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, that
is, by carefully measuring the spacings of arcs on
the photographic film, with comparison to a standard, preferably one mixed with the powdered
unknown (an "internal" standard).
The general formula for the spinel group is
AB204, where A and B are different cation elements; spinel itself is Mg&04; and other spinelgroup minerals contain Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, V, Ni, Co,


Black Opaque Gem Materials

Cu, Ti, and Ge. (Hercynite is Fe&04, magnetite is

FeFe204, and chromite is FeCr204.)All of these
elements (except oxygen) can be detected by the
EDXRF instrumentation available at GIA GTL,
although special attention must be paid to the
lightest elements, Mg and Al, so that they are not
overloolzed. EDXRF spectroscopy is a necessary
step in identifying an unknown spinel-group mineral, to make sure that no important component is
Deer et al. (1966, p. 431) provide a calibration
chart for R.I., S.G., and a for six spinel-groupminerals, in the two series spinel-hercynite-magnesiochroinite-chromite and spinel-hercynite-magnesioferrite-magnetite. We can identify a spinel-group
mineral using this chart, our determined values of
R.I. and a, and the EDXRF results for chemistry.
(Becausethere is some debate as to the appropriate
S.G. values to use, we do not include this information.) Black spinel-group minerals examined by
GIA GTL include: spinel (Fryer e t al., 1982;
Hurwit, 1984), hercynite (Johnson, 1994), magnetite (Welch, 19871, and an intermediate between
spinel and hercynite (Koivula et al., 1993a).
Blaclz opaque gem materials present a special identification problem, because many basic gemological identification techniques require the transmission of light through the sample. In some cases,
standard examination techniques are adequate to
distinguish among common black opaques, at least
to some minimum level of confidence. Certain
modifications of these techniques, especially visual
observation with reflected light, may provide additional insights. Some specific but less routine tests
(such as for magnetism) can also be very useful. Bynow-routine advanced testing procedures, such as
X-ray powder diffraction analysis and EDXRF spectroscopy, give information that cannot be obtained
by standard gemological testing alone. These
advanced tests are usually required to positively
identify most blaclz opaque materials. With black
opaques, as with other gem materials, all of the
information available should be used to identify a
sample. Because they are blaclz and opaque, some
uncertainty may remain about their identity even
after advanced testing. In such cases, destructive
testing techniques may be the only option for positive identification.


Winter 1996

Ashbaugh ni C.E. (1992) Gamma-ray spectroscopy to measure
radioactivity in gemstones. Gems ed Cemology, Vol. 28, No.
2, pp. 104-1 1 1 .
Crowningshield G.R. (19901 Gem trade lab notes: DiamondFancy black. Gems is) Gemology, Vol. 26, No. 3, p. 221.
Crowningshield G.R. (1993) Gem Trade lab notes: Iridescent
orthoamphibole, "nuurnmite."Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 29,
No. 4, p. 281.
Crowningshield G.R., Johnson M.L., Reinitz I. (1994)Gem trade
lab notes: Iron-rich hornblende. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 30,
No. 3, pp. 186-187.
Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Zussman J. (1966) An Introduction to
the Rock-Forming Minerals. Longman Group, London, 528
Fleischer M., Mandarino ).A. (19951 Glossary of Mineral Species
1995, 7th ed. Mineralogical Record, Tucson, Arizona, 280
Fryer C. (1988)Gem trade lab notes: Black pyrope garnet. Gems
a ) Gemology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 116-1 17.
Flyer C., Crowningshield R.C., Hurwit K.N., Kane R.E. (19821
Gem trade lab notes: Spinel?. Gems e) Gemology, Vol. 18,
No. 3, p. 173.
Fryer C., Crowningshield R., Hurwit K.N., Kane R.E. (1984)
Gem trade lab notes: Hematite, magnetic. G e m s &>
Gemology, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 46-47.
Fuhrbach J. (19871 Editorial forum: Want to buy a "hot diamond"? Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 23, No. 2, p. l l l .
Gem news (1987)Large ekmite found. Gems a ) Cemology, Vol.
23, No. 2, p. 123.
Goebel M., Dirlain D.M. (19891Polynesian black pearls. Gems
a> Gemology, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 130-148.
Cubelin E.J., Koivula J.I. (1986)Photoatlas of Inclusions in
Gemstones. ABC Edition, Zurich, Switzerland, 532 pp.
Hargett D. (1990) Jadeite of Guatemala: A contemporary view.
Gems ed Gemology, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 134-141.
Hargett D. (19911 Gem trade lab notes: Quartzite and dolomite
bead. Gems d Gemology, Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 251.
Hurwit K.N. (1984)Gem trade lab notes: Black spinel. Gems a )
Gemology, Vol. 20, No. 2, p. 112.
Hurwit K.N. (1985) Gem trade lab notes: Carved jet. Gems a )
Cemology, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 234-235.
Hurwit K.N. (1988a) Gem trade lab notes: Augite, Chinese
"onyx." Gems a)Gemology, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 170.
Hurwit K.N. (1988b)Gem trade lab notes: Imitation dyed black
chalcedony beads. Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 24, No. 4, p. 241.
Hurwit K.N. (19891 Gem trade lab notes: Transparent green
augite. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 35.
Johnson M.L. (1994)Gem trade lab notes: Magnetic hercyrute, a
warning about magnetic cards. Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 30,
No. 1, p. 43.
Johnson M.L. (19951 Gem trade lab notes: Diamond-Fancy
black, with iron. Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 266.
Johnson M.L., Kammerling R.C. (1995) Gem trade lab notes:
Omphacite, rock carving. Gems a ) Gemology,
-. . Vol. 31, No. 2,
pp. 124-125.
'lohnson M.L.. Koivula 1.1. 119961 Gem news: "Drusv" silicon. a
computer-industry by-product. Gems a) ~ e m o l h gVol.
~ , 32,
No. 2, pp. 138-139.
Kammerhg R.C. (1993)Gem trade lab notes: Orthopyroxene, a
carved mask. Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 29, No. 4, p. 281.
Kammefling R.C., Kane R.E., Koivula J.I., McClure S. F. (1990)
A n investigation of a suite of black diamond jewelry. Gems
a ) Gemology, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 282-287.
Kammerling R.C., Koivula J.I., Kane R.E., Fritsch E.,
Muhlmeister S,, McClure S.F, (19911An examination of nontransparent "CZ" from Russia. Gems &! Gemology, Vol.
276, No, 4, pp. 240-246,

Black Opaque Gem Materials

Kammerling R., Johnson M.L., Moses M. (1995a) Describing

aggregate gem materials. ICA Gazette, February 1995, p. 7.
Kamrnerling R.C., Koivula J.I., Johnson M.L., Fritsch E. (1995b)
Gem news: "Drusy" hausmannite. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol.
31, No. 3, pp. 207-208.
Kane R.E. (1984) Gem trade lab notes: Cun~mington.ite-grunerite, a series in the amphibole group. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol.
20, No. 2, pp. 106-107,
Kane R.E. (1985) Gem trade lab notes: Corundum-Black star
sapphire doublet. Cems a ) Gemology, Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 171.
Kane R.E. (1986a) Gem trade lab notes: Ekanite, a markedly
radioactive metamict gem. Gems ed Gemology, Vol. 22, No.
1, pp. 47-48.
Kane R.E. (1986b)Gem trade lab notes: Hornblende amphibole,
magnesian hastingsite(?).Gems o)Gemology, Vol. 22, No. 1,
p. 49.
Kane R.E. (1986~)
Gem trade lab notes: Devitrified glass, cobaltbearing. Gems a)Gemology, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 108.
Koivula J.I. (1982) Pinpoint illumination: a controllable system
of lighting for gem microscopy. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 18,
No. 2, pp. 83-86.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C. (1989) Gem news: Psilomelane
and basalt-novel black carving materials. Gems e4
Gemology, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 246-247.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C. (1990a)Gem news: Star ekanite.
Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 101.
Koivula J.1, Kammerling R.C. (1990b) Gem news: Black cat'seye opal. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 26, No. 4, p. 304.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R. C. (1991)Gem news: Drusy gems in
jewelry. Cems a ) Gemology, Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 49.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1992a) Gem news:
Imitations of sugilite and other nontransparent gems. Gems
a ) Gemology, Vol. 28, No. 1, p. 66.
Koivula J.I., Karnmerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1992b) Gem news:
Update on nontransparent CZ. Gems ed Gemology, Vol. 28,
No. 2, p. 138.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. ( 1 9 9 2 ~Gem
More on irradiated "black" diamonds. Gems a ) Gemology,
Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 276-277.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1993a) Gem news:
Black spinel from Mexico. Gems is) Cemology, Vol. 29, No.
3, pp. 212-213.
Koivula J.I., Karnmerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1993b) Gem news:
Irradiated phenomenal quartz. Gems d Gemology, Vol. 29,
No. 4, p. 288.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Fritsch E. (1994) Gem news:
"Zebra" stones from Australia. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 30,
No. 2, pp. 128-129.
Liddicoat R.T. Jr. (1989) Handbook of Gem Identification.
Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica, California,
364 pp.
Moses T. (19891 Gem trade lab notes: Chalcedony, imitation
"black onyx." Gems a)Gemology, Vol. 25, No. 3, p. 171.
Muller H. (19871Jet. Butterworth and Company, London, England,
149 pp.
Phillips W.R. and Griffen D.T. (19811Optical Mineralogy. W.H.
Freeman and Company, San Francisco, California, 677 pp.
Reinitz I., Ashbaugh 111 C.E. (19921 Gem trade lab notes:
Diamond-Treated "black" diamond. Gems a ) Gemology,
Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 124-125.
Webster R. (1994) Gems: Their Sources, Descriptions a n d
Identification, 5th ed. Rev. by P.G. Read, ButterworthHeinemann Ltd., Oxford, England, 1026 pp.
Welch C. (19871 Gem trade lab notes: Magnetite, lodestone.
Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 45.
Welch C. (1988) Gem trade lab notes: Unusual glass. Gems a)
Gemology, Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 113.


Winter 1996

26 1


By Pieter C. Zwaan

Gem-quality enstutite, cordierite, komerupine, and scapolite with unusual properties have been recovered from alluvial deposits in the region of
Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka. The occurrence of almost pure, completely colorless, enstatite appears t o be unique in the world. The cordierites are also
usually colorless and nonpleochroic, The diversity in the properties of
hornempine is mainly due to variations in the ratio of magnesium t o
iron. The strong cccanary"yellow fluorescence of scapolitesfrom this locality
has not been observed in scapolitesfrom other sources in Sri Lanka.

Since 1984, a group of mineralogists from Leiden,

the l ether lands, have performed systematic field
work in Sri Lanka. During the course of this
research, they accumulated a representative collection of rocks and minerals from that country.


Dr. Zwaan is emeritus professor of gemology (Ph.D. Mineralogy)

at Leiden University, The Netherlands, and retired director of the
Netherlands GemmotOglealLaboratory, Leiden.
Acknowledgments: The author is much indebted to Dr. Charles
S. Arps of the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, for his
cooperation, years of fieldwork in Sri Lanka, and critical reading of
the manuscript; and to E. GaminiZoysa,Mount Lavjnia, Sri G k a ,
for his valuableinformation and sucolv of material from different
localfiies. The author also thanks k A J. Burke and W. J. Lustenhomer, of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University of
Amsterdam, for the Raman spectroscopy and electron rnicroprobe analyses, respective&. D. van der Marel, of the National
Museum technical staff, prepared the geologic map and photographed the cut stones. The financial support of the Foundation
Stichting Dr. Schijnnannfonds is gratefully acknowledged.

This article was developed In pert from a paper presented at the

25th Internatjonal Gemmological Conferencein R a m Resort,
Thta/land, October 1995. It was the last conferencein wh,toh
Re)bert C.Kammerling participated.

Gf3ms & Gemology, Vol. 32,No.4, pp. 262-269.


Notes &i New Techniques

Although the well-known gem deposits of

Ratnapura are still commercially the most important
in Sri Lanka, other localities-such as Okkampitiya
and Elahera-have also become interesting. Farther
to the southeast, west of Kataragama, the Leiden
researchers identified yet another locality of special
mineralogic and gemological interest: Embilipitiya.
Some gem minerals from this region were briefly
described earlier (Zwaan, 1986).The present article
discusses specific properties, and special aspects of
these properties, for gem-quality enstatite, cordierite,
komerupine, and scapolite (figure 1).
Geoscientists have examined the geology, in particular the petrology, of Sri Lanlzan basement rocks
for many years. To date, however, there has been
no clear explanation for the origins of most of the
gem minerals. The best summary of the results
obtained thus far are t h e recent article by
Dissanayake and Rupasinghe (1995)and the book
by Gunaratne and Dissanayake (1995).Most important gems are recovered from alluvial deposits; the
few gem minerals that have been traced to their in
situ sources are not commercially important (i.e.,
of cutting quality).


Winter 1996

Embilipitiya is a small village about 70 lun (1.5

hours) by road southeast of Ratnapura. The village
has a population of about 300 and is situated in a flat
valley, about 25 km2, surrounded by distant hills.
The region is tropical, with bothwet and dry seasons.
Petrologically, it is in the Highland Complex, which
contains Precambrian rocks of the metamorphic
granulite facies (figure2).Most of the gem deposits in
Sri Lanka are located w i t h tiis complex.
A variety of gem-quality minerals are found in
the Embilipitiya region, in an area of about 6 lzm2,
primarily in alluvial deposits. Locals engage in
small-scale primitive mining, digging narrow pits
in the alluvium to a depth of 1.5-2 m (figure 3) to
reach the gem-bearing gravels.
Of special interest, because of their unusual
gemological properties, are scapolite and the Mgrich minerals enstatite, cordierite, and komempine.
Other gem minerals from this area include garnets,
mainly alinandine, and spinels. Since our first trip
in 1984, we have visited the area several times and
obtained several hundred carats of these unusual
minerals from local inhabitants. During the last
five years, however, greater demand by cutters and
decreasing production have made it difficult to
obtain more samples. These minerals are found
mostly as broken and corroded fragments, seldom
as rounded pebbles. Komempine is the most common of the four gems discussed in this article.
During fieldwork in 1984, the author and his colleagues discovered Embilipitiya on the way from
Ratnapura to gem localities in the southeast. At a
lunch stop in the village, native people showed us
dullam, pieces of rough gem minerals, that they
were offering for sale. According to these villagers,
the minerals came from the Embilipitiya area. At
that time, we purchased about 3 kg of material,
with a preponderance of colorless specimens. When
we inspected these materials at the Netherlands
Gemmological Laboratory in Leiden, we found that
most of the samples were garnets and spinels, but
we also identified a number of much less common
gem minerals. During subsequent trips to Sri
Lanka, we visited the village regularly and purchased almost every lot that was available.
Within the sample minerals were many fragments without crystal faces but with a recogriizable-though usually corroded-prismatic habit.
Using a polarizing microscope, we were able to
group hundreds of specimens by species. The

Notes & New Techniques

Figure 1. These f o w gem materials~cordierite
(left, 3.75 ct), enstatite (top, 7.69 ct), scapolite
(right, 3.08 ct), and kornerupine (bottom, 1.52 ct)
-from the Embilipitiya area of Sri Lanka were
found to have unusual gem properties. Photo by
Shane F. McClz~re.

enstatites were selected for further study because of

their range of color, from colorless to deep brown.
About 20 rough specimens with a prismatic habit,
approximately 10 to 30 mm long, were confirmed
to be enstatite by their absorption spectra. In addition, we examined 10 cut enstatites; the largest
was a 10.67 ct colorless specimen.
From among the cordierites, we selected about
40 rough samples (15 to 20 mm each) for further
study. Most of these were nearly colorless, but
some were pale blue. They were easily distinguished from the enstatites by their behavior in
ethylene dibromide, in which the cordierites are
almost invisible. Five cut stones, the largest of
which was 3.75 ct, were available for examination.
A total of 56 rough kornerupines, varying in
size from 5 to 20 mm and in weight from 0.91 ct
(dark green) to 13.03 ct (dark brown), were selected
for detailed study on the basis of their colors, inclusions, and physical properties (specimens with low
and high refractive indices and specific gravities
were represented).In addition, nine cut stones, the
largest of which was 4.56 ct, were examined.
We examined 10 rough scapolites in detail.
These were irregular, long prismatic, colorless-toyellow pieces that ranged from 3.66 to 7.06 ct in
weight and from 12 to 16 mm in their longest
dimension. In addition, we studied seven cut scapolites from Embilipitiya, ranging from 0.80 ct (yel-


Winter 1996

upines and six scapolites using an electron microprobe (JEOLmodel JXA-8800M),with three to five
analyses per sample and the results averaged. The
inclusions, mainly in the lzoinerupines and scapolites, were identified with a laser Raman microspectrometer (Dilor S.A. model Microdil-28).


figure a. m e village of Em bmpniya is m o m / u Km

southeast of Ratnapma. It is in the Highland Complex, one of the main Precambrian geologic complexes that comprise the island nation of Sri Lanka.

The enstatites (Mg2Si206)varied from colorless to
deep brown (figure 4). The colorless stones had
exceptionally low refractive indices (as low as nn.
=1.650 and 5=1.658] and specific gravities (as low
as 3.194). Microprobe analysis of one colorless
stone revealed that 99.4 mol.% of the magnesium
sites in this stone were occupied by Mg. This composition is very near the magnesium end-member
of the enstatite-ferrosilite series. In fact, these were
Figure 3. The gems are recovered from shallow
(about 1.5-2 m) alluvial pits in the Embilipitiya
area. Photo hv Pieter C %an.

low) to 17.79 ct (colorless), and compared their

properties to those of 17 cut scapolites from elsewhere in the world. Scapolite is the name given to
an isomorphous series in which marialite and
meionite are the Na-rich and Ca-rich end inembers, respectively. The intermediate members are
usually indicated by their molecular percentage
(mol.%) of meionite.
The physical properties of all specimens were
measured by standard gemological methods; for this
purpose, two flat parallel faces were polished on
each, thus forming a window. A Rayner refractometer with an yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG)prism
was used to measure the refractive indices and birefringence. Specific gravity was determined with a
hydrostatic balance.
The absorption spectra of all specimens were
observed with both an Eickhorst handheld prism
spectroscope and a Philips UV/ViS spectrometer
(model PU 8730). X-ray powder diffraction photographs were taken on representative samples of
all gem minerals using a Debye-Scherrer camera on
an Enraf-Nonius Diffractis 582 apparatus.
Chemical analyses were performed on eight lzomer-

Notes & New Techniques


Winter 1996

cordierites were very rich in Mg, up to 95 mol.% of

the possible Mg sites. These confirm earlier microprobe analyses of some specimens (Zwaan, 1986),
which also showed relatively high Mg content.
T o t h e unaided eye, when cut these cordierites
(see, e.g., figure 5) strongly resembled colorless
enstatites from the same locality. Immersion in
ethylene dibromide, however, was sufficient to separate the two gem minerals easily, because the R.I. of
the liquid is very similar to that of cordierite. In
addition, the cordierites do not have the 506 nm
absorption band i n the blue that is found i n
enstatite. Liquid inclusions were common but not of
any diagnostic value.
Pigme 4. The high-Mg enstatites from Embilipitiya
are among the purest natural enstatites known.
The enstatites shown here were all part of the
study sample; the colorless 10.67 ct oval in the
center is 20.5 mm in longest dimension.

the purest natural enstatites ever examined at the

Netherlands Gemmological Laboratory.
The sample specimens had a distinct to very
strong narrow absorption band at 506 nm, due to ferrous iron. The intensity of this band-which was
present, though weak, even in the colorless stonesincreased with the saturation of the brownish color,
that is, with the Fe content. This absorption band
was found to be characteristic of this material and,
therefore, of diagnostic value. Most of the stones
were relatively inclusion free, but some contained
well-developed quartz crystals and two-phase inclusions. (For additional information on enstatites from
this locality, see Zwaan, 1987.)

Although considered rare (see, e.g., Webster, 1994),
hundreds of carats of komerupine [Mg4(AllFe+3)6(Si,B)40:Ti(OH)]
have been found in the Embilipitiya
deposits (see also Zwaan, 1986, 1992).The author
and colleagues saw large quantities of crystal fragments, varying from light brownish yellow, brown,
or green to dark brown and dark grayish green (see,
e.g., figure 6). Most of the specimens we examined
were irregular in shape, because of fractures, and
were corroded. Because we did not observe any crystal faces, we could not identify a typical habit. Note
that chatoyant lzomerupine has not yet been reported
from this area.
Specific gravity, ranging from 3.283 to 3.346,
generally increased with color intensity (table 1).

Figire 5.Also very high in Mg, the cordierites from

Embilipitiya strongly resemble colorless enstatites
from this locality. Here, the largest cordierite
weighs 3.75 ct and is 11.8 mm long.

We prefer the mineral name cordierite (MgT&Si5018),instead of the gem names iohte or dichroite,
for these colorless stones. All the crystals we exainined had a prismatic habit and were broken and corroded. We found little variation in their physical
properties (refractive indices and specific gravity).
Their refractive indices varied from 1.520 (lowestnJ
to 1.541 (highest nJ, and they had an average specific
gravity of 2.570. Pleochroism, usually a diagnostic
property for cordierite, was not visible because of the
lack of color. In most cordierites, iron (and other trace
elements) can substitute for Mg, producing color.
However, microprobe analyses showed that these

Notes & New Techniques


Winter 1996

be a reliable test for lzornerupine specific to this

locality: Every green-to-brown strongly pleochroic
gemstone from Embilipitiya that either rose or sank
slowly in methylene iodide was lzomerupine. The
, 1.665
refractive indices varied from the lowest r ~ of
(for a light brown specimen) to the highest IL, of
1.690 (for a medium brown sample). The birefringence, however, was usually 0.012.
Electron microprobe analyses of eight rough
specimens, onto which one or two flat faces had been
polished, indicated that the color intensity tended to
be directly proportionate to the Fe content (again, see
table 1). In general, pale lzomerupines have distinctly
lower S.G.'s and R.I.'s than dark lzomerupines, but
hue (thatis, whether the stone is brown or green)has
no effect on these properties.
Most of the Embilipitiya kornerupines we
examined had interesting inclusions. The solid
inclusions were identified by Raman spectroscopy.
Well-crystallized black inclusions with a submetallie luster, seen in about 25 samples, were found to
be rutile. One specimen also had red crystals of
rutile (figure 7). Another common inclusion was
colorless zircon, often with beautiful haloes in
polarized light [figure 8). Rounded apatite crystals
occurred frequently. However, elongated quartz

Figure 6. Korl~erupineis usually considered a rare

gem material. However, the author saw hundreds
of carats of gem-quality lzornerupines in
Embilipitiya, which ranged from light brownish
yellow to the dark brown and dark green stones
shown here (the 4.56 ct stone at the center top is
12.3 m m in longest dimension).

