Spring 2017 Gems Gemology v2 PDF
Spring 2017 Gems Gemology v2 PDF
Spring 2017 Gems Gemology v2 PDF
1 Brazil’s Enigmatic Diamonds, Cuprian Liddicoatite, and Silicon in Corundum
Duncan Pay
2 Brazilian Diamonds: A Historical and Recent Perspective
Darcy Svisero, James E. Shigley, and Robert Weldon
pg. 3 Recounts the history, geology, and notable localities of diamond mining in Brazil, and
outlines plans for future diamond production.
34 Cuprian Liddicoatite Tourmaline
Yusuke Katsurada and Ziyin Sun
Identifies 13 copper-bearing tourmalines, which have traditionally been assumed to be
elbaite species, as liddicoatite.
42 The Role of Silicon in the Color of Gem Corundum
John L. Emmett, Jennifer Stone-Sundberg, Yunbin Guan, and Ziyin Sun
Considers the previously unreported but critical impact of silicon on the coloration of gem-
quality sapphire.
48 Japanese Jadeite: History, Characteristics, and Comparison with Other Sources
Ahmadjan Abduriyim, Kazuko Saruwatari, and Yusuke Katsurada
Examines the sources, color, texture, and chemical composition of jadeite from Japanese
68 Causes of Iridescence in Natural Quartz
pg. 49
Xiayang Lin and Peter J. Heaney
Describes the occurrence of iridescence, and the role of differential etching, in quartz
crystals from India’s Jalgaon District.
90 Lab Notes
Three faceted collector stones • Orangy red cordierite • Cape diamond with yellow
pg. 106 phosphorescence • Sapphire filled with bismuth-based glass • H4 defect in CVD synthetic
diamond • HPHT synthetic melee • Intense green HPHT synthetic diamond • Titanium-
diffused synthetic sapphire • Coated Paraíba tourmaline • Rubellite with strong “pink sleeves”
102 G&G Micro-World
Optical dishes in ametrine • Astrophyllite in bastnäsite • Flashes and flames in Ethiopian
opal • Cat’s eye imitation pen pearls • Negative crystals in sapphire • Quarterly crystal:
Mystery inclusion in topaz
109 The Dr. Edward J. Gübelin Most Valuable Article Award
110 2017 Gems & Gemology Challenge
112 Gem News International
Tucson 2017 • New source of Ethiopian emerald • Burmese gem report • Conversation with
pg. 132 Gemfields • Ruby and emerald mining updates • Secondary market for colored stones
• Cultured pearl market • Moroccan amethyst • Emerald dealing in Afghanistan • Montana
sapphire production • Magnesio-axinite from Tanzania • Sustainable vertical integration in
sapphires • Freeform tanzanite and sunstone • Gem paintings • Designs from Paula
Crevoshay • Nigerian tourmaline and sapphire • Turquoise Starship Enterprise • Rutilated
quartz mining community • Jewelry Industry Summit • Color-change pyrope-spessartine
with high grossular component • Plastic imitation of amber • Mixed-type treated red HPHT
synthetic diamond • Filled calcite with strong phosphorescence • Erratum • Letter
Brazil’s Enigmatic Diamonds, Cuprian
Liddicoatite, and Silicon in Corundum
Welcome to the first Gems & Gemology of 2017! This is an unusually diverse issue,
combining Brazilian diamonds, cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline, Japanese jadeite, iris
quartz, synthetic zincite, and a short but important contribution on the fundamental
role of the element silicon in generating blue color in many fine sapphires.
In our lead article, authors Darcy Svisero, James Shigley, and Robert Weldon survey
Brazil’s diamond deposits. This region has produced a significant number of large
rough diamonds. It’s also a source of valuable colored diamonds from predominantly
alluvial deposits, but today’s dia- “The original geologic sources of Brazil’s
mond production is small and
the original geologic sources re- most valuable diamonds remain elusive…”
main mostly elusive. Although economically viable kimberlite pipes have been discov-
ered in recent years, the outlook for increased production appears challenging.
Most researchers assume the bulk of copper-bearing tourmaline on the market today is elbaite, but some is
undoubtedly another tourmaline species: liddicoatite. Yusuke Katsurada and Ziyin Sun report on the chem-
istry of copper-bearing liddicoatite tourmaline submitted to GIA’s Tokyo laboratory. Their study shows ele-
vated gallium and lead content in cuprian liddicoatite, which displays stronger fluorescence under
long-wave ultraviolet light than cuprian elbaite due to high concentration of rare earth elements.
In our third paper, John Emmett, Jennifer Stone-Sundberg, Yunbin Guan, and Ziyin Sun discuss the critical
role of silicon in the color of gem-quality corundum. Although the effect of trace elements such as iron, tita-
nium, and magnesium within the corundum lattice is well understood, the chemical interaction of these
trace elements is not widely appreciated. The authors demonstrate that silicon’s presence is vital to the
process that allows titanium to pair with iron and create blue color in sapphire. To the best of the authors’
knowledge, this topic has not been addressed in the gemological literature.
Our next paper, by Ahmadjan Abduriyim, Kazuko Saruwatari, and Yusuke Katsurada, covers the history
and characteristics of Japanese jadeite and compares this highly valued gem with jadeite from other sources.
Their study examines the chemical composition and chromophores of jadeite varieties from the Itoigawa
and Omi regions of Niigata Prefecture and the Wakasa region of Tottori Prefecture and compares them
with samples from Myanmar, Guatemala, and Russia.
Next, Xiayang Lin and Peter Heaney analyze iris quartz crystals from geodes in the Deccan Trap basalts of west-
central India using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Their investiga-
tion reveals that certain crystal faces exhibit etching, which acts as a diffraction grating to produce iridescence.
Our final paper, by Ji Zhang, Yujie Gao, and Guanghai Shi, provides a gemological characterization of an in-
triguing industrial by-product: gem-quality synthetic zincite from foundries in Poland.
Be sure to investigate our three regular sections: Lab Notes documents GIA staff gemologists’ most recent
findings, Micro-World reveals fascinating gemstone inclusions, and this issue’s Gem News International re-
ports on the 2017 Tucson gem shows, including an important update on Ethiopian emerald.
We offer congratulations to the winners of our 2016 Dr. Edward J. Gübelin Most Valuable Article Award
(p. 109), and thank all of the readers who voted. Don’t forget to take this year’s G&G Challenge (pp. 110–
111), our annual multiple-choice quiz. Thank you for all your support through 2016!
Darcy P. Svisero, James E. Shigley, and Robert Weldon
Brazil, which commanded global production in the 1700s and early 1800s, has remained a continuous
source of diamonds for three centuries. Even though the country represented less than 1% of world pro-
duction in 2015, a number of large famous diamonds, as well as fancy-color diamonds, have originated
there. The sources are primarily alluvial, with diamonds transported by and deposited along a multitude
of rivers. The diamonds are found mainly by independent miners (garimpeiros) in riverbeds, in uncon-
solidated sediments, and in compacted sedimentary conglomerates. After a century of exploration for
the primary sources, some economically viable kimberlite pipes have been discovered in recent years,
with one occurrence now being developed for mining. This article traces the country’s fascinating dia-
mond history before focusing on the geologic setting of the diamond occurrences, as well as the chal-
lenges and future outlook for production. The locations of the secondary deposits, principally in the
states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, are presented.
hile Brazil is widely known for the produc- has produced a significant number of large rough di-
tion of colored gemstones, it is often not amonds (Svisero, 1995; Hoover and Karfunkel, 2009;
recognized as a source of gem diamonds also see table 1). The geologic explanation for this
(figure 1). Yet diamonds were discovered in the early abundance of large crystals is not yet clear. Highly
1700s by artisanal miners looking for gold along the valued colored diamonds are also found, including
banks of the Jequitinhonha River near the village of yellows and occasionally greens, pinks, and reds.
Arraial do Tijuco (later named Diamantina) in the
state of Minas Gerais (Calógeras, 1904; Leonardos,
1959; Barbosa, 1991; Cornejo and Bartorelli, 2010). In Brief
For the next 150 years, Minas Gerais was the world’s
major supplier of gem diamonds. Beginning in the • For approximately 150 years between the early 1700s
to the 1870s, Brazil was the world’s most productive
early 1840s, unusual polycrystalline black diamonds
diamond source.
(or carbonados) were also recovered, mainly from the
state of Bahia (Karfunkel et al., 1994). • Although it accounts for less than 1% of global produc-
tion today, Brazil has yielded a number of large dia-
As Africa emerged as the major diamond source monds as well as fancy-color and superdeep diamonds
in the 1870s, Brazilian mining decreased dramati- and carbonado.
cally within a decade, principally because of the low
• Due to the absence of obvious primary sources, the ge-
grade of the alluvial deposits. According to Kimber- ologic origin of these diamonds remains elusive.
ley Process statistics, Brazil produced 31,825 carats
• Production is expected to increase significantly with
in 2015, although this figure is likely a low estimate large-scale kimberlite mining in Bahia State.
considering the lack of accurate reporting there. De-
spite its low output relative to other sources, Brazil
peans) from north to south (figure 3). Spain would re- nobleman Pedro Álvares Cabral was dispatched in
ceive the lands west of the meridian, including mod- early 1500 with a fleet of ships. His mission was to
ern-day Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, reach India by traveling south around the tip of
while Portugal gained the eastern side. On his third Africa. His fleet landed instead on the coast of Brazil,
trip to the New World in 1498, Columbus discovered which he claimed for Portugal on April 22 of that
the mouth of the Orinoco River in what is today year. The voyages of Amerigo Vespucci, the Floren-
Venezuela. Here was the key to reaching a vast conti- tine navigator after whom the continent is named,
nental interior concealed in the jungles behind the At- took place around the same time. As he sailed south
lantic coastline. along the Brazilian coast, Vespucci realized that the
To open a new trade route to India that did not re- continent was much larger than previously recog-
quire passing through the Mediterranean, Portuguese nized. These expeditions were the first to bring back
Figure 3. The 1494 Treaty of Tordesilhas effectively divided the South America continent between Portugal and
Spain. The Cantino planisphere map, produced around 1502, shows the north-south Tordesilhas meridian line
passing through South America, whose geography was still largely unknown. Courtesy of Biblioteca Estense.
shipments to Portugal of pau brasil (Brazilwood), a Jonathan, 2013). Brazil would emerge as a major
tree sought after not only for timber but for a desir- source for dozens of colorful gem species. It would
able red dye (Reid, 2014). Over the next two cen- also become, for a period, the world’s most prolific
turies, more European adventurers came to South source of diamonds (Cornejo and Bartorelli, 2010).
America, most of them seeking riches in the form of
gold, silver, and emeralds. PORTUGUESE EXPLORERS
Between 1534 and 1536, King John III of Portugal Much of the early exploration and colonization of
divided the coastal regions of Brazil into 15 captaincy Brazil was undertaken by the bandeirantes. The ban-
colonies to encourage development; these areas were deiras, funded by the crown and the Catholic
given to Portuguese noblemen to administer and ex- Church, were large quasi-military expeditions com-
plore. Within a few years, most of these captaincies prised of hundreds of free men and slaves who ven-
failed for a number of reasons. With this setback as tured into the interior, capturing and enslaving
well as the presence of French ships along the coast, indigenous groups they encountered (de Galvão
the Portuguese crown decided to turn Brazil into a Bueno, 1922). Along with a Jesuit priest, explorer
royal enterprise in 1549. Several successive gover- Francisco Bruzo Espinoza mounted the first bandeira
nors-general were appointed to administer the in 1554, in search of emerald. It was a short-lived and
colony, which was divided in 1621 into the states of fruitless expedition. Successive expeditions also
Maranhão (in the north) and Brazil (in the south). failed, though in 1572 Sebastião Fernandes Tourinho
The exploration of Brazil’s vast interior was left found green and blue gems (likely tourmaline) along
to Portuguese adventurers, known as bandeirantes the tributaries of the Jequitinhonha and Doce Rivers
(flag bearers), who claimed territories for Portugal in what is now Minas Gerais. The success of Tour-
and the Catholic Church. While Spanish conquests inho’s discoveries attracted more adventurers
in the New World met resistance from powerful em- (Draper, 1950a).
pires—the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru— In 1695, at Rio das Velhas, Manuel Borba Gato fi-
the Portuguese were confronted with numerous nally discovered gold, triggering a rush that would
small native tribes and a forbidding interior. lead to the settlement of Vila Rica (later Ouro Preto)
Exploration and conquest on both sides of the in 1698 (figure 4). The town played a leading role in
Tordesilhas meridian would soon rewrite the gemo- Brazilian history for the next two centuries as the
logical texts of the time. For example, Spanish ex- capital of Minas Gerais from 1720 to 1897 (Dodge,
ploitation of emeralds in the territory of New 1922). Settlements at Mariana, São Bento, Serro Frio,
Granada (modern-day Colombia) would vastly and Arraial do Tijuco soon followed the gold discov-
change the world’s understanding and appreciation eries in those areas of Minas Gerais, and dozens more
for the gem, particularly in Europe (Weldon and sprang up in Brazil’s interior. The north-south road
Lençóis, BA
Lençóis, BA
Sérgio 3,167 1905
Casco de Burro 2,000 1906
Xique-Xique 931.6 Unknown Andaraí, BA
Abaeté 827.5 1935 Abaeté River, MG
Bahia 350 1851 BA
Santa Ana 319.5 1960 Rosário do Oeste, MT
Pau de Óleo 113 1932 Andaraí, BA
Sources: Moreira (1955), Abreu (1973), Svisero (1995), and Hoover and Karfunkel (2009)
Carat weights are rounded to the nearest 0.1 ct
Abbreviations: BA = Bahia, GO = Goiás, MG = Minas Gerais, MT = Mato Grosso
Eventually, reports of diamonds in Minas Gerais needs of both industries. Much like Ouro Preto, Dia-
began to reach Europe. Accounts from the colonial mantina grew into a rich and picturesque city in the
governor came to the attention of both King John V 18th and 19th centuries.
and the Catholic Church in Portugal, and the discov- Oakenfull (1919) reported that between 1732 and
ery was officially announced in 1729 (Ball, 1929). As 1771, “at least 1,666,500 carats of diamonds were ex-
Lisbon’s economic clout in Europe had waned some- ported to Europe.” That figure represents an average
what, this was welcome news. In Minas Gerais, there of about 42,000 carats per year. While miniscule by
was a diamond rush in the many rivers and streams today’s standards, it placed Brazil squarely as the
around Arraial do Tijuco. Portugal moved aggres- world’s top diamond producer at the time, eclipsing
sively to control the area, restricting gold and dia- India’s Golconda region. The glut of Brazilian dia-
mond mining and imposing high taxes. Despite monds pouring into Europe caused for a time a steep
efforts by the crown, clandestine mining and dia- decline in prices. Consequently, there were efforts to
mond smuggling increased. Draper (1950b) noted: protect the value of the Indian diamonds on the mar-
ket by disparaging the quality of Brazilian diamonds
The diamonds played a prominent part in shaping the
destiny of Portugal. Wealth derived from its diamonds (Cassedanne, 1989). Oversupply was put to an end in
not only helped place that country at the zenith of its 1739 when Portugal stepped in to monopolize the
glory but also contributed, at a later stage, to its release Brazilian mines, but by then the Golconda mines had
from the French occupation by paying part of the in- stopped producing. An arrangement with financiers
demnity exacted by France during the Napoleonic wars
in Amsterdam ensured a steady supply of Brazilian
rough for the city’s diamond cutters. And despite Por-
The occurrence of alluvial diamonds around Ar- tuguese oversight, smuggled Brazilian diamonds also
raial do Tijuco was reported in the scientific litera- found their way to London, another major center for
ture by de Castro Sarmento (1731). Over time, rough diamonds and jewelry production (Hofmeester,
Arraial do Tijuco became the town of Diamantina 2013a). For more on the early cutting styles for Brazil-
(figure 6), the diamond trading center during Brazil’s ian diamonds, see figure 7 and box A.
tenure as the world’s leading exporter. To properly During this period, additional alluvial sources
dredge, reroute, and mine the rivers around Diaman- were discovered. Diamonds were found in the Mato
tina required hard manual labor. This need coincided Grosso region in 1746, and subsequently in other
with the growth of the sugarcane business in Brazil’s rivers in Minas Gerais. The Jequitinhonha River near
northeast, and slaves were imported from modern- Diamantina and the surrounding area yielded im-
day Angola, Congo, and Mozambique to fill the pressive quantities of alluvial diamonds as well (fig-
ure 8), including treasure troves in “potholes” or royal licenses to individuals to work portions of the
traps in the river bedrock. But the primary source of diamond deposits. Guarded mule trains transported
diamonds in Minas Gerais—actual diamondiferous the diamonds along the Estrada Real to Parati and
kimberlites—remains elusive. As Sinkankas (1977) Rio de Janeiro (“Diamond carriers,” 1842). This li-
noted: censing system eventually broke down, as bands of
runaway slaves and garimpeiros clandestinely
The original host rocks of the diamond crystals remain
unknown despite much past speculation, “proof” of worked the areas or stole the recovered diamonds. In
host rock sources by some authorities, and modern in- 1772, the government abandoned this system and
tensive geologic exploration of the regions presently took full control of the workings around Diamantina
yielding diamonds. Brazilian diamonds are found in a (von Spix and von Martius, 1824).
sort of matrix to be sure, this being a conglomerate of The English mineralogist John Mawe is proba-
well-rounded pebbles cemented together with sand and
iron oxides. bly the most celebrated European traveler to
Brazil’s interior, having been the first foreigner to
In 1733, Portuguese authorities began granting reach the diamond mines. In 1809 he received ap-
proval and funding from the Portuguese crown for methods emerges in his 1812 account, Travels in
his visit. His descriptions of the diamond region are the Interior of Brazil:
still some of the most detailed. A vivid portrayal of A shed is erected in the form of a parallelogram…con-
the washing plants and the diamond discovery sisting of upright posts which support a roof thatched
Rise of the Mine Cut. India and Brazil were the classic
sources for high-color diamonds in the 1700s and most
of the 1800s. In comparing the sources, gem expert
Edwin Streeter extolled the virtues of Brazilian stones.
“A fair portion of the South-African stones are diamonds
of the first-water [i.e, best clarity and colorless], rivalling
in beauty and purity the finest Brazilian and Indian
Stones” (Streeter, 1882).
In 1891, one diamond manufacturer wrote: “Many di-
amond dealers sell African diamonds at an enhanced price
Figure A-2. The most common outlines for “brilliant
to the uninitiated public as ‘old mine stones,’ presumably
cut” diamonds, as illustrated in A Treatise on Dia-
referring to diamonds from the ‘old mines’ of Brazil or
monds and Pearls by David Jeffries in 1750. Note that
India… Great variations in color and purity of course
all have 58 facets in a similar layout, and the only
exist, but it is not fair to assume that all the best come
differences are their outlines.
from Brazil or India” (Stonestreet, 1891). Although India
is included in this definition, it does not refer to diamonds
cut in India; rather, it only pertains to Indian diamonds
telle (1903) wrote,“This is now the trade term for blue
fashioned in Europe using the brilliant cutting style.
goods, the name ‘Old Mine’ being confined to the old
Not all of Brazil’s diamonds were “of the first-water,”
cut stones of that quality [referred to in the early 1900s
however. Streeter (1882) did make a distinction between
as blue-white] which occasionally drift back into the
Brazil’s various sources. “The Diamonds of Brazil are
market from private hands” (Cattelle, 1903). More re-
known in commerce as (1) Diamantina diamonds, and
cently, diamond historian Herbert Tillander (1995) indi-
(2) Cincora [sometimes spelled Sincora] diamonds,” he
cated that “Old Mine or Old Miner…were introduced
wrote. “The latter are of less value than the former, be-
at the end of the last century to describe the type of cut
cause they are not of such pure water, nor of so good a
applied to most Brazilian rough.” He later noted that
shape. In Matto-Grosso, the diamonds are small, but of
this term is a “popular but inaccurate term for the cush-
purest water, and in their rough state have a peculiar lus-
ion-shaped brilliant, which dates back to the seven-
tre, which is seen in none other than Brazilian dia-
teenth century.” He pointed out that “Old Mine,” once
monds” (Streeter, 1882). He also noted that diamonds
the epitome of cutting style, came to be viewed with
from Bahia were of lesser quality.
disdain. It was seen as a less desirable cut, referring sim-
By the early 1900s, the “Old Mine” designation had
ply to an old style of shape outline (squarish) and cutting
evolved to refer to aspects of the cut as high-color quality
style, with steeper pavilions and crowns, shorter half
also became associated with diamonds from the mines
facets, and large culets. This cut was replaced with a
in South Africa:
more light-efficient shape and style of cutting known as
Specifically, Brazil diamonds from the old diggings (prob- the round brilliant.
ably the Diamantina area); as generally used, old-cut dia- Today, nostalgia for historic diamonds and that style
monds of good color…. This quality of color was of cut has shed a kinder light on the so-called Old Mine
long-termed ‘Old Mine,’ from Brazil... Since the opening cut. Such gems, when they are found, are often viewed
of the African mines, a new name has been given to ma- as collectors’ items (figure 8). Because Old Mine cuts
terial of this character. A mine called Jagersfontein have enjoyed such a storied history, some contemporary
yielded many bluish-tinted diamonds, and it soon became
jewelry designers continue to use them successfully in
customary in trade circles to call everything of that grade
‘Jagers’ (pronounced Yahgers). (Cattelle, 1903)
their creative expressions. Out of strong demand for this
vintage look, several companies now deliberately cut
Thus, the appearance of African high-quality dia- Old Mine faceted diamonds, but with thicker girdles
monds began to shift the definition of “Old Mine.” Cat- than in their heyday.
with long grass. Down the middle of the area of this thick. On the other side of the area is a flooring of
shed a current of water is conveyed through a canal [sloped] planks… The flooring is divided into about
covered with strong planks, on which the cascalhão [a twenty compartments or troughs…by means of planks
Portuguese term for gravel] is laid two or three feet placed on their edge. The upper ends of these troughs
communicate with the channel, and are so formed that German nobleman Baron Wilhelm Ludwig von
water is admitted into them…The negroes enter the Eschwege fought alongside the Portuguese during the
troughs, each provided with a rake…with which he
Napoleonic Wars, and for his service he was granted
rakes into the trough…[the] cascalhão. The water being
let in upon it, the cascalhão is spread abroad and con- access to Minas Gerais as a consultant for the gov-
tinually raked up to the head of the trough, so as to be ernment. In 1811, he settled in Ouro Preto to lend
kept in constant motion. [After the finer sediment is his qualifications there as a mining engineer. Having
removed], the gravel-like matter is raked up to the end traveled throughout Minas Gerais over the course of
of the trough, and…then the whole is examined with
a decade, he was instrumental in not only document-
great care for diamonds. When a negro finds one, he im-
mediately stands upright and claps his hands, then ex- ing existing techniques used for diamond and gold
tends them, holding the gem between his fore-finger mining, but also offering recommendations for the
and thumb; an overseer receives it from him, and de- use of more modern procedures (von Eschwege,
posits it in a gamella or bowl…In this vessel all the di- 1833).
amonds found in the course of the day are placed, and
Richard Francis Burton, an English explorer, was
at the close of work are taken out and delivered to the
principal officer, who, after they have been weighed, noted for his travel in sub-Saharan Africa in search
registers the particulars in a book kept for that purpose. of the origins of the Nile River as well as other ex-
ploits in the 1850s. In 1865, he was given a diplo-
Mawe’s successful journey prompted other Euro-
matic post in Brazil by the British government. An
pean explorers to follow in his footsteps. His account,
1867 expedition in the Brazilian highlands took
and the illustrations in his book by noted mineralo-
him to Diamantina and the São Francisco River.
gist James Sowerby, inspired many European scien-
His account of reaching the city, and his descrip-
tists from a variety of disciplines to explore Brazil.
tion of the diamond mining region, are well chron-
Swiss botanist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire, who trav-
icled in his 1869 book, Explorations of the
eled there in 1817, described Diamantina as a “valley
Highlands of Brazil.
of diamonds” (de Saint-Hilaire, 1833). He also
When Brazil gained independence in 1822, Por-
painted a dismal image of the conditions for both the
tuguese control of diamond mining ceased in Minas
garimpeiros and slaves around Diamantina. The
Gerais. It was replaced with a system of free exploita-
slaves received little food or rest, and their panning
tion except along the Jequitinhonha River Valley,
and sorting of diamonds was subject to strict punish-
which remained under some government control
ment. The only reprieve was good luck:
until 1845. By the 1880s, production had dropped sig-
From this wretched mode of life a fortunate accident nificantly due to several factors—the low grade of the
sometimes frees a slave. When he happens to find a dia-
mond weighing an octavo, or 17 ½ carats… his value is alluvial deposits, competition from diamonds from
ascertained by the administration, the price is paid to his South Africa, and Brazil’s abolition of slavery in 1888,
owner, he is dressed, and set at liberty. (Mawe, 1812) which meant the loss of cheap labor.