Light brown specimens rose in methylene iodide

(S.G. = 3.32), while dark brown samples slowly sank
in this liquid. This behavior in methylene iodide,
together with the very strong pleochroisin in tones
of greenish yellow and brownish yellow, appears to

Weight (ct)
Oxides (wt.%)


























0.01 1









the OH group could not be detected by the analytical method employed;

hence, the totals are less than 100%.

a Note: The element B and

Notes & New Techniques


Winter 1996

Figure 7. This Embilipitiya kornerupine specimen

was observed to have red as well as black rutile
crystals. Photomicrograph b y Pieter C. Zwaan;
magnified 35x.

and tourmaline inclusions, observed parallel to one

a n o t h e r , were s e e n only occasionally. S o m e
lzomerupines revealed red-orange hexagonal plates
of hematite. Many liquid and liquid-and-gas inclusions were also seen.
To summarize, kornempines from Embihpitiya
can be easily identified by their strong pleochroism
and their behavior in methylene iodide. Pale-colored
specimens contained considerably less iron than
dark-colored samples. There were no distinctive differences between the optical (R.I.)and physical (S.G.)
properties of brown and green lzomerupines. Rutile
appears to be a typical inclusion in lzomerupine from
this locality.

The pale yellow faceted scapolites from Embilipitiya resemble some other gemstones from Sri
Lanlza, such as citrine and feldspar. However, the
scapolites can be differentiated readily by their
strong yellow fluorescence and their much stronger
birefringence (0.028).
X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from
six samples. As expected, these patterns were
almost identical to one another and were characteristic of scapolites in general.
Electron microprobe analyses were made of
two scapolites from Embilipitiya and four scapolites from other sources (one each from Palzistan
and Brazil, and two from Pohorabawa, a small village in t h e Eheliyagoda area that is the major
source of colorless scapolite in Sri Lanlza; figure 9).
As evident in table 2, there were remarkable differences in chlorine content, and thus the marialitel
ineionite ratio, among the various scapolites.
Note also in table 2 that the one violet scapolite has t h e lowest specific gravity, refractive
indices, birefringence, and meionite content (7.66
mol.%). Previously, the scapolites from East Africa
were thought to have the lowest meionite content
(10.80 mol.%; Zwaan, 1979). However, the meionite content of this violet scapolite from Palzistan
was even lower. The properties of Embilipitiya
scapolite, on the other hand, are very similar to
those reported for scapolite from Madagascar (n,. =
1.550, no = 1.571; S.G. = 2.686: Bank and Nuber,

Figure 8. In addition to the black rutile crystals,
this Embilipitiya kornempine specimen revealed
T h e crystal fragments and faceted scapolites
zircon crystals with haloes visible i n polarized
light. Zircon is a common inclusion in this
examined were, for the most part, colorless to pale
material. Photomicrograph b y Pieter C. Zwaan;
yellow (figure 9). We found that scapolites from
Embilipitiya have mean refractive indices of n,. =
1.550 and no = 1.578, an average specific gravity of
2.694, and an average meionite content of 59.4
mol.% (table 2). They fluoresce a strong "canary"
yellow to long-wave UV radiation, comparable to
the well-known fluorescence of scapolite (wemerite) from Quebec, Canada. This UV reaction is generally ascribed to sulfur (Webster, 1994).
Although most of these samples were remarlzably clean, some contained yellow needle-shaped
crystals, which Raman spectroscopy identified as
pyrrhotite (figure 10). Pyrrhotite inclusions in
scapolite have been mentioned by others (Graziani
and Giibelin, 1981; Giibelin and Koivula, 1986).

Notes & New Techniques


Winter 1996

rigz~re9. The study 07 &mbuipitiyoscapolites

included stones from different localities. For
example, the 1.58 ct violet triangle-cut scapolite is
from Palzistan; the 3.01 ct yellow triangle cut is
from Pohorabawa, Sri Lanlw, as is the 17.79 ct
colorless emerald-CUL
sLone; and the 3.08 ct yellow marquise cut is from Embilipitiya.

1970; Zwaan and Arps, 1980J,although the latter

do not have the strong yellow fluorescence.
All four of these gem materials are of special interest both mineralogically and gemologically. The
enstatites have very uniform chemical compositions, which is consistent with the fact that they
came froin a very limited area. The extremely high
Mg content of these tnlly colorless enstatites has
not been reported in gem enstatites from any other
locality. It is of particular interest that all the
enstatites from Embilipitiya can be readily identified with a simple hand spectroscopel by the presence of the 506 nm absorption band.
Like the enstatites! the cordierites also showed
little variation in chemical composition from one
sample to the next; they! too! were found to have a
very high Mg content. The refractive indices and
specific gravities of the specimens tested were
extremely low. The complete lack of color in most
of the sainples is exceptional for cordierite! as is the
resulting absence of pleochroism.
Kornerupine occurs abundantly i; different
tones of green and brown. The extremely strong

Notes & New Techniques

pleochroism, combined with a number of very

interesting inclusions (in particular rutile! zircon!
and apatite], malze it an attractive colIector's gemstone.
The chemical composition of the Embilipitiya
scapolites varied little from stone to stone. The
strong "canary1' yellow fluorescence is a very interesting property that has not been found in other Sri
Lanlzan scapolites (although it has been seen in
scapolites from other localities).
The Mg-rich minerals in this area are probably
derived from originally high-Mg roclzs that have
been subjected to deep-seated high-grade metamorphism. These are now represented by metamorphic
roclzs (i.e.! metamorphic granulite facies of the
Highland C o r n p l e ~such
) ~ as hypersthene gneisses
sillimanite-garnet gneisses (lzhondalites], biotite-garnet gneisses, and crystalline
limestones (marbles).
Orthopyroxenes, particularly enstatite, are typical minerals of the granulite facies [Deer et al.!
1978).They also occur together with cordierite in
medium-pressureJhigh-teinperature metamorphosed pelitic roclzs. Komerupine is a typical mineral in high-grade regional and contact inetamorphic roclis~whereas scapolite is cominonly found
in marbles! calcareous gneisses! and granulites.
Petrologic studies have shown that many granulite
facies roclzs elsewhere in the Highland/So~~thwest
Complex are also Mg rich. However! those in the
Embilipitiya area seem to be inordinately so.
The gem minerals in Einbilipitiya are mined
from alluvial deposits. Strongly weathered granulites that contain enstatite were encountered in
the field. These might be the host rocks in which

Figure 10. Some of the Embilipitiya scapoli~escontained neede-like pyrrhotite crystals. Photo~nicrographby Pieter C. Zwoon; magnified 35x.


Winter 1996

TABLE 2. Properties, including electron microprobe analyses, of six scapolites

from Sri Lanka and elsewhere,
Weight (ct)
Oxides (wt.%)












62.1 1
0.1 1

I .24



Sri Lanka






Sri Lanka


Meionite (mol.%)





aNote: The carbonate (C03) content of the samples could not be detected by the analytical method employed;
hence, the totals are less than 100%.

the gem minerals originally formed. In other parts

of Sri Lanlza! gem ininerals that occurred in secondary deposits were found in sit11 in basement

roclzs; with the exception of some almandine garnets, however! none of the ininerals found in sit11
thus far have been of gein quality.

Bank H., Nuber B. (19701 D ~ ~ r c h s i c h t i g eSlcapolitl~
Zeitschrift der Deutsche~~
GeseUschab,Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 47-54.
Deer W.A., Howie R.A., Z ~ ~ s s m aJ.n(1978) Roclc-Forming
Minerals, Vol. 2A Longlxm Group Ltd., London.
Dissanayalce C.B., Rupasu~gheM.S. (19951Classification of gem
Vol. 74, No. 1,
deposits of Sri Lanlca. Gwlogie en Milnbo~~w,
pp. 79-88.
Graziani G., Gubelin E. (19811Observations on some scapolites
of central Tmzmia. Iournal of Gemmology, Vol. 17, No. 6,
pp. 395405.
Gubelin E.J., I<oivula J.1. (19861 Photoatl(~sof I n c l ~ ~ s i o nins
Gemstones. ABC Edition, Zurich, Switzerland.
G ~ ~ n a r a t nH.S.,
Dissanayalce C.B. (1995) Gems and G e m
Deposits of Sri Lanlca. Publication of the National Gems and
Jewellery Authority of Sri Lanka, Unigraphs (Pte] Ltd.,
Colombo, Sri Lanlca.

Notes & New Techniques

Webster R. (1994) Gems, Their Sources, Descriptions and

Identification, 5th ed. Rev. by P. G. Read, B ~ ~ t t e r w o r t h Heincn~annLtd., Oxford, England.
Zwaan P.C. (1979) more data on violet gem scapolite, probably
from Eastern Africa. Io~unalof Gemmology, Vol. 16, No. 7,
pp. 44845 1.
Zwaan P.C. (19861 Gem minerals from the Embilipitiya and
Kataragama areas in Sri Lanlca. Austr(11ian Gemmologist,
Vol, 16, No, 2, pp. 3 5 4 0 .
Zwaan P.C. (19871 Orthopyroxenes from the Embilipitiya area
in Sri Lanlca. S c h w e i z ~ r i s c h e Mineralogische und
Mitteilungen, Vol. 67, pp. 119-125.
Zwaan P.C. (1992) La korn6mpine d'Embilipitiya, Sri Lanlca.
R ~ W de
G Gemmologie, No. I 10, pp. 5-6.
Zwaan P.C., Arps C.E.S. (19801Properties of gem scapolites from
different localities. Zeitschrjft der Deutschen Gemmologjschen GeseUschab, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, pp. 82-85.


Winter 1996



By Lore Kiefert and Susanne Tll. Schmidt

Since ut leust 1995, ~mriousw~ute~~iuls
have been munufuctu~~ed
t o imitute tunzunite in the fiem t~ude,These inclade twofilusses) two dijferent TAGS (yttrium uluminumfiurnet), und u synthetic corundum.
These imitation tunzunites can be ~fieudiljl
separated @om the nutu~pul
indices) opticul
&em by stundu~dfiemolofiicul tests, such as ~~fructive
specij"cfir~uvity,UV-visiblespectm, fluorescence, and the
presence or absence of pleochroism. The ident$icutions were confi~med
by chemicul unulysis and Rumun spectyoscopy.
Tamanitel the blue-to-violet gem variety of zoisitel
was first dscovered in Tanzania in the 1960s [seel
e.g.! Banlz et al.! 1967).It has increasingly gained popularity as a result of its unusual color and the attractiveness of the cut stones. Most of the material that
enters the gem trade is act~~ally
brown zoisite that
has been heat treated to blue to violet ( N a s s a ~ ~ !
1994).Although a number of gem materials! including spinel and iolite! may resemble tamanitel m'mufactured imitations of this material have also started
to appear on the marlzet ( w e 1).These recent tCmzanite imitations were mentioned by I<ammerhg et
4. [I9951and in the ICA Gazette ["Gem newsl!! 1996).
Johnson and Koivula (19961describe one of the hnitations in more detail. However, rumors of Russian imiABOUT THE AUTHORS

Dr. Kieferl is a research scientkt at the SSEF Swiss

G e m m ~ i c aInstitute,
F a l ~ t r a s s e9, CH-4001 Basel,
Switzerland. Dr. Schmidt is a research scientist at the
MineraQisch-ht~aphisches lnstitut, Un/verdt+t Basel,
CH-4056 B a ~ d .
AckmMgmmts: ?Reauthors thark the Lannyte Co.,
Houston, Texas, for provMing sampI@ of Purple Coranite, and
R o t B. Lasnier, of the University of Nantes, France, for the
loan of the calcium phosphate glass. Dr. H. A. Htinni, of the
SSEF Swiss GemmologicalInstitute, look the photos h rigures
7 and 2, provided c o m p a h material, 8nd contributed helpful information. Mr T. Ostertag, Univmity of Freibuw,
Germany, helped with the Raman sp&ctra. Special thanks to
1 phoMr. J-P. Chlain, of SSEE for reviewing the paper. A
tomicrogra~sare by the senior author.

Gems i% GXmokm,Vd.3,No. 4, pp. 270-276.

0 1996 Gerndog/cal Institute of America


Notes & New Techniques

tations! and of efforts by Russian manufacturers to

produce synthetic tamanitel were mentioned as early
as 1991 (Koivulaand Kamrnerhg, 1991).
The present article characterizes and provides
identification criteria for some of the imitations
that have recently appeared on the marlzet! including: (11 a doped heavy glass marlzeted under the
trade name U.M. Tanzanic and produced by U.M.
Science Companyl Glendale! California; (2)a YAG
(yttrium aluminum garnet! a manufactured inaterial) from Lannyte Companyl Houstonl Texas! which
has been sold under t h e trade n a m e Purple
Coranite [figure 2); and ( 3 )a synthetic corunduml
also from Lannyte) marlzeted as Blue Coranite (figure 1]. Also included are another glass and another
YAG! with slightly different propertiesl that could
be mistaken for tanzanite without gemological
For the gemologistl these materials are easy to
distinguish from tanzanite [see Box A) on the basis
of specific gravity! refractive indices! optic character! internal features, and-to a lesser extent-their
spectroscopic characteristics. To characterize these
simulants fully, they were also analyzed chemically and by Raman spectroscopy.
Materials and Methods. The three imitations noted
above-U.M. Tamanic1 Blue Coranitel and Purple
Coranite-were readily available at the February
1996 Tucson gem shows. The authors purchased

Winter 1996

five faceted samples (0.59-2.89 ct) of the heavy

glass (U.M.Tanzanic) and one 1.64 ct faceted synthetic corund~lm(Blue Coranite) for investigation
purposes. In addition! the Lannyte Company lzindly
supplied us with one rough (112.54 ct) and one 0.72
ct faceted piece of their YAG [Purple Coranite).
We also included in our study a 1.99 ct blue YAG
from Russia and a 6.90 ct b l ~ s purple
glass (again, see figure 1).Although these two samples
do differ somewhat in color from tanzanitel they are
s ~ c i e n t l close
to be mistaken for it.
We determined refractive index! optic character! and specific gravity using standard geinological
instrumentation and techniques, S.G. was determined hydrostaticallyj the values reported are the
average of at least two measurements per sample.
Microscopic investigations were carried out with
darkfield illumination ill air with a Geinolite
binocular microscopel as well as with immersion
in methylene iodide using a Nachet horizontal
microscope. We tested the fluorescence to shortand long-wave UV radiation using a commercial
gemological UV lamp! and we tested spectroscopic
properties with a laboratory spectroscope (both
instruments by System Eiclchorst).
Semi-quantitative chemical analyses of all samples were performed by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXM)spectroscopy on a Tracor Northem
TN 5000 system. In addtion! q~iantitativechemical
data for samples of the heavy glass (U.M. Tanzanic)
and the synthetic corundum (Blue Coranite) were
obtained using a JEOL 8600 electron inicroprobe.
Raman spectroscopy was carried out on all samples
with a Renishaw Raman System 1000 with a 25 mW
air-cooled Argon Ion Laser (Omnichrome)lasing at
514 nm. Analysis times were between 60 and 100 seconds! dependmg on pealz intellsities and baclzground
fluorescence; the spectral range covered was between
100 and 1900 cm-I (seealso Hanni et al.! 1996).
U.M. Tanzanic. In their advertising brochure for
this material! U.M. Science Co. claims that it was
created by means of a high-temperature flux process. The material is described as a mix of amorphous and microcrystalline phases! with a refractive index of 1.66-1.67 and a specific gravity of
3.8-4.0. The brochure also lists a number of other
properties! such as the absence of internal stress.

Gemologicul Properties. Our res~lltsfor the five

faceted samples that we tested did not correspond
to those published by the producer. The refractive
indices varied between 1.600 and 1.605 (isotropic).
Notes & New Techniques

Figure 1. Several manz7factured materials have

appeared on he gem marliet as tanzanite imitations. A number of these are shown here together
wit11 two notz~roltanzanites. From left to right:
(top row) two tanzanites (3.03ct ancl 5.89 ct) ancl
a 6.90 ct sample of Ca-phosphate glass; {bottom
row) a 1.64 ct synthetic corundum (caged Blue
Coranite), a 1.99 C L synthetic garnet from Russia,
and two samples (2.89 ct and 0.92 ct) of heavy
glass (U.M.Tanzanic).Photo by H. A. Hanni,

The specific gravity ranged from 3.36 to 3.48. All

specimens showed a poorly polished surface. Three
of the five samples were virt~lallyfree of any internal features! but two showed diffusel syrup-lilze
flow structures. One of these two samples also had
an irregularly shaped ~nillzywhite incl~~sion!
probably a microcrystalline portion of the surrounding
glass! with syrup-like flow structures (figure3).The
samples fluoresced chalky white to both short- and
long-wave UV. They showed wealz absorption
bands at approximately 490,550, and 590 nm.

Chemical Composition. We recorded an inhomogeneity in chemical composition among the five

samples (see table 1))as well as within the samples.
PbO contents between 38.5 and 51.2 wt.Yo were
measured! which appear to be extremely high, The
products of other heavy-glass man~~facturers
go up to 30 wt.Yo PbO (Swarogeml pers. comm.,
1996). Perhaps U.M. Science Co. uses a light element such as B or Li in their glasses! neither of
which is detectable using the microprobe or X-ray
fluorescence units available to the authors. Si02
contents varied between 46.3 and 58.3 wt.Yo. The
K20 content ranged between 2.3 and 3.2 wt.Yo, and
the trace elements Mn and Fe were 0.084.14 wt.Yo
and 0.03-0.07 wt.Yo, respectivelyl expressed as
oxides (see table 1).For the two major elements, Si
and Pb! Si02 and PbO concentrations within one

Winter 1996


Figme 3, Solid incl~lsionsand a syrup-like flow

structura are evident in this heavy glass manufactured as a tanzanite imitation by U.M.
Science Co, Immersion, magnified 35x

Figure 2. Purple Coranite is u YAG manufactured

by the Czochralski method that is marketed as a
tanzanite imitation. T l ~ unfashioned
weighs 112.54 ct; the faceted piece is 0.72 ct.
Photo by H, A. Hiinni.

stone varied by up to 7 wt."/~ (see table 1). A1203

levels were below the detection limits of the
EDXRF apparatus and t11e microprobe.
The Raman spectra of this material showed
broad pealzs at Raman shifts of 505! 777! 989! and
1064 cm-1 (figure 4)) as well as a considerable fluorescence to Argon laser light at 514 nm, as can
often be observed in glass (Chemarin et al.! 1996;
Sharma and Wangl 1996).
Coranite. The Lannyte Coinpany offered two tanzanite imitations: a YAG marlzeted as Purple Coranite
and a synthetic corundum sold as Blue Coranite, The
inanufacturer reported that both materials are grown
using the Czochralslzi-puhg method.

Purple Corunite. The man~lfact~lrer's

reported that "the material is garnet based, with a
hardness of nearly 9 and a refractive index of over
1.80, Our investigations confirmed that the R.I. is
over 1-80!and we measured a specific gravity of 4-58!

TABLE 1, @mi@
carpdon of

which is slightly higher than published data for YAG

(e.g., Nassau! 1980).We saw no pleochroism in the
samplesl but we did see some strain with the polariscope. Spectroscopic observation showed a broad
band at approximately 540 nm.
The material fluoresced a strong challzy orange
to short-wave U V radiation (figure 5). Similar data
were obtained by Johnson and Koivula (1996)on a
7.07 ct tanzanite imitation purchased i n 1995.
EDXRF analysis of their specimen revealed yttrium! aluminuml and europium; all three elements
were found in the EDXRF analyses of our two purple coranite samples.
The piece of unfaceted Purple Coranite was
polished on one side for microscopic examination.
However) we saw no bubbles or other internal features. Color zoning was apparent with the unaided
eye: The core was a distinctly darlzer purple than
the riml and the color faded gradually from core to
rim. The orange fluorescence corresponded to the
zoning! but inversely; that isl it was brightest near
the colorless rim (figure 5). Microscopic examination of the small faceted sample showed no growth

glass i m i t a t b of lanzaniieiTcmn U.M. Science Co.


Sample la

Sample 2b
(1.&l ct)

Sample 3a

Sample 4a

Sample 9




2.87- 3.09
0.N- 0.10
0.04 * 0.002

2.66- 3.15
0.08- 0,09
0.a- 0.a

2.89- 2.94
0.11 - 0.13
0.05+ 0.002

46.32-51 $55
2.29- 2.84
0.11 - 0,13
0.05- 0.07

46.49 -50.1 3
2.29- 2.62
0,lO- 0.14
0.04 - 0.05

F a

a Range of 3 mcroprcbe adyses.

Notes & New Techniques

b Ran*

of 4 micmpbe analyses,


Winter 1996


Zoisite is an orthorhombic silicate mineral of the epidote group with the chemical formula: Ca2A13
Si30n(OH). Crystalline zoisite is found in various
hues, including colorless, brown, yellow, blue, purple,
green, and pink. Certain ornamental rocks, such as
anyolite and sausserite, contain massive zoisite
(Webster, 1975).The best known zoisite is the transparent blue-to-violet variety, tanzanite, a name first
promoted by Tiffany and Company in the late 1960s.
The specific gravity of tanzanite is 3.35, with a
hardness of 6-7 and refractive indices of na = 1.692, np
= 1.693, and r+ = 1.700, with a birefringence of 0.008
(Webster, 1975). There is one perfect cleavage.
Tanzanite typically exhibits trichroism of a = violet
blue, b = violet, and c = brownish red, and it shows
broad absorption bands at approximately 535 and 595
n m in the spectroscope (Gem Reference Guide, 1995).
Tanzanite is inert to ultraviolet radiation (see, e.g.,
Malisa et al., 1986; Barot and Boehm, 1992).
Inclusions. A variety of inclusions have been identified in tanzanite: calcite, gypsum, graphite, hematite,
ilmenite, staurolite, rutile, titanite, xenotime, quartz,
diopside and tremolite-actinolite, as well as fluid
inclusions in healed "feathers" (Gubelin and Koivula,
1986; Malisa et al., 1986). As noted by Barot and
Boehm (19921, however, faceted tanzanites are often
flawless, because most inclusions are removed in the
cutting process.

structures, but it did reveal small bubbles that were

arranged in a circular pattern.
The Rainan spectra of the two Purple Coranite
samples that we examined were very distinct, with
a large number of peaks; some of these were at
positions different from those in the Raman spectra
of the other YAG investigated and described below
(figure 6). Additional Raman studies of various colors of YAG showed that their peak intensities, and
some peak positions, vary depending on the doping
element. The Raman spectrum of a colorless YAG
reproduced in Pinet et al. (1992)corresponds to that
of the colorless YAG we analyzed.
Blue Coranite. The gemological properties of this
synthetic corundum are consistent with the known
properties for corundum and are similar to those
reported by Kammerling et al. (1995) for comparable material. The 1.64 ct oval cut that we examined
had a specific gravity of 4.02 0.02 and refractive

Notes &>. New Techniques

Chemical Composition. in iyo/, uanK et al. reported

on strontium-containing blue zoisite crystals. In 1969,
Hurlbut described this Tanzanian material more comprehensively, published a chemical analysis, and
attributed the blue color to its vanadium content:
0.03-0.44 wt.% V203. For more information about
trace elements in tanzanite, refer to Schmetzer (1978;
1982),Barot and Boehrn (.1992),and Traber (1995).
Tanzanite also has a characteristic Raman spectrum (figureA-I),so that it can be easily separated from
simulants or imitations by Raman spectroscopy alone.
Figure A-1. This Raman spectrum of a tanzanite crystal loaned by Th. Ostertag,Freiburg, Germany, is consistent with the Raman spectra of other tamanites
seen in the SSEF laboratory.











= 1.771, with a birefrinindices of rig = 1.764,

gence of 0.007. In contrast to tanzanite, corundum
is uniaxial, and this material showed much weaker
pleochroism from purplish blue (ordinary ray) to
light grayish blue (extraordinary ray). No lines were
observed in the spectroscope. The sample was inert
t o both short- and long-wave UV radiation.
Microscopic examination revealed no inclusions or
growth features.
The chemical composition of this sample of
Blue Coranite is similar to that of synthetic sapphire, with few trace elements and no V or Ga. The
only elements we detected were A1 (in a major
amount) and Ti and Fe (each in the same amount,
as trace elements). The Ti02 content varied slightly within the sample. The Raman spectrum of our
sample of Blue Coranite corresponds to the Raman
spectra of other corundum samples, with only
weak peaks at 375, 416, 577, 644 and 750 cm-1 (see
Pinet et al., 1992).



Winter 1996


Figure 4. This Roman spectrum of the heavy-glass

imitation of tanzanite illustrated in figure 3 shows
broad peaks at Roman shifts of 505, 777,989, and
1064 cm-1.

YAG from Russia. A 1.99 ct round-brilliant-cut

synthetic garnet from Russia (again, see figure 1)
was available from the collection of Dr. H. A.
Hanni, SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute, who
purchased it in 1991 from Mr. P. Hollenstein of
Zurich, Switzerland. It had an S.G. of 4.56 and an
R.I. over 1.80. As with the Purple Coranite, this
sample showed no pleochroism, but we observed
some strain with the polariscope. Also, it fluoresced a moderate orange to short-wave UV radiation. We also saw minute inclusions on an irregular
plane throughout the piece. They resembled the
rutile particles frequently observed in corundum.
The chemical composition of this synthetic was
found to be mainly Y and Al, with traces of Yb. The
Raman spectrum differed distinctly from the one


Figure 6. The Raman spectra of these two YAGs

manufactured by the Lannyie Co, (top)and in
Russia (bottom) differ from each other because of
different trace elements, but neither resembles the
spectrum of tanzanite.

Figure 5. This sample of Purple Coranite, a YAG

manufactured to imitate tanzanite, fluoresced a
strong, chalky orange to short-wave UV radiation.
Note that the fluorescence is strongest near the
near-colorless rim. Photo by L. Kiefert.

obtained for Purple Coranite because of the different

trace elements (again, see figure 6). We observed no
characteristic spectrum in the spectroscope.

Ca-phosphate Glass. The mineral display at the

University of Nantes contains a 6.90 ct bluish purple brilliant-cut that was described to one of the
authors by Dr. E. Fritsch, Nantes, as synthetic Caphosphate glass (again, see figure 1).It had been
purchased several years earlier at a Tucson Gem
Show. Testing revealed a refractive index of 1.537
for this isotropic material, a specific gravity of 2.64,
and no reaction to either long- or short-wave ultraviolet radiation. In the spectroscope, we observed a
moderate band in the yellow at 580 nm.
When viewed with the microscope, the piece
revealed the irregular flow structures and large
number of bubbles frequently observed in glass [fig-


Notes &. New Techniques


Winter 1996

Figure 8, Bubbles help show that this is a Ca-phosphate glass. Note also the needle-like devitrification features on the large bubble. Magnified 1OOx.
Figure 7. Bubbles and devitrification crystals help
identify this sample as a purple Ca-phosphate
glass. Immersion, magnified 35x.

ures 7 and 8).Raman spectra of the bubbles gave no

specific pealzs, which suggested that they might
contain air. We observed devitrification effects
around some of the bubbles, which had the appearance of needle-like crystals forming a radial pattern
(figure 8). Various crystalline phases, such as that
illustrated in figure 9, and an apparently orthorhombic crystal inclusion were also seen.
This sample was very similar in chemistry to
apatite, with high amounts of Ca and P. We also
recorded minor amounts of Mg, K, Fe, Co, Sr, and
Zr, as well as traces of Zn.
The Raman spectrum showed a curve similar
to that of other amorphous materials, with broad
peaks (figure 10). The spectrum of the needle-like
inclusions, however, had much more discrete
pealzs, at the same position as the broad peaks from
the larger sample; whereas the orthorhombic crystal revealed pealzs that were not observed in either
the host or the crystallized areas around the bub-

bles. The Raman spectrum of apatite, however, is

distinctly different (again, see figure 10).
The measured properties of this unusual stone
contain no conclusive evidence as to the nature of
the material, other than the fact that it is a Caphosphate glass.

Figure 10. Roman spectra of a purple Ca-phosphate with glass structure (A),devitrification area
(B), and crystal inclusions (C)help characterize
this tanzanite imitation, which was chemically
similar to apatite (D).






Figure 9. Various crystal phases were seen in this

Ca-vhosvhate slass. Magnified 1OOx


Notes 81 New Techniques







Winter 1996


TABLE 2. Gemological properties of tanzanite and some imitations.

Trade name



of samples



1.688-1.696 to





0.008- 0.009






Heavy Pb-glass



3.36 - 3.48

Chalky white

Chalky white


> 1.80



Weak, chalky

Russian YAG





Strong chalky

> 1.80










a Not applicable; properties quoted for tanzanite are from



literature sources referenced in the text.


Various tanzanite imitations are gradually entering
the gem market. Three of the most convincing in
appearance are the heavy glass manufactured by U.M.
Science Co. and marketed under the name
U.M.Tanzanic, the YAG manufactured by the
Lannyte Company (and marketed as Purple Coranite),
and the synthetic corundum by Lannyte that is sold
as Blue Coranite. For the gemologist, tanzanite irnitations are easily detectable because of differences in

refractive index and specific gravity (table 2).

Pleochroism and optic character are also helpful, as
tanzanite has a relatively strong pleochroism compared to the only other pleochroic imitation, Blue
Coranite. However, Blue Coranite is uniaxial, whereas Tanzanite is biaxial. The tanzanite imitations can
also be identified with a handheld spectroscope, provided good spectra are obtained. Chemical composition and Rainan spectra are useful to confirm that
these are indeed imitations.


synthetics. Gems a} Gemology, Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 55.

Malisa E., Kinnunen K., Koljonen T. (1986)Notes on fluid inclusions of vanadiferous zoisite (tanzanite)and green grossular
in Merelani area, Northern Tanzania. Bu~lletinof the
Geological Society of Finland, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 53-58.
Nassau I<. (1980)Gems Made by Man. Gemological Institute of
America, Santa Monica, California,
Nassau K. (1994)Gemstone Enhancement, 2nd ed. ButterworthHeinenlam, Oxford, England.
Pinet M., Smith D., Lasnier B. (19921 Utility de la microsonde
Raman pour l'identification non destructive des gemmes. In
La Microsonde Roman en Gemmologie, Revue d e
Gen~mologie,Association Francaise de Gemmologie, special
edition, pp. 11-61.
Schmetzer K. (19781Vanadium D l als Farbtrager bei natiirlichen
Sililzaten und Oxiden--ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie des
Vanadiums. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universitat Heidelberg,
Germany, p. 209-225.
Schmetzer K. (19821Absorptionsspektroslzopie und Farbe von
V^-haltigen naturlichen Oxiden und Sililzattx-ein Beitrag
zur Kristallchemie des Vanadiums. Neues Jahrbzlch fin
Mineralogie, Abhandlungen, Vol. 144, pp. 73-106.
Sharma S.K., Wang 2. (1996)A confocal micro-Raman system
with oblique excitation for weakly scattering materials.
TERRA Abstracts, Abstract supplement
No. 2 to TERRA
.Nova, Vol. 8, p. 23.
Traber D. (1995) Eine mineralchemische und s~ektrosko~ische
Studie an ~ b i s i t e nails Merelani, ~ansani;. ~ i p l o m i r b e i t ,
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universitat
Basel, Switzerland.
Webster R. (1975) Gems: Their Sources, Descriptions a n d
Identification. Butterworth & Co., London.

Bank H., Berdesinski W., Nuber B. (1967) Strontiumhaltiger

trichroitischer Zoisit von Edelsteinqualitat. Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Gesellschafl fur Edelsteinlzunde, No. 61, pp.
Barot N.R., Boehm E.W. (19921Gem-quality green zoisite. Gems
o)Gemology, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 4-1 5.
Chemarin C., Panczer G., Champagnon B. (1996) Structural
modifications in silica geoglasses related to their formation
process. TERRA Abstracts, Abstract supplement No. 2 to
TERRA Nova, Vol. 8, p. 14.
Gem news (1996).ICA Gazette, April 1996, pp. 4-5.
Gem Reference Guide (19951Gemological Institute of America,
Santa Monica, California.
Gubelin E.J., Koivula J.I. (1986) Photoatlas of Inclusions in
Gemstones. ABC Edition, Zurich, Switzerland.
Hiinni H.A., Kiefert L., Chalain J.-P., Wilcock I.C. (1996) Ein
Renishaw Raman Mikroskop im gemmologischen Labor: Erste
Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung ( A Renishaw Raman
Microscope in the gemological laboratory: First experiences of
application). Zeitschrift der De~itschenGemrnologisc11en
GeseOschaft, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 55-70.
Hurlbut C.S. (1969) Gem zoisite from Tanzania. American
Mineralogist, Vol. 54, p. 702.
Johnson M.L., Koivula J.I. (1996)Gem news: A convincing tanzanite substitute. Gems a) Gemology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp.
Kammerling R.C., Koivula J.I., Johnson M.L., Fritsch E. (1995)
Gem news: Tanzanite-colored synthetic sapphire. Gems eJ
Gemology, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 215-216.
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C. (1991) Gem news: More Soviet


Notes & New Techniques


Winter 1996

C. W. Fryer, GIA Gem Trade Laboratory
Contributing Editors
GM Gem Trade Laboratory, East Coast
G. Robert Crowningshield
Thomas Moses
Ilene Reinitz
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory, West Coast
Karin Hurwit
Mary L. Johnson
Shane F. McClure
Cheryl Y. Wentzell

1 G I A

A Surprising Assemblage
A charming dark-red Buddha statuette (figure 1) was submitted to the
East Coast lab by a client who wanted to know if it was artificially colored. When exposed to long-wave
ultraviolet radiation in a darkened
room, the statuette appeared splotchy
orangy red, with some areas of slightly greenish blue (the ears, for exainpie); on the back, just above the base,
were two lines of what appeared to be
raised Thai lettering that also fluoresced greenish blue (figure 2). When
we examined the item with a deskmodel spectroscope, we saw a spectrum typical of ruby in some areas but
no spectrum at all in others.
Following these observations, we
quickly turned to the microscope to
determine better what material(s) we
were dealing with. An examination of
the most transparent area (the right
arm) immediately showed the reason
for the splotchy appearance to UV radiation: The Buddha was clearly made of
a variegated-near-colorless to pinkmatrix embedded with small pink-tored fragments. The morphology of the
fragments suggested that they were natural corundum. Higher magnification
showed fractures and fluid-filled inclusions in the fragments. Although the
spectrum seen in some areas matched
that of ruby, we could not determine if
all the corundum chips had the prerequisite depth of color to be classified as
ruby. Small globules and numerous gas
bubbles in surface areas of the matrix
(figure 3) indicated plastic. Therefore,
we concluded that the piece was an
assemblage consisting of natural corundum fragments in plastic.
Gem Trade Lab Notes

Figure 1. Testing revealed that

this Buddha statuette (about
assemblage of ruby and pmk
corundum chips in plastic.

Figure 2. Two rows of raised Thai letters along the base, seen here under
long-wave W ,could only have been
formed in this fashion if the statuette was produced in a mold.

A Thai staff member informed us

that the script was the name of a wellknown Buddhist monk. The piece may
have been a way of honoring him and
providing a "good luck" talisman for its
owners. In addition to the monk's
name, the date "Sat 5" was present,
which represents an important spiritual
day for Buddhists.
It is intriguing to speculate how
the piece was manufactured. Indications are that it was made in a mold,
since corundum could not be polished while embedded in such soft
material, and the raised script could
not have been produced as it was
except in a mold.

Similar assemblages that we have

seen include a necklace of barrel-shaped
beads (amber fragments in plastic; Fall
1983 Lab Notes, pp. 171-172)) a drilled
'amber" tablet (Winter 1987 Lab Notes,
p. 2321, and an imitation anyolite plaque
(GemNews, this issue).Once again, we
cannot say whether this statuette is a
one of-a-kind piece or another massmanufactured tourist bauble from some
Editor's note: The initials at the end of each item identity
the contributing editorfs)whoprovided that item.
Gems & Gemology, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 277-281
@ 1996 Gemological Institute of America


Winter 1996

Figure 3. With long-wave UVradiation, the individ~zalfragments

and gas bubbles in the "matrix"
are readily apparent on the base of
the statuette shown in figure 1.
Fracture Filled
Although we have been aware of fracture-filled diamonds for many years,
we continue to see new or different
aspects to the appearance of filled diamonds. In most cases, when a fracturefilled diamond is noteworthy, it is
because the flash effect is very subtle.
Examples include a 0.88 ct heartshaped brilliant with low-angle filled
fractures (Summer 1993 Lab Notes, p.
123) and a 1.07 ct diamond in which
the orange darkfield flash was masked
by the stone's yellowish orange body
color (Winter 1995 Lab Notes, pp.
266-267). However, a 2.03 ct heartshaped brilliant seen in the West Coast
laboratory was notable for the opposite
reason: The flash effects were so pronounced that we discerned an additional feature.
One of our staff members (whose
background includes petrology) keeps
the analyzing filter (top polarizer)
attached to the microscope. In general,
flash-effect colors are more difficult to
see with such an arrangement. However, the flash-effect colors in this diamond were readily seen, even with the
analyzing filter. In addition, and to our
surprise, the flash colors changed as the
polarizing filter was rotated, without
any movement of the stone, in both
darkfield and brightfield illumination
(figure 4). For each polarization direction, the darkfield colors continued to
be the "subtractive" opposites of their
respective bnghtfield colors. This reaction suggests that, for at least this
Gem Trade Lab Notes

stone, either the filler itself or optical

effects resulting from the filling process
behaved in an anisotropic fashion; that
is, the flash colors acted as if the filler
was pleochroic. Another possibility is
that strain in this diamond caused the
'flash pleochroism."
Qualitative chemical analysis by
energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence
(EDXRF)spectroscopy revealed lead,
bromine, and thallium, the same trace
elements identified in the filled diamond described in the aforementioned
Winter 1995 Lab Note. Subsequent
EDXRF examinations revealed thallium
in many diamonds that we believe were
treated by the Goldman Oved Diamond
Company in the early 1990s (see R. C.
Kammerling et al., "An Update on
Filled Diamonds: Identification and
Durability," Gems a ) Gemology, Fall
1994, pp. 142^177).
Unusual Cause of Uneven
Color Distribution
A 1.15 ct octagonal modified bnlliantcut diamond submitted to the East
Coast lab presented an unusual example of a colored diamond with uneven
color distribution. In the color grading
of colored diamonds, color distribution

is defined as the perceived evenness or

unevenness of color seen in the diamond in its face-up position (J. King et
al., "Color Grading of Colored Diamonds in the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory," Gems o)Gemology, Winter 1994,
pp. 220-242). In most colored diamonds, uneven color distribution is an
effect of cutting (for instance, the tips
of a marquise brilliant may show
color, while the center of the stone
may appear near-colorless), although
occasionally the diamond is actually
color zoned. In the case of this diamond, a large cleavage (and its reflection) concentrated color in some areas,
while other areas appeared nearly colorless. Consequently, the color distribution of this stone was classified as
''uneven. "
The cleavage not only influenced
the perceived distribution of color,
but i t also affected t h e apparent
strength of color. As we have noted
before (Winter 1985 Lab Notes, p.
2341, in some cases the way a diamond is cut may intensify the color
appearance. In this stone, the cleavage performed a similar role, by internal reflection and refraction (figure5).
When examined table-down, the dia-

Figure 4. By changing the direction of polarization of the light by 90'

(below, left to right), the shift in darkfield (top) and brightfield (bottom) flash colors was readily seen in this filled fiacture in a 2.03 ct diamond. Magnified 20x.


Winter 1996


Figure 5. There is n o foreign substance in the cleavage of this

1.15 ct round brilliant-cut diamond; the presence of the cleavage is enough to profoundly
affect its face-up color.
Magnified 1Ox.
mond appeared to be in the W-Z
range, that is, Light Yellow. Face up,
however, the angle of the cleavage
intensified the color so that i t
appeared deeper than the "Z" master
stone (figure 6). In accordance with
GIA GTL policy to assess a diamond's
color face up in such a situation (seep.
225 of the King et al. article cited
above], this stone was graded Fancy
Light Yellow.
Thomas Gelb

Figure 6. When viewed face up

next to the "Z" master stone on
the left, the 1.15 ct diamond in
figure 5 appears more intense,
which resulted in a Fancy Light
Yellow color grade. The color
appears to be concentrated in
regions where the cleavage and
its reflection are visible.

The Fall 1985 issue of Gems &> Gemology carried a definitive article (by
R. E. Kane and R. T. Liddicoati about
the Biron hydrothermal synthetic
emerald, at the time a challenging
newcomer. GTL staff members on
the East Coast have not seen many of
these stones submitted for routine
testing in recent years. However, our
initial examination of a small, relatively inclusion-free marquise brilliant mounted in a lady's cluster ring
(figure 7) prompted another look at
that enlightening article.
It is important to remember how
much the properties of this product
overlap those of some Colombian
emeralds. For example, Biron hydrothermal synthetic emeralds do not
fluoresce to lone-wave ultraviolet radiation because of the quenching effect
of vanadium; in natural emeralds, iron
usually suppresses the fluorescence,
Although the birefringence is lower,
the refractive indices of this synthetic
are very close to those of Colombian
stones: np=1.569, no=1.573.The specific gravity of 2.68-2.71 reported for
the Biron synthetics in the Kane and
Liddicoat article also does not help:
This range almost exactly overlaps that
of emeralds from Colombia. (Insome
other cases, S.G. provides a useful clue
for separating unmounted stones.)
As for using magnification to
help with the separation, some inclusions in these synthetics can be confused with those in natural stones. In
this case, a very small, highly reflec-

Figure 7. The marquise brilliant

(8.00 x 4.10 m m ) in this woman's
closed-back cluster ring proved to
be a hydrothermal synthetic

Figure 8. A t lower magnification,

this gold-colored plate-like inclusion in the synthetic emerald in
figure 7 resembled pyite, a mineral found in some Colombian
emeralds. Magnified 200x.
tive "crystal" was at first thought to
be pyrite, a mineral seen in emeralds
from some Colombian localities. With
higher magnification (figure 8), however, the yellowish inclusion was
clearly not equant, but rather appeared
platy-calling to mind the gold inclusions reportedly seen, albeit rarely, in
the Biron synthetic. A few needle-like
inclusions further confused the matter, as they resembled the needles
sometimes seen in natural stones.
With the aid of fiber-optic illumination, however, their true nature was
revealed: a series of closely spaced linear "dashes," not single solid needles.
On further examination, we saw a
two-phase "nail-head" spicule, similar
to the one shown in figure 9, which is

Figure 9. A two-phase "nailhead" spicule, similar to this

one, positively identified the
stone in figure 7 as hydrothermal synthetic emerald.