AM PA 13 MA 30 CE RN
32 31 TO
2 AL
6 37
36 28
Brazil contains a variety of rocks and geotectonic 35 MT SE
BA S 11
structures (see Branner, 1919; de Almeida, 1967; de 4
34 1
333 20
0 GO
18 9
Almeida et al., 1981). The present-day land masses in 19
24 MG
2 10
the Southern Hemisphere were assembled as part of 5 6 7
4 27 ES S
a large Precambrian supercontinent called Gondwana Alluvial diamond
MS 222 26
Lithospheric 2 3
(de Brito-Neves and Cordani, 1991; Cordani et al., diamond
SPP 21
2003, 2009). Much of the current geological setting of S Carbonado PR 1
Brazil was established in the Pan-African/Brasiliano Superdeep
orogenic cycle (approximately 440–1000 Ma). During diamond
RS A t la n tic
this time, preexisting Archean cratons were brought 0 29
9 580 870 O c ea n
together by plate tectonics and assembled along km
ates or metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. They are the sources in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso have
also found in small amounts in a few known kim- been the most economically important over the past
berlite bodies. Figure 10 shows the locations of the three centuries.
major mining areas (both historical and current) for The recovery of diamonds has involved simple
the different categories of diamond deposits that will methods used by artisanal miners. Loose diamonds
be discussed. and other heavy minerals are panned directly from a
The general geology of Brazil and its important flowing river, or are washed from sediments through
mineral resources have been reviewed by Berbert et a series of sieves. The diamond-carrying sediments
al. (1981), Delgado et al. (1994), and Machado and are mixtures of clay, sand, silt, gravel, and angular or
Figueirôa (2001). Further information on the dia- rounded pebbles; they are often found in horizontal
mond occurrences themselves can be found in Gor- bands or layers, with their contents washed down
ceix (1882), Pearson (1909), Cassedanne (1989), and from higher terrain.
Cornejo and Bartorelli (2010). The main detrital diamond deposits are called
cascalhos (river gravels). Besides quartz, the gravels
Alluvial Diamonds. Alluvial diamonds are recovered may contain heavier pebbles of iron oxide minerals.
as loose crystals directly from rivers or streams, or They are geologically classified as eluvial, colluvial,
from geologically recent unconsolidated sediments or alluvial gravels depending on their topographic lo-
nearby. These deposits occur throughout Brazil, but cation and distance from the source.
Figure 12. At larger alluvial mining operations, such as the Duas Barras mine on the Jequitinhonha River (left),
sediments are passed through a washing plant (right) where high-pressure water hoses are used to remove larger
pebbles as well as clays and other lighter materials. Diamonds along with heavy minerals are collected as a con-
centrate. Photos by Robert Weldon/GIA.
Figure 11 illustrates several types of diamond de- the river by suction pumps. The pumped water and
posits in relation to the topography. The diamond- gravel is then passed through a sluice box that re-
bearing gravels occur as deposits along the bottom or moves the lighter material to recover diamonds and
banks of rivers, and along paleo-river channels that other heavy minerals (Barbosa, 1991). Large, expen-
are buried beneath younger rocks. Remnants of the sive dredges are less common because the low grade
buried channels outcrop along riverbanks. The dia- of the deposits makes them too costly to exploit with
monds may also occur in sediments exposed on hill- this kind of equipment.
sides. The garimpeiros use various approaches—past
discoveries, rumors, intuition, and other means—to Jequitinhonha River, Minas Gerais. Following the
identify potential mining areas. They often wait for discovery of diamonds in alluvial gravels around Dia-
the dry season to explore the accessible riverbeds, as mantina in the early 1700s, exploration took place
diamonds can be concentrated in depressions or pot- along the Jequitinhonha River as well as other rivers
holes on the underlying bedrock. In some cases, the and streams in the mountainous Serra do Espinhaço
course of a river is blocked with a dam, or the water (Derby, 1906; Thompson, 1928). Diamonds occur in
is diverted using a large sluice, providing access to metamorphosed sediments of the Mesoproterozoic-
the gravels. Once a potential spot is selected, it may age Espinhaço Supergroup. As a result of the weath-
be necessary to remove overlying layers of silt, clay, ering of these sediments, diamonds are found in the
or sand to reach the diamond-bearing gravels, which rivers and streams and in exposed gravels (Karfunkel
tend to lie on or above the solid bedrock. Larger peb- et al., 1994; Chaves et al., 2001). Mining in this re-
bles are removed, and the gravels are then washed gion has been carried out by garimpeiros and later by
using sieves or pans to pick any diamonds by hand larger companies, though the peak of activity oc-
(figure 12). The finest-size material is then checked curred between about 1740 and 1830.
for diamonds as well as small particles of gold (figure The alluvial deposits of the Jequitinhonha River
13). have been responsible for most of Brazil’s historic di-
Larger hydraulic systems have sometimes been amond production (Chaves and Uhleim, 1991). In
used to wash diamond-bearing sediments exposed in this region, the alluvium consists of a 10- to 45-
an outcrop. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, diving meter-thick layer of gravel capped by a sand-clay
suits were used by some miners to retrieve sediments layer. The diamond content of the gravel is approxi-
from the river depths. These traditional mining ac- mately 0.6 carats per cubic meter of sediment (ct/m3;
tivities have been supplemented by mechanized Dupont, 1991). In 1966, Mineração Tejucana SA, a di-
methods; for example, gravel may be extracted from amond mining company based in Diamantina, began
using dredges to work the alluvium of this river. The Rio Paranaíba
0.14 g per cubic meter, respectively (Watkins, 2009). 99 Monte Carmelo 138.6
50 Roads
Mineraçao Rio Novo is a subsidiary of Andrade 108.3
Rio Dourados
Gutierrez SA, a private multinational company head- 67
147 Rio Perdizes Large diamonds
quartered in Belo Horizonte that has been mining 174.5
Romaria Fancy-color
along the Jequitinhonha River since 1988. The de-
posit has a diamond content of about 1.1 ct/m3 and Figure 14. The Alto Paranaíba region of western
an average production of 25,000 carats per year Minas Gerais has produced large diamonds along
(Chaves and Uhlein, 1991; Watkins, 2009). Mining river systems near the towns of Coromandel and Ro-
maria. The symbols indicate where individual large
involves removing the overlying sediments and using
diamonds were found; the value shown next to each
a bucket dredger to excavate the mineralized gravel. symbol represents their carat weight. The site where
Diamonds are recovered from the coarser concen- the famous Star of the South diamond was recovered
trate in a vibrational circular sieve, while gold is re- in 1853 along the Bagagem River is indicated in the
trieved from the finer concentrate. lower left corner.
Another important project in the Diamantina re-
gion is run by Mineraçao Duas Barras, a subsidiary
of Brazil Minerals Inc. Data released by the company
showed a yield in 2008 of 32,008 carats, with an av- Poxoréu and Chapada dos Guimarães, both located
erage value of US$145 per carat (Watkins, 2009). Ge- near the state capital of Cuiabá, display a dodecahe-
ological studies of this deposit gave an indicated dral habit, while the rest display octahedral and
resource of approximately 1,639,000 m3 of diamon- mixed habits (Zolinger et al., 2002). All of the dia-
diferous gravel with an average grade of 0.16 ct/m3. monds are recovered from sedimentary rocks of the
A weekly output of nearly 0.5 kg of gold provides a Upper Cretaceous-age Bauru formation (Souza, 1991).
source of revenue to support mining operations. Similarly, diamonds mined elsewhere in southeast-
ern Mato Grosso, around the cities of Tesouro,
Poxoréu, Mato Grosso. Poxoréu is located on the Guiratinga, Alto Garças, Barra do Garças, and Batovi,
northwestern edge of the Paraná Basin. Diamonds are related to conglomerates of the same formation
were discovered in the Coité River in the 1930s, (Weska, 1996).
causing an influx of prospectors. The alluvial de-
posits are distributed along the Coité, São João, Pox- Coromandel, Minas Gerais. The mines around Coro-
oréu, Alcantilados, Pomba, and Jácomo rivers. mandel began operating in the late 18th century (Des
Until the mid-1970s, mining was carried out Genettes, 1859). The town was probably named by
using only picks, sieves, and panning. St. Felix Ltda. Portuguese traders for the Coromandel region of
subsequently conducted studies in the Coité River India, an important diamond source since antiquity
Valley to characterize the diamond reserves—38.6 (Legrand, 1980). Also known as the Alto Paranaíba
million cubic meters of gravels were processed, of province or the Triângulo Mineiro, this area is the
which about 42% contained diamonds. The average second most important source of diamonds in Minas
diamond content was 0.05 ct/m3, with an estimated Gerais, serving as the center of the local diamond
recoverable reserve of 662,000 carats, 27% of it gem- trade (figure 14; Leonardos, 1956; Kaminsky et al.,
quality (Souza, 1991). According to this reference, 2001; Karfunkel et al., 2014).
there were about 2,500 miners and 150 dredges in the The town itself is located on the eroded rocks of
region in the 1980s. the Brasilia fold belt in western Minas Gerais. The
Approximately 70% of the diamond crystals from mines occur in alluvial deposits of Cenozoic age,
Roads 11.20 31.50
The Coromandel region is famous for its periodic
discoveries of large rough diamonds (table 1). The Tréz Marias
Large diamonds
best-known examples are the 726.6 ct Presidente Var- Fancy-color 12
gas and the 261.38 ct Star of the South (Hussak, 1894; diamonds São Gonçalo do Abaeté
Varjão de Minas
Reis, 1959; Smith and Bosshart, 2002; Balfour, 2011; 25.25
Rio Borrachudo
perdeep diamonds in the São Luiz River area in the which operated it from 1969 until 1983, when the
early 1990s (Wilding et al., 1991; Stachel et al., 2005; mine was closed for financial reasons.
Harte, 2010; Kaminsky, 2012). They are believed to The Romaria mine, located near the town of the
have formed at 400 to 800 km, considerably deeper same name, was excavated using tractors to remove
than most diamonds that formed in the continental the overlying sediment layer. Trucks transported the
lithosphere at approximately 140 to 200 km (Thom- ore for washing at a plant that processed up to 600
son et al., 2014). These “sublithospheric” diamonds m3 of ore per day, with the final separation of the di-
are characterized by unusual syngenetic mineral in- amonds performed manually (Svisero et al., 1981).
clusions indicating greater formation depth (such as The mine, located in the northeastern edge of the
majorite, periclase-wustite, wollastonite, diopside, Paraná basin, covers an area of approximately 1.2
moissanite, tetragonal garnet, and perovskite). They km2. On the property, the Uberaba formation con-
are mainly low-nitrogen type IIa diamonds. More re- sists of a sequence of conglomerates, sandstones, and
cently, similar mineral inclusions have been found in mudstones; at the base of this formation are dia-
samples from the Collier 4 kimberlite in southwest mond-bearing conglomerates approximately six me-
Juína (Bulanova et al., 2010). ters thick (Suguio et al., 1979; Coelho, 2010; see
figure 17). The concentrates obtained by washing the
Diamonds in Conglomerates. In several locations, conglomerates contain indicator minerals. Chemical
sedimentary conglomerates are the host rocks for di- analysis revealed that the garnet and ilmenite are of
amonds. Diamonds are seldom recovered directly a kimberlitic origin (Svisero, 1979; Svisero and
from conglomerates, since most mines are developed Meyer, 1981; Coelho, 2010). In 1981, during the final
in unconsolidated sediments. The classic example of phase of the EXDIBRA operation, one of the authors
a diamond-bearing conglomerate is the Romaria (DPS) examined a parcel of 450 carats of diamonds
mine (figure 17), located in western Minas Gerais comprising 5,250 stones of various size, shape, and
about 500 km from Belo Horizonte. color. The crystals were predominantly rhombo-
According to Des Genettes (1859), diamonds were dodecahedral in shape; most were colorless, and 70%
first discovered in the Bagagem River in 1722 by the were of gem quality (Svisero et al., 1981).
explorer João Leite da Silva Hortis. Large-scale explo- During this period, drill core samples were taken
ration in the Romaria region began in the second half to determine the extent of the mineralized conglom-
of the 19th century (Hussak, 1894). In the early 20th erates (Feitosa and Svisero, 1984). The results re-
century, this mine was visited by many foreigners vealed the presence of small “basins” formed by
(Porcheron, 1903; Draper, 1911). It was subsequently depressions in both the sandstone and the underlying
controlled by various companies, the last of which mica schist. These paleostructures on the crystalline
was Extratífera de Diamantes do Brazil (EXDIBRA), basement were filled by mud flows, giving rise to di-
amond-rich layers within the conglomerate. Samples ments in the riverbed. The average value of the dia-
also revealed that the diamond-bearing layers meas- mond mined by these companies is US$150 per carat.
ured up to 9.6 m thick, while the average diamond This region is characterized by small crystals (0.1–
content ranged from 0.33 to 0.69 ct/m3. 0.3 ct), and historically there have not been discov-
eries of large diamonds there (Reis, 1959). Sampling
Diamonds in Glacial Deposits. Most researchers now of heavy-mineral concentrates from the Tibagi,
accept that diamonds in the Tibagi region of Paraná Laranjinha, Cinzas, Itararé, and Verde river valleys
come from sedimentary glacial deposits (Oppenheim, revealed no traditional kimberlite indicator minerals
1936; Maack, 1968; Liccardo et al., 2012). Tibagi is (Chieregati and Svisero, 1990).
one of the country’s oldest centers of diamond min- In 1985, a diversion of the river channel allowed
ing, having been discovered in 1754 by gold prospec- mining of the sediments in the Tibagi riverbed. This
tors (Leonardos, 1959). afforded one of the authors (DPS) the opportunity to
The mines of the Tibagi River basin and the adja- examine a group of 2,210 diamonds (about 90% of
cent areas have been worked since the latter half of them gem quality). The crystals were generally well
the 18th century (Derby, 1878). Diamonds occur in the formed and euhedral, with a small number of cleav-
riverbeds in both old and recent alluvium and collu- age fragments.
vium. The deposits are distributed in small groups in Existing field evidence of glacial striations on
the southeastern border of the Paraná basin (Per- local rocks, and the absence of kimberlite indicator
doncini et al., 2010), and there have been alternating minerals, indicates that diamonds in this region
periods of intense mining activity and neglect. The were dispersed as the result of glacial transport
Tibagi deposits were especially active in the first (Maack, 1968; Chieregati, 1989; Chieregati and Svis-
decades of the 1900s, when Oppenheim (1936) noted ero, 1990; Liccardo et al., 2012). The diamonds’
60 alluvial occurrences in production. small size, euhedral shape, and overall high quality
In the 1980s, Paraná Minerals (MINEROPAR) and all suggest that these deposits were subjected to
the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais transport processes that favored the retention of the
(CPRM) conducted fieldwork to assess the deposits in better crystals. In addition, studies have shown that
the Tibagi region. They found that the gravels had an the region contains diamonds with mineral inclu-
average grade of 0.62 ct/m3 (Watkins, 2009). Currently, sions characteristic of a peridotitic paragenesis,
Jezzini Minerals and Tibagiana Mineração are using pointing to a kimberlitic initial source (Meyer and
ferries to dredge and concentrate the alluvial sedi- Svisero, 1975). Paleogeographic reconstructions (dos
O c e an
the price fell by nearly 97% due to increased avail-
ability of industrial diamonds from African countries
(Reis, 1959). Prospecting dwindled before officially Amazonas craton São Lui
Luis cratonn
ending on September 17, 1985, with the establish-
ment of Chapada Diamantina National Park (An- 12 111 9
drade, 1999). 1617
15 8
The origin of carbonados remains controversial. 41
14 18
Typical monocrystalline diamond is related to three São
4 Frrancis
distinct geological phenomena: (1) transport from Kimberlites 3 5 craton
the earth’s deep interior by explosive volcanism (vol- Diamond-bearing 2 7
canic diamonds), (2) continental collision followed 1
Indicated limits
by subduction and exhumation (metamorphic dia- Paranap
ap ma
Inferred limits craton
monds), and (3) meteoritic impact (impact dia- Luis Alves
monds). Recent evidence indicates that carbonado craton
Rio de la Plata
does not fall into any of these categories. Haggerty craton A t la n tic
O c ea n
(2014) suggested an extraterrestrial origin, in which 0 29
9 580 870
the carbonados formed in a white dwarf star, a car-
bon-rich exoplanet, or a supernovae explosion dur- Diamond-mineralized kimberlites:
(1) Canastra 1, (2) Romaria, (3) T Trrês Ranchos 4, (4) TTucano,
ucano, (5) Abel Régis,
ing a cosmic bombardment between 4.1 and 3.8 (6) Cana Verde,
Verde (7) Maravilhas, (8) Salvador,
Salvador (9)) Braúna 3, (10) Moana 11,
(11) Juína 5, (12) Collier 4, (13) Carolina 1, (14)) Comet 1, (15) Cosmos 1,
billion years ago. (16) Cosmos 2, (17) Cosmos 3, (18) T Tumeleir
o 3.
Kimberlite. The systematic exploration of Brazil’s Figure 21. The distribution of kimberlites in the cra-
primary kimberlite sources only began in the late tonic areas of Brazil. According to Companhia de
1960s. Figure 21 presents a country map showing the Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (2004), there are 1,212
locations of known kimberlite pipes. Karfunkel et al. known kimberlite bodies distributed throughout the
(1994) cited several reasons for this lack of detailed country, most of them concentrated in the Alto
exploration, including the wide areas over which al- Paranaíba region of Minas Gerais.
luvial diamonds are found, the historical control over
these areas by garimpeiros who often prevented ex-
ploration, the intense tropical weathering and ero-
sion that removed the upper sections of kimberlite mostly intruded into rocks of the Brasília fold belt.
pipes, and (until recently) the absence of published The Vargem 1 kimberlite, in the floodplain of the
information from mining companies searching for Vargem Fazenda near Coromandel, was the first body
kimberlite bodies. found in the region (Meyer et al., 1991). It is 700 m
The Redondão kimberlite was the first such body in diameter and consists of serpentinized kimberlitic
found, during geological mapping in the southern rocks that intrude the Vazante phyllite formation
Parnaíba Basin in the 1960s. This pipe is located (figure 22). The pipe contains abundant pyrope gar-
southeast of the city of Santa Filomena in Piauí state. net, magnesian ilmenite, diopside, and chromite, as
It has a circular shape, with a diameter of 1,000 m well as some zircon. The diamond potential of this
and a negative relief of about 70 m in relation to the body is still being investigated.
surrounding rocks. Other kimberlite bodies in the Coromandel region
Several mining companies have undertaken are Três Ranchos 4 (Fazenda Alagoinha), Limeira, and
prospecting for kimberlites in Brazil, especially Indaiá. These consist of hypabyssal kimberlite rock
Pesquisa e Exploração de Minérios S/A (SOPEMI), a facies with isotopic characteristics intermediate be-
De Beers subsidiary that has operated for more than tween Group 1 and Group 2 kimberlites (Bizzi et al.,
three decades. After finishing its exploration activi- 1993; Melluso et al., 2008; Guarino et al., 2013).
ties, this company transferred its database on 1,212 Três Ranchos 4 was the first kimberlite in the
kimberlites to the state-owned CPRM. About 700 of area known to contain diamonds (Gonzaga and
these kimberlites occur in the Alto Paranaíba region Tompkins, 1991), though not in sufficient quantity
in western Minas Gerais and southeastern Goiás. for commercial exploitation. Another well-known
The kimberlites of the Alto Paranaíba province, kimberlite is Abel Regis, a mineralized intrusion in
located southwest of the São Francisco craton, were the Serra da Mata da Corda (Cookenboo, 2005). This
pipe is located 20 km northwest of Coromandel Other mineralized kimberlite pipes include Tu-
(again, see figure 14), and it is intruded into the Neo- cano, located west of Carmo do Paranaíba (Cooken-
proterozoic-age Bambuí Group (CPRM, 2013). It has boo, 2005), and the Romaria kimberlite located
an elliptical shape and an area of approximately 1 northeast of the Romaria mine (F.M. Coelho, pers.
km2. Serpentinization of the kimberlite yielded a comm., 2008). Another important diamond-bearing
green saprolite clay containing fragments of pyrope, kimberlite is the Canastra 1, located in the headwa-
magnesian ilmenite, and diopside. Most of the gar- ters of the São Francisco River near São José do Bar-
nets from this kimberlite, and from several others of reiro in the Serra da Canastra region (Cookenboo,
the Upper Paranaíba region, are lherzolitic in nature 2005). It intrudes quartzites of the Canastra Group
(G9). They are followed by eclogitic garnets (G4 and (Barbosa et al., 1970) that are part of the Brasília fold
G5); G10 garnets are either rare or absent (Cooken- belt of Mesoproterozoic age (Chaves et al., 2008).
boo, 2005; Svisero et al., 2005). These G-numbers Canastra 1, dated at 120 million years, comprises two
represent a statistical classification of garnets from subcircular bodies oriented along the regional north-
kimberlites and associated xenoliths, developed by west-southeast trend of the Canastra Group metased-
Dawson and Stephens (1975), that is used in diamond iments. Trial mining conducted in 2007 indicated the
exploration. According to local miners, diamonds up presence of 16 carats of diamond per 100 tons of rock
to 20 carats have been found in ravines in the area of (Chaves et al., 2008). Eighty percent of the recovered
the intrusion. diamonds were gem quality; the crystals were octa-
Figure B-1. A recent view of the open pit at the Lipari diamond mine near Nordestina in Bahia (left). The
Braúna 3 kimberlite pipe lies beneath serpentinized soil and sedimentary rocks. Also shown is the processing
plant on-site where kimberlite ore is broken down to recover the diamonds (right). Photos by Andrew C. John-
son, courtesy of Lipari Mineração Ltda.
Explosive volcanic eruptions are the transport mecha- covered through the work of garimpeiros (K. Johnson,
nism that brings diamonds to the earth’s surface. Most pers. comm., 2014).
of these kimberlite pipes are not diamondiferous or com- This situation is changing. The consequences of
mercially viable to exploit. But some are, and most of these transformations may have implications for Brazil’s
the annual production of diamonds today comes through reemergence as a global producer of diamonds.
mining of these pipes, particularly in southern Africa
(Linde et al., 2014). Nordestina Kimberlite Diamonds. Following a few years
Economic diamondiferous pipes in Brazil have until of exploration and development by Lipari Mineração
recently remained elusive. With the discovery of dia- Ltda., a new mine has been established there to exploit a
mond-bearing kimberlites in South Africa in 1867, Brazil kimberlite field called the Braúna complex in the São
lost its standing as the world’s primary source. Its total Francisco craton. De Beers initially explored the largest
production, an estimated 45 million carats over three of these kimberlites—Braúna 3, with a surface area of
centuries, is alluvial in nature and has mostly been re- 15,000 square meters—in the early 1990s (figure B-1). The
Figure B-2. Left: A selection of rough Brazilian diamonds, 262 carats total, photographed in Antwerp. The crys-
tal at the center weighs 7.46 ct. The diamonds are from the Braúna kimberlite field near Nordestina. Right:
These larger diamond crystals from the Lipari mine include a 3.87 ct resorbed yellow crystal, a 3.49 ct octahe-
dral crystal, and a 2.94 ct macle. Photos by Robert Weldon/GIA, courtesy of Aftergut N. & Zonen and Lipari
Mineração Ltda.