Gem Trade Lab Notes


Winter 1996

Figure 11. The blister pearl shown

in figure 10 was produced from
the irritant provided by the burrowing of a small bivalve mollusk, the shell of which is seen
here embedded in the outer surface of the abalone shell.

Figure 10. A blister pearl (20 x 15 x 10 mm) can be seen at the top of this
red abalone (Haliotus rufescens)shell.
typical of hydrothermal synthesis. For
further corroboration, we had an
infrared spectrum of the stone taken.
As expected, the spectrum showed
water peaks typical of hydrothermal
GRC and TM
An Unusual Natural Abalone Blister
Irritants that find their way into a mollusk's shell can induce the animal to
form calcareous concretions. If layers
of nacre are then deposited on the surface of this concretion, it is properly
called a pearl. The irritants can take
many forms. They can be organic,
even another living organism. Or they
can be inorganic~sand,for example.
The pearls formed from these concretions can be loose in the mollusk or
attached to the shell. If attached to the
shell, they are called blisters.
Our laboratories see many varieties of pearls. Although once relatively uncommon, abalone pearls are
now appearing in the lab more frequently. Most natural abalone pearls
seen in the trade are loose and irregular in shape (see, e.g., Fall 1984 Lab
Notes, p. 169). However, they can
also occur as blister pearls, where
they are a continuation of the inner
nacreous part of the shell. Abalone
blister pearls have been cultured, too,
often with a specially shaped nucleus


Gem Trade Lab Notes

to control the shape of the finished

product. The blister is then cut from
the shell and processed to make a
"mabe," an assembled cultured blister
pearl (see, e.g., Winter 1994 Lab Notes,
p. 268; Spring 1996 Gem News, p. 55).
Recently, the East Coast lab
examined a red abalone shell (Haliotus
figure 101, which presented
an opportunity to view a sizable natural blister pearl and the irritant that
caused it. In this case, the irritant
was a mollusk that made its home by
burrowing into the outside of the
shell (figure 11). It appears that the
rate of pearl formation kept pace
with the excavation of the burrow in
the shell; the invader never reached
the tissue of the abalone.
Nicholas DelRe
Imitation STAR RUBY
In recent years, the most convincing
star-ruby imitations have been synthetic (or natural) rubies that were
diffusion treated to induce the oriented rutile needle inclusions that produce asterism (see, e.g., Fall 1985 Lab
Notes, pp. 171-172). In these pieces,
t h e star appears very close to the
cabochon's surface. We have also
seen assembled pieces where the star
appears to come from deep within
the cabochon. One such doublet,
described in the Fall 1993 Lab Notes

(p. 2051,had a nonasteriated synthetic

ruby top and what was probably a
poor-quality natural star rubysometimes called "mud rubyu-bottom. Last fall, the West Coast lab
encountered a different type of
assemblage imitating a star ruby that
we had not seen in recent years.
The ring shown in figure 12 was
set with a red oval double cabochon
that measured 11.98 x 10.33 x 6.25
mm. Diaphaneity varied from transparent to opaque. It had a uniaxial
optic figure, a spot R.I. of 1.76, and a
typical ruby spectrum (when viewed
with the desk-model spectroscope).It
fluoresced medium chalky red to
long-wave UV radiation, and medium-to-strong chalky red to shortwave UV. With magnification and
immersion of the piece in methylene
iodide, we discerned three distinct
layers [figure 13): a top transparentto-translucent layer with gas bubbles
and curved striae, but no silk (synthetic ruby]; an opaque, highly reflective middle layer; and a bottom layer
that could not be characterized unless
the cabochon was unmounted.
The asterism appeared to originate from the middle, opaque layer.
Although this material was difficult
to test because the piece was mounted, we did reach one area which we
indented with a sharp needle-as
would be the case with a metallic
foil. Close examination revealed that
the foil had been scored with fine parallel lines in three directions (figure
14))producing the asterism. The con-


Winter 1996

Figure 12. The starin this double

cabochon (11.98x 10.33x6.25 m m )
occurs deep within the doublet.
elusion on our report stated that it
was "an assemblage, consisting of a
synthetic ruby top and an unidentified back with a central engraved foil
layer which produces the asterism of
the material."
Imitation SPINEL,
An Unusual Assemblage
The jewelry trade first encountered a
certain type of assembled stone, made
to resemble either ruby or sapphire, in
the early 1980s. Close observation of
this material, even with the unaided
eye, reveals a reflection from the joining plane, a strong indication that such
a piece is an assemblage. When these
stones are immersed in inethylene
iodide, it is easily seen that the crowns
are green and joined by colorless
cement to the pavilions, which are
either blue (for imitation sapphire] or
red (for imitation ruby]. The iron line

Figure 13. When we examined

the cabochon illustrated in figure
12 with 34xmagni/ication, we
noted a shiny /oil layer in the
middle of the assemblage.

Figure 14. Three arrays of parallel lines, which appear to have

been scored into the foil layer,
produced the asterism in the
assemblage shown in figure 12.
Magnified 17x.
(orlines)in the absorption spectrum, as
revealed with a handheld spectroscope,
prove that the green crowns are natural
sapphire. Typically, the blue pavilions
are synthetic sapphire; the red pavilions are synthetic ruby, with an accompanying ruby spectrum.
Over the years, we have seen a few
variations in the composition of these
types of assemblages. o n e had a colorless synthetic spinel crown and synthetic mby pavihon (Winter 1984 Lab
Notes, pp. 231-232). Another had a
green synthetic spinel crown and a blue
synthetic sapphire back (Spring 1985
Lab Notes, pp. 46-47).
Last summer, the East Coast laboratory identified yet another variation
of this genre, a 6.28 ct "stone" with a
beautiful purplish red hue. Because the

Figure 15. Coarse polish lines (or

scratches) on one of the surfaces
that interfaces with the cement
layer in this 6.28 ct assembled
stone resemble needles that
might be found in a natural
ruby. Magnified 1Ox.

crown's refractive index matched that

of spinel, the piece was being offered as
a natural spinel. Some coarse polish
lines (figure 151, apparently in the joining plane, resembled the needles that
are frequently seen in natural corundum, but not in natural spinel. However, these lines were actually on the
surface of the crown (or pavilion)at the
interface with the cement layer; they
could easily have misled someone into
assuming the stone was natural.
Because we do not know the manufact~irer'sintent, we cannot explain
why this assemblage was made with a
synthetic spinel crown instead of the
usual natural green sapphire. However,
the color of the crown (figure 16) does
resemble that of the natural green

Figure 16. immersion revealed the

green crown of the assembled
stone in figure 15. Magnified 5x.
Australian sapphire crowns that are usually used, so the manufacturer may have
simply mistaken this material for green
syntheticsapphire during the creation of
this piece (the pavilion was synthetic
ruby). Alternatively, inasmuch as the
piece was being sold as natural spinel,
i imithis may have been an attempt t
tate fine red Burmese spinel, which
itself can have significant value.
Nicholas DeIRe supplied the pictures used in figures
1-3, 6-8, 10, 11, 15, and 16. The photomicrographs in
figure 4 weretaken by John I. Koivula. Figure 5 is by V. J,
C m o . Figure 9 is courtesy of the Richard T. Liddicoat
Libray and Information Center, photographer unknown.
Figures 12-14 are by Shane F. McCfure.

Gem Trade Lab Notes


Winter 1996

Editors Mary L. Johnson and John I. Koivula
Contributing Editors
Din0 DeGhionno, Shane F. McClure,
GIA GTL, Carlsbad, California
Henry A. Hanni, SSEF, Basel, Switzerland
Karl Schmetzer, Petershausen, Germany

Diamonds from Kelsey Lake, Colorado. More than 1,000
carats of diamonds from the mine at Kelsey Lake,
Colorado, were examined by Thomas Hunn of Thomas
H u m Co., Grand Junction, Colorado, during his October
1996 visit to this newly active locality (see, e.g., figure 1).
Mr. Hunn provided the following report based largely on
his examination of these diamonds and on conversations
with Howard Coopersmith, manager, North America, for
Redaurum Ltd. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, which owns
the mine.
When the Kelsey Lake mine officially opened on
June 1, 1996, it became the only active commercial diamond mine in the United States. (Although Crater of
Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is well known as a primary diamond occurrence in this country, we know of
no significant commercial production from that source
in recent years.) Mr. Coopersmith spent 20 years tracking
indicator minerals and geologic clues to locate the heavily weathered kimberlite pipes at Kelscy Lake. With
approximately 16.9 million tons of ore reserve (that is,

not proven but potential ore), and a monthly production

of 2,000 to 4,000 carats, the mine has an estimated life of
at least seven years.
The mix of "mine-run" (i.e., not specially selected)
stones that Mr. Hunn examined contained both gem-quality and industrial crystals. Of the more than 1,000 carats of
rough diamonds that Mr. Hunn examined, 20%-25% were
one carat and over, 50%-75% were 0.25 to 1 ct, and
10%-20% were smaller than 0.25 ct. Some crystals weighed
more than 9.5 ct, and a 28.3 ct diamond from Kelsey Lake
was sold recently (Rapaport Report, October 11, 1996, p. 5).
Most of the crystals were dodecahedra or octahedra, with a
few macles; well-shaped transparent octahedra ("glassies"),
twinned crystals (interpenetrant and multiple twins), and
modified dodecahedra were also present.
Figure 2. This 0.27 ct round brilliant (about 4.08 mm
diameter x2.60mm deep) was cut from one of the
"copper" brown diamond crystals found at Kelsey
Lake, Colorado. Photo 01996 Thomas Hunn Co.

Figure 1. These diamonds (3.28 ct total weight)

are from Kelsey Lake, Colorado. Photo 01996
Thomas Hunn Co.

Gem News


Winter 1996

The crystals varied from near-colorless to very dark

brown. Most were faint to light brown, but about 10%20% were in the near-colorless range. Only a very few
crystals were yellow. Mr. Hunn noted a subtle "copper"
tint in some of the brown crystals (figure2).
With regard to clarity, about half the crystals were
cuttable quality; this was true for stones of all sizes,
shapes, and colors. "Feathers" (fractures or cleavages] and
some inclusions were common throughout the rough; a
garnet crystal was identified in one stone. Most crystals
displayed fine growth striations on the surface.
Some of the Kelscy Lake diamonds already have
been sold (again,see the previously mentioned Rapaport
Report). Redaurum Ltd. is currently discussing (with various firms) the possibility of bringing the mine's entire
production onto the U.S. market.
Update on synthetic diamonds in jewelry. In the Summer
1996 Gem News section (pp. 128-1291, we presented information on the marketing of synthetic diamonds in jewelry. At that time, we believed that these synthetic diamonds were being produced by the joint-venture company
Tairus. Recently, Dr. Vitaly Efremov, deputy director of
t h e United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and
Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of
Science, Novosibirsk, Russia, clarified this information.
(Dr. Efren~ovalso provided the technical information presented in the Summer 1996 issue.) Although Tairus was
involved in the early marketing of these synthetics, they
actually were grown a t t h e United Institute in
Novosibirsk. They are currently being marketed-through
Superings, Los Angeles-as llSuperdimonds.lf

Natural "carvings." For several years now, we have witnessed the creation of increasingly attractive and detailed
carvings in various gem materials, including beryl, tourmaline, and quartz. The gem artisans who carve these
works of art are usually highly skilled, having labored
many years to perfect their craft. Kevin Lane Smith of
Tucson, Arizona, has shown a special ability to create
pieces that blend nature with artistic vision.
His latest endeavors involve transparent gem crystals with picturesque natural etch or growth patterns
that are works of art in themselves. When he locates
such a crystal, Mr. Smith works the natural pattern into
a fashioned gem, using cabochon or faceting methods, so
that light hitting the stone casts shadows that enhance
the effect of the pattern. One such natural scene in rock
crystalquartz (figure 3) looks like the rugged crags of a
mountain range. Most who saw this "carving" thought
that the "mountain scene" had been artificially produced. Perhaps the only immediate clue that it is natural
is the myriad of tiny red iron oxide diskettes that paint
the concave surfaces of the "mountain range" a subtle

Gem News

Figure 3. The detailed mountain scene i n this 48.7mm-long fashioned rock crystal quartz by Kevin
Lane Smith is the result of natural "carving."
Photo b y Maha DeMaggio.
A number of other artists are incorporating the surface
texture of natural crystal faces into the pavilions of their
faceted stones. The distinctive optical effects that result
make every stone unique. This past year, the editors have
seen the unusual works of some talented Idar-Oberstein
artisans, including the designers of the Philipp Becker
Company, who work primarily in beryls (aquamarine,morganite, and heliodor; figure 41, and Klaus Schafer.

Figure 4. To produce the unusual optics in these two

faceted beryls, a 50.66 ct heliodor and a 67.51 ct
aquamarine, artists of the Philipp Becker Company
incorporated natural faces of the original crystals
into the pavilions. Courtesy of James Alger Co.,
Manchester, New Hampshire; photo 0 Harold d
Erica Van Pelt.


Winter 1996


fiber-optic illumination, we could not resolve any inclusions in the cabochon. We saw only the fine fibrous texture typical of chalcedony.
On the basis of his exploration activities to date, Mr.
Rose believes that there are significant reserves of chalcedony in this area.


Figure 5. A new deposit in Nevada is the source
for this 26.59 ct blue chalcedony cabochon, the
polished nugget, and the piece of rough. Photo by
Maha DeMagsio.

A new chalcedony locality. A new source for gem-quality

blue-to-purple chalcedony was discovered in summer
1994 by geologist Chris Rose, of High Desert Gems and
Minerals, Walker Lake, Nevada. The new deposit is
located on Mount Airy, near the town of Austin in
central Nevada.
Mining, which started in 1996, is currently done by
hand. Initial exploration indicated that the site is a typical geode ("thunder egg") deposit; in some areas, the
chalcedony nodules are only four inches (10 cm) apart.
Eight full claims have been staked out along a mile-long
(1.6 km) zone that shows continuous mineralization.
The thunder eggs removed so far are typically a few centimeters in diameter, but some nodules over a meter (as
large as four feet) across have been found. To date, Mr.
Rose has recovered approximately 150-200 kg (330-440
pounds) of nodules, approximately 20% of which contained gem-quality chalcedony. Minerals commonly
associated with the chalcedony are calcite and the rock
crystal and amethyst varieties of quartz.
Mr. Rose supplied some of the newly discovered
material to lapidary Kevin Lane Smith, who provided the
Gem News editors with three samples for examination: a
large piece of rough, a 474 ct polished "nugget" and a
26.59 ct polished oval cabochon (figure 5).
The Mount Airy chalcedony ranges from a slightly
grayish blue (the most common color) to a more purple
hue, according to Mr. Rose. The finest specimens are
translucent. Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence
(EDXRF)spectroscopy of the cabochon in figure 5, performed by Sam Muhlmeister i n GIA1s Research
Department, provided no clue as to a possible coloring
agent; only silicon and a very small trace of iron were
detected. Even at 200x magnification, with pinpoint


Gem News

Cat's-eye emerald from Colombia . Chatoyant emerald

has been found at the historic Coscuez mine, in the
Muzo region of Colombia. Ron Ringsrud, of the
Constellation Colombian Emerald Company, Saratoga,
California, supplied us with two pieces from this new
source: a 22.21 ct oval double cabochon and a 6.75 ct
piece of rough (figure 6). In the past, we have seen both
cat's-eye and star emeralds from Santa Terezinha de
GoiAs, Brazil (Gem News, Spring 1992, p. 60; Spring
1995, pp. 60-61; Fall 1995, p. 206); this is the first report
of cat's-eye emerald from Coscuez.
The cabochon measured 18.97 x 15.80 x 11.20 mm.
Its properties were consistent with those of natural emerald: spot R.I. of 1.58, doubly refractive optic character,
typical emerald absorption spectrum when viewed with
a desk-model spectroscope, and inert to both long- and
short-wave UV radiation. The inclusions that caused the
chatoyancy occurred as hazy linear "clouds." Irregular
and conical black inclusions were seen at either end of
the cabochon.
To date, according to Mr. Ringsrud, chatoyant emerald has been found in only one vein in the Coscuez mine,

Figure 6. Reportedly from Colombia's Coscuez

mine, this cat's-eye emerald weighs 22.21 ct. The
inset shows part of the chatoyant emerald rough;
note the dark carbonaceous shale matrix on the
upper and lower faces. Cabochon photo by Shane
P. McClure; inset photo by Maha DeMaggio.


Winter 1996

embedded in carbonaceous shale (figure 6, inset) rather

than calcite. Discovered in 1996, this vein was depleted
within a month. Most of the rough crystals were suitable
for fashioning into flattened elongated cat's-eyes; the
22.21 ct stone shown here is the largest that was cut.

...And an update on emerald mining at the Muzo mine.

On August 16, 1996, Gems e) Gemology editor Alice
Keller and William Rohtert, manager of gemstones for
the Kennecott Exploration Company, visited the historic
Muzo emerald mine in the state of Boyaca, Colombia.
They provided the following account of current activities
The Tecminas lease to mine at Muzo was renewed
for 25 years in 1995. The three principals are Juan Beetar,
Victor Carranza. and Miller Molina. Mr. Rohtert and Ms.
Keller were accompanied on their trip to the mine, 100
lzm north of Bogota (about a half-hour ride by helicopter
from a private airport on the outskirts of the capital), by
Tecminas general manager German Bemal and geologist
Adolpho Pacheco. They spoke with Mr. Beetar and Mr.
Carranza at the mining complex in Muzo, and Mr.
Carranza conducted the tour of the tunneling operation.
At the mining complex, Mr. Carranza brought out a large
group of fine emerald crystals-approximately 3,000
carats of rough-that represented the production from a
particularly good day (figure7).
The large mining complex has formal accommodations for dozens of technical staff and has both television
and cellular phone capabilities, with power supplied by onsite diesel generators. There is also a small mining village
and trading area a few hundred meters down the valley.
Currently, 350 people are working the main Muzo
mine, with all organized mining underground, although
Tecrninas has helped approximately 1,000 local residents
form cooperatives for small-scale surface mining and the
re-processing of dump material throughout the Muzo
area. Most of the tens of thousands of guaqueros (independent miners) who once worked the hills and streams
at Muzo have moved on to Coscuez, about 10 km to the
north, which is responsible for about 85% of Colombia's
current emerald production. Tecminas has two concessions (85 ha and 115 ha) at Muzo and a 73 ha concession
at Coscuez.
There are two major shafts at the main mine at
Muzo-125 m deep and 95 m deep at the time of the
August visit-approximately 1.5 lzm apart. The visitors
descended through the 125 m shaft, which measures 5 m
in diameter, in a dual-compartment skip (a small open
elevator). This shaft is connected to the other, smaller
shaft by an intricate network of reinforced tunnels, with
a totallength of about 2,000-2,500 m. Every 3 m down is
a new horizontal level. The mineralized (strike) zone in
the district is 1 km wide by 15 km long, and trends
north-south. The actual ore zone developed at the Muzo
mine measures about 100 m wide by 3 km long. It is discontinuous, so exploration is difficult. The miners look

Gem News

Figure 7. William Rohtert, Juan Beetaz, and Victor

Carranza (from left to right) examine approximately
3,000 carats of emeralds recently recovered from the
historic Miizo mine, in Boyacd, Colombia. Photo by
Alice S. IZeller.
for calcite veins and breccias, usually than 1 m thick,
with evidence of green beryl and pyrite in the highly carbonaceous black shale. When dolomite bodies are
encountered, this signals the end of the emerald mineralization zone.
Blasting is used to move the waste rock. An average
of 30 tons of ore a day is shoveled into half-ton ore cars,
which are pushed by hand through the tunnels and then
taken to the surface in skips for processing in a trommel
operation set up a few meters from one of the shafts.
When a calcite vein is encountered while tunneling, the
miners remove it with handheld pneumatic chisels in a
careful and meticulous search for emeralds. About half
the emeralds produced are collected by hand from underground, with the remainder recovered from the trommel
at the surface. At the time of the visit, a large calcite vein
was encountered toward the ceiling of one of the tunnels;
four or five miners worlzed the heavy chisel in rapid succession.
To date, the best stones have come from a small area
on the surface called La Tequendama. According to
Victor Carranza, efforts are now under way to tunnel
under the Tequendama area. If the results are not satisfactory, they will return to open-pit mining in this
region. Mr. Carranza believes that this is the richest
"fringe" of the emerald area. Although the Muzo district
has been mined for emeralds for more than a thousand
years, Mr. Carranza believes that the reserves are excellent, and his company has identified a number of new
mining prospects.
A second Sri Lankan locality for color-change garnet.
Garnets that exhibit different colors in incandescent and


Winter 1996

daylight-equivalent fluorescent light are known from at

least three localities: Umba and Tunduru, Tanzania
(Spring 1996 Gem News, pp. 58-59), and Embilipitiya, Sri
Lanka. Similar garnets-with a color change strongly
reminiscent of alexandrite chrysoberyl-have now been
found at a second locality in Sri Lanka, according to
Gordon Bleck of Radiance International, San Diego,
California. This new locality, Athiliwewa, consists of
about 25 acres (10.1 ha) of alluvium, approximately 1.5
miles (2.4 km) east of the Kirindi Oya (stream), near
Telulla, in the Monaragala district of southern Sri Lanka.
The gem-producingarea lies about 4 lim east of highway
A2 (between the 298 km and 302 lim signs), which runs
between Tissamaharama and Wellawaya, the nearest
large town. Because Athiliwewa is on government land,
all mining there is illegal and so is usually done at night.
The garnets are found in alluvial gravels, usually less
than a meter below the surface, although one productive
hole was reported by Mr. Bleck to be about 3 m deep. The
alluvial material, or ilium,differs from most Sri Lankan
ilium in that it has less clay. The garnets were supposedly
discovered by a vegetable farmer in the course of planting.
Production as of May 1995 was estimated at 1 kg of garnet rough. Mr. Blecli was told that the largest piece of
rough weighed 173 ct, but he did not actually see it. He
did see a 40 ct piece of rough (that was later fashioned
into a 9.75 ct color-change garnet with a six-rayed star)
and a particularly gemmy 32.9 ct piece. As with other
color-change garnets that have similar colors (see Spring
1996 Gem News, p. 531, some buyers have mistaken this
material for alexandrite.
Gemological properties were acquired for two oval
stones, a 1.92 ct modified brilliant (figure 8) and a 0.82 ct
mixed cut. In both, the color was evenly distributed and
changed from gray-green (in daylight-equivalent fluorescent light; grayish yellowish green in the 0.82 ct stone) to
purple (in incandescent light; see again, figure 8). Both also
had strong anomalous double refraction when viewed
between crossed polarizers, and both were inert to longand short-wave UV. The large stone had an R.I. of 1.760
and a specific gravity of 3.89; the smaller one had values of
1.768 and 3.91, respectively. Both showed similar absorp-

tion spectra with the desk-rnodel spectroscope435 nm

cutoff; 460,480,504, and 520 nm lines; and a wide band at
573 nm-typical for color-change pyrope-spessartines.
Visible with magnification were iridescent needle-like
inclusions (roughly parallel in the larger stone), "fingerprints" (with a two-phase inclusion in the smaller stone),
and fractures with iron-oxide stains. EDXRF analysis of
these two garnets revealed Al, Si, Mg, Mn, and Fe, as well
as lesser amounts of Ca, V, Y, Zr, and Ti.
It is interesting that the color change in these stones
was much more obvious when viewed with transmitted
light (an effect described by C. M. Stocliton in "Two
Notable Color-Change Garnets," Summer 1982 Gems o)
Gemology, pp. 100-101; see also "Pyrope-Spessartine
Garnets with Unusual Color Behavior," D. V. Manson
and C. M. Stockton, Winter 1984 Gems &> Gemology,
pp. 200-207).


Composite tablets, imitation "anyolite." While in
Thailand for the International Gemmological Conference
in November 1995, the late Robert Kammerling acquired
two inexpensive plaques, each representing a seated religious figure (in pink) against a green background (figure
9). Mr. Kammerling suggested that the materials used in
these plaques were meant to imitate so-called anyoliteruby in a green-and-black zoisite matrix. Each plaque
was tablet shaped; one measured 35.8 x 24.5 x 9.1 mm,
and the other measured 35.3 x 24.3 x 9.5 mm. With magnification, we resolved individual grains of various colors
(pink and near-colorless grains in the pink regions; nearcolorless, yellow, blue, and green grains in the green
regions) set in a pale yellow polymer. Bulk properties
included an R.I. of 1.55 (for both tablets; a poor spot R.I.
off the polymer filler material) and S.G.'s of 2.54 and
2.51, respectively. The pink regions fluoresced a weak,
uneven red to long-wave UV radiation and a faint,
uneven red to short-wave UV; the green regions were
either inert or fluoresced a very faint bluish white to
both short- and long-wave UV.
Both the pleochroism of the grains and the spectrum
seen with the handheld spectroscope suggested that most

Figure 8. The color

change in this 1.92 ct
garnet from Athiliwewa,
Sri Lanka, is apparent in
different lighting conditions (left,daylightequivalent fluorescent
light; right, incandescent light). Photos by
Maha DeMaggio.

Gem News


Winter 1996

ing. Susan Hendriclzson of Seattle, Washington, an expert

and dealer in conch "pearls," was recently shown two
beads that had been sold to a friend as conch "pearls."
They were purchased during a visit to the Bahama
Islands, off Florida's southeast coast.
As is typical with conch "pearls," the two beads were
not perfectly spherical (figure 11).Their colors were also
somewhat convincing: One (18.49ct) was an intense shghtly brownish red, and the other (18.89 ct) was somewhat
more orange. However, the presence of eye-visible swirls in
the beads-rather than the flame structure characteristic of
conch "pearlsu-was immediate cause for suspicion.
Subsequent gemological testing revealed that each
bead had a spot refractive index of 1.49 and a specific
gravity of 2.52. When the beads were examined with lox
magnification, small spherical gas bubbles were easily
seen beneath the surface of each. All of these properties


Figure 9. This molded tablet resembles a ruby-inzoisite ("anyolite") carving. Photo by Maha

Figure 10. With magnification, gas bubbles can be

seen in the polymer matrix. The grains in the pink
region appear to be synthetic ruby and synthetic pink
sapphire; in the green region, some of the corundum
grains show evidence of heat treatment.
Photomicrograph by John I. Koiwia, magnified 5x,

of the grains, in areas of both colors, were corundum. For

example, the spectrum of the green area showed readily
discernible bands at 450,460, and 470 nin. The polymerlike material in which the grains were set had many
spherical gas bubbles [figure 10). In some of t h e
rubylpink sapphire chips, we saw clouds of gas bubbles,
which indicate synthetic origin. In fact, we could not
identify any of the grains in the pink region as natural
corundun~.Some grains in the green region showed evidence of heat treatment. Some yellow and near-colorless
grains appeared to be of a different material, but we could
not identify them by standard gemological testing.
UV-visible spectroscopy for the pink region of one
plaque revealed a typical ruby spectrum, with an additional absorption edge at about 400 nm, possibly caused
by the polymer-like binder. The UV-visible spectrum of
the green region showed a band at about 450 nrn (resolvable into the 450, 460, and 470 nm peaks seen with the
hand spectroscope by looking at the sharp edges) and
broad bands centered at about 560 and 820 nm; the latter
are related to Fe-Ti and Fe-Fe charge-transferphenomena.
Infrared spectra (between 6000 and 440 cm-1)resolved for
both the pink and green regions of one tablet were virtually identical to each other. They were consistent (in the
range between 4000 and 1000 cm-1) with the polymer
being a mixture of polymethyl methacrylate and alkyd
resin [by comparison with the Hummel polymer library).
Bahamian beauties. One tourist now knows that the old
adage "let the buyer beware" is more than an idle wam-

Gem News


Winter 1996


An ancient Tibetan pendant, represented as a meteorite.

Nickel-iron meteorites have long been a source of iron
metal, especially in times and regions that lacked easily
processed or acquired iron. The Ahnigito meteorite, for
example, now at the American Museum of Natural
History in New York City, was used as a source of metal

by early Greenlanders. So it seemed plausible that a gray

metal pendant in the form of a dog (figure 12) could be
meteoritic iron that was fashioned in 15th century Tibet
(as was represented to its newest owner).
Close examination of the piece, however, revealed
various features that made such a composition improbable. Specifically, the piece looked brown in reflected
light, not steel gray. In addition, it appeared to be developing a green patina (figure 13), whereas nickel-iron
meteorites alter to brown rust in most climates. On the
other hand, the green patina could be residual polishing
compound, and perhaps the metal surface was brown
because it was only slightly rusty. Magnification (again,
see figure 13) revealed no evidence of exsolution into a
lattice of lath-like metal grains (Widmanstatten structuresSumme 1992 Gem News, p. 1331, but only certain nickel-iron meteorites-those with the appropriate
composition and cooling history-show these patterns.
Etching with a caustic compound is usually needed to
expose the pattern when it is present. Ultimately,
EDXRF spectroscopy provided the definitive evidence: It
revealed copper, tin, zinc, lead, only a trace of iron, and
no nickel. Consequently, the material was a bronze (copper-tin) or brass (copper-zinc)alloy, but not a nickel-iron
University geology departments often are called on by
members of the public to determine whether particular
samples are meteorites; most of these unknown materials
turn out to be "meteor-wrongs." Although this pendant is
not a meteorite, it is an unusual and attractive piece. (For
more on meteorites and jewelry, see Spring 1995 Gem
News, pp. 61-63.) Its age, and whether it came from Tibet,
are beyond the scope of our normal identification process.

Figure 12. The gray metal dog-shapedpendant,or

tolzcha, mound which this pin was built was represeated to the owner as manufactured in 15th-century
Tibet from meteoritic iron. The brooch (40.7x 30.9
m m ) is courtesy of David Humphrey, Pacific
Palisades, California;photo by Maha DeMagsio.

Figure 13. With magnification, the metallic brooch in

figure 12 appeared brown, with a greenish patina in
some regions. Chemical analysis confirmed that the
material was not a nickel-iron meteorite but rather a
copper alloy. Photomicrograph by John I. Koivula;
magnified lox.

Figure 11. These 14.2 m m (red)and 14.3 m m

(orange)glass beads were sold in the Bahamas as
conch "pearls. Photo by Maha DeMaggio.

proved that the two beads were actually glass.

On further investigation, Ms. Hendrickson learned
that such glass imitations were being sold as conch
'pearls" by local Bahamian fishermen. Apparently, at
least some of the fishermen were convinced that these
glass beads actually were conch "pearls." Ms.
Hendriclzson was not able to find out who was manufacturing and distributing the glass beads.

Gem News


Winter 1996

Figure 14. This 45.45 ct synthetic quartz was

fashioned to emphasize the near-colorless seed
plane. Stone courtesy of Paddie Harris, Santa
Monica, California; photo by Maha DeMaggio.

Ail unusual fashioned "tricolor" synthetic quartz. Last

summer, Gems d Gemology editor-in-chief Richard T.
Liddicoat examined a particularly interesting example of
a color-zoned synthetic quartz (figure 14). Most of the
synthetic materials that we see have been fashioned in
ways that disguise their manufactured origin, but this
45.45 ct emerald cut flaunted its synthetic nature: The
near-colorless seed plane formed an obvious stripe
- the center of the table. Thin bands of synthetic
yellow citrine flanked both sides of the stripe, and the
balance of the sample was grayish green. The piece was
acquired, already fashioned, in an inexpensive bag of
mixed, predominantly rough material purchased at an
auction. (For gemological information on a more typically fashioned color-zoned-green and yellow-synthetic
quartz, see Winter 1995 Lab Notes, pp. 268-269.)

Figure 15. The 4.01 ct modified brilliant pear

shape and 3.84 ct triangular modified brilliant
shown here are synthetic spinel triplets, imitating tanzanite. Photo by Maha DeMaggio.

Gem News

Another tanzanite imitation: Synthetic spinel triplets. So

far, we have seen no examples of synthetic tanzanite,
although rumors of its existence have circulated since
the early 1990s. However, several tanzanite imitations
were available at Tucson in February 1996, including
synthetic sapphire; a compound of yttrium, aluminum,
and europium; and glass (see the article by L. Kiefert and
S. Th. Schmidt in this issue, pp. 270-276). Another imitation, marketed as "Tanzation," consisted of synthetic
spinel triplets (figure 15). Max Schuster of Los Angeles
gave two samples of this material to contributing editor
Dino DeGhiomo for examination.
We recorded the following gemological properties for
these triplets: color-violet; color distribution-even
(face up), but all color was contained in the middle
'glue" layer; diaphaneity-transparent; optic characterweak anomalous double refraction, manifested as crosshatching; color-filter reaction-red; refractive indices1.727 (top and bottom of larger sample), 1.729 (top and
bottom of smaller sample); and specific gravity-3.73
(probably unimportant, as the imitation is likely to be
successful only when mounted). Each triplet was inert to
long-wave UV radiation, but the top and bottom layers
a strong chalky even greenish yellow to shortwave UV. The "glue" layer was inert to short-wave UV,
but was a weak red transmitter to visible light ("transmission luminescence"). When viewed with a deslzmodel spectroscope, each sample showed three diffuse
absorption bands, the strongest at 570-590 nin and the
other two at 520-540 nm and 630-650 nm.
With magnification, the "glue" layer in each piece
was seen to extend from midway down the girdle into
the upper pavilion (figure 16).This layer showed gas bubbles, flow structure, and mottled color distribution, with
the color occurring in "thready spots." EDXRF spectroscopy revealed major Mg and A1 in the top and bottom
layers-consistent with synthetic spinel; the middle
layer also contained Si, Pb, Nd, and Co. Therefore, we
believe that the "glue" in the middle is, in fact, a silicate

Figure 16. In profile, the bottom of the "glue" layer

of the pear-shaped triplet in figure 15 can be seen
as a faint line near the top of the pavilion. Photo
by Maha DeMaggio.


Winter 1996




Figure 17. The bright red stones in this historic

cross from Basel Cathedral were identified as
dyed red quartz by means of Raman spectroscopy,
Photo by P. Partner, Museum for History, Basel,
glass that owes its color to cobalt and neodymium chromophores. The glass is fused to the synthetic spinel
crown and pavilion layers.
International conference on Raman spectroscopy and
geology. Prof. Emmanuel Fritsch of the Institut des
Materiaux, University of Nantes, France, provided the
following report on the Georaman 96 conference held in
Nantes last June. The conference focused on applications
of Raman spectroscopy to geologic objects. One session
concentrated on applications to gemology, with many of
the talks related to the identification of inclusions.
Prof. Paul Dhamelincourt and his colleagues from
Villeneuve dlAscq, France, have identified-using Raman
spectroscopy-the following inclusions in Vietnamese

Gem News

rubies: rutile, apatite, muscovite, margarite, phengite,

zircon, dolomite, calcite, labradorite, goethite, pyrite,
chalcopyrite, and quartz. It is unusual to get good Raman
spectra from sulfides [pyrite, chalcopyrite), and quartz
was unexpected as an inclusion in ruby, as i t should
react with corundum to form aluminosilicates. Prof.
Dhamelincourt et al. also identified carbon dioxide as an
inclusion in an African ruby, and lzaolinite and hydrocarbons in fractures in a Burmese [Myanmar)ruby. Finally,
they studied in extreme detail an inclusion in a diamond
from Liaoning Province, China: The core of the inclusion
was a pure forsterite [olivine]crystal that itself contained
a microscopic diamond. The forsterite crystal was surrounded by silicate glass and black dendritic plates of
graphite and inajorite garnet; calcite and a possible sulfate mineral were also found in the inclusion.
Dr. Lore Kiefert, from the SSEF Swiss Gemmological
Institute in Basel, reported that organic fracture fillings
in filled emeralds can be recognized easily using Raman
spectroscopy, as their Raman spectra are distinctive. In
another study, grains of albite were detected as a minor
rock component in a cabochon of deep violet jadeite jade.
Professors B. Lasnier, Fritsch, and Serge Lefrant from
the University of Nantes identified-using Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope data-a spectacular "golf ball" inclusion in a heat-treated sapphire as
the product of incongruent melting of zircon.
Another topic was t h e ability of Rainan spectroscopy to characterize s a n ~ p l e sin geometrically
obstructed environments. For instance, Prof. Lasnier
demonstrated Raman spectroscopy's ability to document
many small stones set in a large ring. Dr. Kiefert reported
on identifying diamonds set in a watch face, testing
through the transparent synthetic corundum watch
Raman spectroscopy is now routinely used for die
nondestructive identification of archaeological or museuin objects, the subject of another session. Using this
technique, Prof. Lasnier characterized a neolithic bead
from Western Brittany as a sericitic mica; Dr. Kiefert
identified red dyed quartz set in a crucifix from Basel
Cathedral (figure 17); and Prof. David Smith, from the
Paris Museum of Natural History, identified the component minerals of eclogite, gabbro, and jade rocks in preColombian Mexican artifacts. Prof. H. G. M. Edwards
and co-workers at the University of Bradford [United
Kingdom) identified cinnabar and lazurite pigments in
wall paintings and frescoes.
Raman spectroscopy provides information about the
vibrations of groups of atoms in a mineral or compound;
because of this, it can be used to provide fundamental
information on gem- and gem-related-minerals. Dr.
Giancarlo Parodi and Prof. Smith used Raman spectroscopy to describe the structures of the Fe3+ analog of
beryl-the new mineral stoppaniite-and a lzimzeyite
[titanium-zirconium-richgarnet), both from Latium, Italy.
Prof. Smith also has interpreted systematics among the


Winter 1996

Raman spectra of over 100 garnets from the pyrope-bandine-spessartine and grossular-andradite-uvarovitesubgroups. Dr. Shiv Sharma, of the University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, Hawaii, obtained structural details of natural
amphibole crystals. By using a spec$ technique called resonance Raman spectroscopy, Dr. Mildiail Osttooumov, from
the St. Petersburg School of Mines, found that (S04)2-ionic
groups may play an important role in the coloration of lazurite, the main component of lapis lazuli.
Instrument improvements were discussed as well.
The use of the confocal technique has proved invaluable
for obtaining the spectrum of an inclusion separate from
that of the surrounding host. ear-infrared lasers and
Fourier-transform spectrometers do not excite visible
luminescence (sometimes called "transmission luminescence") and so are ideal for running highly fluorescent
materials. Also, Dr. Sharrna and associates developed an
oblique-illumination confocal microscope for the study of
weakly (Raman)scattering materials, such as glasses.
The notion of a standard catalog of reliable Raman
spectra is still being pursued, although at the time of the
meeting too few individuals had subscribed to a proposed
standard database that was unavoidably expensive. One
additional difficulty is that Rainan peak intensitiesthough not positions~mayvary with crystallographic orientation, which could lead to misidentifications by uninformed users of such a catalog. Abstracts of the Georaman
96 conference are available as Terra Abstracts, Volume 8,
supplement number 2 of Terra Nova, a Blackwell Science,
London, journal. The next Georaman meeting is planned
for 1999 in Valladolid, Spain.

elements visible in the overall view are also seen in the

components of that design (figure 191, at (in theory) any
magnification level. Mr. Becker reports clearly visible
detail in the pattern at 1 , 0 0 0 ~with the proper instrumentation. Benoit Mandelbrot first, brought these patterns to
general attention over a decade ago [see, for instance, The
Fractal Geometry of Nature, W. H. Freeman and Co., New
York, 1982))but the complexity of the calculations made
the representations very hard to produce until recently.
Even with powerful desktop computers and special software, the generation of these images can take many hours.
The imaged crystal section is "R-plane" Czochralski-pulled synthetic sapphire from Union Carbide,
according to Mr. Becker. We measured refractive indices
consistent with this material (1.762-1.770). The blue
background to the gold design is a metallic oxide that has
also been deposited photolithographically. In the prototype sample we examined, glass was used as the baclung
material. Mr. Becker states that, in production runs,
another piece of synthetic sapphire will be used. The

Figure 18. This 22-inm-diameter assemblage, called

"Deep Sea Rising," consists of a piece of synthetic
sapphire on one side of which a fractal design has
been rendered in gold. The design is protected i n the
back by another slice of a transparent material,
Courtesy of Refractal Designs; photo by Rudy

Synthetic sapphire assemblage with a gold "fractal"
design. In triplets, the material of greatest interest is often
that in the interlayer. In opal triplets, for example, a fragile piece of opal with a desirable play-of-coloris protected
by a baclung material and a cover plate made of a durable
transparent substance, such as quartz or glass (see Fall
1996 Lab Notes, pp. 209-210). Recently, the editors
became aware of a different type of patterned assemblage
(figure 18), in which a microscopically detailed design is
etched on the back of a single crystal of Czochralslzipulled synthetic sapphire; the pattern is then deposited
with gold. The front surface of the transparent crystal protects the design. The piece is then "backed" by another
material. This assemblage is by Refractal Designs, of
Danvers, Massachusetts.
According to Refractal Designs president Rick
Beclzer, a proprietary technique [patent pending) photolithographically deposits the 18k gold on a specially
prepared surface. With this technique, extremely intricate designs can be created, some 10 times finer than a
human hair.
A fractal is the physical representation of a very
complicated mathematical pattern that is "infinitely
self-iterating," according to Mr. Beclzer. In effect, design

Gem News


Winter 1996

Figure 19. A t 1l x magnification, individual components of the fractal design in the assemblage shown
in figure 18 can be seen to mimic the overall pattern. Photomicrograph b y fohn I. Koivula.

company is also developing processes to deposit more than

one color of metal simultaneously. The designs reportedly
can be deposited on many jewelry materials.
Completely internal "carving" of glass. At two shows
during the last year, one of the editors (MLJ)encountered
an unusual method for carving isotropic materials. The
78.25 x 50.2 x 49.8 mm sculpture in figure 20 was made
from optical-quality [manufactured] glass. The balloons,
and the ground below them, are completely internal to
the glass block; they are actually patterns of short dashes
that have been carved by a laser.
Richard Sittinger of WonderWorlzs, Cambria,
California, provided some information about this cutting
style. The sculptures, called "Erokhin Laser Glass
Crystals," are made in Russia. For each piece, the threedimensional design is created using computer graphics; a
computer-controlled "focus laser-ray apparatus" then
produces tiny energy bursts at specified points within the
optical glass block. The laser ray actually passes through
the glass and affects only the spot on which it is focused,
according to information provided by Mr. Sittinger.
Additional designs were available at both shows, including abstract geometric figures and sailboats.


Gem News

Figure 20. The balloons in this glass block are

completely contained by the surrounding glass;
they were carved using a focused laser beam.
Photo by Maha DeMaggio.
When examined with magnification and polarized
light, the glass showed areas of strain in the regions of the
laser-etched pattern elements (figure 21). We see no obvious reason why this technique could not be applied to
other isotropic substances, such as cubic zirconia-or
even diamond.

Figure 21. When examined in polarized light, the

areas of laser damage in the glass are seen to be s w rounded b y small regions of strain. Photomicrograph
by John I. Koivula; magnified 15x.


Winter 1996

he Gemological Institute of America has created The Robert C.