Although systematic exploration of Brazilian kim- The past three centuries have shown the impor-
berlites began relatively late, there are several known tance of mining to Brazil’s economic development.
mineralized bodies in the states of Minas Gerais, Since the beginning, garimpeiros have worked the re-
Bahia, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Goiás, and Piauí. mote regions, founding towns that later became
Large mining groups such as De Beers have worked cities such as Diamantina, Coromandel, and Juína.
in Brazil but never at a reported kimberlite source. In the ongoing search for new mineral deposits, the
However, more than 1,300 kimberlite pipes have been garimpeiros pushed west beyond the boundaries of
identified through exploration in the last century. the Treaty of Tordesilhas, helping expand Brazilian
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Brazilian kimberlites. Al Gilbertson of GIA in Carlsbad for the his-
Dr. Svisero is a professor in the Institute of Geosciences of the Uni- tory of the Old Mine cut presented in box A, and for information
versity of São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Shigley is a distinguished research on Anthony Knivet. Francisco de Assis Ribeiro and Robledo Dela-
fellow, and Mr. Weldon is manager of photography and visual com- torre Ribeiro of Gar Mineração in Belo Horizonte for the opportu-
munications, at GIA in Carlsbad, California. nity to visit alluvial diamond mining operations in Minas Gerais,
and for selections of rough diamonds made available for photog-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS raphy. Dr. Joachim Karfunkel of Federal University of Minas Gerais
The authors wish to thank the following individuals: Ken Johnson, in Belo Horizonte, and Dr. Donald B. Hoover of Springfield, Mis-
CEO and president of Lipari Mineração Ltda.; Lauro de Freitas; and souri, for discussions of Brazilian diamond geology. Luis Alberto
José Paulo Donatti Filho, Lipari exploration manager at Nordestina, de Deus Borges of Petrus Mineração, and Giovanni de Deus
for the opportunity to visit the Lipari kimberlite mine. Ari Epstein of Borges of Gem Eireli Company, Patos de Minas, for information
Antwerp World Diamond Centre for insight into Brazil’s diamond in- on diamond occurrences in Minas Gerais and for selections of
dustry. Dr. Stephen Haggerty of Florida International University in rough diamonds made available for photography. Rui Galopim de
Miami for information on carbonado. Prof. Miguel A.S. Basei for Carvalho in Lisbon and Niels Ruddy Hansen in Brøndby, Den-
suggestions on the geological map in figure 9. Dr. Otavio Barbosa, mark, for assistance in obtaining images of European historical
Fernando M. Coelho, and Rafael Rodrigues for information on jewelry.
Abreu S.F. (1973) Recursos Minerais do Brasil. Editora Edgard Balfour I. (2011) Famous Diamonds. Antique Collectors’ Club
Blucher, São Paulo, two volumes. Ltd., London.
de Almeida F.F.M. (1967) Origem e evolução da Plataforma Ball S.H. (1929) Diamond mining in Brazil. Jewelers’ Circular, Vol.
Brasileira. Bulletin of the National Department of Mineral Pro- 99, No. 11, pp. 37–39, 45.
duction (DNPM)/Division of Geology and Mineralogy (DGM), Barbosa O. (1991) Diamante no Brasil: Histórico, Ocorrência,
No. 241, Rio de Janeiro. Prospecção e Lavra. Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Min-
de Almeida F.F.M., Hasui Y., de Brito-Neves B.B. (1981) Brazilian erais (CPRM), Brasília.
structural provinces: An introduction. Earth-Science Reviews, Barbosa O., Braun O.P.G., Dyer R.C., Cunha C.A.B.R. (1970) Ge-
Vol. 17, No. 1/2, pp. 1–29, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0012- ologia da região do Triângulo Mineiro. Bulletin DNPM, No.
8252(81)90003-9 136, Rio de Janeiro.
Andrade C.M. (1999) Aspectos mineralógicos, gemológicos e Berbert C.O., Svisero D.P., Sial A.N., Meyer H.O.A. (1981) Upper
econômicos de diamantes e carbonados da Chapada Diaman- mantle material in the Brazilian Shield. Earth-Science Reviews,
tina, Bahia. MSc. thesis, Institute of Geosciences, University Vol. 17, No. 1/2, pp. 109–133, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0012-
of São Paulo, 165 pp. 8252(81)90008-8
Cuprian (copper-bearing) tourmaline, known as “Paraíba” tourmaline in the trade, has been an important
gem since its discovery in 1989. Until now, almost all of the material reported has been classified as the
elbaite species of the tourmaline supergroup. Chemical analyses by laser ablation–inductively coupled
plasma–mass spectroscopy (lA-ICP-mS), a common technique for origin determination of Paraíba tour-
malines, revealed that 13 copper-bearing samples submitted to GIA’s Tokyo laboratory contained sub-
stantial amounts of Ca in the X-site. Consequently, they are classified as liddicoatite tourmaline. The
origin of these stones is unknown.
inerals of the tourmaline supergroup are cy- species in 1977 (Dunn et al., 1977). Gem-quality lid-
closilicates with the general formula dicoatite tourmaline from Madagascar has been
XY3Z6(T6O18)(BO3)3V3W, where X = (Na+, prized for its remarkable color zoning that is typically
Ca , K , and vacancy); Y = (Fe2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Al3+,
2+ +
characterized by triangular zones and three-rayed
Li+, Fe3+, and Cr3+); Z = (Al3+, Fe3+, Mg2+, and Cr3+); T = stars surrounded by oscillatory zonings when it is cut
(Si4+, Al3+, and B3+); B = (B3+); V = (OH– and O2–), and W perpendicular to the c-axis (e.g., Dirlam et al., 2002;
= (OH–, F–, and O2–) (e.g., Henry et al., 2011). Tourma- Pezzotta and Laurs, 2011).
line-supergroup minerals can be classified into three Cuprian (copper-bearing) tourmalines with vivid
primary groups based on the X-site occupancy: the al- blue, green-blue, green, and violet colors were first
kali group (Na+ and K+ dominant), the calcic group reported in 1989 from Paraíba State in northeastern
(Ca2+ dominant), and the X-site vacant group (vacancy Brazil (Koivula and Kammerling, 1989). They are
dominant). In each primary tourmaline group, specific now commonly called “Paraíba” or “Paraíba-type”
species are further determined based on the occupancy tourmaline in the trade. Fritsch et al. (1990) and Bank
of other sites. Thirty-four species have been recog- et al. (1990) reported that the blue to green colors
nized by the International Mineralogical Association’s were primarily due to the presence of trace (or minor)
Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and amounts of copper. Years after the initial discovery
Classification (IMA-CNMNC; e.g., Henry et al., 2011; in the state of Paraíba, similar gem-quality elbaite
Hawthorne and Dirlam, 2011; B. Dutrow, pers. tourmalines colored by copper and manganese were
comm., 2017). Elbaite is a sodium-, lithium-, and alu- found elsewhere in Brazil (Shigley et al., 2001; Fu-
minum-rich species in the alkali group, with the gen- ruya, 2007), in Nigeria (Smith et al., 2001), and in
eral formula (Na)(Li1.5Al1.5)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3(OH). Mozambique (Abduriyim and Kitawaki, 2005; Laurs
Liddicoatite is a calcium- and lithium-rich species et al., 2008). The composition of cuprian tourmaline
in the calcic group, with the general formula from all of these deposits has been determined with
(Ca)(Li2Al)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3(OH). Most gem-qual- energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
ity tourmaline has been reported as elbaite. Liddi- (EDXRF), electron microprobe analysis, and laser ab-
coatite was first distinguished as a separate mineral lation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spec-
troscopy (LA-ICP-MS; see Abduriyim et al., 2006;
Okrusch et al., 2016). No mineral species other than
elbaite has been previously reported for “Paraíba”
See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.
GemS & GemoloGy, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 34–41,
tourmalines except for four pieces of Cu-bearing lid-
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GemS.53.1.34 dicoatite first reported by Karampelas and Klemm
© 2017 Gemological Institute of America (2010) showing Ca-rich X-site occupancy and three
pieces of possible liddicoatite conjectured from the ditional cuprian tourmaline samples submitted by
qualitative analysis indicating high Ca (Leelawatana- clients were analyzed with LA-ICP-MS for compari-
suk and Jakkawanvibul, 2011). This article reports son. Their geographical origin was identified using
on the same type of cuprian tourmalines that belong GIA’s tourmaline database. Eighteen of these addi-
to the liddicoatite species based on the evidence sup- tional samples were from Brazil, one from Nigeria, and
ported by quantitative analysis. seven from Mozambique.
The data was converted to wt.% oxides and nor-
MATERIALS AND METHODS malized to 100 wt.% and then converted back to
Thirteen tourmaline samples of Paraíba-type colors ppmw to obtain individual element concentrations,
(figure 1) from unknown geographic origins were ex-
amined in GIA’s Tokyo laboratory. These were sub-
mitted by different clients in 2016. Standard
gemological testing was followed by analyses of the In Brief
major, minor, and trace element concentration for • Almost all copper-bearing tourmaline has been classi-
each sample with LA-ICP-MS. Fluorine was not meas- fied as the elbaite species. Cuprian liddicoatite exists,
ured. A Thermo Fisher Scientific’s iCAP Qc ICP-MS however, and may have entered the “Paraíba” tourma-
line market.
was connected to an Electro Scientific Industries
NWR213 laser ablation unit with a frequency-quintu- • only sophisticated quantitative chemical analysis can
effectively separate liddicoatite from elbaite.
pled Nd:YAG laser (213 nm wavelength) running at 4
ns pulse width. NIST SRM 610 and 612 glass stan- • Cuprian liddicoatite shows high Ga and high Pb.
dards were used for external calibration. Ablation was Under long-wave UV, it displays stronger fluorescence
than cuprian elbaite due to high concentrations of rare
achieved using a 40 μm diameter laser spot size, a flu-
earth elements.
ence (energy density) of approximately 10 J/cm2, and
a 7 Hz repetition rate. Three laser spots were acquired
from the girdle of each sample. The composition was
initially internally standardized with 29Si using a cal- based on 27 O2– and 4 OH– anions per formula. LA-
culated amount of Si based on the weight percent of ICP-MS analysis for tourmaline is an incomplete char-
pure elbaite in the chemical formula. Twenty-six ad- acterization, with critical light elements (H and F) and
li 11,600 11,700 12,300 13,600 12,300 12,800 12,500 13,000 13,900 11,700 12,100 12,600 15,300
B 33,900 34,400 33,200 35,200 32,500 34,700 35,200 31,500 33,600 34,400 37,600 34,100 40,300
Na 8920 8480 8050 8390 8960 7600 9130 9860 8170 7910 7120 8220 7810
Al 220000 218,000 230,000 220,000 224,000 217,000 218,000 228,000 225,000 217,000 216,000 222,000 197,000
Si 169,000 169,000 158,000 163,000 166,000 169,000 161,000 164,000 161,000 168,000 164,000 166,000 171,000
Ca 21,000 21,300 24,100 24,400 21,800 21,700 22,800 20,400 23,500 22,200 20,800 22,800 20,400
mn 2+
2160 3110 5780 3610 3480 3340 12,300 2130 3480 6530 8000 2860 10,100
Cu 1490 1610 2120 1510 2140 1600 2790 1550 1460 2300 2510 1330 2970
Al 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Z-site 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Si 5.70 5.71 5.35 5.50 5.62 5.68 5.46 5.55 5.46 5.67 5.53 5.58 5.74
Al 0.30 0.29 0.65 0.50 0.38 0.32 0.54 0.45 0.54 0.33 0.47 0.42 0.26
T-site 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
B 2.97 3.01 2.92 3.08 2.85 3.04 3.10 2.77 2.95 3.02 3.29 2.99 3.50
B-site 2.97 3.01 2.92 3.08 2.85 3.04 3.10 2.77 2.95 3.02 3.29 2.99 3.50
Cation 18.89 18.90 19.12 19.17 19.01 18.99 19.15 19.10 19.20 18.93 18.98 19.03 19.22
Anion 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00
Detection limits (ppmw) are: Li (0.95–1.31), B (8.78–10.42), Na (18.91–19.34), Al (3.41–3.48), Ca (339–364), Mn (0.55), and Cu (0.42–0.45). Si is
used as internal standard.
Calcic Elbaite
group Liddicoatite
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline Cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Brazil
Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Brazil Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Mozambique
Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Mozambique Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Nigeria
Cuprian elbaite tourmaline from Nigeria
Figure 2. A: The 13 cuprian tourmaline samples belong to the calcic group, while the 26 additional cuprian tour-
malines belong to the alkali group based on the dominant occupancy of X-site. B: Li, Y-site Fe2+, and Y-site Mg2+
distinguish the tourmaline species as liddicoatite in a liddicoatite-feruvite-uvite subsystem ternary diagram. C: Li,
Y-site Fe2+, and Y-site Mg2+ of elbaite samples were further plotted in a dravite-schorl-elbaite subsystem ternary di-
agram (modified after Henry et al., 2011).
the oxidation states of transition elements (Fe and Mn) fluid inclusions typical of tourmaline. Standard
undetermined. In this article, it is assumed that Fe and gemological testing resulted in the general range of
Mn are divalent, that the B-site is fully occupied by B, gem tourmalines such as refractive indices of 1.62–
and that the X-site is occupied by Na, Ca, and a va- 1.64 and specific gravity of approximately 3.06, but
cancy equal to 1 atom per formula unit (apfu). Addi- the fluorescence under long-wave ultraviolet light
tional assumptions are that the Z-site is only occupied was stronger than the usual Paraíba tourmalines, as
by Al3+ and equal to 6 apfu, while the T-site is occupied described later. Chemical analysis demonstrated a
by Si4+ and Al3+ and equal to 6 apfu. If Si4+ is greater calcium-dominant composition. The representative
than 6, the T-site is only occupied by Si4+. The excess data in table 1 was selected to show the best stoi-
Al goes into the Y-site. The priority of ions with dif- chiometry. All the data points showed liddicoatite,
ferent valence states entering the Y-site is (R2+ > R3+ > and none were classified as elbaite. In all analyses,
R+ > R4+), such that the Y-site is occupied by Mn, Cu, Mg was below the detection limit and Fe was less
Al, and Li. The common assumption that all iron is than 0.005 apfu. Based on the primary tourmaline
ferrous and that OH + F = 4 apfu can result in the group classification, all 13 calcium-rich cuprian sam-
misidentification of buergerite as “fluor-schorl” as ples are classified as calcic-group tourmaline and the
well as misidentification of the oxy- and fluor- species. 26 additional sodium-rich cuprian samples as alkali-
The chemical composition presented in this article is group tourmaline (table 2, figure 2A). In addition, the
not affected by the minor amounts of Fe in the tour- 13 calcic-group samples plot as liddicoatite tourma-
maline (Clark, 2007). The assumption of 4 OH– does line in a liddicoatite-feruvite-uvite subsystem ter-
not allow for the fluor- or oxy- species to be deter- nary diagram (figure 2B). The 26 tourmalines in the
mined. The major elements, including Ca, Na, Si, Al, alkali group are shown as elbaite in a dravite-schorl-
and Mg, were verified by comparison of LA-ICP-MS elbaite subsystem ternary diagram (figure 2C; Henry
data with electron microprobe data of a secondary et al., 2011).
tourmaline standard with similar Ca:Na ratios Comparing the data in table 1 with that of liddi-
(Dutrow and Henry, pers. comm., 2017). coatitic tourmaline from Madagascar (Dirlam et al.,
2002) shows that these cuprian samples have more
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS sodium in the X-site—with a greater elbaitic compo-
Microscopic examination of the 13 samples revealed nent. Other liddicoatite tourmalines from Canada
two-phase inclusions, needle-like growth tubes, and (Teertstra et al., 1999) have similar sodium (0.365–
0.395 apfu) and similar or lower calcium (0.420–0.498 centration than heavier REE (Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb,
apfu). The sodium contents of liddicoatite from and Lu). The samples show an exceptionally low Eu
Madagascar and Canada vary with their zonation. content. The high concentration of REEs is inter-
Table 3 shows the samples’ averaged chemical preted as the cause of their comparatively strong flu-
composition for selected minor and trace elements. orescence under long-wave UV (figure 4).
In cuprian tourmalines from different origins, these Although the geographic origin of these cuprian
have some distinguishable trends (Abduriyim et al., liddicoatite is unknown, this unique chemical prop-
2006; Okrusch et al., 2016). For example, Brazilian erty offers directions for further research. Geological
and Nigerian cuprian tourmalines tend to show studies of the elbaitic cuprian tourmaline deposits in
higher concentrations of Cu than those from Brazil have been published (e.g., Shigley et al., 2001;
Mozambique—which typically have higher Ga than Soares et al., 2008; Beurlen et al., 2011), but no de-
the other two sources. Nigerian stones tend to have tailed study has been carried out for Nigerian and
higher Pb than those from Brazil and Mozambique. Mozambican occurrences. Teertstra et al. (1999) re-
Figure 3 shows the Ga-Pb distribution of the 13 ported that some liddicoatite crystals have cores that
cuprian liddicoatite and 26 cuprian elbaite samples correspond to elbaite with rims of liddicoatite. They
analyzed in this study. The cuprian liddicoatite sam- proposed three possibilities for the calcium needed
ples show both high Ga (297–433 ppmw) and high Pb to form liddicoatite: mobilization of Ca from earlier-
(420–827 ppmw). These combinations of trace ele- formed pegmatite minerals, introduction of Ca from
ments plot well outside the ranges of any known ref- host rocks, and conservation of Ca through the crys-
erence samples in GIA’s database, and therefore their tallization of minerals in the pegmatite magma.
geographic origin could not be determined. Major elements can also be used to determine prove-
Another remarkable point was the samples’ high nance. Henry and Guidotti (1985) established distinct
concentration of rare earth elements (REE; table 2)— regions to define potential different source rock types
in other words, lanthanides except Pm. Lighter REE of tourmaline using Al-Fe(tot)-Mg and Ca-Fe(tot)-Mg
(La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Gd) showed a higher con- ternary diagrams. Figure 5 indicates that the rock
types in which the cuprian liddicoatite was found are dominant, they must be from a Ca-rich host rock.
Li-rich granitoid pegmatites and aplites. Because Karampelas and Klemm (2010) noted that liddicoat-
these copper-bearing liddicoatite tourmalines are Ca- ite rough had been found near the Paraíba-type el-
baite mine in Mozambique. Qualitative EDXRF reportedly near Nampula, Mozambique, showed a
analysis of Paraíba-type tourmaline from a new mine Ca peak (Leelawatanasuk and Jakkawanvibul, 2011).
Figure 5. A: This Al-Fe(tot)-Mg diagram (in molecular proportions) reveals that the likely source rock of cuprian lid-
dicoatite tourmaline is Li-rich granitoid pegmatite and aplite. Fe(tot) represents the total Fe. This diagram is di-
vided into regions that define the compositional range of tourmaline from different rock types (modified after Henry
and Guidotti, 1985). B: The Ca-Fe(tot)-Mg diagram (also in molecular proportions) shows that the likely source rock
of cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline is Li-rich granitoid pegmatite and aplite. The rock types defined by the fields in
this diagram (also modified after Henry and Guidotti, 1985) are somewhat different from those in figure 5A.
A: Al-Fe(tot)-Mg diagram for tourmaline from B: Ca-Fe(tot)-Mg diagram for tourmaline from
various source rock types various source rock types
Al Ca
Elbaite Liddicoatite
1 Alkali-free dravite
7 1
2 4
Schorl 5 Dravite
8 Uvite
3 6 3 5
2 4 6
Buergerite Dravite
Al50Fe(tot)50 Al50Mg50 Fe(tot) Mg
Cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline Cuprian liddicoatite tourmaline
1. Li-rich granitoid pegmatites and aplites 1. Li-rich granitoid pegmatites and aplites
2. Li-poor granitoids and their associated pegmatites and aplites 2. Li-poor granitoids and their associated pegmatites and aplites
3. Fe3+-rich quartz-tourmaline rocks (hydrothermally altered granites) 3. Ca-rich metapelites, metapsammites, and calc-silicate rocks
4. Metapelites and metapsammites coexisting with an Al-saturating phase 4. Ca-poor metapelites, metapsammites, and quartz-tourmaline rocks
5. Metapelites and metapsammites not coexisting with an Al-saturating phase 5. Metacarbonates
6. Fe3+-rich quartz-tourmaline rocks, calc-silicate rocks, and metapelites 6. Metaultramafics
7. Low-Ca-metaultramafics and Cr, V-rich metasediments
8. Metacarbonates and meta-pyroxenites
Abduriyim A., Kitawaki H. (2005) Gem News International: Cu- 1–15.
and Mn-bearing tourmaline—More production from Mozam- Henry D.J., Novák M., Hawthorne F.C., Ertl A., Dutrow B.L., Uher
bique. G&G, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 360–361. P., Pezzotta F. (2011) Nomenclature of the tourmaline-super-
Abduriyim A., Kitawaki H., Furuya M., Schwarz D. (2006) group minerals. American Mineralogist, Vol. 96, No. 5–6, pp.
“Paraíba”-type copper-bearing tourmaline from Brazil, Nigeria, 895–913, http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/am.2011.3636
and Mozambique: Chemical fingerprinting by LA-ICP-MS. Karampelas S., Klemm L. (2010) Gem News International: “Neon”
G&G, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 4–21, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/ blue-to-green Cu- and Mn-bearing liddicoatite tourmaline.
GEMS.42.1.4 G&G, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 323–325.
Bank H., Henn U., Bank F.H., von Platen H., Hofmeister W. (1990) Koivula J.I., Kammerling R.C., Eds. (1989) Gem News: Paraíba
Leuchtendblaue Cu-führende Turmaline aus Paraiba, Brasilien. tourmaline update. G&G, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 248–249.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. Laurs B.M., Zwaan J.C., Breeding C.M., Simmons W.B., Beaton D.,
39, No. 1, pp. 3–11 (in German). Rijsdijk K.F., Befi R., Falster A.U. (2008) Copper-bearing
Beurlen H., de Moura O. J.M., Soares D. R., Da Silva M. R.R., Rhede (Paraíba-type) tourmaline from Mozambique. G&G, Vol. 44,
D. (2011) Geochemical and geological controls on the genesis No. 1, pp. 4–30, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.44.1.4
of gem-quality “Paraíba tourmaline” in granitic pegmatites Leelawatanasuk T., Jakkawanvibul J. (2011) New Paraiba-type
from northeastern Brazil. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 49, tourmaline from Mozambique. http://www.git.or.th/2014/
No. 1, pp. 277–300, http://dx.doi.org/10.3749/canmin.49.1.277 eng/testing_center_en/lab_notes_en/glab_en/2011/GIT_Paraiba-
Clark C.M. (2007) Tourmaline: Structure formula calculations. new_Mine.pdf.
The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 229–237, Okrusch M., Ertl, A., Schüssler U., Tillmanns E., Brätz H., Bank
http://dx.doi.org/10.2113/gscanmin.45.2.229 H. (2016) Major- and trace-element composition of Paraíba-type
Dirlam D.M., Laurs B.M., Pezzotta F., Simmons W.B. (2002) Liddi- tourmaline from Brazil, Mozambique and Nigeria. The Journal
coatite tourmaline from Anjanabonoina, Madagascar. G&G, Vol. of Gemmology, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 120–139.