Kammerling Research Endowment in honor of Bob and the work he
cherished. The Endowment secures funds for qualified researchers world wide
who are engaged in applied gemological research, and ensures the contin uation of Bob's unique and practical approach to gemology.
The following donors have contributed $100 or more to The Robert C.
Kammerling Research Endowment for applied gemological research:
Mr. George Bosshart
Dr. G. V. Boukine
Mr. William E. Boyajian
Capalion Enterprise
Ms. Neola Caveny
Mr. George Crevoshay
Mr. G. Robert Crowningshield
Ms. Dona M. Dirlam
Mr. Richard B. Drucker
Mr. Robert A. Earnest
Ms. Nanette Forester
Dr. Neel K. French
Dr. Edward J. Gubclin
Gubelin Gemmological Laboratory
Dr. Gary R. Hansen
CIA Gem Trade Laboratory
Patricia D. Harris and John Connelly
Dr. Cornelius S. Hurlbut
Ms. Karin Hurwit
Dr. A. J. A. (Bram) Janse
Jeweler's Circular-Keystone
Mr. Alan Jobbins

Mr. Robert E. Kane

Ms. Alice S. Keller
Ms. Kathryn Kimmel
Ms. Gina Latendresse
Dr. Alfred A. Lcvinson
Mr. Richard T. Liddicoat
Mr. Philip Minsky
Dr. Oded Navon
Mr. David 0 . Ohlgisser
Ms. Judith A. Osmer
Mr. Mark Parisi and
Dr. Mary Johnson
Ms. H. Ruth Patchick
Ms. Anne Paul
Dr. Frederick H. Pough
Mr. Kenneth V. Scarratt
Dr. and Mrs. John Sinkankas
Stichting Nederlands
Edelsteen Laboratorium
Mr. Tay Thye Sun
Harold and Erica Van Pelt
Ms. Merle White
Mr. Raffaele Zancanella

The Robert C. Kammerling Research Endowment gives you the opportunity to help the Gemological Institute of
America continue its efforts to secure the industry's future. Your commitment to the Endowment promotes the active
advancement of gemological research, for the collective benefit of the industry.
For more information on how to support the Endowment, please contact Anna Lisa Johnston, GIA Associate Campaign
Director. In the U.S. (800) 421-7250 ext. 274, outside the U.S. (3 10) 829-2991 ext. 274, fax (310) 829-2269, e-mail
address [email protected].

Kamn~erlingResearch Endowment


Winter 1996

struggle, mining could play a key role

in rebuilding the country. Books such
as this raise international awareness
of the region. This book is also a nice
addition to any gemologist's library.
F. A. COOK, Ph.D.
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

By Gary W. Bowersox and Bonita E.
Chamberlin, 220 pp., iilus., publ. by
Geoscience Press, Tucson, Arizona,
1995, US$60.00*.
While known for more than five millennia as the producer of the world's
best lapis lazuli, Afghanistan has
recently emerged as a premier locality
for a variety of other fine gemstones.
Today more than ever before, gemstones are playing a key role in
Afghanistan's political development.
Bowersox and Chamberlin describe the history and current status of
each of five types of gem deposits:
lapis lazuli, spinel, ruby and sapphire,
emerald, and pegmatite gems. For
each category, the historical background establishes the role of the
gems in the country's development,
while generally excellent photography
showcases the gems and the field
areas. Maps are also included.
Following an introductory chapter on the general geography, geology, and tectonic setting, and a second
on Afghanistan's history, each subsequent chapter focuses on one gem
category. The first is lapis lazuli,
which is mined from remote mountains in the Hindu Kush Range,
about 300 km northeast of Kabul.
Access to the mines is along steep
and dangerous pathways, and mining
methods are still relatively primitive.
In addition to Description and
Location of the mines, the chapter
on lapis lazuli includes Legends and
Lore, Geology and Topography,
Historic Notes, Illustrations of Lapis
Use and Trade, Mining Methods,
Production Figures, Properties, and
extensive references.
This chapter format is then followed for each of the other gem categories. For many years, spinel was
mined in the far northeastern comer
of Afghanistan, but there has been no
recent production. This area was probably the source for such famous
stones as the 170 ct Black Prince's
"ruby" (now known to be spinel) in
the Imperial State Crown of Great
Britain. In contrast, true ruby and sapphire are mined today from white
marble about 50 lzm southeast of
Kabul, near Jegdalelz,and about 32 lun
farther east, near Gandamalz. Current


Book Reviews


production is limited, but the area has
potential for more discoveries.
Emeralds of the Panjshir Valley
are now world famous. Although
noted in the literature as early as 250
years ago, there was apparently no reference to these deposits between
1891-when they were briefly mentioned in a report to the Geological
Survey of India-and the 1970s. Today,
more than 2,000 miners work nearly
100 mines under often-dangerous conditions. Although die geologic origin of
these emeralds is not well understood,
there appear to be many similarities
with the Colombian deposits.
Gem-bearing pegmatites occur
over a wide area in northeastern Afghanistan, part of a 3,OOO-km-long chain of
pegmatites along the Himalayas. Evidence of gem beryl in Badalzhshan
archeoloeical sites indicates that these
gems were discovered thousands of years
ago. However, contemporary mining
has been active only since the 1970s.
Many fine gems will undoubtedly
emerge from this region (21pegmatite
fields have already been discovered).
A final chapter outlines the
potential for mineral development in
Afghanistan, and an appendix lists
locations of many deposits by latitude
and longitude (avaluable feature).
The text is very readable and
coherent. Nevertheless, some typographical errors are apparent, such as
the omission of the Cambrian period
on the Geological Timetable (p. 151,
and the incorrect age (600 million
years rather than about 30 million
years) assigned to the Oligocene
Period (p.105).The book should be
carefully edited for a second edition.
Because of the political upheaval
that has plagued the country for many
years, much of Afghanistan's mfrastructure has been destroyed. Although gems are already being used
by the mujahideen to finance their

By Lin Sutherland, 248 pp., illus.,

jmbl. by University of New South
Wales Press, Sydney, NSW, Australia,
1995. US$45.95*
Volcanoes are the most visibly dramatic, as well as one of the most
destructive [they have killed about
100,000 people this century), of all
geologic processes. Dr. Sutherland has
used the eye-catching physical features of volcanoes, and melded them
with modem scientific concepts such
as plate tectonics and geochronology,
to produce a superb book.
Although the main emphasis is
on the southwest Pacific region
(Australia and New Zealand), there
are enough examples from other parts
of the world [e.g., Hawaii, North
America, Iceland)that readers from all
countries will be able to relate to the
material covered. Of particular interest to gemologists is the fact that
important sources of some gems-diainond, sapphire, ruby, zircon, peridot,
garnet, feldspar, and quartz-are
directly or indirectly related to volcanism. These may be brought up from
great depths by volcanic magmas (e.g.,
diamonds, pyrope), may form within
crystallizing magmas [e.g.,peridot], or
may form as secondary minerals within cavities in the hardened rocks (e.g.,
amethyst). Later geologic processes,
such as weathering and erosion, may
result in secondary gem deposits.
Succinct discussions of these volcanic
gems are presented.
This book is superbly illustrated
in color throughout. I recommend it
highly for gemologists at all levels.
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
*7hisbook is available for purchase through
the GIA Bookstore, 1660 Stewart Street,
Santa Monica, CA 90404. Telephone: (800)
421-7250, ext. 282; outside the U.S. (310)
829-2991, ext. 282. Fax: (310)449- 1 161.


Winter 1996

Charles E. Ashbaugh III
Isolope Producls Laboralories
Burbank, California

Emmanuel Fritsch
Universify ofNanles, France

Anne M. Blumer
Bloomington, lliinios

Michael Gray
Missoula, Montana

Andrew Christie
GIA, Santa Monica

Patricia A. S. Gray
Missoula, Montana

Jo Ellen Cole
GIA, Santa Monica
Maha DeMaggio
GIA Gem Trade Lab, Carlsbad

Professor R. A. Howie
Royal Holloway
University ofLondon
United Kingdom


Common and rare colourless gemstones. D. Kent, [oumal

of Gemmology, Vol. 25, No.2, 1996, pp. 87-89.

David Kent describes and illustrates his collection of 46
colorless faceted gem and collector minerals, which he
uses in teaching gemology. A table provides useful R.I. and
S.C. data for all 46 specimens-a bonus for gemologists
compiling their own databases.
Compositional characteristics of sapphires from a new find
in Madagascar. C. C. Milisenda and U. Helm, [ouituil

of Gemmology, Vol. 25, No.3, 1996, pp. 177-184.

Blue sapphires from Andranondambo, Madagascar, have
been well represented lately in the gemological literature.
The first of two articles in this issue of [oumal of
Gemmology succinctly reports on the regional geology,
physical properties, and internal features of these sapphires. The spectrum of a single sample was typical of sapphires from high-grade metasedimentary sources, with
Fe3+ and Fe2+/Ti4+ charge transfer evident. Common mineral inclusions are apatite, carbonates, and (tentatively)
mica. A more detailed study of solid inclusions is being
prepared. Color zoning, negative crystals, and fingerprinttype inclusions are also common. In general, Andranondambo sapphires resemble those from Burma and Sri

Gemological Abstracts

Mary L. Johnson
GIA Gem Trade Lab, Carlsbad

Himiko Naka
Pacific Palisades, California

A. A. Levinson

Gary A. Roskin
European Gemological Laboralory
Los Angeles, California

Universify ofCalgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Loretta B. Loeb
Visalia, California
Elise B. Misiorowski
GIA, Santa Monica
Jana E. Miyahira
GIA, Santa Monica

James E. Shigley
GIA, Carlsbad
Carol M. Stockton
Alexandria, Virginia
Rolf Tatje
Duisburg University
Duisburg, Germany

Emerald and green beryl from Central Nigeria. D. Schwarz,

J. Kanis, and J. Kinnaird, [oumal of Gemmology, Vol.

25, No.2, 1996, pp. 117-141.
Central Nigeria is relatively well known as a source of
aquamarine, but it also produces a limited quantity of
emeralds and green beryl. This in-depth study reveals that
these beryls formed under unusual geologic conditions
which resulted in a suite of mineral inclusions that appears
to be unique to emeralds and green beryls from this geographic region: albite, fluorides (fluorite, "boldyrevi te," and
ralstonite), F-silicate, Fe-rich mica, ilmenite, and monazite.
"Boldyrevite" and ralstonite have not been reported previously in emeralds from any locality. lnclusions were iden-

This section is designed to provide as complete a record as practical of the recent literature on gems and gemology. Articles are
selected for abstracting solely at the discretion of the section editor and his reviewers, and space limitations may require that we
include only those articles that we feel will be of greatest interest
to our readership.
Inquiries for reprints of articles abstracted must be addressed to
the author or publisher of the original material.
The reviewer of each article is identified by his or her initials at the
end of each abstract. Guest reviewers are identified by their full
names. Opinions expressed in an abstract belong to the abstracter and in no way reflect the position of Gems & Gemology or GIA.
1996 Gemological Institute of America


Winter 1996


tified by SEM-EDS. Microprobe chemical analyses of the

emeralds themselves revealed unusually low Mg and Na
contents-another reflection of this material's environment of formation. Unfortunate from a gemological viewpoint is the low-Cr, low-V, and high-Fe chemistry of these
emeralds. Distinct Fe2+absorptions in their optical spectra
will distinguish these emeralds from Colombian material
when inclusions do not.
The genesis of emeralds and their host rocks from Swat,
northwestern Pakistan: A stable isotope investigation. M. Arif, A. E. Fallick, and C. J. Moon, Mineralium Deposits, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1996, pp. 255-268.
Emeralds in this area, locally associated with other Crbearing silicates (Cr-dravite and fuchsite mica), occur in
veins with quartz, filling fractures in talc-inapesite and
quartz-magnesite. The close spatial relationship and relatively narrow range of 8180 values suggest that all the
investigated phases (emerald, quartz, fuchsite, and tourmaline) are genetically related. The 8D composition of channel water (released at >800Cfrom emerald and that calculated for fuchsite and tourmaline are consistent with
both magmatic and metamorphic origin, but a magmatic
origin is favored. Relative to pegmatitic and other rnagmatic minerals from elsewhere, the 8180 values of the n ~
erals all show a strong enrichment in ^O; the relatively high
fluid 8180 [calc.) suggests extensive interaction with 180rich crustal (n~etasedimentarvl
, rocks. The 813C and 8^O
values of the mamesite are remarkably uniform; their relatively low values suggest formation at a high ternperature. The COTbearing fluids responsible for the carbonation were probably metamorphic in origin.

Interesting gems from north-east Tasmania. B. Sweeney,

Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 19, No. 6, 1996, pp.
Author Boyd Sweeney describes and illustrates gems found
by fossiclzers in northeast Tasmania, indicating the potential for future production there. Significant gem minerals
recovered to date include sapphire, ruby, spinel, zircon,
topaz, quartz, chrysoberyl, and tourmaline. A 900 ct sapphire was found in a paddock <it Weldborough; sapphire
reportedly is more abundant in the Weld River area.
According to the author, most Tasmanian sapphires are
found as clean, conchoidal fragments of trigonal crystals.
Faceting-quality sapphires range from near-colorless to
cornflower blue. More common are dark green sapphires
and sapphires of a very dark, "ink" blue. Opaque Tasmanian sapphires commonly are pale blue to dark brown.
Opaque spinel from this area is "steel" gray with a vitreous luster and provides a good alternative to black onyx.
The author's discovery of a 2.95 ct ruby crystal helps
disprove the misconception that there are no rubies in
Tasmania. Zircon typically ranges from bright red to dark
reddish brown, in sizes from 3 to 10 ct. Because the rough
usuaUy is extensively fractured, only small fragments can
be faceted. Paler Tasmanian zircons, however, yield fash-


Gemological Abstracts

ioned stones of good clarity and high dispersion. Much of

the topaz from Weld River is found as colorless, waterworn
pebbles. Only about 10% of all topaz rough occurs in pale
shades of blue. The areas around Gladstone, Pioneer, South
Mt. Cameron, and Derby are renowned for their yield of
high-quality smoky quartz. Chrysobcryl is relatively common in the Weld River alluvial gravels. Colors range from
a satiny "creamy" green to "grass" green; some rough cuts
good cat's-eyes. Black tourmaline, with some gem potential, is also found in the rivers of northeast Tasmania.

Mangatobangy: Amethyst-zepter aus Madagaskar (Mangatobangy: Amethyst scepters from Madagascar). F.

Pezotta, Lapis, Vol. 21, No. 9, 1996, pp. 3 2 3 5 .
Madagascar has been an important source of amethyst,
generally from numerous small mines. This article briefly
describes one such locality near Mangatobangy, about 40
lzm (26 miles) west of Fianarantsoa. This mine is especially interesting because it produces amethyst scepter crystals
of extraordinary size and beauty. Most range from 5 to 20
cm (2-8 inches], but at least one was 60 cm (24 inches).
They are usually well formed, with amethyst caps on
n d k y to colorless quartz crystals; sometimes they are dou- bly terminated. Six color photos show the open-pit mining
site and amethyst scepter specimens.
Mintabie opal Held. Australian Gold Gem &> Treasure, Vol.
11, No. 1, January 1996, pp. 68-72.
This article is a first-person report (strangely lacking a
byline) on a visit to the mostly depleted opal fields at
Mintabie, South Australia, 400 k m by road south of Alice
Springs. Techniques used there to mine opal are described.
The article is written in the breezy style of the magazine: for instance, "Like chooks on a con~postheap, we
started to investigate the rubble, finding parts of the potch
band and cracking them open with our geopiclzs." The
claims are primarily strip-mined by bulldozer. On one
claim visited, spotters behind the bulldozer had found
table-top-sized seams of opal (showinggreen play-of-color,
and worth eventually A~1s$350,000).
The matrix sandstone
is cemented together by strongly silicified bands of blue
potch opal; jackhammers remove patches showing color.
Some miners say that opal is often found in horizontal
bands a few meters away from strong vertical faults. The
Mintabie fields are due for a revival, as relocation of the airfield will free up many promising opal areas.
Ribbonstone. H. Bracewell, Australian Gold Gem o)
Treasure, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1996, p. 44.
Ribbonstone is a variety of chert, a cryptocrystalline quartz.
It is distinguished by its pattern of fine banding: characteristic swirls that are partly concentric, the result of widespread cracking that was subsequently cemented by silica.
This ornamental material is found at several localities in
the Barkly Tableland of Australia's Northern Territory, with


Winter 1996

the best material coming from the Anthony's Lagoon area.

The ribbonstone was formed as a large, sheet-like deposit
along a subsurface water table, probably in Tertiary times;
die banded nature reflects changing rates of silica deposition with seasonal changes in g r o ~ l ~
Sapphir+"a funny place." P. O'Brien, Australian Gold
Gem d Treasure, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1996, pp.
The town of Sapphire, in the Analue gemfields of Central
Queensland, Australia, is colorfully profiled. Gem-quality
sapphire was first found in the Analue district in 1878, and
the Analue gemfields were officially named in 1902. By
1907, at least 500 people were digging at Analue: One camer shipped two tons of blue sapphires to the railhead that
year. At that tune, sapphire of any color other than blue was
discarded as worthless, so yellow, green, and parti-colored
sapphires were left on the dumps for more recent collectors.
Several colorful characters populate the legends of
Sapphire. Perhaps most notable was Darky Garnet, who
entered the Analue district with all his worldly possessions
in a wheelbarrow, and eventually left the same way-after
winning and losing a couple of fortunes. (A 19 km wheelbarrow race, starting at the local pub, annually perpetuates
his memory.) A resurgence of sapphire mining occurred following World War II. Today the district supports both professional mining and tourism, includmg "fossicl~g,"as
amateur collecting is known in Australia.
Sapphires from Andranondambo area, Madagascar, L.
Kiefert, K. Schmetzer, M. S. Krzemniclzi, H.-J.
Bernhardt, and H. A. Hanni, Journal of Gemmology,
Vol. 25, No. 3, 1996, pp. 185-209.
The second article on Andranondan~bosapphires in this
issue of Journal of Gemmology is more extensive, covering
locality, geologic origin, crystallography, microscopic
growth features, and detailed chemical and spectral analyses. The study collection contained more than 300 samples
of both rough and cut stones that ranged from light to dark
blue. Three types were distinguished on the basis of crystal
habit: dipyramidal to barrel-shaped, prismatic, and tabular
to short-prismatic dipyramidal. Internal growth features
and color zoning are described in detail and illustrated
extensively. Microscopic features and inclusions are discussed by sapphire type. Many solid inclusions were idcntified by Raman spectroscopy: apatite, calcite, and spinel
(type I); apatite accompanied by tubes (typeII); and apatite,
zircon, calcite, and three-phase inclusions (liquid and
gaseous COi with diaspore needles; type in).Healed feathers were observed in types I and 11. Apatite and calcite crystals were often surrounded by rosette-like fissures in both
heated and unheated type I samples, but only the heated
specimens contained fissures with a dendritic pattern containing an unknown filler. EDXRF and electron microprobe data document the chemical variability and zoning
in this material. UV-visible spectra of samples before and
after heat treatment reveal behavior similar to geuda-type

Gemological Abstracts

material from Sri Lanka. Infrared spectra reveal features

typical of most corundum.
Shape, structure and colours of Polynesian pearls. J.-P.Cuif, Y.
Dauphin, C. Stoppa, and S. Beeck, Australian
Gemologist, Vol. 19, No. 5, 1996, pp. 205-209 (translated from Revue de G m o l o g i e , March 1993).
Described are the processes that determine nacre quality
and color in bead-nucleated cultured pearls from Pinctada
margaritifera, the black-lipped pearl oyster of French
Polynesia. Biological researchers want to control these
characteristics to achieve a greater yield of superior gemquality cultured black pearls.
The successful insertion of the shell-bead nucleus and
mantle graft into the oyster will affect the shape and color
of the resultant cultured pearl. The nacre produced is the
result of a change in function of the epithelial cells that
secrete calcium carbonate from the mantle. Essentially,
calcite secretions are replaced by aragonite during formation. The final tile-like layer is caused by an ordered, rhythmic secretion of aragonite platelets; it yields the outer
nacre that gives the cultured pearl its beauty and orient.
The formation of "circle" pearls (undesirable cultured
pearls that are typically of inhomogeneo~iscolor, with circumferential depressions) is also discussed.
The periphery of the mantle has the greatest pigmentation for creating the color of the pearl, but it also has the
highest concentration of calcite-secreting cells. The paler
"inner" mantle tissue contains the cells necessary for aragonite secretion and, thus, a thick nacre. The grafter risks
producing cultured pearls with a thin nacre if he chooses to
implant the darker epithelium that is restricted to the
outer periphery of the mantle.
The authors analyzed the pigment of Polynesian cultured
pearls using low-pressure chromatography, spectrophotometric techniques, and reflectance spectroscopy.Reflectance spectroscopy allows determination of statistical distributions of
color in pearl populations. With such data, the influence on
color distribution of factors such c i s changes in the geographic
distribution of species or in production methods could be monitored-and possibly controlled.
Understanding nacre and color formation in pearlsand monitoring it with statistical techniques-is a sigmficant step toward greater control in the production of higher-quality Polynesian black cultured pearls.
Cheryl Y Wentzell

Automation: Still the key word. C. Hourmo~izios,
Diamond International, January/February 1996, pp.
73-74, 76, 78-80.
Mr. Ho~irino~izios
does an excellent job of explaining the
technology and machinery now available in the diamondcutting industry. He describes a diamond-cutting laser that
is accurate to 0.4 microns, 40 times more precise than the
previous model. The bruting machine can stop automatically when the stone reaches the preset diameter. There is


Winter 1996


a centering machine that plans, centers, and marks the

stone. The blocking machine contains a diamond scade
that has boosted production 50%-75% in some areas of
India. The polishing machine can polish excellent to ideal
cuts from two points up to 18 ct and has an accuracy to 2.5
microns. Finally, he describes a girdle-faceting machine
that can polish from 40-200 girdle facets on rounds and
fancies as small as 50 points to as large as 10 ct.
This technology did not exist 25 years ago. At that
tinie, Sir P u p Oppenheimer said, "Automation can only
be an addition to the diamond industry." Still, technological progress for the diamond-cutting industry has been
slow compared to other industries.
A crustal mineral in a mantle diamond. L. R. M. Daniels,
J. J. Gurney, and B. Harte, Nature, January 11, 1996,
pp. 153-156.
Recent studies of diamonds, their inclusions, and related
rocks provide evidence for the origin of some of these
materials in the Earth's crust. Much of this evidence is isotopic, especially that involving isotopes of oxygen, sulfur,
lead, and carbon. Tius article is the first report of staurolite,
a metamorphic mineral that occurs in crustal rocks, as an
inclusion in diamond.
The diamond that contained the staurolite inclusion
came from the Dokolwayo kirnberlite, one of a series of
kimberlites that erupted about 200 million years ago in
what is now northeastern Swaziland. Included minerals in
Dokolwayo diamonds are consistent in composition and
abundance with inclusions in diamonds from lhberlitesexcept for the relatively high contents of coesite, a highpressure polymorph of
The diamond studied was
over 3 mm in its largest dimension; the staurolite inclusion,
a discrete crystal about 0.08 mm, was completely enclosed
by die diamond, with no cracks leading to it. Graphite was
also included in the diamond; the diamond's carbon isotopic signature, S^C value of -5.0 per mil, was typical for
mantle carbon without a crustal isotopic component.
Staurolite is a metamorphic silicate mineral that is
typically found in metamorphosed sediments of clay-rich
composition, derived from continental sources, which
crystallized under conditions of moderate temperature and
moderate-to-high pressure within the crust. However,
other Dokolwayo diamonds contain silica (coesite) inclusions, and staurolite is not stable at the pressure-temperature conditions at which diamonds form if silica is present.
(Magnesium-rich staurolites are stable at higher pressures
and temperatures, but this specimen did not contain sufficient magnesium for tllls to be a factor.) The authors suggest that this inclusion formed under crustal conditions,
before or during subduction of its source material; the staurolite survived as a relict grain in the diamond because it
was not in contact with any silica phases. Unfortunately,
die inclusion has been misplaced, precluding further study.

The diamond mining quarries of East Siberia as a factor

affecting surficial water quality. V. N. Borisov, S. V.


Gemological Abstracts

Alexeev, and V. A. Pleshe~enlzova~

in Y.K. Kharalza
and 0. V. Chudaev, Eds., Water-Rock Interaction,
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
Water-Rock Interaction, WRI 8, Vladivostok, Russia,
August 1995, published by A. A. Ballzeina, Rotterdam,
Netherlands, pp. 863-866.
The development of diamond mines in the arctic climate
of Siberia, which has been ongoing since about 1960, has
resulted in severe environmental nroblems. The nature
and extent of these problems are only now being discussed
openly in the scientific literature. This particular paper
describes the effect that mining of the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe has had on the quality of surficial waters, specifically in the Markha River system. The same conditions are
present at other mining locations, such as Mirny and
Ailchal. The detrimental environmental effects are caused
1. High chloride brines: When the open-pit mine at
Udachnaya penetrated the permafrost (permanently frozen
zone), which occurs here at depths of 150-600 in, highly
saline groundwaters began to infiltrate the pit. These brines
came from porous and permeable sedimentary rocks surrounding the pit. The brines are predominantly of the chloride type, with associated Ca, Na, Mg, and K. Especially serious, however, are the dangerously high levels of bromide
they contain.
At first, the brines were discharged directly into the
river system or released onto the surface. Because these
practices had such a negative impact on the environment,
in recent years the brines have been injected into the permafrost zones. However, this latter method has potential
problems. For example, the brines may leak onto the surface, again leading to severe pollution.
2. T a h g s : The material that remains after diamond
recovery generally includes finely ground lumberlite and
chemicals from the separation process, which are stored in
tailings piles on the surface. These piles are very susceptible to leaching by water from rain and snow, a process that
adds more undesirable chemical phases to surface waters.
Leakages from the tailings have been recorded for more
than 10 years.
3. Spoil heaps from stripped rocks: Open-pit mining
requires the removal (stripping)of large volumes of rock
surrounding the pipe. These rocks are placed in spoil heaps
that typically cover huge areas and are over 80 in high.
Most of the stripped rocks are sedimentary (e.g., liniestones),and so are readily leached, adding more undesirable
chemical constituents to the environment. In addition,
these rocks have been used to build roads and for other
industrial purposes, resulting in a "ubiquitous salting of
[the]soil landscape."
Using background (baseline)values for chemical parameters in the Markha River system that were taken in 1979-1980,
the authors show that pollution now can be detected as far as
700 km downstream from the Udachnaya mine!
[Abstracter's Note: Environmental pollution of the
type described in this paper will not occur in the proposed
diamond mining area of Canada's Northwest Territories,

Winter 1996

although the climate there is similar. In this area, the lcimberhte pipes have intruded into metamorphic roclcs that
contain no brines or easily leacl~able~sedimentary
Greenland: Country supplement ~dvettisementSupplement
to Mining Journal, London, March 1, 1996,24 pp.
The discovery of diamond-bearing kiniberlites in Canada's
Northwest Territories has led to a reappraisal of similar
rocks in Greenland. Some 500 potentially diainondiferous
occurrences have been found in Precambrian rocks in West
Greenland, between GOON and 72ON (west of the perinanent ice cap).Diamond indicator minerals have been found
in stream sediments within the West Greenland Archaean
craton, and microdiamonds have been found in kimberlite
dike swarms at both the northern and southern margins of
the craton. Exploration is proceeding on die Bjnrnesund,
Inglefield Land, Itillii, I<obberminebugt, Narsarsuaq, and
Qaqortoq properties/license areas.
Magnesite-bearing inclusion assemblage in natural diamond. A. Wan& J. D. Fastens, H.0. A. Meyer, and
M. L. Dele-Duboi, Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, Vol. 141, No. 1 4 , 1996, pp. 293306.
An inclusion in a diamond from the Finsch lumberlite pipe,
South Africa, contains a euhedral rhombohedron-shaped
crystal (-30 urn) of niagnesite coexisting with several
idiomorphic olivine ( F o ~grains
(-80 pm); many tiny
anatase particles (-2-5 pni) and microcrystallites of diamond (<1 pm) and disordered graphite are attached to tlie
surface of the niagnesite grain. The occurrence of this syngenetic n~ultiphaseinclusion assemblage-that is, a group
of many minerals that formed at the same time, before or
during the growth of tlie host-in a natural dianiond provides unambiguous evidence for the existence in the
Earth's mantle of magnesite, which some have suggested is
a niajor carbon reservoir in most of the mantle.
This inclusion assemblage suggests that two reactions
involving the decomposition of the carbonates in mantle
peridotite may occur during decompression. The P-T-fOi
conditions defined by die inclusion are represented by the
intersection of the graphite-diamond transition curve with
the enstatite-magnesite-olivine-diamond buffer; they represent the highest oxidation state under which a mantle diamond can be stabilized in a peridotite environment. This
indicates that the conditions for diamond formation are
very limited if carbonates are major carbon sources for diamonds. It also suggests that, given the extremely low relative amounts of free oxygen inferred for portions of the
Earth's mantle, carbonates may surely occur in peridotites,
and much of tlie carbon in the mantle may be locked in
reduced phases.
NWT Diamonds Project. Report of the Environmental
Assessment Panel. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Hull, Quebec, June 1996,88 pp.
BHP/Dia Met proposes to establish a dianiond mine to
draw ore from five kimberlite pipes in the Lac de Gras area

Gemological Abstracts

of the Northwest Territories. They plan to use a combination of open-pit and underground methods over a 25-year
period. The extremely fragile environment in the Canadian
Arctic has been a major concern with respect to this project.
Further, there are economic, social, and cultural factors that
require consideration (e.g.,die welfare of aboriginal peoples).
hi December 1994, a four-member federal environmental assessment panel was appointed to review all
aspects of the proposed project, as documented by BHP in a
series of impact statements. The panel's report, published in
this volume, concludes that the "environmental effects of
the Project are largely predictable and mitigable." Further,
the potential economic benefits from tlie project are large,
and the socio-cultural effects are likely to be both positive
and negative (thelatter to be addressed in the future).Thus,
the panel advocates approval by the Canadian government
provided 28 recommendations are met.
The recommendations cover a wide spectrum of subjects, including: quick and equitable settlement of aboriginal land claims; annual reports on monitored air and water
quality; detailed monitoring of caribou herds and bird populations; cash compensation for the loss of fish habitat;
monitoring of socio-economic conditions and trends resulting from the project; and establishment by the government
of procedures for diamond evaluation before full production
This report, which has been approved by tlie federal
cabinet, is a major step toward establishing a significant
diamond-mining industry in Canada. The first rough diamonds may appear as soon as late 1998 (annual production
is projected to reach 5,000,000 carats within five years). It
also sets environmental, cultural, and sociological standards for future diamond-mining projects in northern
Review of diamond resources in South Australia. I. J.
Townsend, B. J. Moms, and M. G. Farrand, Australian
Gemmologist, Vol. 19, No. 5, 1996, pp. 233-236.
Although most people associate Australian diamonds with
the highly productive Argyle lamproite pipe found in 1979
in the northwest of tlie country, diamonds were found
much earlier in the east, in 1851 in New South Wales, and
in the south, in 1859 in South Australia. In both cases. tlie
diamonds were alluvial and were found by gold panners.
This paper briefly describes the original (in the Echunga
Goldfield) and all subsequent South Australian diamond
occurrences, none of which is economic.
Occurrences in which 100-200 stones have been
reported include the Echunga Goldfield (the largest recorded stone weighed 5.25 ct), the Springfield Basin, and kilnberlite dikes near Eurelia. The dikes are the only proven primary source of diamonds: 140 nucrodiamonds have been
recovered from them.
Ten other localities, widely scattered throughout
South Australia, have yielded up to 10 stones from gravels
(e.g., gold placers), soils, or occasionally from rocks of recycled secondary origin (e.g., sandstone). A number of zones
with kimberlitic indicator minerals have been defined.

Winter 1996


All of these diamond occurrences are o n - o r adjacent

to-the Gawler Craton, so this part of South Australia has
the basic geologic requirement for primary diamond
deposits. Accordingly, extensive exploration has been
undertaken in recent years. Despite the use of various techniques (such as aeromagnetic geophysical surveys), no ecoAAL
nomic deposits have been reported.
Subduction model for the origin of some diamonds in the
Phanerozoic of eastern New South Wales. L. M.
Barron, S. R. Lishmund, G, M. Oakes, B. J. Barron,
and F. L. Sutherland, Australian Journal of Earth
Sciences,Vol. 43, No. 3, 1996, pp. 257-267.
Eastern New South Wales, Australia, has produced more
than 500,000 carats of alluvial diamonds, mostly from the
Copeton-Bingara area. A local source is indicated by the
diamonds' distinct character and lack of surface damage;
their S^C values and suite of mineral inclusions are unhke
those in diamonds from conventional diamond-producing
areas, and their Phanerozoic setting is more than 1,000 km
from the nearest craton. A subduction model has been
developed to explain the origin and geology of these diamonds. This model involves prolonged subduction of
mature oceanic crust, resulting in the development of a
low-temperature metamorphic window into the diamond
stability field within the downgoing slab, at half the depth
required by conventional models.
The diamonds are preserved at depth by the ter~nination of subduction, and they are brought to the surface by
overriding lithospheric plates or by entrainment in suitable
magmas. The type of diamond formed depends on the original source rock. This model predicts that the New South
Wales diamonds are young (Phanerozoic)and that their features, age, associated minerals, and geographic distribution
relate to the New South Wales tectonic provinces. The
subduction diamond model extends the range of indicator
minerals to include corundum and Na-bearing garnet, with
a new series of carrier magmas (basanite, nephelinite,
World diamond production increases in '95. R. Shor, Jewelers'
Circular-Keystone,Vol. 167, No. 10, October 1996, pp.
World diamond production in 1995 increased by less than
1% over 1994, to a total of 107.9 million carats (Met).
Australia is still the world's largest producer by volume
(40.8 Mct), followed by Zaire (20 Mct), Botswana (16.8
Mct), Russia (12.5Mct), and South Africa (10.1Met).These
five countries accounted for 92.8% by weight of the world's
1995 diamond production. Angola and Namibia produced
about 1.8% and 1.2% of the world's diamonds, respectively; and about a dozen other countries, mainly in West
Africa and South America, shared the remaining 4.2%. By
value, the top-producing countries were (in decreasing
order): Botswana, Russia, South Africa, Angola, Zaire,
Namibia, and Australia.
This paper gives the current status of mining and production from all important diamond-producing countries,


Gemological Abstracts

including selected details on production from important

mines, recent changes in mine recovery operations, insight
into exploration activities, and plans of certain companies
for specific mines (e.g.,De Beers is converting the presently dormant Mwadui [Williamson]mine in Tanzania into a
smaller, low-cost operation). Of particular interest is the
fact that the Argyle mine stopped recovering stones smaller than 1.5 mm, resulting in a production decrease of 3 Mct
but a revenue increase of $15 million.
Mention is made of a small diamond mine now operating at Kelsey Lake, Colorado [see also the Gem News
entry in this issue, pp. 282-2831! the first hi the United
States since the 1930s, when the Prairie Creek pipe near
Murfreesboro, Arkansas, ceased commercial operation.
According to Mr. Shor, the Kelsey Lake mine is projected
to produce 100,000 to 150,000 carats per year, which will
barely register in future worldwide statistics. However, a
mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada, expected to
be fully operational in 1998, is projected to produce about
2% of the world's diamonds in the near future.


The Adamas Advantage Gem Identification Kit 1.2e-a
review. P. G. Read, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 25,
NO.3, 1996, pp. 219-224.
The author of one well-known gem identification software
package reviews a competitor's product: the Adainas
Advantage Gem Identification Kit (version 1.2e for
Microsoft Windows). This subset of the larger Adainas
Advantage program is relatively easy to use and, with 524
gem materials in its database, will satisfy the needs of most
gemologists. Following a description of how to use the program, Mr. Read points out a few of its shortcomings.
Although these "bugs" are not sufficient to deter potential
buyers, users should be aware of them. The article closes
with recommendations for improvements and cm address
where the kit can be obtained.
The Bailey light source. T. Linton, R. Beattie, and G.
Brown, Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 19, No. 6,
1996, pp. 250-25 1.
The Bailey light source, a refractometer light source developed and manufactured by South Australian gemologist
Tony Bailey, was assessed by the Brisbane Instrument
Evaluation Committee. Mr. Bailey came up with the idea
in 1992, in response to the high cost of conventional sodium-vapor light sources. The Bailey product has three components: an LED light source (with six LEDs), a stained
wooden base, and alternative sources of power (either a
240-volt power pack or a nine-volt dry-cell battery).
Although the mean wavelength of 580 nm that is
emitted by the LEDs closely approximates the sodiumvapor emission doublet, the measured luminance of the six
LEDs was only 18% that of the sodium lamp. The accuracy of the Bailey light source was evaluated on a Topcon
refractometer; no significant differences were seen in the
refractive indices determined by either the Bailey or the

Winter 1996

sodium-vapor light source, However, the Bailey light

source, with its essentially horizontally directed yellow
light beam, relies on the output of its six LEDs, rather than
any slight increase in their angle of emission, to produce a
bright scale. A significant increase in the brightness of the
scale can be accomplished by either altering the orientation of the LEDs a few degrees upward or by placing the
wooden base on an angle.
The evaluation committee found the Bailey device to
be a very economical alternative light source for the gem
refracton~eter.However, the committee suggested that a
more efficient array of LEDs be considered when this light
is used with refractometers of Rayner or Topcon design,
which produce brighter scales in their eyepieces when light
is angled upward into their light-emitting portals.
Fade testing: Has the time come? K. Nassau, Jewelers'
Ciradar-Keystone, Vol. 167, No. 9, September 1996,
pp. 116-117.
This article, by noted author Kurt Nassau, raises an interesting question: Should fade testing be used routinely to check
the permanence of color in certain gem materials? Although
fade testing can be slightly destructive, sometimes it is needed to complete a difficult gemological identification.
Here, Dr. Nassau concentrates primarily on yelloworange-brown sapphires and yellow-orange-browntopaz. A
technique for fade testing is described that permits the
rapid and reliable identification of rapid-fading color in
some gem species. A simple, inexpensive fade testing apparatus is also described. It can be built and used easily-with
negligible effect on colorfast or slowly fading material. A
good suggestion by the author is that a person submitting
material for a fade test should sign a disclaimer aclmowledging the potential for color loss.

Antique Cameos. 0. Y. Neverov, World of Stone, No. 7,
1995, pp. 29-32.
h this interesting article, more technical than many, the
author proves to be extremely knowledgeable about
antique cameos.
Antique cameos are distinctive works in miniature.
Long known as exquisite, impeccable jewels, many ancient
cameos served a different purpose: They were tributes to the
strength and power of a worshipped sovereign, his military
accon~plishments,and his dynasty-subjects very different
from those used in today's cameos. In some ways, die art of
canieo carving was similar to that of making m e d a l s ~ i t
served to document the life of an important figure.
The author discusses minerals used during specific
time periods and provides historical background on some

Gemological Abstracts

well-preserved cameos. There is also information on the

cameo carvers themselves.
For those fascinated with cameos (for pleasure or proAMB
fession), this article is essential,
Roots of the turquoise trade. S. E. Thompson, Lapidary
Vol. 50, No. 3, June 1996, pp. 57-60.
A thousand years ago, turquoise was "so valuable, a man
could carry on his back a fortune in turquoise. It was like
carrying your weight in diamonds."
So says Dr. GarmanHarbottle, who-along with Phil
C. Weigand-has spent 20 years piecing together turquoise
trade routes between central Mexico and what is today tlie
American southwest in an effort to discover where the
Mesoamericans got their turquoise. By using an essentially nondestructive technique called neutron-activation
analysis, Dr. Harbottle and Mr. Weigand have shown that
samples recovered from individual mines have specific
chemical profiles, and that these profiles are different for
different mines. With this information, the two have been
able to analyze samples from ancient Mexican artifacts and
match the profiles to those of known samples from specific mines in the southwest.
The historical perspectives are fascinating, as are the
conclusions attained through analytical means. Far from
being a purely scientific report, die article conjures images
of resolute ancients. To think of tlie hardships endured a
thousand years ago to travel hundreds of miles in search of
a blue stone makes one realize how much humans are willing to sacrifice for objects of wealth or worship.

Improved wear resistance with electroplated gold containing diamond dispersions. A. R. Zielonlza, Gold
Technology, No. 16, July 1995, pp 16-20
This article reports the results of a research project funded by
the World Gold Council and conducted by the Precious
Metals Research Institute in Germany. Electroplating gold
with a conventional cyanide gold electrolyte containing a
fine homogeneous diamond power improved (as one would
expect]the wear resistance of gold jewelry. Almost all of the
relevant details of the electrolyte composition and the operation are presented: Auruna 556 electrolyte, 0.25 micron diamond powder, deposition rate of 0.5 microns per minute,
turbulent flow, and so on. The diamond content of the electrolyte-and, therefore, the electroplated layers-was varied
up to 200 grams per liter and 2.76%, respectively. Wear tests
using "grinding" paper showed that wear resistance
increased three-fold over that of pure gold, inaldng the finished product almost twice as resistant to wear as copper but
still only one-fifth as resistant as pure nickel. The additional
cost to coat a ring would be a matter of pennies.


Winter 1996


This index gives the first author (in parentheses), the issue, and the first page (plus "ff") of the article in
which the indexed subject occurs. For Gem News (GN),Gem Trade Lab Notes (GTLN), and Letters (Let)
sections, inclusive pages are given for the subject item. The reader is referred to the Author Index at the end
of this section for the full title and the coauthors, where appropriate, of the articles cited. The pages covered
by each issue are as follows: Spring (1-78))Summer (79-152), Fall (153-230), Winter (231308).