38, No. 1, pp. 28–53, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.38.1.28 Pezzotta F., Laurs B.M. (2011) Tourmaline: the kaleidoscopic gem-
Dunn P.J., Appleman D.E., Nelen J.E. (1977) Liddicoatite, a new stone. Elements, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 333–338, http://dx.doi.org/
calcium end-member of the tourmaline group. American Min- 10.2113/gselements.7.5.333
eralogist, Vol. 62, pp. 1121–1124. Shigley J.E., Cook B.C., Laurs B.M., Oliveira Bernardes M. (2001)
Fritsch E., Shigley J.E., Rossman G.R., Mercer M.E., Muhlmeister An update on “Paraíba” tourmaline from Brazil. G&G, Vol. 37,
S.M., Moon M. (1990) Gem-quality cuprian-elbaite tourmalines No. 3, pp. 260–276, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.37.4.260
from São José da Batalha, Paraíba, Brazil. G&G, Vol. 26, No. 3, Smith C.P., Bosshart G., Schwartz D. (2001) Gem News Interna-
pp. 189–205, http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.26.3.189 tional: Nigeria as a new source of copper-manganese-bearing
Furuya M. (2007) Copper-bearing tourmaline from new deposits tourmaline. G&G, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 239–240.
in Paraíba State, Brazil. G&G, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 236–239, Soares D.R., Beurlen H., Barreto S. d. B., Da Silva M.R.R., Ferreira
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.43.3.236 A.C.M. (2008) Compositional variation of tourmaline-group
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mineral: From atomic arrangement to Viking navigation. Ele- Brazil. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 46, No. 5, 1097–1116,
Natural corundum is colored by a variety of trace-element impurities and by the chemical reactions
among them. Important to nearly all of the colors is the role played by the reactions among silicon, ti-
tanium, and magnesium. Characterization of the interactions between these aliovalent ions has been
hindered by the fact that the laser ablation–inductively coupled quadrupole–mass spectrometry equip-
ment used in most gem labs does not resolve the interferences for silicon. Thus Si has not been measured
at relevant concentrations. Recent development of ion implant standards and the application of sec-
ondary ion mass spectrometry has allowed the accurate measurement of silicon in corundum for the
first time. As an example of its importance, detailed analyses of sapphire from Montana’s Yogo Gulch
deposit are presented. These analyses show that without silicon, Yogo sapphire would not be blue.
orundum, like many other transparent gem- tions will be expressed as atomic concentrations in
stones, is inherently colorless if pure. In fact, units of parts per million atomic (ppma), not weight
pure corundum has an excellent transmission concentrations (ppm or ppmw). These units are cho-
window that can achieve good transparency between sen because it is the concentration of trace elements
approximately 0.18 and 5 µm (Khattack and Schmid, that determines how they chemically interact, not
2001). Pure corundum is aluminum oxide, Al2O3. their relative weights.1
Thus, the only cation (positive ion) in pure corun- Al3+ is one of the smallest trivalent cations, with
dum is Al3+ and the only anion (negative ion) is O2–. a radius of only 53 picometers (pm; 1 pm = 10 –12 m)
Neither of these two ions arrayed in the corundum in sixfold coordination, which means six oxygen ions
lattice structure absorbs light in the visible region of surround a single aluminum ion. This cation site in
the spectrum. The color of corundum gems is there- corundum is quite small, limiting the size and thus
fore determined by trace element impurities that are the variety of trace elements that can be easily incor-
in solution in the corundum lattice. Such gems are porated. Whereas corundum has only a single small
referred to as allochromatic (“other colored”). cation site, other gems (beryl, for example) can have
“In solution” is an important distinction to make. multiple cation sites of different sizes.
Sugar dissolved in water is “in solution.” Fine sand For trivalent cations substituting for Al3+ at geo-
stirred into water is not. “In solution” in corundum logic temperatures, size is the primary factor in deter-
means that if the impurities are cations, they will pri- mining the solubility (Blundy and Wood, 2003; Karato,
marily substitute for Al3+ in the corundum lattice. If 2016). Trivalent ions in corundum are termed isova-
they are anions, they will primarily substitute for O2– lent (same valence). Isovalent ions that are larger than
in the corundum structure. aluminum stretch the lattice. The energy required to
This paper discusses how trace elements chemi- stretch the lattice results in a reduced solubility. Iso-
cally interact with each other, and thus concentra- valent ions that are smaller than Al3+ also create sub-
stantial lattice distortion that reduces solubility.
Cations in corundum with a valence different
than the +3 of aluminum are termed aliovalent (dif-
See end of article for About the Authors and Acknowledgments.
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 42–47,
ferent valence). Since a solid must be rigorously elec-
http://dx.doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.53.1.42 trically neutral, the incorporation of an aliovalent
© 2017 Gemological Institute of America trace element requires either the incorporation of an-
other aliovalent ion to achieve an average charge of
+3 for the pair, or the creation of a charged crystal de- CONDUCTION BAND
fect such as an interstitial ion, a vacancy, or a change
in valence of an existing ion. These requirements are
energy intensive and result in very low solubilities
for aliovalent ions as compared to isovalent ions of V2+
the same size (Blundy and Wood, 2003). Fe2+
The overall result of size and valence constraints V3+
in corundum is that in nature only a small fraction Fe3+ 3+
Mn2+ Ni2+
of the elements in the periodic table are found in so- Co
Mn3+ Mg2+ Be2+
lution. The majority of these elements are listed in
table 1, along with their radii in the sixfold coordi- VALENCE BAND
nation of corundum.
The foregoing rules are useful for growth of corun- Figure 1. In this energy level diagram of trace ele-
dum at low temperatures, such as in geologic growth. ments in corundum, trivalent donor ions are shown
However, it should be pointed out that for growth on the left and divalent acceptor ions are shown on
from a corundum melt at 2050°C (Czochralski, the right. A charge-compensating donor-acceptor pair
Verneuil, etc.), other factors can modify these general can form when the donor level is significantly above
rules. the acceptor level. There is no significance to the lat-
eral positions of the energy levels, but the vertical po-
sitions are very significant. Data from Kröger (1984b).
In Brief
• Due to advances in analytical techniques, the silicon based on a summary paper (Kröger, 1984a). That
concentration of gem corundum samples has been paper shows that the silicon donor level lies well
accurately measured for the first time. below the titanium donor level, and we used that
• Si can have a major impact on all colors of corundum, position in our analysis of the effect of silicon on the
as illustrated through the analysis of blue sapphire color of corundum.
from Yogo Gulch, Montana. Unknown at the time was that a second summary
paper by the same author (Kröger, 1984b) corrected
the silicon donor level based on measured data in a
concurrent paper by Kröger and one of his students
The trace elements in corundum chemically in- (Lee and Kröger, 1985). These later two publications
teract with each other, and this interaction is, in clearly show that the correct silicon donor level lies
many cases, key to the resulting color we observe. well above the titanium donor level. The second
In Emmett et al. (2003), this interaction and the re- summary paper also corrects the relative level posi-
sulting colors produced were discussed at length. tions of some of the transition metals. Figure 1 of this
Rather than recreate that discussion here, the reader paper presents data from the second summary paper
is referred to that paper. However, as presented in and clearly shows that the silicon donor level is well
that paper, the chemical reaction among trace ele- above the titanium donor level.
ments is based on their relative energy level posi- While the position of the silicon donor level with
tions in the band gap as shown in figure B-1 in regard to the position of the titanium donor level
Emmett et al. (2003). The positions shown were may seem unimportant, it surely is not. Their rela-
tive positions have a significant impact on how trace
The more commonly used units for trace element analyses are ppmw
elements react with each other, and in certain cases
(parts per million by weight), usually written as ppm. One ppm it is only the presence of silicon that allows the tita-
means that there is one microgram of impurity in one gram of crystal. nium to pair with iron, creating the blue coloration
In this article we choose to use the unit ppma (parts per million
atomic) to state trace element concentrations. One ppma means that
of the Fe2+-Ti4+ pair in sapphire.
there is one trace element atom for each million atoms. In corundum, To understand how this comes about, we need to
that is 400,000 Al atoms + 600,000 O atoms. examine the corrected band gap chart in figure 1.
(molecular weight of Al2O3) ⁄5 This is a greatly simplified version of the correct
ppma = • ppmw
(atomic weight of the element) chart from Kröger (1984b). The convention of label-
TABLE 1. Radii of selected elements found in
natural corundum.a
1. If there are two acceptors and a single donor,
Cation Valence Ionic radii (pm) the lowest acceptor preferentially pairs with
Berylliumb +2 45 the donor unless both acceptors are energeti-
cally close together in the band gap, in which
Magnesium +2 72
case the donor will pair with both.
Aluminum +3 53.5
2. If there are two donors at different levels and a
Nickel +3 56
single acceptor, the highest donor will prefer-
Iron +3 55 entially pair with the acceptor. If the two donor
Manganese +3 58 energy levels are energetically close together in
Chromium +3 61.5 the band gap, they will both take part in charge
Gallium +3 62
compensation of the acceptor.
Vanadium +3 64
3. If corundum contains Ti, Mg, and Fe, Ti will
pair with Mg before Fe.
Silicon +4 40
4. If corundum contains Si, Mg, and Fe, Si will
Titanium +4 60.5
pair with Mg before Fe.
Data from Shannon (1976) and Dyar and Gunter (2008) 5. If corundum contains Si, Ti, Mg, and Fe, Si will
Beryllium is often found in natural corundum, but it is associated with
inclusion clouds. Whether Be exists in solution is not yet clear.
pair with both Mg and Fe before Ti will.
6. When the concentration of Mg exceeds the sum
of both Si and Ti, the excess Mg will be charge
compensated by trapped holes (see Emmett et
al., 2003, p. 92) in oxidizing conditions, or by
ing these levels is to show the donor level before do- oxygen vacancies under reducing conditions, or
nating an electron (e.g., Ti as Ti3+), and the acceptor by both.
levels after accepting the electron (e.g., Fe as Fe2+). As
such, the vertical distance between the donor and ac- Why are we still uncertain about the role of silicon
ceptor states is a measure of the binding energy of in corundum? We certainly understand the roles of
the donor-acceptor pair. Ti, Fe, and Mg. It is because we have not been able to
The beryllium acceptor level in figure 1 is shown measure the silicon content of the sapphire samples
in red, as it was not presented in Kröger (1984b) and we have studied. The instruments used for laser ab-
has not been accurately measured. It is estimated lation–inductively coupled plasma–quadrupole mass
from the original beryllium diffusion experiments spectrometry (LA-ICP-QMS) in use in most laborato-
(Emmett et al., 2003). ries show significant interferences for the three sili-
From the defect chemical reactions and energy con isotopes. Thus, when a very high-purity sample
level positions, we can formulate a series of rules of synthetic sapphire is measured on these instru-
about impurity interactions (Smyth, 2000). These ments, it shows nominally several tens to several
rules will not be valid for all concentration levels or hundreds of ppma silicon that is not there (Shen,
all temperatures. They become less valid as concen- 2010). The reason for this is that in the plasma, small
trations of key elements (such as Mg, Si, and Ti) ex- quantities of unusual molecules are formed with a
ceed a few hundred ppma or at temperatures mass close to that of silicon; these molecules are
substantially above room temperature. A correct for- recorded by the instrument as silicon. For example,
mulation requires solving the equilibrium chemical Si is the most abundant isotope of silicon, at 92.23%
defect reactions for all of the impurities simultane- abundance. Its mass is 27.97693 atomic mass unit
ously, but measurements of the equilibrium con- (amu). When ablating corundum, aluminum carried
stants for all the reactions are unavailable. However, by the plasma can combine with hydrogen from even
the following rules are useful for a wide variety of sit- a miniscule amount of water vapor to form 27AlH
uations and, more importantly, will serve to illus- with a mass of 27.98936. The mass difference be-
trate the types of chemical reactions that occur tween 28Si and 27AlH is only about 4 parts in 10,000,
among impurities in corundum. These rules correct which is too small for the instrument to resolve, and
those presented in Emmett et al. (2003), written so the instruments record both as silicon. The mass
when it was believed that the silicon donor level was resolution of quadrupole mass spectrometers used in
below that of titanium. normal gemological laboratories at mass 28 is only 2–
3 parts in one hundred in the normal resolution which was done by Scientific Materials Corporation.
mode, and only about 1 part per hundred in the high- The calibration was then transferred from the ion
resolution mode. The required resolution of 4 parts implant standards to the multiply doped crystals
in 10,000 far exceeds the capability of a commercial with Caltech’s SIMS facility (GIA, 2016). A silicon
“desktop” design ICP-QMS in normal gemological ion implant standard was also prepared with the
laboratories. High-resolution QMS is not available hope that advanced instrumentation would eventu-
commercially. This example dramatically shows why ally allow the analysis of silicon.
a zero trace element concentration, matrix-matched The plan for the standards was to have a three-
standard is critical for the interpretation of data from point calibration—a zero, a mid-range value, and a
these and other analytical instruments. Similar inter- high value for each element. Sapphire crystals were
ferences have been measured for the other two silicon grown that accomplished these goals except for the
isotopes (Shen, 2010). high-range iron value. Iron and its oxides all have
A few years ago, GIA initiated a project to develop high vapor pressure at the Czochralski growth tem-
an improved set of matrix-matched standards for the perature (~2300°C) and thus distill out of the melt.
analysis of corundum with the existing LA-ICP-QMS All of the multi-element doped crystals were cal-
instruments. The approach was to make ion implant ibrated at the SIMS facility against the ion implant
standards in sapphire for each element of interest and standards. When the extremely high-purity sapphire
calibrate them with Rutherford backscattering spec- crystal (the zero standard) was measured by SIMS, it
trometry (RBS). For those trace elements lighter than demonstrated that SIMS could resolve the isotopic
or close in mass to aluminum (i.e., Be, Mg, and Si), interferences for silicon. SIMS could therefore meas-
secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used ure silicon in corundum samples against an ion im-
against multiple highly characterized standards kept plant standard.
by Evans Analytical. With calibrated ion implant To create a high-range iron standard, a different
standards, the next step was to grow multi-element approach had to be employed. Natural sapphires
doped sapphire crystals for the laboratory standards, from Montana’s Yogo deposit (figure 2) were evalu-
Figure 2. Paula
Crevoshay’s “Yogo
Columbine” pendant
displays the remarkably
consistent blue color of
Yogo sapphires: 243 in
all, with a total weight
of 13.89 carats. The
piece also contains 0.59
ct of yellow sapphires
and 1.37 ct of dia-
monds, set in 18K yel-
low and white gold.
Photo by Orasa Weldon.
TABLE 2. SIMS analysis of a typical Yogo sapphire sample (in ppma).
Trace elements Mg Si Mg – Si = Ti Ti – available Mg = V Cr Fe Ga
available Mg available Ti
Concentration 84.3 24.6 59.7 79.7 20.0 2.7 2.2 1130 10.4
Standard 1.32 0.44 1.4 0.72 1.6 0.05 0.08 20 0.3
deviation (ppma)
ated for uniformity. The Yogo sapphire is almost Surprisingly, it also turned out that the Yogo sap-
unique for the extreme uniformity of its blue color, phires provided an excellent example of the role of
which indicates a high trace element concentration silicon in gem corundum. The trace element concen-
uniformity, at least for the Fe2+-Ti4+ chromophore. A trations and color are extremely uniform, and thus
typical sample is shown in figure 3. It was hoped that the standard deviations (SDs) of the concentration
this uniformity would also extend to Fe3+. The SIMS measurements are quite small. SIMS analysis of the
analyses of nine pieces of Yogo sapphire at nine points individual trace elements against corundum ion im-
each did show a very high iron uniformity, and thus it plant standards is shown in table 2. The data pre-
was chosen to be the high iron concentration standard. sented are the average of three measurement points
The nine Yogo samples were calibrated with SIMS for on this particular sample.
all elements for which ion implant standards had been Since Si is the highest-lying donor and Mg the
prepared. Since we can easily resolve the mass inter- lowest-lying acceptor, Si will pair with Mg first, leav-
ference for silicon in corundum using the high mass ing 59.7 ppma Mg2+ available to interact with other
resolving power of SIMS, accurate silicon measure- trace elements. Then Ti as a donor will pair with all
ments of natural corundum samples have been ob- the remaining available Mg, leaving 20.0 ppma Ti to
tained for the first time. pair with Fe, producing the blue coloration. It is in-
teresting to note that without silicon, Yogo sapphire
would not be blue because Mg>Ti, and thus no un-
Figure 3. A typical polished Yogo wafer sample meas- paired Ti would be available to pair with Fe. The
uring 0.93 mm thick. The c-axis is perpendicular to analysis of this Yogo sapphire is not unusual but is
the wafer surface. Note the distinct color uniformity typical of all of the Yogo samples analyzed.
and the lack of any color zoning. Ten LA-ICP-QMS This clearly demonstrates the critical role of sili-
measurement points can also be seen on this wafer. con in the color of corundum, a factor that, to the
Photo by John L. Emmett. best of our knowledge, has not been correctly ad-
dressed in the literature.
The SDs presented in table 2 only relate to the
point-to-point analysis variations of the sample. For
determining the SDs of the absolute measurement, it
is necessary to correctly combine the point-to-point
SDs with the SDs of the ion implant standards. When
this is done, the SD result for the “available titanium”
becomes 6.7 ppma, which is well below the stated
concentration value of 20 ppma. While this addition
to the SD is rarely applied in the gemological litera-
ture, it is presented here to emphasize the validity of
the absolute result.
The SIMS analysis of Si conducted on nine Yogo
samples resulted in Si concentrations from 22 to 26
ppma. In addition, ten other samples from Myan-
mar, the Rock Creek deposit in Montana (United
States), the Garba Tula deposit in Kenya, the Subera
deposit in Queensland (Australia), the Pailin deposit
in Cambodia, and the Montepuez ruby deposit in
Mozambique were also analyzed for silicon. The con-
centrations measured ranged from 3.5 to 150 ppma. tributing substantially to the resulting color. The
In each case the silicon concentration was in the current analytical capabilities of most of the world’s
same range as the concentrations of the other aliova- gem labs do not allow the quantification of silicon
lent ions, and thus in each case it had a significant at relevant concentration levels. Consideration
impact on color. should be given to the possibility of obtaining
higher-resolution mass detectors for the existing LA-
CONCLUSIONS ICP equipment, or to evaluating other analytical
It is clear from the foregoing study that silicon is an techniques such as laser-induced breakdown spec-
important trace element in gem corundum, con- troscopy (LIBS).
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ogy. Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, Virginia. Properties of MgO and Al2O3 Ceramics. American Ceramic So-
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dum standard sets for GIA LA-ICP-MS instruments. Internal Shannon R.D. (1976) Revised effective ionic radii and systematic
report, June 10. studies of interatomic distances in halides and chalcogenides.
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572–579, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0248(01)00955-1 ford University Press, New York.
Ahmadjan Abduriyim, Kazuko Saruwatari, and Yusuke Katsurada
Even though Japanese jadeite lacks the transparency of the highest-quality Burmese imperial jadeite, its
rarity and natural features make it a highly valued gemstone. In this study, jadeite from the Itoigawa and
Omi regions in Niigata Prefecture and the Wakasa region in Tottori Prefecture, both on Japan’s western
coast, were divided into several color varieties corresponding to chromophores and mineral phases: white
(nearly pure jadeite), green (Fe-rich, Cr-bearing), lavender (Ti-bearing), blue (Ti- and Fe-bearing), and black
(graphite-bearing). White jadeite from Itoigawa-Omi was close to pure jadeite (XJd = 98, or 98% jadeite
composition). Green jadeite from the same location had an XJd range from 98 to 82. The maximum CaO
content in green jadeite was 5 wt.%, and its chromophores were Fe and Cr. Whereas lavender samples
had a jadeite composition of XJd = 98 to 93 and tended to be high in TiO2 and FeOtot and low in MnO con-
tent, blue jadeite showed the highest TiO2 concentration at 0.65 wt.% and had an XJd range of 97 to 93. A
blue jadeite from Wakasa had a range of 97 to 91 and a similarly high TiO2 concentration. In trace-element
analysis, chondrite-normalized and primitive mantle–normalized patterns in lavender, violetish blue, and
blue jadeite from Japan showed higher large-ion lithophile element contents (Sr, Ba) and higher field strength
element contents (Zr, Nb) than those in green jadeite, while white and black jadeite had relatively low REE
contents. The Japanese jadeites were compared to samples from Myanmar, Guatemala, and Russia.
Figure 2. Japanese jadeite is found in eight locations, Figure 3. In this mosaic painting, made with pieces of
though the only significant source of gem-quality ma- Itoigawa jadeite, the magatama carving is worn by
terial is the Itoigawa-Omi region in Niigata Prefec- an empress of the ancient state of Koshi, in modern-
ture. Modified after Fossa Magna Museum. day Niigata Prefecture. Courtesy of the Jade Ore Mu-
seum (Hisui Gensekikan).
In addition to Japan, major jadeite localities include
Myanmar, Russia, Central America, and the United
States. Some of the world’s earliest jadeite jade arti-
facts emerged from the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec civ-
ilizations of modern-day Mexico and Guatemala,
which flourished from about 1200 bC until the Span-
ish conquest in the 16th century (Foshag and Leslie,
1955; Umehara, 1971; Taube, 2004). During the
Jomon era, about 5,500 years ago, Japan’s Itoigawa re-
gion became the birthplace of jadeite carving (figure
2), and it is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese
gem culture was derived from this area. In the middle
of the Jomon era, pendant-like jadeite pieces called
taishu were produced and traded throughout many
parts of Japan. Rough jadeite fashioning techniques,
including spherical bead carving, were passed on in
the late Jomon era. In the Yayoi era, curved maga-
tama and tube-shaped kudatama beads became pop-
ular. According to legend dating from the early 8th
between the Pacific plate and the Eurasia plate con-
Tomi R
Uta taining the Japanese islands, under which the cold Pa-
cific plate subducts. This area is thought to have a
Ichiburi SHashidate S
Jadeite Valley high-pressure, low-temperature condition that pro-
duces jadeite. Japan has eight jadeite occurrences in all
(again, see figure 2). Most of the jadeite from the Renge
and Sangun belts on the western side (Itoigawa, Oosa,
Kotaki S Oya, and Wakasa) is very pure, composed of more than
Jadeite Valley
90% jadeite (including similar omphacite). Material
Sedimentary rock S S
and granitic/
S SS S S from other parts of Japan very rarely contains more
metamorphic rocks S S SS Hiraiwa
than 80% jadeite. Most contains large amounts of al-
bite, kyanite, and analcime and no more than 50%
Limestone S
SS jadeite (Yokoyama and Sameshima, 1982; Takayama,
Jadeite mine S
1986; Miyazoe et al., 2009; Fukuyama et al., 2013).
S Albitite mine
Renge and Sangun Belts. The Itoigawa region is as-
Itoigawa-Shizuoka Renge-Onsen
tectonic line
signed to the Renge belt, a serpentinite mélange zone
0 5 km
S Mountain
S S with various types of tectonic blocks, high-pressure
Figure 4. Jadeite from Itoigawa is found in serpenti-
and low-temperature metamorphic rocks, metamor-
nite along a fault as blocks near the Kotaki River (up- phosed sedimentary rocks, amphibolites, and rodin-
stream of the Hime River) and the Omi River. The gites (Nakamizu et al., 1989). Gem-quality jadeite has
Kotaki and Hashidate valleys are the main sources of been found only at the Kotaki and Hashidate districts
gem-quality jadeite. White is the most common color, in Itoigawa-Omi, occurring as boulders in the serpen-
followed by green. Lavender, violet-blue, and blue tinite located at the fault border between the Permian-
jadeite are also found in Itoigawa-Omi. Source: Fossa Carboniferous limestone and Cretaceous sandstone
Magna Museum. and shale. Jadeite boulders range from one meter to
several meters in size and are mostly distributed in an
area several hundred meters long. Jadeite rocks in Ko-
taki show concentric zoning, toward the rim, of al-
nori Kawano and his colleagues at Tohoku Univer- bitite (with or without quartz), white jadeite, green
sity published a study of the samples (Kawano, 1939; jadeite, soda-rich calciferous amphibole, and host ser-
Ohmori, 1939). Subsequent research led to additional pentinite. Omi jadeite rock shows a “distinct strati-
discoveries in the Kotaki area, upstream of the Hime form structure,” sometimes with alternating coarse
River, as well as in the Hashidate area of Itoigawa and fine compact layers and often containing lavender
(figure 4). In 1954, some of these areas were desig- jadeite (Chihara, 1991).
nated as preservation sites, but jadeite is still found Sources other than Itoigawa in the Renge and San-
along these rivers or their estuaries. gun belts (Oosa, Oya, and Wakasa) produce limited
Jadeite from Itoigawa, especially along the coast, amounts of jadeite, most of it white with a few green
is beautiful even in its rough state. Colors include areas. Green jadeite with high transparency has not
white, green, violet, blue, and black. but because the been found in these areas. Considering that it con-
sites are protected and mining is not allowed, there tains similar minerals as well as zircons that are
is little supply of this material in the market. In Sep- about 500 million years old (Tsutsumi et al., 2010),
tember 2016, Itoigawa jadeite was chosen as Japan’s the material from Oosa, Oya, and Wakasa presum-
national stone by the Japan Association of Miner- ably formed through the same process as the
alogical Sciences. Itoigawa jadeite. These fine-grained specimens can-
not be differentiated microscopically from those of
Jadeite is found in high-pressure, low-temperature The Wakasa region in Tottori Prefecture of western
metamorphic belts (Essene, 1967; Chihara, 1971; Har- Japan is a source of blue jadeite. Jadeite and jadeite py-
low and Sorensen, 2005). It is associated with kyanite, roxene occur in serpentinites and metagabbros related
an indicator mineral of high-pressure, low-tempera- to the Sangun regional metamorphic belt (Kanmera et
ture metamorphism. The Japan Trench is a boundary al., 1980; Chihara, 1991). In this locality, jadeite rock
Figure 5. Representative
samples from four loca-
tions. A: Magatama
carvings (25.51–63.88
ct) from Itoigawa-Omi.