W96:280; cultured (GN]
synthetic flux-grown from Russia
Alexandrite effect, see Color change
copper, represented as meteorite
Amphibole group
black opaque gem materials
clemantoid from Russia
Andranonclambo, see Madagascar
Anorthosite, see Rock
Anyolite, see Rock
resembling nephrite
Archeology, see Gemology
Assembled stones
beryl triplets resembling Paraiba
tourmaline (GN)Sp96:59
cultured blister pearls
opaldoublet from Brazil
(GNJSu96:136-137; and glass
assemblage (GTLN)F96:209-210
ruby-ruby doublet
star ruby simulant
synthetic sapphire-and-gold assemblage (GNJW96:291-292
synthetic spinel-and-glass triplets
"Tanzation"]imitating tanzanite (GN)W96:289-290
synthetic spinel-synthetic ruby
doublet (GTLN)W96:281
triplet imitating emerald


Annual Index

see also Composite materials
induced in sapphires
simulated by engraved foil
quartz and magnesite rock from

source of glass imitation conch
"pearls" (GN]W96:287-288
heliodor from Tajikistan
morganite with "iris" effect
triplets resembling Paraiba tourmaline (GN]Sp96:59
see also Emerald
Black opaque gem materials
identification of
Book reviews
The Art of Jewelry Design, Vol. I
(Galli and Giambelli) Su96:142
Collectible Beads: A Universal
Aesthetic (Liu)Su96:142
Colorado Roclzhounding, A Guide
to Minerals, Gemstones, and
Fossils [Voynick]Sp96:69
The Dealer's Book of Gems 01
Diamonds (Sevdermish and
Mashiah] F96:223
Gemstones of Afghanistan
(Bowersoxand Chamberlin]
Mineral Books (Mineralogical
Record, special issue) Sp96:69
New Frontiers in Diamonds-The
Mining Revolution (Duval,

Green, and Louthean)

The Peking Diamonds (Read)
Photographing Minerals, Fossils
and Lapidary Materials (Scovil]
Synthetic Diamond: Emerging
CVD Science and Technology
(Spear and Dismukes, Eds.)
The Volcanic Earth (Sutherland)
opal doublets from
topaz from the Cap50 mine, Minas
Gerais (GN]F96:219-220;

Calcareous concretions, see Pearl

Calcite, see Jade simulants
Cap50 mine, see Brazil
Carborundum, see Moissanite
Carving, see Lapidary arts
Ca thoclol~~minescence
of diamond, characteristic patterns
see also Fluorescence
Cat's-eye, see Chatoyancy
Cause of color, see Color, cause of
blue-to-purple, from Nevada
green-and-white jasper from
Mexico (GN)Su96:132-133
porous chrysocolla-colored
"Challenge," see Gems &> Gemology
in clinochlore from Russia
in diopside from southern India


Winter 1996

(CNjSu96:130-13 1
in emerald from Colombia
Chemical composition
of flux-grown synthetic alexandrite
from Russia (SchmetzcrjF96:186ff of korncrupine from Sri Lanka
of opal from Shewa, Ethiopia
of 'sapphire from Andranondambo,
Madagascar lSchwarzlSu96:80ff
of scapolite from ~razil,'Pakistan,
and Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff
of tanzanite simulants
see also specific gem materials
diamond-in-matrix specimens
from (CN)Sp96:52
Chlorite, see Rock
vanadium-bearing green
see also Alexandrite
"lemon," see Rock
cat's-eye, from Russia
of cubic zirconia ["Tavalitel']
of quartz (GN)F96:220-221
cat's-eye emerald from Coscuez
emerald mining at Muzo
Color, cause of
in demantoid from Russia
in enstatite, cordierite,
kornerupine, and scapolite from
Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka
Color change
in alexandrite from the Tunduru
region, Tanzania
in pyrope-spessartine garnet
in synthetic alexandrite from
Russia (Schmetzer)F96:186ff
Color zoning
in sapphire-(CTLN)Su96: 126;
from Madagascar (Schwarz)
in synthetic quartz (GN)W96:289
Colorado, see United States
Composite materials
dyed calcite-and-plastic imitation
of jadeite (CN)Su96:137-138
faceted quartz construct

Annual Index

synthetic corundum-and-polymer,
imitating ruby-in-zoisite
see also Assembled stones
Conch "pearl"
glass simulant of
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff
"Blue," see Corundum, synthetic
' Purple," see YAG
Corundum, see Rock, Ruby, Sapphire
Corundum, synthetic
"Blue Coranite," tanzanite simulant (Kiefert)W96:270ff
Coscuez, see Colombia
"Crystal Mesh," see Glass
of corundum (C.P. Smith)
F96: 170ff
of flux-grown synthetic alexandrite
see also Growth structure analysis
Cubic zirconia
imitation diamond crystals
with optical coating ["Tavalite"]
Cutting Edge awards
ACTA, for 1996 (CN)Su96:139-140

De Beers
history of formation and marlzeting (Janse)Sp96:2ff
instruments to detect synthetic
diamonds (Welbourn)F96:156ff
Demantoid, see Andradite
"fingerprints" (GN)Sp96:60
from Colorado (GN)W96:282-283
fracturing due to strain
history of sources in Africa
in matrix, from China and Russia
origin, history of theories
production in Africa
Diamond, colored
black (Johnson)W96:252ff
color intensified by cleavage
and near-colorless from the same
rough (CTLN)F96:204-205
pinkish orange
synthetic yellow
treated pink-to-purple

Diamond, cuts and cutting of
Buddha (GN)F96:215
Mogul, drilled, tablet-cut, and
engraved tablet-cut
Diamond, inclusions in
fluorescent phantom crystal
Diamond simulants
cubic zirconia imitation of crystals
synthetic moissanite ( C N )
Diamond, synthetic
Chatham "white" (GN)F96:214
comments on "A chart for the separation of natural from synthetic
diamonds" (Let)Sp96:63
De Beers detection instruments
magnetic properties of
(Let)Sp96:63,F96: 154
in the marketplace (CN)Sp96:52
from Russia-(GTLN)Sp96:44; in
jewelry (GN)Su96:128-129, marketed as "Superdimonds"
Diamond treatment
fracture filling (GTLN)W96:278
Diffusion treatment, see Treatment
cat's-eye, from southern India
(GNjSu96:130-13 1
chrome, from Siberia (CN)F96:216
"Robert C. Kammerling Research
Endowment" W96:293
"Thank You, Donors" Su96: 141
Doublet, see Assembled stones
Drusy gems
black "onyx" (Johnson)W96:252ff
silicon produced for the computer
industry (CN)Su96:138-139
of natural and polymer-impregnated jadeite (GN)Sp96:61-62
of opal from Ethiopia
see also Stability

'to Honor of Robert C. Kammerling"
"Madagascar: Making Its Mark"
"Opening Pandora's Black BOX"
'The Quintessential Gemologist,
Robert C. Kammerhne, 1947-1996"
Electron microprobe analysis
of flux-grown synthetic alexandrite


Winter 1996


of inclusions in trapiche rubies

of kornerupine and scapolite from
Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff
of "U.M. Tanzania," glass imitation of tanzanite (Kiefert)
Embilipitiya, see Sri Lanka
cat's-eye, from Colombia
earrings with natural and imitation (GTLN)Sp96:44-46
infrared spectroscopy of, to separate from synthetic (GN)Sp96:62
mining at Muzo (GN]W96:285
Emerald simulant
triplet with quartz top in earring
Emerald, synthetic
properties (Schmetzer)Sp96:40ffj
inclusions in
(GTLN)W96:279-280; from
Russia (Koivula)Sp96:32ff
infrared spectroscopy of, to separate from natural [GN)Sp96:62
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff
opal from Shewa province

Feldspar (anorthite, plagioclase), see

of diamond-natural and synthetic
(Welbourn)F96:156ff; synthetic
of dyed synthetic ruby
of heat-treated and natural-color
Imperial topaz (Sauer)W96:232ff
of scapolite from Sri Lanka
see also Cathodoluininescence
Foil backing, see Glass
Fracture filling
of diamond, with unusually strong
flash effect (GTLN)W96:278

color-change pyrope-spessartine(GN)Sp96:53;from Sri Lanka
pale brownish pink pyrope
pyrope-alinandine from
Mozambique (GN)Su96:131


Annual Index

spessartine from Namibia

(GN]Sp96:57-58; from Pakistan
see also Grossular, Rock
of archeological gem materialsRoman (GN)Sp96:62;Visigoth
(GN)Sp96:61-62; using Raman
spectroscopy (GN)Sp96:290-29 1
identification of black opaque gem
materials (Johnson)W96:252ff
Gems d Gemology
"Challenge Winners1'-F96:203
"Most Valuable Article Award"
history of diamond sources in
black opaque (Johnson)W96:252ff
Ca-phosphate, as a tanzanite simulant (Kiefert)W96:27Off
as a conch "pearl" simulant
fiber-optic, imitating tiger's-eye
foil-backed, in flexible fabric
"Crystal Mesh"]
internal laser carving of
see also Assembled stones, Jade
periclase resembling
see also Rock
Growth structure analysis
in diamond [synthetic and natural]
in hydrothermal synthetic emerald
in flux-grown synthetic alexandrite (SchmetzerJF96:186ff
introduction to, with example in
ruby (C.P. Smith)F96:170ff
history of diamond sources in

Heat treatment
of sapphire from Madagascar
of Imperial topaz (Sauer)W96:232ff
Heliodor, see Beryl
unusually large (GTLN)F96:208
of diamond mining and production
in Africa (Janse)Sp96:2ff
"Hollandine," see Spessartine

"Imperial" topaz, see Topaz
of calcite and dolomite in trapiche
ruby (Schinetzer)W96:242ff
of copper in jadeite
natural-looking, in flame-fusion
synthetic sapphire (GTLN)
of phlogopite in trapiche sapphire
in quartz (GN)Sp96:60-61
rutile needles creating unusual star
pattern in sapphire
thread-like, in assembled cultured
blister pearls (GTLN)F96:210
see also Diamond, inclusions in;
Growth structure analysis
cat's-eye diopside from
(GNJSu96:130-13 1
De Beers DiamondSureThland
DiamondViewrh'to separate natural from synthetic diamonds
in identification of black opaque
gem materials
modified stone holder
Raman spectroscopy conference
(GN]W96:290-29 1
Infrared spectroscopy, see
Spectroscopy, infrared
Internal growth structure analysis, see
Growth structure analysis
in morganite (GN)Su96:132-133
Ivory Coast
history of diamond sources in

Jade sim~ilant
anorthosi teluvarovite rock
aragonite simulating nephrite
composite of dyed calcite and plastic (GN)Su96:137-138
devitrifiecl glass (GTLN)Su96:123
antique carving
with copper inclusions
durability of natural and polynierimpregnated (GN]Sp96:61-62
color filter reaction of


Winter 1996

repaired carving
from Russia (GN)Su96:131-132
Jasper, see Chalcedony
bronze/brass Tibetan pendant
brooch with interchangeable stickpins (GN)F96:222
faceted tanzanite beads
flexible fabric with foil-backed
glass (GN)F96:221-222

Kammerling, Robert C.
Obituary (KellerJSp96:l
In honor of (Boyajian)W96:231
Kanchanaburi, see Thailand
"Kashmirine," see Garnet
Kelsey Lake, see United States
"golden" tourmaline from
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff

ruby and sapphire from
Lapidary arts
AGTA Cutting Edge awards
etched gold fractal design on synthetic sapphire
faceted construct of quartz
internal laser carving of glass
natural crystal faces on faceted
stones (GNJW96:283
history of diamond sources in
Luminescence, see Fluorescence

rubies from (GN)Su96:133-135
sapphires from Andranondambo
Magnesite, see Rock
in black opaque gem materials
in synthetic diamond (Let]Sp96:63
Magnetite, see Spinel group
polymer-impregnated (GN]Sp96:59

Annual Index

"Mandarin" garnet, see Spessartine

Tibetan pendant represented as
green-and-white jasper from
"leopard opal" from
"Treasures of Mexico" exhibit at
the Houston Museum of
Natural Science [CNJSp96:62
Microscopy, see Growth structure
analysis, Inclusions, Instruments
Minas Gerais, see Brazil
of demantoid in Russia
of diamond in Africa
of emerald in Colombia
of gem materials at Tunduru,
Tanzania (GN)Sp96:58-59
of opal in Ethiopia
of sapphire-in Madagascar
(GN)F96:217-218; in Montana
(CN)Sp96:60;in Thailand
of Imperial topaz in Brazil
of tanzanite in Tanzania
synthetic silicon carbide, as a diamond sinlulant (GN)Sp96:52-53
Montana, see United States
Morganite, see Beryl
pyrope-almandine from
Museums and gem collections
gem exhibits in the United States
Myanma Gems Museum
synthetics exhibit at the Sorbonne
"Treasures of Mexico" exhibit at
the Houston Museum of
Natural Science (GN)Sp96:62
Muzo, see Colombia
gem museum (GNJSu96:131-132
trapiche ruby and sapphire reportedly from [Schmetzer)W96:242ff

spessartine from (GN)Sp96:56-57

aragonite sin~ulantof
Nevada, see United States

Kammerling, Robert C.
assemblage with glass top
doublets from Brazil
from Ethiopia (Johnson]Su96:112ff
"leopard," from Mexico

spessartine from (GN)F96:218-219
abalone-(GTLNJSp96:4749; blister (GTLN)W96:280
coated to conceal drill holes
drop-shaped hollow, with conchiolin (GTLN)Su96:123-124
from Scotland (GNJSu96:133-134
X-radiography of
"Pearl," conch, see Conch "pcarl"
Pearl, cultured
abalone (GN)Sp96:55-56
assembled blister (GTLN)F96:210
resembling near-colorless grossular
Plagioclase, see Rock
Plastic, see Assembled stones, Jade
Pyrope, see Garnet
Pyrope-almandine, see Garnet
Pyrope-spessartine, sec Garnet
Pyroxene group
black opaque gem materials
see also Diopside, Enstatitc,

coated (GNJF96:220-221
dyed to simulate ruby
faceted construct (GN)Sp96:59
glass imitation of tiger's-eye
green (GTLN)F96:210-211
inclusions in (CN)Sp96:60-61
infrared spectroscopy of natural
versus synthetic (GN)Sp96:62
synthetic tricolor (CN]W96:289


Winter 1996


see also Rock

Quench crackling, see Treatment

Raman spectroscopy, see

Spectroscopy, Raman
anorthosite with uvarovite
anyolite (ruby in zoisite) simulant
black opaque (Johnson)W96:252ff
grossular and chlorite, resembling
impregnated jadeite
plagioclase and corundum, from
Sri Lanka (GN)F96:216-217
quartz and n~agnesite("lemon
chrysoprase"), from Australia
doublet (CTLN)Sp96:49-50
growth-related features in
infrared spectroscopy of Thai
from Laos (GN)Sp96:61
from Madagascar
trapiche (Schmetzer)W96:242ff
Ruby sin~ulant
assemblage with synthetic ruby
top and foil middle layer
engraved with a star
corundum-and-plastic statue
corundum-and-polymer tablet
dyecl quartz (GTLN)Sp96:49-50
Ruby, synthetic
polishing marks on
(CTLN)Su96:125-1 26
Russian Federation (includes Russia,
Siberia, Yalzutia, Tajikistan,
Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
alexandrite, flux-grown synthetic
from (Schmetzer)F96:186ff
cat's-eye clinochlore from Russia
chrome diopside from Siberia
demantoid from Russia
diamond-in-matrix specimen from
diamond, synthetic from(GTLN)Sp96:4445;from Tairus,
in jewelry (GN)Su96:128-129,
emerald, hydrothermal synthetic
from (Koivula)Sp96:32ff;


Annual Index

heliodor from Tajikistan
jadeite from Russia

color-zoned, resembling doublet
with diffusion-induced star
diffusion-treated and quenchcrackled (GTLN)F96:211-212
heat-treated and dyed
(GTLN)F96:211-21 2
infrared spectroscopy of Thai
from Laos (GN)Sp96:61
from Madagascar
from Montana (CN)Sp96:60
purplish pink with rounded facet
junctions (CTLN)Sp96:50-51
star pattern of needles in
from Thailand (GN)Su96:134-135
trapiche (Schmetzer)W96:242ff
Sapphire, synthetic
assemblage, with gold fractal
design (GN)W96:291-292
flame-fusion, with natural-appearing inclusions
(GTLN)F96:2I 1-212
green (GTLN)Sp96:51
from Sri Lanka (Zwaan)W96:262ff
pearls from (CN)Su96:133-134
Shewa Province, see Ethiopia
Siberia, see Russian Federation
Sierra Leone
history of diamond sources in
drusy, produced for the computer
industry (GN)Su96:138-139
Silicon carbide, see Moissanite
Simulants, see specific gem materials
Spectrometry, energy-dispersive X-ray
fluorescence [EDXRFI
to identify black opaque gem
materials (Johnson)W96:252ff
of Russian flux-grown synthetic
alexandrite (Schmetzer)F96:186ff
of sapphires from Madagascar
see also specific gem materials
Spectroscopy, infrared
of emerald-natural versus synthetic (GN)Sp96:62;Russian
hydrothermal synthetic

of natural versus synthetic quartz

of ruby and sapphire from
Thailand (CN)Sp96:62
see also Spectroscopy, ultravioletvisible; specific gem materials
Spectroscopy, Raman
Ceoraman 96 conference
of tanzanite and tanzanite simulants (Kiefert)W96:270ff
of trapiche ruby
Spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible
of demantoid from Russia
of hydrothermal synthetic emerald
of sapphire from Madagascar
see also specific gem materials
from Namibia ["Hollandine,"
"Mandarin"] (GN)Sp96:56-57
from Pakistan ["Kashmirine"]
(CN)F96:218-21 9
Spinel and spinel group
black opaque gem materials
synthetic spincl-and-glass triplets
imitating tanzanite
synthetic spinel-synthetic ruby
doublet imitating spinel
Sri Lanka
color-change garnet from
enstatite, cordierite, kornenipine,
and scapolite from Embilipitiya
plagioclase and corundun~rock
from (GN)F96:216-217
taaffeite from (CN)Sp96:57
of color in heat-treated Imperial
topaz (Sauer)W96:232ff
see also Durability
Star, see Asterism
Stone holder, see Instruments
"Superdirnond," see Diamond, synthetic

from Sri Lanka (GN)Sp96:57
Tajikistan, see Russian Federation
chrysoberyl with vanadium from
Tunduru (GN)F96:215-216
gems from Tuncluru
history of diamond sources in
tanzanite mining in Merelani


Winter 1996

beads (GN)Sp96:57-58
mining update [GN)Su96:135-136
simulants-xonvincing substitute
(GN]Su96:138-139; glasses
["U.M. Tanzanic," Ca-phosphate], synthetic corundum
["Blue Coranite"], and YAG
["Purple Coranite"] (Kiefert)
W96:270ff; synthetic spinel-andglass triplets ["Tanzation"]
"Tanzation," see Assembled stones,
"Tavalite," see Cubic zirconia
infrared spectroscopy of ruby and
sapphire from (GN)Sp96:62
sapphire mining in Kanchanaburi
Imperial, from Brazil
beryl triplets resembling Paraiba
"golden," from Kenya
Trapiche, see Ruby, Sapphire
of malachite with polymer
of sapphire-by diffusion and

Annual Index

quench crackling
(GTLN]F96:212;with heat and
dye (GTLN)F96:211-212; to
induce star (GN)Su96:136-138
of synthetic ruby by quench crackling (GTLN]Su96:125-126
see also Diamond treatment, Heat
Tunduru, see Tanzania

Ukraine, see Russian Federation

Ultraviolet lun~incsccnce,see
Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, see
Spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible
'U.M. Tanzanic," see Tanzanite
United States
chalcedony- from Arizona,
porous (GN]Su96:129-130; from
Nevada (GN)W96:284
diamond from Kelsey Lake,
Colorado (GN)W96:282-283
sapphire from Montana
Uvarovite, see Rock

gems from (GN)F96:220
trapiche ruby and sapphire reportedly from (Schmetzer)W96:242ff

West Africa
History of diamond sources in

of abalone pearl(GTLN)Sp96:4749
of pearls(GTLN)Su96:123-1 24
X-ray diffraction analysis
to identify black opaque gem
materials (Johnson)W96:252ff

"Purple Coranite" tanzanite sirnulant (Kiefert]W96:270ff
Russian, simulating tanzanite

growth- in flux-grown synthetic
alexandrite from Russia
(Schmetzer)F96:186ff;in ruby
(Smith)F96:170ffjin natural and
synthetic diamonds [Welboum)
F96:156ffj in synthetic emerald
from Russia (Schmetzer)Sp96:40ff
trapiche-type, in ruby from
Myanmar (Schmetzer]W96:242ff


Winter 1996



This index lists, in alphabetical order, the names of authors of all articles that appeared in the four issues of
Volume 32 of Gems e) Gemology, together with the inclusive page numbers and the specific isssue (in
parentheses). Full citation is provided under the first author only, with reference made from joint authors.
Bernhardt H.-J., see Schmetzer K.
Boyajian W.E.: In Honor of Robert C.
Kammerling, 23 1 (Winter)

Cooper M., see Welbourn C.M.

DeGhionno D.G., see Johnson M.L.
and Koivula J.I.

Valuable Award, 64-65 (Spring)

The Quintessential Gemologist:
Robert C. Kanlmerling,
1947-1996, 1 (Spring)
see also Sauer D.A.
Kiefert L., Schmidt S.T.: Some
Tanzanite Imitations, 270-276
Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C.,
DeGhionno D.G., Reinitz l., Fritsch
E., Johnson M.L.: Gemological
Investigation of a New Type of
Russian Hydrothermal Synthetic
Emerald, 32-39 (Spring)
Koivula J.I,, see also Jolmson M.L.

Fritsch E., see Koivula J.I.

Hanni H.A., see Schmetzer K.

Janse A.J.A.: A History of Diamond
Sources in Africa: Part n, 2 3 0
Johnson M.L., Kammerling R.C.,
DeGhionno D.G., Koivula J.I.: Opal
from Shewa Province, Ethiopia,
112-120 (Summer)
Johnson M.L., McClure S.F.,
DeGhionno D.G.: Some
Gemological Challenges in
Identifying Black Opaque Gem
Materials, 252-261 (Winter)
Johnson M.L., see also Koivula J.I.

Karnmerling R.C., see Koivula J.I. and
Johnson M.L.
Icanis J., see Schwarz D.
Keller A.S.:
The Gems d Gemology Most

Liddicoat R.T.
Madagascar: Making Its Mark,
79 (Summer]
Opening Pandora's Black Box,
153 (Fall)

McClure S.F., see Johnson M.L. and
Saner D.A.
Medenbach 0,)see Schmetzer I<.

Peretti A., see Schmetzer I<.
Petsch E.J., see Schwarz D.
Phillips W.R., Talantsev AS,: Russian
Demantoid, Czar of the Garnet
Family, 100-1 11 (Summer)

Reinitz I., see Koivula J.1,

Sauer D.A., Keller AS., McClure S.F.:

An Update on Imperial Topaz from

the Cap20 Mine, Minas Genus,
Brazil, 232-241 (Winter)
Schmetzer K.: Growth Method and
Growth-Related Properties of a
New Type of Russian Hydrothermal Synthetic Emerald, 40-43
Schmetzer l<., Hiinni H.A., Bernhardt
H-1.. Schwarz D.: Traoiche Rubies,
242-250 (Winter)
Schmetzcr K., Peretti A,, Medenbach
O., Bernhardt H-J.: Russian FluxGrown Synthetic Alexandrite,
186-202 (Fall)
Schmidt S.T., see Kiefert L.
Schwarz D., Petsch E.J,, Kanis J.:
Sapphires from the Andranondan~bo
Region, Madagascar, 80-99
Schwarz D., see also Schn~etzerI<.
Smith C.P.: Introduction to analyzing
internal growth structures: Identification of the Negative d Plane in
Natural Ruby, 170-184 (Fall)
Spear P.M., see Welbourn C.M.

Talcintsev AS., see Phillips W.R.

Welbourn C.M., Cooper M., Spear
P.M.: De Beers Natural versus
Synthetic Diamond Verification
Instruments, 156-169 (Fall)

Zwaan P.C.: Enstatite, Cordierite,
Kornerupine, and Scapolite with
Unusual Properties from Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka, 262-269 (Winter]

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make sure it arrives no later than March 18, 1997. Remember, mark only three articles for
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Annual Index


Winter 1996

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