B: Variously colored
rough jadeite boulder,
cobble, and pebbles
from Itoigawa-Omi
(15.3–622.2 g) and a pol-
ished violetish blue
B jadeite from the
Wakasa region (458.2 g).
C: Green and lavender
cabochons (4.75–15.45
ct) and polished slices
from Kachin, Myanmar
(17.84–136.4 g). D:
Rough grayish green
C and lavender jadeite
blocks from the Mo-
tagua region of Guate-
mala (223–1250 g). E: A
green jadeite block (304
g) and two polished
translucent to opaque
jadeites (139.08 and
5.93 ct) from the Polar
Urals of Russia. The
magatama from
Itoigawa-Omi and the
Russian and Guate-
malan samples are
courtesy of the Jade
Ore Museum (Hisui
Gensekikan). The
Burmese jadeites are
courtesy of Miyuki Co.,
Ltd. Photos by Masumi
Saito and Ahmadjan
E Abduriyim.
hydrostatically for all the samples, and their absorp- Itoigawa and Wakasa, three from Kachin, two from
tion spectra were observed by handheld prism spec- Motagua, and two from the Polar Urals were cut and
troscope. Four inclusion-bearing samples from polished into thin sections for petrographic structure
(365 nm) and short-wave (254 nm) UV radiation. The 14; see figure 7-A1) revealed colorless, semitranspar-
lavender jadeite exhibited a stronger reddish fluores- ent jadeite crystals distributed in the white area,
cence than burmese lavender jadeite, which showed mostly as fine cryptocrystalline grains around 0.05–
a weak reddish fluorescence to long-wave UV. The 0.3 mm in size. Under cross-polarized light, the fine
Japanese blue jadeite was inert to both long- and short- jadeite grains showed both high- and low-order inter-
wave UV. The absorption spectra of all Japanese jadeite ference colors, caused by the different orientation of
samples, measured by a handheld spectroscope, re- each grain. Under plane-polarized light, we occasion-
vealed weaker lines at 690, 650, and 630 nm. In addi- ally observed in matrix large pale green grains over 2
tion, green jadeite from Itoigawa showed a very sharp mm (figure 7-A2) that were well-formed jadeite sin-
line at 437 nm. The lavender jadeite showed weak gle crystals. Their well-developed cleavages inter-
bands at around 530 and 600 nm and a narrow band sected at 87° angles, which is characteristic of
at 437 nm. The blue jadeite showed a very broad band pyroxene. This thin section of green jadeite showed
from the yellow to red portion of the spectrum, as well a prismatic crystalloblastic texture, indicating meta-
as a weak narrow band at 437 nm. morphism under nondirectional pressure. Micro-
The representative Guatemalan jadeite samples se- Raman spectrometry in microfolds and veinlets
lected for this study were grayish and dark green, identified minor amounts of pectolite and prehnite
white, and violetish blue. The green rough was semi- as component minerals.
translucent and opaque, with a fine to medium- The thin section of lavender jadeite from Itoigawa-
grained texture but also somewhat coarsely grained Omi was almost colorless under plane-polarized light
texture in visible crystals. The “Olmec blue” rough (see figure 7-b1). The sample was semi-transparent
from Guatemala was variegated violet to blue mixed to translucent and mainly composed of fine to micro-
with abundant white color. It was translucent to grained crystals around 0.1–0.3 mm in size, showing
opaque, with a fine texture. Its color distribution a prismatic crystalloblastic texture. Ultramylonitic
closely resembled that of Japanese lavender and blue zones with radiating aggregates of fine jadeite grains
jade. randomly cutting through the matrix were observed
Jadeite from the Polar Urals occurs in different in this sample (figure 7-b2). This texture indicates
shades of green. The material usually has a more even that the sample underwent lithostatic and possibly
color distribution than Japanese green jadeite, and it subsequent directional pressure during the metamor-
is highly valued. The samples from this source were phic process. Prehnite and analcime, the main con-
semitransparent to translucent, with a fine to medium stituents of the veinlets that cut through the jadeite
texture. black spots of magnetite could be observed. rock (figure 7-b3), were formed by hydrothermal flu-
ids (Shoji and Kobayashi, 1988). A long prismatic
Petrographic Observation. In plane-polarized light, a vesuvianite crystal with high relief was also found as
white and green jadeite slice from Itoigawa (K-IT-JP- a component mineral.
shoulders at 650 and
630 nm, and a sharp,
Cr3+ narrow absorption of
1 Fe3+ at 437 nm. The sat-
urated green area of the
T--JP-14, 2.90 mm thick
spectrum corresponds
to the concentration of
the chromophores Cr
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 and Fe (280 and 810
WA ppma, on average).
Fe3+ absorption at 437 nm, and a cutoff above 350 nm color. by comparison, Mn was too low (64 ppma) to
(figure 12). This absorption pattern is similar to the produce a pinkish component.
spectra of blue sapphire and can be attributed to a The violetish blue jadeite from Wakasa in Tot-
charge transfer between Ti4+-Fe2+ pairs (Ferguson and tori Prefecture showed a similar spectral character-
Fielding, 1971). Significant amounts of Ti (1943 istic, with lower Ti, Fe, and Mn concentrations than
ppma) and Fe (4212 ppma) produced a noticeable blue blue jadeite but higher concentrations than violet
V Co Mn Fe Ti
2 Lavender jadeite NaAlSi206 (ppmw) 1.9 0.9 51 1510 1280
(ppma) 0.7 0.3 18 534 550
Figure 10. The UV-Vis
spectrum of a lavender
there is also a weak
narrow band at 437
nm. The violet color re-
flects the chromophore
combination of low Mn
-JP-25, 3.70 mm thick
(18 ppma) and much
higher Ti (534 ppma)
and Fe (550 ppma).
380 430 480 530 580 630 680 730 780
Myanmar. The UV-Vis spectrum of the burmese green Russia. A highly saturated vivid green jadeite from
jadeite (K-MYA-16) showed the characteristic narrow the Polar Urals showed an Fe3+ band and strong mul-
Cr3+-related absorption band at 691 nm and the sharp, tiple chromium lines in the 580–700 nm range, a
Figure 12. The UV-Vis
V Co Mn Cr Fe Ti spectrum of a blue
2.5 Blue jadeite NaAlSi206 (ppmw) 41 19 175 nd 11900 4520 sample from Itoigawa
(ppma) 16 6.5 64 nd 4212 1943
(K-IT-JP-16). The ab-
4.0 2.5 Fe3+ Mn3+
3+ 2.3
3.5 Cr3+ Cr Cr3+
2.0 1.5
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1.2 1.0
C Grayish green: Motagua D Lavender (violet): Motagua
0.9 0.8
0.8 0.7 Fe3+ Mn3+
0.4 0.4
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
E Vivid green: Polar Urals
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Figure 13. A: The UV-Vis spectrum of a green Burmese jadeite (K-MYA-16) shows the characteristic chromium
lines at 630, 650, and 691 nm and the sharp, narrow Fe3+ absorption band at 437 nm that is commonly seen in
natural green jadeite. The Cr3+- and Fe3+-related feature generally overlaps with the spectrum of Japanese green
jadeite, but the absorption intensity is much higher due to its color saturation and transparency. B: Burmese
lavender jadeite (K-MYA-20) showed a dominant broad absorption band centered at 570 nm, related to Mn3+
concentration. C: The narrow Fe3+ absorption band at 437 nm, often present in Guatemalan green jadeite (M-
GUA-02). The absorption of Cr3+ is not detectable in this 2.32-mm-thick sample. D: The spectrum of
Guatemalan lavender jadeite (M-GUA-03) shows multiple broad bands centered at 530 and 610 nm and a
weak narrow band at 437 nm. The absorption feature related to Mn3+, Ti4+-Fe2+, and Fe3+ generally overlaps with
the bands observed in Itoigawa lavender jadeite. E: A vivid green Polar Ural jadeite shows an Fe3+ band and
strong multiple chromium lines in the 580–700 nm range, a combination that typically produces a highly satu-
rated green color. The concentration of Cr (maximum of 3042 ppma) is much higher than in Japanese green
Figure 16. Chemical
fingerprinting of Al/Fe
vs. Ca/Na indicates
the separation of
jadeite (Jd) from om-
phacite (Omp) jade ac-
cording to chemical
concentration. Al-
though the data plot-
ted here were collected
White jadeite Jd from LA-ICP-MS
Green jadeite analysis, this type of
Lavender jadeite diagram can also be
Blue jadeite adapted to EDXRF or
Black jadeite
electron microprobe
1000 data.
10 1 0.1 0.01
K-IT-JP-14 (5 spots) K-IT-JP-14 (12 spots) K-IT-JP-11 (3 spots) K-IT-JP-12 (3 spots) K-IT-JP-13 (3 spots) K-IT-JP-25 (6 spots)
White Green Green Green Green Lavender (Violet)
Oxides (wt.%) Averaged Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd%
SiO2 58.82 60.466 58.95 58.43 57.83 59.25 58.4 59.31 57.11 59.542 59.621
TiO2 0.03 0 0.02 0.012 0 0 0 0 0.012 0.362 0.325
Al2O3 24.3 24.822 24.3 22.38 20.59 21.87 20.83 21.98 21.27 24.518 22.997
Cr2O3 0 0.036 0.09 0.16 0.085 0.013 0.01 0.152 0.577 0.083 0.008
FeO 0.44 0.225 0.45 0.561 0.864 0.744 0.744 0.425 0.481 0.105 0.694
MnO 0 0.013 0.01 0.033 0 0.02 0.022 0.007 0.008 0.019 0
MgO 0.12 0.16 0.54 1.8 2.83 1.83 2.78 2.2 2.41 0.064 0.864
CaO 0.26 0.24 0.92 2.7 4.18 3.02 4.15 3.8 5.1 0.644 1.879
Na2O 15.49 14.113 14.91 13.94 12.77 13.55 13.03 13.22 11.88 14.278 13.31
K2O 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.001 0
NiO 0 0 0 0 0.032 0 0.025 0.022 0.025 0.011 0
Total 99.46 100.075 100.2 100.025 99.181 100.296 99.992 101.116 98.873 99.627 99.895
Cations (O=6)
Si 2 2.026 1.991 1.989 1.994 2.009 1.996 1.999 1.975 2.001 2.02
Ti 0.001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.008 0.008
Al 0.974 0.98 0.967 0.898 0.837 0.874 0.839 0.872 0.867 0.991 0.919
Cr 0 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.002 0 0 0.004 0.016 0 0
Fe* 0.013 0.006 0.013 0.016 0.024 0.02 0.021 0.012 0.014 0.002 0.019
Mn 0 0 0 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
Mg 0.006 0.008 0.027 0.091 0.145 0.093 0.142 0.11 0.124 0.001 0.04
Ca 0.009 0.009 0.033 0.098 0.154 0.11 0.152 0.137 0.189 0.023 0.068
Na 1.021 0.917 0.977 0.92 0.854 0.891 0.864 0.863 0.796 0.932 0.875
K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003 0.008
Ni 0 0 0 0 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
Total 4.023 3.947 4.012 4.019 4.013 3.999 4.016 3.997 3.982 3.961 3.965
End members (mol%) after Morimoto et al. (1988)
XJd 98 98.7 95.5 88.5 82.6 88.9 83.3 86.6 82.4 98.7 93.3
X(Ae+Ko) 1.2 0.1 1.5 2 2.3 1.7 2.1 0.4 1.6 0 0
XQuad 0.8 1.2 3 9.5 15.1 10.3 14.6 13 16 1.3 6.7
high-pressure assemblage, which may contain the Chondrite-Normalized REE and Primitive Mantle–
same accessory phases (amphibole, feldspar, and law- Normalized Heavy Trace Element Pattern. To com-
sonite) as jadeite from Itoigawa-Omi. pare trace element compositions in different colors of
Japanese jadeite, we studied their chondrite-normal-
Blue Jadeite. The six blue samples from Itoigawa and ized REE patterns and primitive mantle–normalized
the two violetish blue specimens from Wakasa had trace element patterns. Figures 17 and 18 show the
significantly high TiO2, with maximum values of averaged REE and heavy trace element data of white,
0.649 and 0.745 wt.%, respectively. These corre- black, green, lavender, and blue jadeite from Itoigawa-
sponded with the intense blue area. The CaO con- Omi, along with two violetish blue specimens from
tents were slightly higher in the light blue to blue Wakasa. The REEs in Japanese jadeite tended to be
areas (0.6% to 1.4 wt.%) than in the white areas. Vi- more abundant in lavender, violetish blue, and blue
oletish blue and blue areas revealed the highest con- specimens than in green, white, and black jadeite. In
centration of Ti measured in Japanese jadeite (up to all colors, the light rare earth element (LREE: La, Ce,
4520 ppmw in blue jadeite from Itoigawa, and up to Nd, and Sm) contents tended to be higher than the
3636 ppmw in violetish blue jadeite from Wakasa), as heavy rare earth element (HREE: Eu, Gd, Dy, Y, Er,
well as enriched Fe (up to 11,900 ppmw). Most of the Yb, and Lu) contents. From this chondrite-normalized
REE contents were higher than in lavender jadeite. REE pattern, the lavender, violetish blue, and blue
K-IT-JP-16 (6 spots) W-TO-JP-02 (6 spots) M-GUA-03 (5 spots) M-GUA-02 (8 spots) PU-RUS-03 (11 spots)
Blue Violetish blue Lavender (Violet) Grayish green Green
Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd% Max XJd% Min XJd%
60.728 59.768 58.041 58.899 61.733 58.149 60.898 59.518 58.789 58.518
0.106 0.649 0.745 0.173 0.04 0.07 0.28 0.05 0.073 0.106
24.872 22.995 22.867 24.731 22.927 24.614 23.672 19.48 20.482 19.517
0.001 0.052 0 0.048 0 0.005 0 0 0.385 0.139
0.214 0.445 0.615 0.6 0 0.187 0.836 1.891 0.725 0.761
0.026 0 0.051 0.039 0 0.006 0.039 0.013 0.071 0.019
0.478 1.105 1.532 0.225 0.057 0.015 0.314 2.354 2.639 3.441
0.629 1.436 2.24 0.659 0.108 0.231 0.634 3.718 3.786 4.801
14.113 13.767 13.02 13.43 13.097 14.022 14.595 11.876 12.515 11.347
0.027 0.011 0 0.036 0.149 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.032
0.024 0.006 0 0 0 0.007 0.039 0.012 0.088 0.03
101.218 100.234 99.111 98.84 98.108 97.316 101.307 98.912 99.563 98.711
2.019 2.034 1.997 2.004 2.09 2.005 2.031 2.071 2.038 2.05
0.002 0.006 0.019 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.007 0.001 0.002 0.003
0.974 0.916 0.927 0.992 0.915 1 0.93 0.799 0.837 0.806
0 0.001 0 0.001 0 0.001 0 0 0.011 0.004
0.006 0.013 0.018 0.017 0 0.005 0.023 0.057 0.021 0.022
0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0.002 0.001
0.024 0.056 0.078 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.016 0.122 0.136 0.18
0.022 0.052 0.083 0.024 0.004 0.009 0.023 0.139 0.141 0.18
0.909 0.902 0.869 0.886 0.86 0.938 0.944 0.801 0.841 0.771
0.001 0 0 0.002 0.006 0 0 0 0 0.001
0.001 0 0 0 0 0 0.001 0 0.002 0.001
3.958 3.981 3.993 3.944 3.879 3.962 3.976 3.99 4.031 4.019
jadeite from Japan can be characterized by a high the fluid related to the formation of Itoigawa-Omi
LREE/HREE ratio and a low Eu concentration relative jadeite in the subduction zone was uniquely enriched
to other REE (again, see figure 17). in both LILE1 and HFSE2 brought in by the fluids in
Interestingly, the primitive mantle–normalized the subduction zone, and that these elements were re-
trace element patterns of all colors of Japanese jadeite cycled into serpentinized peridotites.
showed strong positive anomalies of the large-ion by comparison, Russian white and green jadeite re-
lithophile elements (LILE) Sr and ba, as well as the vealed the highest REE and heavy trace element values
high field strength elements (HFSE) Zr and Nb. Green in this study. Green jadeite from Japan and Myanmar
jadeite REE patterns were more depleted, but much showed a very close overlap, whereas the REE and
higher than white and black jadeite, with strong pos- heavy element contents for white samples from Myan-
itive anomalies of Sr, Zr, and Hf. This result is consis- mar were very depleted and had the lowest value.
tent with the conclusion by Morishita et al. (2007) that In lavender and blue samples, Guatemalan jadeite
LILE refers to lithophile trace elements (K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Pb, and Eu), which have an ionic radius to charge ratio that is greater than those of
Ca2+ and Na+, the largest cations common to rock-forming minerals.
HFSE refers to high field strength elements (Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta), which do not have a large ionic radius. Because of their high charge and the
consequent difficulty in achieving a charge balance, they are typically incompatible.
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy (Y) Er Yb Lu
was characterized by the highest REE and heavy trace was mainly white, with unevenly distributed
element concentrations. Japanese material showed a pale green to green and lavender to blue color.
lower value but could be separated from burmese 2. Petrographic observations showed that Japan-
lavender jadeite based on the chondrite-normalized ese jadeite was composed of aggregates of long,
and primitive mantle–normalized patterns. semi-euhedral prismatic crystals and granular
single crystals, which combined to produce a
CONCLUSIONS prismatic-granular crystalloblastic texture. Pec-
Japanese jadeite from the Itoigawa-Omi region is tolite, prehnite, and analcime were often pres-
characterized by mixtures of white with green and ent in folding, faults, and veinlets, while the
other colors such as lavender, blue, and black. Al- minor component minerals vesuvianite and ti-
though jadeite mining has been prohibited there tanite were found in the matrix.
since 1954, small pebbles can be found along the 3. Quantitative analysis by electron microprobe
rivers or estuaries. In this study, a large number of showed that the white jadeite was close to pure
samples from Itoigawa-Omi and Wakasa were ana- jadeite (XJd = 98). Green jadeite was in the range
lyzed to characterize the chromophores, optical ab- of XJd =98–82 and XAeg = 2–8, and the chro-
sorption features, and quantitative chemical mophores Fe and Cr were responsible for the
composition of major and trace elements in each green color. Lavender color was produced by a
color variety. This gemological, petrographic, and combination of higher Ti and Fe and lower Mn.
chemical study also included burmese, Guatemalan, In blue jadeite, the Ti4+-Fe2+ charge-transfer
and Russian jadeite samples for comparison. The re- played a significant role in coloration.
sults are summarized below.
4. LA-ICP-MS analysis detected 19 minor and
1. Jadeite boulders and pebbles from Itoigawa- trace elements. The chondrite-normalized rare
Omi tended to have rounded corners from flu- earth element and primitive mantle–normal-
vial erosion and showed a glittering whitish ized heavy trace element patterns of all colored
surface, but the rough rock did not show a jadeite showed higher light REE than heavy
weathered brown skin. The Japanese jadeite REE, along with positive large-ion lithophile el-
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Sn Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Er Yb Lu Hf Ta W U
ements and high field strength element anom- by high Ti and Fe and low Mn. Investigation of thin
alies. Lavender and blue (including violetish sections revealed that burmese jadeite contains kos-
blue) jadeite had dominant REE compared to mochlor, amphibole, albite, nepheline, and vesuvian-
green jadeite, whereas white and black jadeite ite. Russian jade has the very common mineral
had the lowest REE contents. magnetite in matrix and analcime in veinlets.
Guatemalan jadeite was characterized by grossular
Our studies confirmed that green jadeite from garnet, albite, rutile, and other minerals. While
Itoigawa, Myanmar, and Russia have similar gemo- Guatemalan jadeite contained abundant REEs and
logical properties such as RI and SG and absorption heavy trace elements, burmese jade had much lower
spectra of Cr and Fe, while Guatemalan grayish green values. Japanese jadeite shows characteristic trace el-
jadeite does not contain Cr. Lavender jadeite from ements and matrix inclusion varieties that may be
Japan and Guatemala showed similar color, caused useful in establishing the precise country of origin.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Co., Tokyo), and Prof. Miyajima (Fossa Magna Museum,
Dr. Abduriyim is president of Tokyo Gem Science, LLC and di- Itoigawa) for information and specimens that made this study
rector of GSTV Gemological Laboratory. He is a former senior possible. We sincerely thank Dr. Mikouchi, associate professor
manager and senior scientist of GIA’s laboratory in Tokyo. Dr. at the University of Tokyo, and Prof. Ogasawara and Dr. Saka-
Saruwatari and Dr. Katsurada are scientists and staff gemolo- maki at Waseda University for providing EPMA testing. We are
gists at GIA’s laboratory in Tokyo. also grateful to GIA colleagues Dr. Shoko Odake and Dr.
Supharart Sangsawong, who assisted with data collection. The
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS authors wish to thank Dr. F. Lin Sutherland, a former curator
The authors thank Nobuyuki Tsurumi (The Jade Ore and research scientist at the Australian Museum in Sydney, for
Museum/Hisui Gensekikan, Tokyo), Minoru Kameyama (Miyuki his critique of the manuscript.
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For online access to all issues of GEMS & GEMOLOGY from 1934 to the present, visit:
Xiayang Lin and Peter J. Heaney
Iris quartz specimens from geodes in the Deccan Trap basalts of west-central India have been described
since 1860. These quartz crystals exhibit dominant terminal faces, and iridescence is visible on only
the minor z {011} faces and not the major r {101} faces. For this study, we analyzed iris quartz crystals
from India’s Jalgaon District using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and
atomic force microscopy (AFM). SEM and AFM imaging revealed that the iridescent z faces exhibit pe-
riodic ridges with wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm, but no surface topography was apparent on the
non-iridescent r faces. TEM examination of a section removed from a z face by focused ion beam (FIB)
milling suggests that the ridge and valley structures were produced by preferential etching of periodic
defects on the z faces, creating a diffraction grating. We interpret these defects as paired Brazil twin
ridescent solids exhibit a color change in re- BACKGROUND: PHYSICS OF IRIDESCENCE
sponse to variations in the lighting angle and Iridescence may be caused by the interference of light
viewing direction (figure 1). As exemplified by either by thin films or by repetitive substructures.
opal and labradorite, this phenomenon can trans-
form an otherwise lackluster mineral into a gem, Thin-Film Iridescence. Thin-film interference effects
and many techniques have been developed to gener- are seen when a liquid or solid is coated by a film that
ate a play of light in non-iridescent stones. Applica- is nanometers to micrometers in thickness. When in-
tions for iridescent materials have attracted
attention in diverse research fields, including pho-
tonics and computer graphics, while studies of the Figure 1. Iridescence is clearly visible on the minor z
physics of iridescence have informed the design of face of this iris quartz from Jalgaon, India. Photomi-
cosmetics, paints, and anti-counterfeiting devices crograph by Peter J. Heaney; field of view 4.5 mm.
(Parker and Townley, 2007; Vigneron et al., 2007).
Moreover, the functional significance of iridescence
in organic structures is an active area of exploration
in evolutionary and developmental biology (re-
viewed in Meadows et al., 2009). Here we describe
the two physical mechanisms by which iridescence
occurs in natural materials, and we report the results
of our investigations into the cause of iridescence in
naturally formed quartz crystals from India’s Jalgaon
Light Wave 2
Light Wave 2
Air Air
Film Film
Substrate Substrate
Figure 2. Light rays that reflect from the upper boundary and the lower boundary of the thin film interfere con-
structively or destructively and form a new wave. Left: In this illustration of constructive interference, light waves
1 and 2 are in phase. Right: With destructive interference, the two waves are out of phase.
cident light strikes the thin film’s surface, a portion monochromatic, the interference pattern generated
of the light is transmitted through the interface and by the reflected light waves will appear as bright and
the remainder is reflected. After the transmitted light dark bands as a function of the viewing angle.
impinges the lower boundary of the film, some or all When the incident light is polychromatic, only
of that light wave may be reflected. The two waves one wavelength will be reinforced by constructive in-
reflected from the thin film’s upper and lower bound- terference for a given reflection angle. As a result,
thin-film interference is selective for specific wave-
lengths depending on the angle. Longer wavelengths
interfere at steeper angles according to Bragg’s law,
In Brief and thus a full rainbow spectrum is evident when the
• Iridescent quartz from India has been known since the film is viewed from a perspective that samples a
mid-19th century. range of reflection angles. In addition, the colors as-
• In this study, microscopic investigation of the iridescent sociated with the iridescence depend on the thick-
z {011} faces of two quartz samples revealed periodic ness of the thin film and on the relative refractive
ridges, which created diffraction gratings. indices (RIs) of the film and substrate. Refractive in-
• The ridge-and-valley structures were produced by the dices play a role because reflected light waves expe-
preferential etching of parallel defects. These defects rience a phase shift of 180° when the RI of the thin
are interpreted as paired Brazil twin boundaries.
film is lower than that of the substrate. Examples of
minerals showing thin-film iridescence include bor-
nite (Buckley and Woods, 1983; Vaughan et al., 1987)
aries interfere with each other to produce a new light and fire obsidian (Ma et al., 2001, 2007). Likewise,
wave (figure 2). If, after its extended travel path and many fractures in minerals, filled or unfilled, can dis-
possible phase shift, the ray that reflects off the thin play iridescence because of thin-film effects.
film/substrate boundary (ray 2 in figure 2, left) is ex-
actly in phase with the wave that reflects only from Iridescence from Diffraction Gratings. The disper-
the thin film surface (ray 1 in figure 2, left), the two sion of light can also be induced by interference ef-
reflected waves will constructively interfere and fects that arise from natural diffraction gratings
combine into a light wave with high intensity; oth- within or on the surfaces of minerals. The interac-
erwise, the emergent waves interfere destructively tion of light with the diffraction grating can be purely
and are canceled (figure 2, right). If the source is reflective from surface grooves (figure 3), or it can be
Figure 5. The quartz crystals exhibit strongly expressed terminal faces, and iridescence is only visible on smaller z
{011} faces and not on r {101} faces. The sample measures approximately 5.0 × 4.0 × 3.5 cm. Photo by Xiayang Lin.
4 µm 5 µm 5 µm
Figure 7. SEM images of the iridescent surface during the focused ion beam (FIB) milling process. The foil was ex-
tracted from a z {011} face and oriented perpendicular to the ridges that compose the diffraction grating. An amor-
phous carbon strap was deposited to protect the surface texture (A), and trenches were excavated in front of and
behind the strap to generate the foil (B and C).
used an FEI Quanta 200 environmental scanning the average distance between two adjacent ridges was
electron microscope to map the surface topography calculated through a fast Fourier transform (FFT) al-
of both iridescent and non-iridescent pyramidal faces gorithm using MATLAB (MathWorks, Inc).
of iris quartz. Selected quartz crystals were pried
from the cluster, cleaned in methanol, and attached Focused Ion Beam Milling and Transmission Elec-
to a standard scanning electron microscope alu- tron Microscopy. To ascertain any relationship be-
minum mounting stub with double-sided carbon tween iridescent behavior and Brazil twinning, we
tape. Because quartz is not conductive and was not prepared an electron-transparent mineral section, or
coated by carbon, SEM images were taken at low vac- foil, for TEM using focused ion beam lift-out (Heaney
uum with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. An Ox- et al., 2001). Focused ion beam milling was per-
ford Instruments INCA x-act (Model 51-ADD0001) formed with an FEI Helios NanoLab 660 FIB. A single
EDS detector on the microscope was used for surface quartz crystal was removed from a cluster and coated
chemical analysis. EDS data were analyzed using Ox- with conductive carbon paint to avoid charging.
ford Instruments’ AZtec nanoanalysis software (ver- After the sample was mounted within the FIB, an
sion 2.4). We used three different accelerating amorphous carbon strap was deposited over the area
voltages (20, 10, and 5 kv) to acquire spectra for the of extraction to protect the foil and preserve the sur-
same sites. face structure during the milling process (figure 7). A
Ga+ ion beam was used to excavate the material on
Atomic Force Microscopy. We next employed AFM both sides of the foil. The initial Ga beam voltage of
to construct high-resolution three-dimensional topo- 30 kV was reduced to 5 kV and then 2 kV for the final
graphic maps of the pyramidal faces. By rastering a thinning. Beam currents operated at 0.23 nA for the
probe across the sample’s surface, AFM can reveal sur- amorphous carbon deposition, 21 nA and 9.3 nA for
face structure at the nanoscale. We removed two intermediate milling stages, and finally 2.5 nA for
quartz single crystals from the cluster and oriented milling prior to foil lift-out.
one iridescent face and one non-iridescent face parallel Next, the foil was soldered to a glass probe tip and
to the flat stage in the AFM. A PeakForce Tapping deposited onto a V-shaped TEM half-grid post. Milling
model with ScanAsyst was used for these surface the sample on the grid began with a 30 kV ion beam
measurements. The peak force set point ranged from with the stage tilted to 53.5°. As an angle of 52° is nor-
2.5 to 7.5 nN for AFM imaging, and the scan rate was mal to the ion beam, this yielded an over-tilt of 1.5°.
1 to 0.5 Hz. The AFM probe used in these analyses The over-tilt was increased to 3.5° for 5 kV milling,
was a Bruker ScanAsyst-Air probe, which has a silicon and finally to 5.0° for 2 kV milling. The thickness of
tip on a nitride lever. The front angle of the tip was the final foil was less than 100 nm to allow electron
15°, and the back angle was 25°. The data were col- transparency, and the area of the quartz foil was ap-
lected as line scans with 512 points per line, with 256 proximately 7 μm × 4.5 μm. The entire milling and
lines collected in total. NanoScope Analysis software extraction process was monitored by secondary elec-
(version 1.50) was used to process the AFM data, and tron imaging. The milled sample was loaded in a
Etch Pit
z {011}
r {101}
500 µm
50 µm
r {101}
descent r faces were apparent in SEM images of the
crystals (figure 8). In particular, a high-magnification
backscattered electron (BSE) image of an apparent
etch pit across both faces revealed that the iridescent
z {011}
z face features parallel ridge-and-valley structures
(figure 8, bottom), whereas the non-iridescent face
was relatively flat and smooth. The SEM images sug-
gested that the average distances between adjacent
ridges fell below a micron, but AFM analysis (see
below) allowed for more rigorous quantification. Al-
though the striations were more pronounced in the
20 µm apparent etch pits, an examination of the unetched
surfaces of the z faces also revealed a substructure
Figure 8. SEM images of the iridescent z {011} face
that consisted of alternating lamellae (figure 9).
and the non-iridescent r {101} faces. Top: A lower-
magnification view reveals the prevalence of etch pits
Compositional analyses on the iridescent faces
on both faces. The dashed line separates the z and r obtained by EDS offered little evidence of a thin-film
faces. Bottom: A higher-magnification image within coating that might be responsible for the iridescence
an etch pit clearly shows the parallel ridge-and-valley (figure 10). Trace amounts of Na, Al, and Ca were de-
topography of the z face and the absence of ridges on tected, but these elements were present in equal
the r face. amounts on the iridescent and non-iridescent faces.
Al commonly substitutes for Si in natural quartz
(Heaney, 1994).
AFM confirmed the existence of distinctly peri-
Philips double-tilt holder with a Be stage and exam- odic ridge-and-valley structures on the iridescent z
ined using a Philips 420 TEM at 120 kV. faces and the absence of such surface modulations on
the non-iridescent r faces (figure 11). The ridges were
RESULTS oriented parallel to the edge between the m and z
Surface Morphology and Composition. Topographic faces. We calculated an average distance between ad-
differences between the iridescent z and the non-iri- jacent ridges by processing the AFM images through
an FFT algorithm using MATLAB. As the ridge shown in figure 13. The first few high-amplitude
shapes were not identical from top to bottom, we peaks were caused by signal leakage in the FFT and
sliced the images into 256 cross sections from the top
down (figures 12A and 12B), performing FFT on each
section (figure 12C), and stacked the 256 FFT results Figure 12. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of the
to extract the most dominant frequency of ridge os- spatial variation for an iridescent face as determined
cillation. The results of our FFT calculations are by AFM. A: An AFM image of an iridescent face. This
image provided 256 cross sections from top to bottom
for FFT analysis. B: The variation in topography for
Figure 11. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images the cross section indicated by the blue line in A. C:
show the difference in topography between an irides- An FFT spectrum of B to calculate the most dominant
cent and a non-iridescent face. The height varies from frequency of the ridge oscillation.
500 to –500 nm on an iridescent face, and the valley-
and-ridge structure can be clearly observed. Non-iri- A
descent faces have a much narrower height range.
The bright spots are dirt on the surface, and the black
holes are pits.
507.2 nm
–496.9 nm 200
Iridescent face 2.0 µm -200
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17.2 nm
–31.4 nm 10
5 10 15 20 25 30
should be ignored. The most dominant frequencies order of 437 to 629 nm. These distances fall within
that reflect the wavelengths of the surface modula- the range of visible-light wavelengths, explaining the
tions ranged from 1.59 to 2.29 μm–1. Therefore, the effectiveness of the substructure as a diffraction grat-
real-space wavelength of the oscillation was on the ing for visible light. These values are impressively
close to Raman’s 1950 estimate of 0.34 μm (340 nm)
for the periodicity of the iris quartz striations.
Figure 14. This brightfield TEM image of the FIB sec-
tion was extracted from an iridescent face perpendi- TEM Characterization. Using FIB milling, we ex-
cular to the surface striations, which appear as the tracted a thin foil from an iridescent z face; the foil
jagged surface near the top of this cross-sectional foil
was oriented perpendicular to the grooved surface
beneath the carbon cap. The lighter striations indi-
striations (figure 7). Brightfield TEM imaging of the
cated by arrows are artifacts of FIB milling.
foil revealed the surface valley-and-ridge structure
documented by SEM and AFM very clearly beneath
the protective carbon cap (figure 14). Two varieties of
Ca defect structures associated with the surface ridges
ap are evident in these images. First, corridors of miss-
ace ing material can be observed oriented normal to the
ridged surface of the foil (arrowed in figure 14). As
striking as these features are, they are not meaning-
ful, because they were produced artificially during
the sample preparation process. It is commonly ob-
served that when solids with uneven surfaces are
sputter milled by the focused ion beam technique,
the Ga ions are channeled by the valley structures
Bo downward into the specimen during milling (Volkert
f fo
and Minor, 2007). As a result, the section is selec-
tively scoured along distinct channels, leading to the
uneven excavation of material in parallel rows. This
undesirable artifact creates an appearance of parallel
slats within the foil.
The second set of visible defect features is struc-
1 µm
turally more significant. A higher-magnification
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For online access to all issues of GEMS & GEMOLOGY from 1934 to the present, visit:
Ji Zhang, Yujie Gao, and Guanghai Shi
(reddish orange)
60 (yellow)
(yellowish green)
Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Cd
Figure 4. The nine potential chromophore elements of Figure 6. The visible spectra showed that yellow by-
five by-product zincite samples were tested by ICP- product samples Zincite-S and ZnO-G also absorbed
MS. In all five samples, Fe content was higher than light in the blue to violet regions.
the other eight elements; the concentrations of each
of the non-iron elements are lower than 30 ppm.
peaks of CH4. On the other hand, some peaks in the These are at 1580 cm–1 (same as the G band of soot),
oval inclusion’s spectra are the same as or similar to 1346 cm–1 (near the 1350 cm–1 D1 band), 1507 cm–1
the peaks in Raman spectra of soot (e.g., Ramya et (near the 1500 cm–1 D3 band), 2800–2900 cm–1 (near
al., 2013; Kim et al., 2005; Sadezky et al., 2005). the 2700, 2900, and 3100 cm–1 Lorentz-shaped
Figure 9. Raman spec-
1546 1442
tra of the unusual oval
2923 1098 300
inclusion in sample
Zincite-S showed peaks
at 2938, 2923, 2882,
2854, 1613, 1546, 1507,
1580 1430
1613 1442
2850 1550
2934 1280 1254 Figure 10. Raman spec-
2962 tra of the inclusion lo-
2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 cated on the cleavage
plane of sample zin-fc
1613 462
bands), 1613 cm–1 (near 1620 cm–1), and 1204 cm–1 those of individual organic gases. Thus, the Raman
(near 1200 cm–1). results might be contributed mainly by soot and sup-
The Raman peaks of the oval inclusion more ported by some individual gases.
closely matched peaks of carbon-bearing soot than The oval inclusions reported by Nowak et al.
(2007) and in this paper were quite different from the
fluid inclusions, liquid film negative crystals, growth
tubes, and cloud inclusions in natural zincite
Figure 11. In the IR spectrum of rough sample zin-10, (Kawano, 2008). Although lab-grown synthetic zincite
the peak at 438 cm–1 belongs to the zincite crystal, has not been reported for gemstone use, the oval in-
while a series of bands at 2850 and 2920 cm–1 indi-
clusion composed of carbon-bearing materials (possi-
cate the C-H stretching mode of some possible car-
bly soot and/or gases) might not occur in lab-grown
bon-bearing materials.
zincite because of the accurately controlled original
materials and reaction processes (Pasko et al., 1976;
Nause and Nemeth, 2005; Karipidis et al., 2008).
1.0 The by-product synthetic zincite has much less man-
ganese than natural zincite, and the causes of color of
by-product synthetic and natural zincite crystals ap-
0.6 pear to be different. Besides Mn, the contents of other
2923 2853 1634
0.4 1039 potential chromophores are also at levels low enough
to indicate that the various colors of the by-product
material may be affected by structure-related factors.
0.0 Oval inclusions consistent with a previous report on
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
by-product synthetic zincite were observed, and testing
WAVENUMBER (cm–1) suggested they were soot and/or gases captured during
the growth of host by-product synthetic zincite.
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Three Faceted
Three stones recently submitted to
GIA (figure 1) were found to be rare
mineral species that had not previ-
ously been examined at the Carlsbad
laboratory. Standard gemological test-
ing and Raman analysis identified
these specimens as wagnerite, thaum-
asite, and strontianite.
A 0.60 ct transparent golden yel-
low pear brilliant cut with vitreous
luster was identified as the phos-
phate monoclinic crystal wagnerite,
(Mg,Fe2+)2(PO4)F. Though uncommon,
wagnerite occurs in various geologic
settings, such as granitic pegmatites, Figure 1. Left to right: 0.60 ct golden yellow wagnerite, 1.72 ct colorless
gneisses, eclogites, and hydrothermal thaumasite, and 1.41 ct pale yellow strontianite.
environments (P. Korbel and M. Novak,
The Complete Mineral Encyclopedia,
Gramercy, Lisse, the Netherlands, optic nature. It was inert to long-wave step cut with vitreous luster. It proved
2003). It had a specific gravity (SG) of and short-wave UV. These properties, to be strontianite, SrCO3, an or-
3.15, a refractive index (RI) of 1.568– along with Raman testing, led to its thorhombic carbonate mineral mem-
1.580, and a biaxial positive optic na- identification as thaumasite, a silicate ber of the aragonite group with a
ture. Wagnerite is a relatively soft and mineral with the chemical formula Mohs hardness of 3.5. The 1.41 ct
brittle mineral with a Mohs hardness of Ca3(SO4)[Si(OH)6](CO3)·12H2O belong- specimen was highly birefringent,
5.0–5.5. The stone was inert under both ing to the hexagonal crystal system. with an RI of 1.511–1.661, an SG of
long-wave and short-wave UV radia- Magnification revealed strong dou- 3.76, and a biaxial negative optic na-
tion. Multiphase fluid inclusions, fin- bling, spectacular radiating fibrous in- ture. It fluoresced red under long-
gerprints, graining, and color zoning clusions, reflective films, tiny crystal wave UV but displayed a weak
features were observed with magnifica- inclusions, and strong hexagonal an- whitish reaction under short-wave
tion. gular graining. Thaumasite has a vit- UV. The stone exhibited strong dou-
The largest stone, a 1.72 ct trans- reous luster and a brittle nature due to bling and fluid inclusions under mag-
parent colorless octagonal step cut, its low hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs nification. Raman spectroscopy
had a relatively low SG of 1.90, an RI scale. Thaumasite occurs in geother- confirmed its identity. Strontianite
of 1.470–1.515, and a biaxial negative mal waters or seawaters reacting with occurs together with calcite and zeo-
basalt and tuffs, or in areas of contact lites in hydrothermal, low-tempera-
metamorphism (J.W. Anthony et al., ture veins and in cavities of volcanic
Editors’ note: All items were written by staff Handbook of Mineralogy: Volume II: rocks (Korbel and Novak, 2003).
members of GIA laboratories. Silica, Silicates: Part 2, Mineral Data Wagnerite, thaumasite, and stron-
Publishing, Tucson, Arizona, 1995, p. tianite are rarely seen as faceted gems
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 90–101.
790). due to their softness and brittleness.
© 2017 Gemological Institute of America The last stone we observed was a These collector specimens were the
transparent pale yellow octagonal first of their kind to be submitted to
Unusual Dark Orangy Red 20000
Phosphorescence in a cape diamond is
very rare, especially after exposure to
long-wave UV light. The New York
laboratory recently examined a cape
diamond exhibiting yellow phospho-
rescence after exposure to a long-wave
UV source. The 0.75 ct Faint yellow-
green round brilliant is shown in fig-
ure 6.
Cape absorption peaks were ob-
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 served at 415 and 477 nm, along with
WAVELENGTH (nm) a GR1 peak (figure 7, left). The IR spec-
trum confirmed that this was a type Ia
diamond, with nitrogen aggregates de-
Figure 5. In these visible absorption spectra, notice the large window be-
tected in the one-phonon region. Hy-
tween 600 and 800 nm for the orangy red cordierite sample and the ab-
drogen-related peaks were also
sorption band centered at 580 nm for the GIA reference spectrum of violet
detected at 1405, 2785, 3107, 3237,
4169, and 4496 cm–1. Brown radiation
stains were found on the girdle. The di-
amond contained contacted partially
containing linked six-member rings iolite. The violet color of iolite is pro-
graphitized omphacite crystals with
of tetrahedra that result in channels duced by a strong absorption band
cuboctahedral morphology (figure 7,
within the crystal structure. These centered at approximately 580 nm,
right). Strong blue fluorescence and
channels are capable of trapping resulting from intervalence charge
medium yellow phosphorescence were
water along with cations such as transfer to either valence state of Fe
observed under a desktop long-wave
from the alkali and alkaline earth cations that might have occupied the
UV light source. Under short-wave
metals. The high water content divalent and trivalent sites in the
UV, medium yellow fluorescence was
within the stone was represented by crystal structure (substituting for Mg
noted but phosphorescence was ab-
the strong overtone bands seen in the and Al, respectively; see M. O’-
sent. DiamondView imaging (<225
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) Donoghue, Gemstones, Chapman
nm excitation) also showed greenish
spectrum, with very similar features and Hall Ltd., London, 1988, p. 77).
blue fluorescence but no phospho-
to that of hydrothermal natural beryl Although the red cordierite con-
rescence. Fiber-optic illumination
spectra. Laser ablation–inductively tained a considerable amount of iron,
revealed the blue “transmission”
coupled plasma–mass spectrometry this charge transfer did not appear to
luminescence that occurs when a
(LA-ICP-MS) detected trace levels of be taking place. The potential causes
alkali and alkaline metals. of the color are still unknown but
A similar red cordierite, exam- can be linked to manganese (up to
ined in December 2015, was said to 486 ppmw in the orangy red sample Figure 6. This yellow-green 0.75
be from the Iakora district of Fia- and 248 ppmw in the violet sample) ct cape diamond displayed yel-
narantsoa Province in southeast or iron, both of which were detected low phosphorescence to long-
Madagascar (Spring 2016 GNI, pp. by LA-ICP-MS. This orangy red wave UV light.
97–98). The visible absorption spec- cordierite appeared to have roughly
trum we observed was similar to the half as much iron as a saturated vio-
one described by Fritsch et al. (figure let iolite (approximately 25,000 and
5). The spectrum had a decrease in 40,000 ppmw, respectively). No other
absorption in the 400–500 nm region transition metals varied significantly
and low absorption between 600 and between the orangy red and violet
800 nm, resulting in a transmittance samples. Regardless of the origin of
window in the orange to red region color for the orangy red cordierite,
that produced the color of the stone. naming this variety “iolite” could be
These regions of low absorption are misleading according to the defini-
characteristic of the trichroic color tion of the term.
components noted in the stone. We This is the first time GIA has en-
compared this visible spectrum to a countered a cordierite of this color.
GIA reference spectrum of ordinary Augusto Castillo and Akhil Sehgal
Figure 7. The diamond displayed “cape” absorption peaks at 415 and 477 nm along with a GR1 peak (left). It con-
tained contact crystal inclusions of green omphacite (right; field of view 1.41 mm).
strong light travels through a dia- served throughout the stone regard- Greenish yellow phosphorescence
mond. The UV-Vis spectrum of such less of its bicolor nature. Its central in a chameleon diamond has been
diamonds shows an absorption peak colorless region exhibited weak cape systematically measured using a spec-
at 415 nm and a luminescence peak at lines and strong blue transmission, trometer (see S. Eaton-Magaña et al.,
the lower energy end of the peak. similar to the green diamond in this “Fluorescence spectra of colored dia-
Such is the case with this stone. note. Unlike our sample, the bicolor monds using a rapid, mobile spec-
Nearly 30 years ago, a bicolor dia- diamond also showed very weak yel- trometer,” Winter 2007 G&G, pp.
mond with a near-colorless central low phosphorescence to short-wave 332–351). The peak maximum
portion and light yellow tips was re- UV. A chameleon diamond may dis- recorded for the chameleon diamond
ported in G&G (Winter 1989 Lab play strong yellow phosphorescence was 557 nm. We used an Ocean Optics
Notes, p. 237). It showed very weak to a long-wave UV light source (Sum- USB2000 charge-coupled device (CCD)
chalky yellow phosphorescence for mer 1992 Lab Notes, p. 124; Spring spectrometer similar to the one de-
approximately 10 seconds after the 2000 Lab Notes, pp. 60–61). Our sam- scribed in Eaton-Magaña et al. (2007),
long-wave UV lamp was turned off. ple was not a chameleon diamond, but with a different UV source. In
This yellow phosphorescence was ob- however. place of a deuterium source, we used
Figure 8. Phosphorescence spectra (left) show a peak maximum at 570 nm, which is responsible for the cape dia-
mond’s yellow phosphorescence. Shown on the right is the phosphorescence decay curve at 570 nm.
1200 570
1000 800
200 2
0 0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 13. Photoluminescence spectra of the pink CVD synthetic diamond showed the occurrence of an H4 defect
(left) as well as a SiV– defect (right).
200 H4 defect SiV– doublet
495 496 497 498 499 735 740
120000 140000
60000 60000
584.4 40000
40000 NV0
0 -20000
525 575 625 675 725 775 825 850 870 890 910 930 950
Figure 15. The PL spectra features observed at liquid nitrogen temperature lacked the 736.6/736.9 nm emission
doublet related to the SiV– defect (left, 514 laser excitation) and the Ni-related defect doublet at 883/884 nm (right,
830 nm laser excitation).
at liquid nitrogen temperature by PL microscope revealed metallic and rod- HPHT Synthetic Diamond with
spectroscopy (figure 15). The spectra like inclusions (figure 17) that also as- Intense Green Color
typically observed in HPHT synthetic sisted in identifying these melee as HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds are
diamonds show an emission doublet synthetic diamonds. predominantly colorless, yellow, and
related to the negatively charged sili- The study of these four melee-size blue, depending on the control of im-
con split-vacancy defect SiVˉ at HPHT synthetic diamonds revealed purities during growth. Other colors
736.6/736.9 nm and an associated Ni- atypical PL spectra. However, other are very rare. In this study, we report
related defect at 883.0/884.7 nm (Sum- means of identification (inclusions, on an intensely colored green HPHT
mer 2015 Lab Notes, pp. 183–185). growth patterns as seen via the Dia- synthetic diamond identified in the
The growth patterns observed in mondView, and their phosphorescence New York laboratory.
the DiamondView were an identifying reactions) still played an important This square-cut synthetic dia-
feature that did remain the same. The role in their identification. It is inter- mond, which weighed 0.42 ct and
characteristic angular growth patterns esting to note that HPHT synthetic measured 4.42 × 4.34 mm with a
and blue-green fluorescence, together melee diamonds being submitted to depth of 2.59 mm, was graded as
with an associated green phosphores- GIA for identification are getting Fancy Deep green (figure 18). Initial
cence, still provide important evi- larger, indicating the continuous im- observation revealed strong color zon-
dence that aid in the separation of provement of synthetic technology. ing with narrow, colorless growth sec-
natural and synthetic diamonds (figure Piradee Siritheerakul and tors on the pavilion that were visible
16). Examination with a gemological Wuyi Wang without magnification. An abundance
of small metallic inclusions observed
under magnification (figure 19) caused
the sample to exhibit magnetism.
Figure 16. These DiamondView Magnetism is a common but not diag-
fluorescence and phosphores- Figure 17. Darkfield illumination nostic feature in HPHT synthetic dia-
cence images of a 0.081 ct sample reveals rod-like inclusions in a monds. Natural diamonds may also
show growth patterns character- 0.087 ct HPHT-grown melee dia- exhibit magnetism, though only in ex-
istic of HPHT synthetic diamond. mond. tremely rare cases (G.R. Rossman and
J.L. Kirschvink, “Magnetic properties
0.1 mm of gem-quality synthetic diamonds,”
Fall 1984 G&G, pp. 163–166).
Upon further examination, the di-
amond was determined to be type IIb
(containing the impurity boron), as
seen from its mid-FTIR absorption
spectrum (figure 20). The concentra-
tion of uncompensated boron in this
diamond was 0.013 ± 0.003 ppma.
Figure 20. The green synthetic diamond’s mid-FTIR spectrum, which de-
termined that the material was type IIb, showed an uncompensated
Figure 18. This 0.42 ct green boron concentration at ~0.013 ppma.
HPHT synthetic diamond dis-
played strong growth sectors
that were observed without Gemology, No. 15, 2015). Diamond- strong nickel-related absorption, with
magnification. View imaging revealed the typical a band observed at ~685 nm (figure 22).
hourglass growth structure of HPHT This center, due to a Ni+ interstitial
synthetic diamonds (figure 21), along vacancy, creates a “transparent” win-
This amount, though detectable, did with extremely strong phosphores- dow at approximately 555–585 nm, re-
not contribute to the green color. cence for which the presence of boron sulting in an observed green color. This
Many synthetic diamonds grown by might be responsible. Noted in the diamond was most likely HPHT
New Diamond Technology (NDT) in FTIR spectrum was an absorption fea- treated post-growth to activate the Ni+
Russia reportedly also contain this ture related to nitrogen impurity, a rel- and cause this intense absorption. It is
level of boron impurity, as it is incor- atively strong peak at 1332 cm–1 caused very rare to see HPHT synthetic dia-
porated during the growth process (B. by N+. It is unusual to see such features mond with an intense green color at-
Deljanin et al., “NDT breaking the 10 in today’s synthetic diamonds. A UV- tributed to a nickel-related impurity.
carat barrier,” Contributions to Vis-NIR absorption spectrum showed In addition to boron and nickel,
this synthetic diamond also contained
the SiV– impurity in its crystal lattice.
Figure 19. The green synthetic diamond displayed strong magnetism, Recent studies have shown that while
caused by abundant metallic inclusions. Field of view ~1.4 mm. this impurity is common in CVD-
grown diamonds, it may also be ob-
served in HPHT-grown diamonds
(U.F.S. D’Haenens-Johansson et al.,
“Near-colorless HPHT synthetic dia-
monds from AOTC Group,” Spring
2014 G&G, pp. 30–45). The distribu-
tion of Si and Ni impurities were
mapped using Raman mapping tech-
niques, and the results proved consis-
tent with previous studies of near-
colorless HPHT-grown diamonds also
observed in the trade (P. Johnson et al.,
“Discovery and distribution of the [Si-
1 mm 1 mm
633 (SiV–) 785 (Ni+)
Figure 21. An oriented DiamondView image (left) and 633 and 785 nm PL maps (right) show the SiV– and Ni+ de-
fects confined to the {111} growth sectors.
V]- defect in HPHT-grown gem-qual- contribute to the color of these syn- synthetic diamond. This is the first
ity diamonds,” 2015 GSA Annual thetic diamonds, and it is either in- instance in which nickel has been re-
Meeting, paper No. 300-12), with both tentionally or unintentionally ported to contribute to the deep green
the Ni+ and SiV– confined to the {111} incorporated during crystal growth color of a synthetic diamond. This
growth sectors. Typically observed in (again, see figure 21). finding could indicate a new develop-
HPHT-grown diamonds, these {111} These spectroscopic and gemolog- ment in growth technology and a new
sectors are the most developed and ical features, with the exception of material making its way into the dia-
dominate the diamond crystal’s mor- the green color resulting from nickel, mond trade. This example was sub-
phology. The SiV– center does not were consistent with typical HPHT mitted as an undisclosed synthetic
diamond and was subsequently issued
an identification report.
Figure 22. The HPHT synthetic diamond’s UV-Vis-NIR spectrum dis- Developments in synthetic dia-
played a very intense Ni-related absorption. mond growth technologies (both CVD
and HPHT) continue to emphasize
the need for careful observation and
testing techniques to identify the new
types of materials encountered in the
gem trade today.
Paul Johnson and Elina Myagkaya
15 material, as well as the material’s
Mg cause of color.
Viewed face-up with the unaided
eye, the stone appeared normal. How-
Be ever, the coated surface looked differ-
1 ent under reflected lighting and
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
DEPTH (μm) darkfield illumination (figure 26, left).
A brassy, uneven submetallic luster
was observed under reflected light,
while whitish features in the sub-
metallic luster area (figure 26, right)
appeared under darkfield illumina-
tion. Coatings typically show signs of
wear due to their low durability. This
is often seen at the facet junctions.
This coating did not show signs of
0 wear and could not be removed using
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
a standard ink pen eraser.
DEPTH (μm) LA-ICP-MS chemical analyses de-
tected elements such as B, Li, and Na,
indicating elbaite tourmaline. How-
Figure 24. The synthetic sapphire’s concentration vs. depth profile re- ever, strong early (near-surface) peaks
vealed that concentrations of Be, Mg, Ti, Fe, and Ga decreased signifi- of elements Pt, W, and Mo, which are
cantly when the laser ablation spots went deeper into the stone. not normally contained in natural
tourmaline, were detected. We deter-
mined that this chemistry difference
probably resulted from the submetal-
2000s,” Fall 2010 G&G, pp. 218–240), consistent with tourmaline. The lic surface coating. As with Pt- and Pt-
but coating has never been reported. stone showed medium to strong related coatings, it is possible that the
A Paraíba tourmaline ring with an dichroism displaying greenish blue coating was used to improve abrasion
unusual coating was recently submit- and light blue colors. Natural inclu- resistance (e.g., K. Schmetzer, “Sur-
ted to GIA’s Tokyo laboratory for sions such as trichites and finger- face treatment of gemstones, espe-
identification and origin service (fig- prints were observed. We identified cially topaz – an update of recent
ure 25). Standard gemological proper- the stone as tourmaline using Raman patent literature,” Journal of Gem-
ties revealed an RI of 1.640–1.620, spectroscopy. EDXRF and UV-Vis mology, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2008, pp. 7–13)
Figure 25. The Paraíba tourma- Figure 26. Left: An uneven submetallic coating with an irregular pattern is
line in this ring had an unusual revealed with reflected light. The white dashed box represents the area
submetallic surface coating. shown in the right photo. Field of view 3.33 mm. Right: Under brightfield
illumination, a part of the left table facet shows whitish surface struc-
tures surrounding the metallic luster domains. Field of view 1.31 mm.
Contributing Editors
Elise A. Skalwold and John I. Koivula
About the banner: In this scene, pyrite inclusions have dissolved, leaving
behind hematite and goethite, both of which react dramatically to polarized
light. Photomicrograph by John Koivula; field of view 10 mm. Beauty and function are married in an ametrine study
Editors’ note: Interested contributors should contact Nathan Renfro at block oriented so that the view through its two largest faces
[email protected] and Jennifer-Lynn Archuleta at [email protected] is directly along the optic axis of a crystal, as seen in figure
for submission information. 1. The innovation of adding a set of concave dishes for sam-
GEMS & GEMOLOGY, VOL. 53, NO. 1, pp. 102–108. pling each color zone, as well as the borders between them,
© 2017 Gemological Institute of America reveals truly remarkable optical phenomena (figures 2 and
3). These optical dishes allow the viewer to see light passing
Figure 4. Left: A section through part of the study axial optic figures unique to quartz, which vary depending
block. The dish serves as a concave (negative) lens on thickness and placement in the sectors: the classic
that causes the light rays to diverge. Right: A gemolo- “bull’s-eye” optic figure seen in the untwinned citrine sec-
gist’s strain-free glass sphere is used to observe an in- tors, an Airy’s spiral in the amethyst sectors, and a distorted
terference figure. Although the rays first converge at figure produced in a border region. All of these observed phe-
the base of the sphere, they ultimately diverge just nomena are produced by optical activity (i.e., the rotatory
like the rays in the figure on the left. Illustration by dispersion of light as it travels along the optic axis direction
William A. Bassett. within the quartz crystal). By analyzing these figures, we can
determine handedness and the effects of thickness, while
observations of the amethyst’s Brazil-law twinning may help
distinguish natural versus synthetic origin.
a b For an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of optical
activity and the origin of quartz’s optic figure, see E.A.
Skalwold and W.A. Bassett, Quartz: A Bull’s Eye on Op-
tical Activity, Mineralogical Society of America, 2016,
Elise A. Skalwold and William A. Bassett
Ithaca, New York
Astrophyllite in Bastnäsite-(Ce) ure 6), both straight and curved, that were identified by
Pakistan’s Zagi Mountains are known as a source for both Raman analysis. Some of the included fibers and stalks ap-
astrophyllite and bastnäsite-(Ce). The two minerals often pear to have been partially altered or coated with iron com-
grow together, with bastnäsite-(Ce) overgrowing stalks and pounds.
fibers of astrophyllite; the latter is then sometimes incor- John I. Koivula
porated as inclusions in the bastnäsite-(Ce). We refer to GIA, Carlsbad
these types of inclusions as “protogenetic.”
The author recently had the opportunity to examine
the brownish orange bastnäsite-(Ce) seen in figure 5. The Flashes and Flames in Ethiopian Opal
1.40 ct oval modified brilliant, provided by Luciana Barbosa The relatively new source for precious opal located in
(Gemological Center, Asheville, North Carolina), hosted Ethiopia’s Wollo Province produces material with vibrant
an abundance of eye-visible inclusions of astrophyllite (fig- play-of-color and occasionally with interesting inclusions.
Figure 7. This 2.68 ct opal displayed play-of-color when viewed face-up (left) and flame-like chatoyancy on its
slightly domed base (right). A more pronounced dome might have had the effect of sharpening the sheen into a
cat’s eye. Photos by Kevin Schumacher.
Microradiography of all three samples revealed tight in- reveal a hexagonal cross-section, creating a striking mosaic
ternal structures. The obvious radial structures that would or cellular pattern (figure 10, right). The cells varied in
be expected in pen pearls were not observed (N. Sturman form, and their approximate diameters ranged from 15.50
et al., “Observations on pearls reportedly from the Pin- to 38.00 microns.
nidae family (pen pearls),” Fall 2014 G&G, pp. 202–215). These samples were appealing for the magnificent kalei-
Based on its external and internal features, this material doscopic colors that were seen using fiber-optic illumination
was almost certainly the same type of imitation pearl pre- (figure 11). The semitranslucent to translucent nature of the
viously reported in G&G (Winter 2011 GNI, pp. 330–332). crystals allowed light to pass through and produce vibrant,
Fluorescence images taken of one specimen using a po- colorful scenes owing to the interference of the light rays that
larizing microscope and an ultraviolet excitation filter with were reflected and refracted when interacting with the crys-
a wavelength range of 330–380 nm (figure 10, left) reveal a tals. As one can see, exploration of the micro-world is not
prominent banded structure at right angles to the calcite only important to forensics—it can also be quite beautiful.
columns. When viewed at right angles to their lengths Artitaya Homkrajae
under the same conditions, the long, thin calcite crystals GIA, Carlsbad
Figure 14. Left: A large fluid inclusion containing a CO2 gas bubble and a marcasite crystal. The primary inclusion
is surrounded by smaller inclusions that make up a healed fissure. Right: When the sample was gently heated, the
gas bubble disappeared as the gas and liquid homogenized. The sample is illuminated using diffused backlighting.
Photomicrographs by Victoria Raynaud; field of view 1.20 mm.
Second Place
Sally Eaton-Magaña and Christopher M. Breeding
Sally Eaton-Magaña is a research scientist at GIA in Carlsbad, where she inves-
tigates the physics of natural, treated, and synthetic diamonds. Dr. Eaton-
Magaña received her PhD in chemical engineering from Case Western
Reserve University. Christopher M. Breeding is a senior research scientist and Sally Eaton-Magaña Christopher M.
manager at GIA in Carlsbad, where he investigates origin of color in diamond Breeding
and other gems. Dr. Breeding, who is a co-editor of G&G’s Gem News International section,
holds a PhD in geology from Yale University.
Third Place
Nathan D. Renfro, John I. Koivula, Jonathan Muyal, Shane F. McClure,
Kevin Schumacher, and James E. Shigley
Nathan Renfro is the analytical manager of the gem identification department
and analytical microscopist in the inclusion research department at GIA in
Carlsbad. John I. Koivula is the analytical microscopist at GIA in Carlsbad. He
is the co-author of the three-volume Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones and Nathan Renfro John I. Koivula Jonathan Muyal
the author of MicroWorld of Diamonds. Jonathan Muyal is a staff gemologist
GIA in Carlsbad, where he also serves as the librarian for the research reference stone collection. Mr. Muyal specializes in pho-
tomicrography of inclusions in gem materials. Shane McClure is director of identification services at GIA in Carlsbad. He is well
known for his many articles and lectures on gem identification. He is also co-editor of G&G’s Lab Notes section. Kevin Schumacher
serves on the G&G production staff as a photographer, videographer, and image specialist. He has 37 years of professional photog-
raphy experience, the past 11 with GIA. James E. Shigley is distinguished research fellow at GIA in Carlsbad. He is the author of
numerous articles on diamonds and colored gemstones. Dr. Shigley holds a PhD from Stanford University.
Thank you to all the readers who voted. In addition to our winning authors, we congratulate
Sandra Wen of Wuhan, China, whose name was randomly drawn from the entries to win a
one-year subscription to G&G.
The following 25 questions are from the four 2016 issues of G&G. Refer to
the articles in those issues to find the single best answer for each question.
Mark your choice on the response card provided in this issue or visit
gia.edu/gems-gemology to take the Challenge online. Entries must be
received no later than Friday, August 11, 2017. All entries will be acknowl-
edged with an e-mail, so please remember to include your name and e-mail
address (and write clearly).
Score 75% or better, and you will receive a certificate of completion (PDF
file). Earn a perfect score, and your name also will be listed in the Fall 2017
issue of GEMS & GEMOLOGY.
1. Which statement about pink CVD synthetics by B. can be overgrown with a thin
synthetic diamonds is usually true? A. diamond type. diamond coating of a much
A. They demonstrate no fluores- B. viewing strain patterns in younger age.
cence to long-wave UV light. crossed polarizers. C. are found beneath Lac de Gras.
B. They show weak red fluores- C. IR absorption spectroscopy. D. all of the above
cence to long-wave UV light. D. the absence of a SiV– doublet.
C. They show blue fluorescence 8. The Sutara Placer is significant
to long-wave UV light. 5. What risk does an opal cutter take because
D. They start out as light brown when trying to maximize play-of A. it is a new source of facet-
CVD material. color from a piece of rough? grade sapphire.
A. Viewing the color bars from B. it produces trapiche and
2. Which statement about ruby the side may give a false sense trapiche-type sapphire.
mining in northern Mozambique is of the play-of-color present at C. it is one of only two known
true? the top of the bar. gem-bearing sapphire placer
A. Montepuez Ruby Mining plans B. Color bars may vary in thick- deposits in Russia.
to incorporate more automa- ness or even disappear within D. its sapphire’s color range is ri-
tion in the sorting process. a stone. valed only by Yogo sapphire
B. Activity is slowing down. C. Sand may be embedded in the from Montana.
C. The highest-quality rubies are silica gel, resulting in blem-
coming from Napula. 9. Which statement about
ishes and disrupting the poten-
D. Garimpeiros will play a more Colombian emeralds is true?
tial for a smooth top surface.
significant role as the existing D. All of the above. A. The oxidation of organic matter
deposits are further developed. released the elements Be, Cr,
6. Flux residues were found in and V, which were incorporated
3. In general, rough diamonds from synthetic emeralds donated by into the growing emeralds.
the Diavik mine demonstrate Richard Nacken to the Deutsches B. The emeralds formed at 330°C
A. cubic morphology and near Museum. This find indicates what from hot evaporitic brines.
colorless to yellow colors. is true about these samples? C. The emeralds’ fluid inclusions
B. dodecahedral morphology and A. None of them were grown generally contain doubly re-
brown color. hydrothermally. fractive crystals.
C. octahedral morphology and B. All of them contain both D. A and B
D–Z color. molybdenum and vanadium.
D. octahedral morphology ac- 10. Which statement about the zero-
C. Only gold crucibles were used.
companied by complete or phonon line (ZPL) in photolumi-
D. Only synthetic emerald seeds
partial coatings. nescence spectroscopy is false?
were used.
A. With increasing temperatures,
4. CVD synthetic diamond can 7. Diavik diamonds the ZPL emission decreases.
usually be separated from HPHT A. are among the oldest diamonds B. The ZPL photon emission re-
build a niche for Moroccan amethyst and brings the bene- of science fiction and traditional inlay work is one of the
fits of scale to designer cutting, which is usually associated show’s unexpected finds.
with unique pieces. Finally, no survey of the Tucson shows would be com-
Eternity Emerald’s Arthur Groom shared his rough plete without Paula Crevoshay’s one-of-a-kind designs.
emerald buying expertise with us, especially his years of ex- This year, she showcased a bracelet featuring five large
perience negotiating with miners in Afghanistan’s Panjshir freeform fire opals, a swallowtail butterfly pin with yellow
Valley. He noted that the quality of Afghan emerald is not and black diamonds, an elephant pin with mother-of-pearl
realized in the West because large, fine crystals are often tusks, and a stunning cuff bracelet featuring a spectacular
damaged by improper blasting and extraction techniques. boulder opal centerpiece.
Potentate Mining’s Warren Boyd showed us sapphire Duncan Pay, Andy Lucas, Tao Hsu,
production from Montana’s Rock Creek alluvial deposits, Eric Welch, and Albert Salvato
including a remarkable 12.61 ct blue sapphire cut from a GIA, Carlsbad
6.37 g rough crystal. Although most of the production has
greenish or brownish pastel colors, it reacts well to heat A new discovery of emeralds from Ethiopia. In recent years
treatment. Boyd told us bright natural colors are in high Ethiopia has gained considerable attention in the gem trade
demand. He showed several suites of fancy sapphires cut for large amounts of high-quality opal from an area near
by his client, Americut. Montana’s alluvial sapphire de- Wegel Tena (B. Rondeau et al., 2010, “Play-of-color opal
posits will be the subject of an upcoming G&G field report. from Wegel Tena, Wollo Province, Ethiopia,” Summer
The trend toward ethical, sustainable business prac- 2010 G&G, pp. 90–105). Apart from opal, emeralds have
tices and transparent supply chains is exemplified by Shea- been sporadically mined, near Dubuluk, for more than a
han Stephen of Sheahan Stephen Sapphires, Inc. His decade. This deposit is located about 80 km from the
company documents and guarantees the integrity of the Kenyan border. Gemfields has been exploring this deposit
gems it sells from the mine, through treatment and cutting since July 2015 (Fall 2012 GNI, pp. 219–220).
and directly to the customer.
A new deposit of high-quality emeralds (see figure 1)
Nigeria is an under-documented source of fine rubellite
has been found in the rural villages of Kenticha and Dermi,
and indicolite tourmaline and predominantly blue basalt-
in the Seba Boru district (figure 2). In November 2016, au-
hosted sapphire. For this reason, we especially welcomed
thor MN and business partner Daniel Kifle visited the local
talking to Zoe Michelou, who represented a Nigerian min-
trading town of Shakiso, where Ethiopian gem merchants
ing company. She updated us on production of these gem-
gather to legally buy and sell emeralds that are mined sev-
stones from that country’s Oyo, Kwara, and Taraba states.
eral kilometers away. Shakiso is located about 160 km
Gem paintings, which GIA has documented in Viet-
north of the Dubuluk emerald deposit. The mining area is
nam and Mogok, made their first appearance at Tucson.
divided into a few “associations.” Each consists of a man-
Wanlaya Suwannapirom’s Than Thong Arts booth featured
ager and several members who control the actual mining
an array of art-inspired handmade portraits and miniatures.
and distribution of the emerald rough. After the rough has
The technique converts otherwise unusable natural gem
been sorted, it makes its way first through Shakiso before
fragments into valuable art objects and wearable art such
as pendants and pins.
Gem artist Alexander Kreis showed us a spectacular
27.20 ct freeform tanzanite complemented by a custom ring Figure 1. This suite of untreated emeralds is from a
mount made by his mother Sonja, a master goldsmith. new find in Ethiopia’s Seba Boru district. The largest
They related the importance of the story behind a jewelry faceted stone weighs 10.64 ct. The largest rough crys-
piece for their clients—how details of the stone’s cut and tal weighs 63.12 g. Photo by Robison McMurtry, cour-
the ring’s design represent the toil and effort of the Tanzan- tesy of Michael Nemeth Inc.
ian miners and imbue the piece with added significance.
Fran Mastoloni provided a cultured pearl market up-
date, explaining how careful selection and matching of the
different cultured pearl types into a range of varied neck-
laces help him cater to the market’s desire for distinctive
“fashion-forward” yet flexible jewelry.
Dealer Bill Vance of Vance Gems exhibited rare gem-
quality magnesio-axinites from just one location in
Merelani, Tanzania. This material displayed remarkable
fluorescence, and we hope to report further on its chem-
istry in the near future.
We were delighted to find a Southwest-inspired Star-
ship Enterprise, handmade by David Freedland of David R.
Freedland Jr. Designs in sterling silver. This quirky blend
Gulf of Aden
Addis Ababa
Indian Ocean
Figure 4. Microscopic observation of the Ethiopian
Figure 2. The new deposit of Ethiopian emerald is lo- emeralds revealed (A) biotite crystals; (B) blocky
cated near the town of Shakiso, about 12 hours from multiphase inclusions; (C) multiphase inclusions con-
Addis Ababa. taining a liquid, gas, and multiple daughter crystals
seen parallel to the c-axis; and (D) a multiphase fluid
inclusion showing liquid and gaseous CO2 phases
being sold to dealers in the capital city of Addis Ababa, and an immiscible aqueous liquid (parallel to this in-
about a 12-hour drive from the mining area. clusion are several growth tubes). Photomicrographs
According to Tewoldebran Abay, the mineral market- by Nathan Renfro (A and B) and Victoria Raynaud (C
ing director of the Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Nat- and D). Field of view 2.04 mm (A), 1.79 mm (B), 1.07
ural Gas, more than 100 kilograms of emerald rough have mm (C) and 1.03 mm (D).
been produced to date. Mining still is done the traditional
way using hand tools, without heavy machinery.
Samples from the new deposit, acquired from multiple
in dark biotite crystals, but had an extremely pleasant
independent sources, were examined at GIA’s Carlsbad and
green color when examined with transmitted light. How-
Bangkok laboratories. Even though most of the material is
ever, these Ethiopian crystals often do not yield large clean
commercial grade, lighter in saturation, and moderately to
stones because their interior is riddled with dense, dark bi-
heavily included, fine gem-grade crystals of exceptional
otite mica crystals. Some show a double termination, but
size, color, and clarity (see figures 1 and 3) are obtainable
most are broken and heavily included on one end. Usually
and can produce stones that do not require clarity enhance-
only one end of the crystal is clean enough to yield faceted
ment. Many of the rough crystals were completely covered
gems. The matrix minerals attached to some of the emer-
alds were identified as dark brown to black biotite flakes,
quartz, and kaolinite.
Figure 3. Author Michael Nemeth sorts through These emeralds are very similar in appearance to other
parcels of gem-quality rough emeralds from the open schist-hosted emeralds—in particular, those from Brazil
market in Shakiso. Rough crystals can weigh more and Zambia. Among the faceted and rough samples exam-
than 20 g, with reports of some weighing almost 100 ined, blocky multiphase inclusions and irregular biotite
g. Photo by Michael Nemeth. crystals were the most common microscopic features ob-
served (figure 4). Otherwise, the gemological properties
were very consistent with emeralds, including an average
specific gravity of 2.73 and a refractive index of 1.581–
1.589. These emeralds were generally inert to long- and
short-wave UV exposure due to their moderately high iron
content, which is typical of schist-hosted emeralds. UV-
Vis-NIR spectroscopy results (figure 5) were consistent
with emeralds colored by chromium and vanadium. The
Fourier transfer infrared (FTIR) spectrum was consistent
with beryl, as expected, but did not reveal any other diag-
nostic features.
Quantitative trace element chemical analysis was per-
formed with a Thermo Scientific iCap Q inductively cou-
pled plasma–quadrupole mass spectrometer combined
with a New Wave Research UP-213 laser ablation unit. Fine gems and update from Myanmar. At the AGTA Gem-
The analyses were compared to data from other known Fair, Edward Boehm (RareSource, Chattanooga, Tennessee)
sources using GIA reference samples, including Zambian showed us a succession of top-quality gems. Boehm is a ge-
and Brazilian schist-hosted emeralds. Based on the results, ologist, gemologist, and accomplished gem dealer who
it was possible to separate the new find of Ethiopian emer- works with rare and higher-end gems. He noted that the
alds from other sources by comparing trace alkali metals price of spinel from Myanmar has increased dramatically,
and some transition metals (figure 6). with recent prices at the source more than double those of
Due to heightened tensions and fear of price instability, previous years. He explained that spinel has gained favor in
most of the mine area was temporarily closed by a joint ef- Myanmar, which is reflected by the higher prices at this
fort of the mining associations and the local government year’s show.
from early November through December 2016. It has been Boehm noted that a growing appreciation for spinel from
reopened, but now all dealers, including Ethiopian dealers, all sources is driving higher market prices. As an example,
Figure 6. LA-ICP-QMS quantitative trace-element composition analysis of alkali and some transition metals
(measured in ppmw) proved useful in separating this new deposit of Ethiopian emeralds from Brazilian and Zam-
bian schist-hosted deposits.
Cs-Li-Rb Cs-Sc-Rb
Cs Cs
0 Zambia 0 Zambia
100 Brazil 100 Brazil
10 Ethiopia 10 Ethiopia
90 90
20 20
80 80
30 30
70 70
40 40
60 60
50 50
50 50
60 60
40 40
70 70
30 30
80 80
20 20
90 90
10 10
100 100
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
LI Rb×8 Sc×5 Rb×5
he showed us a beautiful oval 21.56 ct Sri Lankan pink in the pavilion in the face-up position, which is considered
spinel cut to make the most of the gem’s high clarity and less desirable. Buyers want to ensure the stone is oriented
moderate dispersion. The size, clarity, and brightness are in such a way that doubling isn’t visible through the table.
reminiscent of Tajik spinel. He compared this bright lilac Next, he showed us a rich green, 4.81 ct cushion-cut
pink Sri Lankan spinel with a strong orangy red square cush- demantoid garnet from Russia, which contained a golden-
ion-cut 9.82 ct Burmese gem, which he described as having colored horsetail inclusion. Such a gem would wholesale
a “flame” color. The per-carat price of the flame-colored for $15,000 per ct, he said. According to Boehm, gems of
Burmese stone is almost double that of the Sri Lankan such pure green color rarely come out of the ground—they
spinel—$12,000 per carat wholesale versus $7,000 per ct. A are typically heated to this color. This treatment has been
strong red “flame” color makes the price jump significantly. going on for 10–15 years, he explained. Despite this treat-
If the stone were above 10 ct, Boehm added, the price would ment, the demantoid is still an exceptional stone.
further jump to around $15,000 per carat. Boehm explained that judicious heating converts a yel-
Pastel blue to violet spinels are also selling well for lowish green gem to a vibrant green but removes some of
Boehm. Designers like to mix these delicate blues with the stone’s characteristic fire, making it an almost “electric”
pinks or “rose” colors of similar tone and saturation to pro- green color. He prefers a balance of color and fire, acknowl-
duce very attractive suites and sets. The pinks help to high- edging that the gem’s inherent fire—flashes of red and blue
light the violet or purple in the pale blues, he added. The coming off a green bodycolor—is part of its unique appeal.
bluish violet examples he showed us hailed from Sri Lanka In today’s market, any demantoid over 2 ct is extremely rare,
and wholesaled for $1,200–$1,500 per ct (figure 7). Com- so this gem’s size of almost 5 ct makes it very desirable.
plementary rose-colored gems came from a variety of The demantoid was from new production rather than
sources—including Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar— the secondary market, Boehm explained. He added that
and ranged from $1,000 to $1,800 per ct. there is still newly mined supply and treaters are perfecting
Boehm explained that the most sought-after color is the heating techniques to make gems much more vivid, al-
“electric” haüyne blue, which comes from Luc Yen, Viet- though not all respond like this one.
nam, and is only sporadically available in small sizes. He Finally, he showed us a striking 31.79 ct Sri Lankan
added that the light-toned, gray-to-violet blue colors are pear-shaped sapphire with padparadscha color—a delicate
more available than in the past—partly because there’s pink flushed with a bloom of orange (figure 9). He ex-
more demand so more people are bringing it to market. plained that the gem had been recut three times to perfect
Like Burmese spinel, Burmese peridot is currently in its shape and proportions. The objective of recutting the
vogue. Boehm showed us a fine 20.41 ct cushion-cut gem original old-style cut was to close the window on the pavil-
(figure 8). The presence of a multitude of tiny inclusions ion, but any further work would affect the brilliance and
lend it a softness and reduce extinction. By comparison, might even lose the cherished pinkish orange color. He
fine Pakistani peridot—which is also available in large added that when cutting padparadscha sapphire, it is very
sizes—has a more “crystalline” appearance and deeper hard to keep that balance of pink and orange, because
color, but shows more extinction. He explained that the sometimes the orange might be in just one portion of the
price of Burmese peridot has recently gone up sharply. A stone, which could easily be removed accidentally. A gem
top gem like the one in figure 8, which would formerly of this size is enormous for a padparadscha, he noted, and
have been in the $250–$350 per carat range, is now whole- the wholesale asking price would be in the neighborhood
saling for $450–500 carat and even up to $600 per carat. He of $30,000–$35,000 per ct.
cautioned buyers to check whether a stone shows doubling Boehm noted that on October 7, 2016, President Barack
son, we had an exclusive interview with CEO Ian Harebot- According to Gemfields, Fabergé’s sales orders jumped 95%
tle to get his insights on the company and the colored gem- during the second quarter of fiscal year 2017.
stone industry overall. When it comes to corporate social responsibility, Gem-
Unlike the diamond industry, almost every segment of fields sets a good example across its mining locations
the colored stone trade has traditionally lacked scale and through successful joint ventures and community pro-
systematic practices. Gemfields has dramatically changed grams. The Kagem emerald mine is one of the only mining
this dynamic in some of the most influential colored stone companies that has paid federal taxes in the past 15 years
categories. The company is actively working on three min- in Zambia. The Montepuez ruby mine was named Mozam-
ing operations: the Kagem emerald mine (figure 14) and the bique’s most transparent tax payer and the most important
Kariba amethyst mine in Zambia, and the Montepuez ruby job generator in its province. Harebottle described the dif-
mine in Mozambique. Among the three, Kagem and Mon- ferent challenges the company has faced and will be facing
tepuez are world-class operations, supplying about one- in the future. Since the sites are usually located in areas
third of the global emerald production and 70% of ruby
production. Before, both stone types experienced fluctuat-
ing supply and chronic shortages. Gemfields is very opti- Figure 15. The merger of Gemfields and Fabergé
mistic about the expected supply from Kagem and should continue to inspire one-of-a-kind colored gem-
Montepuez, based on scientific field surveys and detailed stone pieces. Photo courtesy of Fabergé.
geophysical and geochemical studies.
To stabilize supply for the global market, Gemfields re-
quires the mines to reserve one year’s production in case
yield declines significantly. Based on the authors’ research,
many Gemfields clients appreciate the standards set by the
company on emerald and ruby mining and distribution.
The consistent supply and well-tuned rough grading sys-
tems grant buyers more time to focus on faceting, jewelry
making, and sales. This practice also has a positive influ-
ence on other mining companies that aim to meet the
same standards.
In 2013, Gemfields purchased the iconic luxury brand
Fabergé. Harebottle explained that the deal does not reflect
an interest in vertical integration but in creativity and
uniqueness in the market, an area where Fabergé has a rich
heritage (figure 15). Therefore, he hopes that the brand can
be a platform of magnificent jewelry designs, igniting the
passion for colored gemstones in the younger generation.
Figure 33. Left: A suite of eight magnesio-axinite faceted gems and one rough stone. Clockwise from top right:1.21
g orange-yellow rough, 2.72 ct. yellow-orange pear shape, 1.14 ct bicolor marquise, 1.51 ct pair of pale pinkish blue
princess-cut stones, 1.43 ct pink-blue oval, 1.83 ct light pink to light blue triangle, and at center in the pendant, a
4.22 ct. oval pink-blue gem. Right: The same magnesio-axinite gems under long-wave ultraviolet fluorescent light-
ing. Photos by Eric Welch; courtesy of Vance Gems.
Ethical and sustainable vertical integration in the sapphire with his employees and suppliers in Sri Lanka and perfecting
market. When the recession of 2008 struck, Sheahan the processes throughout the supply chain will allow for
Stephen (Sheahan Stephen Sapphires, Inc., San Francisco, slow but sustainable business growth. His vision is to take
California) had been dealing in Sri Lankan gemstones for this model to other gem mining countries, especially in
two years. He saw his monthly cash flow drop to a third of Africa, where he is currently working in Madagascar.
what it had been when he first started traveling to Sri Tao Hsu and Andrew Lucas
Lanka to buy stones for resale in the United States. During
the recession he decided to borrow money and become ver- Exceptional freeform tanzanite and Oregon sunstone rings.
tically integrated. Stephen created a transparent supply At the Gem and Jewelry Exchange (GJX), we caught up
chain and an ethical supply model by becoming directly with gem artist Alexander Kreis (Sonja Kreis Unique Jew-
involved in mining. His new business also included heat elry, Niederworresbach, Germany). As we’ve noted in pre-
treatment, cutting, and sales. vious Tucson reports, theirs is a family business: father
Sustainable practices tie directly into Stephen’s beliefs Stefan buying the rough, mother Sonja designing the jew-
in how businesses should strive to operate. He sees lack of elry, and Alexander cutting the gems. Alexander and Sonja
sustainability as a major cause of many of society’s prob- showed us a new ring (figure 36) set with a spectacular
lems. He works with his customers in what he calls “cus- 27.20 ct vivid blue freeform tanzanite (figure 37). He ex-
tomized” vertical integration. He fills specific orders for plained that he had recently traveled to East Africa seeking
his customers directly from mines and brings the sapphires a singular piece of gem rough to inspire an exceptional jew-
to market in a controlled manner, meaning they are always elry piece. He found his inspiration in Tanzania with a 65
in his hands or an employee’s hands until they reach the ct rough tanzanite of remarkable color and clarity.
final customer. Stephen guarantees the entire supply chain Even with such a top-quality piece, Alexander cautioned
and strives to provide full documentation, including the that success is never guaranteed. Unlike baseball—where
mine the sapphires (figure 35) came from and the name of you get three chances—with cutting, it’s “one strike and
the treater and the cutter.
He focuses on education and training in Sri Lanka to ob-
tain the quality and traceability his customers expect. Train-
ing and complete trust in his Sri Lankan staff allow him to Figure 35. Untreated yellow sapphires such as this
buy stones unseen that will fill his customers’ specifica- 12.18 ct gem command a premium in the market-
tions. Stephen also believes in providing education and other place, especially when a transparent chain of custody
assistance for his employees’ families in Sri Lanka. and sustainable mining practices can be documented
Stephen finds that customers today want more informa- for the customer. Photo by Eric Welch/GIA, courtesy
tion about their jewelry. They want to know where a piece of Sheahan Stephen Sapphires.
came from, who was involved in manufacturing it and
bringing it to market, and the corporate social responsibility
practices of the company involved. With many of his cus-
tomers today willing to pay 30% more for documented eth-
ical sapphires and sapphire jewelry, he focuses on growing
his sales with sustainability-minded clients. At the same
time, he strives to be close to other wholesalers in his pric-
ing to stay competitive and grow his business.
A major part of his business investment is the time he
spends growing relationships with miners and cutters in Sri
Lanka that can take years. That is an essential element of
developing a sustainable business model for artisanal min-
ing. Stephen hopes that building long-term relationships
Figure 36. This ring is set with a spectacular 27.20 ct Figure 38. Angled grooves on the base of the 27.20 ct
vivid blue freeform tanzanite. Photo courtesy of Sonja freeform tanzanite create a dramatic sense of move-
Kreis Unique Jewelry. ment. Photo courtesy of Sonja Kreis Unique Jewelry.
Figure 43. In the “Queen Thai” bracelet, the contrast in orange color between the more intense Brazilian fire opal
(left) and the Mexican fire opals leads the eye directly to the Brazilian stone. All of the opals are complemented by
the green tsavorite. Photo by Eric Welch/GIA, courtesy of Paula Crevoshay.
of space and the unknown—“what’s out there,” as he says. for ecotourism, a concept that can be combined with
And he thought they would be a lot of fun to make. We gemological study and buying expeditions.
hope these designs live long and prosper.
Duncan Pay
Figure 50. A local miner holds up an example of the
Golden rutilated quartz artisanal mining community. At golden rutilated quartz found in the Remedios area.
the January 2017 Jewelry Industry Summit held in Tucson, Photo by Robert Weldon/GIA.
Brian and Kendra Cook (Nature’s Geometry) discussed
their efforts to promote sustainable mining in Brazil’s
Bahia State. In cooperation with 2,500 miners from the re-
gion, the Cooks are developing a collective in Remedios,
Novo Horizonte (figure 49). Plans to brand the region’s
unique golden rutilated quartz will be supported by a ware-
house and cutting facilities, as well as a visitor center. To
provide food security for the population, the Cooks also in-
tend to bring organic community farming to the area.
Brian Cook first visited the remote site, located in Cha-
pada Diamantina bordering the Atlantic Rain Forest and the
Serrado and Caatinga ecological communities, in 1983 as a
geology student. The trip from Salvador, Bahia’s capital, took
2½ days, and he was shown an example of golden rutilated
quartz (figure 50), which was relatively rare on the gem mar-
ket at the time. He later became an exporter of the quartz
and helped raise its profile. The Cooks have since become
landowners in Remedios, and their property includes a suc-
cessful golden rutilated quartz mine. Over the years they
have visited with their children from their home in Salvador
(now a ten-hour journey thanks to improved infrastructure)
and become trusted members of the community.
The Cooks have already helped locals formalize their
land and mining rights, and now they are turning their at-
tention to other initiatives. Their agenda includes mine
safety, certificates of origin to ensure transparency and con-
sumer satisfaction, and teaching cutting and polishing
gemstones. They especially seek to empower local women,
who already sell rough gems at the local markets, through
lapidary and beadmaking training. The community’s prox-
imity to the Atlantic Rain Forest makes it an ideal location
Figure 51. Top: Photos of three garnet wafers under incandescent light and fluorescent light (a daylight-equiva-
lent imitation). Bottom: Calculated color panels of three garnet wafers under CIE A illumination and CIE D65
illumination. Photos by Ziyin Sun.
with a ThermoFisher iCAP Q ICP-MS coupled with a New in the CIE 1976 color circle found online. The color change
Wave Research UP-213 laser ablation unit. We concluded of this material is not very significant, but is definitely ob-
that this type of material contains 39.79%–52.66% spes- servable.
sartine, 21.71%–32.03% pyrope, 3.17%–7.28% almandine, Ziyin Sun and Jonathan Muyal
16.87%–22.46% grossular, 0.38%–0.72% goldmanite, and GIA, Carlsbad
0.11%–0.19% uvarovite (see detailed table at
Aaron C. Palke
University of Queensland and Queensland Museum
news-pyrope-high-grossular-component). Based on the gar-
Brisbane, Australia
net classification from Stockton and Manson (“A proposed
new classification for gem-quality garnets,” Winter 1985 SYNTHETICS AND SIMULANTS
G&G, pp. 205–218), this material should be classified as
pyrope-spessartine. The V2O3, MgO, and MnO oxide wt.% Plastic amber imitation in a rosary. The Dubai Central
are similar to the group 5 color change garnets previously Laboratory (DCL) receives almost all types of ambers, nat-
reported (K. Schmetzer et al., “Color-change garnets from ural and treated (e.g. heated, dyed, reconstructed) as well
Madagascar: Variation of chemical, spectroscopic and col- as amber imitations for identification. Amber rosaries
orimetric properties, The Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 31, (prayer beads) are increasingly popular in Middle East coun-
No. 5–8, 2009, pp. 258–259). However, these garnets con- tries, especially the United Arab Emirates and Arabian
tains much higher grossular component (16.78%–22.46%) Gulf countries.
than those reported by Schmetzer et al. (3.02%–10.23% Recently DCL received a rosary for amber identifica-
grossular). To our knowledge, the chemical composition of tion. The yellow and yellowish brown color, structure, and
this type of color-change garnet has never been reported size of the 102 beads were identical (figure 52, left). At first
before. glance, even with a well-trained eye, this rosary could eas-
The color of the three wafers was quantitatively calcu- ily be misidentified as exclusively natural amber. Testing
lated by using the visible spectra (Z. Sun et al., “Vanadium revealed that the rosary was strung with 71 heat-treated
and chromium bearing pink pyrope garnet: characteriza- amber beads and 31 Bakelite plastic beads.
tion and quantitative colorimetric analysis,” Winter 2015 Spot RIs of the amber beads were 1.53; observation be-
G&G, pp. 348–369). The color of each wafer can be pre- tween crossed polarization of most beads revealed anom-
sented by using CIE L*a*b* and RGB color coordinates, as alous double refraction with strained colors. Stress spangles
seen online in table 2. The calculated color panels of three and brown thread-like substances are the most noticeable
wafers under daylight-equivalent lighting (CIE D65 illumi- inclusions in these beads; these features are commonly seen
nation) and incandescent lighting (CIE A illumination) in heat-treated amber. The spot RIs of the plastic beads was
were shown in the bottom row of figure 51. The three around 1.64. Aggregate and anomalous double refraction re-
wafers were also photographed under both fluorescent light action was observed under the polariscope and gas bubbles
and incandescent light to compare with the panels in the and swirl marks were the main inclusions.
top row of figure 51. The most interesting aspect of the specimen was its
One way to judge the quality of a color-change stone is reaction under long-wave UV. The amber showed moder-
to plot the color pair in the CIE 1976 color circle. Good ate to strong chalky greenish blue and yellow fluores-
color-change pairings show a large hue angle difference, cence, but the plastic appeared brown (figure 52,
small chroma difference, and large chroma values (see table right).This reaction was very useful for differentiating be-
2). The color coordinates of the three wafers were plotted tween the two materials.
To confirm the identity of each material, we analyzed been on the market for over 10 years. To the best of our
their infrared spectra with attenuated total reflectance knowledge, nearly 95% of the studied red HPHT synthetic
(ATR) mode (figure 53). Spectrum A displayed main peaks diamonds treated by the multi-treatment process are clas-
at 1716.4 and 1161.1 cm–1, consistent with amber. The sified as type Ib or type IIa. Recently, we examined a treated
main peaks of Spectrum B were at 1650.8, 1600.7, and red HPHT-grown synthetic diamond which was confirmed
1218.8 cm–1. After comparison with spectrum A and the to be mixed type (IaA + IaB + Ib).
spectra of other plastics, spectrum B confirmed the spot The 0.27 ct round brilliant sample, graded as Fancy
RI’s identification of this sample as Bakelite plastic. Dark red (figure 54), had a metallic inclusion under the
This rosary is an excellent example of the importance table. The DiamondView image showed strong red fluores-
of testing and disclosure, because even an experienced per- cence and cuboctahedral growth structure; the latter is a
son could not differentiate between the amber and Bakelite typical feature of HPHT-grown diamonds (figure 55). Ni-re-
beads with the unaided eye. lated defects at 883.1/884.8 nm and 793.6 nm were revealed
Nazar Ahmed Ambalathveettil ([email protected]), by a photoluminescence (PL) spectrum at liquid-nitrogen
Mohamed Karam, and Sutas Singbamroong temperature with two different laser excitations (532 and
Gemstone Unit, Dubai Central Laboratory 785 nm). The H2 defect corresponding to a sharp peak at
Dubai, United Arab Emirates 986.2 nm and the NV center associated with a strong peak
at 637 nm were also found. In addition, the Fourier-trans-
Mixed-type treated red HPHT synthetic diamond. A mul- form infrared (FTIR) absorption spectrum (figure 56) con-
tiple-treatment process involving irradiation and HPHT firmed the material was an uncommon type of IaA + IaB +
annealing can produce pink to red color in natural and syn- Ib, with absorptions at 1282 cm–1 (A center), at 1175 cm–1
thetic diamonds; specimens treated by this process have (B center), and at 1131 and 1344 cm–1 (C center), respectively
(again, see figure 56). This mixed type is similar to that ob-
served in treated natural diamonds. A moderate 1450 cm–1
Figure 53. IR spectra of the two specimens, with ATR
method applied. Spectrum A represents natural
amber, with typical peaks at 1716.4 and 1161.1 cm–1. Figure 54. This 0.27 ct Fancy Dark red specimen is a
Spectrum B’s main peaks at 1650.8, 1600.7, and multi-step treated HPHT synthetic diamond. Photo
1218.8 cm–1 indicate that it is Bakelite plastic. by Meili Wang.
100 1716.4 1161.1
85 1218.8
84 1650.8
76 1600.7
3800 3500 3200 2900 2600 2300 2000 1700 1400 1100 800
hollowed out) interior, where a highly phosphorescent ma- plug the void was itself a piece of jadeite. Since destructive
terial was placed to create the calcite’s glowing effect. It testing was not permitted on either item, analysis of their
was therefore understandable why this small capped area interiors was not possible. This technique of placing a
showed the strongest reaction (figure 59, right). phosphorescent material inside a hollowed-out stone ob-
The trade name “night glowing pearl” used in Asian ject appears to be applicable to any material, so those in
markets mostly refers to natural fluorite, but some fluorite the trade should be aware when examining similar objects.
is treated with a coating containing rare earth elements Larry Tai-An Lai ([email protected])
(REE) such as europium (Eu), dysprosium (Dy), or Lai Tai-An Gem Laboratory, Taipei
neodymium (Nd) to add or enhance phosphorescence. The
sample submitted was calcite, consisting mainly of cal-
cium, as confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence ERRATUM
(EDXRF). However, no Eu, Dy, Nd, or any other REE were
detected, proving the material was not luminiferous. It In the J.C. Zwaan et al. Winter 2015 article on alluvial sap-
therefore seems more logical that the phosphorescence phires from Montana, in the lower right corner of the Mg-
originated from material below the ovoid’s surface. Fe-Ti ternary plot (p. 385), the label “Ti × 100” should be
It is interesting to note that the same client also sub- “Ti × 10.”
mitted a jadeite jade sphere that was fashioned and treated
in a similar manner. The cap on the jadeite piece used to
50000 Epoxy
1112 1608
10000 279
100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100